1912 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the Automotor Journal
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Vol 017. Jan to Dec 1912
- A. A. and M.U. (sec Automobile Association and Motor Union).
- Aberdonia cars, 18-20-h.p. (details), 1018.
- Accelerator pedal, 99.
- Accidents, 205, 834, 922, 1294.
- “ fatal, 492.
- “ leaders on, 148, 243, 448, 597, 720, 749, 838, 1152, 1266, 1460, 1516, 1518.
- “ statistics, 184, 448, 839.
- A.C. cyclecar, 1448.
- Acetylene headlamps, 258.
- “ generators, 230, 235, 254, 284, 285, 373, 431, 917.
- “ Illuminating Co., 834, 1144, 1145, 1334.
- “ lamp igniter, 828.
- “ lighting, 1334.
- “ starters, 230, 773, 1052, 1285.
- Adams cars, 70, 398, 1147, 1280, 1441, 1467,
- Adams self-starter, 219, 1375.
- Adler cars, 1375.
- Advertisements (see Roadside advertisements).
- Africa, motors in, 961.
- Agricultural motors, 266.
- Ailleret carburettor, 683.
- Air intakes, 1437.
- Alarms (see also hooters), 907, 974.
- Albert Brown trophy, 831.
- Albion cars, 1280, 1405.
- “ “ char-a-banc, 517.
- Alcohol, 414, 800, 995.
- Alldays cars, 1280.
- Allen-Liversidge acetylene generator, 230, 254.
- Allin, H. P., 131.
- Alloys, 381.
- Alnwick Castle, 871, 892.
- Alps, holiday in (Moreing), 482, 507, 510, 542.
- “ motor route through, 1392.
- Alpine tour, 1004.
- Aluminium, 136, 170.
- Amans suspension, 313.
- Ambulances, motor, 598, 946, 978, 1191, 1222, 1465, 1484, 1540, 1541.
- America, A.C. of, 47, 128, 709, 712.
- “ racing in, 650, 686, 735, 910, 947, 974, 1194.
- American Army, 276, 375.
- “ Automobile Association, 184, 218, 407, 462, 49b 547, 709, 970, 1564.
- “ “ legislation, 88, 462, 974.
- “ cars in England, 1036, 1037, 1043, 1109, 1342.
- “ exports and imports (sec Exports).
- “ Grand Prize race, 491, 735, 767, 834, 1050, 1202, 1530.
- “ industry (W. M. Letts), 186.
- “ insurance, 392.
- “ records, 918.
- “ roads (see Roads).
- “ shows, 68, 126, 127, 128, .152, 185, 276, 306, 375- 462, 521, 547, 1220, 1259.
- “ Society of Automobile Engineers, 491, 735, 1061, 1194.
- Amplex self-starter, 219.
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 3.
- Annuaire General dc l'Automobile, 753.
- Anti-freezing mixture, 313.
- Appleton, C. F., 410.
- Aqua-glider (see Water-glider).
- Argyll cars, 69-70, 71, 105, 22r, 670, 687, 788, 872, 951, 1095, 1249, 1259, 1302, 1315, 1357, 1358, 1405, i4ro, 1494, 1503.
- “ “ i5-3°-h-P- (details), 1326.
- “ engines, 352, 827, 919.
- Argylls, Ltd., 15x2.
- Ariel cars, 223, 531, 1280.
- Armorial bearings, 692, 743.
- Armstrong-Whitworth cars, 70, 105, 221, 223, 1280, 1319, 1323, 1403, 1436, 1573.
- Army (see Military).
- Aron Cup, 948.
- Arrol-Johnston cars, 100, 105, 264, 488, 587, 653, 688, 698, 728, 783, 864, 872, 990, 1249, 1259, 1291, 1310, 1365, 1369, 1405, 1415, 1437, 1484, 1538- 1913 cars (details), 1242.
- “ engine, 12.
- “ works, 673, 1176.
- A.S.L. motor cycle, 384.
- Aston hill-climb, 336, 502, 691, 698.
- Atlas inner case, 617.
- “ tyre, 616.
- “ tyre pump, 72, 263, 316.
- .-Wctions, 265.
- A“di car, 136.
- Austin cars, 56, 70, 100, 196, 197, 226, 251, 273, 354, 504, 564, 658, 730, 755, 895, 948, 951, 1184, 1218, 1233, 1307, 13x3, I341. 1354. 1355. r43<>.
- “ “ 10-h.p. (details), 674.
- “ “ (1913) (details), 1376.
- “ attachment for Sankey wheel, 554.
- “ Colonial car, 606.
- “ engines, 265, 977.
- Australia, A.C. of, 741.
- “ cars in, 142, 502, 505, 588, 744, 1327, i487> 1510, 1570.
- Austrian Alpine Trial, in, 756, 781, 805, 887.
- “ Army, 282.
- Austro-Daimler cars, 70, 396, 412, 781, 1280, 1406, 1409, 1439.
- ‘ Auto-cannon ” for aixxraft, 464.
- Autocar Road Book, 1325.
- Auto. Challenge Cup, 1173.
- Auto-Cycle Union, 113, 143, 264, 376, 386, 406, 411, 658, 966.
- “ “ Inter-Club Championship, 1173.
- “ “ hill-climb, 706.
- “ “ official trials, 237, 280, 288, 295, 411, 468, 529, 1292.
- “ “ silencer trials, 349, 355, 584, 588, 857, 909. 95b i29b I5°8-
- “ “ six days’ trial, 406, 411, 857, 943, 968, 976, 981, 991, 1005, 1022, 1058.
- “ “ T.T. Race (see Tourist Trophy).
- “ “ tyre trials, 1049.
- Automobile Association and M.U., 77, 204, 259, 546, 592, 657, 688, 796, 1017, 1145, 1146.
- “ “ “ “ leaders on, 178, 210, 242, 390, 480, 509, 720, 779, 898, 983, 10x2, 1092.
- “ “ “ “ legal cases, 56, 62, 5°4-
- “ “ “ “ notes, weekly.
- “ Club of France (see also Grand Prix A.C.F.
- “ Tour de France), 652, 1031, 1100.
- “ engineers (see Institution of Automobile Engineers).
- “ Golfing Society, 315, 364, 649, 752, 1125, 1184, 1525.
- Auto, self-starter, 219.
- “Autosphere,” 56.
- Auto-Suggestion :
- - Big-end bearings, 497.
- - Compression, 190, 248.
- - Fuels, 164.
- - Valves, 225, 278, 700.
- Winter motoring, 137.
- Auto-Technology:
- - Altitude, 98.
- - Automatic timing, 15.
- - Bearings, 289.
- - Detachable wheels, 671.
- - Hill climbing, 764.
- - Pistons, 5x8.
- - Repairs, 73, 98, 164, 193.
- - Self-starters, 219.
- - Simple remedies, 607.
- - Wind screens, 255.
- A.V. shock absorber, 974.
- Avon tyres, 6x6, 835, 1381, 1356.
- Axles, front, X074, 1309, 1315, 1321, 1359.
- “ rear, 41, 790, 849, 939, 963, 994, 1019, 1045, 1046, 1074, 1162, 1306, 1313, 1317, 1321, 1364, 1378, 1411, 1470, 1521, 1536, 1556, 1560.
- BAGULEY car, 1274.
- Balkan War, cars at, 1267, 1377.
- Ball bearings, 130, 171, 289, 433, 441, 472, 1505.
- “ thrusts, 501.
- Bangs coiled spring rim, 1256.
- Banstead Parish Council, 77.
- Barham, Sir G., 155.
- Barimar, Ltd. (see also Ivor cars), 78, 170.
- “ “ accessories, 154, 285, 308, 345, 1248.
- Barrett, G. F., on Ball Bearings, 171, 472.
- Bat-Jap motor cycle, 1213.
- Batley, J. B., 36.
- Bauchet cylinder, 1114.
- Bearings (see also Ball bearings), 289, 497.
- Bebe voiturette, 224.
- Bedford cars, 685, 845, 913, 1087, 1319, 137°-
- Belgian Grand Prix, 28, 320, 355, 385, 886, 1174-
- Bell cars, 42.
- Belsize cars, 41, 1409.
- Belsize Motors, Ltd., 1089, 1429.
- Belts, 915, 1199.
- Benn, Sir John, 1238.
- Bennett, F. S., Ltd., 592.
- Bentall cars, 1228.
- [[Benton and Stone] accessories, 95, 345, 1191, 1247-
- [Benz]] cars, 723, 845, 1201, 1280, 1321, 1355, 1357. 1401, 1438, 1498, 1555.
- Benzol, 499.
- Benz-Sohne cars, 396, 1042, 1260.
- Berkshire A.C., 504, 533.
- “ County Council, 687.
- Berliet cars, 157, 723, 903, 933, 1142, 1317, !323> 1413, 1436, 1493.
- “ “ 20-25-h.p. (details), 1330.
- Berridge, Sir T. H. D., 28.
- Bianchi, C., 747, 948.
- Big-ends, 497.
- Birmingham, Mayor of, 1391.
- Birmingham M.C. Club, 567.
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., 1147.
- Blackpool, taxicabs in, 693.
- Blackpool Block-tube ” carburettor, 381.
- Bluemel’s accessories, 1523.
- Boat Race, cars and, 444.
- Boats, motor (see also Royal Motor Yacht Club, British Motor Boat Club, Monaco Meeting, Marine Motor Association, Hydroplanes, Motor ships, Sussex Motor Yacht Club, Nore Yacht Club), 56, 113, 237, 265, 296, 385, 409, 417, 426, 864, 920, 1063, 1070, 1102, 1147, ii75. 1207, 1226, 1483, 1554, 1570.
- Bodies and Chassis, 266.
- Body, all-steel, 1219.
- Bodywork (sec Coachwork).
- “Bogota” indicator, 131.
- Bonnets and fastenings, 1403, 1405, 1493.
- Booth, General, 1032.
- Bosch magneto, 16, 357, 564, 584, 1135, 1233.
- Boulogne Meeting, 1031, 1059.
- Bowden accessories, 43, 615.
- Bowles, Col. H. S., 1115.
- Boy Scouts and motors, 862.
- Boys and motors, 148, 569.
- Bradbury motorcycle, 1142.
- “ spring shackle, 645.
- Bradford, Mr. 1040.
- Bradford A.C., 1209, 1525.
- Brakes, 15, 471, 488, 852, 906, 915, 1355, 1359, 1368, 1536, 1555-
- Brandenburg's accessories, 96.
- Bransom, Kent and Co.’s accessories, 155.
- Brasier cars, 1260, 1437.
- “ “ 12-h.p. (details), 341.
- Brenna cars, 313, 320, 396, 461, 1228.
- Brewer, R. W. A., 1540, 1542.
- “Brew-Ree.” shock absorber, 995, 1061, 1134, 1284.
- Bridges and motor traffic, 810, 834, 922.
- Brighton, motors at, 241.
- “ and trams, 385, 390.
- British Engineers’ Association, 568.
- “ International Cup, 204, 296, 385, 426, 504, 713, 774. 864, 892, 977. 1006, 1032, 1060, 1064, 1080,1116, 1175, 1226, 1510.
- British Motor Boat Club, 142, 315, 560, 1061, 1081? 1292.
- .. .. racing, 655, 835, 864, 892, 920, 977, 1006, 1032, 1060, ~ . 1°8I. ri75, 1510.
