1968 Who's Who in the Motor Industry: Persons: Difference between revisions
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* [[Joseph Robert Edwards]] | * [[Joseph Robert Edwards]] | ||
* [[Philip Edwards]] | * [[Philip Edwards]] | ||
* [[William Elliot]] | * [[William Elliot (6)|William Elliot]] | ||
* [[Harold William Elliott]] | * [[Harold William Elliott]] | ||
* [[Ronald Ellis]] | * [[Ronald Ellis]] |
Latest revision as of 15:09, 25 November 2024
Note: This is a sub-section of 1968 Who's Who in the Motor Industry
Index to the persons in this volume. The printed publication contains comprehensive details on each of the names below. Consult the printed version or contact us for advice.
- George Abecassis
- Stanley Ackroyd
- Robert Ashton Adams
- Thomas Norman Addison
- Peter James Agg
- Charles Hanley Ainsworth
- Alexander Stitfall Aitken
- Thomas William Stewart Aitken
- John Harold Alden
- Max Arthur Aldridge
- Ian Allan
- Antony William Allen
- William Gilbert Allen
- Richard Edward Allman
- Lionel Phillips Altman
- John Richard Lane Anderson
- Arthur John Francis Andrews
- Wilfrid Andrews
- Robert Appleby
- William Victor Appleby
- Ronald John Walter Appleton
- Ian Appleyard
- Hugh Wilson Archibald
- William John Argent
- Sydney Henry Ashby
- Geoffrey Ashton
- Roy Atkinson
- Henry Richard Attwood
- William Sinclair Ault
- Allan Avison
- John Kenneth Bache
- Joseph William Bache
- Robert Philip Sidney Bache
- Robert Salter Bache
- Leslie James William Bailey
- Russell Bailey
- Claude Walter Lionel Baily
- Alan Baker
- Charles Bradbeer Baker
- Douglas Millward Ball
- Leslie Mark Ballamy
- Arthur Oliver Ballantyne
- James Ballantyne
- Edgar Henson Peter Bancroft
- John William Edward Banks
- Raymond Lloyd Bannister
- Harry Richard Barber
- William Leonard Barber
- John Donald Barclay
- James Allen Barke
- Wilfred Barnard
- Frederick Stanley Barnes
- James Donald Barnes
- John Oliver Young Barnes
- Ronald Trevor Barnfield
- Angus Barr
- John Barrington Barrett
- Eric Gordon Barwell
- Georges Basiliou
- Rex Bate
- Alan Eric Batt
- William Bradshaw Batty
- Raymond Frederic Baxter
- George Henry Beardall
- Louis Arthur Beare
- Francis Lutyens Beart
- Kenneth Beaton
- Douglas Kevin Randlesome Beattie
- John Frederick Bechtel
- Rudolf Rolf Beck
- Terence Norman Beckett
- Francis Lovat Begg
- George Edward Beharrell
- Stanley Bell
- William George Bell
- Roland Cecil Bellamy
- Michael Alexander Hamilton Bellhouse
- Donald Clifford Tyndall Bennett
- Elsa Bennett
- John Michael Bennett
- Joseph Nevill Bennett
- Nigel Jack Bennett
- Richard Brian Bensted-Smith
- Walter Owen Bentley
- Howard William Beresford
- Oscar Bertoya
- Fred Martin Spencer Best
- John Beswick
- Norman Parris Biggs
- William Gerald Wilberforce Bird
- James Alan Birdsell
- John Charles Ramsay Birney
- David Birrell
- William Rushton Black
- David Cyril Blackburn
- Peter Blair
- Maxey Hungerford Bland
- John Polwhele Blatchley
- John European Blunsden
- Walter Hugh Boardman
- William Charles Boddy
- Peter Bolton
- Basil George Bonallack
- Richard Frank Bonallack
- Edward Samuel Bonser
- Stanley John Boshier
- Frederick Henry Bothamley
- Arthur Brittan Bourne
- Edward Bowker
- Henry Percy Bowler
- John Otley Bowley
- George Ernest Bowser
- Bernard Boxall
- Walter Bertram Boyle
- Godfrey Frank Boys
- John Arthur Brabham
