Engineering 1967 Jan-Jun: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering
- All Indexes PDF
- A-300 European airbus development 801
- AB Centralsug, Centralsug suction conveyance system of refuse collection 501
- A. B. Engineering Co., Linkamat polythene link matting 595
- AB Svenska Flaktfabrieken, air conditioning systems by computer 126
- Abarth sports racing car 52
- Abbey Electronics and Automation Ltd., nutating table 476
- Abbotsinch Airport, automatic door controls 453 loudspeaking network at, AEI 133
- Abdul Aziz, centenary of visit to England 5
- Aberdeen fume cabinet 356
- Aberdeen University, structural failure of zoology block 163
- Aberfan coal-tip disaster, inquiry into 86,126,161, 201, 247, 291, 333, 374, 416, 667, 704
- - National Coal Board instructions on management responsibility 374
- Aberthaw Fisher heavy-load roll-on vessel 298, 1048
- Abex Engineered Products Ltd., operator training programme 45
- Abramson, H. N., on Applied Mechanics Surveys (book) 75
- Abrasion-resistant lining. Plastic Carbide 397
- Abrasion-resistant powder alloy, TungTec 726
- Abrasive finishing (trade publication) 402
- Abrasive grinding machine using cubed construction technique. Snow 981
- Abrasive mops. Airflow 186 Coolair 186
- Abrasive products, Norton 911
- ABS sheet, matt, Cycolac CG 995
- AC Cutting Machines Ltd., Cutlass VMSIII circular saw 312
- Acceleration due to gravity, determination of, NBS 176
- Accelerometer, Piezotron 737 semi-conductor strain gauge type, Vibro-Meter SA 187
- Access Equipment Ltd., hydraulic lifting tables (trade publication) 442
- Accident(s)
- at construction sites 761 industrial, research programmes 753 railway
- British, of the twentieth century, by J. A. B. Hamilton (book) 363
- Conington 376 safety devices on electric lines Stechford 376 Steventon 376 road, with roadside equipment. see also Explosion
- Accles and Pollock Ltd., aircraft liquid cooling 304 circuits 263
- 'Acro-Kool' remote water coolers (trade publication) 318
- Acrow (Engineers) Ltd., Flip-Top industrial space heater 70
- Acrylic polymers, for acrylic caulks and sealants, Lennig Chemicals 440
- NeoCryl B-723 560 properties and applications 445
- Acta Potytechnica Scandinavica 363
- Acu-Arc adjustable French curve 644
- Ad. Auriema Ltd., vacuum furnace with liquid quench 398
- Adam, H., on Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress Vol. 2, Pt. 1-3 (book) 401
- Adan Hydraulics Ltd., Turolla series E gear pumps 516
- Adaptive networks 117
- Adcock and Shipley (Sales) Ltd., milling machines (trade publication) 402
- Addison, K., group project work for student apprentices 620
- Addo printer drive module 356
- Adeline Genee theatre, communication systems in 133
- Adformax E.P. tapping compound 185
- Adhesives, Bexol 221 Bloomingale, for Jetstream aircraft 303 clear, for low-pressure spraying, 3M
- Adhesives bonding, (book) 611
- Admel International publication 792
- Admiralty Research 691
- Advances in control 186 structural, by M. J. Bodnar Ltd., transfer lettering (trade Laboratory, gaseous filtration systems 376
- See Letter 56
- generator with
- Accurate Tools (Greens) Ltd., Atag high-pressure air gauge 435
- Accuspede digital selection of speed ratios 638 Acetal resin (trade publication) 152
- ACF Industries, forged aluminium bowls for Phoebus 2 rocket engines 68
- Acheson Colloids Ltd., DAG 717 lubricant for Seal 0-ring pipeline valves 428
- Acoustic design. Queen Elizabeth Hall 294
- Acramat IV machine tool control unit with integrated Vol. 3, by C. T. Leondes (book) 655 Vol. 4, by C. T. Leondes (book) 401
- Advances in microwaves, by L. Young (book) 561
- Advertising trends 1012
- AECL Douglas Point nuclear power station 255
- Gentilly nuclear power station 255
- India nuclear power station 258 origin and activities 255 potato irradiator 727
- AEG, electricity meter readings by telephone 777
- AEG-Elotherm GmbH, welding plant for pipelines 609
- AEG-Telefunken, isochronous cyclotron 640 X-ray dosimeter 640
- AEI-Birlec Ltd., electroslag refining plants 188 rotary-hearth gas-fired furnace 549
- AEI Electronics Compac computer for process control 436 development contract. Ministry of Technology 555 82 ft fully-steerable aerial electron microscope at 555
- Logicon static switching concrete mixer 820, 622
- Cavendish Laboratory control for automatic 1 MV electron microscopes 555 radar control stations for Saudi-Arabia 802 static stand-by generating set 269 Suitcase data logging machine 436
- Hotpoint. See Hotpoint
- Process Control, low-cost pneumatic components (trade publication) 914
- Switchgear Division, Minilink fuse switchgear 989
- AEI Telecommunications Group, Dirivox internal communication system 864
- Aerial, fully-steerable 82 ft, Chilbolton 622
- Aerial surveys. Scotchlane self-adhesive plastics road-marking tape for 924
- Aerial-2, Goonhilly 290
- Aerodynamics, basic 915 theoretical, by L. M. Milne-Thomson (book) 91 3
- Aerodynamics survey in industry 42
- Aeroelasticity aeronautical examples 916 comparison with theory of elasticity 915 definition of 915
- Engineering Outline 915 non-aeronautical examples 918 phenomena 916
- Aeronautics, by C. H. Gibbs-Smith (book) 481
- Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment, ultrasonic plant for cleaning electronic equipment for aircraft 142
- Aeroplane and Motor Aluminium Castings Ltd., Ardox fluorescent dye inspection of pressure die castings 437 Mark IV Zodiac-Zephyr motor car suspension components inspection of 437
- Aeropreen Ltd., polyurethane boom to restrain oil 492
- Aerosol cans, soldering of 982
- Aerospace instrumentation symposium. College of Aeronautics, Cranfield 1084
- Aerotrain, air cushioning and propulsion of 260 experiments, BERTIN 260 with Renault Gordini engines 458
- A. E. W. Ltd., electric industrial oven 1034
- AFA Security Group, motor car anti-theft devices 843-844 Sidleen key motor-car anti-theft device 843-844
- Africa, water supply scheme at Freetown 202
- Agie Industrial Electronics Ltd., jig erosion machine 518
- Agricultural engineering symposium 834
- Agricultural machinery, investment grants for 122 short-term trends 966
- Agriculture, ergonomics problems in, conference on 442 hand tools to mechanization, by L. A. West (book) 871 hot galvanized steel in (trade publication) 36 see also Irrigation; Tractor
- Ahrend-van Gogh NV, telemetry equipment for electroencephalograph measurement 464
- Aileron reversal, example of aeroelasticity 917
- Ainley, D.G.,closed-cycle gas-turbine systems 472 Air, compressed. See Compressed air
- Air automation, air-control piston valves 743 air cylinders 186 air-operated vice 147
- Air bearing equipment (trade publication) 656
- Air-bubble oil barrier system 621. Letter 762
- Air-bus requirements, BEA 494
- Air compressor. See Compressor
- Airconditioners (trade publication) 1036
- Air-conditioning in glass office buildings 1011
- Air conditioning equipment, Euroclima KG 358 packaged. Fairline 358 short-term trends 966 Westair/Hitachi 831
- Air conditioning systems by computer 126
- Air coupling, high-pressure, Guyson Industrial Equipment 594
- Air-cushion equipped transporter vehicle 296
- Air cushion platform for moving textile machinery, Berlin et Cie 982
- Air cushioning and propulsion of Aerotrain 260
- Air cylinders. Air Automation 186
- Air data unit, Arenco Electronics LD-4
- Air defence system. Rapier 87
- Air filter. See Filter Air flow, measurement of, by Pankhurst (book) 189 for cupola operation 993
- Air gauge, high-pressure, Atag Air heaters (trade publication)
- Air humidifier, Felvic 186
- Air Impellor and Engineering Co., Turbo-fume exhaust unit for welding 558
- Air League's defence memorandum 157
- Air-operated vice. Air Automation 147
- Air pollution. See Pollution ; Smoke Air preheaters, glass tubing for (trade publication) 998
- Air Products Ltd., Cryoguard refrigerant for Freightliner containers 924 electronic grade hydrogen chloride gas 516 Surge-Arc semi-automatic mig welding unit 606
- Air silencers, Enots 150
- Air tools, for civil engineering (trade publication) 36 trade publication 36
- Air traffic control, in Europe 89 Myriad I computer for 455
- Air traffic control simulator, Bretigny 89
- Airborn carpet underlay, Dunlop 900
- Airbus. See under Aircraft
- Aircraft air-bus requirements, BEA 494 all-weather capability programme for 925 Augusta 106 helicopter 343
- Beagle Pup, aerobatic two-seat trainer class Belfast military freighter, flight simulator for
- Boeing 737 jet transport, computer-controlled riveting machine for 1069
- Boeing 737 short-to-medium haul transport aircraft 621
- Boeing 2707 supersonic transport details 47 Concorde supersonic airliner 889 comment on criticisms of 409 electrical system 57 fuel system test rig 394. Letter interior design 337 mock-up 337 Olympus 593 turbojet engine for Olympus 593 turbojet engines, 428
- sales estimates 47 cooling systems in high-performance 59 Dassault Mirage F-1 and F-2 891 Dassault Mirage G 891 Dassault Mirage III V VTOL 848 directory and nomenclature of the first aeroplanes 1809-1909, by C. Gibbs-Smith (book) 35 Dornier Do31 El V/STOL transport, first flight of 332
- Dornier Do31 VTOL transport 851,1018 Dornier P 360 STOL jet transport 891, 1018 Dornier Skyservant multi-purpose STOL aircraft 1019
- Dornier Skyservant STOL 891 electrical systems 57. Letter 88
- European airbus A-300 development 801 EWR-Sud VJ101C experimental VTOL 848, 849, 850
- EWR-Sud VTOL military strike 850
- F-111K strike and reconnaissance. General Dynamics 157
- F-228 jet transport, Trent aircraft engine for. Rolls Royce 202
- Fiat G91Y, increased thrust 891
- Fokker F-28 Fellowship 891
- short-haul airliner 844
- Handley Page Victor Mk II, generators in 59 Hawker Siddeley P1127 Kestrel V/STOL 848 Hawker Siddeley P1127 V/STOL 157 Hawker Siddeley P1154 VTOL 848 helicopter, Augusta-106 343
- Bolkow Bo-105
- Dornier Do-132 Mi-6P, Mikhail Mi-10, Mikhail
- sales promotion of, Russia 452 Sud Aviation, SA-340 891 WE-01 and WE-02 tilt-rotor 891 Westland WG-13 891 HS 801 maritime patrol 59
- Jaguar strike/trainer 889
- Jetstream, HP137, design and construction, Handley Page 300
- Lightning strike, with brushless de generator 60 Ling-Temco-Vought XV-142A V/STOL transport 891
- magnesium alloys for, BSI 468
- Martin-Marietta SV5-J lifting body 891 One-Eleven, flight simulator 65 Phantom, McDonnell 157 power supply systems 57 reconnaissance, Nimrod 801 maritime 1010 Saab Draken type-37 581 Saab Draken type J35F and S35E 891 Saab Viggen STOL 581 supersonic transport, US Government choice 47
- transport, One-Eleven Series 500 twin jet 201 variable geometry, future of 157 variable-geometry strike, orders for 82 VFW VAK 191 B subsonic strike 850 V/STOL, future of 157
- jet lift, review of, G. L. Wilde 848 single-Spey layout 850 twin-Spey layout 850 variable wing sweep 851
- Yakolev Yak-40 three-engined transport 891 see a/so Aeronautics; Airport
- Aircraft engine(s)
- Bristol Siddeley Pegasus vectored thrust lift/cruise 848, 849
- for V/STOL aircraft 848
- Olympus 593 turbojet, for Concorde supersonic airliner 578
- Concorde supersonic airliner, ground tests 428 inspection ports 467
- Pratt and Whitney JT8D-1 turbojet 582 Rolls-Royce/MAN RBI53-61 by-pass 850 Rolls-Royce RBI 62 lift jet 848,849 Svenska Flygmotor type RM8 turbojet 582 Trent, for F-228 jet transport aircraft. Rolls Royce 202
- Turbomeca Astazou XIV turboprop 303 Aircraft generators, constant speed drive for 927 with liquid cooling, English Electric 304 Aircraft hangar, Brize Norton 130 Aircraft-Marine Products (GB) Ltd., terminals for small wire sizes 516
- Aircraft noise around airports, ISO 481 Airflam N15 warm air heating system 112 Airflow abrasive mops 186 Airlift trailer, ML Aviation 361
- Airmec Ltd., numerical control for sawing machine 219
- Airnesco Products Ltd., Segment boiler-tube cleaning brush 728
- Airpax Electronics Inc., electronic tachometer Airport(s) Abbotsinch, automatic door controls 453 loudspeaking network at, AEI 133 aircraft noise around, ISO 481
- Aldergrove, baggage turntable at. Welding Construction 453 all-weather capability programme for 925 London. See London Airport Meherabad International, model of Airport buildings, automatic door Electro-Hydraulics 453
- Airwick Ltd., Biokem D drain cleaner
- Aitken, I.M.E., Western Europe's biggest hangar. Letter 10
- Aktiebolaget Volvo Penta, diesel engines and power packs 734
- Akulon nylon forlabyrinth sealing (trade publication) 998
- Alarm system, fire, Zero-Failure 923 transistorized, Thomas 956
- Alarm tachometer, industrial, Denis 480 Albatross hydrofoil vessel 346 Albericci, P., collapsible motor car steering column 846-847
- Alcan Industries Ltd., aluminium alloy in Q4 liner 12 aluminium busbars 516
- Alcoa, forged aluminium bowls for Phoebus 2 rocket engines 68
- Alden Starrear System railway system 426 Aldergrove airport, baggage turntable at. Welding Construction 453
- Alexander Brothers, Dodge Deora futuristic pick-up vehicle 635
- Alexander, G. H., Machinery Ltd., horizontal wire decoiling machine 988
- Alfa Romeo, Duetto motor car 936
- Giulia Sprint motor car 936
- GTA motor car with superchargers 420 type 33 V8 prototype sports motor car 420 Algebraic linguistics: analytical models, by S. Marcus (book) 745
- Algeria, pipeline construction in, CJB 465 Alkadrum polythene drum container 645 Alkaline Batteries Ltd., exit sign, fully-automatic 694
- Allen Clark Research Centre 245
- Allen, E. G. W., on Board of Trade's attitude to North Wests
- Allen Fairhead and Sons Ltd., spiral-ramp underground car park 808
- Allen, George, (Plastics) Ltd., Nobur tubing for prevention of burst pipes 534
- Allen and Hanbury (Surgical Engineering) Hoverbed for burns cases 968
- Allen, P. W., on Rubber in Engineering (book) Allen West and Co. Ltd., C-Law modulator
- manent memory unit for static switching control unit PB7 912
- Standard Telemotive system for radio-controlled overhead crane 902
- Allen, W. H. and Sons and Co. Ltd., land drainage pumps (trade publication) 482
- Allied Electronics Ltd., insulation resistance meter 221
- Allmanna Svenska Elektriska Aktiebolaget. See ASEA
- Allom Heffer and Co. Ltd., exhibits at Lighting Exhibition 695
- Allouette Superail railway system 426 Alloy(s), abrasion-resistant powder, TungTec 726 see a/so under specific alloy types
- Alloy steel, vacuum degassing in ladle, ASEA-SKF process 350
- All-Square cylinders 727 Almar Pumps Ltd., diaphragm pump units (trade publication) 834
- Almond, J., road traffic control by computer 338 Alpha series transformers 910
- Alsthom SA, electronic governor control system for
- 300 MW turbo-generator 551 Altair electrostatic air filters 1030 Alternator, brushless, Stamford C 1029
- 500 MW, works tests 1 73 for Hinkley Point B nuclear power station 630 portable, Regina Champ 112 see a/so Generator; Turbo
- Alumasc Ltd., tunnel oven for curing of beer keg valves 637
- Aluminium, anodized, externally exposed, performance of, P. G, Sheasby 642
- Aluminium alloy, in Q4 liner 12 metallurgy of, by M. van Lancker (book) 151
- Aluminium bowls for Phoebus 2 rocket engines 68 Aluminium busbars, Alcan 516
- trade publication 190
- Aluminium cladding, epoxy laminate with, Spauldite 186
- Aluminium drill rods, Craelius 480
- Aluminium faced plywood, Roboply 479 Aluminium Federation, aluminium busbars (trade publication) 190
- anodizing symposium 641 Aluminium roof weatherings (trade publication) 152
- Aluminium-silicon alloy for suspension components, pressure die casting of, 437
- Aluminized steel exhaust tubes, Tru-Wel 534 Alvis motor car, vintage, by P. Hull and N. Johnson (book) 791
- Alweg Monorail railway system 426 Amalgamated Dental Group, dental material, advances in 331
- Amalgamated Engineering Union,strikeonoperation of centre lathes 840
- Ambassador lawn mower 250 America. See United States; Latin America American Air Filter (Great Britain) Ltd., Dri-Pak air filter 643
- Roll-O-Matic air filters 355 Roto-Clone dust collectors 906
- American Cable and Radio Corp., establishment of South Atlantic Cable Co. (Pty) Ltd. 711
- American Concrete Institute, international symposium on concrete bridge design 36
- American Hydrofoils Inc., Albatross hydrofoil vessel 346
- American Machine and Foundry Co., Versatran mechanical arm 457
- American Metal Climax Inc., molybdenum oxide
- recovery plant 22
- American Motors, AMX111 'sports station wagon' motor car 635
- American Society for Oceanography, symposium on ocean from space 280
- American Society for Testing and Materials, programme to standardize machinability methods 726
- AMF Thermotool Inc., welding of fins onto heat exchanger tubing 142
- Ammonia, Top Crop 29N aqueous, for nitrogen enrichment of soil 169
- Ammonia beam maser for spectral analysis calibration 592
- Ammonia fertilizer plant for Australia, Power-Gas 447
- Ammonia injection into soil, tractor-mounted equipment for 169
- Amoco Group, natural gas from North Sea 854
- Amphenol Ltd., printed circuit connectors 994 wirewound trimming potentiometer 994
- Amplifier, detector, frequency selective, Tinsley 74 industrial, Sinclair 480
- multi-channel, EMMA electro-medical 463
- AMX111 'sports station wagon' motor car 635 Analogue(s), electrical, in structural engineering, by K. K. Keropyan and P. M. Chegolin (book) 481
- Analogue-digital converters 276
- Data Laboratories 597
- Digital Equipment 956
- Dofic, STL 265
- Analyser, carbon-in-steel, Titracarb 474 differential thermal, Stanton Instruments 600
- Analysis
- chemical, spectroscopy for 238
- geometric, of engineering designs, manual for, by C. A. Gladman (book) 75
- of engineering cycles, by R. W. Haywood (book) 833
- spectral, ammonia beam maser for calibration 592
- structural, by W. Fisher Cassie (book) 441 Analysis systems, oxygen, Servomex 1080 Anchor(s), Red Head, for concrete balcony wall support brackets 858
- Anchor rivet bush. Precision Screw 826
- Anderson, A. H., Ltd., system-built church 212
- Anderston Clyde Engineers Ltd., Powerbeam 360 straddle carrier 648
- Anderton (Spring Pressings) Ltd., disc springs (trade publication) 656
- Andrew Smith Harkness Ltd., cinema screens for Expo-67 exhibition 1048
- Andrews, F. M., on Scientists in Organizations (book) 745
- Andrews (Norwich) Ltd., Andrulac lacquered plastics process 781
- Andrulac lacquered plastics process 781
- ANFO explosives 614-615
- Angelini, A. M., electricity supply in Italy 496 Angle, helix, involute and, measuring machine, Carl Mahr 651
- Angus, George, and Co. Ltd., Spiroseal DP threaded oil seal 781
- Ankle joint, artificial 464
- Anodized aluminium, externally exposed, performance of, P. G. Sheasby 642
- Anodizing, continuous, new techniques in, E. F. Barkman 641
- high volume batch, E. Survila 641
- Anodizing symposium (Aston University) 641 Antex Ltd., anti-wicking tweezers for fine wire soldering 783
- Anthoine, R., fast reactors 129
- Anti-corrosion coatings (trade publication) 698 Anti-corrosion fluids (trade publication) 656 Anti-splatter agent for COg welding, polybutyl- cuprysil coating, KS Paul Products 74
- Anti-theft devices, motor car 843-844 Antonescu, V., on Neutron Detectors (book) 35 Apex Construction Ltd., vibratory ball mills (trade publication) 914
- Apollo spacecraft, access hatch redesign 493-494 death of crew in training 162 fire in
- inquiry into 248
- interim report on 376 NASA report on 573
- Appliance Components Ltd., Marsh needle valves 595
- Unimax microswitches 478
- Applied materials research, progress in, by E. G.
- Stanford, J. H. Fearon and W. J. McGonnagle (book) 697
- Applied mechanics courses, Sheffield
- 914
- Applied mechanics surveys, by H. N. H. Liebowitz, J. M. Crowley and (book) 75
- Applied Power (UK) Ltd., Dynex range hydraulic pumps 955
- Applied Research Laboratories (GB) Ltd., Universal Vacuum/Air Quantometer 391
- Apprentice(s), student, group project work for, K. Addison 620
- Apprenticeship, Fairfields (Glasgow) Ltd., scheme 491
- A.P.T. Electronic Industries Ltd., cooler for electronic equipment (trade publication) 914 ferrite-core memory store printed-circuit construction 222
- mounting board for micro miniature circuits 688 Arc furnace. See Furnace
- Arc welding. See Welding
- Archer, L. Bruce, wheelchair design 573 Arcmaster portable welding screen 605 Arctic Heating A/S, EAF drying and testing apparatus for electrical insulation 831
- Ardie-Werk GmbH, pressure reversing valve 787 Ardleigh Laminated Plastics Co. Ltd., fibreglass tank linings (trade publication) 114
- Ardox fluorescent dye inspection of pressure die castings 437
- Areatron automatic surface area measuring instrument 640
- Arenco Electronics LD-4 air data unit 585 Argon welding torch, Eric Courtney 605 Ariel 3. See UK3 satellite
- Aristotle: his thought and its relevance today, by C. Winn and M. Jacks (book) 481
- Arklone for cleaning electronic equipment, ICI 142 Arkon Instruments Ltd., Arkon 63 liquid flow recorder 783
- inlet air flow and cupola wind belt pressure measurement 993
- Arm, mechanical. Unimate 457
- Versatran 457
- Armco stainless steel diaphragm, high-frequency response transducer with, 463-464
- Armfield Hydraulic Engineering services (trade publication) Armourcote non-stick coating
- Arnex Products Ltd., Valett clothes holder 427
- Variett multipurpose table 427 Arnite thermoplastic polyester 1075 Aro Co., pneumatic logic controls 316 Arps AB-1 5 rear dozer blade 73 Arrol, Sir William, and Co. Ltd., Crindau twin tunnels on Newport (Mon.) By-Pass 800
- Raith Bridge 626
- Arrol, W. J., electric motor car 204 Art Gallery, South Bank Arts Centre 296 Art Treasures, Florentine, Zimmite for cleaning Artes GT motor car 892
- Articulated vehicles, permissible length 839 Artificial ankle joint 464 Artificial intelligence 116
- Artificial joints, lubrication and wear in 114 Artillery, field, computer equipment (FACE), Elliott- Automation 447, 456
- school of. Field Artillery Computer Equipment (FACE) 447,456
- Arup, Ove and Partners, Queen Elizabeth Hall 296 ASA natural gas firing system 1068
- Asbestos, Silbestos, for prevention of condensation 1068
- Asbestos/cement coating, fire retardant, Calco 469 Asco midget solenoid valve 479
- Ascot water heater, natural gas conversion 254 ASEA
- ASEA-SKF vacuum degassing process 350 electrical power link between Sardinia and Italy 249
- thyristor controlled locomotives 201
- thyristor stack in Gotland converter station 951 ASEA-Sideliner automatic and remote control of ASEA electric cranes 233
- ASEA-Union portable heavy-lift crane 233 Ash, M., on Qptimal Shutdown Control of Nuclear Reactors (book) 35
- Ash Metal Products Ltd., programming unit for polishing machine 347
- Ashford F. C. and Associates, Mascot 1600 centre lathe, Design Centre award 773
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co. Ltd., cold-stretching austenitic stainless steels 517
- Ashworth, R., on Highway Engineering (book) 113 Aslib, annual conference (Harrogate) 746 conference on industrial classification and coding 197
- ASMl ground control radar, Decca 970 Aspinall era, by H. A. V. Bulleid (book) 1035 ASR test set, for electrical fault detection, Martindale 861
- Assault ship Intrepid 41 6 Associated Electrical Industries Ltd.
- assault ship Intrepid 416
- Axiturn vertical lathe for ceramic insulators 1023 closed-circuit television equipment 844
- CON /PAC 4020 computer for BISRA field laboratory 775
- electronic governor control system, for 300 turbo-generator 551
- 660 MW turbo-generators 551
- fractional horsepower electric motors 274 generator equipment for Q4 liner 13 loudspeaking network at Abbotsinch airport oil burner motor Type Bl 5 Form F 955 132 kV vacuum circuit breaker 996 rechargeable battery unit (trade publication)
- sound and communication systems in Adeline Genee theatre 133
- transformer heavy-load transportation equipment 298
- transport of generator transformer by Aberthaw Fisher shallow-draught vessel 1048
- turbo-generators for Hinkley Point B nuclear power station 628
- see also AEI
- Associated Engineering Group, bearings examination under load 347
- Associated Industrial Consultants, executives' salary survey 3
- Asten Kershaw Ltd., epoxy resin flooring (trade publication) 402
- Aston Martin V8 motor car engine 52
- Aston University, anodizing symposium 641
- Small Business Centre 373
- Astro 1 experimental coupe motor car 634 Atag high-pressure air gauge 435 Atlantean computerized double-deck buses 335 Atlas computer laboratory direct access using GEC S2 computer 333
- Atlas Copco (Great Britain) Ltd., furnace tap-hole drill 358
- heavy-duty stationary piston compressors 603 impact tool for nuts and bolts 832 oil fires in compressors 72
- Atlas-MaK brick-splitting machine 476 Atlas Preservative Co. Ltd., Foster 'Stackfas' protective coating material for chimneys 643 Atmosphere(s), foundry, fume sampling in 418 Atmosphere control, heat treatment (trade publication) 402
- Atmospheric pollution See Pollution ; Smoke Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Southern Analytical 599
- Atomic energy. See Nuclear energy Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. See AECL Atomic Energy Research Establishment, 2,000° C electric furnace 819
- ultrasonic machining tool 731 Atomic power. See Nuclear power Atomic Power Constructions Ltd., licensing agreement with Brown Boveri and Cie AG 325 Atomic Atomic Atomic Atomic
- ankle joint 464
- powered prosthesis prototype 464
- Atomics International, liquid metals centre 141
- Atomistic approach to the nature and properties of materials, by J. A. Pask (book) 697
- Attenuator performance measurement 347
- Attwood, C., on Practical Five Figure Mathematical Tables (book) 441
- Audax Ltd., air-operated concrete skips 399 Audi, Auto Union, motor car 937
- Augur, compacting. Bell Telephones 947 Augusta 106 helicopter 343
- Auriema, Ad. Ltd., vacuum furnace with quench 398
- Aurora Gearing Co. (Wilmot North) Ltd., mounted worm-gear motors 471
- Auto Union Audi motor car 937
- AutoFeed drill system 727
- Autoflow boom for loading tankers 1047 Auto-Klean Fluxfio filter 729
- Auto-Klean Strainers Ltd., Auto-Klean Fluxfio filter 729
- Automatic Accuratool automatic turret lathe 398 Automatic Control. See Control
- Automatic Control Engineering Training Centre, courses 562
- Automatic engineering seismograph (trade publication) 76
- Automatic railway train operation for London Transport, W. W. Maxwell and D. K. Ware 126 Automatic recording system for events in time sequence 637
- Automatic transmission, Vauxhall Viva De Luxe-90 motor car 248
- Vauxhall Viva SL90 motor car 248
- Wolseley 18/85 motor car 381
- ZF three 937
- Automation
- in foundry. Simplex Electric 1070
- in process industries (Amsterdam) 114 logical control in, of Grangetown gas works 467 of machine tools, Nickols Automatics 950 pneumatic units for, Holman 727
- see also Instruments, electronics, automation: year bock and buyers guide 1967 697 Automation advisory centre, low-cost 376 Automation equipment for capstan lathe 603 Automation Ltd., drilling machines (trade publication) 318
- Dumore carbide tool-surfacing unit 649 Automation techniques in chemistry, laboratory measurement and, international exhibition of (Basle) 442
- Automobile. See Motor car
- Automobile Association, National Motoring Award
- Scheme, silver medal awards 708
- Automobile engineering drawing for technical students, by E. B. Weston (book) 833
- Automotive Products Co. (Bolton) Ltd., oil and fuel filters (trade publication) 834
- Automotive Products Group, Borg and Beck diaphragm spring clutch 8
- Auto-Plus single bar sawing machine 729 Auto-Robot control on capstan lathe 313 Autoscreen continuous screen changer 1074 Avalanche transistors 659
- Avery-Hardoll Ltd., filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- Avery, W. and T. Ltd., Rockwell hardness test blocks
- 988
- symposium on materials testing 829
- Avesta Jernverks Aktiebolag, cold-stretching austenitic stainless steels 517
- Aviaexport, sales promotion campaign 452
- Avo Ltd., universal measuring bridge LCR Bridge 1 50 955
- Avon Rubber Co. Ltd., cling solid tyres with high- gripping capability 515
- Axiturn vertical lathe for ceramic insulators 1023 Axle, Eaton 18 in two-speed 589
- Aylesbury Automation Ltd., orientor for cylindrical parts 595
- Aziz, Abdul, centenary of visit to England 5
- Babcock and Wilcox Ltd.
- assault ship Intrepid 41 6
- boiler for Thorpe Marsh power station 882
- boiler drum brittle fracture at Cockenzie power station 882, 885
- boiler drum replacement at Cockenzie power station 332, 887-888
- natural gas-fired boiler research 806 straight-tube boiler patent centenary 7
- Triton Kaowool ceramic fibre insulation 687 Babtie, Shaw and Morton, barrage study at More- cambe Bay and Solway Firth 158 Bach-Simpson Ltd., valve voltmeter 1030 Backstop, lathe, Seconop 354
- Badalex equipment for vacuum flask production 308
- Bader Machinery Co. Ltd., Badalex equipment for vacuum flask production 308
- Badger Minor trenchless drainlayer 554 Bag closing machine, Plas-Tie-Matic 801 Baggage turntable at Aldergrove airport. Welding Construction 453
- Bagger, potato, high-speed. Lockwood 163
- Bagshawe, G., padded dashboard with instrument panel 847
- Baier Type ZPD end facing and centring machine 111
- Bailey, W. H., The hidden power line 164
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co. Ltd., combined temperature-pressure controllers 558
- Baird Television, shadow mask television tube 1055
- Bairds and Scottish Steel Ltd., dual-fuel burner for slag dryer 68
- Baking, dielectric heating for 565
- Balancing equipment, electronic, Balantron 734 Balantron electronic balancing equipment 734 Balcony wall support brackets, concrete. Red Head anchors for 858
- Baldamus, W., on Efficiency and Effort (book) 871 Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton, John Day Project 547 Balency system, industrialized building factory for, Cubitts 159
- Baling press. Powerbale 111
- Ball bearings. See Bearings
- Ball lever joint. Bloctube Controls 644
- Ball mills, vibratory (trade publication) 914
- Baltic XL tractor suspension seat 355
- Baltospot GL400 portable radiographic equipment 645
- Balustrading and safety fences (trade publication) 114
- Bamford, J. C. (Excavators) Ltd., hydraulic excavator 399
- Bandsaw (trade publication) 318
- Bang-bang control system 319
- Bank, Midland, computerized banking service 417 Bantam 3 cutting machine 606
- Bar, reel, pneumatic, Nim-Cor Air Shaft 824 Barak, M., electric car batteries 674
- Barber, C. R., temperature sensors 702 Barduct busbar system, Marryat and Place 49 Barge, Dracone, Dunlop 696, 670 Barge Canal, Cross-Florida 384
- Barklem, H. B., British railways dream of 150 mph 804
- the new telephony 419
- Barkman, E. F., new techniques in continuous anodizing 641
- Barlow, H. E. M., Faraday Medal award 44 Barlow-Whitney air-blast burner 1 076 Barnes, J. F.,closed-cyclegas-turbinesystems 472 Barrage(s), canals and, irrigation engineering, by S. Leliavsky (book) 113
- Barrage study at Morecambe Bay and Solway Firth 158
- Barron and Shepherd Ltd., goods lifts 868
- Sarrus, E. P. (Concessionaires) Ltd., Johnson GT 11 5 outboard engine 203
- Barrymount Serva-Levl isolation system 683 Bartlett, M. S., on An Introduction to Stochastic Processes (book) 75
- Bartol Plastics Ltd., soil pipe 560
- Base, kerb, laying machine, Laing 182
- Bathroom pods, plastic, glass-reinforced. Integral Plastics 1046
- Bathurst, P. E., lifts in large buildings 930
- Battelle Memorial Institute, diffusion bonding structural panels 109 plutonium research 821 sulphur dioxide removal in flue gases 101
- Battery(ies)
- electric car, Barak 674
- Exide-lronclad, topping-up device for 150 in electric cars 674
- Kathonode, topping-up device for 1 50 lead-acid, for electric car 972 rechargeable. Magair 954 zinc-air 204
- Energy Conversion 843 principles of operation 204
- Battery cells, Vidor 480
- Battery charger. Cyclocat gas-electronic controlled, Harmer and Simmons 973
- miniature, Stoneleigh Electronics 759 Battery-driven cars. See Motor car(s), electric Battery-powered tug motor vehicle, Trog 360 Battery unit, rechargeable (trade publication) 190 Bauer (Great Britain) Ltd., adjustable speed geared motors (trade publication) 190
- Baxenden Chemical Co. Ltd., foam machine 986 Spandoplast polystyrene board for concrete shuttering 101
- Bay State Abrasive Products Co., electrolytic profile grinding of turbine blades 305
- Bayham Ltd., liquid level control instruments 653
- BB Sicard snow clearing turbine 170
- Beagle Aircraft, Pup, prototype 668
- Beakbane, H. R.,on MachineTool Protection (book) 871
- Beams, plates and shells on an elastic foundation, by V.Z. Vlasov and N.N. Leont'ev (book) 791 preflex, design and use of, course on, Boulton and Paul 656
- theory of, by T. Iwinski (book) 1083
- Bearing(s)
- air, equipment (trade publication) 656 ball, Pollard 654
- vibration testing machine for, Hoffmann Manufacturing Co. 902
- conveyor (trade publication) 612 needle, stainless steel 353 oil-impregnated, powder metallurgy 960 plastic, in diesel-locomotive bigies 415 roller, for heavy radial and axial loads, SLO 220 Pollard 654
- tapered, single-row, pre-set, for rear axles 636 rolling, analysis, by T. A. Harris (book) 611 self-lubricating (trade publication) 746 short-term trends 966 trade publication 698
- Bearing examination under load 347
- Bearing replacement service. Bearing Service Ltd. 218
- Bearing Service Ltd., bearing replacement service 218
- Becker Equipment and Lifts Ltd., C Modular Bexuda in-line filler 801
- Handilift elevating platform 476
- Becorit monorail tracks, use in drift mines 102
- Bee Chemical Co. (UK) Ltd., finishes for plastic articles 1075
- Beeching, Lord, Electricity and Industrial Efficiency 841
- industrial training 371
- Beer keg valves, tunnel oven for curing of 637 Beer, S., on Decision and Control (book) 363 'Beetle' motor car, Volkswagen 922
- Bekefi,G.,on Radiation Processesin Plasmas (book) 745
- Beldam Asbestos Co. Ltd., Auto-Klean Fluxfio filter 729
- Belfast military freighter aircraft, flight simulator for 128
- Belix Co. Ltd., power supply units 1030
- Bell, electric, with contactless movement, Gent 479
- Bell and Howell Ltd., high-frequency response transducer with Armco stainless steel diaphragm 463-464
- isolated power supply 276
- vibration transducer, 912
- Bell Line, container service 574
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, compacting augur 947
- laser beams as communication aids 165
- laser light knife for medical research 801
- Bellisand Morcom Manufacturing Ltd.,single-wheel turbine 651
- Bellofram seal in strain absorber 829
- Bellows, metallic (trade publication) 1084 trade publication 872
- Bellows sealed valves, Newman Hender 780
- Bellows Valvair Ltd., pneumatic valves 354 three-way pilot valve 516
- Belt(s), cogged, Power-Grip 820 programming, for circular knitting machines and weaving looms 22
- V-, synthetic fibre and ropes (trade publication) 998
- Belt conveyor. See Conveyor
- Belting, conveyor, Silverply 74
- Ben Line Steamers Ltd., M shed at London Docks 292
- Bench, Versatool B4 435
- work, Sjoberg range 427
- Benders, pipe, Mingori 728
- Bending machine, Ste-Co Products Ltd. 654
- Bending rolls, Kumla PV5 728
- Bendix Electronics Ltd., measurement of solid body without contact 596
- Benham, P. P., cyclic and creep testing of polymers 829
- Benjamin Electric Ltd., tungsten halogen floodlight 694
- Benn, A. Wedgwood, remarks at Institution of Locomotive Engineers 370
- technological cooperation with West Germany 82
- technology challenge in industry and government
- 243
- Bennett, T. P., and Son, reinforced rubber base for Odeon Cinema, Marble Arch 901
- Benson-Lehner Ltd., digital-to-analogue converters 688
- English Electric-Leo-Marconi Myriad Mk. II computer 21
- Bentonite technique in caisson sinking 336
- Beretta Co., Dolphin Waterkart 87
- Berg, L., on Introduction to the Operational Calculus (book) 1035
- Berk Ltd., Cellmic C blowing agent for plastics and synthetics 221
- Powda-Weld WGO oxy-acetylene pistol 476
- Berkeley nuclear power station, nuclear reactor simulator 202
- Bertin and Co., Aerotrain experiments 260
- Bertin et Cie, air cushion platform for moving textile machinery 982
- Bertone Dino Coupe motor car 458
- Besco-rollerpress machine (trade publication) 958
- Besson, A. P., and Partner Ltd., Sutton range matrix switches 911
- Beta 750 film thickness testing equipment 30 Better Use of Town Roads (report) 1044
- Beulah Electronics Ltd., Beulah-Judson Electronic Magneto electronic ignition system 86
- Beulah-Judson Electronic Magneto electronic ignition system 86
- Bevercotes colliery, work started at 159
- Beverley Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd., pipe wrapping equipment 1024
- Bexol adhesives 221
- Bicycle, motorized. Wisp, Raleigh 587. Correction 670, 762
- Wisp, road test 1010
- Big E site-crane 907
- Biggs, W. D., advanced course in production methods 85
- Bijou automatic blister packaging machine 800 Billet-drilling machine, Wickman 112
- Billet mill, automatic size-changing equipment 304 Binks-Bullows Ltd., Nopump spray booths 638 Binsac paper sacks for refuse collection 499 Biokem D drain cleaner 559
- Biological cybernetics. See Bionics
- Biomac 1000 biological and medical averaging computer. Data Laboratories 463
- Biomechanical needs of health service, H. S. Wolff 800
- Bionics, definition of 116
- Bio-stabilizer, Dano, for composting of refuse 507 BIP Chemicals Ltd., Arnite thermoplastic polyester 1075
- Bird, G. L. H., education officer. Machine Tool Trades Association 160
- Birdsall, C. K., on Electron Dynamics of Diode Regions (book) 441
- Birkett, Francis W. and Sons Ltd., Cutmaster cutting- off machines 652
- Birmingham, PERT program for housing project 707
- Birmingham University, drill sequence control system employing logic 106
- free foil element development 105 symposium on materials testing 829 traffic control research 340
- Bishop, A. W., Aberfan inquiry 667
- Bishop worm-and-peg type power-assisted steering 590
- Bison Wall Frame system for houses and flats 969 Bistable wall attachment device, BAC 105 Bistable wall attachment fluidic component, BAC 105
- Biswas, A. K., on Principles of Steelmaking (book) 151
- Black Arrow satellite launcher, orders for three 574
- Black Clawson slitter-winding machine 976
- Black and Decker, power tools, improvements in 99
- Blackman, R. V. B., on Janes's Fighting Ships 1966-67 (book) 151
- BlackpDwder, commercial deflagrating explosive 613
- Black's Friction Welders Co., friction welding machine 607
- profile cutting machine for tensile test specimens 607
- Blade, dozer, rear, Arps AB-1 5 73
- Stellite faced, for cutting sheet steel 1069
- Blank(s), automatic inspection of, by photodetector, British Scientific Instrument Research Association 392
- Blanket, electric, with electronic control 293
- Blanking press, 600 ton, Cowlishaw 552
- Blast cleaning equipment. Maxiblast 948
- Blaw Knox Ltd., mobile furnace-charging machine 989
- triple-roll road roller 906
- Bliss, E. W., (England) Ltd., can testing machine 949
- Blister packaging machine, automatic. Bijou 800
- Blocky heat-treatment furnace for nickel-molyb- denum steel tube 591
- Bloctube Controls Ltd., ball lever joint 644 linear converter gearbox 826
- Bloomfield, B. S., testing machines 829
- Bloomingdale adhesives for Jetstream aircraft 303 Blow moulding, polyethylene liquid container by 980
- Blow moulding machine. Revel Engineering 985
- Blowers, for Dragon nuclear reactor, N. A. Van ZijI and J. Eggmann 473
- rotary positive. Hick Hargreaves 519
- Blowing agent for plastics and synthetics, Cellmic C 221
- Blue Peter Urethane Products Ltd., urethane products (trade publication) 998
- Bluebird jet hydroplane, failure of 50, 88. Letter 164
- parachute on 88
- BM Control Valves Ltd., oil control valve, side outlet 354
- BMW-1600 motor car 937
- BMW-2000 Tl motor car, description of 1016
- Board mill, pulp and. Workington 974
- Board products from waste paper, Reed Paper Group 504
- Boardman, R. G. (Engineers) Ltd., adjustable drill stops 869
- grinding wheel dresser 1081
- Boat, Dolphin Waterkart 87 glass-reinforced plastics 511 power, Kelvin Dart 87 see also Yacht
- Bockris, J. O'M., on Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Vol. 4 (book) 655
- Bode, F., and Son Ltd., Conventional range of welding positioners 610
- Boden container 740
- Boden Trailers Ltd., Boden container 740
- Bodine Resonant Pile Driver 867
- Bodnar, M. J., on Structural Adhesives Bonding (book) 611
- Body panels, sheet steel, automatic production of. Ford 775
- Boehme DFA140 single-spindle chucking lathe 360
- Boeing Co., Boeing 2707 supersonic transport aircraft details 47
- computer-controlled riveting machine for Boeing 737 jet transport aircraft 1069
- water jet propulsion pump for hydrofoil gunboat Tucumcari 759
- Boeing 737 jet transport aircraft, computer- controlled riveting machine for 1 069
- Boeing 737 short-to-medium haul transport aircraft 621
- Boeing 2707 supersonic transport aircraft details 47
- Bogie, motor for Victoria line, Metalastik 729 tank wagons, 100-ton oil 333 see also Truck
- Boiler(s)
- alloy scaffolding for use inside Rusling 729 Chieftan, installation of 1068
- for Thorpe Marsh power station 882 Henschell 737
- natural-gas fired, research 806 oil-fired, automatic, for Bradford mills 468 cleaning equipment for, Chockus 269
- packaged, water-tube, Foster Wheeler 269 short-erm trends 411,966
- straight-tube, Babcock-Wilcox centenary 7
- Boiler drum brittle fracture, Cockenzie power station 882, 885
- Boiler drum replacement at Cockenzie power station 332, 887
- Boiler plant, transportable, for contractors. Stone 554
- Boiler-tube cleaning brush. Segment 728
- Bolinders Co. Ltd., Volvo Penta diesel engine for pleasure craft 707
- Bolkow Bo 105 helicopter 891
- Bollard, cast, vandal resistant, G, Thomas 694
- Bolt(s), cold-forged, GKN 827
- Boltless Systems, boltless pallet racking (trade publication) 872
- Bonallack Freight Containers Ltd., dry freight container 740
- Bondina (Sales) Ltd., air filter materials for spray booths 995
- protective suits for use with airborne chemicals and gases 47
- Bonding, explosive, Detaclad process 23 of titanium, methods of 25 structural adhesives, by M. J. Bodnar (book) 611
- Bonding equipments, ultrasonic, Kerry's 607 Bonding tool, eyelet thermo-compression, G. V.
- Planer 910
- Boom, Autoflow, for loading tankers 1047 to contain oil from leaking tankers, proposals
- 533. Letter 623
- Booth, James, Aluminium Ltd., motor-car body stacking system as buffer stock 542
- Boreholes, replenishment through, during water shortage. River Thames 290
- Bore-Matic boring machine 22
- Borg and Beck diaphragm spring clutch 8 Borg-Warner, Accuspede digital selection of speed ratios 638
- Cycolac CG matt ABS sheet 995
- Hy-Vo chain drive 382
- Timberchief saw chains 593 type 35 transmission 381 waterjet propulsion pump for hydrofoil gunboat
- Tucumcari 759
- Boring machine
- Bore-Matic 22 cylinder-liner, for MAN 520 jig, Selson 228 two-way, Davis Machines 145
- Boring mill, vertical, for Boeing, Spheromill 520 Boring and milling machine, horizontal, for Escher Wyss 520
- Boring, milling, drilling and facing machine, horizontal, Richards YU 223
- Bosch, Robert, GmbH, thin metal films as electrodes for self-healing capacitors 639
- Bossmatic control valves 397
- Bostrom Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Baltic XL tractor suspension seat 355
- Bosworth report on initial training of engineers in industry 85
- Bottle shaker, rotary, Voss 869
- Boughton sideboom equipment, pipelaying tractor with. International Harvester 358
- Boulton Paul (Aircraft) Ltd., electrohydraulic winches 946
- Boulton and Paul (Steel Construction) Ltd., course on design and use of preflex beams 656
- Bow, ram, for Britannic refrigerated cargo vesse 1011
- Bow Group, Computers in Britain (pamphlet) 324 Bowden, Lord, on collaboration between universities and industry 160
- organization of science 664
- Bowman, F., on Higher Calculus (book) 279 Bowthorpe Line Equipment Ltd., portable welding equipment 609
- Bowthorpe, P., exporting to USA 246 Boxer BS/1 industrial space heater 232 Boxmoor Machine Tools Ltd., Tebo indexing fixture with drilling attachment 182
- BP Chemicals Ltd., stress relaxometer 906
- B. and R. Relays Ltd., miniature relay for printed- circuit 1030
- Brabham, J., modifications on Vauxhall Viva De Luxe-90 motor car 248
- modifications on Vauxhall Viva SL90 motor car 248
- Braby of Britain Group, vibrating screens 359 Brackets, concrete balcony wall support. Red Head anchors for 858
- Bragg, Sir Lawrence, in New Year Honours list 3 Braithwaite and Co. Structural Ltd., flyover erection at Movers Lane 136. Letter 251
- Brake(s), and clutches, electromagnetic (trade publication) 76
- disc, Fiat-Bendix 676
- for Rotterdam metro railway articulated units 822
- drum, Elliston, Evans and Jackson 645
- Elga Hydrapress 728
- press, hydraulic, Elga Hydrapress 144 Promecam 720
- Brake control, load-sensitive, Clayton Dewandre 708
- Brake load sensing valve, Clayton Dewandre 590
- Braking systems, pneumatic, diaphragm unloader valve for, Dewandre 353
- Bramah, J. R. and Co. Ltd., heat exchangers (trade publication) 236
- Bramber Engineering Co. Ltd., Flexitor trailer suspension units 150
- Brayton gas turbine cycle 209
- Brazing, oxy-acetylene pistol for 476 Breakdown. See Accident
- Breakdown and ionization tester, British Physical Labs 518
- Brecknell, Willis and Co. Ltd., expanded polystyrene moulding equipment 869
- Breguet, Jaguar strike/trainer aircraft 889
- Brew, Richard D. and Co., 'clam-shell' vacuum furnace 783
- vacuum furnace with liquid quench 398 Breweries, stainless steel use in 349 BRG, plate shear (trade publication) Brick-rusticating machine, Davison Brick-splitting machine, Atlas-MaK Bricklaying machine. Motor Mason Bridge
- Concordia, Expo-67 20, 61 concrete, design of, symposium (Toronto) Cosmos, Expo-67 63, 424
- crossing, Danish Great Belt, E. W. H. Gifford and Partners 766
- Expo-67 constructions 61 Grosvenor, rebuilding of 1063 Jacques-Cartier, Expo-67 19, 61 Kingston, for River Clyde 802 London, model of new 1051 motorway, design and construction 624 of the Isles, Expo-67 20, 63
- Raith, design and construction 626 River Wear 819
- Scotswood, bowstring truss design 719 steel tied arch, River Tyne 492-493 strain-gauge, portable, Tinsley 107 suspension, Scotswood, replacement 492-493 Tay Road, Spandoplast polystyrene board for concrete forming 101
- universal measuring, LCR Bridge 150, Avo 955 see also Viaduct
- Bridge construction, standardized system, John Reid 603
- Bridge control, Crossley Pielstick diesel engine 418 Stork diesel engine 418
- Bridgeman squeeze apparatus 1079
- Bridges, W. B., on Electron Dynamics of Diode Regions (book) 441
- Bridgewater, Duke of, bi-centenary of opening of canal 5
- Briggs and Stratton, Ambassador lawn mower 250
- Briggs and Townsend Ltd., Diolpate-171 plasticizers 1074
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co. Ltd., mechanized inspection and deseaming lines for semi-finished products 470
- Bristol Aerojet Ltd., electrodeposition of composite coatings 277
- Bristol College of Science and Technology, course on education and training in industry 482
- Bristol Pneumatic Tools Ltd,, compressors (trade publication) 76
- Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., Concorde supersonic airliner Olympus 593 turbojet engines, ground tests 428
- draughting by computer and mosaic pieces 468 Gamma engines for Black Arrow satellite launcher 574
- Marine Olympus gas turbine for Finnish corvette 127
- Olympus 593 turbojet engine 467, 578 Pegasus vectored thrust lift'cruise engine 849 Proteus gas-turbine generators for Oldbury nuclear power station 380
- water jet propulsion pump for hydrofoil gunboat Tucumcari 759
- Britannia Iron and Steel Works Ltd., automated production of malleable iron castings 904 automation in 1070
- Britannic refrigerated cargo vessel with ram bow 1011
- Briticent Lumander photo-control device 694 British Aircraft Corp.
- bistable wall attachment device 105 Concorde supersonic airliner. See Concorde EAL 8800 hybrid computer for weapons systems design 514
- epoxy gates, casting of 105 fluidic system for visual decimal readout on
- machine tool 106
- integrated circuits, manufacture of 105 Jaguar strike/trainer aircraft 889 One-Eleven aircraft flight simulator 65 One-Eleven Series 500 twin jet transport aircraft 201
- Rapier air defence system UK3 satellite, ultra violet
- 759
- wind tunnel for teaching
- British Aircraft Corp. (Operating) Ltd., stress corrosion testing machine 434
- British Aluminium Castings Ltd., strike of maintenance workers 119
- British Aluminium Co. Ltd., aluminium roof weatherings (trade publication) 152
- conversion of Foyers works hydro electric power station 1046
- British Association for Commercial and Industrial
- Education, course on training for skill 872 Guide to the 8 mm Loop Film, by G. S. Powell and L. S. Powell (book) 561
- Industrial Training Boards 791
- British Association of Consulting Engineers, annual dinner 286
- British Association of Industrial Editors, convention and study conference (Harrogate) 236
- British Berkefeld Filters Ltd., New Traveller flask for germ-free drinking water 760
- British Broadcasting Corp.
- colour television, introduction in UK 1053 studio equipment 1053 technical problems 1054 programme-effects generator 498
- TARIF film colour balance correction equipment 669
- television equipment for colour television 201 television 625-line services 1054
- British Cast Iron Research Association, conference on electric melting and holding furnaces 914 British Cellophane, telemetry control of underground pipeline 304
- British Central Electricity Co. Ltd., Briticent Luman- der photo-control device 694
- British Commonwealth. See Commonwealth British Computer Society, professional qualifications for computer personnel 1005
- British Council, annual report 561 British Cryogenics Society, formation of 879 British Electric Cable Testing Organization, cable
- testing facilities 980
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, annual report 369
- British Electrical Power Convention (Eastbourne) 841
- British Engine Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co. Ltd., BE: British Engine Bulletin 91 3
- Ermeto Corp. Ltd., high-pressure couplings tubing in metric sizes 187
- European Airways, air-bus requirements
- 494 cargo terminal for self-handling airlines 88 British Gypsum Ltd., Leedsall low-loading dump truck 735
- British Hoist and Crane Co. Ltd., Iron Fairy Onyx telescopic crane 988
- Iron Fairy Sapphire6-tonfully-slewingcrane 435 British Hydrocarbon Chemicals, polyethylene liquid container by blow moulding 980 British Hydromechanics Research Association, investigations and experiments undertaken by 1013
- ventilation of road tunnel 1013
- British India Steam Navigation Co., logistic ship Sir Bedivere 968
- British Institute of Management, conference on selling to USA 246
- management courses 522
- British Insulated Callenders Cables Ltd., closed-circuit television 133 current collection system (trade publication) glass fibre rod tension insulator 644 waterproof telephone cables 742 British Insulated Callender's Construction Co.
- de test set 687
- railway electrification overhead equipment
- British Iron and Steel Federation, steel industry forecasts 2
- British iron and steel industry, by W. K. V. Gale (book) 481
- British Iron and Steel Research Association computerized field laboratory for control systems
- 775
- electrodeposition of composite coatings 277 electro slag steel refining process 592 flyover design 137
- hot rod diameter measuring device 938 load cell 599
- Spray Steelmaking Ltd. 751
- spray steelmaking process 121
- British Joint Corrosion Group, conference on corrosion and protection of pipes and pipe-lines 152
- British Lift Slab Ltd., jack roof raising system 866 St. John's Beacon, Liverpool 460
- British Lighting Industries, Sunflood floodlight 33 British Mechanical Engineering Federation, annual report 841
- British Monorail, load cells as safety device in overhead crane 468
- British Motor Corp. Ltd.
- 1100 motor cars by D, Marshall and I. Fraser (book) 35
- Hazeley Manor staff college 964
- Nuffield 3/45 tractor 1067
- Nuffield 4/65 tractor 1067 twin-drive gas turbine unit 727
- Wolseley 18/85 motor car, description of 381 British Newfoundland Corp., ac transmission for power station in Manicouagan-aux-Outardes scheme 533
- British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, fume sampling in foundry atmospheres 418 symposium on copper and copper alloy castings for fabrication 1036
- British Nuclear Export Executive 324-325
- British Nuclear Forum 662
- British Overseas Airways Corp., cargo terminal for self-handling airlines 88
- British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Bantam 3 cutting machine 606
- nitrogen shrinking for large bushes 725 oxygen regulator 688
- British Oxygen Cryoproducts, liquid-helium cryostats 355
- British Petroleum, Grangemouth refinery expansion 159
- British Photographic Manufacturers' Association, metric units for photographic materials and equipment 759
- British Physical Laboratories, breakdown and ionization tester 518
- British plastics year book 1967 (book) 697
- British Pneumatic Tools Ltd., high-pressure air compressors 731
- British Productivity Council, film on critical path analysis 43
- film on reliability in industry 43
- British Racing and Sports
- Show 1967 (Olympia)
- British Railways
- accidents
- Bold Colliery 248
- Conington 376
- Stechford 376 Steventon 376
- Cryoguard refrigerant for
- 924
- electrification position and prospects 586 Engineering Research Laboratories, Derby 537 Freightliner railway train exhibited at Brighton 760
- gas-turbine(s) for multiple-unit trains 769 gas-turbine driven 150-mph passenger train project 537. Letter 804
- Glasgow main line electrification scheme 586 last steam locomotives of, by P. Ransome-Wallis (book) 235
- Lea Valley line electrification scheme 586 mobile spray painting booth for rolling stock 669 network for development 448
- 100-ton oil bogie tank wagons 333 Railway Technical Centre, Derby 537 rebuilding of Grosvenor Bridge 1063 reorganization and improvement of workshops, S. Ridgway 669
- safety devices on electric lines 376
- Shorland 60 straddle carrier 553 standard signalling principles amendments 376 workshops reorganization, R. C. S. Low 632,669
- British Resin Products Ltd., polyethylene liquid container by blow moulding 980
- Rigidex polyethylene stadium seats British Scientific Instrument Research automatic inspection of blanks detector 392
- ceramic castings by electrophoresis 682 conference on optics developments 280 hot rod diameter measuring device 938
- British Ship Research Association, Gerber automatic draughting machine 208. Letter 419 British Society of Rheology, conference on flow of non-Newtonian fluids 318
- British Standards Institution
- cable testing facilities 980
- high yield steel 130
- magnesium alloys for aircraft 468 metric system changeover 721 in construction industry 285, 328
- rating of industrial noise 1022
- seat belts in motor cars 164
- standards course 834
- storage pump acceptance tests (book) 75 Unified screw threads of UNJ profile 391 welding primers and fluxes 981
- British Steel Piling Co. Ltd., Driam helically-welded steel tube pressure test equipment 549
- helical weld steel pipes (trade publication) 834 River Wear bridge 819
- British Straddle Carrier Co., Shorland 60 straddle carrier 553
- British Sugar Corp., automatic control for vacuum boiling of sugar 429
- British Twin Disc Ltd., diesel-hydraulic locomotives 110
- British Week in Brussels 372
- British Welding Research Association, electroslag welding observation by X-ray and television 591
- grant for welding research 858
- hydrogen analyzer 687
- Britoleum oil for underground pipeline control system 304
- Brittle fracture, boiler drum, Cockenzie power station. Inquiry Board representatives 882, 885
- Brize Norton aircraft hangar 130
- Broadcasting, internal communication system 132 Broadcasting convention, international 402 Broads Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Centralsug suction conveyance system of refuse collection 501
- Brockhouse Conveyor Bearings Ltd., conveyor bearings (trade publication) 612
- Brockhouse, J. and Co. Ltd., oil burners (trade publication) 792
- Brookes (Oldbury) Ltd., drawbench for drawing thin wall tubes 1022
- Brookhirst Igranic Ltd. type 906 pneumatic timing relay 743
- Broom and Wade Ltd., Broom Wade drilling and tapping machine 650
- fire tender incorporating rescue aids 262 BroomWade self-feed drilling and tapping machine 650
- Brown, A. G., Electronics Ltd., rotor test unit for squirrel-cage rotors 183
- Brown, A. J. Stephen, on collaboration between universities and industry 160
- Brown Boveri and Cie AG, licensing agreement with Atomic Power Constructions Ltd. 325
- Brown Brothers and Co. Ltd., steering gear for Q4 liner 13
- Brown, D., road direction marker 847
- Brown, David, assault ship Intrepid 416
- Brown, David, Gear Industries Ltd., Helicon Mark 4 speed reducers 912
- marine gearbox for frigate 696
- test rig for gearboxes for coal handling plant 229 Brown, David, Research Centre, test rig for gearboxes for coal handling plant 229 Brown, David, Tractors, sales figures 83 Brown-Firth research laboratories, improved facilities 1069
- Brown, G. T., powder metallurgy 962
- Brown, John, and Co. (Clydebank) Ltd., assault ship Intrepid 416
- Marinite asbestos board for fireproofing liner Q4 670
- Q4 liner design and construction 11 Brown, John, Engineering (Clydebank) Ltd.
