1899-1900 Automotor: Index
Note: This is a sub-section of Automotor Journal
See also
Index to Volume IV (Oct 1899 to Sep 1900)
- Abeille carburettor, 210.
- Aberdeen District Motor Co., 487.
- Accles (Ld.), 586.
- Accumulator, A dry, 345.
- Accumulators, III, 332, 345, 380, 399, 409, 433, 459, 502, 604.
- Accumulators, Construction of, 459.
- Accumulators for automobiles, high-pressure gas, by E. K. S., III.
- Accumulators for electromobiles (Rimington), i8, 61, Io8, 141, 216, 253.
- Accumulators for electromobiles (Electrical Review), 77, 109. 31
- Accumulators for traction purposes, 617.
- Accumulator for spark coils, 409.
- Accumulator, The manufacture of, 502.
- Accumulator tests, French, 604.
- Acetylene, 352, 383, 508, 615, 625.
- Acetylene,in explosion engines, 615.
- Admission valve and carburettor, 326.
- Aigle carburettor, 511.
- Air-cooled motor tests, 260.
- Alcohol, 523.
- Alderson carburettor, 510.
- Algerian petroleum, 519.
- Allday's and Onions' Pneumatic Engineering Co., 135.
- Aluminium, I, 82, 215, 384, 454, 550.
- Aluminium,as applied to carriage building, I.
- Aluminium,electroplating, 454.
- American "Master Patent," An, 526.
- American patents, 562.
- American racing, 429. 5,
- American two-stroke motors, 612.
- Anglo-American Rapid Wheel Co., 267.
- Answers to correspondents, 27, 75, 119, 167, 223, 287, 347, 407, 467, 521, 571, 615.
- Appleby and Co. (Ld.), Alfred, 46, 186
- Apprin water cooler, 343.
- Ariel Motor Co., 411.
- Armoured road trains, 486.
- Army and automobilism, The (see Military automobilism).
- Aster motor, 400.
- Automobile Association (Ld.), 367, 431, 489, 490, 585, 630.
- Automobile Club of France, 63, 464.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 40, 68, 75, 83, 126, 180, 229, 294, 306, 350, 355, 411, 474, 527, 576.
- - Annual dinner, 70.
- - Autocar of to-day in Europe and America, 359.
- - Average speeds, 473.
- - Badge, 68.
- - Competition rules, &c., 306, 527, 528.
- - Drivers' certificates, 576.
- - Drivers' registration, 527. ,
- - Electric vehicle trials, 126.
- - Exhibition, The 1900, 68, 419.
- - General aspects of British automobile manufacture, 230.
- - Glasgow Exhibition, 294.
- - Hill climbing, 478.
- - Hotels, 577.
- - House dinners, 126.
- - Hundred n-files trials, 40, 41 [, 529.
- - Judges portraits, 480.
- - Judges' report (Richmond), 83.
- - Judges' report (1,000 miles), 527, 529.
- - Kendal to Edinburgh, 358.
- - Manchester branch, 7o, 13o, 361.
- - Medal, The Club, 40.
- - Montagu, Hon. J. Scott, 230.
- - Notes and notices, 77.
- - Papers and discussions, 126, 230, 359, 419.
- - Progressive policy, A, 75.
- - Racing rules, 306, 528.
- - Registrations of riders, drivers, and vehicles, 527.
- - Richmond Show, 83.
- - Scottish branch, 13o.
- - Sheen House run, 7o.
- - Speeds, average, 473.
- - Tare limit, 122, 577.
- - Thousand-mile trial, 69, 122, 176, 180, 229, 295, 350, 356, 408, 411, 473, 527, 529, 576.
- - Toll bridges, 528, 577.
- - Trials, 40, 411.
- - Vehicle registration, 527.
- - War and power traction, 419.
- Automobile journals, 31, 31, 47.
- Automobile Manufacturing Co., 364.
- Automobile Review, The, 47.
- AUTOMOTOR portrait gallery, The, 33, 79, 121, 169, 227, 291, 352, 480.
- - Beaumont, W. W., 33.
- - Boys, Professor C. Vernon, 169.
- - Ellis, Hon. Evelyn, 227.
- - Harmsworth, Alfred, 12I.
- - Judges portraits, 480.
- - Langrishe, Captain Hercules R., 353.
- - Macdonald, Right Hon. J. H. A., 575.
- - Redwood, Professor Boverton, 291.
- - Scott-Montagu, M.P., The Hon. John, 79.
- Bacchus, the harnessing of, 523.
- Balancing of motors, 16, 64, 97.
- Ball bearings, 162.
- Ballooning, 609.
- Bankruptcy Court, 5o, 88, 137, 189, 244, 245.
- - Accles, Ld., 586.
- - Beeston Motor Co., 245, 431.
- - Bradford Cycle and Motor Co., 50.
- - British Gas Traction Co., 88.
- - Crowdus Accumulator Syndicate, 245.
- - Electrical Undertakings, 585.
- - Howell, J. C., 137, 189, 368.
- - Lambert, T. H., 368.
- - Leathershod Wheel Co., 542.
- - Liardet, J. E., 542.
- - London Electrical Cab Co., 5o, 88, 585.
- - Madelvic Motor Car Co., 137.
- - Phaeton Electrical Co., 244.
- Bayley steam lurry, 112, 115, 157, 159, 279.
- Beaumont, W. W., 33, 210.
- "Beauty and the Beast," 226.
- Beeston Motor Co., 186, 43o, 431, 489.
- Behrend waste heat saving system, 396.
- Bell, G. J., paper on "Road Management," 494.
- Bell-Hall Tyre Co., 243.
