1903 Automotor: Index

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Vol 08. Jan to Dec 1903 - First year published in weekly format.
- ACCUMULATORS, 266, 277, 411, 502, 535, 818, 903, 1125, 1213, 1294.
- Achilles system, 1246.
- Ader system, 13.
- Aero Club (see also Aeronautics), 1115.
- Aeronautics, 19, 103, 247, 285, 301, 437, 46?, 503, 534, 536, 570. 600, 645, 674, 695, 701, 738, 762, 765, 838, 850, 904, 934 949, 969, 1033, 1067, 1094, 1098, 1113, 1137, 1172, 1178, 1197, 1205, 1229, 1232, 1251_ 1259, 1262, 1385, 1411.
- Affiliation and federation, 126, 745, 834, 1101, 1122, 1141, 1164. 1175, 1214, 1263, 1280, 1314, 1318, 1352.
- Agriculture and motors, 436, 994, II18, 1213, 1386.
- Albany-Lamplough system, 205.
- Albion system. 16, 1282.
- Alcohol as fuel, 518, 819.
- Alloys, 788.
- American trials and races, 339, 484, 508, 986, 1023, 1136, 1165, 1193, 1226, 1286, 1347, '379.
- Anstruther, Miss Eva, 368.
- Anti-skid trials, Sc. (see Side-slip).
- Ardennes, Circuit des, 361, 641, 656, 698, 1346.
- Argonne circuit, 461.
- Argyll system, 113, 354, 1247, 1306, 1336, 1357, 1388.
- Ariel system, 143, 81o, 1309.
- Arrol-Johnston, 333, 355, 509.
- Auto Cycle Club, 409, 460, 849, 872, 937, 1089, '165.
- Auto incandescent igniter, 123
- Automobile Club and its policy, 314, 366, 39o, 745, 868, 944, 958, 1123, 1324, 1387.
- Automobile Club Journal, 314, 343, 366, 390, 745, 868, 944, 957, 958, 1123.
- Automobile Club of America, 22, 616.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland-
- - Affiliation, 126, 745, 834, II01, 1122, 1141, 1164, 1175, 1214, 1263, 1280, 1314, 1318, 1352.
- - Campbell, Capt., 127.
- - Clarkson, T., 159.
- - Clerk, Dugald, 1162.
- - Cozens-Hardy, E. H., 1376.
- - Crawley, C. W. S., 1249, 1312.
- - Crompton, R. E., 1312.
- - Dalby, Professor W. E., 361.
- - Founders' Dinner, 1314.
- - General meeting, 256.
- - Hundred miles trials, 159, 460, 490, 494, 514, 81o, 1255.
- - Jarrott, C., 98.
- - Jeffreys, W. Rees, 307.
- - Johnson testimonial, 256.
- - Journal, the Club, 314, 343, 366, 39o, 745, 868, 944, 957, 958, 1123.
- - King, the, as patron, 238.
- - Montagu, John Scott, 208.
- - Mother of many Bills, 572.
- - Ochs, J. F., 1279, 1311.
- - O'Gorman, M., 233.
- - Papers, 66, 96, 98, 127, 159, 208, 233, 258, 307, 361, 1162, 1196, 1218, 1249, 1279, 1311, 1312, 1376.
- - Redwood, Bernard, 1196.
- - Rothschild, Baron, on automobilism, 66, 98.
- - Sennett, A. R., 258.
- - Smith, E. Shrapnell, 1218, 1249.
- - Thousand miles trial, 126, 160, 434, 649, 670, 763, 787, 795, 809, 895, 935, 968, 980, 992, 995, 1030, 1034, 1085, 1C92, 1104, 111 0, 1135, 1161, 118S, 1216, 1245, 1280, 1282, 1293, 1306, 1312, 1327, 1335, 1372, 1403.
- - Tyre trials awards, 104, 158, 209.
- Axles, 32, 113, 202, 220, 321, 376, 423, 778, 828, 1187, 1239, 14" 4.
- BAKER system, 117, 183, 1025.
- Bankruptcy Court, 21, 130, 164, 286, 383, 1350, 1382, 14[2.
- Bardon system, 65, I [4, 176, 227, 1340.
- Barrow-Loraine, 576, 629.
- Barton air-ship, 1205.
- Batteries (see Accumulators).
- Bavarian pavement tax, 625.
- Beadle motor boat, 733, 749, 786.
- Beaufort system, 177.
- Beaumont, W. Worby, 457, 504, 534.
- Beckett system, '18.
- Beedle air-ship, 1178.
- Belgica system, 36.
- Belgium, 100, 434, 478, 509, 534, 616, 840.
- Belle cars, 182.
- Belsize system, 144, 173, 1336.
- Benz system, 64, 657, 698.
- Berkshire Auto Club, 1401.
- Berlin racing, 1167.
- B chrone motor, 638.
- Bicycles (see motor).
- Binks motor bicycle, 1274.
- Blake commutator, 198, 254.
- Blake system, 198, 254, 578.
- Boats (see Motor boats).
- Boilers (see Steam v,enerators).
- Bollee system, 1328, 1368, 1395.
- Booth bicycle, 338.
- Bosch ignition system, 476.
- Boyer system, 62, 46o.
- Brakes, 33, 58, 156, 635, 664, 927, 1082.
- Brake trials, 372.
- Bristol Motor Co.. 561.
- British Commercial Syndicate, 1317.
- British Germain Co., 674.
- British motor traction, 164.
- British Power, Traction, &c., Co., 286, 414, 840, 886.
- Brooke system, 1o8, 178, 200, 302, 437, 645, 810, 940, 1197, 1335, 1336.
- Brush system, 144, 941, 1337.
- Buckingham tyre, 402.
- Burchall petrol engine, 562.
- Burners, 203, 22I, 228, 325, 453, 776, 1243, 1406.
- Burnley Auto Club, 1285, 1348, 1372.
- CAB, petrol motor, 867, 882.
- Cabmen and motors, 358.
- Cadillac cars, 802, 839, 1007, 1105, 1127, 1155, 1183, 1191.
- Canals, 1144, 1199.
- Cannstatt-Daimler, boo, 637.
- Canterbury system, 331.
- Cantor lecture, 457, 504, 534.
- Carburation and confusion, 957.
