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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name R

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

RADICE, William Archibald, B.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Braithwaite and Co., 8, Clive Street, Calcutta, India. T. A.: " Brom. kirk, Calcutta." T. N.: 2111 Calcutta, India. b. 1882. Ed. Bedford School and Cambridge University (Christ's College). Pupil at A. Yarrow and Co. Works, Poplar. Assistant Engineer to the Bombay, Baroda, II " Central India Railway; Chief Engineer in India to Braithwaite and Co. of London, Birmingham, West Bromwich, Newport and Calcutta. Chief Works: Steel jetties and warehouses for the Port of Calcutta. Member of the Bengal Club.

RADLEY, Bertram Verdun, M.I.Mech.E., Mech. Engr.; Dist. Loco. Supt., East Indian Railway., India; b. 1869. Ed. Sandringham Sch., Southport, and Repton Sch., Derbyshire. Training: Beyer and Peacock's Eng. Works, Gorton. Address: Bath Road, Asansol, E.I. Railway„ India.

RAILING, M. J., M.I.E.E., Director and General Manager, General Electric Co., Ltd. Director: Anglo-Argentine General Electric Co., Ltd.; Bogota Telephone Co., Ltd.; British General Electric Co., Ltd. (South Af. ); City of Freetown (Sierra Leone) Electricity Co., Ltd.; Electricity Co. of Macclesfield, Ltd.; Frinton-on-Sea and District Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd.; General Electric Co. of Belgium, Ltd.; General Electric Co. of China, Ltd.; General Electric de France, Ltd.; Madeira Electric Lighting Co. (1909 ), Ltd.; Oriental Tube Co., Ltd.; Pirelli General Cable Works, Ltd.; Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd.; Steel Conduit Co., Ltd.; Witton-James, Ltd. Address: Magnet House, Kingsway.

RALLS, George Edward Durston, M.I.Mech. E., M.Inst.T., M.I.A.E., Man. Dir., Birmingham and Midland Counties Transport Co., Ltd., and Allied Road Transports, Ltd., Birmingham; b. 1875; s. of Orlando Ralls. Ed. Dursley Grammar Sch., Bedford Modern Sch. Training: Merchant Venturers' Tech. Coll., Bristol. App., Llewellens and James, Bristol; Weyman Hitchcock, Guildford and Cheltenham; Improver, Erector, and later Supt., Dougill and Co., Leeds; Draughtsman, Chas. Burrell and Sons, Ltd., Thetford; Chief Draughtsman and Engr., Traction Dept., Ruston, Proctor and Co., Ltd., Lincoln; Chief of Experimental and Testing Dept., Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Birmingham; Works Mngr., Swift Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry; Mang. Partner, Express Motor Transport Co., Pershore; Designer of Road Locomotives, Road Rollers, Steam Ploughing Engines, Steam and Petrol Motor Wagons and Ploughs. Clubs: R.A.C.; Pall Mall, London. Address: The Rookery, Pershore, Worcs. T. A.: " Tonnage, Birmingham." T. N.: Central 3443.

RAMSAY, Chas. T., Engr.-Comdr. R.N.R., M.I.N.A., Cons. Mar. Engr., G.W. Railway. Co., and Bibby Line, and General Cons. Work; b. 1856; s. of the late James Ramsay of Cuerdale Hall, Lancs. Ed. Preston Grammar Sch. Training: James Jack and Co., Liverpool. Six years at sea; Junior to Chief Engr.; Extra Chief Engr.'s Cert.; afterwards Cons. Engr., and acted for Canada Shipping Co. and Rathbone Brothers; designed and supervised the construction of Atlantic liners and liners to the East, fast turbine cross-channel steamers, yachts, etc. Club: Primrose, London. Address: 19, Sweeting Street, Liverpool. T. A.: " Intermediate, Liverpool." T. N.: 2553 Central, Liverpool.

RAMSAY, William, F. M.Inst.Met., M.F.S., etc., Chief Metallurgist and Eng. Chemist to Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., Birkenhead; b. 1872; s. of late Alexander Ramsay. Ed. Liverpool Inst. High Sch. Training: University Coll., Liverpool. Asst. to Prof. of Chemistry, Univ. Coll., Aberystwyth; Asst. Man. and Chemist, Gold, Silver and Copper Min. Co.; 25 years Chief Chemist, Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., Birkenhead. One of the pioneers of Eng. Chemistry and Metallurgy; closely associated with development of Electro-galvanizing and the Oil Process for concentrating Low-grade Ores; introduced a new High-Tensile Gun-metal and given much attention to Non-ferrous Metallurgy and Foundry Problems and to the corrosion of Metals and Alloys, Micrometallurgy, Physical Methods of testing Metals, etc., Lubrication. and Lubricants. Member of Committee, N.-Western Section, Inst. of Chemistry; Member Soc. of Chemical Industry (Member Committee, Liverpool Section). *Publ. " Corrosion of High-speed Bronze Propellers," " Corrosion of Condenser Tubes," in Engineering; numerous communications to Tech. and Scientific Pubis. Address: Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., Birkenhead.

RAMSEY, Arthur George, NI.B.E., B.Sc. Eng. (Hons. Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., F.R.S.A., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, H.M. Office of Works, Engineering Division, Westminster, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Responded, Parl, London." T. N.: 8040 Victoria. b. 1890; m. B. E. Emmett of Manchester in 1915. Ed. Lady Dacre's Emanuel School, London, S.W.; Xaverian College, " ClosRousseau," Neuchatel, Switzerland; Day Technical College (University of London); Battersea Polytechnic, S.W.; private tuition at Bonn, Germany. Training received at works of The British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Manchester. 914-19 — H.M. Office of Works, Scottish District Engineer in charge of design, installation, maintenance and administration of all engineering work carried out by the department in Scotland. 1919—Assistant Engineer, London; 1920—Engr. H.M. Office of Works in charge of special Works; 1920—Senior Engr. (Acting). War Services.—Design and installation of general and process plant in Ministry of Munitions National Filling Factories, industrial mills and hospitals (including supply of electro-medical equipment ).

RAMSEY, Colin Worthington Pope, Col., C.M.G., M.E.I.C., M.Am.Rly.Assoc., Cons. Engr. and Contractor; b. 1883; s. of W. A. Ramsay, C.E. Ed. Dufferin Grammar Sch.; Royal Sch. of Infantry, St. Johns; Private Tuition. Career: Entered Service of C.P. Railway., 1901—various capacities; Chief Engr. of Construction, C.P. Railway., Montreal, 1911-15; in charge of Construction St. Maurice Valley Railway., 35 miles; Grade Rpvision and Double Tracking of portions of Quebec, Ontario and Algoma Districts, 500 miles; Construction of S. Ontario and P. Railway., 25 miles; Georgian Bay and Seabord Railway., including Port McNicoll Harbour and Elevators, 95 miles; Cambleford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway. (new low grade line of C.P. Railway., Montreal to Toronto), 200 miles. March, 1915, to October, 1916—Lt.-Col. Canadian Expeditionary Force; October, 1916— Seconded to R.E. and appointed Railway. Construction Engr., Fifth Area, France; April, 1917—Col.; June, 1918—Officer-in-Charge of Construction, Poole Harbour Revisions; March, 1919—Reserve of Officers, March, 1919, to March, 1920—Supt., C.P. Railway.; March, 1920, to date—Cons. Engr. and Contractor. Club: St. James's, Montreal. Address:.447, Mt. IA A Stephen Ave., Westmont, Montreal, Canada. T. N.: W. 8344.

RANDALL, Mark Henry, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.C.I., Civil and Irrigation Engineer, Salisbury, Rhodesia; b. 1882. Ed. Private and University College, London. Articled, J. P. Maginess, M.Inst. C.E., London, S.W., 1898-1900. Assistant Engineer, Cape Colony Public Works Department, 19c2-4; Assistant Engineer, Lobito Bay Railway, 1905-6; Assistant Engineer, Simonstown Docks, 1go6; Union Irrigation Department, 190 6-12; Chief Irrigation Engineer, Land Settlement Department, Southern Rhodesia, 1912-8; Resident Engineer for Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, Mazoe Dam, 1918-20; Resident Engineer, Mazoe Irrigation Scheme, 1920 and current. Chief Works: Various dams and irrigation schemes in the Union and Rhodesia; the survey, projection, construction and administration of the Mazoe Dam and Irrigation Scheme (L15o,000).

RANDELL, Gerald Hamlin, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. and Mech. Engr.; Chief Engr., Denny Brothers, Ltd., Engrs. and Machinery Importers, Perth, Western Australia; b. 1881; s. of F. H. Randell, Pastoralist, N.S.W. Ed. Prince Alfred Coll., S. Australia. Training: Adelaide Sch. of Mines, S. Australia; Perth Tech. Sch., W. Australia; 4 years' course in Elec. Eng., 4 years' course in Mech. Eng., Univ. of W. -Australia. Career: 1907-17—Chief Engr., Power House, Fremantle Tramways, W. Australia; 1917-18—Chief Engr., Edna May Central Gold Mine, W. Australia; 1918-19—Chief Engr., Raub-Australian Gold Mine, Pahang, Malaya; 1919-20—Mech. Engr. for J. and A. Russell and Co., Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F.M.S.; Cons. Engr. for Rawang Tin Mine, Selangor, F.M.S.

RANDLES, Sir John Scurrah, M.P., Member of Council I. and S.I. Address: Bristowe Hill, Keswick, Cumberland.

RANKIN, Robert, B.Sc. (Eng.), Electrical Engineer, Woodcote Lodge, Lillington Road, Learnington Spa. T. A.: " c/o Ignition, Coventry." T. N.: Coventry 277. b. 1884. Ed. The High School, Stranraer; Royal Technical College, Glasgow (Diploma in Electrical Engineering); University of Glasgow, B.Sc. in Engineering (special distinction). Apprenticeship with Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., Glasgow. Lecturer on Electrical Engineering, The Technical School, Coatbridge; Demonstrator and Assistant Lecturer in Royal Technical College; Engineer with Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., Manchester; Chief Engineer and Works Manager, Electrical Power Storage Co., Ltd., London; Managing Director of Van Raden and Co., Ltd., Great Heath, Coventry. Past Chairman of the Junior Institution of Engineers; Chairman of Informal Meetings Committee, Institution of Electrical Engineers. Expert in accumulator and storage battery plant and applications of all kinds. Publications: " Storage Battery Practice " (Pitman's), and various papers on engineering subjects before different institutions. Member of the Coventry and County Club and University Graduates' Club, Birmingham.

RANSOME, Lewis H., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.G.S., Mechanical Engineer. (Sawmill and Woodworking 30 Machinery), Farndon, Newark-on-Trent. T. A.: " Farndon, Newark-on-Trent." T. N.: 119 Newark. b. 1862; third s. of the late Allen Ransome; m. Jessie, d. of John Bond of Liverpool. Ed. Rugby. A. Ransome and Co., Ltd., Chelsea, London; Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Ipswich. Chairman of A. Ransome and Co., Ltd., Newark-on-Trent, having been successively Works Manager, General Manager and Director of the Company. Also Director of Ramsome and Marles Bearing Co., Ltd., Newark-on-Trent. Tested and wrote official report on all Colonial timbers sent to the Colonial Exhibition held in London in 1886. Explored large tract of forest in the north-east of Madagascar and reported on the timber there; also prepared a map of the River Antanambalana. Paper on " Log Sawing Machines," read at the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1886. Clubs: Thatched House and Public Schools. War Services.—Officer in charge of the Volunteer Motor Transport for Newark, Mansfield and Worksop. Member of the Machine Tool Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Munitions.

RANSOME, Stafford, M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer, Wrencote, Windsor. b. 7 86o; second s. of Allen and Jane Bedford Ransome. Ed. Rugby. Training: Various engineering works. Engineer to a French company, 1880-3; in charge of A. Ransome and Co.'s overseas business, 1883-98; Special Commissioner of the " Engineer " in various countries, and held various engineering and journalistic appointments in many countries, 1898-190 5; founded and conducted the British Engineers' Association, 1912-6. Publications: Founder and Editor of " African Engineering," 1905, and " Eastern Engineering," 190 12. Author of " Modern Wood-Working Machinery," " Modern Labour," " Japan in Transition," " The Engineer in South Africa," " Practical Lessons of the War," and other books. Member of St. Stephen's and the Savage Clubs. War Services.—Organized and started the London, and Eastern Counties Association of Controlled Establishments and initiated many recommendations for facilitating output during the war and resuming trade after war. Went to France for the purpose of initiating co-operation between French, Belgian and British Industrial Associations.

RAPHAEL, Francis Charles, M.I.E.E., Cons. Elec. Engr. to St. Bartholomew's Hospital and Bank of England; Manager, Cable and Wire Department, Edison and Swan Electric Co., Ltd.; b. 1871; s. of Charles Raphael. Ed. Charterhouse. Training: Central Tech. Coll. Charterhouse Scholar and Diploma. Career: 3i years Editor of " The Electrician," ro years Editor of " Electrical Engineering.' During War, Lt. London Elec. Engrs. (R.E. (T. ). Publ.: " The Localization of Faults in Electric Light and Power Mains " (Three Editions), " The Electrician," " Wiremen's and Mains Superintendents' Pocket Book " (First two Editions). Clubs: St. Stephen's, Manchester Engrs'. Address: 35, Chese Green Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex. T. N.: Enfield 664.

RATHBONE, Edgar Philip, M.Inst.M.M.,. Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1856; s. of P. H. Rathbone. Ed. London University; Lon. R.S.M.; Freiberg: ;0 I S.M.; University and S.M., Liege. Pupil to the late Emerson Bainbridge. Was first Pres. of the Assoc. of Min. Students; Chief Govt. Inspector of Mines on the Rand (assisted in drafting of Min. Regulations); Head Mine Mngr., Salisbury Gold Mine; Partner and founded the firm of Bainbricl4e, Seymour and Co.; Special Min. Correspondent of the London "Times" in Canada and S. Af. Editor of the "S. Af. Min. Journal"; was one of the Foundation Members and on Council of Inst.M.M.; P.-Pres. and introduced on the Rand St. John Ambulance Assoc.; a founder and P.-Vice-Pres., Rand Pioneers; during War, a Govt. Inspector of Aeroplanes; examined Min. Properties and made reports and valuations in S. Central and N. Amer., S. Af. and Central Europe. Club: Royal Colonial Inst., Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2. Address: c/o Royal Colonial Inst., Northumberland Avenue. T. A.: " c/o Recital, London." T. N.: Regent 4940.

RATHMELL, Bernard, M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr., specializing in Refrigeration, 1906 to date. b. 1871; s. of Bernard Lodge Rathmell. Ed. Skipton Grammar Sch., Yorks. Training: Mechanics Inst. and Yorks. Coll., Leeds. 1887-96—At Kitson's Airedale Foundry, Leeds; 1896-1906—Chief Draughtsman, Liverpool Refrigeration Co., Ltd. M. of Council and Hon. Librarian, Liverpool Eng. Soc.; Gold Medallist, 1906-7. Two Papers read before Liverpool Eng. Soc. Address: Redcross Chambers, Redcross Street, Liverpool. T. N.: Bank 440r.

RATTRAY, D. C., Chief Civil Engr., Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. Address Hunt's Bank, Manchester.

RAVEN, Sir Vincent (Litchfield), K.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E.,. I. and S.I., Chief Mech. Engr., N.E. Railway. Co., since 1910; Chief Supt., Royal Arsenal Factories, Woolwich, 1915-17; Controller of Armament Production, Admiralty, since 1917; returned to N.E. Railway. as Chief Mech. Engr., 1919. Address: Chief Mech. Engr., North-Eastern Railway., Darlington. T. A.: " Raven, Railway. Darlington." T. N.: Darlington 2680.

RAVENOR, Maurice A., Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., Civil Engr. Ed. Privately, and at Univ. Coll., London. Fifteen years Assistant to H. Howard Humphreys, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., etc., of 28, Victoria Street, in the preparation and construction of important engineering works at home and in the colonies. Civil Engineer to Anglo-Persian Oil Co., London, E.C.; Drainage Commissioner to Fiji Government; Acting Deputy Commissioner of Works, Fiji Government; Resident Engineer, Halton Park School of Technical Training, Royal Air Force. 1910—Reinforced concrete construction, North China (buildings and bridges). 1912—Construction of Suva Drainage Works, Fiji, for Colonial Government. 1916—Sewerage and Water Supply, Apia, Samoa, for New Zealand Government. Has specialized in hydraulic sewerage, municipal and constructional engineering and reinforced concrete work; now in F. Malay States on a Hydro Elec. Power Scheme for the Crown Agents for the Colonies. War Services.—Enlisted in Fiji Defence Force, 1914. Released for engineering work; Engineer-in-Charge of construction of boom defences and' aerodrome 3C construction, River Humber; Resident Engineer aerodrome construction, Air Ministry.

RAVENSHAW and DYER, Consulting Civil and Electrical Engineers, Rutland House, Golden-Manor, Hanwell, London, W.7. T. N.: 735 Ealing. Partners: Henry Willock Ravenshaw, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E. Paper read before the Institution of Civil Engineers was awarded Telford Premium, Society of Arts, Cantor Lectures on " Electricity in Mines." Charles Frederic Dyer, M.I.E.E., Member of the Midland Institute of Mining and Mechanical. Engineers. Established 1896. Consulting Engineers to many collieries and Works where explosive and inflammable materials are handled, including The Manvers Main Colliery Co., Ltd., John Brown and Co., Ltd., The London and Thames Haven Oil Wharves, Ltd., and many others. War Services.—C. F. Dyer served sour years in the Navy.

RAWBONE, Cyril Edwin, M.I.N.A., Ship Surveyor to the Marine Dept., B.O.T., North Shields Office; b. 1880. Ed.: Normal Coll., Cape Town, S. Af.; Latimer Foundation Sch., Hammersmith, W.; Upper Sch., H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; Chatham, Gillingham and Rochester Tech. Insts. Training: H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. App. as Shipwright in H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; obtained maximum time of 4 years at Upper Sch., and specially commended by Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty; Hons. Medal in N.A. by Bd. of Ed., and 2nd, then 1st Class Draughtsman at Chatham; Instructor in N.A., Gillingham and Chatham Tech. Insts. and Upper Dockyard Sch. for io years; Ship Surveyor, B.O.T., 1913, at Tonnage Office; lent to Admiralty Supts. of Contract Dept., 19th; sent by B.O.T. to N. Shields in 1917, where at present stationed. Club: Benton Park Golf. Office Address: B.O.T. Surveyor's Office, North Shields. T. N.: 11 N. Shields.

RAWLINGS, William Robert, A.M.I.E.E., P.-Pres. E.C.A.I., Man. Dir., Rawlings Brothers, Ltd.; Director, Sun Elec. Co., Ltd., Burt, Escare and Denelle, Ltd., and Rawlplug Co., Ltd.; b. 1865. Ed. Privately. Training: Finsbury Tech. Coll. Addresses: Lakeside, Home Park Road, Wimbledon Park, S.W.I9, and 95, Gloucester Road, South Kensington, S.W.7. T. N.: 732 Wimbledon, 3370 Kensington.

RAWLINS, George Bromley, B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., General Engineer (Steel Bridge and Rolling Stock ), " Roseneath," Middleton Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield; b. 1891; s. of the late John Rawlins, Erdington, Birmingham, and Lucy Green, née Lucy Bromley; m. Dorothy Margaret, second d. of Canon George Astbury. Ed. Bromsgrove School and Birmingham University Received practical training with the Patent Shaft and Axletree Co., Wednesbury. Now Assistant Works Manage:-, Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co., Ltd., Old Park Works, Wednesbury.

