The Engineer 1940 Jul-Dec: Index: Difference between revisions
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* [[Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co|Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co.]], Ships for Delta Line, (169); Sparrow's Point Plant Reconditioned, (226); " Robin Locksley " Launched, (370) | * [[Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co|Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co.]], Ships for Delta Line, (169); Sparrow's Point Plant Reconditioned, (226); " Robin Locksley " Launched, (370) | ||
* [[William Beveridge|Beveridge, Sir William]], A Man-Power Survey, 1 Bevin, Ernest, Appeal to Labour, 243 | * [[William Beveridge|Beveridge, Sir William]], A Man-Power Survey, 1 Bevin, Ernest, Appeal to Labour, 243 | ||
* [[B.M.B. Engineering Co|B.H.B. Engineering Co., Ltd.]], "[[Rytecraft]] Safeti-Line " Road Marker, 239 | * [[B. M. B. Engineering Co|B.H.B. Engineering Co., Ltd.]], "[[Rytecraft]] Safeti-Line " Road Marker, 239 | ||
* Bhupendra Cement Works, Electrically Driven Ropeway, 104 | * Bhupendra Cement Works, Electrically Driven Ropeway, 104 | ||
* [[Bingham-Copperfield Tunnel]], Traffic and Ventilation Control Systems, 256 | * [[Bingham-Copperfield Tunnel]], Traffic and Ventilation Control Systems, 256 |
Revision as of 09:44, 24 May 2022

The Engineer 1940 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 170 Index
- ABERDEEN Main Drainage Scheme, (114)
- Acheson, E. G., Ltd., Pre-lubrication, (290)
- Addison, H., Dimensionless Characteristics of Turbines and Pumps, 365
- Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd. Paraffin Washing Equipment, 383
- Algoma Steel Corporation, Ltd., Steel Developments, 73, 160
- Allen, R., and G. E. Howling, Chrome Ore and Chromium, 361
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Steam Turbine Driven Pump for Rand Water Board, 255
- Alsop, R., Resignation from Steel Control, (82)
- Alsthom, S. A., Interconnection of Three Different Networks, 335
- Aluminum Co. of Canada, Plant Expansion, 265
- Ambrose, J. G., and C. B. Mathews, Pill-boxes on Wheels, 383
- "America," United States Liner, 143, 159, 173, 189, 204
- American South African Line, Inc., New Cargo and Passenger Ships, (194)
- Andamite, Ltd., Reinforced Concrete Air Raid Shelter, 382
- Anderson Steel Shelter, 1
- Andrews, L., Post-war Employment of Active Service Men, 107
- Anglo-Oriental (Malaya), Ltd., Reconstructed Dredges, (416)
- Armitage, H. C., Obituary, 247
- Armstrong, J. Clubley, The " Danarm " Saw, 238
- Ash, A. E., Obituary, 28
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., G.W.R. Railcar Tests, 24; Twin Front Axle Six-wheeled Vehicles, 48
- Assuan Dam Power Scheme, (242)
- Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, Eightieth Anniversary, (290)
- Athabasca Glacier Chalet, Canadian Scenic Highway, (34)
- Audibert, Professor E., Melchett Medal Award, 387
- Austen, A. E. W., A. M. Thomas and S. Whitehead, High-voltage Service Testing, 176
- Austin, Edwin, Obituary, 268
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Music in Workshops, (130)
- Ayre, W., Leadership and Direction in Industry, 270; (Loading Article, 266)
- BAGHDAD Railway, Opening, 35, (66)
- Baird, J. L., Developments in Colour Television, 403
- Baker, H. Wright, Unusual Methods of Temperature Measurement, 366
- Baldwin Locomotive Works. Locomotives for Chile, (402)
- Ball, J. D. W., Stabilising Effect of Passive Resistance on Underground Arches, 119
- Baltic States Railways. (416)
- Baltimore and Ohio Railway, Oil-electric Locomotives, (290)
- Bamfords, Ltd., Rear-action Swath Turner and Windrower, 208
- Barimar, Ltd., Welding of Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals, (114)
- Barr, John, Obituary, 393
- Bartlett Multiple-arch Dam. U.S.A., 71, 86
- Beard, J. R., Planning the Post-war World (I.E.E. Presidential Address), 278; (Leading Article, 282); (Letters, 315. 380, 397)
- Beauharnois Hydro-electric Plant, (34)
- Beaverbrook, Lord, Aircraft Production, 17, 387
- Beilby Memorial Awards, (98). 371
- Benson, F. W., Mathematical Ships' Lines, (16) Berlin West Power Station, 198
- Best, F., Obituary, 123
- Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co., Ships for Delta Line, (169); Sparrow's Point Plant Reconditioned, (226); " Robin Locksley " Launched, (370)
- Beveridge, Sir William, A Man-Power Survey, 1 Bevin, Ernest, Appeal to Labour, 243
- B.H.B. Engineering Co., Ltd., "Rytecraft Safeti-Line " Road Marker, 239
- Bhupendra Cement Works, Electrically Driven Ropeway, 104
