The Engineer 1929 Jul-Dec: Index

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Note: This is a scanned version of the Index Page and contains many errors
- A. C. F. I. Feed-water heater Improved Type, for L.N.E. Railway, 632
- Ajax-Northrup and Ajax-Wyatt Induction Furnaces, 652
- Aktiebolaiget Spontan, Transmission gear for Motor Vehicles, 578-580
- Allen, John. and Son (Oxford), Ltd., " Oxford Waveless " Roller, 587
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Cairo Main Drainage, Amiria Pumping Station. 2, 14 (Two-page Supplement, July 5th, 1929)
- Allscott Beet Sugar Factory. 348, 360, 376 378
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., ' Siskin III. B " Single-seater Fighter, 123, 124; "Atlas," Two-seater Army Co-operation Aeroplane, 123 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co.,Ltd., New Boiler Shops for, at SCotswood, 252. 258-260, 660, 661, 664
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., 45 H.P., Four-cylinder, Four-wheel Drive Tractor, 521, 522; Four-wheel Drive Reconnaissance Car, 522
- Automotive Engineering Company, B.H.B. Self-adjusting Piston, 462
- Auto-Mower Engineering Company, Ltd., Auto-tractor and Mole Plough, 87
- A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., Eight-passenger Fokker-type Monoplane " Avroe Ton," 61 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929) 13
- BAILEY, R. W., Creep of Steel, 499, 528
- Bailly-Mathot Boilers at the Droogenbosch Power Station, Chain Grate Stoker, 74
- Bamfords, Ltd., New Four-stroke Vertical Petrol Engine, Combustion Head, 65, 66
- Bastian and Allen, Electric Boiler. 129
- Bean Cars, Ltd., 50-Cwt. Motor Vehicle for Overseas Service, 285
- Bengal-Nagpur Railway. Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive, North British Locomotive Co, Ltd., 278, 284 (Two-page Supplement, September 13th, 1929)
- Bennie, George, " Railplane " System of Transport, 206
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Articulated Locomotive for South Africa, 128
- Blackburn Aeroplane Company, " Nile " 14-Seater Monoplane Flying Boat, 125
- Bodleian Library, Oxford, Lighting. 685
- Boulton and Paul, Monoplane " 100; Twin-engineD Day Bomber " Side-strand," 99
- Bristol Aeroplane Company, Four-passenger Transport Cabin Biplane, 124, 126; Bristol "Bulldog " All-steel Single-seater Fighter, 125 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- British Electric Transformer Company, Transformer Tap-changing on Load, 110-112
- British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co, Ltd.. Technical Report, 273
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Fabricated Electrical Machines, 202
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Rugby Works, 573-576
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Transformer Tap-changing on Load, 139, 140
- British United Shoe Machinery Co, Ltd.,Shoe-making Machinery, 446-448
- Brookian's Park Wireless Broadcasting Station, 295, 304
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Air Compressor, Portable, 589
- Broom and Wade. Ltd., Portable Air Compressor, 311
- Broomielaw Wharf Cranes, Electrically J Operated, Alex. Chaplin and Co., Ltd., 438, 439
- Brown, David, and Sons, Amherst-Villiers Supercharger. Differential Worm Gear, 463
- Brown, J. S., Ph.D., Fuel Injection Process in the Air Injection Oil Engine, 169, 193 I
- Bryla, Stefan, First Arc-welded Bridge in Europe, 248; (Letter), 310
- CAIRO Main Drainage Scheme, Amiria Pumping Station, 2, 14 (Two-page Supplement, July 5th, 1929)
- Canada, Aerial Surveying in, 404
- Canadian Pacific Liner 'RMS Empress of Canada," Re-engined, 394
- Carols Works (S.E.M.), Ghent, Four-cylinder. 4000 B.H.P., Double-acting Oil Engine, 220
- Carol, River, Masonry Bridge Over, 218
- Casella, C. F., Theodolite, 697
- Central Scotland Electricity Scheme, 624;Transmission Lines, Transmission Line Towers, Various Sub-stations, 624-626
- Ceylon Public Works Department, Nov Engineering Shops, 686, 690
- Charnock, Professor G. F.. Bearings for Line Shafting, 610, 694
- Chicago Drainage Canal and Diversion of 'Attie Water, 57, 97
- Clark, Lyonel E. (Portrait), 96
- Cochran and Co. (Annan), Ltd., Composite Exhaust Gas Boiler, 476
- Cockburns, Ltd., Self-closing Boiler Stop Valve, 250
- Commercial Motor Show at Olympia, 490, 520, 555
- Cornish Riviera Express, 47
- Crossley Brothers 110 B.H.P. Compressionless Cold-starting Heavy Oil Engine; 44 B.H.P.Enclosed Type Heavy Oil Engine, 18
- Crossley Motors, 38-110 H.P., Two-decker, Six-cylinder Omnibus, 491, 492
- Crown Gear Making Works, 165, 172
- Daimler, 25 H.P. Weymann Saloon; Chassis; Engine, Section of; Engine and Starter; Oil Cooler, 418, 419
- Davey, Paxman and Co, 120-138 B.H.P. Three-cylinder Heavy Oil Engine, 65
- Day, Job, and Sons, Ltd., Tea Packetting Machine, 245-247
- De Havilland Aircraft Company, Four-seater "Lynx Hawk Moth " Monoplane, 124, 125
- De Havilland " Gipsy Moth," 98
- D.H. 66 "Hercules," 90
- Desoutter Aircraft Co, Ltd., Three-seater Coupe Monoplane, 124, 125
- Donald Lake, Ontario, Aerial View, 405
- Drysdale Centrifugal Pumps for Factory Water Supply, 348
- Dyson, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Double-bogie Truck for Transporting Heavy Weights, 555, 5.56
- EAST .Retford Copuration Electricity Works, 94, 102
- Ellesmere Port, Mechanical Coal-loading Plant, 116, 117, 120
- "Empress of Japan," Canadian Pacific Liner, Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co, 659
- English Electric Co, Ltd., Transformer Tap-changing on Load, 176, 177
- English Electric Company, Ltd., Visit to the Stafford Works, 221-224
- Evershed and Vignoles, " Bridge Meg "Resistance Testing Set, 260
- Fairey Aviation Co, Ltd., Long-range Monoplane, 61 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Ferranti, Ltd., Transformer Tap-changing on Load, 56, 57
- Foden, Ltd., Six-wheeler Steam Tipping Wagon, 88
- Ford All-metal 14-Passenger Monoplane, 123; All-metal Monoplane in Course of Erection, 123
- Forth Bridge, Sir Ernest W. Moir, 684
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 150 H.P. Heavy Oil Ploughing Engine; 8-Ton Three-wheeled Road Roller, 19
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 10 H.P. Petrol Shunting Locomotive, 550
- France and Spain, Railways in, 217, 218; Transpyronean Railway, 217
- France, Stations and Sub-stations Visited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 10-12
- Frodingham, L. and N.B. Railway, Improvements at, 190, 192
- GARRETT and Sons, Ltd., Rigid Six-wheeled Undertype Steam Wagon, " Suffolk Punch " Six-wheeled Tractor, 491
- Gatineau-Toronto Transmission Line, Leaside Terminal Station, 188, 198, 214
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Transformer Tap Changing on Load, 177
- Ghost Hydro-electric Power Station, Bow River, Alberta, 633, 636
- Gloster Aircraft Company, Ltd., Gloster-HeleShaw-Beacham Variable-pitch Airscrew, Twin-engined, All-metal " Survey " Biplane, 59
- Giitz Brothers, Two Large Drawing Presses, 232, 233
- Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Turbo-generators and other Electrical Equipment for, 512-515
- Grimsel Hydro-electric Power Scheme, Captain G. Macleod Ross, 540; (Letter), 606
- Grubb, Sir Howard, Parsons and Co., Reflecting Telescope for Edinburgh Observatory, 668, 669
- Guest and Chrimes, Ltd., Recorder and Integrator, Typo R, 588; Recorder and Integrator, Type 132E, 589; Recorder, Weir, 589
- Gwyer,Dr. A. G. C., Aluminium and its Alloys, 281-283, 294, 295
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co Ltd., Transformer Tap Changing on Load, Hackbridge-Stragiotti System, 30-33
- Hams Hall Power Station, 484, 496; Addendum, 535
- Harland and Wolff, ThE New White Star Liner "Britannic," 152
- Harrison, McGregor and Ruston, Steel Binder Driven by Ruston Tractor, 38
- Hawker " Hornet " High-speed Single-seater Interceptor, 99
- Hawker " Hart " Day Bomber, 99 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Hibberd, F. C., and Co., Ltd., Locomotives, Three Small, 20 B.H.P., 10 B.H.P. and 6 B.H.P. Respectively, 549
- Hird Retorts at Richmond, 381
- H.M. Airship " R 100," Airship Uuaraiitee Company, Ltd., 604, 608
- Hisey-Wolf Machine Company, High-speed American Grinding Machine, 590
- Hodgkinson, Francis, Journal Bearing Practice, 543, 559-560
- Holden and Brooke, Ltd., Accelerator for Hot Water Heating Systems, 180
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., " Road Ripper," Silenced, Portable Air Compressor, 612
- Humber Company, " Snipe " Four-door Weymann Coup6, Latest Type, Six-cylinder Chassis and Engine, 436, 442,462
- Hydrautomat, Ltd., Some Hyrautomat Developments, 256, 257
- IKEGAI Ironworks at Tokio, 402-404, 414
- Illingworth Low-temperature Carbonisation System, 150
- India, Reconstructing a Railway Bridge, C. I. Stabler, 142
- Ingersoll-Rand Co, Ltd., Horizontal Air "Compressor, 588.
- Ismailia Valve Company, Ltd., Full-bore Stop 1 Valve, 422
- Italian National Experimental Tank in Rome, 1 516, 524
- JAPANESE Engineering Congress, 545-7
- Japanese Engineering Industries, 402-404, 414, 472-474, 518, 545-547; Mitsui Company, Tsuruini Engineering Works, Japan; Shibaura. Engineering Works, Tokio, 472, 473 Niigata Engineering Works, Ltd.; Kamata Works, Kashiwazaki and Nagaoka Works, 518
- Johnston Brothers, Mechanical Gritter, Drum Cutter, " Dandy " Truck, 586
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., Multi-spindle Drilling Machine, 644
- Jowett Cars, Ltd., Improved Horizontally Opposed Twin-cylinder Engine, 435
- J. P. Super Lawnmowers, Ltd., Motor Lawn Mower, 87
- Karrier Motors, Ltd., Combination Vehicle with Six-wheel Trailer, 520
- Karrier Motors, Ltd., Six-wheel 8-Ton Lorry and 4-Ton Trailer, 37
- Keenok Gears, Ltd., Zinc-containing Lubricant for the Prevention of Corrosion, 337
- Kempton Park Pumping Station of the Metropolitan Water Board, and Plant, 430-433. 458-460, 468
- Kerr, Stuart and Co., Automatic Variable-speed Gear, 64
- Kerr, Stuart and Co., Ltd., 7-Ton Heavy Oil Engine Lorry, 014
- Kershaw, John B. C., Low-temperature Carbonisation Plants in London, 364, 381
- Ketton Portland Cement Works, 640
- LATIL Industrial Vehicles, Ltd., Four-wheel-drive Tractor, 36
- Lead Wool Company, Portable Air Compressor, 612; Pipe Joint, 612
- Leasing, Dr., Coal Cleaning Plant, 500-502
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Motor Omnibus, 88
- Leyland Motors, 10-12-Ton Six-wheel " Hippo " 'Lorry, 556, 557; " Bison " 4-Ton Petrol Chassis, 557
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., 800-Watt Petrol-electric Lighting Set, 65
- L.M.S. Railway Train of 40-Ton Coal Wagons, 688
- London and North Eastern Railway Company, 70-Ton Wagon for Transporting Transformers, 285
- L. and N.E. Railway, Improvements at Frodingham. 190, 192
- L. and N.E. Railway, Passenger Engine, 8, 9
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.. " Manumit "
- Motor Roller, 37, 550; Oil Engine-driven Road Roller, 38; Horizontal Oil Engine, 30 B.H.P., 37, 38
- Marshall Wagon Tippler, Beet Elevator and Bolt Conveyor, 349, 360
- Martin Elastic Limit Steel, P. G. Rouse, 71
- Metropolitan-Vickers Coreless Induction Furnaces, 680
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Transformer Tap Changing on Load, 84, 85
- Millars' Machinery Co, Ltd., Concrete Mixer, Batch Cart, 688
- Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Engineering Co, Ltd., 655
- Moir, Sir Ernest W., Forth Bridge, 684
- Monfalcone Shipyard, Mould Loft and Hull Construction at, 465, 4G6, 604 (Two-page Supplement, November let, 1929)
- Moore, G. E., Synchronous Motor Clocks, 682
- Morris, 15 H.P. Six-cylinder Car, Chassis and Engine, 436
- Morris 28-Passenger Vehicle, 56 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Engine, 521
- Motor Rail and Tram Car Co, Ltd. 10-20 B.H.P. " Simplex " Locomotive. 589
- Mumbles Railway and its Signalling. 178
- Mumford, A. G.. Ltd., Electrically Driven Vertical Reciprocating Pump, 127
- National Gas Engine Co, 600 .13.11.1 Convertible Oil and Gas Engine, 94, 102
- Neal, R. H. and Co. Ltd., Trench Diggers Belt Conveyors. " Rapid " Cranes, 586
- New South Wales, Now Road and Rail Bridge. 234
- North British Locomotive Co. Ltd. Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive for Bengal-Nagpm• Railway, 278. 284 (Two-page Supplement, September 1311, 1929)
- North-East (Coast Exhibition. Palace of Industries, 245 -247. 446-448, 474, 475; Shoe-making Machinery, British United Shoe Machinery Co. Ltd. 446-445. 474. 475; 'Tea-packetting Machine, Job-Day and Sons. LW., 245-247
- Northern Pacific Railway. New Dynamometer Car, 226, 230
- OLYMPIA. International Aeronautical Exhibition at. 58- 61 ('eopage Supplement, Jelly 19th, 1929)
- Olympia, Motor Car Show, 418-420. 434-437, 442. 462. -163 sec Commercial Motor Show
- PARKER, Frederick, Ltd., Sand and Gravel Washer. 587
- Parnall, George. and Co.. Two-seater Submarine Seaplane " Peto." 60 (Supplement, July 19th. 1929); Two-seater Light Aeroplane, " Elf," 61 •
- Pearson and Knowles Coal and Iron Company.Ltd., 125-Ton Hot Metal Mixer Car. 450
- Pegg, Samuel. and Son, " Samson " Granulater, Power Tamper, Vibratory Screen, 613
- Peters, G. D. and Co. Ltd., Vacuum Brakes and Door Equipment, 558
- Petters. Ltd.. 25 B.H.P. " Atomic " Cold-starting Heavy Oil Diesel Engine. 65
- Power Plant Co. Ltd., " Carrier-Ring "Flexible Coupling. 312
- "Protectomotor " Typo Air Filter, 154
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibition 548-550, 586-589, 612- 615
- Ransomes and Rapier. Ltd., " 7 T " Tilting Drum Concrete Mixer, 550
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Portable Eketric Motor, 20
- Reavell and Co.. Ltd., Air Compressor on Lorry Chassis, 613
- Relay Automatic Telephone Co, " Relay " Train Description system, 562
- Revvo Company, An Engineer's Castor, 644; (Correction), 675
- Robertson Automatic Variable Speed Gear. Kerr, Stuart and Co.. 64
- Robey and Co., Ltd., Air Compressor. Crude Oil Engine Driven Compound, 549
- Robey and Co., Ltd.. New Decorticator. 195
- "Rocket." Replica of the, Robert Stephenson and Co., LW., 68, 73 • (Letter), 118
- Rolls-Royce, 40-50 H.P. " Phantom 11." Car, Chassis. Engine and Gear-box, 419, 420
- "Rosa," Twin-screw Motor Yacht, John 1.Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 286
- Ross, Captain G. Macleod, Grimsel Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 540
- Rouse, P. G. Martin Elastic Limit Steel. 71
- Royal Agricultural Show at Harrogate, 18, 36, 64, 87
- Rushton Agricultural and Roadless Tractors, 558, 659; (Correction), 593
- Ruston and Hornsby 2 B.H.P. Portable Petrol Engine, 88
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Pump. 8in. Gravel; Contractor's Lift Pump : Road Roller, 11-Ton Three-wheel Crude Oil, 518
- St Andrea Engine Works, Trieste, Gear Wheel Cutting at, 380
- San Marco Electric Power Station, 410
- San Marco Shipyard and the St. Andrea Engine Works at Trieste. 410 412
- Santa River Irrigation Scheme. 40, 48
- Saunders, S. E., Ltd., Twin-engined Monoplane Flying Boat " Cutty Sark," 60 (Supplement, July 19th. 1929)
- Saurer Commercial Vehicle Company, Ltd., Chassis, 7- 8-Ton, with 80 H.P. Heavy Oil Engine, 555
- Selliess-Defries, A. G., Large Boring and Turning Mill for Water Turbine Work, 449
- Scotswood Boiler Shops, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 252, 258-260. 660-662, 664
- Sentinel Waggon Works, Steam Tipping Wagon, 37
- Short Brothers, Ltd., Aoroplano Passenger Scat. 98; Light Two-seater Seaplane "Mussel," 98 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Singer Company, New Six-cylinder Saloon Car, 437, 442
- Slack Valley Power Station of the Oldham Corporation, 386. 390
- Spitallamm Dam, 540
- Stabler, C. I., Reconstruction of Nerbudda Bridge, India, 142
- Star Motor Company, Ltd., 18-60 H.P. Six-cylinder Sports Coupe, 436, 442
- Stephenson, Robert, and Co., Ltd., Replica of tho is Rocket," 08, 73
- Stoke-on-Trent, Engineering Plant at London.road Institution. 242-245
- Suohiro Balancing Machine, 402
- Sunbeam Company. 70 142 11.1'. Six-cylinder Six-wheel Chassis : 52 110 11.P. Six-cylinder Four-wheel Chassis. 490. 491
- "Swiftpool " installation. Pulverised Fuel at Sea, 115
- Tangyes Ltd., H.P. Fuel Oil Engine, 530
- Tamales, George, and Otto Kubalek, Gilled Tubes. 532
- Thornycroft, John L. and Co.. Ltd.. 5 6-"I'mt Hinge-side Petrol Lorry. It'
- Thornyeroft, John 1.. and ('n.. Lti in'screw Motor Yacht •• Rosa." 286
- Thornyeroft, John 1.. and Co.. Ltd.. In-Ton Six-wheel Chassis. 557; Double Six " 68-Passenger Omnibus. 557. .158
- Tilbury Docks Improvement Works. Hydraulic Bilge Blocks and Gate Machine. 320 (Two-pay' Supplement, September 27th. 1929)
- Todd System Powdered Fuel Equipment on the ss. " West Alsek." 76, 422
- Tokio Municipal HMI, 545. 546
- Trojan. Ltd., Now Trojan 10 11.1'. Saloon Car, 435, •112
- Variable Power Transmissions, Ltd..
- "Varatio " Variable-speed Gear. 72, 73
- Vickers Aviation, Ltd.. All-metal Single-seater Interceptor Fighter. 100
- Wallis and Steevens, " Advance •• Motor Roller, Type A, 586
- WALLIS and Steevens, " Simplicity " 3-Ton Steam Roller, 36
- Westland Aircraft Works, Threesengined Limousine, 99
- White. Edward. Accurate Cold heading Machine, 616, 617
- White. J. Samuel. and Co., Ltd. Shipyard and Engine Works at Cowes, I.O.W.. 570- 572, 582. 598-600 (Supplement, December 6th, 1929)
- White Star Motor Liner " Britannic," The Now, 152
- Wignall-Wollaston Producer Boiler, 672 1Vild Universal, Wild Precise and Standard Theodolites, 697 I 1 Winget, Ltd., Stone Crusher, 587
- Wood Edward. and Co.. Ltd., Now Boiler Shops for Sir W. G. Armstrong. Whitworth and Co., Ltd., at Scotswood, 252, 258. 259, 260
- YNISCEDWVN Colliers., South Wales, Coal Cleaning, 500
- ZUYDER Zee, Reclamation of, 136, 146, 162. 164
- ACCELERATOR for Hot Water Heating Systems, Holden and Brooke. Ltd.. 180
- Actiai view ul Donald Lake Ontario, 405
- INTERNATIONAL AERONAUTICAL EXHIBITION AT OLYMPIA : 58. 98, 123 (Two-page Supplement. July 19th, 1929)
- Aeroplane Passenger Seat. 98: Light Two-seater Seaplane " Mussel," Short Brothers, Ltd., 98 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- All-metal Monoplane in Course of Erection. 123; Three-engined All-metal 14-Passenger Monoplane, Ford Motor Company, 123
- All-metal Single-seatur Interceptor Fighter Vickers Aviation, Ltd., 100
- "Atlas " Two-seater Army Co-operation
- Aeroplane. 123 (Supplement. July 191h, 1929); " &skin III. B " Single-seater Fighter. Sir W. G. Armstrong. Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., 123, 124
- Biplane, Twin-engined. " Survey "; Variable•pitch Air Screw, (:lostor Aircraft Company, Ltd., 69
- Day Bomber " Hart,' 99 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929) : High-speed Single-seater Interceptor "Hornet," II. Hawker Engineering Company. .99
- De Havilland " Hercules " Climbing on Two Engines, 90; Do Havilland "Gipsy Moth," 98; Four-seater " Lynx Hawk Moth " Monoplane De Havilland Aircraft Company. 124, 125
- Eight-passenger Fokker-type Monoplane, "Avro Ten," A. V. Roc and Co., Ltd., 61 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Four-passenger Transport Cabin Biplane, 124, 126; Bristol " Bulldog " All-steel Single-seater Fighter, Bristol Aeroplane Company, 125 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Fourteen-seater Monoplane Flying Boat "Nile." Blackburn Aeroplane Company, 125
AERONAUTICS (continued):
- AT OLYMPIA (continued):
- Limousine. Three-engined, Westland Air-sniff Werks. 99
- Monoplane Long Range. Fairey Aviation Company. Ltd.. lit (Supplement, Jetty 191/1. 1929)
- Monoplane. Three-seater Desoutter Aircraft Company, Ltd., 124, 125
- Twin.engined Monoplane Flying Boat "Cutty Sark." S. Saunders, Ltd., 60 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Two-seater Light Aeroplane '• Phomix." 100 : Twin.enginod Day Bomber "Side-strand." Boulton and Paul, Ltd., 99
- Two-seater Light Aeroplane, " Elf," 61
- Two-seater Submarine Seaplane " Peto." George Pitman and Co., 60 (Supplement. July 19th. 1929)
- H. M. Airship R101" 604, 608
- Performance of Three-engined Aeroplanes. De Havilland " Hercules," 90
- AGRICULTURAL Implements, ---see Binders. Electrical Matters, Engines, Tractors and Other Headings
- Air Compressor. Compound, Crude Oil Engine Driven, Robey and Co., Ltd., 549
- Air Compressor, Horizontal, Ingersoll-Rand Company. Ltd.. 588
- Air compressor on Lorry Chastis. Rea% and Co.. Ltd.. 613
- Air Compressor. Notable. Broom and Wade, Ltd.. 589
- Air Compressor. Portable, for t:res-.4.4•, Brown and Wade. Ltd.. 311
- Air Compressor. Portable. Holman Brothers. Ltd.. 612
- Air Compressor, Portable, Lead %%Pool Connpally. Ltd.. 612
- Air Filtering Plant. Large. " Protectornotor" Type. C. (:. Vokes. Ltd., 154
- Aluminium and Its Alloys, Dr. A. G. C. Gwyer, 281-.'.8:1...94. 295
- American Car see Railways, Northern Pacific Auto-tractor and 3Iole Plough, Auto-mower Engineering Company. Ltd., 87
- BATCH Cart, Millars' Machinery Company. Ltd.. 388
- Bearings for Lino Shafting, Professor C. F. Charhock. 670, 694
- Beet Conveyor Elevators, 349, 360
- Beet Sugar Factory. Allscott, Elect neatly Operated. 318. 360, 376, 378
- Binder. 711. Steel. Driven by Ruston Tractor. Harrison. McGregor and Co., 38
- Boiler, Composite Exhaust Gas, Cochran and Co. (Annan). Ltd.. 476
- Boiler. Electric. Bastian and Alton, 129
- Boiler. Producer. Wignall-Wollaston. 672
- Boiler Shop and White-Forster Boilers. .1. Samuel White and Co.. Ltd., 600 (Two-page supplement. December 1929)
- Boiler Shops for Sir W. G. Armstrong. 1Vhit worth and Co.. Ltd.. at Scotswood. 232. 258-260. 660-662. 664
- Boiler Stop Valve, Self-closing. Cockburns, Ltd., 250
- Boiler, leVater-tnbe, at the Droogenbosch Power Chain Grate Stoker, G. Bailly• Nbithot, 74
- First Arc-welded Bridge in Europe, Stefan Bryla. 248: (Letter). 310 •
- Forth Bridge. Sir Ernest, W. Moir, 681
- Masonry Bridge over River Carol, 218
- Railway Bridge. over Nerbudda River. India, Reconstruction of. 142
- Road and Rail Bridge, New, in Now South Wales. 234
- BROOK MAN'S- see Electrical Matters
- "CARRIER-RING " Flexible Coupling, Power Plant Company. Ltd., 312
- Castor. An Engineer's. The Revvo. 644; (Correction). 675
- Cement- —see Portland
- Cent's, Scotland—see Electrical Matters
- Centrifugals. Battery of, 376
- Clocks—see Synchronous
- Plant at Yniseedwyn Dr. Leming. 501
- Coal-loading Plant at Ellesmere Port, 116, 117. 120
- Coal Wagon Tippers. Overhead Coal Bunkers, at :Slacks Valley Power Station, 386. 390
- Coal Wagons. Train of 40-Ton, L.M.S. Railway, 688
- Commercial Motor Vehicle, 50-Cat., for Overseas Service. Bean Cars, Ltd., 285
- Concrete Mixer. Millars' Machinery Company. Ltd.. 588
- Concrete Mixer. " 7-T " Tilting Drum, Ransomes and Rapier. Ltd., 550
- Concrete N'iadurt Carrying Main Road over L.N.E.R. Frodingham, 190, 192
- Coupling—see " Carrier-Ring "
- Crimes, Electrically Operated Wharf, Alex. Chaplin and Co.. Ltd.. 438, 439
- Cranes. " Rapid." R. IL Neal and Co, Ltd, 586
- Creep of Steel under Simple and Compound Stresses. R. W. Bailey, 499, 528
- DAM. Spitallamm, 640
- Decorticator, Now, Robey and Co., Ltd., 195
- Docks, Tilbury. Improvement Works, 320 (Two-page Supplement, September 27th, 1029)
- Drainage • Canal, Chicago, and Diversion of Lake Water, 57, 97
- Drainage, Main, Scheme, Cairo, Amiria Pumping Station. 2. 14 (Two-page Supplement, July 5th, 1929)
- Brooknail', Park Wireless Broadcasting Station, 295. 301
- Central Scotland Electrical v Scheme, 624 -626
- Electrical, Aeronautical and Railway Workshops at Moulalcone, 166
- Electric Power Station at slut Marco, I
- Electrically Operated Beet Sugar Far, or% 318, 361). 376 : Main Switch hoard in house, 376; Turbo-generators. I 250• k in Power-house. 377 : Alternator. 60-1(11". and Control Gear. 378
- Exhaust Turbine driven Generator Set. S.S."City of Hong Kong." 530
- Gas Engine-driven Generators at East Belford Power Station. 94. 102
- Gatineau-Toronto Transmission Line. Lenside Terminal Slat ion. Transformers. Oil Breakers. de.. 188. 198, 211
- Generating Haut at Hams I tall Stitt ion. 1185, 496
- Ghost Hydro-elect rie Development in Alberta. 633. 036
- Hamss Hall Power Station. IS 1.196 : (Addendum). 535
- Japanese Works at Shilsuira and Tsurtuni, 472,-.474; Condenser. 30.000-kVA Synchronous, 472, 473. 171 : Converters, 45003/4W Synchronous,. 172. 473. 474; Circuit Breaker. Oil. 175.000-Volt. 473. 474 : Transformer. 36.000-kVA. 173. 474
- Main Line Electrification on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. 512-513
- Oil Engine-driven Electric t:enerator Sets.W. H. Allen. Suits and Co.. Ltd.. '2. 11
- Petrol-electric Lighting Sot, 800-Watt. K..\.Lister and Co., Ltd., 05
- Portable Electric Motor, Ransomed. Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 19, 20
- Saint Arnim, Wireless Station. nigh • frequency
- Alternators. Short •wave Transmitting
- Apparatus. (tr.. 10; Lo Hottrat Generating Station, I I : Haut de Gan Rotary Converter Sub-station. I I : Midi Railway Sub•
- -tat ions Equipment. High-speed Circuit
- Breaker, Mercury Vapour Rectifiers. &c..
- Slacks Valley Power Station of the Oldham
- Corporation, 380. 390
- Stafford Works of tho English Electric Company. 221-224; 132-kV Transformer with
- On-load Tap-changing Gear. Air Blast
- Transformer. Three-winding Transformer.
- Indicators. Singlo and Twin Induction
- Regulators, Switchboards. Desk-controlled,
- Itemoto-controllod. 6600-Volt- Switehgear, 440-Volt Three-phase Switchboard, Sixteen-Pillar Metal-clad Compound-filled
- Switchboard. 221-224 5.5. -City of Hong Kong." Auxiliary Turbo-electric Propulsion. 530
- Transformer Depart moat, Test Control
- Gallery. Cleaning Plant and Machine:.
