The Engineer 1951 Jul-Dec: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer
- View 1951 Jul-Dec Volumes
Main Subjects
- Adamson Alliance Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- A.E.C., Ltd., Six-cylinder, Indirect- Injection Oil Engines, 362
- Aeroil Products Co., Inc., Cleaning and Sealing Joints in Concrete Roads, 408
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd., Single-cylinder and Twin-cylinder Industrial Engines, 360
- Air Registration Board, Fourteenth Annual Report, 105
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., Support Unit for Steam Line Pipes, 280
- Ajax Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 5 ft. Radial Drilling Machine, 240
- Allen, H. Norman G., 1,000 kW Allen Gas Turbine, 834
- Allen, W. H., Sons & Co., Ltd., 1,000 kW Marine Gas Turbine Set, 612, 652
- Alley and Maclellan, Ltd., “ 45.B.10 ” Air Compressors, 360
- Allhusen, O., Rural Water Supply in North Devon, 777
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., “ AllCrop ” Harvester, 734
- Aluminium Company of Canada, Aluminium Plans, 68 ; British Power Transformers for Cana4a (254)
- American Export Lines, Inc., Steamship “ Independence,” 275
- American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Completion of the Trans-American Micro-Wave Relay System, 572
- Ames Crosta Mills and Co., Ltd., Variable Capacity Pump for Corrosive Fluids, 672
- Amsler, Alfred J., and Co., An Accurate Temperature Controller for Electric Furnaces, 183
- Andremath Computer Co., Trigonometrical Indicator, 28
- Anglo-American Council on Productivity, Valve* Industries Productivity Team Report, 37; Report on Mechanical Handling, 105 ; “ Principal Benefits,” 133; Report on Welding, 257; Report on the Brass Foundry Industry, 385 ; Grey Ironfounders’ Productivity Report (444) ; Training of Operatives, 545; Metal Finishing Productivity Report, 677 ; Report on Coal Mining, 804
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Ltd., First Gas Turbine Engined Tanker (350), (574), (710)
- Angular-Hole Drilling and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Jubilee (782)
- Angus, W. F., Obituary (606)
- Apparatebau Burkhardt G.m.b.H., Coordinate Drilling Machine, 366
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Blast- Furnace Reline (529)
- Arcoelectric (Switches), Ltd., Automatic Door Switch (746)
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Propeller-turbine Brake, 28
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co. (Ironfounders) Ltd., Jaw Crushers (248)
- Arnett, C. T. S., Obituary, 465
- A.R.O. Machinery Co., Spot Welding Pliers, 403 ; Portable Spot Welder, 431 Arrol, Sir William and Co., Ltd., Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Asea Electric, Ltd., Welding Machine for a Tube Mill; Automatic Arc Welder, Suppt., 31.8.51, i.
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, Dry Seal Gasholder, 838
- Associated British Oil Engines, Ltd Light Engine Production at a Staines Factory, 771
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., Shoreham Cement Works, 122
- Atchley, C. Atherton, W. R., Gas Turbine Locomotive, 339
- Ateliers de Construction J. De Buyser, Crankshaft Grinding Machine, 424
- Atellers et Chantiers de France, Twin- screw Liner “ Flandre,” 591
- Atkins, W. S., and Partners, Precast Concrete Framed Building, 657 ; Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649, 756
- Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd., Pneumatic Rotary Filing Machines (598)
- Atlas Steels, Ltd., Steel Mill Expansion, 68
- Audley Engineering Co., Ltd., 16 in. valve, 361
- Auster Aircraft Co., Ltd., Model S Aircraft, 394
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., System of a Motor Car Plant, 311; Austin “Severn,” 522; Merger of Motor Companies, 677
- Australian Iron and Steel, Ltd., Plant Extensions at Kembla Works, Australia, 471
- Auto-diesels, Ltd., 75 kVA Generator, Suppt., 31.8.51, XV
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., Self-cleaning Strainers, 250
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., Twelve-channel Carrier Telephone System for Use on Cables (325) Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Power-operated Controls, 423
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and Marine Exhibition, Refinery at Fawley, 405 ; Exhibition Hall and Cinema, 672
- Baillee, G. H., Obituary, 696
- Baker, J. F., Shortcomings of Structural Analysis, 740
- Baker Platinum, Ltd., Catalytic Gas Purifier, 632
- Baldwin Instrument Co., Ltd., Rolling Mill Extension Gauge; Steel Strip Extension Gauge, 86
- Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation, Large Vertical Boring Mill, 128
- Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., Progress of the Woodhead Tunnel, 11.
- Balfour, Henry and Co., Ltd., Pump for Thick Sludges and Clay, 314
- Ball, Sir WiUiam, Factory Act and Employers’ Liability, 836
- Ballantyne, W. H., Obituary, 697 Bamfords, Ltd., Hammer Mill, 57
- Banting, P. E., Obituary (574)
- Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., Oil Tanker “ Polartank,” 42 ; Twin-diesel Marine Reduction Gear, 635
- Barlow and Young, Ltd., Floodlighting the Festival Gardens (196)
- Barr, G. E., History of Machinery for Paddle Steamers, 761
- Barwell, F. T., Whitworth Register, 1951, 661
- Batey, J. T., Obituary, 153
- Beale, E. S. L., Standard-Sunbury Engine Indicator “ Mark 6,” 215, 246
- Beatson, E. V., Brazing and Welding Copper and Aluminium for Electrical Connections, 501, 533
- Belmos, Ltd., Pumping Plant at the Exhibition of Industrial Power at Kelvin Hall, 7.
