1986 Motor Show

Note: This is a sub-section of Motor Show Catalogues
Motor Show. Held 18th-26th October at N.E.C.
List of Exhibitors (The catalogue holds detailed information on a number of these companies and their products)
- Abal Engineering
- AC-Delco
- Adamant Engineering
- Adaptaflex
- Adwest Engineering
- Adwest Group
- AE Auto Parts
- AE Development
- AE
- Aeroplan and Motor Aluminium Castings
- AGB Hulton
- AGB Specialist Publications
- Alfa-Romeo GB
- Allen Diagnostic Equipment (UK)
- Alpine Electronics of UK
- Amplus Car Recovery Equipment
- AP Amortguadores
- Armstrong Patents Co
- Asquith Motor Carriage Co
- Asso Werke
- Associates Capital Corporation
- Aston Martin Lagonda
- Audi Volkswagen
- Aurora Konrad and Schulz
- Austin Rover Group
- Autocar - Publication
- Autocar Electrical Equipment Co
- Autodata
- Autoglym Products
- Auto Industries
- Autokraft International
- Automaxi
- Automec Equipment and Parts
- Auto Mek PVM
- Automobile Association
- Automotive and Commercial Refinisher - Publication
- Automotive Products PLC
- AP Borg and Beck Clutch Division
- AP Lockheed Steering and Suspension Division
- AP Racing Division
- Automotor France
- Autoparts and Accessory Retailer - Publication
- Auto-Plas
- Autoplastics
- Autoroofs
- Autosport - Publication
- Autotrade - Publication
- Avon Transmission Group
- Banks, Ashley
- Barrett Auto Accessories (London)
- Bauch, F W O,
- Bearmach (London)
- Bedford Commercial Vehicles
- Bedwas Bodyworks
- Bendix Electroniques
- Bendix / France
- Bendix
- Bendix Parts
- Ben – Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund
- Besco Bodies Midlands
- Bier Group
- Billows, John R, (Sales)
- Birmingham City Council
- Blackhawk Automotive
- Blaupunkt
- BMW (GB)
- Boge (UK)
- Bonwitco
- Boropex Group
- Bosch, Robert,
- Bostrom, jmh, Europe
- Bowden Controls
- BPW-Marcar
- BP Oil
- Bradley Doublelock
- Brembo Dischi Freno
- Brico Engineering
- Brimec (UK)
- Bri-Stor Systems
- Britax
- Britax/Excelsior
- Britax (PMG)
- Britax Vega
- Britax Weathershield
- Britax (Wingard)
- British Credit Trust
- British Motor Industry Heritage Trust
- British Springs
- British Telecom Mobile Phone Division
- Brown and Geeson
- Burman and Sons
- Bushey Hall Transport Equipment
- Butec Electrics
- Butterfield
- C and C Covers
- Cannon Rubber
- Car and Accessory Trader
- Car Bench
- Car-O-Liner (UK)
- Carrymaster
- Carter-Parratt (VISIsystems)
- Caterham Cars
- CBS (Automotive and Industrial)
- Cellcall
- Cellnet
- Central Weighing
- Chartered Trust
- Chelsea, see Dana Europe
- Chief E-Z Liner (UK)
- Citroen Industrie UK
- Citroen UK
- Clarion Shoji (UK)
- Classic and Sports Car - Publication
- Classic Cars - Publication
- Clayton Dewandre Holdings
- Clayton Thermal Products - Dynometer Div
- Cobra Supaform
- Coleman Milne
- Coleman, Terry, (UK)
- Colt Car Co
- Comma Oil and Chemicals
- Commercial Motor
- Components Automotive
- Computer Answers
- Concept Equipment Sales
- Connolly Brothers (Curriers)
- Cosmic Car Accessories
- Crown Sunroofs UK
- Cummins Engine Co
- Dacia Concessionaires
- DAE Trucks (GB)
