Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name W: Difference between revisions

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[[Christopher Wilson|WILSON, Christopher]], A.M.I.E.E., Director, General Electric Co., Ltd.; b. 1870. Ed. and Trained: Finsbury Tech. Coll. Club: Constitutional. Address: 8o, Castlenau, Barnes. T. N.: 1888 Hammersmith.
[[Christopher Wilson|WILSON, Christopher]], A.M.I.E.E., Director, General Electric Co., Ltd.; b. 1870. Ed. and Trained: Finsbury Tech. Coll. Club: Constitutional. Address: 8o, Castlenau, Barnes. T. N.: 1888 Hammersmith.

[[Ernest Wilson (d.1932)|WILSON, Ernest]], Wh.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.S. E.E., Prof. of Elec. Eng., Univ. of London, King's Coll.; Fellow and Dean of the Eng. Faculty. Publ.: " Elec. Traction " (2 Vols. ), and original Papers presented to the Royal Soc., Inst. of Elec. Engrs., Royal Soc. of Arts, and various Tech. Journals. Club: Savile. Address: University of London, King's Coll. T. N.: 207 Gerrard.
[[Ernest Wilson (1863-1932)|WILSON, Ernest]], Wh.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.S. E.E., Prof. of Elec. Eng., Univ. of London, King's Coll.; Fellow and Dean of the Eng. Faculty. Publ.: " Elec. Traction " (2 Vols. ), and original Papers presented to the Royal Soc., Inst. of Elec. Engrs., Royal Soc. of Arts, and various Tech. Journals. Club: Savile. Address: University of London, King's Coll. T. N.: 207 Gerrard.

[[F. J. Wilson|WILSON, F. J.]], Chief Elec. Engr. and Director, Leyburn Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Leyburn, Yorks.
[[F. J. Wilson|WILSON, F. J.]], Chief Elec. Engr. and Director, Leyburn Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Leyburn, Yorks.

Latest revision as of 11:19, 9 January 2025

Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

WADDINGTON, Cecil Frushard, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 29, Harcourt Road, Redland, Bristol. T. N.: 2772. Ed. Bradford Grammar School, Leeds University. Training: Greenwood and Batley's, Ltd., Leeds, and Leeds Electricity Works. Various positions in central stations at Perth, West Bromwich, Bath, etc.; Royle's, Ltd. (Manchester). Now West of England Manager for Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd.

WADE, Francis Richard, O.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.C.I., M.I.A.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr.: Cons. Engr., Joint Man. Dir., C. A. Vandervell and Co., Acton; Director, New Lithoid, Ltd., Birmingham; Director, F. R. Wade and Co., Birmingham; b. 1875; Ed. Nottingham University. Training: Premium Pupil at Clench and Co., Chesterfield. Career: Works Engr., Clench and Co., Chesterfield; Central Valve Engine Work at Willans and Robinson; Works Manager and Chief Designer, Wilson and Pilcher, Ltd.; Partner, Dalton and Wade, Coventry; Cons. Engr., Birmingham, since 1902; Inspector of Fuses during War; Cons. Engr., London, since 1918. Clubs: Golfers', Royal Motor Yacht, Eccentric. Addresses: 95, Colmore Row, Birmingham; and Inner Temple, London.

WADHAM, Arthur, Founder and Editor of "Machinery Market," Writer on Trade Economics, Wardrobe Chambers, 146A, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.; 11, Ridge Road, N.; Scalebeck, Keswick. T. A.: "Wadham, London." T. N.: P.O. Central 730. b. Barnstaple, September 7, 1852; tn. 1st, 1876, Sarah Marina, d. of Wm. Swann of Bradford, Yorks; 2nd, 1916, Eliza Annie, d. of late Thomas Summerson, Haughton le Skerne, Darlington. Ed. Society of Friends' Schools. Associate, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1893; commenced press agitation in 1879 for cheaper patents, ultimately secured by Act of 1883; contributed articles to Manchester Guardian series, August, 1903, in defence of Free Trade for Machinery and Engineering interests (reprinted in book form and published under title " Protection and Industry "); article on the Rise and Progress of the Machinery and Engineering trades for " British Industries under Free Trade," 1903. Recreations: Water-colour painting, music, golf, motoring. Club: Highgate Golf.

WAGHORN, Cecil Holmes, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., M.A.M.E.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr., 16, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. T. N.: City 6511. b. 1888. Ed. Uppingham Sc1., 1902-5; London University (University Coll.), 1906-10; app. to Vauxhall and West Hydraulic Engineering Company. Research in internal combustion engine design and testing; practical experience in the installation of mar. motors in river and sea craft; Director of Park Royal Eng. Works, Ltd., Switchgear Engrs. to the Admiralty, War Office, Air Ministry, Post Office, H.M. Office of Works, etc.; Director, Lightning Valve Co., Ltd.; Ordnance General Syndicate, Ltd.; Director of C. 0. Marston and Co., Ltd.; On Tech. Staff of Reading Foundry Co., Ltd., and Allen and Simmons (Reading), Ltd. Pubis.: For the Admiralty and Air Ministry as follows: " Sunbeam AeroMotors," 1917; " Clerget Aero-Motors," 1917-18; " Watford Magneto Manual "; " Instructions to Pilots and Mechanics "; " Installation of the Liberty Engine in de Havilland 9A "; contributor to " The Liberty Aero-Engine "; " Engine Installations of Vickers' Vimy," 1919; " The Installation of Engines in Aircraft." Member of the Royal Aero Club of Great Britain. War Services.-1916—Commissioned in Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve; Assistant on the staff of the Inspecting Engineer, Royal Naval Air Service; Lieut. and later Captain Royal Air Force.

WAINWRIGHT, John William, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Supt. Canal Foundry and Eng. Works, Roorkee, U.P.; India; b. 1861; s. of William Wainwright, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Ed. Worcester and Taunton. Career: Locomotive and Carriage, G.W. Railway. and M. Railway.; Supt., Maxim, Nordenfelt Guns and Ammunition Co., Erith (converted Maxim Gun from black powder to suit cordite); Cons. Engr., then Chief Engr., to Patent Shaft and Axletree Co.; designed and erected 2,000 ton Hydraulic Press; also 40 ton Siemens Steel Melting Furnace and Plant; reorganizing the three Works of the concern; joined British Thomson-Houston Co. on Elec. Traction; also other firms; 4 Patents for Elec. Tramway Vehicles; afterwards in general practice as Cons. Engr., Westminster; designed 200 ton Refrigerator Barges; translated various Tech. Papers for I. and S.I., and I.Mech.E.; joined Bannerster and Warn (of Copenhagen ), as London Engr. on Diesel Engine Installations, etc.; oil-engined Liner, " Zelandia," made by them; accepted position of Supt. Canal Foundry, and Eng. Works, Roorkee, U.P., India. Publ..: " Manufacture of Arms and Ammunition," Harmsworth's Educator Translated Prof. Hubert's Paper on " Large Gas Engines for the French," etc. Club: Roorkee. Address: 5, Civil Lines, Roorkee, U.P., India.

WAKEHAM, John Fitz, M.I.N.A., Naval Arch. and Supt. to Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., London; b. 1870; s. of John Williams Wakeham. Ed. Ryder's Stoke, Devonport; Elswick Inst., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Training: Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: St. Botolph's, 172, Elsenham Street, Southfields, S.W.

WALES, Robert, M.I.Mech.E., F. Aus. Inst. Patent Attorneys, Cons. Mech. Engr. and Patent Attorney (twenty-three years ), specializing in Gold Dredging Machinery. Training: Dunedin, N.Z., and Sydney, Australia (Atlas Eng. Docks and other places). Ed. at the Otago Boys' High Sch. and Otago Univ., subsequently Machinery Instructor, Sch. of Art, Dunedin. Articled to Kincaid and McQueen, New Zealand; engaged as App. upon the first Machinery for Gold Dredging started in Otago; subsequently associated with Coal Min. Machinery, Timber Mills, Bridges and General Arrangements for Manufacturing Concerns. Address: 40, Dowling Street, Dunedin, N.Z. T. A.: "Utility." T. N.: 2220 and 9483.

WALKER, Charles Clement, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Aeronautical Engr.; Chief Engr. and Director of the De Havilland Aircraft Co.; b. 1877; s. of W. T. Walker, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Highgate Sch. Training: Univ. Coll., London; John Abbot and Co., Gateshead, and with J. J. Taylor, M.Inst.C.E. Career: In charge at different times of Civil Eng. Works; held responsible positions in the following: Silverwood Colliery Railway., Huntington Colliery and Penkridge Railway., Amersham Drainage, Brightlingsea Drainage, Merthyr Water Supply Arbitration, Wolverhampton, Wyrley, etc., Railway., etc., etc.; carried out a number of Surveys, and before the War was engaged on Private Research Work of various kinds. Address: De Havilland Aircraft Co., Stag Lane Aerodrome, Edgware. T. A.: "Havilland, Edgware." T. N.: Kingsbury 102.

WALKER, Edward George, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M. Amer.Soc.C.E., Civil and Aeronautical Engineer, 23, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Rightfully, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 529. Training: City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury; City and Guilds Central Technical College. Served in Director of Works Department, Admiralty; in the Engineer's and Docks Engineer's Departments, North Eastern Railway; with various civil engineers and contractors on dock work, reinforced concrete construction. Works carried out are principally dock and shipyard works on the North East Coast, and structural work in this country and India; development of balloons for naval and military purposes and for aerial defence. Member of the Royal Societies Club and Royal Air Force Club. War Services.—Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Air Force. Technical Officer on balloon construction for Admiralty and Royal Air Force; a Consulting Engineer to Department of Aircraft Production.

WALKER, Frederic James, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., F.C.I.S., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 19, Carnaby Street, London, W. I.; b. 1856; s. of the late John Butterworth Walker, M.R.C.S., of London; m. in 188o, Helen Sarah Woodbine, d. of the late Major-General H. D. Cloete, Indian Staff Corps. Ed. Epsom College. Four years' apprenticeship in the Engineering Department of Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Limited, Jarrow-on-Tyne; about eighteen months as Engineer on board ship, taking Board of Trade Certificate; took up marine and refrigerating engineering, and from February, 1879-82, was Resident Engineer and Manager of the Madras Ice Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; from 1882-4 was on the staff of Siddeley's, and amongst other works had sole charge of the refrigerating machinery exhibited by that firm at the Fisheries Exhibition; from April, 1884, to August, 1885, was Resident Engineer to the Snow Patents Co., Ltd.. in Palermo, Sicily; then for some years engaged in connection with the Railway Debenture Trust Co., Ltd. From the beginning of 1891 to March, 1912, was General Manager and Secretary of the St. James's and Pall Mall Electric Light Co., Ltd., and from March, 1912, has been Managing Director and Secretary; Director of the Kensington and Knightsbridge Electric Lighting Co., Ltd.; General Manager and Secretary of the Central Electric Supply Co., Ltd., since 1897; also Director since March, 1921; Chairman of the Paddington Green Children's Hospital; Member of Committee of St. John's Ambulance Association, etc. Member of the Royal Automobile Club.

WALKER, G. Blake, M.E., P.-Pres. I.Min.E., P.-Pres. Midland Inst. of Min. Civil and Mech. Engrs., Annisgarth, Windermere.

WALKER, H., C.B.E., Deputy Chief Inspector of Mines. Address: Mines Department, 46, Victoria Street, S.W.I.

WALKER, James E., M.I.Mech.E., Waterworks Engineer, Temple Chambers, Calcutta. T. A.: " Cumulative." b. 1887. Trained at R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. General Manager, The Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Waterworks Engineers, Temple Chambers, Calcutta, India. Chief Works: Responsible for the design of water purification schemes at many large centres in India, viz., Hyderabad, Poona, Bombay, Chittagong, Peshawar, Deolali, etc. War Services.—Responsible for many important military water supply and purification schemes in various parts of India.

WALKER, James Rollo, A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 30, Ulundi Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. T. N.: Greenwich 622. b. 1876. Training: Greenock Technical School; apprenticeship with Scott's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Greenock, Scotland. Marine Engineer, Ocean Steamship Company, Liverpool; Superintendent Marine Engineer, London County Council, River Thames Steamboats; Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, London County Council Tramways Service since 1903. Now Inspecting Engineer, London County Council.

WALKER, Joseph Griffin, M.I.Mech.E., Constructional and Chemical Engr.; Director of Walker Brothers, Ltd.; b. 1869; s. of Henry Griffin Walker, J.P. Ed. Dudley Grammar Sch. Training: Mason's Coll. (Birmingham University). Address: Chesterfield Lodge, near Lichfield.

WALKER, Reginald David, M.C., A.R.C.S., D.I.C., Wh.Ex., Civil Engr.; Asst. Engr., Federated Malay States Government Railway.; b. Oct. 23, 1892. Ed. and Training: Mathematical Sch., Rochester; Royal Coll. of Sc.; City and Guilds Eng. Coll. Six years app., London; Capt. R.E., 1915-20; Officer-Commanding Railway. Operating Div., Egypt. E.F., 1919-20; Chief Engr., Indian Wood Products Co., Ltd., 1920. Address: c /o E.W.W.'s Office, Kuala, Lumpur.

WALKER, Miles, M.A. (Cantab.), D.Sc. (Lond.), M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, College of Technology, Sackville Street, Manchester. T. A.: "Technology, Manchester." T. N.: 132 Buxton. b. 1867; s. of Dr. Robert Walker, late of Carlisle and Clovelly. Ed. St. John's College, Cambridge. Training: City and Guilds of London. Three years in shops of Westinghouse Co., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Assistant to late Silvanus P. Thompson, and joint author with him of several papers on physics and electrical engineering; designer of alternating current machinery for British Westinghouse Co., 1903-12; developed the cylindrical field turbo-rotor as made by them; improved high-frequency rotary converter; invented the alternating-current generator in which armature reaction on load raises the voltage, the self-adjusting commutating pole, a special form of phase-advancer, and numerous improvements in electrical machinery. From 1912 to present time, Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of Technology, University of Manchester; special Lecturer on Rotary Converters and Turbo-Electric Machinery in the Imperial College of Science. Member of Advisory Committee on Engineering in Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Publications: " Specification and Design of Dynamo Electric Machines " (Longmans and 3 Co.); " The Diagnosing and Curing of Troubles in Dynamos "; and papers in Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Member of the Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Member of Lancashire Anti-Submarine Committee.

WALKER, Robert J., C.B.E., M. of Council I.N.A., P. Vice-Pres. N.E.C.Inst., Joint Man. Dir., Parsons Mar. Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne; b. 1870. Ed. and Trained: Sunderland and Newcastle-on-Tyne. Hons. Medallist, Naval Architecture, S. Kensington, S. and A. App. with W. Doxford and Son, Sunderland. Clubs: British Empire, and R.A.C., London. Address: Kingmead, Riding-Mill-on-Tyne. T. N.: 17 Riding-Mill.

WALKER, Thomas Leonard, M.A., Ph.D., F.G.S., Prof. of Mineralogy, University of Toronto, since 1902. Address: University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

WALKER, William, C.B.E., T.D., M.I.Mech. E., M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; Director of Health and Safety, Mines Department, 46, Victoria Street, T. N.: Victoria 9310; Extension 14. b. 1863. 1881-5 Served time at mines in Cleveland and County of Durham. 1885 Obtained First Class Cert. of Competency as Manager of Mine at Darlington; Gen. Asst. to the late E. M. Bainbridge at Nunnery and other collieries in the Midlands. 1886-7 Manager of Ormesby and Normanby Mines in Cleveland. 1887-8 Surveyor and General Assistant to Agent at Usworth, Wardley and Felling Collieries in County of Durham. 1888-9 Agent and Manager of Tees Helton and Evenwood Collieries in County of Durham. 1889-1904 Assistant Inspector of Mines in Durham District. 1904-7 Acting Inspector of Mines in charge of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire District, during period the late W. H. Pickering was in India. 1907-9 Assistant Inspector of Mines in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire District and member of Committee appointed by Royal Commission on Mines to inquire and report on prevention of accidents from falls of ground in shafts, and by haulage in mines; elected President of Midland Institute of Mining Engineers. 1909-10 Inspector of Mines in charge of Midland District in succession to the late A. H. Stokes. 1910-14 Inspector of Mines in charge of Scotland Division; Chairman of Committee on Provision of Washing and Drying Accommodation at Mines 1912)(; Member of Board for Mining Examinations. 1914-17 Deputy Chief Inspector of Mines. 1917-19—Acting Chief Inspector of Mines. 1919-20 Chief Inspector of Mines. Since Dec., 1920, Dir. of Health and Safety, Mines Dept.; 1921— Member of Miners' Welfare Fund Committee. War Services.—Mem. of Coal Export Ctee.; Chairman, Mines Rescue Research Ctee. on Central Colliery Recruiting Court.

WALKER, William Alan, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Kettering. T. A.: " Electricity Works, Kettering." T.N.: 98 Kettering and 101 Kettering. b. 1878; s. of W. D. Walker, J.P., Bungay, Suffolk; m. in 1910, youngest d. of Thomas Bird, J.P., C.C., of Kettering. Ed. Framlinghani College, Suffolk; Owens College, Manchester. Pupil at Thomas Parker, Ltd., Wolverhampton. On the Testing Staff of Thomas Parker, Wolverhampton, for 2 years; Chief Assistant, Aldershot Electricity Works, for 2 years; Chief Electrical Engineer for Kettering Urban District Council since 1905. Member Incorporated Municipal Association.

WALKER, William Percy, A.M.I.Mech.E., Resident Water Engineer, Cheltenham Corporation Waterworks, Tewkesbury. T. A.: " Waterworks, Tewkesbury." T. N.: 5 Tewkesbury. b. 1880. Ed. Bournemouth Boys' High School and Kilmarnock Technical Schools. Training in the works of the Dorset Ironfoundry Co., Ltd., Poole. Three years as engine fitter and erector with Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Kilmarnock. From 1905-12, Hydraulic Mains and Machinery Inspector with the London Hydraulic Power Co., Southwark, S.E. Since 1912, Resident Water Engineer and Manager, Cheltenham Corporation Waterworks, Tewkesbury. Chief Works: Supervising construction of slows and filters, mechanical filters and settling reservoirs, and the operation and maintenance of waterworks machinery and appliances. Publications: Read paper before the Institute of Water Engineers and contributed articles on " Pumping and Hydraulic Machinery," " Water Softening and Purification," etc., to the technical press.

WALL, Arthur Thomas, O.B.E., A.R.C.S., M.I.N.A., Cons. Naval Arch.; Principal A. T. Wall, Maas and Co.; b. 1886; s. of Thomas Turner Wall, late of Plymouth. Ed. Stoke and Plymouth. King's Prizes, Sc. and Art. Training: Royal Coll. of Sc.; Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. 1st Class Associateship in Physics, 1st Class Certificate in Naval Architecture, Gold Medal, Liverpool Eng. Soc. Premium, I.N.A. App. Devonport Royal Dockyard; Leading Draughtsman, late Thomas Ironworks, Ltd., London; Chief Draughtsman, Booth Steamship Co., Ltd., Liverpool; Chief Naval Arch., Cammell, Laird and Co., Birkenhead. War Work: Member of Lancashire Anti-Submarine Committee, and carried out experimental work with Ships and Submarines; designed several well-known Channel Steamers and other Merchant Ships, the Light Cruisers "Chester" and "Birkenhead," the first all-welded self-propelled ship, the "Fullagar "; prepared the first design of a Ferro-Concrete Vessel to be approved by Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Papers at Inst. of Naval Archs.—" Some Effects of the Bulkhead Committee's Rules in Practice," "Safe Stability and the Use of Water Ballast," "The Tonnage of Modern Steamships." At Liverpool Eng. Soc.—" Some Considerations in the Design of Channel Steamers," " The Need for Research Work in the Resistance and Propulsion of Ships," " Manoeuvring and Reversing Rudders," etc. Address: Royal Liver Bdg., Liverpool. T. A.: "Protection, Liverpool." T. N.: Bank 8620; Birkenhead 2074.

WALL, Benson P., M.Inst.C.E., Director, Associated Companies of Lever Brothers; b. 1865. Ed. La Martiniere Coll., Lucknow, India. Training: Thomason Civil Eng. Coll., Rurki. Gold Medal for Eng. Design. Career: 1886-89—Engr. with Indian Mid. Railway.; constructed Pahooj Dam for Jhansi Waterworks, and 23 miles of main line; 1889-91— Delhi-Umballa Kalka Railway., constructed 20 miles, and Kalka Terminal Station; 1891-99—In Divisional charge of the last 30o miles of the East Coast Railway. between Vizagapatam and Cuttack; 1897-1902— Engr., E.B. Railway., Calcutta Dis.; 1902-10—Chief Engr. for Maintenance and Construction, Cen. S. Af. Railways:; 1910-12—Cons. Engr., Victoria Street, Westminster; Surveys for Railways. in Portuguese E. Af., French Congo and Belgian Congo; 191 2-2 1with Lever Brothers, on development work at home and abroad. Address: Kent House, Oxton, Cheshire.

WALL, Thomas Frederick, D.Sc., D.Eng., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Carr Bank House, Fulwood, Sheffield. b. 1883. Ed. University of Liverpool and Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe, i. B. With Siemens Brothers, Stafford; Lecturer and Senior Demonstrator in Electrical Engineering, University of Birmingham, 1910-14; Staff of Admiralty Research and Development Establishment, Portsmouth, 1915-19. Chief Works: Invention and design of electric rock drill. Pubis.: " Electrical Engineering. " Numerous researches in Journal of I.E.E., " Electrician," etc. War Services.—Inventor and designer of submarine sound signalling apparatus (" Wall " Oscillator ), for which an award has been granted by the Admiralty Awards Council. Lieutenant, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve.

WALLER, John Edward, M.Inst.C.E. (see Kincaid, Waller, Manville and Dawson), Consulting Engr., St. Stephen's House, Victoria Embankment, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Kincaid, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 4311. b. 1856; s. of J. F. Waller, LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, Dublin. Ed. Mainly by private tuition. Professional training under the late William Baker, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr. of the London and North Western Railway. 1878-82 —Res. Engr. on the construction of the Road to Northampton Railway., and the reconstruction of Rugby Station, under William Baker and Francis Stevenson, Chief Engrs. of the L. and N.W. Railway. 1882-3—Chief Asst. Engr. on the Rohilkund and Kumaon Railway. in India. 1883-5—In private practice. i885—Joined Joseph Kincaid, M.Inst.C.E., as Chief Assistant. 1892—Entered into partnership with E. Manville. In 1893, together with Mr. Manville entered into partnership with Mr. Kincaid, the firm being joined in 1902 by Philip Dawson, M.Inst.C.E., etc. Elected Associate Member of Inst.C.E. 1882 and transferred to Membership 1891. Chief Works: Railways— South Yorkshire Junction Railway connecting Denaby Main Colliery with the Hull and Barnsley Railway. Railway from the Nile Valley across the Libyan Desert to the Great Oases. Railway from the Burma Main Line to Bawdwin in the Northern Shan States. Harbour and Pier—Construction of pier in Puerto, Columbia, 4,000 ft. in length, in 1891; and subsequent extension to 4,300 feet in 1914, together with harbour improvements including rock removal under water. Electric Tramways—Swansea, Birmingham Central, Exeter, Isle of Man, Isle of Thanet, Scarborough, South Lancashire, Hastings (including overhead, surface contact, and petrol-electric system ), Burton, West Ham, etc. Has been extensively engaged in Parliamentary, Board of Trade, and Light Railway Applications, and also in Arbitration Valuations for the purchase of Tramways by Local Authorities under the Tramways Act and as " going concerns." Club: St. Stephen's.

WALLIN, Charles Ethelbert, B.A. (Oxon), M.I. and S.I., M.Am.C.S., Chemical Engr.; Supt., Coke Oven Dept., Dominion Iron and Steel Co., Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada; b. 1881; s. of John J. Wallin. Ed. Magdalen Coll. Sch., Oxford, and 38 Magdalen Coll., Oxford. Career: Metallurgical Chemist, Vickers, Ltd., Sheffield; Metallurgical Chemist, Asst. Supt. (Open Hearth Dept.), Supt. Coke Oven Dept., Dominion Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. Address: 24, Whitney Avenue, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. T. N.: 43o Sydney.

WALLIS, Thos. Seabrooke, A.M.I.Mech.E., &Al.I.E.E., M.I.Mar.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, pc), King Street, Saffron Walden, Essex; b. 1884. Technical training commenced at St. Dunstan's College, Catford, education carried on at night classes till the age of twenty-seven was reached. Served with the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Southampton, 1902-8; passed the extra First Class Engineers' Examination, Board of Trade, in 190 8; served in various capacities with the Manchester Corporation Electricity Works till 1913. The year 1914 spent in Sweden studying the manufacture of bottles by machinery and the glass smelting industry, acting as electrical adviser to the firm. Five years' war service. War Services.—Joined up as dispatch rider, January, 1915; served in Gallipoli, and was invalided home and spent all the rest of the time on anti-aircraft searchlight work, rising to the rank of Captain.

WALMISLEY, Arthur Thomas, F.S.E. Pres.), 9, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.i.

WALMSLEY, Robert Mullineux, D.Sc.(Lond.), F.R.S.E., M.I.E.E., F.C.S., F.Inst.P., Principal and Head of the Elec. Eng. Dept., Northampton Polytechnic Inst., London; Senator of the University of London. Ed. Queen's Coll., etc., in Liverpool. Training: Finsbury Tech. Coll. D.Sc. (London) in Electricity (Mathematical and Experimental ), before the establishment of the Faculty of Eng. Career: Since 1883, with a brief interval, engaged in the Tech. Training of Engrs., first as Chief Asst., Finsbury Tech. Coll.; and since 1890 as Prof. of Elec. Eng., Heriot-Watt Coll.; and subsequently as above; from 1890 onwards has acted from time to time as Cons. Elec. Engr. for various kinds of work. Publ.: " The Electrical Current " (published by Cassell and Co.); several Editions of " Electricity in the Service of Man " (published by Cassell and Co. ). Club: University of London. Address: Northampton Polytechnic Inst., London, E.C.I. T. N.: Holborn 1194.

