The Engineer 1930 Jan-Jun: Index

The Engineer 1930 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: This is a scanned version of the Index Page and contains many errors
- Agecroft Power Station, Extension of, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 566-569
- Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., Land Marling Machine, Marl Lifting Machine with Chain Track Truck, 720, 721
- Akron-see Goodyear
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fiftieth Anniversary Medal, 465
- Anglo-Saxon Motor Tanker 'Megara' 330
- Antofagasta-Bolivia Railway Metro-gauge Tank Engine ; Large Fireless Locomotive, Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., 4
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Broad-gauge 2-8-2 Locomotive for Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co., Ltd., " Garratt "Locomotive for Brazil, 4, 5
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., Testing Aeroplane Wing Ribs, 321
- Automatic Stabilisation of Ships, 368, 396, 409, 424, 450, 478, 514-516, 536-7, 569-571, 592, 593, 625-628, 650, 651, 692, 693, 705-707, 715
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Gravitometer for Light Solids, 46
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., New Switchgear for the Derby Corporation Power Station, 380, 383
- Avonside Engine Co, Ltd., Six-coupled Tank Engine and Four-cylinder Petrol Engine, 5
- BABCOCK and Wilcox Boiler, 550 Pressure, 52, 53
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., Saddle-tank Shunting Engine, 5
- Beardmore " Tornado" Heavy Oil Engine for R 101, 21
- Belfast Power Station, 654, 655
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., Automatic Air Vom- pressor Set, 500
- "Berwindlea," Pulverised Coal-burning Collier, 53
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., " Beyer - Garratt "Engine for South African Railways, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Billeter and Klunz, Hydraulic Planing Machine, 493
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., Articulated Steam Rail Coach for Egypt, 348, 349
- "Bremen," North German Lloyd Liner, 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930), Propelling Machinery of the "Bremen," 608, 609-611, 684, 685, 688
- "Britannic," White Star Motor Liner, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 710-712
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Arc Rupturing Chamber, 74
- British Industries Fair-see Separate Section of Index
- British Jeffery-Diamond, Ltd., Coal Crushing Machine, 668
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., and the Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co, Ltd., Electric Totalisator at New- market, 582
- B.T.H. Alternator with Fan Driven from Main Shaft, 8, 9
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Large Transformers for New Zealand, 640
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Switchgear, New, for the Derby Corporation Power Station, 384
- Brookman's Park, Small Motor Generators, Transmitter and Part of Main Switchboard, 38
- Broom Head and More Hall Dams and Reservoirs, 124, 125, 126, 136
- Brown, Boveri and Co., High-power Mercury Arc Rectifiers, 613
- Brown, Boveri and Co Exhaust Gas Turbine-driven Blower, 43
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., High-pressure Aeronautical Research Tunnel, 695
- Brown-Sulzer 9300 S.H.P. Five-cylinder Oil Engine, 26, 27
- Burmeister and Wain Rotary Scavenge Blower 43
- CALLENDAR, Professor H. L. (Portrait), 130
- Cambridge Instrument Co, Humidity Recorder, 45; Recording Calorimeter, 72; Universal Deflectograph, 45
- Canadian National Research Laboratories, 551