- diversification of activities 1061
- Frame 5 gas turbine 1062
- leg sections for Deep Tide drilling platform 1061 production of packaged industrial gas turbines 1061
- Q4 liner main machinery 13
- Strick Sea Trailers containers 740
- Browne, Alan, Gauges Ltd., gauge block service (trade publication) 76
- Brownlie and Murray Ltd., filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- Brown's Ferry nuclear power station 894-898
- Bruce Peebles Ltd., completion of merger 82 Bruel and Kjaer, sound and vibration test set (trade publication) 522
- Brush gear, spring (trade publication) 746 Brush-Shell fuel cell 934
- Brussels, British Week in 372
- Bruynzeel Monta Mobile Shelving system (trade publication) 872
- Bruynzeel Wood Products Co. Ltd., mobile timber shelving (trade publication) 872
- Bryans Ltd., data plotting system 826
- Brydson, J. A., on Developments with Natural Rubber (book) 1035
- thermoplastics 446
- BSA Group, cartridge fixing tool 1082
- BSA Motor Cycles Ltd., computerized production of motor cycles 591
- BSA Precision Castings Ltd., investment casting in rubber moulds 176
- BSA Sintered Components Ltd., porous stainless steel filters (trade publication) 562
- BTR Industries Ltd., Silverply conveyor belting 74 Btu meter (trade publication) 958
- Bubb, M., on Where Do We Go From The Moon? (book) 871
- Buckner, H., on How British Industry Buys: An Inquiry (book) 447,611
- Budapest Machine Tool Works, E4000M 8 in turret lathe 225
- Budget, comment on 617
- Buhler Brothers (England) Ltd., pulverizing plant 507 Buhrer automatic moulding system for malleable iron castings 904
- Building(s)
- and structures, wind effects on, symposium on 1084
- Anderson A75 Metric system, for church 212 design of a, professional collaboration in the, conference on 442
- domestic, condensation in, causes and remedies, conference on 174. Letter 419
- Educational and Equipment, Community and. Exhibition 1084
- industrialized. Bison Wall Frame system 969 bungalow, Divco-Wayne Corp. 378 contractors' equipment and, Denmark 402 factory, for Balency system, Cubitts 159 precast, Zed-2 system 292
- Stelvetite G pvc-coated steel sheet for 422 see also Concrete
- Building Centre, electrical section of, opening 160 Building economy, by P. A. Stone (book) 611 Building exhibition (Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Ministry of Public Building and Works 1036
- Building industry, metric system changeover in 328 slipforming technique 314
- Building maintenance, external (trade publication) 364,834
- Building materials exhibition, exhibits at 533-534 Building regulations, criticism of, T. Mitchell 370 timber and, course on 612
- Building Research Station, condensation problems in domestic buildings 174
- pneumatic concrete breaker noise tests 1050 symposium on lifts in large buildings 929 Thamesmead new town 412
- Building sites, protective clothing for use on 201 Building system, office (trade publication) 792 Building-up, oxy-acetylene pistol for 476 Bulgakov, A. A., on Electronic Automatic Control Devices (book) 235
- Bull, John, Rubber Co. Ltd., publication) 1084
- Bull Run power station, 950 894-898
- Bulleid, H. A. V., on Aspinal 1
- Bulleid Memorial Lectures. See Nottingham University
- Bulleri, S. A. and Co., sculptor's copying moulding machine 790
- Bulk containers, Plymon 110
- Bulk storage plant, spherical. Distillers Chemicals and Plastics 605
- Bulkhead lighting fitting, Hi-Style range 694
- Bullfinch (Gas Equipment) Ltd., Traffic Master portable traffic control system 652
- Bumpers, stainless steel 349 under-run. Ford 203
- Bungalow, industrialized building, Divco-Wayne Corp. 378
- Bungard, J., West Herts Management Centre 371
- Bunn and Johnson Ltd., flexible locking tee for small-bore pipe 994
- Buoy(s), glass fibre and steel. Wayside Marine 708 Buoyancy materials. Corning Glass Works 954 Bureau International de I'Heure, coordination of standard time broadcasts 803
- Bureau of Standards. See United States National Burgess, 0., tidal power available at any time 495 Burmah North Sea Group, gas explorations 488 Burmah Oil Co., sample monitoring unit for artesian and oil well drilling 182
- Burn(s) cases. Hoverbed for 968
- Burn, D., Political Economy of Nuclear Energy 718. Letter 803
- Burner
- air-blast, Barlow-Whitney 1076 dual-fuel, for slag dryer 68 gas, automatic, HVP range natural gas, design aspects research 806
- oil (trade publication) 792
- Schwank, Parkinson Cowan solid rocket propellant test
- Burner motor, oil. Type Bl 5 Form F, AEI 955 Bursgreen Model BFO planing and moulding machine 736
- Bursting discs (trade publication) 792
- Bus(es), double-deck, Atlantean computerized 335
- Bus factory proposals for Russia, Leylands 42
- Bus washing machine (trade publication) 612 Busbar(s), aluminium, Alcan 516 trade publication 190
- Busbar system. Barduct, Marryat and Place 49 Bush, anchor rivet. Precision Screw 826
- large, nitrogen shrinking for 725
- Bush Beach and Segner Bayley Ltd., Cosmic 64 wax protective coatings 1028
- TW wax protective coatings 1028 Bush-Hog rotary mowers 832 Bushing(s), transformer (trade publication) Bushing Co. Ltd., transformer bushings publication) 36
- Business Equipment Trade Association, statistics 159
- Business Week index 706, 752, 878, 1042
- Butler, Charles, Associates, interior design of Concorde supersonic airliner 337
- Butler, J. W., large loads on the road 88. Letter 495
- Butler Machine Tool Co. Ltd., shaping machines 434
- Butterfield, W. P., Group, Binsac paper sacks for refuse collection 499
- dust-bins 499
- Butterley Co. Ltd., motor-car body stacking system as buffer stock 542
- Butters Cranes Ltd., electro-hydraulic winches 946 Buying in British industry, H. Buckner 447 Buying procedures in British industry, by H. Buckner (book) 611
- BXP Industrial Products Group Ltd., Bexol adhesives 221
- Byatt, J. C. R., increased fees for overseas students 124
- By-pass, Newport (Mon.), Crindau twin tunnels on 800
- Reading, route partially confirmed 839
- C-Law modulator permanent memory unit for static switching 825
- C Modular Bexuda in-line filler 801
- C-ring road immersed-tube tunnel study, hydraulic model for 573
- Cabinet, fume, Aberdeen 356 temperature test, Hi-Low 869
- Cabinet reorganization, details of 41
- Cable(s)
- faired, easier warping on new capstan 100 submarine telephone, from Lisbon to Cape Town, STC711
- telephone, flat, Scotch-flex 316 to Europe, Post Office Research Station 803 waterproof, BlCC 742
- under-water power transmission line, Southampton Water 387
- see also Power transmission ; Wire rope
- Cable clamp system. Scotchflex 356
- Cable clip, ITW 275
- Cable connectors, Stumpi range 910
- Cable Covers Ltd., electrical curing of concrete 940 G-Loc mechanical splice for joining reinforcing bars 33
- Cable duct. Scotchflex 397
- Cable stripping machine, M.I.C. Major 1034
- Cable terminal blocks in Flowmat glass reinforced plastic, Fothergill and Harvey 683
- Cable testing facilities 980 Cadmium and zinc plating plant. Jaywood 218 CAFL, stainless steel vacuum chamber 510 Caisson(s), interlocking, dock of, Natrona, Pa. 592 sinking technique, Lorenz/Fehlmann method 336
- Caisson sinking, bentonite technique in 336 Calco fire retardant asbestos/cement coating 469 Calculator, tensor, Fearns 361
- vibration, Pye-Ling 688
- Calculus, higher, by F. Bowman and F. A. Gerard (book) 279
- of variations and optimal control theory, by M. R. Hestenes (book) 745
- operational, introduction to, by L. Berg (book) 1035
- Calder Hall nuclear power station 678 Caledonian Mining Co. Ltd., Calco fire retardant asbestos/cement coating 469
- polyurethane foam as sealant in mines 469 Calendering of thermoplastics 446
- California, motor car exhaust emission regulations 213
- California radiation laboratory, chemical properties of element-102 217
- Callow Engineering Ltd., Fluo/veyor pneumatic conveyors 313
- Calor Gas Group, mobile plant for conversion to natural gas 1021
- Calor Natural Gas Services Ltd., formation and activities of 1021
- Cam(s), cuttable, for industrial timers. Magnetic Devices 275
- Cam Controls and Automation Ltd., Lockwood high-speed potato bagger 163
- Lockwood high-speed potato grader 163
- Cam Gears Ltd., Bishop worm-and-peg type power- assisted steering 590
- Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd., industrial oven temperature monitoring (trade publication) 872
- Cambridge University, production methods and management advanced course 85
- Camera
- Devon monorail. De Vere image tube, Hadland (PI) Pentacon Super 852 Praktica Electronic 852 processor, Filmsort-2000 step and repeat, Watson
- television. See Television camera Tessina, exposure meter for 852 X-ray, for crystal diffraction work, NBS 901
- Camerer Cussand Co., industrial hourcounters 743
- Cameron, A., on 151
- Cameron, J. F.,
- Industry and
- Caminer, D. T., EELM System 4 computer 166 Cammell Laird (Shiprepairers) Ltd., Duke of Rothesay Irish cross-channel car-ferry 708
- Campagnola four-wheel drive motor vehicle, Fiat 171
- Campbell, D., failure of Bluebird jet hydroplane 50, 88. Letter 164
- Campbell-Gray Ltd., cleaning equipment (trade publication) 1036
- Camping and Outdoor Life Exhibition (Olympia) 162
- Camping trailer, Nimrod 162 Can(s), aerosol, soldering of 982 Can testing machine. Bliss 949 Canada, consulting engineers and exports 286 nuclear power stations 255
- Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd., CANDU nuclear power station in Pakistan 258
- Canadian Electrical Association, Churchill Falls power transmission project, G. W. Clayton and D. McGillis 815
- Nelson River transmission system, E. M. Scott 815
- Canals, and barrages, irrigation engineering, by S. Leliavsky (book) 113
- Cross-Florida Barge 384
- Duke of Bridgewater's Longford-Runcorn 5
- Canal du Midi, tercentenary of construction of 5 CANDU
- Canning, W., and Co. Ltd., Airflow abrasive mops 186
- cadmium and zinc plating plant 218
- Coolair abrasive mops 186
- VS High G Harperizer deburring and surface finishing machine 790
- Canning Westalite, cadmium and zinc plating plant 218
- Cannon Electric (GB) Ltd., explosion-proof connector 478
- Cannon Gas Miser Slimline radiant convector inset gas fire 427
- Cannon, W. G., Air Engineering Ltd., ASA natural gas firing system 1068
- pallet handling equipment (trade publication) 76
- Canopy, Topspan, for unsinkable life raft 493
- Canterbury Precision Engineering Ltd., activities 751
- Cantilever frames in aircraft hangar, Brize Norton 130
- Capacitors
- Flip-Chip miniature 480
- in integrated circuits 154
- self-healing, thin metal films as electrodes for, Bosch 639
- tantalum, for printed circuits. Union Carbide 1030
- vacuum, production of, EEV 557
- Capper-Neill Ltd., plate fabricating resources for gas and oil industries 883
- Caps Group, micro-film equipment 452
- Capstan, helical warping 100
- Car, motor. See Motor car
- Car-park, spiral ramp underground, Ipswich 808
- Carbide coatings, metallic, Ti-Kote C 479
- Carbide indexable inserts 1078
- Carbide tool-surfacing unit, Dumore 649
- Carbon, determination in steel, Titracarb analyser ^74
- Carbon dioxide laser, Ferranti 596
- Carbon dioxide reactor coolant, G. Melese- d'Hospital and P. Fortescue 472
- Carbon dioxide/silicate process for filter press plate castings 141
- Carbon monoxide in motor-car exhaust emission 213
- Carburettor, Weber 40 DCOE 383
- Weber 40 IDA, in Lamborghini Miura motor car 135
- Zenith CD, Duplex induction system for 216
- Cardboard tubes for building applications, Robinson Building 560
- Cardiac pacemaker, inductivity coupled, Joseph Lucas 464
- Careers, and education 441. Letter 762 in computers (trade publication) 364
- Carella, F., standards for office machines 967
- Cargo handling, at London Docks 292 in M.S. KiHara and M.S. Waitara 233 in ports, modern methods 708
- Cargo-handling control systems and marine propulsion, complete, exhibition of, Elliott Automation 853
- Cargo ship
- KiHara, programmed deck-crane control 233 Loch Avon, Harland and Wolff 1076
- Manchester Progress, with bridge control of main engines 418
- nuclear-powered pusher, J. A. Teasdale 540 refrigerated, Britannic, with ram bow 1011 Majestic 1011
- Waitara, programmed deck-crane control 233
- Cargo terminal, for London Airport (Heathrow) 1052
- for self-handling airlines 88
- Cargo transference between ships at sea 261
- Carl Munters patented pack fill in Thermotank cooling tower 264
- Carlyle Air Conditioning Co. Ltd., air conditioners (trade publication) 1036
- Carpet industry, mathematical model of 141
- Carpet underlay. Airborn, Dunlop 900
- Carrier, straddle, Shorland-60 553
- Carrier Engineering Co. Ltd., Chieftan boiler installation 1068
- metal strip coating production line 684
- Carron Group, chromium diffusion process for corrosion protection 858
- Carronchrome Ltd., chromium diffusion process for corrosion protection 858
- Cars and Cities (report) 1044, 1049
- Carter, Alastair, Carter coaster electric car 674 Carter coaster electric car 674
- Carter Gears Ltd., hydrostatic variable-speed transmissions, and gear control mechanisms 653
- Carter, R. D., Gas-Flo interchangeable gas control points, Duke of Edinburgh's prize for elegant design 774
- Carter, W. G., on Mechanics of Fluids for Mechanical Engineers (book) 1083
- Carton-Cote boards 974
- Carton-X boards 974
- Cartridge, filter, John-Mansville 688
- Cartridge fixing tool, BSA 1083
- Case(s) and cubicles for housing of instruments, Imhof 274
- electronic module, Chilworth range 826 instrument, STC 108
- Case, J. I., Co. Ltd., Case 1150 crawler shovel 786
- Cassie, W. Fisher, on Structural Analysis (book 441
- Cassio Photographic Paper Co., Ilfobrom photographic enlarging papers 779
- Casson, Sir Hugh, Diatom 2000 futuristic living capsule 378
- Cast iron, blackheart malleable, increased production, Follsain-Wycliffe Foundries 438
- Castigliano, C. A. P., on Theory of Equilibrium of Elastic Systems and Its Applications (book) 833
- Castings by cubed construction technique 981 ceramic, by electrophoresis, SIRA 682 copper and copper alloy, for fabrication, symposium on, BNFMRA 1036
- die. See Die Castings
- rilter press plate, using COa/silicate process 141 investment, in rubber moulds 176
- iron, malleable, automated production of 904 Disamatic moulding machines for 1070 stainless steel (trade publication) 872 steel, directional solidification of, by R. WIodawer (book) 151
- Castle, B., transport policy for towns 618 Castor(s), industrial, Homalon Noiseless 73
- Castor units, turntable, H.M.C. Wheels 956
- Castors Universal Ltd., Trewhella machinery skate 988
- Cathedral, Liverpool (R.C.) 712-713
- Catherwood, H. F. R., speech to Business Equipment Trade Association 159
- Cathode ray tube, high-power travelling wave, STC 910
- Cathode ray tube screen, electro-magnetic lens for fine detail on 845
- Cathodic protection
- advantages 1040
- definition 1037
- Engineering Outline 1037
- for ferrous structures 1038
- history 1037
- impressed current schemes 1039 installation 1039
- limitations 1040
- of pipeline, Algeria 466
- sacrificial anodes 1039
- techniques 1038
- Catmur Machine Tool Corp. Ltd., Ultra-precise rotary tables 360
- CAV Ltd., Filtrap 120 Sedimenter diesel fuel filter 993
- proving of diesel engine components 685
- Cave-Cut Machine Tool Co. Ltd., friction saw 271
- Cavitation corrosion and its prevention in diesel engines, by I. Dugdale and R. Wall (book) 113
- CEA-Pereco, numerical control (trade publication) 280
- CEBEX. See Community and Educational Building and Equipment Exhibition.
- Ceiling tiles. Unitex (trade publication) 152
- Cell, fuel. See Fuel cell
- triaxial, Wykeham Farrance 440
- Cellmic C blowing agent for plastics and synthetics 221
- Cellulose plastics, properties and applications 445
- Cement and Concrete Association, concrete design and construction course 792
- Concrete Mix Design (book) 75
- Cementation (Muffelite) Ltd., Barrymount Serva- Levl isolation system 683
- Centenaries, engineering 5
- Center, A. A., traffic control in US 339
- Central Advisory Council for Science and Technology, constitution of 122
- Central Electricity Generating Board Bodine Resonant Pile Driver computer monitoring and system 218
- management reorganization
- natural gas as fuel for power stations 576 nuclear power programme 325 nuclear reactor simulator 202
- silicone treated pulverized fuel ash to sink oil slicks 761
- transformer heavy-load transportation equipment 298
- transport of generator transformer by Aberthaw Fisher shallow-draught vessel 1048 see also under names of power stations
- Central Electricity Research Laboratories, measurement of dynamic magnetostriction 600
- Central heating. Central Unit for 376
- Central Wagon
- pression moulding press 870
- Centralsug suction conveyance system of refuse collection 501
- Centrifugal pump. See Pump(s)
- Centring and end facing machine, Baier Type ZPD 111
- CEPl of Great Britain (Vermeiren Processes) Ltd., water treatment (trade publication) 656
- Ceramic castings by electrophoresis, SIRA 682
- Ceramic fibre insulation, Triton Kaowool 687
- Ceramic indexable inserts 1078
- Ceramic insulators, Axiturn vertical lathe for 1023
- Ceramics, Degussit 1078 in machining processes, by A. G. King and W. M. Wheildon (book) 655
- CERN. See European Organisation for Nuclear Research
- Cess, R. D., on Radiation HeatTransfer (book) 113
- Chadwick, Sir John, exporting to USA 246
- Chain, nylon, Tuff-Link 108 Chain drive, Hy-Vo 382
- Chain Saw Products Ltd., portable arc welder (trade publication) 656
- Challenger T fifth-wheel semi-trailers (trade publication) 318
- Chamberlain Industries Ltd., steam crane conversion to hydrostatic drive 860
- Chambers, E. D., on hitting lamp-posts 56
- Chambers, Sir Paul, North Sea natural-gas 487
- Chambers, Roy, (Concessionaires) Ltd., impact screwdriver 554
- Champion conveyor belt fastening system 825 Champion tower crane 1033
- Channel Tunnel, hybrid structure proposal 450, 461
- memorandum on 323 position and prospects of 450
- Chapman, C., Formula 1 Lotus motor car 883 Formula 2 Lotus, Ford V8 engine for 716
- Chapman, F. S., on Pumping of Liquids (book) 481
- Chapman, W., engineer of Limerick Navigation Co. 5
- Character, recognition equipment, optical, for National Giro 378
- Charging machine, furnace, mobile 989
- Charlesford Engineering Co. Ltd., ball memory unit for parcel sorting 821
- Chartered Engineers 803. Letters 884, 926 academic qualification requirements for 531. Letter 670
- Chasing machine, Neuenberg-21 9 868
- Chatfield, G. W. G., throw-away tip tooling 536 Chatham, nuclear submarine base at 334
- Chegolin, P. M., on Electrical Analogues in Structural Engineering (book) 481
- Chem-Gard plastic centrifugal pumps 789 Chemical analysis. See Analysis
- Chemical engineering, mathematical modelling in, by R. G. E. Franks (book) 957
- Chemical equipment, application of titanium 24 Chemical industry
- economic development committee for 120, 569 effect of North Sea natural gas 487 position and prospects 323 safety regulations in 570 take-over bids in 42
- Chemical plant industry, short-term trends 411
- Chemical processing (trade publication) 612
- Chemical reaction(s) at high pressures, by M. B. Donald (book) 997
- Chemical-reaction engineering, high-temperature 347
- Chemidus Plastics Ltd., joint repair coupler for upvc pipes 354
- Chemistry, laboratory measurement and automation techniques in, international exhibition of (Basle) 442
- physical, for metallurgists, by J. Mackowiak (book) 317
- Chester, J., Tartan Arrow 756
- Chesterfield Tube Co. Ltd., extruded metal sections (trade publication) 152
- Chevrolet V8 motor car engine 52 Chieftan boiler installation 1068 Chilbolton Radio and Space Research Council, 82 ft fully-steerable aerial 622
- Chilver, A. H., on Thin-walled Structures (book) 1083
- Chilworth range electronic module cases 826 Chimneys, protective coating material for, Foster 'Stackfas ' 643
- Chipboard production from waste paper, Thames Board Mills 504
- Chockus cleaning equipment for oil-fired boilers 269
- Chorafas, D. N., on Managing Industrial Research for Profits (book) 833
- Chorley, new town area plans 877-878 Christian! and Nielsen, floatable light tower for Royal Sovereign Shoal 534. Correction 575 Christy Brothers Ltd., floodlighting (trade publication) 1036
- Chromalog for gas chromatography 464 Chromatograph, liquid, for analysing most organic materials, Pye 478 trade publication 442
- Chromatography, gas, apparatus, M.E.L. 600 Chromalog for 464
- Chromium carbide, production and fabrication 1078
- Chromium diffusion process for corrosion protection 858
- Chrysler Motors, take-over of Rootes group 43, 119
- Chucking automatics, multi-spindle hydro-copying, Hasse and Wrede 228
- Church, system-built 212
- Churchill, Charles H., Ltd., machine tool production by Maschinenfabrik Froriep 520
- Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corp, ac transmission for power station in Manicouagan-aux-Outardes scheme 533
- Churchill Falls power station, construction of 533 Churchill Falls power transmission project 815 Churchill Gear Machines Ltd., automatic chucking lathe 181
- Cilchem 540 silicone release agent for shell moulding 275
- Cincinnati Milling Machine Co., Acramat IV machine tool control unit with integrated circuits 263 Cinema film. See Film, cinema Cinema screens for Expo-67 exhibition 1048 Circaframe air filter 1073 Circlip, retaining, Klikax 354 Circuit(s)
- electronic, by thick and thin film technologies 393
- integrated, Acramat IV machine tool control unit with 263
- advantages 153 applications 155 components 154 definition 153 domain originated functional, STL 265 Engineering Outline 153 for use in computer peripheral circuits, ICT in EELM System 4 computer 166 in Suitcase data logging 436 limitations 154 linear, type 530M 909 manufacture 154
- BAC 105
- MICA-150 electronic testing equipment 1033 semiconductor applications 660 Vacwell prober for testing 271
- integrated and thin-film, use in pocket communications receiver, MEL 263
- logic, resistor-transistor, Plessey Group 910 micro miniature, mounting board for, APT 688
- printed. See Printed circuit(s)
- thin film, testing 601
- Circuit breakers, air, Starkstrom Schaltgeratefabrik 788
- trade publication 562 vacuum 132 kV, AEI 996 see a/so Switchgear
- Circuit logic packs, integrated, Honeywell 824 Circuit making plant, integrated, SLEE 29 Circular saw. See Saw
- Circulating water channel, NPL 538, 575 Circulators, design for nuclear power stations, R. A.
- Strub 473
- Hinkley Point B nuclear power station, W. M. Fraser 473
- Cistern, flush, Hidaway 34
- Citroen, motor-car manufacture in Spain 893 City(ies), all-electric, R. Phillips 288
- City traffic. See Traffic
- City University, course on critical path planning and progressevaluation and review techniques 698 department of management studies 330 information science course 330
- Citycar, overhead road structure proposals 1049 proposals for 1044,1045,1049
- Civil engineering, centenaries 6 film 84
- Civil Engineering Research Association, proposed changes 409
- Clad sheet, titanium-clad 23
- Cladding, aluminium, epoxy laminate with, Spaul- dite 186
- Clamp, self-locking, Insley 560
- Clamp levers, spring, Kipp 559 Clamp system, cable. Scotchflex 356 ClarkClutch Co. Ltd.,electromagneticclutches Clark, D., natural gas as fuel for power stations Clark Van Carriers 880
- Clarke, D. E., on the shelf 670
- Classification and coding, conference on, Aslib Claudgen Ltd., infra-red heater for paint drying Clausen, H., the trouble with draughtsmen
- Letter 926
- Clausen, R., Labour Mobility in Great Britain: 1 953-63 (report) 753
- Clayton Dewandre Co. Ltd.
- A.A. silver medal award 708 brake load sensing valve 590 braking system for Bedford KM articulated truck 883
- condenser and drain valve 741
- diaphragm unloader valve for pneumatic braking systems 353
- load-sensitive brake control 708
- Clayton Engineering Co., dial indicators and handwheels (trade publication) 114
- Cleaner
- drain, Biokem D 559 emulsion. Enthone EC75 688 suction (trade publication) 656 sump, machine tool, Delapena 232 Vorject, for pulp cleaning 975
- Cleaning
- bulk, of overalls 453
- of railway equipment 633
- of tanks. Gunclean system for 509 pipeline, and clearing pig 649 pulp, Vorject cleaner for 975 tank (trade publication) 1084
- Cleaning brush, boiler-tube. Segment 728
- Cleaning electronic equipmentfor aircraft, ultrasonic plant for 142
- Cleaning equipment, blast. Maxiblast 948 for oil-fired boilers, Chockus 269 trade publication 1036
- Cleaning Florentine art treasures, Zimmite for 8 Cleco Ltd., side-loading fork-lift trucks 510 Clements, R., on Manual of Maintenance Vol. 2 (book) 957
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Tinsley Viaduct 624
- Climatic testing chamber. Environment Ltd. 602 Climax-France, fluid logic control circuits based on miniaturized piston valves 105
- Climax Molybdenum Co., molybdenum oxide recovery plant 22
- Climax Molybdenum SA, rolling-mill rolls (trade publication) 522
- Clip, cable, ITW 275
- 'Clipper'mechanical trowel (trade publication) 236 Clothes holder, Valett 427
- Clothing, functional, for construction industry, competition 925
- protective, for use on building sites 201 Clutches, and brakes, electromagnetic (trade publication) 76
- electromagnetic, Clark Clutch 516 spring, diaphragm, Borg and Beck 8 see also Coupling
- Clyde, container berth construction scheme 408 River, Kingston bridge for 802
- Clyde Crane and Booth Ltd., container transporter cranes (trade publication) 698
- crane grab for use in refuse incineration plant 505 CMI Products, impact screwdriver 554
- C and N (Electrical) Ltd., coordinate marking-out table 869
- C.N.S. Instruments Ltd., Emicron magnetic reluctance thickness gauge 315
- COg. See Carbon dioxide COg welding. See Welding Coal Board. See National Coal Board
- Coal gas. See Gas
- Coal handling plant, test rig for gearboxes for 229 Coal handling system, Paradise-3 power station 896
- Coalmine. See Colliery; Mine
- Coal mining, advanced, by B. M. Vorobjev and
- R. T. Deshmukh (book) 833
- use of polyurethane foam in 469
- Coal-mining economics : organization and management, by J. Sinclair (book) 745
- Coal preparation plant, lining materials for, Tercol ADI 1022
- Coal supply for Longannet power station from drift mines 102
- Coating(s)
- anti-corrosion (trade publication) 698 carbide, metallic, Ti-Kote C 479 composite, electrodeposition of 277 fire retardant asbestos/cement, Calco 469 non-stick, Armourcote 781
- peelable protective, for machined surfaces, Tak- gard PCf747 316
- plastics, Modacryl QP53 and SP54 187
- trade publication 318
- polybutylcuprysil, anti-splatter agent for COg welding, KS Paul Products 74
- pvc heavy industrial, Vylastic RS-60 1074 static electricity application to 78
- wax protective, Cosmic 64 and TW 1028 Coating machine, Jagenberg air-knife and metering bar 976
- Coating material, protective, for chimneys, Foster 'Stackfas' 643
- Coating metal strip, production line 684
- Coating plant, Jagenberg, for coated papers 859 Coating systems, electrostatic (trade publication) 872
- Coaxial connectors, miniature screw-type. Radial
- Subvis 781
- Cobalt alloys, wear-resistant 650
- Cobb, J., Crusader speed record boat 50 Cobbe, B. M., traffic control. West London 339 Cobham, Alan, Engineering Ltd.,floatswitches 516 Cochran and Co. Annan Ltd., Chieftan boiler installation 1068
- Cockenzie power station, boiler drum brittle fracture, Inquiry Board representatives 882, 885 boiler drum replacement at 332,887
- Cockerill-Ougree, bulk swarf handling 1024 Cockpit displays for Saab Viggen aircraft, Svenska Radio AB 585
- CODOG machinery arrangement in Finnish corvette 127
- Cofferdam construction, John Day Project 545 Cogged belts, Power-Grip 820
- Cohen, George, Machinery, metal forming machinery 653
- Coil-winding machine, bifilar, for colour television components 1047
- Coinage, decimal. Decimal Action Committee on 157
- Coining in powder metallurgy 960
- Colchester Lathe Co., Mascot 1600 centre lathe
- Design Centre award 773
- Cold forging. See Forging Cold mill, high powered 429
- Cold-stretching austenitic stainless steels 517
- Cole, R. H. Ltd., preheating and predrying hopper unit 435
- Coles 'Valiant' mobile crane 140
- College of Production Technology, course on foremanship 746
- Colley, E. A., PERT approach to building control in Birmingham 707
- Colliery, Bevercotes, work started at 159 Ferndale, explosion tragedy centenary 7 see also Mine
- Collision. See Accident
- Color-Eye XYZ slide rule for colour analysis 781
- Colour analysis, slide rule for, Color-Eye XYZ 781
- Colour television. See Television
- Colquhoun Brian, and Partners, Meherabad airport 1051
- Colt Ventilation and Heating Ltd., Millwall dock transit shed 763
- Columbia River Basin, multi-purpose project 545
- Comark Electronics Ltd., electronic tester for transistors 276
- Combined Optical Industries Ltd., industrial magnifiers (trade publication) 998
- Combustion for power, conference on, IME 190
- Combustion monitor, fuel cell as, Westinghouse Electric 980
- Committee for Exports to the USA, conference on selling to USA 246
- Committee on Staffing in Local Government 488
- Commodore, Opel, motor car 421
- Common Market, Britain and 662 Government resolve to make formal application 703
- Commonwealth. See Canada, etc.
- Commonwealth Development Finance Co. Ltd., annual report 921
- Communication
- computer graphics in, by W. A. Fetter (book) 279 internal, Adeline Genee theatre aids to 131
- broadcasting system 132 multi-coloured lamp displays pocket paging system 1 32
- radio, by W. F. Lovering (book)
- Communication aids, laser beams as 165 Communications networks, computer control of, SRDE 391
- Communications receiver, pocket-size, MEL 263 Communications set (trade publication) 236 Communications systems for SHAPE and AFCENT, Marconi 129
- internal, Dirivox 864
- trade publication 114
- Community and Educational Building and Equipment Exhibition 1084
- Commutator re-surfacing machine, ML Aviation 693
- Compac computer for process control 436
- Compact Orbital Gears Ltd., factory expansion at Rhayader 206
- flexible pin epicyclic gear 206
- Compacting, powder metallurgy 960
- Compacting Equipment Ltd., Drum series of portable concrete vibrators 785
- Compasses and height meters, Suunto Oy 742
- Competition engines, design and tuning of, by P. H. Smith 957
- Component transfer, compressed-air tube for 305
- Composite coatings, electrodeposition of 277
- Composting, of refuse, Dano bio-stabilizer for 507 refuse disposal by 507
- Composting plant at Leatherhead 507 Compound(s), intermetallic, by J. H. Westbrook (book) 913
- Compounding Ingredients Ltd., Cilchem 540silicone release agent for shell moulding 275
- Compressed-air, and lubrication equipment. Shipton 728
- motors (trade publication) 442 transportation of heavy loads 142 tube for component transfer 305 see also Pneumatic
- Compressing equipment. Powerpress 503 Compressing mechanism, continuous, for refuse disposal, Karrier Musketeer 503
- Compression and expansion springs (trade publication) 872
- Compression moulding, of thermoplastics 445 Compressor(s)
- air, high-pressure, Bristol Pneumatic 731 closed metal container and, for refuse collection, Wastepaktor 501-502
- cooling requirements 71
- failure causes and prevention 71 industrial, by F. G. White (book) 441 lubrication requirements 71 maintenance requirements 71. Letter 129 mobile. Gnome Power Vane 475
- Hydrovane 988
- mobile rotary-vane. Power Vane 734 oil fires and explosions in 71 oil-free, and vacuum pumps, Handy range 948 packaged-unit, Hymatic 361 piston, heavy-duty stationary. Atlas Copco (Great Britain) 603
- refrigerator, lubricants for, D. R. Keeping 943 Teddington Aircraft 955
- refuse, automatic. Deva 500 screw, refrigeration (trade publication) 958 short-term trends 411
- six-stage, for high-pressure air supply 1023 trade publication 76, 482 vertical oil-less, Halberg 789
- Compton effect 404
- Computer(s)
- air conditioning systems by 126
- analogue, applications, by A. McKenzie (book) 521 centre lathe control 637
- and data processing in the furniture industry, conference on 958
- and mosaic pieces, draughting by 468 Biomac 1000 biological and Data Laboratories 463 careers in (trade publication) Compac, for process control
- CON/PAC 4020, for BISRA field laboratory, AEf 775
- digital, programming for, by J. F. Davison (book) 235
- Saab CK37 585
- EELM System 4-50 166
- EELM System 4-70 167
- Elliott-Automation Ltd. existing and proposed systems 755
- English Electric Leo Marconi System 4 range of, for data processing 455
- field artillery equipment (FACE), Elliott-Automation 447, 456 for medium-sized firms 527 for Q4 liner 13
- 4-75, for Edinburgh University, English-Electric- Leo-Marconi 123
- GEC S2, Atlas computer laboratory direct access using 333
- GPO network service 567
- Honeywell 24K model-120 704
- hybrid, EAL 8800, for weapons systems design 514
- IBM System/360, in production of Matchbox toys 467
- IBM 1800, Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory 1015
- ICT 1 901, Design Centre award 773 lEE 289
- ICT-1902, use with Gerber draughting machine 208
- ICT 1904 use with PERT program in housing project 707
- in Atlantean double-deck buses 335
- in construction industry, 0. A. Kerensky 668 Magpie system, Rolls-Royce 1007 Marconi Myriad 338
- mathematical model manipulation 141 Myriad I, for air traffic control 455
- Myriad Mk. II, English Electric-Leo-Marconi 21, 455
- national requirements 755
- PDP-8, Digital Instrument Corp. 601 Pre-Arrester, to monitor waveforms 463 river flow gauge, C. Hanson road traffic control, Glasgow symposium 338 Toronto 340 West London 339 340 sea electrode designs, use of
- ship's maximum safe load, Elliott Marine Automation 454
- staffing requirements (report) 200 subminiature connector for, Plessey 995 System-4, order position 488
- System 4-70, for Midland Bank, EELM 417 Computer centre, Enfield College—ENM Computer control, of communications SRDE 391
- of machine tools, Molins Machine Co.
- of spare parts, Electrolux 939
- Computer-controlled data-logging equipment 601 Computer-controlled riveting machine for Boeing 737 jet transport aircraft 1069
- Computer-controlled type justifier, Muset 843 Computer Education 200
- Computer graphics, by R. A. Siders (and others) (book) 279
- in communication, by W. A. Fetter (book) 279 Computer industry merger proposals 1041 Computer laboratory. Atlas, direct access using GEC S2 computer 333
- Computer monitoring and sequence control system, Pembroke power station 218
- Computer peripheral circuits, integrated circuits for use in, ICT 105
- Computer personnel, professional qualifications for 1005
- Computer programming and computer systems, by A. Hassitt (book) 957
- Computer systems, computer programming and, by A. Hassitt (book) 957
- Computer Test Corp., MICA-150 electronic testing equipment for integrated circuits 1033
- Computer typesetting, advances in 913 Computers in Britain (pamphlet) 324
- Computing Centre, Regional (Edinburgh), activities of 123
- ConCargo Ltd., ConCargo refrigerated container 739
- ConCargo refrigerated container 739
- Concentric, power-steering pump 382 Concert hall, Purcell Room 296
- Queen Elizabeth 294
- Concord 450 heavy-duty centre lathe 949
- Concorde supersonic airliner 889 comment on criticisms of 409 electrical system 57 interior design 337 mock-up 337
- Olympus 593 turbojet engine for 578
- ground tests 428 inspection ports 467 sales estimates 47
- Concordia bridge, Expo-67 20, 61 Concrete
- electrical curing of 940 light-weight aerated, for roofing. Siporex 127 precast, floor and roofs (trade publication) 958 prestressed, floor slabs of. Wide Slab 220 pressure vessels, conference on, ICE 453-454 routing and dressing machine for, Dial-a-Mix 693
- slipforming technique 314 tools for (trade publication) 236 unhardened, rapid analysis of, John
- Research and Development 81 9 use in bridge construction 624 Concrete balcony wall support brackets. Red anchors for 858
- Concrete breaker, pneumatic, noise tests, 1050
- Concrete bridges, design of, symposium (Toronto) 36
- Concrete construction, St John's Beacon, slipform method 460
- Concrete design, and construction course 792 reinforced, by G. P. Manning (book) 235
- Concrete drilling (trade publication) 698
- Concrete Ltd., Bison Wall Frame system for houses and flats 969
- precast concrete floor and roofs (trade publication) 958
- Concrete mix design, by J. D. McIntosh (book) 75
- Concrete mixer, automatic. Logicon static switching control for 820
- truck mounted. Ritemixer 908
- Concrete mouldings, oil-hydraulic installation for 510
- Concrete pumps, self-propelled and trailer-type, Schwing 788
- Concrete release oil, Zedcote S3 742
- Concrete shuttering, Spandoplast polystyrene board for 101
- Concrete skips, air-operated, Audax 399
- Concrete vessels, spherical, Wylfa nuclear power station 453-454
- Concrete vibrators. Master 69 portable. Drum series 785
- Condensation, in domestic buildings, causes and remedies conference on 174. Letter 419 methods of remedying, W. E. Humphreys 174 prevention of, Silbestos asbestos for 1068 structural, P. T. Loader 174
- Condenserand drain valve, Clayton Dewandre 741 Conductivity monitoring unit, Diversey 912 Conductors, energy level structure 367
- Confederation of British Industry, industrial trends survey 1041
- Review of Mechanical Engineering Trade Associations 199
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, annual conference 1043 Conference
- annual. Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions 1043
- British Association of Industrial Editors 236 CEI examination 482 combustion for power, IM E 190 computers and data processing in the furniture industry condensation
- 174
- corrosion and
- 152
- education and training of mechanical engineers. Institution of Mechanical Engineers 280, 522, 665
- electric melting and holding furnaces, BCIRA 914
- energy management in iron and steel works ergonomics problems in agriculture 442 European Organization for Quality Control financial management, PERA 402 fishery research craft (FAO) 998 flow of non-Newtonian fluids, British Society of Rheology 318
- fluidics, Cranfield 105 future of drawing office 758, 778 galvanizing, ZDA 364 individual responsibility for quality 562 industrial classification and coding, Aslib 197 industrial physics (government laboratories) 402 international, machine tool design and research (Manchester) 872
- fluid sealing (Cambridge) 646
- Women Engineers 792
- Italian Centre for Winter Road Travel 170 low-energy nuclear physics (Manchester) 998 magnetic materials and their applications 76 managing engineering manpower (San Francisco) 1036
- masonry structural systems (Texas) 872 modular education 1084 national industrial marketing 834 national productivity (London) 1006 network planning, ICT 402 optics developments, SIRA 280 prestressed concrete pressure vessels, ICE 454 professional collaboration in building 442 railway traffic engineering, 926 roads in the landscape (Keele 656
- rubber in engineering applications, NRPRA 782 selling to USA 246 solid state devices 442 solid state physics 1084 stress analysis 1084
- swarf removal from machine tools 656 textile microscopy 292 thermionic electrical power generation (Stresa) 1036
- tribology in iron and steelworks 76 waves in plasma 914 World Power (Moscow 1 968) 152
- Congress
- Foratom (London) 704 fast breeder reactor programme 190 note on 661
- International Foundry (Paris) 76 Vacuum, Third international, transactions Vol. 2, Pt. 1-3, by H. Adam (book) 401 Conjack container lifting device 832 Conjack container transporter 880 Connectors
- cable, Stumpi range 910 coaxial, miniature screw-type. Radial Subvis 781 edge. Ultra 397 electrical, for printed circuit boards. Ether 356 explosion-proof. Cannon 478 for microelectronics, Plessey 1073 miniature, Lemo 559 subminiature, for computers, Plessey 995 Lectropon 862
- Consarc Corp., electro slag steel refining process 592
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co. Ltd., air tools for civil engineering (trade publication) 36 Gnome Power Vane mobile compressor 475
- industrial power tools (trade publication) 442 Power Vane mobile rotary-vane compressors 734 Constantin (Engineers) Ltd., Fuller level indicator and controller 149
- Construction, engineering drawing and. Vol. 2, by L. C. Mott (book) 913
- Construction Equipment and Machinery Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., tools for concrete (trade publication) 236
- Construction industry functional clothing for, competition 925 metric system for 285 metric system changeover 328 overseas contracts, R. Prentice 797 use of computers in 668
- Construction Industry Advisory Council 1004 Construction Industry Research and Information Association 963
- Construction Industry Training Board, activities of 1004
- training centre, Bircham Newton 662 Construction plant manufacture plans, Massey- Ferguson 920
- Construction site(s), structural failures and accidents at 761
- Construction site access equipment, MEXE 1052 Constructors John Brown Ltd., EELM System 4 computer 166
- pipeline construction in Algeria 465
- Consulting engineers, and exports 286. Letter 379
- export figures 198
- Consulting Engineers' Who’s Who and Year Book 235
- Contact lubricant. Electrolube 2G-X 912
- Contact surfaces, contactor,
- tests on 859
- Contactor contact surfaces,
- tests on 859
- Container(s) Boden 740 Bonallack dry 740 bulk, Plymon 110 drum, polythene, Alkadrum Duramin insulated 739
- freestanding plastic. Polythene Drum Freightliner, Cryoguard refrigerant for general cargo (box type). Westbrick plywood floors for, Thames-Chassiply 740
- polyethylene liquid, by blow moulding 980 refrigerated, ConCargo 739 stainless steel, Trailmobile 739 strength tests for 740 Strick Sea Trailers 740
- Sussex 740
- Container berth construction schemes, Seaforth and Clyde 408
- Southampton 409
- Container carriage in M.S. KiHara and M. S. Waitara 233
- Container handling cranes (trade publication) 612 Container handling equipment, Alexander Stephen 880
- Container handling system, Sheppard-Meiller, for bulk refuse skips 501
- Container lifting device, Conjack 832 Container service. Bell Line 574 Container shed at Millwall Docks, Olsen Line 43 Container transporter, Conjack 880
- Container transporter cranes (trade publication) 698
- Containerisation—a Bibliography 697
- Continental Airlines, electrolytic profile grinding of turbine blades 305
- Contouring control unit, numerically-controlled, Hancock 608
- Contract(s), office construction package (trade publication) 114
- Contractors' equipment and industrialized building exhibition, Denmark 402
- Contractors' plant industry, short-term trends 411, 966
- Control and decision, by S. Beer (book) 363 automatic, for vacuum boiling of sugar 429 in space (Vienna), symposium on 998 instructional servo system MS 1 50 for teaching of 820
- solution of problems in, by J. J. Guy (book) 317
- electronic, for domestic appliances 293. Letter 379
- logic, pneumatic, Aro Co. 316
- planning and, with PERT/CPM, by R. I. Levin and C. A. Kirkpatrick (book) 317 process, Compac computer for 436
- Norbit 2 range of logic modules for, MEL 431 project planning and, by D. C. Robertson (book) 561
- see also Cybernetics
- Control board, electric motor, GEC 987
- Control devices, electronic automatic, by A. A Bulgakov (book) 235
- Control Engineering Training Centre, Automatic, courses 562
- Control gear, electrical, Laurence, Scott 692 Control instruments (trade publication) 318 Control modules (trade publication) 562 Control rod drive, MAN 788
- Control system(s)
- advances in. Vol. 4, by C. T. Leondes (book) 401 advances in. Vol. 3, by C. T. Leondes (book) 655 automatic, explained, by R. J. G. Pitman (book) 235
- centralized automatic 845
- computerized field laboratory for 775 electronic governor, for 300 MW turbo-generator 551
- for 660 MW turbo-generators 551
- hydraulic, by H. E. Merritt (book) 1083 man as 115
- management, dynamics of, by A. E. Mills (book) 957
- marine propulsion and cargo-handling, complete, exhibition of, Elliott-Automation 853
- state space analysis of, by K. Ogata (book) 655 TOPSystem, for water supply in ships 430 transistorized, Thomas 956
- Control system couplings, pneumatic, fire tests on 305
- Control theory, optimal, variations and, calculus of, by M. R. Hestenes (book) 745
- Control unit, automatic. Turbo-guide 737
- PB7, West 912
- process variables. Dewrance 728
- Controls Co. (UK) Ltd., hot water valves 32
- Convention, British Electrical Power (Eastbourne) 841
- Conventional range of welding positioners. Bode 610
- Conversion equipment, motor car performance and the choice of, by P. H. Smith (book) 611
- Conversion tables (trade publication) 442
- Converter(s) analogue-digital 276
- Benson-Lehner 688
- Data Laboratories 597
- Digital Equipment 956
- Dofic, STL 265
- Converter station, Gotland, thyristor stack in, ASEA 951
- San Dalmazio 497
- Conveyor(s) belt and roller (trade publication) 958
- pneumatic, Fluo/veyor 313
- Polyblower 1080
- Sandvik 789
- Teleflex, for tunnel oven 638
- trade publication 792
- with choice of belts. Monomover 232
- Conveyor bearings (trade publication) 612
- Conveyor belt Monomover 232
- - neoprene (trade publication) 280
- - plate-link, Umec-Boydell 1073
- - rubber, hydraulic press for stretching and pressing 184.
- - Correction 348
- - stainless steel, for foodstuffs 638
- Conveyor belt fastening system. Champion 825
- Conveyor belt wear, Scandura 1024
- Conveyor belting, Silverply 74
- Conveyor screw, repair with TungTec 726 Conway, H. G., on Engineering Tolerances (book) 189
- Conway semi-trailer (trade publication) 958 Cook, E., metric system changeover Cooker, electronic control 293
- New World, natural gas conversion
- Coolair abrasive mops 186
- Coolant fittings (trade publication)
- Cooler for electronic equipment (trade publication) 914
- Cooling, gas, in nuclear power plant, symposium 472
- internal, mandrel unit. General Engineering 986 liquid, aircraft generator with, English Electric
- 304
- of compressors, requirements 71
- Cooling systems in high-performance aircraft 59
- Cooling tower(s)
- advantages over air cooling 750
- by J. D. Gurney and I. A. Cotter (book) 441 classification 747
- cooling effect within 747
- definition 747
- design conditions 748
- Engineering Outline 747. Letter 925 fundamental design parameters 747 mechanical draught type 747,748 natural draught type 747 nomenclature 747
- operation and maintenance 748 principles and practice, by W. Stanford and G. B. Hill (book) 871
- sources of water available 750
- specification for 748
- testing 749
- trade publication 562
- type selection and location 748
- versatile industrial. Thermotank 264
- Cooling units for machine tool lubricants, F and R Engineering 269
- Coombs, H. A., Ltd., Plas-Tie-Matic bag closing machine 801
- Cooper Alloy International SA, Chem-Gard plastic centrifugal pumps 789
- Cooper Car Co. Holdings Ltd., formation, interest and activities 290
- Cooper Electroheat Ltd., electrical heating element 651
- stress relieving of pipe welds 591
- Cooper-Maserati Formula-1 racing cars and drivers 54, 290
- Coordinate inspection machine size 4, Design Centre award 771
- Coordinate marking-out table, C and N 869
- Coordinate measuring machine, Kandux 947
- Copper alloy castings for fabrication, symposium, BNFMRA 1036
- Copper castings for fabrication, symposium, BNFMRA 1036
- Copper crystals growth. United States National Bureau of Standards 777
- Copper pipe fittings, washing, pickling and drying machine for 550
- Copying machine, Uniprinter-086 10
- Copying process, Zerox, static electricity application 79
- Copying tool, T-max 182
- Copying toolholder, Degussit 1078
- Core production, Roperwerke three-station rotary indexing hot box machines for 1071
- Corer, Free Fall, for sampling of ocean bed 262
- Cornfield, G. M., afterthoughts on Torrey Canyon oil slick 623
- Corning Code 4070 sealing glass 32
- Corning Glass Works
- buoyancy materials 954
- continuous fibre optic bundles 348
- Corning Code 4070 sealing glass 32 fibre optics (trade publication) 236 fluidic devices (trade publication) 562 fluidic systems used in production of fluidic devices 67
- fused silica telescope mirror 509
- glass hemispheres for "Deepview” deep-diving research vehicle 48
- resistors from drawn glass 903
- Corolla, Toyota, motor car 935
- Corona, Toyota, 1 600 S motor car 935 Corrosion
- and protection of pipes and pipe-lines, conference on 152
- cavitation, and its prevention in diesel engines, by I. Dugdale and R. Wall (book) 113 factors influencing occurrence 1038 mechanism of 1038
- see also Cathodic protection 1037
- Corrosion cracking, stress, of titanium alloy 744 Corrosion prevention (trade publication) 746 Corrosion protection, chromium diffusion process for 858
- Corrosion resistance of titanium 24
- Corrosion testing machine, stress, Denison 434 Corsair 2000E motor car. Ford 9
- Cort, Robert, and Son Ltd., DAG 717 lubricant for
- Seal 0-ring pipeline valves 428
- Cortina Lotus motor car, description of 383 estate versions. Ford 250
- Corvette, Finnish, diesel engine and gas-turbine engine combination 127
- Cosmos Bridge, Expo-67 63, 424
- Cossor Instruments Ltd., transistorized oscilloscope 479
- Costa, SEAT 850, motor car 892
- Costain Group, bentonite technique in caisson sinking 336
- Costin-Nathan coup6 motor car 55
- Costing methods for nuclear desalination (book) 521
- Cotruder extrusion line, Rockwell 1075
- Cotter, I. A., on Cooling Towers (book) 441 Cotton, Silk and Man-made Fibres Research Assn., conference on textile microscopy 292
- Cottrell, A. H., on Introduction to Metallurgy (book) 997
- Coulthard, William, and Co. Ltd., drive for lubricator 696
- Council of British Manufacturers of Petroleum Equipment, report of trade mission to Middle East 490
- Council of Engineering Institutions 803. Letter 884, 926
- academic qualification requirements for chartered engineers 531. Letter 670 administration activities 289 annual report 287 conference on examination 482 data sheets 287 examination syllabuses 287 exemptions from Council's examinations position and prospects 289 qualifying examination 490
- Council of Industrial Design, awards for goods 1967 771
- awards for consumer goods 1 967 774 exhibition on quality and reliability 978
- Counter(s), hour, industrial, Camerer Cuss Parimpex 107
- noise impulse, Venner 271 predetermining, Veeder-Root 994
- Counter tubes, Frieseke and Hoepfner 640 Counter unit, Radiatron 560
- Counting Instruments Ltd., microminiature in-line digital display unit 644
- Counting machine, electric, Veeder-Root 479 Counting system, electromechanical. Unisystem 1028
- Coupler, joint repair, for upvc pipes, Chemidus 354 Coupling
- air, high-pressure, Guyson Industrial Equipment 594
- flexible, Duolastik 729 trade publication 914
- Fluidrive, for air-cushion equipped transporter vehicle 298
- high-pressure, British Ermeto 33 pneumatic control system, fire tests on 305 Unilink fifth wheel 595 see also Clutch
- Course
- advanced, production methods and management, Cambridge University 85
- coming to terms with Europe, Tack 656 concrete design and construction 792 critical path planning and progress evaluation and review techniques 698
- education and training in industry (Bristol) 482 engineering training, Hatfield College of Technology 798
- fire prevention 792 foremanship 746 hydraulic and sanitary engineering 746 industrial training and small company 612 management, British Institute of Management 522
- microbiology of heavy industry. University College, Cardiff 1036 numerical control of machining postgraduate. Imperial College standards, BSI 834 timber and building regulations training for skill, BACIE 872
- two-phase flow and heat transfer, Glasgow University 1084
- Value Engineering Ltd. 746
- Courtney, Eric, Equipment, argon welding torch 605
- Tescom Little welding torch 605
- Courtney, Pope (Electrical) Ltd., hospital lighting fitting 695
- Coutant Electronics Ltd., pressure sensor 743
- Coventry City Fire Brigade, fire tender incorporating rescue aids 262
- Cowan screens in pulp and board mill 975 Cowlex low-silhouette extract ventilators 825 CowlishawWalker Ltd.,600ton blanking press Cox, R. N., professor of aerodynamics. City versity 242
- Cox of Watford Ltd., A.A. silver medal award
- car safety seat 708 CPM (critical path method) 483, 486 Crack detection kits, Y-5 Yoke kits 780 Cracking, stress corrosion mechanism of titanium alloy 744
- Cradle(s), roof (trade publication) 114 Cradle drum heater. White and Co. Ltd. 693 Cradle Runways Ltd., external building maintenance (trade publication) 364, 834
- Craelius Co. Ltd., aluminium drill rods 480 Crane(s)
- container handling (trade publication) 612 container transporter (trade publication) 698 electric, automatic and remote control of, ASEA- Sideliner 233
- for rough terrain, MEXE 1052 fully-slewing. Iron Fairy Sapphire 6-ton 435 gantry, guide rollers on. Tube Investments 682 lightweight jib. King 869 lorry-mounted, USI 1082 mobile. Coles Valiant 140 on the Q4 (trade publication) 1084 overhead, load cells as safety device in 468 Paceco-Vickers Portainer 880 portable heavy-lift, ASEA-Union 233 radio-controlled overhead. Standard Telemotive system for 902
- site. Big E 907
- steam, conversion to hydrostatic drive 860 telescopic. Iron Fairy Onyx 988 tower. Champion 1033 crawler-mounted, 12KR, Liebherr 786 Crane grab for use in refuse incineration plant Crane load positioning tool (trade publication) Crane Packing Ltd.
- crane on the Q4 (trade publication) 1084 mechanical shaft seal 1029 propeller shaft split seal 654 ptfe engineering (trade publication) 364 self-lubricating bearings (trade publication) shaft seals for Q4 liner 13
- Crane, P. W., on Worked Examples in Basic Electronics (book) 913
- Cranfield College of Aeronautics aerospace instrumentation 1084 degree-conferring charter application 1005 fluidic devices for machine tool control 683 machine tool control by fluidics 106 open days 1005
- Cranfield fluidics conference 105
- Craven Brothers (Manchester) Ltd., lathe, 90 ft. long 141
- Cravens Homalloy Ltd., Strick Sea Trailers containers 740
- Crawler shovel, Case-1150 786
- Crawley Brothers Ltd., remote water coolers (trade publication) 318
- Cray Valley Products Ltd., NeoCryl B-723 acrylic polymer 560
- polyethylenefloor waxes (trade publication) 522 Creber, F. L., on Safety for Industry (book) 871 Creed and Co. Ltd., EPR electronic printing reperforator 217
- Creep and creep-rupture in metals, fundamentals of, by F. Garofalo (book) 561
- Creep-rupture and creep in metals, fundamentals of, by F. Garofalo (book) 561
- Creep testing of polymers, P. P. Benham 829 Creighton, H., South Bank Arts Centre 296 Cressex Machinery Ltd., exhibits at International Engineering and Marine Exhibition 730 Crewe Dinner, report of 705 Crindau twin tunnels on Newport (Mon.) By-pass 800
- Critical path analysis applications 483 CPM technique 486 definition 483 drawing the network 484 Engineering Outline 483. Letter 536 film on, British Productivity Council 43 Gantt chart in 483 history of development 483 objectives 483
- PERT/COST technique 486
- PERT technique 483, 484, 486 planning and progressing 484 procedures 483
- RAMPS technique 486 scope of 483
- Critical path planning and progress evaluation and review techniques, course on 698
- Crockett, J. H. A., reinforced rubber base for Odeon Cinema, Marble Arch 901
- Croft, Brian D. Ltd., Altair electrostatic air 1030
- Cromer, Lord, on consulting engineers Letter 379
- Crompton Parkinson Ltd.
- electrical measuring instruments with vibration pivotless movement 742 exhibits at Lighting Exhibition 695 lighting equipment (trade publication) 746 slip-ring electric motors with metric dimensions 784
- slip-ring motors 781
- stud welding machines 608
- Unitron stud welding machine 989 Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384
- Crossbar switch in telephone exchange 86, 91,96. Letter 419
- Crossland, A., increased fees for overseas students 124
- Crossley Pielstick diesel engine, bridge control of 418
- Crowley, J.
- (book)
- Crown Cork
- Croxton and
- Crusader speed record boat 50
- Cryogenic alloy (trade publication) 562
- Cryogenic fluids, safety with, by M. G. Zabetakis (book) 1083
- Cryoguard refrigerant for Freightliner containers 924
- Cryostats, liquid-helium, British Oxygen 355
- Crysler Corp., Dodge Deora futuristic pick-up vehicle 635
- Crystal(s), chemical or structural defects 368 Crystal dislocations 405
- Crystal growth, thermal convection effect on, NBS 352
- Crystal imperfections 404
- Crystal lattice vibrations and defects 403
- Crystal physics definition 365, 403 energy gaps in 366 energy states in 366, 367 forbidden energy gap in 368 lattice vibrations and defects. Engineering Outline 403
- particle concept in 404 stoichiometry 405 structure and electronic properties. Engineering Outline 365
- Crystal structure 365
- Crystal vacancies 404
- Crystalglow gas fire, natural gas conversion CSE Aviation, Jetstream aircraft distributors Csepel, MFS320 tape-controlled vertical machine 224
- UF231A milling machine 224
- CSF (of France) Eurocontrol Experimental
- 89
- Cubed construction technique for machine tools, Elliott Group 981
- Cubicles and cases for housing of instruments, Imhof 274
- Cubitts, industrialized building factory for Balency system 159
- Cuming, H. G,, aeroelasticity 918
- Cummins Vale 470 cu. in V8 diesel engine 589 Cunard liner Q4, basic design features 574 Cunard Steam Ship Co. Ltd., discontinuance of operation of liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth 809, 814
- Q4 liner design and construction 11
- Cunis, W. R., Ltd., steam crane conversion to hydrostatic drive 860
- Cupola inlet air flow and wind belt pressure measurement 993
- Curie, Mme., centenary of birth 7
- Curing, electrical, of concrete 940
- of beer keg valves, tunnel oven for 637
- Current collection system (trade publication) 114 CUSP. See Central Unit for Scientific Photography Cussons, G., Ltd., laboratory teaching apparatus 933
- Customs patrol boats for Libya 761 Cutlass VMSIII circular saw 312 Cutlery, stainless steel 349 Cutmaster cutting-off machines 652 Cutting, flame, of plates in shipbuilding, numerical control of 208
- tenon, and slot mortising machine, ZR350, Maschinenbau 790
- Cutting machine Bantam-3 606 Erfut 654 Forme (trade publication) 958 Jagenberg Synchrofly Duplex 976 profile, for tensile test specimens. Black's 607 strip, Merkle 870
- Cutting-off machines. Cutmaster 652
- Cutting sheet steel. Stellite faced blades for 1069 Cybernetics
- biological. See Bionics control of learning 11 5 definition of 115 Engineering Outline 115 logical developments 118 man as control system 115 scope of application 115 theoretical aspects 115
- Cycle(s), engineering, analysis of, by R. W. Haywood (book) 833
- motor. See Motor cycle see also Bicycle
- Cyclic testing of polymers, P. P. Benham 829 Cyclocat gas-electronic controlled battery charger, Harmer and Simmons 973
- Cyclotron, isochronous, AEG-Telefunken 640 Cycolac CG matt ABS sheet 995
- Cylinder(s)
- air. Air Automation 186
- All-Square 727 hydraulic. Exactor 955 pneumatic, Mecman 275 throw-away. Fairline 33
- Cylinder-liner boring machine for MAN 520 Cylindrical parts, orientor for, Aylesbury Automation 595
- C.Z. Scientific Instruments interference microscope involute gear tester 31 optical flatness machine
- PI Abbe vertical metroscope 31 Stereo-metrograph map plotter 907 universal measuring microscope 31 Zeiss Jena large interference microscope 31 Zeiss Jena optical flatness tester 728
- Czechoslovakia, machine-tool exhibits 224 metal forming machines 653
- Dag 717 lubricant for Seal 0-ring pipeline valves 428
- Dagenais, C. A., consulting engineers as exporters 286. Letter 379
- Dam
- Eureka, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384
- Guma, Freetown 202
- John Day Project 545
- reservoir, WetSleddale, Haweswaterscheme 803
- Rodman, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384
- Dam construction, prefabricated walls 334
- Damp protection, Dry-Spark film pack 993
- Danfoss (London) Ltd., RAV2 thermostatic radiator valve 187
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Meterjet 1 00 injection moulding press 870
- Danly Synchromatic press line for production of sheet steel body panels 775
- Dano bio-stabilizer for composting of refuse 507
- D'Arcy, N. J. H., another floatable light tower 623
- Darcy's Law for water seepage through soils 192 Darlington Chemicals Ltd., portable steam generator, DE25 785
- Dashboard, padded, with instrument panel, G. Bagshawe 847
- Dassault Mirage F-1 and F-2 aircraft 891
- Dassault Mirage G aircraft 891
- Dassault Mirage III V VTOL aircraft 848
- Data acquisition system, Scan-Tel 693
- Data analysis centre, Southampton University 21
- Data Bank, Social Survey 195
- Data carrying medium in high voltage fields, light as 1009
- Data display system, Divcon 1033
- Data Laboratories, analogue to digital converter 597
- BIOMAC 1000 biological and medical averaging computer 463
- Spectromac signal recovery equipment 597 Data-logging equipment, computer-controlled 601 Data logging machine. Suitcase 436 Data plotting system, Bryans 826
- Data processing, computers and, in the furniture industry, conference on 958
- Data processing equipment (trade publication) 114 Data recorder, peak. Intercole 1 50
- Data recording equipment, automatic intermittent 860
- Davenport (London) Ltd., friction testing apparatus 1074
- Davidson, J. A., sink unit in Pakamatic refuse collection vehicle cab 761
- Davies, Lord Justice Edmund, Aberfan inquiry 667 Davis, John, and Son Ltd., flameproof junction boxes 1030
- Davis and Lloyd, 100-ton oil bogie tank wagons 333
- Davis Pneumatic Systems Ltd., Fairline throw-away pneumatic cylinder 33
- Davis, Stuart, Machines Ltd., two-way boring machine 145
- Davison and Co. (Hexham) Ltd., brick-rusticating machine 144
- Davison, J. F., on Programming for Digital Computers (book) 235
- Davy and United Engineering Co., temper rolling mill 901
- Dawe Instruments Ltd., industrial electronic and ultrasonic equipment 731
- Sonodur Type 1851 ultrasonic hardness testing equipment 29
- Sonoray caliper thickness tester 696 ultrasonic machining tool 731
- Dawson Brothers Ltd., washing, pickling and drying machine for copper pipe fittings 550
- Day, C. E., chartered academics or real engineers? 926
- Daylight reflection at night by light reflection system, Westinghouse 101
- Daymarc Corp., Type 1630 sorter transistor handling system 30
- de test set, Callender's Construction 687
- Deakin Phillips Electronics Ltd., Addo printer drive module 356
- Dean, B. G., flow control in reactor fuel channels 472
- Dean, P, J., crystal physics 368, 406
- Dean, W. T., draughtsmen environment and status 758
- De Barr, A. E., large loads on the road 88. Letter 495
- Deburring and drilling tool, Drillall 908
- Deburring and surface finishing machine, VS High G Harperizer 790
- Decca Radar Ltd., ASMI ground control radar 970 electron spin resonance spectrometer 596 nuclear quadripole resonance spectrometer 596 Rapier air defence system 87
- Decimal
- 157 Decimal
- 157 Decimal
- Degassing, vacuum, ASEA-SKF process 350 Degassing plant, Krip Works, South Africa 941 Degreasing and resin coating plant, ICI 777 Degussa, Degussit ceramic 1078
- Degussit copying toolholder 1078
- rubber bonding technique 858
- Degussit ceramic 1078
- Degussit copying toolholder 1078 De-La-Noy, M., careers and education 762 Delapena, Paul, Ltd., machine tool sump cleaner 232
- Delapena and Son Ltd., hand-operated honing machines 731
- high-frequency equipment for tube welding 604 shaft hardening machine 231
- De La Rue Frigistor Ltd., hydrogen analyser 687 DelftTechnological University, fluidics for numerical control of machine tools 106
- Deloro Stellite Ltd., Spray-fuse process 650
- Stellite faced blades for cutting sheet steel 1069 wear-resistant cobalt and nickel-based alloys 650
- Delrin acetal resin (trade publication) 152 Dendrites growth, silver, NBS 776
- Denis, C., and Co. Ltd., industrial alarm tachometer 480
- Denison, Samuel, and Son, Ltd., hydraulic jacks and control console for structures testing 175
- stress corrosion testing machine 434
- Denmark, contractors’ equipment and industrialized building exhibition 402
- Great Belt crossing competition 766
- Dennis Brothers, fire tender incorporating rescue aids 262
- "Model" mechanized dustbin emptying equipment 502
- Paxit refuse collecting vehicle 502 Denny D2 hoverbus hovercraft 341 Dental aluminous porcelain 331 Dental material, advances in 331 Deora futuristic pick-up vehicle. Dodge Dependatherm instant temperature instrument 429
- Deprag KH151 pneumatic edge planer
- 635 measuring
- 729
- Action Committee, on decimal coinage
- coinage. Decimal Action Committee on
- encoders (trade publication) 1036
- Decision and control, by S. Beer (book) 363 Decoiling machine, wire, horizontal 988 Deep-diving research vehicle, "Deepview” Deep Tide drilling platform, leg sections for Deephams Sewage Treatment Works, incineration plant 505
- 48 1061 refuse
- Deepsoval Investments Ltd., reconstitution as Cooper Car Co. Holdings Ltd. 290 "Deepview” deep-diving research vehicle 48 Deere, John, wheeled hydraulic excavators 786 Defects, zero, by J. F. Halpin (book) 1083 Defence, Ministry of. Field Artillery Computer Equipment (FACE) 447,456 logistic ship Sir Bedivere 968 protective suits for use with airborne chemicals and gases 47
- Defence expenditure, comment on 285 Deformation, and strength of materials, by
- Feltham (book) 189 problems of large, J. G. Williams 179
- Deformation theories and engineering design 178 DeGarmo, E. P., on Engineering Economy (book) 1083
- P.
- Depth indicators, capacitance-type. Eurogauge 34 Derbyshire, J. F., vibration in nuclear power plant 473
- Desalination, nuclear, costing methods for (book) 521
- Descaling. See Scale removal
- Deseaming line for semi-finished products 470 Deshmukh, R. T., on Advanced Coal Mining (book) 833
- Design(s)
- and tuning of competition engines, by P. H. Smith (book) 957
- and use of preflex beams, course on, Boulton and Paul 656
- engineering, manual for geometric analysis of, by C. A. Gladman (book) 75
- D. McKenna 242
- solid mechanics and, J. G. Williams 178 teaching (book) 279
- for injection moulding, K. Simpson 273 industrial, for engineers, by W. H. Mayall (book) 279
- quality and reliability aspects, exhibition on 978
- of a building, professional collaboration in the, conference on 442
- of engineering structures, long life 1024 operation and testing of synchronous machines, by Gian Chand Jain (book) 521
- registered. See Registered designs
- reinforced concrete, by G. P. Manning (book) 235
- with plastics, M. S. Madan 179
- Design Centre Awards 1967, for capital goods 771 for consumer goods 774
- Design engineering, plastics, seminar on 177 Design Engraving Ltd., design service (trade publication) 152
- Design function of machine tools, F. Koenigsberger 125
- Design method, by S. A. Gregory (book) 75 Design service (trade publication) 152 Designing for stiffness, R. M. Ogorkiewicz and P. C.