- Cyril Henry Bradbury
- Leonard John Bradbury
- Michael Hilary George Bradstock
- Leslie Frederick Brady
- Albert Braid
- Robert Braid
- Brian Lalor Braithwaite
- James Frank Bramley
- Henry Owen Scott Bridcutt
- Alan Brinton
- Percy Michael Bristow
- Edward William Martin Britain
- John Vincent Brittain
- Eric Harrison Broadley
- John Leslie Brockhouse
- Reginald Vernon Charlesworth Brook
- Charles Antony Standish Brooks
- Alan Everest Brown
- Charles Kenneth Brown
- David Brown
- David Brown
- Michael Brown
- Reginald Ernest Brown
- Robert James Brown
- Thomas Thorp Brown
- Tom Brown
- William Brown
- William John Brown
- Alex Bruce
- Geoffrey Bull
- Wilfred Stanley Bull
- Charles Head Bulmer
- Max Adlophe Bunford
- Harold Burke
- Stanley Burlington
- Stephen France Burman
- Robert James Burn
- William John Burnell
- Arthur James Burton
- Douglas Gordon Burton
- Jack Bushnell
- Rodney Fawcett Butler
- Reginald Tredre Byford
- Laurence Herbert Cade
- Edward Roy Caffyn
- Sydney Morris Caffyn
- Alfred Reginald Callender
- Barrie Campbell
- Reginald James Canham
- John Henry Cansdale
- Basil Cardew
- John Kenneth Stanley Carpenter
- John Carroll
- Alastair Howroyd Carter
- Richard Guy Cave
- David George Cecil
- Keith Challen
- Marcus Mordaunt Bertrand Chambers
- William David Chaplin
- Anthony Colin Bruce Chapman
- Charles Wallace Chapman
- Stanley Frank Chapman (Kennedy)
- Ernest John Bruton Chare
- William Thomas Charles
- Ernest Claude Cecil Charlesworth
- John Ronald Charlesworth
- Michael Alexander Hunter Christie
- Philip Guy Christmas
- George Clancey
- John Lea Claridge
- James Clark
- Frederick Fairhurst Robertson Clarke
- Rodney Eyre Clarke
- Gerard Leslie Makins Clauson
- Frederick Antony Cleminson
- Francis Walter Clibbery
- Charles Lucas Coade
- Robert Cocker
- David Brooke Collett
- Charles Digby Thurstan Collins
- John Vaughan Collins
- William Norman Collins
- George Edward Colson
- Peter Frederick Conlin
- Edward Philip Connolly
- Frederick Ignatius Connolly
- Robert Alexander Barclay Cook
- Roger Gresham Cooke
- Maurice Fletcher Coop
- John Newton Cooper
- John Douglas Copsey
- Sidney John Cordery
- Kenneth Sholl Ferrand Corley
- Alexander James Cormack
- Thomas Corrie
- Francis A. Costin
- Michael Charles Costin
- Herbert Brian Cottee
- Arthur L. Cottis
- Richard Edward Tucker Couch
- William Michael Couper
- Harold Roxbee Cox
- Thomas Anthony Donald Crook
- John Hamilton Cross
- Roland Claude Cross
- Leonard Crossland
- Eric Crow
- Colin William Cudlipp
- Alfred Paton Coleman Cumming
- Graham Cunningham
- Gerard Mervyn Cutler
- Alan Barry Dakers
- Earl Charles Daum
- Alastair Dalzell Davidson
- Charles Patrick Duncan Davidson
- Albert Neal Davies
- Frederick William Davies
- Peter Neville Davies
- Philip Morey Davies
- Sydney Charles Houghton Davis
- William Herbert Davis
- Antony Lawrence Hawkins Dawson
- James Gordon Dawson
- Lewis Henry Dawtrey
- Douglas John Hayward Day
- Basil Guy Pritchard De Mattos
- Russell De Young
- Bernard Hubert Dees
- John Albert Caesar Dennis
- Francis Sydney Derham
- Sidney Bernard Dew
- Alick Sydney Dick
- John Lawrence Dickinson
- Cedric Bernard Dicksee
- Marion Clarence Dietrich
- James Dixon
- Raymond Noel Dorey
- James Alan Dorr
- Russell Doughty
- Edward Douglas-Scott-Montagu
- David William Dove
- Geoffrey Lionel Dove
