1898-1899 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Automotor Journal
See also
Vol 03. Oct 1898 to Sep 1899
- Accidents, 26, 66, 70, 130, 151, 200, 245, 294, 303, 305, 508.
- Accidents avoidable by using motor vehicles, 27, 58, 141, 206, 245, 305, 366, 413, 477.
- Accumulators, 107, 127, 152, 156, 202, 249, 341, 427, 493, 521, 581, 628.
- - Blot, 203, 581.
- - Chloride, 203.
- - Crowdus, 324, 341.
- - Cruto, 581.
- - Epstein, 203.
- - Faure-King, 203.
- - Fulmen, 581.
- - Hart, 222.
- - Hatch, 127.
- - Headland, 203.
- - Heimel, 581.
- - Herne el, 581.
- - Lagerde, 581.
- - Martinet on, 521.
- - Northey on, 202.
- - Phenix, 581.
- - Pope and Sons, 581.
- - Rimington on, 493, 598.
- - Societe Generale Electrique de Nancy, 581.
- - Societe Souchere, 581.
- - Treadwell, 156.
- - Trials of, 152, 581.
- - Tudor, 203, 581.
- - Wuste and Rupprich, 581.
- Accumulator traction on railways, 628.
- Acetylene, 105, 158, 211, 222, 223, 267, 313.
- Adhesion in motor traction, 65.
- Advantages of motor vehicles, 20, 27.
- Africa, 48, 212, 243. 7)
- Africa, Dubois motor vehicles in, 48, 243.
- Agricultural Society's Trials, 1, 19, 200.
- Ailsa Craig Machine Co., 479.
- Air resistance to motor vehicles, 230, 253.
- Alcohol in explosion motors, 225, 429.
- Allen, A. J., steam wagon design, 292.
- Alpe's Auto Machine Co., 154.
- Aluminium, 172, 556.
- American 'Notes, 24, 236, 563, 571. 595.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, lf 314.
- Andrew, J., and Co., 268.
- Anglo-American Oil Co., 628.
- Anglo-French Motor Carriage Co., 633.
- Answers to correspondents, 19, 63, 143, 198, 251, 301, 357, 415, 515, 565, 623.
- Appleby, Joseph (Ld.), 113, 134.
- Ariel Cycle Co., 112.
- Arsenal Motor Co., 60.
- Australian Cycle and Motor Co., 136.
- Austrian army and motor vehicles, 70, 124.
- - notes, 148.
- Automobile Association (Ld.) 50, 112, 240, 406, 434, 505.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 33, 43, 46, 111, 198, 201, 236, 295, 360, 415, 421, 517, 618, 621.
- - Banquet, 574.
- - Chairman, The first, 419.
- - Easter tour, 360.
- - Emancipation dinner, 43.
- - Gordon-Bennett Cup, 574.
- - Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association and the, 46.
- - Local Government Board trials, 573.
- - Manufacturers' meeting, 573.
- - Members, 361.
- - Policy of club, 624.
- - Racing, 472, 573.
- - Richmond show, 201, 257, 297, 361, 415, 421, 473, 504.
- Automobile clubs (Foreign) --
- - Berlin, 576.
- - Dijon, 70.
- - France, 6, 43, 47, 70, 218, 242, 428, 457, 498, 520, 574, 633, 634.
- - Italy, 139, 428,
- - New York, 480, 521.
- - Russia, 149.
- - Switzerland, 242.
- Automobile Co. of America, 428, 521.
- - progress of, 66.
- - POCKET BOOK, 145.
- Auto Truck Co. (New York), 242.
- Balancing of motors, 596.
- Ball bearings, 61, 64.
- Bankruptcy Court, &c., 68, 154, 211, 273, 310, 374, 482, 526, 592, 637, 638.
- - Accles (Ld.), 481.
- - Alpe's Auto Machine Co. (Ld.), 154.
- - Cartnont's Noiseless Shielded Rubber Tyre Co., 310.
- - Chitty Dynamo and Motor Co. (Ld ), 526, 592, 638.
- - Cosmopolitan Motor and Cycle Works (I4d.), 310.
- - Crawford, Middleton, and Martin, 68.
- - Easton, Anderson, and Goolden (Ld.), 68.
- - Griffen, G. H., 273, 639.
- - Kirby, F. H., 273.
- - Liardet, J. E., 211.
- - London Motor Car and Works Co. (Ld.), 374.
- - National Cycle and Motor Car Insurance Co. (Ld.), The, 153.
- - New and Mayne (Ld.), 638.
- - Buckingham and Adams Cycle Co. (Ld.), 637.
- - Motive Power Syndicate (Ld.), 481,
- - Northern Counties Electric and Motor Co. (Ld.), 310.
- - Pennington Motor Foreign Pat cuts Syndicate (Ld.), 153.
- - Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co. (Ld.), The, 482, 484.
- - Westminster Cycle Works (Ld.), 310.
- - Wimshurst, H. J., 484.
- Bardonnant on military transport, 279.
- Barry, Sir W., on locomotion in London; 117.
- Bassee and Michel, ignition tube, 421.
- Batteries. See Accumulators.
- - portable testing, 58.
- Bayley's system, 514, 546,.566, 594.
- Bazin's roller boat, 330.
- Beebe pneumatic tyre, 74.
- Beeston Cycle Co., 308.
- Beeston Motor Co., 22, 68, 135, 155, 308.
- Belfast and Northern. Counties' Railway Van, 239.
- Belgian army automobiles, 217.
- Benz Motor Car Co., 373, 377.
- Benz system, 30, 154, 159, 305, 390.
- Berlin Exhibition. See Exhibitions.
- Berlin Post Office, 217.
- Berthelot and. Vieille on acetylene, 105.
- Bevel gear, Favet's, 195.
- Birmingham Motor Car Club, 633.
- Birmingham Motor omnibuses for, 173, 376.
- Birmingham Railway Carriage Co., 373.
- Birmingham Show, 245.
- Birmingham Trials (Royal Agricultural Society), 1, 19.
- Blackpool Motor Car Co., 638.
- Blot cell. See Accumulators.
- Boiler explosions, 377, 500, 587.
- Boilers (including steam generators), 11, 12, 93, 94, 96, 122, 139, 226, 271, 285, 328, 500, 541.
- - Fire-engine, 500.
- - Kocheur, 285.
- - Lancashire Steam Motor Co., 96.
- - "Lifu," 11, 12, 93.
- - Serpollet, 122.
- - Tangye, 139.
- - Thornycroft, 94, 271, 328, 541.
- - Toulmin and Coulthard, 226.
- Boson de Perigord. Challenge Cup, 243.
- Boston, U.S.A., motor contest, 236, 255.
- Boycott of Paris Exhibition, Proposed, 626.
- Boyle, J., on automobilism in Great Britain, 355.
- Brakes, 199, 219, 254, 506, 581, 616, 631.
- - Local Government Board trials, 616.
- - Paris trials, 581, 631.
- - Sennett on, 199.
- - Theory and design, 254.
- Brewer's motor wagon, A, 282.
- Brighton and automobiles, 461.
- Britannia Motor Carriage Co., 136, 192.
- British Aluminium Co., 172.
- British and foreign motor vehicles, 4.6;•.]
- British Motor Car Co., 107.
- British Motor Co 67 154, 180, 209, 591.
- British Motor Syndicate, 46, 207, 268, 590.
- Brodie, J. A., on motor vehicles, 41.
- Bunsen flame, 567.
- Burgess Cycle Co., 107.
- Burners, Oil, 10, 55, 96, 406, 568,614.
- - Clarkson and Capel, 568.
- - Fairfield, 55.
- - Leyland, 96.
- - " Lifu," 10.
- - Musker, 614.
- - Rusden and Eeles, 406.
- Business notes, 21, 291, 349, 429, 518, 633.
- Cabdrivers and cyclists, 527.
- Cabdrivers Association, 137.
- Cabs in London, 299, 304. (See Electric vehicles.)
- Cab trials in Paris, 75, 631.
- - Gileulator, A pocket, 31.
- Caledonian Motor Car and Cycle Co, 59.
- Calthrop's lurry platform carrier, 45.
- Cambier system, 112, 348.
- Canada, 150.
- Canals, Electric haulage on, 628.
- Cape Colony, 26.
- Carbide of calcium storage, 208, 211, 222.
- Carbon dioxide motor, 21.
- Carburettors (see also Vaporisers), 56, 118, 148, 233, 235, 409, 449, 601, 610.
- - De Sales and Braly, 601.
- - Endurance. See Melling.
- - Guillardet, 449.
- - Huzelstein, 235.
- - Iden, 118.
- - Kellett, 610.
- - Lucas, 56.
- - Melling, 148.
- - Pretot, 233.
- - Riotte, 409.
- Cardiff and automobiles, 173.
- Carless, Capel, and Leonard, 505.
- Carpenter. See Efficiency of bicycles.
- Carriage works not a factory, 483.
- Catalogues, 17, 69, 379, 44'), 528, 642.
- - Aeles, J. G., 380.
- - Bagshaw and Sons, 69.
- - Brearley, F., 380.
- - British Thomson Houston Co., 379.
- - Brown Bros., 440.
- - Brush Co., 642.
- - Croft and Perkins, 380.
- - Crossley, 612.
- - Dick, Kerr, and Co., 642.
- - Ebbw Vale Steel Co., 69.
- - Electric Vehicle Syndicate, 314.
- - Garrard Manufacturing Co., 642.
- - Grant Axle and Wheel Co., 612.
- - Humpidge, Holdbaron, and Co., 642.
- - Hydro-Kinetic Engineering Syndicate, 17.
- - Langdon-Davies Electric Motor Co., 17.
- - MacLellan, P. and W., 642.
- - Melhuish, R.. and Sons, 379.
- - Mitteleuropaischer Motorwagen Verein, 17.
- - Moeller and Condrup, 380.
- - Monarch Motor Co., 642.
- - Patents Trading Syndicate, 440.
- - Philipp and Co., 528.
- - Philipps' Monthly Register, 642.
- - Renold, H., 380.
- - Rubery and Co., 528.
- - Schreiber, S., 642.
- - Southern Motor Car Co., 528.
- - Stern Bros., 528.
- - Tolch and Co., 69.
- - Vosper and Co., 370.
- - Wellington's Register, 642.
- Causerie on automobilism, 359, 416.
- Ceylon post office, 125.
- Chains. See Driving chains.
- Chandler valve gear, 452.
- Chelsea motor wagon, 289.
- Choice of motor vehicles, 78, 144.
- Clarkson system, 507.
- Cleaning cylinders of petrol motors, 374.
- Clutch gears (Critchley), 443.
- Companies registered. See New companies.
- Company matters, 22, 59, 130, 164, 180, 207, 264, 308, 372, 481, 522, 589, 637.
- - Appleby, Joseph, 134.
- - Australian Cycle and Motor Co., 136.
- - Beeston Cycle Co., 308.
- - [[Beeston Motor Co., 22, 135, 308.
- - Britannia Motor Carriage Co., 136, 192.
- - British Motor Co., 180.
- - British Motor Syndicate, 207.
- - Caledonian Motor Car and Cycle Co., 59.
- - Clacton Motor Car Co., 46.
- - Cycle Components Manufacturing Co., 186.
- - Daimler Motor Co., 164, 187, 522.
- - Edinburgh Autocar Co., 481.
- - Epicyclic Manufacturing Co., 589.
- - Leathershod Wheel Co., 22.
- - London Electrical Cab Co., 130. 31
- - London Electric Omnibus Co., 264.
- - London Motor Van and Wagon Co., 134, 264.
- - London Steam Omnibus Co, 59, 524, 589.
- - MacNamara and Co., 637.
- - Midland Cycle and Motor Car Exhibition Co., 372.
- - New Buckingham and Adams Cycle Co., 637.
- - New Grappler Pneumatic Tyre Co., 637.
- - Newport Pagnell Motor Car Syndicate, 186.
- - New Rossleigh Cycle and Motor Co., 186.
- - Paris Singer, 22.
- - Roller Bearings Co., 136.
- - Sirdar Rubber Co., 265.
- - Stirling's Motor Carriages, 186.
- - Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, 308.
- - Yorkshire Motor Car Co., 187.
- Compressed-air locomotion, 371, 438, 521.
- Compression regulator (Malezicux), 127.
- Concours des fiacres. See Cab trials.
- Congestion of street traffic, 29, 252.
- Contours, 475, 537, 551.
- Controller, electric, 644.
