1911 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the Automotor Journal
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Vol 016. Jan to Dec 1911
- A.A. and M.U. (see Automobile Association).
- A.B.C. engine, 370, 478.
- Aberdonia car, 1184, 1 .’48, 1259, 1374.
- Accidents, 53, 80, 143, 045, 441, 779, 930, 1043, 1096, 1124, 1x65, 1394, 142-2, 1445.
- Acer dynamometer, 44, 191.
- Acetylene Illuminating Co., 817, 1271.
- Acetylene lamps (set also lamps), 126, 237, 530.
- - generators, 73, 643, 724, 1271, 1372,
- Adams cars, 272, 355, 557, 617, 979, 1374.
- - 16-h.p. (details), 310, 914, 940.
- - self starter, 6S1, 915. 1, “
- - Trolley-jack, 102.
- Adler cars, 479, 1439.
- Adnil electric horn, 93, 504.
- Advertisements, motor 1156, 1243, 1292, 1380, 1407.
- - roadside {see Roadside).
- Aerial engines (see Engines).
- Aero and Motor Boat Show (see Flight).
- Aeroscaphe, 159.
- Afghanistan, motors in, 1356.
- Africa, by motor boat across (see Boating).
- - motors in, 870, 898.
- Agricultural motors, 54, 700.
- Agricultural show, 220.
- Air-valves, auxiliary, 312.
- Alarms (see Hooters, Horns).
- Albert Brown Trophy (see Brown).
- Albion cars, 1309, 1374, 1445.
- Albruna cars, 1028, 1439.
- Alcohol, 984.
- Alcyon Motor Cycle, 1294, 1446.
- All British Engine Co. (see A.B.C. engine).
- Alldays cars, 1374.
- Allen-Liversedge acetylene generator, 73.
- Almagam. 165.
- Alpine trials, 562.
- Aluminium alloys, 884, 911.
- Alvaston engine, 370.
- Ambulances, 219, 263, 1289.
- America, racing in, 954, 1005, 1038, 1158, 1321.
- American Army and motors, 895, 1x98.
- American Association of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers, 325, 514, 559.
- - automobile legislation, 287, 959, 1002, 1328.
- - Automobile Association, 287, 540, 1095.
- - - Board of Trade, 559, 666.
- - car, life of the, 1308.
- - commercial vehicle trial, 1005.
- - exports and imports, (see Exports).
- - Grand Prix, 865, 1417.
- - motor mails, 1467.
- - shows, 26, 153, 226, 514.
- - Soc. of Auto. Engineers, 1021^1058,1308,13x7
- Anglo-American Motor Car Co. (see Overland cars).
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 516, 7S4.
- Annealing stove, 1347.
- Antarctic expedition, 352.
- Antoinette monoplane V. car, 575.
- Apollo cars, 96.
- Argylls Ltd., 1389.
- Argyll cars, 101, 10S, 134, 139, 16S, 264, 290, 355, 403, 439, 516, 668, 706, 934, 1009, 1096, 1099, 1213, 1276, 1374, 1425, 144S.
- - 25-h.p. car (details), 1174.
- - 12-h.p. car (details), 833.
- - lire tender, 852.
- - sleeve-valve engine, 1164, 1171, 1235, 1288, 1380
- Ariel Cars, 949, 1375, 1462.
- Ariel and General Repairs Co., 1070.
- Aries Co., 111, 1500.
- Armstrong-Whitworth cars, 16, 668, 1215, 1240, 1265, 1266, 1270, 12S7, 1375.
- Arno motor cycle, 1344.
- Arnold and Co., W. H., 1478.
- Arrol-Johnston cars, 53, 617, 669, 681, 1147, I2I9> ‘24°- x245, 1265, 1307, i.i75,.‘477. 15‘3-
- Artillery equipment against aircraft, 393.
- Artillery wheels (see Wheels).
- Askwith, H. H., 925, 10S6.
- A.S.L. motor cycle, 1339.
- Asquith, Mr., 327, 925.
- Assults on motorists, 860.
- Associates’ day at Brooklands (see Royal A.C.).
- Assoc. Internationale de Yachting Automobile, 22, 49.
- Aston hill-climb, 363.
- Atlas of the British isles, 737.
- Atlas inner case, 423, 453, 503, 505, 540, 565, 650.
- Atlas Tyre 1277-
- Atlas tyre pump, 1347S 1372,
- A. T. Speedometer, 20, 106.
- Auction, cars by, 1098. 1240, 1260, 1265, 1266, 501, 883, S9S, 338, 562, 659> 77h 916.
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 1389.
- Austin cars, 41, 240, 271, 380, 708, 829, 863, 965, 1023- 1103, 1127, 1157, tt9s> 1215, ?34s, '375-
- Australia, motors in, 219, 221, 249, 491, S99. >346, 1440. 1513-
- Austrian A.C., 21, 562.
- Austro-Daimler cars, J29, 211, 949, 1262, 1309, 1439.
- Autocar Road Bolts, 1513.
- Auto challenge cup, 64S.
- "Auto das," sculpture, 1359.
- Auto-Cycle Union, 52, -28, 158, 682.
- - annual trial 158, 616, 864, 897, 922.
- - judge’s report, 955.
- - handbook, 1083.
- - Inter Club Championship, 158,1032
- - lamp trials, 49, 211.
- - official trials, 512.
- - quarterly trials, 49, 113, 129, 158. 186, 461, 562, 814, 1032, 1133, 1157, 11S8.
- - racing, 158,_ 539, 616, 647, 828 (see also Tourist Trophy Race).
- - silencers, 1161.
- Automobile Association and Motor Union, 23, 52, 165, 1069, 1328, 1357, 1383, 1446.
- - combine, 32, 208.
- - Handbook, 675.
- - and Hotels, 1295.
- - and Inter. Touring, 515, 1025.
- - leaders on 115, 332, 442, 469, 494, 55°, 628, 658, 849, 95S, 1136, 1362, 1393.
- - legal cases, 285, 293, 423, 622, 765, 1358, 1387, 1481.
- - Leeds branch, 187.
- - and National Council, 224, 407, 494, H23- .
- - northern section, 242.
- - notes (weekly).
- - reflex lights, 790, 86S,SS3, 1402.
- - and roads improvement, 598,
- - speed limits, 742, 765.’
- - Taxation Conference, 185.
- Automobile Club of France, 572, 624, 1221.
- - Grand Prix (see Grand Prix).
- Automobile Engineers, Inst, of (see Institution of Automobile Engineers).
- Automobile Golfing Society, 954, 1016, 1073, 1078, 10S1.
- Automobile Mutual Protection Association, 344.
- “Automusiea ” horn, 453.
- Auto Technology :
- - Benko primary battery, 634.
- - Bolts, nuts and screws, 367, 390..
- - Brake design, 230.
- - Car lighting, 634.
- - Chain drives for cam-shafts, 282.
- - Compression, efficiency and, 912.
- - Direct drive, 13.
- - Dynamos, 1053.
- - Electric horns, 92.
- - Gear-ratio, 662.
- - Gyroscopic prevention of side-slip, 446, 474.
- - Headlamps, movable, 418.
- - Horse-power rating problem. 202, 1429.
- - Ignition-plug indiosyncrasies, 336.
- - Inner tube repair, 608.
- - Magnetos and dynamos, 1053, 10S4.
- - Noises in motor cais, 1370.
- - Non-skids, gyroscopic, 446, 474.
- - Petrol, 64, 528, 1464.
- - Petrol-Electric Transmission, 500.
- - v. Electricity, 93S.
- - Piston movement, 884.
- - Pressure feed-valves and water, 52S.
- - Rims, detachable, 120.
- - Steel, pressed, 1403,_
- - Suspension and springs, 992, 1020, 1084, 1152, 1494, ?495-
- - Trucks, American, 938.
- - Tyre fillings, 554.
- - Tyre protective devices, 256, 966.
- - Tyres, semi-pneumatic, 36.
- - Winter and night motoring, 148.
- “Autovox Horn,” 1372.
- Auxiliary springs (rcr also Suspension), 992, 1020, 1084, 1152, 1227.
- Axles, front, 889, 1028, 1116, 1278. 11
- Axles, rear, 17, 70, 71, 101, 177» -Jj-b 208, 31 r>» .H1 -64, 396, 4'.’2, 481, 534, 64c, 665, 699, 726, 7*>‘i 836, S87, 888, 940, 996, 1056, 1059 1146, r 177 1182, 1184, 127S, 1281, 131°) *369. 14 34•
- BACON, Judge, 87.
- Bailey's bi-jet carburettor, 1115.
- Balfour, A. J., 1249.
- Ball-bearing's, 312.
- Barcelona Cup, 488.
- Barges, motor, 1007, 1334, 1366.
- “Barkatyres," 294, 462.
- Barker and Co., 179, 238, 265, 298.
- Battleships motor, 143.
- Bat motor cycle, 954, 991.
- Beatonson Wind-screens (see Wind screens).
- Beaumont, W. Worby, 491.
- Beauty spots, 1063, 1151, 1198.
- Bedford A.C., 164.
- Bedford cars, 246, 733, 1089, 1261, 1504.
- Bednell, A., 1336, 1337.
- Belgian Grand Prix, 1246.
- Bell cars, 1113, 1189, 1270, 1376.
- Bell Brothers Accessories, 970.
- Belsize cars, 560, 1259, 1309, 1376.
- Belsize Motors Ltd., 491.
- Benevolent fund (»r Cycle and Motor Trades)
- Beney mascot, 273.
- Benko primary battery, 634.
- Bennet oxy-petrol car-lighting system, 85S.
- Bentall cars, 1219, 1376.
- Benton and Stone accessories, 1271.
- Benz & Co., 818.
- Benz cars, t25, 295, 347, 460, 800, 924, 935, 1112, 1439.
- Benz-Sohne cars, 1059, 1116, 1439.
- Berkshire A.C., 899, 1037, 1099, 1328.
- Berkshire County Council, 524.
- Berkshire “Little Guide" to, 721.
- Berliet, Mons., 1198.
- Berliet cars, 357, 477, 625, S09, 898, 1108, 1154, 1307, 1310, 1440.
- Berlin, motor buses in, 517.
- - motor show, 709, 1035, 114S, 1150.
- Bernard, Mr., 834.
- Bertrand, C., 551, 553.
- B.H.P., testing (see Dynamometers).
- Bianchi cars, 1440.
- Binks carburettor, 1271.
- Birkenhead, ferries at, 515.
- Black Forest, rambles in the, 1100.
- Bleriot car-lighting dynamo, 568.
- Board of Trade Traffic Reports, 16S, 169, 180, 214, 225, 304. 1393. '452-
- Boating, motor, across Africa, 213.
- Boats, motor, (see also Royal Motor Yacht Club, British Motor Boats Club, Monaco Meeting, Marine Motor Association, Nore Yacht Club, &c.), 22, 49, 107, 159. 213, 241, 26S, 295, 309, 326, 346, 374. 51', 652, 815, 867, 975, 976, 1038, 1041, 1066, 1175, 1331, 1336, 1512, 1513.
- Boats, motor, fishing, S22, 850.
- Boats, motor, at Olympia, 329, 350.
- Boats, motor, rating of, (see Rating).
- Bodywork, (see Coachwork).
- Boillot, M., 460.
- Bolts (see Nuts and Bolts).
- Booth, General, 89S.
- Bore and stroke ratios, 939.
- Boris, Grand Duke, 1016.
- Bosch fittings, 154, 20S.
- Boulogne races, 15S, 267, 650, 814.
- Bovier, A., 853.
- Bowden, H. M., 1426, 1427.
- Boys and motorists, 331, 1043.
- Braemar Gathering, motors at, 1008, 1037.
- Brakes, 17. 156, 34.', 365, 421, 481, 535, 58S, 641, 699, 836, 888, 941, 1060, 1278, 1310.
- - design, idealism in, 230.
- - front wheel, 1497.
- - leaders on, 441, 959.
- Brasier cars, 1262, 1440.
- Brazil, motors in, 51S.
- Brenna cars, 1240, 1262, 1339, 1440.
- Brewer, R. W. A., on Radial Engines, 17.
- - on Two-cycle Engines, 119S, 1288.
- Brighton and motorists, 1479.
- Brighton, rail less trams at, 144s.
- Bristol Tramways Co., 790.
- Bristol Wagon and Carriage Works, 560.
- British Army (see War Office).
- British International Cup, 107, 133, 213, -’4D 567. 707. 754. 7®9i S96, 1041.
- British International Cup, British team, 840, 867.
- British International Cup, results, 975.
- British Motor Cab Co., 465.