- Carburettors, 43, 87, 122, 123, 200, 243, 530, 662, 852, 1184, 1211, 1239, 1281, 1390.
- Carmont spring tyre, 932.
- Century tandem, 1190.
- C.G.V. system and cars, 13, 301, 389, 555, 700.
- Chaboche system, 316, 427, 452, 501.
- Chameroy tyre, 124.
- Change-speed gear, 13, 16, 57, 61, 52, 87, 94, 112, 196, 232, 248, 273, 299, 349, 428, 474, 532, 56o, 584, 608, 635, 877. 883, 925, 954, 978, 1019, 1021, 1056, 1082, 1084, I159, 1185, 1245, 1267, 1283, 1338, 1394, 1397. r.
- Charging cells, 192.
- Chateau-Thierry, 1090.
- Cheltenham and Gloustershire Automobile Club, 593, 618, 672, 764, 1093, 1285.
- Chemical fire engine, 184, 696.
- Chenard-Walcker system, 1o5, 136, 154, 225, 254, 305, 374, 460, 490, 494, 514, 1255, 141o,
- China, 1319, 1342.
- City and Suburban Co., 117, 137.
- Clarkson, T., on lubrication, 159.
- Clarkson system, 203, 206, Jot', 1405.
- Clement system, 64, 486, 657, Imo, 1270, 1281, 1336, 1358, 139o.
- Clerk, Dugald, 1162.
- Clutches (see also Friction clutches), 693, 827, 836, 926, 1397, 14o6
- Clyde system, 1217.
- Cody kites, 1229.
- Collier tyres, 158, 209.
- Colonial automobilism, 275, 794, 921, 932, 1143.
- Commercial vehicle trials, 131, 224, 616, 671, 738, 835, 1303.
- Commissions, 266, 289.
- Commutator, Blake, 198.
- Companies registered, New-
- - A.B.P. Accumulator Co., 262.
- - Alert Electrical Co., 1322.
- - Alexander Simplex Motor Co., 866.
- - Anderson Motor Tyre Co:, 340.
- - Anglian Motor Co., 942.
- - Anglo-American Motor Car Co., 164.
- - Artillery Wheel Works, 645.
- - Aston Motor Accessories Co., 1146.
- - Automobile Internationale, 364.
- - Automobiles de Luxe, 340.
- - Avon Motor Manufacturing Co., 814.
- - Bann Motor Co., 916.
- - Barton Airship Synd., ISS.
- - Bath Garage and Motor Co. (Fuller's), 340•
- - Bat Motor Manufacturing Co., 164.
- - Begbie Manufacturing Co., 340.
- - "Belsize" Motor Car and Engineering Co., 1322.
- - Bennett Brake Co., 1096.
- - Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co., 514.
- - Birmingham Motor Express Co., 866.
- - Bollee (Leon) Motor Synd., 1028.
- - Bolton Motor Co., 1412.
- - Booth Motor Synd., 1258.
- - Bradbury Bros., 1096.
- - Bridge Accumulator Synd., 79o.
- - British Accumulator Co., 1322.
- - British Motor Tyre Synd., 340.
- - British Sports, 1064.
- - Brotherhood Crocker Motors, 1096.
- - Brouhot Motor Co. of Gt. Britain, 1412.
- - Cadogan Garage and Motor Co., 1322.
- - Car and General Insurance Corpn., 1064.
- - Cardiff Motor Garage, 1258.
- - Carlton Motor Co., 916.
- - City and Suburban Electric Carriage Co., 212.
- - Clarkson, 286.
- - Collier Tyre Co., 164.
- - Continental Automobile Co., 646.
- - Continental Automobile Synd., 188.
- - Coronet Motor Co., 388.
- - Crabbe Brake Co., 866.
- - Darracq (A.) and Co., 364.
- - Davis, Allen, and Co., 130.
- - Deschamps Motor Co., 286.
- - Denniss Eng. Co., 1146.
- - Durkopp Motoren Gesellschaft, 540.
- - Durrant's Motors, 262.
- - Edinburgh Garage and Motor Co., 646.
- - Edinburgh Motor Omnibus Synd., 620.
- - Ekstromer Accumulator Co., 866.
- - Etesian Co., 188.
- - Mabry Automobile Co., 892.
- - Farleigh Motor Car Co., 1146.
- - F. I. A. T. Motor Agency, 646.
- - Fiat Motors, 1322.
- - Findlay's Carriage, Wagon, and Motor Works Co., 966.
- - Forman Motor Co., 464.
- - Fothergill and Co., 48.
- - Garage Proprietary, 892.
- - Gare Patent Tyre and Wheel Co., 464.
- - General Autocar Insurance Co., 48.
- - Glasgow Motor Lurry Co., 1322
- - Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., 164.
- - Grappler Pneumatic Motor Tyre Synd., 1258.
- - Grition Motors, 1200.
- - Hamilton (J. R.) and Co., 1322.
- - Hebburn Engineering Developments Co., 840.
- - Hele-Shaw Patent Clutch Co., 514.
- - Higginson (George) and Co., 866.
- - Holcar Co., 866.
- - Holderness Motor Co., 34o.
- - Hubbard's Motor and Engineering Co., 1322.
- - "Huile Vitesse" Co., 364.
- - Hulbert-Bramley Motor Co., 1322.
- - Hutton (J. E.), 916.
- - Igel Engine Synd., 48.
- - Ilford Motor Car and Cycle Co., 262.
- - Ilfracombe Motor Coach Co., 57o.
- - Imperial Cycle Co., 72.
- - Industrial Storage Battery Synd., 414.
- - International Inventions Synd., 13o.
- - Jackson Brothers and Lord, 1146.
- - Jarrott (Charles) and Letts, 620.
- - Jehu Motor Co., 164.
- - Johnson (H.) and Co., 1096.
- - Kreiger Electric Carriage Synd., 490.
- - Kyma Car Co., 1146.
- - Lancashire Steam Motor Co., 966.
- - Lancashire Wagon Co., 364.
- - Lancaster Engineering Co., 1258.
- - Lanchester American Patents Synd., 514.
- - Launch Motor Co,1258.
- - Lea and Francis Motor Synd., 740.
- - Leeds Motor Car Co., 13o.
- - Ljungstrom Engine, Boiler, and Condenser Co., 286.
