1904 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the Automotor Journal
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Vol 09. Jan to Dec 1904
- Accidents, 825, 1204, 1225.
- Accumulators, 12, 21, 32, 145, 152, 3i3, 325, 935-
- Achilles system, 169.
- Adam-Boudin Boat, 52, 75.
- Adams-Farwell Car, 1326.
- Ader system, 42.
- Aero Club (see also Aeronautics), 1168, 1509.
- Aeronautical Institute, 53o, 709.
- Aeronautics, 39, 75^ 86, 94, 104, 127, 148, 163, 237, 261, 266, 3oo, 355, 418, 446, 472, 500, 529, 558, 601, 680, 696, 709, 748, 777, 8I3, 817, 836, 886, 960, 1025, IO3I, 1084, 1143, 1168, 1194, 1203, 1242. 1273, 1321, 1332, 1360, 1394, 1420, 1487, 1551.
- Aeroplanes {see Aeronautics).
- Agricultural Hall Exhibition, 324, 344, 373, 407, 441, 1390.
- Albany Cars and system, 184, 223.
- Alcohol as fuel, 127, 389, 414, 444.
- Alcohol and duty, 544, 1062, 1338.
- Alldays system, 211, 252, 1035, 1076, 1097.
- Alps, Over the, 802, 839, 844, 869, 889.
- Aluminium, 325.
- Alvarez Aeroplane, 1243.
- Ambulance Motor, An, 1430.
- American Records, 48.
- American trials and races, 942, 970, 973, 986. 988.
- Anglian cars, 1040, 1131.
- Anti-motor Crusade, 842, 867.
- Anti-shock device, 63, 66, 265.
- Anti-skid trials, &c. (see Side-slip).
- Antwerp, 384.
- Appeal cases, 786, 816.
- Archdeacon, M., 148, 237, 261, 472, 529> 1194, 1360.
- Ardennes Circuit, 715, 74°> 7^1» 832> 860, 884, 905.
- Argentina, 946, 1400.
- Argyll cars, 1085.
- Ariel system, 258, 687, 731, 1387-
- Aries system, 1470.
- Arras meeting, 684.
- Aston hill-climb, 1162.
- Automobile Club Journal, 32, 55.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland—
- - Committee election, 231, 238, 263, 272, 275. 302, 317, 328, 332, 348.
- - Committees, 377-
- - Exhibition question, 103, 121, 161, 193?
- - Founder Members’ Dinner, I343> *344> 1357-
- - General meeting, 332. ‘
- - Hundred miles trials, 234, 478, 633, 989.
- - Long distance trials, 1392, HSd-
- - Papers, 122, 151, 232, 290, 314, 348, 413, 414, 444, 1422, 1458, 1459, 1489, 1489, 1491, 1520, 1521.
- - Policy, Its, 238, 263, 272, 275, 302, 317, 328, 332,
- - Reliability trials, 1905, 1424.
- - Small car trials, 658, 724, 744 860, 939, 974, 984, ion- 1029, 1033, 1060, 1064, 1099, 1095, 1130.
- - Thousand miles trial, 21, 45, 350.
- Atlantic cup, mo, 1138, 1164, 1193.
- Austin. H., 1312, 1544.
- Australia, 484, 512, 540, 1147, 1170, 1304, I3I4-
- Automobile Club of America, 503, 1519.
- Auto-Cycle Club, 96, 349, 331, 416, 448, 303, 570 591, 658, 688, 691, 716, 86 r, 888, 990, 1018, 1054, 1115, 1140, 1166, 1196, 1253, 1281, 1333, 1455, 1552.
- Automobile and Cycle Engineers Institute, 324, 1457-
- Automobile Mutual Protection Association, 691, 808, 1088, 1195, 1311, 1426, 1547.
- “Automotor” cars and system, 375, 516.
- Aveling, T. C., 232.
- Awards (Exhibition), 11.
- Axles, 172, 227, 408, 433, 438, 519, 1183.
- BACON, Sir Hickman B., 1194.
- Baldwin Airship, 960, 1194, 1332, 1394, :4S7, 1551-
- Ball bearings, 439.
- Bankruptcy Court, 28, 52, 636, 748, 812, 1432.
- Barber variable speed gear, 555, 589, 622.
- Barton, Dr., 472, 813, 817.
- Bassee-Michel Magneto, 1045, 1211.
- Batteries {see Accumulators).
- Bat tricar, 1387, 1556.
- Baudouin system, 119.
- Bayard cars, 525.
- Beaufort system, 45.
- Beaumont, W. W., 1422, 1458, 1489, I52i-
- Belgium, 1494.
- Bellamy racer, 353.
- Belsize system, 251, 342.
- Belt fastener, 313.
- Benz-Parsifal, 254, 1313*
- Berkshire Auto Club, 194, 348, 477, 634, 689, 746, 805, 887.
- Berlin, 404, 417-
- Bexhill meeting, 803, 860, 922 965, 971, 985.
- Bicycles {see Motor bicycles).
- Blackheath Auto Club, 569, 660, 887, 1255.
- Blackmailing chauffeurs, 452, 483.
- Blackpool, 1137, 1172, 1173, ”88> 1219, 1231, 1279, I284, 13°3, I3°7, I3IQ, I33°-
- Blake system. 410.
- Bleichroder cup, 1424, 1485, 1495.
- Board of Trade, 483, 724.
- Boats (see Motor boats), 607.
- Boilers (see Steam generators).
- Bollee tricycle, 27.
- Bon double acting engine, 521.
- Bowden brakes, 1404.
- Boys and motors, 510, 566, 722.
- Brakes, 144, 433, 437, 675, 752, 1017, 1072, 1540.
- Brillie lurry, 409.
- Bristol Auto Club, 1141.
- British and foreign cars, 264.
- British Automobile Industry (Aveling), 232, 264.
- British Automobile Industry, 1204, 12S7, 1310, 1335, 1367, 1467, I49C I520-
- British International Cup (Harmsworth), 26, 150, 901, 912, 917, 918, 927, 951, 963, 1220, 1280, 1425, 1448, 1554.
- British Motor Boat Club. 1425, 1487.
- Brooke system, 206, 256, 365, 405, 572, 635, 662, 739, 900, 1161, 1403, 1417, 1554.
- Brouhot system, 64, 74, 412.
- Brown cars, 1037, 1075, 1098.
- Brush system, 191, 207.
- Brussels, 11S, 147, 196.
- Buffam car, 506.
- Burchall system, 649.
- Burford, H. C., 1545.
- Burnley Auto Club. 26, 156, 415, 689.
- Bury and W. Suffolk Auto Club, 1309.
- Butler, E., 27.
- CABS, motor, 5, 796, 1149, 140S, 1468.
- Cadillac system, 214, 539, 959, 1039, 1130, 1145.
- Cadogan Co. system, 297.
- Calais-Dover, 26, 602, 636, 833, 933, 947, 948, 952.
- Calais-London, 1164, 1280.
- Calcium chloride, 1203.
- Callendar, Prof., 576, 591,
- Canals, 32, 331, 10 1, 1175, 1288, 1498.
- Cannes, 382.
- Carburettors, 10, 65, S3, 177, 227, 246, 247, 3C>9i 319, 339, 344, 369, 400, 405, 409, »72. ^77- 707, 1161, 1272, 1301, 1323, 13^3, ^ 1535-
- Carburettor trials, 446, 1191, i486.
- Cardiff Auto Club, 1518.
- Castle ignition plugs, 1132.
- Caters cup, 1517, 1549.
- Ceylon, 811, 1375, 1384, 1556- C.G.V. cars and system, 16, 46, I5oa
- Change-speed gear, 17, 62, n L ’41 > 1 °' ' ’ 216,226,241250.364,40^4^4^494, fit fiSt nr1 c-Mo 620, 622. t>7o, 73J» 773>
- Chateau-Thierry, 1020, 1190, 1278. C
- Chelmsford cars (see Clarkson).