RAWSON, Ernest, B.Sc. Eng. (Lond.), A.M.I. Mech.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer. Principal of the West Bromwich Technical School. T. N.: 156A West Bromwich. Received engineering training with Simpson Brothers, engineers, Hapton, Lancashire. Technical education received at the Technical Institute, Burnley, and tt the Borough Polytechnic, )2 London. Prior to 1917 was senior Engineering Lecturer at the Municipal College, Halifax, Yorks. 1917-9 was appointed Supervisor of the Newcastleon-Tyne Training Centre, Rutherford College, under the Training Section of the Ministry of Munitions. Head of the Engineering Department, Municipal College, Portsmouth, 1919. First Class Honours B.Sc. Engineering, London, honours medals, Board of Education. President of the Portsmouth Municipal College Engineering Society, 1920.

RAYNER, D. D., A.M.I.E.E., A.Amer.I.E.E., Manufacturing Electrical Engineer, Rayner, Heald, Ltd., Duke Street, Derby. T. A.: " Alternating, Derby." T. N.: 228 Derby. Ed. Bradford Technical College. Diploma Electrical Engineering (4 years), Diploma Mechanical Engineering (3 years). Now Managing Director, Rayner and Heald, Ltd., Derby.

RAYNER, E. S., A.M.I.E.E., Manager and Engr., Hull Corpn. Tramways.

READ, Arthur Avery, Capt. (T.D.), Prof. D.Met. (Sheffield Univ.), F.C.S., Prof. of Metallurgy, University Coll., Cardiff; b. 1868; s. of late Charles Read, Honiton, Devon. Ed. Exeter Grammar Sch. Training: Owens Coll., Manchester, and University of Sheffield. Publ.: " The Carbides in Steel and Alloy Steels," Journals Iron and Steel Inst. and Inst. of Mech. Engrs.; " Influence of Nickel on Some Copper Aluminium Alloys " and " The Properties of Nickel Aluminium and Copper-Nickel-Aluminium Alloys," Journals, Inst. of Metals. Address: University Coll., Cardiff.

READ, Herbert James, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 53, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 8.84. Ed. Privately and City and Guilds of London Institute. 1886—Staff Engineer, J. Edmundson and Co., Great George Street, Westminster. r 898—Contracts Manager, Edmundson Electricity Corporation, Broad Sanctuary Chambers, Westminster. 1920—Chairman and Managing Director, Read and Partners, Ltd. Specialized in the electrical equipment of country mansion and estate installations, including Sudeley Castle, Cawdor Castle, Stackpole Court, Castle Hill, Clovelly.

READE, James F., A.R.C.S. (Ireland), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.C.E.I., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, 2 9, Barronstrand Street, Waterford. Training: In works of Reade and Sons for five years; three years' Engineering Course in Royal College of Science, Ireland; obtained Diploma in Engineering. Assistant Engineer in Chief Hydraulic Engineer's Office, Dublin, on arterial drainage works; Assistant Engineer, West Ham Corporation, on main drainage works in West Ham, E.; Assistant Engineer with various consulting engineers in London on sewerage, waterworks, dock and harbour works, pumping stations, etc. Private practice in London and Ireland since 1898. Chief Works: Athy waterworks, Carrick-on-Suir waterworks, Tramore sea wall and promenade, miscellaneous works of water supply, drainage, river improvements, etc. Lecturer on Engineering, Borough Polytechnic; Resident Engineer on Electricity Works Extension, Bedford; Deputy City Engineer, Norwich. Papers read before engineering societies. War Services.—Assistant Engineer, Ministry of Food, London.

REASON, Henry Lucien, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.Met., General Manager, United Brassfounders and Engrs., Ltd., Birmingham. Training: Hayward, Tyler and Co., London. Diploma Best Paper of Session for Paper on Non-Ferrous Alloys by Inst. of Brit. Foundrymen. Director, Non-Ferrous Research Assoc.; Mem., B.E.S.A.; V.-Pres. to Inst. of Brit. Foundrymen; P.-Pres., Birmingham Branch, 1911-13, 1919-20; Mem. Birmingham Metallurgical Soc., and of Ctees. on Eng., Copper Alloys and Aircraft subjects. Articles in Tech. Press on Non-Ferrous Anti-Friction Metals, also melting Non-Ferrous Alloys. Club: Birmingham Midland Conservative. Address: 29, Hallewell Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. T. A.: " Martsmith, Birmingham." T. N.: 249 Midland.

REAVELL, William, M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council), M.I.N.A., Man. Dir., Reavell and Co., Ltd., Ipswich; Councillor, Ipswich Corpn.; Chairman of Waterworks Ctee., Ipswich; b. 1866; s. of late Geo. Reavell. Ed. Alnwick Grammar Sch.; Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne; City and Guilds Coll., Finsbury. Training: Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Designed the first Water Tube Marine Boilers at Babcock and Willcox; Gen. Man. of their Marine Dept., then Gen. Man. for Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., London. Established the present business of Reavell and Co., Ltd., in 1898. Club: St. Stephen's, London. Address: " Broadwater,," Ipswich. T. A.: " Reavell, Ipswich." T. N.: Broadwater-84o Ipswich; Works-324 Ipswich.

RECORD, John Westmoreland, A.M.I.E.E., Governing Director of the Record Elec. Co., Ltd. Address: Atlantic Street, Broadheath, Cheshire. T. A.: " Infusion, Altrincham." T. N.: Altrincham 164.

RECORD, Oswald Lowden, A.M.I.E.E., M. A.Min.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Dacre. House: Victoria Street, S.W. T. N.: Victoria 2728. Private Residence: 6o, Lyndhurst Drive, Leytonstone, E.Ii. b. 1883; second s. of the late John Record of Clapton, N.E. Ed. St. Ignatius' College, Stamford Hill, London, N., and City and Guilds of London Institute (Finsbury College). After being connected with Edison and Swan, Johnson and Phillips, and the India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co., Silvertown, spent 4 years in the Peel Works of the General Electric Co., Ltd., being then transferred to their Head Office as Assistant Manager of the Switchgear Department. Left them to take up the position of Manager of the Supplies Department of the Lahmeyer Electric Co. For a number of years prior to the War was Manager of the Electrical Engineering and Equipment Co., Ltd., and for 2 years after the War Chief Engineer and Manager of the same company. Paper read before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, on " The Testing of Underground Cables with Continuous Current," 1916. War Services.—Fifteen months as a sapper in th London Electrical Engineers, Royal Engineers (T. ), attached to an anti-aircraft searchlight station, and then till the close of the war with the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., in charge of some special instrument work for the Admiralty.

REDDING, Richard James, Wh.Sc., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., F.C.S., M.I. and S.I., M.Inst.Met., Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineer, c/o Mond Nickel Co., Newtown Row, Birmingham. T. A.: " Nictatio, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham, Central 2052-3. Trained as Metallurgist and Engineer in Royal Laboratory Department, Woolwich Arsenal, becoming Chief Metallurgist in Royal Laboratory Department, Woolwich Arsenal, in charge of laboratories, mechanical testing and steel making. Now Works Superintendent of the Mond Nickel Company's works at Birmingham. War Services.—Transferred from Royal Arsenal to Birmingham to inspect manufacture of brass for cartridges; Assistant Superintendent and finally Superintendent of the Government Rolling Mills, Southampton.

REDFERN, John Lewis, A.R.I.B.A. (exam.), M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. (exam.), Borough Engr., Surveyor and Architect, Gillingham, Kent, since 1904; b. 1870; s. of J. E. Redfern, Builder, Hanley, Staffs. Ed. Middle Endowed Sch., Newcastle-under-Lyme. Training: Hanley, Staffs. Hons. Medallist, Building Construction. Member of Council of Inst. of Municipal and County Engrs. Articled to G. W. Bradford, Stoke-on-Trent, and Asst. to ditto., 1889-95; Asst. to J. Lobley, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engr., Hanley, 1895-8; Deputy City Engr. and Surveyor, Carlisle, under H. C. Marks, M.I.C.E., 1898-1904. Addresses: Council Offices, Gillingham, Kent; " Eastgate," Park Avenue, Gillingham. T. A.: " Redfern, Borough Surveyor, Gillingham, Kent." T. N.: 120 Gillingham.

REDGRAVE, Gilbert Richard, Assoc.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, Thrift wood, Silverdale, Sydenham, London, S.E.26. T. N.: Sydenham 2056. b. 1844; only s. of Richard Redgrave, C.B., R.A.; m. first, Emma, d. of G. Attenborough (1874 ), secondly, Winifred Amy, d. of W. F. Watt (19r5). Ed. Chester Training College; Dresden Realschule; King's College, London; South Kensington National Art Training Schools, and Schools of Royal Academy, etc. Till 1871, engaged under Major-General Scott, C.B., R.E., on designs for Royal Albert Hall, South Kensington; in partnership with General Scott as Engineer of Tunstall Sewage Works, Stokeon-Trent Sewage Works, and many schemes for sewage disposal; Secretary, 1881-4, of the Royal Commission on Technical Instruction; Inspector of Schools under the Department of Science and Art, 1884; Chief Senior Inspector of Technical Schools under the Board of Education, 1897; Assistant Secretary of the Board of Education for Technology, 9-)0; writer on engineering subjects for " The Times " and other papers. Chief Works: English buildings at Paris International Exhibition, 1878; block of artisans' dwellings in Great Eastern Street, London. Architect to the Royal Commissioners of the Paris Exhibition of 1878; President of the Bibliographical Society of London, 1908; Officier of the Legion of Honour, 1878; juror, St. Louis Exhibition, 1904. Publications: "David Cox and Peter Dewint " (1891); " Water Colour Painting in England " (1892); " Calcareous Cements, Their Nature and Uses " (189); " Erhard Ratdolt and his Work at Venice " (1894). Member of Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall. War Services.—Employed under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research for the Committee on Deterioration of Materials Exposed to Sea Action, 1917-9.

REDMAN, Wm., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Shipley U.D.C. Lighting and Tramways. Address: Electricity Works, Dockfield, Shipley.

REDMAYNE, Sir Richard Augustine Studdert, K.C.B., Chevalier Legion of Honour, Hon. Companion Order of St. John of Jerusalem, M.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., P.-Pres. Inst.M.M., M.I. Min.E., F.G.S., Chairman, Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau; Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1865; s. of late J. M. Redmayne, J.P. Ed. Private Tuition; Durham Coll. of Physical Sc., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Training: The Hetton Collieries, Co. Durham. App. and Undermngr., Helton Collieries, 8 years; Man. Coal Mines in S. Af. (Natal), and reporting on Min. Properties and making Geological Surveys, 2 years; Mngr., Seaton Delaval Collieries, Northumberland, 8 years; Prof. of Min., University of Birmingham; organized the Min. Dept. there; designed the scheme of Plant and Labs.; Man. Dir., Stafford Coal and Iron Co., and the Florence Coal and Iron Co., Ltd.; Cons. Engr.; visited Canada, U.S.A., and again visited S. Af.; reported on the Mineral Deposits of the Vryheid District for the Natal Govt., etc., 6 years; H.M. Chief Inspector of Mines, Home Office, 12 years' until, 1920; Tech. Adviser to the Controller of Coal Mines and Head of Production Branch Feb., 1917—Nov., 1919. Publ.: " Colliery Working and Management " (Joint Author); " Modern Practice in Mining " (4 vols. ); " The Ownership and Valuation of Mineral Property in the United Kingdom " (Joint Author). Addresses: 32, Victoria Street, Westminster, and Claremont Lodge, Cobham, Surrey. T. A.: " Amberkraft, 'Phone, London." T.N.: Victoria 3283, 4656 and 9040; Cobham 139.

REED, Frank, M.Inst.M.M., Inspecting Engr.„ Mines Department, Wellington, New Zealand.

REED, Henry Ashman, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engineer, Manchester Ship Canal, 41, Spring Gardens, Manchester. T. A.: "Navigation, Manchester." T. N.: 6224 City. Private Residence: The Red House, Bowdon, Cheshire. T. N.: 367 Altrincham. b. 1866. Ed. Bristol Merchant Venturers' School and Bristol University. Articled to Charles Richardson, M.Inst.C. E., who was carrying out the Severn Tunnel, Patchway Tunnel and other railway works. Contractors' Engineer, No. 7 Section, Manchester Ship Canal, during construction, 1887-94; Contractors' Engineer, Leicester to Rugby Section, Great Central Railway Extension to London, 1895-6; Contractors' Chief Engineer, Gibraltar Docks and Harbour Works, 1896-1907; Contractors' Engineer, Southampton Deep Water Dock, 1907; Engineering Inspector, Local Government Board, 1908-11; Chief Engineer, Manchester Ship Canal, from January, 1912. Member of Suez Canal Consultative Works Commission, Upper Mersey Navigation Commissioner, and Member of Bowdon Urban District Council. Member of Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Erection of cold storage, ore discharging berths, and other works on Manchester A A Ship Canal. Member of Local Appeal Tribunal, Coal and Food Committees.

REED, Thomas Alfred, M.I.N.A., M.I. Mech.E., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.E. and S. Scotland, M.N.E.C.Inst. E. and S., M. S. Wales I.E., Cons. Engr., Naval Arch. and Surveyor; s. of Thomas Fenwick Reed, Northumberland. Training: Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Co., Ltd., Jarrow-on-Tyne. Commenced to practice as Cons. Engr. and Naval Arch. and Surveyor, Bute Docks, Cardiff, in 1887. Address: Bute Docks, Cardiff. T. A.: " Steam, Cardiff." T. N.: 171 and 2291.

REES, E. S., H.M. Inspector of Mines, 19, Kensington Crescent, Swansea.

REEVES, Arthur William, M.I.Mech.E., F.R. S.A., M.I.A.E., etc., Automobile Engineer, Enfield Allday Motors, Ltd., Birmingham, and " The Elms," Alvechurch, Worcester. T. A.: "Enfielders, Birmingham." T. N.: Victoria 487. b. 1880. Ed. Brimscombe Polytechnic, Gloster. Trained at Dudbridge Ironworks, Ltd., Stroud. With Crossleys Brothers, Manchester, for many years, and associated with the late James Atkinson (of the Differential Gas Engine fame); position as Designer and Works Manager on Crossley cars; later General Manager, Sheffield Simplex Motor Works, Sheffield; since and at present, Technical Director, Enfield Allday Motors, Ltd. (allied to Alldays and Onions, Ltd. ), Birmingham. Chief Works: Design and manufacture of Sheffield Simplex cars, Crossley cars, Enfield Allday cars (with radial air-cooled engine); pioneer in development of radial engines of static type. Various papers on Auto Engineering subjects read before the Institution of Automobile Engineers. War Services.—Engaged on design and manufacture of aircraft engines and machinery for rigid airships.

REEVES, John Horace, M.B.E., M.A. (Cantab.) Associate I.E.E., Principal of The General Engineering College, 2, Penywern Road,Earl's Court, London, S.W.5. T. A.: "Fingernail, London." T. N.: 915 Western. b. 1868; s. of late John Reeves of Ecclesbourne, Lee, S.E. Ed. Cambridge University, first honours Mathematical Tripos. One year Special Student at the Central Technical College. Engaged in educational work since 1899. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.G.A.

REEVES, Walter Arthur, Electrical Engineer, High Street, Dorking. T. A.: "Reeves, Dorking." T. N.: Dorking 111. b. 1894. Ed. Northampton Polytechnic Institute, Clerkenwell; Diploma in Engineering at Northampton Institute; Silver Medallist and First Prizeman in Electro-Metallurgy at the City and Guilds of London Institute. One year with the British Thomson-Houston Co., Rugby. At beginning of war, member of staff of the British Aluminium Company. Joint author with H. Eastman of a paper on " Losses in Transformers," 1913. War Services.—Member of original British Military Commission, Berlin; mentioned in Dispatches for work in captivity. Lieutenant and Pilot in Royal Air Force; enlisted in West Kent Yeomanry, August 5, 1914; Adjutant of British Military Mission, Vienna; spent one year in solitary confinement for destruction of secret German listening devices; first British officer in Berlin after the Armistice.

REGNAULD, Alfred, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.R.C.S., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Faraday House, Southampton Row, London, W.C. r. T. A.: "Standardizing Westcent, London." T. N.: 9999 Central. Ed. Royal College of Science, South Kensington, London. Pupil at Yarrow and Co., Ltd., engineers and shipbuilders, Scotstoun, Glasgow. Drawing Office, Yarrow and Co.; Consulting Engineer and Chief Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Department, Faraday House Standardizing, Testing and Training Institution, Southampton Row, W.C. 1.

REID, Alexander, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E., Consulting Engineer, 155, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C. T. N.: Bank 342. b. 1869. Ed. Grammar School and University of Aberdeen. Apprenticeship served with Jenkins and Marr, civil engineers and architects, Aberdeen. Manager, Ffrwd Collieries and Ironworks, Wrexham; Manager, Kent Coalfields, Dover, Kent; Engineer-in-Chief, Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., China, mines and railways; general consulting engineering work in London. Fellow of the Geological Society; First Class Certificated Colliery Manager.

REID, David, M.I.Mar.E., Partner, Admiral Eng. Works, Automobile, Elec. and Mech. Engrs.; b. 1867; s. of David Reid. Ed. Burntisland Public Sch. Training: Haldane Academy, Glasgow. Haldane Medal, 1886; 1st Class B.O.T. Cert., 1892. App. at N.B. Railway. Loco. Works, Glasgow; at Sea, 1888-1916; 20 years in James Marke Wood's steamers of Liverpool; 1916-19—In Aeronautical Inspection Dept. as Deputy Asst. Insp., Liverpool Group; 1919-20—Garage Mngr. of Morris and Jones, Liverpool. Address: 113, Admiral Street, Liverpool.

REID, Edwin J., J.P., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 12, Wharf Road, City Road, London, N.1. T. A.: "Supra, Phone, London." T. N.: Central 12249. Ed. University College School. 'A ith Reid Brothers, Engineers, Ltd. (established 1820 ), of which company he is now Chairman. J.P., County of Kent; Member of Kent County Council. Member of the Royal Automobile Club and National Liberal Club. War Services.—Army Recruiting Staff, Local Tribunal, Munitions Tribunal.

REID, Hugh, C.B.E., V.D., LL.D., D.L., J.P., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Man. Dir., North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Glasgow; b. 186o; e.s. of James Reid, M.Inst.C.E., of Auchterarder. Ed. Glasgow High Sch. and Glasgow University. Training: Hyde Park Loco. Works, Glasgow. Joint Inventor of the " Reid-Ramsay " Steam Turbine Electric Locomotive; Chairman, Machine Section, Glasgow International Exhibition, 1901; Mem. Glasgow and W. of Scot. Munitions Com. of Management during War. Clubs: Royal Societies, Junior Army and Navy, London; Western and Art, Glasgow. Address: Belmont, Springburn, Glasgow. T. A.: " Loco, Glasgow." T. N.: 1041 Bell, Glasgow.

REMINGTON, Alfred Arnold, O.B.E., M.I., Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Consulting Automobile Engineer, " Overdale," Wylde Green, near Birmingham. T. N.: 226 Erdington. b. 1877; s. of John Remington, manufacturing jeweller, of Birmingham. Ed. Birmingham Technical School. Apprenticed to Kynoch, Ltd., Witton, 1893-8. Draughtsman, 18981904; Chief Designer, Wolseley Motors, Ltd., 1904-8; Chief Engineer, Wolseley Motors, Ltd., 1908-19. Technical Director, Karrier Motors, Ltd., 192o-1. President, Institution of Automobile Engineers, I 918-9; Chairman, Technical Committee, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 1913-6; Chairman, Technical Committee of the Motor Industries, 1916-7; Member Society of Automotive Engineers, U.S.A. Chief Works: Design of Wolseley motor vehicles, submarine engines, and aeronautical engines and airship machinery. Publication: Presidential address, Institution of Automobile Engineers. Member of Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Engineer-in-Charge of group contract for Air Board (Civilian ), 1917-8.

