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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name H

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

HACKNEY, Sidney C., A.M.I.E.E., F.I.S.A., F.D., Electrical Engineer, Fordwych, 66, Chestnut Road, West Norwood, S.E.27. T. A.: " Aetnaco, Ox, London." T. N.: Museum 4500. Formerly Managing Director, Watlington and Co., Ltd.., and Managing Director and Secretary, The Britannia Lamp and Accessories Co., Ltd. Now Secretary Eng. lish Electric and Siemens Supplies, Ltd.

HADEN, C. Ingham, J.P., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.H.V.E. (P. Pres. and Mem. of Council), Man. Dir, of G. N. Haden and Sons, Ltd., Trowbridge. Private Address: Red Gables, Trowbridge. T. A.: " Ingham Haden, Trowbridge." T. N.: 34 Trowbridge. Club: Carlyle, London.

HADEN, William Nelson, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. H.V.E M.Arner.S.H.V.E., M.National District H. Assoc., J.P., Heating and Ventilating and General Engr.; Man. Dir., G. N. Haden and Sons, Ltd.; b. 1859. Ed. Oakley House, Caversham. App. G. N. Haden and Son; now Man. Dir., G. N. Haden and Sons, Ltd. Offices Held: Pres., I.H.V.E. 1906 and 1907; Pres., National Assoc. Master Heating and Domestic Engrs., 1919. Address: Homefield House, Trowbridge. T. A.: "Nelson Haden, Trowbridge." T. N.: Trowbridge 25. Club: Engineers.

HADFIELD, Joseph W., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Barnstaple Corporation, Electricity Dept., Castle Street, Barnstaple.

HADFIELD, Sir Robert A., 1st Bt., cr. 1917; Kt., cr. 1908; F.R.S., 1909; J.P.; D.Met. (Sheffield), 1911; D.Sc. (Leeds), 1912; F.P.S.L.; F.I.C.; F.C.S. Address: 22, Carlton House Terrace, S.W. T. A.: "Hadfielder, London." T. N.: Regent 107; Parkhead House, Sheffield. T. A.: "Hadfield, Parkhead, Sheffield." T. N.: Sheffield 2700. b. 1859; m. Frances Belt, C.B.E., d. of Colonel S. M. Wickersham of Alleghany, Pennsylvania. Freeman of the City of London; President of Sheffield Metallurgical Society, 1894-5; President of Iron and Steel Institute, 1905-7; President of Society of British Gas Industries, 1917-8; President of Faraday Society, 1914-20; President of British Commercial Gas Association; Master Cutler of Sheffield, 1899-1900; Vice-President of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Mining. and Metallurgy, Royal Society of Arts, Society of British Gas Industries, National Gas Council, Federation of British Industries, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies; Fellow of the Royal Society, also of Institute of Chemistry, Chemical Society, Physical Society, and Royal Aeronautical Society; Hon. Foreign Member of K. Svenska Vetensk. Stockholm, American Institute of Mining Engineers, American Iron and Steel Institute, American Steel Treaters' Society; Societe des Ingenieurs Civile de France; s Hon. Member of British Foundrymen's Association, Sheffield Metallurgical Chemists; Chairman of Ferrous Section of Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research; Member of Advisory Council for South Kensington Science Museum; Executor of Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies; Council of City and Guilds Engineering College; National Union of Scientific Workers; Imperial Institute Mineral Resources Committee; Ramsay Memorial Fund; Member of Arbitration Panel; Member of Senate and Court of Governors of Sheffield University; Board and Executive of National Physical Laboratory; Goldsmiths Company; Joint Hon. Treasurer Anglo-American Society; Member of Council of the following Institutes: Civil Engineers, Iron and Steel, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Metals, Mining and Metallurgy, Society of Chemical Industry, Royal Aeronautical Society, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, Physics, Royal Society of Arts, Royal Statistical Society, Directors, also of British Science Guild, British Engineering Standards Association, Iron, Steel and Allied Trades Federation, Federation of British Industries, National Alliance of Employers and Employed, British Commonwealth Unions Industrial Welfare Society; also Member of:— British: Automobile Engineers; British Engineers' Association; Mining Engineers; Cleveland Engineers; Midland Counties Engineers; Naval Architects; British Association; Institute of Physics; Ceramic Society; Society of Glass Technology; Royal Institution; Royal Microscopical Society; Royal Economic; British Economic Association; Industry and Commerce; Imperial Co-operation League; London Association of Foremen Engineers; Standing Council of the Baronetage; Leighton House Society; African Society; Russian Society; Sheffield Literary and Philosophical Society; South African Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society; American: Mechanical; Metals; Electrical Engineers; Franklin; Electro-chemical; Foundrymen's Association; U.S. Naval Institute; Aerial League of America; National Geographic Society; British and American Societies for Testing Materials; French Societe d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale; and many others; Chairman and Managing Director of Hadfields, Limited; Hecla and East Hecla Works, Sheffield; Chairman of Sheffield District Railway; Director of Sheffield Gas Company, Mond Nickel Company, and other companies. Awarded by the Iron and Steel Institute the Bessemer Gold Medal for 1934; by the Institution of Civil Engineers the Howard Quinquennial Prize and Premium of sixty-five guineas, 1903; also on previous occasions the George Stephenson and Telford Gold Medals and Premiums; James Forrest Lecturer, 1906; one special Gold and two other Gold Medals by the French Societe d'Encouragement pour l'Industrie Nationale; the John Scott Medal and Premium, also Elliott-Cresson Gold Medal, 1910, by the American Franklin Institute; inventor of manganese steel, low hysteresis steel, also many other special alloy steels and metallurgical improvements. Publications: Over ioo scientific and technical papers. Recreations: Golf, tennis, etc. Clubs: Athenaeum, American, Brooks's, Reform, National Liberal, New City, British Empire, Overseas. Pilgrims, Burlington Fine Arts, Ranelagh, Royal Automobile; Sunningdale; Phyllis Court Henley; Royal Society; Chemical Industry; Physical Society; Sheffield: Sheffield Club, Reform, Attercliffe Liberal; also Metropolitan Club, Washington, D.C. (U.S.A.).

HADFIELD, Walton John, M.Inst.C.E., F.S.E., M.Inst.M and Cy.E., City Surveyor, Sheffield; b. 1871. Ed. Royal Grammar School, N. Sheffield. Articled City Surveyor, Sheffield (C. F. Wike, M.Inst.C.E.); Improvement Surveyor, Sheffield, 1898; and Deputy City Surveyor, 1905; Surveyor of Highways, 1908; City Surveyor, 1915; carried out about three millions of pounds' worth of work for Sheffield Corporation, including reconstruction of most of the principal thoroughfares for modern traffic, reconstruction of large part of sewerage system, and many miles of tramways; has in hand, laying out of extensive Housing Estates and construction of arterial road two miles long, ioo to 120 feet wide. Address: City Surveyor's Office, Sheffield. T. A.: " City Surveyor, Sheffield." T. N.: Sheffield, Central 1982,1983.

HADOW, Frederick Austen, M.Inst.0.E., Civil Engineer, 7, Abbott Road, Lahore, India. T. A.: " c/o Noverca, Lahore." b. 1873; s. of Rev. George Randolph Hadow, late Rector of Wylye, Wilts; m. 1904, Kate Louisa, d. of H. V. Margary of Ceylon. Ed. 1887-92—At Charterhouse (Godalming). 1892-5—At Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Assistant Engineer, Indian Public Works Department (State Railways), October, 1895; 6 months on Blackwall Tunnel Works; 6 months on Lanark and Dumbarton Railway at Dumbarton. Proceeded to India in October, 1896. Assistant Engineer, construction of Bogra Branch of Eastern Bengal Railway, 1896-9; construction of Jainti extension of Cooch Behar Railway (Eastern Bengal Railway), 1899-1900; 6 months as Assistant Manager, Eastern Bengal Railway, in 1900; Executive Engineer, construction of Mogulhat-Dhubri Branch, Eastern Bengal Railway, 1900-2; Executive Engineer and Assistant Manager, Eastern Bengal Railway, 1902-4; Executive Engineer and Assistant Secretary (Engineering) to Railway Board (Government of India), 1905-9; Manager and Engineer-in-Chief, Bhaunagar-Gondal-Junagadh-Porbandar Railway, Kathiawar (Bombay), from 1909-11; Deputy Agent (General Manager), North Western Railway of India, 1911-6; Secretary, Railway Board (Government of India), 1916-9; Agent (General Manager), North Western Railway of India, December, 1919. Member of the East India United Service Club, St. James's Square, London, and Punjab Club, Lahore, etc.

HAHN, Daniel Meinerts, M.In st.0.E, Asst. Director of Public Works, Trinidad.

HAIGH, Arthur Harry, B.Sc., M Inst.0.E Civil Engineer (Railways, Tubes, Waterworks, Canals), 2140, Beach Drive, Oak Bay, Victoria, British Columbia, and London, England; b. 1858; s. of John Haigh, solicitor, and Mrs. Haigh, née Bowers; m. 1884, Mary, d. of John B. Nicholson, Whitby. Ed. Huddersfield College and Owens College, Manchester. Articled to John B. Newton, on Whitby, Redcar and Middlesbrough Railway construction. Ordnance Surveyor and Examiner, Assistant Government Engineer, Natal Railways, South Africa; Railway Engineer to Dundee Coal Co., Natal; Waterworks Engineer to Newcastle Corpora161 tion, Natal; District Engineer, Cape Government Railways, South Africa; Chief Resident Engineer, Baker Street and Waterloo Railway; Assistant Engineer, Welland Ship Canal, Canada, etc. Publication: " Subaqueous Tunnelling through the Thames Gravel " (the Institution of Civil Engineers).

HAIGH, Bernard Parker, M.B.E., D.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, Royal Naval College, Greenwich. T. A.: " College, Greenwich." T. N.: Greenwich 6o8. b.1884. Ed. Glasgow University, 1901-4. Mechanical and Electrical Engineer in Scotland and abroad, 1904-13. Consulting Engineer, particularly on matters relating to fatigue of metals under alternating stresses. Asst. Prof. of Applied Mechanics, R. N. College, Greenwich. Publications: A number of papers on subjects relating to Marine Engineering and strength of materials, etc. War Services.—Attached to Paravane Department of Admiralty as Consulting Designer for design of gear for protection of ships against mines and for attacking submarines.

HALE, Frederick Marten, Engr. and Explosives Expert; b. Bristol, 1864; s. of late Matthew Henry Hale, Bristol. Ed. Devon County School; Brussels. Specialized in Fire and Hydraulic Eng.; in manufacture and use of High Explosives, and in Torpedo and Artillery work; Inventor and Patentee: Hale Rifle Grenade, 1908, and Hale Aircraft Bombs, 1913, the only ones available for the British Forces when the Great War broke out, the first Zeppelin destroyed by Aircraft in its hangar at Dusseldorf (Lt. Marix, Oct., 1914), the first Zeppelin brought down, 1915, and the first U Boat sunk in the War by Aircraft were with Hale Bombs; many hundreds of thousands were used during the War, and over ten million Hale Rifle Grenades; the first to propose and invent (Nov., 1914) an Anti-Submarine Diving Bomb, or Depth Charge. Publ.: Numerous tech. brochures and treatises on Fire Eng.; the Manufacture and Use of High Explosives for Naval and Military Purposes; Armour Piercing Shells; Fuzes, Rifle and Hand Grenades, and Aircraft Bomb Warfare. Address: Furzedene, Bromley, Kent. T. A.: Halemarten, Bromley. T. N.: Bromley 1350. Clubs: Junior Constitutional; Bromley and County; Sundridge Park Golf.

HALL, Annson Stirling James, M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr. and Ship Surveyor; b. 1884; s. of Alexander Hall, Shipmaster and Shipowner, Aberdeen. Ed. Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen. Training: Robert Gordon's College and Royal Tech. College, Glasgow. App. with John Lewis and Sons, Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Aberdeen; Extra ist class B.O.T. Cert.; Lecturer in Mar. Eng. (including Ship Construction), Robert Gordon's Tech. College, Aberdeen. Address: 1, Skene Place, Aberdeen, N.B.

HALL, Arthur Henry, C.B.E., B.A., M.Inst. C.E., M.Mech.E., Controller, Disposal Board, Aircraft Factory, Consumable Miscellaneous Stores; b. 1876; s. of H. S. Hall. Ed. Clifton College, and Cambridge University. Training: William Denny Brothers, Dumbarton. Responsible for equipment of the large extension at Woolwich, 1914-1917, including new Gun Factory with forging plant; Small Arm Cartridge Plants with Rolling Mills; Shell Plants, Fuse and Quick-Firing Cartridge Plants. In charge of the production of all mines, torpedoes, paravanes, iFi etc., used in connection with the Anti-Submarine Campaign. Clubs: Authors'. Address: 1, Eliot Vale, Blackheath, S.E.3.

HALL, Benjamin, General Manager and Engr., Corporation Tramways, Wigan; b. 1885. Ed. Huddersfield College, and Tech. Inst., Huddersfield. Design and lay-out of Power Plant and Drive for large Textile Factories, etc.; Power Station Supt. and Mains Engr., Corporation Tramways, Huddersfield; Eng. Supt., Chatham and District Light Railway Co.; Asst. Borough Elec. Engr. and Tramways Man., Keighley; Gen. Man. and Engr., Corporation Tramways, Wigan; Gen. Man., Corporation Tramways, Halifax. T. A.: " Tramways, Halifax." T. N.: 36 Halifax.

HALL, Benjamin James, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I., F.R.S.A., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, " Fieldend," Eastcote, Middlesex, and Chalfont House, London, S.W.I. T. A.: "Inspect, London." T. N.: 121 Pinner. b. 1865; s. of Rev. R. Hall, B.A. 1895 —Invented the Electrical Copier. Chairman of Directors, B. J. Hall and Co., Ltd., Makers of Scientific and Electrical Instruments, Arc Lamps, etc.

HALL, Sir Henry, I.S.O., Min. Engr., Brookside, Chester.

HALL, Herbert Ellis, M.I.A.E., Electrical and Motor Engineer, " Westnor," Ton. bridge. T. A.: "Hall, Engineer, Tonbridge." T. N.: 110 Tonbridge. b. 1865. Following apprenticeship in mechanical engineering joined the staff of Woodhouse and Rawson in 1883, remaining with the firm about eleven years; afterwards founded the business of H. E. Hall and Co. at Tonbridge, specializing in Lighting and Power Plants. A pioneer in motoring, adding this to the business in 1898.

HALL, Hewitson, M.I.N.A., M.N.E.C.Inst. and S.I., General Manager, Iron and Steel Departments, Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Co., Ltd.; s. of late John Hall, J.P., of Scarborough, Yorks. Ed. Scarborough Grammar School Training: Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. App. Central Mar. Engine Works of Sir W. Gray and Co., West Hartlepool; served period as Mar. Sea-going Engr.; associated with Sir Charles Parsons, K.C.B., etc., at Turbinia Works, Wallsend, in Mar. Steam Turbine Development, 1898-1910; Asst. General Manager, Palmer's Shipbuilding and Iron Co., Ltd., Jarrow, 1911; and as General Manager, 1914-1916. Address: 27, The Drive, Gosforth, Newcastle-uponTyne. T. N.: 324 Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

HALL, Horace Campbell, F.O M.Met., M.Inst.Met., F.C.S., Chief Metallurgist to Rolls Royce, Ltd.; b. 1884; s. of H. E. Hall. Ed. Summerfield School, Sheffield; The College, Caterham, Surrey; Training: Northampton Tech. School, Sheffield University. Sc. Ex. Schp., Associate in Metallurgy, Sheffield University. Career: Under Prof. Arnold (Sheffield University), Research in connection with the Metallography of Steels; C. Chemist to the G.W. Colliery Co., Pontypridd, Coke Oven and By-product Plant; C. Metallurgist and Analyst to the Bengal Iron and Steel Co., 1910-15; C. Metallurgist Rolls Royce, Ltd., since 1915. Club: Rolls Royce. Address: Derby. T. A.: " Roycar." T. N.. 132o.

HALL, Isaiah, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I., M.Inst.Met., Barton Towers, Seaforth Road, Westcliff e-on-Sea. T. A.: " Monometer, Savoy House, Strand, London." T. N.: Midland 553. b. 187o. Ed. Public Schools. Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of the Monometer Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Inventor and Patentee of Monometer Furnaces for melting and heat treatment of all ferrous and non-ferrous metals; reverbatory furnaces for melting of steel; steel converters, etc., etc. War Services.—Superintended the production of furnaces, etc., for melting and heat treatment of metals.

HALL, John Willim, Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. (and local Hon. Sec.), M.I. and S.I., Cons. Engr. and Valuer; b. 1854; s. of John Willim Hall. Ed. Brewood School Training: May and Mountain, Birmingham. Career: With Lilleshall Co., Shropshire, and Cardiff Foundry; Works Manager, Blaydon Ironworks Co.; Man. Dir., F. H. Lloyd and Co., Ltd.; at present Director of the Bilston Gas, Light and Coke Co., and Solihull Gas Co.; Member of Council, Newcomen Soc.; P.-Pres. Staff. I. and S.I.; P.-Pres. and Treasurer, Birmingham Assoc. Mech. E. Joint Author of the " Metallurgy of Steel," by Harbord and Hall. Address: 71, Temple Row, Birmingham. T. N.: 5677 Central, Birmingham.

HALL, Oscar S., O.B.E., J.P., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Specialist in Textile Machinery, Hope Foundry, Bury, Lancashire. (Robert Hall and Sons, Bury, Ltd.) T.A.: "Hall, Bury." T. N.: 97. b. 1862; second s. of the late Samuel Standring Hall and Eleanor Thornton Hall, of Bury; m. Eleanor Burrows Kerr, youngest d. of the late Dr. Kerr, of Crawshawbooth. Ed. Bury Grammar School; Germany; Manchester Technical School; Owens College. Engaged in Weaving Mills in England and Germany; private tuition, Germany; practical work in Engineering Works; Draughtsman. Travelled in Germany, Holland, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Bulgaria, Servia, Roumania, also visited the United States. Now Chairman and Managing Director of Robert Hall and Sons, Bury, Ltd., founded by his grandfather in 1844, manufacturers of weaving machinery. Introduced many improvements in weaving machinery. Erected and designed many weaving mills at home and abroad for special technical work. Vice-Chairman Bury Insurance Committee; Chairman of Medical Benefit Sub-Committee of do. from 1912 to present time. Past President of Bury and District Chamber of Commerce. Member of Council of Textile Inst. Publications: Translator from the German of " Der Grossbetrieb " by Professor G. von Schulze-Gavernitz; author of many pamphlets on education; " Germany: A Shattered Ideal "; " The Coming of the Automatic Loom "; " The Education of Coming Leaders in the Textile Industry." Clubs: Reform, Manchester. War Services.—Supplied many special machines. for Naval and Military equipment. Visited Paris, Spa, Wiesbaden, on Government service in connection with the Armistice Commission and the Economic Section of the Peace Commission.

HALL, Percy B., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Holly Mount, Cavendish Road, Kersal, Manchester. T. N.: 269 Hr. Broughton. Five years in charge of Switchgear Department of General Electric Co., Ltd.; since 1913 Director of Erskine, Heap and Co., Ltd., switchgear specialists. Club: Engineers, Manchester.

HALL, Philip de H., D.S.O., MX., B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 57, Waldegrave Park, Twickenham. T. N.: 2334 Richmond; b. 1885. Ed. Tonbridge School and Glasgow University, B.Sc. (Eng.). Dock Engineers Department North-Eastern Railway. Now Assistant to Chief Engineer, Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd. War Services.—Major (acting Lieut.-Col. R.E.) T.F. Served in France September, 1915, to August, 1919. D.S.O., M.C. Three times mentioned in Dispatches.

HALL, Richard, M.I.Mech.E., M. Liverpool Eng. Soc., Supt. Engr., Bibby Steamship Co., 26, Chapel Street, Liverpool.

HALL, Thomas, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Burton-upon-Trent Corporation, Electricity Works, Wetmoor Road, Burton-upon-Trent.

HALL, Thomas Andrew, C.B.E., B.A., B.E. (Hon.), M.Inst.C.E., Government Engr. of Newfoundland; b. 1867; s. of William Hall, of Portadown, Ireland. Ed. and Training: Queen's College, Galway; B.E. with Hons., Royal University, Ireland. Asst. to Prof. Townsend, D.Sc., and J. H. Ryan, M.Inst.C.E.; Res. Engr. on construction of Galway and Clifden Railway, 1891-96; Chief Engr. construction of the Carndonagh Railway, 1899-1902, and Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway, 1902-6; Railway Commissioner, Newfoundland, 192o; Secretary to the Newfoundland M. of Shipping, 1917-20; Member of Royal Commission on High Costs of Living, 1917. Address: Office of the Government Engr., St. John's, Newfoundland. T. A.: " Landineer, St. John's." T. N.: St. John's 145.

HALL, Tom, Min. Engr., Ryhope Colliery, Sunderland.

HALL, William Compton, Lieut.-Colonel and Hon. Colonel (T.F.), V.D., M.Inst.C.E., County Bridgemaster for Lancashire, County Offices, Preston, Lancs. T. N.: Preston. Ed. Manchester Grammar School. Articled pupil to the late Sturgess Meek, Chief Engineer Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 1875-8. Resident Engineer for Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway in charge of new works from 1878-190o. Appointed County Bridgemaster of Lancashire in August, 1900, and still holds this position. War Services.—Twenty-nine years' service in Volunteers, retiring with rank of Colonel and V.D.; rejoined on outbreak of war, and appointed to command of 2nd/5th King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Finally retired August, 1916.

HALL and CLARKE, Consulting Engineers, 76, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Incombust Phone." T. N.: Victoria 6374. Partners: Sidney Zaleski Hall, M.I.Mech.E., Ashford Vincent Clarke, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Established 1913. Consulting Engineers to several Shipowners, Engineering Works, Waterworks and Borough Councils.

HALL-BROWN, Archibald, O.B.E., B.Sc., M.I. and S.I., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.E.S.; Mech. Engr.; Asst. to Man. Dir. of Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.; b. 1888; s. of E. Hall-Brown, M.I.C.E. Training: Glasgow University and Royal Tech. College, Glasgow. Deputy and Controller of Gun Manufacture, M. of M., 1918. Address: Oriel House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4.

HALLER, J. C., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. (Member of Council), County Surveyor, Nottingham. Address: Shirehall, Nottingham.

HALLETT, Arthur, M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., A.C.G.I., Mechanical Engineer, Specialist in Automobile Engineering, 33, Dawson Street, Dublin. T. N.: 3488 Dublin. b. 1875. Ed. Bedford School, City Guilds College, Exhibition Road, three years' day course. John Penn's Greenwich apprenticeship Daimler Motor Co., Coventry, Improver, 1896; Engineer for Ireland of Car and General Insurance Corporation, Ltd., since May, 1915; Engineer of the Royal Irish Automobile Club since May, 1915; Engineer of Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation Ltd., in Ireland, since 1917.

HALLIMOND, William Tasker, M.Inst.M.M., and M.I.Min.E., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1857; s. of John Hallimond. Ed. Cleveland College, Darlington. Training: College of Physical Sc., Newcastle-uponTyne. Articled to W. Lishman, Old Etherley Collieries, Durham; Man., Durham Main Colliery; Manager, Great Stormberg Colliery and Cyphergat Colliery, Cape Colony; Agent for Pauling and Co., Sterkstroon to Aliwal North, Cape Colony; Manager, Botha's Reef Gold Min. Co.; Van Ryn G.M. Co., and Rand Coal and Land Co., Transvaal; Cons. Engr. Dundee Coal Co., Natal; Manager, Crown Deep, Geldenhin's Deep and Rose Deep Gold Mines, from 1899-1911. Prize N. of England Inst., in 1897, for Paper, " Notes on Coal Seams of the Transvaal, and Description of a Modern Pithead Plant." Clubs: Colonial Inst.; Rand, Johannesburg. Address: (Office) 43, Central House; or P.O. Box 5191, Johannesburg. T. A.: "Domhall, Johannesburg." T. N.: 2188 Johannesburg.

HALSE, Edward, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., Min. Geologist; on the Scientific and Tech. Staff, Imperial Inst., South Kensington; b. 1854; s. of George Frederick Halse (sculptor). Ed. privately; and King's College, London. Training: Royal School of Mines, London. Career: Managing Lead, Zinc and Manganese Mines in Wales; Gold Mines in W. Af., W. Australia and Colombia, S. Amer.; Cons. Work in Mexico City, Coolgardie, W. Australia and London; Examining and Reporting on Metalliferous Deposits (including gold, silver, copper, quicksilver, antimony, tin, tungsten and manganese) in above countries and in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Asia Minor. Publ.: A Dictionary of Spanish, SpanishAmerican, Portuguese and Portuguese-American, Min., Metallurgical and Allied Terms; 2nd Edition 1914 (Griffin's Min. Series); Various Papers (principally on ore deposits), published in the Trans. N.E.I.M. and M.E., American. I.M.E. and the I.M.M. Address: 213, St. Margaret's Road, E. Twickenham, Middlesex.

HAMBLING, Stewart Henry, Major, M.I.N.A., Naval Arch. and Shipbuilder; General Manager and Director, Ouse Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Hook, Goole and Hull; b. 1882; s. of late H. B. Hambling. Ed. Devonport Public Schs., and Royal College of Sc., Kensington. Training: Devonport Tech. Schs., and H.M. Dockyard, Devonport. Bronze Medal and Diploma for Naval Architecture. Career: Admiralty Staff at Devonport Dockyard; Senior Lecturer, Naval Architecture, Devonport Tech. Schs.; Ship Surveyor, Mar. Department, B.O.T.; Major in Royal Engineers; and whilst in Army equipped, 58 ' .organized and controlled the Shipyard at Richborough; also designed and built the electrically welded sea-going Barge " Ac 132o." Address: 91, Hook Road, Goole, Yorkshire. T. A.: " Repair, Goole." T. N.: 94 Goole.

HAME, John William, Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager, York Corporation, Newstead, Burtonstone Lane, York.

HAMILTON, James, M.I.N.A. (Member of 'Council), 19, Beaufort Gardens, South Kensington, S.W.