- George Dowty
- Christopher Drabble
- Arthur Eric Courtney Drake
- Raymond Bryan Draper
- George Brown Dryden
- David Keith Duckworth
- John Frederick Dugdale
- Christopher Frank Dumbell
- Philip Burns Dumbell
- Royston Burns Dumbell
- Alan Simpson Duncan
- Harold George Dunn
- Alfred Fraser Durdin
- Alexander Charles Durie
- Geoffrey Charles Durtnal
- Bernard Patrick Dyer
- Leslie Lewis Dyer
- John William Eaton
- Stuart Eden-Smith
- Stanley Howard Edge
- A. Geoffrey Edwards
- Charles Kearns Edwards
- Courtenay Edwards
- Joseph Robert Edwards
- Philip Edwards
- William Elliot
- Harold William Elliott
- Ronald Ellis
- W. E. Elsey
- James Cary Elwes
- Robert Cary Elwes
- Albert Sydney Enever
- Frank Raymond Wilton England
- Reginald James Evans
- Harold Ivan Frederick Evernden
- Edward Pailthorp Eves
- George Henry Eyles
- David Leslie Fairley
- John Eric George Fairman
- Lovedin George Thomas Farmer
- Arnold Farrar
- Bernard Russell Farrow
- Leslie William Farrow
- Vernon Hilton Farthing
- Denis Gerald Flather
- John Bryan Fenton
- William Charles Fenton
- Harry Fergusson Fergusson-Wood
- John James Field
- John Harold Hugh Fielder
- James Hamilton MacCraith Fisher
- Alec Francis Rivers Fletcher
- John Antony Fletcher
- Hugo Wilfred Marlay Fleury
- Daniel John Flunder
- Edwin Peter Foden
- James Edwin Foden
- Reginald Gordon Foden
- Timothy Foden
- Albert Fogg
- Arthur Derham Fogg
- Cecil Vernon Ford
- Eric Harold Ford
- Henry Ford II
- Cecil Buchanan Forster
- Dennis Foster
- Charles Fothergill
- Philip Fotheringham-Parker
- Edwin Roland Fox
- Harold Murray Hanson Fox
- Dennis Vincent Wilson Francis
- Kenneth D. Fraser
- Victor Leslie Freeman
- Alfred Leo Winternitz Fritz
- Henry Harvey Frost
- Frederick Charles Gatcombe Fry
- John S. Fry
- Robert Anthony Fryars
- Arthur Biddulph Fuller
- Leonard Arthur Colston Fuller
- Louis Francois Joseph Garbe
- Peter Garnier
- Thomas Kenneth Garrett
- Frank George Gates
- Sylvester Gates
- Graham Gauld
- Bernard Anthony Gay
- Anthony Reay Mackay Geddes
- John David Wright Gent
- Frederick Roberts Gerard
- William Richard German
- Geoffrey Cokayne Gibbs
- William Ernest Gibbs
- Eric Malcolm Gibbs
- John Eason Gibson
- John George Giles
- William Tait Gill
- Ian Maclaren Gillett
- John Rodney Glanfield
- Stanley Thomas Glanfield
- Robert Glenton
- Archibald Leslie Goate
- Arthur Percy Goddard
- Howard Godfrey
- Henry John Goldsmith
- Mac Goldsmith
- Montague Henry Good
- Albert Arthur Goode
- Christopher James Goode
- Frederick Ronald Gordon
- Frederick Charles Gordon-Lennox
- Ralph Gordon-Smith
- John Aidan Hastings Gott
- Gregor James Grant
- Reading Thomas Grantham
- Thomas Stanley Gratrix
- Harold John Graves
- James Julian Griff Graydon
- Frederick Lewin Green
- Jack Green
- James Nelson Green
- Patrick Ernest John Greenhous
- Cyril Gregory
- Kenneth Albert Gregory
- Patrick G. M. Gregory
- Robert William Grice
- John Crandon Gridley
- Cyril Cobham Griffith
- Patrick Waldron Cobham Griffith
- Morley Aytoun Griffith-Jones
- Arthur Gwyn Griffiths
- William Dennis Grove
- Shadwell Harry Grylls
- Sydney Slater Guy
- Walter Hackett
- Richard Walker Haddon
- Desmond Thomas Ballantyne Hall
- John Keith Hall
- Allan Anderson Halley
- George Hally
- John Philip Halpin
- James Duncan Hamilton
- Charles Patrick Hamilton-Adams
- Derek Leonard Hammerton
