1896-1897 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Automotor Journal
See also
Vol 01. Oct 1896 to Sep 1897
- Abel's hash-test apparatus, 157.
- Aberdeen Motor Car and Cycle Co., 59.
- Aberdeen Motor-Car Deputation, 181.
- Aberdeen Town Council and motor-cars, 22.
- Absurd canard, An, 507.
- Accidents, Motor-car, 201, 306, 506.
- Accumulator, The Blot, 164.
- Acetylene. (See "Calcium carbide.")
- Ackermann's steering gear, 278.
- Acts of Parliament, 8, 14.
- Adam, C. Patent switch, 81.
- Agriculture and motor-vehicles, 18, 39, 58, 107, 148, 496.
- Air as a motive power. By Rhys Jenkins, M.I.M.E., 213.
- Air-compressing machinery, 217-220.
- Air motor connections, 222.
- Air motors, 142, 213, 326, 335, 450, 502, 526.
- Alcolite metal, 283.
- Allen, A. J., 129, 204, 429.
- America ahead of England in road traction, 23.
- American contests, 18, 75.
- American Motor League, The, 260.
- American notes, 21, 23, 40, 178, 200, 236, 326, 363, 412, 450, 469, 473, 497, 502.
- American Patent Law, 326.
- Anglo-French Motor-Carriage Co., 121, 229, 418.
- Answers to correspondents, 74, 108, 152, 190, 227, 268, 316, 364, 414, 460, 504.
- Arnold's motor-vehicles (Benz system), 41, 239, 356, 429.
- Arrangement of cams, &c., for high-pressure air cylinder, 218.
- Arrol, Sir William. Oil-motor, 139.
- Artemeff oil-burner, 403.
- Aspinall, J. A., M.I.C.E., on petroleum as fuel, 378.
- Atkinson and Philipson and motor-vehicles, 148.
- Aubry, J. H., 450.
- Audouin furnace, 402.
- Austin, H. Driving gear (Patent), 207.
- Australia and motor-cars, 130.
- Australian Cycle and Motor Co. (Ld.), 232.
- Autocars (D. Farman), 11, 127.
- Automobile Club of France, The, 102, 111, 189, 282, 320, 376, 451, 452.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain, The, 451, 461, 472, 514.
- Automotive vehicles, 123.
- "Automotor" as a title, 167.
- Automotor contests in 1897, 111.
- Automotor industry and how to foster it, The, 415.
- Automotors in A.D. 2000, 503.
- Awards of merit, 107.
- Axles and axle-boxes, Hildyard (Patent), 289.
- Aydon and Selwyn oil-burner, 404.
- Baker, H. C. Driving gear (Patent), 526.
- Ball bearings, 328.
- Banki, D., and T. Csonka. Ignition apparatus (Patent), 476.
- Barr, Andrew W., 79.
- Barrow, H. S. Road vehicles (Patent), 206.
- Bath-chair, Electric, 151.
- Bazin roller-boat, 325, 368, 419.
- Beaumont, Worby, M.I.C.E., &c., on mechanical road carriages, 87, 196, 250.
- Bedell, F. The principles of the transformer, 51.
- Bellemey, R. T. and C. Wheels (Patent), 478.
- Bells and lamps, 9.
- Benkston oil-burner, 405.
- Bennett, T. J. Gas, oil, and spirit engines (Patent), 384.
- Benzine, 517.
- Benzine motor-cycle, 174.
- Benz motor-carriage, 41, 312, 325, 356.
- Berseneff oil-burner, 404.
- Bersey electric carriage, 78.
- Bickford, J. S. V., on the lessons of The Engineer competition, 378.
- Bickford, J. S. V., on petroleum - burners, 451.
- Bidle pan furnace, 401.
- Blackburn tramways, 21.
- Blackpool and Fleetwood Tramway Co., 374.
- Blackpool Motor-Car Co. (Ld.), 471.
- Blant motor-vehicles, Le, 455, 456.
- Bloomer and Korebut-Dachkeveich oil-burner, 403.
- Blot accumulator, 164, 470.
- Bollee motette, 356.
- Bonner, S. A. The law of motor-cars, &c., 425.
- Bradford Technical College, 151.
- Brakes (Patent), 26.
- Brambel rotary engine, The, 211.
- Brampton Brothers (Ld.), 374.
- Brandt oil-burner, 403, 406.
- Bretts (Ld.), 281.
- Brewers' motor-vans, 11.
- Bridges, dangerous, 8.
- Briggs, F. H. Gas and oil motors (Patent), 336.
- Brighton Motor Exhibition, 225.
- Brighton race, 10, 66.
- Bristol engineers and motor-carriages, 49.
- Britannia electric-carriages, 56, 65.
- Britannia oil-motor, 77.
- British Association, 20, 25.
- British industries and foreign competition, 515.
- British Motor-Carriage and Cycle Co., 7.
- British motorcars in France, 462.
- British Motor Syndicate, 100, 106, 108, 122, 130, 153, 166, 191, 193, 202, 203, 227, 279, 310, 317, 362, 377, 463, 472, 515.
