1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name D
Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering
Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
DABELL, A. F. Chev. Crown of. Roumania, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.T. (Council). Consultant. Address: Shepherd's Halt, Godmanchester, Huntingdon. Age: 64. Career: Apprent., Southampton Naval Works and John Elders, Glasgow; Engr., Thames Haven Refinery; petroleum exploration in Turkey and Roumania; Manager, Russian Oilfields; Chief Engr., Anglo-French Petroleum Commission. Manager in Trinidad, British Controlled Oilfields. Member Godmanchester Borough Council; Member, Trinidad Ch. of Commerce; Divisional Director, A.R.P.
DAGLISH, E. E. A.M.I.E.E. Joint Managing Director, The Equipment and Eng. Co., Ltd., Westinghouse Buildings, 2 and 3 Norfolk Street, Strand, W.0.2.
DAINTON, W. E. B. M.I.Mech.E. Engr. and Ship Surveyor, The Board of Trade, Mercantile Marine Branch, Canning Place, Liverpool. Age: 43 DAKIN, E. L. V. M.C., B.Eng., RI.Inst.C.E. London Manager, Wilson Lovatt & Son, Ltd. Private Address: 13 Bigwood Road, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, N.W.11. Age: 49. Career: Liverpool Coll.; Liverpool Univ.; War Service, Commanded 98th Field Co. R.E., wounded and Prisoner-of-War. Engr. and Contractor's Agent, Arnold and Son, Doncaster, and Topham, Jones and Railton.
DALE, J. E. A.M.I.E.E. Electrical (2nd) Asst. Engr., Electric Supply Dept., Liverpool Corp., 24 Hatton Gardens, Liverpool. Age: 33. Career: King Edward VI G.S., Chelmsford; Apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Trafford Park; Tech. Ed.: Part time at Manchester Coll. of Tech. and Liverpool Tech. Coll. Lieut. in 105th Corps Field Park Coy. R.E. Sup. Res.
DALE, W. B. M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. General Manager, Elect. and Controls Depts., Hopkinsons Ltd., Britannia Works, Huddersfield. Private Address: "Moorcroft, " New Mill, Huddersfield.
DALE, W. W. D. M.B.E., M.I.Mech.E. Engr. Asst. (retired), to Director of Dockyards, Admiralty. Private Address: "Ronda, " Minster Hill, Isle of Sheppey, Kent. Age: 63. Career: Educ. Sheerness; appointments at Dockyards, Sheerness, Gibraltar and Devonport; Officer i/c Workshops, Repair Ship "Reliance," 1915; served in the Grand Fleet under Admiral Beatty; Dardenelles operations with Eastern Mediterranean Squadron (receiving letter of appreciation from the Lords of the Admiralty); after further services at Portsmouth, appointed to Admiralty (Dockyard Dept.) as Engr. Examiner and later Engr. Assistant. Awarded "Silver Jubilee" Medal.
DALMAN, F. N. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Control Gear Engr., Donovan Elect. Co., Ltd., Stechford, Birmingham. Private Address: 55 Selly Park Road, Birmingham, 29. Age: 38. Career: Birmingham Univ.; several years, Asst. to Chief Engr., George Ellison, Ltd.; 4 years in Charge Control Gear Estimtg. Dept., Igranic Elect. Co., Ltd.
DALRYMPLE-HAY, Sir Harley Hugh. Consulting Chartered Civil Engr., 11 Regent Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Addresses: Brabourne House, 57B Frogual, Hampstead, N.W.3, and The Grey House, West Leas, Folkestone. Career: Specialised in rlwy. construction, bridges and tunnels, especially in underground rlwys. in London, subaqueous tunnelling work at home and abroad, and foundations for bridges, etc. Author of papers in "Transactions of The Institution of Civil Engineers." DALTON, Alfred John. A.M.I.E.E. Engr. and Manager, Milford Haven U.D.C. Elect. Dept., Hamilton Terrace, Milford Haven. Private Address: Penbryn, Steynton Road, Milford Haven. Career: Apprent. Weymouth Corp. Elect. Dept.; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Elect. Supply Co. Ltd. (now North Eastern E.S. Co.), 1913-22; Private Practice, 1922-34; 1934-36, Dorchester Corp. Elect. Dept., Tech. Asst.; 1936, present appointment.
DALTON, William Thomas. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Corp. Transport and Elect. Undertaking, Manors, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Private Address: 4 North Jesmond Avenue, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Age: 58. Educ.: Private tuition and Finsbury Coll., London; Apprent. at Siemens Bros. & Co. Ltd., Woolwich.
DALZIEL, J. M.I.E.E., F.R.S.A. Private Address: Camosan, Berks Hill, Chorleywood, Rickmansworth, Herts. Career: Until June, 1936, Asst. Elect. Engr., London, Midland and Scottish Railway.
DAMSELL, R. F. B.Sc. (Elec. Eng. ), A.M.I.E.E. 2 Walsingham Road, Enfield, Mdx. Tech. Asst., Chief Engr's. Dept., L.C.C., County Hall, S.E.1. Age: 40. Career: Bristol Univ. 1914-16 and 1919-20; Testing Dept. and later A.C. Engg. Dept., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Rugby; Illumn. Engg. Dept., Edison Swan Elec. Co.
DANCE, Herbert Ernest. M.Eng. (Liverpool), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.Inst. C.E. H.M. Inspector (Tech. Branch), Board of Education, Whitehall, London. Private Address: 79 Broad Street, Birmingham 15. Age: 38. Career: Apprent. with eng. firm; Birkenhead and Liverpool Tech. Colleges; Liverpool Univ.; Rathbone Medallist, 1927; University Scholar, 1927; 1927-34, Chief Asst., Messrs. Sloan and Lloyd Barnes, Consulting Engrs., Liverpool.
DANIEL, C. S. Captain R.N., A.M. I.E.E. Captain "D," 6th Destroyer Flotilla, H.M.S. "Faulknor," Home Fleet, c/o G.P.O., London. Age: 44. Career: Southcliffe Sch., Filey; R.N. Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth; Milford Haven. Career: Apprent. Weymouth Corp. Elect. Dept.; Newcastle-upon-Tyne Elect. Supply Co. Ltd. (now North Eastern E.S. Co.), 1913-22; Private Practice, 1922-34; 1934-36, Dorchester Corp. Elect. Dept., Tech. Asst.; 1936, present appointment.
DALTON, William Thomas. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Corp. Transport and Elect. Undertaking, Manors, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Private Address: 4 North Jesmond Avenue, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Age: 58. Educ.: Private tuition and Finsbury Coll., London; Apprent. at Siemens Bros. & Co. Ltd., Woolwich.
DALZIEL, J. M.I.E.E., F.R.S.A. Private Address: Camosan, Berks Hill, Chorleywood, Rickmansworth, Herts. Career: Until June, 1936, Asst. Elect. Engr., London, Midland and Scottish Railway.
DAMSELL, R. F. B.Sc. (Elec. Eng. ), A.M.I.E.E. 2 Walsingham Road, Enfield, Mdx. Tech. Asst., Chief Engr's. Dept., L.C.C., County Hall, S.E.1. Age: 40. Career: Bristol Univ. 1914-16 and 1919-20; Testing Dept. and later A.C. Engg. Dept., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Rugby; Illumn. Engg. Dept., Edison Swan Elec. Co.
DANCE, Herbert Ernest. M.Eng. (Liverpool), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.Inst. C.E. H.M. Inspector (Tech. Branch), Board of Education, Whitehall, London. Private Address: 79 Broad Street, Birmingham 15. Age: 38. Career: Apprent. with eng. firm; Birkenhead and Liverpool Tech. Colleges; Liverpool Univ.; Rathbone Medallist, 1927; University Scholar, 1927; 1927-34, Chief Asst., Messrs. Sloan and Lloyd Barnes, Consulting Engrs., Liverpool.
DANIEL, C. S. Captain R.N., A.M. I.E.E. Captain "D," 6th Destroyer Flotilla, H.M.S. "Faulknor," Home Fleet, c/o G.P.O., London. Age: 44. Career: Southcliffe Sch., Filey; R.N. Colleges, Osborne and Dartmouth; Grove Lane, Hale, Ches. Ed.: Armstrong Coll. (now King's Coll.), Newcastle-on-Tyne.
DARBY, E. H. d 'E. B.A., M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Chief Engr., L.M. & S. Rly., St. Pancras Chambers, London, N.W.1. Age: 58. Career: Cheltenham Coll.; Clare Coll., Cambridge; entered service L.N.W. Rly., Chief Engr.'s Office, 1902; Asst. Res. Engr., Garston New Dock, 1904-10; Asst. Dist. Engr., Walsall, 1910; Dist. Engr., Crewe, 1919, and Manchester, 1921; Div. Engr., Derby, 1928; Asst. Engr., P. Way, St. Pancras, 1935.
DARBY, John Francis. Major, Royal Signals (S.R.); T.D., A.M.I.E.E. Telephone Manager, Edinburgh Area G.P.O., Telephone House, 22 Queen Street, Edinburgh. Private Address: 6 Colinton Road, Edinburgh. Age: 49. Career: Asst. Inspector Telegraph and Telephone Traffic, Headquarters, G.P.O., London; Dist. Manager, North Midland Dist., P.O. Telephones, 1933-36. 1914-19 in Royal Engineers, O.C. Signal Douai; Valencrennes Area, 1918-19; 1920-37 Royal Signal (T.A.) 44th Divisional Signals, 2nd in Command; 1937 appointed O.C. No. 3 Company G.H. Q. Signals (S.R.) Edinburgh.
DARK, D. E. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Draughtsman, Messrs. D. Gilson & Co., Ltd., Billet Works, Billet Road, E.17. Age: 54. Career: J. & E. Hall, Ltd., Dartford; Easton & Co., Ltd., Erith; Humpage Jacques & Peterson Ltd., Bristol; Alfred Herbert Ltd., Coventry; Vickers Ltd., Sheffield; J. & P. Coats Ltd., Paisley.
DARK, M. J. A.M.I.E.E. London Director, Taylor Tunnicliff & Co., Ltd., Hanley, Staffs. Private Address: 5 Stonehills Mansions, 8 Streatham High Road, S.W.16. Age: 57. Career: Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Drawing Office, Edison & Swan & Co.; Drawing Office, British Westinghouse Co., Trafford Park; Head of Switch Gear Dept. of Johnston & Phillips Ltd.
DARKE, John. M.I.E.E. A Principal, Telecommunications Dept., General Post Office, London, E.C.1. Age: 47. Career: City and Guilds of London; Tech. Coll., Finsbury; Eng. Depts. of National Telephone Co. and G.P.O.
d'ASSIS-FONSECA, H. M. M. B.Sc. Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Communication Engr., Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Oakleigh Road, New Southgate, London. Private Address: 45 Greenhill Park, New Barnet, Herts. Age: 40. Career: Bristol Grammar School, 1909-15; 1915-17, Clerk, Accounting Dept., British American Tobacco Co., Bedminster; 1917-19, Gunner and Signaller, R.F.A., in France; 1919-23, Faculty of Eng., Univ. of Bristol, including 1 year as student, Electric Construction Co., Wolverhampton; 1923, joined Western Elect. Co. (name subsequently changed to Standard).
DATE, Captain William Henry. Late R.A.F. B.Sc.(Lond.), A.M.I.E.E. Snr. Lecturer in Elect. Eng., The Polytechnic, Regent Street, W.1. Private Address: 18 Finchley Avenue N.3. Age: 46. Northampton Eng. Day Coll., London, 1909-13. War service with R.A.F., Staff Officer, 3rd Class., 1915-19.
DAVEY, Cyril Frederick. Captain R. Signals, T.A. reserve. B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Works Manager, Lancashire Factories Thomas Bolton & Sons, Ltd., P.O. Box, No. 3, Widnes, Lancs. Private Address: The Clock House, Christleton, Chester. Age: 36. Career: King's Coll., London; British Insulated Cables Ltd., Prescot.
DAVEY, Frank W. B.Sc., A.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Struct.E. Consulting Engr., 14 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Special Technical Interests: Reinforced Concrete.
DAVEY, H. T. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.Loco.E. Lecturer, Northampton Polytechnic, London. Private Address: 174 Princes Gardens, London, W.3. Age: 41. Career: Paddington Tech. Inst.; London Univ. Matric.; Full Tech. Certs. C. & G.; Apprent., Loco. Works, Midland Rly.; Draughtsman, Air Ministry; Asst. in Works, Westminster Eng. Co., Willesden. Author of Gearing Section, The Engineers' Year Book, etc.
DAVEY, Norman. B.Sc., Ph.D., M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.F. R.Ae.S. Snr. Scientific Officer, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Building Research Station, Garston, Watford. Private Address: 61 Eastbury Road, Watford, Herts.
DAVEY, T. Farrance. B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., A.M.Inst.C.E.,A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Am.Soc.C.E. Resident Engr., H.M. Air Ministry Works Directorate, No. 2 Bomber Area, Wattisham Aerodrome, Gt. Bricett, Suffolk. Private Address: " Henley, " Valley Road, Ipswich. Age: 40. Asst. to Chief Engr., British Pitometer Co., Ltd., (Glenfield & Kennedy); Designs Eng. Pan-American Petroleum Co., and Union Oil Co.; Asst. to Res. Eng., Stone & Webster, Inc., California; Designs Eng. and Res. Eng. Quinton, Code & Hill, Leeds; Dam and Harbour Res. Eng., Pembrokeshire Roads and Bridges Committee; Res. Eng., L. G. Mouchel and Partners; Res. Eng., Air Ministry Works Directorate. Lecturer and writer in American and British tech. journals.
DAVID, Major E. Ivor. M.I. Mech.E. Consulting Engr. (own account). Private Address: 54 Llanedeyrn Road, Cardiff. Age: 56. Career: Pengam Grammar School; Liverpool Coll.; Cardiff Univ. Coll. (1st Page Prizeman 1904-05 at latter); Chief Engr. and Manager for British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., in S. Wales and West of England Dist. (1914 to War period); War Service: R.A.F., includg. i/c Engine Repair Shops, Farnborough; Tech. Adjt., Nard & Sard, France; later i/c E RS & ARS, Henlow,Cranwell and Dronfield, etc.; at present Consuiting Mech. and Elect. Engr. to Ely Valley Power Co., Welsh Nay. Colly. Co., Castlecomer Coils. (I.F.S. ), Instone Group, etc. Pres., S.W.I.E. (1938), Past Pres., Assoc. Min. Elect. Engrs.
DAVID, W. T. M.A., Sc.D. (Cantab.), D.Sc.(Wales), M.Inst. C.E., Professor of Eng., The University, Leeds. Career: Educ.: Univ Coll., Cardiff; Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Practical training with Mather and Platt, Manchester. Author of various papers in Proceedings Inst. C.E. and I.Mech.E., and contributions to "The Engineer," "Engineering" and Phil. Mag.
DAVIDGE, Professor H. T. B.Sc., M.I.E.E. Private Address: 25 New Street, Henley-on-Thames. Age: 66. Career: City and Guilds; St. John's Coll. Cambridge; Whitworth Sch.; Research Student, Cambridge; Prof. Ordnance Coll., Woolwich, 1903-18; Sub-Dean, Fac. of Eng., Univ. Coll., London; retired 1936. Books: "Technical Electricity" (jointly with R. W. Hutchinson).
DAVIDSON, Major-Gen. Alexander E. C.B., D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E. Director of Mechanisation, War Office, Whitehall, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 11 The Pryors, Hampstead, London, N.W.3. Career: From 1899 in R.E.; Major-General, 1936. S.A. War (medal and three clasps); European War (D.S.O., despatches, Bt. Lt.-Col.). Sec. W.O. Mechanical Transport Committee 1910-14; Chief Inspector, R.E. Stores, 1920-24; Deputy Asst. Director of Fortifications and Works, 1924-25; Member of Mech. Warfare Board, 1927-31 (Chairman, Tech. Committee); Asst., Director of Works, W.O., 1931-35; present appointment, 1936. A.D.C. to the King, 1935-36. President I.Mech.E, 1935.
DAVIDSON, Charles S. M.I.Mech. E., M. I.E.E. Formerly Chief Engr. and Manager, Elect. Works, Borough of Barnes; retired July, 1938.
DAVIDSON, G. A.M.I.E.E. Contract Manager (Group C), Duncan Watson (Electrical Engrs.) Ltd., Kelvin House, Cleveland Street, London, W.1. Private Address: 80 Hervey Close, Church End, Finchley, N.3. Age: 37. Career: Northampton Polytechnic; Regent Street Polytechnic; Apprent., Mann, Crossmann & Paulin Ltd., Engr.'s Dept.; Royal Air Force; Jacob White & Co., Ltd.; Grierson Ltd.; Dulrae Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Ellis & Ward Ltd.
