The Engineer 1942 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1942 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 174 Index
- AHRONS "The British Steam Locomotive," Commentary on, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 310
- Alaska Road,(142). 277, 371, (530)
- "Albatross," Swedish Training Ship. (104)
- Alexander, A. V., The War at Sea, 331
- "Allegheny " Locomotive, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, (82)
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Education by Film, (268)
- American Can Co., Paper Containers for Canning, (297)
- American Car and Foundry Co., Steel Coaches for East Africa, (244)
- Ames, Crosta Mills and Co., Ltd., Grit Separator, 159
- Amor, J. F., Works Relation Schemes, 299
- Anderson, A. R., C. W. MacGregor, and A. V. de Forest, High-speed Tensile Tests, 28
- Anderson, D. S., Coal Output, 422
- Anderson, James, Obituary, (162)
- "Anson," H.M. Battleship, 339
- Armstrong, E. F., Minerals, Old and New, from the Sea, 140
- Avery. W. and T., Ltd.. "Pulsator " Fatigue Testing Machine, 517
- Avro "Lancaster" Heavy Bomber, 129, 157
- BAKER, G. S., Retirement, 205
- Bakewell Manufacturing Co., Radial Tapping Machine, 328
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Locomotive Conversion, (130); Oil Freight. Locomotive, 497
- Banham, C. P., Obituary, 213
- Banner. E. H. W., The Lightning Protection of Buildings, 48, 66
- Barclay, S. F., High-speed Steel, 260, 400
- Barnes, W., Excavating Machinery in the ironstone Fields, 108, 128, 144, 164
- Barwick, A. J., Appointed Secretary, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 528 Basle Airport. (118)
- Beale, Sir Louis, Men and Machines, 295; (Leading Article, 298)
- Bean, D. R., The Safety Factor of Winding Ropes in Deep Shafts. 119
- Benham, Keith, Obituary, (350)
- Bentham, Cecil, Elected President, B.E.A., 309
- Benton, W. A., Obituary, (20)
- Bergmann, Ernst, The Dead Sea and its Surroundings. 150
- Biggart, Sir Thomas, Retirement, 424
- Birchall, J. E.. Practical Road, Transport Operation with Producer Gas, 392
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd.. Electric Are Furnace. 381
- Black, R. H.. Locomotive Stokers, 363
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., Precision Pipe Bending. 40
- Blair, .1. S., Resin Method of Indicating Yield, 455; (Letter, 503)
- Boiler Availability Committee, Water Lancing. 366
- Boswell, P. G. H., Some General Reflect ions from a Geologist, 93
- Bouzey Dam (Historic Accidents), 452 Bradfield Dam, Sheffield (Historic Accidents), 432
- Bradley, J. N., and H. O'Neill, Railway Bearing Metals, 324, 347
- Bremner, D. A., Retirement from B.E.A., 53
- Bridge, David, and Co., Ltd., Mixers for Plastics, 413
- "Bristol" Flying Boat. 1
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Servicing Civil Aircraft, 387; Repair and Salvage of Aero-engines, 475
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Automatic Welding in Shipyards, 301
- British Timken, Ltd., New Form of Plug Gauge, 159
- Broadbent, Horace, Obituary, 362
- Broadway Engineering Co., Ltd.. Radial Tapping Machine, 328
- Brooke, R. S., South African Industrial Progress, 503
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Squeeze Riveter, 527
- Brown, C. A. Cameron, and E. W. Golding, Electrically Heated Hotbeds, 388
- Brown, G. F., Steam Traps, 281
- Brown, Sir Harold. New Appointment, 21
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 1
- Brown, Boveri and Co. Gas Turbine Locomotive. 346; Present-day Design of the Velox Boiler, 364
- Bruce, A. K., On the Origin of the Internal Combustion Engine, 383
- Bureau of Analysed Samples, Ltd., New Chemical Standards, (100)
- Burstall, A., Monotony, 174
- Butler, Major B. H., Obituary, (124)
- CAMPBELL, C. L., Nickel, 112