- British Motor Syndicate v. Hon. C. S. Rolls, 191, 202, 203.
- British Motor Syndicate v. Roots and Venables, 227, 310, 317, 377.
- British Zenith Adjustable Cycle Co. (Ld.), 281.
- Brown Brothers (Ld.), 374.
- Brown, J. Wheels (Patent), 526.
- Bruford, G. J., on automotors, 277.
- Brun, A. E. Le. Gas, &c., motors (Patent), 475.
- Brussels Exhibition, 202.
- Burners. See "Oil-burners."
- Bushbury electric dog-cart, 349.
- Bye-laws of counties, 9.
- Cabby's farewell to his steed, 496.
- Cabmen on motors, 517.
- Calcium carbide, 75, 269, 451.
- Calculus for engineers, 518.
- Canal automobilism, 115, 139, 301, 381, 474, 475.
- Capel and Clarkson. Self-propelled vehicles (Patent), 382.
- Capital of cycle companies, 59.
- Carburetter (Patent), 528.
- Cardiff and motor-cars, 229.
- Carless, Capel, and Leonard, on petroleum regulations, 129.
- Carriage building. By Robert Shinnie, 140.
- Carriages without horses shall go. By A. R. Sennett, 127.
- Carse, J. B. Motor-driven vehicles (Patent), 434.
- Carse, J. B. Water cooling jacket (Patent), 334.
- Carter, J. Explosion engines (Patent), 438.
- Cassier's Magazine, 518.
- Catalogues reviewed - Alley and Maclellan, 472; Charles Burrell and Co|Chas. Burrell and Co]]., 519; Clayton Air-Compressing Co., 520; Worthington Pump Co., 519.
- Central Engineering Works (Ld.), 416.
- Champion Weldless Tubes (Ld.), 281.
- Change and differential gear, 398.
- Charles v. Arnold. Motor-car accident, 201.
- Chasseloup-Laubat, Count de (Patent.), 436.
- China, The motor-car in, 509.
- Chippournoff oil-burner, 403.
- Church's steam carriage and boiler, 254.
- Clark, E. E. Re British Motor Syndicate, 516.
- Clements' speed indicator, 270.
- Clerk, Dugald. The gas and oil-engine, 11.
- Cleveland Institute of Engineers. Paper by W. Worby Beaumont, M.I.C.E., 250.
- Climax Weldless Tubes (Ld.), 28]..
- Clubbe, E. J., and Southey, A. W. Patents, 26, 285, 288, 436.
- Clyde Cycle and Motor-Car Co. (Ld.), 373.
- Coachbuilder on the future of automotors, 140.
- Coathbuilding. By J. Philipson (Review), 236.
- Coachmakers and motor-carriages, 148.
- Coffin, Hayden, Mr., a victim of the British Motor Syndicate, 279.
- Companies, 6, 59, 100, 120, 167, 198, 280, 279, 327, 373, 424, 434, 470, 513.
- Company Registration Syndicate (Ld.), 101.
- Compensation for Injuries Act, 461.
- Competitions (see also "Races"), 102, 111, 118, 128, 189, 200, 997, 269, 282, 283, 306, 343. 360, 31'5, 371, :177, 117, 443, 452, 462, 466, 509.
- Component, parts, -130,
- Compressed air us a motive power. By Rhys Jenkins, 213.
- Compressed-air motors, 1-42, 213, 326, 335, 450, 504, 526.
- Compressing machinery, air, 217-220
- Condensation of water, 419.
- Condenser (Patent.), 526.
- Connolly, J. W. and T., and Co.'s tyre, 77.
- Continental Notes, 27, 73, 102, 126, 158, 188, 189, 202, 224, 278, 282, 283, 321, 375, 416, 422, 443, 451, -17,2, -162. 464, 466, 471, 473, 500, 5U9, 520, 521, 529, 523.
- Cooling device, 476.
- Cornell's oil-carriage, .356, 429.
- Correspondence, 10, 49, 128, 167, 203, 238, 281, 324, 377, 429, 472, 515.
- Coulthard and Co.'s motor-vehicles, 275.
- Coupe Co.'s patent wheel, 116.
- Crastin's motor-quadricycle, 94.
- Crewe automotor trials, 360.
- Crucible furnace for oil fuel, 410.
- Crystal Palace awards of merit, 107.
- Cup furnace, 401.
- Curve of air compression, 216.
- Cycle Component s Manufacturing Co. (Ld.) v. Standard Weldless Tube Components (Ld.), 271.
- Dagnall oil-motor, 367.
- Daily Mail articles, 8, 76.
- Daimler Motor Co., 101, 230, 239, 433, 489, 495, 496.
- Daimler Motors, 12, 57, 64, 65, 66, 123, 182, 260, 308, 433, 489-495.
- Daimler Motor Syndicate, 100.
- Dale, J. O. Explosion motors (Patent), 383.
- D'Allest oil-burner, 406.
- Dance's steam-boiler, 252.
- Dangerous bridges, 8.
- Dare, T. N. Motor-driven road vehicles (Patent), 241.
- Darraeq electric car, 233.
- Day, J. Gas and oil-engines (Patent), 525.