- Daihatsu
- Dana (Europe)
- Dayton-Walther
- Decormetall
- Decosol
- Delco Products Overseas Corporation
- Desmo (Division Joseph Billingham )
- Detroit Diesel Allison
- Deutz Engines, A Division of KHD GB
- Diplomat Technico
- Disabled Drivers' Association
- Donaldson Europe
- Donaldson Filter Components
- Dormobile
- Dott Vittorio Gillardoni
- Drum Engineering Co
- Durnbury
- Dutton Cars
- Easylift Recovery Systems
- Eaton Hall Design Workshop
- Eaton
- Eaton (Fluid Power Operations)
- Eberspacher UK
- Econocruise
- Ego Computer Systems
- Emco Wheaton (UK)
- Eminox
- Emm and Bee (Leeds) Supplies
- Enco Express
- Engineering Research and Application
- Erre-Vis
- Eurobev
- Eurocast International Foundries
- Exchange and Mart
- Facom Tools
- Fast Lane
- Feeny and Johnson
- Feeny and Johnson (Components)
- Feltbrook
- Ferrari, Automobile
- F. F. Publishing
- Fiat Auto (UK)
- Fischer, Artur, (UK)
- Fister (UK)
- Flashgrange
- Fleetguard
- Flexible Lamps
- Floquet Monopole
- Ford Motor Co
- Ford Motor Credit Co
- Ford Motor Co, Parts Operations
- Forward Trust Group
- Fram Filters
- Frankani
- Freight Rover
- Friction Products (UK)
- FSO Cars
- Fulton (Tl)
- Gabriel Europe
- Gamma Electronics
- L. Gardner and Sons
- Garlock (GB)
- Garphyttan Hesselman Group
- Garphyttan Hesselman (formerly SAB Automotive Co )
- Garphyttan Hesselman, Haldex Division
- Garphyttan Hesselman, Hesselman Division
- Garphyttan Hesselman, Garphyttan Division
- Garrett Air Search
- Gates Europe
- General Motors Service Parts Operations - UK
- Ginetta Cars
- GKN Autoparts Distribution
- GKN Axles
- GKH Engine Parts
- GKN Powder Metallurgy
- GKN Sankey
- GKN Technology
- GKN Universal Transmissions
- Glacier Metal Co
- Goetze
- Grammer, Willibald, (UK)
- Grant, Richard, Motor Accessories
- Granville Chemicals Co
- Grau Girling
- Graubremse
- GTi Engineering
- Guest, Keen and Mettlefolds PLC
- Guisasola Y Cia
- Guyson International
- Haldex Division, Garphyttan Hesselman
- Halfords Mail Order Catalogue Personality Car
- Hartridge, Leslie
- Hatcher Components
- Haymarket Publishing
- Haynes Publishing Group
- Headlight Publications
- Hefac Engineering
- Hella
- Hendrickson/Norde
- Hepworth and Grandage
- Hesselman Division, Garphyttan Hesselman
- Hitachi (Sales) UK
- Hi Way Automotive
- Hobourn-Eaton Steering
- Hobourn Engineering
- Hollandia Sunroofs (UK)
- Honda (UK)
- Hotbray
- Hydraroll
- Hyundai Car Distributors (UK)
- Hyva UK)
- IHW Engineering
- IMI Morgren Enots, see Morgren Martonair
- Imperial Tobacco
- Industrial Machinery Supplies
- Institute of Directors
- International Automotive Design
- Intertruck, see Dana Europe
- Irmscher CIK
- Iskra
- Isringhausen (GB)
- Isuzu Cars Great Britain
- Ital Audio
- Iveco Ford Truck
- Jaeger, France
- Jagger, Albert
- Jaguar Cars
- Jetex Exhaust
- Jones, James and Sons - Engg Div]]
- Jost (GB)
- Journee, Paul
- JVC (UK)
- Kalamazoo PLC
- Karcher (UK)
- Karobes
- Kar Rite Europe
- Kenlowe Accessories Co
- Kenlowe Group of Companies
- Kenlowe
- Kerr, Roland - Theta Engg
- KEW Industry
- K.G. Waerme and Elektrotechnik
- KHD Deutz
