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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name C

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

CADELL, Henry M., B.Sc., F.R.S.E., M.I. Min.E. (Vice-Pres.), Grange, Linlithgow.

CADMAN, Sir John, K.C.M.G., D.Sc., M.Inst. C.E., F.G.S., Hon. Professor of Mining and Petroleum Technology, University, Birmingham; Consulting Mining Engineer and Petroleum Technologist; Petroleum Adviser to H.M. Government, Westfield, West Hill, Highgate, N.6. T. N.: Hornsey 2901. s. of late James Cope Cadman, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Min. Engr., Certified Colliery Manager. Petroleum Investigations in Trinidad, U.S.A., Canada, Burmah, Persia, India, Alsace, Italy, etc. Member of Admiralty Commission which reported on Anglo-Persian Oilfields. P. Pres. Inst.P.T., Pres. Inst.Min.E. Publ.: Report on Ventilation in Mines for Royal Commission on Mines; reports on Trinidad Oilfields; numerous papers before scientific societies. Clubs: Junior Carlton. War Services.—Member of Chemical Advisory Committee, Ministry of Munitions; Technical Adviser, Trench Warfare Department; Director of H.M. Petroleum Executive of the War Cabinet; Chairman of Inter-Allied Petroleum Council; Adviser to H.M. Government on Petroleum; K.C.M.G.; Officier Legion d'Honneur; Knight Commander of the Crown of Italy.

CAILLARD, Sir Vincent Henry Penalver, Kt., Director Vickers, Ltd.; Director London, Chatham and Dover Railway; Chairman Beyer Peacock and Co.; Worsley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd., etc.; b. 1856. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Royal Automobile, Marlborough. Addresses: Wingfield, near Trowbridge, Wilts; 105, Mount Street, W.'.

CAINE, Jack Flinders, A.M.I.E.E., A.F.Aer. Inst., F.I.D.,Electri cal Engineer, Hurstleigh, Pinner; T. N.: 139 Pinner. Member Management Committee, and Manager of Purchasing Dept. of English Electric and Siemen Supplies, Ltd. b. 1880. Ed. University College School and Central Technical College, Kensington. One of the Partners and Founders of Watlington and Co., 1906. Managing Director of The Britannia Lamp and Accessories Co., Ltd., formerly Watlington and Co., Ltd.

CAIRD, Edward Bonar, M.I.E.S., M.I.Mar.E., Senior Partner in Caird and Rayner; b. 1848; s. of Edward Caird, of Dundee and Finnart, Dumbartonshire. Ed. Proprietary Sch. Dundee; Grange, Edinburgh; Glasgow University; and Caius College, Cambridge. Training: Caird and Co., Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Greenock. Career: Was partner with Jas. Howden in Jas. Howden and Co., Glasgow, for 7 years; established firm of Caird and Rayner, 1887, with T. J Rayner. Present partners, E. B. Caird, F. Grimble and M. N. Caird. Clubs: Royal Societies. Address: 777, Commercial Road, London, E.14. T. A.: "Vaporize (Step. ), London." T. N.: East 210.

CAIRD, Patrick Tennant, M. of Council I.N.A M.I.E.S., M.Inst.Met.; b. 1848; s. of the late James Tennant Caird, Greenock. Ed. in Scotland, England and Germany. App. with Caird and Co., 1865; Manager of the Engine Works and a partner, 1871; on the death of his father, in 1888, was appointed Man. Dir. and Chairman of the Co.; joined the Board of the Glasgow and South Western Railway. Co. in 1891, was elected Chairman in 1900, and retired from the Board in 1915. Address: Belleaire, Greenock, N.B.

CAIRNS, Charles Waldie, M.Sc., Wh.Ex., .N.E.0.Inst., F.C.M.S., Cons. Engr. (Mar. ); Supt. Engr. to the Cairn Line of Steamships, Ltd.; b. 1872; s. of David Cairns. Ed. Merchant Tailors' Sch., Dublin; and " Erasmus Smith " Sch., Dublin; Armstrong College (Durham University ), Newcastle-on-Tyne. Training: App. R. and W. Hawthorn Leslie and Co., Ltd., St. Peter's Newcastleon-Tyne; Gold Medallist, N.E. Coast Inst. of E. and S. Papers and Research Reports to N.E.C.Inst., viz.: " Comparative Trials of ss. Cairnross ' (Geared Turbines), and ss. Cairngowan ' " (N.E.C.I. Trans.); " Some Insufficiently Considered Details in Ship Construction " (N.E.C.I. Trans.); " Report on Certain Methods of Producing Vacuum " (Orde, Cairns and Morrow); " Report on Tests of Auxiliary Condensers " (Morrow and Cairns ). Address: c /o Cairns Noble and Co., Ltd., Akenside House, Newcastleon-Tyne. T. A.: " c/o Gowan, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: 2226-7-8-9 Central.

CAIRNS, John Marshall, M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Engr.; b. 188o; s. of Andrew Drysdale. Ed. Lasswade; privately; and St. Mark's College Training: Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. College; Glasgow University; and Continent, etc. Career: Chemist and Metallurgist, Wm. Beardmore and Co's. Steelworks; Min. and Assaying in Spain; Asst. to Italian Government Geologist; Special Min. Engr. in Turkey, Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece, Brazil; Various Min. Work in Chili, Uruguay and Colombia, Burma, India, South Africa, etc.; Specialist in the economic geology of Iron, Manganese, Chrome and Copper ores.; served during the War in the R.E. Transportation, Intelligence and Claims Commission. Clubs: Royal Societies and Conservative, Hastings. Address: " Oakleigh," St. Helen's Park Road, Hastings.

CALDER, J.M., A.M.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., General Manager and Engr., Reading Corporation Tramways and Motors, Mill Lane, Reading. T. A.: " Tramways, Reading." T. N.: 33o Reading. b. 1877. Ed. Birrell's Academy and Rosebank Public Sch., Dundee. App. Lowden Brothers, Elec. and Mech. Engrs., Dundee; Cooper and Grieg, Engrs. and Boiler Makers, Dundee; Asst. Engr., Thomson Line Shipping Co.; J. G. White and Co., Tramway Contractors; Supt. of Overhead Line Dept. and Asst. Engr., Ipswich Corporation Electricity and Tramways Dept.; Chief Asst. Engr., Reading Corporation Tramways; Gen. Man. and Engr., Reading Corporation Tramways and Motors; duly Authorized Officer, Coal Control Committee, Reading; Joint Hon. Sec., District Council (Area I), National Joint Industrial Council for the Tramways Industry.

CALDER, William, M.Inst.C.E., Chairman, County Roads Board, Titles Office, Melbourne, Victoria.

CALDWELL, James, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 14-16, Cockspur Street, London; and Parliament Mansions, Victoria Street, Westminster. Private Address: Nanfans Grange, Great Missenden, Bucks. T. A.: " Caldwell, Alweprol, London." T. N.: Gerrard 6164; Great Missenden 46. b. 1882; s. of Thomas Caldwell and Margaret Fleming Caldwell, née Edmiston, of Rockfield, Paisley; m. Blanche, d. of James Young, Cornhill, Lanarkshire. Ed. High School, Glasgow, and Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. August, 1898, to April, 1904— Apprenticeship served with Bow, McLachlan and Co., Ltd., Thistle Works, Paisley. April, 19o4, to August, 19o5—Assistant to W. B. Sayers, M.I.E.E., August, 190 5-20. Partner in consulting firm of James F. Sayers and Caldwell of Glasgow, specialists in the electric lighting and heating of country houses and public buildings, also consultants for the electrical equipment of collieries, factories, shipyards, bakeries and sugar refineries. Chief Works: Luttrellstown Castle, Co. Dublin, and Belladram House, Inverness-shire, etc.; several .7A Carnegie Institutions; Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, etc. Collieries—Lochgelly Iron and Coal Co., James Dunlop and Co., and Robert Forrester and Co., Ltd. Shipyards—Fleming and Ferguson, Ltd., Paisley. Publications: " Fire Alarms and Indicators," " Notes on Welding Systems," " Report to the United States Shipping Board on Electric Welding Investigations," " Electric Welding Developments in Great Britain and the United States of America." Clubs: St. Stephen's, London, and New, Glasgow. War Services.-1915-6—Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. 1917 — Attached Royal Engineers, Mili. tary Railways Section; Asst. Director of Materials and Priority for the Admiralty. I918—Special Mission to America for the United States Shipping Board and Ordnance War Department. 1919— Attached Admiralty, Superintendent, Welding and Labour-Saving Division. Demobilized March, 1919, with rank of Major.

CALLENDER, Sir Thomas Octavius, J.P., Electric Cable Manufacturer, Bidborough Court, Kent; and Hamilton House, Victoria Embankment, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Callender, London." T. N.: Holborn 191o, Erith 99. b. 1855; of late W. 0. Callender of Bournemouth. Ed. Greenock, Godolphin School, Hammersmith, and France. Managing Director of Callenders Cable and Construction Co., Ltd. Was one of the founders of that company, in whose service he has passed the greater part of his life. Has travelled extensively on its business in many parts of the world, especially in the East, and has been interested closely in the development of the Supply of Electricity for Power and Lighting. Was a Member of the Committee formed by the Board of Trade to investigate conditions of the Electrical Industry. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Caledonian, Royal Automobile, and Byculla of Bombay. War Services.—Largely employed on important electrical work for the Admiralty and the War Office and the Ministry of Munitions. Was knighted for services in Tune, 1918.

CALVERT, Edwd., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Chief Elec. Engr., Urban District Council, Finchley, Middlesex; Hon. Secretary Associated Municipal Elec. Engrs., London Centre. Address: Squire's Lane, Church End, Finchley, N.

CAMERON, John, M.I.Mech.E., Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, West Yard, Taff Vale Railway, Bute Street, Cardiff. T. N.. 379 Cardiff. Ed. Inverness, and trained in the Locomotive Department of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway under the late William Stroudley. After experience in various workshops was appointed Foreman in the Brighton Works and subsequently Inspector of Rolling Stock. In 1883 was Inspector of Rolling Stock on the London and South Western Railway, and in 1885 joined the Taff Vale Railway as Works Manager of the Permanent Way and Carriage and Wagon Departments, and in 1894 was appointed Chief Assistant to T. H. Riches, whom he succeeded in 1911. War Services.—Manufacture of munitions and general service vehicles for War Office, and assisted in the manufacture of a quantity of other work.

CAMES, C. S., Min. Engr., Marsden Hall, South Shields.

CAMPBELL, Adam Horsburgh, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.San.I., City Engineer and Director of Housing Corporation of Edinburgh, r, Parliament Square, Edinburgh. Civil Engineer with Stewart and Menzies, C.E., Edinburgh. Thereafter Assistant to the Engineer, John Cooper, C.E., Edinburgh, and in succession, Borough Surveyor and Water Engineer, Stratford-on-Avon; City Surveyor, Canterbury; Borough Engineer and Surveyor, East Ham, London; and since 1910 Engineer to the Corporation of Edinburgh. Has been engaged through his public service for 30 years as Chief Officer on Municipal Engineering works of every kind, particularly main drainage, sewage purification and rivers conservancy, tramways (electric and cable), highways and street construction and maintenance, town planning in its relation to estate and city development, parliamentary work and. arbitrations, housing and reconstruction of slum areas, and on extensive building construction works such as power stations, hospitals, libraries and other public buildings. War Services.—Engaged under the Ministry of Food as (voluntary) Divisional Officer for Scotland (Department of General Storage) and Transport.

CAMPBELL, Archibald J., M. of Council, I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Melbourne House, Dalmuir, Dumbarton.

CAMPBELL, Charles Ivor Rae, R.C.N.C., O.B.E., M.I.N.A., F.R.Ae.S., Supt. of Airship Design and Construction, Air Ministry; b. 1878; s. of J. A. D. Campbell. Ed. R.N.E. College, Keyham, Devonport; R.N. College, Greenwich. Distinctions: Newman Memorial Prize at R.N.E. College; Navy Cross from U.S. Navy Dept. Asst. Constructor (Admiralty ), 1903-15; employed on various duties mainly connected with submarines; in 1915 took charge of newly-formed section for Airship Design, and remained on this work until transferred to Air Ministry, 1920, with appointment as Supt. of Airship Design and Construction; Designer of R29 and R38 Rigid Airships; supervision of design and construction of all British Rigid Airships since R9. Papers before various Tech. Socs. Address: Royal Airship Works, Cardington, near Bedford. T. N.: 261 Bedford.

CAMPBELL, Donald Fraser, M.A.(Oxon.), A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., M.I.E.E., F.G.S., Cons. Engr.; b. 1881; s. of the late W. F. Campbell, M.A. (Oxon. ). Ed. Winchester, Oxford and Royal Sch. of Mines. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. Distinctions: M.A. (Oxon.); Hons. in Chemistry and Mineralogy, A.R.S.M.; Hons. in MM. and de la Beche metal for Metallurgy. Career: Construction of hydro-electric and electro-metallurgical works in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Norway and United States for the development of power and manufacture of Aluminium, Steel, Carbide of Calcium, Ferro-Alloys, Zinc, Copper and similar products. Clubs: Royal Socs. Address: 17, Victoria Street, London, S.W.T. T. A.: " Mixoist, 'Phone, London." T. N.: Victoria 9125-6.

CAMPBELL, Hugh, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst. Met., Campbell Gas Engine Co., Kingston, Halifax.

CAMPBELL, John Morrow, D.Sc., M.Inst. M.M., F.G.S., F.R.G.S. , Min. Geologist, Steel Brothers and Co., Ltd. (of London and Rangoon); b. 1865; s. of William Grant Campbell. Ed. Timaru High Sch., New Zealand, and Glasgow University. Distinctions: " A. Donaldson " Research Sch., Glasgow University. Career Min. and Geological work in many countries; Persia, Burma, Norway, Spain, Egypt, West and Central Af., Western Australia, etc. Research work on Laterite, and Ore Deposits; numerous papers in Min. and Geological Journals. Address: c /o Steel Brothers and Co., Ltd., Rangoon, Burma.

CAMPBELL, Kenneth Findlater, M.Inst.C.E Borough Engr., Huddersfield.

CAMPION, Alfred, Prof., F.I.C., F.C.S., Metallurgist and Research Engr.; Supt. Foundry Tech. Inst., Falkirk. b. 1873; s. of Alfred Campion. Ed. Various London Schs. Training: Finsbury Tech. College Distinctions: Iron and Steel Inst., Carnegie Sch., 1902; and Gold Medallist, 1903. Asst. to Prof. H. Macleod, 4 years; Chief Metallurgist Steel Co., Scotland, 4 years; Principal Asst. Chemist and Metallurgist to Indian Government at Cooper's Hill 4/ years; Cons. practice, 3 years; Prof. of Metallurgy Roy. Tech. College, Glasgow, 9 years; present position since June, 1918; made a special study of heat treatment and testing of steel, and metallography; has devoted a large amount of attention to cast iron and foundry practice, at present principally engaged in Ironfounding Research. Papers on " Heat Treatment and Properties of Steel, Iron, etc.; on autogenots welding and properties of Iron Ferrous-Alloys at High Temperature," before various socs. Club: Scottish Constitutional, Glasgow. Address: 3, Strathview Gardens, Bearsden, by Glasgow. T. N.: Falkirk 332.

CAMPION, Arthur H. M., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.K.C., Railway Engineer, c/o Grindlay and Co., 54, Parliament Street, London, S.W.i; b. 1887; s. of John Montrion Campion, late Chief Engineer and Secretary to Government Public Works Department, India. Ed. Bedford School and King's College, London. Assistant Engineer, Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway Co., India, 1904-14. Club: Royal Automobile. War Services.—Royal Engineers; commissioned, October, 1914; France and Belgium, February, 1915, to August, 1919; last served at General Headquarters as Major, as French Railway Construction Claims Engineer.

CAMPION, Frederic Arthur, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., G.N. Railway. (Ireland ), Amiens Street Terminus, Dublin. T. A.: " Construction, Dublin." T. N.: 5181, Dublin. Ed. Grammar Sch., Loughborough, and Articled Pupil, 1882-5, to Richard Johnson, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., G.N. Railway., King's Cross, London, N.; District Engr., Northern Div., G.N. Railway., Peterboro', I90o-5; District Engr., Southern Div., King's Cross, 1905-8; Asst. Engr., G.N. Railway., King's Cross, London, N., 1908-10; Chief Engr., G.N. Railway. (Ireland), since 1910.

CAMPION, Robert Harry, General Manager and Chief Engr. to Chesterfield Corporation, Electricity, Tramway and Motors Depts., Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield.

CANN, Frederick Charles, M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr. and General Manager; b. 1877 s. of Thomas Cann. Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines. Career: Cornwall, Transvaal, Gold Coast, West Australia, Queensland; General Manager, Geevor 7 Tin Mines, Ltd., Cornwall. Address: Geevor Tin Mines, Ltd., Pendeen, S.O., Cornwall. T.A.: " Geevor, Pendeen, Cornwall." T. N.: 2 St. Just.

CANNELL, Ramsey, M.Inst.C.E., Punjab Irrigation Secretariat, Lahore, India.

CAPLEN, Tom, Assoc.Inst.M.M., M.I. and S.I., F.S.A., Director of Works, Petroleum Min. Research, Egyptian Government; b. 1879; s. of W. Caplen, Tunbridge Wells. Ed. Scotsford House, Tunbridge Wells. Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines; and Holman Brothers, Eng. Works. Career: 14 years Manager Vigianagram Min. Co., Ltd., India; responsible for general outlay, shaft sinking, etc., group of three mines, and min. of same. Address: Dept. of Mines, Port Tewfik, Suez, Egypt. T. A.: " Mines, Port Tewfik."

CAPPEL, Sir Albert J. Leppoc, M.I.E.E. (Past Member of Council). Address: 27, Kensington Court Gardens, W.

CAPPER, David Sing, Lt.-Col., M.A., II.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.J.Inst.E., late Prof. of Engineering, University of London, King's College, 38, West Heath Drive, Golder's Green, t. T. N.: 235o Hampstead. Youngest s. of late Jasper John Capper; m. 1893, Lillian Grace, youngest d. of the late Dr. A. R. Shaw. Ed. Royal High School. Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh and University College, London. Training: R. and W. Hawthorns, Leith; and Humphrys and Tennant, Deptford (pupil), and assistant to partner. Late Member of Senate and Dean of Engineering Faculty, University of London. Late Member of Governing Body of Royal College of Science and Technology. Fellow of King's College, London. Publications: Professional papers in Proceedings of various Engineering Institutions, Royal Agricultural Society, etc. Clubs: Athenaeum and St. Stephen's. War Services —Lt.-Col. Commanding University of London O.T.C.; Commandant of Officers' Instruction Camps; Temporary Major and second in command of 2/5th R. Warwicks in France, and Commanding Officer of Divisional Mining Troops in 1916.

CAPRON, Athol John, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Managing Director of Davy Brothers, Ltd., Park Iron Works, Sheffield, Westlowe, Hathersage, near Sheffield. T. A.: " Capron, Hathersage." T. N.: Hathersage 15. b. 1859; s. of Rev. G. H. Capron; m. Catherine Dickinson, 1888. Ed. Wellington College, Berks, and King's College, London. Obtained James Easton prize at King's College with free pupilage at Easton and Anderson's, Erith Iron Works, 1879-82. Assistant Engineer on Easton and Anderson's staff from 1882-94; Manager of their Erith Ironworks, 1895-99; Manager of Davy Brothers, Park Iron Works, Sheffield, 1899-1900; Managing Director of Davy Brothers, 1900 to present time; Director of Newton Chambers and Co., Thorncliffe, near Sheffield. Publications: Papers on Engineering Subjects before Iron and Steel Institute. President Sheffield and District Engineering Trades Employers' Association. Clubs: Sheffield and Constitutional, London.

CARDEW, John Haydon, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. E.Aus., Pres. Inst. Surveyors, N.S.W., Cons. Civil Eng,r. (Hydraulic, Water Supply, Sewerage ), late Lecturer at University of Sydney; b. 1852; 78 s. of Rev. J. Haydon Cardew, Wingfield, Eng. Ed. Cheltenham College, Eng. Career: Res. Engr., Main Intercepting Sewer, Sydney Sewerage Works, P.W.D., 5 miles of Tunnels; Engr. to Contractors, Western Suburbs Main Sewers, 6 miles of Tunnels; Cons. Engr. to Royal Commission on Cataract Dam, Sydney Water Supply; Report and Scheme for Sewerage Works, Geelong, Victoria; Report on Sewerage Works and Design of Main Outfall Sewer, Dunedin, N.Z.; Design and Construction of Concrete Dam at Burraga, and Pipe Line to Lloyd Copper Co. Mine and Reduction Works; Umpire in Arbitration Proceedings, Teasdale Smith v. S. Australian Govt.; Cons. Engr., Amplification of Ipswich Water Supply, Queensland; Assessor in Arbitration Proceedings, North Coast Railway., N.S.W.; Cons. Engr. to Contractors for Main Outfall Sewer, Brisbane, Queensland; Arbitrator in proceedings O'Malley Dixon v. S. Australian Govt.; also Cameron and Sutherland v. N.S.W. Govt.; Cons. Engr. to Municipal Councils of Woollahra, Hunter's Hill, Randwick, etc. Publ.: " Cardew's Municipal Engineering," " Cardew's Pocket Book of Surveying," " Prize Essay on the Education of Surveyors; " selected paper, Inst. Civil Engrs., London, " Burraga Dam." Address: Commercial Bank of Australia Chambers, George and Margaret Streets, Sydney. T. N.: City 6245.

CAREW-GIBSON, Harry Frederick, M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, Gorseland, Birchett's Green, near Maidenhead. T. N.: Littlewick Green 31. Fourth s. of the late G. C. Carew-Gibson of Pickhurst, Surrey, and Sangate, Sussex; nz. Olive, only d. of J. B. Rees of Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, July 27, 1916. Ed. Private schools and Liverpool University. Pupil of A. D. Price, M.Inst.C.E., B.A., B.Eng., T.C.D., on the River Suck arterial drainage in Ireland. Assistant Resident Engineer on Port Talbot Railways and Docks; Chief Assistant Engineer for new Bute Docks, Cardiff; Assistant Engineer to Resident Engineer, Nile Reservoir Works at Assuan. Worked on plans, etc., for the reconstruction of London County Council Tramways. Chief Engineer to Lake Copais Co., Greece; Commissioner, Public Works and Surveys, Sarawak. War Services.—January II, 1915, to July 27, 1919, District Officer, Royal Engineers, Cambs and Hants.

CAREY, J. M., Senior Government Inspector of Mines, 2, Hamilton Street, Cardiff.

CARKEET-JAMES, Charles, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.San.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., M.Cons.E., Partner, Whitley and CarkeetJames, Cons. Engrs.; b. 1863; s. of S. W. James. Ed. privately. Training: S. W. Jenkin, M.Inst.C.E., Liskeard, Cornwall. Awarded Telford Premium by Inst.C.E. for paper on " Drainage of Cairo." Career: 1882—Res. Eng. Teign Valley Railway. and Helston Railway., Cornwall; 1884-6—engaged on construction N. Cornwall Railway.; 1887—in private practice laying out projected Railways. for Bills in Parliament; 1898—Contractors' Agent on Bina to Saugor Branch, Indian Midland Railway.; 1889—on Tansa Dam works for water supply to city of Bombay; 1891-1906—special Drainage and Water Engr., Bombay; 1897—Member of Government Committee to deal with outbreak of Bubonic Plague; 1895-1906—advised Provincial Government on Sewage Schemes, notably Karachi, Poona, Secunderbad, and several towns of the United Provinces; 1902-6—Examiner for San. Engr., Bombay University; 1902—reported on drainage of Alexandria for Egyptian Government; 1906—appointed by Lord Cromer to design and supervise drainage scheme for Cairo; also reported on and designed drainage schemes for Port Said, Tantah, Mansourah, and the Alexandria Docks for the Egyptian Government; 1914— asked to prepare scheme for drainage of Constantinople, when surveys were stopped by the War; also asked to prepare part scheme of drainage for Athens; now as above. Publ.: " Oriental Drainage," " Drainage Problems of the East " (1st and znd Editions). Clubs: St. Stephen's, Westminster: R.A.C., Pall Mall. Address: Broadway Court, Broadway, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Broadgauge, Vic." T. N.: 5607 Victoria.

CARLMARK, John Denis, A.M.I.E.E., Man. Dir. Elec. Eng. (West Bromwich), Ltd.; b. 1876; s. of Harold Carlmark. Ed. Stockholm, Sweden. Training: Tech. Heigh Sch., Stockholm. Address: Heath Cottage, High Street, West Bromwich. T. N.: 367 West Bromwich.

CARLOW, Charles Augustus, M.I.Min.E., Joint Man. Dir. of The Fife Coal Co., Ltd., Leven, Fife. Ed. Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh.; University of Edinburgh. Training: Wigan Tech. Sch., Coatbridge Tech. Sch., etc.; Colliery Work in Scotland, England and Wales. P. Pres. Assoc. of Min. Elec. Engrs. Clubs: Glasgow—Conservative and New; London—Royal Thames Yacht, etc. Address: Linnwood Hall, Leven, Fife. T. A.: " Carlow, Leven." T. N.: Leven 2.

CARLTON, Thomas, O.B.E., Engr. Surveyorin-Chief to Committee of Privy Council for Trade, Great George Street, S.W.'.

CARMICHAEL, Lt.-Col. James Forrest Halkett, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., R.E., Chief Engr. to the Crown Agents for the Colonies. Ed. Clifton College; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Joined the Staff of the Crown Agents for the Colonies as Head of Eng. Dept., 1904; Asst. Director of Raw Materials Dept., M. of M., 1915-17. Address: 46, St. George's Road, S.W.'. T. N.: Victoria 1937.

CARNEGIE, David, Colonel, C.B.E., F.R.S.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.and S.I., Woodlands. Beckenham Hill, Kent; b. 1868. T. N.: Bromley 213, Honorary Consulting Technical Ordnance Adviser, Canadian Government; Overseas Member, Labour Committee, Canadian Government. Chairman of Commission (Canadian Government) to inquire into the feasibility of refining zinc and copper in Canada,1915. Member Royal Canadian Institution; Member American Society of Political and Social Science. Publications: "Liquid Steel, its Cost and Manufacture," Longmans, Green; " Can Church and Industry Unite ? " Marshall Brothers, etc. Club: British Empire, London. War Services.—Member and Ordnance Adviser, Shell Committee, and subsequently of Imperial Munitions Board, Ottawa, 1914-9; Chairman, Inventions Committee, Canada, 1917-9; Chairman, Committee on Munitions Design, Canada, 1917-9.