- Chenard and Walcker, 46, 81, 411.
- Chenier-Leon system, 319, 344, 12S7, 1301.
- China, 100.
- Christie car, 683, 1189, 1191.
- Chriton cars, 1016
- C. J. L. ignition, 521.
- Clarkson cars and system, 23, 603.
- Clement system, 646, 670,'1116, 1469, 1504.
- Clement-Talbot, 1420.
- Clerk, Dugald, 531, 563, 576, 626, 1031.
- Climbing steps, 333.
- Clincher-Michelin, 441, 595.
- Clutches (see also Friction clutches), 17, 284, 309, 403, 436, 494, 518, 1558.
- Clyde cars, 1037, 1077, not.
- Cohendet system, 42, 1473.
- Coleman, Frederic, 1361, 1362, 1364, 1369.
- Collier tyre, 18, 288, 441, 1428.
- Colonial automobilism, 484, 938, 998, 1317, 1384, 1419, 1515.
- Commercial points, 811, 863, 916, 946,972, 1028, 1058, 1088, 1145, 1172, 1200, 1226, 1258, 12S3, 1342, 1371, 1404, 1430, 1464, c 1494, 1526, 1556.
- Commercial vans (see Vans).
- Commission, 894, 913, 964.
- Commutators, 338.
- Company doings, 28, 52, 76, 100, 128, 158, 196, 270, 300, 326, 386, 418, 450, 480, 508. 540, 572,604, 692, 748, 812, 838, 864, 890, 916, 972, 1028, 1146, 1172, 1200, 1226, 1258, 1284, 1314, 1342, 1372, 1404, 1431, 1464, 1494, 1526, 1556.
- Companies registered, —
- - Ace Motor Synd. (Ltd.), 1372.
- - Acme Engine Co. (Ltd.), 52.
- - Acme Motor Co. (Ltd.), 604.
- - Ader (Soc. des Automobiles) (Ltd.), 1284.
- - Advance Motor Starter Co. (Ltd.), 1404.
- - Alnwick Motor Garage and Cycle Co. (Ltd.), 52.
- - Asbury (Ltd.), 28.
- - Ascot Motor Works (Ltd.), 972.
- - Aster (Ltd.), 1314.
- - Attwood and Pennell (Ltd.), 1172.
- - Auto-Cars and Accessories (Ltd.), 196.
- - Automobile Co. of Cardiff (Ltd.), 450.
- - Automobile Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 480.
- - Automobile Publishing and General Agency (Ltd.), 326.
- - Automobile Review (Ltd.), 1432.
- - Automobile Show (1905) (Ltd ), 1146.
- - Auto-Van Supply Association (Ltd.), 480.
- - Bailey (S.R.) and Lambert (Ltd.), 76.
- - Barnett, A. D. (Ltd.), 196.
- - Beckett, L. A. (Ltd.), 128.
- - Belgravia Garages (Ltd.), 418.
- - Biddles and Co. (Ltd.), 270.
- - Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co. (Ltd.), 1464.
- - Birmingham Brake Co. (Ltd.), 972.
- - Birmingham Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 1028.
- - “Boon” Variable Gear Synd. (Ltd.), 1494.
- - Bould, J. (Ltd.), 1314.
- - Bowen’s Electric and Motor Boats (Ltd.), 972.
- - Bown Mfg. Co. (Ltd.), 1172.
- - Bridgwater Motor Co. (Ltd.), 270.
- - Brighton and South Coast Motor Garages (Ltd.), 1494-
- - Brighton and Sussex Motor and Carriage Works (Ltd.), 890.
- - Bristol Motor Co. (Ltd.), 692.
- - Britannia Elec. Carriage Synd. (Ltd.), 480.
- - Britannia Motor Garage Co. (Ltd.), 972.
- - British Detachable Cycle Motor (Ltd.), 864.
- - Buchholtz Reversible Turbine Synd. (Ltd.), 196.
- - Cadogan Synd. (Ltd.), 28.
- - Cann (Ltd.), 838.
- - Cannstatt Mercedes (Ltd.), 1200.
- - Caravan Restaurant Co. (Ltd.), 692.
- - Central Motor Car Co. (Ltd.), 1432.
- - Chadwick Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 1432.
- - Chase Motors (Ltd.), 1146.
- - City Automobiles (Ltd.), 418.
- - Climax Motors (Ltd.), 1526.
- - Clipper Tyre Co. (Ltd.), 386.
- - Cocks (Ltd.), 386.
- - Colossal Cycle Corporation (Ltd.), 1494.
- - Commercial Motors (Ltd.), 508.
- - Cooper (Hugh) and Co. (Ltd.), 540.
- - Cosi Car Synd. (Ltd.), 28.
- - County Garage Co. (Ltd.), 916.
- - Coventry Works (Ltd.), 1556.
- - Cowburn, Anne (Ltd.), 1464.
- - Crawshay-Williams (Ltd.), 1372.
- - Critchley (J. S.) (Ltd.), 76.
- - Crossley Motor and Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 692.
- - Daimler Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1432.
- - Dean and Burden Bros. (Ltd.), 864.
- - Deasy (H. H. P.) and Co. (Ltd.), 450.
- - Dixi Motors (Ltd.), 692.
- - Dixon, Bros., and Hutchinson (Ltd.), 916.
- - Doherty Motor Accessories Co. (Ltd.), 418.
- - Donaldson (A.) and Co. (Ltd.), 196.
- - Donne and Willans (Ltd.), 1494.
- - Dougill’s Engineering (Ltd.), 418.
- - Dublin and Swords Motor Car Co. (Ltd.), 128.
- - Dunlop Motor Co. (Ltd.), 916,
- - Durand Non-Skid Tyre (Ltd.), 838.
- - Durham County Motor Transit Co. (Ltd.), 838.
- - Duryea Co. (Ltd.), 1372.
- - Dustless Roads Co. (Ltd.), 972.
- - East Lancashire Athletic Supply Co. (Ltd.), 1314.
- - Edlin Sinclair Tyre Co. (Ltd.), 28.
- - Electric and General Assurance Agency (Ltd.), 52.
- - Elsworth Automobile Co. (Ltd.), 1146.
- - Empire Oil Engine Synd. (Ltd.), 1172.
- - Engine Syndicate (Ltd.), 326.
- - Ferguson’s Carriage Co. (Ltd.), 158.
- - Finchley Road Garage (Ltd.), 1314.
- - Fleetwood Motor Passenger Carrying Co. (Ltd.), 864.
- - French (W. F.) and Sons (Ltd.), 158.
- - Garcin Renault Electric Cars and Accumulators (Ltd.), 1284.
- - Gaso-Hydraulic Marine Engine Co. (Ltd.), 300.
- - George Eliot Cycle and Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1028.
- - Gilburt Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1226.
- - Grande Maison d’Automobiles (Ltd.), 158.
- - Gutteridge (H.), (Ltd.), 1226.
- - Plaigh (Thomas) and Co. (Ltd.), 1172.
- - Halford Spring Wheel Synd. (Ltd.), 572.
- - Halle Spring Wheel Synd. (Ltd.), 812.
- - Harvey, Frost and Co. (Ltd.), 1258.
- - Headcorn, Sutton-Valence and Maidstone Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1028.
- - Herald Motor Mfg. Co. (Ltd.), 1464.
- - Herbert and Beach (Ltd.), 418.
- - Hey, E. S. (Ltd.), 1226.
- - Highgate Motor Car Co’s. Successors (Ltd.), 972.
- - Hitchon Gear and Automobile Co. (Ltd.), 508.
- - Horstmann Gear Co. (Ltd.), 1314.
- - Iden Motor Car Co. (Ltd.), 1284.
