The Engineer 1943 Jul-Dec: Index: Difference between revisions
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* [[W. Guy Hodge|Hodge, W. Guy]], Obituary, (396) | * [[W. Guy Hodge|Hodge, W. Guy]], Obituary, (396) | ||
* [[Charles D. Holmes and Co|Holmes, Charles D., and Co., Ltd.]], Flexible 65-Ton Pneumatic Press, 445 | * [[Charles D. Holmes and Co|Holmes, Charles D., and Co., Ltd.]], Flexible 65-Ton Pneumatic Press, 445 | ||
* [[Andrew | * [[Andrew Home-Morton|Home-Morton, Andrew]], Obituary, 467 | ||
* [[A. Hopkinson|Hopkinson, A.]], Machinery in Coal Mines, 81 | * [[A. Hopkinson|Hopkinson, A.]], Machinery in Coal Mines, 81 | ||
* [[Hopkinsons|Hopkinsons, Ltd.]], Emergency Valves for High-Pressure Heating Systems, 273; Centenary, 374 | * [[Hopkinsons|Hopkinsons, Ltd.]], Emergency Valves for High-Pressure Heating Systems, 273; Centenary, 374 |
Revision as of 16:09, 2 December 2022

The Engineer 1943 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 176 Index
- Abraham, R. M., Obituary, 91
- Acheson, E. G., Ltd.. Preventing Joints from Sticking, (116)
- Adamson, J., Piecework and Payment by the Hour, 489
- Addenbrooke, G. L., Obituary,:327
- Amor, J. F., Federation of Engineering Societies, 149
- Anderson, D., Engineers and National Planning (Inst. C.E., Pros. Address), 367,:379; (Leading Article, 366)
- Andrews, W., Building-Up and Hard Surfacing by Welding, 407, 412
- Angwin, Sir A. Stanley, Telecommimication, 310
- Arnett, J. F. B. Ling, and J. McPheat, The Spectrographic Analysis of Cast Iron, 76; (Leading Article, 70)
- A. S. E. A. Electric Co., Factory for Welding Machines, (88)
- Askham Bryan, National Institute of Agricultural Engineering Headquarters, 234
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 61; Concrete-Steel Barges, 353
- Athoe, G. B. J., Co-ordination of Technical Societies, 488
- Auckland Harbour, New Zealand, 361
- "Avro York" Transport Aircraft, 41, 357
- Bacon, Frederic, Obituary, 159
- Bailey, F. M., Obituary. (216)
- Bailey, G. E. Presentation, (60)
- Baillieu, Sir Clive, F.B.I. Appointment, 159
- Baird, G. B., Whither Coal ? 53
- Baker, J. F., Appointed Professor of Mechanical Science, Cambridge University, 1
- Baker, P. J. Noel, Internal Transport Economy, 179
- Ballard, W. E., The Metal-Spraying Process, 407, 413
- Bardgett, W. E., and J. A. Jones, Creep Resistance of Superheater Tube Steels in Tube and Bar Form, 6
- Barrow Strike, 277. 289; (Leading Article, 286)
- Barwick, A. J., Retirement from Lloyd's Register, (514)
- Beavan, F. E. S., President, Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, 417
- Beck, H., What is Work? 289
- Beighton Bicentenary, (465)
- Bennett, J. G., World's Fuel Resources, 68
- Bennett, M. G., Railways and Fuel Economy, 277
- Bennett, W. A. and J. C. Edwards. Inspection Efficiency, 507
- Bethlehem-Fairfield Shipyard, U.S.A.. 4. 24, 55, 63
- Bethlehem Steel Co., New Blast-Furnace, (138)
- Birchenough Bridge, Rhodesia, 480
- Black, S. K., Obituary, 457
- Blue Star Line, Ltd., Aerial Transport, 397
- Bond, W., Dunlop Suggestion Scheme, 71
- Bousfield, W. R., Obituary, 61'
- Bowden-Smith, E. C., Dry Stone Dams, 53
- Bowen, F. C., From Paddle to Screw in the Navy, 12
- Bowyer, E. C., The S.B.A.C. and Civil Aviation, 72
- Boyd. A. J., Relinquishing Ministry of Supply Appointment, 495
- Bradfield, J. J. C., Obituary, 267
- Bradshaw, H. O., Change-Gear Calculations, 388
- Brennan, J. B., and F. V. Warnock, Some Tensile Shock Properties of Carbon Steels, 206, 233
- Brenner Railway Bombed, 199
- Bridges, Lieut.-Col. Walter, Obituary, 71
- Brighton Railway Viaduct, Repair of Bond) Damage, 484