- Powell 179
- Desoutter Brothers Ltd., Auto Feed drill system 727 pneumatic tools 727 standardized die sets 727
- Detaclad explosive bonding process 23 Detector amplifier, frequency selective, Tinsley 74
- Id
- Deva system of refuse disposal 500
- Devcon Ltd., Plastic Carbide abrasion resistant lining 397
- Developing countries, financial aid for 4 Development and Application of Very Strong Steels 428
- De Vere, Devon monorail camera 852 Devon monorail camera. De Vere 852 Dewandre, Clayton, Co. Ltd., diaphragm unloader valve for pneumatic braking systems 353
- Dewars, high-vacuum, for liquid nitrogen, Spembley Technical Products 644
- Dewpoint recorder, automatic, Shaw 147 Dewrance Controls Ltd., Asco midget solenoid valve 479
- Dewrance Metals Ltd., stainless steel castings (trade publication) 872
- Dewrance Triangle Ltd., process variables control units 728
- valves 728
- Dexine Rubber Co. Ltd., polymer linings (trade publication) 998
- Dial indicators and handwheels (trade publication) 114
- Dial-a-Mix Ltd., routing and dressing machine for concrete 693
- Diameter, hot rod, measuring device 938 Diamond graphitization (trade publication) 958 Diamond H. Controls Ltd., electronic temperature controller 293
- Diamond, W. H., steel flyover design 136 Diaphragm, Armco stainless steel, high-frequency response transducer with. Bell 463—464
- Diaphragm wall construction (trade
- 998 Diatom 2000 futuristic living capsule Diazoprinter printing/developing unit
- and Howell
- publication)
- 378
- 737
- Dibdin, F. J. H., on Essentials of Mechanics and
- Properties of Matter (book) 189
- Dickens, W. R., on Degree Problems in Fluids (book) 481
- Dictionary, German-English, of iron and steel, by H. G. Freeman (book) 561
- of mechanical engineering, by J. L. Nayler and G. Nayler (book) 791
- Die casting(s), pressure, of aluminium-silicon alloy for suspension components 437
- Die-casting machine, ments 475
- Die protection unit.
- Machine Control
- gravity, Foundry Develop-
- inductive, DPSI, Electronic 1080
- Die sets, standardized, Desoutter 727
- Diehard method of truck tyre reconditioning (trade publication) 190
- Dielectric heating. See Heating Diesel engine. See Engine, diesel Diesel-hydrauliclocomotives, Hudswell Clarke 110 Diesel locomotive. See Locomotive
- Differential equations, advanced ordinary, by K. O. Friedrichs (book) 997
- nonlinear, numerical solutions of, by D. Greenspan (book) 561
- Differential-pressure controls, Tomey 74 Differential thermal analyser, Stanton Instruments 600
- Diffraction, phenomenon of 365 Diffusion bonding of structural panels by composite rolling, R. I. Jaffee 109
- Diffusion unit, hydrogen, Johnson Matthey 1031 Digger, hydraulic, heavy duty, BXT55c, Traktex 786 Digger/trencher, tractor-mounted, S/12 Super C 1020
- Digital-analogue converters 276 Benson-Lehner 688
- Digital display unit, microminiature in-line 644 Digital Equipment Corp. (UK) Ltd., analogue/digital converters 956
- Octaid digital module kits for logic functions 1072
- Panelaid digital module kits for logic functions 1072
- Digital Instrument Corp., PDP-8 computer 601 Digital module kits for logic functions 1072 Digital selection of speed ratios, Accuspede 638 Digital tachometer. Smiths 108
- Digital voltmeter, Weir Electronics 108
- Digitizer Techniques Ltd., miniature thumbwheel switch 356
- Dimensioning and profiling machine. Wadkin 736 Dimter GmbH and Co., UKS450 pneumatic underbench oscillating saw 789
- Dino coupe motor car, Bertone 458
- Dino Fiat-Ferrari motor car, description of 543 Dino Spider motor car, Fiat 168
- Diode, gallium phosphide, for laser signalling 165 semiconductor device 657 varactor, applications 658 Zener, applications 658
- Diode regions, electron dynamics of, by C,
- Birdsall and W. B. Bridges (book) 441 Diolpate 171 plasticizers 1074 Directional solidification of steel castings, by
- WIodawer (book) 151
- Directory and nomenclature of the first aeroplanes 1809-1909, by C. Gibbs-Smith (book) 35 Dirivox internal communication system 864 Disamatic high-density moulding machines 1070 Disamatic moulding machines for malleable iron castings 1070
- Disc brake. See Brake(s)
- Disc springs (trade publication) 656 Disintegrator (trade publication) 1036 Dislocations, crystal. See Crystal dislocations Displacement measuring system, non-contacting, PhysiTech Inc. 648
- Display system, data, Divcon 1033
- Display unit, digital, microminiature in-line 644 Disposal Associates Ltd., crane grab for use in refuse incineration plant 505
- Distance-measuring instrument, electro-optic, for Mekometerlll 1051
- Distillers Chemicals and Plastics Ltd., filter press plate castings using CO2/silicate process 141 hexylene glycol (trade publication) 152 spherical bulk storage plant 605
- Distington Engineering Co. Ltd., Project Sapphire scheme for electric arc furnaces 982
- Distortion measurement device for in-circuit testing, Plessey 315
- Distortion meter, peak reading, Plessey 825 Distribution, aspect in quality and reliability 979 Distribution board, electric motor, GEC 987 Distribution Transformers Ltd., inauguration of 82 District heating, Ogmore and Garw 127 Diva Valkyr motor car 52
- Divco-Wayne Corp., industrialized building bungalow 378
- Divcon data display system 1033 Diver(s), surface craft for 87
- Diversey (UK) Ltd., conductivity monitoring unit 912
- Divingtrials, experimental tank, H.M.S. Vernon 939 Dixon, S. L., on Fluid Mechanics: Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (book) 317
- Doble steam cars: buses, lorries and railcars, by J. N. Walton (book) 317
- Dock(s), London, cargo handling at 292 Millwall, transit shed 763 of interlocking caissons, Natrona, Pa. 592 Tilbury, grain terminal, Spencer 707
- Doddington Road Housing Scheme, Deva system of refuse disposal 500
- Dodge Deora futuristic pick-up vehicle 635 Dofic analogue-to-digital converter, STL 265 Dolphin Waterkart 87
- Domain originated functional integrated circuits. See Dofic
- Domange-Jarret Co., shock-absorbers 788 Domestic Appliance, electric, exhibition (Harrogate) 293
- electronic control for 293. Letter 379 Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd., Concordia Bridge 63 Expo-67 pavilions 64
- Don Safety Trophy award 883
- Donald, M. B., on Chemical Reactions at High Pressures (book) 997
- Donald, William, and Son, Cryoguard refrigerant for Freightliner containers 924
- Door(s), sliding. Portair air-operated 954 Door controls, automatic, at airport buildings, Electro-Hydraulics 453
- Dooroperating unit, underfloor, Power-Swing 439 Door seal, motor car, inflatable, R. Stacey 847. Letter 1048
- Dorman Long (Bridge and Engineering) Ltd., rebuilding of Grosvenor Bridge 1063 Scotswood Bridge, bowstring truss design 719 Dorman Long (Steel) Ltd., thyristor-controlled variable-frequency drive 21
- Dorman Machinery Sales Ltd., rotary gear-hobbing machine 147
- Dorman and Smith Ltd., hazard warning equipment (trade publication) 792
- Dornier, Do 31 VTOL transport aircraft 851, 1018 Do 31 EL V/STOL transport aircraft, first flight of
- 332
- Do 132 helicopter 891, 1019
- P 360 STOL jet transport aircraft 891, 1018 Skyservant STOL aircraft 891,1019
- Dornier System GmbH, German 625 A-1 satellite 1019
- Dosemeter, noise, Epsylon 559
- Dosimeter, X-ray, AEG-Telefunken 640 Double-D refiners in pulp and board mill 975 Douglas Aircraft Co., diffusion bonding of structural panels 109
- Douglas Point nuclear power station 255 nuclear reactor horizontal configuration 256 plant specifications 256. Letter 2
- Dow Corning International, Dow Corning HV-490 silicone release agent 558
- Silastic 59 silicone-rubber sponge 439
- Silastic 69 silicone-rubber sponge 439
- Dowding and Doll Ltd., Automatic Accuratool automatic turret lathe 398
- Dowty Hydraulic Units Ltd., Taurodyne hydrostatic tractor transmission 218
- Dozer blade, rear, Arps AB-15 73
- Dracone barge, Dunlop 696, 670
- Drafting instrument (trade publication) 656
- Dragon nuclear reactor, blowers for, N. A. Van ZijI and J. Eggmann 473
- Dragon nuclear reactor project 210
- Drain cleaner, Biokem D 559
- Drainlayer, trenchless. Badger Minor 554
- Drake and Gorham, Scull Group, sealing tunnel linings with plastics 148
- Draken type 37 aircraft, Saab 581
- Draken type J35F and S35E aircraft, Saab 891
- Drallim Industries Ltd., gas flowmeters 74 Draughting by computer and mosaic pieces 468 Draughting machine, Gerber automatic 208. Letter 419
- Draughtsmen, environment and status of, W. T. Dean 758. Letter 804
- Draughtsmen's and Allied Technicians Association, agreement with shipbuilding employers 797
- Drawbar pin, tractor, Lawrence Edwards 994 Drawbench for drawing thin wall tubes 1022 Drawing, automobile engineering, for technical students, by E. B. Weston (book) 833 engineering, and construction Vol. 2, by L. C.
- Mott (book) 913
- international exchange by microfilm duplicates 10
- Vertical Planfile filing cabinets for 649
- Drawing office future of 758. Letter 804
- Conference on 758, 778
- Drax power station, Bodine Resonant Pile Driver 867
- Dresser, grinding wheel. Boardman 1081 Dressing, routing and, machine for concrete, Dial-a- Mix 693
- Driam helically-welded steel tube pressure test equipment 549
- Drier. See Dryer
- Drierific sand-drying plant 549
- Drill, automatic production, Solberga Model SE7S 146
- Black and Decker 99
- blast hole, Joy Champion 735 1033 electric. Super Stork TP13 361 rock, Silver-90 1031 tap-hole, furnace. Atlas Copco 358 Drill rods, aluminium, Craelius 480 Drill sequence control system employing logic, Birmingham University 106
- Drill Service (Horley) Ltd., combination reamers 948
- Drill stops, adjustable. Boardman 869
- Drill system. Auto Feed 727
- Drill tap, trepanning, Talbot 949
- Drillall drilling and deburring tool 908
- Drilling, and deburring tool, Drillall 908 artesian and oil well, sample monitoring unit for, Landis 182
- billet, machine, Wickman 112 concrete (trade publication) 698 Drillingattachment,indexingfixture with,Tebo 182 Drilling machines
- Nawide printed circuit board (trade publication) 318
- numerically-controlled. Wadkin 946 radial, RF20 and RF22 228 tapping and, BroomWade 650 Vibroto 730 see also Boring, milling, drilling and facing
- machine
- Drilling platform. Deep Tide, leg sections for 1061 Drilling rig, for soil exploration 1 92
- Sea Gem, disaster inquiry 244
- Dri-Pak air filter 643
- Dri-rod V-pack hydraulic seal for piston rods 316 Drive
- chain, Hy-Vo 382
- constant speed, for aircraft generators 927 for lubricator, Coulthard 696 gear (trade publication) 656
- hypoid, for Rotterdam metro railway articulated units 822
- variable-frequency, thyristor-controlled, English Electric 21
- Drop forging hammer. See Hammer
- Drop Forging Research Association, Non-Destruc- tive Testing of Forgings, by N. McGowan (book) 1035
- Drum, polythene, for bulk liquids 995
- Drum brakes, Elliston, Evans and Jackson 645 Drum container, polythene, Alkadrum 645 Drum heater, cradle. White and Co. Ltd. 693 Drum series of portable concrete vibrators 785 Dry rot and woodworm (trade publication) 36 Dry-spark protective film pack 993
- Dryers, centrifugal, Spin-Away, Simon-Barron 985 Drying, and testing apparatus, EAF, for electrical insulation 831
- dielectric heating for 565
- of components. Master space heater 305 paint, infra-red heater for, Claudgen 146 sand, plant, Drierific 549
- Drying equipment for copper pipe fittings 550
- Drysys Equipment Ltd., metal strip coating production line 684
- Drysys Espanola S.A., metal strip coating production line 684
- D'Souza, A.C., on Mechanics of Materials (book) 833
- DSRV rescue vehicle for crippled submarines 677 Dubied 517 hydraulic copying lathe 226 Duckham, Alexander, and Co. Ltd., Adept dry film lubricant 688
- Adformax E.P. tapping compound 185 Zedcote S3 concrete release oil 742
- Duckhams Oils Ltd., Dry-spark protective film pack 993
- motor oil (trade publication) 612
- Ducon Co. Inc., Ducon scrubber dust control equipment 29
- Fluo/veyor pneumatic conveyors 313
- Duct, cable. Scotchflex 397
- Duetto, Alfa Romeo, motor car 936
- Dufty, N. F., on Managerial Economics (book) 363 Dugdale, I., on Cavitation Corrosion and its Prevention in Diesel Engines (book) 113
- Duke of Rothesay ferry for Irish cross-channel service 708
- Dummer, G. W. A., on Fixed Resistors (book) 791 Dumore carbide tool-surfacing unit 649 Duncan Logan, Kingston bridge for River Clyde 802
- Dungannon Rural District Council, sink unit in Pakamatic refuse collection vehicle cab 761
- Dungeness B nuclear power station 408
- on-load refuelling 680
- reactor designs appraisal 718
- Dunlop Industrial Products (PTY) Ltd., hydraulic press for stretching and hot pressing rubber conveyor belts 184. Correction 348
- Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd.
- Champion conveyor belt fastening system 825 Dracone barge 696, 670
- Electrowriters for written messages between departments 940
- hydraulic press for stretching and hot pressing rubber conveyor belts 184. Correction 348
- making rackets (trade publication) 1084
- oil seals (trade publication) 792 solid tyres (trade publication) 746 Dunlop Semtex Ltd., Airborn carpet underlay expansion programme at Brynmawr plant thermo-plastic floorings 900
- Dunnellon Lock, Cross-Florida Barge Canal Duolastik flexible coupling 729
- Duplex induction system for motor-car exhaust control 215
- Du Pont, acetal resin (trade publication) 152 Dycril fluidic element prototypes 105 explosion welding of titanium-clad steel sheet 26 Mylar polyester-film programming belts 22
- neoprene conveyor belts (trade publication) 280 plastics moulding seminar (London) 272 plug-in module for thermal analysis system 149 Duramin Engineering Ltd., Cryoguard refrigerant for Freightliner containers 924
- insulated freight container 739
- integral bulk hopper 181
- Dust collectors, Roto-Clone 906
- Dust control equipment, Ducon scrubber 29
- Dust filter, Raed automatic 648
- Dust monitor, Frieseke and Hoepfer 862
- Dust removal by static electricity 78
- Dustbin emptying equipment, mechanized, Model” 502
- Eagle Engineering 503
- Diisterloh Fabrik Fur Bergwerksbedarf GmbH, Mono-Radial hydraulic pumps 789
- Duston St. FrancisChurch,metricsystem-built 212 Dwelling, steel, construction systems 535 Dycril fluidic element prototypes 105
- Dye inspection, fluorescent, of pressure die castings, Ardox 437
- Dynaflow cold-forging process, GKN 827
- Dynamic magnetostriction, measurement of, CERL 600
- Dynamic stability of structures, by G. Herrmann (book) 317
- Dynamical analogies, solutions of engineering problems by, by H. F. Olson (book) 697
- Dynamics of management control systems, by A. E. Mills (book) 957
- Dynamite, invention of 7
- Dynamometer systems (trade publication) 190 Dynex range hydraulic pumps 955
- EAF drying and testing apparatus for electrical insulation 831
- EAL 8800 hybrid computer for weapons systems design 514
- Eagle Engineering Co. Ltd., mechanized dust bin emptying equipment 503
- Earle system of oil recovery from water 535 Earth-orbiting light-reflection system, Westinghouse 101
- Easimix basic mixer potato peeling attachment 427 Easiprime 4 in contractors' pump 649
- East Germany, measuring instrument from 31 Easterby, R., Mascot 1600 centre lathe. Design Centre award 773
- Eastwood, W., sprung foundation for friction drop hammer 821
- Eaton 18 in two-speed axle 589
- Eaton Yale and Towne (UK) Ltd., axle units for Rotterdam metro railway 822
- Ebert, Dieter, plastics trade fair 414 Eccles, Sir Josiah, honorary fellowship, lEE 44 Eckenfelder, W. W., on Industrial Water
- Control (book) 481
- Econolock throw-away tip tooling 1 034 Economic development committee, for industry 120,569
- for printing industry 83
- Economic Development Committee for
- Tools, design function of machine
- F. Koenigsberger 125
- Economic Development Committee for Mechanical Engineering, report of short-term trends working party 411
- short term trends (booklet) 966
- Economics, coal-mining : organization and management, by J. Sinclair (book) 745
- managerial, by N. F. Dufty (book) 363 Economy, engineering, by E. P. 1083
- Ede, A. J., on An Introduction
- Principles and Calculations
- Eder, Franz, track-mounted RH500 excavator wheel-mounted MH500 excavator 788
- Edge connectors. Ultra 397 Edgeworth, R. L., semaphore system 5 Edinburgh University, 4-75 computer for, English- Electric Leo-Marconi 123
- Regional Computing Centre project 123 Editors, Industrial, British Association of, convention and study conference (Harrogate) 236 Edridge, Richard S. and Co., Big E site crane 907 Education
- and training in industry, course (Bristol) 482 and training of technicians (book) 441
- careersand 441. Letter 762
- mechanical engineers, conference, IME 280, 522, 665
- modular, conference on 1084
- see also Course; School(s); Teaching ; Training ; University(ies)
- Education precinct, Manchester 842
- Educational Building and Equipment, Community and. Exhibition 1084
- Educational Systems Ltd., Norbit 2 range of logic modules for process control 431
- Edwards, F. J. Ltd., forme cutting machine (trade publication) 958
- hydraulically-operated heavy-duty cold saw 649 Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., Model 9 Pirani vacuum gauge 150
- vacuum pumping units 476
- Edwards and Jones Ltd., Axiturn vertical lathe for ceramic insulators 1023
- Edwards, Lawrence, and Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Chockus cleaning equipment for oil-fired boilers 269
- Timberchief saw chains 593
- tractor drawbar pin 994 Edwards, Sir Ronald, electricity supply 288
- electricity tariff increase 795 EELM. See English Electric-Leo-Marconi Efficiency and effort, by W. Baldamus (book) Effort, efficiency and, by W. Baldamus (book) Eggmann, J., blowers for Dragon reactor 473
- Eindhoven Technological University, symposium on dynamics of two-phase flow 36
- Elapsed time indicator, Sencom 559 Elastic foundation, beams, plates and shells on, by V. Z. Vlasov and N. N. Leont'ev (book) 791 Elastic systems and its applications, theory of equilibrium of, by C. A. P. Castigliano (book) 833 Elastohydrodynamic lubrication (book) 113 Elastomers, effect of temperature on sealing E. B. Pool 647
- in fluid sealing 646 Elcontrol automatic control console 1076 Eldenhall Concrete Products Ltd., silos for industrial raw materials 232
- Electric blanket with electronic control Electric car. See Motor car(s), electric Electric Domestic Appliance Exhibition Electric Electric
- Electric motor.
- Electric power, research and growth in
- see also Electrical; Power; Electricity
- Electric Power Storage Ltd., topping-up device for traction batteries 150
- Electric resistance heating (book) 401 Electric wiring, lEE regulations 1010 Elec+ric wiring components, Nettle System 4
- Electricaire off-peak electricity central heating system core temperature control, Honeywell Controls 392
- Electricaire warm-air central heating 49
- Electrical analogues in structural engineering, by K. K. Keropyan and P. M. Chegolin (book) 481 Electrical circuit theory, basic, by R. Lowe and J. W. Mansell (book) 791
- Electrical connectors for printed circuit boards. Ether 356
- Electrical control gear, Laurence, Scott 692 Electrical curing of concrete 940
- Electrical engineering centenaries 7
- Electrical engineering industry, exports 370 imports 370 position and prospects 323, 369
- Electrical fault detection, ASR test set for, Martindale 861
- Electrical Inspection Directorate, high-voltage pulse measurement 691
- Electrical instruments and parts (trade publication) 280
- Electrical measuring instruments with anti-vibration pivotless movement, Crompton Parkinson 742 Electrical noise, by R. King (book) 957
- Electrical plant manufacturers, export orders 2 Electrical power. See Electric; Power; Electricity Electrical Power Convention, British, (Eastbourne) 841
- Electrical power generation, thermionic, conference (Stresa) 1036
- Electrical power link between Sardinia and Italy 249
- Electrical Research Association, comparative welding tests on contactor contact surfaces 859 reconstitution of 530
- thermal diffusivity determination, transient method 691
- Electrical systems for aircraft 57. Letter 88 Electrical trades directory 1967 (book) 697 Electricit6 Neuchateloise SA, generating set, steam/gas turbine 391
- Electricity, and industrial efficiency. Lord Beeching 841
- from mhd Vol. 1 (book) 401
- generation from heat, demonstration equipment 934
- static. See Static electricity tariff increase 795
- Electricity Council air-conditioning in glass office buildings 1011 electric car specifications 674
- Electric Resistance Heating (book) 401 electricity generation revised estimates 447 Electricity Research 1 967 963
- Mini electric car 674
- Scamp electrically driven car 377 tariff increase 795
- vacuum heat-treatment 1068
- Electricity generation, from natural gas 843 fuel diversification for 576 revised estimates 447
- Electricity meter readings by telephone, AEG 777 Electricity off-peak central heating, core temperature control 392
- Electricity Research 1 967 963
- Electricity supply, in Italy, A. M. Angelini 496 in Scotland 16
- Electricity supply industry, and natural gas 288 research activities 963
- Scotland 1003
- Electrocardiograph units, portable, Louis Newmark 463
- Electrocardiograph viewer, battery operated, Shandon Scientific 463
- Electrocardiograph waveforms, Pre-Arrester Computer to monitor 463
- Electro-Chemical Engineering Co. Ltd., Metex stripping agents for metals 275
- Electro-chemical marking unit, Manumark Mark II 182
- Electrochemistry, modern aspects of. Vol. 4, by J. O’M. Bockris (book) 655
- Electrocoat painting line for petrol tanks, ICI 591 Electrode(s), platinized titanium for 454 sea, designs, use of computers 454 thin metal films as, for self-healing capacitors, Bosch 639
- Electrode systems for dielectric heating Electrodeposition of composite coatings Electro-discharge machining 592 Electroencephalograph measurement,
- equipment for, Ahrend-van Gogh NV 464
- Electro-hydraulic, hydraulic and, servo systems, by R. Walters (book) 655
- Electro-Hydraulics Ltd., automatic door controls at airport buildings 453
- Electro-hydraulic winches. Butters Cranes 946 Electroless plating, Enplate Cu-400 and Enplate Ni-41 2 solutions for 306
- Electrolube Ltd., Electrolube 2G-X contact lubricant 912
- Electrolux Ltd., computer control of spare parts 939 King Triax equipment for storage of spare parts 939
- Electrolytic solutions data bureau, NBS 348 Electromagnet, 4in., Scientifica and Cook Electronics 599
- Electromagnetic clutches and brakes (trade publication) 76
- Electromagnetic lens for fine detail on cathode ray tube screen 845
- Electromagnetic levitation, classification 37 definition 37
- Engineering Outline 37 forces used 37 general arrangement 37 high-frequency systems 37 instability causes and remedies 40 limitations 39 liquid suspension by 38 low-frequency systems 37 stability 37
- Electromagnetic mineral separator (trade publication) 522
- Electron(s), light scattering by 404
- Electron dynamics of diode regions, by C. K. Birdsall and W. B. Bridges (book) 441
- Electron microscope, at Cavendish Laboratory 555
- electron optics in 1001
- IMV 555
- scanning, use in textile technology, J. Sikorski 292
- Electron microscopy, quantitative, conference on 958
- Electron-optical principles 1000
- Electron optics, conference on 958
- Electron spin resonance spectrometer, Decca 596
- Electron synchrotron, NINA, description of Electronic automatic control devices, by Bulgakov (book) 235
- Electronic circuits. See Circuit(s)
- Electronic control for domestic appliances 293 Letter 379
- Electronic engineer(s), education of. Letter 56
- Laplace transforms for, by J. G. Holbrook (book) 791
- Electronic Engineering Association, international broadcasting convention 402
- Electronic equipment, cooler for (trade publication) 914
- for aircraft, cleaning of, ultrasonic plant for industrial, Dawe 731
- Electronic governor control system, for 300 turbo-generator 551 for 660 MW turbo-generators 551
- Electronic ignition system, Beulah-Judson tronic Magneto 86
- Electronic Instruments Ltd., Titracarb carbon-in- steel analyser 474
- Electronic Machine Control (Sales) Ltd., inductive die protection unit DPS1 1080
- Electronic module cases, Chilworth range 826
- Electronic printing reperforator, EPR, Creed and Co. Ltd. 217
- Electronic Services-STC, instrument cases 108
- Electronic tachometer. Airpax 743
- Electronic tester for transistors. Comark 276
- Electronic testing equipment, MICA-150, for integrated circuits 1033
- Electronic weighing and process control, by G. W. Van Santen (book) 481,871
- Electronics
- basic, worked examples in, by P. W. Crane (book) 913
- fundamental, by A. S. P. Ledger and N. H. Roche (book) 1035
- molecular, in integrated circuits 1 53 radio and, by J. H. Reyner (book) 745 structure strengthening by, A. Pugsley 707 see also Instruments, electronics, automation: year book and buyers guide 1967
- Electronics Associates Inc., EAL 8800 hybrid computer for weapons systems design 514 Electrophoresis, ceramic castings by, SIRA 682 Electrophotographic microfilm enlarger/printer, Oza- lid-3020 737
- Electroplating of plastics, Pernix Enthone 306
- Electrosil Ltd., fluidic bistable device (trade publication) 698
- glass cane drawing equipment 903
- open day 903
- resistors from drawn glass 903
- Electroslag refining plants 188
- Electroslag steel refining process, BISRA 592 Electrostatic coating systems (trade publication) 872
- Electrowriters for written messages between departments 940
- Elektro Industrie Gebruder Brocklaus, Emicron magnetic reluctance thickness gauge 315
- Element(s) of mathematical statistics, by J. Ratcliffe (book) 151
- Element-102, chemical properties of 217
- Elementary particle physics, by S. Gasiorowicz (book) 75
- Elevating platform, Handilift 476
- Elga Hydrapress brake 728
- Elga Hydrapress hydraulic press brakes 144
- Ell, S. O., design problems of diesel locomotives 67
- Ellay Enfield Tubes Ltd., drawbench for drawing thin wall tubes 1022
- Elliott-Automation Ltd., Advances in Computer Typesetting 913 audio switch 909 computer merger proposals 1041 existing and proposed computer systems 755 Field Artillery Computer Equipment (FACE) 447, 456
- flowmeters 863
- grain terminal at Tilbury docks 707
- miniature relays 644
- Nimrod 801 maritime reconnaissance aircraft 1010
- Elliott, B. and Co., Concord 450 heavy-duty centre lathe 949
- Elliott, B. Group, cubed construction technique for machine tools 981
- Elliott Sturdimill milling machine 981
- Elliott, B. (Machinery) Ltd., bandsaw (trade publication) 318
- Elliott Machine Equipment Ltd., Emcomat universal machine tool 731
- Elliott-Marine Automation, exhibition of complete marine propulsion and cargo-handling control systems 853
- Hoyer automatic tank gauge 853
- ship's maximum safe load computer 454 Vibralarm vibration monitor in marine turbochargers 853
- Elliott, N. R., in New Year Honours list 3
- Elliott Process Automation Ltd., btu meter (trade publication) 958
- Ellipsometric methods to study formation of protective films on iron 859
- Elliptic equations, new methods for solving, by I. N. Vekua (book) 1035
- Ellis Brothers (Leicester) Ltd., belt grinding machine 475
- Elliston, Evans and Jackson Ltd., drum brakes 645 Elstree Engineering Services Ltd., trailer 552 Elstub, St. John, IMI trading report 528
- Embassy Machine and Tool Co. Ltd., Boehme DFA140 single-spindle chucking lathe 360 heavy-duty spinning lathe 735
- Embellishings, vinyl, Mactac International 995 Emcomat universal machine tool 731
- EMI Electronics Ltd., closed-circuit television for Mersey Tunnel traffic control 249
- EMI Ltd., Nimrod 801 maritime reconnaissance aircraft 1010
- Emicron magnetic reluctance thickness gauge 315 Emissivity, normal spectral, calculation of 21 EMMA electro-medical multi-channel amplifier 463
- EMP Engineering Development Co., Seconop lathe backstop 354
- Employment. See Manpower; Labour; Unemployment
- Empress telephone exchange, tandem telephone exchange 249
- Emptying equipment, dust bin, mechanized. Eagle Engineering 503
- Emulsion(s),
- oil, degradation of, E. C. Hill 983 degradation of, medical implications of sensitive, pumping of, Goodyear Pumps
- Emulsion cleaner. Enthone EC75 688 Encapsulated power supply units, Ferranti
- Encoders, decimal (trade publication) 1036
- End facing and centring machine, Baier Type ZPD 111
- ENEL, electricity generating programme, Italy 496 Energy Conversion Ltd., activities of 843 hydrogen/air fuel cell module 843 zinc-air batteries 843
- Energy gaps in crystal physics 366
- Energy level states in crystal physics 367
- Energy management in iron and steel works, conference on 442
- Energy states in crystal physics 366
- Enfield College of Technology, computer centre 704
- Engine(s), aircraft. See Aircraft engine design and tuning of competition, by P. H. Smith 957
- diesel, and power packs, Aktiebolaget 734 breathing and combustion (book) 561 cavitation corrosion and its prevention in, by I. Dugdale and R. Wall (books) 113 heavy-fuel, Vulcan 968 high speed, by A. W. Judge (book) 791 marine, Thorneycroft 69 proving of components, G. Fitzgerald 685 trade publication 522
- V8, Cummins Vale 470 cu. in. 589 Volvo Penta, for pleasure craft 707 Vulcan, English Electric 1026 hot-air, Stirling cycle 934 industrial, short-term trends 411,966 internal combustion, short-term trends 966 motor car^ See Motor-car engine oil. See Engine, diesel
- outboard, Johnson GT-115 203 petrol, miniature test bench 933
- Motobecane 50cc 587 Rolls-Royce B81 SV 298 thermoelectric, demonstration equipment 934 Engineer(s)
- anatomy of a profession, GerstI and Hutton 571 and moral spectrum, M. W. Thring 665 in management, seminar on, IME 914 in manufacturing industry, A. L. Stuchbery 665 in process industry, R. D. Haigh 665 Society of 'Modern Methods of Cargo Handling in Ports' 708
- see also Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, etc. ENGINEERING, rating in mechanical engineers' information survey 532
- Engineering, at Cambridge University, 1793-1965, T. J. N.Hilken 571
- in high duty materials, Bulleid Memorial Lectures on, Nottingham University 958 see also Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.
- Engineering applications of statistical extremes (NATO) 998
- Engineering apprentice. See Apprentice Engineering contract. See Contract Engineering cycles, analysis of, by R. W. Haywood
- (book) 833 Engineering design. See Design Engineering Developments, R. A., Ltd., Raed automatic dust filter 648
- Engineering economy, by E. P. DeGarmo (book) 1083
- Engineering education. See Education Engineering exhibition. See Exhibition Engineering heritage : highlights from the history of mechanical engineering Vol. 2, by E. G. Semler (book) 35
- Engineering industry, production statistics 703 Engineering Industry Training Board
- group training centre, Hounslow 451 scope of 410
- training of adult operators (booklet) 1043 training centre at Sheffield 879 training school at Leeds 797
- Engineering kinematics, by A. Sloane (book) 871 Engineering laboratory. See Laboratory Engineering management, successful, by T. G. Hicks (book) 521
- Engineering manpower, managing, conference on (San Francisco) 1036
- Engineering and Marine Exhibition, International (Olympia), exhibits at 727
- Engineering Materials and conference on future of 778
- Engineering mechanics, by
- H. J. Plass (book) 833
- Design Association, drawing office
- 758,
- W.
- W. Hagerty
- and
- Vol. 1, by T. C. Huang (book) Engineering Outlines aeroelasticity 915 cathodic protection 1037 colour television 1085 cooling towers 747.
- critical path analysis 483. Letter 536 crystal physics, lattice vibrations and defects structure and electronic properties 365 cybernetics 115 dielectric heating 563 electromagnetic levitation 37 explosives 613 fast reactors. Correction 129 feedback 319 induction heating 523 industrial protection 793, 835, 837 integrated circuits 153 nuclear thermal reactors 281 particle optics 999 patents 793 powder metallurgy 959 registered designs 835 semiconductor devices 657 soil mechanics 191 spectroscopy 237 static electricity 77 temperature sensors 699 thermoplastics 443. Letter 536 thin-film optics 873 trade marks 837
- Engineering practice, in process industry, J. R. Willets 665
- training in, J. Finnigan and R. A. C. Woodward 665
- Engineering problems by dynamical analogies, solutions of, by H. F. Olson (book) 697 Engineering Science at the University (booklet) 663
- Engineering standards. See British Standards Institution; Standards
- Engineering tolerances. See Tolerances English China Clay Group, Logicon static switching control for automatic concrete mixer 820
- English Electric Arc Welding Co. Ltd., CO2 welding machines 604
- English Electric Co. Ltd.
- aircraft electrical systems 57. Letter aircraft generator with liquid cooling assault ship intrepid 416 automatic size-changing equipment tinuous slab and billet mill 304 completion of merger 82 computer merger proposals 1041 electrical power link between Sardinia and Italy 249
- fluidic systems for evaluation 682
- Lightning strike aircraft with bushless de generator 60
- Modulectric range of process instrumentation 987
- NINA electron synchrotron magnet supply system 1015
- production of constant speed drive for aircraft generators 927
- Reversomatic washing machine 127 sea electrode designs, use of computers 454 temper rolling mill 901 thyristor-controlled variable-frequency drive transmitter for water level indication 987 Vulcan diesel engines 1026
- English Electric Computers Ltd., new title
- English Electric-Leo-Marconi 488
- System-4 computers order position 488 English Electric Diesel Engines Ltd., formation activities of 968
- Vulcan heavy-fuel diesel engine 968 English Electric-Leo-Marconi Computers Ltd.
- careers in computers (trade publication) computer monitoring and sequence system 218
- 4-75 computer for Edinburgh University Myriad Mk. II computer 21 new title for 488 optical character recognition equipment for National Giro 378
- punched card reader 73
- sea electrode designs, use of computers 454 System 4 range of computers for data processing 455
- System 4-50 computer 166 System 4-70 computer 167
- for Midland Bank 417
- English Electric Valve Co. Ltd., increased production of klystrons 556
- increased production of television camera tubes and equipment 556-557
- increased production of thermionic valves 556 production of vacuum capacitors 557 travelling wave tubes 222 valve data (trade publication) 280
- English Numbering Machines Ltd., computer centre 704
- English Steel Castings Corp., 100-ton oil bogie tank wagons 333
- English Steel Forge Engineering Corp., lathe, 90 ft long 141
- Enlarger/printer, electrophotographic microfilm, Ozalid-3020 737
- Enlarging papers, photographic, llfobrom 779 Enots Ltd., air silencers 150
- coolant fittings (trade publication) 834 Simplex moulding machine with one shot lubrication 860
- Enplate Cu-400 solution for electroless plating 306 Enplate Ni-410 chemical nickel plating solution 781
- Enplate Ni-412 solution for electroless plating 306 Ensecote Ltd., polyethylene liquid container by blow moulding 980
- Ente Nazionale per I'Energia Elettrica, electrical power link between Sardinia and Italy 249
- Enterprise Plastics Ltd., polyethylene liquid container by blow moulding 980 polythene drum for bulk liquids 995
- Enthone Inc., cyanide-free zinc plating 306 emulsion cleaner 688
- Enthoven Solders Ltd., soldering of aerosol cans 982
- Entwhistle Thorpe and Co. Ltd., Acu-Arc adjustable French curve 644
- ENV Engineering Co. Ltd., axle units for Rotterdam metro railway 822
- Environment Ltd., climatic testing chamber 602
- Environmental laboratory, Plessey Group 602
- Environmental sciences, development activities 408
- Environmental test chamber, portable, MINI-K.C02. MKII 600
- Epicyclic gear, flexible pin, COG 206
- EPM International, electricalcuring of concrete 940
- EPO profile projector 183
- Epoxide type resins, sealing tunnel linings 148 Epoxy gates, casting of, BAC 105
- Epoxy laminate with aluminium cladding, Spauldite 186
- Epoxy moulding of fluidic elements 105
- Epoxy-resin floor repair, V-Mat Patch Pack 74
- Epoxy-resin flooring (trade publication) 402
- EPR electronic printing reperforator. Creed and Co. Ltd. 217
- Epsylon Industries Ltd., noise dosemeter 559
- Erfurt Machinery Ltd., metal cutting and forming machines 654
- Ergonomics problems in agriculture, conference on 442
- Ericson, L. M., Co., Dirivox internal communication system 864
- radar for Saab Viggen aircraft 585
- Eriksberg shipyard. Operation Scandiaships building 233
- Errut Products Ltd., MacDonald 33C scabbling tool 949
- Neuenberg 219 chasing machine 868
- ESAB, COg welding (trade publication) 1084
- Escalators, lifts and (trade publication) 698
- Escher Wyss GmbH, steam turbine 737
- Turbo-guide automatic control unit 737
- ES/EL Automation Ltd., Monomover belt conveyor 232
- ESL Group, training service activities 371
- Esro II satellite, launching preparations 47 orbital functions 47
- Essex University, Social Survey Data Bank 195
- Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd., pipeline from Fawley to West London 407
- Univolt 72 insulating oil 108 water treatment plant at Southampton 801
- Esso Research and Engineering Co., meter provers in pipeline 141
- Etching, portable power unit for, Lectroetch 783
- Ether Ltd., control instruments (trade publication) 318
- electrical connectors for printed circuit boards 356
- low inertia motors (trade publication) 914
- Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers 444
- Euler loads, determination of. Letter 56
- Eureka Dam, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384
- Euroclima KG, air conditioning equipment 358
- Eurocontrol Experimental Centre, inauguration and activities of 89
- Eurogauge Co. Ltd., capacitance-type depth indicators 34
- Europa type 47 motor car, Europa 54
- Europe, air traffic control in 89 coming to terms with, course on. Tack 656 Export Council for, British Week in Brussels 372 steam in, by P. B. Whitehouse (book) 363
- European Machine Tool Exhibition (Hanover) 114 European-Mediterranean Flight Information Region 89
- European Organization for Nuclear Research, neutrino experiments 931
- European Organization for Quality Control, annual conference 364
- European Southern Observatory, fused silica telescope mirror 509
- European Space Research Organization, stainless steel vacuum chamber 510
- European Space Simulator Consortium, stainless steel vacuum chamber 510
- Eurovision television link, conversion equipment for colour television 201
- Eutectic-Castolin, TungTec abrasion-resistant powder alloy 726
- Eutectic Welding Alloys Co. Ltd., Microflo magnum module method of powder welding 607 TungTec abrasion-resistant powder alloy 726 Evans, H., Aberfan inquiry 667
- Evans, W. P., and Son Ltd., Nim-Cor Air Shaft pneumatic reel bar 824
- Evar, I., chemical properties of element-102 217 Everest, E. A., thermoplastics research 536 Evinrude Skeeter snow vehicle 171
- Ewing, Sir Alfred, Cambridge University engineering department 572
- EWR-Sud VJ101 C experimental VTOLaircraft 848, 849, 850
- EWR-Sud VTOL military strike aircraft 850 Exactor Sterling Ltd., check valve hydraulic cylinders 955 hydraulic valves and equipment tion) 114
- Excavator(s)
- hydraulic, Bamford 399
- full circle slewing. Hydraforce trade publication 364, 834 wheeled, John Deere 786
- Hy-Mac 580B, Design Centre award 773 track-mounted RH500, Eder 788 type 360 (15), full circle slewing, Smalley 685 wheel-mounted MH500, Eder 788
- Excavator-loaders, Whitlock Bros 553 Exectrol hydraulic control valves 353 Executives' salary survey, AIC 3 Exhaust control
- motor-car. Duplex induction system for 215 man-air-ox system for 214
- Exhaust emission regulations, motor car, California 213
- Exhaust tubes, aluminized steel, Tru-Wel 534
- Exhaust unit for welding, Impulsitor Turbo-fume 558
- Exhausters, short-term trends 411 Exhibition
- British Week in Brussels 372
- building (Newcastle upon Tyne), Ministry of Public Building and Works 1036
- Camping and Outdoor Life (Olympia) 162 Community and Educational Building and Equipment 1084
- contractors' equipment and industrialized building, Denmark 402
- Electric Domestic Appliance (Harrogate) 288, 293
- engineering models and scientific apparatus, ICE 1051
- European Machine Tool (Hanover) 114 Expo-67. See Expo-67 foundry trade fair (Dusseldorf) 998 Geneva Salon motor show, exhibits at 420, 458 Hanover Fair, exhibits at 736, 787
- 'Homes in Steel' (Albany House) 535 Ideal Home (Olympia), exhibits at 378, 427 industrial training, ltex-'67 620
- International, Electronics, Nuclear Energy, Wireless, TV and Cine (Rome) 236
- international engineering (Sydney) 746 International Engineering and Marine (Olympia), exhibits at 727
- International Federation for Information Processing (Edinburgh) 1036
- International, Laboratory mation Techniques 442
- International
- 958
- International
- 800
- International preview
- International
- International Welding (Olympia), exhibits at 604, 727
- Interplas '67 Plastics (Olympia) 536, 1074 Lighting (Earls Court), exhibits at 694
- London International Engineering and Marine, exhibits at 650, 696
- machine tools, European exhibits 224
- Medical Engineering and Automation (Earls Court), exhibits at 463
- New Materials (Building Centre), exhibits at 533-534
- New York Motor Show, exhibits at 634 North British Engineering (Glasgow) 998 offshore drilling and production, ODPEX '68 (Rotterdam)
- Paris Air and Space Salon, exhibits at 889 Photo-cine Fair (Olympia), exhibits at 852 Physics (London), exhibits at 596, 639, 689, 738
- Plastics, Interplas 67 (Olympia), exhibits at 985 plastics industry (Dusseldorf) 998
- Ports and Terminals '67 (Brighton), exhibits at
- 739
- quality and reliability, ColD 978
- Racing Car Show 1 967 (Olympia), exhibits at 52 Radio and Electronic Component Manufacturers' Federation (Olympia), exhibits at 909
- Rubberex '67, motor car safety competition, prize winners 846-847
- Scrap and Waste (Olympia) 442, 508
- Site Equipment Demonstration (Hatfield), exhibits at 785
- Welding, International 650
- Exide-lronclad batteries, topping-up device for 150 Exit sign, fully-automatic. Alkaline Batteries 694 Expanded polystyrene, moulding machines for, Foster Yates and Thom 270
- Expanded polystyrene moulding equipment, Kohler- General Corp. 869
- Expanding machines, Grotnes 266
- Expandite Ltd., Flexcell expansion joint filler board 354
- metal primer (trade publication) 1036 Expansion joint, road bridge, PSC 741 Expansion joint filler board. Flexcell 354 Expansion springs, compression and (trade publication) 872
- Explosion, Furnas hydroelectric scheme diversion tunnels 252
- in compressors 71
- static electricity cause of 79 see also Accident
- Explosion welding of titanium-clad steel sheet 26 Explosive(s)
- basic principles 613 classification 613 commercial. Engineering Outline 613 definition 613
- purchase storage and usage regulations 615 sensitized-powder 614 slurry-type 615
- specialised types and applications 615 water-resistant 614
- Explosive bonding, Dataclad process 23
- Expo-67 exhibition (Montreal)
- Bridge of the Isles 20, 63 bridges and structures 61 Concordia bridge 20, 61 Cosmos Bridge 63, 424 estimated coat of building 61 Expo Express railway 423, 426 Habitat-67 pavilion 63 Jacques-Cartier Bridge 1 9, 61 Katimavik inverted pyramid 64 Minirail monorail railway at 423 Minirail transport system 63 site construction work 17 Theme pavilions 64 transport systems 423
- Export(s) consulting engineers and 198, 286 electrical engineering industry 370 to Latin America (booklet) 325 to US, conference on (London) 246
- Export Council for Europe, British Week in Brussels 372
- Export markets, position and prospects 752
- Export orders for heavy electrical equipment 2
- Export statistics. Business EquipmentTrade Association 159
- Exposure meter for Tessina camera 852 Extendaplan wall chart 654
- Extended Surface Tube Co. Ltd., finned tubes (trade publication) 442
- Extensometer, for continuous indication of strain 830
- Pogo 862
- Extract/air input unit, fume, Pacair 550
- Extruded metal sections (trade publication) 152
- Extrudex unplasticised pvc pipe for gypsum slurry 468
- Extrusion of thermoplastics 446
- use of maraging steel ram 1024
- Extrusion line, Cotruder, Rockwell 1075
- F-111K strike and reconnaissance aircraft. General
- Dynamics 157
- Fabry-Perot filter 873
- FACE. See Field Artillery Computer Equipment Facing machine. See Boring, milling, drilling and
- facing machine
- Factory accident. See Accident; Explosion Factory planning system, Modulex 650 Fair, trade. See Exhibition
- Fairchild Hiller Corp., Trent aircraft engine for F-228 jet transport aircraft 202
- Fairchild Instrumentation Ltd., semiconductor test systems 741
- Fairfields (Glasgow) Ltd.
- apprenticeship scheme 491
- craft training for shipyard workers 491 joint Government, union and private venture 491 satellite training centres 491 training centre 491 work study courses 491
- Fairhurst, W. A., and Partners, Kingston bridge for River Clyde 802
- Fairline packaged air and conditioning equipment 358
- Fairline throw-away pneumatic cylinder 33
- Falks Ltd., photometric measurement of fluorescent lamps 1046
- False-twist machine, high-speed spindle in, Klinger 722
- Fan(s), for Turbro Pacair fume extract/air input unit 550
- international performance standards for 963
- Plannette, for cooling miniature television camera 68
- test plant for large 357
- Faraday House Engineering College, closure of 619. Letter 762
- Faraday, Michael, centenary of death 6 Farbenfabriken Bayer AG, Lewatit ion exchange resins 1072
- Makrofol KG polycarbonate film 956 Farming. See Agriculture; Irrigation; Tractor Farr, Michael (Design Integration) Ltd., electric convector heaters. Design Centre award 774 Farrall, R., ACE transporter vehicle 299 Farrell Grimshaw Partners Ltd., glass-reinforced plastic bathroom pods 1046 Farrow, Howard, Construction Ltd., Bison Frame system for houses and flats 969 Fasteners, cold-forging of, GKN 827 Fastening system, conveyor belt. Champion Fatigue, low-cycle, thermal stress and, by Manson (book) 189
- Fault detection, electrical, ASR test set for, Martindale 861
- Fault detector for rotating machines, Quinton-Crane 222
- Fawley power station, under-watertransmission line to grid 387
- Fearns Calculators, tensor calculator 361 Fearon, J. H., on Progress in Applied Materials Research (book) 697
- Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors, annual dinner 797
- Federation of Coated Macadam Industries, dense coated macadam (trade publication) 612 Feedback
- applications of 320 basic principles 319 continuous 319 definition 319 design criteria disadvantages discontinuous example of
- Engineering Outline 319 in automatic control systems 322 loops 320 lynx-rabbit cycle 320 mechanical example 320 negative, examples of 319 negative loops 321 performance criteria 322 positive 320
- example of 320 positive loops 321 uses 319
- Feedback Ltd., instructional servo system MS 150 for teaching of automatic control 820 Feeder, granular. Western Machinery 70 pigment, Howe 868
- Feedforward in control systems 321 Fehlmann, H. B., bentonite technique in caisson sinking 336
- Felixstowe, port organisation and development 880. Correction 1012
- Felixstowe Dock and Railway Co., activities of 880 Fell, W. A., Ltd., GJF high-speed automatic turning
- machine 787
- Fellowship short-haul airliner, Fokker Feltham, P., on Deformation and
- Materials (book) 189 Felvic air humidifier 186 Felvic Marketing and Sales Co. Ltd., Felvic air humidifier 186
- Fences, safety, balustrading and (trade publication) 114
- Fenner Group, Pioneer water-pump seal 34 Ferndale Colliery, explosion tragedy centenary 7 Ferranti Ltd.
- COg laser 596 completion of merger 82 coordinate inspection machine
- Centre award 771 encapsulated power supply units encapsulated transistors 396 helium-neon lasers 862 pre-set tooling for capstan lathe Ferrari, Dino Fiat-Ferrari motor car, 543
- V6 motor car engine 168 Ferrite-core memory store printed-circuit construction, APT Electronics 222
- Ferro Corp., porcelain to metal adherence research programme 467
- Ferry, Duke of Rothesay, for Irish cross-channel service 708
- Ferry services, choice of craft 331. Letter 379 Fertilizer plant, ammonia, for Australia, Power-Gas 447
- Fetter, W. A., on Computer Graphics in Communication (book) 279
- Fiab 6kW high-frequency welding machine 1075 Fiat, Campagnola four-wheel drive motor vehicle 171
- Dino Fiat-Ferrari motor car, description of 543 Dino Spider motor car 168 motor-car manufacture in Spain Fiat G91Y aircraft, increased thrust Fiat 124 coupe motor car 458 Fiat 124 Spider motor car 937 Fiat 124S motor car 937 Fiat 1 25 motor car 535 description of 675. Correction Fiat-Bendix disc brakes 676
- Fibre optic(s), trade publication 236 Fibre optic bundles, continuous length 348 Fibreglass tank linings (trade publication) 114 Field Artillery Computer Equipment (FACE), Elliott- Automation 447, 456
- Fielding and Platt Ltd., hydraulic press for stretching and hot pressing rubber conveyor belts 184. Correction 348
- Fiering, M. B., on Simulation Techniques for Design of Water Resource Systems (book) 401 Fifth wheel coupling. Unilink 595 Fig 4018 centrifugal pumps 146 Filaments, silicon carbide, tor metal reinforcement 923
- Filing cabinets for drawings, Vertical Planfile 649 Fillers, Croxton and Garry 986 in-line, C Modular Bexuda 801
- Filling centre, rail tank-wagon, Stanlow Refinery 899
- Filling machine, volumetric, Neumo 270 Film(s)
- cinema, civil engineering 84 critical path analysis 43 reliability in industry 43
- 8 mm loop, guide to, by G. H. Powell and L. S.
- Powell (book) 561 polycarbonate, Makrofol KG 956 polymer thin, photodeposition of 953 protective, on iron, ellipsometric methods to study formation of 859
- thin metal, as electrodes for self-healing capacitors, Bosch 639
- see aiso Thick-film; Thin-film
- Film colour balance correction equipment, TARIF 669
- Film thickness testing equipment. Beta 750 30 Filmac 200 reader-printer 10
- Filming and photography, 4101 lamp for, Friemann 790
- Filmsort microfilm aperture card system 10 Filmsort 2000 processor camera 10 Filter(s) air, Altair electrostatic 1030 automatic, Mini-Vee 824 Circaframe 1073
- Dri-Pak 643
- Norgren 108
- Roll-O-Matic 355
- with removable filter brushes. Heather Filters 1072
- Auto-Klean Fluxflow 729 diesel fuel, Filtrap 120 Sedimenter 993 dust, Raed automatic 648
- Fabry-Perot 873
- oil and fuel (trade publication) 834 stainless steel, porous (trade publication) 562 Vokes Millevee-type 549-550
- Filter cartridge, Johns-Mansville 688
- Filter elements, powder metallurgy 960
- Filter materials, air, for spray booths, Bondina 995
- Filter press plate castings using COg/silicate process
- 141
- Filter spectrophotometer, automatic, Pretema 986 Filtrap 120 Sedimenter diesel fuel filter 993 Filtration, gaseous, ARL 691
- Fin(s), welding of, on to heat exchanger tubing, AMF 142
- Finance facilities for small firms 964
- Financial management, conference on, PERA 402
- Finch, J. R. G., chartered engineers 884. Letter
- 926
- so you want to be a C.Eng. 670
- Fingerprint identification, automatic photographic facsimile recorder 8
- Finishes for plastic articles. Bee 1075
- Finishing, abrasive (trade publication) 402
- Finishing machine, surface, deburring and, VS High G Harperizer 790
- Finland, as export market 752 nuclear power station, postponement of 618
- Finnigan, J., training in engineering practice 665
- Finnish foreign trade directory 1967 (book) 655
- Finnish Plywood Development Association, flooring panels (trade publication) 612
- Fire, gas. Gas Miser Slimline radiant convector inset. Cannon 427
- in compressors 71
- in L'Innovation, Brussels 923 large, causes and costs survey 9
- Fire alarm system, Zero-Failure 923
- Fire damage, costs 923
- Fire engines, history of (book) 9
- Fire Fighting Appliances Collection, Science Museum 9
- Fire hazard in large premises 923
- Fire prevention course 792
- Fire protection in Cunard Q4 liner 670
- Fire Protection Association, fire prevention course 792
- Fire resistance of glass-reinforced plastics 513
- Fire retardant asbestos/cement coating, Calco 469
- Fire tender incorporating rescue aids 262
- Fire tests on pneumatic control system couplings 305
- Fires fought with Five or more Jets (report) 10 Firth Brown Ltd., Brown-Firth research laboratories, improved facilities 1069
- creep research facilities 1069
- Firth Cleveland Fastenings Ltd., metric self-locking nuts (trade publication) 792
- Fischer, George, Ltd., automated production of malleable iron castings 904
- Fischer and Porter Ltd., digital traffic recorders 518 Fish rearing in cooling-water outfall 249 Fisheries research vessel Coreiia, LeBus system of multilayer rope spooling 938
- Fishery research craft, conference on (FAO) 998
- FitzGerald, G., proving of diesel engine components 685
- Fitzpatrick and Son (Contractors) Ltd., jacking of subway roof into position after casting 940 River Wear bridge 819
- Flame-cutting of plates in shipbuilding, numerical control of 208
- Flame planing head, rotary, Hancock and Co. 990 Flask, for germ-free drinking water. New Traveller 760
- vacuum, manufacture of, Badalex equipment 308 Flat(s), Bison Wall Frame system 969 Flatness tester, optical, Zeiss Jena 728 Flender (UK) Ltd., mechanical power transmission equipment (trade publication) 1036 Flexcell expansion joint filler board 354 Flexello Superthane wheels for skips at Ford Motor Co. Halewood plant 938
- Flexibox Ltd., lapping machines 652
- Model 40A surface lapping machine 70 Flexitor trailer suspension units 150
- Flight simulator, for Belfast military freighter aircraft
- 128
- One-Eleven aircraft 65
- Flip-Chip capacitors, miniature Flip-Top industrial space heater Fliway flyover design structure
- Float switches, Cobham Engineering 516 Floating Oil Skimmer for oil recovery on water 535 Flomat pre impregnated chopped-strand mat (trade publication) 998
- Floodlight, Suntlood 33 tungsten halogen, Benjamin Electric 694
- Floodlight fittings, Focaset, Osram-GEC 509 Floodlighting, for ship construction 509
- trade publication 1036
- Floor and roofs, precast concrete (trade publication) 958
- Floor repair, epoxy-resin, V-Mat Patch Pack Floor slabs of prestressed concrete. Wide Slab Floor-tiles, plastic, Dunlop Semtex 900 Floor waxes, polyethylene (trade publication) Flooring, epoxy resin (trade publication) 402 Flooring panels (trade publication) 612 Florentine art treasures, Zimmite for cleaning 8 Florida, barge canal project 384 Florin Ltd., electrical testing screwdriver 554 Florkowski, T., on Radioisotope Instruments in Industry and Geophysics (book) 113
- Flow, air, measurement of, Pankhurst (book) 189 of non-Newtonian fluids. Society of Rheology
- stream, by N. C. Grover and A. W. Harrington (book) 401
- two-phase, and heat transfer course, Glasgow University 1084
- dynamics of, symposium on 36
- Flow control in reactor fuel channels, N. A. Holmes and B. G. Dean 472
- Flow converter, magnetic, Veriflux 32 Flow metering (trade publication) 562 Flowmat, glass reinforced plastic for cable terminal blocks 683
- Flowmeter(s), gas, Drallim 74 Rotameter 863
- Flue gas(es), sulphur dioxide removal in 101 Flue gas recirculation, Stewarts and Lloyds 636 Flue gas recirculation equipment 637
- Flue lining in flexible stainless steel, Westaform 560 Fluid(s), cryogenic, safety with, by M. G. Zabetakis (book) 1083
- degree problems in, by W. R. Dickens (book) 481 mechanics of, for mechanical engineers, by J. M. Gasiorek and W. G. Carter (book) 1083 Fluid Controls Incorporated, check valve 1073 Fluid-forming metal forming process 268 Fluid logic control circuits based on miniaturized piston valves, Climax-France 105
- Fluid logic devices in refrigerator production 477 Fluid logic equipment, Maxalog 727
- Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics of turbomachinery, by S. L. Dixon 317
- Fluid Power Ltd., pressure control valves 594
- Fluid sealing, international conference on (Cambridge) 646
- Fluidic bistable device (trade publications) 698 Fluidic devices, fluidic systems used in production of 67
- for machine tool control 683 RAE 689 trade publication 562
- Fluidic element(s), epoxy moulding of 105 Fluidic element prototypes, Dycril 105 Fluidic systems, for evaluation, E.E.C. 682 for visual decimal readout on machine tool, BAC 106
- NEL 106
- used in production of fluidic devices 67
- Fluidics, for numerical control of machine tools. Delft Technological University and Institute TNO 106
- machine tool control by, Cranfield College of Aeronautics 106
- Fluidics conference, Cranfield 105
- Fluidrive couplings for air-cushion equipped transporter vehicle 298
- Fluing, gas appliance (trade publication) 190 Fluo/veyor pneumatic conveyors 313 Flush cistern, Hidaway 34
- Fluxes, welding primers and, BSI 981 Fluxfio filter, Auto-Klean 729
- Flygt CS 75 portable sludge pump for sewage works 275
- Fiyover(s), temporary, load limitations 138
- Flyover design, competition, MOT 137
- Flyover erection at Movers Lane 136. Letter 251 Foam machine, Baxenden 986
- Focaset floodlight fittings, Osram-GEC 509
- Fogg and Young Engineering Ltd., fluid-forming metal forming process 268
- Foils, golden and silver metallized, polyester-film backed 985
- Fokker F-28 Fellowship aircraft 844, 891 Follsain-Wycliffe Foundries Ltd., blackheart malleable cast iron, increased production 438
- Food and drink machinery, short-term trends 411 Foodstuffs, stainless steel conveyor belts for 638 Football Club, Leicester City, Rigidex polyethylene stadium seats 249-250
- Foratom Congress (London) 704 note on 661
- on fast breeder reactor programme 1 90 Forbidden energy gap in crystal physics 368 Force transducer, Kistler 737
- Ford of Britain, Mark IV Zodiac-Zephyr motor car suspension components inspection of 437 Ford Motor Co.
- Corsair 2000E
- Cortina motor car, estate versions 250
- Cortina Lotus motor car, description of 383 DI 000 range of trucks, tippers and articulated tractors 589
- Danly Synchromatic press line for production of sheet steel body panels 775
- 430E Comuta electric car 972 GT 40 Mk III motor car 575 swarf handling equipment at Halewood plant 938
- under-run bumpers 203 V8 motor car engine 716
- Fordham Pressings Ltd., Hidaway flush cistern 34 Fordham, S., explosives 61 5
- Foremanship, course on 746
- Forged aluminium bowls for Phoebus 2 rocket engines 68
- Forging(s), cold, Dynaflow process, GKN 827 non-destructive testing of, by N. McGowan (book) 1035
- Fork-lift trucks, side-loading, Cleco Ltd. 510 Form(s), statistical, standardization proposals 159 Forme cutting machine (trade publication) 958 Forming, vacuum, of thermoplastics 446 wood, dielectric heating 564
- Forming machine, roll, Grotnes 266
- Formulae and theorems for the special functions of mathematical physics, by W. Magnus, F. Ober- hettinger and R. P. Soni (book) 521
- Forster, B., thermal nuclear reactors 284 Fortescue, P., gases as reactor coolants 472 Fortier, A., Mecanique des Suspensions (book) Foster, C. D., railway track costs 839. Letter Foster, J. M., List Processing (book) 871 Foster Thermal Insulation, Foster 'Stackfas'
- tective coating material for chimneys 643
- Foster Wheeler John Brown Boilers Ltd., cooling towers (trade publication) water-tube packaged boilers
- Foster, Yates, and Thom Ltd., for expanded polystyrene
- Fothergill and Harvey Ltd., Flowmat, glass reinforced plastic for cable terminal blocks 683 reinforcementfor plastics (trade publication) 998
- Foundation(s), elastic, beams, plates and shells on, by V. Z. Vlasov and N. N. Leont'ev (book) 791 modern, of systems engineering, by W. A. Porter (book) 235
- settlement prediction 192 sprung, for friction drop hammer 821
- Foundation Engineering Ltd., bentonite technique in caisson sinking 336
- slit trenching machine 69
- Foundry, automation in. Simplex Electric 1070 see also Casting; Moulding, etc.