- British Motor Cycle Racing Club, 108, 323, 487, 562, 649, 705, 954-
- British Motor Boat Club, 22, 75, 159, 189, 213, 241, 268, 459, 567, 652, 707, 729, 109^, 1186, 1326, 1480.
- British Motor Boat Club, racing, 374/729, 789, 8x5, 840, 867, 873, 896, 975, 1007, 1046, 1065, 1326, *33J>
- Briton cars, 1376.
- Brodtmann, P. A., 1418.
- Brooke boats, 49, 295, 326, 350, S39, S96, 1331, 1366.
- Brooke cars, 1219, 1376.
- Brooke railway inspection car, 80.
- Brooklands, 29, 81, 138, 223, 323, 398, 411,427, 457, 460, 463, 467, 478, 515, 575, 762, 1098, 1103, 14S3, 1487, 1493.
- - lawn tennis at, 1296, 1396.
- - programmes, 81, 212, 294, 324, 405, 462,. 4% 543. 563. 594. 636, 729, 812, 842, 1006, 1063.
- - racing, 347, 430, 539, 541, 618, 666, 677, 809, 865, it 11.
- - leaders on, 412, 687.
- - motor cycling at, 323, 347, 432, 487, 488, 539. 541. 562, 648, 649, 705, 757, 787, 828, 954, 1111, 1138, 1245, 1294.
- - Prince Henry Tour, 793.
- - records, 129, 460, 487, 539, 924, 1064, 1127, H57. I245> i294. 1446.
- - rules, 539.
- - speed and distance tables, 240.
- Brown, A. and E., 989, 991.
- Brown Bros, accessories (sec also Gabriel horn), 663, 724, in7, 1227, 1229, 1277, 1313, 1372, 1401, 1497.
- Brown cars, 1028.
- Brown, Hughes and Strahan, 152, 397, 'gi6, 1184, 124S.
- Brown Trophy, Albert, 487, 616, 757.
- Brussels, motor show (1911),'8i.
- B.S.A. cars, 1124, 1265, 1310, 1377.
- Buffers, 10S8.
- Building Trades Exhibition, 470, 4S3.
- Bulbs for lamps (see Headlamps).
- Burt, P., 1276.
- Burton Griffiths’ annealing stove, 1347.
- ’Buses, horsed, 523, 1244.
- - Motor, 709, 1131, 1161, 1387, 1419.
- - abroad, 517.
- - companies, 463, 514.
- - fares, 326.
- - leaders on, 304, 469, 322, 686, 688, 931. 986,1075, 1166, 1254, H54-
- - legal nuisance, 848.
- - in Paris, 1096.
- - mud-splashing, 354, 469, 765, 793, 873, 1076.
- - petrol-electric, 1357, 1388.
- - shops and, 1456.
- - speedometers on, 688.
- - speed-limits, 423, 1480.
- Buyer’s guide, to British cars, 536.
- - to 1912 cars (see Cars for 1912).
- Bystander, the, 291.
- CABS, taxi, 51, 80, 203, 219, 298, I427, 465, 630, 645, 1328, 1426.
- - abroad, 318, 624, 870, 1418, 1499.
- - drivers, 220, 272, 465, 817, 981, 1039, 1302, 1358, 1445-
- - lady, 1394.
- - medical inspection of, 1418.
- - strike, 1252, 1288, 1292, 1301, 1387, 1480.
- - in Dublin, 1282.
- - fares, 585, 1166, 1302.
- - in Paris, 386.
- - leaders on, 713, 1104, 1135, 1165, 1203, 1252, 1254, 1302.
- - Petrol tax, 1104.
- - Licences (see Licences).
- - and night noises, 80, 713. 11
- - regulations, 821.
- - speed limits, 423.
- - (see also Motor Cab Owners Assoc.; London Motor Cab Proprietors Assoc.)
- Cartoons (see also Portraits): —
- - Andrew, J. S., 689.
- - Dodson, P. L. H., 227.
- - Bates, Col. Stratton, 279.
- - Dolamore, W. T., 1397
- - Bednell, A., 1337.
- - Bertrand, C. 531.
- - Bourden, H. M., 1427.
- - Bovier, A., 853.
- - Brown, A., 989.
- - Brown, E., 989.
- - Carle, L., 771.
- - Coatalen, L., 1367.
- - Collins, Dr. T., 61.
- - Cook, H. B., 8.
- - Corbet, Capt. B. D’A., . 497*
- - Coall, W. D. Forster, 33.
- - Crawshay-Williams, L., . 935* .
- - Cummings, S. G., 89.
- - Cureton, T., 1367.
- - Davis, F., 523.
- - Dewis, W., 199.
- - Drummond, A., 413.
- - Evans, S. L.,397.
- - Godwin, C. E., 279.
- - Grace, T. W., 605.
- - Green, G. H., 907.
- - Hands, G. W., 1305.
- - Hill, W. H., 853.
- - Ionides, A. G., 963.
- - James, W. G., 743-
- - Jenkins, F. J., 823.
- - Joy, Basil H, 1139-
- - Knight, C. T., 797-
- - Martin, P., 1491.
- - Martineau, F. L., 579-
- - Basin, Capt. Theo., 253.
- - Mays-Smith, A. S., ie>79-
- - McCormack. A., 305.
- - Napier, J. S., 471-
- - Stafford, J. S., 1257.
- - Starley, J. K., 1457.
- - Stewart, W. L., 117.
- - Tapper, A. K., 1109.
- - Thistlethwaite, J. 605.
- - Underwood, G. F., 659.
- - Wakefield, Sir C., 333.
- - Whittington, M., 689.
- - Willows, J. T., 61.
- - Woods, G. Hubert, 145. 1122, 1504.
- - Northbrook, Earl of, 279,
- - Rawlingson, A., 1047.
- - Richardson, J. R., 631.
- - Rodakowski, E. de, 1207.
- - Savill, E., 387.
- - Serck, P. O., 361.
- - Shackel, F. C., 61.
- - Smith, C. M., 715.
- - Smith, A. Gordon, 171.
- - Smith, J. Hoyle, 605.
- - Sorel, W. L., 1017.
- Cadillac cars, 174, 486, 593, 801, 898,
- Cadillac nuts and bolts, 367.
- Cadogan garage, 896, 926.
- Cairns pneumatic-stud tyre, 46.
- Calmon, Alfred, and tyre, 82, 1277.
- Calthorpe cars, 694,695, 729, 734, 763, 949,978,1305,1377-
- Camera and the car, with the, 1395, 1400, 1455.
- Cameron car, 1113.
- Cam shafts, (see Chain Drives).
- Canal Motor Navigation Syndicate, Ltd., 1366.
- Canals (see Waterways).
- Candler, A., 759.
- Cannes hill climb, 357.
- Carbic, Ltd., 165.
- Carbon deposits, S84, 913.
- Carburettors and Vaporisers, 101. 127, 3i3, 509, 9IO> 1 US, 1271, 1281.
- Cardiff Motor Club, 108.
- Carle, Louis, 771, 773.
- “Carlton" Dynamo, 582.
- Car-lighting (see Electric Light, Lighting Systems).
- Carpmael, A., 759.
- Carriage Manufacturers, (see Inst, of British).
- Carrol engine, 885.
- Cars for 1912, 1362, 1374, 1409, 1439, 1469, 1501.
- Cathie, C., 667.
- Castellated shafts (Larard) 65.
- Cats’ meat and the motor car, 630.
- Catt, A. E., 512.
- Cattle on highways, 1106, 1422.
- "C. A. V." car-lighting dynamo, 20, 376, 488, 545.
- - reflectors, 573.
- Cedes fire escape, 53.
- Central W. of Eng. office of R.A.C. (see Royal A.C.).
- Ceylon, motors in, 972, 1011.
- Chalmers engine, 885.
- Chain drives for cam-shafts, 282, 1119, 1194, 1231, 1232, 1312, 1340, 1404.
- - (correspondence), 1117, 1291, 1316, 1317, 1351, 1380,
- Challenge Rubber Mills, (see also “Victor”), 788, 834.
- Change-speed-gears, 43, 967.
- Chapel on wheels, 642, 6S2.
- Charlesworth bodies, 40.
- Charron cars, 1261, 1441.
- Chart, hill-climbing (see Hill-climbing).
- Chassis descriptions:—
- - Adams, 16-h.p., 914, 940.
- - Adler, 12-h.p., 479.
- - Albion, 15-h.p. 1445.
- - Apollo, 6-h.p., 96.
- - Argyll, 25-h p.,_ 1174-
- - Armstrong-Whitworth, 17-h.p., 16.
- - Austin, 10-h.p., 41.
- - Benz-Sohne. 16-20-h.p., 1059.
- - B.S.A., 4-cyl., 1146.
- - Crossley (1912), 1278.
- - Crowdy, 19-h.p., 450.
- - Daimler, 30-h.p., 1143.
- - Darracq, 15-h.p., 725.
- - Darracq 20-h.p., 1177.
- - De Dion, 25-h.p., &c., 664, 698, 12S4.
- - Dodson, 12-16-h.p., y9*
- - Fiat, 15-h.p., 968, 995.
- - Germain, 15-h.p., 558, 587.
- - Humber, 1 i-h.p., 1145.
- - Imperia, 18-h.p., 71.
- - Iris, 15-h.p., 1279;
- - Jackson, 12-14-h.p., 314.
- - Lanchester, (1912), 1281.
- - Lancia], 24-h.p., 860, 887.
- - Lorraine-Dietrich, 12-16-h.p., 1285.
- - Martini, i5‘9-h.p., 421, 1283.
- - Mass, 15-h.p., 394.
- - Mercedes, 25-30-h.p., 234.
- - Mercedes 30-h.p., 1026, 1056.
- - Metallurgique, 12-14-li.p., 69.
- - Napier, 15-h.p., 127, 1141.
- - Napier 30-h.p., 993-
- - Overland, 15-p.h., 364.
- - Panhard, 25-h.p., Knight, 261.
- - Piccard-Pictet, 22-30-h.p., i496-
- - Regal 18-20-h.p., 206.
- - Rover, 12-h.p., Knight, 176.
- - Sheffield-Simplex, 25-h.p., 506, 1180.
- - Sizaire, 12-16-h.p., 155-
- - Spyker, 18-h.p., &c., 611, 639. 1286.
- - Straker-Squire, 15-h.p., 806, 836, 1280.
- - Swift, 10-12-h.p., 1369.
- - Talbot, 25-h.p., 1121.
- - Thames, 15-h.p., 340.
- - Vinot, 12-16-h.p., 752, 780.
- - Withers, 35-40-h.p., 283. _
- - Wolseley, i9-2o-h.p., iu8.
- - Zedel, 14-h.p., 533.
- Chater Lea motor cycle. 991.
- Chauffeurs (see also Cab Drivers; National society of Chauffeurs ; Head Chauffeurs’ Club).
- Chauffeurs and employer’ cars, 871, 932, 1249.
- - and fines, 278, 360.
- - leaders on, 277, 278, 359, 360, 741, 770, 821, 1254-
- - licences, 277.
- - medical inspection of, 741.
- - petition, 386, 491, 598, 712, 769.
- - and petrol, 817, 821.
- - State examination of, 277, 359.
- Chenard-Walcker cars, 757, 998, 1028, 1089, 1109, 1224, 1339, 1441- , ,
- Children and road dangers, 1333.
- Christensen self-starter, 1096, 1188.
- Christian, Princess, 1350.
- Cinematograph, scientific uses of, 65.
- "Clarus" aluminium alloy, 911.
- Clement-Talbot Ltd. (see Talbot cars).
- Clement cars, 1259, 1377.
- Climbing Ben Nevis, 549, 564.
- Clipstone, speed trials, 705, 787.
- Clubs, Provincial, (see Provincial Clubs).
- Clutches, 452, 589, 698, 753, 888, 1086, 1283.
- Clyde cars, 1377.
- Clyno motorcycle, 1341.
- Coach builders (sec Inst. British Carriage Mfrs.).
- Coachbuilding up-to-date, 951.
- Coachbuilding prizes, 1406.
- Coach, motor, 811.
- Coachwork, painting, 1498.
- Coachwork, 15, 40, 68, 98, 125, 152, 178, 238, 264, 286, 344, 397, 529, 5<5°, 6lo> 784, 835,'863, 916, 1023, 1061, 1069, 1090, 1116, 1215, 1219, 1223, 1259, 1261, 1262, 1307, 1309, 1339, 1478, 1499.
- Coatalen, L., 977, 1366, 1367.
- Cole, W., and Sons, bodies, 98.
- Collier, C. R., 787, 897, 954.
- Collins live-axle, 13.
- Collins, Dr. T. 61, 63.