CARNT, Albert John, Eng.-Commander, R.N., M.I.N.A., Director of Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., Peterborough; b. 1865; s. of W. G. Carnt, R.N. Ed. Portsmouth, Private Sch. Training: H.M.S. "Marlborough" as Engr. Student from 1879-85; Greenwich Naval College, 1885-86. Distinction: First Class Certificate, Greenwick College Asst. Admiralty Overseer, and Overseer for Gun Mtgs. for a period of 8 years; Admiralty for 2 years; left Admiralty to join Peter Brotherhood, Ltd.; Chairman of J. S. White and Co., from Oct., 1915, to Oct., 1918. Clubs: Junior Naval and Military; R.A.C.; British Empire. Address: St. Bedes, Walton, Peterborough.

CAROLIN, Edward Marlay de Laune, M.I. Mech.E., Mech. Engr.; Loco. Supt.; b. 1870; s. of E. R. Carolin, C.E. and M.Inst.C.E., late Asst. Engr.-in-Chief, Cape Government Railways., S. Af. Ed. South African College Training: Salt River Works, S. Af., under H. M. Beatty, C.M.G., Chief Loco. Supt., Cape Government Railways. Queen's S.A. Medal with 3 clasps; Johannesburg Rand Pioneer. App. Uitenhage and Salt River Works, G. Government Railways. S. Af.; under H. M. Beatty, C.M.G., Chief Loco. Supt.; on construction Railways., Norvals Pont C.C., to Vereeniging in Transvaal, from 1891 till 19oo; and became Dist. Loco. Supt.; in 1899 collected Orange Free State Railway. officials and men, just before declaration of war; in charge of these men, attached to 8th and loth Co. R.E.'s; also formed No. 2 Co. Town Guard, Naauwpoort, C. Colony; later appointed D.L. Supt. Standerton for movement troops; Asst. Loco. Supt., Pretoria and Johannesburg; Chief Traccion F.C. Pacifico, S. America, 1909; Master Mechanic Canada, Atlantic Quebec, Western; also New Canadian Co. Inspector; Building Locos., Montreal Loco Works, for Canadian Northern; returned to S. Af., 1912; joined Rand Water Bd. Pumping Plants; also Port Elizabeth Corporation, and Stewart and Lloyds on pumping and filtration plant erection, etc., etc.; came home, 1914, for German War; Capt. K.O.Y.L.I., and O.C. 223rd Co. R.E.; also at Woolwich Arsenal in charge Locos. and Rolling Stock; Chief Mech. Engr., Haverton Hill Dock Yards; Engr. on Dilution, Yorkshire, for M. of M.; also Eng. Officer for getting ex-officers' positions up to 1920, when he resigned. Part Author, Volumes I. and II., " War Office History," " Railways, S. African War, 1899-1902." Address: c/o Manager, London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Bournemouth, Hants.

CARPENTER, Charles Claude, D.Sc., M.Inst. C.E., Member of Council, Inst.C.E., South Metropolitan Gasworks, 709A, Old Kent Road, S.E.I5.

CARPENTER, H. C. Harold, F.R.S., M.A., Ph.D. (Leipzig), Hon. A.R.S.M., Vice-Pres. Inst. Min. and Metallurgy, Pres. Inst. of Met. (1918-20); Prof. of Metallurgy in the R. Sch. M., Imperial College of Sc. and Technology, S. Kensington; Dean of the Faculty of Eng., and Senator Univ. of London; b. 1875. Ed. St. Paul's Sch.; Merton College, Oxford; Universities of Leipzig and Manchester. First-class in Natural Sc. Hons. Sch., 1896; Research Fellow and Demonstrator, Owens College, Manchester, 1898-1901; went to N.P.L. at its foundation, as head of Chemical and Metallurgical Depts.; awarded the Carnegie Gold Medal for Research by the I. and S.I., 1905; Prof. of Metallurgy, Victoria University, Manchester, 1906-13. Address: 3o, Murray Road, Wimbledon Common, S.W.19. T. N.: Wimbledon 1702.

CARPMAEL, Herbert, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., 33, Norfolk Street, Strand, London, W.C.2; b. 1868. Ed. Dulwich College. Pupil in the works of The Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. Since 1898 on the editorial staff of " The Engineer." Publications: " Electric Welding and Welding Appliances." War Services.—In the iron-working department of the Kensington War Hospital Supply Depots.

CARPMAEL, Raymond, M.Mech.E Divl. Engr., G.W. Railway., School Gardens, Shrewsbury.

CARR, Andrew Custance, V.D M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Mechanical Engineer, Khargpur, Bengal, India. T. A.: "Lococar." Training: Gateshead Works, North Eastern Railway, and Durham College of Science. Locomotive Department, East Indian Railway, Div. Locomotive Supt. and Deputy Loco. Supt. 1892-1905; Works Manager 1905, Chief Mechanical Engineer 1912, BengalNagpur Railway; on Deputation to American Railway Shops, 1909; witness before the Indian Industrial Commission, 1917. Responsible for the layout, equipment and organization of Khargpur workshops to handle 600 locomotives, 1,000 coaches and 15,000 wagons, general administration of locomotive, carriage and wagon and electrical departments of Bengal-Nagpur Railway and the railway town of Khargpur. Chairman of the Locomotive and Carriage Superintendents' Committee of the Indian Railway Conference Association 1917-20; Major, Bengal-Nagpur Railway Rifles. Served on Ctee. of Bengal Chamber of Commerce 1920. Commissioner for Port of Calcutta 1920-21; Member of Gov. Ctee. Bengal Engineering College 1921; Acting Agent Bengal-Nagpur Railway. 1920-21. Club: Bengal, Calcutta. War Services.—Supervision of munitions of war manufactured by Bengal-Nagpur Railway, and rolling stock for Mesopotamia, 1914-17. Services lent as general manager to the Coventry Ordnance Works, England, 1918-19.

CARR, A. G. H., Sq.-Ldr., Tech. Officer, R. A.F., Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, Isle of Grain.

CARR, Laurence Hudson Ashdown, M.Sc.(Tech.), M.I.E.E., A.Amer.I.E.E., Electrical Engr., 18, Leigh Road, Hale, Cheshire. Ed. Rossall School, Mathematical Scholarships, 1900 and 1901, and Municipal College of Technology, Victoria University, Manchester. Works of Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co., Ltd., Manchester. Assistant Designer, Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co., I908-10; Chief A.C. Designer, Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., Ltd., 1910-12; Chief Assistant Designer, Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co., 1912-15; Chief A.C. Designer, J. H. Holmes and Co., Newcastle 1915-18; Chief Designer, J. H. Holmes and Co., Newcastle, 1918-20; Engr.-in-Charge of Large Induction Motors, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Manchester, 1920 to date. Member of Council of Manchester Astronomical Society; late Hon. Secretary of North-Eastern Centre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Author of " Armature Copper Losses in Rotary Converters," Institution of Electrical Engineers Journal, vol. 54, etc.

CARR, Wm. Cochran, Col. , M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Colliery Engr., Benwell Colliery, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

CARR-GOMM, Mark Culling, Capt. R.E. ( T F R. ) , A s soc.M.Inst.0.E 15, Sheffield Terrace, W.8. 1'. N.: (Office) Gerrard 440 7; Park 3500. b. 1881; s. of F. C. Carr-Gomm, D.L., J.P.; m. d. of Col. D. Heming, of Mancetter Lodge, Atherstone. Ed. Eton, and University College, London. Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., Nigeria, 1912-16; partner in the firm of Donnelly, Moore and Carr-Gomm, architects and consulting engineers, of 15, Duke Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, and 14, Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. War Services.—Cameroons Expeditionary Force, 1914-16; B.E.F., France, 1918-19.

CARRINGTON, H. C. JAMES-, M.C.I., M.I.Mech.E., Consulting Engineer and Works Architect, Winchester House, Victoria Square, Birmingham. T. A.: " Carrington, Victoria Square, Birmingham." T. N.: Central 2608. Trained as a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer with Honours and Queen's Prizes in Mechanical Engineering, Architecture and Arts. Late teacher in Art subjects under South Kensington. P. President of the Birmingham Association of Mechanical Engineers; Member of Council of the Midland Electric Club, and of the Birmingham Metallurgical Society. Specializing in design and equipment of industrial work, reinforced concrete construction known as the " Carrington " system, etc., general consultant on works plants and constructional engineering.

CARRON, Francis Patrick Grant, Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, P.W.D., Poona, Bombay Presidency, India; b. 1880. Ed. Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh; Edinburgh University. Assistant Engineer, Admiralty Harbour Works, Portland; Assistant Engineer, Port of Para, Construction Co., Brazil; Assistant Resident Engineer, Para. Improvements Co., Brazil; Contractor's Engineer on Railway and Harbour Works. At present engaged to draw up a scheme for the drainage of Poona. Member of Caledonian W.S. Club, Edinburgh. War Services.—Served with the R.F.A. in Egypt in 1915. Transferred to the R.G.A. in 1916, and was sent to India, promoted Captain and given command of loth Company R.G.A. between August, 1917, and November, 1918.

CARRUTHERS, David John, Engr.-Capt., R.N., C.B.E., M.Inst.Met., Squadron Engr. Officer, H.M. Destroyer Base, Port Edgar, South Queensferry, Scotland.

CARRUTHERS, Robert, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. N.A., Chief Supt. Engr., Bombay and Persia Steam Navigation Co., Bombay.

CARR-WALKER, Herbert, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.Met., Metallurgist; Chairman and Man. Dir., Yorkshire Eng. Supplies, Ltd., Wortley, Leeds; b. 1874; s. of Walter N. Walker of Horsforth. Ed. Harrogate College and Leeds University. Engaged in exploiting and producing commercially of non-ferrous Alloy Castings by the patent " Eatonia " watercooling process. Club: The Leeds. Address: Pannal Hall, Harrogate. T. A.: "Yes, Leeds." T. N.: Leeds 25004.

CARSON, James, A.R.C.Sc. (Ireland), M.I. Mech.E., Past Member of Council Inst.C.E.I., Man. Dir., James Carson and Co., Ltd.; b. 1865; s. of James Carson, Merchant, Dublin. Ed. Wesley College, F Dublin. Training: Royal College of Sc., Dublin. ExMember of Council Inst. C.E., Ireland. Career: Mech. Engr., Oxygen Sewage Purification Co., Ltd.; Private Research Asst. to Curator of Laboratories, Royal University of Ireland; Mech. Engr., etc., Bewley and Draper, Ltd., Dublin; Joint Man. Dir., Batey Eng. Co., Ltd., Birmingham. Address: Fawley Road, Tottenham, N.7. T. N.: Tottenham 146.

CARSTAIRS, W., M.I.Mar.E., Chief Engr., Jardine, Matheson and Co., Hong-Kong.

CARTER, Alfred Ernest, B.Sc.Eng. (London), A.M.I.Mech.E., Engineering Teacher, Head of the Engineering Department, The Technical Institution, Swindon, Wilts; b. 1876. Ed. Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and The Municipal Technical College, Sunderland. Apprenticed as Engineer with Doxford, Sunderland, 1893-8. Served as marine-engineering draughtsman with Dickinson, 1898-1900, and Vaux, Sunderland, 1900-1; The Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., Wallsendon-Tyne, 1901-4; and Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Walker-on-Tyne, 1904; Lecturer in Engineering, Sunderland Technical College, 1904-5 the Municipal College of Technology, Manchester,. 1905-6; the Northern Polytechnic Institute, Holloway, London, N.7, 1906-14; Responsible Teacher, Shelburne Road Junior Technical Evening Institute, Holloway, 1913-14; Head of the Engineering Department, Wigan Mining and Technical College, 1914-19, and the Technical Institution, Swindon, 1919-20. Publications: " The Desirability of bringing Instruction in Engineering Courses in Technical Schools into Closer Relation with the Workshop Needs of Engineering Students," " Engineering," December 14,1917. War Services.—Workshop Training Courses, Wigan; Munitions Workers', Men and Women, Day and Evening Courses, 1915-6; R.F.C. Mechanics' Day Training Course, 1916-7; Training Discharged Service Men as motor drivers and mechanics, 1917-8.

CARTER, George Fearnley, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.San M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. (on Council), M.I.Water E., Civil Engr.; Borough Engr., Surveyor and Water Engr. of Croydon; b. 1869; s. of late Alderman J. F. Carter, of Leeds. Ed. Victoria (now Leeds) University. Training: Pupil under Thomas Hewson, M.Inst.C.E., City Engr., Leeds. Career. Chief Municipal Asst. in Leeds, 1898; Deputy Borough Engr. of Croydon, 1899; Borough Engr., 1903; has been engaged upon work of improved water supply, sewage disposal, Parliamentary plans for tramways and street improvements, and applications for Borough extensions. Address: Town Hall, Croydon.

CARTER, Sir George John, K.B.E., J.P., M.Inst.0.E., M.I.N.A. (Member of Council), M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council), M.Inst.Met., Man. Dir., Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Birkenhead; Dir. English Insurance Co., Ltd.; Mem. of Ctee., Lloyd's Register; Mem. of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board. Address: Brackenwood, Hr. Bebington, Cheshire. T. A.: " Rock Ferry 38; Dinbren Hall, Llangollen, North Wales." T. N.: Llangollen 56.

CARTER, Herbert Fuller, M.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer (Mining and Milling Machinery), Apartado 2554, Mexico, D.F. Repub. of Mexico. T. A.: " Grocart, Mexico." b. 1855, London; s. of Thomas Fuller Carter and 'Mary Ann Carter, née McKewan; m. (I) Caroline Bennett, 1882; (2 ) Myna F. Snow, 1897. Ed. Private school, Mechanic Institutes, lectures, etc. In shops of John Fowler and Co., Leeds, and drawing office. Draughtsman with Westwood, Bailey and Co., Poplar; Hayward Tyler and Co.; S. Owens and Co., London. Seven years with Rio Tinto Co. at Rio Tinto, Spain, as Chief Draughtsman and Assistant Mechanical Engineer, December, 1879, to November, '1886. Mechanical Engineer to United Mexican Mining Co. at Guanajuato, Mexico. Since 1893 in business in Mexico City, sale of mining machinery as Agent for Gates Iron Works, Chicago; with Babock and Wilcox Co. as Manager, April, I go , to September, 1903. Joined Albert Grothe in partnership, April 1,1907 (Grothe and Carter, Successors ). Grothe died August 19, 1914. Consulting Mechanical Engineer to San Rafael Mining Co., 1914-9. Vice-President of Society of Engineers, Guanajuato, Mexico, 1889-90; Member of Council of local (Mexico City) branch of American Institution of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Secretary of Central British Chamber of Commerce, Mexico City, June i st 1921.

CARTER, Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., F.Amer.I.E.E., Chief Engineer, J. H. Holmes and Co., Manufacturing Electrical Engineers, Newcastle-onTyne, Dene View, Heaton Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ed. George Watson's College, Edinburgh; HeriotWatt College, Edinburgh; and Koenigliche Technische Hochschule, Hanover. Indentured apprenticeship with J. H. Holmes and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Gained two Miller Prizes as Student, Institution of Civil Engineers, for papers read in Newcastle-on-Tyne. Chief Electrician, then Chief Designer, and now Chief Engineer with J. H. Holmes and Co. Vice-Chairman N.-E. Centre of The I.E.E. Publications: Monograph on "Balancers" ("The Electrician" ) and articles in technical journals.

CARTER, William Henry, R.C.N.C., Asst. Director of Warship Production, Admiralty (Chief Constructor); b. 1868. Ed. and Training: Royal Naval Eng. College, Keyham, and Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Address: 11, Palace Gate, W.B.

CARTLAND, John, Capt. (T.F.), M.C., M.Sc., M.Inst.Met., Manager, Fry's Metal Foundry, Manchester; b. 1890; s. of Frederick H. Cartland. Ed. and Training: Malvern College and University of Birmingham (M.Sc. and Bowen Scholarship). Research Work on " Gases in Cast Brass with their Effect on the Properties of the Metal "; Metallurgist, James Cartland and Sons, Ltd., Birmingham; Manager, Fry's Metal Foundry, Manchester. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy, London Engineers, Manchester; Conservative, Birmingham. Address: Corn Hey, Woodhouse Lane, Ashton-on-Mersey. T. A.: " Frymetalos, Manchester." T. N.: City 2026.

CARTMELL, John Monkhouse, A.M.I.Mech. E., M.I.E.S., M.C.I., 8, Gordon Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Fireproof, Glasgow." T. N.: 7444 Central. b. 1860. Ed. Carlisle Grammar School and Giggleswick Grammar School. Served apprenticeship with Cowans, /Sheldon and Co., Ltd., Carlisle. Draughtsman with R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie fee Co., Ltd. One year's service as sea-going engineer. Since 1888 in practice in Glasgow as Consulting Engineer and Engineering Agent. Now representing the Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., and the British Steel Piling Co., and J. Cortin, Ltd.

CARTWRIGHT, Joshua, M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., P. Pres. Inst.M. and Cy.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1835; an original Member and P. Pres. of the Inst.M.Cy.E. Ed. at the Old Quay Street Sch., Manchester, the pioneer of Owens College, now Victoria University, Manchester. Training: Asst. to Dukinfield Local Bd. Sur., i862; appointed Surveyor, 1864; First Engr. and Sur., Bury, 1877; in private practice since 1900; was Engr. to the Bury and District Joint Water Board; designed and constructed Clough Bottom Reservoir, Ogden Reservoir and Scout Moor High-level Reservoirs. Address: 21, Parsons Lane, Bury, Lancashire.

CARVER, Thomas A. B., D.Sc., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., St. Ellen Works, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast. T. A.: "Carver 1 1 b Malone, Belfast." 1. N.: 118 Malone, Belfast. b. 1869; elders. of James E. Carver. Ed. City of London School, Glasgow University, Thomson Experimental Scholar, B.Sc. (Eng. ), 1889, D.Sc., 1904. Private Assistant to Lord Kelvin, 1889-94; Assistant to Secretary, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1894-9; Managing Director, Carver Looms, Ltd., 1899-1916; now Chairman and Managing Director, Carver Textile Appliances, Ltd. Chief Works: Electrical control of the jacquard machine in figured weaving, and other applications of electrical working in textile machinery. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Conservative, Glasgow, Royal Northern Yacht Club, Royal Clyde Yacht Club. War Services.—Manufacture of 18-pdr. breech mechanism and howitzer parts, and Engineer on staff of Small Arms and Machine Guns Department, Ministry of Munitions, 1918-19.

CASE, Albert Havelock, M.Inst.C.E., Wh. Sc., Cons. Engr.; Engr. to H.M. Commissioners of Sewers for Essex Levels; b. 1857; s. of Henry Hervey Case. Ed. Taunton College and King's College Training: Stothert and Pitts, Bath, and Sir John Coode, K.C.M.G., Westminster. Miller Prizeman, Inst. C.E. Career: Four years' workshop training and two years' drawing office training in England and France; fourteen years on indoor and outdoor staff of Sir John Coode, during which he was Res. Engr. and carried out surveys for and supt. the construction of Foreshore Protection, Spurn Point, for B.O.T.; Foreshore Protection, Hastings; Estuarial Reclamation Works, Duddon, Cumberland; six years on the outdoor staff of Sir John Wolfe Barry, K.C.B., and Mr. Brunel, in charge of work on the Tyne and at Barry Dock; Res. Engr. for Meik and Foster Brown for the construction of the Port Talbot Docks and Railways.; subsequently Engr. to the Co.; entered the service of the Trinity House and constructed departmentally the Beachy Head Lighthouse; reported on Harbour Works at Montevideo; on Harbour Works at Nassau, Bahamas, and on shipping facilities at Villaricos, Mediterranean Coast of Spain; visited the Baltic Ports and reported to British and Russian Governments upon conditions of Cronstadt and Petrograd Harbours after the War. Paper in C.E. Inst. on " Beachy Head Lighthouse Construction." Club: Royal Societies. Address: Broad Sanctuary Chambers, Westminster. T. N.: Victoria 5541.

CASE, John, M.A. (Cantab), A.F.R.Ae.S., Technician to the Bristol Aeroplane Co.; b. 1888; s. of John Case, The Crescent, Croydon. Ed. Brighton College and Magdalene College, Cambridge. Training at Cambridge. Hons. degree, Mathematics and Eng. Career: 1910-15 and 1919-20—Teaching Eng. at Cambridge University; 1915-18—Royal Aircraft Establishment: Researches on the Structural Design of Aeroplanes and Stress Calculations for War Aeroplanes; 1918-19—Aircraft Production Dept. of M. of M.: further Researches in Aeroplane Structures, and Inspection of War Designs from structural point of view. Publ.: " Theory of D.C. Dynamos and Motors " (Cambridge: W. Heller )—a University Textbook; " Loads and Stresses in Aeroplanes "—an exhaustive series of Articles contributed to " Aeronautics," and shortly to be published in book form; " Synopsis of Theory of Heat and Heat Engines." Address: Filton, Bristol.

CASH, Henry James, A.M.I.E.E., Electric Lighting and Power Engineer, Caxton House S.W.I IF. N.: Vic. 4490. b. 1874. Ed. Technical College, Finsbury. Managing Director of H. J. Cash and Co., Ltd., Electrical and Heating Engineers and Contractors, 1903 to date. President, Electrical Contractors' Association and National Federated Electrical Association; also President, National Joint Industrial Council for Electrical Contracting Industry; Member of Council, Institution of Electrical Engineers and of the Illuminating Engineering Society. War Services —Lieutenant, ist Volunteer Battalion, The Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment.

CASSELS, Francis K., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, La Cumbre, Ottery St. Mary, Devon; b. 1859. Ed. Repton, King's College, London, and Brush Electric Light Works, Boston. U.S.A. Pioneer of electric industry in the Argentine Republic; between 1883 and 1900 erected supply stations in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario, Tucuman, 'Quilmes, Avellaneda and San Nicolas, which were taken over by River Plate Electricity Co., Rosario Electricity Co., German Oversea Electricity Co., Province of Buenos Aires Electricity Co., etc. In 1908 presented scheme to the Argentine Congress 13r utilization of Iguazo Falls, and transmission of power to Buenos Aires, 750 miles.

CASTER, George, B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Assistant to Chief Mechanical Engineer, Great Eastern Railway, Stratford; 2, Thirlmere Road, Muswell Hill, N. Ed. Peterborough and East London College, London University. Engineering Training received at Stratford Works, Great Eastern Railway. Assistant to Works Manager, Great Eastern Railway, Locomotive, 'Carriage and Wagon Department, Stratford. War Services.—Major, Inspector of Ordnance Machinery. Served in Technical Branch of Royal Army Ordnance Corps with Armies in France, Flan•ders and on the Rhine, 1915-9, on inspection of Artillery equipment, etc.

CASTLE, Frank, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Dudley House, Royal Parade, Eastbourne; b. 1856; s. of William Castle, Dewsbury; rya. 1893, Bessie Maude, d. of William Gendle. Ed. National 'Schools, Dewsbury, and Royal College of Science, S.W. Seven years' apprenticeship with Burman and Firth, Engineers and Tool Makers, Dewsbury; two years with Pickles and Smithson, Ravensthorpe and Germany; introduced several improvements in grinding machinery, etc. Assistant in the Mechanics and Mathematics Division, Royal College of Science, from 18831909; Examiner in Workshop Mathematics, Geo8 metry and Technical Drawing to London County Council; Lecturer in Mathematics, Machine and Building Construction at the Municipal Technical Institute, Eastbourne; Foreign Correspondent of the Eastern Association of Physics Teachers, U.S.A. Publications: " Elementary Practical Physics," `/ Practical Mathematics for Technical Students," " Practical Mathematics for Beginners," and Key, " A Manual of Practical Mathematics," " Workshop Mathematics," Parts I and II, " Practical Arithmetic and Mensuration," " Machine Construction and Drawing," " Manual of Machine Design," " Workshop Arithmetic," " Mathematical Tables, Four-figure and Five-figure Tables of Logarithms," etc.

CAUNTER, Lionel George, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Eversholt Lodge, New Barnet, Herts. T. A.: " Rapidolite, Ox, London." T. N.: Museum 28201-2. b. 1867; s. of George Searle Caunter of Dittisham, Devon; m. Gertrude, d. of F. W. Webb of Stratford-on-Avon. Ed. Cotton Hall, Staffs, and Finsbury Technical College. Pupil of F. Fardon of Fardon and Feeny, Mechanical and Civil Engineers. Defries and Sons, Telegraph and Electrical Works, London, 1883-8; Poole and White, Ltd., London, Manufacturing Electrical Engineers, 1888-93; Veritys, Ltd., London and Birmingham, Manufacturing Electrical Engineers, 1893-1900; Baxter and Caunter, Ltd., London, Manufacturing Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, from 19co to date, as Joint Managing Director; also Director, Newton's, Ltd., Taunton, from 1906. Chief Works: Government Electric Generating Station, South Kensington; Electric Lighting, Queen Victoria Memorial and Royal Processional Road from Buckingham Palace to Charing Cross. Clubs: Royal Automobile, and A.A. and M.U. War Services.—Carried out large contracts for submarine mines, aeroplane engine parts and accessories, machine gun parts, aerial bombs, mine removing devices for British Government; searchlights and generating sets for French, Russian, Serbian and Belgian Governments.

CAUSER, William George, M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1846; s. of Daniel Causer. Ed. Private Sch., Birmingham and Midland Inst. and Birmingham Sch. of Art. Medals and Certificates, First Class, and Honours in Science and Art Subjects. Training: App. at Nile Foundry, Birmingham; in Drawing Office of various Eng. Firms; afterwards Instructor in Machine Construction and Drawing at Birmingham Sch. of Art and Eng. Sciences at Birmingham and Midland Inst., etc., 1867-73; Manufacturing Engr., 1872-80; and for past 4o years in practice as Cons. Engr. Has designed and supervised construction of Heavy Hydraulic Chain and Anchor Testing Machines, Testing Machines for other purposes; Hydraulic Baling Presses and Pumps, Corrugating Machinery, Electric Cranes for Dock and Harbour Work, Gold Washing Machinery, New Eng. Works, Foundry, etc.; Improvements in Manufacturing Process, etc. 14, Booth Street, Handsworth, Birmingham. T. A.: " Causer, Booth Street, Handsworth, Birmingham."

CAUTLEY, Arthur Oldfield, A.C.G.I., M.Inst.M.M., M.Amer.I.Min.E., Cons. Engr.. to the United Baltic Corporation and The Metal and Chemical Bank, and Director of Companies; b. 1875; s. of Rev. R. H. Cautley. Ed. Ipswich and St. Paul's, London. Training: Central Tech. College, London, 52-1 and Royal Sch. of Mines, London. Distinction: 1st Class Certificate, R.S.M. Career: Mine Management in Western Australia and West Af. (A.krokeni ); reporting on Mines in many parts of the world for 12 years. Clubs: Min. and Metallurgical, London Wall. Address: 70, Lombard Street, London, E.C.

