1900-1901 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Automotor Journal
See also
Vol 05. Oct 1900 to Sep 1901
- Abeille carburettor, 338.
- Abingdon Works Co., 99.
- Accles (Ld.), 102.
- Accumulators—
- - Becker, 61.
- - Cohrens, 216.
- - Commelinand Viaud, 62.
- - Edison, 366, 394, 418, 465, 493, 558. E. P. S., 216.
- - Faure-Sellon-Volckmar, 216.
- - Fulmen, 63.
- - Hazen, 216.
- - Heinz, 62.
- - International, 224.
- - Joel, 34, 258, 270, 308, 392.
- - jungner, 143.
- - Kayser, 216.
- - Lee-Coll, 75, I 1 2.
- - Leitner, 74, 470, 479.
- - Lindstrom, 72.
- - Majert, 6o.
- - National (see Joel).
- - Omega, 61.
- - Peto and Radford's, 596.
- - Plante, 323.
- - Pollak, 62.
- - Rosenthal (see Joel).
- - Sellon-Volckmar, 63, 216.
- - Societe du Nord, 61.
- - Still, 261.
- - Tudor, 59.
- - Van Raden, 127.
- - Wuste and Rupprecht, 64.
- - Zinc, 185.
- Accumulators, The manufacture of, 191, 216, 283, 302, 340.
- Accumulator trials, 289.
- Aeroplanes, 136.
- Aigle system, 255.
- Air-ships, 197, 271, 515, 535, 59r.
- Agricultural oil engines and automobilism, 491.
- Albion Co.'s system, 575, 576.
- Alcohol as a fuel, 72, 80, 173, 353, 508.
- Alcohol carburettor, 478.
- Alcohol-propelled vehicles, 71, 72, 173, 353, 508.
- Allday's and Onions' Pneumatic Engineering Co., 143.
- Aluminothermie, 29, 470.
- American Electric Vehicle Co. 19.
- - Vehicles, 168, 170.
- - progress, 302, 310, 471, 516.
- Society of Mechanical Engineers, 182.
- Answers to correspondents, 25, 77, 133, 185, 233, 279, 333, 391, 443, 491, 535, 579.
- Apple igniter, 271, 315.
- Ardent system, 13.
- Argyll voiturette, 121, 565.
- Ariel system, 321.
- Arrol Johnston system, 569, 570, 571, 577.
- Audibert and Lavirotte system, 5.
- Auge, D., 6.
- Austin, H., on transmission gearing, 382.
- Automobile Association (Ld.), 203.
- Automobile Club of France trials, 80, 134.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland.—
- - Alcohol for motors, 228, 400.
- - Anniversary dinner, 92.
- - Anniversary tour, 43, 89.
- - Annual meeting, 293.
- - Autumn tour, 43.
- - "Big event" of 1901, 84, 141, 194, 230, 399, 492, 494, 542, 557, 559-577, 579, 594, 595.
- - Brakes, 342.
- - Bridge tolls, 42.
- - Challenge cups, 87.
- - Christmas tour, 141.
- - Competition rules, 293.
- - Consumption trials, 406.
- - County Councils' opposition, 187, 221, 289, 331, 341, 401, 458, 459, 504.
- - Cycle race, 342, 505, 533.
- - binners, 92, 344.
- - Edmunds, H. (paper), 344.
- - Electrical vehicle trials, 42, 74, 131, 238.
- - Exhibitions, 330, 365, 367, 456, 505, 544.
- - Glasgow Exhibition, 231, 399, 456. 35 Trials (see " Big Event ").
- - Gordon-Bennett Cup, 85, 136, 194, 228, 342, 400, 447, 544.
- - Hill-climbing and consumption trials, 406, 506.
- - Hundred miles trials, 87, 142, 343, 5o6.
- - Irish A.C., 229, 347.
- - Irish tour, 23o, 400, 545.
- - Johnson testimonial, 86.
- - Lincolnshire A.C., 229, 348.
- - Manufacturers' memorial, 331.
- - Midland A.C., 230, 347.
- - Motor Union, 294, 402, 506, 545.
- - Vehicle Users' Defence Association, 294, 348.
- - Non-stop diplomas, 81, 142.
- - Numbering vehicles, 88, 134, 289.
- - Outhwaite, R., 194.
- - Petroleum spirit trial, 348.
- - Programme, 341.
- - Public service motor cars, 194.
- - Racing, 505, 506, 533, 543.
- - Repairing firms, 42.
- - Scottish A.C., 229, 294, 505.
- - Southsea run, 43, 89.
- - Speed limit, 88, 134, 289.
- - Tare limit, 85, 341.
- - Thousand miles trial (I 900), S.
- - Tours, 42, 343-
- - Tyres, 342, 401.
- - United Kingdom Cup, 194, 228.
- - corps, 227, 294, 342, 401, 505.
- - Week-end runs, 227.
- - Yorkshire A.C., 294.
- Automobile Co. of America; 582.
- Automobile Manufacturing Co., 87, 107, 123, 241, 596.
- Automobiles (electric) as a source of revenue for central stations, 251.
- " Automobiles electriques " (review), 51o.
- AUTOMOTOR portrait gallery, THE, 29.
- - Mayhew, M., 29.
- Axles, 434.
- Baines motor bicycle, 215.
- Balfour, Mr., and automobilism, 257, 281.
- Ball bearings, big wheels, and other matters, 220, 257.
- Balloons, navigable, 83, 103, 136, 197, 217.
- Banker motor bicycle, 214.
- Banki motor, 67, 78, 105, 189, 192.
- Bankruptcy Court—
- - Accles, Ld., 102.
- - Baker, C. N., 145.
- - Beckett, H. E., 206.
- - Browne, E. W., 359.
- - Crowder's accumulator, 359, 414.
- - Manning and Son, 359.
- - Pennington and Baines, 295.
- Bardon system, 8, 569, 571.
- Beaumont, W. W., 103.
- Becker accumulator, 61.
- Bellan and Camus carburettor, 54.
- Benz system. 383.
- Berlin electromobile trials, 166.
- - Kersey, W. C., re person in charge, 206, 415.
- Bethel, Major, on motor field batteries, 361.
- Bethlehem steel, 28.
- B. G. S. system, 17, 74.
- Bicycles, 49-54, 209, 234, 591.
- "Big Event" of 1901 (see Automobile Club).
- Blackpool Motor Car Co., 145.
- Blake system, 371, 477.
- Blant system, Le, 80.
- Bluhm and Baur bicycle, 52.
- Boiler inspection, 258.
- Boulevard bicycle, 52.
- Boundary question, A, 235.
- Brakes, 342, 346, 379, 422, 577.
- Brampton Bros., mo.
- Brierre system, 15.
- British and Colonial Motor Co., 87, 251.
- British and Foreign Electric Vehicle Co., 203, 455, 470, 479, 513, 528.
- British Motor Syndicate v. P,Im Taylor and Sons, 102.
- British Motor Traction Co. v. Friswell and Automobile Palace, 102, 25o, 545.
- British Motor Traction Co. v. Vaughan, Sherrin, 410, 443.
- British Motor Traction Co. (sec also Law Reports), 43, 102, 250, 251, 295, 410, 443, 545, 549.
- Britishracing (see Racing).
- Britishtrade and foreign competition, 188, 237.
- Brouhout system, 7.
- Buchet 247.
- Burgess (Ld.), W. H. M., 123.
- Business notes, 41, 103, 206, 341.
- Butler's carburettor, 539.
- Caledonian Motor Car Co., mo.
- Calorific value of oils, The, 558.
- Capitaine carburettor, 338.
- Canello-Durkopp, 176.
- Carburettors—
- - Abeille, 337.
- - Banki, 68.
- - Bellan and Camus, 54.
- - Blake, 371.
- - Butler's, 539.
- - Capitaine, 338.
- - De Dietrich, 4.
- - Deutz, 33g.
- - Groves, 339.
- - Huzelstein, 337.
- - Lepape, 248.
- - Longuemare, 338, 478.
- - Lufbery, 265.
- - Maybach, 258, 365, 410, 536, 545.
- - Merritt's, 339.
- - New's, 339. 51 443, 463, 514,
- - Phillips' 337.
- - Richard, G., 167.
- - Sales and Braly, 337.
- - Sanson, 481.
- - Star, 370.
- - Torbensen, 23.
- - Wilkinson's, 538.
- Carmont's system, 308.
- Catalogues, 241.
- Centaure bicycle, 5o.
- Centenari bicycle, 49.
- Century tandem, 568.
- Chaboche steam system, 56.
- Chains, 345.
- Challenge cups, 87.
- Champion clutch, 376.
- Change-speed gear (see Speed-gear).
- Chapelle and Chevallier bicycle, 52.
- Chart, power, 73.
- Chicago Exhibition, 41.
- City and Suburban Electric Vehicle Co., 376, 448.
- Clark steam system, 472.
- Clark's motor attachment, 54.
- Clarkson's burner, 514.
- Clement Co. system (see Gladiator).
- Cleveland Machine Screw Co., 19, 267.
- Clipper Pneumatic Tyre Co., 143, 202, 339.
- Clutches, 7, 9, 14, 22, 124, 140, 169, 345, 368, 376, 379, 381.
- Colardeau, P., on high-speed engine theory, 273, 305.
- Collin-Dufresne igniter, 23.
- Columbia Electric Vehicle Co., 19, 253, 323.
- Commelin and Viaud accumulator, 62.
- Compact bicycle, 52.
- Companies registered (see also "The Automotor Pocket Book "), 44, 99, 144, 204, 25o, 295, 358, 409, 462, 5C9, 552, 596.
- Company matters, 43, 99, 143, 201, 249, 356, 409, 461, 508, 551, 596.
- Compensating gear, by " Precursor," 245, 274.
- Complimentary but hardly cricket, 470.
- Compressed air, 276, 327, 600.
- Compressed air cars, 58.
- Compression cock, 319.
- Consolidated Engineering Co. clutch, 376.
- Constantin bicycle, 52.
- Consumption (fuel) trials, 71, 72, 81.
- Contact breaker, 248, 596.
- Cooling arrangement, 555, 597,
- Cooling of cylinders, by Prof. Hele-Shaw, 597.
- Cornu system, 247.
- Correspondence, 156, 207, 297, 415, 463, 510, 552, 597.
- Corre system, So.
- Coulthard system, 43o.
- County Councils and motor cars (see also A.G.G.B.I.), 504.
- Creanche system, 1(.
- Crossley and Atkinson igniter, 271.
- Crowan system, 2, 22.
- Crowden's system, 487.