- Collon and Humphrey engine, 885.
- Commercial Motor Users' Association, 185, 221, 332,470, 486, 501, 515, 708, 1058, 1193, 1296, 1327, 1388, 1480.
- Commercial vehicles (see Industrial Vehicles).
- Commercial Vehicle Show (1911), 67.
- Commissioner of Police and motors, 469, 486, 682, 971, 986, 1334, 1423.
- Competitions, revival of, 603, 1488.
- Compression (see Engines).
- Conference on taxation (see Taxation Conference). Connaught, Duke of, 516, 616.
- Connaught, Prince Arthur of, 572.
- Construction (see L. A. Legros).
- Continental Tyre Co., Ltd., 313, 429, 453, 538, 737.
- Continental tyres, 598, 625, 859.
- Cooling fans, 1464.
- Corbet, Capt. B. D’A., 497, 499.
- Corners, dangerous, (see Roads).
- Coronation, motors and the, 578, 642, 645, 685, 697,699, 704, 708, 731.
- Correspondence, 1025, 1061, 1091, 1117,1156, 1188, 1243 1291, 1316, 1351, 1380, 1407, 1434, 1476, 1500.
- Corunna, cars in, 1100.
- [[[Cottin cars]], 1261, 1441.
- Coull, W. D. Forster, 33, 34.
- County Bench (see Magistrates).
- County Councils Association, 144S.
- County Territorial Association, 491.
- Coupe des Voiturettes (1911), 21, 158, 294, 346.
- Coupe des Voitures Leger, (see Light Car Race). Country life prize, 461.
- Coupe du Journal L'Auto, 1187.
- Coventry Chain Co. 283, 1231.
- Coventry Motor Fittings Co’s accessories, 1271.
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 294, 978, 1064.
- Crawshay, de B., 830.
- Crawshay-Williams, L., 935, 937.
- Crewe, Lord, 271.
- Cripples outings, 707, 736, 841, 868.
- Critchley, J. S., 536-
- - on evolution of the taxicab, 51.
- Crompton, Col., 604, 850, 130S.
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., 1312.
- - cars, 25, 145, 669, 827, 895, 1266, 1309, 1377, 1477, 1510.
- -(1912) (details) 1278.
- - engine, 939, 1231, 1238.
- Crossley Sir Wm., 1136.
- Cross-road collision case, 320, 337.
- Crowdy cars, 450, 1378.
- Cuba (motors in) 272.
- Cummings, S. G., 89, 91.
- Cureton, T., 1366, 1367.
- Customs duties (see Exports and Imports).
- Cut-outs (see Hooters : Horns, Ignition).
- Cycle and Motor Cycle Union, 158, 1336, 1341.
- Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, 22, 53, 242 381, 490, 832, 1038, 1062, 1183, 1199, 1419.
- Cyclists and motorists, 642, 862, 876, 1453.
- - number-plates for, 714.
- - obstruction by, 423, 440.
- - reflex lights (see Lights).
- Cyclists Touring Club, 139, 549, 602, 734.
- Cylinder deposits, cleaning, 1402.
- - capacity rating (see Rating).
- - wear, 1370.
- Cyprus, motors in, 1221.
- DAIMLER cars, 25-h.p., 151.
- -30-h.p. (1912) (details) 1143.
- - agricultural motor, 700, 1418.
- - Co. 1.til..and 11.S.A. cars, 1124.
- - K.P.L.” petrol-electric 'bus, 500, 514.
- - scholarships, 779.
- - Silent Knight engine, 1164, 1234, 1288.
- - Renard train, 870, 883.
- - works in Naples, 25.
- Dangerous driving (we Driving).
- Danger signals (.ice Hooters, Horns, Road Signs, Road warnings, &c.).
- Darracq, A., and Co., Ltd., 1448.
- Darracq cars, 1150, 1262, 1441, 1477.
- - 15-h.p., (details) 2S4, 725.
- - 20-h.p., “ 1177.
- - rotary waive engine, 1164, 1176, 1230.
- Davenport and Co., 1271.
- Davies, F., 525, 527, 597.
- Davies, T. M. and W., 116S, 1169.
- Dawson, P., 1479.
- Deasy cars, 460, 461, 801, 1259, 1265, 1266, 1309, 137S.
- Deasy Motor Car Manufacturing Co., 1291.
- Deasy (J.D.S. type) trial, 460, 592, 705, 714, 730, 786.
- Deasy 18.24-h.p-(details) 856.
- Debating Society (nr Trade Debating Society). 1
- Decauville cars, 809.
- De Dietrich cars, (nr Lorraine Dietrich).
- De Dion Bouton, Ltd., 1200. 1448.
- - ’buses, 1419.
- - cabs, 1311.
- - cars, 24, 40, 68, 158, 211, 286, 1028, 1339, 1346, i35i. >449-
- - - (1912) (details) 1284, 1442.
- - 25-h.p., 556, 664, 698.
- - eight cyl. engine, 701, 1234.
- - trials, 20, 129.
- - undersprung rear axles, 1435.
- De Former accessories, 1024.
- Delage cars, 692, 722, 1261, 1339, 1442.
- Delahaye cars, 79, 949, 1245, 1260, 1442.
- Deinhardt-Schlomann dictionary, 48.
- Delaunay-Belleville cars, 899, 1079, 1223, 1262, 1310, 1346, 1442.
- Dennis cars, 1219, 1346, 1378.
- Derby, motors and the, 601, 622.
- Derby and N. Stafford A.C., 115, 495.
- Design, 1126, 1160, 1196, 14S9.
- - Ideas in, 1028, 1086, m6, 1x51, 1356, 13S5.
- Detachable rims and wheels (see Rims, also Wheels).
- Dewar Trophy, 240, 323, 1245.
- Dewis, W., 199, 201.
- D.F.P. cars, 1096, 1442.
- Dictionaries, 4S, 82.
- Diesel engines, 459.
- Direction posts (see roads).
- Dixon Brothers and Hutchison boats, 326.
- Doctors (see Medical motorists).
- Dodson, P. L. H., 227, 229.
- Dodson cars, 68, 99, 585, 1259, 3359. 3379-
- Dodson valveless cars, 531, 1236, 1379.
- Dolamore, W. T., 1396, 1397.
- Doncaster racecourse and motors, 245.
- Donkin tyre, 294, 460.
- Douglas motor cycle, 705, 923, 952, 1341, 1343.
- Dover steering-wheel, 265, 590.
- Drills, 1088.
- Drive, direct (see also Worm Drives), 13.
- Driving, inconsiderate or reckless, leaders on, 31, 197, 3°3, 331) 875, 931, 1025, 1393.
- - cases, 27, 208, 476, 8°5. 1327. 3-359-
- - lessons on busy roads, 770.
- Drivers, (sec also Cab Drivers ; Chauffeurs.)
- - petition (nr Chauffeurs).
- - State examination of, 277, 359.
- Drummond, Arthur, 415, 417.
- Drummond Bros., Ltd., 299.
- Drummond lathes, 709, 1088.
- Ducellier car-lighting system, 568.
- “- lamps, 530, 1229.
- Du Cros, A., 1130.
- Du Cros, Harvey, jun., 1078, 1082.
- "W. and G." (see also Panhard), 870.
- Dunhills’ accessories, 1025, 1088, 1313, 1372, 1401.
- Dunlop detachable rims, 121.
- Dunlop Memorial, 151.
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., Ltd., 247, 846, 1035.
- Dunlop Rubber Co. of Australia, 1446.
- Dunlop “Security” patches, 608. »
- Dunlop tyres, 625, 977.
- Dunlop wire wheels, 737.
- Du Pre Challenge Cup, 924, 1003.
- Dust and roads (see Roads).
- Dust and Dustless Roads Report (see R.A.C.).
- Dutrieux shock-absorber, 1087.
- “D.W.F.” ball-bearings, 1055. .
- Dynamometers, 44, 103, 191.
- Dynamos and Magnetos, 1053, 1084.
- Dynamos for car-lighting (see Lighting Systems).
- Dynamo trials (see 1 rials). 1 \ST
- EAST Sussex County Council, 30, 821, 1357. 1358.
- Eatages, roadside (see Roads).
- Ebblewhite, J. V., 759-
- "Echo" electric horn, 1313-
- Edge, S. F., i27> l9°< 2®5> 3J3» 38i> 3291, 1389, 1448, b ’ 1470. 3500-
- - on six-cylinder cars, 645, 696, 723.
- Edinburgh Motor Club, 514.
- Edmund motorcycle, 1341.
- - Trophy (see Henry Edmunds Trophy).
- "E.D.” semi-pneumatic tyre, 36.
- Edison T. A., 863.
- Edwards engine, 370.
- Egypt, motors in, 1071, 1091.
- Eight-wheeled car, 1404.
- Eisemann ignition fittings, 126, 312, 453.
- Elections, cars at, 122, 449, 514.
- Electric ignition (see Ignition). .
- Electric light on cars (see also Lighting Systems, Switch boards), 515, 544, 56S.
- Electric Ignition of Enrol Engines, no.
- Electrical timing machine, 20.
- Electrobus Co. (see London Electrobus Co.).
- Electroplating of non-metals, 1435.
- E.M.F. cars, 598, 1304.
- Encyclopedia of Sport, 241.
- Endorsement of licences (see Licences).
- Enfield cars for 1912, 1122, 1379.
- Englishwoman's Year Book (1911), 22.
- Engine development, 101.
- Engineer, the modern, 912.
- Engines, aerial, 370, 399, 47S.
- - combustion, 1404.
- - efficiency and compression, 912, 1054, 1463.
- - eight cyl., 701.
- - for motor boats, 351, 374,
- - in 1912, 1234.
- - motor cycle, 1344. •
- - piston-valve, 451, 1237. _
- - rating of (see Rating).
- - rotary-valve, 939, 1176, 1178.
- - sleeve-valve, 885, 1171, 1234.
- - silent valve, 1164.
- - starters (see self-starters).
- E.N.V. aero engine, 371.
- Essex County A.C., 109, 403, 490, 592, 762, 1070.
- Essex County Council, no.
- Essex Motor Club, 593, 868, 952, 954, 978.
- Evans, S. L., 1396, 1397.
- Excelsior cars, 1261, 1443.
- Exhaust pipes, 1054.
- - silencers (see Silencers).
- - whistle (see Hooters, Horns).
- Exhibitions (see also Berlin, Manchester, Olympia, Scottish), 109, 644, 675, 709, 1035, 1154, 1499, 1513-
- Exports and imports, British, statistics, 32, 193, 299, 437, 519, 791,927, 1039 “SL J329> J449- ,
- - duties, 271, 273, 518,
- - America, 236, 590, 895,920, 1031, 1189, 1345.
- - Australian, 899, 1513.
- - French, 1512.
- - Mexican, noo.
- - Russian, 326.
- FAFNIR cars, 1443.
- Fairbanks engine, 351.
- Favary tyre, 294, 460, 1034.
- “F. and S.” ball-bearings, 312.
- F.D. car, 701.
- Ferguson torpedo body, 529.
- Ferguson, J.B., Ltd., 869.
- Fiat Cab Co., 23, 385.
- - cars, 10, 81, 813, 1223, 1309, 1445.
- - 15 h.p. (details), 968, 995.
- Fibre mats (see Mats).
- Figure-heads (see Mascots).
- Fillings, tyre (sec Tyres).
- Fines (see Driving).
- Fire engines, 67, 728, 805, 817, 1023, 1479.
- - and petrol tax, 191.
- - escapes, 53, 245, 517, 852.
- - extinguishers, 859.
- Fisheries and tarred roads, 1134.
- Fishguard, new bridge at, 1421, 1426.'
- Fishing boats, motor, (see boats).
- Fitzall wrench, 1277.
- Flanders, cars, 1504.
- Flight and Motor Boat Show (1911), 23, 106, 159, 327, 329> 399- .
- Floods, cars in, 1361, 1435.
- F.N. cars, 1443.
- - motor cycles, 1341.
- Fog, vagaries, of the, 161.
- Ford cars, 564, 952, 1477, 1504.
- Foreign trade, (see Imports and Exports).
- Foster, H. S., 625, 883. _
- France, foreign motors in, 1019.
- French A.C. Grand Prix (sec Grand Prix).
- - light car race (see Light car race).
- - military vehicle competition, 434, 788. 1033, 1035-
- - motor cycle races, 1127, 1446.
- - reliability trials 1127, 1187, 1386.
- French Chateaux, rambles round, 1094.
- Frodsham petrol consumption indicator 19.
- - Speedometer, 20, 398, 404.
- Fuel (see Alcohol; Petrol).