- Foundry atmospheres, fume sampling in 418 Foundry Congress, International (Paris) 76 Foundry Developments Ltd., gravity die-casting machine 475
- Foundry directory (book) 317
- Foundry trade fair (Dusseldorf) 998
- 4 Minute Car Wash Co. Ltd., bus washing machine (trade publication) 612
- Fox and Offord Ltd., Unimoulder plastic moulding machines 1074
- Fox, Samuel, and Co. Ltd., mobile furnace-charging machine 989
- Project Sapphire scheme for electric arc furnaces 982
- stainless steels (trade publication) 1036
- Foyers works hydroelectric power station, conversion of 1046
- F. and R. Engineering Co. Ltd., cooling units for machine tool lubricants 269
- Frame 3 gas turbine 1062
- Frame 5 gas turbine 1062
- Frame 8 gas turbine 1062
- Frameworks, structural, stoving of 860
- Franks, R. G. E., on Mathematical Modelling in
- Chemical Engineering (book) 957
- Fraser, Alan, Engineering, GT racing car 54
- Fraser, Andrew, and Co. Ltd., hydraulic power unit 912
- Mono-Radial hydraulic pumps 789
- Fraser, I., on BMC 1100s (book) 35
- Fraser, W. M., circulators for Hinkley Point B power station 473
- Frazer-Nash BMW motor cars 936
- Free Fall corer for sampling of ocean bed 262
- Free foil element development, Birmingham University 105
- Freeman, Fox and Partners, rebuilding of Grosvenor Bridge 1063
- Tinsley Viaduct 624
- Freeman, H. G., on Taschenworterbuch: Eisen und
- Stahl (book) 561
- Freight container. See Container
- Freight transport planning and control, by M. S. V Turner (book) 1083
- Freightliner containers. Cryoguard refrigerant for 924
- French curve, adjustable, Acu-Arc 644
- French, W. and C., Ltd., flyover erection at Movers Lane 137
- Frenkel defect 405
- Frequency converters, ac static, Mawdsley's 787 Frequency modulation, telemetry with 304 Fresia, snow plough 170
- snow roller 172
- Friction testing apparatus, Davenport 1074
- Friedrichs, K. 0., on Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations (book) 997
- Friemann and Wolf GmbH, 4101 lamp for filming and photography 790
- Frieseke and Hoepfner, counter tubes 640 dust monitor 862
- Frigate, marine gearbox for. Brown Gear Industries 696
- Frua AC428 motor car 458
- Fuel. See under specific types of fuel
- Fuel cell, as combustion monitor, Westinghouse Electric 980
- Brush-Shell 934
- international study symposium on (Brussels) 562 Fuel cell module, hydrogen/air. Energy Conversion 843
- Fuel diversification for power stations 576
- Fuel injection, Tecalemit-Jackson system 52, 54
- Fuel system test rig for Concorde supersonic airliner 394. Letter 495
- Ful-Braiz tube production and handling 725 Fuller level indicator and control 149 Fulton (Tl) Ltd., Ful-Braiz tube, production handling 725
- Fulvia motor car. See Lancia Fulvia
- Fume cabinet, Aberdeen 356
- Fume extract/air input unit, Pacair 550
- Fume sampling in foundry atmospheres 418 Fume scrubbers, Placon C Type 948 Fundamentals of creep and creep-rupture in metals by F. Garofalo (book) 561
- Furnace
- and stove insulation (trade publication) 36 box, heavy-duty, Hedin Furnaces 988 electric, hydraulic platform for access to, Simon Engineering 939
- 2,000 C 819
- electric arc. Project Sapphire scheme for 982 electric melting and holding, conference on, BCIRA 914
- gas-fired, for shrinking gunmetal liner on ship's shaft 1076
- rotary-hearth, AEI-Birlec Ltd. 549 heat-treatment. Blocky, for nickel-molybdenum steel tube 591
- 3,000° C horizontal graphite element, Spembly 144
- vacuum, with liquid quench. Brew 398 'clam-shell'. Brew 683
- vertical, Hedin Furnaces 435 Furnace-charging machine, mobile 989 Furnace tap-hole drill. Atlas Copco 358
- Furnas hydroelectric scheme explosion, F. H. Lyra and W. MacGregor 252
- Furneaux, J. C., photogrammetry 778
- Furniture, office, PU Work Station, Design Centre award 774
- Furniture industry, computers and data processing in, conference on 958
- Fuse(s), high rupture capacity. Switchgear Equipment 595
- Fuse-switchgear, JunoPlan 735
- Minilink, AEI 989
- Fyson, C. J. R. and Son, metric system 721
- Fyson, R. 0., guide to metrication 623
- and
- and
- G-Loc mechanical splice for joining reinforcing bars 33
- Galbraith, R. F., and Partners, spiral-ramp underground car park 808
- Galdabini straightening press 519
- Gale, W. K. V., on British Iron and Steel Industry (book) 481
- Galileo modular system for patient monitoring 463 Gallicop universal copying lathe 552
- Gallium phosphide diode for laser signalling 165 Galvanized steel, hot, in agriculture (trade publication) 36
- painting hot dip (trade publication) 190 Galvanizing conference, ZDA 364
- Gamma engines for Black Arrow satellite launcher 574
- Gantt chart in critical path analysis 483
- Gardners Transformers Ltd., Alpha series transformers 910
- Lilliput series transformers 910 Garigliano nuclear power station 496 Garnham, Wenham and Co. Ltd., Armourcote nonstick coating 781
- Garofalo, F., on Fundamentals of Creep and Creeprupture in Metals (book) 561
- Gas(es)
- as reactor coolant, G. Melese-d'Hospital and P. Fortescue 472
- flue, sulphur dioxide removal in 101 high-pressure, as heat transfer medium, symposium 472
- natural. See Natural gas town. See Town gas see also under specific types of gas
- Gas appliance(s) adaptable to natural gas 254 Gas appliance fluing (trade publication) 190 Gas chromatography. Chromalog for 464 Gas chromatography apparatus, M.E.L. 600 Gas control points, Gas-Flo interchangeable, Duke of Edinburgh's prize for elegant design 774 Gas cooling in nuclear power plant, symposium 472
- Gas Council
- flexible locking tee for small-bore pipe 994 gas appliance fluing (trade publication) 190 investment programme model 244 natural gas conversion 854, 857 swimming pool gas heating (trade publication) 482
- Gas cylinder HE608, Design Centre award 773 Gas fire. Crystalglow, natural gas conversion
- Gas Miser Slimline radiant convector Cannon 427
- Highspeed G, natural gas conversion 254 Gas-Flo interchangeable gas control points,
- Gasket strip, Glazepta 1028
- Gasway Corp., metal strip coating production line 684
- Gasworks, Grangetown, logical control in automation of 467
- Gatwick. See London Airport
- Gauge, air, high-pressure, Atag 435 short-term trends 411 vacuum, McLeod-type 955 Pirani Model-9 1 50 see also under specific types of gauge
- Gauge block service (trade publication) 76 Gauging, multi, equipment, Mitronic Multigauge 692
- Gear, epicyclic, flexible pin, COG 206
- Gear control mechanisms, Carter Gears 653 Gear drives (trade publication) 656 Gear-hobbing machine, rotary, Lees-Bradner Gear pumps, Turolla series-E 516 Gear shaving machine, OS12 range Gear tester, involute, Carl Zeiss 31 Gearbox, epicyclic flexible pin, COG for coal handling plant, test rig for Hewland LG500 52 linear converter, Bloctube 826 marine, for frigate. Brown Gear Industries ZF six-speed synchromesh 589
- Gearing, precision, by G. W. Michalec (book)
- 227
- 206
- 229
- 147
- 696
- 113
- 254 inset.
- Duke
- of Edinburgh's prize for elegant design 774 Gas flowmeters, Drallim 74 Gas heat source, Humphreys 1073 Gas heating, swimming pool (trade publication) 482
- Gas industry, position and prospects 244
- Gas laser, Lyons 33
- Gas liquefier, miniature 221
- Gas Miser Slimline radiant convector inset gas fire. Cannon 427
- Gas quality, Wobbe Index for 1021
- Gas turbine. See Turbine
- Gas welding. See Welding Gas works. See Gasworks Gaseous filtration, ARL 691 Gasiorek,J. M.,on Mechanicsof FluidsforMechanical Engineers (book) 1083
- Gasiorowicz, S., on Elementary Particle Physics (book) 75
- Gasket(s) and joints (trade publication) 1036
- Gearwheels, precision (trade publication) 1084 Gebr, Stork and Co. NV, natural gas-fired boiler research 806
- GEC (Domestic Equipment) Ltd., washing machine with electronic control 293
- GEC (Electronics) Ltd., telemetry control of underground pipeline 304
- thyristors 825 transistor mobile transceiver 1047 UK3 satellite, ultra violet radiation information 759
- GEC (Process Engineering) Ltd., lifts for Q4 liner 14
- GEC Telecommunications, pulse code modulation telephone equipment 621-622
- GEC (Transformers) Ltd., transducter for static compensator 348
- Gemini air heater (trade publication) 834 Gemini spacecraft, films during flight of 494 General Atomic Division. See under General Dynamics
- General Descaling Co. Ltd., meter provers in pipeline 141
- pipeline cleaning and clearing pig 649
- General Dynamics, F-111K strike and reconnaissanceaircraft 157
- zinc-air battery 204
- General Electric Co. Ltd., electric motor control and distribution boards 987
- S2 computer. Atlas computer labcratory 333 test plant for large fans for power stations 357 underground railway train C5, Stockholm 48 General Electric Co. (US)
- Bull Run power station 895 Frame 3 gas turbine 1062 Frame 8 gas turbine 1062 John Day Project 547 Paradise-3 power station 896 production of industrial gas turbines 1061 General Electric Research and Development Centre, Magair rechargeable battery 954 photodeposition of polymer thin films 953 General-Electro Mechanical Corp., computer- controlled riveting machine for Boeing 737 jet transport aircraft 1069
- General Engineering Co. (Radcliffe) Ltd., internal cooling mandrel unit 986
- General Motors Corp., Astro 1 experimental coup6 motor car 634
- fluid logic devices in refrigerator production 477 man-air-ox system for motor-car exhaust control 214
- General Post Office
- ball memory unit for parcel sorting 821 computer network service 567 Goonhilly aerial-2 290 noise impulse counter 271 optical character recognition equipment for National Giro 378
- pneumatically-actuated mole 1082
- pulse code modulation telephone equipment 621-622
- telecommunications developments 91. Letter 419
- telecommunications expansion 95
- see also Telephone; Telephone exchange General Precision Systems Ltd., BAC One-Eleven aircraft flight simulator 65
- company history and activities 66
- Generating devices, thermoelectric current, Plessey 593
- Generating plant production, Westinghouse Electric Corp. 454
- Generating set(s), diesel. Petbow 359
- 950 MW, Bull Run power station 894-898 static stand-by, AEI 269
- Generator(s)
- ac brushless rotating-rectifier 57, 59 aircraft, constant speed drive for 927
- English Electric 57
- with liquid cooling, English Electric 304 de brushless, for aircraft 60
- diesel, Vulcan engines for, English Electric 1026 flywheel magneto, Novi 587
- gas-turbine, for Oldbury nuclear power station 380
- MHD, in nuclear gas-turbine cycle 209 petrol-engine driven, ED-250 147 smoke, Genie 70
- steam, portable, DE25, Karcher 785 tachometer, instrument de electric motors and,
- Muirhead 221
- turbo, for Hinkley Point B nuclear power station, AEI 628
- 300 MW, electronic governor control system for 551
- 660 MW, electronic governor control system for 551
- welding, Reyrolle 609
- see also Alternator; Turbo
- Generator equipment for Q4 liner 13
- Generator transformer, transport of, by Aberthaw
- Fisher sha'Iow-draught vessel 1 048 Geneva Salon motor show, exhibits at 420, 458 Genie smoke generator 70
- Gent and Co. Ltd., electric bell with contactless movement 479
- Gentilly nuclear power station 255
- Geometric analysis of engineering designs, manual for, by C. A. Gladman (book) 75
- Geophysics, radioisotope instruments in industry and, by J. F. Cameron and T. Florkowski (book) 113
- Geothermal power station, Larderello 496
- Russia 859
- Gerard, F. A., on Higher Calculus (book) 279 Gerber automatic draughting machine 208. Letter 419
- German-English dictionary of iron and steel, by
- H. G. Freeman (book) 561
- Germanium semiconductor devices 657 Germany, machine-tool exhibits 224
- West, exhibits at Physics Exhibition 639 Gerrard, J., and Sons Ltd., spiral-ramp underground car park 808
- Gerritsen, J. C., plastics industry 414
- GerstI, Engineers: the Anatomy of a Profession 571 Gestetner Duplicators Ltd., stencil cutter 693 Gianinni V8 motor car engine 54
- GIB Precision Ltd., transmission torque limiters
- (trade publication) 482
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, barrage study at
- Morecambe Bay and Solway Firth 158 Gibberd, F., Liverpool Cathedral (R.C.) 712-713 Gibbins, G. S., successful injection moulding 273 Gibbs-Smith, C. H., on Directory and Nomenclature of the First Aeroplanes 1809-1 909 (book) 35 on Aeronautics (book) 481
- Gibson, N., increased fees for overseas students 124
- Gifford, E. W. H., and Partners, Danish Great Belt crossing bridge 766
- model exhibition at, ICE 1052
- Ginetta G12 motor car 52
- Girder members, single piece, for trailers, PDS 1029 Girling Ltd., electronic road weighbridge 947 Giro, National,currentaccount banking service 378 GKN Bolts and Nuts Ltd., ISO Metric threads 68 GKN Engineering Equipment Ltd., Unimate mechanical arm 457
- GKN Foundations Ltd., Bodine Resonant Pile Driver 867
- GKN Group, Servowarm 40 central heating system 621
- GKN Laboratories, ultrasonic inspection equipment for semi-finished products 470
- GKN Rolled and Bright Steel Ltd., Quiklok pneu
- matic strapping tool 1081
- GKN Screws and Fasteners Ltd., ISO Metric threads 68
- Glacier-Herbert sterngear system 732
- Glacier Metal Co., bearings examination under load 347
- Glacier-Herbert sterngear system 732
- Gladman, C. A., on Manual for Geometric Analysis of Engineering Designs (book) 75
- Glasgow, traffic control by computer 338 Glasgow University, two-phase flow and heat transfer course 1084
- Glass, depth hardening of 48 drawn, resistors from 903 sealing. Corning Code-4070 32
- Glass Bulbs Ltd., Badalex equipment for flask production 310
- Glass cane drawing equipment, Electrosil Glass fibre reinforcement in tunnel linings Glass fibre rod tension insulator 644
- Glass hemispheres for "Deepview" deep-diving research vehicle 48
- Glass, H. M., metrication ; preparing for the change 1012
- Glass-mat sheets, polyester, for insulation, Silu- minite 220
- Glass office buildings, air-conditioning in 1011 Glass-reinforced plastics. See Plastics
- Glass Sealing Co. Ltd., Glazepta gasket strip 1028 Glass tubing for air preheaters (trade publication) 998
- Glassoff, M., successful injection moulding 273 Glazepta gasket strip 1028
- Gledhill, J. R., aircraft electrical systems 60 little power stations in tomorrow's aircraft 88
- Gleeson, M. J. (Contractors) Ltd., Wet Sleddale reservoir dam, Haweswater scheme 803
- Gloster Saro Ltd., road tanker in glass-fibre forced polyester resin 883
- Glueing, wood, dielectric heating 564
- Gnome Power Vane mobile compressor 475 Gold plating for satellite UK3 493
- Goldsmith, M., Science of Science Foundation Goodeve, Sir Charles, Spray Steelmaking Ltd. Goods handling (trade publication) 36
- Goodson, A. E., telescopic model making 778 Goodyear Pumps Ltd., pumping of sensitive emulsions 776
- Goonhilly aerial-2 290
- Gordini engines, Renault, Aerotrain with 458 Gordon, Alex, and Partners, steel dwelling construction systems 535
- Gorman, Siebe, six-stage compressor 1023 Gorres, Peter, shield arc mig welding set 610 Gotland converter system, thyristor stack in 951 Gould, J., exporting to USA 246
- Governor, electronic, control system for turbogenerators 551
- Grab, crane, for use in refuse incineration plant 505 for use with digger/trencher, GSM/K 1020 lifting, soft-jaw. Tigrip 232
- Gradall G-600 hydraulic excavator (trade publication) 364, 834
- Grader, potato, high-speed. Lockwood 163 Gradhermetic SAE, metal strip coating production line 684
- Graham Clark lecture. Lord Bowden 664
- Grain losses due to insects, nuclear radiation remedy for 68
- Grain terminal at Tilbury docks, Spencer 707 Granby, Paul, and Co. Ltd., 4,000 ton hydraulic screw press 111
- Grangemouth refinery expansion, British Petroleum 159
- Grangetown gas works, logical control in automation of 467
- Granular feeder. Western Machinery 70 Granulator, plastics, Homa Engineering 985 Graphitization, diamond (trade publication) 958 Grass cutter, tractor-mounted. Hillside 924. Letter 1048
- Grasslin Dieter, hour counters 107
- Gravity, acceleration due to, determination of, NBS 176
- Gray-Campling Ltd., crane load positioning tool (trade publication) 872
- Gray, J. L., CANDU nuclear reactor 258
- Gray, J. M., steam steering gear 6
- Gray, R. H., against the complete engineer 56 Great Belt crossing competition, Denmark 766 Great Northern Railway, history of, by C. H. Grinling (book) 363
- Greater London Council
- approval of motorway between Hackney Wick and Willesden 251
- glass-reinforced plastic bathroom pods 1046 housing scheme 157
- hydraulic model for C-ring road immersed-tube tunnel study 573
- Thamesmead new town 412
- Greater London Public Health Services Committee, refuse incineration plant 505
- Green, F. B., traffic control by computer 340 Greener harpoon gun 802
- Greenland, K. M., thin-film optics 876
- Greenspan, D., on Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations (book) 561
- Greer, A., on Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering Technicians (book) 561
- Gregory, S. A., on Design Method (book) 75
- Griffiths, L., computing engineer, Rolls-Royce 1008
- Grinding, electrolytic profile, of turbine blades 305 Grinding Improvements (Edinburgh) Ltd., Deprag
- KH151 pneumatic edge planer 729
- Rekki expanding rubber wheel 729
- Grinding machine
- abrasive, using cubed construction technique. Snow 981
- belt, Ellis Brothers 475
- Mark III LohWG, for indexable inserts 1078 surface (trade publication) 914
- vertical surface, BPV80 227
- Grinding wheel(s), cold pressed (trade publication) 872
- Grinding wheel dresser. Boardman 1081
- Grinling, C. H., on History of the Great Northern Railway (book) 363
- Groningen implantable pacemaker, Vitatron Dieren 464
- Grosvenor Bridge, pier construction 1065 rebuilding of 1063
- Grotnes Machine Works Inc., metal forming machines 266
- Ground Engineering Ltd., concrete drilling (trade publication) 698
- Group project work for student apprentices, K. Addison 620
- Group training. See Training
- Group training centre, Hounslow 451
- Grouting processes 1 93, 1 94
- Grover, N. C., on Stream Flow (book) 401
- Grundy, R. H., Euler loads. Letter 56
- Guard(s), press, photo-electric operation of, Udal 175
- Guardian, heavy duty relays 108
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds Ltd., Dynaflow coldforging process 827
- Gugeler, A., porcelain to meta! adherence research programme 467
- Guide to the 8 mm loop film, by G. H. Powell and L. S. Powell (book) 561
- Guide to uncommon metals, by E. N. Simons (book) 655
- Guillotine, automatic 48 in., Wallis 908 Hydrashear 729
- Gullick Ltd., expansion of 767
- Seaman hydraulically-powered advancing pit support 767
- Guma Dam, Freetown 202
- Guma Valley Water Co., Guma Dam, Freetown 202 Gun, harpoon. Greener 802
- heat. Headquarter and General Supplies 948 needle, for descaling and rust removal 649
- Gunclean system for cleaning of tanks 509 Gunmetal liner, shrinking on ship's shaft 1076 Gunn, A. W. R., origins of critical path analysis 536 Gunn-effect oscillator, Mullard 30
- Gunter, R., industrial accidents 753
- Gurney, J. D., cooling tower 750. Letter 925
- Cooling Towers (book) 441
- Gutbrod, snow-shifting turbine 170
- Guy, J. J., Solution of Problems in Automatic Control (book) 317
- Guyson Industrial Equipment, high-pressure air coupling 594
- GWB Furnaces Ltd., Project Sapphire scheme for electric arc furnaces 982
- Gypsum slurry, Extrudex unplasticised pvc pipe for 468
- Gyro system (trade publication) 236
- Gyro two-wheel motor car 635
- Gyronaut X-1 motorcycle 635
- Habegger Engineering Works, Ltd., Minirail systems for Expo 67 exhibition 423
- Habitat-67 pavilion, Expo-67 63 Hadfields Group, pulverizing plant 506 Hadland, John (PI) Ltd., image tube camera negative processing machines 398
- Haefely, 1 MV electron microscopes 555
- Hagerty, W. W., on Engineering Mechanics (book) 833
- Hagglund, AB, and Soner, underground railway train C5, Stockholm
- Hagglund Industrial
- 607
- Hagglund-Simon
- 607
- hand-portable butt welding tractor 607 Haigh, R. D., engineer in process industry 665 Halberg, vertical oil-less compressor 789 Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, floatable tower for Royal Sovereign Shoal Correction 575
- Victoria Line underground railway 148
- Hall Engineering Ltd., Multi-Weld press for motor-car underbody 392
- Hall and Hall Ltd., Dri-rod V-pack hydraulic seal for piston rods 316
- Hall and Pickles Ltd., electroslag refining plants 188
- Hall synchro, Muirhead 598
- Halmatic Ltd., HM-2 rigid sidewall hovercraft 290 Hovercraft hull and superstructure construction 342
- Halpin, J. F., on Zero Defects (book) 1083
- Hamilton, D. R. L., information requirements of mechanical engineers 532
- Hamilton, J. A. B., on British Railway Accidents of the Twentieth Century (book) 363
- Hamilton, Peter, Equipment, Hy-Mac 580B excavator, Design Centre award 773
- Hammer, drop, friction, sprung foundation for 821 Hamworthy Engineering Ltd., flue gas recirculation equipment 637
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers) Ltd., numerically- controlled contouring control unit 608 rotary flame planing head 990
- Hand rails, light-alloy (trade publication) 1084 Handilift elevating platform 476 Handley Page Ltd., Jetstream HP137 aircraft, design and construction 300 production activities 300 Victor Mk. II aircraft, generators in 59
- Handling, bulk swarf 1024 goods (trade publication) 36
- Handling equipment, pallet (trade publication) 76 swarf, at Halewood plant. Ford Motor Co. 938 Handy Angle. See Link 51 Ltd.
- Handy range oil-free compressors and pumps 948
- Hangar, aircraft, Brize Norton 130 Hanover Fair, exhibits at 736, 787
- Hanson, C., computer to gauge river flow HARCO system of navigation 90 Hard surfacing, oxy-acetylene pistol for Hardening, induction heating process 525 Hardening equipment, automated pin, Radyne screwdriver blade, Intertherm 145
- Hardening machine, shaft, Delapena 231
- Hardness testing equipment, ultrasonic. Sonodur Type-1851 29
- Harefield Power Handling Ltd., Portair air-operated sliding doors 954
- Harland and Wolff Ltd., Danly Synchromatic press line for production of sheet steel body panels 775
- gas furnace for shrinking liners on ship's shafts 1076
- Loch Avon cargo ship 1076
- Harmer and Simmons Cyclocat gas-electronic controlled battery charger 973
- Harmstorf, Rudolph, GmbH, air-bubble oil barrier system 621
- Harness, wiring, fabricating system, Thomas and Betts 775
- Harness test blocks, Rockwell 988
- Harperizer deburring and surface finishing machine, VS High G 790
- Harpoon gun. Greener 802
- Harries, J. D. S., picture phones 56
- Harrington, A. W., on Stream Flow (book) 401 Harris, A. I., Labour Mobility in Great Britain
- Heather Filters Ltd., air filter with removable filter brushes 1072
- Heathrow. See London Airport Heathway Engineering Co. Ltd., fluid logic devices in refrigerator production 477
- Heating and hot-water services, by E. W. Shaw (book) 441
- and ventilating control system, Servogyr 901 andventilatingequipment,short-termtrends 411 central, control unit, housing for 1075 off-peak electricity, core temperature control 392
- Servowarm 40 system 621 warm-air, Electricaire 49 dielectric, applications of 564 definition of 563 electrode systems for 564 Engineering Outline 563 frequency effect 563 generation 564 industrial users 566 installation 564 materials suitable for 563 principles of 563 selective heating 564 trade publication 612 district, Ogmore and Garw 1 27 electric resistance (book) 401 gas, swimming pool (trade publication) 482 induction, advantages 523 applications 526 cost savings 526 definition 523 efficiency 524 Engineering Outline 523 frequency choice 523 generation 523 hardening process 525 installation 524 power outputs 525 presenting the workpiece 525 skin effect in 524 spinning by 819 uses 523 solar, for school at Wallasey 48 warm air system. Airflam N15 112 work coil construction 524
- Heating element, electrical. Cooper Electroheat 651 Heating equipment, induction. Intertherm 1032 short-term trends 966
- Hedin Furnaces Ltd., heavy-duty box furnace 988 Hi-Low temperature test cabinets 869 vertical furnaces 435
- Heenan and Froude Ltd., incineration equipment for refuse disposal 505
- Height, F., electric convector heaters. Design Centre award 774
- Height meter and compasses, Suunto Oy Helatorque torque-limiting device for plastic fixings 185 Helicon Mark 4 speed reducers 912 Helicopter. See Aircraft Helicopter Patrol Craft Ltd., HPC-H1 patrol craft 343
- Hestenes, M. R., on Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory (book) 745
- Heurchrome SA, chromium diffusion process for corrosion protection 858
- Hewett-Emmett, A., spectroscopy 240 Hewitt's, Zed-2 system precast building 292 Hewland LG500 gearbox 52
- Hewton, J. T., computer-controlled traffic system 340
- Hexylene glycol (trade publication) 152 Heyligenstaedt and Co., sliding-bed lathes 362 Heywood, S. H,, and Co., guide rollers on gantry cranes 682
- Standard Telemotive system for radio-controlled overhead crane 902
- HFB, Fokker F-28 Fellowship short-haul airliner 844
- Hick Hargreaves and Co. Ltd., rotary positive blowers 519
- steel-degassing plant 941
- Hicks, M., flat look for fluidics 10
- Hicks, R. J., flexible pin epicyclic gear 206
- Hicks,T. G.,on Successful Engineering Management (book) 521
- Spray Steelmaking Ltd. 751
- Hidaway flush cistern 34
- Higgs and Hill Ltd., Queen Elizabeth Hall 296 High-frequency equipment for tube welding, Delapena 604
- High pressure(s), chemical reactions at, by M. B. Donald (book) 997
- High pressure apparatus, STL 1079
- Highspeed G gas fire, natural gas conversion 254 Highway. See Road
- Highway engineering, by R. Ashworth (book) 113 Highway programme, ICE 83
- Higman, B., on Comparative Study of Programming Languages(book) 1035
- Hilger-IRD Ltd., heat treatment atmosphere control (trade publication) 402
- Hilger and Watts Ltd., map plotter Mkll, Design Centre award 771
- Hilken, T. J. N., Engineering at Cambridge University (review) 571
- Hill 'Acme Kling Metalworker' (trade publication) 280
- Hill, E. C., degradation of oil emulsions 983
- Hill, G. B., on Cooling Towers : Principles and Practice (book) 871
- Hille Engineering Co. Ltd., sheet metal testing machine 693
- Hillier, J. A., road traffic control by computer 3-38 Hillman estate car, Rootes 622
- Hillman Imp Californian motor car 49
- Hillman Minx motor car, Rootes group 128 Hill's equation, by W. Magnus and S. Winkler (book) 35
- Hills, McAuley and Chandler Ltd., Airflam N15 warm air heating system 112
- Hillsida tractor-mounted grass cutter 924. Letter 1048
- Hiloflow peristaltic pump 307
- Hi-Low temperature test cabinets 869
- Hind, J. A., on Ships' Gear (book) 521 Hinkley Point B nuclear power station 408 circulators, W. M. Fraser 473 construction permission granted 195 contract award 377
- contracts 407
- electronic governor control system for 660 MW turbo-generators 551
- turbo-generator plant 628
- Hi-Proof stainless steels (trade publication) 1036 Hirschmann, F., Ltd., machine tools for arc welding 608
- Hispano Suiza motor-car production 892
- History of mechanical engineering, highlights from, engineering heritage Vol. 2, by E. G. Semler (book) 35
- Hi-Style range bulkhead lighting fitting 694 Hitachi, air conditioners and refrigerators 831 Hives, M. C. Ltd., bearings (trade publication) 698 Hi-Weld, hydraulic platform, Hagglund-Simon 607 HMA Machine Tools Ltd., machine tools from Hungary 224
- H.M.C. Wheels Ltd., turntable castor units 956 Hobart Brothers (Great Britain) Ltd., mig arc wire feeder 606
- Hobbing, gear, machine, rotary, Lees-Bradner 147 Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., vibration testing machine for ball bearings 902
- Holbrook, J. G., on Lapalace Transforms for Electronic Engineers (book) 791
- Holland, F. A., on Pumping of Liquids (book) 481 Hollins Thomson, bulk cleaning of overalls 453 Holman Brothers Ltd.
- air-bubble oil barrier system 621
- All-Square cylinders 727
- Maxalog fluid logic equipment 727 pneumatic units for automation 727 Silver 90 rock drill 1031
- Holman Group, pumping of sensitive emulsions 776
- Holmes, N. A., flow control in reactor fuel channels 472
- Holmes, W. C., Ltd., Project Sapphire scheme for electric arc furnaces 982
- Holroyd, John, and Co. Ltd., machine 145
- Verso worm-gear speed reducer wormgear speed reduction units
- Homa Engineering Ltd., Homalon Noiseless dustrial castors 73
- plastics granulator 985
- Homalon Noiseless industrial castors 73
- 'Homes in Steel' Exhibition (Albany House) 535 Honda, ED250 petrol-engine driven generator 147 F25 domestic tractor 673
- F90 diesel tractor 673
- N5000 Mini-type motor car 421
- S800 motor car 935
- Honeywell Controls Ltd., automatic control for vacuum boiling of sugar 429
- Electricaire off-peak electricity central heating system core temperature control 392 integrated circuit logic packs 824 proximity switch 439
- 24K modei-1 20 computer 704
- Honing machines, hand-operated, Delapena 731 Hook, C., on Hydrofoils (book) 997
- Hoover, Filmsort microfilm aperture card system 1 0 Hope's Heating and Engineering Ltd., Cowlex low- silhouette extract ventilators 825
- HVP range of automatic gas burners 644 Hopper, integral bulk, Duramin 181
- Hopper unit, preheating and predrying. Cole 435 Horseley-Piggott (Coatings) Ltd., anti-corrosion coatings (trade publication) 698
- Horsley, R. A., impact failure 180
- Hoskyns, John, and Co., computers for mediumsized firms 527
- Hospital intensive care unit, RADA 695
- Hospital lighting fitting, Courtney, Pope 695 Hot-air engine, Stirling cycle 934
- Hot Dip Galvanizers Association, hot galvanized steel in agriculture (trade publication) 36
- Hot rod diameter measuring device 938 Hot-water cylinder, stainless steel 349
- Hotpoint Ltd., Iced Diamond refrigerators 85 and 105, Design Centre award 774
- Hounslow Group Training Centre 451
- Hour counters, industrial, Camerer Cuss 743 Parimpex 107
- House(s), Bison Wall Frame system 969
- House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology 324
- Housing, GLC-Swindon agreement 157
- Housing and Local Government, Ministry of, conference on condensation problems in domestic buildings 174
- Houwink, R., plastics industry 414
- Hoverbed for burns cases 968
- Hoverclub of Great Britain, activities of 244 Hovercraft
- choice for ferry service 331. Letter 379 Denny D2 hoverbus 341
- design developments 341. Letter 379 development as sport 244
- glass fibre hull, non-amphibious. Hovermarine 290
- HD1, Hovercraft Development 341
- HM1, Hovermarine 343
- HM2, Hovermarine 342 rigid sidewall 290
- HM3, Hovermarine 342, 343
- HM4, Hovermarine 342
- Hovermarine, rigid sidewall range 341
- John Player's interest in 244 tracked, promotion of 845
- Hovercraft Development Ltd., HD1 hovercraft HM-2 rigid sidewall hovercraft 290 Hoverbed for burns cases 968
- Hovermarine Ltd.
- HM1 hovercraft
- HM2 hovercraft
- HM3 hovercraft
- HM4 hovercraft 342
- rigid sidewall hovercraft 341
- How British industry buys: an inquiry, by H. Buckner(book) 447, 611
- Howard, C., NCB international department 570 Howard Farrow Construction Ltd., Bison Wall Frame system for houses and flats 969 Howard Harvestore Products Ltd., sealed silos 631 Howard, John, Ltd., grain terminal at Tilbury docks 707
- Howden, James, and Co. Ltd., refrigeration compressors 958
- test plant for large fans for power stations Howe Richardson Scale Co. Ltd., pigment 868
- Hoy Carbides Ltd., carbide and ceramic indexable inserts 1078
- Hoybide-Unisix toolholder 1078
- Mark III LohWG grinding machine for indexable inserts 1078
- Hoybide-Unisix toolholder 1078 Hoyer automatic tank gauge 853 Hoynor Ltd., Transloader Mk III convertible motor car transporter 400
- HS 801 maritime patrol aircraft 59
- Huang, T. C., on Engineering Mechanics Vol. 1 (book) 745
- Hudson, Leedsall low-loading dump truck 735 Hudson, Robert, Processes and Equipment Ltd., Atlas-MaK brick-splitting machine 476
- Hudswell Clarke and Co. Ltd., diesel hydraulic locomotives 110
- Powerstor Drawstack storage system 683 Hudswell Yates Development Ltd., Badger Minor trenchless drainlayer 554
- Hufschmidt, M. M., on Simulation Techniques for Design of Water Resource Systems (book) 401 Huggins Laboratories, Mark 1 Infrascope radiation thermometers 440
- Hughes, F. A. and Co. Ltd., bursting discs (trade publication) 792
- Hiloflow peristaltic pump 307 Hughes, J. W., Oldbury nuclear power station Hull, and sail design in yachts, research grants glass-reinforced plastics, for large 51 2 Hull form of Q4 liner, model tests on 12 Hull, P., on The Vintage Alvis 791 . Hull resistance research, NPL 538 Human joints, lubrication and wear in 114 Humidifier, air, Felvic 186 Humphreys Corp., gas heat source 1 073 Humphreys, Howard, and Sons, Guma Dam, town 202
- Humphreys, W. E., condensation remedies 174 Hunslet Group, electric reach truck 831 Hunslet (Holdings) Ltd., Barrymount Serva-LevI isolation system 683
- Hunt, C. H., domestic condensation attacked 419 Hunterston nuclear power station, fish rearing in cooling-water outfall 249
- Hupfield Brothers Ltd., Simplex moulding machine with one shot lubrication 860
- Husband and Co., Goonhilly aerial-2 290 Husky estate car, Rootes 622 Husky Oil Consortium, leg sections for Deep Tide drilling platform 1061
- Hutchings, Donald, Engineering Science at the University (booklet) 663
- Hutchinson, J., Aberfan inquiry 667 Hutton, Engineers: the Anatomy of a Profession 571
- 'Hydra-cut' 200 bandsaw (trade publication) 318 Hydraforce full circle slewing hydraulic excavators 786
- Hydramold rubber compression moulding press 870
- Hydrashear guillotines 729
- Hydraulic, and electro-hydraulic servo systems, by R. Walters (book) 655
- diesel, locomotives, Hudswell Clarke 110 Hydraulic bench press, Wasa 729 Hydraulic control systems, by H. E. Merritt (book) 1083
- Hydraulic cylinders. Exactor 955
- Hydraulic digger, heavy duty, BXT55c, Traktex 786 Hydraulic Engineering Co. Ltd., Deva automatic refuse compressor 500
- Hydraulic equipment (trade publication) 114 Hydraulic excavators, full circle slewing. Hydraforce 786
- trade publication 364, 834 wheeled, John Deere 786
- Hydraulic jacks and control console for structures
- testing 175
- Hydraulic lifting tables (trade publication) 442 Hydraulic loading shovel, Weatherill 1033 Hydraulic model for C-ring road immersed-tube tunnel study 573
- Hydraulic platform, for access to electric furnace,
- Simon Engineering 939
- Hagglund-Simon Hi-Weld 607
- Hydraulic power unit, Fraser 912
- Hydraulic press. See Press
- Hydraulic press brakes, Elga Hydrapress 144
- Promecam 729
- trade publication 656
- Hydraulic pump. See Pump
- Hydraulic screw press, 4,000 ton, Hasenclever 111 Hydraulic seal for piston rods, Dri-rod V-pack 316 Hydraulics and sanitary engineering course 746 Hydraulics research laboratory. Walker Crosweller
- Group 636
- Hydraulics test bench, Cussons-Ricardo 934 Hydro-couple low-load front loading semi-trailer
- 234
- Hydroelectric power scheme. Foyers works, conversion of 1046
- Hydroelectric power scheme explosion, Furnas, F. H. Lyra and W. MacGregor 252
- Hydrofeeds front cutting sawing machines 729 Hydrofoil(s), by C. Hook and A. C. Kermode (book) 997
- Hydrofoil gunboat Tucumcari, water jet propulsion pump for 759
- Hydrofoil vessel. Albatross 346
- market prospects 346
- Ocean Ranger 346
- Sea Ranger 344 Letter 379
- Hydrogen, liquid (book) 35
- Hydrogen analyser. De La Rue 687
- Hydrogen chloride gas, electronic grade. Air
- Products 516
- Hydrogen diffusion unit, Johnson Matthey 1031 Hydro-Quebec, ac transmission for power station in Manicouagan-aux-Outardes scheme 533
- Churchill River power transmission project 815 nuclear power station, Gentilly 255
- Hydrostatic power steering, McCormick International B-164 tractor with. International Harvester 315 Letter 379
- Hydrostatic tractor transmission, Taurodyne 218 Hydrostatic variable-speed transmissions. Carter
- Gears 653
- Hydrosteer Ltd., power-assisted steering gear 381, 382
- Hydrovane mobile compressor 988
- Hy-Mac 580B excavator. Design Centre award 773 Hymatic Engineering Co. Ltd., Hydrovane mobile compressor 988
- miniature gas liquefier 221
- packaged-unit compressor 361
- pneumatically-actuated mole 1082
- Hypoid drive for Rotterdam metro railway articulated units 822
- Hy-Vo chain drive 382
- IBM 1800 computer, Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory 1015
- IBM System/360 Computer in production of Matchbox toys 467
- Iced Diamond refrigerators 85 and 105, Design Centre award 774
- iCHCA Monthly Journal 317
- ICI Fibres Ltd., Ortix synthetic material for shoe uppers 333
- synthetic fibre ropes and V-belts (trade publication) 998
- yarn-tension control 101
- ICT-1901 computer. Design Centre award 773 lEE 289
- ICT-1902 computer, use with Gerber draughting machine 208
- ID-2 system colour photograph identity cards 86
- Ideal Home Exhibition (Olympia), exhibits at 378, 427
- Identity cards, ID-2 system colour photograph 86 Ignition, silicon-transistor, Beulah-Judson 86 Ignition system, electronic, Beulah-Judson Electronic Magneto 86
- llfobrom photographic enlarging papers 779 llfoprint processors. Design Centre awards 774
- Ilford Ltd., llfobrom photographic enlarging papers 779
- llfoprint processors. Design Centre awards 774 Illumination. See Lamp; Light; Lighting
- Imhof, Alfred, Ltd., cubicles and cases for housing of instruments 274
- Imp Californian motorcar, Hillman 49
- Impact failure, problem of, R. A. Horsley 180
- Impact tool for nuts and bolts 832
- Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.
- Alkathene polythene powder for Alkadrum container 645
- Arklone for cleaning electronic equipment 142 bulk cleaning of overalls 453
- Electrocoat painting line for petrol tanks 591 experimental productivity agreement 119-120 Homalon Noiseless industrial castors 73 Kematal acetal copolymer for seat belts 1029 mobile leak detection service 982 trichlorethylene degreasing and Trilac resin coating plant 777
- ultrasonic plant for cleaning electronic equipment for aircraft 142
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, health physics (radiation protection) summer school 998
- nuclear technology (chemical) postgraduate course 834
- postgraduate courses 327 summer school in health physics (radiation protection) 36
- Imperial Metal Industries (Kynoch) Ltd., explosion welding of titanium-clad steel sheet 26 rationalization 528
- trading report 528
- Imperial Typewriter Co., electric model 660 typewriter 760
- Imports, electrical engineering industry Impulsitor Turbo-fume exhaust
- 558
- INA Needle Bearings Ltd., SLO heavy radial and axial loads
- stainless steel needle bearing
- Incineration, VKW system of 506 Incineration equipment for refuse disposal, Heenan and Froude 505
- Incineration plant, refuse 505 crane grab for use in 505 International Combustion 505
- Incinerator, refuse, municipal. Middleton 506 Incomes policy, note on 242
- Indexing fixture, with drilling attachment, Tebo 1 82
- Wyler Tebo 182
- India, nuclear power station in 258
- Rajasthan nuclear power station 258 Indicator tubes, numerical, side viewing and end viewing, Mullard 515
- Induction furnace. See Furnace Induction heating. See Heating Induction motor. See Motor, electric
- Industrie (London) Ltd., type 353 Knight motor car 534-535
- Industrial accidents. See Accidents
- Industrial (Bearings) Ltd., conversion tables (trade publication) 442
- Industrial and Commercial Finance Corp., trading position 964
- Industrial Control Systems Ltd., automation equipment for capstan lathe 603
- Industrial Design Unit Ltd., Iced Diamond refrigerators 85 and 105, Design Centre award 774
- Industrial Development Corp., of South Africa, establishment of South Atlantic Cable Co. (Pty) Ltd. 711
- Industrial Diamond Information Bureau, diamond graphitization (trade publication) 958
- Industrial Efficiency, Electricity and. Lord Beeching 841
- Industrial Management Center, first annual seminar 834
- materials handling and physical distribution seminar (New York) 402
- Industrial Market Research Ltd., How British Industry Buys 447
- Industrial physics (government laboratories), conference on 402
- Industrial protection. Engineering Outlines 793, 835, 837
- Industrial Pumps Ltd., Flygt CS 75 portable sludge pump for sewage works 275
- Industrial Pyrometer Co. Ltd., temperature measuring and controlling instruments 651
- Industrial Reorganization Corp., investigation of telecommunications industry 43
- Industrial representation maps 703
- Industrial Safety Advisory Council 619, 753
- Industrial Training Boards, BACIE report
- Industrial Training International, Itex '67 training exhibition 620
- Industry and universities, collaboration 160
- Ineson, E., Development and Application of Very Strong Steels 428
- Information and management, Heinrich Nordhoff 662
- Information Processing, International Federation for, exhibition (Edinburgh) 1036
- Information requirements of mechanical engineers, survey 532
- Information science. City University 330
- Information System, Nuclear, International, IAEA 279
- Infradex Ltd., Boxer BS/1 industrial space heater 232
- Infrared equipment, Mullard 910
- Infrared heater for paint drying, Claudgen 146
- Infrared recording spectroradiometer, NBS 21
- Infrared spectrophotometer, Perkin-Elmer 553
- Infrascope, Mark 1, radiation thermometers 440 Ingersoll air-powered reciprocating-saw 270 Ingersoll-Rand, Ingersoll air-powered reciprocating saw 270
- Inglis Lock, Cross-Florida Barge Canal Ingot trailer, 1 5-ton, Roballo 435
- Injection moulding. See Moulding Injection moulding press, Meterjet-100 Inland waterways, for bulk transport in see also Canal; Navigation ; River
- Inner London Education Authority, closed-circuit television for schools 452
- Insects in grain, elimination by nuclear radiation 68 Inserts, carbide and ceramic indexable 1078
- Insley Industrial Ltd., self-locking clamp 560 Insolation and Fenestration (report) 1011
- Inspection, aspect in quality and reliability 979 automatic, of blanks by photodetector, British Scientific Instrument Research Association 392
- mechanized, of semi-finished products 470
- Inspection machine, coordinate, size 4, Design Centre award 771
- Instant Film Grease 2 lubricants 187
- Instant Film Paste lubricants 187
- Institute of Applied Technology, mathematical model of industry 141
- Institute of Economic Affairs, Political Economy of Nuclear Energy, D. Burn 718. Letter 803
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, conference on magnetic materials and their applications
- Institute of
- 447
- Institute of
- management, H. Nordhoff 662
- Institute of Physics and the Physical Society conference on : electron optics, instrumentation, and quantitative electron microscopy 958 industrial physics (government laboratories) 402 low-energy nuclear physics (Manchester) magnetic materials and their applications solid state devices 442 solid state physics 1084 waves in plasma 914
- Physics Exhibition (London), exhibits at 639, 689, 738
- Reportson Progressin Physics,1 966 (book)
- Institute of Plastics, plastics design engineering seminar 177
- Institute TNO of Delft, fluidics for numerical control of machine tools 106
- Institution of Agricultural Engineers, agricultural engineering symposium 834
- Institution of Chemical Engineers, automation in process industries (Amsterdam) 114 high-temperature chemical-reaction engineering 347
- Storage and Recovery of J. C. Richards (book) Institution of Civil Engineers appointment of Secretary
- conference on prestressed concrete pressure vessels 453-454
- conference on railway traffic engineering 839. Letter 926
- conversazione 1051 exhibition of engineering models and scientific apparatus 1051
- Furnas hydroelectric scheme explosion, F. H. Lyra and W. MacGregor 252 highway programme, discussion 83
- James Forrest Lecture on weather forecasting in industry, B. J. Mason 291
- proposals for sharing services and premises 289 structural failures at construction sites 761 symposium on road traffic control by computer 338
- symposium on storm-sewage overflows 318 Institution of Electrical Engineers
- colloquium on electric cars 674 conference on magnetic materials and their applications 76
- electricity supply in Italy, A. M. Angelini 496 Faraday Medal award to H, E. M. Barlow 44 honorary fellowship elections 44
- ICT 1901 computer 289 lEE wiring regulations 1010 symposium on road traffic control by computer 338
- Institution of Electrical and Electronics Technician
- Engineers, conference on modular education 1084
- Institution of Engineering Designers, Teaching
- Engineering Design (book) 279
- Institution of Engineering Inspection, conference on individual responsibility for quality 562
- Institution of Locomotive Engineers automatic train operation, by W. W. Maxwell and D. K. Ware 126
- British Railways workshops reorganization, R. C. S. Low 632, 669
- diesel locomotive design problems, by S. 0. Ell 67
- remarks by A. Wedgwood Benn 370
- Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture, D. McKenna 242
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers conference on combustion for power 1 90 conference on education and training of mechanical engineers 280, 522, 665
- conference on tribology in iron and steelworks 76 Diesel Engines ‘.Breathing and Combustion (book) 561
- elastohydrodynamic lubrication symposium (book) 113
- lubrication and wear in living artificial and human joints 114
- proposals for sharing services and premises 289 seminar on engineer in management 914 symposium on high-pressure gas as heat transfer medium 472
- symposium on road traffic control by computer 338
- Institution of Production Engineers, conference on individual responsibility for quality 562 metric standards in industry (pamphlet) 158 numerical control in modern industry 562
- Institution of the Rubber Industry, Quality Control in Rubber Industry (book) 997
- Institution of Sales Engineers, activities 703 industrial representation maps 703
- Institution of Water Engineers, Engineer's management course 656
- Institute Nacional de Insustria (INI), motor-car production 892
- Instron Ltd., Pogo extensometer 862 Instrument(s)
- control (trade publication) 318 cubicles and cases for housing of, Imhof 274 electrical, and parts (trade publication) 280 electronic, automation: year book and buyers guide 1 967 697
- measuring, from East Germany 31 trade publication 236
- radioisotope, in industry and geophysics, by J. F. Cameron and T. Florkowski (book) 113 Instrument cases, STC 108
- Instrument transformers, introduction to, by B. D. Jenkins (book) 401
- Instrumentation, aerospace, symposium. College of Aeronautics, Cranfield 1084 conference on 958 for engineers (course) Sheffield University process, Modulectric range of 987 Insulated freight container, Duramin 739 Insulating oil, Univolt-72 108 Insulation
- ceramic fibre, Triton Kaowool 687 electrical, EAF drying and testing apparatus for 831
- furnace and stove (trade publication) 36 pipe, mineral wool, Stilclad-34 107 polyester glass-mat sheets for, Siluminite 220 polyurethane foam, for water heaters 332
- Insulation resistance meter. Allied Electronics 221
- Insulators, ceramic, Axiturn vertical lathe for 1023 energy level structure 367 forbidden energy 368 tension, glass fibre rod 644
- Integral Plastics Ltd., glass-reinforced plastic bathroom pods 1046
- Integrated circuits. See Circuit(s) Integration photometer, Zeiss 639 Intelsat-3 communications satellites, second aerial for Goonhilly 290
- Intensive care unit, hospital, RADA 695 Intercole Systems Ltd., peak data recorder 150 Interference microscopes, Ernst Leitz 639 Interferometer, lens-testing, RAE 689
- Interiors International Ltd., PU Work Station office furniture, Design Centre award 774
- Interlas Ltd., rectifier set for fine wire welding 609 Intermetallic compounds, by J. H. Westbrook (book) 913
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- Costing Methods for Nuclear Desalination (book) 521
- Electricity from mhd Vol. 1 (book) International Nuclear Information neutron monitoring 957 nuclear radiation plant for insect grain 68
- Research Reactor Utilization (book) 997 International broadcasting convention 402 International code for the field acceptance tests of storage pumps (book) 75
- International Combustion Ltd., boiler for Thorpe Marsh power station 882
- incineration plant for refuse disposal 505
- International Computers and Tabulators Ltd., conference on network planning 402; 964 integrated circuits for use in computer peripheral circuits 105
- International conference on fluid sealing (Cambridge) 646
- International Conference of Women Engineers 792 International engineering exhibition (Sydney) 746 International Engineering and Marine Exhibition (Olympia), exhibits at 727
- International Exhibition of Electronics, Nuclear Energy, Wireless, TV and Cine (Rome) 236
- International Exhibition of Laboratory Measurement and Automation Techniques in Chemistry (Basle) 442
- International Federation of Automatic Control, symposium on automatic control in space (Vienna) 998
- International Federation for Information Processing exhibition (Edinburgh) 1036
- International Foundry Congress (Paris) 76
- International General Electric Co. of New York Ltd., dynamometer systems (trade publication) 1 90
- International Harvester Co. of Great Britain Ltd., load cells as safety device in overhead 468
- McCormick International hydrostatic power 379
- pipelaying tractor with equipment 358
- International Jetstream Corp., sales organization 302
- International machine tool design and research conference (Manchester) 872
- International Maritime Exhibition (Helsinki) Navi- gare-67 958
- International measurement congress (Warsaw) 834 International Nickel Ltd., cryogenic alloy (trade publication) 562
- extrusion improved by use of maraging steel ram 1024
- stainless steel (trade publication) International Nuclear Information 279
- International Packaging Exhibition exhibits at 800
- International
- preview
- International
- International
- centre lathe with analogue computer control 637
- fire tests on pneumatic control system couplings
- International Standards Organization, aircraft noise around airports 481
- International study symposium on fuel cells (Brussels) 562
- International Technical Fair (Copenhagen) 36
- International vacuum congress. Third, Vol. 2, Pt. 1-3, by H. Adam (book) 401
- International Welding Exhibition (Olympia), exhibits at 604, 650, 727
- Interplas '67, Plastics Exhibition (Olympia) 536» 985, 1074
- Interrogator play-back unit for use with Tel-Stor telephone answering machine 331
- Inter-Service Metallurgical Research Council, Development and Application of Very Strong Steels 428
- Intertherm Ltd., dielectric heating (trade publication) 612
- induction heating equipment 1032 screwdriver blade hardening equipment 145
- Interwood Ltd., automatic overhead beam and traversing table unit 787
- Intramix continuous screw mixer device 1028 Intrepid, assault ship 41 6
- Introduction to instrument transformers, by B. D. Jenkins (book) 401
- Inventions for industry, NRDC 151 Inverform units in pulp and board mill 976 Invest-Export, ship's reversing gear 696 Investment casting in rubber moulds 1 76 Investment grants for agricultural machinery 122 Investment plans for 1 967 1041
- Involute and helix angle measuring machine, Carl Mahr 651
- lodine-quartz light, Paul Plus 479
- Ion exchange resins, Lewatit, Steel and Co. 1072 Ion-optical principles 1000
- Ionics Inc., chemical processing (trade publication) 612
- Ionization tester, breakdown and, British Physical Labs 518
- Ipswich, spiral ramp underground car-park 808 Iron, cast. See Cast iron
- ellipsometric methods to study formation of protective films on 859
- pig, liquid, transportation of, Leonard Verte 821
- Iron castings, malleable, automated production of 904
- Disamatic moulding machines for 1070
- Iron Fairy Onyx telescopic crane 988
- Iron Fairy Sapphire 6-ton fully-slewing crane 435
- Iron and steel, German-English dictionary of, by H. G. Freeman (book) 561
- Iron and steel industry, British, by W. K. (book) 481
- Iron and Steel Institute, conference on management in iron and steel works
- Iron and steel works, energy management in, conference on 442
- tribology in, conference on 76
- Ironfoundry industry, need for further rationalization and modernization 703
- Irradiation, ultrasonic, of liquids 67
- Irradiator, potato. Atomic Energy of Canada 727 Irrigation engineering: canals and barrages, by S. Leliavsky (book) 113
- syphons, weirs and locks, by S. Leliavsky (book) 113
- Iseran snow compacter 172
- Iso Grifo motor car 935
- ISO Metric threads, GKN 68
- ISO Technical Committee 95 on office machines 967
- Isochronous cyclotron, AEG-Telefunken 640 ISOLDE on-line isotope separator, CERN 932 Isora Integrated Ceilings Ltd., exhibits at Lighting Exhibition 695
- Isotope separator, on-line, ISOLDE, CERN 932 Israel, Symposium in 1048
- Italian Centre for Winter Road Travel, conference of 170
- Italy, electricity supply in, A. M. Angelini 496 nuclear power programme 496
- Italy-Sardinia, de transmission link 454 electrical power link between 249
- Itex '67 industrial training exhibition 620
- ITW Ltd., cable clip 275
- I. V. Pressure Controllers Ltd., pneumatic spool valve 274
- Iwinski T., on Theory of Beams (book) 1083
- Jack(s), automatic, use in slipforming technique 314
- hydraulic, and control console for structures testing 175
- Jack roof raising system 866
- Jacking of subway roof into position after casting 940
- Jackman, J. W., and Co. Ltd., Reddy Sandy sand handling and reconditioning unit 182
- Jacks, M., on Aristotle: His Thought and Its Relevance Today (book) 481
- Jackson, P. H. and Co. Ltd., circuit breakers (trade publication) 562
- Jackson, S. B., Bluebird's fatal aerodynamics 164 parachute on Bluebird 88
- Jackson, Sir Willis, in New Year Honours list 2 Jacques-Cartier Bridge, Expo-67 1 9, 61
- Jaffee, R. I., diffusion bonding of structural panels by composite rolling 109
- Jagenberg, air-knife and metering bar coating machine 976
- coating plant for coated papers 859
- Synchrofly Duplex cutting machine 976 Jaggard, P. G., hydrostatic power steering 379 Jaguar strike/trainer aircraft 889
- Jain, Gian Chand, on Design, Operation and Testing of Synchronous Machines (book) 521
- Jamsam Konepaja La Valimo OY, four-way valves 787
- Jane'sfighting ships 1 966-67, by R. V. B. Blackman (book) 151
- Japan, shipbuilding statistics 669
- Japanese Nat’onal Railway, high-speed operation problems 417
- Jarti AB, Deva automatic refuse compressor 500
- Jaywood Electroplating Co. Ltd., cadmium and zinc plating plant 218
- J. D. Tractors Ltd., John Deere wheeled hydraulic excavators 786
- Jenkins, B. D., on Introduction to Instrument Transformers (book) 401
- Jenkins, I., high-strength powder metals 776 Jensen Nova motor car, Vignale 458
- Jetstream aircraft, HP137, design and construction, Handley Page 300
- Jewell, D. S., signalling 839
- Jig boring machine, Selson 228
- Jig erosion machine. Matchless Machines 518
- Job analysis in operator training 45
- Jobling, James A., resistors from drawn glass Johansson, R., V-ring shaft seal 646 John Day Lock and Dam Project 545 John Deere wheeled hydraulic excavators 786 Johns-Mansville (GB) Ltd., filter cartridge 688 Thermo-Pac refractory sealing ropes 862
- Johnson, A. and Co. (London) Ltd., Floating Oil Skimmer for oil recovery on water 535
- Johnson GT 115 outboard engine 203 Johnson, Matthey and Co. Ltd., Beta thickness testing equipment 30
- Johnson Matthey Metals Ltd., hydrogen unit 1031
- Johnson Metal Co. Ltd., Schlatter AG machines 607
- Johnson, N., on The Vintage Alvis (book) 791
- Johnson and Phillips Ltd., JunoPlan fuse-switch- gear 735
- Johnson, W., information requirements of mechanical engineers 532
- Joiner, J. H., on Essentials of the Theory of Structures (book) 791
- Joint(s)
- and gaskets (trade publication) 1036 artificial, lubrication and wear in 114 ball lever. Bloctube Controls 644 expansion, filler board. Flexcell 354 road bridge, PSC 741
- human, lubrication and wear in 114
- Joint Automation Liaison Committee 1042
- Joint Building Group, conference on professional collaboration in the design of a building 442 Joint filler board, expansion. Flexcell 354
- Joint Nuclear Research Institute, chemical properties of element-102 217
- Joint repair coupler for upvc pipes, Chemidus 354 Jones, A., chairman. Prices and Incomes Board.
- Letter 10
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman Ltd., surface grinder (trade publication) 914
- Jones, Sir Henry, natural gas position and prospects
- 288
- Jones, high-intensity wet magnetic separators 987 Jones Sewing Machine Co. Ltd., industrial sewing machine 360
- Jones, T. C., and Co. Ltd., aircraft hangar, Brize Norton 130
- Jordan, F., and Co., stapling of paper bags 163
- Joule, James Prescott, mechanical equivalent of heat 7
- Joy Manufacturing Co. (UK) LTD., Joy Champion 735 blast hole drill 1033
- Joy, S., railway track costs 839
- Judge, A. W., on High Speed Diesel Engines (book) 791
- Judson Research and Manufacturing Corp., Beulah-Judson Electronic Magneto electronic ignition system 86
- Juhasz, S., on Applied Mechanics Surveys (book) 75
- Junction boxes, flameproof, Davis 1030
- JunoPlan fuse-switchgear 735
- Jupiter Plastics, Cycolac CG matt ABS sheet 995 Justifier, type, computer-controlled, Muset 843 JW Automotive Engineering, GT 40 Mk III motor car 575
- Kabi (Electrical and Plastics) Ltd., tilt box system (trade publication) 958
- Kahle Engineering Co., fine-wire welding machine 608
- Kaltenbach Ltd., hydraulically-operated heavy-duty cold saw 649
- Kandux Precision Instruments Ltd., coordinate measuring machine 947
- optical projector 270
- Kane-May Ltd., Dependatherm instant temperature measuring instrument 429
- Kangol, Kematal acetal copolymer for seat belts 1029
- Karcher, Alfred, portable steam generator, DE25 785
- Karrier Motors Ltd., Karrier Musketeer continuous compressing mechanism for refuse disposal 503
- Ramillies Bin Lifter for refuse disposal 503
- Ramillies 35 and 50 continuous loading collecting vehicles 503
- Kart EM250 semi-automatic copying lathe Kathanode batteries, topping-up device for Katimavik inverted pyramid, Expo-67
- Kautex-Werke, polyethylene liquid container by blow moulding 980
- Kavanagh O'Moore and Co. Ltd., quickchange tooling (trade publication) 402
- Kazakhstan oil centre, fresh water supply for 164
- Kearns, H. W. and Co. Ltd., Series 45 tape-controlled machining centre 992
- Keelavite Hydraulics Ltd., filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- Keeping, D. R., lubricants for refrigerator compressors 943
- Kellett Woodman and Co. Ltd., automatic oil-fired boiler for Bradford mills 468
- Kelseal Ltd., Kelseal PSR (trade publication) 402 Kelseal PSR (trade publication) 402
- Kelvin Dart power-boat 87
- Kelvin's Accessories Ltd., Kelvin Dart power-boat 87
- Kematal acetal copolymer for seat belts 1029 Kendall and Gent, vertical milling machine 223 Kennedy and Donkin, boiler drum replacement Cockenzie power station 332
- boiler drum replacement procedure 887-888
- Kent, George, (Stroud) Ltd., Veriflux magnetic flow converter 32
- Kent Industrial Instruments, Chromalog for gas chromatography 464
- liquid metering pumps 464
- Kerb base laying machine, Laing 182
- Kerensky, 0. A., computers in construction industry 668
- Kermode, A. C., on Hydrofoils (book) 997
- Keropyan, K. K., on Electrical Analogues in Structural Engineering (book) 481
- Kerry's (Ultrasonics) Ltd., capacitor discharge stud welding unit 607
- ultrasonic bonding equipment 607 Kerschensteiner, Georg, by D. Simons (book) 35
- Kershaw, D., collapsible motor car steering column 846-847
- Kestrel aircraft. See under Aircraft
- Key, Sidleen, motor-car anti-theft device 843-844 Keyswitch Relays circuit 316
- Keyway broaches shafts, Marley
- Keyway milling machine, Holroyd 145
- K. and F. Treatments Ltd., Armourcote non-stick coating 781
- Kharkov, underground railway system for, Russia 333
- Kidde, Walter, and Co. Inc., spinning by induction heating 819
- KiHara, cargo ship, programmed deck-crane control 233
- Kinematics, engineering, by A. Sloane (book) 871 King, A. G., on Ceramics in Machining Processes (book) 655
- King, Geo. W., Ltd., lightweight jib crane 869 motor-car body stacking system as buffer stock 542
- King, R., on Electrical Noise (book) 957
- King Triax equipment forstorage of spare parts 939 Kingfisher (Lubrication) Ltd., compressed-air tube for component transfer 305
- Kings Norton, Lord, cars and cities report 1049
- Kingsland Engineering Co. Ltd., hydraulic brakes (trade publication) 656
- Kingsnorth Fisher, heavy-load roll-on vessel
- Kingsnorth power station, 500 MW alternator, works tests 173
- Kingston bridge for River Clyde 802
- Kinneir, J., directional road signs. Design Centre award 774
- Kinnis and Brown Group, Instant Film Grease 2 lubricant 187
- Instant Film Paste lubricant 187
- Kipp, Heinrich, spring clamp levers 559
- Kirkpatrick, C. A., on Planning and Control with PERT/CPM (book) 317
- Kistler Instruments, Balantron electronic balancing equipment 734 force transducers 737
- Piezotron accelerometer 737 pressure transducers 737
- Kitchen, A.-D. Walker Ltd., billet-drilling machine 112
- Klein, H. A., on Masers and Lasers (book) 611 Klikax retaining circlip 354
- Klinger Manufacturing Co. Ltd., high-speed spindle in false-twist machine 722
- Klinger, Richard, Ltd., Klingerflon Duplex ptfe sheet 651
- Klingerflon Duplex ptfe sheet 651 Klystrons, increased production of, EEV 556 Knife, laser light, for medical research 801 Knight motor car, type-353 534-535 Knitting machines, programming belts of Mylar polyester-film 22
- warp, Platt-Excentra 968
- Kobayashi, A., on Machining of Plastics (book) 997 Kodak Ltd., microminiaturization (trade publication) 190 photography in space 494
- Koenigsberger, F., design function of machine tools 125
- Kohler-General Corp., expanded polystyrene moulding equipment 869
- Kollmann, Handy range oil-free compressors and vacuum pumps 948
- Koninklijk Institut van Ingenieurs, automation in process industries (Amsterdam) 114
- Kontak Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Unit 10 hydraulic control valves 356
- KPE Controls Ltd., control modules (trade publication) 562
- Kritoboulos of Adrianople, writer on foundry practice 5
- Kronenberg, M., on Machining Science and Applications (book) 697
- KS Paul Products Ltd., polybutylcuprysil coating anti-splatter agent for COg welding 74 Kumla PV5 bending rolls 728
- Label manufacturing machines, Label Processes 986
- Label Processes Ltd., label manufacturing machines
- Laboratory(ies), government, contribution to industrial physics (London) 402
- see also National Engineering; National Physical Laboratory measurement and automation techniques in chemistry, international exhibition of (Basle) 442
- Laboratory teaching apparatus, Cussons-Ricardo 933
- Labour. See Manpower
- Labour Mobility in Great Britain: 1953-63 (report) 753
- Lacquered plastics process, Andrulac 781 Laing, John, Research and Development Ltd., kerb base laying machine 182
- rapid analysis of unhardened concrete 819 Laithwaite, E. R., electromagnetic levitation 40 Lamborghini Marzal motorcar 420,458 Lamborghini Miura 350 GT motor car, description of 135. Letters 164, 251, 334
- Laminate, epoxy, with aluminium cladding, Spaul- dite 186
- Laminated plastics, Tufnol 562
- Laminor Ltd., sealing tunnel linings with plastics 148
- Lamps efficiency improvement proposals, Russia 217 electric, fluorescent (book) 913
- fundamentals of light and its production (book) 913
- fluorescent, photometric measurement of 1046 4101, for filming and photography, Friemann 790 tungsten filament, standard for total irradiance, NBS 21
- tungsten halogen floodlight. Sunflood 33 Lanarkshire Engineering Training Association, group training centre 840
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto Ltd., flexible pin epicyclic gear 206
- Lancashire and Merseyside Industrial Development Association, comments on industry in North West 3
- Lancashire Steel, spray steelmaking process 121 Lancia, Fulvia Coupe Rallye 1.3 motor car 378
- Fulvia Coupe Rallye HF 1.3 motorcar 378
- Fulvia Sedan GT 1.2 motor car 378
- Fulvia Sport 1.3 motor car 378
- Landis and Gyr Ltd., sample monitoring unit for artesian and oil well drilling 182
- Servogyr heating and ventilating control system 901
- Landis Machine-Maiden Ltd., resistance welding machines 605
- Lan-Electronics, Pre-Arrester computer to monitor electrocardiograph waveforms 463
- Langford, A., successful injection moulding 272 Langham Tools Ltd., Baier Type ZPD end facing and centring machine 111
- Lansing Bagnall Ltd., Dependatherm instant temperature measuring instrument 429 materials handling (trade publication) 522
- Laplace transforms for electronic engineers, by J. G.