- C. T. C. and roads, 28.
- Cuenod's brake, 379,
- Cunningham steam system, 312.
- Cupron element, 302, 322, 418, 463.
- Cycle Components Manufacturing Co., 143.
- Cyclope system, 7.
- Daimler Motor Co., 87, 118, 201, 218, 251, 356, 358, 373, 409, 568, 571, 575, 577.
- Darracq system, 10, 124.
- Dawson system, 318, 481, 577.
- Decauville system, 13, 120, 565.
- De Dietrich system, 3, 4, 17, 8o, 385.
- De Dion system, 8o, 379, 386, 412, 506, 568.
- Delia bicycle, 53.
- Delivery vans, 40.
- Demon water motor, 55.
- Deschamp igniter, 248.
- Deutz carburettor, 338.
- Diameter of wheels, &c., 303, 325.
- Dictionary of technical terms, 116.
- Diesel and Banki, 7S.
- Diesel engine, 65, 78, 301, 306.
- Dogs and motor cars, 341.
- Doings of companies (see Company matters).
- Ducommun bicycle, 49.
- Dufaux's bicycle motor, 54.
- Dunlop Co., 281, 358, 577.
- Dupont gear, 368.
- Eadie Manufacturing Co., 202.
- Edinburgh Autocar Co., 202, 409.
- Edison accumulator, 366, 394, 493, 558.
- Edmunds, H., on motor experiences, 344.
- Egerton, H., 591.
- Electric accumulators (see Accumulators).
- Electrical World, 17o.
- Electric charging arrangements, 543.
- Electrical Engineer and THE AUTOMOTOR, 365, 392.
- Electric clutch, 22.
- Electric ignition (see Ignition).
- Electric Motive Power Co., 74, 139.
- Electric motor car problem, 177.
- Electric Propulsion (Ld.), 551.
- Electric Street Car Manufacturing Syndicate, 99.
- Electric trams v. motor cars, 28.
- Electric vehicle trials, 42, 74, 131, 166, 238, 28o, 453, 455, 470, 575.
- Electromobiles, 17, 31-35, 70, 72, 74, 131, 166, 168, 170, 177, 238, 246, 251, 261, 267, 272, 376, 448, 453, 455, 470, 510, 513, 528, 575.
- Elementary education, 558.
- Empire of the air, Th, 535.
- Enfield voiturette, 571.
- English Motor Club, 225, 46o, 507.
- E. P. S. Co., 19, 203, 216, 508, 551.
- Equevilley's exhaust valve, 481.
- Esperance motor, 321.
- Excelsior system, 15.
- Exhibitions—Paris (see Paris Exhibition). 1-21, 41, 56-64, 118, 130, 244-248, 249, 330, 367, 456, 505, 544.
- Faure-Sellon-Volckmar accumulator, 216.
- Fernandez system, 80.
- Fire engines—motor, 246, 296, 487, 512.
- Fireproof wood, 305.
- Fires, 552.
- Firth-Staplee, 317.
- Fliess, R.A., on electromobiles, 170.
- Flying machines, 197, 271, 515, 535.
- Foreign notes, 39, 96, 128, 199, 242, 286, 351, 396, 452, 501, 531, 590.
- Foreign racing (see Racing).
- Forestier, G., on heavy motor traffic, 146.
- Frames, 512, 518, 584.
- French oil driven carriages, 1.
- Friction clutches (see Clutches).
- Fuel consumption trials, 71, 72, 81.
- Fulmen accumulator, 63.
- Gaillardet system, 9, 526.
- Gamage, A. W. (Ld.), 461 5o8.
- Gandon system, 57.
- Garages, 448.
- Gardner-Serpollet system, 56-58.
- Gas engines, 188, 222, 315, 335.
- Gasmobile system, 582.
- Gautier system, 58.
- Gearing (see also Speed gear), 3-21, 22, 48, 55, 58, 59, 124, 181, 253, 255, 256, 324, 366, 368, 369, 379, 382, 422, 423, 434, 419-436, 584.
- Generators (see Steam generators).
- German post office and automobiles, 157.
- Gillet-Forest system, 80.
- Gladiator system, 12, 13, 324.
- Glasgow Exhibition trials (see A.C.G.B.I.).
- Gobron and Brillie system, 4, 574.
- Gordon Bennett cup (see Automobile Club).
- Governors, 3, 4, 344.
- Groves' carburettor, 339.
- "Guide Manuel Pratique du Motocycliste " (review), 46.
- Hagen accumulator, 216.
- Hampden bicycle motor, 215.
- Hart, E. W., 74, 88, 122.
- Haynes-Apperson car, 583.
- Hautier system, 321.
- Heat efficiency of a gas engine, &c., 222.
- Heavy vehicles (see H. V. trials).
- Heavy vehicle trials, 8o, 134, 147, 284, 310, 403, 417, 419, 470, 544.
- Heilmann system, 22.
- Heinz accumulator, 62.
- Hele-Shaw, Professor, on road traction, 153.
- Hele-Shaw, Professor, cooling of cylinders, 597.
- Helix change gear, 169.
- Henriod system, 5.
- Henriod-Sweetzer, 21, 172.
- Herschmann steam system, 313.
- Hertschmann motor bicycle, 215.
- Hill-climbing competitions, so6, 507.
- Holden motor bicycle, 210.
- Holley motor bicyle, 53, 215.
- Horses unattended and motor cars, 415.
- House's steam system, 250, 586.
- Hozier Engineering Co., 121, 565.
- Hub Motor Co., 70.
- Hubs, 373.
- Hudd system, 319, 378.
- Hult's speed gear, 55.
- Humber motor bicycle, 215, 216.
- Humber system, 506, 564.
- Hundred miles trials (see Automobile Club).
- Hurtu system, 3, 245.
- Huzelstein carburettor, 337.
- Hydrogen apparatus, 217.
- Hydrometer syringe, III. 303, 304, 577. 248, 315, 344, 577.
- Insurance, 296.
- Internal combustion engines (see Motors).
- International accumulator, 224.
- International Motor Car Co., 122.
- Inter-Ocean Exhibition, 41.
- "In Use"— When is a motor car, 295.
- Inventions, new (see Patents).
- Irish Automobile Club (see A.C.G.B.I.).
- Iron and steel, the manufacture of, 29, 82, 137, 190.
- Kallman report, Dr., 166.
- Kecheur, 320.
- Kennedy, Rankin, 514.
- Kidder steam system, 471, 584.
- Ignition, electric, 31, 248, 265, 271, 319, 319, 322, 344, .364, 371, 374,
- Ignition tubes and apparatus, 23,
- Knox system, 583.
- Koch system, 6 t6.
- Krieger, 19, 453, 455, 575.
- Kuhlstein, 20.
- Labre and Lamaudiere bicycle, 214.
- Lancashire Steam Motor Co. 424.
- Landru motor bicycle, 214.
- Land's End to John o'Groats, 591.
- Law reports-
- - Automobile Association v. Zacharias, 45.
- - Baron v. Thornycroft's Steam Wagon Co., 413.
- - Bersey, 206.
- - British Motor Syndicate v. Andrew and Co., 205, 251. 11
- - British Motor Syndicate v. Taylor and Sons, 102. 11 7/
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. British and Colonial, &c., Co., 251. 11 71
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Century Engineering Co., 251.
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Friedlander, 295. 31 /1
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Friswell and Automobile Palace, 102, 250, 545.
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. London Autocar Co., 251. 5/ 11
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Longuemare, 549.
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Motor Car Co., 295. 31
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Schlamm, 230.
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Vaughan Sherrin, 410. 11 11
- - British Motor Traction Co. v. Smith, 463.
- - Coupe Co. v. Motor Traction Co., 45.
- - Daimler Motor Co. v. British Motor Traction Co., 3s8, 409.
- - De Dion Bouton Co., 413.
- - Dunlop Litigation, 358, 509.
- - Hamilton v. Blackpool Motor Car Co., 145.
- - Hiram S. Maxim Auto. Syndicate 7'.
- - H. S. Maxim, 45.
- - London Electrical Cab Co., 100, 358.
- - London Motor Van Co. v. Daimler Motor Co., 251, 359.
- - Lurry or traction engine, 463.
- - Motor Carriage Supply Co., Mulliner v. Solomon, 145.
- - Motor Traction Co. and Coupe Co., 45.
- - Panhard and Levassor v. Panhard and Levassor Motor Co., 102, 145, 549•
- - Royal Agricultural Hall v. Cordingley, 294.
- - Speedwell Motor Car Co., 463.
- - Triumph Cycle Co. v. Motor Car Co., 44.
- - Whiting (trailer case), 206.
- - Zacharias v. Automobile Association, 45.
- Lawson motor bicycle, 215.
- Lead peroxide, action of light on, 117.
- Lead peroxide in accumulators, 192.
- Lee-Coll accumulators, 74, 75, 112.
- Legrand system, 267.
- Leitner accumulators, 74, 470, 479, 510, 513, 528, 594-
- Lamp steering check, 181.
- Lepape system, 13, 245, 248.
- Letombe gas engine, 315, 335.
- Lewis and Lewis system, 373.
- Light delivery vans, 40, 80.
- Light Railway Act, 529.
- Lights on motor cars, 596.
- Liquid fuel, 296,
- Lincoln Motor Bus, &c.,*Co., 356, 509.
- Lincolnshire Auto-Club (see Automobile Club).
- Lindstrom electric cars, 72.
- Linzeler system, 245.
- Liverpool Exhibition, 249.
- Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association (see Self-Propelled, &c.).
- Locomobile steam system, 41, 119, 464, 476, 514, 564, 565.
- Lohner, 20.
- Lombard cooling system, 374.
- London Electrical Cab Co., zoo, 385.
- London Electric Omnibus Co. , 202, 295.
- Longuemare carburettor, 338, 478, 549.
- Loutzky, 20.
- Lufbery system, 263.
- Luxenberg, Dr., on electromobiles, 177.
- Macdonald, Sir J. H. A., on motor traction, 359-
- Machine tools, 64.
- Majert accumulator, 6o.
- Mann's Steam Cart and Wagon Co., 432, 486.
- Maps, 464-
- Marot-Gardon system, 7.
- Marshall system, 118, 371.
- Marsh bicycle, 52.
- Maybach carburettor (see Carburettors).
- Mayhew, Mark, 29.
- McKay steam system, 472.
- Mechanical traction in war, &c. (review), 45.
- Megy friction clutch, 7.
- Merritt's carburettor, 339.
- Metallurgique system, 266.
- Metric system, 169.