- British Motor Cycle Racing Club Brooklands,motor cycling at).
- British School of Motoring, 408.
- Briton Motor Co., Ltd., 57.
- Brolt dynamo, 1221.
- Brooke boats, 385, 714, 1207.
- Brooke cars, 292.
- Brooke farm machine, 205.
- Brooklands (see also R.A.C. Associates), i, 144, 202, 236. 537. 685. 881. 1457, 1557.
- “ motor cycling at, 376, 384, 389, 395, 4x1, 493. 5<>2, 588, 641, 685, 724, 756, 887, 903, 989, 1059, 1116, 1173, 1212, 1390.
- “ picturesque road to, 1096.
- “ programmes, 318, 412, 468, 530, 562, 626, 756, 832, 857, 914. 978, 1030.
- “ racing, 422, 560, 631, 640, 652, 707, 722, 844, 930, 1129, 1149, 1157, 1187, 1235, 1241.
- “ records, 502, 685, 706, 856, 887, 949, 975, 1040, 1231, 134L I426, 1456, 1477.
- Brown, Dr. Bruce (death of), 1177.
- Brown Brothers’ accessories, 95, 229, 345, 382, 715, 745, 909, 1048, 1222, 1284.
- Brown, Hughes, and Strahan bodies, 14, 284, 715.
- Brown trophy (see Albert Brown).
- Browne, T. B., 1225, 1253, 1573.
- Bruges, The Swans of the Quai Vert, 1350.
- Brushes, 907, 995.
- B.S.A. all-steel body, 1219.
- “ cars, 223, 461, 920, 1280.
- “ motor cycles, 1472.
- Buchet cars, 1280.
- Buckeye spring repair, 656.
- Budapest-Constantinople contest, 918.
- " Bulls,” 335.
- Burls, G. A., 1133.
- ’Buses, horse, 904, 1428.
- “ motor, 205, 290, 305, 592, 763, 775, 834, 1128, 1x43, 1203, 1210, 1222, 1260, 1287, 1335. 1391. 1457, 1484. 1512, 1541-
- “ “ abroad, 266, 357, 679, 788, 988, 998, 1056, 1138, 1476.
- “ “ drivers, 1065.
- “ “ leaders on, 89, 148, 180, 540, 398, 692, 7x8, 810, 869, 1066, 1121, 1122, 1151, 1265, 1299, 1300, 1347, 1434, 1462'
- “ petrol-electric, 1146.
- Busney Hall golf course, 36.
- Butler, A., 384.
- Buyers guide, 192.
- CABLE tension device, 1002.
- Cab Drivers’ Union, 89.
- “ rank telephones, 1190, 1510, 1570.
- Cabs, horsed, 331.
- Cabs, taxi, 205, 1091, 1494.
- “ “ abroad, 225, 234, 387, 432, 570, 1033.
- “ “ drivers, 28, 205, 304, 670, 835, 1397, 1429, 1477-
- “ “ “ leaders on, 33, 150, 179, 180, 300, 330, 664, 693, 811.
- “ “ indicators, 131.
- “ “ in Paris, 153, 170, 266, 361, 503.
- “ “ “ Blackpool, 693.
- “ “ leaders on, 4, 89.
- Cadillac cars, 205, 706, 878, 975, 1076, 1115, 1315, 1323, 1375. 1522, 1538.
- “ lighting system, 1160, 1390.
- Cail carburettor, 46.
- Calculator, 741.
- Calmon tyre, 616.
- Calthorpe cars, 502, 503, 518, 845, 1280, 1467, 1500.
- Cambrian Fells, golf on the, 24b.
- Camera and the Car, with the (see weekly).
- Cameron cars, 424.
- Campbell, D. S., headlamp, 254.
- Campbell, M., 930.
- Canada, motors in, 223, 227, 282, 356, 357, 445, 519, 960, 1106, 1146, 1204, 1499, 1554, 1557.
- Canadian highway (see also Roads), 958.
- Canals (see Waterways).
- Canda rotary motor, 773.
- Carbide, 113, 1542.
- Carbon deposit, 256, 312, 1535.
- Carburation, 15, 74, 380.
- Carburettors, 16, 19, 46, 165, 192, 228, 235, 283, 284, 311, 354. 373. 381. 470, 499. 525. 578, 682, 683, 742, 964, 966, 1140, 1170, 1229, 1230, 1256, 1383, 1481.
- “ paraffin, 324, 988, 1100, 1171, 1259, 1483.
- “ prize, 982, 1006.
- “ wick, 1170.
- Cardiff M.C., 384, 872.
- Car lighting (see Lighting).
- Carriage manufacturers (see Inst, of British).
- Cars sold in England, list of, 2 r7- .» ,.
- “ “ (1913), table of, 1320.
- “ early British, 354.
- “ “ design, 801, 1223.
- “ “ small, 1397.
- Castings, 1285, 1502.
- Cats and cars, 1506.
- C.A.V. lamps, 922.
- “ lighting outfits, 1192, 1305, 1332, 14x5.
- Ceylon, cars in, 87, 102, 734, 1226.
- Chalmers cars, 1498. 25-h.p. (details), 579.
- Chamberlin carburettor prize (see Royal A.C.).
- Change speed, how to, 730.
- .. gears, 1199, 1561,
- Charlesworth, R., 724.
- Charron cars, 290, 551, 1371, 1403, 1436.
- Chase, Miss Pauline, 1156.
- Chassis descriptions:
- - Aberdonia, 16-20-h.p., 1018.
- - Argyll, 15-30-h.p., 1336.
- - Arrol-Johnston, 1242.
- - Austin, io-h.p., 674.
- - Berliet, 20-25-h.p., 1440.
- - Brasier, 12-h.p., 341.
- - Chalmers, 25-h.p., 579.
- - Chenard-Walcker, 16-20-h.p., 962.
- - Crossley, 15-h.p., 1217, 1407.
- - Daimler, 1328.
- - Delaunay-Belleville, 25-h.p., 1101.
- - Hispano-Suiza, 15 -g-h.p., II6I.
- - Humber, 821, 1407.
- - Ivor, 875.
- - Isotta-Fraschini, 27-80-li.p., 1419.
- - Lloyd, 848.
- - Lorely, 13 '4-h.p., 1045.
- - M.A.F. , 10-14-h.p., 1073.
- - Mass, 1407.
- - Metallurgique, 14-h.p., 400, 938.
- - Napier, 45-h.p., 427, 1130.
- - Napier 15-h.p., 485, 1188.
- - Napier 30-h.p., 1495.
- - Nazzaro, 20-30-h.p., 1520.
- - Opel, 5-12-h.p., 1469.
- - Paige-Detroit, 344.
- - Piccard-Pictet, 30-40-h.p., 1560.
- - Rochet-Schneider, 15-g-h-p., 1272.
- - Sheffield-Simplex, 25-h.p., 132, 158.
- - Singer, 789.
- - Star, 15 ’9-h.p., 1378.
- - Stoewer, 15-20-h.p., 370.
- - Straker-Squire, 15-h.p., 993.
- - Talbot, 1309,
- - Violette, 906.
- - Wolseley, 16-20-h.p., 1268, 1536.
- Chater-Lea motor cycles, 493.
- Chauffeurs (see also Cabdrivers, Head Chauffeurs’ Club, National Society of Chauffeurs), 768, 1096,
- “ and car design, n, 39.
- “ at Olympia, 1308, 1367, 1402, 1438.
- “ experiences, weekly.
- “ leaders on, 1181, 1398, 1461.
- “ schools for, 443.
- Chauvin and Arnoux speedometer, 656.
- Chenard-Walcker cars, 397, 471, 1225, 1280, 1310, 1409.
- “ “ 16-20-h.p. (details), 962.
- Chichester and motors, 90, 1x9.
- Children and road dangers, 840, 1432, 1516.
- Chile, cars in, 1570.
- China, motors in, 249.
- Christensen self-starter, 219, 383.
- Churches of England, 1526.
- Civilian Motor Reserve, 1462.
- Clark tyre, 827.
- Clark Tyre Co., Ltd., 1512.
- Clement cars, 551, 1203, 1260, 1375, 1404.
- Clement-Talbot cars (see Talbot).
- Cleveland A. C., 862.
- Clincher tyres, 1556.
- Clothing, 645.
- Clubs, growth of the, 1094.
- Clutches, 160, 456, 461, 500, 524, 576, 675, 789, 1162, 1273, 1355. !372, 1438, 1536.
- Coachmakers Co.’s prizes, 1293.
- Coach work, 15, 42, 45, 346, 459, 460, 517, 551, 627, 1219, 1240, 1274, 1302> 1307, 1353, 1362, 1363, 1380, 1397, I40I> J402, i4°4> I445> *455. I483. 1523, 1562,1572.
- Coan Castings, 1502.
- Coatalen, L., 1125.
- Collier, C. R., 1215.
- Commercial Motor Users’ Association, 261, 415, 629, 961, 1190, 1204, 1391, 1398, 1465.
- “ vehicles (see Industrial vehicles).
- Companies, new, weekly.
- Compayne hydraulic transmission, 760.
- Compression (sac Engines).
- Connecting-rods, 800.
- Connolly accessories, 1502.
- Continental beauty spots, 287, 340.
- Control levers, 1052.
- Cooke, Stenson, 1146, 1152.
- Cooling (see Engines).
- Coroners and motorists, 243, 1432.
- Correspondence, weekly.
- Coupe de I’Auto, 758, 782, 803, 1279. I341-
- “ “ Regularite, 1279-
- Coventry Golf Club, 994, 1154-
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 618, 856.
- “ unconventional route to, 147.
- Crank cases, 1114.
- Crespelle cars, 900.
- Cripples’ outings, 658, 773. 835. 892, 1031, 1293.
- Crosby, Sir Thos., 1571.
- Crossley cars, 40, 105, 196, in;, 346, 563, 626, 706, 732, 747, 806, 862, 873, 948. 979. *109. 1145, 1200, 1310, 1321, 1355. 13 5 7. 1406, 1407, 1471, 1509.
- “ “ 15 h;p. (details), 1217.
- “ engine, 1305.
- Crossley-Scott self-starter, 1366, 1375.
- Crossman, R. F. L., 1125, 1231.
- Croydon Central Motor Co.’s car, 1195.
- Cumberland M.C. Club, 3x7.
- Customs duties (see Exports and Imports).
- Cut-outs, prohibition of, 204, 212, 272, 292, 296, 33B 473.
- Cycle cars, 1457. 252, 264, 406, 562, 830* 853* 836, Qtr> 1100, ' 1 174, 1241, 1244, 1251, 1257. *387, 1424, 1427. 153J> L345-
- “ leaders on, 1432.
- Cyclecars, records (see Records).
- Cycle Car Club, 1339, 1484.
- “ “ show (set' Motor Cycle Show).
- “ “ trial, 1467, 1496, 1508, 1509.
- Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, 534, 1295.
- Cycle and Motor Cycle Union, 1457.
- Cyclists, 597, 1460.
- Cyclists’ Touring Club, 555, 626.
- Cylinder castings, 440.
- “ cooling, 1140.
- “ dimensions, 528.
- Czar’s Cup, 627, 834, 858, 887, 913, 948, 1080.
- “D.A.” self-starter, 1285.
- “ lighting outfit, 1334.
- Daily Express and Cheap American car, 1109.
