1908 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the Automotor Journal
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Vol 013. Jan to Dec 1908
- ABERDEEN and dust question, 326.
- Aberdeenshire 793-
- Ab Kettleby hill-climb, 907, 949, 953.
- Abyssinia, motors in, 61, 391.
- Acceleration tests, 380, 053, 1183, 1328, 1668.
- Accidents, 67, 91, 122, 391, 593- 514. ^2:78, 1324, 1466, 1600, 1672.
- Accumulator rating, 1610.
- Acetylene lamps, 1117.
- Adams aerial engine, 1605.
- Adams cars, qr, 190, 589, 621, 660, 831, 1127, 1249, 1392, 1459-1506, 1517, 1538, 1362, 1701,
- Adams cars in India, 1000.
- Adams marine engine, 276:
- Adler car, constructional details, 1107, 1141.
- A.E.G. aerial engine, 1184.
- Aerial engines, see engines, special.
- Aerial legislation, 1663.
- Aerial liners, 1415, 1663.
- “Aerial Navigation,” 226, 256.
- Aerial propellers, 1123.
- Aerial Transport Co., 683,
- Aero Club of U.K, 170, 198, 207, 623, 657, 865, 1414, i5°3-
- Aero Club and French aeronauts, 198, 207.
- Aero Club annual dinner, 1664.
- Aero Club of France, 1542, 1574, 1662, 1691.
- Aero Club of Germany, 241.
- Aerodonetics, 1571.
- Aerodynamics, '649.
- Aerodrome, 1692.
- Aeronautic party (polities), 1607.
- Aeronautics, 5, '22, 26, 68, 76, 79, 115, 140, 177, 207, 249, 288, 314, 381, 427, 454, 494, 528, S39. 585. 622, 655, 683, 719, 754> 784, 825, 864, 902, 934, 970, 1001, 1034, 1066, 1086, 1122, 1152, 1184, 1208, 1247, 1256, 1271, 1303, 2304. 1327, 2332, 2356, 1382, 1413, 1453, 1497, 1542, 1572, 1605, 1632, 1661, 1690.
- Aeronautics at Cordingley’s Show, 421.
- Aeronautics, British Government and, 1387.
- Aeronautics correspondence school, 92.
- Aeronautics, early experimenters, 1272.
- Aeronautics exhibitions, 15,*45. 421, 2575, 1692.
- Aeronautics Federation, see Federation Aeronautic Internationale.
- Aeronautics lottery, 1545.
- Aeronautics, new words for, 1345, 1577, 1607.
- Aeronautics, prizes for, 79, 141, 208, 249, 353, 428, 494, 529, 559, 971, ioo2, 1210, 1249, 1271, 1273, 1332. 2358, 2414, 1455, 1500, 1544, 2573, 1606, 1632, 1638, 1663, 1692.
- Aeronautics progress (leadersi, 68, 1194, 1256, 1312, 1333, r.429, 1464, 1588, 1620, 1678.
- Aeronautical level, 116.
- Aeronautical Society aerodrome, I66T.
- Aeroplane Club, 1303, 1364, 1372, 1421.
- Aeroplane destroyers, T273.
- Aeroplane seizing for debt, 1003, 1123.
- Aeroplane surfaces, 437.
- Aeroplane works, 1152.
- Aeroplanes, see Babault. Barnwell, Bellamy, Bertin, Blanc, Bleriot, Bolotoff, Bonnet-Labranche, British Army, Clement, Collomb, Dardalet, De Caters, De Dion, d’Equezilly, Delagrange, Demanest, Doudariet, Edison, Farman. Ferber, Florio, Gasnier, Gastam-bide-Mengin, Gemma, Goupy, Graham-Bell. Herring, Kapferer, Lovelace, Maxim, Moore-Brabazon, Mond, Nyberg, Pelterie, Santos Dumont, Sehroeder, Thuau, U.S. Army, Vaniman, VVels-Etrieh, Werhle, Wimille, Windham, Witzig, Wright, Zipfel.
- Africa, by motor, across, 13S, 195, 361, 464, 595, S59, 1070, 1393, 1643, 1672.
- Africa, motors in South, 130.
- Agriculture and motors, 98, 159.
- Air-cooled engines, 150. See also engines, special.
- Aimia plug, 1109.
- Airship accident in California, 719.
- Airships, see Baldwin, Bollee, British Army, Clement-Bayard, Duplan, French Army, German Army, Italian Army, Lovelace, Malecot, Parseval, Santos-Duinont, Schulte, Spanish Army, Speneer. “ Republique,” C'.S. Army, “ Ville de Paris,” Zeppelin, Vaulx.
- Airships, race for, 1694.
- Airships, Pasl and Present, 388.
- Albany pump, 547.
- Alcohol, 41.
- Alcohol in France, 41.
- Alcohol engine trials, 177.
- Alcohol by A. F. Sinclair, 616.
- Alcohol from Queensland, 1505.
- Alden-Simpson train. 93.
- Alexandria, landing cars at, 863.
- Algerian hill-climb, 286.
- Algerian motor boat meeting, 426, 650.
- Algerian speed trials, 536.
- Algiers, motors in, 293.
- Alldays and Onions Co., 532.
- Alldays vehicles, 483, 753,
- Alldays cars (details), 1163, 1199.
- Allen-Liversedge front wheel brake, 2448.
- Alps on car, climbing, T308, 1334.
- Amateur, American, definition of, 620.
- Amateur Motorist, 257.
- Ambulances, 31, 127, 580, 1071, 1187, 1638, 1650.
- America, clubs in. See Automobile C.A.
- America, racing in, 1307.
- American Army airships, 34.
- American airship disaster, 710, 1210.
- Aero Exhibition, 1574.
- Aero shows, 1599.
- Amulrie Hill, 968.
- Anjou aero meeting, 1573, 1606, 1692.
- Annual retrospect, 2.
- Annuaire de Route 780.
- Antarctic expedition, 8, 1128, 1251.
- Antoinette IV, 1544.
- Antoinette aero engine, 1662.
- Archdeacon wager, 382.
- Ardee tail light indicator, 1019.
- Ardennes, 113, 138, 654, 781. 970, 1909, 1501.
- Argentine, motors in, 340, 1419.
- Argyll cabs, 597, 44,1.
- Argyll cars, 227, 294; 444, 495, 657, 793, 1185.
- Argyll cars, for Syria, 682.
- Argyll Motors Ltd., 946, 978, 1159, 1615, 1645, 1673.
- Argyll 12-14-h.p. cars, 1440.
- Argyll, roads opened in, 912.
- Ariel cars, 60, 703, 760, 1213, 1425, 1349.
- Ariel 20-h.p. (details), 1079, 1397.
- Armstrong-Whitworth vehicles, 480, 593, 680, 1578.
- Armstrong-Whitworth Co., 1279.
- Armstrong-Whitworth 18-22 h.p., (details), 1483.
- Army motor reserve, 52, 84, 142,166, 464, 684, 1366.
- Army transport, 532, 1400, 1430, 1618, 1687.
- Arrol-Johnston Agency Ltd., 1551.
- Arrol-Johnston cars, 56, 445, 825.
- Ascot and dust, 795.
- Assaults, 60, 1129.
- Assheton-Harbord cup, 826, 1002.
- Aston hill-climb, 823, 968.
- Atkey-Gimson lurry, 445.
- Austin cars, 130, 446, 867, 1336, 1552.
- Austin Co., 228.
- Austin constructional details, 446, 875, 945.
- Austin 15-h.p. (details), 1525.
- Austin racing cars, 285.
- Austin spring, 1367.
- Australia, across, by motor, 1101, 1158.
- Australia, motor boating in, 32.
- Australia, motors in, 138, 1427, 1459.
- Australian motor legislation, 1187.
- Australian record, 19, 138, 1249.
- Australian tariff, 795.
- Austrian aeroplane competition, 971.
- Austrian van trials, 620.
- Austrian Emperor, 1309.
- L’Auto, 135S, 1384.
- Auto-cycle Club cup iFrencb), 56, 144.
- Auto-Cycle Union, 56, 117,142, 144, 179, 250, 356, 382, 456, 1306.
- Auto-Cycle Union and affiliation, 282.
- Auto-Cycle Union and hill-climbs, 144, 586.
- Auto-Cycle Union annual hill-climb, 586, 630, 756.
- Auto-Cycle Union trial, 219, 430, 686, 718, 938, 977, 1010, 1068.
- Auto-Cycle Union trial, judges’ report, 1094, 1128.
- Auto-Cycle Union penalty run, 1126, 1337.
- Auto-Cycle Union provincial meeting, 1333.
- Auto-Cycle Union quarterly trial, 118, 144, 184, 219 621, 1384, 1640.
- Auto-Cycle Union race meeting, 382, 1150.
- Auto-Cycle Union silencers, 144.
- Auto-Cycle Union tourist trophy race, 144, 621, 1210.
- Auto-Cycle Union 24-hour run, 1010, 1093, 1210.
- Auto Machinery Co., ball-bearing, 108.
- Automatic timing, 1609.
- Automobile Association, 84, 117, 250, 290, 299, 356, 385, 392, 562, 637, 757, 793, 1009, mi, 1136, 1274, 1309, 137°, 1384, 1421, 1612.
- Automobile Association, annual dinner, 429.
- Automobile Association, and Surrey Chief Constable, 336.
- Automobile Association, scouts, 59,62, 1506, 1584, 1600.
- Automobile Association, in Scotland, 976.
- Automobile Club of France aero section, 116, 177.
- Automobile Club and Aero Club of France, 1542, 1574, 1662.
- Automobile Club 10, 463, 587, 830, 857. 976, mi, 130S.
- Automobile Club Grand Prize, see Grand Prize, A.C.A.
- Automobile Club Grand Prize, route book, 1106.
- Automobile Engineers, Inst, of, 54, 84, 142, 180. 252, 326, 385, 430, 732, 1009, 1186, 13S3, 1393.
- Automobile Mechanic Drivers, Societv of, 457.
- Automotor starting gear, 40, 78.
- Automotor name, 78.
- Avon tyres, 1496.
- Axles, front, 374, 639, 707, 896, 900, 1021, 1080, 1320 r495-
- Axles, rear, 171. 303. 410, 512, 611, 673, 707, 779, 816, 896, 1017, 1056, 1080, 1107, 1143, 1166, 1330, 1372, 1404, H4°, 1480, 1482, 1485, 1492, 1495, 1520, 1530, 1594, 1624, 1624, 1657, 1685.
- Axles, Latzel combined, 611.
- Ayrton, Prof., on electric cabs, 1015.
- BABAULT aeroplane, 1606.
- Badminton Diary, 94-
- Bailey, R. W. Harvey, on front driving, 124, r53-
- Baillie, G. H., on 1908 engines, 157, 185.
- Baillie, G. H., on engine rating, T379- on petrol and petrol test, 6yo.
- Baillie’s petrol testing apparatus, 818.
- Baldwin airship, 1154.
- Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J. 1119-
- Ball-bearing's, 108, 1642.
- Balloon section, Territorial Army, 601, 7‘)4*
- Balloon race, International, 683, 7r9> 729, 733-
- Balloons, Gaudron on war, 255.
- Ballooning, 529, 539, 971- 1002, 1066.
- Ballooning, bombarding, 1002.
- Barford and Perkins roller, 480.
- Barges, motor, 1669.
- Bamet and speed limits, 1584.
- Barnsley and District A.C., 710-
- Barnsley road, 1578.
- Barnwell aeroplane, 1662.
- Barzini, Luigi, 14.
- Basingstoke. M.C.C., 826, 938.
- Battleships, motor, 305, 382.
- Bearings, 12. See also Ball-bearings.
- Bedford A.C., 938, 975-
- Beecham, J., 586.
- Belgian Chambre Syndicale, 1607.
- Belgica cars, 418.
- Bell, Graham, aeroplane, 455, 972, 1061.
- Bellamy aeroplane, 209, 1124.
- Belsize vehicle, 480.
- Belsize Motors Ltd., 1704-
- Benevolent fund, see Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund,.
- Bentall cars, 480.
- Benz car details, 1020, 1054.
- Benz cars, 1140.
- Bergougan, R., 393.
- Berkshire A.C., 8, 587, 1097, 1302, 1640.
- Berkshire long distance traps, 602, 659.
- Berliet vehicles, 480, 1395.
- Berliet catalogue, 580.
- Berliet 40-h.p. (6 cyl.) (details), 819.
- Berlin, motor buses in, 86y.
- Bermuda and motor cars, 867.
- Bema vehicles, 481.
- Biarritz-Pau aero race, 1544.
- Bibliophile, 614.
- Bircham, F. R. S., on handicapping, 188.
- Birmingham cabs, 159.
- Birmingham M.C.C., 1384.
- Bishops as motorists, 30, 39, 224, 506, 596, 976, 1131, 1361. See also Reverend Motorists.
- Biss, Gerald, 1179, 169S.
- Blackheath A.C., 117, 179, 862.
- Blackpool and Fylde M.C., 190, 1336.
- Blackpool and motor buses, 1259.
- Blanc aeroplane, 585.
- Bleriot aeroplane, 903, 936, roor, 1035, 1185, 1248, 1332, 1414, 1454, 1498, 1604, 1691.
- Bleriot headlights, 1654.
