Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Company A

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

A1 MANUFACTURING CO., Industry Works, Sunbridge Road, Bradford. T. A.: " Patterns Bradford." T. N.: 5152, 5153 Bradford. Manufactures.—A1 system of electric welding of cycle and motor cycle rims.

A. & A. ELECTRICAL CO., Ltd., 13, Farringdon Road, London, EL.'. T. A.: " Advertee Smith, London." T. N.: City 1212 and 1213. Established 1913. Capital £25,000. Employees 30. Directors: B. R. Agazar and F. M. West. Products.—Electric lamps for house lighting automobiles, etc. Universal type fractional H.P. electric motors. Accessories, radiators, irons, car lighting fittings, etc.

ABBOTT & Co. (Newark), Ltd., Newark Boiler Works, Newark. 1'. A .: " Abbott, Newark." T. N.: Newark 34.

ABBOTT ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Gear Cutters and Mechanical Engineers, 21, New Smithhills, Paisley. T. A.: " Abbott, Paisley."

A.B.C. COUPLER & ENGINEERING CO. Ltd., Queen Anne's Chambers, Tothill Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Autobuff, Vic, London. T. N.: Victoria 1561. Established 1904. Capital Authorized: £87,500. Issued £74,499. Employees About 150. Directors S. J. Young, M.Inst.C.E. (Chairman), the Right Hon. Lord Queenborough Col. Sir Edward Ward, Bart., G.B.E., K.C.B. K.C.V.O., George R. T. Taylor, John Mitchell A.M.I.Mech.E. (Managing). Products.—Automatic and non-automatic buffer couplers, buffers, regulator valves, screw couplings towing hooks, variable resistance spring gears.

A.B.C. MOTORS (1920), Ltd., Walton-on-Thames. T.A.: "Revs., Walton-on-Thames." T.N. Esher 306-7. Established 1920. Capital £500,000. Directors: Col. Sir Thomas A. Polson, K.B.E., C.M.G., M.P. (Chairman), A. E. Leonard, R. L. Charteris (Managing ), E. Noel and M. Yorke. Sec. T. A. Dennis, A.C.I.S. Manufactures.-12 H.P. light sporting cars.

ABDELA, Isaac J., & MITCHELL, Ltd. Shipbuilders and Engineers. Head Office: 55, George Street, Manchester. Works: Dee Shipbuilding Works, Queensferry, Chester; Canal Iron Works and Hope Mills, Brimscombe, Stroud, Glos. T. A. " Estaleiros, Manchester "; " Abdela, Brimscombe "; " Shipyard, Queensferry, Chester." Established 30 years. Capital £10,000. Employees 700. Directors Isaac J. Abdela and Joseph J. Abdela. Products.—All classes of ships up to 250 ft. long; marine machinery up to 1,000 H.P.; and marine fittings and boilers.

ABERDEEN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Electrical Engineers and Contractors, 17, Belmont Street, Aberdeen. T. A.: " Fuse Aberdeen." T. N.: Aberdeen 873.

ABERNETHY, James & Co., Ltd. Engineers, Ironfounders and Boilermakers, Ferryhill Foundry, Aberdeen. T. A.: "Foundry." T. N. 113. Established 1806. Incorporated 1914. Directors: A. J. Fergusson, John Abernethy, and D. L. Crombie. Manager John H. Keith. Secretary: D. Christie. Employees: 300 to 400. Manufactures.—Marine and land engines, boilers bridges and structural iron and steel work, etc.

A. C. CUTTING & WELDING CO., Ltd. 25-27, Theobald's Road, Holborn, London, W.C.1. T. A.: " Accutweldi Holb., London." T. N. Museum 5704. Established 1919. Capital £20,000. Directors: F. Farquhar (Managing) and C. E. Roraback. Products.—Alternating current electric cutting and welding machines (portable), electrodes for electric welding, electric welding operators' accessories.

ACCLES & POLLOCK, Ltd., Oldbury, Birmingham. T. A.: " Accles, Oldbury." T. N.: Oldbury 'II (4 lines). Capital £150,000. Directors T. Pollock (Chairman), C. T. Barlow and W. W. Hackett (Joint Managing), J. Baker, T. Pollock jun., and J. Sutton. Secretary: H. G. Richards. Employees: 1,600. Products.—Weldless steel tubing for cycles, motor cycles, motor cars and aircraft. Component parts light press work (steel), tubular box spanners.

ACCLES & SHELVOKE, Ltd., Talford Street, Aston, Birmingham. Manufactures. —Fractional H.P. D.C. motors and button machinery.

ACCUMULATORS (Birmingham), Ltd., Handsworth, Birmingham. T. A . " Secondary, Birmingham." T. N .: Northern 114. Capital £5,000. Directors: W. H. M. Burgess (also Sec. ), H. J. Prockter and A. Hunter. Manufactures.—Electrical accumulators.

ACCUMULATORS OF WOKING, Ltd., Secondary Battery Manufacturers, Maybury Hill, Woking. 2'. A .: " Accumulators, Woking." T. N. Woking 330. Established 1915. Capital £45,000. Employees: 120. Directors: H. P. Martin, Hamilton Fulton, L. C. Rawlence and G. H. Handasyde. Manufactures.—Motor car lighting and starting batteries, house lighting batteries, train lighting batteries.

ACETYLENE CORPORATION OF GREAT BRITAIN, Ltd., 49, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: "Flamma, Vic., London." T. N.: Victoria 4102. Established 1895. Capital £60,000. . Employees: 125. Directors: W. Hay Fielding, H. E. Baker and N. Webster. Sec. and Gen. Manager E. W. Baker. Manufactures.—Acetylene generators for lighting and oxy-acetylene welding, sheet metal work, carbide.

ACKROYD & BEST, Ltd., Miners' Safety Lamp and Glassmakers and Coin Minters, Beacon Works, Morley, near Leeds. T. A .: " Lamps Morley, nr. Leeds." 7'. N .: Morley 86. Established 1897. Capital £80,000. Employees: About 1,200. Directors: G. E. Baines (Chairman ), A. Glover and E. A. Hailwood (Managing). Sec.: E. A. Hailwood. Manufactures .—Miners' safety and acetylene lamps, chemical and heat-resisting glassware, coins medals, steel and brass stampings.

ACKWORTHIE, John, Ltd., 51-54, Coleshill Street, Birmingham. T . A .: " Ackworthie, Birmingham." T. N .: Central 7366. Principal: J. J. Pinfold. Manufactures.—Engineers' small tools.

ACME ELECTRIC TRACTION CO., Ltd. Acme Works, 700-2, Seven Sisters Road, Tottenham, N. 7'. N .:Tottenham 2325. Capital £20,000. Directors: F. W. Francombe, J. G. Francombe and A. Hutchings.

ACME ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURING CO., Tariff Road, Tottenham, London, N.17. 2'. A . " Acmelectri Tottlane, London." T. N .: Tottenham 1923. Established 1907. Capital £10,000. Employees: 50. Principals: Alfred Edward Wheeler and Arthur Charles Wheeler. Manufactures.—Electric motor control gear, starting switches, starting panels, shunt regulators " Ironclad " switches and fuses.

ACME MOTOR & TRACTION CO., Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, 72, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Sultanship, Ave, London." T. N.: London Wall 585. Proprietor: Percy F. Huddleston, Associate I.E. E. Established 1885. Specialities.—Motors for launches and river work. (Immisch.)

ACTIVATED SLUDGE, Ltd., Sewage Purification Engineers, 14, Howick Place, Victoria Street Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Acpludgeti, Sowest London." T. N.: Victoria 5945.

ADAM, GRIMALDI & Co., Ltd., —5 Glasshouse Street, Albert Embankment, S.E.x 1. T. A.: " Autocoach, Phone, London." T. N. Hop 5552-4. Manufactures.—Motor cars.

ADAM, J. M. & Co., Greenfield Iron Works, Dalmarnock, Glasgow. T. A.: " Adamant, Glasgow." T. N.: Bridgeton 609. Established 1886. Employees: 80. Principal: J. Millen Adam M.I.E.S., F.R.S.A. Manufactures.—Adam's patent conic base fan wheels, all-steel dust separators (Adam's patent dust baffle), patent steel air pipes, hexagonal section. Contractors for air current conveyers and industrial ventilation. Oil fuel combustion apparatus, firing and lighting.