- - Imtnisch Launch and Boat Co. (Ltd.), 1494-
- - Imperial Motor Co. (Ltd.), 386.
- - Imre Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 1314.
- - Institute of Chauffeurs (Ltd.), 1342.
- - International Westrumite (Ltd.), 386.
- - Invicta Motor Accessories Co. (Ltd.), 1464.
- - I. P. N. Rustless Spoke and Rim Co. (Ltd.), 812.
- - Iron-clad Rubber Tyre Synd. (Ltd.), 386.
- - Isle of Wight Express Motor Synd. (Ltd.), 1404-
- - Jukes and Co. (Ltd.), 1494-
- - Keene’s Automobile Works (Ltd.), 300.
- - Kennedy Motor Co. (Ltd.), 3°°-
- - Kensington Garage (Ltd.), 508.
- - Kensington Rubber Co. (Ltd.), 1200.
- - Kent Motor Co. (Ltd.), 28.
- - Kidderminster Motor and Cycle Co. (Ltd.), 52, 76.
- - Krupkar (1904) (Ltd.), 1404.
- - Lacoste and Battman (Ltd.), 52-
- - Ladies’ Automobile Company of Great Britain and Ireland (Ltd.), 3°°-
- - L’Agence Generale des Automobiles Franchises (Ltd.), 128.
- - Lagonda Motor Co. (Ltd.), 692.
- - Lake District Road Traffic Co. (Ltd.), 128.
- - Lanchester Motor Co. (Ltd.), I432-
- - Legros and Knowles (Ltd.), 450-
- - Lion Motor and Cycle Co. (Ltd.), 3°°-
- - London United Motor Co. (Ltd.), 300-
- - Manufacturers’ Centre (Ltd.), 128.
- - Mars Motor and Cycle Co. (Ltd.), 1146.
- - Marshall’s Valve Gear Co. (Ltd.), 692.
- - Martin, Smith and Co. (Ltd.), 748.
- - Maxim (Sir Hiram S.) Captive Flying Machine Co. (Ltd.), 418.
- - Medway Motor and Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 300.
- - Mercedes Motor Works (Ltd.), 1432.
- - Mercedes Co. (Ltd.), 812.
- - Mobile Publishing Co. (Ltd.), 812.
- - Monarch Motor Synd. (Ltd.), 28.
- - Mors (Ltd.), 1526.
- - Motor Agencies (The) (Ltd.), 748.
- - Motor and General Tyre Co. (Ltd.), 480.
- - Motor Castings Co (Ltd.), 1028.
- - Motor Improvements Co. (Ltd.), 540.
- - Motorists’ Tyre Union (Ltd.), 270.
- - Motor Omnibus Trust (Ltd.), 1494.
- - Motor Plants (Ltd.), 1494.
- - Motor Press (Ltd.), 386.
- - Mulliner (A. G.)
- - Motor Body Co. (Ltd.), !58-
- - N.A.G. Automobile Co. of Great Britain and Ireland (Ltd.), 1146.
- - New Century Lock and Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 540.
- - New Lancaster Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 1172.
- - Ogilvy (James) (Ltd.), 52.
- - Parsons Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1432.
- - Peckham (W. J.) (Ltd.), 270.
- - Pedley (J.) and Son (Ltd.), 1258.
- - Peto and Radford, 128.
- - Pioneer Motor Car Co of India (Ltd.), 196.
- - Powell and Hanmer (Ltd.), 196.
- - Putney Motor Co. (Ltd.), 450.
- - Rapid Motor Vehicle Co. (Ltd.), 692.
- - Raven Cycle Co. (Ltd.), 972.
- - Regal Motor Car and Launch Co. (Ltd.), 1556.
- - Reilloc Tyre Co. (Ltd.), 1258.
- - Reliance Cycle and Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 540.
- - Reliance Works Co. (Ltd.), 8^8.
- - Relyante Motor Works (Ltd.), 270.
- - Renault Freres (Ltd.), 1556.
- - Resilient Hub (Jackson’s Foreign Patents) Synd. (Ltd.), 1494.
- - Samson Leather Treads and Tyre Co. (Ltd.), 76.
- - Saxon Motor Co. (Ltd.), 386.
- - Selbach (Ltd.), 158.
- - Select Cycle and Motor Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), 128.
- - Sheffield Motor Co. (Ltd.), 270.
- - Sligo Motor Service Co. (Ltd.), 604, 692.
- - Simpson and Bailey (Ltd.), 748.
- - Soc. Gen. Internationale pour la Carburation et 1’Application de l’Alcool (Ltd.), . I258*
- - Solent Yacht and Marine Motor Co. (Ltd.), 270.
- - Speed and Power (Ltd.), 692.
- - Starley (Ltd.), 386.
- - Stevens Motor Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), 1526.
- - Stone (J.) and Co. (Ltd.), 692.
- - Sussex Motor Road-Car Co. (Ltd.), 1342.
- - Townend (A.) and Co. (Ltd.), 1172.
- - Traction and Power Agency (Ltd.), 480. .
- - Tractor Machinists (Ltd.), 838.
- - Tyre Syndicate (Ltd.), 748.
- - Universal Automobiles (Ltd.), 540.
- - United Kingdom Motor Tyre Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), 1494.
- - Velo Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), 1372.
- - Velox Engineering and Autocar Co. (Ltd.), 386.
- - Velox Motor Manufacturing Co. (Ltd.), 480.
- - Vim Brake Syndicate (Ltd.), 1172.
- - Vogt Engines (Ltd.), 604.
- - Wade and Jones (Ltd.), 1372.
- - Walmsley (James) and Co. (Ltd.), 270.
- - Warminster Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1556.
- - Weldrivet Boiler and Motor Co. (Ltd.), 972.
- - West-End Garage (Ltd.), 1028.
- - West-End Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1028.
- - Western Counties Mfg. Co. (Ltd.), 300.
- - Western Motor Co. (Ltd.), 1314.
- - West Midland Motor and Cycle Co. (Ltd.), 76. 1
- - Williams Bros. (Birmingham) (Ltd.), 1464.
- - Windsor Motor and Engineering Co. (Ltd.), 1028.
- - Wolstencroft and Co. (Ltd.), 916.
- Connaught, Duke of, 1228, 1244.
- Consumption trials, 98, 155» 3OI> 3l8, 4J6, 715, 1082, 1091, 1140, 1196, 1221, 1253, 1279-
- Coolers (see Radiators).
- Cordingley and Co.’s Exhibition (see Agricultural Hall).
- Cornell, Judge, 944, 998, 1108.
- Cornilleau-St. Beuve car, 1542-
- Coronet system, 375-
- Correspondence, 52, 72, 121, 263, 297, 3X7> 564, 595, 863, 913, 938, 97U 998, IO24, 1088, 1118, 1146, 1284, 1310, 1335, 1367, 1403, 1426, 1464, 1522.
- Cost of upkeep, 292.
- Cottereau system, 58-
- Coulthard system, 1399-
- Craig-Dorwald engine, I4I5-
- Cranks, 244.
- Crawhez Cup, 1549-
- Critchley, J. S., 1506.
- Crossley system, 104, 106, 122, 139, I73> 205, 229, 264, 1193, I338-
- Croxted cars, 1040, 113°- QQ e
- Crystal Palace Exhibition (1904)* 79, l6°>, 192, 199, 202, 235, 242, 264, 288, 530.
- Cudell cars, 385, 1500.
- Cycle Engineers Institute, I312-
- Cyclist Touring Club, 303.
- Cylinders, 176.
- DAIMLER system, 47, 202» 277> 573, 862, 865, 904, 968, 985, 1107, 1281, 1284, 1403, X431-
- Danger boards, 303, 347-
- Daniel petrol engine, 312.
- Darracq cars and system, 23* 373 > 4 7> 3 - 1404,1431,1463-
- Dasse system, 118.