- Bingham-Copperfield Tunnel, Traffic and Ventilation Control Systems, 256
- Binns, Asa, Mainly the Port of London (I. Mech. E. Presidential Address), 259, 261
- Birmingham Engineering Classes, (16)
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, (354)
- Bitterfeld Aluminium Works, Germany, 263 Blohm and Voss Yards Bombed, 339
- Blunt, F. S., Retirement from P.L.A., (386)
- Board, A. V., Appointed Controller of Plastics, (194), (274)
- Boeing Aircraft Co., Stratosphere Research, (82)
- Boeing " B.17 " Bomber, 320
- Bolson, S. T., Planning for the Future, 380
- Bombay Port Closed, (10)
- Boon, W. L., The Production of Coke, 334
- Boston, U.S.A., Power Station, Pulverised Coal Boiler Plant, 89
- Bradfield, K. N. E., The Size of an Aircraft Landing Field, 230
- Bragg, Sir William, Royal Society Anniversary Address, 355
- Braithwaite, Burn and Jessep Construction Co. Ltd., Re-girdering Nerbada Bridge, (242)
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Modification of Aluminium-silicon Alloys, (130)
- British Association of Used Machine Tool Merchants, 211
- British Columbia Pulp and Paper Co., Bleaching Plant in British Columbia, 137
- British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft, Staff Changes, 227
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., " Spitfire " Fund, (194) Laboratory at Liverpool University, (416)
- British Power Boat Co., Ltd., [Royal Air Force|R.A.F.]] Rescue Launch, 377
- British Rheologists' Club, (274), (369)
- British Road Federation, Ltd., Overloading the Rails, (185)
- British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., Electric Drive of an Indian Ropeway, 104
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Flameproof Motors in Industry, 109; Improved Light Source, 160; Transformers for Electric Furnaces, 367
- British Timken, Ltd., " Going to It," 137; Fund to Help Raid Victims, (336)
- Broadway Engineering Co., Ltd., Centrifugal Quenching Machine, 321
- Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Shipbuilding. (171), (194); Steel Making Semi-jubilee, (338)
- Brown, Boveri and Co., Re-closing Air Blast High-speed Circuit Breakers, 62
- Brown, C. A. Cameron, Electricity on the Farm, 303; (Leading Article, 299)
- Brown, David, and Sons (Rudd.), Ltd., Involute Profile Testing Machine, 356
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 1
- Bruce, A. K., Beau do Rochas, Otto and the Four-stroke Cycle Engine, 5
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., All-welded Electric Motor, 232
- Brunswick Tunnel, Harrogate, to be Used as Air Raid Shelter, (178)
- Budd, E. G., Co., Stainless Steel Railway Coaches, (123)
- Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, New Railcars, (402)
- Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway, Annual Meeting, 387
- Burbridge, L., Obituary, (397)
- Bureau of Analysed Samples, Ltd., Ferromanganese and Stainless Steel Standards, (402)
- Bureau of Information on Nickel, Strengthen" Ni-Hard " Irons by Annealing, 273
- Burma Road and Industrial Development in China, C. A. Middleton Smith, 332
- Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Solex Pneumatic Micrometer, 374
- Buxton, M. B., Obituary, 268
- Bywater, H. C., Obituary, 123
- CALEDON Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Mr. E. P. Brown Appointed Chairman, (178)
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Air. R. S. Johnson Appointed Chairman, 307
- Canadian Engineering Standards Association, Electrical Equipment, 14
- Canadian Ford Co.. Windsor Factory Extensions, (98)
- Canadian Locomotive Co., Extensions at Kingston, (258), (354)
- Canadian National Railways, Steel Pile Bridge Piers, 20; " The International Limited," 180, 277; Locomotive " No. 6169," 276; Express Locomotive " No. 6401 " and " U4 " Class Locomotive, E. H. Livsay, 308
- Canadian Pacific Railway, " 2800 " Express Freight Locomotive, 260; Express Locomotives " No. 3101 " and " No. 2925," Edward H. Livesay, 309
- Canadian-Vickers, Ltd., Minsweeper Orders, (322)
- Cape Town Improvements, 366
- Cape Town's New Harbours, 185
- Carpenter, Sir Harold, Obituary, 179; Honda Prize Award, (258)
- Carrier, W. H., Technical Education from the Employer's Standpoint, 296; (Leading Article, 298)
- Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd., Producer Gas Lorries, (274)
- Cedar Rapids Power Station, (146)
- Celotex, Ltd., Sound-absorbing Tiles, (274) Central Electricity Board, War Emergency Stations, 211. (274)
- Chamberlain, E. A. C., Conversion of Petrol Vehicles to Operate on Town Gas, 239, 254; (Letters, 268, 315, 347, 365, 380, 397)
- Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway, Welded Box Wagons, (416)
- Chicago and North-Western Railroad. " 400 " Diesel-electric Locomotives, (130), 196; " The Pacific Limited," 292
- Chicago River. Canalising, 105
- Chickamauga Dam, Tennessee Valley Authority, (274)
- Chrysler. W. P., Obituary, 123
- Chu Valley Irrigation, (210)
- City and South London Railway, Jubilee, 291
- Clark, James, and Eaton, Ltd., " Luxoid " Flexible Glass Substitute, (402)
- Clay Products Technical Bureau, Rational Design of Load-bearing Brickwork, 129
- Clayton, D. Lubrication and Wear, 383
- Clougher, N. M., Canadian and United Kingdom Export, 247
- Clyde Committee of Inquiry, 131
- Coldair, Ltd., Refrigeration for Duralumin Rivets, 81
- Cologne and its Environs, 39 1
- Concrete. Ltd., Pill-boxes on Wheels, 383
- Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co, Ammonia Plant, (214)
- Controlled Heat and Air, Ltd., Heating Air Raid Shelters, 398
- Cooke, Troughton and Simms, Ltd., Measuring Microscope, 356; Optical Dividing Head, 374
- Cornelius, H., and W. Trossen, Pendulum Hardness Testing Machine, 319
- Cornish Ochre Mines, Ltd., Mines Re-opened, (322)
- Cotterman, F. D., and R. E. Falls, The Design of Large High-pressure Steel Valves, 229
- Cox, A. B., Civil Liaison, (44)
- Cox, H. Jasper, Japanese Presentation, (178)
- Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., An 80-Ton Trailer, 153
- Crawford, W. R., Theory of Screw Fans, 150, 166
- Crawfurd, H. E., Iron and Steel Scrap, 29
- Critchley, G. R.. Honorary M.A. Degree, (66)
- Crofts, J. W., Cause and Purpose in Natural Law, 268
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Electrification of New Pralhad Mills, Bombay, 23
- Crown Colonist Map of the Colonial Empire, (416)
- Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Rail Collision, (162)
- Dalrymple-Hay, Sir Harley H., Obituary, 409
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., The " Danarm " Saw, 238
- Dansie, Arthur, Obituary, 393
- Dauphin, Manitoba, Flying Training School, (226)
- David, W. T., The Process of Combustion in Spark Ignition Engines, 121; Some Fallacies Concerning the Petrol Engine, 388
- Davidson, Major-General A. E., Appointed Colonel Commandant, R.E., (16)
- Davis, R. F., Steam Generation at High Pressures, 387, 399, 412; (Leading Article, 408)
- Davy, C. S., Obituary, 203
- Dawson Brothers, Ltd., Machines for Cleaning Metal Parts, 95
- Delaware Aqueduct, New York, 100, 116 Delaware River Deepening, (306)
- Deloro Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd., Development in Cutting Tools, 201
- De Malglaive Shipping Co., Ltd., (98)
- de Neuman, A. M. Steel in Germany's War Economy, 376
- Denny Memorial, Institution of Naval Architects' Library, (50)
- de Rochas, Beau, Otto and the Four-stroke Cycle Engine, A. K. Bruce, 5
- Dewhurst, P. C., Steel v. Copper Fire-boxes, 366
- Diskin, A. B., Automatic Feed for Lathes, (370)
- Dixon, Edward, Obituary, 283
- Dixon, W., and Co., Glasgow Gas Supply, (194)
- Dlugokansky, A. A., Roentgen Monocle, (370)
- Dniepr-Bug Canal, (290)
- Dniepr and Donets High-tension Transmission Line, (220)
- Dobson, J. E., The Purchaser Pays, 380
- Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Ltd., Canadian High-pressure Topping Unit, 381
- Dortmund-Ems Canal, 59
- Dorval Airport, Montreal, Large Hangar, (370)
- Douglas B.19 " Bomber, 320
- Doxford, W., and Sons, Ltd., Centenary, 305
- Downie, J. W., Obituary. (242)
- Dravo Shipbuilding Corporation, Welded Steel Coal Barges, (98)
- Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co., Ltd., the Variostat, 269, 284
- Duisburg-Ruhrort Harbour, Germany, 342
- Duncanson, J. M., Deputy Controller of Steel Supplies, 115
- Durban-Sydney Air Service, (29)
- EDALE Valley Water Scheme, 371
- Edmonds, H. M., and W. J. Peck, Heat Combustion in Refrigerating Machines, 89
- Egerton, A. C. G., Power and Combustion (Hawksley Lecture), 326
- Emden Harbour, Germany, 91
- "Empress of Britain", Loss of, 275
- ENGINEER, THE, Since 1856, 9
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Developments in Air-Break Circuit Breakers, 124, 132
- Eriksberg Shipyard, Sweden, Extensions, (402)
- Evans, E. A., Oxidation of Lubricating Oils, 7
- FALLS, R. E., and F. D. Cotterman, The Design of Large High-pressure Steel Valves, 229
- Federated Malay States Railways, (210)
- Fanning, R. W., and A. C. Whiffin, The Process of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines, 76