CAVE-BROWNE-CAVE, Thomas Reginald, Wing-Commander R.A.F., C.B.E., F.R.Ae.S A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.N.A., Deputy Director of Research (Airships ), Air Ministry; b. 1885; s. of Sir Thomas Cave-Browne-Cave, Kt., C.B. Ed. Dulwich and R.N. Coils. Training: In Royal Navy and Greenwich (long course.) Career: Engr.-Officer, R.N.; transferred to Naval Wing, 1913; Airship Pilot, 1913; in charge of non-rigid airship design and construction at Farnborough, 1914, and Kingsneath 1915-18; since then in charge of Airship Research, Air Ministry. Various papers on Airship Eng. subjects to Royal Aeronautical Soc., British Assoc., etc. Clubs: Royal Air Force and Junior Army and Navy. Address: 43, Tierney Road, S.W.2. T. N.: Streatham 1276.

CAWLEY, George, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.and S M.C.I., Cons. Engr. (mainly Railway. Work); b. 1848. Practical training in Lancashire; successful Student in Sc. and Art Department Exams.; one of the original Staff of Imperial College of Eng., Tokyo, Japan, 1873; in 1878 visited leading min. centres in United States and Canada; 1886-93, was Editor-in-Chief of " Industries "; in 1893, general con. practice in Westminster; has acted as Cons. Engr. to the Imperial Japanese Railways. for zo years; invented an Elec. (self-generating) Locomotive and an " ElectricHorse " Haulage System for Canals. Clubs: Savage and National Liberal. Address: 82, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: "Conferring." T.N.: 26 Victoria.

CAZALET, Lewis Percy, M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Engr. (Min.); b. 1872. Ed. Highgate Sch., London, and Camborne Sch. of Mines, Cornwall. Distinctions: Silver Medals C.G.L.I. (Raising and Preparation of Ores ), and Min. Assoc. and Inst. of Cornwall, 1892. Career: Min. on the Witwatersrand, S. Af.; Surveyor, Durban Roodepoort, Vagelstrines Estate and Nourse Deep, Ltd.; Cyainde Manager, Van Ryn Estate, Manager; Nourse Deep, Ltd., and Nourse Mines, Ltd.; Cons. Engr. to mines controlled by Rand Mines, Ltd., and Central Min. and Investment Corporation; P. Pres., Mine Mangrs. Assocn., Transvaal; First Pres., Associated Scientific and Tech. Socs., S. Af.; Mem. S. Af. Inst Engrs.; Mem. Chemical, Metallurgical and Min. Soc., S. Af. Clubs: Rand United Party, Johannesburg. Address: Matopo Ledge, White River, N.E. Transvaal. T. A.: " c/o Meglonard, Nelspruit."

CELLIER, Jacobus Stephanus, Prof. of Min. and Surveying, S. Af. Sch. of Mines and Technology; b. 1878. Ed. S. Af. College and S. Af. Sch. of Mines. Address: S. Af. Sch. of Mines, Johannesburg.

CHALLEN, Stephen W., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Derwent Engineering Works (Registered Offices), 62, Constitution Hill, Birmingham. T. A.: "Derwent, Birmingham." T. N.: 376 (2 lines). b. 1842; father and ancestors for many generations farmers in West Sussex; m. 1865 (one s. now Managing Director of Taylor and Challen, Ltd.; three d.). Nearly seven years' premium apprenticeship, ended1863, with J. Taylor, Broad Street Foundry and DerwentWorks, Birmingham; attended Midland Institute Classes for Drawing and Mechanics. Connected with his firm (Taylor and Challen, Ltd.) over sixty-four years. Until 1874 as Draughtsman, Designer and Chief Assistant. From 1875 Senior Director, General Manager and large shareholder. Has initiated and superintended the extensive additions to building and equipment made from time to time to the works of his firm. Four years Councillor and Guardian on the Solihull District Board. Publications: For private circulation only, " The Beginning of Dement Works." War Services.—Superintended for his firm the construction of a large quantity of machinery for the production of cartridges for small arms, quick-firing guns, etc.

CHALMERS, Thomas Wightman, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, c/o The Engineer, 33, Norfolk Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Ed. Glasgow University and North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Assistant Editor since July, 1909, of " The Engineer." Publications: " The Production and Treatment of Vegetable Oils " (Constable), " Paper Making and its Machinery " (Constable ), " The Gyroscopic Compass: A NonMathematical Treatment " (Constable ). Editor " Ministry of Munitions Journal," 1916-8.

CHAMBERS, Edward John, J.P. (Staffordshire), F.I.D., M.I.Mech.E., Mech. Engr.; Chairman, H. and T. Danks (Netherton ), Ltd.; Director, Bullers, Ltd. (formerly Man. Dir.); b. 1844; s. of Edward Chambers, Sproughton, near Ipswich, Suffolk. Ed. Saham College, Norfolk. Training: R. Smith's, Swaff ham, Norfolk; Riches and Watts, Norwich. Career: App. R. Smith, Agricultural Engr., Swaff ham, and Riches and Watts, Engrs. and Millwrights; Asst. to Joseph Beckton, Civil and Mech. Eng.; Civil and Mech. Eng. in London; Manager for Robert Jobson, Dudley, Ironfounder and Insulator Manufacturer; on Staff of Ransomes, Sims and Head; Manager, Barford and Perkins, Peterborough; Manager, Jobson Brothers, Dudley; afterwards Man. Dir.; Director of Bullers, Ltd., London, Hanley, Milton and Tipton; Robert Jobson became Jobson Brothers, and amalgamated with Buller and Co., as Bullers, Ltd.; has been with this Co. about 38 years. Address: The Lodge, Wolverley, Worcestershire. T. A.: " Chambers, The Lodge, Wolverley (Worcs. )." T. N. 25 Wolverley (Worcs. ).

CHAMBERS, J. E., Member of Council I.Min.E., Member of Council Midland Inst. of Min., Civil and Mech. Engrs., "Penryn," 48, Riversdale Road, Sheffield.

CHAMBERS, William Henry, Man. Dir. Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries, Ltd.; P. Pres. Midland Inst. of Min. Civil and Mech. Engrs. Address: The Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries, Denaby Ltd.; Main, near Rotherham. T. A.: " Dencade, Doncaster." T. N.: 8o Mexborough.

CHAMEN, William Ashcombe, M.I.E.E., (Vice-Pres.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S.S., Cons. Elec. Engr.; Engr. and Gen. Manager of South Wales Electric Power Distribution Co.; Member of. Incorporated Assoc. of Electric Power Companies. Address: Royal Chambers, Queen Street, Cardiff.

CHANDLER, L., Man. Dir. of Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co., Ltd.; Director >4 of Metropolitan-Vickers Elec. Co., Ltd.; British Electric Car Co., Ltd.; Buxton, Derbyshire.

CHAPMAN, Fitzroy Tozer, D.Sc. (Loud.), B.Sc. (Lond; ), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., H.M. Inspector of Schools, Board of Education (Tech. Branch); b. 188o; Ed. Leeds University. Training: Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., Leeds. Distinction: Bayliss Prize, Inst. C.E. Career: Elec. Designer with Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., Leeds; Senior Lecturer and Head of Testing Dept., Faraday House Elec. Eng. College Address: 6, Egerton Gardens, Hendon, N.W.4. T. N.: Kingsbury 218.

CHAPMAN, Harry, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Chairman of Chapman and Stephenson, Ltd., Sheffield. Rhycroft Villas, Meersbrook Road, Heeley, Sheffield.

CHAPMAN, Herbert Turlay, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.T., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., County Surveyor and Engineer of Kent, St. Peter Street, Maidstone. T. A.: " County Surveyor, Maidstone." T. N.: Maidstone 187. b. 1869. Ed. Bradford Grammar School. Articled pupil with Smith and Gotthardt, Estate Agents and Surveyors, Bradford; Assistant, J. F. Walsh, Architect, Halifax; Assistant to County Surveyor of West Sussex, 1892-5; County District Surveyor, Derbyshire, 1895-8; County District Surveyor and Assistant County Surveyor, Lancashire, 1898-1908; County Surveyor and Engineer of Somerset, 1908-14; County Surveyor and Engineer of Kent, 1914. Chief Works: Construction, improvement, repair and maintenance of roads and bridges in five counties. Papers on above for meetings of Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Club: Royal Automobile. War Services.—Kent R.A.S.C., M.T. (V.) as Lieutenant.

CHAPMAN, Robert William, M.A., B.C.E., M.Aust.I.E., F.R.A.S., Prof. of Eng., Adelaide University, S. Australia; b. 1866; s. of Charles Chapman. Ed. Wesley College, Melbourne. Training: Melbourne University. 1st Class Hons., Maths. and Physics. Career: Lecturer, Adelaide University since 1889; Proft. 1907; Member of first Council of Inst. of Engrs., Australia; Pres. Eng. Section of Australasian Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, Brisbane; Pres. Australasian Inst. of Min. and Metallurgy and S. Australian Inst. of Surveyors; Author of numerous papers on " Strength of Australian Timbers, etc.; and " Astronomy for Surveyors " (Chas. Griffin and Co. ). Address: High Street, Burnside, South Australia.

CHAPMAN, Samuel Christopher, M.Inst.0.E., M.I.Water E., Waterworks Engineer, Torquay, Town Hall, Torquay. T. A.: " Water Engineer, Torquay." T. N.: 81. Articled to Geo. D. Bellamy, M.Inst.C.E., Water Engineer, Plymouth. Assistant to Edward Sandeman, Water Engineer, Plymouth, 1891-9; Assistant to late Jas. Mansagh, r F.R.S., 1899-1900; Engineer to Jersey New Water Works Co., Ltd., St. Helier's, Jersey, 1900-3; Engineer to Torquay Corporation Water Works, 1903 to date.

CHARLETON, Arthur George, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., M.Amer.Inst.M.M., M.Min.E Min. Engr. and Metallurgist, Publ. Dept., The Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau; b. January 6, 1858; s. of Geo. Philip Charleton, The Vale, St. Heliers, Jersey. Ed. Victoria College, Jersey. Training: Royal Sch..of Mines, London; and Freiberg Bergakademie, Saxony. P. Pres., The Inst. of Min. and Metallurgy, 1902-3; Silver Medal Royal Soc. of Arts, 1895, for Papers on Nickel; Prizes, N. of Eng. Inst. and Federated Inst. of Min. Engrs. for papers on Coarse and Fine Crushing Machinery and Processes of Ore Treatment, 1893. Asst. Supt. Deloro Gold Mine, Ontario, Canada, 1882; Asst. Supt., Goodwin Con. and Morning Star Mines, Battle Mount, Nevada, U.S.A., 1883., and Draughtsman with Beckett and McDowell, New York; reporting on Wynaad Goldfields, and Mysore, 1884; Supt. and Gen. Manager, The Disraeli Gold Mine, N. Queensland (Designed and Erected Plant ), and Gen. Manager, The New Queen G.M. Co., Charters Towers, Queensland 1885-89; representing R. J. and Wm. Fricheville, and reporting on Antimony-gold Mines and Smelting Works in Bohemia on their behalf, 1890; inspecting, reporting and managing mines of The New Pierrefitte Ce., Hautes-Pyrenees, France 189193; Cons. Min. Engr. in London; inspecting mines of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Manganese, Antimony, Tin, Nickel, Cobalt. etc., in different parts of the World, including Western Australia, New Caledonia, Spain, Brazil, etc., 1895-1911; making a speciality of the design of plant, amongst others, that of the South Crofty Mine, Cornwall, 1904; visited Canada " International Geol. Congress," 1913; District Accountant, St. Helens, Lanc., and Headquarters London Ministry of Munitions (Finance Dept. ), 1917-19. Publ.: "Notes on Tin Min. and Dressing in Saxony and Bohemia; " Charleton's Report Book for Mining Engineers, 2nd Ed.; " Gold Mining or Milling in Western Australia "; numerous Papers, Trans. of Eng. Socs., and Articles on Tech. and Economic Subjects contributed to the Press connected with Efficiency, Engineering, etc. Address: 5, Avonmore Road, West Kensington, W.14. T. A.: " Ingressio, Wes. Kens., London."

CHARLTON, Thomas Robson, M.Mech.E. , Man. Dir., Standard Match Co., Ltd., Gloucester; b. 1875; s. of John Charlton. Ed. Morpeth Grammar Sch. Training: Rutherford College, Newcastleon-Tyne. Remodelled the Works and Plant of the Cleveland Bridge and Eng. Co., Ltd., Darlington; remodelled Works of S. J. Moreland and Sons, Ltd., Gloucester; engaged on the Erection and Equipment of a new factory for the Standard Match Co., Ltd., of which he is the Man. Dir. T. A.: " Matchstand, Gloucester." T. N.: 1 69 and 1070.

CHARLTON, W. J., Senior Government Inspector of Mines; Member of Council, Midland Inst. -of Min. Civil and Mech. Engrs. Address: 2,5; Cardigan Road, Leeds.

CHARNOCK, George Frederick, M.I.Mech.E., Prof. of Eng.; b. 1860. Ed. St. George's, Leeds; Private; Leeds Sch. of Sc.; Yorkshire College Pupil of Hy. P. Holt, M.Inst.C.E.; Asst. to late P. Thursby, M.Inst.C.E.; in Res. Engr.'s Office, West Lancashire Railway., under Sir Charles Fox and Sons, 1883; conducted Classes at Leeds Sch. of Sc., 1885-89; Head of Dept. of Eng., Bradford Tech. College, 1890; Prof. of Eng., 1903. Address: 30, Pemberton Drive, Bradford.

CHATER, Cecil William, Capt. I.A.R.O., 10th Lancers, Associnst.M.M M.I. Min.E., Member of firm, Boyer-Bower and Chater; Director of the Eng. Agency, Ltd.; b. 1875; s. of J. S. Chater. Ed. Private Sch., and in Switzerland.Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines, and Brooke and Co., Eng.. Works. 1st Class Diploma of above Sch. of Mines; Transvaal Mine Managers' Cert. (1st Class ). Pupil in Eng. Works; subsequently Surveyor and Manager, Akoko Gold Mines, G. Coast; Head of Assaying, Surveying and Sampling Dept., Globe and Phcenix, Rhodesia; Engr. to Min. Plants Co.; Cyanide Manager, New Unified; Asst. Underground Manager, Village Deep; Gen. Manager, Mount Pima Min. Co.; reporting on Tin and Wolfram Concessions, Lower Burma; Supt. Engr., Tavoy Concessions, Tenasserim Concessions, and Hermyingyi Min. Co.; reporting on Bawnin Copper Mines; Gen. Manager, Naraguta Extended (Nigeria) Tin Mines; Joint Gen. Manager, Tavoy Concessions, Tenasserim Concessions, and Hermyingyi Mining Co.; prospecting Jade and Gold, Upper Burma; I920-2I—Partner, Bowyer-Bower and Chater, Civil and Min. Engrs. Clubs: Junior Carlton, Sports. Address: c /o Bowyer-Bower and Chater, 68, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.'. T. A.: "Drillistic, Sowest, London." T. N. Victoria 9438.

CHATHAM, Hon. William, C.M.G. 1907, M.Inst.C.E., Director of Public Works, Hong Kong, since 1901. Ed. Royal High Sch. and University, Edinburgh. Executive Engr., Public Works Dept., Hong-Kong, 1890; Member of Executive Legislative Councils. Address: The Peak, HongKong

CHATLEY, Herbert, D.Sc.(Eng.),Lond., M.Inst.C.E.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.Inst.P., A.F.R.Ae.S., F.P.S., Senior Asst., Whangpoo Conservancy, Shanghai; b. 1885; s. -of Herbert Chatley, Adelphi, London. Ed. Cambridge House Grammar Sch., North London. Training: Northern Polytechnic Inst., North London. °Distinctions: L.C.C. Exhibitioner; C. and Guilds Inst. Prizeman; Bessemer Prizeman (twice), Soc. of Engrs.; Tufnell Prizeman, Northern Poly.; Hons. in Applied Mechanics and Bdg. Construction, Bd. of Education; Qualified as P.A.S.I. Training: With Arthur Tighe, C.E., P.A.S.I., London; Junior in Borough Engr.'s Dept., Fulham Borough Council; Lecturer in Civil Eng., Portsmouth Municipal College; Prof. of Civil Eng., Tang Shan Eng. College (Chinese Govt.); organized Dept., installed Mech. Laboratories, erected New Bdgs., etc; District Eng., Ninking-Hunan Railway. (Chinese Govt. and British and Chinese Corporation ); Preliminary Survey 2,000 miles, Location 200 miles; Asst. Engr., Whangpoo Conservancy; research on Tides, Currents and Silt; designs for Shanghai New Harbour Works; dredging and reclamation; acted for several long periods as Acting Chief during Chief's absence in Europe, etc. Pub/.: " Problem of Flight," " Stresses in Masonry," " Force of Wind," " Gyrostatic Balancing," " Pioneer Railway Engineering," " Use of Water Power," very numerous papers. Club: Shanghai. Address: c /o Whangpoo Conservancy, 6, Kiukiang Road, Shanghai. T. A.: " Chatley, Consboard, Shanghai." T. N.: Central 2272, Shanghai.

CHATTERTON, Sir Alfred, C.I.E., F.C.G.I., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Bangalore, South India. T. A.: "Sandal, Bangalore." b. 1866; s. of J. H. Chatterton,; m. Alice Gertrude, d. of W. H. Wilson. Ed. Finsbury Technical College, 1883-4; Central Technical College, South Kensington, 1885-7; Locomotive Works, L. and S.W. Railway, Nine Elms, 1887-8. Professor of Engineering College of Engineering, Madras, 1888-190o; Public Works Department, Madras, 1892-4; Director of Industrial and Technical Inquiries, Madras, 1906-8; Director of Industries, Madras, 1908; Director of Industries and Commerce, Mysore, 1913-16; Member of the Indian Industrial Commission, 1916-18; Director of Sandal Wood Oil Factories and Industrial Adviser to the Mysore State, 1918; Industrial Adviser to the Tala Industrial Bank, Bombay, 1919. Publications: " Agricultural and Industrial Problems in India "; " Lift Irrigation "; " Industrial Evolution in India." Clubs: E.I.U.S. and Yacht Bombay, Madras. War Services.—Controller of Priority, Indian Munitions Board, 1917.

CHATTOCK, Richard Alexander, M.I.E.E.,* Electrical Engineer, 14, Dale End, Birmingham. T. A.: "Dynamo, Birmingham." T. N.: Central 2 501, Birmingham. b. 1865. Ed. University College School, and University College, London; full Engineering Course under Professor Kennedy; Senior Gilchrist Engineering Scholarship, 1884-5; Physics and Electricity University College Laboratory, 1886; Matriculation London University first division. Apprenticeship in General and Engineering Shops of John Stewart and Son, Blackwall, London, until 1889. Assistant Engineer, Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., 1889-92; Superintendent Engineer, Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., Amberley Road Station, Paddington, 1892-4; Chief Electrical Engineer, Vestry of St. John, Hampstead, London, 1894-5; Superintendent Engineer, Bankside Station, City of London Electric Lighting Co., 1895-190o; Chief Electrical Engineer, Bradford Corporation, 1900-3; City Electrical Engineer, Birmingham Corporation, September, 1903, to date. Past President, Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association; Past VicePresident, Institution of Electrical Engineers; Past Chairman, Electric Vehicle Committee; Past Chairman, Birmingham Local. Section of Institution of Electrical Engineers; Past President Birmingham• Association of Mechanical Engineers. Chief Works Design and equipment of Valley Road (No. 3) Corporation Electric Generating Station, Bradford; Summer Lane Generating Station, Birmingham (capacity, 36,000 k.w.); Nechells (temporary) Generating Station, Birmingham (capacity, 22,000 k.w.); Nechells Permanent Generating Station, Birmingham, now in course of erection (present capacity, 30,00o k.w.; ultimate capacity, 105,000 k.w. ). War Services.—During the war the Electric Supply Department of the Birmingham Corporation was utilized to its fullest extent for the supply of electrical power to the manufacturers in the city engaged upon the production of war material. The demand upon the undertaking increased from 37,000 k.w. to• 63,000 k.w., and large extensions of plant and mains were required to meet this, the installation of which had to be pressed forward with the utmost speed. During the war the output of the Department increased from 73,000,000 to 16o,000,000 units per annum.

CHAUVIN, George, Man. Dir., Siemens Brothers. Dynamo Works, Ltd.; Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd. Address: Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.I.

CHEEKE, Wm. Alexander, Major, late R.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., Cons. Engr.; h. 1873; s. of late George A. Cheeke. Ed. Cheltenham College, and, R6 Royal Indian Eng. College, Coopers Hill. Training: Handysides, Derby. Mullins Medal, Inst. C.E. (Ireland ). Cons. and. Hydraulic Engr. and Barristerat-law; Mentioned in British and Serbian Dispatches and received Serbian Order of White Eagle. Publ.: " Tacheometry in Theory and Practice." Clubs: Sackville Street, Dublin; Royal Irish Automobile. Address: 28, Molesworth Street, Dublin. T. N.: 3322 Dublin.

CHEESEWRIGHT, William Frederick, Colonel R.E.(T.F.), D.S.O., T.D., M.1. and S.1., Bessemer House, Adelphi, Strand, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Zacatecas, Estrand, London." T. N.: 6611 Gerrard. b. 1870; s. of the late F. H. Cheesewright, M.Inst.C.E; in. Gertrude Blake Triggs, d. of the late Edward Triggs. Ed. Private. Articled to late F. H. Cheesewright, M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer. On railway survey and exploration work in Western Australia; for many years engaged in publication of technical journals, " Iron and Coal Trades Review," etc.; Director of Eagland and Co., Ltd.; late C.R.E. Home Counties Divisional Royal Engineers; taken active part in Volunteers and Territorial Force since 1896. Club: Constitutional. War Services.—On active service in France from 1915-19; mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's dispatches; awarded D.S.O.; promoted Colonel, October, 1919.

CHILDE, H. S., Min. Engr., Westgate, Wakefield.

CHILDS, Harold Borlase Triscott, A.M.I. E.E., A.F.R.A.S., Chief of Aircraft Dept., Marconi Co.; b. 1884; s..of J. F. Childs, The Old Barbican, Looe, Cornwall. Ed. King's Sch., Canterbury; France, and London University. Training: Central Tech. College, Exhibition Road, S. Kensington. Career: Entered Marconi Co. as Engr. in 1905; served in Russia, Canada, Spain and Egypt; erected Carnarvon Transatlantic Wireless Station, 1913-14; received Commission in R.F.C., August, 1915; Capt., June, 1916; Major, August, 1917; Lt.-Col., December, 1917; commanded Wireless Experimental Establishment R.A.F., August, 1917 to April, 1918; in charge all Wireless in France R.A.F., April, 1918, to April, 1919; twice mentioned in Dispatches; 1914-15 Star, General Service and Victory Medals. (*lub: R.A.C. Address: Holdenhurst, Oatlands Avenue, Weybridge. T. N.: 479 Weybridge.

CHILTON, Frederick Ernest, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 13, Walbrook, E.C.4. T. N.: 5608 City. London Manager, Royce, Ltd., Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Trafford Park, Manchester. Ed. at St. John's and Grosvenor Technical Schools, Chester. Apprenticed in 1898 at Chester; afterwards employed by British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Manchester, from 1902-4; joined contract staff of Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Edinburgh, in 1904, and engaged upon the Electrification of Coal Mines, Shale Mines, Oilworks and Slate Quarries. Later appointed Supervising Engineer in Manchester on account of extensive contracts, including Converting Machinery for the requirements of the Manchester Corporation Electricity Department. After a short period spent in South America, viz., from 1908 to 1909, joined Royce, Ltd., in the latter year as Manchester District Representative. War Services.—Supervising installation and operation of electrical plant in Government arsenals, dockyards and munition factories. Joined London Engineer Volunteer Training Corps, and later the Inns of Court Officers' Training Corps, but exempted from Military Service on account of occupation.

CHISHOLM, John, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Eng. and Manager, Airdrie, Coatbridge and District Water Trust, Water Trust Bdgs, Airdrie.

CHIVERS, Francis Eric, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, c/o Baldwins, Ltd., Elba Steel Works, Gowerton, Glamorganshire. T. A.: "Elba,. Gowerton." T. N.: 7 Gorseinon. b. 1882. Ed. Dastone College, Staffordshire, 1893-9. Apprenticed to Richard Nevill and Co., Ltd., Llanelly, 190o-3, and J. M. Stevenson, then of Cardiff, now of Birmingham, Consulting Engineer, 1903-4. Draughtsman at Baldwins, Ltd., Landore, 1905-9; draughtsman at The Groudal Kjellin Co., Ltd., Abchurch Lane, E.C., 1909-II; draughtsman at Sutcliff, Speakman and Co., Ltd., Leigh, Lancashire, 1911-4; Assistant Engineer at Baldwins, Ltd., Landore, 1915; Engineer at Baldwins, Ltd., Gowerton, 1916 to date.

CHRISTIE, Gilbert, M.I.WaterE., F.R.Met.S. , Civil and Mech. Engr.; Engr. and Manager, Irvine and District Water Bd.; s. of William Christie. Ed. Chalmers's Academy, Paisley. Training: T. White and Sons, Engineers, Paisley, and Paisley Corporation Water Engr.'s Office. 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate. Career: Mar. experience for 7 years; Asst. and Supt., Paisley Water Works, 13 years; and 14 years Engr. and Manager, Irvine and District Water Bd.; designed and constructed Slow Sand Filter Beds and Mechanical Filter Plants, Water Reservoirs, etc. Address: Irvine and District Water Bd., Central Office, Kilwinning. T. A.: "Water Board, Kilwinning." T. N.: 14 Kiling.

CHRISTIE, John Cathcart, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 9, Alexandra Place, Arbroath. T. N.: 186. Ed. Glasgow Technical College, Finsbury Technical College, and with Douglas Fraser and Sons, Ltd., Sir Wm. Arrol and Co., Ltd., and Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd. Engineer-in-Charge, Glasgow Corporation Electrical Department, Port Dundas Power Station; Engineer and Manager, Arbroath Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd.; erecting and afterwards running above Power Station.

CHRISTIE, John Denham, V.D., M.I.N.A., Knight of the Swedish Order of Wasa, Naval Arch.; Man. Dir. of the Neptune Works, Newcastleon-Tyne, of Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd.; s. of Charles John Denham Christie. Address: 12, Northumberland Terrace, Tynemouth. T. A.: " Christie, Tynemouth." T. N.: 7 Tynemouth.

CHRISTIE, John Murray, M.I.Mech.E., Manager, Linde British Refrigeration Co., 138, Raffiaghatta Road, Calcutta, India.

CHRISTMAS, Edwin B., M.I. and S.I., Mech.E., M.J.Inst.E., M.Soc. Glass Technology, Man. Dir., Christmas, Hulbert and Walters, Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W.I; b. 1874. Career: Gas Producer Expert; Steelworks Cons. Engr.

CHURCHWARD, Geo. J., C.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Mech. Engr., G.W. Railway., Swindon.