- Daimler ’buses, 775, 1138, 1457, 1542-
- Daimler cars, 70, 196, 204, 223, 224, 356, 386, 415, 474, 55r, 564. 628, 717, 923, 966, 1060, 1107, 1283, 1356. 1377. I3®°> J525- “ (1913). 1328, 1402.
- Daimler engine, 1305.
- Daimler Knight engine, 316.
- Daimler lorry, 3-4-ton, 944.
- Daimler scholarships, 736, 1177.
- Daisy lamp igniter, 828.
- Danger signals (see Hooters, Homs, Road signs).
- Dangerous driving (see Driving).
- Dangers of the streets (see also Accidents), 840, 1065, 1136, 1182, 1457.
- Darracq cars, 70, 107, 206, 723, 902, 930, 1156, 1218, 1280.
- Darracq, A., & Co., Ltd., 1512, 1543.
- Davies, T. M., 204.
- Deasy cars, 70, 495, 775. 837. 1218, 1280, 1306, 1319, 1321, 1354, 1438, 1467, L555-
- Deasy Motor Car Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 1343.
- De Dietrich cars (see Lorraine Dietrich).
- De Dion Bouton, Ltd., 1485, 1543.
- De Dion Bouton cars, 28, 76, iox, 141, 166, 457, 524. 582, 627, 698, 757, 1260, 1356, 1399, 1405, 1414, 1439, 1572.
- “ “ distance recorder, 191, 615.
- “ vans, 263, 274.
- Delage cars, 742, 1002, 1281, 1314.
- Delahaye cars, 156, 409, 551, 1260.
- Delaunay-Belleville cars, 644, 1281, 1303, 1439, 1541.
- “ “ 25-h.p. (details), 1101.
- “ “ engine, 1282.
- “ “ universal joint, 1029.
- De la Warr, Lord, 409.
- Delco self-starter, 219, 1365.
- Demon, The, 1325.
- Dennis cars, 105, 222, 1281, 1441.
- Derby, motors and the, 661, 714.
- Derbyshire and N. Stafford A.C., 705, 1232, 1291.
- Derihon shock-absorber, 891.
- Design, 461, 488, 519, 644, 676, 1230, 1299, 1387, 1553.
- “ A Chauffeur’s opinion of modern car, 11, 39.
- Detachable rims and wheels (see Rims, Wheels).
- Dewar Trophy, 156, 166, 1538.
- D.F.P. cars, 12-15-h.p. (details), 516.
- Diesel engine, 296.
- Differential, 801, 1338.
- Dingier engine, 590.
- Direction indicators, 590.
- Directory, 753-
- Disco self-starter, 219.
- Dissolved acetylene (see Acetylene Illuminating Co.).
- Distance recorders, 191, 615.
- Divine worship and motors, 1012, 1026.
- Dodson cars, 320, 1281, 1405.
- Donkin tyres, 23.
- Dorset A.C., 529, 684.
- Douglas motor cycle, 786, 787, 883, 1022, 1115, 1214, 1426.
- Dover, Ltd., accessories, 1523.
- Drive (see also Worm, Friction( 313.
- Driving, reckless and inconsiderate, 772, 892.
- “ leaders on, 694, 870, 898, 926, 984, 1038, 1236, 1237, 1300, 1398.
- “ schools, 408, 965.
- Drivers (sec also Cabdrivers, Chauffeurs).
- “ examination of (leaders), 694. 1122, n8i.
- Drummond lathes, 1007.
- Dublin M.C.C., 435.
- Duccllier lamps, 403.
- “ lighting set, 1245.
- Du Cros, W. and G., 142, 1490.
- Dunhill's accessories, ig, 43, 151, 182, 403, 487.
- Dunlop amalgamation, 956.
- “ detachable wheels, 613.
- “ rims, 613.
- “ tyres, 617, 689.
- Duo-Cars, 1128, 1341, 1473.
- Du Pre Challenge Cup, 1078.
- Durtnall, W. P., 296.
- Dust screen, 1503.
- Dynamo lighting sets, 1071, 1098, 1132, n('4> non, 1221, 1245, 1253, 1275, 1279, 1332> 1375» 14» 1454, 1502, 156O.
- [[S. F. Edge|EDGE, S. F.) 83, 265, 485. 596, 599. *37. 74b 9flt>. 1117, 1277, 1446.
- Edison electric vehicles, 20, 572.
- “ lighting set, 1502.
- Edmund motorcycle, 1475.
- Efficiency, car, 255, 779.
- Egypt, motoring across, 258.
- Eisemann magneto, 130.
- Electric batteries, 499.
- “ cars (see ft Iso Edison), 459.
- “ rating of, 1105.
- “ horns (see Homs).
- “ ignition (see Ignition).
- “ lighting of cars (see Lighting).
- Electromobile Co., 281
- Embleton Golf Links, 246.
- E.M.F. cars, 398.
- Enclosed cars, 270, 697.
- "Enday” road signs, 362.
- Enfield cars, i2Sx, 1375, 1436.
- Engineering Standards Committee, 697, 780, 830.
- engineering. Text-book of Motor Car, 254.
- Engines, aerial, 256.
- “ at Olympia, 1305, 1306.
- “ compression, 190, 248.
- “ construction, 518.
- “ cooling, 1289.'
- “ design of, 11, 26, 53, 81.
- “ double-acting, 590.
- “ dust in, 1002.
- “ early, 464.
- “ long-stroke, 381.
- “ ** Low,** 280, 458.
- “ motor boat, 265, 977.
- “ cycle, 252, 280, 349, 492, 794.
- “ piston valve, 560.
- “ position of, 683.
- “ rotary. 773, 1569.
- “ sleeve, 45.
- “ sleeve-valve, 194, 348, 527, 1410.
- “ tests, 413.
- “ thermal efficiency, 351.
- “ timing, 496.
- “ two-stroke, 380.
- “ variable-stroke, 135.
- " En Route” dynamo, 1190.
- Eric cycle car, 1449.
- Esnault-Pelterie (see R.E.P.).
- Essex County A.C., 430, 445, 504, 740, 743, 806, 859.
- Essex Motor Club, 200, 237, 329, 336, 889, 976, 1041, 1079, 1540.
- Everitt-Gascoine car, 404, 1228.
- Excelsior cars, 1281, 1405, 1426, 1456.
- Exhaust valves (see Valves).
- “ gases (see also Cut-outs, Silencers), 500, 1455, 1537-
- “ pipe washers, 1423.
- Exhibitions (see also American, Berlin, Manchester, Olympia, Paris Salon, Scottish), 84, 435, 519, 657, 744. 1032. ii33. II4h, n77. 1204, 1274, I54L 1542, 1554-
- “ leaders on, 60, 120.
- Exports and Imports, British (statistics), 55, 207, 327, 475. 593, 745, 979, 1089, 1393, 1512.
- “ “ “ American, 126, 184, 218, 348, 375, 462, 491, 573, 742, 884, 998, 1025, 1259, 1290.
- “ “ “ Australian, 505.
- “ “ “ Canadian, 1106.
- “ “ ,. duties, 184, 249, 348, 491, 505.
- E-Z self-starter, 219.
- F.A.B. cars, 851.
- Fafnir cars, 1281.
- Fans, 1086, 1x99, 1.357-
- Ferguson, H., 502.
- Ferries, 474, 804.
- Fete de Fleurs, Paris, 804.
- Fiat cars, 70, 199, 251, 283, 758, 918, 1228, 1377, 1477.
- “ Co. and Mercedes Daimler, 1392.
- “ engines, ix.
- Finchley Urban District Council, 950.
- Fire, 98, 1177.
- “ engines, 96, 205, 306, 325, 462, 532, 658, 967, 970, 1247-
- Fishguard, new approach to, 925, 937.
- Fitzwilliam, Earl, 628.
- Flanders, F. G., 724.
- Flanders cars, 988.
- Floods, cars in, 129, 1056, 1076, 1081.
- F.N. car, 396.
- Force petrol gauge, 828.
- Ford cars, 707, 902, 932, 970.
- Foreign Miscellany, weekly.
- Fowler petrol tractor, 99.
- French A.C. (see Automobile Club of France), motor cycle Grand Prix, 1030, 1078.
- “ “ “ hill-climb, 24.
- “ “ “ tour, 349.
- “ “ “ trial, 1031.
- “ races, British cars in, 32.
- “ reliability trials (see Tour de France Automobile).
- “ 3-litre race, 1030.
- Friction drive, 1508.
- From the Car Behind, 1325.
- Fuel locks, 1422.
- Fuels (see also Alcohol, Paraffin, Petrol), 164, 499, 1462, 1489.
- “ Committees, 950, 1204, 1398.
- " tests (see R.A.C.).
- Fuller, J. C., and Sons’ accessories, 729.
- Funeral cars, 152, 573> 592> 743-
- GABRIEL "snubber,” 1284.
- Gaillon hill-climb, 1201.
- Galaine silencer, 1170.
- Gamage's accessories, 1048, 1556.
- Garages, 281, 651, 680, 710, 769, 771, 797, 829, 888, 916, 971, 999, 1027, 1051, r 167, 1227, 1294.
- Garden Suburbs, Villages and Homes, 798.
- Garrett, S. F., 1232, 1233.
- Gattie, A. W., and goods transport, 212, 478, 531, 563.
- Gautier tyres, 1058.
- Gear boxes, 40, 160, 228, 292, 379, 610, 675, 789, 849, 852, 993, 1074, IIO2, 1199, 1243, 1317, 1355, 1368, 1438, 149;, 153b.
- “ ratios, 15.
- Gears (see also Hydraulic transmission), 74, 194, 1386, 1500-
- General Motor Cab Co., 4, 238.
- German police and motorists, 736, 928.
- “Small Car Trials, 24, 203, 834.
- Gibb, Sir G., 1182.
- Gifts, cars as, 180, 1391.
- Gladiator cars, 855, 1493.
- Glass, preparations for keeping clear, 228, mi.
- Glidden Tour, 47.
- “ Glonze,” 1337, 1565.
- Gloucester A.C., 588.
- G.N. cycle car, 1450, 1475.
- Gobron-Brillie engines, 862. •
- “ cars, 1281.
- Godaiming and motors, 109, 118, 145, 386, 633, 662, 701, 951.
- Godfrey, O. C., 246, 659, 733.
- Godin’s accessories, 43, 403, 1245.
- Golf courses, 36, 246, 277. 334. 392. 515, 582, 666, 752, 1154.
- Golfing (see also Automobile Golfing Society), 315, 642, 994.
- Goodhart self-starter, 219.
- Goods transport (see also Gattie, Traffic), 1203.
- Gordon cyclecar, 1451.
- G.R. cars, 1281.
- Gradometers, 131, 528.
- Grand Prix Race, A.C.F., 24, 203, 262, 294, 318, 437, 503, 627, 652, 653, 728, 739, 758, 777, 778, 782, 833, 858, 1006, 1030, 1201, 1341, 1390, 1538, 1568, 1569.
- “ “ “ II (see Sarthe A.C.).
- Graphite, 439.
- “ paint, 1002.
- Grasmere sports, 1023.
- Great Northern Railway, 810.
- Gregoire cars, 105, 1413, 1485.
- Greig, D., 1100.
- Grey, Lady E., 1456.
- Guests of Hercules, 369.
- Gun-carriages, motor, 464, 922, 1484.