WALMSLEY, Thomas, B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Silver Medallist C. and G., Electrical Engineer, " Wayside," Ludlow Road, Ealing, W.5; b. 1886. Ed. Burnley Grammar School and Leeds Technical School. Apprenticed to Flather and Co., Ltd., Leeds. Pupil, Surrey (Richmond) Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd. Formerly with County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and District Engineer Controller of Mines. Now in the Engineering Department, General Post Office, and Special Lecturer, London County Council.

WALROND, Charles Trowbridge, F.S.E. (P.-Pres. and Member of Council), Civil Engr., 25, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.: " Logistics, Vic." T.N'.: Victoria 5052.

WALSH, Charles John, M.I. and S.I., Metallurgist; Man. Dir., Ibbotson Brothers and Co., Ltd.; Globe Steelworks, Sheffield; also Chairman of New Conveyor Co., Ltd., Smethwick; b. 1884; s. of late John Walsh, of Birmingham. Ed. King Edward's Sch., Birmingham. Training Birmingham Tech. Sch. Clubs: " The Club," Sheffield; R.A.C., London. Address: Homewood, Endcliffe, Sheffield. T. N.: 545 West.

WALSH, William Dixon, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.F.Aer.Inst., First Engineer, Board of Trade, Purification of Trade Effluents, The Hollies, Salendine Nook, Huddersfield. T. A.: " Walsh, Longwood." T. N.: 120 Milnsbridge. b. 1875; s. of Rev. T. Inglis Walsh, Edinburgh. Ed. Wyggeston Grammar School, Leicester; Huddersfield College, and Huddersfield Technical School. Apprenticeship, 4 years, Thomas Broadbent and Sons, engineers, Huddersfield; 2 years, Pollitt and Wigzell, engineers, Sowerby Bridge; 5 years Marine Engineer; 18 years Managing Director, Longwood Engineering Co., Ltd. War Services.—The manufacture of munitions.

WALTER, Louis Heathcote, M.A. (Cantab.). A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Editor of " Science Abstracts," Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1, Albemarle Street, W.I. Younger s. of late D. H. Walter; trz. r9eo, Rose Mabel, youngest d. of late Captain Edward Williams. Ed. Private schools in England and at Hanover, Germany; later at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he took Honours in National Sciences (1898). He then carried out some research work in the Engineering Laboratory under Prof. J. A. Ewing, F.R.S. For some years Experimental Assistant to Sir Hiram S. Maxim. Appointed Editor of " Science Abstracts " in TOr'1, when that publication was taken over by the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Introduced into England the " Wireless Compass," now known as the Direction-Finder; has invented several forms of electric-wave detector for his magnetic oscillation galvanometer was awarded the John Scott Medal. Publications: Author of some twenty papers on electrical subjects read before the Royal Society or communicated to the technical press. Reviser of the volumes "Electrical Engineering " and "Steam and Internal Combustion Engines," of the "Technical Dictionary in Six Languages" (Constable). Hon. Indexer in Physics for the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. War Services.—Translated for the Air Ministry a number of books dealing with radio-telegraphy.

WALTERS, R. C. Skyring, B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.K.C., Civil Engineer, Limen, Gerrard's Cross, Bucks. b. i888; only s. of Prof. C. Flamstead Walters. Ed. Westminster School and King's College, London. Assistant under consulting engineers, Kirkland and Capper and H. B. Ransom, and under contractors, Sir John Jackson and Holland, Hannen and Cubitt, for 4i years. Resident Engineer for W. T. Hanman, Director of Inland Construction, for 3 years. Since Nov. 1919 engaged on Steelworks extensions, Appleby Iron Co., Scunthorpe, Lincs. Publications: Papers on Economic Geology, " Times " Engineering Supplement, and read paper on " Ancient Surveying," Institution of Civil Engineers (Students). War Services.—Work on Salisbury Plain Camps; Shell Filling Factory, Chilwell; aerodromes; mining camps; Smethwick Aircraft Factory; Western Aircraft Repair Depot and Concrete Slab Factory, Yate.

WALTHEW, James Galloway, M.I.Mech.E., Consulting Engineer (Specialist in Gas and Oil Power Plant), Tower Chambers, 30, Spring Gardens, Manchester. T. N.: Sale 299. Served engineering apprenticeship with Galloways, Ltd. Afterwards Draughtsman with Ferranti, Ltd., and Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd. Eight and a half years Designer and Engineer with Crossley Brothers, Ltd., and 8i years The British Westinghouse Co., Ltd., 51t years Manager of their Gas and Oil Engine Department to June, 1918.

WALTON, George Laird, Major R.E., O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Marine Engineer, Gladebrook, Finchley Lane, Hendon, London, N.W., and Marine Engineer Superintendent, Port of Richborough. T. A.: " Superintending Engineer, Richborough." T. N.: Richborough 17r. b. 1868; s. of Thos. Walton of Liverpool; m. Rhoda Robson of Lincoln. i884-8—Apprenticeship, John Jones and Sons, marine engineers and shipbuilders, Liverpool. 1889-90—With Naval Armament and Construction Co. at Barrow-in-Furness. 189o-9—At sea and Engineer in charge of repairs and various shore staffs, including Cunard and White Star Steamship Cos., Liverpool. 1899-1911—Colonial Government Service, Lagos and Southern Nigeria Colonies; maintenance and supervision of all inland water Craft. 1899—Assistant Superintendent Engineer, Engineering Department, Lagos Colony. 1902— Superintendent Engineer, Lagos Colony. 1904— Designed, erected and subsequently supervised all engineering works, Apapa (Lagos) Dockyard, supervised the removal of Akassi Dockyard and designed its re-erection at Forcadas. Designed, erected and had charge of the entire ice-making machinery and cold storage plant at Lagos. 1906—Started the construction of small steel vessels, including tug boats, motor and steam-driven launches, in the Colony with native labour. 1908—Superintendent Engineer, Southern Nigeria Marine Department, responsible for a fleet of over eighty steam and motor-driven craft, also three large dredgers operating on bar and deepening harbour. 1911—Retired on pension from the Colonial 'Government Service. Responsible for the Engineering Branch of four Colonial Dockyards with their respective European and Native staffs, situated at Lagos, Forcadas, Calabar and Akassa, in the Colony of Nigeria. 1912-4 —Practised as Consulting Engineer in London. Now Marine Engineer Superintendent, Richborough. First Class Board of Trade Certificate. War Services.-19147—Lieutenant, Royal Army Ordnance Department; 2 years' service in France. 1917-20—Transferred to Royal Engineers for special duty at Malta as Officer Commanding Inland Water Transport, Royal Engineers (Mesopotamia Section), for the purpose of receiving and dispatching the special fleet of craft for service on River Tigris. Subsequently Marine Engineer Superintendent, Richborough, Kent, responsible for maintenance of Cross Channel Ferry Steamers and Fleet. Promoted Major, August, 1917, and awarded O.B.E. for special service at Malta. Demobilized, 1920.

WANKLYN, Frederic Lumb., M.Inst.C.E., M.E. LC., General Executive Asst., Canadian Pacific Railway. Co., Montreal, Canada; b. 186o; s. of late Frederic Wanklyn, of Buenos Ayres, S. Amer. Ed. Marlborough Coll., Wilts. Career: At Gorton Works, M.S. and L. Railway., under late Charles Sacre, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr.; Res. Engr., Lombardy Road Railways. Co., Milan, Italy; Asst. Mech. Supt., Grand Trunk Railway., Canada; Works Manager, Point St. Charles Works, Montreal, Grand Trunk Railway.; General Manager and Chief Engr., Toronto Railway. Co.; Vice-Pres. and Chief Engr., Montreal Street Railway. Co.; Vice-Pres., Mexican Light and Power Co.; Vice-Pres., Dominion Coal Co., Montreal; Vice-Pres., Dominion Bridge Co., Montreal; Pres., West India Electric Co., Kingston, Jamaica; Commissioner, City of Montreal. Clubs: Mount Royal, Montreal; York, Toronto; Rideau, Ottawa; Royal Socs., London. Address: Canadian Pacific Railway. Co., Windsor Street Station, Montreal, Canada. T. A.: " Wanklyn, Montreal."

WARD, Herbert John, M.A., M.I.N.A., MJ. Mar.E., Mar. Engr. and Naval Arch.; Chairman and Man. Dir., J. and E. Hall, Ltd., Dartford; b. 1870; s. of John Ward, J.P., Lenoxvale, Belfast. Ed. St. Mark's Sch., Windsor; Pembroke Coll., Cambridge. First Class, Special Exam. in Mechanism and Applied Sc. Training: Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Belfast. Career: Eng. Course, Cambridge University; in Harland and Wolff's Shipyard, Engine Works and Office, 1891-5; Head of Construction Dept., Elder Dempster and Co., 1895-1901; Director of J. and E. Hall, Ltd., from 1901; Chairman, 1921; specially concerned with the development of Refrigeration for ship installations, including its application to the carriage of tropical fruits; Member of Fish Preservation Committee, and other Committees under the Food Investigation Bd. Clubs: City of London, Constitutional. Address: The Mill House, Farningham, Kent. T. A.: "Ward, Farningham." T. N.: 6 Farningham. WarD, John Tom Hickman, Engr.-Capt. R.N. (retd.), C.B.E., M.V.O., M.I.N.A., A.C. M.S., Senior Partner of Ward and Crichton, Cons. Engrs., Liverpool; b. 1862; s. of the late Thomas Ward, of Newbury, Berks. Ed. Grammar Sch., Newbury. Training: H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, and R.N. Coll., Greenwich. Career: Engr.-Com. H.M.S. " Bacchante," " Spartiate,"." Terrible " and Royal Yacht, " Victoria and Albert "; Engr. Officer on Staff of Senior Naval Officer, Liverpool, 1914-19. Address: 13, Allerton Road, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. T. A.: " Parpouly, Liverpool." T.N.: Bank 4074. WarD, Joseph, M.I. and S.I., Chairman and Man. Dir., Thos. W. Ward, Ltd., Sheffield; b. 1864. Ed. National and Bd. Sch., Sheffield. Clubs: National Liberal, Colonial and British Empire. Address: "Endcliffe Grange," Sheffield. T. N.: 102 Broomhill, Sheffield. WarD, Richard James Lockie, B.Sc., M.I.N.A., Naval Arch.; Tech. Rep. in France of Lloyd's Register of Shipping; b. 1883; s. of Richard Ward. Ed. Greenock Academy and Glasgow University. Trained in Scott's Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Greenock; afterwards in Lithgow's, Ltd., Port Glasgow; in charge of the Scientific and Estimating Dept., London and Glasgow Shipbuilding and Iron Co., Ltd.; 1911—Appointed Surveyor to Lloyd's Register, on Chief Surveyor's Staff; later in Sheffield, Germany (prior to War) and East Coast, supervising construction for Admiralty; during War, attached successively to the Ministry of Shipping and to the Admiralty; proceeded to Paris in January, 1919, to establish Central Office, Lloyd's Register. Club: Island. Address: Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 4, Rue Auber, Paris. T. A.: " Lloydreg, Paris." T. N.: Louvre 32, 71. WarD, Sir Thomas Robert John, Kt., C.I.E., M.V.O., P.-M. Council Inst.C.E., F.R.G.S., M.Amer.C.E., Hon. M.I.E. (Ind.) and P.-Pres.; s. of late Captain Walter Ward, J.P., Kimberley, S. Af. Ed. Framlingham Sch., R.I.E. Coll., Coopers Hill. Career: In P.W.D., India, on Deputation with Seistan Boundary Corn.; Mem. Colonies Ctee., Punjab; Eng. Officer for Irrigation and Drainage, Delhi Coronation Durbar; Eng. Officer, Home Dept., Gov. India, for selection of site for new Capital, Delhi; Eng. in Delhi Province for draining River Jamna at Delhi; services lent to King of Siam to inaugurate Irrigation Works, Valley of Menam Chas Phaya; Chief Engr. and Sec. to Govt., Punjab, P.W.D.; Mem. Punjab Legislative Council, 1915; Inspector-Gen. of Irrigation in India; services placed at disposal of Commander-in-Chief in India to report on Agricultural Irrigational Development in Mesopotamia; retired June, 1921. Address: Irrigation Public Works, Simla, India.

WARING, Francis John, C.M.G., M.Inst.C.E., F.K.C., F.R.G.S., F.R.C.I., F.R.S.A., Civil Engineer, Railways and Public Works, 12, Dean's Yard, S.W.r. T. A.: " Gregory, Vic. London." T. N.: Victoria 3568. b. 1843; eldest s. of F. Waring of Faversham. Ed. Grammar School, Faversham; King's College School, London, and pupil of the late W. J. Kingsbury, M.Inst.C.E. In the office of the late G. P. Bidder, Past President, Institution of Civil Engineers. 1863-6—Indus Valley Railway Survey. 1866-72—Delhi Railway. 1872-5—Sao Francisco and Tocantins Railway Survey, Brazil. 1875-82—District Engineer, survey and construction of Ceylon Government Railway extensions. 1882-96—Chief Resident Engineer of Ceylon Government Railway Extensions. Since 1896, Consulting and Inspecting Engineer to Crown Agents for the Colonies for Government Railways in Ceylon, Federated Malay States, Trinidad, Straits Settlements, Nyasaland, also for Demerara Railway, British North Borneo Railway and Central Africa Railway. Chief Works: Construction departmentally of mountain railways in Ceylon, 5 ft. 6 ins. gauge. Flying trigonometrical survey of Adams Bridge in connection with proposed through rail communication between India and Ceylon. J.P. in Ceylon and acted for one year as General Manager, Ceylon Government Railway. Publications: Reports; several papers to Institution of Civil Engineers, for two of which was awarded Telford Premium and Crampton Prize. Member of St. Stephen's Club.

WARINGTON-SMYTH, Herbert, C.M.G., M.A., LL.M., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., M.I.M.M., Secretary for Mines and Industries, Union of S. Af.; b. 1867; s. of Sir W. Warington-Smyth, F.R.S. Ed. Westminster and Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Training: Cambridge and Cornwall. Murchison Grant of R.G.S. for journeys in Siam. Career: Secretary to Department of Mines and Geology, Siam; Director-General of Mines and Geological Survey, Siam; Secretary for Mines, Transvaal; Member of Executive and Legislative Councils, Transvaal, 1906; Secretary for Mines, Union of S. Af., and Commissioner of Mines for Natal. Clubs: .Athenaeum (London ), Rand (Pretoria ), and Civil '21 Service (Cape Town ). Address: Department of Mines and Industries, Cape Town and Pretoria. T. A.: " Mineralogy, Pretoria."

WARNER, William, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Sanitary and Constructional Engineer, " Westwood," The Park, Nottingham. T. N.: 4550 Nottingham. b. 1854; s. of Owen Peace Warner, engineer; m. eldest d. of Thos. Gleave of Manchester. Ed. Privately by T. Bardell, and trained to subjects kindred to engineering, taken many prizes in engineering from South Kensington and degrees to lecture upon engineering and scientific subjects. Served apprenticeship to Manlove, Alliott, Fryer and Co., engineers, became Chief Engineer and Representative in their Sanitary Department; carried out plants for the Corporations of Warrington, Leeds, Bradford and the City of London. Afterwards partnership in Goddard, Massey and Warner, engineers, Nottingham; became Chairman and Managing Director. Lectured in America, Canada, Great Britain and Ireland upon modern sanitary methods of the treatment of house refuse, disinfection and sewage. Invented and taken out patents for the treatment of house refuse by fire in destructor furnaces, also invented and patented a process for dealing with clinkers, making a sanitary road paving, by grinding and mixing with asphalt into blocks for roadways, successfully used at Kensington, and gained Medal at the Exhibition of the Sanitary Association of Brighton, 1910. Invented and patented a phthisical sputum disinfector for disinfecting by sterilizing the infected sputum from phthisis cases; also invented and patented and improved steam disinfector for hospitals, steamships and institutions. Designed and built bridges over rivers and roads, also steel buildings and general machinery, including pumping engines and steam boilers. Chief Works: Erected town's refuse destructors at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Kensington, Bournemouth, Hornsey, Plymouth, Croydon, Belfast, Salford, Sydney, N.S.W., Durban and East London, Africa, Madras and Kurachee, India, Hong-Kong. Erected disinfecting plant at Blackpool, Scarborough, Manchester, Edinburgh, in infectious diseases hospitals, and sterilizing plant at Cumberland and Northamptonshire Sanatoriums. Erected bridges over the Rivers Thames, Calder, Avon and Witham; steel buildings, White City. Publications: Paper, at the Sanitary Congress, Bradford, 1888; British Association Mechanical Section, Nottingham, 1896. Member of the Public School Alpine Sports Club, Nottingham Golf Club. War Services.—Designed and carried out disinfecting plant upon the British warships " Queen Elizabeth," " Warspite," " Barham," " Resolution," " Valiant " and "Ajax "; also designed and carried out machinery for many hospitals used by soldiers during the war.

WARREN, Frank Llewellyn, F.I.D., M.I. Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.I. and S.I., M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr. and Naval Arch.; s. of late E. C. Warren, Chief Constructor, H.M. Navy. Career: Chief Engr., Chinese, Russian and Japanese Navies; superintended construction of Cruisers for the Canadian Govt., and Merchant Ships; Cons. and Insp. Engr. for large Constructional, Min. and Marine Contracts; Cons. Engr. and Naval Arch. since 1900. Address: 155, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3. T. A.: " Vibroscope, Led, London," and " Vibroscope, Great Yarmouth." T. N.: Central 4972.

WARREN, H. W. Hugh, A.M.E.E., A.M.I. A.E., F.R.S.A., Electrical Engineer, " Lynn," St. Andrew's Road, Earlsdon, Coventry. b. 1891. Ed. University of Bristol. With the British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Lecturer in Electrotechnics at Coventry Technical Institute; formerly Heating Engineer and now Magneto Designing Engineer, British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Coventry. Winner of first Daimler Premium for best paper on automobile engineering, 1917. Publications: " The Operation and Design of Sparking Plugs," " The Electrical Equipment of Automobiles," " Fuel for Automobile Engines."

WARREN, John Alexander, M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E., of Warren and Stuart, Cons. Engrs. (Civil and Water ), 94, Hope Street, Glasgow.

WARREN, William Henry, Wh. Sc., Hon. LL.D. Glasgow, Mem. Council Inst. C.E., Mem. Council International Assoc. for Testing Materials, Chairman of Professorial Bd., Dean of the Faculty and Challis Prof. of Eng. Univ., Sydney; b. 1852; s. of William Henry Warren, Milverton, Somerset. Ed. and Trained: Roy. Coll. of Sc., Dublin, and Owens Coll., Manchester. First Pres., Inst. E., Australia; Twice Pres., Roy. Soc., N.S.W. Practical Training: Five years in L. and N.W.• Railway. Workshops, Wolverton; occupied various positions of Chief Draughtsman in Manchester, extending over six years; designed Bridges at Euston for L. and N.W. Railway. Co., and Station Building; went to Sydney, 1881; two years in P.W.D., Roads, Bridges, Sewers; appointed Prof., Sydney Univ., 1883; Organized and directed Development of P.N. Russell Sch. of Eng., consisting now of three Profs., seven Lecturers and Demonstrators, and eight Independent Lecturers, three Junior Demonstators, Workshop Staff of six Mechanics, and 25o Student Undergraduates; Practised as Cons. Engr. on important works in all the Australian States; Mem. of two Roy. Commissions, N.S.W., on Railway. Bridges and Loco. Engines; Ch. of various Bds. of Inquiry, Water Supply, Brisbane; Elec. Tramways and Power House, Sydney;. Mem. of Brakes Bd.; Chief Insp. of Steel during the War; Mem. of Aviation Bd., and made 10,000 tests of Munition Steel for Export, etc., etc. Publ.: " Engineering Construction," Parts I. and II. (Longmans, London); " Australian Timbers and Timber Physics " (Govt. Printer, Sydney); about 5o papers on Steel, Concrete Structures, and Timber. Clubs: Union, Sydney; Australian Golfers'. Address: University of Sydney. T. A.: " Warren, University, Sydney." T. N.: 190 Wm., Sydney.

WATERHOUSE, Laurence Maxwell, M.I. E.E., M.I.A.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., Memb. Int. Soc. of Elect. (Paris), Tech. Director, Simplex Conduits, Ltd., Credenda Conduits, Ltd., and Tube Investments, Ltd.; b. 1868; s. of late Rev. C. J. Waterhouse, M.A. (Cantab.), Chaplain to Forces, Indian Army. Ed. " Craigmount," Edinburgh. Training: Heriot-Watt Tech. Coll., University of Edinburgh. Joint Medallist in Elec. Eng. of his year. Career: Lecturer in Physics and Elec. Eng., Brighton and Croydon Tech. Schs.; Asst. to Cons. Engr. for the lighting of Aberdeen Asylum; Cons. Engr. to Duke of Fife for the lighting of Mew Lodge, Sir William Cunliffe Brooks, Aboyne, etc.; for 22 years Man. Dir. and Engr., Simplex Conduits, Ltd. Publ.: " Conduit Wiring "; Articles in Elec. Press. Clubs: British Motor Boat Road. Address: 113-117, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2. T. A.: " Andiphone, Vic., London." T. N.: 4327 Gerrard.

WATKINS, A. Glyn, M.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.S.E., Mechanical Engineer (Railway Rolling Stock), Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Gloucester. T. A.: " Stater, Gloucester." T. N.: 1015 Gloucester. b. 1882. Apprenticeship in the workshops of the Western Australian Government Railways. With the Crown Agents for the Colonies, John Lysaght, Ltd., General Manager and afterwards Director of the Gloucester National Filling Factory; General Manager, Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd. War Services.—General Manager under the Directing Board who built, equipped and managed the Gloucester National Filling Factory for the Ministry of Munitions.

WATKINSON, Prof. William Henry, M.Eng., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Prof. of Eng., Liverpool University, since 1905; Thomson Research Schp., 1885-8; Wh.Sc., 1886; Prof. of Eng., Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll., 1893-1905. Address: 63, Hope Street, Liverpool.

WATSON, Arthur, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.T., Gen. Mangr., L. and Y. and L. and N.W. Railway.; b. 1873; s. of Daniel Watson. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch.; Victoria University, Manchester. Articled in 1890 to Chief Engr., L. and Y. Railway. Co.; 1893-7—Asst. Res. Engr. on Railway. Works; 18971900—Div. Engr. for Maintenance; 1900-5, Res. Engr. in charge of extensive Railway. Construction Works; appointed Chief Asst. Engr. to the Co., in 1905, and held that position until 1911; now General Manager. Address: Rathgar, Dollis Avenue, Finchley, N.3. T. N.: 2330 Finchley.

WATSON, Charles Ernest, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Mech. and Mar. Engr.; Mangr., Machinery Dept., B. Christiansen, Cons. Engr., Shameen, Canton; b. 1882; s. of John Watson. Ed. The Shanghai Public Sch., Shanghai. Training: S. C. Farnham and Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China. Career: Mech. Engr., Shanghai-Nanking Railway., Loco. Dept.; Chief Mech. Engr., Canton-Kowloon Railway. (Chinese Section); Mem. of Ctee. on Mech. Eng., The Corn. on Railway. Technics, Bd. of Communications, Peking; 15 years in Loco. Depts., Chinese Govt. Railways.; 3 years, Shanghai-Nanking and 12 years, CantonKowloon, with the former assisting in the erection of all rolling stock and in charge of the erection, as well as the building and completing of all Coaching Stock ,and Workshops of the latter. Member of Eng. Soc. of China; Non-Resident Fellow, Royal Colonial Inst. Address: No. 65, Central Avenue, British Concession, Shameen, Canton, China.

WATSON, Frank Leslie, Major, M.C., M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Well House Foundry, Leeds. b. 1871; s. of John Watson, F.S.I., of Shirburn, Oxfordshire; m. 1899, Ethel, d. of John Barber, engineer, Leeds. Ed. Cheltenham Grammar School and Leeds University. Apprenticeship, Hunslet Engine Co., Leeds. General Manager, Horsfall Destructor Co., Ltd., 1896-1912. Now Joint Managing Director, Joshua Buckton and Co., Ltd., machine tool makers, Well House Foundry, 01A Leeds. Chief Works: Destructors and steam raising plants in London, Sheffield, Bradford, Melbourne, Warsaw, Brussels, etc.; heavy machine tools and testing machines in many parts of the world. Publications: Numerous technical papers. Member of the Leeds Club, New Oxford and Cambridge Club, Junior Army and Navy Club, S.W., and Overseas Club. War Services.—With Leeds Rifles, and Staff Captain, i46th Infantry Brigade, 1914-7. Mentioned in Dispatches and awarded M.C. Ministry of Munitions (Gun Factory, Leeds), 1917; Deputy Director Ammunition Production, Admiralty, July, 1917, to October, 1918.

WATSON, G., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Civil and Consulting Engineer, Walter House, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.2. T. N.: 1840 Gerrard. b. T. 868; s. of John Watson, land agent, of Shirburn, Wallingford. Ed. Yorkshire College (now Leeds University). Trained under the late David Grieg, M.Inst.C.E., Managing Director of John Fowler &' Co., Ltd., engineers, Leeds. Received Telford Premium and George Stephenson Medal for paper contributed to the Institution of Civil Engineers. Admitted to the associate membership of the Institution of Civil Engineers 1894, and to full membership 1906. Elected member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1900. Specially experienced in refuse and sewage disposal, furnaces and steam raising. Has also specialized in works management and valuation.

WATSON, George Scarr, M.I. and S.I., F.R.S.A., M. Sheffield Soc. of Engrs. and Metallurgists, Director of Arthur Balfour and Co., Ltd., Steel Manufacturers, Sheffield; b. 1842; s. of Thomas Watson. Ed. Bootham Sch., York. Studied •Chemistry and Metallurgy privately, under Dr. Allan. Clubs: Sheffield, Sheffield Reform. Address: The Yews, Beauchief, Sheffield. T. N.: io Beauchief, Sheffield.