RENDELL, Alan Wood, Lt.-Col., V.D., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I., Cons. Engr., Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., 82, York Road, King's Cross, N.'. T. N..2416 North. 3rd s. of Captain John Rendell, R.N., of Steyning, Sussex. Ed. The Clothworkers School, Sutton Valence, Kent. Pupil of Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, from 1866-9, in charge of drawing office, 1868-7o; in charge of London, Brighton and South Coast Railway steamers, Newhaven and Littlehampton, 1870-2. With A. M. Rendel as Inspector, 1872-4; Assistant and District Locomotive Superintendent, East Indian Railway, 1874-7; Chief Mechanical Engineer, North-Eastern System of State Railways, Bengal, 1877-90; Chief Mechanical Engineer, East Indian Railway, 18901901; General Manager, Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., 190 1 to 1921. Chief Works: As District Locomotive Superintendent, East Indian Railway, established in 1875 the first training schools and examinations in India for native shunters and drivers; as Chief Mechanical Engineer, North-Eastern System of State Railways, Bengal, in 1877, organized the first river steam ferries running day and night in connection with the train services in buoyed and lighted channels on the ever-changing rivers of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Teesta; designed and placed on these rivers special steamers and the first large flats or barges of less than 12 in. light draught, carrying cargo on double decks only and not in holds; designed and equipped the railway workshops at Saidpur and Dacca; enlarged and remodelled those at Kanchrapara and Somastipur; designed the workshops of the Nizam's State Railway at Secunderabad; as Chief Mechanical Engineer, East Indian Railway, remodelled and enlarged the workshops at Jamalpur, making them the largest in (ndia; designed and built at Jamalpur, the first Siemens-Martin acid steel making plant in India, furnishing castings of all kinds for locomotive building and ingots to the rolling mills for all classes of mer chant bars; built the first locomotive and tender which had been entirely manufactured in the country. Colonel Commanding East Indian Railway Volunteer Rifles; Chairman of the Bench and Municipality of Jamalpur, Bengal, India; Freeman of the City of London; Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Grocers; Member of St. Stephen's Club, Westminster. War Services.—As General Manager, Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., had charge of the manufacture of munitions of all kinds.

RENDELL, S. Hubert, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engr., 54, Chaucer Drive, St. Giles, Lincoln. Ed. The Manchester College of Technology; apprenticed with Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Stockport. Joined the designing staff of Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., Lincoln, in 1911, subsequently having charge of the designs and testing of centrifugal pumps for the same firm; with Straker-Squire, Ltd., Edmonton, in 1919, engaged on designs of commercial motor vehicles. Entered Experimental Dept. Dunlop Rubber Co., Erdington, Birmingham, 192o. War Services.—Had charge of the Testing of Materials and Heat Treatment Departments of Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., Lincoln.

RENDELL-BAKER, J. E., Engr. and Manager, Stratford-on-Avon Electricity Co., Ltd. Address: Arden Street, Stratford-on-Avon.

RENEY-SMITH, John, M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Shipbuilding and Mar. Engr.; Director, H. and C. Grayson, Ltd., and other Cos.; b. 1864; s. of Capt. John Reney-Smith. Ed. Privately and at Liverpool University. Training: Sch. of Sc., Liverpool, and Liverpool University. Derby Sc. Prizeman; Medallist, Hons. Eng. (London); Telford Prizeman, Inst. C.E. Trained at Vauxhall Foundry, Liverpool (Geo. Forrester and Co.), Chief Draughtsman and Asst. Mngr.; Eng. Lecturer, Liverpool University; Engr., H.M. Colonial Defence Ships (probationary service); Civil Eng. Career on Dock and Salvage Works, Slipways and Factories. Res. Engr., Perim Island, Red Sea; Cons. Engr., Egypt and India; practised Liverpool privately as Cons. Engr.; joined H. and. C. Grayson, Ltd., Liverpool, as Gen. Man., and appointed Director, H. and. C. Grayson, Ltd., Garston Graving Dock and Shipbuilding Co., and other Cos. Appointed by M. of M. as Member of Bd. of Management, Liverpool Munitions of War Committee, 1915-18. P.-Pres., Liverpool Eng. Soc.; P.-Pres., Liverpool Engrs. and N.A.; Mem., Tech. Corn., Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London and Liverpool. Contributions to various learned Socs. Address: 1, Bidston Road, Oxton, Birkenhead. T. A.: " c/o Regulator, Liverpool." T. N.: 18o9f Birkenhead.

RENNIE, H., M.I.Mar.E. (Member of Council), " St. Kilda," Chase Side, Southgate, N.

RENNIE, John Assheton, M.I.N.A., Director of Crompton and Co., Chelmsford. and Plenty and Son, Ltd., Newbury; b. 1876; s. of George B. Rennie. Ed. Wellington Coll.; Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Training: Cambridge. Career: Owner and Man. Dir. of Rennie, Forrestt Shipbuilding and Eng. and Dry Dock Co., Ltd., up till 1916; since retired from this Firm. Clubs: Bath, Fly Fishers', Leander. Address: Denford Mill, Hungerford, Berks.

RENTELL, H. W. S., A.M.I.E.E., F.Z.S., Electrical Engineer, 36, Maiden Lane, London, W.C.Z. T. A.: " Electricity Newspaper, London." T. N.: Gerrard 246o. b. 1864. Ed. Philological School, London; Neuenheim College, Heidelberg; City and Guilds of London Institute, Finsbury. Joined staff of Woodhouse and Rawson in 1885. In 1894 acquired control of " Electricity " newspaper. Undertaking formed into limited company in 1898. Since developed further business as publishers of technical books, many of which have become official standards for class teachers and students.

RENWICK, Sir Harry, K.B.E., A.I.E.E., Chairman and Man. Dir., County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; South London Electric Supply Corpn., Ltd.; Richmond (Surrey) Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd.; Coatbridge and Airdrie Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Lower Thames Land Development and Power Co., Ltd.; Deputy Chairman and Man. Dir., Bournemouth and Poole Electricity Supply Co., Ltd.; Director South Metropolitan Electric Light and )ower Co., Ltd., West Kent Electric Co., Ltd.; Chairman, Provincial Electric Supply Committee of the United Kingdom. Address: Burnham, Chartfield Avenue, Putney Hill, London, S.W.

REUNERT, Theodore M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer. S.Mech.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.S.A.A.M.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, P.O. Box 1092, Johannesburg, (Consolidated Building), Fox Street. T.A.: "Rockdrill." T. N.: 3061 (6 lines). Chairman of Reunert and Lenz, Ltd. Interested in Denver Engineering Works, Denver, Johannesburg; Delfos, Ltd., Pretoria. Past President, South African Society of Mechanical Engineers; Past Chairman of Witwatersrand Council of Education. Publications: " Diamonds and Gold in South Africa." Clubs: Rand, Johannesburg; Pretoria; Country, Johannesburg; Civil Service, Cape Town; Authors', London.

REYNOLDS, Ernest Arthur, M.A. (Cantab.), M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 41, Church Street, Birmingham. T. A.: "Rcybra." T. N.: Birmingham Central 4193. Ed. King Edward's High School, Birmingham; Pembroke College, Cambridge University, 1896-1900; Wrangler, Mathematical Tripos, 1899; First Class Engineering Tripos, 1900. Willans and Robinson, Ltd., Rugby, 190o-5; partner in firm of Reynolds and Bradwell, electrical engineers and contractors, 1905 to present time. Member of Training Committee for Disabled Soldiers, under Ministry of Labour, for West Midland area; Chairman of Local Technical Advisory Committee for Electrical Engineering.

REYNOLDS, Frank Oswald, M.Inst.C.E., Engineer-in-Chief to the Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ltd., 1, The Bund, Shanghai, China. C. A.: "Reynolds, Doric, Shanghai." T. N.: Central 5599. b. 188o; s. of F. W. Reynolds, solicitor, London; m. Lilian, d. of D. A. Darling, Shanghai. Ed. Marlborough College. Engineering Training: With S. Pearson and Son, Ltd., under Sir Wm. Moir, Bart., M.Inst.C.E. Assistant on Great Northern and City Railway, 19oo; Assistant Engineer, Taikoo Dock and Shipyard construction, Hong-Kong, 1904; the Asiatic Petroleum Co. (North China), Ltd., construction and maintenance work in North and Central China and Manchuria, 1908; Engineerin-Chief since 1909. Chief Works: Kinkiang, Changsha, Ichang and Chungking installations; " Reynolds " automatic multiple filling machine; " Reynolds " drum filling machine. Publications: Papers read before Engineering Society of China; pamphlet, " Calibration of Large Vertical Tanks." President, Engineering Society of China, 1916-7. Clubs: Hong-Kong, Shanghai, Shanghai Country, Thatched House, etc. War Services.—Retained in China by instruction of H.M. Minister, Peking.

REYNOLDS, John Francis Jodrell, M.Inst. C.E., Public Works Engineer (chiefly Railway and Waterworks), Resident Engineer's Office, The Park, Mold, North Wales. T. A.: "Park, Mold." T.N.: Mold ioo. Ed. The Mercers' School, London; The Crystal Palace Company's School of Practical Engineering. Assistant Engineer, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway (Derbyshire lines), Central London Railway, Broadway Testing Works, Westminster, Gold Coast Government Railv,ays (Tarkwa Kumassi Survey); in charge of Office Staff to Advisory Board of Engineers to the Royal Commission on London Traffic; Resident Engineer, Newburgh and North Fife Railway; Genoa and District Waterworks; Birkenhead Corporation Waterworks (Alwen supply) Contract No. 4. War Services.—Assistant Inspector, Munitions Areas (Glasgow), under Director of Inspection, Munitions Areas, Sheffield.

REYNOLDS, John William Horn, Electro-Chemical Engr.; Man. Dir., British Battery Co., Ltd., Watford. Address: 9, Braxted Park, Streatham Common, S.W. T. N.: Streatham 1139.

REYNOLDS, Walter Ross, M.Inst.C.E., Vice-President Tasmanian Branch of the Institution of Engineers of Australia, Civil Engineer (Railway and General), Public Works Department, Tasmania. T. A.: "Hobart, Tasmania." b. December, 1867. Ed. Hutchins' School, Hobart; Associate of Arts, Tasmania. Training: Public Works Department, Tasmania. Passed Licensed Surveyor Examination, Victoria and Tasmania. Has held the position of Engineer locating and construction railways for Public Works for 20 years; Engineer of roads, 3 years; Assistant Engineer-in-Chief, 2 years; Chief Engineer of Works, Public Works, Tasmania, appointed February, 1919. Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, January 12,1915. Chairman of Tender Board and Main Roads Public Works, Tasmania; Government Engineer to certify to expenditure from Government loans by local bodies, Tasmania; Vice-President, Tasmanian Branch of the Institution of Engineers of Australia. Chief Works: Control all survey and construction of railways, roads, bridges, canal and harbour works undertaken by Government from loans money, etc., Tasmania.

REYNOLDS, William Fleck, M.I.Mech.E., Manager, Travers and Co., Engrs., Belfast, since 1897; b. 1855; s. of late James Reynolds, Proprietor, Linfield Foundry, Belfast. Ed. Royal Academical Inst., Belfast. App. with James Reynolds and Co., Linfield Foundry, subsequently Works i\ingr., then Senior Partner; Manager, Robertson and Orchar, Dundee; Engr. in Ulster Steamship Co.'s steamers; Chief Engr., Robert Stewart and Sons, Flax Spinning and Thread Mills, Lisburn, Co. Antrim. Inventor and Patentee of many improvements in Textile Machinery; also many Tools and Devices for accurate and speedy production of Munitions during the late War. Address: Moy Rein House, Andersonstown, Belfast.

REYNOLDS, William Frederick Roger, Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Reinforced Concrete Engineer, Fraser and Chalmers, Ltd., Johannesburg, South Africa; b. 1887. Ed. Dulwich College. Training with L. G. Mouchel and Partners, Ltd. (civil engineers), of Westminster. England, 1905-10; South Africa, 1910-3; Brazil, 1913-5; now South Africa. On harbour works, bridges, buildings, etc. Member of the Rand Club, Johannesburg. War Services.—Lieutenant East Yorks Regiment and M.G.C.; Chief Inspector of Concrete Ships for C.G.M.S. Admiralty, 1918-19.

REYNOLDS, William Henry Wells, Engr., Lt.Comm. R.D R.N.R. (retired), M.I.Mech.E., Lvi. S. Wales I.E., Mech. and Mar. Engr.; Manager, S. Wales District, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.; b. 1872; s. of Major T. W. Reynolds. Ed. Grammar Schs., Portsmouth and Folkstone, and High Sch., Dublin. Training: York Street Foundry, Belfast; Combe, Barbour Combe,,Ltd.; and Workman, Clarke and Co., Ltd., Belfast. 3i years Mar. Engr. with the P. and 0. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.; 7 years Mar. Engr. with Alfred Holl and Co., Liverpool; 6 months Engr. Surveyor, Vulcan Boiler and General Insur. Co., Manchester; 2i years Asst. Engr., Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Manchester. Clubs: Rotary, Cardiff, and Engineers, (London). Address: Trewynt, Waungron Road, Llandaff, Glam., and c/o Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 102, St. Mary Street, Cardiff. T. A.: " c/o Babcock, Cardiff." T. N.: 1115 Cardiff, and 24 Llandaff.

RHODES, G. E., Captain, R.E. (S.R.), Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, United Service Club, Calcutta. T. A.: "Concordia, Calcutta, 1 ndia." b. 1887; m. 1914, Dorothy, d. of R. W. Winnicott, J.P., Plymouth. Served under H. A. Johnson, M.Inst.C.E., civil engineer, Bradford, Yorks, 1908-io; School of Military Engineering, Chatham, and with units of Corps of Royal Engineers, 1910-1; Assistant Engineer, Indian Public Works Department, and served in United Provinces, 1911-14. Ordered to Europe October, 1914. Ordered to India end of 1917, and appointed to staff of Director of Ordnance Factories, India, as Executive Engineer Civil Works, Indian Public Works Department (United Provinces) Headquarters, Calcutta. Member of Junior Naval and Military Club, 96, Piccadilly, \V., and United Service Club, Calcutta. War Services.—France, 1915-16-17, as Captain, Royal Engineers with Bridging Units, under Director of Works, and in construction of gun implacem ent9, Belgian coast, with Naval Siege Guns.

RHODES, Godfrey Dean, Major R.E., Chief Engr., Uganda Railway.; b. 1886; s. of H. Rhodes, Vancouver, B.C. Ed. Trinity Coll. Sch., Port Hope, and Royal Mil. Coll., Kingston, Canada. Training: R.E. Sch. of Mil. Eng., Chatham. Diploma with Hons., Kingston; Head of Batch, Chatham; also Haynes Medal for Fortification; During War— C.B.E., D.S.O., Legion of Honour, Order of Redeemer, Order of White Eagle, four Mentions in Dispatches. Career: Railway. Courses with L. and S.W. Railway. and N.W. Railway., India; Asst. Engr. on Railway. Construction, Delhi Durbur, India; Asst. Engr., N.W. Railway., India, Quetta District; Adjutant, Railway. Construction, Troops, France, 1914; O.C. Railway. Constr. Co., Merdros and Gallipoli, 1915; Asst. Director of Railways. (Construction ), Salonika; in charge of all Construction Troops and responsible for design and execution of numerous Railways. and Lt. Railways. in Salonika Army Area, 1916-17; Director of Railways., Salonika and Constantinople; responsible for taking over and operating all Enemy Railways., including the Anatolian Railway. in Asia Minor (Bagdad Line ), 1917-2o; Chief Engr., Uganda Railway., Nov. 1920. Club: J.U.S., London. Addresses: c/o Cox and Co., Bankers, and c/o Uganda Railway., Nairobi, Kenya Colony.

RHODES, Henry, Lt.-Col., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E., F.S.I., Cons. Min. Engr. (Coal), C. E. Rhodes and Sons; b. 1876; s. of late C. E. Rhodes, M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I. Ed. Repton. Sch. Training: Collieries of John Brown and Co., Ltd. Manager, Rotherham Main Colliery, 18991902; Frickley Colliery, 1902-4; Cons. Min. Engr., 1904 to date (partner with father until 1920), for Collieries in Yorks, Derby, Notts, N. Wales, N. Staffs, and Natal, S. Af. Principal work: Sinking, and Development of Silverwood, Frickley, Llay Main, Barnbrough Collieries, and Hlobane Colliery, S. Af. Publ.: " The use of Slow Motion Band Ropes. for Transmission of Power Underground," Inst.M.E., 1899. Club: Junior Army and Navy. Address: Lane End House, Rotherham. T. A.: "Mining, Rotherham." T. N.: 21, Rotherham.

RHODES, Samuel Coley, M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Manager, Tech. Instruction Training Dept., and Senior Lecturer Mech. Eng., Gordon Coll., Khartoum, since 1903; b. 1878; s. of Matthew Rhodes, Machine Maker (J. Rhodes and Sons). Ed. Yorkshire Coll., Leeds. Training: J. Rhodes and Sons, Morley, Leeds. Distinctions: Bronze Medallist, Queen's Prizeman, Wh.Ex. Address: Gordon College, Khartoum.

RHODES, William Foster, M.I.Mech.E., Chairman of Rhodes, Brydon and Youatt, Ltd., Stockport, since 1911; b. 1883; s. of Wm. H. Rhodes, M.A., C.C. Ed. Merton House Sch., Penmaenmawr. Training: Manchester Sch. of Technology. App. to Mather and Platt, Ltd.; Chief Engr., H. Faulder and Co., Ltd., Stockport. Club: Engineers', Manchester. Address: 40, Linden Grove, Woods Moor, Stockport. T. N.: 248o Stockport.

RIACH, Malcolm Alexander Stewart, F.R. Ae.S., A.I.N.A., Leading English Authority on the Theory of Airscrews; b. 1892; s. of Col. M. S. Riach, late Cameron Highlanders. Ed. Wellington Coll., Berks; Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology, S. Kensington. Took up Aviation in 1911 at the London Aerodrome. Career: During the War, Tech. Adviser in Designing and Experimental Depts., 1914-15; Grahame White Aviation Co., Ltd.; 1915-16, W. Beardmore and Co., Dalmuir; 1917-18, Boulton and Paul, Norwich; 1918-19, Cons. Engr., Inventions Dept., M. of M., under Admiral Sir R. Bacon; has carried out Private Research Work on Screw Propellers working in air, and the Helicopter Flying Machine; now engaged upon further theoretical Research Work. Publs.: " Airscrews " (Crosby, Lockwood and Son, 1916); " The Screw Propeller in Air " (Proc. Royal Aero. Soc., '1917); " A Complete Theory of the Screw Propeller " (Engineering, Sept.—Dec., 1919); " The Helicopter Flying Machine " (Aircraft Engineering, 1920-21); " Screw Propellers " (Aeronautics, 1920-21); " Steam Cars " (Times Eng. Supplement, Oct., 1920); " A New Theory of the Screw Propeller " (Aeronautics, 1920); " Soaring Flight " (Aeronautics, Feb., 1921), etc. Address: The Grange, Charlcombe, Bath.

RICARDO, Harry Ralph, B.A., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.A.E., Mechanical and Consulting Engineer, 21, Suffolk -Street, Pall Mall, London, S.W.I. T. A.: "Empalium Charles." T. N.: Gerrard .6644 and 6645. b. 1885; s. of Halrey Ricardo; In. Beatrice Hale. Ed. Rugby School, 1898-1903; Trinity College, Cambridge, 1903-6. Joined the firm of Rendel and Robertson, consulting engineers, 21, Dartmouth Street, Westminster, in 1907, and remained with them as consulting engineer on -internal combustion engines till 1915. During this period he carried out a considerable amount of research work on internal combustion engines and published some technical articles on this subject. In 1915 became Technical Director of Engine Patents, Ltd., of 21, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, a company formed in order to finance further research work and to act as consulting engineers on the subject of internal combustion engines. Publications: Numerous technical articles on the subject of Internal Combustion Engines; received Gold Medal for paper on " High Speed Internal Combustion Engines," before the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers. Member of the Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Designed, arranged for and superintended the manufacture of engines for tanks; these engines were of a novel and original type, the result of previous research work. The total aggregate horse-power built during 1917, 1918 and 1919 being approximately 600,000 H.P. Was appointed in 1919 Consulting Engineer to the Technical Department of the Air Board, and in this capacity advised and largely directed all experimental work carried out on aircraft engines.