DAVIDSON, Henry. M.Inst.F., M.J.I.E., M.I.E.V.E., Supervising Engr., J. Roger Preston and Partners, Consulting Engrs. (Heating and Ventilating), Dilke House, Malet Street, W.0.1. Private Address: Ilkley Villa, 2 Midhurst Road, Clapton, E.5. Certificated City and Guilds of London Inst. in Heating and Ventilating. Formerly Heating Engr., London County Council, Chief Engr.'s Dept., Public Institutions Division.
DAVIDSON, H. S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Stanley Johnston Ltd., 5 Queen Street, Belfast. Age: 64. Career: 13 years, Drake and Gorham, Apprent. onwards to Outdoor Supt. and Insp. of Installations; Manager, H. M. Leaf, London; Elect. Manager, Army and Navy Aux., C.S. Ltd.; Partner, R. J. McCredy, Eaton & Davidson, Dublin; London Manager, Masterton & Allan, Ltd., 10 years; present post since 1921.
DAVIDSON, Captain H. S. A.M. I.E.E. Asst. Transmission Engr., Central Elect. Board, 53 Wake Green Road, Moseley, Birmingham, 13. Private Address: 27 Staplehurst Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, 28.
DAVIE, J. F. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: Coggers Cottage, Henfield, Sussex. Age: 65. Career: London Elect. Supply Co., at 15 years of age; with R. P. Wilson, Consultant, for 24 years; Contracting for 18 years, then Westminster Elect. Supply Co. for 26 years, on Sales Promotion and Consumers' Eng.; Retired 1936.
DAVIES, A. C. B.Sc. (Hons)., A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.W.E. Lecturer in Elect. Eng., Salop C.C. Private Address: "Edelweiss, " Gobowen, Oswestry, Salop. Age: 32. Ed.: Ruabon Grammar School; Liverpool Univ.
DAVIES, A. W. M.I.E.E., A.S.M.E. Director, Mayor & Coulson Ltd., Glasgow. Private Address: "The Croft," Carmyle Avenue, Carmyle, Glasgow.
DAVIES, Angie Henry. A.M.I.A.E. Consulting Automobile Engr., Bellstone Court, Shrewsbury. Private Address: Richmond, Shelton Road, Shrewsbury. Age: 35.
DAVIES, B. Price. F.S., F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S.I., NI.T.P.I. City Engr. and City Architect, Bangor, N. Wales. Born: 1888. Career: Asst. lecturer, Cardiff Tech. Coll.; 1914-18, R.E. (France); 1919, on staff of Cardiff Engr., late Chief Housing Asst.; also part time Lecturer on building subjects, Cardiff Tech. Coll.; 1923, Surveyor of Works, Cardiff; 1929, present appointment. Author of,`Estimating for Buildings and Public Works", "Building Laws," etc. Three times Gold Medallist and 1st Prize Winner. P.W. Roads and Trans. Congress.
DAVIES, Benjamin. A.M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P. Address: 6 South Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth. Tel: Aberystwyth 576. Born: 1863. Son of David and Hannah Davies, "The Garden," Bronwydd. Ed.: Llangunllo, Aberbanc, Horeb, Liverpool Inst., Liverpool Coll. of Chemistry, and Univ. Coll., Liverpool. Career: Private Asst. in Research, Sir Oliver Lodge, 1893; Staff, Eastern Telegraph Co., 1908; afterwards chief of Research Dept., Eastern and Associated Telegraph Companies. Retired in 1922. Publications: "The Evolution of the Harp" in 1890; "Electrical Egnition in Gas Engines" in 1890; "Long Range Measuring Instruments" in 1893; "All Metal X-Ray Tube" in 1896; "First Principles of Material Well Being" in 1917; "Force in Peace and War" in 1920; "Detection of Added Water in Milk" in 1931; Physical analysis of and "Detection of Added Water in Milk" in 1935, " The New Social Order' in 1937, etc., War Service: Admiralty research under Board of Invention and Research.
DAVIES, Bernard William. Assoc. M. Inst.0.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A. M. I. Struct.E., M.Inst.W.E. Engr. and General Manager, Corp. Water Dept., Castle Boulevard, Nottingham.
DAVIES, C. H. Capt. R.A.O.C. (S.R.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.C.T. Workshop Engr., I.C.I. Ltd., Dyestuffs Group, Manchester. Private Address: 7 Reynell Road, Longsight, Manchester. Age: 38. Career: Public Sch.; Manchester Univ., 192028; following full Works Apprent., held various appointments as Draughtsman, Asst. to Chief Designer, Asst. Constructional Engr., Maintenance Engr., Workshop Engr.
DAVIES, David Hugh. A.M. I.E.E. Borough Elect. Engr., Chesterfield Corp., 172 Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield. Private Address: "Oakfield, " Chesterfield. Career: Manchester and Bury Municipal Tech. Colleges. Appointments with Bury, Darlington, Stockton, Heywood Corporations, 21 years aggregate; 17 years present appointment.
DAVIES, D. N. B.Sc. (Honours), A.I.C. Development Officer, Cellomold, Ltd., Browells' Lane, Feltham, Mddx. Private Address: 4 Fontwell Park, Ashford, Mddx. Career: 12 years' experience in plastics industry (synthetic resin moulding powders and other compositions) at home and in Canada, U.S.A., Italy and Germany.
DAVIES, D. R. M.I.E.E. Chief Metal-clad Switchgear Designer, Metro-Vickers, Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: 9 The Avenue, Sale, Ches. Age: 46. Career: Apprent., British Westinghouse; Educ., Manchester Coll. of Tech. Awarded John Hopkinson Premium, 1936.
DAVIES, E. D. B.Sc., A.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Engr. in Charge of South Wales Dist., Central Electy. Board, Oxford Lane, off City Road, Cardiff. Age: 38. Career: Tregaron County School; Ruthin School, N. Wales; Univ. Coll., Cardiff, 1918-21; 1922-25, Trainee with the South Wales Elect. Power Co., Cardiff; 1925-27, Asst. Dist. Engr.; 1927-29, Tech. Officer, Air Ministry; 1929-31, Engr.-in-Charge of Contracts with Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., London; 1931, present appointment.
DAVIES, Evan Thomas. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., South Wales Elect. Power Co., 27 Newport Road, Cardiff. Private' Address: "Oakwood" 17, Graes-Low, Rhumbird. Age: 36. Career: Univ. Coll. of Swansea and South Wales Elect. Power Co.; Asst. Charge Engr. at the Duffryn Rhondda Collieries Power Station.
DAVIES, Francis. M.Inst.F., A.M.I.A.E. Director, Richard Klinger, Ltd., Klingerit Works, Sidcup, Kent. Private Address: Broomhills, Park Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. Age: 40. Ed.: London Univ.; Apprent., Assoc. Equipment Co., Ltd.
DAVIES, Frank Broughton. A.M.I.E.E., M.I.Mar.E. Electrical and Marine Engr., British Standards Inst., 28 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 22 Penwortham Road, Sanderstead, Surrey.
DAVIES, G. Vivian. M.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E., F.C.S., F.I.P. Chief Technologist, Delaware Oil Co., Ltd., Wellington House, Strand, London, W.0.2. Private Address: 7 Gloucester Street, Warwick Square, London, S.W.1. Age: 33. Career: Christs Coll., Brecon; Works training, England, France and Germany; Chem. Engr., Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.; on Tech. Staff, Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd.; Combustion Engr., Gas Light and Coke Co.;.Chief Process Engr., T.V.P. Ltd.
DAVIES, Henry. M.Eng., A.M.I.E.E. Research Engr., British Broadcasting Corp. Private Address: 63 Calbourne Road, S W.12. Training: Liverpool Univ., and Metropolitan Vickers.
DAVIES, Henry Merson. V.D., Lt.-Colonel A.F.(I). (Retired). M.I.Mech.E., M.I.L.E., M.Inst.T. Deputy Chief Mech. Engr., Indian State Rlwys. (On retiring leave). Address: c/o High Commissioner for India, India House, Aldwich, London, W.C.2. Age: 54. Career: Trained with North British Loco. Co., Glasgow, and Caledonian Rlwy. Co.; Inspecting Staff of Messrs. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton.
DAVIES, J. G. M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.P.E., M.I. & S.I. Chief Engr., The Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co., Ltd., Canley, Coventry. Private Address: 227 Lordswood Road, Harborne, Birmingham. Age: 34. Career: Worcester Royal Grammar School; Newport Tech. Coll.; Central Tech. Coll., Birmingham; Birmingham Univ.; Articled, Austin Motor Co., Birmingham; finally Efficiency Engr. in Charge of Sheet Metal and Presswork, including plant; Asst. Plant Engr., Morris Commercial Cars; Consulting. Engr. for building and equiping complete factory of Coventry Radiator.
DAVIES, Joseph F. A.M.I.Brit.F. Works Manager, L. and R. Baker & Co., Ltd., Newport. Private Address: 36 Sommerhill Avenue, Newport.
DAVIES, K. S. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Engr. in Charge of Television Dept., Murphy Radio Ltd., Welwyn Garden City, (1933 to date). Private Address: 22 Attimore Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. Age: 31. Career: Univ. Coll., Cardiff, 1925-29; Engr. in Transmission Dept., Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 1929-31; Eng. Research Student, Cambridge Univ., 1931-33.
DAVIES, P. L. A.M.I.E.E. Partner, Downes & Davies, 1-9 Stanley Street, Liverpool, and Branches. Private Address: "Greengorse, " Brimstage Road, Heswall Hills, Wirral. Age: 55. Chartered Elect. Engr.
DAVIES, Sydney John. D.Sc. (Eng.), Ph.D., M.Sc., M.Mech.E, M.I.A.E., Wh.Ex Professor of Mech. Eng., King's College, London, and Consultant for Internal Combustion Engines. Private Address: 54 The Gallop, Sutton, Surrey. Career: 1913-15, Eng. Lecturer, Loughborough Tech. Coll.; 1915-19; Inspector of Aircraft Engines; 1919-20 Asst. Works Manager, Clyno Eng. Co. 1920-26, Eng. Lecturer, Armstrong Coll., 1926-36, Reader in Mech. Eng., King's Coll.; from 1st January, 1937, present appointment. Books: "Injection and Combustion in HighSpeed Oil Engines"; various papers contributed to the tech. and scientific institutions and to the tech. press.
DAVIES, T. H. A.M.I.E.E. Distribution Engr., Llanelly and Dist. Elect. Supply Co., Llanelly, Carmath. Private Address: Merlin, Miles Street, Stradey, Llanelly, South Wales. Age: 33. Ed.: Haverfordwest Grammar School; Swansea Tech. Coll.
DAVIES, Thomas F. M.I. & S.I., M.S.W.I.E. Director and Tinplate Works General Manager, R. Thomas & Co., Ltd., Tinplate Works, Abercarn, Monmouthshire. Private Address: The Gnoll, Ridgeway, Newport, Mon. Career: Served eng. apprent. at Melin Griffith Tinplate Co.'s Eng. Shop, afterwards working in all process depts. of same firm; appointed Rolling Mill Superintendent of the Works in 1904; joined R. Thomas & Co. Ltd., in 1908 as Manager of Cilfrew Tinplate Works; transferred to Abercarn Works in 1910; appointed General Manager of the Eastern District Tinplate Works of the same firm in 1923; appointed a Director of the Company in 1932. Designed and built Abercarn Tinplate (New) Works in 1911.
DAVIES, V. C. B.Sc. (Eng.), M. I.Mech.E. Head of Mech. and Civil Eng. Dept., Battersea Polytechnic, London, S.W.11. Private Address: 38 East Sheen Avenue, East Sheen, S.W.14. Age: 51. Career: South-Western Polytechnic, London; (1st Class Hons. B.Sc. (Eng.) ); Apprent., Antelope Foundry Co., Ltd., Deptford; Asst. Engr., Road and Rail Eng. Co., Ltd., Derby; Lecturer in Eng., SouthWestern Polytechnic; Lecturer in Eng., Battersea Polytechnic, later Chief Asst., and 1935, appointed Head of Dept.
DAVIES, W. B. M.Inst.C.E. General Manager and Agent, Insoles Ltd., Cymmer Collieries, Porth, Rhondda Valley, Glam. Private Address: Maes Gwyn, Porth, Rhondda.
DAVIES, W. T. A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Officer, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hants. Private Address: Lynmouth, Sycamore Road, Farnborough Hauts. Age: 39. Career: Educ. in Cardiff, South Wales; 1918-25, Royal Air Force; 1925 to date, Civil employment of the Air Ministry.
DAVIES, Wilfred Vaughan. F.S.I., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Registered Architect. Engr. and Surveyor, Chertsey Urban Dist. Council, Council Offices, Chertsey. Age: 44. Formerly Asst., Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames, Esher Urban Dist. Council, and Teddington Urban Dist. Council.
DAVIS, Alfred. M.I.Mech.E., M .N. A. Chief Supt. Engr., Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., Colonial House, Water Street, Liverpool. Private Address: "Horbury," 74 Osmaston Road, Prenton, Birkenhead. Age: 51. Career: Armstrong Coll. (Eng. Diploma); Apprent., R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co.; 1909, John Brown, Clydebank; 1910, London and Glasgow Eng. and S. Co.; 1913, Burmeister and Wain, and Harland & Wolff; 1914-22, Palmers' S. and E. Co., Jarrow, Dep. Chief Draughtsman; 1922-24, Cammell Laird, Eng. Works Manager; 1924-36, Alfred Holt and Co., Chief Asst. Supt. angr.; 1936, present post.
DAVIS, A. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I. Mar.E., A.Inst.P.I. Chief Inspector of Boilers, Government of Burma, Law Courts, Rangoon, Burma. Private Address: 10 Park Terrace, Falmouth, Cornwall. Age: 51. Career: Trained as a marine and mech. engr., Messrs. Cox & Co., Falmouth (drawing office and works); Engr. Officer in vessels of B.I.S.N. Engr.-Lieut. R.N.R. during the war; Joined Burma Boiler Commission in 1922, being appointed C.I.B. in 1933. invented and patented a furnace "Circularity Gauge," for use in boiler inspection.
DAVIS, Arthur Charles. D.L., J.P., M.I.Mech.E., F.C.S. Works Managing Director, Associated Portland Cement Mfs., Ltd., and British Portland Cement Mfs., Ltd., Portland House, Tothill Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Stone Castle, Greenhithe, Kent. Formerly M.Inst.C.E.I. (Mullins Silver Medallist). Books: "One Hundred Years of Portland Cement," 1924; "Portland Cement Manufacture, Testing and Uses," 1935.
DAVIS, B. M. J. M.I.E.E. Theatre and Cinema Lighting and Tech. Consultant, Sound and Cinema Equipment Ltd., 20 Gerrard Street, W.1. Age: 46. Career: Univ. of London; Apprent. to Building and Eng.; subsequently Cinematography Elect. Eng. Chief Engr. of Pavilion, Marble Arch, and Associated Theatres from 1910 till 1915; War Service (R.A.F.) till 1918; 1926, Chief Engr., Gaumont British; 1930-35, Consultant on Staff of G.E.C. Designed installations of some 100 Cinemas and Theatres, including Opera House, Covent Garden, Prince of Wales Theatre, etc. Inventor of Chlorides' Keepalite 'B' Emergency Lighting Equipment.
DAVIS, D. G. B.Sc., Dip-Met. A.M. I. E.E. Chief Elect. Engr., Port of London Authority, Trinity Square, London, E.C.3. Private Address: "Pittencrieff," Millway, Mill Hill, N.W.7. Career: Armstrong Coll., Newcastle; Chief Engr., Mond Nickel Co. Ltd.; Res. Engr., Clyde Valley Elect. Power Co., Ltd.; System Engr., Cleveland an Durham Elect. Power Ltd.
DAVIS, Ewart Gordon. M.I. Mech.E. Proprietor, Dominion Eng. Co., Specialists in Design of Special Machines and Equipment, North Wharf, Gordon Road, West Ealing, W.13. Private Address: 26 Delamere Road, Ealing Common, W.5. Club: Rotary.
