The Engineer 1945 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1945 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Add note: Note: There is an extended index at Volume 180 Index
- ADAPTABLE Moulding Machine Co., Ltd., A Moulding Box Knock-Out, 401
- Aeronautical Inspection Department, Harefield, 342, 361
- Aldrich, W. W., Private Enterprise and World Trade, 139
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 119; Everitt University Scholarship, (415)
- Allen, Loftus, Obituary, (158)
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Large Pump Drives for Waterworks, 331
- Almin, Ltd., New Light Metal Group, 383
- American Locomotive Co, Mr. R. 13.
- McColl Appointed Vice-President, 277
- Anderson, Sir John, Science and Reconstruction, 483; (Leading Article, 486)
- Anderson Ranch Dam, 408, 430
- Andreae, E. P., Planning Ahead, 337
- Antwerp, Port of, 370
- Appleton, Sir Edward, The Scientist in Wartime (Hawksley Lecture), 417, 432, 454
- Arc Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Large Forged Spot-Welding Machine, 270
- Armstrong, E. F., Obituary, 509
- Arnold, R. N., The Mechanism of Tool Vibration in the Cutting of Steel, 350, 355, 379
- Ashley, Sir Percy, Obituary, 217
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 487
- Back o' th' Bank Power Station, Bolton, 41
- Bakelite Ltd., Bonding Thermo-Setting Plastics, 192
- Baker, W. A., Microporosity in Magnesium Alloy Castings, 241
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Geared Turbine Steam Locomotive, 466; (Leading 11, Article, 462); (Letter, 529)
- Bardgett, W. E., and R. E. Lismer, Lead in Steel, 66
- Bassett, H. N., Fuels for Railway Oil Engines, 208
- Battersea Power Station, (185), 505
- Baty, J. E., and Co., Ltd., Thread Measuring Gauge, 332; High-Accuracy Boring Head, 447
- Bean, D. R., A Note on the Theory of the Steam Ejector, 131
- Behr, A., Scientific Policy, 327; Political Engineer, 420
- Bellamy, A. R., Obituary, (50), 71
- Black, Joseph, Specific, Latent, and Atomic Heat (Historic Researches), 452, 476
- Black, W., Whose Fault ? 11
- Blackburn Aircraft, Ltd., " Cirrus " Minor li. LE Aero-Engine, 73; " Firebrand " Naval Torpedo Carrier, 245; W. S. Farren's Appointment, 519
- Boiler Availability Committee, Cleaning Stoker-Fired Boiler Plant, (347)
- Booth, Joseph, and Brothers, Ltd., Air-Operated Steam Coaling Crane, 421
- Borkum—Germany's Island Fortress. 433
- Botwright, J. L., The Welding of Doxford Engines, 93, 113
- Bourne End Railway Accident, L.M.S., 257
- Brabazon of Tara, Lord, The Future of the Rocket Weapon. 41
- Braidwood, J. A., Obituary. (80)
- Brampton, E. C., H. Parnham, and J. White. Dolomite Linings, 442
- Bridge Canyon Dam, (80)
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Developments, 12, 25; Association with A. F. N.. Ltd., 101
- Bristol Engineering Exhibition, 217
- British Columbia Electric Railway Co. P. Expansion Project, 514
- British Export Trade Research Association, 61
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, New Services, 41; Route Testing of Civil Aircraft, 314
- British Precision Diamond Tool Co., Ltd. High-Accuracy Boring Head, 447
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Synchronous Condensers and Switchgears for New Zealand, (49); Work on Radar, 212; Visual Oil Level Indicator, 292
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 81; H.M. Cruiser " Tiger," 337
- Brown, R. B., Obituary, (538)
- Bruce, A. K., "Henson and Stringfellow", 125
- Buckton, E. J. Extra-Rapid Two-Stage Housing, 32; (Letter, 72)
- Budd, E. G., American Rolling Stock, (196) 13ulleid, 0. V. S., S.R. " Merchant Navy " Class Locomotives, 510, 512, 530; (Leading Article, 508)
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Merchant Aircraft Carrier " Empire Macalpine," 365