ADAMSON, D. & Co., Ltd., Dukinfield, Manchester. T. A.: " Adamson, Dukinfield." T. N.: Ashton 9 and 609 Manufactures.—Boilers and steam engines.

ADAMSON, Joseph & Co., Hyde, Cheshire. T. A.: " Adamson, Hyde." T. N.: Hyde 13. Established 1874. Employees: 200. Directors: Daniel Adamson and Harold Adamson. Products.—Steam boilers of all descriptions, boilerwork and flanged plates for the trade, electric cranes to 200 tons lifting capacity.

ADAPTABLE MOULDING MACHINE CO. Ltd., Sydney Works, Stanhope Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Adaptable, Birmingham." 7'. N.: Midland 1966. Codes: Bentley's, Marconi, International. Manufactures.—Moulding machines, core machines, moulding boxes, etc.

ADCOCK & SHIPLEY, Rex Machine Tool Works, Leicester. T. A.: " Adcock, 4370, Leicester." T. N.: Leicester 4370. Established 1913. Employees: 56. Principals: George Adcock and Howard Shipley. Manufactures.—Machine tools; 13 in., 16 in., 21 in., 23 in. and 25 in. drilling machines.

AERO FITTING AND TOOL CO., 60, Windus Road, Stoke Newington, N.16.

AEROGEN CO., Ltd., 30-2, Bolsover Street, London, W.I. T. A .: " Aerogen, Eusroad, London." T. N.: Museum 7078. Established 1903. Directors: A. G. Morrish (Chairman ), H. A. Morris, and T. McDowell. Manufactures.—Petrol air-gas generators.

AERONAUTICAL INSTRUMENT CO., Ltd. Ascham Street, London, N.W. T. N .: North 1010. Manufactures.—Aeronautical accessories.

A.G.E. ELECTRIC MOTORS, Ltd. (Branch of Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd.), Central House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. T. A .: " Agroengic, London." T. N.: Gerrard 6850. Established 1898. Directors: Chas. G. Melrose H. C. Waters and Col. F. Garrett. Products.—Bull motors, dynamos and electric charging equipment.

AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL ENGINEERS, Ltd. (A. G. E.), Central House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Agroengic, Phone, London." T. N.: Gerrard 6850 (6 lines). Works Rochester, Peterborough, Heybridge, Stamford Thetford, Lincoln, Leiston, Bedford, Ipswich, Colchester, Clanfield. Incorporated June 4, 1919. Capital £8,000,000. Directors: A. W. Maconochie (Chairman), Lt.-Col. Sir Thomas B. Robinson, K.C.M.G. K.B.E. (Deputy Chairman), T. L. Aveling, J.P. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., E. E. Bentall, J.P., G. M. Blackstone, S. Brotherhood, J.P., M.I.Mech.E. J. G. Barford, J.P., H. J. Burrell, Louis W. Smith M.I.Mech.E., Lt.-Col. Frank Garrett, C.B.E., T.D. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Geoffrey Howard J.P., D.L., Major W. Paxman, O.B.E., Geo. D. Perks and Leonard Turner. General Manager and Secretary Lt.-Col. C. F. Hitchins, D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Secretary: P. G. Harger, F.C.I.S. Extent of Premises Over 100 acres. Number of Employees: About 10,000. Contractors to H.M. Admiralty, War Office Air Ministry, Indian, Colonial and other British and Foreign Government Departments. The A.G.E. was incorporated on June 4, 1919. It is an association of Clarke's Crank & Forge Co., Ltd., Aveling & Porter, Ltd., Richard Garrett & Sons, Ltd. Barford & Perkins, Ltd., James & Frederick Howard Ltd., E. H. Bentall & Co., Ltd., E. R. & F. Turner Ltd., Blackstone & Co., Ltd., Chas. Burrell & Sons Ltd., L. R. Knapp & Co., Ltd., Davey Paxman & Co. Ltd., Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., Burrells Hiring Co. Ltd., and A. G. E., Electric Motors, Ltd. Manufactures.—Steam and motor rollers, scarifiers tractors, trailers, road and tramway locomotives motor lorries, steam, petrol and oil engines, refrigerating machinery.

AILSA CRAIG MOTOR CO., Ltd., Marine and General Engineers and Motor Engine Manufacturers and Boat Builders, Strand-on-the-Green, Chiswick, London, W.4. T. A.: " Ailsotor, London." T.N. Chiswick 606. Directors: Herbert Sutton, J.P. (Chairman); Ellis A. D. Kisch, A.M.I.Mech.E. (Managing); Stanley A. Kisch, F.R.G.S. Est. 1891. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1910.

AILSA SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd., Shipbuilders and Engineers, Shipyard, Troon, Ayrshire. T. A. " Shipyard, Troon." T. N.: 38. Established 1901. Capital £227,000. Employees: 1,500. Directors: The Marquis of Ailsa, James Clark, Wm. Dunlop, C.A., Captain James R. H. Hutchison, W. S. Watson and Col. John Beaumont Neilson. Products.—All types of marine engines; engine and boiler repairs.

AIR NAVIGATION & ENGINEERING CO. Ltd., Bleriot Works, Addlestone, Surrey. Manufactures.-8-H.P. 2-cylinder Bleriot whippet motor cars, Bleriot and Spad aeroplanes.

AIRCRAFT IMPROVEMENTS CO., Ltd. Coleman Street, London, E.C. Manufactures.—Radiators.

AIROSTYLE & LITHOS, Ltd., 35, St. Bride Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Airostyle Fleet, London." T. N.: Central 12025. Manufactures.—Air compressors, exhaust fans reducing valves, etc.

AITCHISON, BLAIR, Ltd., Marine Engineers and Boilermakers, Whitecrook Engine Works, Clydebank. T. A.: "Engines, Clydebank." T. N.: 374 (2 lines). Established 1904. Mang. Directors Archibald Blair and John W. Aitchison. Sec. Harry L. Brown, A.C.I.S. Products.—Marine engines and boilers, engine and ship repairs.

AITON & Co., Ltd., Manufacturing Engineers, Stores Road, Derby. T. A.: " Channeled, Derby." T. N.: Derby 376-7. Established 1899. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1913. Capital £30,000, Issued £25,000. Directors: J. Arthur Aiton, C.B.E.; Lt.-Com. E. G. Boissier, D.S.C. Secretary: S. W. Cockram. Manufactures.—Welded steel, wrought steel and cast iron pipes, tanks, coils, chemical apparatus and gas plants.

AKRILL, C. & Co., Ltd., Golds Green Foundry, West Bromwich. T. A.: " Akrill, Ltd., West Bromwich."

ALBANY ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Ossory Road, Old Kent Road, London, S.E.1. T. N. Hop 1042. Manufacture.—Pumps.

ALBION DROP FORGINGS CO., Ltd., The Manufacturers of Drop Forgings, Dies and Press Tools, and Hammer Forgings, Foleshill, Coventry. T. A.:" Albion, Coventry." T. N.: Coventry 1091. Established 1900. Incorporated 1901. Capital £60,000. Directors: A. W. Brett, F. J. Shotton, J. Haymes W. Prestwich and Victor Riley. Employees: About 230. Manufactures.—Drop forgings in carbon and high class alloy steels and non-ferrous metals for motor cars, engines, lorries, aircraft and agricultural machinery, railway and general engineering work. Stampings heat treated on modern scientific lines.

ALBION MOTOR CAR CO., Ltd., Automobile Engineers, Scotstoun, Glasgow, W. T. A.: "Automobile, Glasgow." T. N.: Western 3650. Established and Incorporated 1902. Capital £600,000, Issued £394,672, Reserve £28,000. Directors: Dr. T. Blackwood Murray (Chairman), N. O. Fulton, J. F. Henderson, H. E. Fulton, N. Paton Brown and G. M. Young. Employees: 2,000. Manufactures.—Commercial motor vehicles.

ALDER & MACKAY, New Grange Works, Edinburgh. T .A .: " Alder, Edinburgh." T. N. Edinburgh 1481. Established 1850. Employees 500. Manufactures.—Gas meters.

ALDOUS & CAMPBELL, Ltd., 21, Lower Bland Street, London, S.E.1 . T. N.: Hop 2097. Manufactures.—Electric, hand-power and hydraulic passenger and goods lifts.

ALDOUS & SMITH, Brass Founders, 95, Pelton Road, Greenwich, S.E.10. T. N.: Greenwich 785.