DAVIS, F. H. A.M. I.Mech.E. Con. Engr. and Assessor, Motor Claims, etc. (own Practice). Office Address: 3 Athenaeum Terrace, Plymouth. Age: 49. Career: Plymouth Corp. Grammar School; Plymouth Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Bickle Eng. Co., Plymouth, 5 years; 15 months Belsize Motor Co., Manchester; 17 years, R.N.A.S. and R.A.F., Tech. Officer; 4 years in Charge of Mech. Transport with Oil Company; 1932 to date, own practice as above.
DAVIS, Frederick William Daniel. M.Sc. (Hons. Eng.), Victoria Univ. (Leeds), M.Inst.C.E. With the Port of London Authority, Trinity Square, E.C.3. Career: Pupilage with the Ebbw Vale Iron and Steel Co.; Engr. and Agent for Public Work Contractors on construction of Rlwys., Docks and Harbours, at home and abroad; 1903-12, Engr. to S. Pearson & Son; 1912-38, Resident Engr., New Works Engr., and Deputy Chief Engr. to the Port of London Authority.
DAVIS, H. C. M.I.Struct.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Director and Works Manager, Molassine Co., Ltd., Greenwich, London, S.E.4. Age: 64. Career: Articled Vernon and Guest, Birmingham; Central H.G. Sch., Smethwick; Birmingham Tech. Sch.; with C. B. Ketley, Patent Agent, Birmingham, 1892-95; with Druit Halpin, Westminster, 1895-1908; 1908, joined Molassine Co., as Engr., and Works Manager.
DAVIS, H. G. A.C.G.I., B.Sc. (Eng.), D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E. Regional Engr., G.P.O. Eng. Dept. (Scotland), G.P.O. Edinburgh. Age: 39. Career: City and Guilds, 191922; 1922, Asst. Engr., 1932, Exec. Engr., 1936, Regional Engr. (Scotland), G.P.O. Eng. Dept.
DAVIS, Henry Whitworth. Order of the Nile (Egyptian). M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: The Manor House, Earsdon, Northumberland. Age: 64. Career: Apprent. North Eastern Rlwy., Darlington Loco. Works, 1890-95; Darlington Tech. Coll.; Dist. Running Shed Supt., North Eastern Rlwy.; Indoor Supt., Egyptian State Rlwys., 1904-1911; Deputy Chief Mech. Engr., Egyptian State Rlwys., 1911-20. Now retired.
DAVIS, H. T. M.I.Mech.E. Certifying Officer, Metropolitan Traffic Area, Romney House, Marsham Street, S.W.1. Age: 44. Career: Thomas Tillings Ltd., Asst. Engr.; United Service Transport Co., Ltd., Chief Engr.
DAVIS, Engr.-Commander John Reginald. R.N., 2nd and 1st Class Engrs. B.O.T. Certifs., M.I.Mar.E. Flotilla Engr. Officer, H.M.S. Titania, VIth Submarine Flotilla, H.M.S. Titania. Private Address: The "Croft," Nailsworth, Gloucestershire. Age: 46. Career: Apprent. H. J. H. King & Co. Ltd., Engrs., Stroud; 5 years in Shops and D.O.; Entered R.N., April, 1913; approx. 20 years in and connected with Submarine Mchy.; various R.N. appointments; Eng. Comdr. H.M.S. Lucia, II S/M Flotilla; Eng. Comdr. for Fleet duties in Hong Kong; Eng.Comdr. H.M.S. Titania for VIth Submarine Flotilla.
DAVIS, Maurice Albert. A.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.Struct.E. Director, Reinforced Concrete Specialists Ltd., First Avenue House, High Holborn, W.0.1. Age: 40. Career: Westminster Tech. Inst.; Struct. Engr., Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ltd.; Indented Bar and Conc. Eng. Co., Ltd., and Edmond Coignet Ltd., London; Simon Carves, Manchester; The Reinforcing Steel Co., Ltd., Johannesburg, S. Africa.
DAVIS, Neville Ryland. M.A., A.M.I.E.E., F. Inst.P. Director and General Manager, Sunvic Control Ltd., Stanhope House, Kean Street, A ldwych, W.0.2. Private Address: 12 Rosecroft Avenue, N.W.3. Age: 37. Eng. Tripos, Cambridge. Formerly with Metropolitan Vickers, Research Dept.
DAVIS, Percival Kingsley. A.M.I.E.E. Supt. Outside Dept., North Metropolitan Elect. Power Supply Co., 15 Friern Barnet Road, New Southgate, N.11. Private Address: 20 Queen's Road, Barnet, Herts. Age: 40. Diploma, Faraday House; Outside Supt., Contract Dept., B.I.C.; Asst. G. V. Twiss & Partners, Westminster; Asst., Merz & McLellan, Victoria Street, S.W.1.; Mains Supt., Elect. Board for Northern Ireland, Belfast.
DAVIS, P. W. A.M.I.E.E. Director and Joint Gen. Manager, Simplex Elect. Co., Ltd., Broadwell Road, Oldbury.
DAVIS, R. F. A.C.G.I., B.Sc., (Eng..), D.I.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Tech. Engr., International Combustion, Ltd., Derby. Age: 36. Career: 1915-20, St. Dunstans Coll., Catford; 1920-23, City and Guilds; 1923-26, Asst. C.E., Foundation Co., Ltd.; 1926-27, Asst. C.E., Hydro Elect. Dept., Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co.; 1927-38, International Combustion Co., Tech. Asst.
DAVIS, W. J. A.M. I.E.E. Elect. Engr. (private practice), 32 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 2 Eatonville Villas, Upper Tooting Park, S.W.17 Age: 54. Career: Regent Street Polytechnic; Apprent., Spagnoletti & Crookes; Designer with Spagnoletti Ltd.; for many years Chief Engr. and Sales Manager of Park Royal Eng. Co., Ltd.
DAVIS, Walter John. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.E.Cy.E. Deputy City Surveyor and Water Engr., City of Chichester, North Street, Chichester. Private Address: The Dormers, Old Bosham, Chichester. Age: 31. Career: Pupil J. Beynon, Esq., M.Inst.M.E.Cy E, late Frome R.D.C. Eng. Asst., Williton R.D.C., 1926-30; Isle of Wight C.C., 1930-31; and Orsett R.D.C., 1931-35.
DAVIS, William Arthur. M.I.A.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Patent Agent, U.S. Patent Attorney, Canadian Patent Attorney. In business on own account as Consulting Engr. and Patent Agent and Attorney, Waterloo House, Waterloo Street, Birmingham, 2. Private Address: Goldieslie Road, Wylde Green, Warwickshire. Formerly Industrial Engr. and Patent Agent, Morris Commercial Cars Ltd.
DAVISON, E. G. A.M.I.Mech E, A.M.I.A.E. Private Address: 20 Fitzjohn's Avenue, London, N.W.3. Career: Apprent., Loco Engr., Caledonian Rly.; Draughtsman in Rly. Office; Argyll Motor Car Co.; Designer of "Adams Hewitt" Car; Designer, Humphries Gear Co.; Service Engr., New York; Experimental Engr., F. B. Stearns Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Director, Jas. Talbot and Davison, Ltd.; Designer "Zephyr" Car; Insp. Engr., R. W. Hunt & Co., i/c their Berlin Works—mainly locomotives; i/c locomotive contracts in various English works; Director, Chariot Omnibus Services, Ltd.
DAVISON, J. W. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Designer, The Sunderland Forge and Eng. Co., Ltd., Sunderland. Private Address: 67 Ewesley Road, Sunderland. Age: 39.
DAVISS, Maxwell Robert Vincent. B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Eng. Asst., County Borough of Croydon. Private Address: 116 Mount Park Avenue, South Croydon, Surrey. Age: 34. Career: Univ. of Birmingham; Eng. Asst. to Birmingham, Tame and Rea Dist. Drainage Board.
DAVY, C. M.I.Mech.E. Engr. and Director, P. R. Jackson and Co., Ltd., Salford Rolling Mills, Manchester. Age: 55. Career: Wesley Coll., Sheffield; 3 years Sheffield Univ.; Workshop and D.O. Training, Davy Bros.; with present Company for 29 years, and a Director for last 9 years; also Director, Automatic Scale Co., Broadheath.
DAWES, Jesse Cooper. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.S.I. Ministry of Health, Whitehall, S.W.1. Private Address: Utley, The Ridgeway, Kenton, Mddx. Books: "Public Cleansing: An Investigation into the Public Cleansing Service in the Administrative County of London."
DAWSON, A. J. M.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Works Manager, Albright & Wilson Ltd., Chemical Manufacturers, Widnes. Age: 33. Ed.: Birmingham Univ.
DAWSON, Boyd. M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E. Consulting Engr., 68 Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1.
DAWSON, J. M.C., A.M.Mech.E Chairman and Managing Director, Messrs. James Dawson & Son, Ltd., Boultham Works, Lincoln. Age: 42. Career: Lincoln Tech. Coll.; Worksop Coll., Notts.; Served Lincolnshire Regt., 1914-19. Author of "Belting and its Application" (Chapman & Hall), etc.
DAWSON, Stanley Ernest. "Oliver Stubbs" medallist, 1938 (I.B.F.). F.I.C., A.M.C.Tech. (Vic. Univ. M/c.), M.Inst.Met., M.I.Brit. F., B.C.I.R.A., etc. Chief Metallurgist, Stanton Ironworks Co. Ltd., nr. Nottingham. Private Address: 21 Middleton Crescent, Beeston, Notts. Age: 49. Career: 1913-17, Chief Metallurgist, Singer Mfg. Co., Clydebank; 1917-27, Foundry Manager, Ferranti Ltd., Hollinwood; 1930-34, Chief Metallurgist, Armstrong Whitworth, Gateshead. Inventor of "Nomag" nonmagnetic Cast Iron.
DAY, A. G. A.M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: 56 Combe Park, Bath. Age: 75. Retired. Formerly Director of Tech. Education and Principal Municipal Tech. Coll., Bath. Author of "A Text Book of Machine Construction and Drawing."
DAY, Charles. M.Sc.(Tech.), Whit. Schol., M.I.Mech.E. (Past Pres.). Chairman, Mirrlees Bickerton & Day, Ltd., and Mirrlees Watson Co. Ltd. Director of Petters, Limited. Private Address: Highfield, Buxton Road, Stockport. Career: Since usual apprent. and some years' experience of gas engines and steam engines, has been closely connected with development of the Diesel oil engine. Books: "The Steam Engine-Indicator, " "The Testing of Steam Engines and Boilers."
DAY, C. H. J. M.I.Mech.E. Director and Engr., London Industrial Finance Trust Ltd., Farleigh House, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside, London, E.0.2. Private Address: 49 Alleyn Park, Dulwich, S.E.21. Career: formerly Director and Works Manager of Waygood-Otis Ltd.; now Director of The Moss Gear Co., Ltd., Birmingham, Foster, Yates & Thom Ltd., Blackburn; Marshall Sons & Co. (Sccrs.) Ltd., Gainsborough; Joshua Bigwood & Son Ltd., Wolverhampton.
DAY, William. A.M.Inst.C.E. Divisional Surveyor, Salop C.C., Trimp ley, Ellesmere, Shropshire. Private Address: Green End, Oswestry,, Shropshire. Age: 43. Career: Pupil of late Mr. James Moncur, County Surveyor of Staffordshire; Asst. Surveyor, Staffs. C.C., 1921-26; Div. Surveyor, Bucks. C.C., 1926-30.
DEAKIN, G. W. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.AI.E.E. Assistant, Stroud and Dist. Tech. Coll., Stroud, Glos. Private Address: 11 Nelson Street, Stroud, Glos. Age: 34. Career: Christs' Hospital; North Staffs. Tech. Coll.; Practical Training with Kerr, Stuart & Co., Ltd.; For 9 years on the recording staff of "His Master's Voice," 6 years of which was on the Continent; speaks fluent French.
DEAN, Alexander. M.N.E.C.Inst., M.I.Mar.E. Asst. Supt. Engr., Alfred Holt & Co., Ltd., Liverpool. Private Address: 8 Glenavon Road, Birkenhead. Career: Apprent., R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co.; served with N.E.Mar. Eng. Co., Ltd.; Ocean S.S. Co.; Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd.; Canadian Pacific S.S. Co.; Clarke Chapman & Co.; Clan Line Steamers, Ltd.
DEAN, Arthur Creswell. M.C., M.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Cons.E., M.Amer.Soc.0.E. Snr. Partner, C. S. Allott & Son, Consulting Engrs., 1 North Parade, Manchester, 3. Tel.: Blackfriars 2952. Private Address: Hale Barns, Cheshire. Tel.: Ringway 4069. Career: Educ.: Allhallows, Honiton, and Manchester Univ.; war service, 1914-18, in 82nd Field Co., R.E. and IX Corps. (Captain, R.E.); work as consulting engr. chiefly on electy. generating stations (Manchester, Salford, and other Corporations), Battersea Power Station, etc., and general civil and constructional design and supervision. Past-Chairman, Inst. of Civil Engrs. (Manchester Assoc.); Vice-Pres. Manchester Assoc. of Engrs.; member of Local Associations Sub-Committee, Inst. of Civil Engrs.; Miller Prizeman and Telford Premium of the Inst. Civil Engrs. Books: "Piles and Pile-Driving" (Crosby Lockwood, 1935). Numerous papers on structural works before tech. societies. Clubs: St. Stephen's (London), Engineers (Manchester), Freemasons (Manchester).
DEAN, E. S. M.I.Mech.E., A.F.C., B.Sc.Tech., M.A.S.M.E. Chief Engr., Messrs. Richardsons Westgarth-Brown Boveri Ltd., 56 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Age: 40. Career: Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Brown Boveri Ltd., Switzerland, 1923-27; American Brown Boveri Inc., 1927-34; Richardsons Westgarth-Brown Boveri Ltd., 1934 to date.
DEAN, H. P. M.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Design Engr., Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Billingham-on-Tees. Private Address: Wyndley, Junction Road, Norton-on-Tees. Age: 41. Career: B.V. Grammar School, Warwick; Birmingham Univ.; Asst. Mains Engr., Birmingham Corp. Elect. Supply; Asst. Lecturer, Machine Design, Birmingham Univ.; Design Engr., I.C.I. Ltd.
DEAN, John Harold. B.Eng. (Hons.), A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Engr., Highway and Bridges Dept., Lancs. County Council, County Offices, Preston. Private Address: 34 Scarisbrick New Road, Southport. Age: 35. Career: Liverpool Univ.; Eng. Asst., Mersey Docks and Harbour Board.
DEAN, Rennie. M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Deputy Elect. Engr. and Manager, Coventry. Age: 43. Career: Training, Vickers Ltd., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., and Siemens Bros., Woolwich; 6 years, Distribution Engr., Kettering Elect. Dept.; 8 years present position. Member South Midlands Committee, I.E.E.
DEAN, William James. Hony. Captain R.E. A.M.Inst.C.E. Managing Director, The Glasgow Eng. Supplies Co., Ltd., 38 Oswald Street, Glasgow, C.1. Private Address: "Saratoga," Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. Age: 44. Tech. Ed.: Roya 1 Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Apprent., W. R. Copland & Sons, Glasgow. 9 years with Royal Engineers including 4 years in India.
DEANE, B. P. Fisher. A.M.I.E..E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Member Societe Civils de France. Consulting Engr.; Proprietor, Fisher Drane Eng. Co., 17 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Age: 56. Career: Chief of Inspection and Manufacture Paravanes, Vickers Ltd.; General Manager, Vickers Ltd., subsid.. Co.; Moler Fireproof Brick Co. Ltd.; London Manager, Sanderson Bros. and Newbould Ltd., Sheffield, etc. Jt. Patentee of Nesfield-Deane Waste Wood Destructor.
DEARDEN, John. B.Sc. (Hons.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.Brit.F. Asst. Metallurgist, L.M.S. Rly., Research Dept., Derby. Age: 34. Career: Manchester Univ.; Horwich R.M.I. Tech. Coll.; British Foundry Sch.; Pupilage and later Plant Insp., Horwich Loco. Works, L.M.S.; Works Metallurgist, St. Rollox (Glasgow) Works, L.M.S. Book: (in preparation) " Iron and Steel To-day." DEARDEN, William H. M.Sc., A.I.C. Lecturer in Metallurgy, Univ. of Bristol and Merchant Venturer's Tech. Coll., B ristol.
