1925 Automotor: Index

Vol 030. Jan to Dec 1925
- A.B.C. CAR, 151, 282. Road trial, 295.
- “About Brooklands Handicapping,” 681.
- “About Touring,” 325.
- A.C. car, 1, 39, 40, 43, 56, 92, 121, 152, 182, 193, 218, 229, 237, 259, 268, 279, 348, 360, 368, 379, 410, 423, 4-28, 430, 431, 443, 449, 475, 486, 527, 536, 580, 603, 612, 629, 661, 684, 686, 696, 705, 720, 725, 736, 745, 749, 767, 768, 802, 857, 884, 895, 919, 936, 947, 949, 957, 964, 979, 1006, 1026, 1066, 1071, 1077,1079, 1096, 1106, 1130,1134. Details, 341, 660. Road trials, 775, 1061.
- A.C. Cars, Ltd., 204, 802, 884, 922.
- A.C. engine, 11, 81, 339, 431, 617.
- Accessibility, 204, 225, 231, 268, 287, 374, 767. Accessories, 36, 72, 116, 136, 178, 222, 264, 340, 368, 424, 532, 558, 620, 680, 683, 684, 703, 724, 748, 766, 790, 827, 847, 946, 968, 1029, 1074, 1116, 1137.
- Accidents, 2, 7, 18, 37, 92, 120, 208, 314, 321, 327, 414, 466, 500, 517, 619, 654, 682, 683, 710, 715, 757, 794, 852, 1097, 1106, 1116, 1152.
- “Ace” funnel, and wheel disc, 532, 831.
- Adams, J., 770, 1043.
- Advertisements, 84, 120, 661, 704, 812.
- A.E.C. accessories, 1116.
- Africa, 445, 455, 457, 508, 1013, 1043, 1128.
- Aircraft, 984.
- Ajax car, 1164. Details, 1131.
- Alcohol, 1158.
- Alfa-Romeo car, 529, 547, 550, 652, 788, 857, 920, 958, 1021, 1022, 1123.
- Aluminium pistons, 182, 186, 203, 238, 268, 287, 327, 1018.
- Alvis car, 63, 193, 195, 281, 299, 318, 331, 403, 437, 442, 464, 487, 611, 653, 700, 793, 823, 857, 858, 895, 919, 991, 1029, 1030. Details, 361, 740. Road trial, 439.
- Ambulances, 377, 956, 985.
- American motor industry, 26, 90, 232, 280, 349, 357, 505, 537, 746, 989, 1050, 1086, 1118.
- American races, 486, 988.
- American roads, 260, 722, 845.
- American statistics, 90, 344, 505, 746, 1152.
- American traffic, 10, 956.
- Amilcar, 194, 571, 781, 823, 937, 945.
- Amsterdam show, 130.
- Ancient buildings, etc., 18, 23, 30, 31, 43, 49, 103, 129, 231, 494, 539, 541, 569, 583, 623, 669, 715, 727, 740, 749, 773, 998, 1021, 1065, 1156. Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 827, 1048.
- Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., 150, 1033, 1054.
- Angus-Sanderson car (details), 637.
- Ansaldo car, 338, 858, 888, 896, 958, 988, 1006, 1029, 1098. Road trial, 995.
- Ansaldo Motors, Ltd., 927.
- Anti-dazzle devices, 50, 70, 192, 242, 308, 554, 680, 839, 893, 925, 946, 1150.
- Anti-freezing mixture, 1117.
- Argentine, 722, 1003.
- Argyll car, 31, 173, 782, 858, 920.
- Ariel car, 150, 338, 380.
- Aries car, 858.
- Arm-rests, 516, 536.
- Armstrong-Siddeley car, 38, 173, 344, 402, 491, 537, 623, 647, 656, 727, 858, 896, 931, 958, 1006, 1048, 1101, 1141. Details, 425, 489. Road trial, 31a.
- Armstrong-Siddeley engine, 640.
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., 927.
- Army manoeuvres, 790, 851.
- Arrol-Johnston car, 859. Details, 1109.
- Art, 455, 466, 494, 501, 769, 1033.
- Association of Brit. Cycle and Motor-cycle Mfrs., 1145.
- Aster car, 859.
- Aston-Martin car, 281, 443, 464, 859, 957, 1021.
- Auster, Ltd., 205, 517, 827, 927.
- Austin car, 9, 18, 59, 79, 92, 111, 174, 260, 279, 308, 318, 328, 393, 403, 464, 465, 507, 527, 529, 571, 590, 652, 653, 675, 676, 716, 779, 785, 812, 823, 824, 825, 859, 883, 897, 919, 920, 924, 957, 964, 985, 993, 1005, 1006, 1011, 1015, 1066, 1073, 1087,1092,1129,1130. Details, 785. Road trials, 27, 374, 1039.
- Austin Lighting Co., 766.
- Austin Motor Co., 42, 247, 746, 768, 791, 814, 922.
- Austin, Sir Herbert, 140.
- Australia, 21, 56, 80, 89, 91, 112, 141, 158, 161, 251, 297, 369, 571, 638, 709, 721, 751, 924, 1086. Austria, 83, 85, 102.
- Austro-Daimler car, 653, 860, 962.
- Authors of Rome, 138.
- AUTO, road signs, 208, 245, 414, 456, 605, 795, 946, 1058.
- Auto. Sundries, Ltd., 828.
- Automobile Association and Motor Union, 52, 64, 78, 92, 152, 174, 188, 218, 280, 328, 377, 404, 483, 526, 576, 591, 625, 629, 693, 700, 786, 840, 944, 957, 988, 1026, 1064, 1112, 1140.
- Automobile Engines, 96.
- Automotive Products Co., 828.
- Autoram grease-gun, 675.
- Autovac accessories, 48, 57, 72, 148, 183, 643, 644, 926, 1065, 1148.
- Axles, 2, 85, 135, 145, 324, 907, 1153.
- BAISLEY, F. C. (death of), 428.
- Baker’s anti-dazzle device, 70.
- Ballot car, 860.
- Barimar, Ltd., 349, 828.
- Barker headlight-dipping device, 70, 192, 745.
- Barnacle lamp, etc., 71, 924.
- Bartle (J.) and Co., Ltd {see also Windsor), 988.
- Batteries and accumulators, 288, 702, 830, 839, 848, 936, 1074, 1108.
- Battery charge indicator, 766.
- Bayliss-Thomas car, 380, 858, 860, 897. Details, 13.
- Bean car, 80, 91, 216, 279, 282, 437, 714, 860, 919, 982, 986, 1043. Road trial, 211.
- Beardmore car, 861, 898, 926, 986, 1007, 1029.
- Bearings, 516, 1065.
- Beclawat specialities, 264, 662, 828, 926.
- Belgium, 109, 380, 475, 550, 589, 636, 1050.
- Belsize-Bradshaw car, 998, 1043.
- Belsize-Bradshaw Light Car Club, 755, 778, 944.
- Benevolent Fund, 202, 826, 1086.
- Bentley car, 98, 194, 279, 282, 463, 652, 662, 720, 781, 846, 861, 898, 923, 926, 1007, 1030. Details, 546, 636, 888, 1067. Road trial, 189.
- Benton and Stone, 675.
- Benzole, 277, 352, 596.
- Berliet car, 548.
- Berriman, A. E., 104, 770.
- Berry (H. C.), Ltd., 1141.
- Berswitch, 790.
- “Best of the Day,” 387.
- Between Ourselves—weekly notes.
- Beverley-Barnes car, 861.
- Bianchi car, 860, 861, 898, 919, 939, 944, 1007.
- Road trial, 669.
- Biflex engine bearer, 516.
- Biflex bumpers, 813, 836.
- Bird (B. S.) and Co., 329, 369, 591, 926.
- Blackpool and Fylde M.C., 277.
- Blic magneto, 829.
- Boillot Cup, 736.
- Bonnets and fasteners, 225, 368, 390, 431, 491, 828, 898, 900, 1029.