HAMILTON, James, Member of Council I.Min.E., member of the firm of Hamilton and Brown, Min. Engrs., 53, Bothwell Street, Glasgow.

HAMILTON, Richard, M.Inst.M.M. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., Great Boulder Proprietary Gold Mines, Ltd., Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.

HAMILTON, Thomas Daniel, Captain M.C., ex-R.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 92, Harley Street, London, W.'; b. 1883; s. of late J. K. Hamilton. Ed. Kelly College, Tavistock; Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Civil Engineer in Brazil; Assistant Manager Southern 'San Paulo Railway; Traffic Superintendent Soro.cabana Railway Co.; General Manager NorthWestern Railway of Peru. War Services.—Western front, September, 1916, to January, 1919. M.C. April I1, 1918, demolition work in Lys retreat. Demobilized April, 1919. Rank of Captain, Royal Engineers, temporary.

HANCOCK, Henry Lipson, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.In st.M.M, M.Inst.M et., M.Amer.Inst. M.M.E., M.Am er.E1 ectroChem.S oc M.Aust. Inst.M.M., Assoc. Ballarat S.M., M.Aust. Chem. Inst., F.R.S. of S. Aust., Min. and Metallurgical Engr.; Gen. Man., Wallaroo and Moonta Min. and Smelting Co., Ltd., Wallaroo, S. Australia; b. 1867; s. of Henry Richard Hancock, Min. Engr. Ed. Prince Alfred College, Adelaide, S. Australia. Training: Ballarat School of Mines, Victoria. Associate Ballarat School of Mines; Member of S. Aust. Advisory Council of Education. Career: In association with his father, H. R. Hancock, developed the Hancock Jig, now greatly used in America and elsewhere; they were the first to successfully concentrate Broken Hill Sulphide Ores; for about 12 years Instructor at the Moonta School of Mines in Min. and Eng. Surveying and Machine Drawing and Design. Address: Wallaroo, South Australia.

HAND, Thomas Wilton, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and ,S.I., Chief Engr., Davy Brothers, Ltd., Park Ironworks, Sheffield; b. 1874; s. of Geo. Henry Hand. Ed. Sheffield local School and Tech. Dept. (now Sheffield University). Career: Closely associated with the •development of the Hydraulic Forging Press and Modern Steelworks Plant. Address: Brent Knoll, Brentwood Avenue, Sheffield. T. N.: 333 Sharrow, 'Sheffield.

HANDLEY, A., Lieut.-Col. R.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 42, Great Charles Street, Birmingham. T. A.: "Motors, Birmingham." T. N.: 16o I Central. b. 1871. Ed. Tamworth Grammar School, West of Scotland Technical College. With Elwell-Parker, Ltd., Wolverhampton. Assistant Engineer, Electrical Engineering Co., of Ireland, 76 Ltd. Chief Engineer, D. and G. Graham, Glasgow; Partner, Handley and Shanks, electrical engineers, Dublin and Birmingham; Managing Director, Electrical Trades Supply, Ltd., Britannia Works, Birmingham; Chairman, Handley and Robinson, Ltd., electrical engineers, Dublin; Director, H. Pratt, Ltd. War Services.-1914-9—Commandant, Wireless Training Centre, Royal Engineers.

HANN, Colin Stuart, A.M.I.E.E., Borough Elec. Engr., Stoke Newington. Edwards Lane, Stoke Newington, London, N.16.

HANSSEN, Carl Thomas Alfred, Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., F.S.E., P.-Pres. C. and Mech. E.S., Engr. to Hughes and Lancaster, Westminster; b. 1853; s. of C. J. T. Hanssen, C. Engr., Copenhagen. Ed. Copenhagen; Polytechnical Academy, Copenhagen. Training: A. Borsig, Berlin; Hayward Tyler and Co., London; James Gwynne and Co., London; Clayton, Son and Howlett, London. Career: Chief Draughtsman, Hamilton Woods, Manchester; Chief Asst., English and Hanssen, Civil Engrs., Copenhagen, and Shone and Ault, Civil. Engrs., Westminster; designed Sewerage Works for St. Petersburg (Petrograd), Sebastopol and other Russian towns; various Munition Works at Queensferry, Langwith, etc. Papers contributed to the Insts. of Civil and Mech. Engrs. Address: 300, Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London, S.E.22.

HARBORD, Frank William (of Edward Riley and Harbord), Pres. Inst.M.M., A.R.S.M F.I.0, Cons. Metallurgical and Chemical Engr.; engaged in Iron and Steel Manufacture, and afterwards Cons. Metallurgist to Indian Government; in private practice as Consultant, since 1905; specialized in Iron and Steel Manufacture, the Manufacture of Cement, and design and lay-out of Iron and Steel and Cement Plants. Address 16, Victoria Street, Westminster.

HARBOTTLE, John, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr., De Beers Consolidated Mines, Kimberley, Cape Colony.

HARDIE, Edward P., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 215, Strand, London, W.C.2. T. A.. " c/o Lifeguard, London." T. N.: 4473 City. b. 1863. Ed. Glasgow High School. Apprenticeship and shop experience with H. and W. Hardie; Secretary with Scottish Boiler Insurance Co., Ltd.; Managing Director, London and Scottish Boiler Insurance Co., Ltd.; Departmental Manager, Engineering Insurance Department of the Law Accident Insurance Society, Ltd., and London and Lancashire Insurance Co., Ltd. Member of Council, Glasgow and Lanarkshire Association. War Services.—Four and half years (Commission), Rank, Captain.

HARDIE, Thomas, M.Inst.GasE., Vice-Pres. Inst. of Gas Engrs., Gasworks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

HARDING, Stanley James, Associate I.E.E., Editor of "British Engineers' Home and Export Journal," Managing Director of Engineering Publications, Limited. London Office: 93 and 94, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. T. N.: Holborn 2578. Private Address: Fairoaks Lodge, Homesdale Road, Bromley, Kent; b. August 13, 1878. Ed. Private schools. Gained school scholarships and passed several public examinations. Served apprenticeship to Holroyd Smith, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Has carried out many electric lighting and power installations in London and the provinces. Has specialized in domestic electrification, and has carried out important investigations in connection with electric heating and cooking apparatus, and many improvements in design and construction have followed. For three years—I 909-12—carried on an all-electric home at Catford, in conjunction with the South Metropolitan Electric Light and Power Company, for the benefit of the electrical industry. Collaborated with E. W. Lancaster in writing a book on Electric Heating and Cooking, and has contributed many articles on electrical and engineering subjects to the technical press. Has lectured on electrical subjects before several scientific societies. For upwards of seventeen years was a member of the Editorial staff of the " Electrical Times," for four years as Assistant Editor. Resigned in 1918 to found and edit the " British Engineers' Home and Export Journal," which is now the official organ of the British Engineers' Association.

HARDINGHAM, George Gatton Melhuish, M.I.Mech.E., F.C.I.P.A., Mechanical Engineer, Clun House, Surrey Street, London, W.C.2. T. A.: "Hardingham, London." T. N.: 3373. b. 1848; elder s. of George Gatton Hardingham, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law. Articled in 1865 to the late John Imray. M.A., who had at that date Engineering Works in Lambeth, and under whom he served for five years. In 1871 joined the late Peter Brotherhood in partnership in Engineering Works in Clerkenwell, and assisted in the construction of machinery of a varied and in some respects novel character. Retired from that business in 1878 and commenced practice on his sole account as a Consulting Mechanical Engineer. Appeared in numerous legal cases as " Mechanical Expert," and ultimately engaged in Patent Agency business. Originated in 1882 the Institute of Patent Agents which, nine years later, developed into the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents. Occupied for nineteen years the position of Honorary Secretary, which position he resigned on becoming Vice-President in 1901 and President in 1903. Has devoted much of his time to devising special machinery to meet novel requirements. Club: National Liberal.

HARDWICK, Prof. F. W., M.A., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Emeritus Prof. of Min., Univ. of Sheffield, Member of Council I.Min.E., P.-Pres. Midland Inst. of Min., Civil and Mech. Engrs., c/o Williams Deacon's Bank, Ltd., Sheffield.

HARDY, C. C. (late Major, R.E.), Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Partner in firm of Humpage, Thompson and Hardy, Patent Hack Sawing and Gear Cutting Machinery Makers, etc., Mechanical Engineers, Jacob Street, Bristol. T. A.: " Gear, Bristol." T. N.: 3353 Bristol. b. 1864; s. of Colonel E. A. Hardy, late of 2 I st Hussars; m. Edith Georgina Potter, d. of Rev. P. Potter (3 children). Ed. Clifton College, 1878-82. Three years Engineering Training at Bristol University. 1i years in Mechanical Works of E. Shaw, Bristol. Went out to India in 1888, and was employed as Assistant Engineer to the Bhavnagar State, Kathiawar, till 1892, chiefly on roads, several buildings, workshops and minor bridges. Then appointed Assistant Engineer on the East Ii Indian Railway, and held various appointments on that railway for ten years (for one year had charge of the Head Drawing Office in Calcutta, under the. Chief Engineer, F. E. Robertson (d.), who built the famous Sukkur Bridge across the Indus). Started in Bristol in private practice, 1903; then with Humpage and Thompson, started in 1906 the firm of Humpage, Thompson and Hardy (Fine Accurate' Engineering Work). Chief Works: Remodelling of large station yards, new station buildings, surveying new branch lines, water supply and various works connected therewith in India. Publications: " Tables of Diametral Pitch Gears " (1912). War Services.—October, 1914, to February, 1919, chiefly Personal Assistant to Commanding RoyaL Engineer, Winchester District, in charge of construction of training camps and war hospitals, Major R.E. 1918.

HARDY, William Eversley, M.I.E.E., General! Manager and Engr. to Bath Electric Tramways,. York Villa, Kensington, Bath.

HARE, Samuel, J.P., 0.B.E., M.Inst.C.E Member of Council I.Min.E., Chief Collieries. Agent and Min. Engr. to Bolckon, Vaughan and Co.'s Collieries and Coke and By-Product Plants; b. 1862 s. of John Hare, of Crook. Ed. Gainford Academy. Training: Pease and Prs. and other Collieries. Min. App. at Pease and Prs. Collieries; Manager of Brymbo Co.'s Collieries, North Wales, Bedlington Collieries, Northumberland, Kavensworth Collieries, North Durham, and Murton Colliery, Durham. Club: R.A.C., London. Address: Howlish Hall, Bishop Auckland. T. N.: 135 Bishop Auckland.

HARGREAVES, Walter, Member of Council I.Min.E., P.-Pres. Midland Inst. of Min., Civil and Mech. Engrs., Rothwell, Haigh, Leeds.

HARLAND, Henry Peirson, M.I.Mech.E.,. M.I.N.A., M.Inst.0.E., Director, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., IA, Cockspur Street, S.W.I.

HARLEY, George Bauchop, A.M.I.Mech.E.,. Mech. Engr., Central Engine Works, Ltd., Singapore, S.S.; b. 1881. Ed. Alloa Academy and Stirling High School; Evening Continuation Classes and Glasgow Royal Tech. College App., R. Melvin and Sons, Sunnyside. Foundry, Alloa; Fairfield Eng. and Shipbuilding Co., Penang Foundry Co., Ltd., Penang, Straits Settlements; Asst. Engr., 1902-5; Central Engine Works, Ltd., Singapore, Straits Settlements, Draughtsman,. Harbour Engr., Works Manager, 1905-12; Central: Engine Works, Ltd., Kualalumpur, in sole charge of all Federated Malay States Branches with separate. works, garage, etc.; 1912-1921—Central Engine Works, Ltd., Singapore, Man. Dir.

HARPER, H. R., Chief Engr., State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Australia.

HARPHAM, Edward Stanley, Electrical and Mechanical Engr., 18, Northdown Street, N.1. T. A.: " Chaseley, Kincross, London." T. N.: North 195. Ed. Tollington Park College, London. Pupil at Easton, Anderson and Goolden, Ltd. Technical education at Regent Street Polytechnic. Four and a quarter years with Easton, Anderson and Goolden, Ltd.; 3 years with Callender's Cable and Construction) Co., as Resident Engineer at Swansea, Greenock. etc.; 8 years with Charing Cross, West End and City 'in Electricity Supply Co. as Assistant Distributing Engineer; Proprietor of London Shafting and Pulley Co. War Services.—With Volunteer R. A.M.C. in Eastern Command.

HARRINGTON, James, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 85, Salisbury Road, Harrow. T. N.: Harrow 341. b. 1875. Ed. Regent Street Polytechnic, and University College, London. Served apprenticeship to John H. Storey and Co., London. Managing Director of Hill and Harrington, Ltd., engineers, of 4, Albany Street, London, S.W. t; Consulting Engineer to a number of factories and country houses. Secretary, Past President, The London Association of Foremen Engineers, an association whose membership is composed of foremen, managers and employers connected with engineering industry.

HARRIS-BURLAND, W. M., Commercial Engineer, 63, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: "Eleplanco, Cent, London." T. N.: City 115. b. 1873; s. of Major-General W. B. HarrisBurland of 19th Yorkshire Regiment. Ed. Sherborne School, Dorset. Indentured apprentice with Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and at Robey's Works, Lincoln. Manager of distribution work at Newcastle Electric Supply Co. until 1901; Sales Engineer to British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. until 1908. Commenced business on his own account as engineering representative.

HARRISON, Alfred, J.P., M.I.N.A., M.N.E. C.Inst., Director of Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., and Manager of their Sunderland Engine Works; b. 1856; s. of Samuel Cole Harrison. Ed. Sunderland. Training: Sunderland. App. with North Eastern Mar. Eng. Co., Ltd., Sunderland, Draughtsman, then Chief Draughtsman; joined the late Sir William Allan, M.P., as Works Manager, Scotia Engine Works, Sunderland, and became a Director; Manager new firm of Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., and Director in 1907; Chairman of the Governors of the Tech. College, Sunderland; zo years on Council and 12 years Vice-Pres. N.E.C.Inst. Club: The Sunderland, Sunderland. Address: Woodside, Sunderland. T. A.: " Scotia, Sunderland." T. N.. 922.

HARRISON, Haydn Thies, Late Lt.-Commander R.N.V.R., M.I.E.E., Member of Council of Illuminating Engineering Soc., Member of U.S.A. I.E.Soc., etc., Cons. and Illuminating Engr.; b. 1871; s. of John Harrison. Ed. King's School, Canterbury. Training: Ferranti's Works, Charterhouse Square, London. Career: Trained at Ferranti's and Head of their Testing Dept.; worked on the Original High Tension Generating Station at Dept. ford; Partner in Nolder and Harrison, Elec. Instrument Makers, which absorbed Swinburn and Co., of Teddington, and was eventually taken over by Everett and Edgecumbe; started Cons. Practice and was retained by Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, etc., as Illuminating Expert; retained by the Admiralty during the War as Specialist on Search Light Arc Lamps, the " Harrison " Lamp as known in the Navy was adopted for all capital ships; Inventor of the Harrison System of Directive Lighting for Streets; Member of the International Committee on Illumination, etc. Address: Office—II, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.; Laboratory-67, Old I", Dover Road, Canterbury. T. A.: " Assessing, London." T. N.: London, Victoria 469o. Canterbury 327.

HARRISON, Norman, C.M.G., D.S.O., M.I. E.E., Engr.-in-Chief, S.Af. Govt. (Telegraphs and Telephones); b. 1873; s. of Richard Thomas Harrison. Ed. Natal. Asst. Engr., Govt. Telegraphs and Telephones, Natal, 1898-1903;, Transvaal, 1904-11; Engr.-in-Chief, Union of S.Af., 1912-14; Director, Army Signals, German S.W. Af., 1914-15; Asst. Dir. of Army Signals, France, 1916-19. Clubs: Pretoria, Civil Service Capetown. Address: G.P.O., Pretoria.

HARRISON, P. T., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Engr. and Surveyor, Finchley Urban District Council.

HARRISON, Sir Richard, General, G.C.B.‘ C.M.G., Military Engineer, Ashton Manor, near. Exeter. T. A.: "Lower Ashton." b. 1837; s. of the Rev. B. J. Harrison, Rector of Beaumont, Essex m. Amy, d. of Lieut.-Colonel J. Doyle O'Brien. Ed., at Harrow and Woolwich Academy, and School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Entered Royal Engineers, 1855; became Captain in 1862; Major, 1864; Lieut.-Colonel, 1874; Colonel, 1879; MajorGeneral, 1888; Lieut.-General, 1893; General, 1895; Colonel Commandant, 1903; Governor of Royal Military Academy; General Officer Commanding Western District; Quartermaster-General of the Forces; Inspector General of Fortifications. Chief Works: Bridge of boats over Gogra River in India; staff work in several campaigns. Publications: Officer's Memo Book, " Recollections of a Life in the British Army." Clubs: United Service and Arthur's. War Services.—War v. Russia in 1856; Indian Mutiny in 1857-8; China War in 186o; Canada and America, 1863 and 1864; Cape of Good Hope, 1879; Egypt in 1882 and in 1884; Great War, 1914-9.

HARRISON, William, P.-Pres. of Agricultural Engrs. Assoc., Chairman of Director of Harrison, Macgregor and Co., Ltd.; Member of Council, Royal Agricultural Society of England. Address.57, Hanover Gate Mansions, N.W.I.

HARRISS, George Marshall, M.Inst.C.E.I., Pres. Eng. and Scientific Assoc., Ireland, Lecturer on Electric Traction, Trinity College, Dublin, Gen. Man., Dublin United Tramway Co.; b. about 1866; s. of late Joseph Harriss, Gunmaker, Dublin. Ed. Conway College and Powers School, Dublin. Training: City and Guilds, London. Career: Railway Work and Contracting (large Eng. Works) in Queensland; engaged at the Installation of the Bray (Ireland) Electricity Works, and afterwards Elec. Engr. to the Urban District Council; associated with Prof. George Forbes, F.R.S., in Electric Lighting and Water Power Schemes; Res. Engr. to the Irish International Exhibition, 1906-08; 1st Sectional Engr. at the Construction of the Accra-Akwapim Railway, Gold Coast Colony; Elec. Engr. to the Dublin United Tramway Co., and now Gen. Manager. Papers on " Lighting of Small Towns," " Building of Railways., W. Africa," " Water Powers of Ireland," etc. Address: Montebelto, Balls Bridge, Dublin. T. A.: " Tramways, Dublin." T. N.: Business-58 Dublin; Private65! Ballsbridge.

HARROWAY, George Mitchell, M.I.N.A., V.-Pres. of the N.E.C. Inst. of Engrs. and Ship7T builders, Mem. of the. Cleveland Inst. of Engrs., Mem. of the Classification and Management Ctees. of the Brit. Corporation for the Survey and Registry of Shipping; Joint Man. Dir., Sir Raylton Dixon and Co., Ltd., Cleveland Dockyard, Middlesbrough. Address: Ashgate, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough. T. N.: 217 Linthorpe, Middlesbrough.

HART, George Adam, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.R.San.I., Civil Engineer, specializing in Sewerage and Sewage Purification and Disposal, Pearl Chambers, East Parade, Leeds. T. A.: "Sewerage Engineer, Leeds." T. N.: 21891 Leeds Central. b. 1870; s. of Jas. Hart, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E.; m. Dorothy Hilda, d. of Henry Slingsby, C.C., J.P., of Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Ed. Cowley Schools, St. Helens, Lancashire; Bury Grammar School, Lancashire; Manchester Technical School, and Victoria University. Trained in Mechanical Engineering by Charles Walmsley and Co., Ltd., Atlas Works, Bury, Lancashire; and in Civil Engineering by William Hunt, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, Manchester. For several years Engineering Assistant on staff of Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, subsequently engaged in sinking of collieries at Dungannon, Co. Tyrone; designing and constructing extensions of water supply and works for North of Ireland Paper Mill Co., Ltd.; Engineering Assistant in Borough Engineer's Department of Salford and West Hartlepool, upon design and construction of main sewers and sewage disposal works; for five years Deputy Engineer-in-Chief of Birmingham, Tame and Rea District Drainage Board, 1905; appointed Sewerage Engineer for City of Leeds. Chief Works: Re-modelling sewage purification works and estate of The Birmingham, Tame and Rea Board at Saltley, Castle Bromwich and Minworth, and designed the scheme of main drainage and sewage purification works, authorized by Leeds Act in 1908 and in process of construction. Author of several Technical Treatises upon Sewage Disposal subjects, published in Minutes of Proceedings of Civil Engineering Institution, etc. War Services.—Acted as Chief Labour Organization Officer in Yorkshire and East Midlands District of the Admiralty Labour Department.

HART, Robert Edward, M.A., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.N.S., Man. Dir., Thomas Hart, Ltd., Blackburn; b. 1878; s. of Thomas Hart, J.P. Ed. Horris Hill School, Rugby School, and Pembroke College, Cambridge. Training: Lambeth Cotton Ropeworks, Blackburn. Clubs: Engineers', Manchester; Union, Blackburn; Cambridge Union Society. Address: Brooklands, 9, West Park Road, Blackburn. T. A.: "Hart, Blackburn." T. N.: 5010.

HARTNELL, Henry, A.M.I.E.E., late Staff Engineer, G.P.O., Electrical Engineer, 18, Herondale Avenue, London, S.W.I8. T. A.: "Herondale Avenue, London." T. N.: Battersea 1556. Ed. Axminster; student and lecturer at University College, Nottingham; student, King's College; First Prize, First Honours and Silver Medal in Telegraphy (City Guilds). For many years Post Office Examiner in Technology; Member of Committee on Copper Conductors and of Engineering Standards Sub-Committee on Telegraphs and Telephones. Represented Post Office in Home Office Inquiry on Lead, etc., in Potteries. Special knowledge of all kinds of electric cables, including loaded submarine and underground cables, and of electrical material 17 generally. Translator of many scientific and technical papers from the Russian, German, Swedish and other languages for various journals and for official use; joint editor for some years of the journal of the Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers.

HARVEY, Herbert Buchanan, M.I.E.E., Man. Dir.; Engr., Kent Electric Power Co., Railway Street, Chatham.

HARVEY, L. C., MsI. and S.I., M.Inst.Met., Cons. Engr.; b. 1877. Ed. Eton and Central Tech. College, London. Special Representative in Amer., 1918, for Director of Fuel Research. Books: " Fuel Research Board Report." Club: St. Stephens. Address: 25, Victoria Street, London, S.W.r. T. A.: ".Fuelecon, Phone, London." T. N.: 4280 Victoria.

HARVEY, Percy Edgar, O.B.E., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Civil Engineer, " Kingswear," Worthing; b. 1887. Ed. University College, Southampton. Trained under E. J. Harvey, C.E. Engineering Assistant to A. E. Collins, M.Inst.C.E.; City Engineer, Norwich; first Engineering Assistant to F. Roberts, Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Worthing; Deputy Borough Engineer, Worthing. War Services.—Captain, Royal Engineers; years on active service in France. Awarded O.B.E. (Military Division); mentioned in Dispatches.

HARVEY, Robert, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S., Sugar Machinery Expert, " Oaklands," Poll okshields, Glasgow. T. N.: 483 Ibrox. b. 1848; s. of Robert Harvey. Ed. High School, Glasgow, and the Andersonian University, Glasgow. Served apprenticeship in Cook's works, Glasgow. ( James Cook designed and built the first Marine Engine on the Clyde.) Under Manager in Cook's works; draughtsman in Randolph and Elder, now the Fairfield Co., Govan; Managing partner of Park Grove Iron Works, constructing shipbuilders' and engineers' tools, steel plant rolling mill engines, large steam hammers for steel works; late Chairman and Managing Director of the Harvey Engineering Co., Ltd., Glasgow, making a speciality of sugar machinery. Inventor of the " Harvey Evaporator " for evaporating the water out of sugar cane juice, of which 150 are now at work on most sugar estates. Chief Works: The construction of sugar machinery and the machinery for refining sugar at home and abroad; employed by the Government to visit the West Indies in 1905 and report as to the erection of central sugar factories there. Publications: " Early Days of Engineering in Glasgow," " The History of Sugar Machinery Industry in Glasgow," " The Rise and Progress of the Cane Sugar Industry," " Early Days of Engineering in Glasgow." Clubs: New, Glasgow; and Automobile, London.

HASELL, G. S., M.C., B.Sc.Eng. (Edin.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Dalemain, Penrith, England. T. A.: " Stainton, Cumberland." b. 1889; s. of Canon Hasell and Mrs. Hasell (née Sinclair). Ed. Towers, Portinscale, Keswick; Rossall School; Cowans and Sheldon, Ltd., Crane Makers, etc.; Edinburgh University. Assistant with Sir John Jackson, Ltd. Chief Works (as Assistant in each case): Reconnaissance for Irrigation Works, etc., in Syria; Survey for Hydro-Electric Scheme and Railway at Rocky Rapids, Edmonton, Canada; Survey for Regulation of River Struma, Macedonia, Greece. War Services.—Subaltern, 113th Railway Construction Company, Royal Engineers, 1915; 2nd-Captain, 14th Railway Construction Company, Royal Engineers, 1916; Acting Adjutant, Railway Construction Engineering Communications, 1916; Commanded 262nd Railway Construction Company, Royal Engineers, 1917-9. Mentioned in Dispatches; Military Cross; Maicr 19T S.

HASLAM, Sir Alfred Seale, b. 1844 s. of William Haslam, Derby. Trained M.Rly. Works, Derby, later under Lord Armstrong's,Co.; started the Haslam Eng. Works, Derby, 1868; first to invent, manufacture, and to fit up Haslam's Patent Refrigerating Plant in Colonies, and to fit up the Machinery and Cold Chambers on board ship, and on shore; Mayor of Derby, 1890-91; Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme, 1901-2-3-4; M.P. (L.U.) Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffords, 1900-1906. Address: Breadsall Priory, near Derby. Clubs: Reform, Devonshire, City of London.