WATSON, George William, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Consulting Automobile Engineer, 5o, Pall Mall, London, S.W.I. T. A.: "Watson, Usamobile, London." T. N.: 5155 Regent. Ed. York, .and Yorkshire College, Leeds. Training with Sir James Kitsons, Leeds, the late Leon Serpollet, and Sir John I. Thornycroft. One time chief designer of the motor vehicle section of J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. In private practice as a Consulting Automobile Engineer since 191o. Consulting Engineer .on design to several of the more important British manufacturers of commercial vehicles, Consulting Engineer to the Commercial Motor Users Association, and Technical Adviser to the Agricultural Committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. Pres., I.A.E., for session 1921-2. War Services.—Consulting Engineer to the Mechanical Transport Department of the Ministry of Munitions. Transferred to Mechanical Warfare Department to take charge of design and production of engines and transmission gearing for tanks. In 1918, sent on a special mission to the U.S.A. as Technical Representative to the British War Mission. Member of various Government Technical' Committees.

WATSON, Harold Tom, Chemical Engr. (Cons.); .b. 1883. Ed. Widnes. Training: Manchester 39 Tech. Lab. Career: Designed and supervised erection of Chemical Plants; specializing in Sulphuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Sulphate of Copper, Rotary Filters, and Rotary Dryers, and Mills. Address: Bryn Awel, Fairfield Road, Widnes, Lancs. T. A.: " Watson, Bryn Awel, Widnes."

WATSON, John Duncan, M.Inst.C.E., F.R. San.I., Engr. to Birmingham Tame and Rea Drainage Bd.; b. 186o; s. of D. M. Watson, of Lincoln. Ed. Dundee High Sch. Training: With late James Watson, M.Inst.C.E., of Bradford. Watt Gold Medal, Inst. C.E.; P.-Pres. of the Inst. of Sanitary Engrs., and Assoc. of Sewage Works Managers; and Pres. of the Birmingham and District Assoc. of the Inst. of C.E. Career: Borough Surveyor, Arbroath, New Waterworks for the Borough; Engr., County of Aberdeen; Waterworks and Sewage Disposal Schemes for about 20 towns and villages; Temp. Eng. Inspector, Local Govt. Bd. of Scotland; as Engr. to Birmingham Tame and Rea Drainage Bd., constructed Sewage Purification Works for a district with a population of 1,000,000; Cons. Engr. to many Municipalities in England and Scotland, as well as Cape Town, Toronto, New York, Chicago, Bombay, Poona, etc. Clubs: Midland, Birmingham; Royal Automobile. London. Address: Rookery Park, Birmingham. T. A.: "Drainage, Birmingham." T. N.: 125 Erdington, Birmingham.

WATSON, Owen William J., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., F.R.S.A., Mech. Engr., c/o L.G.O.C., New Works, Chiswick, London; b. 1885. App. of 5 years with Cammell, Laird, Birkenhead. Attended lectures, etc., Liverpool University. Six and a half years with Aster Engineering Co., Wembley, Middlesex; specialized in internal combustion engines for all purposes, including commercial, marine, stationary, aeroplane and semi-Diesel engines; last 3 years as Works Manager in charge of technical side of the business including design of all engines, etc.; 6 years Chief Designer with W. H. Dorman and Co., Stafford. Designed io H.P. power unit for " Engines, Limited." Took part in development of " wave transmission," etc. Now Experimental and Research Engr. to L.G.O.C. War Services.—Designed engines, generating sets and co-operated in development of continuous current interrupter gear (under wave transmission patents) adopted by British Government for operating quick firing guns on aeroplanes, etc.

WATSON, Stephen John, M.Inst.C.E., E.E., P.—Pres. I.M.E.A., P.—Chairman (Manchester Section) I.E.E., Chief Engr. and Manager Electricity Dept., County Borough of Bury; b. 1869; s. of Alexander Watson, of Dover. Ed. Dover. Training: Birmingham and Mid. Inst. Pupil with Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham; Asst. Engr., Brush Elec. Eng. Co.; Station Supt., National Electric Supply Co., Preston; Chief Engr. and Manager, Bury; responsible for management of Electricity undertaking since its inception, including design and construction of Modern Power Station; acted in Advisary capacity to a number of local authorities. Address.: Electricity Works, Rochdale Road, Bury. T. A.: " Electricity, Bury, 55o." T. N.: Bury 55o.

WATSON, William Longman, M.I.Mar.E., Engr. and Ship Surveyor, B.O.T.; b. 1882; s. of John Watson, Engr. Ed. Private Sch., and Sch. connected with Hull Municipal Tech. Coll. Training: Hull Municipal Tech. Coll. Hons. Mech. Eng., City and Guilds of London; Hons. Steam, Bd. of Education; Hons. Machine Construction and Drawing, Bd. of Education; Extra 1st Class Engr.'s Certificate, B.O.T. Career: 1912—Chief Engr., s.s. " Charon "; 1913—Asst. Supt. Engr., Blue Funnel Line; June, 1914—Joined B.O.T. as Engr. and Ship Surveyor. During the War:—Dec., 1915— Joined R.N. as Temp. Engr.-Lt.; Jan., 1916—H.M.S. " Collingwood "; Aug., 1917—Promoted Senior Engr.-Lt.; June, 1918—Acting Engr.-Lt. Commander; Jan., 1919—Demobilized, and returned to B.O.T. Address: 47, Endsleigh Gardens, Ilford, London, E.

WATSON, William Thomas, M.I.Mar.E., Senior Inspector of Steam Boilers and Prime Movers, Government, Punjab, Lahore, India, since 1906; b. 1874. Ed. partly in Europe and partly in India. Training: H.M. Royal Mar. Dockyard. Second Engr. on Her Majesty's Cable Steamer, " Patrick Stuart "; Chief Engr., Port Florence; Boiler Inspector, Bombay; and Senior Boiler Inspector to Government, Punjab, Lahore. Address: Davies Road, The Palm, Lahore. T. A.: "Davies Road, Lahore."

WATSON-SMYTH, Edward, A.M.I.Mech.E., Eng. Director, Taylor Brothers and Co., Ltd., Manchester; b. 1883; s. of Charles Edward Smyth, of Turner Morrison, Calcutta. Ed. Cheltenham Coll. Training: Laird Brothers, Birkenhead; and Liverpool University. Hons. List, General Eng. Career: Responsible for the erection of new Forging Plant at Cammel, Laird's Gransthorpe Works, involving over i,000,000 of plant; Works Manager of J. Buckton and Co., Leeds, 5 years; responsible for the design and erection of special Gun Lathes, supplied to Woolwich Arsenal for new i5in. Naval Guns; erected and carried through new Gun Plant at the Leeds Works of Taylor Brothers and Co., Ltd. Club: Constitutional, Northumberland Avenue, London, W. Address: Trafford Park Steelworks, Manchester. T. A.: " Clarencite, Manchester." T. N.: 390 Trafford Park.

WATTS, Henry Charles, M.B.E., D.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.Ae.S. A.I.N.A., Aeronautical and Mech. Engr.; Director, Ogilvie and Partners, Cons. Engrs.; b. 1892; s. of Charles F. Watts, Bristol. Ed. Merchant Venturers' Sch., Bristol. Training: Bristol University. During the War, Head of section of the Air Ministry dealing with propellers and allied problems. Publ.: " Screw Propellers for Aircraft " (Longman, Green). Address: 104, High Holborn, London, W.C. T. A.: Aerconseng, Westcent, London." T. N.: Holborn 817.

WATTS, Sir Philip, K.C.B., F.R.S., Hon. LL.D. Glas., Adviser on Naval Construction, Admiralty, since 1912; Chairman of the Federation of Shipbuilders; Naval Arch. and Director of War Shipbuilding Department of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 1885-1901; Director of Naval Construction, Admiralty, 1901-1 Address: io, Chelsea Embankment, S.W.3.; Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland. T. N.: 1210 Kensington.

WAYGOOD, Oscar C., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 5o Manor Road, Meols, Hoylake. T. N.: Liverpool Royal 621. Training: Manchester College of Technology. Apprenticeship, Mather and Platt. Assistant, Mather and Platt's, Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co., Dick, Kerr and Co., Metropolitan Vickers Co.; Assistant Lecturer on Electrical Engineering, The University, Liverpool; Hon. Secretary, Liverpool Sub-Centre, Institution of Electrical Engineers. Member of the University Club, Liverpool.

WAYNE-MORGAN, John, M.C., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer (Consulting), 5, Pembroke Terrace, Cardiff. T. A.: " Voltage, Cardiff." b. 1879. Ed. Llandaff Cathedral School and Clifton College; Cardiff University College; The Central Technical College, South_ Kensington; The Uskside Engineering Co., and Thomas Parker, Ltd., Wolverhampton. Assistant Engineer to contractors and manufacturers. 19o; —Inspecting and reporting on works and collieries in Belgium and Germany for a group of English engineers. 19o5-14—In practice in Cardiff as Consulting Engineer; responsible for large installations in collieries, steelworks, tinplate works and industrial works. 1919—Recommenced practice on own account. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy, Public Schools, Services. War Services.—With Royal Engineers (T. ), March, 1915, to June, 1919, in command of Field Companies, Royal Engineers. Awarded M.C. 1916. Twicementioned in Dispatches.

WEARING and BLUCK, Inspecting and Testing Engineers, Swan Buildings, Edmund Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Compression, Birmingham." T. N.: 2683 Central Birmingham. Principals: John E. Wearing and H. W. Bluck. Established 1892. War Services.—Testing plants for British Admiralty and French Government.

WEBB, Eric Norman, Major, D.S.O., M.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o Boving and Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Engineers, 56, Kingsway, W.C.2 b. 1889; s. of S. R. Webb, 51, Normans Road, Christchurch, New Zealand, retired merchant. Ed. Lyttelton District High School (N. Z. ) and Canterbury School of Engineering, New Zealand University. Engineer Assistant with New Zealand Railways and Lyttelton Harbour Board (N.Z. ), 18 months; Assistant Engineer, New Zealand Public Works Electrical Department, for 1 year; engaged on magnetic survey work as an observer with the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., U.S.A., in Australia for 5 months; Chief Magnetician and General Surveyor with Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-4, under Sir Douglas Mawson. Awarded King's Polar Medal as member of expedition. In 1919 appointed Assistant Representative in Australasia of Boving and Co., Ltd., hydraulic engineers (New South Wales Chambers, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand ). Associate, Canterbury School of Engineering (N.Z. ). War Services.—Enlisted in Australian Engineers September, 1915; commissioned October, 1915; left on active service with 7th Field Company, Australian Erigineers, November 3o, 1915. Three months' service in Egypt, 2 years 9 months in France, with same Lnit, which first commanded as TemporaryMajor, September, 1916. Awarded M.C., December, 1916; mentioned in Dispatches, May, 1918; awarded D.S.O. and mentioned in Dispatches, September, 1918. Appointed Director of Technical Education for Australian Imperial Forces during Repatriation and Demobilization, 1919.

WEBB, Wilfred Le Plastrier, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E. Ed. at Cheltenham. Director and Chief Engineer, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester.

WEBB, William Frederick, M.I.Mar.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr.; Engr.-in-Chief, E. D. Sassoon, United Mills, Ltd.; b. 1884; s. of late Sergt-Major F. C. Webb, 7th Hussars. Ed. Portsmouth; Cathedral High Sch.; and Bombay Educational Soc. Sch. Training: Govt. Ordnance Factory, Bombay. 1st Class Mar. B.O.T. Career: Engr.-in-Charge, Ordnance Factory, Poona; with British India Steam Navigation Co.; Mill Engr. with Greaves Cotton and Co., Bombay; Asst. Municipal Waterworks Engr., Cawnpore; Engr.-in-Charge Standard Mills Co., Bombay. Club: Gymkhana. Address: Engrs.' Bungalow, Jacob Sassoon Mill, P.O. No. 12, Bombay, India. T. A.: "Subcheez, Bombay." T. N.: 3o8T, 3917.

WEBBER, Harry, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Electricity Generating and Distribution Engineer, Electricity Offices, Coney Lane, Keighley, and " Thorn Leigh," Keighley. T. A.: " Electricity, Keighley." T. N.: 13 and 14 Keighley. b. 1877. Technical education at Woolwich Polytechnic and Finsbury Technical College; went through the workshops at Johnson and Phillips, Old Charlton. Three years with Thames Ironwork Co.; Easton, Anderson and Goolden; Wimshurst, Hollick and Co.; two years as an Assistant Electrical Engineer, Dover Electricity Supply Co.; five years Chief Assistant and Deputy Borough Electric Engineer, Hastings Corporation; two years Assistant Electrical Engineer, Sunderland Corporation; nine years Borough Electrical Engineer and General Manager of Tramways, Keighley Corporation. Chief Works: Installation of about 20,000 H.P. of electrical generating and distributing plant; installation of 9f miles of trackless trolley equipment. Member of Ninety-two Club, Keighley.

WEDMORE, Edmund Basil, M.I.E.E., F.Inst. P., Electrical Engineer, I, Sneath Avenue, Golder's Green Road, London, N.W.ii; b. 1876. Ed. Private school and University College, Bristol. Four years Lecturer and Demonstrator under Professor S. P. Thompson at City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury; twenty years Designing Engineer on the staff of The British Thomson-Houston Co. in London and Rugby, including eighteen years as Chief Switchgear Designer. Now Dir. and Sec. of the Brit. Elec. and Allied Industries Research Association. Silver Medallist, City and Guilds of London Institute. Awarded Institution premium (1918) and John Hopkinson premium (1915) by Institution of Electrical Engineers. Forty-four patents taken out with The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd. Publications: Contributions to the Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers on " Harmonic Analysis," " Earth Currents," " Automatic Pro39 tective Apparatus," " Control of Large Amounts of Power "; numerous contributions to discussions, lectures to scientific and other bodies, exhibits at conversaziones of Royal Society, Royal Institution, etc.; contributions to theory of fourth dimension and to science of craniology.

WEEKES, Michael George, M.Inst.C.E., A.C. G.I., Civil Engr. (Waterworks and Sewerage); Inspector, Eng. Dept., Min. of Health; b. 1874. Ed. Skinner's Co. Sch., Tunbridge Wells. Training: City and Guilds Eng. Coll., S. Kensington. Asst. to late J. Mansergh; Res. Engr., Derwent Dam for Derwent Valley Water Bd.; Chief Asst. to late G. R. Strachan; then Partner in firm of Strachan and Weekes, Cons. Engrs.; various appointments under M. of M. and Admiralty, including Chief Dilution Officer for M. of M., and Supt. of Dilution of Labour for Admiralty; Chief Engr., Bd. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Land Reclamation. Address: Edgehill. Cromwell Avenue, Bromley, Kent.

WEEKES, Robert Willsher, Wh.Sc.Assoc, M., Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., A.C.G.I., Cons. Engr., specializing in power, lighting and heating equipments for factories, coal economy, electric steel furnaces, etc.; b. 1867; s. of R. W. Weekes. Training: City and Guilds of London Tech. Coll. 1st. Wh.Sc., 1891. Address: Maxwell House, Arundel Street, Strand, W.C.2. T. A.: " Weeksadd, 'Phone, London." T. N.: Central 11488.

WEEKS, Henry Bridges, F.I.C., M. of Council Inst.Met., M.Soc.C.I., M.I. and S.I., Pres. Barrow Assoc. Engrs.; Director, James Booth and Co., (1915) Ltd.; Chief Chemist and Metallurgist, Vickers, Ltd., Barrow; b. 1864. Ed. and Trained: Woolwich, London and Leeds. Asst. Chemist, Royal Arsenal (R.G.F. and R.L. Depts.), 1883-93; Chemist and Metallurgist, Ordnance Dept. of India, 1893-8; Chief Chemist, Vickers, Ltd., Barrow, 1899 to present time;* Cons. and Analytical Chemist and Metallurgist for problems relating to Eng., Ordnance and Shipbuilding generally. Chairman of Council of British Cast Iron Research Assoc. Clubs: Chemical Industry, Barrow County. Address: 2, Infield Park, Barrow-in-Furness.

WEEKS, R. L., M.I.Min.E., Min. Engr., Willington, Co. Durham.

WEIGHTON, Robert Lunan, D.Sc., M.A., Emeritus Prof. of Eng., Armstrong Coll., Newcastle; b. 1851; s. of David Weighton, Brax, Forfarshire. Ed. Edinburgh University. Training: Glasgow. Papers on Tech. subjects read before various Insts. Address: 2, Park Villas, Gosforth, Northumberland.

WEIR, George Dobie, Res. Manager, North Eastern Mar. Engines Co., Ltd.; b. 1869. Ed. Manchester and Edinburgh. Training: Galloway's, Manchester; and Ramage and Fergusson, of Leith. App. with Galloway's, Manchester; with Ramage and Fergusson, Leith; Chief Draughtsman, Kincaid and Co., Greenock; and N.E. Mar. Eng. Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne; Works Manager, N.E. Mar. Eng. Co., Ltd., Sunderland; now General Res. Manager.

WEIR, James George, C.B.E., C.M.G., M. of Council R.Ae.S., Director of G. and J. Weir, Ltd., Cathcart; b. 1887; s. of late James Weir. Ed. Dollar Academy. Training: Glasgow University, Sc. Course; Sch. of Mines, Freiburg, Metallurgy Course. App. at G. and J. Weir, Ltd., and at North German Lloyd Works, Bremen. Clubs: Windham, Wellington, R. Aero, R.A.C. Address: Holm Foundry, Cathcart. T. A.: "Giweir, Glasgow." T. N.: Langside 450.

WEIR, Thomas Duncan, M.Inst.C.E., 6, Plewlands Terrace, Edinburgh; b. 1858. Ed. Glasgow High School and University. Articled to Mortimer Evans, M.Inst.C.E., Glasgow. Took Engineering Course in University of Glasgow and graduated B.Sc. Engineer and Agent to John Waddell, contractor; five years' private practice in Glasgow; Resident Engineer 'and Official Representative to Venezuelan Central Railway Company; Engineer and Agent to Punchard, McTaggart, Lowther and Co., in Colombia, Chile, etc.; railway survey and construction for governments of Gold Coast and Nigeria. Chief Works: Railway bridge over River Niger. Member of Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland and Mining Institute of Scotland. Member of the Royal Societies Club. War Services.—Two years as Captain and Major in the Inland Waterways and Docks, Royal Engineers, in charge of railway construction and maintenance at Richborough Military Port. Was created M.B.E.

WEIR, W. Goold, O.B.E., M.I.N.A., M.1.E.S. (Member of Council), Joint Man. Dir., David Rowan and Co., Ltd., 231, Elliot Street, Glasgow, N.B.

WEIR, The Rt. Hon. William Douglas, Baron Weir of Eastwood, P.C., Chairman of G. and J. Weir, Ltd., Engrs., Glasgow; b. 1877; S. of late James Weir, of Courance. Ed. Glasgow High Sch. Distinctions: Order of Crown of Italy; American D.S. Medal; Commander of Legion of Honour; LL.D., Glasgow University; Deputy-Lt. for Glasgow and Renfrewshire; Scottish Director of Munitions, 1915-16; Controller of Aeronautical Supplies and Member of Air Council, 1917-18; Director-General of Aircraft Production, 1918; Secretary of State and Pres. of Air Council, April to December, 1918; Chairman of Advisory Committee on Civil Aviation, 1919; Pres. Junior Inst. of Engrs.; Pres., Royal Scottish Automobile Club. Club: New, Glasgow. Address: Eastwood Park, Giffnock, Renfrewshire. T. A.: " Giweir, Glasgow." T. N.: Langside 450, Glasgow.

WEISS, Charles, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, " Crofthaven," Rickmansworth, Herts. Ed. Heidelberg, Neuchatel (Suisse) and at University College, London. Apprenticed to Mather and Platt, Ltd., Manchester; Personal Assistant to Sir A. B. W. Kennedy (Westminster Electric Supply Co.); Resident Engineer and Manager, British Aluminium Co., Foyers; Chief of Power Department, Electrical Co., Ltd., London; Manager to Thos. Bolton and Sons Copper Works, Oakamoor.

WELBOURN, B., A.K.C., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Craven Lodge, Rainhill, and British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Prescot. T. A.: " c/o Insulator, Prescot." T. N.: 71 Prescot. b. 1875. Ed. King's College, London, under Dr. John Hopkinson, etc. Pupil at Willans and Robinson, Ltd. Electrical Engineer to the Electro-Chemical Co., Ltd., St. Helens; Engineer on Contract Department staff of British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd.; Contract Manager for British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., since r90 1. On Council of the Institution of Electrical Engineers; Past Chairman of the North-West Territorial Centre of the Institution of Electrical Engineers; on various Panels of the British Engineering Standards Association and of the Electrical Research Committee. Publications: Read various papers before the Institutions of Electrical and Mining Engineers. Member of the Constitutional Club. War Services.—Lancashire Anti-Submarine Committee, etc.

WELCH, John Joseph, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.N.E.C.Inst., M.I. and S.I., Professor of Naval Architecture, Armstrong College (in the University of Durham), Newcastle-on-Tyne; " The Hollies," Westfield Drive, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. N.: 301 Gosforth; b. r861; eldest s. of the late J. J. Welch of Chatham; m. in 1886, Jessie S., only d. of the late John Little of Sheffield. Ed. Private schools, Chatham Dockyard School, and Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Entered Chatham Dockyard in 1876 as shipwright apprentice at head of list of candidates; underwent practical training in the shipyard and gained many prizes at the Dockyard school. In 188r obtained first position in the scholarship competition—open to all Royal Dockyards—for entry into the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. After a successful course, passed out of the College in 1884, and was a Member of the Royal Corps of Naval Constructors. r 884—Assistant Constructor in Chatham Dockyard. r886—Junior Instructor, and in 1890, Senior Lecturer, in Naval Architecture at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. In 1890, too, he joined the Constructive Staff at the. Admiralty, under Sir William White, and in r895-was appointed an Inspector of contract work. In 1899 he accepted the position of Manager of the Shipbuilding Department of Laird Brothers (afterwards Cammell, Laird and Co.) of Birkenhead, and was there responsible for the construction of the hulls of a large number of Government and mercantile vessels, including the battleship " Exmouth," the cruisers " Topaze " and " Diamond," the fast scouting vessels " Pathfinder " and " Patrol," and many torpedo boat destroyers; he was also responsible for the designs of some of these vessels. In 1907 he became the first Professor of Naval Architecture at Armstrong College, and students trained under his supervision now hold important appointments at home and abroad. He is on the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects, and is a Vice-President of the North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders. He has served as special nautical assessor at important inquiries into the loss of merchant ships, and was appointed by the Canadian Government Naval Architect Assessor to assist the Court of Inquiry constituted to investigate the loss of the " Empress of Ireland " in the St. Lawrence. Was a Member of the Departmental Committee appointed by the Board of Trade after the loss of the "Titanic," to consider and report on "The Subdivision of Merchant Ships." Publications: "Text Book of Naval Architecture," for the use of Naval Officers; and articles and papers in encyclopedias and in the transactions of scientific institutions. War Services.—Undertook for the Board of Trade n6 an investigation into the circumstances attending the loss or damage of mined or torpedoed vessels.

WELCH, Richard Hubbard, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, Laglands, Reigate. T. N.: Reigate 298. b. 188o m. December, 1917. Ed. Winchester College and King's College, London. Articled pupil to the late J. A. MacDonald, chief engineer, Midland Railway, two years' outside work. Assistant Engineer, Midland Railway; Superintendent, Royal Siamese Survey Department, 3i years; Assistant Engineer, Central Argentine Railway, 2 years; private surveys, Argentine, four years to 1914. Chief Works: Chinley and New Mills widening; New Mills and Heaton-Mersey Railway; Heysham Harbour, West Riding Lines. Member of the Argentine Club. War Services.—October, 1914, to January, 1915, Motor Cyclist, Royal Engineers; February, 1915, to October, 1915, private, Artists Rifles and London Rifle Brigade; October, 1915, to June, 1918, commissioned officer, Royal Engineers; severely wounded February. 1917; transferred to Royal Marines, June, 1918, to August, 1919, as Honorary Temporary Major; engaged on port reconstruction, Ostend.

WELLS, Eric Francis Vesey, M.I.M.M., M.I.Min.E.,Manager, Twecfontein United Collieries; b. 1885; s. of late Geo. Wells, of Goldington Lodge, Bedford. Ed. Bedford Sch. Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines. Career: In S. Af.-1 year Randfontein G. Min. Co.; 1 years, East Rand Prop. Mines; 2 years, Crown Mines, Ltd.; TO years, Village Deep and Turf Mines. Club: Rand, Johannesburg. Address: P.O. Coalville, Transvaal. T. A.: " Collier, Mumaar." T. N.: 43 Wilbank.

WELLS, George James, Wh.Sc., AssocaM. Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M. Manchester Assoc. Engrs., Vice-Chairman of Council I.Mar.E., Senior Lecturer in Mech. and Civil Eng., East London Coll., London University. Training: Royal Coll. of Sc., London. Wh.Sc., Free Studentship, Constantine Gold Medal, and Denny Gold Medal. App. Thornycroft's Works, Chiswick; Leading Draughtsman, Willans and Robinson's; Asst. Manager, Elec. Dept., Easton, Anderson and Goolden; Tech. Asst., Yates and Thom; Man. Dir., Motor Works, Dumfries. Member of the Bd. of Studies, Civil and Mech. Eng.; Member of the Faculty of Eng., and Examiner in Eng., London University. Author of several Papers in the Inst. of Mar. Engrs., and the Manchester Assoc. of Engrs.; and a frequent contributor to the Eng. Press. Publ.: " The Diesel Engine," with A. J. Wallis-Taylor. Address: Mons Meg, Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex.

WELLS, Henry Matthew, M.Soc.0 J., Specialist in Lubrication, II, Haymarket, London, S.W.'. T. A.: " Olenwelco, London." T. N.: Regent 878. b. 1866. Ed. Private schools. Principal of Henry Wells Oil Co., 11, Haymarket, S.W.I; carried out research work on the lubrication of cylinders of prime movers, extending over several years, and culminating in the publication in 1903 of " Cylinder Oils and Cylinder Lubrication," by Henry M. Wells and Wm. Scott Taggart, M.I.Mech.E. Research work extending over many years on the problems of lubrication, resulting in the invention of the " Germ Process " of manufacturing lubricating oils, of which he is joint patentee with James E. Southcombe, M.Sc. Clubs: The Engineers', London; and The Engineers', Manchester.

