1960 Ideal Home Exhibition

Held at Olympia 1st-26th March 1960
List of Exhibitors - The catalogue contains extended details
- Aberdeen Photographic Service
- Acme Domestic Equipment
- Ada (Halifax)
- A.E.I. — Hotpoint
- Agrecon Garages - Concrete Utilities
- Albright and Wilson (Manufacturing)
- Alexandre
- J. Allen Rubber Co
- Allied Ironfounders — Gas Appliance Division
- Allied Ironfounders — Bath Division
- Allied Ironfounders — Domestic Appliance Division
- Allwood Brothers
- Anodised Products
- Antifyre
- Aqualux
- Arcoy Products
- Armont Trading Co
- Art Master of Chelsea
- Arts and Crafts of China
- Ascot Gas Water Heaters
- Associated Electrical Industries
- Associated Newspapers (Publications)
- F. Austin (Leyton)
- Commonwealth of Australia
- Automobile Association
- Badenia Calculators
- Banham Patent Locks
- Barclays Bank
- John Barker and Co
- Bauknecht (Great Britain)
- Richard Baxendale and Sons –‘Baxi’
- Baxter and Son
- Baynton-Williams
- Bearston Metal and Plastics Co
- Beatall Kitchens
- Belgian Chicory Marketing
- Board Belling and Co
- Bendix Home Appliances
- R. G. Bennett and Co
- T. L. Benton and Co
- E. and L. Berg
- Lewis Berger (Great Britain)
- Bernina Sewing Machines
- Berry's Electric Magicoal
- Bilston Foundries
- Blundell, Spence and Co — Pammasi
- A. D. Borrello and Co
- Bosch
- Boss and Partners
- Bowyers (Wiltshire Bacon)
- Charles Bowyer and Co
- Bretal-Fix Heel Bar—Shoe Aids
- S. N. Bridges and Co
- Brighter Homes Stores
- W. H. Bristow
- Victor Britain
- British Celanese
- British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association
- British Egg Marketing Board
- British Kitchencraft Co
- British Railways
- Britvic
- John Burgess and Son
- Burco
- Campbell's Soups
- Canada
- 150th Anniversary of Canned Foods
- Cannon (GA)
- Frank Cant and Co
- Capital Wine Agencies (Wholesale)
- Carneeds
- Carters Tested Seeds
- Cemp Metal Products
- Children’s Country Holidays Fund
- Chippendale's Workshops
- Claygate Fireplaces
- Coal Utilisation Council
- E. K. Cole
- Montague Collard
- J. Collier and Sons
- Controlaire — Winfield Smith (Engineering Supplies)
- Copydex
- Coronet Factoring Co (Derby)
- J. and J. Couch
- Court Brothers (Furnishers)
- Cramlock Fireplaces
- Crayleigh Safeguard Products
- K. F. Creffield and Co
- Cromessol Co
- Cromil
- G. T. Crouch
- Crown Bulb Co
- Crusha Milk Shake Syrups
- Curpin (Banham Patent Locks)
- Cyprus
- D J. (Tipon)
- S. Daniels and Co
- Davies Baby Carriages
- Davis Estates
- Dean’s Blinds (Putney)
- I. S. Dearden and Sons
- Dependable Sewing Machine Co
- Devon Lady (Honiton)
- Dimplex
- Dishiex Division of Scotts Engineering (Newport)
- Dishmaster (London)
- Domestic Installations Co
- Domestos
- Doric Industries
- Dorvue (Banham)
- A. C. Draycott
- Drew, Clark and Co
- Duma Fiori (Torino)
- H. G. Dunn and Sons
- Duralay
- Durazone—“Choice” Products
- Duro-Glaze Products
- Easiclene Porcelain Enamel (1938)
- Easy Stages
- Educational Book Co
- Electrical Development Association
- Electrolux
- Granville Ellis
- Emerald Velvet
- Encyclopaedia Britannica
- S. I. Engel and Co
- English Electric Co
- English Fireplaces (Galleon)
- English Grains Co
- English Waxes
- Essex Sewing Machine (Sales)
- Esso Petroleum Co
- Societe Esswein et Co
- Farquhar North and Co
- Fashion Pac
- Field and Co Fruit Merchants
- Sidney Flavel and Co
- Floral Handicraft
- Formica
- Friedrich and Oelschlagel oHG
- Fur Trade Information Centre
- Furmoto Chemical Co
- Furniglas
- Gas Council
- Gaypetal Bulb Products
- Cecil Gee
- General Electric Co
- Federal Republic of Germany Info Centre
- General Post Office
- General Refrigeration
- Geralds Products
- W. and A. Gilbey
- Gilmore’s Village Weave
- Glass Animal Man
- Glider Castor
- Glider Pan Co
- Goblin (B.V.C.)