- Rugby Works of British Thomson-Houston
- Company. Ltd.. 573-576
- Transformer Tap Changing on Load. 30 56, 57. 84, 85. 110 -112. 139, 140. 176-178
- Transformers, 70-Ton ‘Vagen fur Transport -
- big. London and Nortli.Enstern Railway
- Company. 285
- o 15. . •ompressudess told.starting
- Heavy Oil Engine, 41 B. H. P. Two-cylinder
- Enclosed Horizontal' Heavy Oil Engine,
- Vertical Enclosed Two-stroke Oil Engine, 71 B. H. P. Paraffin Engine, Cro*sley Brothers. 18
- Diesel Engine, 25 " Atomic " Cold-starting, with Connecting-rod Roller Bearings. Petters. Ltd.. 05 4000 B.H.P. Double-acting Two-stroke Oil
- Engine. Carols Works (S. E. Ghent. 22(1
- Engine Works, St. Andrea. at Trieste. 111, 41-'
- 'Engines. Marine : 150 13.13.P. Air Injection
- Motor Boat Oil Engine. 320 B.H.P. Solid
- Inject ion Oil Engine. 80 11.11.1'. Petrolparatlin Engine, lkegai Ironworks. 403 24 H.P. Fuel Oil Engine. Tangyes Ltd.. 550
- Ikogai Works. Japan. Engines at, Oil,
- Paraffin, Petrol, Gas. &c.. 402 -404
- internal Combustion Engines. Japanese,-518
- Petrol Engine, 2 B.H.P. Portable, Ruston
- and Hornsby, Ltd.. 88 9-12-kW Petrol-enginod Emergency Dynamo,
- Ikogai, 403 3u 11.11.1'. Four-cycle Horizontal Oil Engine,
- .Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.. 37, 38
- Four-stroke Petrol *mine, Bainfords. Ltd.,
- 05. 66
- Oil and Gas Engine, 600 B.H.P. Convertible,
- National Gas Engine Company. 94. 102
- Ploughing Engine. 150 H.P. Heavy Oil, John
- Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 19
- Port Engine, 10.04rn S. IL P., of the Motor
- Liner " Britannic.- 152
- Robertson Automatic Vatiablooptiod thyar,
- Kerr, Stuart anal Co., Ltd.. 64
- Three-cylinder Heavy Oil Engine, 120-138 13.H. P., Davey, Paxtilan and Co., Ltd., 61
- 'Triple-expansion Steam Engine, 1000 11.1'., at Kompton Park Pumping Station, 158, 468
- ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES, Jarttese, 402-401, 414. 472-174. 518—acc Irengines
- Engineering Plata and Heating Arrangements.
- Now, at a Union Institution, 242.-245;
- licating Caloriliors. Lustraununt Board. Water Softener, Condenser Pumps, Hosting Turbines, 243; Generator Sots and Switchboard in I.:wine-house at Stoke-on-Trent Institution. 244
- Engineering Shops. New. of the Ceylon Public Works Department, 1386. 6911
- Commercial Motor Show at Olympia, 490, 520, 555
- International Aeronautical Exhibition at Olympia, 58, 98 (Two-page Supplement, July 1904, 1929)
- Motor Car Show at Olympia, 418-421). 434-437. 442. 462, 403
- North-East Coast Exhibition, 245-217, 446-448, 474, 475
EXHIBITIONS (continued):
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibition, 548, 586, 612
- Royal Agricultural Show at Harrogate, 18, 36, 64, 87
- FABRICATED Electrical Machines, British Thomson-Houston Company, 202
- Feed-water Heater—see Locomotives
- Fitting-out Quay and Vessels at. West Cowes, 600 (Supplement, December 6th, 1929)
- Fuel Injection Process in the Air Injection Oil Engine. J. S. Brown, Ph.D., 169, 193
- Fuel Research Board's Plant at Richmond, 381, 382
- Furnaces—see Induction
- Fusion-welded • Pressure Vessels, Report of British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance Company, Ltd., 273
- GANTRY, 100-Ton Loading and Shipping Scotswood Works, 661
- Gas Boiler—see Boiler gear Making Works, The Crown, 165, 172
- Automatic Shot. Blasting Apparatus, 166
- Gear-box Testing Device, 166 Revolving Re-heating Electric Furnace, 166
- Gear, Speed—see Engines
- Gear Wheel Cut t ing at St. Andrea Engine Works, Trieste, 380
- Gilled Tubes, George Tansley and Otto Kubalek, 532
- Granulator, " Samson," Samuel Pegg and Son, 613
- Hall, Tokio Municipal, 545, 546
- Hot Metal Mixer Car, 125-Ton, Pearson and Knowles Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., 450
- Hull Construction—see Shipbuilding
- Hydrautomat Developments. Hydrantomat, Ltd., 256, 257; Lifter Built of Steel, Lifter Built of Masonry and Concrete, 257
- Hydro-electric Power Scheme, The Crimsel, Captain C. Macleod Ross, 540; (Letter), 606
- Hydro-eleetric Power Stat ion, Albert a, 633, 636
- INDUCTION Furnaces, 652, 680
- Ironworks, Ikegai, at Tokio, 402, 414
- Irrigation Scheme and Sluice Oate.:. Sarda. River, 40, 48
- JOURNAL Bearing Practice, Francis Hodgkinson, 543, 559-560. 5C l
- KEENOK Pinion—see Zinc
- LAWN Mower, Motor, and Engine, J.P. Super Lawnmowers, Ltd., 87
- Lighting of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 685
- Line Shafting—see Bearings
- Bengal-Napgur Railway, Four-cylinder Compound Locomotive, North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., 278, 284 (Two-page Supplement, September 13th, 1929)
- Locomotive Feed-water Heater, Improved Type, 632
- Locomotive, 10-20 B.H.P. "Simplex," Motor Rail and Tram Car Company, Ltd., 589
- Locomotive, 10 H.P. Shunting, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 550
- Locomotives, Three Small, 20 B.H.P., 10 B.H.P., 6 B.H.P., with Internal Combustion Engines, F. C. Hibberd and Co., Ltd., 549
- L. and N.E. Railway, Three-cylinder Express Passenger Engine, 8, 9
- Natal State Railways, Garrett Locomotive, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 128 "Rocket," Replica of the Robert Stephenson and Co., Ltd., 68. 73; (Letter), 118 1.
- LORRY, Six-wheel 8-Ton and 4-Ton Trailer. Karrier Motors, Ltd., 37
- Lorry, 7-Ton Heavy Oil Engine, Kerr. Stuart and Co., Ltd., 614
- Low-temperature Carbonisation Plants in London. John B. C. Kershaw, 364. 381
- Low-temperature Carbonisation System Illingworth, 150
- Boring and Turning Mill, Large, for Water Turbine Work, Schiess-Defricks, A. C., 449
- Cold Heading Machine, Accurate, Edward White, 616. 617
- Drilling Machine, Multi-spindle, A Jones and Shipman, Ltd., 644
- Grinding Machine, High-speed American, Hisey-Wolf Machine Company, 590
- Machine Tools at Ikegai Ironwork.:. 'l'okio, Boring, Drilling and Milling Machine; Lathes; Milling Machine; Suchiro Balancing Machine, 402; ('utter Machine Shop. 403; Erecting Shop. Small Machine Shop. 402, 414
- Chicago Drainage Canal and the Mis.qiwippi : Chicago and Its Sanitary District, 57 Railways in France and Spain. 217. 218 Zuyder Zee, 136
- Mechanical Critter. Drum ('utter "Dandy " Truck, Johnston Brothers, 586 Motor Car Transmission Gear, Spontan , 578- 580
- MOTOR CARS AT OLYMPIA : 418-420, 434-437, 442, 462. 463
- Daimler Company, 25 H.P. Weymann Saloon, Oil Cooler, Chassis, Engine and Starter. 418. 419
- 15 H.P. Six-cylinder Chassis and Engine, Morris, 436
- 18-60 H.P. Six-cylinder Sports Coup% Star Motor Company, 436. 442
- Horizontally Opposed 'I'N% in-cylinder Engine, Improved, .Towet t ('airs, Ltd., 435
- Rolls-Royce, 40-50 H.P. " Phantom II." Car, Chassis, Engine and Gear-box, 419, 420
- Six-cylinder Saloon Car, Four Types, SingeiCompany, 4:17, 442
- "Snipe" Four-door Woymann Coupe.. 436, 442; Chassis and Six-cylinder Engine, Humber Company, 462
- Trojan 10 H.P. Saloon Car, Showing Engine, Trojan, Ltd., 435, 442
- Amherst -Villiers Supercharger. Differential Worm Gear, David Brown and Sons, 463
- Piston, B.H.B. Self -adjusting, Automotive Engineering Coinpany, Ltd., 462
- MOTOR Omnibus, Leyland Motors. Ltd.. 88
- MOTOR Snow, COMmERCIAL, AT OLYMPIA : 490, 520, 555
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd.. Four-wheel Drive Reconnaissance Car. Four-wheel Drive 45 II.P. Four-cylinder Tractor, 541, 522
- Crossley Motors, 38-110 }LP. Two-decker Six-cylinder Omnibus, 491, 492
- Dyson, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Double-bogie Truck for Transporting Heavy Weights, 555, 556
- Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Rigid Six-wheel trndertype Steam Wagon, " Suffolk Punch " Six-wheeled Tractor, 491
- Karrier Motors, Ltd., Combination Vehicle with Six-wheel Trailer, 520
- Leyland Motors, 10-12-Ton Six -wheeled "Hippo " Lorry, " Bison " 4-Ton Petrol Chassis, 556, 557
- Morris, 28-Passenger Vehicle, 56 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Engine, 521
- Peters, G. D., and Co., Ltd., Vacuum Brakes and Door Equipment, 558
- Saurer Commercial Vehicle Company, Ltd.. 7-8-Ton Chassis with 80 H.P. Solid Injection Engine, 555 •
- Sunbeam Company, 70-142 H.P. Six-cylinder Six-wheels Chassis, 52-110 H.P. Six-cylinder Four-wheels Chassis, 490, 491
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., 10-Ton Six-wheel Freight Chassis, " Douido.Six " 68-Passenger Omnibus, 557, 558
- PIPE Joint, Lead Wool Company. 612
- Portland Cement Works, The Notion, 640
- Portrait, Lyonel Edwin Clark, 96
- Presses, German, Two Large Drawing Gotz Brothers, 232, 233
- Producer—see Boiler
- Fire Pumps, circa 1660, 606
- Pump. Electrically Driven, Vertical Reciprocating, A. G. Mumford, Ltd., 127
- Pumps. Gravel 8in., Contractor's Lift, Ruston
- and Hornsby, Ltd., 548 " 4
- Pumps. Motor-driven, for Factory Water Supply, 348; 95 B.H.P. Motors Driving 002 Pumps, 349, 350
- Pumping Plant at Kempton Park. 460, 408
- Pumping Unit. at Kempton Park, 1000
- I LP., and Aerial View of Waterworks, 458,
- .159. 468
- Thick Juice " Pumps, 376
- Drainage—see Water Supply
- RAIL, car and Clin,cNis, Petrol, Ikegai, 404
- Great. Indian Peninsula Railway, Main Line Electrification on. 512-515
- C.W.R. New Passeliger Coach, Cornish Riviera ExpreSS , 47
- Mumbles Railway and Its Signalling. 178
- Northern Pacific Railway, American Dynamometer Car, 226, 230
- t• Railplane " System of Transport. Ceorge Bennie. 206
- Railway Improvements at Frodingliam, 11. and N.E. Railway, 190, 192
- Railways in Franco and Spain, 217
- RECLAMATION of the Zuyder Zee, 136, 1.16, 162. 164
- Recorder and Integrator, Type R, 588; Recorder and Integrator, Typo B 2 E, 589;
- Recorder. Weir, 589; (-West and Mimes.Ltd.. 588
- Reflecting Teleseope for Edinburgh Observatory, Sir Howard t:rubb, Parsons and Co., 668, 669
- "Relay " Train Description System, Relay Ant omatie Telephone Company. 562
- Resistance •Testing Set, the " Bridge lleg," Evershed and \ ignolles, Ltd.. 260
- Revvo Castor, Revvo Company, 644 : (Correction), 675
- Riveting Locomotive Boiler Shells, Seotswood Works, 662
- "Road Ripper," Holman Brothers, Ltd., 612
- Road Roller, Oil Engine Driven, Marshall, Sons and Co.. Ltd., 38
- Road Roller. 11-Toll T i -wheel Crude Oil, Ruston and Hornsby, IA d., 548
- Road Roller. 8-Ton Three-wheeled, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 19
- Roller, " Advance " Motor, Type A, M'allis and Steovens, 586
- Roller, " Manumit. " Motor, Marshall, Sons and Co.. Ltd., 37, 550
- Roller, " Oxford Waveless," John Allen tnd Sons (Oxford), Ltd., 587
- Roller, " Simplicity," 3-Ton Steam, W Stevens, 36
- SAND and Gravel Washer, Frederick Parker. 1 Ltd., 587
- Screen. Vibratory. Samu©l Pegg and Son, 613
General Matters :
- Canadian Pacific Liner " Empress of Japan," 659
- Pulverised Fuel at Sea, The " Swiftpqol "
- Installation • 115
- Pulverised Fool at Sea, " West Alsek "
- Installation, Todd System, 76. 422
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Company.Ltd., " Mitsubishi," 655
- Shipbuilding at \lonfalcono Shipyard of the Cantiero Navale Triestine, 465, 466, 304 (Two-page Supplement, November 1st, 1929)
- Shipyard and Engine Works of J. Samuel White and Co., Ltd., at. Cowes, I.O.W.,
- Lifeboat Building, 570, 582; Shops, Sheds, and Machinery, 570-572, 582, 598-600 (Two-page Supplement, December 6th, 1929)
- Shipyard, San Marco and the St. Andrea Engine Works at Trieste, 410-412
Miscellaneous Vessels
- "Empress of Canada," 13,000 S.H.P. Starboard Turbine Unit of, Fairfield Ship-building and Engineering Company, Ltd., 394
- Oil Engine Driven Fishing Fleet " Leader " Ship, Ikegai, 404
- S.S. •• City of Hong Kong," Auxiliary Turbo-electric Propulsion on, 530; Auxiliary Propelling Motor, Control Cubicle, Exhaust Turbine Driven Generator Set, Plant and Oil Relay Controls, 530
Miscellaneous Vessels (continued) :
- "Twin-screw Motor Yacht " Rosa," John I. Thornyeroft and Co.. Ltd., 286
- White Star Liner " Britannic," The New. Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 152
- SHOE-MAKING Machinery. 446 448. 471, 475
- Shows—see Exhibition
- Signalling. The Mumbles Railway, 178
- Spontan Transmission Gear for Motor 'c'ellicles. 578-580
- Steel, Creep of &e.. R. W. Bailey, 499, 528
- Steel. Martine!. Ordinary Mild, P. G. Rouse. 71
- Stoneerusher, Winget, Ltd., 587
- Synehronnus IN1otor Clocks, G. E. Moore, 682
- TAMPER, Power. Samuel Pegg and Son..613
- Tank, Italian National Experimental, in Rome, 516, 524
- Tea-packetting Machine, Job Day and Sons, Ltd., 245-247
- Telescope—see Reflecting
- Theodolite, C. F. Casella and Co.. Ltd., 697
- Theodolite, A. New, Wild's Universal, 697
- Tractor. Agricultural; Tractor. Roadless. The Rushton, 568, 559; (Correction), 593
- 'Praetor Four-wheel Drive, Latil Industrial Vehicles. Ltd.. 36
- VALVE. Full-bore Stop, Ismailia Valve Company. Ltd.. 422 "
- Varatio" Variable-speed Gear. "Varatio" Gear under Test.72. 73
- Visit to the B.T.H Works 573-576 Electrical Matters
- WAGON, Petrol, 5-6-Toa Hinge Side, John I. Thornvcroft and Co., Ltd., 19
- Wagon. Steam, Six-wheeler Three -way Tipping, Fodens, Ltd., 88
- Wagon, Steffan 'ripping, Sentinel Waggon Works, 37
- Wagon Tippler, Beet Elevator and Bolt Conveyor, " Marshall," 349. 360 Wagon, 70-Ton, for Transporting Transformers, London and North-Eastern Railway Company, 285
- Wagons—see Coal
- Water Softening Plant at Hams Hall Station, 486
- Kempton Park Pumping Station of the Metropolitan Water Board, 430-433, 458-460, 468
- WIRELESS—see Electrical Matters
- World Engineering Congress in Japan, 545-7
- ZINC-CONTAINING Lubricant for the Prevention of Corrosion, 337
- BENGAL-NAGPUR Railway, Four-cylinder Compound Express Locomotive, North British Locomotive Company, Ltd. (September 13th, 1929)
- British Aircraft at the International Aeronautical Exhibition, Olympia (July 19th, 1929)
- Cairo Main Drainage, Amide Pumping Station, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd. (.July 5th, 1929)
- Hull Construction at the Monfalcono Shipyard of the Caution) Navale Triestino (November 1st, 1929)
- Shipyard and Engine Works of J. Samuel White and Co.. Lt (1., Cowes, I.O.W. (Deceinber 6th, 1929)
- Tilbury Docks, Now Lock and Dry Doek (September 27th, 1929)
Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia
Names of Exhibitors
- A.C. Welding Company. 298
- Ailsa Craig Motor Company. Lid- 333
- Alfa-Laval Company. Ltd.. 353
- Allen-Liversidge, Ltd.. Sapp.. 13.9.29.
- Alloy Welding Processes. Ltd.. 299
- A.S. Refrigerating Maehine.. Ltd.. 331
- Avery. W. and T.. Ltd.. 3:14I 13
- BABCOCK and Wilcox Ltd.. Suppt.. 13.9.29.
- Barr and Stroud. Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29.
- Batteries. Ltd.. 325
- Bennis. Edward, and Co.. Ltd., Stipp'. 13.9.29.iv
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd.. 337
- British Oxygen Company. Ltd...' pvt.. I 3.9.'29.xi
- Brooke. J. W., and Co.. Ltd.. 328
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., 352
- Bull Motors, Ltd.. Suppt.. 13.9.29. x
- Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., Suppl.. 13.9.29. xiii
- Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Company. Ltd.,Suppl., 13.9.29. xiv
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company Ltd.. 299
- Crossley Brothers.. Ltd..
- DAVEY. Paxman and Co.. Ltd., 341U
- EDWARDS. F. J.. Ltd.. Stippl.. 13.9.29. •
- Electric Submerged Log Company, 271
- Electro-Mechanical Brake Company. IA LI.. 301
- Electrflo Meters Company. Ltd.. Suppi.. 13.9.29. v
- FESCOL. Ltd.. Suppi.. 13.9.29. xii
- Firth. Thos., and Sons. Ltd.. 3A6
- GARDNER, L., and Sons, Ltd., 329
- Glennfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, iv
- Gleniffer Motors, Ltd., 268
- Graham Amplion, Ltd., 328
- HADFIELDS, Ltd., 330
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., 269
- Holland, Bernard, and Co., 326
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., 329
- Hughes, Henry, and Son, Ltd., 268
- Hunt and Mitten, Ltd., 296
- KENT, George, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, xi i
- LACY-HULBERT and Co., Ltd., Supple,
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.29. xv
- Lea Recorder Company, Ltd.. Suppt.. 13.9.29, x i
- MARCONI International Marine Communication Company, Suppt., 13.9.29, viii
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd..Suppt.. 13.9.29, iii
- Monel-Weir, Ltd., 296
- Morris Motors (1926), LW., 354
- Mumford, A. G., Ltd., 297
- NEGREM and Zambra, 269
- OZALID Company. Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29, iv
- PARSONS Oil Engine Company, Ltd.. 326
- Pels. Henry, and Co.. Ltd., 325
- Petters Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29. vi
- P.I.V. Chain Gears, Ltd., 330
- Premier Electric Welding Company, Ltd.. 329
- RADIO Communication Company, Suppt.. 13.9.29, ix
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29. xi
- Reavell and Co.. Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, xv, x i and 327
- Reliance Telephone Company, Ltd., 355
- Robey and Co., Ltd., 352
- Rotary Air Compressor Company. Ltd.. 355
- Ruston and Hornsby. Ltd.. 355
- SIEMENS Brothers and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29. viii
- Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., 328
- Stream-Line Filter Company, Ltd., 272
- Stuart Turner, Ltd., 354
- Stubbs, Joseph, Ltd., 325
- Sunderland Forge and Engineering Company, 356
- Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd.. 297
- TELEPHONE Manufacturing Company, Ltd.,Suppt., 13.9.29, xv
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., 356
- UNIVERSAL System of Machine Moulding and Machinery Company. Ltd.. 297
- YOKES. C. G., Ltd., 300
- WIDDOP, H., and Co., Ltd., 353
- Wild, Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, viii
- Wingrove and Rogers, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, xiv
- YARROW and Co., Ltd.. :127
- Air Compressors :
- Air-compressing Machinery and Ccanpresscd
- Air Tools; Portable Petrol-driven and Portable Electrically Driven Compressors and Portable Spraying Outfits; Pneumatic Tools, &c., Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29, ii
- Air Compressing Plant. Portable. Heavy Oil Engine-driven; Two-stage Rotary Water-cooled Compressor; Single-stage Water-cooled Rotary Air Compressor; Two-stage Rotary Vacuum Pump. Bernard Holland and Co.. 326
- Air Compressor, New Rotary Type. Rotary
- Air Compressor Company, Ltd., 355
- Air Compressors and Pneumatic TOO1R : Valves and Valve-operating Gear, Broom and Wade, Ltd., 352
- Air Compressors, Two-crank, Three-stage, Marine Type; Stancliffe Oil Cooler, Reavell and Co. Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.29, xv
- Compressed Air Motors; .Hele-Shaw Beacham Design; Air Motor Working Underground Centrifugal Pump; Holman Brothers, Ltd.. 329
- Compressors, High-speed Vertical Carbon Dioxide and Ammonia; " Hallmark " Automatic; Electrically Driven Methyl-Chloride Plants, J. and E. Hall, Ltd., 269
- AIR Filters, " Protectomotor," Variety of Types, C. G. Yokes, Ltd.. :300
Boilers :
- Exhaust Gas Boilers, Thimble Tube, Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Company, Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29, xiv
- Low-pressure Heating and Steam-raising Boilers, Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 301)
Brakes :
- Air Break Pillar Type Starters for A.C. and D.C. Motors; Steel Case Controllers; Unbreakable Resistance, Electro-Meohanical Brake Company, Ltd., 301
- CENTRIFUGES for Separating Liquids, Super-Centrifugal Engineers Ltd.. 297
Electrical Matters : (See •• Instruments" and " Unclassed.") Accumulators, " Nife " Steel Plate, Batteries, Ltd., 326
- Arc Welding Plant; Explosion-proof AA'.and D.C. Motors; Weather-proof Motors. Bull Motors, Ltd., Suppt, 13.9.29, x
Engines :
- Cold-starting 250 H.P. Oil Engine, Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 300
- Engines : Heavy-Oil, Paraffin and Petrol, Gleniffer Motors, Ltd., 268
- Heavy-Oil Engine, Five-cylinder Vertical; Heavy-Oil Engine, Four-cylinder Horizontal Enclosed, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 271
- Heavy-Oil Engines for Marine and Industrial Purposes, H. Widdop and Co.. Ltd., 353
- Marine Engines; 10/20 B.H.P. Marine Engine and Reversing Gear. Parsons Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 326/7
- Marine Engines, New Type. Four or Six Cylinders, Morris Motors (1926). Ltd., 354
- Marine Generator Set, Five-cylinder, 165 kW'.Oil-Engine Driven, Ruston and Hornsby. Ltd., 355
- Marine Oil Engines. Surface Ignition, Cold-Starting; 50 B.H.P. Cold-starting, Two-Stroke, Single-acting "Atomic " Marine Engine, &c., Potters Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29, vi
- Marine Petrol Engines; 4--6 Horse-power, Twin-opposed Set; 7 Horse-power in Four Cylinders. 90 Horse-power in Six Cylinders, Ailsa Craig Motor Company. Ltd.. 355
- Oil Engines; Large and Small Sets; " L " Type Engine. Novel, for Lighter Range Diesel Fuel Oils, L. Gardner and Sons, Ltd., 329
- FOUNDRY Equipment; Pulley Block Lifting Gear. Wrought Steel, Universal System of Machine Moulding and Machinery Company, Ltd.. 297
- Furnaces and Control Gear; Automatically Controlled Furnace; Electrically Heated Die-casting Machine, &c., Wild, Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29. viii
- ICE-MAKING Machine. Marine Type. A. s. Refrigerating Machines, Ltd., 354
Instruments :
- Compasses, Gauges, Indicators, Meters, Rangefinders, Recorders, Blow-pipe. Metal Cutting and Welding. Shorter Hardening Machine; Castings by Pressure Die Cast Process in Various Metal Alloys, British Oxygen Company, Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29, xi
- CO.2 and CO Indicators and Recorders Draught and Pressure Gauges; Temperature Measuring Instruments and Temperature Regulators; Hydrostatic Type of Temperature Regulator, Cambridge Instrument. Company, Ltd., Stippt., 13.9.29. xiii
- Combustion Efficiency Meter. George Kent, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, xii
- Electrical Distance Thermometers; Pyrometers; Continuous Chart Recorder; Electric Telegraph Apparatus for Ships; "Rotary " Type Ahead and Astern Revolution Indicator; Wireless Exhibits, &c.. Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd.. Suppt.. 13.9.29, viii
- Flow Gauge; Flow and Normal thibimeter. Lea Recorder Company. Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29, xiii
- Gear. Positive Infinitely Variable Change-speed, P.I.V. Change Gears, Ltd., 330
- Gravitometer, Rapid. for Liquids, Avery. W. and T., Ltd., 330
- Gyro-compasses; High-intensity Searchlights; Sperry Gyroscope Company. Ltd.. 328
- Holmes Magnetic Master Compass; Holmes Path and Position Indicator. Henry Hughes and Son, Ltd., 268
- Industrial Instruments, New Designs for Multiple Metering Systems for obtaining Necessary Records Electrically; Electrofib Motor-driven Analyser for CO, Analysis The Electroflo Multiple Draught Indicator. Electroflo Meters Company, Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.29, v
- Rangefinders. Binoculars. fic., Barr and Stroud, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, i
- Temperature Recorder. Photographic, for Cold Chambers. Negretti and Zambra. 269
- LIGHTING Plants for Yachts and Small Country Houses, Stuart Turner, Ltd., -351
- MONEL Metal for Tubes; Ships' Fittings :Turbine Blading; Weir Turbo-feed Pumps. Monel-Weir, Ltd.. 296
- PULVERISED Fuel Equipment, Yarrow - Herbert, Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 327, 328
- Pumping Machinery : " Centricone " High-speed Pump; " Simplex " Horizontal Oil-fuel Pressure Pump; " Vertex " Pump, A. G. Mumford, Ltd., 297
- Punching and Shearing Machines Bar and Billet Shears, 325; Heavy Duty Billet and Slab Shears, 325, 332; Plate-splitting Shears and Punch Combined, 325, 332, Henry Pd.; and Co., Ltd., 325
- Purifiers, Centrifugal Oil, for Land and marlin. Use. Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd.. 353
Ships :
- Auxiliary Deck Machinery, Pneumatically Operated; Capstan for Pneumatic Operation; Pneumatically Operated Windlass. Reavell and Co., Ltd., 327
- Motor Boats : " Seac,ar," Six-cylinder Engine; " Runabout," Four-cylinder Engine, J. W. Brooke and Co., Ltd.. 328, 332
- Motors, Outboard. for Small Boats, Joseph Stubbs, Ltd., 325
- Ships : 40ft. Cabin Cruiser with Twin Engines of 9 Horse-power each, and Six Sleeping Berths; " Sea Hawk " for Twelve Passengers, 140 Horse-power engine : River Launch with 10-16 Horse-power Petrol Engine, J. I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., 356
- STAINLESS Steel and " Staybrite " Silver; " H.R. Crown " Heat-resisting Steel, Thos. Firth and Sons, Ltd., 356
- Steels, Special, for Withstanding High Temperatures: " ERA," " ERA 131," ERA 's CR. " Freda ATV." Resists HY. Hadfields. Ltd.. 330
Telephones :
- "Din-proof " Telephone; Cabin Telephone, Graham-Amplion, Ltd., 328
- "Laryngaphone " Noise-excluding Telephone. Telephone Manufacturing Company, Suppt., 13.9.29, xv
- Telephones, Reliance Auto Inter-communication, Reliance Telephone Company. Ltd., 355
- TOOLS, Electrically Operated; Consolidated
- Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd., 299
Unclassed Exhibits :
- Chernikeeff Electric Submerged Log. Electric Submerged Log Company, 271
- Coking Stoker fitted to " Economic " Type Boiler; Self-cleaning Furnace with Aircooled Bars; Forced Draught Chain Grate Stoker, Edward Bennis and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, iv
- Electro-deposition of Metals, Fesool, Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.29, xii
- Filters for Reconditioning of Used Lubricating Oil, Stream-Line Filter Company, Ltd., 272
- Magnetic Separating Machines, Rapid Megnetting Machine Company, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, xi
- Oil Pumping and Heating Plant, Combined,
- "Duplex; Standard Air Registers wit Ic
- Oil Pressure Burners and Steam Atomisers.
- Babcock Feed-water Regulator; Water-tube Boilers; " Interlock " Open Steel
- Flooring, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd..Suppt., 13.9.29, vii
- Petrol Engine-driven Trucks; Super-Giant Electric Truck, Wingrove and Rogers. Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, xiv
- Photo-print Production Plant by True-to-Scale Process, Ozalid Company, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, iv
- Shearing (Sheet Metal) Machines. Universal
- and Hand-operated; Wheeling and Raising Machine for Motor Car Work, F. J.
- Edwards, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29. x
- Ship's Lighting Set, 110-volt; 5 H.P.
- Vertical Pump Motor; Two-stage Steam-operated Air Ejector; Centrifugal Condensate Extraction Pump. &c., Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd..