WELLS, Sq.-Ldr. John Kilner, Tech. Officer, R.A.F.; Officer Commanding Experimental Armament Section, Marine Aircraft Experimental Station, Isle of Grain. From 1915 has been engaged on experimental work connected with the designing and testing of armament fittings for aircraft of all types, but more particularly on those designed for Naval service.

WELLSTED, Charles Gorden, Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Civil Engineer, Waterloo Chambers, Hull. T. A.: " 649 Hull." T. N.: 649 Hull. b. 1885; s. of Colonel W. H. Wellsted. m. Oct. 1917, Janet, 2nd d. of Major A. L. Cooke, of Chilliwack, B.C. Ed. 1898-1902— Clifton College. 1902-4—Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 1904-7—Wellsted and Easton, Civil Engineers and architects. Since 1907, partner in firm of Wellsted, Dosser and Wellsted, civil engineers and architects; Deputy Engineer to Sculcoates Rural District Council. War Services.—August to November, 1914— Staff Captain, Royal Field Artillery. December, 1914, to March, 1919—Major, Royal Field Artillery, commanding i8-pdr. battery. April, 1915, to March, 1917—France and Belgium. March, 1917—Invalided home.

WELLS-VARLEY, Reginald, F.C.S., M.I. and S.I., F.C.S., M. Chem. Industry, Cons. Metallurgist; b. 1872. Ed. Trinity Coll., Harrogate. Training: The Leeds Forge Co. and Private Tuition. Career: Fourteen years Met. to Leeds Forge Co.; 21 years Chief Met., Monkbridge Iron Co.; 13 years Chief Met., Ley's Malleable Castings, Derby; 2 years Chief Chem. to the Fitzwilliam Hemsworth Co., and 6 months Clay Cross Co., Chesterfield. Addresses: 10, Landseer Avenue, Bramley, Leeds, and 14, King Street, Clitheroe, Lancs.

WENTWORTH-SHEILDS, Francis Ernest, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Railway and Docks), Docks Engineer to London " and South Western Railway, Docks Engineers' Office, Southampton, and 28, London Road, Southampton. T. N.: Southampton 194 and 1524. b. November 16, 1869; second s. of F. W. Wentworth-Sheilds, M.Inst.C.E., of Westminster, and of Adelaide, d. of John Baker of Dublin; m. 1906, Mary, third d. of the late Right Rev. Bishop Boyd Carpenter, K.C.V.O., D.D. Ed. St. Paul's School (Foundation Scholar, Junior and Senior); Owens College, Manchester. President of Concrete Institute, 1916-8; Member of Engineering Standards Association (Portland Cement Committee); Chairman of the Joint Committee (on Research Work) of the Concrete Institute, 1916-8; Member of the Reinforced Concrete Committee of the Institution of Civil Engineers, etc. Manchester Ship Canal (Salford Docks), 1888-91; Assistant Engineer, Dock Extensions, Southampton, 1892-6; Resident Engineer, North Cornwall Railway Extension, 1896-9; Resident Engineer, Bakerloo Tube, 1899-1901; Resident Engineer, Trafalgar Graving Dock and Deep Water Quays, Southampton, 1901-5; Resident Engineer, Isna Barrage, Egypt, 1905-7; Chief Engineer for design and construction of White Star Dock, and widening of Trafalgar Graving Dock, Southampton, 1907-12. Appointed Docks Engineer to the London and South Western Railway, 1909. Visited Calcutta 1919-20 at request of Port Commissioners to advise and report on layout of new docks. Vernon Harcourt Lecturer for 1921. George Stephenson Gold Medal of Institution of Civil Engineers, 1914. Publications: " Calculations for Reinforced Concrete" (with Professor J. D. Cormack, D.Sc.), 1912; " The Construction of the White Star Dock and adjoining Quays at Southampton," 1913; " The Stability of Quay Walls on Earth Foundations," 1916; and other technical papers. Recreations: Golf, reading, cycling. Club: St. Stephen's.

WERTHEIMER, Julius, B.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., Dean of the Faculty of Eng., and Prof. of Applied Chemistry, University of Bristol; s. of Maurice Wertheimer. Ed. High Sch. of the Liverpool Inst. Training: Owens Coll., Manchester; and University Coll., Liverpool. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Clifton, Bristol Constitutional, Bristol University, Union. Address: Merchant Venturers' Tech. Coll., Bristol. T. A.: " Merchants' Coll., Bristol." T. N.: 407 and 1682, Bristol.

WEST, Charles Herbert, M.I.Mech.E., F.C. M.S., Cons. Engr. and Naval Arch.; b. 1868; s. of Henry H. West. Ed. Liverpool. Training: Laird Brothers, Birkenhead; Sea-going experience, 4 years; now holding B.O.T. Certificate. Career: Partner in the firm of Henry H. West and Son, until 1906, since which date has been Sole Partner. Has designed and supervised the construction of numerous Mercantile Vessels, and made a speciality of Dredging Plant and Internal Combustion Engines for Marine purposes. t club: Automobile Assoc. Address: 20, Castle Street, Liverpool. T. A.: " Referee, Liverpool." T. N.: Bank 919.

WEST, Sir Glynn Hamilton, (cr. 1916); Chairman, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd.; also Chairman of the Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Pearson and Knowles Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Partington Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., Rylands Brothers, Ltd., and on the Board of Armstrong, Whitworth Development Co., Ltd., Armstrongs and Main Ltd., and Crompton and Co., Ltd.; b. Sept. 24, 1877; 4th s. of late Alfred Thomas West; m. 1903, Katrine Mary, d. of John Mather, one s., one d. Ed. Sedburgh Sch. Held following positions in the Ministry of Munitions: Deputy Director-General of Munitions Supply, 1915—Sept., 1916; Controller of Shell Manufacture till March, 1917; Director-General of Shell Manufacture till June, 1917; Director-General of Shell and Gun Manufacture till Nov., 1917, and Member of Council till Jan., 1918; Associate Member of Ordnance Committee; Holder of Order of St. Stanislas (2nd Class), and Insignia of Commander of the Order of Crown of Italy. Recreation: Golf. Club: Reform. Address: 8, Great George Street, Westminster, S.W.I.

WESTGARTH, Tom, M.I.N.A., M.I.Mech.E., Mar. Engr.; b. 1852; s. of George Westgarth. Ed. Bramham. Training: Earle's, Hull. Chief Draughtsman and Asst. Engr., Manager, Earle's, Hull; founded firm of Westgarth, English and Co., Middlesbro', 1881; and Sir C. Furness, Westgarth Co., 1895; one of the Founders of Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Middlesbro'; P. Pres., Cliveland In Inst. of Engrs.; P. Vice-Pres., N.E.C.Inst. Club: Cliveland, Middlesbro'. Address: Hessle, near Hull. T. A.: " Westgarth, Hessle." T. N.: 35 Hessle.

WESTON, William Newton, M.I.Mech.E., Director of Herbert Morris, Ltd., Loughborough; b. 1876; s. of Wm. Thos. Weston. With James Keith and Blackman Co., Ltd., for 13 years; and, since 1907, with Herbert Morris, Ltd. Private Address: Park Road, Loughborough. T. N.: 62.

WHARTON, Charles Joseph, O.B.E., Electrical Consulting Engineer, 44, Bedford Row, W.C.1. T. N.: Holborn 5486. b. 1857; s. of Rev. C. C. Wharton, M.A., of Allesley, near Coventry. Founder of Laing, Wharton and Down (electrical engineers and contractors) in 1881; Manager, Director (subsequently Chairman) of original British Thomson-Houston Co.; since 1896, consulting in own name at Palace Chambers, Westminster, and present address. Publications: Translator and editor of Du Moncel's "Electro-Magnets " and "Electricity as a Motive Power," also Hospitalier's " Domestic Electricity." Member of St. Stephen's Club, Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, and Cruising Association. War Services.—Four years' full-time service with Inspection Department of Ministry of Munitions; Deputy Director of Gun Ammunition Division with staff of 17,000 employees.

WHATNALL, James A., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. E.E., Cons. Engr.; Partner, Walter Bridges and Co. Address: 37, Parliament Street, S.W.f. T. A.: " Alkey, Parl." T. N.: Victoria 9270-I; Wanstead 486.

WHAYMAN, W. M., Eng.-Capt., R.N., M.I.N.A., Engr.-in-Chief's Dept., Admiralty.

WHEELER, Major Charles, M.I.A.E. (Member of Council), Casula, Bushey Grove Road, Bushey, Herts.

WHEELER, Richard Vernon, D.Sc., F.I.C., F.G.S., F.C.S., M.I. and S.I., M.Soc.C.I., Prof. of Fuel Technology, Sheffield University; Director, Mines Dept., Experimental Station; b. 1883; s. of the late R. J. Wheeler, Chief Inspector of Machinery, R.N. Ed. Plymouth Coll.; and Owens Coll., Victoria University, Manchester. Dalton Sch. and University Fellow, Victoria University, Manchester. Chemist and Gas Plant Manager, Monks, Hall and Co., Ltd., Warrington; Chemist to British Coal Dust Experiments Committee; Min. Assoc. of G. Britain; Chemist to Explosions in Mines Committee, Home Office; Director of Home Office Experimental Station; Safety-Lamps Testing Officer, Mines Dept., B.O.T.; Member of Miners' Lamps Committee. Reports on Coal-min. Problems; Scientific and Tech. Papers on Coal, Combustion and Flame. Address: The University, Sheffield; Eskmeals, Cumberland. T. A.: " Experiments, Eskmeals." T. N.: 2107 Sheffield.

WHEELWRIGHT, Percy Pearson, M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Jubilee Street, Blackburn. T.A.: " Electricity." T.N.: 42I I. b. November 13, 1877. Apprentice to the Phoenix Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Co., Derby, going A8 through the shops, designing and drawing offices and all departments of a firm manufacturing engines, generators and electrical apparatus. Pupil under the late A. S. Giles of the Blackburn Corporation Electricity Works; Shift Engineer at the Blackpool and Fleetwood Tramways Generating Station, for a short period returning to Blackburn as Shift Engineer in August, 1899. September, 1900—Assistant Mains Superintendent. October, 1901—Mains Superintendent. July, 1903—Chief Assistant and Deputy Engineer. December, 19o4—Chief Electrical Engineer and Manager; has carried out the installation of 5,000 K.W. of alternating plant, and the starting up a three-phase distributing system at 6,600 volts with sub-stations for mill driving, etc.; also new generating station at Whitebirk, Blackburn, with an initial capacity of 20,000 K.W. On Committee of the Manchester Section, Inst. of Elec. Engrs., Vice-Chairman for two years and Chairman 1914-15; on Committee of Household Fuel and Lighting Order; District Representative for Industrial Economy Campaign. War Services.—When the Ministry of Munitions made its appeal to all engineering firms in the country to make shells, organized and equipped a 6-in. shell factory on site of existing generating station, which was then used for storage of cables, etc., and within six months the factory commenced to turn out shells. At signing of Armistice, the factory had the third biggest weekly output in North-East Lancashire, the local rates benefitting to the extent of Is. in the L. Recreations: Tennis and golf.

WHILE, Arthur James, F.C.S., M.I. and S.I., Metallurgist; General Works Manager, Alfred Hickman, Ltd., Bilston, Staffordshire; Man. Dir., The Charcoal Iron Co., Ltd., Backbarrow, near Ulverston, Lancashire; b. 1875. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines, London; and The Barrow Haematite Steel Co., Ltd. Address: " The Meadows," Tettenhall, near Wolverhampton. T.A.: " While, Meadows, Tettenhall." T. N.: 74 Tettenhall.

WHIPPLE, Robert Stewart, M.I.E.E., F. Inst.P., Joint Man. Dir., Cambridge and Paul Instrument Co., Ltd.; b. 1871; s. of G. M. Whipple, late Supt., Kew Observatory. Ed. King's Coll. Sch., London. Training: Kew Observatory. Hawksley Medal, Inst. Mech. Engrs.; Ayrton Premium, Inst. Elec. Engrs. Member of the Council of the Physical Soc., 1908-13 Vice-Pres., 1914-16; Pres. of Optical Soc.,192o—I; Member of Bd., Inst. of Physics. Papers in the Proceedings of various Tech. Socs., chiefly dealing with the Measurement of Temperature. Club: Royal Socs. Address: 15, Creighton Avenue, Muswell Hill, N.1 o. T. N.: Hornsey 390.

WHITAKER, George Backhouse, O.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 3, Cardigan Road, Headingley, Leeds; b. 1891. Ed. Leeds Grammar School and Leeds University. Sometime Assistant Engineer Caucasus Copper Co., Ltd., South Russia. Member of the Leeds Liberal Club. War Services.—March, 1915, to December, 1919, in Royal Engineers, attaining rank of Major. Awarded O.B.E.

WHITAKER, Philip Holt, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.R.San.I., F.M.S.A., Civil Engineer, Surveyor and Valuer, 11, Richmond Ter39 race, Blackburn, and 3o, Topping Street, Blackpool; s. of J. J. Whitaker, architect. Apprenticed to Joseph Brierley, M.Inst.C.E., and Geo. A. Holt, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F. S.I. Consulting Engineer, Principal of the firm of Brierley, Holt and Co. Chief Works: Main drainage, water supply, railways, sea defence, industrial works, etc. War Services.—Engaged at Rolls-Royce on the manufacture of aero-engines under the Ministry of Munitions.

WHITE, Alfred George, M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer, 5, Bucklersbury, E.C.4. Articled pupil and student of engineering at the Yorkshire College (now University of Leeds). Has been abroad about seventeen years engaged on civil engineering, railway and mining undertakings owned by English companies and firms, including the Rio Tinto Co., The Zafra and Huelva Railway Co., Matheson and Co., The United Alkali Co., etc., as Resident Engineer and Manager and from time to time as Consulting Engineer in private practice in London. War Services.—Engaged by contractors in Westminster, on Admiralty and War Office engineering work, including construction of munition works, port works and steel works.

WHITE, Edmund, M.I.Mech.E., Mech., Mar. and Cons. Engr.; s. of Alfred White, F. G.S., F. S. A., F.L.S., etc. Ed. Privately. Training: Powis and Co., Millwall, E.; and at Palmer's Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Jarrow-on-Tyne. B.O.T. Cert. App. with Powis and Co., Cyclops Works, Millwall, continued as Draughtsman; with R. Waygood and Co., as Draughtsman; then with Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Co., Jarrow; then at Sea as Mar. Engr. in 1882, in the Navy (under Admiral Beauchamp Seymour ), during the Egyptian War, as Engr. on board ship at Alexandria, Port Said and Malta; Partner in his father's business, Alfred White and Sons (Est. 1775 ), Engr. of the Co., etc.; 1910—On his own account as Mech., Mar. and Cons. Engr.; when the late War broke out, offered his services; appointed Asst. Inspector of Munition Areas, stationed in Scotland; afterwards Inspector Aircraft Work; then Senior Asst. Engr., No. 7 Hayes National Shell Filling Factory, until the end of the War. Address: 2, Denbigh Road, Ealing, London, W.

WHITE, Henry Arthur, M.Inst.M.M., M.A. I.M.E., Cons. Metallurgist to Union Corpn., Ltd.; b. 1872; s. of Thomas White, Gloucester. Ed. Crypt Grammar Sch., Gloucester. Training: Gloucester Sch. of Sc. Mem. of Council of Chemical, Metallurgical and Min. Soc. of S. Af. Publ.:" Rand Metallurgical Practice." Papers on " Tube Milling," and various phases of Gold Metallurgy. Address: P.O. Dersley, Transvaal.

WHITE, John Donald, Major R.E., D.S.O., M.C., A.M.I.Mech.E., 1 Company Commander, Tank Workshop Training Battn.; b. 1884; s. of W. T. White, Toowoomba, Queensland. Ed. Toowoomba and Townsville, Queensland. Training: Sydney (N.S.W. ), Boston (U.S.A. ) and Glasgow. App., then Draughtsman, with Colonial Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., of Sydney, N.S.W.; 1906-7—Asst. Engr. with Quiney Market Cold Storage and Warehouse Co., Boston, U.S.A.; 19o7-9—Draughtsman ,CPQ and Chief Draughtsman with B. F. Sturtevant Co., Boston, U.S.A.; 19o9-14—Asst. to Chief Engr. with James Keith and Blackman Co., Ltd., London; 191418—On Active Service with Middlesex Regt.; 1918 to date—Engr. Officer, Tank Corps. Address: Tank Workshop Training Battalion, Bowington Camp, Wool, Dorset. T. N.: Wareham 20.

WHITE, Joseph Walwyn, Mechanical Engineer (Aerial Ropeways and Light Railways), Ditton Road Engineering Works, Widnes, Lancashire. T. 'A.: " Rails, Widnes." T. N.: 25 Widnes. b. 1861; s. of the late Richard White of Widnes. Ed. Weston School, Bath. Trained at his father's works. Partner for thirty years in the engineering firm of Richard White and Sons. Chief Works: Many important aerial wire ropeway installations and light railways in this country and abroad. Publs.: Papers before several engineering societies. Clubs: Formby Golf, Woolton Golf, Liverpool Conservative, Widnes Conservative, Prescot Conservative; Chairman of the Widnes Division Conservative. Association. War Services.—Collaborated with War Office in designing special forms of aerial ropeways for use in France and elsewhere, and supplied large quantities of railway material for France.

WHITE, Price Foulkes, Borough Elec. Engr., Bangor, N. Wales; b. 1873; s. of David White. Ed. Friars Sch. Training: University Coll. of N. Wales. Exhibitioner U.C.N.W. Career: Carried out all extensions at Bangor since 1900; Cons. Engr. to Corpns. of Carnarvon, Beaumaris and Conway, and the U.D.C. of Holyhead, Menai Bridge, Llangefni, together with other local authorities. Address: Electricity Works, Bangor, N. Wales. T. A.: " Electricity Works, Bangor." T.N.: 31.

WHITE, William Albert, M.N.E.C.Inst., M.Inst.P.T., M.Amer.Soc.N.A., Petroleum Technologist; Chairman, White Patent Oil Burning Co., Ltd.; Cons. Engr., British Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd., and British Union Petroleum Co., Ltd.; b. 1879. Ed. Mar. Sch., S. Shields. Inventor of the White Patent Oil Burning System. Clubs: Junior Conservative, London; Union, Newcastle-on-Tyne; R.A.C., London. Address: Pearl Bdgs., Northumberland Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Mexoil, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: 5o88 Central.

WHITEHEAD, Edwin Atkinson, M.I.Water E., Assoc.M.Aus.I.M.M., Cons., Hydraulic, Mccli. Engr.; b. 1861; s. of John Whitehead, Appleby, Westmorland. Ed. Appleby Grammar Sch. Training: Sc. Schs., Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Royal Sch. of Mines, S. Kensington; Newcastle-on-Tyne Schp. App. in shops of R. and W. Hawthorn, Ltd.; Draughtsman at Tangyes, Ltd., Applebys, Ltd., Youngs, Ltd., Hornsby and Co., Ltd.; 1889—With Melbourne Hydraulic Power and John Coates and Co; 1892-1914 Manager and Engr. for Broken Hill Water Supply, Ltd.; since in practice in Adelaide as Cons. Eng. Address: 6, North Terrace, Kensington Gardens, Adelaide, S. Australia. T. N.: Norwood 1282.

WHITEHEAD, Harold Frederick Crossley, M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1868; s. of Peter Ormerod Whitehead. Ed. The Manchester Commercial Schs. Inventor of the Whitehead Isochronous Governor, and the Whitehead Corliss and Uniflow Valve Gears. Address: 105, St. James Road, Heaton Moor, near Stockport. T. N.: 378 Heaton Moor.

WHITEHEAD, Lionel Digby, J.P., M.I. and S.I., Man. Dir. and Chairman, The Whitehead Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.; b. 1877; s. of George Whitehead, Deighton Grove, York. Ed. Charterhouse. 1895—Premium App., Markham and Co., Ltd., Chesterfield; 1899—Asst. Works Manager, Tredegar Iron and Coal Co., Ltd., Tredegar; 1900—General Works Manager; 1906—Purchased lease of portion of Tredegar Works and formed the Whitehead Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.; 1907—put into operation the first Morgan Continuous Rolling Mill in this country; 1914--Commenced new Works at Newport, suspended during the War; 1914-18—Served in Army (3rd Monmouth Regt. ); 1920—commenced erection of the first Morgan Continuous Strip Mill in this country, at Newport. Clubs: County, Newport; R.A.C., London. Address: Goytre Abergavenny. T. A.: " 3 Nantyderry." T. N.: 3 Nantyderry.

WHITEHEAD, Smith, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, " Brentwood," Carr Hall Road, Nelson. T. N.: 126 and 390 Nelson. b. December 29, 1885. Articled to Benjamin Ball, M.Inst.C.E., Engineer to the Municipality of Singapore, formerly Borough Engineer, Nelson. Chief Engineering Assistant to Wm. Shackleton, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, Nelson; appointed Water Manager, Nelson, 1912, and afterwards Engineer and Manager, 1915. Carried out sewage disposal works with thirty Candy-Whittaker revolving sprinklers, detritus tanks, river diversion, etc. Reported to the Nelson Town Council on necessity of new waterworks and was associated as Joint Engineer with Chas. E. Newton, M.Inst.C.E., in designing scheme and promoting Parliamentary Bill during session 1918 for powers to construct works in order to provide an additional three million gallons of water per day, estimated cost £300,000.

WHITEHORN, H. Kenneth, B.Sc. (Lond.), A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 18, Meadow Road, Southall, Middlesex. b. 1888. Ed. King Alfred's Grammar School, Wantage; Northampton (Polytechnic) Institute; Engineering Day College, London, E.C. Apprentice, British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Manchester. With H. M. Hobart, M.Inst.C.E., etc., London, later Chief Electrical Designer, J—L Manufacturing Co., and Submersible Motors, Ltd., Southall. Adviser on commercial designs. Designer of first successful alternating current submersible electric motor capable of admitting sea water. Publications: Various articles in technical press. War Services.—Closely associated with the salvage work for Admiralty done by submersible motors, saving H.M.S. " Lion," etc.

WHITEHOUSE, Edgar, B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, 9, Norton Road, Letchworth, Herts; b. 1887; s. of W. H. Whitehouse, M.I. and S.I. (late Gen. Mang. and Member of Executive Committee of Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd.); m. second d. of William Cook, J.P., Birmingham. Ed. Newport, Mon.; Birmingham Technical School and University College, London. Indentured pupil to Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham. Erecting Engineer and Assistant Departmental Manager with Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham; Power Station Engineer with Kynoch, Ltd., Birmingham; Assistant Works Manager, 1916 to date, with The Heatly-Gresham Engineering Co., Ltd., Letchworth, Herts.

WHITEHOUSE, Sir George, K.C.B., A.K.C., F.R.G.S., M.Inst.C.E., Arthur Hall, Sudbury, Suffolk; b. 1857. Engineering Training: King's College, London. Construction of railways in Natal, Mexico, India, Peru, East Africa, Argentine and Brazil. Chief Works: Surveyed and constructed the Mountain Section of the Inter-Oceanic Railway. (Vera Cruz to City of Mexico); Railway. Surveys in North West India; received thanks of Government of India for work in Bolan Pass; constructed Uganda Railway. (Mombasa to Lake Victoria); Chief Engr., Central Argentine Railway. Club: Royal Societies. War Services.—Inspection Department, Woolwich Arsenal.

WHITEHOUSE, Geo. H., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, " Hollycrof 1," Worcester Road, West Hagley. T. A.: " Whitehouse, Engineer, Great Bridge." T. N.: West Bromwich 172. b. 1876. Ed. King Edward's High School, Birmingham, and Royal College of Science, South Kensington. Ten years with J. and S. Roberts, Ltd., engineers, West Bromwich. Started in business on own account, 1900. Sole Director of G. H. Whitehouse and Co., Ltd., engineers, Great Bridge. Ten years Lecturer in steam, gas, and oil engines. Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering to West Bromwich and Aston Manor Technical Schools. Introduced and developed the " Whitehouse " chasing machine. Member of the " Cosmopolitan " Club, Birmingham. War Services.—Organized factory for munition making which turned out large quantities of munitions for War Office and Admiralty. Specially commended by Government for training lads.

WHITEHOUSE, James, M.Sc., M.Inst.M.M., M.I.Min.E., M.Geo.Soc.S.A., Min. Engr.; Gen. INIangr., Village Deep Gold Mines; b. 1883. Ed. Birmingham Univ.; B.Sc. Hons., 1905; later M.Sc. Training: Conduit and Littleton Collieries, afterwards East Rand Proprietary Mines, Transvaal; opened up and equipped the Utrecht Collieries, Natal, in 1909; introduced Mech. Ventilation into the mines of the Witwatersrand the same year; Gen. Mangr. of Village Deep Mines since 1910; Pres., S.A. Inst.E. and S.A. Assoc. of Mine Mangrs. Papers read: " Ventilation of the Witwatersrand Mines "; " The Settlement of Mine Water before Pumping in the Witwatersrand Mines "; " The Valuation of Ore Reserves of Witwatersrand Gold Mines "; " Winding from Great Depths " (Joint Paper with B. Gray) " Shaft Guides." club: Rand, Johannesburg. Address: P.O. Box 1064, Johannesburg. T. N.: 214o Johannesburg.

WHITEHOUSE, William H., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr., Glencoed, Rushby Mead, Letchworth, Herts; s. of W. H. Whitehouse, M.I. and S.I., Formerly Member of Exec. Ctee., Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd. Pupil at Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham. Final courses in Mech. and Elec. Eng., Birmingham Univ.; with T. C. Aveling and Co., Ltd., Birmingham. Then, 1909, with the Alexandra (Newport and S. Wales) Docks and Railway. Co. as Asst. to Loco. Supt. and Works Mangr. till Jan, 1913; 1911-13, Lecturer in Elec. Eng., Newport (Mon.) Tech Inst.; 1913, with The Heatly-Gresham Engineering Co., Ltd., Letchworth, Herts, as Asst. Works Mangr.; since 1916, Mangr. War Services.—Production of naval gun mounting details (electro-mechanical firing gears, etc.), trench mortar bombs, aerial bombs, etc.