- Deafness, 539.
- Deasy, Capt., 802, 832, 839, 844, 869.
- Decauville system, 245, 1505.
- De Dietrich system, 45, 47, 861, 1225, 1370, I425> *499, 1501.
- De Dion system 334, 369, 402, 432, 717, ^>I°’ 8J5, 873, 878, 914, 1015, 1023, 1086, °897, 11 A7, II3°’ 11981 I3°9’ I3I9» I35D 1383, 1446, 1525, 1536.
- Delahaye cars and system, 16, 899.
- Delaunay-Belleville system, 1471.
- Delhi-Bombay, 1251, 1304, i331, 1340, 1368, I375> 1423, 1485, 1518, 1350.
- Delivery vans, 29, 155.
- Delivery van trials.
- De Nevers tyres, 289.
- Dennis cars and system, 22, 208.
- Derby Automobile Club, 94, 320, 477, 568, 634> 746, 782, 887, 1022, 1255.
- Deutsch airship, 39.
- “Direct” system, 1476.
- Dixi cars and system, 1093, 1125, 1157.
- Dobelli system, 222.
- Doctors, motoring, 1025, 1407.
- Dogs, 79, 661, 662, 1120, 1197, 1230.
- Dorset Auto Club, 505, 660, 1169.
- Double-acting engines, 521, 649, 827.
- Dourdan meetings, 1114, II,6, 1190.
- Downshire cars, 1036, 1076.
- Drexel cup, 1054.
- Driving, 200, 355, 422, 574, 595, 692, 843, 939-
- Drunken chauffeurs, 331, 784, 1210, 1266. Dry cells, 1326.
- Dufaux cars, 699.
- Dumont, Santos, 300, 450, 472, 500, 529, 680, 748, 810, 838, 886.
- Dunlop Tyres and Co., 441, 1121, 1134, 1404, 1431-
- Durkopp system, 345.
- Duryea system, 38, 212, 411, 803, 1145, 12j9, 1310, 1312, 1464, 1524.
- Dust problem, 105, 511, 660, 752, 828, 894, 1124, 1139, 1202, 1261, 1435, 1459, 1489- Duty, 52.
- EAGLE ROCK hill-climb, 1423, 1451, 1453-
- Earp, C., 656, 682.
- Eastern Counties’ Auto Club, 156, 348, 689, 746, 805, 858, 887, 1518.
- East Surrey Auto Club, 415, 634, 747, 1168.
- Edge, S. F., 270, 297, 618, 666, 682, 695, 702, 837, 856, 889, 917, 918, 927, 951 > 1025, 1030, 1118, 1138-1204, 1214, 1335, 1402, 1506.
- Edinburgh show, 297, 320.
- Edison’s Battery, 12, 50, 152, 935.
- Edison-Jungner, 935.
- Egypt, 1078, 1556.
- Eisemann magneto, 1046, 1170.
- Electric trucks, 347-
- Electric vehicle runs and trials, 98, 1424.
- Electric vehicle systems (see also Motors and systems), 534.
- Electrogenia system, 44.
- Electromobile system, 183, 195.
- Elliott motormeter, 1208.
- Elswick cars, 209.
- Endorsing licenses, 816.
- Enfield cars, 1016, 1130.
- English Steam Wagon Co., 571.
- Engines (see also Motors), 60, 68, 84, 109, 137, 165, 174, 187, 189, 467, 487,493, 518, 521, 588, 649, 797, 854, 899, 980, 1295, 1352, 1412, 1415, 14*8, [477, H8O, 1333-
- Exhaust box (see Silencers).
- Exhibition question, 103, 121, 161, 193, 199, 231-
- Exhibition question in Paris, 201.
- Exhibition profits, 339.
- Expert witnesses, 331.
- Exports (see Imports and Exports).
- FEDERATION (see Affiliation, &c.).
- Fiat system, 47, 217, 351, 701, 1451.
- Fire engines and boats—motor, 399, 560, 603, 753, 810, 1078, 1147, 1170, 1186, 1200, 1405, 1414, 1462.
- Five hundred metre times, 72, 426.
- Fleetbridge car, 1386.
- Ford system, 153, 703, 732, 1191.
- Forman system, 936.
- Forrest lectures— the James, 531.
- Fouillaron, 41.
- Frames, 70.
- Francois Lambert airship, 886, 1321.
- Franklin cars, 744.
- French statistics, 728.
- Fuel consumption trials (see Consumption).
- Fulgur motor, 797.
- Fuller, R. H., 348.
- GAILLON, 1020, 12S0, 1285, 1303, 1331, 1363, 1408.
- Gale, C. H., 497.
- Garages, 138, 811, 1275, 1493.
- Gardner-Serpollet (see Serpollet).
- Gare wheel, 798.
- Garrard system, 441.
- Gast, Madame du, 385.
- Gaston-Menier cup, 1022.
- Gas turbines, 1346, 1365, 1397.
- Gatacre hill-climb, 1162, 1330-
- Gear (see Change-speed, variable, steering).
- General M. C. Co., 245.
- Generators (see Steam generators).
- Germain system, 45, 164, 213, 1339, I34I-
- Gibaud two-stroke engine, 798.
- Gilbey, Sir Walter, 1316, 1555-
- Gillet-Forest cars and system, 17-
- Gladiator system, 14, 479, 809, 1026, 1219, 1252, 1340, 1473, 1504.
- Glasgow-London, 295, 446, 503, 52S, 653, 712, 717.
- Glidden, C. J., 63, 416, 567, 602, 803, 913, 1053, 1057, 1163, 1556.
- Glidden tourist trophy, 1392, 1461.
- Gloucestershire Auto Club, 266, 660.
- Glover wagon, 1513.
- Gobron-Brillie cars and system, 14, 307, 333, 421, 423, 1285, 1493.
- Goodrich tyre, 442.
- Gordon-Bennett cup (1904), 24, 48, 53, 71, 97, 126, 153, 194, 234, 268, 295, 305, 350, 356, 387, 389, 395. 447, 454, 462, 473, 485, 524, 542, 545, 578, 600, 605, 606, 609, 629, 637, 641, 656, 667, 680-681, 693, 694-697, 742, 749-750, 754, 789, 829-830.
- Gordon-Bennett cup (1905), 778, 830, 985, 1019, 1052, 1189, 1362, 1423, 1484, 1517, 1548.
- Gordon-Bennett nightmare, 785.
- Goring Bridge, 668.
- Governors, 493, 737.
- Gratze speed indicator, 1269.
- Greyhound tricar, 1389.
- Guernsey, 100, 324, 491, 799, 805.
- Gymkhanas, 727, 911, 1053, 1134, 1144, XI69>
- HALL hydraulic gear, 773, 7SS, 792, 824, 850.
- Hardt engine, 167.
- Harmsworth, Sir Alfred, 788.
- Harmsworth cup (see British cup).
- Harrogate Auto Club, 1488.
- Hartlepool Auto Club, 94, 782-
- Hautier cars and system, 17-
- Heating garages, 1275, 1493-
- Heavy motor traffic, 57, 72> I52>
- Heavy oil competitions, mo, 1424, 1450.
- Heavy oil systems, 36, 676, 1301.
- Helston Rural District Council, 1149.
- Herald cars and system, iS.
- Hercules steam wagon, 407.
- Hereford Auto Club, 124, 320, 348, 718, 782, 888.
- Herkomer cup, 266, 528, 1169, 1424, 1485, >495. 1549-
- Hertfordshire Auto Club, 292, 320, 443, 448, 56S, 634, 996, 1088, IIIO, 1162, nbS.
- High-tension magneto ignition, 1032, 1045, 1079, 1128, 1159, 1177, 1178, 1211, 1239, 1267, 1298, 1327.
- Highway law, 354, 378, 413.
- Highways Protection League, 1032.