- Metropolitan Motor Manufacturing Co. system, 259, 32°, 373, 550.
- Midland Automobile Club (see A.C.G.B.I.).
- Milde system, 18.
- Military automobilism, 16, 27, 316, 361, 366, 388, .483, 501, 531, 583.
- Millot system, 482.
- Milnes system, &c., 420, 574.
- Milwaukee steam system, 310, 517.
- Minerva motor bicycle, 214.
- Minerve system, 16.
- Mo-Car Syndicate (see also Arrol-Johnston), 389-
- Moffett roller bearings, 322.
- Mond gas, 339.
- Mors system, r, 16, 569, 573.
- "Moteurs Modernes, Les. (review), 156.
- Motor bicycles (see Bicycles).
- Motor Car Co., 120.
- Motor Industry, 280.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., 122, 174, 367, 563, 568, 571, 575.
- Motors and motor vehicle systems (see also Steam and Electric vehicles).
- Electric-
- - American Electric Vehicle Co., 19. 51
- - American Electric vehicles, 118, 170.
- - B. G. S., 17, 74-
- - Cleveland Machine Screw Co., 19, 267.
- - Columbia Electric Vehicle Co., 19.
- - E. M. P. Co., 74, 139-
- - E. P. S. Co., 19.
- - Hub Motor Co., 70.
- - Jeanteaud, 17.
- - Jenatzy, 19.
- - Joel, 31-35, 74•
- - Krieger, 19, 74, 419, 575-
- - Lee-Coll., 74, 75, 112.
- - Leitner, 74- .
- - Lindstrom, 72.,
- - Lohner, 20, 74.
- - Milde, 18.
- - Oppermann, 272.
- - Postel-Vinay, 74, 114.
- - Riker, 19, 80, 168.
- - Still, 74, 261.
- Petrol, Oil, and Gas—
- - Albion, 575.
- - Ardent, 13.
- - Argyll, 121, 565.
- - Arrol-Johnston, 569, 570, 571, 577.
- - Audibert and Lavirotte, 5,
- - Auge, D., 6.
- - Banki, 67, 78, toy.
- - Bardon, 8, 569, 571.
- - Bicycles, 45-54.
- - Blake, 477.
- - Boisse, 174.
- - Brierre, 15.
- - Brouhout, 7.
- - Buchet, 247-
- - Canello-Durkopp, t 76.
- - Century, 568.
- - Columbia, 323.
- - Corre, 80.
- - Cornu, 247.
- - Creanche, 15.
- - Crouan, 2.
- - Cyclope, 7.
- - Daimler, 118, 218, 56S, 571, 575, 577.
- - Darracq, 124.
- - Dawson, 318.
- - Decauville, 13, 120, 565.
- - De Dietrich, 3, 17, So.
- - De Dion, So, 568.
- - Diesel, 59, 65, 301, 306.
- - Enfield, 571.
- - Esperance, 321.
- - Excelsior, 15.
- - Fernandez, 80.
- - Gasmobile, 582.
- - Gillet-Forest, So.
- - Gobron and Brillie, 4, 574.
- - Gladiator, 12, 374.
- - Gaillardet, 9, 526,
- - Hautier, 321.
- - Haynes Apperson, 583.
- - Henriod, 5.
- - Henriod-Schweitzer, 21, 172.
- - Hozier Engineering Co., 12r, 565.
- - Hudd, 378.
- - Humber, 564.
- - Kecheur, 320.
- - Knox, 583.
- - Koch, 6, 16.
- - Kuhlstein, 20.
- - Legrand, 267.
- - Lepape, 13, 245.
- - Letombe, (gas), 315, 335.
- - Loutzky, 20.
- - Lufbery, 263.
- - Marot-Gardon, 7, 123.
- - Marshall, 11 S.
- - Metropolitan M. M. Co., 259, 320.
- - Metallurgique, 266.
- - Minot, 482.
- - Milnes, 420, 574.
- - Minerve, 16.
- - Mors, 569, 573.
- - Motor Manufacturing Co., 367, 563, 568, 571, 575-
- - Napier, 574, 5.75.
- - New Orleans, 563, 577.
- - Panhard and Co., I, II, 571, 575, 577.
- - Pantz, io, So.
- - Parr, 567, 568.
- - Peugeot, I, So.
- - Pick and Co., 125.
- - Pieper, 20.
- - Prinetti and Stucchi, 21.
- - Renault, 120, 563.
- - Richard, G., 2.
- - Riker, 584., 585.
- - Rochet, 9, to.
- - Schmitt, 246. 16, So, 253,
- - Secor, 48.
- - Simms, 316, 374.
- - Star, 568.
- - Stirling, 381, 568.
- - Turgan and Foy, 14, 80.
- - Vinet, 15.
- - Wilson and Pilcher, 449, 574-
- - Wolseley, 368, 563, 571.
- - Wright and Co., R. M., 121.
- - Yorkshire Motor Car Manufacturing Co., 174.
- Steam —
- - Automobile Manufacturing Co., 107.
- - Banki, 67, 78, 105, 189, 192.
- - Blant, Le, So.
- - Carmont, 308.
- - Chaboche, 56.
- - Clark, 472.
- - Coulthard, 430.
- - Cunningham, 311.
- - De Dion, 80.
- - Gandne, 57.
- - Gardner-Serpollet, 56, 57.
- - Herschman, 313.
- - House, 596.
- - Kidder, 471, 584
- - Lancashire Motor Co., 474.
- - Locomobile Co., 41, 119, 476, 564, 565.
- - Mann, 432, 486.
- - McKay, 472.
- - Milwaukee, 31o, 517.
- - Musker, 161, 427, 518-525.
- - New York, 314.
- - Ofeldt, 314.
- - Oneida, 475.
- - Overman, 584.
- - Pawtucket, 472.
- - Peerless, 476.
- - Reading, 5 t6.
- - Rossell, 57.
- - Saxton, 471.
- - Scotte, 17, 27, 57.
- - Serpollet, 254, 575.
- - Simpson and Bibby, 432.
- - Speedwell Co., 183.
- - Sweet, 475.
- - Turgan and Foy, So, 247, 267.
- - Thornycroft, 236, 424, 429, 471, 483.
- - White, 312.
- Motor roads, 525. 2/
- Motor Traction Co., 461.
- Motor Union (see A. C. G. B. I. ).
- Motor vehicles and motors (review), 103.
- Motor Vehicle Users' Defence Association, 94, 295, 348.
- Motor wheel, A, 174.
- Muller, W. A. T., on the diameter of wheels, &c., 325.
- Municipal automobilism, 95, 189, 236.
- Musker system, 161, 427, 518--525.
- Napier car, 511, 574, 575.
- National Cycle Show, I'S.
- Naturalisation, 353.
- New Centaur Co., 99, 122.
- New companies (see Companies registered).
- New Grappler Tyre Co., 202. 77
- New inventions (see Patents applied for, &c.).
- New Orleans system, 563, 577, 598.
- New Rossleigh Cycle and Motor Co., 143.
- New's carburettor, 339.
- New York Automobile Show, 130.
- New York Motor Co's. system, 315.
- Nice racing week, 354.
- Notes of month, 38, 94, 127, 198, 241, 284, 349, 395, 451, 499, 529, 588.
- Numbering of vehicles, 134.
- Obstruction, 415.
- Ofeldt steam system, 314.
- Omega accumulator, 61.
- Omega motor bicycle, 215.
- Omnibuses, motor, 267.
- Oneida steam system. 475.
- Oppermann system, 272.
- Orient bicycle, 52,
- Orient Empress Car Syndicate, 123.
- Outhwaite, R., 194.
- Pan-American Exposition, 582.
- Panhard and Levassor system, r, II, i6, 80, 253, 382, 571, 575, 577
- Panhard and Levassor v. Panhard and Levassor Motor Co, 102, 145, 549.
- Pantz system, io, 80.
- Paraffin in petroleum, 37.
- Parfaite motor bicycle, 214.
- Paris—Berlin, 441, 469. 33 Bordeaux, 446, 502, 5o8.
- Paris Exhibition, 1-21, 25, 56-64, 244-248.
- Parliament and automobilism, 503.
- Parr system, 567, 568.
- Patent law and practice, 282.
- Patent law for inventors, 366, 393, 444, 488, 581.
- Patents applied for, 46, 104, 157, 207, 252, 297, 363, 416, 466, 511, 553, 599. 13 Colonial, 557.
- Patent specifications (see also Special Patent Index), 47, 104, 157, 207, 252, 298, 364, 416, 466, 511, 553, 599.
- Pawtucket steam system; 472.
- Peerless steam system, 475.
- Pegasus, 83, 136.
- Pennington and Barnes, 295.
- Pernoo motor bicycle, 214.
- Persian trade routes, 359.
- Peto and Radford's accumulator, 596.
- Petrol consumption trials, 71.
- Petroleum, 26, 37, 71, 178, 346, 348,_ 406, 414, 558.
- Petroleum Congress, 26.
- Peugeot system, 1, 80, 140, 384, 389.
- Phillips' carburettor, 337.
- Pick and Co., 125.
- Pieper system, 21.
- Pitt Martin tyre, 323.
- Pneumatic clutches, 22.
- Pneumatic tyres (see Tyres).
- Poids Legers, Les, So.
- Poids Lourds, Les, 8o, 134, 147.
- Pollak accumulator, 62.
- Portrait gallery (see Automotor Portrait Gallery).
- Postel-Vinay motor, 74, 114.
- Post office (Paris) and automotors, 274.
- Power chart, 73:
- "Precursor" on compensating gear, 225, 274.
- Present and future of motor traction, 359.
- Primary battery (see Cupron element).
- Prinette and Stucchi, 21.
- Progres motor bicycle, Le, 215.
- Progress Cycle Co., 123, 144, 202, 371,
- P. T. motor bicycle, 214.
- Public service motor cars, 194,
- Queen Alexandra's motor vehicle, 377.
- Racing—British, 41, 99, 342, 354, 405, 506, 533, 594.
- Racing—Foreign, 40, 41, 98, 130, 289, 354, 407, 441, 469, 502, 508, 593.
- Railway crossings, private, 136.
- Reading steam system, 516,
- Reeves expanding pulley, 586.
- Regas motor bicycle, 214.
- Regulators, 174, 473, 554.
- Renault system, 120, 385, 563.
- Republic bicycle, 52.
- Reviews of books, 45, 103, 156, 240, 297, 510,
- Reyrol Motor Car Co., 203.
- Richard, Georges- system, 2, 167.
- Ridel motor bicycle, 215.
- Rider boiler, 584.