WHITELEGG, R. H., Vice-Pres., Chief Mech. Engr., G. and S.W. Railway., Kilmarnock.

WHITE-LEWIS, John, M.I.Water.E., Engr. and Manager, Farnham Waterworks: b. 1856; s. of Thomas Lewis, Presteign, Radnorshire. Ed. Trinity Sch., Old Stratford, Bucks; and Presteign Grammar Sch. With the Coalbrookdale Eng. Co., Ltd.; put down the first pumping plant at Farnham, and the extensions since. Address: Waterworks House, Farnham.

WHITELEY, John Christopher, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Tramways Engineer, Dean Road, South Shields. T. A.: "Tramways, South Shields." T. N.: 157 South Shields. b. 1880. Ed. Heath Grammar School, Halifax. Served apprenticeship, R. and T. Tootall, Darwen. I900-7—Chief Assistant Engineer, Huddersfield Tramways Department. 1907-I5—Deputy Engineer and Manager, Chatham and District Light Railway. 1915 to date—General Manager and Engineer, South Shields Tramways.

WHITELEY, John Hampden, M.I. and Vice-Pres. Ceramic Soc. (Refractories Section ); Chief Chemist, South Durham Steel and Iron Co. (Malleable Works); b. 1880. Ed. Middlesbrough High Sch. Address: I i, Cambridge Street, Saltburn.

WHITFELD, Hubert Edwin, B.A., B.Eng., M.Inst.M.M., Prof. of Min. and Eng., Univ. of W. Australia; b. 1875; s. of Edwin Whitfeld, M.A. (Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge). Ed. Sydney Grammar Sch., Australia. Training: Univ. of Sydney. 1902-12—Metallurgist and Manager, various Mines in W. Australia; 1913 to presend,— Prof. of Min. and Eng., Univ. of W.A.; 1916-IC— With British M. of M., first as Asst. Insp. of Steel in U.S., then with Explosives Supply Dept. in London. Clubs: Weld, Perth, West Australia. Address: University, West Australia.

WHITING, William Henry, C.B., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.N.A., Supt. of Construction Accounts and Contract Work, Admiralty, 1912-17. Ed. Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. App. Portsmouth Dockyard, 1869; Instructor in Naval Architecture, R.N. Coll., 1885-90; Constructor at Chatham and Devonport, 189075; Chief Constructor, Hong-Kong Yard, 1895-7; served on Admiralty Committees on Submerged Torpedo Discharge, and on Floating Docks; Chief Constructor and Asst. Director of Naval Construction, Admiralty, 18971912; Gold Medallist, I.N.A. Address: Long Acre, Perivale Road, West Ealing. T. A.: " Long Acre, West Ealing."

WHITING, William Robert Gerald, M.B.E., M.A.(Cantab.), M.I.N.A., Naval Arch.; Asst. to General Manager, Shipyards Department of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co.; b. 1884; s. of W. H. Whiting, C.B. Ed. Mill Hill Sch., and Cambridge. Training: Elswick Shipyard. Career: Chief of Tech. Staff employed by the Committee of the " Titanic " Inquiry; Submarine constructions at Elswick and Armstrong Yards; invented several scientific instruments. Publ.: " The Foster Strainmeter " and " Strength of Submarine Vessels " (Transactions S.N.A. ). Address: 3o, Victoria Square, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

WHITLEY, Henry Michell, M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E., Cons. Engr.; Member of the Firm of Whitley and Carkeet-James; b. 1845; Res. Engr., Castle Eden and Stockton Line, North Eastern Railway.; 1875-7; Pres., Civil and Mech. Engrs.' Soc., 1885-6; has practised in Westminster since 1877. Club: St. Stephen's. Address: Broadway Court, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 5607.

WHITTINGTON, Cecil Henry, C.M.G., C.B.E., Director of Mather and Platt, Ltd.; b. 1878; s. of Rev. R. E. Whittington. Ed. Bath Coll. Trained: With and spent the whole of Eng. Career (except during the War) with Mather and Platt, Ltd., on administrative and commercial side of Eng. Joined R.F.C. during War, and became Brig.-Gen. and Director of Aircraft Equipment, R.A.F. Clubs: Roehampton, R.A.F., Cocoa Tree. Address: Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster, S. W.1. T. N.: Victoria 551o.

WHITTOW, Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., 33, Birch Grove, W.3. b, 1869. Ed. Marlborough College and University College, London. Articled pupil of the late Sir Charles Bright. Has been engaged on engineering construction in various parts of the world, including the Blackwall Tunnel, London Tube Railways, Summit Tunnel of the Transandine Railway, of which he was in charge of the Chilian Section and was Resident Engineer in charge of the drainage of Para, Brazil. Member of the Royal Automobile Club. • War Services.—Major, Royal Marine Engineers.

WHYATT, H. Gilbert, M.Inst.C.E., M.R. San.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Grimsby; b. 186o; s. of John A. Whyatt, Arch., Manchester. Ed. Privately. Career: With L. and Y. Railway. (Engr.'s Dept.), 1881-8; Deputy Borough Engr., Salford, 1888-1900; Borough Engr., Grimsby, since July, 1900; has carried out numerous works, including roads, sewers, destructor, parks, recreation grounds, bridge, etc. Publ.: " Sanitary Construction in Bdg." (Cassell), " Sanitary Conveniences and Drainage " (Cassell ), " Sewers and Sewerage " (Pitman ). Address: 17o, Victoria Street, Grimsby. T. A.: " Whyatt, Grimsby, 2055." T. N.: 2055.

WHYSALL, Frank Henry, M.I.E.E., Burgh Electrical Engineer, Greenock; Electricity Office, Dellingburn Street, Greenock. T. A.: "Energy, Greenock." T. N.: 330 Greenock. b. 1876; s. of Robert Whysall, late Chief Engineer Midland Iron Co., Ltd.; m. 1908, Florrie Jackson of Greasbrough, Yorkshire. Ed. Borough Collegiate School, Rotherham; School of Art, Rotherham. Training: Midland Iron Co.,Ltd., Rotherham; Technical College, Sheffield, and Sheffield Electric Light Power Co. Assistant Engineer, Sheffield Corporation, 3 years. With Manchester Corporation in 1902, and ultimately held the position of Resident Engineer for the City Power A Stations. Appointed in 1914 Burgh Electrical Engineer to the Greenock Corporation. District Engineer for Greenock and District Coal Control; Secretary to the West of Scotland Committee for the Interconnection of Electricity Supply Undertakings. 1919-20—Chairman of the Students' Section (Scottish Centre) Institution of Electrical Engineers. Awarded Ayrton Premium in 1913. Member of Greenock Club. War Services.—znd Lieutenant, Renfrewshire Electric Light Company, Royal Engineers (V. ).

WHYTE, Adam Gowans, B.Sc. (Glasgow )t Associate I.E.E., Editor-in-Chief of " Elec. Industries," " The Eng. Review," and other publications of the Elec. Press, Ltd.; b. 1875. Ed. Allan Glen's Sch., Glasgow; and Glasgow University. Publ.: " The Elec. Industry " (Methuen ), " Electricity in Locomotion " (Cambridge University Press). Address: 13-16, Fisher Street, London, W.C.. T. A.: " c/o Farsighted, Westcent, London." T. N.: Holborn 2012.

WICKHAM, John Avenel, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., A.C.G.I., Cons. Engr.; Partner in firm of Cooper and Wickham; b.1881; s. of William Wickham, F.R.C.S. Ed. Reading Sch. Training: City and Guilds Central Tech. Coll. Career: Contractors' Engr. on Reservoirs, Aqueducts, River Diversions, etc., for the East London Waterworks; Malta !Breakwaters; Dover Harbour Works; Para, Port Works, Brazil; Valparaiso Port Works, Chile; Contractors' Agent on Mar. Railway. Station, Dover; Para, Port Works, Brazil; Chief iEngr., Ports Construction, B.E.F., France (Col.); Director-General of Transportation, B.E.F., France (Brig.-Gen.); Member Interallied Commission for the repairs to Belgian Ports. Club: Badminton. Address: 6 and 7, Cowley Street, Westminster, S.W.'. T. N.: Victoria 3460.

WICKSTEED, Charles, J.P., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Bryn Hafod, Kettering. T. A.: "Wicksteed, Kettering." T. N.: 103 Kettering. b. 1847; s. of Rev. Charles Wicksteed, Leeds; m. Mary Jane Gibb. Ed. Private school, Lancaster. Training: Kitson and Co., Leeds, Mechanical Engineering Works. Development of steam ploughing machinery, tube expanders and small tools, sawing machines. County Alderman, Magistrate, Pres. of Liberal Assoc., etc. Pubis.: " The Land for the People," " Our Mother, the Earth," " Cottage Farms "; numerous articles on economic and political matters. Member of National Liberal Club, London, and Liberal Club, Kettering. War Services.—Manufactured parts for 4.5-inch howitzer, 4.5-inch and 6-inch high explosive shells and machinery for war work.

WIDDAS, Southern, M.I. and S.I., M.Inst.Met., Works. Chemist and Metallurgist, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd.; b. 1891. Ed. Leeds Modern Sch. Training: Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. Career: 1908-17—Pupil and Asst. Chemist, Vickers, Ltd., Barrow; 1917-18—Works Chemist and Metallurgist, Vickers, Ltd., Ipswich; 1918 to present day—Works Chemist and Metallurgist, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Ipswich. City and Guilds Bronze Medallist (Iron and Steel Manufacture ), 1911-12. Address: 36, Springfield Lane, Ipswich. T. A.: Widdas, Ransomes, Ipswich." T. N.: Ipswich 766.

WIDDOWSON, James George, M.I. and S.I., Associate in Metallurgy; Man. Dir., Apex Steel Co., Sheffield; Director, Premier Steel Co., Ltd.; b. 189o. Ed. Wesley Coll., and Sheffield University. Member Sheffield Soc. -Eng. and Met.; Sheffield Soc. of Met. and Met. Chemists, etc. Address: 283, South Road, Sheffield. T. A.: " Apex, Sheffield." T. N.: 4687 and 4688 Central.

WIGHT and FIDOE, Consulting Mining Engineers, Atlas Chambers, James Street, Cardiff. T. N.: 3716 Cardiff. Partners: W. D. Wight, Past President South Wales Institute of Engineers; J. W. Fidoe, A.M.I.E.E., late Captain, Royal Engineers,Engineer-in'Chief's Staff, General Headquarters, France. The firm act as Consulting Engineers to several colliery companies, including The Penrikyber Navigation 'Collieries, Ltd., The South Wales Primrose Coal Co., Ltd., The Globe Collieries Co., Ltd., etc.

WIGHT, John T., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.S.E., Hydraulic and General Engineer, Dartleigh, London Road, Ascot; b. 1882. Ed. Lasswade Higher Grade 'School and Heriot-Watt College. Edinburgh. Hold Engineering Diploma of this College and Honour Medals in heat engines, mechanics of structures, structural design and machine design. Also Honours Medallist in Mechanical Engineering at City and Guilds of London Institute. Leading Draughtsman with MacTaggart, Scott and Co., Ltd., Edinburgh, for .design of heavy hydraulic tools and ship's cargo handling plant. Joined Heriot-Watt College staff in 190 5; appointed Head of the Machine Design Department in 1908 and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1913; appointed Head of Engineering Department of Woolwich Polytechnic in 1918; Secretary and General Manager, Hydraulic Gears, Ltd., London. Publications: Elementary textbook on Graphic Statics; paper on "Strength of False Links for Mine Haulage Chains." War Services.—Assistant Engineer to the South East of Scotland Munitions Committee; carried out extensive series of experiments on 4-inch chemical shell for the Trench Warfare Department of the Ministry of Munitions.

WIKE, Charles Froggatt, M.Inst.C.E., City Surveyor, Town Hall, Sheffield.

WILCOX, Walter Maitland, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Technical College, Huddersfield; b. 1884. Ed. City and Guilds of London and Finsbury Technical College; Diplomat in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Apprentice for 3 years, British Westinghouse Co., Manchester. Outside Erection Staff of British Westinghouse Co. for 2 years; Demonstrator and Lecturer at Northampton Polytechnic Institute, London, E.C., 1909-13, Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Technical College, Huddersfield, since 1913. War Services.—Plant Engineer, Huddersfield National Shell Factory.

WILD, Adamson George, M.I.Mech.E., A.M. I.E.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr.; Man. Dir., A. G. Wild and Co., Ltd.; b. 1869; s. of the late James Wild, Steel Manufacturer. Ed. Ecclesall Coll., and King Edward VI's Sch., E. Retford. Training: Sheffield Tech. Sch., and Sch. of Art. App. to Easterbrook, Allcard and Wild, Engrs. and Machine Tool Makers, Sheffield; in the machine shops at Thos. Firth and Sons, Ltd., Shot Forge, Sheffield, and G.N. Railway. Co., Doncaster; Chief Engr., W. S. Laycock, Ltd., Sheffield, 1895-1919; has specialized in Automatic Couplings and Steam Heating Apparatus for Railway. Carriages, and taken out several Patents in connection with Railway. Fittings; also Electric Lighting and Heating of Railway. Carriages, and the erection of Private Electric Lighting Plants. Club: Constitutional, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. Address: Caxton Road, Broomhill, Sheffield. T. A.: " Radiate, Sheffield." T. N.: Attercliffe 325 (Works).

WILD, George Henry, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., Loco., Carriage and Wagon Supt., Dublin and S.E. Railway.; b. 1877. Ed. Dundalk Educational Inst.; Dundalk Railway. Tech. Classes; Municipal Tech. Schs. at Carlisle and Dundalk. App. G.N. Railway. (Ireland); Loco., Carriage and Wagon Works, Dundalk; further experience: Cowans, Sheldon and Co.'s Eng. Works, Carlisle; N.E. Railway. Works, Darlington; Dundalk Railway. Works; and various Loco. Depots on G.N. Railway. (Ireland ). Career: Loco. Erecting Shop Foreman, Dundalk Railway. Works, 1910; Loco. Foreman, Londonderry District, 1911-16; Asst. Loco. Supt., Dublin and S.E. Railway., 1916; Loco. Supt., 1917. Address: Upper Grand Canal Street Works, Dublin. T. A.: " Loco, Dublin." T. N.: Dublin 2671.

WILD, Lancelot William, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, York Mansion, York Street, Westminster, S.W.'. T. N.: Victoria 88. b. 1872. Ed. Eastbourne College and Hanover Square School of Electrical Engineering. With Brush Electrical Engineering, Shillingford Works Co., and Chatham Electricity Works. Established since 1901 in Westminster Electrical Testing Laboratory, carrying out testing, experimental and research work and as consulting engineer to various manufacturing firms. Publications: Various papers read before the Institution of Electrical Engineers and other societies. War Services.—Work for Admiralty, Ministry of Munitions and Aircraft Inspection Department.

WILDEBLOOD, Henry Seddon, Captain M.Inst.C.E., A.F.R.Ae.S Aeronautical Engr., 22, Leinster Gardens, London, W.2. T. N.: Regent 6700; Extension 702; Paddington 832. b 1863; s. of Seddon and Elizabeth Wildeblood. Ed. Sandbach, Cheshire; 3 years theory and. workshop at the Royal Indian Eng. Coll., Coopers Hill, passed out fifth; Associate, Coopers Hill. Obtained appointment in Indian Public Works Department; one year's " Practical Course " on Liverpool Water Works, Vyrnwy. Assistant, Executive and Superintending Engineer, Public Works Department, India; Chief Engineer of Kashmir and Rajputana; Under-Secretary to Government of India Public Works Department; held charge of all public works in Kashmir and Rajputana and of all roads, bridges and buildings and of waterworks, sanitary and electrical works in the United Provinces, both repair and original work. Chief Works: Naini Tal protection works against landslips roads and bridges in Himalayas and plains; reservoirs, canals, roads, etc., in Kashmir and Rajputana; famine relief work for nearly 1,000,000 labourers; Government House, Naini Tal; Agricultural College, Cawnpore; Secretariat buildings, Naini Studied aeronautics as a hobby since 1908; designed, built and flew own aeroplane in India and carried out numerous experiments until departure in 1915. Publications: Articles on aeronautics from 1910 onwards; several patents on aeroplanes. Member of Royal Aero Club; Roehampton Club; London Country Sports Club, Hendon. War Services.—Resigned appointment in India in November, 1915, in order to do aeronautical work, Technical Department, Air Ministry; in charge of improvements to S.E.5.A. and other aeroplanes during war. British War Medal. Employed in Air Ministry, Directorate of Research.

WILDING, James, F.S.I., M.S.A., Whist. M. and Cy.E., M.R.San.I., M.I.Water E., Surveyor and Water Engr., Runcorn U.D.C.; b. 1862; s. of James Wilding. Ed. Liverpool Coll., Liverpool Sch. of Sc. and Technology. Training: Liverpool; Private Firms. Career: Extensive Private Street Works and Road Construction and Sewerage Schemes; conversion of whole town from privy system to Water Carriage; connection of gravitation Water Supply from Liverpool Mains to Runcorn System; many,Water Extensions and New Work; Water Tower, etc.; New Hospital; New Carnegie Library, etc.; Runcorn War Memorial, and all Municipal Works of Runcorn for 28 years, including administration; 3o years Lecturer, Liverpool Municipal Tech. Sch.; City and Guilds. Advisory Corn. elected as City and Guilds Representative; Silver and Bronze Medallist. Address: Town Hall, Runcorn. T. N.: 3o and 154 Runcorn.

WILKINSON, Frank Sidney, M.I. and S.I., Teacher of Metallurgy and Iron and Steel Manufacture, Dudley and Brierley Hill, Tech. Schs.; b. 1880; s. of Eber William Wilkinson. Ed. Dudley. Training: Wednesbury Sc. Sch. First Class Hons. Certs. Member of Council of Staffs I. and S. Inst.; Examiner in Metallurgy for Union of Educational Inst. Address: Ellerslie, Ludgate Street, Dudley.

WILKINSON, Henry Daniel, M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., Cons. and Inspecting Engr.; b. 1857; s. of Rev. John Wilkinson, London. Ed. Cowper St. Schs., London. Training: Eastern Telegraph Co.; Davey Paxman and Co.; Hanover Square Schs.; attended Prof. Ayrton's Classes, City and Guilds. Career: Cable Electrician, Straits Settlements; Paris Exposition, 1889, Mech. Engr.-in-Charge, for Davey Paxman and Co. Appointments Held: British Royal Commissions, Chelsea (Royal Naval Exhibition, 1891), and Chicago, U.S.A. (Columbian Expdsition, 1893); Willans and Robinson; Westminster Electric Supply Corpn.; Expert in the Cable Co., Electric Tramway Disturbances case at Capetown, S. Af.; Lecturer on Electric Wiring and Mathematics, Chelsea Polytechnic; Cons. Elec. Engr. to Birmingham University, Whiteley Homes Trustees, Alhambra Theatre Co., Leckhampton Quarries, British and Dutch Eng. Co., Eastern Telegraph Co.; Inspecting Engr. to the Elec. Depts. of Johannesburg Municipality, East London Municipality (S. Af. ), Capetown Corpn., Bloemfontein Municipality. Publ.: " Submarine Cable-Laying and Repairing," " Practical Notes for Elec. Students," " Electric Lifts. " Address: 56, Victoria Street, S.W. T. A.: " Conspicio, London." T. N.: 3662, Victoria.

WILKINSON, Jos., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr. to Hull Corpn. Tramways, Tramway Power Station Bdgs., Osborne Street, Hull. Address: 4, Morpeth Street, Hull.

WILKINSON, J. R., Member of Council, Mid. Inst. of Min. Civil and Mech. Engrs., Oakley House, Darton, near Barnsley.

WILKINSON, L. St. G., M.C., M.Sc., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., M.R.San.I.,, Civil Engineer, Municipal Buildings, Crewe. T. A.: "Borough Surveyor, Crewe." T. N.: 2 Crewe. b. 1886; only s. of Dr. J. B. Wilkinson of Oldham. Ed. Oldham Grammar School and University of Manchester; Graduating 1907 in Honours, School of Engineering. Engineering Assistant, Borough Engineer, Luton, 1907-9; Assistant Waterworks Engineer, Oldham, 1909-12; Engineering Assistant to Borough Engineer, Huddersfield, 1912-19; Chief Assistant Borough Engineer, Huddersfield, 1919; Borough and Water Engineer, Crewe, since June,. 1919; Superintendent, Crewe Corporation Fire Brigade since February, I 920; Architect to Housing Committee, Crewe, since August, 1919; Member of Council, Manchester Association of Students, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1919-20; Silver Medallist, Manchester University Engineering Society, 1906 Millar Prize, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1910. Member of Lancs and Cheshire Waterworks District Council, 1920; V.-Chairman, North-Western District, National Fire Brigade Association; Member of National Council, Roads Improvement Association. Publications: " A Practical Chart of Town Planning Procedure," " The Utilization of Municipal Waste." War Services.—Served August 4, 1914, to January, 1919, with loth Battalion Manchester Regiment and on Staff, 126th Infantry Brigade and No. 2 M.G.C. Training Brigade. Served 3i years overseas in Egypt, Gallipoli, Sinai and France. Awarded Military Cross, January, 1918.

WILLET, Archibald William, M.Inst.C.E., s. of the late John Willet, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Grammar Sch. and University of Aberdeen, and University of Edinburgh. Pupil with John Willet, M.Inst.C.E. Asst. to Harbour Engr. of Aberdeen, 1880; Asst. and Res. Engr. on the Staff, L. and N.W. Railway., 188x1910; Chief Engr., Birmingham Canal Co.; Pres. Birmingham Assoc. of Students, Inst.C.E., 1914-2o. Address: Birmingham Canal Co., Daimler House, Birmingham. T. N.: Midland 1538.

WILLIAMS, Charles Edward, Major (late R.E.), O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., Tech. head of Eng. Inspection Branch, Crown Agents for the Colonies, Westminster; b. 1873. Ed. Llandovery Coll. Asst. Works Manager, Vulcan Loco. Works, Lancashire; Engr. Inspector, N.Z. and W. Australian Govt. Railways.; Asst. Manager, Robt. Stephenson and Co., Darlington; Deputy Chief Inspecting Engr., Crown Agent's Office, London; during the War was D.A.D. at the War Office. Club: St. Stephen's. Address-: 4, Millbank, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N. Victoria 7730.

WILLIAMS, David John, F.S.I., M.Inst.M.M., Mineral Valuer (Wales), Bd. of Inland Revenue, since 1910; b. 1873; s. of late David Williams,. M.R.C.V.S. Ed. University Coll. of N. Wales, and Royal Coll. Sc., London. Career: 1895-7-Chemist, Rand Central Ore Reduction Co., Ltd.. Johannesburg; 1897-1902—Engr., Rand Mines,Ltd., Johannesburg; 1902-9—Cons. Engr., African Claim and Land Co., Ltd., Johannesburg; Member of The Water Power Resources Committee, B.O.T. Address: Ty Newydd, Garn Dolbenmaen, N. Wales. Official Address: 33, Park Place, Cardiff. T. A.: ' Sapientior, Cardiff." T. N.: Cardiff 1497.

WILLIAMS, Ernest, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I. M.M., Mining Engineer, 8A, Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.2. T. A.: "Ernwilm, London." T. N.: London Wall 3735. Training under late Thos. J. Bewick, London, and Haydon Bridge, Northumberland. Career: Chief Assistant to Bewick and Moreing, civil and mining engineers, London; Assistant and Representative, Bewick, Moreing and Alford, Johannesburg, Transvaal, coal and gold mining; organization of management and equipment of Gold Mines, Western Australia. In practice in Johannesburg as Consulting Engineer and Manager of coal and gold mines. Reporting on diamond, tin, copper, molybdenite, monazite oil shale and other mining propositions. Resident Partner in Western Australia, Hooper, Speak and Williams; principally gold mine administration and equipment. Resident Engineer for Bewick, Moreing and Co., in the Porcupine District, Canada, gold mining and equipment. Since 1913 in practice in London as Consulting Mining Engineer. Visited Russia, Siberia, Spain, Dutch Guiana, Chile, etc., for Bewick, Moreing and Co. and others; reporting on gold, copper, silver, coal, bismuth, lead and other mines. Past President, Coolgardie Chamber of Mines; Hon. Life Member of the South African Institution of Engineers; Past President, South African Association of Engineers (now the South African Institution of Engineers); Past VicePresident of the South African Association for the Advancement of Science; Member of first Commission for Framing Mining Regulations, South African Republic (Transvaal); Holder of Mine Manager's Certificate, Transvaal; Late Member of Board of Examiners for Mine Manager's Certificate, Transvaal Republic and Crown Colony Governments. War Services.-1917-9—Assistant Inspector Munitions Areas, Ministry of Munitions. Later Oil Production Officer; Mineral Resources Development Department, Ministry of Munitions.

WILLIAMS, George Bransby, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.San.I., F.R.G.S., A.M.E.E., F.I.San.E., M.I.E. (India), J.P. (Glamorgan), Waterworks and Sanitary Engr.; Chief Engr., Public Health Dept., Bengal Govt.; b. 1872; s. of Morgan Bransby Williams, D.L., J.P., M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Clifton Coll. Training: Wright, Butler and Co.'s (now Baldwin's, Ltd. ).Eng. Works, Pontypool; and pupil of late James Manserg, L.F.R.S., Pres. Inst. C.S. Asst. Engr., Birmingham Waterworks, 1895; Res. Engr., reconstruction Whitley Waterworks, 1897; Railway. Staff Office, I.M. Railways., S. Af. War, 1900-1; District Engr., Pretoria and Waterval Boven; Asst. to late G. R. Strachan, M.Inst.C.E., 1902-6; Cons. San. Engr., Crown Agents for ColOnies, 1906-9, during which time visited and reported on sanitation of town in E. Af.; San. Engr., Bengal Govt., 1909-21; Chief Engr., P.H.D., Bengal, 1921. Has designed between ioo and 200 Schemes of Water Supply and Drainage of India, of which has carried out a considerable number; of these the more important completed or under construction are Gaya, Hooghly Chinsura, Jessor, Kalimpong, Uttarpara, Midnapore, Krishnagar, and Naton 40 Waterworks; Water Supply Scheme of Jeni Coalfield; Gaya Drainage; Dacca and Kursiong Sewerage. Member of Calcutta Corpn.; Major Territorial Force Reserve (late S. London Signal Cos. R.E., T.F. ); Chairman, Calcutta Section, Inst. Mech. Engrs., 1914-19; Member Organizing Committee, Inst. of Engrs. (India). Publ.: "Elementary San. Eng.," " Practical San. Eng. " (series of Lectures at Civil Eng. Coll., Sibpur ); and Papers on Tech. Subjects, to " R.G.S. J'ournal," " R.E. Journal," Proceedings Inst. C.E., etc. Clubs: Reform; United Service, Calcutta. Address: Killay House, Sketty, Glamorgan; Mercantile Bdgs., Calcutta.