HASSARD, Arthur, M.A.I., B.A., M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.C.E.I., Civil Engineer, 59, Grosvenor Square, Rathmines, Dublin. T. A.: "Hassard, Fisheries, Dublin." T. N.: 1333 Dublin. Ed. Corrig School, Kingstown, Co. Dublin; Trinity College, Dublin. Pupilage under the late B. D. Wise, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Belfast and Northern Counties Railway; Personal Assistant to W. Collen, M. Inst. C.E., Past President Inst.C.E.I., County Surveyor, Co. Dublin; Assistant Engineer, Congested Districts Board for Ireland, Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland, Fisheries Branch; Chief Engineer, Department of Agriculture, etc., Ireland, Fisheries Branch. Member of the Council, Institution of Civil Engineers, Ireland; Hon. Secretary, Institution of Civil Engineers, Ireland, 19156, 1916-17, 1917-18. War Services.—South African War (Queen's Medal and Clasp).

HASTINGS, Harold, Assoc.NI.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. (Hon. Sec. and Treasurer in Spain), Engr. of Ferranti, Ltd., in Spain; b. 1874; s. of Rev. Frederic Hastings. Ed. University College School, London, and the University of Adelaide, S.A. Training: School of Mines, Adelaide, S.A., and R. W. Thomson and Co., Adelaide, S.A. Chief Constructional Engr. to " La Maquinaria Inglesa," Madrid; designed and erected Central Electric Stations in the cities of Toro and Montilla, Spain; Res. Engr., Elec. Stations and Dust Destructor, Beckenham U.D.C.; Asst. Contracts Man., Callenders Cable and Construction Co., Ltd.; 19082I—Chief Engr. and Man. Dir. in Spain, of the Peninsular Eng. Co., Ltd.; designed complete System Underground Cables for Seville, Complete Elec. Installation and Cable System designed and erected at Leon; design and erection of Coal Handling Plant, Port of Barcelona, Elec. Works and Cable System, Nador, Morocco, and similar undertakings in Spain; 1921—Engr. of Ferranti, Ltd., for Spain and Portugal. Publ.: " The Aims and Ambitions of British Chambers of Commerce in Foreign Countries " (1918), " How to Start and Operate an Agency Abroad " (1921). Address Alfonso XII 24, Madrid. T. A.: "Ferranti, Madrid." T. N.: 5511-M., Madrid.

HASWELL, Frederick John, M.I.Mech.E. High Pressure Hydraulic Power Engineer, 30,, Victoria Avenue, Hull. T. N.: Cent 2627 (House). b. 1866. Ed. Private school, Chester. Pupil in works and drawing office, Hydraulic Engineering Co., Ltd., Chester,. 1882-7. Hydraulic Engineering Company's Outside Department, 1887-91, Liverpool, London, Edinburgh, Hull; Superintendent, Liverpool Hydraulic Power Company, 1891-1904; Engin-. eer and Manager, Hull Hydraulic Power Company, since 1904; Representative for Hydraulic Engineering Co., Ltd., for Hull and district since 1904. Chief Works: Employed on erection of cranes, capstans, lifts, etc., Waverley Station, Edinburgh; superin, tended erection of pumping engines, boilers, accumulators, etc., at Athol Street and Grafton Street Pumping Stations, and laid about twenty-five miles of main for Liverpool Hydraulic Power Co. Similar Work at Westminster Pumping Station, London Hydraulic Power Co.; erection of hydraulic machinery at Whitefriars-gate Bascule Bridge, and Albert Dock Swingbridge, Hull; dockgate machinery, sluices, capstans, etc., at King George Dock, Hull; west entrance,, West Hartlepool; and north entrance, Hartlepool. Premium Liverpool Eng. Soc., 1903, for Paper on Hydraulic Machinery and Distribution of Hydraulic Power.

HATCH, Frederick Henry, O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., P.-Pres. Inst.M.M., Tech. Adviser to the Mines Dept., B.O.T.; b. 1864. Ed. University College, London and Bonn University. Career: Min. Engr. in S. Africa, Canada and U.S.; Report on the Gold Resources of India for Indian Govt., 1900-1; Abyssinia, 19o1; Cons. Engr. to Lewis and Marks, S. Africa, 1902-6; Report on Mineral Resources of Natal and Zululand for Govt. of Natal, 1909; Urals, 1912; Canada, 1914; engaged on Home Iron Ore Supply in Iron and Steel Dept., M. of M., 1917-18; Director of Mineral Resources Development Branch of B.O.T., 1919-20; Member of the Departmental Committee of the B.O.T., on the Non-Ferrous Mining Industry, 1920; Member of the Governing Body of the Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau; Mem. of the Advisory Committee to the Mines Dept. for the Metalliferous Min. Industry. Publ.: "The Gold Mines of the Rand " (with J. A. Chalmers), " The Mines and Mineral Resources of Natal, other than Coal " (published by order of Natal Govt.), " The Kolar Goldfield " (published by Geol. Survey of India), " The Past, Present and Future of the. Gold Mining Industry of the Witwatersrand 'A (James Forrest, Lecture I.C.E.), " The Iron and Steel Industry of the U.K., under War Conditions." Club: Athenum. Address: 15, Copse Hill, Wimbledon. T. N.: Wimbledon 1317.

HATTON, Ernest, Engr. and Gen. Man., Newcastle-on-Tyne Corporation Transport and ElectricityUndertaking, Manors, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

HATTON, George, C.B.E., M.Inst.0.E, M and S.I. (Member of Council), Round Oak Works,, Brierley Hill, Staffordshire.

HAUGHTON, John L., D.Sc., F.Inst. P., Metallurgist, The National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. T. A.: "Physics, Teddington." T. N.: Kingston 336o. b. 1885; m. Edna Vera, d. of Lieut.-Colonel L. J. Pisani, I.M.S. Ed. Gymnase Scientifique, Lausanne, and Birmingham University. Chemist, Madeley Wood, Coal and Iron Co.; Metal. lurgist, McKechnie Brothers, Birmingham; Asst., Metallurgy Dept., N.P.L. Member of the Faraday Society, M.I. and S.I., M.P.S.L., M.Inst.Met. Publications: Papers on Metallographic subjects before the Institute of Metals, etc.

HAVER, Arthur Henry, M.I.N.A., Cons. N.A. and Mar. Surveyor; Naval Arch., The Monitor Shipping Corporation, Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne; b. 1656; s. of William Haver. Career: With Hawthorn, Lesle and Co., Hebburn; Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Walker; Harland and Wolff, Belfast; Doxford and Sons, Sunderland; Ardrossan, S. B. Co., and Private Practice, 1902-4; Monitor Shipping Corporation, Ltd., Newcastle, since 1905; Inventor of the Turret type of Steamer; Gen. Manager Shipbuilding Section Torpedo Boat Destroyer Dept., 189619oz. Address: 1, Hawthorn Terrace, Newcastle. T. N.: 719 Central.

HAWES, George William Spencer, M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E., Member of firm of May and Hawes; Cons. Elec. Engrs.; Deputy Chairman and Man. Dir. of Harrow Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd.; Reading Electric Supply Co., Ltd. Address: " Claydon," Shinfield Road, Reading.

HAWKEN, Roger William Hercules, B.A., M.E. (Sydney), M.Inst.C.E., V.-Pres. Inst. E.Aus., Prof. of Eng., University of Queensland, b. 1878. Ed. Newington College, Sydney, New South Wales. Training: Univ. of Sydney. Publ.: " Influence Lines in the Design of Structures " (Sydney Univ. Eng. Soc., 1903); " Method of Two Origins for Finding Deflections "; " Column Analysis and Design." Club: University. Address: Univ. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. T. N.: Albion 344.

HAWKES, Charles John, Engr.-Commander R.N. (retired), M.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.M et., Mar. and Mech. Engr.; Prof. of Eng., Armstrong College ( University of Durham), Newcastle-upon-Tyne; b. 1880. Ed. Rochester Mathematical School Training: Admiralty. Career: Joint Secretary of Royal Commission on Fuel and Engines, 1912-14; Secretary of Eng. Sub-Committees of Board of Inventiln and Research, 1915-16; Supt. of Admiralty Eng. Laboratory, 1917-19. Address: 20, Graham Park Road, Gosforth, Northumberland. T. N.: 45o Gosforth.

HAWKINS, Burton Tyas, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Borough Elec. Engr., Corporation Elec. Works, St. Helens.

HAWKINS, Eustace Fellowes, Lieut.-Col., D.S.0., B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Gen. Manager, E. Thornton and Co., Ltd., Paris; b. 1880. Ed. Blackheath School Training: Lausanne University (Eng. side). App. G. N. Railway, Doncaster; Asst. to Chief Engr., Aigle-Leysin Railway, Switzerland; Works Man., French Westinghouse Brake Co.; Gen. Man., E. Thornton and Co., Ltd., Paris; Director, Compagnie Generale des Freins, Paris; during the War commanded ist Heavy Repair Shop, R.A.S.C. (M.T.) as a Lt.-Col.; awarded D.S.O. and mentioned 3 times in Dispatches. Clubs: Travellers', Paris; Royal Societies, St. James's Street, S.W. Address: 17, Avenue Emile Deschanel, Paris, France. T. A.: " Moteur, Paris." T. N.: Central 06-50, Paris, and 6o-84, Paris.

HAWKINS, Percy, M.Inst.C.E., Deputy Sec. retary for Public Works, Govt. of India, Simla, India.

HAWKINS, T. Harold, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer, Casa das Sereias, Oporto, Portugal. T. A.: " Hawkins Bandeirinha 3, Oporto." Engineering Training Workshops, Davy Brothers, Ltd., Park Iron Works, Sheffield. Theoretical, under Professor Ripper, M.Inst.C.E., Sheffield, and in Germany. Drawing Office, Richard Hornsby and Sons, Ltd., Grantham; Henschell and Sohn, Locomotive Builders, Cassel (Germany), and the Schwartzkopff Works, Berlin. Formerly Engineering Manager of the Gruebland Engineering Works, Tilsit (Germany). Has special experience in opening up Iron and Copper Mines and Oilfields in Rumania. Member of the Royal Societies. Club, 63, St. James's Street, S.W.

HAWKSHAW, John Clarke, M.A., M.Inst. C.E., P.-Pres., liollycombe, Liphook, Hants.

HAWKSLEY, Kenneth Phipson, M. Am. Soc. E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E. (Member of Council), M.Cons.E. (Member of Committee), Member of the firm of T. and C. Hawksley, Cons. Engrs. (Civil and Water), 62, Broadway,Westminster, S.W.'. T. A.: " Andalusia, Vic." T. N.: Vic. toria 5034.

HAWTAYNE, William Charles Cloete, E.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1863; s. of Capt. W. H. W. Hawtayne. Ed. Dover College Training: School of Elec. Eng., Hanover Square; Crompton and Co., and Brush Elec. Eng. Co. Career: Joined United Telephone Co., in London, transferred to the Northern District Telephone Co., became District Engr. and Man. at Durham, Middlesbrough, and Newcastleon-Tyne; Engr. in charge of Outdoor Work, London Electric Supply Corporation, and with Crompton and Co. at Chelmsford; joined Staff Brush Elec. Eng. Co.; practised as Cons. Engr., and also acted as Chief Engr., Otis Elevator Co.; Cons. Engr. to Essex C.C. and various Corpns., U.D. Councils, and Private Cos. in Electric Lighting matters and on Light Railway and Tramway Undertakings; carried out the Electric Lighting of the Guildhall School of Music, the Foreign Cattle Market, and other work for City Corporation The Harrow Undertaking was the first of the Higher Pressure (200-400 volt) Three-wire D.C. Systems laid down in this country, while that at Erith was the first entirely equipped for three-phase generation and general distribution. Club: R.A.C. Address: 9, Queen Street Place, London, E.C.4. T. A.: "Hawtayne, London." T. N.: City 9535.

HAWTHORN, James George, M.I.Mar.E., F.R.Met.S., M.S.A., Mar. Engr.; Principal of Hawthorn's Mar. Eng. Academy, King George's Hall, Poplar, E.14; b. 1853; s. of Edwin H. Hawthorn, R.N. Ed. Royal Hospital Naval School, Greenwich. Training: Sheerness Dockyard. 1st Medallist, Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, Royal Naval School, Greenwich; Extra Chief Engr., Cert. B.O.T. Career: Engr. Student, H.M. Dockyard, Sheerness; various positions leading to Chief Engr. in Mercantile Marine; Engr.-in-charge of several Salvage Operations; founded the Eng. Academy known as Hawthorn's Mar. Eng. Academy, in 1888, had upwards of 6,000 pupils through his hands; Member of Committee of Experts of Shipping and Eng. Exhibitions. Address: " Toledo," 3o, Blakehall Crescent, Wanstead, E.11.

HAY, Alfred, D.Sc., M.I.E.E., Prof. of Elec. Technology, Indian Inst. of Science, Hebbal, Bangalore, India; b. 1866; s. of James Hay. Ed. at one of the Warsaw "Gymnasia." Training: Royal Tech. College, Glasgow; Faraday Works, Glasgow; University of Edinburgh and City and Guilds Eng. College; Paris Elec. Exhibition Premium awarded by the I.E.E. Career: Carried out Original Investigations and Tests of Gas and Oil Engines; Tests of Elec. Machinery as Consultant. Publ.: "The Principles of Alternate Current Working " (Biggs and Co.), "Alternating Currents " (Harper and Brothers), "Continuous Current Engineering" (Constable and Co.), "Electrical Distributing Networks and Transmission Lines" (Cassell and Co.). Clubs: Bangalore United Service. Address: Indian Institute of Science, Hebbal, Bangalore, India. T. A.: " Science, Bangalore."

HAY, James, Major, late R.E., M.C., B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Railway Engineer (Location and Construction), 31, Rutland Square, Edinburgh; b. 1877. Ed. Edinburgh University. As Engineer in various grades on North British Railway, Uganda Railway, Central South African Railways, Kilindini Harbour Works, Central Argentine Railway, Southern Railway of Siam, Argentine Railway, Madeira Mamore Railway. Chief Engineer, Anglo-Persian Oil Corporation War Services.—Joined 1st Lovat Scouts, September, 1914; joined Royal Engineers as Captain, March, 1915. Located Palestine Military Railway from Suez Canal to Haifa.

HAY, James Douglas, M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; b. 1865. Ed. Cheltenham College and Camborne School of Mines; District Engr. for Rhodesia Ltd.; Man. Dir., Neath-Merthyr and Gored Merthyr Collieries; Gen. Man., Topuldodi (Nizam's) Wondalli Gold Mines, and Hutti (Nizam's) Gold Mines; District Inspector, Midlands and South of England for Production Dept., Coal Mines Dept., B.O.T. Address: c/o Bank of Adelaide, I1, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3.

HAY, John Buchanan, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr., N.Z. Refrigerating Co.'s Freezing Works, Wanganui, New Zealand.

HAYCRAFT, Stanley Muirhead, Lieut. R.E. (S.R.), M.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o Ministry of Public Works, Cairo; b. 1890; s. of S. W. Haycraft, Medmenham, Sutton, Surrey; m. Jean, d. of the late John Miller, Alloa, Scotland. Articled pupil, Erith Works, Vickers, Sons and Maxim, 1907-11; then Brighton Railway. Joined Egyptian Dredging Co., Cairo, in charge of dredging in Gharbieh Province on Lord Kitchener's scheme of drainage of Delta, 1913-5. Present Position: Assistant Director of Works, Irrigation, Egypt. Member of Turf Club, Cairo. War Services.—Officer-in-Charge Section, Camel Transport Corps, Suez Canal, 1915; Lieutenant, Royal Engineers (Special Reserve), 2nd Field Company Royal Engineers in France, 1915-7.

HAYES, Robin Arden, M.A. (Cantab.), B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Trinity Hall, Cambridge; b. 1886; s. of Alfred Hayes, M.A., Oxon., Principal of Birmingham and Midland Institute. Ed. King Edward School, Birmingham (scholar); Queen's College, Cambridge 17. (scholar); Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham (pupil). Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and lecturer on engineering subjects in the University of Cambridge. M.A. (Cantab.), Mechanical Science Tripos, 1908; B.Sc. (Eng.), London, first class honours, 1914. War Services.—Assistant Manager of experimental work, Royal Laboratory, Woolwich.

HAYNES, F. E., Engr. Commander, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R., M.I.Mar.E., Marine Engr.; Chief Engr., Mar. Trans. Dept., Fort Johnston, Lake Nyasa; b. 1869. Ed. and Training: Lynam's Prep. School, Oxford; Rossall School; Firth College and Tech. School, Sheffield. App. G.N. Railway Plant, Doncaster; P. and 0. Steamers, and thence Asst. Engr. to Nyasaland Govt. Naval Dept.; Chief Engr., Nov., 1897; in command of the " Guendolen " for 7 months of the War; for keeping the Lake Nyasa Fleet in order during the War, received the O.B.E. (Milt.) and Reserve Decoration; rose from Rank of Engr. Lt., R.N.R., to Engr. Corn. (retired). Club: United Sports.

HAYWARD, Arthur Ernest, B.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., A.F.Ae.S., Aeronautical Engineer, Charleville Road, West Kensington, London, W. t 4. T. N.: Regent 6700; Ext. 86o. b. 1891. Ed. Wolverhampton Grammar School, Birmingham University (Engineering), Sheffield University (Metallurgy). 21 years in shops with William Hayward and Sons, Ltd., Wolverhampton; 1 year in shops with Midland Railway Co., Ltd., Locomotive Department, Derby; 2/ years Senior Draughtsman and Designer, Royal Aircraft Establishment, South Farnborough, Hants; 2 years as Technical Officer in Structural Investigations Section, Technical Department, Aircraft Production, Ministry of Munitions. Hon. Treasurer, Birmingham University Engineering Society, 1913-14. War Services.—Aircraft work throughout. Mechanic in Royal Flying Corps (T.F.) (1916-7); Technical Officer at Air Ministry, 1917-19 awards.

HAYWARD, Thomas William Alfred, M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., Borough Surveyor, Battersea Municipal Bldgs., Lavender Hill, S.W.I 1.

HEAD, Henry Coleman, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., 19, Staple Garden, Winchester. T. A.: " Light, Winchester." T. N.: 19 Winchester. A V.-Pres. of the Institution of Water Engineers. Member Executive Committee of the National Gas Council, Member of the Committee of the British Commercial Gas Association, Member of the Executive Committee of the British Waterworks Association.

HEAD, Matthew C., Flying Officer, Tech. Officer, R.A.F., Aeroplane Experimental Establishment, Martlesham.

HEAD, Walter George, M.I.Mech.E., Gas and Civil Engineer, 6, Clapham Mansions, London, S.W.4, and c/o Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., 38, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Battersea 2185. b. 1881. Ed. St. Laurence College, Ramsgate; Finsbury Technical College. Training with James Simpson and Co. With South Metropolitan Gas Co. as Chief Assistant, Old Kent Road; Chief Assistant, Vauxhall; Mains Superintendent; Gas Engineer in charge of West Greenwich 7c works; in charge of the British Monozite Works in North Carolina, U.S.A., 1905-7. Publication: Paper on Pipe pointing, 1912. War Services.—South-Eastern District Manager, Metropolitan Munitions Committee; Director of Works, Munitions Inventions Department, Ministry of Munitions; Technical Adviser, Priority Department, in all gas matters.

HEADLEY, Baron, , J.P., Ireland; 11th Baronet of Nostell, Yorkshire; 6th Baronet of Little Warley, Essex; Mem. of Council, Inst.C.E.I.; F. and Pres. Soc. of Engrs., Lond., Civil Engr.; b. 1835. Ed. Westminster; Trinity College, Camb.; B.A., Mathematical Tripos, 1878. Twice awarded Bessemer Premium of Soc. of Engrs., London; awarded Silver Medal, Royal Scottish Soc. of Arts, 1900; Silver Medals of Inst. C.E.I., 1902 and 1903; Civil Engr. Kashmir and Ireland since 1892; Asst. Engr. to Spedding and Co.; completed the Baramula-Srinagar Road, 1896; appointed Engr. to Arklow Harbour Commissioners, 1906; Chairman of the Neale Ship Raising Assoc. Author of " Boxing," All-England Series, and many ScientificTreatises and Pamphlets. Club: Eccentric, St. James's, S.W. Address: Ivy Lodge, St. Margaret's, Twickenham. T. N.: Richmond "34.

HEALY, H. W., Elec. Engr. to Kearney High Speed Railway Co., Ltd.; and Engr.-in-Chief, Battersea Electricity Works, 9, Glendower Road, East Sheen, London.

HEALY, Louis T., A.M.I.E.E., F.C.I.I., Electrical Surveyor, Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., 24-28, Lombard Street, London, E.C.3. T. A.: " Princely, London." T. N.: 3390 Avenue. b. 1863. Joint Hon. Secretary, Electrical and Insurance Surveyors' Society. Author of paper on " Artificial Lighting," and also a lecturer to educational classes of Chartered Insurance Institute.

HEARN, Gordon Risley, Lieut.-Colonel R.E., D.S.O., Indian State Railways (Superintending Engineer), c/o King, King and Co., Bombay; b. 1871. Ed. Winchester College, 1884-8 (scholar); Woolwich Military Academy; School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Commission, Royal Engineers, 1890; North Western Railway (Indka), 1894-8; Railway Surveys in Rajputana and Coorg, 18981901; Deputy Consulting Engineer for Railways, Madras, 1901-2; Agra-Delhi-Chord Railway construction, 1902-5; Deputy Consulting Engineer for Railways and Engineer-in-Chief, Burma Railway Surveys, 1906-7; Bombay-Sind Connection Railway Survey, 1907-8; Government Inspector of Railways, Dharwar, 190 8-i o; Engineer-in-Chief,. KhandwaAkola-Hingoli Railway Survey, 1911-2; Engineerin-Chief, Zhob Valley Railway Survey, 1913; Engineer-in-Chief, Khyber Railway Survey, 19T 9-20. Publications: " Railway Engineer's Field Book." Club: East India United Service. War Services.—North-West Frontier and Tireh, 1897-8; France and Flanders, 1915-8.

HEATH, Ashton Marler, M.I.Mech.E., M. Inst.C.E., Chief Inspecting Engr., Technical Staff, Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, Westminster, S.W.I.

HEATH, H. B., Engr. and Manager of Wisbech Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd., Elec. Works, Oil Mill Lane, Wisbech.

HEATH, James Fox, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr. of Distribution, Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Co., Naysari Bldgs., Fort, Bombay.

HEATHCOTE, Henry Leonard, M.Sc. (B'ham),. B.Sc. (Lond.), F.I.C., Head of Research Laboratory, Rudge Whitworth, Ltd., Birmingham and Coventry; b. 1876; s. of Frederic John Heathcote. Ed. King Edward's Grammar School, Birmingham Municipal Tech. School, Mason University College, and University of Leipzig. Training: Rudge Whitworth, Ltd. Research Work: Improvements in Case-hardening Materials and Practice (" Eternite " and " Tufflint " Case-hardening Compositions); New Instruments for testing hardness of materials (Quadrant Sclerometer, Auto-punch, Brinell-pliers, Sclerotint); New Instruments for making accurate measurements (Millimike); New Process for rectifying Gauges, finishing Tools and Parts; a Rust-proofing Process; an Instrument for Indicating the Oxidizing Power of Furnace Gases (Oxyscope). Paper: " Some Recent Improvements in Case Hardening Practice," Jour. Iron and Steel Inst., May, 1914. Address: Rudge Whitworth, Ltd., Sparkhill, Birmingham. T. A.: " Sphere, Birmingham." T. N.: 191 Acocks Green.

HEATHER, Henry James Shedlock, B.A., M.I.E.E., F.Amer.I.E.E., Professor of Electrotechnics at South African School of Mines and Technology, Johannesburg, Frere Road, Parktown West, Johannesburg. T. A.: " University, Johannesburg." T. N.: 1227 Yeoville. b. May 9, 1863; s. of late Jas. Heather, solicitor, London; 1904, Ethel Kate (decd.), widow of late H. C. Wood and d. of Wilberforce Wilson, formerly Surveyor General of Hong-Kong. Ed. St. Paul's School; Balliol College, Oxford. Has carried out much. electrical engineering work in South Africa, and in particular equipped the mines of the Rand Mines and Central Administrative Groups (now the Central Mining and Investment Corporation, Ltd.) for the use of purchased electrical power. Publications: " Electrical Engineering for Mechanical and Mining Engineers "; various papers for the Institutions of Civil Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Mining and Metallurgy, and South African Technical Societies. Recreations: Formerly rowing (College Eight), now shooting. Clubs: Royal Societies, London; Rand, j oh An necburg.

HEATON, Thomas Tannett, J.P.,M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, The Laurels, Iver Heath, Bucks. b. 1857. Ed. Private School, South Kensington Science and Art Department; private study. Apprenticed to Smith, Beacock and Tannett, Leeds, '873-84; 1st class Draughtsman (Machine Tools Department), Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Manchester, 1884-9; Works Manager, F. and J. Butterfield and Co., Ltd., 1889-91; Manager, Thos. Barraclough, London; Consulting Engineer and Shipper of Machinery, etc., 1892-6; Inventor of the Bilged Steel Barrel, 1892. Director, The Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., Uxbridge, Middlesex, established 1897. Justice of the Peace for the County of Middlesex. Has read papers before Institution of Mechanical Engineers and other technical institutions. Received Thomas Hawksley Gold Medal, 1920. Mem. B.E.S.A. War Services.—War Emergency Committees, Uxbridge; maker of many war service devices used in the war. Chairman of War Refugees Committee, Uxbridge.

HEATLY, Harry, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., Man. Dir., Heatly and Gresham, Ltd., Westminster, Calcutta and Bombay; The Heatly-Gresham Eng. Co., Ltd., Letchworth, Herts. Clubs: Constitutional and Royal Automobile. Address: The Chappell Croft, Worthing, Sussex. T. N.: 156 Worth' ng,

HEATON, William Haslam, M.A., M.I.E.E., Principal, Univ. College, Nottingham; s. of late R. Heaton, Bolton, Lancashire. Ed. Manchester Grammar School, Brasenose College, Oxford (1st Classes Math. Mods. 1876; Math. Final School, 1878 i Natural Science School, i88o). Demonstrator in Physics, Clarendon Lab., Oxford, 1881-84. Address: 19, Lenton Road, Nottingham. T. N.: Nottingham, 1644.