- Riker system, 19, 8o, 168, 584, 585.
- Roads, 28, 56, 79, 153, 406, 525, 529.
- Road traction, by Prof. Hele-Shaw, 153.
- Rochefort system, 248.
- Rochet system, 9.
- Roller bearings, 57, 322.
- Russell system, 57.
- Royal Agricultural Society of England, 491, 493.
- Roze air-ship, 197.
- Rubber tyres (see Tyres).
- Running gear (see Gearing).
- Russell, Sydney - (see " Precursor ").
- Russian petroleum, 178.
- Sales and Braly carburettor, 337.
- Sanson carburettor, 481.
- Santos-Dumont air-ship, 515, 535, 591.
- Sargent gas engine, 188.
- Saxton steam system, 471.
- Schmitt system, 246.
- Scotte system, 17, 27, 57.
- Scottish Automobile Club (see A. C. G. B.I. ).
- Screws, 35.
- Scrimgeour gear, 22.
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association (Liverpool), 93, 94, 142, 146, 196, 284, 402, 403, 417, 419, 454, 460, 470, 544.
- Selley and Homers valve, 480.
- Sellon-Volckmar accumulator, 63, 216.
- Serpollet-Gardner system, 56-58, 254, 575.
- Secor motor, 48.
- Shaw bicycle, 52.
- Shrapnell-Smith, E., on heavy motor vehicles, 403-
- Shrewsbury (S. T.) and Challiner Tyre Co., 23.
- Silent gearing, 324.
- Simms Manufacturing Co., 472.
- Simms system, 316, 374, 577.
- Simpson and Bibby's system, 432.
- Societe du Nord accumulator, 61.
- Speed gear (see also Gearing), 55, 58, 59, 14o, 169, 172, 225, 245, 261, 265, 267, 268, 318, 320, 321, 345, 482, 512, 527, 565.
- Speed limit, 88, 134, 594•
- Speedwell Motor Car Co., 183.
- Sperry, E. A., on electromobiles, 251.
- Sports Motor Co., 122.
- Spring dynamometer, 182.
- Sprocketts, 345.
- Star Co's system, 568.
- Stanley Cycle Show, 118.
- Starting device, 553.
- Steate electric igniter, 31.
- Steam Car Co. (house's system), 250.
- Steam generators, vehicles, &c. (see also Motors)—
- - Automobile Manufacturing Co., 167.
- - Banki, 67, 78, 105, 189, 192.
- - Blant, Le, 80.
- - Chaboche, 56.
- - De Dion, 80.
- - Sandon, 57.
- - Gardner-Serpollet, 56. 57.
- - Locomobile Co., 41, 119.
- - Musker, 161.
- - Rider, 584.
- - Rossell, 57.
- - Scotte, 17, 27, 57.
- - Speedwell Co., 183.
- - Turgan and Foy, So.
- - Thornycroft, 236, 471.
- Steel, Bethlehem, 28.
- Steel, the manufacture of, 29, 82, 137, 190-
- Steering gear, 48, 181, 369.
- Steffey bicycle, 52.
- Still electric car, 74, 261.
- Stirling system, 38r, 568.
- Storing petroleum, 414.
- Street cleaners. Automotor, 197.
- Sun motor, 336.
- Sweet steam system, 475.
- Swift system, 372.
- Syringe-hydrometer, t i 1.
- Tare limit (see also A.C.G.B.I. and Self-Propelled Traffic Association), 85, 341.
- Texas oil fields, 406.
- Theoretical calculations concerning high speed explosion engines, 273.
- Thermit, 470.
- Thomas motor bicycle, 214.
- Thornycroft system. 236, 425, 429, 471, 4S3, 531.
- Thousand miles trial, 1900 (see Automobile Club).
- Torbensen vaporiser, 23.
- Traction and Transmission, 359.
- Traction engine or light locomotive, 463.
- Trades' Protection Society, 138.
- Trailer not a separate vehicle, 206, 463.
- Transmission gearing (see G;f aring).
- Transport and vehicles, 186.
- Trials, French, 4o, 71, 72, 8o, 173.
- Trials, Glasgow Exhibition (see Automobile Club).
- Tube ignition apparatus (see Ignition).
- Tudor accumulator, 59.
- Tunbridge Wells motor car service, 445.
- Turgan and Foy system, 14, 8o, 247, 267.
- Tyres, rubber, &c., i8o, 248, 281, 323, 339, 342, 346, 378, 401, 577.
- Valves, 346, 389, 481, 516, 528, 554.
- Vaporisers (see Carburettors).
- Vapour, visible, 596.
- Variable speed gear (see Speed gear).
- Vehicles and transport, 186.
- Vinet system, 15.
- Vaughan, Sherrin J., 410.
- Volunteers, automobile (see A. C. G. B. I. ).
- War and automobilism (see Military automobilism).
- Water cooling systems, 324, 345, 369•
- Water motor, the Demon, 55.
- Water in admission valves, 528.
- Weight limit for racing cars, 543.
- Werner bicycle, 49.
- Wheels, 346.
- Wheels, big, ball bearings, &c., 220, 303, 325.
- White steam system, 312.
- Wilkinson's carburettor, 538.
- Wilson and Pitcher system, 449, 574.
- Wireless telegraphy, 303, 418.
- Wisdom of the wise, The, 135.
- Wolfmuller bicycle, 209.
- Wolseley system, 368, 387, 563, 571.
- Wood and Sons' vehicles, 168.
- Wood preserving, 35, 305.
- Wright and Co., R. M., 121.
- Wuste and Rupprecht accumulator, 64.
- Xylosote wood preserving process, 35.
- Yorkshire Automobile Club (see A.C.G.B.I.).
- Yorkshire Motor Car Manufacturing Co., 174.
- Zeppelin's balloon, Count, 83, 103, 217.
- Zinc negatives for accumulators, 185, 302.
PATENT SPECIFICATIONS PUBLISHED. NAMES OF INVENTORS. WHERE THE PATENT IS IN TWO OR MORE NAMES IT IS INDEXED UNDER THE FIRST NAME. In cases where Patents have been "communicated" from abroad the actual Inventor's name is indexed.
- Adams, F. G. 104.
- Adams, J. W., 104.
- Adams, S. 158.
- "Aigle" (Soc. Anon. des Moteurs), 47, 48, 255.
- Alexander-Katz, Dr. R., 47.
- Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft, 208.
- Allyne, E. E., and Le D. R. Pomeroy, 158.
- Anderson, J. C., 48, 48, 158, 158, 511, 600.
- Andrews, E., 47.
- Apple, V. G., 600.
- Archer, T., 416.
- Armstrong (Sir W G.) and others, 104, 104, 252, 599.
- Arnemann, B., 467.
- Arnfield, 600.
- Arnold, I.I. L., 416, 467.
- Arnos, V., and P. Alter, 467.
- Ash, H. M., and. II. A. Wouters, 252.
- Atkins, H. F., 104.
- Austin, H., 208,
- Bader, M. J.,
- Bailey, M. M., 158.
- Ball, F. J. and G. M., 511.
- BarLer, R. W , 104.
- Barton, F. A., 157.
- Barr, A., 416.
- Bauer, A., 467.
- BayLy, E. IL, 104.
- Beha, J., 600.
- Behrend and Zimmerman, 47.
- Belcher, C. E., 47.
- Be11nmy, A. R., 47, 47, 467, 553.
- Bengough, W. W., 158.
- Bever, A., 158.
- Birdsall, E. T., 298, 600.
- Blake, F. C., 600.
- Blevney, J. C., 364.
- Blyth, S W., 467.
- Bodinar, A., 158.
- Boise and Co., W. A., 364.
- Bouchaud Praceig and Sir E. J. Reed, 232, 252.
- Boulier, A. and E., 467.
- Bourgoin, A., 467.
- Bouvand, A. B. de, 511.
- Bowker, W. R., 158.
- Brady, A., and others, 467.
- Brampton, C. H., 48.
- Braun, A., 158.
- Bravo, N., 511.
- Bridge, R., 467.
- British Thomson-Houston Co. (Ld.), 466.
- Brougham, 599, 600.
- Brown, A. C., 47..
- Brown, C. W., 364.
- Brown, IL E., 553.
- Brown, J. W., 416.
- Brown, T. B. and E. L. Martineau, 158.
- Browne and Jordan, 600.
- Bruno, C., 208.
- Biihne, F. W., 553.
- Burchell, E., 104.
- Burger, F., 158.
- Butler, H. W., 416.
- Caille, C., 468.
- Cantono, E., 47.
- Capel, C., and J. A. Pierce, 416, 511.
- Carlson, C. 0., 468.
- Carter, W. T., 467.
- Castro, A. de., and H. W. Schlomann, 252.
- Cauzard, H., 158.
- Cave, W. F., 104.
- Chaboche, M. E. P., 208.
- Challis, C. E., 104.
- Chardonnet, H. de, 467.
- Chatwin, J., 158.
- Chauveau, G. L. V., 416.
- Chenivesse, M., 553.
- Churchill, J. R., and F. G. Seeley, 158.
- Clark, 600.
- Clark, D. T., 468.
- Clarke, L. S., and J. G. Heaslet, 252.
- Clarkson, T., 47, 298, 298, 416.
- Claudel and Hopkinson, 600.
- Cowl, T., 158.
- Coleman, C., 600.
- Coles, F. S., 553.
- Collins, P. J., 47.
- Collis, 600.
- Columbia Automobile Co., 253.
- Columbus Elektricitats-Gesellschaft, &c., 47.
- Constantin J., and H. Cabannes, 36.1.
- Conti, J. T. F., 252.
- Cordonnier, L., 600.
- Coulthard, C., and others, 416.
- Courvoisier, E., 159.
- Coxon, F., 364.
- Craig, A., 1o4, 468.
- Craig, J., 256.
- Crawford, M., 467.
- Creese, A. E., and S. Weill, 298.
- Croil, T., 158.
- Crossley, W. J., 158.
- Crossley, W. J., and J. Atkinson, 47, 157, 252, 300.
- Crossley, W. J., and Webb, 252.
- Crowther, W. E., 47.
- Cruyt, W. J.. 47.
- Cuenod, .E., 467.
- Cundall, J. S. and R. D., 158.
- Cunningham, P., 158.
- Dakin, B. E., and F. M. Prescott, 468. 47.
- Dasse, A., 47.
- Davies, P. and A. Ross, 47.
- Davis, J. H., 157.
- Dawson, 600.
- Dawson, C. E., 364, 416, 467.
- Debry, A. and A. Philibert, 555.