- “Bonuses,” 581.
- Bora car, 781.
- Border Country, 707.
- Boulogne meeting, 505, 736.
- Boyce mascot, 766.
- Boys, 52, 112, 466, 516, 619, 1055.
- Brace, Windle, Blyth and Co., Ltd., 735.
- Bradford and Huddersfield A.C., 66.
- Bradford M.C. and L.C. Club, 1092.
- Brake rings, 835.
- Brake signals, 1074, 1116.
- Brakes, 3, 55, 113, 182, 241, 251, 333, 343, 409, 431, 432, 452, 473, 508, 542, 605, 671, 684, 685, 692, 709, 741, 745, 748, 850, 911, 917, 962, 987, 1002, 1032, 1054, 1074, 1075, 1095, 1116, 1123, 1133, 1134, 1161.
- Brass, Capt., 456, 458, 472.
- Breakdowns, 230, 246, 287, 465, 483.
- “Brigand at Play,’’ 243.
- Briggs, H., on Elimination of Noise in the Motor Cycle, 1144.
- Brighton, 286, 334, 716, 755, 778.
- British cars, 252, 294, 367, 812, 989, 1056, 1118.
- British Empire Exhibition, 86, 260.
- British Government, 25, 29, 106, 372, 389, 436 456, 461, 508, 520, 522, 542, 646, 682, 818, 950, 972, 992, 1026, 1036, 1122, 1144.
- British, Government, Questions in Parliament, 18, 191, 242, 267, 273, 277, 286, 337, 394, 464, 472, 450, 576, 610, 629, 671, 682, 1054, 1072, 1073, 1076, 1088, 1096, 1105, 1106, 1116, 1119, 1138, 1149, 1150.
- British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 829, 926, 1033.
- Brooklands, 66, 100, 132, 226, 246, 328, 338, 365, 379, 576, 681, 784, 890, 936, 1096.
- Brooklands racing, 304, 318, 360, 371, 373, 379, 399, 402, 445, 449, 462, 486, 525, 547, 592, 631, 645, 652, 654, 695, 700, 713, 764, 771, 779, 808, 815, 816, 822, 855, 856, 929, 937, 945.
- Brooklands records, 472, 580, 629, 676, 964, 979, 1022, 1031.
- Brown Bros, accessories, 364, 724, 829, 926.
- Brown Bros, garage, 409.
- Brown (E. G.) and Co., 116, 684, 829, 927.
- B.S.A. car, 402, 861, 862, 899, 958.
- Budget, the, 389, 602.
- Buffers (door), 684, 829.
- Bugatti car, 58, 173, 193, 279, 281, 282, 379, 437, 463, 464, 530, 593, 695, 736, 861, 862, 920, 1152. Road trial, 253.
- Buick car, 100, 667, 696, 860, 862, 899, 1151. Details, 1000.
- Bumpers, 581, 715, 746, 766, 813, 828, 836, 1116.
- Burns Memorial, 549.
- Burt engine, 173.
- ’Buses, motor, 144, 169, 436, 484 , 778, 987, 988.
- By Mountain and Glen, 561, 568.
- CADILLAC CAR, 60, 90, 605, 862. Details, 509.
- Calcott car, 862, 944. Details, 657.
- Calometer, 737.
- Calthorpe car, 31, 60, 151, 863, 900, 1030. Details, 467.
- Cambridge, 420, 494, 500, 674, 988, 1003, 1076
- Camshaft drive, 966.
- Canada, 556, 738, 746.
- Cape to Cairo, 1128, 1158.
- Car and General Insurance Corpn., 330, 829.
- Caravans, 1072, 1096.
- Carburation, 196, 364, 372, 431.
- Carburettors, 344, 510, 664, 832, 833, 840, 902, 1008.
- Carburettors and Carburation, 366.
- Carless, Capel and Leonard, 829, 927.
- Carr, Twysden and Co., Ltd., 927.
- Cars, care and adjustment of, 3, 251, 269, 330, 348, 1015.
- Cars, cost of running, 333, 1026.
- Catalogues, 21, 204, 1033, 1044.
- C.A.V. equipment, 72, 927, 946, 969, 1010, 1074.
- Ceirano car, 863.
- Cerric car finish, 307, 516, 557, 1112.
- Chain belt, 386.
- Chalmer and Hoyer coachwork, 927, 941.
- Championship, 266.
- “Chance of a Lifetime,” 77.
- Chars-a-bancs, 535, 572, 988.
- Chatterton, Dr. Edgar (death of), 37.
- “Chekko” brake linings, 769.
- Chenard-Walcker car, 32, 863, Road trial, 5.
- Cheshire, 146, 207, 214, 484.
- Chevrolet car, 273, 863, 900, 986. Details, 283.
- Children, 609, 722.
- Chinn’s Patents, Ltd., 978. , .
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd. (s<tf also Exide), 288,746,830,926,927.
- Christmas, 1080, 1119, 1135, 1140.
- Chrysler car, 442, 681, 780, 864, 901, 940, 987. Details, 597.
- Cigar-lighter, 116.
- Citroen car, 58, -124, 716, 863, 864, 1130.
- Clark foot-warmer, 264.
- Claudel-Hobson carburettor, 833.
- Cleaning of cars, 269, 329, 790, 831, 1140, 1151.
- Clincher tyrc, 834.
- Clocks, 836, 838.
- Closed cars, 488, 816, 931, 951, 1015.
- “Closed cars and Cough Drops," 595.
- Cluley car, 862, 864.
- Clutches, 432, 886, 1002.
- Clyno car, 131, 150, 217, 309, 449, 505, 826, 864, 883, 901, 919, 958, 1007, 1030. Details, 765, 1153.
- Coachwork design and construction, 60, 98, 110, 131, loS, 159, 244, 259, 269, 300, 347, 358, 378, 3S5, 457, 484, 496, 497, 506, 694, 747, 768, 856, 923, 931,939, 951, 968, 983, 989, 1006, 1011, 1017, 1048, 1053, 1073, 1106.
- Coachwork doors and windows, 204, 225, 378, 662, 684, 828, 829, 833.
- Coachwork hoods and curtains, 230, 268, 348, 488, 837, 1015, 1054.
- Coachwork, paint and finish, 269, 307, 348, 390, 431, 451, 465, 473, 516, 536, 557, 590, 924, 967, 1096, 1097, 1117, 1151, 1163.
- Coachwork, seats and upholstery, 9, 36, 49, 69, 96, 135, 148, 149, 169, 177, 259, 300, 358, 516, 536, 835, 1043, 1059, 1117, 1139, 1155.
- Coan, R. W., 238, 349, 830, 923, 968.
- Coatalen, L., 233, 943.
- Colmore Cup trial, 226.
- Colour of cars, 451, 1094, 1163.
- Commercial Motor Users’ Association, 172, 300, 312, 642, 893, 925, 956.
- Commercial vehicle exhibition, 60, 64, 796, 956, 973, 985, 1011.
- Company doings (see also New companies list, weekly), 22, 42| 290, 330, 768, 791, 814, 942, 948, 989, 1030, 1077, 1118, 1142.
- Comparisons, 71, 111, 260, 400, 640, 1086.
- “Concerning Figures,” 305.
- “Concerning Garage-Pits,” 471, 1049.
- Conferences, 89, 888, 1005.
- “Con. Rod Bearings and Dog Food,” 1159.
- Constable country, 8.
- Cooling, 20, 79, 91, 100, 353, 585, 901, 992, 993, 1054, 1075, 1095, 1139.
- Cooper-Stewart accessories, 116, 790, 830, 831, 926.
- Cork’s spring-clip chain belt, 386.
- Comercroft, Ltd., 532, 831.
- Correspondence—Weekly.
- Cottin-Desgouttes car. Road trial, 649.
- “Counting Ten,” 408.
- County Chemical Co., Ltd., 831.
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., 831.
- Coventry Victor car, 800.