- Blomstrom car, 455.
- Blow lamp, 1596.
- Board of Trade and London traffic, 1513.
- Boats, motor, 5t3, 972, 1036.
- Boats, motor, international classes, 791.
- Boats, motor, novel race for, 587.
- Boats, motor, speeds of, 1127, 1212.
- Boats, motor, trade names on, 1459.
- Boat trials, motor (1908), 360, 454, 495, 972, 1043.
- Boat trials, motor (1908), results, 1059.
- Boat trials, motor (1909), 1584-
- Boat trials, motor, Scottish, 587.
- Bodywork, 1515.
- Bollee airship, 141.
- Bologna meeting, 1206, 1241.
- Bolotofi aeroplane, 1210, 1371, 1453.
- Bolsover boiler, 615.
- Bombay trials, 275, 286, 340, 381, 579, 653.
- Bombay motors in, 1159.
- Bonnett-Labranche aeroplane, 1153.
- Booth, General, 660, 976, 1072.
- Bordeaux aero contest, 289.
- Bordeaux Paris aero race, 1500, 1541.
- Bosch magnetos, 1501.
- Bosch dual ignition, 1340.
- Bosch magnetic igniter, 1625.
- Boston motor show, 394.
- Boulogne meeting, 907, 1007.
- Boulton and Paul boats, 514.
- Bowdenloc lever, 373.
- Bowen vans, 420.
- Boys, meddlesome, 1230.
- Bradford A.C., 27.
- Brakes, 741, 1530.
- Brakes, compensating, 106.
- Brakes, engine as, 1423.
- Brakes, foot,
- Brakes, front wheel, 1448,
- Branded, 1698.
- Branger cup, 1360.
- Brasier cars, 1278.
- Brasier cars (details), 1320, 1348.
- Brasier records, 1452.
- Brazil, motors in, 160, 12.42, 1672.
- Breguet helicopter, 1033.
- Brentford, fines at, 506.
- Brentford, speed limit, 1016.
- Brescia aero meeting, 1573-
- Briar cliff Trophy race, 584, 602.
- Briar cliff Trophy race, (1909). I70i.
- Bridges, 92.
- Brighton and District M.C.C., 58G, 650.
- Brighton motorists, 1583-
- Brighton Casino, 505.
- Brighton, electrobuses at, 3S7,
- Brighton motor’buses,, at, 1057, 1584-
- Brighton regatta (S.M.Y.C.), 1003.
- Brighton, Sunday trips to, 726.
- Brillie ’buses, 234. ,<
- Bristol and Gloucester A.C., 654, 757, i(,57-
- British Army aeroplane, 22, 116, 207, 655, 1304, i3°3*
- British Army airship, 23, 971, 1034, 1066, 1122, 1208, 1545-
- British Association, 1038,
- British Buffalo Co.’s boats, 513.
- British and Colonial Daimler-Mercedes Co., 661.
- British detachable rim, 406.
- British International Cup, 114, 382, 863, 1003.
- British International Cup, results, 1070.
- British International Cup, defenders, 454, 828.
- British Motor Boat Club, 27, 84, 117, 179, 181, 220, 290, 319, 385, 526, 562, 587, 622, 793, 865, 1360.
- British Motor Boat Club racing, 685, 792, 863, 934, 1070, 1090, 1127, 1221, 1243. .
- Brooke boats, 511, 514, 791, 972.
- Brooke cars (details), 373, 408, 15,19.
- Brooke circulating pump, 1687.
- Brooke hydroplane, 1251, 1276.
- Broome and Wade wagon, 446.
- Brooklands, 20, 25, 50, 339, 452, 457, 494, 795, 910, 1451, 1700.
- Brooklands, correspondence, 58, 588.
- Brooklands, acceleration tests, 1183.
- Brooklands, championship races, 20, 1240.
- Brooklands, gentlemen drivers, 299, 316, 380, 452, 526.
- Brooklands, Grand Prix challenge, 1301.
- Brooklands, race, 907.
- Brooklands, ladies at, 823.
- Brooklands, litigation, 628, 726.
- Brooklands, and manufacturers, 463.
- Brooklands, naming cars at, 625, 907.
- Brooklands, Notts inter-club challenge, 653, 1030.
- Brooklands, programmes, 379, 452, 524, 583, 6x8, 679, 750, 861, 906, 967, 1030,1091,1240, 1301.
- Brooklands, racing, 493, 548, 651,' 763, 767, 823, 916, 919, 1047, 1088, 1207, 1328.
- Brooklands racing, correspondence, 588.
- Brooklands, racing colours, 560.
- Brooklands, “rating,” 760, 1157.
- Brooklands, regulations, 20, 246, 285, 526, 795, 975.
- Brooklands, right of way, 492.
- Brooklands, standard class records, 285, 524, 555, 583, 861, 1182, 1269, 1331, 1452, 1576.
- Brooklands, timing arrangements, 803.
- Brooklands, 1909, programme, 1549.
- Brown Trophy, Albert, 586, 718.
- Brown valve grinder, 1176.
- Brussels, British exhibit at, 761.
- Brussels-Ostend aero race, 1633.
- B.S.A. spanner, 746.
- B.S.A. cars, 1175, 1517, 1520.
- Bucharest, racing in, 654.
- Buchet aero engine, 1638.
- Bucks, Strolls in Beechy, 394.
- Budget, 633.
- Buggies, 86.
- Buick cars, 628, 1269, 1478.
- Buist, H. M., 1300.
- Burges spring shackle, 1323.
- Burglars, motoring, 659.
- Burns, Rt. Hon. John, 1181, 1583.
- Burnham regatta, 1221, 1243.
- Burnell tractor, 481.
- Bury and West Suffolk A.C., 908.
- ’Buses (Motor) Companies, combine, 332, 431, 796, 869, 963, 1618.
- ’Buses (Motor) Companies, and competition, 305.
- ’Buses (Motor), Agitation in E. London, 1016, 1465.
- ’Buses (Motor), Agitation, City of London, 102. I9G 293, 726, 835', 959, 946. 1,
- ’Buses (Motor), governors on, 1298.
- ’Buses (Motor), legal nuisance, 465, 533.
- ’Buses (Motor) in Paris, 234.
- ’Buses (Motor), Pullman, 627, 976.
- ’Buses (Motor), racing, 500.
- ’Buses (Motor), season tickets, 1250.
- ’Buses (Motor) speed of, 500, 827, 835, 977, 1136, 1465.
- ’Buses (Motor) strike of drivers, 87.
- Business, rumours as to bad, 1703.
- Business prospects, 1703.
- Butler, F. H., 289, 971.
- Butler Cup, 971.
- Buyer's guide, cars, 469, 486, 518.
- Buyer's guide, commercial vehicles, 414.
- Buyer's guide, Olympia, 1479, 1524.
- CAB (motor) Co.’s amalgamation, 36r.
- Cab (motor), dangerous driving of, 505, 1224, 1313.
- Cab (motor) drivers as owners, 234, 268.
- Cab (motor) drivers, and park speed limit, 595.
- Cab (motor) drivers, and passengers, 1558.
- Cab (motor) drivers, training of, 1315, 1343.
- Cab (motor), regulations, 325, 362, 505, 731.
- Cab (motor), trials (French), 219.
- Cabs (Horse), taximeter, 505, 541.
- Cabs (motor) 61, 126, 159, 183, 198, 220, 368, 655.
- Cabs (motor) electric, in London, 918, 946, 1015.
- Cabs (motor), fares, 1552, 1672.
- Cabs (motor), insurance, 1673.
- Cabs (motor), Loudon and Paris, 1466.
- Cabs (motor), long distance drives, 678, 1116.
- Cabs (motor), Manchester and Harrogate, 913-
- Cabs (motor), night signals, 1584.
- Cabs (motor), number of passengers, 405, 410, 001, 000 73L 898.
- Cabs (motor), private and public, 659.
- Cabs (motor), Scarborough, 634. .
- Cabs (motor), whistling nuisance, 1460, 1505.
- Cadillac standardisation test, no, 246, 285, 315, 333, 367, 380, 425, 619.
- Cadillac 20-h.p. (details), 203. '
- Cadillac 30-h.p. (details), 1484.
- Cadillac cars' 453. 617, 97b, 1522.
- Cadillac, s.s., 1584.
- Calendar (1909), 1638.
- California, airship accident in, 719.
- Calthorpe cars, 1092.
- Calvaire hill-climb, 1182.
- Cambridge M.C.C., 756.
- Cambridge University M.C.C., 756, 1503, 1604, 1C40.
- Cambridge University and motors, 1607.
- Camel, rampageous, 94.
- Canada, garage in, 1068.
- Canadian Army and motors, 1174.
- Cannes aero meeting, 1544, 1606.
- Cannes motor meeting, 1639.
- Canning Town race meeting, 557.
- Cap-throwing, 594.
- Capitaine gas engines, 382.
- Car and General Insurance Co., 794.
- Carburettors, 43, 168, 205, 575, 642, 1054, 1109, 1460, 1506, 1523, 1336, 1541, x^58- ,, paraffin, 515.
- Car design and tyres (O’Gorman), 320, 357.
- Cardiff, pilots at, 360.
- Cardiff and motor ’buses, 1460.
- Carnegie, Mr., and reckless driving, 1200.
- Carriage Manufacturers, Inst, of British, 142.
- Car Road Book and Guide, 749.
- Cast iron, malleable, 547.
- Case hardening, 547.
- Cattle on highways, 229.
- Caucasus, motors in, 127.
- C.A.V. H.T. magneto, 1317.
- Cedrino, death of, 761.
- Certus cars, 69, 103, 1411.
- Certus Gearless Co., Ltd., 1072.
- Chain cases, 820.
- Chain ring tractor, 539, 593.
- Chain spanner, 589.
- Chains, 576, 780.
- Chambre Syndicate Aeronautique, 116, 177.
- Champs Elysees,-567.
- Chanute, O., 1273.
- Character as asset, 1279.
- Chateau-Thierry H.C., 1353, 1381.
- Chatley, H., on aerial navigation, 226, 256.
- Chatley, H., on mechanical flight, 1634.
- Chatley, H., 258.
- Cheshire A.C., 456.
- Children playing in road, 615, 801.
- Christie, Walter, 30.
- Churchill, Lady, 301.
- Churchill, vehicles, 481.
- Church parades for motorists, 603-
- City and motors (see London).
- Clarke’s aeroplane, 314.
- Clarkson vehicles, 447.
- Classification in American competitions, 620.
- Claudel Hobson carburettor, 1541.
- Clayton and Shuttleworth vehicles, 481.
- Clement cars, 1624.
- Clement Bayard aerial engine, 1694.
- Clement Bayard aeroplane, 864.
- Clement Bayard airship, 1305, 1455, 1457, 1606, 1694. !
- Clerk, Dugald, 830.
- Clerk, Dugald, on problems, 1362.
- Clerk, Dugald, rating, 1582.
- Clipstone speed trials, 710.
- Club cars, 418.
- Club for chauffeurs, 1619.
- Clutches, 168, 205, 302, 408, 610, 671, S16, 1054, 11x5, 1141, 1200, 1436, 1482, i486, 1522, 1526.
- Clutches, defects, 240.
- Clutches, lubrication of, 1274.
- Coaching, cost of, 1010.
- Coachbuilding prizes, 796, 1584.
- Coalport hill-climb, 751, 969, 1006, 1033.
- Cochin-China, cars in, 783, 1416.
- Cochrane’s propeller, 515.
- Collis boats, 514.
- Collision, imaginary 637.
- Collomb flapping flight machine, 178.
- Coltman cars, 791.
- Columbia University and aeronautics, 1384.
- Commercial Cars, vehicles, 723.
- Commercial Motor Users’ Association, 84, 232, 717, 1009. I,
- Commercial vehicle parades, 538, 761, 965, 1158, 1335, 1361.
- Commercial vehicle trial report, 331, 339, 344-
- Commercial vehicle trial report, (French), 138,620,783,
- Compeigne-Paris aero race, 1544.
- Complete motorist, 257.
- Compression gauge, 13, 372.
- Connaught, Duke of, 599.
- Continental Tyre Co., 660.
- Continental tyres, 393, 154U 1352.
- Continental tyres at Brooklands
- Continental tyres (Italian), 1353.
- Cordingley’s Show, 418.
- Cordingley’s Show, aero exhibit at, 421.
- Corners, driving round, 1194.
- Cornu helicopters, 454.
- Cost of cars, comparative, 148.
- Cost of construction, 1689.
- Countershaft bearings, 12.
- Coupe Burton, 628.
- Coventry de la Presse, 113, 218, 526, 781.
- Coventry des Voiturcttes, 82, 1301.
- Couplings, 240, 294.
- Cove, H. G., on motor cycle tyres, etc., 1155.
- Coventry and motors, 260, 1039.
- Coventry M.C., 279, 356, 792, 1008, 1126, 1384.
- Cowey speed indicator, 485, 1376.
- Craik, Sir Henry, 469,
- Craven hounds, motors and, 8.
- Crawhez Cup 862.
- Crawhez, Baron, 1188.
- Crawley, speed limits for, 802.
- Crewe and District M.C.C., 1384.
- Cripples’ outings, 913, 1158. 1259.
- Critchley, J. S., on comparative prices, 148.