- - London and District Westrumite Co., 1258.
- - London General Automobile Co., 79o.
- - London Motor-Omnibus Co., 340.
- - Lycett Saddle and Motor Accessories Co., 414.
- - Lycett's Rawide Belt Co., 1322.
- - Main Wheeleries, 1258.
- - Manchester Carriage Co. (1903), 1322.
- - Maudslay Motor Co., 13o.
- - Mercedes Co., Edinburgh, 514.
- - Mercedes Daimler Motor Co., 13o.
- - Mobile Motor and Engineering Co., 57o.
- - Mohrstadt, Gray, and Co., 74o.
- - Motor Cycle Trades Association, 740.
- - Motoria, 514.
- - Motor Inventions, 1412.
- - Motor Livery Co., 866.
- - Motor Makers and Garage, 1064.
- - Myton (W. and G.), 13o.
- - New King-land Manufacturing Co., 54o.
- - New Townend Cycle Co., 1412.
- - Northern Counties' Motor Garages, 1146.
- - O'Brien (Edward), 1064.
- - Usmonds, 866.
- - Owen (B. C.), 1064.
- - Oxborrow Brake Co., 388.
- - Paddington Motor Co., 1412.
- - Parsons Non-Skid Co., 188.
- - Petrol Motor-Power Co., 164.
- - Phoenix Motors, 596.
- - Pollard Garage Co., 130.
- - Poole and Sandbanks Motor Car Co., 1258.
- - Portadown Carrying Co., 702.
- - Quemby Brothers., 72.
- - Ranelagh Motor Co , 388.
- - Renold (Hans), 570.
- - Reynolds (Harry), 1146.
- - Richards (W. G.), 1146.
- - Richardson ( f. R.) and Co. (Lincoln), 164.
- - Rim-lock Brake Co., 1322.
- - R.L. Motor Engineering Co., 942.
- - Rowley's Bothways Gear Synd., 72.
- - Ryker Motor and Engineering Co., 966.
- - Sainsbury's Anti-Skidders, 892.
- - Scarsdale Cycle and Motor Co , 1146.
- - Sceptre Cycle Co., 1412.
- - Securitas Motor Tyre Co., 1258.
- - Sharp Air-Spring Co., 132z.
- - Shaw (F.) and Co., 1322.
- - Singer and Co., 942.
- - Singer Motor Co., 262.
- - Smith (F. H.) Patents Co., 840.
- - Souhami and Co., 464.
- - South Hams Motor Carriers, 1412.
- - Standard Motor Co., 286.
- - Star Motor Agency, 130.
- - Steam Generators, 464.
- - Steelband Tyre Co., 72.
- - Stirling's Motor Construction Co. (1903), 1064.
- - Sugden's (Bradford), 540.
- - Sussex Cycle and Motor Co., 1290.
- - Tar Macadam (Purnell Hooley's Patent) Synd., 702.
- - Teale and Co., 620.
- - Thomas Motor and Engineering Co., 1290.
- - Thomas Slack and Co., 130.
- - Toni Tyres, 1028.
- - Torquay and District Motor Omnibus Co., 892.
- - Tubes-Bizet Parent Synd., 414•
- - Union Trading Co., 740.
- - Van Raden and Co., 966.
- - Variable Gears, 1028.
- - Vulcan Motor Mfg. and Eng. Co., 130.
- - Walker Brothers (Leeds), 464.
- - Walter Armstrong and Co., 188.
- - Wasp Motor and Cycle Co., 262.
- - Werner Freres, 1290.
- - West London Motor Co., 1290.
- - West Penwith Motor Co., 164.
- - Westrumite, 892.
- - West Sussex Motor Co., 464.
- - Wolverhampton Metal Co., 1322.
- - Wooliscroft Motor Co., 388.
- - World's New Accumulator Co., 490.
- - Xpress Motor and Vehicle Manufacturing Co., 48
- Company doings, 21, 48, 71, 130, 164, 188, 212, 262, 286, 340, 364, 388, 414, 438, 464, 540, 570, 596, 620, 646, 674, 702, 740, 790, 814, 840, 866, 892, 916, 942, 966, 1028, 1064, 1096, 1146, 1200, 1230, 1258, 1290, 1321, 1350, 1382, 1412.
- Compound petrol motor, 17.
- Consumption trials, 71, 201, 224, 260, 305, 373, 385, 738, 835, 887-
- "Continental" cars, 558.
- Coolers (see Radiators).
- Corbet's side slip preventer, 403.
- Cordingley and Co.'s Exhibition, 280, 313, 329, 354, 380, 399.
- Correspondence, 20, 45, 67, 128, 164, 186, 209, 335, 431, 457, 49), 514, 535, 834, 886, 909, 942, 958, 1064, 1096, 1215, 1258, 1280, 138.
- Cottereau system, 241, 1054, 1081, 1359.
- Coulthard system, 616, 1118.
- County Councils and motors, 58S, 894, 896, 1202, 1324, 1387.
- Cozens-Hardy, E. H., 1376.
- Crawhez, Baron, 656,698.
- Crawley, C.W.S., 1249, 1312.
- Cremorne system, 1210, 1242, 1255.
- Crime and motors, 789.
- Crouan system, 497, 529.
- Crystal Palace show, 108, 134, 139, 173, 202, 228, 310.
- Cuban carts, 1143.
- Cycle races (see Cycles, motor).
- Cylinder capacity question, 574, 1089, 1249.
- DAIMLER Co. and system, 109, 336, 1015, 1198, 1321.
- Dalton combination tool, 829.
- Darracq system and cars, 10, 461, 546, 656, 1270, 1282, 1290, 1308, 11)9, 1393.
- Deasy, Capt., 1102.
- Deauville meeting, 973.
- De Dietrich system, I I, 1390.
- De Dion system, 6o, 1245, 1337.
- Delahaye system, 36.
- Delivery vans, 536.
- Delivery van trials (see Van trials).
- Demon motor trike, 1408.
- Denmark and automobiles, 895.
- Dennis cars and system, 898, 925, 1336.
- Derby and Nottingham Automobile Clubs, 593, 672, 888, 1061.
- Deschamp system, 179, 13oS.
- Dickenson Morate, 838.
- Dietrich-Bugatti system, 396.