DEBENHAM, Henry Temple. A.M.I.E.E. Des. Engr. (Control Gear Section), British Thomson Houston Co., Rugby. Private Address: 18 Langton Road, Rugby. Career: Switchboard Attendant, Merthyr Elect. Traction and Lighting Co, and Plymouth Corp. Elect. Works; Shift Engr., Bournemouth and Poole Elect. Supply Co., Ltd.
de BURGH, Wing Commander Desmond H. A.F.C., R.A.F., M.I.E.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., M.I.R.E. Head of Radio Dept., Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hants. Private Address: c/o Lloyds Bank, 68 Warwick Square, London, S.W.1. Age: 41. Career: Harrow School; R.M.A., Woolwich; Cambridge Univ.; Pilot and Observer, R.F.C. and R.A.F.; Chief Signal Officer, H.Q., R.A.F., Middle East, and later India.
DEELEY, Richard Mountford. M.I.Mech.E., F.G.S., F.R.Met.S., F.S.G. Private Address: Arden, The Grove, Isleworth, Mddx. Born: Derby, 1855. Career: Pupil, Mech. Insp., Works Manager, Loco. Supt. and Elect. Engr., Midland Rlwy. Co. Books: "Lubrication and Lubricants" (Griffin); "A Manual of the Principles of Meteorology" (Griffin). Author of over one hundred tech. and scientific papers and articles in "The Philosophical Magazine," "Engineer," Geological Magazine," etc.
DE FERRANTI, Vincent Ziani. M.C., M.I.E.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Ferranti Ltd.., Hollinwood, Lancs. Private Address: "Rose Hill," Brook Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Clubs: Devonshire; Ranelagh.
DE LATTRE, A. L. I.S.O., M.I.E.E. Retired, late Asst. Engr.-in-Chief, G.P.O. Private Address: Delamere, Decoy Drive, Hampden Park, Eastbourne.
DELL, R. A.M.E.E., A.M. I. Mech.E. Asst. Signal Engr., Dist. Rly. (L.P.T.B.), Earl's Court Station, London, S.W.5. Age: 38.
DEMPSTER, David. B.Sc., Ph.D., A.M.I.E.E. Lecturer, The College, Swindon, Wilts. Private Address: 36 Broome Manor Lane, Swindon. Age: 33. Career: St. Andrew's Univ.; Technische Hochschule, Breslau; Apprent., Dick Kerr Works, Preston; Demonstrator, City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll.; Asst. Lecturer, Univ. Coll., Dundee. 1851 Industrial Bursar, Sir James Caird Travelling Scholar.
DENMAN, R. P. G. M.A., A.M.I.E.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I. R.E. Consultant in Eng. Physics. In partnership with E. S. L. Beale, Esq., M.A., 129 Ebury Street, S.W.1. Private Address: 43 Ovington Square, S.W.3. Age: 43. Formerly Asst., Science Museum, S.W.7; Director, Airwork Ltd., Heston Airport.
DENNES, Norman. B.Sc.(Hons.) Lond., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.C.G.I. General Manager, Harcourts Ltd., Moseley Street, Birmingham. Private Address: Whitecroft, Solihull, Birmingham. Age: 51. Ed.: City and Guilds Inst., London.
DENNESS, T. M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. With Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Lock, Mddx.
DENNIS, George Pollard. M.I.E.E. Governing Director, G. P. Dennis Ltd., Hooton Park, Wirral, Cheshire. Private Address: Monkleigh Reservoir Road, N. Prenton, Birkenhead. Career: Central Tech. Coll., Liverpool and Liverpool Univ. Head Lecturer, Electrical Eng., Central Tech. Coll., Liverpool; Chief Tech. Engr., Board of Trade Coal Mines Dept. for Steam Raising, Liverpool Area (War Period). Inventions: Electrical Fuses, Powdered Fuel Burners.
DENNY, Sir Maurice Edward. Bt., C.B.E., B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M. I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E. Chairman, William Denny & Bros., Ltd., Shipbuilders and Engrs., Leven Shipyard, Dumbarton. Private Address: Ardenvohr, Cardross, Dumbartonshire. Director of Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd., British and Burmese Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., India General Navigation and Rlwy. Co., Ltd., Irrawaddy Flotilla Co., Ltd., Lloyd's British Testing Co., Ltd., etc.; President, I.Mar.E., 1935. Author of tech. contributions to various institutions, journals, etc. Club: Windham.
DE NORDWALL, C. F. M.I.E.E. Private Address: "Gloriette," West Drive, Ferring, Worthing. Age: 88. Career: Director of Companies (Elect.) and special Director, Vickers Ltd.
De NORDWALL, Charles H. A.M.I.E.E., M.A.M.E.E. Power Engr., The British Elect. Development Association Inc., 2 Savoy Hill, W.C.2. Private Address: 15 Ellesmere Road, Twickenham. Age: 36. Career: Faraday House; Apprent., Fraser & Chalmers Eng. Works, Ltd., and Metropolitan Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd.; Erection Engr., M.V.E.Co.; Chief Engr., Northern Nigeria (Bauchi) Tin Mines, Ltd.; Sales Engr., M.V.E.Co.. Ltd., Lond. Office.
DENT, Alan E. A.M.I.E.E. Proprietor, A. E. Dent, Contracting Elect. Engr., Alhambra Buildings, Nelson, and 7 Burnley Road, Accrington. Private Address: 11 Ridgeway, Nelson. Age: 51. Ed.: Municipal School of Tech., Manchester.
DE PEYRECAVE, L. F. A.M. Inst.C.E. Private Address: Temple Lodge, Moor Park, Rickmansworth. Age: 55. Career: St. Georges Coll., Weybridge; Univ. Coll., London; Asst. to the late Sir Dugald Clarke; Manufacturer of Motor cars on own account; Director of Aircraft production for British Govmt., in Italy, during the War.
DERBYSHIRE, R. K. A.M. I. Mech.E. Works Manager and Director, Lea Recorder Co., Ltd., Cornbrook Park Road, Manchester. Age: 51. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Salford; Jas. Broughton & Co., Manchester; Draughtsman, Mather & Platt, Ltd.; Asst. Engr., Bradford Dyers Assoc.
De RENZI, Alfred J. C. A.M.I.E.E Borough Elect. Engr., Newcastleunder-Lyme Corp., Corp. Elect. Works, Goose Street, Newcastle, Staffs. Private Address: 22 Keele Road, Newcastle, Staffs. Age: 54. Career: Chelsea Polytechnic and Manchester Municipal School of Tech. Asst. Engr. at Heckmondwike U.D.C. and Rochdale Corp. Elect. Undertakings.
DE SALIS, Comdr. A. F. R.N., A.M.I.E.E. Commander, H.M.S. " Vernon. " Private Address: The Old House, Harrow-on-the-Hill. Age: 42. Career: Royal Navy.
De SALIS, Captain Rodolph H. F. R.N., retired. O.B.E., D.S.C. A.M.I.E.E. Supt. of Mine Design, H.M.S. Vernon, Portsmouth. Private Address: Up Masden House, nr. Chichester, Sussex. Served in Royal Navy, 1905-36.
DESCH, Cecil Henry. D.Sc. (Lond.), Ph.D. (Wiirzburg), F.R.S. Supt., Metallurgy Dept., National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. Private Address: 33 Wool Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20. Career: Lecturer in Metallurgical Chemistry, Univ. of Glasgow, 1909-18; Professor of Metallurgy, Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow, 1918-20; Professor of Metallurgy, Sheffield Univ., 1920-31. Books: "Metallography" (4th edn., 1937); "Chemistry of Solids" (1934); (with F. M. Lea) "Chemistry of Cement and Concrete" (1935).
DESCHAMPS, Joseph Ingeneur Civil des Mines, Liege Univ., M.I. & S.I. Managing Director, Kryn & Lahy (1928) Ltd., Letchworth, Herts. Private Address: Sperbury Hill, St. Ippolyts, nr. Hitchin. Age: 52. Ed.: Ecole des Mines de l'Universite de Liege (Belgium).
DEVEREUX, Herbert Morris. A. I.Mech.E, A.I.Loco.E. Barrister at Law, Gray's Inn. Business Address: The Delamere Gravel and Sand Co., Ltd., Delamere, nr. Northwich, Cheshire. Private Address: ' Ankerdine, " Kelsall, nr. Chester. Career: Head of the then Legal Dept., London & South Western Bank, Ltd., Fenchurch Street, London, E.C., 1905-12; Dist. Manager, British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Manchester and five other Works, 1912-34. Retired 1934. Gave evidence before the Royal Corn. on Land Registry for the London Bankers. Invited by the Government for the same purpose to Edinburgh. Member of Inst. of Quarrying; late Chairman, North Western Area, Inst. of Welding; late Examiner in Welding (oxy-Acet. and electric) for Liverpool Tech. School, etc. Late Chairman, Trafford Park Traders' Assoc. (5 years).
DEVEY, R. G. M.I.E.E. Chief Elect. Engr., Lever Bros., Port Sunlight, Ltd., Port Sunlight, Ches. Private Address: The Crofts, Manor Road, Thornton Hough, Wirral, Cheshire. on Natl. Register of Elect. Installation Contractors, I.E.E. Committee Member representative (Wirral Area). Past Chairman, Mersey and North Wales Centre (Liverpool) I.E.E. Author of "Mill and Factory Wiring." De VILLE, Martin. Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Assoc.M. I.Mech.E. Private Address: 33 Fairdene Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. Age: 67. Formerly Chief Engr. and Manager, Eng. Dept., The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corp., 36 Moorgate. Retired in September, 1936.
DEVONSHIRE, Sir James. K.B.E., M.I.E.E. Chairman and Director of various Electy. Undertakings. Address: Wall House, The Green, Wimbledon Common, S.W.19. Career: Studied elect. eng. at City and Guilds Coll., South Kensington. Past Vice-Pres., I.E.E.; member of Council, Inc. Assoc. of Electric Power Companies; member of Central Electy. Board, 1927-36; member of Inst. of Transport. During the war and subsequently served on numerous Government Committees and Advisory Councils. Clubs: Windham, Ranelagh, Royal St. George's Golf, Royal Wimbledon Gold, Gullane Golf.
DEWAR, James McKie. M.I.Mar. E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., F.R.S.A., M.I.Met. Partner, James M. Dewar & Son, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2. Private Address: The Long Platt, Prestwood, Great Missenden. Career: Dept. Manager of Maudsley, Sons and Field, on introduction of Bellville water-tube boiler to British Navy; General Manager to Shipbuilding and Engineering Works on Clyde; London and Foreign Represen• tative of Cammell Laird & Co., Ltd., for 20 years, and later London Director; Adviser on Refit Works to H.M. Inspector of Dockyards, 1914, at Chatham, Portsmouth and Devon port; Adviser to Ministry of Shipping and Director-General of Merchant Shipbuilding, on conversion of merchant vessels for transport and armed merchant cruisers; Adviser on Inland Waterways and Docks, bargebuilding, floating docks, etc.; Director of Gwynnes, Ltd., introducing "Clerget" rotary engines for aeroplanes; Hon. Adviser to Ministry of Munitions for disposal of plant and machinery; member of Panel (Eng. Section) at Ministry of Labour. Consultant Engr. for high-powered motor liners, "Saturnia" and " Vulcania, " of the Cosulich Line, Trieste; Director of several eng. companies; Vice-Pres., Inst. of Marine Engrs.; Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights.
DEWAR, Norman McKie. M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., A.T.M.A. (Paris). Partner, James M. Dewar & Son, 529/30 Grand Buildings, London, W.C.2. Private Address: Briar Cottage, Woodside Avenue, Beaconsfield, Bucks. Age: 43. Career: Naval Architecture, Liverpool Central Tech. Coll.; 7 years Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd., Birkenhead; Asst. Shipyard Manager, Fairfield S. & E. Co., Ltd.; Tech. Asst. to Governing Director, J. Crichton & Co., Ltd., Saltney; Managing Director, Etheridge, Dewar & Co., Ltd., London.
DEWHURST, F. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.A.E. Chief Mech. Engr., London Fire Brigade, London County Council. Private Address: 75 Kenton Park Crescent, Kenton, Harrow, Mddx. Age: 48. Career: Wigan Mining Coll.; Imperial Coll. of Sc., South Kensington; Lecturer, Wigan Mining Coll.; Asst. Chief Draughtsman, Sheffield-Simplex Ltd.; Experimental Engr., Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.; Designer, Leyland Motors Ltd.; Asst. Chief Engr., Bentley Motors Ltd.; Chief Engr., Flexion Extensions Ltd.; on Eng. Staff, Regent St. Polytechnic, London.
DEWHURST, M. M.Sc., M.I.E.E. Managing Director, Dewhurst & Partner Ltd., Inverness Works, Hounslow. Private Address: Lothersdale, Firs Drive, Cranford, Mddx.. Age: 50. Career: Burnley Grammar School; Manchester -Univ.; afterwards with Mather & Platt Ltd., Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., and Crompton & Co., Ltd.
DEWS, J. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Mech. Engr., John Crossley & Sons, Ltd., Halifax. Private Address: 5 Savile Park Gardens, Halifax.
DEXTER, William Allinson. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S. Director, The Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., Glasgow, and Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day, 45 Scotland St., Glasgow. Private Address: 7 Knowe Terrace, Pollokshields, Glasgow.
D 'EYNCOURT, Sir Eustace H. W. TENNYSON Bt., K.C.B., Cornd. Legion d 'Honneur, Hon.LLD., D.Sc., Hon. Vice Pres. I.N.A., M.Inst.C.E. Hon. Member, French Academie de Marine, etc. Consulting Naval Architect and Engr., 20 Ebury Street, S.W.1. Private Address: Carter's Corner Farm, Hailsham, Sussex. Age: 70. Career: Educ.: Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. Apprent., Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Naval architect, Fairfield Co., 1898-1902; Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Director of Naval Construction, Admiralty, 1912-23. Head of Admiralty Committee which designed and produced the first tanks.
DEZOYSA, Augustus Julius. B.Sc., A.M. Inst.0.E. Managing Director, Factory Buildings and General Structures, Ltd., Windsor House, Victoria Street. Address: 46 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Age: 48. Career: Cambridge Univ.; Construction Dept., Ceylon Govt. Rlwys; Asst. Engr. and Tech. Asst., Woolwich Arsenal, D.I.G.A. (T.), War period; Designer of Aeroplanes at Nieuports Ltd., Cricklewood, during War; designer of steel bridges and factories; one of the pioneers of modern, all services-in, Factory Construction. Over 350 Factories have been built under his special design.
DIACK, W. H. A.M.I.E.E. Executive Engr., P.O. Eng. Dept. Private Address: "Craigallian," Bramley Road, Bramhall, Cheshire. Age: 40. Civil Service training.
DIAMOND, Ernest L. M.Sc. (Eng.) A.K.C., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Editorial Asst. to the Secretary of The Institution of Mech. Engrs, Storey's Gate, S.W.1. Private Address: 1 The Valley Green, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. Age 36. Career: King's Coll., Univ. of London, 1919-22; Pupil of Sir Henry Fowler, K.B.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Midland Rlwy., 1922-24. Insp. of Materials and Tests Asst., L.M.S. Rlwy, 192426; joined Staff of Inst. of Mech. Engrs., 1926. Has published much work on Steam Locomotive Design and Testing.
DIBB, R. H. M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Engineer, Imperial Chemical Industries (F. & S.P.) Ltd.,. Billingham, Co. Durham. Private Address: Rigadale, Junction Road, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees. Age: 36. Ed.: Leeds Univ.; Apprent., MetropolitanVickers Elect. Co., Ltd.
DICK, J. B.Sc. (Glas.), Ph.D. (Sheffd.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Lecturer in Mech. Eng., Dept. of Applied Sc., The Univ., Sheffield. Career: Ward Academy, Anstruther; Glasgow Univ.; Sheffield Univ.; Apprent., W. Band & Son, Anstruther; Tech. Asst., Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun; Asst. Mill Engr., British Mannesmann Tube Co., Swansea; Research Asst. to Prof. F. C. Lea, Sheffield Univ., and subsequently joined Lecturing staff.
DICK, R. A.M.I.E.E., A.M. Inst.P.C. Maintenance Engr., Glasgow Corp. Cleansing Dept., Refuse Power Works, Govan. Private Address: 544 Paisley Road, West Glasgow, S.W.1. Age: 35. Ed.: George Heriot's and Royal High School, Edinburgh; Heriot-Watt Tech. Coll.
DICKENSON, Walter H. B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. Resident Engr., Tyne Dock, River Tyne Improvement Commission, Resident Engineer's Office, Tyne Dock, South Shields. Private Address: 68 Osborne Road, Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 58. Career: Durham Univ.; Pupilage, Messrs. Sandeman & Moncrieff, Newcastle-on-Tyne; thereafter with Messrs. Sandeman & Moncrieff; London, North Eastern Rlwy. Co.