- Cox-Atmos carburettor, 148, 664, 832, 926, 114S.
- Craftsman headlamp, 1150.
- Crawhez, Baron de (death of), 380.
- Cripples’ outings, 556, 714.
- “Critic, The,” 179.
- Crossley, Basil C., 531, 770.
- Crossley car, 21, 56, 85, 138, 161, 165, 205, 313, 318, 399, 411, 433, 479, 517, 572, 625, 638, 653, 681, 686, 689, 768, 771, 780, 781, 846, 855, 864, 865, 901, 902, 941, 945, 971, 985, 1008, 1076, 1081, 1128, 1158. Details, 835. Road trials, 355, 953.
- Crossley-Kegresse tractor, 149, 226.
- Crouch car (details), 677.
- Cubitt car, 141, 251, 279, 308, 388, 410. Details, 93.
- Culleton, L. G., 1098.
- Cummings, Miss Ivy (wedding of), 559.
- Currency exchange, 41, 99, 663, 723.
- Cyclists, 19, 39, 102, 105, 330, 641.
- Cylinder gauge, 1051.
- Cylinders, 746, 757.
- DAILY MAIL, 158, 852, 952.
- Daimler car, 61, 105, 158, 378, 402, 484, 501, 514, 747, 856, 865, 893, 902, 919, 926, 958, 985, 989, 1008, 1106. Details, 632. Road trial, 933.
- Darracq car, 32, 51, 320, 403, 428, 437, 823, 824, 865, 884, 902, 919, 1008, 1021.
- De Dion-Bouton car, 320, 630, 654, 663, 681, 866, 903, 919, 958, 986, 1008. Road Trials, 417, 711, 1103.
- De Dion, the Marquis, 947.
- Dedham, 8.
- Delage car, 700, 806, 866. Details, 113.
- Delahaye car, 865, 866.
- Delaunay-Belleville car, 216, 865, 866, 903, 1008. Details, 717. Road trial, 67.
- Delivery, 309.
- Delta spot-light, 680, 839.
- Derbyshire, 10, 855, 971.
- Desert, motoring over, 58, 92, 585.
- Desiderio, C., 392.
- Design (see also Coachwork; Engines), 3, 20, 65, 85, 119, 125, 139, 160, 231, 236, 268, 287, 410, 437, 479, 496, 515, 558, 580, 620, 625, 641, 745, 850, 892, 1123, 1145.
- Desmo accessories, 178, 684, 766, 832.
- “ Det., with G.,” 450.
- Devonshire, 110, 151, 169, 256, 1145.
- Dewar trophy, 927, 1005, 1033.
- Diana car, 904.
- Diatto car, 266, 866, 904, 958, 996. Road trial, 147.
- Dimming switch, 837, 914.
- Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., 814.
- Dodge Brothers car, 601, 867, 962, 987. Road trial, 503.
- “Domestic Problem," 635.
- Donnet-Zedel car (details), 239, 846.
- Dorsetshire, 541, 749.
- Dover, Ltd., 832.
- “Dreams," 354.
- Drivers, tests for, 18, 209, 512, 525, 559, 733.
- Driving comfort, 1037.
- “Driving Lesson,” 1004, 1027.
- Driving and road manners, 20, 146, 372, 474, 505, 530, 536, 579, 612, 666, 688, 708, 709, 710, 722, 730, 772, 851, 967, 1004, 1027, 1044, 1073, 1122, 1158.
- Duckham’s oil, 39, 404, 621, 675, 748.
- Duco accessories, 724.
- Dunhill's accessories, 36.
- Dunlop guides, 137, 382, 612, 786, 1064.
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 290, 329, 428, 579, 622, 638, 693, 832.
- Dunlop tyre, 72, 120, 149, 174, 259, 299, 585, 663, 667, 832, 1078.
- Dupont body-finish, 465, 590.
- Durant car, 391, 867, 905.
- Dust, 480.
- D’Yrsan car, 800.
- Early cars, 78, 320, 359, 381, 507.
- Economy, 333, 368, 1122, 1144. ,
- Edge, S. F., 61, 81, 121, 279, 612, 661, 696, 704, 769, 784, 789, 825, 887, 922, 947, 998, 1031, 1071, 1086.
- Edge, S. F., on Merits of the Small Six, 11, 19.
- Eldridge, E. A. D., 592.
- Ely and Peterborough, 420.
- Enfield-Allday car, 139.
- Engine bearer, 516.
- Engine design, 9, 11, 19, 39, 51, 59, 79, 81, 99, 100, 119, 161, 173, 292, 328, 400, 431, 473, 617, 632, 640, 647, 720, 767, 831, 984, 998, 1106.
- Engine superchargers, 165, 302, 307, 367, 381, 566, 661, 703, 798.
- Engine troubles, 100, 140.
- England, E. C. Gordon, 59, 259, 822, 924, 1073.
- Englebert tyre, 368, 638.
- Essex, 8, 572, 728, 1037, 1058.
- Essex car, 31, 507, 696, 867, 1140.
- Essex County and Southend A.C., 449, 556, 802.
- Essex Motor Club, 24, 32, 89, 143, 145, 150, 191, 281, 399, 505, 654, 714, 856.
- Excelsior shock absorber, 1052.
- Exhaust (see also Silencers), 254, 307, 367.
- Exhibitions (see also Motor Show ; Paris Salon), 78, 86, 89, 90, 130, 260, 333, 349, 353, 550, 720, 752, 796, 956, 973, 985, 1003, 1006, 1011, 1012, 1026, 1029, 1037, 1042, 1072, 1073.
- Exide specialities, 288.
- Ezyemptier, 837.
- Fans, 94, 197, 219, 261, 406, 896, 904, 905.
- Farman car, 867.
- Farmers, 550, 1094.
- Ferodo, 671, 812, 832.
- Ferries, 556, 1022, 1096.
- “Festina Lente,” 500.
- Fiat car, 100, 158, 259, 277, 388, 404, 443, 463, 506, 592, 593, 616, 654, 663, 664, 681, 780, 866, 867, 905, 920, 986, 1008, 1053, 1065. Details, 53. Road trial, 481.
- Finance, 41,99, 247, 663, 723, 930.
- Finsbury fuel and oil economiser, 1020.
- Fire, 702, 813, 924.
- Fire extinguishers, 813, 836.
- Firestone tyre, 833.
- First Aid for the Car, 1138.
- Fisk tyre, 926, 989.
- Flint car, 868, 905. Details, 613.
- Floods, 143, 1094.
- F. N. car, 424, 655, 868, 919, 1029.
- Fog, 45, 99, 1077.
- Folvo glare screen, 680, 839.
- Foot rests, 273.
- Ford car, 143, 297, 338, 377, 538, 783, 1087, 1130.
- Ford, Henry, 38.
- France, motoring in, 18, 121, 404, 410, 475, 494, 638, 758, 795, 1022, 1064, 1076.
- Franklin car, 20, 91, 1152.
- Frazer-Nash car, 282, 736, 824, 1022, 1030. Road trial, 1083.
- French races and events, 140, 226, 259, 428, 525, 527, 554, 610, 642, 736, 988.
- Friction drive, 19, 62.
- “From the Lazar-House,” 137.
- Fuel economy, 195, 1020.
- Fuel tax, 104.
- Fuels, 26, 260, 352, 492, 694.
- Future, The, 786.
- GALLOWAY CAR, 41,867, 868, 920. Details, 133.
- Garages, 18, 62, 76, 84, 120, 131, 144, 172, 288, 328, 359, 365, 409, 471, 555,629, 813, 1049, 1141, 1163.
- Gearless cars, 515, 558, 580, 620, 641.
- Gears and gear-boxes, 279, 368, 390, 410, 431, 473, 479, 495, 557, 600, 745, 757, 784, 845, 885, 901, 908, 916, 937, 938, 946, 978, 1007.
- General Motors Corp., 768, 791, 942, 1030, 1118.