Suppt., 13.9.29, iii
- VALVE, Tilting Disc Reflux; Sluice Valve, Electrically Operated; Water Meters; Oil Sluice Valves; Drinking Fountains, &c., Glenfield and Kennedy. Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.29. iv
- Valves. Forged Steel; Mechanical Lubricator. Hunt and Mitton, Ltd., 296
- Valves, Forged Steel, Robey and Co., Ltd., 352
- Vibrating Screen, Horse-power-driven; Centrifugal Pump, hfirrlees-Watson Self-priming, Sunderland Forge and Engineering Company. 356
- WELDERS, Preseot Butt, and Spot. Welder. British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 357
- Welding Equipments, Electric : Alternating Current Welders; Single Operator Welding Set; 200-ampere Transformer Welder; Flexin Welding Tool and Electrode " Premag " Welding Process, Premier Electric
- Welding Company, Ltd., 329, 332
- Welding Equipments : Oxy-acetylene. Electric Arc, and Electric Resistance; Motor Generator Sets for Arc Welding, Allen, Livermidge, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, x
- A.C. Welding and Cutting Processes : " Ahernaro " Multi-characteristic Plant, A.C. Welding Company, 298
- Welding Sets Driven by Bolt. Petrol Engine or Motor Generator; Electrodes. Welding. Various Types of Stainless Steel, Alloy Welding Processes. Ltd.. 299
- Winches : Self-contained Contactor Controlled; New Motor Generator Type; Electric Worm Geared Boat Winch; Marine Type Motors. Laurence. Scott and Electromotors. Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.29, xv
- Marine Radio Apparatus for all Classes of Ships; Valve Transmitter with Independent Emergency Transmitter; Two-valve Receiver. Radio Communication Company. Suppt., 13.9.29. ix
- Wireless Apparatus for Use at Sea : Transmitters and Receivers, Various; Self-contained Wireless Telephone Set; Short wave Telegraph and Telephone Transmitter; Marconi Auto-alarm. &c., Marconi International Marine Communication Company, Suppt., 13.9.29. viii
Other Exhibits : 358
- Cast Iron Bars. Standard Ground, for Repetition Work. British Piston Ring Company. Ltd.. 358
- Engineers' Tools. Flexible Back Hacksaw Blade, Fry's (London). Ltd., 358
- Forced Draught Furnace for Lancashire Boilers, Turbine Furnace Company, Ltd., 358
- Hyatt Roller Bearing, Delco-Remy and Hyatt.. Ltd., 358
- Insulating Materials and Boiler Coverings. Cape Asbestos Company, Ltd.. 358
- Oxy-acetylene Welding Apparatus. Thorn and Hoddle, Ltd.. 358
- Oxygen Blow-pipe Metal Cutting Machines, Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd.. 358
- Petrol-driven Warehouse Trucks, R. A. Lister and Co.. Ltd.. 358
- Small Motors. Outboard and Inboard, with Reversing Propellers. Walter D. Fair and Co.. 358
- Small Tools, " Excentro " Taps. Loranco, Ltd.. 358
- Soldering Iron, Special Heating. Merx Ltd.. 358
- Tube-bending Machine, W. Kennedy, 358
- Yellow Metal. Specimens in Various Forms, Barronia Metals, Ltd.. 358
Miscellaneous Articles
- ACCELERATOR for Hot Water Heating Systems, Holden and Brooke, Ltd., 180
- Aeeumulators—see Electrical Matters
- Acetylene Generators, Carbic, Ltd., 615
- Acme " Granulator, " Good-win " Stone Breaker, Crushing Rods, Goodwin, Barsky and (70., Ltd., 615
- Adam, A. T., Wire for Mining Ropes, 275
- Adamson. Daniel, Address to The Institution of & Meeball 4111 Engineers, 433, 444
- Aerial Surveying in Canada, 404
- Aeronautical Research Committee's Report on Ago Hardening of Some Aluminium
- Alloys, Dr. Marie L. V. Gayler and G. D. Preston, 340
- Aircraft Apprelit ices for the Royal Air Force, 22
- Beryllium for Aircraft, 440
- Channel Aeroplane Disaster, 69; ( Let term), 92, 141
- Failure of Aircraft Engines. 205 : (Letter). 224
- tliK Majesty's Airship " It 101," 31;
- H.M. Airship " It 100," 604, 60g
- AT OrxiIPIA, 58- 61, 98-100, 123-126 (Two-page Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Armstrong - Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd.,
- " A.W. 14 " Single-seater Fighter, 123 :
- " Atlas " Two-seater Army Co-operation Aeroplane, 123 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929); " Siskin III. n " Single-seater Fighter, 123, 124
- A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., Eight-passenger
- Fokker Type Monoplane " Avro Ton," 61 (Supplement, .July 19th, 1929)
- Blackburn Aeroplane Company, " Nile " 14-Seater Monoplane Flying Boat, 125
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Twin-engined
- I)ay Bomber " Sidestrand," Brist 01
- " Jupiter " Engines, 99; " Pliconix "
- Two-seater Monoplane, 100
- Bristol Aeroplane Company, Bristol " Bulldog " Single-seater Fighter, 125 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929); Four-passenger
- Transport Cabin Biplane, 124, 126
- Do Havilland Aircraft Company, Four-seater " Lynx Hawk Moth " Monoplane, with A rmstrong-Siddeley " Lynx "
- Engine, 124, 125
- Do Havilland " Gipsy Moth," with Amphibious Undercarriage, 98
- Desoutter Aircraft Company, Ltd., Three-seater Coupe Monoplane, with Cirrus III.
- Engine, 125
- Fairey Aviation Company, Long-range
- Monoplane, 61 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Ford Motor Company, Three-engined All-metal Monoplane, All-metal Monoplane
- in Course of Erection, 123
- Gloster Aircraft Company, Variable Pitch
- Air Screw, Twin-engined
- " Survey " Biplane, Metal Wings, Colleylion of, 69
- H. G. Hawker Engineering Company,
- High-speed Day Bomber " Hart, 99 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929): High-speed Single-seater Interceptor " Hornet," 99
- Parnall, George, and Co.' Submarine Seaplane " Peto," 60, 61 (Supplement,
- July 19th, 1929); Two-seater Light
- Aeroplane " Elf," 61
- Saunders, S. E., Ltd., Twin-engined Monoplane Flying Boat " Olt ty Sark," 60 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929)
- Short Brothers, Ltd., 98; " Singapore "
- Flying Boat, Used by Sir Alan Cobham
- for African Survey, 98; Aeroplane Seat,
- Duralumin, 98; ` Mussel " Light Seaplane, 98 (Supplement, July 19th, 1929) Amphibious Undercarriage for
- do Havilland " Gypsy Moth," 98
- Vickers Aviation, Ltd., All-metal Interceptor Fighter, Nine-cylinder Bristol
- " Mercury " Engine, 100
- Westland Aircraft Works, Three-ongined
- Limousine, Cirrus-Hermes Engines, 99
- \I ultiple-engined Aircraft, 96
- Performance of Three-engined Aeroplanes :
- Do Havilland " Hercules," with Three
- Bristol " Jupiter " Engines; Armstrong-Whitworth Argosy, with Three Armstrong- Siddeley Jaguar " Engines; Westland
- Three-engined Linousine, wit It Three
- " Cirrus-Hermes " Engines, 90
- Recent Developments in Air Transport in
- the United States, P. G. Johnson, 231
- Twenty Years of Aeronautics, 121
- AFRICA and Science, Jan H. Hofmeyr, 85
- Age-hardening of Some Aluminium Alloys,
- Dr. Marie L. V. Gayler and G. D. Preston, 340
- Agreement on Steam Tables, 609
- Agriculture, Application of Mechanical Engineering to, J. G. B. Sams, 112
- Agricultural Tractor Trials, Proposed, 170
- Agricultural Matters—see Electrical Matters;
- Engines; Road Machines; Wagons;
- Harvesting; Wool Textile Machines and
- other Headings
- Air Compressing Plants, Portable, Electrically
- Driven Garage Pumps, Air Pumps, Ltd., 615
- Air Compressor, Hole-Shaw Beacham Portable,
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., 612
- Air Compressor, Horizontal Two-stage Crude
- Oil Engine Driven, Robey and Co., Ltd., 549
- Air Compressor, Large Portable, Lead Wool
- Company, Ltd., 612
- Air Compressor, Now Type, Single-cylinder,
- Straight-line, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd., 588
- Air Compressor, Portable, for Greece, Broom
- and Wade, Ltd., 311
- Air Compressor, Self - yenta hied Portable,
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., 589
- Air Compressors, Petrol-driven Portable; Air
- Compressor, Stationary; Pneumatic Tools;
- Stone Breakers, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., 612
- Air Compressors, Three Sizes, Portable Petrol-driven, Reavell and Co., Ltd., 613
- Air Filtering Installation, Large, " Protectomotor " Panel Type. 154
- Air Rights, 180
- Aluminium and Its Alloys, Dr. A. G. C. Gwyer, 281, 294
- American Dynamometer Car, Northern Pacific
- Railway, 226, 230
AMERICAN ENGINEERING NEWS • 118, 144, 234, 235, 286
- Alloy Steels for Turbines, 144
- Concrete-Steel Pipe Aqueduct, 286
- Diverting a Large River, 2:34
- Draught Gear for Goods Wagons, 286
- Earth Darn, Large, 234
- Electric Pumping Plant, Large, 144
- Electrically Operated Rod Mill, 234
- Electrically Welded Pipe. 235
- _Electro-cheinical Treatments, 144
- Excavators, Largo, 144
- High-pressure Power Stations, 144
- Hot-blast Cupola, 144
- Hot-blast. Foundry Cupolas, 286
- Improved Foundry Management, 118
- Lubrication of Locomotives, 286
- Machinery in Coal Mines, 144
- Manganese Steel for Arch Bridge, 144
- Mechanically Puddled Wrought Iron, 286
- Owyhee Arch Dam, 118
- Railway Portable Laboratory. 234
- Shore Protection, 144
- Volumetric Meter for Liquids, 118
- Waterworks Pumping Plant, 144
- A PP LICATION of Mechanical Engineering to
- Agriculture, J. G. B. Sums, 112
- Art of IN'ater Drawing, Rhys Jenkins, 605
Association of Engineers, Manchester :
- Bearing Alloys, R. T. Rolfe, Kir., 4741
Association, British, for the Advancement of Science and the South African Association for the Advancement of Science :
- Africa and Science, Presidential Address,
- Jan H. Hofmeyr, 85
- Science and Engineering, Presidential Address
- in Cape Town, Professor F. C. Lea, 126, 140
- Science and Industry, Discussion, Hon. H.
- Mond, Agriculture, Chemical 1 mlust ry
- Petrol from Coal, 247
Association, Devonshire, for Advancement of Science, Literature and Art :
- The Sea, Presidential Address, G. P. Bidder, 167
Association of Diesel Engine Users :
- Indicating Oil Engines, Gerald B. Fox, 409
- Modern Engineering Cast Irons and their
- Properties, G. Pearce, 504
Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux
- Programme, 2145
Institute of Fuel :
- Presidential Address, Sir David Milne-Watson, 437, 460; Air Pollution, 438; (las Industry, 437; National Electric
- Scheme, 437
- Annual Two-days' Conference, 460, 489
- Annual Dinner, 461
- Economies of Coke-oven Gas Utilisation in
- Industry, E. C. Evans, 488
- Heat Insulation, E. H. Lewis, 489
- Installation and Operation of Gas Producers
- for Metallurgical Purposes, J. S. Atkinson, 489
- Pulverised Fuel at Sea, Papers by Carl F.
- Jefferson, Engineer Roar-Admiral W. M.
- Whayman, Harold E. Yarrow, E. W. Green,
- and Dr. G. E. K. Blythe, 461
- Some Aspects of the Problem of Fuel Utilisation in the Ceramic Industries, A. T. Green
- and A. J. Dale, 489
- Visit to Low-temperature Carbonisation
- Plnnts at. Gasworks, London, 350
Institute, Iron and Steel :
- Autumn Meeting at Newcastle, 179, 274, 306
- List of Papers, 179
- Coalescence of Pearlito, J. H. Whiteley, 308
- Crystallisation and Segregation Phenomena
- in Carbon Steel bigots, Axel Hultgren, 306
- Damping Down and Restarting Blast -furnaces, C. S. Gill, 274
- Electrical Conductivity of Refractories,
- Messrs. Diepschlag and Wulfestieg, 309
- Hardening of Superhardened Steel by Magnetism : Tho Lattice Resonance Hypothesis, E. G. Herbert, 308
- High Elastic Limit Structural Steels, .J. A.
- Jones, 307
- Iron in Antiquity, T. A. Rickard, 308
- Iron-Silicon-Carbon Alloys : Constitutional
- Diagrams and Magnetic Properties, T. D.
- Yonsen, 308
- Solubility of Carbide
- I)iekie, 308
Institute of Marine Engineers:
- Awards, Various, Details of; Lloyd's Register Scholarships; Examination, 152
- Marino Engineering Since 1918, Engineer
- Vice-Admiral Sir Robert B. Dixon, 029, 637
Institute of Metals :
- Aut twin Meeting, 66, :323
- Programoa., 66
- Wire for mining Hopes. A. T. Adam, 273in Ferrite, H. A.
Institute of Metals (continued):
- Eighth Annual Autumn Lecture, Dusseldorf, 323; Aluminium and Its Alloys..
- Dr. A. C. Gwyer, 281. 294
- Di latometric Study of Some Univariant
- Two-phase Reactions, Messieurs Chevenard.
- Portevin and Wache, 324
- Effect of Temperatures Attained in Overhead
- Electric Transmission Cables, Messrs.
- Zeerleder and Bourgeois, 325; ( Letter). 393
- Improved Differential 1)ilatomoter, Dr. 31.
- Hans and Dr. Demo Uno, 324
- Methods of Research in Metallograpliy. Dr.
- Aiming, 324
- Now Methods of Melting Non-ferrous :\letals
- in the Electric Furnace, Mr. M. Tama, 324
- Open Air Corrosion and Surface Patina of
- Copper, Dr. W. H. .1. Vernon and Mr. 14.
- Whitby, 324
- Pinholes in Aluminium Alloy Castings, 1)r.
- N. F. Budgen, i
- Properties of Locomotive Fire-1)0x Stay, and Plates, Dr. 0. P. Hudson and ()tilers, 324
- Reduction of Shrinkage Cavil ins and Vacuum
- Melting, Dr. Rohn, 324
- Some Methods of Research in Physical
- Metallurgy, Dr. Rosenhain, 324
- Visits to Works atid Entertainments, 32:1
Institute of Transport :
- Locomot R.1)11-ir'`. Sir Henry Fowler, 519
Institution of Civil Engineers :
- Development. 4)i FM Import, Presidential
- Address, NV. crierson, 493; (Letter), 547
- Fabrication of Acid-resisting Steel Plata,
- Dr. W. H. Hatfield, 479
- October Examinations, Pass List. (Preliminary), A.ssoeinte Membership, 362
Institution of Electrical Engineers :
- Presidential Address, Colonel Sir Thomas
- F. Purves, 'Telegraphy and Telephony, 463 465
- u•:it MEETING Stations
- Visits to Saint A.ssise Wireless Railway
- 'Etablimsment Belin; Midi 10; Le
- Elect riot! Installations, Pau Suh.
- Hottrat, Ham de Gan, and Mercury
- stations and Others, 11, 12 Nerbudda
- High-speed Circuit Breaker,
- Vapour Rectifiers, 12
Institution of Engineers (India) :
- Reconstruct ing 13ridge Across the
- River, C. I. Stabler, 142
Institution, Junior, of Engineers :
- Coal and Coal Cleaning, R. H. Allen, 448
- Nickel and its Uses in Engineering, W. T.
- Griffiths, 590
- Presidential Address, art It Bridge, Si r
- Ernest W. Moir, tigi
Institution of Mechanical Engineers :
- Annual Dinner, 434
- Bearings for Line Shafting, Professor U. F.
- Charnoek, 666, 670, 694-696
- Excerpts from the Address by the President,
- Daniel Adamson, D.Sc., 433, 444
- Journal Bearing Practice, Francis Hodgkinson, 543, 559-562
- Hawksley, Thomas, Lecture, Critical Relations Between Water and Steam, Professor
- H. L. Callendar, 487
- Registration of Tests, " Open Debate,"
- Registration of Reliable Tests of Power
- Plant Machinery, R. H. Parsons and Others, 600
- Summer Meeting (Continued from Juno 28th),
- Visits to Works, Crossley Brothers, Openshaw; Crossley Motors, Gorton; Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day; National Gas
- Engine Company, 3
- Budenberg Gauge Company, Altrincham, 4
- Linotype and Machinery Company, Altrincham, 4
- L.M.S. Railway Company, Carriage and
- Wagon Works, Newton Heath, 3;
- Locomotive Works, Crewe, 4
- Mersey Tunnel, Birkenhead, 4
- Partington Steel and Iron Company,
- Irlam, 4
- Salt Union's Meadow Bank Mine, "%Vineford, 4
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (North-Western Branch):
- Animal 1)iiiIi,.1. 659
Institution of Naval Architects, Italy :
- Summer Meeting in Italy, 335, 362, 378, 410
- Armament and Protection in the 10,000-Ton
- Cruisers and the " Ersatz-Preussen," Professor W. Hovgaard, 362, 367
- Atlantic Liners, General E. de Vito, 310, 336
- Banquet, 379; Social Engagements and
- Visits, 379, 380
- Italian National Tank in Rome, Visited by
- Members, 516, 524
- Oil Films and Bearings, Monsieur H. 13rillie
- and Dr. A. M. Robb, 378, 382
- Separation of Dissolved Air Caused by Propeller Action, Engineer G. Rabbeno, 363
- Ship Design and Arrangements, A. '1'. Wall
- and Ashby Tabb, 330; (Letter), 393
- Stability of Ships, Professor M. Gleijeses, 337
Society, Newcomen :
- Art 4,1 NVater Drawing, Rhys Jenkins, 006
- Joint Meeting at Dartmouth of the Devonshire Association mid the Newcomen
- Society, 95, 101, 148
Society, Newcomen (continued)
- Presidential Addresses by Mr. L. St. L.
- Pendred and Dr. George P. Bidder, 148
- Thomas Nowcomen, Father of the Steam
- Engine, 1663-1729, H. W. Dickinson, 101
- Thomas Newcomen : Two Hundred Years of
- Steam Power," Engineer-Captain E. C.
- Smith, it. N., 148
- Visits, 148
- ATLANTIC Outlet for. Rhodesia, 261
- Atmos Boiler—see Tests
- " Austin " and " Barber Greene " Trench
- Diggers, Bucket and Wagon Loaders, Portable Belt Conveyors, " Rapid " Crane, R. H.
- Neal and Co., Ltd., 586
- Auto Tractor and Mole Plough, Auto-Mower
- Engineering Company, 87
- BAILEY, R. W., Contribution of :Manchester
- Researches to Mechanical Science, 20-22
- Bailey, R.. W., Creep of Steel under Simple and
- Compound Stresses, 499, 528
- Basic-Bessemer Steel, 368
- Battersea Power Station and Sulphur, Interim
- Report, 576
- Bearing Alloys, R. T. Rolfe, 476
- Bearings for Line Shafting. Professor (:.
- Charnock, 666, 670, 694-696
- Beet Sugar Factory, Electrically Operated, 3.18. 360, 376
- Bennie, George, " Railplane " System of Transport, 206
- Bore, Eskil, Electric Propulsion for Passenger
- Liners, 420
- Beryllium for Aircraft, 440
- Beyer-Garratt--see Railway Locomotives
- Bidder, G. P., Tho Sea, 167
- Binder, 7ft. Steel, Direct-driven, by Ruston
- Tractor, Harrison, McGregor and Co., 38
- Blast • f urnaces—see iron
- Bodleian Library, Oxford, Lighting of, 685
- Boiler, Electric, Bastian and Allen, 129
- Boilermaking in London, 658
- Boiler, Producer, Wignall-Wollaston, 072
- Boiler Shops, New, Armstrong-Whitworth's, at
- seotswood-on-Tyne, 252, 258-260, 660-662, 664
- Boiler Step Valve, Self -closing, Cockburns,
- Ltd., 250
- Boiler—see Gas
- Boilers, Bailly-Mathot, at the Droogenbosch
- Power Station, 74
- Boilers—see Tests
- Books of Reference, 9, 66, 219
- Boredom, 148
- Boring—see Machine Tools
- Bottle-washing Machine, Barford and Perkins,
- Ltd., 89
- Boxer Indemnity—see Railways
- Brick Breaker, 10-Ton Low-temperature
- Dryer, Mixer, Millars-Jaeger, 10/7 1.4, Batch
- Cart, Millars' Machinery Company, Ltd., 588
- Brick-making and Slab-making Machines,
- Stone Crusher, Wingot, Ltd., 587
- First Arc-welded Bridge in Europe, Stefan
- Bryla, 248; (Letter), 310
- Forth Bridge, Sir Ernest W. Moir, 084
- Haraban Bridge, Fire Damage and Decision
- as to Repairs, 283
- Reconstructing a Railway Bridge in India,
- C. I. Stabler, 142
- Road and Rail Bridges, Now, in New South
- Wales, 234
- BRILLIE, Monsieur H., and Dr. A. M. Rohh,
- Oil Films and Bearings, 382
- British Cast. Iron Research Association, Annual
- Meeting and Luncheon, 504
- British Chemical Standard for Bronze, 276
- Non-ferrous Standard Analysed Samples,
- Third Series Ready for Issue, 276
Specifications :
- Aluminium. 75
- Colliery Requisites : Flattened Strand Mrinding and Haulage Wire Ropes, Underground
- Lighting Fittings, 558
- Concrete Flags in Portland Cement, 220
- Hard-drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement, 220
- Identification Colours for Engine - room
- Piping, 45
- Illumination Glassware and Carriers, 45
- Paint Materials, 529
- Performance of Ceiling Typo Electric Fans, 179
- Phosphor Bronze Bars and Rods, 529
- Steel 'Balls for Brinell Tests, 558
- Steel Plates, Sections, Bars, and Rivets for
- Railway Rolling Stock, 285
- Steel Wire Ropes, 100
- Switchgoar Equipments, 602
- Turpentine, 100
- Wrought Iron for l'se in Railway Rolling
- Stock, 209
- B 1 t [TIM Thomson-Houst on Works at H u bgy, 573-576
- Brookmans—see Electrical Matters
- Brown. .1. S.. Fuel Injection Process in the Air
- Injection Oil Engine, 169, 193
- CAIRO Main Drainage Scheme Pumping Station, 2, 14 July 5th, 1929) Calendars, Diaries, &c., Scheme, Amiria Pump-(Two-page Supplement,25, 701
- Calendar, Professor H. L.. Thomas Hawksley CI Lecture, Critical Relations between Water Cti and Steam, 487 11
CANADIAN ENGINEERING NEWS : ID 5. 154, 155, 205. 384, 450, 519, 590, 591, 657 1'
- Additional Power for Montreal, 590 E
- Aerial Photography Expanding. 155 F
- Air Line Across Canada, 590 F.
- Algoma Steel Extensions, 519 F.
- British Columbia Coal, To Test, 658 F.
- British Columbia Firm Compete for Power
- Rights, 155
- Canada-Detroit Tunnel, 658
- Canada's Progress in Electrical Development, 155
- C.P.R. Builds More Lines, 658
- Chigneeto Canal Project Revived, 205
- Churchill Harbour Facilities, 657
- Coalfield, New, 519
- Coke Industry Progressing, 450
- Copper Refinery, A New,
- Detroit River. Another Bridge Over, 657
- Diesel-engined Vessel for Great Lakes, 205
- Exports of Metals from Canada in June. 384
- Gigantic Power and Waterway Plan, 154
- Growth of Manufacturing in Western Canada, 205
- Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge. 45n
- Harbour Improvements, 658
- Hydro Project, Another Big, in Western
- Csnada, 5
- Iron and Steel Research, 155
- Island Falls Power Project, 450
- Manitoba's Water Power Resources, 519
- Mechanical Equipment for Fighting Forest.
- Fires. 154
- Mineral Output Higher, 450
- Montreal Terminus Project. 5
- Nickel, 519
- Noranda Plant, To Enlarge, 657
- Oil-electric Locomotive, New, 450
- Oil Tank, Large. 155
- Ontario Gets More Gatineau Power, 450
- Plans for Great Fertiliser Industry, 384
- Plans for Noranda Copper Refinery. 450
- Proposed Bridge Across Halifax Harbour. 384
- Rapid Growth of Flying, 658
- Rapid Progress in ilydro-electrics. 384
- Record Iron and Steel Output. 384
- Refining Nickel, A Now Method for, 5
- Saint Hubert Air Port., 591
- Sewage Collector System, 658
- Standardisation of Port Facilities, 657
- Steel Plant Extensions. 519
- Tallest Chimney in the Empire. 450
- Telephoning from Moving Trains, 5
- To Develop Sodium Sulphate Deposits, 450
- Treatment of Copper Concentrates in Canada. 154
- Turnbull Process of Electric Smelting, 450
- Water Storage Project. Large, 155
- West Kootenay Power to Expand. 154
- CARBIDE Tools-see Machine Tools
- " Carrier-Ring " Flexible Coupling. Power
- Plant Company, Ltd., 312
- Cases and Circumstances, 691
- Castors, Revvo Company. 644; (Correction), 675
- Catalogues, 25, 79. 105, 131. 157, 289, 313, 453. 507. 593, 675
- Cement Works, Ketton Portland Cement Com-
- pany. Ltd., 640-643
- Central Scotland-see Electrical Matters
- Ceramic Industries. Problem of Fuel Utilisation
- in, A. T. Green and A. J. Dale, 489
- Ceylon Public Works Department, New Engi-
- neering Shops of, 686, 690
- Chadwick Travelling Scholarships and the
- Bossom Gift Scholarship, 179
- Chains, Various Types, Hans Renold, Ltd., 615
- Charnock, Professor G. F., The Late. Bearings
- for Line Shafting, 666, 670, 694-696
- Chemical Analysis and Metallurgical Examina-
- tion of Components of Bearings Submitted
- by Keenock Gears, Ltd., 339
- Chicago Drainage Canal and Diversion of Lake
- Water, 57, 97
- Chlorinating Apparatus, Paterson Engineering
- Company, Ltd., 615
- Clocks-see Synchronous
- Cleaning Coal in Nen iscedwyn Colliery, South
- Wales, Dr. Lessing's Coal Cleaning Plant, 500-502
- Coal and Coal Cleaning, 448
- Coal Seams Discovery in Northern Rhodesia, 286
- Coal Wagons, Train of 40-Ton, L.M.S. Rail-
- way. 688
- Fushun Coal Mine, Manchuria, Progress of, 531
- Mechanical Coal Loading Plant at Ellesmere
- Port, 116, 117, 120
- Mineral Transport, 502
- COALESCENCE of Pearlite, J. H. Whiteley, 308
- Coke Oven Gas Utilisation in Industry, Econo-
- mics of, E. C. Evans, 488
- Commercial Vehicle, Now 50-Cwt., Bean Cars,
- Ltd., 285
- Compressor-see Air Compressor
- Concrete Chimney Stack-see Felling
- Concrete Mixer, ' 7-T " Tilting Drum, Ran •
- some* and Rapier, Ltd., 550
- Concrete Mixing Machine, Modern Concrete
- Development Company, 615
- Concrete Rafts for Flats, 289
- Congress, Third (Triennial) Empire Mining and
- Metallurgical, 102
- Constructional Machinery Design, 194
- Contracts. 25,51, 79, 105, 131, 160, 183. 209, 240, 289, 35, 343, 371, 422, 456, 479. 507, 535, 565, 619, 647, 675, 701
- Contribution of Manchester Researches to
- Mechanical Science, R. W. Bailey, 20
- Conventions, 41
- Conveyance of Largo Transformers, 285
- Correlation of Fatigue and Overstress, Messrs.
- Smith, Connor and Armstrong, 309
- Corrosion Problem, Interesting. 333
- Crane, " Rapid," K. H. Neal and td., 586
- Cranes, Electrically .Operated Co.,iransporter
- Wharf, Alex. Chaplin and Co., Ltd., 438
- Critical Relations Between Water and Steam,
- Thomas Hawksley Lecture, Professor H. L.
- Calendar, 487
- Crown Gear Making Works, 165, 172
- Crushers, Granulators, Refuse Masticator,
- Patent Lightning Crusher Company, Ltd.. 615
- Crystallisation and Segregation Phenomena in
- Carbon Steel Ingots, Axel Hultgren. 306
- Current Prices for Metals and Fuels, 26, 52, 80. 106, 132, 158, 184, 210, 238, 264. 290. 316, 344, 372, 398, 426, 454, 180, 508, 336. 566. 594. 620, 648, 676. 702
- DECORTICATOR, A New. Robey and Co..Ltd., 195
- Deeley, R. Mountford, Lubrication and Lubricants, 405
- Demolition of Lambeth Bridge, 643
- Deterioration of Structures in Sea Water, 200
- Development. of Transport., W. W. Griersoa. 493; (Lotter), 547
- De Vito, General K. Atlantic Liners, 310
- Diamond, E. L.,Note on Superheating and Locomotive Cylinder Efficiency, 541
- Dickinson, H. W., Thomas Newcomen, 1663-1729, 101
- Diepschlag and Wulfestieg, Messrs., Elect rich I
- Conductivity of Refractories, 309
- Diversion of the River Ashop, Reginald W. S. Thomson, 420
- Dixon, Sir Robert B., Engineer Vice-Admiral, Marine Engineering Since 1918. 629, 637
- Drainage Canal, Chicago, 57. 97
- Drainage, Main, Scheme, Cairo, Amiria Pumping Station, 2, 14 (Two-page Supplement. July 5th, 1929)
- Dry Weather of 1929, 449
- ECONOMICS and the Empire, ror
- Economist on Research, 415
- Educational Intelligence, 51, 63, 105, 341. 507
- Effect. of Temperatures Attained in Overhead
- Electric Transmission Cables, Messrs. %earleder and Bourgeois, 325; (Letter). 393
- Accumulators, Manufacture of, Chloride
- Electrical Storage Company, Ltd., 302
- Auxiliary Turbo-electric Propulsion on the ss. " City of Hong Kong," 530
- British Power Station Performances in 1928, 469
- B.T.H. Rugby Works, 573-576
- Brookman's Park Wireless Broadcasting Station, 295, 304
- Central Scotland Electricity Scheme, 624
- Control System of the London Power Company, 615
- Diesel-electric Generating Sets, J. and H.
- McLaren, 66
- Diesel, 10,500-kW Generator Set at Hamburg, Hamburg Electricity Supply Company, 73
- Electric Accumulators, Lock Nuts, ‘'islock, Ltd., 615
- Electric Cooking Load. 389
- Electric Motors for Agricultural Purposes;
- Alternating Current with Gear Reduction;
- Portable Agricultural Motor, Ransomes.
- Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 19, 20
- Electrical Conductivity of Refractories,
- Messrs. Diepschlag and Wulfestieg, 309
- Electrical Installations, 306
- Electrically Operated Beet. Sugar Factory, 348, 360, 376
- Electricity Supply, 630
- English Electric Company, Visit to the Stafford Works of. 221
- Fumes from Power Stations, 610
- Gatineau-Toronto Electric Transmission
- Line, Leasido Terminal Station, 188, 198. 214
- Generation of Electricity insGroat Britain, 421.
- Generator Sets, Reconstructed Switchboard.
- &c.. for London-road Institution, Stoke-on-Trent, 242-245
- Generators, Gas Engine Driven, at East
- Retford Power Station, 94, 102
- Hams Hall Power Station. 484.496; (Adden•
- dum), 535
- Main Line Electrification on the Great Indian
- Peninsula Railway, 512
- Modern Transformers. 665
- Passenger Liners, Electric Propulsion for,
- Eskil Berg, 420 800-Watt Petrol-electric Lighting Sot, R. A.
- Lister and Co., 65
- Power Rectifiers, 280
- Power Transmission Pole Setting, 149
- Progress of Electricity Supply, 637
- Railways, Electrification of, 227
- Ranasfoss Power Station, Reconstruction of
- a Turbine, Hallgrim Thoresen, 492
- Slacks Valley Power Station of the Oldham
- Corporation, 386, 390
- South Africa, Electrical Development in, 438
- Stoke-on-Tront Power House, Extensions, 503
- Sydney Electricity Supply, 285
- Transformer Tap Changing on Load, 30-33, 56-57, 84-85, 110-112, 139-140, 176-178
- Westminster Cathedral, Electric Lift. at, 153
- ELLESMERE Port, Mechanical Coal Loading
- Plant at, 116, 117, 120
- Empire Economic Union, 547
- Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress,
- Third (Triennial), 102
- Employers and Employed, Con(erence on
- Personnel Problems, 102
- 110 B.H.P. Compressorless Cold Starting
- Heavy Oil Engine, Crossley Brothers, 18; 44 B.H.P. Enclosed Typo Heavy Oil
- Engine, Crossley Brothers, 18
- Crude Oil and Paraffin Engines from 2 H.P.