- Bethlehem Steel Company, Steamship “ Independence,” 275 ; Conversion of a Victory Ship, 705
- Bickle, F. W., Obituary (542)
- Bingham, A. E., Some Problems of Fluids for Hydraulic Power Transmission, 799
- Birmabright, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Progress, 268 ; Fish-Hold Stanchions : Aluminium Alloy Davit, 292
- Blackburn and General Aircraft Co., Aerial and Reflector for the Radio Telescope, 2 ; “ Gal 60 ” Military Transport Aircraft, 374
- Blanch, A. B., and Co., Ltd., Side Rake and Swath, 59
- Blanchier, Monsieur, Characteristics and Development of Naval Fuel Oils, 79
- Blaw Knox, Ltd., 12 Cubic Yard Scraper, 314; 275 kV Overhead Line Towers, 494 ; Falsework Units for Reinforced Concrete Construction 617 ; Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- Blending Machine Co., Ltd., Turret Jaw Vices, 412
- Bone, Victor W., Obituary, 497
- Boughton, E. M. W., Obituary (382)
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., New Offices (510)
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., Gust Alleviation Device for Aircraft, 31 ; “ Seal Balliol ” T. 21 Advanced Training Aircraft, 394
- Boving and Co., Ltd., Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-Electric Scheme, 828
- Bradbury, C. H., Measurement and Interpretation of Machinery Noise with Special Reference to Oil Engines, 773
- Braithwaite and Co., Bridge at Franca de Xira, Portugal, 796
- Brand, Sir Harry, Obituary, 89
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Designer, Aircraft Division (11) ; “ Brabaz.on ” Passenger Flights, ‘‘ Brabazon ” 374 ; ‘‘ Freighter ”
- 170, Mk. 31, 374; “Type 171 Mk. Ill (Sycamore) Helicopter 421 ; 1,000 kW Marine Gas Turbine Set, 612, 652 ; “ Brabazon ” Night Flight, (674) ; Helicopter Ambulance, 704 Bristow, C. A., The Scope for Conservation of Metals, Ferrous and Non- Ferrous, 600
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Television Equipment for Lime Grove Studios (350) ; Holme Moss Television Transmitting Station, 469 ; Improvement of Home Service Coverage (542)
- British Combustion Equipment, Ltd., Liquid Fuel Burner: Sprayer and Burner Coupling, Suppt., 31.8.51, xvi
- British Electricity Authority, Capacitors for Improving Transmission System Performance (70) ; Caisson at Usk- mouth Power Station, 93 ; Electricity Supplies Next Winter, 199 ; Contracts (217) ; Power Station Consents (254) Connah’s Quay Generating Station (254) ; Barking-Ilford Underground Cable Installation (318) ; Consulting Engineers (350) ; Electricity Failure in North-west England, 404; Annual Report, 449, 504 ; 275 kV Overhead Line Towers, 494; Load Shedding Warnings by Radio, 513 ; Portobello Power Station Extensions (542) ; Consent for New 600 MW Power Station (710) ; Power Station Extensions at Deptford East and Littlebrook “C” (746)
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., Rapid Manufacture and Delivery of Telegraph Wire (367)
- British Insulated Callender’s Construction Co., Ltd., 275 kV Overhead Line Towers, 494
- British Jeffrey-Diamond Ltd.,- Mechanical Unit for Building Gateside Packs, 506
- British Moulding Machine Co., Ltd., Turnover Moulding Machine, 258
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Plate Edge Preparation Machine Suppt., 31.8.51, >
- British Periclase Co., Prestressed Concrete Tanks, 217
- British Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., Shoreham Cement Works, 122
- British Ropes, Ltd., Wire Rope Sling, 295
- British Sugar Corporation, Ltd., Beet Harvesting Machinery Demonstration, (382); Sugar Beet Harvesting Machinery, 615
- British Tabulating Machine Co., Ltd., Conveyor System of a Motor Car Assembly Plant, 311
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Magnetic Recording, 39; 600 kW Turbo-alternator : High Speed Photoelectric Counter, 323 ; Forced Cooled 2,000 kW Resistor, 335; First Gas Turbine Engined Tanker (350), (574) Progress of the Owen Falls Hydroelectric Scheme, 828
- British Timken, Ltd., Roller Bearing Axleboxes on the Standard Locomotives, 633
- British Twin Disc and Clarifiers, Ltd., Marine Gear, 293
- British Wedge Wire Co., Ltd., Gravity Operated Lowering Machine, 220
- Brock, R. Barrington, Standardised Screw Threads, 434
- Broken Hill Proprietary Co Extraction of Salt from 132 ; Development Industry in Australia,
- Bronx Engineering Co., Machine, 411
- Brookhirst Switchgear, (638)
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., pressor, 360
- Brown, David, Corporation, Ltd., 30,000 kW Turbo-alternator: 25 b.h.p.
- Marine Engine, Suppt. 31.8.51, vi
- Brown, David, Gears (London), Ltd., Air Filter Drive, 636
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., master Diesel 50 ” Tractor, 21 ; master Diesel 50 ” Tractor, 733
- Brown, F. A. S., Present-day Locomotive Working, 498, 627
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Passenger and Cargo Liner “ Rangitane,” 42 ; Motor Vessel “Norfolk Ferry,” 155; Model of H.M.S. “Vanguard,” (166); New Cunard Liners (842) ; Shipbuilding Centenary (842)
- Brown, John, Ltd., Heavy Hydraulic Presses, 670
- B.S.A. Tools Ltd. Simplified Single Spindle Automatic, 313
- Bull’s Metal and Melloid Co., Ltd., Production of Ships’ Propellers and Windows, 808
- Burgess, Eric, Artificial Satellite, 456
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd Up-river Collier “ Croydon,” (842)
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., New London Showrooms (34)
- Butterley Co., Ltd., Inclinable Press; Rotary Pump, Suppt. 31.8.51, iv
- Byron Farm Machinery, Ltd., Grain Conveyor, 21.
- Caledonian Works, Small Foot-operated Press, 30
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Refit of Royal Liner (842)
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Appointment, 417 ; Rolling Stock Orders (478)
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd., New Centrifugal Dryer (633)
- Carlisle, S. S., Steel Plate Thickness Meter, 805
- Came, E. B., Recording Transients During Fuse Operation, 553
- Carty, C., Return of the Native, 305, 466
- Catchpole Engineering Co., Ltd., Sugar Beet Harvesting Machinery, 615
- Cellactite and British Uralite Ltd Asbestos Roofing Material (782)
- Centriline Corporation, Machine for Lining Large Pipes, 472 Chadwyck-Healey, Sir Gerald, Retirement, 89
- Chalmers, Robert, Hospitals, Institutions and the Engineer, 490, 627
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., 12 in. Hydraulic Pipe Bending Machine, 61 ; Single-Spindle Screwing Machine, 251
- Chambers, W. J., Wear of Coins, 187
- Chance Brothers, Ltd., Lighthouse Lantern, 3
- Chelioti, George, Obituary, 465
- Chittenden, J. P., Obituary, 273
- Chloride Batteries, Ltd., D. C. Supply Installation at Imperial College, 636
- Christiani and Nielson, Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Cierva Autogiro Co., “ W 11 Air Horse,” 421
- Cinema Television, Ltd., Cinema "Television Equipment, 39
- Clarke Chapman and Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Cargo Winch : Electric Topping Winch, 322
- Clay cross Co., Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Cleaver, C. F., Retirement, 513
- Clements, Fred, Obituary, 401
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Middle Harbour Bridge, Sydney, 4
- Clockmakers Co., Some Early Timepiece Escapements, 49
- Clyde Crane and Booth, Ltd., Works of the Steel Co., of Wales, 756
- Cochrane and Sons, Ltd., H.M.R.T. “ Envoy ” 42
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., Combined Punching, Shearing, Cropping and Notching Machine, 293
- Collis, J., and Sons, Ltd., Manual-electric Stacking Machine, 472
- Colodense, Ltd., Unusual Factory Structure at Bristol, 298
- Commer Cars, Ltd., Improved Commercial Vehicle, 31
- Compagnie Internationale des Pieux Franki, Jubilee, 68
- Concrete Development Co., Ltd., Unusual Factory Structure at Bristol, 298
- Consett Iron Co., Ltd., Wagons for Iron Ore, 801
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool CoFour-stage 780
- Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation. Design for an Atomic-powered Aircraft, 473
- Conway, H. G., Requirements of a Good Tolerance System, 76
- Cook, Gilbert, Obituary, 305
- Cook, Troughton and Simms, Ltd., Geodetic Level, 4
- Cooke, B., Low-pressure Reciprocating Seals for Hydraulic Control Valves, 799
- Coope, Herbert, Obituary (574) Copenhagen Telephone Co., Plastic Insulated Telephone Cables in Denmark, 160
- Coppee Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Works of the Steel Co., of Wales, 554
- Comes, C., and Son, Precast Concrete Framed Building, 657
- Cossor Radar, Ltd., Instruments for Radio Controlled Flying, 4
- Coventry Victor Motor Co., Ltd., Water- cooled Diesel Engine : Horizontally opposed Petrol Engine, 295
- Cox, H. Roxbee, Some Fuel and Projects, 664, 685, 723
- Crampton, A. W., Engineers or tects, 697
- Cranes (Dereham) Ltd., Large Trailer, 25
- Crangle, J., Magnetic Analysis of Iron- Carbon Alloys, 796
- Cravens Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., New Containers for British Railways (149), (286)
- Cremer, H. W., The Changing Face of the Chemical Industry, 231
- Croft, Stanley, Obituary (510)
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., Clutch, 362
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Oil Switch Units, 251 ; Supply in a Furniture Factory, 428
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 3,000 b.h.p geared Diesel Unit, 291 ; Foundry for an Oil Engine Works, 811
- Crossley Premier Engines, Ltd., Foundry for an Oil Engine Works, 811
- Cull, H. J., The Technical College, 250
- Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., New Liners (842)
- Curtiss Wright Corporation, Propeller for Airships of the U.S. Navy, 99
- Cyc-Arc, Ltd., Stud Welding Conference (542)
- Daimler Co., Ltd., 3-litre ‘‘ Regency,” 520
- Dallow, Lambert and Co., Ltd., Magnesium Alloy Dust Collector, 194
- Daniel, A. W. T., Pipe Networks, 261
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Automatic Hydraulic Preforming Press, 29
- Darlington and Simpson Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., Rolling Mill Design, 66
- Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd., Large Boring Machine, 31 ; Six -cylinder Vee engine, 403
- Davies, D. R. G., Variation in Electrical Properties of Silicon-iron Transformer Sheet, 725
- Davies and Newman, Ltd., World Tanker Fleets (102)
- Davis, Stuart, Ltd., Horizontal Universal Presses, 391
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 756
- Dawnays, Ltd., District Heating at Pimlico, 129
- De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., “ Venom ” and “ Vampire ” Aircraft, 341 : “Comet,” 372 ; “ Ambassador ” Airliner, 392 Factory’s 1,000th Aircraft (540) ; Aircraft Navigational Aids, 702
- de Havilland Propellers, Ltd., Negative Thrust Propellers, 373
- Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., Instruments for Radio Controlled Flying, 4
- Denison, Samuel, and Son, Ltd., 50-ton Universal Testing Machine, Suppt., 31.8.51, X
- Denny, Sir Maurice E., B.S.R.A., Resistance Experiments on the “ Lucy Ashton,” 15
- Devereux, W. C., Aluminium in Structural Engineering, 150
- Diskus Werke Frankfurt am Main A. G., Vertical Spindle Grinding Machine, 161
- Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., Large Stress Relieving Furnace, 540; Canadian Supersonic Wind Tunnel, 571
- Dorey, S. F., Stresses in Propellers and Propeller Shafting under Service Conditions, 111 ; Whitworth Register, 1951, 661
- Dorman Long Bridge and Construction Works, Bridge at Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal, 796
- Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co., of Wales, 649
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., 160 b.h.p. Oil Engine, Suppt., 31.8.51, iv
- Doulton and Co., Ltd., Precast Concrete Framed Building, 657
- Dowty Equipment, Ltd., Variable Delivery Hydraulic Aircraft Pump, 422
- Drake and Gorham, Ltd., Floodlighting the Festival Gardens (196)
- Dravo Corporation, Ore Unloading Plant at Baltimore, Maryland, 307
- Dredging and Construction Co., Ltd., Dredging and Reclamation at Southampton, 759
- Drummond Asquith (Sales), Ltd., Long Thread Cutting Machine, 390
- Dudding, Bernard P., Sample Size for a Quality Control Chart for Proportion Defectives, 339
- Duncan, Norman, Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 627
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Pressure Relay, 408, 422; Plate Brake Installations, 422 ; Ultrasonic Tyre- testing Equipment, 565
- Dyson, R. A., and Son, Ltd., Self-loading Oilfield Trucks, 313
- Eastern Region, British Railways, Training of Locomotive Drivers as Motormen, 117; Bulk Conveyance of Cement (414)
- Eckerbom, N. G., Some Aspects of Prefabrication in Ship Construction, 109
- Edinburgh, H.R.H., The Duke of, British Contribution to Science and Technology in the Past Hundred Years, 176
- Edwards, F. J., and Co., Ltd., Universal Punching, Shearing, Cropping Machine; High Speed Nibbling Machine, 290
- Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd., Light Alloy Melt Gas Tester ; Knudsen Gauge, 87
- Electrical and Musical Industries, Ltd., Magnetic Film, Reproducer Pick-up Heads and Pre-amplifiers, 39
- Electro Methods, Ltd., “ Colimonitor ” for Checking Feed Water Contamination, 291
- Electroflo Meters Co., Ltd., Electronic Recording/Controlling Potentiometer, 53
- Electro-hydraulics, Ltd., Hydraulic and Electro-hydraulic Valves, 422
- Electromecanique, S.A., Large Spot Welder, 392
- Eliot, F. H., Retirement (446)
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Automatic Control Panel, 38 ; Standard Unit Boiler Panel : Supervisory Control Console : Ten-channel Strain Display Unit, 53 ; Instrument Training Courses (286)
- Elsinore Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Steering Gear for the Train Ferry ‘‘ Saint Germain,” 559
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Turboalternator for Tekapo Power Station, 4 ; Diesel-electric Dredger “ M.O.P. 225-C,”’43 ; 2,000 b.h.p. Rail Traction Engine, 294 ; “ Canberra ” Twin-jet Aircraft, 341 ; Main-line Diesel-electric Locomotives in Australia (414)
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Continuous Grain-flow Crankshaft Forging, 260
- Enthoven, H. J., and Sons, Ltd., Solder for Electrical Connections, 697
- Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., Sulphur Plant at Fawley, 1 ; First Tanker at Fawley (250) ; Oil Reflnery at Fawley, 371, 405
- Esso Transportation Co., Ltd., Mechanical Seals (286)
- Evans, J. C., Pneumatic Comparator of High Sensitivity, 62
- Evans, W. H., Hospitals, Institutions and the Engineer, 561
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., “ CentroIler ” Control Console : Process Controller: Liquid Level Controller :
- Electro-pneumatic Valve, 12 ; “Dionic” Meter for Determining Steam Purity, 404
- Exactor, Ltd., Lubricating Pump, Suppt., 31.8.51, xiv
- Expandite, Ltd., Cleaning and Sealing Joints in Concrete Roads, 408
- Fabrique John- A Chappuis S.A Horizontal Universal Presses, 391
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Gyrodyne ” and “ Rotodyne,” 422
- Fairmile Construction Co., Ltd., High Tensile Steel for Canal Boats (446)
- Fearnehough, T. D., Physical and Mechanical Properties of Segregates in Two Alloy Steels, 795
- Federal Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Twin-diesel Marine Reduction Gear, 635
- Feiner, A., Water Turbines for Hydroelectric projects, 207
- Ferguson, Allan, Obituary, 626
- Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., Industrial Tractor, 733
- Ferguson, H. K., Co., Nuclear Reactor at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, 238
- Ferranti, Ltd., Automatic Digital Computer at Manchester University, 47, 126 ; British Power Transformers for Canada (254)
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Scrap Sheet Metal Baling Press, 506 ; Heavy Hydraulic Presses, 670
- Finniston, H.M. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Segregates in Two Alloy Steels, 795
- Fischer, Georges, Ltd., Hydraulic Copying Lathe, 424
- Fisher, J. N., Photography at Sea of Ship Propeller Cavitation, 656
- Fleming and Ferguson, Ltd., Dieselelectric Dredger, “ M.O.P. 225-C,” 43
- Fluidrive Engineering Co., Ltd., Vertical Duplex Fluid Coupling, 814
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Two-furrow and Three-furrow Disc Ploughs, 60 ; “ New Fordson Major ” Tractor, 698
- Foster-Wheeler Co., Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Foundry Services, Ltd., Foundry Information Leaflets, 788
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Diesel Crawler Tractor with 5-Furrow Plough, 22 ; “ Challenger 1 ” Diesel Crawler Tractor, 698
- Fowler, R. T., Ingot Heat Conservation, 769
- Francis-Carter, C., Closing of Branch Lines, 402
- Francis, Peter, Closing of Branch Lines, 369, 529
- Francke, B., Pneumatic Handling of Flour Mill Stocks, 825
- Frank, Sir Peirson, Obituary, 626
- Funditor, Ltd., Heavy Duty Hydraulic Marking Machine, 539
- Gas Council, Research Centre, 105*; Report, 764
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Middle Harbour Bridge, Sydney, 4; Glass-to- Metal Bonding, 119; Coal Cleaning Plant in India (166) ; Diesel-electric Shunting Locomotives for Ceylon, 221 ; Electronic Press Guard, 279 ; Experimental Germanium Triode R.F. Receiver, 367 ; Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405 ; Ultrasonic Tyre-testing Equipment, 565 ; Equipment for the Artificial Illumination of Plants, 570 ; Large Sound Equipment Installation (591) ; Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 620 ; Turbo-alternator Works Extension at Witton, 629 ; V.I.P. Aircraft (691) ; Electro-mechanical Converter Instrument, 739 ; Locomotive Inspection Pit Lighting, 765 ; Twin Arc Welding Set, Suppt., 31.8.51, xi
- General Motors Diesel, Ltd., Diesel Engine Order, 67
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, West Ham, “ B ” Power Station, 83 ; Progress of the Owen Falls Hydroelectric Scheme, 828
- Gibb, Sir Claude, Two Thousand Years of Engineering, 208
- Gibbs, W. J., Modern Approach to Electrical Machine Analysis, 467, 485, 517, 546, 578
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Pumping Plant at the Exhibition of Industrial Power at Kelvin HaU, 7 ; Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., 120 b.h.p. Marine Diesel Engine, 291
- Gloster Aircraft Co., Gloster Twin Jet Delta Fighter, 733
- Godfrey, Sir George, and Partners, Ltd., Cabin Supercharger, 423
- Godfrey, Sir George, and Partners (Industrial), Ltd., Industrial Blower, Suppt. 31.8.51, iii
- Goodall, J. H. H., Locomotive Boilers, 402
- Graneek, M., Pneumatic Comparator of High Sensitivity, 62
- Granholm, Hjalmar, Modern Developments in Reinforced Concrete Design, 409
- Grayson, Sir Henry, Obituary, 545
- Great Lakes Carbon Corporation, Carbon and Graphite in the United States, 133 Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Steam Generator, 260
- Groom Patents Co., Cleaning System for Oil Tanks, 302
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds (South Wales), Ltd., Rolling Mill Design, 65
- Guthrie, E. A., Obituary (34).