- Control of electric vehicles See Cozens-Hardy.
- Coolers (Daimler), 403.
- Correspondence, :s0, 79, 166, 219, 2-17, 314, 374, 435, 485, 514, 528, 592, 638.
- - A. F. E, 217, 375.
- - Allen, A. J., 166, 221, 377.
- - Anxious, 315.
- - Atkins, S., 595.
- - Austin, H., 528.
- - Automobile Association, 30, 247.
- - Baily, F. W.. 3 t5, 376, 438, 486.
- - Beaumont, W. W., 79.
- - Brackett, W. H., 316.
- - Bridson, E. R., 80, :175.
- - Brough, H., 595.
- - Burgess, A., 315, 316.
- - Burls, G. A., 529.
- - Busby, W., 219.
- - Carless, Capel, and Leonard, 221.
- - Carroll, A., 220.
- - Clarke, D., 315.
- - Coleman, P., 376.
- - Comma it Faut, 486.
- - Conolly, J. W. and T., 316.
- - Conradi, H., 485.
- - Crowden, C. T., 79.
- - Daimler Motor Co., 30.
- - Edge, S. F., 168, 220, 375, 376, 528.
- - E. M. J., 315.
- - Faber, 166.
- - Finem Respice, 217.
- - Fly on the Wheel, 638.
- - Ford, G., 438.
- - F.R.C.S., 8).
- - G. H. L., 375.
- - Griffiths, J., 317.
- - Hazeldine, 248.
- - Herbert, A., 485.
- - H. M. S., 8).
- - Howey, J. E. W., 80.
- - H. S., 222.
- - Instone, E. M. C., 30.
- - Jarrett, C., 248, 486.
- - J. J., 486.
- - Johnson, C., 593, 638.
- - Knight, J. H., zsO.
- - Kyle, John, 438.
- - L. H. T., 30.
- - Marsden, A., 220.
- - M.I.C.E., 79.
- - Mitson, W., 377.
- - M. J. 0., 316.
- - Motor Touring Co., 80.
- - National Cyclists' Union, 375, 438.
- - New, A. G., 314, 436.
- - Oppermann, C., 436.
- - "Perplexed," 595.
- - Phillips, Ormonde, and Co., 316.
- - R. E., 594.
- - "Precursor," 437.
- - Rolls, C. S., 248.
- - Salomons, Sir D., 247, 248, 374.
- - Sangster, C., 594.
- - Sennett, A. R., 220.
- - Simms, F. R., 316.
- - Souvestre and Co., 594.
- - Stanley, Popplewell, and Co., 79.
- - Stannar, J., 591.
- - Stocks, J. W.. 167, 221, 247, 593.
- - Straker, S., 167, 595.
- - Tuke, J. E., 437, 486, 528.
- - Turner, Dawson, 219.
- - W., 30.
- - Walter, W., 219.
- - W. G., 377.
- - W. H., 247.
- - Williams, W., 316.
- - Wridgway Co., 376, 377.
- - W. S., 375.
- - Yorkshire Motor Co., 219, 247.
- Cosmopolitan Cycle and Motor Works (Ld.), 310.
- Cost of electric current, 486.
- Cost of working tramways, 219.
- Cost of motor vehicles, 97, 163, 389
- Cotton, carriage from the fields, 629.
- Cottrell tyre, 114.
- Coulthard system, 2, 21.2, 226, 542.
- County councils, 178.
- Coventry Motor Co., 107.
- Cozens-Hardy on control of electric vehicles, 495, 608.
- Crane (petrol), 174.
- Cranks, "Endurance," 146.
- Crastin on acetylene and coal gas, 267.
- Crowden. See Crowdus.
- Crowdus system, 509.
- Cruelty to horses, 246.
- Crystal Palace races, 365, 425.
- Cycle-engineering class, 314.
- Cycles, 347. (See Motor cycles.)
- Cylinders, cleaning, 374.
- Cylinders, "Endurance," 146.
- Cylinders, high-pressure steam, 560.
- Daimler Motor Co., 187, 372, 479, 481, 522.
- " Roots v., 431. 7! system, 1, 2, 29, 45, 113, 164, 391, 398, 403, 460, 611.
- Dairy, "Travelling Auxiliary," 61.
- Dangers of cleaning cylinders of petrol motors, 374.
- Deakins', Messrs., experiments, 518.
- Decauville motor ear, 174.
- Delbruck demultiplicator, 227.
- Depreciation, 97, 312.
- Design of motor cars, 166, 298, 491, 492.
- Deutsche Motorwagen Verein, 427..
- Dibbin's plateway scheme, 601.
- Diesel motor, 584.
- Dietrich, De, system, 48.
- Differential gearing, 326, 486, 529, 594.
- Dion and Bouton system, 49, 138, 236, 326, 339, 349, 448, 455, 486, 510, 529, 594, 630.
- Dion, Comte de, 520.
- Distillation of motor spirit, 138.
- Doings of public companies, 22, 59, 131, 180, 264, 308, 372, 589.
- Dover meeting, 293, 572, 618.
- Dover motor omnibuses, 628.
- Dover Town Council, 563.
- Dray, 283.
- Driving chains, proposed French standards, 620.
- „ gear for motors, 383, 530, 615.
- „ wheels, design of, 302.
- „ wheels of aut °mobiles, 302, 374, 411.
- Dubois, Felix, 49, 243.
- Ducroiset car, 406.
- Duryea motor car, 248, 631.
- Dust carts, motor, 366, 610, 647.
- Dynamo, Serpollet portable steam, 54.
- Early and modern motor vehicles, 454, 497, 562, 606.
- Eastbourne v. motor cars, 177, 311.
- Eaton Electric Motor Carriage Co., 237.
- Eccles and motor fire-engines, 518.
- Economy of steam wagons, 302.
- Edinburgh Autocar Co., 365, 481.
- Efficiency of bicycles, 317, 347 (errata, 380).
- Efficiency of various motors, 235.
- - trials, 572.
- Electrical resistances, 573.
- Electric and General Investment Co., 266.
- Electric cabs, 66, 75, 77, 125, 130, 148, 179, 335, 371, 442, 456, 458, 575, 578.
- Electric haulage, 628.
- Electric measurements, Wimperis on, 599.
- Electric Motive Power Co., 21, 506.
- Electric motors, 405, 508, 557.
- Electric power storage, 267, 522. 7/
- Electric traction, 111, 249, 427, 443, 496, 516.
- Electric Undertakings (Ld.), 570.
- Electric vehicles, 53, 66, 75, 130, 152, 179, 202, 334, 335, 34,7, 435, 456, 458, 578, 582, 587, 598.
- - Cie. Francaises, 53.
- - Cie. Generale, 53, 456.
- - Electric Motive Power Co., 506.
- - Electric Undertakings (Ld.), 570, 591.
- - Fire-engines, 587.
- - Jeantaud, 578.
- - Jenutzy, 347.
- - Joel, 179.
- - Krieger, 53, 580.
- - London Electric Cab Co., 130.
- - Milde, 53, 579.
- - Military, 571.
- - Monnard, 556.
- - Morris and Salmon, 335.
- - Riker, 334.
- - Serpollet, 54.
- - Waverley Stanhope, 509.
- Elieson Lamina Accumulator Co., 107.
- Elliott Co., 21, 80.
- Elliptical gear. See Bevel gear.
- Ellis, J. and Co., 2.
- Embankment, 'Thames, 365.
- Employers' Liability Act, French, 256.
- Empress of Russia, 69.
- Endurance Motor Co., 145.
- Tube Co., 211.
- Engineers, Institution of Civil, Birmingham
- Students, 172.
- Society of Model, 61.
- Epicyclic gear, 447.
- Epstein, The late Mr. L., 607.
- Equivalent of horse-power, 367.
- Evolution of the motor car, 221, 238.
- Exhibitions, 150, 180, 243, 307, 426, 465, 501, 509, 572, 593, 626, 629.
- - Agricultural Hall, 243, 363, 426, 465, 509, 572.
- - Automobile Club, 504.
- - Automobile Club (Paris), 457.
- - Berlin, 307, 629.
- - Boston (U.S.A.), 150.
- - Cambridge, 150, 180, 243, 630.
- - Electric appliances, 256.
- - Liverpool Cycle and Motor Vehicle, 105, 194, 243.
- - Midland motor, 372.
- - Paris (1900); 593, 626.
- Explosion engines and motors. See Oil engines, &c.
- Explosion motors, Use of alcohol in, 225.
- Explosive properties of acetylene, 105.
- Falkirk Motor Car Co., 211.
- Feed gear (Serpollet), 123.
- Feed-water regulator (Toulmin and Coulthard), 287.
- Fire brigade, 21, 416, 501, 560.
- Fire-engines, motor, 468, 502, 518, 587.
- - Connecticut, 501.
- - Electric, 587.
- - Paris, 502.
- First petrol motor, 307.
- Flash boilers, 383.
- Flash point of petroleum, 284, 413, 628.
- Foreign notes, 16, 17, 23, 33, 47, 61, 69, 75, 105, 107, 124, 139, 149, 150, 152, 180, 194, 195, 216, 217, 230, 241, 249, 256, 266, 285, 306, 326, 347, 357, 369, 370, 389, 427, 479, 480, 520, 575, 576, 582, 620, 630, 633, 634.
- Forestier's report on Paris cab trials, 75.
- Forster, Arnold-, on metric system, 157.
- Fractional distillation of mineral spirits, 138.
- Frames for motor vehicles, 74, 74, 194, 398, 505, 561.
- Franchise, value of, 308.
- Frankland Institute, Philadelphia, 21.
- French automobile industry, The, 140.
- French laws and regulations, 23, 357, 368, 480, 519.
- French cab trials, 75.
- French hill-climbing competitions, 139.
- [[Fuel, consumption of, 4, 97.
- Fuller and Co]].'s steam dray, 282.
- Furious driving and alleged ditto, 46, 67, 155, 273, 274, 311, 434, 629, 639.
- Gaillardet motor, 448.
- Gas engines. See Oil engines, &c.
- Gaulois motor, 119. 7. X., Causerie, 358, 416.
- Gearing, 137, 195, 233, 325, 499, 529, 531.
- - De Dion, differential, 325, 529.
- - Favet's elliptical, 195.
- - Gtivin, 531.
- - Henriod (speed gear), 605.
- - Humpage's epieyclic reduction gear, 447.
- - Lucas (speed gear), 499.
- - Piat (differential), 410.
- - Pretot, 233.
- - Turrell, 463.
- - Worm, 137.
- Generators. See Boilers.
- Glasgow Corporation, 125.
- Glass Paving, 365.
- Gobron and Brillie system, 208.
- Gordon-Bennett challenge cup, 520.
- Gradients and horse-power, 65, 168.
- Granton and Leith motor omnibuses, 61.
- Great Horseless Carriage Co., 67, 151, 154, 310.
- Greek notes, 630.
- Gun motor, 350.
- Harrow automobile accident, 294, 303, 314.
- Haynes-Apperson Co., 24.
- Headland's Patent Electric Storage Battery Co., 483.
- Headland system, 405.
- Heavy oil engines, 35.
- Hele-Shaw, Prof., on motor vehicles, 71.
- Henriod system, 280, 603.
- Hill climbing, 65, 139, 168, 476, 528, 594, 619.
- Hine motor, 30.
- Hoadley-Knight Co. and Patents, 305, 428.
- Holden, Major H. C. L., 384, 627.
- Holmes, Col., railway scheme, 107.
- Hong-Kong to London trip, 617.
- Horse haulage, Motor versus, 252, 259.
- Horse-power, gradients, weight, and adhesion, 65, 168, 220, 367, 375.
- Horse-power. See Equivalent.
- House of Commons regulations, 517.
- House of Keys and automobiles, 239.
- Hubs, 404.
- Humber Co., 447.
- Idea's system, 113, 118.
- I. E. S. Accumulator Co., 67.
- Ignition apparatus, 56, 195, 317, 340, 421, 436, 585.
- Important to motor drivers, 54.
- Importation of automobiles, 241.
- Indiana Bicycle Co., 241.
- Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 239, 379.
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 109.
- Insulation of batteries. 477.
- Internal combustion engines, 35, 116.
- International Automobile and Vehicle Tyre Co., 428.
- International Motor Car Co., 114, 506,
- Inventions. See Patents.
- Jamais contente, La, 317.
- Jarrott, Charles, on motor pacing, 152.
- Jeantaud carriages, 578.