- [[A. C. Fuller|Fuller, A.C.], 443-
- Fuller Dr. E. B., 443.
- GABRIEL Horn, 517.
- Gaillon hill-climb, 1004, 1097.
- Gamage, Ltd., 312.
- Gamage-Bell Motor Cab Co. Ltd., 381.
- Garages and motor houses, 424, 454.
- Gascoine, E., 1078. . . ,
- Gattie, A. W., and goods transport, 226, 570, 657.
- Gear-boxes, 42, 70, 72, 100, 288, 315) 34G 364. 39^> 42B 510, 534, 588,639, 665, 780, 836,996,1056, IIICJ, 1180, 1182, 1218, 1238, 1369.
- - Position of, 886
- - Silent, 1291.
- Gear-boxless cars, 11.
- Gear ratio, significance of, 662.
- Gears, 1054, 1464, 1494-
- General Motor Cab Co., 157, 354-
- Generators {see acetelyne generators).
- Germain cars, 15, 125, 178, 253, 1262, 1309, 1469.
- - 15 h.p. (details), 392, 558, 587.
- German Army and motors, 393.
- - Crown Prince, 337, 721, i4Sl-
- - voiturette trials, 1355.
- Germany, night noises in, 954.
- Gibbons, R. E., on “A car for all weathers, 560.
- Giles, A. S., 443.
- Gladiator cars, 38, 666, 668, 1090, 1469.
- (Hidden Trophy 540, 895, 948, 1002, 1095, 1154, 1467.
- Gnat ignition plug, 46.
- Gobron cars, 1223, 1469.
- Godalming and motors, 191, 252, 325, 355, 1417-*- *49°-
- Godiva spark plug, 208.
- Godstone District Council, 409, 414.
- Godwin, C. E., 279, 281.
- Goggles, 1117.
- “Goldenlyte” Head lamp {set' Head lamps).
- Golfing {sec Automobile Golfing Society).
- Goodhart engine-starter, 755, 897.
- Goods transport {sec also Traffic), 226, 578, 657, 958.
- Goodwood, cars at, 843.
- Goodyear Motor Wheel Co., 1434.
- G.P.O. and motors {see Motor Services).
- Gordon-Bennett Aeroplane Cup, 736, 739.
- Grace, T. W., 605, 607.
- Grand Prix A.C.F. race (1911), 49, 24°, 346. 434, 54°. 788, 813, 1187, 1363, 1386.
- - (1912) 1321,1417.
- Grand Prize race, A.C.A., {see America).
- Grants, Road Board {see Road Board).
- Gratze, Lieut., 213.
- Great Eastern Omnibus Co. Ltd., 170, 304.
- Green engine, 371.
- Green, A. H., 443.
- Green, G. H., 907, 909.
- Gregoire cars, 330, 610, 1071, 1469.
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, 396.
- Guardians and motors, 219, 271.
- Gun-carriages, 889.
- Gutermuth valve, 1085.
- Gyroscopic non-skid, 397, 446, 474.
- Gyroscopes and cars, 567.
- HACKNEY Horse Society, 252.
- Hall and Stevens petrol-electric transmission, 1357.
- Hammersmith Borough Council, 153, 714.
- Hampshire A.C., 108, 279, 281, 463, 539, 741, 765.
- Hand-post hill-climb, 720.
- Hands, G. W., 1304, 1305.
- Hardy, E. J., accessories, 208, 453.
- Harmens, Ltd., accessories, 1372.
- Harris and Samuels, 134S.
- Harrods’ accessories, 1401.
- Harrogate Corporation, 203, 3S0.
- Harrogate and District A.C., 380, 682.
- Harvey Frost vulcanizer, 1248, 1277.
- Harvey motor barge, 1007.
- Haswell, J. R., 1355.
- Hawksley wheel, 396.
- Head, R. H., 759.
- Headlamps, 73, 126, 231, 237, 2S7, 530, 543, 1024, 1229, 1277.
- - bulbs for, 543.
- - movable, 384, 418.
- Head Chauffeurs' Club, 386, 491,577, 59S, 603, 712, 713, 1418.
- Heaters for cars, 420.
- Heath, G. F., 736.
- Heathcote, H. L., on “Wheels,” 377.
- Heavy vehicles {see Industrial Vehicles).
- Hemery, Mons., S13.
- Hendon flying meeting, cars at, 547.
- Henry, Sir Edward {see Commissioner of Police).
- Henry, Prince, Cup {see Prince Henry of Prussia Cup).
- Henry Edmunds hill-climb, 106, 158, 461, 647.
- Hereford A.C., 139.
- Herts County A.C., 358, 434, 4S8, 512, 563.5931649. 7^7- ..
- - Motor Cycling section, 1187.
- Hesse-Savary marine engine, 351.
- Hewitt piston-valve engine, 451, 1237.
- Hicks, H., 324.
- Hicks, Joynson, 355.
- Highgate bench, 441, 1044, 1481.
- High Roads of the Alps, 866.
- Highways {see Roads).
- Highways Act, leaders on, 470.
- Highways Protection League, 226, 687.
- Hill-climbs, chart for, 50."
- Hill, A. S., on chain drive, 1232.
- Hill, Ernest and Co., 126.
- Hill, W. H., 853.
- Hillman cars, 998, 1379.
- Hispano-Suiza boats, 383.
- Hobson cars, 949, 1297, 1469.
- Hobson, H. M., 1078, 1082.
- - accessories, 1227.
- Holden, Col., 803, 830.
- Holland, J. P., 1078.
- Homeland Association’s Handbook, 675, 7S4.
- Home Office and cab fares, 385.
- Homes, motors and neglect of, 1106.
- Hoods, 913, 1090.
- Hooters, use of, 107, *74, 682, 971, 999, 1029.
- Hooters, use of (leaders on), 60, 277, 303, 713, 740, 874, 958, 986, 1014, 1334, 1352-
- - exhaust, 103, 107.
- - (see also Horns).
- Hooydonk, J. 759,
- Horn, E. and H., 125.
- Horns, (see also Hooters), 453, 517, 1372,
- - electric, 92, 1229, 1277, 1315, 1401, 1466,
- Horse and Foot League, 769, 1075.
- Horse breeding, Treasury and (see Treasury).
- Horse-power formulae (correspondence), 1291, 1317, 1407.
- - legal cases, 221, 245, 247.
- - rating (see Rating).
- Horses and motors, 869, 1244, 1327.
- - leaders on, 144, 252, 441, 469, 523, 932, 1133, 1166.
- - statistics, 785.
- Hotchkiss cars, 50, 497, 949, 3032, 1100, 1339, 1470.
- Hotel accommodation, 1130.
- Howard engine, 885.
- How I founded the Automobile Club, 603
- Howell, Capt. J. Hinds, 10S4.
- Hubs, 1266, 1267.
- Hudson cars, 1047, 1504.
- Hull and District A.C., no, 560, 566, 1065.
- Humber cars, 464,1089,1213,1266,1287, 1309, 1409, 1466.
- - 12-20-h.p., 637.
- - 11-h.p. (details), 1145.
- - motor-cycles, 1004, 1245.
- Humber, Ltd., 381, 1312, 1419.
- Humber ferry, no.
- Hunting, motors txnd, 218, 301, 1451, 1480.
- Hupmobile cars, 1505.
- Hurtu cars, 1261, 1470.
- Hydraulic transmission (see Transmission gear).
- Hydroplanes 26S, 873.
- ICE-CARS, 401.
- Ideas in design (see Design).
- Ignition (see also Magntos), no, 1495.
- - coupling, 154.
- - cut-out, 1497.
- - plugs, 46, 126, 208, 312, 783, 970, 997, 1227, 1229, 1277
- - - idiosyncrasies of, 336.
- - switches, 453,
- Imitation and after (corres.), 1407.
- Imperia cars, 71, 325, 430, 609, 1346, 1470.
- Imports and exports (see Exports and Imports).
- Incidentals, 832, 851, 877, 905, 933, 961, 987, 1015, 1045, 1077, *107, 1138, 1x67, 1205, 1255, 1303. 1335, 1365.
- Inconsiderate driving (see driving).
- Index marks, 332, 597..
- India, motors in, 878, 1433.
- - and Durbar, 898, 960,-1035,1068,1248.
- - fire engines in, 517.
- Indian Government and Motor Services, 26.
- Indian Patent Act, 1243.
- Indianapolis 500-mile race, 617.
- Indian motor cycles, 730, 757, 787, S64, 980,1341, 1343.
- Influence of detail on the Automobile 1128, 1x60.
- Indicators, petrol-consumption (see Frodsham ; “M.P.G.”). ’
- - speed (see Speedometers).
- Industrial Vehicles (sec also War Office), 151, 165, 1358, 1460.
- - leaders, 198, 251, 386, 657, 658, 931.
- - in America, 938.
- - parades, 25, 179, 465, 501, 615, 817, 898.
- - tyres of, 109.
- Inner tubes (see Atlas ; Tyres).
- Institute of British Carriage Mfrs., 1023.
- Institute of Metals, 226, 9x9.
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 162, 185, 202, 220, 25S, 272, 297, 354, 40S, 491, 550, 783, 794, 845, 894, 1038, 1100, 1137, 1138,1248, 1308, 13x7, 1327, 1418, 1429, 1432.
- Instone, E. M. C., 1082.
- International Road Congress (see Roads).
- - touring (see Louring).
- Ionides, A. G., 963, 965.
- Iris cars, 1259, 1278, 1409.
- Irish A.C., 242.
- Iron and Steel specifications, 1021
- Irving, M., 443.
- Isaacson engine, 372.
- Isle of Man Race, 20, 106, 129, 211.
- - speed limits in (see Speed Limits).
- - touring in, 192. 1,
- - hill-climb, 1477.
- Isotta-Fraschini cars, 211.
- Itala cars, 1263, 1470.
- - rotary valve engine, 1164, 1178.
- Italian Auto-Mechanical Transport Assn., 267.
- Italian motor boat cruise (see floats).
- Italy, competitions in, 267.
- - motor services in, 997.
- Italy, King of, 25.
- JACKS, 102, 1024, 1372, 1401.
- Jackson cars, 259, 354, 810, 1189, 1470.
- James, W. G., 743, 745.
- J.A.P. engine, 399.
- Japan, motors in, 927, 983.
- Jarrott, C., 339, 211, 297, 759.
- C. Jarrott Ltd., 29s, 927.
- Java, motors in, 518.
- Jenkins, F. J. 759, S23,825.
- J.M. shock-absorber, 997.
- Jones Speedmeter, 489.
- - journey recorder, 943.
- Journey recorders, 943, 1271.
- Joy, Basil H., 1138, 1139.
- Junner, G. M., 1432.
- Jurus journey recorder, 1271.
- Justices of the Peace (see Magistrates).
- KAISER the, 19, 271, 567.
- - cup for Prince Henry Tour, 774.
- Kaiserlicher A. C., 271.
- “X. and K.” switch. 453.
- Keep, Thos., 1078.
- Kempshall tyres, 525, 787, 1401.
- Kensington A. C., 380.
- Kensington Borough Council, 848, 1248.
- Kenyon, Granville M., 830.
- Kent A.C., 325, 327, S41, 1025, 1158, 1393.
- - roads (see Roads).
- Kerbs, low, 60, 80.
- Kesteven County Council, 571.
- Key-maps (see maps).
- King Edward Memorial Fund, S3.
- - George V., 655.
- - - and motoring, 464, 521, 597, 919, 1328.
- - - Cup for Prince Henry 'lour, 774.
- King H.S., 524.
- Kingston bench, 645, 960, 985, 1044, 1302, 1481.
- Klaxon horns, 107, 3466.
- Kitchen engine, 885.
- Knight engine (see also Daimler), 176, 788, 8S5, 1235,
- Knight and Kilbourne Patents Co., 1288.
- Knight C. Y., 797.
- Knox Cars, 116S.
- Keps hill-climb, 404, 434, 513.
- “K.P.L.” ’buses (see Daimler ’buses).
- Krit cars. ix68, 1505.
- Kronprinz wheels, 1314.
- LA BUIRE cars, S2, 1224, 1270, 1330, 3473.
- Lacoste shock absorber, 3227. 1
- Lafayette and his mascot, 543.
- Lamplough engine, 399.
- Lamps (see also headlights, reflex lights,)543, 728, 3229.
- - brackets, 783.
- - side, 54, 154, 3227, 1229, 1271.
- - street, 157, 1069.
- - trials (see also Headlight Trials), 49, 2x1.
- Land’s End to John o’ Groats, 1049.
- Lanchester cars, 942, 1270, 1307, 1409, 1481.
- - (1912 details), 1281.
- - engine, 885, 1238.
