The Engineer 1941 Jan-Jun: Index

The Engineer 1941 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 171 Index
- ALEXANDRETTA Harbour, (360)
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Unusual Pump Test Experience, 95
- Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., Gardner Self-cleaning Strainer, 198
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., The Gas-Turbine Locomotive, 105; Tank-Tractors for Sewage Sludge, 232
- Aluminum Co. of America, The Need for Aluminium, (9)
- "American" United States Liner, 16 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1941), (392)
- American Car and Foundry Co., Hopper-cars for Cement Transport, (234)
- American Rolling Mill Co., Big Magnets, (106)
- Andamite, Ltd., "Raidsafe " Shelters, (275) Anderson, Sir K., " The Seeds of War," (138)
- Anderson Locomotive Spark Arrester, (376)
- Andrade, E. N. da C., The Mechanical Behaviour of Solids (Forrest Lecture), 294, 380, 394
- Appleyard, K. C., Appointed Director of Emergency Construction, 107
- Arc Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Flash Butt Welder, 281
- Archibald, R. D., Propaganda by Boasting, 98
- Arkansas Power and Light Co., " Sour Gas," (360)
- Armstrong, H. E., Memorial Lecture, 89
- Asplund and Hoist, "Defibrator " Method of Alcohol from Wood, (106)
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers. Ltd., Annual Meeting, 251
- Atlantic Refining Co. All-welded Tanker "E. H. Blum," (344)
- Austin, H. G., Roumanian Oil Output, (88)
- Austin, Lord, Obituary, 353
- Australian Aeronautical Research Laboratory, 280
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Improved Dynamic Balancing Machine, 199
- Az-New File Co., Renovating Used Files, (166)
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, New 4-6-6-4 Locomotives for West Maryland Railway, (186); "M-3" Combat Tank, (424)
- Ball, J. D. W., Stresses in Riveted Joints. 100
- Baltimore Airport, All-welded Hangar, (250)
- Barnes, L. J., Peace Aims, 148
- Barston Works, Solihull, Treatment of Sewage, 180
- Bartlett, F. C., Fatigue Following Highly Skilled Work, 373
- Bausch and Lomb Brinell Microscope, A. C. Wickman, Ltd., 153
- Bausch and Lomb Optical Protractor, A. C. Wickman, Ltd., 152
- Beaverbrook, Lord, British Aircraft Production, 203
- Bell "Airacobra " Pursuit Plane, 9
- Benjamin Electric, Ltd., Sound - spotting Scheme, 184
- Benkert, M., Peace Aims, 132
- Benn, Ernest, Peace Aims, 131; The Political Method, (193)
- Berlin Air Raid Damage, 215
- Bernal, J. D., The Physics of Air Raids, 262
- Bertram, C., Obituary. (106)
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Beyer-Garratt Locomotives, (360)
- Bidwell, P. W., Metal in Aeroplanes, (88)
- Binnie, A. M., and H. B. Squire, Liquid Jets of Annular Cross Section, 236
- Binnie, W. J. E., Adventures of an Engineer, 317
- Birsfelden, near Basle. Rhine Port, (72)
- Blackburn "Botha" Torpedo Bomber, 84
- Blohm and Voss Shipyard, R.A.F. Targets in Germany, 385
- Boeing Flying Boats, (376)
- Boeing " Flying Fortress " Super-bomber, 9
- "Bonaventure," H.M. Cruiser, Loss of, 251
- Boot, J., Re-elected President, Institution of Railway Signal Engineers, (250)
- Booth. C. F., The Application and Use of Quartz Crystals in Telecommunications. (88)
- Bosman, V., Technology in South Africa, (72)
- Boston-Washington Super-highway, (328)
- Boston Wove Hose and Rubber Co., Large Flexible Hose, (20)
- Bottomley, W. T., The Design of Condensing Plant and Cooling Water Systems, 404. 418; (Leading Article, 400)
- Boucher, P. L., Straining of Water and Sewage, 322
- Boulton and Watt Steam Pumping Engines for Scrap, 57, (138); (Letter, 66)
- Bowling, R. T., A Wood-briquetting Machine, 182
- Box Butte Dam, Nebraska, (154)
- Boyer, R. S., Patent Boiler, 77
- Bradleyite," New Mineral. (415)
- Brassert, H. A., and Co., Ltd., Output of the Goring Steel Works, 66
- "Bremen," North German Lloyd Liner, Fire, 187
- Bremerhaven and Bremen, R.A.F. Targets in Germany, 179, 223, 262