- to 100 H.P., Ruston and Hornsby, 88;
- Portable Petrol Engine, 2 B.11 . P., Ruston
- and Hornsby, 88 4000 B.H.P. Double-acting. Two-stroke Oil
- Engine, Carols Works (S.E.M.), Ghent, 221
- Four-stroke Vertical New Petrol Engine,
- Combustion Head. T3amfords, Ltd.. 65, 66
- Fuel Oil Engines. 2j, 4 and 6 H.P.. Tangyes Ltd., 550
- Heavy Fuel Oil Engines. 5 to 1200 B.11.P.,
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 89
- Heavy Oil Engines. Threshing Machine. &c.,
- Clayton and Shuttleworth, 88 1.50 H.P. Heavy Oil Ploughing Engine. John
- Fowler and Co. (I eeds), Ltd.. 19
- Horizontal Oil Engine, 30 B.H.P., Marshall,
- Sons and Co., Ltd., 37. 38
- Horizontal Self-starting Twin-cylinder Heavy Oil Engine, Horizontal Four-stroke Paraffin or Diesel Oil Engine, National Gas Engine Company, 88
- Indicating Oil Engines, Gerald B. Fox, 409
- McLaren-Benz Diesel Engines, 30. 60 and 90 B.H.P.; Diesel-engined Windlasses for Ploughing and Cultivating, J. and H. McLaren, 66
- Oil Engines. 1j and 3 H.P., Fairbanks, Morse and Co.. 88
- Oil and Gas Engine, 600 B.H.P. Convertible.
- National Gas Engine Company, 94, 102
- Petrol Motor for Lawn Mower. J.P. Super Lawnmowers, 87
- Port Engine of the Motor Vessel " Britannic." 10,000 S.H.P.. 153
- Robertson Automatic Variable-speed Gear,
- Kerr. Stuart and Co., Ltd., 64 25 B.H.P. Single-cylinder Heavy Oil Engine,
- with Connecting-rod Roller Bearings,
- Petters. Ltd.. 65
- Single-cylinder Horizontal Heavy Fuel Oil
- Engine..Blackstono and Co., Ltd., 615
- Three-cylinder Vertical Heavy Fuel Oil
- Engine, 120-138 B. H. P., Pax inan " 1:consume " Type Boiler. Davey, Paxman and
- Co., Ltd., 64
- ENGINEER'S Castor, Rovvo Company. 844; (Correction), 67.5
- Engineers and Hungary, 76
- Engineering and the Human Values, 122
- Engineering Plant and Heating Arrangements
- at London-road Institution, Stoke-on-Trent. 242-245
- Eng.ineering Shops of the Ceylon Public Works
- Department, 686, 690
- Engineering of Tea Gardens, Cyril J. Hill, 421
- Evans, E. C., Economics of Coke Oven Gas
- Utilisation in Industry, 488
- Excavator and Crane, Combined, Wellman
- Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., 614
- Excavator, Universal. Grabs, Priestnian
- Brothers, Ltd., 615
- Excavator. Universal, Petrol-paraffin Engine
- Driven, Ruston and Hornsby, 548
- Commercial Motor Show at Olympia. 490, 520, 555
- International Aeronautical Exhibition at
- Olympia, 58, 98. 123 (Two-page Supplement,
- July 19th, 1929)
- Model Engineering Exhibition, 287
- Motor Show at Olympia. 418. 434. 442. 462
- North-East Coast Exhibition, 245, 446, 474
- Paris Motor Show, 388
- Physical and Optical Societies' Exhibition,
- Date and Programme, 631
- Posen Exhibition, Poland and the, 627
- Public Works. Roads and Transport Exhibition, 548. 586, 612
- Royal Agricultural Show at. Harrogate. 18, 36. 64. 87
- Smithfield Club Show, 634
- Wireless Exhibition, 339
- FABRICATED Electrical Machines, 202
- Factors of Safety at High Temperatures. 497
- Failure-ace Aeronautics
- Family Allowances for Workmen, 254
- Farming-sec Mechanical
- Farming Plant. Electric, E. R. and F. Tnrnpr
- and Bull Motors, Ltd., 89
- Fatigue of Metals, 584
- Feeding Mechanisms. Ross Patents, Ltd., 615
- Felling a Concrete Chimney Stack in America. 658
- Filters, Bell Brothers, 615
- Fire-engine, Hatfield, Petrol Motor, Trailer
- Fire-engines, Merryweather and Sons, 88
- Foreign Industries and Trade, 228
- Forthcoming Engagements, 28, 54, 82, 108, 134, 160, 186, 212, 240, 266, 292, 318, 346, 374, 400, 428. 456, 482, 510, 538, 568, 596, 622, 650. 678, 704
- Fowler, Sir Henry. Locomotive Repairs. 519
- Fox, Gerald B., Indicating Oil Engines, 409
- Freighter Dustless Loading Refuse Collection
- Vehicle, Freighter Chassis, Wheel Base,
- Hydraulic Tipping Gear, Shelvoke and
- Drewry, Ltd., 615
- FRENCH ENGINEERING NOTES : 27, 53, 81. 107, 133, 159, 185, 211, 239, 265, 291, 317, 345, 373, 399, 427, 455, 481, 509, 537, 567, 595, 621, 649, 677. 703
- Aeronautics, 292
- Apprenticeship, 345
- Aviation, 265, 427. 567
- Barrage Const nal ion, 373
- Barrage Reservoirs, 133
- Boulogne Harbour Works, 107
- Bridge-, 27
- Canalising the Rhine, 239
- Canalising the Rhone, 81
- Canals, 537
- Charcoal Suet ion Gas, 567
- Coal, 185
- Coal Trade, 317
- Coke Oven Gas, 455, 649
- Commercial Arrangements, 107
- Commercial Organisation, 649
- Commercial Vehicles, 567
- Cooling Railway Coaches, 291
- Cultivating Machines, 399
- Electric Omnibuses, 509
- Electrical Production, 291
- Engineering Trades, 265
- European Ports, 159
- Export Prices, 159
- Foreign Trade, 27. 481
- Gas Distribution, 211, 317
- German Machinery, 133
- German Reparations, 185
- Harbour Works. 427
- Hull Forms, 481
- Hydroelectric Power Stat ions, 5419
- Import Restrict ions. 399
- Indo-China Works. 185
- Industrial Unions. 107
- International Wagon Union. 373
- Inventions. 345
- Labour. 211, 537
- Makhonine Fuel, 81
- Marine Exhibition, 703
- Merchant Shipping. 595
- Metropolitan Railway, 185
- Miners' Wages. 373
- Motor Cars, 239. 455
- Motor Fuel. A New, 481
- Naval Armaments, 159
- Naval Construction. 567, 649
- Naval Disarmament, 455
- Orders for British Shipyards, 509
- Paris Electricity Supply. 621
- Paris Extension, 133
- Paris Termini. 537
- Port. Extensions, 345
- Port of Paris, 53
- Powerful Electric Locomotive. 317
- Price Maintenance, 677
- Production Facilities. 621
- Public Works, 677
- Rail and Road Transport., 81
- Railway Acceleration. 427. 677
- Railway Electrification, 53. 265. 595
- Reduced Steel Output. 509
- Refuse Disposal. 621
- Reparations. 81
- Rhine Navigation, 373
- Rolling Stock, 53
- Rural Water Supply. 595
- Sahara Motor Traffic, 27
- Salvaging Submarines, 211
- Seaplane Stat ion. 595
- Shipbuilding. 211, 649
- Steel Cartel. 373. 537. 703
- Steel Competition. 649
- Steel Houses. 317
- Steel Prices, 211
- Steel Production. 481
- Steel Trade. 317
- Strikes. 185
- Structural Steel. 265. 703
- The Navy. 291
- Tidal Power, 53. 677
- Toulon Water Supply, 107
- Trade Returns, 159
- Trade Situation. 27. 455. 595 •
- Trans-Pyrenees Railways, 27.
- Trans-Saharan Railway. 703
- Tropical Condensers, 345
- Turbine Centenary. 481
- Underground Cables. 291
- %%rages and Costs, 427
- Wagon Cartel, 621
- NVarm Water Power Scheme. 455
- Water Distillation, 537
- West African Development 133
- Works 'Improvements. 239
- Works in Indo-China, 265
- FRENCH Foundry Congress, 475, 476—see Iron
- Frodingham—see Railways
- Fuel Injection Process in the Air Injection Oil
- Engine. J. S. Brown. 169, 193
- Fuel Research Board, Annual Report of the
- Fuel Research Board, Sir Richard Throlfall's
- Letter, 470
- Fumes—see Electrical Matters
- Furnaces—see Induction
- Fusion-welded Pressure Vessel, 273; and
- Technical Report of the British Engine,
- Boiler and Electrical Insurance Company, 273; (Letter), 631
- Future of Marino Engineering. 637; (Lotter), 687
- GAS Boiler. A Composite Exhaust. Cochran
- and Co., 476
- Gas Controllers. Automatic, Time Switches, Horstmann Gear Company. Ltd.. 615
- Gas Producers. Installation and Operation of, for Metallurgical Purposes. .1. S. Atkinson, 489
- Gatineau-Toronto Electric Transinimion--see Electrical Matters
- Gear. Engine—see Engines
- German Drawing Presses, Large, Gay. Brothers, 232, 233
- Ghost Hydro•olectric Development in Alberta, 633, 636
- Gill, C. S., Damping Down' and Restarting Blast-furnaces, 274
- Gilled Tubes, 532
- Good. E. T., Steel Trade Conditions, British and Foreign, 5
- Gravel—see Pumps
- Grierson, W. W., Development of Transport, 493
- Griffiths, W. T., Nickel and Its Uses in Engineering. 590
- t;rimsel Hydroelectric Power Scheme, Captain
- G. Macleod Ross, 540. 552; (Letter), 606
- Grinders—sec Machine Tools
- Group Life Assurance for Employees, 658
- Gwyer, Dr. A. G. C., Aluminium and Its Alloys. 281, 294
- HA LLGRIM Thorsen, Reconstruct ion of lianasfoss Power Station, 492
- Hams Hall—see Electrical Matters
- Hankins. G. A., Hardness and Abrasion Testg0 of Metals, 34-35, 61-63, 90 -92; (Letter). 31
- Hans Renold, Ltd.. Founder's Jubilee, 287
- Hardening—see Iron
- Hardness and Abrasion Testing of Metals.
- G. A. Hankins, 34-35, 61 -63, 90-92 : (Letter), 310
- Hardness of Vacuum-annealed Crystals of Iron,
- H. O'Neill, 309
- Harvesting Combination Machines, Petrol
- Reaper-Threshers, Massey • Harris, 1.1 d., 66
- Heat Insulation, E. H. Lewis, 489
- Helium Escape and Effect of Air Entry in
- Airships, New Purification Plants. 285
- Herbert, E. 0., Hardening of Superhardened Steel by Magnetism, 308
- * Hi•Lift " and " Lo-Lift " Shovels, Chaseside Engineering Company, 615
- Hill, Cyril J., Engineering of Tea Gardens, 420 1 lodgkinson. Francis, Journal Bearing Praet ice, 543, 559 562
- Ilofineyr..litn 11., Africa and Science, 85
- Holland, Sir Thomas. Intermit ional Reim ionship of Minerals, 204
- Hot Metal Mixing Car, A Large, Pearson awl
- Knowles Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., 450
- Houston, Sir Alexander, Report on London
- Waters, 33
- ilovgaard, Professor W'., Armament and Pro•
- teet ion in the 10.000•Ton Cruisers and the
- Irsatz•Preussen." 362, 367
- I grin, A xel, Cryst allisat ion mid Segregat ion
- Phenomena in ('ashen Sled Ingots. 306
- lydrautomat , Some. Developments, 250
- Hydro-electric Developliumt. The Ghost. in
- Alberta, 633
- IIvdro•eleetrie--see Crimsel
- IDEAL for Engineers, 16
- Ikegai—sce Japanese Engineering Industries
- Illingwort h--see Low-temperature
- Improvements at Portuguese Ports, 644
- Induction Furnaces, 652, 680
- Indus Flood and Engineering Science, 280
- Oustries—see Japanese
- Industry and Research, 247
- Interesting Corrosion Problem 333; (Letter), 308
- International Aeronaut ieal Exhibition—see
- Aeronaut ies
- International Congress of Mines, Metallurgy,
- and Applied Geology, 35
- International Ingot Stool Association, 420
- International Relationship of Minerals, Sir
- Thomas Holland, 204
- International Road Congress, Proposed, Washington, 12
- I ',ferrt' !until Steam Tables Conference, 15
- Aciti-iesisting Meets for Chemical Plants,
- Dr. W. H. Hatfield, 479
- Basic-liessemer Steel, 368
- Brit bah Cast Iron Research Association,
- Annual Meeting and Luncheon. 504
- Cast Iron Reiearch. British Cant Iron
- Research Association, 476
- Creep of Steel, R. W. Bailey, 499, 528
- Damping Down and Restarting Blast-furnaces, C. S. Gill, 274
- Methods of Testing Cast Iron. Monsieur
- Lo Thomas and Monsieur R. Bois, 475
- Production of High-resistance Grey Cast
- Iron in the Electric Furnace, Monsieur
- K Valenta, 476
- Cast Iron Parts for Agrienit urn! Machines,
- H. Bornstein, 476
- Hardening of SuAwrliardened Steel Magnetism. E. G. Herbert, 308
- High Elastic Limit `truer viral Sts.g.k. J. A.
- Jones, 307
- International Ingot Steel Assocint ion, 420
- Martin Elastic Limit Steel, P. G. Rouse, 71
- Modern Engineering_ Cast Irons and their
- Properties, J. G. Pearce, 504
- Nickel and Its Uses in Germany, W. T.
- Griffiths, 590
- Prestige of Sheffield Steel, 443
- Steel Trade Conditions : British and Foreign,
- E. T. Good, 5
- Steel Trade on the Continent, 199
- IRRIGATION Scheme, Sluice Gates for,
- Sarda River, 40, 48
- Italian National Experimental Tank in Rome,
- The Now, 516, 524
- JAPAN, Modernisation of, 572
- Japan, World Engineering Congress in, 545, 603, 638, 692
- JAPANESE ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES, 402, 572. 573, 518—see World Engineering Congress and World Power Congress
- Ikegai Ironworks, 402-404
- Engines, Marino Oil, Petrol Paraffin,
- Petrol•enginod Emorgoney Dynamo,
- ' 403 • Oil Engine Driven Fishing Fleet
- " Leader " Ship, 404; Petrol Rail Car
- and Chassis, 404; Shops, Erecting and
- Machine, 414; Machine Tools, Boring.
- Drilling, Milling, Lathes, at Ikegni
- Ironworks, Ltd., 402
- Mitsui Company, Tsurmni Engineering
- Works, Japan, 472, 473, 474 : Shibaisra
- Engineering Works, Tokio, 473
- Niigata Engineering Works, Ltd.. 518;
- Kainata Works; Niigata Works Kashiwazaki Branch NVorks; Nagaoka Branch
- NV orks; Int 4.111111 Combustion Engines,
- be., 518
- Jefferson, Carl J., Pulverised Fuel sit Sea, 461
- Johnson, P. G.. Recent Developments in Air
- Transport in the United States, 231
- Jones, J. A., High Elastic Limit. Structural
- Steels, 307
- .14)nrind Bearing Practice, Francis Hotigkinson, 543,1559-562
- KEENOK Pinion—see Zinc
- Kempton Park—ace Water Supply
- Kershaw. John 13. C.. Low-temperature Carbonisat ion Plants in London, 364, 305. 381
- Kotton Portland Cement Works, 640 643
- `LAMBETH Bridge, Demolition of, 643
- Launches and Trial Trips, 82, 134, 157, 2:17, 287, 315, 341, 371, 397, 506, 535, 568, 619,
- *147, 675
- Law of Noise,1517
- Lea, Professor F. C., Science and Engineering, 126. 140
- Agreement SI ci1111 TIti110 609
- An Economist on Research, 4
- Boredom. 148
- British Power Station Performane...( in 1928. 469
- Cases and Circumstances, 691
- Channel Aeroplane Disaster, 09
- Conventions, 41
- Cruisers : Present and Future, 334
- Economics and the Empire. 525
- Electrical Installations, 306
- Electrification of Railways. 227
- Engineering and the Human Values, 121
- Factors of Safety at High Temperatures, 497
- Family Allowances for Workmen, 254
- Fatigue of Metals. 584
- Foreign Industry and Trade, 228
- Fumes from Power Stations, 610
- Future of Marine Engineering, 637
- Help for the Railways, 41
- His Majesty's Airship. R 101, 361
- Ideal for Engineers. 16
- Indus Flood and Engineering Science, 280
- Interesting Corrosion Problem, 333
- International Steam Tables Conference, 15
- Large Ocean Liners, 553
- Mediterranean Navies, 470
- Modern Steam Pressures and Temperatures. 253
- Modern Transformers, 665
- Multiple.engined Aircraft-, 96
- Naval Disarmament, 147
- Naval Disarmament : The Latest Phase, 305
- Nowcomen, 95
- Our Timber Resources. 70
- Paris Motor Show, 388
- Perpetual Motion of the Second Order, 200
- Power Rectifiers, 280
- Prestige of Sheffield Steel, 443
- Price of Progress, 387
- Progress of Electricity Supply, 637
- Pursuit of Mechanical Engineering. 444 362
- Salesmanship. 583
- Schneider Trophy Victory, 279
- Sense of Proportion, 692
- Shipbuilding at Home and Abroad, 415
- Single Lines of Railway, 173
- Steel Trade on the Continent, 199
- Street Noises. 665
- Surge Protection on Transtnisoiniii iretiils, 174; (Erratuno). s.:37
- Taxation of Industry. 55:1
- Terrible Future, 525
- Twenty Years of Aeronautics, 121
- Unemployment, 497
- LECTURES on Smoke Abatement. 451
- England, North of, 24, 50, 78. 104. 130, 156, 182, 208, 236, 262, 288, 314, 342, 370. 424, 452, 478, 500. 534..564. 592. 619. 674. 700
- Lancashire. 23, 49. 77, 103, 129. 155, 181, 207, 235. 261, 287, 313, 341. 369. 395, 423, 451, 477, 505, 533, 563, 591, 017, 045, 701
- Midlands and Staffordshire, 23, 49, 77, 103, 129, 155, 181, 207, 235, 261, 287.:313, 341, 369, 395, 423, 451, 477, 505, 53:3, 563, 591, 617, 645, 673. 699
- Scotland, 25, 51, 79, 105. 131, 157. 183, 209, 237, 263, 299, 315, 343, 370, 397, 425, 453. 478, 506, 534, 565, 593, 619, 647, 674, 700
- Sheffield, 24, 50, 78, 104. 130, 156, 182, 208, 236, 262, 288, 314, 342, 370, 396. 424, 452, 478, 505, 534, 564, 592, 618, 646. 673, 699 396, 646, 673
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 25, 51, 79, 105. 131. 157, 183, 209. 237, 263. 289, 315. 343, 371. 397, 425, 453, 479. 507. 535, 505. 593, 619, 647, 675, 700
- Airship R Ito1,- Alan K L. Chorlton, 340
- Battersea Power Station, W. F. Flatigate, 118
- Canal-see English
- Cascade Tunnel, W..1. Briti.ds. 75
- Censuses and Statistics. Switchboard, 3.1
- " City of Ottawa " Accident, H. Coke Powel, 92; R. C. McLeod, 141
- Channel Aeroplane Disaster-- Nre " City of
- Ottawa " Accident
- Dearth of Marino Engineers, Sinbad, 687
- Dimensions-see Physical
- " Ditch making Machines," Bucyrus-Erie
- Company, Ltd., 205
- Early Railway Gauges in the U.S.A., .1. G.
- H. W., 34
- Education and Training of Engineers, S. T.
- Willcox, 224
- English Canal Transport. E. '1'. Good, 580;
- Lapt. G. C. C. Henderson, 547; Frank
- Noake, 580
- Experimental Tanks, It. H. I' roach. 92
- Failure of Aircraft Engines, .1. Bibby. 221
- Fast Continental Train, Andre Bourbon. III
- First Are.welded Bridge in Europe, Alloy
- Welding Processes. Ltd., 310
- Grand Junction Railway Locomotives, C.
- Williams, 92
- Grimsel Hydro.elect lie Power Scheme,
- Gordon Campbell, 606
- Hardness Tests, E. Hermonius, 31u
- How do Centrifugal Pumps Act ? Jas. B.
- Cutler, 340
- Industry and Advertising, .1. H. Jones, 687
- Interesting Corrosion Problem. J. 0. Jones, 368; J. E. McConnell, L.P., 75
- Lubrication and Miehell Bearings, Michell
- Bearings, Ltd., 448
- Main Line Eleetrification, S. P. Christie,
- :393; William P. Dart mill, .600; F. Why.
- man, 448
- Mechanical Equivalent of Heat and t ho
- Law of Conservation of Energy, J. G. H. 1Varren, 393
- Old Contempt ibles : A Fellow.sufferer, 9;
- John of Gaunt, 9 : A Climber, 34;
- Another Sufferer, 34
- Perpetual Motion of the Second Order, H.
- J. Northfield, 309
- Physical Dimensions of Temperature, F. C.
- Johansen, 409; 31.1..rT.-2, 340
- Physical Properties of " Aldrey," J. S. P., 393
- Rationalisation sand Technical Staffs. Alfird J. Humphreys. 340
- Registration of Tests, 0. %Vans. 631; W. .1.Marshall. 662
- " Rocket.," The. ‘Villiain Roby. 11M seltneider Cup Speeds. Summit ;
- :193; .1. S. Boyd, :193; B..1. K., 547 t
- Sellueider Trophy Victory, Ilal nutteridge,
- S64'111'0 and IAIgishiiion, W. P. lheaper, 580
- Single Lines and Railway Accidents, C. K.
- bendy Marshall, 205
- Smoke Emission by Chimneys, Assoc. M.
- C.F.., 547
- Superheaters at Langerbrugge. Babcock and
- Wilcox, Ltd., 393
- Taxation of Industry, D. A. Bremner, 580
- Technical Education from a Student's Point.
- of View. Evening Student, 36R;
- Glasgow. 392
- Tendencies in Steam Turbine Development.'
- W. Hamilton Martin. 224
- Ventilation of the Projected Channel Tunnel,
- Carl Sutter, 170
- Vibration on Largo Passenger Liners. W.
- Hamilton Martin, 393
- Wave Traps. Philip R. Coursoy, 6311
- Welding. Thyssen and Co.. 631
- World's Went her. S. P. Christie. 631
- Zinc•containing Lubricant. for the Prevention
- of Corrosion, C. R. K., 308
- LIEGE and the Centenary of the Independence
- of Belgium. 531
- Lighting of the Bodleian Library. Oxford. 685
Reviews :
- .kpplied Geophysics in the Search for
- Minerals, A. S. Eve and D. A. Keys, 71. 201
- Blast•furnaco Practice : Vol. IL. Design
- of Plant and Equipment. Fred Clements, 149
- Budgetary Control in the Organisation of
- Hans Renold, Ltd.. C. G. Renal& 444
- Civil Engineering. Lieut.-Colonel W. A.
- Mitchell, 71, 039
- Coal Industry of the Eighteenth Century,
- Thomas S. Ashton and Joseph Sykes, 445
- Disrupted Strata, M. IL Haddock. X06, 611
- Electrical Industry in Great Britain.
- B.E.A.M. Association, 584
- Engineering for Masonry Dams, W. Pitcher
- Creager, 71. 554
- Estimating. '1'. H. Hargrave, 43
- Experimental Building Science
- .1. Leash Mattson and Francis E. Drury, 122, 585
- Handling London's Underground Tratlic, .1.
- P. Thomas, 71
- Industrial Store•keeping. Accounting and
- Perpetual Inventory, C. Hanneford-Smit 11, 281, 526
- Journal of a Tour in Scotland, R. Southey.
- 039
- Los Origines des Chaudieres it Circulation
- Acceleree. P. A Normand, 205, 417
- Note stir Ills Connaissance* Actuelles des
- Propriete4 do la Vapour Weals. 31. D.
- Sochanewer, 527
- Pitman's Technical Diet ionary of Engineering
- and Industrial Science in Seven Languages, 281, 416
- Railway Policy of South Africa, S. Herbert
- Frankel, 499
- Reference Index of Technological Literature, 527
- Steam Turbines, Engr.-Liout. Commander
- T. M. Naylor, 444
- Stores Accounts and Stores Control, J. H.
- Burton, 17, 70
- Story of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1827-1927. 16
- Surveying as Practised by Civil Engineers
- and Surveyors. John Whitelaw, jun.. 122. 445
- Suspension Bridges : Their Design, Construe.
- Don and Erection, D. B. Steinman, 229
- Text•book of Ordnance and Gunnery, Lieu( .•
- Colonel Earl McFarland, 228
- Transactions of the Fuel Conference (World
- Power Conference). 1928, 43
- Two Essays in Early Locomotive History,
- C. K. Dondv Marshall, 149
- Ventilation of Mines : Generation of the Air
- Current, Henry Briggs, 122
- Vibration Problems in F:ngineering, Professor
- S. Timoshenko, 610; ( kreatum). 039
Short Notices :
- Chemical Plumbing and Loadburning. E. B.
- Partington, 417 .
- Engineering Economics, T. H. Burnham, 417
- Gas Airlift. Pocket-hook, R. Stirling. 255, 417
- Metal Pickling, E E Wynn, 281, 585
- Overhead Power Linos : Elementary Design
- and Calculations, Captain W. Morecombe,
- .199. 011
- Pipe and Tube Bending unit J %tinting, Stanley
- P. Marla, 585
- Theory and Practice of emoting Currents,
- A. '1'. Dover, 611
Books Received :
- Administration Report of the Aden Port
- Trust for the Year 1928-29, 363
- Agricultural Research in 1928, 693
- Airplane Structures, A. S. Nib's and J. S.
- Newell, 17
- Annalos des Ponts of Chausees, 1920, 101
- Annalos des Travaux Publics de Belgique,
- Tomo XXX., FACIE 3, Juin, 1929, 43;
- Aotlt, 363
- Annali doi Lavori Pubblici (gia Giornale del (Ienio Civilo); Vase. No. 4, Aprile, 1929, 71; Vase. No. 5, Maggio, 1929. 122;
- Foxe. No. 6, Gitignio, 1929, 281; Fase.
- No. 9, Set tembre, 1929, 639
- Annuaire des Corriere* et des industries
- Annexes, 1928 -1929, 306
- Annual Report of tho Chambor of Shipping
- of the United Kingdom, 1928-1929, 122
- Are Welding: Lincoln Prize Papers, &c., 71
- Arcs et Portiques en Beton Arnie, R. E.
- Steinsberg, 527
- A.S.T.M. Tentative Standards, 1929, 527
- Balancing of Oil Engines, W. Kor Wilson. 527
- Bearing Bronzes With and Without Zinc,
- H..1. French and E M. Staples, 2.5.5
- Belt Elevators, H. Davies, 585
LITERATURE (continued):
Books Received (continued) .
- Islittit.funmes Practice:: Vol. III., Fred
- Clements. 585
- Bengal Public. Health Department. Report. 71
- Bijdrage tot do Kennis van den 'nylon('
- van de getijbeweging, &v., Ir. .1. II.
- Strizgewettl z, 43
- Blueprint Remling : A Problem Text. w
- Sturtevant. 17
- Boletin 4111 Agrieultnra Commereio e In4141-4
- trio. 205
- Bulletin of the Institute of Physical end
- Chemical Research in Japan. 205
- Businetts Profits, Professions and Employments : Profits Computed and Assessed
- for Income Tax Purposes, C. H. Tolley. 71 ('able Research Handbooks, Vol. L. Roars.
- 'cc.. Affecting Supply of Electricity. 527 4'Menk for Technical Students. S. N.
- Forrest,
- Cambridge Five-figure Tables. Ie. G. I
- aml E. K. Rideal. 093
- t 'arbitration of Combustible GAS with
- Butane and Propane-Butane Mixtures. 205
- Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs. Vol.
- G. C. Lloyd, 337
- Ceylon Government Railway. Admit) int rid ion
- Report for 1928. 389
- Channel Tunnel Project*: A Brief History.
- It. R. Ityves. 101
- China, : A New Aspect, H. Stringer. 417
- City and Guilds of London Institute. Teelinology Programine for .Session 1929-30, 71
- City of Liverpool 1Iraterworks : Report, of
- the Waiter Engineer, 205
- City of Salford : Annual Report for Year
- to March 31st, 1929, 281
- Concise Handbook of Provincial Local
- Government Law, C. J. F. Atkinson, 011
- Construction of the (;odavery Bridge.
- Kazipet.13011mrshah Railway, R. X'.
- Gregory, 255
- Depth of Sewage Filters and the Degree
- of Purification, A. M. Buswell staid others. 17
- Der Eisenbati L, M. Craning. 639
- Die Witrinebilanz dos Dieselmotors, Messtechnisch° Problem. Professor Dr.•Ing. A.
- Stalls, 101
- Egypt. Ministry of Public Works, Annual
- iteport, Part I., Cairo, 417
- Egyptian Government: Ministry of Public
- Works. Annual Report, 1924 1925. 417
- Electric Traction : A Treatise on 1110 Application of Electric Power to Electric
- Traction on Railways and Tramways,
- A. T. Dover, 093
- Electricity. in Agriculture, I.„ Report of
- nit Investigation : IL. General Con•
- siderations, C. A. Cameron Brown. 101
- Elementary Structural Problems in Steel
- and Timber, C. R. Young, 585
- Empire Forestry Journal, Vol. 8. No. 1, 1929. 281
- Energio mid Energiewirtschaft, Ing. Fr.
- Brock, 101
- Engineering Workshop Drawing, A. 4'.
- Parkinson, 101
- Façades of Buildings, Fronts of Old and
- Modern Business and Dwelling.bouses, 417
- Field Engineering : Handbook of the Theory
- and Practice of Railway Surveying,
- Location and Constniction, W. H. Searles, 71
- Filtration and Air Filters, .1. A. Pickard, 585
- First Year Electrical Engineering, D. .1.
- Bolton, 363
- Ford Model A Car : Construction. Operation
- and Repair, V. W. Page% 554
- Foundry Practice Text -book for Execut ives,
- Moulders, Students and Apprentices, R.
- H. Palmer, 607
- Fuel Economy on Blast-fmnaeo Plants, J. 13. Fortune. 527
- Gas Fires and their Settings, Sir Laments,
- Weaver, 527
- " GELS World " Analyses of Gas Companies'
- Accounts, 1928, 229
- Gaseous Combustion at High Pressures, IV.