- Dietrich system and cars, 546, 547, 556, 576, 615.
- Double-acting cylinder engine, 562.
- Dourdan races, 1147-1153, 1219.
- Drivers, 1325.
- Driving certificates, 99.
- Dumaresq speed gear, 248.
- Dumont, Santos, 503, 534, 645, 674, 701, 738, 1137, 1320.
- Dunlop Co. and tyres, 158, 199, 673, 813, 1284, 1322, 1350, 1412.
- Durendal boat, 1331.
- Durkopp cars, 1144, 1273.
- Duryea system, 90, 263, 1272.
- Dust problem, 919, 964, 985, 993, 1233, 1312.
- EAGLE system, 149, 174, 179, 234, 1190, 1247.
- Earl system, 189, 193.
- Eastern Counties' Automobile Club, 643.
- East Surrey Automobile Club, 989, 1139.
- Edge, S. F., 385, 556, 711-732, 1140.
- Edge trophy, 565, 81o, 937, 1062, 1224.
- Edison's Battery, 42, 50, 240, 1125, 1213, 1294.
- Edison, T. A., 1349.
- Eisemann magneto igniter, 403, 476.
- Elections and motor cars, 27, 1292.
- Electric chairs, 864.
- Electric Motive Power Co., 388.
- Electric motors get hot. Why 253.
- Electric tractors, 1144.
- Electric vehicle systems (see also motors and systems), 117, 137, 139, 151, 418, 419, 468, 476, 513, 771, 791, 818, 903, 1025.
- Electric vehicle trials, 533.
- Electromobile Co.'s system, 151.
- Elswick system, 1217, 1335.
- Engines (see motors).
- Entropy, 168.
- Espinasse carburettor, 531.
- Exhaust box (see silencers).
- Exhibition question, 164.
- Exhibitions, 280, 313, 329, 354, 38o, 399.
- Exhibitions and progress, 28.
- FAIRFAX change-speed-gear, 883.
- Farman, H. and M., 521, 708.
- Farman system, 159.
- Federation (see affiliation, &c.)
- Fiat system, 181, 1014, 1291, 1299.
- Fire engines-motor, 9, 184, 191, 255, 696, 966, 99o, 1065, 1367.
- Firestone tyre, 402.
- Fiscal question, 769.
- Fischer system, 303, 465, 480, 513.
- Fisk tyre, 223, 884.
- Five hundred metre competition, 973.
- Fleuss automatic regulator, 279.
- Foden system, 399.
- Ford, Moffat, 642, 789, 870, 897, 974, 1021, 1033, I068, 1100, 1176, 1203, 1234, 1320.
- Ford racing car, 865.
- Fouillaron system, 95.
- Fournier, H., 553.
- Frames, 31, 1133, 1187, 1339.
- Frankfort race meeting, 937, 96o.
- French Commission on automobiles, 623.
- Friction clutches, 13, 58, 83, 156, 6o6, 693, 812, 836.
- Fuel consumption trials (see consumption).
- Fuel for motors, 518, 764, 831, 887, 1193.
- GABRIEL, 555, 681, 714.
- Gaillon hill-climb, 1220.
- Gallia electric system, 771.
- Gallus tyre, 125.
- Garages, 568, 890, 956.
- Gardner-Serpollet (see Serpollet).
- Gear (see change-speed, variable, steering).
- Gear case, 1308, 1392, 1397.
- Generators (see steam generators).
- Germain system, 49, 84, 89, 122, 196, 330, 334, 1407.
- Gillett-steam system, 1173, I iSo.
- Gladiator system and cars, 15, 114, 175, 525, 536, 796, 891, 982, 1282, 1288, 1310.
- Glasgow-London, 283, 385, 409, 510, 525, 592. Glidden, C. J., 683, 692, 891, 1032, 1062, 1063.
- Gobron-Brillie system, 180, 394, 507, 95o, 975, 1020, 1340.
- Goodyear tyres, 247-
- Gordon-Bennett cup, 21, 26, 46, 75, 102, 135, 161, :66, 190, 192, 214, 234, 240, 257, 266, 291, 315, 343, 345, 385, 392, 407, 416, 433, 439, 443, 482, 506, 523, 544, 564, 589, 601, 623, 626, 648, 651, 675, 679, and S meld, 701, 704, 708, 746, 782-785, 813, 839, 886, 959, 1137, 1215, 1258, 1297, 1345: 1378, 1402.
- Governing gas and petrol engines, 1162.
- Governors, 200, 27b, 1283.
- Graham-Fox system, 17.
- Graham side carriage, 595.
- Greig, L. H. J. G., 21.
- Guernsey, 941, 961, 1151, 1290.
- HAGEN accumulator, 277.
- Halcrow-Vincke system, 539.
- Hallamshire system, 1306.
- Handicapping, 373.
- Hansoms, Motor, 882.
- Harmsworth cup,.II94, 1287.
- Hart petrol electric, 359.
- Heavy motor traffic, 1218, 1249, 1278.
- Heavy motor wagons, 224, 245, 275, 335, 36o, 5 378, 399, 408, 437, 442, 462 478 60, 738, 773, 790, 902, 929, 110878, 583, 118o, 1334, 1366.
- Heavy oil systems, 25, 41, 585, 906, 909,
- Heavy oil vaporising, 406, 831, 906,
- Hele-Shaw, Professor, 4, 103, 256, 812, 836.
- Henley, W. E., 367, 519.
- Henwood spring wheel, 1182.
- Herald system, 182.
- Herefordshire Auto Club, 1114.
- Herkomer trophy, 916,
- Hermes system, 173.
- Hertford and automobiles, 588, 1349.
- Hill-climbing trials, 234, 409, 485, 508, 527, 566, 591, 617, 642, 732, 738, 746, 796, 811, 834, 859, 863, 913, 915, 961, 963, 989, 1024, 1051, 1090, 1102, 1114, 1164, 1220, 1227, 1347, 1348.
- Hindley steam system, 400.
- Hire purchase agreements, 310.
- Hoax, A, 854.
- Hodgson v. Speedwell Company, &c., Too, 286, 886.
- Holcar system, 357, 1013.
- Horbick system, 329, 1307.
- Horses and motors, 168, 216, 1354.
- Hospitaliers indicator, 40.
- Hotchkiss system, 1360.