- Bremner, D. A., The Mobilisation of Industry for the Purposes of War, 22; (Leading Article, 30)
- Brenner Railway, 94
- Brisbane Aerodrome, (56)
- British Airways, Ltd., New Flying Boats, (408)
- British American Oil Co., Ltd., Lubricating Oil Plant in Canada, (296)
- British Commercial Gas Association, Gas Filling Stations for Motor Transport, (12)
- British Nylon Spinners, Ltd.. New Works, (234)
- British Overseas Airways, New Aircraft. (138)
- British Ropes, Ltd.. "Rope Talks," (408)
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Switch-gear of 1940, 27; Automatic Voltage Regulators, 50; Mercury Arc Rectifiers, 50; Ilgnor Winder Equipment for South Africa, 51; Heating Equipment, 61; Trolloybus Motors, 67; Efficiency Measurements of Rectifier Equipment, J. C. Read, 142, (180); 80-Watt Fluorescent Lamp, 230; Retirement of Mr. F. Samuelson. 345
- British Timken, Ltd, Delivery of Bearings, (311); Works Surgery and Cleansing Station, 397
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., Farm Implement Control, 33
- Brown, E. 0. Forster, Obituary, 354
- Brown, F. E., Obituary, 211
- Brown, James, Obituary, 65
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Electrical Equipment of 1940, 17
- Bruce, Robert, Alexander Morton and the Ejector Condenser, 126
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 37,500-kW Ljungstrom Turbine, 62
- Brush Surface Analyser, A. C. Wickman, Ltd., 231
- Buenos Aires Transport Corporation, One-man Buses, (56)
- Buick Aero-engines, (56)
- Bunnerong, 50,000-kW Turbo-alternator, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 285, 299, 316
- Burden, H., Cemented Carbides, (19)
- Butterley Company, Ltd., The "Butterley" Standard Bridge, 356
- Cadman, Lord, Obituary, 369
- "California Clipper," Flight to Singapore, (328)
- Callender, T. O., Obituary, (328)
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., H.M. Battleship "Prince of Wales," 287
- Canadian Industries, Ltd., Nylon Plant, (87)
- Canadian National Railways, "The Continental Limited," E. H. Livesay, 172, 188, 252
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Ski Specials, (106); "The Dominion" Transcontinental. E. H. Livesay, 346, 362, 378
- Cape Cod Canal, Lighting, ( 02)
- Carruthers Point, Lake Ontario, Water Intake, (234)
- Carter Process for Sensitised Metal Templates, 54
- Caterpillar Tractor Co., Rubber-tyred Industrial Tractor, 200
- Chamber of Shipping, Annual Report, 139, 155 Chapman. S., Kelvin Lecture, (88)
- Chats Fall Generating Station, Ottawa River, Dismantling 28,000 H.P. Turbines. 241
- Cheetham, G. A., Personnel and Procedure, 38
- Chemical Oil Processing Co., Polymerol Drying Oil, (122)
- Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway. Motor Locomotives, 359
- Chicago, South-West, Sewage Works, 200 Christie, A. G., Present-day Power Trends, 419
- Citrine, Sir W., Aircraft Production in America, 139
- Clark, E. Kitson, War Aims, 42; (Leading Article, 48); (Letters, 78, 98, 131, 148, 164. 196)
- Clark, R. H., Watt Beam Engines at Deptford. 66
- Clarke, Sir G. O., Presidential Address, London Chamber of Commerce, 345
- Colorado River Water Power Scheme, (424)
- Connecticut Road Survey, (376)
- Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, "Liberator" Heavy Bomber, 216
- Consolidated Industries, Ltd., Optical Glass Factory at Sydney, (202)
- Contractor, G. P., and F. C. Thompson, The Damping Capacity of Steel and its Measurement, 388: (Leading Article, 384)
- Contractors' Plant Association, Formation of, 361
- Controlled Heat and Air, Ltd., Purification of Air and Gases, 420
- Coode, A. T., Obituary, 31
- Craven, Sir Charles. New Appointment, 393
- "Crispin," H.M.S., Loss of, 139
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Fluorescent Tubular Lamps, (328)
- Crompton-West Trolleybus Motors, 67
- Crystal Palace Towers, 267
- Cullis, C. G., Obituary, 289
- DALTON Relics in Manchester, (72), (186)
- David, W. T., Temperature and Latent Energy in Flame Gases, 268