- Lancia cars, 72, 117,.119, 264, 955, 1223, 1310, 1471.
- - 24 h.p. (details), 860, 887.
- Larard, C., on castellated shafts, 65.
- Lathes, 709, 1054.
- Laurent, 129.
- Lawton, J. A. and Co., bodies, 15.
- Lea-Francis reflex light, 212, 270.
- Leather for roads, (see Roads).
- Leatherhead District Council, 849.
- Legal intelligence (see also Prosecutions), 221, 247, 353, 3S1, 8x7, 871, 899, 981,' 1039, 1072, 1389.
- Legislation, (see also Motor Car Act), 1362, 1424.
- Legros, L. A., 491.
- - on pressed steel for automobile construction, 595, 623, 653, 678.
- - on influence .of detail on development, 1128, 1160, 1196.
- Le Gui cars, 1224, 1471.
- Leicester A.C., 387, 687, 707, 793, 954, 978, 3479, T4So-
- Leitner dynamo 3io, 544.
- Leon-Bolide cars, 1240, 3261, 3440.
- Levee, cars at, 260.
- Lever spring suspension, 24, 507.
- Levis motor cycle, 3344.
- Licences, 25, 109, 310, 309, 3072.
- - endorsement, 278, 491, 688, 3303, 3447.
- - leaders on, 343, 196, 277, 278, 359, 386, 688, 770, 904, 1105, 1136.
- - motor boats, 517.
- - - cycles, 981;
- - public service vehicle, 817, 904, 1136.
- - statistics, 25, 245, 332, 517, 1333, 1438.
- - taxicab, 573 683, 899.
- Life boat, motor, 1175-
- Light car race, French, 434, 617, 692,. 729.
- Lighting systems (see also Electric Light).
- - Benko primary battery, 634.
- - Bennett oxy-petrol, 858.
- - Bleriot, 568.
- - Carleon, 582.
- - C.A.V., 20, 376, 488, 545.
- - Ducellier, 568.
- - Leitner, 544.
- - Magician, 570, 1149.
- - Magnetolite, 1339.
- - Mira, 544.
- - P. and R., 569,
- - Polkey-Jarrott, 562, 842.
- - Prize for, 461.
- - Remy, 705.
- - Smith, 1392.
- Lights, reflex, 270, 294, 765, 790, 883, 1363, 1233, 1402.
- - leaders on, 302, 741.
- Lights, reflex, Trials report, 212.
- Limonest hill-climb, 5^3-
- Lincolnshire A.C., 75» 23^> 640.
- - motor cycle section, 75.
- Lion-Peugeot cars, 430, 433, 452> 4^°t ,47S*
- Little Guides, 273, 5'5. 72t-
- Littlehampton Moter Boat Club, 925* 1
- Lloyd-George, Mr., 994-
- “L. M.” spark-plugs, 783.
- L.M.C. motorcycle, 1343- 1
- Loading of a car, 1464.
- Local Government Board, 303, 384, 437, I352-
- - Regulations, 276, 2 97, 384.
- Locking devices for nuts and bolts, 390.
- Locomobile car, 39.
- Loder, E., 810.
- Lodge hood lights, 728.
- - ignition plugs, 1229, 1277.
- - spark lamp, 1053.
- London (City) and motors, 931, 1075, 1076.
- London County Council and motor 'buses, 1392.
- - Bye-laws, 723.
- - and licences, 517.
- - and speed limits, 143S.
- - tramways, 304, 324, 523, 576, 1253. I254, 1301, 1364-
- London Edinburgh runs (sec also Motor Cycling Club), 129, 158, 211, 240.
- London Electrobus Co., Ltd., 193.
- London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., 170, 221, 304, 324, 352, 869, 1166, 1244, 1434, 15x2. _
- London Motor Cab Proprietors' Association, 1206.
- London roads ($ec Roads).
- London and South Coast Motor Service, Ltd., 3S1.
- - traffic (see Traffic).
- Long, Mr. Walter, 1288
- Lord Mayor's show', car at, 1304.
- Lorely cars for 1912, 1123, I471-
- Lorraine-Dietrich cars, 191, 220, 863, 1003, 1017, 1127, 1224, 1294, 1307, 1471.
- - 12-16-h.p., (details), 1285.
- - trial, 980, 1127, 1319.
- Lotis cars for 1912, 1409.
- Lubrication, 170, 481, 808, 861, 913, 1057, 1060, 1197.
- Lubricating pumps, 1227, 1401.
- Lucas’ reflex lights, 212.
- Luggage 011 cars, 970.
- “Lux ” acetylene generator, 724.
- MACDONALD, Sir J. H. A., 128, 131.
- - on Road Warnings, 77, 602.
- Magician dynamo (details), 570, 1149.
- Magistrates, 1417.
- - leaders on, 441, 46S, 628, 960, 9S5, 1043, 1044, 1202, 1302, 1452.
- Magnetos, 1053, 1084, 1347, 1401, 1496.
- - and floods, 1435.
- - couplings, iS.
- Magnetolite car lighting set, 1319.
- - switchboard, 54.
- Magpies, Motoring among the, 1209.
- Mails by motor, 247, 463, 1135, 1467, 14S0, 1513.
- - underground, 1452.
- Main roads right of way (see Traffic Control).
- Mallock, A., 297, 380.
- - on “Wheel and Road,” 40S, 435.
- Manchester A.C., 401, 562, 605, 607, 1161.
- Manchester M.C., 25.
- Manchester Motor Show 52, 81, 164, 195, 197, 209.
- Mansions Motor Garage (!ce Imperia cars).
- Map measurer, 1497.
- Maps, 784, 1098, 1217.
- - Auto. “key-maps,” 893, 917, 973, 1036, 1050, 1063, 106S, 1082, 1098, 1125, 1151, 1198, 1210, 12:2, 1248, 1295, 1327, 1357, 1387, 1395, 1400, 1446, 1459, 1479, X5ii.
- Margetts sectional tyre, 517.
- Marine Motor Association, 295.
- Markham and Prance, 1061.
- Markt and Co., (see also Jones speedometer), 997, 1513.
- Marlborough cars, 1472.
- Martin, Percy, 1481, 1482.
- Martineau, F. L., 579, 581.
- Martini cars, 669, 758, 8q6, 901, 917,' 945, 1224, 1310, 1472.
- - 15-h.p. (details), 66, 421, 1283.
- Mascots for cars, 273, 275, 291, 1358.'
- Mash, B. B., 8to.
- Mass cars, 631, 832, 1033, 1037, 1262, 1472.
- - 10-12-h.p. (details), 394.
- Masui, Theo, 253, 255.
- Matchless motor cycles, 7S7, 897, 954, 1187.
- Matthew, J. S., 1276.
- Matting for cars, 265, 1313.
- Maudslay cars, 949, 12x5, 1266, 1270, 1498.
- - for 1912, 1182, 1409.
- - chain gear-box, 1218.
- Mauvillier carburettor, 1271.
- Maxfield tyre inflater, 1431.
- Maxwell cars, 1505.
- Mays-Smith, A. S., 1078, 1079. 1082.
- McCollum, J. H. K., 1276.
- McCormack, A., 305, 307.
- McIntosh engine, 885.
- Mechanics, training for, 1351, 140,'.
- Medical inspection of drivers (see Chauffeurs).
- Medical motorists and petrol tax, 19-'-
- Meier, A. and Son, 178.
- Men of Moment (see Cartoons).
- Mercedes cars, 199, 430, 575, 949> *4“--
- Mercedes 30-h.p. (details), 123, 1026, 1056.
- - 25-30-h.p. (details), 234.
- Merryweather and Sons, 517, 72S.
- Metallurgique cars, 15, 152, 190, 819, 1064, 1020, 1223, 1307, 1339, 1346. 1472- “
- - 12-14 h.p. (details). 69.
- - 26 h.p. (details), S82.
- Metals, lecture on, 226.
- Metropolitan Police (see Police).
- Mexico, cars in, 27, 1100.
- Michelin Aviation Prize, 851.
- Michelin Co.'s premises, 104.
- Middlesex A.C., 380, 464, 720. 1003, 1447.
- Midland A.C., 158, 647.
- Midland Rubber Co., Ltd., 299, 327.
- Miesse cars, 1473.
- Military operations and cars, 459, 491, 850, 889.
- - cyclists, 682.
- - manoeuvres and road traffic, 192.
- Millenium spanner, 1229.
- Mills petrol economiser, 1347-
- Milnes-Daimler cars, 737.
- Milton, J. T., 459.
- Minerva cars, 220, 337, 1096, 1144, 11951 M73:
- Mines, motors in, 532, 1100.
- Mira dynamo, 544, 1096.
- Mirrors, 52.
- - at corners, 1161.
- Mist on glass, antidote for, 1513.
- Mitchell, E. J., 879, SSi, 1078.
- Mitchell cars, 1261, 1505.
- Mobilisation (see Military).
- Models at South Kensington, 24, 149, 1183.
- Models, exhibition of, 1128.
- Mohair, 1494.
- Monaco boat meeting (1911), 22, 190, 213, 241, 268, 346, 374, 383, 4°6, 427-
- Monmouth A.C., 139.
- Monnot Industrial Co., 1373.
- Mont Ventoux meeting, S64.
- Moore engine, 885.
- Moorhouse, A. J., 980, 1003.
- “Moplen,” 838.
- Morgan runabout, 130, 1342.
- Mors cars, 1473, 1478.
- Mort, J. C., 10S4, 1091.
- Motobloc cars, 1473.
- Motor Accessories Co., 1277.
- Motor Boat Club of America (see British International Cup).
- Motor boats (see Boats).
- Motor buses (see Buses).
- Motor cabs (see Cabs).
- Motor Boat wedding, 436.
- Motor Cab Owner Drivers’ Association, 219, 1076.
- Motor Car Act amendments, 817, 904, 1104.
- Motor Club, 375.
- Motor Cycle Cup, 648.
- Motor Cycle Show (see Olympia).
- Motor Cycling (see also Auto Cycle Union; Brooklands; Brit. Motor Cycle Racing Club Tourist Trophy Race, &c., 321, 453, 1187, 1489.
- Motor Cycling Club, 2x1, 487, 488.
- Motor Cycling Club, Brooklands meetings, 616, 757.
- Motor Cycling Club, London-Edinburgh run, 620.
- Motor Cycling Club, Winter trials, 20.
- Motor Cycling records (see Records).
- Motor Cyclists club-house, 313, 380.
- Motor Cyclists Hand-Book, 610.
- Motoreve motor cycle, 1294.
- Motor Houses (see Garages).
- Motorists Pocket Tip Book, 110.
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, 52, 53, 106, 109, 398, 437, 491, 532, 55°, 59°. s35> 998> noo, 1249.
- - Annual Dinner, 1256.
- - and motor boating, 489,567, 1038
- - and Shops Bill, 517.
- - and Taxation Conference, 185.
- - Debating Society, 573.
- - tyre section, 1221.
- Motor Radiator Co. Ltd., 361, 381.
- Motor routes of England, 1511.
- Motor services, 26, 105, 109, 133, 157, 221, 344, 518, 109S.
- Motor Trade Association, 1256.
- Motor Transport (Wyatt), 136, 217, 243, 269, 296.
- Motor Transport and Colonial visitors, 221.
- Motor Trips at a Glance, 379.
- Motor Union Insurance Co. Ltd., 273.
- Motor World Challenge Cup, 1096.
- Mount J.C. and Co., 464.
- “M.P.G.” indicator, 265, 539.
- M.S.L. cars, 949, 1224, 1473.
- Mud-guards, 1053.
- Mud-splashing, 277, 469, 625, 765, 795, 875, 1076.
- Muirhead, J.M.P., 443.
- Murray, Capt. (see Night Noises Bill).
- Mustard engine, 883.
- NAMUR meeting, 617, 650.
- Napier cars, 134. 152. I64, 240, 249, 286, 294, 376, 396, 463, 476, 565, 624, 645, 650, 696, 708, 762, 782, 845, 870, 980, 998, 1215, 1240, 1246, 1265, 1272, 1287, 1307, 1388, 1433.
- - car, 30-h.p. (details), 993.
- - 15-h.p. (details), 127, 1141.
- - for 1912, 1410.
- - carburettors, 598.
- - challenge, 190.
- - change speed device, 43.
- - Colonial car, 1247.
- - R.A.C. trial, 1034, 1477
- - steering column, 316
- - taxicabs, 157.
- - undersprung rear axle, 1434.
- - universal joint, 43.
- Napier, J. S., 471, 473. t
- National Assoc, for Employment of Res. Soldiers, 272.
- National Automobile Council, 407, 1436.