- Decimal system in engineering measurement, The, 474.
- De Dietrich motor-lorry, 509.
- De Dion and G. Bouton. Explosion motors (Patent), 286. 329. 333.
- De Dion and Bouton boiler, 258.
- De Dion and Bouton motor, 65, 286, 512, 522.
- De Dion and Bouton steam-omnibus, 511.
- De Dion and Bouton steam-tractor, 511.
- De Dion Count. 418.
- Defiance Cycle and Motor-Car Co., 122.
- Designs for motor-vehicles, 128, 249, 323, 368, 429.
- Diamond Cycle Components and Engineering Co. (Ld.), 281.
- Dicken, R. C. J. and G. Steam-engines (Patent), 382.
- Differential and change gear, 398.
- Doings of public companies. (see "Companies.")
- Dorking Urban Council, 13.
- Dorsett and Blythe furnace, 402.
- Dowsing, H. J., 281, 286, 383, 388.
- Dowsing, H. J., Driving gear for motor-carriages (Patent), 286.
- Drake motor, 107.
- Driving gear, 207, 286, 329, 330, 334, 386, 526.
- Dundee oil-burner, 407.
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tire Co., 7, 19, 374, 158.
- Dunlop v. Maceabe, 270.
- Dunn, W. G. (Patent), 26.
- Dunsmore, M. C. Gas and. oil-engines (Patent), 435.
- Duryea, J. F., Driving gear (Patent), 334.
- Duryea, J. F., motor-carriage, 40, 126.
- Dust-collecting motor-cars, 192, 508.
- Duties payable, 8, 10, 117.
- Early motor-car, An. By J. H. Knight, 276.
- Edinburgh coachmakers and motor-cars, 117.
- Efficiency of steam-engines, 308.
- Electrical Power Storage Co. (Ld.), 424.
- Electrical Review, 412, 524.
- Electric hansoms, 246.
- Electricity, Cheap, for automotors, 186.
- Electricity, steam, and oil as motive powers, 4. #
- Electric omnibuses, 12, 21., 249, 503.
- Electric Motor Power Co.'s vehicles, 12, 357, 358, 359. 360.
- Electric motors, 274, 289, 299, 300, 383, 394, 399, 400, 436.
- Electric rudder motor, 274, 400.
- Electric street-cleaning car, 126.
- Electric traction, for canals, 301.
- Electric traction, French, 520.
- Electric traction, in Spain, 515.
- Electric trailer wheel, 399.
- Electric tramways communication, 180.
- Electric tramways on heavy gradients, 12(3.
- Electric vehicles, 12, 24, 56, 65, 78, 131, 151, 222, 228, 233, 237, 247, 249, 314, 349, 357, 372, 396, 397, 473, 483, 497, 498, 499, 521.
- Elieson, C. P. Driving mechanism (Patent), 386.
- Elieson's electric motor-car, 314.
- Emancipation Day, 66.
- Engineer competition, 111, 118, 262, 307, 343, 365, 377, 412, 429.
- Engineering and autotmotors, 55, 112.
- Engineers and the eight-hours' day, The, 420.
- English Serpollet Motor Syndicate, 122.
- Epstein Electric Accumulator Co. (Ld.), 513.
- Epstein L. (Patent), 131.
- Ernest Scott and Mountain (Ld.), 232.
- Esson Motor (Ld.), The, 280.
- Evans v. Hart, 271.
- Exhibitions, 48, 56, 59, 76, 125, 126, 158, 160, 180, 202, 212, 224, 225, 228, 248, 280, 284, 307, 371, 419, 430. 472, 496.
- Facile petroleum oil-engine, 156.
- Farman, D., 11, 127.
- Finance, Motor, 100.
- Fire-engines, Motor, 21, 50, 63, 235, 262, 366, 429.
- First legal run of automotors in England, 36.
- Flash-test apparatus, Abel's, 157.
- Fletcher, Lavington E., Death of, 430.
- Fletcher, W., 155.
- Fleuss tubeless pneumatic tyre, 185.
- Fly wheels. 528.
- Forestier, M., 452.
- Foucher-Delachanal motor-carriage, The, 203.
- Frames, 162.
- French contests, 10, 27, 35, 73, 188, 189.
- Friction clutch, 260.
- Gamage v. Marshall, 271.
- Gas and oil-engine. The (Dugald Clerk), U.
- Gascoine, E. Water-cooling jacket (Patent), 330.
- Gas-motors, 376. 388.
- Gas traction on tramways, 221.
- Gautiecr, C., and X. Wehrle. Wheels (Patent), 207.
- Gearing for motor-vehicles, 77, 477, 478.
- Geisenhof, J. Motor-van (Patent), 333.
- Glew, J. H. (Patent), 26, 266.
- Gospel motor-car, A, 185.
- Great Horseless Carriage Co., 8, 101, 203, 204, 239. 424.
- Groier, F., on motor-cars, 312.
- Guedon and Gautier. Manuel Pratique du Conducteur d'Automobiles (Review), 370.
- Gurney's steam-carriage and boiler, 252.
- Haddan, R. The Inventor's Adviser, 51.