- Jenatzy system, 54, 347, 428, 577.
- Joel's electric carriage, 179. 3
- Kari wood paving, 426.
- Kecheur system, 285.
- Keeley and his "motor," 151.
- Kilogram, Arnold-Foster on the, 157.
- Kilometre competition, 230.
- Knape system, 113.
- Knight, J. H., on the Benz motor, 159.
- Koch system, 327, 444.
- Krieger system, 53, 580.
- Lamp, safety, 569.
- Lancashire Agricultural Society, 200, 517.
- Lancashire Steam Motor Co. system, 2, 52, 53, 92, 95, 247, 543, 546.
- Lancashire, transport of goods in, 31, 45, 107, 344, 453.
- Lathom on dust carts, 366.
- Launch motor, 288.
- Law reports, 26, 67, 107, 153, 209, 268, 310, 373, 431, 482, 526, 590, 638.
- Leather covered pulleys, 295.
- Leather Pneumatic Tyre Co., 113.
- Leathershod Wheel Co., 22, 271, 310.
- Lectures on motors, 173, 218.
- Lehwess, Dr., long journey, 617.
- Leith motor buses, 61.
- "Lifu." system, 7, 31, 40, 41, 92.
- Light railways, 292.
- Lights for vehicles, 78.
- Limit of weight (3-ton), 377, 638.
- Liquid air, 360, 430, 438.
- Liquid fuel, 406, 412, 516.
- Liquid Engineering Co., 94, 200, 242, 262.
- Liquid hydrogen, 413.
- Little on petrol supply, 38.
- Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, 31.
- Liverpool cycle and motor show, 105, 194, 243.
- Liverpool Engineering Society, 16.
- Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association, 33, 42, 46, 89, 123, 163, 200, 233, 258, 297, 363, 425, 472, 517, 533, 565, 618. 19
- Liverpool to London (steam wagon), 627.
- Liverpool trials (see Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association).
- Liverpool trials of heavy vehicles, 89, 123, 200, 233, 258, 472, 517, 533, 565.
- Local Government Board trials, 573, 616.
- Lochert on petrol cars, 156.
- Locomotives on Highways Act, 14, 167, 233.
- London Autocar Co., 231, 270.
- London cabmen and cabs, 304, 453.
- London County Council, 369, 416, 501.
- London Electrical Cab Co., 66, 130, 148, 270, 432, 469.
- London Electric Omnibus Co., 180, 264.
- London, locomotion in, 117.
- London Motor Car and Works Co., 271, 374.
- London Motor Van and Wagon Co., 134, 264, 365.
- London Steam Omnibus Co., 59, 210, 516, 524, 589.
- Lucas speed gear, 499.
- Luny platform carrier, 45.
- MacAdam, J.., his work, 66.
- MacLaren and Boulton's wheel, 607.
- MacNamara and Co., 637.
- Madelvic Motor Carriage Co., 293, 459.
- Maintenance of motor carriages, 77, 97.
- Makers' names on vehicles, 433.
- Malezieux's compression regulator, 127.
- Manchester cycle and motor show, 239.
- Mann and Charlesworth's steam wagon, 2, 1Z).
- Mannesman Tube Co., 522.
- Manx Cycle and Motor Co., 469.
- Marine motors, &c., 12, 278.
- Martyn's steam omnibus, 72..
- Mather and Platt (Ld.), 267.
- Malin, Le, competitive tour, 428.
- Maxim gun, motor mounted, 351, 451.
- Medical profession and automobiles, 144, 219, 247.
- Metric system, advantages of, 157, 207, 179.
- Midland motor exhibition, 372.
- Milde system, 53, 579.
- Military notes, 70, 124, 217, 229, 4130, 506, 571, 610.
- Mo-Car Syndicate, 177.
- Monnard electromobile, 556.
- Morning Post on automobilism, 626.
- Morris and Salom electricab, 335.
- Mors voiturette, 335.
- Morton on liquid air fallacy, 430.
- Motor Car Club, 33, 45, 263, 313, 363, 426, 438, 461.
- Motor Car Co., 271.
- Motor Car Journal, 312.
- Motor spirit. See Petrol.
- Motor cycles, 113, 255, 291, 337, 383, 391, 420, 428, 450, 468, 505, 510, 594, 013, 632.
- - Butikofer, 420.
- - Crastin, 505.
- - De Dion, 510, 594.
- - Knape, 113.
- - London Autocar Co., 291.
- - Perreaux, 613.
- - Roots, 391.
- - Simms, 335, 450.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., 113, 365.
- Mulliner's motor carriages, 293, 509.
- Musker system, 614.
- Myers Hodgson, 592.
- Naphthas, Distillation of, 138.
- Narrow-gauge railways, Robertson on, 109.
- National Cycle and Motor Car Insurance Co., 153. 51
- National Cyclists' Union, 358, 375, 416.
- Netherlands Post Office, 70, 241.
- New, A. G., on speed regulators, 418.
- New and Mayne (Ld.), 638.
- New Buckingham and Adams Cycle Co., 637.
- Newcastle-on-Tyne and motor omnibuses, &c., 518, 629.
- New companies registered, 22, 60, 137, 193, 266, 309, 372, 435, 481, 525, 590, 637.
- - Adair Pneumatic Tyre Syndicate (Ld.) (Irish), 525.
- - American Automobile and Motor Co. (Ld.), 309.
- - Ancoats Vale Rubber Co. (Ld.), 193.
- - Anglesey Motor Bus Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - Anglo-Continental Motor Syndicate (Ld.), 309.
- - Arsenal Motor Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - Automatic Magneto-Electric Ignition Co. (Ld.), 309, 372.
- - Automobile and General Wheel Syndicate (Ld.), 266.
- - Automobiles (Lawson's) (Ld.), 590.
- - Auxiliary Steam Power Co. (Ld.), 193, 266.
- - Barnsley and District Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 637.
- - Bedford Motor Car Syndicate (Ld.), 372.
- - Belliss and Morcom (Ld.), 481.
- - Birmingham Vehicle Owners' Mutual Assurance (Ld.), 525.
- - British Coaster Manufacturing Co. (Ld.), 526.
- - British Steam Traction Syndicate (Ld.), 481.
- - British Weldless Tube Co. (Ld.), 590.
- - Buck and Co. (Ld.), 193.
- - Cambridge and Eastern Counties Automobile Co. (Ld.), 435.
- - Canford Cliffs Motor Omnibus Co. (Ld ), 481.
- - Carbide of Calcium Supply Syndicate (Ld.), 372.
- - Charles Webster (1899) (Ld.), 526.
- - City Motor Car and Carriage Syndicate (Ld.). 5'16.
- - City Wheel and Carriage Works (Lc1.), (Irish), 481.
- - Clayton Engineering and Electrical Construction Co. (Ld.), 193.
- - Cotterell Tyre Co. (Ld.), 526.
- - Coulson's Syndicate (Ld.). 372.
- - Crowdus Accumulator Syndicate (Ld.), 22.
- - Cycle Rest and Appliances Co. (Ld.), 266.
- - Dobrashian Motor Syndicate (Ld.), 590.
- - Dover and East Kent Motor Bus Co. (Ld.), 372.
- - Drake and Gorham Electric Power and Traction Co., 2.
- - Druid Cycle Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co, (Australasia) (Ld.), 435.
- - Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. (Continental) (Ld.), 526.
- - Eastern Oil Co. (Ld.), 372.
- - Eclipse Tyre and Rim Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - Edinburgh Autocar Co. (La.) (Scotch), 482.
- - Electric Automobile Syndicate (Ld.), 137.
- - Electric Canal Haulage Co. (Ld.), 266.
- - Eleciromotors (Ld.), 309.
- - Epicycle (Ld.), 435.
- - Epicyclic Manufacturing Co. (Ld.), 526.
- - Epstein Electric Accumulator Syndicate (Ld.), 526.
- - Ferrolite Electric Syndicate (La.), 372.
- - Fluid Pressure Engine Syndicate (Ld.), 137.
- - Forward Engineering Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - Frankenburgh's (Ld.), 372.
- - F. R. Bluemel (Ld.), 482.
- - French Victoria Accumulator Co. (La.), 590.
- - G. and J. Smith (La.), 193.
- - George F. Milnes and Co. (Ld.), 22.
- - G. E. Walton ( Ld.), 526.
- - G. F. Smith (Ld.), 435.
- - Glew's Steel - shielded Rubber Tyre Syndicate (Ld.), 23.
- - Grimes Brothers (Ld.), 266.
- - "Hart" Accumulator Co. (Ld.), 191.
- - Hazardous and General Merchandise Carrying Co. (Ld.), 266.
- - Hazlewood's (Ld.), 526.
- - Heap-Southall Syndicate (Ld.), 266.
- - Hewetsons (Ld.), 60.
- - J. and J. Lacy (Ld.), 23.
- - J. J. Hagan and Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - Joel Electric Carriage and Motor and Battery Syndicate (La.), 372.
- - John Lockie (Ld.), 482.
- - Joseph Rhodes and Sons (Ld ), 637.
- - La Boule de Neige Universelle (Ld.), 435.
- - Lancashire and West Coast Motor Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - Lancaster and Morecambe Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 372.
- - Leecoll Electric Battery Co. (Ld.), 266.
- - Leeds Carriage, Omnibus, and Motor Car Co. (Ld.) 266.
- - Leeds Electrical Supply Co. (Ld.), 482.
- - Leicester Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 435.
- - London Autocar Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - London Traction Haulage Co. (Ld.), 372.
- - Lowestoft Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 590.
- - Manx Cycle and Motor (Hiring) Co. (Ld.), 373.
- - Marquand Accumulator Co., 23.
- - Mather and Platt (Ld.), 266.
- - McDowell's (Ld.), 372.
- - Melbourne Carriage Motor and Cycle Co. (Ld.), 638.
- - Mercator Cycle Co. (Ld.), 590.
- - Mo-Car Syndicate (Ld.) (Scotch), 191.
- - Molax Motor Syndicate (Ld.), 137.
- - Morecambe General Omnibus and Livery Stable Co. (Ld.), 194.
- - Morgan's Chains and Pedals (Ld.), 372.
- - Motor Carriage Depots (Ld.) (Sootch), 194, 266.
- - Char-a-Banc Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - Patent Fuel Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - National Carriage Wheel (Patent Syndicate) (Ld.), 60.
- - Newcastle-on-Tyne and District Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 526.
- - New Coventry Cross Cycle Co. (Ld.), 482.
- - New Grappler Pneumatic Tyre Co. (Ld.), 435.
- - Newport Pagnell, Olney, and District Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 482.
- - Olley and Co. (Enfield) (Ld.), 526.
- - Orpington, Cudhain, and Tatsfield Light Railway Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - Paris Singer (Ld.), 23.
- - Pearson, Hollis, and Co. (Ld.), 266.
- - Primary Engineering and Development Syndicate (Ld.), 23.
- - Quickfast Patent Tyre Co. (Ld.), 309.
- - Redditch Engineering Co. (Ld.), 435.
- - Rennie and Prosser (Ld.) (Scotch), 482.
- - Road Rail-Ring Tractor and Motor Syndicate (Ld.), 309.
- - Roads Improvement Association, 194.
- - Robertson Bros. and Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - Robinson, Headland, and Co. (Ld.), 372.
- - Rotherham Brass Foundry Co. (Ld.), 482.
- - R. W. Blackwell and Co. (Ld.), 638.
- - Sampson Engineering Co. (Ld.), 526.
- - Sirclar Rubber Co. (Ld.), 23.
- - Smith, Parfrey, and Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - Smith, Simpson. and Co. (Ld.), 60.
- - Societe des Appareils Noel (Ld.). 435.
- - South African Express Syndicate (Ld.), 61.
- - Speedwell Manufacturing Co. (Ld.); 520.
- - Spring Hill Carriage Co. (Ld.), 526.
- - Standard Wagon and Carriage Co. (Ld.), 309.
- - Star Omnibus Co. (Ld.), 372.
- - Sunderland Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 435.
- - Sun Electrical Co. (Ld.), 638.
- - Superheated Steam Power Co. (Ld.), 435.
- - Suspended Electric Railway Co. (Ld.), 266.
- - Swain Patents Syndicate (Ld.), 526.
- - Swansea Motor Omnibus Co. (Ld.), 266.
- - Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding, and Engineering Co. (Ld.), 590.
- - Thomas H. Howell (Ld.), 526.
- - Thomson, James, and Heard (Ld.), 590.