- A. Bone and others, 585
- Gauges and Fine Measurements. F. H. Bolt, 389
- Gemeinfassliche Darstellung des Eisenhuttenwesens herausgeben vom Verein
- Deutsohor Eissenhuttenleute. 527
- GemisehvorwArmung bei Kraft fahrzeug•
- motoren, G. Becker, 667
- Gmelins Handbuch der Anorgan isChen
- Ch011110, 667
- Handbuch dor Experimentalphysik. Band 1X0-2 : Warmekraft und Warme
- masehinen, A. Losehge. 363
- Heriot•Watt College, -Edinburgh, Calendar
- for Session, 1929-19304303
- High Voltage Cables, L.. Emnnueli. 585
- High Voltage Cables : Theory and Pallet ice
- of their Design and Operation, I'. Dun-,.
- heath, 585
- Highway Curves, H. C. Ives, 6117
- if.M. Stationery Office Publications:
- Aeronautical Research Committee, Report
- for the Year 1028-1920, 205
- Air Photography, Part I.. Organisation
- and Training. 255
- British Rainfall, 1928, 281
- Building Research Report, No. 13, Effect
- of Temperature on the Setting Times
- of Cements, and on the Strength of
- Cements, Mortars and Concretes, tel
- Calendar of the Imperial College of Science,
- and Technology. 1928-1929, 693
- Department of Scientific and Indust rie
- Research, Geological Survey of Great
- Britain : Attrition Tests of British
- Itimulatones, K .1. Lovegrove. 43
- Economic Conditions in Norway. 1627- 28,
- C. L. Pans, 71
- Finail ial and Economic Conditions in
- Roumania, April, 1929, R. .1. E. HUMpitreys, 229
- Financial. Industrial and Couunorein
- Conditions in Canada, Report. 255
- Forest. Products Research Bulletin, No. 3,
- British Hardwoods, L. Chalk and B. J.
- Rondle, 554
- Fuel Research Technical Paper, No. 23,
- Fusion Point of Coal Ash (Part I. I, 306
LITERATURE (continued):
Books Received (continued):
- H.M. Stationery Office Publications (continued):
- Heat Insulators : Food Investigation
- Special Report, No. 35, 499
- Homo Office Report on Conferences be-
- tween Employers, Operatives and Inspectors Concerning Fencing of Machinery, Prevention of Accidents, &e. . . .
- in Cotton Spinning Mills, Eliot F. May, 255
- Particulars of Meteorological Reports
- Issued by Wireless Telegraphy in Great
- Britain and Countries of Europe and
- North Africa, 1929, 71
- Pressure Produced on Blowing Electric
- Fuse Links and Striking Electric Arcs
- in Closed Vessels, G. Allsop, 255
- Properties of Materials at High Temperature, No. 4; The Strength at Elevated
- Temperatures of Low Carbon Steels for
- Boiler Construction, R. G. l3atson and
- H. J. Tapsell, 205
- Report of the Building Research Board for 1929, 667
- Review of the Trade of British Malaya in 1928, L. B. Beale, 17
- Safety Precautions for Transmission
- Machinery in Factories, Part I., Fencing
- and Other Safeguards, 281
- Support of Underground Workings in the
- Coalfields of Lancashire, Cheshire and
- N. Wales, 281
- Weekly Weather Report for the Period
- February 26th to March 2nd, 1929, Vol.
- XLV., 306
- Wind Tunnel Tests of Aerofoils with Pilot
- Planes, F. B. 13radfield and K. W. Clark, 43
- History of Mechanical Inventions, A. P.
- Usher, 667
- How to Appeal Against Your Rates in the
- Metropolis, G. F. Emery, 667
- " Hutto " Taschenbuch far Eisenhuttenleute, 693
- Industrial Furnace Technique, A. Hermansen, 122
- Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engineers' " Proceedings," 1928-1929, 527
- Introduction to College Physics, C. M. Kilby, 499
- Inquiry into the Method of Preparation of
- Periodic Financial Returns on the Railways
- of Great Britain, Egypt and Palestine,
- Major H. W. Wagstaff, 417
- International Labour Office, Studies and
- Reports, Ste., 71
- Investigations in Ore Dressing and Metallurgy, 1929, 229
- Investment for Profit, C. R. Stiles, 71
- Iron Oxide Reduction Equilibria, 205
- .lane's Fighting Ships, 1929, 0. Parkes and
- F. E. McMurtie, 667
- Journal of the Franklin Institute, August, 1929, 255
- Journal of the Institute of Metals, Vol. XLI., 281
- Journal of the Institute of Transport, 255
- Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. VIII., 101
- Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1929, 337
- Kenya and Uganda Railways and Harbours, 585
- La Brique Armee Homogene dans la Construction Generale, L. Atthenont, 363
- La Societe dos Ingenieurs Civils do France,
- Memoires et Compte Rendu des Travaux,
- Bulletin de Mars-Avril, 1929, 281
- Law Relating to Motor Cars, R. P. .Maliaffy
- and G. Dodson, 527
- Les Bruits dans les Biltiments, Comment
- les eviter ? Acoustique des Biitiments,
- I. Kate], 281
- Liverpool Corporation Tramways, Report, 71
- Loughborough College, Calendar, Session 1929-30, 71
- Machine Design, P. H. Hyland and J. 13. I.
- Kommers, 585
- Manual of Electrical Undertakings and L
- Directory of Officials, 1928-29, F. C.
- Garrett, 667
- Manufacture of Chilled Iron Rolls, Archibald L
- Allison, 337
- Mechanical Equipment of Buildings : Vol. I.,
- Heating and Ventilation, L. A. Harding
- and A. C. Woolard, 585
- Mechanics of the Gyroscope, R. F. Deimel, 1. 554
- Metropolitan Water Board, Twenty-sixth
- Annual Report to March 31, 1929, 554
- Mining in Malaya, 0. E. Greig, 527
- Modem Aviation Engines, Design, &c. (Two
- Volumes), Major V. W. Page, 554
- Motor Industry of Great Britain, 1929, 527 L
- Motor Products and their Sources of Supply, 527 1.
- Motor Vehicles and Tractors, P. M. Helat, 527
- National Screw Thread Commission, Report, 1. 554
- Now South \Vales Government Railways and L
- Tramways, Report, to Juno, 1929, 554
- Northampton Polytechnic Institute, Announcements for Session 1920-1930, 337 I.
- Oxides in Pig Iron : Their Origin and Action
- in the Steel Making Process, C. H. Harty L
- and J. M. Gaines, 693
- Plates of Building Construction, W. R. I;
- Jaggard, the Late, 71
- Popular Research Narratives : Vol. III.,
- Fifty Brief Stories of Research, Invention,
- or Discovery, from the " Men Who Did
- It," 363
- Port Facilities of Great Britain, 667
- Port of Hull Annual and Humberside Cornmereial Review, 1929, 101
- Practical Design of Simple Steel Structures,
- Vols. I., II., III., David S. Stewart, 337
- Pratt ice of Electrical Wiring, D. S. Munro, 693
- Principles of the Absolute Block System, L.
- H. Kirkness, 205
- Principles of Company Law, A. F. Topham, 527
- Principles and Practice of Lubrication, A. W.
- Nash and A. R. Bowen, 611
- Problems in Electrical Engineering, with M
- Answers, 8. Parker Smith, 389
- " Proceedings " of the American Society of M
- Civil Engineers, 205
LITERATURE (continued):
Books Received (continued):
- " Proceedings " of the Institution of Civil
- Engineers, Vol. 226, 281
- Public Cleansing : Collection, Treatment, and
- Utilisation of Town Refuse, 229
- Public Works Department, Madras Presidency, Adminst ration Report, 1927-29,
- Part IL. Irrigation, 43
- Quarterly Report of Financial and Economic
- Conditions in Japan, January-Mardi, 1929, 527
- Railway Control by Railway Stockholders.
- 0. A. Nnokes, 554
- Rationalisation for Tin, A. P. L. Gordon, 306
- Renforcement des Soudures : Couvre-joints
- Discontinue Sondes, E. Hoehn, 281
- Reorganisation of New Locomotive Works,
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 417
- Restless Earth, Professor H. L. Hawkins, 306
- Rivista Maritt ima (Luglio, Agosto), 1929, 255
- Schedule System for Control of Operat ions in
- Workshops, H. H. Saunders, 417
- Select Methods of Metallurgical Analysis,
- W. A. Naish and J. E. Clennell, 389
- Seven Place Natural Trigonometrical Functions, H. C. Ives, 667
- Short Stories in Science, J. 0. Crowther, 337
- Sierra Leone Railway, Administrative
- Report for 1928, 527
- Simplified Presentation of Einstein's Unified
- Field Equations, Tullio Levi-Civita, 499
- South American Handbook, 1930, 667
- Staffordshire County Council, Annual Report
- of Medical Officer of Health for 1928, 527
- Strength of Shafts in Vibration, J. Morris, 527
- Stress Statically Determined, J. C. Tracy, 667
- Structure and Working of the Australian
- Tariff wit It Particular Reference to
- Empire Marketing, N. Skene Smith, 229 1929 Supplement to Book of A.S.T.M.
- Standards, 499
- Teaching of Mechanical l)rawing, R. P.
- Hoelscher, 585
- Telegraphy and Telephony, including Wireless Communication, E. Mallen, 527
- The World, the Air and the Future, Commander Sir Dennis Burney, 417
- Theory and Practice of Modern Framed
- Structures : Part II., J. B. Johnson, the
- Late, and Others, 667
- This Age of Plenty : Its Problems and their
- Solution, C. Marshall Hattersley, 417
- Tin Companies' Position, 527
- " Transactions " of the Institute of Marine
- Engineers, July, 1929, 229
- " Transactions " of the Institution of
- Chemical Engineers, Vol. 6, 1928, 554
- "Transactions " of the Institution of Civi
- Engineers of Ireland, Vol. LIV., 122
- " Transactions " of the Institution of Engineers of Australia, Vol VII., 1926, 363
- " Transactions " of the Liverpool Engineering Society, Vol. I., 281
- Transport Co-ordination : A Study of Present-day Transport Problems, K. 0.
- Fenelon, 585
- Twenty-third Annual Report of the Bengal
- Smoke Nuisances Commission, 1928, 205
- University College Calendar, Session 1929-30, 527
- University of Leeds, Coal Gas and Fuel
- Industries, Report of the Livesey Professor, 1926-27, 1927-28, 43
- Wasaerkraftanlagen, Part I. and Part II.,
- Dr. Ing. Felix Bundschu, 667
- West Hartlepool Commercially Considered, 527
- Western Australia : Thirty-first Annual
- Report of the Metropolitan Wm er Supply
- to June 30th, 1929, 585
- Whitaker's Almanac, 1930, Joseph Whitaker, 667
- Wonders of Engineering, Ellison Hawkes, 281
- Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1925, 1926,
- W. Addington Willis, 122
- LiL'NGSTROM—see Railway Locomotives
- Lloyd's Register—see Ships
- Locomotive, Petrol Rail, Remodelled 10-20
- B.H.P. Simplex," Motor Rail and Train Car
- Company, Ltd., 589
- Locomotive, 10 H.P. Petrol Shunting, John
- Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 550
- Locomotive Petrol, Wide Range of, James and
- Frederick Howard, 89
- Locomotive Repairs, Sir Henry Fowler, 519
- Locomotives, Railway—see Railways
- Locomotives, Three Small, with 20, 10 and 6
- B.H.P. Internal Combustion Engines, F. C.
- Hibberd and Co., Ltd., 549
- Locomotives, Two "'Montania," ( 1 ) Diesel
- Engine Driven, (2) Petrol Driven, William
- Jones, Ltd., 614
- Liiffier System of Steam Raising, Developments
- of the 516
- Lorry, Six-wheel, 8-Ton, and 4-Ton, Trailer,
- Karrier Motors, Ltd., 37
- Lorry, 7-Ton Diesel, Kerr, Stuart and Co., Ltd., 614
- Low-temperature Carbonisation, Members of
- Institute of Fuel Visits to Various Plants at
- London Gasworks, 350
- Low-temperature Carbonisation Plants in
- London, John B. C. Kershaw, 364, 381
- Low-temperature Carbonisation System, Dr.
- Roy Illingworth, 150
- Lubrication and Lubricants, R. Mount ford
- Deeloy, 405; (Letter), 448
- Boring and Turning 31111 for Water Turbine Work, Schiess-Defries, A.G., 449
- Cold Heading Machine, Accurate, 616
- Drawing Presses, German, Large, Gotz Brothers, 232, 233
- Drilling Machine, Horizontal Multi-spindle, A. A. Jones and Shipman, Ltd., 644
- Grinding Machine, High-speed, H isey-Wolf Machine Company, 590
- Sphere of Carbide Cools, 63
- MANAGEMENT and Cost Accountancy, G. W. Tripp, 654
- Marine Engineering Since 1918, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir Robert 13. Dixon, 629, 637
- Mechanical Coal Loading—see Coal
- Mechanical Engineering, Pursuit of, 444
- Mechanical Critter Drum Cutter; " Dandy " Truck, Johnston Brothers, 586
- Mechanised Farming, Agricultural Tractor Trials, 170
- Metals, For Papers Read at the Dusseldorf
- Meeting of the Institute—see Associations, Institute of Metals
- Mill-cooling Plant, Hallmark, J. and E. Hall,Ltd., 89
- Milking Machinery, Alfa Laval Company, 18
- Milking Plants, Hosier Open-air Pure Milker, Ltd., 89
- Mill, Boring—see Machine Toole
- Milne-Watson, Sir David, Presidential Address to Institute of Fuel, 437
- Mineral Transport., 502
- Mineral Wool 179
- Mitsubishi Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., 655
- Models—see Exhibitions
- Modern Steam Pressures and Tempera( Ilres. 253; (Letter), 393
- Modernisation of Japan, 572
- Moir, Sir Ernest W., Forth Bridge, 684
- Mond, The Hon. H.—see Industry and Rego:well
- Monfalcone Shipyard of the Cantioro Nava& Triostino, 46516, 504 (Two-page Supplement, November let, 1929)
- Moore, G. E., Synchronous Motor Clocks, 682
- Motor Car Transmission Gear, Aktieholaget Spontan, 578
- Motor Omnibus for Fifty-ono Passengers. Leyland Motors, 88, 89
Commercial Vehicles :
- Armstrong-Siddeloy, 45 H.P. Four-cylinder, Four-wheel Drive Tractor; Four-wheel Drive Reconnaissance Car, 522
- Commer Cars, Four Now Six-cylinder Vehicles for Goods or Passenger Transport. Four-speed Gear-box, 555
- Crossley Motors, 38-110 H.P. Six-cylinder Two-decker Omnibus, 491, 492
- Dyson, R. A., and Co.. Ltd., Double-bogio Truck for Transport of Heavy Electric Transformers of other Weights up to 110 Tons, 555, 556
- Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Six-wheeled Undertype Steam Wagon; Six-wheeled " Suffolk Punch " Steam Tractor, 491
- Kerner Motors, Combination Vehicle for Various Purposes, Four-cylinder Petrol Eng.ine, 520 Petrol-engined Chassis with Gas-producing Plant, 520, 521
- Leyland Motors, Four-cylinder " Lion " Single - deck Omnibus; Six - cylinder" Titan " Double-deck Omnibus; Six.cylinder " Buffalo " 6-ton Chassis; 12-ton Rigid Six-wheeler " Hippo " Lorry, with Six Monobloc Cylinder Engine, 556; "Bison " 4-ton Petrol Chassis with Four-Cylinder Engine, 557
- Morris, Twenty-eight-passenger Engine, Six-cylinder, Chassis, 521
- Sentinel Waggon Works. Ltd., 10-15-ton Rigid Six-Wheeler Flat Platform Wagon; 12-ton Six-wheeler, Three-way Tipping Wagon; 12-ton Side-tipping Wagon; Two Lighter Four-wheel Wagons, all with Twin-cylinder engines and Water- t Lib° Boiler, 522
- Sunbeam Company, 70-142 H.P. Six-cylinder Six-wheels Chassis, with 67-seater Double-deck Omnibus Body; 52-110 H.P. Six cylinder Four-wheels Chassis with 26-seater Pullman Saloon, 490, 491
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., 10-ton Six-wheeled Freight Chassis; " Double-six " 68-passenger Omnibus, 557, 558
- Yorkshire Steam Wagon Company, Six-wheel Wagon with Hydraulic Three-way Tipping Body; Vertical Two-cylinder Compound Engine, 70-100 B.H.P., 522
Crude Oil Engines :
- Boma Engine, Solid Injection Pre-compression Type, Six-cylinders, Electric Motor Engine -Starter, 555
- Mercedes-Benz Engine, Six-cylinder, Crude Oil, 555
- Sauror Commercial Vehicle Company, Patrol-enginecl Vehicles; 7-8- t on Chas.sis with Heavy Oil Engine, 80 H.P.. solid Injection, Six Cylinders, 555
- Magnetos : British Thomson-Houston Company, " H.E. " New Type of Magneto, 558
- Vacuum Brakes and Door Equipment, Peters, G. D., and Co.. Ltd., Vacuum System for Control of Brakes and Doors. 558
- 418. 434-437, 442, 462
Cars :
- Armstrong-Siddeley Six-cylinder Cars, 30 down to 12 Horse-power, 436
- Austin Motor Company, No New Models but certain Improvements. 436
- Daimler Company, 25 H.P IVeymanii Saloon, Sleeve Valve Engine, Six Cylinders. 418, 419
- Humber Company, " Snipe " Car, New Model, 23. H.P. Six-cylinder Engine, severalKinds of Body, 436, 442
- Jewett Cars, Ltd., Improved Horizontally Opposed Twin-cylinder Engine; Features of 1930 Jowett Car, 435, 436, 462
- Lancia Eight-cylinder " Dilambda " Improvements on Lambda Model, 462
- Morris, 15 H.P. Six-cylinder Chassis, 436
- Rolls-Royce, 40-50 H.P. Car " Phantom IL," Various New Features, 419, 420
- Singer Company, Six-cylinder, 15-71 H.P. Four Typos of Car, 437, 442
- Star Motor Company, Ltd., 18-60 H.P. Six-cylinder Sportsman's Coach-built Coupe, 436, 442
- Sunbeam Company, 16, 20 and 25 Horse-power, Six Brakes, 437
- Trojan, Ltd., Changes in New Type of Trojan Car, 435, 442
- Wolseley Company, 32-80 H.P. Eight-cylinder Car; 21-60 H.P. Six-cylinder Cars, with Coupe and Saloon Bodies; 16-45 H.P. Six-cylinder Saloon de Luxe, 436
"Baby" Cars
- Four-cyilnder 7.9 II I' Triumph,- ti;:2
Accessories :
- Air Filters : C. G. Vokes, Lid., 437 :
- Amherst-Villiers Supercharger; DifTerential Worm Gear. David Brown and Sons, 403; Bendix Brakes. 463
- Ignition Devices : Cam Shaft Speed Magneto, British Thomson-Houston Company. IA d., 437
- Pistons : B.H. B. Self-adjusting, Aut °mat ic Engineering Company, Ltd., 462
- Shock Absorbers : Hydraulic Typo. Hon.dealt). Gabriel, 437; ('oil Friction;Smith Shock Absorber, 437
- MOWER, Motor Lawn, J. P.* Super IAulAd. 44mowers, 87
- Mower, New Grass, A. C. B111111.11
- NAVAL Matters-sec Ships
- Newcomon, 95
- "Newcomen, Thomas, Father of the Steam Engine," H. W. Dickinson, 101
- Thomas Newcomen : Two Hundred Years of Steam Power," Engineer•Captain Smith, R.N., 148
- New South Wales-see Bridg,..
- Nickel-see Iron and Steel
Palace of Industries :
- Shoe-making Machinery, N. I. 11.,
- Tea Paekett ing Machine. 2 ! I
- Bickerton, Henry Nield, 388
- Charnock, George Frederick, 526
- Clark, Lyonol Edwin (Portrait), 96
- Galt, John Macfarlane, 97
- Gibson, Thomas Sydney Fletcher, 250
- Graves, Henry George, 499
- Johnson, Frederick F. E., 70
- Lister, Sir Robert Ashton, 630
- Mathewson, Alfred Eugene, 70
- Noble, Harry, 61
- Smith, Charles Chan the rs, 499
- Whitmore, Samuel, 471
- OIL Films and Bearings, Monsieur H. Willie.
- and Dr. A. M. Robb. 378, :382
- PARIS Motor Show, 388
- Parsons, R. H., and Others, Registration of
- Reliable Tests of Power Plant Machinery, 600; (Letters), 631, 662
- Aeronautics, 373, 567, 621
- Batteries and Accumulators. 481
- Building, 595
- Condensers and Feed Water Heaters, 317
- Cranes, 240
- Crushing and Grinding, 107
- Dynamos and Motors, 53, 81, 107. 185, 211, 291, 317, :345, :173, :399, 427, 455. 481, 567, 621, 049, 077
- Electrical Appliances, 211, 481
- Engines, Internal Combustion, 107, 13:3, 185, 211, 239, 265, 291, 317, 509, 595, 649, 077. 703
- Furnaces, 28, 54, 107, 186, 265, 427, 568, 703
- Gas Producers, 399, 537
- Lighting and Heating, 678
- Locomotives, 108, 481
- Machine Tools and Shop Appliances..27, 82. 108, 133, 160, 186, 212, :345,:199, 455, 538, 621
- Measuring and Testing Inst rnincnt -I, 27, 53. 81. 159, 185, 212, 240, 265, 292, 317, 316, 455, 481, 537
- Metallurgy, 45, :346, :373, 510
- Mining Machinery, 81, 212, :374, 537
- Miscellaneous, 28, 54, 82, 108, 134, 160, 186, 212, 240, 266, 292, 318, 346, :374, 400. 427, 456, 482, 510, 538, 568, 595, 596, 621, 650, 678, 704
- Motor Cars and Road Traffic, 28, 54. 134, 266, 317, :374
- Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 159. 266, 537, 567, 703
- Ships and Boats, 82, 212
- Steam Generators, 107, 2:39, 291, 317, 509, 649. 703
- Switchgear, 107, 211, 265, 291, 345, 373, :399, 427, 537, 567, 595, 077
- Telegraphs and Telephones, :173, 427, 435, 481, 595, 621, 649
- Tramways and Railways, 159, 180, 318, 050
- 'Transformers and Converter.•. 53, 81. 239, 481, 677
- Transmission of Power, 27, 53, s2, 1118, 133, 159, 185, 211, 239, 292, :545, 373, 3119, 367, 621, 650, 678
- Turbine Machinery, 13:3, 159, 239
- PEARCE, J. G., Modern Engineering ('ast I run,
- and their Properties. 504
- Perpetual Motion of the Ser.,11,1 (irder, 200; (Letter), :309
- Perran Foundry, 577
- Personal and Business Announcements, 28. 54, 79, 108, 1:34, 157, 183, 209, 237, 289, 315, 343, 371, 397, 425, 479, 507, 535, 593, 619, 647, 075, 701
- Pipe-eutting Machines, " Driltaparatus,'
- • Weston, Shipley and Weston, Ltd., 615
- Pipe Joint, Load Wool Company, Ltd., 612
- Poland, 189
- Poland and the Posen Exhibition, Theodor('
- Rich, 627
- Poulthey, E. ('., Locomotive Performance, 6-7, 44-45
- Power-see Electrical Matters
- •
- Price of Progress, 387
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress
- and Exhibition (1929), 422
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibit ion, 548-550, 586-589, 612 6315
- Pulverised Fuel—see Ships
- Contractor's Lift. Pump, Driven by 2 13.11.P. Petrol - Paraffin Engine. Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. 548
- Electrically Driven Reciprocating Pump, A. G. Mumford, Ltd., 127 8in. Gravel Pump, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 548
- Non-chokeable Pumps, Wallwin Company, 615
- Pumps at Kempton Park—see Water Supply
- Self-oiling Motor Pump, Fairbanks, Morse and Co., 88
- " Unchokeable " Pump Direct-coupled to
- Petrol Engine, Blackstone and Co., Ltd.. 615
- Water Elevator, Portable Fire and General
- Utility Pumping Plant, " Boulton "
- Double-acting Self-oiling Pump, Boulton
- and Paul, 89
- Pumping—see Water Supply
- PUR \TES, Colonel Sir Thomas, Telegraphy and
- Telephony. 463-465
- RABBENO, Engineer G., Separation of Dissolved Air Caused by Propeller Xetion, 303
- Railplano " -see Railways
General Matters :
- Electrification of Railways, 227
- Evolution of Railways, Liverpool-Manchester Centenary, 563
- Help for the Railways, 41
- " Railplane " System of Transport., George
- Bennie, 206
- Railway Accidents, Ministry of Transport's
- Report, 255
- " Relay " Train Description System, Relay
- Automatic Telephone Company, 502
- Single Lines of Railway, 173 (Letter). 205
British, Colonial, and Indian :
- Bengal-Nagpttr Railway, Four-cylinder Compound Locomotives, 278, 284 (Two-page
- Supplement, September 13th, 1929)
- Cornish Riviera Express, G.W.R., 47
- Electrification on the Main Line, Great
- Indian Peninsula Railway, 512
- L.M.S. Railway, Train of 40-Ton Coal
- Wagons, 688
- London and North-Eastern Railway, Improvements at Frodingham, 190-193
- London Underground Railways, Now Rolling
- Stock on, 22
- unbles Railway and Its Signalling, 178
Foreign :
- Boxer Indemnity and Railways, 249
- Northern Pacific Railway, American Dynamometer Car, 226, 230
- Trans-Saharan Railway, 096
- Trans-Pyrenean Railway, A New, 217
- Trans-Pyrenean Railways. 98
General Matters :
- Beyer-Garratt Locomotives in South, Africa 563
- Feed-water Heater, Locomotive, Improved
- Type, 632
- lajungstrom Non-condensing Turbine Locomotive, 154
- Locomotive Performance, E. C. Poultney, 6-7, 44-45
- Rainhill, 362; (Letters), 393, 409, 448
- Superht ating and Locomotive Cylinder
- Efficiency, Note on, E. L. Diamond, 541
British, Colonial, and Indian :
- L. and N.E. Railway, Three-cylinder Express Passenger Engine, 8, 9
- Natal State Railways, Garratt Locomotive, 128
Foreign :
- Diesel-electric Locomotive, Putnam Branch
- Line, New York, 92
- RAINHILL—see Railway Locomotives
- Ranasfoss Power Station, Reconstruct ion of a
- Turbine, Hallgrim Thoreson, 492
- Rationalisation, 590
- Reclamation of the Zuyder Zee, 130-138, 146, 162-165
- Recorder, Typo R. and Integrator, Recorder,
- Typo B 2 E. and Integrator. Weir Recorder,
- Guest and Chrimos, Ltd. 588, 589
- Refuse Collection Vehicle, 2-Ton Loading;
- Commercial Vehicle 1-Ton Chassis. Met riears, Ltd., 615
- Reflecting—see Telescope
- Regional Planning for New York, 179
- Registration of Reliable Tests of Power Plant
- Machinery, R. H. Parsons and Others, 600; (Letters), 631, 062
- " Relay "Train, &c.—see Railways
- Replica of the " Rocket," Robert Stephenson
- and Co., Ltd., 68, 73; (Lotter), 118
- Resistance Testing Set, The " Bridge Meg,"
- Evershed and Vignoles. 260
- 'levy() Company, An Engineer's Castor, 044: (Correction), 675
- Rhodesia, Atlantic Outlet for, 261
- Rhys Jenkins, The Art of Water Drawing, 605
- Rich, Theodore. Poland and the Posen Exhibition, 627
- River Works—see Water Supply
- Road Beacons, Fixed and Flashing, (las Accumulator Company, Ltd., 615
- Road Ripper. Pneu mat ic 'fool, Holman
- Brothers, Ltd., 612
- Road Spraying and Re-surfacing Plant, John
- Fowler and Co. (Leeds). Ltd., 119
- Rook Boring, Drill Sharpening Equipment,
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works,
- Ltd., 615
- " Advance " Motor Roller, Typo A, 586;
- " Advance " Steam Roller. 36: "
- 3-Ton Steam Roller, Wrallis and
- Steevens. Ltd.. 36
- Road Roller, Compound Steam Engine
- Driven; Road Roller, Crude Oil Engine
- Driven. Avoling and Porter, Ltd.. 614
- Road Roller, Heavy Oil Engined, John
- Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 19
- Road Roller, Oil Engine Driven, Marshall,
- Sons and Co., Ltd., 38
- Road Roller, 10-Ton, Three-wheel Diesel,
- John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 550
- Road Roller. Three-wheel Crude Oil, Ruston
- and Hornsby, Ltd., 548
- Roller, " Oxford Waveless," Twin-cylinder.
- Double-acting Steam-driven Engine, John
- Allen and Sons (Oxford), Ltd.. 587
- Rollers, " Manumit " Motor, and Other Types,
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 37, 550
- Rollers, Three Motor. Now Types, Barford
- and Perkins, Ltd., 612
- Ross, Captain, G. AL, Grimsol Hydro-electric
- Power Scheme, 540, 552; (Letter), 606
- Rotary Dryer, Oil-fired, 10-Ton Asphalt Plant,
- &c., Bristowes Machinery, Ltd., 615
- Rouse, P. G., Martin Elastic Limit Steel, 71
- Royal Agricultural Show at Harrogate, 18, 36,
- 64, 87
- Rushton Agricultural and Roadless Tractors.