RICE, Eustace Meredith, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Railways), Resident Engineer, Great Indian Peninsula Railway, c/o Cox and Co., Bombay, India; b. 1888; elder s. of James Rice, late chief engineer of the South Indian Railway. Ed. St. Paul's School, West Kensington. Three years' course in Civil Engineering at King's College, London, and 3 years as a pupil under C. L. Morgan, M.Inst.C.E., then Chief Engineer of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway. Appointed an Engineer on the staff of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, India, in November, 1910, which appointment is still held. Chief Works: Completion of Bombay Harbour Branch Railway (Great Indian Peninsula Railway); Personal Assistant to Engineer-in-Chief, Itarsi-Nagpur Railway construction (Great Indian Peninsula Railway); ordinary railway maintenance works. Club: Royal,. Societies. War Services.—Commissioned in the Indian Army Reserve of Officers, March 25, 1916, and attached to 2nd Q.V.O. Sappers and Miners, May, 1916. Assisted in construction of Nushki-Seistan Frontier Railway, September, 1916, to November, 1916. Proceeded to Mesopotamia, December, 1916, and served with 2nd Q.V.O. Sappers and Miners, and as Adjutant, Royal Engineers, of the 14th (Indian) Division until March, 1919, when released from Military duty. Mentioned in General Sir W. R. Marshall's dispatches dated April 15, 1918.

RICHARDS, Arthur F. W., M.I.E.E., M.I. Min.E., M.Amer.I.E.E., Advisory and Inspecting Engineer, 56, Moorgate Street, London, E.C.2. T. N.: 9080 London Wall. Now partner, Murray, Coombs and Richards. Thirteen years with W. T. Glover and Co., Ltd., cable manufacturers; 12 years in Central Station Supply work, including 5 years with County of London Co., etc.

RICHARDS, Arthur Windsor, Cons. Engr. and Metallurgist, Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co. Ed. High Sch., Middlesbrough; King's Coll., London; practical experience in France, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Spain. 25 years with Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., last 7 years as Gen. Manager; 8 years with the New Russia Co., Gen. Supt. and Consultant in Russia, and Rep. of London Bd. in Russia. Several papers to the I. and S.I. Introduced the Turbo Blower for Blast Furnaces working alone in duplicate and in conjunction with reciprocating Engines into a Common Blast Main, or alone, blowing air up to 25 lbs. pressure on the Rateau system. Addresses: 85, Iverna Court, London. T. N.: Western 844; Ebbw Vale Steel, Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Ebbw Vale, Mon.

RICHARDS, Bertram Darell, B.Sc., A.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr., Water Power, Docks; b. 1882; s. of Capt. J. C. Richards, R.N.; m. 1914, Winifred, elder daughter of R. B. Joyner, C.I.E., M.Inst.C.E. Training: City and Guilds, Central Tech. Coll. Career: Pupil to W. W. Squire, M.Inst.C.E.; Chief Engr., Bristol Docks; Asst. Engr., Avonmouth Dock Works; Asst. Res. Engr., Bombay New Dock Works, 1905-1; Res. Engr., Tata Hydro-Electric Works, Bombay, 1911-18; 1919-21—Engaged in Investigating Water Power Schemes in India; Examiner in Eng., Bombay University; Member of Advisory Ctee. to Poona Eng. Coll., 1913-20. Paper, Inst.C.E. (1918-19), and Bombay Eng. Congress (1919). Address: c/o Alfred Dickenson and Co., Cons. Engrs., 219, Gresham House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.

RICHARDS, Charles Henry, M.Inst.M.M., M.R.S.A., Supt. Nundydroog Mines, Ltd.; b. 1875. Ed. Kelly Coll., Devon, Yorkshire Coll. (now Leeds University), and Camborne Sch. of Mines. Training: Tavistock Foundry and Carn Brea Mine. Club: Kolar Gold Field. Address: Nundydroog Mines, Ltd., Oorgaum, P.O., Mysore State, South India.

RICHARDS, Edgar J. Windsor, M.I. and S. I., M.I.E.S., P.-V.-Pres. W.Scot.I. and S.I., Cons. Engr.; b. 1863; s. of Edward Windsor Richards, J.P., D.L. Ed. Monmouth, Giggleswick and Bishop Auckland Grammar Schs. Career: Trained at Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough; Carnegie Brothers, Ltd., Pittsburgh, U.S.A., charge of Steel Dept.; Scranton Steel Co., Scranton, Pa., U.S.A., charge of Steel Dept. and Mills; Steel Dept. Manager, Barrow Hematite Steel Co. Barrow-in-Furness; Gen. Manager. Glengarnock Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Ayrshire for 23 years, and remodelled. Iron and Steel Works. Club: The Conservative, Glasgow. Address: 60, Lauderdale Gardens, Hyndland, Glasgow. T. N.: 903 Western, Glasgow.

RICHARDS, Ferdinand, M.I.Mech.E., Works Engineer, Baldwin's Port Talbot Steel Works, Victoria Road, Aberavon, Port Talbot. b. 1887; s. of late Rev. Henry Richards, Baptist minister, Merthyr; m. d. of V. A. Wills, J.P., Merthyr Tydvil. Ed. Merthyr County School and Swansea Technical School. Engineering training received at Engineering and Locomotive Shops and Drawing Offices of Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd. Held Drawing Office appointments in the Midlands with Hollings and Guest, hydraulic engineers, and Cadbury's, Bournville. In 1911 accepted the position of Engineer to the North Wales Mining Syndicate, leaving them in 1913 to take up the appointment of Chief Draughtsman to Baldwin's Port Talbot Steel Works, where he was engaged upon the design and construction of their Modern Steel Works at Port Talbot, eventually becoming Works Engineer at the Port Talbot Steel Works. Member of the South Wales Institute of Engineers. War Services.—Engaged upon the design and construction of new steel works plant for the production of shell steel, ship's plates, etc., for Baldwin' s Port Talbot Steel Works Co., Ltd.

RICHARDS, George, F.C.H., B.A. (Lond.), M.Inst.C.E. (Member of Council), 7, Hayes Avenue, Queen's Park, Bournemouth.

RICHARDS, George Tilghman, F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., M.I.Ae.E. (Hons. Diploma), Mech. and Aeronautical Engr., Gen. Man., Martinsyde, Ltd., Woking. T. A.: " c/o Martinsyde, Woking." T. N.: 551 Woking; b. 1883. App. with Geo. Richards and Co., Ltd., and had thorough education in pattern making, foundry practice, high-class machine tool work, fitting, etc. 1902, worked in drawing office of Smith and Coventry, Ltd., for 18 months, then joined Acme Lathe and Products Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester, becoming foreman of their automatic machine department, with a daily output of 14,000 pieces. 1905, in drawing office of Rolls-Royce, Ltd., and worked on production of the 1905 and 1906 Rolls-Royce Tourist Trophy Cars, also their 8-cylinder " Brougham " and " Legalimit " cars. With Belsize Motors, Ltd., Clayton, Manchester, in 1906 as leading designer. From i90 8-1 1, in business as engineer and specialist in designing in Manchester. Since 1911 to outbreak of war, engaged on experimental development and research work in. aeronautics. Chief Works: Pioneer of Aviation since 1910; designed and carried out development of many aeroplanes before the War. Member.of the Royal Aero Club. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N. V. R., attached R.N.A.S.; seniority October 21, 1914.

RICHARDS, Henry Fines, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Public Works Engineer, 9, St. Paul's Road, Richmond, Surrey; b. 1867. Ed. King's College School, Strand, and evening classes King's College, London. Articled pupil 1884-7 of Dawson and Fyson, consulting engineers, Westminster. Engineering assistant to various firms engaged upon iron and steelwork of Metropolitan and Metropolitan District City Extension, St. Paul's Station of L.C. and D. Railway and Tower Bridge, of gates for locks of Assuan Dam and of Cromer sea protection works. Inspector of permanent way and bridge material in Belgium and France; Assistant Resident Engineer of construction of Saragossa to Mediterranean Railway; Resident Engineer of Tal-y-cafn Bridge, Boston Town Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne Quay Improvement, Reinforced Concrete Hoppers for Penmaenmawr Granite Quarries and of reinforced concrete bridges and viaduct at Rochdale; Contractors' Engineer for bridges at Astley, Satterthwaite and Tuckton Creek, for Marine Palace Pier at Brighton, and the foundations, masonry, paving, etc., of 700 ft. rigid airship shed. War Services.—Assistant Stores Officer to Ministry of Munitions; Special Constable and Volunteer Training Corps, and on construction of shed for Admiralty which housed the first rigid airship delivered to the R. N. A. S.

RICHARDS, H. W. H., A.M.I.E.E., Electric Traction Engineer, 59, Eaton Terrace, Sloane Square, S.W. T. N.: Victoria 5467. b. 1886. Ed. Bradfield College, Berks, and London University; Faraday House Electrical Engineering College, London University. Assistant Engineer, Kincaid, Waller, Manville and Dawson, Westminster, consulting engineers. From January, 1913, to date, Electric Traction Engineer to the L.B. and S.C. Railway. War Services.—Served with Royal Engineers.

RICHARDS, William John, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Rockleigh, Bryn Road, Ogmore Vale, Glamorgan. T. A.: "Richards, Engineer, Ogmore Vale." s. of late W. J. Richards, Ironworks Manager, Tondu; m. younger d. of late Geo. Davies, Maesteg. Ed. at Tondu Schools, Bridgend Grammar School, and Bridgend Intermediate School. Attended Technical Schools for many years, and holds many certificates under Science Department, South Kensington. Attended course in Mechanical Sciences at Royal College of Science, and course in Electrical Engineering at Sheffield. Spent short periods at various electrical works. Prizeman and awarded scholarships for technical work. Served engineer's apprentice at shops attached to large ironworks, collieries, coal washing and coking plants. Eighteen months as a Draughtsman under Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co.; three years, Draughtsman under North's Navigation Co., Maesteg; three years, Practical Engineer under North's Navigation Co., Maesteg; two years, Engineer, under John Brown and Co., Sheffield; two years, Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engineer for Welsh Navigation Steam Coal Co. Now Mechanical and Electrical Engineer for a group of collieries of Cory Brothers and Co., Ltd. Chief Works: Experience of pit sinking and equipment, electrification of collieries and works, iron and steel works, coal washeries and coking plants, benzol factories, tar distillation plants, power station work, brickworks, etc. Member of South Wales Institute of Engineers; Member Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. Engaged as teacher of engineering subjects at evening technical schools under Glamorgan Cpunty Council at Maesteg and Bridgend for several years. Member of Ogmore Lodge.

RICHARDS, Windsor, J.P., D.L., P.Pres. I. and S.I., P.-Pres. I.Mech.E. Address: P11, Llecha, Tredunnock, Caerleon, Monrhouthshire.

RICHARDSON, Alexander, M.Inst.M.M., Principal, Sch. of Metalliferous Min. (Cornwall ). Ed. Cheltenham Coll., and King's Coll., London. Training: Crossley Brothers, Nasmyth, Wilson and Co., Frank Pearn and Co., The Sch. of Metalliferous Min. (Cornwall ). Eng., Metallurgical, and Min. in S. Af.; P.-Pres. Chemical, Metallurgical and Alm. Soc. of S. Af. Papers before Mining Socs. Address: c/o The Inst. of Min. and Metallurgy, 1, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2.

RICHARDSON, Alexander, M.P., 36, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.2; " Garshake," Clarence Road, Clapham Park, S.W.4. T. A.: "Engineering, Westrand, London." T. N.: Gerrard 3663; Brixton 1666. b. March 27, 1864; s. of James Richardson; m. 1886, Georgina, d. of Captain George Fleming. Member of the editorial staff of " Engineering " since 1888; now Joint Editor and a Managing Director of Engineering, Ltd. M.P. Gravesend since June, 1918. Member of Council of the Institution of Naval Architects; Vice-President of the Junior Institution of Engineers, and Companion of the Institution of Marine Engineers. Publications: " The Evolution of the Parsons Steam Turbine," " The Man Power of the Nation," and other works, as well as contributions on engineering, shipbuilding and economic subjects; has contributed to the Naval Annual since 1908, principally on machinery of all types for war, including airships and aeroplanes; and in 1921 became Governing Director and Joint Editor, the title becoming " Brassey's Naval and Shipping Annual." Clubs: Carlton, Junior Carlton, Constitutional and Authors'.

RICHARDSON, Ernest Lowther, M.I.Mech. E., Dist. Loco. and Carr. Supt., S. Indian Railway., Negapatam, Madras Pres., S. India.

RICHARDSON, Harry, A.M.I.Mech.E., Journalist (Engineering ), Binstead, Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire. T. A.: " Richardson, Binstead, Sale." T. N.: 279 Sale. b. 1867. Ed. Brunswick School, Leamington; Manchester Grammar School; and Owens College, Manchester. Served apprenticeship with Gresham and Craven, Manchester; afterwards took up journalism. Was on the editorial staff of " Industries," and afterwards joined the editorial staff of " The Engineer." Since 1907 has been editorial representative of the " Engineer " in Manchester. Clubs: Associate Member, Royal Automobile Club; Hon. Secretary of the Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—During the war acted as transport driver for the East Lancashire Branch of the British Red Cross Society; was a member of the Ashton-on-Mersey Military Tribunal.

RICHARDSON, Harry, F.R.S.E., M.I.E.E., Gen. Manager and Cons. Elec. and Tramway Engr., Dundee Corpn. Address: Corpn. Elec. Works, Dudhope Crescent, Dundee.

RICHARDSON, James, B.Sc., (Eng. Hons.), M.I.N.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.C.G.I., Manager, Mar. Engine Dept., William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., since 1916; s. of Alexr. Richardson, M.P. Ed. Dulwich Coll., London, and London University. Training: London University (Central Tech. Coll., City and Guilds Inst. ). 191 I -I 2—On Staff of British Corpn. for Survey and Registry of Shipping, Glasgow, Supt. Design, Constn., and Surveying of Mar. Machinery of all types; 1912—I 6—Responsible for the Design and Constn., Mar. Machinery for Tankers, Submarines of various classes, Scotts' Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Greenock. Papers read before Inst. Civil Engineers and other Socs. on the Diesel Engine, Scientific Management, etc. Club: Royal Gourock Yacht. Address: Naval Construction Works, Dalmuir, 12, Annfield Road, Partickhill, Glasgow, W. T. N.: Glasgow, Western 3827.

RICHARDSON, Lewis F., B.A., F.R.Met.S., Electrical Engineer (Incandescent Lamps, Theory of Dams, Meteorology), c/o King's College, Cambridge; b. 1881; s. of David Richardson, Newcastle; m. Dorothy, d. of Dr. Wm. Garnett. Ed. Bootham School, York; Armstrong College, Newcastle; King's College, Cambridge, first class Natural Science Tripos; National Physical Laboratory (metallurgy ). Junior Demonstrator, Physics, Aberystwyth; Assistant at National Physical Laboratory (metrology); 3] experimental work for Sunbeam Lamp Co., Gateshead; Superintendent, Eskdalemuir Observatory, 1913-6; Meteorological Research, Benson Observatory, 1919. Teacher of Physics, Westminster Training College. Publications: Various papers on mathematical and experimental physics. War Services.—Motor Ambulance, F.A.U., British Bed Cross Society.

RICHARDSON, Sir Philip Wigham, Lt.-Col., V.D., O.B.E., Director, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson; b. 1865; s. of John Wigham Richardson. Ed. Rugby, Cambridge. Training: Neptune Works, Walker-on-Tyne. Address: Aldenholme, Weybridge.

RICHARDSON, Rosslyn James Dalyell, B.E. (Syd.), M.Inst.M.M., 0.B.E. (M.Div.),vafpresent Asst. Engr., Arthur Butler and Co., Ltd., Muzaffarpur, India; b. 1881; s. of John Richardson. Ed. Sydney Grammar Sch. Training: Sydney University. Has filled various Min. positions including management of Golden Ridge (Kalgoorlie), Bibiani and West African Trust (Gold Coast); Asst. Manager, Manchi (Burma); 4 years' War Service, Capt. attd. R.E. Clubs: Junior A. and N., Sydney University, Muzaffarpur (India). Address: Muzaffarpur, India. T. A.: " c/o Artier, India."

RICHMOND, Frank Walter, Major, Heating Engr.; Director, Richmond Gas Stove and Meter Co., Ltd.; b. 1890; s. of E. W. T. Richmond. Ed Mill Hill Sch.

RICHMOND, John Ritchie, C.B.E., J.P., Man. Dir. of G. and J. Weir, Ltd., Cathcart; b. 1869; s. of John Richmond. Ed. High Sch. and Glasgow University. Training: Tech. Coll., Glasgow, and App. with G. and J. Weir, Ltd. P.-Pres. of the N.W. Eng. Trades Employers' Assoc. Clubs: St. Stephen's, London; New and Art, Glasgow. Address: 14, Hamilton Drive, Pollokshields, Glasgow, and Blanefield, Kirkoswald, Ayrshire.

RICHMOND, W. S., Colonel, C.M.G.,Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Ministry of Transport, Roads Department, 35, Cromwell Road, S.W. T. N.: Kensington 4136. h. 188r. Ed. at Modern School, Bedford. Articled to E. J. Lovegrove, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer and Surveyor, Hornsey, London, N., and afterwards his assistant. Subsequently appointed Engineering Inspector to the Road Board (Ministry of Transport). Chief Works: General municipal engineering works, including roads, sewerage, tramways, housing schemes, public buildings, etc. War Services.-19r 4-16—In charge of construction of Military Roads, Southern Command, for the Road Board. 19r 6-I 7—Assistant Director of Roads (Lieut.Colonel ), B.E.F., France. 1917-19—Deputy Director of Roads (Colonel), B.E.F., France. Awardec: C.M.G. and Officier de Legion d'Honneur (France).

RIDDEL, J. Ormond, B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engr., c/o M. Muir and Co., Bank Place, Kilmarnock. T. N.: 104 Kilmarnock; b. 1887; s. of James Riddel, A.R.S.A., R.S.W. Ed. Routenburn School; Edinburgh University; Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. Apprenticeship, West End Engine Works, Edinburgh. Assistant with Middleton, Hunter and Duft, M.Inst.C.E.; Contractor's Engineer, Imperial Graving Dock, Leith; Consulting Engineer, Canada. Resident Engineer, Montreal Herald Building, eight stories; Calgary Herald Building, thirteen stories; Regina Service Reservoir. Chief Works: Design of C.P.R. freight terminal, Toronto; Ranchman's Club, Calgary, etc. Clubs: Constitutional, London. War Services.—Four years' commissioned service in (I) Northumberland Fusiliers; (2) Royal Engineers. Overseas part of each year, 1915-6-7-8.

RIDER, Sydney, C.M.G., Eng. Rear Admiral, M.I.N.A., Dockyard Dept., Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W.I.

RIDGWAY, Leopold Penrose, Captain, Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Tramore, Co. Waterford, Ireland; b. 1884. Training: City and Guilds of London Institute and Central Technical College, South Kensington. Assistant Engineer with R. McAlpine and Sons on construction of Waterford and Rosslare Railway, 1900-2; Assistant Engineer with S. Pearson and Son on construction of L.C.C. Main Drainage, Catford to Plumstead, 190 5-1 8; Engineer-in-Charge of Survey, Construction and Maintenance of Chinese Government Railways, TientsinPukow Line, 1908-16. War Services.—Joined Royal Engineers, Railway Troops, March, 1916, as 2nd Lieutenant; promoted Captain, April, 1917.