- - Toni Tyre Syndicate (Ld.), 373.
- - Traction Development Co. (Ld.), 373.
- - Trusty Engine Works (Ld.), 267.
- - Tyres (Ld.), 373.
- - Vosper and Co. (Ld.), 435.
- - W. C. Bersey and Co. (Ld.), 137.
- - Wellington Motor Car Co. (Ld.), 373.
- - Westley Richards and Co. (Ld.), 482.
- - Westminster Works (Ld.), 638.
- - William Douglas and Sons (Ld.), 309.
- - Wright's Taper Roller Bearings Syndicate (Ld.), 309.
- - Young and Marten (Ld.), 435.
- New Grappler and Pneumatic Tyre Co., 637.
- New inventions. See Patents.
- New Motive Power Syndicate, 267, 484.
- Newport Pagnell Motor Car Syndicate, 186.
- New Rossleigh Cycle and Motor Co., 186.
- New's ignition tube, 340.
- New Zealand notes, 173.
- Niblett and Sutherland's testing battery, 58.
- Noises in carriages, &c., 16.
- Norris, W. H., on application of steam to road vehicles, 261.
- Northern Counties Electric and Motor Co., 310.
- Northern Society of Electrical Engineers, 66.
- Northey, Percy, on accumulators, 202.
- Notes of the month, 21, 61, 125, 177, 239, 293, 364, 426, 468, 518, 567, 628.
- Odourless petromobiles, 429.
- Oil and spirit, &c., engines and motors, 53, 119, 145, 154, 174, 194, 208, 225, 228, 231, 247, 280, 286, 288, 348, 350, 391, 397, 400, 408, 444, 446, 449, 463, 503, 546, 560, 584, 603.
- - Benz, 154.,
- - Bolide, 560.
- - Bollee type, 256, 463.
- - Cambier, 489.
- - Crane motor, 174.
- - Cyclone, 408.
- - De Dion, 247, 448.
- - Diesel, 584.
- - Endurance Co., 145.
- - Gaillardet, 448.
- - Gaulois, 119.
- - Georges Richard, 194.
- - Gilbert, 234.
- - Gobron and Brillie, 208.
- - Henriod, 280, 603.
- - Hyler-White, 349.
- - Koch, 444.
- - Krieger, 580.
- - Motor Manufacturing Co., 113.
- - Panhard-Levassor, 286.
- - Peugeot, 503.
- - Pretot, 231.
- - Riancey and Gevin, 228.
- - Roots, 391, 397, 400.
- - Saunderson, 1.
- - Simms, 288.
- - Sphinx, 348.
- - Turrell, 462.
- - Wiedknecht, 446.
- Oil or spirit driven, &c., vehicles, 1, 2, 47, 48, 53, 54, 55, 70, 112, 113, 156, 174, 208, 231, 233, 327, 339, 349, 350, 390, 391, 398, 403, 406, 429, 944, 460, 506, 509, 510, 603, 611, 616, 617.
- - Bolide, 560.
- - Gambier, 48, 112.
- - Collin-Dupresne, 230..
- - Crowden, 509.
- - Daimler, 1, 2, 113, 390, 398, 460, 611, 616.
- - De Dietrich, 49.
- - De Dion and Bouton, 49, 236, 339, 349, 455, 510, 630.
- - Ducroiset, 406.
- - Farman, 510.
- - Gilbert, 233.
- - Gobron and Brillie, 208.
- - Henriod, 603.
- - Humber, 112.
- - Hyler-White, 350.
- - Knape, 113.
- - Koch, 327, 404, 617.
- - Mors, 339.
- - Motor Carriage Supply Co., 506.
- - Motor Manufacturing Co., 130.
- - Motor Traction Co., 616.
- - Panhard and Levassor, 47, 70.
- - Roots and Venables, 55, 391.
- - Rozer Mazurier, 47.
- - Turrell, 463.
- - Walker and Hutton, 231.
- - Yorkshire Motor Car Co., 506.
- Oil for preventing dust, 419, 442.
- Omnibus drivers' complaint, 619.
- - horses, 610.
- - nursing, 6.
- Omnibuses, London, 612.
- " wagonettes, &c., motor, 41, 42, 49, 50, 52, 72, 173, 180, 345, 465, 518, 611, 628.
- Orpington, Cudham, and Tatsfield Light Railway Co. (Ld.), 137.
- Panhard-Levassor system, 47, 70, 80, 286, 580.
- Paris Singer (Ld.), 22.
- Parker on forms of power for traction, 464. 71
- " on motor ear design, 166, 298.
- Patents applied for, and specifications published. 34, 81, 115, 168, 223, 274, 320, 380, 440, 488, 529, 596, 642. (See also separate classified index.)
- Paving, 426, 449.
- Pender, J., Experimenter, 370.
- Pendered's wheel, 607.
- Pennington Mors contest, 528. 7/
- " Motor Foreign Patents Syndicate, 154, 433.
- Perisge on the French automobile industry, 140.
- Petrol, 30, 36, 38, 54, 77, 79, 80, 82, 114, 138, 199, 221, 231, 247, 284, 386, 487, 505, 628.
- - consumption of, 30, 80. 3/
- - Little, G. H., on supply of, 38 loe ,
- - local stores of, 38, 54, 82, 114, 386. 71
- - prices of, in France, 79.
- - vehicles, cost of working, 390.
- Petroleum for roads, 174.
- - regulations, 130, 199, 211.
- - world's supply of, 619.
- Philology of automobilistn, The, 29, 137.
- Piat steam wagon, 410.
- Picketing, 282.
- Plateway schemes, 32, 170, 601.
- Pneumatic tyres, S. F. Edge on, 296. 17
- - Wimperis on stresses in, 277
- Pocket Calculator, 31.
- Poids Lourds, Les, 6, 47, 63, 166.
- Poland, notes on, 469.
- Police and automobiles, 587, 613.
- - court proceedings, 26, 46, 67, 155, 178, 211, 273, 311, 374, 434, 484, 527, 592, 639.
- Police in Paris, 241.
- - notices, 6, 46.
- Pope Manufacturing Company, 236, 468.
- Porosity of thin steel plates, 126.
- Portrait gallery, 627.
- Post office, The, and automotors, 29, 327, 459, 637.
- Prade, G., on going down hill, 619.
- Preece on automobiles, 201, 204.
- Prejudice against automobiles, 304.
- Pretot motor car, 231.
- Progress of THE AUTOMOTOR JOURNAL, 66.
- Quadricycles, 30, 286, 291, 393, 450, 505.
- Quotations—
- - Carriage Monthly, The, 24.
- - Daily Chronicle, The, 612.
- - Daily Telegraph, The, 180, 427, 571.
- - Electrical Review, The, 64, 249, 556.
- - Electrical World, The, 612.
- - Electrician, The, 516.
- - Engineer, The, 61, 126, 355, 367, 517, 563.
- - Engineering, 123, 516, 521.
- - English Mechanic, 511.
- - France Automobile, La, 139, 389, 516, 631.
- - Geftwie Civil, La, 576.
- - Illustrated London News, The, 346.
- - Mechanteal World, 295.
- - Morning Post, The, 610, 626.
- - Pall Mall Gazette, 511.
- Queen, The, 511.
- Racing, 519, 520, 576, 582, 631, 633.
- - Railways, automotor cars on, 628.
- - companies and automobilism, 375, 590.
- - rates, 468, 629.
- Record speeds, 417, 428, 519, 521, 576, 632.
- Redwood, Professor Boverton, 518, 567.
- Regulations for automobiles—
- England, 14, 617, 638.
- France, 13, 48, 519.
- Regulators, 127, 287, 418.
- Resistance. See Wimperis.
- Reviews, 16, 68, 156, 214, 263, 313, 378, 439, 487, 527, 595, 640.
- - "Bandages pneumatique et la resistance au roulement." By Bon de Mauni, 439.
- - "Cycles of gas and oil engines, The." By J. D. Roots, 214.
- - "Explosive materials." By J. P. Wisser, 313.
- - "Gas and petroleum engines." By H. de Graffigny, 68.
- - "Petroleum motor cars." By L. Lockert, 156.
- - "Plateways." By A. Holt, 263.
- - "Slide valve simply explained, The." By W. J. Tennant, 487.
- - "Storage battery, The." By A. Treadwell, jun., 156.
- - "Traite de, &c., automobiles." By Ch. Melandre and R. P. Bouquet, 157.
- Riancey and Gerin motors, 228, 491.
- Richmond Show. See Automobile Club.
- Ricketts' steam carriage]], 451.
- Right of way to automobiles, 173.
- Rimington, E. C., on accumulators, 494, 600.
- Ring-rail tractor, 290, 316.
- Riotte carburettor, 409.
- Road maintenance, &c., 17, 28, 66, 284,
- Roads Improvement Association, 194.
- Roller Bearings Co., 136.
- Rolls, Hon, C. S., 80, 571.
- Roots on petroleum motor vehicles, 390.
- „ v. Daimler Motor Co., 431.
- Rose, Mr., on apparent speeds, 613, 639.
- Rozer Mazurier system, 47.
- Rubber (artificial), 413.
- Rubery and Co., 505.
- Rusden and Eeles burner, 406.
- Safety device for motor tricycles, 248.
- Safety lamp, 569.
- Sales, De, and Braly, carburettor, 601.
- Salomons, Sir D., on automobilism, 37, 247, 248, 374.
- Samuel, Sir M., on liquid fuel, 292, 412.
- Sanitary advantages of motor vehicles, 20, 27.
- Saunderson's motor vehicle, 1.
- School for motor men, 519.
- Scottish Motor Omnibus Co., 67.
- Sennett, A. R., on automobilism, 109, 199.
- Serpollet system. 51, 52, 54, 120, 246, 344.
- Sharp, A., on design of wheels and pulleys, 416.
- Sheffield motor omnibuses, 518.
- Signalling, 146.
- Simms's system, 288, 337, 451, 585.
- Sirdar Rubber Co., 23, 265.
- Sledge motor, 150.
- Smell of automobiles, 513.
- Smith, E. Shrapnell, 20, 27, 218, 238.
- Smoke prevention (automobiles), 637.
- Societe des Automobiles du Sud-Ouest, 428.
- Society of Accountants and Auditors, 114.
- Society of Cyclists, 172.
- Society of Engineers, 172.
- Society of Model Engineers, 61.
- Solid rubber tyres, 388.
- Sparkes, S. H., on motor v. horse haulage, 259.
- Speed of motor cycles, 79.
- Sphinx motor, 348.
- Spurner automatic liquid fuel valve, 228.
- "Stable," Substitute for, 255.
- Stanley Bros. (Massachusetts), 347.
- Stanley Club Show, 112.
- Star Cycle Co., 308.
- Steam, Application of, to road vehicles, 261.
- Steam boilers and generators. See Boilers.
- " Carriage and Wagon Co., 2, 92, 282, 328, 333, 478, 503, 540, 556, 589.
- Steam engines and motors, 13, 14, 94, 96, 213, 285, 330, 521, 546, 632.
- - Bursted and Chandler, 632.
- - Coulthard, 213, 546.
- - Kecheur, 285.
- - Leyland, 96.
- - "Lifu," 13, 14, 94.
- - Steam Carriage and Wagon Co., 330.
- - Thomson, 521.
- - Thornycroft. See Steam Carriage and Wagon Co.
- Steam vehicles, 40, 41, 49, 54, 72, 92, 95, 99, 120, 212, 283, 344, 454, 478, 497, 498, 505, 510, 514, 540, 610; 616, 626.
- - Bayley, 514, 54U, 594.
- - Clarkson and Capel, 54, 543, 548.
- - Coulthard, 212, 540, 556.
- - De Dion and Bouton, 49.
- - Ellis, Jesse, 1, 2.
- - James, 498.
- - Lancashire Steam Motor Co., 3, 52, 95, 99, 540, 610.
- - Liquid Fuel Engineering Co., 40, 41, 92, 99, 506, 626.
- - Mann and Charlesworth, 2, 192.
- - Martyn, 72.
- - fiat, 410.
- - Rickett, 454.
- - Serpollet system, 52, 120, 344.
- - Steam Carriage and Wagon Co., 93, 99, 283, 478, 540, 616.
- - Stirling, 505, 510.
- - Thornycroft's. See Steam Carriage and Wagon Co.
- - Todd, 454.
- - Whitney, 510.
- Steel and timber (a comparison), 339.
- „ use of, 628.
- Steering gear, 25, 220, 498.