ALDOUS, Ltd., Brightlingsea. T. N.: Brightlingsea 1. Directors: A. S. Bowlby (Chairman), A. Boyes, L. C. Cockrell and W. Pannell. Manufactures.—Ships.

ALEXANDER, George H., MACHINERY Ltd., Machine Tool and Small Tool Merchants, 83-84, Coleshill Street, Birmingham. T. A. " Viking, Birmingham." T. N.: Central 1918. Established 1896. Capital: £60,000 (nominal); Issued, £23,000. Employees: 40. Directors: George H. Alexander, Harold W. Alexander, Arthur H. Alexander and Clarence I. Wroe. Manufactures.—Automatic nut and bolt machinery automatic wire forming machinery, standard machine and small tools.

ALEXANDER, Herbert & Co., Ltd., Leeds. T. A.: " Alexson, Leeds." T. N.: Central 4580. Manufactures.—Brick and tile and briquette machinery.

ALFRED APPLEBY CHAIN CO., Ltd. Tilton Road, Birmingham. T. A.: " Twin, Birmingham."

ALISON, J. G., & CO., Ltd., Dock Engine Works, Birkenhead. T. A.: " Gordon, Birkenhead." T. N.: Birkenhead 52. Established 1875. Manufactures.—Boilers.

ALLAN BROS., Ashgrove Works, Aberdeen. T. A.: " Ash, Aberdeen." Manufactures.—Oil engines.

ALLAN, John & Sons, 79-83, Sword Street, Glasgow, E. T. A .: " Jonaln, Glasgow." T. N.: Bridgeton 717. Principals: John Allan, Jun., Robert Allan, David Allan, Malcolm Allan. Est. 1860. Specialities.—" Allanta " adaptable steam hammer packing rings, " Allanite " semi-metallic hydraulic packing rings, " Allanta " oil tank packing.

ALLAN, T., & Sons, Ltd., Bonlea Foundry, Thornaby-on-Tees. T. A.: " Bonlea, Thornaby-onTees." Manufactures.—Cast-iron pipes.

ALLAN, WHYTE & Co., Ltd., Clyde Patent Wire Rope Works, Rutherglen. T. A.: " Ropery Rutherglen." T. N.: Central 5165 and Bridgeton 2673. Established 1894. Capital £100,000. Directors: A. B. Allan, R. Whyte, C. H. McLintock, A. R. Allan and J. B. Paterson. Manufactures.—Flexible and specially flexible wire ropes for all purposes, fittings of all kinds for wire ropes.

ALLDAYS & ONIONS, Ltd., Great Western Works, Small Heath Station, Birmingham. T. A.: " Alldays, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham Victoria 487. Established 1650. Incorporated as a Limited Liability Co. 1889. Capital: 50,000 " A " Preference Shares, 6 per cent; 200,000 " B " Cumulative Preference Shares, 6 per cent; 500,000 Ordinary Shares, 4f per cent Mortgage Deb. £80,000, all issued with the exception of 50,000 " B " Preferences and 375,000 Ordinary. Directors: Major C. W. Jordan M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Min.E., M.S.Wales Inst.E. (Managing ), Edward Tailby, Simon Onions, Norman Tailby H. Marks and C. A. Hyde. Specialities.—Pneumatic equipment, hammers fans, blowers, furnaces, complete foundry smithy and drop stamping equipment.

ALLEN & ELSHAW, Cliffe Foundry, Dronfield. T. A.: " Allen, Elshaw, Dronfield." T. N. Dronfield 9. Principal: J. S. Elshaw. Manufactures.—Engineers' castings and tools.

ALLEN & SIMMONDS, Ltd., Reading. T. A.: " Piston, Reading." Manufactures.—Piston valves, rod packings, automobile parts.

ALLEN, Edgar & Co., Ltd., Steelmakers and Engineers, Imperial Steel Works, Sheffield. T. A. " Allen, Sheffield." T. N.: Attercliffe 36 ). Directors Robert Woodward, Alfred E. Wells, Frederick A. Warlow, W. Crosby, C. K. Everitt, J. F. Moss, J. C. Ward, R. Guthrie Woodward, G. Ernest Wells. Established 1868. Incorporated as a Limited Co. in 1900. Capital £800,000, Issued £707,955.

ALLEN-LIVERSIDGE, Ltd., 106, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Aceterator. Sowest London." T. N.: Victoria 4155 (Private Branch Exchange). Joint Managing Directors: T.',G. Allen P. B. Liversidge and E. W. Sprott. Chairman: C. S. Gilman, J.P. Directors: F. R. Wettern, F. H. Rogers and H. Stevenson. Secretary: N. M. Shaw. Works: 268, South Lambeth Road, S.W.8; Philip Road, Peckham, S.E.I5; Balzac Street Manor Street, Clapham, S.W.4; Endazzle Works, Old Sea Lock, Cardiff; Ouseburn Warehouses Newcastle-on-Tyne; 43 /9, Elizabeth Street, Liverpool; Milnbank Works, Alexandra Place, Glasgow; Alpha Works, Main Street, Sculcoates. Established 1908. Incorporated under the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908. Capital £300,000. Manufactures.—Dissolved acetylene, oxyacetylene welding equipment, welding and cutting plants.

ALLEN, M. & Sons, Ltd., Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Vernon Engineering Works, Elsinore Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. T. A. " Regulus." Capital £10,000. Directors: M. Allen (Governing), T. W. Alen and V. M. Allen.

ALLEN, W. G. & Sons (Tipton), Ltd. Colliery Engineers, Iron and Steel Plate Workers, Princes End, Tipton, Staffs. T. A.: " Allens, Tipton." T. N.: Tipton 37. Established 1860. Capital £12,000. Directors: A. E. Allen and A . Weddell. Manufactures.—Iron, steel or wood colliery tubs colliery air pipes and low-pressure piping, portable railways and rolling stock for same.

ALLEN, W. H., Sons & Co., Ltd., Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Queen's Engineering Works Bedford. T. A.: " Pump, Bedford." T. N.: Bedford 1. Established 1880. Incorporated 1900. Capital £500,000, Issued £400,000. Directors: W. H. Allen, D.L.. J.P. (Chairman), R. W. Allen, C.B.E. (Managing Lab Director), H. G. Allen, M.A., R. S. Allen and P. B. Crowe. Employees: 2,000. Manufactures.—Centrifugal pumps and pumping engines, steam engines and turbines, C.C. dynamos and motors, condensing plants, centrifugal fans, oil engines, etc.

ALLEY & MACLELLAN, Ltd., Engineers and Shipbuilders, Sentinel Works, Polmadie, Glasgow. T. A.: "Alley, Glasgow." T. N.: 751 Queen's Park (5 lines). Established 1875. Incorporated 1903. Capital £500,000, Issued £125,000, Reserve £100,000. Directors: Lord Invernairn (Chairman and Managing), G. Barr, J. 0. Dick, D. W. McMillan (Secretary). Employees: 1,400. Manufactures.—Air compressors and valves of all classes, also light draft steamers and barges.

ALLIANCE ASBESTOS CO., 176, Pentonville Road, London, N.'. T. A.: "Overhappy, Kincross London." T. N.: North 1977. Established 1900. Manufactures.—Copper and asbestos washers and springs.

ALLIANCE ELECTRICAL CO., Ltd., Engineers, 32, King Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Continuity (Rand), London." T. N. Gerrard 9520 (3 lines). Directors: W. F. White H. J. Grant, Miss E. McArthur. Specialities.—Electrical installations and supplies.

ALLIED MACHINERY COMPANY, Ltd. Machinery Merchants, 132, Queen Victoria Street London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Alydmachin." T. N. City 4253 (3 lines). Established 1919. Capital £50,000. Employees: 21. Directors: J. Grant Forbes, E. M. Hartridge, S. T. Henry, J. W. Hook and B. C. Milner, jun. Products.—Constructional machinery, steam navvies, cranes, hoists, drag scrapers, crushing plant road rollers, concrete mixers, light track, pumps; machine tools, all types.

ALLIED STEELMAKERS & FOUNDERS Ltd., Central House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Steeleite, Westcent, London." T. N. Regent 2368. Manufactures.—Steel castings and cut gears.