- Holbrook (book) 791
- Lapmaster lapping machine 218
- Laporte Industries Ltd., diaphragm wall construction (trade publication) 998
- Lapping machines, Flexibox 652
- Lapmaster 218
- surface. Model 40A 70
- Larderello, geothermal power station 496 Large loads, road transport of. See Road transport Laser(s)
- by K. Patek (book) 745
- COg, Ferranti 596
- frequency stabilized, Perkin 21 gas, helium-neon 689
- Lyons 33
- System Computers 593
- thin-film optics and 873 helium-neon, Ferranti 862 masers and, by H. A. Klein (book) 611 Laser beam(s), as communication aids 165 Mini-Laser 474
- Laser beam signal, amplification of 1 65
- Laser light knife for medical research 801 Lathe
- automatic, BPU20 sliding head 225 chucking, Churchill 181
- Tarex Tar-N program-controlled 226 automatic turret. Automatic Accuratool 398 capstan, Auto-Robot control on 313
- automation equipment for 603
- pre-set tooling for, Nickols 1081
- centre. Concord 450 heavy-duty 949 Mascot 1600, Design programmed learning
- 965 strike on operation of
- Centre award 773 course on operation 840
- with analogue computer control 637 copying, Dubied 51 7 hydraulic 226
- Kart EM250 semi-automatic program-controlled, program-controlled, universal. Gallicop 15 in swing, Harrison
- SPT20 SPT32 552
- 90 ft long. Craven Brothers 141 single-spindle chucking, Boehme DFA140 360 sliding-bed, Heyligenstaedt and Co. 362 spinning, heavy-duty, Leifeld 735 turret, A20A automatic 226
- CER200 225
- 8 in, E4000M 225 Turret Skip Indexer for 950 vertical, for ceramic insulators, Axiturn 1023 Lathe backstop, Seconop 354
- Lathom Engineering Co. Ltd., Tru-Wel aluminized steel exhaust tubes 534
- Latin America, exports to (booklet) 325 Latina nuclear power station 496 Lattice, crystal See Crystal lattice Launch. See Boat
- Launcher, spacecraft, Vostok 891 Launching of Q4 liner 14
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors Ltd., electrical control gear 692
- Lawn mower. See Mower
- Lawrence Edwards and Co (Engineers) Ltd., Chockus cleaning equipment 269 Timberchief saw chains 593 tractor drawbar pin 994
- Layrub 3/6 shaft drive 822
- Layton, George T., and Partners, filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- Lead acid batteries in electric cars, G. Watson 674 Lead 65 (Proceedings of the Second International Conference) 833
- Leah, A. S.,education andtraining of engineers 666 Leak detection service, mobile, ICI 982
- Leak detector, helium mass spectrometer, Veeco Instruments 599
- Leather spraying machinery, Sonac ultrasonic sensing heads to control 1069
- Lebus International Engineers Ltd., LeBus system of multilayer rope spooling 938
- Lecons d'anglais scientifique et technique, by P. Naslin (book) 611
- Lectroetch (Great Britain) Ltd., Manumark Mark II electro-chemical marking unit 182 portable power unit for etching 783
- Lectropon Ltd., Radial Subvis miniature screw-type coaxial connectors 781
- subminiature connector 862
- Ledger, A. S. P., on Fundamental Electronics (book) 1035
- Ledger, Rupert, and Co. Ltd., Regina Champ portable alternator 112
- Lee, Howl and Co. Ltd., Easiprime 4 in contractors' pump 649 Fig 4018 centrifugal pumps 146
- Lee, J., increased fees for overseas students 124 Lee-Smith Photomechanics Ltd., Quadra-etch spray-etch machine 1031
- Lee Valley line electrification scheme 586
- Leeds University, silicon carbide filaments for metal reinforcement 923
- Leedsall low-loading dump truck 735
- Lees-Bradner Co., rotary gear-hobbing machine 147
- Leicester City Football Club, Rigidex polyethylene stadium seats 249-250
- Leicester Valve and Engineering Co. Ltd., Bossmatic control valves 397
- Leifeld, heavy-duty spinning lathe 735
- Leigh Edmondson and Co. Ltd., operational research course 914
- Leister, welding machines for plastic tapes and floors 183
- Leitz, Ernst, GmbH, interference microscopes 639 Leliavsky, S., on Irrigation Engineering: Canals and Barrages (book) 113
- on Irrigation Engineering: Syphons, Weirs and Locks (book) 113
- Le Mans 24-hour motor car race, report on 1011 Lemo miniature connector 559
- Leningrad Metal Works, gas-turbine power station
- 217
- Lennig Chemicals Ltd., acrylic polymers for acrylic caulks and sealants 440
- phenol recovery techniques 217 Lens(es), electromagnetic, for fine detail on cathode ray tube screen 845
- electron-optical 1000 electrostatic 1000 light-optical 1000
- Lens-testing interferometer, RAE 689
- Leondes, C. T., on Advances in Control Systems (Vol. 4) (book) 401 ; (Vol. 3) (book) 655 Leont'ev, N. N., on Beams, Plates and Shells on an
- Elastic Foundation (book) 791
- Lesney Products and Co. Ltd., IBM System/360
- Computer in production of Matchbox toys 467 Lesser, J. E., (Construction) Ltd., office construction package contracts (trade publication) 114 Lesser, J. E. (Prefabricated Buildings) Ltd., office building system (trade publication) 792 Lettering, transfer (trade publication) 792 Level control instruments, liquid, Bayham 653 Level indication, water, transmitter for, English
- Electric 987
- Level indicator, and controller. Fuller 149 magnetic, WEKA 594
- Lever(s), spring clamp, Kipp 559 Lever joint, ball. Bloctube Controls 644 Levermore, A., and Co., Heat Spy HS portable thermometer 519
- Levin, R. I., on Planning and Control with PERT/
- CPM (book) 317 Levitators. See Electromagnetic levitation Lewatit ion exchange resins 1072 Leybold's, E., Nachfolger, Areatron automatic surface area measuring instrument 640
- Leyland, new town are plans 877-878 Leyland Motors Ltd., Atlantean computerized double-deck buses 335
- bus factory proposals for Russia 42 Library(ies), thefts from 561. Letters 623,670, 762
- Library Association, survey of information requirements of mechanical engineers 532
- Libya, customs patrol Liebesny, F., patents registered designs trade marks 838
- boats for 761
- 794
- 835
- Liebherr Building Machinery Ltd., Hydraforce full circle slewing hydraulic excavators 786 12KR crawler-mounted tower crane 786
- Liebowitz, H., on Applied Mechanics Surveys (book) 75
- Life raft, unsinkable 493
- Lift(s), and escalators (trade publication) 698 for Q4 liner 14 goods, Barron 868 in large buildings, symposium on 929
- Lifting grabs, soft-jaw. Tigrip 232 Lifting slings, nylon, "W" Ribbons 187 Lifting tables, hydraulic (trade publication) 442 Liftpark parking system for motor-car bodies 542 Light, as data carrying medium in high voltage fields 1009
- iodine-quartz, Paul Plus 479 see also Lamp; Lighting
- Light-alloy hand rails (trade publication) 1084 Light knife, laser, for medical research 801 Light-reflection system. Earth-orbiting, Westinghouse 101
- Light scattering by electrons 404
- Light tower, floatable, for Royal Sovereign Shoal 534. Correction 575. Letter 623
- Lighting, floodlighting (trade publication) 1036 in industry (book) 655 see also Lamp; Light
- Lighting device, container, Conjack 832
- Lighting equipment (trade publication) 746 Lighting Exhibition (Earls Court), exhibits at 694 Lighting fitting
- bulkhead, Hi-Style range 694 hospital, Courtney, Pope 695 incandescent (trade publication) 76 trade publication 612 wellglass (trade publication) 364 Lightning Fasteners merger with Opti 528 Lightning strike aircraft with brushless de generator 60
- Lilliput series transformers 910
- Limb Fitting Centre, artificial ankle joint 464 Limerick Navigation Co., bi-centenary of formation of 5
- Limestone, powdered, for removal of sulphur dioxide 101
- Limmer and Trinidad Co., oil-hydraulic installation for concrete mouldings 510
- Lincoln Electric Co. Ltd., Super-Sprite FCl COg semi-automatic welding equipment 606 welding machine for automatic production of scaffold props 359
- Lindley, B. C., MHD nuclear gas-turbine cycle 209 Lindley, P. B., rubber in engineering 179; (book) 782
- Linear converter gearbox. Bloctube 826
- Liner, gunmetal, shrinking on ship's shaft 1076 Liner(s) (passenger) Q4. See Q4 liner
- Queen Elizabeth, discontinuance of operation by Cunard 809,814
- Queen Mary, discontinuance of operation by Cunard 809, 814
- Queen of Bermuda, shipbreaking by Shipbreaking Industries Ltd. 809
- Lines Brothers Ltd., trade fair of toys 126 Ling-Temco-VoughtXV-142AV/STOLaircraft 891 Linguistics, algebraic: analytical models, Marcus (book) 745
- Lining(s) abrasion resistant. Plastic Carbide 397 fibreglass tank (trade publication) 114 flue, in flexible stainless steel, Westaform polymer (trade publication) 998 tunnel, sealing, with plastics 148
- Lining materials for coal preparation plant, ADI 1022
- Link-Belt Co., vibrating screens 359
- Link 51 Ltd., stoving of structural frameworks Link matting, polythene, Linkamat 595 Linkamat polythene link matting 595 L'Innovation, fire in, Brussels 923 Liquefier, gas, miniature 221 Liquid(s), ultrasonic irradiation of 67 Liquid chromatograph for analysing most organic materials, Pye 478
- trade publication 442
- Liquid flow recorder, Arkon-63 783
- Liquid level control. See Level control Liquid metals centre, USAEC 141
- Liquid nitrogen for shrinking large bushes 725 Liquid petroleum gas/air mixture for natural gas pre-conversion 1021
- Liquid sampler, portable, Watson-Marlow 478 Liquidsampling equipment, North Hants Engineering 110
- List processing, by J. M. Foster (book) 871 Listomac welding unit 610
- Lithium tantalate crystal for laser signalling 165 Liverpool, St John's Beacon 460
- Liverpool Cathedral (R.C.) 712-713
- Livingston Electronics Ltd., Color-Eye XYZ slide rule for colour analysis 781
- Type 1630 sorter transistor handling system 30 Lloyd, R., electronic control for domestic appliances 379
- Lloyds Industries (International) Ltd., Scroll system for large storage tanks 291
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, annual report 528 Load cells, as safety device in overhead crane BISRA 599 strain gauge, Vibro-meter SA 595 Loader(s), excavator, Whitlock Brothers
- Loader, P. T., structural condensation Loading shovel, hydraulic, Weatherill
- Local Government, committee on staffing in Loch Avon cargo ship, Harland and Wolff 1076 Loch Ness pumped storage plant 16
- Lock(s)
- Dunnellon, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384 Inglis, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384, 386 John Day Project 545
- Silver Springs, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384 St. John's, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384 syphons, weirs, and, irrigation engineering, by S. Leliavsky (book) 113
- Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., DSRV rescue vehicle for crippled submarines 677
- Lockheed Precision Products Ltd., marine equipment (trade publication) 442
- Locking tee, flexible, for small-bore pipe 994 Lockwood Graders (U.K.) Ltd., Lockwood highspeed potato bagger 163
- Lockwood high-speed potato grader 163 Lockwood high-speed potato bagger 163 Lockwood high-speed potato grader 163 Locomotives
- cleaning equipment 633 diesel, design problems of, S.O. El 1 67 diesel-hydraulic, Hudswell Clarke 110 electric, thyristor-controlled 201 steam, last, of British Railways, by P. Ransome- Wallis (book) 235
- Loenco Inc., divert valve 560 variable volume sample valve 354
- Loewe Pumpenfabrik GmbH, Pomona pumps 790 Loewy, E., port construction and cargo handling 708
- Loewy Robertson Engineering Co. Ltd., three-roll piercer for seamless steel tubes 103
- Lofthouse report of working party on efficiency in road construction 488
- Logic circuits, resistor-transistor,
- 910
- Logic control, pneumatic, Aro Co.
- Logic control circuits, fluid, based
- piston valves, Climax-France 105
- Logic devices, fluid, in refrigerator production 477 Logic functions, digital module kits for 1072 Logic modules for process control. Norbit 2 range of, MEL 431
- Logic packs, integrated circuit, Honeywell 824 Logical control in automation of Grangetown gas works 467
- Logicon static switching control for automatic concrete mixer 820
- Logistic ship Sir Bedivere 968
- Lola Mk. Ill and Mk. Ill GT motorcars 52 Londex Ltd., photoelectric elements 742 London, underground railways. See London Transport Executive
- West, traffic control by computer 339, 340 see also Greater London Council
- London Airport development plans 796 development trends 671 Gatwick 671
- Heathrow 671
- automatic door controls 453 cargo terminal 88,1052 Decca ASMI ground control radar 970 Stansted 671,796
- London Bridge, model of new 1051 London Docks, cargo handling at 292 London Educational Television Service 580 London International Engineering and Marine
- Exhibition, exhibits at 650, 696
- London Transport Executive, automatic railway train operation for, W. W. Maxwell and D. K. Ware 126
- sealing tunnel linings with plastics 148 Victoria Line, damp prevention 148 track laying 334
- London and Upjohn, ICT 1901 computer. Design Centre award 773
- Longannet power station, coal handling gearbox test rig 229 coal supply from drift mines 102
- Looms, weaving, programming belts of polyester-film 22
- Lorant Engineers Ltd., spring clamp levers Lorenz/Fehlmann caisson sinking method Lorry. See Motor vehicle Lott, R. S., road traffic control by computer Lotus, Europa type 47 motor car 54
- Formula 1 motorcar. Ford V8 enginefor 716,883 see also Cortina Lotus
- Loudspeaker system. Reliance 133 Loudspeaking network at Abbotsinch airport, AEI 133
- Loughborough University of Technology, symposium on wind effects on buildings structures 1084
- Louis Newmark portable electrocardiograph 463
- Lovell, Sir Bernard, honorary fellowship, lEE Lovell, S. M., highway programme 83
- Lovering, W. F., on Radio Communication (book) 235
- Low, R. C. S., British Railways workshops reorganization 632, 669
- Lowe, R., on Basic Electrical Circuit Theory (book) 791
- Lowe and Rodin, Liverpool Cathedral (R.C.) 712-713
- Lowy, D., large loads on the roads 536 LPG. See Liquid petroleum gas LSTO Nilos sealing ring 911 Lubricant
- contact. Electrolube 2G-X 912
- Dag 717, for Seal 0-ring pipeline valves 428 dry film. Adept 688
- for refrigerator compressors, D. R. Keeping 943
- Instant Film Grease-2 187
- Instant Film Paste 187
- machine tool, cooling units for, F and R
- Engineering 269
- metal-working (trade publication) 280
- Molykote heavy-duty 102
- Lubricating oil. See Oil; Lubricant Lubrication
- elastohydrodynamic (book) 113
- in human joints 114
- of compressors, requirements 71
- one shot. Simplex moulding machine with 860 principles of, by A. Cameron (book) 151 theory and research in, by M. D. Hersey (book) 189
- Lubrication equipment, compressed air and, Shipton 728
- Lubricator, drive for, Coulthard 696
- radial mechanical, Tecalamit 653
- wire rope (trade publication) 1084
- Lucas Industrial Equipment Ltd., expansion turbines 727
- Lucas, Joseph, Ltd., inductivity coupled cardiac pacemaker 464
- zinc-air battery 204
- Lunar landing module 891
- Lynshaw, Martyn, Ltd., Rigidex polyethylene stadium seats 249-250
- Lynx-rabbit cycle 320
- Lyon, Ronald, Construction Ltd., cargo terminal for self-handling airlines 88
- Lyons, Claude, Ltd., gas laser 33
- Mark 1 Infrascope radiation thermometers 440
- Svenska Diamant 'Ultralette 5651 oscillograph 150
- Lyra, F. H., Furnas hydroelectric scheme explosion 252
- Lysaght's Scunthorpe Works, furnace tap-hole drill 358
- mechanized inspection and deseaming lines for semi-finished products 470
- M shed at London Docks 292
- Macadam, dense coated (trade publication) 612 MacDonald 33C scabbling tool 949
- MacGregor, W., Furnas hydroelectric scheme explosion 252
- Machine Control Ltd., Circaframe air filter 1073 Machine tool(s)
- automation of, Nickols Automatics 950 computer control of, Molins Machine Co. 617 cubed construction technique for, Elliott Group 981
- design function of, F. Koenigsberger 125 Economic Development Committee for, design function of machine tools, by F. Koenigsberger 125
- Emcomat universal European exhibits fluidic system for BAC 106
- for arc welding, Hirschmann 608 numerical control. See Numerical control "open house", George Richards and Co. Ltd. 223 short-term trends 966
- swarf removal from, conference on 656 see also Machining centre
- Machine tool control, by fluidics, Cranfield College of Aeronautics 106
- fluidic devices for 683
- Machine tool control unit, Acramat IV, with integrated circuits 263
- Machine tool design and research conference international (Manchester) 872
- MachineTool Exhibition, European (Hanover) 114 Machine tool industry, order position 120 short-term trends 411
- MachineTool Industry Research Association, centre lathe with analogue computer control 637 conference on swarf removal from machine tools 656
- numerically-controlled drilling machine 946 surface quality measurement 691 user needs 1 96
- Machine tool lubricants, cooling units for, F. and R. Engineering 269
- Machine tool production, Maschinenfabrik Froriep 520
- Machine tool protection, by H. R. Beakbane and R. H. Warring (book) 871
- Machine tool sump cleaner, Delapena 232
- Machine Tool Trades Association, collaboration with universities 160
- Machinery skate, Trewhella 988
- Machining, electro-discharge 592
- of plastics, by A. Kobayashi (book) 997
- of titanium 25
- ultrasonic, of intractable materials, by A. I. Markov (book) 317
- Machining centre, tape-controlled. Series 45, Kearns 992
- universal, Froriep KE8 520
- Machining processes, ceramics in, by A. G. King and W. M. Wheildon (book) 655
- Machining science and applications, by M. Kronen- berg (book) 697
- Machining spark erosion (trade publication) 36
- Mackowiak, J., on Physical Chemistry for Metallurgists (book) 317
- MacNab, John, (Machinery) Ltd., Galdabini straightening press 519
- trimming machine for automatic operations pressings 231
- Mactac International, vinyl embellishings 995 Mac, see also Me
- Madan, M. S., design with plastics 179 post-moulding operations 273
- Magair rechargeable battery 954
- Magnaflux Ltd., Y-5 Yoke kits crack detection kits 780
- Magnesium alloys for aircraft, BSI 468
- Magnetic Devices Ltd., cuttable cams for industrial timers 275
- Magnetic field effect on solute distribution in solidification of molten metals 352
- Magnetic level indicator, WEKA 594
- Magnetic materials and their applications, conference on 76
- Magnetic separators, wet, Jones 987
- Magneto generator, flywheel, Novi 587 Magnetoelectric devices: transducers, transformers and machines, by G. R. Slemon (book) 35
- Magnetohydrodynamic generator. SeeMHD generator
- Magnetostriction, dynamic, measurement of, CERL 600
- Magnifiers, industrial (trade publication) 998 Magnus, W., on Formulae
- Special Functions of (book) 521 on Hill's equation (book)
- Magpie computer system, Rolls-Royce 1007
- Mahr, Carl, involute and helix angle measuring machine 651
- Maintenance, external building (trade publication) 364, 834
- manual of. Vol. 2, by R. Clements and D. Parkes (book) 957
- Maintenance engineering handbook, by L. C. Morrow (book) 189
- Maintenance workers, strike of, British Aluminium Castings Ltd. 119
- Majestic refrigerated cargo vessel 1 011
- Majoreg transistor power supply units (trade publication) 998
- Makrofol KG polycarbonate film 956
- Mallaby, Sir George, staffing in Local Government 489
- Malleable iron castings, automated production of 904
- Malmstrom, S., V-ring shaft seal 646
- Maloney, W. H., Kelvin Dart power-boat 87 Malt, L., training for manual operations 620 MAN, control rod drive 788
- European airbus A-300 801
- Man-air-ox system for motor-car exhaust control 214
- Man of the rail, by A. J. Pearson (book) 235 Management
- and information, Heinrich Nordhoff 662 engineer in, seminar on, IME 914 engineering, successful, by T. G. Hicks (book) 521
- financial, conference on, PERA 402 of industrial research, by E. D. Reeves (book) 913 production methods and, advanced course, Cambridge University 85
- teaching the process of, by T. M. Mosson (book) 611
- towards a sociology of, by Sir Geoffrey Vickers (book) 957
- Management Centre, West Herts, activities 371
- Management control systems, dynamics of, by A. E. Mills (book) 957
- Management courses, British Institute of Management 522
- Management Selection Group, recruiting office in New York 705
- Management studies department. City University 330
- Managerial economics, by N. F. Dufty (book) 363
- Managing engineering manpower, conference on (San Francisco) 1036
- Managing industrial research for profits, by D. N. Chorafas (book) 833
- Manchester Corp. Waterworks, Wet Sleddale reservoir dam, Haweswater scheme 803
- Manchester education precinct 842
- Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, traffic control research 340
- Manchester Liners Ltd., container orders 251 Manchester Progress cargo ship 41 8
- Manchester Tank Cleaning Co. Ltd., tank cleaning (trade publication) 1084
- Manchester University, wind tunnel, variable speed 176
- Mand Precision Engineering Co. Ltd., tensile testing machine 434
- Mandrel unit, internal cooling. General Engineering 986
- Manganese Bronze Group, high-strength powder metals 776
- Manicouagan-aux-Outardes scheme, power station in, ac transmission for 533
- Manitoba Hydro, Nelson River power transmission project 815
- Mann, Albert, Engineering Co. Ltd., punching and shearing machine (trade publication) 280
- Mannesmann-Meer AG, cold-reducing mill 736 Manning, G. P., on Reinforced Concrete Design (book) 235
- Manning, J. F., The Ralaigh Wisp 762
- Manpower, engineering, managing, conference on (San Francisco) 1036
- Manpower needs in urban transport planning 879 Mansell, J. W., on Basic Electrical Circuit Theory 791
- Manson, S. S., on Thermal Stress and Low-Cycle Fatigue (book) 189
- Manufacturing industry, engineer in, A. L. Stuchbery 665
- Manumark Mark II electro-chemical marking unit 182
- Map(s), industrial representation 703
- Map plotter, Mk II, Design Centre award 771 Stereometrograph, VEB 907
- Maraging steel ram, extrusion improved by use of 1024
- Marbaix Industries Ltd., disintegrator (trade publication) 1036
- Marcar, Alexander, and Co. Ltd., exhibits at International Engineering and Marine Exhibition 730
- March, J. W., electric car motors 674
- Marconi Co. Ltd. closed-circuit television for schools 452 communications systems for SHAPE and AFCENT 129
- computer monitoring and sequence control system 218
- electromagnetic lens for fine detail on cathode ray tube screen 845
- English Electric Leo Marconi System 4 range of computers for data processing 455
- Goonhilly aerial-2 290
- integrated circuit making plant 29 long wave transmitter for long distances 967 low power oscillator 396 microelectronics centre 455 micro-oscillator in TO-5 can 909
- Myriad computer 338
- Myriad I computer for air traffic control 455
- Myriad II computer for industry 455
- pulse code modulation telephone equipment 621-622
- radar control stations for Saudi-Arabia 802 television camerasforteachertraining centre 580 Marconi Instruments Ltd., programmable coaxial switch 600
- programmable signal source 600
- Marcus, S., on Algebraic Linguistics: Analytical Models (book) 745
- Marine, International Engineering and, (Olympia), exhibits at 727
- Marine engine. See Engine, diesel; Engine, petrol; Turbine
- Marine equipment (trade publication) 442
- Marine Olympus gas turbine for Finnish corvette 127
- Marine propulsion and cargo-handling control systems, complete, exhibition of, Elliott-Marine Automation 853
- Mariner-5 spacecraft to Venus 1009
- Marinite asbestos board for fireproofing liner Q4 670
- Marinite Ltd., Marinite asbestos board for fireproofing liner Q4 670
- Maritime exhibition. International (Helsinki) Navi- gare-67 958
- Mark II electric car 674
- Market research, aspect of quality and reliability 978
- Marketing conference, national industrial 834 Markette electric car 674
- Markham and Co. Ltd., nitrogen shrinking for large bushes 725
- Marking-out table, coordinate, C and N 869 Marking unit, electro-chemical, Manumark Mark II 182
- Markov, A. I., on Ultrasonic Machining of Intractable Materials (book) 317
- Marley Tile Co. Ltd., woodwool slabs (trade publication) 914
- Marley, W. H. and Co. Ltd., keyway broaches and guides for metric motor shafts 1030
- Marlith woodwool slabs (trade publication) 914
- Marlow, J., rail costs and track utilization 926
- Marples, D. L., advanced course in production methods 85
- Marples Ridgway and Partners, Kingston bridge for River Clyde 802 rebuilding of Grosvenor Bridge 1063
- Marron Machines Ltd., Super Stork TP13 electric drill 361
- Marryat and Place Ltd., Barduct busbar system 49
- Marryat and Scott Ltd., lifts and escalators (trade publication) 698
- Marsh needle valves 595
- Marshall, D., on BMC 1100s (book) 35
- Marston Excelsior Ltd., sea electrode designs, use of computers 454
- Martin-Marietta SV5-J lifting body 891
- Martin, T. L., stopping oil on water 762
- Martindale Electric Co. Ltd., test set, ASR, for electrical fault detection 861
- Martland, Comuta electric car 972
- Martonair Ltd., pneurnatic micro valves 440 pneumatic valves 515
- stop valve for pneumatic systems 861
- Martyn Lynshaw Ltd., Rigidex polyethylene stadium seats 249-250
- Marzal motor car, Lamborghini 420, 458
- Maschinenbau Hemag oHG, ZR350 tenon cutting and slot mortising machine 790
- Maschinenfabrik Froriep, machine tool production 520
- Mascot 1600 centre lathe. Design 773
- Maser, ammonia beam, for spectral bration 592
- and lasers, by H. A. Klein (book)
- Mason, B. J., weather forecasting in industry Mason, Kenneth, Publications 655 Mason, R., Eurocontrol Experimental Centre Masonry structural systems conference (Texas) 872
- Mass spectrometer, applications 240
- leak detector, helium, Veeco Instruments Massachusetts Institute of Technology, rescue vehicle for crippled submarines
- physical system dynamics 76
- Massey, B. and S. Ltd., automatic forging press 1 81 sprung foundation for friction drop hammer 821 Massey-Ferguson, construction plant manufacture plans 920
- Master concrete vibrators 69
- Master forced draught oil-fired space heater 305 Matchbox toys, IBM System/360 Computer in production of 467
- Matchless Machines Ltd., Balantron electronic balancing equipment 734
- jig erosion machine 518
- Materials, atomistic approach to the nature and properties of, by J. A. Pask (book) 697 deformation and strength of, by P. Feltham (book) 189
- high duty, engineering in, Bulleid Memorial
- Lectures on, Nottingham University 958 mechanics of, by A. C. D'Souza (book) 833 Materials Data Ltd., Materials Data Thermoplastics System for information on thermoplastics polymers 102
- Materials Data Thermoplastics System for information on thermoplastic polymers 102
- Materials handling, and physical distribution seminar (New York) 402
- trade publication 522
- Materials Handling Equipment (Great Britain) Ltd., electric reach truck 831
- Materials research, Stanford, J. H. (book) 697 Materials testing, 829
- Mathematical model of industry 141 Mathematical modelling in chemical engineering,
- by R. G. E. Franks (book) 957
- Mathematical physics, formulae and theorems for the special functions of, by W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger and R. P. Soni (book) 521
- Mathematical statistics, elements of, by J. F. Ratcliffe (book) 151
- Mathematical tables, practical five figure, by C. Attwood (book) 441
- Mathematics, for mechanical engineering technicians, by A. Greer and G. W. Taylor (book) 561
- Praktische Funktionenlehre, Vol. 3, by F. Tolke (book) 441
- undergraduate, in engineering, applications of, by B. Noble 745
- Mathieson, Olin, Ltd., automatic water pump for pipelines 146
- Matra M530 motor car 421
- Matrix switches, Sutton range 911
- Matter, essentials of mechanics and properties of, by F. J. H. Dibdin (book) 189
- Matting, polythene link, Linkamat 595 Mawdsley's Ltd., ac static frequency converters 787
- Maxalog fluid logic equipment 727
- Maxam Power Ltd., fluid logic devices in refrigerator production 477
- planar turbulence amplifier. Letter 10
- Maxiblast blast cleaning equipment Maxson Electronics Corp., Unimax 478
- Maxwell, W. W., automatic train
- London Transport Railways 1 26
- May and Baker Ltd., Rhodester thermosetting moulding compounds 1075
- May-Fran GmbH, bulk swarf handling 1024
- Mayall, W. H. on Industrial Design for Engineers (book) 279
- Maywick Appliances Ltd., stoving of structural frameworks 860
- McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Son Ltd., filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- NINA electron synchrotron 1015
- McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons, Crindau twin tunnels on Newport (Mon.) By-pass 800 reinforced rubber base for Odeon Cinema, Marble Arch 901
- McAlvey, test burner for solid propellents 428-429 McBratney, G., on Science for Mechanical Engineering Technicians (Book 1) (book) 561
- McConnel, F. W. Ltd., GSM /K grab 1 020
- S/12 Super C tractor-mounted digger/trencher 1020
- McCormick International B-164 tractor with hydrostatic power steering. International Harvester 315. Letter 379
- McCulloch 170 arc welder (trade publication) 656 McDonnel Phantom aircraft 157
- McGonnagle, W. J., on Progress in Applied Materials Research (book) 697
- McGowan, C. W. N., Channel Tunnel proposals 450, 461
- McGowan, N., on Non-Destructive Testing of Forgings (book) 1035
- McIntosh, J. D., on Concrete Mix Design (book) 75
- McLeod-type vacuum gauges 955 McKenna, D., engineering design 242 McKenzie, A., on Analogue Computer Applications (book) 521
- McKinsey and Co., telecommunications equipment industry 95
- McLachlin, H., system-built church 212 McLean, F ,C., in New Year Honours list 3
- McLeod, T. S., R and D, Plessey Co. 245
- McNab, I. R., MHD nuclear gas-turbine cycle 209 Me see also Mac
- Mears, M. H. and Co., circular slide rule for helical spring calculations 995
- Measurement, of solid body without contact, Bendix Electronics 596
- sensitive, of very low temperatures, USNBS 939 Measurement congress, international (Warsaw) 834
- Measuring bridge, universal, LCR Bridge 150, Avo 955
- Measuring device, hot rod diameter 938
- Measuring instruments, electrical, with antivibration pivotless movement, Crompton Parkinson 742
- from East Germany 31
- Physics Exhibition 738
- trade publication 236
- Measuring machine, coordinate, Kandux 947 Mechanical arm. Unimate 457
- Versatran 457
- Mechanical engineer(s), education and training, IME 522, 665
- information requirements of, survey 532
- professional, education and training of, IME 280 Mechanical engineering, dictionary of, by J. L. Nayler and G. Nayler (book) 791
- Economic Development Committee for, report of short-term trends working party 411
- short term trends (booklet) 966
- Mechanical engineering industry, short-term trends 411,966
- trade associations in, need forrationalization 1 99 Mechanical engineering technicians, mathematics for, by A. Greer and G. W. Taylor (book) 561 science for (book 1), by G. McBratney and T. G. J. Moag (book) 561
- Mechanical handling equipment, short-term trends 411,966
- trade publication 482 Mechanics
- and properties of matter, essentials of, by F. J. H. Dibdin (book) 1 89
- engineering, by W. W. Hagerty and H. J. Plass (book) 833
- Vol. 1, by T. C. Huang (book) 745
- of fluids for mechanical engineers, by J. M. Gasiorek and W. G. Carter (book) 1083
- of materials, by A. C. D'Souza (book) 833 vocabulary. Vol. 2, by A. T. Troskolanski (book) 655
- Mechauto (Engineering) Ltd., moulding sand processing plant 1071
- Mecman Ltd., pneumatic components set 149 pneumatic cylinders 275
- Medical Engineering and Automation Exhibition (Earls Court), exhibits at 463
- Medical implications of degradation of oil emulsions 984
- Meecham and Associates Ltd., Sjoberg range work bench 427
- Megator Pumps and Compressors Ltd., TOPSystem control system for water supply in ships 430 Meherabad International Airport, model of 1051 Mekometer III electro-optic distance-measuring instrument for 1051
- M.E.L. Equipment Co. Ltd
- gas chromatography apparatus 600
- Norbit 2 range of logic modules for process control 431
- numerical control equipment for Series machining centre 992
- Phillips X-ray spectrometer 1032 pocket-size communications receiver 263 variable speed transmission units 397
- Melese-d'Hospital, gases as reactor coolants 472 Meilis, G., training manager. Fairfields 491 Memory store, ferrite-core, printed-circuit construction, APT Electronics 222
- Memory unit, ball, for parcel sorting 821
- permanent, for static switching, C-Law modulator 825
- Mercantile Itals—Britannica, Zimmite for cleaning Florentine art treasures 8
- Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain) Ltd., trenching unit mounted on Unimog tractor 1032
- Mercedes Benz, 250 SL 2/2 motor car 936 Mercer, Thomas, Ltd., LSTO Nilos sealing ring 911 Merchant Trading Co. Ltd., tiles (trade publication) 152
- Merg and McLellan, air conditioning systems by computer 126
- Merkle, P. W., Ltd., strip cutting machine 870 Merrison, A., NINA electron synchrotron 1014 Merritt, H. E., on Hydraulic Control Systems (book) 1083
- Merry-go-round railway trains, US 895
- Mersey Tunnel, closed-circuit television for traffic control 249
- Merton Engineering Co. Ltd., shunting tractor 554 Metal(s)
- liquid, centre for, USAEC 141
- molten, solidification of, magnetic field effect on solute distribution
- porous. Union Carbide powder, high-strength uncommon, guide to,
- 655
- Metal fatigue. See Fatigue
- Metal forming, fluid-forming process 268
- Metal forming machines, Czechoslovakia 653 Erfut 654
- Grotnes 266
- Metal-forming unit, Pneuco 730
- Metal reinforcement, silicon carbide filaments for 923
- Metal shears (trade publication) 1 52
- Metal stockholding centre, Rio Tinto-Zinc Corp. 510
- Metal strip coating production line 684 Metalastik Ltd., Duolastik flexible coupling 729 motor bogie for Victoria line 729
- Metalexport, machine tools from Poland 224 Metallizer, vacuum, Stokes 784
- Metallurgists, physical chemistry for, by J. Macko- wiak (book) 31 7
- Metallurgy, introduction to, by A. H. Cottrell (book) 997
- of aluminium alloys, by M. van Lancker (book) 151
- powder. See Powder metallurgy
- Metcalfe, F., Engineering Industry Training Board, recommendations 666
- Meter, btu (trade publication) 958 electricity, readings by telephone, AEG 777 see also under specific types of meter
- Meter provers in pipeline 141
- Meterjet 100 injection moulding press 870 Metex stripping agents for metals 275
- Methane explosion in Furnas hydroelectric scheme diversion tunnels 252
- Metra Sigma Martech Ltd., Gas Council investment programme model 244
- Metric conversion (trade publication) 152
- Metric standards in industry (pamphlet) 158 Metric system
- change to, guide to, R. 0. Fyson 623 in manufacturing industry 721.
- 1012
- symposium, PERA 522, 721 construction industry changeover to for screw threads, ISO Metric, GKN 129
- Metric units, change to (publications) 759-760 for photographic materials and equipment, British Photographic Manufacturers Association 759
- Metropolitan-Cammell Ltd., container orders 251
- 1 00-ton oil bogie tank wagons 333 Metropolitan Water Board, hot water valves 32 Metroscope, vertical, PI Abbe 31
- Mettenheimer, G. W., and Co., VS High G Harperizer deburring and surface finishing machine 790
- Meynell and Sons Ltd., Meycon diaphragm control valve 276
- Mhd, electricity from. Vol. 1 (book) 401 MHD generator in nuclear gas-turbine cycle M.I.e. Major cable stripping machine 1034 MICA-150 electronic testing equipment for grated circuits 1033
- Michalec, G. W., on Precision Gearing (book) Michelotti MM 4700 GT motor car 458 Microbiology of heavy industry, course on, versity College, Cardiff 1036
- Microcircuits, RTuL, television camera equipment with, SGS-Fairchild 263
- Microelectronics centre, Marconi 455
- Microfilm aperture card system. Filmsort
- Microfilm equipment 452
- Microflo magnum module method of welding 607
- Microminiaturization (trade publication)
- Micro-oscillator in TO-5 can, Marconi 909 Microscope
- electron, at Cavendish Laboratory 555
- 1 MV 555
- interference, C.Z. Scientific Instruments 728 Ernst Leitz 639 large, Zeiss Jena 31
- measuring, universal, Carl Zeiss 31 Microscope photometer, Zeiss 639 Microscopy, electron, quantitative, conference on 958
- textile, conference on 292/ optical, S. C. Simmens 292 Micro-spectrophotometer, universal, Zeiss 639 Microswitches, Unimax 478
- Microwaves, advances in, by L. Young (book) Middle East, trade mission's report, CBM PE Middleton, municipal refuse incinerator 506 Midland Bank, computerized banking service
- Midland Brass Fittings Co. Ltd., Mini-Era radiator valve 1073
- Midland Counties Industrial Equipment Ltd., wire rope lubricators (trade publication)
- Midland Electric Manufacturing Co. switches (trade publication) 1084
- Midland Silicones Ltd., silicone rubber silicone treated pulverized fuel ash slicks 761
- Mikhail Mi-6P helicopter 452 Mikhail Mi-10 helicopter 452 Miles Electronics Ltd., flight simulator military freighter aircraft 128
- Military Engineering Experimental Establishment construction site access equipment 1052 crane for rough terrain 1052 exhibition of models and photographs 1051, 1052
- light mobile trenching machine 1052 strength tests for containers 740 water operations equipment 1052
- Mill, cold-reducing, Mannesmann-Meer 736
- Mill, rolling. See Rolling mill Millevee-type filter, Vokes 549-550
- Millikan quantization of charge demonstration unit 640
- Milling machine
- Elliott Sturdimill 981
- FWE40, with automatic cycling 225 keyway, Holroyd 145
- ME1000 universal 224
- MFI 000 heavy-duty vertical 224 piano, type MH 227 tape-controlled vertical, MFS320 224 trade publication 402
- UF231A 224
- vertical, Kendall and Gent 223 see also Boring, milling, drilling and facing machine
- Milling and boring machine, horizontal, for Escher Wyss 520
- Millom Hematite Ore and Iron Co., spray steelmaking process 121,407
- Mills, A. E., on Dynamics of Management Control Systems (book) 957
- Mills, H. R., on Teaching and Training (book) 189 Mills Scaffold Co. Ltd., roof cradles (trade publication) 114
- Millwall dock transit shed 763
- Milne-Thomson, L. H., on Theoretical Aerodynamics (book) 913
- Milton Keynes, New Town, expected growth of 82 Mimic Diagrams and Electronics Ltd., sequential event recording units 1029
- Mine(s), coal. See Colliery
- sealant in, polyurethane foam as 469
- United States National Bureau of. See United States National
- see also Colliery; Mine
- Mine surveying, metalliferous, by F. Winiberg (book) 189
- Mineral separator, electromagnetic (trade publication) 522
- Mineral wool pipe insulation, Stilclad-34 107 Minerva Fire Detector Co. Ltd., Zero-Failure fire alarm system 923
- Mingori Ltd., pipe benders 728 Mini electric car 674
- Mini-Era radiator valve 1073 Mini-Laser laser beam 474 Minilink fuse switchgear, AEI 989 Mining machinery, short-term trends 966 Mining machinery industry, short-term trends 411 Mining tools (trade publication) 402
- Minirail monorail railway at Expo-67 exhibition 423 Minirail transport system, Expo-67 63
- Ministry of. See Education; Health; Technology,
- etc.
- Mini-Vee automatic air filter 824
- Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Airflow abrasive mops 1 86 clear adhesive for low-pressure spraying 186 Coolair abrasive mops 186
- Scotchflex cable clamp system 356 Scotchflex cable duct 397
- Scotchflex flat telephone cable 316 Scotchlane self-adhesive plastics road-marking tape for aerial surveys 924
- Minter, F. G., Ltd., Red Head anchors for concrete balcony wall support brackets 858
- Mirage III V aircraft. See Aircraft Mirror, telescope, fused silica 509
- Mitchel and Brittain, Lamborghini Miura motor car 135
- Mitchell Construction Co. Ltd., Scotswood pension bridge, replacement 492-493 Scotswood Bridge, bowstring truss design
- Mitchell Construction Co. (Scotland) Ltd., forming technique for mill and silo block
- Mitchell Craig Pumps Ltd., portable mixers (trade publication) 792
- Mitchell, D., and Co. Ltd., Concord-450 heavy duty centre lathe 949
- Mitchell, T., building regulations 370
- Mitronic Multigauge multi-gauging equipment 692 Miura, Lamborghini, 350 GT motor car, description of 135. Letters 164,251,334
- Mixer, Easimix basic, potato peeling attachment 427
- portable (trade publication) 792
- Mixer device, screw, continuous. Intramix 1028 ML Aviation Co. Ltd., airlift trailer 361 commutator re-surfacing machine 693
- MML Industrial Equipment Ltd., needle gun for descaling and rust removal 649
- WEKA magnetic level indicator 594
- Moag, T. G. J., on Science for Mechanical Engineering Technicians (Book 1) (book) 561
- Mobile Grease and Polish (Manchester) Drierific sand-drying plant 549
- Modacryl Plastics Ltd., Modacryl QP53 and plastics coatings 187
- Modacryl QP53 and SP54 plastics coatings
- Model(s), engineering, and scientific apparatus, exhibition of, ICE 1051
- hydraulic, for C-ring road immersed-tube tunnel study 573
- mathematical, of industry 141 Model 9 Pirani vacuum gauge 150 Model making, telescopic, A. E. Goodson 778 "Model" mechanized dustbin emptying equipment 502
- Model tests, on hull form of Q4 liner 1 2 ship, in water circulating channel 538 Modelling, mathematical, in chemical engineering, by R. G. E. Franks (book) 957
- Modern aspects of electrochemistry. Vol. 4, by J. O'M. Bockris (book) 655
- Modern Concrete (Bristol) Ltd., instant roofing
- (trade publication) 698
- Modern Telephones (GB) Ltd., Electrowriters for written messages between departments 940 Modular education, conference on 1084 Module(s)
- control (trade publication) 562
- logic, for process control. Norbit 2 range of, MEL 431
- plug-in, for thermal analysis system 149 printer drive, Addo 356
- Module cases, electronic, Chilworth range 826 Module kits, digital, for logic functions 1072 Modulectric range of process instrumentation 987 Modulex 3-Dimensional Planning Ltd., factory planning system 650
- Moffat and Bell Ltd., bulk swarf handling 1024 Moffatt, H., Lamborghini Miura: the new Bugatti? 251. Letter 334
- Mole, pneumatically-actuated, Hymatic 1082 Molecular electronics in integrated circuits 153 Molins Machine Co. computer-controlled machine tools pre-production order 617
- Molten metals, solidification of, magnetic field effect on solute distribution 352
- Molybdenum oxide recovery plant 22 Molykote (Great Britain) Ltd., Molykote heavy-duty lubricant 102
- Molykote heavy-duty lubricant 102
- Monitor, combustion, fuel cell as, Westinghouse Electric 980
- dust, Frieseke and Hoepfer 862
- Monitoring, neutron (book) 947 patient, Galileo modular system for 463
- Monitoring unit, conductivity, Diversey 912 sample, for artesian and oil well drilling, Landis 182
- Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., 4,000 ton hydraulic screw press 111
- Monobloc reciprocating air compressors (trade publication) 482
- Monomover belt conveyor 232 Mono-Radial hydraulic pumps 789
- Monorail railway. Minirail, at Expo-67 exhibition 423
- Monorail tracks, Becorit, use in drift mines 102 Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., Plymon bulk containers 110
- rheometer 907
- Spandoplast polystyrene board for concrete shuttering 101
- Montford Instruments Ltd., MINI-K.C02 MKII portable environmental test chamber 600 Montreal Engineering Co. Ltd., nuclear power station in India 258
- Montreal Metro railway system 426
- Moodyplant Ltd., Motor Mason bricklaying machine 832
- Moon, where do we go from ? by M. Bubb (book) 871
- Moonshot vehicle assembly building 10
- Moore, D., Free Fall Corer for sampling of ocean bed 262
- Moore Reed (Industrial) Ltd., decimal weight scales 1029
- Moore Special Tool Co., Ultra-precise rotary tables 360
- Mop(s)
- abrasive. Airflow 186
- Coolair 186
- Moped. See Bicycle, motorized
- Moral spectrum, engineer and, M. W. Thring 665 Morecambe Bay, barrage study at 158 Morgan Components Ltd., spring brush gear (trade publication) 746
- Morgan, D. H. (Engineers) Ltd., Hydro-couple low- load front loading semi-trailer 234
- Morgan, R. Travers, and
- Route 1051
- River Wear bridge 819 Morganite Ceramic Fibres ceramic fibre insulation
- Morganite Research and Development Ltd., 2,000 C electric furnace 819
- Morphy Richards, Easimix basic mixer potato peeling attachment 427
- electric convector heaters. Design Centre award 774
- Morrow, L. C., on Maintenance Engineering Handbook (book) 189
- Morse Boulger Inc., refuse incineration plant 505 Mortising machine, slot, tenon cutting and, ZR350 Maschinenbau 790
- Mosaic pieces, computer and, draughting by 468 Mosson, T. M., on Teaching the Process of Management (book) 611
- Motherwell Bridge Tacol Ltd., VKW system of incineration 506
- Moto Standard, snow-shifting turbine 170 Motobecane 50 cc petrol engine 587 Motor(s)
- compressed air (trade publication) 442 de electric, instrument, and tachometer generators, Muirhead 221
- electric, adjustable speed geared (trade publication) 190
- control and distribution boards, GEC 987 fractional horsepower, AEI 274 low inertia (trade publication) 914 shaft-mounted worm-gear 471 slip-ring, with metric dimensions, Crompton Parkinson 784
- squirrel-cage, rotor test unit 183 synchronous/stepping, Superior Electric 186 systems. Union Carbide. Correction 74 in electric cars 674
- oil burner. Type Bl 5 Form F, AEI 955 slip-ring, Crompton Parkinson 781 Motor bogie for Victoria line, Metalastik 729 Motor car(s)
- Abarth sports racing 52 Alfa Romeo Duetto 936
- Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint 936
- Alfa Romeo GTA, with superchargers 420 Alfa Romeo type 33 V8 prototype sports 420
- Alvis, vintage, by P. Hull and N. Johnson (book) 791
- AMX111 'sports station wagon' 635
- Artes GT 892
- Astro 1 experimental coupe 634
- Auto Union Audi 937
- Bertone Dino Coupe 458
- BMC 1100, by D. Marshall and I. Fraser (book) 35
- BMW-1600 937
- BMW-2000 Tl, description of 1016
- Chapman Lotus, Formula 1, Ford V8 engine for 716, 883
- Citroen, manufacture in Spain 893
- Citycar, overhead road structure proposals 1049 proposals for 1044, 1045, 1049
- Cooper Maserati Fl 54
- Cooper-Maserati 3-litre Formula-1 290 Costin-Nathan coupe 55
- Dino Fiat-Ferrari, description of 543
- Diva Valkyr 52
- electric. Carter coaster 674
- colloquium on. Institution of Electrical Engineers 674
- Ford 430E Comuta 972
- J. W. March 674
- Mark II 674
- Markette 674
- Mini 674
- Scamp, Scottish Aviation 674 specifications. Electricity Council 674 zinc-air batteries for 204
- Fiat, manufacture in Spain 892
- Fiat Dino Spider
- Fiat 124 coupe
- Fiat 124 Spider
- Fiat124S 937
- Fiat-125 535
- description of 675- Correction 708
- Ford Corsair 2000E 9
- Ford Cortina De Luxe estate 250
- Ford Cortina Lotus, description of 383
- Ford Cortina Super estate 250
- Ford GT 40 Mk III 575
- Fraser GT 54
- Frazer-Nash BMW 936
- Frua AC428 458
- Fulvia Coupe Rallye 1.3, Lancia 378
- Fulvia Coupe Rallye HF 1.3, Lancia 378
- Fulvia Sedan GT 1.2, Lancia 378
- Fulvia Sport 1.3, Lancia 378
- GinettaG-12 52
- Gyro two-wheel 635
- Hillman estate 622
- Hillman Imp Californian 49
- Hillman Minx 128
- Honda S800 935
- Husky estate 622
- Iso Grifo 935
- Lamborghini Marzal 420, 458
- Lamborghini Miura 350 GT, description of 135. Letters 164,251,334
- Lola Mk III and Mk III GT 52
- Lotus Europa type-47 54
- Mark IV Zodiac-Zephyr, suspension components inspection of. Ford 437
- Matra M530 421
- Mercedes Benz 250 SL 2/2 936 Michelotti MM 4700 GT 458 mini-type, Honda N500 421
- NSU 1 lose, description of 805
- NSU Prinz 1000 458
- NSUTTS 937
- description of 805
- Opel Commodore 421
- Opus-HRF 54
- Peugeot 404 De Luxe 937
- Racing CarShow1967 (Olympia), exhibits at racing formulae 54
- Renault, manufacture in Spain 893
- Scamp electrically driven 377
- SEAT 850 Costa 892
- seat belts in, required standards 164 Silverstone foreign vehicles test day 935 Singer Chamois coupe 622 Singer Gazelle 128 Singer Vogue estate 622 Skoda Winneton MB-1000 458 Steyr-Puch 600TR11 937
- Toyota Corolla 935 Toyota Corona 1600 S 935 Toyota-2000 421 Triumph Spitfire Mk. Ill 420
- Vauxhall Viva De Luxe-90, automatic transmission 248
- Jack Brabham modifications on 248
- Vauxhall Viva SL90, automatic transmission 248 Jack Brabham modifications on 248
- Vauxhall Viva underbody, Multi-Weld press for 392
- Vignale Jensen Nova 458
- Volkswagen 'Beetle' 922
- Volkswagen Blank 1600 RS 458 Wartburg type 353 Knight 534-535
- Wolseley 18/85, description of 381
- see also Motor vehicle
- Motor-car anti-theft devices 843-844
- Motor-car body stacking system as buffer stock, PSF 542
- Motor-car door seal, inflatable, R. Stacey 847. Letter 1048
- Motor-car engine
- Aston Martin V8 52
- Chevrolet V8 52
- design and tuning of competition, by P. H. Smith (book) 957
- Ferrari V6 168
- Fiat Spider 676
- Ford V8 716,883
- Gianinni V8 54
- Nathan Imp conversion 54
- 3-litre Formula-1 racing cars, Maserati 290
- Triumph TR, Lawrencetine 54
- see also Engine, petrol
- Motor-car exhaust control. Duplex induction system for 215
- man-air-ox system for 214
- Motor-car exhaust emission regulations, California 213
- Motor-car industry. See Motor industry Motor-car performance and the choice of conversion equipment, by P. H. Smith (book) 611
- Motor-car race, Le Mans 24-hour, report on 1011 Motor-car safety competition, prize winners, Rubberex '67 846-847
- Motor-car safety seat, Cox 708 Motor-car sales statistics 43
- Motor-car steering column, collapsible, P. Albericci and D. Kershaw 846-847
- Motor-car transporter, convertible. Transloader Mk III 400
- Motor cycles, computerized production of. Motor Cycles 591
- Gyronaut X-1 635
- Tuscan rubber-track 635
- Motor industry, position and prospects of
- 617, 795, 1041
- Spain 892
- United States safety regulations 634
- Motor launch. See Boat
- Motor Mason bricklaying machine 832 Motor oil (trade publication) 612
- Motor Rail Ltd., electromagnetic clutches brakes (trade publication) 76
- Motor show, Geneva Salon, exhibits at 420, 458
- New York, exhibits at 634
- Motor vehicle(s)
- air-cushion equipped transporter 298 articulated, permissible length 839 Bedford KM articulated truck 883
- Dodge Deora futuristic pick-up 635
- Fiat Campagnola four-wheel drive 171 heavy. Ford 589 refuse collecting 503, 504
- Paxit 502
- snow transport 170
- tanker, in glass-fibre reinforced polyester resin, Gloster 883
- plastics tank for 186
- tug, battery-powered, Trog 360
- see also Motor car; Truck
- Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations, amendment proposals 839
- Motor vehicle industry. See Motor industry Motorway, between Hackney Wick and Willesden, approval by Greater London Council 251
- North Cross Route, model of 1051
- Motorway "box" to encircle London 251 Motorway bridges, design and construction Motorway programme, ICE 83 Mott, Hay and Anderson
- Scotswood Bridge, bowstring truss design replacement 492-493
- Victoria Line underground railway 148 Mott, L. C., on Engineering Drawing and struction Vol. 2 (book) 913
- Mould(s), rubber, investment casting in Moulding blow, polyethylene liquid container by compression, of thermoplastics 445 concrete, oil-hydraulic installation for epoxy, of fluidic elements 105
- injection, designing for, K. Simpson 273 of thermoplastics 446 plastics, seminar on, Du Pont 272 post-moulding operations, M. S. Madan successful, G. S. Gibbins and M. Glassoff successful, J. B. Smith and A. Langford shell, silicone release agent for, Cilchem-540
- Moulding compounds, thermosetting, Rhodester 1075
- Moulding equipment, expanded polystyrene, Kohler- General 869
- Moulding machine
- blow Revel Engineering 985 disamatic, for malleable iron castings 1070 disamatic high-density 1070 for expanded polystyrene, Foster Yates and Thom 270
- planing and, Bursgreen Model BFO 736 plastic. Unimoulder 1074 sculptor's copying, Bulleri 790 Simplex, with one shot lubrication 860 Moulding plant, mechanized, for blackheart malleable iron 438
- Moulding press, injection, Meterjet-100 870 rubber compression. Hydramold 870
- Moulding sand processing plant, Mechauto 1071 Moulding system, automatic, for malleable iron castings, Buhrer 904
- Mount Vernon Hospital, Hoverbed for burns cases 968
- Mountaineer
- 1048 Mounting(s), motor car
- Mounting board for micro miniature 688
- Movers Lane, flyover erection at 1 36.
- Mower, lawn. Ambassador 250
- rotary, Bush-Hog 832 self-propelled. Mountaineer 924.
- Muirhead and Co. Ltd., Hall synchro 598 instrument de electric motors and tachometer generators 221
- Muset computer-controlled type justifier 843 Muirhead Instruments Inc., fingerprint identification system 8
- Mullard Ltd.
- exhibits at Physics Exhibition 597 gunn-effect oscillator 30 infra-red equipment 910 linear integrated circuit type 530M 909
- Mullard Space Science Laboratory 764 numerical indicator tubes, side viewing and end viewing 515
- shadow mask television tube 1055 television, colour components 91 0 Mullard Space Science Laboratory 764 Muller et Cie, Mylar polyester-film programming belts 22
- Multi-coloured lamp displays, internal communication 132
- Multivane cyclonic scrubber dust control equipment 29
- Multi-Weld press for Viva motor-car underbody 392
- Mulvey, T., particle optics 1002
- Munck, J., compressor failure 71. Letter 129 Munton, R., on Refrigeration at Sea (book) 697 Muradrive welding machines 606 Muramatic welding machines 606
- Murex Welding Processes Ltd., Muramatic and Muradrive welding machines 606
- Muset computer-controlled type justifier 843 Museum, Science, fire fighting appliances collection 9
- Musketeer, Karrier, continuous compressing mechanism for refuse disposal 503
- Mylar polyester-film programming belts 22 Myriad I computer for air traffic control 455 Myriad II computer for industry 455
- l\l
- Nash, J. K. T. L., Aberfan inquiry 667
- Naslin, P., on Lecons d'anglais Scientifique et
- Technique (book) 611
- Natham, Roger, Imp engine conversion 54 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Apollo spacecraft fire 376
- National Coal Board
- Aberfan coal tip disaster inquiry 86, 126, 161, 201,247, 291, 333, 374, 416, 667, 704 district heating scheme for South Wales 127 international department 570 polyurethane foam as sealant in mines 469 ROLF remotely operated longwall system 767 Tercol ADI lining materials for coal preparation plant 1022
- National Economic Development Office, process plant delivery delays 196
- National Engineering Laboratory, fluidic system for visual decimal readout on machine tool 106 international performance standards for fans 963 National Environment Research Council, activities 408
- National Fund for Research into Crippling Diseases, wheelchair design 573
- National Gas Turbine Establishment, Concorde supersonic airliner Olympus 593 turbojet engines, ground tests 428
- Olympus 593 turbojet engine for Concorde supersonic airliner 578
- National Giro, current account banking service 378 National Institute of Oceanography, helical warping capstan 100
- National Lending Library for Science and Technology, survey information requirements of mechanical engineers 532
- National Physical Laboratory
- Addo printer drive module 356 circulating water channel for ship hull resistance research 538
- contractors 575
- hull form model tests on 04 liner 12 industrial aerodynamics survey 42 1 MV electron microscopes 555
- National Ports Authority 285
- National productivity conference (London) 1006 National Proving Ground for Freeway Surveillance Control and Electronic Traffic Aids, traffic control methods 203
- National Research Development Corp, computers for medium-sized firms 527 dental material, advances in 331 Dunlop Dracone barge 670 electronic circuits by thick and thin film technologies 393 flexible pin epicyclic gear 206 gaseous filtration 691 HM-2 rigid sidewall hovercraft 290 Hoverbed for burns cases 968 inventions for industry (periodical) 151 micro-film equipment 452 proposed formation of Tracked Hovercraft 845
- Natural gas
- Algerian supplies cut 1006 boiler design requirements 806 burner design 857 comparison with town gas 856 conversion programme 854,856,1006 effect on chemical industry 487 electricity generation from 843 electricity supply industry and 288 firing system, ASA 1068 for gas turbines 1061-1062 for power stations 576 gas appliances adaptable to 254 mobile plant for conversion to, Calor Gas Group 1021
- pipeline commissioning at Easington 417 position and prospects 288 pre-conversion, liquid petroleum gas/air mixture for 1021
- principal fields, feeders and grid 854 storage of 855 storage systems 856 strikes on Yorkshire moors 288
- E. N. Tiratsoo (book) 441 town gas manufacture from 855 Natural rubber, developments with, by J. A. Brydson (book) 1035
- Natural Rubber Producers’ Research Association, conference on rubber in engineering applications 782
- Nautical Almanac, bi-centenary of 5
- Naval Construction Research Establishment, glass- reinforced plastics full-size test section 513 Ltd.