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., A. E. Russell's Appointment, 81; "Hercules" Aero Engine, 383
- British Central Electrical Co., Ltd., Electric Cable Fault Locator and Vulcaniser, 173
- British Coal Utilisation Research Association, New Laboratories, 9
- Briton Ferry Steel Co.. Ltd.. Future of the Tinplate Industry, 101
- Broadway Engineering Co., Ltd., Super-Finishing Machine, 38
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., Works Exhibition, 328
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 81
- Brown, R. J., and J. Bridle, A New Method of Sorting Steels, 442; (Letter, 489)
- Bruce, A. K., John Henry Hamilton and the Positive Scavenging Engine, 281. 301, 320; (Letter, 427)
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.. Craft Selection School, 273
- Budapest Underground Railway, (120)
- Bulawayo Railway Station, South Africa, 480
- Butterley Company, Ltd. Erection of n Standard Unit Bridge, 74
- Burdon, John, Obituary, 111
- Burrinjuck Dam, New South Wales, 201
- Butler, L. F. G., Bristol Aeroplane Co. Appointment, 61; Obituary, 199
- CAMMELL Laird and Co., Ltd., Appointments, 477
- Canadian National Railways. 102
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Development of, 122
- Canning Dam, Australia. 201 Carnegie-Illinois Blast-Furnace, (178)
- Carr, T. H., International Institution of Engineers, 149
- Cedar River Power Plant, (60)
- Cement and Concrete Association, Soil Cement Stabilisation. 128
- Chambers, E. J. This Freedom, 227
- Charter Oak Bridge, Connecticut River, 261
- Charleshourg Loretteville Road, (436)
- Cherwell, Lord. Scientific Research, 108; (Leading Article, 110)
- Chicago, Burlington and Quincey Railroad, Centralised Traffic Control, (20); Historical Documents, (216)
- Chicago and North Western Railway, Signalling, (178)
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Howrah Bridge, 333
- Commercial Structures, Ltd., Plastic Treatment for Porous Castings, (316)
- Connecticut River Bridge, Hartford, 147
- Coolgardie Water Supply Works, Australia, 218
- Cooper, Fred., Rotol, Ltd., Appointment, 397
- Copper Development Association, Annual Meeting, 375
- Crampton, A. W., Federation of the Professions, 88; (Loading Article, 90); (Letter, 149); International Engineering. 227; The Relations of Architects and Engineers, 309; The Professional Conference on Town Planning, 388; Fusion or Co-ordination of Technical Societies, 449; Amalgamation or Coordination and Federation. 525
- Crawford, H. E., The Future of Road Transport. 159
- Crewe Centenary Celebrations, L.M.S.. 205
- Cripps, Sir Stafford Repair of Damaged Aircraft, 217; Radio and International Relations, 317
- Croft, C. M., Advice to Apprentices, 93
- Crowther, J. G., Scientific Information. 237, 272; (Leading Article, 266)
- DALE, C. B. M., Oil Engine Outputs, 505
- Dale, Sir Henry, Royal Society Address (Leading Article), 466
- "Daphne," Launch of (Historic Accidents), 238, 258
- De Caus, Salomon, Martyrdom of, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 31
- Decew Falls Power Project, (100)
- de Havilland, John, Obituary, (178)
- Dewhurst, P. C. Compound Locomotives in Great Britain, 91
- Dickinson, H. W., Utilisation of Waste Heat from Industrial Operations, 410. 432
- Die Casting Machine Tools, Ltd., Pressure Die-Casting Machine, 414
- Dietz, A. G. 14., Conservation of Wood, 312
- Digby, W. Pollard, Obituary. 31
- Dominion Engineering Works, The Principles of Employment, 73
- Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Steel Production, (356)
- Dunlop Suggestion Scheme, 71
- Dunsheath, P., Workshops for All. 505