- - leaders on, 116, 197, 224, 4941 658, 1363. 1423. I424- ,
- National Society of Chauffeurs, 277, 285, 359) 713> 7°9> 1042.
- - - - Annual Meeting, i323-
- - - - Official Notices, 1062, 1094,1125, u5S> tty1’ 1241, 1290, 1322, t353i 1384, 1408, 1444) 146s, 1508.
- Naval Review, motors at, 707.
- N.E.C. cars, 835, 950, 1084, 1215, 1265, 1307, 1356, 1410.
- - 30-h.p. (details), 448.
- - two stroke engine, 59, 374, 400.
- Nesbitt petrol tap, 355.
- Nesthill valve spring remover, (sec K. Hill and Co.).
- New Arrol Johnston Car Co. Ltd. (sec also Arrol Johnston Cars), 327.
- Newcastle and District M.C.C., 1317.
- New A.G. on Elec. Lighting of a motor car, 515, 544, 568.
- - (death of), 850.
- Newfoundland, motors in, 221.
- Newton, Frank, 405.
- Newton and Bennett self starter, 310, 355.
- New York Motor Show (see American shows).
- New York, notes from, weekly from p. 895.
- New Zealand, motors in, 514, 638, 871.
- Night, motoring at, 148.
- - noises (see Hooters, use of).
- - - Bill, 713, 740, 835, 866, 874.
- Nitrogen for power, 144.
- Noises (see Hooters, use of ; Night Noises Bill).
- Noises in motor cars, 1370, 1371.
- Noisy motor cycles, (see also Night Noises), 1161.
- Non-skid devices, 397, 446, 474.
- Nore Yacht Club, 635.
- Norfolk County Council, 405.
- Northants, M.C.C., 165.
- North Berks A.C., 897, 899.
- Northbrook, Earl of, 279, 281.
- North-Eastern Automobile Association, 76, 538, 770.
- North Middlesex M.C.C., 434.
- North Wales A.C., 616, 681,'765.
- North West London M.C.C., 434,864, 991, 1003, 1418.
- North Yorkshire A.C., 375.
- Norton motor cycle, 647.
- Notts A.C., 321, 33^ 344, 349, 476, 705, 787, 812, S41.
- N.S.U. cars, 1474.
- Number plates, 1038.
- - unlighted, 142, 245.
- - in America, 658, 5742.
- Nuts and bolts, 367, 390, 783.
- OBSTRUCTION, 423, 486, 622, 764, 817, 1106, 1124, n6o, 1327, 1358, 1422, 1480, 14S1.
- - leaders on, 441, 461, 551, 658, 986, 1044, 1106, 13^4.
- “Octauto” 8-wheeled car, 1404.
- Offord and Sons, 1313.
- Off-side entrances, 1061.
- Ogden tyre lever, 584.
- O'Gorman trophy, 897, 1003.
- O'Gorman, M., on air craft, 220, 258.
- Oldest car in service, 186, 571.
- Olympia Aero and Motor Boat Show (see Flight and Motor Boat).
- Olympia Motor Show, (1911), 23, 433, 597,696, 737, 765, 954. toSS’ 1093. 1127. 1156, 1:98, 1214, 1260, 1251,A394-
- - accessories, 1226, 1271, 1277.
- - American ears, 1220, 1225.
- - British cars, 1216, 1222, 1268, 1272.
- - Continental, 1223, 1225, 1269, 1272.
- - leaders on, 1202, 1300.
- Olympia Motor Cycle Show, 1341.
- Ommaney, A.L., 926.
- Omnibuses (see ’Buses).
- Opel cars, 801, xoSy, 1224, 1474.
- Orde, Julian W., 830.
- Ormonde, Darby and Weber, wind screen, 1372, 1434.
- Orns exhaust horn, 103.
- Oryx cars, 1474.
- Ostend meeting, 267, 788.
- Overland cars, 33, 72, 401, 998, 1309, 1505.
- - 15 h.p. (details), 364.
- Oxford M.C.C., 404, 434.
- Oxy-acetylene welding (see Welding).
- PACKING of motor cars, 464.
- P.A.D. Tyres, 24, 483.
- Paddington Borough Council, 523'
- Pagel, Herr, 79°- ,
- Painting (see Coachwork).
- Palladium cars, 1474-
- Palmer Tyre, Ltd., 879, 881.
- P. and M. motor cycles, 512, 705, 758, 7S7, 922,1342.
- P. and R. car-lighting system, 569.
- Panhard cars, 186, 387, 571, 1224, 1339, 1475.
- Panhard Knight cars, 352, 460, 540, 593, 6S2.
- - 25 h.p. (details) 204, 261.
- Panhard, Paul, 1130.
- Parade, commercial vehicle (sec Commercial vehicles).
- Paris, municipal vehicles in, 1233, 1327.
- - taxicab strike in, 624.
- - motor mails, 1480.
- Paris Salon, 1221, 1380, 1476.
- Parliament, members of, and salaries, 1012.
- - motors at opening of, 141.
- - questions in, 231, 271, 303, 682, 688, 709, 714, 795, 875, 1311, 1328, 1334, 1417-
- Parsons marine engine, 351.
- - non-skids, 191, 907, 1227.
- - tyre pressure gauge, 1277.
- "Passe-Partout" car jack, 1024.
- Patent exhibition, 986.
- Patents in 1910, 354.
- Patents, All about, 859.
- Pearson-Cox steam cars, 1410.
- Pedestrains and motors, 245.
- Penn’s (William) country, 901, 917, 945.
- Pennington, E.J., 327.
- Perrot, H., 1276.
- Persia, motors in, 26.
- Peto and Radford (see “P. & R.”).
- Petrol, 8S6, 1464.
- - consumption indicator (see Indicator).
- - - trials (see L’rials).
- - electric ’buses, (see ’Buses).
- - - transmission, 500.
- - engines, (see Engines).
- - economiser, 1347.
- - v. electricity, 938.
- - filter, 1227. *
- - solidified, 64, 252, 271.
- - tax, 191, 192, 309, 1104, 1326, 1481.
- - tin carrier, 1313.
- - transport, 326, 1327.
- - water in, 528.
- Peugeot cars, 326, 668, 693, S64, 1113, 1223 1310, 1475.
- Pfleumatic, 554, 625.
- Phillips’ reflex lights, 212.
- Phoenix Motors, Ltd., 1117. '
- Phoenix cars, 1261, 1410.
- Phoenix Park, cars at, 700.
- Piccard-Pictet cars, 1475, 1496.
- Pick cars, 1410.
- Pilain cars, 1475.
- Pilgrim cars, 1411.
- Pilot cars, 1411.
- Pirelli tyres, 26.
- Piston movement, 884.
- - rings, 1404. ?’*
- Pistons, 1020.
- Piston-valve engines, (see Engines).
- Places of Interest, 1098, 1125, 1295, 1327> 144^> 1479-
- Planning a private garage, (Towle), 424.
- Plowden, Mr., 54, 141S.
- Plugs, ignition (see Ignition plugs).
- Police courts (see Magistrates).
- - and motorists. 209, 246, 469, 629.
- - leaders on, 250, 252, 331, 796, 1253. 1b22-
- - traps, 246, 681, 796, 985.
- - vans, motor, 1070,
- Polkey headlight, 126.
- Polkey-Jarrott lighting system, 562, 842.
- Polyglot dictionary (see Dictionaries).
- Polytechnic, Regent Street, 80.
- Polyrhoe carburettor, 313, 963.
- Pomeroy, L. H., 1020.
- - on Engine Rating, 429.
- Poppet-values (see Valves).
- Powell and Hammer acetylene generator, 1271.
- Practical Engineer Pocket Book, 52.
- Prance, H. Waymouth, 277.
- Premier Motor ’Bus Co., 522.
- Press and motoring, 1014.
- Pressed steel (Legros), 595, 623, 653, 678, 1403.
- Pressure-feed-valves and water, 528.
- Prince Henry of Prussia, 746, 749, 751, 767, 803, 830, 898, 1483.
- - tour (1911), 309, 463, 616, 702, 732, 746, 774. 793. 800, 1157, 1246.
- - (leaders), 114, 769, 794.
- - rules, 130.
- Progress rim (see Shrewsbury and Challiner).
- Prohibition orders, 1062.
- Propellers, aerial, 478,
- Prosecutious, 27, 208, 209, 245, 293, 303, 331, 379, 476, 573. 622, 625, 645, 737, 765, 791, 805, 817, 869, 871, 899, 973, 981, 1072, 1160, 1185, 1249. 135s, 1359. 1387. 1389, 1479, 1480, 1481.
- - leaders on, 31, 32, 196, 197, 628, 770, 796, 821, 903, 932, 1043, 1253, 1302.
- Provincial clubs of the country (Cartoons)—
- - Hampshire A.C., 279, 281.
- - Manchester A.C., 605, 607.
- - South Wales A.C., 6x, 63.
- - Welsh A. and Ae. C., 689, 691.
- Public company, first aviation, 359. •
- Public service vehicles (see also Cabs, ’Buses, Motor services), 608, 817, 904, 930, 958, 1136, 14S9. Pugh, J. V., on wheels, 1152.
- Pumps (see Lubricating and Tyre).
- Punt, motor, 1513.
- QUEEN Mary’s Cup for Prince Henry tour, 774.
- RADIATORS, 72, 10S6, 1271, 1496.
- Railless trams, no.
- Railway inspection car, 80.
- Rating, engine (see also Horse-power), 162, 202, 1429, i463> i476-
- - (leaders on), 59, 196.
- - committee, 1453, 1454.
- - of motor boats, 295.
- Ravaud aeroscaphe 159.
- Rawlings garage, fire at, 791.
- Rawlinson, A., 1046, 1047..
- Reckless driving (see Driving).
- Records, {see also Brooklands), 129, 460, 977.
- - motor cycle, 186, 487, 512, 539, 594, 864, 897, 954, 9S0, 1.003, II27> llS5> I245, t294) 1355-
- - voiturette, 460.
- Recorders (see Indicators ; speed recorders).
- Redruff engine, S85.
- Reflectors (see also Mirrors), 52, 573.
- Reflex lights (see Lights).
- Regal runabout (details), 206.
- Registration of cars (see Licences).
- Reliability trials (leaders dn), 1332, 1333.
- Remy ignition, 705.
- Renard train (see Daimler).
- Renault cars, 53, 810, 1016, 1028, 1223, 1385, 1501.
- Renold, Hans, Ltd., 283.
- Reno Bois engine, 885.
- Repairers, training of (see Alechanics).
- Resilient wheels (see Wheels).
- Resta, de, 1245.
- Retrospect (1910), 2. (1911;, 1484.
- Reviews, 22, 54, 101, no, 220, 241, 273, 603, 610, 675, 720, 734, 737, 859, 866, 1094, 1100, 1511, 1513.
- Richardson, J. R., 631.
- Richardson, P., 1078,1083, 1117.
- Riches accessories, 74, 103, 1271.
- Right-of-way (see Traffic).
- Riley cars, 1411.
- Rims, detachable, 237, 345, 1314.
- - holder, 1025.
- Riveting, 1370.
- R.M.C. cars, 763, 1506.
- Road Board, 82, 325, 437, 572, 764, 926, 1176, 1385.
- - Annual Report, 1176.
- - grants, 188, 205, 20S, 405, 485, 516, 566, 844) i°37) IO97> 1204.
- - leaders on, 251, 604, 742, 903, 904. 1204.
- - books, 734.
- - Congress, International, 1282, 1481.
- - improvements, 109, no, 139, 165, 188, 464, 1181.
- - materials, 543, 764, 1248.
- - Notes, weekly after p, 184.
- - rule of, (see Traffic).
- - signs, 77, 116, 153,. 190, 2x9, 572, 786, 815, 999, 1029, 1069, 1091, 1142, 1161, 1296, 1328, 1402.
- - - (leaders on), 87, 549, 602.
- - warnings (Sir J. H. A. Macdonald), 77.
- - wheel and (Mallock), 408, 435.
- “Road-grip” tyres (see Stepney).
- “Roadlighf” headlamp (see Headlamps).
- “Roadoleum" dust-layer, 516.
- Roads (see also Traffic), 483, 1086.
- - American, 518, 948.
- - Board of Trade Traffic Report, 168, 180, 214, 225.
- - broken glass on, 221.
- - central standards, 86.
- - camber of, 464.
- - dangerous corners, 1161, 1165, 13SS, 1418.
- - dust less, 82, 409, 442, 5x6, 571, 629, 902.
- - gritting of, 109.
- - growth of, 225.
- - and heavy traffic (leader), 414.
- - and hedges, 219.
- - “History of Metropolitan,” 225.