- Hancock's steam-carriage and boiler, 251.
- Harman's Cycle and Needle Co. (L.), 280.
- Hastings and St. Leonard's Engineering, Cycle, and Motor-Car Co., 122, 280.
- Hearl and Tonks (Ld.) (1897), 280.
- Heavy vehicle trials, French, 189, 452, 509, 510, 512, 522. 523.
- Hele-Shaw, Prof. H. S., on pneumatic tyres, 114, 167.
- Henderson, Alexander, 179.
- Hering, P. Carburetter (Patent), 528.
- Heys, W. G. Oil and Gas Motors (Patent), 206.
- Hildyard, R. J. L. Axles (Patent), 289.
- Hill's steam-coach, 253.
- Holden, H. C. L. Internal combustion engines (Patent.), 332.
- Holden's liquid-fuel burner, 379, 4.06.
- Holroyd-Smith's benzoline motor-phaeton, 355.
- Holt, H. P. Driving gear (Patent), 329 ; condenser, 526.
- Holt's steam-carriage, 96.
- Hooley and Rucker, Reid v., 362.
- Hopkinson, J. E. Tyres (Patent), 478.
- Hopkinson J., jun. The transmission of power, 520.
- Hornsby-Ackroyd oil-engine, 15.
- Horseless Carriages. By J. K Tuke (Review), 273.
- Horseless carriages. Early history, 1.
- Horseless carriages. Their past, present, and future. By Shrapnell Smith, 99.
- Horseless road locomotion (A. R. Sennett), 11.
- Horse, Some estimates of the, 506.
- Horse, Some disadvantages of the, 367, 372.
- Horse, statistics, 501.
- Hot-air tramway motor, 142.
- Humber v. British Motor Syndicate, 106.
- Hunter, J. W. Explosion motor (Patent), 477.
- Hydraulic tyre-setting, 314.
- Ibbett, J. Explosion motors (Patent), 478.
- I.E.S. Accumulator Co. (Ld.), 238, 420, 472.
- Igniting apparatus. D. Banki and J. Csonka (Patent), 476.
- Igniting arrangement. W. D. and S. Priestman (Patent), 332.
- Imperial Institute. Yachting and Fisheries Exhibition, 419.
- Imperial Victorian Exhibition, Crystal Palace (1897), 284.
- Indian motor-car, An, 229.
- Indiarubber, 313. 356.
- Indicator diagram of air motor, 220.
- Inland navigation, Value and scope of, 381, 474, 475.
- Inlet valve of low-pressure air cylinder, 218.
- Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 1, 512.
- Institution of Civil Engineers-
- - Decimal system in engineering measurement, 474.
- - Petroleum as steam-engine fuel, 378.
- - Roller bearings, 379.
- - Transmission of power, 520.
- - Value and scope of inland navigation, 381, 474, 475.
- Institution of Naval Architects—
- - Compound steam turbine applied to marine propulsion 380.
- Insurance of motor-cars, 48.
- International Motor-Car Co., 235, 325.
- Interview with A. G. New and E. Mann, 426.
- Inventions. See "Patents."
- Inventor's adviser. By R. Haddan, 51.
- Irish Motor-Car and Cycle Co. (Ld.), The, 235, 327, 424, 470, 506, 514, 521.
- Irish regulations, 10.
- Isle of Man and motor-cars, 148.
- Ivel ball bearings, 328.
- Ixion Tyre, 458, 470.
- James Cycle Co. (Ld.), 374.
- James's steam-carriage, '253.
- [[Rho
ys Jenkins|Jenkins, Rhys]], 127, 213.
- Johnston, J. Gas and petroleum engines (Patent), 384.
- Kane-Pennington oil-motor, 135.
- Karapetoff oil-burner, 403.
- Kauffmann oil-burner, 403.
- Kelham Rolling Mills Co., 376, 377.
- Kesterton, E. R. (Patent), 26.
- Knight, J. H. Notes on motor-carriages, 51, 267, 276 ; an offer of lantern slides, 204.
- Knight, W. H. Motor mechanism (Patent), 526.
- Koosen v. Rose, 74, 236.
- Korting oil-burner, 403, 404, 406.
- Krieger electric road carriage, The, 237.
- Labitte, E. Steam boiler (Patent), 383.
- Lamps and bells, 9.
- Lancashire Steam Motor Co , 361, 419.
- Lanchester and others v. Richter and Another, 362.
- Lanchester, F. W. Gas and oil motors (Patent), 287; gearing (Patent), 478.
- Lantern slides, An offer of, 204.
- Lasnier, M., on French electric traction, 520.
- Law of motor-cars, hackney, and other carriages, 425.
- Law of Press criticism, 459.
- - of the motor-car, and regulations of the Board of Trade. by Grimwood Mears, 127.
- - relating to motor-cars. By Lewis and Porter, 323.
- - reports, 74, 106, 201, 236, 270, 362, 458, 501.
- Lawson, H. J. (Patents), 289, 331.
- Leather-Shod Wheel Co. (Ld.), 195, 373.
- Leeds Association of Engineers, 313.
- Leeds Motor and Cycle Show, 212.