ALLOTT BROS. & LEIGH, Ltd., Constructural Engineers and Boiler Repairers, Ickles Forge, Rotherham. T. A.: " Chimneys, Rotherham." T. N.: 306 Rotherham. Established 1900. Incorporated 1919. Capital £10,000. Directors: F. Allott, E. Allott and A. Leigh. Employees: 60. Manufactures.—Steel structural work, chimneys and tanks.

ALLOY WELDING PROCESSES, Ltd., Welding Engineers, Suppliers of Welding Plant and Materials, 14-16, Cockspur Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Alweprol, Westrand, London." T. N. Gerrard 3930-2. Established 1918. Capital £130,000. Directors: D. G. Boissevain (American), W. A. Hunter, F. W. Poynor, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Amer. S.M.E., Sir T. G. Owens-Thurston, K.B.E., J. Caldwell, M.Inst.C.E., and E. H. Jones. Employees 60.

ALMA MACHINE WORKS, Machine Tool Makers and Engineers, Holme Street, Liversedge Yorks. T. A.: " Alma, Liversedge." T. N. 44 Heckmondwike 38. Established 1851. Proprietors Sugar Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., London. Manufactures.—Machine tools and sugar machinery.

ALPHA MANUFACTURING CO., Precision Engineers, Harberson Road, Balham, S.W.12. T. N.: Streatham 1393.

ALTON BATTERY CO., Ltd., Alton Mills, Alton, Hants. T. A.: "Battery, Alton." T. N. Alton 67. Capital £20,000. Directors: C. C. Rattey, M.I.E.E. (Chairman and Mang. Director) B. M. Rattey and J. O. Shaw (Wks. Man. ). Products.—Accumulators for house, ship and train lighting, portable batteries for car lighting and starting.

ALUMINIUM & GENERAL FOUNDRY CO. 3, Torrens Street, City Road, London, E.C. T. A. " Vanwarsite, London." T. N.: City 3751.

ALUMINIUM CASTINGS CO., Ltd. Ingleston Foundry, Greenock. T. A.: " Castings Greenock." T. N.: 85. Established 1901. Incorporated 1906. Manufactures.—Aluminium castings of every description. " Solar " pure cast aluminium cooking utensils.

ALUMINIUM CORPORATION, Ltd., Manufacturers of Aluminium Sheets, etc., Dolgarrog, North Wales. T. A.: " Fluxode, Dolgarrog." T. N.: 21 Tyn-y-Groes (Llandudno). Henry J. Jack, Managing Director. Manufactures.—Aluminium ingots, notchbar sheets circles, tread matting, wire, rivets, foil powder and granulated aluminium.

AMAZONAS ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. Marine Engineers, 11, Adelphi Terrace, London W.C.2. T. A.: "Estaleiros, Westrand, London." T. N.: Regent 3485 and 3558. Established 1912. Capital £50,000. Directors: G. M. Booth (Chairman), W. H. Tregonan, B. Gramp, C. M. Jones, A. Macfarlane. Sec.: D. Macfarlane.

AMOS & SMITH, Ltd., Engineers, Boilermakers and Ship Repairers, Albert Dock Works, Hull. T. A.: " Amos, Hull." T. N.: Hull Central 3820-1-2 and 460, and Corporation 114. Managing Director: W. S. Hide. Secretary: G. F. Robinson. Established 1874. Incorporated in 1909 as a Private Limited Co. Employees: 1,600. Specialities.—Trawler engines and boilers and auxiliary machinery. Ship and machinery repairs.

ANCHOR CABLE CO., Ltd., Hamilton House, Victoria Embankment, London, E.C. T. A.: " Rubber, Leigh, Lancs." T. N.: Leigh 106. Capital £250,000. Directors: Sir J. Fortescue Flannery, Bt. (Chairman), C. H. McEuen, J. Varley, A. W. Tait and Sir T. 0. Callender. Manufactures.—Rubber insulated electric cables.

ANDERSON & MUNRO, Ltd., Electrical Engineers and Contractors, 136, Bothwell Street Glasgow. T. A.: "Light, Glasgow." T. N. Glasgow Central 6021. Chairman and Managing Director': Thos. B. Wright, A.M.I.E.E. Director J. H. Pettigrew, J.P. Director and Secretary: A. S. Nairn. Founded 1840. Private Limited Co. 1912. Specialities.—Electric power and lighting, aeroplane accessories (metal parts), motor and dynamo repair works.

ANDERSON, BOYES & Co., Ltd., Electrical, Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Flemington, Motherwell. T.A.: "Electric, Motherwell." T. N. Motherwell III. Established 1904. Capital £150,000. Employees: 350. Directors: Alexr. Anderson (Managing), Thomas Boyes, James Anderson, Daniel Burns and James B. Shield. Manufactures.—Coal-cutting machines and all classes of mining electrical distribution gear.

ANDERSON, D. & Son, Ltd., Lagan Works, Belfast. T. A.: " Anderson, Belfast." T. N. Belfast 4033. Established 1847. Capital £94,000. Employees: 300. Directors: James Henderson (Chairman ), L. P. Andrews, A. E. Lord, J. W. Browne (Managing ), Henry Gregg, L. C. Lutyens, W. E. Brock and A. Reynolds. Manufactures.—" Rox " roofing and other felts " Siderosthen " anti-corrosive paint, " Sidol " wood preservative, " Belfast " roofs.

ANDERSON-GRICE CO., Ltd., Taymouth Engineering Works, Carnoustie, Scotland. T. A. " Diamond, Carnoustie "; T. N.: Carnoustie 14. Established 1875. Incorporated 1902. Capital £35,000, Issued £29,575. Directors: John Pate (Chairman), Wm. Pate (Managing), R. C. Mathewson. Employees: 250. Manufactures.—Stone and marble-working machinery, electric steam and hand cranes, locomotive overhead, travelling and derrick types and gas engines.

ANDERSTON FOUNDRY CO., Ltd., Engineers and Ironfounders, Glasgow. T. A.: " Afco, Glasgow "; T. N.: Glasgow Central 6260. Chairman and Managing Director: A. T. Harvey. Directors John Faill, Geo. W. Dawson, and T. P. Cargill. Established end of 18th Century. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1884. Capital £180,000, Reserve Fund £50,000. Employees between 400 and 500. Specialities.—Textile machinery, wire-weaving machinery, steam engines, vacuum pumps, air compressors and cast-iron railway chairs.

ANDREW, Jno. Hy. & Co., Ltd., Toledo Steel Works, Sheffield. T. A.: " Andrew, Sheffield." T. N.: 175, 2010, 3174, 3646. Established 1856. Capital £300,000. Employees: 700. Directors: J. L. Potts (Chairman and Mang.), J. H. Cocksedge H. A. Potts, T. P. Chatwin and A. W. Shepherd. Products.—High-speed steel, tool steel, alloy steel mining steel, hammers, chisels, twist drills, steel wire rods, motor, carriage and cart springs.

ANDREWS & CAMERON, Marine Engineers, Kelvin Engineering Works, Kirkintilloch. T. A. " Camand, Kirkintilloch." T. N.: Kirkintilloch 16. Established 1906. Principals: James Andrews and Daniel Cameron. Manufactures.—Patent balanced slide valves evaporators, distillers, heaters.

ANDREWS, Thomas, & Co., Ltd., Steel and File Manufacturers, Royds Works, Attercliffe Road, Sheffield. T. A.: " Shafting, Sheffield." T. N. Central 3718 and 3738. Managing Directors: T. Trott and H. E. Baggs. Director and Secretary G. H. Jarrams. Established 1713. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1908. Capital £25,000. Specialities.—Bright steel bars, high-speed tool steel, high-class crucible steel, motor-car steel, casehardening steel and blue reeled Bessemer steel.

ANGLO-AMERICAN OIL CO., Ltd., 36, Queen Anne's Gate, London, S.W.I. T. A. " Usherance, London." T. N.: Victoria 6325 (15 lines). Capital £3,000,000. Directors: F. E. Powell (Chairman), James Hamilton, W. W. Oswald. Products.—Motor spirit, fuel oil, lubricating oil burning oil, gas oil, stoves and heaters.

ANGLO-MEXICAN PETROLEUM CO., Ltd. 16, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2. T. A.: "Mexprodux Telew." T. N.: London Wall 1200. Established 1912. Capital, authorised, £2,000,000. Directors: H. Colijn (Chairman), R. P. Brousson, H. J. Carr, Sir R. W. Cohen, K.B.E., A. S. Debenham, N. Gulbenkian, F. Lane, J. H. Macdonald, Lieut.-Col. Sir A. H. McMahon, G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., Hon. B. C. Pearson, J. Purdy, Capt. W. H. Samuel, M.C. Sec. C. H. M. C. Wilson. Products.—Crude oil, fuel oil, by-products, etc.