- Hill-climbing trials, 296, 350, 528, 568, 570, 601, 631, 632, 653, 65S, 687, 688, 718, 740, 748, 780, 801, S04, 831, 859, 861, 884, 888, 903, 908, 970, 985, 989,996, 1020, 1051, 1065, 1081, IIIO, 1113, 1137, 1140, 1162, 1163, 1188, 1219, 1278, 1303, 1330, 1391, 1408, 1423, 14S4.
- Hind, Ballin, 1306.
- Hiring and liability, 2S0.
- Hitchon-Weller gear, 244.
- Holcar system, 46.
- Hooded vans, 638.
- Hopkinson tyre, 442.
- Horbick system, 410.
- Horley system, 251, 1034, 1044, 1075.
- Horns, 772, 1017, 1023, 1024, 1256.
- Hornsby system, 36.
- Horse power, 10S8, 1118.
- Horses and motors, 31, 163, 200, 339, 837, *>73> 9i5. 92i, 1108, 1198, 1402.
- Hotchkiss system, 33, 508, 600.
- Hozier system (see Argyll).
- Humber cars and system, 22, 45, 234, 478, 910, 1036, 1041, 1076, 1097, 1131, 1342, 1385, 1390.
- Humorous sketches, See., 299, 350, 394.
- Hundred miles trials (see Automobile Club).
- Hurtu system, 1503.
- Hutton, J. E., 1509.
- Hutton system, 256, 360, 400, 436, 555, 589, 622, 879, 1290, 1301, 1419.
- Hyde Park, 571, 667.
- Hydraulic control, 625.
- ICE, racing on, 127, 1293.
- Identification marks, 471, 480, 664, 1164.
- Ignition, 372, 469, 49+, 521, 707, 1032, 1045, 1079, 1128, 1132, 1159, 1297, 1446, 1457.
- Imports and exports, 63, 269, 385, 450, 604, 720, 864, 972, 1146, 1258, 1372, 1526.
- India and automobilism, 19, 131, 1027, 1052, 1141,1251, 1306, 1318, 1347, 1375,1419, 1436-
- Indicator, 345, 576, 591.
- Indicator Diagrams, 576, 591.
- Information gratis, 1289.
- Ingoldsby country, 265.
- Institute of Motor Engineers, 201, 709.
- Instone, E. M. C., 1335, 1545.
- Insurance, 868, 938, 969, 1350.
- Internal combustion motors (Clerk), 531, 563, 576, 626.
- Inventions (see Patents).
- International cup (cycles), 1167, 1552.
- Ireland, 640, 920, 1167, 1189, 1221, 1254, 1488.
- Irish Auto Club, 320, 505, 1189.
- Isle of Man trials, 305, 350, 356, 395, 421, 454, 473, 509, 324, 541, 542, 545, 575, 578, 605, 606, 609, 652, 661, 663.
- Iveagh-Pirrie scheme, 920.
- Ivel system, 298, 661, 9H, *35°. 1430, 1555- I
- JACKSON cars, 1016, 1043.
- James and Browne cars and system, 21, 183, 212.
- Janus engine, 1472.
- Japan, 19, 1498. fap tricar, 1389.
- Jarrett, Sergeant, 240, 274, 304, 720, 945, 1142.
- Jarrott, C., 95, 303. 543, 548, 643, 838, 1287, 1306, 1310, 1 33^> 1367, 1507.
- Jellineck, Miss Mercedes, 945.
- John o’Groat’s to Land’s End, 416, 567, 805, 942.
- Judges and motors, 99, 150, 1416, 1462, 1493-
- Juggernaut, The, 696, 842, 893, 1316.
- Jungner Battery, 145.
- KENNEDY, Rankin, 1210, 1298.
- Kent Auto Club, 985.
- Kerosene systems (see Heavy oil).
- Kilometre times, 426, 631, 6S4, 832, 925, 1162, 1190, 1236, 1304, 1307, 1362.
- King and automobilism, The, 573, .89°, 997.
- Kingston Motor Club, 808.
- Kipling, Rudyard, 161, 232, 274, 1124.
- Kirk, H. R., 1193.
- Krieger system, 1476.
- Krupkar system, 298.
- LACRE MotorCar Co., 138, 810, 1057, L , 1132, 1523-
- Ladies’ Auto Club, 491, 537, 660, 690, 719, 721, 725, 747, 782, 806, 834, 859, 887, 911, 960, 1227, 1255, 1400.
- Lamplugh cars, 1476.
- Lamps, 156, 269, 572, 1250.
- Lancashire Steam Motor Co. system, 407.
- Lanchester cars and system, 22, 125, 386.
- Land’s End to John o’ Groats (see John o’ Groats).
- Langdon-Davies system, 184, 216.
- Law of the highway, 354, 378.
- Lawrence, M. R., 1510.
- Law reports, 280, 300, 352, 386, 418, 480, 664,667, 748, 786, 812, 816, 1372, 1404, 1432-
- Lea and Francis system, 215.
- Lehaudy airship, 886, 960, 1025, 1031, 1275, 1360, 1394) 1420, 1552.
- Legal aspects of Motor Car Act, 122, 151.
- Legislative question, 57, 131.
- Legros system, 1473.
- Leicestershire Auto Club, 230, 443, 568, 634, 690, 834, 859, 996, 1022, 1056, 1219, 1334, 1400.
- Letts, W. M., 741, 1306, 1511.
- Levitt, Miss Dorothy, 1023, 1082, 1105.
- Lewis carburettor, 672.
- Licensed Victuallers’ obligations, 299.
- Licences, ' a, 394, 468, 816, 912, 1058, 1148, 1174, i486, 1525.^
- Liederkerke cup, 884.
- Light motor car development, 1422, 1458, 1489, 1521.
- Lights on vehicles, 390, 575, 719, 997, 1203, 1228, 1462, 1483.
- Limitation of cylinder capacity.
- Lincolnshire Auto Club, 124, 156, 320, 348, 477) 5°6) 535) 569) 634) 688, 690, 780, 783, 806, 834, 858, 887, 911, 939, 941, 960, 996, 1056, 10S1, 1141, 1168, 1194, .ii95) I255-
- Live axles (see also Axles), 519, 620, 1292, 1381, 1441, 1533.
- Liverpool Show, 196.
- Local Government Board Regulations, 4, 329, 346, 471, 479, 585, 976, 1002.
- Locomobile Co., 298.
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, 1457.
- Londonderry system, 470.
- Long distance runs (see Non-stop).
- Longridge two-stroke engine, 69.
- Longuemare carburettor, 707.
- Looping the loop, 104.
- Lorence system, 118.
- Louet, 40.
- Low tension magneto, 1128.
- Lubrication, 440.
- Lucerne, Lake, 1109, 1119.
- Luggage carrier, 1132.
- Lurry trials (see Heavy motor vehicles).
- MADAGASCAR, 76, 404, 1028.
- Magistrates and automobilism, 13G 241, 386, 390, 394, 468, 47L 484, 575, 786, 816, 842, 916,950, 951, 97°, IOI7> I!48, II74» 1262, 1286, 1317, 1346, 135.6, 1547;
- Magneto ignition (see High tension).
- Maidenhead, 753. „
- Manchester Auto Club, 124, 5^9, °35, ^*35> 859, 911, 1116, 1334, 1426, i5x8-
- Manchester Show, 321.
- Manufacturers’ obligations, 720.
- Martini cars and system, 15, 22, 802, 839, 844, 1363, 1392, 1423, 1451, 1453, I4°b. Match, A motor, 1222, 1314.
- Maudslay system, 45, 180, 243, 349, 898-
- May Day parade, 471, 565.
- Maxim, Sir Hiram, 355, 384, 772, 998.
- “Mecanique” system, 1511.