CHURTON, Thomas Harding, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Atlas Works, Water Lane, Leeds. T. A.: "Magnet, Leeds." T. N.: 24291. b. 1866; s. of Thos. Churton, M.D.; in. in 1898, Ethel B. Nicholson of Middleton Hall, Leeds. Ed. Privately and in the Yorkshire College of the Victoria University. Established the electrical engineering business of " T. Harding Churton and Co., Ltd.," manufacturers of electrical machinery (especially alternating current induction motors) of which firm he is Chairman and Governing Director. Chairman of the Yorkshire local section, Institution of Electrical Engineers, and Member of the Council, 1910-13; Fellow of the Physical Society of London, 1911. Vicar's Warden, Chapel Allerton; Chairman, War Savings Assoc.; V.-Chairman of Ctee. and Organizer of Leeds Saturday Orchestral Concerts, etc. Publ.: " Notes on Alternating Current and Induction Motors," 1910-12; addresses as Chairman, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1910-1 1; and numerous contributions. Club: Leeds, etc. War Services.—Motor volunteer, engaged on manufacture of munitions, under control of Ministry of Munitions. As Director of Middleton Estate and Colliery Co., Ltd., had control of extensive manufacture of material for explosives, production of coke, etc.

CLAREMONT, Ernest, Electrical Engineer, Dunham, Cheshire. T. A.: " Forest, Altrincham." T. N.: 623 Altrincham. b. 1863. Chairman, RollsRoyce, Ltd., having been closely associated with F. H. Royce for some 35 years, first as partner, and after as co-director; Chairman of W. T. Glover and Co., Ltd., Cable Manufacturers, Trafford Park, Manchester; Chairman and Consulting Managing Director of Royce, Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester; Director of Ashover Mines, Ltd., Ashover, Derbyshire.

CLARK, A. H., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.C.G.I., F.S.S., Civil Engineer (harbour work), Sunningdale, Molesey, Surrey. T. N.: Molesey 91. b. 1880. Ed. at the Imperial College of Science, and as pupil to the late Sir James Inglis (Past President, Inst.C.E. ). On railway construction and maintenance for the G.W. Railway; on the construction of Fishguard harbour works; as Resident Engineer for the construction of the Royal Naval Cordite Factory. War Services.—In the Royal Engineers.

CLARK, Edward J., Man. Dir. and Engr. of Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd; Director of Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd. Address: " Cla-Jen," Whipps Cross Road, Leytonstone, London, N.E.

CLARK, Edwird Vincent, B.Sc. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, The University, Adelaide; b. 1876. Ed. Prince Alfred College, Adelaide; The University, Adelaide; University College, London; Siemens Brothers and Co., Woolwich. Assistant Engineer with Bramwell and Harris, Consulting Engineers, London; Station Superintendent, Municipal Tramways Trust, Adelaide; Lecturer on Electrical Engineering, University of Adelaide, 1910-5 and 1920. Forrest Medallist and Miller Scholar, Institute of Civil Engineers, 1902. Secretary, South American Advisory Committee of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1909-15. War Services.—Lieutenant, i5th Field Company, Engineers, Australian Imperial Force, 1916-9; Honorary Captain, Australian Imperial Force Education Service, 1919.

CLARK, Edwin Kitson Lt.-Col., T.D., M.A., F.S.A M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Pres. I. Loco.E., Member of Council I.Mech.E., Pres. Yorkshire Branch I.Mech.E., Pres. Yorkshire Students' Assoc. Inst.C.E., 1907-8, Pres. Leeds Phil. and Lit. Soc., 1906-9, Man. Dir, of Kitson and Co., Ltd., Airedale Foundry, Leeds; b. 1866; s. of the late Dr. E. C. Clark, Regius Prof. of Civil Law at Cambridge University. Ed: Sutton Valence; Shrewsbury; and Trinity College, Cambridge. Exhibitioner Trinity College, 1885; Major Sch., 1887; 1st Class Classical Tripos, 1888; M.A., Cantab. Training: App. to Kitson and Co.; Works Manager, 1890; Partner, 1897; on formation of Ltd. Co. in 1890 became Director; Man. Dir., 1911. Military Service Raised O.T.C., Leeds University, 1909 -; O.C. 8th West Yorks, 1913-15; O.C. 49th West Riding Base Depot in France, 1915-18; T.D., 1911. Papers in Journal of Soc. of Antiquaries, etc.; in Eng. Journals; " History of Harfleur." Clubs: New Universities; St. Stephen's, Westminster; Leeds. Address: Meanwoodside, Leeds. T. A.: " c/o Airedale, Leeds." T. N.: Home-200 Headingley, Leeds; Business-2o965 Leeds.

CLARK, Frank William, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr. of the Richmond and Dennis Furnace Construction Cos.; b. 1881; s. of Francis Clark. Ed. Southend, Essex. Training: Tech. College, Southend; and City and Guilds, London. Hons. Gas Eng. Has designed and erected Gas-making Plant; also Furnace Plants for Eng.; Steel, Non-ferrous and Glass Industries in this country, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Austria, Belgium, etc.; has also erected complete factories for heavy Eng. Work, etc. Clubs: Academy, Warrington. Address: Fieldhead, Lymm, Cheshire. T. A.: " c /o Gastoves, Warrington." T. N.: 412 Warrington.

CLARK, Franklin, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engr. in Chief's Department, Admiralty; b. 1873; s. of W. Falconer Clark. Ed. Charterhouse. Training: King's College, London. Career: Engaged on large Civil Eng. Works of all descriptions at various Royal Dockyards and Naval Establishments; also at a number of Aerodromes and Airship Stations now transferred to the Air Ministry. Address: H. M. Dockyard, Chatham.

CLARK, George, J.P., M.I.Mech.E., A.E., Man. Dir., The Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd., Chesterfield; Man. Dir. of Smith Brothers and Co. (Hyson), Ltd., Nottingham; Director of The Eastwood Eng. Co., Ltd., Long Eaton; Director of British Furnaces, Ltd.; Aldernlan of the Borough of Chesterfield; Mem. of the Derbyshire C.C.; Chairman-Elect of the Soc. of British Gas Industries, 1921-2; Chairman of the Chesterfield Corporation Gas Committee. Address: The Cedars, Chesterfield. T. N.: Chesterfield 386.

CLARK, George E., M.N. A., of Workman, Clark and Co., Belfast.

CLARK, George Muirhead, M.A., M.Inst.C.E. (Member of the Council), 15, Meischke's Bdg., corner Harrison and Market Streets, Johannesburg.

CLARK, Henry, M.Inst.Met., Man. Dir., George Clark, Ltd., Southwick Engine Works, Sunderland.

CLARK, Herbert Ade, M.I.Mech.E., A.R. C.Sc., Wh.Sc., Head of Eng. Dept., Municipal Tech. Inst., Coventry, since 1920; b. 1867; s. of Henry Clark, of Derby. Training: Crewe Mechanics' Inst.; Owens College, Manchester; Royal College of Sc., London; and Central Tech. College, London. Ramsbottom Sch.; National Sch.; Wh. Sch.; and 1st Class A.R.C.Sc., Lond. App. to Eng. Work, L. and N.W. Railway. Co., Crewe; Tech. Teaching SouthWestern Polytechnic, Lond., Yorkshire College, Leeds, and Northern Polytechnic, Lond.; Chief Inspector of Aeroplane Parts during War to Ransome, Sims and Jefferies, Ipswich; Chief of Laboratory, Testing House and Inspection Departments, Ransome, Sims and .Jefferies. Paper on Diesel Engines to I.Mech.Eng., Leeds, 1903. Address: " The Rosery," Lythalls Lane, Coventry.

CLARK, Hugh Cook, M.B.E.1 M;Medi.E., Chief Mech. Engr., H.M. Mint, Calcutta.

CLARK, William Dores, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. Loco.E., Chief Locomotive Carr. and Wag. Supt., .b. 1876. Training: Glasgow Tech. College App. Sharp Stewart and Co., Atlas Works, Glasgow (North British Locomotive Co.). Address: Caminho de Ferro de Benguella, Lobito, Portuguese W. Af.

CLARK, William Frederick, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Min.E. (Vice-Pres.), M.Inst., C.E., Man. Dir., James Archdale and Co., Birmingham.

CLARKE, Ashford Vincent, Assoc.M.Inst. ,C.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Consulting Engineer, 76, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: Incombust, Sowest." T. N.: 6374 Victoria. b. 1883. Pupil with Davey Paxman and Co., Standard Iron Works, Colchester. Chief Engineer at Petters, Ltd., Yeovil; Marshall Sons and Co., Gainsborough, and Davey Paxman and Co., Colchester. Now Consulting Engineer for several large Engineering Works and Shipowners. War Services.—Chief Engineer Petters, Ltd,. .engaged in construction of aeroplanes and internal combustion engines for land and marine work.

CLARKE, C., Joint-Man. Dir. of Waygood-Otis, Ltd., 54 and 55, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4.

CLARKE, Edward Fuhrmann, M.Mech. E., M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1858; s. of F. F. Clarke, Aldridge Lodge, Walsall. Ed. Shrewsbury Sch, Premium App. to Edward Fletcher, Loco. Supt. L. and N.W. Railway. Co.; joined the Govt. Railways. of New Zealand for three years; became Engr. to the "Wellington Woollen Co., N.Z.; erected their mills at Petone, including the installation of steam power plant, electric light, etc.; installed the electric lighting plant of the Govt. Printing Works; started practice as Cons. Engr., in Birmingham, 1893; has ,carried out the equipment of numerous installations locally of manufacturing plants, besides the erection of a number of nitrate oficinas in Chile; built a large Shipyard for the North of Ireland Shipbuilding Co.; in 1917 inspected the shipyards in Canada and -the United States, and reported thereon to the -Government. Club: Conservative. Address: 5A, 8 Temple Row, Birmingham. T. A.: " Calculus." T. N.: 1788 Central.

CLARKE, G. E., O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., M. Liverpool Eng.Soc., etc., etc., Borough Engineer, Harbour and Dock Engineer and Consulting. Engineer, Municipal Buildings, Boston, Lincolnshire. T. A.: " Clarke, Surveyor, Boston." T. N.: 2r Boston. Office 86. Ed. Liverpool University and with Wood and Brodie, M. M. I nst. C. E. , Liverpool. Experience: Docks, harbours, sewerage, waterworks, river bridges, reclaiming, roads and general engineering work. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. Wallington, Commanding Officer H.M.S. Antelope; Senior Naval Officer Boston Area. Awarded O.B.E. for valuable services rendered.

CLARKE, Joseph H., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.E.I.C., Civil Engineer, 34, Castle Street, Liver.: pool. T. N.: Bank 1252. b. 1882. Ed. University of Liverpool. Divisional Engineer, A.Q. and W. Railway, Canada; Chief Engineer, St. Francis Valley Railway, Canada; Engineer for Construction of Paper and Pulp Mills, Sewage and Water Works, Canada. At present with John Clarke and Son, Mill Engineers, Liverpool. War Services.—Lieutenant, Cheshire Regiment to 1916, then with Ministry of Munitions and Aeronautical Inspection Department to 1919.

CLARKE, Leigh Theophilus, M.I.Mech.E., Dist. Elec. Engr., G.C. Railway., Leicester.

CLARKE, T. W. K., B.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., Civil and Aeronautical Engineer, Lindley, Farnborough Park, Hants; b. 1873. Ed. Bath College; Senior Scholar, Caius College, Cambridge; First Class Hons. Math. Tripos; First Class Hons. Eng. Tripos; Awarded Schuldham Plate. 1898-1900—Engineer Contractors' Staff, Bakerloo Tube Railway. 1900-1901 Boer War, severely wounded, pensioned. 1901-3—Held various lectureships in Mathematics and Engineering at Rugby, Seafield Engineering College, Nottingham University. 1903-6—Assistant Resident Engineer under Sir James Szlumper for the Piccadilly Tube (Construction). In 1906 founded his own works at Kingston-on-Thames as T. W. K. Clarke and Co., Aeronautical Engineers (the first such in this country); built, various machines, large numbers of propellers, one of which, tested by Vickers, held the World's record (82 per cent) for many years; scale models and reconstructions for the National Museums and other scientific bodies; Gyro Servo motor controls, and flying models known as Clarke's Flyers. In 1912 became Technician at the Royal Aircraft Establishment; was responsible for calculations of balance and stability, various new instruments, gyroscopic controls, semi-reflection apparatus, etc. In 1916 at the request of Mr. Kennedy was loaned to him as his chief engineer for work on large aeroplanes. Publications: Various papers, articles and reports before Technical Societies, in the Technical press and in Government blue books. War Services.—In the Royal Aircraft Establishment and with Mr. Kennedy, as above.

CLARKSON, Thomas, A.R.S.M., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. (P. Pres.), F.R. S.A. T. A.: " Clarkson, Chelmsford." T. N.: 252 Chelmsford. b. 1864. Ed. Public Sch., Royal College of Sc. and Royal Sch. of Mines. Senior Wh. Sch. Ro and National Sc. Sch., 1885. Sometime Lecturer on Metallurgy at King's College, London. Founder Mem. of Royal Automobile Club. Awarded the James Watt Gold Medal by the Institution of Civil Engineers, Medals from the Royal Cornish Polytechnic, Royal Automobile Club, Chicago World's Fair, etc. Chief Works: The development of the " Clarkson " steam vehicles. Proprietor of " Clarkson Steam Motors." Publ.: Papers read before the Civil, Mech., Automobile Engrs'. Insts, the Iron and Steel Inst., the Soc. of Commercial Industry, and the Inst. of Min. and Metallurgy.

CLARKSON, Sir William, K.B.E., C.M.G., Eng. Rear-Admiral, R.A.N., M.I.N.A., Department of the Navy, Navy Office, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

CLAUGHTON, Sir Gilbert Henry, Bart., M.1. and S.I. (Vice.-Pres.), Dudley.

CLAY, Charles Butler, Lt.-Col., V.D., Electrical (Telephone) Engineer, 17, Sundridge Avenue, Bromley, Kent. T. N.: Bromley 40. b. 1856; s. of Col. Wm. Clay, Liverpool; m. Amy Scott, Sunderland. Ed. Malvern College. Laird Brothers, Birkenhead; Inman Steamship Co.; Barrow Shipbuilding Co. 1881—Engineer, United Telephone Co., Ltd., London. 1885—Manager, Secretary and Engineer, Northern District Telephone Co., Ltd. 1893— Superintendent, Southern and Western Provinces National Telephone Co. 1896—Appointed Metropolitan Superintendent till end of 1911. 1912— Betulander Automatic Telephone Co., Managing Director. 1915 to date—Relay Automatic Telephone Co., Managing Director. Chief Works: Construction of Telephone Exchanges. Responsible for introducing and constructing all exchanges in northeast of England. Twenty-three years commissioned officer, 8th Lancashire Volunteer Artillery, retiring as Lieut.-Colonel. Club: Royal Automobile. War Services.—Organized and commanded County of London Royal Engineer (Volunteers), London Army Troops Companies with rank of Lieut.-Colonel.

CLAYTON, James, M.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Loco. Engr; Personal Asst. to the Chief Mech. Engr., S.E. and C. Railway.; b. 1872; s. of. Jabez Clayton (late of Stockport, Cheshire). Ed. Green's Higher Grade Sch. and Gorton Sch., Manchester. Training: Manchester Tech. Sch. (now Municipal Sch. of Technology ). Queen's Prizeman. App. and Draughtsman with Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Manchester; Loco. Draughtsman with S.E. and C. Railway.; Chief Draughtsman and Asst., Wks. Man. NN ith Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Coventry, 1903-4; designs for Patent Multiple Cylinder Single-stroke Locomotive for C. W. Paget, 1904-5; in charge of Casualty and Investigation Section of the Running Department of the Midland Railway., 1905-7; Asst. Chief Loco. Draughtsman, Midland Railway., Derby, 1907-14; Chief Loco. Draughtsman, S.E. and C. Railway., 1914-19; produced designs for new 2-6-4 Tank and 2-6-0 Tender Loco., introduced by R. E. L. Maunsell, the C.M.E.; during the War was responsible for Indenting of Railway. Materials required by the Armies in France and other theatres of war; also laying out and equipping Overseas Workshops, Power Stations, etc., undertaken by the C.M.E. Dept. of the S.E. and C. Railway., in addition to design of Anti-Aircraft Gun Carriages for Sir Percy Scott, R.N.; appointed Personal Asst. to Chief Mech. Engr., S.E. and C. Railway., 1919; Member of Council Inst. L.E., since 1915. Contributed articles for Modern Railway. Working on the " Organization and Working of the Locomotive and Running Depts. of British Railways." Address: Chief Mech. Engrs.' Dept., S.E. and C. Railway., Ashford, Kent. Private " Langton," 36, Albert Road, Ashford, Kent. T. A.: "Loco., Ashford, Kent." T. N.: 32 Ash ford.

CLEAR, A. C., M.Inst.C.E., Engr.-in-Chief, Shanghai-Nankin Railway., Shanghai.

CLEAVE, Arthur Harold Wyld, Deputy Master of Royal Mint, Ottawa, Canada.

CLEGG, A. W., A.M.I.E.E., Borough Elec.Engr. and Manager, Accrington Corporation, Lancs.

CLEGG, Fred, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Eng. (Switchgear ), " Silverwood," South Way, Garden Suburb, Oldham. T. A.: " Tension, Manchester." T. N.: 329 and 33o Openshaw. b. 1886. Ed. and Technical Training: Municipal School of Technology, Manchester; Municipal Technical School, Oldham; Ferranti, Ltd., 1907-14, works and drawing office; Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd.; City and Guilds of London, certificates in Mechanical Engineering; certificates in Geometry, Machine Construction and Drawing, Mathematics (applied and pure and practical ), Applied Mechanics (structures, machines and hydraulics electrical engineering, sound, light, heat, heat engines). Present Position: Assistant Manager. Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester; Lecturer, Engineering Staff, Municipal Technic al School, Oldham, and Manchester.

CLEGG, Stanley, M.I.E.E., City Elec. Engr.; b. 1873; s. of the late Rev. John Clegg. Ed. Kingswood Sch., Bath. Training: Owens College, Manchester; Tech. Sch., Manchester; Electric Construction Co., Bushbury. First Asst. at Burnley Corporation, Electricity Works, 1894-97; Borough Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager to the Darwen Corporation 1897-1901; City Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager to the Lincoln Corporation, 1901 to date; also Omnibus Dept. Manager from November, 1920. Address: Electricity Works, Lincoln. T. A A.: " Clegg, 109, Lincoln." T. N.: Works: 109; Private: 213.

CLEGHORN, Alexander, F.R.S.E., etc., Cons. Engr. to and formerly Director and Manager of Eng. Dept., Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Govan; 14, Hatfield Drive, Kelvinside, Glasgow. T. N.: 1362 Western. b. 1861; s. of Rev. Alex. Cleghorn, Leuchars, Fife. Ed. Madras College, St. Andrews. Passed University Preliminary Examination, Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Medallist in Engineering, Higher Dynamics, Chemistry and Naval Architecture. Honours or prizes in several other classes. Apprenticed with R. Napier and Sons, Glasgow, under A. C. Kirk. Works Manager, R. Napier and Sons, and superintended their work in Russia; Manager of Engineering Department, Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd. (7 years); Manager of Engineering Department, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. (15 years). Governor of Royal Technical College, Glasgow; Member of Technical Committee of Lloyds and of various Standards Committees; Member of Council, Inst.N.A.; Member of Council, Inst. Metals. Mem. of Committee for Summer 00 Conference of Inst.C.E., Publ.: Papers and addresses, including presidential addresses to Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbuilders in Scotland. War Services.—Completed during the war—a battleship, a battle-cruiser, 5 light cruisers, 9 submarines, a train ferry, 6 sets trawler machinery, 25 T.B. destroyers, a dispatch vessel, an R.F. auxiliary, an armed merchant cruiser, a standard vessel, minesweepers, a set of tug machinery, 6 sets of boilers for minesweepers, making a total of 1,166,035 Horse-Power, besides 482,000. Horse-Power of war vessels then in hand. Re-fitted and repaired 76 war vessels of all kinds.

CLEMMEY, Sir William Henry, Kt., J.P., Civil Engr. Address: 18, Trinity Road, Bootle, Lancs.

CLERK, Sir Dugald, K.B.E., D.Sc., LL.D. St. Andrews and Glasgow, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., Internal Combustion Engineer, 5758, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Periscopic, Holb, London." T. N.: Holborn 1518. b. 1854; s. of the late Donald Clerk of Glasgow; m. Margaret Hannay, 1883. Training Andersonian College and Young Chair of Technical Chemistry, Yorkshire College of Science, 1871-6, and L. Sterne and Co., Ltd., Crown Iron Works, Glasgow; Tangyes, Ltd. Gas Engine Invention and Design at Glasgow and Birmingham, 1877-88; also Scientific Investigation of Gaseous Explosions and Thermodynamics of Internal Combustion Engines. 1892-9 —Scientific Director, Kynochs, Ltd., Birmingham. 1902 to date—Director, National Gas Engine Co., Ltd., Ashton-under-Lyne. 1888 to date—Member of the firm of Marks and Clerk. Chief Work: Inventions and designs of Gas and Oil Engines, Ammunition Machinery, Railway Wheel Machinery: reports on many industries. President, Junior Institution of Engineers, 1905-6; Society of British Gas Industries, 1906-8; Institution of Automobile Engineers, 1908-9; Engineering Section of British Association, 1908; the Institution of Gas Engineers, 1920. Chairman of Council, Royal Society of Arts, 1915-1 7. Publications. "The Gas Engine," 1886; " The Gas, Petrol and Oil Engine," 1908,1913; numerous papers and lectures on the Science of Internal Combustion Engines. Clubs: Athenaeum, Reform, Royal Automobile. War Services.—Director of Engineering Research, Admiralty, 1916-17; Member Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Air Ministry, 1916-19; Chairman of Internal Combustion Engine Committee; Member of Air Invention Committee; Membef of Panel Board of Invention and Research, Admiralty; Chairman, Royal Society Engineering War Committee, 1914-19; Member of Trench Warfare Committee.

CLERKE, Major Augustus Basil Holt, C.B.E., late R.F.A., Man. Dir. Hadfields, Ltd., since 1918; b. 1871. Ed. Cheltenham College; Royal Mil. Academy, Woolwich Asst. Insp. of Steel, 1899; Instructor, Ordnance College, 1904; Chitf Instructor, 1906; Inspector Royal Arsenal, 1908; Retired, 19ii; Dir., Hadfields, Ltd., 1913. Address: 4, Ashgate Road, Sheffield. T. N.: Broomhili, Sheffield, 354.

CLIFFE, Walton, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Technical School, Cleckheaton. T. A.: " Cliffe, Technical School, Cleckheaton." b. 1872. Ed. Fieldhead House School, Liversedge; Technical* Colleges, Dewsbury and Bradford. Works and drawing office with Alma Machine Co., Liversedge; C. Redman and Sons, Halifax; Marsden's Engines, Ltd. Lecturer on Engineering at the Cockburn Technical School, Leeds, to 1909; now at Cleckheaton Technical School. Secretary, Spenborough Engineering Society, of which he was the founder. War Services.—Equipped and ran motor ambulance for the Dewsbury Base Hospital; also acted as stretcher-bearer.

CLIFFORD-JONES, Edward George, M.I, E.E. ( Past District Chairman), Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co., Ltd., Johannesburg, S. Af.

CLIFTON, Courtenay Thornton, M.Inst.C.E., Housing Inspector, Ministry of Health, Whitehall, S.W.I.

CLIVE, R., Member of Council I.Min.E., Member of Council Midland Inst. of Min., Civil and Mech. E., Bentley Colliery, Doncaster.

CLOTHIER, Hy. Wm., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., (Member of Council) M.A.M.E.E, Address: The Green, Wallsend-on-Tyne.

CLOTHIER, Jas. H., A.M.I.E.E., Electric Light Engr., St. Annes-on-Sea Urban District Council. Address: St. David's Road N., St. Annes-onSea, Lancashire.

CLOUGH, Frederic Horton, C.B.E., M.Inst. C.E.,M.I.E.E.,A.M.Amer.I.E.E.,Asst. Chief Engr., B. T. H. Co., Rugby. T. A.: " Asteroidal, Rugby." T. N.: 286 Rugby. Private Address: " Hillcrest," Hillmorton, near Rugby. b. in Melbourne, Australia, in 1878; s. of Charles Frederic Clough, M.Inst.C.E.; m. in 1916, Olive Lisetta, d. of D. McG. Alexander, Rathgar, Dublin. Ed. Geelong, Australia, with subsequent technical education in Melbourne, London and Berlin. In 1898 he came to London and entered the works of Siemens Brothers of Woolwich, and later went to the works of Siemens and Halske of Charlottenburg, Germany. In 1902 he joined the British Thomson-Houston Co. at Rugby, and since then has been responsible for the design of a great deal of the electrical machinery manufactured by that Company. Clubs: Devonshire and Rugby. War Services.—Adviser and Assistant to the Director of Torpedoes and Mines at the Admiralty.

CLOUGH, Humphry, M.I. and SI., Man. Dir., Columbia Steel and Eng. Co., Ltd., 834-6, Bank Chambers, High Holborn, London, W.C.I.

CLOUGH, W. T., A.R.C.S. (Lond.), Associate I.E.E., F.C.S., F.Ph.S., Founder Fellow, Inst. of Physics, Vice-Principal and Head of Eng. Dept., Tech. College, East Ham, London, E.6.

CLUCAS, Robert Hampton, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy. E., M.S.A., M.R.San.I., F.S.E. , Civil Engineer, Town Hall, Hammersmith, London, W.6. T. A.: " Boro Engineer, Hammersmith." T. N.: 435 and 436 Hammersmith. s. of Robert Clucas, J.P., M.H.K. Ed. Victoria College, Isle of Man. Articled to D. Cregsen, M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer, Douglas, Isle of Man. Two years with C. 0. Ellison and Son, Liverpool. Deputy Borough Engineer and Surveyor, Douglas, Isle cf Man; Borough Engineer and Surveyor of Kendal; Borough Engineer, Surveyor and Architect of Kingston-upon-Thames. Borough Engineer and Surveyor to the Metropolitan Borough of Hammersmith. Chief Works: Water works, sewage disposal works, suspension bridges, main drainage works, tramway construction, sea retaining. walls, promenades, river works, road construction costing over 6'200,000, and housing estates. Club: Junior Constitutional.

COALES, Francis George, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, Batu Gajah, Perak, Federated Malay States, and Lathburv, Newport Pagnell, Bucks; b. 1889. Ed. Elston School, Bedford, and served articles with Everard, Son and Pick, Leicester. On completion of articles in 191o, served for two years as Resident Engineer on the Leicester Section of the Derwent Valley Water Supply. Was then engaged on survey -work for Everard, Son and Pick. Was engaged as Resident Engineer on Sewage Works under the Kettering Rural District Council. In 1914, took up the appointment of Chief Draughtsman, State Engineer's Office, Perak. At present holding appointment of Assistant Engineer in Public Works Department, Federated Malay States. War Services.—In the Malay States Volunteer Rifles.