- “Gentlemen, ‘The Ladies’!” 1027.
- Germany, 41,99, 636, 694, 1 149.
- Gifts, cars as, 165, 422, 713, 1134.
- Gillett, T., 449, 475, 720, 769.
- “Gladeii” anti-dazzle visor, 70.
- Glass (see also Triplex), 729.
- Gliksten (J.) and Son, 924.
- Gloucestershire, 413, 499.
- G. N. car, 145, 151, 194, 203.
- Golf-ball finder “ Maxfli,” 1119.
- Goodrich tyre, 828.
- Goodyear wheel, 833,
- Goutte, M., 822.
- Gradient-meter, 470.
- Graham (A.) and Co., Ltd., 833.
- Grand Prix races, 92, 140, 169, 226, 259, 428, 550, 589, 610, 642, 661, 736, 764, 806, 988.
- Graphol lubricant, -12.
- Greece, 224.
- Grey, H. W., 581.
- Guarantees, 259, 388, 686.
- Guinness, K. Lee, 618.
- G.W.K. car, 19, 62, 847, 868.
- HAMPTON CAR, 150, 152, 218, 477, 508, 867 868 906, 920. Road Trial, 167.
- Handicapping, 681.
- Harrogate, 20, 1156.
- Haynes, E. (death of), 346.
- Hayward (F. H.) and Co., Ltd., 747, 923, 942.
- H.E. car, 686, 1138. Details, 1115. Road trial, 691. 1152
- Headlight dipping devices> 70. 744, 745, 969, 1092,
- Headlight glare, 227, 232, 245, 300, 745, 893, 925, 1116,1150.
- Headlight tests 2°’ 5°’ 118, 187, 192, 242’ 554
- Headlights, 109, 550, 446, 969.
- Heaters, car, 264, 470, 946, 1071.
- Heating the mixture, 372 431
- Heavy vehicles (see also ‘Buses ; Chars-a-bancs; Commercial; 273, 300, 312, 352, 386, 394, 436,’ a05, 530, 540, 680, 964, 1032, 1076.
- Herne Bay Speed Trials, 506, 529.
- Highways and Byways,” 714
- Hillman car, 840, 868, 869, 884, 920. Details 734, 959. Road trial, 87.
- Hills and hill climbing, 83, 85, 92, 158, 174, 185, 191, 193, 250’ 28I> 292> 314> 321. 327, 372, 382, 393, 395, 428, 437, 442, 461, 572, 687, 707 716 849, 856, 945, 979, 1031, 1073, 1079.
- Hispano-Suiza car, 869.
- Hobbs, W., 581.
- Hobson, H., 770, 966.
- Hobson (H. M.), Ltd., 833.
- Holland, 130, 488.
- Honours, 483.
- Hooper coachwork, 856, 893, 1106.
- Horns, hooters, etc., 209, 245, 487, 550, 579, 684, 790, 833, 1088.
- Horse-power, 69, 104, 274, 1117, 1139, 1162.
- Horses, 10, 161, 243, 409.
- Hose-clip, 136.
- Hospitals, 346, 515, 517.
- Hotchkiss car, 868, 869.
- Hotels, 621, 695, 884, 1031, 1053.
- “House organs,” 990.
- Houses, 450, 493, 536.
- Howard radiator muff, 178.
- Huddersfield M.C. and Light Car Club, 525.
- Hudson car, 869, 870.
- Humber car, 31, 298, 349, 353, 453, 517, 527, S69, 906, 919, 958, 1008, 1029, 1099, 1129. Details, 756. Road trials, 298, 543, 1147.
- Humber, Ltd., 42, 889.
- Hupmobile car, 60, 869, 907. Details, 73, 803.
- “If Winter Comes,” 1071.
- Ignition (see also Magnetos), 452, 758, 773, 789, 817, 845, 846, 883, 887, 918, 967, 984, 1031.
- Ignition plugs, 299, 581, 817, 836.
- Imperia car, 92, 173, 291, 870.
- Imperia Vitalizer, 364.
- Import duties, 60, 252, 367, 389, 475, 602, 610, 812.
- Imports and exports, 82, 162, 24^, 350, 434, 505, 518, 622, 706, 738, 792, 928, 1034, 1081, 1120.
- India, 3, 40, 45, 231,344, 395, 515, 714, 1081.
- Indianopolis race, 486, 988.
- Indicators, 36, 737, 835, 837.
- Industrial outlook, 140, 252, 294, 367, 412, 812, 989, 1055, 1077, 1086, 1118
- Inns (sec also Hotels), 207, 444, 623, 1143.
- Inshaw camshaft drive, 966.
- [[Institute of Metals], 795.
- Institute of Transport, 851.
- Institution of Auto. Engineers, 29, 69, 89, 110, 196 374 720 758, 795, 888, 924, 936, 1020, 1106.
- Institution’ of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers, 60.
- Institution of Petroleum Technologists, lb9.
- Insurance, 2, 18, 25, 39, 97, 242, 441, 497, 542, 604, 606 641, 642, 716, 836, 852, 1149.
- Inter Varsity events, 174, 185, 193, 988, 1003.
- Inventers and inventions, 453, 550, 600, 661, 723.
- Invicta car, 430, 529, 530, 593, 926, 979. Details,
- Ireland, 5^237,^T^S, 629, 660, 918, 961, 1072, 1094, 1150.
- “Irolene,” 260.
- Isle of Man 526. qn7
- Isetta-Fraschini car, 870, 907.
- Italy 121 169, 242, 399, 403, 638, 719, 764, 795, 870, 1052, 1123.
- JACKS, 217, 563, 639, 683, 704, 1075.
- Jaeger (Ed.), Ltd., 969.
- Jeavons spring gaiters, 836.
- Jenks (H.), Ltd., 834, 1074.
- J.M. shock-absorbers, etc., 21,72, 716, 766, 927, 1137.
- Johnson’s radiator-cement, 329.
- Jowett car, 826, 870, 919, 998. Details, 174.
- Joynson-Hicks, Sir W., 300, 312, 456, 458, 474.
- “jubilee ” hose-clip, 136.
- Junior Car Club, 92, 218, 230, 238, 317, 338, 360, 371, 373, 379, 402, 432, 571, 716, 733, 742, 816, 884, 1088, 1134.
- Junior Car Club 200-mile Race, 445, 577, 695, 700, 808, 816, 822, 855, 883, 884, 887.
- Kenilworth Castle, 31.
- Kent, 29, 506, 529, 706, 728, 855, 888, 966.
- Keros carburettor, 344.
- King George, 280, 286, 752.
- Kissel car, 203. Details, 153. Road trial, 397.
- Klaxon horn, 487, 550, 1098.
- K.L.G. plugs, 299, 581, 836,927.
- Kop-hill climbing, 281, 321, 327, 687.
- LAGONDA CAR, 145, 870, 908, 919, 920, 957. Details, 33, 844.
- Lake and Elliott, 834.
- Lake district, 603, 695.
- Lamb manifold, 554.
- Lamps (see also Headlights), 71, 72, 155, 178, 680,830, 838, 839, 946, 962, 968.
- Lancashire, 526.
- Lanchester car, 110, 194, 269, 457, 547, 653, 694 780, 781, 871,908,941, 1008.
- Lancia car, 593, 871,909, 948, 958, 987, 988. Details 446, 466 .
- Landstad, H., 581.
- Langham Motor Co. coachwork, 378.
- Lankester Engineering Co., 475.
- Large cars, 20, 44, 111, 121, 245, 312, 958.
- Law, 166, 374, 952.
- Laystall Motor Engineering Works, 834.
- Lea-Francis car, 339, 549, 687, 871,909, 920, 937, 945 1008. Details, 1023. Road trial, 627.
- Lectures and papers, 29, 89, 110, 196, 218, 562, 795 888,924,1106,1144.
- Lefrere, Major E., 173, 661, 695.