HEATON, William Henry, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, " Hazeldene," Birmingham Road, Wylde Green, War. T. N.: 55 Sutton Coldfield. Ed. Holt School, Birkenhead, and University College, Liverpool. Assistant Superintendent, British Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co., Trafford Park, Manchester; Westinghouse Resident Engineer on Electrification of London Underground Railways, District and Metropolitan; Works Manager, General Electric Co., Ltd., Witton, Birmingham. Holds extra First Class Engineer's Board of Trade Certificate.

HEAVISIDE, A. W., M.I.E.E. (Former Member of Council). Address: " Tring," Higher Warberry Road, Torquay.

HEAVISIDE, Basil Bell, A.M.I.E.E., Municipal and Power Supply Engineer, 31, Culmington Road, Ealing, Middlesex; b. 1871; s. of A. W. Heaviside, I.S.O., M.I.E.E. Ed. Private school and King's College, London. Three years indentured apprentice, Scott and Mountain, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 13 months improver and draughtsman, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Loughborough. Chief Assistant Electrical Engineer, Wolverhampton Corporation; Chief Assistant Electrical Engineer, Ealing Borough Council; Assistant Engineer, Contracts and Superintending Engineer's office, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Head Office; Technical Assistant to G. L. Addenbrook, M.I.E.E., Consulting Engineer, Westminster; Contracts Engineer and Technical Assistant, Electricity Department, Metropolitan Borough of Stepney. Chief Works: Kent Electric Power Supply Works; Limehouse Generating Station, Stepney. War Services.—Voluntary work for Ministry of Munitions (with The Metropolitan Munitions from inception to termination of Department); organizing Munitions Works and supervising shell manufacture; also voluntarily on Coal Economy Campaign, Board of Trade (Coal Mines Department). Special Constabulary (Sergeant).

HECKFORD, Harley, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. M. and Cy.E., Holder Diploma Certificate, Surveyors' Institute, Municipal Engineer, Council Offices, Poplar. T. N.: East 984. b. 1869. Pupil to John Anderson, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Burgh Surveyor, Montrose; Assistant at Manchester, Wood Green, Whitechapel; Appointed Surveyor to Vestry of St. Luke, Middlesex, July, 1897; appointed Engineer and Surveyor, Metropolitan Borough of Poplar, January, 1902, which position he still holds.

HECKSTALL-SMITH, Major S., F.R.Ae.S., b. 1874; s. of Brig.-Surg. Lt.-Col. Heckstall-Smith; Temp. Lt.-Col. R.F.C. (T.F.), 1916-7 (desp.); Major att. R.A.F.; Asst. Supt. Royal Aircraft Factory, 1911-17; Gen. Manager, Nieuport Aircraft Works, England, 1917. Address: 4, Golden Square, London, W.I.

HECTOR, William, M.Inst.C.E., District Engr., State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Tatura, Victoria.

HEDEN, Ernest Charles Burgess, B.A., B.Sc., B.E., M.Inst.M.M., Principal, Zeehan School of Mines and Metallurgy; b. 1878; s. of Charles Heden. Ed. Fort Street Model Public School, Sydney. Training: Sydney University, N.S.W. Slade Prize, Liversidge Prize, Deas-Thomson School, Levey School, Caird School Career: Two years Min., Broken Hill; two years Principal of School of Mines, Castlemaine, Vic.; Asst. Mgr., Siberian Proprietary Mines; Mgr., Koniah Mercury Mine and Denek Maden Silver Lead Mine; Sampling and Valuation of Buchan's River Zinc Lead Mine in Newfoundland; Lecturer in Min. and Surveying, Charters Towers School of Mines, Queensland; Asst. Mgr., Laloki Copper Mine, Papua. Publ.: " Occurrence and Estimation of Nitrogen in Magnesium." Club: University, Sydney. Address: 64, Main Street, Zeehan, Tas. T. A A.: " Heden, Zeehan, Tas."

HEDGES, Killingworth, M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Electrical Engineer, of Cranley Place, South Kensington, S.W.7; T. N.: Kensington, 6703; s. of the late W. Killingworth Hedges; In. Ivy Frances, d. of the late John Hewetson. Ed. Private. Articled for five years to Easton and Anderson. Until 1878 in charge of railway and constructive work, in that year installed the (Grammedynamos) electric lighting of part of Liverpool Docks, the Inman S.S. fleet, etc.; also that of the S.S. Chimboraso, the first ship fitted with incandescent lighting; acting as Consulting Engineer for the Aerated Bread Company introduced the pioneer tea-shops. Many years Director of the Lambeth Waterworks Co.; established the Lighting Research Committee of the R.I.B.A. and Surveyors' Institution in 1901, acting as Hon. Secretary, and jointly with Sir Oliver Lodge edited their Report; as Consulting Engineer to St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey; designed the system of lightning conductors; inventor of the Tubular Earth, adopted by the Admiralty for Airship sheds. Publications: " Useful Information on Electric Lighting," 1879 (2nd edition 1881), " The Supply of Electricity by Local Authorities," " Precautions on Introducing the Electric Light," papers on " Electrical Fire Risks " (R.I.B.A.) 1884, " Central Station Electric Lighting " (Inst.C.E.) 1887, " Modern Lightning Conductors," 1905 (2nd edition 1910). Clubs: Conservative, St. Stephen's.

HEDLEY, Arthur Morton, Member of Council I.Min.E., Min. Engr., Eston House, Eston, Yorks.

HEFFORD, Charles Nelson, M.Sc. (Eng. Hons.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Engr. and Manager, Leeds Electricity Dept.; b. 1875; s. of George Hefford. Ed. Leeds Middle Class School and Leeds University. Training: Leeds University. Appd. with J. and H. MacLaren, Leeds; continued as Head Draughtsman; Eng. Asst., Leeds Electricity Dept., 1904-13; Engr. and Mangr., 1913. Address 77 " Wayside," Wetherby Road, Roundhay, Leeds. T. A.: " Wayside, Wetherby Road, Roundhay, Leeds." T. N.: Roundhay 476.

HELE-SHAW, H. S., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Met.S., 64, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Heleshawce, London." T. N.: 1291 Victoria. b. 1854; m. Ella Marion, d. of late S. G. Rathbone, J.P., Liverpool; one d. Senior Whitworth Scholar, 1876; Miller Scholarship, Watt Gold Medal and Telford Premium of Institution of Civil Engineers; Scholar and First Professor of Engineering, Bristol University College, 1881-5; First Professor of Engineering, Harrison Chair, University College, Liverpool, 1885-1904; President, Liverpool Engineering Society, 1894-5; Gold Medallist, Institution of Naval Architects, 1899; Chairman, Liverpool Automobile Club and Self-Propelled Traffic Association; Hon. Consulting Engineer to Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society, 1896-1904; Chairman Management Committee, Liverpool School of Technology, i9co-3; First Professor of Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Transvaal Technical Institute, 1903-4; Principal of Transvaal Technical Institute, 1904-5; Organizer of Technical Education in Transvaal, 1905; Member of Council of Royal Society of South Africa, 1905; Founder, Member, and Member of Committee of Royal Automobile Club; Past President, Institution of Automobile Engineers; Past President, Association of Engineers-in-Charge; Past President, Society of Model and Experimental Engineers; Inventor of clutches, pumps, and other machines; Gold Medal, International Inventions Exhibition, 1885; Vice-President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers; Vice-President, Auto-Cycle Club; Chairman, Aircraft Sub-Committees, during the past twelve years; associated with Hydraulic Gears, Ltd., and The Victory Pipe Joint Co., Ltd., which operate his inventions. Publications: One hundred papers on Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering subjects, contributed to various Scientific Societies, etc. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Alpine, Royal Automobile, Mid-Surrey, and other Golf. War Services.—Engaged, unpaid, in organizing 118th Brigade, of which Vice-Chairman, also the Westminster Volunteers; during three years gave whole time to trench warfare research and Admiralty work, besides being Chairman of the Aircraft Ball Bearings Committee.

HENDERSON, Andrew, M.I.E.S M.I.E.E., Director of J. A. Kinnaird and Co. Ltd.; b. 1881; s. of the late John Henderson, Townhill, Hamilton. Ed. Hamilton Academy, Hamilton. Training: Royal Tech. College, Glasgow. App. with John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank; Draughtsman and Asst. Mangr., Elec. Dept.; Mangr., Elec. Dept. Scotts' Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd. Greenock. Responsible for the Elec. Equipment of Ships, Equipment of Elec. Power Stations in Works and Shipyards; Mem. Inst. of Elec. Engrs.' " Ship Elec. Equipment Committee, 1916-19." Club: Royal Scottish Automobile, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. Address: J. A. Kinnaird and Co., Ltd.; 1o, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. T. A.: "Ultra, Glasgow." T. N.: 1330/ I Douglas.

HENDERSON, Sir Brodie Haldane, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.Inst.C.E. (Member of Council), Member of the firm of Livesey, Son and Henderson, Civil Engrs., 14, South Place, Finsbury, E.C.2. T. A.: " Livesey." T. N.: London Wall 2384.

HENDERSON, Sir Frederick N., K.B.E., M.I.N.A., Member of Council, Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbuilders in Scotland, of D. and W. Henderson and Co., Meadowside, Glasgow. Address: Meadowside Works, Partick, Glasgow.

HENDERSON, James, M.I.Mar.E., Chief Inspector, Machinery Department, Brisbane, Queensland.

HENDERSON, James Alexander Leo, M.Inst. M.M. (Member of Council), io8A, Cannon Street, E.C.4.

HENDERSON, Sir James Blacklock, D.Sc., F.I.P.,A.I.N.A., M.I.E.E., Adviser in Gyroscopical Equipment to Admiralty; b. 1871; s. of late James Henderson, M.A. Ed. by his father at Allan Glen School, Glasgow; Universities of Glasgow and Berlin. Lecturer in Physics, Yorkshire College, Leeds; Head of Scientific Dept., Barr and Stroud, Glasgow; Lecturer on Elec. Eng. and Asst. in Eng., Glasgow University. Papers published in Proceedings of Royal Soc., Inst. E.E., Inst. N.A., Physical Soc., etc. Clubs: R.A.C. and Eltham Golf. Address: Roy. Naval College, Greenwich, and 2, Cambridge Road, Lee, S.E.2. T. A.: "College, Greenwich." T. N.: Lee Green 8.

HENDERSON, John Alexander, B.A., B.A.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Oyama, B.C. T. A.: " Henderson, Lisbellaw." b. 1881. Ed. Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, and Trinity College, Dublin. Engineering School, Trinity College, Dublin. 1906-7 —Pupil and Assistant to James Barton, M.Inst.C.E., Dundalk, on construction of Strabane and Letterkenny Railway and other works. I90 7-9— Junior Assistant Engineer, Lagos Railway, Northern Extension. 1909-11 —Assistant Engineer, Lagos Railway (open lines). 1912-14—Resident Engineer, Canadian Pacific Railway Construction Department. I916-19--Royal Engineers Railway Construction Troops. Club: F. R.C.I. War Services.—Temporary Rank: 2nd Lieut., Royal Engineers, July 12, '16; Lieut., Royal Engineers, January 12, '18. Acting Rank: Captain, Royal Engineers, January 1, '18; Major, Royal Engineers, December I, '18. Demobilized July 8, 1919. Posted to 273rd Railway Construction Company, Royal Engineers, August 25, '16. With this company in Salonika Forces till invalided home, April 2, 1919.

HENDERSON, Matthew C., Hydro-electric Engr.; City Elec. Engr., Dunedin, N.Z.; b. 1872. Ed. State and High Schs., Dunedin. Training: Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh; Otago University, Dunedin, N.Z. App. as Mech. Engr.; then with Crompton and Co., Chelmsford; National Electric Supply Co., Preston, England; Corporation Electricity Dept., Ayr, Scotland; since 1907 with Dunedin City Corporation, N.Z. Address: 56, Eglinton Road, Dunedin, N. Z.

HENDRIE, D. A., Chief Mech. Engr., South African Railways., Pretoria, South Af.

HENRICI, E. O., Major, late R.E., F.R.Ae.S., F.R.G.S., Assoc.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Fellow of the Optical Society, F.Inst.P., Principal in Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 29, Royal Crescent, London, W.11. T. N.: Park 2044. b. 1878; s. of Prof. 0. Henrici, F.R.S.; m. d. of W. M. Mordey (q.v.). Ed. St. Paul's School; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. 1-'78 Appointed 2nd Lieut., Royal Engineers, i 896; Telegraph Division, Royal Engineers, South Africa, 1899-1902; Instructor in Electricity, etc., Royal Military Academy, 1903-4. In charge military telephones, etc., Malta, 1905; War Office Staff, 1906-10. Represented War Office on Electrical Plant Committee of Engineering Standards Committee. 1910-14 —Ordnance Survey, Southampton; in charge of levelling division, etc.; Deputy Asst. Dir. of Fortifications and Works, War Office, and Sec. R.E. Ctee., 1916-20; Member of Council, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1914-16. Club: Junior United Service. War Services.—Commanding 19th Co., Royal Engineers, Weymouth, 1914-15; on staff of Signal Service Training Centre, 1915-16; Secretary Royal Engineer Committee, War Office, and Deputy Assistant Director, Fortifications and Works, 1916 to 1920. Member of various committees of the Munitions Inventions Department.

HENRIQUES, Cecil Quixano, Lt.-Col. (retired), V.D., M.Inst.C.E., Chairman and Man. Dir., J. H. Wilson and Co., Ltd.; Birkenhead; b. 1856; s. of the late D. Q. Henriques. Ed. Manchester Grammar School Training: Owen's College, Manchester; Pupil Mather and Platt, Ltd., and S. C. Homersham, M.Inst.C.E. Career: Assisted late R. W. P. Birch, M.Inst.C.E., on the preparation of Thames Valley Main Sewerage Scheme, also Mr. Deacon on Parliamentary Plans for Liverpool Waterworks; Asst. Engr. on Permanent Surveys, Fakenham and Norwich to Holt, now the Eastern and Midlands Railway; also had charge about I° miles of construction on the Melton Constable section and of the junction at Melton; Engr. to the King's Lynn Graving Dock Co.; in U.S., studying American Eng. Practice; in 1885 associated with Alexr. Grafton, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., in erection and equipment of the Vulcan Iron Works, Bedford; subsequently, in partnership with him, designed and constructed lifting Machinery for Devonport, Plymouth and Sheerness Dockyards, the Egyptian Government, Calcutta Improvement Commissioners, and various Railway Cos. in England and S. Amer.; 1892—became Partner and Man. Dir. of John H. Wilson and Co., Ltd., Mech. Engrs. Clubs: Junior Carlton, London; Conservative, Liverpool. Address: 15, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.: " Dragne, London." T. N.: 2383 Victoria.

HENRIQUES, Edward Cecil Quixano, Major, R.E. (T.F.R.), M.Inst.C.E., Man. Dir., Barlow and .Chidlaw, Ltd., Pendleton Gear Works, Manchester, and Northern Radiators, Ltd., Leeds; b. 1879; s. of late E. M. Henriques, J.P., Manchester. Ed. Manchester Grammar School and Victoria University. Training: Owen's College, Manchester. Pupil of W. B. Worthington, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Club: Engineers', Manchester. Address: Moorside, Kersal. T. A.: " Works, Manchester." T. N.: 790 Pendleton.

HENSHAW, A. P., Min. Engr., Talk-o'-th'-Hill Colliery, Talke, Stoke-on-Trent.

HENSHAW, Albert Mayon, J.P., M.Inst. .C.E., F.G.S., Min. Engr.; Director, Talk-o'-th'-Hill Colliery, Ltd., Staffordshire Chemical Co., Ltd., and New Acid Co., ' Ltd.; s. of John Henshaw, Kings.wood, Bristol. Ed. Merchant Venturers Tech. College, Bristol. Training: Collieries in Gloucestershire, Lancashire, Staffordshire, etc. Career: P.-Pres., N. Staff. Inst. of Min. and Mech. Engrs.; experience 17 in Eng., Development and Working of Mines; Recovery Work after Fires and Explosions; Rescue Work; Reports and Valuations. Central Examiner for Certificates under Coal Mines Act. Address: Talk-o'-th'-Hill, Stoke-on-Trent. T. A.: " Carbon, Talke." T. N.: 1481 Central, Hanley.

HENSHAW, Richard Stevenson, M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., M.I.Water E., Waterworks Engr. and Surveyor, Wellingborough U.D.C.; s. of Richard Henshaw. Ed. Sedgebrook Grammar School Training: Nottingham University College Prizeman, Building Construction. Career: Res_. Engr., Douglas Main Drainage; designed The Friar Waddon Waterworks for the Portland Council; numerous Municipal Works at Portland and Wellingborough. Premium awarded for paper read, Water Engrs. Address: Council Offices, Wellingborough. +T. A.: " Henshaw, Wellingborough." T. N.: 47 Wellingborough.

HENZELL, Charles George, M.Inst.C.E., Waterworks Engr., Municipal Bldgs., Leeds.

HERBERT, Sir Alfred, K.B.E., Officer of Legion of Honour, Officer of Order of Leopold, Order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd Class, Mech. Engr.; Chairman and Sole Gov. Dir. of Alfred Herbert, Ltd. Coventry; Pres., Societe Anonyme Alfred Herbert, Paris; Pres., Societa, Anonima Italiana Alfred Herbert, Milan; Pres., Societe Anonyme Belge Alfred Herbert, Brussels; Chairman, Alfred Herbert (India), Ltd., Calcutta; Chairman, Alfred Herbert (Australasia), Ltd., Sydney; b. 1866; s. of the late William Herbert of Leicester. Ed. Stoneygate School, Leicester. App. with Joseph Jessop and Sons, Engrs., Leicester. Established and built up Machine Tool Works carried on at Coventry under the style of " Alfred Herbert, Ltd.," and of the various associated Cos. referred to above. Club: Fly Fishers'. Address: Dunley Manor, Whitchurch, Hants. T. A.: "Dunmanor, Whitchurch, Hants." T. N.: IX' Whitchurch, Hants.

HERBERT, David William, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Indian Public Works Department), retired, c/o Grindlay and Co., 54, Parliament Street, S.W.; b. 1856; s. of the late Rev. J. B. Herbert,lector of Cilrhedyn, Pem. Ed. Royal Indian Eligineering College, Coopers Hill, 1876-9; Chatham Docks and Central Station, Manchester, i880. Thirty-two years' service in the Indian Public Works Department, Bombay Presidency Irrigation, Roads and Buildings; Under Secretary, Bombay Government; Sanitary Engineer to the Bombay Government; Superintending Engineer, Indus Right Bank Division. Retired on September 4, 1911.

HERDT, Louis, D.Sc., Officier d'Academie, France, F.R.S.C., Prof. of Elec. Eng.; b. 1872; s. of John Herdt, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Ed. Montreal High School; Laboratoire Central d'Electricite, Paris. Training: Institut Electrotechnique Montefiore. Liege, Belgium; McGill University. Career: Cons. Engr., Hydro-Electric Development, City of Winnipeg; Hydro-Electric Development, Ottawa, and large Industrial Cos.; Vice-Chairman, Montreal Tramways Commission; Chairman, Electric Service Commission, Montreal. Clubs: Montreal; Engineers'. Address: 355, Mountain Street, Hampton Court, Montreal.

HERNU, Arthur Henry, M.I.Mech.E., Assoc. M Inst.0.E., Cons. Engr.; Director of Luxfer Prism Co.; b. 1859; s. of A. F. J. Hernu, of Dieppe. Ed. St. John's College, Hurstpierpoint. Training: L. and N.W. Railway. Works, Crewe. Address: 69, Victoria Street, Westminster. T. N.: Victoria 578.

HERTZ, Albert Holger, M.I.Mech.E., Loco. Supt., Port Talbot Railway and Docks Co., Port Talbot.

HESKETH, Everard, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., Refrigerating Engineer, c/o J. and E. Hall, Ltd., Dartford, Kent. T. A.: " Hallford, Dartford." T. N.: Dartford 2C I. b. 1854. Ed. and Training: Marlborough College; King's College, London. Won Easton scholarship and consequently served three years' apprenticeship at Easton and Anderson, Ltd., Erith, Kent. 1878— Draughtsman at J. and E. Hall, Dartford. 1879— Partner in same firm. 1881—Senior Partner and when turned into Limited Co., became Chairman and still holds that position. For nine years on Kent County Council and for twenty nine years Member of Dartford Urban District Council. Publications: Paper on CO2 machines (British Association). Club: Royal Automobile. War Services.—Supply of Army lorries and of refrigerating machines for war purposes, also paravanes, shells, gun parts, etc. Commandant of Red Cross V.A. Detachment.

HESKETH, Thomas, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.Amer.I.E.E., Engr. and Manager, Folkestone Electricity Supply Co., Ltd. Address: 42, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone.

HEWITT, Leslie B., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, London and Suburban Traction Co., Ltd., Electric Railway House, Westminster; b. 1887. Ed. Dulwich College, Faraday House, and Robey Ltd., Lincoln and County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd. Now Technical Asst. to Deputy Manager and Engineer, Metropolitan Electric Tramways, Ltd., London United Tramways, Ltd., and South Metropolitan Tramways, Ltd.

HEWITT, William Arnold, M.I.Water E., Waterworks Engr. and Manager, Corporation of Shrewsbury; b. 1876. Ed. Bala and Chester. Training: Mech. Engr. at Chester, and at the Stafford Road Eng. Works and Offices, Wolverhampton, as pupil under the late George Crowe, then City Water Engr., Chester. Career: Supt. Mech.'Engr. to the Borough of Shrewsbury; afterwards Engr. and Manager of the Water Undertaking; personally responsible for the Installation of Pressure Filters and the entire overhauling of the Works and Machinery. Address: Waterworks Office, Chester Street, Shrewsbury. T. N.: 37F.

HEWLETT, Ernest F. J. Holcombe, M.I.E.E., M.Arner.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Vole Way, High Oakham, Mansfield. T. A.: " Hewlett, Mansfield." T. N.: 97 (Office 91). b. 1866; si of William Hewlett, Warwickshire. Ed. Manchester Grammar and Technical Schools and Owens College. Apprenticed, Edison Co., 1885. Assistant 'Manager, 1891; Baerlein and Co., Manchester and Lisbon, to 1892; Siemens Brothers, 1892-3; Town Electrical Engineer, Hove, 1893-5; Engineer, Electric Supply Works, Rockhampton, and Mount Morgan Gold Mining Co., Is Queensland; Consulting, 1895-1900; Assistant to R. Hammond, 1901-2; Resident Engineer, Mansfield, ; Engineer and Manager, Mansfield Corporation Electricity Department to date. Ex-member of Council Australian Institution of Mining Engineers. Chief Works: Isolated installations, factories and houses, England and Portugal. First installation electric power in gold mine in Australia, introduced battery and first automatic booster in the Empire Mount Morgan Mine, 1898; scheme for lighting, power, and railways. Erected Mansfield Works and all extensions. Club: Authors'. War Services.—Special converting scheme for supply of Clipstone camp during war.

HEYWOOD, William A., M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Metallurgist; b. 1867; s. of Rev. Thomas Heywood. Ed. U.S.A. Career: Smelter Manager, Quebrada Copper Co., Venezuela; Smelter Supt., Tennessee Copper Co., U.S.A., and Mond Nickel Co., Canada; Manager, Pittsburgh and Montana Co., Butte, Montana; since 1906 has acted as Cons. Metallurgist for Spassky Co., Siberia; Namaqua Copper Co., S. Af.; Copiapo Copper Co., Chile; S. American Syn., Venezuela; Cordoba Copper Co., Spain, etc. Address: 40, Queensborough Terrace, Hyde Park, W.2.

HIBBERD, Frederick Charles, M.Mech.E.,, Director, G. D. Peters and Co., Ltd., and Consolidated Brake and Eng. Co., Ltd.; b. 1880; s. of Charles Hibberd. Ed. and trained: City and Guilds Colls., London. Club: Constitutional. Address: 3A, Dean's Yard, S.W.I. T. A.: " Peters, Vic., London." T. N.: Victoria 2900.

HICKS, G. A., A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o The Agent, Burma Railway Co., Rangoon, Burnia; b. 1879. Ed. City and Guilds Central Technical College, South Kensington. Has been engaged on Plymouth, New Dock Entrance, Folkestone Harbour Works, Dover Harbour Works. Now Chief Engineer, Burma Railway Co.

HICKSON, Robert Rowan Purdon, M.Inst. C.E., I.S.O., J.P. for N.S.W. and S. Aust., Cons. Engr.; b. 1842; s. of Rev. George Hickson. Ed. St. Colomba College, Ireland. App. with late J. Barton, M.Inst.C.E.; Charge of Carlingford Harbour Works, Ireland, and L.N.W. Railway Mar. Station, Greenore; Charge of Barrow-in-Furness Harbour Works, 1870-75; Engr.-in-Chief, Harbours and Jetties, South Australia, 1875; Acting Engr.-in-Chief, Harbours and Rivers, Commissioner, N.S.W.; Engr.-in-Chief, Roads, Bridges and Sewerage and' Public Works, N.S.W.; on the passing of the Sydney Harbour Trust Act, 1900, was appointed Pres. of Board; now practising as Cons. Engr., and, amongst other works, has carried out extensive Harbour Improvements for the Fijian Government at Suva. Club: Australian. Address: Belcoo, Lindfield, N.S.W. T. A.: "Lindfield." T. N.: 11206.

HIDE, William Seymour, M.Inst.C.E.,. M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Marine Engineer, Cottingham Grange, East Yorks. T. N.: 3 Cottingham. b. 1861. Managing Director, Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Hull; Managing Director, Amos and Smith, Ltd., Hull; Superintending Engineer, Ellerman's Wilson Line, Hull. Clubs: Royal Automobile. and the Hull and East Riding.

HIGGENS, Thomas Waghorn Elford, Captain, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Municipal Engineer, Town Hall, Chelsea, S.W. T. N. 6900 Kensington. b. i86o; youngest s. of Capt. J. Higgens, H.E.I.C.S. Ed. Bedford Grammar School. Articled of G. H. Stayton, M.Inst.C.E., Surveyor to Chelsea Vestry in October, 1876; Appointed Assistant Surveyor to Chelsea Vestry in September, 1884, and Surveyor to Vestry in July, 1889; Appointed Borough Surveyor of Chelsea in 1900. Chief Works: Streets, sewers and river embankment wall. Clubs: New Oxford and Cambridge, and Solent Yacht. War Services.—Volunteer Assistant Field Engineer on London Defences.