- Gutteridge, Hal, The Engineer’s Contribution to Soil Fertility, 203
- Gwynne, Nevile, G., Obituary, 90
- Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., 12 Stage Horizontal Split Casing Pump, '326 ; Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Hacking, Sir John, Electricity Generation and Transmission in Great Britain, 499, 523
- Haden, G. N., and Sons, Ltd., District Heating at Pimlico, 129
- Hadfields, Ltd., Heavy Forge at Sheffield, 585, 619
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, Progress of the Woodhead Tunnel, 11
- Haldane, T. Graeme N., The Development of High-voltage Transmission with Particular Reference to Hydroelectric Projects, 232
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Escalator in the Dome of Discovery, 149 ; Compressors, 360; Union Castle Line Steamship “ Rhodesia Castle,” 735
- Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co., Experimental Prestressed Concrete Bridge in California,* 151
- Hamblin, H. J., Apparatus for the Testing of Agricultural Machinery, 141
- Hamworthy Engineering Co., Ltd Single-acting Air Compressors, 360; “ R.P.O.” Gear Pump, 361
- Hancock, Albert E., Obituary (542)
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Oxygen Cutting and Profiling Machine, 322
- Handley Page, Ltd., ‘‘ H.P. 88 ” Jet Research Aircraft, 14 ; “ Hermes ” V, 372 ; V.I.P. Aircraft (691)
- Handley Page (Reading), Ltd., Miles ‘‘ Marathon ” I High-wing Transport Aircraft, 373
- Hardie-Tynes Manufacturing Co., Large Clutch Drum Winder at Barnburgh Colliery, 8
- Harland Engineering Co., Ltd., Pumping Plant at the Exhibition of Industrial Power, Kelvin Hall, 7
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 7,000 b.h.p. Opposed Piston Diesel Engine; Cooper-Bessemer Gas Engine and Compressor, 258; Whale Factory Ship “ Juan Peron,” 666; Union Castle Line Steamship “ Rhodesia Castle ” 735
- Harris, K. N., Present-day Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 56
- Harris Lebus, Ltd., Electricity Supply in a Furniture Factory, 428
- Harry, E. D., Metallography of Carbon in Silicon-iron Alloys Containing 4 per cent Silicon, 725
- Hart, F. de B., Retirement (674)
- Hartley, A. C., Presidential Address, 530
- Hastie, John and Co., Ltd., Steering Gear for the Train Ferry “ Saint Germain,” 559
- Hawker Aircraft Co., Production of the Hawker “ P1067,” (166), 341
- Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co Ltd., Marine Gas Turbine (574)
- Hayters, Ltd., Rotary Grass Cutter, 762
- Head Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co., of Wales, 583, 649
- Head Wrightson Machine Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 756
- Head Wrightson Processes, Ltd., Carbon Black Plant, 537
- Heid Maschinenfabrik., Lathe fitted with Electrically-operated Copying Attachment, 425
- Heinemann, Gebr., A. G., Copy Lathe, 425
- Henderson, J. M., and Co., Ltd., Middle Harbour Bridge, Sydney, 4
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Cam-Feed Drilling Machine Head, 162; Tap Coning Attachment, 241
- Hessenberg, W. C. F., Principles of Continuous Gauge Control in Sheet and Strip Rolling, 567
- Hibbert, Colonel Frank, Obituary, 90
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Extrusions (144)
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd., “ Microptic ” No. 2 Theodolite, 4; “ T500 ” Projector : Lathe Projector, 52; Interferometers for Measurement of Gauges, 300
- Holden, Arthur, and Sons, Ltd., Self-Etch Primer, (224)
- Holder, F. S., Obituary (34)
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., Unusual Factory Structure at Bristol, 298
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., Caisson at Uskmouth Power Station, 93 ; District Heating at Pimlico, 129
- Holloway, Sir Henry T., Obituary, 401
- Hommelwerke G.m.b.H, Optical Profile Grinding Machine, 366
- Hopkins, B. E., Production of High- Purity Iron and Iron Alloys on a 25 lb. Scale, 794 ; Tensile and Impact Properties of Iron and Some Iron Alloys of High Purity, 794
- Howard, Stanley, Ltd., Single Spindle Automatic, 423
- Howden, T. C., and Co., An Accurate Temperature Controller for Electric Furnaces, 183
- Hughes, T. H., Auxiliary Vibrator for Hand and Machine Sieving, 188
- Humphreys, G. Howard, Obituary, 244
- Humphreys, Leonard A. Heath, Festiniog Railway, 187
- Humphreys, H. P., Design of Large Pumping Installations for Low and Medium Heads, 618
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., South African Built Diesel Locomotive (102) ; 500 h.p. Diesel-mechanical Locomotive, 363 ; Diesel Locomotives Ordered for New Zealand (842)
- Hure, Etabl. P., Universal Milling Machines, 366
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., proved Compressed Air System, Compressor Type ‘‘ S5OU,” 422
- Iliffe, C. E., Thermal Stresses Rotating Elastic Sohd of Revolution, 835
- Inglis, Charles Colin, Transport Commission’s Research Appointment, 545
- Ingram, L. F., Boiler and Turbine Testing, 46
- International Combustion, Ltd., Model of Pyrmont Boiler Plant (782)
- International Construction Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- International Nickel Co., of Canada, Ltd., Nickel Production in Canada (166)
- International Water Corporation, Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Ireland, M. L., Higher Steam Conditions for Ships’ Machinery, 45
- Isenburger, Herbert R., Selection of Industrial Radiographers, 56
- Isler, C., and Co., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Ivatt, H. G., Technical Consultant, Brush Bagnall Traction, Ltd. (102)
- Jack, K. H., Structural Transformations in the Tempering of High-carbon Martensitic Steels, 795
- Jackman, J. W., and Co., Ltd., Rock-over Jolt Machine : Corebox Draw Machine Suppt. 31.8.51, viii
- Jackson, A., Ten-ton Ingot Moulds, 769 Jaeger, H. E., Proposed Design of a Combined Research, Training and Cargo Ship, 108
- James, Ralph K., U.S. Fleet Maintenance and Battledamage Repairs Pacific During World War
- Jeffreys, J., and Co., Ltd., Heating at Pimlico, 129
- Jenkin, B. M., Obituary (768),
- Jenkins, G. C. H., Production of High- purity Iron and Iron Alloys on a 25 lb. Scale, 794
- Johnson, C. H. (Machinery), Ltd., Mobile Air Compressor, 240
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., 1,700 kV Impulse Generator, 551
- Johnson, Sir Robert Stewart, Obituary, 273
- Johnson, W. E. P., Applicability of Gas Turbine Technology, 707
- Johnston Brothers (Contractors), Ltd., Sugar Beet Harvesting Machinery, 615
- Johnston, J. J., and Co., Ltd., Rotary Snow Plough, 160
- Jones, Sidney G., Ltd., Hydraulic Copying Lathe, 424
- Kampf, Michael, K. G., Maschinenfabric, Mould Copying Machine, 390
- Karman, Theodore Von, Award of Kelvin Medal for 1950, 577
- Kastner, L. J., Early History of the Gas Engine, 661
- Kearns, H. W., and Co., Ltd., Large Boring Machine, 31
- Keighley Grinders (Machine Tools), Ltd., Precision Universal Grinders, 425
- Keith Blackman, Ltd., Air Conditioning Unit, 290
- Kelvin and Hughes, Ltd., Investigation of Resistance Welding : Weld Testing with Supersonic Flaw Detector, 403 ; Periscopic Sextant, 776
- Kennedy and Donkin, District Heating at Pimlico, 129 ; Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-Electric Scheme, 828