- Eric Walter Hardiman
- Clifford George Athelstan Harding
- Andrew Norman Harley
- Tony Walter Harman
- Peter Harper
- Robert Owen Harper
- George William Harriman
- Gordon Henry Harrington
- Frederic Walter Harris
- Francis Albert James Harrison
- John Harrison
- Walter Norman Hart
- William Hethorn Hartley
- John Herbert Edward Haslett
- Walter Hassan
- Harold Charles Hastings
- Alan Ernest Havard
- Richard Walter Benson Hawksley
- Walter Hayes
- Irvin Haylock
- Samuel Arthur Charles Haynes
- Denis Hays
- Quinton Hazell
- Donald Mitchell Healey
- Geoffrey Carroll Healey
- Barrie Heath
- David Leroy Hegland
- Anthony John Hemelik
- Roy Hencher
- Berkeley Stephens Hender
- Herbert Gerald Henly
- Patrick Hennessy
- Desmond Harrington Henri
- George Anthony Hepworth
- George Collin Hepworth
- Jack Lyndhurst Hepworth
- Lionel Francis Herbert
- Leslie Hewson
- William Munger Heynes
- Harry Bardsley Heywood
- Frank Allison Hibberd
- Peter Beardsley Higgins
- Haydn Henley Higginson
- Frank Edward Higham
- Alan Charles Hill
- Claude Hill
- Graham Hill
- Harold Taylor Hill
- Herbert Edward Hill
- Trevor Leslie Hill
- Harley Hirst Shuttleworth Hillier
- Frederick Taylor Hinkley
- Ronald John Hoare
- Dudley Edwin Hobbs
- Howard Frederick Hobbs
- Alfred John Cecil Hodges
- Roger Patrick Hodgkinson
- David Hodkin
- Charles Anthony Holditch
- Denis Holmes
- Eric Holt
- Jesse Harry Hooper
- Richard Robert Hopkins
- Cyril Horton
- George Russell Howell
- Jack Foster Wyndham Howes
- Alan Hudson Davies
- Norman John Hulbert
- Denis Clive Hulme
- Keith Ramsey Hunt
- Ralph Deacon Hunt
- Robert Stuart Hunter
- Thomas Hunter
- Charles Fleetwood Hurlock
- William Derek Hurlock
- Francis James Hurn
- Thomas Edward Hutton
- Graham John Ibbitson
- Geoffrey Norman Iley
- Robert Norman Ingram
- Alfred Leslie Ireland
- Robert McGregor Innes Ireland
- Alexander Arnold Issigonis
- Bernard George Lovell Jackman
- Alfred Mann Jackson
- Harold Ernest Jackson
- Peter Michael Hall James
- Charles Sidney Jarrett
- Cecil Thomas Jay
- Harold Jeffery
- Neville Stanley Graham Jeffery
- Paul Kerr Jennens
- Derek Bradford Jennings
- Richard Edward Christopher Jennings
- John Edgar Vincent Jobson
- Edward Johnson
- Malcolm Edward Johnson
- Arthur George Jones
- Harold Geoffrey Jones
- Lancelot William Joynson-Hicks
- Gordon Mackenzie Junner
- Thomas Josef Derrick Paul Karen
- George William Kelland
- Arthur Frederick Kelley
- Michael Ward Kendall
- David Berkeley Kenning
- George Kenning
- William Scott Kerr
- Hugh Kenyon Molesworth Kindersley
- Christopher Dixon Kingham
- John Reginald Kinsey
- Peter Robin Kirwan-Taylor
- Charles Frederick Klapper
- Louis Klemantaski
- Frederick William Knight
- Richard Thomas Knowles
- James Anthony Kyd
- David Ritchie Lamb
- Douglas Gerald Lamb
- Leslie James Lambourne
- Alan Salisbury Lamburn
- George Herbert Lanchester
- Thomas Edward Gordon Lang
- Gerald David Lascelles
- Geoffrey Lloyd Lawrence
- Charles Lawrie
- John Maunder Lawry
- Thomas Alec Edwin Layborn
- Douglas Sims Leese
- James Renfrew Leitch
- Norman Alexander Leslie
- Leslie Leston
- Donald Arthur William Lewis
- Michael Hicks Lofthouse Lewis
- Sidney William Lewis
- Godfrey Edward Liardet
- Bernard Henry Liggins
- Harry Wilfrid Light
- William Arthur Lightowler
- Frank Mould Lincoln
- William Henry Lindsey