- Canadian Pacific Liner SS Duchess of York 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Canadian Pulp and Paper Mills and Power Plants, 469, 462
- Canadian Pulp and Paper Research Institute, 68-70
- "Canterbury," Southern Railway Steamer, Wm. Denny and Brothers, 11, 12
- Caswell, J. Selwyn, Rolling of Metals, 232-234, 260-262, 288, 289, 310-318, 342-344,360-371
- Catterson Smith, R. M., Twin-tube Furnace. Rotary Furnace, 74
- Central Scotland Electricity Scheme, 494-496
- Chipman, Paul, Novel Form of Permanent Way, 717
- Clark, Colonel E. Kitson, Kitson-Still Locomotive, 031
- Clarke-Chapman Pulverised Coal Equipment for the Collier SS " Berwindlea," 63
- Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co, Ltd., New Duplex Thimble-tube Boiler for Motor Ships, 333
- Colombian Railways, 4-8-2 Locomotives, 6
- Colombo Harbour, Rock Drilling in, 640
- Combustion Engineering Corporation, Ladd Boiler at the East River Power Station, New York, 140, 141
- Crandall Engineering Company, 2100-Ton Slip- way at Aruba, Dutch West Indies, 96
- DANCE, H. E., Apparatus for Demonstrating Power Factor, 46, 46
- Daniel Bengtson, Captain, Improved Search-light for Air Defence, 638
- Deloison and Deyon, MM., Wagon Retarders for Shunting on Railways, 158, 162
- Dempster, R. and J., 8,000,000 Cubic Feet Waterless Gasholder at Southall, 114
- Deutschen Schiff und Maehinenbau A.G., Bremen, Propelling Machinery of the North German Lloyd Liner "Bremen," 608, 609-611, 684, 686, 688
- "Discovery IL," Research Ship, 11, 12
- Dornier Do X Twelve-engined Flying Boat. 16, 21
- Doxford Opposed Piston Lingine, 2900 S.11.P., 42
- Duncan's Cross Section Recorder for Civil Engineering Works, 555
- " ENGINEER, THE," New Offices of, 557
- English-Clarke Chapman Evaporator, 641
- English Electric Co, Ltd., Automatic Sub-stations for Japan, 322
- English Electric Company, Arc Welding Installation at Bradley Engineering Works, Bilston, 344
- English Electric Company, Installation for St. George's Bay Power Station, Athens, 9
- "Europa." 50,000-Ton North German Lloyd Liner, Blohm and Yoga, 347, 352
- FAIREY Long-range Monoplane, 19, 21
- de Ferranti, Dr. Sebastian Ziani (Portrait), 82
- Ferranti Transformer, 60,000-kVA Three-phase, 300
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Steam Ploughing Engine, 350
- Ford All-metal Fourteen-passenger Monoplane, 20, 21
- Forward, E. A., Links in the History of the Locomotive, 94, 128
- Frictionless Mastagear, Ltd., Minium Free Wheel and Sprag, 693-696
- "GAMUSA" and "Khartita" Dipper Dredgers, Lobnitz and Co Ltd. 13, 14
- Gear Grinding Co, Ltd., Gear Wheel Tooth Grinding Machine, 408
- General Electric Company, 66-kV Rotary Isolating Link, 36
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Testing Plant for Overhead Line Transmission Towers, 556, 557
- General Electric Company, Ltd., and William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., Oil-electric Locomotives for India, 600
- German Federal Railway Super-pressure Locomotive, Berliner Maschinenbau A.G. (L. Schwartzkoppf), 371-374
- German State Railways, Diesel Compressed Air 1 Locomotive, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd. 19:30)
- German State Railways, Diesel Compressed Air Locomotive, 486, 487
- Gibraltar, Projects for Tunnelling the Straits of, 184
- Gloster All-metal Survey Biplane, 10, 19 Gloster-Napier 6, Schneider Trophy Seaplane, 16, 19
- Goodyear Zeppelin Airship Shod at Akron, Ohio, 21, 22, 44, 45, 48
- Grant, L. C., on Breaking Performance of High-power Switchgear, 132, 133
- Great Southern Railways of Ireland, Water Softening Plants at Inchicore and Other Points on the Railways, 103, 104
- Greeley, H. N., Built-tip Locomotive Crank Axle, 160
- Griffin and Tallock, Apparatus for Timing Falling Bodies, 74, 75