DICKIE, Hugo Alexander. D.Sc. Ph.D., A.R.T.C.(Glasgow), F.R.S.A., M.I. & S.I., M.Inst.Met., M.Int. Assoc.Testing Mat. Supt. of Metallurgical and Chemical Research, Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Corby, Northants. Private Address: 117 Headlands, Kettering, Northants.
DICKINSON, A. M.I.E.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.E., F.R.G.S. Private Address: Salam Bungalow, Rhyl, Flint. Age: 83. Career: Trained as Rly. Engr.; 1883, General Manager, South Staffs Tramways; 1890, Genl. Manager and Engr., City of Birmingham Tramways (then the largest mechanised tramway system in the world); introduced Elect. Traction to Staffs., Birmingham, and other systems, and patented Swivelling under-running electric collector; constructed elect. tramways in Madrid, Barcelona, Cape Town, Hong Kong, etc.; Engr. to Tata Hydro-Elect. Co. Bombay.; late Principal, Alfred Dickinson and Co.
DICKINSON, Edward Winram. M.I.E.E., F.R.E.S. Private Address: 8 Northumberland Avenue, Isleworth, Middx. Age: 66. Career: Private tuition; Manchester Grammar School; Bradford Tech. Coll; Apprent. to Blakey Emmott and Co., Ltd., Halifax, Yorkshire. Bolton Corp. Electy. Dept., 1894-96, Asst.; Trinidad Elect. Light & Power Co., Ltd., Chief Engr.; British Elect. Traction Co., Ltd., Asst. Power Engr., Asst. Consulting Engr., Rolling Stock Engr., 1898-1903; London County Council Tramways, Power Station Engr., 1903-25; Private Practice as Consulting Engr.; Electy. Commission, Personal Asst. to Chairman, Rural Development Officer, 1926-33. Retired and on consulting work.
DICKINSON, George Frederick Robert. B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. 2nd Asst., City Surveyor and Water Engr., Hereford. Private Address: "Dalkeith," Ross Road, Newent, Glos. Age: 26. Career: Bristol Univ. (M.V.T.C.), 1929-32; Articled to Ernest Minors, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., 1932-34; Asst., Borough Engineer's Office, Poole.
DICKINSON, H. A.M.I.Mech.E. Secretary, Thomas Broadbent & Sons, Ltd., Central Ironworks, Queen Street South, Huddersfield. Age: 56. Career: Almondbury Grammar Sch.; Institution Briod et Gubler, Lausanne, Switzerland; Ecole Industrielle, Lausanne; Huddersfield Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Midgley & Sutcliffe, Machine Tool Makers, Bradford, and Thomas Broadbent & Sons, Ltd.; thereafter Foreman Fitter, Progress Manager, Nightshift Works Manager, Chief Cost Officer, and Secretary.
DICKINSON, Herbert George Benjamin. Diploma Faraday House. A.M.I.E.E. Distribution Engineer, The South Somerset & Dist. Electy. Co., Ltd., East Street, Crewkerne, Somerset. Private Address: 5 Abbey Street, Crewkerne, Somerset. Age: 33. Career: Huddersfield Coll. School; Oundle School; Faraday House; Practical training received at the East Ferry Road Eng. Co., Millwall, and Johnson & Phillips, Ltd., Charlton. For ten years supervising engr. in Johnson & Phillips Contract Dept.; Left October, 1936, to take up appointment with South Somerset and Dist. Electy. Co. Ltd.
DICKINSON, Henry Winram. M.I.Mech.E., Eng.D. (Hons). Private Address: Barn Field, Riddlesdown Road, Purley, Surrey. Born: 1870. Career: Educ.: Ulverston, Manchester Grammar Sch. and Owens Coll., Manchester; 1888-91, in works of Wm. Beardmore & Co., Parkhead; 1891-92, in Leeds with a Consulting Engr.; 1893-95, with Glasgow Iron and Steel Co., Wishaw; 1895, Jnr. Asst., South Kensington Museum, remaining there for 35 years in various positions until retirement in 1930. 1915-18, Sec., Munitions Inventions Panel of the Ministry of Munitions. Author of "Robert Fulton, Engineer and Artist," 1913; "John Wilkinson, Ironmaster," 1914; Joint Author of two Memorial volumes: "James Watt and the Steam Engine," 1927; and "Richard Trevithick, the Engineer and the Man," 1933; author of "James Watt, Craftsman and Engineer," 1936; "Matthew Boulton," 1937. Engaged at present on a "Short History of the Steam Engine." Representative of the Board of Education on the James Watt Memorial Committee, 1919, one outcome of which was the foundation of the Newcomen Society; Hon. Sec., 192032, Pres., 1932-34, Joint Hon. Sec., 1935.
DICKINSON, James. Captain, R.A. (T.A. )., M.A. (Oxon), M. Eng. (Sheffield), M.I.E.E. Snr. Lecturer in Elect. Eng., King's Coll., Durham Univ., Newcastleupon -Tyne. Private Addresses: 2 Hensheiwood Terrace, Jesmond, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2, and Beech Bank, Ulverston. Age: 44. Career: Sheffield Unvi.; Brown, Boveri, Switzerland. 1922, Demonstrator, Elect. Eng. Dept., Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 1924, Lecturer, Armstrong Coll. Technical Interests: Rlwy. Elect. Traction; Mercury Vapour Grid-controlled Rectifier; Dielectrics; Extra High Voltage.
DICKINSON, Reginald Ernest. B.Sc. (Loud.), A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Resident Engr., Associated Industrial Consultants Ltd., Bush House, Aldwych. Private Address: Blendworth, Berkhamsted, Herts. Age: 49. Career: Northampton Eng. Coll., London, 4 years; Apprent., Ferranti Ltd., Hollinwood, 1 year, Metropolitan Vickers Co., M/c., 2 years; 1912-23, L.M.S. Rlwy., Asst. Elect. and Equip. Engr.; 1923-28, New South Wales Joint Rlwys., Works Manager; 2 years, Central Electy. Board, Supply Dept.
DIGBY, William P. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E. Partner, Digby and Partners, 6 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Career: 1896, studied electrochemistry of chlorine under A. E. Wolff, of New York; on return to England, worked under Professor A. A. Kanthack and Dr. S. Rideal, on sterilization of sewage effluents; 1898-1901, engaged in manufacture and research connected with hypochloride of soda; 1901-02, in charge of test bed and later of drawingoffice, Buck Henrici Eng. Co., Berlin; and afterwards engaged in London on design and test of rotary engines; 1903-10, Lecturer, Crystal Palace Eng. School, also inspection and research work; from 1911 to date, engaged exclusively in consulting work, either alone or in partnership; especially concerned with hydroelectric plant, pipe lines, the investigation of mech. vibration, the design of power, pumping and industrial plant. Designed the following apparatus: Vibragraph, Dionic Water Tester (jointly with C. W. V. Biggs), Galvanic Couple Set for Paint Testing, Ulvanic Set for Paint Testing, Reflection Meter. War Service: R.E. (T.F.), 1914-16; Explosives Dept., Ministry of Munitions, 1916-20.
DIGBY-SMITH, R. B.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E. Asst. Insp., Engineer and Signals Stores, Royal Dockyard, Woolwich. Private Address: "Grindle Ford," Forest Glade, Highams Park, Essex. Age: 37. Career: 1918-22, Apprent. Mech. Eng., Barry Rly. Co.; 1922-26, Univ. Coll., Cardiff; 1926-32, Engr. Insp., Crown Agents; 1932-33, Engr., Guthrie & Co., London; 1933-37, Asst. to Chief Engr., Hubert Davies & Co., London.
DIGGLE, H. B.Sc.Tech. (Hons.), A.M.I.E.E. Development Engr., MetropolitanVickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: 67 South Grove, Brooklands, Sale, Ches. Career: Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Training, John Musgrave & Co., Bolton; Apprent., British Westinghouse Elect. and Mfg. Co., Manchester; Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co. in various capacities, latterly on design and development of voltage regulating apparatus.
DIGGLE, J. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I. Min.E.E Electrical Designer (Cable accessories) British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Prescot. Private Address: Eagle Villa, 127 Warrington Road, Prescot, Lancs. Age: 41. Career: Windle Sch., St. Helens; Gamble Institute; Matric., London Univ.; 5 years Apprent., B.I. & H.C., Prescot; Tech. Training, St. Helens Mun. Tech. Sch., Wigan Mining and Tech. Coll., and Liverpool Central Tech. Coll.; 1st. Cl. Finalist, C. and G. and National Cert. (Elect. Eng., etc.; 1922-36, Lecturer, Elect. Eng. Dept., St. Helens.
DILLAMORE, A. W. A. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. With Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., Britannic House, Finsbury Circus, E.0.2. Age: 32. Career: Newport Salop, Adams Grammar School; Manchester Univ.; Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd.; Boving & Co., Ltd., Water Power Engrs.
DIMMACK, Arthur. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Cowbridge Road, Ely, Cardiff. Private Address: 48 St. Michaels Road, Llandaff, Cardiff. Career: Electric Construction Co., Wolverhampton. Training: Borough Elect. Engr., Swindon; Chief Engr., Potteries Electric Traction Co., Stoke-on-Trent.
DINGLE, Reginald William. M.I.Mar.E., 1st Class Board of Trade Certificate. Chief Engr., James Hayes & Sons, Ltd., 129 Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell London, S.E.S. Private Address: "St. Helier," 15 The Drive, Harold Wood, Essex. Age: 40. Career: Univ. of Southampton; Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Southampton; Royal Flying Corps; Harland & Wolff, Belfast. Pacific Steam Navigation Co., Marine Engr.; Peninsular & Oriental Co., Marine Engr.; Strand Palace Hotel, Shift Engr.
DINGWALL, George M. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Chief Engr., Wm. Baird & Son, Ltd., Structural Eng,rs., Temple Iron Works; Anniesland, Glasgow. Private Address: 278 Churchill Drive, Glasgow, W.1.
DINNIS, Francis Russel. Assoc. M. Inst.0.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy. E., A. M. Inst. W. E City Surveyor and Water Engr., The City of Chichester, since 1935, Council Offices, North Street, Chichester. Private Address: " Pentlands," West Broyle, Chichester. Age: 29. Career: West Ham Municipal Coll. and Univ. of London, 1925-28; Articled pupil to Borough Engr., Romford, 1925-28; Eng. Asst., City of Chichester, 1928-30; Eng. Asst., Borough of Guildford, 1930-32; Asst. City Engr., Chichester, 1933-35; Present appointment, 1935.
DINSMORE, Harry. A.M.I.E.E. Meter Supt., City of Carlisle Electy. Undertaking, James Street, Carlisle. Private Address: Beechwood Avenue, Carlisle. Age: 34. Career: Junior Tech. School, Salford; Blackpool Tech. Coll.; Royal Tech. Coll., Salford. Meter Tester, Ferranti Ltd. and Blackpool Electy. Dept.; Meter Supt., Peterborough Electy. Dept.
DISNEY, H. V. A.M.I.Mech.E., G.I.Struct.E. Eng. Designer, I.C.I. (Alkali) Ltd., Northwich. Private Address: Vernold, Parker Avenue Hodge Lane Estate, Northwich. Age: 32. Career: Ilkeston Higher Standard School; Nottingham Univ.; Apprent., G. R. Turner Ltd., Langley Mill; Designing Draughtsman, International Combustion, Derby; obtained present post in 1935.
DIXON, A. E. A.M.I.E.E., A.R.T.C. (Salford). Sales Engr., Corp. Elect. Dept., Manchester. Private Address: 76 Parrswood Road North, Withington, Manchester. Age: 36. Career: Cheetham Central School; Royal Tech. Coll., Salford; City and Guilds (Full Technological); Part-time Demonstrator in Elect. Eng. Dept., Royal Tech. Coll., Salford.
DIXON, Adam Gordon. Senior Engr., Royal Naval Reserve (retd.), A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr. and Manager to W. C. C. Hawtayne, Esq., M.I.E.E., Consulting Engr., 9 Queen Street Place, London, E.0.4. Private Address: 35 St. Anthony's Avenue, Woodford Green, Essex. Career: 1885-91, seagoing engr.; 1891, Argentine Navy; 1892, Turkish Navy; 1893, Argentine Navy; Engr. with Humphrys & Tennant, at Elswick Shipyard, and on trials; Chief Engr. for Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Chilean and Japanese warships; 1901-03, Chief Asst. Engr. to W. C. C. Hawtayne, Esq., Consulting Engr.; 1903 to date, present position.
DIXON, Arthur. B.Sc., A.R.T.C., A.M.E.E. Engr. Salesman, The Craigpark Elect. Cable Co., Ltd., Flemington Street, Glasgow, N. Private Address: 30 Banavie Road, Glasgow, W.1. Age: 42. Apprent., Sir Wm. Arrol & Co., Ltd. War service abroad with R. Mon. R.E. (S.R.); Engr. and Partner in Walter Dixon & Co., Consulting Engrs., Glasgow. Club: R.S.A.C.
DIXON, A. J. E. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E. Tech. Asst., Section Leader, Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., Luton, Beds. Private Address: 18 Bancroft Road, Luton, Beds. Age: 32. Career: Lincoln Wesleyan Day Sch.; Lincoln Eng. Coll.; Apprent., Ruston & Hornsby, Lincoln, 1926-29; Designer and later Chief Draughtsman, Campbell Gas Engine Section, Kryn and Lahy, Letchworth, 1929-32.
DIXON, E. A.M.I.E.E., M.I.P.T., M.Am.I.M.M.Private Address: The Bungalow, Pembroke Avenue, Westbrook, Margate. Age: 59. Ed.: Finsbury Tech.; City and Guilds Inst.
DIXON, Edmund Joseph Claude. A.C.G.I., B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., D.I.C., A.M.I.E.E.Executive Engr. with the Air Ministry, Seconded to Air Ministry for Communications Work, Bawdsey Research Station, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Private Address: "Bramerton, " Bath Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk. Age: 34. Career: Post Office Eng. Dept., 1924-25, Probationary Insp.; 1925-35, Asst. Engr., Radio Branch, Engr.-in-Chief's Office and S. Midland Dist.; 1935-37, Executive Engr., In charge of Bristol Eng. Sect. Patents: Improvements in Thermionic Valves, Piezo-Electric Crystal Mountings.
DIXON, G. B.Eng., M. Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Gas E.Chief Engr. and General Manager, Gas Dept., City of Nottingham.
DIXON, H. J. B.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E. Works Engr., Ioco Rubber and Waterproofing Co. Co., Ltd., Netherton Works, Anniesland, Glasgow, W.3. Age: 36. Career: Hutcheson's Boys Grammar Sch.; Glasgow Univ.; Apprent., Scott's S. and E. Co., Greenock, and subsequently in D.O.; Ship's Engr., Ellerman City Line; Asst. to Works Manager, Scott's S. and E. Co.; Machine Shop Manager, J. Howden & Co., Glasgow.
DIXON, Harald Raylton. F.N.E.C., Inst., M.I.N.A. Private Address: Maltby House, Stainton, Middlesbrough.
DIXON, John Alexander. M.A. Cantab., A.M.I.Mech.E. Director Manager and Publisher, Engineering Ltd., 35 & 36 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.2. Private Address: Whirlow, Hook Heath, Woking. Age: 35. Ed.: Eton Coll., and Pembroke Coll., Cambridge; served time with Usine Derihon, Liege, Belgium, and John Brown & Co., Ltd., Clydebank.
DIXON, Engr. Vice-Admiral Sir Robert Bland. K.C.B. (Military), C.B. (Civil), Hon.D.Eng. (Sheffield). Vice-Pres., Inst.Mech.E.; Vice-Pres., Inst. of N.A.; Vice-Pres., Inst. of Metals. Director, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Babcock House, Farringdon Street, E.C. Also Director of G. D. Peters & Co., Edwin Danks & Co. (Chairman) The Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co. (Chairman), Bromilow and Edwards, H. W. Kearns & Co. Private Address: Queen Anne's Mansions, St. James's Park, S.W.1. Career: R.N., 1888-1928; Manager, Eng. Dept., Portsmouth Dockyard, 1912-16; Asst. Director of Dockyards; afterwards Asst. Eng,r.-in-Chief; Deputy Engr.-in-Chief; and Engr.-in-Chief of the Fleet, 1922-28.