- Critchley-Norris steam vehicles, 511.
- Cromer and Sheringham, 874.
- Crompton, Col., on wheel diameters, 829.
- Cros, Alfred du, 692.
- Cros, A. du, M.P., 271, 31 r, 360.
- Cros, H. du, 360, 432, 990.
- Cross-channel balloon trips, 207, 288, 1574.
- Cross-channel aerial flight, 971, 1249. 1332, 1358. I4I4-
- Cross-channel traffic to France, 1036.
- Cross-country aero races, 1544.
- Crossley Bros., 327.
- Crossley cars, 29, 268, 462.
- Crossley carburettor, 1536.
- Crossley clutch, 1115.
- Croydon, speed limits for, 538.
- Croydon, and motor ’buses, 1071.
- Crystal Palace A.C., 220, 290, 385.
- Crystal Palace flexibility trial, 247.
- Curtiss aeroplane (see Bell, Graham).
- Curzon, Viscount, 1038.
- Cut-outs, ignition, 1566.
- Cycle and motor trades benevolent fund, 63, 170, 220, 497, 657, 1242, 1386, 1387, 1502, 1640, 1701.
- Cyclists, deaf, 1278.
- Cyclists and horns, 731.
- Cyclists and motors, 983, 1394, 1430.
- Cyclists tail lamps, 1314.
- Cyclists Touring Club, 1309.
- Cylinder deposits, 57.
- Cylinder re-boring, 1642.
- Daily Express, 1135, 1188.
- Daily Graphic, balloon trip, 1458, 1575, 1589.
- Daily Mail, 438, 1332.
- Daimler cars, 39, 90, 122, 163, 191, 464, 500, 559, 576, 60S, 634, 726, 823, 1004, 1067, 1158, 1181, 1267, 1393, 1424, 1504, 1521, 1702.
- Daimler 38 h.p. (details), 1477.
- Daimler chair, case, 260.
- Daimler Co. “Knight” engine, 1205, 1231, 1385, 1388, 1400.
- Daimler Co. “Knight” engine, our comment on, 1375,
- Daimler Co. “Knight” engine, correspondence, 1385, 1420, 1450, 1504, 1551, 1610, 1641, 1702.
- Daimler Co. in Spain, 1306.
- Daimler Co., Ltd., 1585, 1614.
- Daimler Cricket Club, 1324.
- Daimler petrol-electric ’bus, 447.
- Daimler scholarships, 361, 500, 86S, 1070, 1130.
- Daimler scholarships, awards, 1130.
- Dangerous crossings, 37.
- Dangers of petrol, 119, 147.
- Danish farmers in Edinburgh, 958.
- Darracq, A., and Co., 532, 831, 1309, 1553, 1576, 1585. „ cars, 19, 191, 418, 448, 760, 1125, »47, 1279, 1319-
- Darracq Serpollet vehicles, 448, 511, 512, 1584.
- Darracq Serpollet Omnibus Co., 1673.
- Dartmouth motor boat races, 1212.
- Davidson gyrocopter, 1124.
- Deasy cars, 1425.
- Deasy, Capt. H. H. P., 25.
- Deasy Motor Car Manufacturing Co., 1614.
- De Caters aeroplane, 1249, 1455-
- d’Ecquezilly aeroplane, 1573.
- De Dietrich cars, 21, 127,138, 176, 535, 752, 1003, xi54, 1217, 1308, 1517.
- De Dietrich cars in Cochin China, 1416.
- De Dietrich cars English works and offices, 530, 868.
- De Dietrich cars ignition plug, 1613.
- De Dietrich cars petrol tank, 625.
- De Dietrich cars records, 215.
- De Dietrich cars steering wheel, 1394.
- De Dietrich cars trial, 137, 176.
- De Dion aeroplane, 1632.
- De Dion Bouton, Ltd., 1644, 1673.
- De Dion 'buses, 393.
- De Dion cabs, 1273.
- De Dion cars, 171,' 176, 428, 447, 448, 823, 9J2, 976, 1183, 1242, 1273. 13°®> Ei". 1334, 1423, 150 s, 167*-
- De Dion cars, 8 h.p. (details), 1436.
- De Dion cars, 12-14 h.p. (details), 77b, 816.
- De Dion cars, challenge, 317.
- De Dion cars, magneto, 57.
- De Dion cars, mileage recorder, 720-
- De Dion cars, motors, 118, 1700.
- De Dion cars, records, 216, 246, 583.
- De Dion cars, sleigh, 112S.
- De Dion trial, 137, 176-
- De Dion trial, for old, 588.
- De Dion, Comte de, 1212.
- De Dion motor carriages, 191.
- Delage cars, 74.2.
- Delagrange aeroplane, 34, 382, 427, 428, 529, 623, 719, 754- 7S4. 826, 864. 90.3. 97i. 1002, 1208, 124S, 1273, 1455, 1544. 1605, 1632.
- Delaunay-Belleville cars, 1478, 1520, 1598.
- Demanest aeroplane, 1606.
- Dennis vehicles, 481, 512, i486.
- Deprez, M. Marcel, on flight, 936.
- Derby, Lord, Soi.
- Derby and District A.C., 102, 290, 385, 793, 824, 908, 1008, 1096, 1274, 1502, 1640.
- Derbyshire, danger signs in, 464.
- Descriptions, table of, 1539.
- Design of cars, 4, 132, 155, 1688.
- Design of cars, influenced by racing (Edge), 155.
- Design of cars, and tyres (O’Gorman), 320, 357, 389> 1688.
- Design of cars, (Dugald Clerk), 1362.
- Detachable rims, 402, 406, 746, 1082.
- Detachable wheels, 1205, 1686. See also Rudge-Whitworth wheels.
- Detachable rims or wheels in races, 1607.
- Deutsch-Archdeacon Prize, 76.
- Devon and Cornwall A.C., 385, 783.
- Devon C.C. and signs, 864, 1040.
- Dewar Trophy, 81, 114.
- De Windt, Harry, 287.
- Diamond fire extinguisher, 1424.
- Dictionaries, 1394.
- Dieterich friction drive, 1322.
- Digest of motor traction cases, 111S.
- Diplock Pedrail, 1171.
- Direct drive, 1130.
- Distributors, 1639.
- “Dixie II,” 1360, 1607.
- Dixon Bros. and Hutchison boats, 513.
- Doctors and speed limit, 761, 1552.
- Doherty carburettor, 1541.
- Dogs, 801, 1072.
- Dolphin two-stroke engine, 1563.
- Donisthorpe petrol meter, 1628.
- Donkin differential. 1264.
- Dourdariet aeroplane, 1606.
- Dorset A.C., 429, 653, 1008, 1037.
- Dover-Ostend race, 828.
- Dublin and District M.C.C., 93S.
- Drive, how to, a motor car, 1401, 1591, 1621, 1651, 1681.
- Drive, learning to, 1629.
- Driving, inconsiderate or reckless, leaders on, 66, 437, 569, 697, 801, 1045, 1077, 1104. 1164, 1192, 1222, 1254, 1284, i34°> 1398, 1511, I558> 1590.
- Driving, inconsiderate or reckless cases, 32, 61, no, 139, 156, 595. 1082, 1129, 1274, 1643-
- Driving, inconsiderate or reckless and compensation, 836- 1,
- Driving, inconsiderate or reckless, Local Government Board and, 1266.
- Driving, inconsiderate or reckless Royal A.C. and, 1166, 1180, 1204, 1307, 1327, I361-
- Driving schools, see schools.
- Drivers’ perquisites, 983, 1429.
- Driver’s seat, side for, 1677.
- Drivers’ training scheme, 1504.
- Drunken drivers, 62, 92, 1071, 1158. 1189, 1387.
- Dublin cabbies and motor ’buses, 689.
- Dublin M.C.C., 1242, 1306.
- Dublin Show, 29, 33, 49, 1612.
- Ducelher lamps, 1663.
- Dufaux aerial engine, 473.
- Dundas, Col. L., 13.
- Dunlop detachable rims, 529, 1540.
- Dunlop London factory, 1626.
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., 1673, 1704.
- Dunlop Rubber Co., 1614.
- Dunlop tyres, 976, 1423.
- Du Pre Challenge Cup, 907, 1068.
- Dunraven, Lord, 268.
- Dupe, The, 1179.
- Duplan airship, 1123, H54.
- Durax road system, 239.
- Dust, insanitary horses and, n8x.
- Dust, problem, 1702 (sec road tarring).
- Dust, sugar for laying, 1424.
- Dust trials report (1967), 399, 423, 1067.
- Dust trials (1908), 710, 752, 823, 861, 907, 1005.
- Dust trials awards, 1240.
- Dust trials report, 1611.
- Dust trials (1909), 1668.
- Dynamometers, 101, 494. 1431, 1467, 1559;
- EALING and trams, 90.
- East Surrey A.C., 497.
- East Sussex County Council, 633.
- Eclair silencer, 1146.
- Edge, Cecil, 1038.
- Edge S. F., 60.
- Edge S. F., on racing influence on design, r55, 463-
- Edge-de Knyff challenge, 137.
- Edge v. Jarrott match, 632.
- Edinburgh motor cabs, 61.
- Edinburgh Show, 29, 159, 1239.
- Edison aeroplane, 1088.
- Edison Miss M., 1393.
- Egypt, motors in, 1610.
- Egyptian gymkhana, 7.
- E.I.C. H.T magneto, 606.I
- Eisemann H.T. magneto, 1469, 1540.
- Elastcs, correspondence, &c., 560, 624.
- Elastcs, trial, 425, 493, 526, 555, 708.
- Electric buses (trolley system), 796.
- Electric cabs for London, 918, 946.
- Electric fire escape, 85.
- Electric ignition, 581.
- Electric Taxicab Co., Ltd., 947.
- Electric vehicle question, 331, 341, 367, 376, 399, 411.
- Electric Vehicle Co.'s van, 420.
- Electrobus Co., 570, 1584, 1620.
- Electrobuses for Brighton, 387.
- Electrobuses covered in, 1600.
- Electrobuses in Royal parks, 722.
- Electromobile Co., 1585.
- Electromobiles in Hyde Park, 372.
- Ellerthorpe, Arthur, 867, ir88.
- Elliott motormeter, 61, 1541.
- Elliott revolution indicator, 1394.
- Elphinstone starting gear, 40'/
- Ernden, Judge, 1336.
- Empress cars, 418'.
- Encyclopedia of Motoring, 1571.
- Enfield Autocar Co., 94, 127, 327, 532.
- Engines, air-cooled v. water-cooled, 577.
- Engines, features of 1908, 157, 184,'185, 221, 238, 281, 3*2, 334.
- Engines, oscillating cylinder, 515.
- Engines, horizontal, 42, 455.
- Engines, eight-cylinder, 473, 545.
- Engines, six-cylinder, 375, 575, 740, 896, 1184, 1598.
- Engines, special, 473, 711. 1184, 1209, 1231, 1358,1563, 1564, 1568, 1635, 1662, 1694, 1695.
- Enots filler cap, 517.
- En Route, 1177.
- E.N.V. aero engine, 1635.
- E. R. detachable rim, 402, 1540.
- Essex County A.C., 290, 622, 713, 825.
- Essex County A.C., gymkhana, 713, 974-
- Essex County Council, 469.
- Essex Motor Club, 456, 1010, 1186.
- Essex Motor Club hill-climb, 668.
- Essex Motor Club race meeting, 1093.
- Essex Motor Boat Club, 1276.
- Essex police and motors, 1631.
- Evidence, collaborated, 1217.
- Evreux meeting, 1269, 1278.
- Exhaust gases, effect of, 567.
- Exhaust gases, effect of, prize, 1092.
- Exhibition question (see show question).
- Exports and imports, 1907, 63, 136, 148, 229, 363, 533, 661, 797, 979, 1100, 1219, 1367, 1507, 1645.
- Exports and imports, French, 122.
- FABRIC for aeroplanes, 1634.
- Fairbanks Co.’s boats, 513.
- Faraday House, 569, 586, 761.
- Farcot aero engine, 1636.
- Farman aeroplane, 22, 54, 68, 76, 115, 207, 208, 24.9, 314, 382, 427, 454, 658, 719, 754, 936, 1066, 1123, 1185, 1249, 1304, 1333, 1453, 1498, 1572, 1632, 1662, 1691.
- Farman, Henry, 382, 494, 684, 1002, 1066, 10S8, 1123, *154-
- Farman triplane, 1605.
- Farman, Maurice, 1498, 1544, 1573. "J
- Farmers and motors, 1039.
- Farnborough, ’buses to, 958.
- Female drivers, 67, 131, 739, 1218.
- Ferber Aeroplane, 1003, 1153, *249, 1273.
- Fernie. W. J., 1360.
- Fiat cab system, 133, 170.
- Fiat cars, 138, 309, 678, 448, 1519, 1521.
- Fiat Co., 1395.
- Fiat racing cars, 751, 861.
- Fiat Wembley works, 224.
- Fiat-Napier match, speeds in, 803, 828, 836, 910, 1067.
- Filler cap, 517.
- Filler safety, 1596.
- Fines, 8, 464, 506.
- Fires, 1639.
- Fire engines, 59, 80, 85, 100, 945, 1278.
- Fire escapes, 405, 660, 1372.