- Guy, H. L., and H. C. Lamb, Operating Results with the Recent Extensions at Barton Power Station, Manchester, 374-376, 376-378, 414-416
- Gydnia on the Baltic Sea, Port of, 208, 216
- HACKNEY Station Extension, Steam Generating Plant for, Simon-Carves, Ltd., 322
- Haigh, Bernard P., Fatigue Testing Machines, Fatigue Fracture, 238, 239, 262, 263, :304
- Haig and West Automatic Electric Penetro-meter, Bitumen Consistency-Testing Apparatus, 406, 406, Barns Hall Power Station, 37,600-kVA Turbo-alternator, 8 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Hardy and Padmore, Ltd.. Contraflow Gravel Washer, 413
- Harland-B. and W. 10,000 S.H.P. Four-stroke Double-acting Engine, 28
- Harrison, Engineer-Captain J. Hope, R.N., Materials Used for Naval Engineering Pur- poses, 440
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Union-Castle Motor Liner "Dunbar Castle." 602
- Hartmann, Professor Jul. Jet-wave Rectifier, 22l-223
- Hawke, Professor C. J., Trials of a 2750 B.H.P. Exhaust Turbo-charged Marine Oil Engine, North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Ltd., 244, 248-250
- Hawthorn-Armstrong, 210 lb. Pressure Boiler, Water-tube Type, 52, 53
- Henningsdorf 15,000-kW Peak Load Sub- station, 4:30, 656-658, 718-720
- Herbert, Alfred, No. 3 Auto-Lathe, 293
- Hildorf, Walter G., and C. H. McCollam, Prac- tical Aspects of Spark Testing, 220
- " Hororata " Installation, Pulverised Fuel at Sea, 306
- Howrah Bridge, Proposed New, 162
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co, Ltd., Battery Electric Locomotive, Saddle-tank Engine. 5
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., 300 B.H.P. Oil Engine-driven Locomotive, 265-267 ; (Correction), 361
- Huggenberger Tensometer, 104
- Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co, Ltd., Hydraulic Couplings for Internal Combustion Locomotives, 298
- INSTRUNIENTI di Misuri C. G. C., Frequency- graph, 73
- Isenthal and Co., Ltd., Glow Relay and Connections, 73
- Isler, C., and Co. ltd., Artesian Well at Slough, 542
- Issy-les-Moulineaux Power Station, High - pressure Extensions, High and Low-pressure Turbines, High-pressure Turbo-generator ake., 178-180, 188
- JAPAN, Automatic Sub-stations for, English Electric Co, Ltd., 322
- Japanese Aircraft Carrier 'Hosho" and Her Stabilisating Equipment, 628
- Japanese Balancing Machine, 110, 111
- Johansen, F. C., Influence of Pipe Diameter on Orifice Discharge Coefficients, 679-081
- "KAIMIR0," Self-trimming Collier, 13
- Kearsley Power Station, 32.000-kW Turbo. alternators, 9 (Supplement , January 3rd, 1930)
- Kerr, Stuart and Co., Ltd., Narrow-gauge Geared Steam Shunting Locomotive, 664, 665
- Khartoum-Omdurman Bridge, 22 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- "Kosmos" and "Vikingen," Floating Oil Factories, 11, 12
- LACEY, J. M., Flowing Watter, 571-573, 593- 595
- Lamb, H. C., Electrical Distribution in Manchester, 224
- Lange and Geilen, Hydraulically Driven Shaping Machine, 360
- Laws, Dr. B. C., Behaviour of Two Passenger Vessels, 452, 469, 470
- Leipzig, Technical Fair at, 290
- Lentz Marine Engine, 2200 I.H.P., 52, 53 Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Small Heavy Oil Engine, 558
- Lochaber Hydro-electric Power Undertaking, 456, 479-482, 490, 508-512, 520 (Two-page Supplement, May 2nd, 1930)
- L.M.S. Double-pressure Locomotive "Fury," North British Locomotive Co; Ltd., 3, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- L.M.S. Railway Eight-coupled Goods Engine, 4
- L.N.E.R. Compound High-pressure Four-cylinder Locomotive, New Type Water-tube Boiler, 2, 3 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- L.N.E.R., Lentz Locomotive Valve Gear, 132
- L.N.E.R., Locomotive Coaling Plant at Kipps, Scotland, Henry Lees and Co, Ltd., 434, 442