- Davies, S. J., Tests of a Kadenacy High-duty Moderate-speed Experimental Unit, 238
- Delaware River Bridge, (360)
- Delaware River Deepening, (289)
- Delhi Broadcasting House, (344)
- Delray Power Station, Detroit Edison Co., Extensions, 152
- De Neuman, A. M., The Economic War and the Engineering Industry, 2
- Denholm, W. H., Munitions Labour Supply Organisation, 203, 209
- Deptford Pumping Station Engines for Scrap. 57, (138); (Letter, 66)
- Deschimag Shipyard, Bremen, 180
- Detroit Edison Co.'s Delray Power Station, 152
- Detroit Testing Machine Co., Brinell Hardness Tester for Plates, (186)
- Dickinson, H. W., James Nasmyth as a Tool Maker, 337
- Dixon, T. H.. and Co., Ltd., Coating Machine for Sensitised Paper and Paper Reeler, 192
- Dollin, F., Steam Turbine Nozzle and Blading Efficiency, 53, 69
- Dominion Tar and Chemical Co., Ltd., Flake Phthalic Anhydride Plant, (392)
- Dorey, S. F., Progress in Marine Engineering (Lowe Gray Lecture), 76, 90
- Drury, H. G., Obituary, (138)
- Duckham, Alexander, and Co., Ltd., " Britannia," 265
- Duddell Medal Award to Professor E. 0. Lawrence, 1
- "Duke of York," H.M.S., Launch, 25
- Dunagan, W. M., The Sorting of Aggregates, (266)
- Dunn, J. A., Iron in India, (360)
- Dynnik, S. A., A Circular Loom, (161)
- EDGWICK Optical Dividing Head. Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 36
- Edwards, W. S., Obituary, (56)
- "E. H. Blum," All-welded Tanker, Atlantic Refining Co., (344)
- Ellaby. C. H., Protective Coatings for Steel Work, 303
- Engineering, 70th Birthday, 21
- "Ernest Lapointe," Canadian Icebreaker, (250)
- Evans, J. T., Facts about the Rifle, 370
- Evans, R. H., Stress Distribution in Reinforced Concrete Arches, 301
- Eves, P., New Atlantic Flight Record, 73
- FAIRBURN, C. E. Oil-electric Shunting Engines on the L.M.S., 326
- Fairey "Fulmar" Fleet Air Arm. Fighter. 9
- Faraday Medal Award to Dr. A. P. M. Fleming, 89, 313
- Federation of British Industries, Annual Meeting, (241)
- Fenton Smith Brothers, Rotary Vacuum Pump for Aircraft, 52
- Ferguson, R., Obituary. (202)
- Ferranti Ltd., Transformer Work in 1940, 27; Automatic Voltage Regulators, 50; High-Voltage Testing Equipment, 62
- Finch, G. I., Explosives. 340
- Finnboda Shipyard, Stockholm, Extensions, (154)
- Finniecome, J. R., Non-dimensional Characteristic Design Factors for Turbo Machines, 276
- Firth. Thos.. and John Brown, Ltd., Cemented Carbides, (19)
- Fischer Bearings Co., Ltd., Delivery of Bearings. (311)
- Fleming, A. P. M., Faraday Medal Award, 89, 313
- Focke-Wulf "Kurier," German Bomber, 57
- Ford Company of America, Aero-engine Activities, (328)
- Forrest Lecture, The Mechanical Properties of Solids, E. N. da C. Andrade, 294, 380, 394
- Forster, A. Lindsay, Concrete for Building, 49
- Fox, C., Engineers and the Future, 148
- "Frank Rayner," Trent Motor Tug, 342
- Franklin, C. H. H. Presidential Address, Birmingham Metallurgical Society, 171, 264: (Letter, 243)
- Fraser, Kenneth, Obituary, 131
- French, J. W., Propaganda by Boasting. 79
- Fuhrman, R. E., Sludge as Fuel, (250)
- GALLOWAY, D. F., Swarf Breakers, (234)
- Gardner Self-cleaning Strainer, Alloy and MacLellan, Ltd., 198
- Garrard, C. J. O., Coming Crisis in Electrical Power Transmission, 402
- Gartside, M. J., The Principles of Automatic Temperature Control, 324
- Gas Research Board, 161
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Electric Furnaces, 60: Lighting Developments. 61; Trolley-bus Motors, 68; Alnico—Permanent Magnet Alloy, (273)
- General Electric Co. of America, Lead Sheathing Cable, (154); Paper for Electrical Insulation, (266); Wind Turbine Propeller, (344)
- General Motors of Canada, Guns for Aeroplanes, (392)
- Giffen, E., and W. A. Tookoy, Automobile Research, 361
- Gittins, G. E., Obituary. 82
- Given, R. D., Obituary, 176
- Glasgow Corporation's Bus-washing Equipment, (56)
- Glen Affric Power Scheme, 361, 409
- Godwin, F. W., Colloidal Fuel, (122)