- Burstall, A. F., Appointed to Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 297
- Butler, 0. I. Transformer Design for Minimum Total Weight, 180, 210, 220
- Butterfield, W. J. A., Obituary, 509
- CALGARY Power Co. Ltd., New Power Plant, 380
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co., New Cargo Ships, 29; Cargo Liner " Beaverdell, 192
- Cardox (Great Britain), Ltd., Low-Pressure Fire Extinguishing System. 413
- Caterham Accident Report, Southern Railway, 209
- Chaston, J. C. Oxygen in Silver, 240
- Chemin do For du Nord, Multi-Engined Locomotive, 96
- Cheshire and Lancashire Coalfield Survey, 1
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd " Hydrauto " Bearings for Wheel Spindles, 252
- Clayton Bequest, I. Mech. E., 209
- Clayton, J., Obituary. (176)
- Cockface Colliery, Wigan Coal Corporation, Ltd., 500, 521
- Clyde Crane and Engineering Co., Ltd., Heavy-Duty Level-Lufting Grab Crane. 525
- Cobb, S. R., Whose Fault 7 398
- Cockburns Ltd., Servo-Operated Steam Valve Control, 515
- Convey, J., and J. H. Oldfield Analysis of Steel Segregates. 464
- Couplings, Ltd., The " Crownall " Pipe Coupling, 272 '
- Courtney-Pratt, J. S.. Piston Ring Problems, 459, 469, 480
- Couzens, A. J., Obituary, (118)
- Coventry Diesel Engines, Ltd., 50 B.H.P. Two-Stroke Marine Oil Engine, 232
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., Precision Engineers' Trade Agreement, 223; New Thread Grinding Machines, 489
- Crampton, A. W., Federation of the Professions, 169; General Federation, 187; The Political Engineer, 507
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, British Home and Overseas Trade, 204; Export Trade, 427
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Motor Application Research, (209)
- Crossland, J., The Preparation and Utilisation of Coal, 506
- Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd., 2000-kW Oil Engine Generating Set, 47, 74
- Cunard White Star, Ltd., New Cargo and Passenger Liners, 41
- DALLOW, Lambert and Co., Ltd., Oil Spray Collection on Thread Grinding Machines, 423
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Oil Engines for Landing Craft, 13; 1120 B.H.P. Pressure-Charged Vee Oil Engine, 27
- Davidson, Lord, Problems of the Engineering Industry, 61; Skilled Men in the Engineering Industry, 277
- Davies, Trevor, The Scientific Civil Service, 285
- Davis, E. G., The Political Engineer, 327
- Davis, R., High-Voltage Research at the National Physical Laboratory (Parsons Lecture), 412, 435
- Dayson, C. W., The Atomic Bomb, 130
- de Brouckere, L., Oxidation of Aluminium and Magnesium, 228
- de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd.,. The " Hornet " Fighter and " Vampire " Jet - Propelled Monoplane, 245: " Goblin " Jet Propulsion Engine, 482
- Denison, Samuel, and Son, Ltd.. Universal Testing Machine, 424
- "Derwent" Jet Propulsion Engine, Rolls- Royce, Ltd., 345
- Dickinson, H. W., Newcomen Society Presentation, (428)
- Dillon, R. H. F., Whose Fault ? 52
- Dodd, J. S., Raw Materials and Labour, 197
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Durban Floating Dock, (80); Now Beam Mill, 449
- Dowty Equipment, Ltd., "Live Line" Rotary Pump, 312
- Doxford, William, and Sons, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 337
- Drummond Bros., Ltd., Improved Molt; - Tool Lathes, 401
- Duckworth, A. D., Appointed Secretary, Institution of Naval Architects, 317
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., War Exhibition, (40)
- Dunsheath, P., British Electrical Engineers and the Second World War (I.E.E. Presidential Address), 280, 302; (Leading Article, 286)