- Canadian Carborundum Co., Ltd., Plant Extension, (350)
- Canadian National Railways, 4-8-4 Locomotives, 51; Locomotive Mileages, (370)
- Canadian Pacific Railway. Air Lines, (82)
- "Canberra," H.M.A.S., Loss of, 163; New Australian Cruiser, 205
- Cape Town Dry Dock, 31. 160
- Cape Town Graving Dock. (182)
- Carus-Wilson, C. A., Obituary, 125
- Cherokee Dam, Tennessee, 75, 85
- Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Bridge, 314. 333
- Chorlton, F. O. L., Education and the War Effort, 135, 196, 237
- Church, Dr., Tank Engine, P. C. Dewhurst, 512
- "Churchill " Tanks, 283. (306). 498
- Clark. R. H., Some Grasshopper Engines. 237
- Clyde and Tay Canal. (124)
- Coad, W. H. Redundant-Machinery, 135
- Colloidal Research Laboratories, Ltd., The "Glo-Pass" System. 17 "Glo-Crack." 201
- Colombi, J. A., Obituary, (104)
- Compound Electro Metals, Ltd., Electrical Contact Problems, 146, (370)
- Cook, Sir Frederick, Retirement, 51
- Courrieres Colliery Explosion (Historic Accidents), 372
- Creusot Works, R.A.F. Targets, No. XXIX, 336
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, Minister of Aircraft Production, 431
- DAMASCUS-BAGHDAD Highway, (490)
- Daniels, T. H., and J., Ltd., Hydraulic Press, 412
- Davies, E. C., Are Welding and War Production, 255, 275
- Davis Dam, Colorado River, (82)
- Dean, W. F., Education and the War Effort, 260
- De Bell, G. W., Plastics in Aircraft Construction, 242, 265
- de Forest, A. V., C. W. MacGregor, and A. R. Anderson, High-speed Tensile Tests, 28
- De Havilland Aircaft Co., R.A.F. Reconnaissance Bomber " Mosquito," 358
- De Havilland Airport in Canada, (410)
- Delaware Aqueduct, 184, 208, 226, 248, 270, 291
- Desch, C. H:, New Metals and New Methods, 139
- Dewhurst, P. C., Links in the History of the Locomotive (Dr. Church's Tank Engine), 512
- Dill, J. E., Education of Sons of Engineers. 422
- Dorey, S. F., Sir Charles Parsons and Mechanical Gearing (Parsons Memorial Lecture), (162), 238, 261
- Dornier Bomber, De-icing Equipment, 6
- Doillton and Co., Ltd., Stoneware Chemical Plant, 5
- Downie, W. D., Obituary, (20)
- "Duncan Dock," Cape Town, 359
- Duncanson, Sir John, Controller of iron and Steel, 225
- Dundas, R. K., Ltd., The "Vernijigger," 177
- "EAGLE," H.M. Aircraft Carrier, Loss-of, 143
- Fedgwick 6in. Three-operation Lathe, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 283
- Electric Lamp Manufacturers' Association, Salvage of Lamp Packing Material, (98)
- Ellaby, C. H., Protective Coatings for Steel, 122
- Emden, Port of (R.A.F. Targets), 89
- "Emmerton " Plug Gauge, British Timken, Ltd., 159
- Empire Rubber Co., Rubber Mouldings with Felt. Cores (" Relt "), 264
- Endsley, L. E., Cost of Running Locomotives. (430)
- England, E. C. Gordon, Proposed British Merchant Air Service, 183, (213)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Electric Locomotives for Industry, 284
- Esla Bridge, Spain. Completion, (263)
- Evans Products, The " Auto-Railer," 498
- FAIRBURN, C. E., Appointed Acting C.M.E., L.M.S. Railway. (268)
- Falkirk Tunnel Accident., L.N.E.R., 171
- Fawcett, C. B., Key Metals and the Location of Industry, 92
- Fedden, Sir Roy, 351; New Appointment, 411
- Federation of British Industries, Post-war Problems, 411
- Fen Flood Protection, 21, 218, 233, 254
- Ferguson, J. H., Organisation for Social Reconstruction, 481
- Fermor, Sir L. L. World's Manganese Ore Deposits, 111
- Fielden, Michael, Smoke as Guide to Boiler Control, 423
- Fieldner, Arno C., Melchett Medal Award, (268)
- Finlayson, T. S., Obituary, (224)
- Fisher, J., Fuel from Sugar Cane, 31
- Fleming, A. P. M., Export After the War, 183
- Focke-Wulf "190" Fighter, 137
- Foley, Sir Julian, Retirement, 289
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Six-figure Trigonometrical Tables, 368