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., "Chemigum" Synthetic Rubber for Tyres, (55), (408)
- Gordon, Lord Dudley, New Year Message to F.B.I., 1
- Grace Line, Gulf Ports Freight Service, (250)
- Grand Coulee Dam, Washington, 203, 207, 221, (312)
- Grand Union Canal Co., Annual Meeting, 283
- Great Northern Railway of Ireland, Peat for Locomotives, (202)
- Great Ouse Flood Protection. Sir M. MacDonald and Partners Report. 159, 174
- Great Western Railway, Norton Fitzwarron Accident, 1; Swindon Works, 49 Fire Fighting Trains, (138); Annual Meeting, 187; Mr. C. B. Collett's Retirement, (360); Loss of Steamer "St. Patrick," (408)
- Greenville Stool Car Co., Truck for Transporting Largo Ingot Moulds. (282)
- Gresley, Sir Nigel, Obituary, 244
- Gretna Junction Accident, L.M.S. Railway, 73
- Griffiths. H. G., Means for Facilitating Machine Scraping, (56)
- Grimshaw's Locomotive Catechism, (408)
- Grondona, L. St. C., Price Stabilisation, 231
- Guaranty Trust Co., of New York, Cost of Rearmament, 280
- Guy Motors, Ltd., Works Artificial Sunlight treatment, 398
- Gyobu Dam for Rangoon Water Supply, 23 (Supplement, January 7th, 1941)
- HADFIELD, Sir Robert, Bequests, 139
- Hadfields, Ltd.. Engineering Firms and the Excess Profits Tax, 219
- Haigh, B. P., Obituary, 81
- Haigh Fatigue Testing Machine, E. Warlow-Davies, 350
- Hall, Albert, Obituary, 183
- Hull. W. C., Now Type of Power-torque Meter, 119
- Hallett, W. N., Salary of Engineers in Government Service, 387
- Hamburg, R.A.F. Targets in Germany, 385
- Hamilton, S. B., The Use of Cast Iron in Building, 277
- Hampsheir, J. W., Obituary, (71)
- Hardy, A. C., Ship of the Future, 130
- Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd., Vulcanisor for Cable Jointing, 85
- Harwood, W., Locating Plugs, 66
- Hayes, Sir Bertram Fox, Obituary, (344)
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Largo Ingot Bogie, (328)
- Hele-Shaw, H. S., Obituary, 97
- Holmer, C. H., A "Go-as-you-Please" Technology, 414
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Edgwick Optical Dividing Head, 30
- "Hormelin," Hong Kong Built Motorship, 46
- Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., Portable Rectifier Equipment, 120
- Highgate Station, L.P.T.B., (88)
- Hildage, H. T., War Aims. 78
- Hill, A. V., Science and the State, 134; (Loading Article, 130); (Letter, 164)
- Hill, T. U., Obituary, (88)
- Holboche, H. W., Locating Plugs, 115
- Holt, Sir Richard, Obituary, 203
- Homer, C. E., Hot Tinning, 113 -
- Hong Kong Centenary and Applied Science, C. A. Middleton Smith, 99, 108, 124, 140, 156; (Leading Article, 162)
- "Hood" H.M.S., Design of, 345
- "Hood," H.M.S., and the "Bismarck," 357; (Leading Article, 353)
- Hopewell Iron Plantation, Pennsylvania, 118
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Automatic Electrically Controlled Soot Blowers, 374
- Howrah Bridge, India, 5, 134
- Humphreys, C. L. Howard, Appointed Director of Works, 1
- Hungarian Bauxite Co., Ltd., Aluminium Manufacture, (122)
- Hyde, R. R., Supply of Trained Welfare Workers for Industry, 275
- "ILLUSTRIOUS" H.M. Aircraft Carrier, 13
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Annual Report, 329
- Imperial Institute, Annual Report, 107
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Gas-fired Heat Treatment Plant, 247
- Ionian Sea, Battle of, 228; (Loading Article, 226)
- "lscor" Steel Works, 129
- Isthmian Steamship Line, Round-the-World Service, (72)
- JAHN, F., and Co., Plant for Converting Potato Pulp to Flour, 410
- Jamnlpur Bridge, Ahmadabad, 344
- Jamieson, C. D., Woven Glass Insulation for Electrical Windings, 38
- Jeffries, C. W., Obituary, (424)
- Jennings, J., Dimensionless Characteristics of' Turbines and Pumps, 12
- Joffe, A. F., Awarded Soviet Order of Lenin, (106)
- Johnson, Amy, Memorial Scholarship, (177)
- Johnson, G. F., Apprenticeship, 321
- Johnson, P. H., The Mechanical Requirements of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, 140