- Road Improvement Association, 43, 109, 183, 464, 490, 532J 624, 676, 736, 765, 79B S15, 822, 869, 870, 1070, 1071, 1093, 1296, 138S, 1424.
- - in Rent, 742, 1158.
- - India, 898.
- - Ireland, 597. 1512.
- - (leaders on), 88, 360, 414, 442, 470, 524, 629, 742, 902, 903, 1134, 1165, 1204.
- - new, 323, 1037, 1296.
- - non-skid, 88.
- - Scottish, 1479.
- - Spanish, 709.
- - tarred, 82, 437, 630, 821, 850, 1069, 1134, 1357, 1424.
- Roadside advertisements, 1364, 1454, 1512.
- - curios, 1036, 1511.
- - eatages, 4x4, 463.
- Rodakowski, L. de, 1206, 1207.
- Rolland and Pilain engine, 8S5.
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., Memorial, 93,105, 190, 380, 1163, 116S.
- Rolls-Royce cars, 149, 238, 275, 291, 733, 800, 826, 831, 869, 1069, 1099, 1215, 1240, 1270, 1272, 1307, xi47, 141X.
- >) Ltd., 83, HI.
- “ miniature Brooklands, 13S6, 1391.
- “ model, 1183.
- t, show-rooms, 1008, 1009, 1447.
- “ top-gear run, 1032, 1034, 1188.
- Rome, motor cabs in, 465.
- Roots, J. D., 1292.
- Rose, /.lb, 443- KOMnheim, !£., 1078.
- Rosier, Jake de, 1S6, 757, 787, 864.
- Rotary valve engines, {set; Engines).
- Rotax accessories (see also “Roadlight" headlamp), 1227, 1229, 1277. 1401.
- Rothwell cars, 1411.
- Roundabout notes, weekly after p. c/55.
- Rover cars, 757, 823, 826, 1061, 1259, 1359, 1147, 1412, H57-
- - 12-h.p. Silent Knight (details), 1465.
- Royal A.C., 53, 192, 287, 323, 339, 524, 538, 573, 586, 096, 1007, 1098, 1248, 1249, 1296,' 1479, 1480.
- - annual dinner, 1388.
- - Associates, 116, 205, 208, 476, 488, 518, 53°, 538, 764- 862, 1175, 1438, 1447.
- - day at Rrooklands, 469, 516, 523, 592, 687, 719, S12, 819, 820, 826.
- - provincial meetings, 208, 325, 489, 5H. 566.
- - awards, 240, 460.
- - and bridges, 1x30.
- - Central West of England office, 550.
- - certificates, 996, 1351, 1380.
- - chairman of, 409.
- - club-house, 1, 190, 247, 316, 317, 339, 380, 476, 789. _
- - danger signs, 1142, 1161, 1165.
- - Dewar trophy, 323, 1245.
- - dustless roads report, 409, 442.
- - driver’s examinations, 841.
- - founder members’ dinner, 407.
- - Golfing Society, 1158, 1247, i2„6.
- - and international touring, 515.
- - leaders on, 115, 197, 224, 251, 302, 385, 412, 4*3, 442. 469, 494; 5/6, 656, 714, 820, 903, 1014, 1136, 1393.
- - legal dept. 208, 287, 385, 598, 764, 765.
- - maps (see Maps).
- - local guides, 903.
- - and National Council, 116, 197, 224, 407, 494; 5i4; 1423-
- - and noises, 1352.
- - Official trials, 20, 106, 129, 211, 212, 240, 267, 294, 404, 413, 460, 461, 482,488, 539, 540, 562, 592, 593, 617, 649, 682, 705, 730, 786, 842, 897, 980, 1032, 1034, 1096, 1188, 1245, 1294, 1319, 1477.
- - papers read, 491, 501, 515, 544, 568, 1479.
- - rating (see Rating).
- - reflex lights, 1387, 1424.
- - and roads, 409, 1481, 1512.
- - and Shops Rill, 518, 5S6, 604, 644.
- - Standard car lace, 512, 562, 576, 592, 616, 651, 656, 666, 667, 931,1417.
- - Standing Joint Committee, 205.
- - and Taxation Conference, 185.
- - and trams, 1124.
- - and speed limits, 714, 742.
- - world’s records, 988.
- - of Barcelona, 488.
- Royal Enfield Motor Cycle, 1341.
- Royal Motor Yacht Club, 108, 213, 295, 346, 375, 401, 459; 5iS, 542, 567, 1007, 1158, 11S6, 1326.
- - and British International Cup, 107, 133, 2x3, 242.
- - racing, 49J 159; 374; 5^7; ^*5; 729, 847, 925, 976, 1097.
- - restricted racing class, 1381.
- - regattas, 707, 754, 789, 839.
- - trials, 1066.
- Royal Prerogative, 330, 337.
- Rubber Exhibition, 644.
- - synthetic, 912.
- Rudge motor cycles, 539; 594; 650, 731, 923,926, 1127, I342; 1343-
- Rudge Whitworth, Ltd., 1448.
- Rudge Whitworth wheels, 376, 378, 644, 775, 791; 796, 1070, 1144, 1152, 1349.
- Rule of the road (see Traffic control).
- Runabouts, status of, 53.
- Russian reliability trials, 980, 1033.
- Rushmore lamps, 1229.
- Russell wind-screen, 1229.
- Rydal Water, motors at, 354.
- SALMON cars, 1412.
- Salsbury acetylene generators, 643.
- - lamp bracket, 7S3.
- - sidelight, 1271.
- Saltburn beach races, 647, 71S.
- Salvation Army and motors (see also Booth, Gen.), 1185.
- Saunders boats, 159, 268, 346, 1498.
- Savannah Trophy Race, 1478.
- Saville, E., 3S7, 389.
- S.C.A.R. cars, 89, 616, 666, 66S, 720, 979, 1028, 1112, 1224, 1501.
- S.C.A.T. cars, 344, 1224, 1501.
- Schneider cars, 129, 211, 669, 853.
- Scholarships (sec Daimler Co.).
- Scotland and back, 1459.
- Scott motorcycle, 1341, 1344.
- Scottish A.C., 109, 123, 187, 331, 375, 515, 5rS, 538, 866, 1096, 1098, 1233, 1387, X402, 1479; 1512- ,
- - and English motorists, 876, 960.
- - hill-climb, 980.
- - Taxation Conference, 263.
- - Motor Trades Association, 82, 134, i6x.
- - goldfields, 944.
- Scottish law terms, 130.
- Show, 134, 491, 1158, 1198.
- - trials, 1332.
- Screw threads, 367, 783.
- Seal marine engine, 351.
- Seers engine, 885.
- Segment rim trials, 20, 267.
- Selden patents, 170, 325.
- Sellers dynamometer, 103.
- “Self Grip” tyre jacket, 256.
- Self-starters, 310, 681, 755, 897.
- Serck, P.O., 361, 363.
- Serpollet, monument to Leon, 701.
- Shackel, F. C., 61, 63.
- Shaw, H.. 1078.
- Shaw, W. S., 769.
- Sheffield and District A.C., 617, 729, 832, 1037, 1358, 1480.
- Sheffield Simplex cars, 129, 211, 501, 944, 959, 1070 1215, 1240, 1265, 1270, 1351, 1380, 1388, 1412.
- - gear-boxless, i*.
- - 25-h.p. (details), 506, 1180, 1234.
- - top gear run, 980, 1034, 1049, 1117.
- Shell motor spirit, 83, 88.
- Shelsley Walsh hill-climb, 627, 647.
- Shock absorbers, 997, 1087, 1347.
- Shops Hill (see also R.A.C.). 517, 518, 548,586,604, 811.
- Shows (see Exhibitions).
- Shrewsbury-Challiner rim, 237.
- Siam, motor boats in, 272, 346, 877.
- - motors in, 272, 1352.
- S.I.A.M.T. motor cycles, 1344.
- Siberia, motor in, 39.
- Siddeley-Deasy cars (see Deasy J. D. S. type).
- Side lamps (see Lamps).
- - slip, prevention of (see Non-skids).
- Sierra Leone, cars in, 1358.
- Signs and Signals (see Road signs).
- Silent Knight engine (see Knight).
- Silencers (correspondence), 1316.
- “Silver Ghost,” model of, 149, 1183.
- Simplex fire-extinguisher, 859.
- Simms magnetos, 596,' 1347.
- Simplex speedometer, 45.
- Singapore, motors in, 1513.
- Simpson, D. H., on Chain Drives, 1194, 1340.
- Singer cars, 238, 267, 651, 668, 1065, 1259, 1412.
- Sirens (see Hooters, Horns).
- Sirdar Rubber Co. Ltd., 1117.
- Sireno horn, 1229.
- Sirron cars, 998, 1223, 1501.
- Six- and four-cylinder cars, relative economy of, 650.
- Six-cylinder car, origination of, 645, 696, 723.
- Sizaire cars, 1186, 1261, 1502.
- - 12-16 (details), 155.
- - engine, 15 h.p., 1186, 1231.
- Sledges, motor, 22, 293, 325, 352, 433.
- Sleeve-valve engines, (see Engines).
- Slow speed running, 1054.
- - traffic (see Traffic).
- Smith, A. Gordon, 171, 173.
- Smith C. M., 715, 7x7, 1086.
- Smith J. Hoyle, 605, 607.
- Smith dynamo, 1192.
- Smith, S., and Sons accessories, (see also “A.L. Generator, “ Adnil ” horn, “Golden Light’ headlamp), 1055, 1088, 1227, 1229, 1348, 1497.
- Smith speedometer, 464.
- Symrna, motors in, 82.
- Snow, motors for the, (see also Sledges), 191.
- Society of Arts, 136, 377.
- Society of Engineers, 572.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers (see Motor Mfrs.)
- Solar lamps, 1277.
- Solidified petrol, (see Petrol).
- Sorel, W. L., 1017, 10x9.
- South Africa cars in, 763.
- - African R.A.C., 321, 443, 445, 1350.
- - - roads, 24,
- - Kensington models, (see Models).
- South Wales A.C., 61, 63, 1130, 115S.
- S.P.A. cars, 1502.
- Spain, motors in, 48S.
- - roads in, 709.
- Spanners, 154, 1229, 1277.
- Spare wheel fixer, 179.
- Spark-plugs, (see Ignition).
- Speed in Piccadilly, 1165.
- - indicators, (see Speedometers). •
- - limits, American, 920.
- - - applications, 19, 157, 291, 297> 354. 459« 516, 51S, 613, 714, 7S8, 870, 944. J327. 1438.
- - - Isle of Man, 192, 298, 463, 1012, 10.v
- - - leaders on, 30, 250, 251, 768, 1015, 1JOJ» 1253, 1422.
- - - local inquiries, 109, 597. 742; .
- - - new, x7, 25, 465, 791’ ^S> 10& ,07°’ 1099, 1295. ,
- - - and public vehicles, 423.
- - - refused, 567, 926, 1296.
- - - signs, 153, 7S0, 1161. ,73,645,737.
- - - summonses, 32, 209, 29j, a79> 5/- 76.5. 973-
- - - withdrawn, 79
- Speedometers, 45, 39S, 464. 4SJ>» *3*47-
- - trials, (see Royal A.t •>
- Sphinx Manufacturing Co., 46-
- Spilhaus, C. F., 443.
- Splitdorf sparking-plugs, 997-
- Splitdorf magneto, 14m.
- Springs, (AYC also Suspension), 1264, 1312, 1494, i495i
- Spring wheels, (AYC Wheels).
- Spyker cars, 950, 1100, r .'S6, 1462, 1502. i,
- - 18 h.p. (details), 6ti, 639.
- - engine, 1234, 1238.
- Stafford, J. S., 1256, 1257.
- Standard car race, (see Royal A.C.)
- Standard cars, 1250, 1412.
- Stanley steam car, 1294, 1506.
- Star cars, 233, 651, 667, 668, 1219, 1413, 1483.
- Starley, J. K., 1456, 1457.
- Starting (AYC Self-starting ; Switch-starting).
- - handles, 1271.
- State examination of drivers, (AY,? Drivers).
- Statistics (see also Export and Import; Licences; Traffic), 272, 304, 785, 986, 1069, 1394, 1488.
- - American, 6S2, 920, 1031, 1114, 1348, 1373, 1432, 1507.
- - Canadian, 1369.
- - Japanese, 927.
- Steel, 1021, roS5, 1153, 1370, 1464.
- - pressed, (see Pressed Steel).
- Steering columns, 316.
- - wheels, 265, 590.
- - gears, 342, 781.
- Steiner side-lamps, 154.
- Stella cars, 1502.
- Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, Ltd, 1169, 1200.