- Fort William Airport, Canada, (490)
- Fortescue, C. L., Electrical Engineers and the Post-war Period (I.E.E. Pres. Address). 300, 312
- Freeman, G. F., Fuel Targets, 196
- Freeman, R., Salvage by Welding. (530)
- Freeman, S. B., Status of Engineers, 422
- GARRO-JONES. G. M., Ministry of Production Appointment, 125
- Gauge and Tool Makers' Association, Ltd., 286
- Gebbie, J. Ramsay, British Shipbuilding, 334
- General Electric Co., Ltd., New Insulating Tubing System, 407
- General Electric Co. of America, "Dim-Out" Traffic Signal Switch, (204); Instrument Jewels, (463)
- General Paz Avenue. Buenos Aires, 367
- Genoa, Port of (R.A.F. Targets), 435
- Glasgow University, Sir D. Stevenson's Gift, 205
- Glinn, R. J., Water Lancing, 366
- "Gneisenau," German Battle-Cruiser, 21
- Golding, E. W. and C. A. Cameron Brown. Electrically Heated Hotbeds, 388
- Gordon, Lord Dudley, Recent Developments in Refrigeration (Hawksley Lecture). 402, 414
- Grand Coulee Dam. Columbia River, 168
- Great Western Railway, Severn Tunnel Signalling, (20); Appointment, (410)
- Greenly, Sir John, Nominated President. Institute of Metals, (288)
- Gregory, Sir R., Opening Address, British Association. 91
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., Carbon-in-Steel Determination Apparatus, 100
- Griffiths, R. G., Education and the War Effort, 196. 279
- Gurney's Boiler, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 382
- HALLETT, W. N., An Engineer's War, 53
- Hammond, R., Modern Tunnelling Practice, 344; Plastics and the Engineer, 412
- Harrison, R. E. W., The Engineering Approach, 27; (Leading Article, 32)
- Hartley, Sir Harold, The Recovery of Metals from Scrap, 139
- Hatfield, W. H., Economy in the Use of Ferro-alloys, 151
- Haver. A. H., Obituary, 163
- Hawksley Lecture, Recent Developments in Refrigeration, Lord Dudley Gordon, 402, 414
- Hayle Foundry, Rhys Jenkins, 327
- Hendy, Joshua. Ironworks, Production of Marine Engines, (104)
- Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., Education Institute, 511
- Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Worn Tyre Warning, (330)
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Heavy-duty Combination Turret Lathe, 59; Gear Cutter Grinding Attachment, 201; Mechanical Handle for Gauges, 283; 6in. Three-operation Lathe, 283; Turret Lathe Safety Device,:368
- Herbert, Sir A., Fine Limits, (162), 257; Fuel Economy, 260; High-speed Steel,:300
- Hereford Museum, Old Tools, F. C. Morgan. 477
- Hex River Valley Scheme, 448
- Hillhouse, P. A., Obituary, 276
- Hirst, Lord, I.E.E. Fund, (308)
- Holland, Sir T., Opening Address, British Association, 92
- Holm, H. Th., Telephone Development (359)
- Holms, F., Education of the Sons of Engineers, 461
- Hood, A. G., Obituary, 378
- Hoover Medal Award to Mr. Gerard Swope, 471
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Paraffin Wash Equipment, 159; Automatic Trip Air Valves, 428
- Hordern Richmond Aircraft Co., Ltd., " Hydulignum " Propeller Blades, 431
- "Howe," H.M. Battleship, 339
- Hudson, R. S., Agricultural Engineering Workers and the War, 528
- Hugo, B. J., Obituary, (104)
- Hunter, H., and R. C. Thompson, British Merchant Shipbuilding Programme in North America, 1940-42, 458, 482, 507
- INGLIS, C. E., The Status and Work of Engineers, 361; (Leading Article, 360); (Letters, 382, 401, 422); Industrial Management, 471
- "Iowa," U.S. Battleship, Launch, 183
- JENKINS, Rhys, Hayle Foundry, 327
- Jenkins, Robert, and Co., Ltd., Collapse and Repair of a Storage Tank, 192
- Jobling, J. A., and Co., Ltd., Glass Pipe Lines for Chemical Plant, 44
- Jones, W. R., Tin Deposits, 111
- Kahn, Albert, Obituary, 471
- Kain, C. H., and L. W. Sanders, Production of Uniform Steel for a Light Castings Foundry, 38