- Stewart, A. J., and Menzies (Ld.), 126.
- Stirling's Motor Carriages (Ld.), 186.
- Stirling system, 505, 510.
- Storage batteries. See Accumulators.
- " for road traction, 249.
- Straker system, 514.
- Street sweeper, Electric, 626.
- Street traffic of London, 118, 252.
- Stuffing box, A, 593.
- Submarine boats, 295.
- Sunderland and automobiles, 231.
- Sunset time, 272, 274, 291.
- Sutton (confusion of names), 345.
- Sweden and the manufacture or electric motors, 469.
- Tachometer, A form of, 559.
- Tangye's boiler and vaporiser, 139.
- Taxameter, The, 366.
- Testing battery (portable), 58.
- Thornycroft's system. See Steam Carriage and Wagon Co., also Steam vehicles and Boilers.
- Timing (official), 624, 635.
- Todd's road steamer, 454.
- Tolls on bridges, 315.
- Tour de France, 582.
- Touring companies, 365.
- Tractor, Pretot, 231.
- Traffic, Congestion of. 252.
- in London, 117.
- „ Liverpool and Manchester, 453.
- Tramways, 16, 41, 61, 108, 219, 299.
- Transport, military, 279.
- Transport of goods in Lancashire, 31, 45, 107.
- Tricycles. See Motor cycles.
- " safety device for, 248.
- Tunbridge Wells and Southborough Bus Co., 365.
- Turner and Venour's wheel, 404.
- Turner on distillation, 138.
- Turrell's motette, 462.
- Tyres, 30, 58, 74, 79, 113, 114, 296, 333, 352, 360, 441, 451, 562, 562, 629.
- Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co., 46, 67, 433, 482, 484.
- Valve gear, Chandler, 452, 529.
- Valves, 138, 228, 353.
- Vaporisers (see also Carburettors), 10, 139.
- "Velocipedes" in Paris, 107.
- Vestries and automobiles, 118.
- Vibration in automobiles, 437, 513.
- Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, 308, 506.
- Volunteers and automobiles, 74.
- Wagons, &c., 2, 50, 289, 292, 302, 316, 566, 594, 616. 92, 129, 212, 247, 283, 331, 334, 410, 476, 540,
- Walker and flutton's motor cur, 231.
- Wallasey and automobiles, 461.
- Water, consumption of, by automobiles, 97.
- Water coolers, 403, 509.
- ., gas, 30, 174.
- Waverley Stanhope, 500.
- Wells, N., on Perreaux's tricycle, 613.
- Western Railway Co. of Paris, 150.
- Wheels, 404, 411, 437, 446, 494, 542, 607. (See also "Precursor" and Wimperis.)
- Whipple, F., on tyre resistance, 247.
- Whipple, W., (engine), 349.
- Whitney's steam carriage. 236.
- Wiedknecht motor, The, 446.
- Wike, C. F., on paving, 449.
- Wimperis, H. C., on a form of tachometer, 559.
- - on air resistance, 253.
- - on electrical measurements, 597.
- - on moments of inertia of wheels, 494.
- - on stresses in driving wheels, 411.
- Winton vehicles, 581.
- Works, (shops, &c.), 7, 15, 310.
- „ Liquid Fuel and Engineering Co.'s, 7, 15.
- „ Westminster Cycle, 310.
- Yorkshire Motor Car Co., 67, 126, 187, 506, 528.
- Zuylen, Baron de, motor carriage, 506.
PATENT SPECIFICATIONS PUBLISHED. NAMES OF INVENTORS. Where the Patent is in two or more names it is indexed under the first name. In cases where Patents have been "communicated" from abroad the actual Inventor's name is indexed.
- Abell, W. P., 530.
- Accles, J. G., 643.
- Adams, W. L., 223.
- Adamson, A. G., 275.
- Adtorf, W., 488.
- Abriens-Clausen, P. H. G., 115.
- Alexander, W., 643.
- Allison, C. A., 381.
- Al'sop, It. 0., 274.
- Alltree, J. B., 34.
- Andreas, D. E., 488.
- Appleby, A., 598.
- Appleton, J., 381.
- Armfield, G. A. and N., 488.
- Astresse, P., 384.
- Austin, H., 642.
- Ayton, R. C., 643.
- Bagshawe, S. E., 223.
- Baines, W., 115, 440, 596, 642, 643.
- Baisch, W., 381.
- Baker, S., 381.
- Bamford, S. B., 321.
- Banki, D., 484.
- Barnard, E., 321.
- Bauer, A., 489.
- Beaumont, F. B., 643.
- Beaumont, W. W., and H. P. Holt, 275.
- Behrend, 0., 529.
- Belcher, H.,
- and F. Easom, 488.
- Bennett, J. F., 34.
- Berger-Graham, H., 321, 531.
- Bernard, L., 321.
- Berrell, E. W., 275.
- Berney, W. C.) and Brougham, 440, 440, 646.
- Bertheau, H. A., 34, 115, 643.
- Bickford, J. S. V., 643.
- Blackwell, R. W., 381.
- Blake, F. C., 529.
- Blake, W., 223.
- Blechynden, E. C., 321.
- Blot, A., 321, 488, 530.
- Bluhm and Co., 41,0, 488, 532.
- Bluinfield, T. W., 531.
- Bodman, W. L., 492, 531.
- Bond, E. S., 115.
- Bosch, R., 321.
- Boult, A. J., 81, 320, 642.
- Bouton, S., 115, 115.
- Bouvand, A. B. de, 381, 489.
- Bower, A. S., 488.
- Brampton, C. H. and F. W., 440.
- Brandt, P., 115.
- Brauer, K. and M., 489.
- Bray, S. and J. W., 386.
- Brewer, W. J., and J. E. Cooper, 223, 321,.
- Briggs, E. B., 115.
- Brillie, E., 223, 322, 381, 488.
- Britannia Motor Carriage Co., 642.
- British Motor Co., 115.
- British Thomson-Houston Co., 381.
- Brooks, J. W., and S. Vale, 321.
- Brougham, R. T. D., 115, 276, 440.
- Brougham, R. T. D., and W. C. Bersey, 440, 440, 646.
- Browne, J. G.11., 115, 116.
- Brun, E. A. le, 530.
- Brunie, a, 31., 321.
- Bryant, 0. H., 115.
- Buck, G., and E. S. Torrey, 488.
- Burgess, E. E., 440.
- Butikofer, E., 321.
- Butler, H. L., 381.
- Cablane, H., and L. Burk-, 321.
- Callow, C. B., 115.
- Catnbier, T., and Porteau, 488.
- Canfield, F. W., 381.
- Capel, H. C., 643.
- earmont, W. E., 529.
- Caron, P. L. M., and Maillard, 596.
- Carr, W.T., 381.
- Carroll, R. E., 529.
- Casgrain, H. E., 321.
- Chappell, 0-., 115.
- Charon, L., and F. Manaut, 643.
- Chauveau, G. V. L., 223.
- Chauvin, R. F. 0., 115, 440.
- Chitty, J., 223.
- Clark, A. M., 381, 381, 596.
- Clark, E. J., 596.
- Clarkson, T., 81, 596.
- Clayton, S., and H. Mensforth, 275.
- Clement, L., 488.
- Clubbe, E. J., and A. W. Southey, 81.
- Colombier, L. Z. S., 440.
- Common, A. A., 223.
- Condict,G. H., 489, 596, 643.
- Cooke, F. W., and T. Ireland, 381.
- Cooper, T., and W. H. Woodcock, 4-40.
- Cordingley, J. and T. W., 529.
- Cornish, H. B., 530.
- Courlat, L., 488.
- Conithard, T., 275, 490.
- Courtenay, J. J., 488.
- Couturier, E. E., 275.
- Craig, A., 321.
- Craig, A.., and W. Phillips, 223, 223, 324, 383, 593.
- Cross, W., 647.
- Crossley, W. J., and J. Atkinson, 321, 491 596.
- Crosta, L. W., 115.
- Crouan, H. M. L., 115, 223, 223, 223, 381, 382.
- Crowdus, W. A., 975, 324.
- Curtin., E. J., 488.
- Cutler, W. H., and S. V. Goddon, 321.
- Daimler, G., 440.
- Daniels, G., and G. Gunnell, 274.
- Davidson, W., 115, 116.
- Davies, C.. 596, 596.
- Davis, F. J., 643.
- Deane, R. 0. N., 488.
- De Riancy, H. J., and P. L. Gevin, 321, 381, 351, 491, 492.
- De Sales (see Sales).
- Dibbell, G. A., 321.
- Didier, J. L., 222, 223, 322.
- Diesel, R., 596, 596.
- Dominv, G., and Sturmey, 381.
- Donaldson, W., 529.
- Doolittle, P. E., 223.
- Dougill, 321.
- Dover, H. W., 643.
- Drummond, C. S., 321.
- Drynan, D., and A. R. Fulton, 529.
- Dueommun, 643, 643.
- Duncan, H. 0., 381.
- Dunkley, W. H., 274.
- Dupont, G., 440, 440.
- Dymond, . C., 81.
- Edwards, E., 115.
- Egg, R., 488.
- Ehrhardt, G., 643.
- Eisenhuth, J. W., 596, 643.
- Elektrizitiits-Aktiengesellschaft, 490.
- Elieson, C. P., 115, 644.
- Ellis, C. J., 643.
- Ellis, J. T., 381, 440.
- Enfield Cycle Co., 488.
- Epstein, L., 647.
- Eller, W., and 0. LotEer, 321.
- Fagerstrom, E. E. F., 115, 385.
- Ferranti, S. Z. de, 488.
- Fessler, A., 34.
- Fischer, T. F. T., 530.
- Fisson, L., 381.
- Flannery, J. F., 642.
- Forbes, Sir C. S., 440.
- Fritscher, A., and A. R. Houdry, 529.
- Frost, T. H., and E. T. Wakefield, 321.
- Fullerton, R., 488.
- Furneaux, J. B., and E. Butler, 275.
- Garcie, L. G.,115.
- Garner, J., 381.
- Gartzke, G., 529.
- Gasmotoren Fabrik Deutz, 489.
- Gee, B., and R. Webster, 321.
- Geering, T. and H , 596.
- Georis, E. D. N., 643.
- Gesellschaft fur Automobilwagenbau, 321, 321, 321, 381.
- Gibbs, F. I., and Wright, 81, 223.
- Gill, D. H., and J. Howell, 440.
- Gilmour, J., 321.
- Gimmig, A., 223.
- Giusti, Miari and Co., 115, 275.
- Glover, J. G., and T. Meacock, 488.
- Glud, P., and C. 0. Neilson, 274.
- Golby, F. W., 529.
- Green, W. R., 275, 321.
- Grubb, Sir H., 223.
- Gutnoelius, A. S., 223.
- Haddan, R., 321, 489, 596.
- Haddan, W. J., 223.
- Hugen, R., 223, 382.
- Hailstone, C., 648.
- Hall, W., and P. Leonard, 223.
- Hulling, C. A., 529.
- Ham elle, H., 275.
- Handcock, H. W., and A. H. -Dykes, 81, 223.
- Hardy, C. Mc, 223.
- Harrison, C. G., 321.
- Hart, S. W.. and E. J. Clark, 440.
- Hartman, 0. P., 381.
- Hathaway, J. G., 381.
- Haupt, C. de, 529.
- Haverkamp, A. G. L., 381.
- Headland, H. W., 81, 642.
- Heal, J. B., 320.
- Heilman, J. J., 529.
- Heimel, F.. 488.
- Heine and Wogelin, 223, 223, 488.
- Henriod-Schweizer, F., 596.
- Henriquez, E., 115.
- Herschmann, A., 320, 321.
- Higgins, H., 115.
- Higgs, B., 274.
- Hildebrand, H., 381, 488.
- Hildick, H., 321.
- Hill, C. A., 381.
- Hille, F. M., 488.
- Hills, A. E., 223.
- Hirt, G., 642.
- Hislop, G. R., 381.
- Holden, H. C. W., 321, 384.
- Elolt, H. E. S., 529.
- Holt, H. P., 275.
- Hornsby, W., 275.
- Houpied, E., and C. V. Girard, 321.
- House, H. A., and R. R. Symons, 222.
- House, J. M., and W. J. Overend, 321, 385.
- Howard, W., 222.
- Huber, C., 223.
- Hughes, J., and W. Owen, 440, 643.
- Hurst, T., 275.
- Hyde, R., 275.
- Hyslop, W., 440.