- Kent Engineering and Foundry, Ltd Mist blower ” Sprayer, 762
- Kent, George, Ltd., Pumping Plant at the Exhibition of Industrial Power at Kelvin Hall, 7 ; Oxygen Analyser: Dall Tube for Fluid Flow Measurement, 14
- Kerr, A., Industrial Revolution, 661
- Ketton Portland Cement Co., Cement Works in Derbyshire (350)
- Kilburn, T., Magnetic Store for Highspeed Digital Computers, 737
- King, Geo. W., Ltd., Conveyor System of a Motor- Car Assembly Plant, 311
- Klinger, Richard, Ltd., Small High- pressure Piston Valve, 162
- Knighton, P. H., Hospitals, Institutions and the Engineer, 561
- Koban, R., Requirements of a Good Tolerance System, 768
- Kocks, Friedrich, G.m.b.H., Machining Circular Pass Rolls, 391
- Kopp, Fritz, Circular Table Milling Automatic, 390
- Krupp, Friedrich, Locomotivfabrik, 148- ton Self-tipping Railway Wagon, 815
- Laing, John, and Son, Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405 ; Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- Lane, F. J., Measurement and the Power Transmission System, 668
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Cargo Winch ; Floating Squirrel-cage Motor, Suppt., 31.8.51, ii
- Lawler, Ayres and Co., Ltd., Pipe Bending Machine, Suppt., 31.8.51, vi
- Lawrie, T., Electrical Aspects of Modern Hydro-electric Development in Scotland, 233
- Le-Tourneau, R. G., Inc., Diesel-electric Tractor, 64
- Leverton, H., and Co., Ltd., Pea Cutter and Swather, 22
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Aircraft Fueller, 474; 63 b.h.p. Diesel Unit, Suppt. 31.8.51, xiv
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., “ SA200 ” Petrol Engine Driven Welding Set, Suppt. 31.8.51, xiii
- Linsell, R. F., Methods of Assessing the Stability of an A.C. Power System, 332
- Lister, R. A. (Marine Sales.), Ltd., Blackstone “ E.V.” Engines,'259
- Livesay, Edward, H., End of an Era, 610, 642, 678, 714, 750, 786; Return of the Native, 214, 402, 594
- Lloyd's Register, Shipbuilding Returns, 105, 513 ; Wreck Returns (542), (782)
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd., Propeller-turbine Brake, 28
- Lockspeiser, Sir Ben, Automatic Control, 162
- London Brick Co., Ltd., Brick Research Laboratory, 60
- London Midland Region, British Railways, Track-laying Cranes, 94; Liverpool Carriage Cleaning Depot (102) ; Reconstruction of Derby Midland Station (134) Disembarkation Platforms at Holyhead Harbour, 367 ; Locomotive “ Amethyst,” (446) ; Machine Vice, 473 ; Modernisation of Toton Up ” Marshalling Yard, 655 London Transport Appointments, 132 ; “ RF ” Class London Transport Coach, 473
- Lucas, Joseph (Gas Turbine Equipment) Ltd., Fuel Pumps, Control Units and Burners, 423
- Lysaght’s, John, Scunthorpe Works, Ltd., Rolling Mill Design, 27
- MacColl, Sir Edward, Obituary, 19
- MacDonald, Sir M., and Partners, Proposals for an Irrigation Scheme in the Jordan Valley, 137
- Machinery (Continental), Ltd., Tower Cranes for Building Work, 621
- MacKay Industrial Equipment, Manufacture of Allis-Chalmers head Screens in England (134) ; Industrial Tractors, 506; 25 Fiat Tractor, 762
- Mackresey, C. A., Technical Advances and Trends in Electric Traction, 465
- MacLaren, J. E., Obituary, 465 Macpherson, Donald and Co., Ltd., Selfetching Primer (196)
- Mann, Crossman and Paulin," Ltd., District Heating at Pimlico, 153
- Mannion, J. D., Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 697
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., ‘‘ Mastery of Measurement,” (286)
- Marconi International Marine Communications Co., Ltd., Echo-Sounding and Direction Finding Equipment, 44 Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Television Cameras, 39; 200 kW
- Broadcast Transmitter for Oslo (53) ; Television Equipment for Lime Grove Studios (350) ; Mobile Television Outside Broadcast Station for Canada, 632 ; Aircraft Navigational Aids, 702 ; Underwater Television, 764
- Marshall, Sons & Co., Ltd., Challenger ” Diesel Crawler Tractor, 698
- Marskell, W. G., Design of Large Boiler Plant for Using High-ash Coal, 218
- Masonry Resurfacing and Construction . Co., Inc., Repair of Concrete and Timber Piles (842)
- Massey-Harris, Ltd., “ Pony ” Tractor, 58
- Maus, J. M. J., Ltd., 148-ton Self-tipping Railway Wagon, 815
- McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons, Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 756
- McKay, R. F., Obituary (34)
- McLachlan, K. R., Experimental Method of Vibration Analysis, 296
- McLaren, Sir Charles, Retirement (638)
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., "" M ” Marine and Industrial Engines, Suppt., 31.8.51, xvi
- McLeod, R. C., 1,000 kW Allen Gas Turbine,
- McNaught, C. J., Gas Turbine Manual, 661
- Meadows, Rail Traction Diesel Engine, 44
- Megator Pumps and Compressors, Firefighting Pump Set, 326
- Mellanby, A. L., Obituary, 696
- Mensforth, Sir Holbery, Obituary,
- Merz and McLellan, West Ham Power Station, 83
- Metalock (Great Britain), Ltd., Repair Job, 294
- Metalwash Machinery Corporation, Continuous Brass Strip Mill at Waterbury, Connecticut, 209
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Carriage and Wagon Manufacture (134)
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd Temperature Alarm Relay, 13; Turbine Electric Locomotive, District Heating at Pimlico, 55 kV Electron Microscope, Appointments, 289 ; Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405 ; Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 721 ; Universal Crack Detector: Electronic Equipment for Controlled Reel Drive, Suppt., 31.8.51 v
- Metropolitan Water Board, William Girling Reservoir in the Lee Valley, 462 ; Annual Report, 677
- Michigan Tool Co., High-speed Gear Hobbing Machine, 540
- Mid-states Construction Co., Tree Clear- ing Operation at Boysen Dam Reservoir, 374
- Middleton-Smith, C. A., Obituary, 185 Miles, John, and Partners (London), Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- Mills, H. C., Obituary (70)
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 2,270 b.h.p. Diesel engine, 325
- Mochel, N. L., Higher Steam Conditions for Ships’ Machinery, 45
- Modern Designs, Ltd., Potato Planter, 58 Montefiore, George, Prize, 90
- Montreal Locomotive Works, Booster Units, 67
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Power Tilted Furnace, Suppt. 31.8.51 ix
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Merger of Motor Companies, 677
- Mortimer, Frances, Research Engineer in the Iron and Steel Industry, 344
- Mosley, William (Engineers), Ltd., Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Caisson at Uskmouth Power Station, 93
- Mullard, Ltd., An Ultrasonic Soldering Bath, 30
- Mundey, A. H., Obituary, 55
- Munnion, John D., Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 561
- Murad Developments, Ltd., One-inch Capstan Lathe, 161
- Napier, D., and Son, Ltd., “ Nomad ” Composite Engine, 422
- Nassovia-Pittler-Dienst G.m.b.H., “ Pirex ” Turret Lathes, 425
- Nathan, Frank B., Conservatoire
- National Des Arts Et Ateliers, 244
- National Coal Board, Anthracite Project, 95 ; University Scholarships, (478) ; National Plant (710)
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 624 s.h.p. Marine Oil Engine, Suppt. 31.8.51, vii.
- Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., Centenary (842)
- Neill, William, and Sons (St. Helens), Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405 '
- Newman, Charles Percy, Obituary (574)
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Launch of the S.S. “ United States,” 221
- Newton and Co., Ltd., Automatic Loop Diascope, 61
- Nickols, L. W., Design Characteristics of Cross Spring Pivots, 458
- Niedermair, John C., Ship Motions, 80 Nife Batteries, Ltd., Improved Inspection Lamp, 591
- Nock, O. S., Western Region Gas Turbine Locomotive in Service, 40 ; Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 767
- Nordberg Manufacturing Co., Gas Burning Radial Engines (286)
- Normalair, Ltd., Air Conditioning Equipment for Aircraft, 423
- North American Shipping and Trading Co. (London), Ltd., Launch of Steam Tanker “ World Unity,” 481
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Diesel Industrial Locomotives with Hydraulic Transmission, 95; Dieselelectric Shunting Locomotives for Ceylon, 221 ; 4-6-4 Locomotives for the Victorian Railways, 249 (318), North of Scotland Hydro-electric Board, Mobile Showrooni (134) ; Generating Plant at Grudie Bridge Power Station, 191 ; Appointments, 199 ; electric Generating Station at burgh (746)
- Northern Aluminium Co Aluminium Foundry (574)
- Oak Tree Appliances, Ltd., “ Tractor, 734
- Opperman, S. E., , Ltd., Single Worm Reduction Gear, 404
- Osborn, S. E. Obituary (166)
- Ottway, W., and Co., Ltd., 5 in. \"crnier Theodolite, 4
- Owen Falls Construction Co., Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Owen, W. S., Carbide Phase in Iron- carbon-silicon Alloys, 701 ; Crystal Structure of Graphite in Cast Iron, 701
- Parker, C. H., Obituary (818)
- Parker, E. B., Present Day Locomotive Working, 434
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 60 mW Turbo-alternator Cylinder and Shaft: Model of 100 mW Gas-turbo-alternator, Suppt. 31.8.51, xii
- Paton, T. A. L., Hydro-electric Schemes : Modern Trends in Civil Engineering, 206
- Paulin, G. H., “ D.58 ” Class Locomotives for New South Wales Railways, 488, 515
- Pegson, Ltd., Progress ’of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Peile, L. ‘A. B., Boiler and Turbine Testing, 46
- Percival Aircraft, Ltd., ‘‘ Prince ” Passenger Aircraft; P.56 ” Provost ” Training Aircraft, 393
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Six-cylinder Engines, 362 : “ P 3 ” Diesel Conversion Pack for Ferguson Tractors, 762
- Perkins, Lewis, T., Closing of Branch Lines, 498,
- Perry, George, Present-day Locomotive Working, 562
- Pest Control, Ltd., Spraying Equipment, 762
- Petbow, Ltd., Mobile Hospital, 131
- Petrocarbon, Ltd., Special Heat Exchangers, 190 ; Oil Consultant Service (284)
- Petters, Ltd., Diesel-electric Dredger “ M.O.P. 225-C,” 43
- Philback, Ltd., Carbon Black Plant, 537
- Philip, W. Littlejohn, Obituary, 153
- Philips, Anton Frederick, Obituary, 497
- Philips Petroleum Co., Carbon Black Plant, 537
- Player, John, and Sons, Large Sound Equipment Installation (591)
- Pleuger and Co., ‘‘ Active ” Rudder, 444
- Plus-Gas Generator Co., Ltd., Fluid for Loosening Corroded Parts, 362
- Pneumatic Components, Ltd., Quickaction Air-line Coupling, 30
- Polhem, Christopher, Bicentenary, 27
- Poultney, E. C., Compound Locomotives —1901, 662 ; Number 5,000, 732
- Powell Duffryn Carbon Products, Ltd., Carbon and Graphite in the United States, 133
- Powell and Moya, District Heating at Pimlico, 129
- Powell River Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., Modernisation Programme, 68
- Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., Vegetable and Animal Oil Processing Plant (399)
- Power Plant Co., Ltd., Twin Diesel Marine Reduction Gear, 635
- Precision Screw and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Rivet Bushes, 161
- Preston, J. Roger, and Partners, District Heating at Pimlico, 129-
- Prestressed Concrete Corporation, Experimental Prestressed Concrete Bridge in California, 151
- Priest Furnaces, Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- Progress Industriel S.A., High-speed Precision Lathe fitted with Hydraulic Copying Attachment, 425
- Purefoy, J. B., Unit Tooling, Ltd., Standard Testing Units, 292
- Quartermaine, A. S., Railway Civil Engineer Today, 580
- Quasi Arc Co., Ltd., Design of Welds (286) ; Arc Welding Stabiliser 300 ” : Unionmelt Welding “ D.S.” : “ DSF ” Flexible “ melt ” Electrode (542)
- Quickfit and Quartz, Ltd., Glassware for Absorber Column, 38
- Radio Heaters, Ltd., Radio-frequency Induction Heater, 38
- Railway Executive, Radar for British Railways’ Vessels (95) ; Special Wagons for Chemicals (134) ; Railway Training School at Crewe (350) Speed of Trains on Curves (414); Standard . Lineside Signs (542) ; Standard Buildings for British Railways (574) ; Standard Sectional Railway Warehouses (606) ; Speeding Track Maintenance on British Railways, (638) ; Single-phase 50 c/s Electric Traction Trial in the U.K., 641 ; More Diesel Locomotives for British Railways, 834
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., “ Rapier W1400” Walking Dragline, 8; Twenty- cubic-yard Walking Dragline, 548, 595
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Maize Sheller, 57 ; Disc Harrow: “ Hussar ” Disc Plough, 734
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., Two Stage Air Compressor, 360
- Redpath Brown and Co., Ltd., Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Rees, W. P., Tensile and Impact Properties of Iron and Some Iron Alloys of High Purity, 794
- Remington Rand, Ltd., Repair Control System, 94
- Republic Aviation Corporation; Flight Refuelling of Fighter Aircraft, 128
- Reveirs, H. A., Obituary, 369
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., New 33 kV Switching Station at Bideford (382)
- Rhodes, B., and Son, Ltd., Vacuum Safety Valve, 358
- Richards, J. E., Analysis of Ship Vibration Using Basic Functions, 834
- Robb, Henry, Ltd., Twin-screw Motorship “ Cubahama,” 42
- Robb, Henry, Obituary, 243
- Robertson, N. C., Director-General of Electronics Production, 513
- Robertson, T. S., Brittle Fracture of Mild Steel, 278
- Robertson, W. H. A., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 756
- Robinson, F., Teaching Engineering Drawing, 159
- Rockweld, Ltd., Welding Generator Set, 403
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Vertical Spindle Grinding Machine, 161
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., “ Avro Delta 707A,” (134); The “Avro 707B,” (224) ; Graph of Sweepback Versus Aspect Ratio, 341 ;
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Blade Stressing (34) ; Range of Diesel Engines, 98
- Rootes, Ltd., Repair Control System, 94 ; Mobile Workshop, 241
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., Whale Factory Ship “Juan Peron,” 666
- Ross, Donald, and Partners, Ltd., Welding Positioner: Turning Rolls for Welding, Suppt. 31.8.51, ix
- Rotary Hoes, Ltd., Haulm Pulveriser, 59 ; Heavy Duty Rotavator, 762
- Rover Co., 375 b.h.p. Marine Diesel Engine, 601