- Ferodo, Ltd., Physical Research Laboratory, 349
- Ferranti, Ltd., Lightning-proof Transformers, 224; Dynamic Balancing of Rotors, 324
- Fildes Medal, Institution of Factory Managers, (322)
- Fisher " Carbanalyzer," Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., 46
- Fisher Deane Engineering Co., Ltd., Waste Wood Destructor, 220
- Fogg, A., and S. A. Hunwicks, The Static Friction of Lubricated Surfaces, 206, 214; (Leading Article, 202)
- Ford Motor Co., Agricultural Engineering Scholarships, (63)
- Forward, E. A., Links in the History of the Locomotive (Wilson's Four-cylinder), 108, 117
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Portable Generating Set for Emergency Pumping Duty, 12
- Francis, J. L., Pressure-resisting and High-duty Iron Castings, 93
- Frecheville, Professor W., Obituary, 93
- French, J. W., Skilled Labour, 140
- Friedman, A. S., Timber Arches for Buildings, (34)
- Fushiki Cardboard Manufacturing Co., Furfural from Rice Straw, (416)
- GANZ and Co., Railcars for Buenos Aires, (178)
- Gee and Co., Renewal Fees on German Patents, 397
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Broadcast Music in Workshops, 31; Discriminative Over-current and Earth Leakage Protection, 45; Heavy Duty Slip-ring Motors, 62; Device for Keeping Ships in Convoy Station, 112; Electrode Thermal Storage Equipment at Poplar Town Hall, 128; Philplug Jointing Material, (231); Electric Micrometer, 375; New Use for " Osira " Black Glass Lamps, 382
- General Electric Co. of America, Gas Detector Analyser, (50); Photo-electric Meter Testing, 190; Barium as a Lubricant, (407); Steam Turbine Building, (354)
- General Engineering Co., Multiple-gang Flush Riveter, 238
- Gill, Commander, and Lieut.-Commander Harding, Radio Aids to Marine Navigation, 350
- Glasgow Harbour Equipment, (370)
- Glasgow-Paisley Railway Centenary, 35
- Glasgow University Engineering Centenary, (290), 348
- Glasgow's Bus Washing Plant, G. D. Peters and Co. Ltd., (146)
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Automatic Float Valves for Rangoon Water Supply, 344
- Glidden Co. Powdered Iron in the Paint Industry, (322)
- Goetzel, C. G., and P. Schwarzkopf, Powder Metallurgy, 287
- Golfito, Costa Rica, New Port, 169
- Grampian Power Scheme, 83
- Great Western Railway, Ruislip Extension Stopped, (16); Railcar Tests, 24; Appointments, (50), (82). (130); Taunton Derailment, 291, 307; Salvage, (338)
- Grenfell, D. R., Oil from Coal, (402)
- Gretna Collision, L.M.S. Railway, 291
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., " Microid " Automatic Lever Balance, 32; Magnetic Determination of Carbon in Steel (" Carbanalyzer "), 46
- Griffith, H. G., New Use for " Osira " Black Glass Lamps, 382
- Gruse, W. A., and C. J. Livingstone, Piston Deposits, Ring Sticking, Varnishing and Ring Clogging, 352
- Gueritte, T. J., Pre-stressed Concrete Construction, (34)
- Gzowski, C. S., Obituary, (226)
- HACKBRIDGE Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Arc Suppression Coils, 406
- Hadfield, Mr. Robert, 251
- Hadfield, Sir Robert, Obituary, 219, 235
- Hallett, W. N., Production Problems, 77
- Hamburg, Port of, 359, 362
- Hamm Railway Marshalling Yard, 28
- Hannifin Manufacturing Co., Centrifugal Quenching Machine, 321
- Hansen Dam, Los Angeles, (306)
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Renaming of Shipbuilding Yards, (194)
- Hartmann, E. C., R. L. Templin, and H. N. Hill, Tests of 28ft. Span Aluminium Alloy Trusses. 61
- Haslam, S. B., Elected President, South Wales Institute of Engineers. (274)
- Hawksley Lecture, Power and Combustion, A. C. G. Egerton, 326
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Cooling Quenching Oil, 80
- Herbert, Sir A., Training of Labour, 10; Priority, 140
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Motor-driven Vertical Milling Machine, No. 47V, 368
- "Hermelin," Hong Kong Built Motorship, 147, 178
- Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., Rectifier Plant in War Time, 104
- Hichens, Lionel, Obituary, 267
- Hilger, Adam, Ltd., " Dekkor " Inspection Enlarger, 357
- Hill, H. N., R. L. Templin, and E. C. Hartmann, Tests of 28ft. Span Aluminium Alloy Trusses, 61
- Honda Prize Awarded to Sir H. Carpenter, (258)
- Hong Kong Harbour, Sir D. Owen to Advise on Administration, 83
- Hong Kong Power Station, (370)
- Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd., Motorship " Hermelin," 147, 178; New Motorship, (242)
- Hopkirk, K. H., Notes on Methods of Balancing, 38, 55, 72
- Horne, Lord, Obituary, 156
- Howling, G. E. and R. Allen, Chrome Ore and Chromium, 361