- Navigare 67, International Maritime Exhibition (Helsinki) 958
- Navigation, HARCO system of 90 VORDAC system of 90
- Nawide printed circuit board drilling machines (trade publication) 318
- Nayler, G., on Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering (book) 791
- Nayler, J. L., on Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering (book) 791
- Needle bearing, stainless steel 353
- Needle gun for descaling and rust removal 649
- Negative feedback. See Feedback
- Negative processing machines, Hadland 398
- Nelson Engineering Co. Ltd., transformers (trade publication) 152
- Nelson, Lord, of Stafford, Crewe Dinner 705
- Nelson River power transmission project 815 NeoCryl B-723 acrylic polymer 560
- Neoprene conveyor belts (trade publication) 280 Neoprene 0-ring for steel degassing plant 941 Netherlands Universities Foundation for International
- Co-operation, hydraulic and sanitary engineering course 746
- Nettle Accessories Ltd., Nettle System 4 electric wiring components 994
- Network planning, conference on, ICT 402 Neubauer, L. W., demonstration of Euler loads 56 Neuenberg 219 chasing machine 868
- Neumo Ltd., volumetric filling machine 270 Neutrine beam source, CERN 931
- Neutrino experiments, CERN 931
- Neutron detectors, by V. Antonescu (book) 35
- Neutron monitoring (book) 957
- New Brunswick Telephone Co., pulse code modulation telephone equipment 621-622
- New Conveyor Co. Ltd., belt and roller conveyors (trade publication) 958
- New Materials Exhibition (Building Centre) exhibits at 533-534
- New Technology, first issue of 83
- New town. Milton Keynes, expected growth of 82 Thamesmead 412
- New Traveller flask for germ-free drinking water 760
- New Welbeck Ltd., suction cleaners (trade publication) 656
- New World cooker, natural gas conversion 254
- New York Motor Show, exhibits at 634
- Newage Lyon Ltd., Stamford C brushless alternator 1029
- Newall Group Sales Ltd., jig erosion machine 518 Newalls Insulation and Chemical Co. Ltd., furnace and stove insulation (trade publication) 36
- Newaygo Engineering Co., Reddy Sandy sand handling and reconditioning unit 182
- Newbold Bulford Ltd., compasses and height meters 742
- Newcastle upon Tyne University, air-conditioning in glass office buildings 1011
- traffic control research 340
- Newman Hender Group, valve testing equipment 1023
- Newman Hender (Woodchester) Ltd., bellows sealed valves 780
- valve for underwater duty 643
- Newport (Mon.) By-pass, Crindau twin tunnels on 800
- Newton Chambers Engineering Ltd., Scroll system for large storage tanks 291
- Niagra Screens and Plant Ltd., scalping screen 554
- Nicholas, A. J., in New Year Honours list 3
- Nickel alloys, wear-resistant 650
- Nickel plating solution, chemical, Enplate Ni-410 781
- Nicki Clothing (lOM) Ltd., unsinkable life raft 493 Nickols Automatics Ltd., automation of machine tools 950
- pre-set tooling for capstan lathe 1081
- Turret Skip Indexer 950
- Nim-Cor Air Shaft pneumatic reel bar 824
- Nimrod camping trailer 162
- Nimrod 801 maritime reconnaissance aircraft 1010 NINA electron synchrotron, description of 1014 Nitrogen, liquid, for shrinking large bushes 725 high-vacuum dewars for, Spembley Technical Products 644
- Nitrogen enrichment of soil. Top Crop 29N aqueous ammonia for 169
- Nobel, Alfred, invention of dynamite 7
- Noble, B., on Applications of Undergraduate Mathematics in Engineering (book) 745
- Nobur tubing for prevention of burst pipes 534
- Noggerath and Co., Robot immersible pump Noise, aircraft, around airports, ISO electrical, by R. King (book) 957 industrial, rating of, BS 1022 Wilson committee on 1050
- Noise control, symposium on, PERA
- Noise dosemeter, Epsylon 559
- Noise impulse counter, Venner 271
- Noise tests on pneumatic concrete 1050
- No-Nail Boxes Ltd., Plymon bulk containers
- Non-Corrosive Metal Products Ltd., light-alloy hand rails 1084
- Non-destructive testing of forgings, by N. McGowan (book) 1035
- Nonlinear differential equations, numerical solutions of, by D. Greenspan (book) 561
- Non-Newtonian fluids, flow of, conference on, British Society of Rheology 318
- Non-stick coating, Armourcote 781
- Nopump spray booths 638
- Norbex '68. See North British Engineering Exhibition
- Norbit 2 range of logic modules for process control, MEL 431
- Nordhoff, H., ‘Beetle’ motor car 922 information and management 662
- Norgren, C. A., Ltd., air filters 108 miniature relief valves 221
- Norris Brothers, Bluebird\e\. hydroplane 50
- North American Aviation, Apollo spacecraft access hatch, redesign of 493-494
- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, communications systems for SHAPE and AFCENT 129
- North British Engineering Exhibition (Glasgow) 998
- North Cross Route motorway, model of 1051 North Hants Engineering Co. Ltd., liquid sampling equipment 110
- North of Scotland Hydro-electric Board, annual report 1004
- conversion of Foyers works hydroelectric power station 1046
- Loch Ness pumped storage plant 16
- North Sea, natural gas. See Natural gas
- North Thames Gas Board, gas furnace for shrinking liners on ship’s shafts 1076
- North West, industrial development prospects 3
- North Western Gas Board, meter provers in pipeline 141
- Northampton town expansion proposals 1006 Norton Abrasives Ltd., abrasive finishing (trade publication) 402
- abrasive products 911
- Norton, Sir James Farmer,and Co. Ltd.,straightening machine for thick walled seamless tube 980
- Norwich Insulations, Silbestos asbestos vention of condensation 1068
- Notre Dame Island, Expo-67 17, 61 Nottingham University, Bulleid Memorial on engineering in high duty materials
- Omega (journal) 878
- Novi flywheel magneto generator NSU, Prinz 1 000 motor car 458
- 110SC motor car, description of
- TTS motor car 937 description of 805
- NTSC system of colour television
- Nuclear Chemical Plant Ltd., nuclear radiation plant for insect elimination in grain 68
- Nuclear desalination, costing methods for (book) 521
- Nuclear Design and Construction Ltd., Sizewell nuclear power station 573
- spherical concrete vessels at Wylfa nuclear power station 453-454
- Nuclear Energy, Political Economy of, D. Burn 718. Letter 803
- Nuclear Enterprises (GB) Ltd., nuclear equipment 746
- Nuclear equipment (trade publication) 746 Nuclear Forums 662
- Nuclear fuel, for Sweden, UKAEA 123
- for thermal reactor 282
- Nuclear fuel elements, finned tubing for, R. Wright 473
- Nuclear industry, constitution and activities 324 position and prospects 288
- Nuclear Information System, International, IAEA 279
- Nuclear physics, low-energy, conference on (Manchester) 998
- Nuclear power for electricity generation, position and prospects 577
- Nuclear Power Group, Hinkley Point B nuclear power station contract 377, 407
- Oldbury nuclear power station 380
- Nuclear power plant, vibration in, J. F. Derbyshire and R. Stead 473
- Nuclear power programme, Italy 496 Nuclear power station
- Berkeley, nuclear reactor simulator 202
- Brown's Ferry 894-898
- Calder Hall 678
- Canada 255
- CANDU, in Pakistan 258 circulator design, R. A. Strub 473 construction programme 325 development programme 407
- Douglas Point 255
- plant specifications 256. Letter 419
- Dungeness B 408
- on-load refuelling 680 reactor designs appraisal
- Finland, postponement of
- Garigliano 496
- Gentilly 255
- Hinkley Point B
- circulators, W. M. Fraser
- construction permission granted 1 95 contract for 377, 407
- electronic governor control system for 660 MW turbo-generators 551
- turbo-generator plant 628
- Hunterston, fish rearing in cooling-water outfall 249
- India 258
- Latina 496
- Oldbury, commissioning, J. W. Hughes and C. O'Tallamhain 473
- gas-turbine generators 380
- on-load refuelling, P. Waine and R. A. Selby
- Pickering 255, 258
- reactor buildings construction at 162 plant specifications, Douglas Point 256 Rajasthan 258
- Seaton Carew, application for consent to 407
- Sizewell, official opening of 573
- Sweden, UKAEA to supply fuel for 123 Trawsfynydd, on-load refuelling 680 Trino Vercellese 496
- Upper Heysham, application for consent to 407
- proposals 162
- Wylfa, spherical concrete vessels 453-454
- Nuclear propulsion, pusher cargo ship, J. A. Teasdale 540
- Nuclear quadripole resonance spectrometer, Decca Radar 596
- Nuclear radiation as remedy for grain losses due to insects 68
- Nuclear radiation plant for insect elimination grain 68
- Nuclear reactor(s)
- AGR 325
- CANDU fuelling 258
- CANDU pressurized heavy water 162 development for electricity generation 577 Douglas Point, horizontal configuration of 256 Dragon, blowersfor, N. A. Van ZijI and J. Eggmann 473
- Dragon project 210
- fast. Engineering Outline. Correction 129
- Foratom Congress (London) 704 fast breeder, Foratom Congress 661 fast breeder programme, Foratom Congress 1 90 gas-cooling techniques, symposium 472 heavy water, CANDU 255 MHD generator heat source 209 OECD high-temperature project 210 on-load refuelling, P. Waine and R. A. Selby 678 optimal shutdown control of, by M. Ash (book) 35
- political economy of 718. Letter 803 research, utilization of (book) 997 thermal, applications 284 coolants 283 definition 281
- elements of practical system 282
- Engineering Outline 281 fuel and fuel elements 282 moderators 283
- reactions in 281
- types 284
- UK programme. Select Committee’s investigation
- 324
- Nuclear reactor simulator 202
- Nuclearsubmarine base at Chatham 334 Nucleartechnology (chemical) postgraduate course 834
- Nuffield 3/45 tractor 1067
- Nuffield 4/65 tractor 1067
- Null detector, Pye 599
- Numerical control
- for sawing machine, Airmec Ltd. 219 for Series 45 machining centre 992 in modern history, IPE 562 of drilling machine. Wadkin 946 of flame-cutting of plates in shipbuilding 208 of machine tools by fluidics 106 of machining (courses). Royal Aircraft Establishment 482
- trade publication 280
- Numerical indicator tubes, side viewing and end viewing, Mullard 515
- Numerical solutions of nonlinear differential equations, by D. Greenspan (book) 561
- Numerically-controlled contouring control unit, Hancock 608
- Nut(s), self-locking, metric (trade publication) 792 Nutating table. Abbey Electronics 476
- Nutec Electronics Ltd., Lemo miniature connector 559
- NV Machinefabriek A, Fontijne, metal forming machine 266
- Nylon, high speed machine
- Klinger 722
- properties and applications
- Nylon-11 fine powder, Rilsan
- Nylon application (trade publication) 998
- Nylon chain, Tuff-Link 108
- Nylon fabric, pvc-coated. Topspan 440
- Nylon lifting slings, "W" Ribbons 1 87
- Nylonic Engineering Co. Ltd., industrial plastics (trade publication) 76 plastic products (trade publication) 364
- Oberhettinger, F., on Formulae and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics (book) 521
- Ocean from space, symposium on 280
- Ocean bed, sampling of. Free Fall corer for 262
- Ocean Ranger hydrofoil vessel 346
- Oceanographic Engineering Corp., Free Fall corer for sampling of ocean bed 262
- O'Connor, T. F., on Profitable Productivity (book) 189
- Octaid digital module kits for logic functions 1072
- Odeon Cinema, Marble Arch, reinforced rubber base for 901
- Oelikon Electrodes Ltd., Arcmaster portable welding screen 605
- Off-peak electricity. See Electricity
- Office building(s), glass, air-conditioning in 1011
- Office building system (trade publication) 792
- Office construction package contracts (trade publication) 114
- Office machines, ISO Technical Committee 95 on 967
- Offshore drilling and production exhibition 958
- Ogata, K., on State Space Analysis of Control Systems (book) 655
- Ogmore and Garw, district heating 127
- Ogorkiewicz, R. M., designing for stiffness 179
- Oil Britoleum, for underground pipeline control 304 concrete release, Zedcote S3 742
- from leaking tankers, boom to contain, proposals 533. Letter 623
- insulating, Univolt-72 108
- motor (trade publication) 612
- see also Lubricant; Lubrication; Petroleum; Refinery
- Oil barrier system, air-bubble 621. Letter 762
- Oil burner. See Burner
- Oil centre in Kazakhstan, fresh water supply for 164
- Oil control valve, side outlet, BM Control Valves 354
- Oil emulsions, degradation of, E. C. Hill 983 degradation of, medical implications of 984
- Oil engine. See Engine, diesel
- Oil-hydraulic installation for concrete mouldings 510
- Oil leakage from wrecked vessels, containment proposals 536
- Oilrecovery on water. Floating Oil Skimmerfor 535
- Oil seal, threaded. Spiroseal DP 781
- trade publication 792
- Oil slicks, silicone treated pulverized fuel ash to sink 761
- Oil temperature thermostat, Taurus Oilstat 87, Correction 129
- Oil Well Engineering Co. Ltd., filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- Oilstat, Taurus, oil temperature thermostat 87. Correction 129
- Oldbury nuclear power station, commissioning, J. W. Hughes and C. O'Tallamhain 473 gas-turbine generators 380
- Olin Mathieson Ltd., six-stage compressor for high- pressure air supply 1023
- Tigrip soft-jaw lifting grabs 232
- Olsen, Fred, Ltd., Millwall dock transit shed 763
- Olsen Line, container shed at Millwall Docks 43
- Olson, H. F., on Solutions of Engineering Problems by Dynamical Analogies (book) 697
- Olympus 593 turbojet engine
- Concorde supersonic airliner 578 ground tests 428
- inspection ports 467
- Omega (journal), Nottingham University 878
- Omera, trimming machine for automatic operations on pressings 231
- One-Eleven aircraft flight simulator 65
- One-Eleven Series 500 twin jet transport aircraft 201
- Ontario Hydro, Douglas Point nuclear power station 255
- Pickering nuclear power station 255, 258 Opel Commodore motor car 421 Operation Scandiaships design 233 Operational calculus, introduction to, by L. Berg (book) 1035
- Operational research, introduction to the theory of, by B. van der Veen (book) 1083
- Operational research course 914
- Operator training, Abex Engineered Products Ltd. 45
- capital grant for 489
- Opico, Bush-Hog rotary mowers 832
- Hillside tractor-mounted grass cutter 924 Letter 1048
- Mountaineer self-propelled mower 924. Letter 1048
- Oppenheimer Inter-Continental Corp., Arps AB-15 rear dozer blade 73
- Opti merger with Lightning Fasteners 528
- Optical character recognition equipment for National Giro 378
- Optical flatness machine, Carl Zeiss 31
- Optical flatness tester, Zeiss Jena 728
- Optical projector, Kandux 270
- Optical systems, design data for 21
- Optical torquemeters. Torquemeters 784
- Optics, electron, conference on 958 fibre (trade publication) 236 particle. See Particle optics thin-film. See Thin-film optics
- Optics developments, conference on, SIRA 280 Opus-HRF motor car 54
- Orientor for cylindrical parts, Aylesbury Automation 595
- Ortix synthetic material for shoe uppers 333 Oscillator, Gunn-effect, Mullard 30 low power, Marconi 396
- micro, in TO-5 can 909
- Oscillograph, Svenska Diamant Ultralette-5651 150
- Oscillograph trace recorder, S.E. Labs 34 Oscilloscope, portable, Solartron 743 transistorized, Cossor 479
- Osram-GEC, floodlighting 509
- O'Tallamhain, C., Oldbury 473
- Outboard engine, Johnson
- Outboard Marine Corp., Johnson GT 115 outboard engine 203
- Oven, electric industrial, A.E.W. 1034
- industrial, temperature monitoring (trade publication) 872
- tunnel, for curing of beer keg valves 637 Overalls rental service. Spring Grove 453 Overhead beam, automatic, and traversing unit. Interwood 787
- Overman, M., simple flyovers 251
- Overseas Containers Ltd., containers orders
- strength tests for containers 740
- Overseas students, increased university and technical college fees for 124
- O and W Electronics, printed circuit boards 862 Ower, E., on Measurement of Air Flow (book) 189 Oxford Instrument Co. Ltd., He®/He^ refrigerator 596
- Oxford Regional Hospital Board, Stelvetite G panels for hospital buildings 422
- Oxy-acetylene pistol, Powda-Weld WGO 476 Oxygen analysis systems, Servomex 1080 Oxygen regulator, British Oxygen 688
- Ozalid Co. Ltd. Diazoprinter printing/developing unit 737
- Ozalid 3020 electrophotographic microfilm en- larger/printer 737
- Ozalid 3020 electrophotographic microfilm en- larger/printer 737
- Ozonair Engineering Co. Ltd., Ducon scrubber dust control equipment 29
- P11 27 aircraft. See under Aircraft
- P11 54 aircraft. See under Aircraft
- P.A. Management Consultants, training services at Fairfields 491
- Pacair fume extract/air input unit 550 Paceco-Vickers Portainer cranes 880
- Pacemaker, implantable, Groningen, Vitatron Dieren 464
- inductivity coupled cardiac, Joseph Lucas 464
- Packaging Exhibition, International (Earls Court) exhibits at 800
- Packaging machine. Bijou automatic blister 800 short-term trends 411
- Packaging tape, Sellotape Carton Closure Tape 221 Page, G. G., cathodic protection 1040
- Paint drying, infra-red heater for, Claudgen 146 Painting hot dip galvanized steel (trade publication) 190
- spray, machines, Phoenix Telephones 147 mobile booth for railway rolling stock 669 static electricity applications to 78
- Painting line. Electrocoat, for petrol tanks, ICI 591 Pakamatic refuse collecting vehicles 503 504 wash hand basin in 761
- Pakistan, CANDU nuclear power station in 258 PAL colour tv (book) 697
- PAL system of colour television 1 054, 1 091 PAL-D system of colour television 1 092
- Palin, G. R., on Plastics for Engineers: an Introductory Course (book) 363
- Pallet handling equipment (trade publication) 76 Pallet racking, boltless (trade publication) 872
- Palmer, G. A. Stanley, Ltd., heavy duty relays 108 Klikax retaining circlip 354
- Palnut Co. Ltd., fastener threads 129
- Panel(s), flooring (trade publication) 612 structural, diffusion bonding of, by composite rolling, R. I. Jaffee 109
- Panelaid digital module kits for logic functions 1072
- Pankhurst, R. C., on Measurement of Air Flow (book) 189
- Pantak Ltd., Baltospot G L 400 portable radiographic equipment 645
- Paper(s), coated, Jagenberg coating plant for 859 waste, board products from, Reed Paper Group 504
- chipboard production from, Thames Board Mills 504
- Paper sacks, Binsac, for refuse collection 499 Parachute on Bluebird 88
- Paradise-3 power station, TVA 894-898
- Parcel sorting, ball memory unit for 821 Parimpex Ltd., hour counters 107
- Paris Air and Space Salon, exhibits at 889
- Paris Exposition (1867) 6
- Park Gate Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., automatic sizechanging equipment for continuous slab and billet mill 304
- hydraulic platform for access to electric furnace 939
- Park Royal Vehicles Ltd., Atlantean computerized double-deck buses 335
- Parkes, D., on Manual of Maintenance Vol. 2 (book) 957
- Parking system. Liftpark, for motor-car bodies 542 Parkinson Cowan Ltd., Schwank burners 637
- tunnel oven for curing of beer keg valves 637
- Parsons, C. A. and Co. Ltd., 500 MW alternator, works tests 173
- heavy electrical plant manufacture 2 large steam turbines (trade publication) 402 Particle concept in crystal physics 404 Particle optics, basic physics of 999
- definition of 999
- Engineering Outline 999 future developments 1002
- Particulate solids, storage and recovery of, by J. C. Richards (book) 561
- Partridge, F. A., rebuilding of Grosvenor Bridge 1063
- Pask, G., cybernetics 118
- Pask, J. A., on Atomistic Approach to the Nature and Properties of Materials (book) 697
- Patek, K., on Lasers (book) 745 Patents
- applicability 793 application procedure 794 costs of obtaining 794 definition of 793
- Engineering Outlines 793 origin of 793 reader list 794
- reasons for applying for 793 scope of protection 793
- Patents collection in the technical library 35
- Paterson, A., railway track and structures 839. Letter 926
- Pates, E. W., deadlier than the female ? 1012 Patient monitoring, Galileo modularsystem for 463 Patrol boats, customs, for Libya 761
- KD Perkasa 924
- Patrol craft, helicopter, HPC-HI 343
- Patterson Candy International Ltd., water treatment plant at Southampton 801
- Paul Plus Ltd., iodine-quartz light 479
- Paxit refuse collecting vehicle 502
- Paxmaster push button 'intercom' telephone 131 Payne, A. R., rubber in engineering 179; (book) 782
- Payne Products International Ltd., Lapmaster lapping machine 218
- P.D. (Technical Mouldings) Ltd., Alkadrum polythene drum container 645
- PDS Fabrications Ltd., single piece girder members for trailers 1029
- P-E Consulting Group Ltd., cargo terminal for London Airport (Heathrow) 1052 operatortraining at Abex Engineered Products 45 Peabody, Henry W., Ltd., electrostatic i systems (trade publication) 872
- Peak data recorder. Intercole 150
- Pearmain, G. J., metric system 721
- Pearson, A. J., on Man of the Rail (book)
- Peebles, Bruce, Ltd., completion of merger
- Peerless Gold Leaf Co. Ltd., polyester-film golden and silver metallized foils 985
- Peerless Plastics Ltd., housing for central heating control unit 1075
- Pegasus aircraft engine. See under Aircraft engines
- Pegson Ltd., power rammer ER2, Design Centre award 773
- Pell, Oliver, Control Ltd., high voltage relay 1073 Pels, Henry, (Agencies) Ltd., Carl Mahr involute and helix angle measuring machine 651
- Pelz, D. C., on Scientists in Organizations (book) 745
- Pembroke power station, computer monitoring and sequence control system 218
- Pennine range of fan-cooled worm gears (trade publication) 656
- Pennsalt Ltd., McLeod-type vacuum gauges 955 vacuum metallizer 784
- Pentacon Super camera 852
- Pentex 'small' electronic telephone exchange 97
- Perfection Parts Ltd., Unisystem electromechanical counting system 1028
- Peristaltic pump, Hiloflow 307
- Perkasa, KD, patrol boat 924
- Perkin-Elmer Corp., frequency stabilized laser 21 infra-red spectrophotometer 553
- Permutit Co. Ltd., automatic water softener 231 water purification (trade publication) 364 water softeners (trade publication) 482
- Pernix Enthone Ltd., cyanide-free zinc plating 306 electroplating of plastics 306
- Enplate Ni-410 chemical nickel plating solution 781
- Enthone EC75 emulsion cleaner 688
- PERT (programme evaluation and review technique) 483, 484, 486
- for housing project 707 PERT/COST technique 486 PERT/CPM, planning and control with, by R. I.
- Levin and C. A. Kirkpatrick (book) 317 Petbow Ltd., diesel generating sets 359 Peter (of Switzerland), snow moving equipment 170
- Peterborough, town expansion plans 877
- Peters, G. D., and Co. (Engineering) Ltd., Power-
- Swing underfloor door operating unit 439 Peto and Betts, centenary of failure of 7 Petrol engine. See Engine, petrol Petrol-engine driven generator, ED250 147 Petrol tanks. Electrocoat painting line for, ICI 591 Petroleum. See Oil; Refinery
- Petroleum equipment industry, trading prospects with Middle East 490
- Peugeot 404 De Luxe motor car 937 pfa. See Pulverized fuel ash
- Phantom aircraft, McDonnell 157 Phenol recovery techniques, Lennig Chemicals Ltd.
- 217
- Phenoxies, properties and applications 445 Philips, NV, numerical control equipment for Series
- 45 machining centre 992
- Phillips Drill Co. (UK) Ltd., Red Head anchors for concrete balcony wall support brackets 858
- Phillips, R., all-electric cities 288
- Phillips variable speed transmission units 397 Phillips X-ray spectrometer, MEL 1032
- Phoebus 2 rocket engines, aluminium bowls for 68 Phoenix Telephones Ltd., spray-painting machines
- 147
- Phonon in crystal physics 404
- Photain Controls Ltd., Mini-Laser laser beam 474 proximity sensors 313
- Photo-cine Fair Exhibition (Olympia), exhibits at
- 852
- Photoconductive cell, temperature sensor 702 Photo-control device, Briticent Lumander 694 Photodeposition of polymer thin films 953 Photo-detector, automatic inspection of blanks by,
- British Scientific Instrument Research Association 392
- rapid calibration of. United States National Bureau of Standards 1025
- Photodiodes, sensitivity and applications 658 Photoelectric elements, Londex 742 Photoelectric method temperature measurement
- 702
- Photo-electric operation of press guards, Udal 175 Photoelectronics (Arcall) Ltd., photoelectric opera
- tion of press guards 175 Photoetching for integrated circuits 154 Photogrammetry, applications to design and numeri
- cal control techniques, J. C. Furneaux 778 techniques for measuring road surface texture 981
- Photographic enlarging papers, llfobrom 779 Photographic materials and equipment, metric units
- for, British Photographic Manufacturers Association 759
- Photography, aerial thermal, principles of 726 and filming, 41 01 lamp for, Friemann 790 in space, Kodak 494
- Photometer, integration, Zeiss 639
- microscope, Zeiss 639
- Photometric measurement of fluorescent lamps 1046
- Photomicrographic outfit, Watson 598 Photon, energy of 404
- Photoresist for integrated circuits 154 Photostress technique for stress measurement 602 Photovoltaic cell, temperature sensor 702 Physical chemistry for metallurgists, by J. Macko- wiak (book) 317
- Physical system dynamics, MIT 76
- Physics
- elementary particle, by S. Gasiorowicz (book) 75 industrial (government laboratories), conference on 402
- mathematical, formulae and theorems for the special functions of, by W. Magnus, F. Ober- hettinger and R. P. Soni (book) 521 reports on progress in, 1966, by A. C. Stickland (book) 363
- solid state, conference on 1084
- Physics Exhibition (London), exhibits at 596, 639, 689, 738
- PhysiTech Inc., non-contacting displacement measuring system 648
- Phywe AG, teaching systems 640
- Pickering nuclear power station 255, 258
- reactor buildings construction at 162 Pickling equipment for copper pipe fittings 550 Pier construction, Grosvenor Bridge 1065 Piercing machine, three-roll, for tubemaking. Tube Investments Ltd. 103
- Pierhead Ltd., Wide Slab floor slabs of prestressed concrete 220
- Piezotron accelerometer 737
- Pig, clearing, pipeline cleaning and 649 Pig iron, liquid, transportation of, Leonard Verte 821
- Pigment feeder, Howe 868
- Pile Driver, Bodine Resonant 867
- Piling and Construction Co. Ltd., soil penetration test equipment (trade publication) 482
- Pin hardening equipment, automated, Radyne 605 Pinder, W., and Sons Ltd., Versatool B4 bench 435 Pinfold, W. J., lifts in large buildings 929 Pioneer water-pump seal 34
- Pipe(s)
- burst, Nobur tubing for prevention of 534 copper, fittings, washing, pickling and drying machine for 550
- corrosion and protection of, conference on 152 Extrudex unplasticized pvc, for gypsum slurry 468
- small-bore, flexible locking tee for 994 soil, Bartol 560 steel, helical weld (trade publication) 834 trade publication 114 upvc, joint repair coupler for, Chemidus 354 see also Tube
- Pipe benders, Mingori 728
- Pipe insulation, mineral wool, Stilclad-34 107 Pipe welds, stress relieving of. Cooper Electroheat
- 591
- Pipe-working machines (trade publication) 76 Pipe wrapping equipment 1024
- Pipelaying tractor with Boughton sideboom equip
- ment, International Harvester 358 Pipeline(s) automatic water pump for, Mathieson 146 cathodic protection of, Algeria 466 corrosion and protection of, conference on 152 from Fawley to West London, Esso 407 meter provers in 141 underground, telemetry control of 304 welding plant for, AEG-Elotherm 609 Pipeline cleaning and clearing pig 649 Pipeline construction in Algeria, CJB 465 Pipeline valves. Seal 0-ring, Dag 717 lubricant for
- 428
- Piper Cars, exhibits at Racing Car Show 52 Pirelli, Cinturator radial ply tyres 9
- Fawley power station under-water transmission line 387
- railway electrification overhead equipment 586 tyre tread depth gauge 845
- VR 15 tyres in Lamborghini Miura motor car 135 Pistol, oxy-acetylene, Powda-Weld WGO 476 Piston rods, hydraulic seal for, Dri-rod V-pack 316 Piston valves, air-control. Air Automation 743 Pit support, hydraulically-powered advancing. Seaman 767
- Pitch Fibre Pipe Association, pipes (trade publication) 114
- Pitman, D. A., Ltd., Loenco divert valve 560 variable volume sample valve 354
- Pitman, R. J. G., on Automatic Control Systems
- Explained (book) 235
- Placon C Type fume scrubbers 948 Planar process for integrated circuits 154 Planer, pneumatic edge, Deprag KH151 729
- Planer, G. V. Ltd., eyelet thermo-compression bonding tool 910
- hot gas soldering equipment 910 vacuum meter switch 910
- Planing machine, large openside, Stirk 692 Planing and moulding machine, Bursgreen Model BFO 736
- Plannair Ltd., Plannette fan for cooling miniature television camera 68
- Plannette fan for cooling miniature television camera 68
- Planning, and control, freight transport, by M. S. V. Turner (book) 1083
- with PERT/CPM, by R. I. Levin and C. A. Kirkpatrick (book) 317
- project, and control, by D. C. Robertson (book) 561
- Planning system, factory, Modulex 650
- Planning Unit Ltd., PU Work Station office furniture.
- Design Centre award 774
- Plasmas, radiation processes in, by G. Bekefi (book) 745
- waves in, conference on 914
- Plass, H. J., on Engineering Mechanics (book) 833
- Plastic articles, finishes for. Bee 1075
- Plastic bathroom pods, glass-reinforced. Integral Plastics 1046
- Plastic bearings in diesel-locomotive bogies 415 Plastic
- Plastic
- Plastic
- Plastic
- 0-ring pipeline valves 428 plastic coating (trade publication) 318
- Plastic Constructions Ltd., Placon C Type fume scrubbers 948
- Plastic container, freestanding. Polythene Drums 826
- Plastic fixings, threaded, torque-limiting device for, Helatorque 185
- Plastic floor tiles, Dunlop Semtex 900
- Plastic moulding machines. Unimoulder 1074 Plastic products (trade publication) 364 Plasticizers, Diolpate-171 1074
- Plasticizers Ltd., polyethylene weaving tape 985 polypropylene weaving tape 985
- Plastics
- and synthetics, blowing agent for, Cellmic C 221 critical applications 415 design with, M. S. Madan 179 electroplating of, Pernix Enthone 306 for engineers: an introductory course, by G. R. Palin (book) 363
- glass-fibre reinforced 415 glass-reinforced, fire resistance of 513 for cable terminal blocks. Flowmat 683 in Royal Navy, D. Henton 511 properties and use for boats and ships 511 industrial (trade publication) 76 injection moulding. See Moulding laminated, Tufnol 652 machining of, by A. Kobayashi (book) 997 nature and properties of 177 printed (trade publication) 522 reinforcement for (trade publication) 998 sealing tunnel linings with 148 thermoplastics, basic chemistry 443 calendering 446 compression moulding 445 definition 443 Engineering Outline 443. Letter 536 extrusion 446 general nature of 443 injection mouldings 446 principal types 444 processing methods 445 properties of 443 vacuum forming 446 welding of, dielectric heating for 565 World production statistics 41 5 Plastics coatings, Modacryl QP53 and SP54 Plastics Coatings Ltd., Vylastic RS 60 pvc industrial coatings 1074 Plastics design engineering seminar 177 Plastics Exhibition, Interplas '67 (Olympia) 985
- Plastics granulator, Homa Engineering 985 Plastics industry, Dusseldorf 998 position and prospects 414 statistics 414 technical developments 415
- Plastics material, high temperature, Westinghouse 33
- Plastics process, lacquered, Andrulac 781
- Plastics road-marking tape, self-adhesive, for aerial surveys. Scotchlane 924
- Plastics solvents, Uresolve Plus 780 Plastics tank for road tanker 186 Plastics tapes and floors, welding machines for, Leister 183
- Plastics Trade Fair, International (Dusseldorf), preview 414
- Plastics Year Book 1 967, British (book) 697 Plas-Tie-Matic bag closing machine 801 Plate(s), beams, and shells on an elastic foundation, by V. Z. Vlasov and N. N. Leont'ev (book) 791 in shipbuilding, flame-cutting of, numerical control of 208
- Plate fabricating resources for gas and oil industries 883
- Plate-flattening press, 250-ton, Shaw 399 Plate shear (trade publication) 656 Platform, elevating, Handilift 476 hydraulic, for access to electric furnace, Simon Engineering 939
- Hagglund-Simon Hi-Weld 607
- Platform truck (trade publication) 280, 834 Plating, electric. See Electroplating
- electroless, Enplate Cu-400 and Enplate Ni-412 solutions for 306
- Platinized titanium for electrodes 454
- Platt Knitting Machinery Ltd., Platt-Excentra warp knitting machines 968
- Player, John, and Sons, hovercraft interest 244 Pledge, H. T., on Science Since 1500 (book) 151 Plenum chamber burning 848-849
- Plessey Automation Group, distortion measurement device for in-circuit testing 315
- peak reading distortion meter 825
- Plessey Co. (UK) Ltd., organization and growth 245 research and development activities 245 thermoelectric current generating devices 593 vertical milling machine 223
- Plessey Components Group, bifilar coil-winding machine for colour television components 1047
- connector for microelectronics 1073 subminiature connector for computers 995 Plessey Electronics Group, pulse code modulation telephone equipment 621-622
- Plessey Group
- dynamic strain measurement 602 environmental laboratory 602 mechanical testing 602
- product assessment laboratories, Titchfield 601 resistor-transistor logic (RTL) circuits 910 television, colour, components 910
- Plessey Radar Ltd., Eurocontrol Experimental Centre 89
- Plotter, map. Stereometrograph, VEB 907 Plus-Gas Co. Ltd., anti-corrosion fluids (trade publication) 656
- Plus, Paul, Ltd., iodine-quartz light 479 Plutonium research, Battelle Memorial Institute 821 Plymon bulk containers 110
- Plywood, aluminium faced, Roboply 479 Plywood floors for cargo containers, Thames-
- Chassiply 740
- Pneuco metal-forming unit 730
- Pneumatic components, low-cast (trade publication) 914
- Pneumatic components set, Mecman 149 Pneumatic concrete breaker noise tests, BRS 1050 Pneumatic conveyors, Fluo/veyor 313
- Pneumatic cylinders, Mecman 275 throw-away. Fairline 33
- Pneumatic edge planer, Deprag KH1 51 729
- Pneumatic logic controls, Aro Co. 316 Pneumatic micro valves, Martonair 440 Pneumatic Plant Services Ltd., Handy range oil-free compressors and vacuum pumps 948
- Pneumatic programmer, Techne 106 Pneumatic reel bar, Nim-Cor Air Shaft 824 Pneumatic spool valve, I.V. Pressure Controllers 274
- Pneumatic strapping tool, Quiklok Pneumatic systems, stop valve for. Pneumatic Tent Co. Ltd., Nimrod
- 162
- Pneumatic timing relay. Brookhirst Pneumatic tools, Desoutter 727
- Pneumatic units for automation, Holman 727 P. and O. Lines, recruiting drive 43 Pocket paging, internal communication system 132 Pogo extensometer 862
- Poland, machine-tool exhibits 224
- Polar Water Conditioner Ltd., Gunclean system for cleaning of tanks 509
- Polaroid (UK) Ltd., ID-2 system colour photograph identity cards 86
- Polishing machine, programming unit for. Ash Metal Products 347
- Political Economy of Nuclear Energy, D. Burn Letter 803
- Pollard Bearings Ltd., roller and ball bearings Pollard Bearings and Power Transmission flexible couplings (trade publication)
- Pollution, motor-car exhaust emission 213
- Pollution control, water, industrial, by W. W. Ecken- felder (book) 481
- Polyacetals, properties and applications 445 Polyblower pneumatic conveyor 1080 Polybutylcuprysil coating anti-splatter agent for CO.2 welding, KS Paul Products 74
- Polycarbonate(s), properties and applications 445 Polycarbonate film, Makrofol KG 956
- Polyester, thermoplastic, Arnite 1075 Polyester-film, Mylar, programming belts 22 Polyester glass-mat sheets for insulation, Siluminite 220
- Polyester resin, glass-fibre reinforced, road tanker in 883
- Polyethylene(s), properties of 444
- Polyethylene floor waxes (trade publication) 522
- Polyethylene liquid container by blow moulding 980
- Polyethylene oxide 445
- Polyethylene stadium seats, Rigidex 249-250
- Polyethylene tenphthalate, properties and applications 445
- Polyethylene weaving tape 985
- Polyimides, properties and applications 445 Polymer(s)
- acrylic, for acrylic caulks and sealants, Lennig Chemicals 440
- NeoCryl B-723 560 cyclic and creep testing of, P. P. Benham 829 thermoplastic. Materials Data Thermoplastics System for information on 102
- Polymer linings (trade publication) 998
- Polymer thin films, photodeposition of 953 Polymeric materials, nature and properties, D. W. Saunders 177
- Polyolefins, production and properties 444
- Polypenco Ltd., electric industrial oven 1034 gaskets and joints (trade publication) 1036 glass-filled ptfe rod 275
- Polyphenylene oxide, properties and applications 445
- Polypropylene, properties of 444
- Polypropylene weaving tape 985
- Polysius Ltd., filter press plate castings using CO^I silicate process 141
- Polystyrene
- expanded, moulding equipment, Kohler-General 869
- moulding machine for, Foster Yates and Thom 270
- properties and applications 445
- Polystyrene board, Spandoplast, for concrete shuttering 101
- Polysulphones, properties and applications 445 Polytetrafluorethylene, properties and applications 445
- Polythene drum for bulk liquids 995
- Polythene drum container, Alkadrum 645
- Polythene Drums Ltd., freestanding plastic container 826
- Polythene link matting, Linkamat 595 Polyurethane, trade publication 1084 Polyurethane boom to restrain oil. Aeropreen Ltd. 492
- Polyurethane foam, as sealant in mines 469 sealing tunnel linings 148 use in coalmining 469
- Polyurethane foam insulation for water heaters 332
- Polyvinyl alcohol 445
- Polyvinyl chloride, chlorinated, Trovidur HT Extrudex unplasticized pipe for gypsum 468
- heavy industrial coatings, Vylastic RS-60 properties and types 444
- Polyvinyl chloride-coated nylon fabric. Topspan 440
- Pomona pumps 790
- Pool, E. B., effect of temperature on sealing of elastomers 647
- Porcelain, aluminous, dental 331
- to metal adherence research programme, NBS 467
- Porcelain Enamel Institute, porcelain to metal adherence research programme 467
- Porous metals. Union Carbide 863
- Port, Felixstowe, organization and development 880. Correction 1012
- Port construction and cargo handling, E. Loewy 708
- Port of London Authority, M shed at London Docks 292
- Millwall dock transit shed 763
- Portable Balers Ltd., Powerball baling press 111 Portable Welders Ltd., spot-welding gun 475, 605 Portair air-operated sliding doors 954
- Porter, W. A., on Modern Foundations of Systems Engineering (book) 235
- Porto Vesme power station, export of surplus power 249
- Ports and Terminals 67' Exhibition (Brighton), exhibits at 739
- Positioners, welding. Conventional range of. Bode 610
- Positioning tool, crane load (trade publication) 872 Positive feedback. See Feedback
- Post Office Data Processing Service Bill 567
- Post Office Research Station, telephone cables to Europe 803
- Postgraduate courses. Imperial College 327 Potato bagger, high-speed. Lockwood 163 Potato grader, high-speed. Lockwood 163 Potato irradiator. Atomic Energy of Canada 727 Potato peeling attachment, Easimix basic mixer 427 Potentiometer, precision, Tinsley 599
- wirewound trimming, Amphenol 994
- Poulson, J. G. L., and Partners, flyover design competition 137
- Powda-Weld WGO oxy-acetylene pistol 476 Powder, fine, Rilsan nylon-11 862
- Powder alloy, abrasion-resistant, TungTec 726
- Powder metal(s), high strength 776
- Powder metallurgy
- advantages of 960 coining in 960 compacting 960
- component characteristics 959 component manufacture 960 definition of 959
- densification process 962 design aspects 960 dimensional accuracy 960 economics of 962
- Engineering Outline 959 finishing processes 962 future developments history of 959 infiltration technique mechanical properties
- practical and theoretical considerations 961 sintering 960
- Powder-metallurgy presses, Shaw 474
- Powell and Co., Trog battery-powered vehicle 360
- Powell, G. H., on A Guide to the 8 mm
- (book) 561
- Powell, L. S., on A Guide to the 8 mm
- (book) 561
- Powell, P. C., designing for stiffness 179
- Power, combustion for, conference on, I ME generation from natural resources 495 World, Conference (Moscow 1968) 152
- Power-boat, Kelvin Dart 87
- Power Engineering Research Steering Committee 963
- formation and activities 160
- Power, F. A., Ltd., Quiklok pneumatic strapping tool 1081
- Power Flexible Tubing Co. Ltd., metallic bellows (trade publication) 1084
- Power-Gas, ammonia fertilizer plant for Australia 447
- Power generation, thermionic electrical, conference (Stresa) 1036
- Power packs, diesel engines and, Aktiebolaget Volvo Penta 734
- oil-hydraulic, to users' specifications, Scapa 475 Power plant. See Power station
- Power rammer ER2, Design Centre award 773
- Power source, automatic, for tig welding. Superheater 604
- Power station(s)
- Bull Run, 950 MW generating set 894-898 Churchill Falls, construction of 533
- Cockenzie, boiler drum brittle fracture 882, 885 boiler drum replacement 332, 887
- Drax, Bodine Resonant Pile Driver 867
- Fawley, under-water transmission line to
- 387
- fuel diversification for 576 gas-turbine, for Stockholm 1009
- Leningrad Metal Works 217
- geothermal, Larderello 496
- Russia 859
- hydroelectric. See Hydroelectric power scheme Kingsnorth, 500 MW alternator, works tests 173 Longannet, coal handling plant gearbox test rig 229
- coal supply from drift mines 102 Manicouagan-aux-Outardes scheme, ac transmission for 533
- natural gas as fuel for 576
- nuclear. See Nuclear power station
- Paradise-3, TVA 894-898
- Porto Vesme, export of surplus power 249 pumped storage, Provvidenza 497 Scotland development proposals 16 Thorpe Marsh, boilers for 882
- West Thurrock, electronic governor control system for 300 MW turbo-generator 551
- Power supply, high-stability, Scientifica and Cook Electronics 599
- isolated. Bell and Howell 276 transistor (trade publication) 998 Power supply units, Belix 1030
- encapsulated, Ferranti 560 Power-Swing underfloor door operating unit 439 Powertools, improvements in. Black and Decker 99 Power transmission
- ac, Manicouagan-aux-Outardes scheme 533 Churchill Falls project 815 de, Italy-Sardinia 454
- high-voltage long-distance, ac versus de lines 815
- Nelson River project 815 under-water line, Southampton Water 387 see also Drive; Gear; Transmission
- Power transmission equipment, mechanical (trade publication) 1036
- Power transmission lines, high-voltage de, Gotland 951
- Power unit, hydraulic, Fraser 912 portable, for etching, Lectroetch 783
- Power Vane mobile rotary-vane compressors 734 Powerbale baling press 111
- Powerbeam 360 straddle carrier 648 Powerforge Ltd., Dolphin Waterkart Powerpress compressing equipment Powerstor Drawstack storage system Praktica Electronic camera 852 Praktische Funktionenlehre Vol. 3,
- (book) 441 Pratt and Whitney JT8D-1 version 582
- Pre-Arrester Computer to
- graph waveforms 463 Precious Metal Depositors for satellite UK3 493
- Precision gearing, by G. W. Michalec (book) 113 Precision Screw Manufacturing Co. Ltd., anchor rivet bush 826
- Preece, Cardew and Rider, electrical power link between Sardinia and Italy 249
- Preheaters, air, glass tubing for (trade publication) 998
- Preheating by dielectric heating 564
- Prentice, R., overseas construction contracts 797 Presletta dry transfer lettering (trade publication) 792
- Press(es)
- baling, Powerbale 111 blanking, 600 ton, Cowlishaw 552 fluid-forming, Fogg and Young 268 forging, automatic, Massey 181 horizontal, LKL-400 227
- hydraulic, for stretching and hot pressing rubber conveyor belts 184. Correction 348 hydraulic bench, Wasa 729 hydraulic screw, 4,000 ton, Hasenclever 111 moulding, injection, Meterjet-100 870 rubber compression. Hydramold 870 Multi-Weld, for Viva motor-car underbody 392 plate-flattening, 250-ton, Shaw 399 powder-metallurgy, Shaw 474 spindle, LVH hydraulically-driven 227 straightening, Galdabini 519 testing, railway-spring, MAA40 228
- Press brakes, hydraulic, Elga Hydrapress 144
- trade publication 656
- Press guards, photo-electric operation of, Udal 175 Press line for production of sheet steel body panels, Danly Synchromatic 775
- Press and Shear Machinery Co. Ltd. Auto-Plus single bar sawing machine 729 Hydrashear guillotines 729
- Hydrofeeds front cutting sawing machine 729 Promecam hydraulic press brakes 729 Russell sawing machinery 729
- Pressed Steel Fisher Co. Ltd.
- Chieftan boiler installation 1068
- Electrocoat painting line for petrol tanks 591 motor-car body stacking system as buffer stock 542
- 600 ton blanking press 552
- Stellite faced blades for cutting sheet steel 1069 Pressings, trimming machine for automatic operations on, Omera 231
- Pressings and Stampings Ltd., Stelvetite G panels
- for hospital buildings 422
- Stelvetite G pvc-coated steel sheet for buildings 422
- Pressure, differential, controls, Tomey 74
- high, chemical reactions at, by M. B. Donald (book) 997
- Pressure Control Ltd., pressure regulators for compressed cylinder gases 605
- Pressure controller. See Temperature-pressure
- Pressure die casting of aluminium-silicon alloy for suspension components 437
- Pressure measurement, cupola wind belt 993
- Pressure measuring capsule, Wayne Kerr 598
- Pressure regulators for compressed cylinder gases.
- Pressure Control 605
- Pressure reversing valve, Ardie-Werk 787
- Pressure sensor, Coutant 743
- Pressure transducer, Kistler 737
- with semi-conductor diaphragm, S.E. Laboratories 463
- Pressure vessel(s), prestressed concrete, conference on, ICE 453-454
- Pressure vessel industries, economic survey of 1042
- Prestressed concrete. See Concrete
- Pretema Ltd., automatic filter spectrophotometer 986
- Price, W. A., hydraulic model for C-ring road immersed-tube tunnel study 573
- Priel, V., low tax on bonuses 10
- Prime movers, by W. Staniar (book) 481
- Primer, metal (trade publication) 1036 welding and fluxes, BSI 981
- Principles of lubrication, by A. Cameron (book) 151
- Principles of steelmaking, by A. K. Biswas (book) 151
- Prinoth snow compactor 172
- Printed-circuit miniature relay for, B and R Relays 1030 Keyswitch 316
- tantalum capacitors for. Union Carbide 1030
- Printed circuit boards, electrical connectors Ether 356
- mechanical performance testing 602
- 0 and W Electronics 862
- Printed circuit connectors, Amphenol 994
- Printed plastics (trade publication) 522
- Printer drive module, Addo 356
- Printing developing unit. Diazoprinter 737
- Printing industry. Economic Development Committee report on 83
- Printing machine, high-speed. Standard Telecommunication Laboratories Ltd. 776
- Prinz 1000 motor car, NSU 458
- Prober, Vacwell, integrated-circuit/tester 271
- Probert, D., the oil problem 536
- Process control, Compac computer for 436 electronic weighing and, by G. W. van Santen (books) 481,871
- Norbit 2 range of logic modules for, MEL 431
- Process Developments Ltd., Autoscreen continuous screen changer 1074
- Process industries, automation in (Amsterdam) 114
- engineer in, R. D. Haigh 665 engineering practice in, J. R. Willets 665
- Process plant delivery delays 196
- Process variables control unit. Dewrance 728 Processing machines, negative, Hadland 398 Processors, IIfoprint, Design Centre awards 774 Product assessment laboratory, Plessey 601 Production, aspect in quality and reliability 979 Production Engineering Advisory Service, formation and activities 450
- Production Engineering Research Association conference on financial management 402 Production Engineering Advisory Service 450 symposium on budgetary control 482 symposium on metrication 522 symposium on noise control 522 symposium on preparing for metrication 721 Production methods and management advanced course, Cambridge University 85
- Production statistics 120
- Productivity: a Handbook of Advisory Services 1006
- Productivity, profitable, by T. F. O'Connor (book) 189
- Productivity agreement, Ruston-Bucyrus 158 Productivity conference, national (London) 1006 Productivity increase in some engineering firms 158 Profiling machine, dimensioning and. Wadkin 736
- Profitable productivity, by T, F. Q'Connor (book) 189
- Program manager's guide to survival, technical, by M. Silverman (book) 913
- Programme-effects generator, BBC 498 Programmed learning course on operation of centre lathe 965
- Programmer, pneumatic, Techne 106 Programming for digital computers, by J. F. Davison (book) 235
- Programming belts for circular knitting machines and weaving looms 22
- Programming languages, comparative study of, by B. Higman (book) 1035
- Programming unit for polishing machine. Ash Metal Products 347
- Progress in applied materials research, by E. G. Stanford, J. H. Fearon and W. J. McGonnagle (book) 697
- Progress evaluation and review techniques, critical path planning and, course on 698
- Project planning and control, by D. C. Robertson (book) 561
- Project Sapphire scheme for electric arc furnaces 982
- Project work, group, for student apprentices, Addison 620
- Projectina Co. Ltd., EPQ profile projector 183 Projector, optical, Kandux 270
- profile, EPQ 183
- reader, daylight, L56, Robot Foto 787 Promecam hydraulic press brakes 729 Propeller(s) for Q4 liner 13 Propeller shaft, shrinking of gunmetal liner on 1076 Propeller shaft split seal. Crane Packing 654 Properties and mechanics of matter, essentials of by F. J. H. Dibdin (book) 189
- Proprietors of Hay's Wharf Ltd., goods handling (trade publication) 36
- Prosthesis prototype, powered, AWRE 464 Protection, cathodic. See Cathodic protection industrial. Engineering Qutlines 793, 835, 837
- Protective films on iron, ellipsometric methods to study formation of 859
- Protective Materials Ltd., V-Mat Patch Pack epoxyresin floor repair 74
- Protective suits for use with airborne chemicals and gases 47
- Proteus gas turbine for hydrofoil waterjet propulsion pump 759
- Proteus gas-turbine generators for Qldbury nuclear power station, Bristol Siddeley 380
- Proteus System Building Ltd., slipforming technique for mill and silo block 314
- Proton, interaction of neutrino with 932
- Proton-1 satellite 891
- Proton synchrotron, 28 GeV 932
- Pro-Vac vacuum coating process (trade publication) 698
- Proving of diesel engine components, G. Fitzgerald 685
- Provvidenza pumped storage power station 497 Proximity sensors, Photain 313
- Proximity switch, Honeywell 439
- PSC Equipment Ltd., road bridge expansion joints 741
- Ptfe engineering (trade publication) 364
- Ptfe rod, glass-filled, Polypenco 275
- Ptfe sheet, Klingerflon Duplex 651
- PU Work Station office furniture. Design award 774
- Public Buildings and Works, Ministry of air-conditioning in glass office buildings aircraft hangar, Brize Norton 130 building exhibition (Newcastle upon Tyne)
- computers in the Construction Industry, conference 668
- functional clothing for construction industry, competition 925
- protective clothing for use on building sites 201
- Pugsley, A., strengthening structures temporarily by electronics 707
- Pulleys, variable speed (trade publication) 364 Pullman Inc., dock of interlocking caissons, Natrona, Pa. 592
- Pulp and board mill. Workington 974
- Pulp cleaning, Vorject cleaner for 975
- Pulping machine, Vertifiner 975
- Pulse, radar, compression techniques, RRE 690 Pulse code modulation, for laser signalling 165 for tandem telephone exchange 249 in telephone transmission 95
- Pulse code modulation telephone 621-622
- Pulse measurement, high-voltage, EID
- Pulse unit for tig welding. Superheater
- Pulse voltmeter, risetime characteristics of, NBS 175
- Pulverized fuel ash, silicone treated, to sink oil slicks 761
- uses of 761
- Pulverizing plant, Buhler Bros (England) 507 Tollemache 506
- Pump(s)
- axial piston, Towler Hydraulics 183 centrifugal, Fig-4018 146
- plastic, Chem-Gard 789
- Tetmark 696
- concrete, self-propelled and trailer-type, Schwing 788
- contractors, Easiprime 4 in. 649 gear, Turolla series-E 516 hydraulic, Dynex range 955
- Mono-Radial 789
- immersible. Robot 789
- land drainage (trade publication) 482 liquid metering, Kent Industrial Instruments 464 multi-stage. Pulsometer Pumps 475 peristaltic, Hiloflow 307
- Pomona 790 power-steering. Concentric 382 self-priming centrifugal, Warsop 360 short-term trends 411
- sludge, portable, for sewage works, Flygt CS-75 275
- storage, international code forthe field acceptance tests of (book) 75
- vacuum, oil-free compressors and. Handy range 948
- water, automatic, for pipelines, Mathieson 146 water jet propulsion, for hydrofoil gunboat Tucumcari 759
- Pump design, testing and operation (symposium) (book) 441
- Pump units, diaphragm (trade publication) Pumped storage plant. Loch Ness 16 Pumped storage power station, Provvidenza Pumping, of liquids, by F. A. Holland and Chapman (book) 481
- of sensitive emulsions, Goodyear Pumps 776 Pumping stations for pipeline, Algeria 466 Pumping units, vacuum, Edwards High Vacuum 476
- Punched card reader, English Electric 73
- Punching and shearing machine (trade publication) 280
- Pup, prototype, Beagle Aircraft 668
- Purcell Room, acoustic design 296 constructional details 296
- Purchasing procedures in British industry, by H. Buckner(book) 611
- P. and V. (Mining and Engineering) Ltd., mining tools (trade publication) 402
- Pye, W. G., and Co. Ltd., liquid chromatograph for analysing most organic materials 478
- liquid chromatographs (trade publication) 442 null detector 599
- Pye-Ling Ltd., vibration calculator 688 Pyroelectric detectors, RRE 690 Pyrometer, optical, disappearing-filament 702
- Q4 liner, accommodation 14
- aluminium alloy in 12
- basic design features 574
- computer for 13
- design and construction 11
- fire protection 670
- generator equipment 13
- hull form model tests 12
- launching of 14
- lifts for 14
- main machinery 12
- propellers for 13
- shaft bossings and brackets in 12
- shaft seals 13
- steering gear for 13
- Quadra-etch spray-etch machine 1031
- Quadrant coordinate tables, by W. S. Smith (book) 1035
- Quadriflex flexible couplings (trade publication) 914
- Quality, individual responsibility for, conference on 562
- Quality and reliability distribution 979 exhibition on, ColD 978 inspection 979 market research 978 production 979 sales 979
- Quality and Reliability Year 978
- Quality Control, European Organization for, annual conference 364
- in rubber industry (book) 997
- Quantometer, Universal Vacuum/Air 391 Quarrying, sandwich course 914
- Quarrying machinery industry, short-term trends 411
- Quartz crystal temperature sensors 701
- Quebec Hydro-Electric Commission, domestic tariffs increase 291
- Queen Elizabeth Hall, acoustic design 294 auditorium structure 296 constructional details 296
- Queen Elizabeth liner, discontinuance of operation by Cunard 809,814
- Queen Mary liner, discontinuance of operation by Cunard 809,814
- Queen of Bermuda, liner, shipbreaking by Shipbreaking Industries Ltd. 809
- Queen's Award to Industry, firms awarded 661
- Queen's University (Belfast), testing of polymers 829
- Quenching medium, metal, Ucon quenchant A 143 Quick-Set tool post 1081
- Quickdraw Co. Ltd., drafting instrument (trade publication) 656
- Quiklok pneumatic strapping tool 1081
- Quinton-Crane Electronics Ltd., fault detector for rotating machines 222
- Q. V. F. Ltd., glass tubing for air preheaters (trade publication) 998
- Racing Car Show 1967 (Olympia), exhibits at 52
- Racketmaking (trade publication) 1084
- Racking, pallet, boltless (trade publication) 872 steel, for metal stockholding centre, Vickers Automation Handling 510
- RADA Lighting, hospital intensive care unit 695
- Radar, for Saab Viggen aircraft, L. M. Ericsson 585 ground control, Decca ASMI 970
- Radar control stations for Saudi-Arabia 802
- Radar information installation, STRIL 60, Sweden 581
- Radar pulse compression techniques, RRE 690 Radial Subvis miniature screw-type coaxial connectors 781
- Radiation, nuclear, as remedy for grain losses due to insects 68
- Radiation Gas Fires Ltd., Nopump spray booths 638
- Radiation heat transfer, by E. M. Sparrow and R. D. Cess (book) 113
- Radiation information, ultraviolet, UK3 satellite 759 Radiation Ltd., gas appliances adaptable to natural gas 254
- Radiation processes in plasmas, by G. Bekefi (book) 745
- Radiation protection, health physics summer school 998
- summer school 36
- Radiation sensors 701
- Radiation thermometers, Mark 1 Infrascope 440 Radiator valve, Mini-Era 1073
- thermostatic, RAV-2 187
- Radiatron, counter unit 560
- prototype switch construction service 275 Radio, and electronics, by J. H. Reyner (book) 745 Radio communication, by W. F. Lovering (book) 235
- Radio-controlled overhead crane. Standard Telemotive system for 902
- Radio Corp, of America, Divcon data display system 1033
- miniature television camera with own transmitter 263
- shadow mask colour television tube 1087 Radio and Electronic Component Manufacturers' Federation Exhibition (Olympia), exhibits at 909
- Radio Rentals, shadow mask television tube 1055
- Radiochemical Centre, radioisotopes (trade publication) 958
- Radiographic equipment, portable, Baltospot GL- 400 645
- Radioisotope(s), trade publication 958 Radioisotope instruments in industry and geophysics by J. F. Cameron and T. Florkowski (book) 113 Radley, Sir Gordon, English Electric Computers Ltd. 488
- Radyne Ltd., automated pin hardening equipment 605
- Raed automatic dust filter 648 Raft, life, unsinkable 493 Rail(s), hand, light-alloy, (trade publication) 1084 man of the, by A. J. Pearson (book) 235
- Rail tank wagon, filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- 100-ton bogie 333
- 500 gallon, Taskers 360 Rail track. See Railway track Railway(s)
- British. See British Railways
- Expo Express 423, 426
- Great Northern, history of, by C. H. Grinling 363 Japanese National, high-speed operation problems 417
- Minirail monorail, at Expo-67 exhibition 423 Monorail. See Monorail
- Rotterdam metro electrically driven articulated units with hypoid drive 822 underground. See London Transport Executive Railway accident. See Accident Railway bridge. See Bridge Railway equipment, cleaning requirements Railway locomotive. See Locomotive Railway rolling stock, cleaning equipment mobile spray painting booth for 669 see a/so Locomotive; Rail tank wagon Railway signalling, replacement switches ments 376
- Railway system, proposals for Expo-67 exhibition 426
- underground, for Kharkov, Russia 333 Railway track, and structures, A. Paterson 839
- portable flash welding equipment, Rubery Owen 610
- Railway track costs, C. D. Foster and S. Joy 839 Railway track laying, Victoria Line underground railway 334
- Railway traffic engineering, conference on, ICE 839. Letter 926
- Railway train(s)
- Freightliner exhibited at Brighton 760 gas-turbine driven 1 50-mph project 537. Letter 804
- high-speed operation problems 417 merry-go-round, US 895 underground, C5, Stockholm 48 Railway train accident at Bold Colliery 248 Railway train operation, automatic, for London Transport, W. W. Maxwell and D. K. Ware 126 Railway vehicle testing station, Vienna Aresenal 884
- Raith Bridge, design and construction 626 Rajasthan nuclear power station 258 Raleigh Industries Ltd., Wisp motorized bicycle 587,1010. Correction 670,762
- Ram, maraging, steel, extrusion improved by use of 1024
- Ram bow for Britannic
- 1011
- Raman effect 404 Ramillies 35 vehicles Ramillies 50 vehicles Ramillies Bin
- Rammer, power, ER2, Design Centre award 773 RAMPS (resource allocation and multi-project scheduling) 483,486
- Rank Audio Visual Ltd., centralized automatic control system 845
- Rank-Bush-Murphy, colour television receivers 1058, 1059, 1060
- Rank Organisation, closed-circuit television 133 Mitronic Multigauge multi-gauging equipment 692
- Ransburg range of electrostatic spraying equipment (trade publication) 872
- Ransome-Wallis, P., on Last Steam Locomotives of British Railways (book) 235
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies Ltd., Barduct busbar system 49
- Rapid Conveyors Ltd., conveyors (trade publication) 792
- Rapid Magnetic Ltd., electromagnetic mineral separator 735 trade publication 522
- Rapid Metal Developments Ltd., St John's Beacon, Liverpool 460
- Rapier air defence system 87
- Ratcliffe, J. F., on Elements of Mathematical
- Statistics (book) 151
- Ratichek, A., exporting to USA 246 Ratrac Imp snow compactor 172 Raus, J., traffic control in US 339 RAV 2 thermostatic radiator valve 187 Ravenseft Properties Ltd., St John's Beacon Liverpool 460
- Rawiplug Co. Ltd., Rawlset device for underwater installations 730
- Vibroto drilling machine 730
- Raymond, Sir Stanley, New Year Honours list 3
- Railway Technical Centre 537
- Raytheon Co., traffic control methods, investigation of 203
- R. C. A. Colour Tubes Ltd., shadow mask television tube 1055
- RCA Gt. Britain Ltd., Divcon data display 1033 Reader, punched card, English Electric 73 Reader-printer, Filmac-200 10
- Reader-projector, daylight, L56, Robot Foto 787 Reading by-pass, route partially confirmed 839 Reamers, combination. Drill Service 948
- machine, Wyss 313
- Receiver, communications, pocket-size, MEL 263 Recognition Equipment, optical character recognition equipment for National Giro 378
- Recorder, liquid flow, Arkon-63 783
- see also under specific types
- Recorder Charts Ltd., VeriGraph papers (trade publication) 280
- Recording system, automatic, for events in time sequence 637
- Recording units, sequential event. Mimic 1029 Recovery, storage and, of particulate solids, by J. C. Richards (book) 561
- Rectifier, for aircraft electrical systems 59
- welding transformers and, by H. P. Zade (book) 441
- Rectifier set for fine wire welding, Interlas 609
- Red Head anchors for concrete balcony wall support brackets 858
- Reddaway, J. methods
- Reddy Sandy
- unit 182
- Rederi A/B Transatlantic, Operation Scandiaships design 233
- Redhead, John, and Sons Ltd., floodlighting for ship construction 509
- Redifon Air Trainers, Nimrod 801 maritime reconnaissance aircraft 1010
- Redifon Ltd., nuclear reactor simulator 202 Redman Tools Ltd., stainless steel bumpers 349 Reed, Moore (Industrial) Ltd., decimal weight scales 1029
- Reed Paper Group, board products from waste paper 504
- Reel bar, pneumatic, Nim-Cor Air Shaft 824 Reeves, A. H., pulse code modulation 95 Reeves, E. D., on Management of Industrial Research (book) 913
- Refinery, Grangemouth, expansion, British Petroleum 159
- Stanlow, rail tank-wagon filling centre 899 Refining, steel. See Steel Refrigerant, Cryoguard, for Freightliner containers 924
- Refrigerated cargo vessel, Britannic, with ram bow 1011
- Majestic 1011
- Refrigerated container, ConCargo 739 Refrigerating machinery industry, short-term trends 411
- Refrigeration at sea, by R. Munton and J. R. Stott (book) 697
- Refrigeration compressors, Teddington Aircraft 955 Refrigeration screw compressors (trade publication) 958
- Refrigeration unit, dip-cooler, Tecam 600 Refrigerator, He^/He^, Oxford Instrument 596
- Iced Diamond 85 and 105, Design Centre award 774
- Westair/Hitachi 831
- Refrigerator compressors, lubricants for, D. R.
- Keeping 943
- Refrigerator production, fluid logic devices in 477 Refuse, composting of, Dano bio-stabilizer for 507 domestic, collection and disposal equipment 499. Letter 623
- salvage of potentially useful material 504 Refuse collecting vehicles
- continuous loading, Ramillies 35 and 50 503 Pakamatic 503, 504 wash hand basin in 761
- Paxit 502
- Refuse collection, Centralsug suction conveyance system of 501
- Wastepaktor closed metal container and compressor for 501 -502
- Refuse compressor, automatic. Deva 500
- Refuse disposal
- by composting 507
- continuous compressing mechanism for, Karrier Musketeer 503
- Deva system of 500
- incineration equipment for, Heenan and Froude 505
- incineration plant for. International Combustion 505
- Ramillies Bin Lifter for 503
- Refuse incineration plant 505 crane grab for use in 505
- Refuse incinerator, municipal. Middleton 506
- Refuse skips, bulk, Sheppard-Meillar container handling system for 501
- Regent Oil Co., road tanker in glass-fibre reinforced polyester resin 883
- Regina Champ portable alternator 112
- Regina Electric Products Ltd., Regina Champ portable alternator 112
- Regional Computing Centre (Edinburgh), activities of 123
- Regional employment premium 919
- Regional road construction units, members of 43
- Registered designs. Engineering Outlines 835
- Regulator, oxygen, British Oxygen 688
- Reid, John, and Sons, standardized bridge struction system 603
- Reinforced concrete. See Concrete Reinforcement for plastics (trade publication) Rekki expanding rubber wheel 729 Relaxometer, stress, BP Chemicals 906 Relays heavy duty, TEC 108 high voltage, Pell 1073 miniature, for printed-circuit, B and R Relays for printed circuit. Keyswitch 316 Type XA, Elliott-Automation 644 pneumatic timing. Brookhirst 743
- Release agent, silicone, Dow Corning HV-490 for shell moulding, Cilchem-540 275
- Reliability in industry, film on, British Productivity Council 43
- Reliability of components, assessment of 601
- Reliance Telephone Co., loudspeaker system 133
- Paxmaster push button 'intercom' telephone 131
- Renault, motor-car manufacture in Spain 893
- Renault Gordini engines in Aerotrain prototype 260, 458
- Renault, Vaughan, Machine Tools Ltd., Transquare transfer machine 312
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Fawley power station under-water transmission line 387
- Renold Ltd., wormgear speed reducers (trade publication) 698
- Rentokil Laboratories Ltd., woodworm and dry rot (trade publication) 36
- Reosc, fused silica telescope mirror 509
- Reperforator, EPR electronic printing. Creed and Co. Ltd. 217
- Reports on progress in physics, 1966, by A. C. Stickland (book) 363
- Rescue vehicle, DSRV, for crippled submarines 677
- Research, and development, Plessey Co. 245 and development expenditure in United States 44
- industrial, management of, by E. D. Reeves (book) 913
- managing, for profits, by D. N. Chorafas (book) 833
- Research ships, easier warping of faired cables 100
- Research vehicle, deep-diving, "Deepview" 48
- Reservoir in Upper Teesdale, report on 243
- Reservoir dam. Wet Sleddale, Haweswater scheme 803
- Resin(s), acetal (trade publication) 152 epoxide type, sealing tunnel linings 148 epoxy, for flooring (trade publication) 402 Lewatit ion exchange. Steel and Co. 1072
- Resin coating plant, degreasing and, ICI 777
- Resistors, fixed, by G. W. A. Dummer (book) 791 from drawn glass 903 in integrated circuits 154
- Resonant Pile Driver, Bodine 867
- Resonators, Helmholtz, for Queen Elizabeth Hall 294
- Re-surfacing machine, commutator, ML Aviation 693
- Retaining circlip, Klikax 354
- Revel Engineering Co. Ltd., blow moulding machine 985
- Reversing gear, ship's, Invest-Export 696 Reversomatic washing machine 127
- Rex 'large' electronic telephone exchange 97 Reyner, J. H., on Radio and Electronics (book) 745
- Reynolds, R. E., semiconductor devices 660
- Reynolds Tube Co., gas cylinder HE608, Design Centre award 773
- Reyrolle, A., and Co. Ltd., welding generator 609
- Rheinstahl Henschel AG, boilers 737 Rheogoniometer, Weissenberg 600
- Rheometer, Monsanto 907
- Rhodes, B. and Son Ltd., flow metering (trade publication) 562
- Rhodes, Joseph, and Sons Ltd., metal shears (trade publication) 152
- Rhodester thermosetting moulding compounds 1075
- Rhone-Poulenc, Rhodester thermosetting moulding compounds 1075
- Rhymney Engineering Co., automation of Grangetown works Hy-Mac 580B 773
- Ricardo and Co.