DOBBIE, G. C. G. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E. (India), M.A.E. (Burma). Inspecting Engr., Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., Finsbury Circus, London. Private Address: 27 Portland Street, Coatbridge, Lanarks. Age: 54. Career: Gartsherrie Academy, Coatbridge; Coatbridge Tech. and Mining Coll.; 1899-1908, Apprent. and D.O., Lamberton & Co., and W. V. Lidgerwood & Co., Coatbridge; 1908-09, Engr. and Chief Asst. to Consulting Engrs., Designing and Erecting Petroleum Refinery for Indo-Burma Petroleum Co., Rangoon; 1909-13, Snr. Engr., and 1914-35, Supt. Engr., Indo-Burma Petroleum Co., Rangoon. War, and Volunteer Long Service Medals—R.E. Lanarks, and Burma.
DOBREE, Hatherley M. O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 3 Richardson Walk, Lexden, Colchester. Age: 56. Career: Articled Pupil, 1900-04; 1904, Jnr. Asst. Eng,r., Tilbury Docks, L.I.D.C.; 1908, Asst. Engr., Head Office and King George Dock Construction, L.I.D.C. and P.L.A.; 1913, River Engr., P.L.A.; 1924-37, Chief Engr., Basrah Port Directorate, Iraq.
DOCKER, Frank Dudley. C.B. Chairman, Elect. and Rlwy. Finance Corp., Ltd., 10 Mayfair Place, W.1. Director of Midland Bank. Private Address: 25 Berkeley Square, London, W.1. Club: Carlton.
DODD, William. M.I.Brit.F. Partner, Evans & Dodd, Engrs. and Ironfounders, Cannock, Staffs. Private Address: "Holdene," 68 Allport Road, Cannock, Staffs. Age: 45. Inventor of The "Hecla" Anti-friction Self-aligning Pedestal exploited by Hadfields Ltd., Sheffield, and the " Econ" Automatic Tub Axle Greaser, exploited by Evans & Dodd, Cannock.
DODDS, A.S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Draughtsman, Bennis Combustion Ltd., Little Hulton, Bolton. Private Address: 37 Edge Fold Road, Walkden, nr. Manchester. Age: 34. Apprent., Lambton Hetton & Joicey Collieries Ltd., Co. Durham; 4 years Clarke, Chapman & Co., Gateshead, Draughtsman; 7i years, Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Tech. Asst.; since July, 1937, present firm.
DODDS, Captain Thomas Ernest. Whitworth Scholar, M.Sc. (Birm.), B.Sc. (Lond.), A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.A.E., M.I.P.E., F.R.Econ. Soc., F.R.G.S. Head of Eng. Dept., Birmingham Central Tech. Coll. Private Address: 103 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Age: 46. Training: City and Guilds Eng. Coll., South Kensington, S.W.1, and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Formerly Head of Civil and Mech. Eng. Dept., Sunderland Tech. Coll.
DODDS, W. M. B.Sc., M. I.Mech.E. Director and General. Manager of Taylor Stoker Co., Ltd., 31 Russell Square, W.C.1., also Director, Smith Patterson & Co., Ltd., of Blayton-on-Tyne. Private Address: 20 Park Avenue, N.W.11. Age: 37. Career: Mech. Engr.
DODMAN, Ernest Victor. M.I.A.E. Founder Member, M.I.P.E. Past Vice-Pres., Coventry Eng. Soc. Manufacturers' Agent, 14-15 Coleman Street, London, E.C. Private Address: Penryd, Holmwood Road, Cheam, Surrey. Age: 52. Career: City of London Coll.; Training: White Steam Cars Ltd., and Coventry Chain Co. Ltd.; General Manager, Vulcan Motor & Eng. Co., Ltd., Southport; Works Manager, Hillman Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry; Chief Engr., H. Webb & Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Tottenham, London.
DODSWORTH, Harold. M.I.Mar. E. Supervising Engr., (Boiler Erections and Heating Installations), Brockhouse Heater Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, West Bromwich. Private Address: 131 Village Way, Pinner, Middx. Age: 36. Ed.: Liverpool Tech. Coll. Formerly Marine Engr. (Steam and Diesel), Furness Withy & Co., Ltd.
DOGGETT, F. M.I.Mech.E. Chief Draughtsman, Cambridge Instrument Co., Cambridge. Private Address: The Limes, Oxford Road, Cambridge. Age: 50. Cambridge Borough Councillor. (Chairman of the Plans Committee, Member of Public Works Committee).
DOGGETT, F. H. M.I.Mech.E. Examiner, Chief Insp. of Armaments, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, S.E.18. Private Address: 51 Cavendish Avenue, Marlborough Park, Sidcup, Kent. Age: 57. Career: Bedford School; Chelsea Polytechnic; Apprent., G.S. & W. Rly., Inchicore, Dublin; Fitter, Robt. Stevensons, Darlington; Draughtsman, Vulcan Foundry Loco. Co., Newton-le[Willows; Insp., Carruthers & Elliot, Consulting Engr. for Cape and New Zealand Rly., London; Insp., Baldwin Loco. Works, Philadelphia, U.S.A.; Insp., Canadian Northern and Canadian Pacific Rlys., Winnipeg, Canada; Mech. Engr. on the staff of Ministry of Munitions, stationed N.W. Area, Manchester. Commission in Royal Army Ordnance Corps as Ordnance Mech. Engr.
DOLBY, Ernest Richard. M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.H.V.E., Wh. Sch. Consulting Engr.; Snr. Partner in Dolby and Williamson, 8 Princes Street, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Has been in practice as a Consulting Engr. since 1889. Author of papers to the tech. bodies; specialises in Eng. Works for Public Institutions, Hospitals, etc., etc.
DONALD, David Angus. M.B.E., M.I.M. &Cy.E.,M.I.Water.E.M.I.E.S. Consulting Engr. (Private Practice), 248 West End Street, Glasgow. Private Address: Glengany, Kelmacolm, Renfrewshire. Age: 56. Career: Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll.; various Public appointments; Chief Engr., New Highway, Glasgow to Edinburgh.
DONALD, Maxwell Bruce. M.Sc., A.R.C.S., M.I.Chem.E., F.I.C. Lecturer in Chem. Eng., Univ. Coll., Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Career: 1915-19, Commission in Royal Artillery, T.F.; 1925-28, Assoc. of Chilean Nitrate Producers, Research Dept., at Antofagasta, Chile; 1928-31, Royal Dutch-Shell Petroleum Group. Jt. Hon. Sec., Inst. of Chem. Engrs., 1937. Books: "Rubber in Chemical Engineering," with H. P. Stevens, 1933.
DONALDSON, John Muir. M.C., M.I.E.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.C.G.I. General Manager, North Metropolitan Elect. Power Supply Co., Northmet House, Southgate, N.14. Private Address: "Kenmure," Sandpit Lane, St. Albans, Herts. Career: British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., (3 years); The General Elect. Co., Ltd., Schenectady, and the Montreal Light Heat and Power Company (3 years); The British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby (1 year).
DONKIN, B. A.M.I.E.E. Partner, Messrs. Kennedy & Donkin. Private Address: 20 Regent's Park Terrace, N.W.1. Age: 35. Career: Gresham's School, Holt, Norfolk; Pembroke Coll., Cambridge; Works Training, English Elect. Co., Ltd., Stafford, Preston, and Rugby, and 1 year General Elect. Co., of U.S.A., at Schenectady and Pittsfield; joined staff of Kennedy & Donkin, 1928; became Partner in 1933.
DONKIN, C. B. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.I.Gas.E. Dist. Manager, The Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd. (Chesterfield), 116 Dale End, Birmingham. Private Address: "White Horse House," Snitterfield, Stratford-on-Avon. Age: 55. Ed.: Private School; trained in Works of Bryan Donkin Co.
DONKIN, J. B.Sc. (Eng. ), A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Works Manager (Switchworks), General Electric Co., Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. Private Address: 26b Harborne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 15.
DONKIN, Sydney Bryan. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M. Cons.E. (Pres., Inst. C.E., 1937-38). Snr. Partner in Kennedy and Donkin, Consulting Engrs., Broadway Court, 8 Broadway, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Winterfold, Albury, Surrey. Career: Eng. educacation at Univ. Coll., London. Served apprent. with Bryan Donkin & Co., and Sulzer Bros.; joined staff of Sir Alex. B. W. Kennedy in 1897; became partner in 1913. Books: Translated from German, Bauer's "Marine Engines and Boilers." Clubs: Athenaeum, St. Stephen's, and Alpine.
DONNELLY, Wilfrid. B.Sc. (Tech.), M.I.E.E. Chief D.C. Engr., English Elect. Co., Stafford.
DONOVAN, George Owen. M.I.E.E. Governing Director, The Donovan Elect. Co., Ltd., Safuse Works, Northcote Road, Stechford, Birmingham. Private Address: Erdington, Birmingham. Age: 69.
DONOVAN, John W. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Control Engr., Donovan Elect. Co., Ltd., Stechford, Birmingham. Career: Birmingham Univ; George Ellison, Birmingham; General Elect., U.S.A.; Cutler-Hammer Inc., U.S.A.
DONOVAN, W. Jnr. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Electric Control Gear Engr., The Donovan Elect. Co., Ltd., Northcote Road, Stechford, Birmingham. Age: 34. Career: King Edward VI School, Birmingham; Birmingham Univ. (First Class Hons. in Elect. Eng.); experience with George Ellison; G.E.C. of U.S.A.; Culter-Hamner Inc., U.S.A.
DORAN, William E M.A. (Cantab.), A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Sales Manager, Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 13 Grosvenor Place, S.W.1. Private Address: 45 Fitzjames Avenue, Addiscombe, Croydon. Age: 40; Career: Cambridge Univ.; War Service, 2nd Lieut. Royal Air Force; Asst. Chief Engr., Watford Mfg. Co., Ltd.
DORE, Alan Sidney Whitehorn. D.S.0., T.D., M.A. (Cantab.), D.L. General Sales Manager, Baldwin's, Ltd., Shell-Mex House, Strand,W.C.2 Private Address: Eastcote Point, Pinner, Mddx. Career: Educ: Mill Hill School, Jesus Coll., Cambridge (1st Class Honours Natural Science Tripos). Wing-Commander, Auxiliary Air Force. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge, Royal Air Force.
DOREY, Stanley Fabes. D.Sc. (Durham Univ.), Wh. Ex., M.Inst. C.E., .M.I.Mech.E., M .Mar.E., etc. Chief Engr. Surveyor, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 71 Fenchurch Street, London, E.0.3. Private Address: Ridgmont, The Causeway, Potter 's Bar, Mddx. Career: Owen 's School, Islington; Royal Dockyard Sch., Chatham; Served throughout Great War in the Royal Navy; joined Lloyd's Register of Shipping, October, 1919, as an Engr. Surveyor; appointed Chief Engr. Surveyor, Dec., 1932. Awarded Denny Gold Medal of Inst. of Mar. Engrs. 1931 and 1935; Gold Medal N.E.C. Inst., 1931. Awarded a Telford Premium, Inst. of Civil Engrs., 1937 and the Percy Still Medal, D.E.U.A., 1937. Member of various committees dealing with technical matters of special interest to marine engineering. Vice-Pres., Inst. of Mar. Engrs., Member of Council of the Inst. Naval Architects, Inst. of Metals and Inst. of Welding. Author of a number of papers to the professional Institutions. These include "Marine Machinery Defects: Their Causes and Prevention" (I.Mar.E ); "The Problem of the Water-cooled Piston Rod in TwoStroke Cycle Double-Acting Oil Engines" (I.N.A.); "The Welding of Pressure Vessels" (Inst. Pet. Tech.); "Notes on the Chemical Intercrystalline Fracture of Riveted Joints in Boilers" (I.N.A.); etc.
DORLING, Capt. J. W. R.N., M.I.E.E. Captain, Royal Navy, H.M.S. "Royal Sovereign." Private Address: Shiplands House, Wallington Hill, Fareham, Hants. Age: 49. Career: 1912, Qualified in Torpedo; 1913-14, Wireless Staff, H.M.S. " Vernon "; 1914-18, Served as Wireless Officer on Staffs afloat in Eastern Mediterranean and Grand Fleet; Fleet Wireless Officer, Atlantic Fleet; Director of Signal Dept., Admiralty; Captain, H.M. Signal School, Portsmouth.
DORMER, H. A. M.I.Mech.E. Chairman and Managing Director of Sheffield Twist Drill and Steel Co., Ltd., Sheffield; Leach Elect. and Eng. Co., Ltd., London; Eng. Supplies Ltd., London; Napier Investment Co., Ltd., Sheffield. Business Address: 11 Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. Age: 56. Apprent., Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., Glasgow; introduced in 1906, The Schmidt Superheater for Locomotives into England.
DORRAT, James Andrew. Assoc.H.W.C., A.M. I.E.E., M.Inst. Welding. Welding Engr., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: 6 Ferndale Road, Sale, Cheshire. Age: 32. Career: Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh, 1922-25; Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., General training in Elect. Eng.; Production Engr. on Developments and Manufacture of fabricated Structures, and at present mainly concerned with design of various types of Welding Machines.
DORTE, Philip H. D.F.H., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Rad.E. Television Productions Manager, B.B.C. Television Service, Alexandra Palace, N.22. Private Address: 17a Fitz George Avenue, W.14. Career: Cambridge Univ., and Faraday House, London. 1926-28 American General Elect. Co.; 1928-30 Trans-Canada Broadcasting Co.; 1931-36 Gaumont British Picture Corp.
DOUBLE, H. S. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Development and Research Engr., Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich. Private Address: 173 Greenvale Road, Eltham, S.E.9. Age: 38. Career: Brighton Grammar School, 1911-16; after service with B.E.F., France, took internal degree from East London Coll. (now Queen Mary Coll.); joined staff of Siemens Bros., 1921. Patentee of various improvements in transforming, rectifying, and battery charging devices.
DOUGAN, W. C. A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Barrett Dougan & Co., Ltd., Dubar Works, Darwin Road, London, W.5. Sole Manufacturers of "Dubar" Safety Glass.
DOUGILL, Alfred William. M. I. Mech E M. A.E. Partner and Manager Maidenhead Industrial Estates Cordwallis Works, Maidenhead. Private Address: Churchgate, Cookham-on-Thames. Career: Leeds Univ.; apprent. Gas, Oil, and Steam Eng., Bridge Building and Constructional ironwork. Works Manager at Leeds; Engr. for Busses and Motor Boats in Egypt; Resident Engr. in Mediterranean ports; Chief Experimental Engr., Supt. Foundries and Forges; Works Manager, Wolseley Motors; Managing Director, Imperia Motors, Maidenhead and Liege. First Hon. Sec. of Yorkshire Automobile Club; designed and built first motor car in Yorkshire in 1897; Engr. with Shilowsky and Brennan Gyro cars.
DOUGLAS, Charles Edward. M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst.Pet.T. Managing Director of Charles E. Douglas & Co., Ltd., 206-208 Cecil Chambers, 76-86 Strand, W.C.2. Private Address: 45a Linden Gardens, W.2. Career: Fraser and Chalmers, Erith, and Mather and Platt, Ltd., Manchester. Travelled over most of the world. Acts as Consulting and Advising Engr. for overseas firms; engaged by Egyptian and British Guiana Governments as Adviser. Books: "Preparation and Treatment of Rice" (Pitman).
DOUGLAS, E. A. St. John. B.Sc., A.M.I.E. E. Engr. Surveyor, National Boiler and General Insurance Co., Ltd., St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester. Private Address: 30 Mount Eden Park, Belfast. Age: 39. Career: Belfast Coll. of Tech.; Queen's Univ.., Belfast; Chief, Messrs. Harland & Wolff Elect. Test House.
DOUGLAS, G. C. M.I.Mech.E. Draughtsman Designer, WorthingtonSimpson, Ltd., Newark. Age: 50. Career: Armstrong Coll.; Marine Sch., S. Shields; Apprent., Palmers S. and I. Co., Ltd.; 1910, Doxford and Sons, on design of their first 2 cycle Diesel engines; 1911-16, Vickers Ltd., on design of their first high-pressure rail system for solid injection Diesel Engines; 1917-20, Petters, Ltd., responsible for design of their first marine oil engines; 1921-29, Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., Chief Draughtsman and Designer, 2 cycle high and medium compression oil engines; 1930 to date, i/c Worthington-Simpson oil-engine Dept., also Rotary Pumps, etc.
DOUGLAS, Vice-Admiral Sir Percy. K.C.B., C.M.G., Assoc. I.C.E. Private Address: 18 Dealtry Road, Putney, S.W.15. Acted as Hydrographer of the Navy, 1924-32. Acting Conservator of the Mersey; Chairman, Dover Harbour Board; a Director of Elliott Bros. (London) Ltd. Clubs: Windham, hon. member of Royal Yacht Squadron and Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club.