- - Road-grip ” tyres, 697.
- - wheels, 191.
- - fixer, 179.
- - patents, 524.
- "Stevens Motor Routes" 518.
- Stewart Precision carburettor, 910.
- Stewart, W. L., 117, 119.
- Stoddard cars, 870, 1506.
- Stoewer cars, 765, 1310, 1502.
- Stone throwing, 6S7. 848, 869.
- Straker-Squire cars, 1219, 1245, 1413.
- - 15 h.p. (details), 232, 806, 836, 1280.
- Strang, Louis (death of), 867.
- Stratton, U., 1083.
- Street lamp (see 1 .amps).
- - Noises Bill (see Night Noises P,ill).
- Stuart motorcycle, 1344.
- Strikes, motors and the, 896, 898, 906, 926.
- S.U. carburettor, 1271.
- Sugg, Wm. and Co. Ltd., 25S.
- Summonses, (see Prosecutions).
- Sunbeam cars, 460, 812, 826, 832, 929, 957, 962, 1037, 1100, 1103, 1112, 1260, 1270, 1367, 1448.
- - for 1912. II23> I4I3-
- - 12 hour record, 977.
- - trial, (R.A.C.), 1294.
- Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., HI, 1297.
- Surrey Territorial Force Assn., 25.
- - View Points, some, 890.
- Surridge, V. J., 539, 594, 650, 864.
- Suspension, 992, 1020, 1084, 1152, 1464.
- - competition in Italy, 267.
- Sussex County A.C., 597.
- Sussex Motor Yacht Club, 652, 754, 925, 1006, 1007.
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 375, 380, 461, 512.
- “Sweated” liirmingham, 1135.
- Swedish R.A.C., 22, 49, 1417.
- Swiss A.C., 1478-
- Swift cars, 1116, 1123, 1297, 1413.
- Switch starting, 1404.
- Switchboards, 54, 1277. . .
- Switzerland, motors in, 272, 985, 1013.
- TALBOT cars, 161, 186, 491, 708, 718, 762, 763, 790, 898, 929, 1096, 1413.
- - 25 h.p. (details), 1121.
- Tangye jack, 1372.
- Tapper, A. E., 1108, 1109.
- Targa, Florio, 540, 729.
- Tar spraying (see also Roads), 1333.
- Taxation, 517. 849, 903, 1417.
- - conference, 58, 185, 263.
- - on petrol (see Petrol).
- Taxes, Veterinary Surgeons, 27.
- Taxicabs (see Cabs).
- Taxicabs, evolution of (Critchley), 51.
- Taximeters, 1316.
- Technology (see Auto Technology).
- “Tenax ” steel tubular wheel, 1195, 1198.
- Terminals, 1277.
- Territorial motorists’ licences, 109.
- - motor transport, 586.
- Terry, H. and Sons, accessories, 154, 1347.
- Tessier, S. T., 954.
- Tests (see also Dynamometers; R.A.C.), 109, 549.
- Thames cars, 106, 666, 668, 669, 715, 869, 1086, 1414.
- - 55-h.p. (details), 94, 340.
- Thames Ironworks Co., 143.
- Thistlethwaite, J. B., 605, 607.
- Thomas transmission, 294, 460, 482, 539, 649, 1096.
- Thomson-Bennett car heater, 420.
- Thornycroft cars, 178, 562, 1219, 1270, 1414,
- - boats, 49, 350, 374, 896.
- Threads (see Screw-threads).
- Tilling, Thos., Ltd., 465, 1357, 1388.
- Timing machine, standard, 20.
- Tingey cut-out, 1497.
- Tools (see also Lathes) loE8> 1,17» 1229> V277< H°V
- Top-gear runs, 540, 10321 1034, 1049, 1 T 17, inS.
- Touring, International, 442, 515, 572> IO25-
- Tourist trophy race (motor cycles), 20, 158. z67> 323> 650, 711. 73°. i3aI-
- - entries, 705.
- - result, 760.
- Tour de France (see trench reliability’ trial;.
- Towle, H. L., on planning a private garage, 424- 445-
- Traction engine trailers, 1358.
- Trade, debating society, 550, 573.
- Trader handbook ami aia>y, 54.
- Traffic control, 822, 999, 1029, 138s, 1480.
- - - (leaders', 88, 168, 413, 469, 604, 658, 796, 932> 1334. T422> r452-
- - French rule of road, 705.
- - goods, in London, 226, 578, 657, 65S.
- - obstruction (sir Obstruction).
- - regulations, 409.
- - report, Hoard of Trade (sec Hoard of Trade).
- - slow, 469, 486, 604, 658, 708, 723, 1044, 1480.
- - statistics, 128, 398.
- Trams, speedometers on, 464.
- - lines, grease on, 52.
- - obstruction by, 1124.
- Tramways (see also London County Council), 304.
- Tramways and Light Railways Association, 464.
- Transmission gear (str also Chain Drive), 29.4, 460, 482, 1231.
- - hydraulic, 308.
- - petrol-electric, 500.
- Transport (see Motor Transport ; traffic).
- Transvaal A.C., 898, 1033.
- Travelling passes (see Touring).
- Trials, “Atlas” inner case, 505.
- - lamp (see Lamps'.
- - motor cycling (see also Auto Cycle Union), 20, 21, 49.
- - petrol consumption, 488, 339.
- - R.A.C. (see Royal A. C.)
- Tripoli, cars at, 1296.
- Triumph motor-cycle, 512, 864, 1341, 1343, 1344, 1355.
- Trolley-jack, Adams, 102.
- Trucks (see Industrial vehicles).
- Trump-jap motor cycle, 487.
- Tubing, steel, 1464.
- Turin Exhibition, cars at, 245, 420, 429, 464, 476, 72S, 927, 1005.
- Turner cars for 1912, 1124, 1414.
- Turner’s wheel (see Wedge Wheels, Ltd.).
- Tuto horn, 1401,
- Two-stroke motor-cycle engine, 59.
- “Twitchell” tyre tester, 714.
- Tyres, 379, 959, 1 n7, 1401,1495.
- - cellular, 483.
- - for heavy motors, 108.
- - fibre, 1037.
- - fillings, semi-solid, 554.
- - inflater, 1431.
- - legislation, 1103.
- - levers, 584.
- - pneumatic-stud, 46.
- - protectors (see Atlas Inner Cases, “ Victor Vest ”).
- - pressure gauge, 1277.
- - pumps, 1227, 1347, 1372.
- - repair, 313, 608.
- - semi-pneumatic, 36.
- - studded, 859, 1277.
- - testers, 724.
- - treads, 256.
- - trial, suggested, 7S8, 834.
- - wire wheels and, 765.
- UNCONVENTIONAL Portraits (see Cartoons).
- Underwood, G. F., 659, 661.
- Unic cars 1262, 1339, 1503. . ,
- United Motor Industries (see also Simplex speedo- meter, “Magicienne" Dynamo, “ L.M." plug, “D.W.F.” ball-bearings), 927, 1233.
- United States (see America).
- Universal joints, 43, 288, 395, 588.
- Uruguay, motors in, 1061.
- Usmar, G., 668, 1083.
- VACUUM Oil Co., Ltd., 170.
- Valves (see also Engines), 885, 886, 939, 1085, 1164.
- Valve grinder, 1229.
- - spring removers, 126.
- Valveless Dodson cars (see Dodson).
- Vanderbilt cup race, 864, 1095 1386, 1477, 1478.
- Vanguard ’Bus Co., 546.
- Vans (see Industrial vehicles ; traffic, goods).
- Van den Plas motor bodies, 178.
- Vandervell (see C.A.V.).
- Vauxhall cars, 627, 694, 827, 980, 1005, 1219, 1307, 1309, 1346, 1414, 1446.
- - 20-h.p. (details), 1022.
- Vauxhall Motors Ltd., 1020.
- Vedy, L., 759.
- Ventilator for cars, 598, 1403.
- Vermorel cars, 743, 1503.
- “Victor” tyre. 764.
- “Victor Vest” challenge, ^23, 453, 503, 540, 565, 650.
- Village-seeking competitions, 592.
- Vincent, W., motor bodies, 286.
- Vinot Cars, Ltd. (see also Gladiator cars), 816.
- Vinot cars, 286, 431, 668, 1262, 1503.
- Vinot, 15-16 h.p. (details), 7$'*, 7So-
- Vivinus cars, 1148, 1417, i5°3-
- Voiturette trials, 1355-
- - records (w Records).
- Volmuller, Herr, 1438.
- Vulcan cars, 1037, 1219, 1310, 1346, 1415.
- - 24 h.p. (details), 778.
- Vulcan vulcanizers, 369, 1277.
- WADKIN and Co. (see Polyrhoe).
- “W. and G.” (see Du Cros).
- Waggons (see Industrial vehicles).
- Wait, G. H., 1351.
- Wakefield, Sir C., 333, 335-
- Ward and Goldstone, 543.
- Warfare (see Military operations; War Office).
- Waring and Gillow, ltd., 586.
- Warland dual rim, 345, 1198.
- Warnings (sir Road signs, horns).
- War Office and industrial vehicles, 198, 231, 251, 271. 385, 1044, 1074
- - local clubs, 358.
- - (see also Military operations).
- Wason, Cathcart, 463.
- Water cans, 1464.
- Water charges for motors, 203, 380, 105S.
- Water in petrol, 52S.
- Water-jackets, cleanser for, 838.
- Water, roadside, 332.
- Waterways, motor traction on (leader), 1314.
- Waverley cars, 1415.
- Wayside curios, 1248, 1357, 1387.
- Wedge Wheels, Ltd., 970.
- Welding, oxy-acetylene, 27.
- Welsh A.C., 689, 691, 762.
- Westminster, Duke of, 268.
- - Mayor of, and motors, 1144.
- West Country, The, 675.
- West Surrey A.C., 355.
- West Yorkshire “Little Guide" to, 273.
- Wheel trials, 765.
- Wheel and road (A. Mallock), 408, 435.
- Wheels, ancient and modern tHeathcote), 377.
- - detachable, 395, 737,
- - - (see also Rudge-Whitworth.)
- - Hawksle}’, 396.
- - Kronprinz, 1314.
- - leaders on, 796.
- - Turner’s wedge, 970.
- - Wire versus artillery, 1316, 1349, T434.
- Wheelwright, Charles, 642.
- White and Poppe engine, 1231.
- - petrol cars, 1506.
- - steam cars, 1506.
- Whitlock, H. and Co., bodies, 68.
- Whittall, W., 1078.
- Who's who (1911), 22.
- Willing's Press Guide, 82..
- Willocq-Bottin lamps, 1227.
- Willows, J. T., 61, 63.
- Willys, J. N., on American cars, 134S.
- Wilson, William., 1078.
- Wilson, A. J., 379.
- Wiltshire “Little Guide" to, 515.
- Wimperis accelerometer, 50.
- Winchester, Bishop of, 709.
- “Windon” clip for rubber tubes, 663.
- Wind-screens, 165, 1229.
- - Beatonson, 18, 1270.
- - on taxies, 26.
- - Ormonde, 1372, 1434.
- Winnipeg Exhibition, 109, 675.'
- WinteT'and Night motoring, 148.
- Wire wheels (see Wheels).
- Withers cars, 288, 950, 1259, 1415.
- Wolseley boats, 190, 268, 346, 350, 867, 1175.
- - carriage-building factory, 951.
- - cars, 24, 80, 98, 134, I§7, 245, 305, 359, 5M, 518, 638, 784, S45, 87S, 916, 983, ion, 1086, 1090, 1215, 1240, 1260, 1265, 1266, 1307, 1350, 1381, 1400, 1415, 1459, 1477.
- - 16-20-h.p. (details), 502, IT 18.
- - chain-drive, 1231.
- - flight engine, 400.
- - garage, 320.
- - outing, 816.
- - pump, roa.
- - sleighs, 293.
- Wood and steel in wheels, 1152.
- Wood, strengths of, 1243.
- Woods, G. Hubert, 25, 145.
- World’s record (sec Records).
- Worm drives, 886, 1085, 1153, 1281.
- Wright (C.C.), front wheel brakes, 1497.
- Wright, R. M., 216.
- Wright, Warwick (see also Metallurgique cars), 1009, 1078, 1085.
- Wyatt, H. M., on motor transports, 136, 217, 243, 269, 296.
- YELLOW trophy (leaders on), 413.
- Yorkshire, A.C., 75, 116, 647. 7*8, 929, 952.
- ZEDEL cars, 533, 55D >262. 1503.
- Zenith carburettor, 80, 587.
- Zenith motor-cycle, 922.
- Zuylen, Baron de, 220.
See Also
Sources of Information