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Fuses with Striker Pin Tripping Devices, 230
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Low Load Lifting Truck, 104
- Jones, J., Town's Gas Fuel for Petrol Engines. 49, 115
- Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, Oil-tempered Wire, (40)
- Journal of Commerce, Annual Review of Shipping, (88)
- KADENACY High-duty Moderate-speed Experimental Unit, Tests of a, S. J. Davies, 238
- Kagan, I. S., Arc Welding CrV Stool, (100)
- Karaganda, U.S.S.R., Coal Deposit, (390)
- Kaye, G. W. C., Obituary, 267
- Kegums Power Plant, Latvia, 217
- Kellogg, A. P., Floating Power Plant, (234)
- Kendall and Gent (1920), Ltd., CVM 25 Vertical Milling Machine, 199
- Kennedy, R., Peace Aims. 164
- Kent, R. T., The Analysis of Sales Data, 104
- "King George V" H.M. Battleship. 84
- King George VI Bridge, Aberdeen, (186)
- Kita, Dr., New Iron Catalyst, (79)
- Knight, W. C., Obituary, (376)
- Knowlton, P. H., and 0. B. Warren, Relative "Engine Efficiencies" Realisable from Large Modern Steam Turbine Generator Units, 102
- Knox, S. L. G., and J. I. Yellott, A New Steam Engine and Boiler, 197
- LACHINE Canal Bridge, C.N.R., (250)
- Lamport and Holt Line, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 219
- Leningrad Harbour, (360)
- Letts, Charles, and Co., "Raid Spotters' Pocket Book," (234)
- Leverhulmo Research Fellowships. (106)
- "Liberator" Heavy Bomber, Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, 216
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., Welded Steel Frame Carillon, 200
- Lithium Corporation of America, Developments, (250)
- Livesay, E. H., Further Canadian Locomotive Experiences, Nos. I, II, and III, C.N.R.. "The Continental Limited," 172, 188, 252; Nos. IV, V, and VI, "The Dominion" Transcontinental, C.P.R., 346. 362, 378; Finance of American Railways, 49; The Southern Railway "Pacific," 354
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, American Surveys, 95; Scholarship, (122)
- Lockheed "Hudson" Coastal Reconnaissance Aircraft, 9
- Lockwood, L. P., Economic Production, 49
- Londex, Ltd., High-speed Fire Alarm for Detecting Incendiary Bombs, 225
- London Chamber of Commerce, Presidential Address, Sir G. O. Clarke, 345
- London Electric Wire Co. and Smiths, Ltd., "Electrical Engineers' Companion," (307)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Crewe Station Loudspeakers, (72); Gretna Junction Accident, 73; Salvage Record, (154); Annual Meeting, 171; "Troop" Specials, (202); Paper Reclamation Scheme, (234) Splinterproof Glass, (234); Travelling Canteens, (250); Sir T. Royden Appointed. Chairman, 283; Oil-electric Shunting Locomotives, C. E. Fairburn, 326; The Action of the Haigh Fatigue Testing Machine, 350; "King George VI" Locomotive, (360)
- London and North Eastern Railway, Greet North of England Lino Centenary, 21, (72) Collision near Brentwood, 107; New 2-6-2 Typo Engine, 144, (Letter. 164); Annual Meeting, 171; Bow Road Station, Closing. (266); Mr. E. Thompson Appointed C.M.E.. 283; Mr. W. H. Richards Appointed Chief Electrical Engineer, 283; Train Fire near Claypolo, (296); Suburban Services, (376): Reorganisation of C.M.E.'s Department, 377
- London Passenger Transport Board, "Diesel-Line " Electric Locomotive, 309
- Lorant and Co., Ltd., "Rindis " Rotary Filo, (138)
- Loutrel, L. F., "Ferri-sul " Pickling Agent, (218)
- Ludwigshafen-am-Rhein, R.A.F. Targets in Germany, 127
- MAAS Tunnel, Holland, (376)
- MacDonald, Sir M., and Partners, Great Ouse Flood Protection, 159, 174
- MacNaughton, A. G. L., Presentation of Kennedy Medal, LEX., 313
- Macrome, Ltd., Extensions to Treatment Plant, (296)
- Madera Canal, (328)
- Madras Water Supply, (122)
- Manchester Road Repairs, 155, 391
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., Annual Meeting, 155 Manchukuo Bridge. (424)
- Manchuria Mining Development Co., Manganese Deposits, (280)
- Mannheim, R.A.F. Targets, 110, 215
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, Links in the History of the Locomotive, 402