RIDLEY, Eustace, M.B.E., M.I.E.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr., L.C.C. London Fire Brigade. Training: L.N.W. Railway. Works, Crewe. Asst. Engr., St. James and Pall Mall Elec. Light Co., Ltd.; Chief Engr., Smithfield Markets Elec. Supply Co., Ltd. Address: London Fire Brigade Headquarters, Southwark, S.E.I.

RIDLEY, M. Noel, M.Inst.C.E., M.C.I., Consulting Civil Engineer (Piers, Jetties, Railways, Constructional Steel Work, including Reinforced Concrete, etc. ), Standard House, Cardigan Road, Leeds. T. N.: 20 1 96 Leeds. Ed. University College School, London. Training with the late Wm. Humber, M.Inst.C.E., afterwards with the late Eugenius Birch, M.Inst.C.E. Chief Works: As Consulting Engineer carried out Eastbourne Pier extension, including pavilion, new landing stage, large concert pavilion for West Pier, Brighton, and new landing stage, Palace Pier, Brighton; also several other piers, reinforced concrete bridge at Mizen Head, Ireland, span 172 feet, constructed without strutting, but with two steel overhead ropes; reinforced concrete work, Deller's Cafés, Exeter and Paignton, Women's Settlement, West Ham, etc. Now Engineer and Manager to The Standard Construction Company, Standard House, Cardigan Road, Leeds, and Private Practice. Publications: Read paper before Concrete Institute on dovetail corrugated steel sheeting in relation to reinforced concrete work. War Services.—Designed jetties and wharves for France and England, and devices to stop submarines from entering harbours for Topham, Jones and Railton, Ltd., contractors; also reinforced concrete shipbuilding.

RIDSDALE, Charles Henry, F.I.C., F.C.S., etc., Analytical, Metallurgical, Cons. and Research Chemist; Director of "Ridsdale and Co."; b. 1861; s. of Rev. B. Ridsdale. Ed. New Kingswood Sch., Bath. Training: Pattinson and Stead's, Public /T Analysts, Middlesbrough. With Bolckow, Vaughan and Co.; 34 years at N.E. Steelworks; Tech. and Scientific Conduct of Manufacture, Direction of Chemical Labs.; Investigations and Researches. Founded Ridsdale and Co., 1912. Member, Cleveland Inst. E.; Pres. 1907-8, Soc. of Chem. Industry, I. and. S.I., International Testing Assoc., etc. Gave C. and G. of L. Lectures (at Middlesbrough) on I. and S. Manufacture; Inventor of " Analoid " System of Standardizing Analysis by use of " Mechanicalized " Methods; Joint Organizer of British Chemical Standards; Reported on numerous Iron Ore Properties, Quarries, etc., System for Valuation of Ores, etc. Publ.: " Chemical Tables and Laboratory Calculations," " Iron and Steel Manufacture," " Analyst and Client," and many papers before 'Scientific and Tech. Socs. Club: Cleveland. Address: " Stonycroft," Glaisdale, Yorks; Office: 3, Wilson Street, Middlesbrough. T. A.: "Laboratory, Middlesbro'." T. N.: 873 Middlesbrough.

RIGGS, Walter, A.M.I.E.E., Proprietor of Girdlestone and Co., Elec. Contractors; b. 1877; s. of Thomas Adamson Riggs. Ed. Private Sch., Witney, Oxon. Training: Finsbury Tech. Coll. Man. Dir., Woodbridge and District Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd., and Burford Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd.; Director, Argylls (London) Motor and Eng. Co., Ltd.; Excel Asphalte Co., Ltd., and Rural Electricity Supply Co., Ltd. Clubs: Cocoa Tree, 64, St. James Street, and Rotary. Address: 3, Davies Street, W., and Aldeburgh-on-Sea, Suffolk. T. N.: Mayfair 3145 and 4649.

RILEY, Thomas Nixon, Captain R.E.,D.S.C., M.Sc., B.Eng., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, I.D.R.E.S., Royal Dockyard, Woolwich, S.E.I8; b. 1882. Ed. Liverpool University, 1900-3; Rathbone Medallist, 1903. Served apprenticeship with British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 1903-5. Testing Staff, British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 1905-6; Head of Engineering Department, Aston Technical School, 1906-9; Head of Engineering Department, Plymouth Technical School, 1909-14. War Services.—Joined R.N.D.D.E. in 1914; commissioned, January, 1915; Signal Service in Gallipoli and France; Assistant Inspector Royal Engineers Stores since July, 1918. Order of Crown of Italy (Cavalier); twice mentioned in Dispatches.

RIPLEY, Philip Edward, M.I.Mech.E., Director, Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, Ltd., Ipswich; b. 1861; s. of Rev. Canon W. N. Ripley, Earlham Hall, Norwich. Ed. Haileybury Coll. App. to R. and W. Hawthorn; became a Member of their Staff; joined Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, Ltd., 1885; Man. Dir., 1886; Chairman, 1905; Resigned, 1919, retaining seat on Bd. Address: Bowthorpe, Ipswich. T. N.: 135 Ipswich.

RIPPER, William, C. H., J.P., D.Eng. (Sheffield), Hon.D.Sc.Eng. (Bristol), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Hon.M.I.Min.E., Mechanical Engineer, Warleigh, Southbourne Road, Sheffield. T. N.: 725 Broomhill (Sheffield ). b. 1853. Ed. Plymouth and Exeter. Served apprenticeship as a Marine Engineer in Plymouth and at Stockton-on-Tees. For some years Science Master of the Central Secondary School at Sheffield; Professor of Engineering, University College, and University of Sheffield, since 1889; Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Vice-Chancellor (1917-9 ) of the University of Sheffield. Member of Council and Senate of University of Sheffield, 19o5; of the Sheffield Education Committee; of Examinations Board of the City and Guilds of London; of Board of Education Departmental Committee on Science Museums, 1910; of the Moseley Educational Commission to the United States of America, 1903; Past President of the Sheffield Society of Engineers and Metallurgists; President of the Sheffield Cutlery Trades Technical Society; External Examiner to the Universities of London, Liverpool and Bristol, to the Institutions of Civil and Mechanical Engineers, and to the Royal College of Science, Dublin; Member of Council of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, Telford Premium Inst.C.E. Chief Works: Researches on superheated steam, pressure gauges, continuous indicators, machine tool testing, etc. Publications: " Steam Engine Theory and Practice " (Longmans ); " Heat Engines " (Longmans ), translated into Arabic; " Machine Drawing and Design." War Services.—Vice-Chairman of Sheffield Committee on Munitions of War; Head of the Engineering Department, whose whole resources were engaged upon special admiralty and aircraft work during the war.

RIPPON, John Edwin, M.Met., M.Inst.Met., M.I. and S.I., Metallurgist; Chief of Research Dept., Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Openshaw, Manchester; b. 1894; s. of R. Rippon. Ed. Central Secondary Sch., Sheffield. Training: University, Sheffield. Mappin Medal for Metallurgy. Pub/.: " The Effect of Initial Temperature upon the Physical Properties of Steel " (Part Author ). Address: The Research Dept., Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester.

RISELEY, H. L., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M. Amer.I.E.E.,M.N.E.C.Inst., Construction Engineer, Newcastle Electric Supply Co., Westfield House, Gosforth. T. A.: "Riseley, Gosforth." T. N.: 245 Gosforth. Ed. Rugby, City and Guilds of London I nstitute. Apprenticeship with John and Henry Gwynne, Hammersmith, London, W. Eight years with Gwynne, Ltd.; 2/ years south of France on reclamation problems; 2 years Engineer Dry Docks, Sebastopol, Russia; 4 years S. Z. de Ferranti, Hollinwood, outside agent erecting plant at various electricity undertakings; 20 years Chief Engineer, Constructional Work, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co.

RISHWORTH, Frank Sharman, B.E.I., Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., Prof. C.E., University Coll., Galway, since 1910; Member of Governing Body, University Coll., Galway; Lecturer in C.E. Sch. of Eng., Giza, under Egyptian Ministry of Education, I 902-1 0; 3rd Class (Commander) Order of Medjidieh. Address: Gurthard, Galway.

RITCHIE, Ronald, M.I. and S.I., M. Cleveland I.E., Hydraulic Engr.; Manager and Director, J. and R. Ritchie, Ltd., Middlesbro'; b. 1892; s. of James Ritchie. Ed. Marlborough. Training: Worth, McKenzie and Co., Stockton. Club: Cleveland, Middlesbro'. Address: Cambridge House, Linthorpe, Middlesbro'. T. N.: 25 Linthorpe.

RITSON, J. R., Min. Engr., Sniperley Hall, Durham.

RIVERS-MOORE, Henry R., B.Sc. (Lond.), A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Chairman and Chief Tech. Officer, R.M. Radio, Ltd.; b. 1884; s. of W. F. Moore, Shipbuilder, Plymouth. Ed. Wellington Coll. Wellesley Prizeman. Training: Central Tech. Coll., London. Engr.-in-Chief, Dept. Post. Office, 1907; Wireless Section, 1910-13; Proprietor and Gen. Manager, Wilson Apparatus Co., 1913; with the Indo-European Telegraph Co., Ltd., 1916; joined Admiralty Experimental Estab. (Anti-Submarine Research), 1918; Founded " R.M. Radio, Ltd." 1919. Address: 28, Park Hill Road, East Croydon, Surrey. T. N.: Croydon, 457. Office: 5, Regent Square, W.C.r.

RIVIERE, Philip Lyle, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Elec. Engr., L.C.C. Tramways; b. 1874; s. of Briton Riviere, R.A., D.C.L., etc. Ed. London University Coll. Training: St. Andrew's University, Dundee Coll., and London University Coll., Gower Street. Formerly on Staff of Sir Alex. Kennedy, and represented his firm in Calcutta on the reconstruction of the Calcutta Generating Stations and Supply. Club: Arts. Addresses: The Red House, Weston Green, Thames Ditton, and 21, Belvedere Road, S.E. T. N.: Hop 3150.

ROBERTS, Alfred Henry, O.B.E., F.R.S.E., M.Inst.C.E.,Civil Engineer (Harbours, Docks), Dock Offices, Leith, Scotland. T. A.: " Harbour, Leith." T. N.: Leith 1200. b. 1872; s. of late Charles Digby Roberts of Bath. Ed. Bedford School, Crystal Palace Engineering School, and with G. M. Lawford to August, 1891. On staff of the late P. W. Meik, M.Inst.C.E., dock and harbour and railway works, 1891-1909; Resident Engineer, Dry Dock Works, Leith, 1909; Maintenance Engineer, Leith Docks, 1912; Engineer and Docks Superintendent, 1913 (to the Leith Dock Commission). Chief Works: Port Talbot Railway and Docks, 1894-9; Hebburn-on-Tyne Graving Dock, 1900-4; Lock Leven Water Power Works, Kinlochleven, r905-9; various—Leith Docks, 190 9-19. Publications: " Diagrams for Calculation of Earthwork Quantities " (Spon ); " Loch Leven Water Power," Institution of Civil Engineers, Watt Gold Medal. War Services.—Various committees dealing with labour, traffic and port congestion.

ROBERTS, Charles Walton, Mar. Engr.; Chief Examiner of Engrs., B.O.T.; b. 1864; s. of Rev. W. Roberts, B.A., London (deceased). Ed. University Coll., London. App. served with Caird and Co., Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Greenock; about 7 years' Sea Service with British India Steam Navigation Co.; 4 years as Con. Engr. in Refrigeration, Heating, Filtration, Boilers, Min. Machinery, etc., at home and abroad; in 1897 appointed B.O.T. Engr. and Ship Surveyor, Glasgow; transferred to London, 1905, as an Asst. to the Engr. Surveyor-in-Chief; in 1919 Senior Engr. Surveyor, London District. Early in 1920 received special grant for acting as Principal Officer; at end of 1920 appointed to the above office. Publ.: " Drawing and Designing for Mar. Engrs.," " Practical Advice for Mar. Engrs." (Whittaker and Co. ). Address: (Private), 2, Upper Westbourne Terrace, W.2. T. N.: Paddington 5060. (Official), 47, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. N. Victoria 8479.

ROBERTS, David Evan, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. and S M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council), 9, Richmond Terrace, Park Place, Cardiff. T. A.: " Formula, Cardiff." T. N.: Cardiff 365.

ROBERTS, Gervase Henry, C.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich; s. of Alderman G. H. Roberts, J.P., Mayor of Wakefield. Ed. Stanley Hall and Leeds University. Training: L. and Y. Railway. Works, Horwich. Paper before Inst. of Mech. Engrs., Cambridge Summer Meeting, 1913, on " Co-ordination of Eng. Research Work." Address: 3, Blessington Road, Blackheath, S.E.13. T. N.: Lee Green 1729.

ROBERTS, James John, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Rose Cottage, Compton, Wolverhampton. T. A.: " Rose Cottage, Compton." b. 1884; s. of the late Rev. Ellis Roberts, B.A., of India and North Wales. Ed. Entered the Grammar School, Ruthin, North Wales, in 1897. University Engineering College, London; pupilage at the Electric Construction Co., Ltd., of Wolverhampton, and the Oxford Electric Company, Ltd., Oxford. Member of the Engineering Staff of the Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton, 1906-16; Member of the Engineering Staff of the General Electric Co., Ltd., Witton Works, Witton, Birmingham, 1916-8; Superintendent Engineer at Horton and Son, Ltd., Alma and New Alma Works, Darlaston, South Staffs, 1918 to present time. Past Lecturer at the Wolverhampton Technical School, the Birmingham Municipal Technical School, and the Dudley Technical Schools in Electrical Engineering; Member of the Wolverhampton and District Engineering Society.

ROBERTS, John Edward, F.R.S.A., Mar.E., Chief Engr., Ports and Lighthouses Administration, Port Said, Egyptian Govt., since 1918; b. 1863; s. of John Roberts (Wesleyan Minister). Ed. Privately and at Hartley Inst., Southampton. Training: Hartley Inst. B.O.T. Chief Eng. Cert., 1891. App. Mar. Eng. at Oswald, Mordaunt and Co., Southampton; then with Liverpool, Brazil and River Plate Steam Navigation Co., and P. and 0. Steam Navigation. Co.; joined Egyptian Govt. Service, 1895; Asst. Chief Engr., Floating Plant, Ports and Lighthouses Administration; Chief Engr. 18971918; Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Alexandria, 1905-18. Clubs: Union and Masonic, Alexandria; and Union, Port Said. Address: Ports and Lighthouses Administration, Port Said, Egypt. T. A.: "Roberts, Port Said." T. N.: 248.

ROBERTS, John Ernest, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Central Power Station, South Aldershot; b. 1881; s. of John Roberts, private tutor, Cheltenham; m. 1912, Katherine Anna Harding, eldest d. of W. G. Atkinson, Rugby. Ed. Preparatory School, Cheltenham, and private tuition. Apprenticeship with British ThomsonHouston Co., Rugby. Assistant Engineer on construction work, British Thomson-Houston Co., Rugby; Assistant Engineer on construction work, Westinghouse Co.; Assistant Engineer, Central Power Station, War Department, Aldershot, and now Station Superintendent. Chief Works: As Station Superintendent (War Department) in charge of the reconstruction and extension of Central Power Station, Aldershot, on conversion of the "61 system of generation from 400 volts D.C. and 3,30ovolts A.C. to 6,600 volts, 3 phase. War Services.—Lighting and power services (Civil Staff, Royal Engineers) in Aldershot Command.

ROBERTS, Martin, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E.,. F.C.S., Consulting Engineer, 137, Victoria Street, London, S.W. T. A.: "Napoleonic, London." T. N.: 121 Victoria. Ed. King's College, London, where he took Clothworkers Company's Prize for Engineering.. Member of Engineering Standards Committee and of Physical Standards Committee. Formerly Assistant Engineer-in-Chief Post Office. Designed Post Office factories, Post Office power stations, engineering work for Post Office London telephone system; an authority on telegraph and telephone engineering and the design of electrical power stations. Publications: Contributions to Journals of Institution of Civil Engineers and Institution of Electrical Engineers.

ROBERTS, Robert James, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 21, King's Avenue, Old Trafford, Manchester; s. of Thos. Roberts, C.E., of New Zealand. Training: Battersea Polytechnic, and apprenticed to W. G. Walker and Co., Westminster, 1902-5. Has filled various positions as draughtsman, designer, etc., with Bruce Peebles and Co., The British Electric Plant Co., Brown, Boveri and Cie (Switzerland), and The Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co., where at present in charge of experimental and testing department. Awarded " Paris " Premium by Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1912. Vice-President of Manchester Branch Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, 1917-9; and prominent in building up the Association's technical activities. Publications: Contributions to technical press upon mechanical design of electrical machinery.

ROBERTS, Robert Jones, A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical Engineer, c/o Asiatic Petroleum Co., Tsingtao, North China; b. 1882; s. of Rev. R. J. Roberts; m. D. M. Burgess. Ed. Rossall School and Owens College. The Brush Electrical Engineering Co. '905—Assistant Engineer, Merthyr Electric Traction and Lighting Co. 1906—Shift Engineer, Cheltenham Corporation Electricity Works. 190 7—Engineerin-Chief to Nevis, Ltd., British West Indies. 1908 to date, in employ of Asiatic Petroleum Co. in various parts of Asia.

ROBERTS, Wilfrid St. Clare, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., 46, Woodstock Road, Walthamstow, E. b. 1877. Ed. Elementary Higher Grade and Technical Schools. Apprenticeship with Westray and Copeland, and Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness; three years in shops, two years in the drawing office. One year and nine months Marine Engineer, six years Inspector, with Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-inFurness; ten years Chief Examiner with Crompton and Co., Ltd., electrical engineers, Chelmsford; ten years Teacher of Machine Construction and Drawing, at the Chelmsford School of Science and Art (Evening Classes); five years Superintendent of Inspection with The Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Walthamstow. War Services.—Included electrical work, shells, tank details and mechanical transport, carried out in connection with his duties with the above firms.

ROBERTS, William Poulter, M.I.Mech.E., Gen. Supt., Public Works Workshops, Madras, India.

ROBERTSON, Alexander Melville, A.M.I.E.E., Engr.-in-Chief, Electrical Dept., Glasgow Corpn. Address: 52, St. Enoch Square, Glasgow.

ROBERTSON, Alexander Melvin, Captain (late R.E.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Automobile Engineer, General Manager, The Fife Motor Co., Dunfermline. T. A. " Active, Dunfermline." T. N.: 124 Dunfermline. War Services.—Raised the City of Dundee Electric Lights Company, Royal Engineers, in 1915; commanded same 1915-16; commanded No. 31 AntiAircraft Company, Royal Engineers, 1916-17; Officer Commanding Royal Engineers, Tay Defences, 1917-18; commanded 45th Company, Royal Engineers, Gibraltar, 1918-19.

ROBERTSON, David, D.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I. E.S., Electrical Engineer, Merchant Venturers' Technical College, Bristol. T. N.: 407. b. 1875. Ed. Glasgow University. Glasgow Technical College, Jas. White, Ltd. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Glasgow Technical College and Bradford Municipal Technical College; Professor of Electrical Engineering, Merchant Venturers' Technical College (University of Bristol), since 1902, and in the University of Bristol since its foundation in 1909. Author of numerous papers published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, etc., and in the technical press.