- Kirsten. Franz, Elektrotechnische Spezialfabrik
- KN Engineering Services
- Kysor Europe Marketing
- Lada Cars
- Lamborghini (London)
- Lancar
- Land Rover
- Langdon (London)
- Lawrence David
- Laycock Engineering
- Laystall Engineering Co
- Leyland Trucks
- Linvar
- Lions Equipment
- Lipe
- Lloyds Bowmaker Finance Group
- Lombard North Central
- Longdon Truck Equipment / Zepro Tail Lifts
- Lotus Cars
- Lucas CAV
- Lucas Electrical
- Lucas Girling
- Lucas Industries
- Lucas Kienzle Instruments
- Lucas World Service
- Luhn and Pulvermacher and Co
- LUK (Alan A. Morgan )
- Luma (Automotive Products)
- Lydmet
- Lynton Commercial Units
- M. and G. Tankers
- Mac Machines and Chemicals
- Magyar
- Mahle
- MAI United Kingdom
- MAN-Volkswagen
- Maranello Concessionaires
- Marcos Sales
- Mariani, Giorgio, and Co (t/a Car Bench)
- Martin-Harper (Engineering)
- Martonair, see Norgren Martonair
- Maserati (UK)
- Mazda Cars (UK)
- McDonald Kane Material Handling
- Melbros Car Panels
- Mercantile Credit Co
- Mercedes-Benz (UK)
- Metalcastello Sri
- Merit Malta
- Midas Cars
- Midas Identicar
- Midland Auto Mart
- Mill Accessory Group
- Mintex Don
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Monark Diesel and Electrical Products (UK)
- Monroe Auto Equipment
- Morgan, Alan A
- Morgan-Grampian (Publishers)
- Morgan Motor Co
- Motaquip
- Motive Accessories
- Motive Autopart Distributors (M.A.D.)
- Motor
- Motorola
- Motor Panels (Coventry)
- Motor Trader
- Motor Transport
- Motor Wheel Service
- Nacam Cardan
- National Motor Museum at Beaulieu
- Nationwide Breakdown Recovery Services
- Nelson-Burgess Co
- Nelson Group of Companies
- Nelson Stokes
- NGK Spark Plugs (UK)
- Nissan GK
- Norgren Martonair
- Norma Products
- North West Securities
- Nuova Botta
- Ordnance Survey
- Overton, Wilfrid,
- Panther Car Co
- L. E. Perei Auto Devices
- Perfect Circle, see Dana Europe
- Performance Car
- Perkins Engines
- Perrot Brakes (UK)
- Personality Car Collection
- Peugeot Talbot Motor Co
- Philips Consumer Electronics
- Philips Car Entertainment and Communications Group
- Pilkington Glass “Triplex Safety Glass”
- Pininfarina, Industrie
- Pioneer Hi-Fi (GB)
- Pirelli
- Porsche Cars Great Britain
- Primographic Co
- PSV Wipers
- Racal Group Services
- Racal-Vodac
- RAC Motoring Services
- Regina
- Reliant Motor
- Renault Truck Industries
- Renault Loan
- Renault UK
- Renk, Zahnraderfabrik, Aktiengesellschaft
- Restall Brothers
- R. G. Manufacturing
- Ripaults
- Rists
- Roadlink International
- Road Safety Unit
- Road Transport Industry Training Board
- Roberts, Charles, Engineering
- Rockwell International
- Rolls-Royce Motors
- Rubery Owen - Rockwell
- Ryders International
- Saab Great Britain
- Safeguard Electrical
- Safeguard Fuse Co
- Safeguard Sales
- Salter Springs and Pressings
- Sansui Electonics (UK)
- Sato
- Scania (GB)
- Schofield and Brown
- Schulp, Kick, Flashgrange
- Schwitzer Household Manufacturing
- Seat Concessionaires (CJK)
- Seddon Atkinson Vehicles
- Sedelmayer Brindley Ford Co
- Selma
- Selkin, William E,
- Sergeant, P and P, (Belting and Automotive)