WILLIAMS, G. J., Min. Engr., Coed Menai, Bangor.

WILLIAMS, Harris Gregory, O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.N.A., M.Inst.Met., M.N.E.C.Inst., General Manager Shipyard and Chief Naval Arch itect, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Armstrong Naval Yard, Walker-on-Tyne; b. 1870. Ed. Private and Reading School; Royal Naval Engineering Colleges, Portsmouth and Devonport, and Royal Naval College, Greenwich. First Class Professional Certificate in Naval Architecture at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. 1892-6—Assistant Constructor at H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. 1896I 902—Examiner of Dockyard Work in Director of Dockyards' Department at Admiralty. 1902-12 —Constructor in Director of Naval Construction Department, Admiralty. 1912-14—Manager, Submarine Boat Department of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd. 1914—Local Director.

WILLIAMS, Herbert Geraint, M.Sc., M.Eng., Assoz.M.Inst.C.E.,Mec. anical Engineer, 130, Ashley Gardens, S.W.I. T. A.: "Toolexhib, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 7425 and Victoria 4353. b. 1884; s. of the late Thomas Williams, M.A., LL.D., schoolmaster; m. 1916 to Dorothy Frances, d. of late Baston Jones. Ed. University of Liverpool; Bachelor of Engineering First Class Honours, 1906; Bachelor of Science, Second Class Honours, 1907; M.Eng., 1910; M.Sc., 1908; elected Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., 1910; President, British University Students' Congress, 190 7. Apprenticeship, Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Ltd., Stafford. Marine Engineer, one voyage in H.M.S. Sobo; Assistant to Lewis A. Smart, M.I.Mech.E. (consulting engineer); Engineer-in-charge of electrical work with Sir John Norton Griffiths, M.P., public works contractor; since 1911, Secretary and Manager of Machine Tool Trades' Association Incorporated; Joint Sec. of Eng. and Shipbuilding Hours of Labour Investigation Ctee. Chief Works: Battersea to Deptford Sewer. Member of Wimbledon Borough Council for 3 years; Past Member Advisory Ctee. L.C.C. Sch. of Eng. and Navigation, and Member of numerous committees; Parliamentary Candidate (Conservative) for combined English Universities, 1918. Pubis.: (Statistical) " The Nation's Income," " Britain's Financial and Economic Position," and numerous pamphlets. Member of the I900 and Constitutional Clubs. War Services.—Sergeant, Metropolitan Special Constabulary; volunteer worker at Ministry of Munitions (one of the first twenty). Lieutenant, Royal Army Ordnance Corps.

WILLIAMS, H. J. W., Engr. and Manager, Carmarthen Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Electricity 'Works, Carmarthen.

WILLIAMS, John Robert, F.R.G.S., F.S.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Res. Constructional Engr., Sheffield Corpn. Electric Supply Dept., since 1902; b. 1873; s. of C. W. Williams, Liverpool. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch. Training: Manchester Sch. of Technology, and Victoria University. App. with John Laird and Co., Mar. Engrs., Birkenhead; Mar. experience with Harrison Line, and Shaw Saville and Albion Steamship Co.; Manchester Steam Users' Assoc.; Asst. Engr., Salford Corpn., Electric Supply Dept.; Supt. Engr., Sheffield Corpn., Tramways Dept.; at present engaged' on erection of ntw Power Station (30,000 K.W. ). Papers read before various Insts. Club: Royal Socs. Address: 4, Chelsea Road, Brincliffe, Sheffield. T. A.: " Electricity, Sheffield." T. N. Sharrow 165.

WILLIAMS, Sec.-Lt. Noah, B.Sc., M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council ),Min. Engr., Queen's Chambers, 5, John Dalton Street, Manchester.

WILLIAMS, Stephen, M. J., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer (Railways), 12, All Saints Road, Clifton, Bristol. b. 1871; s. of the late Rev. S. F. Williams, rector of Cold Norton, Essex; m. Louisa Margaret Bower of Cochin, India. Ed. Uppingham School, the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Pupil in Cardiff Waterworks. Assistant Engineer on construction, survey and open line on the Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 1895-99; Assistant Engineer on Survey, Madras Railway, 1900; Personal Assistant to the Engineer-in-Chief for construction, Madras Railway, 1901-5; District Engineer, Madras Railway and South Indian Railway, 1905-14. Chief Works: Employed on Cossye bridge (five 100 ft. spans) and Byturnee Bridge (fifteen i so ft. spans) and various other works including much reconstruction on open lines; reconnaissance survey for line from Baliapatam to Mangalore and other railway alignments. War Services.—Quartermaster, Voluntary Aid Detachment, and Private in 2nd Volunteer Battalion Somerset Light Infantry.

WILLIAMS, Trevor E., M.I.Mar.E., A.C.M.S., Cons. Mar. Engr.; b. 1872. Ed. Steven's Burrows Coll., Swansea. Training: Central Dry Dock and Eng. Co.; Sea-going experience; afterwards Cons. Practice. Has held office as Surveyor to British Corpn. Registry and to Registro Navale, Italiano. Address: 17, St. Mary Street, Swansea. T. A.: " Tangent, Swansea." T. N.: 124 Docks; Residence, 213 Mumbles.

WILLIAMSON, George William, Major, R.A.F., O.B.E., M.C., M.I.E.E., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Aeronautical Engineer, Broad Road, Sale, Cheshire; b. 1885; s. of Hugh Williamson of Sale and Mullabrack, Co. Armagh; m. Maisie, eldest d. of J. F. Wintringham, LL.B., of Grimsby. Ed. Manchester University. Engineering training at Ferranti, Ltd., and Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co. Electrical Inspector, Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co., 1909-11; Chief Engineer, F. C. Poulton and Co., 191r-12; Assistant Branch Manager, Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Bombay Branch, 1913-14. War Services.—Staff-Lieutenant Bombay Division, August, 1914; rejoined 2nd Manchesters, France, September, 1914. Temporary Lieut.-Colonel, Royal Flying Corps, I 917-18, in charge of aero-engine supply AC1 and production (Ministry of Munitions). France, 1914-16; dispatches twice; Military Cross; thrice wounded. Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force, 1916 to date. Honours list, January, 1919, promoted substantive Major; Honours list, June, 1919, O.B.E. Granted permanent commission, August r, 1919.

WILLIAMSON, Sir James, Knight Bac., C.B., Member of Council I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Naval Arch. and Mar. Engr.; retired Director of H.M. Dockyards; b. 1839; s. of late James Rea Williamson, of Edinburgh. Ed. Grammar Sch., Portsmouth. Training: *Sch. and Royal Naval' Coll., H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. Passed with " Admiralty Prize and Distinction." Asst. Overseer during building of H.M.S. " Northumberland," at Millwall Ironworks, in 1865; and on Surveying Mail Ships for carrying H.M. Mails; 17 years Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping; 10 years Manager and Partner of Barclay Curle and Co., Shipbuilders and Engrs., Glasgow; 15 years Director of H.M. Royal Dockyards, Admiralty; Knighthood,, 190o, and Companionship of the Bath, 1902; retired, 1906. Club: Marlborough. Address: 27, Cedars Road„ Clapham, London, S.W.4. T. N.: Battersea 1579., WILLIAMSON, Robert Euman, M.I.N.A., Naval Arch.; Partner, Williamson and Welch; b. 1869; s. of Thomas Williamson, Dundee. Ed. High Sch., and West End Academy, Dundee. Training: Gourlay Brothers and Co., Dundee. Served with Robt. Napier and Sons, Govan; John Brown and Co., Clydebank;; Armstrong, Whitworth, Walker and Elswick; for 13 years Naval Arch., Earle's Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Hull; served during the War on Staff of Director of Tech. Services, Ministry of Shipping; after the Armistice in the Ship Repair Section, in charge latter part of time. Address: 1, Gresham Bdgs., Basinghall Street, E.C.2. T. A.: " Navearktec, Stock." T. N.: Bank 5209.

WILLIAMSON, William, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., Sherbourne, South Park Road, Hamilton.

WILLIS, Edward, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.San.I., etc., Municipal and Civil Engineer, Town Hall, Chiswick, W.4. T. A.: " Engineer, Chiswick." T. N: Chiswick 2030; Chiswick moo (private). b. 1871; seventh s. of William Willis of Windsor; m. seventh d. of J. Tucknott, of Brighton. Ed. St. Mark's School, Windsor, now Royal United Services College. Articled to Walter Summerbell, Architect, Windsor, assistant to Stephen M. Wyborn, M.S.A., and others. In private practice as Architect and Surveyor. Int partnership with John Willis for about three years. Municipal appointment under Oliver Claude Robson, Past President I.M. and Cy.E. Building Surveyor, Assistant Engineer, then Chief Engineer and Surveyor at Chiswick, subsequently Architect to the Education Committee, which appointments he still holds. Member of the Council of the Inst.M. and Cy.E., Town Planning Institute and the R.San.I. Honorary Examiner for the above and the Surveyors' Institute. Has also acted as Consulting Engineer for various Local Authorities and given. NA evidence on Municipal undertakings in Parliamentary Corn mittees and the High Courts. Chief Works: Extensive surface water drainage, road and sewerage works, and river foreshore protection, new schools, arterial roads and bridges, etc. Publications: Has read papers before the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, Concrete Institute, Town Planning Institute and other professional bodies. Associate Member of the Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Fire Surveyor for temporary and Government Hospitals; Assistant Commandant, 47th Middlesex Voluntary Aid Detachment; Assistant Commandant, Chiswick Red Cross Hospital; owner motor driver in Voluntary Aid Detachment for transport of wounded soldiers.

WILLIS, George Henry, Major, C.I.E., M.V.O., R.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E. (India), Engr.; Master of the Mint, Bombay; b. 1875; s. of the late J. Willis, I.S.O. Ed. St. Paul's Sch. Training: R.M.A., Woolwich; S.M.E., Chatham; Submarine Min. Sch., Plymouth. Career: Military Eng. Duties, 1895-1902; Cons. Work for Military Mech. and Elec. Installations (all India ), 1902-7; personally responsible for Electric Lighting and Punkah Pulling, Meerut, and other Cantonments; Deputy Mint Master in India, 1907-15; since then Master of the Mint, Bombay; Member of Council, Inst. of Engrs. (India ), of which he was one of the Founders. Member of various Indian Clubs. Address: H.M. Mint, Bombay. T. A.: " Mint, Bombay."

WILLMORE, T., Managing Engr., Wellingborough Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd.; and Birkdale District Electric Supply Co., Ltd.

WILLMOT, Joseph William, I.S.O., M.Inst. C.E., Controller of Factories, Postal Telegraphs; retired, 1909; b. 1849; s. of Joseph and Catharine Willmot. Ed. Penley's Coll., Westminster. App. Eng. Branch, Electric and International Telegraph Co., 1862; served under late Cromwell F. Varley, Engr. to Co.; and late R. S. Culley, first Engr.-in-Chief to the P.O., and his successors, the late Edward Graves and Sir 'William Preece, C.B., F.R.S.; was engaged in developing the Pneumatic Tube System in London and principal towns; numerous inventions and improvements in Pneumatics and Telegraphy, among the former being a Double Sluice Pneumatic Valve, an Intermediate Signaller, which has vastly increased the working capacity of Pneumatic Tubes, a Quick-Break Electric Light Switch, an Air-Motor for Driving Telegraph Instruments; and the following in connection with the Wheatstone System of Automatic Telegraphy, viz.—a Double Pneumatic Puncher, a Hollow Punch for Perforators, a Magnetic Bias Reverser, and a Motor and Train. Address: 41, Tufnell Park Road, Holloway. T. A.: " Willmot, Holloway." T. N.: 33 Official.

WILLOX, William, M.A., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer Metropolitan Railway, Baker Street Station, London, N.W.r. T. A.: "Metlectric, Upbaker, London." T. N.: Mayfair 6640. b. in Aberdeenshire; m. and has one s. and five d. Ed. Aberdeen Grammar School and University. Served pupilage with Bell and Miller of Glasgow. Telford Premium for paper to Institution of Civil Engineers. Engaged on construction of Conde d'Eu Railway, Brazil, the Manila Dagupan Railway, Philippine Islands, Parliamentary work for extension of Aberdeen Waterworks and for Bristol and Avonmouth Docks, contracts for late Sir J. Firbank, Resident Engineer for Stoat's Nest to Earlswood Railway, L.B. and S.C. Railway Co., and Northern District Engineer for same railway; Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Railway, since 1906. Chief Works: New Baker Street Station, new flats over line, widening of railway, Finchley Road to Wembley Park, etc., and introduction of all electric automatic signalling. Past President, Permanent Way Institution.

WILMER, Horace, M.Inst.C.E., F.S.A., Irrigation and Railways. Retired. b. 1851; s. of Bradford Wilmer. Ed. Rugby Sch. Training: Royal Indian Eng. Coll., Coopers Hill. P.W.D., India; Asst. Engr. (2nd Grade), in charge of Irrigation Works, 1874; with G.E. Railway., Asst. Engr., Res. Engr., in charge of construction of Bishopsgate New Goods Station; Engr. S.Div., Jan., 1882; Chief Engr. Nov., 1914; during that time engaged in the construction of new lines; maintenance of existing lines; reconstruction of Bridges, etc., and a large number of other works. Club: St. Stephen's, up to the end of 1920. Address: Church House, Brede, Sussex.

WILMSHURST, Thomas Percival, M.B.E., M.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Engr., Derby Corpn.; b. 1869; s. of Edwin Wilmshurst. Ed. King Edward VI Sch., East Retford. Pupil of late Sir C. Bright,. and Taunton Electric Light Co.; Asst. Engr. and Chief Engr., Exeter Elec. Light Co.; Borough Elec. Engr., Halifax; P.-Pres. of I.M.E.A.; P.-Chairman, Derby Soc. of Engrs. Club: Derby. Address: Lime Leigh, Burton Road, Derby. T. N.: 98.

WILSON, Alfred W. G., A.M., Ph.D., F.G. S.A., Industrial Development (Chemico—Metallurgical ); Chief Engr., Metal Mines Division, Mines Branch; b. 1873; s. of Richard Wilson and Mary A. Wilson, née Kingston. Ed. and Training: Universities of Toronto and Harvard, Columbia Sch. of Mines, and McGill University. Career: Geological and Topographical Exploration for Canadian Government and private organizations; Private practice, as Consultant in Eng. Geology; Government Investigator in Metal Min.; Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals; development of Chemical Industries; Reports on Min. Developments and Reports on Industrial Developments based on Raw Mineral Products. Offices Held: Tech. Adviser to the War Trade Bd., Canada; Special Investigator on the Developement of the Chemical Industries in Canada. Life M., Geol. Soc. Amer.; Life M.Am.Inst.M.M.; Life M.I.M.M., London; Professional M. Canadian Inst.M.M. Publ.: " Pyrites and Its Uses," " Copper Smelting Industries of Canada," " On the Production of Spelter in Canada," " Development of Chemical and Metallurgical Industries of Canada " (in Press ). Club: Engrs.', Toronto, Ontario. Address: 182, Centre Street, Ottawa, Canada. T. N.: Carlisy 213o.

WILSON and BLYTHE (late Cumming and Wilson), Marine Consulting Engineers, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: "Notner, Newcastle." T. N.: Central 120 Newcastle. Principals: J. F. Wilson and W. J. Blythe. Established over 30 years. General business of the firm—Surveyors to the Salvage Association, London; Consulting Engineers and Marine Surveyors; Constructional Superintendents for the building of ships and marine engines. War Services.—J. F. Wilson has been Superintending Engineer to the Ministry of Shipping Coasting Trade Office during the war and continues in that capacity.

WILSON, Andrew, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S.E., Civil Engr.; b. 1877. Ed. Royal High Sch., Edinburgh. Training: Leith Sc. Coll.; HeriotWatt Coll.; and Edinburgh University. Various Medals, etc., including Senior Eng. Medal of University. Career: In Partnership with Allan Carter; carried out Water and Sewage Works for many Counties and Burghs in Scotland; acted as Eng. Commissioner for the L.G.B. for Scotland; Civil Eng., including expert evidence in English and Scottish Courts; served in France in R.E., and on Staff; demobilized with rank of Major. Club: Royal Forth Yacht. Address: 51, Queen Street, Edinburgh. T. N.: 1594.

WILSON, Arthur Kingsford, M.I. and S.I., Man. Dir., Spear and Jackson, Ltd., Sheffield; and Brabble and Sanderson, Ltd., Sheffield; b. 1885. Ed. Rugby Sch. and Sheffield University. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy, and Public Schs. Address: 'Snaithing Brook, Sheffield.

WILSON, Arthur Noel, Chevalier Order Crown of Belgium, M.I.Mech.E., Mem. AngloBelgian Union, Railway., Textile and Ventilating Engr.; Man. Dir., T. E. Wilson-Clyma, Lille, France; b. 1877; s. of Thomas E. Wilson. Ed. King's Sch., Canterbury. Training: Institut Industriel, Lille University. Silver Medal, Ste Industrielle, Lille. Pupil, Mather and Platt, Ltd., Manchester. Career: 1900—Engr. with Paul Kestner, of Lille, Vacuum Evaporators, Chemical Machinery; 1903—Partner firm, T. E. Wilson-Clyma, of Lille and Ghent, Engrs.' Textile Machinery; Patentee Inventions, Ventilation and Pneumatic Conveying; 1915—Engr., Machinery Dept. of C.I.R., B.O.T.; 1916—Head of Railway. Materials Dept. (Allies ), C.I.R., F.O.; Member Railways. Priority Committee, M. of M. (1917); Sec., Railways. Centralizing Committee (Allies); 1918— Textile Machinery Mission to French liberated Territory; 1919—Tech. Officer to Reconstruction Corn., Belgian Ministry of Economic Affairs; 1919— Tech. Officer to Rt. Hon. Herbert Samuel, Special British Corn. to Belgium; Sept., 1919—resigned Govt. Service, and resumed as Man. Dir., T. E. Wilson-Clyma, Lille. Report on " The Condition of Textile Industries in the Invaded Districts of France." lub: Union, Brussels. Address: 23, Rue Paul Lauters, Brussels (Belgium); and 27, Rue Leon Gambetta, Lille (France ). T. A.: " Anson, Brussels." " Wilson-Clyma, Lille." T. N.: 22, 74, Lille.

WILSON, Charles, M.I.Mech.E., Dist. Loco. Supt., Federated Malay States Railways., Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S.

WILSON, Christopher, A.M.I.E.E., Director, General Electric Co., Ltd.; b. 1870. Ed. and Trained: Finsbury Tech. Coll. Club: Constitutional. Address: 8o, Castlenau, Barnes. T. N.: 1888 Hammersmith.

WILSON, Ernest, Wh.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.S. E.E., Prof. of Elec. Eng., Univ. of London, King's Coll.; Fellow and Dean of the Eng. Faculty. Publ.: " Elec. Traction " (2 Vols. ), and original Papers presented to the Royal Soc., Inst. of Elec. Engrs., Royal Soc. of Arts, and various Tech. Journals. Club: Savile. Address: University of London, King's Coll. T. N.: 207 Gerrard.

WILSON, F. J., Chief Elec. Engr. and Director, Leyburn Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Leyburn, Yorks.

WILSON, Frederick James, C.I.E., M.Inst. C.E., Meadhurst, Sidmouth, Devon; b. 1858; s. of late Wm. Wilson of Pilton, Queensland, Australia, and Edinburgh; m. Mary Phoebe, eldest d. of late Colonel Edward Alfred Birch, M.D., formerly Indian Medical Service. Ed. Somersetshire College, Bath, and Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. After practical training on Royal Albert Docks, London and Leith Docks, Edinburgh, entered Public Works Department, 188o, as Assistant Engineer and served through various grades to that of Chief Engineer. Engineer to Madras Harbour Trust, 1891-92; Assistant to Chief Engineer for Irrigation, Madras; Under Secretary to Government of Madras, 1896-190o; Chief Engineer, Madras Harbour Trust, 1902-5; Chief Engineer and Secretary to Government, Madras, 1906; retired 1911. Has been Member of Legislative Council of Madras; President of Madras Sanitary Board and Fellow of Madras University. Member of the East India United Service Club, St. James's Square.

WILSON, Frederick Portway, J.P., Foundry Manager and Blast Furnace Engr., Pease and Partners, Ltd., Middlesbrough-on-Tees; b. 1869; s. of John Frederick Wilson, J.P. Ed. Middlesbrough High Sch. and Giggleswick Grammar Sch. Training: Tees-side Iron and Engine Works, Middlesbrough; and Robt. Stephenson and Co., Ltd., Newcastle. Pres. Cleveland Inst. of Engrs., 1819-20. Career: Designing, carrying out and managing Slag-Wool Manufacturing plant at Tees Ironworks; Organizing and managing Shrapnel Shell Plant, 1915-18. Club: Cleveland, Middlesbrough. Address: Parkhurst, Middlesbrough. T. N.: 139 Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

WILSON, John, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Railway Engineer, New Place, Upminster, Essex; b. 1846; s. of Robert Wilson, merchant, Glasgow; m. Emily, d. of S. Swarbrick, ex-General Manager of the Great Eastern Railway. Ed. Dollar Academy, Clackmannanshire. Served 3 years in the locomotive shops of the Great Western Railway at Worcester and 2 years in Worcester Engine Works as a Mechanical Engineer. During the last year of his pupilage in the Worcester Engine Works he had charge of the construction of an important railway bridge over the Usk, at Abergavenny. After serving his articles as Mechanical Engineer, he came to London and was articled as a Civil Engineer to the late Edward Wilson, Consulting and Constructional Engineer to the Great Eastern, Great Western, Metropolitan and other railways. Was engaged upon many large and, extensive works, including the Great Eastern's metropolitan extension and the Liverpool Street Station. He prepared the plans and drawings of the line from Thorpe (Norwich) to North Walsham and was Resident Engineer. Carried out the extension from North Walsham to Cromer, and from Wroxham to Broom Green, and many other important railways throughout the country. On the death of Edward Wilson in 1877, became a partner in the firm of Edward Wilson and Co. Remained with his partner until 1883, after which he became Engineer-in-Chief to the Great Eastern Railway, since which time the Liverpool Street D8 Station has been enlarged, together with the approach lines in the suburban area, and many new lines and works have been carried out on the system, including the docks and quays of Lowestoft. Retired 1910. Past President, Permanent Way Institution; Director of the Highland Society of London; Past President of the Caledonian Society of London; Member of the Scottcsh Corporation and Life Governor of the Royal Scottish Hospital. Major on the retired list of the Railway Engineer Staff Corps. Member of the Junior Carlton and Royal Automobile Clubs.

WILSON, Joseph William, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., F.S.E., Hon.M.J.Inst.E., Principal of the Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering, Crystal Palace, S.E.19. T. N.: Sydenham 487. b. 1851; s. of the late J. W. Wilson, M.Inst.C.E.; m. 1875, Mabel Isabel, d. of C. A. Hanson, C.E. Ed. Private. Served in engineering works and under his father in Westminster. Engaged with his father in carrying out water supply, pier, roof, tramway and other engineering works. In 1872 they founded the Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering; he was first Vice-Principal from 1872-98; then, on his father's death, succeeded him as Principal. Honorary Member of the Junior Institution of Engineers; Vice-President of the Incorporated Society of Inspectors of Weights and Measures; and President of the Society of Engineers in 1892 and 190 8. Member of Council of the Crystal Palace Electrical Exhibition, 1892, and of Lord Brassey's Organizing Committee of the:International Maritime Congress, 1893.

WILSON, J. R. R., Vice-Pres. I.Min.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S., H.M. Inspector of Mines, Northern Division, 4 Park Terrace, Newcastle-onTyne. T. A.: " Mines Inspector, Newcastle-onTyne." T. N.: Central 1862.

WILSON, Maurice, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., VicePrincipal, Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering, S.E.19. T. N. Sydenham 487. b. 1862; s. of late J. W. Wilson, first Principal, Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering. Ed. Halbrake School, Wandsworth; Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering, and Thames Iron Works, Blackwall. Assistant Engineer on construction of Midhurst and Chichester Branch of L.B. and S.C. Railway; Superintendent of various departments in Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering; Surveyor to Sir A. R. Stenning; Contractor's Engineer on construction of Manchester Ship Canal; Assistant Engineer to London Electrical Corporation. President, Society of Engineers, 1906; Vice-Principal, Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering, 1898. War Services.—Sergeant, Metropolitan Special Constabulary, Croydon Sub-Division, 1914-19.

WILSON, Norman Forster, J.P., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Chairman, Man. Dir., Gilbert Gilkes and Co., Ltd.; b. 1869; s. of Isaac Whitwell Wilson, J.P. Ed. Friends' Sch., Kendal, and York. Training: City and Guilds of London Inst. Pupil under Gilbert Gilkes, M.Inst.C.E.; then with John Fowler and Co. (Leeds ), Ltd. On Mr. Gilkes turning his business into a Private Limited Co., became a Man. Dir., and Chairman in 1920. Clubs: Royal Socs., London; Westmorland County. Address: Elmhurst, Kendal. T. A.: "Wilson, Elmhurst, Kendal." T. N.: 209.