- EARLE, G. and T., Ltd., Factories in Rural Areas, 426
- Economist, The, Centenary, 199
- Edwards. J. C., and W. A. Bennett, Inspection Efficiency, 507
- Eliot, T. H. World Trade, 81
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Aircraft Engine Testing, (80)
- Essendon, Lord, The Future of British Shipping, 257
- Everard, F. T., and Sons, Ltd., Concrete-Steel Barges. 353
- "Experiment" Locomotive, S. and D. Railway, E. A. Forward, 125, 150
- FALMOUTH, Viscount. The Means for Scientific Research, 93
- Fedden, Sir R., The Future of Engineering. 81
- Fenelon. K. G., Appointed Secretary. Institution of Production Engineers, (120)
- Ferguson, J. H., Practical Planning, 308
- Fergusson, H. B., Fractures in Welded Ships. 52; Welded Joints and the Izod Test, 487
- Fichte and Sachs A.G., Schweinfurt, 461
- Fitzpayne, E. R. L., Transport in Glasgow, 297
- Flannery, Sir J. Fortescue, Obituary, 307
- Fleming, A. P. M., Life and Work of Nikola Tesla, 447
- Fort Gibson Dam. (376)
- Forth Road Bridge Scheme, 495
- Forward, E. A., S. and D. Railway, The "Experiment" (Links in the History of the Locomotive), 125, 150
- Franklin Falls Dam, (514)
- Fry, Lawford H., Director of Research, New York Locomotive Institute, 41, 101
- Furness, Withy and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 257
- GANDY Bridge, Florida, (456)
- Gauge and Toolmakers' Association, Ltd., 154
- Gawn. R. W. L., Steering Experiments, 97, 116, 135, 145, 175
- Gobble, J. R., British Shipbuilding, 369
- Geiger-Mueller X-Ray Counting Tube, 134
- Gibb, C. D., Ministry of Supply Appointment, 495
- Goldie, R. J., Gear Production, (40)
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Supersonic Waves and Defects in Motor-Car Tyres, (394); The Electron Microscope and Synthetic Rubber, (396)
- Gordon, Dudley, Piecework and Payment by the Hour, 489
- Gracie, J. J., Maximum Industrial Production, 13; (Leading Article, 30); (Letter, 92)
- Graevenitz, Baron, Obituary, 477
- Granet, Sir Guy, Obituary, 297
- Great Western Railway, Train Lighting, (391); Special Trains, (4 14)
- Grimshaw, C. O., Obituary, 217
- Grodzinski, P., The Preferred Number System, 52
- Grumell. E. S., The Conservation of Coal, (388)
- Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., "Land Drainage," 167; (Letter, 209)
- HAMILTON, John Henry, and the Positive Scavenging Engine, A. K. Bruce, 281, 301, 320; (Letter, 427)
- Hammond, R., Aluminium in Post-War Reconstruction, 15, 33, 66, 94
- Harlow, W. F., Causes of High Dew-point Temperatures in Boiler Flue Gases, 389, 393; (Letter, 487)
- Harrap, G. V., Personnel of Electricity Supply, 505
- Hartley, Sir Harold, Industrial Research, 179
- Harvey Frost Vulcaniser, 173
- Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., Welded Joints and the izod Test, 487
- Hatfield, W. H., Obituary, 328
- Hawker Siddeley Aircraft Co., Annual Meeting, 41
- Hawksley Lecture, Gyroscopic Principles and Applications, E. C. Inglis, 417, 428, 452, 464
- "Heinkel 177" Bomber, 515
- Helmer, C. H., The Horsepower of Aircraft Guns, 209
- Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., Education Scheme, 225
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd. Unproved Drill Guard ("Reliance"), 231
- Hetch-Hetchy Power Plant, (98)
- Heywood Compressor Co., Ltd., Small Compressed Air Unit, 490
- High-Duty Alloys, Ltd., Investigation of Gorman Aero-Engine Pistons, 363
- Hilton, Professor J., Obituary, 179
- Hilton, Sir Robert, Obituary, 347
- Hoare, H. J., John Henry Hamilton, 427
- Hodge, W. Guy, Obituary, (396)
- Holmes, Charles D., and Co., Ltd., Flexible 65-Ton Pneumatic Press, 445