ROBERTSON, George Findlay, M.I.Mech.E., Superintending Engr., Carron Company, Carron, Falkirk; b. 1873; s. of late H. Robertson, Senior Engr., R.N.R. Ed. Harris Academy, Dundee. Training: Dundee University Coll., St. Andrew's University. Gold Medallist, etc.; Extra 1st Class Engr.'s B.O.T. Cert. App. with J. and H. Whyte and Cooper, Dundee; leading Draughtsman, Easton, Anderson and Goolden, Ltd., Erith; 10 years Asst. Engr., Nat. Boiler and Gen. Insur. Co., Ltd., Manchester; I I years Chief Engr. large industrial firms, and at present Superintending Engr. to Carron Company's Collieries, Blast Furnaces, Foundries, Eng. Works and fleet of steamers. Address: Craiglea House, Polmont, Stirlingshire.

ROBERTSON, James Archibald, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Salford Corpn. Electricity Works, Pendleton, Salford.

ROBERTSON, Robert, Vice-Pres. I.E.S. Address: Carnbooth, Carmunnock, Lanarkshire.

ROBERTSON, Vernon A. M., Major R.E., Civil Engineer (Railways), Great Eastern Railway, Assistant to Divisional Civil Engineer, Stratford, E.I5. T. A.: " Civil Engineer, Great Eastern Railway, Stratford." T. N.: East 1068. b. 1890; s. of A. Robertson; m. youngest d. of C. J. Cooper of 101, Honeybrook Road, Balham, S.W. Ed. Dover College, Dover, 1897-1906; Crystal Palace Engineering School, 1907-9. Articled to D. Cravell, M.Inst.C.E., 1909-12. November, 1912, to September, 1919— Assistant to New Works Engineer, South Eastern and Chatham Railway. From October, 1919—Assistant to Divisional Civil Engineer, Great Eastern Railway, Stratford, E.15. War Services.—Joined 14th London Regiment, London Scottish, November, 1914; gazetted to 31 Royal Engineers as 2nd-Lieutenant, October, 1915; proceeded to France, February, 1916; wounded, March, 1916; promoted Lieutenant, October, 1916; promoted Captain and Adjutant, October, 1916; gassed, July, 1917. Awarded M.C., July, 1917 (Immediate Award). Promoted Major, September, 1918. Awarded Bar to M.C., October, 1918. Demobilized, May, 1919.

ROBINSON, A. W. M.Inst.C.E.,M.Amer.S.C.E., M.Can.S.C.E., Consulting Engineer (Speciality: Dredging Plant for Harbour Works, River Improvements, etc.), 14, Phillips Square, Montreal, Canada. T. A.: " Dredge, Montreal." T. N.: Uptown, Montreal 2478. b. Canada, 1861; s. of Joseph Robinson, solicitor, of Inner Temple, and of Georgina, youngest d. of James Buchanan, H.M. Consul at New York. Engineering pupil to Sir John Kennedy, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Montreal Harbour and River St. Lawrence Ship Channel. Eight years Assistant to Sir John Kennedy in design, operation and maintenance of fleet of dredging plant comprising forty vessels; 14 years Designer and Managing Engineer to Bucyrus Company, Milwaukee, U.S.A.; developed the American type of steam shovel, of which several thousand have been built; developed the dipper dredge and hydraulic dredge; designed the first large shovels for mining iron ore in Lake Superior district, now mining so million tons per year ' • 15 years' practice as Consulting Engineer in above lines to the Department of Public Works of Canada, Ottawa, Crown Agents of the Colonies, London, Egyptian Government, various harbour works in India, China, etc., various contracting firms, harbour trustees and corporations, Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scotland, and many others. Chief Works: Designed and built over 300 dredging machines for all services including several pioneer types Developed the Robinson Rotary Cutter for hydraulic dredges in heavy clay soils; designer of dredge " Tarte " which made world's record of performance. Publications: Papers read before engineering societies and institutions on above subjects.

ROBINSON, Isaac Vincent, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.N.E.C.Inst., M.Amer. S.M.E., Electrical Engineer, 36, Kingsway, W.C.2. T. A.: " c/o Perihelion, West Cent., London." T. N.: Holborn 575o. b. 1879; s. of I. J. Robinson, J.P., West Hartlepool; m. Edith, d. of T. Tweddell, J.P., West Hartlepool. Ed. Private school and at Royal College of Science, South Kensington. Apprenticeship with Central Marine Engine Works, West Hartlepool. Short time as sea-going Engineer; joined Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., 1901; in charge of Glasgow and London Offices, 1904-10; at Head Office till 1918; joined British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, 1919. Publications: Sundry papers before the Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, etc. Club: Services. War Services.—Munitions, marine and electrical work; in volunteers; Lieutenant in Durham Royal Engineers; Officer Commanding No. 2 Section Signal Company.

ROBINSON, James, M.B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., F.Inst.P., Research and Wireless Engr., Chief Experimental Officer, Instrument Design Establishment, R.A.F., Biggin Hill, Kent; b. 1884; s. of Robt. Robinson. Ed. and Trained: Armstrong Coll., Univ. of Durham (Pemberton Fellow ), and Univ. of Gottingen. Career: Lecturer and Demonstrator in Physics at Armstrong Coll. and Univ. of Sheffield; Senior Lecturer in Physics at East London Coil.; Member of Board of Studies in Physics, Univ. of Lond.; Examiner in Physics, Univ. of Lond.; Lt. R.N.V.R. for W.T. purposes; Capt. R.A.F.; Chief Tech. Asst. to Commandant, Wireless Experimental Establishment, Biggin Hill; Chief Experimental Officer, Instrument Design Establishment, R.A.F., Biggin Hill, Kent; Invented and •developed R.A.F. Direction Finding System. Pubis.: Papers on Acoustics (Dust Figures ), Absorption of Cathode Rays in Gases, Photo Electric Effect. Wireless Telegraphy, including Directional Wireless in various journals as " Phil. Mag.," " Ann. der Phys.," " Phys. Zeit.," " Radio Review," " Proc. Phys. Society of London," " Wireless World." Various Patents on Wireless. Address: Instrument Design Establishment, R.A.F., Biggin Hill, Kent. T. N.: Bromley 196o.

ROBINSON, John Edmund, M.I.Mech.E., Works Manager, Govt. Railway. Works, Ipswich, Queensland.

ROBINSON, John George, C.B.E., M.Inst. .C.E.,M.I.Mech.E., Railway Engineer (Locomotive .and Carriage and Wagon ), Chief Mechanical Engineer, Great Central Railway, Gorton, Manchester. T. A.: " Robinson, Railway, Gorton." T. N.: 1300 'Central, Manchester. Private Residence: " Mere Bank," Fairfield, Manchester. b. 1856; s. of late Matthew Robinson, Divisional Locomotive, Carriage .and Wagon Superintendent, Great Western Railway, Bristol; m. 1884 to the second d. of the late Richard Hildyard Dalton, of Helston, Cornwall, a near relative of the late John Dalton, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., etc., well-known discoverer of the Atomic Theory. Ed. Chester. Engineering training received at Great Western Railway Works, Swindon. Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent of Waterford, Limerick and Western Railway of Ireland from 1888—1900; appointed Locomotive Superintendent to the Great Central Railway in July, 190o, .and also took control of the Carriage and Wagon Department in 1902, and became Chief Mechanical Engineer. Designed several classes of locomotives for the Great Central Company, also their new Carriage and Wagon Works at Dukinfield, near Manchester, and carried out extensive alterations .and enlargements to the Company's Locomotive Works at Gorton; in latter part of 1906 designed .a three-cylinder high-pressure, eight-wheels coupled bogie tank shunting engine (the first of its kind to be built in this country) for sorting and marshalling trains in the Great Central Company's Concentration Yard at Wath, near Doncaster, which is on the hump :system, the maximum gradient being 1 in 109, and the engines required to push trains of 70 loaded wagons weighing about 1,050 tons up this slope in order that they might be distributed on the otherside by gravity. Inventor of the " Robinson " Superheater exhibited at Latin-British Exhibition, 1912 (awarded Diploma for Grand Prix); the Intensifore " Lubricator for Locomotive and Marine Engines; also Apparatus for Burning Pulverised Coal, Oil, or Colloidal Mixtures in Loco Stationary .and Marine Boilers. War Services.—Member of the Railway War Manufacturers' Sub-Committee, and superintended the manufacture of gun travelling carriages, howitzer carriages, 6-in. high explosive shells, practice shot, gun mountings, high explosive bombs, also renovation of cartridge cases, 8-pdr., etc., at Gorton Works, as well as the construction of ambulance trains, water carts, transport carts, ambulance stretchers, etc., at Dukinfield Works. His design of 8 wheels coupled goods and mineral engine with leading pony truck was adopted by War Office as standard type to be built for use in France.

ROBINSON, Leonard L., M.Inst.C.E., M.I. E.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.C.G.I., Borough Electrical Engineer, Hackney, 306, Mare Street, Hackney, E.B. T. N.: Dalston 2451. Training: City and Guilds of London Institute.

ROBSON, Nathaniel Edwards, F.0.M.S, M.I.N.A., Partner, Atkinson, Young and Robson, Cons. Engrs., Naval Archs. and Mar. Surveyors, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Liverpool, 1911 to date; b. 1872. Ed. Kepier Grammar Sch., Houghton-leSpring. Training: Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-onTyne. Career: Chief Draughtsman, N.E. Mar. Eng. Co., Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1899-1906; Engine Works Manager, Denny and Co., Dumbarton, 1907-10. Address: Atkinson, Young and Robson, 12, Mosley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Irwall, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: Newcastle Central, 4832.

RODD, William James Paulo, Major R.A., 0.C., D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.S.A.,.R.Ae.S., Chief Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, Eastern Command; b. 1879; s. of William Rodd. Ed. Private Sch. Training: Woolwich Arsenal and London. Wh. Ex., 1898. Career: Inspector of Ordnance Machinery to Canadian Govt. Forces, 1909-11; Chief Inspector of Ordnance Machinery at G.H.Q., Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force, 1916-19. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy, Royal Automobile.

ROE, Alliott Verdon, O.B.E., Aeroplane Designer, and first to fly in England, Director of A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., Manchester, also Hamble, near Southampton; b. 1877; m. August, 1910, Mildred Kirk. Ed. St. Paul's School, Kensington; Apprentice at Locomotive Works of Lancs and Yorks Railway at Horwich; went to sea as a Ship's Engineer. 1907—Won " Daily Mail " prize of X75 for best model aeroplane to fly by its own power. 1908— Made first flight in England at Brooklands on June 8. 1909—Competed at Blackpool meeting with a triplane with 9 H.P. J.A.P. engine. 1910—Won L50 prize at second Blackpool meeting with a triplane. Attended flying meeting at Boston, U.S.A., in same year. On his return designed a tractor biplane, which set the fashion to subsequent designers. July, 1910—Obtained Royal Aero Club certificate. 1911—An Avro biplane was fitted with floats and was the first seaplane to fly in Great Britain. Member of the Royal Aero Club. War Services.—Avros were used to bomb the Zeppelin sheds at Friedrichshafen, and the first Zeppelin to be shot down from the air was brought down by an Avro; subsequently the Avro was used as the standard training machine for pilots, and was manufactured in greater numbers than any other aeroplane.

ROGERS, Arthur Burden Campbell, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Railway and Waterworks Engineer (Canal, Drainage, Sullage Farm ), 44, Duke Street, St. James's Square, S.W.'t; b. 1852. Ed. Hanwell College, Middlesex, London. Service on the East India Railway, Scindia State Railway, Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, Bengal and North Western Railway, Tirhoot State Railway, East Coast Railway, Orissa Canals, Bengal Drainage Works, Agra Waterworks and Drainage; Secretary-Engineer to Agra Municipality for ten years; retired 1900. Chief Works: Sixty miles of the Northern extension of the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway, railway ferry across the Ganges, serving both the Bengal and North Western Railways and Tirhoot State Railways. Inventor of the only system of Compressing Indigenous Indian Fodders and Straws, the use of which during the War, 1914-18, saved the Government of India very many Million Pounds Sterling; Inventor of " Rogers' Portable Steel Sugar Cane Mill "; the first Observer of Rice Straw for the production of Industrial Alcohol on an immense commercial scale; and Joint Patentee with Sir Charles Bedford, LL.D., D.Sc., for a process for its production therefrom, 1918-19; Originator of " The Scheme for the Production of Small Steel Castings in India," 1920-21. Clubs: Agra Club, United Provinces, India; Hon. Member, United Service Club, Calcutta and Simla; United Provinces, India; Caledonian, St. James's Square, and Royal Dorset Yacht. War Services. Mentioned in His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief's Dispatch, dated March 19, 1919, on " Work in India in connection with the war."

ROGERS, Frank, D.Eng., M.Sc., B.A., M.I. MeCh.E., Cons. Engr. and Metallurgist; b. 1882. Ed. and Training: Liverpool Coll. and University, and Cambridge. 1st Class Hons. Eng. Degree, Liverpool, Rathbone Medallist. Research Degree, Cambridge. Career: Research Dept., Woolwich Arsenal; Metallurgical Expert to late Sir A. M. Rendel and Robertson (India Office Cons. Engrs. ), on Special Railway. Work. Steel and Chemical Works design and equipment; Lab. design and organization; Magnet Expert, Research Lab.; Microscopy of Metals, and other Cons. Metallurgical work; Inventor of high efficiency (light-weight ) springs for Railway., tramway and motor-car eng.; Originator of mercury test for internal stress and tendency to cracking in brass and other non-ferrous materials, cartridge cases, etc.; Inventor of Pyrometers for molten metals at high temperatures. Papers on " Steel-making and Treatment," " Microscopy Impact and Fatigue of Metals," " Properties of Metals at High Temperatures." Address: 64A, Westbar, and Hicks Lane, Sheffield. T. A.: " Supertech, Sheffield." T. N.: Cent. 1598.

ROGERS, HERON and PETTIT, Consultants for Industrial Works Design, 181, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Herongers, London." T. N.: Central 2471 (3 lines ). Partners: F. Heron Rogers, M.I.Mech.E., and Walter R. Pettit, M.I.Mech.E. F. Heron Rogers, apprenticed, London, 1894. Passed Qualifying Examination, Patent Agents (Board of Trade ), 3: 1899. Specialist in Industrial Works Design, Valuations. W. R. Pettit joined firm in 1915. Has been Works Manager to Humphry, Tennant and Co., Weldless Steel Tube Co., Ltd., Willans and Robinsons, Applebys, Limited; Derome et fils (Bavay ); Engineer to Pilkingtons, St. Helens. Chief Works: Factory installations: over one hundred, including design, layout and equipment, and in some cases organization. For chemicals, oil, margarine, tungsten, steel, glass, acids, explosives, engineering shops. Publications: F. H. Rogers, joint editor with G. W. Watson of " The Motor Mechanic's Handbook." Member of the St. Stephen's and Chemical Industry Club. War Services.—Factories for explosives, including gun-cotton, picric acid, nitric; anaesthetics, lanoline, oils, aeroplane factories, design of special chemical plant.

ROGERS, Hugh Innes, O.B.E., M.I.E.E., Chairman of Brecknell, Munro and Rogers, Ltd., Bristol, Tramway Equipment Manufacturers; b. 1872; s. of John Innes Rogers. Ed. Temple Grove and Marlborough. Training: King's Coll., London. Pupil to Laing Wharton and Down, Ltd.; 1895-98— Asst. Engr., R. W. Blackwell, installation of Electric Tramways and Power Stations, Bristol and Dublin; 1898—Partner in Brecknell, Munro and Rogers, Chairman, 1904; 1914-16—Pres. Bristol Assoc. Engrs.; 1918-19—Chairman Western Centre I. E. E.; 1918-20—Member of Council I.E.E.; 1914-18— Member of W. of Eng. Munitions Committee. Club: Constitutional, Bristol. Address: Heathfield, St. Stephen's Road, Bath. T. A.: " Brecknell, Bristol." T. N.: 3137 Bristol.

ROGERSON, John Edwin, Captain, O.B.E., D.L., M.A., Assoc.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Mount Oswald, Durham, and 19, South Street,London, W.I. T. N.: 67 Durham. b. 1865; eldest s. of John Rogerson, C.E.; m. Frances Mary, youngest d. of late Pierse Creagh, Mount Elva, Co. Clare. Ed. Durham and Trinity College, Cambridge, B.A. 1886 (Hist. Tripos ), M.A. 1892. Director of John Rogerson and Co., Ltd., (Chairman) Weardale Steel, Coal and Coke Co., Ltd., (Chairman) Broomhill Collieries, Ltd., (Chairman) North Walbottle Coal Co., Ltd., (Chairman) Seaton Burn Coal Co., (Chairman ) Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., (Deputy Chairman) South Durham Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.; (Deputy Chairman) Wingate Coal Co., Ltd., Cochrane and Co., Ltd., Bank of Liverpool and Martins, Ltd. (local), Canadian Western Syndicate, Ormsby Rolling Mills, Ltd., Steel Developments, Ltd. County Councillor, Durham County; Sheriff, 1905; J.P., Co. Durham; D.L., Ca. Durham. Clubs: Carlton, Boodles', Durham County and Yorkshire. War Services.—Secretary, Durham County Territorial Force Association, 1914-9.

ROLFE, Robert Thatcher, F.I.C., M.Inst.Met., Assoc.Inst.M.M., Head of Metallurgical Research Dept., W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., Bedford; b. 1883. Ed. Richmond County Sch. and King's Coll., London. Career: 19o4-9—With Riley and Harbord, London, as Chemist; 1910-I I—With Terra Nova Properties, Ltd., and Anglo-Newfoundland Devel. Co., at Buchan's River, N.F., as Metallurgist; 1912 to date—With W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., as Chemist, then Works Supt., and since 1919 as above. Papers on Metals before the I.Mech.E., I.Met., etc. Address: 24, Chaucer Road, Bedford.

ROMANES, George, B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E.,A.M.E.I.C., Civil Engineer, Maitland House, Kelso, Scotland; b. 1885; s. of George Romanes, A ssoc.M. I nst.C. E.; m. 1913. Ed. Edinburgh Academy, Edinburgh University, B.Sc. in Engineering, 1905. 190 5-6 — Egypt Government Surveys. I906-8—Assistant Professor of Engineering, Edinburgh University. I90 8-15—Assistant City Engineer, City of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 1915-16--Chief Engineer, Lothian Chemical Co., Edinburgh. 1916-I 7—Chief Engineer, H.M. Factory, Craigleith, Edinburgh. Chief Works: Design and erection of Public Works in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; design and erection of H.M. Factory, Craigleith, Edinburgh. War Services.-1917-19—Captain, Royal Engineers, in charge of railway survey and reconnaissance and maintenance of main line, Macedonian Army.

ROOME, George William, Engr. Rear-Admiral, late R.N., C.B.E., M.I.N.A., Chief Supt. Engr., Canadian Pacific Ocean Services; b. 1865; s. of Henry Roome (late Admiralty ). Ed. Aske's Hatcham Sch. Training: R.N. Eng. Coll., Keyham; and R.N. Coll., Greenwich. Career: Sea service in all classes of Warships; 3i years Engr. Manager of Rosyth Dockyard; 8 years Asst. and Prof. of Mar. Eng., R.N. Coll., Greenwich; retired from Navy 1919. Address: c/o C.P.O.S., 8, Waterloo Place, London, S.W.

ROOSE, FitzRoy O. J., M.I.Mech.E., E.E., F.C.S., Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, c/o Russell Wells, M.D., 16, Lower Seymour Street, W. h. 188o; s. of Robson Roose, M.D.; m. d. of Chas. Lowe of Buenos Ayres and Rhodesia. Ed. Westminster School, London Polytechnic Engineering School and articled to Lacey, Clirhugh and Sillar, civil, mechanical and electrical engineers, Westminster. Assistant Electrical Engineer to Middleton, Salford and Bournemouth Corporations; Assistant Resident Engineer in South London for Tramway Construction Works, London County Council; Chief Engineer, Cordoba, Light Power and Traction Co., South America; Construction Engineer, Sao Paulo Light and Power Co., Brazil; Power Station Engineer and Manager, Cie de Electricidad de la Provincia de Buenos Ayres, Ltd. Now Electrical Engineer to Government of Bombay. War Services.-1914-9—As Lieutenant, Captain and Major, Royal Garrison Artillery. Twice mentioned in Dispatches.