- Harold Sydney Linfield
- Brian Horace Lister
- David Pitcairn Little
- Ronald E. W. Little
- Frederick John Lloyd
- Frederick John Lock
- Lorrie Norfrey Lombard
- Eric Sydney Lord
- Phil Prince Love
- John Lowe
- Kenneth Lowe
- Lawrence Lowenthal
- Joseph Lowrey
- Ronald Jasper Lucas
- Brian Anthony Luff
- John Lumley-Robinson
- Royston Charles Lunn
- John Leslie Lutyens
- William Lyons
- Alexander Craig Macdonald
- Walter Lawrie Macharg
- Basil Mackenzie
- Hugh Black Mackenzie
- Barry Lewis Mackie
- Donald Maxwell Mackintosh
- Ian Gray Macknight
- Evelyn William Madge
- Fred Ernest Maer
- Garth John Loxley Magraw
- Edwin Thomas Malindine
- Jack Hildred Mallinson
- Philip Graham Warner Manning
- Arthur Marenbon
- Reginald Ingram Marians
- Edwin Candish Marsden
- Anthony Ernest Marsh
- Frederick Bowyer Marsh
- Jeremy George Weston Marsh
- Roy Marsh
- Arthur Gregory George Marshall
- Cyril Arthur Joseph Martin
- William Martin-Hurst
- Hugh Evelyn Martin-Leake
- Robert Baker Massey
- James Thomson Masterton
- Bert Matthews
- Paul N. Matton
- Ralph May
- Raymond Mays
- Kevin Charles McCarthy
- Frederick Wilson Henry McComb
- Duncan Ronald McDonald
- William McDonald
- Edward McGregor
- John David McGregor
- George McGregor-Craig
- John Stewart McKerchar
- Bruce Leslie McLaren
- William McMaster
- Douglas Fenn Wyndham McNair
- Alfred Kenneth Meggitt
- Charles George Meisl
- David Logan Melvin
- David Michie
- James Glen Millar
- Cecil Robert Millbourn
- Dennis Eustace Allen Miller-Williams
- Alfred Charles Lyndon Mills
- Thomas Hughes Millward
- Norman John Milne
- Christopher Francis Milner
- Paul Crofton Mindelsohn
- Irving J. Minett
- Frederick Mitchell
- Reginald Ernest Mitchell
- Richard Oliver Mobbs
- George Cosmo Monkhouse
- John Frederick Moon
- Arthur Robert Moore
- Geoffrey Ernest Moore
- John Richard Moore
- Leslie Reginald Moore
- William Moore
- Brian Morgan
- Jane Doreen Morgan
- Peter Henry Geoffrey Morgan
- Arnold Morris
- William McKenzie Morrison
- Alfred Thomas Moseley
- Pat Moss
- Stirling Moss
- Mark Mothio
- Peter Yolland Moyse
- Ronald Mumford
- Harry Mundy
- Sidney George Mundy
- Angus Fraser Murray
- David Hugh Murray
- Frederick Reginald Murray
- Leonard James Murray
- Leslie Ethelbert Ruthven Murray
- George Edgar Neville
- Richard Reginald Newitt
- Robert Franklin Newman
- Samuel Herbert Newsome
- P. G. H. Newton
- John Aubrey James Nicholas
- Arthur Victor Nicholls
- Maurice G. Nix
- St. John Cousins Nixon
- Dudley Henry Noble
- Harold Frederick Louis Nockolds
- Charles Edward Noel-Storr
- Graham Alexander Norris
- John Octavius Harold Norris
- Brian Darbyshire Norris
- Eric George North
- John Edwin Lavallin Nugent
- Bramwell William Henry Nurse
- Stephen O'Flaherty
- Austin Martin O'Malley
- E. Alan Oakley
- John Lionel Eardley Ogier
- John Augustus Oriel
- Kenneth A. Osborne
- Victor William Ourbridge
- Alfred George Beech Owen
- Brian Owen
- Leonard George Oxford
- Gerald Marley Palmer
- John Tennant Panks
- Cornelius Donald Parish
- Frank Arthur Parker
- Reginald Charles Parker
- Sydney Macdonald Parker
- Francis Patrick Parkes
- John Joseph Parkes
- Frank Gordon Parnell
- Edward Victor Paterson
- John Paterson
- William Richard Paulson
- Herbert George Payne
- Roy Charles Payne
- Kenneth Swift Peacock
- Harald Peake
- Gordon Frederick Peall