HIGGS, Henry J., Lieut.-Col., O.B.E., A.M., B.A. (Cantab.), M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, Southwell, Notts. m. Gladys Winifred, d. of late Lieut.-Col. J. Rawlings, J.P. Ed. St. Paul's School, W., Cambridge University (Magdalene College). Royal Laboratory, Woolwich Arsenal. Irrigation Service of Egyptian Government; Managing Director of Ransome and Marles Bearing Co., Ltd., Newark-onTrent. Club: Turf, Cairo. War Services.—Served in France in 2nd Field Co., Royal Engineers, 8th Division, from November, 1914; wounded 1915. Served in Palestine on G.H.Q. Staff. Three times mentioned in Dispatches. Awarded Albert Medal (1st class) and O.B.E.

HIGGS, Walter Frank, A.M.I.E.E., Senior Partner and Founder of Higgs Brothers, Electric Motor Manufacturers, Birmingham; b. 1886; s. of Charles Higgs. Training: Birmingham Tech, School Address: Sand Pits, Birmingham. T. A.: " Higbro." T. N.: Cent. 1648.

HIGHET, Sir Robert Swan, Kt., C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Deputy-Chairman, East Indian Railway Co.; joined the East Indian Railway as Asst. Engr., 1883; Chief Engr., 1903; Pres., Indian Railway Conference Assoc., 1918. Address: Cranley Lodge, Guildford. T. N.: Guildford 3-6.

HIGHFIELD, John Somerville, A.K.C., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. (Pres.-Elect), Mem. of Council• R.S.A. and Incorp. Assoc. of Electric Power Cos., Cons. Engr.; Cons. Engr., Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Charing Cross, West End and City Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Edmundson's Electricity Corporation, Ltd. Address: 36, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 2489.

HILDAGE, Henry Thomas, A.R.C.S.I., M.Inst.C.E., Manager for Glasgow, Redpath, Brown and Co., Ltd.; b. 1874. Ed. Manchester Grammar School Training: Manchester School of Technology and Royal College of Sc., Dublin. Distinctions: Wh. and Roy. Ex. App. Mech. Engrs.' Shops, and Draughtsman, Railways. and Canals; Contractor's Engr. and Asst. Man., Bakerloo Railway; Res. Engr., North River Division, and Principal Asst. to Chairman, Board of Engrs., Pennsylvania Tunnels; Chief Engr., Dept. Public Works, Cuba, under Provisional American Administration; Sales, and afterwards Works Manager, Hans Renold, Ltd., Manchester. Clubs: Conservative and Scottish Constitutional, Glasgow; Engineers', Manchester. Address: 19, Waterloo Street, Glasgow; " Morvern," Tower Drive, Gourock.

HILDICK-SMITH, Gavin, B.Sc. (Hons. Min.), M.Inst.M.M., General Manager, Robinson Gold Min. Co., Johannesburg; b. 1884. Ed. Greenhill School, Moseley, and privately. Training: Birmingham University. Post Grad. School, Inst.M.M. Articled to H. W. Hughes, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., of Dudley, Worcs.; Gold Mines of the Central Min. and Investment Corporation, Rand Mines Group, since 1908, holding various positions; and General Manager on Farreira, Farreira Deep, Bantry, Can.; East Rand Prop. Mines and Robinson Gold Mine; P.-Pres., Chemical, Metallurgical and Min. Soc. of S.Af. Articles on technical subjects, especially with reference to efficiency methods in min. Address: Robinson Gold Mine. T. A.: " Randina, Box 1024, Johannesburg."

HILDITCH, James Bracebridge, J.P., M.R.I., F.R.P.S., Assoc.Inst.C.E., Asgill House, Richmond, Surrey. T. N.: 775 Richmond. b. 1843; second s. of the late George Hilditch; m. 1875, Mildred E. Soulsby. Took part in the early development of steam launches on the river and mechanical transport on the road. Steam cultivating machinery and the scheme for erection of the Richmond Tidal Lock and Weir. Mayor of Richmond, 1899-190o.

HILL, Charles Harold, M.I.Mech.E., Acting Deputy Locomotive Supt., South Indian Railway, Negapatam, South India.

HILL, Charles William, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 56, Victoria Street, Westminster. T. A.: "Scolanco Sowest." T. N.: Victoria 6663. b. 1880; eldest s. late Rev. Fergus Hill, M.A.; m. Eva, d. of late Colonel W. R. Magrath. Ed. Manchester Grammar School and Manchester and Salford Technical Institutes. Pupil, P. R. Jackson and Co., Ltd., Manchester; Contract Engineer, Dick, Kerr and Co., Ltd.; Chief Assistant and Electrical Engineer, Birmingham Corporation Tramways; General Manager, Bournemouth Corporation Tramways; Chief Assistant to A. Baker during electrification of Birmingham Corporation Tramways. At present Assistant Managing Director, Scholey and Co., Ltd., Westminster. Clubs: St. Stephen's and Eccentric. War Services.—Lieut. R.N.V.R.; served in H.M.S. Barham.

HILL, Edmund Lewin, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., General Secretary Federation of British Industries; b. 1871; s. of George Birkbeck Norman Hill, D.C.L., LL.D. Ed. Haileybury. Training: L.B. and S.C. Railway, Brighton Works. 1st Millar Prize, Inst.C.E., 1891-2. Clubs: R.A.C., The Engineers.' Address: 39, St. James's Street, S.W.I. T. A.: "Fobustry (St. James's), London." T. N.: 6050 Regent.

HILL, Ernest Prescot, M.Inst.C.E. (Member of Council), Sole Partner in G. H. Hill and Sons (Westminster), Cons. Engrs.; b. 1861; s. of the late G. H. Hill, P. Vice-Pres. Inst.C.E. Ed. Eton. Training: App. to late J. F. Bateman, F.R.S., P.-Pres. Inst.C.E. Career: Res. Engr. and afterwards Joint Engr. in bringing water from the Lake District for the supply of Manchester, and many other schemes of water supply for large towns. Club: Athenaeum. Address: 3, Victoria Street, Westminster. T. A.: " Thirlspot-Vic., London." T. N.. Vic. 532o.

HILL, Frederick Guy, Captain, Acting Lieut.Col., M.C., R.E. (S.R.); Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o London, County, Westminster' and Parrs Bank, Aldershot. b. 1884; only surviving s. of late Frederick Arden Hill, founder of Arden, Hill and Co., Gas Engineers, Birmingham; m. at Cairo, October 30, 19. Ed. King Edward's Grammar School, Aston, Birmingham. Pupil to J. D. Watson, M.Inst.C.E., Engineer, Birmingham Drainage Board; Classes at Birmingham Technical School, and Leeds University; Private tuition. Engineering Assistant, Birmingham Drainage Board, 3 years; Engineering Assistant, Sewage Disposal Works, Leeds City Council, 18 months; Military Engineering Course, Chatham and Aldershot, in Special Reserve Royal Engineers, r year; Engineer to Keshan Collieries, Ltd., Turkey in Europe, 2 years; Engineering Assistant, Birmingham Drainage Board, I year; Military Works Engineer, Aldershot, 6 months; Engineer to a commercial firm, saw mills and timber products, until the outbreak of war, about 6 months. Chief Works: Design and constructional Sewage Disposal Works, Birmingham and Leeds; Survey and working drawings for 25 miles railway, and small harbour works in Turkey in Europe; Design and erection of large saw milling plant. War Services.—In France from August 26, 1914, until November 14, 1915, as Lieut. and Captain. In Egypt and Palestine from February 5, 1916, until present date as Captain, Major and Lieut.-Col., Royal Engineers, in Army Signal Service. Awarded Military Cross and Order of the Nile. Three times mentioned in Dispatches.

HILL, Harry Prescot, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Water E., Civil Engineer, 16, Albert Square, Manchester. T. A.: "Thirlmere, Manchester." T. N.: 6290 (Central). b. 1870; s. of the late G. H. Hill. Ed. St. George's, Ascot and Eton. Five years' pupilage with the late Mr. G. H. Hill. Sole partner of firm of G. H. Hill and Sons (Manchester), engineers or consulting engineers to many large Water Supplying Authorities, for which numerous important works have been constructed, such as the Lake District Undertaking of the Manchester Corporation, for which H. P. Hill designed the Haweswater Scheme as sanctioned by Parliament, which is estimated to cost Z10,000,000.

HILL, Henry Ellis, F.S.E. (P.-Pres.), 24 Ambleside Avenue, Streatham, S.W.

HILL, Henry Ellis, Jnr., Captain, late R.E., M.C., B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Training Docks and Harbour), c/o Reckitt and Sons, Ltd., Dansom Lane, Hull; b. 1886; s. of Henry Ellis Hill, M.Inst.C.E.; m. Winifred Haswell Poppleton, 1911. Ed. City of London School, Finsbury Technical College. Pupil of Sir W. Matthews, K.C.M.G., of Coode, Son and Matthews. r906—Dover Harbour Works. 1909— Lagos Harbour Survey (West Africa). r9ro— Teeside Bridge and Engineering Co. 1911—Dock Engineers Office, North-Eastern Railway, Hull. 1914—Assistant Works Manager, Reckitt ' and Sons, Ltd., Hull. War Services.—Royal Engineers, 1915-19; Field Company, Royal Engineers, France, 1916-18; Works Directorate, Mesopotamia, 1918-19; O.C. No. r Special Field Company, Royal Engineers, India, 1919; Mentioned in Dispatches.

HILL, James Bastian, R.N., F.G.S., Geological Adviser, Ministry of Health; b. 1861; s. of late George Hill. Training: University College, London, and Royal School of Mines. 1st Class in Geology, Royal School of Mines, 1884. Career: From 1884 to 1911, Geologist on H.M. Geological Survey of Great Britain; in 1911 appointed Geological Adviser to the L.G.B. Club: Junior Army and Navy. Address: 55, Overstrand Mansions, Battersea Park, SAKI'.

HILL, John Kershaw, M.I.Mech.E., Engr. and Manager, West Surrey Water Works, Walton Bridge, Walton-on-Thames.

HILL, Joseph, J.P., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.andS.I., Mayor of Derby, 1914-15; Head of firm, Isaac Hill and Son; b. 1852; s. of Isaac Hill, Founder of the firm. Ed. King Street Wesleyan Day School, Derby. Training: School of Art, Derby. Career: Inventor and Patentee of the Flush Side System of Cold Sawing for Iron and Steel, universally adopted as the Standard by the Iron, Steel and Eng. Industries. Club: Derby. Address: St. George's Works, Woods Lane, Derby; Residence—Breadsall Mount, Breadsall, near Derby. T. A.: "Hill, Derby." T. N.: 227 and 947.

HILL, Reginald Charles, ex-Admiralty Motor Engineer, R.N. (Salvage Section), Electrical Engineer (Power Plant) and Motor Oil-Engine Specialist, Hadleigh Villas, Armscroft Road, Gloucester; b. 1889; s. of Charles Albert Hill (decd.), of Nailsworth, Glos., and Julia Anne Hill (née Watkins); m. December 30, 1916, to Sadie, d. of William T. Jones, Creswell, Derby. Ed. Wycliffe College, Stonehouse; 2 years' Electrical and Engineering Course at Technical Schools, Stroud, obtaining diploma and three South Kensington passes; 5 years pupil to Watkins and Okey, Painswick, Glos. Three years Assistant Works Manager at King's Mills, Painswick; qsyears Junior Engineer and 2 years Engineer-in-Charge, Gloucester Corporation, Electricity Department; years Admiralty Motor Engineer, Salvage Section. Member of Gloucestershire Engineering Society; Associate Society of Engineers; late Hon. Secretary of Electrical Bureau, British Empire Naturalists' Association; Member of Electrical Power Engineers' Association. War Services.—Three and a half years War Depart. ment (Power Station); 1 years Motor Engineer (Officer), H.M.S. Sunhill.

HILL, Roderic Maxwell, M.C., A.F.C., A.F.R. Ae.S., in charge of Experimental Flying Dept., Royal Aircraft Establishment, South Farnborough; b. 1894; s. of Prof. M. J. M. Hill, D.Sc., LL.D.,F.R.S. Ed. Bradfield College, and University College, London. Career: Four years in charge of experimental flying work, including the carrying out of numerous full-scale aerodynamic experiments as pilot, at above. Paper to the Royal Aeronautical Soc., " A Comparison of the Flying Qualities of Single and Twin Engined Aeroplanes." Address: 39, West Heath Drive, Golders Green, London, N.W.ii.

HILLER, Edward George, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.0.E., Chief Engr., National Boiler Insurance Co., St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester.

HILLHOUSE, John Paton, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., The Calthorpe Motor Co. (1912), Ltd., Birmingham. T. A.: " Chassis, Birmingham." T. N.: 35 Victoria, Birmingham. b. 1883; s. of. William Hillhouse, M.A., M. S.C., F.L. S., Professor of Botany, Birmingham, 1881-1909. Ed. King Edward VI High School, Birmingham; Birmingham University. With Lanchester Engine Co., Ltd., Birmingham; W. and I. Player, Ltd., Birmingham; H. W. Ward and Co., Ltd., Birmingham; B.S.A. Co., Ltd., Small Tool and Motor Departments; Calthorpe Motor Co., Ltd., 1909, as Chief Draughtsman and later as Chief Engineer till 1913, then Chief Engineer to Herbert Frood Co., Ltd. (Ferodo); till 1918, then returned to Calthorpe Co. as Chief Engineer and Works Manager. Club: Royal Automobile.

HILLHOUSE, Percy Archibald, D.Sc. (Glasgow), m.N.A. (Mem. of Council), Naval Arch. to the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd.; b. 1869; s. of the late Archibald Hillhouse (Caledonian Railway). Ed. Partick Academy; Albany Academy, Glasgow; Glasgow University. Training: Glasgow University. Career: Draughtsman, Pointhouse Shipyard and Clydebank Shipyard; Prof. of N.A., Tokio Imperial University; Asst. N.A., then N.A., Fairfield Shipyard; designer of many Naval and Merchant Vessels, including: Scouts, Destroyers, Liners, Channel Steamers, etc. Publ.: " Ship Stability and Trim," and Papers to Inst. of N.A., Inst.E.S., Greenock Inst.E.S., Glasgow Philosophical Soc., Aberdeen Mech. Soc. Clubs: Royal Scottish Automobile; Scottish Mountaineering. Address: Whitworth, Busby, Lanarkshire; Fairfield Shipyard, Govan. T. N.: 182 Clarkson (Glasgow).

HILLS, Stanley M., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 45, Lytton Road, Leytonstone, E.11, and 37 Strand, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Greenlyad, Westcent, London." T. N.: Regent 3661. b. 1887; s. of Henry Hills, B.Sc., B.A. (Tutor); m. Nora Violet Wood, d. of E. Wood, gentleman, of Leytonstone. Ed. Leyton County High School for Boys, Northampton Institute Day Engineering College (London). Awarded Bronze Medal and Vicker's Gold Medal by Junior Institution of Engineers; Bronze Medallist in Electro-metallurgy City and Guilds of London Institute. Apprentice, British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Manchester. Career: Assistant Demonstrator, Northampton Institute; Assistant Engineer, Rolling Stock Department, Mersey Railway; Chief Draughtsman, General Acoustic Co., New York; Sales Engineer, Ferranti, Ltd.; Sales Manager, Record Electrical Co., Ltd.; Superintendent, Heating and Cooking Department, West Ham Electric Supply; Chief of Engineering Department and Director, Greenlys, Ltd. Past Chairman, Students' Section, I.E.E.; Past Member of Council, Junior Institution of Engineers; Past President, Northampton Institute Past Students' Association; Present Member Informal Meetings' Committee, I.E.E. Publications: Papers read before Junior Institution of Engineers; " Dielectrics and Dielectric Testing "; " Electrical Heating and Cooking Apparatus "; " Aluminium—its Uses in the Electrical Industry."

HINDE, William Henn, M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., Selston, Greystones, Co. Wicklow; b. 1867; eldest surviving s. of the late Richard Hinde, of Shannon Lawn, Glin, Co. Limerick, land agent; m. in 1910, Agnes May Geraldine, only child of late Benjamin Williamson, F.R.S., Vice-Provost, Trinity College, 18 Dublin. Served as pupil under the late George Fosbery Lyster, chief engineer, Liverpool Dock Board; employed in Surveys for Light Railways in Co. Donegal; Assistant Engineer to the Contractors for the Liverpool Overhead Railway; employed by the late L. L. Macassey for surveys in connection with the Belfast Water Supply from the Mourne Mountains; Assistant Engineer to the Electric Traction Co. in the construction of the Tube Railway Bank to Shepherd's Bush. Resident Engineer for new Diversion Works on the Dublin and South-Eastern Railway, including single line tunnel, 'Jo° yards long, under part of Bray Head, Co. Wicklow. For eight years in private practice in Dublin in partnership with VVm. A. Cheeke, M.Inst.C.E. Member of the Royal Dublin Society; Greystones Golf Club.

HINDLE, Arthur, M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E., Cons. Water Engr., 44, Abingdon Street, Blackpool.

HINDLEY, Clement Daniel Maggs, M.A. (Cantab.), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.(Ind.)V.D., Agent and General Manager, East Indian Railway; b. 1874; s. of Charles Hugh Hindley. Ed. Dulwich College Training: Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. Hons. Mech.Sc. Career: Engr., Maintenance and Improvement, East Indian Railway; Secretary, Deputy Agent and Agent, E.I. Railway; Member of Legislative Council of Bengal, 1920; Fellow of Calcutta University; Governor of the Bengal Eng. College; Chairman of Calcutta Tech. Evening School; Member of Council Inst.E. (India); Lt.-Col.-Commandant E.I. Railway Regiment; A.D.C. to the Governor of Bengal, 1921. Address: East Indian Railway House, Calcutta.

HINDLEY, Oliver Walter, B.A., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Civil Irrigation Engineer, c/o King, King and Co., Bombay. b. 1877. Ed. Dulwich College; King's College, Cambridge; articled pupil of Edward Hayes, M.I.Mech.E., of Stoney Stratford, and trained under Professor J. R. Ewing, of Cambridge; Honours in Mechanical Sciences Tripos, Cambridge, 1901. Short periods of service with Exeter Railway Construction and S. Pearson and Co., Surrey Docks Extension. Appointed by Secretary of State for India to the Public Works Department as Assistant and Executive Engineer, and posted to Punjab Irrigation in January, 1933; and is still engaged thereat. Chief Works: Assisted in survey for Triple Canal Project; controlled protection of Siswan super passage foundations; prospected site of Bakhra Dam on Sutlej River; maintained main works and built minor works on Punjab Canals. War Services.—Remained by order at his post, maintaining canals and distributing water for production of foodstuffs and cotton.

HINDMARSH, Ralph Frederick, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., Tyne Improvement Commission, Bewick Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

HINGSTON, William Halcot, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., A.C.G.I., Consulting Automobile Engineer, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.I. T. N.: Regent 5155. Training: The Central Technical College, South Kensington, under Professor Cawthorn Urwin and after with the late Baldwin Latham, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., etc., consulting engineer, Westminster. During earlier career was mostly engaged on work in connection with pumping and other plant on Civil Engineering Works. Held position of Resident Engineer on R/ erection of pumping plant at Herne Bay. Later specialized on automobile work and in 1909 joined D. Napier and Son, automobile engineers, holding position of Senior Designer and later Works Engineer until the outbreak of war. War Services.—Enlisted in King's Royal Rifles, September 1,;91.4. Transferred to staff of School of Musketry, Hythe, as Machine Gun Instructor. Later transferred to staff of Machine Gun Corps, Grantham. Applied for by Ministry of Munitions, May, 1916, and appointed Assistant Director of Munitions Mechanical Transport. Transferred to Mechanical Warfare Department, i917, and appointed Director of Production. Sent to U.S.A., July, 1918, as member of British War Mission and was in the States until the Armistice was signed.

HINNELL, Henry Leonard, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Sanitary Works, Main Drainage and Sewage Purification), 41 Corporation Street, Manchester. T. N.: 2198 City. b. 1863; 3rd s. of late R. G. Hinnell, Town Clerk, of Bolton; m. Gertrude, d. of John Walker, flannel manufacturer, of Rochdale. Ed. Church of England Educational Institution, Bolton, and Manchester University. Articled to Jonas Proctor, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, Bolton. Engineer's Assistant to Nottingham Corporation, entered into private practice in 1884. In 1892 in partnership with C. F. Murphy, and was engaged by Bolton, Eccles, Haslingden, Rawtenstall, Bacup and Middleton Corporations, and by the District Councils of Whitworth, Limehurst, Poulton, Altrincham, Horwich and Ulverston, to design and carry out Main Sewerage and Sewage Purification Works and also schemes for the disposal of refuse. Designed and carried out works for refuse purification from manufacturers, bleachers, dyers. Also designed and supervised buildings for electricity works, tanneries, paper works, mills and weaving sheds. Engaged as expert upon many municipal schemes for many corporations. Chairman of Whitefield District Council and Churchwarden at Bolton, Stand and Alderley Churches. Publication: "Treatment of Sewage." War Services.—Took active interest in the Volunteer formation. Member of the Knutsford Battalion, 191 5-9.

HIRD, William Benison, B.A., M.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 6, Talbot Terrace, Scotstownhill, Glasgow. Ed. Bradford Grammar School and Trinity College, Cambridge. Assistant Engineer with Siemens Brothers, Woolwich, 1891-6. In charge of Design and Test Department with Mayor and Coulson. Associated with the late H. A. Mayor in experimental work on Electrical Ship Propulsion and responsible for the electrical design of all machinery produced by the firm. Chairman, Scottish Territorial Centre of Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1919-20. Publications: Papers on Design and kindred subjects to the Institution of Electrical Engineers and other societies. Author of " Elementary Dynamo Design."

HIRST, H., M.I.E.E., Chairman and Man. Dir. of General Electric Co., Ltd.; Chairman of General Electric de France, Ltd.; General Electric Co. of India, Ltd.; General Electric Co. of China, Ltd.; Anglo-Argentine General Electric Co., Ltd.; The Frinton-on-Sea and District Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd.; Electricity Co., of Macclesfield; City of Freetown (Sierra Leone) Electricity Co., Ltd.; 18 Steel Conduit Co., Ltd.; Conner Magneto and Ignition Ltd.; Vice-Chairman of Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd.: Director of British General Electric Co. (S.Af.), Ltd.; Aron Electricity Meter, Ltd.; Madeira Electric Lighting Co. (1909), Ltd., etc. Travancore Minerals Co., Ltd.; Societe de Produit Cherniques des Terres Rares; Oriental Tube Co., Ltd. Address: 67, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.

HIRST, John, B.A. (Cantab.), M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Norwood, Portugal Road, Prestwich, Manchester; Senior Partner of Hirst, Ibbetson and Taylor, Engrs., 37, Water Street, Manchester. T. A.: "Beforehand, Manchester." T. N.: 2993 Central; b. 1884. Ed. Oundle School and Trinity College, Cambridge. Experience with Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Ltd., Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft, Berlin, Willans and Robinson. Manager of Harland Engineering Co., Ltd., Head Office at Manchester 1916-192o. Club: Engineers, Manchester.

HITCHCOCK, Cyril, M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Member of the firm of Robert White and Partners, Cons. Engrs.; b. 1866; s. of Rev. W. H. Hitchcock, late Rector of Tarrant Gunville, Dorset. Ed. Privately. App. G.W. Railway Works, Swindon; then with Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Locomotive Drawing Office; and Maudslay, Sons and Field on erection of engines on battleships; Res. Engr. in charge of works for reclaiming flooded Tin Mine in Bohemia, 1889-90; Asst. Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Supt. on the Indian N.W. State Railway; subsequently District Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Supt.; received the thanks of the Government of India for services rendered during the mobilization of troops for the India Frontier Campaigns (Tirah, etc.) of 1897; resigned Indian Service in 1902, and joined the staff of Sir Alexander Rendel and Co., engaged on works for Indian Railways.; joined the staff of Robert White, Cons. Engr., in 1909; partnership with Robert White and Bruce G. White, 1919, the firm practising, from 1919 onwards, as Robert White and Partners; Member of the B.E.S.A. Paper on " The Standardization of Locomotives in India," Inst.M.E., '909. Clubs: St. Stephen's, and The Albemarle. Addresses: 3, Victoria Street, S.W.i; and 3, Marchmont Gardens, Richmond, Surrey. T. A.: " Brentesia, Vic., London." T. N.: Victoria 1784.

HOADLEY, Edward Ernest, M.I.E.E., Engr. and Manager, Maidstone Corporation Electricity Supply; b. 1874; s. of John Hoadley, of Rochester. Ed. Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School, Rochester. Training: Finsbury Tech. College Sir David Salomon's Schp., 1894. Asst. at Chatham and Eastbourne; Charge Engr. at Islington; Chief Asst., Worcester; Res. Engr., Barking; Chief Engr., Worcester; Chief Engr., Maidstone, since i9oi; has developed and changed the small D.C. Lighting Station to an E.H.T. 3-phase Station, turning out io million units per annum, chiefly for Industrial purposes. Various articles in the " Elec. Review," " Elec. Times," etc., and papers before the Municipal Elec. Assoc. Address: The Homestead, Bower Mount Road, Maidstone. T. N.: Works-41 (Maidstone); House-276 (Maidstone).

HOARE, Arthur, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engr.; Man. Dir., John Birch and Co., Ltd., Export Engrs., London; b. 1865; s. of Rev. J. O'Bryen Hoare, 34 .Christchurch, New Zealand. Ed. New Cross. App. M. Holroyd Smith and Goolden and Trotter; founded Turner, Hoare and Co., Engrs., Bombay; Buying Engr., Ministry of Food; Chairman, Light Railways., Ltd., " Railless," Ltd. Clubs: Union and Automobile. Address: 2, London Wall Buildings, London, E.C.