- Dunstan, W. N., Gas Engine and Gas Producer Practice in Australia, 400; (Leading Article, 394); (Letter, 420) Durban Floating Dock, (80), 167
- Durban Harbour, 447
- ECCLEFECHAN Collision, L.M.S. Railway, 337
- Elliot, G. D., Williams Prize Award, Iron and Steel Institute, 53
- Ellis, Arthur, Obituary, 187
- Ellis, Sir W. H., Obituary, 31
- "Empire Macalpine," Merchant Aircraft Carrier, 365
- Engbert, G., Swedish Ships for Norway, (336)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Ignition Tester for I.C. Engines, 35
- Everard, F. T., and Sons, Ltd., The Coasting Motor Vessel "Adaptity," 135
- Everitt University Scholarship, Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd., (415)
- Evershed Committee on Dock Wages, 475
- Fairburn, C. E., Obituary, 307
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Tube-End Expander, 172; "Firefly," Mark IV, 364
- Fannich Hydro-Electric Scheme, 359
- Federation of British Industries, Industrial Research Conference, 52; Resignation of Sir Guy Locock, 297; Industrial Research, 429, 451
- Fenner, J. H., Obituary, (305)
- Ferguson, J. H., War Inventions in Years of Peace, 31
- Fife Water Scheme, 29
- Fifield, J. A. R., Political Engineer, 464
- Flagle, C. D., and F. W. Godsey, The Place of the Gas Turbine in Aviation, 67, 87; (Leading Article, 128)
- Florida Barge Canal, 527
- Forsyth, G. H., Appointment at King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, (100)
- Fox, F. A., Magnesium-Aluminium-Zinc Alloys 241
- Fox G. W., and G. AA V. Russell, A New Blooming Mill, 464
- Fox, John, Cornish Engines Preservation Society, 487
- Frank, Sir T. Peirson, Civil Defence in the London Region (Inst. C.E., Presidential Address), 372, 385
- Fresnel, A. J., Ether Drift Experiments ("Historic Researches"), 82
- Furnas, C. C., Future of Aviation, 56: (Leading Article, 50)
- Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Whaling Factory Ships "Southern Venturer" and "Norhval," 436, 488
- GIFFEN, E., and Lieut. Crang, Steam Flow in Nozzles, 273, 293
- "Goblin" Jet-Propulsion Engine, de Havilland Engine Co., Ltd., 482
- Godsey, F. W., and C. D. Flagle, The Place of the Gas Turbine in Aviation, 67, 87
- Goldschmidt, H. J., and J. R. Rait, Basic Steel Furnace Slags, 92
- Gooda, E. A., Whose Fault ? 91
- Goudie, W. J., Obituary, 287
- Gouge, A., Elected President of the S.B.A.C., 1
- Gough, W. E., Steel Golf Balls, 111
- Graham, C. S., Lead in Steel, 66
- Grand Coulee Dam, Maintenance of the Spillway Bucket, 300
- Great Western Railway, 4-6-0 Locomotive, 109; "Castle" Class, 4-6-0 Locomotives, 0. S. Nock, 122, 144, (Letters, 189, 247, 267, 309); Passenger Coaches, (138); Llangollen Railway Accident, 197, 475; Oil-Burning Locomotives, 225, 388; Cheltenham and Gloucester Track Widening, 369; Wireless Stations, (426); Sleeping Cars, (518); Kennet Bridge Collision, (538)
- Greenock Flying Boat Base, 81 !Greenwood, F. 13., Retirement from Manchester Ship Canal Co., 177
- Gregson, W., The Operation of Water-Tube Boilers at Sea, 253
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., New Strip Mill, 99
- HALL, Russell and Co., Ltd., Trawler Contract, (196)
- Halle, C. E. H., Whose Fault ? 51 Hamburg, Port of,:139
- Hamilton, R. M., "Swiss Roll" and "Lily," 243
- Hamilton, S. B., Why Engineers Simidd Study History, 346
- Hammond, R., An Engineer Looks at Brazil, 5, 23, 42, 62; Reinforced Concrete Spun Pipes in Argentina, 501, 523 Hams Hall "B" Generating Station, 85, 104
- Handley Page, Sir F., The Pace of Air Progress, 284
- Harland, H. P., Obituary, 149
- Harry S. Truman Bridge, Kansas City, (60)
- Hartley, Sir Harold, Appointed to Board of B.O.A.C., 519
- Hastie, John, and Co., Ltd., Clyde Engineering Centenary, 257
- Hay, Douglas, Coal Mining, 55; (Leading Article, 70)
- Haynes, G. P., and D. M. Schoenfeld, Mechanical Stokers on the Great Lakes, 16