ROOSE, Hubert Francis Gardner, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., M.I.Min.E., F.G.S., Cons. Engr. (Min.); b. 1882. Ed. Westminster. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. Clubs: Min. and Metallurgical. Address: 26-29, Audrey House, Ely Place, E.C.I

ROOTS, James Dennis, M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr. and Patent Agent; b. 1858; s. of James Roots. Ed. St. Mary Cray. Training: In Eng. Works, Hunslet and London. Career: Has been a pioneer in the development of the Internal Combustion Engine; claims to have made the first successful working Oil Engine in Europe, 1836; the first Motor-boat built in the U.K., 1890; ttie second Motor-cycle in the U.K., fitted with first two-stroke self-propelling engine, 1892; exhibited first I.C. Engine for propelling vehicles, four-stroke, Stanley Show, 1894; first (I.C.E.) Motor-car built in U.K., 1895; flew models of Aeroplanes and Helicopters 1896-7; ran first Motor Vehicle (I.C.E.) in public competition in U.K., 1897; made first Commercial Motor (I.C.E.) built in U.K., exhibited Royal Agricultural Show, Birmingham. Publ.: " The Cycles of Gas and Oil Engines," published by The Engr. Club: Royal Automobile. Address: Thanet House, Temple Bar, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Oaktree, London." T. N.: Central 12327.

ROPER, John Arthur, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, " Morton," Rowsley Avenue, Hendon, N.W.4. T. A.: " Roper, Airmanique, Phone, London." T. N.: Kingsbury 220. b. 1881. Ed. at Sheffield University. Shop experience and practical training at Vickers, Ltd., at their Sheffield and Barrow-in-Furness Works. 1902-15—With W. S. Laycock, Ltd., Victoria Works, Sheffield; Works Manager last three years of this period. April, 19r 5, to March, 1917—Assistant Engineer for Thos. Firth and Sons, Ltd., Norfolk Works, Sheffield. April, 1917, to present date, with The Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Hendon, designers and builders of the world-famous " Airco " or De Havilland aeroplanes. Now Assistant General Manager of this firm.

ROPNER, Leonard, M.I.N.A., Man. Dir., The Ropner Shipbuilding and Repairing Co. (Stockton), Ltd.; b. 1873; s. of Sir Robert Ropner, Bart. Ed. Uppingham and Glasgow University. Address: Rimswell, Stockton-on-Tees. T. A.: " 238, Stocktonon-Tees." T. N.: 238, Stockton-on-Tees.

ROSE, Ernest Albert, Lt.-Col. C.B.E., B.Sc., B.Eng., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Elec., Mech. and Automobile Engr.; b. 1879. Ed. Liverpool Coll. Training: Liverpool University. Four times mentioned in Dispatches. App. with Crompton and Co., Ltd., Chelmsford; subsequently General Electric Co., Ltd., Manchester; Chief Engr., Road Carrying Co., Ltd., Liverpool, 1902-6; General Manager, ArrolJohnston, Ltd., Paisley, 1907-9; Tech. and Sales Director, Delaunay-Belleville Automobiles (England), Ltd., 1909-2o. Clubs: Bath, and Royal Automobile. Address: i6, Pembridge Place, London, W.2. T. N.: Park 641.

ROSE, Frederick Campbell, C.S.I., M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.E. (India), Chief Engr., Chihti River Commission, China, since 1919; b. 1865; s. of William Rose. Ed. Trinity Coll., Glenalmond, and George Watson's Coll., Edin. Training: Royal Eng. Coll., Coopers Hill. Entered the P.W.D., Govt. of India, 1886, in the Irrigation Dept., Punjab, till 1916; Chief Engr., 1915; Secretary to Govt. of India P.W.D., 1916; retired 1919. Clubs: East India, United Service, Caledonian. Address: 17, Recreation Road, Tientsin, China.

ROSE, Harold G., M.B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 39, West Sunniside, Sunderland. T. A.: " Construct, Sunderland." T. N.: 1439 Sunder land. b. 1878. Ed. Bede Collegiate School, Sunderland. Served articles with J. W. Monciir, 2 TR M.Inst.C.E., Borough Surveyor, Sunderland. For several years Chief Assistant to D. Balfour and Son, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and now Managing Director of The Provincial Construction Co., Ltd., public works -contractors, Sunderland. Chief Works: Design and construction of many sewerage and sewage disposal works, water supply works, bridges, shipyards, coaling staithes, etc. War Services.—Design of sewerage and sewage disposal works for large camps. Resident Engineer, Kimmel Park Gamp, North Wales; Chief Assistant Drainage Engineer to the Air Ministry.

ROSE, Thomas A., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 25-27, Milton Street, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Rosebros, London." T. N.: 7043 Central. b. 1871; s. of Rev. T. G. Rose. Ed. City of London School, Finsbury Technical College and Polytechnic Institute. Assistant to Dr. Gladstone, F.R.S., in • chemical and physical research work; Engineer, General Electric Co., U.S.A.; Technical Director and Works Manager to various electric lamp companies in England, France and Japan. At present partner of Rose Brothers; Managing Director, Rose Vacuum Pump, Ltd., and Consulting Engineer for various • electric lamp Companies; Director, British Battery Co., Ltd. inventor of the " Rose " vacuum pump. War Services.—Volunteer, Electrical Engineers.

ROSE, Sir Thomas Kirke, D.Sc., A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., M.Inst.Met., Metallurgist; Chemist and Assayer, Royal Mint; b. 1865. Ed. Dulwich Coll. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. P.-Pres. Inst.M.M. Consolidated Goldfields of S.A. Gold Medal (Inst.M.M. ), 1905. Gold Medal, Inst.M.M., 1921. Publ.: " Metallurgy of Gold " (6th Edition, 1915 ), " The Precious Metals." Club: Alpine. Address: Iden Lodge, Linkfield Lane, Redhill.

ROSE, William Henry, Elec. Engr., at present engaged by Callender's Cable and Construction Co., on the Andhea Valley Power Scheme; b. 1883. Ed. Goldsmiths and University Eng. Coll. Read with W. J. Lineham, M.I.E.E., etc. Min. Gold and Coal in S. Af., 1902-4; Electrification of G.I.P. Train Lighting and Workshops (Preliminary Expts.), 1904-6; Min. Coal and Manganese, Central Provinces, 1906-8; Mill Equipment, 1908-1; Light and Power, G.P.O., 1911-14; R.A.F. Research Tech. Dept. and B.E.S.C., 1914-20; Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Ltd., 192o; F.R.Met.S., M.I. and S.I. Permanent Address: " Farringdons," Fittleworth, Sussex, Present Address: c/o Callender's Cable Co., Bombay.

ROSENHAIN, Walter, D.Sc., B.A., F.Inst.P., F.R.S., Supt., Metallurgy Dept., N.P.L.; b. 1875; s. of late M. Rosenhain, of Melbourne, Australia. Ed. Wesley Coll., Melbourne; University of Melbourne; St. John's Coll., Cambridge. Publ.: " Introduction to the Study of Physical Metallurgy " (Constable), " Glass Manufacture " (Constable ). Numerous Scientific and Technological Papers in the Journal of the Inst. of Metals, Journal of the Iron and Steel Inst., Journal of the Inst. of Mech. Engrs. (Alloys Research Reports ), and in the Transactions of the Royal Soc., and elsewhere. Address: The N.P.L., Teddington; and " Warrawee," Coombe Lane, Kingston Hill, Surrey. T. N.: Kingston 1302.

ROSEVEARE, Leslie, Major, O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., Borough Engr., Eastbourne; b. 1876; s. of Edwin Roseveare, J.P. Ed. Wycliffe Coll. App. and Asst. to Edward Sandeman, M.I.C.E., M.I.M.E., Engr., Plymouth Waterworks; Asst. Water Engr. of Torquay; 1898—General Asst., and 1902, Drainage Asst. to Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Plymouth; 1904—Asst. Engr., Special Works Dept., Birmingham; 19o7—Chief Asst. Engr. to City of Birmingham; 1900—Borough Engr. and Surveyor, South Shields; 1916-19; Deputy Asst. Director of Roads in 1st Corps, B.E.F., France; awarded Military O.B.E.; Borough Engr., Eastbourne, 1920. Address: Borough Engr., Eastbourne. T. N.: 133; Private 273: ROSEVERE, G. R., Major, M.I. and S.I., M.I. Mech.E., Associate I.E.E., General Manager, Arthur G. Barratt and Co., The Forge, Bradford. T. A.: " Forge, Bradford." T. N.: 4565 and 4566 Bradford. b. 1878; parents belonged to the county families of Cornwall; father was D.L. and J.P. for the County; m. in 1903 the d. of Thos. Thornber of Colne. Ed. Tavistock Grammar School, Tavistock. Served pupilage with Great Western Railway Co. in Locomotive and Carriage Department; 4 years as Chief Engineer with Brown, Marshalls and Co., Saltley, Birmingham; 3 years, Superintendent with The British Westinghouse Co., Manchester; 6 years, Works Manager with The Austin Motor Co., Northfield, near Birmingham; 2 years, Works Manager with John Musgrave and Sons, engineers, Bolton; I year, Engineer and Manager of Syndicate with Kilburn, Brown and Co., Orient House, New Broad Street, London, E.C., till May, 1915. Appointed General Manager, Arthur G. Barratt and Co., Bradford, October, 1919. War Services.—Joined up May, 1915, as Inspector of Ordnance Machinery with the rank of Lieutenant; promoted Captain, June, 1916; Major, June, 1918; mentioned in Dispatches, April, 1917, and three times recommended for M.C.; demobilized June, 1919.

ROSHER, Noel B., O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Union Chambers, Temple Row, Birmingham. T. A.: "Muscular, Birmingham." T. N.: 6227 Central Birmingham. b. 1875. Ed. Repton School, and King's College, London. Electric Construction Co., Ltd. On staff of Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., Woolwich; a Senior Engineer on staff of Preece and Cardew, consulting engineers, Westminster; partner in Moffet and Rosher, consulting and inspecting engineers, Birmingham. Chiet Works: Resident Engineer for the building of Siemens' Dynamo Works at Stafford; Resident Engineer at H.M. Dockyards, Chatham, and Simon's Bay, South Africa, for the complete electrical power and lighting schemes; Consulting Engineer for the equipment of numerous factories with electrical power. Chairman of the South Midland Centre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. War Services.—With the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-9. In charge of the inspection of munitions in the Midland Area, controlling 4,600 employees.

ROSS, Alexander, M.Inst.C.E., Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineer, 23, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.). T. N.: Victoria 1004. Private Residence: 36, 10 Fellows Road, South Hampstead, N.W. T. N.: Hampstead 4188. Ed. Partly public schools, Aberdeen, and partly Owens College, now Victoria University, Manchester. Nine years Great North of Scotland Railway, Aberdeen; io years on Engineering staff, London and North Western Railway, Manchester and Liverpool; 7 years Assistant Engineer, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Manchester; 6 years Chief Engineer, Great Central Railway; 15 years Chief Engineer, Great Northern Railway, London, King's Cross. Acting since as a Consulting Engineer. A Member of the following Committees: The British Engineering Standards Association and Chairman of the Committee on Railway and Tramway Rails; the Committee on Deterioration of Structures Exposed to Sea Action; the Standing Committee on Engineering of the Scientific and Industrial Research Department appointed by the Privy Council, and is on the Boards of some Industrial concerns. Chief Works: Many railway works of construction and reconstruction, and the Tube Railway, Finsbury Park to the Strand. Publications: Numerous papers at various institutions. Member of St. Stephen's Club. War Services.—As President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1915-6, was commissioned by the War Office to select and recommend officers to the Royal Engineers; is a Lieut.-Colonel, Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Royal Engineer T. ), and holds the Long Service and the Decoration Medals. Member of the Metropolitan Munitions Committee and of the Board of Management, and one of three Directors who superintended the construction of the Perivale Filling Factory; sometime engaged under the Minister of Munitions, holding the position of D.D.G. Railway Material Licences. Lost two sons in the war, one a qualified solicitor, killed at Loos, France, October 26, 1915; one recently left Rossall public school, killed near Albert, July 1, 1916.

ROSS, Sir Archibald John Campbell, K.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.Inst. Met., M.N.E.C.Inst., Man. Dir. R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., Mar. Eng. Works, St. Peter's, Newcastle-on-Tyne; b. 1867; s. of Rev. Alexander J. Ross, D.D. Ed. Marlborough. Career: 1885— Pupil with R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd.; in turn Asst. Outside Manager, Outside Manager, Director, and Man. Dir. at St. Peter's Works; V.-Pres. and Chairman of Conference Ctee. Eng. and National Employers' Fed. Mem. Standing Ctee., N.E.C. Eng. Trades Employers' Assoc.; served on Sir Joseph Maclay's Ctee. on Standard Ships and Engines, 1916-17, and on Admiralty Council; attended Inter. Labour Con., Washington, U.S.A., 1919, as Employers' Rep. Clubs: St. Stephen's, R.A.C., Flyfishers. Address: Benton Lodge, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. N.: Benton 13o.

ROSS, George MacLeod, Major, M.C., B.Eng., Assoc.Memb.Inst.C.E., Student I.E.E., Civil and Electrical Engineer, c/o Cox and Co., Bombay. b. 1893; s. of A. MacLeod Ross, M.B., C.M., F.R.C.S.Eng. Ed. Liverpool College (Upper School); Liverpool University, Faculty of Engineering. Appointed Civil Engineer, Indian Military Works Service, November, 1919. War Services.—Lancs Fortress Royal Engineers, 1911-5; Gazetted Temporary 2nd Lieutenant, March 24, 1915; Acting Captain, January 20, 1917; Temporary Lieutenant, February 20, 1917; mentioned in Dispatches, June, 1917; Acting Major and Commanding 22 7th Field Company, Royal Engineers, April 4, 1918; Military Cross, June, 1918; released, July 19, 1919.

ROSS, George Murray, M.A., B.A.I. (T.C.D.), P.-Pres. Inst.C.E.I., Cons. Civil Engr.; b. 1851; s. of William Ross. Ed. Merchiston Castle Sch., Edinburgh. Training: Trinity Coll., Dublin (Dublin University). Address: 48, Kildare Street, Dublin. T. A.: "Parry, Dublin." T. N.: 8o8 Dublin.

ROSS, Percival, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S., Civil Engineer, 41, Mannville Terrace, Morley Street, Bradford. Training as Land and Mining Surveyor, then under J. H. Cox, M.Inst.C.E., municipal engineer in the City Surveyor's Office, Bradford. Ten years with the Bradford Corporation engaged upon tramways from their adoption in Bradford in 1882, street improvements and main sewering; afterwards Engineer and Surveyor for the North Bierley District Council, carrying out sewage works main drainage, tramways and cemetery laying out. Since 1901 in private practice as Civil Engineer and Architect for the construction of manufactories. Publications: " Archaeological Connected with Engineering on the Roman Wall and Roman Roads in the North of England."

ROSS, T. A., Lieut.-Colonel, O.B.E., Croix de Guerre, A.M.I.E.E., Civil and Electrical Engineer, c/o High Commissioner for Australia, Aldwych, W.C.; b. 1883. Ed. Scotch College, Melbourne. Assistant Engineer, J. G. White and Co., North Melbourne Tramways Construction; Assistant Engineer, Melbourne Electric Supply Co., Electric Power Supply, and Construction of Geelong Electric Tramways; Resident Engineer, Newcastle (N.S.W.) and District Tramways Construction; Sydney Area, Public Works Department, N.S.W. Chief Works: Design and. erection of electrolytic gas plant in France at approximate cost of Ilo,000. Member of Overseas Club, London. War Services.-1915-17—Royal Engineers, with 7th, i7th,and 13oth Field Companies Royal Engineers; Adjutant, Royal Engineers, 25th Division. I 917-19— Royal Air Force. Charge of design and erection of all plant in France for production of oxygen and hydrogen. Three mentions in Dispatches.

ROSS, William, M.Inst.C.E.I. (P.-Pres.), Summerfield, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.

ROSS, W. S., Elec. Engr., Reigate Corpn. Address: Corpn. Electricity Works, Reigate, Surrey.

ROSSER, George Lewis, A.M.I.E.E., M.I. and S.I., Works Manager, 16, Shrewsbury Road, Bolton, Lancs. T.A.:" Rosser, Bessemer, Bolton." T. N. 1452 Bolton. b. 1882; s. of Rev. J. Rosser, late vicar of Kempston, Bedford; m. Mary Constance Campbell, Maryport. Ed. Bedford School, Bedford. Sheffield Technical School, and with Vickers, Ltd. Eleven years at Vickers, Ltd., Sheffield. Since 1912, Works Manager to Henry Bessemer and Co., Bolton.

ROTHERA, Percy, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., Mesopotamian Railways., Baghdad.

ROUSE, Alexander Macdonald, C.I.E., Supt. Engr., Delhi; b. 1878; s. of late George Woodford Rouse. Ed. St. Paul's Sch.; R.I.E.C., Coopers Hill.

ROUSE, Frederick Robert Charles, A.A., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 15, Clifton Gardens, Golder's Green, N.W.4. T. N.: Finchley 2126. b. 1883. Ed. William Ellis School, Finsbury Technical College, and Northampton Institute. Various works and engineering business firms; now Director of London Dye Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 86-94, High Street, Stratford, E.15, and Eastern Engineering and Supply Co., Ltd., 351, High Street, Stratford, E.15. Secretary of Graduates Section of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1910-1i. Member of the Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Munition work for the Admiralty; establishing an Aniline Dye Manufacturing Co. in London Area. 1917—Inspector of Ordnance Machinery (Lieutenant, R.A.O.C. ) in France till June, 1919, mostly on 3rd Army front.

ROUTLEDGE, Lionel George Frank, A.M.I. E.E., Electrical Engineer, 17, Alexandra Street, Eastwood, Notts. T. N.: 6 Langley Mill. b. 1882. Ed. Enfield Grammar School and Finsbury Technical College. 1901-7—Subordinate positions in tramways, power companies and with consulting engineers. 1907-I5—Electrical Engineer to the Eastwood Collieries. i 919—Electrical Engineer to the Eastwood, Bentley and Harworth Main Collieries. PastPresident, Midland Branch Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. Chief Works: Electrification of the Eastwood Collieries. Paper on Power Factor and Its Improvement, before the Association of Mining Electrical Engineers, Vol. VI., 1914. War Services.—Naval Division Engineers, January, 1915, to June, 1917, in ranks; Royal Engineers, Commissioned, August, 1917, to March, 1919.

ROW, Oliver Matthews, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, " Clovelly," Flixton, Lancashire. T. N.: 240 Urmston, Manchester. b. 1859. Ed. Privately. Apprenticeship, Williams Perran Foundry Co., Cornwall. From 1879 with James Jacks and Sons, marine engineers and boiler makers, Liverpool, following with Hocking Condenser Co., Liverpool, and then with Royles, Ltd., Irlam, Manchester. Now Chairman of Directors of the latter company. Largely engaged on heat transmission through surfaces for evaporating, condensing, feed heating, air heating and other purposes. Patentee of the Row indented tube. President, Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 1911. Publications: Various treatises on Heat Transmission. Member of the Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Making of depth charge pistols, tank engine cylinders, air heaters for drying explosives, fabrics, food, etc., water heaters, condensers, etc., strainers and filters for water—all for war work under Government control.