COATALEN, Louis Herve, M.I.A.E., Chief Engr. and Joint Man. Dir. of the Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd.; b. 1879. Ed. The Lycee, Brest; The Arts et Metiers, Paris. Address: Bromley House, Wolverhampton; 77, Jermyn Street, S, W,

COATES, Alfred, M.I.Mech.E., Manager, Whessoe Iron Foundry, Darlington.

COATES, Henry, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Annasley, Cassiobury Park Avenue, Watford (or Watford Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ). T. A.: " Kesnor, Watford." T. N.: Watford 180. b. 1886. Ed. Primary and Secondary Schools in Salford, and subsequently as special pupil at the works of Mather and Platt, Ltd., Salford Iron Works; was selected day student from this company to the Salford Technical School. After workshop training of 5 years and 21 years in drawing office at Mather and Platt, Ltd., Salford, entered the Switchboard, Lay-out and Estimating Department of Ferranti, Ltd., Hollinwood, and became their switchboard specialist, advising supply authorities on specifications, etc., for about 5 years. Spent some time in Germany studying large switchgear schemes. Became attached to the Watford Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., of which he is a Director. Has taken out patents at home and in America, France and Italy. Various technical articles and papers on Electric Furnaces and their control before Sheffield Society of Engineers and Metallurgists. War Services.—At the request of the Ministry of Munitions the company of which he was a Director took up the manufacture of automatic control gear for the control of Electric Steel and Alloy Smelting Furnaces. He acted as specialist in this work, developing the designs and directing the work.

COATES, Matthew C., M.I.E.E., M.J.Inst.E. (Chairman, Melbourne Section), 99, Queen Street, Melbourne, Australia.

COATES, William Anselm, M.I.E.E., M.Arner.I.E.E., Electrical Engineering Department, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Manchester; b. 1887. Ed. Stationers' Company's School, London, Finsbury Technical College, London. 19o3-6—British Thomson-Houston Co., Rugby. 1906-9—Switchgear Engineer, Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Stafford. 1909-12 Chief Switchgear Salesman, British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. I913—Switchgear Engineer, Canadian Westinghouse Co., Hamilton, Ontario. 1913-15— Chief Engineer, Ferranti Electric Co. of Canada, Toronto. 1915-17—Continental Switchgear Engineer in Russia, Italy and France for British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd. I917-192I— Chief Engineer, Switchgear Department, MetropolitanVickers Electrical Co. Articles in " Electrician," " Electrical Review," " Electric Journal," " Electrical Times of Canada," etc.

COCHRAN-CARR, Wm., M.I.Min. E. (Member of Council), Colliery Engr., Benwell Colliery, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

COCHRANE, Morton F., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.E.I.0 D.L. S., Dominion Water Power Branch, Department of the Interior, Ottawa, Canada; b. 1882. Ed. Trinity College, Glenalmond, and Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. Trained with Kyle and Frew, Civil Engineers, Glasgow. With Department of the Interior, Canada. 1907-17—On re-survey of the International Boundary, east and west of the Great Lakes. 1917-21—Chief Draughtsman and Office Engineer, Dominion Water Power Branch. Honorary Secretary, Ottawa Branch Engineering Institute of Canada.

COCKBURN, Arthur Cecil, F.C.S., M.I.E.E., F.P.S., F.C.I.I., Cons. Elec. Engr., Aberdour, Southborough Road, Chelmsford, Essex; b. 1859; descended on his father's side from the Scotch chieftain Cock of Burnhill, and on his mother's from the Wallace of Scotland. Ed. Harrow School. Apprenticeship with George Grayson, Architect and Surveyor. Teacher in Science Department at Harrow; ten years at City and Guilds of London Institute, Finsbury, Electrical and Physical Demonstrator under Professor W. E. Ayton, F.R.S., and Professor Sylvanus Thompson, F.R.S; Manager, Acme Electrical Works, Chalk Farm, and subsequently of D. H. Hulett and Co., High Holborn; Consulting Electrical Engineer for 20 years of the Norwich Union Insurance Society, Ltd. Tested the first electrical accumulator brought to this country; assisted with first model electric railway. Has occupied the positions of Guardian of Willesden Parish, County Councillor of Middlesex, Vice-Chairman of Willesden Council, Overseer of the Parish, etc. Founder and Secretary of the Electrical Insurance Surveyor's Society.

COCKBURN, David, M.Inst.Met., Man. Dir.. Cockburns, Ltd., Clydesdale Eng. Works, Cardonald, Glasgow.

COCKRILL, John Wm., A.R.I. B.A., Borough Surveyor and Architect. Great Yarmouth Town Council, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth. T. N.: (Office) Gt. Yarmouth 122; (House) Gt. Yar-' mouth 155. Assistant under H. H. Baker, Town Surveyor, Great Yarmouth. Appointed Surveyor Local Board of Health, Gorleston and Southtown, December, 1869. When the Gorleston and Southtown district was merged in the Great Yarmouth Borough he was re-appointed Surveyor for the district. In January, 1882, appointed Borough Surveyor and Architect to Corporation. Since 1869 has been engaged on reconstruction of Sewers. Also school and general architectural work, including a Town Planning Scheme for 1,66o acres. Past President Municipal and County Engineers; Past President Town Planning Institute.

COCKSHOTT, Edgar Harry, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.T., Elec. Engr., Specialist in Electric Traction and Electric Power Supply, 92, Woodstock Road, Bedford Park, London, W.4. and Electric Railway. House, Westminster, S.W. T. N.: Victoria 6800. Ed. Keighley, Yorks, and Leeds University. Hons. Elec. Eng. and Hons. Mech. Eng. Engineering training at works of Ward, Haggas and Smith, Keighley. On Engineering staff of Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 1902-5; Assistant Electrical and Mechanical Engineer and Rolling Stock Superintendent to Leeds City Tramways, 1905-12; Chief Engineer to London United Electric Tramways, Ltd., 1912-3; Assistant to Manager for Maintenance and Construction, and Technical Engineer Officer, London Underground Railways Group, London, 1913 to date. Paper on " Brakes for Electric Tramcars," published by Institution of Civil Engineers. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. attached R.N.A.S., on Headquarters Staff, Technical Department, Admiralty Air Department, 1916; Captain R.A.F., 1918-19; Technical Department for Engines and Power Equipment for Aircraft.

COE, Henry I., M.Sc. (Birmingham and Wales), Lecturer in Metallurgy, University College, Swansea. b. 1887. Ed. University College, Cardiff; University of Birmingham. Assistant Engineer, Tehuantepec National Railway; Assistant Lecturer in Metallurgy, Technical College, Birmingham, 1910-12; Assistant Lecturer in Metallurgy, University of Birmingham, 1912-14; Head of Department of Metallurgy, Technical College, Swansea, 1914 to 1920. President Swansea Technical College Metallurgical Society. Various papers to Iron and Steel Institute and other Societies. War Services.—Lieutenant 18th Welsh Regiment, 1915-19; Research Metallurgist, Royal Arsenal, 1918-19.

COGHLAN, Col. Charles, C.B., V.D., D.L., J.P., late Col. 1st W.R.B. R.F.A. (T.), Chairman of the Coghlan Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., Hunslet, Forge, Leeds; b. 1852. Address: Ashfield, Headingley Hill, Leeds, Yorkshire. T. A.: " Coghlan, Leeds." T. N.: 211 Headingley, Leeds.

COKER, Ernest George, M.A. (Cantab.), Hon. D.Sc. (Sydney), D.Sc. (Edin.), F.R.S., F.R.S.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of London, University College. Address: University College, London, W.C.

COLE, A. V., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst. M. and Cy.E., Municipal Engineer, 34, Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts; b. 1889. Ed. Magdalene College School, Brackley; Thanet College, Margate. Articled pupil to 0. Claude Robson, M.Inst.C.E., Engineer to the Willesden District Council. 1909-12 —Assistant Resident Engineer on Brent Drainage 9 Scheme for Willesden District Council. 1912-14— Engineering Assistant to Borough Engineer, Nelson, Lancs. May to November, 1919—Engineering and Town Planning Assistant to Engineer of the Willesden District Council. November, 1919—First Engineering Assistant to Borough Engineer, Dudley, Worcester. Chief Works: Design and construction of masonry and brick, Skew Arch Bridge, Nelson; widening of main road bridge over L.N.W.R., Willesden; construction of 3 miles of 6 ft. x 4 ft. sewer in tunnel, Willesden. Contributions to " The Surveyor " and Journal of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. War Services.-1914-17-2nd London Sanitary Coy., 2, years' service in France. 1917-19—Commissioned service in the Royal Engineers, 1Isyear's service in Italy and France. Rank: Lieutenant.

COLE, Charles Stuart Dudley, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Civil Engineer, Sutton Villa, Sutton Lane, Hounslow. b. 1875; s. of late Thomas Cole, Assoc.M. Inst. C.E. , Secretary Inst.M. and Cy.E. Ed. King's College School, London. Articles of indenture with Robey and Co., Engineers, Lincoln. Resident Engineer in charge of Construction of Works of Water Supply, Sewerage and Sewage Disposal, Roads, etc., in Southend, Stowmarket, Cheltenham, Stroud, Lyme Regis, Trowbridge, Willesden, Cirencester, Hounslow, etc., and in Sydney, N.S.W., and Pernambuco, North Brazil. Now Resident Engineer on construction of Great West Road under County Council of Middlesex. Chief Works: Construction of large sewer in tunnel in Metropolitan area costing £100,000. Assisted in construction of Government Rolling Mills, Southampton. Club: Primrose, Park Place, St. James'. War Services.—Civil Engineer and Assistant Field, Engineer on London Defences; Assistant Constructional Engineer, Government Rolling Mills; Lieutenant. and Inspector of Works on Staff for Royal Engineer Services.

COLLEN, William, M.A., B.A.I. (Dubl.),, M.Inst.C.E.,M.Inst.C.E.I. (Member of Council), County Surveyor, 11, Rutland Square, Dublin.

COLLETT, Reginald Alfred, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Waterworks Engineer, Cantonment Waterworks, Poona, India. T. A.: "Waterworks, Poona." b. 1888; s. of Alfred Collett, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. St. Edmund's College, Old Hall, Ware, Hertfordshire. Five years with James Simpson and Co., Ltd., Hy-. draulic Engineers, London and Newark-on-Trent; Assistant Engineer at the Gokak Water Power and Manufacturing Co., Gokak Falls, India, 1909-12, erected turbine houses; Assistant Engineer-in-Charge, Poona and Kirkee Waterworks. Now Executive Engineer, Public Works Department. 1914-20— Erected Paterson rapid filters for Poona and Kirkee. Chief Works: Installation of rapid filters to supply Poona and Kirkee 3+ million gallons of water daily. Publications: " Slow and Rapid Filtration of Water."

COLLINGWOOD, Sir William, K.B.E., J.P., M.Inst.C.E., Man Dir., The Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., since 1892; b. 1855. District Loco. Supt. East Indian Railway., 1880-92; Member B.E.S.A.; Pres Manchester Eng. Empl. Fed., 1913; Ch. Manchester and District Armament Output Ctee., 1914-18. Address: Dedham Grove, near Colchester. T. N.: Dedham 4.

COLLINS, Adrian Charles, A.K.C., Assoc. Minst.C.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1869; s. of H. H. Collins, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I. Ed. King's College Training: Nicholson and Tyler, London and Blythe. Career: Cons. Engr., Boston Town Council and Harbour Trust; Middlesex, St. Bartholomew's and City Maternity Hospitals; Baltic Shipping and Mercantile Exchange; London Commercial Sales Rooms; Newport Dry Docks, etc., specializing in elec. lighting and power, heating and ventilating. During the war acted as Field Engr., Staff G.O.C., London, on London Defences, with the rank of Capt. Address: 61, Old Broad Street, E.C., and Four Oaks, Walton-on-Thames. T. N.: Central 10541.

COLLINS, Arthur Elliston, M.Inst.C.E., City Engineer, Norwich, Engineer to River Yare Commissioners, etc., Guildhall, Norwich. T. A.: "Norwich 247." T. N.: Norwich 247. Articled to Borough Engineer, Plymouth, 1873, and to Harvey and Co., Marine and Mining Engineers, Hayle, Cornwall, 1876. At Tangyes, Birmingham; Assistant to Resident Engineer, G.W.R., Cornwall Division, Chief Assistant Borough Engineer, Salford; Surveyor and Water Engineer, Weston-super-Mare; Borough Engineer, Reading.. Past President Institution of Municipal and County Engineers.

COLLINS, Francis Richard, D.S.O., Officer Legion of Honour, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Loco.E., Advisory Engr., Office of the High Commissioner for the Union of South Af., London; b. 1873; s. of late Rev. Richard Collins, M.A. Ed. Almondbury Grammar Sch., Yorkshire. Training: Huddersfield Tech. Sch. App., Draughtsman and Locomotive Foreman, L. and N.W. Railway. (Pupil of late F. W. Webb, Chief Mech. Engr. ). S. African War, I901-2—Att. RE.; Dist. Loco. Supt. and Works Manager, C.S.A.R.; Supt. (Mech. ) S. African Railways. Great War, 1914-15 —German S.W. Af. (dispatches); France, T916-19 (dispatches, ID.S.O. and Legion of Honour ), Lt.-Col. comdg. S. African Railway. Troops, S. African Engrs., Advisory Engr., 1920. Address: S. African Offices. London, and Walden, Bourne End.

COLLINS, Henry Francis, A.R.S.M., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.M. (Member of Council), Consulting Mining and Metallurgical Engineer, 66, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Provecho, London." T. N.: London Wall 2778. b. 1866. Training: Royal School of Mines, London. Formerly with the Rio Tinto Co. in Spain (1884-8), then managing mines in Hungary, Mexico, Australia and Spain. From 1902-5 General Manager of Mining Department of Brunner Mond and Co., Ltd. From 1906-16 inclusive, General Manager of Copper and Pyrites Mines in Spain. Nov Consulting Engineer to the Huelva Copper and Sulphur Mines, Ltd., and other companies, and in general consulting practice. Publications: Author of the " Metallurgy of Lead " and the " Metallurgy of Silver " in Griffin's Series of Metallurgical Treatises, also of a large number of professional papers published in the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy and other Societies. Club: Royal Societies. War Services.—In 1917 District Engineer, and from February, 1918, to March, 1919, Chief Engineer of the Mineral Resources Department of the Ministry of Munitions.

COLLINS, Michael Richard, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Irrigation Engineer (Canals and Waterworks ), 3, Clarence Terrace, St. Helier's, Jersey. T. N.: 555 St. Helier's. b. 1871. Assistant Engineer, Indian Public Works Department, 1895-19co; Circle Engineer, Transvaal Irrigation Department, 1916; Chief Engineer, Cochabamba Valley Irrigation, Bolivia. Chief Works: Constructed Potchefstroom Reservoir (20,000) and many smaller works in India and South Africa. Awarded Telford Premium for paper " Irrigation in Transvaal." War Services.—Captain, Royal Fusiliers, 1916; Lieut.-Colonel, Labour Corps, 1919.

COLINS, William Frederick, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., F.R.G.S. 1905-6—Chemist and Min. Engr. to British Min. and Metal Co., Ltd., tin, wolfram and arsenic, Gunnislake, Cornwall; 1907-12 —Manager, Syndicat du Yunnan, Ltd., and Societe d'Exploitation de Lin-Ngan; 1912-17—Director and Manager,.Syndicat du Yunnan, Anglo-French China Corporation, Ltd., and China Min. and Metal Co., Ltd. Publ.: " Mineral Enterprise in China," Heinemanns, 1918; papers on " Tin Production in Yunnan " and " Chinese Mining Legislation," Inst. M. and M. Addresses: c/o The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C., and Peking, China. Military Service. June, 1917—Commanded 36th Battn. of Chinese labourers on voyage to France; May, 1918—Capt., O.C. 115th Coy. C.L.C.; Jan., 1919—D.A.C. of Salvage, G.H.Q.

COLLIS, Alfred George, A.M.I.E.E., M.Amer. I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 25, New Road, Brentwood, Essex. T. A.: " Collis, Brentwood." T. N.: 161 Chelmsford. b. 1881; only s. of John Collis of Warwickshire. Ed. at Birmingham Grammar School; Mason's College; the Birmingham Technical School, and engineering classes of London Schools. Served his time with Vickers, Son and Maxim, held positions with the British Thomson-Houston Co., Ferranti Co., and Crompton and Co. Has identified himself with the control of electrical energy, on which he holds several patents. Published original research work by the aid of the Oscillograph on Transient Phenomena. He was one of the first to produce by Oscillograph the effects of opening and closing electrical circuits. He assisted Professor Duddell in many investigations. Member of the Brentwood Urban District Council. Publications: "High-Low Tension Switchgear Design," by Constable and Co.; " Switchgear for the Control of Lighting and Power," by Constable and Co.; " Breaking High-Low Potential Circuits," read before South Wales Institute; " Degradation of Accumulative Energy," read before South Wales Institute; " High Tension Gear," read before the Glasgow Institute; " Arc Phenomena."' read at the official opening of Panama Canal. Club: Constitutional.

COLSON, Charles Henry, O.B.E., Commander of the Order of Redeemer, Greece, M.Inst. C.E., M.R.San.I., M.C.I., Deputy Civil Engr.-in-Chief, Admiralty; b. 1864. Ed. Portsmouth Privately. Training: Portsmouth Dockyard. Career: Dockyards at Portsmouth, Jamaica, Pembroke, Malta, Devonport; Naval Mission to Greece; Dover Breakwater, Admiralty, on Dock Construction and Design and General Civil Eng. Work of Dockyards and Admiralty Property. Papers on Malta Docks (Inst. C.E. Proceedings). Club: Malta Union. Address: Admiralty. T. N.: 123 Admiralty.

COLSON, Thomas Morland, A.M.I.E.E., Electric Power. Supply Engineer, " Little Dorset," The Avenue, Surbiton Hill, Surrey. T. N.: 265 Kingston. s. of Thomas Morton Colson, late of Linkenholt Manor, Hants; rn. Gertrude Annie, d. of the late Dr. Duke of Arundel, Sussex. Ed. Weymouth College, Trinity College, Stratford-onAvon, and King's College, London. Articled with Immisch and Co., afterwards the General Electric Power and Traction Co., Ltd. In turn Engineer and Manager to the Woolwich District Electric Light Co., the Burgh of Hamilton Electricity Supply, the Surbiton Electricity Supply (Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Ltd. ). War Services.—Sub-Inspector Metropolitan Special Police.

COLVER, Edward de Wykersley Swyft, D.Met., F.C.S., A.I.A.E., M.Inst.Met., etc., Chemical Engineer, Calverthorpe Manor, near Stubbington, Hampshire. T. N.: Gosport 186. b. 1889. Ed. University of Sheffield and Royal Technical High School of Berlin. Bursar and Research Scholar to the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851; Research Demonstrator in the University of Sheffield. Publications: "High Explosives " (Crosby, Lockwood and Son, 1918); Articles on Ammunition, Explosives and Technical Warfare for magazines. Various papers before Iron and Steel Institute, Faraday Society, etc. War Services.—Lieutenant T.F., prior to the war. Mobilized August 4, 1914, and served with regiment, King's Own (Yorks L.I. ), until seconded for duty with Ministry of Munitions, January 20, 1916. Superintendent of Research, No. o National Filling Factory; Officer in charge of trials of High Explosives, Technical Section, Ministry of Munitions of War; Laboratory Manager, Royal Naval Ordnance Depot, Portsmouth District. Now Captain.

COMMANS, R. E., Member of Council Inst. M.M., Macaulay House, Widcombe Hill, Bath, Somerset.

COMMON, T. A., M.A.,. M.I.Mech.E., A.I.N.A., Sanitary and Heating Engineer, 88, Wigmo re Street, London, W.I. T. A.: " Esmeralda, London." T. N.: Paddington 1493. b. 1875; s. of late Dr. A. A. Common, F.R.S. Ed. Privately and Trinity College, Cambridge; Mechanical Sciences Tripos, 1897. With Matthew Hall and Co. of above address since 1898. Sole proprietor since 1912. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Royal Aero.

CONNELL, William Percival, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Engr. and Manager, Loco. Dept., Sociedad Espafiola de Construcciones, Babcock and Wilcox; b. 1871. Ed. St. Paul's Sch., London. Training: Harvey and Co., Ltd., Hayle, Cornwall. Career: Mech. Engr., Rio Tinto Mines, Spain, 1893-96; Asst. Loco. Supt., Rio Tinto Mines, 1896-1908; Loco. Supt., Rio Tinto Mines, 1908-14; Chief Bond Officer, Swindon and Dunball Bonds, M. of M., 1915-16; charge of Steam Tests for Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, Royal Naval Cordite Factory, Holton Heath, 1917; Dilution Officer, and afterwards Local Adjudicator, N.W. Area, Labour Dept., M. of M.; since 1920 as above. Address: c/o S. E. de C., Babcock and Wilcox, Apartado 294, Bilboa, Vizcaya, Spain. Cable Address: " Connell, Babcock, Bilboa."

CONNOR, Capt. Charles, M.S.E. (Member of Council), c/o John Mowlem and Co., Ltd., Grosvenor \VII; rf, S.W.

CONRADI, Charles Guthrie, M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir., Electromobile, Ltd., Otley, Yorks.; b. 1878; s. of Capt. C. G. Conradi; m. Mildred, d. of S. Schofield, Solicitor, Halifax and Stainland. Ed. George Heriot's Sch., Edinburgh. Training: HeriotWatt College, Edinburgh. Hons., Machine Design. App. Bertrams, Ltd., Papermakers' Engrs.; with Morton and Sons, Shipbuilders; Campbell Gas Engine Co.; Midland Railway. Co., 19 years; Member Research Committee on Wire Ropes. Publ.: " Mechanical Road Traction "; number of papers before Scientific Socs. on " Road Traction," " Workshop Electrification," etc. Address: East View, Otley. T. A.: " Electromob., Otley." T. N.: Otley 4.

CONSTANTINE, R., M.I.Mar.E., Supt. Mar. Engr. to the Harrowing Steamship Co., Ltd., Collingdon Road West, Bute Dock, Cardiff.

COODE, Arthur Trevenen, B.A. (Cantab)., M.Inst.C.E., Member of the firm of Coode, Matthews, Fitzmaurice and Wilson, Cons. Engrs. for Harbours to the Crown Agents for the Colonies; b. 1876. Ed. Private and Cambridge University. Pupil with James Mansergh, Past Pres., Inst.C.E. Clubs: Sports and M.C.C. Address: 9, Victoria. Street, S.W.I. T. A.: "Penlee, London." T. N.: Victoria 47.

COOK, Gilbert, D.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Civil and Mechanical Engineer Engineering Department, The University, Manchester; b. 1885. Ed. University of Manchester. Articled pupil to D. C. Rattray, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Civil Engineer to L. and Y. Railway. Assistant in Engineering Department, L. and Y. Railway. Appointed in 1910 to Vulcan Research Fellowship in Engineering, University of Manchester, and thereafter on staff of Engineering Department. Appointed Senior Lecturer on Engineering, University of Manchester, 1919. Publications: Various papers in technical and scientific journals. War Services.—Lieutenant R.G.A., 1914-17. Transferred in 1917 to R.N.V.R. for service in Mining Department, H.M.S. Vernon, and appointed Grade I Technical Officer.

COOK, James, J.P., M.Inst.M.M.,M.I.E.E., Min. Engr.; b. 1873. Training: A. and W. Smith and Co., Glasgow; Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. College; Finsbury College; and Private Tuition. Career: Prospecting in Rhodesia; served during Matabeleland Rebellion, 1896; Mech. Engr. to Buluwayo Town Council, 1898-9; Surveyor and Assayer, Sabi Rhodesia Gold Min. Co., Ltd., and Consolidated Belingwe Development Co., Ltd.; Manager, Sabi Rhodesia Gold Min. Co., Ltd.; Asst. Engr., Cons. Engr's. Dept., Mashonaland Agency, Ltd., Buluwayo; together with J. L. Popmam, discovered the huge Rhodesian Chrome Ore Deposits at Selukwe; Manager, Battlefields Rhodesia Gold Min. Co., Ltd.; Cons. Engr. to the Mashonaland Agency, Ltd.; appointed to Eng. Staff, Rhodesia Exploration and Devel. Co., Ltd.; Manager of the Eldorado Banket Gold Mine; General Manager, The Bwana M. Kubwa Copper Min. Co., Ltd., 1912-14; engaged in Inspection Dept., M. of M., Woolwich Arsenal, and in Leeds, etc., 1915-19.

COOK, Stanley Smith, B.A. (Cantab.), M.I. N.A., M.Inst.Met., Tech. Manager, Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co.; h. 1875; s. of William Henry Cook. Ed. Simon Langton Sch., Canterbury; King's Sch., Canterbury; and St. John's College, Cambridge. Distinctions: Open Schp. at St. John's College, Cambridge; Herschel Prize for Astronomy; 7th Wrangler Mathematical Tripos, 1896; 1st Class Eng. Tripos, 1897. Designer of Marine Steam Turbines, Mech. Gearing, etc.; was a Member of B.I.R. Sub-Committee on Corrosion of Propellers. Address: 94, St. George Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

COOK, William Wilson, Minst.C.E., E.E., M.Cons.E., Cons. Engr., Winchester House, E.C.2. T. A.: "Conental, London." T. N.: London Wall 5140. Residence: " Oakhurst, Kingswood Road, Shortlands, Kent." T. N.: Bromley 33.

COOKE, Arthur George, M.A. (Cantab.), Elec. Engr.; Principal of Paddington Tech. Inst.; b. 1867; s. of John Hunt Cooke. Ed. City of London Sch., and St. John's College, Cambridge. Sixth Wrangler, 1889. Pupil of Kincaid Waller and Manville, Cons. Engrs.; Head of Elec. Eng., East London Tech. College, 1894-98, and Battersea Polytechnic, 1898— '905; Principal of Paddington Tech. Inst., '905— present. Address: loi, Brondesbury Road, N.W.6. T. N.: 545 Padd.

COOKE, Conrad William, M.I.E.E., Consulting and Electrical Engineer, " The Pines," Langland Gardens,Hampstead, N.W.3. T. N.: Hampstead 7030. b. 1843; s. of E. W. Cooke, R.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. Served apprenticeship to John Penn and Son (Greenwich); Assistant to Sir Joseph Whitworth (Manchester); surveying under Professor H. S. Castle of King's College. Made surveys for Isle of Wight Railway, under Sir Charles Fox; Partner in firm of Whieldon and Cooke, Engineers, Lambeth. Introduced and made first dynamo electric machine (Gramme), designed and installed first electric light on Clock Tower of Houses of Parliament (which was the first Searchlight ). Afterwards went into Consulting practice. For many years contributed to " Engineering " articles on Electrical and Physical subjects. Introduced the Incandescent System of gas lighting (the Welsbach Mantle System) and was Consulting Engineer to the first companies. Gave scientific evidence in most of the cases heard in the High Courts in electrical and physical litigation. On the Juries of nearly all the International Exhibitions in this country and abroad—Vienna, Paris (3 exhibitions), Brussels (2 exhibitions), Chicago, Milan, also the Fisheries, Colinderies, Inventions and others, at South Kensington. Officier de l'Instruction publique (France). Publications: " Electric Illumination " (joint author) edited by James Dredge. On " Wenham's Hot Air Engine," " Automata, Old and New," " Memoir of Gilbert of Colchester," " Loud-Speaking Telephones " (Society of Arts). Clubs: The Athenaeum, Savage Club (Trustee), Sette of Odd Volumes (Past President).