- M.A.N. Company, Large Two-stroke Double- acting Oil Engines for Land and Marine Work, 430
- "Manunda," Adelaide Shipping Company's Motor Passenger Liner, 26
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co, Ltd., Tone Generator, 72, 73
- Meijer, Jr. Dr. W. M., Service Results of the Holland-America Liner " Statendam," 432
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., Extension of Agecroft Power Station. 566-569
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company. Ltd., High-voltage Research Laboratory. 268, 269, 272
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company. Ltd., 30,000-kW Frequency Changer. 438
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., Large Electric Winder at Shaft of City Deep. Ltd., 78. 84
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.. 6000-kVA Three-winding Transformer, 642
- Mirrlees Watson Co. Ltd.. Improved lie. aerator for Boiler Feed Water. 332
- Montreal Harbour Bridge. 676-678. 705- 707. 714
- NATIONAL Physical Laboratory. Connections for Apparatus for Detecting Turbulence, 97 Resistance and Reactance Measuring Appartus, 97, 98; Wireless Receiver and Direction Finder, 97, 98
- Newcastle-Gateshead New Road Bridge. Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 95 (Supplement, January 24th, 1930)
- Nithsdale, William, Design aid Results of a 600 lb. per Square Inch Boiler Installation, 356, 357, 384, 385
- North-Eastern-Werkspoor 2250 S.H.P. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 26, 27, 42
- N. W. Railway of India, Experimental Engines, Vulcan Foundry, Ltd.. 412. 413
- Northern Coke Research Committee, progress in Coke Research. 523
- O'BRIEN, Colonel Aubrey, Punjab Hydro-electric Scheme, 234
- Orcutt, H. F. L., Some Developments ii the Art of Gear Grinding, 397, 408
- "Orontes." Orient Liner, 10
- PETRIE, Dr. Telford, Final Report of Steam Nozzles Research Committee, Model Elevation and Plan View. 235, 236
- Petty, Thomas, Possibilities of the Horizontal Opposed-piston Geared Marine Oil Engine, 622
- Physical and Optical Societies' Exhibition, 45, 72, 96-For Exhibits see Subjects Index, Scientific Instruments
- Poland's Access to the Sea : Ports of Danzig and Gdynia, Theodore Rich, 207- 210, 216
- Portishead Power Station. 8 (Supplement, .January 3rd, 1930)
- Portobello Power Station, Edinburgh, Turbo-generator, 524-526
- Pott. Dr., Long-distance Gas Transmission in Germany, 614
- Powell River Hydro-electric Power Station and Plant. 106, 112
- Precision Photo Printing Plant, Ltd., Mother dryer for Photo Prints, 116
- President Dal Pittz." 5000-Ton Litter, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 11
- Pullin, V. E., X-Rays in Engineering, 204
- Punjab Hydro-electric Scheme, Colonel Aubrey O'Brien, 234
- Punjab and Sind Floods of 1928 and 1919, 538-541
- "R100" and "R101",- 21, 22 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- "Rangitata" Motor Liner, New Zealand Shipping Co, 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Rich, Theodore, Poland's Access to the Sea Ports of Danzig and Gdynia, 207-210, 216
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co 1250 S.H.P., Double-acting Engine, 42; and Blower, W. S. Burn for the same Engine, 42, 43
- Roberts, Charles, and Co., Ltd., 35-Ton Bogie Petrol Tank, 76
- Robinson, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd.. Timber Moulding, Planing and Matching machine, 388
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., Fish Products Equipment of the Steamship "Selina," 404 (Two-page Supplement, April 1lth, 1930)
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Air Speed Indicator, Rotating Vane. 97 ; Pneumatic Revolution Indicator, 96, 97
