1907 Stanley Show: The Motor Cycle Reports
Note: This is a sub-section of 1907 Stanley Show
Extracted reports from 'The Motor Cycle'- pdf file. 24 pp
Companies and details included in the pdf file above -
Complete Motor Cycles - (pp 941-955)
- Advance Motor Manufacturing Co
- All Speed Gear Syndicate
- Bat Manufacturing Co
- Bond and Cooper
- J. T. Brown and Sons
- Brown Brothers
- Louis Burn
- Chater Lea
- Collier and Sons
- Components
- Continental Motor Co
- Coventry Duplex Co - Motosacoche
- Douglas Brothers
- H. and A. Dufaux
- East London Rubber Co
- Fairy Motor Co
- G. B. Motor and Machinery Co
- Hobday Brothers
- H. J. Harding
- F. Hopper and Co
- LLoyd Motor and Engineering Co - LMC
- Lowen and Co
- H. D. Martyn
- Minerva Motors
- Moto Reve Co
- N. S. U. Co
- Phanomen Motor Works
- Quadrant Cycle Co
- H. Reed and Co - Dot
- Rex Motor Manufacturing Co
- Rey and Pratt - Griffon
- Richards Beau Ideal Cycle Co - Eysink
- L. Ripault
- Service Motor Co
- South British Trading Co - Vindec
- C. B. Timperley - Eysink
- Triumph Cycle Co
- G. H. Wait and Co - Clyde
- A. W. Wall - Roc
- Wearwell Cycle Co
- Zenith Motors
Engines, Parts and Fittings - (pp 955-956)
- Burgess Engineering Co
- Chater Lea
- R. W. Coan
- Collier and Sons
- Micrometer Engineering Co
- Mills and Fulford
- Premier Motor Co
- Service Co
- Walter C. Unwin
- Xi'All Cycle and Motor Co
Accessories - (pp 956-960)
- Advance Motor Manufacturing Co
- Allen Brothers
- Autoloc Syndicate
- Bat Manufacturing Co
- Bifurcated and Tubular Rivet Co
- Bluemel and Brothers
- Bowen and Odery Co
- E. M. Bowden's Patents Syndicate Co
- J. B. Brooks and Co
- Brown Brothers
- Capon, Heaton and Co
- Clissold Cycle Co
- Collier and Sons
- County Chemical Co
- Dover
- East London Rubber Co
- E. Eichhorn
- Elephant Chemical Co
- Fastnut
- Stanley Feast and Co
- S. Culterman and Co
- Hanover Rubber Co
- H. J. Harding
- Hobday Brothers
- Joseph Lucas
- Lycett Saddle and Motor Accessories Co
- Moebius and Son
- Powell and Hanmer
- Prested Miners Lamp Co
- Price's Patent Candle Co
- Price and Co
- Leo Ripault and Co
- A. C. Taylor and Co
- Templeton Brothers
- Herbert Terry and Sons
- Tubeless Inflator Co
- Union Rubber and Chemical Co
- Vaughtons
- Whitfield Automatic Tyre Inflator Co
- Warminster Motor Co
Tyres and Clothing - (p 960)
- W. and A. Bates
- Calmon Tyre Co
- Continental Tyre Co
- Coventry Rubber Co
- Great Eastern Rubber Co
- India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co
- Leicester Rubber Co
- Mackintosh Tyre Co
- Midland Rubber Co
- Moseley Rubber Co
- North British Rubber Co
- Palmer Tyre
- Peter Union Tyre Co
- Rich's Detachable Air Tube Co
- Self-Sealing Rubber Co
Some Unreported Show Items - (p 969)
Interesting Items at the Stanley Show - (pp 970-972)
- J. B. Brooks and Co
- Mercedes
- Brown Brothers
- Coventry Duplex
- Minerva
- Chater Lea
- Elf-King
- Rex
- Quadrant
- Roc
- Zenette
- Griffon
Single-geared Motor Bicycles at the Stanley by B. H. Davies - (pp 989-992)
- Advance
- Bat
- Elf-King
- Bicar
- Brown
- Max
- Matchless
- Ariel
- Lurquin and Coudert
- Douglas
- Kerry
- Fairy
- G.B.
- Minerva
- Norton
- Phanomen
- Tom Silver
- Dot
- Rex
- Griffon
- F.N.
- Vindec
- Triumph
- Clyde
- Roc
- Zenette
See Also
Sources of Information
- The Motor Cycle 1907/11/27