- Karachi Water Supply, (370)
- Kayser, J. F., the Magnetic Powder Method of Crack Detection, 241
- Keiller, C. M., French Locomotive Performance, 73
- Keller, K. O., Obituary, 95
- Kendall and Gent (1920), Ltd., Large Vertical Milling Machine (C.V.M. 65), 18; Heavy Duty Horizontal Plano-Milling Machine, 407
- Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Co., Ltd., "Keebush" Chemical Plant, 44
- King's Cross Station. L.N.E.R., 328
- Kingsley Darn, 35, 46
- Kipping, N. V., Regional Organisation for Production, 316
- Kissack, W. F., Towards the Financial Engineer, 12
- Knott, D. S., Flange Lubrication, 299
- Kodak Ltd., Trends in the Technique of Industrial Radiography, 492
- "LAFAYETTE," U.S.S., Salvage of, 126 (Supplement, A ugust 1414, 1942)
- Lake, C. S., Obituary, 451
- "Lancaster" Heavy Bomber, A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., 129, 157
- Landeborough Findlay (S.A.) (Pty.), Ltd. Oil-engined Locomotives, (350)
- Larks, Sir William J., Address at British Association Conference, 111
- Lea, Raymond, Obituary, (4:30)
- Lemon, Sir Ernest, A Staff College for Industry, 388
- Lewi, G., International Trade After the War, 277, (306)
- "Lexington," U.S. Aircraft Carrier, 269
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., Welded American Tanks, 264
- Livesay, E. H., Canadian Locomotive Experiences, Transcontinental Return, C.P.R., 198, 210, 230, 250, 272, 293
- Lloyd, G. C., Obituary, 43
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Shipyard Welding, 411; A. J. Barwick Appointed Secretary, 528
- Londex Ltd., Meatless Liquid Level Control, 306
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Rag Salvage, (104); Rails from America, (224); War Work, (224); Salvage, 246); Veteran Locomotive "No. 20,008," (246); Mr. C. E. Fairburn Appointed Acting C.M.E., (268); Appointments. (330). (530); Railways and Winter, 351; Coal Economy, (370)
- London and North-Eastern Railway, Locomotive Conversions, 18; Micro-photographic Records, (42); Use of Briquettes, (104); Falkirk Tunnel Accident, 171; Alexandra Palace Line. (246); King's Cross Station, 328; Appointments, (390); Concrete Bicycle Stands, 407; 1942nd Locomotive, 444; Clyde Steamer "Lucy Ashton," (450); J. C. L. Train Appointed Chief Engineer, 451
- "Lucy Ashton," L.N.E.R. Clyde Steamer, (450)
- Lysholm, A. J. R., A New Rotary Corn - pressor, 521
- Lyttelton, O., Allocation of Production Resources, 338; (Leading Article, 340)
- MACDONALD, J. F. S., Carbonisation of Locomotive Piston Valves, 522
- MacDonald, Sir M., and Partners, Fee Flood Protection Scheme, 21, 218, 233, 254
- Macdonald, S., Progress and Industrialists, 481
- MacEvoy Shipbuilding Co., Concrete Barges. (42)
- MacGregor, C. W., A. V. de Forest, and A. R. Anderson, High-speed Tensile Tests, 28
- Mallory Metallurgical Products, Ltd., Circuit Breaker Contacts, (330)
- "Manchester," H.M. Cruiser, Loss of, 143
- "Mangalore," Swedish Motorship, (530)
- Marshall, A. W., Obituary, 115
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, Commentary on Ahrona' "The British Steam Locomotive, 1825-1925," 310; Gurney's Boiler, 382
- Mayer, F. L., Education and the War Effort, 174, 237, 321
- McCorquodale, M. S., Mobilisation of Britain's Industrial Man Power, 289
- McWhirter, E. M. S., and H. J. Ward, Supervisory Remote Control for Wellington, New Zealand, 116
- Melchett Medal Award, (288)
- Men of Maudslays, (42), (122)
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Guillotine Safety Device, 221
- Meyenberg, F. L., Works Organisation, 191
- Meyer, A., The First Gas Turbine Locomotive, 521, 524
- Miller, R. V., Construction at Quonset Naval Air Station, 29
- Montreal Locomotive Works, Ltd., C.N.R. Locomotives, 51
- Moore-McCormack Cargo Ships. (142) Morgan, F. C., Some Old Tools in Hereford Museum, 477