- Home-Morton, Andrew, Obituary, 467
- Hopkinson, A., Machinery in Coal Mines, 81
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Emergency Valves for High-Pressure Heating Systems, 273; Centenary, 374
- Hothersall, A. W., Electro-Deposition, 407, 423
- Howden, W. H., Obituary, 237
- Howe, C. D., Canada and Civil Aviation, 334
- Howgrave-Graham, R. P., Engineering in Early Warfare, 502
- Howrah Bridge, Calcutta, 333
- INDUSTRIAL Welfare Society, Annual Meeting, 417
- Inglis, C. E., Retirement from Cambridge University, 1; Gyroscopic Principles and Applications (Hawksley Lecture), 417, 428, 452, 464
- Inglis, R. J. M., Observations on Wartime Transport, (138)
- Inwood's Tables of Interest, (245)
- Ireland, J., Post-War Marketing of Tin, 513
- Iron and Steel Disposals, Ltd., 39, 59
- JACKSON, J., and R. Ll. Rees, The pH Value of Boiler Feed Water, 247; (Letter, 308)
- Jackson, S. B., The pH Value of Boiler Feed Water, 308
- Jameson Welding Works, Welded Motor Vessel Blaauwbok, 334
- Jane's Fighting Ships, 1942, 51
- Jarrow Shipyards Reopening, 21
- Jenkins, W. St. D., Inventors and Employers, 345
- Jenkinson, J. R., and J. R. Rylands, Bonded Deposits on Economiser Heating Surfaces, 389, 392
- Johannesburg Post-War Schemes, 18
- Johansson, E. C., Obituary, (376), 387
- Johnston. E. A., British and American Trade Problems, 149; Anglo-American Co-operation After the War, 172
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Attachments for the Sigma Comparator, 37; hand Feed Surface Grinding Machine, 75; Gauging by Blind People, (256); Reamer Honing Machine, (474)
- Jones, J. A., and W. E. Bardgett, Creep Resistance of Superheater Tube Steels in Tube and Bar Form, 6
- Jones, J. J. A., Obituary, 388
- Joselevice, G. and J. B., Ice Skating Rink at Buenos Aires, 193
- "Jumo " Aero-Engines, Fuel Injection, 113
- KATANGA Copper Mines, 479
- Keenan, G., Distilling Apparatus for Ship's Lifeboats. 26
- Kenward, H. L., This Freedom, 368
- Kilwa Hydro-Electric Scheme, Australia, 218
- Kimberley Airport, (120)
- Klip Power Station, South Africa, 461 gold-Hold Manufacturing Co., Testing of Stratosphere Aircraft, (20)
- Krupp's Armament Works (R.A.F. Targets,) 339
- Kugelfischer A.G., Schweinfurt , 460
- L
- LA FAYETTE, O.S.S., Salvage of, (120), 121, 337, 398, 418, 440
- Lamaxque, P. V., Protection of Engines and Vehicles in Storage, 81
- Lamont, James, Obituary, (514)
- Law, L. W., Our Debt to the Metallurgist, 264
- Lea, F. C., " Remember the Past and Look to the Future " (I. Mech. E., Pres. Address), 343
- Leggett, Sir F., International Labour Organisation, 495
- Lessing, R., The Coal Research Club, 161 Lindsay, L., This Freedom, 265
- Ling, F. B., J. McPheat, and .1. Arnott, The Spectrographic Analysis of Cast Iron, 76; (Leading Article, 70)
- Lingley, R. J., Hydrogen in Boilers, 409
- Lion's Gate Bridge, Vancouver, 141
- Lloyd, G., Air Force Petrol Consumption, 377,
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, A. J. Barwick's Retirement, (514)
- London, County of, Plan, 46, 64; (Leading Article, 50)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, War Work, (60); Passenger Journeys in 1942, (80); Freight Traffic, (138); The "Coronation Scot" Train, 139, (396); Method of Measuring Waste Steam, 153; Women Engine Builders, (178); Employees in Forces, (189); Ammunition Transport, (198); Crewe Centenary, 205; Heat Treatment Plant for Steel Tools, 213; Prefabricated "Railbars," 231; Workshop Salvage, (243); Smoke-Box Char as Boiler Fuel, 250; Rebuilt "Royal Scot" Engines, 254; "Transplanting " Railway Sidings, (256); Speeding-Up Coal Supplies, (276); Anti-Gas Trains, (316); Balerno Branch Closing, (396); The Design of Tea Boilers, 404; Divisional Control Office, 483; Pleasure Steamers at War, (494); Motor Transport Economy, (532)