- Hurford, W. E., Obituary, (258)
- IDANHA Dam Model, 212
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Rot-proofing Sandbags, (373)
- Industrial Welfare Society, Annual Meeting, 355
- Innes, J., Director of Telecommunications, 163
- International Marine Radio Co., Ltd., Lifesaving Raft Light, (98)
- JACKSON, D. C., Effects of Engineering in the Present Age, 144
- James, R. L., Soil Mechanics in Foundation Engineering, 126
- Jenkin, C. F., Obituary, 140
- Jennings, J. Pump Losses at Various Specific Speeds, 76
- "Jervis Bay," H.M.S., Loss of, 323
- Johnson Fel Electric, Ltd., Magnetic Crack Detection, 191
- Johnson, W. A., Obituary, (146)
- Johnstone, Harcourt, The Need for Export Trade, 99
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Jig Drilling and Milling Machine, 288; Sigma-Jones Comparator, 340; " Omtimeter ' Precision Measuring Instrument, 375
- Jones, J., Town Gas Fuel for Petrol Engines, 397
- Juneero, Ltd., Construction Equipment, 369
- Junkers Aircraft Works at Dessau, 134
- KALKFONTEIN Irrigation Dam, 336
- Kayser, J. F., Permanent Magnets, 183
- Kelsall, G. A., and E. A. Newbitt, " Vicalloy," (252)
- Kent-Norris H., Concrete for Machine Tools, 187
- Ker, Charles, Obituary, (66)
- Kiel and the Kiel Canal, 27
- Kiltie, O., A D.C. to A.C. Vibrator Inverter, 12
- Kincaid, J. S., Obituary. 92
- King, G. K., Town Gas for Petrol Engines, 347
- Kinojevis Bridge, Canadian National Railways, 20
- Klingenberg Power Station, Berlin, 198
- Knowles, T., Controller of Coal Tar Products, (338)
- Knudsen, W. S., America's Defence Programme, 387
- Koping Ropeway, Sweden, 39
- Kroon, R. P., Turbine-Blade Fatigue Testing, 80
- LAKE Lemoyne Bridge, Canadian National Railways, 20
- Lang, C. R., Obituary, 379
- Langlaagte Motor Workshops, South Africa, 228
- Lake Erie Engineering Corporation, Large Press, (402)
- Lauta Aluminium Works, Germany, 252
- Leeds Government Training Centre, 3
- Leningrad Institute of Research, Refrigeration by Solar Energy, (226)
- Leuna Works of I.G. Farbenindustrie, 295
- Lima Locomotive Works, Orders, (322)
- Lincoln, J. A., and A. W. Soden, Glass Reinforcement for Concrete, 47
- Lincoln, James F., Welding Foundation, Productive Capacity of Welding Machines, 43
- Linklater, Captain T. B., Obituary, (354)
- Linoleum and Floorcloth Manufacturers' Association, Linoleum as a Fire Resistant, (49)
- Liverpool University High-voltage Testing Laboratory, (416)
- Livesay, E. H., Further North American Locomotive Experiences, 180, 196, 260, 276, 292, 308
- Livingstone, C. J., and W. A. Cruse, Piston Deposits, Ring Sticking, Varnishing and Ring Clogging, 352
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Scholarship, (114)
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, Obituary, 139
- Logan, R., and A. S. T. Thomson, Wear Phenomena in Lubricated Metal Surfaces, 200; (Leading Article, 186)
- London and Blackwall Railway, Centenary, 17
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Directorate Appointments, (98); Salvage Effort, (114), (178), (307), (402); Perth-Inverness Train Accident Report, 115; Time Table Alterations, (162); " Coronation " Engine No. 25,348 for Scrap, (162); Time Bomb Removed, (210); Wembley Express Derailment, 243, 339; Gretna Collision, 291 " Coronation Scot " in U.S.A., (306)
- London and North Eastern Railway, Mr. C. J. Selway's Retirement, (82); Appointments, (82); Harwich-Shotley Motorboat Service, (82); Aluminium Scrap from Booking Halls, (82); Salvage Effort, (114); Harwich-Felixstowe Ferry Service Withdrawn, (130)
- Longden, E., Contraction in Grey Cast Iron, 11, 30
- Loree, L. F., Obituary, (258)
- Low Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., Alternative Fuels, (114)
- Lukavchenko, I., Ferro-nickel in Open-hearth Furnaces, (178)
- Lundberg, H., The Future of Geophysics, 265
- Lyubertsy Works, Moscow, Harvesting Special Crops, (210)
- Mackay, J. B., Obituary, (268)
- Manchester Ship Canal, Mr. W. G. Smith's Retirement, 403
- Manchuria Electro-chemical Industrial Corporation, " Buna " Rubber Manufacture, (338)
- Mansfeldsche Kupferschieferbergbau A.G., Chain Rope Railway, (370)
- Marryat and Scott, Ltd., Lift Handbook, (306)
- Marshall, Percival, Mobilising the Home Workshops, 29
- Martin, Glenn L., Co., Rivet-Salvaging Machine, 48; Aircraft Plant Expansion, (274)
- Mathews, C. B., and J. G. Ambrose, Pill-boxes on Wheels, 383
- McDonald, G. G., A U-Tube Manometer for Fan Testing, 48
- McKay, H. V., Massey Harris Proprietary, Ltd., Australian Binder, 105