- 558, 559; (Correction), 593
- SALESMA N811111. 583
- Sams, J. G. B., Application of Mechanical Engineering to Agriculture, 112
- " Samson " 300 Granulator, Samuel Pegg and
- Son, 613
- San Marco Shipyard and the St.. Andrea Engine
- Works, at Trieste, 410-412
- Sand and Gravel Washer, Frederick Parker,
- Ltd., 587
- Sarde, River Irrigation Scheme, 40, 48
- Schneider Trophy Victory, 279; (Letters), 310
- Scholarships. Chadwick Travelling, and the
- Bossom Gift, 179
- Science and Engineering, Professor F. C. Lea, 126, 140
- Scotswood Works Boiler Shop. Armstrong,
- Whitworth and Co., latd.. 252, 258-260, 660-662, 664
- Screens, Jigging and Vibrating. Huntingdon,
- lieberlein and Co., Ltct., 615
- Screens, Various, Parker, Winder and Aelturch,
- Ltd., 614
- Self-closing Boiler Stop Valve, Cockburns, d., 250
- Sense of Proportion, 692
- Separation of Dissolved Air Caused by Propeller
- Action, Engineer G. Rabbeno. 363
General Matters :
- Aberdeen and Cotnnionwealth Line. St camera
- Taken Over being Brought Up to Date, 251
- Atlantic Liners, General E. do Vito, 310. 336
- Electric Propulsion for Passenger Liners,
- Eskil Berg, 420
- Large Ocean Liners, 553
- Lloyd's Register :
- Annual Report, 439
- Lloyd's Register Year Book, 46
- Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 73, 409
- Pulverised Fuel at. Sea. Carl F. Jefferson and
- Other Papers. 401
- Pulverised Fuel itt Sea. The " Swiftpool "
- Installation, 115
- Pulverised Fuel at Sea. " West Alsok " Installation, 76.422
- San Marco Shipyard and the St. Andrea
- Engine Works at Trieste, 410-412
- Shipbuilding at Homo and Abroad, 413
- Shipbuilding at Monfalcono, Hull Construction at, the Monfalcone Shipyard of the
- Cantiero Navalo Triestino, 465, 466, 504 (Two-page Supplement, November 1st, 1929)
- Ship Design and Arrangements, A. T. Wall
- and Ashby Tabb, 336 (Letter), 393
- Shipyard and Engine Works of J. Samuel
- White and Co., Ltd., at Cowes, I.O.W., 570-572, 582, 598-600; Lifeboat Building
- Department, 570, 582 (Tiro-page Supplement, December 6th. 1929)
Naval Matters :
- Armament and Protection of Cruisers, Professor W. Hovgaard, 362, 367
- Cruisers : Present and Future, 334
- Mediterranean Navies, 470
- Naval Disarmament, 147
- Naval I : The Latest Phase, :105
Mercantile and Miscellaneous Vessels :
- Canadian Pacific Liner " Empress of Japan." 659
- S.S. "City of Hong Ronk" Auxiliary Turbo-electric Propulsion on, 530
- Re-engined Canadian Pacific Liner " Empress
- of Canada," 394
- Twin-screw Motor Yacht " Rosa," John I.
- Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., 286
- White Star Motor Passenger Liner " Britannic," New, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 152, 153
- SHOE-MAKING Machinery, British United
- Shoe Machinery Company, Ltd., 446-448, 474, 475
- Shoes-see Exhibitions
- Sieves, " Ro-Tap " Testing-sieve Shaker, inter-
- national Combustion, Ltd., 612
- Sixty Years Ago, 9, 47, 73, 98, 114, 153, 179, 205, 235, 247, 276, 311, 337, 368, 389, 417, 445, 471, 489, 527, 558, 580, 611, 643, 667. 688
- Skeleton Stam Tables, Report. 601 603
- Skeleton Steam Tables, 693
- Slacks Valley-see Electrical Matters
- Smithfield Club Show, 634
- Smoke Abatement in Hamburg. 407
- Smoke Abatement., Lectures on, 451
- Smoke Cleansing, J. D. Campbell. 89
- C. 76, 128, 180, 206, 207. 276, 358, 421, 532, 016, 643, 698
- Another Platinum Producer, 358
- Coalfield in Rhodesia. New, 76
- Coke Production, 616
- Communications in Uganda, 128
- Death of Dr. Percy Wagner, 699
- Deepest Mine in the World, its
- Diesel-en inert Lorry, 206
- Durban Dock Facilities, 77
- Electric Current at Crown Mines, 276
- Electrical Development at Port Elizabeth, 206
- Electricity for South African Railways, 76
- Electricity Supply, 358
- Extracting Gold from Reef, 180
- Fewer Railway Passengers, 207
- General Motors' New Fact ory, 128
- Germiston Sewage, 180
- Germiston Wagon Repair Yard, 128
- Inadequate Cranes at Durban. 421
- Industrial Expansion, 698
- Inyaminga Petroleum, 47
- Magnitude of Copper Deposits, 532
- Manganese, 180
- Manganese Industry. 532
- Millions on Roads, 421
- More Rolling Stock Needed, 616
- Mountain Cableway, 643
- Now Cold Extraction Proeea4, 616
- Now Railway Works, 699
- Now Steam beach, 421
- Oil from Coal, 616
- Parliamentarians Visit the Rand, 699
- Platinum Producer. 180
- Port Elizabeth Water Supply, 532
- Postnutsburg Manganese, 47
- Pretoria, More Power for, 532
- Production of Platinum, 643
- Radium in S.W. Africa, 206
- Railway Earnings, 610
- Railway Traffic, 128
- Railways to the Copper Fields, 421
- Record Aeroplane Flight, 698
- Remodelling the N.C.C.R. Line, 616
- Rhodesian Copper Merger. 276
- Rhodesian Mineral Product ion, 532
- Rhodesian Nickel, 698
- Roadmaking by Machinery, 421
- Roadmaking Plant, 216
- Road Motor Services. 128
- Rolling Stock, New, for Rhodesia, 643
- September Gold Profits, 699
- September Mineral Output, 643
- South Africa's Coal Resources, 699
- South Africa's Mineral Wealth, 358
- South African Railways, 206
- S.A.R. Road Motor Services, 180
- Steel Bounty to be Paid, 180
- Table Mountain Cableway, 358
- Tramcar, New Typo of, 76
- Twelve American Engines for S.A.R.. 271;
- Union Iron and Steel, 421
- Volume of Cargo Landed, 128
- SPONTAN Transmission Gear for Mot or
- Vehicles, 578
- Spraying Machine, Automatic 1000-Gallon. for
- Road Dressing, W. and J. Glossop, Ltd., 614
- Stabler, C. I., Reconstruction of Nerbudda
- River Bridge. India, 142
- Steam Tables, Skeleton, Report front British
- Electrical and Allied Industries Research
- Association, 601-603
- Steam Turbines, Advisory Committee on, 38
- Steel—see Iron
- Steel Piling, British Steel Piling Company,
- Ltd., 015
- Stoke.on-Tr011it--8C6 Engineering
- Stone Breaker. Combination, Screen and Feuding Platform Mounted on Ono Bogie, Hadfields, Ltd.. 614
- Stone Breaker. X Typo Lover Motion
- " Niagara " Counterflow Screen No. 3
- Double.dock Magnetic Pulley and Separator,
- " High Duty." Ventilated, H. R. Marsden,
- Ltd., 587,588
- Stone Breakers, Models, Robert Broadbent
- and Son, Ltd.. 615
- Street Noises. 665
- Sukkur Barrage. 366 •
- Superheating—see Railway Locomotives
- Surge Protection on Transmission Circuits, 174; (Erratum). 237
- Surveying 'marmot:nits, Photo-copying Plant,
- &c., J. Holden and Co., 615
- Surveyors' Levels, Theodolites, &c., Cooke,
- Troughton and Simms, Ltd., 615
- Sydney—see Electrical Matters
- Synchronous Motor (locks. G. E. Moore, 682
- TAMPER, Power, Samuel Pegg and Son. 613
- Tampers, Power-operated, for Excavation Refilling, 13. Johnson and Son. 615
- Tank — see Italian
- Tar and Bituminous Spraying Machines, W. Brooks and Son, Ltd., 615
- Tarmacadam Plant. Brabant, Patterson and Benham, Ltd., 015
- Tarmacadam Plant, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 615
- Tar-spraying Machine, Grit spraying Machine, Roller for Tarry and Bituminous Surfaces, Thomas Coleman and Sons, 615
- Tar-spraying and Road-brushing Machine, F. C. Barnes, 615
- Taxation of Industry, 553; (Letter), 580
- Tea Gardens, Engineering of, Cyril J. Hill, 420
- Tea Packetting — rue North-East Coast
- Technical Education from a Student's Point of View, 255, 280, 309, 334 : (Letters), 308, 392
- Telegraphy and Telephony, Colonel Sir Thomas F. Purees. 463-405
- Telephone. Railway Description—see Railways
- Telescope, Reflecting, for Edinburgh University, Sir Howard Grubb, Parsons and Co., 668, 669
- Terrible Future, 525
- Tests on an Atmos Highpressure Boiler, 218
- Thames Floods, Reports on, 42
- The Sea, Presidential Address, G. P. Bidder, 167
- Theodolite, A New, The Wild Universal, 697
- Thompson, Reginald W. S., Diversion of the River Ashop, 420
- Threshers, Traction Engine, Six-wheeler Steam Wagon, Richard Garrett and Sons, 89
- Tilbury Docks Improvement Works. 320-323 (Two-page Supplement, September 27114, 1929)
- Timber Resources, Our, 70
- 'road System Powdered Fuel on the Kg. " West Alsek," 76
- Tractor, Fordson, with Mowing Attachment, Alfred Dugdale, Ltd., 88
- Tractor Four-wheel-drive, Leta Industrial Vehicles, Ltd.. 3€
- Tractor, Lanz Bulldog Crude Oil, Locomobile Engineering Company, 88
- Tractor, Standard Model Steam, Fodens, Ltd., 615
- Tractors, Rushton Agricultural and Roadleas, 558, 559; (Correction), 593
- Trailer Dustless Collection Equipment and Two-wheel Refuse Trailer with Covers, Eagle Engineering Company, Ltd., 614
- Training of Managers, 302
- Transformer—see Electrical Matters
- Transport—see Development
- Tripp, G. W., Management and Coat Accountancy, 654
- Trucks, Rail, for 24in. Track : Narrow Elevating Platform with 20in. Wide Platform,
- R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 614
- Turbines, Steam, Advisory Committee on, 38
- VALVE, Now Stop, Ismailia Valve Company,
- LW., 422
- " 'Varatio " Variable Speed Gear. Variable
- Power Transmissions, Ltd., 72. 73
- Vibratory Screen, Samuel Pegg and Son, 613
- Visapur Lake and Canal. 302
- Petrol 11'agon, 5/6-Ton Hinge-side, .John I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., 19
- Steam, Six-wheel Three-way Tipping, Fodens, LW., 88
- Steam, Four-wheeled and Six-wheeled,
- Double-ended Locomotive Type Boiler,
- Yorkshire Steam Wagon Company, 66 6/7-Ton Three-way Tipping Steam, John
- Fowler and Co., Ltd., 19 70-Ton, for Transporting Transformers, 285
- Wagons, Six-wheeler Rigid, Four-wheeler
- Steam Tipping, Sentinel Waggon Works, 37
- NV NIA,. A. T., and Ashby Tabb, Ship Design
- and Arrangements, 336; (Letter), 393
- Water Drawing, Art of, Rhys Jenkins, 605
- \Viktor Finding in New Zealand, 672
- Water Softening Plant. at. Hams Hall, 486
- Durban \Vaster Supply, 153
- Kempton Park Pumping Station of the
- Metropolitan Water Roan!. 430, 458-460, 468
- London Waters, Report on, 33
- Rand Water Board, Annual (Report, 17 t
- River Works at Langford, 313
- WELDING Plant, Acetylene, Welding Plant,
- Electrical, Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., 615
- Weldless Steel Tubes, thornier(' Tube Company, Ltd., 615
- Westminster Cathedral, Electric Lift. at, 153
- Whiteley, J. H., Coalescence of Pearlite, 308
- Wignall-Wollaston Producer Boiler, 672
- Wire for Mining Ropes, A. T. Adam, 275
- Wireless Exhibits, Very Extensive Display at.
- Olympia, 339
- Wool Textile Industry Machines, 66
- Works Exhibition Hall, 448
- World Engineering Congress in Japan. 545, 603, 638, 692
- General Report on Steam Turbines, 1)1..
- Makoto Saito, 498
Nine Papers :
- 'hick -pressure and Pass-out. 'Turbines,
- Herr E. A. Kraft, 498
- Creep of Steel, R. W. Bailey, 499, 328
- Steam Turbine Development in America,
- E.1,. Robinson, 498
- Steam Turbines in the Netherlands, C. F.
- Stork, 499
- High Preltsures and Temperatures, (1) G.
- A. Orrok, 515; (2) 0. A. Wiborg, 515
- Axial Flow Turbines, Messrs. Lindhagen
- and Lyskolin. 316
- Radial Flow Turbines, 0. A. Wiberg, 516
- Capacity Limit of Steam Turbines, B.
- Mute, 516
- Conclusion, 'the Reporter, 516
- ZINC-CONTAINING Lubricant for the Prevention of Corrosion, 337 • (Lotter), 368
- Zuyder Zee, Reclamation of the, 136-138. 146 162-165
A Seven Day Journal
- AERONAUTICAL Research Report. 161
- Air Line Disaster, Another, 4.57
- Aircraft Inspection by Lloyd's. 375
- Aircraft Records, New, 161
- Air Speed Record, A Now, 267. 293
- Air Surveying in RilAdMiifi. 623
- American Telephone Experiments. 511
- Anglo-Russian Trade. 429
- Anglo-Swedish Train Ferry. Proposed, 511
- Arbitration in the Colton Trade Dispute, 187. 213
- Atlantic Liners, Giant, 483
- Atlantic Records, Now, 135
- Automatic Telephone Exchanges, 213
- Auxiliary Turbo-electric Drives Aboard Ship, 401
- BAR ItAGE, Tunnel and Tithe Schemes. 429 13attersea Power Station, 347, 401. 457
- Beam Wireless Station for Plymouth. 651
- Beardmore, William, and Co., Ltd., 401
- Belfast. Shipyard Joiners' Dispute. 55, 539
- Gillingham Synthetic Nitrogen Works. 597
- Blue Funnel Motor Liner, A Now, 679
- Bolekow Vaughan—Dorman Long Amalgamation, .511
- Bombay Railways, 483
- Bridge Building Record, 569
- Bridge Over the Nile, A New, 375
- British Airship Progress. 135, 187
- British Airships. 293
- Brookman's Park ‘Virelem Transmi t t ing
- Station. 293
- CANADIAN Pacific Liner " of
- Canada," 161
- Canal and Harbour Schemes, 429
- Cement M'orks at Dover, 293
- Charing Cross Bridge, 55, 83, 109. 457, 483
- Clyde Steamer " King George V.." 83
- Coal Mining Industry, 1
- Coal and Oil Firing on Ships. 319
- Coal Petrol Developments, 29
- Cold 11rorking of Steel, 29
- DEARTH of Marine Engineers, 623
- Department of Scientific and Industrial
- search, 347 1)erating Scheme. 347
- Dmign of Steel Structures. 101
- Diesel-electric Oil Tankers, 187
- Direct Helm Orders, 679
- Director, The New, of Naval Construction, 597
- Disaster to a German Air Liner, 483
- EBBW Vale Iron and Steel Comapny, 319
- Edinburgh and the Electricity Scheme, 161
- Electric Lighting, 375
- Electric Power for the Glasgow Tramways. 679
- Electric Train Service to Altrineham, 55
- Electricity and the Nation, 623
- Electricity in Northern Ireland. 293
- Electricity Supply, A Now, 375
- Electricity Supply in Rural Areas, 83
- Empire Marketing Scheme, 539
- Engineers' Wages, 569
- Expenditure on Electricity Schemes, 339
- FACTORIES and Air Pollution. 135
- Fastest. Train in the World, 29 : (Letter). 141
- Flotilla Leader Codrington." 161
- Foreign Trade. 319
- French Railway Speeds. .55
- French Warships. Now, 539
- Fool Economy on Board Ships, 539
- Fumes from Power Stnt ion8. 267
- Futuro of the Schneider Trophy Race, 457
- GAS Engineers at Middlesbrough. 375
- General Electric Company, 29
- Geographical Distribution of Indust ry, 539
- Gormam Airship "Graf Zeppelin." 135. 187. 241
- Gorman Coal. 241
- Germany's Now Cruisem 429
- Government Grants and Unemployment. 623
- Grampian Hydro.electrie Scheme. 569. 623
- Graving Dock at North Shields. Now, 347
- Great Western's Now General Manager. 1
- Greek Destroyers, Now. 375
- Gun Explosion on Board " Devonshire," 109
- HARLAND and ‘VoIff. Ltd.. 375
- liarwich-Hook Steamer, A N..%%. 55
- Airship " R 101." 347.1 1. 4M3. 539
- N.M. Airship " It Um." 651
- I NI PORTANT locomotive Order. 569
- Important Steel Works Amalgamation, 41)1
- Irc.n and Steel Industries. 109
- Jackson, Sir 'Henry, The Late. 051
- KELVIN Medal. 1929, 29, 483
- Kont Coalfields Development. 29
- LAND Reclamation Contract. A Large. 670
- Limpopo River Bridge, 241
- Lond Lino Memorial, 187
- I.ond-lino Report. 241
- I..M.S. Improvements Programine. 319
- Dock Improvements. 457
- London Omnibuses. Now. 135
- London's Telephone Jubiloo, 213
- London Traffic Services and Public Ownership, 597
- London's Traffic Problems. 55
- Long-distanco Flight Attempt. 651
- Low -tom perm uro Carbonisat ion. 569
- Lower Thames Tunnel Scheme. 1
- MAIDEN Voyage of the " Bremen." 83
- Mail and Passenger Ships, New. for the Western
- Highlands. 213
- Manufacture of Motor Cars in AnNI ralia, 187
- Maxmilian, Mannaberg. Mr., The Laic, 679
- Melds-road Power Station. 651
- Ministry of Transport. Experimental Road, 623
- Morn Details of the " Leipzig," 511
- Motor Vessels for New Zealand, New, 267
- NATIONAL Coal Marketing Scheme. 347
- National Research and the Eleetrierd Industry. 1
- Navigation in Fog. 55
- Now Continental Service, 1
- Noise, 347
- Noisy Aircraft. 213
- North-East England Electricity Scheme, 679
- Not Dutch Destroyer, 213
- OIL Engine Order (4)1 ‘11.11,kiiek. 457
- Oil Fire. 29:3
- °Wield Signals at Sea, 1...1.9 (hot-Ise:id I.ineA in Sn....ex. 569
- PARSONS Marine Steam Turbine, 483
- Photographs and Pictures by Telegraph. 55
- Pneumatic Drilla and Road Repairs. 651
- Port. of Liverpool. 511
- Port and Starboard, 319
- Power from the Sea, 347
- Power from Sludge Gas. 623
- Power Station Fumes Appeal. 597'
- Power Stations. New. 293
- Preservation of Timbor, 597
- Profit -sharing in 1928, 83
- Progress of Civil Aviation, 420
- Propelling Machinery of the " Bremen.** l::
- Proposed American Shipping Schemes. 569
- Proposed British Port Developments. 13.-•. co:, I
- Proposed Now Atlantic Liners, 55
- Proposed River Deo Embankment, 623
- Pulverised Fuel at Sea. 109, 135
- Pylons on the Smith Downs. 375
- R 161 " H.M. Airship
- Rail and Road Transport. 135
- Railway Eleetrifieation, 267, 401
- Railwaymen's Wages, 319, 401
- Rapid Cooling of Power Stations, 241
- Rationalisation, 319
- Redundant American Warships, 511
- Re-engined Cermet' Atlantic Liners, 651
- Research Ship " Discovery IT.," 483
- Retirement of Dr. Stodola, 375
- Retirement of Mr. R. Woodward, 597
- River Severn, 241
- R.A.C. Tourist Trophy Race, 187
- R.A.F. Display, 55
- Reconstructing a Chilean Dreadnought, 1
- Retirement of Mr. SUI1111101N4 Hunter, 29
- Revised Electricity Charges in Ireland, 679
- Road Bridge. Proposed, Across the Forth. 109
- Rural Automatic Telephones, 187
- SAFETY of Mines Research, 267
- Salvage Work at Scapa Flow, 109, 597
- Salving the White Star Liner " Celt ie," 211
- Ship to Shore Telephony, 023
- Shipyard Joiners' Lock•out Averted. 539
- Schneider Trophy Rare. 161, 187.267 : (Letter). 36s
- Scottish Coal Distillation Scheme, 83
- Scrap for Steel Making. 161
- Sea Communieat ion between Sweden and
- England, 319
- Seamen and Transport. Workens,
- Shannon Power Seheme. 83. 429
- Shipyard Joiners' Loel:•out. 483
- Shipyard Wages, 293. 319. 347
- Soutiminpon Rolling Mills. 679
- Stabilise( Wages in the Shipbuilding Industry. 375
- Stamp. Sir 'Josiah, at the Institute of Trani.
- port. 401
- Steam Table Conicrvnee. .29
- Steel Industry and t Nhirketing Scheme, 651
- Submarine Tragedy, Another. 29
- Subway Explosions and Fires, 511
- Sulmay and Manholo Explosions. 457
- Super Liners for Italy. 623
- TELENIONES for Ships. 211
- Television, 267
- Timbers of the Empire. 213
- Trade with South America. 267
- Trade l'ilion's Finances. 293
- TritiEsat lam ie 'relepliono ('able. 2 I I
- 're ansmission Lines, 347
- 'rraiisport Schemes. Proposed New. 187
- Tilt* Railways, New. and Suburban Meet liliest 3011. 597 •
- Twenty.6vo year*
- nxprem. 1
- Two eW Rhine Bridges, 401
- UNION•CASTLE Liner. Now. 569
- t'so of Steel Pit Props 375
- " VEs'IsItIS" Inquiry, 109
- V4)11.:'s Electric Railwa,y, 241
- V, in We1q1baell. Karl Auer. The
- WAGES in the Engineering and
- Trades. 109
- Waterloo Bridge. 429
- Weak Bridges. 29
- Wearinotttli Bridge at Snikit.•11.1n.l. \..‘‘.
- West. India Docks, 267
- Whit* Star Liner " (Wank," 319
- Fronde Nut;mud Tank. 1419
- Wireleits Reeoption. Now Sysieili. :,!1:
- Wiroless Telephony Developtiictit,i. s3
- Wireless Telephony on Ships,
- Wolverhampton Electricity l'iidertaking, 161
- World Engineering Conference at TA io, 51I
- World's Fastest Lifeboat,, 539 World Tribute to Edison, 429
- YEAR'S Boiler Explosions. 457
- Year's Railway Accidents. 213
- Aerial Ropeway Connecting Asbestos Mine with Elandshock Station now in Operation, 303
- Aerial Ropeway - see Coal.
- Aerial Passenger Service Projected between Osaka and Shanghai, 607.
- Aerodrome Construction Projected near Port Elizabeth, 467.
- Aerodrome being Constructed on Waste Land near New York, 331.
- Aerodrome at Regina Asbestos Mine, Rhodesia, 607.
- Aeroplane Accommodation, Elaborate, to be Provided on Roofs of New Building in Los Angeles.
- Aeroplane Factory and Aerodrome to be constructed at Longeuil, near Montreal, 119.
- Aeroplane Hangars put up near Los Angeles, 359.
- Aeroplane ourneys for Geodatic SSurvey, 663.
- Aeroplanes Sold for Use by Chinese Pilots.
Aeronautics (continued)
- Aero Race, Firdt Held in Mexico; First and Aecond Places Won by British-made "Gipsy Moths",689
- Air Base at Pembroke Dock, Air Ministry to Delay Establishement of Base, Question of Men Unemployed.
- Air Mail Severives of Canada to be Extended, 467.
- Air Mail, Soecial Flight form Glaway to London, Purpose of the Flight, 171
- Airport of 200 Acres at Hamilton Ontario, 13
- Airport, New in Course of Starting in Toronto, 225.
- Aviation Department of Chinese War Ministry, 13
- Blackburn Rolls-Royce "Iris III" said to be Largest All-Metal Flying Boat made in Great Britain, 523.
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, Award for 1929-30,1 45
- Engine Oil of Aircraft Warmed by New Electric Heating Unit, 225.
- Flight from Shanghai to Nanking, 170 Miles, Newq Record, 331.
Aeronautics (continued)
- Flying Timr beteeen London and Berlin and Berlin and Paris to be Reduced by One Hour, 689.
- French Air Ministry to Erect Lighthouse to Assist Aerial Navigation, 93.
- German Flying Boat "Do X" and British Margin of Safety, 581
- Heavy Oil Engunes said to have been Used for 15 Hours Aeroplane Flight, 145.
- Municipal Aerodrome Projected between Leeds and Bradford, 5
- Ontario Aviators Break All Records 573.
- "Rocket" Car and Aeroplane, Herr MAx Valier's Further Trials, 607.
- Shanhai-Nanking Air Mail Srvice, Proposed Extension to Hankow, 607.
- Tests for Aeroplane Engines at American Bureau of Standards, 581.
- Toronto Air Mila Services Extended, 171
- World Air Routes Important Conference at Air Ministry, 145.
- AGRICULTURAL Tractors Factory for Production Projected in Siberia, 581
- Airtight Containers for Perishable Goods Fifty Ordered by L.M.S. Railway, 495.
- "Alcohol in Industry" Technical Problems Solved, M.C. Whitaker, 67.
- Alloys Two Special of Great Hardness being Manufactured in Commercial Quantities in San Francisco, 303.
- Aluminium Electric Cable Factory Projected near Stockholm, 689.
- Aluminium-making Plants, Three New in Italy 663.
- Aluminium Powder and Bituminous Paints, 413.
- America, Ordnance Department Decides that Gins up to 75mm can be made by Centrifugal Process, 523.
- American Aluminium Comopnay Rolling Very Large Sheets Using Ingots Weighing 3000 lb, 441.
- American Architects Lack of Time F. R. Yerbury, 495.
- American Engineering and Finance Firm Converted into Public Company, 13
- American Option on Copper Properties in South Africa, 581
- American Research on Seconds Signal;s, Hopeful Results, 653.
- Anhwei Province China Rich Mineral Resources to be Exploited, 551.
- Animal Charcoal Imports into Great Britain, 441
- A ref is Regions. International Society for
- Exploration of, by Means of Aircraft. 635
- Artificial Silk Factory to be Erected near Preston, 39
- Asbestos and Copper Deposits in Rhoilesia,
- Work Restart et( on, 119
- Asbestos Fibre, New Machine for Production, 119
- Asbestos, Unusual Fibre Length, Mined iii
- South Africa, 385
- Asphalt and Bitumen, Foreign, Extensive
- Importation into this Country, 007
- Asphalt Emulsions Made Fit for Transport, 413
- Asphalt, Native, Production and Refining of, 303
- Banking and Engineers, Resolution Passed, 371
- Annual Dinner. 535
- Low Temperature Carbonisation of Coal,
- Harald Nielsen, 531
- Williams Prize Award, 565
- INSTITUTE OF MARINE ENGINEERS : ('ompetition, Numerous Awards Offered
- for Papers; Lloyd's Register Examina•
- t ions, 479
- Examinations for Graduateship and Associate Membership, 82
- Premiums for 1928-29, Awards, 341
- President's Reception, 492
- " Vapour Absorption and Adsorption "
- Conference, 593
- Awards, 394
- Annual Conversazione, 54
- Council for the Year 1929-30, 212
- North-West Branch :
- Annual Dinner of North-West Centre, 563
- Dinner at the Criterion Restaurant, 535
- New President• Chosen and Accepts Post, 315
- Awards for Papers, 482
- Award of Medal, 212
- Scholarships Awards, 237, 482
- Change in Constitution of the Institution, 381
- Summer Meeting in Holland, 13
- General Meeting, Presentation to Former
- Assistant Secretary, Election of Members, 619
- R.I.B.A. Maintenance Scholarships in
- Architecture, 160
- Christmas Lectures, Juveniles, 535
- Friday Evening Discourses, 535
- Annual Dinner, 662
- Portland House Travelling Scholarship, 237
- Premium Awards, 701
- SOCIETY, Tax NEwcomEN :
- Summer Meeting. 25
- SOCIETY, °meat :
- Aerial Cameras, New Type of Shutter, Dr.
- J. S. Anderson, 171
- Twentieth Ain't's! Exhibition of Electrical, 381 Optical and Other Physical Apparatus,
- .
- Council Meeting and Elections, 28
- Examination of Coal and Coke by X •Itays,
- Lecture, 581, 007
- ATMOSPHERICS, Origin and Nat urn I 4.
- Great Amount of Research at. Slough, 225
- Automobile Production in September in U.S.A.
- and in Canada, 441
- Auxiliary Steam Pipe Failure, Suitable and l'o•
- suitable Material, 67
- BARCELONA Exhibit ion, Working Model of
- Blooming Mill, 607
- Barnacles' Attack on a Fallen Bridge Span, 145
- Belfast Shipyard Wages Dispute, 225
- Belgian Company for Synthetic Ammonia and Fertiliser Manufacture, 413
- Belgian Congo Gold Output, 413
- Bell, Fifteenth Century, to be Re-cast, 385
- Bermuda Islands a Paradise for the Road Maintenance Gang as Long as Motor Traffic
- Remains Absent, 145
- Beryl Cristal Excavated in Namaqualand said to Measure 5ft. by 5ft. by 8ft. 6in., 67
- Beryllium Alloys, Property of, 145
- Beryllium in Germany, Experimental Commercial Production, 407
- Blue Powder, Cadmium and Carbon, 385
- Bodily Burns Treatment by Tannic Acid Ili I Corrosive Sublimate, 523
- Bodleian 1.1 brary, Proposed Iroduction ut Electric Lighting, 368
- Boiler, Babeoek and 'Wilcox. for Port Elizabeth, 119
- Boiler, Fatal Explosion Due to Very Element airy Oversight, 251
- Boiler, Old, Explosion and Report. 359
- Boiler, Old Galloway, Explosion. 171
- Boiler, Return Tube, Failure and its Cause, 277
- Boiler, Vertical, Accident and its ('ause, 277
- Bombay Reclamation Scheme, Dumping of Dry Filling, 413
- Boron-containing Mineral, 663
- Ambassador Bridge Formally Opened, 581
- Bangkok, Projected Bridge to Commemorate City's 150th Anniversary, 581
- Bridge Connecting City of Montreal and South Shore of the St. Lawrence Completed, 39
- Bridge Exceeding a Mile in Length to be Built. Across the Ohio River at Pittsburg, 145
- Bridge Over Kelvin River, Glasgow, Opened, 145
- Bridge and Roadway Opened on Great Nortli Road Between Berwick and Edinburgh, 385
- Bridge Span Safely Moved on Two Barges, 145
- Bridge Wrecked by Motor Lorry, 359
- Cape Town, Bridges Round, Strengthened for Heavier Locomotive Traffic, 118 1)elaware River Bridge, Crossed by Over
- Ten Million Vehicles Last Year, 1.i 5
- Description of Bridge, 277
- First Bridge Across the River Irrawaddy to be Built by Burma Railway, 551
- Iron Railway Bridge, First in the World, Designed by George Stephenson, Now Re-erected in York Railway Museum, 331
- Kindu River, Madras, New Bridge Opened, 413
- Mississippi River. New Bridge, Great Depth Necessary for Caisson Sinking, 331
- Montreal, South Shore Bridge Nearly Ready for Traffic, 635
- Ohio River, New Bridge Over, near Pittsburgh, 251
- Opening of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Over Wainganga at Bhandara, India, 251
- Pearl River, Bridge Projected Between Canton and Honam Island, 607
- River Dee, Bridge and Embankment Proposed to Connect North Wales with Lancashire and Cheshire, 689
- Scotswood Suspension Bridge Over the Tyne to be Strengthened, 089
- Suspension Bridge Across the St. Maurice River at Grand Mere, Quebec, 035
- Suspension Bridge Being Built Across the Canyon, near Canyon City, Colorado, Reported Highest in the World, 523
- Suspension Bridge, Newport, Rhode 'Island, Opened for Traffic, 607
- Suspension Bridge Proposed Across the Golden Onto at San Francisco, with Span of 4100ft. Between Towers, 441
- Tower Bridge Maintenance, Last Year's Cost of, 145
- Zealand and Fallen. Projected 6 Miles Long Bridge to Complete Connection with the
- Mainland, 303
- BRINE Conveyance, Northwich to Widnes,
- Proposed and Objected to, 467
- Brines Produced with Crude Petroleum and
- Natural Gas, Serious Source of Trouble. 171 8.13.C. Contract for Broadcasting Transmitter near Huddersfield, 523 13ritish Electrical and Allied Manufacturers'
- Association, Annual Dinner, 563
- British Engineers' Association, President Re.