- L'Electrique (Belgium) electric-carriage, 521.
- Lenz oil burner, 402, 406.
- Lepape, H. Power mechanism (Patent), 477.
- Levassor, M., Death of, 309.
- Level crossings and railway companies, 23.
- Lewis, H. L., and Porter, W. H. The law relating to motor-cars, 323.
- Libby, H. W. (Patent), 131.
- Lightning express, The, 325.
- Light railways, 14, 36, 42, 48, 140.
- Light railways v. heavy oils as explosives, 168.
- Liquid fuel. By R. Wallis, Wh. Sc., 401.
- Liquid Fuel Engineering Co.'s steam van, 344.
- Lister, F. Driving gear (Patent), 330.
- Literature on automotors, 11, 51, 127, 155, 236, 273, 323, 370, 425.
- Liverpool and Manchester, Mechanical haulage between, 192, 323.
- Liverpool Engineering Society, 180.
- Liverpool police and automotors, 166.
- Local Government Board powers, 10.
- Local Government Board regulations, 37.
- Locomotive carriages. E. J. Clubbe and A. W. Southey ( Patent), 285.
- Locomotives on Highways Act (1896), 8.
- London County Council and motors, 42.
- London Electrical Cab Co, 59, 82, 101, 193, 232, 238, 280, 483-488, 507, 517.
- London Electric Omnibus Co., 6, 24, 115, 157, 231, 271.
- London Motor-Car Works Co. (Ld.), 238, 430.
- London Motor Van and Wagon Co. (Ld.), 195, 238.
- Longuemare petroleum burner, 237, 257.
- Lord Mayor's Show and motor-cars, 57.
- Lorrain, J. G., 168, 204.
- Macdona, Cumming. Correspondence, 21, 49.
- Macdonald, J. M. Compressed-air engine (Patent), 335.
- Maceroni and Squire's steam-coach and boiler, 253.
- Magee, J. Oil-motors (Patent), 528.
- Magee, J. v. Tangyes (Ld.), 74.
- Magrath, J. R. The rule of the road, 515.
- Manchester Association of Engineers. Paper by W. Worby Beaumont, M.I.C. E., 250.
- Manchester Steam-Users' Association, 449.
- Manchester, The supply of petroleum to, 450.
- Mann, E., interview with, 426.
- Mann, J. H., on automotors, 313.
- Manuel pratique du conducteur d'auto-mobiles, 370.
- Maples and motors, 129.
- Marchant, T. B. Road locomotives (Patent), 385.
- Marine motors, 305, 311, 325, 380, 419, 431, 459, 463.
- Marseilles to Nice race, 188.
- Marshall, W., bankruptcy, 501.
- Marten, E. B., M.I.C.E., on inland navigation, 475.
- Master patents, 168, 238, 302, 310, 317, 377.
- Maxim Motor Co. (Ld.), 183, 205.
- May, Phil, drawing by, 113.
- May, Phil, Gutter snipes, by, 127.
- McGarel-Hogg, Hon. A. and J. T. Murray. Design for electrical omnibus, 249.
- McKim, J. L., 149.
- Mears, Grimwood, 127.
- Measurement, decimal system, 474.
- Mechanical haulage between Liverpool and Manchester, 192, 323.
- Mechanical haulage on common roads. By W. Worby Beaumont, M.I.C.E., &c., 196.
- Mechanical propulsion of tramway cars. By Prof. W. H. Watkinson, 100, 138.
- Mechanical traction of road carriages. By J. W. Thomson, 178.
- Mekarski reducing valve, 220.
- Merryweather, J. C. and Jakeman, C. J. W. Motor road-cars (Patent), 476.
- Midland Cycle and Motor-Car Exhibition, 59, 280.
- Modern cycles: their construction and repair. By A. J. Wallis-Tayler, 236.
- Moore, C. Harrington, 128, 284.
- Morgan's Chains and Pedals (Ld.), 281.
- Morris and Salom's electric carriage, 497, 498, 499.
- Mors motor-car, 272.
- Motor and Cycle Co. of Ireland (Ld.), 235, 327, 424, 470, 506, 514, 521.
- Motor-car and religion, The, 185, 239.
- Motor Car Club, 10, 22, 36, 111, 128, 239, 284, 303.
- Motor car in China, 509.
- Motor carriages: the vehicles of the future. By "Vagabond," 51.
- Motor cars. By F. Grover, Assoc. M.I.C.E. 312.
- Motor airs for common roads. By Wallis-Tayler, C.E., 324.
- Motor cars v. light railways, 48.
- Motor cycle and component parts official
- Motor intelligence, 518.
- Motor cycle race (Criterium des moto-cycles), 283.
- Motor cycles, 175, 331.
- Motor Development Corporation, 122.
- Motor finance, 100.
- Motor mills, Coventry, The, 275.
- Motor run to Liverpool, 125.
- Motor traffic. By Sir David Salomons, 291.
- Motor tricycles, 186.
- Motor vehicles. By Major Flood Page, 123.
- Motor vehicles for roads. By W. Worby Beaumont, M.I.C.E., 250.