- De Heeren, Count A., 416.
- Delin, J., 364.
- De Sales, G. R., and F. Gueugnon, 467.
- Detroit Automobile Co., 158, 512.
- Deutsche Waffen-und Munitions-Fabriken,
- Deutz, Gasmotoren Fabrik, 556.
- Dewar, W. and D. T., 467.
- Dickenson, B. E., 157.
- Dickinson, F. W., 208.
- Diesel. Co., 5 1.
- Diplock, C. J., 158.
- Dougill, J., 104.
- Drake, A. J., 467.
- Drake, B. M., and J. M. Gorham, 298.
- Draulette, E., 553.
- Dupont, F., 47.
- Duryea, C. E., 47, 158, 416.
- Dutton, E. K., and E. L., 47.
- Dyer, S. H., 467.
- Earp, W., and H. F. Harding, 416.
- Eastmann Automobile Co., 511.
- Eckhardt, II., 47, 47, 47, 554, 554-
- Edge, S. F., 158.
- Edinburgh Autocar Co., and others, 208, 252.
- Edison, T. A., 468, 600.
- Edwards, F. W., 48.
- Electrical Power Storage Co. (Lel.), 416.
- Electric Vehicle Co., 468.
- Elektricitats-Aktiengesellschaft, 208.
- Estcourt, E., 511.
- Etrielin, M. A., 51 i.
- Evans, A. F., 47, 47-
- Fahnenfeld, A. C. von, and E. S. von Woffersgrun, 208.
- Farkas, A., 298.
- Farlow, C. F., 555.
- Farnell, A., 364.
- Fernandez, R., 158.
- Ferranti, S. Z. de, 364.
- Fichet, P. A., 208.
- firth, A., and R. Jackson, 47, 467.
- Fisher, G., 47.
- Foster, T., 208.
- Fox, R. C., 252.
- Francken, P. F., 553.
- Freestone, G., 553,
- Freitag, F., 253.
- Friedman, 0. J., 467, 467.
- Garbe, II., 416.
- Gardner, E., and others, 47, 467, 511, 599.
- Gardon, E. H., 48.
- Garassino, J., 467.
- Gasmotoren Fabrik Deutz, 47, 158, 467, 555.
- Gill, T. IL, 553.
- Glass, W., 208.
- Gloag and Fletcher, Goo.
- Globe Electric Co., 467.
- Goddard, C. F., and C. H. Wilcox, 158.
- Goodier, N., 467.
- Granger, W. A., 467.
- Grasset, A. E., 298.
- Gray, A., 467.
- Green and lIooper, 599.
- Gregory, R., 255.
- Griffin, S., 553.
- Grouvelle, J., and II. Arquembourg, 48, 48, 158.
- Guest, C. H.,.47, 467. 600.
- Gumiel, L., 208.
- Hiigar, C., 48.
- Hall, R. A., 47, 47.
- Hall, R. F'., 208, 252, 512.
- Hamilton, C. A., 553.
- Hamilton, J. H., 298, 467, 467.
- Hampson, F. G., 252, 599.
- Harrison, C. G., 104.
- Hart, 599.
- Haseltine, Lake, and Co., 511.
- Haselwander, F. A., 553.
- Hatch, W. P., and II. G. Underwood, 467.
- Hautier, C., 47-
- Haythorn, J., 104, 599.
- Hayward, F. W., and R. C. Fox, 252.
- Heide], G., 600.
- Hellmann, J. J., 158, 553.
- Heim, C., 48.
- Heirman, E., 416.
- Hellmann, II. W., 298.
- Helwig, A., 252.
- Henderson, 599.
- Henriod-Schwezer, F., 104.
- Herschmann, A.,47.
- Hertel, H. A., 64.
- Highfield, J. S., and S. Heeton, 416.
- Hill, F. M., and C. M. Grille, 467.
- Hillman, W., 252.
- Ilirt, G., 47.
- Hodgkinson, E. H., 104.
- E., 47, 298, 468.
- Hollamby, W., 467.
- Holt, H. E. S., 364.
- Holt, H. P., 47, 553.
- Holstein, A., and A. O. Teschich, 252.
- Holtam, G. C., 47.
- Homberger, H., 158.
- Hop, 0., and \V. Preston, 252.
- Hornsby, W., and others, 298, 364, 4(.7, 467.
- House, H. A., jun., 511.
- Hudson, W. M. 48.
- Hult, C. A., and 0. W., 467.
- Hunter, R. M., 511.
- Hyde, C. A., 298.
- Hyde, C. A., and A. T. Jones, 252.
- Idea, G. and M. M. Co. (Ld.), 364.
- Inshaw, J., 158.
- Jackson, E. G., 298.
- Jackson, R. and A. Firth, 47, 47.
- Jackson, W. J., 252.
- Jaenecke, W. F'., 467.
- Jensen, C. A., 468.
- Jerram, A. E., and II. Tnylor, 256.
- Joel, II. F. scan., 467.
- Johnson, C. 13., 1o4.
- Jones, F. W., 416.
- Jong, de, 600,
- Jungner, E. W. II., 416.
- Kando, C., 416.
- Kay, J. N., and J. Whittaker, 364, 599.
- Keating Motor Co., 600.
- Kellett, J. T., 298.
- Kent and Gordon, 600.
- Kidder. 600, 600.
- King, I I. C., 364.
- King-Salter, J. J., 553.
- Kingsland, W., 104.
- Kirk, J. H., and others, 48.
- Kitchen, J. G. A., 511, 511.
- Klingenberg, Dr. (4., 208.
- Kloth, G. F. W., and others, Goo.
- Korting, 416.
- Krause, K., 158.
- Krieger, L., 256.
- Kreutzberger, G. and P., 556.
- Lanchester, F. W., 47, 364, 416, 467, 599.
- Latil, C., 158.
- Lawson, I.I. J., 104, 158, 158, 160, 251, 466, 467.
- Lehmann, A., 256, 467.
- Lehwess, E., and M. de Breyne, 158, 364.
- Leitner, H., 159.
- Len(leryou and Smart, 599.
- Leve, G., and Monobloc Acc. Synd., 158.
- Liardet, J. E., 298.
- Linley, . M., 104.
- Linon. L., 416.
- Lisle, E., and G. F. Prew, 468.
- Lister, K., 47.
- Locornobile Co. of America, 158, 298, 299.
- Loppe, F'., and others, 47.
- Lucas, K., 252.
- Lucas, R. N., and E. S. New, 47.
- Luckow, C., jun., 158.
- Lugard, E. C. II. T., 104.
- Lundquist, E., 158.
- Luthi, II., 252.
- Lutzmann, A., and A. Hager, 511.
- Lyford, A. G. S., 416.
- Macdonald, J. K., 158, 467.
- Mackenzie, A., 467.
- Macrae, K. and II., 158.
- Madan, J. K., 467.
- Malicet and Blin, 599.
- Mann, (K IL, 511.
- Manners, C., 47, 104.
- Mare, F. de, and E. Fremy, 252.
- Marmonier, M. F., 104.
- Marsden, J. (I,d.), and II. M. Dinsdale, 4364.
- Marshall, J. T., 600.
- Martini, A, 364.
- Marlyn, D. I,., 159.
- Massey, 599.
- Mawson, F. ()., 467.
- Mayliach, W., io4, 553, 600.
- McInnerney, 468.
- McLachlan, J. 104.
- McMullen, J. A., 467.
- Meischke-Smith, W., 48, 48.
- Mclhuish, A. G., 47, 208, 467.
- Mcitz, A. and C. W. Weiss, 364.
- Metz, C. IL, 158.
- Miesse and Co., J., 467.
- MAN, Fits et Cie., 511
- Miller, J. J., 51x.
- Miller, T. , 104.
- Mitchell, E. A., 104.
- Mitchell, J. H., 468.
- Monroe, C. H., 553.
- Montauban, P. A., and E. A. Marchandier, 553.
- Moraes„X. C. Da Cunha, 158.
- Moriarty, H., and others, 511.
- T. F., 416, 416.
- Mors (Soc. Anon.), 298.
- Muhlberg, A., 364.
- Milner, A., 364.
- Muller, T., 298.
- Munger, L. de F., 47, 47.
- Murray, F. B. and N. 0. Fulton, 511.
- husker, C., and others, 416.
- Myall, A., 511.
- Naylor, T. W., 104.
- Newell, F. C., 467.
- Newman, M., and A. Strasser, 158. Nicholson, T. j., 208.
- Noble, J. H., and G. D. Seaton, 364.
- Northey, P. W., and Electric Motive Power Co., 158, 364.
- O'Brien, J. 0., 416.
- Orr, D., 466.
- Osborn, C., and others, 364, 416, 467, 467.
- Outhwaite, T. R., 47.
- Overman, A. H., 104.
- Packard, H. J. H. (see Pickard)
- Paller, R. R. voni 48, 104.
- Pan-American Motor Co., 599.
- Panhard et Levassor (Soc. Anon.), 104, 208, 253, 553, 599, 599.
- Partridge, H., and others, 511.
- Patterson, J., 208.
- Paul, J., 47.
- Perret, F. A., 48.
- Perrin, A., 104.
- Petter, G. B. and E. W., 416.
- Petreano, E., and Cie. Gen. d'Incandescence, 158.
- Pick, T. H., and C. Gray, 467.
- Pickard, H. J. H., and J. S. Evans, 468, 468, 553.
- Pickney, C. W., 553.
- Picquet and Co., 511.
- Pidgeon, W. R., and E. F. Bradley, 511.
- Pope Manufacturing Co., 208, 208.
- Porsche, F., 208.
- Porteu, L., and T. Cambier, 512.
- Porteu, W. B., and F. E. Case, 157.
- Poynton, B., 416.
- Price, H. A., and H. C. Turner, 48.
- Radclyffe, D. E., 252.
- Radovanovic, A., 47.
- Rateau, A. C. E., 467.
- Rea, S. W., 252.
- Reenstierna, G. H., 104.
- Reibeldi, G., and C. Mazza, 158.
- Rein, B., 467.
- Reisacher, M., 208.
- Relin, J. B., and C. A. Rosier, 104.
- Renaud, L., 208.
- Renault, L., 157.
- Renouf, P. L. and J., 467.
- Riasse, A. A., and J. J. A. Sengeisen, 252.
- Ribbe, P. F., 47.
- Ricard, J. M., and F. C. Gary, 158.
- Ricci, C., 416.
- Richard, G., 47, 157, 416.
- Rinkard, J. M., 468.
- Rickard, 3. R, 466, 466.
- Ricks, A,, 158.