- G.W.K. cyclecar, 1214, 1426, 1449, 1451, T549-
- Gyroscopic non-skid, 309.
- HAMBLETON Hills, across, 303.
- Hamilton “Bifuel” carburettor, 966.
- Hampshire A.C., 157.
- Hampshire County Council, 244.
- Hancock, A. J., 502, 782.
- Hansa cars, 770.
- Hardy and Co. accessories, 19.
- Harrison and Sons’ accessories, 526, 1285.
- Harrod's accessories, 19, 43, 95, 131, 616.
- Harrogate and District A.C., 892.
- Hartford self-starter, 499.
- Hazlewood motor cycle, 1474.
- Headlights, 182, 189, 254, 258, 308, 383, 431, 499, 609, 645, 742, 1053, 1164, 1285, 1457.
- “ tests lor, 17.
- Health, motors and public, 1066.
- Heath’s garage, 651.
- Heins’ trophy, 1006.
- Hele-Shaw hydraulic transmission, 760, 803.
- Helium motor, 1455.
- Hemery, V., 1464.
- Hendon flying meetings, cars at, 477, 1263, 1572.
- Henley, motors at, 809.
- Henry, Sir E., 1460.
- Herts County A.C., HI, 163, 502, 533, 652, 698, 730, 743. 793-
- Herzmark wire transmission, 440.
- H. F. Vulcanizers, 1538.
- Highways Act, 632.
- Highways Protection League, 539.
- Hill, steepest in South of England, 59, 64.
- “ climbing, elementary mechanics of, 764.
- Hills, 766.
- Hispano-Suiza cars, 653, 841,1006, 1417,
- “ “ 15’9-h.p. (details), 1161.
- Hoardings (see Roadside advertisements).
- Hobart motorcycle, 1472, 1474.
- Hobson, H. M., 365.
- “ Pognon plug, 345, 729, 851.
- Holborn Borough Council, 508, 1064.
- Hollingdrake hood, 43, 614.
- Homeland reference books, 455.
- Home starter and lighter, 682.
- Hoods, 19, 44, 552, 613, 1001, 1089, 1289.
- Hooters, use of (see Cut-outs, Noises).
- “ abuse of (leaders on), 927, 1010, 1300.
- Horns (see also Hooters), 19, 154, 289, 308, 415, 1191, 1247, 1256, 1418.
- “ blower for, 352.
- “ electric, 130, 253, 467, 553, 1288, 1454, 1565.
- Horse drivers, school for, 296.
- Horse-power formula;, 500, 862.
- “ rating (see Rating).
- “ tests, 166.
- Horses, 220, 382, 644, 1056, 1248.
- “ leaders on, 331, ion, 1036, 1060.
- “ motor box lor, 374,
- Horseshoe at blacksmith’s, 1447-
- Hotchkiss cars, 413, 500, 589, 1303, 13141 x357-
- Hotels, foreign, 444.
- Houdaille shock absorber, 439.
- Howard de Walden, Lord, 28.
- Howes and Burley lamps, 403, 431, 553. 645> 967-
- Hubs, 160, 647, i536- “ caps for, 1385.
- Hudson River, motoring on, 205.
- Humber cars, 70, 76, 264, 282, 529, 7°-i> 7^7. 856, 929, 1048, 1249, 1405, 1406, 1407, J493-
- “ “ (details), 821.
- “ motor cycles, 329, 756.
- Humberette cyclecar, 1244, 1251, 1257, 145°-
- Huntercombe Golf Club, 752.
- Hunting, motors and, 31, no, 1351.
- Hunts’ accessories, 96.
- Hurtu cars, 823, 1280, 1281, 1310, 1441.
- Hydraulic transmission gears, 656, 760, 1278. x37i> I5°7-
- Hydroplanes, 28, 356, 950, 1293.
- ICE-CAR (see Sledges).
- Ignition Accumulators, Care and Management of, 84.
- Ignition (see also Magnetos), 1338, 1481.
- plugs, 43, 50, 95, 130, 154. J82, 253, 285, 308, 345,403, 487, 608, 729. 851, 967, 1029, mi, 1284, 1381, 1500, 1537, 1572.
- “ “ testers, 258, 1537-
- Imports and exports (see Exports).
- Index marks, 188, 450, 921, 951, n77-
- India, motors in, 109, 264.
- Indian motorcycle, 24, 246, 706, 733, 756, 1213, 1472, 1473-
- Indicators (see also Cabs, taxi; Petrol consumption ; (Speed, Distance, Lights, Revolution), 1566.
- Induction, 560.
- Industrial vehicles (see Municipal, Goods, Military)
- “ “ parades of, 113, 204, 658, 1202, 1485, X367-
- Inner tubes. 793.
- Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 157.
- Institute of Electrical Engineers, 238.
- Institute of Metals, 56, 264, 1088.
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 62, 73, 84, 171, 203, 204, 238, 387, 410, 441, 517, 530, 532, 534, 589, 714, 775, 880, 893, 940, io6r, 1143, 1177, 1189, 1216, 1225, 1260, 1292, 1331, 1429, 1468, 1484, 1540, 1573.
- Instone, E. M. C., 364, 365.
- International Motor Cycling Federation, 1484.
- “ Road Congress (see Roads).
- “ Sweepstakes, 686.
- “ touring, 563, 688, 805, 892.
- “ Trades Society, 80.
- Ionides, A. G., 741.
- Ireland, touring in, 693.
- “ motor tax in, 1484.
- Iris cars, 29, 1281, 1493.
- Irish police, 1012.
- “ speed limits, 320, 517.
- “ trial (motor cycle), 887.
- Iron, cast, 313.
- Isle of Man race, 191, 1341, 1390.
- Isotta-Fraschini cars, 1281.
- “ “ 27-80-h.p. (details), 1419.
- Itala cars, 1282.
- Italian military cars, 922.
- Ivor cars (details), 875.
- JACKS, 307, 403, 487, 553, 617, 1454-
- Jackson cars, 75.
- “ engine, it.
- James motor cycle, 1474.
- Janney-Stienmetz self-starter, 219.
- Jap motorcycle, 24, 493.
- Japan, motors in, 9, 20, 804, 1243.
- “ motor cycles in, 1531, 1538.
- Jarrott, Charles, 265, 600, 601, 636, 654, 956, 969, 1003, 1110, 1279, 1325, 1570.
- “ and Letts’ accessories, 307, 617.
- Jersey, motoring in, 265.
- Joint, water-, 471.
- Jones, Capt. Adrian, 84.
- Jones speedometer, 1497.
- Journey recorders (see Distance).
- Joynson-Hicks, Mr., 779.
- Justices of the Peace (see Magistrates).
- Just (Einar), accessories, 967.
- KAISER WILLIAM and motors, 1329.
- Kaiserlicher A.C., 263, 265.
- Kempshall tyres, 616, 1556.
- Kempshall tyre accessories, 182.
- Kensington and motors, 244, 591.
- Kent A.C., 460, 562, 625, 1260, 1291.
- Kent County Council, 1456.
- Kentish beauty spots, 986, 1014.
- “ lanes, through, 209, 214.
- “ K.D.” engine, 348.
- Kidner, P. C., 49.
- King George and motoring, 128,1 77, 286, 420, 577, 595. 619. 717, 798, 857, 867, 1119.
- King’s Orderly officers, 1572.
- Kingston Bench, 533, 554, 583, 921, 927, 983, 1222.
- Kjeugren, H., 49.
- Klaxon horn, 1288, 1385, T417, 1511.
- Knight engine (see also Daimler), 404.
- Knight-Argyll patent case, 827, 919.
- Knight (Miss M. E.) engine, 527.
- Komnick cars, 833, 1159, 1282.
- Kopalapso hood, 613.
- K.R.I.T. cars, 1282.
- LA BUIRE cars, 1359, 1360* 1375.
- Lacoste accessories, 382, 1417-
- Lake and Elliott accessories, 403, 487, 617, 1106, 1381.
- Lambert, P., 1395, 1426.
- Lamps (see also Headlights, Lights), 19, 229, 382, 403, 43L 553. 555. 703, 737, 799, 828, 880, 967, 1417, 1500.
- “ brackets for, 702, 1x17.
- Lancashire A.C., 587.
- Lanchester cars, 71, 196, 234, 251, 715, 1211, 1249, 1306, 1365, 1375, I415, 1467-
- Lancia cars, 99, 942, 1375, 1439-
- “Lange-Ruppel” petrol storage system, 908.
- Laurin-Klement cars, 861, 1267.
- Law, Mr. Bonar, 473.
- Lea-Francis motor cycle, 1474-
- Lectures and papers, 14, 28, 145, 238, 296, 398, 410, 530, 534, 592, 1T33, 1166, 1189, 1225, 1253, 1292, 1294, 1483, 1540.
- Leechman, D., 1166.
- Legal intelligence (see also Prosecutions), 1392.
- Legislation, 1252, 1511.
- “ leaders on, 480, 632, 1489.
- Leicester A.C., 111, 113, 578, 658, 835, 949, 1005, 1057, 1078.
- Leitner car dynamo, 1098.
- Le Mans speed trials, &c., 502, 652, 653.
- Lentz transmission, 656, 1371.
- Lesseps, M. de, 386, 863.
- Letts, W. M., on American motor industry, 186.
- “ “ “ Invasion, 1037, 1043.
- Licences (see also London County Council), 803, 1 203, I39L 1534-
- “ leaders on, 4, 244, 360, 538, 840, 1180, 1181, 1208, 1209.
- Lighting of ’buses, 305.
- “ “ cars (see also Dynamos), 682, 1334.
- “ laws (leader), 480, 632.
- “ tests, 1253, 1279, 1340, 1388, 1390, 1446.
- Lights on Vehicles Act, 632.
- “ near, 157, 204, 360, 527, 534, 538, 1106, 1429, 1484.
- “ “ indicator, 1106, 1418. "
- “ reflex, 259, 597, 7*5- “ side-car, 766.
- Limonest hill-climb, 625, 627.
- Lincolnshire A.C., 163, 688.
- Liner, motor (see Motor ships).
- Lion Peugeot cars, 312.
- Lisle, R., 1035, 1040.
- Little Guides, 592, 666.
- Lloyd cars (details), 848.
- L.M. cyclecar, 1451.
- Local Government Board, 356, 589, 1391, 1457-
- “ “ “ leaders on, 212, 272, 300> 331, 928, 1516.
- " “ “ regulations, 204.
- Lock-nuts, 414, 560, 1507.
- Locomotive, petrol, 712.
- Loder, E., 80.
- Lodge accessories, 19.
- Lodge dynamo lighting set, 1164.
- Loeb car, 1386.
- London to Coventry, 122.
- “ “ the coast, 882.
- “ Cab Drivers’ Trade Union, 4, 180.
- “ County Council, 243, 1434.
- “ “ “ and licences, 360, 540, 840, 1180, 1203.
- “ roads, 984. scholarships, 1241.
- “ “ “ and speed limits, 419, 504, 1236, 1246.
- “ taxation, 692, 1252.
- “ traffic, 271, 591, 1209, 1237, 1258.
- “ “ “ tramways, 279, 678, 765, 905, 95L 1456, 1510.
- “ leaders on, 33, 120, 211, 361, 419, 340, 598, 692, 719, 1238, 1490, 1517.
- London General Omnibus Co., 56, 89, 149, 174, 810, 920, 1517-
- “ “ “ “ and Underground Rlys., 3, 34, 9°, Ir9-
- “ Hospital students, 314.