ANGLO-SWEDISH ELECTRIC WELDING CO., Ltd., Wood Wharf, Greenwich, London, S.E.10. Branches: Newcastle and Glasgow. T. A. " Esabcolon,Green, London." T. N.: Greenwich 679. Established 1912. Capital £75,000. Directors: E. H. N. Moxon (Chairman), T. M. Aitken, B.Sc. A .M .Inst.C.E . (Gen. Manager ). Products.—Specialists in the welding of steel and iron and sole proprietors of the Kjellberg patents.

ANGUS, George & Co., Ltd., St. John's Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Angus, Newcastle." T. N .: Cen. 956 and 957, City 72. Established 1790. Capital £600,000. Employees: 512. Direc- tors: Col. W. M. Angus, C.B. (Chairman), J. H. Angus, Joseph Morpeth (and Secretary), M. D. Angus, H. D. Angus, E. G. Angus and T. H. Jackson. Manufactures.—Machine-cut spur, helical and bevel gearing, leather and textile beltings of all descriptions leather, rubber and asbestos for mechanical purposes.

ANGUS, Sir William, SANDERSON & Co. Ltd., Birtley, Co. Durham, and 33, New Bond Street, London, W.I. Manufactures.-14-H.P. 4-cylinder motor cars.

ANSELL, JONES & Co., Ltd., Naval Works, Kensington Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Sheaves Birmingham." T. N .: Northern 77. Established 1850. Capital £25,000. Employees: 100. Directors: F. E. Ansell and M. J. Ansell. Products.—Cargo discharging and derrick purchase blocks, malleable iron blocks, sheaves, ventilators boats', ships' and yachts' fittings.

APEX STEEL CO., Ltd., Burton Road, Neepsend, Sheffield. T. A.: " Apex, Sheffield." T. N. Sheffield 4687-8. Incorporated as a Private Company. Employees: 50. Directors: J. G. Widdowson S. C. Goodwin and H. Beard. Manufactures.—High-speed steel and carbon tool steels, files, saws, drills, cutters, and reamers.

APPLEBY, E. G. & Co., Ltd., General Engineers, 70, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A. " Appelcran, Phone, London." T. N.: Victoria 6503. Incorporated 1918. Capital £30,000, Issued £24,500. Directors: E. G. Appleby (Managing), C. T. Appleby, G. H. Bentley, W. E. Lee (and Secretary). Specialities.—Gas producer plants, electro lifting magnets, cranes.

APPLEBY IRON CO., Ltd., Scunthorpe Lincs. T. A.: " Appleby, Scunthorpe."

APPLEGARTH & Co., 52, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Belsham, Phone London." T. N.: Central 6003. Established 1871. Principal: J. T. Corbin. Manufactures.—Cameron patent piston springs for marine and other steam engines.

APPLETON & HOWARD, Brass Founders and Engineers, 12, Salisbury Street, St. Helens, Lancashire. 7'. N. 544. Established 1870. Directors Joseph Appleton and George C. Howard. Specialities.—Regulus metal valves and taps Forrest's patent cylinder drain cocks, gun-metal taps valves, etc. Phosphor bronze and gun-metal castings.

APPLEYARD, S. & Co., Grantham Road, Boothtown, Halifax. 7'. A.: " Apple." T. N. 502. Established 1890. Manufactures.—Machine tools.

ARBLASTER & Co., Engineers and Ironfounders, King's Hill, Wednesbury. T. A.: " Arblaster, King's Hill, Wednesbury." 7'. N.: Wednesbury 132. Established 1900. Capital £4,000. Employees: 35. Partners: Albert Arblaster and Arthur Arblaster. Manufactures.—Power presses, drop forging plant bolt and nut plant.

ARC & GENERAL EQUIPMENT, Ltd. 37 & 39, Hartham Road, London, N.7. T. N. North 892. Manufactures.—Patented warming apparatus for motor cars.

ARCHDALE, James & Co., Ltd., Machine Tool Makers, Manchester Works, Ledsam Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Archdale, Birmingham." T. N.: Midland 2276-7. Members of the Associated British Machine Tool Makers, Ltd. Established 1868. Incorporated 1902. Directors: James Archdale (Chairman), W. F. Clark, Frank Archdale James Archdale, jun., and Fred Archdale. Specialities.—Design and manufacture of high speed radial and vertical drilling machines, vertical and horizontal milling machines, thread milling machines.

ARCHER STAMPING CO., Ltd., Wharf Street, Aston, Birmingham.

ARDROSSAN DRY DOCK AND SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd., Ardrossan. T. A. " Salvors, Ardrossan." 7'. N.: 35-7. Directors: Sir H. M. McNeal (Chairman), E. Artken-Quack (Managing), D. Smail, Sir A. H. Read and P. M. Lang.

ARGUS ENGINEERING CO., 24, King's Bench Walk, Pocock Street, London, S.E.I. T. A. " Egdilloh, Sedist, London." T.' N.: Hop 3495. Principal and Manager: W. J. Hollidge.

ARGYLL MOTOR CO., Ltd., Hozier Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow. T. A.: " Autocar, Glasgow." T. N.: Bridgeton 966-7. Established 1900. Directors: Sir J. Anderson, Bart. (Chairman), J. D. Brimlow (Managing), and J. Ferguson. Manufactures.—Motor cars.

ARIEL MOTORS & GENERAL REPAIRS Ltd., Motor Manufacturers and Repairers, 320-2 Camberwell New Road, London, S.E.S. T. A.: " Arieloto, Camber, London." T. N: Brixton 154 -5. Directors: E. Herington (Managing ), Mrs. N. Herington, L. Quinton (Secretary ). Established and Incorporated as a Limited Co. in 1910. Capital £5,000. Staff about 70.

ARKLAY & Co., 3o A, Manor Grove, Old Kent Road, S.E. T. A .: " Yalkracar, , Kent London." 7'. N. New Cross 1050. Manufactures.—Motor accessories.

ARMA MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., 2A Yonge Park, London, N.4. T. N.: North 2017. Established 1918. Capital £4,500. Directors: H. A. French and S. Kane. Manufactures.-Primary batteries, etc.

ARMFIELD, Joseph J. & Co., Ltd., Mechanical Engineers, Manufacturing and Contracting Millwrights and Iron Founders, Vale of Avon Iron Works, Ringwood, Hants. T. A: " Armfield, Ringwood." T. N.: Ringwood 3. Established 1854. Founded as Millwrights and Engineers by Wm. Munden; taken over by Joseph John Armfield in 1872. Employees: 150. Specialities.—Water turbines, flour and corn mill machinery, crushing and grinding machinery sifting machinery, high-class transmission machinery.

ARMSTRONG, James & Co., Ltd., 116 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A. " Tolamaco, London." T. N .: Central 1476. Established 1887. Manufactures.—Steam laundry equipment.

ARMSTRONG SIDDELEY MOTORS, Ltd. (Allied with Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd.). Manufacturers of Motor Cars and Aeroplane Engines, Parkside, Coventry. T. A.: " Sidarm Coventry." T. N.: Coventry 954. Established 1906. Employees 3,000. Directors: Sir Glynn H. West (Chairman ), A. H. J. Cochrane, H. I. Brackenbury C.B.E., Wm. Murray, J. D. Siddeley (Mang. Director). Products.—Motor carriages, aeroplane engines.

ARMSTRONG, STEVENS & Son, Ltd. Drop Stampers and Machinists, Whittall Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Armstrongs, Birmingham." T. N.: 6148 Central (4 lines). Established 1835. Products.—Spanners and drop forgings of all kinds screws and rivets, nuts and bolts.