- Legal cases, 20, 64, 78, 84, 101, 119, 236, 576, 924, 1054.
- Legislation (see also Motor Legislation Committee; Taxation), 2, 126, 165, 232, 272, 332, 372, 396, 461, 478, 508, 520, 522, 542, 606, 723, 795, 972, 1026, 1038, 1122, 1146, 1158.
- Le Mans races, 525, 527, 554.
- Lenses, 50, 227, 308.
- Leon Bollee car, 367. Details, 965.
- Letts, Sir Wm, 161, 433, 526, 662, 769, 921, 923, 972 989.
- Leyland car, 547, 1009.
- Leyland-Thomas car, 281, 462, 514, 592, 616, 781 936.
- Licences, 2, 18, 40, 78, 130, 255, 260, 357, 358, 377 388, 466, 502, 525, 530, 674, 706, 723, 729, 927 1064, 1094, 1140.
- Light cars. Sec Light Car Gossip, weekly.
- Lighting, car and cycle, 56, 105, 109, 120, 194, 314, 334, 466, 496, 550, 834, 837.
- Lighting, street, 799, 966.
- Lincolnshire, 1037, 1059, 1065, 1151.
- Litter, 694.
- Liverpool, M.C., 802.
- Locking devices, 724, 829, 830.
- Locomobile car, 871. Details, 841.
- Log book, 702.
- London—Edinburgh, 424, 461, 512.
- London—Exeter, 7, 50, 1158.
- London—Holyhead, 324, 395.
- London—Land’s End, 300, 326, 366.
- London Rally, 461.
- “London’s Traffic Problem,” 17.
- Lorraine-Dietrich car, 463, 645, 681, 872, 1074.
- Lost property, 526.
- Low, Prof. A. M., 218, 682, 786.
- Lubricants (see also Oil), 39, 42, 610, 840, 1138.
- Lubrication, 2, 16, 39, 60, 139, 160, 181, 359, 367, 373, 432, 501, 620, 675, 704, 723, 735, 746, 757, 767, 831, 840, 983, 993, 1053, 1054, 1075, 1139.
- “Luburetor,” 757.
- Lucas (Joseph), Ltd., 205.
- Luggage, 399, 521, 557, 755.
- Luggage carriers, 15, 35, 212, 264, 276, 357, 376, 399, 431, 449, 452, 482, 505, 567, 609, 827, 855, 908, 935, 1002, 1017, 1041.
- MADDOX COACHWORK, 506, 926, 939, 983, 1053.
- Magistrates, 125, 144, 146, 332, 394, 436, 500, 502, 505, 530, 552, 594, 667, 688, 690, 708, 795, 855, 883.
- Magnetic car, 515, 872, 909.
- Magnetos (sec also Ignition), 14, 113, 220, 552, 678, 829, 834, 916, 918, 967, 1031.
- Magpie Country, 214.
- Malco vacuum cleaner, 1140.
- “Man, a Story and a Book,” 201.
- Manufacturers, 139, 252, 367, 812, 1056.
- Maps, 137, 218, 568, 629, 672.
- Marine motor show, 60, 78, 89, 888, 1026, 1072.
- Marmon car, 466, 872, 910, 924. Details, 261. Road trial, 587.
- Marshall, B. S., 10, 24, 736, 1151.
- Mascots, 766, 968.
- Mathis car, 872. Road trial, 335.
- Maybury, Sir Henry, 488, 514, 610, 708, 950.
- Mayner, E. A., 847.
- Mays-Smith, Sir A., 456, 654, 769.
- Mebes and Mebes, 20, 309.
- Mechanism of the Car, 786.
- Mecredy, the late R. J., 201.
- Mentor battery indicator, 766.
- Menuge accessories, 558, 1051.
- Mercedes car, 381,442,920,926. Details, 301. Road trials, 565, 797.
- Merits of the Small Six (S. F. Edge), 11. See also Six-cyl. Engines.
- Merryweather fire float, 204.
- Metallurgique car, 872.
- Metals, 346.
- Michelin tyre, 370, 621,703.
- Midgley lighting system, 496, 834.
- Milward, W. F., 167, 218.
- Minerva car, 445, 872, 910, 987. Road trial, 819.
- Mirrors, 72, 235.
- Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord, 640, 648, 667.
- Monte Carlo Rally, 92, 152.
- Moon car, 616, 791,873, 987.
- Moonbeam headlamp, 118, 192.
- Moore-Brabazon, Lt.-Col. J. T. C.,648.
- Morgan car, 800.
- Morning Post, 795.
- Morris cars, 21,36, 123, 222,244, 364, 444, 514, 526, 530, 703, 723, 735, 745, 837, 873, 910, 941, 964, 1008, 1032, 1064, 11 16, 1 134, Details, 737, 1089. Morris headlamps, 1092, 1152.
- Morris-Leon Bollee car (Details), 965.
- Morris motor houses, 76, 131, 629.
- Morris Motors, Ltd., 141,367, 581,784, 1162.
- Motor boating, 204, 260, 358, 443, 485, 521,528.
- Motor Cycle Show, 89, 796,800.
- Motor cycles (see also Motor Cycling Club), 430, 444, 478, 484, 515, 530, 557, 579, 620, 624, 693, 716, 750, 796, 845, 887, 956, 1026, 1052, 1064, 1072, 1138,1144, 1158.
- Motor Cycling Club, 7, 50, 300, 326, 366, 388, 424, 461, 466, 488, 512, 937, 945, 956, 958, 1158.
- Motor Equipments, Ltd., 834.
- Motor Legislation Committee, 372, 654, 738.
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders’ Mutual Insurance Co., Ltd., 716.
- Motor Necessities, Ltd., 21, 716, 766, 926.
- Motor Show (Olympia), 60, 64, 78, 102, 280, 328, 365, 514, 815, 850, 888, 890, 891, 892, 894, 921, 942, 947, 957.
- - Accessories, 827.
- - Cars, 857, 895, 919, 967.
- - Coachwork, 931,951,968.
- Motor sledges, 1070.
- Motor Transport reunion, 840.
- “Motoring and Gambling,” 577.
- Motoring and motorists (see also Driving), 57, 124, 166, 522, 621, 701, 818, 851, 1060, 1077, 1102.
- Motoring in France, 1064.
- Motoring organisations, 188, 708, 745,752.
- “ Motorist’s eye,” 140.
- Motorists’ Association, 1073.
- Mudguards, 391.
- Mulliner coachwork, 514, 940.
- Municipal cars, 52, 596, 680, 956.
- Mutual Adaptability in Car and Road, 236.
- NAPIER CAR, 163, 681,999.
- Napier (D.) and Son, Ltd., 330, 926.
- Nash car, 1164.
- National Benzole Co., Ltd., 352.
- Neverskid shock absorber, 17S, 369.
- New York show, 90.
- New Zealand, 1086, 1 158.
- Newcastle and District M.C., 802.
- Night driving, 346,388,474,799,931, 1026, 1044.
- Noisy cars and motor-cycles, 65, 100, 1 19, 132, 140, 245, 286, 312, 437, 452, 478, 515, 536, 557, 579, 620, 624, 709, 750, 845, 887, 956, 1026, 1072, 1144, 1145.
- Non-skids, 36.
- North and Sons, 834.
- North British Rubber Co., Ltd., 834.
- North-West London M.C., 7.
- Northamptonshire, 420, 656, 1035.
- Northey, P. W., 455, 466, 494, 501,769.
- Number-plates, 56, 105, 194, 349, 550, 795, 830, 968, 1076.
- “Numbered Roads,” 429.
- Nuttall’s, Ltd., 368.
- OAKLAND CAR, 873, 874, 911.
- Obstruction, 130, 132, 200, 266, 374, 377, 487.
- Offords, Ltd., 612, 802.
- O’Gorman, Col. Mervyn, 554.
- “ Oh, the Snow, the Beautiful Snow ! ” 1113.