- Hozier system (see Argyll).
- House annual (Review), 20.
- Humber system, III, 159, 1191.
- Hundred miles' trials (see Automobile Club).
- Hydro-Carbons, artificial production of, 268.
- IGNITION (see also Electric ignition), 123, 136, 243, 254, 256, 259, 335, 383, 403, 430, 476, 662, 788, 1184, 1283, 1396.
- Imports and exports, 100.
- Import duties, 385.
- India and automobiles, 191, 265, 315, 769, 1145.
- Indicators, 40, 104.
- Inlet valves, 1160.
- Innkeepers, 314, 410.
- Institute of Motor Engineers, 1353.
- Inter-Club meet, 962.
- Inventions (see Patents).
- Ireland and automobilism, 367, 404
- Irish Automobile Club, Io6o.
- Irish Fortnight (see Gordon-Bennett race).
- Irish transport scheme, 902.
- Ivel system, 436, 1118, 1213.
- JAMES and Browne, 178, 810, 1306.
- Jarrott and Letts, Ltd., 613.
- Jarrott, C., 546, 547, 556, 613, 711, 733, 785, 845, 889.
- Jarrott, C., on racing, 96, 609.
- Jaxon steam system, 406.
- Jeffreys, W. Rees, 307.
- Jenatzy, 679, 708.
- Jenatzy-Martini cars, 659, 693.
- Johnson, C., 289, 480, 858.
- Johnston burner, 228.
- KEENE, Foxhall, 547, 680, 717, 814.
- Kensington system, 334.
- Kent Automobile Club, 567, 593, 618, 701, 811, 864, 938, 963.
- Kerosine systems (see heavy oil).
- Kidnapped by motor, 27.
- Kilometre times, 373, 396, I 115.
- King and automobilism, The, 238, 603, 788, 819, 969.
- Kitto cars, 204.
- Knyff, R. de, 708, 711.
- Krebs carburettor, 43.
- Krupkar cars, 577, 630, 1307.
- LADIES' Automobile Club, 485, 938.
- Laffrey Hill climb, 859.
- Lamplough-Albany system, 206.
- Lamps, 335, 388, 431-434, 604, 1295, 1401.
- Lancashire Steam Wagon Co., 399, 773.
- Lanchester system, 86, Sio, 1337.
- Langdon-Davies system, 147.
- Law reports, loo, 129, 164, 262, 286, 31o, 388, 490, 514, 517, 702, 738, 840, 892, 1200, 1258, 1284, 1350, 1382, 1412.
- Lebaudy air-ship, 503, 534, 701, 904, 1232, 1251, 1259, 1262.
- Legislative question, The, 518, 535, 544, 572, 623, 706, 737, 742, 768, 779, 816, 833, 842, 855, 868, 958, 1263.
- Leicestershire Automobile Club, 568, 739, 8 i r.
- Letts, W. M.. 613, 738.
- Levitt, Miss Dorothy, 525, 841, 862, 1204.
- Liability of carriers, 702.
- Liability of owners, 517.
- Licences, 738, 1277.
- Lights on motor cars, 335, 388, 431, 604, 892.
- Limitation of cylinder capacity, 1249.
- Lincolnshire Automobile Club, 363, 432, 567, 643, 786, 811, 834, 863, 888, 914, 938, 963, 1093, 1114, 1195, 1348, 1371.
- Little Giant, The, 1383.
- Live axles (see Axles).
- Local Government Board Regulations, 1203, 126o, 1277, 1293, 1310.
- Locomobile system, 149, 21:,, 278, 9S9,
- Lohner-Porsche system, 352,
- London Motor Garage Co., 56S.
- Long, Mr., 792, 8o8, 833.
- Louet speed gear, 94.
- Lubrication, 37, 135, 159, 22S.
- Lurries' trial (see Heavy motor vehicles).
- MAGISTRATES and automobilism, 23, 11 52, 74, 343, 364, 387, 459, 467, 65o, 793, 839, 871, 896, 919, 921, 964, 970, 1057, 1099, 1124, 1149, 1386, 1387.
- Magnetic clutch, 693.
- Manchester Automobile Club, 322, 362, 485, 617, 643.
- Mann steam system, 400, 774.
- Marine Motor Association, 959.
- Marine motoring, 1196.
- Marston, John (Ltd.), 296, 1308.
- Martini car, 1102.
- Masks, 1319.
- Maudslay system, 145, 269, 1013.
- Maxim cars, Ion, 1337.
- May Day parade, 457, 478.
- Mayhew, Mark, 548.
- Meran and Gervais gear, 94.
- Mercedes, 82, 126, 165, 175, 274, 300, 353, 475, 496, 547, 679, 803, 825, 1358, 1389.
- Merryweather motor fire engine, 697.
- Metric system, 19.
- Midland Auto. Club, 482, 618, 642, 764., 796, 834, 913, 964, 989, I 165, 1227.
- Miesse steam system, 73, 292; 323.
- Mile times, 373, 396.
- Military automobilism (see also Motor Volunteers), 328, 405, 426, 647, 671, 887, 915, 99o, io8o, no8, 1132, 1279, 1310, 1311, 1334.
- Milnes-Daimler system, 231, 245.
- Mohawk Manon cars, 1282.
- Montagu, John Scott, 208, 528, 573, 574, 623, 769, 868.
- Mooers, L. P., 651, 845.
- Morocco and automobiles, 3,
- Mors cars and system, 237, 394, 403, 549, 553, 555, 681, 933, 1364, 1394.
- Mors timing apparatus, 252.
- Motobloc system, 66.
- Motodromes, 58S, 695.
- Motor boats, 408, 459, 485, 582, 603, 733, 749, 786, 811, 835, 838, 841, 846, 862, 917, 922, 947, 1026, 1064, Io6S, 1117, 1152, 1176, 1194, 1196, 1197, 1224, 1321, 1346.
- Motor bicycle races, trials, and records, 45, 59, 207, 306, 373, 409, 434, 460, 463, 509, 533, 565, 590, 745, 762, 787, 810, 835, 849, 862, 872, 893, 911, 912, 937, 971, 986, 1022, 1058, 1194, 1221, 1224, 1255, 1319.
- Motor bicycles, 223, 233, 259, 276, 338, 373, 488, 738, 872, 892, 893, 911, 915, 1083, 1169, 1275, 1410.