- Haywards Heath Railway Accident, (196), 393
- Henderson, James, Obituary, 443
- "Henson and Stringfellow" by A. K. Bruce, 125
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., A Copper Stay Lathe, 185; Abrasive Saw for Non-Metallic Materials, 292
- Herbert, T. M., The Railways and the Universities, 61
- Highfield, J. S., Obituary, 149
- Hildage, H. T., Steel, 208
- Hill, F. J. B., Obituary, (80)
- Himmelright, Carl, Post-War Machining, 126
- Hindley, W. N., Errors in Diamond Pyramid Hardness Tests, 465
- Hives, E. W., British Jet Propulsion and the Future of Aerial Transport, 76
- Holding, B. C. "Wireless Set No. 10," 439
- Holland, Sir Thomas, The Supply of Accessory Metalliferous Minerals, 248
- Holliday, F., The Boy and His Job, 298, 318
- Holman Bros., Ltd., A Concrete Compactor, 147
- Hornsby, L. H., Whose Fault ? 207
- Hudson, Robert, Ltd., All-Welded Mine Car, 332
- Hughes, Francis, American Patent Activity, 285
- Hughes, George, Obituary, 349; (Letter, 371)
- Hunter, Ellis, President of British Iron and Steel Federation, 175
- Hunter, Sir Summers, War Work on the North-East Coast, 317
- Hutchinson, W. K., The Balloon Barrage, 18
- IMPERIAL College of Science and Technology Centenary, 261; (Leading Article,:348); Centenary Exhibits, 320, 344
- Ipswich Power Station, 1
- Ivatt, H. G., Geared Turbine Locomotives, 529
- JACKSON, R., Radiography in the Foundry, 35, 53
- Jameson, J., Ltd., Large Precision Lathe, 377
- Jay, A. H., Basic Open-Hearth Process and Slag Constitution, 92
- Joint Iron Council, Convention, 269
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., New Rotating Centre, 114; Improved Drilling Machine, 378; Rotary Surface-Grinding Machine, 447
- Jones, E. H., Obituary, 487
- Jones, E. S., Scientific Civil Service, 309
- Jones, Sir Walter Benton, Personal Relations in Commerce, 449
- Jordan Valley Authority, S. T. Saunders, 72
- Joslin, E. H., Axle Loads on French Railways, 52
- KAPP, R. O., District Heating, 534
- Keal, J. E., Whose Fault? 51
- Kearsley Power Station Extensions, 41
- Keyworth, C. D. M., Demobilisation, 208
- Kiev Underground Railway, (109), (458)
- King, H. C., World Society of Engineers, 11
- King's Cross Railway Accident Report, 21
- Kirkland. R. I., Steel Fire-Boxes and Thermic Siphons, 397
- Kitson and Co., Ltd., Acquired by J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., 405
- K. and L. Steelfounders, Ltd., Steel Foundry Laboratory, 183
- LADY BOWER Reservoir, 237
- La Grande Power Plant., (80)
- Lancaster-Jones, E., Obituary, 197
- Lander, C. H., Team Work in Research, (176), 330, 353; (Leading Article, 326)
- Latham, G. H. Coal, and the Steel Industry, 41; The Steel Industry and Raw Materials, 59
- Lawley Street Goods Station, Birmingham, 337, 375
- Lawrie, J. P., Plastic Armour, 155
- Lever, E. H., Whose Fault ? 371; The Steel Industry and Exports, 403
- Lightfoot, Kenneth, The Training of Refrigeration Engineers, 347
- Lincoln Power Station, 81
- Lindsay, J. D., Obituary, (40)
- Lismer, R. E., and W. E. Bardgett, Lead in Steel, 66
- Lithgows, Ltd., C.P.R. Cargo Liner "Beaverdell," 192
- Liverpool Docks, (399)
- Llangollen Railway Accident, G.W.R., 197. 475
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, The Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 323
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, War Statistics, 21; Burnishing Broaches, 56; Wartime Traffic, (60); Weed-Killer Train, (100); Government "Specials," (216); Irish Boat Train Accident, (236); Bourne End Accident, 257; The " Down Postal," (316) Passenger Coaches, (336); Ecclefechan Collision, 337; Lawley Street Goods Station, Birmingham, 337, 375; Cheltenham and Gloucester Track Widening, 369; Traffic Control Improvements, 422; Unit Constructed Stations, (446)