COOKE, Frederick George, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.S.A., Civil Engineer, 2, Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne. T. N.: 1394 Eastbourne. b. 1857; s. of the late Samuel Charles Cooke, schoolmaster, Stockton-on-Tees and Eastbourne; m. K. M. Palmer, d. of Wm. Palmer, Dirleton, Scotland. Ed. in his father's school. Was articled to the late Geo. A. Wallis, M.Inst.C.E. Engineer to the Eastbourne Water Co., Eastbourne. Was Resident Engineer for extension of the parades at Eastbourne; extension of waterworks, main drainage and road construction and er Geo. A. Wallis, Civil Engineer; laid out the Hampden Park Estate, Eastbourne; designed main drainage for Heathfield and Gardner Street at Eastbourne; laid. out and constructed the King's Drive and the Victoria Drive, Eastbburne. Author of " Scouting by Night," " The Value of Observation in War," " Training for Young England." War Services.—Honorary Official Speaker under the Central Association Volunteer Regiments and lectured on Scouting by Night, etc., to many battalions of the regular forces and volunteers in England and Ireland.

COOKE, Henry Moore, Annesley, O.B.E., M.Inst.M.M, M.I.Min.E., M.Arner.I.Min.E., F.R.Met.S., M. Brit. Horological Inst., Supt. Ooregum Gold Min. Co., of India, Ltd.; b. 1875; s. of Geo. T. Foster Cooke. Ed. Blundell's Sch., Tiverton. Training: King's College, London. Career: Practical work in Cornwall and Devon and Wales; Asst. at the Pestarena Mines, Ltd., N. Italy; Asst. Supt., The Ooregum G.M. Co., Ltd.; and afterwards The Champion Reef G.M. Co., Ltd.; Supt. The Bulaghat G.M. Co., Ltd.; now Supt. of the Ooregum G.M. Co., Ltd.; Meteorologist at the Kolar Gold Field Observatory. Publ.: " Timbers in Use on the Kolar Gold Field," " Underground Meteorology." Clubs: Oriental, R.A.C., Royal Socs. Address: Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Field, S. India. T. A.: " Stovengeld, Oorgaum."

COOKE, L. H., A.R.S.M., F.G.S., M.I.M.M., Asst. Prof. of Min., Imperial-Coll. of Sc., Mem. of Bd. of Study in Min. and Metallurgy, London Univ. Ed. Northampton Grammar Sch.; Royal Sch. of Mines, London (De la Beche Medallist, 1892 ). Consolidated Goldfields Premium, I.M.M., 1913. Address: Imperial College of Sc., S.W.

COOKE, William George, A.R.I.B.A., Assoc. Inst.0.E. , M.S.E. In practice as a Rating Surveyor (inter alia) of Eng. Undertakings, such as Railways., Gas and Water Works. Ed. The North London Collegiate Sch. Training: In the Land Agent's Dept., Gt. Eastern Railway. Career: Survey of about 200 miles Gt. Eastern Railway., which took nearly 10 years; appointed Asst. Surveyor, L. and S.W. Railway.; then Surveyor to that Co., attached to the Engr.'s Dept.; made land plans for doubling and widening various Lines, chiefly in the West of England; carried through negotiations for selling the Co.'s Surplus Lands under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act; in 1888 started on his own account as a Rating Surveyor and Valuer of Eng. Works; just previous to the War he valued two Railways. for the Belfast Corporation; introduced into Ireland the English system of Railway. Rating. Publ.: "Notes on Rating "; " Parochial Rating." Address: 13, Spencer Hill, Wimbledon, S.W.19. and 35, Wallb rook, E. C.4.

COOKSON, Alfred Chorley, A.C.G.I., M.Inst. C.E., Steelwork and General Asst. to the Chief Engr., Great Western Railway.; b. 1868; s. of Thos. C. Cookson, M.A., Leeds. Ed. Rossall (Mathematical Schp. ). Training: City and Guilds Eng. College, South Kensington (Schp. ); Diploma of Associate of the College Career: With Joseph Westwood and Co., Millwall, Bridge and Construction Steelwork Engrs., there as Draughtsman; Asst. G.W. Railway. in the New Works Dept.; became Res. Engr., Acton and Northolt section of the new line to Birmingham; on the Clarbeston Road to Letterston Railway., in connection with the Fishguard route; and on the Swansea District Railways.; transferred to Maintenance Dept. As Chief Asst. to the Divisional Engr., Gloucester; since 1916, Steelwork and General Asst. to the Chief Engr. responsible for the design of all new and the repairs to existing steel structures. Address: Engineer's Office, Great Western Railway., Paddington Station, W.2. T. N.: Paddington 7000; Extension 477.

COOMBE, Leslie Jackson, Mechanical Engineer, 51, Westbourne Road, Sheffield. T.N.: Broomhill 694. b. 1883. Ed. Sheffield Royal Grammar School and Sheffield University. Served apprenticeship with Spear and Jackson, Ltd., 1901-3; travelled Continent and Colonies, 1904-5; Works Manager and Director of Spear and Jackson, Ltd., 1906; Joint Managing Director, 7 919. War Services.—Mobilized 1914; proceeded overseas, J anuary, 1917; commanded 2/4th and 2/6th Duke of Wellington's Battalions in France, 1917-8; invalided home, 1918.

COOPER, A. T., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E., Cons. Engr., 3, Clements Inn, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Repoocta, Estrand, London." T. N.: Holborn 6369. b. 1872. Ed. St. Paul's School and City and Guilds of London Technical Institute. Served a three years' pupilage in Electrical and Marine Engineering workshops. Assistant Engineer in the Electricity Department of the Blackpool Corporation and subsequently employed as Inspecting Engineer by Robert Hammond, M.Inst.C.E. In 1897 was appointed Managing Engineer to the Reading Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and in 1905 Managing Engineer to the Bombay Electric Supply and Tramways Co., Ltd. Retired from this position in 1913 and has since been in practice as a Consulting Engineer, acting for several undertakings in India. Director of several private companies. Clubs: Royal Automobile and Queens, London; Byculla, Bombay. War Services.—Consulting work in connection with munitions and service under the Admiralty.

COOPER, Arthur, J.P., LL.D., P. Pres. I. and SI., Hon. M. Amer. I. and S.I., Director of Dorman, Long and Co., and of The North Eastern Steel Co., and of British Basic Slag Co. (Alberts' Successors), Ltd.; b. 1849; s. of James Cooper, of Langley Hall, Warwickshire. Ed. The Grammar Sch., Sutton Coldfield, and privately. App. to the late Matthew Kirtley, Loco. Supt., Midland Railway.; Asst. Engr. at John Brown and Co.'s Works; became Manager of the Bessemer Steelmaking Dept.; then Manager of similar Dept. with Brown, Bayley and Dixon; and subsequently of the Steel Tyre and Rail-making Depts.; Thomas and Gilchrist took up the manufacture of steel, by the Basic Bessemer Process, under his direction, in 1879; and in 1881, when the North Eastern Steel Co. was formed, he undertook the laying out of the works and their management, becoming Man. Dir. a few years afterwards (retired 1919); under his direction the first large grinding mill built in this country was erected for grinding the Basic Slag• into powder, for use as manure; was awarded the Bessemer Gold Medal by the Iron and Steel Inst.; 1912, the honorary title of LL.D. was conferred upon him by the Leeds Univ. Four Papers read before the Iron and Steel Inst. Clubs: Constitutional, London; Cleveland, Middlesbrough. Address: Erdely, Middlesbrough; and Prince of Wales Hotel, Harrogate.

COOPER, Arthur Reginald, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.T., Chief Engr., Metropolitan District Railway.; London Electric Railway.; City and South London Railway.; and Central London Railway. Office at " Electric Railway. House," Westminster, S.W.I.

COOPER, Charles Hamlet, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.San.I., Consulting Engineer of the Borough of Wimbledon, Coopers Hill, Carlow. s. of Rev. Robert Cooper. Ed. Kingstown School, etc. Associate in Engineering, Royal College of Science for Ireland. Pupil of the late William Humber. Engaged on Birmingham main drainage, bridge design and construction; nearly ten years Assistant Engineer, and thirty years Engineer to the town of Wimbledon. Chief Works: Reconstruction and extension of the main drainage, Wimbledon; reconstruction of sewage works, new settling tanks; improvement of road surfaces; construction of isolation hospital for 75 beds; bridge street works; laying out 6o acres of recreation grounds, depots, etc. Among his designs are the following, many of which have been patented: " A Card Index Pocket Book," 1903; " Lubrication of Internal Combustion Engines," 1914, " A System of Road Directions Signs." Publ.: Papers on " Chalk Water," " Sewage Treatment," " Street Work," " Burial of the Dead," " Card Index Applied to Municipal Work," etc., and the question of sunshine in connection with the dwelling in the Proceedings of the Royal Sanitary Institution, the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Member of the Lower Thames Valley Surveyors' Association and the Authors' Club. War Services.—Carried out main drainage and constructed the roads for the camp, Wimbledon Conimon; organized and superintended the arrangements for dealing with air raids in the Borough of Wimbledon. Member of the Committee having charge of the Wimbledon Detachment of the Red Cross, of which detachment he was Quartermaster for some years.

COOPER, Edmund Lucas, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Chief Engr., English Sewing Cotton Co. Ltd., Manchester; b. 1870; s. of Henry M. Cooper late Secretary, Lanc. and Yorks Insurance Co. Ed. Kingley and Manchester. Training: Horwich and Manchester Tech. Sch. Distinction: Queen's Prizeman in five sc. subjects. Pupil at the Horwich Works, L. and Y. Railway.; after drawing office experiences at several works, became Works Manager for Tubes Ltd., Birmingham; Universal Eng. Co., Ltd., Chesterfield; Andrew Barclay, Sons and Co., Ltd., Kilmarnock; held the position as Chief Engr. for J. and P. Coats, Ltd., Paisley, for 9i years, and present position for the past 3i years. Address: Gower House, Church Road, Urmston, Manchester. T. A.: (Business) " Stitching, Manchester." T. N.: 1349 Central (Manchester).

COOPER, F. C., B.Sc.,A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Melbourne Road Garage, Eastbourne. T. A.: " Cooper, Eastbourne 837." T. N.: Eastbourne 837. b. 1884. Training: City and Guilds of London College (C. and M. Dept. ). Apprenticeship with various mechanical engineering firms. Assistant Editor of " The Motor Boat "; Assistant Engineer on construction work with the Canadian Northern Railway; Designer to The Canada Foundry Co.; Manager of The Delta )7 Motor Co., Ltd.; Engineer to The Car Owners Supply Association; Engineer to Peters and Sons, Ltd. At present proprietor of Cooper's Garage, Melbourne Road, Eastbourne. Publication " In the Canadian Bush." War Services.—Admiralty overseer of aeroplane construction as Lieutenant R.N.V. R., in design section of Mechanical Warfare Department, Ministry of Munitions; Works Manager of Eastbourne Aviation Co., Ltd. Works Superintendent of Government Factory for Assembling American Aircraft.

COOPER, Francis Alfred, C.M.G., M.Inst. C.E., F.R.San.I., Director of Public Works, Ceylon, since 1897. Address: Colombo.

COOPER, Frank, R.D., R.N.R. (retired), M.I.Mar.E., Mar. and Mech. Engr.; Manager, Buck and Hickman, Ltd., Engrs. and Tool Makers, Birmingham; b. 1855; s. of Francis Coopers. Ed. Grammar Sch., Aberdeen. Training: Mechanics' Inst., Aberdeen. Awarded the Gold Medal Inst. Mar. Engrs.; the Royal Naval Reserve Decoration. Career: At sea as Engr. and Chief Engr., P. and 0. Co., 1878-96; Manager, Buck and Hickman, Ltd., since 1906. Several Papers contributed to Inst. Mar. Engrs., including one on " The Engrs. of the Royal Naval Reserve," for which the Denny Gold Medal was awarded. Address: Lochnagar, Meadow .Hill Road, King's Norton. T. A.: " Cooper, King's Norton 224." T. N.: King's Norton 224.

COOPER, Frank William, J.P., Man. Dir., Partington Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., Irlam, near Manchester; Director of Pearson and Knowles, Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Warrington; Director of Rylands Brothers, Ltd., Warrington; s. of Arthur Cooper, LL.D., of Middlesbrough. Ed. Uppingham Sch. Training: With Davy Brothers, and in Germany and Austria. Address: Hill Cliff e, Stockton Heath, near Warrington. T. A.: " Hill Cliff e, Warrington." T. N.: 15 Stockton Heath.

COOPER, Humphrey Wittington, Civil Engineer, 456, Calle Cangallo, Buenos Ayres, Argentina. T. A.: "Repooc, Buenos Ayres, Argentina." b. 1875. Ed. in Germany and Switzerland. On staff of Buenos Ayres Western Railway, Central Uruguay Railway, Argentine National Government Railways and Province of Buenos Ayres Drainage Works. Partner in the firm of Cooper Bfos. since 1914.

COOPER, Jasper Edwin M.I.N.A., M.I.Mech. E., M.I.A.E., Mechanical Engineer and Naval Architect, 49, Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham. T. N.: 599 South. b. 1880. Ed. Gresham Grammar School, Holt, and University of London (Science). Apprentice Earl's Shipbuilding Co., Hull. Works Manager, Lanchester Motor Co., Ltd., Birmingham.

COOPER, Leonard, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.G.S., Civil Engineer, 456, Calle Cangallo, Buenos Ayres, Argentina. T. A.: "Repooc, Buenos Ayres." b. 1867. Ed. in France and Germany, 1880-6. On staff of Central Uruguay Railway, Montevideo, 1886-92 and 1894-1900; Buenos Ayres Western Railway, 1893; Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, 1900-5; Province of Buenos Ayres Drainage Works, 1905-14. Partner in the firm of Cooper Brothers, 1914 to date. Chief Works: Chief Constructing Engineer for Provincial Government of Buenos Ayres on Land Drainage Canals, total cost, 5,000,000 sterling, 1905-14.

COOPER, Lionel Kingsley, Captain R.E., c/o Director of Works, Mesopotamia. b. 1890; younger s. of late A. E. Cooper, F.R.G.S., Senior Examiner, Board of Education, Whitehall; m. in 1917. Ed. Battersea Grammar School. South Western Polytechnic Institute 3 years' course in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; pupil and Draughtsman at Kitson and Co., Ltd., Airedale Foundry, Leeds, Locomotive Engineers, 4 years. Engineer to Rupai Tea Company, Ltd., Assam, India, 4 years. Now Officer Commanding 6th Works Company, Works Directorate, Mesopotamia. War Services.—Commissioned in Indian Army Reserve, 1916; attached Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment ), and 3rd Sappers and Miners, 19167; Works Directorate, M.E.F., 1917-20.

COOPER, Richard Edward Synge, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.A.S F.P.S.,L., Chief Asst. Engr. for New Works, L. and N.W. Railway.; b. 11869. Ed. Wellington College, Berkshire. App. under Harry Footner, M.Inst.C.E.; Asst. Engr., Permanent Way, L. and N.W. Railway., Crewe. Career: Res. Engr., L. and N.W. Railway.; District Engr., West Coast of Af.; Lagos Govt. Ely.; Carter Denton Bridges; Private Practice; Asst. Res. Engr., District Engr. and finally Chief Asst. Engr., L.B. and S.C. Railway. Address: Engineer's Office, L. and N.W. Railway., Euston.

COOPER, Thomas Lancelot Reed, M.I. Mech.E., M.I.E.S., Cons. Mech. and Elec. Engr., 11, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.I.; b. 1863; s. of J. Reed Cooper. Ed. King Edward VI. Sch.. Bury St. Edmunds. Training: Midland Inst., Birmingham. App. with Thos. Piggott and Co., Atlas Works, Birmingham, and the British Electric Light Co., Ltd.; experience gained in U.S.A., France, Italy, and erecting machinery in S. Af.; in charge of the first installing of the Hove Electric Lighting Co.'s System; Manager of J. H. Holmes and Co., Scotland; Founder, Chairman and Man. Dir. of the J. L. Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; later amalgamated with Submersible Motors, Ltd.; Chairman of the Integral Oxygen Co., Ltd. Address: II, Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 3978.

COOPER, Vivian Bolton Douglas, Major R.E., O.B.E., 22, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W.i, and The Hawfield Blakeney, Gloucester. T. A.: " Megohm, London." 7'. N.: 334 Victoria. b. 1858; s. of the late J. D. Cooper, J.P., Killymoon Castle, co. Tyrone, Ireland; m. Mary Isabella, d. late Colonel P. Stainforth, Inniskilling Fusiliers. Ed. Dulwich College. As Chief Engineer carried out the construction of municipal waterworks, electric tramways and railways and the lighting by electricity of towns, including the Smithfield area of the City of London. Obtained an Act of Parliament for the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Company, Ltd.; prepared the plans and estimates; and directed the works (43 miles, with power station, sub-stations, etc. ). Other tramways for which he was Chief Engineer serve the towns of Douglas (I.O.M.), Ramsey, Ilkeston, Stoke, Hanley, Dover, etc. Responsible for the erection and equipment of the Charterhouse Cold Storage Warehouse, with a capacity of 240,000 cubic feet, the reconstruction of the central transept of the Crystal Palace, etc. Has conducted negotiations incident to the presentation of some 40 Bills or Applications before Parliament, the Board of Trade, the Light Railway Commissioners, and obtained practically all the Electric Railway Powers of the Middlesex and Hertfordshire County Councils. Club: Junior Constitutional. War Services.—Major Cooper received his commission in the Royal Engineers on October io, 1914, becoming O.C. 122 Field Company. Was in France from July, 1915, to June 12, 1919. Was D.O., Etaples, for 6 months, engaged in the erection of 4 miles of 3,000 volt mains, lighting all hospitals and camps, etc. Was for a year O.C. Troops and D.O. of all quarries in the North of France at Rinxent, with upwards of 2,000 men under his command, constructing main line railways with sidings and installing electric, pneumatic stone-breaking and other plant. Increased the output from 450 tons to 2,250 tons per day. Was subsequently engaged for 9 months at Darrnes with 1,200 men constructing 4/ miles of ammunition sheds, holding roo,000 tons, in addition to 43 miles of railway sidings and camps. Also served as O.C. 355 E. and M. Company Royal Engineers, on staff of D.D.W., lines of communication north, in charge of water supplies, electric lighting, and installation of machinery. Was appointed C.R.E., Ardres. Twice mentioned in dispatches.

COOPER, William J., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., F.R.S.A., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 24, Fennel Street, Manchester, and Bourne House, Whyteleafe, Surrey. T. A. " c/o Longridge, Manchester." T. N.: City 7460. b. 1875. Ed. Marlborough College, Highgate; as Mechanical Engineer, The Polytechnic School of Engineering, Regent Street, London, W.; as Electrical Engineer. City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury. Electrical Engineer to R. Waygood and Co., Ltd., London; Superintendent Engineer, The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., Head Office, London; Chief Departmental Engineer, British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co., Ltd., Head Office, Manchester. Chief Works: Design and construction of machinery for the transportation and handling of passengers and general merchandise, goods and minerals. Also Inspection with regard to safety of operation. Paper, " The Electric Passenger Elevator," read before the Junior Institution of Engineers. Club: Old Rectory, Manchester. War Services.—Formed Corps of Field and Fortress Engineer Volunteers, afterwards raised Anti-Aircraft Volunteers for II stations, Manchester A.A. Defences, and first acting Officer Commanding of each. Inspection and testing of machinery and equipment for various Government Departments.

COOPER, William Ranson, M.A., B.Sc., Consulting Engineer (Electrical and Electro-Chemical), 82, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.r. T. A. "Swooper, London." T. N.: Victoria 4922. b. 1868; s. of late William Cooper and Jane Susanna, d. of late Colonel Coke. Ed. City and Guilds Engineering College and King's College London; M.A., B.Sc. (National University of Ireland). Late partner in firm of Swinburne, Cooper and Baillie (consulting engineers). For three years Editor of "Science Abstracts " and for thirteen years Editor of " The Electrician." A Vice-President of the Faraday Society, Hon. Treasurer of the Physical Society of London. Has served on the council of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Is a Member of the Electro-Culture Committee of the Board of Agriculture. Member of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies. Publications: " Primary Batteries," 3rd edition of McMillan's " Electro-Metallurgy," 2nd edition of " The Electrician Primers," " The Claims of Labour and of Capital." Various papers before scientific and engineering societies. Club: Royal Automobile. War Services.—Served on the Nitrogen Products Committee of the Munitions Inventions Department, and was Chairman of the Sub-committee on Gas Firing.

COPLAND, John Pearson, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.S., Partner of W. R. Copland and Sons, Civil Engrs.; b. 1868; s. of late Sir William Robertson Copland, LL.D., M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Albany Academy, Glasgow (Private Sch. ). Training: Royal Tech. College, Glasgow. Has been Engr. fora large number of the principal Water Supplies and Sewerage Works in West and North of Scotland; also Water Supplies at Great Malvern, Worcestershire and Tarapaca Water Works, Iquique, South Amer. A ddress: 146, W. Regent Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Copland, Glasgow." T. N.: 358 Douglas.

COPLAND, William Wallace, M.V.O. 4th Class, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Water, Sewerage and Municipal), Gibraltar. T. A.: " Gibraltar." T. N.: 178 Civil, Gibraltar. b. 1853; s. of James Copland of Dumfries. Ed. Privately. Trained by E. D. Latham, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, Middlesbrough. Engineer of Main Sewerage Works, Widnes, 1878-84; Surveyor to the Sheerness Board of Health, z 885-93; Engineer and Surveyor to the Gibraltar Sanitary Commissioners, 1893-1896; Engineer and Secretary, 1896-1908; Engineer and Valuator, 1908-19. Retired on Pension, October, 1919. Reappointed Valuator May, 192o. Chief Works: Widnes—design and execution of main sewerage works, i38,00o; Sheerness — water supply embracing deep-well works, pumping machinery and engine house on very critical foundation, L7,400; Gibraltar—initiating, designing and executing works of water supply, embracing the design and construction of bomb-proof reservoirs of twelve million gallons, two tunnels each of half a mile in length, extensive mining operations, and 39 acres of collecting areas, at a total cost of about 90,000. Clubs: Junior Constitutional, Piccadilly, London; Mediterranean, Gibraltar.

CORDNER, Allan, Member of Council I.Min.E Neville Hall, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

CORDNER-JAMES, John Henry, M.Inst. M.M. (Member of Council ), Finsbury House, Blomfield Street, E.C.2.

CORIN, William, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Elec. Engr., P.W.D., Sydney, N.S.W.

CORLETT, George Stephen, M.I.E.E., P. Pres. Assoc. of Min. Elec. Engrs., Cons. Elec. Engr. Address: Midland Bank Chambers, Wigan.

CORMACK, John Dewar, C.B.E. (M. Div.) C.M.G., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Regius Prof. of Civil Eng. and Mechanics, Glasgow University, since 1913; b. 187o. University Asst. in Eng., and Lecturer in Elec. Eng., Glasgow University, 1896; Secretary, International Eng. Congress (Glasgow), 1901; Prof. of Mech. Eng., University College, London, 1901-13; Chevalier Legion of Honour; Hon. Brig.-Gen.; Chief Contracts Officer, Military Aeronautics, 1915; Asst. Director, Aircraft Equipnn ment, 1916; Asst. Controller, Aeronautical Supply Dept., 1917; and British Mission to Amer., 191718. Address: ii, Park Terrace, Glasgow; 37, Hyde Park Gate, S.W.7. T. N.: Kensington 7314.

CORNISH, H. J., Hon. Vice-Pres., I.N.A. 2, Lawn Road, Hampstead.

CORNOCK, J. C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer (heavy motor cars), Collingham, near Leeds; b. 1875. Ed. Brighton Grammar School, Yorkshire College (Victoria University). Engineering training with J. and H. McLaren, Leeds. Technical Assistant to J. and H. McLaren, Leeds, engaged chiefly on electric lighting central station work. Manager of Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., Leeds. Chief Works: Steam wagons, tractors, and all types of heavy motor-cars. Occasional contributions to technical journals and societies. War Services.—Heavy motor transport for War Office and Red Cross, shell manufacture and components, machine gun parts, Admiralty grabs, seaplane carriages, etc.

CORSON, Frank Huntingdon, Wh.Ex., Assoc. M Inst.0.E., A.M.E.E., City Elec. Engr., Gloucester; and General Manager and Engt. to Light Railways. Dept., City of Gloucester; b. 1876; s. of Rev. John H. Corson. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch. Training: Private, and Bolton Tech. Sch. App. Musgrave and Sons, Bolton; Draughtsman, Edison and Swan Electric Co., Broadheath; Asst. Engr., Bolton Corporation Electricity Dept.; Generating Station Supt.; then Chief Asst. Engr., Blackburn Electricity Dept.; since 1909, City Elec. Engr., Gloucester; and since 1913 also General Manager and Engr., Gloucester Corporation Light Railways. Address: Electricity Works, Commercial Road, Gloucester. T. N.. 218.

COSGREAVE, Henry Edward, M.J.Inst.E. (Member of Council), Manager, General Marine and Electrical Dept., C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., 16, Craven Avenue, Ealing, W.5.

COTSWORTH, Haldane Gwilt, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Life Member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Gathurst, Wigan, Lancs. T. A.: "Technical, Wigan." T. N.: 255 Wigan. b. 1871; s. of Edward H. Cotsworth, mining engineer of St. Kilda, Melbourne and London; grandson of George Gwilt, F.R.S., architect; m. Henrietta Susannah Barter, 1899. Ed. Stockwell Park College, London, and Teignmouth Grammar School; Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol. Articled to the late William Dean, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Chief Mechanical Engineer to the G.W.R. Training at Swindon Works. Engineering Chemist, G.W.R. Laboratory, 1891 4; Draughtsman, G. W. R., 1894-6; subsequently Consulting Engineer to the " Cotsworth " Arc Lamp and Electric Lighting Syndicate, Ltd., and to Prestwich and Burt, Engineers, Kingston-on-Thames; appointed Superintendent in the Engineering Department of the Battersea Polytechnic, I90o-5, and Head of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Wigan and District Mining and Technical College since 1905. One of the original foundes of the G.W.R. Engineering Society and Chairman for 3 years. Chief Works: Inventions, improvements in arc lighting; miners' electric IC safety lamps and transmission dynamometers. Publications: " A.C. electric measuring instruments," G.W.R. Swindon, 1894; " Arc Lamps and Arc Lighting," J.I.E., London. War Services.—Training Officers, Officers' University Training Corps, and Munition Workers.