- Oil (see also Lubrication), 182, 357, 404, 423, 541, 682, 748, 840, 993, 1033, 1054, 1073, 1139, 1161. Oil-cans and fillers, etc., 532, 831, 1000, 1045.
- Oil tap, 16, 840.
- Olding, J., 725.
- Oldsmobile car, 112, 873, 875.
- Olympia. See Marine Motor Show ; Motor Show ; Motor-Cycle Show.
- O.M. car, 873,874. Details, 810.
- Omega car, 800.
- On the Road, 382, 612, 786, 1064.
- Open Road, The, 170, 214, 420, 568, 1156.
- O.S. speedometer, 834.
- Overdriving new cars, 703, 723.
- Overhead camshaft drive, 966.
- Overland car, 136, 161,289, 428, 515, 531,549, 643, 729, 873, 874, 911, 926, 973, 986, 1009. Details, 156. Road trials, 275, 731.
- “Owl” thief-proof switch, 368.
- Oxfordshire, 136, 364, 444, 617, 729, 737.
- Paige Jewett car, 874, 1031.
- Palmer tyre, 72, 227, 835, 926.
- Panhard car, 874.
- ”Parabolite ” lens, 50, 227.
- Paris Salon, 64, 169, 716.
- Park Ward coachwork, 269, 923, 942.
- Parking of cars, 56, 79, 120, 136, 177, 200, 235, 266, 277, 297, 306, 328, 388, 414, 415, 451,497, 514,594, 604, 660, 778, 936, 1014, 1020, 1052, 1066, 1073, 1088, 1092, 1105, 1150, 1152.
- Parks, motoring in, 464, 674, 988.
- Parry-Thomas, J. G., 592.
- “Part exchange,” 889.
- Pass and Joyce, Ltd., 924.
- “Passing of a Sahib,” 37.
- Patent Motor Products Co., 835.
- Patriotism, 117, 663.
- Payment by instalment, 247, 686.
- Pedals, 1075, 1095, 1107.
- Pedersen, Jac, 1164.
- Pedestrians, 10, 326, 690, 729, 778,974, 1106,1138.
- Perfecta Motor Equipments, Ltd,, 835
- Personal Factor," 513.
- Petrol 20, 140, 152, 158, 196, 492, 576, 1033, 1053, 1 *‘54.
- Petrol cans, fittings, etc., 72, 116, 790, 829, 835, 837.
- Petrol gauges, etc., 680, 709, 745, 758, 835, 839.
- Petrol imports and exports, 82, 162, 248, 350, 434, 018,576,622,792,928,1 120.
- Petrol pumps, 643, 671, 1088.
- Peugeot car, 9, 716, 875, 912, 920, 1030, 1054, 1055, 1130. Details, 322, 1045. Road trial, 107.
- Picard, A., 835.
- Pickavant Himself, Ltd., 835.
- Piston ring tongs, 558.
- Pistons, 182, 186,203,238,268,287,327,838.
- Pit-alternatives, 359, 390, 431, 471, 1049.
- Plaint of Tidy Tommy,” 555.
- Poland Street Garage, 288.
- Polar expedition, 1070.
- Police, 120, 125, 144, 146,286,300,326,332,337,374, 386,394,396, 456,458,472,480,487, 500,516,517, 526, 540, 542, 558, 570, 580, 616, 654, 655, 778, 855, 974,1005,1016,1026,1064.
- Portugal (Tower of Belem), 103.
- Power of the Future, 562.
- “Power” petrol, 492.
- Premier Motor Policies, Ltd., 836.
- Press, 209, 626, 690, 710, 774, 852, 952, 1146.
- Price of cars, 41, 52, 99, 101, 141, 152, 182, 216,217, 266, 340, 399, 402, 602, 663, 689, 723, 725, 768, 783, 814,840,961, 1005, 1054, 1064, 1129, 1163.
- Price’s Patent Candle Co., Ltd., 836.
- Princes, Royal, 65, 125, 138, 194, 271, 278, 313, 457, 479,625,686,689,817.
- Prizes, 60, 158, 255, 266, 526, 884, 988, 1020.
- Pyrene Co., Ltd., 1 18, 813, 814, 836, 924.
- Pytchley Autocar Co., 939.
- RACE TRACKS (see also Brooklands), 924.
- Races, motor (see also Brooklands ; Motor, Cycling Club ; Grand Prix ; Junior Car Club), 24, 66, 132, 158, 165, 226, 250, 266, 306, 326, 372, 461,486, 506, 525, 554, 571, 577, 589, 638, 681,695, 736, 746, 988, 1082.
- Racing bonuses, 683.
- Racing drivers, 618.
- Radiator accessories, 178, 329, 737.
- Radiators, 72, 406, 1076.
- “Rain King ” sprinkler, 790, 831.
- Ramsdens (Halifax), Ltd., 836.
- Rappa spring gaiters, 736.
- Rapson, F. Lionel, 227, 369, 927, 1022.
- Records (see also Brooklands), 58, 140, 174, 277, 388, 410, 428, 449, 475, 486, 514, 580, 625, 676, 700, 720, 721,764, 855, 936, 964, 1022, 1097.
- Rectaskids, 369, 591, 926.
- Red Dragon arm-rest, 516.
- “ Red Revolution,” 365.
- Reece, J., 770, 943.
- Regent Carriage Co., Ltd., 747.
- Registration books, 40, 64, 78, 109, 530.
- Regulations, 40, 594, 812.
- Renault car, 663, 875, 912, 919, 936, 987, 1130, 1138. Road trial, 523.
- Repairs. See Service.
- Retrospect, 21, 1145.
- Reviews of books, 96, 204, 222, 286, 358, 366, 382, 591, 612, 619, 786, 826, 989, 1033, 1048, 1064, 1138.
- Rhode car, 875.
- Riley car, 380, 492, 876, 919, 937.
- Ripaults, Ltd., 836.
- Road Fund, 25, 46, 50, 106, 169, 191, 210, 242, 267, 272, 324, 646, 648, 667, 668, 671,992, 1005, 1014, 1036, 1037, 1042, 1059, 1086, 1 100, 1119, 1122, 1 124, 1 144, 1146, 1149.
- Road signs, 130, 208,245, 377, 414,456, 508,605,610, 647, 666,689, 693,694,700, 708, 723, 72S, 733, 794, 946, 957,979, 1058, 1162.
- Road Wisdom, 1048.
- Roads abroad, 260, 719, 722, 795, 845, 1052.
- Roads and car design, 236.
- Roads, bad, 266, 714, 1134.
- Roads, bridges, 29, 38, 109, 110, 180, 200, 404, 413, 441,484,556,619.
- Roads, classification of, 429, 1150.
- Roads, closing of, 266, 514, 784,1028, 1052.
- Roads, damage to, 312, 352,436, 540, 1050.
- Roads, dangerous corners, cross-roads, etc., 66, 191, 200, 208, 235, 236, 414, 456, 505, 508, 520, 605, 795, 979, 11 14.
- Roads Improvement Association, 1020.
- Roads, improvement of, 20, 25, 29, 46, 102, 109, 110, 152, 169, 180, 272, 410, 576, 580, 605, 629, 656, 682, 703, 714, 768, 821,932, 979, 1096, 1138.
- Roads Improvements Act, 795.
- Roads, leaders, etc., on, 25, 164, 236, 272, 414, 436, 520, 521, 562, 646, 714, 930, 950, 972, 992, 1014, 1036, 1037, 1080, 1100.
- Roads, new, 29, 130, 180, 210,266,271,278,286, 334, 436, 521,930,932,950,966, 1080, 1105.
- Roads, surface of, 164, 236, 242, 286, 289, 368, 480, 489, 545, 560, 596, 617, 683, 714, 729, 796, 845, 1076, 1150.
- Roadside pumps, 332, 671, 1088.
- Roadside trees, 272, 751, 931, 1100.
- Rolland Pilain car, 876.