ARMSTRONG, Sir W. G., WHITWORTH & CO., Ltd., Shipbuilders, Steelmakers and General Engineers, Central Commercial Department, 10 Great George Street, London, S.W.I. Directors and Officials: Sir Glynn H. West (Chairman); J. M. Falkner; Sir E. P. C. Girouard, K.C.M.G., etc.; Henry N. Gladstone; Lt.-Col. Sir A. G. Hadcock, K.B.E., F.R.S., etc.; Rt. Hon. Sir G. H. Murray, P.C., G.C.B.; John H. B. Noble (Vice-Chairman); Saxton W. A. Noble; Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Ottley, K.C.M.G., etc.; The Rt. Hon. Lord Southborough, P.C., K.C.B., etc.; The Rt. Hon. Lord Sydenham of Combe, K.C.M.G., etc.; Sir Philip Watts, K.C.B., F.R.S.; A. H. J. Cochrane. Secretary: W. T. C. Cochrane, Elswick Works, Newcastle-onTyne. Works: Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Armstrong Naval Yard, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Walker Shipyard, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Openshaw Works Manchester, etc. District Offices: Birmingham— New Street; Manchester-5, John Dalton Street; Glasgow-137A, St. Vincent Street; Leeds—Pearl Chambers, E. Parade; Newcastle-on-Tyne—Pilgrim House, Pilgrim Street. Agents in every country in the world. Established 1847. Incorporated 1897. Issued Capital £12,512,500. Among the most recent developments may be mentioned the firm's amalgamation with A. & J. Main & Co., Ltd., of Glasgow, under the title of Armstrongs & Main, Ltd., also their incorporation with the Siddeley Deasy Motor Car Co. of Coventry, which will in future be known as Armstrong Siddcley Motors, Ltd., and their alliance with Crompton & Co., of Chelmsford, Electrical Engineers; Pearson & Knowles Coal & Iron Co., Ltd.; Partington Steel & Iron Co., Ltd.; Rylands Bros. Ltd., Warrington; and their subsidiaries. Manufactures.—All classes of cargo, passenger and mercantile vessels, locomotives, marine engines heavy forgings and castings, machine tools, drop stampings, pneumatic tools, non-ferrous metals, etc.

ARMSTRONGS & MAIN, Ltd., Engineers and Contractors, Clydesdale Ironworks, Possilpark, Glasgow. T. A.: "Kelvin, Glasgow." T. N. Douglas 3014. Directors; J. H. B. Noble (Chairman), James A. Main (Managing ), C. O. Ridley, George R. Main, A. S. Macharg, Sir Percy Girouard, Sir Glynn West. Incorporated 1896. Capital £500,000 Specialities.—Steel buildings, bridges and constructional steelwork of all kinds, air compressors; electric and hydraulic cranes, capstans, dock gates fencing, etc.

ARNFIELD, J. & E., Ltd., Mechanical Engineers & Ironfounders, Globe Works, New Mills nr. Stockport.

ARNOLD & LARGE, Ltd., Manufacturing Engineers, Derry Street, Wolverhampton. T. N . Wolverhampton 473. Managing Director: F. C. Sharp. Established 1840. Manufactures.—" Arno " power presses, drop stamps, and other metal-working machinery.

ARNOTT & HARRISON, Ltd., General Engineers, 22, Hythe Road, Willesden, N.W.10. T. A.: " Arnotharri, Phone, London." T. N. Willesden 2297. Established 1907. Capital £5,000. Employees: 100. Directors: Cyril A. Harrison F. Hornsby Wright, Claude E. Harrison, G. A. Phillips, C. A. Miller. Products .—Press tools, motor car and cycle components.

ARON ELECTRICITY METER Ltd., 60, Salusbury Road, Kilburn, N.W.6. T. A .: " Arronzar, Phone, London." T. N .: Willesden 1656. Established 1898. Capital £350,000. Directors: Col. R. E. B. Crompton, C.B. (Chairman ), H. Hirst, Harry Kahn (Vice-Chairman and Mang.), Arthur H. King, W. J. Fisher, J.P., Major P. A. Cooper. Sec.: H. G. Burrows, F.C.I.S. Manufactures.—Electricity meters, clocks, etc.

ARON TAXIMETER, Ltd., 60, Salusbury Road, Kilburn, N.W.6. T. A.: " Arronzar, Phone London." T. N.: Willesden 1656. Established 1911. Capital £5,000. Directors: Harry Kahn (Chairman ) E. G. Byng, Arthur H. King, W. J. Fisher, J.P. Sec.. H. G. Burrows, F.C.I.S. Manufactures.—Taximeters.

ARORA CO., Works and Offices, Rosebery Street, Loughborough, Leicestershire. T. N. 603 Loughborough. Established 1915. Proprietors Messenger & Co., Ltd., Hot Water Heating Engineers, Loughborough. Manager: Fredk. S. Grogan M.I.E.E., A.M.I.C.E. Products.—Electric fires, electrical cooking apparatus, industrial electrical heating apparatus.

ARROL, Sir William & Co., Ltd., Bridgeton, Glasgow. T. A.: "Tay, Glasgow." T. N.: Bridgeton 940-3. Established 1868. Employees: 1,500 . Directors: Sir T. Mason (Chairman), A. Hunter and H. Cunningham. Manufactures. — Cranes, hydraulic riveting machines, charging machines and structural steelwork.

ARROL-JOHNSTON, Ltd., Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, Heathhall, Dumfries. T. A. " Mocar, Dumfries." T. N.: 280 Dumfries. Directors: Lord Invernairn (Chairman), Thomas Chas. Pullinger, J. D. G. Hendry, Wm. Lowe. Secretary A. L. Mackillop. Established 1899. Incorporated (under new name) as a Limited Liability Co., May 1 1912. Capital £100,000, Debenture Stock £100,000. Issued: Ordinary Shares £70,000, Debenture Stock £80,000. Reserve Fund: Debenture Stock £40,000. Specialities.—Motor vehicles, aero engines and aeroplanes.

ARUNDEL, COULTHARD & Co., Ltd., Albert Street, Stockport. T. A.: " Arundel, Stockport." T. N .: Stockport 606. Established 1850. Employees 700. Principals H. Arundel and J. Higginson. Manufactures.—Textile machinery and accessories.

A.S.C. MANUFACTURING CO., Tool House, 132, Southwark Street, London, S.E.1 . T. A. " Ascmanco, Boroh, London." T. N.: Hop 3660-2. Established 1913. Capital £15,000. Employees: 23. Proprietor: Albert Samuel Collinson. Manufactures.—Milling, slotting, angular, concave convex, side and face cutters; bolts and nuts, belting emery wheels, pulleys, shafting, twist drills, carbon and high-speed.

ASH, J. & Son, Rea Street South, Birmingham. T. A.: "Tanks, Birmingham." T. N.: Midland 2440. Manufactures.—Tanks and galvanizers.

ASHMORE, BENSON, PEASE & Co., Ltd. Stockton-on-Tees. T. A.: " Gasholder, Stockton-onTees." T. N.: Stockton 501. Manufactures.—Blast furnace plant, gas cleaning plant, steel furnaces, coal, coke and ore bunkers gas works plant, and reversing valves.

ASHTON, FROST & Co., Ltd., Mechanical Engineers, Bank Top Foundry, Blackburn. T. A. " Foundry, Blackburn."

ASHTON, Thomas A., Ltd., Mechanical & Electrical Engineers, Sheffield. T. A.: " Ashton, go Sheffield." T. N.: 4950 and 4955. Established 1866. Directors: H. Ashton (Chairman and Managing), H. Wills (also Secretary ), F. Ashton. Manufactures.—Malleable cast-iron tube fittings mill shafting and power transmission specialities leather belting, hydraulic and mechanical leathers pressed solid leather attaché and dress cases.

ASHWELL & NESBIT, Ltd., Heating Ventilating & General Engineers. Registered Office and Works: Barkby Lane, Leicester. T. A. " Plenum, Leicester." T. N.: Leicester 190 and no3. Established 1897. Capital £100,000. Employees: 700. Directors: D. M. Nesbit (Chairman) F. C. Pulsford (Mang. Director and Sec.), F. W. Jennings, J. M. Playfair, F. A. F. Ashwell, T. G. Mellors. Products.—Cooking apparatus, reducing valves grease separators, steam traps, steam and exhaust valves, calorifiers, semi-rotary pumps, heating units expansion joints.

ASHWORTH & PARKER, Riverside Works, Bury, Lancs. T. A.: "Kinetic, Bury." T. N. Bury 620—I. Members of Firm: W. S. Parker F. O. L. Chorlton. Established 1901. Manufacture.—Steam engines.

ASHWORTH, Son & Co., Ltd., Midland Iron Works, Dewsbury. T. A.: " Weigh, Dewsbury." Manufactures. — Weighbridges and weighing machines.