- “ Motor Cab Proprietors’ Association, 4, 89.
- “ runs in, 258, 339, 379, 545.
- “ showrooms, 396, 763.
- Longuemare carburettor, 19) 165.
- Lonsdale, Lord, 1x13.
- Lorely cars, i3;4-h.p. (details), 1045.
- Lorraine Dietrich cars, 44, 75, Ig8! 251, 414, 442, 551, 1260, 1464.
- Low motor cycle engine, 280, 458.
- Lubricants (see also Oil), 439.
- Lubrication, 40, 290, 381, 413, 440, 471, 534, 563, 1002, 1191.
- “ of motor cycles, 997, 1500.
- Lucas dynamo lighting set, 1071.
- Luggage carriers, 1439.
- “ fastener, 1289.
- Lyttleton, Mr., 642.
- “M” tyres, 740.
- Macdonald, Sir J. H. A., 32s.
- M.A.F. cars, 1282.
- M.A.F. 10-14-h.p. (details), 1073.
- Magistrates, 533, 554, 811, 870, 990, 1182, 1274, I35L 1398, 1461, 1471.
- “Magnetolite” lighting set, 1275.
- Magnetos, 498, 584, 742, 890, 915, 1197, 1255, 1480, I5°5> 1537, 1563-
- “ motor cycle, 1082, 1135, 1327.
- Mails by motor, no, 206, 921.
- Maintenance, car, 472.
- Malvasia, Count, 138.
- Man and a Motor, 1571.
- Manchester A.C., 468, 561, 1200.
- Manchester M.C., 625.
- Manchester Motor Show, 144, 178, 196, 221.
- Maps, 24, 143, 317, 437, 443, 829, 842, 878, 888, 978, 996, 1004, 1266, 1571.
- “ Auto., 5, 35, 64, 94, 121, i8r, 201, 216, 237, 245, 261, 265, 339, 392, 394, 397, 482, 515, 545, 582, 605, 704, 882, 905, 961, 987, 1097, 1528.
- Marathon cars, 1282.
- Marine Motor Association, 409.
- “ “ design, 530, 592.
- Markt and Co. accessories, 43.
- Martini cars, 70, 104, 1282.
- Martini engine, 13.
- Marvel carburettor, 682, 1230.
- Mascot Co.’s accessories, 154, 1381.
- Mass cars, 398, 1368, 1407.
- Matchless motor cycle, 1473, 1475.
- Mathis cars, 1373.
- Matlock and ’buses, 150.
- Matthew, J. S., 69.
- Matting for cars, 154.
- Maudslay cars, 70, 75, 251, 522, 659, 1282, 1354, 1411.
- Mauvillier carburettor, 578.
- Maxwell cars, 470, 792.
- Mays-Smith, A., 364, 365, 753.
- Mayer engine, 560.
- McCleary, Dr., 1036.
- Meaker engine, 590.
- Mecredy, R. J., 978.
- Melhuish accessories, 1417, 1418.
- Mercedes cars, 200, 251, 422, 524, 676, 722, 723, 847, 1249, 1260, 1369, 1437, 1471.
- “Daimler v. Fiat, 1392.
- Messenger tyre, 1247.
- Mestre and Blatge accessories, 1002, 1418.
- Metal, cutting, 1086.
- “ dents in, 890.
- “ painting of, 499, 527, 1052.
- “ parts in foggy weather, 1288, 1337, 1423, 1565.
- Metallurgique cars, 100, 104, 294, 356, 444, 635, 658, 706, 817, 908, 938, 1039, 1173, 1202, 1302, 1353, 1357, 1360, 1572.
- “ “ 14-h.p. (details), 400.
- Middlesex County A.C., 144, 183, 494, 502, 627, 705* 856, 1115, 1116, 1294.
- Midland A.C., 562, 754.
- Mikro indicator, 1422.
- Military operations and cabs, 205, 1091.
- “ “ “ cars, 324, 360, 395, 619, 911, 1120, 1125, 1283, 1462.
- “ “ “ motor cycles, 84, 144, 296, 508, 677, 699, 714, 1339-
- “ “ “ mechanical transport, 994, 1232, 1426.
- Miller and Co. accessories, 995.
- Minerva cars, 1249, 1282, 1439.
- Mira Magnetolite {see Magnetolite).
- Mirrors, 799, 1017, 1106, 1246.
- Misfiring, 283, 310, 405, 524.
- Mitchell cars, 474.
- Mitchell, E. J., 753.
- “ route book, 1572.
- Modina hill-climb, 24.
- Monaco Automobile Rallye, in, 117. 138, i44-
- Monaco Boat Meeting, 142, 170, 385. 4°9» 417, 426, 469, 504, 1061, 1510.
- Monin acetylene generator, 917.
- Monnot Co.’s accessories, 43, 154, 183.
- Montanglaust hill-climb, 246, 262.
- Mont Ventoux hill-climb, 953, 977.
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C., 752, 753.
- Moorhouse, A. (death of), 492.
- Morariu, Fraulein H., 887.
- Morgan cyclecar, 1448, 1449, 145 6*
- Morris, C. C. B., 1100.
- Morris, Russell and Co. accessories, 131.
- Morris, Sir Hy., 1010.
- Mors cars, 1372.
- Motobloc cars, 397, 1443-
- Motor Accessories Co., 553, 645, 729. i4l8.
- “ “ .. dynamo, 1190.
- Motor Accountant, The, 350.
- Motor boats (see Boats).
- “ Cab Owner-Drivers’ Association, 687.
- “ cabs (see Cabs).
- Motor chapels, 950.
- “ club, 664.
- “ cycle matters, weekly notes.
- “ “ records (see Records).
- “ “ Union of Ireland, 887.
- Motor cycles (see also Auto-Cycle Union, Brooklands, British Motor Cycle Racing Club’ Tourist Trophy, Motor Cycling Club, Military operations, French motor cycle tour, Streatham M.C.C., Edinburgh M.C.C., Motor Cycle Union of Ireland, N.C.U., International Motor Cycling Federation), 385, 387, 460, 490, 652, 685, 803, 877, 951, 1142.
- “ “ carburettors for, 525.
- “ “ clutch control, 463.
- “ “ competitions and trials, 193, 463, 520, 1082.
- “ “ cut-outs, 1195.
- “ “ engines for (see Engines).
- “ “ leaders on, 983, 1180, 1208, 1554.
- “ “ lubrication, 677.
- “ “ rating of, 1105.
- “ “ show, 1203, 1432, 1448, 1472.
- “ “ statistics, 648.
- “ “ taxation of, 1166, 1257.
- “ Cycling Club, 23, 435, 529, 654, 676, 684, 831.
- “ Cyclists, Legion of, 714.
- “ Drivers’ Union, Ltd., 965.
- “ houses (see Garages).
- Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, 192, 309, 490, 534, 673. 7i3» 921, 1117, 1x46, 1348, i54r.
- “ “ “ “ annual banquet, 1389.
- “ “ “ “ fuel prize, 1462, 1488.
- “ services, 14, 726, 983.
- “ ships, 296, 301, 658, 880, 1489.
- “ spirit (see Petrol).
- Motor Trades Debating Society, 120.
- Motor Supply Co.’s accessories, 880, 1381.
- Motor Car Construction, 1542.
- Motors (see Engines).
- Motosacoche motor cycle, 1473.
- M.S.L. cars, 466.
- Mudguards, 193, 1248, 1436, 1500.
- “ trials, 167, 1342.
- “ splashing, 324, 1203, 1434.
- Mulliner bodies, 42, 459.
- Municipal Corporations, Association of, 1232.
- “ Tramways Association, 1150.
- “ vehicles, 549, 1084, 1134.
- Murray, Capt., 811.
- Museums, 687, 688, 1538.
- N.A.G. cars, 781, 1232, 1315, 1373, X4°4. 1405. *437, 1443-
- N. and B. self-starter, 219.
- Naphthalene, 164.
- Napier cars (see also S. F. Edge), 24, 55, 71, 75> r00> 155, 191, 197, 209, 214, 265, 305, 471, 472, 532, 546, 592. 599. 637, 687, 732, 741, 841, 1030, 1088, 1113, 1134. 1282, 13x3. 1353, 1477, 1482, 1483.
- “ “ 15-h.p. (details), 485, 1188.
- “ “ 45-h.p. (details), 427, 1130.
- “ “ 30-h.p. (details), 1495.
- “ door spring, 1523.
- “ engine, 13, 1306.
- “ prizes, 350.
- “ tests, HI, 143, 166, 237, 293, 294, 3x7, 384. 41 x, 684, 740, 802, 833, 842, 948, 1200, 1223, 1250.
- National Automobile Council, 226.
- National Cyclists Union, 259, 568, 1182, 1208.
- National Physical Laboratory, 347.
- National Society of Chauffeurs, 771, 946, 1174-
- “ “ “ “ annual dinner, 322.
- “ “ “ leaders, 302, 419-
- “ “ “ “ official notices, weekly.
- “ starter, 590.
- “ tyre pump, 800.
- Nazzaro cars, 144, 221, 223, 823, 1282, 1503.
- Nazzaro cars, 20-30-h.p. (details), 1520.
- N.E.C. cars, 1467.
- N.E.C. cars (1913). 1271, 1368.
- Nettenstrom change speed gear, 1199.
- New Arrol-Johnston Car Co. (see Arrol-Johnston).
- Newcastle and District Motor Club, 83, 1058.
- New Central Omnibus Co., Ltd., 34.
- Newcomb carburettor, 1256.
- New Year, the, 2.
- New York, Notes from, weekly. gg 8 q
- New Zealand, motors in, 269, 273, 529, - 1009, 1274.
- New Zealand Patent Act, 109.
- Nickel, to clean, 499.
- Nilmelior alterno, 742. “ “ . 7x0, 973,
- Noises, motor car (see also Hooters), 4. 1012, 1026, 1225, 1337.
- Noisy motor cycles, 411.
- “ traffic, 1033.
- Non-skids, 1028, 1289.
- Nore Yacht Club, xnt>.
- Norman, H. W., 904.
- Normandy, a month in, 452*
- North-Eastern Automobile Association, 801, 820. >?
- North Middlesex M.C., 886.
- North Surrey Golf Club, 666.
- North Wales A.C., 232.
- North-West London M.C.C., 853, 1173.
- Norway, A.C. of, 263.
- “ motors in, 1511.
- Norway, Rambles in, 666.
- [[N.S.U. cars, 397, 1228.
- Notts A.C., 836.
- Number-plates, 257, 308, 591.
- Nuts (see also Lock-nuts), 737.
- OBSTRUCTION, 688, 1391.
- “ leaders on, 597.
- O’Gorman, Mervyn, 583,
- “ Trophy, 756, 1057, 1146, 1149, 1157.
- Oil, 301.
- “ leakage, 1140.
- “ level indicator, 917.
- “ pumps (see Pumps).
- “ tank, 290.
- “ testing of, 1570.
- Olympia Motor Show, 1224, 1304, 1345, 1429, 1431.
- “ “ “ accessories at, 1284, 1381, 1416
- “ “ “ Chauffeur at, 1308, 1367, 1402 1438.
- “ “ “ colour schemes at, 1562.
- “ “ “ exhibits, 1280, 1305, 1352.
- “ “ “ leaders on, 1298, 1346, 1396.