- Mauldin, Lieut.-Colonel H. H., Obituary, 361
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Clay Conveying Plant, 245; Aerial Ropeway and Band Conveyors at a Brickworks, 293
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., Oil Engine Driven Traction Engine, 279
- McMurtrie, F., Naval Construction in 1940. 13, 25; (Supplement, .January 3rd, 1941)
- Merriman Dam, Delaware Aqueduct, 24 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1941)
- Merritt, H. E., Epicyclic Gear Trains, 190, 213; (Letter, 243)
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Locomotive Fire-engine, Southern Railway, 421
- Metal Photo-Drefting Co., Sensitised Motel Templates, 54
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd.. Turbo-generator Work in 1940. 17: Factory Lighting in Wartime, 37; Rolling Mill Drives, 50; Vapour Discharge Projector Lamp, 61; Trolleybus Motors, 67
- Milburn and Co., "Ply No. 9" Protective Compound for Perspiration Damage, (370)
- Mills, G., The Future of Transport, 155
- Milwaukee Railroad Budget, (266)
- Minetti and Co., Flour Mill in Cordoba, (328)
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 640 B.H.P. Marino Oil Engine. 34
- Mobile Harbour Works, Gulf Coast, 319
- Mobile Tunnel, Alabama, 7 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1941)
- Moir, Arrol, Prepare Now! 415
- Montreal Locomotive Works. Extension, (88)
- Morgan. W. T., Obituary, (164)
- "Mormacpenn," United States Motorship, 45
- Morton, Alexander, and the Ejector Condenser, R. Bruce, 126
- Morton, L. T., Ships' Cargo-handling Gear, 256
- Moscow Soviet Palace, (154)
- Murray, Dr. Charles, Obituary, (266)
- Myers. C. S. Some Psychological Problems of the Scientific Worker, 64; (Letter. 08)
- NASH, A. W., Lubricants Problems of the Axis, 387
- Nasmyth, James, as a Tool Maker, H. W. Dickinson, 337
- New York Central Railroad, Eight-coupled Passenger Engines, 273
- New York Level Crossings. (266)
- Newstead, S. G., Engineers and the Future, 115
- Niagara Falls Power Development, (218)
- Nicholl, J. S., The Development of Goods Transport by Road, (122)
- Nock. W. H., Obituary, (170)
- Norfolk Flood Dam, Arkansas. (328)
- "North Carolina," American Battleship. 251
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Scrap for Aircraft, (88); Machining Aluminium Alloys, (218)
- Norton Fitzwarren Accident, Great Western Railway, 1
- Oeresund Shipbuilding Co., Transfer of Capital, (266)
- Oerlikon Co.. Petersen Coil Design. 68
- Ohio River Flood Wall, (234)
- O'Neill, H. A "Go-as-you-Please" Technology, 211
- Oppau Ammonia Factory, Germany, 127
- Ormorod Shapers, Ltd., Traversing Head Slotting Machine, 86
- Osborn, H. B., Surface Hardening by Induction, 372
- Otis Steel Co., Blast-furnace Record Run, (20)
- Owen, Sir David, Obituary, 329
- PALMER. W., Steel v. Copper Fire-boxes, 370
- Pan American Airways, Large Air Liners, (296)
- Panama Canal. New Locks, (20); Traffic Statistics, (282)
- Panama Contractors, Inc.. Combine, (424)
- Paracale Tron Mines. Philippines, Production, (359)
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd.Turbo-generators in 1940, 16; 50,000•kW Turbo-alternator for Bunnerong, 285, 299, 316
- Parsons, R. H., McNaughted Engines. 66
- "Pasteur," French Liner, 16 (Supplement. January 3rd, 1941)
- Pennsylvania Iron Plantations, 118
- Petersen Coil Design, Oerlikon Co., 68
- Petsamo Nickel Mines. (344)
- Pit River Bridge, California. (360)
- Pohl, R., Flux Distribution and Armature Reaction in D.C. Interpole Machines, 83
- Pollard, F., Obituary. (186)
- Port Macquarie Power Station. Australia. (111)
- Portland Shipyard. U.S.A., 398
- Potomac Road Bridge. U.S.A., (170)
- Prescott. Sir W., Canals in Wartime, 123
- "Prince of Wales," H.M. Battleship, Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., 287
- "QUEEN ELIZABETH," Cunard White Star Liner, 15 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1941); at Cape Town, 21
- Queens Midtown Tunnel, New York, 7