- Bennett and Thomas petrol motor, 99.
- Benz system, 227.
- Berlin Motor Exhibition, 105.
- B. G. S. system, 428, 45o.
- Bicycles, motor, 451, 589.
- Bicycles, resistance of, 16o.
- Blake motors and accessories, 508.
- Blaxton Engineering Co., 385.
- Blaxton steam generator, 17o.
- Blon carburettor, Le, 209.
- Blot-Fulmen accumulator, 605.
- Board of Trade Intelligence Department, 215.
- Boilers (see Generators).
- Boilers, inspection of, 6o1.
- Bolide current distributor, 98.
- Bonner rail wagon, 328, 349.
- Borneo, petrol from, 565.
- Bosville, Mr., on automobilism, 219.
- Bouilhac de Bourzac motor, 514.
- Boys, Professor C. Vernon, 169.
- Brakes, 627.
- Brake testing, 17, 31, 572.
- Brampton Brothers, 135.
- British Aluminium Co., 487.
- British Association, 20, 618, 629.
- British Electric Traction Co., 541, 584.
- British Gas Traction Co., 88.
- British Motor Co., 88, 137, 137, 244, 320, 43o, 489, 507, 538, 584.
- British racing, 45, 82, 133, 429, 465, 518, 568.
- Brown-Whitney system, 178, 387, 454.
- Business notes, 39, 84, 112, 164, 242, 278, 352, 390, 486, 519, 583, 624.
- Burford van toll system, 394.
- Burgess quadricycle, 518.
- Burls, G. A., on modern steam wagons, 53.
- Burners, 156, 386, 546.
- Burns, cure for, 399.
- Burns motor car, 499.
- By the wayside, 405.
- Cab and van trials, French, 423, 581.
- Caledonian Motor Car and Cycle Co., 85.
- Canada and automobilism, 32.
- Canal automobilism, 29, 234.
- Cannstatt-Daimler system, 165.
- Capel, H. C., 189. 17 7
- Capel's motor car, 551.
- Carburettors, 25, 64, 209, 260, 326, 510, 561.
- Carcano system, 451.
- Carpenter, Professor R. C., on resistances of bicycles, 160.
- Catalogues, 49, 139, 190, 370, 432, 545.
- Ceylon and automobilism, 17.
- Chelsea and automobilism, 25, 79, 114, 120, 236, 279.
- Chicago Inter-Ocean Exhibition, 578.
- Childs' speed gear, 562.
- China and automobilism, 31.
- Chiswick motor vans, The, 573, 617.
- Clarkson and Capel system, 152-156, 218.
- Clipper Tyre Co., 85.
- Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers' Co., 78.
- Columbia system, 204, 214.
- Companies registered, New, 47, 85, 136, 187, 243, 318, 366, 430, 487, 541, 584, 625.
- - Abbey Works Co. (Ld.), 318.
- - Aberdare Valley Motor Service Co. (Ld.), 47.
- - Aberdeen District Motor Service Co. (Ld.), 487.
- - Accles-Turrell Autocars (Ld.), 243.
- - Acme Cycle Corporation (Ld.), 366.
- - Advance Rim Brake Co. (Ld.), 430.
- - Albion Carriage Co. (Ld.), 487.
- - Allen and Barker (Ld.), 584.
- - Ariel Motor Co. (Ld.), 366.
- - Atlas Engineering Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Autocar Supplies Co. (Ld.),625.
- - Automobile Company of Great Britain and Ireland (Ld.), 43o.
- - Automobile Trust (Ld.), 488.
- - Baynall's (Ld.), 136.
- - Ball Chain Co. (Ld.), 366.
- - Banchory and Strachan Autocar Co. (Ld.), 488.
- - [[Bartlet's "Coranco"[[ (Ld.), 47.
- - Bell-Hall Unpuncturable Tyre and India-rubber Co. (Ld.), 243.
- - Bennett and Carlisle ld..),),443300.
- - Bournemouth Motors
- - British and Colonial Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 430-
- - British Electric Car Co. (Ld.) 584.
- - British Motor Traction Co. (Ld.), 488, 625.
- - B. R. Rowland and Co. (Ld.), 47.
- - Buckingham and Adams Cycle and Motor Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Centre Steering Tractive Co. (Ld.), 585.
- - Century Engineering and Motor Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Ceylon Rapid Transit Co. (Ld.), 488.
- - Cheltenham Engineering Co. (Ld.), 187, 243.
- - Collier Twin Tyre Co. (Ld.) 318.
- - Commercial Agencies (Ld.), 243.
- - Coventry Components (Ld.), 585.
- - Cowper-Coles' Inventions Development Co. (Ld.), 430.
- - Coxeter and Sons (Ld.), 318.
- - Cycle and Motor Co. (Ld.), 47.
- - Dan Morgan (Ld.), 136.
- - De Dion Bouton British and Colonial Syndicate (Ld.), 85.
- - Derby and District Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Electro-Magnetic Traction Co. (Ltd.), 541•
- - Empire Detachable Pneumatic Tyre Co. (Ld.), 243.
- - English Motor Club (Ld.), 585. Equestrian Cycle Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Ernest Hutton and Co. (Ld.), 43o.
- - Fairbairn, Lawson, Combe, and Barbour (Ld.), 585.
- - Field, Mallett, and Co. (Ld.), 243.
- - Folkestone and District Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 187.
- - Fred Rothwell and Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Free Wheels (Foreign) (Ld.), 625.
- - Friswell's Automobile Palace (Ld.), 585.
- - George Y. Cooper Small Arms and Cycle Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Green and Horek (Ld.), 318.
- - G. York Iliffe (Ld.), 585.