- Motor Car Act, 1903...907, 932, 1089, 1148.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., 1282.
- Motor Traction Co., 21, 262.
- Motor Union, 126, 1062, 1248, 1324.
- Motor Volunteers, 244, 299, 461, 495, 519, 592, 618, 671, 702, 766, 772, 81,, 840, 940, 964, 990, 1094, 1119, 1279, 1311, 1344.
- Motors and systems (see also under names of systems)-
- Electric-
- - Fischer, 303, 465, 480.
- - Gallia, 771.
- - Lohner-Porsche, 352.
- - Waverley, 419.
- Petrol and Heavy Oil-
- - Ader, 13.
- - Albion, 16.
- - Ariel, 143.
- - Bardon, 65, 114.
- - Beaufort, 177.
- - Beckett, 118.
- - Belgica, 36.
- - Benz, 64.
- - Blake, 578.
- - Bollee, 1328, 1368, 1395.
- - Boyer, 62.
- - Brooke, 200, 302.
- - Burchall, 562.
- - Cadillac, 1105, 1127, 1155, 1183.
- - C. G. V., 13, 301.
- - Chenard-Walcker, 105, 154, 254, 374.
- - City and Suburban, 117, 137.
- - Clement, 64.
- - Continental, 558.
- - Cottereau, 241, 1054, Io8t.
- - Crouan, 497, 529.
- - Darracq, io.
- - De Dietrich, I 1.
- - De Dion, 6o.
- - Delahaye, 36.
- - Dennis, 898, 925.
- - Deschamp, i80.
- - Dietrich-Bugatti, 396.
- - Duryea, 9o.
- - Earl, 189, 193.
- - Fiat, 181, 1299.
- - Fischer, 303, 465, 480.
- - Germain, 49, 84, 89, 196, 330, 334-
- - Gladiator, 15.
- - Gobron-Brillie, 950, 975, 1020.
- - Graham-Fox, 17,
- - Hart, 359.
- - Hermes, 173.
- - Horbick, 329.
- - Humber, I I I.
- - Jenatzy-Martini, 659, 693.
- - Krupkar, 63o.
- - Lanchester, 86.
- - Lingdon-Davies, 147.
- - Lohner-Porsche, 352.
- - Marston, 296.
- - Maudslay, 145, 269.
- - Mercedes, 82, 274, 300, 353, 475, 496, 803, 825.
- - Mors, 933.
- - Motobloc, 66.
- - Napier, 8o, 563, 683, 734, 759, 1131.
- - New Orleans, 354, 1404, 1407.
- - Oldsmobiles, 202, 820, 851, 877.
- - Ostergren, 585•
- - Prosper-Lambert, 95.
- - Renault, 63.
- - Rex, 380.
- - Richard, G., 381.
- - Rochet-Schneider, 36, 88, 470.
- - Simms, 404.
- - Soames, 319, 347.
- - Sunbeam, 296.
- - Sutton, 25, 41.
- - Thomas, 6o8.
- - Thornycroft, 146, 169, 603, iioS.
- - Tony-Huber, 34.
- - Union, 583.
- - Vauxhall, 1235, 1264.
- - Velox, 2?, 55.
- - Waddington, 121.
- - Wartburg, 5.
- - Weller, 18o, 604, 634, 665.
- - Wilson and Pitcher, 109, 254.
- Steam-
- - Chaboche, 316, 427, 452, 501.
- - Clarkson, 203, 1405.
- - Cremorne, 1210, 1242.
- - Gillett, I180.
- - Jaxon, 406.
- - Locomobile, 217.
- - Mann, 774.
- - Miesse, 73, 292, 323.
- - Saracen, 229.
- - Savage, 929.
- - Serpollet, 94, 96, 205.
- - Straker, 202, 204.
- - Toledo, 76
- - White, 53, 228, 688, 756, 776,
- Motors for men of moderate means, 127.
- Mulliner wheel, 587.
- Municipalities and motors, 378, 414, 442, 773. 885, 920, 931, 1094, 1199, 1293.
- Murray governor, 1283.
- NADALL tyre, SoS.
- Napier motor boats, 459, 733, 749, 841, 846, 949, 1068, 1117.
- Napier system and cars, I, 8o, 141, 309, 385, 415, 443, 524, 548, 563, 615, 683, 734, 759, 965, 113 t, 1159, 1171, 1257, 1356, 1362.
- National Show, 1269.
- New companies registered (see Companies registered).
- Newman speed gear, 955, 978, 1019, 1056.
- New Orleans system, 354, 1404, 1407.
- New York-Pittsburg, 1136, 1165, 1193, 1226, 1286, 1379.
- Nice week, 360, 369, 393.
- Non-skid devices (see Side-slip).
- Non-stop runs, 986, 1227.
- Norfolk Automobile Club, 163, 437, 618, 701, 864, 1371•
- North-Eastern Club, 385.
- North-East Lancashire Automobile Club, 672.
- Nottingham Automobile Club, 988, 1214.
- Numbering cars, 68, 267, 282, 313, 418, 440, 456, 46b, 490, 493, 528, 1277.
- Nunn speed indicator, 1334.
- OCHS, J. F., 1279, 1311.
- O'Gorman, M., on motor bicycles, 233.
- Oiling roads, 417.
- Oldfield, B., 1091, 1137, 1167, 1193, 1287.
- Oldsmobile system and cars, 202, 463, 820, 851, 877, 1024, 1171, 1201, 1217, 1246, 1318, 1372, 1380.
- Olympia schemes. 592.
- Omnibus companies, 210, 910, 965.
- Omnibuses-motor, 172, 210, 231, 480, 513, 537, 539, 736, 764, 814, 920, 1215.
- Ostende racing, 763, 780.
- Ostergren kerosene engine, 585.
- Owners' liability, 517.
- Oxford Automobile Club, 642.
- PACKARD cars, 1023, 1254.
- Palmer tyre, 1276.
- Panhard cars and system, 115, 173, 521, 548, 656, 68o, 698, 986, 1130, 1303, 1362, 1363, 1388.
- Paris commercial vehicle trials, 835, 1136, 1166, 1193, 1303.
- Paris-Madrid, 71, 93, 185, 195, 235, 260, 408, 46o, 484, 5o6, 520, 542, 546, 576, 609.