COTTERELL, Albert Player Isaac, M.Inst. C.E., F.S.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., P.Pres.I.S.E., F.R.San.I., Cons. Engr.; b. 1861; s. of Frederic F. Cotterell. Ed. Sidcot Sch., Somersetshire; Oliver's Mount Sch., Scarborough, and Bristol Univ. Coll, Training: Bristol. Career: Engaged upon Railway. extensions in Devonshire and Cornwall; laid out the Helston Railway.; designed Cober Viaduct and many of the Bridges; designed and carried out numerous works of Water Supply and Sewerage, notably Street Waterworks, St. Ives (Cornwall) Waterworks, Bruton Waterworks, Minehead Waterworks, Gillingham Waterworks, Milborne Port Waterworks; also the Sewerage Works of the Westbury portion of Bristol, Harpenden Sewerage, Glastonbury Sewerage, and Surbiton Sewerage. Mem. of Corporation of Bristol, 1904; Lecturer in San. Eng. to University of Bristol, 1909. Address: 17, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: 5899 Victoria.

COTTON, Richard Bohun, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, Christchurch, New Zealand. b. 1884. Ed. Christ's College Grammar School, Christchurch, N.Z., and at School of Engineering, Canterbury College, Christchurch, N.Z., including training in Government Railway Workshops. Professional Career: Engineering Draughtsman, Public Works Department, N.Z., 1908 to 191o. Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, N.Z., since 1911. Chief Works: In charge of construction of a section of Gisborne Motu Railway during 1911, including the Otolno Viaduct. 1912-1914, surveyed a section of Gisborne Motu Railway, Culverden-Waiau Railway, and Waimate Branch Railway Extension; 1914-15, in charge of construction of Waimate Branch Railway Extension, and have returned to take up latter position again on completion of service with Royal Engineers. War Services.—Enlisted in Royal Engineers, March 14, 1916, and received commission June 3, 1916. Served in France for various periods between August, 1916, and September, 1918.

COUBROUGH, Anthony Cathcart, C.B.E., M.A., B.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E. (Ind.), Mechanical Engineer, c/o Mather and Platt, Ltd., P.O. Box 389, Calcutta, India. T. A.: " c/o Sprinkler, Calcutta." T. N.: 1557. b. 1877; s. of A. S. Coubrough, J.P., of Blanefield, N.B. Ed. Albany Academy, Glasgow, and Glasgow University. Engineering training with Mather and Platt,.Ltd., Salford Iron Works, Manchester. With Mather and Platt, Ltd., as electrical designer, Manager of the Electrical Department, travelling representative in India and South Africa, and General Manager in India since 1913. Member of the Indian Advisory Committee of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Member of Council of the Institution of Engineers (India ). Member of the Royal Automobile Club, and Glasgow University Club, London; Bengal Club, Calcutta; Bombay Club, Bombay; U.S. Club, Simla. War Services.—Controller, Home Indents and Priority, and subsequently controller, munitions manufacture, Indian Munitions Board.

COULING, Stephen Arthur, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Assistant Metallurgist, 119, Hurst Grove, Bedford; b. September 12, 1893. Ed. Bedford Modern School and Bedford Evening Institution. W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Ltd., Bedford. Employed in various capacities with W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Ltd.; including Assistant Engineer for a period during the war at several shipyards, representing their interests in auxiliary machinery for H.M. Navy and Mercantile Marine. Also jig, tool and machine parts designer. Latterly employed as physical metallurgist.

COULSON, Horace Wilkinson, M.B.E. (M. Div.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.S.E., A.M.Amer. S.C.E., Civil Engineer, Westville, Westoe, South Shields. T. N.: 140 South Shields. b. 1891. Ed. Westoe Secondary School, South Shields, and Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Training with H. W. Taylor, Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. , F. S. I. Resident Engineer, Petersfield Waterworks, Hampshire; Town Improvements, Barnard Castle; Alnwick Waterworks. Assistant -Waterworks Engineer, Lincoln Corporation; Resident Engineer on several reinforced concrete constructions. Chief Works: Two-gun 6-inch battery, North East Coast Defences, 140,000; two-gun 12-inch battery, North East Coast Defences, 1'120,000. War Services.—Commissioned Royal Engineers (T.F. ), 1914; Promoted Captain, i9r; Commanded R.E. Fortress Coy., 1915-19; Division Officer, Royal Engineers, 1916-20; mentioned in dispatches.

COUPER, John Duncan Campbell, C.B.E., M.A.(Cantab. ), M.Inst.0.E., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr.; Partner in firm of Couper and Wickham; b. 1876; s. of John Couper, M.D., F.R.C.S. Ed. Winchester College and Trinity College, Cambridge. Training: Cambridge University. Major Sch., Trinity College, Cambridge, 1897; 1st Class Mech. Sciences Tripos, 1897. Articled to the late Sir John Wolfe Barry, K.C.B., F.R.S.; Asst. Engr., New Dock Works, Grangemouth, N.B., 1900; Res. Engr., Kensington and Hammersmith Section, G.N., Piccadilly and Brompton Railway., 1904; Res. Engr., New Dock Works, Newport, Mon., 1905; Engr. to Alexandra (Newport and S. Wales), Docks and Railway. Co., 1914; Deputy Dir. of Docks (Eng.), B.E.F., France (Col. R.E.), 1917; Dir. of Docks, B.E.F., France, 1919. Club: United University. Address: 6 and 7, 'Cowley Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 346o. 2, Douro Place, Kensington, W.8. T. N.: Western 4635.

COUPER, Sinclair, J.P., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S. (P. Member of Council), Mech. Engr.; late of Lindsay Burnet and Co., Engrs. and Boilermakers, Govan, Glasgow; b. 1856; s. of James Couper, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire. Ed. Grammar Sch., Aberdeen. Training: Glasgow University; took complete Eng. Course and worked in the Physical Laboratory under Sir Wm. Thomson (Lord Kelvin), and carried out an extensive series of experiments -upon the elasticity of metals; Certificate of Proficiency in Eng. Sc. App. with Barclay Curle and Co., Glasgow; afterwards Chief Draughtsman, Miller and Co., Coatbridge; designed a large amount of Steelworks Plant; Eng. Manager to I. and W. Beardmore, Parkhead Steelworks; 1887 joined the late Lindsay Burnet, as Partner in the Moore Park Boiler Works, Govan, Glasgow; Sole Partner, 1895 to 1918; then transferred the Works to the Forth Ship. and Eng. IC Co., Ltd., London and Alloa; was Member of Lloyds Tech. Sub-Committee for 8 years. Address.. Kinnaird, Nithsdale Road, Dumbreck, Glasgow T. N.: Ibrox 611.

COURSEY, Philip R., B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I. E.E., Electrical Engineer, 14, Woodland Villas, Muswell Hill Road, London, N.Io. T. N.: Gerrard 2807. Ed. University College, London (Electrical Engineering Diploma). Assistant to Dr. J. A. Fleming, F.R.S., in the Research Laboratories of University College, London; Research Engineer to the Dubilier Condenser Co., Ltd.; Assistant Editor of the " Radio Review." Publications: " Telephony without Wires " (The Wireless Press, Ltd. ), also papers before various technical societies, etc. War Services.—Admiralty Inspector of Wireless Telegraph Apparatus in the Auxiliary Patrol, to October, 1918, subsequently Research Physicist, H.M. Signal School, Portsmouth.

COURTNEY, Basil Tosswill, M.I.Mech.E., Joint Man. Dir., Joshua Buckton and Co., Ltd., Well House Foundry, Meadow Road, Leeds. Club: St. Stephen's.

COWAN, Andrew Wallace, M.I. and S.I., Constructional Engr.; Man. Dir. of Redpath Brown and Co., Ltd.; b. 1877; s. of Sir John Cowan, J.P., D.L. Ed. George Watson's College, and Edinburgh University. Clubs: R.A.C., London; and Northern, Edinburgh. Address: 8, Ravelston Park, Edinburgh. T. A.: " Care, Evaporate, Edinburgh." T. N.: Central 1109.

COWAN, Edward Woodrowe, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., F.R.E.S., Cons. Engr.; b. 1861; s. of the Rev. J. G. Cowan. Ed. Kensington Grammar Sch. Training: J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Chiswick. Articled to J. I. Thornycroft and Co.; Draughtsman in Sir William Armstrong Mitchell and Co.'s Works, Newcastle; Draughtsman, Doxford and Sons, Sunderland; Asst. Engr. to Arthur Rigg, 1887-90; Works Manager, Manchester Edison Swan Co., 1890-98; Engr. to Altrincham Electric Supply, Ltd., 1896-98; Founder and Man. Dir., Cowan's, Ltd., Salford, 1898-1909; Cons. Mech. and Elec. Engr., 1909 to present date; past Member of Council I.E.E., and of the Northern Soc.E.E.; Chairman of the Manchester Branch I.E.E., 1903. Papers communicated to Inst.C.E., I.E.E., and Northern Soc.E.E. Address: 121, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: "Dynamical, London." T. N.: 3698 Victoria, London.

COWAN, Sir John, J.P., D.L., Chairman and Man. Dir. of Redpath Brown and Co., Ltd.; b. 1844; s. of Rev. John Cowan. Ed. Edinburgh Inst. and Edinburgh University. Master of Edinburgh Merchant Co., 1901-3; Chairman Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, 1910-12. Clubs: Northern, Edinburgh; National Liberal, London. Address: 2, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

COWAN, John, M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer, 204, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. T. N.: Central 2677. Training: In G. and S.W. Railway Engineer's Office and thereafter with the Caledonian Railway and private engineers in the West of Scotland; theoretical training in the Technical College. Glasgow. Carried out works in various parts of Scotland in connection with water supply, sewerage, etc.; acted as Engineer for the Cart Navigation. AST War Services.—Reported on the post-war use of national shell factories in Scotland for the Ministry of Munitions.

COWAN, Peter Chalmers, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., (Member of Council), M.R.San.I., Technical Adviser to the L.G.B., Ireland. Chairman of Housing Committee, L.G.B., Ireland, since 1919; b. 1859. Ed. High Sch., Dundee; Edinburgh University. Trajning: Under Prof. Fleming Jenkins, M.Inst.C.E.; Baxter Eng.Schp., 1878. Took first Medals in Eng., Senior Natural Phil. and Surveying at Edinburgh University; Asst. to Prof. of Eng., 188o-8i; gained Vans Dunlop Eng. Schp., 1882; Miller Prize, 1884; a city Sur., New York, 1882-4; Asst. Engr., N.Y. West Shore and Buffalo Railway. Construction; Asst. Engr., C.P. Railway., with charge of 13 miles of construction, 1884; Asst. Engr., Railway. and Docks; Second Engr., N.E. San. Assoc., 1884-6; County Sur., S. Mayo, 1886; Cons. Engr. to the Piers and Roads Committee, 1888-9; constructed Achill Viaduct and Swing Bridge; Cons. Engr. for Moy Bridge; County Sur., Co. Down, 1889; Chief Eng. Inspector L.G.B., Ireland, 1899; now as above; Mem. of Eng. Committee of Road Bd.; Hon. Mem. M.Inst.Arch.I., I. Water E., Inst.M. and Cy.E. Pamphlets • on roads and bridges, public health, and housing. Club: Kildare Street, Dublin. Address: Castlemount, Castleknock, Dublin. T. A.: "Housing, Dublin." T. N.: 10, Castleknock, Dublin.

COWIE, Frederick William, B.A.(Sc.), (McGill), M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer.S.C.E., M.E. I.C., Chief Engr., Harbour Commissioners of Montreal; Cons. Engr., Halifax Ocean Terminals; b. 1863; s. of John Cowie. Ed. Public and High Schs.; and Woodstock College, Ontario, Canada. Training: McGill University, Montreal. Hons. in Applied Sc. (McGill), Telford Gold Medal, Inst.C.E. Career: April, 1886, to date—continuous professional connection with important public works in Canada, viz.:— River St. Lawrence Ship Channel, from Montreal to the ocean; from Asst., 1886, to Supt. Engr.-incharge, 1908; designing and construction of dredging plant; construction Engr.-in-charge of extensive rock excavation and channel dredging; designed and carried out scheme of Soft. Channel from Montreal to the sea; investigations and Reports on Canadian Public Harbours; appointed Chief Engr., Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, 1907; responsible for design and construction of the present Scheme of Montreal Harbour Works, expenditure during 14 years, approximately $20,000,000; appointed Cons. Engr., Halifax Ocean Terminals, by the Canadian Government, in 1912; designed and was responsible for the new Scheme of Terminals, estimated to cost 335,000,000; first unit, including new railway approach, docks for ten of the largest type of ocean ships in the world, and terminals now completed, cost approximately $12,000,000 to $14,000,000. Publ: Many official reports; " British and Continental Ports "; Report on Halifax Ocean Terminals; " Transportation Problem in Canada, and Montreal Harbour " (Telford Gold Medal); Papers on Canadian Ports, etc. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; St. James's, Montreal; Arts, Montreal; Country, Montreal; Montreal Jockey; Seigniory of Perthuis Hunting and Fishing. Address: 191, Westmount Boulevard, Montreal, Canada.

COWIE, James, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Glen Athol, 201, Preston Drove, Brighton, 1( Sussex. T. N.: 4996 Brighton. b. 1869. Training: Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen; Leeds Technical School. Leeds; Northampton Polytechnic, London, etc. Assistant Engineer, Post Office Engineering Department, Brighton; six years Lecturer in Post Office Engineering, Brighton Municipal Technical College, Brighton. Chief Works: Engaged upon various Post Office Engineering works, Leeds, London, and Sussex; telegraphs, telephone development, wireless telegraphy, etc. Member of the Wireless Society of London; Member of Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers, London, etc. War Services.—Chief Instructor, 66th (E.L. ) Divisional School of Signalling, R.F.A., Colchester and Crowborough; Chief Instructor, fist Divisional School of Signalling (all arms of Service), Colchester.

COWIE, Robert Wolfe, M.Inst.Gas.E., Representative on Council for N.Brit.Assoc.,• Gas Engr. and Manager, Port Glasgow; b. 1882; s. of Robert Cowie, Tillicoultry. Ed. Tillicoultry Public Sch. Training: Glasgow Tech. College Career: 1905—Gas Manager to Lockerbie Corporation, reconstructed Works; 1909—Gas Manager to Dalkeith Gas Co.; 1911—Pres. of Waverley Assoc. of Gas Managers; 1919—Engr. and Manager to Port Glasgow Corporation; 1920—Pres. of North British Assoc. of Gas Managers; at present erecting new Gasworks at Port Glasgow. Address: Carron Cottage, Port Glasgow. T. N.: 180 Port Glasgow.

COWPER-COLES, Sherard Osborn, Rossa House, Sunbury-on-Thames; s. of the late Captain Cowper-Coles, C.B., R.N.; Member of Institution Electrical Engineers, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Iron and Steel Institute, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Electro-Chemical Society, American Chemical Society, Society of Chemical Industry, Associate Member Institute Civil Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Institution, Originator of the Electro-Galvanizing industry, process for Electro-deposition of Silver Cadmium Alloy, process for manufacture of parabolic Reflectors, process for Copper Refining and the direct production of Copper tubes, sheets and wire. Process for Aluminium Welding without a flux, Process for the direct manufacture of Iron tubes, sheets and wire, Process for inlaying and decorating metals. Inventor of the Sherardizing process for protecting Iron and Steel from corrosion. Author of numerous scientific papers read before various technical societies. Awarded at Franco-British Exhibition 1908 Grand Prix forElectro-Chemistry, Diploma of Honour for Metallurgy, Gold Medal for Art Metal Work, Silver Medal for Civil Engineering. Clubs: Athenaeum, Royal Automobile.

COX, Alexander George, M.Inst.C.E., Engr.-in-Chief, Canton-Hankow Railway., Hankow, China.

COX, Alfred, J.P., M.I.Water E., Manager Falmouth Waterworks Co.; late Man. Dir. and Chairman of Cox and Co. (Engrs.), Ltd., Falmouth; b. 1871; s. of late J. G. Cox, of Lanarth, Falmouth. Address: Pentreath, Falmouth.

COX, Herbert H., M.I..dech.E., Mechanical Engineer (Speciality, Marine), " Sunrise," Limpley Stoke, Wilts; b. 1867. Served apprenticeship at Marine Engineering at Falmouth in Cox and Co.'s. Yard, and as improver at Barclay, Curle and Co., Glasgow. Manager and Managing Director at Cox and Co., Engineers and Shipbuilders, Falmouth, Cornwall, from 1891 to 1918. War Services.—Fitting out trawlers, etc., with guns also several mystery ships; repairs to numerous torpedoed vesse'ls: etc.

COX, Reginald Charles, M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Civil Engineer, Dane Cottage, Denmark Avenue, Wimbledon; b. 188D. Ed. Dean Close School, Cheltenham; Cambridge University (Honours); Prizeman and Exhibitioner, Caius College, Engineering Tripos Honours Degree, 1902. Apprenticeship at Mordey, Carney and Co., Woolston, Southampton. Three years with Civil Engineers and Contractors in India; 12 years with Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Water Board, London. Resident Engineer on Tunnel under the Thames at Richmond, and employed on the Construction of Khargpur, India; and large waterworks in the vicinity of London, Chingford and Littleton Reservoirs. War Services.—Technical expert at Air Ministry on the construction of aerodrome buildings and works.

COX, Prof. Samuel Herbert, F.S.E. (P. Pres.), Earlscote, Ewell, Surrey.

COX, William T., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., Mechanical, Constructional and Civil Engineer, Fairfield House, Penistone. T. N.: 39 Penistone. b. 1884. Ed. Grammar School, Chesterfield; Department of Applied Science, University of Sheffield; Markham and Co., General and Constructional Engineers, Chesterfield. joined Engineering staff of Cammell, Laird and Co., Sheffield, 1903; on Engineering staff of Davy Brothers, Sheffield, for one year; Works Manager at the Government Engineering Works, Colombo. Ceylon, 1912-18, also Mechanical Engineer, P.W.D., Ceylon, 1915-8, and Lecturer in Engineering, Government Technical College, Colombo, 1917-8; Appointed Works' Engineer Yorkshire Steel and Ironworks at Penistone, 1918. Chief Works: Design and construction of harbour warehouses and offices; road and railway bridges; engines, machinery, and constructional steelwork for public buildings, and works in Ceylon. Maintenance of P.W.D. and harbour works machinery, plant, and buildings. Design, erection, and maintenance of steelworks machinery, plant, and buildings. War Services.—Ceylon Defence Force, 1916-18.

COX-WALKER, Edward, M.I.E.E., F.I.Inst., Electrical Engineer, Hill Garth, Sleights, Yorkshire, and Governing Director of Cox-Walkers, Ltd., Darlington. T. A.: " Sleights." b. 1838; s. of Charles Walker (late C.C. of York); m. Emma Louisa Cooke of York, d. of the late Thos. Cooke of York, Astronomical Instrument Maker, etc., F.R.A.S. Ed. Commercial College, York. Junior Operator with Electric and International Telegraph Co. in 1852, at York; Telegraph Superintendent for West Hartlepool Harbour and Railway Co., 1858-62; with T. Cooke and Sons at York, 1868-8o; established Telephone and General Electric Works at Darlington in 188o, now carried on by sons, in conjunction with electric lighting and power contracting, etc. Was chiefly instrumental in perfecting and manufacturing the " Hunnings " granulated Carbon Telephone Transmitters and " Cox-Walker " receivers, in 1878 onward; and patented " Duplex " and " Quadruplex " improvements in " Bell " telephones (now in Institution of electrical engineers' 1( Museum). Governing Director of Cox-Walkers, Ltd.; Director of Coniston and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd.

CRAGOE, Alfred Spencer, Consulting Mining Geologist and Engineer, Dean Villa, Liskeard, Cornwall. T. A.: " Cragoe, Liskeard." b. 1876. Ed. Private. Training: Camborne Mining School. Professional Career: Previous to 1897. Gold Mining and Milling in California and in the Republic of Colombia. i898-9—Assistant Manager of Gold Mine in Southern Brazil. 1900—Mill Expert, and developing Gold Mine in North Wales. 1931-ii—Ten years officiating as General Manager and Engineer for various English and Anglo-Mexican enterprises in the North of Mexico: Gold, Silver, Silver-gold, Silver-lead, Zinc-copper-lead, etc. Introduced the San Francisco del Oro property to present owners. 1911—With Bruce Marriott and Co., 62, London Wall, E.C.2, and inspecting Gold Mines and the large Iron Deposits of Southern Brazil on their behalf. 1912-15—Three years General Manager and Attorney for The Calamon Mining Company of Spain, Ltd. (properties since sold to The Peflarroya Company of Paris), in charge of mines employing some 800 men, producing Lead-zinc-silver ores, near C6rdoba. 1915— Consulting Engineer for Continuous Reaction Co. (producers of Ferro-Tungsten); appointed General Manager of subsidiary mining company brought out by them, which ceased operations consequent upon the character of the ore changing radically in depth. 1918 to date—Acting as independent Mine Consultant in Cornwall and Spain, and lately appointed Engineer and General Manager of The Bodithiel Silver-Lead Mines. Has made various contributions to the Proceedings of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, and the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Associate Member Institution Mining and Metallurgy; Member of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society; Member of the Mining and Metallurgical Club.

CRAIG, Alexander, C.B.E., J.P., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Man. Dir., Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd.; b. 1872; s. of David Craig. Training: Tech. Sch., B'ham; Mason College, B'ham. Wh. Ex., etc. Practical Training: L. and N.W.R. Crewe Works; Engr., Humber Co., Coventry, 1896-1901; Cons. Engr , 1901-14; Man. Dir. Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., since 1914. Club: R.A.C. Address: Earlsdon House, Coventry. T. N.: 146 Coventry.

CRAIG, J. Hally, M.I.E.E., M.I.E.S., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 45, Hope Street, Glasgow. T. A.: "Halcra, Glasgow." T. N.: Central 793. Ed. Glasgow Academy; Dollar Academy; King's College School, London; Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, now Royal Technical College; and in U.S.A. Joint Managing Director, Norman and Son, Ltd., Glasgow. After varied practical work, became New England Manager for Crocker-Wheeler Co. ,Ampere, N. J. In 1892 supervised the building and designed the electric equipment of what is believed to be the first electric vehicle in U.S.A. Returning from America he joined the staff of the British Westinghouse, first at Manchester, then as Manager of their Birmingham Office; for a few years Scottish Manager of the A. E. G. Electric Co., Ltd.; went into business on his own account in 1912. Scottish Agent for Berry's Electric, Ltd.; -Edison Accumulators, Ltd.; Electricars Ltd.; Standard Underground Cable Co., U.S.A.; Swedish General Electric; United Water Softeners, Ltd. Member of New Club, Glasgow. War Services. — In U. S.A., Spanish-American War, and Cuban Occupation. Great War Special Constabulary, Glasgow.

CRAIG, William, M.Inst.C.E., M.S.A.Soc. C.E., Civil Engineer, 117, St. George's Street, Cape Town, South Africa; b. 1862. Ed. King's College, University of Aberdeen, N.B. Pupil and Assistant to late John Willet, M.Inst.C.E., Aberdeen. Constructional Engineer, Brisbane Tramways, Queensland; Town Engineer, Ipswich, Queensland; Assistant Engineer, P.W. Department, Cape Colony; Principal Assistant, Director of Irrigation, Cape Colony; Chief Engineer, P.W. Department, Cape Colony. Private practice, Water Supply, Irrigation, Roads, Bridges, etc. President South African Society of Civil Engineers, 1919.

CRAMP, William, Prof., D.Sc., M.Sc.(Tech.), M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Prof. of Elec. Eng. in the University of Birmingham. T. N.: Edgbaston 964. b. 1876; s. of James Cramp, Coventry. Ed. King Henry VIII. Sch., Coventry. Training: Manchester College of Technology. Twice awarded a Premium by the Inst. of Elec. Engrs., and Silver Medallist, R.S.A. Career: Designed and carried out Extensive Eng. Installations, particularly at York, Buxton, Bordeaux, Sheffield and Manchester. Published researches on Magnetic Leakage, Single-phase Motors, The Electric Discharge, Measurement of Air Velocities and Pressures, Pneumatic Elevators, etc.; inventor of a new form of Repulsion Motor, and the Cramp Single-phase Motor. Publ.: " Continuous Current Armature Windings," " Continuous Current Machine Design," " Vectors and Vector Diagrams in the Alternating Current Circuit," translated into German as Wechselstrom Arbeits Diagramme, by Emil Waltz. Address: The University, Birmingham.

CRAVEN, Charles Samuel, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Whitwell, Isle of Wight. T. A.: " Whitwell, Isle of Wight." b. 1863; m. 1st, M. E. Gillingham (d. 19I0 ); 2nd, in 1917, E. V. Goody, d. of the late Rev. C. Goody, Vicar of Whetstone. Served articles with R. Robinson, M.Inst.C.E., Darlington. Clerk of Works on various schemes in Leeds and Maidstone; on Parliamentary work re Derwent Valley Water Scheme; Assistant Director of Works, Lagos Colony; Water Investigation Engineer on the Gold Coast, ultimately Resident Engineer, carrying out the Accra Water Works at cost of over Ej3oo ,000 , and partially carrying out the Sekondi Water Works (to cost over a quarter of a million), retiring from the service before the latter was finished. Club: St. Stephen's, Westminster.

CREASY, Harold Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., Deputy Director of Public Works, P.W.D., Head Offices, Colombo, Ceylon.

CREBER, William F. H., M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S., Waterworks Engr.; Res. Engr., Thirlmere Aqueduct. Ed. Plymouth. Training: Plymouth and Cardiff. Career: Engaged on Works at Plymouth, Cardiff and Derwent Valley, and in West Af. and Ireland. Address: Waterworks Office (T. A.), Town Hall, Manchcster.

CREED, Frederick George, Elec. Engr. (Telegraphs); Chairman and Man. Dir. of Creed and Co., IC Ltd., Telegraph Engrs., Croydon. b. 1871. Career: Entered Submarine Cable Service in 1885 at Canso, Nova Scotia; served 10 years as Land and Cable Telegraphist in North and South Amer.; came to Scotland in 1897 to develop Automatic Telegraphic Keyboard Perforator; invented and developed Automatic High-speed Morse Telegraph Receiving Perforator and Printer, High-speed Wireless Transmitting Keys for High and Low Powers, various Telegraph Relays, and a balanced Slide Valve for Steam and other Fluid Pressure Engines; first to apply Printing Telegraph to Wireless (1914 ). Clubs: R.A. and New City. Address: 3, Addiscombe Road, Croydon. T. A.: "Credo, Croydon." T. N.: Croydon 212 I.