- Iden, G., 115, 223, 274, 383, 492.
- Ironmonger, C. M., 81.
- Jansen, B., 596.
- Jeantaud, C., and W. C. Rechniewski, 529.
- Jeffreys, E. A., and A. Appleby, 596.
- Joel, H. F., 596.
- Johnson, C. M., 81, 223, 324, 381, 381, 440, 643, 647.
- Jones, T., 529.
- Jordan, A., 115, 116.
- Justice, P. M., 115, 440, 489, 489, 530, 596.
- Kaiser, R, 381.
- Kammann, W. T,, 115.
- Kamphues, J., 321.
- Katz, J., 115.
- Kaufhold, M., 643.
- Kermode, J. J., 440.
- Kimberley, N. G., 381.
- King, F., 381, 381.
- King, T. S., 321.
- Kitchen, J. G. A., 274, 488.
- Kitson, A.., 223.
- Koch, C. M., 489.
- Kruger, T., and W. Jiirges, 381.
- Kulilstein, E., and J. Vollmer, 381.
- Lafarque, A., 596.
- Lake, H. H., 223, 275, 488.
- Lake, W. R, 274.
- Lamplough, F., 222.
- Lancelott, G. E., and A. C. Thomas, 223.
- Lanchester, F. W., 321, 381, 331, 491, 529.
- Lane, W. H., 223.
- Lang, E., 489.
- Lange, C., 596.
- Langton, R., 440.
- Lanzone, R, 81.
- Latham, E., 596.
- Lawrence, J. E., 115.
- Lawson, H. J., 222, 223, 488.
- Lee, C. E., 643.
- Lefebvre, L., 643.
- Lege, J. B. A., 115.
- Leimer, E., 381, 381, 381.
- Leitner, ET , 321.
- Lennox, R. N., 223.
- Liddle, J., 115.
- Linley, C. W., and C. T. B. Sangster, 438 , 488.
- Littlejohn, J., and W. R. Laing, 530.
- Lloyd, G. H., 529.
- Lobdell, E. L., 643.
- Lockert, L., 488.
- Lohmann, C. F. C., 381.
- Lorrain, J. G., 115, 115.
- Lufbery, C. E., 596.
- Lyon, A. J., and G. F. Whitmore, 321.
- MacCulloch, R. W., 596.
- Mackenzie, J. D., and R. A. Macdonald, 440.
- Mann, J. H., 488.
- Marks, G. C., 381.
- Marschtitz, C. and H., 488.
- Marshall, J. Y., 275, 381.
- Marshall, T. W., 440.
- Martel, C., 321.
- Martin, W. F., 596.
- Martin, W. H., and J. Andrews, 381.
- Martinelli, P.. 381.
- Mathews, C. H., and M. E. Park, 596.
- Mathieu, C., 385.
- May, T. W., and H. T. Davis, 275.
- azieres, J., 488.
- Melling, J. W., 320.
- Merian, E , 231.
- McDade, J., 381. •
- McDougall, W. M., 643.
- McHardy, C., 223.
- McLulich, J. M., 381.
- Mc Ruffin, F. R., 275, 382.
- Miles, J. T., 115.
- J. and B., 321, 381.
- Mills, B. G-., 275.
- Molas, E, 115, 440.
- Monk, W. H., 381.
- Monteillet, E. J., 321.
- Moores, J., and H. 0. Farrell, 275.
- Morris, H. G-., and P. G-. Salom, 381.
- Morrison, W., 646.
- Mossberg, F., 115, 115, 276, 321. 51 Roller Bearings, 115, 276.
- Muller, A., and H. Tudor, 321.
- Muller, W., 643.
- Musker, C., 643.
- Naylor, W. S., 644.
- New, A. G., 35, 380, 381, 440, 488, 488.
- Niblett, J. T., and M. Sutherland, 596.
- Niclausse, J., 321.
- Norris, W., 490.
- Northey, P. W., 381.
- Northey, P. W., and W. R. Underhill, 321.
- Norton, E. K, and W. P. Phillips, 529.
- O'Donnell, J. P., 81.
- Oetling, C., 115.
- Offen, C. II., 381, 489.
- Okes, J. C. R., 321.
- Olds Motor Vehicle Co., 8L
- O'Reilly, H., 222.
- Overman, A. H., 643.
- Parker, T. H., 115.
- Parrey, V., 488.
- Parsons, H., 529, 643.
- Parsons, J. II., 115.
- Paton, J. M. C., and G. H. Shaw, 532.
- Payen, C., 223. .
- Payne, D. W., 489.
- Peck, W., 34, 115, 275, 321, 381, 381, 489, 529.
- Ponder, J., 320.
- Penman, W., 321.
- Phillips, H., 644.
- Phillips, H. F., 381.
- Pichard, P., 321, 321, 596.
- Pinkney, C. W., 596, 596.
- Pollak, C., 274.
- Poole, C., 115.
- Pope Manufacturing Co., 82, 115, 440, 488, 489, 489, 530, 596, 643, 643, 643.
- Porous Accumulator Co., 321.
- Porteau, L., and Gambier, 488.
- Preece, T., 643.
- Priestman, W. D., and S. Priestman, 115, 116, 222, 275.
- Prinz, J.., 643.
- Pritchett, G. E. B., 381.
- Pugh, J. V., 115.
- Pugh, J. V., and H. I. Pedley, 274.
- Purrey, V., 321.
- Radford, W., and W. Smith, 275.
- Rambaud, J., 530, 643.
- Ransford, R. B., 489, 643.
- Ransom Gas Machine Co. (Thompson, W. P.), 596.
- Ravel, P. J., 223.
- Ravey, E., 381.
- Rayet, A., and G. Dore, 596.
- Rayner, G. H., 321.
- Rebbla, J., 223.
- Reid, S., 275.
- Reilly, E., 381.
- Reisacher, M., 488.
- Remondy, L., and P. Hallott, 529.
- Renaux, P. A., 488, 488.
- Renold, H., 81.
- Rhodes, A., and R. Atkin, 440.
- Rhodin, J. G. A., 488.
- Riancy (see De Riancy).
- Ribbe, F. R., 440.
- Ribbe, P., 321.
- Ricci, C., 275.
- Riley, A. G., and H. Hartley, 381.
- Robson, J. T., 381.
- Roe, C. and H., and H. Knight, 488.
- Roots, J., 81.
- Rosenthal, J. H., 34.
- Rosier, C., 223.
- Rowb.itham, W., 223, 323.
- Rowlingson, W. D., 381.
- Roxburgh, A, B., 223.
- Rumpl,M. II., 320, 646.
- Ryland, W. J., and E. Bird, 223.
- Sadgrove, H. G., 41t).
- Sales, Geo. de Roussyde, 643.
- Sangster, C. T. B., 321, 440, 488,
- Sargeant, W. S., and H. Matheson, 320.
- Sayer, R. C., 643.
- Schanschieff, A., and A. E. Hodgson, 596.
- Schen, W., 596.
- Schneider, E., 224, 596.
- Schneider, H., 643.
- Schoot, G. A. J., 223.
- Secoe, J. A., 489.
- Senior, T. E., 115.
- Shacklock, C. H., 643.
- Shaw, J. F., 81.
- Sherrin, J. V., 321.
- Short, S. II., 410.
- Shortliff, T., and W. Willerton, 321.
- Siemens Brothers, 381.
- Simms, F. R., 275, 320, 321, 410, 488, 489.
- "Simpson, D. H., 492, 531.
- Simpson, W., 321; 381, 381, 492, 531.
- Simpson, W. E., 115, 115, 324.
- Simpson, Strickland, and Co., 381, 647.
- Small, J. B., and J. W. D. Walker, 223, 321, 381.
- Smith, H., 596.
- Smith, J., 642.
- Smith, J. G., 115.
- Smith, J. J., 642.
- Smith, T. G., 529.
- Smith, W. H., and W. Willis, 596.
- Societe Anon me des Voits. Automobiles, 596, 596.
- Societe Anonyme du Temple, 529, 529.
- Societe Chauvin and Arnoux, 488.
- Societe Deligeon et Cie., 381.
- Societe. des Automobiles Rheda, 648.
- Societe Francaise d'Automobiles, 321, 645.
- Southey, A. W., 223, 224.
- Southey and Clubbe, 81.
- Sperry, E. A., 643.
- Spitz, E., 643.
- Spooner, A. F., 321.
- Spurrier, H., 321.
- Staffelaar, C., 488.
- Stanley, F. E. and F. 0., 489.
- Starley, J. K., 643.
- Stead, C. M , 321.
- Stevens, J. A., 321, 321, 381, 488.
- Stevenson, J. C., and H. Gardner, 223.
- Stimpson, A., and W. EL Green, 275, 275.
- Stone, R., 440.
- Stone, S. R., 488.
- Stoughton, D. G., 529.
- Straker, S., 81.
- Stuart, H. A., 321.
- Sturmey, J. J., 274, 274, 274, 275, 381, 530.
- &Timm, C. V., and B. Szendi, 489.
- Sutton, H., 4W.
- Tangye, J. H., and W. Johnson, 223, 381.
- Taylor, E., 440.
- Taylor, G., and J. Ray, 529.
- Tennett, C., 223, 383.
- Thornton, J. E., and J. P. Lea, 275.
- Thornycroft, J. I. and J. E., 321, 385.
- Thurow, P. E., 223.
- Tinker, J. H., and W. P. J. Fawns, 321.
- Tobler, 11., 34.
- Tomlinson, T., 223, 492, 642, 642.
- Toulmin, J. II., 274, 321, 490.
- Trepreau, H., and C. Legarde, 381.
- Tribelhorn, A., 223.
- Turrell, C. Mc, and H. J. Lawson, 223.
- Uhlenhuth, E., 35.
- Underhill, W. R., and P. W. Northey, 321.
- Varley, F. H., 596.
- Verbeke, A., and 0. Pirsch, 381.
- Vetillard, E. A., and E. Scherding, 596.
- Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, 321, 645.
- Victoria Fahrrad Werke (Thompson, W. P.), 489, 596.
- Yincke, N., 115.
- Vivinus, E. and A. J. Hecht, 596, 596, 643, 643.
- Vesper, H. E., 321.
- Wade, E. J., 223, 529.
- Wakefield, J., 223.
- Wakter, W. H., 320.
- Walker, S., 321.
- Walters, J. W., 596.
- Warsop, T., 321.
- Watkins, J. L., 529.
- Watkinson, W. H., 596.
- Webster, A., 643.
- Wegelin, H., 529.
- Werner, M. and E., 381, 530.
- Weygang, C., 275.
- Whetstone, H. B., 488.
- White, L. B., 489, 489, 489.
- Whitfield, M. L., 275, 275.
- Whitney, G-. E., 321, 643.
- Wight, W. D., 31.
- Williams, J., 596.
- Williams, T. C., 275.
- Williamson, J. D., 489.
- Winton, A., 274, 275.
- Wollaston, H. A., and R. Kennedy, 440.
- Woodcock, W. H., and T. Cooper, 321.
- Woods, C. E., 274, 323.
- Wynne, W. R., 596.
- Zvveighbergh (Thompson, W. P.), 34.
- Accumulators, plates, attachments, &e.--
- - Adamson, A. G , 275.
- - Andreas, D. E., 488.
- - Bebrend, 0., 529.
- - Brandt, P., 115.
- - Clark, E. J., 596.
- - Cooke and Ireland (indicating the charge in a secondary battery), 381.
- - Courtenay, J. J., 488.
- Crowdus, W. A., 275, 324.
- Elieson, C. P., 115.
- Garcie, L. G., 115.
- Golby, F. W. (plates), 529.
- Haddam, R., 321.
- Hart and Clark, 410.
- Hathaway, J. G., 381.
- Heimel, F., 488.
- King, F., 381, 381.
- Lane, W. H., 223.
- Lee, C. E., 643.
- Leimer E., 381, 381, 381.
- Lobdell, E. L., 643.
- McDougall, W. M., 643.
- Merian, E. (plates), 321.
- Niblett and Sutherland, 596.
- Northey, P. W. (electrodes), 381.
- Payen, C., 223.
- Pollak, C., 274.
- Pope Manufacturing Co., 643.
- Porous Accumulator Co. (metallic
- ribbon), 321.
- Pritchett, G. E. B., 381.
- Ribbe, P., 321, 440.
- Schanschieff and Hodgson, 596.
- Sherrin, J. V., 321.
- Smith and Willis, 596.