DOUGLAS, William Donald. M.Sc., F.R.C.Sc.I., F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.E.E. Principal Scientific Officer, Mechanical Test Dept., Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hants. Private Address: "Stepaside," Church Avenue, Farnborough, Hants. Ed.: Royal Coll. of Sc. for Ireland; Apprent. at British Westinghouse Elec. and Mfg. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park.
DOUGLAS-SCOTT, G. J. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Plant Sales, The English Electric Co., Ltd., Stafford. Private Address: The Oaklands, 138 Eccleshall Road, Stafford. Age: 55. Career: Educ.: Malvern Coll. and abroad (France); South Western Polytechnic; City and Guilds of London.
DOUGLASS, L. A.C.G.I., A.M. Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Dist. Manager, The Cornwall Elect. Power Co., Cam Brea, Cornwall. Private Address: Church Lane, Lelant, Cornwall.
DOVE, James. Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., M.Inst.Mun. & Cy.E. Borough and Water Engr., Wigan County Borough Council, Hewlitt Street, Wigan. Career: Wigan Grammar School; Yarrow Scholar, Inst. of Civil Engrs. and articled pupil to R. B. Donald, M.Inst.C.E. when B.E. of Wigan. Eng. Asst., Southport C.B. and St. Helens C.B.; Chief Eng. Asst., Brighton C.B.C.; Deputy Borough Engr., Wigan.
DOWDEN, W. T. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Sound Reproduction Engr., General Elect. Co., Ltd., Coventry. Age: 32. Career: Apprent. and subsequently Radio Engr., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Rugby.
DOWNES, R. N. B.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E. Tech. Asst., Royal Mint, London, E.C.3. Age: 40. Career: Halifax Tech. Coll. (took 1st Prize City in & Guilds Final "Structures" Examination, 1921); Apprent., Lent & Sons, Sawmill Engrs., Halifax; Designer, British Machine Co., Ltd., Halifax, previous to present appointment. Military service during War as Staff Instructor, Royal Tank Corps.
DOWNIE, Major Fairbairn. C.B.E. M. I.Mar.E. Mech. Engr., 31 Upper Addison Gardens, London, W.14. Born: 1880. Ed.: Sch. of Sc. and Arts, Newcastle, and privately; Training: Armstrongs, Newcastle, Maxims, Crayford. Career: Lieut., London Scottish, 1914; served France and Belgium, invalided Nov., 1914; 1915, Min. of Munitions; in S. Ireland, organised and equipped six National Factories, and started 60 private firms on munition manufacture; sole arbitrator in 12 industl. disputes; entered War Office, 1918, controlled output British cement works, reported on Belgian and French factories. Despatches and special letters from M. of M. and W.O. Has travelled extensively, Europe, Near and Far East, America, etc. Author of several articles on Japan and Germany.
DOWNING, Montague. M.I. Mar.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: "Marigolds," Shripney, Bognor Regis. Age: 50. Career: Apprent., Concold Steam Fishing and Ice Co. (Grimsby) Ltd.; Municipal Coll., Grimsby; 9 years, Marine Engr., Cunard S.S. Co., Ltd.; 3 years Supervising, Rapid Elect. Arc Welding and Eng. Co., Liverpool; 9 years, Chief Engr., West Midland Sugar Co., Ltd., Kidderminster (AngloScottish Beet Sugar Corp.); now engaged in Cultivated Mushroom Farming.
DOWNS, E. M.Sc., F.I.C., A.M.I.E.E. Chief Elect. Engr. and Manager of Electrolytic Refineries, Johnson Matthey & Co., Ltd., 73/83 Hatton Garden, E.C.1. Age: 51. Author of "Electrolytic Silver Refining,' "Electrolytic Gold Refining," "The Precious Metals," "An Electrolytic Silver Refinery in Bombay." DOWNS, L. H. M.A. (Cantab.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., Old Foundry, Hull. Age: 38. Ed.: Abbotsholme School, Derbyshire and Christ's Coll., Cambridge. Apprent., Rose Downs and Thompson. Member of Council, Hull Chamber of Commerce and Member of Executive Committee, Hull Iron Trades Employers Federation.
DOWTY, George H. F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Ae.E. Managing Director, Aircraft Components Ltd., Cheltenham. Private Address: Arle Court, Cheltenham, Glos. Age: 37. Specialist on Aircraft Landing Gears.
DOXAT-PRATT, Maurice. C.G.C.E.E., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Mains Supt., Metropolitan Borough of Hackney, Generating Station, Millfields Road, London, E.5. Private Address: "Tree Tops," Laurel Drive, Winchmore Hill, N.21, Age: 43. Career: Whitgift Grammar School; City and Guilds; Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich.
DOXFORD, William. M.Sc., M.N.E.C.Inst., M.I.N.A. Private Address: Northfields, Eastergate, near Chichester, Sussex.
DRAKE, James. B.Sc., (1st Class Hons.); A.M. Inst.C.E., M. I nst.M & Cy.E., M.R.San.I. Borough Engineer and Surveyor, County Borough of Blackpool, Municipal Buildings, Blackpool. Private Address: 59 Shaftsbury Avenue, North Shore, Blackpool. Career: Honours course in Civil Eng., Manchester Univ.; 3 years, County Borough of Stockport; 6i years, County Borough of Bootle.
DRAKE, Mervyn George. M.I.E.E. Director of Drake & Gorham Ltd., Drake & Gorham Wholesale Ltd., and Drake & Gorham Electrolumination, Ltd. Private Address: Heatherside, Gerrards Cross. Career: Tech. Univ., Karlsruhe, Germany; pupil Drake & Gorham Ltd.; Chief Engr., Drake & Gorham Ltd., and later Joint Managing Director.
DRANE, Henry Donald Hector. Ph.D., M.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Chem.E. Scientific Officer, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, S.E.18. Private Address: 21 Gower Street, W.C.1. Career: Liverpool Univ.; Univ. Coll., London; The Thermal Syndicate Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne (in charge of research and development); Director, Research Inst., Cawnpore, U.P., India; Asst. General Manager, High Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd., Widnes; in practice also as Tech. Consultant. Served on various Univ. Boards in India, and as Industrial Loan Commissioner, U.P., also on International Ferro-alloy Cartel.
DRANSFIELD, Frank. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.F. Engaged in Social Work amongst Unemployed. Address: Dowlais Educational Settlement, Trewern House, Dowlais, Glam. Age: 37. Career: Dewsbury and Bradford Tech. Colleges (Part Time) in Elect. and 'Mech. Eng.; Jnr. position Yorkshire Elect. Power Co.; Chemist and Tests Engr., Y.E.P. Co.; Boiler House Supt., Leicester Corp. Electy. Dept.; Boiler Manager, I.C.I. (Castner Kellner), Runcorn; (Resigned owing to intrusion of War Office work).
DRESSER, W. Assoc. Member, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.C., M.Eng. (Sheffield). Works Manager, Wm. Crawford & Sons, Ltd., Biscuit Works, Edinburgh. Private Address: 107 Trinity Road, Edinburgh, 5. Age: 42. Career: Educ.: Darlington Grammar School and Univ. of Sheffield; Apprent., D.O. and Works of Teasdale Bros., Ltd., Darlington; Active Military Service in France and Belgium, April, 1915, to Armistice, various ranks from Private in Infantry (Yorks. Regt.) to Capt. on General Staff; Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Manchester, as Production Engr., etc.; Richardsons Westgarth & Co., Ltd., Hartlepool, as a Co. Asst. Works Manager; Aeroto Ltd., Letchworth, Works Manager.
DREYFUS, Charles Philip. 2nd Lieut. R.E. (S.R.). B.Sc. (Hons. Civil Eng.), A.M.Inst.C.E. Eng. Asst., Manchester Corp., Town Hall, Manchester, 2. Private Address: 27 Pine Road, Didsbury, Manchester, 20. Age: 30. Ed.: Manchester Grammar School; Manchester Univ.; Asst. under Agreement with City Engr. of Manchester for 2 years.
DRIGENKO, C. A.M.I.N.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. Consulting Engr., 16a The Barons, St. Margarets-on-Thames, Mddx. Born: 1890 in Finland. Naturalised, 1938. Career: Petrograd Public Sch.; 4 years Impl. Coll. of Naval Eng. (Kronstadt); Apprent., Shipyards, Petrograd and on battleship "Tsesarevitch," 1913, 2nd Lieut.; attached Designing Office, Baltic Eng. and Sh. Works; 1914, Inspector for Russian Impl. Navy, Schichau Works, Danzig; 1915, Designed first Russian Tank for 9-in. Howitzer; 1916, Lieut. N.C.C. and sent to Newcastle for supervision and inspection of craft and machinery; 1918, admitted into French Navy as Engr. Lt. Comdr. and worked in Naval yards of Cherbourg and Rochefort; 1919, appointments in England, mainly experimental work in automobile industry; 1923, Chief Engr., Coalmines at Spitsbergen for A. R. Grumant Ltd.; 1928-29, Chief Designer of experimental plant for Low Temp. Carbonisation, Rational Carbonisation Synd., Ltd.; 1930, commenced practice as Consultant, specialising in Mechanical Handling; has designed handling equipment for leading Gravel Pits, etc.
DRIVER, James F. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Brit.F., D.L.C. Head of Dept. of Elect. Eng., Loughborough Coll., Loughborough. Private Address: Brighton House, Herrick Road, Loughborough. Hon. Sec., East Midland Sub-Centre, I.E.E.; Past Branch Pres., Inst. of British Foundrymen; member of Committee, Midland Branch, I.Mech.E.
DROSSI, H. H. R. M.I.Mar.E. Deputy Director, W. B. Dick & Co., Ltd., 26, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.1. Private Address: 18a Corfton Road, W.5. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Apprent. served with Harland & Wolff Ltd., Glasgow and Belfast. Specialised in Marine Diesel Propulsion; Research on Airless Injection. In 1927, joined staff of W. B. Dick & Co., Ltd. (Lubricating Specialist) to develop Marine side of their Diesel business. Research on Diesel Engine Lubrication. Author of a number of papers on the Diesel Engine, and the scientific application of lubricants. Author of book entitled, "Scientific and Economic Diesel Engine Lubrication."
DRUCQUER, L. A.M. I.E.E. With The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Neasden Lane, Willesden, London, N.W.10. Private Address: 13 Rutland Park Mansions, Willesden Green, N.W.2. Age: 36
DRUMMOND, Bernard Gilbert. M.I.E.E. General Manager of The East Anglian Elect. Supply Co., Ltd; Beds. Cambs. and Hunts. Electy. Co.; Newmarket Elect. Light Co., Ltd. Business Address: Finborough Hall, Stowmarket, Suffolk. Private Address: Finborough Park, Onehouse, Stowmarket, Suffolk. Age: 56. Career: Crompton and Co., Chelmsford; Northampton Tech. 'Inst.; Engr., Batti-Wallah P. and 0. Steam Navigation Co., 1 year; Resident Engr., The Elect. Supply Corp., Ltd., St. Andrews, 3 years; Engr. and Manager, The Hendon Elect. Supply Co., Ltd., 16 years; From 1923, present appointment.
DRUMMOND, Christopher. B.Sc. Tech., A.M.I.E.E. Mains Engr., Borough of Fleetwood. Private Address: 38 Highbury Avenue, Fleetwood. Age: 31. Career: Univ. of Manchester, Coll. of Tech.; on the Contract Staff of British Insulated Cables, Ltd., and The Macintosh Cable Co., Ltd.
DRURY, Charles Dru. M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.Gas.E. Private Address: 16 Westfield Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 74. Career: Pupil of Engr. of Vauxhall Works of South Metropolitan Gas Co., London; 7 years Asst. of Engr., Vauxhall Gas Works; 17 years Works Manager, Sunderland Gas Co.; 28 years Engr. to Sunderland Gas Co. Retired June, 1937, but remains a Director of the Company.
DRYBURGH, Alex. P. M.I.Mech. E., A.I.E.E. Private Address: 44 Craignish Avenue, Norbury, S. W. 16.
DRYDEN, William. M.I.Mech.E. Chairman of Directors, Thomas Dryden & Sons, Grimshaw Street Foundry, Preston. Private Address: Fernleigh, Newton Road, Ashton-onRibble, Preston.
DRYLAND, A. C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Engr. Private Address: 44 Crescent Road, Kingston Hill, Surrey. Age: 73. Career: Borough Surveyor of Deal, 1883-90; Asst. County Surveyor, Kent, 1890-98; County Surveyor and Architect for Herefordshire, 1898-1906, and Wiltshire, 1906-08; County Surveyor of Surrey, 1908-20; County Engr. of Middlesex, 1920-32.
DRYSDALE, Charles V. C.B., O.B.E., D.Sc., M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P., F.C.G.I., F.R.S.E., M.R.I. Private Address: 151 Wick Hall, Furze Hill, Hove, Sussex. Career: Educ.: Finsbury Tech. Coll., and Central Tech. Coll. 1896-1910, Associate Head, Dept. of Elect. Eng. and Applied Physics, Northampton Inst.; 1916-19, Partner, H. Tinsley & Co.; 1918, Admiralty Experimental Station; 1919-21, Scientific Director, Admiralty Experimental Station, and later Supt., Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington; 1929-34, Director of Scientific Research to the Admiralty. Inventor of many scientific instruments; editor of the Journal of Scientific Instruments, 1927-28. At one time examiner to the Spectacle Makers' Company and Pres. of the Optical Society. Member of the Safety in Mines Research Board; Fellow, Imperial Coll.; Fellow, Royal Statistical Society. Books: "The Foundations of Alternate Current Theory"; "Electrical Measuring Instruments" (with A. C. Jolley); sundry pamphlets and many papers on electrical and optical subjects, etc. Clubs: Athenaeum, Authors.
DRYSDALE, John Whitehead Wilson. B.Sc., A.M. Inst.C.E., M.I.E.S. Managing Director, Drysdale & Co., Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow, W. Private Address: Barnhill, Milton, Dumbartonshire. Age: 51. Training: Glasgow Univ.; A. & J. Inglis Ltd.; Drysdale & Co., Ltd. Pres., Glas. Univ. Eng. Soc., 1928-29. Numerous Inventions in connection with Pumping.
DUBARRY, E. F. A.M.I.E.E. Instrument Asst., Birmingham Elect. Supply Dept. Private Address: 84 Ombersley Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham. Age: 57, Formerly instrumt. tester with British Westinghouse Co.
DU CANE, Lt. Comdr. P. R.N., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A. Managing Director, Vosper, Ltd., Shipbuilders and Engrs., Portsmouth. Private Address: East Hoe House, Hambledon, Hants. Age: 37. Career: Royal Navy; Midshipman during War; as Sub-Lieut., transferred to Eng. Branch 1922; left Navy 1929; joined Vosper 1931, Designer of Motor Torpedo Boats and other fast vessels, including high-speed Royal Barge and M.T.B. No. 102, the fastest warship in the British Navy.
DUCKER, F. E. M. B.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Watkins & Watson, Ltd., White Lion Street, London, N.1.
DUCKHAM, Frederic William. M.Inst.C.E. Address: No. 1 Jetty, H.M. Dockyard (South), Devonport. Career: Training: Univ. Coll., London, and with father, F.E. Duckham, M.Inst.C.E. During the war was Director of Design, Tanks. Is specialist in heavy waterside construction, and has been responsible for important work at Dover, Jersey, Cyprus, and on the George V Dock. Club: Royal Jersey Golf.
DUCKWORTH, Christian Leslie Dyce. B.Sc.(Glas.), M.Inst.C.E., Assoc.M.I.N.A. Education Officer, Royal Air Force. Private Address: 15 Norfolk Mansions, London, S.W.11. Age: 47. Career: Marlborough Coll., Wilts.; Glasgow Univ.; Apprent. with the Fairfield S. & E. Co., Glasgow; War Service in R.E. and R.N., 1914-18; Draughtsman in Eng. Dept., Cunard S.S. Co., Ltd., Liverpool, 1919-22; A Supt. Engr. in Burmah Oil Co., Ltd., 192334.
DUCKWORTH, H. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Elect. Engr., Admiralty. Private Address: 76, Leyborne Avenue, Ealing, London, W.13. Age: 43. Ed.: Portsmouth Dockyard Sch.; Portsmouth Municipal Coll.; City and Guilds (Royal Sch., Whitworth Exh., 1st Prize Silver Medallist). For many years Head of Elect. Dept., Acton Tech. Coll.
DUDGEON, Frederick Scheer. M.I.N.A., M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: Arbrook Ridge, Esher, Surrey. Age: 75. Ed.: Private and Eng. Establishment on North East Coast. Now retired.