- Paris-Rome, 987, 1063.
- Paris Salon (1902), 1o, IS, 34, 6o, 67, 94, 122, 128.
- Paris Salon (1903), 1130, 1316, 1339, 1355, 1388.
- Paris-Trouville, 921, 947, 1026.
- Parliament and Automobilism, 440, 456, 459, 466, 493, 516, 528, 544, 572, 623, 673, 7o6, 737, 742, 768, 779, 8o8, 816, 833, 842, 855, 868, 907, 958, 126o, 1277.
- Parson's side-slip preventer, 42, 488.
- Patents from manufacturers' point of view, 430, 481, 505, 639, 837-
- Patents in Colonies, 794, 1399-
- Patent specifications (last page each week).
- Pavement tax, 625, 707, 1144-
- Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph, 575, 599, 892, 945, 1068.
- Pedrail, The, 1315, 1343, 1387.
- Peerless system, 122, 483, 651.
- Penrose's Annual (Review), 259.
- Peter tyre, 124.
- Petrol, Production of, 600.
- Petrol cars (see Motors and systems). Petrol-electric cars, 117, 137, 303, 352, 359, 465, 480.
- Petroleum oil systems, 25, 41, 585.
- Petroleum spirit storage, 492, 511.
- Petrol in India, 265, 315.
- Peugeot system and cars, 274, 974, 1190, 1335.
- Phillips' inlet-valve, I i6o.
- Pick system, 116, 176, 1255.
- "Pipe" cars, 576, 1014, 1361.
- Police and automobolism, 262, 379, 410, 467, 537, 582, 633, 678, 733, 745, 793, 818, 965, 1028, 1061, 1092, 1124, 1144, 1149, 1203, 1295, 1326, 1408.
- Policemen on motor bicycles, 379.
- Politics and motors, 344-
- Post office and motors, 245, 351, 941, 988.
- Press, The, 895.
- Pritchett's and Gold system, 174.
- Progress Cycle Co., 21.
- Prosper, Lambert, 95.
- Prunel cars, 1141.
- Purley race course, 418, 1064.
- QARTER litre competition, 986, 1022.
- Queen's car, 139.
- RACE course, Purley, 418.
- Races, records, and trials (see also Trials), 45, 71, 93, 131, 161, 179, 185, 201, 207, 225, 234, 237, 26o, 284, 305, 535, 360, 369, 385, 393, 408, 431, 443, 460, 463, 484, 495, 506, 533, 546, 565, 590 6, 591, 616, 641, 656, 698, 708, 732, 738, 74, 755, 763, 780, 787, 810, 834, 859, 865, 886, 912, 937, 959, 971, 973, 986, 1022, 1058, 1063, 1069, 1090, 1115, 1137, 1153, 1165, 1193, 1218, 1254, 1286, 1319, 1345, 1378, 1402.
- Racing, by C. Jarrott, 96.
- Racing rules, 705.
- Racing tracks, 159, 261, 813.
- Radiators, 475.
- Radium, 391.
- Railways and automobiles, 192, 208, 392, 406, 786, 795, 848, 896, 941, 1381, 1385, 1401.
- Reading Automobile Club, 568, 618, 642, 988, io60, 1114, 1141, 1164, 1214, 1285.
- Records (see also Races), 1255.
- Referee, The, 517.
- Regal system, 1190, 1256.
- Registration, 1277, 1310.
- Regulations, 492, 511, 516, 1277, r310.
- Regulator, boiler, 279.
- Reliability trials, 22, 59, 185, 872, 911, 935, 958, 98o, 992, 995, 1030, 1034, I083, 1110, 1135, 1161, 1188, 1216, 1245, 1282, 1286, 1293, 1303, 1306, 1323, 1327, 1335, 1372, 1376, 1403.
- Relyante cars, TooS, 1009, 1010, 1192, 1307.
- Renard train, 1365.
- Renault system and cars, 63, 176, 551, 556, 1341, 1393, 1405.
- Reviews of books, 20, 259, 277, 411, 432, 511, 64o, 831, 1088, 1244, 1400.
- Rex system, 380, 1190, 1247, .127I, 1307.
- Richard system, Georges, 381, 1192, 1247, 1307, 1392.
- Richmond, Sir W., 1233.
- Road cleaner, Motor, 378.
- Roads improvement, 4, 23, 51, 79, 239, 29o, 307, 337, 432, 461, 494, 540, 677, 845, 1031.
- Rochester lubricator, 228.
- Rochet-Schneider system, 36, 88, 395, 46o, 470, 495-
- Roller bearings, 23o.
- Rolls, The Hon. C. S., 237, 260, 54S, 1115, 1254.
- Roots Oil Motor Co., 89o, 1248.
- Rothschild, Baron, 66, 98.
- Roussel spring wheel, 125.
- Royal Agricultural Show, 695.
- Rubery frames, 1133, 1187.
- Rucker tyre, 93, 230.
- Ryknield Engine Co, 433.
- SAGE system, 225.
- St. Louis Exhibition, 19.
- Sadler's road cleaner, 378.
- Sampson tyre, 124.
- Sangster, C., on Paris Salon, 38, 67, 128.
- Santos Dumont, 503.
- Saracen steam car, 229.
- Savage steam system, 401, 929.
- Scottish Automobile Club, r,21 223, 310, 337, 351, 362, 432, 458, 509, 566, 592, 617, 642, 864, 1026, 1114, 1138, 1227, 1285, 1380.
- Scottish Motor Manufacturers' Association, 436, 786.
- Secondary batteries (Review), 411,
- Selbach system, 1398.
- Sennett, A. R.. 258.
- Serpollet system and cars, 94, 96, 159, 163, 205, 286, 393, 412, 552, 886, 972, 1199.
- Sheffield Automobile Club, 409, 527, 567, 591, 1114, 1165, 1195, 1401.
- Siddeley system, 179, 1255.
- Side attachments, 595.
- Side slip competitions, 126, 592, 1288.
- Side slip preventers, 42-46, 403, 488.
- Silencer competition, 21, 283, 335,
- Simms' system, 404, 663, 1008, 1306.
- Simplex speed gear, 248.
- Simpson ignition plug, 259.
- Sirdar tyre, 230, 1027.