HOBBS, Charles James, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., Hydraulic Engineer, Hydraulic Engineering Co., Chester. T. A.: "Hydraulic, Chester." T. N.: 121 Chester. b. 1866. Ed. Charterhouse, Godalming. Training: Pupil at works of James 'Simpson and Co., London, 1885-9. Outdoor Manager to Simpson and Co., 1889-98; London Manager to Hydraulic Engineering Co., 1898-1906; General Manager of Hydraulic Engineering Co., 1906 to present date; made Director 1913. Club: Grosvenor, .Chester. War Services.—Manufactured general munitions at the Works.

HODGE, Sir Rowland F. W., Bart., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.N.A., Shipbuilder, Chipstead Place, Sevenoaks, and 98, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. T. A.: " Indhoust, London." T. N.: Riverhead 6. b. 1859. Ed. at Houghton Le Spring. Draughtsman and General Manager at Schlesinger, Davis and Co., Wallsendon-Tyne, until 1889; General Manager of C. S. Swan and Hunter, Ltd., 1889-98. In 1898 founded the Northumberland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., at Howdon-on-Tyne and remained Managing Director until 1918, when he retired and took up the directorate of several Companies, including Eltringhams, Ltd., Chairman; Columbian Mining and Exploration Ltd., Director; Western Trust, Ltd., -Chairman; Chas. Booth and Co., Ltd., Chairman; British Investors Association, Director; Colombian Oilfields, Ltd. Chief Works: Laying out, constructing and developing the Northumberland Shipyard. Clubs: Devonshire and Constitutional. War Services.—Large output of war vessels and specially designed cargo steamers for the Shipping Controller.

HODGES, Charles Culmer, A.M.I.E.E., .A.M.I.Mech.E., Electricity Supply Engineer, Brook Street, Dawlish. T. A.: " Hodges, Dawlish." b. 1886. Ed. Queen Elizabeth's Grammar 'School, Wimborne. Articled Pupil, Bournemouth and Poole Electricity Supply Co., Ltd., Bournemouth. Charge Engineer, Dover Corporation Electricity Works, 1909-11; Engineer Manager and 'Secretary, Dawlish Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd., 1911 to date. War Services.—June, 1918, to March, 1919, Air'craftsman, 1st Class, R.A.F.

HODGES, I., P.-Pres. Midland Inst. of Min. 'Civil and Mech. Engrs., Vereeniging, Transvaal, S. Af.

HODGKIN, J. Edward, F.S.A., M.I.E.E., M.I.Min.E., Consulting Engineer (Electrical and Mechanical), Shelleys, Darlington; Office, Northgate Chambers, Darlington. T. A.: "Energy, Darlington." T. N.: 2690 Darlington. b. 1875; 'eldest s. of J. B. Hodgkin, of Darlington; m. 1902, Elspeth L., d. of late James E. Backhouse, banker, of Hurworth Grange, Darlington. Ed. Bootham School, York; Leighton Park School, Reading; Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Served apprenticeship from 1893-97 with Ernest Scott and Mountain, Ltd., electrical and general engineers, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Remained with above firm as a Manager and later as a Director till its winding up in 1911. Then commenced to practise as a Consulting Engineer, later taking into partnership C. R. M. Young, A.M.I.E.E., of West Hartlepool. Hon. Sec. of the North-Eastern Automobile Association since its formation in 1904. Actively connected with insurance, especially since joining the board of the Motor Union Insurance Co. in 1911. Chief Works: Superintended the installation of electrical transmission into many collieries in all parts of the country, including Scotland. Member of Darlington County Borough Council, 1914-9. Publications: " Little Guide " to Durham (County) and various papers, etc., on electrical engineering in collieries. Clubs: Reform, Royal Societies, and Union (Newcastle-on-Tyne).

HODGSON, Clement Gaukroger, O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., Loco. and Mech. Engr.; Cons. Mech. and Inspecting Engr., Sudan Govt.; b. 1875; s. of Alfred Hodgson, Durham. Ed. Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Distinctions: Order of the Medjedieh, 3rd Class, 1905; Order of the Osmanieh, 3rd Class, 1910; O.B.E., 1917. Career: Works Manager, Sudan Government Railways., 1898; Chief Mech. Engr., Sudan Govt. Railways. and Steamers, 1905-21. Club: Constitutional. Address: S.G.R. and S. Office, 5, Northumberland Avenue, London, S.W.2. T. N.: 1071 Regent.

HODGSON, Richard B., M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir., R. B. Hodgson and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd.; b. 1866. Ed. Private Tuition. Midland Inst. and School of Art. Passed Exams., S. Kensington and City and Guilds Inst. 1887—Cert. Teacher of Machine Construction; gained experience in Mech. Eng. in various Workshops. 1890-95 — Chief Engr., F. Brampton and Co. 1895—Designed Tools and Equipment to manufacture Driving Chains for "Alfred Appleby" Chain Co., Ltd. 1896-97—Man. Engr., Baron Rose of Halesowen (designing New Works and Equipment). 1898-1903—With Meldrum Brothers, Ltd., as Midland Engr. and Representative. 1904—Brit. Agent, Bohler Brothers, Austria. 1905—In business as a Mech. Engr. and Steel Expert. 19o8-18—Gen. Man., Crookes, Roberts and Co., Argus Steelworks, Sheffield. Founder and Man. Dir., R. B. Hodgson and Co., Ltd. In 1895 equipped Workshops of Aston Manor Tech. School, and appointed Engr. Teacher, Machine Construction and Drawing, Selly Oak and Bournbrook Tech. Inst., 1900-1. Member of Council, Bir. Assoc. of Mech. E., 1900-7. Publ.: " Machines and Tools employed for Working Sheet Metal " and " Emery Grinding Machinery." Has contributed many papers to the Tech. Insts., including " History of Iron and Styrian Steel," for which he received the first Diploma given by the Bir. Assoc. of Mech. E. Address: Glengarth, Riverdale Road, Ranmoor, Sheffield. T. N.: Broomhill 573.

HODSON, Frank, M.I. and S.I., Pres., Electric Furnace Construction Co., Phila., Pa.; Director, Furnace Construction Co., Lancaster Street, Sheffield; and T. H. Watson and Co., Ltd., Sheffield; ElectroMetallurgical Engr.; b. 1887; s. of H. Hodson, Northam, Devon. Ed. All Saints' School and Sheffield University. Training: Four years, Metallurgy Course and Research Work, Sheffield University, RK and various Sheffield Works. Received British Assoc. grant and I. and S.I. grant for Research work on Corrosion of Steel. Member Executive Committee; Philadelphia Foundrymen's Assoc.; American Electro-Chemical Soc.; American Steel Treaters' Soc.; Assoc. of I. and S. Elec.E.; American Inst. M. and M.E.; British Assoc. Member of American I.S. Papers and Articles on Electric Furnaces, and on Corrosions. Clubs: Athenaeum, Sheffield; Engrs'., Manufacturers', Philadelphia; Seaview County Club, Atlantic City, N.J. T. A.: " Elfurco-Phila."; or " Cargo, Sheffield." T. N.: Philadelphia— Walnut 6468; Sheffield 1652.

HODSON, F. Walter, M.Inst.C.E., F.G.S., M.Cons.E., M.I.Water E., Consulting Civil Engineer, Bank Chambers, Loughborough. T. A.: "Hodsons, Loughborough." b. 1871; eldest s. of the late George Hodson, M.Inst.C.E. Consulting Engineer to a number of Corporations, County Councils, Urban and Rural District Councils on matters of Public Water Supply and Sewerage, and to a number of large Landowners, Millowners, etc., including Parliamentary and Local Government Board procedure, Arbitrations, Valuations, etc. Past President, Leicester Engineering Society; Vice-President, Nottingham Engineering Society; Director, Hathern, Station Brick and Terra-cotta Co., Ltd. War Services.—Staff Captain Directorate of Fortifications and Works, War Office.

HOGARTH, Lionel B., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Whitehaven Corporation Electricity Works, Whitehaven.

HOLCROFT, Harold, M.I.Loco.E., Locomotive Engr.; Attached to Chief Mech. Engr.'s Tech. Staff, S.E. and C. Railway, Ashford Works, for Special Duties; b. 1882; s. of Harold Holcroft, M.A., F.C.S., F.R.P.S. Ed. Wolverhampton Grammar School Training: Wolverhampton Tech. School, and Swindon and North Wilts. Tech. Inst. App. G.W. Railway, Works and Drawing Office; several years on design of new locomotives; entered Ashford Works of S.E. and C. Railway, 1914; during War was in charge of Railway Executive Committee's Checking and Inspection Depot at Military Railway Wharf, Purfleet, Essex. Publ.: Contributor to " The Engineer," including several serial articles on Locomotive subjects. Also contributor to " Railway Gazette," and other tech. periodicals. Author of several papers read before Inst. of Loco. Engrs., Inst. of Loco. Inspectors and Foremen, and G.W. Railway Eng. Soc., Swindon. Associate Editor of " Kempe's Engr.'s Year Book " (Locomotive Section). Address: Claremont House, Hamstreet, near Ashford, Kent.

HOLDEN, Francis John Gerald, Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 6, York Place, Scarborough. T. N.: 264. b. 1869; s. of Laurence Holden, solicitor, Lancaster. Ed. B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. Served time with the Hon. Sir Charles Parsons. Assistant Manager to the Cambridge Electric Supply Co., Ltd., now Director, Manager, and Secretary to the Scarborough Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; was one of the District Inspectors for the Board of Trade Coal Economy Campaign.

HOLFORD, George William, General Manager Salford Corporation Tramways; Pres., Municipal Tramways Assoc. (Incor.); Hon. Sec., Lancs. 18 and Cheshire Tramway Managers' Assoc.; b. 1871. Ed. Manchester Grammar School Address: 32, Blackfriars Street, Salford. T. A.: " Tramways,. Salford." T. N.: 5367 Central (Manchester).

HOLIDAY, Roslyn, A.I.E.E., Min. Engr., Acton Hall Colliery, Featherstone, near Pontefract.

HOLL, William Esplin, M.I.Mech.E., Mech. Engr.; General Manager, The Bombay Uganda Co., Ltd., Soroti, Uganda; b. 18.78. Ed. Privately and at Aberdeen Grammar School, Aberdeen. App. with late William Jackson, of Aberdeen, and Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Gainsboro'; experience in Tea Machinery, Steam Engine Construction and Testing, and later Supt. Repairs and Erection of Plant in England and Abroad; 1903-4—Visited Southern Nigeria, Saw Mill Constructional Work, etc., then Asst., Marshall's Steam Engine Testing Department, Gainsboro'; 1905-L12—In India on Commercial Eng. for Messrs. Marshall, visiting Persian Gulf Ports, 1912; 1913—Engaged in Exploration Work in Uganda served during part of East African Campaign in German and Portuguese East Af.; Nairobi, Kenya Colony; Entebbe, Uganda. Overseas Member, Authors' Club, London; Life Member, Overseas. Club and Patriotic League, London. Address: Soroti, Uganda.

HOLLAND, Sir Thomas Henry, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S:, P.-Pres. I.Min.E., M.Inst.M.M., Vice-Pres. Inst.P.T., Min. Geologist; Member of the Governor-General's Council, India, for the Departments of Commerce, Industry and Railways.; b. 1868; s. of John Holland, Springfield, Manitoba. Training: Royal School of M., and Owen's College, Manchester. Offices Held: Pres. Geol. Sect. Brit. Assoc., 1914; Past Pres. and Hon. Member Min. and Geol. Inst. of India; Bigsby Medallist, Geological Soc.; Hon. Member Inst. of Engrs. (India); Member of the Royal Commission on Navy Fuel and Engines, 1911-13; Prof. of Geology, Manchester University, 1909-17; Pres., Indian Industrial Commission, 1916-17; Pres. Indian Munitions Bd., 1917-19; Berkley Fellow of the Owen's College, 1889; joined Indian Service, 1890; Director of the Geological Survey of India, 1903-9; Pres., Burma Oilfields Committee, 1908. Clubs: Athenaeum, Savage and Bengal. Address: Simla, India. T. A.: " Simla, India."

HOLLIDAY, Harry, M.I.E.E., M.Inst.T., Engr. and General Manager, Rhondda Tramways Co., Ltd.; and Chief Engr., Rhondda Tramways Supply Co., Ltd. Address: Electricity Works, Rheola Road, Porth, Glam.

HOLLOWAY, Sidney Charles, M.I.A.E., Man. Dir., Minerva Motors, Ltd.; b. 1879; s. of John Alexander Holloway. Ed. United, Westminster_ Training: Joseph Richmond, Engrs. Connected with Minerva Motors since 1907. Address: Minerva Motors, Ltd., Chenies Street, London, W.C. T. N. Museum 40.

HOLME, Thomas, Telephone Engineer, Telephone Buildings, Mytorgate, Hull. T. A.: "Corporation Telephones, Hull." T. N.: Hull, Central 1. b. 1879. Ed. Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. Joined National Telephone Co., Ltd., in 1898. On the commencement of municipal competition went to Glasgow Corporation, and after the2C opening of the Glasgow Central Exchange was engaged by Portsmouth Corporation as Assistant Engineer and was largely responsible for the successful operation of the system. In 1903 was engaged by the Hull City Council as Manager and Engineer, in which capacity still employed. Chief Works: Construction of the City of Hull telephone system serving the city and 120 miles of territory. The system was so successful in competition with the National Telephone Company's service that when the Post Office purchased the latter the City Council repurchased, and still maintains, the Hull portion. War Services.—Lieutenant in the Signal Corps on the East Coast and stationed at Hull in connection with " signals."

HOLMES, Arthur Bromley, M.Eng., M.Inst.C.E.; b. 1849. Ed. Repton School App. Andrew Handyside and Co., Ltd., Derby, afterwards assisted them in the management of their business, and became Works Manager; Cons. Engr. in partnership with J. C. Vaudrey, 1882; Cons. Engr. to the Liverpool Corporation, 190313. Address: 2, Princes Gate East, Liverpool. T. N.: Royal Liverpool 481.

HOLMES, F. G., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. (VicePres. for Scotland and Member of Council), Office of Public Works, Glasgow.

HOLMES, Frederick John, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 2, St. Thomas's Road, South Hackney, London. b. 1880. Ed. Polytechnic School of Engineering. Electrical Engineer Specialist in manufacture, maintenance and use of Electrical Accumulators. First engaged at Electrical Power Storage Co., Millwall, London; at present Engineer and Manager, Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd., Stratford, London. War Services.—Manufacture of electrical accumulators by Hart Accumulator Co., Ltd., for all branches of electrical war work: Admiralty, War Office, Air Board,.India Office, etc. Principal Admiralty work was accumulators for submarines.

HOLMES, Robert Gerard Addison, Lt.-Col., C.M.G., 0.B.E., D.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.N.A., Naval Arch.; b. 1881; s. of Sir George Holmes, K.C.B., K.C.V.O. Ed. and Trained: Wellington College and Glasgow University. App. to Fairfield Eng. and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Govan; served on Staff of William Beardmore and Co., Dalmuir; Asst. to Prof. of Naval Architecture, and Lecturer in Mar. Eng., University of Glasgow; Asst. to the Naval Arch., Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., Liverpool; Lt.-Commander and Commander R.N.V.R.; transferred to R.A.F., as Lt.-Col., 1918; served with Naval Flying Units in North Sea and on Admiralty and Air Force Staff. Address: c/o Sir George Holmes, K.C.B., K.C.V.O., St. James' Club, Piccadilly.

HOLMES, Robert West, I.S.O., M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr., Railways., Roads, Irrigation and Marine; b. 1856 s. of Robert Thomas Holmes. Ed. Private Schs., London. Training in New Zealand. Past Member of Council Inst.C.E.; P.-Pres., N.Z. Soc. C.E.; P.-Pres., Philosophical Soc., Wellington. Awarded Telford Premium, Inst.C.E. Career: Entered the service of the N.Z. Govt. in the P.W.D. as Draughtsman, 1871; Eng. Cadet, 1872; Asst. Engr., 1876; Res. Engr., 1879; Insp. Engr., 1906; and Mar. Engr., also Member of Bd. of Examiners of Engine Drivers under the N.Z. Act, 1907; Under Secretary of the P.W.D., 192o. Principal Works: Otoko Steel Railway Viaduct; Dublin St. Bridge (Steel), Wanganui; Castle Point Lighthouse; Karori Rock Beacon; Manorburn Dam, Rein. Concrete Road and Railway Bridge, Inner Harbour, Napier; Raurimu Spiral North Is. Maine Trunk Railway; Otira Tunnel (5i miles), Midland Railway; Okahukura Tunnel, Taranaki Railway; Seatoun Road Tunnel, Wigton.; Westport, Greymouth and Patea Harbour Moles extensions, and Defence Fortifications; also Military Training Camps during late War. Retired from the Govt. Service, 1920, after 49 years' service. Publ.: Papers in Proceedings Inst. C.E. and N.Z. Soc. C.E. Address: 23, Burnell Avenue, Wellington, N.Z. T. N.: 20-956 Wellington.

HOLMES, William, A.M.I.E.E., Engr. and Manager to Barking Urban District Council Lighting and Light Railways. Address: 4, Cecil Avenue, Barking.

HOLMS, William Frederick, C.I.E., Chief Engr. and Secretary Irrigation Branch, Punjab. Government, 1916-19, now retired. Ed. Blairlodge School; Coopers Hill College Indian P.W.D., 1888; Supt. Engr., Punjab Irrigation Department, 1910. East India United Service Club; Mid-Surrey and Royal Eastbourne Golf Clubs. Address: c/o H. S. King and Co., 9, Pall Mall,

HOLT, Follett, M.Inst.C.E., 6, Sussex Square, Hyde Park, London, W.2; b. 1865; fifth s. of Robert Hallett Holt, barrister, Head of the Land Registry Department. Ed. Merchant Taylors School, London, and City and Guilds of London Technical. Institute (Mechanical Engineering Certificate). Articled to William Adams, locomotive superintendent, London and South-Western Railway. Two years. Assistant in the office of Sir Alexander Rendel, consulting engineer to the Indian State Railways. Then six years District and acting Locomotive Superintendent, Buenos Aires and Rosario Railway (now Central Argentine Railway). Appointed 1898 Chief Engineer and General Manager, Great Western and Brazil Railway Co.; proposed and commenced the linking up of the railways in the North of Brazil now forming the mileage of the Company of which he is Chairman. Appointed 1900 Chief Engineer and General Manager, Entre Rios Railways. Proposed and constructed the train-ferry system across the Parana River, uniting the provinces of Entre Rios and Buenos Aires and giving direct train communication between the Republics of Paraguay and Argentina. Retired in 1910 to join London Board, now Chairman. Director of the London and River Plate Bank, and Chairman and Director of other railways and public companies. Has rendered the following honorary public services; 1900-10, H.M.'s Vice-Consul, Parana, Argentine; 1915 (April to May), Shell Production Organization, War Office; 1916, Settler under Munitions Levy Act, Ministry of Munitions; 1917-19, Financial Advisor to Controller of Coal Mines (Board of Trade); 1918 (April to September), appointed Commercial Member of H.M.'s Special British Diplomatic-Commercial Mission to the South American Republics and visited the ten South American Republics and Cuba. Wrote the Commercial report on the Mission which wa s published by the Government in May, 1919. November, 1916, proposed and urged to the Head of the Department of Inland Waterways and Transport to ofr. install a Channel train-ferry system to deal with the heavy traffic in munitions of war, to expedite deliveries and save labour and cost of unnecessary transhipment. Proposal accepted by War Cabinet and system installed as war treasure and waits to be developed for commercial use. 1920, Member of Foreign Office Committee on British Communities' Abroad. Club: Athenaeum.

HOLT, Robert Bickerstaffe, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E.I., Tramway and Light Railway Expert, C. P. Sandbery, Cons. Engrs.; b. 1879; s. of Henry Holt, Blackpool. Ed. Mount St. Mary's College, Chesterfield. Training: Blackpool Tech. Inst. Articled Pupil to J. Wolstenholme, M.Inst.C.E. Career: Construction of Electric Tramways and Light Railways., Blackpool, Birkenhead, Leeds, Morley and Pudsey Corpns.; Whitkirk and Horsforth U.D., 1900-19; Permanent Way Engr., Leeds City Tramways, 1904-13; Member Rail Corrugation Committee (Municipal Tramways Assoc. and Tramways and Light Railway Assoc.), 1912-15; City Highways and Permanent Way Engr., Leeds, 1914-19; services loaned by Leeds City Council to the Admiralty, 1916-19. Publ.: " Tramway Track Construction and Maintenance." Address: 40, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W. T. A.: "Sandbery, Sowest, London." T.N.: Victoria 6877.

HOLTTUM, Worsley, B.Eng., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 10, Arno Road, Birkenhead, and British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Prescot. T. A.: " Insulator, Prescot." T. N.: Prescot 71. b. 1890. Electrical Engineering Course at Liverpool University, where ist class Hons. B.Eng. degree was obtained. Then one year spent on research in applied electricity. Works experience with Dick, Kerr and Co., Ltd., Preston. With British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Prescot, on the laying and testing of trunk telephone cables until transferred to superintending the production of shell parts in the factory. After the war returned to telephone cable works, but in the factory to supervise the technical side of manufactures and engaged on that at present. Publication: Paper on " The Nature of Dielectric Fatigue," published by the I.E.E., Vol. 5o, p. 755. War Services.—Superintending production of shell parts.

HOME, Walter, C.I.E., Chairman and Man. Dir., Burma Railway, since 1921; Man. Dir. since 1937; b. 1855; s. of late Major J. M. Home. Ed. R.I.E. College, Coopers Hill. Distinctions: C.I.E.; Kaiser i Hind Gold Medal. Asst. Engr., State Railways., India, 1877; services lent to Jodhpore State, 1881; Manager and Chief Engr., Jodhpore Bikaner Railway, 1881-1906; State Engr., Jodhpore State, 1882-1906. Chief Works: 900 miles, J.B. Railway; two large Irrigation Reservoirs. Club: East India United Service. Address: 34, Victoria Road, W.8. T. N.: Western 419.

HOME-MORTON, Andrew, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.E.E., Cons. Industrial Engr. and Industrial Works Designer; Partner of HomeMorton and Gibson, Cons. Engrs., London; b. 1875; s. of David Home-Morton, M.Inst.C.E., Glasgow. Ed. St. Paul's School, London; and King Edward's High School, Birmingham. Training: Royal Tech. College, Glasgow; and Glasgow University. Engaged on many important Industrial Works; The Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co., Ltd.; 18 The Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Thomas Smith's Stamping Works, Co., Ltd.; Locke Lancester and W. W. and R. Johnston and Son, Ltd. Address: Eldon Street House, 2, Eldon Street, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Ocwhitemer, Ave., London." T. N.: 1013 London Wall.

HONIBALL, Charles Roland, M.I.H.V.E. (Member of Council), 156-162, Boundary Street, Liverpool.

HOOD, David Wilson, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Engr.-in-Chief to the Corporation of Trinity House; b. 1874; s. of the late J. Hood, J.P., Lilliesleaf, Roxburghshire. Ed. Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh. Training: Heriot Watt College, Edinburgh. Articled to D. and C. Stevenson, Edinburgh; Trinity House, 1895; Engr.-in-Chief, 1915. Club: Caledonian. Address: 5, Beech Mans., W. Hampstead, N.W. T. N.: 7564 Hamp.

HOOD-HAGGIE, Robert, Major (late R.E.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir., Aitches, Ltd., Gas Mantle Manufacturers; Director, Skerne Works, Ltd., Press Metal Manufacturers; b. 187o; s. of Robert Hood-Haggie, Rope Manufacturer, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Ed. Leys School, Cambridge. Training: Durham College of Sc., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. App. to J. H. Holmes and Co., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Outside Manager and later Director for 17 years, Ernest Scott and Mountain, Ltd., Newcastle-upqn-Tyne; Man. Dir., Jno. Davis and Son (Derby), Ltd.; Pioneer Work with Elec. Power for Coalmining, particularly coal-cutting. Club: Constitutional. Address: Tyneholme, Wealdstone, Middlesex; and St. Margaret's Lodge, Twickenham. T. A.: " Aitches, Twickenham." T. N.: Harrow 734; Richmond 1939.

HOOKHAM, John Albert, M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E., Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Engineer, North Staffordshire Railway, Locomotive Department, Stoke-on-Trent. T. N.: Potteries, Central 447. b. 1863. Ed. Privately; pupil of the late William Kirtley, London, Chatham and Dover Railway, at Battersea Works. Draughtsman, London, Chatham and Dover Railway; Pulsometer Engineering Co.; Glengall Ironworks, Millwall; South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, Ashford Works. In 1900 appointed Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Donna Thereza Christina Railway, Santa Catharina, Brazil. 1902 appointed Locomotive Works Manager, North Staffordshire Railway. 1915 appointed Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, North Staffordshire Railway. President, Stoke-on-Trent Association of Engineers, 1916. Member of Council of Institute of Loco. Engrs., 1921. War Services.—Vice-Chairman of Stoke-on-Trent Munitions Committee engaged in prOduction of 4.5 high explosive shell. Responsible for manufacture of various war material undertaken in the Stoke Railway shops.

HOOLEY, Edgar Purnell, M.Inst.C.E., F.S.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Road Engineer, Fosseside, Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloster; b. 1860. Articled to James Craik, Bristol. Surveyor to Stow-on-theWold Highway Board; Surveyor to Maidstone R.D.C.; County Surveyor of Notts; County Engineer (Roads), Kesteven, Lincolnshire; Acting County Surveyor, Oxon, and Consulting County Surveyor, Bucks, during last two years of war. Member of 38 Advisory Committee (late), Road Board; Past President of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. Chief Works: Maintenance of highways and bridge-building; originator of " Tarmac "; selected to attend Conference of Highway Engineers during presidency of Municipal and County Engineers Institution, at Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Publications: Many contributions to Institution of Civil Engineers' and Municipal and County Engineers' publications. War Services.—Rejoined the 2; 8th Sherwood Foresters as Captain, and later transferred to Territorial Force Reserve.