- Fire extinguishers, 1x9, 147, 1345, 1424.
- Fire station, 309, 334.
- Fishing boats, motor, 528, 550.
- Flag, The, 673.
- Flexibility trial, 247, 425, 453, 508, 525, 653, 680, 751.
- “Flight, laws of,” Lanchester, 1216.
- Florio-Vonwiller wager, 23, 54.
- Florio Cup (see Bologna meeting).
- Florio Cup (1909), 12 70.
- Fly in petrol, 462.
- Flying Club, 1415, 1697.
- F. N. cars, 401, 418, 1009, 1604.
- Foden vehicles, 481.
- Folkestone and cabs, 506.
- Ford Trophy, 138.
- Forgrove vulcanizer, 1203.
- “Four inch” race, 59, 380, 424, 554, 583, 823, 861, 907, 937, 969, 1031, 1091, 1125, 1149, 1182, 1207, 1226, 1268, 1281, 1304, 1327, 1352-
- “Four inch” race, comments on, 1x63, 1256, 1282.
- “Four inch” race, entries, 407, 1067, 1229.
- “Four inch” race, map, 1225.
- “Four inch” race, result, 1285.
- Fowler tractors, 512.
- Frames and suspension, 369, 403, 441, 475) 5°9-
- France, motor cars in, 1211.
- Francis, H.S.H. Prince of Teck, 665, 697, 7r7> n5°-
- Franco-British Exhibition, 443.
- Frayer-Miller vehicles, 481.
- Freeman, G. H., 1644.
- French Aerial League, 1209.
- French Aerial Co., 1303.
- French Army and motors, 234. . „ .
- French Army airships. 249 (see also “Republique ana “ Ville dc Paris").
- French auto-cycle cup, 56.
- French A.C., aero section, 79.
- French industry, 262, 594.
- French permanent race course, 81, 204, 1150.
- French motor van trials, 82, 1033.
- French road statistics, 624.
- French sailors in London, 750, 757.
- Frick vehicles, 481.
- Friction gears, 69, 86, 103.
- Fromes hill-climb, 137, 222, 340, 493, 555> 7°9> 861, 939-
- Front driving, 123, 151, 174.
- Frost Smith on petrol-electric systems, 460.
- Frryer on hill-climbing formula, 1326.
- Fuel question, 4, 1046 (see also alcohol).
- Fuel consumption and speed, mi.
- Fuel tests, 2x6, 284.
- GAGGENAU vehicles, 511, 512.
- Gaillon H.C., 1330.
- Gallinani vehicles, 481.
- Gamage goggles, 1203.
- Cans Prize, 208.
- Garage keepers’ liability, 365.
- Garages and motor houses, 225, 253.
- Garret vehicles, 481.
- Gas Engine, 58X.
- Gas engine research, 190.
- Gasnier aeroplane, 1542.
- Gastambide-Mengin aeroplane, 23, 209, 240, 1133,1249, 1498, 1544.
- Gear-boxes, 169, 303, 409, 610, 817, 896, 901, 1054, 1141, 1200, 1407, 1433, 1437, X439, 1447, 1477, 1486, 1564.
- Gear-boxes, lubrication of, 688.
- Gear, indirect speed, 1130, 1180.
- Gear, wheel design, 656.
- Gear, wheels, life of, 804.
- Gears, epicyclic, 44, 603.
- Gears, differential, 1264.
- Gears, friction, 69, 103, 603, 646, 673, 744, r322.
- Gears, reverse (see reverse gears).
- Gears, special, 58, 86, 603/646, 673, 1534-
- Gears, worm, 106.
- Gemma aeroplane, 1606.
- General Motor Cab Co., 1189.
- Gerard, M., 1177.
- Germain cars, 385, 866, 1097, i486, 1689.
- German Aeroplane Society, 1304.
- German Army airship, 208, 936, 1066, 1088, 1123,1154, 1248, 1545, 1694 (see also Parseval airship).
- German Army and airships, 288, 971.
- German Army and motors, 190, 1015, 1218, 1452.
- German commercial vehicle trials, 1302.
- German Crown Prince, 401, 1154.
- German race course, 24S, 31S.
- German voiturette trials, 82.
- German voiturette trials, (1909), 1452, 1604.
- Germany, progress in, 451, 1626.
- Gibaud H.T. magneto, 1113, 1144.
- Gilbert, Sir W. S., 617, 1379.
- Gladiator cars, 583.
- Gladiator trial, 137, 176.
- Glasgow cabs, 126.
- Glasgow motors in, 477.
- Glidden tour, 173, 329, 360, 464, 467, 492, 628, 1033.
- Glidden Trophy, 555, 970, 1075, 1091, 1092.
- Glissoire shock-damper, 1146.
- Gnome aero engine, 1637.
- Gobron aero engine, 1636.
- Gobron Brillie cars, 692.
- Godin electric horn, 739.
- Goggles, 1147, 1203.
- Gordon Bennett balloon race, 141, 1305, 1355, 1383, 1415, 1458, 1607. "
- Gordon Bennett Aeroplane Cup, 1638.
- Goupy aeroplane, 1358, 1455 1623.
- Graetz, Lieut, (see Africa, across, by car).
- Grand Prix d’Aviation, 1414, 1500.
- Grand Prix balloon race, 1333.
- Grand Prix A.C.F. race, 53! 82, 137, 176, 217, 247, 339, 381, 556 619, 710, 732, 952, 959.
- Grand Prix correspondence, 120, 145, 183, 222, 260.
- Grand Prix entries, 909.
- Grand Prix results, 939, 943.
- Grand Prix voiturettes, 82, 176, 217, 247.
- Grand Prix voiturettes entries, 942.
- Grand Prix voiturettes results, 941, 942.
- Grand Prix voiturettes (1909), 1352, 1419, 1619, 1668, 1700.
- Grand Prix voiturettes Anjou circuit, 1509, 1576.
- Grand Prix race at Brooklands, 907.
- Grand Prize race, A.C.A., 753, 783, 823, 862, 1092, 1150, 1302, 1380, 1501, 1587, 1603.
- “Grand Trefle,” 297.
- Graphic Motor and Engineering Co., 394.
- Graphic Trophy, 653, 1007, 1031, 1067, 1091, 1230.
- Graphite, 14S.
- Gravesend-Cowes race, 863.
- Gravesend motor boat meeting, 685.
- Great Eastern Omnibus Co., Ltd., 1071, 1131.
- Green tyres, 1279. 1452, 1546,
- Greenwood and Batley petrol-electric, 448.
- Gregoire cars, 14-h.p. (details), 1656.
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, 169.
- Grindleford road improvements, 102.
- Gripples, 1306.
- Gross airship (see German Army airship).
- Grosvenor shock-damper, 678.
- Grosvenor spanner, 1085.
- Guildford and L.G.B., 1366.
- „ rates, 1460.
- “Gyrinus,” 918.
- Gyroscopic effects, 591.
- Gyrostatic action, by Prof. Watson, 563.
- HALLEY vehicles, 448.
- Hallford petrol-electric system, 71, 105, .449.
- Hall, Marshall, K.C.,
- Hamburg Airship Club, 288.
- Hampshire, police in, 1250.
- Handcuffs, chauffeur in, 1309.
- Handicapping, by F. R. S. Bircham, 188.
- Handicapping, 636, 689, 721, mo.
- Harbord, Hon. Mrs. Assheton, 177.
- Hare and Hounds race, 003.
- Harrogate and District A.C., 710.
- Harrisburg trial, 680.
- Harvey Frost vulcanizer, 316, 1470, 1540.
- Hastings election, 311.
- Hastings gymkhana, 864, 982, 985.
- Hatfield, W. H., on cast iron, 547.
- Hault helicopter, 1373, 1691.
- Hay electric vulcanizer, 1023.
- Haywards Heath police, 86, 531.
- Headlights, dazzling, 1106, 1465, 1653.
- Headlights, Bleriot, 1634.
- Headlights, trials, 125, 1465, 1668.
- Health and motors, 438, 1046.
- Hearne, R. P., 169S.
- Hedges, high, 399.
- Hele-Shaw, Dr., on fast driving. 123, 151.
- Hele-Shaw, Dr., on road construction, 321.
- Helicopters (see Bertin, Breguet, Cornu, Davidson, Hault, Tatarinoff).
- Hendon District Council, 399.
- Henry, Prince, cup (see Prince Henry of Prussia Cup).
- Henry Edmunds Trophy, 1007, 1031, 1067, 1001, 1230.
- Herkomer, Sir H. von, 796.
- Herring aeroplane, 756, 1414, 1455.
- Hertford, Marquis of, 1576.
- Hertfordshire County A.C., 180, 429, 622, 682, 757, 793, 823, 968, 1009, 1130, 1669.
- Hertfordshire County Council, 601.
- Hertford speed limits, 898, 1418.
- Highland roads, 92.
- Highlands, petrol in, 830.
- Highways Protection League, 538,1103,1278,1308,1650.
- Highways (see roads).
- High-wheeled buggies, 86.
- High Wycombe and speed limit, 868.
- Hildebrandt, A., on airships, 388.
- Hill-climb question, 131.
- Hill-climb formula, 1326.
- Hill-climbs, tuning up tor, 198, 22T.
- Hills to climb, hunting lor, 421.
- Hirst H.T. magneto, 644, 676.
- Hispano-Suiza, constructional details, 542, 574, 609.
- Historical motors, 6.
- Holland for Motorists, 1179.
- Hooded vans, 168.
- Hooydonk, J. van, 28.
- Hope-Maberley gear, 603, 646, 674.
- Hopps, Bernard, on motor ’bus problems, 1098.
- Horley vehicles, 481.
- Horn, electric, 739.
- Horn sounding, 727.
- Horns on cycles, 731.
- Hornsby chain ring tractor, 539, 593, 712.
- Horse-power at road wheels, testing, 101.
- Horse-power and temperature, 309.
- Horses, supply of war, 267.
- Horses, future of, 368, 1337, 1538.
- Horses, insanitary and dust, 1181.
- Hotchkiss cars, 1519.
- Hotchkiss military car, 1602.
- Hotel-keepers and motors, 1314, 1373.
- House property and motors, 165.
- “Houses, garages and motor,” 225.
- How to drive a motor car, 1401, 1430, 1467, 1559, i59T> 1621, 1651, 1681.
- Hub, flexible, 516.
- Hull and District A.C., 687, 1033.
- Humber cab, 323, 1575.
- Humber cars, 13, 126, i+r, 191, 206, 301, 449, 481, 482, 1071, 1643.
- Humber cars, 8-h.p. (details), 1479.
- Humber cars, at Brooklands, 317.
- Humber map, 1097.
- Humber motor cycle, 1568.
- Humber outings, 912, 945, 978, 1552.
- Humber Co., 362, 386, 1263.
- Humphreys, Howards, on highways, 323, 358.
- Humphris gear, 58, 86, 88, 119, 147, 184, 221, 259, 283, 312- 355, 430-
- Hunting for hills to climb, 421.
- Hunting motorists, 1555.
- Hutton, F. R., 581.
- Hutton, J. E., 31.
- Hutton cars, 790, 1092.
- Hutton cars, records, 861.
- Hydra ignition plug, 410.
- Hydroplane, Santos Dumont, 24.
- Hydroplanes, 1004, 1089, 1212, 1251, 1358 (see also Brooke, Korwin, Le Las, Ramus and Motor Yacht Club).
- IDENTIFICATION number, size of, 595.
- Ignition devices for motor cars, 87.
- Ignition distributors, 516, 1143.
- Ignition plugs, 410, 443, 516, 1109, 1174.
- Ignition switches, 689.
- Ignition damage by self, 688.
- Immisch boats, 514.
- Imperia cars, 1419.
- Imperia cars, (details), 1685.
- Imports and exports (see exports and imports).
- Inconsiderate driving (sec driving, also Royal A.C.).
- India, across by car, 262.
- India, motor boats in, 1036.
- India, motors in, 92, 595, 1000, 1159, 1161, 1368, 1643.
- India, oil stones, 485.
- Indian motor trials, 97.
- Indicator for rear light, 1019.
- Inland motor boating (Salis), 291, 324.
- Inland Revenue returns, 1351.
- Instantaneous detachable rim, 740.
- Instone, E. M. C., 012, 1067.
- Insurance scheme for chauffeurs (German), 93.
- International Aeronautic Federation, 683, 1S42, 1661.
- International Congress of A.C., 1336, 1380, 1609.
- International motor cycle race, 1670.
- International Motor Yacht Association, 27, 1x4, 145, x8r, 650, 717, 7x9, 791, 1386.
- International motor trade, 267.
- International roads congress (see roads).
- International touring, 500.
- International touring car trial, 81, 112, 196, 246, 316, 339, 425, 437, 493, 555, 619, 653, 679, 708, 751, 785, 799.
- International touring car trial, cars and drivers, 875.
- International touring car trial, comments on, 199, 244, 765, 873, 917.
- International touring car trial, correspondence, 281, 313, 354, 389, 827, 866, 911, 932.
- International touring car trial, diary of the run, 805, 837, 877.
- International touring car trial, entries, 452, 788.
- International touring car trial,hills, 815.
- International touring car trial, C. Johnson on, 458.
- International touring car trial, Observer’s comments, 932.
- International touring car trial, results, 892, 924, 928, 984.