- Meehanite Research Institute, Special Alloy Iron Castings for Crane Brake Wheels, (130)
- Meeker Avenue Bridge, New York, (34) Melchett Medal Award, 387
- Melhuish, M., Powdered Metal and Bakelite Bearings, 240
- Menai Bridge Tolls, (290)
- Merriman Dam, Delaware Aqueduct, 100, 116
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Steam Fire and Salvage Pump, 281
- Mere, C. H., Obituary, 267
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd. Trolleybus Electrical Equipment, 112; Flameproof Resistances, 207; Transformers for Resistance Welding Machines. 223; Wind Screen Wipers for Railways, 407
- Metropolitan Water Board, Post-war Programme, 115
- Michelin, E., Obituary, (146)
- Michigan Ferry Service, (290)
- Midland Saw and Tool Co., Ltd., Horizontal Bandsaw for Non-ferrous Metals, 127
- Miller, H., Steam Wagons in War Time, (82)
- Miller, W. L., Obituary, (162)
- Minder, W., " Helvetium," Element " 85," (382)
- Minikin, R. R., The Pressure of Earth Against Lateral Supports, 244, (290)
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 51
- Mobile, Alabama, Subaqueous Tunnel, 148
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Silver in Nickel, (345)
- Monsanto Chemical Co., Plastic Material for Illuminated Road Signs, (66)
- Montecatini Co., Italian Synthetic Nitrogen Products Plant, 285
- Moore Dry Dock Co., Welded Ships, (290)
- Moore, H., Physics and Windows in War Time, 280
- Morgan, Sir Charles, Obituary, 332
- Morse Chain Co., Ltd., Works Air Raid Shelter, 320
- Mossfield Colliery Explosion Report, 291
- Mountain. A. R., Obituary, (130)
- Murmansk Ferro-concrete Dock, (322), (370)
- "NARWHAL," H.M. Submarine, Loss of, (210)
- National Bronze and Aluminium Foundry Co., " T-1 " Aluminium Alloy, (416)
- National Institute of Industrial Psychology, Training Employees, (270); Annual Report, 387
- National Physical Laboratory, Daylight. Illumination, 160
- Negretti and Zambra, Gauging the Thickness of Diaphragm Blanks, 340
- Nerbada Bridge. Regirdering, (242)
- Nesfield Deane Waste Wood Destructor, 220
- New Conveyor Co., Ltd., Pre-selective Discharging Conveyor, 13
- New Pralhad Mills, Bombay, Electrification, Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 23
- New York Airway Terminal Station, 281
- New York Dry Dock. Proposed, 35
- New York, New Pier, 99
- New York Elevated Railways, (66)
- New York Express Highway Opened, (82)
- New Zealand Government Railways, Diesel Railcars, 221
- Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., Optical Circular Table, 31
- Newbitt, E. A. and G. A. Kelsall, " Vicalloy” (252)
- Newman, A. J., Director of Machine Tools, Aircraft Production, (152)
- Newbury Diesel Co. Ltd., Concrete for Machine Tools, 187
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., United States Liner " America." 143, 159. 173, 189. 204; Launch of " President Jackson," (194)
- Niagara Falls Road Bridge, (98)
- Nith River Bridge. Canadian National Railways, 22
- Nordstroms Linbanor, A/B., Koping Ropeway. 39
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Die Castings in a High-strength Aluminium Alloy. (114); Producer Gas Utility Car. 238; Specifications for Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy Products, (284)
- O'CONNOR, L., Coke Controller, (34)
- Onslow, D. V., Methods of Measuring Warmth in Experiments on Space Heating, 176
- Ontario Hydro-electric Power Commission Extensions, (338)
- Optical Measuring Tools, Ltd., " Omtimeter." Precision Measuring Instrument, 375
- Orlando, Luigi, Obituary, (194)
- Ormerod Shapers, Ltd., Gun Barrel Spline Shaping Machine. 224
- Orsk Metallurgical Combine. (396)
- "Osira " Black Glass Lamps, 382
- Otis Steel Co., Ten Years' Operation of Blast- furnace, (33)
- Otto, Beau de Rochas, and the Four-stroke Cycle Enaine. A. K. Bruce, 5
- Owen, Sir David, Administration of Hong Kong Harbour, 83
- PACIFIC Fruit Express Co., Refrigerator Cars for Oranges. (306)
- Panama Canal. Protection of Entrances, (3-1)
- Panama Canal Traffic, (162?. (210)
- Parker, E. B., Automatic Train Control, 121
- Parsons Memorial Lecture, The Engining of Highly Powered Ships, Sir S. J. Pigott, (128), (322), 395, 410
- Paterson, W., Anderson Steel Shelter. 1
- Peck, W. J., and H. M. Edmonds, Heat Conduction in Refrigerating Machines, 89
- Pego do Altar Darn Model, 213
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Large Coal Shipping Plant, 89
- Pennsylvania Turnpike, (322)
- Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Co., Annual Meeting, 339
- Peters, G. D., and Co., Ltd., Glasgow's Bus Washing Plant, (146)
