1901-1902 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Automotor Journal
See also
Vol 06. Oct 1901 to Mar 1902 - (6-month volume)
- - Contal, 61.
- - De Dion-Bouton, 183.
- - Heim, 71.
- - Oppermann, 72.
- Accumulators, Nickel in, 5.
- Accumulators and temperature, 5, 71.
- Acetylene, carburetted, 199.
- Aero Club of the United Kingdom, 46, 78, 123.
- Aeronautics, 46, 123, 181, 196, 240.
- Alcohol, The problem of, 203.
- Alcohol motors, 168, 194.
- Alcohol trials, 75, '18, 182.
- Aluminium, 182.
- Aluminium solder, 172.
- American automobilism, 12, 27, 75.
- American 500 miles endurance test, 27, 75.
- Answers to correspondents, 23, 69, 113, 159, 203, 247.
- Argyll system, 208.
- Ariel Motor Co., Io6.
- Autocar Supplies (Ld.), 83, 177.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland—
- - Anniversary banquet, 66.
- - Anniversary run, 20, 64, 125.
- - Brake and speed trials, 176.
- - County Council campaign, 93, III.
- - Electrical trials, 201.
- - Exhibition question, 26, 64, 131, 175, 200, 253, 254.
- - Glasgow trials, 3, 37, 78.
- - Hundred miles trials, 20, 209.
- - New premises, 254.
- - Richmond Hill climb, 208.
- - Southsea run, 20, 64, 125.
- - Trials, 200.
- - Welbeck brake and speed trials, 176, 206.
- Automobile Manufacturing Co., 36, 83, 132, 216, 258.
- Axles, 189, 190.
- BADMINTON Library, 46.
- Bankruptcy and Liquidation Court—
- - Accumulator Syndicate (Ld.), 132.
- - Autocar Supplies (Ld.), 83.
- - Automobile Manufacturing Co., 83, 132.
- - Mason, A. W., 37.
- - South London Cycle and Engineering Co., 83.
- Battery tests and car tests, 25.
- Bayliss, Thomas and Co, 104.
- Belt fastener, 8.
- Bicycles, Motor (see Motor bicycles).
- Birmingham Motor Manufacturing Co., 1o6.
- Birmingham Pneumatic Tyre Syndicate, 82.
- Boilers (see Steam generators).
- Bollee, L., system, 171.
- Botwood Gobron-Brillie cars, 20.
- Bradbury Brothers' system, 233.
- Brake and speed trials, 176, 206.
- Brakes, II, 192, 192.
- Brampton Brothers, 35.
- Brancher speed gear, 38.
- British electromobile system, 193, 233.
- British Motor Traction Co., 83.
- British racing (see Racing).
- Bromley Autocar Co., 35.
- Brown and May system, Too.
- Brush light car, 250.
- Buchet system, 166.
- Burners, 190.
- Business notes, 214.
- Carburetted acetylene, 199.
- Carburettors—
- - De Dion-Bouton, 186.
- - Fillet, 138, 168.
- - Holdens, 98.
- - Martha, 138, 169.
- - Moorwood-Bennett, 138, 155.
- - Ormonde, 109.
- Centrifugal pumps, &c. (Review), 217.
- Chain driving, I, 39, 53.
- Champrobert system, 161.
- Change-speed gear (see Gearing).
- Chaplin, Rt. Hon. H., on automobilism, 66.
- Claudel and Hopkins on system, 92.
- Clubbe and Southey condenser, 157.
- Clutches, 224, 235.
- Collier twin tyre, 109.
- "Common Danger"? What is, 46, 84.
- Company doings, 35, 82, 129, 177, 215, 257.
- Companies registered, New-
- - Aero Club of the United Kingdom, 82.
- - Aero Proprietary (Ld.), 257.
- - Albion Battery Co. (Ld.), 257.
- - Axtell Cycle and Brake Manufacturing Co. (Ld.), 257.
- - Bee Cycle and Hardware Co. (Ld.), 82.
- - Beedle Patent Navigable War Balloon Co. (Ld.), 82.
- - British and Foreign Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 215.
- - British Automobile Training and Letting Co. (Ld.), 178.
- - Bromley Autocar Co (Ld.), 35.
- - Chain Synd. (Ld.), 82.
- - Chenhall's Motor Cars (Ld.), 178.
- - C. H. Guest (Ld.), 178.
- - City Garages (Ld.), 257.
- - Cogent Cycle Co. (Ld.), 130.
- - Components (Ld. ), 215.
- - Coventry Chain Co. (Ld.), 257.
- - Direct Action Engine Synd. (Ld.), 130.