- International touring car trial, rules, 210, 379, 653,751.
- Intoxicated drivers, 62, 92, 1071. 115S, 1189, 1387.
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A.C., 862.
- Iris cars, 93, 184, 1145.
- [[Irish A.C.], 55, 66, 319.
- Irish A.C. hill-climb, 1007, 1067, 1148.
- Irish reliability trials, 53, 246, 316, 339, 380, 424, 452, 525, 619, 679, 697.
- Irish reliability trials, results, 747, 782.
- Irish reliability trials, (1909), 1700.
- Isotta-Fraschini cars, 1037.
- Issy parade ground, 1035, 1066, 1184, 1358, 1662.
- Itala cars, 867, 1394.
- Italian Army airship, 971, 1x24, 1382, 1455.
- Italian maps, 1119.
- Italian motor clubs, 326.
- Italian submarine boats, 242, 277, 306.
- Ivel motors, 159, 438, 1613.
- JACK, 1241.
- Jackson cars, 419.
- James motor cycles, 1568
- Japanese airships, 79.
- Jarrett, Inspector, 867.
- Jarrott, C., 176, 215, 381, 497, 712, 1039, 1186, X250, 1699.
- Jarrott cup for motor cycles, 1670.
- Jarrott and Edge match, 652.
- Jarrott and Letts, 628, 1073, 1504.
- Java, motors in, 39.
- Jellinek, Herr, 454.
- Johnson, C., on big events, 458.
- Jones, F. J. 394-
- Jones plug switch, 1568.
- Joynson-Hicks, W., M.P., 570.
- Junior A.C., 385, 456, 497.
- Juvisy motor boat meeting, 1276.
- Juvisy aerodrome, 1633, 1662, 1692.
- Kaiser as inventor, 1393-
- Kapferer aeroplane, 209, 289, 314.
- Keiler aero prize, 494.
- Kellow, C. B., 726.
- Kempshall tyre, 638, 1336, 1540.
- Kempshall Tyre Co., 794- o
- Kenley accident, 160, 223, 318, 913.
- Kensington and motors, 229, 293.
- Kent A.C., 117, 252, 687, 866, 1009, 1097.
- Kent county surveyor, 299.
- Kent roads, 1133, H35, rl37> 1168.
- King Edward’s car, 311.
- King's Highway, H79-
- Kingston bench, 90, 363, 1129, 1394, 1642.
- Kingston police, 91.
- Kingston speed limit, 1057.
- Kirk, G. H., 1336. . „a
- Knight, C., on new Daimler engine, 138b.
- Korwin hydroplane, 1306.
- K.T. tyres, 1505.
- LACOSTE distributor, 1143.
- Lacoste H.T. magneto, 1409.
- Lucre vehicles, 481.
- Ladies’ A.C., 220, 319, 717, 974.
- Lady cab drivers, 67, 131, 739.
- Lady drivers, 1218.
- Lady in the Car, 630.
- Lanarkshire, police methods, 934.
- Lanarkshire C.C. and speed limits, 692.
- Lambert, Count, 1543.
- Lamp, 1117.
- Lamp posts, 1082, 1585.
- Lamp trials (see headlight trials).
- Lancashire A.C., 793, 970, 1008, 1065.
- Lancaster tradesmen and magistrate, 867, 1016.
- Lancaster police, 1016.
- Land's End to John o’ Groats record, 826.
- Land's End to John o’ Groats trial, 219, 430, 686, 718, 938, 977, 1010, 1068, 1094.
- Lanchester car (details), 1560.
- Lanchester F. W., 649, 1571.
- Lanchester F. W., on laws of flight, 1216.
- Lanchester F. W., on Wright and Voisin aeroplanes, 1666, T697.
- Lanchester F. W., on automobile' problems, 590.
- Lancia cars, 1039, 1410.
- Lancia 15 and 30 h.p. (details), 1494, 1332.
- Lannemazan aerodrome, 1662.
- Larrard’s valve-timer, 1239.
- Latzel solid and live rear axle, 6ri.
- Laurin-Klement speed tests, 1639, 1668.
- Law and equity, 531.
- Law Times, 393.
- Lebaudy airship, 1457.
- Leader cars, 419.
- Leechman, D., 581.
- Legal points, 32, 62, 192, 229, 465, 727, 759, 869,1072, 1367, 1425, 1461, 1307, 1585, 1673, x7°i-
- Legion of Honour, 1662.
- Legislation, 3, 432, 633, 1045, 1058.
- Leicester A.C., 687, 793, 1130, 1158, 1186,
- Le Las hydroplane, 1004.
- I.e Queux, W., 650.
- Level, aeronautical, 116.
- Level, aeronautical, competition, 209.
- Lever spring suspension, 344, 1300.
- Levers, self-locking, 373.
- Levitt, Miss D., 1032.
- Leyland vehicles, 512, 513.
- Liberte, 1066.
- Licence, production of, 130.
- Licence, endorsement of, 263, 601, 155X, 1642.
- Licence, 392, 1126, 1351, 1703.
- Licensed Victuallers’ Annual, 86.
- Licences for all, 731.
- Licences in Middlesex, 368.
- Licensing Bill, 389, 531.
- Liederkerke cup, 83.
- Lifeboats, motor, 410.
- Light engine trial (French), 247.
- Light railway crossings, 1365.
- Lights on Vehicles Act, 198, 233, 990.
- Lights on Vehicles (Scotland), 405.
- Ligue Nationale Aerienne, 1209.
- Lilienthal, 1337.
- Limonest hill-climb, 584, 620. f
- Lincolnshire A.C., 53, 180, 718, 825, 1125, 1131,1669.
- Lincolnshire A.C., mobilisation scheme, 1400.
- Lincolnshire M.C.C., 219, 252, 382, 622, 718, 938*
- Lincolnshire police, 1131.
- Lincoln and motor cabs, 693.
- Lisle, Beresford, 267.
- Littlehampton Bridge, 695, 720.
- Littler, Sir Ralph, 267.
- Live, axle bearings, 13.
- Liverpool A.C., 290, 717, 1037.
- Liverpool motors in, 1643.
- Lloyd, Major F. L., 1700.
- Local authorities and ’buses, 692.
- Local Government Board and inconsiderate driving, 1266.
- Local Government Board rural view on, 1366.
- Lodge distributor, 1659.
- Lodge switch, 1540.
- London (City) and motors, 102, 191, 293, 726, 833, 946, 1124, 1364,1423,1597,1672,1676.
- London (City) deputation to Home Secretary, 939.
- London County Council, registrations, 158.
- London County Council and motor cycles, 692.
- London County Council and motor traffic, 1604.
- London County Council and Traffic Board, 1465.
- London Edinburgh runs, 113, 137, 176 (see also Motor Cycling Club).
- London General Omnibus Co., 332, 431.
- London Improved Cab Co., 1461.
- London Magazine, 93.
- London, motor traffic in, and speed limit, 1463.
- London » ,, 293, 726, 835.
- London Plymouth run, 1093.
- London Opinion, 1583.
- London Road Car Co., 431, 1082.
- London and South Coast motor service, 394.
- London United Cab Co., 361.
- Long distance trials, 53, 81, 1x3. 137, 176. 246, 453• 495. 526. 355, 708, 1032, 1381,' 1452, 1501- Lonsdale, Lord, 266, 1555, 1643.
- “Lorraine-Uictrich,” 83.
- Lorraine-Dietrich cars (sec De Dietrich).
- Lost property in Scotland, 1201.
- Lotis vehicles, 449, 596.
- Lottery, aeronautic, 1343.
- Lovelace airship, 1100, 1124.
- Lowell road race, 12 |i, 1253.
- Lowestoft measured mile, 360.
- Lubrication, 656, 1404.
- Lubricators, 516.
- Lubrimeter, 1404. Lyon speed trials, 862.
- MACDONALD, Sir J. H. A., 132. 437.
- Mackenzie, D., on motors v. roads, 829.
- Machine design, 649.
- Maclean, Kaid Sir Harry, 1202.
- Madras motor trials, 97, m-
- Magistrate’s confessions, ii57-
- Magnetic ignition, 1625.
- Magnetos, 168, 202, 571 606, 644, 676, 704, 858, 11x3, 1144, 1257. i3I7> i4°9. 1469-
- Maids and motors, 761.
- Mails by motor, 874, 946, 1623.
- Malcontent, a Kentish, 121S.
- Maja cars, 419.
- Malecot airship, 936, 1154, 1248, 1384, 1575.
- Malay States, motors in, 783. 802.
- Man, advertising in the Isle of, 1129.
- Manchester A.C., 497, 6S1, 908, 1033, 1096, 1188, 1502.
- Manchester A.C. and magistrates, 867.
- Manchester and District Motor Trades Association, 866.
- Manchester motor cabs, 61.
- Manchester M.C., 1331.
- Manchester Show (St. James’s Hall), 17T, 228.
- Manchester Show Belle Vue, 271.
- Map, micrometer, 614.
- Maps for aeronauts, 1394.
- Maps Ordnance Survey, 1139.
- Maps R.A.C., 1338.
- Marathon trial race, 443.
- Marine Motor Association, 181, 252, 262, 336, 622, 7x7, 1502.
- Marine Motor Association, rules, 83.
- Marks, Inspector, 393.
- Martin and Jellicoe vans, 420.
- Martin Herr, on aerial war, 1304, 1358.
- Martini cars, 1521.
- Marylebone, constituent value of ? 634.
- Mass, 15-h.p. (detail), T488.
- Matlock, driving in, 760.
- Maudslay lurry, 361, 449.
- Maudslay Motor Co., 295.
- Maudslay cars 622, 1520, 1577.
- Mauritius, motors in, 75.
- Maxim, Sir Hiram, 1661.
- Maxim aeroplane, 1699.
- Maximall petrol gauge, 613.
- McNamara and Co. and motor vans, 1158.
- Mechanical Engineers, American Society of, 717.
- Medical officers and motor cars, 1158, 1596.
- Melba, Madame, 1424.
- Melboume-Sydnev record, 138, 340.
- Mercedes cars, 29, 311.
- Mercedes chain cases, 461.
- Mercedes live axles, details, 1017, 1036.
- Mercedes record, 524, 1182, 1331.
- Mercedes-Daimler Motor Co., 661.
- Mersey, ferries across the, 976.
- Metallurgique cars, 432,937, 1035,1090, 1274,1536,1613.
- Metallurgique cars (details), 639, 671.
- Metallurgique cars h.p. curve, 1230.
- Metric system, 778.
- Metropolitan Police report, 1324.
- Mexico, cars in, 556.
- Michelin Prize, 353, 529, 1271, 1661, 1690.
- Micro motor map, 6x4.
- Midland A.C., 944, 970, 1125.
- Micsse Syndicate, 866.
- Milan-Turin aero race, 1606.
- Military motor cars, 68, 94, 175, 234, 1602.
- Milnes-Daimler vehicles, 449, 450.
- Miloscope, 1064.
- Minerva, Silent Knight engine, 1249.
- Mira H.T. magneto, 202.
- Mobilisation scheme, 1400, 1430, 1618, 1687.
- Model motor boat regatta, 863, 1011, 1033.
- Model motor car, 191.
- Monaco meeting, 166, 182, 314, 471, 503, 527.
- Monaco meeting (1909), 828, 1127.
- Monaco aero meeting, 1463, 1499, 1664.
- Montagu Cup, 681.
- Montagu, Lord, on motor cars, 498.
- Mont Cenis hill-climb, 862.
- Montefiore Aero Prize, 559.
- Monthly inspection of cars, 1610.
- Mont Prarion by car, 1334.
- Mont Ventoux meeting, 1241, 1268.
- Moore-Brabazon aeroplane, 1248, 1356, 1544, 1572, 1605, 1617, 1632.
- Morning Advertiser, 1193.
- Morning Post, 1340.
- Morrell airship accident, 719.
- Mors cars, 258, 465, 592, 1336, 1527, 1552.
- Morse chains, 780.
- Moscow speed trials, 1452.
- Motor Cab Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., 501, 1189.
- Motor car souvenir, 258.
- Motor cars, Lord Montagu on, 498.
- Motor Car and its Engine, 649.
- Motor Club, 180, 252, 356, 1130.
- Motor Cricket Club, IT86.
- Motor Cycle Union of Ireland, 718, 756, 1151, 1278, ’ T353.
- Motor Cycling Club, 290, 501, 622, 718, 792, 865, 903, 938, 1306.
- "Motors, features of 1908,” 157, 184, 185, 22r, 258, 281, 312, 354-
- "Motor cycle tyres and accessories,” 1155.
- Motor Manufacturers arid Traders, Society of, 55, 143, 252, 497, 562, 622, 657, 718, 757, 794, 944, 974, 1069, 1275, 1550, 1669.
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, standards, 217, 299, 312, 380.
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Society of; petrol engine formula, 1136, 1164, 1167, 1364.
- Motor roads (see roads).
- Motor schools (sec schools).
- Molar Trader Handbook, 91.
- Motor Union, 5, 180, 356,"385, 687, 1068, 1186.
- Motor Union, annual meeting, 456.
- Motor Union, conference, 117, 179, 456.
- Motor Union, conference, of motorists, 361.
- Motor Union, dinner, 1578.
- Motor Union, election of chairman, 180.