- Mediterranean cup, 1138, 1164, 1425, 1449-
- Mercedes system, 219, 424, 819, 939, I2oi, 1478, 1514, 1543-
- Mercury Simplex car, 374.
- Merryweather system, 399- 5^o, 735, 810, 1147, 1170, 1405, 1414.
- Meyan cup, 1554-
- Michelin cup, 1517.
- Midland Auto Club, 124, 194, 50^, 569, 690, 808, 903, 1168, 1484, 1524.
- Mieusset system, 135.
- Mile times, 72, 126, 127, 153, 424, 426, 505, 684, 832, 967, 1020, 1190, 1236, 1307, 1362.
- Military automobilism (see also Motor Volunteers), 36, 339, 348. 57L 595, 800, 818, 853, 863, 969, 1030, 1062, 1063, 1085, 1116, 1122, 1191, 1199, 1201, 1347, 1395, 1407, 1461.
- Milnes-Daimler system, 255, 292, 981, 10S4, 1123, 1153, 1182, 1215, 1245, 1272.
- Miniature automobiles, 1401.
- Minerva system, 43, 1377.
- Mobile cars, 1037, 1038, 1075, 1101, 1130.
- Monaco boat races, 25, 48, 266, 392, 451, 455, 481, 504, 1087, 1358, 1425, 1450, 1527.
- Montagu, G., 151.
- Montagu, J. Scott, 511, 1459, 1489.
- Mors system, 46.
- Motobloc system, 67.
- Motodromes, 350, 691, 804, 1463.
- Motor bicycle races, trials, and records, 80, 127, 236, 296, 383, 417, 446, 505, 529, 570, 601, 631, 632, 658, 715, 716, 718, 747, 781, 805, 818, 833, 861, 888, 909, 932, 940, 964, 989, xoiS, 1054, 10S3, 1115, 1x40, 1166, 1196, 1221, 1253, 1281, 1308, 1333, 1456, 1518, 1552.
- Motor bicycles, 73, 80, 112, 154, 262, 529, 575, 737, 99L 1083.
- Motor boating, 25, 52, 86, 101. 126, 150, 194, 201,256, 266, 313, 327, 331, 351, 380, 392, 399, 426, 430, 455, 483, 490, 504, 529, 601, 657, 662,687,717, 739, 777, 804, 826, 833, 8545 879, 891, 892, 895, 912, 917, 918, 927, 947, 948, 952, 961, 902, 1021, 1031, 1054, 1087, II09, II38, 1164, II93, I2I4, 1220, 1254, 1280, 1309, 1332, 1345, 1358, 1384, 1417, 1425, 1448. 1477, H87, 1516, 1554.
- Motor boat rating, 380.
- Motorcycling Club, 126, 379, 570, 659, 716, 909, 942, 1054.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., 46, 77, 1256, 1284.
- Motor Traffic Development (Rolls), 253.
- Motor Union, 57, 379, 575, 668, 131!.
- Motor Van and Wagon Users Association, 835-
- Motor vehicles for goods transport (Thornycroft), 290.
- Motor Volunteers, 74, 99, 150, 298, 321,324, 352, 379. 449, 472, 508, 536, 913, 969, 1116, 1118, 1145, 1198, 1282, 1396, 1552.
- Motors and systems—
- Petrol and Heavy Oil—
- - Achilles, 169.
- - Ader, 42.
- - Albany, 223.
- - Ariel, 258.
- - Automotor, 516.
- - Belsize, 342.
- - Brooke, 365, 405.
- - Brouhot, 64.
- - Brush, 191.
- - Burchall, 649.
- - C. G. V., 16.
- - Chenard-Walcker, 81.
- - Clement, 646, 670.
- - Cottereau, 58.
- - Crossley, 106, 139, 173, 229.
- - Daimler, 277.
- - Darracq, 23.
- - De Dion, 334, 369, 402, 432, 1319, I35D 1383, 1446, 1536.
- - Delahaye, 16.
- - Dennis, 22.
- - Dixi, 1093, 1125, 1157.
- - Duryea, 38.
- - Fiat, 217.
- - Ford, 703, 732.
- - Forman, 936.
- - Fouillaron, 41.
- - Fulgur, 797.
- - Gillet-Forest, 17.
- - Germain, 45, 164.
- - Gladiator, 14.
- - Gobron-Brillie, 14, 307.
- - Hall, 773, 788, 792, 824, 850.
- - Hautier, 17.
- - Herald, 18.
- - Hornsby, 36.
- - Hotchkiss, 33.
- - Humber, 22.
- - Hutton, 256, 360, 400, 436, 555, 589, 622, 1290, 1419.
- - Lanchester, 22.
- - Louet, 40.
- - Martini, 15, 22.
- - Mercedes, 219, 819, i5x4,
- - Milnes-Daimler, 1123, 1153, ii82> 1215, 1245, I272-
- - Minerva, 42, 1377*
- - Motobloc, 67.
- - Napier, 185.
- - Napier-Parsons, 874.
- - National, 871.
- - Oldsmobile, 957, 977-
- - Panhard, 1003, 1047.
- - Peugeot, 16, 45, 513-
- - Pipe, 15.
- - Prunel, 16.
- - Rational, 1348, I378, 1412, M4i-
- - Renault, 22.
- - Richard, G., 22.
- - Rolls-Royce, 1409, I44°» I533
- - Ryknield, 281.
- - Siddeley, 189.
- - Spyker, 6, 1206.
- - Star, 21.
- - Sutton, 676.
- - Talbot, 340.
- - Thornycroft, 285.
- - Tygard, 827.
- - Ville, 18.
- - Wilson-Pilcher, 463, 492> 5J9-
- - Winton, 22, 1263, I294- *323> *354-
- - Wolseley, 22, 87, 552, 586, 019-
- Steam—
- - Clarkson, 23.
- - Serpollet, 22.
- - White, 22, 982, 1007, 115G I437> *479-
- Mont Cenis, 861.
- Municipalities and motors, 31, 691, 719, 934, 1 *49, 1187, 1223, 1250, 1322, 1434.
- NAPIER motor boats, 381, 490, 917, 918, 927, 951* 952, 963, 1109, 1138, 1254, 1448, 1554.
- Napier cars and system, 54, 71, 1S5, 203, 247, 269, 381, 387, 423, 469, 485, 526, 567, 602, 661,729,835, 885, 889, 943, 1057, 1156,
- ii97, I3IR I33i, 1368, 1408, 1427, 1463, 1492, 1522.
- Naphthalene, 1287, 1302.
- Napier-Parsons van, S74.
- “National” system, 871.
- Neilson, R. M., on gas turbines, 1365, 1397.
- New Companies registered (see Companies).
- New Forest, A tour in the, 1359.
- New Orleans system, 207, 248, 250.
- Newspaper trials, 815, 840, 866.
- New York, 155.
- Nice Week, 383, 391, 419, 420, 423, 1517.
- “Nonex” safety device, 594.
- “Non-stop” runs, 477, 526, 567, 601, 658, 747, 802, 832, 885, 894, 967, 987, 1020, 1150, 1189, 1332, 1392.
- Norfolk Auto Club, 443, 718.
- Norman, H., 1260.
- Northampton Institute, 1207.
- Northamptonshire Auto Club, 1195, 1518.
- North British Rubber Co., 441, 1058.
- North-East Lancashire Auto Club, 230, 266, 7iS, 1332.
- Nottingham Auto Club, 94, 443, 535, 688, 718, 801, 807.
- Numbering cars, 639, 720.
- O’GORMAN, M., 511, 533, 561.
- Oldfield, B., 154, 446, 478, 529, 832, 837, 1052, 1304, 1330, 1332, 1393, 1484, 1550.