- Rowland, F. E., Growth of Agricultural Engineering, 495
- Rowson, R. B., Statistical Approach to the Repacement of Street Lamp Bulbs, 726
- Royal Ordnance Factory, Blackburn, 17 Rue, Thomas de la, and Co., Ltd., Exhibition (34)
- Rushton, S. Variation in Electrical Properties of Silicon-iron Transformer Sheet, 725
- Russell Newbery and Co., Ltd., Horizontal Diesel Engine, 358
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Two-cylinder 22| b.h.p. Engine, 60 ; Y.L. Engine : Y.E.M. Engine, 359
- Sag, N., Design of Machine Parts Subjected to Fluctuating Combined Bending and Torsion, 172
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Electro-mechanical Converter Instrument, 14, 739
- Salmon, John, Engineering Co., Ltd., Sugar Beet Harvesting Machinery, 615
- Sandberg, Materials Testing Laboratory, 158
- Sargrove Electronics, Ltd., Photo- electrically-operated Mechanism for the Automatic Sorting of Objects according to Colour Differences, 39
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd., “ Princess ” Flying Boat, 589
- Saunders, S. T., Closing of Branch Lines, 306
- Saunders Valve Co., Ltd., Motorised Spherical Plug Cocks, 423
- Schiess, A. G., Vertical Turret Lathes, 365
- Schiller, K. K., No-load Pneumatic Transients in Air Blast Circuit Breakers, 200
- Schokker, J. C. Arkenbout, Proposed Design of a Combined Research, Training and Cargo Ship, 108
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., Seam-Welding Machine, 403
- Scott, J. G. Shaw, Thirty-sixth International Motor Show, 594
- Scott and Wilson, District Heating at Pimlico, 129
- Scottish Aviation, Ltd., All-metal High- wing “ Pioneer ” Aircraft, 394
- Scottish Region, British Railways, Railway Accident Inquiry Reports, 73 ; Stobcross Railway Collision Report, 713
- Scovill Manufacturing Co., Continuous Brass Strip Mill at Waterbury Connecticut, 179, 209 Self-changing Gear Co., Ltd., 275 b.h.p. Marine Diesel Engine, 601
- Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Vertical Milling Machine, 391
- Semar, H. W., Higher Steam Conditions for Ships’ Machinery, 45
- Semmens, Peter W. B., Present-day Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 306 ; Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 697
- Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., Two-cylinder Industrial Engine, 293
- Sharp Jones and Co., Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Shell Co., of Australia, Proposed Oil Distillation Plant at Geelong, Victoria, 132
- Shell-D’Arcy Petroleum Development Co. of Nigeria, Ltd., Nigerian Oil Well (566)
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Lubricants Plant, 437 ; Film on Grain Drying (606)
- Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., Oil Engine Film (196); Bulk Bitumien Installations (252) ; Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Production (254) ; Self-loading Oilfield Trucks, 313 ; Aircraft Fueller, 474; Aviation Petrol Ingredient (638)
- Shepheard, R. B., Ships’ Structures—A Century of Progress, 23
- Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd., Short SA/4 Jet Bomber, 248, 341
- Sidery, A. J., The Scope for Conservation of Metals, Ferrous and Non-ferrous, 600 \
- Siemen-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Air-operated Projection Welder, 326
- Sigmund Pumps, Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405; Pump Factory, 590
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Works of the Steel Co., of Wales, 554, 620
- Simon Engineering Group, Research and Development Buildings, 1, 97
- Simon Handling Engineers, Ltd., Argentine Grain Elevator, 829
- Sims, R. B., Principals of Continuous Gauge Control in Sheet and Strip Rolling, 567
- Sinclair, Alan, Obituary (638)
- Smith, B. 0., Steel Plate Thickness Meter, 805
- Smith, George G., Obituary, 1.
- Smith, M. G., Present-day- Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 153
- Smith, R. T., Gauge for Measuring Sustained Stresses in Soil, 5,
- Smiths Aircraft Instruments, Ltd., Periscopic Sextant, 776
- Smiths Industrial Instruments, Ltd., Engine Service Counters, 704
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., High-speed Precision Lathe with Hydraulic Copying Attachment, 425
- Soil Mechanics, Ltd., Dredging and Reclamation at Southampton, 759
- S.O.M.U.A., Vertical Milling Machine, 391 H
- Sopwith, D. G., Director of Mechanical Engineering Research, 545
- South African Iron and Steel Corporation, Ltd., “ Iscor ” Vanderbijl Park, 281
- Southcombe, J. E. Obituary
- Southern Region, British Standard 2-6-4 Tank Locomotives, 148 ; Accident at Ford, near Arundel, 169
- Spencer and Halstead, Ltd., Shot Blasting Machine : Dust Collecting Unit, Suppt. 31.8.51, x
- Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., Automatic Steering Control of Ships, 404
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., Rolls-Royce “ Avon ” Engine (224) ; Controlled Heating of the Inlet Manifold, 564
- Standard Oil Development Co., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Standard Steel Co., Ltd., Escalator in the Dome of Discovery, 149
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., “ The Condenser Cone ” 286 ; Radio Frequency Induction Heating Equipment, 403 ; Netherlands-Denmark Submarine Cable Link, 417
- Standard-Vacuum Refinery Co., of South Africa (Pty.) Ltd., Crude Oil Distillation Factory, 132
- Stanhay (Ashford), Ltd., Hydraulic Hoist, adapted for Ditch Clearing, 762
- Stanley, W. F., and Co., Ltd., Plane Table and Telescopic Alidade, 4
- Stansfield, R., Standard-Sunbury Engine Indicator Mark 6,” 215, 246
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Stark, W. H. C., Designers’ Formulae, 339
- Startrite Engineering Co., Ltd., Small Drilling Machine, 686
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Steel Company of Wales, Ltd., Margam and Abbey Steel Works, (34) 73, 113, 554, 583, 649, 690, 721, 756 ,
- Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 756
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., Twin Diesel Marine Reduction Gear, 635
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Twenty-cubic- yard Walking Dragline, 8, 548, 595 ; Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Stone, H. E. N., Production of High- purity Iron and Iron Alloys on a 25 lb. Scale, 794
- Stone, J., and Co. (Charlton), Ltd., Ship Gravity Davits (710) ; Production of Ships. Propellers and Windows, 808
- Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, Continuous Brass Strip Mill at Waterbury, Connecticut, 179
- Street, B. G., Crystal Structure of Graphite in Cast Iron, 701
- Stringer, J., Ingot Heat Conservation, 769
- Stubbs, R. Lewis, World Supply of Nonferrous Metals, 557
- Submarine Cables, Ltd., Netherlands- Denmark Submarine Cable Link, 417
- Sucksmith, W., Magnetic Analysis of Iron-Carbon Allovs, 796
- Sunvic Controls, Ltd., Maximum Demand Regulator, 86
- Sutton, H., The Scope for Conservation of Metals, Ferrous and Non-ferrous, 600
- Swan, A. W., Time Study on Cranes at Rail Bank, Workington, 327 ; Postwar Developments in Operational Research, 812