- elected, 631
- British Hardwoods, New Book on, 635
- Bromine Recovery from Sea Water, Success of
- the American as. " Ethyl," 67
- Building Science Abstracts, 93
- Buildings, The Very High, Question of Advisability of Extension, 303
- By-product in Smelting Operation`. Ni.
- Speiss, 607
- CA 13 LE-130N Dl Mould, 504
- Cable Research Handbook, 562
- Cadmium a By-product of Zinc Smelting, 359
- Cadmium Output in Canada Greatly Increased, 441
- Calcium Carbide Imports into this Country, 251
- Canada's Increased Production of Paper and Pulp, 581
- Canada's New Output Records in Nickel and Other Metals, 197
- Canadian Automobile Registration Reaches One Million, 145
- Camerae Discovery in Southern Rhodesia, 495
- Cauvery, Rising of the Bed Results in Mocking Irrigation Channels, Measures to be Taken, 303
- Cauvery Waters, Sharing Dispute Between
- Mysore and Madras Governasent Cornpromised, 119
- Celestine (Strontium Sulphate Ore) Discovered near Archangel, 2.51
- Cement Despatched in India during Month of May, 115
- Cement Products Output in Canada, 413
- Cements and Concretes, Temperature Effects on Set t ing Times and Strengths, 13
- Channel, Navigable, from Pittsburgh to Cairo, Dredging of the Mississippi Urged, 495
- Charleston Dry Dock to be Enlarged. 359
- Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, Examination Fixtures, 482
- Chigneeto Canal Route, Nova Scotia, Survey. 359
- China Clay, Large Deposit Discovered on Gold-mining Claim in Ontario, 663
- China Clay Works Proposed at Broad Down on Dartmoor, 495 5
- China Merchants Steam Navigation Company and Han-Yell-Ping Iron and Coal Company, Reorganisation Ordered, 251
- China, Programme Formulated for Complete Survey of, 231
- Chinese Deficient Means of Traffic, Roanis, Railways and 1Vaterways Lacking, 93
- Chinese New Port on Pacific Coast , 115
- Chromito Deposits in Canada to lie Developed. 351
- Chromium Deposits on Brass or Iron, Herr W. nhauser, 413
- Chromium Deposit:4 on Copper or Iron, C. M. Alter and Professor F. C. Mothers, 441
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Fellow ships Conferred, 134
- Civil Service Royal Commission, Complaint of Omission of Men of Science, 467 ('lasses for Engineering Instruction for Women at the Polytechnic, 663
- Clayton Forge, 313
- Clocks at Ottawa Kept at Constant. Tempnirature, 581
- Anthracito, Good, New Seam Strunk at
- Crynant. Neath, 277
- Arley Coal Seam Proved by Billinge Colliery, 495
- Battery of Coke Ovens Projected to Carbonise Large Quantities of Coal, 197
- Bituminous Coal Production in Indiana, 197
- Bituminous Coal Production in the United
- States, 225
- Briquettes Production from Coal by Now
- Mothods, Investigation into Possibilities, 225
- Brown Coal Deposits in Victoria, Development Proposals, 413
- Carbonisation Plant and Size of Coal Trucks,
- . 38
- Coal for Agricultural Purposes. Use of
- " Coalite " in Producer Gas Plant on an
- Agricultural Tractor, 13
- Coal Conveyor Belt of Exceptional Sizo, 495
- Coal Discovery in Kirin, Northern China, 231
- Coal-grading Committees Appointed in South
- Africa in 1923, Procedure, 523 ('owl Mine Immunity from Fatal Accident,
- Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 13
- Coal Seam Discovery at Cwmgledil, 689 ('oko Oven Battery, Ten New Ovens for, 689
- Coke Oven Technology, (1. E. Foxwell, 119
- Cokes Preparation by Special Method, 413
- Coking of Coal, Experiments and Result, 93
- Cop& Type Coke Oven Plant for New Ford 11 arks, 467
- Deaths Ascribed to Domestic Coal Gas
- Poisoning, Committee of Inquiry, 39
- Detonator for Shot-firing in Coal Mining,
- Best Place to Put It, D. Coatesworth, 523
- Examination of Coal and Coke by X• Rays,
- C. N. Kemp, 581, 607
- Experiments in Coal Carbonisation at the
- Pittsburgh Experiment Station, 523
- Explosive Factory for Coal Mine Supplies in
- Manchuria, 581
- Fire-damp and Coal Dust Explosions, Mine
- Reserved for Research Work Only, 385
- German Coal Mines Using Square-mesh 1Vire
- Netting, 663
- German Coal Reserves in the Ruhr, 696
- Gorman Federal Coal Council, Increase in
- Number of Pulverised Coal Installations, 494
- Hatfield Main colliery, Coal Conveyors to he
- Installed and Light Railway Suggested, 119
- Indian Collieries, Trade Dopression, and
- Application to Government of India, 441
- Investigation into Cause of Inrush of Water
- and Loss of Life at Staffordshire Colliery. 413
- Low-temperature Carbonisation of Coal, 531
- Northern Ireland Development Commission
- Estimates Large Tonnage of Coal-bearing
- Areas and Recommends Exploration, 331
- Northern Rhodesia Coal Discoveries, Doubts
- of Value Aroused, 581
- Northern Rhodesia, Discovery of New Coalfield, 251
- Oil and By-products, Plant for Extraction,
- at Darlington Colliery, 119
- Pneumatic Coal-cleaning Plant, 303
- Pulverised Coal's Success on s.s. " West
- Asek," 467
- " Reactivity " of Coke, 13
- Snowdon Colliery, Record Week's Output. 495
- Soft Coal Deposit Discovered in Nanking, 017
- Tilmanstone Colliery :
- Aerial Ropeway for, 114, 467, 493
- Coat of Pithead Baths at, 331
- Fifteen Miles of Rope Delivered for Ropeway, 413
- Plant for Production of Briquetted Coal, 119, 331
- Progress of Shaft Sinking, 413
- Triple-deck Cages to Replace Double•
- deckers, 663
- N'entilation of Coal Mines, Tests Carried Out, 119
- Wharfu,go Extension at Montreal for British
- Ships Bringing Anthracite, 581
- 'OAST Defence Gun, Heavy, Radea)
- mounted, Experimental Journey from Mary
- land to San Francisco, 93
- Cold Storage Problems for Now Zealand Food
- Marketing, Dr. Ezer Griffiths and Others to
- Study the Matter, 495
- Cologne -Rheinau Section of Overhead Transmission Line, 385
- Colombian Ministry of Public Works Sanctions
- Dock and Pier Extension, 67
- Concrete Dam to be Constructed Across thy
- Liovre River, Quebec, 607
- Concrete Encasement for Silicon Steel Columns, 359
- Concrete Highway Along the Allegheny RI% er,
- Materials Pumped Across River, 689
- Concrete Piles Impregnated with Asphalt, 161
- Condenser Tubes Expanded into the Tube
- Plates at Both Ends, 251
- Conditions for Contracts, 22
- Conference, Annual, of the Institut Internationale de Bibliographic de Bruxelles, 186
- Congella, Estimates of Durban Authorities for
- New Workshops at, 331
- Congress of Metallurgists in Dusseldorf, 22
- Copper Abundance in Rhodesia, Sir Edit-Mild
- Davis, 45
- Copper Glance Deposit Discovery in the Transvaal, 551
- Copper Mines, too Miles of. in Northern
- Rhodesia, 12
- Copper Output from Haut, Icatangit Mines,
- Central Africa, 635
- Copper Sheets fur Engraving, 606
- Copper Steam Pipe Failure, Exiiert's Opinion. 93
- Copper-steel, New Alloy, German, 331
- Cornstalks, Conversion into Gaseous Fuel, 385
- Corrosion of Feed Pipes, 412
- Cotton Mills in China, 581
- Cranes, Four 5-ton Electric, for Nov Crane
- Track at Carriers Dock, Liverpool, 495
- Culvert being Constructed in St. Louis, U.S.A.,
- to Confine the River Des Pores. 689
- Cycle Tire Inner Tube Made by Electro-deposition of Rubber, 67
- Cylindrical Vessels, Exceptionally Large, ler
- Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 532
- DAM in California, Three Million Cubic Yards of Granite Rock Required for, 93
- Dam Construction Across River Arkavati, near Bangalore, Madras, 385 .
- Dam Construction on the Mattawan River, Quebec, 13
- Dam Across the Lerma River, Mexico, 413
- Dam, New, in the Silent Valley, for Supply of Potable Water to Belfast., 277
- Darn and Reservoir at Athens, 495
- Dam and Resevoir to be Started by Newport Corporation, 495
- Dam, San Gabriel, Construction in California, Blast on Hugo Scale Necessary. 145 Construction Suspended on Account of Committee's Report, 523
- Danger to Navigation During Fog, Device to Calculate Distance from Lighthouse, 551 '
- Death of Mr. James A. Bell, 67
- Death of Dr. David Draper, Diamond Industry Pioneer, 385
- Death of Mr. Ernest Latimer, 171
- Death of Dr. Percy A. Wagner, 635
- Dowatoring of the Walwan Dam of the Tata Hydro-elect ric Company, India, 67
- Diamond Drilling Outfits, Large, for Alberta, 359
- Diary for Advertisers, 562
- Diatomaceous Earth Deposits, Lake District, being Actively Developed, 467
- Diffictifty with the Customs House, 428
- Distance of the Sun, New Method of Determining, 119
- Dock Lengthening by Barry Graving Dock Company, 119
- Dredger Bucket Chain Accident at Durban, 93;
- Dredger, Now, for Durban, 93
- Dredgers, Two, for South Africa, 467
- Dynamite Explosions Only Very Loud in Open Air, 689
- HTHQUA E Shocks, Eficcts on Buildings,
- Experimental Plant for investigation of, 302
- Economiser Explosion, Preliminary Inquiry, 225
- Efficiency of Hydraulic Machinery in General,
- J. 0. Roving, 635
- British Electrical Industry, Important Survey
- of its Economic Position and Organisation
- After Two Years' Research, 551 ('able, Electric, Claimed to be Largest Ever
- Made, 495 ('able at Hell Gate Generating Station to
- be Duplicated, 251
- Cadmium in Electric Storage Batteries, 93
- Central Electric Stations in Canada, Increased
- Output, Fuel Statistics, 523
- Central Electricity Board, First Statement
- of Accounts, 197 ('rude Oil Enqinos and Direct-current Generators for estern Australia Electric Light
- Station, 119
- Debray Power Station, Steam Conditions at
- the Boiler Stop Valves, 689
- Dcepwator Power Station of American
- Electric Power Company, 277
- Electric Batteries in Canada, Statistics of
- Output, 93
- Electric Shaker Conveyor fur Rand Gold
- Mine, as Used in British Coal Pits, 67
- Electric Stock for Madras, Details of, 407
- " Electric Welding as Applied to Bridges,"
- H. Bruff, 495
- Electrical Energy Consumption in Various
- Countries, Great Increase, 224
- Electrical Power Engineers' Association,
- Address by Mr. P. E. Rycroft, 689
- Electrical Resistance Standard, New Type
- Developed, 635
- Electricity Distribution in Shropshire, New
- Scheme, 635
- Electricity Users in America, Groat Increase, 411
- Flodin Method for Electrical Production of
- Forgeable iron Direct from the Ore, 303
- France, Present Position of Electric Light.
- and Power, Groat Extension in Use, 171
- Furnaces, Electric, in British Foundries, 689
- Generating Set of 7500 kW of the Belliss-G.E.C. Type for the Power-house of the
- Pretoria Municipality, 331
- Generating Set, 3000 kW, Purrin by
- Port Elizabeth and Nearly Ready for Use, 369
- High-tension " Grid " mid High Price, 195
- Johannosbur4 Electricity Tariff, 607
- Longford Klectrivity Plant, Coventry,
- Extended, 085
- Machinery and Apparatus, Electrical,
- imported into Poland, 413
- Melbourne Municipal Electric Supply,
- Flourishing Condition of the Undertakmg, 352
- Modern Type of Power Station, 225
- Ontario Farmers' Rapidly Increasing Use of
- Electricity, 663
- Ootaeamund, Progress of Glen Morgan Power
- Scheme, 67
- Overhead Electric Car Service in Japan, 607
- Overhead -N. Olt ago Lino to Supply 1
- Electric Power to Edmonton, 581 1
- Plant Capable of Making Tests at Pressures 1
- up to One Million Volts, 607 1
- Portable Equipment for Producing Ovor One
- Million Volts, 467
- Powell River Power Plant Under Construc-
- tion, 689
- Power Plant to be Installed at New Man•
- ganese Minos at Postinasburg, South
- Africa, 93
- Power Plant Progress at Umtali, Rhodesia, :is:,
- Power Plant on the Tusket River, 663
- Power Plant of Yamaguchi Prefecture.
- Japan, to be Extended, 581
- Power Scheme at Lake Manapouri, N.G., 6 Miles of Tunnelling Required, 607
- Power Station, Largo Now, at Buenos Aires,
- 089
- Power Transmission Lines for the Punjab, 663
- Rural Electrification Scheme, Application for
- Extension, R. Borlaso Matthews, 225
- Rural Houses, Government of Ontario's
- Programme to Provide Electricity for, 39
- Shanghai Power Company Acquires Business
- of Shanghai Municipal Electricity Depart-
- ment, 385
- Southend's Proposed Expenditure on Elec-
- tricity Plant, 467
- Sparking at the Brushes of Direct-current
- Electrical Machinery, 467
- Spur Falls Hydro-electric Power Plant.
- Extension, 607
- The Electrician. Re-union Dinner, 631
- Trades Union, Electric, Transference of
- Headquarters to London, 689
- Transmission Line, 11,000-volt, from Pvkara
- to Ootacamund, 663
- Turbo-alternator, 20,000-Kilowatt for Cal-
- cutta, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 467
- Turbo-alternators being Made for Holland
- by C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 467
- Utilisation of Electricity, Efforts to Increa4e
- Farmers' Adoption of it, 277
- Wellington Council, South Africa, Electricity
- Undertaking, Proposed Extension by Oil
- Engines, also Water Conservation Scheme
- to be Started, 352
- EMPIRE Commercial Policy, 531
- Engine,;Junkers, Its Special Advantages, 171
- Engine, Light Motor, Running on Crude Oil
- for Motor Cars and Aeroplanes, Swedish
- Invention, 331
- Engineers' Holidays, 108
- Engineers and Monetary Reform, 456
- English Translations of Japanese Engineering
- Standards, 551
- Etching Solution, Its Component Parts, 385
- Artist-Craftsman Exhibition at Central Hall,
- Westminster, 467
- Barcelona Exhibition, State to Grant 50
- Million Pesetas, 689
- Bradford Engineering Society's Exhibition, 495
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham, Exten-
- sion of Space Required for Next Year, 331;
- Catalogue of London Section of British
- litdiistries Fair, 331; Competition Designs
- fnr Prizes and Scholarships, to be Exhi-
- bited at. Imperial Institute, 119; New
- Exhibitors, Large Number for British
- Industries Fair in 1930, 663
- Brussels International Exhibition Postponed
- to 1931, 687
- Engineering Exhibition in Bradford, 413
- Exhibit ion of Inventions, Fifth International, 108
- Frankfurt-on-Main Exhibition of Chemical
- Apparatus and Machinery, 1930. 9
- Liege International Exhibition, 422
- North-East Coast Exhibition at Newcastle,
- Profit Expected, 385 1930 Royal Agricultural Show, Date Fixed. 209
- Trade Exhibition, Buenos Aires, 341
- Twentieth Annual Exhibition of Ph' 1
- and Optical Societies, Date Fixed, 44 1
- Tyneside Industries Fair, An Annual, Under
- Consideration, 689
- EXPLOSION of Boiler Tube, 663
- Explosion of Tube in Steam-heated lia r .
- Oven, 67
- Explosion of Vertical Boiler, Ignorance of In-
- spector, 13
- Explosion of Water Gauge Connection on Board
- a Stearn Trawler, 385
- Explosion in Water-tube Boiler Due to Faulty
- Feed Water, 39
- Explosions Attributed to Sewer Gas Accumula-
- tions Accidentally Fired, 359
- Explosive Factory to he Put Up on the Shore
- of Taihu Lake, mbar Wusih, China, 523
- Explosives, H.M. Inspectors of, Report, 119
- FACTORIES in Shangtung Province' to ho
- Constructed for Revival of Industry, 551
- Factory Started for Coating Metal Articles with
- Chromium, 551
- Faraday House Electrical Engineering College.
- Address to Students by Sir Hugo Hirst, 535
- Fatigue Failures, Test Studies to Determine the
- Effect of Notches, 303
- Federal Malay States Mines, Statistics of Total
- Horse-power Employed, 581
- Federated Malay States, Anti-malaria in Kuala
- Lumpur, 689
- Finsbury Old Students, Streatfield Memorial
- Lecture, 479
- Fire-damp Explosions, Investigation into
- Causes, 331
- Flotation Tests, Experimental. on Metals at
- the United States Bureau of Mines, 93
- Flue Gases and Elimination of Sulphur, 607
- Fly, Caddis, Larvt Accumulation and Damage
- to Hydro-electric Plants, 154
- Food Investigation and Rate of Leakage of
- Heat on Board Ship, Experiments, 39
- Foreign Stone for Construction of British Roads, 171
- Forest Research Institute at Dehra Dun,
- Opened, 523
- Forests of Canada, Analysis of, 689
- Foster, Sir Gregory, Projected Farewell Dinner to, 371
- Foucault. Pendulum to be Re-suspended in the Science Museum, 171
- Fractionating Tower in Oil Refining Industry,
- Claimed to be Largest of Its Kind in the
- World, 277
- Freezing Mixture, German Patent, 581
- French Government Schemes for Development
- of Madagascar, 93
- French Society of Civil Engineers' Visit to
- Birmingham on Tour of Great Britain, 13
- Froth Flotation Process Applied to Separation
- of Coal from Ash-forming Materials, 495
- Fuel Economisers for Heating Feed Water.
- Necessary Precautions to Avoid Accident, 67
- Fuel Question Difficulties in South African
- Mines Remote from Railways, 39
- GAS Companies Amalgamation, Six, Proposed, 681
- Gas Generator, " Imbert," for Producing Gas from Lignite Briquettes, Experiment in Use for Driving Motor Lorry, 196
- Gas Offered to Glasgow Corporation at Groat
- Reduction in Cost, 197
- Gas Pipe Line for Paris Supply, 495
- Gas Production of 5,000,000 Cubic Feet. Daily from Deep Well in Ontario, 13
- Gas Temperatures, Measuring, 659
- Geodetic Survey of Canada, Officers' 22,000 Miles of Aeroplane Journeying, 663
- Geological Surveys Planned by Canadian
- Government, 13
- Geology of Northern Rhodesia., Doctors A.
- Bancroft and R. A. Pelletier, 393
- Gibraltar Straits Tunnel. Preliminary Work and
- Further Investigations, 441
- Gold, New Use Found for, 467
- Gold-plated " Analytical " Weights,
- Variability Liable to Occur, 67
- Gorgas Memorial Laboratory at Panama Just.
- Started Work, 277
- Graphite Deposit Discovery in South-West Africa, 303
- HALIFAX, New Pier to be Constructed, 689
- Harbour Schemes at Tuticorin, 171
- Heat Treatment of Drills in High-speed Steel, 331
- Heavy Motor Car (Amendment) Order, 467
- Helium, Theory as to Original Source, 303
- High-pressure Steam Valves for the Kearaley Power Station, 341
- Hill in Seattle Excavated and Dumped out at Sea to Level Ground for Building, 441
- Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Extension. 93
- Hot Springs in British Columbia, Therapeutic Efficacy of, 119
- House-building and Value of Recording Instruments in Testing Flow of Air Through an
- Outside Wall, Effect of Flues, &c., 359
- Hudson Bay, Islands Off the Coast of, Proved to Contain Large Quantities of Hematite Ore, 359
- Hull Corporation to Buy Queen's Dock from North-Eastern Railway, 145
- Hydraulic Branch of the Malay States Public Works Dpeartment, 689
- Hydraulic Engineer President-Elect of Mexico, 663
- Hydro-olectrie Development on Rivers in Denver and Washington, 251
- Hydro-electric Plant in Switzerland, Large
- Horse-power Rating, 197
- Hydro-electric Power Plant of 25,000 H.P. Projected in the Philippine Islands, 607
- Hydro-electric Scheme, Mandl, Official Kilter.
- prise of Punjab Government, 331
- Hydrogen as an Excellent Cooling Medium for
- High-speed Rotating Electrical Machinery, 251
- Hydrogen, Plant fur Making, on Large Scale, 467
- ICE Rink to Cost £100,000 for Birndnghani, 67
- Iceland Spar Mining Industry of South Africa, 413
- Imperial College of Science and Technology
- Annual Dinner, Difficulties of the College, 663
- Increasing Exports from Walvis Bay, 635
- Industrial Resources of America and China;
- Question of Supercession of Mechanical Over
- Natural Processes, 607
- Industrialisation of Agriculture, Professor A.
- K Ottewell, 663
- International !Humiliation Congress, 593
- Iodine Production from Seaweed of the White
- Sea, 635
- Addition of N Lc I I i) 1 roil, Advantages
- Secured, 146
- Alloys of Iron, Extensive Research Projected, 93
- Blast-furnace with 13ft. gin. Hearth, World's
- Record for Production, 385
- Blast-furnace and its Limitations, 145
- British-made Steel and Canada, 495
- Case-hardened Nickel Steel, Superiority to
- Plain Carbon Steel, 581
- Chemically Pure Iron that May be Used for
- Small Electrical Machinery, 385
- Coke-oven Gas for Iron and Steel Industries, 496 ( 'old-rolled Steel, Fellowship and Two
- Scholarships Offered for Research Work in,
- at Sheffield, 551
- Crucible Steel Replaced to Great Extent
- by Electric Steel in U.S.A., 225
- Ferro-titanium in Steel and Iron Manufacture, 581
- Fluxing Material in Soldering Restless Steels, 385 ( :carman (Irony Colo Fact wit I, Turkish
- Uuvcrustu for Erection of mat awl Steel
- Works, 523
- Hematite Iron Ore, Great Discoveries in
- Sierra Leone, 467
IRON AND STEEL (continued):
- High-duty Cast Iron Production, Good
- Results of Investigation and Experiment, 145
- Iron Mine, Now, at Holton-le-Moor, Lincolnshire, 607
- Iron Ore, Annual Supply from Malay Peninsula to Company in Japan, 413
- Japanese Iron and Steel Industry, J. H. 14.3ylers, 495
- Magnetic Properties of Iron, Effect of Nickel
- Alloy, 635
- Malleable Iron Castings for Bridge Railings,
- Result of Tests, 653
- Manitoba Rolling Mills, Alberta, Steel
- Working on Natural Gas, 689
- Measurement of Graphite Size in Cast Iron,
- Report by Dr. A. L. Norbury, 607
- Moulding Shops of Grangemouth Iron Company, Extension, 495
- Musso Semi-direct Steel Process, Plant for
- Demonstration to be Installed, 663
- National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers' Reports :
- Furnaces in Blast, Pig Iron and Steel
- Production at end of May and June, 1929, 67; July, 171; August, 303; September, 441; October, 523; November, 663
- Negative Quenching, Mr. A. R. Page, 689
- Non-metallic Inclusions in Steel, Prolonged
- Investigations Marie and in Progress, 551
- Port Talbot Steel Works of Baldwin, Ltd., 495
- Pretoria, Iron and Steel Works Projected,
- Specifications on View, 689
- Production of Raw Steel in Saar Basin, 251
- South African Iron and Steel Institute, 607
- " Spun-iron " Pipes, Extension of Plant for
- Manufacture, 523
- steel Roof Girders of Railway Tunnel in 523
- Conveyance of
- Burnaby, B.C.,
- Alloy, Factory
- New York, Strengthening,
- Steel Sphere, Test of, for
- Helium, 385
- Steel Works Plant, New, at 495
- Steels, Stainless, and Other
- Started at Montreal, 13
- IRRIGATION and Reclamation Works, in
- Thessaly, Epirus and Crete. Henry Boot
- and Son, Ltd., Contractors, 689
- Irrigation Report of Madras Presidency, 67
- Irwin Canal in Mysore, Irrigation on Largo
- Scale Expected, 119
- Italian Fertilisers Manufacturers' Organisation, 413
- JAPANESE Railwaymen's Dinner, 25
- Japanese Waltzing Mice and Detection of Carbon Monoxide, 467
- Jhelum River, A Record Flood, 689
- "KONEL " New Valuable Metal for High Temperatures, 225, 303
- LAMME Medal Award, 183
- Lancashire Traffic Board, Proposed Bill, 577
- Lantern Slides Offered for Lectures, Marshall,
- Sons and Co., Ltd., 209
- Leaching Ores, Result of American Experimental Work, 441
- Load Minos, near Matlock, Discovery of Itirk
- Ore Below Water Level, 385
- Lead Strength Greatly Increased by inn
- of Tin and Another Non-ferrous Metal, 277
- League of Nations, Own Independent NV irrlecs
- Station Proposed, 331
- Leather Belt, Four-ply, 44in. Wide, for Transmission of 850 Horse-power, 551
- Loather Footwear Produced in Canada, 607
- Leon Gaster Memorial Fund. 422
- Level Crossings to he Abolished in Hull, 145
- Lighting Device Controlled by Intensity of
- Natural Light, 67
- Lighting, Ingenious System Evolved for
- Savings Bait in Brooklyn, Now York, 145
- Lighting Scheme, New, for Thames Embankment, 13
- •• Lightning and Electric Transmission Lines,"
- Paper by Director-General C. Danzere,
- Result of Experiments and Study, 359
- Lignite on the Abitibi River, Ontario, 495
- Linoleum Factory to be put up at Farnham,
- Quebec, 551
- Lochaber Power Plant, Preliminary Test, 635
- Low-grade Clays, Shales and Shale Rock,
- Rapid Heating and Valuable Results for
- Btulding Purposes, 277
- Low Temperature Carbonisation, 413, 531—
- *cc Coal
- McGRAW Company in Chicago, Details of New Building, 145
- Machine Tool Works, Sverdlov, Leningrad, Being Reconstructed, 689
- Machine Tools, Special List of Library Books Regarding, 39
- Manganese, Metallic, Supplied to Steel Industry
- from Lake Superior District, 119
- Manganese Mines, Now, at Postmasburg, South Africa, 93, 127
- Marble Quarrying on the Hudson Bay Railway, 607
- Marino Motors for Sea Fishing Exhibition and Trials to be Hold at Ostend, 635
- Mechanical Separation of Oil, Petrol, ^ and Asphalt, 634
- Melbourne's Electricity Supply, 352
- Memorial to the late Sir Alexander B. W.
- Kennedy, 451
- Mengho River in
- :angwze Valley. Measures to
- Chock Silting, 93
- Meteor Crater, Arizona, Mining to Disclose
- Meteor, 67
- Mineral Production of British Columbia, Final
- Returns for 1928, 39
- Minerals in Bolivia the Property of the State, 201
- Miners' Acclimatisation to High Underground
- Temperatures, 277
- Miners Electric Cap Lamps, Report of Investigation into Safety of, 30
- Mines in Ontario, Large Output Anticipated, 663
- Mining Machinery Laboratories at Birmingham
- University, 554
- Mining Operations, Prehistoric, in South Africa, 303
- Misuse of Institution Initials, 51
- Model Locomotive Drawings, 346
- Moffat Tunnel Timbering Failure Duo to Dry
- Rot, 251
- Monet Metal, Simple Precautions Needed in
- Welding, 251
- Motor Show Importance. but British Builder
- Hampered by Charges Payable to Government, 441
- Motor Vehicle Construction in the United
- States Increased, Proportion Exported, 523
- Motor Vehicle Registration Statistics in Madras.