- Rolls-Royce car, 3, 19, 65, 103, 125, 1S7, 333, 369, 474, 696, 704., 745, 817, S75, 876, 912, 989, 1009, 1097. Details, 383, 634,
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 22,1142.
- Roman acqueduct, 494.
- Rootes, Ltd.,308, 757,1163.
- Ross steering, 391.
- Rotax accessories, 222, 837.
- Rotherham and Sons, Ltd., 36, 837.
- Rotoscope mascot, 968.
- Rover car, 91, 122, 411,665, 695, 757, 783, 849, 856, 876, 913,920,926,938,945,956,998,1033, 1107, 1120. Details, 743. Road trial, 459.
- Royal Air Force, 346, 432.
- Royal Automobile Club:—
- - Badges, 956.
- - Branch offices, 60, 69, 306, 441,461,508, 556, 596, 890.
- - Competition permits, 152, 177, 226, 235, 250, 260, 277, 292, 306, 314, 321, 344, 360, 372, 382, 432, 451, 483, 508, 572, 636, 700, 758, 784, 988, 999, 1028, 1044, 1064, 1092, 1116.
- - Founders' dinner, 1020.
- - Legal department, 441,924, 927.
- - Motor Cycling Committee, 1138, 1158.
- - Official demonstrations, 187, 192.
- - Road Guides, 230, 246, 260, 465, 497, 656, 890, 936, 944, 1028, 1050, 1052, 1064, 1094, 1 119.
- - Road safety signs, 605, 610.
- - Rubber manifesto, 642.
- - Touring department, 18, 224, 508, 550, 638, 758.
- - Trials and tests, 50, 70 ,242, 492, 554, 626, 849, 945, 1005, 1020, 1106, 1150.
- Royal Scottish Automobile Club, 16, 56, 324, 605, 612.
- Rubber, 29, 89, 255, 642, 689.
- Rudge-Whitworth Cup, 525, 527, 554.
- Rudge-Whitworth wheels, 313.
- Runnerack, 827.
- Rushmore car-heating system, 470.
- Russia, 169, 202, 226.
- “SAD CASE,” 533.
- “Sad Story,” 157,963.
- Safety coach, 535.
- Safety, road, 112, 286, 474, 495, 610, 722, 745, 825, 931, 1058, 1102, 1152.
- Salesmanship, 367, 390, 410, 452, 1055.
- Salmson car, 318, 464, 876.
- Salomons, Sir David (death of), 340.
- Salsbury, H., 227.
- Samari gradient-meter, 470.
- Samson, Maj. F. R., 161.
- Sangster, C., 415.
- Scandinavia, 158.
- Schools, 40, 112.
- Schrader’s Son, Inc., 183, 837,926.
- Scotland, 16, 52, 63, 79, 105, 109, 130, 136, 180, 195, 266, 277, 306, 410, 505, 526, 549, 561,568, 605, 616, 660, 665, 682, 786, 795, 821, 884, 956, 964, 991, 1094, 1105, 1106, 1160, 1162.
- Scotland for the Motorist, 786.
- Scottish show, 324,660,720,752,1006, 1029, 1055.
- Scottish trials, 338, 494, 534, 625, 671,700.
- Seabrook car, 876.
- Seaward, H., 581.
- Secondhand cars, 601, 1139.
- Segrave, Maj. H. O. D.,267, 516, 822.
- Serck radiators, 838.
- Service and repairs, 1S3, 184, 203, 205, 247, 269, 330, 348, 741, 802, 890, 1141, 1161.
- Shakespeare Country, 293, 311.
- Sharp, J. Russell, 492.
- “She” 345_
- Sheffield Simplex car, 1003.
- Sheffield Simplex dipping headlamps, 744, 969, 1003.
- Shell-Mex, Ltd., 838, 1030, 1042, 1054.
- Shelsley-Walsh hill-climb, 360, 428, 435, 437, 442, 461, 1073.
- Shepheard-Casteele head fitting, 496.
- “ Ships that Pass in the Night,” 943.
- Shock-absorbers, 52, 79, 178, 268, 287, 369, 1052, 1137.
- Short Brothers’ coach work, 940, 988.
- Shropshire, 30.
- Sicily, 390.
- Sila Cup race, 638.
- Silencers, 65, 246, 286, 344, 390, 478, 1072.
- “ Simple Life,” 787.
- Simpson, S. H., 559.
- Singer car,31, 161,338,877.
- Six v. four cylinder engines, 11, 19, 39, 51, 79, 81,99, 100, 400, 647, 696, 998.
- Sizaire-Berwick car, 31.
- Sizaire Brothers car, 411.
- Skegness meeting, 506.
- Skidding, 20, 145, 164,289, 369, 683.
- S.L.I.M. car, 530.
- Smallbone, S. G. K., 581.
- Smith and Hunter, 616.
- Smith (S.) and Sons’ accessories, 116,838.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers, 60, 78, 86, 89 526 626,642,662,693,702,921,930.
- Solex carburettor, 7,148, 754.
- South Africa, 60, 92, 399, 479, 625, 686,1081, 1087
- South American Roads Congress, 722.
- South Wales A.C., 506.
- Southend road, 29, 271, 278.
- Southport, racing at, 430, 706.
- S.P.A. car, 877,914, 927, 987. Details, 573.
- Spam, 279, 451,621,806, 856, 893.
- Spares, 140, 647, 1078, 1 141.
- Specialloid, Ltd., 838.
- “Speed and Comfort,” 807.
- Speed limits, 130,273, 464, 505, 655, 729, 956, 964.
- Speedometers, 293, 830, 834, 969.
- Speeds, 29, 60, 79, 181, 312, 352, 394, 403, 505, 540, 656, 703, 721, 724, 751, 789, 807, 845, 887, 946, 1022.
- Sports, 461,579, 617, 746, 769.
- Spot lights, 680, 837, 838, 839.
- Spring covers, 736, 748, 836.
- Springs (see also Suspension), 15, 54, 60, 241, 264, 307, 427, 448, 456, 510, 625, 679, 683, 735, 838, 896, 903, 909, 910, 912, 982, 987, 1025, 1047, 1076, 1117.
- St. Didier bodywork, 747,923, 942.
- Staffordshire, 351,951.
- Standard car, 101,237, 249, 311, 413, 539, 715, 877, 914,961,1009, 1029, 1030, 1096, 1 151. Road trial, 1017.
- Standardisation, 25, 702.
- Star car, 877,879.
- Starting and starters, 262, 423, 424, 425, 590, 839, 896, 969, 1001, 1010, 1074.
- Statistics (see also Imports and Exports), 90, 124, 130, 178, 200, 267, 338, 344, 358, 465, 475, 505, 570, 636, 738, 746, 856, 1152.
- Steam cars, 91,141, 182, 247.
- Steering wheels and columns, 832, 962, 968, 1047, 1139.
- Steering wheel locks, 724, 829, 830.
- Step-mat, 830.
- Sterns, Ltd., 1138.
- Stevenson jacking system, 639.
- Steyr car, 83, 102, 347, 641,703, 705, 801, 878, 920, 942, 958. Road trial, 607, 975.
- Stoewer car, 31.
- Strachan and Brown, 987, 988.
- Straits Settlements, 56.
- Straker-Squire car (details), 980.
- Stratton-Instone, Ltd., 158.
- Studebaker car, 878.
- Subito cylinder gauge, 1051.
- Suffolk, 170, 1032.
- Sunday motoring, 656.
- “Sundials, Weathercocks, etc.,” 493.
- Sunbeam car, 78, 174, 209, 267, 271, 281, 358, 381, 382, 403, 442, 497, 519, 625, 720, 722, 746, 751, 767, 814, 878, 915, 926, 939, 942, 945, 983, 1009, 1011, 1030, 1035. Details, 739. Road trial, 233.
- Surrey, 20, 388, 459, 472, 484, 514, 580, 655, 956, 1099,1143.
- Suspension (see also Springs), 85, 119, 173.