ASHWORTH, Thos. & Co., Ltd., Engineers and Ironfounders, Vulcan Ironworks, Burnley. T. N. Burnley 253. Manufactures.—Railings, gates, repetition castings and cable making machinery.

ASPINALL'S PATENT GOVERNOR CO. 10, Strand Street, Liverpool. T. A.: " Velo, Liverpool." T. N.: Bank 4484, 3731. Members of Firm: J. L. Taylor and A. E. Taylor. Speciality.—Governors for steam 'engines and turbines.

ASQUITH, William (1920), Ltd., Machine Tool Makers, Highroad Well Works, Halifax, Yorkshire. T. A.: " Drill, Halifax." T. N.: 1558 (4 lines). Established 1865. Incorporated 1903 and 1920. Capital £600,000. Directors: J. H. S. Asquith, J. W. S. Asquith and F. O'Rourke. Employees: Over 1,000. Specialities.—High speed radial drilling machines and vertical drills.

ASSOCIATED BATTERY CO., Ltd. Electric Battery Manufacturers, Mid-Kent Works, Penge, London, S.E.20. T. A.: " Unibaco Aner, London." T. N.: 166 Sydenham. Capital £25,000, Issued £19,205. Directors: F. H. Rogers and C. H. Elliot (Managing). The Universal Battery Company, established 1894, took over The Amalgamated Dry Batteries, Ltd., registering as a limited company under the above name in 1907. Manufactures.—All forms of electrical batteries.

ASSOCIATED BRITISH MACHINE TOOL MAKERS, Ltd., Engineers' Machine Tool Makers, 17, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I. T. A. " Britoolmak, London." T. N.: Victoria 7c6o 45 (3 lines). Branches: At Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, Buenos Ayres, Brussels, Paris, Delhi (India), Madrid, Milan and Rotterdam. Established February, 1917. Capital £100,000. Incorporating J. Archdale & Co. Ltd., Wm. Asquith (1920 ), Ltd., The Butler Machine Tool Co., Ltd., The Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., John Lang & Sons, Ltd., J. Parkinson & Son, Geo. Richards & Co., Ltd., Thomas Shanks & Co., Smith & Coventry, Ltd., H. W. Ward & Co. Ltd., Dean, Smith & Grace (1908), Ltd., and Kendall & Gent (1920), Ltd.

ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT CO., Ltd., Walthamstow, London, E.17. T. A.: " Vangastow Waltstreet, London." T. N.: Walthamstow 780. Established and Incorporated 1912. Capital £1,600,000. Directors: Rt. Hon. Lord Ashfield of Southwell (Chairman and Managing), G. Watson (Deputy Chairman), Sir W. M. Acworth, H. K. Thomas (Resident), H. A. Vernet and P. 'Wheeler. Sec. and Treasurer: J. C. Mitchell. Employees 3,000. Manufactures.—Commercial motor vehicles for passenger and goods services, and spare parts.

ASSOCIATED MANUFACTURERS CO. Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Importers, 124, Minories, London, E.I. T. A.: "Amanco, Ald. London." T. N.: Ave. 3643. Proprietor: L. J . Martin. Products.—" Amanco " petrol and oil engines, and pumps, Hinman milking machines, Overtime farm tractors and ploughs.

ASTER ENGINEERING CO. (1913), Ltd. Wembley, Middlesex. T .A.: " Aster , Wembley." T.N. Wembley 22-3. Codes: A B C (5th Edition), Lieber's and Standard. Directors: R. Henry Wheeler (Chairman), A. Saltren Willet, F. Mead, F. Last Sydney D. Begbie, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., A.I.N.A. (Managing), Claude Clench, A.M.I.Mech.E. A.M.I.A.E. (General Manager ). Established 1869. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1913. Capital £180,000, Issued £174,638. Specialities.—Aeroplane and marine engines, Aster generating sets, searchlights and pumping sets.

ASTON CHAIN & HOOK CO., Ltd., Bromford Lane, Erdington, Birmingham. T. A.: " Chainwork, Erdington." T. N .: Erdington 135-6. Directors: Arthur Heaton, H. A. Dugard, W. H. Dugard, G. H. Dugard, W. H. Williams (Managing ). Established 20 years. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1904. Capital: 50,000 shares of £1; Issued £33,479. Manufactures.—Turbine blading and packing sections, brass ferrule tubes, weldless steel chains, dog, cattle, plough and scaffold chains.

ATHERTON BROS., Ltd., Hanover Street, Preston. T. A.: " Athertons, Preston." T. N. Preston 148. Established 1860. Employees: 2,000. Manufactures.—Power looms.

ATKINS, H. F., Ltd., Old Fletton, Peterboro'. T. A.: " Atkins, Old Fletton." T. N.: Peterboro' 252. Manufactures.—Vertical shaping and slotting machines, lathes, honing machines, ball-bearing twist drill grinder.

ATKINS, W. & Co., Ltd., Bessemer Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield. Manufactures.—Steel.

ATKINSON, E. Frank & Co., Steel and Tool Manufacturers, Queen's Road Steel Works, Sheffield. T. A.: "Steel, Sheffield." T. N.: 967 Central. Established; 1851. Proprietor: E. Frank Atkinson. Specialities.—High speed steels, crucible steel for tools, spring, shear and blister steel, files, hammers saws, and steel tools.

ATLAS DIESEL CO., Ltd., 35, Surrey Street Strand, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Dieselmot Estrand, London." T. N.: Central 9067. Established 1919. Directors: John W. Flower (British), G. Jacobsson (Swedish ), O. Lamm (Swedish), S. Rudberg (Swedish). Sec.: H. J. Simmonds (British). Products.—Marine and stationary Diesel engines crude oil engines, air compressors, pneumatic tools rock drills, pneumatic machinery.

ATLAS ENGINEERING CO., 1-5, Bridge End, Leeds. T. A.: " Salta, Leeds." T. N.: Leeds 20747-8. Codes: Private, A.B.C. (5th Edition), Lieber's, Bentley's, and Marconi's. Manufactures.—Horizontal boring, drilling, tapping and milling machines, shaping machines, high-speed slotting machines, keyseating machines and lathes.

ATLAS METAL & ALLOYS CO., Ltd. 2, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. T. A.: " AloyauCannon, London." T. N.: City 4941. Established 1900. Authorized Capital £60,000. Employees: 3o. Directors: H. S. Sugden, C. H. Hills, W. E. Watson. Products.—Anti-friction metal.

ATLAS STEEL FOUNDRY AND ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Steel Founders and General Engineers, Atlas Steel Works, Armadale, West Lothian. T. A.: " Atlas, Armadale, West Lothian." T. N. Bathgate 11. Established and Incorporated 1912. Capital £75,000, issued and paid up. Directors: David Strathie, C.A. (Chairman and Joint .Managing); A. Logan (Joint Managing); James Wood, J.P., James M. Watt, F.C.I.S. (Joint Managing and Secretary). Employees: 900. Specialities.—Cast steel valves and turbine casings.

ATMOSPHERIC STEAM HEATING CO. (1907), Ltd., Heating & Ventilating Engineers 22, Broadway, Westminster, London, S.W.I. T. A. " Metro, Vic., London." T. N.: 5833 Victoria. Established 1900. Capital £10,000. Chairman Sir Geo. Croydon Marks, M.P. Products.—" Webster " vacuum and modulation systems of steam heating with utilization of exhaust steam, automatic temperature control apparatus.

ATTWATER & SONS, Hopwood Street Mills, Preston. T. A.: " Attwaters, Preston." T. N.: Preston 1045 (2 lines). Codes: Western Union and A B C (5th Edition). Proprietors: R. F. and C. Attwater. Established fifty years. Manufactures.—Electrical insulation materials, mica, micanite, leatheroid, bakelite, and steam engine packings.

ATTWOOD, F. L., Ltd., Holt Street, Birmingham. Manufactures.—Rolled metal.

ATTWOOD, Mark & Co., Chain Manufacturers (Hand-Made and Electric-Welded), Endurance Chain Works, Cradley Heath, Staffs. T. A. " Mark Cradley Heath." T. N.: Cradley 121. Proprietor Arthur Powell. Established 1835. Specialities.—The celebrated " Matwo " brand chains (Registered No. 319829 ). All kinds of electric welded chains from No. 13 B.W.G. to 5/8 in. diam.