- RAINBOW Bridge, Niagara River, (186)
- "Rajputana," H.M. Merchant Cruiser, Loss of, 283
- Rankine, W. J. M., 183
- Read, J. C., Efficiency Measurements of Rectifier Equipments, 142, (180)
- Rees, H. V., A Petrol Stabiliser, (266)
- Refrigeration Insulation Manufacturers' Association, Formation, (56)
- Reid, W., Deeper Mining Problems. 310
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Howrah Bridge, India. 5, 134
- Republic Steel Corporation, Dewey Tapered Tubes, (282)
- Reveirs, George, Obituary, 227
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Switchgear in 1940, 17; Low-voltage transformers for A.R.P. Shelters, 86
- Rhodin, J. G. A., Obituary, 211
- Richards, C. S., Obituary, 97
- Richards, W. H. Appointed Chief Electrical Engineer, L.N.E. Railway, 283
- Richmond Shipyard, U.S.A.. 398
- Rissik, H.. The Coming Crisis in Electrical Power Transmission, 348, 364; (Letters. 102)
- Ritchie, Lord, Retirement from P.L.A., 235
- Robb, C. A., The Life of Gauges. (408)
- Roberts, R. H., Appointed Bristol Channel Port Director, (138)
- Robertson, D., Obituary. 46
- Robinson, E. A., The Nicholson Siphon. 164
- Ross Dam, U.S.A., 74. 92
- Royden, Sir T., Appointed Chairman, L.M.S. Railway, 283
- Russell, O. A., Salary of Engineers in Government Service, 354
- Russell, E. D., Selection and Training of Apprentices. Practical Training, 273; (Leading Article, 274); (Letter, 321)
- Ryves, R., Refloating Sunken Ships, 103
- SABIE, Transvaal, Hydro-electric Generating Plant, 47
- St. John, N.B., Harbour Additions, (312)
- St. Lawrence Waterway Project, 66, (186), 203, (282), (296)
- "St. Patrick," G.W.R. Steamer, Loss of, (408)
- Samson, J. B., Other Factors of Economic Production, 65
- Samuelson, F., Retirement from B.T.H. Co., Ltd., 345
- Santa Fe, Great Northern and Burlington Railways, "Pendulum" Suspension Coaches, 145
- Schaefer. V. T., Preserving Ice Flakes, (360)
- Shawinigan Chemicals, Ltd. Canadian Coking Process, (88)
- Schneider Works, Le Creusot, Reopening. (218)
- Schuster, L. W., Mechanical Properties of Materials and Failure in Service, 389
- Scottish Power Co., Ltd, Annual Meeting, 187
- Scottish Special Housing Association, Ltd., All-concrete Houses, 267
- Selizharovo Coal Trust, Russia, New Coal Deposits, (51)
- Sharp, Pilot Officer G. G., Obituary, (328)
- Shaw, G. E., Refloating Sunken Ships. 196
- Shell Oil Co. Petroleum-toluol Plant, (156)
- Short-Mayo Composite Aircraft, (392)
- Silley, J. H., Obituary, 82
- Simon, F., The Significance of Low-temporal lire Research (May Lecture). 345
- Skoda Works, A.A. Gun Output, (122)
- Small, David, Obituary, (408)
- Smith, Sir Allan, Obituary, 147
- Smith, C. A. Middleton, Hong Kong Centenary and Applied Science. 99, 108. 124, 140, 156; (Leading Article, 162)
- Smith, E. C., Propaganda by Boasting, 31, 115
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, 187;
- "Sokol," Polish Submarine, Lamieh. 57;
- "Solon Turman," Launch, (300)
- South African Iron and Steel and Industrial Corporation. Steel Works, 129
- "South Dakota," American Battleship. (408)
- Southern Railway, " Merchant Navy " Class Pacific Engine " Channel Packet," 181, (424); (Letter, 354); Annual Meeting, 187;
- Sir G. E. Schuster Co-opted a Director, (392); Locomotive Fire-engine, 421
- Squire H. B., and A. M. Binnie, Liquid Jets of Annular Cross Section. 236
- Stamp, Lord, Obituary. 275
- Standard Steel Spring Co., Tin-plates by a New Process, (281)
- Steel Co. of Canada, Ltd., 110in. Plate-, Mill, (408)
- Steele, J., The Electric Battery Vehicle, 335
- Stockholm City Tramway Co., Methane Gas from Sewage, (72)
- Stockholm Sewage Disposal Plant. (312)
- "Stockholm." Swedish-America Liner, 16 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1941)
- Stockholm Technical University, Chair in Technical Physics. (282)
- Stockton and Hartlepool Railway, Centenary, (154)
- Stodola, Dr. A. Watt International Medal Award, (51), 73, 78
- Storey Bridge, Queensland, Lighting. (88)