- “ “ ., notes, 1413.
- “ Motor Cycle Show (see Motor Cycle Show).
- Omnibuses (see ’buses).
- Opel cars, 885, 1412.
- “ “ 5-12-h.p. (details), 1469.
- Orde, Julian, Cup, 706.
- Oryx cars, 1158.
- O.S. speedometer, 615, 1523.
- Overhauling the car, 1085.
- Overland cars, 64, 105, 1282.
- Owers’ injector, 500.
- “ lamp bracket, 702.
- Owners’ liability, 1181, 1238.
- Oxy-acetvlene pantograph, 1086.
- Oxygen Welding Works, 324.
- PACKARD silencer trials, 828.
- Page-Detroit car (details), 344.
- Paige car, 940.
- Paint, 45, 499, 527, 1002, 1052.
- Palladium cars, 523.
- Panhard cars, 44, 70, 76, 100, 141, 444, 588, 1403, I4I4> r442.
- “ lorry, 590.
- P. and M. motor cycles, 706, 1473, 1475.
- Paraffin as fuel, 956, 969, 1003, 1253, 1509.
- “ carburettors (see Carburettors).
- Paris licence fees, 803.
- “ Fete de Fleurs, 804.
- “ Salon, 17, 592, 1429, 1484, 1488, 1492, 1515, 1538, 1541-
- “ trams in, 56.
- Parliament, questions in, 270, 296, 324, 356, 834, 835, 838, 870, 897, 922, 1210, 1222, 1254, 1294, 1391, 1456, 1437. 1478, 1489. 1569.
- Parry, Judge, 97.
- Parsons Motor Co., 797.
- “ non-skids, 1028.
- Passenger traffic (sec Traffic).
- Patents, British, weekly.
- “ “ leader on, 390.
- Pathfinder car, 862, 988, 1099, 1115, 1171.
- “ “ trial, 1126.
- Paving-rams, 1481.
- Pederson oil pump, 591.
- Pedestrians, 749, 1012, 1517-
- Peper Harow, cars at, 1297-
- “Perfect” distance recorder, 191.
- Petit Salon, 1538.
- Petrol (see also R.A.C.), 558, 669, 679, 688, 701.
- “ combine, 1224.
- “ consumption, 311, 1172.
- “ correspondence, 803.
- “ fires, 1177.
- “ gauge, 1422.
- “ leaders on, 2, 634, 663, 718, 748, 779, 954, 955, 1092, 1398.
- “ P'Pes, 647-
- “ price of, 942, 954, 974, M94- storage, 908, 1230, 1418, 1490.
- “ supply, 2, 135, *95, 486, 669, 1117.
- supply, accessories, 95, 131, 345, 800, 828.
- “ tanks, 345, 38o, 681, 741, 799, 973, 1169, 1256, 1352, 1501, t5<>3, 1566.
- “ tax, 843, 1222.
- “ water in, 681, 741, 1001, 1053.
- Petrolex fire extinguisher, 23.
- Peugeot cars, 782, 885, 953, 1078, 1282, 1313, 1443. .
- Phoenix cars, 396, 500, 852, 1282, 1405, 1409.
- Photographs, “Auto.,” 1187, 1267.
- Piccard-Pictet cars, 41.
- Piccard-Pictet 30-40-h.p. (details), 1560.
- Pierce-Arrow carburettors, 1140.
- Pilain cars, 1556.
- Pilot cars, 1508.
- Pintsch (Julius) Co., 908.
- Pistons, 324, 518, 1140, 1193, 1338, 1585- “ rings, 711.
- Places of interest, 52, 237, 325, 443, 583.
- Platinum, 98.
- Plowden, Mr., 55, 1351, 1398.
- Plugs, ignition (see Ignition).
- Points for the buyer, 732, 759, 792, 823, 852, 879.
- Police, Commissioner of, 1460.
- “ and motorists, 415, 443, 629, 1012, 1031, 1246, 1276, 1377, 1457.
- “ “ “ leaders, 272, 300, 811, 1038.
- “ traps, 204, 509, 582, 835, 892, 1032, 1066.
- “ vans, motor, 113, 222.
- Polkey-Jarrott headlight, 189.
- Polo, motor, 1518.
- Polyrhoe clutch, 576.
- Polytechnic classes, 1145.
- [[L. H. Pomeroy|Pomeroy, L. H.], on Engine Design, 26.
- Premier cycle car, 1449.
- Premier Motor 'Bus Co., Ltd., 145
- Premier Taxameter Co.’s accessor.es, 285, 645.
- Press and motoring, 509, 748, 791, 858, 983, 984, 1065, nog, 1152, .1181, 1265, 1266, 1460, 1518. “
- “ trams, 1490.
- Pressure, gauges (see also Tyre), 42.
- Presto starter, 2x9.
- Prier, P., 266.
- Prince Edward Island and motors, 642.
- Prince Henry of Prussia, 743.
- “ “ Tour, 263, 743.
- Prohibition order, 922.
- Prosecutions, 55, 56, 113, 145, 174, 207, 239, 267, 357, "443, 455, 504, 534, 582, 583, 688, 702, 714, 946, 1012, 1017, 1032, 1033, 1203, 1233, 124L I39L I429-
- “ leaders on, 62, 89, 119, 149, 150, 211, 243. 36°. 5°9J 538, 54°. 663, 692, 693, 810, 811, 898, 1180, 1181, 1266, 1300, 1397, 1484.
- Public service vehicles (see ’Buses, Cabs, Motor services, Passenger traffic, Trams).
- Puch engines, 656.
- Pugh, J. V., 101, 441, 472, 671, 1485.
- Pumps, 439, 1191.
- “ oil, 413, 59i. 995. i°°2-
- “ tyre (sec Tyre pump).
- Pyrenees, Passes of the, 1068.
- Pytchley Autocar Co.’s garage, 769.
- QUAD car, the, 231.
- Quadrant motorcycle, 1473.
- RACES, motors at, 299, 355, 533, 658, 661, 688, 714, 1 774, 941, 1141, 1487.
- Racing, leaders on, 869, 896, 956, 1348.
- Radiators, 519, 609, 828, 973, 1052, 1086, 1364, 1392, I4I7. 1443-
- Radius rods, 75, 104, 440.
- Railless trams (see Trams).
- Railways, motors on, 486.
- “ and motor services, 983.
- “ leaders on, 1092.
- Rating Committee’s report, 1092, 1103.
- “ horse-power, 26, 53, 81.
- “ leaders on, 1092.
- Rawlings Bros., 472, 771.
- Rawlinson, Maj.-Gen. Sir H. S., 1125.
- R.C.H. cars, 547, 655, 878, 1323, X510.
- Rebourg carburettor, 16.
- Reckless driving (see Driving).
- Records (see also Brooklands), 24, 502, 918, 1040, 1077, 1078, 1115, 1124, 1231, 1239, 1291, 1395, 1426, 1464', 1477.
- “ cyclecar, 1174, 1341, 1426, 1456.
- “ motor cycle, 264, 384, 562, 627, 756, 856, 949, 1059, 1201, 1232, 1292, 1426, 1369. Recorders (see Speedometers, Distance recorders, Time recorder).
- Reflectors (see also Mirrors), 533.
- Reflex lights (see Lights).
- Regal motor cycle, 1232, 1253.
- Regent Carriage Co., 71, 442, 1401.
- Registration of cars (see Licences).
- Reminiscences of 1912, 1345, 1549, 1558.
- Remy electric lighting system, 1566.
- Renault cars, 40, 52, 439, 1170, 1338.
- “ engine, 45.
- Renold chains, 1382.
- Reo cars, 917.
- R.E.P. carburettor, 742.
- R.E.P engines, 470.
- Repairs (see also Simple remedies), 73, 98, 136, r64, 170, 194, 256, 238, 467, 496, 656, 1455, 1507.
- Resta, D., 652, 1077, 1124, 1231, 1259.
- Retrospect (1912), 1546.
- Reviews, 22, 84, 182, 192, 254, 266, 335, 350, 369, 434, 455. 546, 592. 666, 753. 79L 798, 1021, 1068, IIIO, 1174, 1325, 1542, 1571, 1572.
- Revolution indicator, 1422.
- Rex carburettor heater, 1140.
- Reyersbach Trophy, 912.
- Rheims, motor cycling at, 685.
- Richardson, P., 628, 753.
- Rietti variable stroke engine, 135.'
- Riley cars, ior, 1282, 1437.
- Riley Cycle Co., Ltd., 326, 1485.
- Rims, detachable (see also Warland), mi.
- “ spring, 1256.
- Ripault and Co.’s accessories, 43, 131, 229, 285, 309.
- Rivington Pike hill-climb, 529, 587.
- R.M.C., cars, 1282.
- Road Hoard, 18, 216.
- Road Board, grants, 18, 415, 438, 687, 818, 1204.
- “ “ leaders on, 90, 150, 418, 539, 1066, 1121, 1150, 1182, 1461, 1490.
- “ Congress, International, 100, 435, 449.
- “ improvements, 578, 922, 1066, 1244, 1247, 154°-
- “ maintenance, 1081.
- “ materials, 347, 435, 508, 697, 780, 1064, 1338, I5°8, 1554-
- “ Notes, weekly.
- “ racing, 896.
- “ refuges, 1294.
- “ repairs, 1516.
- “ signs (see also Speed limit signs), 265, 532, 688, 715, 862, 1076, 1232.
- “ “ leaders on, 362, 750.
- “ western approach, 216, 244, 539, 984, 1066, 1189, 1264, 1266.
- Roads (see also Dangers, Traffic), 381, 911, 157°-
- “ American, 15, 184, 392, 407, 432, 1165.
- “ bad, 17.
- “ Canadian, 412, 474, 958.
- “ central standards, 480, 744, 892, 1191.
- “ cleansing of, 549.
- “ dangerous comers, 509, 1017.
- “ experimental, 347, 1143.
- “ Improvement Association, 18, 33, 89, 179> 203. 205, 265, 356, 420, 480, 533, 539, 365, 597, 642, 644, 715. 765, 998, 1107, 1139, 1146, 1203, 1232, 1258, 1264, 1446, 1540.
- “ leaders on, 62, 148, 149, 179, 180, 244, 449, 508, 539, 633, 780, 984, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1516.
- “ new, 28, 142, 216, 1107, 1x46, 1456, 1537.
- “ old Roman, 998.
- “ private, 1484.
- “ Scottish, 442, 1128.
- “ tarred, 449, 570, 633, 968, 1038, 1146.
- Roadside advertisements, 50, 188, 1011, 1230.
- “ curios, 201, 261.
- Rochet-Schneider cars, 1540.
- “ “ 15 -9-h.p. (details), 1272.
- Rodakowski, K. ae, 17.
- Roller bearings, 289.
- Rollo cyclecar, 1449.
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., memorials, 510, 1203.
- Rolls-Royce cars, 70, 138, 386, 459, 504, 591, 654, 900, 969, 988, 1055, 1172, 1223, 1428, 1436, 1456.
- “ “ (i9x3). I269, 1367.
- “ “ Ltd., 57, 115, 174, 175, 593.
- “ “ prizes, 326.
- Ross Courtney accessories, 229.
- Rossel-Peugeot engine, 256.
- Rotax accessories, 134, 552, 614, 948, 1048, 1191.
- “ -Leitner lighting set, 1098.