- Motor Union, and hill-climbs, 131.
- Motor Union Insurance Co., 229.
- Motor Union and level crossings, 500, 546.
- Motor Union provincial meetings,' 657, 687, 717, 908, 1037, 1274.
- Motor Union and R.A.C., 5, 27, 37, 57, 68,99, 117, 121, 142, 165, 179,' 220, 221, 1342, 1352.
- Motor Union and R.A.C., correspondence, 121, 149.
- Motor Union and S.A.C., 537, 561.
- Motor Union and taxation, 308.
- Motor Union of W. India, 687.
- Motor Yacht Association, International (see International M.Y.A.).
- Motor Yacht Club, 55, 84, 142, 181, 220, 252, 290, 3I9i 356, 456, 526, 562, 587, 622, 657, 687, 794, 866, 1009, 1275, 1360, 1386. 11
- Motor Yacht Club, gymkhana, 904.
- Motor Yacht Club, hydroplane class, 1212, 1607,1669.
- Motor Yacht Club, Ireland, 219.
- Motor Yacht Club, racing, 557, 719, 792, 863, 918, 934. 972,1004, 1033,1070, 1090, X127, 1158, 1187, 1212, 1276. 1669. 11 .1
- Motor Yacht Club,racing rules, 528.
- Municipal Year-book, 263.
- N.A.G. CARS, 12-14-h.p. (details), 1594.
- Napier boats, 1386.
- Napier cab, 109.
- Napier cars, 30, 50, 62, 20T, 392, 525, 556, 766, 781, 863, 912, 1038, 1068, 1119, 1212, 1379, 1490, 1516, 1576, 1640, 1660, 1703.
- Napier cars, 80-h.p. (details), 492, 642.
- Napier cars, 45-h.p. (details), 1237, 1260.
- Napier cars, 30-h.p. (details), 1434, 1523.
- Napier cars, 15-b.p. (details), 1346.
- Napier cars, 10-h.p. (details), 1324.
- Napier cars, acceleration tests, 1328.
- Napier cars, and Brooklands, 457.
- Napier cars, carburettor, 642.
- Napier cars, class matches, 81.
- Napier cars, drivers’ competition, 464, 1506.
- Napier cars, door handle on, 582.
- Napier cars, exhaust filter, 75.
- Napier cars, fuel consumption and speed, mi.
- Napier cars, Grand Prix type (details), 995.
- Napier cars, petrol tank on, 1201.
- Napier cars, records, 284, 317, 555, 1269, 1452, 1576.
- Napier cars, steering gear, 172.
- Napier cars, tyre tests, 1299.
- Napier cars, wheel slip trials, 337, 430.
- Napier Fiat match, speeds in, 803, 828, 836, 910, 1067.
- Napier Mercedes collision, 58S, 624.
- Naval motor boats, 443.
- Naval M.C., 252, 865.
- Navy men as chauffeurs, 62.
- Nazzaro, 751.
- N.E.C. cars, 830, 1516.
- N.E.C. (details), 1528.
- Newcastle and District M.C.C., 621, 977, 12x0.
- New Forest A.C., 908, 938.
- New Forest road dangers, 56.
- Newhaven speed limit, 1394.
- Newmarket, motors at, 830, 1129.
- Newnham hili-climb, 1007, 1008, 1126.
- Newspaper outcry, 1135.
- New York carnival, 532.
- New York Paris, 53, 113, 218, 245, 265, 287, 317, 363, 365, 426, 463, 532, 556, 638, 1032, 1067, 1207, 1269, X302.
- New York municipal motors, 1394.
- New Zealand, motors in, 60.
- New Zealand racing in, 1183.
- Nice aero meeting, 1606.
- Nice meeting, 453, 1639.
- Nice motor boat meeting, 557.
- Nice motor cycle, meeting, 586.
- Nieuport H.T. magneto, 1257.
- Nigeria, motors in, 1333.
- Night, wheels running better at, 169.
- Nilmelior H.T. magneto, 858, 1540.
- Noise, liability for, 983.
- Nonagenarian motorist, 531.
- Nonex petrol filler, 593.
- Norfolk, police methods in, 1071.
- Normandie, Coupe de, 1126.
- Northampton signs, 1422.
- Northcliffe Cup, 177, 1664.
- North-Eastern Automobile Association, 79, 1037, 1069, 1151, 1186.
- North Herts A.C., 84, 908.
- North London Railway, 279.
- North Middlesex A.C., 55,180, 456, 824, 825,1008, 1600.
- North Middlesex hill-climb, 664, 667.
- North-West London M.C.C., 736, 866, 1068.
- Norway, motors in, 1423.
- Notation for engineering formula?, standard, 626.
- Notts A.C., 118, 142, 385, 430, 710, 824, 1069.
- Notts A.C., inter-club challenge, 653.
- Notts A.C., and cripples, 1259.
- Nottingham, motors in, 263.
- Nottingham motor ’buses in, 831.
- N. U. motor spirit, 1460.
- Nyberg aeroplane, 1662.
- OAKAMOOR hill-climb, 824.
- Obstructing cars, 327, 394, 946, 1129, 1308, 133O.
- Ogilvie, G. S., 88.
- O'Gorman, Trophy, 53, 81, 216, 317, 07°> i°°7, IO47,
- O'Gorman, M., on car design and tyres, 320, 357, 1688.
- O'Gorman, M., on engine rating, 1580.
- Oil and grease dropping, 628.
- Oil stones, 485.
- Okonite cables, 564.
- Olympia Show, November, 1908, 45, 720, 77S, 1393, 1422, 1441. *583-
- Olympia Show, analysis, 1514-
- Olympia Show, correspondence, 148.
- Olympia Show, Commercial Show, 191, 223, 362, 432, 435, 444, 480, 511, 1422-
- Olympia Show, French criticisms, 1641, 1670.
- Olympia Show, light 4-cylinder cars, 1524.
- Olympia Show, our comments, 1471, IS10-
- Olympia Show, ventilation, 1336.
- Olympic motor boat races, 219, 290, 454, 528, 904.
- Opel 40-h.p. (details),-1491.
- Orleans lubricating tell-tale, 279.
- Ormond Daytona meeting, 21, 83, 217, 318, 339, 423.
- Ostend meeting, 937, 1007.
- O.T.A.V. cars, 1207, 1571.
- Ownership, change of, and registration, 869.
- Oxford and District A.C., 1008.
- PADDINGTON and motors, 963, 1039.
- Padley Wood hill-climb, 1008.
- Palestine, motors in, 1114.
- Pall Mall Gazette, 1223.
- Palmer Tyre, Ltd., 1704.
- Panhard cars, 68, 1517.
- Panhard M. Rene, 1008.
- Parable, motor car as, 1643.
- Paris-Nice record, 247.
- Paris Salon, 867, 1123, 1394, 1588, 1593, 1601.
- Paris Salon (1909), 1619, 1703.
- Paris second-hand market, 537, 560.
- Paris to the sea race, 1090, 1x28.
- Parkway, motor, 1097, 1302, 1352.
- Parks, learning to drive in, 1418.
- Parliament, questions in, 469, 1035, 1058, 1387, 1412, 1459, 1466, 1550.
- Parsons, E. R., rim, 402.
- Parseval airship, 1154, 1248, 1273, 1415, 1633.
- Passive resistance, 1145, 1188.
- Pateley Bridge H.C., 1242.
- Patent law, 48, 568, 1649.
- Patents in 1907, 802.
- Payne Gallwey, Sir Ralph, 564.
- Pearl of the Mediterranean, 557.
- Pedestrians and motors, 801, 1367, 1507.
- Pedrail, 1x71.
- Pekin to Paris, 14.
- Pelterie aeroplane, 784, 864, 1414, 1572.
- Pelterie engine, 1209.
- Pemberton, Max, 257.
- Penrose's Pictorial Annual, 257.
- Perry, P. D. L., 25.
- Perthshire roads, 92.
- Petrol and petrol tests, by G. H. Baillie, 690, 723.
- Petrol bonuses, 1577, 1620.
- Petrol dangers, 119, 147, 106S.
- Petrol Enquiry Committee, 1678.
- Petrol-electric ’bus, 71, 105, 447, 448, 449, 1098.
- Petrol-electric systems, by Frost Smith and Stevens, 460.
- Petrol-electric systems, by Bernard Hopps, 1098.
- Petrol gauge, 613, 775, 1628.
- Petrol test, 693, 722.
- Petrol testing apparatus, 818.
- Peugeot trial, 1501.
- Pfleumatic, 517.
- Philadelphia, 113. ”
- Philipson-Stow, Sir F., 689.
- Phoenix Co's boats, 513.
- Phoenix fire extinguisher, 1345.
- Piccolo cars, 1570.
- Pick cars, 419.
- Pilain cars, 1562.
- Pilgrim cars, 1322.
- Pilots, aero, 1691.
- Pioneers in the Colonies, 945, 1010.
- Pipe aero engine, 1635.
- Pischoff aeroplane, 1454, 1544.
- Playgrounds for children, 1218.
- Plowden, Mr., 362, 593, 1375.
- Police and motorists, 91, 126, 1022, 1274, 1340, 1379, 1410, 1460, 1575, 1590.
- Police in Lanarkshire, 934.
- Police in Hampshire, 1230.
- Police in Wiltshire, 1336.
- Police traps, 267, 308,'874, 975, 1101, 1379, 1423, 1466, 1701.
- Police traps, long distance, 370, 602, 1218.
- Police traps, on Sunday, 830.
- Politics and motor cars, 1642.
- Porthos lubricating pump, 308.
- Portugal, King of," 190.
- Portugal, imports into, 7S0.
- Post Office motors, 171.
- Prague hill-climb, 433.
- Prentice and Bull goggles, 1x47.
- Prosha tyre pump, 1441.
- Prices, comparative, 148.
- Prince Edward Island and motors. 8G7.
- Prince Henry of Prussia Cup, ai, 8r, 453, 52G, 556, 781, 821, 8G0.
- Prince Henry of Prussia Cup, (1909). 1419, 1452, 1604. (see. German voiturette competition).
- Prince Henry of Prussia Cup, correspondence, 910.
- Prison Vans, 596.
- Prix de la Commission, 550.
- Problems, Lauchester on automobile, 590.
- Problem of flight, 258.
- Propellors, 210, 1127.
- Puff fulsome and sinister, 250, 280.
- Pump, circulating, 609, 1687.
- Pump, oil, 1141.
- Pump, tyre, 612.
- Punch, 59, 1041, 11.45-
- Purchaser, plea for (correspondence), 119.
- Pursuer, 1177.
- Puy du Dome circuit, 1x50.
- Pyramids, gymkhana at, 7.
- QUASHED convictions, 1551, 1642.
- Queensberry, Marquis of, 428,
- Queensland, motor cars in, 1176.
- RACING regulations. International, 1381.
- RACING effect of, 1450.
- RACING road, 952, 1428.
- Radiators, 743.
- Radius rods, 1518.
- Railway methods, 326.
- Railway motor car, 480, 1411, 1628.
- Railways and motor competition, 166.
- Railways and motor car, 1168.
- Rampageous camel, 94.
- Ramus hydroplanes, 1358.
- Ransomes' lawn mowers, 420.
- Rapid cars, 419.
- Rapiditas, 413, 432.
- Rating, R.A.C., 665.
- Rating, correspondence, 1670.
- Rating, joint committee’s report, 1578.
- Rating, F. H. Royce’s, 1351.
- Rating, G. H. Burls on, 1377.
- Rating, S.M.M.T., 1136, 1164, 1167, 1364.
- Rayleigh, Lord, on flight, 1605.
- Reading police, 602, 659.
- Reckless driving (see driving, also R.A.C.).
- Reckless driving and compensation, 836.
- Reckless poster, 1157.
- Record Book, C. Jarrott’s, 1699.
- Records, 19, 51, 112, 138, 176, 215, 248, 1241, 1331.
- Records, flying, 826.
- Records, motor boat, 83.
- Records, motor cycle, 557, 756, 826, x2io, 1353, 1604.
- Records, and oxygen, 285.
- Redwood, Sir Boverton, 1646.
- Redbridge 8-cyl. engine, 545.
- Refuges, wrong side of, 595, 1378.
- Refuges, on embankment, 1560.
- Registration, 158, 869, 951.
- Registration, change of owner, 951.
- Registration, marks, 160.
- Registration, number of car, 1671.
- Regent’s Park speed limits, 722.
- Reigate, speed limit at, 1385, 1422.
- Reims M.C.C. Grand Prix, 902.
- Renard train, 107, 820, 1089, 1201.
- Renault cars, 29, 125, 419, 463, 482, 506.
- Reo car, 18-h.p. (details), 942.
- Reo cars, 252.
- “Republique,” 116, 902, 1066, 1208.
- Resileon tyres, 53, 8x, 246, 284.
- Resilient wheel competition (French), 2r, 494, 557.
- Resilient wheels, 89, 516, 1084, 1263.
- Retrospect, 2.
- Reverend motorists, 30, 39, 224, 976, 1361.
- Reverse gears, marine, 514.
- Reviews, 14, 87, 257, 388, 1177, 1571, 1698.
- Removable rims, 402, 406, 746, 1082, 1660.
- Richmond and District M.C., 1610.
- Riddle, Dr. H. H., 438.