WILSON, Reginald Page Campbell, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E., 58, Wynnstay Gardens, 4( Kensington, W.8. T. N.: Western 3113. b. 1866. With National Telephone Co., Grosvenor Gallery and London Electric Supply Corporation. Subsequently practised as Consulting Engineer and in that capacity designed and carried out the following power stations: Blackheath, two phase; Dudley, direct current; Aston Manor, direct current; Pontypridd, direct current; Beckenham, single phase; Melbourne, alternating current, high-tension, and direct current; Perth, Australia; Felixstowe; and designed and carried out the following tramway systems: Dudley, Aston Manor, Pontypridd, Rhondda Valley, Royton and Crompton. Arbitrator for the Board of Trade in tramway settlements under the Act of 1870 at Blackpool and at Accrington. Chief Works: Electrification of the Melbourne (Australia) suburban railways, in partnership with Merz and MacLellan. Member of the Junior Carlton and Ranelagh Clubs. War Services.— Joined R.N.V.R. as A.B. in 1915; was given a commission; resigned January, 1916, to take up duties as Assistant Inspector at Woolwich. Joined Air Board in December, 1917; appointed Director of Aircraft Production, February, 1919.

WILSON, Robert Martill, A.M.I.E.E., M.I. and S.I., Asst. Chief Engr., The Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co., Ltd.; b. 1878; s. of the late Engr.-Commander R. J. Wilson, R.N. Ed. Glasgow High Sch. Training: Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll. App. with Drysdale and Co., Ltd.; and Harvie and Co., Ltd., Glasgow; 4 years Chief Asst. Engr. t o T. Crichton Fulton, Cons. Engr., Glasgow; 5 years Manager for Jas. Kilpatrick and Son, Engrs. and Contractors, Paisley, N.B.; 4 years Partner in Fyfe Wilson and Co., Engrs., Glasgow and London; Chief Asst. Generating Engr., Yorks Electric Power Co., Dewsbury; Power Station Engr. and Chief Asst. Engr., The Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co., Ltd.; supervised erection of large modern Blast Furnaces and Steel Making Plants; also E.H.T. Scheme, linking up The E.V. Co.'s Works and Collieries. Club: Pen-y-Cae, Ebbw Vale, Mon. Address: " The Nook," Ebbw Vale, Mon. T. A.: "Wilson, Co., Ebbw Vale." T. N.. 1 Ebbw Vale.

WILSON, Walter Gordon, C.M.G., B.A., M.Inst.C.E., Hon.M.I.A.E., Hon.M.J.Inst.E., Cons., Mech. and Automobile Engr.; b. 18'74; s. of George Orr Wilson, Dunardagh, Blackrock, Dublin. Ed. and Trained: H.M.S. " Britannia "; King's Coll., Cambridge. 1st Class Hons. Mech. Sc. Career: Designer of the Wilson Pilcher Car, the Armstrong Whitworth Car, the Hollford Lorry, and the " Tank," in conjunction with Sir W. A. Tritton, Chief of Design Mech. Warfare Dept., during the War. Club: R.A.C. Address: Charton, Farningham, Kent. T. A.: "Farningham." T. N.: 8 Farningham.

WILSON, William B., M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., 19, West Parade, Newcastleon-Tyne.

WILSON, William Hamilton, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Wireless Telegraph Engineer, 4, 5 and 6, Bank Broadway, Kingston Hill, Surrey. T. A.: "Wilcoil, Kingston-on-Thames." T. N.: Kingston 1648. b. 1878. Ed. Collegiate School, Wanganui, New Zealand. Apprenticed to Cable and Co., marine engineers, Wellington, New Zealand. Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering courses at King's Collcr., Strand, London, 1901-4. Assistant 0O Engineer to Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., Ltd., London, 1904-6; Chief Assistant Electrical Engineer and part time Acting Electrical Engineer to East Indian Railway Co., Bengal, India, 19c6-8; Electrical Engineer to John Birch and Co., Ltd., London Wall, London, E.C., 1910-11; Secretary and Director of The Wilson Apparatus Co., Ltd., Carlisle, 1911-13. In private practice since 1913 as Electrical Engineer at 4,5 and 6, Bank Broadway, Kingston Hill. Inventor of various wireless telegraph appliances and X-ray apparatus. Publications: Joint author of various papers published in " The Electrician," etc.; author of paper read before Royal Society on " Ruhmkorff Coils." War Services.—Designed and manufactured transformers and wireless telegraph condensers and transmitting sets used in large numbers by War Office, Admiralty, and Royal Air Force.

WIMPERIS, H. E., Major R.A.F., O.B.E., M.I.E.E., Invention and Design of Instruments, chiefly for Aircraft use, Grahamsfield, Goring-onThames. T. A.: "Goring, Reading." T. N.: 8o Goring. b. 1876; m. Grace, third d. of Sir George Parkin, K.C.M.G., LL.D., D.C.L. Training: Imperial College of Science and Caius College, Cambridge. L.B. and S.C. Railway Locomotive Works, Brighton, and Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Elswick. Deputy Head of Department, Crown Agent's Office, London. Nov Head of Air Ministry Laboratory, Imperial College of Science. Publications: " The Internal Combustion Engine," " Application of Power to Road Transport," " Air Navigation." Member of the Athenaeum Club, Royal Air Force Club, Royal Automobile Club, Odd Volumes Club. War Services.—Lieut.-Commander, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve; Major, Royal Air Force. Engaged on experimental work with aircraft.

WINDLE, S. R., Borough Elec. Engr., Doncaster, Yorks.

WINDSOR-RICHARDS, Walter Edwin, M. Inst.M.M., vIanager, Siluminite Insulator Co., Ltd.; b. 1873; s. of Edward Windsor-Richards. Ed. Dulwich Coll., and Royal Sch. of Mines. Five years Min. Engr., in Rhodesia, South Af.; and engaged exclusively in Research Work. Club: Soc. of Chemical Industry. Address: 2, Whitehall Court, W. T. A.: "Siluminite, Southall." T. N.: Southall 59.

WINGFIELD, Charles Humphrey, M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.Inst.Met., Consulting Mechanical Engineer, " Glatton," Brimpton Common, Reading; b. 1855; s. of Rev. George and Mrs. Wingfield of Glatton, Hunts; m. 1888, eldest d. of Wm. Stewart of Belfast. Ed. Haileybury College, Hertford. Apprenticed J. and H. Gwynne, Hammersmith; afterwards Draughtsman, James Simpson and Co., Pimlico; Chief Mech. Engr., J. and I. Thornycroft and Co., for 19 years, during which he was responsible for the design of all machinery, engines, boilers, etc., of the torpedo boats, torpedo boat destroyers and other craft introduced and manufactured by this firm. Was responsible for organizing and carrying out tests of water-tube and other boilers, engines, etc., and for applying scientific discoveries to the design of the firm's specialities. Afterwards held a similar position with Willans and Robinson. Specialized as a technical witness at the Law Courts. Sent by the British Govt. to Brussels Exhibition as one of two di( representatives of Gt. Britain 'on the International Jury on Steam Engines and Allied Machinery. Sent by the British Govt. to the Turin Exhibition, where he was Pres. of the International Jury on Prime Movers. Arbitrator in Eng. disputes. Was Secretary of Ctee. of the Inst. C.E. on methods of testing engines and boilers. Member of the B.E.S.A.; represents the Inst. N. A. on some of their Ctees. Chief Works: Helping to develop the design of torpedo-boat-destroyer boilers and machinery. P.-Pres. of Rugby Eng. Soc., also Hon. Mem. Pubis.: Papers on " Effect of Depth of Immersion on Resistance to a Screw Propeller," Inst. N.A.; on " Boiler Efficiency," Soc. of Engrs.; on. " Some Properties of Iron Piston Rings," the B.A., etc. Member of The South Berks Club, Newbury, and Colonial Institute, London. War Services.—Responsible at M. of M. for technical matters connected with manufacture of shrapnel shell. Afterwards for maintenance of supply of forgings and other material to two Ordnance Factories and for facilitating the inspection and delivery of their output. Also reporting on quality • of steel used for certain guns as indicated by micrographic photographs and special experiments.

WINTER, Oliver Ernest, M Inst.C.E., Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Hampstead, since 1901. Career: Deputy Engr., City of Norwich; Engr. and Surveyor. St. George's Vestry, Southwark; Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Poplar Borough Council. Address: Town Hall, Hampstead, N.W.3. T. N.: 5010, Hampstead.

WINTERBURN, William George, M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1862; s. of F. R. Winterburn, Whitby. Ed. Private Sch., Whitby. Training: Leith Nautical Academy. Distinctions: Gold Medal, Hong-Kong. Several Silver Medals and Diplomas. App. Blair and Co., Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees; Extra First Class Engr., B.O.T. Certificate; Surveyor for Bureau Veritas; also for British Corpn. Registry of Shipping and its affiliated Socs., American, Italian, and Japanese; formerly General Manager, Gee. Fenwick and Co., Ltd., Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Hong-Kong; recently represented French Government in construction of 4o Wooden Steamers in British Columbia; Vice-Pres. Inst. of Mar. Engrs.; Member of Assoc. of Prof. Engrs. of British Columbia. Club: Pacific. Address: Victoria, B.C. T. A.: " Winterburn." T. N. • 2474.

WISNOM, William McKee, Engr.-Commander R.N. (retired), C.I.N.A. (Member of Council), M.I.E.S., Mar. Engr.; Director of Willian Denny and Brothers, Ltd., Dumbarton, and General Manager of Eng. Dept. since igo8; b. 1864. Trail; ing: Portsmouth and Devonport Dockyards (R.N.E. Coll., Keyham ), and R.N. Coll., Greenwich. Career: Afloat in R.N., and served at Admiralty, 1886 to, 1908. Clubs: Junior Naval and Military, Royz I Automobile, London; Conservative, Royal Scottish Automobile, Glasgow. Address: Auchenfroe, Cardross, Dumbartonshire. T. A.: " c/o Lennox, Dumbarton." T. N.: 2 Cardross.

WOAKES, Ernest Russell, A.R.S.M., ViccPres. Inst.M.M., M.Amer.I.M.M.E., Cony. Min. Engr. to John Taylor and Sons, London; b. 1864; s. of late Edward Woakes, M.D., London. Ed. University Coll. Sch., London. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. Assoc.R.S.M., 1st: Class Min., 1882-85. Asst. to Manager, Tolima Min. Co.; Rep. of Colombia, S.A., 1886-91; Manager, Darien Gold-Mining Co., ditto, 1892-99; Duncan Mines, Ltd., Queen Bess Prop. Co., Highland; (Kootenay, B.C. ) Min. Co., British Columbia, 18991902; Linares, Alamillos and Fortuna Lead Mines, Spain, 1902-10; Spanish Diploma, " Ingeniero de Minas," 1904; with John Taylor and Sons, 1910 to date; visited and reported on Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Wolfram, Molybdenum, etc., Mines in most parts of the world; employed by Govt. R.E.S.D. during War in connection with_ Molybdenu in Norway. Publ.: Transactions of Amer. Inst. M. and M.E., and the Inst. of Min. and Metallurgy. Clubs: R.A.C., Min. and Metallurgical. Address: 6, Queen Street, Place, E.C. T. A.: " c/o Rolyat, London." T. N.: 4214.

WOLFENDEN, B. J., Borough Tramways Engr. Bootle Corpn., Town Hall, Bootle.

WOLFENDEN, Ralph, M.B.E., M.Sc., A.M. Mech.E., Barrister-at-Law, British Engineering College, Botanical Gardens, T.O., Howich, India; b. 1884; eldest s. of J. W. Wolfenden, J.P., of Heyside, Lancs. Ed. Waterloo High School, Oldham, and Matriculation Classes, Owens College, Manchester; Oldham Technical School and Victoria University of Manchester. Practical Training: With W. Gunther and Sons, Central Engineering Works, Oldham; Demonstrator in Engineering, King's College, London, W.C., 4 years; Lecturer in Engineering, King's College, London, since 1911; Examiner for the Degree of B.Sc. (Engineering) in the University of London; Lecturer in Surveying and Levelling, City of London College, Moorfields, E.C., 19o7-15. Publications: Paper on "Design of Semi-Elliptic Springs " in "Engineering Review," 1908; paper on "High-Power Water Turbines," Institution of Civil Engineers, 19c 9. War Services.—Scientific Assistant, Department of Metrology (Gauge Testing ), National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, 1915-19.

WOLLEY-DOD, Thomas Crewe, A.M.I.E.E., M.I.E.E. (S. Af.), Pres. Assoc. Municipal Elec. Engrs., Union of S. Af., General Manager, Electric Supply and Tramways, Pretoria; b. 1868. Ed. Wellington Colls., Berks. Training: King's Coll., London.

WOOD, Charles, O.B.E., F.C.S., Gas Engr. and Manager, Bradford Corpn.; b. 1864; s. of William Wood. Ed. Cambridge and Birkenhead. Training: Bradford. Address: Town Hall, Bradford. T. A.: "Gas, Bradford." T. N.: 2426.

WOOD, D. Shipton, Lieut. R.E., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Summer Lane Generating Station, Electric Supply Department, Birmingham. T. A.: " Dynamo, Birmingham." T. N.: 4227 Central Birmingham. b. 1888; s. of H. R. Wood of Natal, South Africa. Ed. Bristol Grammar School, and Maritzburg College, Natal, South Africa. Pupil, Corporation Electric Supply, Department, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa and Natal Government Railways, South Africa; Birmingham Municipal Technical School, etc. City of Birmingham Electric Supply Department, Junior Engineer, 1909-10; Assistant Chemist and Testing Engineer, 1910-11; Shift Engineer, Chester Street Generating Station, 191I to outbreak of war; since war, Shift Engineer, Summer Lane Generating Station, and System Control Engineer 41 (68,66o K.W. ); after pupilship in Natal, and before coming to England, was Electrical Inspector on the outside distribution, Maritzburg Electric Supply. War Services.—August 4, 1914, to August 28, 1919, first in the ranks, and finally Lieutenant in a Field Company, Royal Engineers; service in Egypt, Salonika and France; still serving in Territorial Force, Royal Engineers, as Lieutenant.

WOOD, E. B., M.I.A.E. (Member of Council), M.A. (Cantab.), A.M.I.Mech.E., Brockley Hill House, Stanmore.

WOOD, Sir Edward Graham, M.I. and S.I., Constructional Engr.; Man. Dir., Edward Wood and Co., Ltd., Manchester and London; and British Structural Steel Co., Ltd., Manchester, London awl Buenos Aires; b. 1854; s. of Rev. T. S. Wood. Ed. Kingswood Sch., Bath. Built the New Olympia, Liverpool; Cotton Exchange, Liverpool; Exhibition Bdgs., White City, Shepherds Bush; Pier for the Argentine Govt. in the Territory of Chubut, for the purpose of loading oil Tank Steamers with oil from the Govt. Oilfields; numerous Mills, Factories, Warehouses, etc. High Sheriff of Lancashire, 1915-16 Clubs: National Liberal; Reform, Manchester and London; Engrs.' and Clarendon, Manchester. Address: West Heath House, West Heath Road, Hampstead, N.W.3. T. N.: Hampstead. 2 2 93.

WOOD, Ernest Seymour, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S., M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Mining Engineer, The Cottage, Bath Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Director, Wingate Limestone Co. and Hawthorn Limestone Co.

WOOD, Henry, Captain, R.E., Assoc.M.Inst, C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Deputy City Engineer, Guildhall, Norwich. T. N.: 1479 Norwich. b. 1882. Ed. Macclesfield Grammar School and Manchester School of Technology. Articled to A. H. Mountain, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., civil engineer, Manchester, and. Engineer to the Withington Urban District Council. Was engaged on the Withington Sewerage and Sewage. Disposal Works and the Baguley Sanatorium, South Manchester; Swinton and Pendlebury Sewerage and Sewage Disposal; Norwich River Improvement Works, including improvements to all the existing bridges, including fixed and opening types; Norwich Sewerage, open air swimming baths, private street works, asylum and hospital extensions, etc. Assistant Surveyor, Heaton Norris Urban District Council; Assistant Surveyor, Swinton and Pendlebury Urban District Council, and at present Deputy City Engineer, Norwich. War Services.—Served in France with the Royal Engineers in August, 1915, and in January, 1916, was transferred to the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Saw service in Egypt, Palestine and Syria, and demobilized August, 1919, with the rank of Captain, Royal Engineers.

WOOD, John Egerton, A.R.S.M., Assoc.M, Inst.C.E., F.G.S., M.I.M.M., Mining Engineer, Batavia, Java, Dutch East Indies. T. A.: " Egeri ton, Batavia." b. 1868. Ed. The Manchester Municipal (Central) School. Pupil three years to the late Lavington E. Fletcher, M.Inst.C.E., Mant Chester. Diploma, First Class, in Mining of the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of Science c and Technology. 1889-90—Manager of the Bristol Sublimed Lead Works, Avonmouth. 1890-2— , Assistant to Matthew Francis, Manager of the A TT Halkyn, and other mines in North Wales. 1892-8— Senior Mining Engineer to the Borneo Co., Ltd., for mines and reduction works in Sarawak. 1898-1906— Manager of the Loomar Co.'s mines in West Borneo. r9c 6 to present time in business on own account as Consulting Engineer, Director of various companies, and Superintendent of mining companies. Clubs: Royal Societies and Singapore.

WOOD, Lee, M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., Supt. Engr., Pacific Steam Nay. Co., Liverpool; b. 1870. Ed. Secondary Sch. and Evening Classes. Chief Engr., 1906-14; Chief of Motor Vessel, 1918; and Supt. Engr., 1918. T. A A.: " Engrs., c/o Pacific, Liverpool." T. N.: 915o Bank.

WOOD, Norman Hurst, Capt., ElektroIngenieur, M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1884; s. of Charles Henry Wood. Ed. Hymer's Coll., Hull. Training: Technikum Rendsburg, Rendsburg, Germany. Distinctions: Diploma, Elektro-Ingenieur. Career: Had charge of the Elec. Design and Installation of the Elec. Equipment of Submarines for the Dutch Navy; after outbreak of War, took charge of the Installation of the Elec. Equipment of British Submarines; attended Trials, etc.; as Lt. R.N.V.R., attached R.N.A.S., took charge of the Elec. Equipment of H.M. Airships and Airship and Kite Balloon Stations; transferred to R.A.F. as Staff Capt., and took charge of the Searchlight and Landing Light Equipment for all R.A.F. Stations at home and .abroad; also the Elec. Equipment of all R.A.F. Kite Balloon Stations; Inventor of the All-Electric System of Propulsion for Submersible Vessels. Publ.: Several Articles in the " Elec. Review." Two Papers before the Super-Submersible dealing with the Propulsion of the Modern Super-Submersible Torpedo Boat. Address: 38, St. Charles Square, N. Kensington, London,

WOOD, Percy Lee, Min. Engr.; General Manager .of The Clifton and Kersley Coal Co., Ltd., near Manchester; also Central Examiner for Colliery Managers' Certificates.

WOOD, Robert Dudley, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, 27, State Insurance Buildings, 14, Dale Street, Liverpool. T. A.: " Dudwood, Liverpool." T. N.: 5386 Central Liverpool and 284 Birkenhead. b. 1873. Ed. Liverpool College Upper School, and Walker Engineering Laboratory, University College, Liverpool. Apprenticeship, Wannop and Davies, and David Rollo and Sons; sea-going experience; Oil Well Inspection, Canada, Newfoundland and Rumania. In practice as Consulting Engineer from 1905. Chief Works: Bulk oil and tank installations, oil refining and extraction plants, oil milling plants, boiler installations and chemical plants. War Services.—Carrying out contracts for shells, shell parts, aeroplane parts and mine parts.

WOOD, Ronald McKinnon, B.A.(Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.Ae.S., Head of the Aerodynamics Research Dept. Royal Aircraft Establishment; b. 1892; s. of Rt. Hon. Thomas McKinnon and Isabella M. Wood; m. 1918, Gwendolen Elaine Dykes, d. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Albert Spicer, Bt., and Lady Spicer—two sons. Ed. and Training: Highgate Grammar Sch.; Merchant Taylors Sch., London; Pembroke Coll., Cambridge. 41 Sc. of Pembroke Coll.; ist Class Hons. Mathematical, Part I., and Mech. Sc. Tripos, Cambridge. Publ.: Several " Reports and Memoranda " of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Address: Redriff, Farnborough Park, Farnborough, Hants.

WOOD, Walter Gunnell, C.S.I., Assoc.M. Inst.0.E., Civil Engineer, Principal, Thomason Civil Engineering College, Roorkee, India. T. A.: " Roorkee, India." b..1861; s. of John R. Wood, late of Melton Hall, Woodbridge, Suffolk; m. d. of Colonel H. 0. Woodhouse, late 9th Gurkha Rifles, Indian Army. Ed. Wallington College and Royal Indian Engineering College at Coopers Hill. Joined Indian Public Works Department as Assistant Engineer in 1882. Served through all grades of the service as Execution Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Sanitary Engineer (i 9c 8) and Chief Engineer (1912) in the United Provinces. Since October, 1916, Principal of the Thomason Civil Engineering College at Roorkee, United Provinces. Chief Works: Designed and built several buildings and bridges in United Provinces, when Superintending Engineer had large Famine Works. As Sanitary Engineer supervised large municipal water supplies and drainage works; designed several large water supplies and drainage works; designed scheme for improvement of road communications in the Province, including large bridge over Ganges at Benares. As Chief Engineer of the Province, served on United Provinces Legislation Council for 4 years. Created Companion of the Star of India, 1914. Member of the United Service Club, London; Wheler Club, Meerut; Himalaya Club; Naini Tal Club; Allahabad Club.

WOOD, William, M.I.E.E., M.I.R.S.E., Electrical and Telegraph Engineer, North British Railway, Edinburgh, and 7, Roseburn Cliff, Edinburgh. T. N.: Edinburgh Central io8o and 8627. b. 1885. Ed. Sevenoaks School, Kent. Pupil of Electrical Engineer, North Staffordshire Railway. In 1911 was appointed Chief Assistant to Telegraph Superintendent, North British Railway. In 1912 was appointed Electrical and Telegraph Engineer and Superintendent, taking charge of the telegraphs, telephones, electric lighting and power, and electric lighting of carriages.

WOOD, William John Hanvey, M.I.E.E., Mech.E., Borough Elec. Engr., Bolton Corpn., Generating Station, Back o' the Bank, Bolton, Lancs.

WOOD, William Wellesley, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., 4, Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. T. N.: 1312 Edgbaston. b. 1878; m. 191o, Dorothy Grace, d. of W. C. Mountain, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ed. 1892-6, Marlborough College (Engineering Class). 1896-9 —Practical training at John Fowler and Co., Leeds. Course in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the Yorkshire College, Leeds (r 899-1901). Joined The British Electric Plant Co. in 1901 in charge of the test, the lighting, power generating plant and running of the works plant; also the installation and erection of all outside work. 1904— Joined Ernest Scott and Mountain as personal assistant to Managing Director in preparation of all schemes for the electrification of collieries, steel works and industrial plants. Later in charge of contract department, including estimating, order department, test and erection of all contracts. 1912— Joined General Electric Co., Witton Works, as expert in the applications of electricity, and now in charge of the Witton Engineering Sales Department. Director of H. H. Vivian and Co., Ltd. Member of the Institution of Mining Electrical Engineers. War Services.—The General Electric Co.'s Witton Works were almost entirely occupied on direct and indirect war work.

WOODFIELD, Charles Henry, M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir., The Woodfield Eng. Co., Ltd., Alperton, N.W.; b. 1873; s. of John Woodfield. Ed. Newport, Mon. Training: Newport Tech. Sch.; University Coll., Cardiff; University Coll., London. Iron and Steel Works of J. J. Cordes and Co., Newport. Production Mangr. of Eng. Works at Cardiff; and General Manager of Works in London. Inventions—Electric Stacking Hoists, Jib Luffing Gear for Cranes, Friction Clutch and Centrifugal Brake. Improvements in connection with Motor-driven Cargo Winches. Publ.: " The Mech. Handling of Goods " (in Press). Club: R.A.C. Address: 7, Stanford Road, Kensington Court, W.8. T. A. " Woodfield (Phone), London." T. N.: Western 173; Wembley 53.

WOOD-HILL, Arthur, M.Inst.C.E., Div. Engr., L. and N.W. Railway.; b. 1870; e. s. of George Wood Hill, Barrister-at-law; In. Frances Dorothy, widow of Lt.-Col. G. H. Palmer, R.A. Ed. Haileybury Coll. Training: Crystal Palace Eng. Sch. Crampton Prize, Inst.C.E., 1905. Articled with and Asst. to the late C. Liddell, C.E., M.S. and L. Railway., Derbyshire Lines, 1891-4; with Baldry and Yerburgh, Contractors, on L.D. and E.C. Railway., Warsop to Tuxford; L. and N.W. Railway., Heaton Lodge to Wortley; Admiralty Reservoir, Chatham; Axminster and Lyme Regis Light Railway.; having charge of the two last mentioned contracts, in charge for Heenan and Froude, Ltd., of reconstruction of certain bridges in London for L.C.C., 1904-5; Asst. Engr., N.L. Railway., 1905; Engr., 1906-9; Divisional Engr., L. and N.W. Railway., 1909. Club: Primrose. Address: Suffolk House, Byron Hill, Harrow. T. N.: Harrow 522.

WOODHOUSE, Richard, J.P. of the Borough of Brighouse, M.I.Mech.E., Gov. Director of Woodhouse and Mitchell, Ltd.; b. 1842. Ed. Manchester. Training: Five years with Wm. McNaught, Cons. Engr., Manchester; and 5 years in the shops of John Wood and Co., Engrs. and Millwrights, of Sowerby Bridge, Yorks. Founded the present firm of Woodhouse and Mitchell, Ltd., 1867. Address: Bonegate Hall, Brighouse, Yorks. T. A.: " Woodhouse, Brighouse." T. N.: 7.

WOODHOUSE, Wm. Bradley, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Min.E., Member of Council, Incorporated Assoc. of Electric Power Cos.; Engr. and Manager, Elec. Distribution of Yorkshire, Ltd.; Yorkshire Electric Power Co.; Yorkshire Waste Heat Co., Ltd. Address: Wellington Road, Dewsbury.