- "Mosquito " Reconnaissance Bomber, 359
- Moss, Professor Neville, Obituary, 362
- Mottistone, Lord, The Merchant Marine (Inst. of Marine Engineers, Presidential Address). 253
- Moulded Components (Jablo), Ltd., Densified Laminated Wood for Engineering Uses, 219
- NATIONAL Industrial Electric Lighting Service, Advice on Lighting, (162)
- Neild, G. A., Education and the War Effort, 174
- Newton, Isaac, Tercentenary Celebration, 459; (Leading Article, 520)
- Niagara Falls Power Company, (124)
- Noble, Sir Saxton, Obituary, 309
- Nock, O. S., French Locomotive Performance, 74, 154; Driving on the Throttle, 299
- O'Brien, J. Owden, Obituary (490)
- Osborne, J. H., Obituary, 391
- Palin, J., Obituary, (470)
- Pan-American Airways, Inc., South American Service, (162)
- Panama-Mexico Highway, 83
- Paris Underground Extensions, (488)
- Parker, C. R., Railcar Oil Engines in the Argentine, 425, 437, 464, 483
- Parker, E. B., French Locomotive Performance. 74; A Channel Suspension Bridge, 401
- Parker Foundry (1929), Ltd., Increasing Production (Open Letter to A.E.U.), 34
- Parnall Gun Turret, 386
- Parsons Memorial Lecture, S. F. Dorey. (162), 238, 261
- Pearson, G. C., Obituary, (288)
- Pestereff. N. V., Engineering Education, 153, 279. 341
- Philips Industrial (Philips Lamps), Ltd., Welding Calculator, (174); Magnetic Filter, 284
- Pickett, G. A., Self-phasing of Locomotives, 382
- Pidgeon, L. M., Magnesium Process, (470)
- Preload Company of Canada, Ltd., Preloaded Concrete, (215)
- Prince Edward Island Dry Dock, (510)
- "Princess Alice," Historic Accidents and Disasters, XIV, 206; (Letter, 237)
- Pryor, Edward, and Son, Ltd., "Making a Mark," (306)
- Purdy, Hugh, Obituary, 482
- QUONSET Naval Air Station, R. V. Miller, 29
- RAINBOW Bridge, Niagara River, Award, (42)
- Rayleigh, Lord, A Great. Physicist, M. Schofield, 421
- Read, H. H., Geological Control et Mineral Deposits, 92
- Renwick, Sir R., Ministry of Aircraft Production Appointment, 225
- Ricardo, H. R., Hon. Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (490)
- Rice, A. S., Obituary, 391
- "Richelieu," French Battleship, 431
- Rigby, C. E., Obituary, (450)
- Rissik, H., Model Quality Control Charts, 64, 86, 106
- Robiette, A. G., Electric Arc Furnace, 381
- Robinson, C. J., Obituary, 143
- Robson, T., French Locomotive Performance, 33, 115
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., "Lancaster" Heavy Bomber, 129, 157
- Rolls-Royce "Merlin 61" Supercharged Fighter Engine, 495
- Rotol Airscrews, Ltd., British Airscrew Development, 304
- Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Statistics, (246)
- Runciman, W. L., Air Transport in the Future, (510)
- Russell, D. G., Engineering Education, 215, 321
- Ryves, R. A., Fuel Waste: Summertime, 260
- SAIMAA Canal, (142)
- St. Clair, L. J., Tipped H.S.S. Tools, 41
- St. Lawrence River Scheme, (182)
- Sanders, L. W., and C. H. Kain, Production of Uniform Steel for a Light Castings Foundry, 38
- Sayers, W. H., Dive-bombing, 154
- Schneider, Eugene, Obituary, (430), 441
- Schneider Works at Le Creusot, R.A.F. Targets, No. XXIX, 336
- Schofield, M., A Great Physicist (Lord Rayleigh), 421
- Seemann, H. E., Trends in the Technique of Industrial Radiography, 492
- Sells, Charles de Grave, Obituary, 33
- Sempill, Lord, The Engineer's Attitude Toward the Post-war Economic Situation, 474; (Leading Article, 480); ( Letter. 503)
- Senghennyd Colliery Disaster (Historic Accidents), 372
- Severn Tunnel Signalling, (20)
- Shasta Dam, Cement Plant. 13
- Shaughnessy, E. H., Obituary, (142)
- Shorter Process Co., Ltd., Flame Hardening, 385
- Signal Hill Tunnel, Cape Town, 358
- Simon Carves, Ltd., Collapse and Repair of a Storage Tank, 192
- Slip Products Co. Ltd., "Slipeloan" Liquid Cleanser, 60