- Rims, removable (see removable rims).
- Rims, standardisation, 1336.
- Rivington Pike hill-climb, 970, 1065.
- R.M. tyre filling trial, 246, 284, 493 (see also Resileon).
- Road Book, Stevens’ French, 1022.
- Road Club, 1009.
- Road Congress, International, 67, 158, 462, 1336, 1342, 1392, 1648.
- Road Congress, International, delegates’ report, 1611.
- Road Congress, in England, 1655.
- Road hogs, 1583, 1610.
- Road Traction Engineers, Society of, 497.
- Roads, camber of, 462.
- Roads, cost and construction of, 300, 378, 732, 917, 1040, 1133, 1135, 1137, 11G4, 1528, 1578.
- Roads, construction of (Hele-Shaw and McKenzie), 321.
- Roads, county councils and, 325, 633.
- Roads, district councils and tarring, 698.
- Roads, dustless, 1163, 1327.
- Roads, effect of motors on, 594, 759, 829, 1363.
- Roads Improvement Association, 622, 657.
- Roads, in France, 624.
- Roads, in Kent, 1133, 1x35, 1137, 1168.
- Roads made easy, 760.
- Roads in Midlands, new, 1505.
- Roads motor, 31, 85, 227, 656, 1097, 1218, 1308.
- Roads motor, (London-Windsor), 184, 393.
- Roads nationalisation of, 400, 437, 766.
- Roads Protection Association, 463.
- Roads racing on, 952.
- Roads right to, 582, 1649.
- Roads, tarring of, 4.55, 1039, 1040, 1133, 1337, 1613.
- Roads, use of (Humphreys), 323, 358.
- Roads, waste of, 1650.
- Robart aeroplane, 1606.
- Rodakowski, E. de, 1451, 1396, 1627.
- Roe, A. V., 26, 1180, 1213.
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., 382, 529, 1272, 1354, 1413.
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., on roads and cars, 1363.
- olls Trophy. 381.
- Rolls-Royce cars, 81, 92, 375, 587, 710, 719, 999, 1202, 1366, 1395, 1424, 1461, 1517, 1519, 1552. 1623.
- Rolls-Royce cars, at Brooklands, 970.
- Rolls-Royce cars, challenge, 197, 214, 282, 315, 338, 525, 907, 945-
- Rolls-Royce cars, Derby factory, 973.
- Rolls-Royce cars, drivers’ competition, 564.
- Rolls-Royce cars, lubrication of, 999.
- Rolls-Royce cars, (trial), 760.
- Rolls-Royce cars, Ltd., 94, 1704.
- Rootes garage, 1040.
- Rose, Capt. Adrian, 438.
- Ross motor spirit, 284.
- Rossclare week, 972.
- Rothschild, Lionel de, 1070.
- Roumania, Crown Princess of, 231.
- Roval vans, 450.
- Rover cars, 501, 588, 824, 1522.
- Rover cars, 15-h.p. (details), 1485.
- Rover Co., Ltd., 1644, 1704.
- Royal A.C., 5, 27, 47, 178, x8o, 251, 319, 457, 526, 717, 793. 863, 944, 1069, 1242, 1608, 1640, 1701.
- Royal A.C. annual dinner and meeting, 383, 384.
- Royal A.C. associate scheme, 27, 37, 47, S4, 220, 290, 356, 384, 484, 497, 562, 746, 793, 974, 1009, 1096, X211, 1275, 1361, 1386,1451, 1502, 1552, 1608, 1669.
- Royal A.C. associate scheme and country garages, 1557.
- Royal A.C. badge, 687, 1186.
- Royal A.C. certificates, misuse of, 537, 560.
- Royal A.C. chairman of, 456, 665, 697, 717.
- Royal A.C. conference of provincial clubs, 179.
- Royal A.C. and driving schools, 122, 180.
- Royal A.C. Drivers’ Association, 228.
- Royal A.C. Drivers’ examinations, 1578, 1642.
- Royal A.C. founder members’ dinner, 1608.
- Royal A.C. handbook,
- Royal A.C. Hereford meet, 825, 863, 964.
- Royal A.C. hill-climbs, 131.
- Royal A.C. and inconsiderate driving, 1164, 1166, 1180, X192, 1204, 1222, 1254, 1284, 1306, 1340, 1361, 1398, 1558.
- Royal A.C. legal department, 117.
- Royal A.C. mobilisation scheme, 1430.
- Royal A.C. and Motor Union, 5, 27, 37, 47, 57, 68,99, 117, 121, 131, 142, 165, 179, 220, 221, 1342, 1352.
- Royal A.C. and Motor Union, correspondence, 27, 57, 121, 149.
- Royal A.C. and Motor Union, new premises, 994, 1675.
- Royal A.C. Norwich meet, 1096, 1151, 1190, 1195, 1211.
- Royal A.C. Nottingham meet, 631, 635.
- Royal A.C. provincial meetings, 497,
- Royal A.C. stewards, 532.
- Royal A.C. trade influence at, 175.
- Royal A.C. trade discussions at, 1420.
- Royal A.C. touring department, 361.
- Royal Windsor vehicles, 482.
- Royce, F. H., on wear in motor vehicles, 12, 14.
- Royce, F. H., on rating formula, 1350.
- Roydale cars (details), 135, 167.
- R.R.H. resilient wheel, 1263.
- Rubber Exhibition, 254, 1158, 1279.
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 192, 913, 1072, 1425.
- Rudge wheels, 625. 831, 1205.
- Rudge wheels, details, 1686.
- Rumours, damaging, 1589.
- Running away after accident, 698.
- Running cost of vans, 182.
- Russell, Earl, 27, 99, 121, 149, 165, 221.
- Russia, car in, 1094.
- Russian army and aeronautics, 655, 1210, 1415, 1605, 1661.
- Rutherford steam car, 1530.
- Ruthardt magneto, 1540.
- Rutland, Duke of, 1188.
- Ryknield vehicles, 450.
- Ryves, Reginald, 1179.
- ST. PANCRAS vehicles, 483.
- St. Petersburg-Moscow race, 286, 556, 620, 654, 681, 752.
- Salis, H. R. de, on motor boating, 291, 324.
- Salon aerodrome, 1632.
- Salon meeting, 1241.
- Saltburn beach races, 425, 555, 862, 906, 937-
- [[Charles Sangster|Sangster, Chas., 974.
- Santos Dumont aeroplane, 1210, 1435, 1497, *544-
- Santos Dumont dirigible mixte, 288, 427.
- Santos Dumont hydroplane, 24, 314.
- Sarthe high jump prize, 1358, 1543, I57.3-
- Saunderson agricultural motor, 420.
- Savage lurry, 420.
- Savannah meeting, 217, 286, 426 (see also Grand Prize A.C.A. race).
- Saw for motorists, 1599-
- Scarborough, cabs at, 634.
- Schiske aerial motor, 711.
- Schools, driving, 122, 802.
- Schrooder aeroplane, 1305.
- Schutte airship, 1633.
- Scientific American Trophy, 1001.
- Scotland, speed limits in, 1459.
- Scottish A.C., iSo, 457, 463, 526, 562, 564, 7i7, 963.
- Scottish A.C. badges 687.
- Scottish A.C. hill-climb, 1150, 1270.
- Scottish A.C. and M.U., 537, 561.
- Scottish A.C. year book, 726.
- Scottish Motor Trade Association, 180,562.
- Scottish trials, 20, 137, 143, 196, 339, 424, 493, 555, 583, 968.
- Scottish trials, comments on, 765, 87.1.
- Scottish trials, correspondence, 826, ion. ’
- Scottish trials, diary of run, 813, 837.
- Scottish trials, entries, 452, 788.
- Scottish trials, hills, 815.
- Scottish trials, non-stop badges, 977.
- Scottish trials, results, 854, 906, 931.
- Scottish trials, rules, 212, 424.
- Scottish trials, (1909), 1419, 1700.
- Scottish bridges, 1647.
- Scott Robinson carburettor, 1658.
- Scouts, 29, 59, 62.
- Scalomatic tubes, 1540.
- Seat, proper side for driver’s, 1677.
- Second-hand market in Paris, 537, 560.
- Self-starters, 40.
- Seligman, Mr. S., 660.
- Semmering hill-climb, 1270.
- Sentinel vehicles, 483.
- Sentinel wheel, 1082.
- Simplex speed indicator, 1170.
- Sirdar Rubber Co., 1130.
- Shadwell, Dr. A., 463.
- Sharman, P. A., 99, 121.
- Sharpenhoc hill-climb, 61S, 650, 654.
- Sheffield and District A.C., 118, 385, 655, 90S, ico8, 1331-
- Sheffield Simplex, 45-h.p. (details), 1481, 1518, 1530.
- Sheffield Simplex cars, 173, 1039, 1088, 1516.
- Sheffield trams, 464.
- Sheffield University and motors, 139.
- Shell Transport and Trading Co., 946.
- Shelsley Walsh hill-climb, 286, 339, 752, 970, 1013, 1024, 1125.
- Shepherd’s Bush track, 327.
- Shock absorbers, 472, 678. 1146.
- Shorland, Frank, 12x7, 1333-
- Short Bros., 1249.
- Short stroke v. long stroke, 658.
- Show question, 281, 720.
- Shrapnell splash guard, 1082.
- Shrew, timing of the, 1679.
- Siam, motors in, 1703.
- Sicilian meeting (sec Targa Florio).
- Siddeley cabs, 431, 624.
- Siddeley cars, 326, 339, 451, 485. 677, 802, 1036, 1093, 1094, n6i. 1333. 1364. 1432, 1523, 1672, 1703.
- Siddeley cars, 25-30 h.p. (details), 1493.
- Siddeley cars, range of, 1110.
- Siddeley drivers’ scheme, 1506.
- Siddeley engine trial, 1268.
- Siddeley mail van, 692.
- Siddeley photographic competition, 945.
- Singer speed trials, 1301, 1329.
- Signs and signals, road, 1038, 139S, 1429, 1450, 1556.
- Silencer, 1146.
- Silencer for gun, 325.
- Simms duplex plug, 516, 1174.
- Simms H.T. magneto, 704, 1540.
- Simplex shock absorber, 472.
- Sirens, 731.
- Sirens in France, 54.
- Sizaire-Naudin cars, 247, 532, 659, nor, 1188, 1331.
- Sizaire-Naudin records, 1452.
- Sizaire-Naudin 12-h.p. (details), 1487, 1534.
- Skidding, liability for, 127, 295, 533, 693, 1072.
- S.K. Simplex car (details), 1520, 1564.
- Sleighs, motor, 8, 1128.
- Slide rules, paper, 294.
- S.M.B. cars, 419.
- Smith, Dr., 30.
- Smith, E. Shrapnell, 30.
- Smith flexible hub, 516.
- Smith speed indicator, 1506.
- Smoke in garage, 1654.
- Snercold filler, 1596.
- Society of Arts, 180.
- Society of Engineers, 1S0.
- Solomon, judgment of, 746.
- Somerset A.C., 657.
- South Africa, motors, 129, 150, 1092, 1602, 1689.
- South Africa A.C. hill-climb, 937.
- South Devon A.C., 385.
- Southend motor boat meeting, 1276.
- Southern M.C., 654, 794.
- South India motor trials, 97, iir.
- South Kensington motor exhibits, 293.
- South Kensington aeronautics, 381.
- South Pole Expedition, 8.
- Southport and cabs, 198.
- Southall compression register, 13.
- South Wales and Monmouth A.C., 290, 937.
- Sovereigns, rights of, 1673, 1703.
- Spa aero meeting, 116, 428, 585, 864, 1123.
- Spa cars, 361.
- Spa cars (details), 706, 740.
- Spa meeting, 1270.
- Spa motor course, 1576, 1701.
- Spain, motors in, 252, 1004.
- Spanish Army airship, 10SS.
- Spanish voiturette race, 753.
- Spanner, 746, 1085.
- Spare Motor Wheel of America, Ltd., im- ., ,
- Speed cases, dangerous (see driving, inconsiae a < j.
- Speed and fuel consumption, mi.
- Speed indicator, 516, 1064, 1083, 1170, 1376.
- Speed indicator as witness, 725.
- Speed limit, 666, 6S8, 698, 827, 835, 951, 977, 1045, 1055, 1105, 1188, 1212, 1511, 1550, 1552, 1643, 1650.
- Speed limit bill, Motor ’Buses (Strauss), 827, 835.
- Speed limit inquiries, 85, 233, 263, 469, 538, 601, 692, 693, 802, 868, 808,1016,1057, 1385, 1386, 1418, 1459, 1552, 1578, 1584, 1643, 1672. >> ,, notices, 1422.
- Speed limit in Texas, 392.
- Spencer airship, 623.
- Spencer, Sylvia, 1634.
- Spencer's balloons, 326.
- Splash guard, 1082.
- Splashing mud, 1392, 1505.
- Spooner, H. J., 649, 1506.
- Sports Management, 1040.
- Spring drives, 672.
- Spring forks, 1568. a
- Spring shackle, 1322.
- Spring wheel competition, 21.
- Sprinter petrol gauge, 775.
- Spyker cars, 1070.
- S.R.O. ball bearings, 1642.
- Stadium, motor cycling at, 686.
- Staines Simplex car, 419.