- Arthur Francis Pearson
- Denning Pearson
- Eric William Pedlow
- Trevor Edward Peppercorn
- James Percival
- Ronald Albert Perham
- Thomas Hugh Richard Perkins
- Percival George Perry
- Gordon Neville Peters
- Hugh Charles Robert Peters
- Christopher John Peyton
- John Stanley Pickard
- Reginald Sutherland Pilch
- Bernard Frederick Pindar
- John Hereward Pitchford
- Sidney Pizzey
- Maurice Platt
- Edward Ronald Pochin
- Jack Horace Pogmore
- Thomas Alfred Ferguson Pollard
- Alan Francis Leslie Pollitt
- Leonard Victor Poole
- Harold Edward Pope
- Olav Poppe
- Robert Johnstone Porter
- Derek Royston Portman
- Cyril Posthumus
- Edward Powell
- John Charles Henry Pratt
- Howard Noel Priaulx
- Montague Illtyd Prichard
- Ronald Priestley
- A. R. Pritchard-Davies
- Cyril George Francis Pritchett
- John Richard Privett
- Anthony Procter
- Oscar Adrian Proctor
- Ronald Alan Proctor
- Stephen Kenneth Proctor
- John Edward Alexander Prynn
- G.M.F. Puckert-Money
- Ralph Cecil Pulley
- Norman Radford
- Harcourt Neale Raine
- N. John B. Ramond
- William Rastall
- Alan John Rayment
- Peter Johnson Redfern
- Samuel Thomas Rees
- Harry Clayton Reeve
- John Marsden Reeve
- Kenneth Claude Revis
- Anthony Arthur Reynolds
- Harry Ralph Ricardo
- J. Douglas Richards
- Norman Riddihough
- Guy Alfred Rider
- Mortimer Hulme Rigby
- Ann Marie Riley
- Reginald Rippon
- Brian G. Robbins
- John Hutcheson Robertson
- James Eustace Robinson
- Ward Eric Arthur Robinson
- Herbert Ernest Robson
- Stephen Smith Robson
- Anthony Peter Roylance Rolt
- Benjamin William Thomas Rood
- Brian Gordon Rootes
- Timothy David Rootes
- William Geoffrey Rootes
- Geoffrey William Rose
- George Donald Cliff Rose
- Ernest Albert Rose
- Alexander Yorke Ross
- Edwin Denis Rowlands
- David Munro Rowse
- Arthur Alexander Rubbra
- Anthony Cyril Rudd
- Edward Hastings Rundle
- Robert Ernest Rushbrook
- Jim Russell
- Robert Campbell Russell
- Henry Colin Ryan
- John Ryley
- Philip Haynes Ryley
- Anthony A. Salmon
- Roy Francesco Salvadori
- Fabian Pio Samengo-Turner
- Paul William Samengo-Turner
- William Louis Samengo-Turner
- James Brunton Samson
- John Young Sangster
- Thomas Alfred Sangster
- Geoffrey Baldwin Sankey
- Harold William Sansum
- Jeffrey Martyn Sass
- Charles Edward Harry Saunders
- Gordon Waldron Saunders
- Desmond James Scannell
- Kenneth John Scarle
- Bernard Francis William Scott
- Ernest James Scott
- Francis Walter John Scott
- Thomas Henry Scott
- Robert Acton Scruton
- Stuart Paul Seager
- Michael Carl Sedgwick
- Leslie Harold Sewell
- Ronald Louis Sewell
- William Leonard Sharp
- Frank Shaw
- Hartley William Shawcross
- Brian Shepherd
- Ernest Sherratt
- Joseph William Shirley
- Christopher Shorrock
- Lester Bradley Simms
- Keith Herbert Joseph Sinnott
- Eric Wilson Sisman
- Charles Edward Wilson Sleigh
- S. Gordon Sloan
- Walter William Small
- Raymond Jack Smart
- Alexander Rowland Smith
- Alfred Bernard Smith
- Arthur James Smith
- Douglas Smith
- Douglas Smith
- Frederick George Smith
- Frederick Llewellyn Smith
- Hugh Stowell Smith
- James Millar Smith
- John Lindsay Eric Smith
- Maurice Armstrong Smith
- Ralph James Dalziel Smith
- Ralph Norman Smith
- William Henry Smith
- Robert Charles Snook
- Thomas William Snowdon
- John Reginald Southgate
- David John Sparshatt
- Gordon Clifford Sparshatt
- John Henry Sparshatt