- teaching apparatus 933
- Rice-Barton extractor in pulp and board mill 975
- Richard Thomas and Baldwins Ltd., temper rolling mill 901
- Richards, George, and Co. Ltd., machine tool "open house" 223
- Richards YU horizontal boring, milling, drilling and facing machine 223
- Richards, J. C., on Storage and Recovery of Particulate Solids (book) 561
- Richardson Boats and Plastics, Tempest yacht. Design Centre award 774
- Ridgway, S., Crewe Dinner 705 reorganization and improvement of British Railways workshops 669
- Rigidex polyethylene stadium seats 249-250 Rilsan nylon-11 fine powder 862
- Rim rolling machine, Grotnes 266
- Ringway Lighting Ltd., exhibits at Lighting Exhibition 695
- Rio Tinto-Zinc Corp. Ltd., metal stockholding centre 510
- Risetime characteristics of pulse voltmeter, NBS 175
- Ritemixer Ltd., truck mounted concrete mixer 908 River Clyde, Kingston bridge for 802
- River Columbia, multi-purpose project 545
- River St. Lawrence, flow pattern 17
- River Thames, heliport on. Westland Aircraft 8 hydraulic model 573 replenishment through boreholes during water shortage 290
- River Tyne, steel tied arch bridge 492-493
- River Wear bridge 819
- Rivet bush, anchor. Precision Screw 826
- Riveting machine, computer-controlled, for Boeing 737 jet transport aircraft 1069
- Road(s)
- C-ring, immersed-tube tunnel study, hydraulic model for 573
- in the landscape, conference on (Keele University) 318, 656
- overhead structures for citycar concept 1049 see also Bypass; Highway; Flyover; Motorway Road accident. See Accident
- Road construction, efficiency in. Lofthouse report 488
- Road construction projects 157
- Road construction units, regional, members of 43
- Road direction marker, D. Brown 847
- Road haulage, use of chartered trains in 756
- Road-marking tape, self-adhesive plastics, for aerial survey. Scotchlane 924
- Road pricing, Smeed Report on 1044
- Road Research Laboratory expansion of research facilities 1047 open days 698
- photogrammetery techniques for measuring road surface texture 981
- road-tyre contact measurement 977
- under-run bumpers 203
- vehicle collisions with roadside equipment. Letter 56
- Road roller, triple-roll, Blaw Knox 906
- Road signs, directional. Design Centre award 774 trade publication 698
- Road surface(s), methods of patching 725
- Road surface texture, measuring by photogrammetery techniques 981
- Road traffic. See Traffic
- Road transport, of large loads. Letters 56, 88, 495, 536
- Road Transport Industry Training Board, director of training appointed 619
- Road-tyre contact measurement, RRL 977
- Road weighbridge, electronic 947
- Roadside equipment, vehicle collisions with. Letter 56
- Roballo 1 5-ton ingot trailer 435
- Robens, Lord, Aberfan inquiry 667
- NCB international department 570
- Roberts, Alfred, and Sons Ltd., Hydramold rubber compression moulding press 870
- Roberts, J. A., St John's Beacon, Liverpool 460
- Roberts, J. P„ silicon carbide filaments for metal reinforcement 923
- Robertson, D. C., on Project Planning and Control (book) 561
- Robinson Building Techniques Ltd., cardboard tubes for building applications 560
- Roboply aluminium faced plywood 479
- Roboply aluminium faced plywood 479
- Robot Foto und Electronic GmbH, L56 daylight reader-projector 787
- Robot immersible pump 789
- Rochdale, Viscount, shipping inquiry 663
- Roche, N. H., on Fundamental Electronics (book) 1035
- Rock drill, Silver-90 1031
- Rocket engines, Phoebus 2, aluminium bowls for 68
- Rocket propellants, solid, test burner 428-429
- Rocks Blockworks, Logicon static switching control for automatic concrete mixer 820
- Rockweld Ltd., Listomac welding unit 610
- Rockwell hardness test blocks 988
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co. Ltd., Cotruder extrusion line 1075
- Fiab 6kW high-frequency welding machine 1075
- Roco! Ltd., metal-working lubricants (trade publication) 280
- weld spatter release spray 861
- Rod, hot, diameter measuring device 938
- ptfe, glass-filled, Polypenco 275
- Rodman Dam, cross-Florida Barge Canal 384
- Roebuck, J., interest in James Watt's engine 5 Rogers, E. W. E., industrial aerodynamics survey 42 Rolba snow shifting machines 170
- ROLF remotely operated longwall system 767 Roll(s), rolling-mill (trade publication) 522 Roll forming machines, Grotnes 266
- Roller, road. See Road roller
- Roller bearing. See Bearings
- Rolling, composite, of structural panels 109
- Rolling machine, rim, Grotnes 266
- weld, Grotnes 266
- Rolling mill(s)
- billet, automatic size-changing equipment 304 short-term trends 411
- slab, automatic size-changing equipment 304 steel strip, Stahlwerke Bochum 429 temper, Davy 901
- Rolling-mill rolls (trade publication) 522
- Rolling stock. See Rail tanker; Railway rolling stock; Locomotive
- Roll-O-Matic air filters 355
- Rolls-Royce Ltd.
- B81 SV petrol engines 298
- computer applications 1007 computer centre, Derby 1007 customs patrol boats for Libya 761
- European airbus A-300 development 801 Magpie computer system 1007
- management courses in computer education 1008
- RBI 62 lift jet aircraft engine 848, 849
- Trent aircraft engine for F-228 jet transport air
- craft 202
- Rolls-Royce/MAN RBI 53-61 by-pass aircraft engine 850
- Roneo Ltd., Vertical Planfile filing cabinets for drawings 649
- Roof(s) and floors, precast concrete (trade publication) 958
- Roof cradles (trade publication) 114
- Roof raising system, jack 866
- Roof weatherings, aluminium (trade publication) 152
- Roofing, instant (trade publication) 698 light-weight aerated concrete for. Siporex 127 Rootes Group Ltd.
- Hillman estate car 622
- Hillman Imp Californian motor car 49
- Hillman Minx motor car 128
- Husky estate car 622
- Karrier Musketeer continuous compressing mechanism for refuse disposal 503
- Ramillies Bin Lifter for refuse disposal 503 Ramillies 35 and 50 continuous loading refuse collecting vehicles 503
- Singer Chamois coupe motor car 622
- Singer Gazelle motor car 128
- Singer Vogue estate car 622 take-over by Chrysler Motors 43, 119
- Rope(s), refractory sealing, Thermo-Pac 862 synthetic fibre, and V-belts (trade publication)
- 998
- wire. See Wire rope
- Rope spooling, multilayer, LeBus system of 938 Roperwerke three-station rotary indexing hot box machines for core production 1071
- Rose, C. F., chartered engineers 803-804,
- Letters 884, 926
- Rotameter Manufacturing Co. Ltd.,flowmeters Rotary flame planning head, Hancock and Co.
- Rotary Pumps Ltd., compressed air motors (trade publication) 442
- Rotary tables, Ultra-precise 360
- Rotating machines, fault detectorfor, Quinton-Crane 222
- Rotax Ltd., electron beam welding 608 Rotherham, L., electricity supply industries 963
- Power Engineering Research Steering Committee 160
- Roto-Clone dust collectors 906 Rotor test unit for squirrel-cage rotors, Brown 183 Rotork Engineering Co. Ltd., valve actuator 863 Rotterdam metro railway, electrically driven articulated units with hypoid drive 822
- Routing and dressing machine for concrete, Dial-a- Mix 693
- Rover Co. Ltd., Tru-Wel aluminized steel exhaust tubes 534
- Rover Wolston industrial gas turbine 549 Rowland, F. E., and Co. Ltd., friction welding machine 609
- Rowntree and Co., jack roof raising system 866 Royal Aeronautical Society, conference on stress analysis 1084
- Royal Air Force, instructional servo system MSI 50 for teaching of automatic control 820
- Royal Aircraft Establishment fluidic devices 689 gold plating for satellite UK3 493 lens-testing interferometer 689 numerical control of machining (courses) 482 UK3 satellite, ultra violet radiation information 759
- Zeiss Coude astronomical telescope 967 Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment, Field Artillery Computer Equipment (FACE) 447,456
- Royal College of Art, wheelchair design 573 Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Glass- reinforced Plastics in Royal Navy, D. Henton 511
- nuclear-powered pusher cargo ship, J. A. Teasdale 540
- Royal Navy, glass-reinforced plastics in, D. Henton 511
- nuclear submarine base at Chatham 334 Royal Netherlands Aircraft Factory, Fokker F-28 Fellowship short-haul airliner 844
- Royal Radar Establishment, infrared thermography 726
- pyroelectric detectors 690 radar pulse compression techniques 690
- Royal Society, election of new fellows 448 obituaries 279
- Royal Sovereign Shoal, floatable light tower tor
- 534. Corrections 575. Letter 623
- Royal Television Society, international broadcasting convention 402
- Royles Ltd., heat exchangers with indented tubes 1072
- RTuL microcircuits, television camera equipment with, SGS-Fairchild 263
- Rubber
- in engineering, by P. W. Allen, P. B. Lindley and A. R. Payne (book) 782
- P. B. Lindley and A. R. Payne 179
- in engineering applications, conference on, NRPRA 782
- natural, developments with, by J. A. Brydson (book) 1035
- natural and synthetic, by H, J. Stern (book) 279 silicone. Midland Silicones 316
- sponge, Silastic-49 and Silastic-69 439
- Rubber base, reinforced, for Odeon Cinema, Marble Arch 901
- Rubber bonding technique, Degussa 858
- Rubber compression moulding press. Hydramold 870
- Rubber conveyor belts, hydraulic press for stretching and hot pressing 184. Correction 348
- Rubber industry, quality control in (book) 997
- Rubber moulds, investment castings in 176
- Rubber Plastics Ltd., urethane elastomer (trade publication) 914
- Rubberand Plastics Research Association, automatic intermittent data recording equipment 860
- Rubber seal(s), applications, J. S. White 646
- Rubber sealants, synthetic (trade publication) 402 Rubber wheel, expanding, Rekki 729
- Rubberex '67, motor car safety competition, prize winners 846-847
- Rubery Owen and Co.
- (trade publications) portable flash welding
- 610
- Rundle, J. S. E., large loads on the road
- Rusling, John, Ltd., alloy scaffolding for use inside boilers 729
- Russell, S. and Sons Ltd., casting by cubed construction technique 981
- Russell sawing machinery 729 Russia
- bus factory proposals for, Leylands 42 geothermal power station 859 lamps, efficiency improvement proposals 217 sales promotion of helicopters 452 Soyuz 1 spacecraft, crash of 668 underground railway system for Kharkov 333 Rust removal, needle gun for 649 Ruston-Bucyrus, productivity agreement 1 58 Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., automatic oil-fired boiler for Bradford mills 468
- diesel engines (trade publication) 522
- Rutherford, A. G., thefts from libraries 623. Letters 670, 762
- S.A. Usines Balteau, Baltospot GL 400 portable radiographic equipment 645
- Saab
- CK37 digital computer 585
- Draken J35F and S35E aircraft 891
- Dracken type 37 aircraft 581 fluid-forming metal forming process 268 Viggen STOL aircraft 581
- Sabal range of ball plugs, valves, and actuators (trade publication) 562
- Sacks, paper, Binsac, for refuse collection 499
- Sadia Water Heaters Ltd., polyurethane foam insulation for water heaters 332
- Saechtling, Hans Jurgen, plastics industry 414 Safdie, Moishe, Habitat-67 63
- Safe Production Systems, horizontal wire decoiling machine 988
- Safego Monorail railway system 426
- Safety, for industry, by F. L. Creber (book) 871 with cryogenic fluids, by M. G. Zabetakis (book) 1083
- Safety Advisory Council, Industrial 619
- Safety device in overhead crane, load cells as 468 on electric lines, BR 376
- Safety fences, balustrading and (trade publication) 114
- Safety precautions, compressor operation 71 static electricity 79
- Safety regulations, American motor-car industry 634
- in chemical industry 570
- Safety seat, motor car, Cox 708
- Sail and hull design in yachts, research grants 128 Saint. See St
- Salary survey, executives , AlC 3
- Sale(s), aspect in quality and reliability 979
- Sale Tilney Group, Badalex equipment for vacuum flask production 308
- Salem-Brosius (England) Ltd. Blocky heattreatment furnace for nickel-molybdenum steel tube 591
- Salen Shipping Co., Gunclean system for cleaning of tanks 509
- Salen and Wicander AB, Gunclean system for cleaning of tanks 509
- Salisbury, A. E., power tools 99
- Sample changer, automatic. Southern Analytical 599
- Sample monitoring unit for artesian and oil well drilling, Landis 182
- Sample valve, variable volume, Loenco 354 Sampler, liquid, portable, Watson-Marlow 478 Sampling of ocean bed. Free Fall corer for 262 Sampling equipment, liquid. North Hants Engineering 110
- San Dalmazio converter station 497
- Sand-drying plant, Drierific 549
- Sand handling and reconditioning unit, Reddy Sandy 182
- Sanders, compressed air and electric, Sundstrand 728
- Sandvik steelworks, expansion 83. Letter 536
- Sandvik Transportband GmbH, Sandvik conveyors 789
- Sandvik UK Ltd., Sandvik conveyors 789 stainless steel conveyor belts for foodstuffs 638 T-max copying tool 182
- Sangamo Weston Ltd., Weissenberg Rheogoniometer 600
- Sanitary engineering, hydraulic and, course 746 Sardinia-Italy, de transmission link 454 electrical power link between 249
- Satellite(s) communications, Intelsat-3, second aerial for Goonhilly 290
- Esro II, launching preparations 47 orbital functions 47
- German 625 A-1, Dornier System GmbH 1019 Proton-1 891
- UK3, description of 709 experiments and electrical system 710 gold plating for 493 launching of 709
- ultra violet radiation information 759
- Satellite communications development position 92 Satellite launcher. Black Arrow, ordersforthree 574 Saudi-Arabia, radar control stations for 802
- Saunders, D. W., polymeric materials 177
- Saunders Valve Co. Ltd., ball plug valves (trade publication) 562
- motorized valves 742
- valves and valve actuation control 652
- Saupe, W., Wasa hydraulic bench press 729 Saw
- circular. Cutlass VMSIII 312
- cold, hydraulically-operated heavy-duty 649 friction, Cave-Cut 271
- oscillating, UKS450 pneumatic under-bench, Dimter 789
- reciprocating, air-powered, Ingersoll 270
- Saw chains. Timberchief, Borg-Warner 593
- Sawing machine(s), front cutting. Hydrofeeds 729 single bar, Auto-Plus 729 with numerical control, Stenner of Tiverton Ltd.
- 219
- Sawing machinery, Russell 729
- Sawmill. See Sawing machine
- Scabbling tool, MacDonald 33C 949
- Scaffold props, welding machine for automatic production of, Lincoln Electric 359
- Scaffolding, alloy, for use inside boilers, Rusling
- 729
- Scale(s), weight, decimal, Moore Reed 1029 Scale removal, needle gun for 649 Scalping screen, Niagra 554
- Seama Ltd., automatic recording system for events in time sequence 637
- Scammell Lorries Ltd., semi-trailers (trade publication) 318
- Unilink fifth wheel coupling 595
- Scamp electric car, Scottish Aviation 377, 674
- Scandura Ltd., conveyor belt wear 1024 Scanlon, H., parachute on Bluebird 88 Scan-Tel data acquisition system 692 Scapa Engineering Ltd., oil-hydraulic power packs to users' specifications 475
- Schachte, H. M., exporting to USA 246 Schermuly Ltd., Genie smoke generator 70 Schlatter AG welding machines 607 Schleuniger Ratrac snow compactor 172 Schloemann Aktiengesellschaft, high powered cold mill 429
- Scholes, D. H. C., research and development 245 School
- and college exhibits. Physics Exhibition 738 at Wallasey, solar heating for 48 closed-circuit television for 452 technology in 921
- television in, teacher training for 580
- School of Artillery, Field Artillery Computer Equipment (FACE) 447,456
- School of Industrial Design (Engineering), wheelchairdesign 573
- Schottky defects in crystals 405
- Schrader's Son, A., miniature diaphragm valves 347 Schwank burners, Parkinson Cowan 637 Schwing, Friedrich, self-propelled and trailer-type concrete pumps 788
- Science, and technology, statistics of 921
- for mechanical engineering technicians (book 1), by G. McBratney and T. G. J. Moag (book) 561
- organization of. Lord Bowden 664
- Science Museum, fire fighting appliances collection
- 9
- Science Research Council
- Atlas computer laboratory direct access using GEC S2 computer 333
- industrial aerodynamics survey 42
- long life design of engineering structures 1024 Mullard Space Science Laboratory 764
- 1 MV electron microscopes 555
- research grants for hull and sail design in yachts 128
- Science of Science Foundation 489 activities of 327
- Science since 1500, by H. T. Pledge (book) 151 Scientific apparatus, engineering models and, exhibition of, ICE 1051
- Scientific Furnishings Ltd., MICA-150 electronic testing equipment for integrated circuits 1033
- Scientific Systems Ltd., telemetry with frequency modulation 304
- Scientifica and Cook Electronics Ltd., 4 in electromagnet 599
- high-stability power supply 599
- Scientists in organizations, by D. C. Pelz and F. M
- Andrews (book) 745
- Scotchflex cable clamp system 356
- Scotchflex cable duct 397
- Scotchflex flat telephone cable 316
- Scotchlane self-adhesive plastics road-marking tape for aerial surveys 924
- Scotland, electricity supply in 16
- electricity supply industry 1003
- Scotswood Bridge, bowstring truss design Scotswood suspension bridge, replacement 493
- Scott, Douglas, Associates Ltd., Hy-Mac excavator. Design Centre award 773
- Scott and Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners, St John’s Beacon, Liverpool 460
- Scottish Aviation, Scamp electric car 377, 674 Scottish Boiler and General Insurance Co. Ltd., boiler drum brittle fracture 885
- Scottish Cooperative Wholesale Society, slipforming technique for mill and silo block 314
- Scovill Manufacturing Co., spool valves of modular construction 956
- Scowan, M., training officer, Abex 46
- Scrap and Waste Exhibition (Olympia) 442, 508 Screen(s), cinema, for Expo-67 exhibition, Andrew Smith Harkness 1048
- scalping, Niagra 554
- vibrating, Braby 359
- Screen changer, continuous. Autoscreen 1074 Screw, conveyor, repair with TungTec 726 Screw mixer device, continuous 1028 Screw press, hydraulic, 4,000 ton, Hasenclever 111
- ISO Metric, GKN 68. Letter 129
- Unified, of UNJ profile, BSI 391 Screwdriver, electrical testing. Florin 554
- impact, CM I 554
- Screwdriver blade hardening equipment. Intertherm 145
- Scroll system for large storage tanks 291 Scrubbers, fume, Placon C Type 948
- Multivane cyclonic, dust control equipment Sculptor's copying moulding machine, Bulleri
- S. E. Laboratories Ltd., EMMA electro-medical multi-channel amplifier 463
- oscillograph trace recorder 34 pressure transducer with semi-conductor diaphragm 463
- Sea electrode designs, use of computers 454 Sea Gem drilling rig, disaster inquiry 244 Sea Ranger, hydrofoil vessel 344. Letter 379 Sea Trailers, Strick, containers 740
- Sea Transport Engineering NV, Unity Ship with bridge-control of main engines 418
- Seacom cable in London to Singapore telephone link, repeaters used 533
- Seaforth, container berth construction scheme Seal(s)
- Bellofram, in strain absorber 829 hydraulic, for piston rods, Dri-rod V-pack trade publication 914 oil, threaded. Spiroseal DP 781 trade publication 792 propeller shaft, split. Crane Packing 654 rubber, applications, J. S. White 646 shaft, for Q4 liner 13
- mechanical, Crane Packing 1029 V-ring, R. Johansson and S. Malmstrdm water-pump. Pioneer 34
- Seal 0-ring pipeline valves, Dag 717 lubricant for 428
- Sealant in mines, polyurethane foam as 469 synthetic rubber (trade publication) 402
- Sealing, fluid, international conference on (Cambridge) 646
- of elastomers, effect of temperature on, E. B. Pool 647
- Sealing glass. Corning Code-4070 32
- Sealing ring, LSTO Nilos 911
- Sealing ring assembly, UKAEA 22 Sealing tunnel linings with plastics 148 Seaman hydraulically-powered advancing pit support 767
- Seamans, R. C., Apollo spacecraft fire 376 SEAT, motor-car production 892 SEAT 850 Costa motor car 892
- Seat(s), stadium, polyethylene, Rigidex 249-250 suspension, tractor, Baltic XL 355
- Seat belts, acetal copolymer for 1029 in motor cars, required standards 164
- Seaton Carew nuclear power station, application for consent to build 407
- Seaway Containers Ltd., semi-trailer (trade publication) 958
- Seawheel Ltd., container orders 251
- Seconop lathe backstop 354
- Security control system (trade publication) 236 SeelTite gasketting (trade publication) 1036 Seely and Paget, system-built church 212 Segment boiler-tube cleaning brush 728 Seismograph, automatic engineering (trade publication) 76
- Seize tendency in titanium 25
- Selby, R. A., on-load refuelling for nuclear reactors 678
- Selective Employment Tax, geographical modification proposal 567
- Self-Adhesive Systems Co. Ltd., Extendaplan wall chart 654
- Self-Changing Gear Co. Ltd., diesel-hydraulic locomotives 110
- Selling to Latin America (booklet) 326 Selling to USA, conference on 246 Sellotape Products Ltd., Sellotape Carton Closure Tape packaging tape 221
- Selson Machine Tool Co. Ltd., jig boring machine 228
- Semiconductor, energy level structure 367 forbidden energy 368 in integrated circuits 153 materials 660
- Semiconductor devices basic physics 657 definition 657
- Engineering Outline 657 examples 657 manufacture 659 prospects 660
- Vol. 1, by M. J. 0. Strutt (book) 697 Semiconductor diaphragm, pressure transducer with, S.E. Laboratories 463
- Semiconductor resistance element, thermistor 700 Semiconductor strain gauge type accelerometer, Vibro-Meter SA 187
- Semiconductor test systems. Fairchild 741 Semi-finished products, mechanized inspection and deseaming lines for 470
- Semi-trailer. See Trailer, semi
- Semler, E. G., on Engineering Heritage: Highlights from the History of Mechanical Engineering Vol. 2 (book) 35
- Semmens, P. W. B., line-side fires 1048
- Sencom Ltd., elapsed time indicator 559 printed circuit boards 862
- Sensor, pressure, Coutant 743 proximity, Photain 313
- Separator, electromagnetic mineral. Rapid 735 mineral, electromagnetic (trade publication) 522 wet magnetic, high-intensity, Jones 987
- Sequential event recording units. Mimic 1029 Series 45 tape-controlled machining centre, Kearns 992
- Servo system(s), hydraulic and electrohydraulic, by R. Walters (book) 655
- Servo system MSI 50, instructional, for teaching of automatic control 820
- Servogyr heating and ventilating control system 901
- Servomex Controls Ltd., oxygen analysis systems 1080
- Servotomic Ltd., Servowarm 40 central heating system 621
- Servowarm 40 central heating system 621 Sestriere winter sports centre, snow clearing equipment and vehicles 170
- Settlement prediction in foundations 192
- Sewage works, portable sludge pump for, Flygt CS-75 275
- Sewing machine, industrial, Jones 360
- Sezack, S. K., DSRV rescue vehicle for crippled submarines 677
- S. F. Air Treatment Ltd., air conditioning systems by computer 126
- SGS-Fairchild Ltd.
- integrated circuits for electronic telephone exchange 391
- planar transistor 909
- Suitcase data logging machine 436
- television camera equipment with RTuL microcircuits 263
- transistor C442 825
- Shaft(s), motor, metric, keyway guides for, Marley 1030 propeller. See Propeller shaft
- Shaft bossings brackets in Q4 liner
- Shaft hardening machine, Delapena
- Shaft seals, for Q4 liner 13
- mechanical. Crane Packing 1029 V-ring, R. Johansson and S. Malmstrom 646
- Shaker, bottle, rotary, Voss 869
- Shandon Scientific, battery operated electrocardiograph viewer 463
- Galileo modular system for patient monitoring 463
- Shani, A., symposium in Israel 1048
- Shaping machines, Butler 434
- Sharman, J. M., advanced course in production methods 85
- Sharp, Anthony J., Bijou automatic blister packaging machine 800
- Sharp, J. D., on Electric Steelmaking (book) 113 Shaving machine, gear, OS12 range 227
- Shaw, E. W., on Heating and Hot-water Services (book) 441
- Shaw, J. F. St. George, consulting engineers' export activities 198,379
- Shaw, John, and Sons (Salford) Ltd., powdermetallurgy presses 474
- 250-ton plate-flattening press 399 Shaw, Mark, unsinkable life raft 493 Shaw Moisture Meters, automatic dewpoint recorder 147
- Shaw Saville Line, Britannic refrigerated cargo vessel with ram bow 1011
- Majestic refrigerated cargo vessel 1011
- Shear(s), metal (trade publication) 152 plate (trade publication) 656
- Shear strength of soils 193
- Shearing machine, punching and (trade publication) 280
- Sheasby, P. G., performance of externally exposed anodized aluminium 642
- Sheet
- ABS, matt, Cycolac CG 995
- clad, titanium-clad 23
- polyester glass-mat, for insulation, Siluminite 220
- ptfe, Klingerflon Duplex 651
- steel, pvc-coated, for buildings, Stelvetite G 422 titanium-clad 23
- titanium clad, fabrication of 27
- Sheet Metal Machinery Co. Ltd., Elga Hydrapress brake 144,728
- Kumla PV5 bending rolls 728
- Sheet metal testing machine, Hille 693
- Sheet steel. Stellite faced blades for cutting 1069 Sheet steel body panels, automatic production of. Ford 775
- Sheet Steel Information and Development Association, 'Homes in Steel' Exhibition (Albany House) 535
- Sheffield University, applied mechanics courses 914
- instrumentation for engineers (course) 914 Shell(s), beams and plates on an elastic foundation, by V. Z. Vlasov and N. N. Leont'ev (book) 791 Shell-Mex and BP Ltd., corrosion prevention (trade publication) 746
- 100-ton oil bogie tank wagons 333
- Stanlow Refinery rail tank-wagon filling
- 899
- telemetry control of underground pipeline Shelving, timber, mobile (trade publication)
- Shelvoke and Drewry Ltd., Pakamatic refuse collecting vehicles 503, 504
- Powerpress compressing equipment 503
- Sheppard Fabrications Ltd., Sheppard-Meillar container handling system for bulk refuse skips 501
- Sheppard-Meillar container handling system for bulk refuse skips 501
- Sheppard, W. V., Aberfan coal tip disaster tribunal 374
- Shercliff, J. A., education and training of engineers 666
- Sherfield, Lord, finance for small firms 964 Ship(s)
- assault,/nfrep/c/ 416
- at sea, cargo transfer between 261
- cargo, KiHara, programmed deck-crane control 233
- Loch Avon, Harland and Wolff 1076
- Manchester Progress, with bridge control of main engines 418
- nuclear-powered pusher, J. A. Teasdale 540 refrigerated, Britannic, with ram bow 1011 refrigerated. Majestic 1 011
- Waitara, programmed deck-crane control 233
- Jane's fighting, 1966-67, by R. V. B. Blackman (book) 151
- logistic. Sir Bedivere 968
- maximum safe load computer, Elliott Marine Automation 454
- research, easier warping of faired cables 100 reversing gear, Invest-Export 696
- TOPSystem control system for water supply in 430
- Unity, with bridge-control of main engines 418 see also under specific types of ship
- Ship design and construction, Gerber automatic draughting machine 208. Letter 419
- Ship hull resistance research, NPL 538
- Ship model tests in water circulating channel 538 Shipbreaking Industries Ltd., activities at Faslane yard 809
- Shipbuilding, flame-cutting of plates in, numerical control of 208
- Shipbuilding industry
- Clyde, grouping discussions 527
- credit terms available 285-286
- Japan 669
- order position 286 position and prospects 323 rationalization plans 703 statistics 669
- Shipbuilding Industry Bill, credit terms under 286 Shipbuilding Industry Board, discussions with Clyde shipyards 527
- establishment of 286
- Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing Council 286 Shipcharger dockside tractors 880
- Ships' gear, by J. A. Hind and J. E. Webb (book) 521
- Shipston Engineering Co. Ltd., compressed air and lubrication equipment 728
- Sundstrand compressed air and electric sanders 728
- Shipton Automation Ltd., Interrogator play-back unit for use with Tel-Stor telephone answering machine 331
- Shipyard, Eriksberg, Operation Scandiaships building 233
- Uddevalla, Operation Scandiaships building 233 Shock, isolation from, Barrymount Serva-LevI isolation system 683
- Shock-absorbers, Domange-Jarret 788
- Shoe uppers, Ortix synthetic material for 333
- Shone, K. J. management studies. City University 330
- Shorland 60 straddle carrier 553
- Short Bros, and Harland, Fokker F-28 Fellowship short-haul airliner 844
- Shorland 60 straddle carrier 553
- Short, E., GPO computer network service 567
- Short Term Trends in Mechanical Engineering (report) 411
- Shovel, crawler, Case-1150 786
- hydraulic loading, Weatherill 1033 tractor. Yale-300 908
- Show, trade. See Exhibition
- Shrinking, gunmetal liner on ship's shaft 1076 large bushes by deep freezing 725
- Shrinking machines, Grotnes 266
- Shutdown control, optimal, of nuclear reactors, by M. Ash (book) 35
- SI system units 721
- Sideboom equipment, Boughton, pipelaying tractor with. International Harvester 358
- Siders, R. A., on Computer Graphics (book) 279 Sidleen key motor-car anti-theft device 843-844 Siebe Gorman and Co. Ltd., six-stage compressor for high-pressure air supply 1023
- Siemens IN slipform system for St John's Beacon 460
- Sigmund Pulsometer Pumps Ltd., multi-stage pumps 475
- Signal Fire Alarm system 923
- Signal recovery Laboratories
- Signal Research and Development Establishment, computer control of communications networks 391
- Signal source, programmable, Marconi Instruments 600
- Signalling, D. S. Jewell 839
- Sikorski, J., Stereoscan in textile technology 292 Silastic 49 silicone-rubber sponge 439
- Silastic 69 silicon-rubber sponge 439
- Silbestos asbestos for prevention of condensation 1068
- Silcock and Colling Ltd., Transloader Mk III convertible motor car transporter 400
- Silencers, air, Enots 150
- stainless steel 349
- Silencing equipment, dynamic testing 347
- Silica, fused, telescope mirror 509
- Silicon, use for integrated circuits 1 54
- Silicon carbide filaments for metal reinforcement 923
- Silicon semiconductor devices 657
- Silicon-transistor ignition, Beulah Electronics Silicone release agent, Dow Corning HV-490
- for shell moulding, Cilchem-540 275
- Silicone rubber. Midland Silicones 316
- Silicone-rubber sponge, Silastic-49 and Silastic-69 439
- Silicone treated pulverized fuel ash to sink oil slicks 761
- Silos, for industrial raw materials, Eldenhall 232 sealed, Howard Harvestore Products Ltd. 631
- Siluminite polyester glass-mat sheets for insulation 220
- Silver dendrites growth, NBS 776
- Silver 90 rock drill 1031
- Silver Springs Lock, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384 Silverman, M., on Technical Program Manager's Guide to Survival (book) 913
- Silverply conveyor belting 74
- Silverstone, foreign motor-car test day 935 Simmens, S. C., optical textile microscopy 292 Simon-Barron Ltd., Spin-Away centrifugal dryers 985
- Simon-Carves, silo block
- Simon-Compactors, Wastepaktor closed metal container and compressor for refuse collection 501-502
- Simon Engineering Dudley Ltd., hydraulic platform for access to electric furnace 939
- Simon Handling Engineers Ltd., refuse incineration plant 505
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., slipforming technique for mill and silo block 314
- Simons, D., on Georg Kerschensteiner (book) 35
- Simons, E. N,, on Guide to Uncommon Metals (book) 655
- Simplatroll electromagnetic units (trade publication) 76
- Simplex Electric Co. Ltd, automation in foundry 1070 Disamatic moulding machines for malleable iron castings 1070
- Hi-Style range bulkhead lighting fitting 694 layout and operation of foundry at Oldbury 1070 termination box 559. Correction 863
- Simplex moulding machine with one shot lubrication 860
- Simplicity Westaform, Westaform flue lining in flexible stainless steel 560
- Simpson, K., designing for moulding 273 Simulation techniques for design of water resource systems, by M. M. Hufschmidt and M. B. Fiering (book) 401
- Simulator, air traffic control, Bretigny 89 flight. See Flight simulator
- Sinclair, J., on Coal-Mining Economics: Organization and Management (book) 745
- Sinclair Radionics Ltd., industrial amplifier Sinex Engineering Co. Ltd., rotary electric 825
- Singer Chamois coupe motor car, Rootes
- Singer Gazelle motor car, Rootes group 1 28 Singer Vogue estate car, Rootes 622
- Sink unit in Pakamatic refuse collection vehicle cab 761
- Sintering, powder metallurgy 960
- Siporex, light-weight aerated concrete for roofing 127
- Sir Bedivere, logistic ship 968
- Site Equipment Demonstration (Hatfield), exhibits at 785
- Size-changing equipment for slab and billet mill 304
- Sizewell nuclear power station, official opening of 573
- Sjoberg range work bench 427
- SK Instruments Ltd., Skil range temperature controllers 912
- Skate, machinery, Trewhella 988 Skil range temperature controllers 912 Skills analysis training 620
- Skin effect in induction heating 524
- Skin friction resistance of ships' hulls, NPL 538 Skinner, A., Lamborghini Miura: the new Bugatti? 164. Letters 251,334
- Skips, concrete, air-operated, Audax 399 Skoda Winneton MB1000 motor car 458 Skyservant STOL aircraft, Dornier 891,1 01 9 Slab mill, automatic size-changing equipment 304 Slag dryer, dual-fuel burner for 68
- Slemon, G. R., on Magnetoelectric devices: Transducers,Transformers and Machines (book) 35
- Slide rule, circular, for helical spring calculations 995
- for colour analysis, Color-Eye XYZ 781 Slings, nylon lifting, "W" Ribbons 187 Slip-ring motors, Crompton Parkinson 781 Slipform method for St John's Beacon 460 Slipforming technique for mill and silo block 314 Slittrenching machine. Foundation Engineering 69 SLO roller bearings for heavy radial and axial loads 220
- Sloane, A., on Engineering Kinematics (book) 871 Sloss, W. J., hovercraft or hydrofoil ? 379
- Slot mortising machine, tenon cutting and, ZR350, Maschinenbau 790
- Slough College, programme of courses 562
- Sludge pump, portable, for sewage works, Glygt CS-75 275
- Slurries as explosives 61 5 Small Business Centre, activities 373
- Small company, industrial training and, course on 612
- Small firms, finance facilities for 964
- Smalley, Richard, (Engineering) Ltd., full circle slewing excavator 360 (15) 785
- Smart and Brown Lighting Ltd., exhibits at Lighting Exhibition 694
- Smeed Report on road pricing 1044
- Smith, F., on the shelf 670
- Smith, F. H., Western Europe's biggest hangar 10 Smith Jacking Systems Ltd., Hydro-couple low-load front loading semi-trailer 234
- Smith, J. B., successful injection moulding 272 Smith, J. E., Small Business Centre 373
- Smith, K., testing Concorde's fuel system 495 Smith, P. H., on Car Performance and the Choice of
- Conversion Equipment (book) 611 on Design and Tuning of Competition Engines (book) 957
- Smith, V., critical path analysis 486
- Smith, W. S., on Quadrant Coordinate Tables (book) 1035
- Smiths Industries Ltd., digital tachometer 108 Scan-Tel data acquisition system 693
- Smoke generator, Genie 70 Smulders, J. F., Whose reactor is best? 803 SNECMA, European airbus A-300 development 801
- Qlympus 593 turbojet engine, for Concorde supersonic airliner 578
- inspection ports 467
- Snow clearing equipment 170
- Snow compaction machinery 172
- Snow, Sir Frederick, and Partners, cargo terminal for London Airport (Heathrow) 1052
- Snow and Sons, abrasive grinding machine using cubed construction technique 981 Snow-Trac snow vehicle 171
- Snow transport equipment and vehicles 170 Social Science Research Council, Social Survey Data Bank 1 95
- Social Survey Data Bank 1 95
- Societe d'Etudes de I'Aerotrain, Aerotrain experiments 260
- Societe Generale du Vide, stainless steel vacuum chamber 510
- Society of Engineers, 'Modern Methods of Cargo Handling in Ports' 708
- Sociology of management, towards a, by Sir Geoffrey Vickers (book) 957
- Soil(s), classification and properties 192 nitrogen enrichment of. Top Crop 29N aqueous ammonia for 169
- water seepage through 192
- Soil exploration, drilling rig for 192
- Soil Fertility Dunns Ltd., tractor-mounted equipment for ammonia injection into soil 169
- Soil mechanics basic principles 192 definition of 191 deformation problems 1 92 Engineering Qutlines 191 grouting processes 193, 194 scope of 1 91
- shear strength and stability 1 93
- site investigations 192
- Soil penetration test equipment (trade publication) 482
- Soil pipe, Bartol 560
- Soiltest Inc., automatic engineering seismograph (trade publication) 76
- Solar heating for school at Wallasey 48
- Solartron Electronic Group, portable oscilloscope 743
- Solberga Model SE7S automatic production drill 146
- Soldering, fine wire, anti-wicking tweezers for, Antex 783
- of aerosol cans 982
- Soldering equipment, hot gas, G. V. Planer 910 Solid(s), particulate, storage and recovery
- J. C. Richards (book) 561
- Solid mechanics and engineering
- Williams 178
- Solid state devices, conference on
- Solid state physics, conference on Solidification, directional, of steel
- WIodawer (book) 151
- of molten metals, magnetic field i distribution 352
- Solutions of engineering problems by dynamical analogies, by H. F. QIson (book) 697
- Solvents, plastics, Uresolve Plus 680 Solway Firth, barrage study at 158
- Somerset, E., inventor of 'water-commanding engine' 5
- Sonac ultrasonic sensing heads to control leather spraying machinery 1069
- SONATRACH, pipeline construction in Algeria 465 Sondes Place Research Institute, automatic intermittent data recording equipment 860
- Sondes Place Research Laboratories Ltd., stress relaxometer 906
- Soni, R. P., on Formulae and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics (book) 521
- Sonodur Type 1851 ultrasonic hardness testing equipment 29
- Sonoray caliper thickness tester 696
- Sony Corp., video tape recorder 418. Letter Sorting, parcel, ball memory unit for 821
- Soudronic AG, tin-plate seam-welding machines 606
- Sound and vibration test set (trade publication) 522
- Sound Attenuators Ltd., attenuator performance measurement 347
- South Atlantic Cable Co. (Pty) Ltd., submarine telephone cable from Lisbon to Cape Town 711
- South Bank Arts Centre 294
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co., pipe wrapping equipment 1024
- South London Electrical Equipment Co., integrated circuit making plant 29
- South of Scotland Electricity Board, annual report 1003
- boiler drum replacement at Cockenzie power station 332
- fish rearing in cooling-water outfall 249
- South Wales Gas Board, automation of Grangetown works 467
- Southampton, container berth construction scheme 409
- Southampton Metal Treatment Ltd., Master forced draught oil-fired space heater 305
- Southampton University, data analysis centre 21 Myriad II computer for industry 455 research grants for hull and sail design in yacnts 128
- Southampton Water, under-water tunnel for power transmission line 387
- Southern Analytical Ltd., atomic absorption spectrophotometer 599
- automatic sample changer 599 spectrophotometer (trade publication) 1084
- Southern Hydrofoil Ltd., Qcean Ranger hydrofoil vessel 346
- Sea Ranger hydrofoil vessel 344
- Southern Instruments Ltd., vibration transducers 316
- Soyuz 1 spacecraft, Russia, crash of 668
- Space, automatic control in, symposium on (Vienna) 998
- photography in, Kodak 494
- Space Group, activities and achievements. University College, London 764
- Spacecraft
- Apollo, access hatch, redesign of 493-494 fire inquiry 248
- Gemini, films during flight of 494 Mariner-5, to Venus 1 009
- Soyuz 1, Russia, crash of 668
- Surveyor 3, launch of, U.S.N.A.S.A. 668 Spacecraft launcher, Vostok 891 Spain, motor-car industry 892
- Spandoplast polystyrene board for concrete shuttering 101
- Sparcatron Ltd., spark erosion machines (trade publication) 36
- Spare parts, computer control of, Electrolux 939 King Triax equipment for storage of 939
- Spark erosion machine (trade publication) 36
- Sparrow, E. M., on Radiation Heat Transfer (book) 113
- Sparrow, R. (Leicester) Ltd., Wasa hydraulic bench press 729
- Spauldings Ltd., Spauldite epoxy laminate with aluminium cladding 186
- Spauldite epoxy laminate with aluminium cladding 186
- Spectra-Physics, gas laser 33
- Spectral analysis calibration, ammonia beam maser for 592
- Spectrographic analyser, UVAQ 391
- Spectromac signal recovery equipment. Data Laboratories 597
- Spectrometer
- electron spin resonance, Decca Radar 596 mass, applications 240
- leak detector, helium, Veeco Instruments 599 nuclear quadripole resonance, Decca Radar 596 X-ray, Phillips, MEL 1032
- Spectrophotometer
- atomic absorption. Southern Analytical 599 filter, automatic, Pretema 986 infra-red, Perkin-Elmer 553
- micro, universal, Zeiss 639 trade publication 1084 Spectroradiometer, infrared recording, NBS 21 Spectroscope, basic types 237 Spectroscopy, applications 237, 240 definition 237
- Engineering Outline 237 for chemical analysis 238 Spectroscopy applications 237 Speed ratios, digital selection of, Accuspede 638 Speed reducers. Helicon Mark-4 912 wormgear (trade publication) 698
- Verso 74
- Speed reduction units, wormgear, Holroyd 653 Speedwell Gear Case Co. Ltd., fluid-forming metal forming process 268
- Spembley Technical Products Ltd., high-vacuum dewars for liquid nitrogen 644
- 3,000°C horizontal graphite element furnace 144 Spencer (Melksham) Ltd., grain terminal at Tilbury docks 707
- Sperry Gyroscope Co. Ltd., filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899
- gyro system (trade publication) 236
- security control system (trade publication) 236 Spherical bulk storage plant. Distillers Chemicals and Plastics 605
- Spheromill vertical boring mill for Boeing 520 Spider, Fiat, motor car engine 676
- Fiat-1 24, motor car 937 Spin-Away centrifugal dryers, Simon-Barron 985 Spindle, high-speed, in false-twist machine 722 Spindle press. See Press(es) Spinning by induction heating 819 Spiroseal DP threaded oil seal 781 Spitfire Mk. Ill Triumph, mctor car 420 Splice, mechanical, G-Loc, for joining reinforcing bars 33
- Sponge, silicone-rubber, Silastic-49 and Silastic-69 439
- Spool valves, of modular construction, Scovill 966 pneumatic, I.V. Pressure Controllers 274 Spooling, rope, multilayer, LeBus system of 938 Spooling machine, wire, Techna 228 Spooner, L. A., metric system 721
- Spray booths, air filter materials for, Bondina 995 Nopump 638
- Spray-etch machine. Quadra-etch 1031 Spray-fuse process 650 Spray-painting machines, Phoenix Telephones 147 Spray steelmaking, Millom 407
- Spray Steelmaking Ltd., formation and activities 751
- Spray steelmaking process 121
- Sprayed Insulations Ltd., Silbestos asbestos for prevention of condensation 1068
- Spraying machinery, leather, Sonac ultrasonic sensing heads to control 1069
- Spring(s), disc (trade publication) 656 expansion, compression and (trade publication) 872
- helical, circular slide rule for calculations 995 railway, testing press, MAA40 228
- Spring Grove Services Ltd., bulk cleaning of overalls 453
- SSP1, thyristors 825
- St. Helens Island, Expo-67 17,61 St. John's Beacon, Liverpool 460 St. John's Lock, Cross-Florida Barge Canal 384 St. Lawrence River, flow pattern 17
- St. Thomas's Hospital, air conditioning systems by computer 126
- Stacatruc Ltd., compressed air transportation of heavy loads 142
- Stace, Leonard, Ltd., Jagenberg coating plant for coated papers 859
- Stacey, R., inflatable door seal for motor cars 847. Letter 1048
- Stadium seats, polyethylene, Rigidex 249-250
- Staff-location system, Hasler Tele-Courier Stahlwerke Bochum Aktiengesellschaft, powered cold mill 429
- Stainless steel(s) austenitic, cold-stretching 517 breweries 349 consumption statistics 349 cutlery 349 domestic hot-water cylinder 349 domestic market 349 engineering applications 349 flexible, flue lining in, Westaform 560 motor-car bumpers 349 motor-car silencers 349 nationalization and rationalization prospects 349 needle bearing, INA 353 trade publication 998, 1036 washing machines 349 window frames 349
- Stainless steel castings (trade publication) 872 Stainless steel container, Trailmobile 739 Stainless steel conveyor belts for foodstuffs 638 Stainless Steel Development Association, Stain/ess Steel 655
- Stainless steel diaphragm, Armco, high-frequency response transducer with. Bell and Howell 463-464
- Stainless steel filters, porous (trade publication) 562
- Stainless steel vacuum chamber, ESRO 510 Stal-Laval Apparat AB, vacuum equipment for ASEA-SKF process 351
- Stal-Laval Turbin AB, back pressure turbines (trade publication) 834
- gas-turbine power station for Stockholm 1009 large gas turbines (trade publication) 746 steam plant for electrical peak demands 714 Stamford C brushless alternator 1029 Stand-by generating set, static, AEI 269 Standard Telecommunication Laboratories Ltd., domain originated functional integrated circuits 265
- high-speed printing machine 776
- Standard Telemotive system for radio-controlled overhead crane 902
- Standard Telephone Laboratories, high-pressure apparatus 1079
- light as data carrying medium in high voltage fields 1009
- Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd.
- crossbar switch for telephone exchanges 86 high-power travelling wave cathode ray tube 910
- instrument cases 108
- Standard Telemotive system for radio-controlled overhead crane 902
- submarine telephone cable from Lisbon to Cape Town 711
- transit switching centres 86
- uhf tetrode 910
- Standard time broadcasts, coordination of 803 Standards, for office machines 967
- see also British Standards Institution; ISO; United States National Bureau of Standards Standards course, BSI 834
- Stanford, E. G., on Progress in Applied Materials Research (book) 697
- Stanford, W., on Cooling Towers: Principles and Practice (book) 871
- Staniar, W., on Prime Movers (book) 481
- Stanlow Refinery railtank-wagonfilling centre 899 Stansted, as London Airport site 671,796
- Stanton Instruments Ltd., differential thermal analyser 600
- Stapling of paper bags, F. Jordan 1 63
- Starkstrom Schaltgeratefabrik, air circuit breakers 788
- Starter motor for gas turbines, Teddington Aircraft 1030
- State space analysis of control systems, by K. Ogata (book) 655
- Static compensator transductor for, GEC 348 Static electricity
- applications 78
- dangers of 79
- definition of 77
- disadvantages of 79
- dust removal by 78
- Engineering Outline 77 generation of 77 history of 77 in textile industry 80 safety precautions against build-up 79
- Statistical extremes, engineering applications of (NATO) 998
- Statistical forms standardization proposals 159 Statistics, mathematical, elements of, by J. F.
- Ratcliffe (book) 151
- of Science and Technology 921
- Staveley Asquith Ltd., washing, pickling and drying machine for copper pipe fittings 550
- Stead, R., vibration in nuclear power plant 473 Steam, as reactor coolant, G. Melese-d'Hospital and
- P. Fortescue 472
- in Europe, by P. B. Whitehouse (book) 363 Steam cars, Doble: buses, lorries and rail-cars, by
- J. N. Walton (book) 317
- Steam generator, portable, DE25, Karcher 785 Steam and Mining Equipment (Pty) Ltd., steeldegassing plant 941
- Steam plant for electrical peak demands Steamturbine. See Turbine Ste-Co Products Ltd., bending machine Stedall Machine Tool Co. Ltd., Gallicop copying lathe 552
- Pneuco metal-forming unit 730 Steel(s)
- alloy, vacuum degassing in ladle, ASEA-SKF process 350
- carbon determination in, Titracarb analyser 474 galvanized, hot, in agriculture (trade publication) 36
- painting hot dip (trade publication) 190 heat treatment. See Heat treatment and under specific type of heat treatment high yield, for aircraft hangar 130 sheet. Stellite faced blades for cutting 1069 stainless. See Stainless steel very strong, use of, critical review 428 Steel castings, directional solidification of, by
- WIodawer (book) 151
- Steel Co. of Wales, electronic road weighbridge 947
- Titracarb carbon-in-steel analyser 474 Steel degassing plant, Krip Works, South Africa Steel dwelling construction system 535 Steel exhaust tubes, aluminized, Tru-Wel 534 Steel foundry. See Foundry Steel industry, improvement proposals 2 output figures for 1 966 82 output forecasts 2
- Steel, J., in New Year Honours list Steel, J. M. and Co. Ltd., Lewatit resins 1072
- Makrofol KG polycarbonate film
- Steel pipes, helical weld (trade publication) 834 Steel racking for metal stockholding centre, Vickers Automation Handling 510
- Steel ram, maraging, extrusion improved by use of 1024
- Steel refining, electroslag method with hot slag start 188
- Steel refining process, electro slag, BISRA 592 Steel rope. See Wire rope
- Steel sheet, pvc-coated, for buildings, Stelvetite G
- 422
- titanium-clad 23
- fabrication of 27
- Steel Sheet Information and Development Association, metric conversion (trade publication) 1 52 Steel structures, thin-walled, symposium on 958 Steel tube, helically-welded, pressure test equipment, Driam 549
- nickel-molybdenum. Blocky heat-treatment furnace for 591
- seamless, three-roll piercer for 103 Steel tubing in metric sizes, British Ermeto 187 Steelmaking
- electric, by J. D. Sharp (book) 113 principles of, by A. K. Biswas (book) 151 spray, Millom 407 spray process 121,751
- Steelmaking furnace. See Furnace Steelworks, Hellefors, ASEA-SKFvacuum degassing process 350
- Steering, hydrostatic power, McCormick International B-164 tractor with. International Harvester 315. Letter 379
- power-assisted. Bishop worm-and-peg type 590 Steering column, motor car, collapsible, P. Albericci and D. Kershaw 846-847
- Steering gear for Q4 liner 13 power-assisted. Hydrosteer 381,382 steam, centenary of 6
- Stellite faced blades for cutting sheet steel 1069 Stelvetite G pvc-coated steel sheet for buildings 422
- Stencil cutter, Gestetner 693
- Stenner of Tiverton Ltd., sawing machine with numerical control 219
- Step
- Stormaway, for prevention of rain under doors 533-534
- Step and repeat camera, Watson 598
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons Ltd., Britannic refrigerated cargo vessel with ram bow 1011 Conjack container lifting device 832 container handling equipment 880 Majestic refrigerated cargo vessel 1011
- Stereometrograph map plotter, VEB 907
- Stereoscan scanning electron microscope, use in textile technology 292
- Sterling Moulding Materials Ltd,, housing for central heating control unit 1075
- Stern, H. J., Rubber: Natural and Synthetic (book) 279
- Sterngear system, Glacier-Herbert 732
- Stevens Institute of Technology, test burner for solid propellants 428-429
- Stewarts Construction Ltd., Champion tower crane 1033
- Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd.
- balustrading and safety fences (trade publication) 114
- flue gas recirculation 636
- Millwall dock transit shed 763
- Standard Telemotive system for radio-controlled overhead crane 902
- strike on operation of centre lathes 840 Steyr-Puch 600 TR11 motorcar 937 Stickland, A. C., on Reports on Progress in Physics, 1966 (book) 363
- Stilclad 34 mineral wool pipe insulation 107
- Stillite Products Ltd., Stilclad 34 mineral wool pipe insulation 107
- Stirk, John, and Sons Ltd., large openside planing machine 692
- Stirling-cycle hot-air engine 934
- Stochastic processes, introduction to, by M. S. Bartlett (book) 75
- Stockholm, gas-turbine power station for 1009
- Stockholm Tramways, Atlantean computerized double-deck buses 335
- Stockholms Elverk, gas-turbine power station for Stockholm 1009
- Stokes, F. J., vacuum metallizer 784
- Stokes Structural and Roofing Co., Millwall dock transit shed 763
- Stone, G. A., fastener threads 129
- Stone, J. and Co. (Deptford) Ltd., transportable boiler plant for contractors 554
- Stone Manganese Marine Ltd., propellers for Q4 liner 13
- Stone, P. A., on Building Economy (book) 611
- Stonehouse, J., all-weather capability programme for British aircraft and airports 925
- Stoneleigh Electronics Ltd., miniature battery charger 759
- Storage and recovery of particulate solids, by J. C Richards (book) 561
- Storage system, Powerstor Drawstack 683
- Storage tanks. See Tanks
- Stork diesel engine, bridge control of 418 Storm-sewage overflows, symposium on 318 Stormaway step for prevention of rain under doors 533-534
- Stothert and Pitt Ltd., container handling cranes (trade publication) 612
- Tetmark centrifugal pumps 696
- Stott, J. R., on Refrigeration at Sea (book) 697 Stove and furnace insulation (trade publication) 36 Stoving of structural frameworks Straddle carrier, Powerbeam-360
- Shorland-60 553
- Straightening machine for thick tube 980
- Straightening press, Galdabini 519
- Strain, extensometer for continuous indication of
- 830
- Strain absorber, Bellofram seal in 829
- Strain gauge(s) for stress analysis in gearbox test rig 229
- Strain-gauge bridge, portable, Tinsley 107 Strain gauge load cells, Vibro-Meter SA 595
- Strain gauge type accelerometer, semi-conductor, Vibro-Meter SA 187
- Strain measurement, dynamic, Plessey 602 Strapping tool, pneumatic, Quiklok 1081 Stream flow, by N. C. Grover and A. W. Harrington
- (book) 401
- Strength, deformation and, of materials, by P, Feltham (book) 189
- Stress, thermal, and low-cycle fatigue, by S. S, Manson (book) 189
- Stress analysis, conference on 1084
- in gearbox test rig, strain gauges for 229 Stress-corrosion cracking of titanium alloy 744 Stress corrosion testing machine, Denison 434 Stress determination, optical. See Optical Stress measurement, Photostresstechniquefor 602 Stress relaxometer, BP Chemicals 906 Stress relieving, of pipe welds. Cooper Electroheat 591
- of titanium clad steel sheet vessels 28 Stretching, cold, austenitic stainless steels 517 Strick Sea Trailers containers 740
- Strike, of maintenance workers, British Aluminium Castings Ltd. 119
- on operation of centre lathes 840
- STRIL 60 radar information installation, Sweden 581
- Strip cutting machine, Merkle 870
- Strip mill, Stahlwerke Bochum 429
- Stripping agents for metals, Metex 275
- Stripping machine, cable, M.I.C. Major 1034 Strojimport, machine tools from Czechoslovakia 224
- Strowger step-by-step switch in telephone exchange development 91,95, 96
- Strub, R. A., circulator design for nuclear power stations 473
- Structural adhesives bonding, by M. J. Bodnar (book) 611
- Structural analysis, by W. Fisher Cassie (book) 441 Structural engineering, electrical analogues in, by K. K. Keropyan and P. M. Chegolin (book) 481 Structural failures at construction sites 761 Structural panels, composite rolling of 109 diffusion bonding of, by composite rolling, R. I. Jaffee 109
- Structures
- buildings and, wind effects on, symposium on 1084
- design of engineering, long life 1024 dynamic stability of, by G. Herrmann (book) 317 essentials of the theory of, by J. H. Joiner (book) 791
- steel, thin-walled, symposium on 958 strengthening, electronic aids, A. Pugsley 707 thin-walled, by A. H. Chilver (book) 1083
- Structures testing, hydraulic jacks and control console for 175
- Strutt, M. J. 0., on Semiconductor Devices Vol. 1 (book) 697
- Stuchbery, A. L., engineer in manufacturing industry 665
- Students, overseas, increased university and technical college fees for 124
- Stumpi range cable connectors 910
- Sturtevant Engineering Ltd., flue gas recirculation equipment 637
- Sub-contract sales and components, short-term trends 411
- Submarine(s), DSRV rescue vehicles for 677 Submarine base, nuclear, at Chatham 334 Submarine Cables Ltd., LeBus system of multilayer rope spooling 938
- Submarine mast shrouds, glass-reinforced plastics 512
- Subway roof, jacking of, into position after casting 940
- Suction cleaners (trade publication) 656
- Sud Aviation, Concorde supersonic airliner. See Concorde
- European airbus A-300 development 801 SA-340 helicopter 891
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920) Ltd., mig welding equipment 610
- Sugar, automatic control for vacuum boiling of 429 Suit(s), protective, for use with airborne chemicals and gases 47
- Suitcase data logging machine 436
- Sulphur dioxide removal in flue gases 101
- Sulzer Brothers Ltd., 19.1 MW Type N110 11 gas turbine 391
- Summers, John, and Sons Ltd., Stelvetite G pvc- coated steel sheet for buildings 422
- Sump cleaner, machine tool, Delapena 232 Sun. See Solar
- Sundridge Park Management Centre, residential courses 834
- Sundstrand compressed air and electric sanders 728
- Sunflood floodlight 33
- Super-Sprite FC1 COg semi-automatic welding equipment 606
- Super Stork TP13 electric drill 361
- Superchargers, Alfa Romeo GTA motor car with 420
- Superheater Co, Ltd., automatic power source for tig welding 604
- pulse unit for tig welding 604
- Superior Electric Nederland NV, synchronous/ stepping electric motors 186
- Surface(s), contactor contact, comparative welding tests on 859
- Surface area measuring instrument, automatic, Areatron 640
- Surface finishing machine, deburring and, VS High G Harperizer 790
- Surface quality measurement, MTIRA 691 Surface Separator Systems Inc., Floating Oil Skimmer for oil recovery on water 536
- Surge-Arc semi-automatic mig welding unit 606 Surveying, mine, metalliferous, by F. Winiberg (book) 189
- Surveyor 3 spacecraft, launch of, USNASA 668 Survila, E., high volume batch anodizing 641 Suspension(s), independent, semi-trailing arm system 1017
- mechanics of, by A. Fortier (book) 997 Suspension bridges, Scotswood, replacement 492-493
- Suspension components, Mark IV Zodiac-Zephyr motor car, inspection of. Ford 437
- Suspension units, trailer, Flexitor 150 Sussex container 740
- Sutton range matrix switches 911 Suunto Oy, compasses and height meters 742 Svensk Aeroplan AB. See Saab
- Svenska Diamant 'Ultralette' 5651 oscillograph 150
- Svenska Flygmotor, RM8 turbojet engine 582
- Svenska Radio AB, cockpit displays for Saab Viggen aircraft 585
- Swallow, Sir William, in New Year Honours list 3 Shipbuilding Industry Board and Shiprepairing Council Swan, Hunter and Wigham reorganization 407
- Swarf handling, bulk 1024
- Swarf handling equipment at Halewood plant. Ford Motor Co. 938
- Swarf removal from machine tools, conference on 656
- Sweden, nuclear power stations, UKAEA to supply fuel for 123
- STRIL 60 radar information installation 581 System 37 defence plan 581
- Swedish East Asia Co. Ltd., Operation Scandiaships design 233
- Swedish State Railways, thyristor controlled locomotives 201
- Swimming pool gas heating (trade publication) 482
- Swindell-Dressler Co., dock of interlocking caissons, Natrona, Pa. 592
- Swindon, housing scheme 157
- Switch(es)
- audio, Elliot-Automation 909 coaxial, programmable, Marconi Instruments 600 Crossbar, in telephone exchange development 91,96
- float, Cobham Engineering 516 matrix, Sutton range 911 proximity, Honeywell 439
- Strowger step-by-step, in telephone exchange development 91,95,96
- thumbwheel, miniature. Digitizer 356 vacuum meter, G. V. Planer 910 wall (trade publication) 1084 see also Microswitch
- Switch construction service, prototype, Radiatron 275
- Switchgear fuse, JunoPlan 735
- Minilink, AEI 989 see also Circuit breaker(s) Switchgear and Equipment Ltd., high rupture capacity fuses 595
- Switching, static, C-Law modulator permanent memory unit for 825
- Switching control. Logicon static, for automatic concrete mixer 820
- Switzerland, machine-tool exhibits 224
- Sylvania Electric Products Inc., 'clam-shell' vacuum furnace 783
- Synchro-cyclotron, 600 MeV, CERN 932 Synchronous machines, design, operation and testing of, by Gian Chand Jain (book) 521
- Synthetic fibre ropes and V-belts (trade publication) 998
- Syphons, weirs and locks, irrigation engineering, by S. Leliavsky (book) 113
- System - built cinrrch 212
- System Computers Ltd., gas laser 593 System-4 computers order position 488 Systems analysis need for courses in 158 Systems engineering, modern foundations of, by W. A. Porter (book) 235
- Systems motor, Union Carbide. Correction 74
- Szechy, K., on Art of Tunnelling (book) 279
- T-max copying tool 182
- Table, marking-out, coordinate, C and N 869 multipurpose, Variett 427 rotary. Ultra-precise 360
- Tachometer, alarm, industrial, Denis 480
- digital. Smiths 108
- electronic. Airpax 743
- Tachometer generators, instrument de electric motors and, Muirhead 221
- Tack Management Training Ltd., course on coming to terms with Europe 656
- Tait, J. S., education and training of engineers 666 Takdust Products Ltd., Takgard PC/747 peelable protective coating for machined surfaces 316 Talbot, F. W., and Co. Ltd., trepanning drill tap 949 Tangyes Ltd., Hydramold rubber compression moulding press 870
- Tank(s) cleaning of. Gunclean system for 509 experimental diving trials, H.M.S. Vernon 939 petrol. Electrocoat painting line for, ICI 591 plastics, for road tanker 186 storage, large. Scroll system for 291 Tank cleaning (trade publication) 1084 Tank gauge, automatic, Hoyer 853 Tank linings, fibreglass (trade publication) Tank wagon, 500 gallon, Taskers 360
- rail, filling centre, Stanlow Refinery 899 Tankers
- Autoflow boom for loading 1047 increased tonnage of 528 leaking, boom to contain oil from 533. 623
- rail. See Rail tanker wagon road. See Motor vehicle, tanker
- Torrey Canyon, comment on 528 disaster at sea 492, 533
- Tantalum capacitors for printed circuits. Carbide 1030
- Tap, drill, trepanning, Talbot 949 Tap-hole drill, furnace. Atlas Copco 358 Tape, packaging, Sellotape Carton Closure Tape 221
- road-marking, self-adhesive plastics, for aerial surveys. Scotchlane 924
- Tape cassettes, miniature, in programme-effects generator, BBC 498
- Tape-controlled vertical milling machine, MFS320 224
- Tape recorder, video, Sony 418. Letter 495 Tapping compound, Adformax E.P. 185 Tapping machine, drilling and, BroomWade 650 Tarex (England) Ltd., machine tools from Germany and Switzerland 224
- Tarex Tar-N program-controlled automatic lathe 226
- TARIF film colour balance correction equipment 669
- TARIF system of colour television 1054
- Tarmac Civil Engineering Ltd., Raith Bridge 627 Tartan Arrow, use of chartered trains 756 Taschenworterbuch:
- Freeman (book) Taskers of Andover
- wagon 360
- Taurodyne hydrostatic tractor transmission 218 Taurus Oilstat, oil temperature thermostat 87. Correction 129
- Tay Road Bridge, Spandoplast polystyrene board for concrete forming 101
- Taylor, D, H., Tool and Equipment Ltd., Drillall drilling and deburring tool 908
- Taylor, G. W., on Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering Technicians (book) 561
- Taylor, H. G., ERA reconstitution 530
- Taylor, Hobson, Mitronic Multigauge multigauging equipment 692
- Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd.