- Ridley and Gibson, 599.
- Riegel, A., 158, 158.
- Riker, A. L., 208.
- Riotte (C. C.). Co., 253.
- Robinson, J. A., and H. Wilcke, 208.
- Rodrian, R., 158.
- Rollaston, A„ 468.
- Rooper, W. 0., 104.
- Roots, J., and C. E. Venables, 252.
- Rose, H., and others, 416.
- Rotherham, J., 47.
- Roubeau, G. A., and M. F. L. de Lesly, 467.
- Rough, F. and F., 104.
- Rumpf, M. IL, 298.
- Russell, 13., 159.
- Ryan, T. J., 158, 158, 158, 252.
- Safety Motor Co., 208.
- Sampson, J. L., 104.
- Sangster, C. T. 13., 208, 553.
- Sargeant, C. E., 252, 252, 416, 416.
- Sauerhe:ing, D. L., 511.
- Saurer, A., 157.
- Schaschil, J., 298.
- Schiele, J., and J. B. Boisselot, 158.
- Schmidt, P., 48.
- Schnoor, P. J. A., 1o4.
- Schlohmann, H. W., and A. de Castro, 252.
- Schoeller, A., 511.
- Schwanemeyer, C., 158.
- Scott, 599.
- Scott, j., 553, 599.
- Scott, J. F., 553.
- Scott, R., x58, 158.
- Seal, G., 298.
- Seck, W., 208, 208.
- Secor, J. A., 48, 600.
- Sedneff, C. Von, 511.
- Seeley, F. G., 553.
- Selley, R., 158.
- Serpollet, L., 48, 254, 364.
- Shaver, 0. P., 468.
- Shaw, H. F., 467.
- Shilhan, J., 416.
- Shiner, A. E., and C. W. Iliggs, 48.
- Shrubsole, W., 553.
- Simms, F. R., and R. Bosch, 16o, 511.
- Simpson, 600.
- Simpson, W., and others, 104, 255.
- Simpson, W. E., 47, 47, 47.
- Simpson, W. M., 467.
- Sinclair, A., and others, six.
- Singer Manufacturing Company, 553.
- Sintey, C., 254.
- Sloan, W. C., 298.
- Smith, 600.
- Smith, It, 467.
- Smith, H. A., 364.
- Smith, M. M., 364.
- Smith, S., 252.
- Smith, W., and others, 104.
- Soci6te Industriel des Tel phones, 364, 364, 16.
- Soc4iet6 Fran wise d'Automobiles, 159.
- Siihnlein, H., 47.
- Sperry, E. A., 416, 416.
- Spitler, 468.
- Spurrier, H., and J. Sumner, 298.
- Softley, R. T., and F. J. Clements, 467, 553.
- Stallings, F. J., 553.
- Staunton, F. M., 158.
- Stevenson, J. E., 252.
- Stephens, R., 298, 553.
- Stock, W. T., 467.
- Stone, E. F., and H. S. Coolidge, 298.
- Stretton, E. A., 553.
- Strickland, F., 468.
- Stumpf, J., 158.
- Sturgess, G. F., and other s, 467.
- Sturm, F., 47, 416.
- Sturmey, J. J. H., 208, 511.
- Tasker, W., and Sons, 467.
- Thayer, 600.
- Thomas and Talbot, 599, 599.
- Thomson, 11., 158.
- Thornycroft, J. F'., 47, 160, 252, 364, 467.
- Todd, L. J., 208.
- Toogood, H. J., 416.
- Toulmin, J. El., and oth,t,, 4o7.
- Tribethorn, A., 416, 407.
- Truffault, J. M. M., 364.
- Turrell, C. M., and J. G. Accles, 104.
- Ty card and Wood, 599.
- Tyler, E. II., 252.
- Ulrich, J., and C. W. O. Wittke, 467.
- Universal Automobile Co., 553.
- Upton Machine Co., 553, 553.
- Uren, G. II. W., 468.
- Varlets, H. T., and others, 158.
- Valentine, W. W., 104.
- Vallce, H., 158.
- Verbeke, A., and 0. Pirsch, 208.
- Victor Motor Co., 364.
- Vignall, J., 48.
- Vinet, 511.
- Vollkommer, T. J., 48.
- Wacht, A., and A. Krifger, 553.
- Waltman, 11. F., 468.
- Waltenbaugh, G. W., and J. M. Ough, 47, 25o.
- Wansborough, 600.
- Ward, J. W., and Stevens, 298.
- Weed, H. D., 364.
- Weiler, 599.
- Weller, J., 104.
- Wells, W. J., and others, 208.
- Wetzel, A., 252.
- White, R. H., 158, 416.
- Wiegand, S. L., 47, 48.
- Wiesener, P., and A. Ilosbach, 158.
- Wilcke, IL, 157.
- Wiles, S. F , 252.
- Wilkinson, 599.
- Wilson, W. 0., 252, 364, 467.
- Wilson, W. H., 511.
- Winsor, P., and J. IL Paine, 553.
- Wohlgrath, F., and others, 252.
- Wollaston, II. W., and T. V. Sherrm, 553.
- Woodward, II., 416.
- Worth, W. 0., and others, 410, 468.
- Wuillot, M., 298.
Classified Subjects
- Accumulators-
- Alexander-Katz, Dr. R., 47.
- Apple, V. G., 600.
- Arnold, H. L., 416.
- Bowker, W. R., 158.
- Bruno, C., 208.
- Biihne, F. W., 553.
- Butler, II. 'W., 416.
- Castro, A. de, and H. W. Schlomann, 252.
- Columbus Electricitats-Gesellschaft, 47.
- De Sales, G. de R., and F. Gueugnon, 467.
- Edison, T. A., 468.
- Electrical Power Storage Co. (Ld.), 416.
- Francken, P. E., 553.
- Garassino, J., 467.
- Globe Electric Co., 467.
- Gumiel, L., 208.
- Heidel, G., 60o.
- Heim, C., 48.
- Jackson, W. J., 252.
- Moth, G. F. W., and others, 600.
- Lehmann, A., 256.
- Leitner, H., 159.
- Leve, G., and Monobloc Ace, Synd., 158.
- Loppe, F., and others, 47.
- Lucas, R. N., and E. S. New, 47.
- Lugard, E. C. H. T., 104.
- Muller, A., 364.
- Muller, T., 298.
- Packard (sat Pickard).
- Perrin, A., 104.
- Pickard, H. J. H., and J. S. Evans, 468.
- Relin,. B., and C, A. Rosier, 104.
- Renaud, L., 208.
- Riasse, A. A., and J. J. A. Sengeisen, 252.
- Ribbe, P. F., 47.
- Ricks, A., 158.
- Rodrian, R., is&
- Rooper, W. 0.. 104.
- Rose, IL, and others, 416.
- Schlomann, H. W., and A. de Castro, 252.
- Schmidt, P., 4S.
- Sedneti, C. von, 511.
- Sperry, E. A., 416, 416.
- Tribe horn, A., 416, 467.
- Wells, W. J., and others, 208.
- Wiegand, S. L., 47, 48.
- Wollaston, H. W., and T. V. Sherrill, 553.
- Wood ward, H., 416.
- Wuillot, M., 298.
- Awnings and Canopies, Outhwaite, T. R., 47.
- Axles-
- Lutzmann, A., and A. I lager, 511.
- Smith, \V., 104.
- Aerial Navigation-
- Barton, F. A., 157.
- Freitag, F., 252.
- Smith, W., 104.
- Balancing Motors, Chauveau, G. L. 'V., 461.
- Balloons (see Aerial navigation).
- Batteries (see Accumulators),
- Bearings (see Roller (Bearings).
- Bicycles (set Motor cycles)
- Boilers (see Steam generators).
- Brakes-
- Brown and Jordan. 000.
- Burchell, 104.
- Chaboehe, M. V. 1'.. 20S.
- Cuenod, E.. 467.
- Drake. A. J., 467.
- IIolta1n, G. C., 47.
- lensen, C. A.. 446..S.
- KandO, C., 416.
- Kirk, J. H., and others, 4S.
- Lister, R., 47.
- Newell, F. C., 467.
- Brakes (contd.)-
- Sturgess, G. F., and others, 467.
- Weiler, 599.
- Burners (see also Carburettors, Vaporisers)-
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., &c., 104, 252.
- Clarkson, T., 47, 298, 298, 416.
- Coulthard, C., and others, 416.
- Gregory. R., 255.
- House, H. A., 511.
- Kidder, 600.
- Kitchen, J. G. A., 511.
- Miller, T., 104.
- Rein, B., 467.
- Calcium carbide (see Acetylene).
- Carriage bodies, Eastman Automobile Co., 511. Carbon dioxide engines (see Motors). Carburettors and vaporisers (see also Burners)-
- Bouchaud - Praceiq, E., and Sir E. J.
- Reed, 252, 252.
- Firth, A., and R. Jackson, 467.
- Grasset, A. E., 298.
- Holstein, A., and A. 0. Teschich, 252. Hornsby, W., and others, 298, 467. Lisle, F., and G. F. Prew, 468.
- Marsden, J. (Ld.), and H. M. Dinsdale, 364.
- Martini, A., 364.
- Osborn, C., and Brit. Motor Co., 467.
- Pan-American Motor Co., 599.
- Panhard and Levassor (Soc. Anon.), 208.
- Richard, G., 416.
- Roubeau, G., and M: F. L. de Lesly, 467.
- Societe Industriel des Telephones, 364.
- Chains, gear (see Gearing).
- Clutches-
- Adams, J. W., 104.
- Arnfield, 600.
- Bridge, R., 467.
- Burchell, E., Io4.
- Carlson, C. 0., 468.
- Challis, C. E., 104.
- Churchill, J. R., and F. G. Seeley, 158.
- Conti, J. T. F., 252.
- Cunningham, P., 158.
- Dickenson, B. E., 157.
- Griffin, S., 533.
- Hyde, C. A., 298.
- Hyde, C. A., and A. T. Jones, 252.
- Jackson, R., and A. Firth, 47.
- Jones, F. W., 416.
- Kay, J. N., and J. Whittaker, 364, 599-
- King-Salter, J. J., 553.
- Krause, K., 158.
- Lehmann, 467.
- Murray, F. H., 511.
- Osborn, C., 416.
- Riegel, A., 158.
- Sampson, J. L., mt.
- Scott, J., 553.
- Singer Manufacturing Co., 158, 467, 553.
- Smith, 600.
- Stone, E. F., and H. S. Coolidge, 298.
- Toogo3d, H. J., 416.
- Compressed air, Edison, T. A., 600.