- Stratton. T. P. Stepping-up Union of South Africa's War Effort, 216
- Stuart, R. F., Obituary. (392)
- Summerson, R. B., Obituary, (56)
- Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., Locating Plugs, 98
- Superheater Co., Ltd.. The Nicholson Siphon, 164
- Swan, A. W., Two Aids to the Use of Logarithmic, Chart Paper, 291
- Swindon Works, Great Western Railway, 49
- Syrett, W. W., Financing Exports of Specialised Manufactures, 371
- TABLE Bay Harbour Record, 311
- Tacoma Bridge. Puget Sound, 6
- Tandy, R. L., Other Factors of Economic Production, 32; (Letters, 49, 65)
- Taylerson, E. S., Atmospheric Exposure Test. on Copper-bearing and other Irons and Steels in the United States, 308
- Taylor, E. Brough, Obituary. 131
- Thompson, E., Appointed C.M.E., L.N.E. Railway, 283
- Thompson, F. C., and G. P. Contractor, The Damping Capacity of Steal and its Measurement, 388; (Leading Article, 384)
- Throssell, S. G., Business Men and Civil Service, 164
- Tilling, Thomas, Ltd., Producer Gas for Road Transport Vehicles, 123
- Tin Research Institute, Annual Report, (303)
- Tookey, W. A., and E. Giffen, Automobile' Research, 361
- Trans-Canadian Air Lines, 19.10 Stnt istics, (296)
- Trent Navigation Co., Ltd., Motor Tug "Frank Rayner." 342
- Trifitt, J., Obituary. (376)
- Troup. J. D., Science and Secrecy. 164
- Tuplin. W. A., A "Go-as-you-Please" Technology, 211
- Turnbull, C., New Engineering Terms, 243
- VAN Antwerpen, F. J., Filtering Media. (117)
- Van Deventer, J. H. Reflections, 69
- Vent-Axia, Ltd., Ventilator for Air Raid Shelters, 86
- Victoria Falls Power Co, 18
- Villeneuve St. Georges Bridge, Seine, 5
- Vinton, W., Ltd., Motion Picture Camera for Engineering Research, 193
- Vivian. A. C., A "Go-as-you-Please" Technology, 177
- Volga-Baltic Canal. (282)
- "Voltaire," Merchant Cruiser, Loss of, 297
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., Oil-engined Railcars for New Zealand, (312)
- Wakefield, Lord, Obituary, 65
- Walker, Crosweller and Co., Ltd., Arkon Seatin-Sleeve Valve, 86
- Walker, H., The Use of the Word "Accuracy," 164
- Walker, H. F., Electric Melting Furnaces, (138)
- Walker, Professor Miles, Obituary, 82
- Warlow-Davies, E., The Action of the Haigh
- Fatigue Testing Machine, 350
- Warren's New Holland Shipyard, Ltd., Trent Motor Tug "Frank Raynor," 342
- Warren, G. B., and P. H. Knowlton, Relative "Engine Efficiencies" Realisable from Large Modern Steam Turbine Generator Units, 102
- Washington," American Battleship, 329
- Watermeyer. T. H., Retirement from South African Railways, 248
- Waters. J. F., The Use of the Word "Accuracy.' 211
- Watt International Medal Award to Dr. Stodola, (51), 73, 78
- Watts Bar Lock, Tennessee River, (376)
- Weir, D., Facts About the Riflo, 314, 330; (Letters, 370, 401)
- West Rand Consolidated 11 ins, Krugersdorp. Shaft Sinking Record, (138)
- Weston, H. C., Industrial Lighting in Wartime, (88)
- White, R. and Sons, Aerial Ropeway and Band Conveyors at a Brickworks, 293
- Whitehaven Colliery Explosion, 361
- Whitehead, A. C., Locating Plugs. 3 1. 133; Waiting Time, 370
- Wickman. A. C., Ltd., Thread Grinder, 120; Bausch and Lomb Optical Protractor, 152; Bausch and Lomb Brinell Microscope. 153; The Brush Surface Analyser, 231
- Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., New Works, 1.51
- Wilhelmshaven Air Raid Damage, 262
- Wilkinson, G. H., London's War Weapons Week, 30r,
- Williams, A. E., Hydrogenation and the War, 58
- Williams. Sir Thomas, Obituary, 329, (344)
- Williamson, Captain A., Obituary, (56)
- Wilsdon, B. H., The "Woolindras" Process, 264
- Windeler, G. E., Mechanical Mishaps, 283
- Windes, S. L., Damage from Vibration, (282)
- Wimperis, H. E., "Defeating the Bomber," 355
- Woolindras Process, (234); (Letter, 264)
- YELLOTT, J. I., and S. L. G. Knox, A New Steam Engine and Boiler, 197
- Yongo Street Bridge, Canadian National Railways, (20)
- Youghal Bridge, Cork, (218)
- Yucatan Railways, (202)
See Also
Sources of Information