- - H. and H. Accumulator Syndicate (Ld.), 488.
- - Hastings and East Sussex Motor Car Syndicate (Ld.), 541.
- - Hendon Cycle and Athletic Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Hiram S. Maxim Automobile Syndicate (Ld.), 85.
- - Hozier Engineering Co. (Ld.), 366.
- - Humber (Ld.), 366.
- - Iden's Patents (Ld.), 318.
- - Improved Britannia Motors (Ld.), 187.
- - International Electric Traction and Power Co. (Ld.), 488.
- - J. E. Brassey and Son (Ld.), 541.
- - John Child Meredith (Ld.), 243.
- - John Davis and Son (Ld.), 585.
- - John Livingstone and Son (Derby), (Ld.), 585.
- - John Marston's Carriage Works (Ld.), 488.
- - Johnson-Lundell Electric Traction Co. (Ld.), 430.
- - J. Pedley and Son (Ld.), 187.
- - J. S. Roberts and Co. (Ld.), 243.
- - Lamplugh and Co. (Ld. ), 541.
- - Lanchester Engine Co. (Ld.), 187.
- - Leicester Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 47.
- - Leyton and Walthamstow Cycle Co. (Ld.), 541.
- - Lincoln Motor Bus and Parcel Delivery Co. (Ld.), 366.
- - Ljungstrom Engine Syndicate (Ld.), 585.
- - Llanelly and District Electric Lighting and Traction Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - London Adventure Corporation (Ld.), 85.
- - London Cycle Exchange (Ld.), 187.
- - London Motor Co. (Ld.), 585.
- - Malay Transport Syndicate (Ld.), 488.
- - Manchester and Liverpool Railway Syndicate (Ld.), 85.
- - Manning and Son (Ld.), 625.
- - Manns Patent Cart and Wagon Co. (Ld.), 47.
- - Metropolitan Motor Manufacturing Co. (Ld.), 583.
- - Micrometer Engineering Co (Ld.), 243.
- - Midland Cycle and Engineering Co. (Ld. ), 243.
- - Model Cycle Co. (Ld.), 318.
- - Monarch Motor Co. (Ld.), 488.
- - Monobloc Accumulator Syndicate (Ld.), 136.
- - Motor Car Club (Proprietary) (Ld.), 187.
- - Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 47.
- - Motor Manufacturing Co. (Ld.), 366.
- - Motor Trade Association (Ld.),
- - Motor Wheels (Ld.), 488.
- - Napier Motor Co. (Ld.), 625.
- - National Cycle Co. (Ld.), 243.
- - National Gas Engine Co. (1900) (Ld.), 318.
- - National Tube Co. (Ld.), 541.
- - New Amalgamated Tyre Co. (Ld.), 626.
- - New Era Cycle and Motor Co. (Ld.), 318.
- - New Ribblesdale Cycle Co. (Ld.), 319.
- - New Sanspareil Cycle Co. (Ld.), 319.
- - Nimrod Cycle Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Northern Engineering Co. (Ld.), 626.
- - Nottingham Autocar Co. (Ld.), 585.
- - Oxton Carriage Co. (Ld.), 187.
- - Palais de l'Automobile (Ld.), 187.
- - Panhard Co. (Ld.), 366.
- - Panhard-Levassor Motor Co. (Di.), 366.
- - Percival and Co. (Ld.), 626.
- - Priestman Brothers (Ld.), 626.
- - P. Saunderson and Co. (Ld.), 85.
- - P. Souvestre and Co. (Ld.), 85.
- - Railway and General Engineering Co. (Ld.), 430.
- - Rex Patents (Ld.), 585.
- - R. Harrison and Son (Ld.), 542.
- - Richard Oates (Ld.), 136.
- - Salwey Free-Wheel Gear Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Scottish Motor Co. (Ld.), 542.
- - Sectional Fire Tube Boiler Syndicate (Ld.), 366.
- - Sherard, Cowper-Coles, and Co. (Ld.), 626.
- - Smooth-Geared Autocar Syndicate (Ld.), 319.
- - Southbourne, Boscombe, and Bournemouth Omnibus Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Speedwell Motor Car and Cycle Co. (Ld. ), 366.
- - Stanley Feast and Co. (Ld.), 585•
- - Steam Motor Syndicate (Ld.), 319.
- - Steel Balls (Ld.), 85.
- - St. George's Cycle Co. (Ld.), 319.
- - Taipo Accumulator Co. (Ld.), 243.
- - T. Coulthard and Co. (Ld.), 430.
- - Thames Valley Motor Co. (Ld.), 47.
- - Twin Wheel Cycle Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - Tyne Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 85.
- - United Motor Industries (Ld.), 488.
- - Universal Cycle Trading Co. (Ld.), 626.
- - Vauxhall Cycle Co. (Ld.), 43o.
- - Wearwell Cycle Accessories Co. (Ld.), 85. 7)
- - Wearwell Motor Carriage Co. (Ld.), 85.
- - Westmacott, Stewart, and Co. (Ld.), 136.
- - White and Poppe (Ld.), 47.
- - Whitfield and Howe (Ld.), 85.
- - William H. M. Burgess (Ld.), 137.
- - Wincycle Trading Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - Worsborough Coal and Coke Co. (Ld.), 187.
- - Yorkshire Motor Car Manufacturing Co. (Ld.), 243.
- Company matters, 46, 85, 134, 185, 243, 312, 364, 430, 487, 538, 584, 625.
- Compressed air system, 238, 255.
- Compression in oil engines, 349.
- Congres de Mecanique, 593.
- Congress, Paris, 581, 593.
- Construction, progress in, 210, 350.