- Shades Technics
- Sharp Electronics (CJK)
- SIP (industrial Products)
- Skoda (Great Britain)
- SK (Sunkyong) Europe Corporation
- Skylark-Crown
- Smith, Ray, Demountables
- Smith, Ray, Taillifts
- Smiths Industries
- Sobar Marking Systems
- Somers Handling
- Sonnenschein Batteries
- Speedograph Richfield
- Speedwash
- Spicer, see Dana Europe
- Spinney Trading
- Spiralo (UK)
- Spraybake
- SSI Fix Equipment
- Standard Tube Automotive
- Stemco Truck Products
- Stop Thief (OK)
- Stradway Vending
- Stylex Motor Products
- Stylistick Auto
- Subaru (UK)
- Sun Electric (UK)
- Supertruck
- Supra Automotive
- Supra Chemicals and Paints
- Supra Group
- Supra Pressings
- Supra Steering
- Supra Sureparts
- Sutrak UK
- Sutrak Transport Kalte
- Suzuki GB Cars
- SWF Auto Electric
- Swinton Insurance Brokers
- Sykes-Pickavant
- Tec Trailer Equipment and Components
- Telecom Securicor Cellular Radio
- Telehoist
- Telma Retarder
- Tempered Spring
- Teves, Alfred
- Theta Engineering (Roland Kerr)
- Thompson, Steve, Cars (Irmscher UK)
- Thoroughbred and Classic Car
- TI Automotive
- TI Cheswick Silencers
- TI Cox
- TI Sturmey-Archer
- Time Instrument Manufacturers
- Tim Superdash
- Towns, William,
- Toyota (GB)
- Transpart
- Transterrain
- Transorbit
- Tranpsort Operator
- Trico Developments Co
- Trico-Folberth
- Triplex Safety Glass
- Tru-Part
- Truck and Trailer Components
- TRW Auto Parts
- TRW Cam Gears
- TRW Ehrenreich and Co
- TRW International
- TPW Probe
- TRW Torfinasa
- TRW United Carr
- TRW Valves
- Truck
- Tudor Systems
- Tudor Webasto
- Turbo Technics
- TVR Engineering
- Ty-Rite
- Unique Vehicle and Accessory Co
- United Dominions Trust
- United Engineering and Forging
- Up-Market Trailers
- VAG (UK)
- Valeo
- Van Hool
- Vauxhall Motors
- VBG Concessionaires/John R Billows (Sales)
- VDO Instruments
- Veeder-Root
- Veglia Borletti Group
- Veglia
- Via Truck Rentals
- Vogel, Ing Ignaz, GmbH and Co KG
- Voith Engineering
- Volkswagen
- Volvo Concessionaires
- Volvo Trucks (GB)
- Waerme and Elektrotechnik
- Wagon Finance
- B. Walker Group
- WAP (UK)
- Warwick Pump and Engineering
- Waso
- Weber Carburettors
- Webasto Heaters
- Weber Concessionaires
- Weber-Hydraulik (UK)
- Weblash
- Welford Truck Bodies
- Wells, Arthur, Co
- Wellworthy
- Wesley Group
- West Midlands Travel
- Western Thomson Controls
- Weston Body Hardware
- What Car - Publication
- Wheelbase Melson
- Which Car - Publication
- Willibald Grammer (UK)
- Woodhead, Jonas Group
- Woodhead, Jonas, RSR Sections
- Woodhead, Jonas, Springs S Forgings Sections
- Woodhead, Jonas and Sons
- Woodhead Manufacturing
PSV Exhibitors
- Alexander, Walter and Co (Coachbuilders)
- DAF Bus
- Dennis Specialist Vehicles Dormobile
- Hestair Duple
- Iveco Ford Truck
- Jonckheere (JK
- Kassbohrer (UK)
- Leyland Bus
- MAM-Volkswagen Mercedes-Benz (UK)
- Metro-Cannmell Weymann
- Moseley Group (PSV)
- Northern Counties Motor and Engineering Co
- Plaxtons (GB)
- Reeve Burgess
- Salvador Gaetano IMVT Sarl
- Scania (Great Britain)
- Van Hool
- Volvo Bus (Great Britain)
See Also
Sources of Information