- Smith, E. C., The Status of Engineers, 382
- Smith, J. G., International Trade in Raw Materials. 180
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Ltd., (308)
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, New Steel Works, (292), 326
- Southern Railway, "Merchant Navy" Locomotives. (142), (390); Paper Salvage, (268)
- Southwell, R. V., New Rector of the Imperial College. 222
- Speed Tools, Ltd., Hinged Drill Jig, 368
- Spicer, T. S. and C. C. Wright, Bituminous Coal for Stoker-fired Boilers, 423
- Spiers, H. M., Technical Data on Fuel, (171)
- Spooner. W. W., An Engineer's War. 96; Drying, 173, 363
- Spurrier Memorial Fund, (204), (268)
- Stallard, C. F., Boring for Oil in South Africa. 277
- Stanier, W. A. Technical Adviser, Ministry of Production, 214
- Stansfield, R., The Measurement of Torsional Vibrations, 77, 101
- "Sten" Gun, 43
- Stephen, A. E., Obituary, 163
- Stephenson, George, Portrait Presented to I. Mech. E., 519
- Stephenson Locomotive Society, Annual Meeting, (530)
- Stevenson, Sir Daniel, Gift to Glasgow University, 205
- Stewart, F. C., The Engineer and Society, 406
- Stewart, Oliver, Diving Aircraft, 136
- Strode, S. A., The Construction of Pressure Gauges, 401
- Stuart, J. M. Blackwood, Obituary, 379
- Sulzer Brothers, Two-stroke, Two-shaft. Opposed-piston Oil Engine. 15
- Swope, Gerard, Hoover Medal Award, 471
- TACOMA Bridge, (375)
- Tata Research Laboratory, (362) Taylor-Wharton Iron and Steel Co., Bicentenary, 387
- Teasdale, John, Obituary, (204)
- Thames Barrage Scheme, 105
- Thermal Syndicate, Ltd., "Vitreosil " Chemical Plant, 25
- Thompson, R. C., and H. Hunter, British Merchant Shipbuilding Programme in North America, 1940-42, 458, 482, 507
- Thompson, S. J., Boilers Past and Present (I. Mech. E., Pres. Address), 351, 356, 376.:394; (Letter. 382)
- Thornton. A. J., Obituary, (320), 338
- Thornycroft, Sir J. E., Engineering in Agriculture, 374. 396
- "Thunderbolt" Fighter, 143
- Timber Development Association, Ltd., Fireproofing of Timber, 200
- Train, J. C. L., Chief Engineer, L.N.E.R., 451
- "Tritonia," Swedish Motorship, (62)
- Turnbull, C., Self-phasing of Two-Bogie Locomotives, 363
- Turner, T. H., Corrosion of Boiler Tubes, 442. 446
- Tylecote, R. F., Resin Method of Indicating Yield, 503
- UPHOLDER," H.M. Submarine, Loss of, 316
- Urge." H.M. Submarine, Loss of, 247
- Usher, Sir George, Complimentary Dinner, (459)
- VAN DEVENTER, J. H., Robbing Peter, Cheating Paul, (142); Less Paper, More Head and Foot Work, 498
- Velox Boiler, Present-day Design, Brown Boveri and Co., 364
- Vickery, J. F., The "Princess Alice," 237
- Vignoles Snuff-box Presented to Royal Society, 63
- Vogel, J. L. F., Tungsten, 112
- WALL, T. F., The Electric Arc Furnace. 175, 188, 216, 228; (Letters, 381)
- Ward, H. J., and E. N. S. McWhirter, Supervisory Remote Control for Wellington. New Zealand, 116
- Waterloo Bridge, 55
- Watson, F. L., Education and the War Effort, 154, 215; Engineers After the War. 503
- Watts, E. H., Superheating at Sea, 400
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., gun Baths for Workers, (62)
- Westinghouse Co., Shock Refrigeration, (463)
- Whitaker, F. P., Obituary, 362
- Whiting, T. W., High-speed Steel, 503
- Wickman, Ltd., Universal Dial Gauges, 527
- Willard, Daniel, Obituary, (224)
- Williams, A. E., Non-metallic Chemical Plant, 5, 25, 44
- Williams, David, Mineral Resources of the U.S.S.R., 179
- Williams, J. Harcourt, Obituary, 33
- Wilson, W., Mine Disasters, 444
- Wimperis, H. E., Air Power, 259
- Windham, Commander Sir Walter, Obituary, 21
- Wohler, Friedrich, 363
- Wright, C. C., and T. S. Spicer, Bituminous Coal for Stoker-fired Boilers, 423
- YATES, R. S., High-speed Steel Shortage, 215
- ZAUSMER, L., Speed and Convoy, 279
See Also
Sources of Information