- Contact breakers, 610.
- Consular reports, 170.
- Coolers or radiators, 218, 260, 333, 343
- Cordingley and Agricultural Hall Co., 367.
- Correspondence, 50, 90, 139, 190, 247, 370, 432, 490, 543, 586, 627.
- Cost of electric and horse traction, 605.
- Coulthard and Co.'s system, 115, 147, 214, 279.
- Countershaft coupling, 611.
- Cowle's speed gear, 603.
- Cozens-Hardy, E. H., on electric vehicles, 32.
- Creanche system, 387.
- Craig, A., on motor vehicles, 173.
- Critchley, J. S., 492, 611.
- Critics and Design, 409.
- Crompton, R. E. B., on traffic and speed regulation, 126.
- Crossley and Atkinson's motor, 160.
- Crossley and Coster exhaust valve, 607.
- Crossley and Hulley's carburettor, 510.
- Crowden, C. T., 137, 506.
- Current distributor, The Bolide, 98.
- Customs regulations, 235, 353.
- Cycle companies, 218.
- Cycle Components Manufacturing Co., 134.
- Cycle manufacturers and automobilism, i68, 173.
- Daily Mail and automobilism, The, 37, 38.
- Daily Mail 100-Mile Trials, The 38, 67, IoS.
- Daimler, Herr G., 290.
- Daimler ignition apparatus, 332.
- Daimler Motor Co., Io8, 134, 137, 185, 200, 332, 509.
- Darracq petrol vehicle, Io6.
- Davelvy motor, 513.
- Dawson carburettor, 51o.
- Dawson oil motor, 321.
- De Dion motor and its antecedents, 326, 352.
- De Dion starter, 22I.
- De Dion v. Automobile Association, 367.
- De Dion voiturette, 382, 411.
- Delahaye system, 386.
- Delbruck's speed gear, 112.
- Design, critics and, 409.
- Diesel system, 593.
- Dished wheels by H. E. Wimperis, 208.
- Doctor's motor car, 184.
- Doings of public companies (see Company matters).
- Donaldson, John (obituary), 50.
- Dover Automobile Exhibition, 39, 104.
- Dress, motor, 80.
- Drivers, registered (see Automobile Club).
- Drivers certificates (see Automobile Club).
- Driving gear (see also Gear), 558, 6o6.
- Driving wheels, 151.
- Dry batteries, 278.
- Ducal motor car, a, 52.
- Dumont's balloon, 609.
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., 244, 431.
- Dupressoirs two-speed gear, 451.
- Dustcarts, motor, 25.
- Duryea system, 602.
- Eadie Manufacturing Co., 134.
- Edge, S. F., in collision, 367.
- Edinburgh Autocar Co., 47.
- Electric accumulators (see Accumulators).
- Electric accumulators, the manufacture of, 502.
- Electric cabs, 65, 543.
- Electric current distributor, 98.
- Electric gearing, 204.
- Electric ignition, 330, 332, 352, 386, 441, 445, 535-
- Electric traction, 77, 236, 280, 335, 343, 399, 586, 600, 605, 617.
- Electric tram-omnibus, Siemens and Halske, 600.
- Electric vehicles (see also Motors), 163, 179, 204, 206, 214, 236, 257, 280, 325, 335, 387, 428, 450, 559, 600.
- Electric vehicles, control of (Cozens-Hardy), 32.
- Electric vehicle trials, 126, 214, 428, 450.
- Electrical Cab Co. (see London Electrical,
- Electrical measurement, 50.
- Electrical Power Storage Co., 541, 584.
- Electrical timing, 261.
- Electrical Undertakings (Ld.), 364, 585.
- Electromobiles, accumulators for, 18, 61, 77, 108, 109, III, 141, 216, 253.
- Electrornobile trolley system, 343.
- Ellis, Hon. Evelyn, 227, 263.
- Elmore motor car, 613.
- Ende, Max am, on laterally loaded struts, 35o.
- Engineer and automobilism, The, 27, 52, 76, 90, 112, 385, 521.
- English Motor Club, The, 517.
- Estcourt water cooler and governor, 333.
- Excessive speed and regulations, 76.
- Exhaust valves, 607.
- Exhibitions, 24, 39, 68, 68, 78, 83, 103, 104, 239, 543, 578, 586.
- Explosion motors (see Motors).
- Fahnenfeld and Wolfersgriin ignition tubes, 598.
- Fire engines, 305.
- Fires, 49.
- Firth, T. W. Staplee, on motor car law, 47o.
- Fleury oil motor, 509.
- Fliess, R. A., on costs of horse and electric wagons, 280.
- Fly-wheels for petrol motors, 'rm.
- Foreign notes, 43, 81, 131, 143, 177, 202, 240, 310, 338, 361, 423, 426, 463, 535, 579, 62o.
- Foreign racing, 44, 82, 132, 172, 179, 180, 242, 311, 362, 408, 429, 465, 518, 537, 566, 622.
- Fowler and Co., John, 486.
- Frantz driving gear, 6o6.
- French automobilism, 5, 43, 46, 104, 202, 338, 423.
- French laws, 5.
- French motor cab and van trials, 1899, 423.
- Friction gear, 449.
- Friswalls (Ld.), 49, 87, 244.
- Front-driven motor carriages, 556.
- Fuel, a new, 603.
- Gamage, A. W. (Ld.), 541.
- Gardner-Serpollet system, 341.
- Gas-engine hot tube as an ignition timing device, 515.
- Gas motor, a reversible, 165.
- Gearing (see also Speed gear), 52, 91, 112, 168, 204, 370, 441, 445, 449, 451, 513, 514, 555, 558, 561, 562, 565, 587, 6o6.