- Motor vehicles for Sevenoaks, 168.
- Motor wagon communication between Manchester and Liverpool, 130, 323.
- Motor wagon scientifically considered. By G. F. Thompson, 160.
- Motor water-carts, 142.
- Munich Motor Exhibition, 224.
- Municipal trip, A, 318.
- National Cycle and Motor-Car Insurance Co., 48.
- National Cycle Show, 125.
- National Motor-Carriage Syndicate (Ld.), 471.
- Neale car, The, 228.
- Neville's marine oil-motor, 305.
- New, A. G., and Mayne, A. J. Electrical propulsion (Patent), 289.
- New, A. G., Interview with, 426.
- New and Mayne, 8, 75, 222, 271, 289, 391400, 426.
- New and Mayne's differential and chain gear, 398.
- New and Mayne's direct coupled engine and dynamo, 394, 395.
- New and Mayne's electric char-a-bane, 396, 397.
- New and Mayne's electric trailer wheel, 399.
- New and Mayne's two-cylinder vertical oil-engine, 392, 393.
- New Beeston Cycle Co., 120, 204, 271.
- New Brotherton Tube Co. (Ld.), 470.
- Newcastle motor-car, 459.
- New companies 59, 121, 167, 195, 232, 280, 281, 327, 375, 424, 471, 513.
- New Credenda Tube Co. (Ld.), 281.
- New Fowler-Lancaster (Ld,), 281.
- New General Traction Co. (Ld.), 470.
- New inventions. See Patents.
- New MacGregor Cycle and Engineering Co. (Ld.), 374.
- Norris, W. Otto cycle gas-engine, 11.
- Northampton to London on a motor-car, 433.
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders —Liquid Fuel. By R. Wallis, Wh. Se., 401.
- Notes of the month, 19, 60, 103, 143. 183, 233, 262, 306, 368, 422, 468, 508.
- Notes on motor-carriages. By J. H. Knight, 51.
- Nottingham Motor-Car Show, 4,8.
- Oil-burners, 237, 257, 349, 1.01-411, 451.
- Oil dynamo, 394, 395.
- Oil fuel forge, 410.
- Oil-leakage, Prevention of, 313.
- Oil motors and vehicles, 12, 15, 41, 42, 52, 53, 57, 64, 65, 66, 74, 77, 91, 92, 93, 95, 117, 135, 139, 140, 156, 176, 182, 186, 187, 203, 222, 225, 260, 272, 275, 286, 287, 298, 305, 308, 325, 329, 332, 333, 336, 338, 350, 355, 356, 367, 381, 391, 392, 393, 434, 436, 438, 475, 477, 478, 489, 495, 525, 528.
- Oil, steam, and electricity as motive-powers, 4.
- Olympia Motor-Car Exhibition, 180.
- Omnibuses, electric, 12, 13, 24.
- Omnibuses for Paris, 101, 454, 455, 511.
- Operative date of Act (1896), 9.
- Otto cycle gas-engine. [[W. Norris]], 11.
- Our horse population, 107.
- Ourselves, 16, 505.
- Page, Major Flood, on motor-vehicles, 123.
- Paget, A. Fly-wheels (Patent), 528.
- Palmer's Shipbuilding Co., 13.
- Panhard and Levassor's friction clutch, 260.
- Panhard and Levassor motors, 64, 260.
- Paris-Dieppe race, 443.
- Paris Mantes race, 443.
- Paris Marseilles race, 27.
- Paris Trouville race, 473.
- Park phaeton motor, A, 320.
- Parliamentary doings, 8, 14.
- Parsons, Hon. C., on steam turbines, 380.
- Patent law, The, 303, 326.
- Patents applied for, 26, 80, 131, 171, 205, 240, 285, 328, 381, 434, 474, 524.
- Patents granted, 26, 81, 131, 206, 241, 285, 329, 382, 434, 474, 524.
- "Peerless" metal, 282.
- "Peerless" Metal and Martino (Ld.), 373.
- Penalties, 9.
- Pennington, E. T., 275, 327.
- Penny parcel delivery by motor-vehicles, 155.
- Perfecta Seamless Tube Co. (Ld.), 373.
- Petroleum and motor-cars, 499.
- Petroleum as fuel, 328, 378.
- Petroleum carriage, 39.
- Petroleum regulations, 9, 39, 129.
- Petroleum storage, 9.
- Petroleum, use of, in prime movers, 318.
- Petter, Hill, and Boll's oil-motor carriage, 92, 93.
- Petter, Hill, and Boll's oil-motor cylinder and valve, 92.
- Peugeot motor, 116, 159, 170, 267, 284, 464.
- Philipson and Towards' steam carriage, 223, 368.
- Philipson, J. Coachbuilding (Review), 236.
- Phosphor Bronze Co. (Ld.), 463.
- Pneumatic Tube Machine Co. (Ld.) Brainard's Patent, 281.
- Pneumatic Tyre Co. v. East London Rubber Co., 106.
- Pneumatic Tyre Co. v. Ixion Pneumatic Tyre Co., 458.
- Pneumatic Tyre Co. v. Marwood and Cross, 201.