- - Eddison and De Mattos (Ld.), 35.
- - Electric Landaulet Co. (Ld.), 257.
- - Fleet Cycle Co. (Ld.), 131.
- - Fleuss Patent Automatic Boiler Feed and Motor Car Synd. (Ld.), 13i.
- - Garages (Ld.), 215.
- - General Automobile Co. (Ld.), 35.
- - Greville Electric Inventions (Ld.), 257.
- - Harrington Coventry- (Ld.), 215.
- - Heatly-Gresham Engineering Co. (Ld.), 131.
- - Hewitt, Blake, and Co. (Ld.), 257.
- - Houk Automobile Co. (Ld.), 35.
- - James and Browne (Ld.), 178.
- - J. M. Wilson and Co. (Ld.), 35.
- - Kensington Motor Co. (Ld.), 83.
- - London Express Motor Service (Ld. ), 215.
- - Long Acre Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 215.
- - Manchester Motor Transport Co. (Ld.), 257.
- - Martin Pneumatic Tyre Syndicate (Ld.), 215.
- - Mayfair Garages (Ld.), 258.
- - Mohawk Cycle Co. (Ld.), 215.
- - Motor Cycling Club (Ld.), 216.
- - Motormobile (Ld.), 216.
- - New Imperial Electric Lamp (Ld.), 35.
- - New York Tyre Co. (Ld.), 83.
- - P. and R. Storage Battery Co. (Ld.), 258.
- - Paris Singer Electric Carriage Co. (Ld.), 178.
- - Petersen-Stephens Engineering Co. (Ld.), 131.
- - Pioneer Power Co of London (Ld.), 131.
- - Portsmouth and Gosport Motors (Ld.), 36.
- - Regent Carriage Co. (Ld, ), 216.
- - Rims (Ld.), 131.
- - Road Carrying Co, (Ld.), 258.
- - Rothschilds Motors (Ld.), 258.
- - Rural Railway Co. (Ld.), 36.
- - Salsbury and Son (Ld.), 258.
- - Sidney Moorhouse and Co. (Ld.), 178.
- - Speedwell Motor and Engineering Co. (Ld.), 178.
- - [[Sports and Pastimes Exhibitions[[ (Ld.), 258.
- - Standard Frame Synd. (Ld.), 13r.
- - Steam Motor Construction and Maintenance Co. (Ld.), 178.
- - Sussex Automobile Co. (Ld.), 178.
- - Swift Cycle Co. (Ld.), 178.
- - Twentieth Century Motor Co. (Ld.), 131.
- - Vogt Motors (Ld.), 258.
- - Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (Ld.), 216.
- - Washington and Co. (Ld.), 131.
- - Werner Motors (Ld.), 131.
- - Westminster Garages (Ld.), 258.
- - Willmore Cycle and Motor Manufacturing Co. (Ld.), 216.
- Compensating gear, 261.
- Condensers, 157.
- Consumption trials, 199, 212, 256.
- Contal system, 6o.
- Correspondence, 37, 132.
- Cost of running heavy vehicles, 5o.
- Coulthard and Co. system, 47.
- County Councils and automobilism, 93, III, 201.
- Creek Street Engineering Co., roo.
- Crompton, Col., 23.
- Crossley system, 92, 135.
- Crystal Palace Exhibition, 227.
- DAIMLER Motor Co., 35, 130.
- Darracq system, io6, 164.
- Dawson electrical ignition, 136.
- De Dietrich, 165.
- De Dion-Bouton system, 182, 235.
- Dennis Speed King system, 209.
- Development of a motor car, 47, 85.
- Diameter of wheels, influence on power required for propelling, i6, 178.
- Diesel system, 222.
- Dumont, Santos, 46, 124.
- Dunlop Tyre Co., 215.
- EAGLE Engineering Co., 237.
- Eastmead-Biggs system, 188
- Edinburgh Autocar Co., 82, 129, 177.
- Eldin and Lagier system, 162.
- Electrical vehicle trials, III, 201.
- Electric current distributor, 99.
- "Electricia" system, 6o.
- Electric traction, 201.
- Electromobiles, 1, 8, 25, 47, 6o, 76, 182, I S3, 193, 201, 230, 233.
- Ellis and Co., Jesse, 228.
- Exhaust governor, 186.
- Exhibition question (see A.C.G.B.I.).
- FARMAN Automobile Agency, 229.
- Federal system, 15.
- Fillet carburettor, 168.
- Fire engines, 194.
- Flying, 181, 196.
- F.N. motor bicycle, 236.
- Foden, Sons, and Co., Edwin, I01 , 139.