- Generators (see Steam generators).
- Generators for motor vehicles, the most
- Generators efficient, 120.
- Geological notes (I,000-Mile Trial), 35o.
- Germany and automobilism, 5, 29, 65.
- Gillet-Forest system, 379.
- Goaziou contact breaker, 610.
- Gobron system, 202, 450.
- Gordon Bennett cup, 63, 132, 178.
- Gourgoulin and Croziers speed gear, 565.
- Governors, 333, 335.
- Great Horseless Carriage Co., 187, 366, 43 r .
- Gutta-percha, substitute for, 16.
- Gymkhanas, 535, 566.
- Hall's driving gear, 6o6.
- Harmsworth, Alfred, I2I.
- Harnessing of Bacchus, The, 523.
- Harris, I. F. W., on ball bearings, 162.
- Heavy motor vehicle, The, 27, 41, 42, 46, 53, 143-159, 168, 193, 225, 470, 485.
- Hele-Shaw, Professor, on road locomotion, 400, 455, 545, 586, 618, 629.
- Henriod-Schwerzer system, 435.
- Herbert (Ld.), Alfred, machine tools, 446.
- Hewetsons (Ld.), 85.
- Higgins, T. W. E., and municipal automobilism, 25, 79, 114, 120, 236, 279.
- High-pressure gas accumulators for automobiles, III.
- Horse-drawn wagon, the largest, 204.
- Horse-power, weight and speed, graph of, 35-
- Horse-power, tests, 202.
- Horses, British, 218.
- Horse cost v. electric, 280, 335.
- Holt, A., on plateways, 193.
- Hotels, 577.
- Howell, J. C., 137, 68.
- Humber and Co., IA, 316.
- Humber (Ld.), 584.
- Hurtu system, 163.
- Ignition, electric, 330, 332, 352, 386, 441, 445, 535.
- Ignition tubes and apparatus, 99, 215, 278, 332, 498, 508, 515, 598•
- Imports of motor cars, 624.
- Indiarubber, 179, 305.
- Induction coils, 262, 330, 338.
- Inland revenue and motor vehicles, 88, 137, 246, 490.
- Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 1, 41.
- Insurance motor car, 616.
- Internal combustion motors (see Motors).
- Inter-Ocean Exhibition (Chicago), 578.
- Inventions, new (see Patents applied for, &c.).
- Irish Motor News, 207.
- Iron Enamel, 293.
- Italian racing, 429.
- Jansen friction gear, 449.
- Japan, automobilism in, 5.
- Japan, petroleum in, 599.
- Jennings, F. W., on working stress of materials, 266.
- Johnson-Lundell system, 399, 430.
- Joy and Estcourt governor, 335.
- Kainz motor, 507.
- Kitto contact breaker, 611.
- Knight, J. H., on the Benz system, 227.
- Knight, J. H., steam generator, 391.
- Korte, Atkinson, and Co.'s system, 394.
- Krieger and Wache speed gear, 514.
- Ladies Automobile Club, The, 65.
- Lambert, T. H., 368.
- Lampless ignition tubes, 598.
- Lancashire Steam Motor Co. system, 115, 150, 279.
- Langrishe, Captain H. R., 31, 353.
- Law applicable to motor cars, Staplee Firth, 470-
- Law reports, 33, 49, 86, 137, 187, 244, 319, 366, 431, 488, 542, 630.
- - Barkworth v. Automobile Association, 489-
- - Beeston Motor Co., 431, 489.
- - British Motor Co. v. Andrews, 244. 3 3
- - British Motor Co. v. Burgess, 88, 137. 3
- - British Motor Co. &c. , v. Taylor, 244, 320, 489.
- - Crowden v. Tolch, 542.
- - Daimler Co. v. Motor Manufacturing Co., 137.
- - De Dion and Automobile Association, 367.
- - Dunlop Co. v. Motor Car Co., St.c., 244, 431•
- - Ford v. South-Eastern Railway Co., 542.
- - Forge v. Friswell, 87.
- - Friswell v. International Motor Car Co., 244.
- - Great Horseless Carriage Co., 187, 244, 366, 431.
- - Howell, J. C., 368.
- - Lambert, T. H., 368.
- - Leather Shod Wheel Co., 187, 542.
- - Liquid Fuel Engineering Co., 137, 188.
- - London Electric Omnibus Co., 319.
- - Motor Manufacturing Co., 320.
- - National Cycle and Motor Car Insurance Co., 367.
- - Panhard and Levassor v. Panhard and Levassor Motor Co., 585.
- - Renault v. Motor Car Co., 488.
- - Rice v. Friswell, 49.
- - Royal Agricultural Hall Co. v. Cordingley, 367.
- - Steward v. Day, 86.
- - Triumph Cycle v. Motor Car Co., 63o.
- - Westminster Engineering Works, 87.
- - Zacharias v. Automobile Association, 585, 630.
- Lawson's three-wheeled car, 503, 556. 5 5
- Lawson's racing car, 350.
- Leather Shod Wheel Co., 187, 487.
- Legal precedents, 33, 86.
- Lempriere's valve and carburettor, 326.
- Lepape carburettor, 64.
- Les Poids Lourds (see Poids Lourds).
- Leyland Co. (see Lancashire Steam Motor Co.).
- Licenses, 47, 396.
- Lights on vehicles, 200, 309, 339.
- Lincoln Motor Bus, &c., Co. (Ld.), 365.
- Lindstrom electric system, 559.
- Linseed oil, 263.
- Liquid fuel burners, 386, 6o8.
- Liquid Fuel Engineering Co., 137, 188.
- Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 236.
- Liverpool heavy trials, 41, 42, 72, 143, 168, 180.
- Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association (see Self-Propelled Traffic Association).
- Locomobile steam cars, 454.
- Lombard-Gerin trolley system, 343.
- London Electrical Cab Co., 50, 88, 160, 487, 585.
- London Electric Omnibus Co., 319.
- London Motor Van and Wagon Co., 316, 365, 541.
- Longuemare carburettor, 260.
- Lubricating oil, 305, 377, 469.
- "Lyle's" steel wheel, 444, 586.
- Lyon's ignition tube, 599.
- Macdonald and Mackenzie's gas motor, 165.
- Macdonald, Right Hon. J. H. A., on war and power traction, 419.
- [[J. H. A. Macdonald|Macdonald, Right Hon. J. H. A., portrait, 575.
- Machine tools, 446.
- Mackenzie's Carriage Works, 47.
- Madelvic Motor Carriage Co., 137, 318.
- Magnalium, 353.
- Magruder, W. T., on ignition timing device, 515.
- Mail coach v. motor car, 394.
- Majert accumulator, 433.
- Manchester Automobile Club, 7o, 130.
- Mann's steam system, 283.
- Manufacture of motor cars, 469.
- Marot Gardon tricycle, 518.
- Marshall and Co.'s system, 184.
- Massignon's speed gear, 601.
- Mees system, 267, 589.
- Mercie two-speed gear, 441.
- Metaux accumulator, 604.
- Metric units, 561.
- Metric system, The, 289.
- Midland Cycle and Motor Car Exhibition Co., 584•
- Military automobilism, 5, 143, 169, 206, 220, 292, 419, 486.
- Modern locomotion, by Sir David Salomons, 492.
- Mohawkite, 431.
- Molas, Lamielle, and Tessier's compressed-air system, 238, 255.
- Monarch motors, 261, 391.
- Monobloc accumulator, 618.
- Mors system, 342-
- Motor Club de France, 464.
- Motor Age, The, 31.
- [Motor Car Club], The, 73, 361.
- [Motor Car Co]., 488, 63°.
- Motor 5,
- Motor Carriage Supply Co., 498.
- Motor Car World, The, 31.
- Motoria, 498.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., 186, 293, 312, 320, 365, 541.
- Motors and motor vehicle systems (see also Steam and Electric vehicles).
- Electric-
- - Creanche, 387.
- - Hurtu, 163.
- - Lindstrom, 559.
- - Oppermann, 179.
- - Stearns, 325.
- - Woods, 206.
- Petrol and 0il-
- - Aster, 400.
- - Bennett and Thomas, 99.
- - Blake, 508.
- - Bouilhac de Bourzac, 514.
- - Burford, Van Toll, 394.
- - Burns, 499.
- - Cannstatt-Daimler, 165.
- - Capel's, 551.
- - Carcano, 451.
- - Crossley and Atkinson's, i6o.
- - Crowden's, 5o6.
- - Darracq, io6.
- - Dawson, 321.
- - Daveluy, 513.
- - De Dion and Bouton, 202, 326, 382.
- - Delahaye, 202.
- - Elmore, 613.
- - Fleury, 509.
- - Gillet-Forest, 379.
- - Gobron-Brillie, 202, 45o.
- - Kainz, 507.
- - Forte-Atkinson, 394.
- - Lawson, 503.
- - Mees, 267.
- - Monarch, 391.
- - Morecraft-Wellington, 207.
- - Mors, 342.
- - Motor Manufacturing Co., 293.
- - New Orleans, 394.
- - Onfray, 612.
- - Paris-Singer, 383, 438.
- - Partin, 201.
- - Philbrow's, 599.
- - Renaux, 379.
- - Richard, G., "3, 442.
- - Rochet, 512, 561.
- - Sampson, 385.
- - Schmidt, 513.
- - Sirene, 512.
- - Torbensen, 6o5.
- - Tourand, 51I.
- - Waltham Co., 384.
- - Wellington Motor Car Co., 404.
- - Wellington's, 175.
- - Winton, 398.
- - Wolseley, 384, 452.
- - Yale, 613.
- Steam-
- - Bayleys, 112, 115, 157, 159, 279.
- - Blaxton, 170.
- - Brown-Whitney, 178, 387, 454.
- - Clarkson and Capel, 152, &c.
- - Coulthard, 115, 147, 214, 279.
- - Gardner-Serpollet, 341.
- - Knight's, 391.
- - Lancashire Leyland, 115, 150, 279.
- - Locomobile, 454.
- - Mann's, 283.
- - Overman and Bullard, 563.
- - Serpollet, 212, 341, 371, 433.
- - Simpson and Bodman, 6-16.
- - Stanley, 178, 387, 454.
- - Thomson, 254.
- - Thornycroft's, 20, 115, 145,1196, 279.
- - Toward and Co., 36.
- - Whitney (see Brown-Whitney).
- Motors, Balancing of, 16, 64, 97.
- Motor testing, La Locomotion Automobile, 202.
- Motor Traction Co., 625.
- Motor tricycles, 32, 68, 88.
- Motor Vehicle Users' Defence Association, 228, 263.
- Municipal automobilism, 25, 79, 114, 120, 184, 219, 221, 235, 279, 285, 571, 573, 617, 628.
- Munger pneumatic tyre, 503.
- Musker, A., on heavy motor wagons, 153.
- National and Stanley Shows, 103.
- National Cycle and Motor Car Insurance Co., 367.
- New Buckingham and Adams Cycle Co., 46.
- Newcastle and District Motor Car Co., 46, 288.
- New companies (see Companies registered).