WOODS, Arthur, Assoc.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 18, Lancaster Gate Terrace, London, W.2. T. N.: 2076 Paddington. b. 1844. Ed. King's College, London. Trained under the late Benjamin Piercy, M.Inst.C.E., and William Atkinson, M.Inst. C.E. Engaged on the construction of the MidWales Railway from Llanidloes to Brecon; surveyed the Murray River (for navigation purposes) from 4] Albury to Wentworth for the Harbours and Rivers Department, New South Wales, Australia. Member of the Colonial Institute and Alpine Club.

WOODS, H. F. Gunnell, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. E.E., Borough Elec. Engr. and General Manager, Torquay; b. 1886; s. of A. T. Gunnell Woods, M.S.A., Brentwood, Essex. Ed. Brentwood Grammar Sch. Training: University Coll., London. Eng. Diploma, 1st Class. App. British Thomson-Houston Co., Rugby; Asst. Engr., Southend-on-Sea Corpn., Electricity and Tramway Dept., and North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co.; Res. Engr. and Manager, York Electric Power Co., Barugh Power Station. Address: Town Hall, Torquay. T. N.: 192 Torquay.

WOODS, V. Sydney, J.P.. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Manufacturing Engineering Works, A. Ransome and Co., Ltd., Stanley Works, Newark, and Maryfield, Retford. T. A.: "Woods, Retford." T. N.: 51 Retford. b. 1856; third s. of Edward Woods (one time President, Institution of Civil Engineers); m. 1888, M. A. Fry of Hornchurch, who died in 1906; second, m. in 1914 to A. M. Cossey of Retford. Ed. Repton School and University College, London. In t 88o went into partnership with the late Allen Ransome and Frederick Josselyn in their saw-mill and woodworking machinery business in Chelsea and Battersea. Became Director later when the business was formed into a Limited Company. In 1900 the present works were started in Newark. Became Director and Chairman of the Ransome and Marles Bearing Co., Ltd., at same address in 1916. Mayor of Retford, 1918-19, and again in 1919-20.

WOOLLARD, Frank George, M.B.E., M.I. A.E., M.S.A.E., M.S.E., Automobile Engr.; Asst. Man. Dir., E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd.; b. 1883; s. of George Woollard. Ed. City of London Sch, Training: St. Dunstan's Coll., Birkbeck Coll. App. to Dugald Drummond, M.I.C.E., of L.S.W. Railway.; Leading Draughtsman, then Chief Draughts-. man, Weigel Motors (1907), Ltd.; Asst. to Medhurst and Brewer, Cons. Engrs.; joined E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., 1911, as Chief Draughtsman, becoming Chief Engr. and a Director of the Co.; during War was Consultant to Tank Dept. on Transmission Gearing. Address: E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., Foundry Lane Works, Soho, Birmingham. T. A.: " Cutters, Birmingham." T. N.: Smethwick 118 (Business).

WOOLLARD, Lloyd, M.I.N.A., Naval Arch.; Chief Constructor on Staff of Director of Naval Construction, Admiralty; b. 1882; s. of (late) E. C. Woollard, Leominster. Ed. and Training: Private Sch., Hereford; Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich; Thames Ironworks, Canning Town, E. Prizes and ist Class Final Certificate at Greenwich. Since 1905 on Staff of Director of Naval Construction, except 4 years as Instructor in N.A., R.N. Coll., Greenwich; Work—chiefly Battleships and Floating Docks; 5 years Senior Lecturer at R.N. Coll., Greenwich. Joint Author of " Mackrow and Woollard's Pocket Book for Naval Archs," etc. Address: 2, Laurel Road, Barnes, S.W.Q.

WOOLLEN, Thomas Henry, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., F.R.S.A., Mechanical and Automobile Engineer, 56, St. Mark's Road, North Kensington, T. N.: Regent 537c. Articled to Leadbeater and Scott, steel manufacturers and engineers, Sheffield. Managing Director of The Jointless Rim, Ltd., Birmingham and Hanover, 1894-1905; erected large engineering works near Hanover, 1897-98; Managing Director, Clement Talbot, Ltd. (automobile manufacturers), 1905-9. Designed all rims for pneumatic tyres for cycles, motor cycles and automobiles, and the gauges for checking dimensions of same. These were adopted as world's standards at a conference held in Brussels, January, 1914. These standards were most useful to the Military Authorities of Great Britain, France, Italy and U.S.A. during the great war. For this work Mr. Woollen was presented with a large silver salver bearing the autographs of the fifty-three members of the council and the secretary of the Society of Motor Manufacturers. Now Director of the Palmer Tyre, Ltd.; Chairman, Pneumatic Tyre Committee, Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders; Technical Honorary Secretary to the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association. Founder and second President of the Institution of Cycle and Automobile Engineers, now the Institution of Automobile Engineers; Member of the Council for twenty years; Member of the British Engineering Standards Association; Sectional Committee on Automobile Parts, etc.; engaged on post-war International standardization of automobile parts. Member of the Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Technical Assistant to Controller of Mechanical Traction, 1916-17; Sub-Director and afterwards Director, Manufacturing Section, Agricultural Machinery Department, Ministry of Munitions, in which capacity he supervised all applications for manufacturing permits and allocated all necessary metals used in the manufacture of agricultural machines, implements and dairy utensils, the total number of which, including spare parts, approximated fifty-seven millions; Member of the Dairy Utensils Committee, Ministry of Food, 1917-19; also assisted in the standardization of aircraft parts—particularly wheels and tyres.

WOOLMER, Herbert C. P., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.M.M., Civil and Mining Engineer, Glebe Court, Goring-on-Thames, Oxon; b. 1871; s. of Rev. Charles E. S. Woolmer; m. Miss Peacock, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. Ed. Sherborne Public School. 189D-93—Engineering Course, King's College, London, special certificates in Metallurgy, Chemistry and Mechanical Engineering. 1894— Manager in London for the Electro-Cyanide Gold Saving Syndicate. 1895—Sub-Manager, the Great Sandstone God Mining Co., Australia. 1897-1904— General Manager in New Zealand of the Hauraki (Auckland) Goldfields Syndicate, Waitikauri Extended Gold Mining Co., Royal Oak Gold Mining Co., Hauraki Gold Mining Co., besides reporting on several properties in Australia. 1905-8—Superintendent for John Taylor and Sons of the Aruba Gold Concessions, Ltd., West Indies. 1908-16—General Manager of the copper, coal, railways and smelting works in Russia for the Spassky Copper Mines, Ltd. 19t 6=19—Consultant Manager for the Russian Anthracite Collieries Co., Ltd., Director of the Russian Companies Leon Plant, Ltd., The Kostroma Engineering Works, all of which were directly engaged in war work for the Russian Government; Director of the Anglo-Asiatic Export-Import Co., Ltd.; Director of the Anglo-Asiatic Textiles Co., Ltd.; Director of the Kamunting Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. Member of the Sports Club, the Royal Automobile Club,. the English Club, Petrograd, the British Club, Moscow. War Services.—Served on committees connected with war work in Russia and London, viz., the British Relief Committee of Moscow, the British Hospital Committee of Moscow, the Relief of Refugees from Poland and Galicia, Moscow, the British Russian Relief Committee in London (Sir George Buchanan, President ), the Royal Club for Officers from Beyond the Seas, the Royal Automobile Club. London.

WOOLLVEN, Rolfe Armstrong, M.Inst.Met., Research Chemist; Research Dept., Woolwich (Physical Section), since Sept., 1919; b. 1888; s. of Walter Richard Woollven. Ed. Dulwich Coll. (Eng. Side ). Training: Croydon Central Polytechnic; Royal Sch. of Mines, S. Kensington; and Battersea Polytechnic. App. to Duke and Ockenden, Water Engrs., London and Littlehampton; Demonstrator in Metallurgy at King's Coll., London; and Asst. to late Prof. A. K. Huntington, at first on Private Research on Metallography and the Mech. Testing of Metals, and also on Research on Explosives for the M. of M., Jan., 1914, to Sept., 1919. Address: Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.

WORDINGHAM, Charles Henry, C.B.E., F.K.C., A.K.C., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., M. de la Soc. des Ingenieurs Civils de France, F.R.S.A., M.Inst.Met., A.I.N.A., Cons. Engr.; b. 1866; s. of William Hales Wordingham and Madeline Wordingham (ne3 West). Ed. and Trained: King's Coll. Sch., London. Special Cert. of Honour, King's Coll. 1885-7—Articled to Dr. John Hopkinson, F.R.S., as C.E.; 1887-9— United Telephone Co., erecting Exchanges; 1889-92 —Third Engr., Grosvenor Gallery Generating Station and Head of Standardizing Dept., and in charge of Distributing Sub-Stations; 1892-4—Asst. to Dr. John Hopkinson, erection of Whitehaven and Manchester Generating Stations and Mains Networks; 1894-19o1—City Elec. Engr., Manchester; 190I-3— Cons. Engr., Manchester; 1903-18—Head of Elec. Dept., Admiralty; responsible for Elec. Equipment of H.M. Ships; Advising on Electric Lighting and Power in Dockyards and other Naval Shore Establishments; since Dec., 1918—Cons. Engr. advising Local Authorities and others; engaged, inter alia, in preparation of large Power Schemes for London and East Midlands; Member of Main Committee and Sectional Elec. Committee of the B.E.S.A.; Chairman of the 11.E. and A.M. Research Assoc.; Member British Sec. International Electro-Tech. Com.; General Bd. and Executive Committee, N.P.L.; Council of the Elec. Development Assoc.; Council and of the Delegacy of King's Coll., London, etc. Publ.: " Central Elec. Stations." Numerous Papers before Eng. bodies, and Articles and Reviews in Tech. Press. Clubs: St. Stephen's; Eng:s.', Manchester. Addresses: 7, Victoria Street, Westminster; I I, Mosley Street, Manchester; Beechgrove, Ridgeway Road, Redhill, Surrey.. T. A.: " Outguards, Vic., London "; " Outguards, Manchester." T. N.: 7292 Victoria; 828 Central, Manchester.

WORMALD, Sir John, K.B.E., J.P., M.Inst. C.E., Director of Mather and Platt, Ltd., Engrs., Manchester and Westminster; b. 1859. Ed. Royal High Sch. and University of Edinburgh. High Sheriff for the County of Oxford, 1914-15. During the War, Chairman of the Industries Committee of the War Cabinet Committee. Clubs: Brooks's and The Reform. Address: (Business) Park House, Great Smith Street, Westminster, S.W.1; (Private ) Springs, North Stoke, Oxon. T. A.: " Sprinkler, Vic., London." T. N.: Victoria 4851; Wallingford 2I.

WORMS, Emanuel Henry, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.J.Inst.E., Former Vice-Chairman Junior Inst. of Engrs., 7, Fordhook Avenue, Ealing Common,W

WORRALL, Ernest, F.S.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., F.R.Met.S., Civil Engr.; Engr. and Surveyor to the Stretford U.D.C.; b. 1869; s. of Ald. W. Worrall, Mayor of Congleton. Ed. Congleton, and Liverpool University. Training: Liverpool Sch. of Technology. With the Liverpool Corpn., Penmaenmawr U.C., and Stretford U.C. Publ.: "Asphalt Pavements," "The Hygiene of Wood Pavements." Club: Municipal and County Engrs. Address: Stretford Council Offices, Old Trafford. T. A.: "Surveyor, Old Trafford." T.N. 616 and 617 Trafford Park, Manchester.

WORSLEY, Philip John, B.A., M.I.Mech.E., Joint General Manager, Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Screw Dept., Birmingham, since 1920; b. 1869; s. of Philip John Worsley. Ed. Clifton Coll., and Emmanuel Coll., Cambridge. App. Geo. Richards and Co., Broadheath, Manchester; 1896-1915— Asst. Engr. in charge of Machine Building at Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Heath Street, Birmingham; Director of E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd. Club: Union, Birmingham. Address: St. George's Works, Birmingham. T. A.: " Nettlefolds, Heath Street, Birmingham." T. N.: Smethwick 29o.

WORTHINGTON, William Barton, Pres. Inst.C.E. (1921-2), M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Civil Engr.; b. 1854; s. of Samuel Barton Worthington, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Owens Coll., Manchester. Art. to Samuel Barton Worthington, M.Inst.C.E.; 1878-83— Res. Engr. on new Works, under William Baker and Francis Stevenson, Chief Engrs. of the L. and N.W. Railway.; 1883-90—Dis. Engr. and Div. Engr.,,L. and N.W. Railway.; 1890-97—Asst. Engr., L. and Y. Railway.; 897—I905—Chief Engr.; 1905-17—Engr.-in-Chief, M. Railway.; 1917 to date—Cons. Engr. Clubs: Alpine, Reform. Address: Highfield, Bushey Heath, Middlesex. T. N.: 276 Bushey Heath.

WRAIGHT, Ernest Alfred, A.R.S.M., M.Inst. M.M., Cons. Metallurgist; b. 1879; s. of Alfred Wraight. Ed. St. Olave's Grammar Sch., Southwark. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. 1902—Research Scholarship, R.S.M.; I9o3—Matthey Prize for Original Research, R.S.M.; 1905-6-7—Carnegie Sch. I. and S.I. Career: Originally intended for Medical Profession; gained National Scholarship for Biology; 1899-19o2—Associateship Course in Metallurgy at R.S.M.; I902—Asst. to F. W. Harbord, C.B.E., A.R.S.M., F.I.C., at R.I.E. Coll.; subsequently Junior Demonstrator in Metallurgy at R.S.M.; 1903—Asst. Assayer at Royal Mint (Temp.); 1903-14—Senior Demonstrator, R.S.M.; Cons. Metallurgist to many Min. Cos. during that period, and effected much original research; 1914—Acting 41 Paymaster to R.E. (A.P.D.); and 1915—Supervising Acting Paymaster; 1916—Asst. Aeronautical Inspector, Air Ministry; 1918—Inspector of Iron, Steel and Non-Ferrous Metals, Air Ministry; '919— Officer in charge, Inspection of Metals, Air Ministry. Pubis.: " Assaying—In Theory and Practice," " The Preparation of Carbon Free Ferro-Manganese," " The Decarburization of Ferro-Manganese," " The Effect of Heat in Cyaniding Gold and Silver Ores," " The Standardization of Materials Employed in Mining and , Milling," " The Accurate Determination of Tin and Tungsten in Ores "; and various other Papers read before Scientific Socs. or published in the Tech. Press. Special Correspondent to " Mining Journal." Address: 63, Wavertree Road, Streatham Hill, S.W.2.

WRAY, A. E., Engr. and Manager of Lutbn Corpn. Tramways.

WRAY, Arthur John, A.M.I.E.E., Man. Engr., Banbury and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Banbury.

WREATHALL, W. S., Member of Council of British Elec. Federation; Director of Middleton Electric Traction Co., Ltd.; Worcester Electric Traction Co., Ltd.; Wrexham and District Electric Tramways, Ltd. (Chairman); Oldham, Ashton, and Hyde Electric Tramway, Ltd.; Gravesend and Northfleet Electric Tramways, Ltd.; British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd..; General Electric Tramway Co., Ltd.; Tramways and Light Railways. Estates Co., Ltd.; Member of Birmingham and Midland Joint Committee of Electricity, Tramways, and Motor Omnibus Undertakings. Addresses: Pelham Cottage, St. John's Road, East Molesley; and Elec. Federation Offices, 88, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.

WRIGHT, C. H., Engr., Whitefield U.D.C. Lighting and Electricity Works, Whitefield, Lancs.

WRIGHT, Frank T., Major, M.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Railway Mechanical Engineer, Royal Siamese State Railways, Bangkok, Siam; b. 1883. Training: South Western Polytechnic. Siemens Brothers and Co., 5 years; Underground Electric Railways Co. of London, 3 years; South Eastern and Chatham Railway, 3 years; South Indian Railway, 5 years.. Member of the Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Engineer Unit, R.N.D., 3 months; Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, R.A.O.C., 5 years.

WRIGHT, Harold George, A.M.I.E.E., Chief Engr. and Manager, Cleveland Trust, Ltd.; b. 1887; s. of George Evans Wright (of Guernsey). Ed. Guernsey Channel Islands. Training: Guernsey. Pupil with Edmundson's Electricity Corpn., Ltd.; II years Asst. Engr. in different Stations under the above Co.; Distribution Engr., Asuncion Tramway Light and Power Co., Paraguay, S. Amer.; Asst. Engr., F.M.S. Railways.; Engr. and Manager, Cleveland Trust, Ltd., Saltburn-on-Sea. Club: Conservative. Address: Saltburn-on-Sea. T. A.: " c/o Cleveland Trust, Ltd., Electricity Works, Saltburn." T. N.: 63, Saltburn.

WRIGHT, Henry Hodgson, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 2 I, Savile Place, Halifax. T. A.. "Motor, Halifax." T. N.. 499 Halifax. b. 1870; m. 1905. Ed. Private school, Temple Grove, East Sheen, London; public school, Marlborough College; preparatory school, Concordia, Zurich; Federal Polytechnic School, Zurich, Switzerland. Apprenticeship, J. H. Holmes and Co., Newcastle, and staff appointment, erection of plant, including Middlesbrough dock lighting for North Eastern Railway, erection of switchboard, etc., for Belfast Corporation Power Station, and complete lighting installations of many ships. Founded Wright Motors, Ltd. (1897). Chairman of Yorkshire Local Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1905-6. War Services.—Lieutenant, 3rd Volunteer Battalion West Riding Regiment.

WRIGHT, Russell Stuart, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 72, Wigmore Street, London, W.I. T. A.: " Newtobar, Wesdo, London." T. N.: Mayfair 5978. b. 1876; s. of Lewis Wright. Ed. Tollington Park College and King's College Engineering Laboratories. Entered service of Newton and Co. (now Newton and Wright, Ltd.) in 1891; and now Managing Director. Chief Works: Designing appliances for wireless and X-ray work.

WRIGHT, Samuel Piggott, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.Met., Assoc.I.Gas E., Chief Gas Engr. to Blair, Campbell and McLean, Ltd., Glasgow; s. of late Alderman Samuel Wright, of Congleton. Ed. King Edward VI Grammar Sch., Macclesfield. Pupil of Prof. C. B. Walker, B.Sc. Hons., London; also of A. Klemin, B.Sc. Hons., A.C.G.I. Passed Eng. Exams., I.Mech.E. Articled to J. Booth and Co., Ltd., and The British Westinghouse Co., Ltd. Assisted and Designed various Hydrogen Gas Plants for the Admiralty during the War; also Oil Hydrogenation Plants for Industrial Purposes; also Designed and Engineered large Gas and By-Product Plants for Industrial Undertakings, etc. Address: 46, Spragg Street, Congleton, Cheshire.

WRIGHT, Thomas B., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 136, Bothwell Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Light, Glasgow." T. N.: Central 6021. b. 1878. Ed. Glasgow University and Technical College. Six years' apprenticeship in the workshops of Anderson and Munro, electrical engineers; 3 years at Glasgow University and classes at Technical College; 6 years charge of drawing office and estimating departments; became General Manager and Chairman when the firm changed to a private limited company. It is the oldest firm of electrical engineers and contractors in the kingdom, having started electrical work in the early seventies (the firm was started in 1840). Chairman, Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch of the Electrical Contracttors' Association; President, Electrical Contractors' Association of Scotland, 1916-9; Member of the National Joint Industrial Council for the Electrical Contracting Industry; Member of the National Joint Industrial Council. Member of the. Royal Scottish Automobile Club. War Services.—All classes of electrical work, power, lighting and special services for Admiralty, War Office, Ministry of Munitions, Air Service. Also converted part of works into manufactory for the aluminium and metal detail parts of aeroplanes.

WRIGHT, Col. Sir William Charles, K.B.E., C.B., M.I. and S.I. (Member of Council), 31, Prince's Gate, London, S.W.7.

WYATT, Horace Matthew, B.A., Gen. Sec., Assoc. of British Motor and Allied Manufacturers; Hon. Sec., Imperial Motor Transport Council. Addresses: 39, St. James's Street, S.W.; 16, Abercorn Place, N.W.; Trelawny Lodge, Seaview, I. of W.B. T. A.: " Abritimam, Phone, London." T. N.: Gerrard, 1744.

WYATT, James William, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., Bryn Gwynan, Beddgelert, North Wales; b. 1857; eldest s. of the late Lieut.-Colonel James Henry Wyatt, C.B., of Bryn Gwynan, Carnarvonshire, by Jane Forbes, eldest d. of Wm. Hogarth, of Aberdeen; m. 1905, to Margaret Ellen, only d. of the late Donald N. Nicol, M.P., of Ardmarnoch, Argyllshire. Ed. Woolwich, and in Germany and Switzerland; 3 years' engineering education at the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Passed in and out first; made Fellow of Coopers Hill at the end of the course, and was awarded the Scholarship of Engineering at the end of each of the three years. Served a year's practical course on the Bradford Waterworks with the late Sir Alexander Binnie, and was appointed Assistant Engineer on the Irrigation Works at Lahore, Punjab; went to Australia; made an exploration trip across Queensland from Brisbane to Point Parker, in connection with a flying survey for a proposed transcontinental railway, under the late Robert Watson, Chief Engineer of Victorian Railways. Then with Alex. Pirie and Sons, Ltd., Stoneywood Paperworks, Aberdeen, and learnt papermaking with them for 2 years. Had charge for 5 years of the reorganization and reconstruction of Dickinson's Paper Mills in Hertfordshire. Had sole charge for 15 years as Managing Director of the development, organization and administration of Pixie, Wyatt and Co.'s Paper Works, Wells, Somerset. Had charge for 3 years of the Fouhdry, Engineering Shop and Timber Works of H. Owen and Sons, Carnarvon. Was sent at various times to investigate and report on labour questions and trade conditions in Germany, France and the United States. Went also to Syria and Egypt to report to a London syndicate upon the establishment of a proposed factory at Beirut, Syria. Received two Telford Premiums from the Institution of Civil Engineers for two papers read before the Institution: " The Art of Papermaking," " Sizing Paper with Resin "; wrote the articles on Papermaking for the supplement of the ninth edition, and also for the new edition of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica." Member of the East India United Service and Alpine Chfc s. War Services.-1915—Organizing Secretary for the West of England for the Ministry of Munitions for 2/ years. Then 9 months with the Ministry of Reconstruction, Executive Officer of the Trade Organization Branch in connection with the establishment of the Whitley Councils.

WYATT, T. C., Major, 0.B.E., M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, 6, Queen Anne Terrace, Cambridge; b. 1887. Ed. Christ's College, Cambridge, First Class Mechanical Sciences Tripos, 1909. Advanced workshop student, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Assistant Manager with Gwynnes, Ltd., Hammersmith Ironworks; work connected with all branches of hydraulic engineering. War Services.—Served with the British Expeditionary Force, France, 1915-18, and in Germany, 1919.

WYLD, William, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr. and Manager, Hampstead Electric Supply, since 1913; b. 1873; s. of John Wyld, of Bishop Auckland. Ed. King James I Grammar Sch., Bishop Auckland. Training: Firth Coll., Sheffield. App. Lingford Gardner and Co., Auckland Engine Works; Asst. on Eng. Staff, Blackpool Corpn. Electricity Works; Chief Asst., Salford Corpn. Electricity Works; Elec. Engr., Patent Shaft and Axletree Co., Ltd., Wednesbury; responsible for design and erection of one of the earliest 3-Phase Power Stations in this country; Borough Elec. Engr., Doncaster; responsible for the equipment of Tramways System; Borough Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager, Birkenhead, 9 years. Address: 19, Parsifal Road, Hampstead, N.W.6. T. N.: Hampstead 3404.

WYLIE, Alexander Williamson, M.Inst.Met., Cons. Engr. to principal Non-Ferrous Metals producing firms in G. Britain, France, Belgium and Spain; b. 1869. Ed. Paisley Grammar Sch. and Glasgow Tech. Coll. Training: I. and W. Wenns, Hydraulic Engrs., Johnstone, Scot. Career: Works Manager to John Wilson and Son, Ltd., Johnstone, 1896-1906; Man. Dir., 1906-12; Cons. Engr., specializing in Machinery for Manufacturing lead in all its Products, Cable Covering Machinery, and Plant for Extruding Metals; 1915-19—Tech. Adviser to Controller of Non-Ferrous Materials at M. of M., and responsible for Manufacture of all Extruded Brass and other Soft Metals for Fuses and Aeroplane Production; 1919-21—returned to professional work and rebuilt several Lead Works since the War. Clubs: Devonshire, St. James'. Address: Kirkfield, Johnstone, Scotland. T.. A.: "Wylie, Kirkfield, Johnstone."

WYNNE, F. H., Divisional Inspector of Mines, 13, Town Moor Avenue, Doncaster.

WYNNE, Sir Trevredyn, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., M. Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o The Albany, Piccadilly. Office: 132, Gresham House, Old Broad Street. T. N.: Central 566. Ed. Brighton College and the Royal Indian Engineering College at Coopers Hill. Appointed to the Public Works Department Railways of the Government of India in 1874. Engaged until 7887 in the construction of State Railways in India. In 1887 appointed Agent and Chief Engineer of the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Co.; constructed and worked the Company's system until 1905. Then appointed Member of the Government Railway Board; President of this Board, 19c8-14. Resigned and appointed Government Director of Indian Railways at the India Office; resigned 1915. Since that date Managing Director, Bengal-Nagpur Railway Co.; Director, Anglo-Persian Oil Co.; Chairman, Burma Corporation and other Companies. Is a Member of Institution of Civil Engineers. Chief Works: Bengal-Nagpur Railway system in India, comprising many very large bridges, railway workshops and all works required for a large main line system, 3,oco miles long. Club: East India United Service, 16, St. James's Square, London.

WYSE, Maurice Norman, M.I.Mar.E., A.M.I. A.E.; b. 1886; s. of Simon Wyse, Merchant. Ed. Grammar Sch., Karachi, India. Training: Private, and Elec. Eng. Inst., New York. First Class Engr.'s Certificate. Managing Engr., Blockey Cree and Co., Baghdad; Chief Engr., Century Mills Co., Shikarpur; Works Manager, Empire Eng. Works, Karachi; Res. Engr., United Provinces Electric Supply Co., Lucknow. Address: Beaumont Road, Karachi, India. T. A.: " Western, Karachi."

See Also


Sources of Information