- Standardisation, no, 367.
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., 1553.
- Standard notation, 30.
- Standards, S.M.M.T., 217, 299, 312, 380, 710.
- Stanley Show, 1568.
- Stanley steam car (details), 438, 4.78, 507.
- Star Omnibus Co., 362.
- Star vehicle, 483, 796, 1092.
- Starting handles, 1395.
- State carriages, 309.
- Stations for aeroplanes, 1415, 1663.
- Statistics, 234, 963, 1071, 1671.
- Stead, W. T., 1371.
- Steam cars from petrol standpoint, 960.
- Steel boats, 513.
- Steering gear, dynamics of, 591.
- Steering gear, 11,172, 1108, 1201.
- Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, Ltd, 263, 766, 1219, 1393.
- Stepney tyres, 1541.
- Stepney wheel (details), 1112.
- Stepney wheels, 869, 977, ion.
- Stevens French book, 1022.
- Stewart speedometer, 1083.
- Stewart-Thornycroft vehicles, 483.
- Stone throwing, 1308.
- Stop watches, right to see, 233.
- Straker-Squire vehicles, 512, 513, 1553, 1565.
- Straten Ponthos, Count, 61.
- Stroke, short v. long (C. Ricci), 658.
- Submarine trials, 972.
- Summonses, two for one offence, 1072.
- Sunbeam cars, 1366, 1553.
- Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., 1425.
- Sunday Closing Bill, 469.
- Sunderland M.C.C., 938.
- Surrey and motors, 262.
- Surrey, Chief Constable of, and A.A., 336.
- Surrey speed limits, 693, 1552, 1578.
- Suspension, (see Frames and suspension).
- Suspension, lever spring, 544, 1300.
- Sussex County A.C., 27.
- Sussex Motor Yacht Club, 908, 1003, 1669.
- Sutton Bank hill-climb, 756.
- Swedish A.C., 283.
- Swedish motor fishing boats, 650.
- Swedish trials, 1668.
- Swiss heavy vehicle trials, 1700.
- Swift cars, 1564.
- Swift Cycle Co., 1644.
- Switch, combination, 689.
- TAFT, Secretary, 1085.
- Talbot cars, 138, 340, 784, 1092, 1101, 1218, 1419, 1518.
- Talbot 12-h.p., 1484. 35-h.p.
- Talbot (constructional details), 779, 1522.
- Talbot fuel in Irish trial, 828, 911, 975-
- Talbot medals, 1189.
- Talbot steering gear, 1201.
- Tar, solid, 660.
- Targa Florio, 584, 654, 679, 680, 709.
- Tarring roads, 455.
- Tasker vehicles, 483.
- Tasmania, motor ’buses in, 261.
- Tatarinoff helicopter, 936.
- Tate, Harry, 90, 251, 820, 905.
- Taxation by tyres, 355.
- Taxation 233, 267, 310. 335, 39°, 393, 400, 633, 1366.
- Taxation M.U. and, 308.
- Taxation on petrol, 1194.
- Taximeters, 29. 517.
- Taylor, J., boats, 513.
- Taylor, W. J., on motors and roads, 758.
- Tampier, Mons., 796.
- Tebb, R. H., 161.
- Technicalities and private owners, 368.
- Terminals, 1306.
- Territorial Army balloon section, 601.
- Thames motor cabs, 92. 451.
- Thornycroft vehicles, 192, 451, 528, 831, 864, 1369, 1460, 1628.
- Thornycroft boats, 918, 1036.
- Thornycroft paraffin engines, 242, 277, 306.
- Thornycroft 18-h.p. (details), 1482.
- “Thyphonoide," 219.
- Tilling, Thos., Ltd., 628, 660.
- Times, 36, 46, 8°, 88, 250.
- “Times" System Automobile Co., Ltd., 161.
- Timing of the shrew, 1679.
- Tingey plug switch, 1567.
- Toll gates proposed in Sussex, 698.
- Toll gates, abolition of, 1364.
- Tooting fire station, 309.
- Torkington tyres, 433, 991, 1449.
- Torque stays, 1518.
- Tottenham and speed limit, 1672.
- Touring, International Conference, 976.
- Touring, small car, 1308.
- Touring, Europe on £1 a day, 648.
- Tourist trophy race, motor cycles, 144, 621, 1126, i2jo, 1276.
- Tourist trophy race entries, 1229.
- Tourist trophy race result, 1277.
- Tourist trophy race (see “Four-inch race ”).
- Tour de France, 654, 680.
- Towing cars, 510.
- Townsend, T. H., on garages, 225, 253.
- Tractor trials, War Office, 1032.
- Trade, 281, 354.
- Traffic question, 139, 470, 766, 835.
- Traffic question London, 1512, 1588.
- Traffic main and side road, 139, 1378, 1461, 1502.
- Traffic Board, L.C.C., and proposed, 1465.
- Trailer accident, 627.
- Tramcars, 45, 90, 469, 595, 658, 1337.
- Tramcars, passing, 1337.
- Tramps, 41.
- Transvaal trial, 1604.
- Travel exhibition, 1505.
- Trembler adjustment, 563.
- Trevor motor school, 795, 1629.
- Trevor Roy, 1177.
- Trinacria race, 138, 423.
- Triple tyre pump, 612. . |
- Troubetzkoy lamps, 1117.
- Truth, 191.
- Tryon’s accident, 50.
- Turbie Hill, 535.
- Turicum cars, 419.
- Turin voiturette trial, 139.
- Turkey, cars in, 693, 976.
- Turner’s detachable rims, 1660.
- Turpin, Dick, 392.
- Two-stroke motor cycle engine, 1640.
- Tylor engine, 316.
- Tyres, 638, 991, 1364.
- Tyres at Brooklands, 284, 325.
- Tyres butt ended tubes, 1181.
- Tyres growth of, 354.
- Tyres and car design, 320, 357, 389.
- Tyres motor cycle, &c., 1355.
- Tyres pressure in, 721, 975, 1180 (see also Napier tests).
- Tyres pump, 612, 1441.
- Tyres pump competition, 1668.
- Tyres resiliency of solid cushion and pneumatic, 1448, 1504, 1577-
- Tyres steel-studded and roads, 931.
- UNATTENDED cars, 191.
- Unemployed problem, 1230, 1424, 1432, 1450.
- Unic vehicles, 419, 483.
- United States aeroplanes, 79, 208, 289, 1384, 1632.
- University car paces, 922.
- Unlicensed chauffeur, liability for, 759.
- Upkeep, cost of, 589, 656, 689.
- VALVE grinder, 1176.
- Valveless car (details), 1438.
- Valveless trial, 1381, 1501.
- Valve lifter, 1599.
- Valve setting, 1239.
- Vanderbilt cup, 494, 555, 733. 783. 1125, 1183. 1241. 1269, 1418, 1468, 1476, 1501.
- Vanderbilt W. K., 592-
- Vanguard Co., and roads, 318.
- Vanguard Co., 332, 500, 869, 1251.
- Vaniman aeroplane, 1153, 1680, 1693.
- Van trials (French), 113, 620.
- Van trials (Austrian), 620.
- Vapour emission tests, 709.
- Variable gears, 28.
- Vatican, motors in, 1118.
- Vaughan, Father B., 47.
- Vaulx, 1209, 1634.
- Vauxhall cars, 93, 752, 1701.
- Vauxhall system, 234, 272, 302, 1566.
- Verona meeting, 217, 425.
- Veterinaries and motors, 1040.
- Vichy aeroplane contest, 208.
- Victoria, motoring in, 1187.
- Vienna, cabs in, 761.
- Ville de Paris, 115, 1545.
- Vincent, J. E., on moderate motorist, 1314.
- Vincent, Rene, 581.
- Vindec cars, 1571.
- Vinot cars, 795, 1517-
- Vinot 12-16 h.p. (details), 1373, 1407.
- Visible vapour, 267.
- Vivinus cars, 420.
- Voice, motorists’, 191.
- Voiturette consumption trial, 82.
- Voiturette cup race, 783.
- Vonwiller-Florio wager, 23, 54.
- Vospers boats, 443.
- Vulcan vehicle, 483, 1531.
- Vulcanizers, 516, 1023, 1203, 1470.
- WADE AND JONES plug, 443.
- Wader and Jones switch, 680.
- Wales, justice in, 1307.
- Wales, Princess of, 1078.
- Walker dynamometer, 494.
- Wallis’s and Stevens lurry, 421.
- Walthamstow M.C., 903.
- War balloons, 255.
- War motor car, 68, 94, 175.
- Warne's Hotel, 1037, 1088.
- Warner autometer trial, 1032.
- War Office aero experiments (sec British Army).
- War Office trials for light tractors, 1032.
- War time, motors in, 1480, 1430.
- Washing cars, 1202.
- Wason, Cathcart, 462, 716, 984, 1412, 1677.
- Water for trade vehicles, 745.
- Water Rats' outing, 905.
- Watford speed limit, 868.
- Watling Street, signs for, 500.
- Watson, Prof., on gyrostatic action, 563.
- Watt, E. S. Hall, 977-
- “Wear in Motor Vehicles,” 1214.
- Weigel, D. M., 32.
- Weigel cars, 2i, 31, 262, 392, 628, 726.
- Weigel 25-h.p. (details), 74.
- Weigel in the Grand Prix, 966, 1010.
- Weigel Motors, Ltd., 1010.
- Weigel racing cars, 285, 430.
- Weigel racing cars constructional details, 899.
- Weigel racing cars drivers, 615.
- Weigel works, 648.
- Weight of car parts, 1688.
- Weight of accessories, 1702.
- Welfinger aeroplane, 1544.
- Weller redivivus, 294.
- Wells, H. G., 79.
- Wels-Etrich aeroplane, 1358.
- Welsh A.C., 319, 682, 784, 792, 908, 1097.
- Wembley U.D.C., 462.
- Werhle aeroplane, 1573.
- West-Aster vehicles, 483.
- West Essex A.C., 118, 682.
- Westminster, Duke of, 934, 1593.
- Westminster Syndicate, 1238.
- Westinghouse cars, 93, 1352.
- West Surrey A.C., 493, 908, 1069.
- Wheel diameters, Col. Crompton, 829.
- Wheel slip trials, 337.
- White, T. A., 248.
- White Co., 485.
- White steam cars, 113, 160, 474, 583, 660, 1085, 1187, 1641.
- White steam cars in Brazil, 160.
- White steam cars 15-h.p. (details), 1442.
- White Walter, 830, ion.
- Wick’s resilient wheel, 1084.
- Wicksteed gear, 1460.
- Williamson engines, 515.
- Willing’s Press Guide, 87.
- Wimille aeroplane, 1002.
- Winchester, Bishop of, 976.
- Windham aeroplane, 1358.
- Windham Capt., 1364, 1421.
- Windsor Motor Roads Bill, 184, 227, 656.
- Wire wheels, 58, 88.
- Witzig aeroplane, 1273, 1333.
- Wolseley-Siddeley boats, 514, 1276.
- “Wolseley-Siddeley,” 269, 426, 503, 587, 1250.
- Wolseley-Siddeley vehicles, 326, 451.
- Wolseley Co., 394, 459, 1503.
- Wolverhampton A.C., 562, 968.
- Women motor, should, 1038.
- Wonham friction gear, 744.
- Woollen, T. H., 1217, 1250, 1419.
- Worcester M.C.C., 621, 938.
- World’s records (see Records).
- Worm driving, 891.
- Worthing for motorists, 1037.
- Wray, Fitzwater, 1365.
- Wright, Howard, aeroplane, 1414.
- Wright, Orville, 140, 381, 428, 623, 65s, 683, 755, 784, 936, 1153. 1208, 1247, 1256, 1271, 1332, 1413. 1572.
- Wright, Wilbur, 826, 922, 1066, 1087, 1103, X120, 1122-1152, 1184, 1208, 1247, 1271, 1303, 1304, 1312, 1332, 1338, 1356, 1382, 1413, 1454, 1497, 1542, 1572, 1605, 1607, 1632, 1661, 1690.
- Wright aeroplane, 1332, 1357.
- Wright patent, 558.
- Wright Hon. C. S. Rolls on, 1354.
- Wright and Voisin aeroplanes compared, 1666, 1697.
- Wurtemburg, King of, 160.
- YARMOUTH police, 1023.
- Yarrow-Napier boats, 1386.
- Yellow Trophy, 381.
- Yorkshire, motoring in, 1365.
- Yorkshire, speed limits, 1386.
- Yorkshire A.C., 27, 84, 143, 165, 180, 220, 383, 507, 757, 862, 1069, 1242.
- Yorkshire chauffeurs, 1613.
- Yorkshire lurries, 44.
- Young, A. B. Filson, 257.
- ZEDEL cars, 1124, 1250.
- Zedel 15-h.p. (details), 1405, 1446.
- Zeppelin airship, 79, 141, 539, 784. 864, 002, 935, 970, 1002, xo66, 1078, 1123, i2xo, 1213, 1305, 1415, 1437, 1500, 1543, 1633', X694.
- Zeppelin fund, 1035, 1X23, 1134. iaio.
- Zeppelin disaster, 1086.
- Zimmerman radiators, 614, 743. 1458.
- Zipfel aeroplane, 1573, 1606, 1632, 1662, 1691.
- Zust car, 1302.