ROWAN, David, A.M I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Chief Electrical Engineer, British-American Tobacco Co., Ltd. (Liverpool Branches), ", Emrow," Newett Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. T. N.: Wallasey 762. b. 1889. Ed. at Oake's Institute, Liverpool. Technical Training: Liverpool University for Electrical Engineering; Liverpool School of Technology for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; Bootle School of Technology for Steam, Mechanics, etc. Apprenticed to Henry Tate and Sons, Liverpool, for five years, during which time he went through their drawing office and engineering shops, gaining a sound mechanical and electrical knowledge in general 32 running, repairs, and upkeep of their complete A.C. and C.C. installations, which consisted of boilers, reciprocating engines, turbines, pumps, rewinding of stators and rotors, armatures and field-coils for alternators, dynamos, A.C. and C.C. motors. He remained with them and became Shift Engineer and gained further experience in laying out and planning for their extensions. In 1911 he joined H. T. Boothroyd's, electrical and mechanical engineers, and was Outside Superintendent; designing and carrying out of complete lighting and power plants, complete ship installations, including wireless sets, erecting electrical and mechanical lifts, hoists, elevators, and laying down of steam, gas and petrol engines, and the design and erection of complete telephone installations. In 1913 he joined the staff of The British-American Tobacco Co., Ltd., Liverpool, as Chief Electrical Engineer and third Mechanical Engineer. He assisted in designing the complete installation which is equipped with both A.C. and C.C., this includes H.T. 3-phase transformers, lighting, motors, lifts, telephones, electric clocks, etc. All the other factories are also electrically equippd. Member of the Liverpool Engineering Society. Inventor and Patentee of Rowan's Wiring Educator.

ROWBOTHAM, Sir Thomas, Kt., J.P. and Alderman, Chairman, T. Rowbotham and Co., Ltd., Colliery Engrs., Stockport; b. 1851. Ed. Village Sch. Training: Village Smithy. Career: Inventor of Rowbotham's Self-Oiling Wheels and Axles for Colliery Trams. Clubs: National Liberal and Stockport Reform. Address: Hillbrook, Bramhall, Stockport. T. A.: " Rowbotham, Stockport." T. N.: 8o Bramhall.

ROWCLIFFE, Frederick, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 206, Chesterton Road, Cambridge'; b. 1892. Three years Day Student at City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury. Two years in the Test Department at Callender's Cable Co., Belvedere, Kent, cable work a speciality; a short time at The Armorduch Manufacturing Co., Witton, Birmingham, on research and testing small electrical apparatus; six and a half years with Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., Cambridge; one year of this on propaganda work and the remainder as Chief of , Electrical Department. War Services.—At Cambridge Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., on instruments for war service.

ROWELL, Henry Snowden, O.B.E., Wh.Sch., A.R.C.Sc.(Lond.), B.Sc.(Lond.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mech. Engr.; Director of Research, Research Assoc. of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers; b. 1885. Ed. Various Schs. in Newcastle-on-Tyne; Imperial Coll., London; Gottingen University; and Charlottenburg Technische Hochschule. Trained: Armstrong, Whitworth's Elswick Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1912-14—Asst. Lecturer, Leeds University; 1917— Asst. Supt., Royal Laboratory, Woolwich; 1917-18— Deputy Director, Armament Production, Admiralty; served in Egypt, Gallipoli, Suez Canal, and France; mentioned in dispatches. Clubs: Devonshire, and R.A.C. Address: 58, Airedale Avenue, Chiswick, W.4.

ROWLAND, Robert, A.M.I.E.E., Lighting Engr., Stretford District Council, Electricity Supply Station, Stretford, Manchester.

ROWLEY, Stamford Harry, M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir. of Barlow and Chidlaw, Ltd., Gear Specialists; b. 1867. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch. and Manchester Tech. Training: Kendall and Gent, Manchester. Career: I. Hetherington and Sons, Ltd.; Alf. Herbert, Ltd.; Head Draughtsman, De Bergue and Co., Ltd.; Works Manager, Sir W. H. Bailey and Co. Club: Engrs.', Manchester. Address: Pendleton, Manchester. T. A.: "Works, Manchester." T. N.: 3685 Central; and 790 Pendleton.

ROWLEY, Major Walker D.L., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), 20, Park Row, Leeds.

ROY, Thomas, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., General Manager and Chief Engr., Shire Highlands Railway. Limbe, Nyasaland, B.C. Af.

ROYAL-DAWSON, Frederick George, M. Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., Railway. Bd., Simla, India.

ROYCE, Frederick Henry, O.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Engr.-in-Chief and Director of Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Derby and London; and Director of Royce, Ltd., Manchester; b. 1863; s. of James Royce, Flour Miller of Castor and Allwalton Mills, near Peterboro'. Ed. Croydon and L. and C.G. Tech. Coll., Finsbury. App. at Loco. Works of G.N. Railway., Peterboro'; employed on pioneer elec. work in London and Liverpool; 1884—Founded, with E. A. Claremont, firm of Royce, Ltd.; one of parent founders of Rolls-Royce, Ltd.; responsible for the designs, etc., of aero-engines, for British Govt. seaplanes, bombers and fighting machines and airships; responsible for design of certain large type of airship gears; Cons. Engr. of Royce, Ltd., building cranes and machines used by British Govt. during the War on defence and munition work. Address: " Elmstead," West • Wittering, near Chichester. T. A.: " Royce, West Wittering." T. N.: 210 Chichester.

ROYLE, Fred M., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Licentiate R.I.B.A., Civil Engineer, 32, King Street, Nottingham. T. N.: 842 Nottingham. Ed. Nottingham High School, University College and School of Art, Nottingham, and King's College, London. Winner of Local and Queen's Prizes. Articled to City Engineer, Nottingham. Assistant to late G. T. Hine, F.R.I.B.A., Westminster; Engineering Assistant to City Engineer, Nottingham; now in private practice as Taylor and Royle. Certificate by examination, Municipal and Counties Engineers' Association. Hon. Secretary, Nottingham and Derby Architectural Society. Chief Works: Main drainage, water supply, factories and domestic work. Awarded third premium by Worshipful Company of Paviors, London, for paper and designs of Subways.

RUCK, Major-Gen. Sir R. M., K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G., R.E., M.I.E.E., Vice-Pres. R.Ae.S., b. 1851. Ed. R.M.A., Woolwich, and S.M.E., Chatham. Career: Asst. Instructor Electricity, S.M.E., Chatham; War Office—Asst. Inspector Submarine Defences, Inspector Submarine Defences, Deputy-Inspector General Fortifications, Director of Works and Fortifications; V.-Chairman Air Inventions Committee, Air Ministry. Clubs: Royal Aero, Junior United Service. Address: 44, Thurloe Square, S.W.Q.

RUDD, Frederick H., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Rochdale Corpn. A ddress: Electricity Works, Rochdale, Land

RUDGARD, Harold, A.M.Mech.E., Locomotive and Mechanical Engineer, 6, Leopold Street, Derby. T. N.: 772 Derby. b. 1884. Ed. Denstone College, Staffs, and Derby Technical College. Midland Railway, Derby, Locomotive Works. District Locomotive Superintendent, Midland Railway, at Toton Skipton, Derby; General Superintendent Assistant, Plaistow, L.T. and S. Section, Midland Railway. At present Assistant Superintendent of Freight Trains, Midland Railway, Derby. Member of the Junior Army and Navy Club. War Services.—August, 1914, to December, 1916, 1/5th Sherwood Foresters. December, 1916, to March, 1917, Mechanical and Operating Superintendent, Light Railways, 4th Army, B.E.F. December, 1918, to May, 1919, Officer Commanding Central Light Railway Workshops, B.E.F. May, 1919, to July, 1919, Officer Commanding Carriage and Wagon Depot, Audruicq, France.

RUSHWORTH, David, M.I. and S.I., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Min.E., M.Inst.M.E., Manager of the Fuel Economizer Dept. of The Clay Cross Co., Ltd., near Chesterfield, since 1897; b. 1870; s. of David Rushworth, of Manchester. Ed. Manchester Commercial Schs. Training: Owen's Coll., Manchester; Mechanics' Inst., Manchester. Prize Medal and Diploma, London, 1908, for Green type Fuel Economizers. Arthur Lowcock, Ltd., Manchester and Shrewsbury, 1885-90; The Sykes Improved Fuel Economizer Co., Ltd., Manchester, 1890-93; E. Green and Son, Ltd., Manchester and Wakefield, 1893-94; Goodbrand and Co., Manchester, 1894-97; P.-President of Nottingham Soc. of Engrs.; Publ.: " The Fuel Economizer," " A Chat on the Fuel Economizer," etc. Clubs: Nottingham and County Constitutional. Addresses: Meadfoot House, Magdala Road, Nottingham; and Clay Cross Ironworks, near Chesterfield. T. A.: "Economizer, Nottingham." T. N.: 4244 Nottingham.

RUSSEL, Robert Guthrie, B.Sc., Assoc.M. Ins t.C.E., Civil Engineer (Railway, Roads, Water Supply and Water Power ), 615, Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; b. 1881. Ed. Edinburgh University. Caledonian Railway, Scotland and Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Canada. Since 190 9, private practice in Vancouver as Land Surveyor. Member of University Club, Vancouver. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N. V. R.

RUSSELL, Alexander, D.Sc., M.A., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Faraday House, Southampton Row, W.C.f. T. A.: " Standardizing, West Cent, London." T. N.: 9999 Central. b. 1861. Ed. Glasgow and Cambridge Universities. First Hons. Math. Tripos, 1885. Appointed Principal of Faraday House in 1909. Has been Vice-President of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and of the Physical Society of London. Has written numerous papers on electrical engineering and is the author of a treatise on Alternating Currents (Cambridge University Press) and on Cable and Networks (Constable and Co. ).

RUSSELL, Charles Newton, Assoc.M.Inst. C. E., M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 29, Southwood Avenue, Highgate, N.6. T. N.: Hornsey 202, and Clerkenwell io18. b. 1858. Served apprenticeship at Stockton-on-Tees, afterwards taking up the study of electricity, and visiting electrical works in the United States. For some time a student in the School of Telegraphy and Electrical Engineering, Hanover Square. In 1882 joined the firm of W. T. Goolden and Co., and had charge of their section of the lighting of the Inventions and other exhibitions at South Kensington, also the carrying out of a large amount of important work for the British Admiralty. In 1887 he was appointed Engineer to the Acton Hill Electrical Works. In 1892, Manager to the London and Lancashire Electrical Company, Dalston. In 1896, Chief Electrical Engineer to the Vestry of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch (now the Metropolitan Borough of Shoreditch), which position he still holds. Has contributed several papers to various engineering societies on the subject of steam raising by means of the burning of town's refuse, and has been awarded the Telford Premium by the Institution of Civil Engineers. War Services.—Took an active part in connection with inception of the Metropolitan Munitions Committee, of which he was one of the earliest members, and was appointed by that body to act as District Manager for the greater part of the eastern area of London, and served throughout the war in that capacity.

RUSSELL, Frank, M.Inst.Brit.F., M.Inst. Met., F.G.S., Man. Dir. of The General Refractories Co., Ltd., Sheffield; Sec., Midland Refractories Co., Ltd., Ambergate and Sheffield; Man. Dir., Thomas Brooke and Sons, Ltd., Deepcar and Sheffield; Sec., Worksop Brick Co., Ltd.; b. 1878. Ed. Sunderland. Training: With J. Grayson Lowood and Co., Ltd., Deepcar, near Sheffield; commenced the General Refractories Co., Ltd., along with E. P. Page, J. R. Horton, and E. J. Noble, in 1913. Member of Sheffield Exchange, Birmingham Exchange, Birmingham Met. Soc., Sheffield Met. and Eng. Soc., Sorby Sc. Soc., Ceramic Soc., Refractories Assoc., etc. Address: 28, Blonk Street, Sheffield. T. A.: " Refractory, Sheffield." T. N.: Central 642.

RUSSELL, John Francis Stanley, The Earl, Lt. A.M.R., M.I.E.E., Chairman, Humber, Ltd.; b. 1865; s. of Viscount Amberley. Ed. Winchester, Balliol. Training: Plenty and Son, Newbury; Swinburne and Co. Clubs: Reform and Automobile, Address: Telegraph House, Chichester.

RUSSELL, Sydney George Castle, M.I.E.E., F.E. S., Electrical Engineer, 17, Sherborne Lane, E.C.; youngest s. of the late Major C. J. Russell, Royal Engineer Department. Pupil of Musgrave Heaphy, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., F.G.S. In 1888, and later studied under Prof. Ernest Wilson at King's College, London. From 1890 to 1902 acted as Assistant Engineer to the Phoenix Fire Office. In 19o2 was appointed Chief Engineer and Adviser to the company in succession to the late Musgrave Heaphy. In 1905, as the result of a disastrous fire, he was consulted by the Governing Body of Eton College, and on their behalf designed and supervised the re-installation of the electric wiring throughout the College, comprising the equivalent of io,000 lamps. On the completion of the work he was retained as the College Consulting Engineer, and is responsible for the upkeep, efficiency and safety of the entire installation. Is also retained as Consulting Engineer to Magdalen and All Souls Colleges, Oxford, and by various important business institutions. Has advised the Corporations of the cities of London and Westminster, Hereford County Council, University of Oxford, Harrow School, and other public bodies, business firms and country house owners. In 1906 designed and supervised the complete electric lighting of the Foreign Cattle Markets for the Corporation of London. Honorary Consulting Engineer for the Electrical Engineering Exhibitions in London in 1905 and 1911, and in Manchester in 1908. In 1908 carried out the revision of the well-known Phcenix Fire Office Rules and also compiled the Phcenix Rules for Lightning Conductors in conjunction with Sir Oliver Lodge and Killingworth Hedges. He was retained by the Home Office in connection with the public inquiry on the draft rules drawn up by Scott Ram, H.M. Inspector of Factories, in 19c 8 for the use of electricity in factories. He is a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and its Wiring Rules and other Committees. A Member of committees of the Engineering Standards Association

RUSSELL-FERGUSSON, William, M.I.N.A., Chairman of Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd.; Director of North British Diesel Engine Works; b. 1863; s. of John Fergusson, Shipbuilder. Ed. St. Andrew's, Clifton Bank, and Glasgow University. Training: App. Barclay, Curle and Co. Clubs: Constitutional, London; Royal C. Yacht; Royal Highland Yacht. Addresses: Ardltur Appin, Argyle; and Clydeholm, Whitfinch.

RUTHERFORD, A. Peden, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Leith Corpn. Address: Corpn. Offices, Leith.

RUTHERFORD, David L., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer and Locomotive Superintendent, Furness Railway, Barrow-in-Furness. T. A.: " Rails, Barrow." 7'. N.: 40 5 Barrow-in-Furness. Training with North British Railway as pupil in 1890. On completion of pupilage in 1894 was taken on permanent staff as Junior Assistant. Had charge of important new works under construction. Was appointed Chief Assistant in the New Works Department in 1905; District Engineer of the North Division in 1907, and Engineer of the Furness Railway in 1909. In 1918 was appointed Locomotive Superintendent, which position he still holds in addition to that of Engineer. Was President of the Permanent Way Institution in 1912. Major Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, R.E. (T.F.).

RUTHERFORD, Walter, M.I.E.E., Joint Man. Dir., English Electric Co., Ltd., Queen's House, 28, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.

RUTHERFORD, William Paterson, Assoc.R. S.M., M.Inst.M.M., M.Amer.Inst.M.E., Min. Engr.; Man., Dir. and Chairman, The Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Co. (Ltd.); b. 1877; s. of W. P. Rutherford. Ed. Privately; Stewart's Coll., Edinburgh; Tech. Coll., Edinburgh. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines, London. Asst. Engr., Rio Tinto Mines, Spain; reporting on min. properties in Japan, Australia, Spain, Portugal and N. Af.; Mine Man., Caucasus Copper Co.'s Mines, TransCaucasia; Tech. Man. and successively General Manager and Man. Dir. of The Tharsis Co. Club: New, Glasgow. Address: 136, West George Street, Glasgow. T. A.: "Tharsis, Glasgow." T. N.: Douglas 2524. Private Address: Clarinish Row, Dumbartonshire.

RUTHVEN-MURRAY, Ethelbert Thomas, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., General Manager and Engr., North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co.; North Metropolitan Elec. Power Distribution Co., Ltd., Manor House, Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, London, N.

RUTTAN, Henry Norlande, M.Inst.C.E. (former Member of Council), i 8o, Nestgate, Winnipeg, Canada.

RUTTER, Charles Herbert, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Gas.E., Engr. and General Manager, Brighton and Hove General Gas Co.; b. 1868; s. of Henry Lee Rutter. Ed. City of London Sch. and King's Coll., London. Training: Brighton Gasworks. Pupil of Joseph Cash, M.Inst.C.E., and later his Asst.; Engr. and Gen. Man., N. Middlesex Gas Co., 18971902; returned to Brighton Gas Co. as Asst. Engr., and became Chief Engr., 1915. Address: 77, West Street, Brighton. T. A.: "Gaseolumen, Brighton." T. N.: 4944 Brighton.

RUTTER, G. H., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Main Collieries Co., Ltd.; Secretary, South Wales Branch of Assoc. of Min. Elec. Engrs. Address: Primrose Bank, Bryncock, Neath.

RYAN, Fredk., M.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Engr., Eastern Telegraph Co., Europe and Azores Telegraph Co., Ltd.; Cons. Elec. Engr., Direct Spanish Telegraph Co., Ltd., Electra House, Finsbury Pavement, E.0

RYAN, John Henry, M.A., LL.B., M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Civil Engineer, Kilhefernan House, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Ed. Trinity College, Dublin University; Engineering School, Dublin University. Engaged in railway works of magnitude in the U.S.A., notably the Chicago and N.W. Railway, Texas and Pacific Railway, etc. In Ireland as Chief Engineer, Galway and Clifden Railway (5o miles), for the Midland Great Western Railway; Chief Engineer on promotion and construction of several light railways in Ireland, also sewage works, waterworks, ' arterial drainage, etc., throughout Ireland, acting as Government Arbitrator on appointment by H.M. Public Works, Ireland, and Local Government Board; appointed Commissioner on the Arterial Drainage Commission in Ireland, 1905; Chief Engineer for promoters of St. Just (Falmouth) Ocean Docks and Railway up to 1914. Retained from time to time for many years as Inspector under Arterial Drainage Acts, Land Improvements Acts, and Light Railway and Tramways Acts, Ireland. PastPresident, Institution of Civil Engineers, Ireland, and formerly on Council Inst.C.E., representing Ireland. Member of Tipperary County Club.

RYAN, Mervyn Frederick, C.B.E., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Chief Mechanical Engineer, Central Argentine Railway, Rosario; s. of late Major C. A. Ryan, Royal Artillery; m. Elizabeth, d. of Francis Jochrane, Glasgow. Ed. Stonyhurst College and University College, Nottingham. Pupil, Midland Railway Locomotive Works under late S. W. Johnson. Special apprentice, Pennsylvania Railway, Altoona, U.S.A.; Test Department, General Electric Co., Schenectady, U.S.A., Assistant Works Manager, Midland Railway Locomotive Department, Derby, 1909-11; Resident Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway, 1911-13; Assistant Locomotive Engineer, London and South Western Railway, 1913-19; Chief Mechanical Engineer, Central Argentine Railway, 1919. President, 1919, Institution of Locomotive Engineers. War Services.—Ministry of Munitions, Director of Munitions Gauges.

RYLANDS, Sir William Peter, Man. Dir., Rylands Brothers, Ltd., Warrington; Deputy-Chairman, Pearson Knowles, Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Partington Steel and Iron Co., Ltd.; b. 1868; s. of Peter Rylands, M.P. Ed. Charterhouse; and Cambridge, Trinity Coll. Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge. Address: Massey Hall, Thelwall, near Warrington. T. N.: 16 Lymm.

See Also


Sources of Information