- London and North Eastern Railway, King's Cross Accident Report, 21; York-Scarborough Line Centenary, (60); "K3" Class Locomotive Conversion. 135; Harwich-Hook of Holland Steamer, 237; Rebuilt "Pacific" Engine. 313, (382); Harwich-Hook Services, (390); Signal Gantry at Sheffield, 447; Power-Operated Hand Tools, (474); "B 17" Class Locomotive, (482); Manchester-Sheffield Railway Centenary. 533
- Locock, Sir Guy, Resignation from F.B.I., 297
- Longadon, A. E. C., Improved Clay Sampler, 97
- Lorentz, H. A., Ether Drift Experiments ("Historic Researches"), 120
- Ludwig Mond Lecture, Sir H. Tizard, 383 (Leading Article, 416)
- Lyttelton, O., The Finances of State- Owned Railways, 9
- MacDiamid, Sir Allan, Obituary, 128, 149
- Manchester-Sheffield Railway Centenary L.N.E.R., 533
- Manchester Ship Canal, F. B. Greenwood's Retirement, 177
- Mann, R. W., Employment Problems on the North-East Coast, 101
- Marshall, Dendy, Railway Collection, (404)
- Marshall, W. K. B., Larks Medal Award, Institute of Welding, (336)
- Martel, Brig.-General Sir Charles, Obituary. 71
- Massey-Harris, Ltd., Agricultural Machinery Development, 405
- Matthews, Sir Herbert, Suggested Royal Commission on Transport, 497
- McColl, R. B., Appointed Vice-President, American Locomotive Co., 277
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., Acquire Kitson's of Leeds, 405
- McLean, D., and L. Northcott, Centrifugal Casting, 65
- McLeod, R. C., Turbine Engines for Aircraft, 187
- Melchett Lecture, Team Work in Research, C. H. Lander, 330, 353; (Leading Article, 326)
- Mersey Docks and Harbours Board, 497
- Metal Industries, Ltd., Salvage and Ship- breaking, 205
- "Meteor" Jet Fighter, Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 46
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd.. D.C. Supplies for Collieries, 221; Transportable Power Units for Russia, 291; Spot-Welding Machine, 313
- Michelson, A. A., Ether Drift Experiments ("Historic Researches"), 102
- Milne-Watson, Sir David, Obituary, 287
- Milward, W. F., Obituary, (538)
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 257
- Mysore Steelworks, (147)
- NATH, P. B., Indian Draughtsmen and Designers, 130
- Newhouse, F., Inst. C.E. Council, 247: The Good Engineer, 420
- Ninci, M., Reinforced Concrete Spun Pipes in Argentina, 501, 523
- Nock, 0. S., British Locomotive Working in Wartime, G.W.R. " Castle " Class, 122, 144; (Letters, 189, 247, 267, 309)
- North, John (Founders and Engineers), Ltd., Universal Flame Cutting Machine, 213
- Northcott, L., and D. McLean, Centrifugal Casting, 65
- Northumberland and Cumberland Coal fields Survey, 159
- Norwich Heat Pump, 165
- OAKLEY, C. A., Mechanical Engineering Industry of Clydeside, 366, 391
- Oldfield, J. H., and J. Convey, Analysis of Steel Segregates, 464
- Orkney Causeway, 49
- Orme, John, Obituary, (344)
- Palmer, J. B., Obituary, (511)
- Palmer, John, Getting Houses Built, 72
- Parker, E. B., Whose Fault ? 129; Locomotive Boiler Explosions, 169
- Parker Foundry (1929), Ltd., Strikes and Co-operation, 31
- Parkinson, J., and Son, Retrospect, 109
- Parnham, H., E. C. Brampton, and J. White, Dolomite Linings, 442
- Parrack, H. 0., Plant Organisation for Civil Engineering Contractors, 395
- Parsonage, S. H., Fuel Economy, 267
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Bulimba Turbo Alternator, (252)
- Parsons and Marine Engineering Turbine Research and Development Association, 475
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. Annual Meeting, 359
- Parsons Memorial Lecture, R. Davis, 412, 435
- Patent Retorts, Ltd., The Davidson Retort, 520
- Payne, Professor H., Obituary, (40)
- Pearson, J. A., Obituary, (474)