- Controllers-
- Austin, H., 208.
- Elektricitats Aktiengesellschaft, 208.
- Potter, W. B., and F. E. Case, 157.
- Thomson, H., Is&
- Tyler, E. H., 252.
- Cooling arrangements (see Cylinder cooling).
- Countershafts, .Mrall, A.. 511.
- Cylinder cooling-
- Barker, R. W., 1C 4.
- Debry, A., and A. Philibert, 555.
- Groucelle, J., and H. Arquembourg.
- Lanthester, F. W., 599.
- Cylinder cooling (contd.)-
- McMullen, J. A., 467.
- Rea, S. W., 252.
- Electric batteries (see Accumulators).
- Electric cables or conductors, Dawson, 600.
- Electric. controllers (see Controllers).
- Electric ignition (see Ignition apparatus).
- Electric motors (see Motors).
- Electric sparking devices (see Ignition apparatus).
- Electric traction motors, Drake, B. M., and J. M. Gorham, 298.
- Electric vehicles (see also Motor vehicles)-
- Dickenson, F. W., 208.
- Draulette, E 553.
- Porsche, F., 208.
- Ryan, T. J., 158, 158, 252.
- Electrical switches-
- Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft, 2 8.
- Joel, H. F., 467.
- Kingsland, W., 104.
- Lenderyou and Smart, 599.
- Electrodes-
- Boise and Co., W. A., 364.
- Giilcher, 600.
- Heilmann, J. J., 553.
- Jungner, E. W., 416.
- Luckow, C., 158.
- Mackae, R. and H. C., 158.
- Mackenzie, A., 467.
- Exhaust devices-
- Granger, W. A., 467.
- Guest, C. H., 47.
- Meischke-Smith, W., 48.
- Explosion engines and motors (see Motors).
- Feed pumps, Behrend and Zimmermann, 47.
- Fire engine (petroleum), Porteu, L., and T. Cambier, 512.
- Flash boilers (see Steam generators).
- Frames, Detroit Automobile Co., 512. Friction gearing (see Gearing).
- Fuel distributors- -
- Saurer, A., 157.
- Secor, 600.
- Furnaces (steam boiler), Scott, R., 158.
- Friction clutches (see Clutches).
- Gas generators, Cruyt, W. j., 47.
- Gas motors (see Motors).
- Gearing-
- Chain gear-
- Brampton, C. H., 48.
- Duryea, C. E., 158.
- Driving and speed-
- " Aigle" (Soc. Anon. des Moteurs), 255.
- Allyne, E. E., and Pomeroy, 158.
- Andreas, E., 47
- Arnold, H. L., 467.
- Atkins, H. F., 104.
- Ball, F. J. and G. M., 511.
- Bellamy, A. R., 47.
- Blake, F. C., 600.
- Brady. A., 467.
- Brit. Thomson-Houston Co., 466.
- Brougham, 499, 600.
- Brown and Jordan, 600.
- Brown, J. W., 4th.
- Browne, T. B., and F. L. Martine-au, 158.
- Capel, C., 511.
- Carter, W. T., 467,
- Cave, W. F., 104.
- Chenivesse, M., 553.
- Clark, 600.
- Coleman, C., hoc.
- Collins, P. J., 47.
- Gearing (contd.)-
- Chain gear (contd. )-
- Coxon, F., 364.
- Craig, J., 256.
- Crawford, M., 467.
- Dakin, R. E., and F. Prescott, 468.
- DeHeeren, Count A., 416.
- Delin, J., 364.
- Dupont, F-, 47-
- Earp, W., 416.
- Edinburgh Autocar Co., 208.
- Eudelin, M. A., 511.
- Fernandez, R., 158.
- Foster, T., 208.
- Gardon, E. H., 48.
- Glass, W., 208.
- Gloag and Fletcher, 600.
- Gray, A., 467.
- Hall, R. F., 512.
- Hamilton, C. A., 553.
- Hampson, F. G., 252, 600.
- Henriod-Schwezer, F., 104.
- Heys, W. G., 158.
- Hierman, E., 416.
- Hille, F. M., 467.
- Hollamby, W., 467.
- Hult, C. H. and O. W., 467.
- Iden, G., and M. M. Co. (Ld.), 364.
- Jaenecke, W. F., 467.
- Lanchester, F. W., 364-
- Latil, C., 158.
- Lawson, H. J., 466.
- Lundquist, E., 158.
- Madan, J. R., 467.
- Mann, G. H., 511.
- Massey, 599.
- Maybach, 600.
- Meischke-Smith, W., 48.
- Miller, J. J., 511.
- Mitchell, J. H., 468.
- Montauban, P. A., and E. A. Marchandier, 553.
- O'Brien, J. O., 416.
- Overman, A. H., 104.
- Paller, R. R. von, 104.
- Panhard and Levassor, 104, 253.
- Patterson, J., 208.
- Paul, J., 47.
- Ricci, C., 416.
- Rickard, J. R., 466.
- Riegel, A., 158.
- Rough, F. and F., 104.
- Ryan, T. J., 158.
- Sangster, C. T. B., 553.
- Schaschi, J., 298.
- Schwanemayer, C., 158.
- Scott, 600.
- Scott, J. F., 553.
- Seck, W., 208.
- Seeley, F. G., 553.
- Shaver, 0. P., 468.
- Shaw, H. F., 467.
- Simpson, W. E., 47.
- Sinclair, A., and others, 511.
- Smith, H. A., 364.
- Societe Francaise d'Automobiles, 159•
- Spiller, 468.
- Spurrier, H., and J. Sumner, 298.
- Stallings, F. J., 553.
- Steevenson, J. E., 252.
- Stephens, R., 553.
- Strickland, F., 468.
- Sturgess, G. F., and others, 467.
- Sturmey, J. J. H., 208, 511.
- Tasker, W., and others, 467.
- Thomas and Talbot, 599.
- Thomson, H., 158.
- Todd, L. T., 208.
- Toulmin, J. H., 467
- Turrell, C. M., and J. G. Accles, 104.
- Upton Machine Co., 553, 553.
- Wache, A., and Krieger, 553.
- Gearing (contd.}-
- Chain gear (c..-qta)-
- Waltenbaugh, G. W., and J. M. Ough, 47, 252.
- Weiler, 5q9.
- Wilson, W. G., 252.
- Winsor, P., and J. B. Paine, 553.
- Running gear (see Under-carriages).
- Generators (see Steam generators).
- Governors-
- Bauer, A., 467.
- Evans, A. F., 47.
- Gardner, G., and others, 467.
- Hudson, W. M., 48.
- Mawson, E. 0., and A. T. Mirza, 467.
- Sargeant, C. E., 252.
- Hubs, Coad, T., 158.
- Hydrocarbon motors (see Motors).
- Ignition apparatus-
- Birdsall, E. T., 298.
- Braun, A., 158.
- Clarke, L. S., and J. G. Heaslet, 252.
- Dasse, A., 47.
- Fahnenfeld, A. C. von, and E. S. von
- Wolfersgrun, 208.
- Gardner and others, 599.
- Gasmotoren Fabrik Deutz, 467.
- Hall, R. F., 252.
- Jong, de, 600.
- Lanchester, F. W., 47.
- Lehwess, E. E., and M. de Breyne, 158, 364.
- NIcInnerney, B., 468.
- McMullen, J. A., 467.
- Moriarty, H., and others, 511.
- Northey, P. W., and E. M. P. Co., 158, 364.
- Osborn, C., and Brit. Motor Co., 467.
- Petter, G. B. and E. W., 416.
- Ricard, J. M., and F. C. Gary, 158, 468.
- Schiele, J., and J. B. Boisselot, 158.
- Schoeller, A., 511.
- Seck, W., 208.
- Simms, F. R., and R. Bosche, 16O, 511.
- Simpson, W. E., 47.
- Sturm, F., 47, 416.
- Victor Motor Co. (Ld.), 364.
- Insulating materials, Mare, F. de, and E.
- Fremy, 252.
- Internal combustion engines (see Motors).
- Lifting apparatus-
- Scott, 599.
- Shrubsole, W., 553.
- Liquid fuel supply, Secor, 600.
- Lubricators and lubricants-
- Edwards, F. W., 48.
- Evans, A. F., 47.
- Fisher, G., 47.
- Rotherham, J., 47.
- Simpson, W. E., 47.
- Mechanical road vehicles (see Motor vehicles).
- Metallic packing (see Packing).
- Motive power engines (see Motors).
- Motor cycles-
- Chatwin, J., r58.
- Keating (R. M.) Motor Co., 600.
- Linley, C. M., 104.
- Luthi, H. and E. Zurcher, 252.
- Sangster, C. T. B., 208.
- Weller, J., 104.
- Wohlgrath, F., and others, 252.
- Motors (see also Rotary engines, Air motors,
- Motor vehicles)-
- Compressed air, Vignal, j., 48.
- Electric-
- Cantono, E., 47.
- Nlilde (Ch.), Fils and Cie., 5 rI.
- Motors (contd.)-
- Fluid pressure--
- Anderson, 1. C., 15S,
- Orr, D., 466.
- Senor, J. A., 48.
- Shilhan, J., 416.
- Ulrich, J., and C. W. O. Wittke, 467.
- Vaders, H. T., and others, 158.
- Ward, J. and others. 20S.
- Gas and oil motors (see Internal combustion),
- Hydraulic motors, Worth, W. O. &c., 410.
- Hydrocarbon (se: Internal combustion).
- Internal combustion-
- Adams, S., 1.58.
- Anderson, J. C., 511.
- Barr, A., 416.
- Bellamy, A. R., 47, 407.
- Bever, A,. 138.
- Birdsall, 600.
- Boulier, A., 467.
- Bouvand, A. B. de, 511.
- Bourgoin, A., 467.
- Bravo, N., sir.
- Brown, C. W., 364.
- Caine, C., 468.
- Claude and Hopkinson, 600.
- Columbia Automobile Co., 253.
- Cordonnier, L., 600.
- Courvoisier, E. 159.
- Crossley, J., 155.
- Crossley, W. J., and J. Atkinson, 47, 157, 252, 300.
- Crossley, W. J., and Webb, 252.
- Davis, J. H., 157.
- Dawson, C. E., 364, 416.
- Dougill, J. H., 157.
- Duryea, J. H., 416.
- Dutton, E. K., and E. L., 47.
- Eckhardt, H., 47, 554.
- Electric Vehicle Co., 468.
- Farlow, C. F., 555.
- Fichet, P. A., 208.
- Fox, R. C., 252.
- Friedman, A. J., 467.