- Petters, Ltd., Electric Lighting in Ceylon, 351
- Pick, F. Organisation of Ports. (16)
- Pigott, S. J., The Engining of Highly Powered Ships (Parsons Memorial Lecture), (128), (322), 395, 410
- Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., Glass Reinforcement for Concrete, 47; Physics and Windows in War Time. 280
- Platzer Boat Works, All-welded Tanker for Portugal, (386)
- Politz Hydrogenation Works, Near Stettin, 312
- Poplar Town Hall, Electrode Thermal Storage Equipment, General Electric Co., Ltd., 128
- Portal, Lord, Ministry of Supply Post, (178)
- Portneuf Bridge, Canadian National Railways. 21
- Potter, A. A., Inventions in Engineering Colleges. 54; (Leading Article, 58)
- Pratt and Whitney, Aero-engine Orders, (210); Extensions, (322)
- Preece, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir George, Pencil Portrait No. 25, July 19th, 1940
- Prescott-Ogensburg International Bridge, 14
- "President Jackson," American Steamer, Launch, (194)
- Pretoria Iron and Steel Works, New Steel Plant, 233; New Blast-furnace. 336
- Progressive Welding Co., Gun Welders for Automobile Bodies, (50)
- Pye, D. R.. War-time Inventions, 307
- QUEEN ELIZABETH Way. Canadian Express Highway, (130)
- RAND Water Board, Steam Turbine-driven Pump, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co.. Ltd. 255
- Rangoon Water Supply, Automatic Float Valves. Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., 344
- Republic Steel Corporation, Largo Blast-furnace, (98)
- Rettaliata, J. T., The Combustion Gas Turbine, 83, 78
- Rheinfelden Works. Germany, 279
- Rhodesia Broken Hill Development Co., Ltd., Mining Operations. 185
- Rhodesia's Mineral Output, 377
- Richards, G. B., Obituary. (290)
- Richelieu," French Battleship. 17
- Rissik, H., Statistical Methods in Engineering Practice, 341, 357, 372. 389. 404
- Roberts. R. H., Appointed Director of Machinery Licensing, (98)
- Robinson, R. H., Glass Fibre Electrical Insulation, 77
- Rock Island Sewage Plant, Illinois. (130)
- Roles. T., Obituary. 179
- Row. R. H. P., Manners as a Business Asset, 397
- Royal Mail Lines. Ltd., Annual General Meeting. 1
- Ryan, J. E., and A. S. Stevenson. Encouraging Creative Ability. 252; (Leading Article, 250); (Letter, 284)
- Ryan. W. F., Higher Pressures in Industrial Plants, 25
- Ryerson, E. L., American Steel Production, (322)
- Rytecraft Safeti-Line Marker. B. H. B. Engineering Co., 239
- ST. DUNSTAN'S Institute, Blinded Men and Engineering Work. (15)
- St. Maurice Power Corporation, New Undertakings, (306)
- Salford Electrical Instruments. Ltd., Crystal Calibrator Unit, 351
- Samson. J. B., Some Factors Affecting Economic Production. 181
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Traffic Records, (178)
- Savile, Sir L., Ancient Harbours (Inst. C.E. Presidential Address), 300, 316
- Sayers, W. H., Promiscuous Bombing, 380
- Schlesinger, G.. Substitute Materials in Time of War, 135; (Leading Article, 138); (Letter, 1S7)
- Schwarzkopf, P., and C. G. Goetzel, Powder Metallurgy, 287
- Selizharovo Coal Trust, Russian Coal Deposits, (183)
- Selvey, W. M., Institute of Fuel Address, 243, (337)
- Severn Valley Gas Corporation, Tar Gas, (386)
- Shasta High-level Curved Bridge, U.S.A., 41
- Shawinigan Water and Power System, Canada, 14
- Sheffield Gauge Corporation, An Electric Gauge, 95
- Sheiman, A. B., Oil from Old Wells, (208)
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation. Elections 323
- Shipping Federation. Ltd., Jubilee, 211
- Siemens Electric Supplies, Ltd., Sieray Electric Lamps, 144
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Hand Carbon Arc Welding. 145
- Sigma Manufacturing Co., Jig Drilling and Milling Machine, 288;
- Sigma-Jones Comparator, 340
- Sikorsky's Helicopter. 248
- Simons, E. N.. Boondoggling. 219
- Small, J., Glasgow University Engineering Centenary. 348
- Smith. A. M., Fatigue Strength of Screw Threads, (210)
- Smith, C. A. Middleton, Burma Road and industrial Development in China, 332
- Smith, Captain Christen, Obituary, (130)
- Smith, E. C., Propaganda by Boasting. 409
- Smith, F., Proposed Transport Council, 243
- Smith, W. Grosvenor, Retirement from Manchester Ship Canal, 403
- Smith-Putnam Wind Turbine, (386)
- Soden, A. W., and J. A. Lincoln, Glass Reinforcement for Concrete, 47
- Solex Pneumatic Micrometer, Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd., 374
- Sorocobana Railway Electrification, Brazil, (258)
- South Ferghana Canal, (210)
- South Indian Railway, Insulated Vans, 226
- Southampton Dock Jubilee, 67
- Southend Pier Closed. (210)