- Peat, Sir George, Obituary, (20)
- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Tonnage Replacement, 519
- Philips Industrial, Ltd., Magnetic Oil Filter, 516
- Pirie, H. L., Obituary, 257
- Plastic Spray, Ltd., Plastic Protective Coating Process, 423
- Polymer Corporation, Ltd., Rubber Pilot Plant, 514
- Poultney, E. C., G.W.R. Locomotive Performance, 189, 267
- Pugh, B., Measuring Piston Ring Wall Thrust, 459, 469, 480; Ring Gumming in Petrol Engines, 480, 491
- Pugsley, F. C., Obituary (272)
- RAIT J. R., and H. J. Goldschmidt, Bash. Steel Furnace Slags, 92
- Rediffusion Ltd., Radio Heating Exhibition, 252
- Redmayne, Sir Richard, Nationalisation of Coal Mining in Europe, 198
- Reeve, C. W., Labour and the Engineering Industry, 487
- Renault Ltd., Oil Engines for Landing Craft, 189
- Renfrew Foundries, Ltd., 359
- Robertson, Andrew, Education of Engineers (I. Mech. E. Presidential Address), 324
- Rice, A. K., An Approach to Joint Consultation, 45; (Leading Article, 70)
- Robinson, A., and Co., Ltd., Telegraphs for Prince Edward Island Ferry Car, (20)
- Robson, P. W., Obituary, 349
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., Avro "Tudor" I, 18
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., "Meteor" Jet Fighter, 46; "Derwent" Jet Propulsion Engine, 345
- Röntgen Celebrations, 392
- Ross, William, The Training of Engineers, 187
- Rotterdam Technical, Nautical, and Aeronautical Institute, 217, 283
- Ruhr Steel Industry, 217
- Russell, G. A. V., and G. W. Fox, A New Blooming Mill, 464
- Ryan, N. A., Obituary, (450)
- Saldanha Bay Naval Port, 167
- Salermo Ltd., Retorts for Shale Oil, 499
- Saunders, H. L., and R. Wild, Distribution I of Materials in the Blast-Furnace, 441
- Saunders, H. L., and H. J. Tress, Sinters and Sintering, 442
- Saunders, S. T., Jordan Valley Authority, 72
- Schoenfeld, D. M., and G. P. Haynes, Mechanical Stokers on the Great Lakes, 16
- Schofeld, T. H., Lead in Steel, 66
- Scrivener, Arthur, Ltd., Cleaner for Grinder Coolant, 135
- Severn Road Bridge Scheme, 159
- Shaw, Herman, Appointed Director of the Science Museum, 439
- Silver Line, Ltd., Motor Vessel " Silver- oak," 297
- Sims, A. J., The Habitability of Naval Ships Under Wartime Conditions, 173, 193
- Singapore Reoccupation, 229
- S.K.F. Industries, Inc., Air Conditioning for Ball Bearing Factories, (116)
- Sloman, H. A., Vacuum Fusion Method of Determining Oxygen, 240
- Small Electric Motors, Ltd., Abrasive Saw for Non-Metallic Materials, 292
- Smith, Ben, Whose Fault ? 267
- Smith, C. A. Middleton, Whose Fault ? II; Engineering Developments in Asiatic Russia, 161, 178, 200, 218, 238, 258, 278, 338, 360, 384, 406
- Smith, G. Stanley, The Super-Fluidity of Liquid Helium II, 15 - 1
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., Diesel Engine Driven Crane, 493
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, New Medium Mill, 69
- Southern Railway, "West Country" "Pacifies," 54; (Letter, 72); Fire-box Collapse, 81; (Leading Article, 110); New Cross-Channel Ships, 177; Haywards Heath Accident, (196), 393; Caterham Accident Report, 209; Tunbridge Wells Line Centenary, (256); Woking Train Collision, (404); "Merchant Navy" Class Locomotives, 0. V. ii S. Bulleid, 510, 512, 530; (Leading Article, 508)
- Spanner, W. F., Civil Servants, 52
- Spooner, J. W., Strikes and Co-operation, 11
- Stanier, Sir William, Elected Hon. Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (40), 380
- Stevenson, D. A., The Engineering Work of the Clyde Lighthouses Trust, 425
- Stewart, O., High Speed in the Air, 398
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Iraq Pipe Line Contract, (196)
- Stirling, J. B., Demand for Engineers 515
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Vibrating Rollers, 535