HOOPER, Edward, P. Pres. of Inst. M.M., M.Inst.0.E., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1861. Address: 5, London Wall Buildings, E.C.2. T. A.: " Libertadme." T. N.: 203 London Wall. Club: Windham.

HOOPER, H. Ross, O.B.E., M.A. (Oxon.), M.Inst.C.E., Civil and Electrical Engineer, The Cottage, Shoreham-by-Sea. T. N.: Shoreham-bySea 70. b. 1864. With Sir John Wolfe Barry, Brereton and Brunel; Westwood and Bailey's, London, E. Argentine Railways, Grand Trunk Railway, Canadian Pacific Railway; Construction Engineer to numerous electric railways and tramways in America and this country. Engineering Inspector, Ministry of Health. Chief Works: Bridge construction and design, Canadian Pacific Railway. War Services.—Division Office, Royal Engineers, Bedford; Staff Captain, Directorate of Fortification and Works, War Office.

HOOPER, John Pitman, M.I.E.E., Chevalier Order of the Rose of Brazil, Chairman of Hooper's Telegraph and India-rubber Works, Ltd.; Director of Cuba Submarine Telegraph Co., Ltd.; b. 1847; s. of late William Hooper. Ed. Temple School, Brighton; Moravian School, Neuwied-onRhine; Inst. D'or, Vevey, Switzerland. Career: Assisted in Manufacture of Hooper's Rubber Core for Submarine Cables laid in various parts of the world, and accompanied Expedition for laying the Vladivostock Cable; 1872-5—Suptd. manufacture of Cables laid from Para, Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio Janeiro, and cables for Cuba Submarine Telegraph Co., Ltd., and Amazon Telegraph Co., Ltd., became Manager of Firm in 1878, and subsequently Managing Director of the above Co. Address: "Deepdene," Streatham Common, London S.W.

HOPE, James Laidlaw, M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.N.A., Manager, United Engrs., Ltd., Seremban Branch; b. 1876; s. of John Affieck Hope. Ed. Glasgow. Training: Glasgow Tech. College App. Drysdale and Co., Glasgow; Chief Draughtsman, Mackie and Baxter, Govan, and Riley, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Singapore; Supt. Engr., Riley, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd. Club: Sungei Ujong. Address: Seremban, F.M.S.

HOPE-JONES, Frank, M.I.E.E., Founder and Managing Director of the Synchronome Co., Ltd., 32 and 34, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C.I; b. 1867; s. of William Hope-Jones of Hooton Grange, Cheshire; m. Florence Mary, d. of J. Collins Tippett of Torquay. Was associated with his elder brother, Robert Hope-Jones, M.I.E.E., in some of his earliest applications of electricity to organ building, 1890-5, since when he devoted his attention almost exclusively Iand to electric clocks, and established the business of electric time service on a scientific basis. Chairman of the Wireless Society of London since its formation in 1913. Publications: Numerous contributions to technical journals and the proceedings of scientific societies. Papers on Electric Time Service before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1899 and 191o. War Services.—L.V.R., London Fire Brigade, etc.

HOPKINSON, Edward, M.P., D.Sc. (Lond.), M.A. (Cantab.), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., late Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Park Works, Manchester, and Ferns, Alderly Edge, Cheshire. T. N.: 20 Alderley. b. 1859; fourth s. of the late John Hopkinson, sometime Mayor of Manchester; m. Minnie, d. of late John Campbell, of Rathfern, Co. Antrim. Ed. at the Owens College, Manchester, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Personal Scientific Assistant to the late Sir William Siemens, engaged in the electrical works of Siemens Brothers and Co.; Head of the Electrical Department of Mather and Platt; Director and Vice-Chairman of Mather and Platt, Ltd.; a founder of and Vice-Chairman of the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd.; Member of the Executive Committee of the Manchester Steam Users' Association. Chief Works: Design of the Electrical Equipment of Bessbrook and Newry Tramroad, the first to be worked by water power; also for the City and South London Railway, the first of the London Tubes, opened by King Edward, then Prince of Wales, 1890; many tramway and electric lighting plants. Publications: Joint author with late Dr. John Hopkinson of " Dynamo-Electric Machinery," Trans.' R.S., 1886; paper before Institution of Civil Engineers and Institution of Mechanical Engineers, for which he received the Telford and George Stephenson Medals of the Institution of Civil Engineers. M.P. for Clayton Division of Manchester, 1918; Member of the Board of Industrial Fatigue Research; Member of the Indian Industrial Commission, 1916-18; President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1919. Clubs: Athenaeum, Reform, Alpine; Union and Engineers (Manchester).

HORNE, Alexander Robert, O.B.E., B.Sc., (Lond.), M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S.E., Pres. Aberdeen Soc. of C.E., 191421, Prof. of Eng., Robert Gordon's Tech. College, Aberdeen; Lecturer in Eng. Fieldwork, The University, Aberdeen; b. 1881. Ed. George Heriot's School,, Edinburgh; Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. Training James Milne and Son, Ltd., The Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., and Brown, Brothers and Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. Asst. Prof. of Eng., Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh; Engr. to N.E. Scotland Bd. of Management (Munitions), 1915-19, and Asst. Engr. to M. of M.; Manager, Aberdeen National Shell Factory. Pub/.: " The Age of Machinery "; Papers to Tech. and Scientific Insts. and Socs. Address: 374, Gt. Western Road, Aberdeen. T. N.: 337 Aberdeen.

HORNE, Walter Frederick Maule, A.M.I.E.E.s Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Rowe Brothers and Co., Ltd., Bootle Works, Liverpool. T. A.: " Rowboro, Liverpool." T. N.: Bootle 540. b. 1881. Ed. Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, Student and Demonstrator, Electrical Engineering Department. Apprenticeship, Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. Demonstrator, Engineering Department, South African School of Mines (Cape University); Cape Government Railways; Salt River Works; Charge Engineer, Corporation Electricity Works, Dundee; Clerk of Works, Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineers; Senior Engineer and Deputy Resident Engineer, The North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd., Willesden Power House; Superintending Engineer, Fraser and Chalmers, Ltd., Erith, Kent. Present Position: Engineer and Manager, Rowe Brothers and Co., Ltd., Bootle Works, Liverpool. Governor, Erith Technical Institute; Member of the Kent Higher (Technical) Education Sub-Committee. Club Conservative. War Services.--Installation of war service plants, testing and supervision of materials for Admiralty and Ministry of Munitions contracts, etc.; supply of power to Fraser and Chalmers and Vickers, Ltd., Erith, Kent.

HORNE, W. J. A. E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., etc., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Transvaal Education Department, Box 432, Pretoria, South Africa. T. A.: "Horne, Transed." T. N.: 1576, Pretoria Central. b. 1872. Ed. Heriot-Watt College and University of Edinburgh. Senior Demonstrator, Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, HeriotWatt College; Lecturer, Applied Mathematics and Physics, South African College, Cape Town; Organizer of Technical Education, Transvaal Province, South Africa. Publications: " The Trades School in the Transvaal "; various papers on technical education for trades. Member of the Pretoria Club. War Services.—Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1900; German South-West African Campaign, 1914-5; Western Front, Europe, 1915-9. Captain, Royal Garrison AOillery; Lieut.-Colonel, Royal Artillery, while Organizer and Commandant General Headquarters Technical College, British Army of the Rhine, at Sieburg, near Cologne.

HORSFIELD, Arthur, J.P., M.I. and Si., Man. Dir. of Horbury Junction Iron Co., Ltd., near Wakefield; b. 1854; s. of James Wood Horsfield, Engr., Vulcan Works, Dewsbury. Ed. Horton College Training: Vulcan Iron Works, Dewsbury. Clubs: Leeds and County. Address: High Bank, Horbury. T. A.: "Horsfield, Horbury." T. N.: 426.

HORSNELL, Daniel Thomas, F.R.S., M.I.Mar.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mech. and Mar. Engr.; Chairman of Matthew Keenan and Co., Ltd.; 6.1880. Ed. Polytechnic, Regent Street. Training Eng. School, under Prof. Spooner, and at Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd. App. R. Hoe and Co., Ltd.; Supt. erection of Plant at Belfast, Birmingham and Manchester; Manager to Matthew Keenan and Co., Ltd.; now Chairman; freeman of the City of London and Director of many Cos. Address: Kenilworth, Galveston Road, E. Putney, S.W. T. A.: " Keenanite, London." T. N.: Putney 82o.

HORWOOD, C. Baring, D.Sc. (Lond.), Minst. C.E., M.Inst.M.M., A.R.S.M., F.G.S., F.C.S., Consulting Engineer (Mining, Metallurgical, Civil and General Industrial Work), c/o Research and Investment Co., Salisbury House, London Wall, and Tunstall, Suffolk. b. 1876. Ed. Various schools; King's College, London, and Royal School of Mines. 1901-2—Gold Coast Colony (prospecting expedition) and Ashanti. 1903-5 — Assistant IC Consulting Engineer to Lewis and Marks, Johannesburg. z 9o5-7—Underground work at Crown Reef, Langlaagte Deep, and Consolidated Langlaagte Gold Mine. 1907-8--Assistant General Manager, New Rietfontein Estate Gold Mines. 1908-12—Manager, North Randfontein Gold Mine, then Manager of the North Randfontein and also of the Robinson-Randfontein Gold Mines, then Joint General Manager, Randfontein South Gold Mining Co., then General Manager, Randfontein Central Gold Mining Co. 1912-15—Consulting Engineer to S. Neumann and Co., London; Consulting Engineer, 19189, to the Higham Glass and Bottle Co., Ltd., and to the Willesden Glass Co. 1917-19—Consulting Engineer to the Coleford Iron Ore Co.; and general consulting work. Has travelled extensively in many parts of the World, reporting on Mining and Industrial Undertakings. Mem. American Institution of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; Member, South African Institution of Engineers. Publications: " The Witwatersrand and Associated Beds " (Esson and Perkins), Johannesburg, 1905; " The Gold Deposits of The Rand " (Chas. Griffin and Co.), 1917; and numerous papers and articles, in the Proceedings of the Inst. of C.E., British Associations, and other Scientific Institutions and Societies. Clubs: Rand, Johannesburg; Mining and Metallurgical; Royal Automobile; Services. War Services.—Erected, organized and started a high explosives factory for the Ministry of Munitions; then attached to headquarters of Inspection Department, Ministry of Munitions. Organized and started the Aluminium Scrap and Swarf " Control," for the Ministry of Munitions; and had control of the Aluminium Refineries in the United Kingdom. Then engaged on incre.ased production of iron ore.

HOSGOOD, Walter James, M.I.Mech.E., Locomotive Supt., Beira and Mashonaland and Rhodesia Railways., P.O. Box 703, Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia.

HOSKEN, Richard, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., Box 667, Johannesburg, Transvaal. T. A.: "Hosken, Johannesburg." T. N.: 41134118. b. 1856; s. of Richard Hosken, Hayle, Cornwall; m. Elsie Mary, d. of Ald. E. Grove, J.P., LL.D., of Newport, Mon. Received training at Harvey and Co.'s Engineering Works, Hayle, Cornwall. Joined the Great Western Railway Co.; Resident Engineer at the Severn Tunnel for io years; went to South Africa in 1897 and joined the firm of William Hosken and Co., Mining and Machinery Merchants, Johannesburg. Now the Manager of the firm. Club: Rand.

HOTHERSALL, William C., M.B.E., M.Sc. (Tech.) A.I.C., Research Metallurgist in Research Dept., Woolwich; b. 1891. Ed. Kingswood School, Bath. Training: Manchester University (Faculty of Technology). Paper, jointly with E. L. Rhead, " The Effect of Hydrogen on Copper," Inst. Met.; " The Spontaneous Cracking of Small Arm Cartridge Cases," Faraday Soc. Address: Research Dept., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.

HOUFTON, John Plowright, J.P., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1857; s. of late Charles Houfton. Ed. Elementary School, Eastwood, Notts. Training: Yorkshire College of Sc. (now Leeds University). Career: Manager, Bradford Colliery, Manchester, A and Oldfield Colliery, Stoke-on-Trent; Cons. Engr., Gen. Man., Dir. and Man. Dir., Bolsover Colliery Co., Ltd., over a period of 20 years. Clubs: National Liberal; Golfers', London. Address: Park Hall, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. T. A.: "Park Hall, Mansfield." T. N.: 209 Mansfield.

HOUGHTON, Robert Harold, B.Sc., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Victoria Station, L.B. and S.C. Railway, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Electrical, Brighton Railway, Victoria." T. N.: Victoria 2378. Ed. Dulwich College, City and Guilds Central Institution, South Kensington, and Electrical Department, L.B. and S.C. Railway; B.Sc. (Hons.), London University. Entered Electrical Department of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway in 1893, and had charge successively of the electric train lighting, telegraph and electric light and power work on the railway. In 1909, appointed Telegraph Superintendent and Chief Electrical Engineer to the Company, which position he still holds. Chief Works: Has carried out several large lighting and power installations, also large extensions to the telephone, track circuit and lock and block train signalling systems. Has charge of the maintenance of the single phase electric traction equipment, designed by the company's Consulting Electrical Engineer, Philip Dawson.

HOUGHTON, Sidney Alexander, Assoc.M. Inst.0.E., M.I. and S.I., Marine Engineer, The Bungalow, Crownhill, Devon; b. 1864; s. of late Charles James Houghton of Leyton, Essex. Ed. Guildford, and All Saints' School, Bloxham. Entered as Engineer Student, Royal Navy, in 1879, and had six years' training at the schools at Portsmouth and Devonport Dockyards, followed by one year at Greenwich College. Assistant Engineer and Engineer, Royal Navy, 1886-93; with Galloways, Ltd., 1894-6; entered Board of Trade as Engineer Surveyor, 1896, stationed at Liverpool, Consultative Office, London, and Glasgow; senior Surveyor, Greenock, June, 1919; Plymouth, June, 192o. Patentee of several inventions: " Electric Drilling Machine," " Differential Speed Indicator," " Improvements in Watertube Boilers," etc. Publications: "The Internal Structure of Iron and Steel," Institution of Marine Engineers, 1902; " Note on the Failure of an Iron Plate through ' Fatigue,' " Iron and Steel Institute, 1905; " Failures of Heavy Boiler Shell Plates," Iron and Steel Institute, 1914; " On Certain Failures of Steel Boiler Plates under Pressure," West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, 1918.

HOUSEMAN, Charles Lawrence, M.I.Mech. E., Mining Mechanical Engineer, P.O. Box 322, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. T. A.: " Houseman, Nottoc." b. 1874. Ed. Mathematics, private tuition; Workshop, London Machine Tool Co., London, Ontario. Consulting Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, principally devoted to the designing and erection of Mining and Pumping plants, with wide and varied experience of same. Value of plants designed and erected, 500,o0o. With Robinson Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Johannesburg; Kimberley (Mashonaland) Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia; Bushtick Mines, Ltd., Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia; Rhodesian Lead and Zinc Syndicate, Ltd., Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia. Past Engineer, British South Africa Co., Bulawayo; now Consulting Engineer at Bulawayo. In Member of Salisbury Club, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. War Services.—Engineer, three years with the Rhodesian Lead and Zinc Syndicate, Ltd., Broken Hill, Northern Rhodesia. Output, 1,20C tons of lead per month.

HOW, Thomas William, M.I.Mech.E., F.C.I.S., Mechanical and Consulting Engineer, 13, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Empireste, Vic, London." T. N.: 4951 Vic. b. 1857; s. of Thomas How, gas engineer, Richmond, Surrey; m. October, 1916, Helen, d. of E. P. Read, Denmark Hill, S.E. Ed. Privately. 1871-6— Assistant to late James Samuel, M.Inst.C.E. 1876-1903—Chief Assistant and Advisory Engineer under the late Sir William Shelford, K.C.M.G., in connection with the construction and equipment of the West African Railways. 1903-16—In practice on own account as Consulting Engineer at 15-17, Victoria Street, S.W.I, on tramway construction and water supply. From 1896 to present date, Managing Director of the Empire Roller Bearings Co., of Westminster, with works at Ipswich. Formerly Chairman of Beckenham Education Committee; Chairman of Engineering Section and Member of Council of London Chamber of Commerce. Club: National Liberal. War Services.-1915-19—Superintending Engineer for south-east and south-west districts of London for Ministry of Munitions, in charge of four Government Bonds for inspection of shells, and as Assistant Inspector attached to Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.

HOWARD, Henley Lionel, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 139, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: "Electricity, West Cent." T. N.: Regent 7050. b. 1875. Ed. City of London School. Served time as pupil, S. Z. de Ferranti. Technical education, King's College, London. From 190o-3—Station Engineer, Leicester Corporation Electricity Works. 903-8--Chief Mains Assistant, Manchester Corporation Electricity Department. 1908-13—Chief Engineer and Manager, Barking U.D.C. Electricity and Tramways Department. 1913-15—Chief Mechanical Engineer, Maschinenfabric Augsburg-Nurnberg A.G. Since 1915, Chief Engineer, Central Stations Department, General Electric Co., Ltd. Publications: " Steam Turbines," and " Diesel Engines," published in Proceedings of Incorporated Municipal Electricians Association.

HOWGRAVE-GRAHAM, R. P., AI.E.E A.Amer.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., 21, Worsley Road, Hampstead, London, N.W.3; b. 1880; s. of H. Howgrave-Graham, Sec., Chartered Inst. of Patent Agents, and Julia Howgrave-Graham (née Tennant). Ed. City and Guilds of London Tech. College, Finsbury. Demonstrator and Lecturer, City and Guilds of London Technical College, Finsbury; experimental work with electric oscillations and wireless telegraphy; various lectures in London and Provinces; expert witness. Now Demonstrator and Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Northampton Polytechnic Institute, St. John Street, Clerkenwell. Publications: Handbooks and articles on wireless telegraphy and X-rays. War Services.—Lectures and field instruction to artillery brigades, etc., on the principles of gunnery and on field telephony; work on bomb releases; fIT research work for special branch of naval wireless telegraphy. M.I.E.E.

HOWIE, Harold Aislabie, Corporation Electric Mech.E., Manager and Engr., Wolverhampton Supply, Walsall, Staffs. Address: Street, Walsall.

HOWKINS, John Drysdale, J.P., M.A. (Oxon.), M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Port and Harbour Commission, Hartlepool. Private Address: Cairnsmore, Eldon Grove, West Hartlepool. T. A.: "Harbour, Hartlepool." T. N.: 6048 Hartlepool. b. 1873; s. of John Howkins, M.Inst.C.E., of Granton Harbour; nz. Helen Louise, d. of J. G. Greenwood, banker, Wallingford, Berkshire. Ed. Fettes College, Edinburgh; Trinity College, Oxford. Pupil of Thos. Meik and Son, Edinburgh. 1897—Burntisland Harbour and Docks. 1898—West Wemyss Harbour and Dock and St. David's Harbour, Firth of Forth. 1899—Port Talbot Harbour and Docks, South Wales. 'goo—River Wear Commission; HongKong Naval Yard Extension. 1902—Engineer to Hartlepool Port and Harbour Commission. Chief Works: Carried out extension of Scarborough Harbour for Scarborough Harbour Commission; designed and carried out all works of Hartlepool Port and Harbour Commission, including piers, dredgers, etc. Clubs: Fettesian-Lorettonian, British Ski Association. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R.

HOWLEY, Richard J., C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr., Road and Rail Transport Member of Council of British Elec. Federation, Ltd.; Mem. of Council, Tramways and Light Railways. Assoc.; Mem. of Council London and Provincial Omnibus Assoc.; Vice-Chairman, Joint Committee Mech. Road Transport Assoc.; Chairman, Potteries Electric Traction Co., Ltd., and Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus ' Co., Ltd.; Director, Northern General Transport Co., Ltd.; Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd.; Birmingham District Power and Traction Co., Ltd., and Wrexham District Transport Co., Ltd. Address: 88, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.

HOYLE, Bertram, M.Sc.Tech. (Manchester), A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 18, King's Drive, Heaton Moor, nr. Stockport. b. 1888. Four _years electric engineering course at College of Technology, Manchester; 18 months drawing office and works at Hy. Simon, Ltd., Mount Street, Manchester; and 18 months as Electrical Engineer at works of Ferranti, Ltd., Hollinwood; 3 years prior to war, Demonstrator in Electrical Engineering at College of Technology, Manchester; Assistant Lecturer in Electrical Engineering in the Victoria University and College of Technology, Manchester. Publications: " Standard Tables and Equations in Radio-Telegraphy " (Wireless Press, Ltd., Strand, W.C.2). War Services.-1915—Served in France as a dispatch rider. 1915-19—Lieutenant, R. N. V. R., engaged in wireless research and ship fitting out with direction-finding apparatus.

HOYLE, James Rossiter, M.Inst.C.E., and S.I., M.I.Mech.E. (Vice-Pres.), Man. Dir., Thomas Firth and Sons, Norfolk Works, Sheffield.

HUBBLE, Arthur William, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Engr., Crossley Motors, Ltd.; b. 1886. Ed. Arlington Park College Training: Battersea PolyTr technic (Eng.). Career: Chief Draughtsman, Motor Manftg. Co. (1907), Ltd.; Chief Tool Designer, D. Napier and Sons; Works Man., then Chief Engr. Crossley Motors, Ltd. Address: Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester; Private: " Briarfield," Heaton Moor. T. N.: City 4611; Private: 243 Heaton Moor.

HUDSON, E. H., M.Inst.Gas E. (District Member of Council), Gas Works, Normanton, Yorks.

HUDSON, Noel, D.S.0., M.I.Mech.E., Associ. I.E.E., M.I. and S.I., Lieut.-Col. Commanding Tank Workshop Training Battalion, Tank Corps. Centre; b. 1884. Ed. Marlborough College Training: io years Coast Defence Work, Ordnance College, Woolwich Royal Arsenal. Distinctions: Reward from M. of M. for Mech. Design; passed Advanced Class, Ordnance College Career: Machine Shops and Electric Light Plant, France; Research Dept., Royal Arsenal; Sen. Mech. Engr., Tank Corps. Contributed paper on " Nickel Steel," to I. and S. Inst. Address: Bovington Camp, Wool, Dorset. T. N. Wareham 20.

HUDSON, Russell, M.B.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, " Ridgmont," James Lane, Leyton, E.Io b.1880. Ed. 1891-3, Technical Education at East London Technical College (University of London); 1894-1900, Apprenticeship served at India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd. 1900-I—Assistant Electrical Engineer to the Wimbledon Urban District Council; 901-2—Engineer-in-Charge at Electricity Works of Stepney Borough Council; 1902-4— Leading Draughtsman on Design of Electrical Plant and Distribution Schemes at the India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Telegraph Works Co., Ltd.; 1904-15—Assistant Engineer in Chief Engineer's Department of the Metropolitan Asylums Board; 1919-21—Technical and Commercial Representative of the Newall Engineering Co.; now Manager of Motor Dept., Swedish General Electric, Ltd. War Services.-1915-7—Technical Assistant and Chief Draughtsman to the Metropolitan Munitions Committee; 1917-9, Section Director of Munition Gauges at the Ministry of Munitions of War.

HUGHES, Edward, B.Sc. (Eng., Lond.),. A.M.I.E.E., Head of Elec. Eng. Dept., Tech. Coll, Brighton; b. 1888. Ed. The County School, Tonyn, Merioneth. Training: The Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. Honours B.Sc. Eng.; 1st Class Associate of Heriot-Watt College Designer of Elec. Machinery, Crompton and Co., and General Electric Co.; Lecturer in Elec. Eng., Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh; Executive Wireless Engr. to the Admiralty. Publ.: In conjunction with the late Mr. Perren Maycock: (a) " Alternating-Current Work "; (b) " Continuous Current Motor and Control Apparatus," published by Pitman's. Address: The Technical College, Brighton. T. N.: P.O. 1007 Brighton.

HUGHES, Frederic Selby, B.Sc.(Vict.), Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 12, Garden Reach, Calcutta, India; b. 1874; s. of Rev. Reginald Hughes; m. Gertrude Louise Jones. Ed. Monmouth Grammar School, 1883-92; Liverpool University College, Victoria University, 1892-6. Railway Engineer on the Bengal-Nagpur Railway, India, January, 1897, to date. Chief Works: Evelyn Bridge; Damandur River pneumatic well sinking; Wimganga Bridge. 11,7

HUGHES, George, C.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Lancs and Yorks Railway, Horwich, Lancs. Address: "Wingfield," Heaton, Bolton.

HUGHES, W. E., F.C.S., M em. Faraday S oc., M.Inst.Met., M. Am. Electro-Chemical Soc., Chemical Engr. and Cons. Electro-metallurgist. Ed. Tunbridge School; Lond. Univ.; Trinity College, Cambridge; Tech. High School, Charlottenburg; Middle Temple (Law). Appointments held: Examiner in Electro-metallurgy, C. and G.L. Inst.; Head Chemist, 7 years, to a Birmingham Firm; during War, Electrometallurgist, R.A. Factory, Farnborough; Chief Research Chemist, Electro-metallurgical Ctee., M. of M. Papers and Articles before Insts. and in " The Engineer." Club: Royal Societies. Address: 6, Coleherne Terrace, Earl's Court, S.W.S.

HUGH-JONES, Major E. B., M.C., B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Chevet Hey, Wrexham. b. 1890. Ed. Oundle, Northamptonshire; McGill University, Montreal. Resident Engineer on the construction of Intercolonial Railway of Canada; Agent and Engineer to Sir Robert McAlpine and Sons, public works contractors, on their work constructing railway and viaduct for British Dyes, Ltd., Manchester, and pipe line, filters, etc., at Alwen, North Wales, for Birkenhead Corporation, etc.; Managing Director, Rockwares, Ltd., Tongham, Surrey. War Services.—Commanded the 96th Field Company of the Royal Engineers. Military Cross. Twice mentioned in Dispatches.

HULL, F. R., Colonel, R.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.G.S., Constructional Engineer (Railways); b. 1872. Ed. Crystal Palace School of Practical Engineering. Resident Engineer on the construction of the Serra inclined planes of the Sao Paulo Railway in Brazil; General Manager of the Brazil North Eastern Railways, and of the State of Bahia South Western Railway; Manager and Resident Engineer in charge of the construction of the Font reservoir works for Tynemouth, of the Ambergate reservoir and aqueduct, and the Leighton reservoir works, on contractor's staff, for Leeds. Railway Expert, attached to the High Commissioner for South Russia. War Services.—Engaged on Mesopotamian Railways and on Persian railway schemes, on railway service in Anatolia, and on Bagdad Railway; Chief of the Railway Mission attached to General Denikin's forces in South Russia.