- Stead, C. M., 321.
- Tobler and Graeber, 34.
- Tribelhorn, A., 223.
- Underhill and Northey, 321.
- Wade, G. J., 223.
- Acetylene motors, burners, generators, &c.-
- Bond, E. S., 115.
- Bray, G, and J., 386.
- Chitty, J:, 223.
- Grubb, Sir H., 223.
- Heal, J. B. and S. H., 320.
- Offen, C. H., 381, 489.
- Roxburgh, A. B., 223.
- Air compressor--
- Kaufhold, M., 643.
- Paton and Shaw, 532.
- Air motors-
- Molas and Lameille, 115.
- Tungye and Johnson, 381.
- Alarms and Horns-
- Shacklock, C. H., 643.
- Williams, T. C., 275.
- Anti-vibration arrangements--
- Chappell, G., 115.
- Batteries (see Accumulators, Secondary
- batteries, Storage cells).
- Battery box, Condict, G. H., 489.
- Bearin: s, Ferranti, S. Z. de, 488.
- Bii3yeles (see Motor cles).
- Boilers (see also Steam Generators)-
- - Allison, C. A., 381.
- - Blechynden, E. C., 321.
- - Coulthard, T., 275.
- - Forbes, Sir C. S., 440.
- - Gilmour, J., 321.
- - Higgins, H., 115.
- - Hills, A. E., 223.
- Lafarque, A., 596.
- Langton, A., 940.
- Martinelli, P., 381.
- May and Dairs, 275.
- Mazieres, J., 488.
- McDade, J., 381.
- Musker, C., 643.
- Niclausse, J. and A., 321.
- Okes, J. C. R., 321.
- Parrey, V., 488.
- Penman, W., 321.
- Phillips, H. F., 381, 644.
- Remondy and Hallett, 529.
- Rosenthal, J. H., 34.
- Sargeant and MattieFon, 320.
- Simpson, W., 321, 531.
- Simpson, Strickland, and Co., 381, 647.
- Societe Anonyme du Temple, 529, 529.
- Stanley, F. E. and F. 0., 489.
- Stevens, J. A., 321, 321, 381, 488.
- Tangye and Johnson, 223.
- Tennett, C., 223, 383.
- Tinker and Fawcus, 321.
- Toulmin, J. H., 321.
- Verbeke and Pirsch, 381.
- Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, 321, 645.
- Watkinson, W. H., 596.
- Whitfield, M. L., 275, 275.
- Brakes-
- - Abell, W. P., 530.
- - Baker, S., 381.
- - Briggs, E. B., 115.
- - Elektrizitiits-Aktiengesellschaft, 490.
- - Frost and Wakefield, 321.
- Haddan, R., 596.
- Lefebvre, L., 643.
- Peck, W., 381.
- Pitt, S., 490.
- Reid, S., 275.
- Reilly, E., 381.
- Riancy, H. J. de, 381.
- Thompson, W. P., 34.
- Wakefield, J., 223.
- Brushes (see Carbon brushes).
- Burners (see also Carburettors, Vaporisers)-
- Bickford, J. S. V., 643.
- Biiinler, 0., 321.
- Clarkson, T., 81, 596.
- Davies, C., 596, 596.
- Glu.d and Neilson, 274.
- House and Symon, 222.
- Kermode, J. J., 440.
- Kitson, A., 223.
- Rosier, C., 223.
- Thurow, P. E., 223.
- Weygang, C., 275.
- Calcium carbide (see Acetylene).
- Canopies, Dunkley, W. H., 274.
- Carbon brushes, British Thomson-Houston
- Co., 381.
- Carl on dioxide engines (see Motors).
- Curb a nett ors (see also Vaporisers) -
- Ahriens-Clausen and Kruger, 115.
- Brunler, 0., 34.
- Carburettors (contd.)-
- Casgrain' H. E., 321.
- Dupont, G., 440.
- Lange, C., 596.
- Mathieu, C., 385.
- Millot, J. and B., 321.
- Peck, W., 489.
- Rambaud, J., 530.
- Ransom Gas Machine Co. (Thompson,
- W. P.), 596.
- Sales, Geo. de Roussy de, 643.
- Sangster, C. T. B., 410.
- Vivinus and Hecht, 596.
- Clutches-
- Herschmann, A., 321.
- Lefebvre, L., 643.
- Peck, W., 381.
- Simpson, W., 381, 492.
- Wollaston and Kennedy, 440.
- Compressing (gas mixture) device, Bertheau,
- H. A., 115.
- Controllers-
- Elieson. and Naylor, 644.
- Leitner,
- H., 321.
- Preece, T., 643.
- Siemens Bros. and Co., 381.
- Wollaston and Kennedy, 440.
- Cooling arrangements (see Cylinder cooling).
- Couplings, Didier, J. L., 223.
- Cram k s-
- Fischer, J. F. T., 530.
- Gesellschaft fur Automobilwagenbau
- (Thompson, W. P.), 321.
- Hyslop, W., 440.
- Lege, J. B. A., 115.
- Vivinus and Hecht, 596.
- Crown heads, Enfield Cycle Co., 488.
- Cylinder cooling arrangements-
- Berger-Graham and Blumfield, 321.
- Daimler, G., 440.
- Garner, J., 381.
- Giusti, M., 275.
- Marshall, T. W., 440.
- Sturmey, J. J. H., 275.
- Cylinder covers, Gesellschaft tur Auto-
- mobilwagenbau (Thompson, W. P.), 381.
- Cylinders, Accles, J. G., 643.
- Driving chains (see Gearing).
- „ gear (see Gearing).
- Electric batteries (see Accumulators).
- Electric controllers (see Controllers).
- Electric generators-
- Moores and Farrell, 275.
- Whitfield, M. L., 275, 275.
- Electric ignition-
- Crouan, H. M. L., 115, 223.
- Winton, A., 274.
- Eleciric motors (see also Motors)-
- Handcock and Dykes, 81, 223.
- Headland, H. W., 81.
- Von Zweighbergh (Thompson, W. P.), 31.
- Electric sparking devices (see Ignition apparatus).
- Electric spoiling precentor-
- Muller and Tudor, 321.
- Electric vehicles (see also Motor vehicles)-
- Blackwell, R. W., 381.
- Brougham, R. T. D., and Berney, 440, 646.
- Carroll, R. E., 529.
- Epstein, L., 647.
- Jeantaud and Rechniewski, 529.
- Morris and Salo in, 381.
- Short, S. H., 410.
- Stoughton, D. G., 529.
- Electrical connection, Butler, H. L., 381.
- Electrical switches-
- Elieson and Naylor, 644.
- J iblett and Sutherland, 596.
- Wade, E. J., 529.
- Electrodes (see Accumulators).
- Exhaust devices-
- Watkins, J. L., 529.
- Whitney, G. E., 643.
- Explosion engines and motors (see Motors).
- Flash boilers (see Boilers).
- Fire-engines (Motor)-
- Porteau and Cambier, 488.
- Fluid-pressure motors (see also Motors).
- Frames-
- Baines, W., 440.
- Gibbs and Wright, 81.
- Short, S. H., 410.
- Smith, J. J., 642.
- Taylor, E., 440.
- Friction, Jansen, B., 596.
- Friction clutches (see Clutches).
- Gas motors (see Motors).
- Gearing.
- Chains and wheels-
- - Alexander, W., 643.
- - Bower, A. S., 488.
- - Burgess, E. E., 440.
- - Jeffreys and Appleby, 596.
- - Kaiser, R., 381.
- - Monk, W. 11., 381.
- - Prinz, J., 643.
- - Renold, H., 81.
- Driving gear (see also Chains and Chain gearing)-
- - Arnifield, G. A. and N., 483.
- - Thigs!.awe, S. E., 123.
- - Blot, A., 530.
- - Bluhm and Co. (Thompson, W. P.), 488.
- - Blumfield and Berger-Graham, 531.
- - Brampton, C. II. and F. W., 440.
- - British Motor Co., 11.5.
- - Burgess, E. E., 440.
- - Cablanc and Burle, 321.
- - Carron and Maillarl, 596.
- Curtin, E. J., 488.
- Dover, H. W. (covers), 613.
- Ducommun, 613.
- Ehrhardt, G., 643.
- Higgs, B., 274.
- Iden, G., 115, 383.
- Jones, T., 529.
- Lanchester, F. W., 381.
- Liddle, J., 115.
- Millot, J. and B , 381.
- Morrison, W., 646.
- Peck, W., 321.
- Prinz, J., 643.
- Radford and Smith, 275.
- Rebbla, J., 2:t3.
- Benaux, P. A., 488.
- Sudgrove, H. G., 440.
- Schneider, F., 596.
- Smith, J. G., 115.
- Smith, J. J., 642.
- Societe Francaise d'Automobiles, 321, 645.
- Spooner, A. F., 321.
- Stevenson and Gardner, 223.
- Straker, S., 81.
- Victoria Fahrrade Werke, 596.
- Vivinus and Hecht, 643.
- Walker, W. II., 320.
- Whetstone, H. B., 488.
- Reversing-
- Carr, W. T., 381.
- Norton and Phillips, 529.
- Straker, S., 81.
- Vosper, H. E., 321.
- Speed-
- Beaumont, F. B., 643.
- Carr, W. T., 381.
- Societe Deligeon et Cie., 381.
- Trepeau, H., and Legard, 381.
- Steering-
- - Aytou, R. C., 643.
- - Blot, A., 530.
- - Brillie, E., 381.
- - Carmont, W. E., 529.
- - Headland, H. W., 642.
- - Peck, W., 381.
- - Priestman, W. D., 222.
- - Suppan and Szendi, 489.
- - Williamson, J, D., 489.
- Variable-
- - Austin, H., 642.
- - Baines, 642.
- - Cordingley, J. and T. W., 529.
- - Didier, J. L., 222.
- - Dominy and Sturmey, 381.
- - Erker and Lofiler, 321.
- - Fullerton, R, 488.
- - Geering, T. and H., 596.
- - Kammann, W. T., 115.
- Lang, E., 489.
- Lindley and Sangster, 488.
- Martel, C., 321..
- New, A. G., 488.
- Schneider, H., 643.
- Sturrney, J. J. H., 274, 274, 381, 530.
- Wollaiton and Kennedy, 440.
- Generators (see Boilers).
- Governors-
- Brillie, E., 488.
- Pinkney, C. W., 596.
- Ransford, R. B., 64:3.
- Handles-
- Belcher and Easom, 488.
- Chappell, G., 115.
- Deane, R. 0. N., 488.
- Miles, J. T., 115.
- Hubs-
- Gibbs, F. I., and Wright, 81, 223.
- MacCulloch, R. W., 596.
- Hydro-carbon motors (see Motors).
- Ignition apparatus -
- Baines, W., 643.
- Barnard, E., 321.
- Bosch, R, 321.
- Canfield, F. W., 381.
- Crossley and Atkinson, 321, 491.
- Davis, F. J., 643.
- Diesel, R., 596.
- Houpied and Girard, 321.
- Lanchester, F. W., 529.
- Lyon and Whitmore, 321.
- Meyer, A., 81.
- New, A. G., 380.
- Ignition apparatus (cont(1.)-
- Pichard, P., 321, 596.
- Pope Manufacturing Company, 643.
- Simms, F. R., 320, 321, 483, 489.
- Winton, A., 274.
- Internal Combustion Engines (see Motors).
- Joints-
- Adams, W. J., 223.
- Blot, A , 483.
- Harrison, C. G., 321.
- Monteillet, E. J., 321.
- Pugh, J. V., 115.
- Pugh and. Pedley, 274.
- Walker, S., 321.
- Webster, A., 643.
- Lubricators and lubricants-
- - Clayton and Mensforth, 275.
- - Gartzke, G., 529.
- - Hamelle, H., 275.
- - Heine and Wogelin, 223.
- - Shaw, J. F. and J. H., 81.
- Mechanical road vehicles (see Motor vehicles).
- Motive-power engines (see Motors).
- Motor cycles-
- - Bluhen and Co., 440, 532.
- - Butikofer, E., 321.
- - Craig and Phillips, 223, 383.
- - Dupont, G., 440.
- - Ellis, C. J., 643.
- - Ellis, J. T., 381, 440.
- - Fritscher and Howdry, 529.
- - Hughes and Owen, 440, 643.
- - Jordan and Browne, 115, 116.
- - Kitchen, J. G. A., 274.
- - Offen, C. H., 381, 489.