- Six-wheeled car, 1388.
- Smith-Cumming, Lieut., 553, 711.
- Smith, E. S. Shrapnel, 1218, 1249,
- Smoke, A nuisance, 164.
- Snowden's protractor, 414.
- Soames system, 319, 347.
- "Social juggernaut," 573, 598, 624, 678.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 20, 108, 223, 310, 338, 363, 384, 408, 437, 569, 780, 809, 1195, 1333.
- Song of Speed, 367, 519.
- South Africa automobilism, 279, 461, 824, 1177, 1303, 1323, 1342, 1380, 1386.
- Southampton County Motor Club, 739, 888.
- Southport speed trials, 959, 1025, 1058, 1067, 1069. I wo, 1115.
- South Wales Club, 285, 385, 568.
- Spa week, 961.
- Specific gravity of motor spirit, 457, 495.
- Speed indicators, 956, 1334.
- Speed limit, The, 244, 278, 518, 535, 544, 573, 795, 84 858, 894, 896, 1260, 1277, 1293.
- Speedwell Co., zoo, 205, 286.
- Spencer air-ship, 765, 949, 1197.
- Sprags, 807.
- Spyker cars, 1009, 1308.
- Stanley, The Hon. A., 958.
- Stanley Automobile Show, 84, 118. 71 Show, 1269.
- Stanley steam car, 402, 509, 642, 1191.
- Starley motor bicycle, 1083.
- Star system, 358, 443, 1272, 1335.
- Starting handle, 45-
- Steam cars (see Motors and systems).
- Steam generators, 78, 452, 777, 930, 1212.
- Steel, 1088.
- Steelroads, 23.
- Steering gear, 33, 79, 120, 122, 563, 635, 694, 901, 1268.
- Sthenos carburettor, 123.
- Stirling system, 537.
- Stock Exchange walk, 489.
- Stopping powers, 1200.
- Straker system, 202, 204, 216.
- Suicide and motors, 562, 1409.
- Sunbeam system, 296, 1308, 1309.
- Superstitions and motors, 391.
- Sutton system, 25, 41.
- Sweden, 1326.
- Swift system, 175, 232, 276, 332, 1247.
- Synchronising the spark, 254.
- TACHOMETER (Veeder's), 405.
- Talbot system, 127o.
- Tare limit, 500.
- Technical education, 969.
- Telegraph and " Social Juggernaut," 573, 598, 624, 677-678.
- Terminology, 27.
- Theatrical ladies' meet, 655.
- Thomas system, 608.
- Thornycroft petrol system, 146, 169, 485, 603, 1097, 'log, 1335, 1405.
- Thornycroft steam system, 275, 437, 478, 1109.
- Thousand miles trial (see Automobile Club).
- Three-cylinder cars and motors, 20, 45, 09, 128.
- Timber seasoning, 277.
- Timing apparatus, 188, 252.
- Timken roller bearing, 230.
- Toledo steam system, 76.
- Tony-Huber system, 34.
- Tourist car trials, 434, 738.
- "Town and country," 308.
- Tracks (see Racing tracks).
- Traction engines, 216.
- Tractors, 1199.
- Traffic question, 167, 258, 289, 417, 504, 839, 994, 1124.
- Trailers, 545.
- Tramps, 788, 1099.
- Tramways, 216, 244, 870, 897, 1021, 1033, 1068, 1100, 1176, 1203, 1234, 1320.
- Transmission gear, 786.
- Trials (see also Races, Reliability. Thousand Miles, &c.), 104, 130, 225, 408, 431, 484, 649, 670, 671, 674, 738, 745, 762, 795, 809, 81o, 835, 849, 935, 980, 1058.
- Trouville motor boat race, 922, 947-
- Two-stroke motors, 638.
- Tyre pumps, 38.
- Tyres, 93, 124, 223, 230, 247, 402, 808, 884, 932, 1274, 1276.
- Tyre Trials, 104, 158, 186, 199, 209.
- UNION petrol lurry, 583.
- Unreliability trials, 1126, 1163, 1174, 1204.
- United States legislation, 538, 646, 702.
- Universal joint, 634.
- VALVES, 87, 350, 383, 826.
- Vanderbilt, W. K., 549, 1319, 1347.
- Van trials, 408, 484, .1136, 1166, 1193, 1303.
- Vapomobile system, 206.
- Vaporising heavy oils, 406.
- Variable speed-gear (see change-speed).
- Vauxhall system, 1235. 1264, 1321.
- Veeder's tachometer, 4o5.
- Velox Company, 29,,55, 86, 1028, 1200, 1350,
- Vibration problems, 361.
- Vincke-Halcrow system, 539.
- Vinot and Deguingand cars, 1342.
- Voiturettes, 529.
- Volunteers (see Motor Volunteers).
- Vulcan system, I190.
- WADDINGTON system, 121.
- Wagner, 656.
- Wagons, Motor (see Heavy vehicles).
- Wartburg system, 5.
- Water circulation indicator, 533.
- Waverley electric cars, 419.
- Weigel, D. M., 701.
- Welbeck trials, 443.
- Weller system, 18o, 604, 634, 665.
- Westrumite, 964, 993, 1233.
- West Surrey Automobile Club, 915, 1139.
- Wheels, 125, 403, 587, 932, 1182.
- Wheels and the law, 129.
- White steam car system,_ 53, 228, 597, 688, 756, 776, 891, 916, 1289, 1320.
- Wilkinson de Cosmo system, 1270.
- Williams tyre, 1274.
- Wilson and Pilcher system, 109, 254, 1012.
- Windora cars, 1274.
- Winton cars, 463, 564, 6o1, 651, 717, 1012.
- Wolseley system, Io8, 142, 328, 413, 450, 484, 553, 566, 609, 8I5, 938, 1007, 1o65, 1121, 1139, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1338, 1357, 1381.
- Wolverhampton Automobile Club, 1164, 1348, 1372.
- Wood hardening, 788.
- Wright, Wilbur, 969, 1032, 1385.
- YORKSHIRE Automobile Club, 163, 211, 261, 386, 567, 593, 618, 643, 739, 764, 786, 834, 864, 963, 1026, io6o, 1114, 1348, 1371.
- ZBOROWSKI, Count, 36o, 369, 391, 396.