HULL, Henry Adin, M.Inst.C.E., Divl. Engr., L. and. N.W. Railway, Castle Station, Northampton.

HULL, John Francis, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, " Gringley," Uphill Road, Mill Hill, London, N.W.; b. 1886; s. of late John William Hull and Anne Hull. Ed. University College School (Engineering Side); Matriculated 1905. Apprenticed, Bryant Symons and Co. (late Thos. Anty and Co.), London, 19o5; Improver, British ThomsonHouston Co., Rugby; Draughtsman, R. W. Munro and Co., South Tottenham, 1909-10; Tool Designer and Assistant Works Superintendent, Sheffield Simplex Motor Works, Ltd., Sheffield, 1910-4; Managing Director, Wooler Engineering Co., Ltd., Willesden and Alperton, 1914-9; Managing Director, Wooler Motor Cycle Co. (1919), Ltd., Alperton, 1919 to date.

HULL, Thomas Ernest, F.C.S., M.I. and S.I., M.Inst.Met., Metallurgist, 26, Macaulay Road, Birkby, Huddersfield; b. 1884. Ed. in Metallurgy and Science at the Darlington Technical College, Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the Middlesbrough High School. Late Assistant Chemist to The Darlington Forge Co., Ltd., and Steel Foundry Manager to R. B. Tennent, Ltd., Coatbridge; now Metallurgist and Steel Foundry Manager to J. Hopkinson and Co., Ltd., Britannia Works, Huddersfield. Contributor to the Proceedings of the Chemical Society. Club: Huddersfield Liberal.

HULLEY, R. D., Director and General Manager, . Royce Ltd., Sunny Bank, Sandiway Road, Altrincham, Cheshire.

HUMBLE, W. H., Member of Council Midland Inst. of Min. Civil and Mech. Engrs., Skellow Hall, Doncaster.

HUME, Charles Edward, Elec. Engr.; Engr. and Manager, Ramsgate and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd., since 1908; b. 1865; s. of George B. Hume. Ed. Privately. Training: Crompton's and Co., Ltd. Career: Mains Engr., Bristol Corporation, 1899-1901; Res. Engr., Twickenham and Teddington Electric Supply Co., Ltd., 1901-8. Address: Stanley Lodge, Grange Road, Ramsgate. T. N.: 236 Thanet.

HUME, Duncan Clive Mackenzie, A.M.I.E.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., Electrical and Aeronautical Engineer, 51, Colville Gardens, London, W. 1 s; b. 1884. Ed. King's School, Bruton, Somerset; Central Technical College. With E. 'Wingfield Bowles, 28, Victoria Street. Sub-Editor, " Motor Boat "; Sales, Simms Magneto Co.; Sales Manager, Felix Engineering Co.; Engineer, London and General Electric Theatre Co.; Technical Assistant, Kinemacolor; Engineer, Life Targets, Ltd.; Club: The Royal Aero. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R.; Lieut.-Commander, R.N.V.R., attached R.N.A.S.; Major, R.A.F.; in Service Departments controlling design of aircraft. Seaplane specialist.

HUME, Edward Shotton, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Mech. Engr., W. Australian Govt. Railways., Midland Junction, W. Australia.

HUME, James Howden, J.P., M.I.N.A., Vice-Pres. I.E.S., M.Inst.Met., M.I.Mar.E., Chairman, James Howden and Co., Ltd., Engrs., Glasgow, and Associated Cos.; b. 1866; s. of William Hume, Glasgow. Ed. Glasgow. App. with James Howden and Co., Glasgow; subsequently Chief Draughtsman, Gen. Man. and Dir. in same Co. Supervised Installations of How den's Patent System of Forced Draught on all the leading Steamships of the World; also many Installations of Reciprocating Steam Engines, Steam Turbines and Cylindrical and Water-tube Boilers for use on board ship and ashore. Clubs: New; Art; R.S.A.C., Glasgow; R.A.C., London. Address: 195, Scotland Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " c/o Howden, Glasgow." T. N.: 2070 South.

HUMPAGE, Thomas, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Humpage, Thompson and Hardy, Jacob Street, Bristol. T. A.: "Gear, Bristol." T. N.: 3353 Bristol. b. 1858 at Birmingham; m. June, 1882; 3 boys and 1 girl (1 girl and 1 boy dead). National School Education. Evening Classes, Merchant Venturers Technical College, Bristol. 1878— Improver in Engineering Works, Birmingham. 1879 —Joined brother in Bristol, special nail-making machinery. 1883—Took charge of felt-hat making machinery department, Llewellins and James, Bristol. 1884—Took charge of lathe-making, John Watts and Co., Bristol. 1885—Working out various patents. 1888—Shop Foreman. 1890—Works Manager at the Coil Clutch and Pulley Co., Ltd., Bristol. 1893— Founded the firm of Humpage and Jacques, Bristol, which finally became Humpage, Jacques and Pedersen, Ltd., Bristol. 1904—Managing Director of the Belmont Engineering Co., Ltd., Bristol. 19o5 to date—Partner in the firm of Humpage, Thompson and Hardy, Bristol. Inventor and Patentee. Part author " Tables of Diametral Pitch Gears." Paper " The Evolution and Methods of Manufacture of Spur Gearing," published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Member of Advisory Comriittee for Juvenile Employment, Bristol; Chairman of Selective Committee Appointments Department, Construction Section, Ministry of Labour, Bristol.

HUMPHERY, S. W., Major R.E.(T.) (retired), T.D., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Seaview, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Suffolk. T. A.: " Oulton Broad." T. N.: 40 Oulton. b. 1878; s. of E. J. Humphery, late manager Platinotype Company. Ed. Trinity College, Glenalmond; Faraday House. Junior Assistant Engineer, City and South London Railway; Shift Engineer, Norwich Corporation Electricity Works; Shift Engineer, Waterloo and City Railway; Director and Works Manager, J. W. Brooke and Co., Ltd., Lowestoft. Past Chairman Oulton Broad U.D.C.; Present Alderman and Mayor of the Borough of Lowestoft. Club: Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht. War Services.—Major, Royal Engineers (T.) Signals, August, 1914, to February, 1919.

HUMPHREY, Herbert Alfred, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.C.G.I., Consulting Engineer (Heavy Chemicals, Industrial Gases, etc.), Norton Hardwick, Stockton-on-Tees. T. N.: Stockton 429. Ed. City and Guilds of London Tech. College, Finsbury; Central Institution, Exhibition Road, South Kensington. Manager of Heenan and Froudes, Engineering and Bridge Works (Manchester and Birmingham); Departmental Manager, Brunner, Mond and Co.'s Works, Northwich; Consulting Engineer in London; Director of several important companies. Awarded Telford, Willians, Watt and Constantine Gold Medals; Grand Prix, Brussels Exhibition, 1910. At present Consulting Engineer and Director to Synthetic Ammonia and Nitrates, Ltd., which has taken over the Government's scheme for the Production of Synthetic Ammonia. Chief Works: Design and construction of factories, Central Station for Production and Distribution of Gas and other works, running into millions of pounds sterling in value; Inventor of the Humphrey Pump. Publications: Papers before the Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution cf Mechanical Engineers and Royal Institution. Clubs: Royal Automobile and St. Stephen's. War Services.—Technical Adviser to the Department of Explosives Supply; Technical Adviser to the Munitions Inventions Department; Construction and Equipment of English Ammonium Nitrate Factories for high explosives.

HUMPHREYS, George William, C.B.E., Member of Council Inst.C.E., Chief Engr. and County Surveyor, and Administrator of Housing Development Schemes to London County Council. Address: Spring Gardens, S.W.I. T. N.: Gerrard 500.

HUMPHREYS, Henry Howard, M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E., Member of the firm of Howard Humphreys and Sons, Cons. Engrs. (Civil and Water), 28, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: "Cutaneal, Vic." T. N.: Victoria 5228.

HUMPHREYS, Herbert Septimus, Engr.-Lt., R.N. (S.R.), M.I.Mar.E., A.M.I.N.A., Asst. Supt. Engr., British Tanker Co., Ltd.; b. 1889; s. of late George Daniel Humphreys. Ed. Margate College, Margate, and Clarence College, Gravesend. Training: East Ham and Stratford Tech. Coils. 1st Class B.O.T. Cert. Positions held: 2nd Engr. H.M:T. " Minneapolis " when torpedoed, 1916; Engr.-Lt. R.N. (Temp.), 1916-19, and Senior Engr.Lt:; Ship and Engr.-Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Belfast, June, 1919—Dec., 1920. Address: 49, Kent Road, Gravesend. T. A. (Business): " Brittankol, Stock." T. N. (Business): 5224 London Wall.

HUMPHRYS, Robert H., Hon. Vice-Pres. In st.N.A, Hurst Lea, Sevenoaks.

HUNT, Charles James, Elec. Engr.; Chief Engr. with Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. Pupil with Johnson and Phillips, Ltd. Address: Ravenswood, Blackhall, Midlothian. T. N.: Edinburgh Central 8392.

HUNT, Louis John, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1874; s. of L. M. Hunt. Ed. and Trained: Privately and King's College, London. Pupil with W. T. Goolden and Co., Ltd.; Staff of Easton, Anderson and Goolden, Ltd., Erith; Asst. Designer, Siemens Brothers, Ltd., Woolwich; Chief Elec. Engr., Sandycroft, Ltd., Chester, and later a Director; Cons. Work in London, 1920; specialized on Design and Application of Elec. Machinery for Mines, Collieries, Quarries and Steelworks, and developed Special Machines for the Elec. Propulsion of Ships; Patentee of the Single-speed and Multispeed (Single Core) Induction Motor, the Single and Multispeed Cascade Synchronous Motor, the Self-paralleling Cascade Alternator, and other Machines. Derby Gold Medal for paper on " Design of Elec. Machinery," Liverpool Eng. Soc.; Hopkinson Premium for paper on the " Cascade Induction Motor," I.E.E.; " A New Type of Induction Motor," I.E.E.; " Single Field Cascade Motor," S.Wales Inst.E. Address: 4 Broad Street Place, E.C.2. T. A.: " 2477 London Wall." T. N.: 2477 London Wall.

HUNTER, Adam, M.Inst.C.E., M.J.Inst.E. (Former Member of Council), Nairnsyde, The Grove, Buchanan Drive, Rutherglen, Glasgow.

HUNTER, Sir George Burton, K.B.E., D.Sc., J.P., M.Inst.C.E., Shipbuilder and Marine Engineer, Wallsend Shipyard, Wallsend-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Hunter, The Willows, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: Jesmond 27, Newcastle. b. 1845; s. of Thomas Hunter, Sunderland; m. 1873, Ann, d. of Charles Hudson, Whitby, Yorks Ed. Privately. Training: Served apprenticeship with W. Pile, Hay and Co., OA shipbuilders, Sunderland, and afterwards two years with R. Napier and Sons, Glasgow. Founded with S. P. Austin the shipbuilding firm of S. P. Austin and Hunter, 1874; in 1880 this partnership dissolved, and became principal partner in C. S. Swan and Hunter, Wallsend, now Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., of which company he is Chairman; Director of Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Co.; Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., Shipbuilders, Glasgow; Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., Wallsend, and North British Diesel Engine Works, Ltd., Glasgow. Chief Works: Pioneered in erecting large glazed sheds with electric cranes over shipbuilding berths. Builder of SS. Mauretania. Member of Council, Institute of Naval Architects.

HUNTER, Sir John, K.B.E., J.P., Officer of the Legion of Honour, Orders of Leopold of Belgium, Crown of Italy, and St. Anne of Russia, with Diamonds, Man. Dir., Sir William Arrol and Co., Ltd., Glasgow; Chairman, North-West Rivet, Bolt and Nut Factory, Ltd., Airdrie, Rivet Bolt and Nut Co., Ltd., Glasgow, Wylie and Lochhead, Ltd., Glasgow, and Casebourne and Co., Ltd., Haverton Hill, Middlesbrough; Director, Iron Trades Employers' Insur. Assoc., Ltd.; b. 1863; s. of late John Hunter, of Montreal. Ed. High School, Montreal. Came to this country, 1884; entered the service of William Arrol and Co., received traning with the Firm; during War Director of Factory Construction and of Iron and Steel Production, with M. of M., 1915-17; Member of Munitions Council from 1917; Member of Air Council from its formation. Clubs: Junior Carlton; Ranelagh; St. Stephen's; British Empire, London; New, Glasgow. Address: Ravenscourt, Thortonhall, Lanarkshire. T. N.: 82 Clarkston.

HUNTER, Philip Vassar, C.B.E., M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Joint Manager of Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Ltd.; b. 1883. Ed. Faraday House. Pupil to Willans and Robinson, Ltd., Rugby, Gordon Bryant, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Gt. Yarmouth Corporation, and E. T. Ruthven Murray, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Willesden U.D.C.; Asst. Engr. to late Robert Hammond, M.I.E.E., 1903-4; with Merz and McLellan, 1904-19, from 1909 as Head of Elec. Dept.; since 1919 with Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Ltd. Member of Council, I.E.E.; P.-Ch., North-East Centre of I.E.E., 1914-15; on Ctees. of B.E.S.A., B.E. and A.I. Research Assoc., and International Electrotechnical Com.; Inventor of the Split Conductor and other Systems of Automatic Protection for Elec. Power Transmission Systems; Engr. to Experiments and Research Sec., AntiSubmarine Div., Naval Staff, as rep. of Director of Experiments and Research, dealing with new methods of Submarine Location and Destruction. Papers on Elec. Subjects. Club: St. Stephen's, Westminster. Address: " Salcombe," Foxley Lane, Purley, Surrey.

HUNTER, Summers, C.B.E., Chairinan and Man. Dir., The North-Eastern Mar. Eng. Co., Ltd., Wallsend-on-Tyne and Sunderland, Address: 1, Manor Terrace, Tynemouth. T. A.: "Hunter, Tynemouth." T. N.: Tynemouth 45.

HUNTER, Thomas Briggs, O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., Superintending Civil Engr., Civil Engr. in Chief's Dept., Admiralty, S.W.I.

HUNTER, Thomas Macmillan, Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Gas Combustion Engineer, Glasgow, 45, 19, Bishops Road, Jordanhill. T. A.: " Hunter c/o Pickaxe." T. N.: Central,80. b. 1879; s. of James Hunter, Glasgow; m. Mary Moody Stuart, Edinburgh, in 1910. Ed. Glasgow Academy; Glasgow University, M.A., and B.Sc. (Engineering). Apprenticeship with Niven and Haddin, C.E., Glasgow, and Caledonian Railway Co. Sole partner of The Power Gas Economy Co. Publications: Read paper before Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1917, on " Gas Firing Boilers." Read papers before South Wales Institute of Engineers and Cleveland Engineering Society, on " Gas Firing Steam Boilers and Hot Blast Stoves," in 1918. (For the paper before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, a premium of po was awarded).

HUNTINGTON, Alfred Kirby, M.I.Mech.E., Prof. of Metallurgy, King's College, Strand, W.C.2.

HUNTLEY, Chas. G., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.H.V.E., Electrical and Chemical Engineers (Ventilating), Ozonair, Ltd., 96, Victoria Street, London, S.W.r. T. A.: " Ozonair, Sowest." T. N.: Victoria 12. b. 1890. Ed. University College School, London; Polytechnic, Regent Street. Pupil to Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Charlton, S.O., Kent. Assistant Engineer to Westinghouse Cooper Hewitt Co., Ltd., 1909; Works Manager, 1911; Assistant Engineer to Ozonair, Ltd., 1912-4; Chief Engineer, 1919 to date. Club: Rotary, London. War Services.—August, 1914 to March, 1919. Royal Engineers, Highest Rank, Captain R.E. (T.); Permanent Rank, Lieutenant R.E. (T.). Overseas Service in France with Tyne Electrical Engineers, R.E.

HUNTLEY, George, M.I.Mech.E., District Engr. for Docks, N.E. Railway, Hull, since 1901; b. 1870. Ed. Moffat Academy and Newcastle Modern School Pupil of J. Watt Sandeman, M.Inst. C.E., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Asst., Sandeman and Moncrieff, M.M.Inst.C.E., 1892-7; Res. Engr., construction new Redheugh Bridge over the Tyne, 1897-1901. 2nd in All England College of Preceptors Examination, 1888. Club: Royal Corinthian Yacht. Address: Engr.'s Office, N.E. Railway Dock Office, Hull. T. N.: Hull 340 and 341.

HURD, Milner, A.M.I.Mech.E., F.R.S.A., Steam Engineer, Gas and Oil-Driven Power Plant Expert, 3, Linden Avenue, Sheffield. T. A.: " Milner Hurd, Sheffield." T. N.: 364 Beauchief. b. 1868. Ed. George Watson's College, Edinburgh, and by private tutor. Apprenticed to F. W. Hurd and Co., Engineers and Ironfounders, Ensor Street, Liverpool. Fourth, Third and Second Engineer in charge of cargo boats, " Clan Line " and other private owners; then Engineer and Draughtsman to J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Torpedo Boat Builders, Chiswick, London, W.; then with Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness; then Chief Draughtsman, Outside Manager and Representative for W. R. Renshaw and Co., Stoke-on-Trent, General Engineers, Ironfounders and Boiler Makers. Founder Member of the Royal Aero Club; Member of the Council, Sorby Scientific Society, Sheffield. Publications: Articles on " Coal Waste " for daily press. Member of the Reform Club, Sheffield. War Services.—Honorary service as a technical representative of the Coal Controller, re distribution of, and economy in, the use of the nation's coal supplies.

HURST, Bertram Lawrance, M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Civil Engr., specializing Constructional Steel and Reinforced Concrete; b. 1875. Ed. St. Saviour's School, Eastbourne, and City of London College Training: J. Westwood and Co. (Steelworks). Asst. in Chief Engr.'s Office, G.W. Railway; Asst. Civil Engr., Admiralty Works Dept. Address: Craig's Court House, Whitehall, Charing Cross, S.W.I. T. A.: "Engitect, London." T. N.: 3282 Central.

HURT, Edward Norman, M.I.Loco.E. (Hon. Sec.), Loco. Dept., L. and Y. Railway, Horwich. Private Address: Beechwood, Bradford Street, Bolton.

HUTCHINGS, Arthur, A.M.I.E.E., Cons. Elec. Engr.; b. 1868; s. of late William Medlin Hutchings (Editor and Publisher of " The Colliery Guardian "). Ed. Privately. Training: Finsbury Tech. College Career: Head of Testing Dept., Elec. Eng. Corporation, Ltd., West Drayton, 1888; Chief Designer, J. G. Stalter and Co., Ltd., London, 1891; Designer, Deptl. Mangr. and Works Lecturer, Crompton and Co., Ltd., Chelmsford, 1894; Mangr., Elec. Windings Dept., Vickers, Ltd., Sheffield, 1905; Mangr., Insulating Varnish Dept., Chas. H. Blume, Mitcham, 1910; Ditto, Jenson and Nicholson, Ltd., Stratford, E., 1916; Asst. Engr. (War Service), Metropolitan Electric Tramways, Ltd., 1917; Commercial and Tech. Mangr. and Director, Acme Electric Traction Co., Ltd., Tottenham, 1919. Address: 15, Penton Place, King's Cross, London, W.C.I. T. N.: North 2680.

HUTCHINSON, Donald Maxwell W., l~I.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Inspector, F.M.S. Mines Office, Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S.

HUTCHINSON, Sir Sydney Hutton Cooper, Kt., M.I.E.E., Telegraph Engineer, 22, Edith Road, W. Kensington, London, W.8. b. 1852; third s. of Dr.T. Cayley Hutchinson, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals, India; m. 1890, Margaret Emmeline Atkins. Ed. Hartley Institute, Southampton. Assistant Superintendent in the Indian Telegraph Department, 1871; Superintendent, 1892; Chief Superintendent, 1901, and Director, Construction Branch, March, 1903, and was Meteorological Reporter for W. India, 1888-97, Delegate for India at the International Telegraph Conference, 1903, and DirectorGen. of Telegraphs in India, November, 1903-7. Resigned M.Inst.C.E., 1913. Club: Oriental.

HUTCHINSON, Thomas Massie, D.S.O., 0.B.E M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Chief Engr. in Charge of Tech. Inspection Dept., R.A.S.C., Mech. Transport; b. 1877. Ed. Privately and Cambridge Univ. 1st Class Hons. and Bronze Medal, Motor Car Eng., C. and G., Londod; Special Practical Course, R.E. Workshops, Chatham; Pioneer Motorist, 1898; in charge of all War Dept., A.S.C. Mech. Transport in Ireland, Repairs and Maintenance Service, 1903-7; M.T. Instructor to Officers' Classes at A.S.C. School of Instruction, 1907-14.; Mem. of War Office Ctee. on Mech. Transport, 1913-14; Sec., 1914; Chief Inspector Mech. Transport Vehicles; Lt.-Col. on Staff of Director of Transport, G.H.Q. in France, 1915-19; awarded D.S.O. and O.B.E.; mentioned four times for maintenance and upkeep of R.A.S.C., M.T. Vehicles; Ctees., B.E.S.A. on Automobile Parts; War Office M.T. Advisory Board; Scientific and Industrial Eng. Research Board. Club: R.A.C. Address: M.T. Inspection '9 Department, Royal Army Service Corps, 2, Lake Buildings, St. James's Park, London, S.W.I. T. A.: "Tubalian Parl., London." T. N.: Victoria 9700.

HUTCHINSON, William, M.Inst.C.E., M.C.E. (Melbourne), Chief Engr., Railway Construction Dept., Sydney, N.S.W.

HUTT, Arthur Cyril, A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.N.A., A.M.I.A.E., Naval, Marine and Mechanical Engineer, Tudor House, West Malling, Kent. b. 1885; s. of Arthur W. Hutt; m. d. of J. J. Peek, Glasgow. Ed. Merchant Taylors School and King's College.. Then with Yarrow, Shipbuilders, Scotstown. Assistant Works Manager to Yarrow of Scotstown, superintended all trials of their vessels. At present with the Sentinel Wagon Works, Ltd., Caxton Street, Westminster. Associate Member Institution of Shipbuilders in Scotland. Club: Sports. War Services.—Joined the R.N.V.R. on the outbreak of war and served on H.M.S. Exmouth and H.M.S. Monarch until March, 1919, then put in command of H.M.S. Valhella until he was demobilized Engineer Lieutenant Commander.

HUTTON, A. W., Mechanical Engineer, Alma Tube Works, Walsall. T. A.: "Alma, Walsall." T. N.: 34 Walsall. b. 1855. Ed. Haileybury College. Apprentice, Barrow Iron and Steel Co. Two years Barrow Steel Casting Co. Since 188o Manager, John Russell and Co., Ltd.; since 1913, Director, John Russell and Co., Ltd.; since 1918, Director and Manager, James Russell and Sons, Ltd.; since 1918, Director, Britannia Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.

HUTTON, Charles Edward, M.Inst.M.M., Inspector of Mines, Germiston, Transvaal.

HUTTON, Robert Salmon, D.Sc., Cons. Electro-Chemical Metallurgist; Man. Dir., The Sheffield Flatware Co., Ltd.; b. 1876; s. of Edward Hutton. Ed. Blundell's School, Tiverton; Owens College, Manchester; Leipzic and Paris Universities. Training: Manchester University. Career: Electric Furnace Research with the late Prof. Moissan in Paris; visited U.S.A., Canada and France, studying Tech. Electric Furnace Installations; invented Electric Furnace Methods of producing Fused Silica and other Refractories; in collaboration with Sir Joseph Petavel, investigated Electric Furnace Processes under High Gas Pressures; improvements in Silver Plating, Britannia Metal and Nickel Silver Alloys; recently collaborated with Officials of Industrial Fatigue Board in application of Motion Study to Metal Polishing Processes. Papers in Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., Trans. Faraday Soc., Journal Inst. of Metals, etc. Address: Dam House, Mushroom Lane, Sheffield. T. N.: 433 Broomhill.

HUTTON, Samuel, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E.I., Town Engr. and Surveyor, Exmouth, since 1903; b. 1875; s. of William Hutton, Contractor, Fulneck, Leeds. Ed. Fulneck School, Leeds. Training: Yorkshire College, Leeds; Pudsey Tech. School Career: Deputy Borough SurVeyor and Engr., Dewsbury, 1898-190o; Deputy City Engr. and Surveyor, York, 190o-3; carried out at Exmouth, High Level Water Supply, Destructor, Reinforced Concrete Bridges, Marine Drive and other sea defence work, including one of longest Reinforced Concrete Roads in the Kingdom, also East End Sea Defences, Sidmouth. Publ.: " Yield of a Moorland Watershed and High Level Waterworks, Exmouth," " Decade of Municipal Progress," etc. Address: Town Hall, Exmouth. T. A.: "Hutton, Exmouth." T. N.: 55 Exmouth.

HYDE, George Herbert MacCarthy, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Factory Engr., Govt. Factory, Colombo, Ceylon.

HYDE, James Henry, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., M.I.A.E., Wh.Ex. Mechanical Engineer and Specialist in Scientific Re search, 8, Claremont Road, Teddington, Middlesex. b. 1886. Ed. Essex County School; Workshops and Offices of G.E. Railway Works, Stratford; Technical—East London College (London University), Mechanical Engineer to Aeronautics Department, National Physical Laboratory, 1910-3. Present: Senior Assistant in Engineering Department of National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. Chief Works: Scientific Research with Lubrication and Luricants. Publications: Reports published by Advisory Committee for Aeronautics on " Design of Wind Channels and Aerodynamical Balances." 'Paper to Royal Society on " Viscosity and Compressibility of Liquids under High Pressure " (1919). War Services.—Investigations into mechanical problems connected with the war.

HYSLOP, George P., Member of Council I.Min.E.,. Min. Engr., The Old Marsh House, Wolstanton, Stoke-on-Trent.

See Also


Sources of Information