- London and North Eastern Railway, Bridge Renewal in East Midlands, 93; Appointments, (138), (316); Tidal Basin Station Closed, (138); Scarborough Train Accident, (138), 337; Platelayers' Concrete Huts, 194; Mobile Electrical Sub-Stations, 195; Removal of Slip in Cutting on Main Line, 294; Radio Telephone Tests on Goods Trains, (356); Locomotive Conversion ("No. 2005 "), 410; "Sign Standards," (476); "B 3" Locomotive Class Conversion, (494)
- London Passenger Transport Board, Paper Salvage, (60)
- Low-Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd. Annual General Meeting, 277
- Lyttelton, O., Review of Production, 21; Changes in the Production Programme, 179
- Lyttelton Port, New Zealand,:360
- MACASSEY, Sir Lynden, The Equipment of Engineering Schools, 417
- Macdiarrnid, A. C., Industrial Reconstruction, 168
- Macdonald, S., Invention or Research, 409
- Machine Shop Equipment, Ltd., " Center-scope," 154
- Manchester Electricity Supply, J 101
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, Martyrdom of Salomon de Caus, 31; P. C. Dewhurst's Engine, 111; Oil Engine Outputs, 449, 505
- Massey, L. F., Obituary, (406), 427
- Matthews, R. Borlase, Obituary, 159
- Mayor, S., Bequest, 290
- McCorquodale, M. S., Britain's Man Power, 159
- McGowan, Lord, The Future of the Chemical Indust ry, 311
- McIntyre, G. H., Ceramics, 187
- McLean, D., and L. Northcott, Structure and Segregation of Ingot Iron, 325
- McLean, T., Piecework and Payment by the Hour, 489
- McPheat, J., F. B. Ling, and J. Arnott, The Spectrographic Analysis of Cast Iron, 76; (Leading Article, 70)
- Mercedes-Benz Automatic Supercharging System, 48 ,
- Merritt, H. E., Change-Gear Calculations, 282; (Letter, 388)
- Mersey-Humber Canal, Suggested, Ellis Smith, 217
- Mersey Dock Improvements, 515
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Unified System of Boiler Control, 284
- Micheline Electric Railcar, (138)
- Michigan," United States Ship Centenary, (60)
- Miller, R. N. Appleby, Obituary, 61
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Oil Engine Outputs, 468
- Mississippi River Bridge, 29
- Moore, R. O., Town Gas for Motor Vehicles, (58)
- Mordell, L. J., A Mathematical Prize, 32
- Moss, E. W., Invention and its Relation to Industry, 365
- Murray River Conservation Scheme, Australia, 200
- Murrumbidgee Irrigation Scheme, 201
- NARROWS Tunnel Project, New York 152
- Nasmith, J. W., Obituary. (80)
- Nelson, Sir G., Industry and the Future, 371
- New York Locomotive Institute, Mr. Lawford H. Fry's Appointment, 41, 101
- Niagara Hydro-Electric Plant, 23
- Neal, N. H., The Application of Statistical Methods to the Control of Industrial Costs, 507
- Noble, Sir W., obituary, 307
- Nelson, Sir G., F.B.I. New Year Message, 515
- Nock, 0. S., Modern Railway Signalling Practice in America, 162, 190, 202, 228
- North Carolina Shipbuilding Co., Wartime Construction, 85, 104
- Northcott, L., and D. McLean, Structure and Segregation of Ingot Iron, 325
- Nuffield College, Oxford, Problems of Employment, 35, 56; (Loading Article, 70)
- OERLIKON Company, Laboratory for H.T. Research, 269
- Ohio Units Manufacturers, Super-Finishing Machine. 38
- Otto Beit Bridge, Zambesi River, 480
- PALETHORPE, L. G. Whybrow, Local Case-Hardening, 403
- Parker, E. B., Authority in the Factory, 111; Hydrogen in Boilers, 290, 368 "What is Work?" 345
- Parker Foundry (1929), Ltd., Piecework and Payment, by the Hour, 489