- Tanganyika, Falkland Islands and Persia. 13
- Motor Vehicles Rogisterod in Canada, 413
- NATIONAL Screw Thread Commission, Revision, 197
- Natural Gas, 'Compressing Plant for Driving it Along a Pipe Lino, 551
- Natural Gas, Exploration in Search of its Possible Bearing on South Saskatchewan River, 385
- Natural Gas, Fields of Theoretical Interest for its Use, 551
- Natural Gas, Projected Export by Pipe Lino from Calgary to Montana, 359
- Natural Gas Uselessly Burnt, 581
- Natural Gas in Western America, Magnitude of Waste, 251
- Needle to be Built in New York, 72 Storeys 925ft. High, 523
- Now Welland Canal, First Vessel Passed Through No. 1 Lock, 607
- Nicaraguan Canal, United States Engineers to Survey Proposed Route, 197
- Nico District, Agreement Between Trainways and Motor Omnibuses to Avoid Loss by Competition, 225
- Nitrogen Fixation Plant of the Stickntuff of Waldenburg, 689
- Non-ferrous Metal Producers, Collapse of the Combine, 581
- Non-Toxicity of Titanium Oxide and Titanium Sulphate Absolutely Proved, Dr. L. V. Blina, 39
- Northern Rhodesia, Possiblo Removal of Administration from Livingstone, Talk of Electric Power from Victoria Falls, 467
- Nutshells for Manufacture of Paper and Artificial Silk, Experiments in India, 581
- OBSERVATORY' as a (\mitre of Information as to Effects of Lightning and Storms, 635
- Obstruction Removed after Wreck of Bridge, 800-Ton, 551
- Oil from Bituminous Sand, Extraction by Centrifugal Process Plain,, 607
- Oil Can, Miniature, J. Kay and 801114, Ltd., 463
- Oil of Commercial Value Discovered near florin, Russia, 467
- Oil Main, A Second, from Turner Valloy to Calgary, 171
- Oil Production from Wood and Wood Waste, Swedish Academy's Experiment, 551
- Oil Refiner to Produce 200,000 Tons of Petrol Yearly for Barcelona, 495
- Oil Refinery to be Put. Up on Shorn of Burrard Inlet, Vancouver, 551
- Oil Shale and Oil Production in Scotland, 635
- Ore, Chiefly Copper, Total Treated by Flotation Process in U.S.A., 39
- Overhead Highway in New York, to Carry Two 2Oft. Roadways, 635
- Overhead Line Construction at, East Grinstead, Cheap Form of, 13
- Oxy-acetylene Cutting Equipment Used for Rapid Release of Entrapped Workman, 523
- PAINT, Slow-drying and Wrinkling of, and Consequent Trouble, 277
- Painting Work, Outside, Problorn of Durability, 523
- Paper Pulp Digesting Plant and Sawing of Steam, 359
- Patent Committee Investigations, 13, 451
- Patent Office, Increased Applications and Increasing Staff, 663
- Penstock of the Big Creek, 2 A Plant of the Southern California Edison Company, Its Composition, 385
- Petrol Railway Cars for Toronto, Projected Factory for their Manufacture, 663
- Phosphate Deposits in Northern Russia, Development Plans, 689
- Photo-micrographs a Great Help in Study of Various Ores, 359
- Physics in Relation to the Utilisation of Fuel, Dr. C. H. Lander, 635
- Pictures Received by the " Fultograph," Method of Permanent Fixation, Dr. Alfred J. H. Des, 225
- Pile-driving Equipment of British Make, Very Largo for South Australia, 277
- Piles, Shipment from British I,I I -0.U111..).th to New Jersey for Dock Construction, 581
- Plans to Irrigate Portions of Nitrate Region in Atacama Desert being Considered by Chilean Government, 359
- Platinum Reduction Plant, A Third, to Operate on Merensky Reef, South Africa, 277
- Pollution of Lake Michigan, Method for Prevention, 277
- Port letwilities Connnitteo Recommoodso isms, 225
- Port Facilities at. H tants°. Manchuria. Heavy Cost of, 251
- Port Improvement at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 007
- Port. Works to be Built at. Asuncion, Paraguaybecause of Heavy Increase in River Traffic, 551
- Posts of Concrete with Wood Attachments, 151
- Precipitation of Lead and Copper on Sponge Iron, 119
- Pretoria, Congested state of Railway "%York- shops' Site and Consequent Projected Removal, 331
- Pretoria Depart 111..111.. of Posts and Telegraphs Considering, Change-over of Exchanges from Manual to Automatic System, 331
- Pump Calculator, 565
- QUEBEC Roads in Winter. Heavy Cost of Keeping them Open to it or Traffic, 03.1
- Queen's Duck. Old, Hull, Proposed Filling-in,:385
- RADIO Lectures, 562
- Radithn Industry and Poisoning of Workers
Accidents :
- Accident Statistics for 1928. 413
- British Railway Accidents a Year Ago, 413 13uffer-stop Collision at L.M.S. Exchange
- Station, Liverpool, 331
- Collander and Oban Lim., Blocked by
- Big Fall of Rock, Signals for Working. 303
- Collision, Lack of Automat ie Train Control. 523
- Collision near Doncaster. Report Lays
- Blame on Both Drivers, 251
- Collision Between Passenger Train and
- Goods Train, 385
- Derailed Carriages at. Most Bank Junction, 225
- Derail) tient of Rear Coaches, Colonel
- Treneh's Report. 225
- Failure of Wagon Coupling Causes Fatal
- Accident.. 467
- Fatal Accident at Occupat ion crossing, ,111
- Fatal Collision between Omnibus ,caul
- Tramcar. 663
- Fatal Dernihnent Outsido Ruth Station, 581. 607
- Fatal Derailment of T111111 frvlaa IUrussrls. 603
- Fatalities to Permanent Way NVorkini.ii in 1928, 581
- Federated Malay States Bill to Enforce
- Accident Inquiry. 119
- Indian Railway Accident Statistics, 145
- Locomotive Boiler Explosion in 1879, 441
- Minor Accidents. Three in Two Days, :303
- Motor Car and Closed Gatos of L.M. and S.
- Railway Level Crossing. 197
- Passenger Train Accident at Hull, 581
- l'astxmger Train Collision with Empty
- Carriages at Hull Ascribed to Dofectivo
- Track Circuit, 251
- Railway Accident Figures, Analysis of
- Type of Causes, 607
- Railway Accidents in 1928, 303
- Railway Servants, Analysis of Accidents to,
- in 1928, 689
- Reduced Fares and ('oinpwisation for
- Accidents. 663
- Report on Collision at Pontypool-road
- West Junetion, 359
- Report on Fatal Collision near Newton
- Abbot. 119
- Sentinel-Caminell Steam Cone)) Collision
- with Buffer Stops at. NVaverley Station.
- Edinburgh. 440
- Steam Rail Car Run into by Train, 13
- Switzerland. Serious Level Crossing Disaster, 195
- Tay Bridge Accident Fifty Years Ago, 689
- Train Accidents and Growing List of
- Passengers' Complaints, 277
- Train Run Into and Sigutatilatt's Responsibility, :385
- Woman Gatekeeper Killed on Great
- Southern Railway of Ireland. 197
- Air Pilots Trained in Meteorology to Assist
- Transcontinental Air Service. 007
- Alpine Railway Electrified. 145
- Appointments and Staff Changes. 13. 67. 171. 197, 303, 359, 413, 467, 523, 551
- Argentine Railways. Limitation of Alii•ns'
- Share Holdings, 13
- Australia North-`out11 Transcontinental Railway Opening; Far-reaching Results
- Anticipated. 197
- Australian Federal Government North-Sout h
- Railway, 13
- Automatic Couplings, Composition of the
- Cominitteo Decided on, 441
- Automatic Traffic Signals in Bombay, 663
- Branch Line, Stamford to Wansford, Closed, 39
- CampIu own and 31achrilianish Light Railway, 13
Canadian National Railways :
- Canadian National Railways and Careless
- Motorists, 13
- Projected Improvements Programme, 55
- Railway's Balance Sheet, for Month of Jtic, 171
Canadian Pacific Railway :
- Increased Earnings of the Railway, 171
- Twenty Largo Locomotives for Rocky
- Mountain Region, 145
- Catch Points and Trap Points, Explanation of, 67
- China and Railway Administration Plans, 663
- Clapham .Junction Station, Complaints. 413
- Coming of Age of the " Southern Bello," 495
- Committee on Main Line Electrification, 331
- Communication ('FichePulled but 11(i
- ReSponse. 145
- Corrosive Effect on Rails of Proximity of the, Sea; Repairs Ordered, 413
- Cost of Living and Reduction in Railwaymen's Wages, 39
- Death of Mr. C. do Andrewes. 225
- Death of Sir Cosmo 0. Bonsor, 635
- Death of Mr. William Moffat, 331
- Disastrous Results on Rhodesian Railways and from Railway Strike and also Washaways, on Certain Lines.
- Dividends as a Hopeful Sign for Railways, 119
- Duty, Remitted Railway Passenger, Amount 5 in Hand Variously Expended by Four Chief Railways, 359
- East Suffolk's Appeal to Authorities for Railway and Harbour Improvements, 407
- Electrification Extension for Railways, 67
- Elevated Roadway Proposed in Chicago, 93
- Error in Figures; Scheme Cost Multiplied by Ten, 39
- Ferry Steamers for Conveyance of Motor Cars between Portsmouth and Isle of Wight-, 689
- Floods in South Wales, Somerset and South Devon, Trains Diverted to Old Route, 663
- Garratt Locomotive, Mr. A. W. Garret i 's Career, 007
Great Western Railway
- Additional Lines, Including 'Taunton Station, 523
- Additional Winter Services Arranged, 331
- Corris Railway Past History; Line to be Taken Over by Great Western Railway, 277
- Great \%'estern's Bargain with the Government; Cancellation of Duty Payable.171
- Improvement of Lines Curvature through Westbury and Promo, 635
- Kennett and Avon Canal, Question of Motor Road or Water Supply, 171
- Paddington and Bishop's-road Stations Projected Improvements, 581, 689
- Points on Passenger Line Worked by Double Wire Transmission, 385. 495
- Steel Sleepers, Large Purchase for Permanent Way, 635
- Twenty-ton Wagons and Rebate on it Carriage, 277
- Widening of Lines and Sidings vsi ri,h.1111 Welsh Sections to Permit Use 01 1.01.::,1! Engines, 277
- Grouped Railways Year's Outlay on Mat,' id I , 231
- Half-round Sleepers Proposed fur General Railway Use, Increasing Number and Reducing Cost, 331
- Harbours, Docks and Piers Report, 467
- Harwich-Zeebrugge Train Ferry, Increase in Tonnage Carried, 385
- Heavy Rain in South Wales, Effect on Road.607
- 24-hours Notation for Railways and the Royal Astronomical Society, 67
- Hudson Bay Railway Open for Passenger Traffic to Terminus at. Churchill, 1 1
- Hu-hai Railway Completion, 381
Indian Railways :
- East, Indian Railway : Timber, Plant for Kiln Drying of, 385
- Great Indian Peninsula _Railway : Electrical Operation of Trains Officially Opened, 523
- Indian Railway Board Reports; Investrations Continued as to Increased of Indigenous Timbers for Sleepers and Coach Building, 39
- Indium Indigenous Timbers, Investigation into Increased Use for Sleepers, 385
- Indian State Railways Stlindard Rifle Book, 551
- Institutes and Institutions, Rai I kt) sCr Associations, ttc C.Inteniational Railway Congress. MS Ii I Eleventh Session, 67
- Irish Railway Changes and Closure of Broadstone Station, 331
- Isle of Man Railway Company Aripiiriii;: Interest in Two Omnibus Companies. 413
- Kin-Han Railway Facing Bankruptcy, 231
- Level Crossings in the City of Hull, 581
- Level Crossings Dangers in New Zealand and Europe, 277
- Locomotives Manned by Men of Private Firm Running on Main Line, Question in Parliament, 93
London, Midland and Scottish Railway
- Additional Lines' Conversion to Electric, Traction. 523
- Branch Lines Closed Down, 225
- Companies and Men. Advantages of Sectional Councils, Agreement Bocci', 1 Arrived at, 251
- Dock Developments at Goole. 385
- Expenditure in Redemption of the Abolilion of Railway Passenger Duty, 551
- Insulated Containers for Conveyance of Perishable Goods, 581
- Irish Railway Improvements by North Counties Committee. 495
- London and North-Western's Former .\41. stances to Dublin and South-Hastern Railway, Present Situation, 339
- Parliamentary Proposals for New Line, 663
- Potters liar Station, Addtional Tracks
- Proposed, 58l
- Signal and Telegraph Department, Judependent, for the L.M. and S. Railway,
- A Series of New Appointments, 197
- Southend Line, New Station Projected, 495
- Steel Sleepers being Laid Down Between Euston and Carlisle, 277
- Thirty 40-Ton Wagons Order, Less of a Novelty than Supposed, 277
L.M.S. and L.N.E. Railways
- Joint 1;% Owned Railway for Colliery Developments, 385
London and North-Eastern Railway :
- Additional Running Loops and Other Improvements Projected, 551
- Blyth and Tyne Section Passenger Traffic Stoppage Under Consideration, 551
- Hartnett :Hook of Holland Night Tram, Nevi. vrissom for, 67
- Improvement Sehei Wes, Q1111815 OH of Priority, 663
- King's Cross to Edinburgh Record Non-stop Run, 101.
London and North-Eastern Railway (continued):
- Liverpool-street Station, Traffic Statistics, 495
- Locomotive Aecoinenudation at King's Cross, 67
- Marshalling Yards, New, at Hull and Mottram, 635
- l'rizes Awarded for Best Designs of Interior of a First.-class and of a Third•elass Compartment, 197
- "Queen of Scots " Pullman Express, Fast
- Rtm, 225
- Reception Yard at Ferrite Park, Projected
- Enlargement, 523
- Rumford-(idea Park Widening and Consideration of Other Improvements, 495
- Southend Lino, Widening, 063
- London Traffic and Government Policy. 635
- Long Lengths of Steel, Transportation by
- Gondola Cars, 67
- Look-out Men for Permanent Way Protection, 197
- Magnus Volk's Electric Railway at Brighton
- in Danger of being Scrapped, 251
- Mails Exchange front 'Trains, " How It
- Works," 277
- Manchester South Junction and Altrincliam
- Railway, Conversion from Steam to Electric Traction, 93
Metropolitan Railway:
- Expenditure on Improvements, 523
- Powers Sought to Construct Now Railway, 681
- Stations Closed to Avoid " Bottleneck " Hindrance, 145, 171, 409, 523
Ministry of Transport :
- Bridges in Substitution for Level Crossings,
- Allocation of Costs Question, 67
- Expenditure on Large Scale to Find Employment, Numerous Schemes, 119
- Last Session's Bills and London Traffic Question, 39
- Minister of Transport on Railway Reequipment, 467
- Motor Vehicles, Analysis of N withers
- Registered in July, 1929, Compared with July, 1928. 441
- Passenger Accommodation and Limitation of Numbers, 495
- Passenger and Freight Traffic Statistics,
- June, 1929, Compared with Juno. 1928, 331
- Piccadilly Circus Station. Largo Electric
- Light Standards Replacing Smaller
- Ones, 413 4' Prevention of Accidents Rules." 171
- " Propeller Locomotive," Satisfactory
- Trial of, in Germany, 413
- Railway Returns for 1928, 303, 663, 689
- Railway Stall Census. Annual Publication, 331
- Railway Statistics for March and March
- Quarter, 39
- Railway Statistics for April, 93
- Railway Statistics for May, 225
- Railway Statistics for Juno and for Half-year ending June, 385
- Railway Statistics for July, 495
- Railway Statistics for August, 551
- Steel Sleeper Question, Tests, 119
- Ten Years History of the Ministry, 359
- Monsieur Roaul biary's Visit to England,
- ill
- " Ni Mi" Si W Motor.(
- National Safety first Association and Motor
- Vehicle Accidents, 13
National Union of Railwaymen
- Wages 24 per runt. Reduction to Continue, 495
- Work in Shunting Yards and Depots,
- Necessity of Carrying Out Instructions. 39
- Nationalisation of Railways, 523
- Now York City, Quest-ion of Freight Cartage
- through the State. 441
- Now Zealand, Primo Minister's Railway
- Plans Unwelcome. 257
- Pennsylvania-Lehigh "alloy Railroad. Bridge
- under Construction, Mishap to Span, 93
- Permanent Way Institution, President for 1930, 635
- Point, Worked by Itod or Double Wire, 385, 195
- Railway Communication Over llin fears
- Old, Legal Ditheulties, 145
- Railway Companies. Staff, Statistics of,
- Number Employed and Pay in 1928. 310
- Railway Engineers and Promotion. British
- and American, 145
- Railway Material Exports, Statistics, 67, 225, 331, 359, 551, 635
- Railwaymen, Two, on Arbitration Board
- of Cotton Industry, 197
- Railwaymen and Unemployment, Mr. J. Fl.
- Thomas' Remarks, 607
- Railway Track in Great Britain, Attempt
- To Reduce Heavily Increased Cost by
- Substituting Steel for Wooden Sleepers,
- Experiments in Progress, 251
- Railway Unions, Throe, Notice to Railway
- Companies to Terminate Pay Reduction
- Agreement, 67, 495; Further Conference, Result, 413
- Railways Allowed to Run Motors on Roads,
- Why Not also Barges on Canals ? Lord Shuttlewortli, 251
- Road Bridge at £6,000,000 Cost or Express Furry ? 607
- Road Traffic Regulation and Royal Commission Report, 67
- Road Transport and Railway Agreements in Scotland, 119
- Royal Commission on Transport. King
- Approves New Members, 303
- Russia, Electrification of Part of Northern
- Railway, 467
- "Safety First " and accident Reduction. 171
- sr Paul s, Replanning of City of London
- Around the 'at hag Ind , Sellout° of ex •
- Railway General Manager, (135
- Sill lord Corporal.ion Experiment in Itnall
- Light Signals, 277
- Shock-absorbing Buffurs, Increasing Proof
- of their Utility in Accident Prevontion, 39
- Signalmen and the " Relay Train Deserip Lion System. 581
- Signals, Standard New, 303
- Smoke Nuisance from Locomotives Working through Tunnels, 689
- South Africa's Call for Tenders for N'iragons, 035
- South Yorkshire Joint Line, Section Closed
- to Passenger Traffic, 635
Southern Railway :
- Ballast from own Quarries, 179 (taring Cross Station Difficulties. Combination with Waterloo Impracticable, 145
- Charing Cross Station Removal, Meeting, 119
- Conversion from Steam to Electric Traction,
- Possible Interesting Result, 467
- Electrification to be Pushed Forward, 119
- Exeter Railway Station, Southern, Reconstruction Decided on, 663
- Fine for Excessive Smoke Emission on ('haring Cross Bridge, 523
- " Isle of Guernsey " and " Isle of Jersey,"
- New Steamers, 663
- New Loops Built at Lewisham, Considerable Temporary Inconvenience, 251
- Overhead Equipment for Electrical Operation Ceased, Third Rail Installed. 331
- Powers Sought to Construct Useful New
- Railway, 607
- Punctuality Statistics for June, 171
- Relaying Part of Line Approaching
- Horsham with Steel Sleepers, 411
- Signal-box. New, and Colour Light Automatic Signals. 6U7
- Steam-operated Trains' Punctuality, 39
- Steam-worked Trains' Punctuality, Analysis Statistics, 385
- Tunnels of Restricted Gauge near Hastings,
- Special Rolling Stock Built, 441
- Waterloo and City Railway, Subway Improvements, 581
- Tangi-Moshi Railway in Tanganyika Territory, Extension of, 233
- Ticket-issuing Machines on the Underground
- Railway, Now Type in Course of Adoption, 93
- Toulouse to Barcelona, New Railway
- Opened, 93
- Track Circuit, What is it ? 197
- Traffic in London Compared with Now York
- as regards Charges. 635
- Traffic -Returns of the Four Grouped Companies, 39
- Traffic Returns, Increased and Diminished
- Receipts, 487
- Traffic Returns for Thirty-fifth Week, 277
- Tramcars in Manchester, Proposed Replacement by Double-deck Motor Omnibuses, 39, 689
- Tramway Service Proposed for Simla, 98
- Transport Bill, Proposed Wholesale Deletions, 523
- Tunnel Distorted and to be Relined, 385
- Tunnel under the Lower Thames, Kent anti
- Essex County Councils Asked to Cooperate in Survey of Scheme. 93
- Turkestan-Siberian Railway Nearing Completion, 467
Underground Railway :
- Bishop's-road Station and Psuldington.
- Platfortn Improvements, 581, 689
- Underground Company's Tube, Suggested
- Extension at Finsbury Park, 495, 551
- Underground Extensions and Stations, Reconstruction Programme, 551
- Underground Railway for Rome Projected, 689
- Undergrotind Railway System of New York to be Extended, 359
- Uneconomic Service, Mr. H. Thomas' Views, 663
- Volk's Railway and Final Fate, 277
- Wagon Question, Letter and Reply, 303
- Wagons, Privately Owned and High Cart city, Railwaymen's Disapproval of Increased Size, 93
- Wagons, Privately Owned, Railway Return, for 1928, 689
- Weekly Traffic Returns, Decrease, 225
- Westinghouse Brakes for Belgian National Railway Company, 13
- Wimbledon Station Reconstruction Completed, 441
- Wimbledon and Sutton Railway, First Section Opened. 93, 413 1Vinter Train Service, " Royal Scot " and "Flying Scotsman " Make Additional Stops, 359
- Zambesi River, Now Bridge, %York to lir Started, 93
- RAINFALL of 31in. in Two Hours its Knii•48-. Ion
- Rainfall of 8.3in. in 2$ Hours at a (fiamorgan Reservoir, 551
- Rand Gold-bearing Reefs and Gold Product ion, 635
- Ratproof Godowiut at Ootacamund, Proposed Erection of, and Cost, 251
- "Recent Improvements in Methods of Brick-making,",Three Cantor Lectures, to be given in February and March. 1930 551
- Recovery of Precious Metals, Development of Cyanidation, 413
- Relief Map Making, Modern Method. 303
- Report of Director of Standards in the United States, Interesting Statements, 635
- Rhenium Metal Recovered frosts Norwegian Molybdenum Ore, 589
- Rhodesian Nickel Corporation, Lid.. New Undertaking to Exploit Extensive Deposits of Nickel Arsenide Found in Southern Rhodesia. 035
- River Port. to be Constructed at the Potash Fields on Kama River, Russia, 689
- Roadmaking, British Tar Superior to Imported Bitumen, 503
- Roadtuaking Condit ions in this Country, Opinion Divided between Home-produced and Imported Material, 441
- Rued Vehicles. Number and Taxation, 175
- Robert Blair Fellowships Conferred, 134
- Rock Bursts in Lake Superior Missing District,
- Study of, 331
- Ropoway, 14 Miles Lung, Cuitstrtwted in Nepal, 197
- Ropeways-8ee Coal, &e.Royal Metal Trades Pension and Benevolent Society, 63
- Royal Naval Divisional Engineers' Annual Dinner, 479
- Rubber Industry, Important Development, 295
- Rubber-reclaiming Factory Proposed in Liverpool District., 663
- Russian Manganese Ore Mines Output, 41:3
- Russian Overtures to Berlin concerning Aluminium Industry, 581
- ST. FRANCIS Dam, California. Section Demolished by Blasting, 119
- St . John River Power Company, Saskatchewan, Progress in Development at Grand Falls, 359
- St.. Lawrence Waterway, Series of Objections to Scheme, 1.71
- St. Paul's Cathedral, Chains to be Used to
- Strengthen the Dome, 303
- Salt Factory Proposed at. Karachi, 13
- Saving Powder " Rock Excavation a Mistake, 635
- Scholarship, Portland House Travel' 2:37
- Science Museum, South Kensington, Hail( 11,,,i)L. 303
- Scientific and Industrial Research, New Nlembers for Advisory Council, 277
- Screw Thread Tables for Shop Use," American Reports, Two New, 635
- Sea Bed Level Changes Due to Earthquake, 689
- Sea Levels of Atlantic and Pacific; Apparent Error of 6in. in Running a Line of Levels 3647 Miles in Length, 635
- Severn Barrage, A Commercial Proposition, Dr. D. J. Vaughan, Describes Cost and Far-reaching Results, 523
- Sewage Disposal Plant, Claimed to be the Largest in the World, 607
- Shaft Weighing 140,000 lb. Recently Machined for Use in Generator, 689
- Sheep-shearing of Novel Type Proposed, Professor A. F. Barker, 6:33
- Shell Collection for Lime Manufam tire in liamilt on Inlet, Labrador, 13
- Discovery's " New Voyage of Antarctic Exploration; Wireless Apparatus Fittings, 119
- Discovery " Starts for Antarctic, 171
- Dr. Nansen's Old Ship, Projected Restoration. 381
- "Duchess of Richmond's " Record Voyage, 359
- Flotilla Leader - La Riuza " for the Argentine Navy, 145
- French Liner's Aeroplane for Ship to Shore Mail Service, 180
- Grain-carrying Vessel, First of this kind to be Equipped with Diesel Machinery, 1:3
- "Implacable." Oldest Warship in the British Navy, 495
- Launch of First Diesel Engine-propelled Cargo Ship to be Built in Canada, 277
- Lloyd's Register Returns and Considerable Loss of Ships, 277
- Lloyd's Register, Statistics of Ships Lost, Broken Up, Condemned, &e., 197
- 'Mars," Final Disposal of Famous 81-gun Line-of-battle Ship, 39
- Motor Boat Transport Service Between Regent's Canal Dock, London and the Continent, 93
- Paper Conveyance from Muntrvill by Novel Type of Ship, 119
- Salvage Vessel for Royal Italian Navy, Launched at Venice, 551
- Scapa Flow, Progress in Salving German vessels, 224
- Ship for Bulk Transport of Cement, 581
- Shipping Using the Port of London, Great Increase in, 495
- Siamese Gunboat, A Now, 563
- S.S. "West Alsek," Reported Very Successful Performance Burning Pulverised Coal, 467
- Ship's Rigging and Protection Against Lightning, 39
- "Sunbeam ' The, Changes Hands, 315
- Torpedo-boat Destroyers for Chilian Government, Contract for Six Completed in Two Years, 197
- Trial Trip of " West Alsek " Burning Powdered Fuel, 119
- United Kingdom's Register of Sailing-ship Additions and Removals, 331
- Whaling Vessel to Carry " Moth " Aeroplane, 145
- SHOEMAKING Factory for Cape Town, 119
- Shows—see Exhibitions
- Silver-lead Discovery in Australia, Very Important, 171
- Slag and Waste Heaps in the Midlands to be Levelled for Building Ground, 119
- Small Arms, Tablet Erected to Inventor of Percussion Lock for, 225
- Smithsonian Institution, Centenary of Founder's Death, 13
- Soda, Natural, in Western Siberia Lakes, Production to be Organised, 689
- Some Problems in Hydro-geology, Amendment of Future Schemes Necessary, E. Morton, 635
- Soochow Creek a.s Main Waterway for Rice Transportation, Plans for Improvement, 67
- Sound-picture Systems in the United States, Wide Extension of 441
- Spheroidal Oil Tank of 10,000 Barrels and its Accidental Testing, 359
- Spider Thread Made to Order, 644
- State Control of Future Developments of Electric Energy in Spain, 551
- Steel—see Iron
- Streatfiold Memorial Lecture—Finsbury Old Students, 479
- Strontium, Celestite, &e., Large British Deposits, 197
- Structural Steel Plant for British Columbia, 359
- Sulphite Plant Construction near Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, 359
- Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate Plant to be Started in Poland, 635
- Sundsvall Harbour, Sweden, to be Modernised and Enlarged, 635
- 'Superheterodyne Principle Discovery, German Patent Office Recognises Prior Claims of
- Frenchman, 197
- Survey of India, Geodetic Branch, Report for'a 1925-6, 39
- Swedish Commission for Industrial Standardisation : Lengths for Sawn and Planed Wood Goods, 220
- Synthetic Caniphi,r, Manufacture of, 658
- TABLE Mountain Cableway Equipment Com plete, 93
- Tamar to be Dredged Above Saltash Bridge for Recovery of Tin, 39
- Tantaluin Mineral Ores, Few of Importance, 39
- Tap for Oil Drums, Philips Telescopic Taps, Ltd., 79
- Tar for Roads, 425
- Automatic Telephone for all Private Sub scribers in Colombo, 467
- Telegraph Line, Method for Greatly Increasing its Usefulness, 225
- Telephone Development Urged in Order to Increase Business Efficiency and Remunerative Employment, 197
- Telephone Exchanges at Venice and Padua to be Converted into Automatic Exchanges, 413
- Telephone, Lightweight Wireless, for Use on Light Aeroplanes, 93
- Telephone System Expansion in U.S.A.. 13
- Telephones in Ontario and Quebec, Quarter of a Million New, Projected, 607
- Underground Telephone Cable, 335 Miles Long, 461
- TEMPERANCE and Housing Conditions for Railway Men, 489
- "Tests on Efficiency of Rock Drills," 653
- Thermal Energyof the Sea, Experiments for its Utilisation with the Immersion of a Tube 1800 In. Long, 277
- Thermometer to Measure Heat from Stars, 467
- Ticket Machine Experiments for L.G.O. and Kingston and Twickenham Tramway, 145
- Tin Industrial Applications Committee; Plan.of Research Announced, 247
- Tin-plate Mill, 60,000 Tons, Projected in Ontario, 663
- Traffic Control by Light Signals, Advice to Pedestrians, 303
- Transit Instrument in Service for Fifty-three Years, 359
- Triplex Glass Production, Projected Factory, 39
- Tropical Hygiene, Lectures for Men and Women Going to the Tropics, 551
- Tube Works at Vereeniging, Large Output, 551
- Tung, or China Wood Oil, in Florida, American Government's Encouragement of Production, 331
- Tunnel under Detroit River between Canada and U.S.A. Started, 39
- Tunnel under the Scheldt, Specifications Drawn up for Consideration, 607
- Tunnel under Vancouver for Elimination of Railway Crossings, 39
- Tunnelling Straits of Gibraltar, Exploration Shaft, 466, 495
- Tunnelling under the River Humber, 495
- Turbo-electric Sets and Reciprocating Stettin Engines, Capital and Running Costs Compared, 551
- Turkish Chrome Ore Deposits, Company Formed for Exploitation, 663
- UNITED States Accident Bulletin for 1928, 205
- Uranite Deposit Discovery, Possible Help in Production of Radium, 689
- VALVE Chest Destruction in Piping Arrangement of 6000-Ton Vessel, 145
- Vehicular Tunnel to Connect Staten Island with Brooklyn, Official Report on Project, 67
- Visapur Lake and Canal, Hanga River, India, Opened, 385
- Viscosity of Open-hearth Slags, Experimental Work for Determining, 122
- Potable Water, Increased Supply for Nagpur, India, by Pumping from the River Kanhan, 277
- Potable Water, Proposed Provision for the Kolar Goldfield, Mysore, 385
- Pumping Stations for Benares Water Stripping Machinery for, 13
- Shanghai Waterworks, Record Pumping, 689
- Uitenhage, South Africa, Proposed Water Supply from Groendal, 495
- Water Diversion for Irrigation and Results on Other Industry, 467
- Water Reservoir Projected near Calgary, Alberta, 581
- Water Supply in Barodn, State, Creditable Work Done, 67
- WATER-TUBE Boiler Explosion in Winsford, Probable Cause Suggested, 145
- Weir to be Constructed Across the Orange River, 635
- Welding, Recent Lecture on, W. C. Frvenutn, 607
- Welland Canal, Lock at the Lake Erie End to be Ready for Operation Shortly, 277
- Wellington, South Africa, Electricity Proposals,. 369
- Whale Oil, 16,000 Barrels of, Produced at Two British Columbia Plants, 689 11'harf Constructed by Leith Dock Commission on Practically Waste Land, 145
- White Lead and Chrome Yellow from Galena Ore, 13
- Whitworth Scholarship, 479
- Whitworth Society Dinner, 13
- Iceland's First Broadcasting Stet ion, Marconi Company's Contract, 331
- Marconi Installation on Discovery IT. for Direct Conmuinicat.ion Between Antarctic and Britain, 685
- Proposed Station in Papua for Direct Communication with Sydney and with Ships, 35
- Radio Communication, Experimental System for Dispatching Yard Locomotives, 635
- Radio Telephone Service, Spanish-Argentina,and Service between Great Britain and America, Subscribers Connected by Ordinary Telephone Service at Each End, 441
- Wireless Wave Trap, 606; (Letter), 631
- WOOD, Standardisation of Lengths, 220
- Woods for General Building Construction, Large Volume of Arrivals from Finland, Russia and Sweden, 359
- Woosung River Dredging, 17 I
- World Power Conference, Second, 13erlin, 1930, 675
- X-RAY Examination of Coal and Coke, C. N. Kemp, 581, 607
- YANGTZE River Survey and Scheme for Improvement of River, 359
- ZINC Minerals the Only Commercial Sources of Cadmium, 359
See Also
Sources of Information