- Gardner, E., and others, 47, 511.
- Gasmotoren Fabrik Deutz, 47, 158, 555.
- Green and Hooper, 599.
- Hall, R. F., 208.
- Hamilton, J. H., 298, 467, 467.
- Haseltine, Lake, and Co., 511.
- Haselwander, F. A., 533.
- Hatch, W. P., and H. G. Underwood, 467.
- Hautier, C., 47.
- Hellmann, J. J., 158.
- Hirt, G., 47.
- Hoflinger, F., 47, 298, 468.
- Homberger, H., 158.
- Hop, O., and W. Preston, 252.
- Jerram, A. E., and H. Taylor, 256.
- Johnson, C. M., 104.
- Korting, E., 416.
- Kreutsberger, G. and P., 556.
- Linon3 L., 416.
- Lucas, R. 252.
- Lyford, A. G. S., 416.
- Marrnonier, M. F., 104.
- Maybach, VV., 104, 553.
- McLachlan, J. C., 104.
- Melhuish, A. G., 47, 208, 467.
- Metz, C. H., 158.
- Mietz, A., and C. W. Weiss, 364.
- Mitchell, E. A., 104.
- Mors (Soc. Anon.), 298.
- Nayler, T. W., 104.
- Noble, J. H., and G. 1'i Seaton, 364.
- Pan-American Motor Co., 599.
- Panhard and Levassor (Soc. Anon.), 599.
- Pickney, C. W., 553.
- Pope Manufacturing Co., 208, 208.
- Reenstierna, G. L., 104.
- Renault, L., 157.
- Richard, G., 47.
- Motors (contd.)-
- Internal combustion (contd. )-
- Rickard, J. R.,_466.
- Riotte (C. C.) Co.' 253.
- Rollaston, A., 468.
- Roots, J., and C. E. Venables, 252.
- Rumpf, M. H., 298.
- Russell, B., 159.
- Safety Motor Co., 208.
- Sargeant, C. E., 416.
- Shiner, A. E., and C. W. Higgs, 48.
- Sintz, C., 254.
- Smith, H., 467.
- Societe Industriel des Tilephones. 364.
- Softley, R. T., and F. J. Clements, 467.
- Sohnlein, H., 47.
- Stephens, R., 298.
- Thomas and Talbot, 599.
- Tygard and Wood, 599.
- Uren, C. H. W., 468.
- Wallmann, M. F., 468.
- Weed, H. D., 364.
- Wiles, S. F., 252.
- Wilkinson, 599.
- Wilson, W. G., 364.
- Motors (motive power engines, &c. )-
- Anderson, J. C., 158.
- Burger, F., 158.
- Chauveau, G. L. V., 416.
- Goodier, N., and T. Pollitt, 467.
- Nicholson, J. T.,:208.
- Picquet and Cie., 511.
- Petroleum (see Internal combustion).
- Steam-
- Farkas, A., 298.
- Helwig, A., 252.
- Simpson, W., and others, 104.
- Motor vehicles-
- " Aigle," Soc. Anon. des Moteurs, 47.
- Anderson,'J. C., 48, 48, 60o.
- Arnemann, B., 467.
- Bayley, E. H., 104.
- Belcher, C. E., 47.
- Blevney, J. C., 364.
- Capel, H., 416.
- Cauzard, H., 158.
- Clark, D. T., 468.
- Coles, F. S., 553.
- Creese, A. E., and S. Weill, 298.
- Croil, T., 158.
- Crowther, W. E., 47-
- De Chardonnet, H., 467.
- Detroit Automobile Co., 158.
- Duryea, C. E., 47.
- Edge, S. F., 158.
- Farnell, A., 364.
- Firth, A., and R. Jackson, 47.
- Freestone, G., 553.
- Friedman, 0. J., 467.
- Guest, C. H., 467.
- Hart, 60o.
- Hellmann, H. W., 298.
- Hertel, H. A., 364.
- Hillman, W., 252.
- Hodgkinson, E. H., 104.
- Holt, H. P., 553.
- Hornsby, W., and C. James, 467.
- Hunter, R. M., 311.
- Inshaw, J., 158.
- Klingenberg, Dr. G., 208.
- Lanchester, F. W., 416, 467.
- Lawson, H. J., 104, 158, 252, 466, 467.
- Locomobile Co. of America, 298.
- Malicet and Blin, 599.
- Martyn, I) L., 159.
- Monroe, C. H., 553.
- Newton, P. A., 48.
- Packar, J. W., 553.
- Partridge, II., 511.
- Pick, J. H., and C. Gray, 467.
- Renouf, P. L. and J., 467.
- Ridley and Gibson, 599.
- Motor vehicles (con/d.)
- Richard, G., 157.
- Sauerhering, D. L., 511.
- Schnoor, P. J. A., 104.
- Smith, M. M., 3b4.
- Soc. Ind. des Telephones, 461.
- Softley, R. T., and F. J. Clements, 553.
- Thayer, 600.
- Universal Automobile Co., 553.
- Valentine, W. W., 104.
- Vallee, H., 158.
- Vinet, 511.
- Wilcke, H., 157. \A/MO/- Pi Lr
- Wilson, W. G., 467. ‘1.
- Worth, W. 0., 468.
- Mounting motors, Krieger, L., 256.
- Oil and petroleum motors (see Motors).
- Oil Feeders, Craig, A., 104, 468.
- Oil Separator, Armstrong, Sir W. G., &c., 599.
- Petroleum motors (see Motors).
- Pistons, Lutzemann, A., and A. Hager.
- Plates for secondary batteries (see Accumulators).
- Propelling gear (see Gearing).
- Recording apparatus-
- Henderson, 599.
- Highfield, J. S., and S. Beeton, 416.
- Holt, H. E. S., 364.
- Liardet, J. E., 298.
- Staunton, F. M., 158.
- Regulators (see Governors).
- Reversing gear (see Gearing).
- Roller bearings-
- Deutsche Waffen-und Munitions- Fabriken, 47.
- Holt, H. P., and Mossberg Roller
- Bearings (Ld.), 47.
- Volkommer, T. J., 48.
- Rotary engines and motors-
- Dewar, W. and D. T., 467.
- Grouvelle, J. and H. Arquembourg, 48.
- Reisacher, M., 208.
- Smith, S., 252.
- Running gear (see Undercarriages).
- Saddles and seats-
- Gill, T. H., 553.
- Seal, G., 298.
- Safeguard (pneumatic), Kellett, J. T., 298.
- Safety rod-" Aigle," Soc. Anon. des, 48.
- Seats (see Saddles).
- Secondary batteries (see Accumulators).
- Speed and distance indicators (see Recording apparatus).
- Speed gear (see Gearing).
- Springs, Truffault, J. M. M., 364.
- Starting devices--
- Bellamy, A. R., 553.
- Brown, A. C., 47.
- Cundall, J. S. and R. D., 158.
- Hayward, F. W., and R. C. Fox, 252.
- Jackson, R., and A. Firth, 47-
- Paller, R. R. von, 48.
- Robinson, J. A., and H. Wilcke, 208.
- Sargeant, C. E., 252.
- Steam Boilers (see Steam generators).
- Steam Engines (see Motors).
- Steam Generators-
- Archer, T., 416.
- Arnos, V., and P. Alter, 46;'.
- Beha, J., 600.
- Clarkson, T., and others, 298.
- Davies, P., and A. Ross, 47.
- Dawson, C. E., 467.
- Garbe, H., 461.
- Hagar, C., 48.
- Haythorne, J., and others, 104, 599.
- Herschmann, A., 47.
- Kidder, 600.
- Steam generators (contd.)-
- Kitchen, J. G. A., 511, 511.
- Locomobile Co., 158, 299.
- Miesse, J. and Co., 467.
- Morrin, T. F., 416, 416.
- Musker, C., and others, 4.16.
- Price, H. A., and H. C. Turner, 48.
- Rateau, A. C. E., 467.
- Reibeldi, G., and C. Mazza, 158.
- Scott, R., 158. 158.
- Serpollet, L., 48, 254.
- Simpson, 600.
- Simpson, W., and others, 255, 467.
- Thornycroft, J. E., 47, 160, 364, 467.
- Verbeke, A., and 0. Pirsch, 208.
- White, R. H., 158, 416.
- Steam road vehicles (see Motor vehicles).
- Steering gear (see Gearing).
- Storage batteries (see Accumulators).
- Traction engines-
- Ash, H. M., and J. Wouters, 252.
- Blyth, S. W., 467.
- Diplock, C. J., 158.
- Neuman, M., and A. Strasser, 158.
- Trailing car clip, Stretton, E. A., 553.
- Transmission gear (see Gearing).
- Trucks, Mtihlberg, A., 364.
- Tube clips, Adams, F. G., 104.
- Tubular connections, Harrison, C. G., 104.
- Tyres-
- Badit, M. J., 208.
- Bengough, W. W., 158.
- Edinburgh Autocar Co., 252.
- Hall, R. A., 47, 47.
- Jackson, E. G., 298.
- Manners, C., 104.
- Munger, L. de F., 47, 47.
- Radclyffe, D. E., 252.
- Under-carriages-
- Riker, A. L., 208.
- Sloan, W. C., 298.
- Valves and valve gear-
- Collis, 600.
- Diesel Co., 511.
- Dyer, S. H., 467.
- Eckhardt, H., 47, 47, 554.
- Estcourt, E., 51I.
- Ferranti, S. Z. de, 364.
- Grouvelle, J., and K. Arquembourg, 158.
- Hornsby, W., and others, 364.
- Jong, de, 600.
- Kent and Gordon, 600.
- King, H. C., 364.
- Marshall, J. T., 600.
- Osborn, C., and others, 364.
- Panhard and Levassor, 553, 599.
- Pidgeon, W. R., and E. F. Bradley, 511.
- Radovanovic, A., 47.
- Sargeant, C. E. 416.
- Selley, R., and F. Homer, 158.
- Serpollet, L., 364.
- Stumpf, J., 158.
- Wetzel, A., 252.
- Wilson, W. H., 511.
- Vaporisers (see Carburettors).
- Variable speed gear (see Gearing).
- Water-tube boilers (see Steam generators).
- Wheels-
- Bailey, M. M., 158.
- Goddard, C. F., and C. H. Wilcox, 158.
- Lawson, H. J., 160.
- Poynton, B., 461.
- Stock, W. T., 467.
- Wiesener, P., and A. Hosbach, 158.
- Wheels, gear-
- Manners, C., 47.
- Thornycroft, J. E., and others, 252.
- Wansborough, 600.