- Peter Spear
- John Flower Speed
- Frederick Elliot Vickery Spencer
- John Spiers
- John Edward Standen
- Richard Mark Gordon Stanford
- Alan Rudolph Starkey
- Hubert Granville Starley
- Edward Brian Stead
- Richard John Stephens
- Andrew King Stevenson
- Donald Stewart
- Foster M. Stewart
- Donald Gresham Stokes
- John Robert Storar
- Robin Andrew Stormonth-Darling
- R. D. Storti
- Whitney Willard Straight
- Albert Stubbs
- Richard Henry Stubington
- Henry Studdy
- Arthur Leonard Sunderland
- John Surtees
- Geoffrey Scott Sutcliffe
- Robert Gordon Sutherland
- Percy Fritz Swain
- John Frederick Swanborough
- Andrew Clifford Swindle
- Francis Bertram Tanner
- Arthur Donald Tapley
- Frank Henry Tarlton
- James William Tayler
- Christine Rosamond Taylor
- Cyril Frederick Taylor
- John Walter Taylor
- David Ernest Terry
- Hugh Philip Terry
- Norman Victor Terry
- Hugh Charles Tett
- Gerald Evan Thomas
- Thomas J. Thomas
- William Miles Webster Thomas
- Christopher Ronald Thompson
- Eric Thompson
- Raymond Frederick Thompson
- David Thomson
- Ivor John Thorne
- John William Yates Thornley
- James Thorpe
- Arthur William Thurstans
- Henry Frederic Tiarks
- Thomas William Tillson
- Frederick George Timmins
- Eric Vandeleur Tipper
- Leslie John Tolley
- Reginald Ellis Tongue
- Alfred Towle
- John C. Townsend
- Alfred Alan Townsin
- Leonard Trigg
- Michael John Trodd
- George Charles Tuck
- Harold Edwin Tudor
- William Scarth Carlisle Tully
- George Henry Turnbull
- Edward Turner
- Eric Turner
- Frederick Brian Turner
- George Alfred Turner
- George Wilfred Turner
- Philip Arthur Turner
- Edwin Twemlow
- Arthur Tyldesley
- Sidney Arthur Wale
- Johnny Walker
- Robert Ramsay Campbell Walker
- Robert William Walker
- Sydney Walker
- Thomas Eades Walker
- Rodney Lewis de Burgh Walkerley
- Sydney George Brian Wallace
- Frank Victor Waller
- Claude Edgar Wallis
- Thomas Percy Walmsley
- Frank Walters
- Charles William Ward
- Arthur Bertram Waring
- Daniel Hateley Warren
- Louis Bancel Warren
- William Kenneth Wasdell
- Eustace Richard Steer Watkins
- Martyn Bourne Watkins
- Geoffrey Roy Watson
- James Arnold Valerien Watson
- Percy Luing Watson
- Reginald Watson Lee
- Laurence Derek Watts
- John Harold Weaving
- Arnold Trevor Webster
- Henry George Webster
- Henry James Cyril Weighell
- Richard H. Weist
- Gordon Weston
- Sydney James Wheeler
- Jack Walter Whimpenny
- Reginald John Charlesworth Whitaker
- Alfred George White
- Edward Stratton White
- George White
- George Victor White
- Gerald Richard White
- Herbert Richard White
- Raymond Hunstone Whitehouse
- William Meredith Whiteman
- Arthur Whittaker
- Alfred Ernest Whittit
- Lewis Gilmour Whyte
- David Wickins
- John Frederick Wickins
- Raymond Warrington Wiggin
- Douglas Milton Wiggins
- Anthony Joseph Paul Wilding
- Basil Ashby Wilford
- Gordon Wilkins
- Peter Michael Wilks
- Spencer Bernau Wilks
- Anthony Cyril Williams
- John Arthur Charles Williams
- Richard Clwyd Williams
- Francis Benedict Willmott
- Harry Vaughan Willshaw
- Peter Sumner Wilson
- Thomas Gordon Wilson
- Thomas Henry Wisdom
- John Granvill Withers
- Colin Preston Witter
- Eric Woodbridge
- Arthur John Woolcott
- Kenneth Edgar Woollatt
- Fred Simon Worms
- Alan Wharton Wright
- Joseph Wright
- Joseph Henry Wright
- Ronald Wrigley
See Also
Sources of Information