- Oldsmobile system, 29, 267, 537, 539, 741, 811, 934, 957, 977, 1036, 1038, 1044, 1057, 1099, 1108, 1130, 1144, 1165, 1192, 1214, 1223, 1252, 1279, 1305, 1338, 1454-
- Olympia Exhibition, 706, 890, 1024, 1310, 1313, 1374, 1406,1464, 1547.
- Omnibus companies, 236, 275, 1153, n7°, 1339, 1432.
- Omnibuses—motor, 9, 23, 201, 236, 255, 260, 275, 292, 312, 343, 499, 537- 540, 564, 572, 603, 663, 723, 799, 934, 976, 1062, 1123, 1153, 1170, 1185, 1245, 127 2, 1339, 1461.
- Orde, J. W., 1426.
- Orion system, 99, 409, 719, 1086.
- rmandy, W. R., 414, 443, 444-
- Ormonde-Laytona, 153, 197, 234, 1393. 1454.
- Ostende, 74°, 833, 882, 909, 964.
- PACKARD system, 49.
- Padua, 1280.
- Palmer tyre, 441, 742, 997, 1300, 1336, 1404.
- Panhard cars and system, 212, 416, 630, 890, 1003, 1047, 1382, 1426.
- Paper chases, 823.
- Paris Salon (i9°3)> 11, !4, 4°-
- Paris Salon (1904), 943, 1027, 1402, 1409, 1469, 1497, 1499, 1542.
- Paris Salon (1905), 1519, 1550.
- Paris-Trouville, 964, 993, 1021, 1 no.
- Park Regulations, 667, 691, 696, 921, 970.
- Parsons, 1031.
- Patent Law, 1262.
- Patent specifications (last paye each week).
- Pedrail, 80, 90, 113, 853, 1515.
- Peerless system, 549.
- Pelham cars, 1075.
- Pennell, J., 946.
- Perth, 1055, 1087.
- Peterborough Auto Club, 72, 808, S88.
- Petrol cars (see Motors and systems).
- Petrol-electric cars, 44, 1356, 1476.
- Petroleum in Sussex, 140S.
- Peugeot cars and system, 16, 45, 63, 265, 513.
- Phillips, R. E., 314.
- Phoenix tricar, 1386.
- Pickfords, 570
- Pick system, 247.
- Pipe system, 15, 46, 665, 701, 1509, 1511. Pits, 800.
- Police and automobilism, 74, 79, 101, 105, 131, 201, 236, 240, 274, 304, 386, 390, 448, 450, 471, 484, 496, 543, 571, 784, 786, 796, 816, 868, 913, 945, 975, 1023, 1024, 1174, 1254, 1293, 1369, 1401, 1461, 1525, 1554.
- “Pompeesi” tyre pump, 522.
- Poole Motor Club, 635.
- Popular motorcars, 533, 561-
- Portmarnock races, 986, 1081, 1089, 1112.
- Post offices and motors, 11, 163, 662, 1025, 1215, 1224, 1271, 1384.
- Powell, Major Baden, 680, 856, 1055, 1063.
- Press and Automobilism, The, 422, 453, 564, 842.
- Preston Auto Club, 379.
- Prince of Wales, 1374, 1525-
- Pritchetts-Gold system, 213.
- Private Prosecutors, 1176, 1205.
- Private trials, 815, 840, 866.
- Professional Drivers, 668.
- Progressive East, 19.
- Prosper-Lambert system, 1041, 1099, 1132.
- Prunel Carburettor, 10.
- Prunel cars and system, 16.
- Pulveriser, 677.
- Pumps, 522.
- QUADRANT tricar, 1387.
- RACES, records, and trials (see also Trials), 24, 48, 71, 97, 126, 129, 133, 153, 194, 234, 266, 293, 318, 350, 382, 416, 421, 426, 446, 477, 502, 524, 567, 596, 629, 653.. 682, 712, 715, 724, 740, 744, 778, 801, 830, 859, 882, 903, 922, 939, 965, 984, 985, ion, 1019, 1029, 1033, 1051, 1060, 1064, 1081, 1090, 1095, mo, 1130, 1135, 1162, 1188, 1203, 1218, 1231, 1231, 1277, 1303, ^S. I33°> 1.561, I39D 1423, I45I> 1484. 1517, 1548.
- Radia system, 1474.
- Radiators, 83, 245, 401, 1440, 1482.
- Radium, 51.
- Railring bicycle, 262.
- Railways and automobiles, 9, 147, 151, 236, 255. 292, 349, 603, 663, 675, 7o5,889, 912, 921, 981, 1078, 10S4, 1140, 1149, 1163, 1176, 1222, 1225, 1368.
- Railway motor coaches, 87, 195.
- Raleigh tricar, 1386.
- Ranelagh, 727.
- “Rational” cars and system, 1348, 1378, 1412, 1441.
- Reading Auto Club, 835, 911.
- Records (miscellaneous), 1137, 1162, 1167, 1221, 1279, 1304, 1330, 1332, 1362, 1393, 1423. 1484, 1550-
- Reed’s speedometer, 1249.
- Referee, 1224, 1282.
- Registration, 454, 639, 737, 912, 1026, 1058, 1207.
- Regulations, 4, 28, 329, 346, 471, 585, ^39, 691, 752, 1002.
- Reilloc tyre, 442, 853.
- Reliability trials, 21, 295, 296, 318, 5°3> 744, x424- ,
- Reliability trials for boats, 43°’ 6o*> 74°, 891, 896, 932, 961, 1054, M5°- Renard train, 1.
- Renault, M , 691. ,
- Renault cars and system, 22, nd6-
- Repairs, 483.
- Retrospect for 1904, 1529*
- Reviews of books, 20, 73, 124, 265, 322, 347, 415>-44°> S°o, 714, 800, 937, 1143, 1421.!
- Rex tricar, 1389.
- Rhodesia Auto Club, 569.
- Ribble tricar, 1388.
- Richard-Brasier system, 629, 637.
- Richard (Georges) cars and system, 22, 412, 629.
- Richardson system, 375.
- Riley tricar, 1389.
- Roads improvement, 5, 200, 512, 621, 7S7> 912, 950, 976, 1148, 1322.
- Robertson system, 408.
- Rochet-Schneider system, 46, 41 x.
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., 233.
- Rolls-Royce cars, 1409, 1440, 1533-
- Roots Oil system, 51.
- Rose system, 182.
- Rover cars, 1015, 1131.
- Royal Agricultural Show, 799, 1336.
- Royalty and Automobilism, 11, 159, 385, 1375-
- Roy system, 1546.
- Russell, Earl, 122, 151, 368, 536, 753.
- Ryde system, 310.
- Ryknield system, 182, 281.
- ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION, 25, 529, 543, 571, 971, 1053, 1314, 1341, 1370.
- Salon cup, 1194, 1220, 1450, 1516.
- Sandow, E., 417.
- Sangster, C., 1546.
- Sawyer non-skid, 1276.
- Scientific research, 639, 1009.
- Scottish Auto Club, 95, 124, 157, 292, 321, 379, 477, 536, 604, 718, 783, 808, 941, 975, 1113, 1137, 1202, 1255, 1392, 1403, 1488.
- Seashore racing, 153, 197, 234, 986, 987, 1081, 1089, II 12.
- Secondary batteries, 21.
- Seddon tyres, 288.
- Seine et Oise Auto Club, 1454.
- Selden patent, 121, 299, 636.
- Semmering hill-climb, 1163, 1257.
- Serpollet cars and system, 22, 525.
- “Service” cars, 1017, 1075.
- Sharp tricar, 1388.
- Sheffield Auto Club, 46, 94, 125, 157, 321, 690, 718, 781, 783, 834, 1022, 1116, 1142, 1219, 1401, 1518.
- Shock damper devices (see Anti-shock).
- Shrewsbury, Lord, 263.
- Shrewsbury-Challiner tyres, 288.
- Siam, 783*
- Siddeley, J. D., 290, 1512.