- Sussex, 23, 49, 84, 500, 505, 519, 706, 1114.
- Sutton Coldfield and Birmingham A.C., 486, 527.
- Sweden, 474.
- Swift car, 31, 415, 655, 879, 915, 920, 1009, 1029. Details, 551, 809. Road trial, 127.
- Swift of Coventry, Ltd., 942.
- Switzerland, 152, 331, 333, 472, 550, 746, 1057.
- Sydenham and Dis. M.C., 617.
- Synchronometer, 978.
- TALBOT CAR, 71, 400, 764, 879, 920, 1009.
- Targa Florio, 390, 399.
- Tasmania, 56, 993.
- Taxation, 4, 26, 104, 119, 124, 130, 174, 200, 324, 326, 404, 438, 480, 516, 576, 796, 856, 932, 948, 972, 992, 994, 1050, 1059, 1106, 1122, 1144.
- Taxicabs, 705, 751, 986, 987, 1076.
- Telegauge, 835.
- Terry (Herbert) and Sons, Ltd., 838.
- Theft, 52, 368, 784, 999, 1140.
- “This Christmas Nonsense,” 1135.
- Thomas car, 652, 681,700, 781, 964.
- Three-wheeled cars, 800.
- Times, 164, 480, 730, 751, 794, 795.
- Timing, 721.
- Tintern Abbey, 583.
- Tolls, 337, 1105.
- Tools, 664, 724, 1078, 1093, 1095.
- “Tools, and their Keeping,” 1093.
- Torquay, 151,256,622.
- Torque arm support, 516.
- Touring, 18, 117, 165, 170, 214, 224, 256, 317, 325, 377, 388, 404, 420, 429, 508, 550, 568, 625, 629, 638, 672, 746, 758, 792, 840, 1156.
- Touring Grand Prix, 140, 610.
- Tourist Trophy races, 1158.
- Traders, 101, 161,309, 466, 888.
- Traffic, 10, 17, 178, 200, 242, 338, 456, 466, 483, 540, 564, 584, 605, 610, 647, 656, 666, 689, 708, 720, 723, 728, 773, 778, 782, 789, 794, 795, 884, 950, 956, 974, 1026, 1058, 1094, 1106, 1112, 1138.
- Trailers, 18.
- Trams, 45, 46, 56, 191, 416, 584, 746, 1114.
- Transport exhibition, 1037, 1042.
- Transport, Ministry of, 521, 586, 594, 782.
- Trial runs (see also Cars on the Road, weekly), 925, 945,964,979,1022.
- Trials (see also Royal A.C. competition permits), 7, 89, 92, 150, 169, 202, 226, 230, 238, 250, 317, 324, 338, 360, 379, 382, 395, 494, 526, 605, 626, 706, 716, 802, 856, 988, 1005, 1092, 1106, 1150.
- Triplex glass, 72, 682, 812, 839, 989, 1097.
- Triumph car, 675, 880, 916, 920, 1021. Details, 778. Road trial, 47.
- Trojan car, 327, 880, 916, 987, 1009, 1075.
- Tungstons accumulator, 1108.
- Tunnel scheme, 728.
- Twenty-four-hour drives, 449, 475, 486, 720, 846.
- “Two Kinds of Motorists,” 58.
- Tyre pressures, 160, 251.
- Tyre pumps, 353, 431, 837, 847.
- Tvre valves, 120.
- Tyres, 29, 52, 79, 120, 152, 160, 182, 183, 217, 225 227, 268, 287, 289, 307, 344, 369, 391, 453, 495’ 550, 621, 638, 647, 667, 680, 685, 703, 828 832’ 833,834,1031,1075,1078.
- Underground goods, 728.
- Undershielding, 415.
- Unic car, 880, 917, 987. Details, 159.
- Universal joints, 660, 1081.
- Universities, 174, 185, 193, 494, 500, 988, 1003,
- Uriconium, 30.
- “VACU LARM,” 680, 839.
- Vacuum cleaner, 1140.
- Valve gear, 395, 427, 432, 981, 1161.
- Vandervell (C. A.) and Co., Ltd., 42, 61, 770 839 848, 969. ’
- Vandervell (F. and P.) garage, 813.
- Vaporiser, 554.
- Vaughan, C. S., on Shock-Absorbers, 1137.
- Vauxhall car, 81, 194, 463, 645, 652, 781, 880, 936, 940. Details, 197. Road trial, 1125.
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 942, 1030, 1118.
- Ventilation, 84, 942.
- Vibration, 200, 352, 540.
- Vidal car, 443.
- Visser, E. R., 705.
- Vitalizer, 364.
- “Voices of the Night,” 223.
- Voisin car, 881,883, 917, 1097. Road trial, 853.
- Vokes (C. G.) & Co., Ltd., 680, 839.
- Vulcan car, 881. Details, 219.
- WAKEFIELD (C. C.) & Co., Ltd., 16, 367, 610, 840.
- Wakefield, Sir C. C., 52, 769, 778.
- Wales, 1, 18, 163, 229, 506, 580, 693, 849, 856, 949, 973, 1021, 1079.
- Warning off, 708.
- Warning signals {see also Horns ; Road signs), 155, 834, 1074, 1116.
- Warwickshire, 18, 129, 249, 293, 311, 491, 539, 623, 715, 727, 773, 793, 931, 998, 1096.
- Water, 693, 1085.
- Watford magneto, 834.
- Waveney Valley, 170.
- Waverley car, 881. Road trial, 697.
- Weight, 9, 20, 39, 52, 59, 79, 85, 119, 139, 145, 181, 204, 208, 225, 245, 260, 287, 312, 326, 352, 369, 411, 452, 540, 640, 931, 1066.
- West Kent Motor Club, 580.
- Westcar, 881.
- Western Motor Club, 130.
- Weymann body construction, 32, 51, 98, 461, 497, 609, 788, 875, 951, 1138.
- Wheel disc, 532.
- Wheelbase, 328.
- Wheels, 140, 145, 308, 313, 367, 495, 611, 831, 833, 846.
- Whistling for cabs, 751.
- “White Lines and Black Shirts,” 763.
- Whitehead brake, 409.
- Whitwam car heater, 1071.
- Wilcot Co.’s accessories, 748, 790, 847.
- Willys-Knight car, 881,882, 918, 925, 945, 979, 1009.
- Willys-Overland-Crossley, Ltd., 989.
- Wilson, A. J., 202.
- Windover’s coachwork, 989.
- Windscreen wipers, 116, 204, 222, 680, 926.
- Windscreens, 205, 452, 495, 827, 834, 835, 1132.
- Windsor car, 150, 881, 882, 91S, 920, 937,1009, 1029, 1108.
- Winter motoring, 52, 944, 1077, 1085, 1101, 1113, 1117, 1121, 1147, 1161.
- Wireless, 61, 483, 619, 685, 735', 848, 1124.
- Wiring Diagrams, 286, 326.
- Wolseley car, 18, 25, 31, 40, 45, 183, 231, 246, 351, 359, 395, 499, 529, 685, 707, 882, 951,978, 1013, 1145. Details, 759.
- Wolseley Service Station, 246, 247.
- Women drivers, 265, 345, 430, 514, 593, 619, 675, 1004, 1027.
- “Wonder-Mist,” 329.
- Woodhead (Jonas) and Sons, Ltd., 735.
- Woolwich and Dis. M.C., 130.
- Worcestershire, 338, 344, 611, 730.
- Work and play,” 769, 887.
- Wright, A. A. H., on Cold Weather Risks, 1085.
- Wright, R. M., 924.
- Wright, Lt.-Col. Warwick, 349,497, 535,924, 1030.
- YORK, Duke and Duchess of, 445.
- Yorkshire, 66, 130, 388, 394, 483, 525 563 67° 767,1092,1156. 1 694,
- ZEDEL CAR, 882,986.
- Zenith carburettor, 698, 840.
- Zigzags in France, 1064.
See Also
Sources of Information