- Foreign notes, 32, 8o, 121, 173, 211, 252.
- Foreign racing (see Racing).
- Foster system, 14.
- Fournier, 34, 91, 129.
- Frames, 12, 14, 171, 189.
- France, How to take a car to, 207.
- French consumption trials, 256.
- Fuel regulator, 191.
- Future of automobilism and the prophets, 23.
- GARRARD, C. R., on chain driving, 1, 39.
- Germain and Littinger tyre, 169.
- Gearing (see also Speed gear), I I, 12, 15, 16, 190, 191, 231, 258.
- Gladiator system, io6.
- Glasgow Motor and Cycle Show, 199.
- Glasgow trials (see A.C.G.B.I.).
- Gobron-Brillie system, 20, 168.
- Governors, 184, 191.
- Grouvelle and Arquembourg water cooler, 170.
- HAYCROFT & Son, 104.,
- Heavy oil and heavy traction, 114, 138.
- Heavy vehicles. io, 47, 70, 94, ioo, 114, 137, 139, 16o, 228, 239, 240.
- Hele-Shaw, Prof., 38.
- Helios brake, 192.
- Hill-climbing tests, 34, 49, 128, 199, 208.
- Holden's (Col.) bicycle and system, 95.
- Horses left unattended, 157.
- Hozier Engineering Co., 208.
- Hundred miles trials (see A. C. G. B. I. ).
- IGNITION, Electric, 134, 136, 170.
- Imprimis Co., 230.
- Inventions, New (see Patents).
- JUDGES and automobilism (see Magistrates).
- KENNEDY, Mr. Rankin, 2, 25.
- Kidder system, 12, 268.
- Knight, J. H., on automobilism, 74.
- Krieger system, 47, 76.
- LANCASHIRE Steam Motor Co., 47.
- Live axles, 231.
- Liverpool Cycle and Motor Show, 198.
- Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association (see Self-Propelled Traffic Association).
- Lock-nut, 157.
- Locomobile Co., 21, II7, 123, 240.
- Lubricators, 99.
- Lurries (see Heavy vehicles).
- Law Reports—
- - Autocar Supplies Co , 83, 177.
- - Automobile Manufacturing Co., 36, 83, 132, 216, 258.
- - Bayleys (Ld.) v. Motor Car Co., 84.
- - Bayleys (Ld.) v. London and Counties District Generating Co., 216.
- - British Motor Co., 83.
- - Common danger, 84.
- - Cordingley and Co. v. Farman, 131.
- - De Dion-Bouton, 131.
- - Farman v. Cordingley and Co., 131.
- - Manning and Son (Ld. ), 13i.
- - Montague Hawnt and Co., 36.
- - Motor partnership, 216.
- - Panhard and Levassor, 36, 83, 131.
- - Petrol, The storage of, 85.
- - South London Cycle and Engineering Co., 83.
- MAGISTRATES and automobilism, 2, 36, 45, 84-
- Mann Steam Cart and Wagon Co., 47.
- Martha carburettor, 169.
- Military automobilism, I I, 72, 94, 100, 137, 139, 16o, 245.
- Mills system, 43-
- Milnes system, 20, 47, ioi, 114, 143.
- Moorwood-Bennett carburettor, 138, 155.
- Mors system, 74.
- Motor bicycles, 77, 95, 104, 109, Ho, 187, 236, 237.
- Motor Car Co., 84.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., 82.
- Motors in principle and practice (Review), 217.
- Motor Traction Co., 95, 236.
- Motor tricycles, 237.
- Motor Union, 175.
- Motors and motor vehicle systems (see also Steam and Electric vehicles).
- Electric-
- - B.E.C. system, 193, 233.
- - Contal, 6o.
- - De Dion-Bouton, 183.
- - "Electricia," 6o.
- Steam-
- - Coulthard, 47.
- - Ellis and Co., Jesse, 228.
- - Federal, Is.
- - Foden, 139.
- - Foster, 14.
- - Kidder,'12.
- - Lancashire Co., 47.
- - Locomobile Co., 240.
- - Mann Co., 47.
- - Overman, 12.
- - Rochester, 14.
- - Spencer, 15.
- - Sterling, 14.
- - Straker, 145.
- - Thornycroft, 47, 147, 238, 239.
- - Turgan and Foy, 167.
- - White, 14, 154, 190.
- - Yorkshire Steam Motor Co., 10.
- Petrol, Oil, and Gas:-
- - Bradbury, 233.
- - Buchet, 166.
- - Cannstatt-Daimler, 59.
- - Champrobert, 161.
- - Darracq, 164.