- Parkinson, G. W., Development of Open-Cast Mining, 495; Obituary, (514)
- Parry, C. P., Corrosion in Boilers, 487
- Parsons Memorial Lecture, Lord Rayleigh, (60), (296),:317
- Patterson, C. R., Canadian Airport Construction, (456)
- Pearl Harbour Salvage, 318, 338, 358, 378
- Peace River Bridge, (296), (356)
- Pearl Varnish Co., Ltd., "Trefolex" Cutting Compound, (100)
- Pennsylvania Railroad Improvements, (:374)
- Perry, Lord, Piecework and Payment by the Hour, 387; (Leading Article, 386); (Letters, 427, 449, 468, 489)
- Perry, T. D., Flexible Pressure in Veneer and Plywood Work, 132. 155
- Philadelphia Navy Yard Dry Dock, 165, 182
- Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Glass Tanks, (158)
- Ploesti Oil Refineries. Bombing of, 101
- Porn, M., British Oil Engine Industry After the War, 131
- Porter, R. C.. Locomotive Exhaust, 131
- Poultney, E. C., Locomotive Power, 472
- Preece, Sir George, Experience Teaches, 221; (Letters, 290, 345, 368, 409, 449)
- Pritchett and Gold and E. P. S. Co., Ltd., An Electric Launch (Sixty Years Ago), 72
- Pullman Standard Car Manufacturing Co., Naval Patrol Vessel, (40)
- QUARRELL, A. G., The Electron Microscope and its Application to Engineering Problems, 499, 526
- Quebec Bridge, 102
- Quebec Harbour, 142
- RAYLEIGH. Lord, Parsons Memorial Lecture, (60). (296), 317
- Reber, G., Cosmic Static Investigations, 234
- Redmayne, Sir R., Machinery in Coal Mines, 121
- Rees, R. Ll., and J. Jackson, The pH Value of Boiler Feed Water, 247; (Letter, 308) Remscheid Air Attack, 101
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Howrall Bridge, 333
- Richardson, Cecil, Obituary, (436)
- Rickey, J. W., Obituary, (40)
- Rigby, A., Obituary, (468)
- Ripple Rock, Blasting the, (38)
- Robb, A. M., Professor of Naval Architecture, Glasgow University, 417
- Robinson, J. G., Obituary, 477
- Robinson, S. A., University Students and Apprenticeship, 53
- Rolls-Royce "Battle of Britain" Exhibition, (276)
- Rosenerants, F. H., Obituary, 179
- Rotol, Ltd., Variable-Pitch Marine Propellers. 87; Auxiliary Generating Plant for Aircraft, 372; Mr. F. Cooper's Appointment, 397
- Russell, A. E., Bristol Aeroplane Co., Appointment, 81
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 41
- Rylands, J. R., and J. R. Jenkinson, Bonded Deposits on Economiser Heating Surfaces,:389, 392
- SANDYS, Duncan, The Production of War Equipment, 317
- San Jeronimo Dam, Argentina,:391
- San Juan Water Supply, (60)
- Saward, H. E., This Freedom, 368
- Scarborough Collision, L.N.E.R., (138), 337
- "Scharnhorst," German Battleship, Sinking, 515
- Schweinfurt (Air Force Targets), 459
- Severn Barrage Scheme, 449; (Leading Article, 466)
- Sharpley, G. R., Development of the Oil Engine Industry, 41
- Shelford, F., Obituary, 111
- Sherman, V. W., Dehydration of Food by Radio-Frequency Energy, 205
- Sigma Comparator. Attachments for, E. H. Jones (Machine Tools), Ltd., 37
- Sillince, W. P., Obituary, 327
- Sloan, C. H., Diamond Cutting for Tools, (120)
- Smallwood. Alfred, Obituary, 267
- Smith, C. A. Middleton, Engineers and the British Empire, 2, 22, 4:3. 83, 102, 122, 141, 160, 180, 200, 218, 241, 259, 278, 299, 329, 348. 359, 380, 400, 420, 439, 461, 478, 496, 516; (Leading Article, 524)
- Smith. Ellis, Suggested Mersey—Humber Canal, 217
- Smith, E. W., Presidential Address, Institute of Fuel, 353
- Smith, L. Gilling, Piecework and Payment by the Hour, 427
- Smith, S. L., Survey of Plastics from the Viewpoint of the Mechanical Engineer, 481, 491, 511, 529
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd., The Future of British Air Transport, 17; (Leading Article, 10); (Letter, 72)