- New inventions (see Patents applied for, &c.). 71
- New Motive Power Syndicate, 135.
- New Orleans voiturette, 394.
- Nickel, 517.
- - steel, 293, 428.
- Non-freezing liquid, A, 390.
- Northey, P. W., on aluminium, 1.
- Notes of the month, 38, So, 117, 170, 237, 282, 354, 425, 461, 533, 568, 619. •
- Obituary, 50.
- Official time-keeping, 30, 51, 90.
- Oil-engines, two-stroke, 469.
- Oil-engines, value of increased compression in, 349.
- Oil motors (see Motors).
- Oils as sources of energy in explosion engines, 348.
- Onfray motor car, 612.
- Oppermann system, 179.
- Orde's liquid fuel burner, 386.
- Overman and Bullard's steam system, 563.
- Paris Congress, 581, 593.
- Paris Exhibition, 104, 623.
- Paris to Edinburgh, 73. 3/
- Paris Singer system, 383, 438.
- Parliamentary Bills, 235.
- Parsons's carburettor, 209.
- Partinium, 384.
- Partin motor, 201.
- Patent law reform, 472, 522.
- Patents applied for, 52, 91, 140, 191, 249, 373, 433, 496, 548, 590, 630.
- Patent specifications, 92, 140, 191, 249, 373, 433, 496, 548, 590, 631.
- Paving, 205.
- Pawlikowski exhaust valve, 607.
- Pedal, The power transmitted by a, 66.
- Pegasus, 609.
- Pennington, Mr. E. J., 524, 573.
- Perks and Birch bicycle, 589.
- Personal notes, 39, 130.
- Peterson-Swensson liquid fuel system, 608.
- Petrol, The carriage of, 206, 309.
- Petroleo-peat, 603.
- Petrol motors (see Motors).
- Petroleum, 35, 78, 89, 206, 348, 444, 458, 519, 565, 599.
- - regulations, 458.
- - The origin of, 35.
- Peugeot system, 25, 411, 445.
- Peugeot carburettor, 25.
- Phaeton Electrical Co., 137.
- Phenix accumulator, 604.
- Philbrow's explosion engine, 599.
- Pilcher, P. S. (obituary), 5o.
- Plateways, 193, 224.
- Plateways in Spain, 133.
- Plateways tools, 471.
- Plateways tyres, 246.
- Poids Lourds, Les, 46.
- Police-court proceedings, 50, 137, 542, 586.
- Pope accumulator, 6o5.
- Post office and automobilism, 17, 164.
- Power transmitted by a pedal, The, 66.
- "Precursor" on front-driven motor carriages, 556.
- "Precursor" on vapour engines, 498.
- Prince of Wales and automobilism, 288.
- Progress in automobile construction, 210.
- Progressive policy, A, 75.
- Public health and automobiles, 182.
- Quadricycle, An American, 384.
- Quadricycles, 384, 518.
- Queen and automobilism, The, 24.
- Queen's highway, The, 471.
- Queensland and automobilism, 24.
- Racing rules, The Automobile Club, 306, 372.
- Racing (see Foreign or British racing, &c.).
- Radiators or coolers, 218, 333, 343, 506, 508.
- Rail wagon, Bonner's, 328, 349.
- Railway accidents and their causes, 290.
- Railway and steamship charges, 235, 288.
- Raw materials, Prices of, 292.
- Redwood, Professor Boverton, 291.
- Registered vehicles, drivers, and riders (see Automobile Club).
- Renault v. Motor Car Co., 488.
- Renaux system, 379.
- Resistance of bicycles, 16o.
- Resistance of road vehicles, 629.
- Review of the motor car industry, by Rush and Joy, 494.
- Reviews of books, 48, 89, 138, 189, 246, 368, 432, 495, 544, 626.
- Richard, G., petrol vehicle, 113, 442. 1/
- - sparking plug, 215.
- Rimington, E. C., on accumulators, 18, 61, 14 141, 216, 253.
- - electric ignition, 33o. 400, 455, 545, 586, 629.
- Road, An ideal, 324.
- Road, The resurrection of The, 34.
- Road, locomotion, by Professor Hele-Shaw,
- Roads and streets, The construction of, 89, 225.
- Roads Good, 352, 399, 437, 471, 574, 618.
- Roads Improvement Association, 285.
- Roads Suggested County Council management, 494.
- Roads, their making and mending, 29, 525, 574.
- Road trains, Armoured, 486.
- Rochet motor, 512, 561.
- Roller Bearings Co. (Ld.), 430, 487.
- Royal Agricultural Society, 159.
- Rubber Tyre Manufacturing Co., 584.
- Rule of the road, The, 33.
- Ruskin, J., 226.
- Salomons, Sir David, on modern locomotion, 492-
- Sampson oil and gas engines, 385.
- Sanitation and automobilism, 16, 182, 285.
- Saving the waste heat of a steam-engine, 396.
- Schmidt motor, 513.
- Scottish Automobile Club, 130.
- Scott-Montagu, The Hon. John, M.P., 79.
- Seldon "master patent," The, 526.
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association (Liverpool), 41, 42, 72, 143, 168, 180, 225, 234, 423, 470, 485, 519, 577.
- Serpollet system, 212, 341, 371, 432.
- Sharp substances on highways, 575.
- Siberia and traction engines, 453.
- Siemens and Halske's electric tram omnibus, 600.
- Simms's ignition plug, 498.
- Simplex liquid fuel apparatus, 608.
- Simpson and Bodman system, 6-16.
- Sirene system, 512.
- Smith, E. Shrapnell, 181, 396, 628.
- Societe Europeenne speed gear, 513.