AUBLET, HARRY and Co., Ltd. (Successors to the Laundry section of Summerscales, Ltd. ) Electrical and General Engineers, 53 & 55, Curtain Road, London, E.C.2. T. A. " Aublet, Phone." T. N.: London Wall 73-4. Joint Managing Directors: E. J. Stanley and F. G. Turner. Directors A. H. Tanqueray (Chairman ), R. H. Harry, H. G. V. Homer (Secretary). Established 1859. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1897. Manufactures.—Laundry machinery, wood-working machinery, cloth cutting machinery, compressors and compressed gas irons; band saws.

AUDLEY ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Newport, Salop. T. A.: " Audley, Newport, Salop." T. N.: Newport Salop 18. Established 1904. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1906. Capital £10,000. Managing Director: R. W. Leach. Secretary N. B. Saunders. Specialities.—Cast iron cocks, valves, etc.

AULD, D. and Sons, Ltd., Mechanical Engineers, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgow. T. A.: " Reducing Glasgow." T. N.: Bridgeton 256.

AUSTER, Ltd., Barford Street, Birmingham. T. A.: "Auster, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham 2123. Established 1914. Capital £120,000. Chairman: W. H. Davis. Directors: A. W. Auster and A. C. Auster (Managing). Manufactures.—Motor axles.

AUSTIN & Co., Dunn Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A. " Perfect." T. N.: Central 2440. Established 1899. Employees: 50 to 60. Principal: James Mair. Specialities.—Passenger and goods lifts.

AUSTIN & DODSON, Ltd., Cambria Works, Arundel Street, Sheffield. T. A. " Cambria, Sheffield." T. N.: Sheffield 1052. Established 1865. Directors: H. B. Willey, J. R. Dodson, A. Cattell and S. Warren. Manufactures.—Steel and files..

AUSTIN, McGILLIVRAY & Co., Falcon Steel & File Works, Napier Street, Sheffield. T. A.: " Falcon, Sheffield." T. N.: Sheffield 1411. Established 1891. Principals: E. N. Gamble and G. L. Roberts. Manufactures.—Steel files, saws and hammers.

AUSTIN MOTOR CO., Ltd., Longbridge Works, Northfield, Birmingham. T. A. " Speedily Northfield." T. N.: King's Norton 230. Chairman of Directors: Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., M.P. Established as Private Co. 1905; Public Co. 1914. Capital authorised £5,000,000, Issued £3,350,000. Specialities.—Motor-cars, agricultural tractors motor lorries, aeroplanes, electric generating sets.

AUSTIN, S. P. & Son, Ltd., Steel Shipbuilders and Repairers, Wear Dock Yard, Sunderland. T. A. " Austin, Sunderland." T. N.: 1254 Sunderland (3 lines); Manager's Residence: Sunderland 295. Established 1826. Incorporated 1896. Capital £135,000, Reserve £59,842. J. Weston Adamson Chairman; W. H. Dugdale, Managing Director; Samuel P. Austin, Selwyn P. Austin, James Westoll J. Warburton, Directors. Employees: 800. Special Work.—The construction of steamers for cargo carrying purposes. Repairing of steamers'. hulls, engines, and boilers. Pontoon for vessels up to about 7,500 tons, graving dock, repairing quays electric crane, etc.

AUTO CARRIERS, Ltd., Ferry Works, Thames Ditton, Surrey. T. A .: " Auto-Carrier, Thames Ditton." 7'. N .: Kingston 3340. Established 1911. Capital £330,000. Employees: 900. Directors: B. I. Greenwood (Chairman ), S. F. Edge, H. J. Beaney, John Portwine and John Weller (Joint Managing ). Manufactures.—The " AC" Light cars and commercial delivery vehicles and general motor engineering.

AUTO MACHINERY CO., Ltd., Manufacturing Engineers, Hood Street, Coventry. T. A. " Auto, Coventry." T. N .: Coventry 153 (2 lines). Codes: A B C (5th Edition) and Western Union. Directors: P. Rowland Hill, W. H. Hughes and C. W. Wheeler. Established 1886. Capital £47,300. Specialities.—Steel and metal balls, ball and roller bearings, bolts, nuts, studs, etc.

AUTO RADIATORS, Ltd., 3, Manette Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.I. T. A.: " Docimacy, Ox, London." T. N .: Regent 2362.

AUTOMATIC & ELECTRIC FURNACES Ltd., 281-3, Grays Inn Road, W.C. T. A .: " Elecfurn, Kincross." T. N .: Museum 4187. Directors: E. P. Barfield, A.M.I.E.E., A. E. Barfield. Sec.: G. R. Barclay, A.C.I.S. Consulting Physicist L. W. Wild, M.I.E.E. Consulting Chemist: R. Wild F. I .0 . Products .—Wild Barfield automatic furnaces for steel hardening, tempering baths, non-ferrous melting furnaces, electric ovens, industrial and domestic heating appliances.

AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., Telephone, Telegraph and Signalling Engineers, Milton Road, Edge Lane, Liverpool. T. A.:" Instrument, Liverpool." T. N.: Old Swan 102 (3 lines). Incorporated 1911. Capital £1,000,000, Issued £560,000. Directors: James Taylor, J.P. (Chairman), Eric Taylor, Sir J. S. Harmood-Banner M.P., Max Muspratt, D. Sinclair, E. A. Mellinger and J. B. Russell. Manager: G. W. Moore. Secretary: A. R. Dodd. Employees: 1,500. Manufactures.—Automatic and manual telephone apparatus and equipment, telegraph apparatus and railway and mine signalling apparatus.

AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. 104, The Green, Twickenham. T. A .: " Automotive Twickenham." T. N .: Richmond 1227. Manufactures .—Motor car components.

AVAMORE ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Food Preparation and Labour-Saving Machinery, 104, High Holborn, London, W.C.I. T. A.: " Ava4: morist, Cent, London." T. N.: City 2648. Directors: Walter Pelmore, W. M. Nones, Loftus P. Perkins, Norman G. Beckwith, R. A. Pelmore. Established as a Limited Co. in 1911. Capital £2,500. Manufactures.—Food production and labour-saving machinery. High speed positive rotary pumps and speed reduction gear.

AVANCE OIL POWER CO., Ltd., 39 Victoria Street, London, S.W.r. T. A.: " Persarco Vic., London." T. N .: Victoria 4320-I. Directors . J. B. Corrie, P. C. Ayers, J. Kastengren and J. J . Fasola. Manufactures.—Crude oil engines; marine and stationary; oil power and electrical installations; compressors; pumps; winches; oil tanks; belting.

AVELING & PORTER, Ltd. (Branch of Agricultural & General Engineers, Ltd.), Central House, Kingsway, W.C.2. Works: Rochester. T. A.: " Agroengic, London." T. N.: Gerrard 6850. Established 1850. Directors: Thomas L. Aveling, J.P., Major Thomas Aveling, M.C., Col. W. J. Galloway, James Garvie, Sir Thomas B. Robinson, K .B.E., K .C.M.G. Products.—Steam road rollers, tractors.

AVERY & ROBERTS, Ltd., Motor Accessory Manufacturers, 148-154, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool. T.A.: "Traction, Liverpool." T. N.: Royal 4393. Managing Director: G. A. A. Roberts. Established 1902. Incorporated as a Private Limited Co. in 1906.

AVONSIDE ENGINE CO., Ltd., Fishponds, Bristol. T.A.: "Loco, Bristol." T.N.: Fishponds 30. Established 1835. Capital £50,000. Employees 350. Directors: C. M. J. Murray, T. M. Davies A. Jepsen, C. G. Gordon and J. L. Kershaw. Manufactures.—Locomotives of any design and gauge.

AYRSHIRE DOCKYARD CO., Ltd., The Shipyard, Irvine, Ayrshire. T. A.: "Shipbuilder, Irvine." 7'. N.: Irvine 171-3. Directors: J. Napier, J. McIntyre and R. H. B. Thomson. Manufactures.—Ships up to 10,000 tons deadweight. Patent slipway for vessels up to 2,000 tons light displacement.

AYRTON, William & Co., Gorebrook Ironworks, Longsight, Manchester. T. A.: " Spooler, Manchester." T. N.: 4866 Central. Established 1870. Principals: Edmund Norbury Baines and James William Schmidt. Products.—Sewing thread polishing, spooling, and balling machinery of every description.

See Also


Sources of Information