- Good Design
- Goodlass, Wall and Co
- Goodworthy’s
- Gordon and Co
- Grange Furnishing Stores (London)
- Seafield Grant, F.R.H.S
- Green (Polyfoil)
- O. R. Groves
- Guy, Leonard and Co
- Gyproc Products
- H. J. “Indestructible” Socks
- Haigh Engineering Co
- Halifax Building Society
- Robert H. Hall and Co (Kent)
- Hamilton and Co
- Hampden Co. Distributors
- Ralph Hancock and Son in conjunction Wells (Merstham)
- G. Hannington and Co
- Harrison Gibson
- Harwoods (Aldershot)
- John Hawkins and Sons
- Haynor
- Heal and Son
- Henleycraft
- G. S. Heymans and Co
- H. Hill
- Hills Hoists (U.K.)
- K. Hirschfeld
- His Master’s Voice
- Hobbies
- Hobbyfix
- Home Pride Products (Sayer)
- Homefinders (1915)
- Homeworthy Guaranteed Furniture
- Hoove
- Horlicks
- A. and E. Hornby
- Hovis
- W. A. Hudson
- I.C.G.
- Ideal Boilers and Radiators
- Imperial Chemical Industries
- Indes Refrigerators
- Intercontinental Export and Import Co
- J. N. Products
- Janitor Boilers
- Jenson and Nicholson
- Jersey Cattle Society of the United Kingdom
- Peter Jones of Sloane Square
- Kavli
- Keith Prowse and Co
- Kelvinator
- Kenwood Manufacturing Co
- Kenwood Manufacturing (Woking)
- Kitchen Supplies
- Kleenoff Co (Bale and Church)
- Klin Products
- Koospol—Sugosa
- Kosset Carpets
- Kraft Foods
- La Raine
- Lambswool Manufacturing Co
- Landmaster
- Langeberg Sales (Overseas)
- H. S. Langton
- Frederick Lawrence
- Le Grest and Co
- Lec Refrigeration
- S. J. Lethbridge (Coopercraft)
- William Levene
- Lexington Products
- Lightfoot Refrigeration Co
- Lindabruce Nurseries
- Linguaphone Institute
- Lloyds Bank
- D. C. Loncraine Co
- London County Council
- London Rubber Co
- Lonor
- Cyril Lord Carpets Sales
- L.S.D. Demonstrations London
- Lyons Maid Ice Cream
- John McLean and Sons Ltd
- D. McMillan
- Maggi Soups (Nestle Co)
- R. and A. Main
- K. S. Maker and Co
- William Mallinson and Sons (Manufacturing)
- Maple and Co
- Marlene Products (London)
- Marley Tile Co
- Marmite
- Marquees
- Martins Bank
- Mason and Lewden
- Max Factor Hollywood and London Sales
- Metyclean Typewriters Services
- Midland Bank
- Midland Electric Manufacturing Co
- Milbro Waterless Cookers
- Minisales
- Ministry of Housing and Local Government
- Minty
- Mirroware Co
- Molesey Metal Works
- Motta
- Moulinex — Andrews Houseware Manufacturers
- Mouliware
- Multiprises
- Munster Developments Co (Fulham)
- National Provincial Bank
- Necchi (Sewing Machines)
- Nestle Co
- New Hygiene
- New Ideal Homesteads
- New Process Photo-Color
- New Zealand Dairy Products Marketing Commission
- George Newnes
- North British Rubber Co
- Norton Ignition Components (of S.A.)