- Straussler, Nicholas, and Co., Ltd., Simple Portable Hangar, 331; Amphibious Tank Propulsion Units, 506
- Sturrock Dock, Cape Town, 167
- Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920), Ltd., Light- Duty Blowpipe, 234
- Sumner, J. A., The Norwich Heat Pump, 165
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Oil Tanker "Regent Hawk," (100) ' - Telegraph Ship "Monarch," 119 -
- Swedish State Railways, Train Ferry "Malmohus," 271
- Taylor, John, Obituary, 509
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Precision Engineers' Trade Agreement, 223
- Terrell, B. J., Whose Fault ? 72
- Thomas, Richard, and Baldwins, Ltd., South Wales Steel Plant Extensions, 217
- Thompson, W. B., S.R. "West Country" "Pacifies," 72
- Tijken, R., V2 Rockets, 529
- Timmis, E. W., Obituary, (266), 307
- Tizard, Sir H., Science and National Prestige, 383; (Leading Article, 416)
- Towle, A., Whose Fault ? 51
- Tratman. E. E. R., Accidents to Locomotives on American Railways, 107; (Leading Article, 110); (Letters, 169, 397)
- Tress. H. J., and H. L. Saunders, Sinters and Sintering, 442
- Tripp, G. W., The Government. and Engineers, 267
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 517
- Tudor, G. K., and J. S. Courtney-Pratt, Piston Ring Problems, 459, 469,, 480
- Tummel-Garry Hydro-Electric Scheme, 159
- Turnbull, C., The Status of Scientists and Engineers, 352
- Troup, J. D., Producer Gas Engines, 420
- Turner, J. H. W., World Society of Engineers, 169; The Political Engineer, 398
- Turner, Leslie, World Society of Engineers, 72
- Turner and Newall, Ltd., Research Fellow. ships, (538)
- UNION-CASTLE Mail Steamship Co.. Ltd., New Ships, 69
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Capital Increase, 39; The Factories Act, 1937, (100); Annual Meeting, 449
- VAN DEVENTER, J. H., Employment and Employables, 265
- Van Eck, H. J., South African Industrial Progress, 166
- Venner Time Switches, Ltd., Process Time Control Instruments, 191
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., H.M. Aircraft Carrier "Hercules," 237
- WANDSWORTH and District Gas Co., Careers in the Gas Industry, 317; Tower Gas Purifiers, 444
- Waterloo Bridge, (496)
- Watson F. L., A World Society of Engineers, 208:Whose Fault? 419
- Watts, E. R., and Son, Ltd., Precision Engineers' Trade Agreement. 223
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Level-Luffing Portal Jib Crane, 261
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Geared Turbine Steam Locomotive, 466; (Leading Article, 462); (Letter, 529)
- Westland "Welkin" Fighter, 17, (60)
- Westminster Paper Co., Ltd., Paper Mill Expansion, 398
- White, J., E. C. Brampton, and H. Parnham, Dolomite Linings, 442
- Whitecross Company, Ltd., The Manufacture of Wire Rope, 437
- Whitehead Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Annual Meeting, 59
- Whitehouse, T. H., The Training of Engineers, 146
- Whittle, F., Jet Propulsion Gas Turbine, 197, 288, 310, 328
- Wigan Coal Corporation, Ltd., Clockface Colliery, 500, 521
- Wild, R., and H. L. Saunders, Distribution of Materials in the Blast-Furnace, 441
- William, J., Whose Fault ? 11
- Williamson, G. B., The Late Mr. George Hughes, 371
- Wilson, H. J., "Meteor" World Air Speed Record, 383
- Woodhead Tunnel, 505
- World Power Conference, 429
- Worsdell, Mrs. Wilson, Obituary, (356)
- Wright, FitzHerbert, Foundry Problems, 91
- Wright, Harold, Bessemer Gold Medal Award, 53
- YOUNG, Thomas, Ether Drift Experiments, ("Historic Researches"), 82
- ZEA, Y. K., The Phosphorus Reaction in Basic Open-Hearth Practice, 92
- Zeiss "Fixed Eyepiece" Periscope, 160 Zinc Corporation, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 79
See Also
Sources of Information