- Siddeley system, 189, 1015, 1076, 1096, 1257
- Side slip competitions, 195, 271, 293, 294, 320, 384, 416, 446, 477, 478, 501, 527, 550, 598, 686, 716, 833, 1063, 1133.
- Side slip preventers (see also Side slip competitions), 1276,
- Sign posts, 347.
- Silencers, 35, 313.
- Simms-Bosch magneto, 1045, 1159, 1239, 1267.
- Simms’ system, 147, 236, 602, 1014, 1271.
- Sirdar tyres, 878, 1133.
- Six hundred miles trials (see Automobile Club)
- Sixteen feet roads, 5.
- Skegness, 1251.
- Small car trials (see Automobile Club).
- Smith, E. Shrapnell, 912, 919, 934.
- Smith’s speed indicator, 1270.
- Smoke consumption, 448.
- Snowdon, climbing, 129, 132, 687, 717, 741.
- Society of Arts Papers, 87.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 68, 79, 88, 121, 152, 180, 193,349,417, 336, 706, 808, 890- 964, 972, 1024, 1088, 1122, 1364, 1395. 1406-
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Olympia Exhibition (see Olympia).
- Somersaulting motor car, 1466, 1492.
- South Africa and automobilism, 9, 80, 147, 201, 267, 569, 570, 668, 708, 753, 811, 1257, 1455. 1462, 1555.
- South-East Essex Auto Club, 783.
- Southern Motor Club, 660.
- South Lincolnshire Club, 49, 633.
- South Wales Auto Club, 1400.
- Spa, 940.
- Spectator and motors, 453.
- Speed diagram, 713.
- Speed indicators, 1208, 1248, 1262, 1269.
- Speed limit, The, 5, 131, 264, 347, 359, 388, 453, 479, 5i 1, 537, 575, 73$, 9'5, 943-
- Speed limit in France, 418, 1376.
- Speedwell cars, 1035, 1044, 1076, 1098.
- Sprags, 818.
- Springs, 186, 1184.
- Spring wheels, 1370.
- Spyker system, 6, 449, 669, 706, 717, 1206.
- Stanley steam car, 743.
- Stanley Show, 1373, 1385.
- Stanley silencer, 35.
- Star cars and system, 21, 1034, 1076, 1098, 1132.
- Starting lever, 635.
- Statistics, French industry, 728.
- Steam cars (see also Motors and systems), 43, 407, 470, 982, 1007, 1146, 1151, 1279, 1288, 1335, 1367.
- Steam generators, 408.
- Steam motor bicycle, 112.
- Steel, 691, 811.
- Steering, 828.
- Steering gear, 86, 141, 228, 439, 484, 497, 520, 1206, 1504.
- Steering head, 33.
- Stier wheels, 18.
- Stirling system, 348, 1055.
- Straits Settlements, 19.
- Straker system, 255, 981.
- Sturmey, H., 1491, 1520.
- Sunbeam cars, 204.
- Sunrising hill-climb, 903, 1391, 1484, 1524.
- Sutton oil system, 676.
- Swift system, 210, 1014, 1039, 1076, 1096, 1130.
- Switzerland, 1162, 1435.
- TALBOT system, 340, 374, 410, 802.
- Tare limit, 87.
- Tasmania, 938.
- Taxes, 222, 575.
- Technical schools, 1084, 1531 - Ten mile limit, 5, 57, 359, 388, 453, 534, 566, 607, 667, 723, 738, 915, 921, 943, 1171, H99, 1334,. H60.
- Testing materials, 1187.
- Thery, 638, 641.
- Thor system, 376.
- Thornycroft, J. E., 290.
- Thornycroft petrol system, 181, 285, 719, 971, 1423.
- Thornycroft steam system, 1337-
- Thousand miles trial (see Automobile Club).
- Tillings, 537, 799.
- Timing apparatus, 1336.
- Tisbury District Council, 200, 537, 667.
- Todd, R., 1385.
- Tony-Huber system, 43.
- Touquet, Le, 18.
- Tourist cars, 1092.
- Tourist car trials, 391, 503, 632, 715, 781, 966, 1082.
- Tourist trophy, The, 985, 1000, 1308, 1436, 1451, 1467, 1523.
- Track records (see Racing tracks and records).
- Traction engines, 36.
- Tractors, 36.
- Traffic question, 86, 126, 179, 330,355,482, 564, 608.
- Training schools, 303.
- Tramways, 829, 950, 968, 976, 1055, 10S7, “21, II56, !26l, 1274, I309, 1553.
- Translations, 86, 331.
- Transmission gear, 1251.
- Travellers’ cars, Commercial, 1150.
- Trials (see also Races, Reliability, small car trials, Automobile Club, &c.), 81 5, 840 866.
- Tricars, 441, 443, 1386-1389.
- Turin, 196, 1167, 1257.
- Turntables, 1493, 1553-
- Two-stroke engines, 69, 168, 798.
- Tygard engine, 827.
- Tyre bursts, 856, 889.
- Tyre depreciation and steering gear, 484, 497.
- Tyre pump, 522.
- Tyrer, T.. on alcohol, 543-
- Tyres, 288, 290, 441, 484, 680, 707, 853, 878, 1133, 1282, r3°°, 1336- Tyre trials, 632, 856.
- Tyre vulcanizer, 523, 707.
- UNICYCLE, A., 230.
- Universal joint, 408.
- Universal silencer, 313.
- VALVES, 229, 314.
- Valves and valve mechanism (Phillips), 314.
- Vanderbilt cup, 596, 742, 779, 838, 884, 1052, 1114, 1135, 1'63, 1192, 1203, 1218, 1259, 1277, 1362, 1369.
- Vanderbilt, W. K., junr., 126, 153, 1369. Vans, 184, 214, 319, 719, 874, 1183, 1198. Van trials, 478, 503, 528, 687, 988.
- Variable speed-gear (see also Change-speed), 555, 5H 622, 773, 788, 792, 824, 850. Vauxhall cars, 1015, 1044.
- Velox Motor Company, 636.
- Venice and London, 994.
- Ventoux hill-climb, 804, 989, 1051.
- Ville car and system, 18.
- Vinco tricar, 1388.
- Vinot-Deguingand system, 42, 1511, 1543.
- Volunteers (see Motor Volunteers).
- Vousemoi car, 374.
- Vulcanizer, 523, 707.
- Vulcan speed indicator, 1209.
- WAGONS (see Heavy vehicles).
- Wallace, R. W., 105.
- Warming apparatus, 28.
- Water jackets, 1010.
- Wentworth-Woodhouse meeting, 1188.
- Westinghouse system, 1475-
- West Surrey Auto Club, 535, 688, 808, 911, 1056.
- Westrumite, 511, 538, 1203.
- Wheels, 18, 83, 184, 372, 407, 439, 798, 1197, 1482.
- White, A. Moresby, 378, 413.
- White steam cars and system, 22, 127, 322, 569, 836, 982, 1007,1027, 1055, 1151, 1199, 1329, 1361, 1367, 1403, 1429, 1437, 1453, 1462, 1479, 1519, 1551.
- Wilkinson tyre, 289.
- Wilson-Pilcher system, 45, 205, 280, 463, 492, 5J9-
- Winter’s speed-indicator, 1248.
- Winton cars, 22, 253, 1263, 1294, 1323, 1354, 1382.
- Wolseley cars and system, 22, 87, 204, 243, 244, 246, 296, 389, 447, 462, 485, 538, 548, 552, 586, 619, 652, 905, 959, 1034, 1075, 1078, 1096, 1132, 1156, 1186, 1194, 1283, 1456, 1469, 1477, 1523.
- Wolverhampton Auto Club, 96, 349, 535, 660, 747, 997, 1082, 1088, 1116, 1142, 1162.
- Wright Bros., 94, 104, 148, 262, 1205.