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd., 277
- Somerest Darn, Australia, 202
- Southern Railway, Women as Guards, (158); Mr. G. Ellson's Retirement, (476); Repair of Bomb Damage to Railway Viaduct, 484; Southern "Pacifies" at Work, W. A. Tull in, 506, 519
- S.P.D., Ltd., Container Recovery Service, (138)
- Stephen, A. Murray, Revision of the Tonnage Laws, 309
- Stevens, J. F., Obituary, (120)
- Stewart, Sir P. Malcolm, Portland Cement Industry. 61
- Stileman, C. G., Obituary, 467
- St. Mary River Hydro-Electric Plant, Ontario, 22
- Stow College, Glasgow, Marine Engineering Laboratory, 16
- Strathspey, Lord, This Freedom, 333
- Suchiute Bridge, (158)
- "Suecia," Swedish Motorship, (20)
- Sumner, D. G., Obituary, (514)
- Swan, A. W., Sampling Schemes for Qualitative Inspection, 507
- Swinden, T., Loaded Manganese-Molybdenum Steel, 325
- TACOMA Bridge, (158)
- Tata Iron and Steel Co., Developments, (276)
- Table Bay Harbour. (256)
- Tay Bridge Scheme (20)
- Tesla, Nikola, Life and Work of, A. P. M. Fleming, 447
- Thomas R., and Co. Ltd., Future of the Tinplate Industry, 129
- Tiburcio Benegas Dam, Argentina, 14
- Tillyer, E. D., Saneness Optical Glass, (177)
- Toronto Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Yard Taken Over by Redfern Construction Co., (336)
- Trans-Tasman Air Lines, (20)
- "Trefolex" Cutting Compound, Pearl Varnish Co., Ltd., (100)
- Trevithick, R. E., Boilers of the rnarck," 333
- Troup, J. D., What is Work ? 308
- Tuplin, W. A., Southern " Pacifies " at Work, 506, 519
- Turnbull, C., The Horsepower of Aircraft Guns, 309
- Turner, Lieut.-Col. Clive, Obituary, (236)
- Tutin, J., Fractures in Welded Ships, 28 (Letter, .12)
- "Typhoon" Dive Bomber, (16)
- UNION Steel Corporation (South Africa), Ltd., Annual Mooting. 333
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Creep Resistance of Superheater Tube Steels in Tube and Bar Form, J. A. Jones and W. E. Bardgett, 6
- VANCOUVER Harbour, 142
- Vanderbijl Steel Works, Transvaal. 9
- Vandermin, Conrad, Obituary, (225)
- Vickers, G. W., Battleships of the Future, 345
- Vickery, H. L., Shipbuilding in England and America, 274
- Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co., Ltd., Unusual Types of Storage Vessel. 96
- WALKER, F. L., Foremen Panels. 488
- Waimakariri River Control, New Zealand. 348
- Waitaki Hydro-Electric Plant, New Zealand, 349
- Warnock, F. V., and J. U. Brennan, Some Tensile Shock Properties of Carbon Steels, 206, 233
- Waterhouse, C., Post-War Trade and Government Factories, 457
- Waterloo Temporary Bridge, Dismantling, 257
- Watson, F. L., Daywork or Piecework, 468
- Weir, Lord. Elected Honorary President, British Employers' Confederation, 1: Fifty Years in Industry, 217
- Welland Ship Canal, Canada, 42 Wellington Harbour, Now Zealand, 360
- Whiteley, J. H., Study of Austenitic Grain Growth in Medium-Carbon Steels, 324
- White, W. M., The Darns of Japan, (119)
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Tungsten Carbide Riveting Punch, (436)
- Will, W., Advertising and Classics, 449
- Williams, D. R., A High-Pressure Superimposed Power Plant, 450, 469, 482, 508
- Williams, Sir Owen, and Partners, Concrete Steel Barges, 353
- Wilmot, H. F., Dry Stone Dams, 53
- Wilson, L. R. Z., Obituary, (494)
- Wood, Sir William V., The Threshold of a New Era in Transport, 305
- Woodburn, A., Daywork or Piecework, 449
- Woodcock, A. F., Oil Engine Outputs. 489
- Woodward, R. G., Obituary, (205)
- Wuthrich, G., This Fredom, 245 282
- YATES, H. O., A Universal Resonance Chart, 268
See Also
Sources of Information