- Pneumatic tyres fifty years ago, 13,
- Pneumatic tyres for motor-carriages. By Prof. H. S. Hele Shaw, 114, 167.
- Pneumatic tyres for motor-carriages. By Sir David Salomons, 296.
- Poems, 433, 496.
- Police and motor-cars, Tile, 166, 319, 363, 458, 501.
- Pope Manufacturing Co.'s motor-vehicles, 372.
- Post Office and motor-cars, 472.
- Post Office anomalies, 465, 524.
- Power locomotion on the highway. By Rhys Jenkins, 127.
- Power required for self-propulsion, 162.
- Prejudices against motor-cars, 50.
- Press on motor-cars, The, 494, 507.
- Pressspahn, 422.
- Pressure in gas and oil engines, 51G.
- Priestman, W. D. and S. Igniting arrangement (Patent), 332.
- Principles of the Transformer. By F. Bedell, 51.
- Prizes for motor-car designs, 52.
- Proceedings of societies, 378, 379, 380, 381, 401, 474, 520.
- Proposed motor-carriage and tramway combination, 125.
- Public Companies. See "Companies."
- Races (see also "Competitions "), 10, 18, 27, 35, 75, 111, 188, 283, 363, 443, 473.
- Railways, Light, 14.
- Rainsay's horse, carriage, and autocar repository, 59.
- Randolph's steam-carriage (Henderson), 180.
- Recent developments in mechanical road-carriages, 87.
- Redmond, L. Patent tyre, 26.
- Regulations for motor-cars, 8, 14, 37, 54, 107, 129.
- Regulations for Scotland, 107.
- Reid v. Hooley and Rucker, 362.
- Resistance of vehicles on common roads, 412.
- Reviews of books, 11, 51, 127, 155, 236, 273, 323, 370, 425, 518.
- Rhodes, C. E. Parker, 430.
- Richardson furnace, 402.
- Rickett's steam-carriage, 255.
- Riker electric car, 363.
- Rims, tyre, 376.
- Ringelmann, M. Rotary engine (Patent), 525.
- Road traction in populous districts, 154.
- Road vehicle (Patent), 206.
- Roller bearings. By W. B. Marshall, M.I.C.E., 379.
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., 171, 324, 356, 360.
- Roots and Venables' oil motor-vehicles, 41, 91, 225, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354.
- Roots and Venables v. British Motor Syndicate, 227, 310, 317, 377.
- Roots' Oil-Motor and Motor-Car (Ld.), 434.
- Rose, G. Road vehicles, steam generator (Patent), 287.
- Rossel, Ed. Motor-carriage, 12.
- Rotary motors, 211, 335, 525.
- Rowbotham, W., 168, 204, 436.
- Royal Agricultural Society's competition, 18, 360, 371, 417, 473.
- Royal Aquarium Motor-Car Exhibition, 228, 307.
- Royalty and automotors, 142.
- Rucker, Reid v. Hooley and, 362.
- Rudder-motor. New and Mayne's, 400.
- Rule of the road, The, 515.
- Rusden and Ecles' oil-burner, 408, 410.
- St. Helen's Tube and Metal Co. (Ld.), 281.
- Salisbury oil-burner, 406.
- Salomons, Sir David, Bart., 17, 43, 50, 117, 128, 295.
- Saner, J. A., M.I.C.E., on inland navigation, 474.
- Sankey, H. R., M.I.C.E., on decimal system of measurement, 474.
- Scotch regulations, 10.
- Scotte motor-car system, 454, 522.
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association (Liverpool), 22, 43, 55, 114, 129, 139, 160, 192, 196, 213, 276, 322, 371, 417, 467, 522, 523.
- Self-Propelled Traffic Association (London), 48, 79, 117, 417.
- Self-propelling vehicles. By G. F. Thompson, 100.
- Sennett, A. R., 11, 25, 127, 167, 168.
- Serpollet motor, 65, 122, 146, 257, 523.
- Shaw and Linton furnace, 402.
- Sheffield Society of Engineers, 277.
- Shows. (See "Exhibitions.")
- Silent tyre patent, The, 202.
- Simms, F. R. Surface cooling device (Patent), 476.
- Sitting on the fence, 505.
- Smith, E. Shrapnell, on horseless carriages, &c., 99, 129, 111, 276.
- Smith, M. H. (Patent), 81.
- Smoke and vapour, 8.
- Snow on tramway lines, 101, 151.
- Soames, E. Letter, 239.
- Society of Arts' papers—
- - Sir David Salomons, 291.
- - Worby Beaumont, M.I.C.E., &e., 87.
- Somerville, F. H. Letter on electric motors, 238.
- South Africa, The motor-car in, 312.
- Southampton and motor-carriage building, 107.
- Southey, A. W., and Clubbe, E. J. (Patents), 26, 285, 288, 436.
- South Wales Motor-Car and Cycle Co., 148, 375.
- Spakovski oil-burner, 405.
- Speed and balance gear. Clubbe and Southey, 288.
- Speed indicator, 270.
- Speed limit, 9, 278.
- Speeds, 50, 278.
- Standard weldless tube and cycle components, 166, 373.