DUERDEN. T. B.Sc.Tech. (Hons.), A.111.E.E. Tech. Asst., Blackburn Corp. Elect. Undertaking, Jubilee Street, Blackburn. Private Address: "Wynstay,," Gib Lane, Blackburn. Age: 3-5 Career: Elect. Eng. Training, Manchester Univ. Coll. of Tech., and Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Guisley, Leeds. Sales and Service Engr. (East Yorks. Crompton Parkinson Ltd.; Mains Engr., Nelson Corp. Elec. Dept.; Mains and Sub-Station Engr., Blackburn Corp. Electy. Undertaking.
DUFF, J. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., P.O. Eng. Dept., at Newcastle. Private Address: 24 Mountfield Gardens, Kenton Lane, Newcastle-on -Tyne, 3. Age: 36. Career: Dundee Tech. Coll.; HeriotWatt Coll., Edinburgh; Entered P.O. Eng. Dept. in 1917 and has held appointments in Dundee, London, Edinburgh, and Newcastle -on-Tyne.
DUFFETT, William H. M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Struct.E., F.Inst. F., F.R.S.A. Engr. and General Manager, Rotherham Corp. Electy. Dept., Electy. Works, Rotherham. Private Address: Arden, The Crescent, Rotherham.
DUGDALE, Francis William. B.Sc., M.I.N.A. Managing Director, S. P. Austin & Son, Ltd., Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers, Sunderland. Private Address: Framilcroft, Durham Road, Middle Herrington.
DUMAS, Robert. Wh.Ex., M.I. Mech.E. Consulting Engr., British Thomson Houston Co., Rugby. Private Address: 27 Lillington Road, Leamington Spa. Career: Draughtsman, Marine and Elect. Works. Managerial posts, Siemens and G.E.C.; Works Manager, Bruce Peebles & Co., Edinburgh, 1905; 1908 onwards, British Thomson Houston Co.: Manager, Rugby, 1908; organised manufacture at Coventry Works of magnetos for aircraft during war; transferred to Consulting Eng. Dept., 1929. Was a member of the Ministry of Munitions Committee on Gauges and Primers, and a member of the Leicester Board of Management for Munitions, and of the Government Advisory Committee on Reconstruction. Is a member of the B.S.I. Mechanical Industry Committee and of the following tech, committees: Machine Tool Details and Accessories; Gearing; Screw Threads; Taps and Dies; Welding; Spanners; H6,nd Hammers; Limits and Fits for Eng.; Steel Strip and Bar.
DUMBRILL, Walter E. B.Sc., A.R.C.Sc., F.R.Ae.S. Snr. Lecturer and Chief Asst., Dept. of Civil and Mech. Eng., Northampton Polytechnic Inst., Clerkenwell, E.C.1. Ed.: City of London School; Imperial Coll.; Royal Coll. of Science.
DUNBAR, William. C.R.S.S.Assoc., Grad.Inst.M. & Cy.E., Member, Past Vice-Pres. (Scotland) Inst.M. & Cy.E. Member (Pres. Scottish Sec.) Inst. W.E., F. & Sec. R.Met.Soc. Burgh Engr., Water Engr., and Master of Works to Kilmarnock Town Council, 17 Green Street, Kilmarnock. Private Address: 17 Kay Park, Kilmarnock. Age: 48. Training: Burgh Engr.'s Office, Dunoon; thereafter Burgh Surveyor, Tranent, 1914-15; Chief Asst., Kilmarnock, 1915-23.
DUNCAN, Robert Dundas. Capt. R.E. (R. of 0.) T.A. B.Sc. (Edin.), M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.W.E. Engineer, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of N. Ireland, Stormont, Belfast. Private Address: "Creran," Massey Avenue, Belfast. Career: Edinburgh Academy; Edinburgh Univ.; Pupilage, Port of Leith; Asst. Engr., Port of Leith, 1919-24; Asst. Resid. Engr., Lochaber Water Power, 1925-29, C.S. Meik & Halcrow; Resid. Engr., Port of Belfast; Resid. Engr., Belfast Water Commissioners; Heavy Foundation and other Works in Belfast to 1937.
DUNCAN, W. J. D.Sc. (London), A.M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S. Wakefield Professor of Aeronautics, Univ. Coll., Hull. Age: 44. Career: Dulwich Coll.; Univ. Coll., London; trained as Marine Engr.; 1926, joined scientific staff, N.P. Lab.; 1934, appointed Head of the new Dept. of Aeronautics, Hull.
DUNDAS, W. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Deputy City Electrical Engr., Brad ford. Address: 45 Sunbridge Road, Bradford. Age: 56. Career: Birkenhead Sch. of Sc. and Art; Northampton Inst.; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Apprent., Liverpool Overhead Elect. Rly. Co.; Shift and Main Engr., Shipley U.D.C.; Draughtsman, Callenders Cable and Construction Co.; Charge Engr., Neasden Power Station, Metropolitan Rly.; Shift Engr. Stuart St., Res. Engr. Dickinson St. & Bloom St. Stns., and Barton Power Stn., Manchester Corp. E.D.
DUNKERLEY, Herbert. Director, Blackith, Dunkerley & Co., Ltd., 32 High Street, Hull. Private Address: 33 Flamborough Road, Bridlington, Yorks. Career: Articled with Martin Samuelson, Civil and Consulting Engr. of Hull; Asst. with him until his death in 1903. From January, 1904, in partnership with F. Blackith as Consulting Marine Engrs. and Ship Surveyors.
DUNKLEY, Stanley Fitz-Roy. O.B.E., M.Alech.E, M.I.E.E. Officer-in-Charge, Stores Testing, Gas Light and Coke Co., Watson House, Fulham, S.W.6. Private Address: Blandford, Oatlands Drive, Wey bridge. Career: Served in the R.N.V.R. from 1914-20. Lecturer, Chelsea Polytechnic, Metallurgical Dept., on Industrial Metallurgy. Author of a number of papers on Standardisation, Quality Control, and Industrial Metallurgy. Club: Life member of Vesta Rowing Club.
DUNKLEY, William Henry. B.Sc. (Eng.) London, A.M.E.E. Personal Asst. to Gen. Mgr. & Chief Engr., Hull Corp. E.D., Ferensway, Hull, Yorks. Private Address: 89 Westbourne Avenue, Hull. Age: 36. Career: Loughborough Coll.; Trained at Willans Works of English Elect. Co., Rugby; Served with Dundee Corp. Elect. Dept. in Power Station; Shanghai Power Co., 192834; Central Electy. Board Operation Supt., S.W. England, 1934-37; Hull Corp. Elect. Dept., 1937.
DUNLEAVY, Frank. M.I.Brit.F. Non-ferrous Foundry Foreman, Rose Bros. (Gainsborough), Ltd., Albion Works, Gainsborough. Private Address: 28 Asquith Street, Gainsborough. Age: 36. A member of the Non-ferrous Sub-Committee of the I.B.F., and Immediate Past President of the Lincoln Sec. of the Institute. Author of numerous papers to branches of I.B.F. under Nonferrous Foundry Problems, and published in Foundry Trades Journal and The Metal Industry.
DUNN, J. F. A.M.I.E.E., A.R.P.S. Inspecting Engr.,Messrs. Kennedy & Donkin, Consulting Engrs., 8 Broadway, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 1 Deneway, Bramhall, Stockport, Ches. Age: 33. Career: Taunton School, 1916-21; Apprent., L.M.S. Rly, Crewe Works, 1921-26; Pupil of Chief Elect. Engr. L.M.S. Rly., 1926-28; Inspection Dept., Kennedy & Donkin, 1928 to present time. Hon. Sec., South Midland Centre, Students' Section, I.E.E. 1930-33.
DUNN, John William. Assoc.M. Inst. C.E., A.M.T.P.I., T.Inst.M. & Cy.E., C.C.E. Chief Eng. Asst., Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Private Address: 36 Marine Gardens, Whitley Bay. Age: 34. Career: Articled to J. Draper, A.M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engr., Thornaby-on-Tees, 1920-23; Skelton & Brotton U.D.C., Asst., 1923-24; Asst. Engr., East Riding Yorks. C.C., 1924-27; Asst. Engr., Lancashire C.C. (Liverpool, East Lancs. Road.), 1927-30; 1930 to present time, Northumberland C.C.
DUNN, P. R. B.Sc. (Hons.) A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., British Insulated Cables Ltd., Faraday House, 17 Todd Street, Manchester. Age: 35. Career: King Edward's High School, Birmingham; Training, R. T. Shelley Ltd., Birmingham; with B.I. Cables Ltd., from 1925.
DUNNING, W. L. B.A., A.M.I. Mech.E. Until Recently Planning Manager, Ultra Electric Ltd., Western Avenue, Acton, W.3. Private Address: The Malt House, Beaconsfield. Age: 35. Career: Eton Coll.; Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Pupil W. H. Allen & Co., Ltd., of Bedford; Asst. Chief Mech. Engr. to Sudan Plantations Syndicate Ltd.; Time Study Engr., Joseph Lucas Ltd., Birmingham, and (Rotax), London.
DUNPHY, Major L. O. A. M.I.Mech.E. Director, "Meadhay" Ltd., Cider Manufacturers, Dunsford, Devon. Age: 53. Career: Eastmans R.N. Academy; Antrim R.G.A., 1905; A.S.C., 2nd Lieut., 1907; Pupil, John Fowler and Leylands; Served in France and Belgium, 1914-16; Despatches 15 and 16 and Brevet Majority. Acting Lt. Col., 1917; Senr. Inspector of Mech. Transport, 1917; carried out trials of vehicles mounted on skis, and numerous other trials; retired 1934.
DUNSHEATH, Percy. O.B.E., M.A., D.Sc. Director and Chief Engr., W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 11 Holborn Viaduct, London E.C.1. Private Address: 161 Park West, W.2. Club: Athenaeum.
DUNTON, A. R. Vice-Pres., The Inst. of the Plastic Ind. A.M.I.E.E. Research Engr., Metropolitan Vickers, Manchester. Private Address: Sunnyside, Bentinck Road, Altrincham, Cheshire. Age: 51, Career: Educ.: Bedford School and Nottingham Univ.; British Westinghouse Co., transformer designer and insulation Engr.; Electrical Insulation Specialist.
DUNTON, Cedric E. M.A. (Cam.), A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. for Maintenance, L.P.T.B., 55 Broadway, S.W.1. Private Address: 4 Langley Park, N.W.7. Age: 39. Career: Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and Cambridge Univ. Has held various positions with Underground Rlwy. and L.P.T.B. including that of Liaison Asst. for New Construction.
DUPEN, V. C. A.M.I.Mech.E., C.C.G.L.I. Sales Manager, Bristols Instrument Co., Ltd., London, N.W.10. Private Address: 25 Birkdale Road, London, W.5. Age: 34. Career: Weymouth Coll.; City and Guilds, 1921-24; Gnome and Le Rhone Eng. Co, 1924-25; Civil Eng. Contracting in India, 1925-27; Branch and General Manager, Stanes Motors (Southern • India) Ltd., 1927-35; present position, 1935.
DUPEN, William Henry. Hon. Adviser on A.R.P. and other National protective devices. M.I.H.V.E. Late Designing Engr., Briggs (Motor) Bodies Ltd., Dagenham Private Address: 141 Kinfauns Road, Goodmayes, Essex. Age: 56. Club: Silver Steel.
DUPERE, T. R. A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Asst., Cables & Wireless Ltd., London. Private Address: Westhaven, Clarence Road, Dorchester, Dorset. Age: 41. Career: Sir Andrew Judds' School, Tonbridge; 4 years service with the Colours, 1915-19; 4 years tech. training, Northampton Polytechnic; B.T.H. Co., Rugby; Tunbridge Wells Corp. Electy. Dept.; present occupation since 1926.
DU-PLAT-TAYLOR, F. Maurice. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Cons. E., M.Soc.I.C.F. (Past Pres. of British Section), Officier d 'Academie. Consulting Engr., 2 Central Buildings. London, S.W.1. Private Address: 6 Branstone Road, Kew. Career: Pupil of Late Anthony G. Lyster. Eng. Staff of Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 1900-04; London and India Docks Co., 1904-09; Port of London Authority, 1909-24; Consulting Engr. since 1924. Books: "Design, Construction and Maintenance of Docks, Wharves and Piers," 1928; "Cottage Hospitals," 1930 (with Messrs. Coleridge and Abraham); "The Reclamation of Land from the Sea"; and numerous engineering papers. Club: Athenaeum.
DUPREE, F. H. A.M. I.E.E, M.I.R.E. Managing Director, Radio and Elect. Mantel Co., Ltd., 48 South End, Croydon, Surrey. Private Address: 57 Norfolk Avenue, Sanderstead, Croydon, Surrey. Formerly in Straits Settlements Govmt. (Radio) Service. Retired.
DUPUIS, C. E. M.A., F.C.H., M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: Chedgrave Manor, Loddon, Norwich, Norfolk. Age: 73. Career: Marlborough Coll.; Trinity Coll., Cambridge; R.I.E.C. Coopers Hill; P.W.D., India, 1888-98; P.W.D., Egypt, 1898-1912; latterly as adviser to the Egyptian Ministry of Public Works; now in retirement; actively interested in Local Govmt., County Councillor, Dist. Councillor, J.P.
DURBAN, H. F. S. A.M.I.Mech. E., M.I.H.V.E. Partner, E. Wingfield-Bowles & Partners, Consulting Engineers, 28 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Age: 50.
DURRANT, A. A. M. M.I.Mech. E., M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T. Chief Engr., Buses and Coaches, London Passenger Transport Board, 55 Broadway, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 3 Sutton Court, W.4.
DYER, Charles F. M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E., M.Mid.Inst.Min.E. Partner, Ravenshaw and Dyer, Carbon Chambers, Hall Gate, Doncaster. Private Address: St. Clair, Bawtry Road, Bessacarr, Doncaster.
DYER, L. S. S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chairman and Managing Director, British Automatic Refrigerators (1936) Ltd., Rotherham. Private Address: Westhope Cottage, Craven Arms, Shropshire. Age: 40. Director, British Thermostat Co., Ltd., Chairman, General Air Conditioning Industries, Ltd.
DYER, Warren S. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Consulting Engr. Private Address: "Warren's Retreat," 24 Kent Road, East Molesey, Surrey. Formerly Engr. to Porter and Co., Elect. Engrs. and Contractors, Shanghai.
DYKES, Alfred Herbert. J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E., F.C.G.I. Snr. Partner, Handcock and Dykes, Consulting Engineers, 11 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: St. Swithin's, Shortlands, Kent. Career: Graduated at Central Inst., City and Guilds; joined Siemens of Woolwich; later, Chief Electrician and afterwards Works Manager, Latimer Clark, Muirhead & Co.; 1894, joined Mr. H. W. Handcock as Consulting Engrs., advising on electy. undertakings, elect. traction etc., in this country and India, end;. equipment of public buildings, factories, etc. For 27 years member, Beckenham U.D.C. and twice Chairman. Club: St. Stephen's.
DYMOND, Archibald William John. B.Sc. (Eng.) Hons. (London), A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.M.E. Asst. to Divisional Loco. Supt., Cardiff, Great Western Railway, Business Address: 14 The Parade, Cardiff. Age: 37. Career: Cardiff Tech. Coll., Degree Eng. Course, 1919-22; Pupil under John Cameron, Loco. Supt., Taff Vale Rlwy.; Chief Mech. Engr. 's Drawing Office, G.W.R. Swindon; Loco. Detail Design and Experimental Research. Author of Paper on "Coaching Stock, " Inst. Mech. Eng.; Papers on "Steam Power, " "Internal Combustion Engines," and "Automatic Train Control," Swindon Eng. Soc. Managing Director, Horseley Bridge and Thomas Piggott, Ltd., Horseley Works, Tipton, Staffs. Age: 50. Career: Wellingborough Sch.; Birmingham Univ.; Articled, Hubert Bewlay,, M.Inst.C.E.; training, and later Outside Engr., Thos. Piggott and Co., Ltd. Past Chairman, Inst. of Welding, Midlands Branch.
DYSON, F. P. A.M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: 27, Westcombe Park Road, London, S. E.3.
DYSON, George Malcolm. B.A., B.Sc., Ph.D., A.M. I.Chem.E., F. I.0., M. I.P.T. Head of Depts. of Pure and Applied Sc. and Chem. Eng., Loughborough Coll., Leics. Private Address: Clifton House, Albert Place, Loughborough.
See Also
Sources of Information