- Soudan and automobiles, 338.
- South Africa and motor vehicles, 200.
- Spain and traffic, 133, 143.
- Spark coils, 409.
- Sparking plugs or tubes (see Ignition tubes).
- Spectator and automobilism, The, 34.
- Speed and traffic regulation (Crompton), 126.
- Speed, Excessive, 76.
- Speed gear, 52, 91, 112, 168, 370, 441, 445, 449, 451, 513, 514, 562, 565, 6o1, 602, 603.
- Speed, horse-power, and weight, Graph of, 35.
- Sperry, E. A., on electric automobiles, 257.
- Stable, Substitute for, 35.
- Stanley and National Shows, 103.
- Stanley system, 178, 387, 454-
- Starter, De Dion, 221.
- Starting device, 122.
- Statistics of automobilism, 85.
- Steam Carriage and Wagon Co. (see Thornycroft's system).
- Steam consumption in a small motor, 332.
- Steam on common roads (Thornycroft), 20.
- Steam vehicles, generators, &c., 6-16, 20, 53, 115, 120, 143-159, 178, 196, 214, 255, 279, 332, 341, 387, 391, 433, 454.
- - Bayleys, 112, 115, 157, 159, 279.
- - Blaxton, 170.
- - Brown-Whitney, 178, 387, 454.
- - Clarkson and Capel, 152, &c.
- - Coulthard and Co., 115, 147, 214, 279.
- - Gardner-Serpollet, 341.
- - Knight's, 391.
- - Lancashire Steam Motor Co., 115, 150, 279.
- - Locomobile, 454.
- - Mann's, 283.
- - Overman and Bullard's, 563.
- - Serpollet, 212, 341, 371, 433.
- - Simpson and Bodman, 6-16.
- - Stanley, 178, 387, 454.
- - Steam Carriage and Wagon Co., 20, I 15, 145, 196, 279.
- - Thomson, 254.
- - Thornycroft system (see Steam Carriage and Wagon Co.).
- - Toward and Co., 36.
- - Whitney (see Brown-Whitney).
- Stearns electromobile, 325.
- Steering gear, 58, 154, 404, 445, 555, 6o6, 627.
- Stern's garden party, Mr. Herbert de, 535.
- Stirling's Motor Carriages (Ld.), 185.
- Storage batteries for electromobiles, 77.
- Struts, Laterally loaded, 350. 4
- Taipo Accumulator Co., 243.
- Tare limit, The, 72, 122, 140, 225, 577.
- Taxing automobiles, 285.
- Temporary bandage for tyres, 598.
- Testing, Motor car, 572.
- Thomson steam system, 254.
- Thornycroft, J. I., and steam automobiles, 20.
- Thornycroft system, 20, 115, 145, 196, 573, 628.
- Thousand-mile trial (see Automobile Club).
- Timber, Composition Of, 293.
- Time-keeping, Official, 3o, 51, 90, 183, 261.
- Tools, Machine, 446.
- Torbensen petrol motor, 605.
- Tourand carburettor, 510.
- Tourand motor, 511.
- Toward generator, The, 36.
- Traction-engines for Siberia, 453.
- Traffic and speed regulation (Crompton), 126.
- Tram omnibus, Siemens and Halske, 600.
- Tramways and Light Railways Exhibition 43.
- Trial, 1,000-Mile (see Automobile Club).
- Trials, Electric vehicle, 428, 581.
- Trials, Motor cycle, 537.
- Trials, French, cab and van, 423, 581.
- Tricycles, Motor, 32, 68, 88, 379, 394, 400, 441, 518, 537, 561.
- Trowbridge's long spark, Professor, 618.
- Tudor accumulator, 604.
- Turner, Dr. Dawson (Paris to Edinburgh, &c.), 73, 210.
- Two-stroke oil-engines, 469, 544, 549, 612.
- Tyre punctures, 104, 598.
- Tyres, 104, 221, 246, 402, 445, 503, 598.
- Universal Lights Bill, 200, 309.
- Universal Motor Carriage Co., 243, 364.
- Valves, 326.
- Vapour engines, 497.
- Variable speed gear (see Speed gear).
- Vehicles registered (see Automobile Club).
- Vincennes cab trials, 581. 55
- Vincennes motor cycle trials, 537.
- Wache and Krieger speed gear, 514.
- Walsh, J. J., on the automobile and public health, i82.
- War and automobilism (see Military automobilism).
- Waste heat of a steam-engine, Saving the, 396.
- Water-cooling apparatus, 333, 343.
- Water gas, 433.
- Watt dry accumulator, 345.
- Weigel, D. M., 431.
- Weight, speed, and horse-power, Graph of, 35.
- Welfare of the wayfarer, The, 574.
- Weldless Steel Tube Co., 134.
- Wellington automobilette, 175.
- Wellington motor, The Morecraft, 207, 404.
- Westminster Engineering Works, 87.
- Wheels, 9, 151, 208, 403, 444.
- Wilson, J. Veitch, on lubrication, 377.
- Wimperis, H. E., on balancing of motors, 16, 64, 97.
- - the accuracy of a stop-watch, 183. 55
- - dished wheels, 208.
- - induction coils, 262, 338.
- Wind motors, 208.
- Winton system, 398.
- Wolseley system, 384, 452.
- Woods Co. system, 206.
- Wood screws, The holding power of, 509.
- Working stress of materials, 266.
- Yale motor, 613.
- Yorkshire Cycle and Motor Show, 24, 78.
- Yorkshire Motor Car Manufacturing Co., 47.
- Zacharias, J., on accumulators, 617.
- Zeppellin's balloon, Count, 609.