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Launch of S.S. “ Velletia,” 602
- Switchgear and Equipment, Ltd., New 33 kV Switching Station at Bideford, (382)
- Tangyes, Ltd., 16 in. Axle Lathe, 99
- Tarpen Engineering Co., Ltd., Cleaning and Sealing Joints in Concrete Roads, 408
- Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., Fertiliser Distribution, 20 ; Grader and Earth Scoop, 762
- Tavannes Machines Co., S.A., Single Spindle Automatic, 423
- Taylor and Hubbard, Ltd., Track Laying Cranes, 94
- Taylor Stoker Co., Ltd., Fluid Drive Electric Hoist, 241
- Teddington Controls, Ltd., Components for Electro-Pneumatic/Hydraulic Fuel and Hot-air Systems, 423
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd. Plastic Insulated Telephone Cables in Denmark, 160
- Teles Smith, Ltd., Lightweight Chain Saw, 57
- Tennant, G. H., Co., Cleaning and Sealing Joints in Concrete Roads, 408
- Thames Conservancy Board, Repair of Thames Weirs (102)
- Thomas, G. E., Magnetic Store for Highspeed Digital Computers, 737
- Thomas, Sir Theodore, Obituary,
- Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Aircraft Fueller, 474
- Thompson, W. B., Compound motives, 732 ; End of an Era, 804
- Thorn and Hoddle, Ltd., Tube Cutting Machine, 359
- Thornycroft, John I, and Co., Ltd., Peruvian Gunboats (254) ; (510) ; 275 b.h.p. Marine Diesel Engine, 601 ; 40 b.h.p. Marine Engine: 125 b.h.p. Marine Engine,'Suppt. 31.8.51, xi
- T. I. Aluminium, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Barge Section, 294,
- Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Co., Ltd., Twin Table Shot Blast Machine, Suppt., 31.8.51, vi
- Tipler, H. R., Tensile and Impact Properties of Iron and Some Iron Alloys of High Purity, 794
- Tolhurst, W. T., Obituary (478)
- Tool Treatments (Chemicals), Ltd., Black Coating on Steel Articles (672)
- Towler Brothers (Patents), Ltd., Fire at Hull Locks (224)
- Tractors (London), Ltd., ‘‘ Trusty Steed ” Tractor, 21
- Transplanters (Robot), Ltd., Post Hole Digger, 58; Sugar Beet Harvesting Machinery, 615
- Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., Self-loading Oilfield Trucks, 313
- Traughber Filter Co., Ltd., Froth Flotation Filter, 361
- Treadwell, M. H., Co., Works of the Steel Co., of Wales, 583
- Trent, E. M., Some Factors Affecting Wear on Cemented Carbide Tools, 599
- Trier Brothers, Ltd., Multi-point Greasing Unit, Suppt., 31.8.51, xiii
- Tripp, G. W., Motor Vessel “ Norfolk Ferry,” 155; Recent Isle of Man Steamers, 205 ; French Railways’ Train Ferry M.V. “ Saint Germain,” 331 ; French Cross-channel Ship “ Cote d’Azur,” 450*
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Treatment of Factory Visitors (102)
- Tuplin, W. A. Designers’ Formulae, 145 ; Mechanics Applied in Engineering, 244 ; Assessment of Locomotive Performance, 452, 594 ; “ Britannia ” Locomotive Prowess, 498
- Twose, E. V., Ltd., Steerage Hoe, 58
- Union Castle Co., Steamship ‘‘ Rhodesia Castle,” 735
- United Engineering and Foundry Co., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 690, 756
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Barrow Iron and Steel Works, 194
- Utah Construction Co., Davis Dam Project, U.S.A., 139
- Valentine, Capital Expenditure on Transport, 492
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 2|-litre “ Velox,” 521
- Venables, P. F. R., Technical Education in the United States and Great Britain —Some Comparisons, 233
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Test Pilot Appointments (166) ; Venezuelan Destroyers (166) ; “ Valiant ” Multi Jet Bomber, 341 ; Launch of Steam Tanker “ World Unity,” 481
- Vines, Adolf, Obituary, 767
- Vokes, Ltd., Industrial Air Filter, 505
- Wagner and Co., Plate Perforating Machine, 391
- Waldrich, Adolf, Coburg G.m.b.h., Long Thread Cutting Machine, 390
- Walker, E. W., Obituary (574)
- Warren, Morrison, Ltd., Clip Valves, 131
- Waterbury Farrel Foundry and Machine Co., Continuous Brass Strip Mill at Waterbury, Connecticut, 209
- Watercraft, Ltd., Lifeboat, 43
- Watson, A. E., and Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 756
- Watson, C. G., Form of an Aluminium Alloy Angle for Use as a Strut, 482 Watson, David M., Retirement, 227
- Wauchope, G. A., Design of Large Pumping Installations for Low and Medium Heads, 618
- Webster, George, Retirement, 70
- Weekes, R. W., Water Turbines for Hydro-electric Proejcts, 207
- Weeks, W., and Son, Ltd., Low Volume Sprayer, 762
- Weiler, H., Sample Size for a Quality Control Chart for Proportion De- fCCtlVGS 24:4:
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Boiler Feed Pumps, 362
- Weitz, Jules, Tower Cranes for Building Work, 621
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649, 756
- Welsh, R. J., ‘‘ Gas Turbine Manual,” 594, 661
- Western Region British Railways, Gas Turbine Locomotive in Service, 40; Railway Accident Inquiry Reports, 73 ; Mechanical Vibrator for Laboratory Sieves, 440 ; Blanketing on the Western Region (838)
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Range of Germanium Crystal Rectifiers, 812
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Construction of a Large Gas Turbine, 99 Continuous Brass Strip Mill at Waterbury, Connecticut, 209
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., Westland- Sikorsky “ S51 ” Helicopter, 421
- Whessoe, Ltd., District Heating at Pimlico, 129 ; Oil Refinery at Fawley, 405
- Whiffin, A. C., Gauge for Measuring Sustained Stresses in Soil, 5
- Whitman, J. G., Structural Light-aUoy Riveting with the High-tensile Alloys, 228 ; Structural Light Alloy Riveting, 732
- Wickman, Ltd., Circular Table Milling Automatic, 390
- Widdop, H., and Co., Ltd., Improved Compressed Air System, 315
- Wilkin, G. W., Ltd., Horticultural T?ra/Ctor 20
- Wilks, W. T., Spirit of Brunel, 661
- William Girling Reservoir in the Lee Valley, 462
- Williams, D., Structural Light Alloy Riveting, 529
- Williams, F. C., Magnetic Store High-speed Digital Computers,
- Williams, Ivor, Obituary, 199
- Williamson Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Survey Camera, 4
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- Wincott, G. P., Ltd., Works of the Steel Co. of Wales, 649
- Winget, Ltd., Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Winter, G., Thin-walled, Cold-formed Steel Structures, 474
- Wood, Hugh, and Co., Ltd., Progress of the Owen Falls Hydro-electric Scheme, 828
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., Vertical Double-acting Water-cooled Air Compressors, 360
- Wunsch, H. L., Design Characteristics of Cross Spring Pivots, 458
- Wynn, Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Large Road Trailer, 25
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Progress, 268
- Yorke, R., Experimental Method of Vibration Analysis, 296
- Young, A. S., and Co., Ltd., New Brazing Alloy (271)
- Young, Llewellyn, Control of Boilers Fired by Solid Fuels in Suspension, 687
- Zinovieff, Leo, Obituary (446)
See Also
Sources of Information