- Cosmic 64 wax protective coatings 1028
- Fawley power station under-water transmission line 387
- Guma Dam, Freetown 202
- Liverpool Cathedral (R.C.) 712-713 TW wax, protective coatings 1028 Teachers, training in television techniques 580
- Teaching and training, by H. R. Mills (book) 189 engineering design (book) 279 of automatic control, instructional servo system MSI 50 for 820
- the process of management, by T. M. Mosson (book) 611
- see also Education
- Teaching apparatus, laboratory, Cussons-Ricardo 933
- Teaching systems, Phywe AG 640
- Teal Patents Ltd., sink unit in Pakamatic refuse collection vehicle cab 761
- Teasdale, J. A., nuclear-powered composite merchantman 540
- Tebo indexing fixture, with drilling attachment 182 Wyler 182
- TEC, heavy duty relays 108
- Tecalemit (Engineering) Ltd., radial mechanical lubricator 653
- Tecalemit-Jackson fuel injection system 52, 54 Tecam dip-cooler refrigeration unit 600
- Techna (Great Britain) Ltd., wire-spooling machine 228
- Techne (Cambridge) Ltd., pneumatic programmer 106
- Tecam dip-cooler refrigeration unit 600 Technical Publications Association 561 Technicians, education and training of (book) 441 Technological forecasting, comment on 529 Technology
- Ministry of, ceramic castings by electrophoresis 682
- civil engineering (film) 84
- computerized field laboratory for control systems 775
- development contract with AEI Electronics 555 Gerber automatic draughting machine 208 grant for welding research 858 infrared thermography 726 low-cost automation advisory centre 376 new constitution 285
- New Technology 279 recruiting office in New York 705 Technology challenge in industry and government, A. Wedgwood Benn 243
- Teddington Aircraft Controls Ltd., refrigeration compressors 955
- starter motor for gas turbines 1030
- Teddington Bellows Ltd., bellows (trade publication) 872
- Teesside, establishment of single county borough of 158
- Tektro, Exectrol hydraulic control valves 353
- Telcon Plastics Ltd., Rilsan nylon-11 fine powder 862
- Telecommunications equipment industry, position and prospects of 91. Letter 41 9
- Telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry 81
- Telecommunications industry, investigation by Industrial Reorganization Corp. 43
- Teleflex conveyor for tunnel oven 638
- Telefunken AG, Eurocontrol Experimental Centre 89
- Telemetry with frequency modulation 304 Telemetry control of underground pipeline 304 Telemetry equipment for electroencephalograph measurement, Ahrend-van Gogh
- Tele-Nova Ltd., Hasler tele-Courier system 882
- Telephone electricity meter readings by, AEG internal, review of systems 131 London to Singapore link 533 push button 'intercom'. Paxmaster subscriber trunk dialling system 94 video. Letter 56
- Telephone answering machine, Tel-Stor, Interrogator playback unit for use with 331 Telephone cable. See Cable
- Telephone equipment, pulse code modulation 621-622
- Telephone exchange automatic 91. Letter 419 crossbar switch for, STC 86 electronic 91. Letter 419 computer-controlled, SRDE 391 'large' 96 'small' 96
- Empress, tandem telephone exchange 249 new 95
- tandem, pulse code modulation for 249
- Telephone exchange development. Crossbar switch in 91,96
- Strowger step-by-step switch in 91, 95, 96 Telephone technology development, future planning 95 position and prospects 91
- Telephone technology expansion 95
- Telephone transmission, pulse code modulation in 95
- Teleprinter services. Telex 94 Telescope, astronomical, Zeiss Coude 967 Telescope mirror, fused silica 509 Telescopic model making, A. E. Goodson 778 Teletype Model 35 automated communications set (trade publication) 236
- Television
- closed-circuit 133
- for Mersey Tunnel traffic control 249 for schools 452
- closed-circuit equipment 844 colour, basic principles 1085 BBC equipment 669 BBC service 669
- bifilar coil-winding machine for components 1047 camera 1092 colour and brightness signals 1091 colour resolution 1087 commencement in UK 1053 components, Mullard 910 components, Plessey Group 910 conversion of NTSC-and-SECAM-based conversion equipment for 201 Engineering Outline 1085 NTSC system 1091 PAL system (book) 697, 1054, 1091 PAL-D system 1092 picture conversion from United States to pean standards 452 receiver 1088 receiver construction 1057 shadow mask tube, development and duction 1055 shadow mask tube, principle of 1087 625-line decision 285 studio equipment 1053 TARIF system 1054 technical problems 1054 transistorized set, Thorn 707 transmitted signal 1090 transmitter 1092 colour service 669 for flight simulator system 65 in schools, teacher training for 580 625-line services 1054
- Television camera colour 1092 for electroslag welding observation, BWRA
- for teacher training centre, Marconi Co. 580 miniature. Visual Engineers 68
- with own transmitter. Radio Corp, of America 263
- Television camera equipment with RTuL microcircuits, SGS-Fairchild 263
- Television camera tubes and equipment, increased production of, EEV 556-557
- Television equipment for colour television 201 Television tube, shadow mask, principle of 1087 development and production 1055
- Telex teleprinter services 94
- Telsec Instruments Ltd., fume sampling in foundry atmospheres 418
- Tel-Stor telephone answering machine. Interrogator playback unit for use with 331
- T. E. M. Sales Ltd., Frieseke and Hoepfer dust monitor 862
- Temper rolling mill, Davy 901
- Temperature, low, precise measurement of. United States National Bureau of Standards 1022 very low, sensitive measurements of, USNBS 939
- Temperature control, Electricaire off-peak electricity central heating 392
- Temperature controller, electronic. Diamond H 293 Skil range 912
- Temperature indicators (trade publication) 698 Temperature measurement. See Pyrometer; Thermometer
- Temperature measuring and controlling instruments 651
- Dependatherm instant 429 see also Pyrometer; Thermometer Temperature monitoring, industrial oven (trade
- publication) 872
- Temperature-pressure controllers, combined, Bailey 558
- Temperature sensor basic types 699 bimetallic 700 change-of-state 701 contact-type 699 definition 699
- Engineering Outline 699 photoelectric 702 quartz crystal 701 resistance types 700 thermal expansion types 699 thermal type 702 thermoelements 699 vapour-pressure types 700 see a/so Pyrometer; Thermometer
- Temperature test cabinets, Hi-Low 869 Tempest yacht. Design Centre award 774 Tempir Corp., temperature indicators (trade publication) 698
- Tempilabel® self-adhesive temperature indicating tabs (trade publication) 698
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Brown's Ferry nuclear power station 894-898
- Bull Run power station 894-898 Paradise-3 power station 894-898 Tenon cutting and slot mortising machine, ZR350, Maschinenbau 790
- Tensile test specimens, profile cutting machine for. Black’s 607
- Tensile testing machine, Mand Precision 434 Tension insulator, glass fibre rod 644 Tensor calculator, Fearns 361
- Tercol Ltd., Tercol ADI lining materials for coal preparation plant 1022
- Terminals for small wire sizes. Aircraft-Marine 516 Termination box. Simplex 559. Correction 863 Terry, Herbert, and Sons Ltd., compression and expansion springs (trade publication) 872
- Tesa mechanical measuring instruments (trade publication) 236
- Tescom Little welding torch, Eric Courtney 605 Tessina camera, exposure meter for 852 Test(s). See under specific type of test and tested
- Test cabinets, temperature, Hi-Low 869 Test chamber, climatic. Environment 602 environmental, portable, MINI-K.C02. MKII
- Test-o-Therm (Infra) Ltd., electric blanket electronic control 293
- Test rig for gearboxes for coal handling plant Test set, de, Callender's Construction 687
- Testing, materials, symposium on (Birmingham) 829
- non-destructive, of forgings, by N. McGowan (book) 1035
- Testing equipment, electronic, MICA-150, for integrated circuits 1033
- Testing machine, B. S. Bloomfield 829 see also under specific type of testing machine Tetmark centrifugal pumps 696 Tetrode, uhf, STC 910
- Texas Instruments Ltd., Acramat IV machine tool control unit with integrated circuits 263 Ti-Kote C metallic carbide coatings 479
- Texas University, traffic control methods, investigation of 203
- Textile(s), welding of, dielectric heating for 565 Textile industry, static electricity in 80 Textile machinery, air cushion platform for moving of, Bertin et Cie 982
- Textile machinery industry, short-term trends Textile microscopy, conference on 292 optical, S. C. Simmens 292
- Textile technology, advances in 292 Thames Board Mills, chipboard production
- waste paper 504 pulp and board mill. Workington 974 Thames-Chassiply plywood floors for cargo tainers 740
- Thames Conservancy, emergency water supply from River Thames 290
- Thames Plywood Manufacturers Ltd., Thames- Chassiply plywood floors for cargo containers 740
- Thames, River heliport on. Westland Aircraft 8 hydraulic model 573 replenishment through boreholes during water shortage 290
- Thamesmead new town 412
- Thawing, dielectric heating for 565
- Theatre, Adeline Genee, communication systems in 133
- Theme pavilions, Expo-67 64
- Theory of equilibrium of elastic systems and its applications, by C. A. P. Castigliano (book) 833
- Thermal analysis system, plug-in module for, DuPont 149
- Thermal convection effect on crystal growth, NBS 352
- Thermal diffusivity determination, transient method, ERA 691
- Thermal stress and low-cycle fatigue, by S. S. Manson (book) 189
- Thermionic electrical power generation, conference (Stresa) 1036
- Thermistor, semiconductor resistance element 700 Thermodynamics of turbomachinery, fluid mechanics, by S. L. Dixon 317
- Thermoelectric current generating devices, Plessey Co. Ltd. 593
- Thermoelectric engine, demonstration equipment 934
- Thermoelements, characteristics of 699 in temperature sensors
- Thermography, infrared
- Thermometer germanium resistance mercury-in-glass 699
- platinum resistance 700 portable. Heat Spy HS 51 9 radiation, Mark 1 Infrascope 440 universal angle, Weston 911
- Thermo-Pac refractory sealing ropes 862 Thermoplastics. See Plastics
- Thermos Ltd., Badalex equipment for vacuum flask production 308
- Thermostat, oil temperature, Taurus Oilstat 87. Correction 129
- Thermostatic radiator valve, RAV-2 187
- Thermotank Ltd., versatile industrial cooling towers 264
- Theta Instrument Corp., decimal encoders (trade publication) 1036
- electrical instruments and parts (trade publication) 280
- Thick-film technology, for electronic circuits Thicknessgauge, Emicron magneticreluctance Thickness tester. Sonoray caliper 696 Thickness testing equipment, film, Beta-750
- Thin film(s), polymer, photodeposition of 953 Thin-film optics
- and gas laser 873 applications of 873 basic theory of 874 definition of 873 deposition methods 876 Engineering Outline 873 future developments in 876 history of 874 optical interference 875
- Thin-film technology, for electronic circuits 393 Thin-walled structures, by A. H. Chilver (book) 1083
- Thomas and Betts Co. Inc., wiring harness fabricating system 775
- Thomas, F., vandal resistant cast bollard 694
- Thomas Industrial Automation Ltd., transistorized control and alarm systems 956
- Thompson Trailmobile, stainless steel container 739
- Thomson, Sir William, mirror galvanometer and siphon recorder 7
- Thor Power Tool Co Ltd., air tools (trade publication) 36
- Thorn-AEI, shadow mask television tube 1055
- Thorn Electrical Industries, transistorized colour television set 707
- Thorn Special Products, Stumpi range cable connectors 910
- Thorneycroft, John I. and Co. Ltd., customs patrol boats for Libya 761
- Thorpe Marsh power station, boilers for 882 Thread, screw. See Screw thread
- Threaded plastic fixings, torque-limiting device for, Helatorque 185
- 3M Co., Filmsort microfilm aperture card system 10 Thring, M. W., engineer and moral spectrum 665 Thumbwheel switch, miniature. Digitizer 356 Thurgar Boll6 (Successors) Ltd., Rigidex polyethylene stadium seats 249-250
- Thyristor(s), GE Electronics (London) Ltd. 825
- International Rectifier Co. 150 semiconductor device 657
- Thyristor control for domestic appliances 293 Thyristor control system for electric car 973 Thyristor-controlled electric locomotives 201 Thyristor - controlled variable - frequency drive, English Electric 21
- Thyristor stack in Gotland converter station, ASEA 951
- Tl Stainless Tubes, Greener Harpoon gun 802 Ti-Kote C metallic carbide coatings 479 Tilbury docks, grain terminal, Spencer 707 Tiles, ceiling, Unitex (trade publication) 152 floor, plastic, Dunlop Semtex 900
- Tilt box system (trade publication) 958 TILT'R positioning tool (trade publication) Timber and building regulations, course on Timber Research Development Association,
- on timber and building regulations 612 Timber shelving, mobile (trade publication) 872 Timberchief saw chains, Borg-Warner 593 Time broadcasts, standard, coordination of 803 Time indicator, elapsed, Sencom 559 Time measurement, by F. A. B. Ward (book) 697 Time sequence, automatic recording system for events in 637
- Timers, industrial, cuttable cams for. Magnetic Devices 275
- Timing relay, pneumatic. Brookhirst 743
- Timken Taper Boiler Bearing Co. Ltd., single-row, pre-set, tapered roller bearing for near axles 636
- Tin-plate seam-welding machines, Soudronic AG 606
- Tinsley, H. and Co. Ltd., frequency selective detector amplifier 74
- portable strain-gauge bridge 107 precision potentiometer 599
- Tinsley Viaduct, design and construction 624 Tip tooling, throw-away. Econolock 1034 Tiratsoo, E. N., on Natural Gas (book) 441 Titanium
- application in chemical equipment 24 bonding of, methods of 25 corrosion resistance of 24 cost comparison with stainless steel 25 fabrication practice 25 for vessel fabrication 25 machining of 25 platinized, for electrodes 454 properties of 23 seize tendency in 25 welding of 25
- Titanium alloy, stress-corrosion cracking of 744 Titanium-clad steel sheet 23
- fabrication of 27
- Titracarb carbon-in-steel analyser 474 Titrimeter, in-line. Physics Exhibitions 738 Tolerances, engineering, by H. G. Conway (book) 189
- Tolke, F., on Praktische Funktionenlehre Vol. 3 (book) 441
- Tollbridge Trailers Ltd., Roballo 15-ton ingot trailer 435
- Tollemache Composting Systems Ltd., pulverizing plant 506
- Tomey Industries Ltd., differential-pressure controls 74
- Tool(s) air, for civil engineering (trade publication) trade publication 36 copying, T-max 182 drilling and deburring, Drillall 908 for concrete (trade publication) 236 impact, for nuts and bolts 832 machine. See Machine tool(s) mining (trade publication) 402 power, improvements in. Black and Decker industrial (trade publication) 442 small, short-term trends 411
- Tool post, Quick-Set 1081 Tool-surfacing unit, carbide, Dumore 649 Toolex, machine reamers 313 Toolholder, copying, Degussit 1078
- Hoybide-Unisix 1078
- Tooling, pre-set, for capstan lathe, Nickols 1081 quickchange (trade publication) 402 tip, throw-away. Econolock 1034
- Tooling design for injection moulding 273 Top Crop 29N aqueous ammonia for nitrogen enrichment of soil 169
- Topping-up device for traction batteries. Electric Power Storage 150
- Topspan canopy for unsinkable life raft 493
- Topspan pvc-coated nylon fabric 440
- TOP System control system for water supply in ships 430
- Torch, ultrasonic. Ultra Electronics 759
- Toronto, traffic control by computer 340
- Torque limiters, transmission (trade publication) 482
- Torque-limiting device for threaded plastic fixings, Helatorque 185
- Torquemeters, optical. Torquemeters Ltd. 784 Torquemeters Ltd., optical torquemeters 784 Torrey Canyon, tanker, comment on 528 disaster at sea 492, 533
- Total Oil Products Ltd.. Silverstone test day 935
- Tough Plastics Ltd., Extrudex unplasticised pvc pipe for gypsum slurry 468
- Towler Hydraulics, axial piston pump 183 fluid-forming metal forming process 268 4-way direction control valve 863 hydraulic prefill and exhaust valves 185
- Town gas, manufacture from natural gas 855
- Toy(s), Matchbox, IBM System/360 Computer in production of 467 trade fair of. Lines 126
- Toyota Corolla motor car 935
- Toyota Corona 1600 S motor car 935
- Toyota 2000 motor car 421
- Trace recorder, oscillograph, S.E. Labs 34
- Tracked Hovercraft Ltd., proposed formation of 845 Tractor(s)
- diesel, F90, Honda (UK) 673 dockside. Shipcharger 880 domestic, F25, Honda (UK) 673 investment grants 122
- McCormick International B-164, with hydrostatic power steering. International Harvester 315. Letter 379
- Nuffield 3/45 1067
- Nuffield 4/65 1067 pipelaying, with Boughton sideboom equipment. International Harvester 358
- shunting, Merton 554
- Unimog, trenching unit mounted on, Mercedes- Benz 1032
- Tractor drawbar pin, Lawrence Edwards 994 Tractor-mounted digger/trencher, S/12 Super C 1020
- Tractor-mounted equipment for ammonia injection into soil 1 69
- Tractor shovel, Yale-300 908
- Tractor suspension seat, Baltic XL 355
- Tractor transmission, hydrostatic, Taurodyne 218 Trade associations in mechanical engineering industry, need for rationalization 199
- Trade balance figures for 1 966 82
- Trade exhibition. See Exhibition
- Trade marks, application procedure 838 costs of filing 838
- Engineering Outline 837 reading list 838
- Trade position and prospects, statistics 287
- Trade union. See under names of specific unions Traffic
- in cities, reports on 1044,1049 restraint proposals 1044
- Traffic control
- by computer, Glasgow 338 symposium 338 Toronto 340
- West London 339, 340
- in US 339
- Mersey Tunnel, closed-circuit television for 249 Traffic Master portable system 652 university research 340
- Traffic control methods, investigation of 203
- Traffic Master portable traffic control system 652
- Traffic recorders, digital, Fischer 51 8
- Traffic sign, illuminated road, with route-changeable aspect 416
- TrafiLAMP transistorized flashing road hazard warning devices (trade publication) 792 Trailer
- airlift, ML Aviation 361
- camping, Nimrod 162
- Elstree Engineering 552 ingot, 15-ton, Roballo 435 semi-trailer, low-load front loading. Hydro-couple 234
- trade publication 318, 958
- single piece girder members for, PDS 1029
- Trailer suspension units, Flexitor 150
- Train. See Railway train
- Training
- adult operators (booklet) 1043
- and education, of professional mechanical engineers, I ME 280
- of technicians (book) 441
- and teaching, by H. R. Mills (book) 189 cybernetics of 115
- Fairfields (Glasgow) Ltd., scheme 491 for manual operations, L. Malt 620 for skill, course on, BACIE 872 in engineering practice, J. Finnigan and R. A. C. Woodward 665
- industrial, and small company, course on 612 Lord Beeching 371
- initial, of engineers in industry, Bosworth report on 85
- mechanical engineers, conference, IME 665 operator, Abex Engineered Products Ltd. 45 capital grant for 489
- skills analysis 620
- see also Course; Education, etc.
- Training centre at Sheffield, EITB 879
- Construction Industry Training Board, Bircham Newton 662
- engineering, automatic control, courses 562 group, Hounslow 451
- Lanarkshire 840
- Training exhibition, industrial, Itex '67 620 Training mechanical engineers, IME 522 Training school, EITB, Leeds 797
- Training service activities, ESL Group 371 Traktex Ltd., heavy duty hydraulic digger BXT55c 786
- Transactions of the third international vacuum congress Vol. 2, Pt. 1-3, by H. Adam (book) 401
- Transceiver, transistor mobile 1047 Transducers, force, Kistler 737
- high-frequency response, with Armco stainless steel diaphragm. Bell and Howell 463-464 pressure, Kistler 737
- with semi-conductor diaphragm, S.E. Laboratories 463
- transformers and machines, magnetoelectric devices, by G. R. Slemon (book) 35 vibration. Bell and Howell 912
- Southern Instruments 316
- Transducter for static compensator, GEC 348 Transfer, component, compressed-air tube for 305 Transfer lettering (trade publication) 792 Transfer machine, Transquare 312
- Transformer(s)
- Alpha series 910
- generator, transport of, by Aberthaw Fisher shallow-draught vessel 1048
- heavy-load transportation methods 298 instrument, introduction to, by B. D. Jenkins (book) 401
- Lilliput series 910
- trade publication 152
- transducers, and machines, magnetoelectric devices, by G. R. Slemon (book) 35
- welding, and rectifiers, by H. P. Zade (book) Transformer bushings (trade publication) 36 Transistor(s)
- avalanche 659
- C442, SGS 825
- encapsulated, Ferranti 396 field effect 659
- tester for. Comark 276
- in integrated circuits 154
- metal oxide silicon, tester for. Comark 276 planar, SGS-Fairchild 909 semiconductor, metal oxide 659 semiconductor device 657
- Transistor colour television set. Thorn 707 Transistor handling system. Type 1630 sorter, Daymarc 30
- Transistor mobile transceiver 1047
- Transistor power supply (trade publication) 998 Transistor tester, Vacwell 995
- Transit shed. Millwall dock 763 Transit switching centres, STC 86 Transloader Mk III convertible motor car transporter 400
- Transmission
- automatic, in Wolseley 18/85 motor car 381 ZF three 937
- Borg-Warner type-35 381 hydrostatic tractor, Taurodyne 218 hydrostatic variable-speed. Carter Gears 653 see also Power transmission; Drive; Gear
- Transmission torque limiters (trade publication)
- 482
- Transmission units, variable speed, Phillips 397 Transmitter, for water level indication, English Electric 987
- long wave, for long distances, Marconi 967 Transport
- air. See Aircraft; Airport freight, planning and control, by M. S. V. Turner (book) 1083
- Ministry of, flyover design competition 137 logistic ship Sir Bedivere 968 railway train derailment at Bold Colliery 248 under-run bumpers 203
- railway. See Railway road. See Motorcar; Motor vehicle; Road sea. See Ship
- urban, research and development group, constitution of 122
- Transport Equipment (Thorneycroft) Ltd., marine diesel engines 69
- Transport planning, urban, manpower needs in Transport policy for towns, B. Castle 618 Transport systems, Expo-'67 423 Transportation, compressed air, of heavy loads Transporter, container, Conjack 880
- convertible motor car. Transloader Mk III 400
- Transporter vehicle, air-cushion equipped 296 Transquare transfer machine 312
- Travelling wave tubes, English Electric 222 Traversing table unit, automatic overhead beam and. Interwood 787
- Trawsfynydd nuclear power station, on-load fuelling 680
- Tremulis, A., Gyronaut X-1 motor cycle 635 Tuscan rubber-track motorcycle 635
- Trenching machine, light mobile, MEXE 1052 slit. Foundation Engineering 69 see also Digger/Trencher
- Trenching unit mounted on Unimog tractor, Mercedes-Benz 1032
- Trent aircraft engine for F-228 jet transport aircraft. Rolls Royce 202
- Trentham, G. Percy Ltd.,
- Norton 130 Trepanning drill tap, Talbot Trewhella machinery skate
- Triaxial cell, Wykeham Farrance 440 Triboelectricity. See Static electricity Tribology in iron and steelworks, conference on 76 Trichlorethylene degreasing and Trilac resin coating plant, ICI 777
- Trilac resin coating plant,trichlorethylene degreasing and, ICI 777
- Trimming machine for automatic operations on pressing, Omera 231
- Trinity House, floatable light tower for Royal Sovereign Shoal 534. Correction 575
- Trino Vercellese nuclear power station 496 Tristram Fox and Co. Ltd., EAF drying and testing apparatus for electrical insulation 831
- Triton Kaowool ceramic fibre insulation 687 Triumph Spitfire Mk. Ill motorcar 420 Triumph TR-Lawrencetine motor car engine 54 Trog battery-powered tug motor vehicle 360 Trollope and Colls Ltd., St. John's Beacon, Liverpool 460
- Troskolanski, A. T., on Vocabulary of Mechanics, Vol. 2 (book) 655
- Troughton and Young (Lighting) Ltd., incandescent lighting fittings (trade publication) 76 Trovidur HT chlorinated pvc 480
- Troviplast Ltd., Trovidur HT chlorinated pvc 480 Truck(s) dump, low-loading, Leedsall electric reach, Hunslet 831 fork-lift, side-loading, Cleco platform (trade publication)
- see also Bogie; Motor vehicle; Fork-lift truck Truflo sea water ball valve 730
- Tru-Wel aluminized steel exhaust tubes 534 Tube(s)
- cardboard, for building applications, Robinson Building 560
- exhaust, Tru-Wel aluminized steel 534 finned (trade publication) 442 Ful-Braiz, production and handling 725 numerical indicator, side viewing and end viewing, Mullard 515
- steel, helically-welded, pressure test equipment, Driam 549
- nickel-molybdenum. Blocky heat-treatment furnace for 591
- seamless, three-roll piercer for 103 thick walled seamless, straightening machine for 980
- thin wall, drawbench for drawing of 1022 see a/so Pipe
- Tube inspection equipment, UKAEA 691
- Tube Investments Ltd., guide rollers on gantry cranes 682
- machine tool production by Maschinenfabrik Froriep 520
- Mark II electric car 674
- three-rail piercer for. seamless steel tubes 103 Tube Products Ltd., Tru-Wel aluminized steel exhaust tubes 534
- Tube railway. See Underground railway; London Transport Executive
- Tube welding, high-frequency equipment for, Delapena 604
- Tubemaking, three-roll piercing machine for. Tube Investments Ltd. 103
- Tubes Ltd., Blocky heat-treatment furnace for nickel-molybdenum steel tube 591 straightening machine for thick walled seamless tube 980
- three-roll piercer for seamless steel tubes 103 Tubewrights Ltd., Millwall dock transit shed Tubing
- finned, for nuclear fuel elements, R. Wright glass, for air preheaters (trade publication) heat exchanger, welding of fins on to, AMF Nobur, for prevention of burst pipes 534 steel, in metric sizes, British Ermeto 187 Tucumcari, hydrofoil gunboat, water jet propulsion pump for 759
- Tuff-Link Co., nylon chain 108 Tufnol Ltd., laminated plastics 652 Tug motor vehicle, battery-powered, Trog 360 Tumblex-Finishing of components (trade publication) 402
- Tungsten carbide, process for uniting pieces of 1078
- Tungsten filament lamp standard for total irradiance, NBS 21
- Tungsten halogen floodlight, Benjamin Electric 694
- TungTec abrasion-resistant powder alloy 726 Tuning and design of competition engines by P. H. Smith (book) 957
- Tunnel
- Channel, hybrid structure proposal 450, 461 memorandum on 323 position and prospects of 450 immersed-tube, C-ring road, hydraulic model 573
- Mersey, traffic control, closed-circuit television for 249
- road, ventilation of, British Hydromechanics Research Association 1013
- twin, Crindau, on Newport (Mon.) By-pass 800 under-water power transmission line, Southampton Water 387
- Woodhead. Letter 164
- Tunnel linings, sealing with plastics 148 Tunnel oven for curing of beer keg valves 637 Tunnelling, art of, by K. Szechy (book) 279 Turbine(s)
- back pressure (trade publication) 834 expansion, Lucas 727 gas, Brayton cycle for MHD nuclear generator 209
- closed-cycle, use of argon and helium, D. G. Ainley and J. F. Barnes 472
- for pipeline pumping stations, Algeria 466 for railway passenger train project 537 for railway propulsion 769 Frame-3 Frame-5 Frame-8
- generators for Oldbury nuclear power 380
- large (trade publication) 746 Marine Olympus, for Finnish corvette miniature test bench 933 natural-gas-fired 1061-1062 power station, Leningrad Metal Works power station, Stockholm 1009 production of industrial 1061 Proteus, for hydrofoil waterjet propulsion pump 759
- Rover Wolston industrial 549 starter motor for, Teddington Aircraft 1030 Sulzer 19.1 MW type Nil 0 II 391 twin-drive, BMC 727, 737
- see also Aircraft engine
- single-wheel, Bellis and Morcom Manufacturing 651
- snow clearance 170
- steam, Escher Wyss 737
- in Q4 liner 13
- large (trade publication) 402 see also Turbo-generator steam/gas combined, for generating set 391
- Turbine blades, electrolytic profile grinding of 305 Turbochargers, marine, Vibralarm vibration monitor in 853
- Turbo-generators, for Hinkley Point B nuclear power station, AEI 628
- 300 MW, electronic governor control system for 551
- 660 MW, electronic governor control system for 551
- Turbo-guide automatic control unit 737
- Turbomachinery, thermodynamics of, fluid mechanics, by S. L. Dixon 317
- Turbomatic Engineering Co. Ltd., air heaters (trade publication) 834
- Turbom6ca Astazou XIV turboprop engine for Jetstream aircraft 303
- Turner Brothers Asbestos Ltd., sink unit in Pakamatic refuse collection vehicle cab 761
- Turner and Brown Ltd., Aberdeen fume cabinet 356 Pacair fume extract/air input unit 550
- Turner, M. S. V., on Freight Transport Planning and Control 1083
- Turners Asbestos Cement Co. Ltd., Siluminite polyester glass-mat sheets for insulation 220
- Turning machine, high-speed automatic, GJF, Fell 787
- Turntable castor units, H. M. C. Wheels 956
- Turolla series E gear pumps 516
- Turret Skip Indexer 950
- Turton, George, Platts and Co. Ltd., sprung foundation for friction drop hammer 821
- Tuscan rubber-track motorcycle 635
- Tweezers, anti-wicking, for fine wire soldering, Antex 783
- Tyne, River, steel tied arch bridge 492-493
- Type 1630 sorter transistor handling system, Daymarc 30
- Type justifier, computer-controlled, Muset 843 Typesetting, computer, advances in 913 Typewriter, centenary of prototype 7
- electric model 660, Imperial 760
- Tyre(s)
- Pirelli Cinturator radial ply
- Pirelli VR 15,in Lamborghini Miura motorcar 135 road contact measurement, RRL 977 solid, cling, with high-gripping capability, Avon Rubber 515
- trade publication 746
- Tyre reconditioning, truck (trade publication) 190 Tyre tread depth gauge, Pirelli 845
- Ucan Products Ltd., cartridge fixing tool 1082
- Ucon quenchant A metal quenching medium 143
- Udal, J. P., Ltd., photo-electric operation of press guards 175
- Uddevalla shipyard. Operation Scandiaships building 233
- [[U.K. Plastics] Ltd., printed plastics (trade publication) 522
- UK3 satellite, description of 709 experiments and electrical system 710 gold plating for 493 launching of 709
- ultra violet radiation information 759
- Ultra Electronics Ltd., edge connectors 397 ultrasonic torch 759
- Ultralette 5651 oscillograph, Svenska Diamant 150 Ultra-precise rotary tables 360
- Ultrasonic bonding equipments, Kerry's 607
- Ultrasonic equipment, industrial, Dawe 731
- Ultrasonic hardness testing equipment. Sonodur Type-1851 29
- Ultrasonic inspection equipment for semi-finished products, GKN Laboratories 470
- Ultrasonic irradiation of liquids 67
- Ultrasonic machine tool 731
- Ultrasonic machining of intractable materials, by A. I. Markov (book) 317
- Ultrasonic plant for cleaning electronic equipment for aircraft 142
- Ultrasonic sensing heads, Sonac, to control leather spraying machinery 1069
- Ultrasonic torch. Ultra Electronics 759 Ultra-violetradiation information, UK3 satellite 759 Umec-Boydell Ltd., plate-link conveyor belts 1073 Uncommon metals, guide to, by E. N. Simons (book) 655
- Underfloor door operating unit, Power-Swing Underground railways
- Kharkov, Russia 333
- Stockholm 48
- see a/so London Transport Executive Underlay, carpet. Airborn, Dunlop 900 Under-run bumpers. Ford 203 Underwater and Marine Equipment Ltd., corer for sampling of ocean bed 262 Unemployment, statistics 1 20, 840 see a/so Labour; Manpower
- Unified screw threads of UNJ profile, BSI Unilink fifth wheel coupling 595 Unimate mechanical arm 457
- Unimation Inc., Unimate mechanical arm Unimax microswitches 478 Unimog tractor, trenching unit mounted < Mercedes-Benz 1032
- Unimoulder plastic moulding machines 1074 Union Carbide, corrosion resistance of titanium electric welding equipment 609 porous metals 863 systems motor. Correction 74 tantalum capacitors for printed circuits 1030 Uconquenchant A metal quenching medium 143 Union Steel Corp. (South Africa) Ltd. steeldegassing plant 941
- Uniprinter 086 copying machine 10
- Uniroyal Ltd., Power-Grip cogged belts 820 Unisystem electromechanical counting system 1028
- Unit 10 hydraulic control valves, Kontak 356 United Insulator Co. Ltd., miniature Flip-Chip capacitors 480
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, electric furnace, 2,000°C 81 9
- electron microscopes, 1 MV 555 nuclear fuel for Sweden 122 nuclear radiation plant for insect elimination in grain 68
- sealing ring assembly 22 tube inspection equipment 691 weld testing equipment 691
- United Nations Development Programme, nuclear radiation plant for insect elimination in grain 68 United States
- Business Week index 706, 752, 878, 1042 exports to, conference on (London) 246 inland waterways for bulk transport 384 motor-car industry safety regulations 634 research and development expenditure in 44 traffic control procedures and instrumentation 339
- see also American
- United States Atomic Energy Commission, liquid metals centre 141
- United States Federal Aviation Agency, interior design of Concorde supersonic airliner 337
- United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Apollo spacecraft access hatch, redesign of 493-494
- Apollo spacecraft disaster 573
- Surveyor 3 spacecraft, launch of 668
- United States National Bureau of Standards acceleration due to gravity, determination of ammonia beam maser for spectral analysis calibration 592
- coordination of standard time broadcasts 803 copper crystals growth 777 electrolytic solutions data bureau 348 ellipsometric methods to study formation of protective films on iron 859
- infrared recording spectroradiometer 21 porcelain to metal adherence research programme 467
- precise measurement of low temperature 1022 rapid calibration of photodetectors 1025 risetime characteristics of pulse voltmeter 175 sensitive measurements of very low temperatures 939
- silver dendrites growth 776 stress-corrosion cracking of titanium alloy 744 thermal convection effect on crystal growth 352 tungsten filament lamp standard for total irradiance 21
- Units of Weight and Measure—International
- {Metric) and US Customary 1035
- X-ray camera for crystal diffraction work 901 United States Naval Applied Science Laboratory, DSRV rescue vehicle for crippled submarines 677
- United States Naval Electronics Laboratory, Free Fall corer for sampling of ocean bed 262
- United States Naval Research Laboratory, helical warping capstan 100
- United Steel Cos. Ltd., Project Sapphire scheme for electric arc furnaces 982
- Unitex ceiling tiles (trade publication) 152 Unitron stud welding machine 989
- Units of Weight and Measure— International (Metric) and US Customary 1035
- Unity Ship with bridge-control of main engines 418 Universal Grinding Wheel Co. Ltd., cold pressed grinding wheels (trade-publication) 872
- Universal and International Exhibition (Montreal). See Expo-67
- Universal measuring bridge, LCR Bridge 150, Avo 955
- Universal Vacuum/Air Quantometer 391 University(ies), and industry, collaboration between 160
- engineering science at (booklet) 663 see also under names of specific universities University College, Cardiff, course on microbiology of heavy industry 1036
- University College, London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory 764
- Space Group activities and achievements 764 Univolt 72 insulating oil 108
- UNJ profile. Unified screw threads of, BSI 391 Upper Heysham nuclear power station, application for consent to build 407
- proposals 162
- Upper Teesdale, reservoir in, report on 243 Urban Research and Development Group 619 Uresolve Plus plastics solvents 780
- Urethaanchemie NV, Uresolve Plus plastics solvents 780
- Urethane elastomer (trade publication) 914 Urethane products (trade publication) 998 Urquharts (1926) Ltd., dual-fuel burner for slag dryer 68
- U.S.I. Engineering Ltd., lorry-mounted crane 1082
- V-belts, synthetic fibre, and ropes (trade publication) 998
- V-Mat Patch Pack epoxy-resin floor repair 74 V-ring shaft seal, R. Johansson and S. Malmstrom 646
- Vacancies, crystal. See Crystal vacancies Vacu-Lug Organization, truck tyre reconditioning (trade publication) 190
- Vacuum, high, technique, by J. Yarwood (book) 611
- Vacuum chamber, for steel degassing plant 941 stainless steel, ESRO 510
- Vacuum Congress, Third international, transactions of. Vol. 2, Pt. 1 -3, by H. Adam (book) 401
- Vacuum degassing, ASEA-SKF process 350 Vacuum degassing plant, Krip Works, South Africa 941
- Vacuum equipment for ASEA-SKF degassing process 351
- Vacuum flasks, manufacture of, Badalex equipment 308
- Vacuum forming of thermoplastics 446 Vacuum furnace, 'clam-shell'. Brew 683
- with liquid quench. Brew 398
- Vacuum gauge, McLeod-type 955
- Pirani Model-9 150
- Vacuum Generators Ltd., CRPD ultra high-vacuum valves 33
- Vacuum heat-treatment 1068
- Vacuum metallizer, Stokes 784 Vacuum pump. See Pump
- Vacuum science and engineering, by C. M. Van Atta (book) 913
- Vacwell Engineering Co. Ltd., transistor tester 995
- Vacwell prober integrated-circuit/tester Vale 470 cu. in V8 diesel engine, Cummins Valett clothes holder 427 Valiant mobile crane. Coles 140 Valkyr motor car. Diva 52 Value Engineering Ltd., courses 746
- ’••to'
- Valve(s)
- and valve actuation control, Saunders Valve 652 ball plug (trade publication) 562 beer keg, tunnel oven for curing of 637 bellows sealed, Newman Hender 780 brake load sensing, Clayton Dewandre 590 check. Exactor 1073
- control, Bossmatic 397
- 4-way direction, Towler Hydraulics 863
- CRPD ultra high-vacuum 33 Dewrance 728 diaphragm control, Meycon 276 diaphragm unloader, for pneumatic braking systems, Dewandre 353
- divert, Loenco 560
- drain, condenser and, Clayton Dewandre 741 for underwater duty, Newman Hender (Wood- chester) 643
- four-way, Jamsam 787 hot water. Controls Co. 32 hydraulic, and equipment (trade publication) 114
- hydraulic control, Exectrol 353
- Unit 1 0, Kontak 356
- hydraulic prefill and exhaust, Towler Hydraulics 185
- micro, pneumatic, Martonair 440 midget solenoid, ASCO 479 miniature diaphragm 347 motorized, Saunders 742 needle. Marsh 595 oil control, side outlet, BM Control Valves pipeline. Seal O-ring, Dag 717 lubricant for piston, air-control. Air Automation 743 pneumatic. Bellows 354
- Martonair 515
- pneumatic spool, I.V. Pressure Controllers pressure control. Fluid Power 594 pressure reversing, Ardie-Werk 787 radiator, Mini-Era 1073 thermostatic, RAV-2 187 relief, miniature, Norgren 221 sample, variable volume, Loenco 354 sea water ball, Truflo 730 short-term trends 411 spool, of modular construction, Scovill 956 stop, for pneumatic systems, Martonair 861 thermionic, increased production of, EEV 556 three-way pilot. Bellows Valvair Ltd. 516 Valve actuator, Rotork 863
- Valve data (trade publication) 280
- Valve testing equipment, Newman Hender Group 1023
- Valve voltmeter, Bach-Simpson 1030
- Van Atta, C. M., on Vacuum Science and Engineering (book) 913
- Van der Graaff generator, principle of 77
- van der Veen, B., on Introduction to the Theory of Operational Research (book) 1083
- van Lancker, M., on Metallurgy of Aluminium Alloys (book) 151
- Van Santen, G. W., on Electronic Weighing and Process Control (book) 481,871
- Van ZijI, N. A., blowers for Dragon reactor Varactor diode, applications 658 Variable-geometry strike aircraft, orders for Variable-speed pulleys (trade publication) Variations and optimal control theory, calculus of, by M. R. Hestenes (book) 745
- Variett multipurpose table 427
- VASCO, electro slag steel refining process 592
- Vaughan Crane Co., guide rollers on gantry cranes 682
- Vaughan Renault Machine Tools Ltd., Transquare transfer machine 312
- Vauxhall Motors Ltd.
- Bedford KM articulated truck, Don Safety Trophy award 883
- loudspeaker system 133
- Multi-Weld press for Viva motor-car underbody 392
- two-way boring machine 145
- Viva De Luxe-90 motor car, automatic transmission 248
- Jack Brabham modifications on 248
- Viva SL90 motor car, automatic transmission 248 Jack Brabham modifications on 248
- VEB Carl Zeiss Jena, Stereometrograph map plotter 907
- VEB Drahtziemaschinenwerk Gruna, wire-spooling machine 228
- Veb Maschinenfabrik und Eisengiesserel, ship's reversing gear 696
- VEB Pentacon, Pentacon Super camera 852
- Praktica Electronic camera 852
- Veeco Instruments Ltd., helium mass spectrometer leak detector 599
- Veeder-Root Ltd., electric counting machine 479 predetermining counter 994
- Vehicle assembly building. Moonshots 10
- Vekua, I. N., on New Methods for Solving Elliptic equations (book) 1035
- Venner Electronics Ltd., noise impulse counter 271 Ventilating
- 901
- Ventilating
- Ventilation
- Vidor Ltd., battery cells 480
- Vienna Aresenal railway vehicle testing station Viggen STOL aircraft, Saab 581 Vignale Jensen Nova motor car 458 Villiers Engineering, Cortina Lotus motor car Vine and Vine, spiral-ramp underground car 808
- 383
- park
- CO
- and heating control system, Servogyr
- equipment, short-term trends 966 of road tunnel, British Hydromechanics 1013
- 354
- 428
- 274
- 473
- 82
- 364
- Research Association
- Ventilators, Cowlex low-silhouette extract 825 Venus, Mariner-5 spacecraft to 1009
- Verdict Gauge (Sales) Ltd., measuring instruments (trade publication) 236
- Vereinigte Kesselwerke AB, VKW system of incineration 506
- Verenigd Plastic-Verkoopkantoor nv, Arnite thermoplastic polyester 1075
- nylon application (trade publication) 998 Veriflux magnetic flow converter 32 VeriGraph papers (trade publication) 280 Vernon, H.M.S., experimental diving trials tank 939 Vero Electronics Ltd., Chilworth range electronic module cases 826
- Versatool B4 bench 435
- Versatran mechanical arm 457
- Verso worm-gear speed reducer 74
- Verte, L., transportation of liquid pig iron 821 Vertical Planfile filing cabinets for drawings 649 Vertifiner pulping machine 975
- VFW Fokker F-28 Fellowship short-haul airliner 844
- VFW VAK 1 91 B subsonic strike aircraft 850
- Viaduct, Tinsley, design and construction 624 see also Bridge
- Vibralarm vibration monitor in marine turbochargers 853
- Vibrashock mountings in Lamborghini Miura motor car 135
- Vibrating screens, Braby 359
- Vibration, and sound test set (trade publication) 522 in nuclear power plant, J. F.
- Stead 473
- Vibration calculator, Pye-Ling
- Vibration monitor, Vibralarm, chargers 853
- Vinyl embellishings, Mactac International 995 Visual Engineers Ltd., miniature television camera 68
- Vitatron Dieren, Groningen implantable pacemaker 464
- Vitrex (Sales) Ltd., electrical testing screwdriver 554
- Viva motor car. See Vauxhall Motors
- VKW system of incineration 506
- Vlasov, V. Z., on Beams, Plates and Shells on an Elastic Foundation (book) 791
- Vocabulary of mechanics Vol. 2 by A. T. Trosko- lanski (book) 655
- Vokes Ltd., Maxiblast blast cleaning equipment 948 Millevee-type filter 549-550 Mini-Vee automatic air filter 824
- Volkswagen, 'Beetle' motor car 922 Blank 1600 RS motor car 458
- Voltmeter, digital, Weir Electronics peak, Physics Exhibitions 738 pulse, risetime characteristics of, valve, Bach-Simpson 1030
- Volumetric filling machine, Neumo
- 108
- NBS 175
- 270
- Volvo Penta diesel engine for pleasure craft 707 von Bonsdorff, M. G., MHD nuclear gas-turbine cycle 209
- VORDAC system of navigation 90 Vorject cleaner for pulp cleaning 975
- Vorobjev, B. M., on Advanced Coal Mining (book) 833
- Vosper Electric, customs patrol boats for Libya 761 water treatment plant at Southampton 801
- Vosper Ltd., KD Perkasa patrol boat 924 Voss Instruments Ltd., rotary bottle shaker 869 Vostok spacecraft launcher 891 Vulcan diesel engines 968, 1026
- Vylastic RS 60 pvc heavy industrial coatings 1074
- Derbyshire and R.
- 688
- in marine turbo-
- Vibration testing machine for ball bearings,Hoffmann 902
- Vibration transducer. Bell and Howell 912 Southern Instruments 316
- Vibrators, concrete. Master 69 portable. Drum series 785 rotary electric, Sinex 825
- Vibro-Meter Corp., load cells as safety device in overhead crane 468
- Vibro-Meter SA, semi-conductor strain gauge type accelerometer 187 strain gauge load cells 595
- Vibroto drilling machine 730
- Vicars, T. and T. Ltd., Wastepaktor closed metal container and compressor for refuse collection 501-502
- Vice, air-operated. Air Automation 147
- Vickers Automation Handling, steel racking for metal stockholding centre 510
- Vickers, Sir Geoffrey, on Towards a Sociology of Management (book) 957
- Vickers Ltd., air-cushion vehicle 298
- Vickers Sperry Rand Ltd., ships at sea 261 moulding machines for 270
- equipped transporter
- cargo transfer between
- expanded polystyrene
- oil-hydraulic installation for concrete mouldings 510
- Series 45 tape-controlled machining centre 992 Victor Mk. II aircraft, Handley Page, generators in 59
- Victor Products (Wallsend) Ltd., lighting fittings (trade publication) 612
- wellglass lighting fittings (trade publication) 364 Victoria Foundry Ltd., filter press plate using COg/silicate process 141
- Victoria Line underground railway. See Transport Executive
- Video tape recorder, Sony 418. Letter
- Video telephone. See Telephone
- castings
- London
- "W" Ribbons Ltd., nylon lifting slings 187 Wabash Magnetics Inc., encapsulated power supply units 560
- Wade, A. J., Ltd., Stormaway step for prevention of rain under doors 533—534
- Wade Couplings Ltd., fire tests on pneumatic control system couplings 305
- Wadkin Ltd., Bursgreen Model BFO planing and moulding machine 736
- dimensioning and profiling machine 736 numerically-controlled drilling machine 946 Wagon, rail tank. See Rail tank wagon Wahl, William, Corp., Heat Spy HS portable thermometer 51 9
- Waine, P., on-load refuelling for nuclear reactors 678
- Waitara, cargo ship, programmed deck-crane control 233
- Wakeling, T. R. M., soil mechanics 194
- Walker Crosweller Group, hydraulics research laboratory 636
- Walker, D. N., inflatable seals for car doors? 1048 Walker, James, and Co. Ltd., hydraulic seals (trade publication) 914
- reinforced rubber base for Odeon Cinema, Marble Arch 901
- Walker, L. F., automatic drafting in ship design 419 Walker, Rob, Corsley Garage Ltd., Opus-HRF motor car 54
- Wall attachment device, bistable, BAC 105
- Wall chart, Extendaplan 654
- Wall, R., on Cavitation Corrosion and its Prevention in Diesel Engines (book) 113
- Wallasey, school at, solar heating for 48 Wallis Engineering Co. (Birmingham) Ltd., automatic 48 in guillotine 908
- Wallwork Gears Ltd., gear drives (trade publication) 656
- Walmsleys (Bury) Ltd., Vertifiner pulping machine 975
- Walters, R., on Hydraulic and Electro-Hydraulic Servo Systems (book) 655
- Walton, J. N., on Doble Steam Cars: Buses, Lorries and Railcars (book) 317
- Ward, F. A. B., Time Measurement (book) 697
- Ward and Goldstone Ltd., trichlorethylene degreasing and Trilac resin coating plant 777
- Ware, D. K., automatic train operation on London Transport Railways 126
- Wareham, E. M. (Measuring Systems) Ltd., wave analyser 597
- Warm-air central heating, Electricaire 49
- Warning equipment, hazard (trade publication) 792 Warping capstan, helical 100
- Warren, J. W. L., long life design of engineering structures 1024
- Warren Spring Laboratory, dental material, advances in 331
- Warring, R. H., on Machine Tool Protection (book) 871
- Warrington, town expansion plans 877
- Warsop Power Tools Ltd., self-priming centrifugal pump 360
- Wartburg, type 353 Knight motor car 534-535 Wasa hydraulic bench press 729
- Washer making machine, TH PI 8 automatic 227 Washing equipment for copper pipe fittings 550 Washing machine, bus (trade publication) 612 Reversomatic 127 stainless steel 349 with electronic control, GEC 293
- Waso Accessory Co., motor car anti-theft devices 843-844
- Waste and scrap exhibition 442, 508
- Waste paper, board products from, Reed Paper Group 504
- chipboard production from, Thames Board Mills 504
- Wastepaktor closed metal container and compressor for refuse collection 501 -502
- Water, drinking, germ-free. New Traveller flask for 760
- hot, services, heating and, by E. W. Shaw (book) 441
- Water coolers, remote, 'Acro-Kool' (trade publication) 318
- Water heater. See Heater
- Water jet propulsion pump for hydrofoil gunboat Tucumcari 759
- Water level indication, transmitter for, English Electric 987
- Water operations equipment, MEXE 1052
- Water pollution control, industrial, by W. W. Ecken- felder (book) 481
- Water pump, automatic, for pipelines, Mathieson 146
- Water purification (trade publication) 364
- Water resource systems, simulation techniques for design of, by M. M. Hufschmidt and M. B. Fiering (book) 401
- Water Resources Board, barrage study at More- cambe Bay 158
- Water seepage through soils 1 92
- Water shortage in Thames area, plans to alleviate 290
- Water softener, automatic, Permutit 231 trade publication 482
- Water supply, fresh, for Kazakhstan oil centre 164 in ships, TOPSystem control system for 430
- Water supply scheme at Freetown, Africa 202 Water treatment (trade publication) 656
- Water treatment plant at Southampton 801 Watercraft Ltd., Sussex container 740
- Waterkart, Dolphin 87
- Waterway, inland. See Canal; River, etc.
- Watson, G., sufficiency of lead acid batteries electric cars 674
- Watson, J. G., Secretary, ICE 879 Watson-Marlow Ltd., portable liquid sampler 478 Watson, W. and Sons Ltd., photomicrographic outfit 598
- step and repeat camera 598
- Wave(s), in plasma, conference on 914
- Wave analyser. Wareham (Measuring Systems)
- 597
- Wave resistance research, NPL 538
- Wax(es), floor, polyethylene (trade publication) 522
- protective coatings. Cosmic 64 and TW 1028 Wayne Kerr Co. Ltd., pressure measuring capsule
- 598
- Wayside Marine Ltd., glass fibre and steel buoys 708
- Weapons systems design, EAL 8800 hybrid computer for 514
- Wear, in human joints 114
- Wear, River, bridge 819
- Weather forecasting in industry, B. J. Mason 291 Weatherill, F. E., Ltd., hydraulic loading shovel 1033
- Weatherings, roof, aluminium (trade publication) 152
- Weaving looms, programming belts of Mylar poly- ester-film 22
- Weaving tape, polyethylene 985 polypropylene 985
- Webb, J. E., on Ships' Gear (book) 521 Weber 40 DCOE carburettor 383
- Weber 40 IDA carburettors in Lamborghini Miura motorcar 135
- Webley and Scott, Greener harpoon gun 802 Weighbridge, road, electronic 947
- Weighing, electronic, and process control, by G. W. van Santen (book) 481, 871
- Weight scales, decimal, Moore Reed 1029 Weir(s), syphons and locks, irrigation engineering, by S. Leliavsky (book) 113
- Weir Electronics Ltd., digital voltmeter 108 transistor power supply (trade publication) 998 Weissenberg Rheogoniometer 600 WEKA magnetic level indicator 594
- Wekspoor-Utrecht NV, Rotterdam metro railway 822
- Welbourn, D. B., feedback 322 large loads on the roads 56, 88. Letters 88, 536
- review of Engineering at Cambridge University (Hilken) 571
- Weld(s), pipe, stress relieving of. Cooper Electroheat 591
- Weld rolling machine, Grotnes 266 Weld spatter release spray, Rocol 861 Weld testing equipment, UKAEA 691 Welding
- arc, machine tools for, Hirschmann 608
- COg, polybutylcuprysil coating anti-splatter agent for, KS Paul Products 74 trade publication 1084
- COg equipment, Hagglund 607 electron beam, Rotax 608 electroslag, observation by X-ray and television, BWRA 591
- exhaust unit for, Impusitor Turbo-fume 558 explosion, of titanium-clad steel sheet 26 fine wire, rectifier set for, Interlas 609 mig, multipurpose arc wire feeder 606 shield arc set, Peter Gorres 610
- of fins on to heat exchanger tubing, AMF 142 of plastics, dielectric heating for 565 of textiles, dielectric heating for 565 of titanium 25
- of titanium clad steel sheet 27
- powder, Microflo magnum module method of 607
- seam, machines, tin-plate, Soudronic AG 606 semi-automatic mig, Surg-Arc unit 606 spot, gun. Portable Welders 475
- Multi-Weld press 392
- tig, automatic powersource for. Superheater 604 pulse unit for. Superheater 604
- tube, high-frequency equipment for, Delapena 604 Welding Construction Co. at Aldergrove airport
- Welding equipment electric. Union Carbide
- mig, Suffolk Iron Foundry 610 portable, Bowthorpe Line Equipment 609 portable flash, for rail tracks, Rubery Owen 610 Super-Sprite FC1 COg semi-automatic 606
- Welding exhibition. International (Olympia) exhibits at 604, 727
- Welding generator, Reyrolle 609
- Welding gun, spot. Portable Welders 605 Welding machine
- arc, portable (trade publication) 656 COg, English Electric Arc Welding 604 Fiab 6kW high-frequency fine-wire, Kahl Engineering for automatic production Lincoln Electric 359 for plastic tapes and floors, friction. Black's 607
- F. E. Rowland and Co. 609 Muramatic and Muradrive 606 resistance, Landis Machine-Maiden Ltd. Schlatter AG 607 stud, Crompton Parkinson 608
- Unitron 989
- Welding plant for pipelines, AEG-Elotherm
- Welding positioners. Conventional range of. Bode 610
- Welding primers and fluxes, BSI 981
- Welding research, grant for 858
- Welding screen, portable. Arcmaster 605
- Welding tests, comparative, on contactor contact surfaces 859
- Welding torch, argon, Eric Courtney 605
- Tescom Little, Eric Courtney 605
- Welding tractor, butt, Hagglund 607
- Welding transformers and rectifiers, by H. P. Zade (book) 441
- Welding unit, capacitor discharge stud, Kerry's 607 Listomac 610
- Weldless Steel Tube Co. Ltd., guide rollers on gantry cranes 682
- Wellglass lighting fittings (trade publication) 364 Wellman-Selas automatic air/gas machine 1021 Welsh Office, Roads Division, Crindau twin tunnels on Newport (Mon.) By-pass 800
- Welwyn Electric Ltd., electronic circuits by thick and thin film technologies 393
- Welwyn Tool Co. Ltd., welding machines for plastic tapes and floors 183
- Wendlin Engineering Co., M.I.C. Major cable stripping machine 1034
- Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd., mechanical handling equipment (trade publication) 482 platform truck (trade publication) 280, 834
- West, Allen, and Co. Ltd., C-Law modulator permanent memory unit for static switching 825 control unit PB7 91 2
- Standard Telemotive system for radio-controlled overhead crane 902
- West German Airbus Group, European airbus A-300 development 801
- West German Post Office, coordination of standard time broadcasts 803
- West Herts Management Centre, activities 371
- West, L. A., on Agriculture: Hand Tools to Mechanization (book) 871
- West London, traffic control by computer 339, 340 West, T., dielectric heating 566
- induction heating 526
- West Thurrock power station, electronic governor control system for 300 MW turbo-generator 551
- Westaform flue lining in flexible stainless steel 560
- Westair Dynamics Ltd., air conditioners and refrigerators 831
- Westbrick Engineering Ltd., general cargo (box type) container 739
- Westbrook, J. H., on Intermetallic Compounds (book) 913
- Western Machinery and Equipment Co. Ltd., granular feeder 70
- Westinghouse Defense and Space Center, Earthorbiting light-reflection system 101
- Westinghouse Electric Corp., generating plant production 454
- high temperature plastics material 33 Markette electric car 674
- Westinghouse Electric International Co., fuel cell as combustion monitor 980
- spinning by induction heating 819 ultrasonic irradiation of liquids 67
- Westinghouse Westcode braking system 822
- Westland Aircraft Co. Ltd., Black Arrow satellite launcher 574
- heliport on River Thames 8
- WG-13 helicopter 891
- Weston, E. B., on Automobile Engineering Drawing for Technical Students (book) 833
- Weston Instruments Ltd., universal angle thermometers 911
- Westool Ltd., Sonac ultrasonic sensing heads to control leather spraying machinery 1069 yarn-tension control 101
- Westrex Co. Ltd., communications set (trade publication) 236
- communicationssystems (trade publication) 114 Westwind Turbines Ltd., air-bearing equipment (trade publication) 656
- Wet Sleddale reservoir dam, Haweswater scheme 803
- Whatlings Ltd., Queen Elizabeth Hall 296
- Wheel(s), Flexello Superthane, for skips at Ford Motor Co. Halewood plant 938 rubber, expanding, Rekki 729
- Wheelchair design projects 573
- Wheels, H.M.C. Ltd., turntable castor units 956
- Wheildon, W. M., on Ceramics in Machining Processes (book) 655
- •(
- ,S
- Where do we go from the moon ? by M. Bubb (book) 871
- Whessoe Plastics Division, plastics road tanker for drinking water distribution 186
- Whitbread, R. E., industrial aerodynamics survey 42 White, F G., on Industrial Compressors (book) 441 split pins or seli-locking nuts? 129
- White Fish Authority, fish rearing in cooling water outfall 249
- White, J. S., rubber seal applications 646
- White, J. Samuel, and Co. Ltd., cradle drum heater 693
- Fairline packaged air conditioning equipment 358
- Polyblower pneumatic conveyor 1080 Whitehouse, P. B., on Steam in Europe (book) Whitlock Brothers Ltd., excavator-loaders 553 Who owns whom 1966-67 (book) 35 Wickman Machine Tool Sales Ltd., billet-drilling machine 112
- metal forming machines 266
- Wickman Wimet Ltd., Econolock throw-away tip tooling 1034
- Wide Slab floor slabs of prestressed concrete 220 Wiggins Teape Ltd., Ilfobrom photographic enlarging papers 779
- steam plant for electrical peak demands 714 Wigglesworth, Frank, Co. Ltd., variable speed pulleys (trade publication) 364
- Wilde, G. L., direct lift V/STOL aircraft 848 Wilhelmsen, Wilh., Operation Scandiaships design 233
- Wilkins, G., 'Beetle' motor car 922 Willetts, J. 363
- R., engineering practice in process industry 665
- Williams, A. F., dealing with domestic refuse 623 Williams, E., educating electronic engineers. Letter 56
- Williams, G. M. J., Aberfan inquiry 667 Williams, J.
- A. C., Faraday House Engineering College 762
- Williams, J. G., problems of large deformation 179 solid mechanics and engineering design 178 Williams, Sir Owen, and Partners, Crindau twin tunnels on Newport (Mon.) By-pass 800 Williamson, James, and Partners, boiler drum replacement at Cockenzie power station 332, 887-888
- Willing Lumi-Neon Ltd., illuminated road traffic sign with route-changeable aspect 416
- road signs (trade publication) 698
- Wilmot Breeden Truflo Ltd., Truflo sea water ball valve 730
- Wilson committee on noise 1050
- Wilson, Geo. H. and Co. (Shilton) Ltd., Quick-Set tool post 1081
- Wilson, Hugh, and Lewis Womersley, Manchester education precinct 842
- Wilson, R., steel dwelling construction system 535 Wimpey, George and Co. Ltd., exhibition at ICE 1051
- hydraulic model for C-ring road immersed-tube tunnel study 573
- Wimshurst machine, principle of 77
- Winches, electro-hydraulic. Butters Cranes 946 Wind effects on buildings and structures, symposium on 1084
- Wind tunnel, for teaching, BAC 101
- variable speed 176
- Winding machine. Black Clawson slitter-winder 976
- Windovi/ frames, stainless steel 349
- Wing divergence, example of aeroelasticity 916 Wing flutter, example of aeroelasticity Winiberg, F., on Metalliferous Mine (book) 189
- Winkler, S., on Hill's equation (book)
- Winn, C., on Aristotle: His Thought and Its Relevance Today(book) 481
- Winter sports centre, Sestriere, snow clearing equipment and vehicles 170
- Winterbottom Products, Topspan canopy for unsinkable life raft 493
- Topspan pvc-coated nylon fabric 440 unsinkable life raft 493
- Wire decoiling machine, horizontal 988
- Wire rope lubricators (trade publication) 1084
- Wire-spooling machine, Techna 228
- Wiring. See Electric wiring
- Wiring harness fabricating system, Thomas and Betts 775
- Wisp motorized bicycle, Raleigh 587. Correction 670, 762
- road test 1010
- Wiodawer, R., on Directional Solidification of Steel Castings (book) 151
- Wobbe Index for gas quality 1021
- Wolff, H. S., biomechanical needs of health services 800
- Wolseley 18/85 motor car, description of 381 Wolston, Rover, industrial gas turbine 549 Women Engineers,International Conferenceof 792 Wood, B., cooling towers 925-926
- Wood, D. N., information requirements of mechanical engineers 532
- Wood glueing and forming, dielectric heating 564
- Woodfield Rochester Ltd., Autoflow boom for loading tankers 1047
- Woodhead, J. B., thefts from libraries 762. Letters 561,623, 670
- Woodhead tunnel. Letter 164
- Woodland, A. W., Aberfan inquiry 667
- Woodward, R. A. C., training in engineering practice 665
- Woodwool slabs (trade publication) 914 Woodworm and dry rot (trade publication) 36 Work, A. L., video tape or cine film ? 495 Work bench, Sjoberg range 427
- Work study. Fairfields (Glasgow) Ltd., courses 491
- Worked examples in basicelectronics,by P.W. Crane (book) 913
- Workington Iron and Steel Co., Universal Vacuum/ Air Quantometer 391
- World Power Conference (Moscow 1968) 152
- Wormgear speed reducers, Holroyd 653 trade publication 698 Verso 74
- Worthington-Simpson Ltd., compressors (trade publication) 482
- Wright, A. Nelson, photodeposition of polymer thin films 953
- Wright, A. T., exporting to USA 246
- Wright, R., production of finned tubing for fuel elements 473
- Wrigley Union Model FS30 battery electric low lift platf'^rm truck (trade publication) 280
- Written messages between departments, electrowriters for 940
- Wyer, J., GT40 Mk III motor car 575
- Wykeham Farrance Engineering Ltd., triaxial cell 440
- Wyler Tebo indexing fixture 182
- Wylfa nuclear power station, spherical concrete vessels 453-454
- Wynn, Robert, and Sons Ltd., air-cushion equipped transporter vehicle 298
- Wyss, Rene, machine reamers 313
- X-ray observation of eloctroslag welding, BWRA 591
- X-ray spectrometer, Phillips, MEL 1032
- Xerox copying process, static electricity application 79
- Y-5 Yoke kits crack detection kits 780
- Yachts, hull and sail design in, research grants 1 28 Tempest, Design Centre award 774
- Yakolev YAK-40 three-engined transport aircraft 891
- Yale Tractor Shovels Ltd., Yale 300 tractor shovel 908
- Yarn-tension control 101
- Yarsley Research Laboratories Ltd., Materials Data Thermoplastics System for information on thermoplastic polymers 102
- Yarwood, J., on High Vacuum Technique (book) 611
- Yorkshire Imperial Metals Ltd., rotary-hearth gas- fired furnace 549 washing, pickling and drying machine for copper pipe fittings 550
- Yorkshire moors, natural gas strikes on 288
- Young, J. P., silver dendrites growth 776
- Young, L., on Advances in Microwaves (book) 561
- Young, R. H., metrication 884, 1012. Letter 1012
- Youngman, W. C., Ltd., Master concrete vibrators 69 Master forced draught oil-fired space heater 305
- Yttrium iron garnet, gallium-doped for laser signalling 165
- Zabetakis, M. G., on Safety with Cryogenic Fluids (book) 1083
- Zade, H. P., on Welding Transformers and Rectifiers (book) 441
- Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen AG, precision gearwheels (trade publication)
- Zed-2 system precast building
- Zedcote S3 concrete release oil
- Zeiss, Carl Coude astronomical telescope integration photometer 639
- X-ray camera for crystal diffraction work, NBS 901
- X-ray dosimeter, AEG-Telefunken 640
- Jena large interference microscope 31
- Jena optical flatness tester 728 measuring instruments 31 microscope photometer 639 universal micro-spectrophotometer 639
- Zener diode, applications 658
- Zenith Carburettor Co., Duplex induction system 215, 216
- Zero defects, by J. F. Halpin (book) 1083
- Zero-Failure fire alarm system 923 Zientz, B., exporting to USA 246
- Ziller, LSTQ Nilos sealing ring 911
- Zimmite of Europe Ltd., Zimmite for cleaning Florentine art treasures 8
- Zinc and cadmium plating plant. Jaywood 218
- Zinc-air battery 204 principles of operation 204
- Zinc Development Association, galvanizing conference 364 painting hot dip galvanized steel (trade publication) 190
- Zodiac-Zephyr Mark IV car suspension components, inspection of. Ford 437
See Also
Sources of Information