- - Renault, P. A., 488.
- - Rhodin, J. G. A., 488.
- - Sangster, C. T. B., 321, 488.
- - Simms, F. R., 275.
- - Societe Anonyme des Voiturettes Automobiles, 596.
- - Starley, J. K , 643.
- - Williams, J., 596.
- Motors (see also Rotary engines, Air motors,
- Motor vehicles).
- Electric-
- - Britannia Motor Carriage Co., 612.
- - Callow, C. B., 115.
- - Coudat, L., 488.
- - Duncan, H. 0., 381.
- - Joel, H. F., 596.
- - Muller, W., 643.
- - Robson, J. T., 381.
- - Thompson, W. P., 34.
- - Varley, F. II., 596.
- Explosion (Internal) (see also Petroleum motors)-
- - Adtorf, W., 488.
- - Allsop, R. 0., 274.
- - Astresse, P., 384.
- - Baines, W., 596.
- - Bamford, S. B., 321.
- - Banki, D., 488.
- - Bennett, J. F., 34.
- - Berthesu, H. A., 643.
- - Blake, F. C., 529.
- - Boult, J., 642.
- - Bouton, S., 115, 115.
- - Brauer, K. and M., 489.
- - Brillie, E., 223, 322.
- - Brun, E. A. le, 530.
- - Bryant, C. II., 115.
- Buck and Torrey, 488.
- Cambier and Porteau, 488.
- Capel, IL C., 643.
- Chauveau, G. V. L., 223.
- Chauvin and Arnoux, 115, 440, 488.
- Couturier, E. E., 275.
- Crouan, H., 381.
- De Riancy and Gevin, 321, 491.
- Diesel, R, 596.
- Dougill, J., 321.
- Ducommun 643.
- Edwards, E., 115.
- Eisenbuth, J. W., 596.
- Fagerstri5m, E. E. F., 385.
- Fessler, A., 34.
- Furneaiix and Butler, 275.
- Gee and Webster, 321.
- Georis, E. D. N., 642.
- Gesellschaft fur Automobilwagenbau (Thompson, W. P.), 321.
- Glover and Meacock, 488.
- Hailing, C. A., 529.
- Haupt, C. de, 529.
- Hamann, J. J., 529.
- Heine and Wogelin, 223.
- Henriod-Schweitzer, 596.
- Hildebrandt, II., 488.
- Hirt, G., 642.
- Holden, H. C. L., 321, 384.
- Hornsby, W., 275.
- Huber, C., 223.
- Iden, G., 223.
- Johnson, C. M., 643.
- Jordan and Browne, 115, 116.
- Justice, P. M., 115, 489, 4E9.
- Katz, J., 115.
- Kitchen, J. G. A., 488.
- Koch, C. M., 489.
- Linley and Sangster, 488.
- Lloyd, G. II., 529.
- Lockert, L., 488.
- Lorrain, J. G-., 115, 115.
- Mackenzie and Macdonald, 440.
- Martin, W. F., 596.
- New, A. G., 35, 381.
- Overman, A. H., 643.
- Peck, W., 275.
- Pichard,, P., 321.
- Pinkney, C. W., 596.
- Pope Manufacturing Co. (Justice), 82. 115, 488, 489, 489.
- Porteau, L., and T. Cambier, 488.
- Priestman, W. D., 115, 116.
- Fambaud, J., 643.
- Ravel, P. J., 223.
- Rayet and Dore, 596.
- Ricci, C., 275.
- Roots, J 81.
- Rowbotham, W., 223, 323.
- Rumpf, M. H., 320, 646.
- Secor, J. A., 989.
- Simpson, W. E., 115.
- Societe Chauvin and Arnoux, 488.
- Societe des Automobiles Rheda, 648.
- Spitz, F., 643.
- Steffelaar, C., 488.
- Sutton, H., 440.
- Taylor and Ray, 529.
- Thornton and Lea, 275.
- Tomlinson, T., 223, 492, 642.
- Uhlenhuth, E., 35.
- Victoria Fahrrad Werke (Thompson,
- W. P.), 489.
- Vincke, N., 115.
- Warsop, T„ 321.
- Wegclin, H., 529.
- Werner, M. and E., 381, 530.
- Motors (contd.)
- Explosion (Internal) (cold d.)
- White, L. B. (carbon dioxide), 489, 489, 489.
- Fluid pressure-
- Lanchester, F. W., 381.
- Stuart, H. A., 321.
- Gas and oil motors (see Explosion).
- Motors (motive-power engines, &c.)-
- Clement, L., 488.
- Colombier, L. Z. S., 440.
- Doolittle, P. E., 223.
- Edwards, E., 115.
- Eisenhuth, J. W., 643.
- Green, W. R., 275.
- Littlejohn and Laing, 530.
- Marshall, J., 275.
- New, A. G., 488.
- Parsons, H. 529.
- Pender, J., 320.
- Roe; C. and H., and H. Knight, 488.
- Sayer, R. C., 643.
- Senior, T. E., 115.
- 'Tangye and JohnFon, 381.
- Tomlinson, T., 642:
- White, L. B., 489.
- Petroleum-
- Fagerstrim, E. E. F., 115.
- Fisson, L., 381.
- Haseltine, Lake, and Co , 488.
- Koch, C. M., 489.
- New, A. G., 35.
- Ransford, R. B., 489.
- Roots, J., 81.
- Steam-
- Beaumont and Holt, 275.
- Gee and Webster, 321.
- Hartman, 0. P., 381.
- Holt and Beaumont, 275.
- Purrey, V., 321.
- Simpson, W., 381.
- Toulmin, J. H., 274, 490.
- Motor vehicles-
- Baines, W., 115.
- Bersey, W. C., 440.
- Bouilhac, T. de, 81.
- Brewer and Cooper, 223, 324.
- Brougham, R. T. D., and Bersey, 440, 646.
- Clark, A. M., 381, 381.
- Condict, G. H., 643.
- Craig and Phillips, 223, 324, 596.
- Crouan, H. M. L., 223.
- Davidson, W., 115, 116.
- Egg, R., 488.
- Giusti, M. and Co., 115.
- Hagen, R., 223, 382.
- Hailstone, C., 648.
- Heinle and Wogelin, 488.
- Henriquez, E., 115.
- Hille, F. M., 488.
- Hyde, R., 275.
- Iden, G., 274, 492.
- Johnson, C. M., 81, 223, 324, 381, 440, 647.
- Justice, P. M., 440, 530, 596.
- Kruger and Jurges, 381.
- Kiihlstein and Vollmer, 381.
- Lamplough, F., 222.
- Lanchester, F. W., 321, 491.
- Latham, E., 596.
- Lawson, H. J., 222, 223, 488.
- Lufbery, C. E., 596.
- Mann, J. H., 488.
- McMullin and Hildehandt, 275, 382.
- Moles, J., 440.
- Musker, C., 643.
- New, A. G., 440.
- O'Donnell, J. P., 81.
- Motor vehicles (contd.)-
- O'Reilly, H., 222.
- Olds Motor Vehicle Co., 81.
- Peck, W., 34, 115, 529.
- Pope Manufacturing Co. (Justice), 440, 530, 530, 596, 643.
- Riancy, H. J. de, 381, 492.
- Schen, W., 596.
- Simms, F. R, 440.
- Simpson, W., 381.
- Simpson, W. E., 115, 324.
- Smith, H., 596.
- Societe Anonyme des Voiturettes Auto.
- mobiles, 596, 696.
- Sperry, E. A., 643.
- Sturmey, J. J. H., 274.
- Turrell and Lawson, 223.
- Walters, J. W., 596.
- Whitney, G. E., 321.
- Winton, A., 275.
- Woods, C. E.. 274, 323.
- Oil and Petroleum motors (see Motors).
- Oil sprayers and feeders-
- Charon and Manaut, 643.
- Craig, A., 321.
- Flannery, J. F., 61.2.
- Vetillard and Scherding, 596.
- Pedals, Brooks and Vale, 321.
- Petroleum cans-
- Haddan, R., 489.
- Ravey, E., 381.
- Petroleum motors (see Motors).
- Pistons, Abel, C. D., 489.
- Regulators-
- Bauer, A., 489.
- Crouan,
- H. M. L., 223, 382.
- Diesel, R., 596.
- King, T. S. (feed water), 321.
- Roller bearings-
- Baisch, W., 381.
- Brougham, R.. T. D., 115.
- Cooper and Woodcock, 440.
- Daniels and Gunnell, 274.
- Drynan and Fulton, 529.
- Kaiser, R. (chains), 381.
- Kimberley, N. G., 381.
- Lawrence, J. K, 115.
- Mossberg, F., 115, 115, 276, 321.
- Mossberg Roller Bearings, 115, 276.
- Woodcock and Cooper, 321.
- Rotary engines and motors-
- - Bernard, L., 321.
- - Blot, A., 321.
- - Bouvant, A. B. de, 381, 489.
- - Dibbell, G. A., 321.
- - Drummond, C. S., 321.
- - Gumoelius, A. S., 223.
- - Haverkamp, A. G. L., 381.
- - House and Overend, 321, 385.
- - Ironmonger, C. M., 81.
- - Kamphues, J., 321.
- - Lanzone, R. and E., 81.
- - Lockert, L., 488.
- - Lohmann, C. F. C., 381.
- - Parsons, J. H., 115.
- - Reisacher, M., 488.
- - Short Elf and Willerton, 321.
- Rotary gearing-
- - Blumfield and Berger-Graham, 531.
- - Lennox, R. N., 223.
- - Ryland and Bird, 223.
- Saddles, Lancelott and Thomas (pins), 223.
- Safety guard—
- Davis, F. J., 643.
- Schott, G. A. J., 223.
- Signalling apparatus—
- - Rhodes and Atkins, 440.
- - Wynne, W. R , 596.
- Silencer, Crosta, L. W., 115.
- Spanners, Marschutz, C. and II., 488.
- Speed and distance indicators—
- - Hall and Leonard, 223.
- - Hislop, G. R., 381.
- - Holt, H. E. S., 529.
- Speed gear—
- - Berrell, E. W., 275.
- - Didier, J. L., 322.
- - Herschmann, A., 320.
- Springs, Gimmig and Cuenod, 223.
- Starters, Stimpson and Green, 275, 275.
- Steam boilers (see Boilers).
- Steam engines (see Motors).
- Steam road vehicles (see Motor vehicles).
- Steam traps, Thornycroft, J. I. and J. E 321, 38).
- Steering gear—
- - Common, A. A., 223.
- - Priestman, W. D. and S., 275.
- - Southey, A. W., 223, 224.
- Storage batteries (see Accumulators).
- Traction engines, Mann, J. H., 488.
- Transmission gear (see Gearing).
- Tyre inflater, Hildick, H., 321.
- Tyres—
- - Blake, W., 223.
- - Hill, C. A.. 381.
- - Howard, W., 222.
- - MacLulich, J. M., 381.
- - Mathews and Park, 596.
- - McHardy, C., 223.
- - Small and Walker, 321, 381.
- - Stone, R., 440.
- - Stone, S. R., 488.
- Under-carriage---
- - Brougham, R. T. D., 115, 276.
- Valves and valve gear—
- - Alltree, J. B., 34.
- - Appleton, J., 381.
- - Crossley and Atkinson, 596.
- - Cutler and Godden, 321.
- - Gesellschaft far Automobilwagenbau (Thompson, W. P.), 321.
- - Green, W. R., 321.
- - Johnson, C. M., 381.
- - Marshall, J. Y., 381.
- - Martin and Andrews, 381.
- - Melling, J. W., 320.
- - Parsons, H.. 643.
- - Payne, D. W., 489.
- - Spurrier, II., 321.
- - Vivinus and Hecht-, 643.
- - Wight and Wild. 34.
- - Williamson, J. D., 489.
- Vaporiser—
- - Bertheau, H. A., 34.
- - Branler, 0., 321.
- - Donaldson, W., 529.
- - Hildebrand, H., 381.
- - Riley and Hartley, 381.
- - Smith, T. G., 529.
- - Tomlinson, T., 642.
- Variable speed gear (see Gearing).
- Water-tube boilers (see Boilers).
- Wheels—
- - Clubbe and Southey, 81.
- - Hurst, T., 275.
- - Parker, T. H., 115.
- - Poole and Kirk, 115.
- - Schneider, E., 224.
- - Small and Walker, 223.
- - Smith, J., 642.
- - Southey, A. W., 81, 223, 224.