- Stanley Show, 125.
- Starting gear. Lawson, 289.
- Star Tube Co. (Ld.), 281.
- Steam boilers, 251-254, 257, 258, 287, 348, 382, 388.
- Steam locomotion on common roads. By W. Fletcher, 155.
- Steam-motors and motor-vehicles, 40, 50, 90, 96, 146, 180, 211, 223, 251, 252-255, 257, 258, 277, 297, 299, 344, 382, 385, 436, 454-456, 459, 476, 509, 511.
- Steam, oil, and electricity as motive powers, 4.
- Steel tramways for roads, 497.
- Steering, 163, 278, 324.
- Steering inventions, 26, 163, 278, 324, 526.
- Stewart and Farmer oil-burner, 407.
- Stilwell, J. F. Motor-carriages (Patent), 525.
- Stirling oil motor-carriage, 182.
- Stopping apparatus (Patent), 528.
- Storage of petroleum and prohibition of traffic, 9.
- Straker's oil-motors, 187.
- Sturmey, J. J. H. Road vehicles for motor traffic (Patent), 206.
- Summers and Ogle's steam-boiler, 253.
- Sunderland Engineering Exhibition, 472.
- Supply of petroleum to Manchester, The, 450.
- Sydney Engineering and Electrical Exhibition, 248.
- Tavernier, A. E. Explosion motor (Patent), 338.
- Taxes on motor-carriages, 8, 10, 116, 422.
- Taylor, A. J. Wallis—
- - Modern cycles (Review), 236.
- - Motor-cars for common roads (Review), 324.
- Text and its application, A, 11.
- Thompson, G. F. On self-propelling vehicles, 100, 160.
- Thompson's, R. W., steam-carriage, 255.
- Thompson, W. P. Rotary motor (Patent), 335.
- Thomson, J. W., on mechanical traction of road carriages, 178.
- Thornycroft's hydraulic steam lifeboat, 431.
- Thornycroft's steam-van, 40, 90.
- Those poor Britishers, 469.
- Toward and Co.'s steam-van, 223, 368, 459.
- Traction, The work of, 471.
- Tractograph, 412.
- Tractometer, 412.
- Traffic in the City, 415.
- Traffic Syndicate (Ld.), 101.
- Tramway motors for light railways, 140.
- Tramway motors: lessons from America, 155.
- Tramway traction, 20, 22, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 100, 101, 126, 127, 138, 140, 142, 180, 184, 224, 326, 497.
- Transmission of power. By J. Hopkinson, jun., M.A., &c., 520.
- Transmitting and regulating motion (Patent), 524.
- Travelling modes on common roads (Sennett), 11.
- Travelling without horses in 1770, 309.
- Trench Tubeless Tyre Co. (Ld.), 281.
- Tubes (Ld.), 424.
- Tuke, J. E., on oil-motors, 140, 273, 306.
- Turbines, 380.
- Tyre Patents, 26, 202, 30S, 377, 458, 470, 478, 524.
- Tyres, 77, 151, 185, 202, 267, 281, 314, 376.
- Ulrich, W. (Patent), 26.
- Urquhart oil-burner, 406.
- "Vagabond" Motor-carriages (Review), 51.
- Value and scope of inland navigation—
- - By E. D. Marten, M.I.C.E., 475.
- - By J. A. Saner, M.I.C.E., 474.
- - By L. B. Wells, M.I.C.E., 381.
- Valve chest for air cylinder, 218.
- Valve for regulating petroleum supply (De Dion and Bouton patent), 333.
- Vaporisation, 168, 204, 436.
- Variable gearing, 331.
- Vavasour, Sir W. E. J. Failure, 458.
- Vignes, G. F. G. des, and S. H. Terry. Steam generators (Patent), 382.
- Vincke, N. Steering mechanism (Patent), 526.
- Wallis, R., Wh. Sc., on liquid fuel, 401.
- Wanted — a word, 55, 112.
- Water cooling jacket, 330, 334.
- Watkinson, Prof. W. H., on mechanical propulsion of tramway cars, 100.
- Watson, C. Letter, 472.
- Wedding motor-cars, 320.
- Weidknecht steam motor-car, 454.
- Weight limits, 8.
- Weldless Tubes (Ld.), 281.
- Wellington, F. F. Variable gearing (Patent), 331.
- Wells, L. B., on inland navigation, 381.
- Wenham, F. H. Driving gear (Patent), 329.
- Westralian Motor Carrying Co., 122.
- What will the new year teach us, 153.
- Wheels, 116, 162, 195, 204, 207, 273, 314, 478, 501, 516, 526.
- Williams, J., 205.
- Winchelsea, Earl of, 279, 424.
- Wise, Field, and Aydon oil-burner, 404.
- Wolseley motor-carriage, 186.
- Woolidge, W. Stopping apparatus (Patent), 528.
- Worshipful Company of Coachmakers' prizes for motor-car designs, 52, 368.
- Yeovil Motor Co.'s dog-cart, 355.
- Yorkshire College Engineering Society, 312.
- Zola on automobilism, 489.
- Zuylen, Baron de, 445.