- Roundabout Notes, weekly.
- Rover cars, 70, 434, 1282, 1369, 1436, 1497.
- “ Co., Ltd., 1294.
- Royal A.C., 62, 84, no, 142, 143. 3°5. 356, 415, 443, 444. 534. 546. 564. 658, 688, 697, 704, 715, 744, 812, 874, 892, 995, 1033, 1190, 1203, 1538, 1569, 1570.
- “ “ associated clubs, 1433, 1434.
- “ “ Associates, 55, 163, 296, 307, 311, 459, 652.
- “ “ “ day at Brooklands, 833, 840, 887, 895, 896, 900.
- “ “ “ provincial meetings, 356, 618, 770, 820.
- “ “ awards, 136, 166, 204, 1078, 1538.
- “ “ carburettor (Chamberlin), prize, 982, 1006.
- “ “ Chairman, 480, 510.
- “ “ driving certificates, 02r, 1540.
- “ “ Founder Members’ dinner, 96, 238.
- “ “ fuel tests, 1172, 1200, 1400, 1401, 1488.
- “ “ Golfing Society, 1177.
- “ “ horse-power tests report, 1186.
- “ “ leaders on, 178, 210, 242, 270, 272, 311, 390, 718, 720, 750, 810, 838, 839, 868,
- 983, 1094. 1150. 12°8, 1347. J433- “
- “ Legal department, 163, 170, 331.
- “ “ official trials, 23, 24, m, 166, 263, 274, 293, 318, 384, 740, 756, 802, 833, 878, 948, 975, 1005, 1058, 1079, 1115. 1126, 1173, 1200, 1259, 1341, 1388, 1390, 1465, 1483, 1508.
- “ “ papers and lectures, 125.
- “ “ Petrol Committee, 718, 726, 1172, 1465.
- “ “ road guides, 210, 230, 261, 316, 474, 1289, 1434, 1457.
- “ “ standard car race, 618, 754, 833, 839, 855, 868.
- “ “ and trams, 325.
- “ “ unofficial trials, 1380, 1388, 1424.
- Royal Motor Yacht Club (sec also British International Cup), 56, 205, 237, 3ii. 5.04. 53°, 560, 978. 1292, 1483, 1510.
- “ “ “ racing, 560, 655, 688, 713, 744. 774. 826, 949. 978, 1006, 1032, 1060, 1080, 1176, 1204.
- Rubber 136, 325, 440, 1481.
- “ paint for, 584.
- “ synthetic, 750.
- “ tube clamp, 891.
- Rudder, motor car, S61.
- Rudge cyclecar, 1449, 1450.
- “ motor cycles, 238, 262, 433, 856, 922,1059, 1142, 1545. 1549-
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 1193, 1261.
- “ wheels, 84, 593, 612, 643, 671, 1387.
- Russell, Lord, 811, 840.
- Russian reliability trials, 834, 858, 913.
- " Military Heavy Vehicle Trial, 1202.
- Rust, 1 n 1.
- R.W. detachable wheels, 1334.
- SAFETY autolock, 861.
- Salesmanship, 1114.
- San Sebastian Auto-Rallye, 772, 1142, 1174.
- Sava cars, 1403, 1412.
- S.A. valve seater, 278.
- St. Helens Cable and Rubber Co., 113, 154.
- St. Mars, Marquis de, 1510.
- Saltburn Beach races, 435, 588, 739, 756, 819.
- Salvator, Archduke L., 805.
- Samson car, 502.
- Samuel, Sir Marcus, on Petrol, 634, 663, 669.
- Sandy Lodge Golf Course, 515.
- Sankey wheels, 554, 612.
- Sarthe A.C., 652, 913 1060, 1078.
- S.C.A.R. cars, 221, 337, 500, 640, 901, 931, 1549.
- Scarborough and District Motor Club, 1058.
- S.C.A.T. cars, 70, 1375.
- Scholarships, 144, 736, 1177, 1241.
- Schools (see Driving).
- Scottish A.C., 50, 84, 113, 356, 386, 436, 443, 444, 546, 688,697,922, 1076, 1088, 1200, 1571.
- “ “ and motor spirit, 701.
- “ motor cycle trials, 943.
- “ shows, 33, 60, 69, 332.
- “ trials, 61.
- Scott motor cycle, 787.
- Scott-Robinson carburettor, 192.
- Screens (see also Wind screens), 1503.
- Screws, 1481.
- Seabrook Bros. Accessories, 96, 253, 285, 308, 382.
- “ Searchlight,” 52.
- Searle accessories, 131, 182, 308, 578.
- “ inner tubes, 793.
- Seats, 527.
- Second-hand cars, 107.
- “ Seebright” dynamo, 1382.
- Selden, G. B., 824.
- Selfridge’s accessories, 645.
- Self-starters, 219, 230, 383, 470, 499, 327, 59°. 657, 682, 773, 861, 891, 996, 1003, 1026, io6r, 1088, 1117, 1136, 1250, 1285, 1365, 1366, 1375, 1379.
- “ plug for, 1029.
- Sheffield and District A.C., 892, 1006, 1542.
- Sheffield-Simplex cars, 17, 56, 105, 320, 460, 488, 575, 628, 818, 978, 1116, 1129, 1198, 1293, 1303, 1333, 1354, 1361, 1364, 1368, 1405, 1493, I57i-
- “ “ “ 25-h.p. (details), 132, 158.
- “ Shell ” Trophy, 1421.
- “ tyre, 96.
- Shelsley Walsh hill-climb, 562, 747, 754.
- Shock absorbers, 17, 43, 97, 130, 229, 382, 439, 559, 609, 645, 891, 974, 995, 1134. 1199. 1284, 1313- Shops Act, 569.
- Shows (see Exhibitions).
- Shrewsbnry-Challiner rims, mi.
- Siddeley cars (see Deasy).
- Side-cars, 766, 9x8, 949.
- Signs and signals (see Road signs).
- Silencers, 78, 154, 1170, 1241.
- “ trials”(see also Auto-Cycle Union), 828.
- Silhouettes of horseless vehicles, 114.
- Silicon steel (see Steel).
- Simms vulcanizer, 1284.
- Simonsen accessories, 345.
- Simple remedies, 607.
- Simplex starter, 657.
- Singer cars, 76, 561, 652, 653, 855, 1283, 1374.
- “ “ (details), 789.
- “ cyclecar, 1452.
- “ motorcycle, 1201, 1212, 1214, 1292, 1472, 1549-
- Sirens (see Hooters, Horns).
- Sizaire cars, 44, 238, 266, 551, 802.
- “ engine, 11.
- Skew tyres, 1285.
- Sledges, motor, 187, 386, 1483.
- Sleeve-valve engines (see Engines).
- Sleighs (see Sledges).
- Smell, noise and (T. B. Browne), 1225.
- Smith, D. J., on repairs, 73.
- Smith and Dorey accessories (see also Benton and Stone), 1191, 1247, 1284.
- Smith and Sons accessories, 95, 230, 254, 729, 1285, 1381.
- “ “ “ speedometers, 574, 615, 807, 1335.
- “ Sydney, 628.
- Smoke (see Exhaust gases).
- Snow, motors for the (see also Ice cars, Sledges), 174.
- Soap for motorists, 1232.
- Soldering, 890, 1001, 1028.
- Solex carburettor, 1004.
- Somerset A.C., 588.
- Somersel, Rambles in, 791, 1021.
- Sopwith, T. O. M., 1063, 1116.
- South Africa, motoring in (see also Transvaal), 359, 366, 596, 599, 636, 696, 942, 1023, 1107, 1179, 1184, 1465, 1466.
- “ African R.A.C., 204, 249.
- “ “ motor Derby, 912.
- South Wales A.C., 318, 384, 625, 872.
- S.P. carburettor (sec Stewart Precision).
- S.P.A. cars, 1283.
- Spain, King of, 950 961.
- Spain, motor racing in, 653.
- Spanners, 19, 130, 154, 474, 1048.
- Spare parts, 164, 194.
- “ wheels (see also Wheels), 234, 1193, 1250, 1408.
- .. “ cover, 1192.
- “ tyres (see Tyres).
- Sparking plugs (see Ignition).
- Speed indicators (see Speedometers).
- “ limit, 22, 284, 726, 1246, 1283.
- “ “ applications, 28, 29, 72, 183, 264, 320, 325. 532, 589, 922, 995, 1032, 1127, r293. 1535, 1569-
- “ “ leaders on, 1x8, 272, 300, 5x0, 662, 663, 811, 928, 1236.
- “ “ new, 296, 386, 715, 1128, 1177, 1569.
- “ “ refused, 572, 589, 622, 649, 712, 1501.
- “ “ signs, 199, 1033.
- “ “ summonses, 55', 2x1, 357, 583, H57-
- “ “ tramway, 244.
- Speedometers, 43, 285, 308, 574, 615 645, 656, 807, 1114, 1284, 1335, 1337, 1338, 1523.
- Spencer Moulton tyre, 616, 1324.
- Sphinx Manufacturing Co.’s accessories, 131, 253, 403, 487, 1381.
- Split pins, 528.
- Spong tyre renovating process, 940.
- Sport, re-awakening of Motor, 662.
- Sprague, R. W., 1100.
- Springs (see also Suspension), 256, 413, 487, 519, 656, 773. 820, 917, 936, 1199, 1289, 1537.
- “ motor cycle, 1427.
- “ shackles, 645.
- Springuel cars, 398.
- Spyker cars, 251, 1283, 1369, 1503, 1540, 1562.
- Squeak, peculiar, 860, 890.
- Stafford, Marquis of, wedding, 447.
- Standard cars, 1439, 1471.
- “ Car Race (see R.A.C.).
- “ petroleum carburettor trial, 1259.
- Stanley, G. E., 1201, 1212, 1292.
- “ Hon. A., 1348.
- “ steam cars, 1283, 1444.
- Star cars, 70, 104, 445, 702, x437-
- “ “ 12-hour record, 1035, 1040, 1058, 1078, 1545.
- “ “ 20-h.p. (details), 548.
- “ “ 15 -9-b-P- >. K378.
- Starting (see also Self-starters), 228, 711, 1480, 1505.
- “ handles, 228.
- Statistics (see also Accident, Exports, Licences, motor cycles, Traffic, 136, 381, 629, 718.
- “ American, 10, 47, 250, 276, 413, 432, 462, 547, 650, 795, 1083, 1137, 1290, 1498.
- “ Austidan, 16.
- “ British, 135, 325, 390, 1128, 1139, 1429, 15x0, 1538, 1552, 1557, *573-
- “ Canadian, 1554, 1557.
- “ German, 498, 682.
- “ French, 296, 498.
- “ Russian, 1204.
- “ Spanish, 473.
- “ Swiss, 136.
- Steam cars, rating of, 1104.
- “ engines as brakes, 1391.
- Steel 258, 527, 560.
- “ cutting, 1086.
- “ silicon, 45.
- “ tool, 1029.
- Steering wheels, 500, 1521, 1523.
- “ gear, 1566.
- “ Stelastic ” tyres, 1079, 1173. 1341-
- Stepney Spare Motor Wheel Co., Ltd., 1294.
- “ tyres, 616.
- “ wheels 356, 612, 1055.
- “ “ cover, 1192.
- Stern Sonneborn Oil Co., 20, 1570.
- Stewart-Morris carburettor, 1099, 1100, 1171, 1483.