- Norwegian Import Co
- Novum
- Nursery World
- Thomas M. Nutbrown
- Parker-Knoll
- Parkinson Cowan Appliances
- Parozon
- P. C. Products
- Peerless Built-In Furniture
- People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals
- John M. Perkins and Smith
- Perkins C.M.E
- Permutit Co
- John Perring
- Persil Home Washing Bureau
- Pfaff Sewing Machines
- Andre Philippe
- Philips Electrical
- Piper Products (Poole)
- Plastic Pool Co
- Plysu Sales
- Polivit Manufacturing Co
- Portable Porter (Sales)
- Potalux Soups (Jonsales)
- Potato Marketing Board
- Thomas Potterton
- Poultmure
- Prestcold (Pressed Steel Co)
- Prestige Fitted Kitchens (Crondale Furniture Co)
- Preston Industrial Research
- L. E. Pritchitt and Co
- Progress Gyroscope Co
- Purley Pools (Purley Timber and Trading Co)
- Pyrene Co
- Radiant Manufacturing Co - Electrical Division of Radiation
- Radiation Group Sales
- Rayner and Co
- Re-Nu-Aire
- S. Burrage Read and Co
- Readicut Wool Co
- Redland Tiles
- Regent Furniture Galleries
- Regular Army
- Rentokil
- Revo Electric Co
- Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Richards Equipment
- William James Rite
- Robinson’s Developments
- Ross Frozen Foods
- Sidney Ross and Co
- Royal Air Force
- Royal Automobile Club
- Royal London Society for the Blind
- Rozalex
- Rubery, Owen (Heating)
- Rumanian Exhibit
- Ryder and Son (1920)
- Frederic D. Sales (Pty)
- H. Samuel
- Arthur Sanderson and Sons
- Sawa Automatic Biscuit Maker — G. Ellis
- Saxby Brothers
- Seamer Products (Sculptorcraft)
- Segeal and Williams
- H. J. Searle and Son
- M. Sedley
- Seenozip
- Sergeant and Parks
- Servis Domestic Appliances
- J. A. Sharwood and Co
- S. Shaven and Co
- E. Shaw and Sons
- Sherwood Sewing Machines
- Shield Unit Fund
- Showboats (Flats-Afloat)
- Silversheens
- Simplex Electric Co
- Singer Sewing Machine Co
- Sky-line “Miracle” Chopper (Prestige)
- H. C. Slingsby
- Smith's Potato Crisps
- Roger Smith and Co
- W. H. Smith and Son
- Smith and Wellstood
- Union of South Africa
- Spa-Flo Co
- Spanish Exhibits
- Special Electrical Appliances (1959)
- Speedry Products
- Sponcel
- Spring Chicken Barbecue
- Storeys of Lancaster Stoves
- Straight Jane Mops
- TStudio
- Sunbeam Electric
- Sunlife Products — Antiquax
- Surform – Firth Cleveland Tools
- Sussex Laminations
- F. and H. Sutcliffe
- Swel “High Yield” Foods
- Tack Air Conditioning
- Tectool Manufacturing
- Tedson, Thornley and Co
- Paul Temple
- Thurmer and Symes
- Times Furnishing Co
- Toptoys
- Trianco
- Tricity Cookers
- Triumph Foundations
- Truhts
- Tubeway (Sales)
- Twinings
- Wall Paper Manufacturers
- Wallace and Barr
- Walpamur Co
- Walters Biscuits
- Warerite Plastics — Bakelite
- Warmex
- Watling Distributing Co
- Watts Automatic Boilers
- Web and Weave
- Welmec Corporation (AEG)
- West Indies, British Guiana and Honduras
- Westminster Bank
- Weston Biscuit Co (Slough)
- Wettex Sales (U.K.)
- Wheatley and Co. (Hersham)
- George G. Whitelegg
- Whiteways Cyder Co
- Whiteways Winery
- Willerby and Co
- Woden Tools
- Wolf Electric Tools
- Wohe and Hollander
- Wolseley Engineering
- Woods of Colchester
- Wynbourne Electrical Products