- Southern Railway, Spitfire Funds, (258) Waterloo and City Line, 313
- Southwold-Halesworth Railway, Dismantling. (:34)
- Soviet Nitrogen Institute, Production of Calcium Carbide, (210)
- Spafford, H. A., Water Softening Treatment by Upward Flow, 79
- Sparks, C. P., Obituary. 379
- Spooner Aeronautical Research Scholarship, ( 1 6)
- Spooner, Professor H. J., Obituary, 39:3
- Stalin Automobile Works, Moscow, (194)
- Standard Oil Co., Synthetic Rubber Production, (70)
- Sterkrade-Holten Oil Works. Germany. 328
- Stevenson, A. S., and J. E. Ryan, Encouraging Creative Ability, 252; (Loading Article, 250); (Letter. 284)
- Stevenson. W. W. and T. Swinden. Accelerated Spray Test for the Corrodibility of Ferrous Materials, 216
- Stokes, R. R., Deep Shelters in London, 227
- Stroud, H., Obituary, (154)
- Suez Canal, (322)
- Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Land Speed Record Car, (66)
- Swindon. T., and W. W. Stevenson, Accelerated Spray Test for the Corrodibility of Ferrous Materials, 216
- Sydney Graving Dock, Australia, (34)
- TACOMA Bridge, U.S.A., Failure, 317, 364
- Taff Vale Railway Centenary, (274)
- Tangyes Ltd., l8in. Break Lathe, 288; Airflow " Heater, 398
- Taranto, Fleet Air Arm Attack. 323, 347 (Supplement, November 29th, 1940)
- Taunton Derailment, G.W.R., 291, 307
- Taylor, Rear-Admiral D. W., Obituary, (114)
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Alignment Telescope. 324; " Electrolimit "Gauges. 325; Profile Projector, 357
- Templin, R. L., E. C. Hartmann, and H. N. Hill, Tests of 28ft. Span Aluminium Alloy Trusses, 61
- Thames Drainage Schemes. 51
- Thermal Syndicate, Ltd., Vitreosil Discs. (368)
- Thomas, A. M., A. E. W. Austen, and S. Whitehead, High-voltage Service Testing, 176
- Thomas, D. E., Nomographic Solution of a Stress Problem, 120
- Thomson, A. S. T., and R. Logan, Wear Phenomena in Lubricated Metal Surfaces, 200; (Leading Article, 186)
- Thomson, Sir J. J., Obituary, 156
- Thornton, W. M., Foundations of the Electrical and Mechanical Transmission of Energy, 302, 318; (Loading Article, 330)
- Tilley, H. T., Obituary, (306)
- Tohoku Alcohol K.K., Butanol and Acetone Manufacture, (322)
- Tool Distributors. Ltd., Small Tools Distribution. (145)
- Trans-Zambesia Railway Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 403
- Tripp, G. W., Production Problems, 88: Manners as a Business Asset, 397
- Trossen, W., and H. Cornelius, Pendulum Hardness Testing Machine, 319
- Troup. J. D., Post-war Employment of Active Service Men, 121
- Turners Asbestos Cement Co., Asbestos Cement Materials in Building Construction. 23
- UNITED Steel Companies, Ltd., Accelerated Spray Test for the Corrodibility of Ferrous Materials, 210
- Unwin, Sir Raymond, Obituary, (10)
- VEGA Aeroplane Co., Aircraft Order, (50)
- Vestey, Lord, Obituary, 387
- Von Karman, Th., Mathematics from the Engineer's Viewpoint, 310
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd. Railcars for Now Zealand, 221
- WABASH River, U.S.A., self-anchoring Suspension Bridge. 217
- Walker, H., Gear Tooth Deflection and Profile Modification, 102
- Wall, A. T., Retirement, 307
- Waterloo and City Railway Modernisation, 313
- Wellman, Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Steel Works Equipment Book, (294)
- Wembley Derailment, L.M.S. Railway, 243, 339
- Western Steel Products Corporation, Ltd., Steel Production, (210)
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Large Industrial Conveyor Bridge at Mansfield, (54); Expansion Schemes, 275
- Westland Aircraft. Ltd.. Annual Meeting, 355
- Westwood. W., Appointed Principal Labour Adviser. Admiralty, (98)
- Whiffin, A. C., and R. W. Fenning, The Process of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines, 76
- Whitehead, S. A. E. W. Austen and A. M. Thomas, High-voltage Service Testing, 176
- Whitfield, J. F., Some Aspects of Rolling, 248, 271
- Whittingham, Engineer Rear-Admiral W., Obituary, 211
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Spar Boom Machine, 168; Multiple-gang Flush Riveter, 238
- Wilhelmshaven Harbour, Germany, 92
- Winans, W., Post-war Employment Of Active Service Men, 140
- Willcox, H. W., Obituary, (114)
- Williams, A. E., Synthetic Rubber. 16.1
- Williams Continuous Casting Process. 141
- Willis, Colonel Sir George, Obituary, (50)
- Wilshaw, Sir E., Honour, (34)
- Wilson's Four-cylinder Locomotive. E. A. Forward, 108, 117
- Worthington Simpson, Ltd., Small Triplex Power Pump, 216
- ZAAILAATS Tin Mining Co., Operations it July, (242)
See Also
Sources of Information