- “ paraffin carburettor, 988.
- “ Perfection communicator, 487.
- “ Precision carburettor, 525, 1285, 1383.
- Stoddard cars, 14, 398, 519.
- Stoewer cars, 167, 202, 337. 93r> 975. 989. I310. 1406.
- “ “ 15-20-h.p. (details), 370.
- Stone throwing (see Boys).
- Stonehenge, 806, 815.
- Straker-Squire cars, 70, 282, 284, 296, 820, 901, 975, 1228, 1310, 1311, 1443, 1555-
- “ “ “ 15-h.p. (details), 993.
- Streatham and District M.C.C., 706.
- Streets (see Dangers, Roads, Traffic).
- Strikes, 301, 330, 449, 634, 663.
- Sunbeam cars, 24, 166, 563, 591, 652, 755, 75s. 7°3. 820, 838, 845, 874, 900, 931, 1228, 1249, 1270, 1375, 1387, 1403.
- “ “ records, 1077, 1115, 1124, 1231, 1259,
- “ Motor Car Co., Ltd., 1392, 1485.
- Sure-go starter, 219.
- Surveyors, motor cycles for, 1507.
- Suspension (see also Springs), 313, 489, 503, 1140, 1306, 1 j 1 j •
- Sussex Motor Yacht Club, 108r.
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 435, 1172.
- Swedish Winter Trial, 49, 83, 167, 202, 236, 294, 1509.
- Swift cars, 75, 282, 1405.
- Swift “cyclecar, 1451.
- Swiss A.C., 1004.
- Switzerland, motoring in, 1038.
- TAIL lights (see Lights).
- Talbot cars, 28, 70, 76, 144, 564, 697, 698, 754, 901, 912. 975. 976, 1057, 1179, 1405.
- Talbot cars (1913). 1270. 1309-
- Talbot records, 1395, 1426, 1456.
- Tangye Jack, 617.
- Tanks (sec Petrol tanks).
- Tar, to remove, 1455.
- Targa Florio, 24, 468, 653, 684, 685.
- Taverner, Mr., 365.
- Taxation, 490, 573, 1190, 1252, 1294, 1478, 1484.
- “ leaders on, 1208.
- “ on petrol (see Petrol tax).
- Taxicabs (see Cabs).
- Technology (sec Auto-Technology).
- Telephone, car, 473, 487.
- “ cab rank (sec Cabs).
- ‘Telesco” shock-absorber, 97, 1284, 1313.
- Ten Years of Motors and Motor Racing, 1325.
- Testing, 629, 773.
- Tests (see also Engines, Napier, Trials, Wheels, R.A.C.), 17, 828, 1172.
- Thames cars, 24.
- Theft from cars, 569.
- Thermal efficiency (see Engines).
- Thomas transmission, 156, 166.
- Thompson headlight controllers, 742.
- Thornycroft boats, 1226.
- Thornycroft cars, 92, 1283, 1414.
- Three wheeled cars, 201.
- Thurber rotary starter, 470.
- Time recorder, 1086.
- Timing, automatic, 15.
- “ hand, 883.
- Tobogganing, 805.
- Toll-gates, 418, 922.
- Tools (see also Spanners), 42, 43, 130, 253, 285, 474, 526, 528, 729, 1106.
- Torque-stays, 75, 104, 352.
- Tour de France automobile, 167, 262, 293, 319, 385, 1239.
- Touring, 6, 688, 693, 736, 803, 814, 882, 898, 1004, 1526.
- Tourist Trophy motor cycle race, 143, 167, 252, 468, 492, 733. 786, 825, 883.
- Tourist Trophy entries, 739.
- Tours:
- - Alpine, 482, 512, 542, 1392-
- - Easter, 394.
- - England and Ireland, 905.
- - For American visitors, 814, 905.
- - Kentish, 214, 986, 1014.
- - London to Coast, 882.
- - London to Coventry, 122.
- - Normandy and Brittany, 452.
- - Over the Border, 92.
- - Wales, 620.
- - Winter journeys, 274, 303.
- Towing a car, 647.
- Traction engines, 1293.
- Traffic control, 791, 851, 1243, 1254, 1276, 1293, 1457, 1478, 1538.
- “ “ leaders on, 271, 478, 509, 748, 749, 780, 1209, 1237, 1264, 1265, 1460.
- “ goods (see also Gattie), 1093.
- “ heavy (see also Bridges), 1065.
- “ obstruction (see Obstruction).
- “ passenger, leaders on (see also ’Buses, Trams), 3, 34, 119, an, 810.
- “ pedestrian, 749, 1012.
- “ slow, 1258.
- Trams (see also London County Council, Speed limits), 357, 718, 1032, 1128, 1150, 1152, 1233-
- “ railless, 326, 332, 385, 391, 1187.
- Trans-atlantic motor boat trip, 920, 1176.
- Transmission (see also Gears, Chain drive), 39, 1355, 656, 760, 1278, 1371.
- Transport, mechanical (see Gattie, Traffic, Goods, Military).
- Transvaal A.C., 697, 757.
- Trials (see also Auto-Cycle Union, Brooklands, Royal A.C., Tyres, Tests).
- “ carburettor, 1100.
- “ correspondence, 1223.
- “ leader on, 61.
- Trier and Martin lighting set, 1132.
- Triumph motor cycle, 641, 1078.
- Tubing, copper, 1002.
- Tullibardine, Marquis of, 60, 69, 70.
- Tunis, Bey of, 1060.
- Turcat-Mery cars (details), 550.
- Turners’ accessories, 1502, 1524.
- Tyre covers, renovating, 940.
- “ inflater, 1029.
- “ inflation alarm, 974.
- “ pressure gauges, 43, 182, 253.
- “ pumps, 72, 183, 263, 833, 1170. 1455, 1079.
- “ valves, 558.
- Tyres (see also Inner tubes), 96, *35> T-4/> 1289,1381,1524,1556- “ life of, 1029, 1140.
- “ motor cycle, 825, 1499. r5^3 •
- “ sizes of, 1033, 1229.
- Tyres, wire wheels' and, 283, 379-
- U.H. self-starter, 861.
- Underground Railways (see London General Omnibus Co.).
- Unemployment and the motor car, 1210.
- Unic cabs, 387.
- Unic cars, 1403.
- Unic oil tank, 290.
- United Motor Industries’ accessories, 50, 490, 503, 629, 1381, 1391. 1417-
- United States (see America).
- Universal joints, 1029, 1052.
- Upholstery (see Coachwork).
- Urban District Councils Association, 869.
- Uruguay, motors in, 249.
- VALVES, 135, 194, 227, 278, 496, 524, 560, 584, 591, 656, 1052, 1169, 1409.
- “ caps, 860, 1257.
- “ exhaust, 95.
- “ grinding, 225, 338, 433, 534, 907, 1106, 1284.
- “ guides, 700.
- “ poppet, 683.
- “ tappets, 1139.
- Vanadium, 228.
- Vanderbilt Cup race, 491, 735, 767, 854, 1050, 1202, 15 3° ?
- Vandervell and Co., accessories, 533 (sec also C.A.V.).
- Vane, H. T., 1277.
- Varnish, 15, 499.
- Vauxhall cars, 49, 70, HI, 166, 202, 203,. 236, 320, 337, 397, 533. 689, 725, 759, 782, 976, 1044, 1089, 1157, 1173, 1249, 1259, 1283, 1341, 1374, I387, i4°5- 1424, 1441, 1511, 1555.
- Vermorel oil pump, 1002.
- Victor tyre trial, 918, 1056, 1193, 1223, 1250, 1278, 1340, 1380, 1388, 1424, 1446, 1477, I5°9, I538-
- Vinot cars, 122, 398, 691, 1310, 1313, 1321,
- Violette car (details), 906.
- Vivinus cars, 153, 639.
- “ “ (details), 456.
- “ clutch, 456.
- V.L. petrol tank, 1501.
- Vulcan auto-tool, 474.
- Vulcan cars, 266, 396, 1354.
- Vulcanisers, 1284, 1538.
- WADDEN, C., 493.
- Wadkin and Co. (see “ Polyrhoe ”).
- "W. and G.” (see Du Cros).
- Wagons (see Industrial vehicles).
- Wales, tours in, 620, 657, 665, 1013.
- Warland rim, 28, 318, 343, 522, 610, 935, 1285.
- Warnings (see Road signs, Horns).
- War Office (see Military).
- Warren and Co., 346.
- Washers, 1423.
- Water circulation, 500, 1566.
- “ -glider, 1136, 1276.
- “ in petrol (see Petrol).
- “ soft, for radiators, 45, 74, 467.
- “ ways, 330.
- Watson, W., 502.
- Waverley Abbey, 150.
- “ cars, 1283.
- Wayside curios (sec Roadside).
- Weather, the, 927.
- Weddings, motors at, 447, 528.
- Weldings, 1444.
- Welsh hill-climb, 975.
- West Hove Golf Course, 277.
- Westinghouse air springs, 559.
- West Surrey A.C., no.
- Wheel tests, 643, 862.
- “ tracks on roads, 911, 1003.
- Wheels, 227, 643, 803, 830.
- “ detachable (see also Spare wheels, Rudge Whitworth, Stepney), 155, 554, 611, 613 1334-
- “ steel, 643.
- “ wooden, 316, 643.
- “ wire, 101, 283, 305, 379, 643.
- White and Poppe engine, 12.
- “ self-starter, 1375.
- Whiteley, Wm., Ltd., 1342.
- Who’s Who, 22.
- Wilcken spring, 917.
- Wilkening spring seat, 527.
- Witlings’ Press Guide, 182.
- Willocq-Bottin lamps, 2427.
- Wilson, W., 365.
- Wind screens, 255, 552, 611, nn,
- Winter motoring, 137, 274, 303, 1511.
- Winton cars, 573, 1114.
- Wire transmission, 440.
- “ wheels (see Wheels).
- Wireless telegraphy, 732.
- Wiring, electric, 467.
- Wolseley boats, 469, 1102, 2570.
- “ cars, 13, 44, 70, 71, 80, 87, 102, 104, 177, 196, 397, 249, 269, 273, 369. 399. 473. 500. 523. 564. 565. 665. 734. 744, 785, 899, 979. 996, 1013, 1203, 1204, 1226, 1244, 1302, 1357. I4°5. 1435. i47i. 1493. !5IO> I57I-
- “ “ (1913), details, 1268, 1352, 3536.
- “ engine, 3305, 3430.
- “ hood, 633.
- “ self-starter, 1375.
- “ spare wheel carrier, 1408.
- Wolverhampton Corporation, 738.
- Wolverhampton M.C.C., 202.
- World’s records (see Records).
- Worm drives, 3495, 3536.
- Wright Bros.’ patents, 425.
- Wright, Warwick J., 628, 753
- Wright, Wilbur (death of), 673.
- “XL” one-man hood, 2089.
- YANKEE self-starter, 773.
- York and back in 24 hours, 2041.
- Yorkshire A.C., 257, 204, 435, 498, 543, 5S8, 606, 658, 739. 756, 775. 819, 975-
- ZEDEL carburettor, 682.
- “ cars, 2283, 1405.
- Zeiss headlight, 499.
- Zenith carburettor, 283, 470.
- “ motor cycle, 411, 724, 845, 2213, 1549.
- Zuylen, Baron de, 1569.
See Also
Sources of Information