CREEDY, Frederick, A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E., A.Amer.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, io, Ashburn Place, Ilkley; b. 1883. Ed. Private School and City Guilds Central Technical College, South Kensington (Diploma of A.C.G.I. and Honours Certificate). Engaged as designer by Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A.; then as Chief Electrical Engineer to the B. F. Sturtevant Co., Boston, Mass., U.S.A.; since 1912 has been practising as Consulting Engineer in this country, chiefly with reference to the development of new types of electrical apparatus. Chief Works: Developed new type of single phase commutator motor, now widely used. Also developed new inventions relating to variable speed induction motors, now also in wide use. Publications: Treatise on " Single Phase Commutator Motors "; papers on " Electric Waves in Dynamo Electric Machine," and other subjects before Institution of Electrical Engineers and American Institution of Electrical Engineers. War Services.—Manufacturing electric machinery for the Government.

CRESSWELL, John Hallden, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; Cons. Work; b. 1877; s. of J. H. Cresswell, Senr. Ed. Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines, London. Distinctions: National and Royal Scholarships. Career: Gen. Manager of United Alkali Company's Pyrites Mines and Railway. in Huelva, Spain. Address: c /o Mrs. Price, 14, Knighton Park Road, Sydenham, London, S.E.

CREWS, Henry Clavell, M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 4, Piccadilly, Manchester, and 19, King Edward Street, Macclesfield. T. N.: 4565 City, Manchester; 219 Macclesfield. b. 1869. Ed. Denstone College, Manchester, and Finsbury Technical Schools. Pupil of Holroyd Smith and Baker for 4 years at Manchester. Two years Second Works Electrician at Cadby Hall Works, London, with Woodhouse and Rawson, Ltd.; 2 years Head Works Electrician and Dynamo designer at Cornbrook Telegraph Works, Manchester; 2 years Electric Contractor, Manchester; Senior Partner in Crews and Handford, Consulting Engineers, Manchester; Electric and Mechanical Consulting Engineer, 1909-19, in Manchester and Macclesfield; Consulting Engineer to Biddulph U.D.C., Staffs, 1911; Consulting Engineer, Hazel Grove and Bramhall U.D.C., Cheshire, 1913. Chief. Works: Electrical and mechanical equipments for Manchester, Prestwich and Rochdale Union Guardians; Public School lighting and power schemes for Denstone, Ellesmere and Abbots Bromley Colleges Consulting Dd Engineer to numerous hospitals, leading hotels and prominent industrial concerns. Publications: 1906, Paper, " Lifts and Hoists," before Institution of Electrical Engineers; extracts of same are in Molesworth's " Engineer's Pocket Book." War Services.—Lieutenant and Signal Officer, 5th Volunteer Battalion, Cheshire Regiment; Patentee of the Crews Signalling Equipment; Member, Marple Military Tribunal.

CRIGHTON, Charles, M.I.Mech.E., Loco. and Carr. Supt., South Indian Railway., Negapatam, Madras Presidency.

CRITCHLEY, James Sidney, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1865; s. of William Critchley. Ed. Bradford Grammar Sch. Training: Bradford Tech. College Articled to John Waugh, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Bradford; after serving articles took up Boiler and Engine Inspection with Yorkshire Boiler Insurance Co.; made special study of Mill Equipment and designed one of the first Triple Expansion Engines for Factory Use; in reference thereto in D. K. Clarke's book, " Steam Engines "; 1896, laid out the Daimler Motor Works, Coventry, and Manager and Director of that Co. for some years; Pres. Inst. Automobile Engrs., 1913; Chief Inspector, Mechanical Transport, R.A.S.C., 1914; Gazetted out of Army, September, 1919. Clubs: R.A.C., Royal Aero. Address: 3, George Street, Hanover Square, W.I. T. A.: " Advance, London." T. N.: Mayfair 5252.

CROASDAILE, John Ernest, M.A., B.A.I., M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1867; s. of John Croasdaile, J.P., of Rynn, Queen's County. Ed. Corrig Sch., Kingstown. Training: Trinity College, Dublin. Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist in Mathematics. Career: As Res. Engr. had charge of important Extensions M. Railway. and L. and N.W. and G.W. Joint Lines; designed and carried out Waterworks for Ballymena, Banbridge, Castlewellan, Dungannon, Kilkeel, Larne, Newtownards, Portadown, Portrush and Warrenpoint; Sewerage Works for Newcastle (Co. Down), and Newtownards; has been consulted with regard to numerous other Water, Sewerage, Drainage and Navigation Undertakings. War Service: Senior Stores Officer for M. of M. in Ireland. Club: Alpine. Address: Avenue Chambers, Belfast. T. N.: Belfast 581.

CROCKER, Claude Edward, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E.M., Inst.E.A., General Manager, Electricity and Gas Dept., Perth, West Australia; b. 1875; s. of Samuel Edward Crocker. Ed. Ogden, Utah, and Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.A. Training: Schenectady, N.Y., and Lynn, Mass., U.S.A. Career: Erection and Management, Kalgoorlie Electric Power and Lighting Corporation, Ltd., supplying Min. Field, Kalgoorlie; Conversion Electric Supply, Perth, W.A., from D.C. to A.C.; reorganization for Electric and Gas Systems, and Construction New Gas Works. Club: Weld, Perth, W.A. Address: 132, Murray Street, Perth. T. N.: A2168.

CROCKER, Ernest George, M.I.Mech.E., M.C.I., F.R.Met.S., F.R.S.A., Consulting Civil Engineer, 13, Caxton House Westminster, S.W. 1. b. 1877. Ed. at Weymouth College, Weymouth, Dorsetshire. Civil and Mechanical Engineering, I0 Merchant Venturers' College, Bristol, 189375; Evening Classes, Engineering, Birmingham Municipal Technical College, 1896-7; Special Classes, Bridge and Dock Construction, University College, Bristol, 1898-9; at works of Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham, 189;-6; at works of Tangyes, Ltd., Birmingham, 1896-7; pupil of the late J ohn M. McCurrich, M.A., M.Inst.C.E., Engineer-in-Chief, Docks' Committee of the City and County of Bristol, 1897-9; Civil Engineering Assistant, Bristol Docks,1899-1900; Civil Engineering Assistant, Belfast Harbour Commissioners, 1900-I; Civil Engineering Assistant, H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, 1901-3; Chief Civil Engineering Assistant, H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth, 1903-12. Chief Engineer to the late The Honourable Bedford Level Corporation, the late South Level Commission, the late River Ouse Outfall Board, the late Denver Sluice Commission, Padual and Waterden Fens Commission, and Cawdle Fen Commission, 1912-20; Engineer to the Conservators of the River Cam. Consulting Engineer to the Burnt Fen Commission, Haddenham Level Commission, the Hundred Feet Wash Commission, River Wissey Drainage Board, River Cam Navigation, Deeping Fen Drainage Trust, Methwold and Feltwell Drainage Board, Feltwell New Fen Commission, Feltwell second District Commission, Mildenhall Fen Commission, Little Thetford Fen Commission, Cawdle Fen Commission, Stoke Ferry Drainage Commission, Roswell Hill Quarry, etc. Chief Works: Dock, harbour, estuary and river works; fluvial drainage, dredging, pumping, etc. War Services.—Navy as Temporary Lieutenant, R. M. E.

CROMPTON, Rookes Evelyn Bell, Colonel, C.B., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E., Electrical, Mechanical and General Engineer, Thriplands, Kensington Court, London, W.8. T. N.: Western 4695. b. 1845; s. of Colonel J. S. Crompton of Azerley; m. 1871, to Elizabeth, d. of George Clarke. Ed. Harrow. After a few months Royal Navy, entered Army, 1863; served with Rifle Brigade and on Staff in India from 1864-76. Was Superintendent of Indian Government Steam Train, 1868-74. Commenced Electrical Engineering in 1876; founded and developed Crompton's of Chelmsford, 1878-1903. As Engineer and Managing Director designed and superintended the carrying out of work costing jro,000,000 in the aggregate; has been twice President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers; once President of the Institution of Automobile Engineers; Consulting Engineer to the Road Board from its formation up to its absorption into the Ministry of Transport; was called upon by the War Office to organize the Corps of Electrical Engineers for service in South Africa during that war; was responsible for the development of Mechanical Transport for the Army; afterwards served for 5 Years on the Mechanical Transport Committee. Has been on the Executive Committee of the National Physical Laboratory ever since its formation; organized and is still the President of the Commercial ?,Iotor Users' Association, and which now employs 50,000 motor vehicles. Responsible for the laying out and design of machinery for generating and distributing electricity in large towns, London, Paris, Vienna, Stockholm, Calcutta, Madras, etc.; introduction of accumulators for electrical distributing stations; invention, development and manufacture of the Potentiometer; co-operation D5 with R. W. Thomson in introducing rubber tyres for motor vehicles. Publications: James Forrent Lecturer, Institution of Civil Engineers; British Association address on Tramways and Omnibuses; many reports and papers on the road and the wheel, etc. A Founder Member of the Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Crimea, North West Frontier, India, South Africa; during the Great War was employed to design the vehicles afterwards known as Tanks.

CROPPER, Cecil Howe, Major (late R.E.), D.S.0 M.C., B.Eng., M Inst.M.M., Min. Engr. (Metalliferous); examination of Lead and Silver Property; b. 1882; s. of Charles Michael Walsh Cropper. Ed. The Armidale Sch., New England, N.S.W., Australia. Training: The University of Sydney; graduated 1906. Career: Professional experience in West Australia, South Af., Mexico, Northern Nigeria, Cornwall, Federated Malay States, France, on Gold, Silver, Lead, Tin.; served 4 years in France during the Great War in R.E. with Tunnelling Co.; Major Commanding Co; proposed and took a leading part in the Messines-Wytschaete Min. Exploit in Belgium; 3 times Mentioned in Dispatches. Club: Royal Societies. Address: c/o Bank of New South Wales, 29, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C.2.

CROSBIE, Charles Wilson, M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 5, Cutcliffe Place, Bedford, and Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engineer's Department, Air Ministry, London; b. 1883; m. Margaret Hearn. Ed. Diocesan Boys' High School, Naini Tal, U.P., India. Professional Training under Professor William Robinson, M.E., at Nottingham University College; served as " College Electrical Apprentice " (3 years) with the British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Manchester. Was engaged for the British Westinghouse Co. on the electrification of the Mersey Railway, Liverpool, and the Metropolitan Railway, London; later as Assistant Engineer in the General Engineering Department of the same company; responsible for the estimates and designs of central electrical stations and general engineering propositions, some of the works carried out being the design of central electric stations and power schemes for various Collieries in the South Wales district, the River Plate, South Africa and India. Later Chief Electrical Engineer for the British Westinghouse Co. for the Western half of India, and was responsible for all constructional work; equipped the first electrically-driven Cotton Mill in Bombay, and several others subsequently. Leaving the British Westinghouse Co., joined Ferranti, Ltd., Manchester, as Deputy Sales Manager, and shortly after the outbreak of war joined the Air Ministry and took over the design of Central electrical stations for the Ministry. Chief Works: Design of Electric Power Stations for R.A.F. Air Stations. Publications: Electric Water Heating as Applied to Domestic Service," " Electrician," Vol. LXXVII, pp. 762-6. War Services.—As Electrical Engineer in the Air Ministry, having been specially mentioned in the " London Gazette," by the Secretary of State for Air " for valuable services rendered during the war."

CROSS, Edward, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Rotherham Corporation, Yorks.

CROSS, W. G., Major, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Assoc.M.I.Water E., MuniTn cipal Engineer, Municipal Offices;Guildford. T. N.: Guildford 63. b. 188o. Ed. Private School. Articled to R. M. Gloyne, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, Eastbourne. Engineering Assistant, Eastbourne Town Council; Engineering Assistant, Tunbridge Wells Town Council; Assistant Borough Surveyor and Waterworks Engineer, Tunbridge Wells; Assistant Borough Surveyor, Richmond (Surrey) Town Council; Borough Surveyor and Waterworks Engineer, Guildford. War Services.—Three and a half years' service in France in the Corps of Royal Engineers. Twice mentioned in dispatches.

CROSTHWAIT, John Lees, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Locomotive and Mech. Engr., Belfast and County Down Railway, Belfast. T. A.: "Loco, Down Railway, Belfast." T. N.: Belfast 4885. b. 1885; s. of late J. T. Crosthwait, C.E. Ed. High School, Dublin. Engineering Course, 1903-8, at Inchicore Works of the Great Southern and Western. Railway, Ireland; District Locomotive Superintendent, Waterford, 19r1-3, Great Southern and Western Railway; Assistant Manager, Inchicore Works, 1914, Great Southern and Western Railway; Running Superintendent, 1915, Midland Great Western Railway, Ireland; Assistant Manager, Abercorn Engine Works of Workman and Clark's and Co., Ltd., Belfast, June to November, 19r9; Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Belfast and County Down Railway, Belfast, December 1, 1919. War Services.—Three and a half years' Commissioned Service in Mechanical Transport of the Royal Army Service Corps; attained rank of Captain and mentioned in Sir D. Haig's dispatches of November 8, 1918.

CROWDY, Thomas, F.C.S., Assoc.Inst.M.M., M.I. and S.I., A.M.S.E., A.M.C.I., M.J.Inst.E., M.I.C.T., M.Soc.C.I., Freeman of the City of Gloucester, Chemical Engr. and Cons. Chemist to Richard Thomas and Co., and The Redbourn Hill Iron and Coal Co.; b. 1888; s. of Thomas Crowdy, Senr. Ed. Birmingham and Salisbury. Training: Salisbury. Distinctions: City and Guilds London Inst., 1st Eng., 1st Final (Hons. ) Eng., ist and 2nd Gas Works Supply. Articled pupil to N. H. Humphrys, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.C.S., etc.; in 1916 appointed to M. of M. at Castner Kellner Alkali Co.; specialized in Refrigeration of Gases for Trench Warfare; end of 1916 transferred to Stoke-on-Trent to build Gas Cylinder Renovating Factory, fully equipped with Plant for cleaning cylinders and destroying gases, retesting and annealing of cylinders, hydraulic testing, etc.; in 1919 Chemical Engr. and Cons. Chemist and Fuel Technologist to Richard Thomas and Co., Ltd., Swansea, Llanelly, etc., and The Redbourn Hill Iron and Coal Co., Frodingham, Lincs.; speciality, Potash Recovery from Blast Furnace Gas, Gaseous firing of boilers with Blast Furnace Gas, Water Softeners, Gas Producers, Boiler and Turbine Efficiencies, Blast Furnace Hot Stoves Efficiencies, Steam Condenser Efficiencies, also Blowing Engine Efficiency, Coke Research for Blast Furnace working, Coke Oven working, and By-products, Steel Smelting and Tinplate processes generally. Address: 13, Clifton Road, Salisbury, Wilts.

CROWE, Percy Barby, Colonel, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W.r; b. 1863; s. of Sir r‘A J. A. Crowe, C.B., K.C.M.G. Schooling abroad and King's College, London. Apprenticed to the Barrow Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. On staff Naval Construction and Armaments Co., of Barrow; at sea as Engineer for 15 months (Board of Trade Certificate); Superi ntendent Engineer, Metropolitan Electric Supply Co.; London Manager to W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., of Bedford. Now Director of this Company. Clubs: Windham, Royal Automobile and Hurlingham. War Services.—August, 1914, Commanding 1st Battalion London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers); to Mediterranean in September, 1914. From March, 1915, various staff appointments with 2nd, 5th and 4th Armies in France; twelve months in Intelligence Department, War Office. Demobilized April, 1919.

CROWTHER, J. A., Elec. Engr., Wallasey Corporation Tramways. Address: "Newlands," Moreton Road, Upton, Cheshire.

CROWTHER, Joseph Percival, Capt., A.M.I.E.E., Cons. and Res. Engr. to The Worksop Urban District Council; b. 1880; s. of Charles Henry Crowther, J.P., of Huddersfield and Blackpool. Ed. Longwood Grammar Sch., Huddersfield; Huddersfield Tech. College and Yorkshire Coil., Leeds. Training: Huddersfield Corporation Electricity Works. Club: Hon. Sec., Worksop Golf. Address: Sherwood Lodge, Worksop, Notts. T. N.: 201 Worksop.

CUFFE, Sir Otway F. Wheeler, Bart, V.D., M.Inst.C.E., Supt. Engr., Ro-ads and Bdgs., P.W.D., Burma; b. 1866; s. of Major Otway Cuffe. Ed. R.T.E. College, Coopers Hill. Training: R.I.E. College, and Manchester Ship Canal. Career: Spent in Burma, except when Sec., Eng. Conference, Simla, 1913; joined P.W.D., October 1889; Ex-Engr., Bhamo, 1896, Thayetmyo 1897, Toungoo 1901, Mandalay Div. 1903, Meiktila 1905, Rangoon Construction 1910, Supt. Engr., Rangoon Circle, 1911, Maritime Circle 1912, Mandalay Circle 1913 to date. Paper on " Alguada Reef Lighthouse," Notes on British and French Lighthouses 1906. t Club.East India United Service. Address: • Leyrath, Kilkenny, Ireland.

CULLEN, William, M.Inst.M.M., M.Soc.C.I., Cons. Chemical Eng.; b. 1867. Ed. Hutcheson's Grammar Sch, Glasgow; Tech. College, Glasgow; Royal Sch. of Mines. Freiberg, Germany. Training: With Nobel Industries and Associated Companies; Membership of Institutions: M. Chem. M. and M. Soc. of S.Af. (P. Pres. 1905-6, M. of Council and Corresponding M. for British Isles); Past F.R.S. of S. Af.; Life M. S. Af. Assoc. for Advancement of Sc. (Hon. Sec. during visit of B.A. 1905-6); Member of various S. Af. Govt. Commissions; Member of Transvaal Council of Education; Chairman for several years of governing body of S. Af. Sch. of Mines; Author of many papers on Min. Practice, with particular reference to the use of Explosives and Gases produced thereby. Clubs: Mining and Metallurgical, Chemical Industry, and Authors'. Address: Business and Temporary—c/o British South.African Explosives Co., Ltd.,.64, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 1155. Private— The Crossways, Avenue Elmers, Surbiton. T. N.: Kingston 2405.

CUNNINGHAM, Brysson, D.Sc. (Queen's University, Belfast), B.Eng. (Royal University of r Ireland), F.R.S. (Edin.), M.Inst.C.E., Resident Engineer Port of London Authority, 16, Beechwood Road, Sanderstead, Surrey; b. 1868; s. of late John Cunningham; m. Annie, d. of the late Robert Isaac. Ed. Liverpool College; Medallist City and Guilds of London Institute, 1889; Exhibitioner, Royal University of Ireland, 1893; B.Eng. 1895; D.Sc. 1915. Engaged on dock constructional work at Liverpool, 1890-1906; Resident Engineer, London and India Docks Co., 1906-9; represents Port Authority on Advisory Sub-committee of L.C.C. School of Engineering and Navigation at Poplar (Vice-Chairman); co-opted Member of Awards Committee, Institute of Marine Engineers. Publications: " Text-book on Building Construction " (several Editions), " Principles and Practice of Dock Engineering," 1901 (second edition 1910), " Principles and Practice of Harbour Engineering," 1908 (second edition 1918), " Dock and Harbour Engineer's Reference Book," 1914; many contributions to scientific and technical journals. Associate-Editor Engineer's Year Book. Paper on limitations of Engineering Formulae, awarded Liverpool Engineering Society's Premium, 1899.

CUNNINGHAM, John Cunningham, M.I.E. Aust., Chief Engr., Broken Hill South, Ltd.; b. 1872. Ed. High Sch. and University College, Dundee, Scot. Training: University College App. with W. B. Thompson and Co., Ltd., Dundee; Drawing Office, Gourlay Brothers and Co., Ltd., Dundee; Draughtsman with Johnson and Phillips, London, and Jas. Martin and Co., Ltd.; Gawler, South Australia; Chief Engr., Broken Hill South, Ltd., Broken Hill (Lead, Silver and Zinc Mine), N.S.W.; Design and Lay-out of Steam Power Plants, Gravity and Flotation Concentrating Plants; Inventor of Elevated Grid Bottom Cooling Tower and Flotation Machines. Publ.: A New Type of Cooling Tower ("Mining and Engineering Review" ); Application of Exhaust Steam Turbines to the Power Plants of Mines (Aust. I. Min.E.). Club: Broken Hill. Address: 5, Cheltenham Street, Fullarton, Adelaide, S. Australia.

CUNNINGTON, Arthur, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Lighting Engineer, London and South-Western Railway Engineers' Department, Waterloo Station, S.E.I, and 26, Muncaster Road, Clapham Common, SAN, T. N.: Hop 5100. b. 1884. Ed. Privately, and at the City and Guilds Central Technical College, graduated in Science (Engineering) at London University in 1904. For several years assistant to Leon Easter, Consulting Lighting Engineer and founder of the Illuminating Engineering Society. Joined the Lighting Department of the London and South-Western Railway Engineer's Office in 1912 as Technical Assistant, was in charge of the Electric Lighting in 1916, and appointed Lighting Engineer in 1919. Chief Works: Responsible for the system of electric lighting adopted on the electrified suburban stations of the London and South-Western Railway. Paper on " Railway Lighting " published in Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society.

CURPHEY, Harry, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Civil and Electrical Engineer, Blundell and Curphey (Engineering Department), Central Buildings, 41, North John Street, Liverpool. T. A.: " Bluncur, Liverpool." T. N.: Bank 8564. b. 1878. Past Resident Engineer London County Council Tramways Reconstruction. War Services.—Ministry of Munitions, Trench Warfare Department and Railways Material Department.

CURRALL, Edward Percy, M.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., F.S.I., F.G.S., Civil Engineer, Hampton Lane, Solihull, Birmingham. T. A.: "Permanent, Birmingham." T. N.: Victoria 192. b. 1888. Ed. Solihull, Birmingham Technical School, University of Birmingham. Civil Engineer in private practice. Assistant Lecturer in Civil Engineering in University of Birmingham. Engineer to Britannia Tube Co., Ltd., Birmingham. Has executed many works of sewage disposal and water supply. Author of Papers in the Institution of Civil Engineers' Proceedings; awarded Miller Prize, James Forrest Medal, Association Medal. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., Air Department; Captain, R.A.F., Technical.

CURRY, Thomas Archibald, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o Thos. Cook and Son, Bombay; b. 1884, at Dorking, Surrey; s. of T. E. Curry, late Chief Engineer, State Railways, India; m. D. M. Britter, d. of the late C. A. Britter. Ed. Malvern College and R.I.E. College, Coopers Hill. Thirteen years in the Indian Public Works Department. As Assistant on the Headworks, Upper Chenab Canal, Marale; Lower Bari Doab Canal, Balloki, and Lower Chenab Canal, Khanki. As Executive Engineer in charge of Headworks, Lower Chenab Canal, Khanki; Lower Bari Doab Canal, Balloki, and Lower Jhelum Canal, Rasul. Member of Punjab Club, Lahore.

CURTIS, Algernon Lewin, Expert in Sands, Clays and Refractories, Westmoor Laboratory, Chatteris, Cambs. T. A.: " Westmorlab, Chatteris." b. 1881; s. of John Lewin and F. M. Curtis, Chatteris, Cambs; m. in 19T6, Eva M. Hall, d. of Ramsden Hall, solicitor, Huddersfield and Manchester. Ed. St. Ives Grammar School, Hunts; Lincoln Technical School, Lincoln, and University of Penna, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Apprenticed to Robey and Co., Globe Works, Lincoln. On the staff of Reunert and Lenz, Engineers, Johannesburg, S. Africa; Arthur Koppell, Ltd., Engineers, Johannesburg, S. Africa; East Rand Prop. Mines, Ltd., Johannesburg, S. Africa; Merritt and Co., Engineers, Camden, New Jersey, U.S.A.; Loomis-Manning Filter Co., Philadelphia, U.S.A.; Standard Sand and Machine Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.; Frodair Iron and Steel Co., London. Practising since 1906 as a Consulting Expert in sands, clays and refractory materials, embracing chemical, metallurgical, physical and mechanical features; also designer of machinery for treating moulding and industrial sands. Member of the Society of Chemical Industry, London; Iron and Steel Institute, London; Am. Inst. of Min. and Mech. Engrs., Soc. of Glass Tech.; Am. Ceramic Soc., The Newcomen Soc. Author of " Foundry Sands and their Treatment," " Etude resumee sur les Sables de Fonderie," etc. War Services.—Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps, 1915. Discharged through wounds, 1919.

CURTIS, Valentine Edmund Scaer, M.Inst. M.M., Cons. Engr.; h. 1874; s. of G. C. S. Curtis. Ed. South Af. Training: South African Sch. of Mines. Distinction: Diploma Min. Eng. Career: Govt. Land Surveyor and Min. Engr., S. Af. Address: c /o Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2.

CUTHBERT, Edwin, M.Inst.C.E., M.R. San.Inst., M.Soc.C.E.N.Z., Civil Engr.; Engr., I( Drainage Bd., Christchurch, N.Z.; b. 1845; s. of Rev. W. S. Cuthbert. Ed. Oswestry, London and Dublin. Training: With late G. W. Hemans, M.Inst.C.E. Career: Public Works, N.Z.; Railways., N.Z.; Christchurch (N.Z.) Drainage Bd. for last 40 years. Address: 119, River Road, Richmond, Christchurch, N.Z. T. N.: 1779 Christchurch.

CUTLER, Arthur Edward, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Engr.-in-Chief for Public Works, also Pres. of Hunter District Water Supply and Sewage Board, Sydney, N.S.W.

CUTLER, Henry Albert, M.Inst.C.E., City Engr., Belfast.

CUTTEN BROTHERS, Alluvial Mining Engineers, Bank Chambers, 329, High Holborn, London, W.C.I, and Dunedin, New Zealand. T. A.: " Net tuc, London." Codes: Bedford McNeil, Moreing and Neil and Western Union. T. N.: Holborn 509. Partners: F. A. Cutten, M.Inst.C.E., and W. H. Cutten. Specialists in Dredging for Minerals; designers of Gold, Tin and Platinum Dredges, including the largest Tin Dredge in existence; inventors of the Tailings Elevator on Dredges. War Services.—At Woolwich Arsenal for shell production, and inspecting machinery under construction for the Admiralty.

CUTTS, Verdon Oswald, M.Inst.Met., Cons. Engr., Electro-Metallurgist and Electro-Chemist; Sole Proprietor, Verdon Cutts and Co. (Established 1909); b. 1887; s. of Matthew Cutts. Ed. Sheffield University. Training: Sheffield University. Career: Designed, Erected and Started into operation complete new Electro-Metallurgical Works and Plant; carried out work for Clients in Great Britain, Colonies, India, on the Continent and in China and Japan; original work in Design and Operation of Plant for Production of Steel, Non-ferrous Metals, FerroAlloys, precious and rare Earth Metals; Inventor of the " Electro-Bessemer Furnace." Various papers before Technical Societies on Electric Furnaces. Address: 87, Fargate, Sheffield, and Tregenna, Sunnyside, Worksop, Notts. T. A.: "Cutts 2963, Sheffield." T. N.: 2963 Sheffield.

See Also


Sources of Information