- - De Dion-Bouton, 184.
- - Eastmead-Biggs, 189.
- - Eagle Engineering Co., 237.
- - Elden and Lagier, 162.
- - Fabrique National, 236.
- - Gobron-Brillie, 168.
- - Holden, 97.
- - Milnes, 47, 143.
- - Napier, 8, 227.
- - Panhard Co., 233, 267.
- - Pick Co., 231.
- - Pollock Engineering Co., 107.
- - Primus, 237.
- - Princeps Co., 235.
- - Rex, 105.
- - Riegel, 165.
- - Rochet-Schneider, 162.
- - Simms, 187.
- - Supra, 166.
- - Turrell, 107.
- - Wolseley, 6.
- NANCEENNE Societe system 227.
- Napier system, 168.
- National and Stanley Shows, 104.
- New Centaur Cycle Co., 82.
- New companies (see Companies registered).
- New Grappler Tyre Co., 82.
- New York Exhibition, 116.
- Nickel in accumulators, 5.
- Non-freezing liquids for cylinder jackets, 244.
- Notes of the month, 31, 78, 120, 171, 209, 251.
- OMNIBUS, Motor, 239.
- Oppermann system, 72.
- Ormonde Cycle Co., 109.
- Overman system, 12.
- PANHARD and Levassor, 83, 131, 233, 245, 267.
- Paris-Berlin, 34, 77.
- Paris Exhibition, 116, i6o.
- Paris-Vienna, 82, 213.
- Parliament and automobilism, 245.
- Past and future, 247.
- Patent law for inventors, 115, 205, 248.
- Patents applied for, 42, 91, 132, i8o, 221, 266.
- Patent specifications, 42.91, 133, 18o, 221, 266.
- Petrol, The storage of, S.
- Pick Co. system, 231.
- Police and automobilism, 2, 114. 250.
- Pollock Engineering Co., 107.
- "Powerful" log, The, 1, 8.
- Primus motor bicycle, 237.
- Princeps Autocar Co., 235.
- Pumps, 240.
- RACING, British, 257.
- - Foreign, 34, 77, 91, 128, 213, 256.
- Resistance of road vehicles to traction, 38.
- Reviews, 37, 217.
- Rex system, 105.
- Reyrol Motor Car Co., 37.
- Richmond Hill climb, 208.
- Riegel converter, .165.
- Road Carrying Co., 194, 257.
- Roads, III, 115, 138.
- Rochester system, 14.
- Rochet-Schneider system, 162.
- Roots and Venable system, 108.
- Rover Cycle Co., 35.
- Russell, Sidney, on compensating gear, 261.
- SECOR system, 43.
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association (Liverpool), 47, 61, 7o, 132, 255.
- Shrapnell-Smith, E., 255.
- Shattuck variable speed gear, 16.
- Siemens and Halske system, I I.
- Simms Manufacturing Co., 20, 187.
- Smith, Holroyd, on development of a motor car, 47, 85.
- South London Cycle and Engineering Co., 83.
- Speed gear, 16, 38, 108, 231, 238.
- Speed limit, 225.
- Speedwell Motor and Engineering Co. (Ld.), 178.
- Spencer system, 15.
- Stanley and National Shows, 104.
- Star Engineering Co., 23o.
- Starters, 21.
- Steam generators, vehicles, &c. (see also Motors), 10, 53, 54, 57, 167, 191, 238, 24o, 268.
- Steel, Titanium, 15.
- Sterling system, 14.
- Straker system, IoI, 145.
- Sunbeam cars, 104.
- Supra motor, 166.
- THORNYCROFT system, 47, I0I, 147, 238, 239.
- Tillinghast tyre, I I I.
- Titanium steel, 15.
- Transmission gear, 12, 15, 58, 106.
- Trials, 20, 27, 47, 75, III, 118, 176.
- Turgan and Foy, 166.
- Turrell system, 107.
- Tyres, 109, III, 169, 170.
- UNIVERSAL joints, 162.
- VALVE gear, 258.
- Vaporisers, 223.
- Vibration in automobiles (M. Drouin), 218, 264.
- WANTAGE Engineering Co., 102.
- War and automobilism (see Military automobilism).
- War Office and automobilism (see also Miltary automobilism), I I, 72, 94, Pao, 114, 137, 139, i6o, 245.
- Water coolers, 170.
- Water lifter, 240.
- Welbeck brake trials, 206.
- Wells, H. G., 23.
- Wheels, Diameter of, influence on power, 16, 178.
- White system, 14, 154, 190.
- Wolseley system, 6.
- Wydt's electric igniter, 170.