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. and Mather and Platt, Ltd., 850 B.H.P. Airless-injection Oil Engine Driving D.C. Generator. 166- 168
- ST. HUBERT Airship Mooring Tower, 358
- Schiess-Defries, Crank Pin Turning Machine, Electro-hydraulic Riveting :Machine, Horizontal Boring Machine, 292, 293; Tool Grinding Machine, Vertical Boring Mill, 293, 294
- Schuster, L. W., Vusion Welded Non-fired Pressure Vessels, 308
- "Seapro," Fish-treating Steamship, 404, 405 (Two-page Supplement, April 1930)
- Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Wagon for Distributing Ready mixed Concrete. 584
- Shannon Hydro-electric Power Undertaking. 631, 638, 6:53, 660; Belfast Power Station, Inchicore Outdoor Sub-station, 660
- Sheffield Water Supply : New Works in the Ewden Valley 124-l27, 136
- Siemens Brothers and Co Ltd., High-voltage Testing laboratory , 155
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Steam Generating Platform Hackney Extension Station, 322
- Slacks Valley Power Station. 8 (Supplement. January 3rd, 1930)
- Smyth, E. Watson, General Operation Experiences with the First "Wood" Steam Generator, 127, 142, 157, 170, 194
- "Southern Prince," Prince Line Motor Ship, 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Sperry System of Gyroscopic Stabilisation, 626
- "Staffordshire," Bibby Motor Liner, 24
- SS Statendam Holland-America Liner, 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Steatite and Porcelain Products, Ltd., Manufacture and Testing of Electrical Insulators, Manufacture of Steatite and Porcelain Products, 544-546, 548, 576, 580, 581, (Two-page Supplement, May 23rd, 1930)
- Storm Manufacturing Co, Minneapolis, Reboring Machine for Motor Car Cylinders, 192, 193
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Block-setting Titan Crane for Table Bay, 326, 334
- Stream Line Filter Co, Ltd., Oil Renovating Unit, 324
- Sulzer, Robert Causes and Prevention to Vibration in Motor Ships, 453, 468
- Sulzer 7040 S.H.P. Ten-cylinder Engine, 44
- Supermarine Rolls-Royce S 6," Schneider Trophy Winner, 16, 19
- Swan, A. W., Engineering Photographic Difficulties and their Solution, 543
- Swiss Federal Railways, 7200 H.P. Single phase Locomotive, 359
- THE ENGINEER," New Offices, .157
- Thorncliffe Coal Distillation. Ltd., Coke oven Plant, Woodall-Duckham Construction Co 595-598, 604, (correction). 648
- Thurland Castle Motor Ship, Lancashire Shipping Co, 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Tocopillia Power Station, Chili, Interior, 430
- Tokio. Post-earthquake Bridges in: Aoi, Eitai, Kiyonti, Komagata, Kototoi, Kuranmae, Miyoshi Bridges, 295-297
- UNION Castle, 10,000-Ton Mot or Liner "Llangibby Castle." 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- VICEROY of India, P. and O. Liner, 13 Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Vickers Single-seater All-metal Interceptor Fighter, 19, 20
- Victoria, Failure of a Rock Fill Dam. 100-102
- Vienna, Harwich-Hook Steamer. 11, 12
- "Villanger," Motor Cargo Liner, 24, 26
- Victoria, Australia, Welded Reinforcement for a Concrete Highway Bridge, 252
- Visp-Zermatt Railway, Electrification of, 318
- Vulcan Foundry. Ltd., N. W. Railway of India. Experimental Engines. 412, 413
- WALDRICH, hydraulically Driven Plaining Machine at Leipzig Fair, 291, 292
- Watson, C. G., Sags and Tensions in Overhead Wires with Supports at Different Levels, 651
- Weir, G. and J. Ltd., Tandem Compound Pump for an Oil Refinery, 460
- Werkspoor Supercharging Arrangement, 43
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co, Storage Battery Trolley Locomotive, 224
- Westland Six-seater Three-engined Limousine, Monoplane, 19. 21
- Westland Single-seater All-Metal Interceptor Fighter, 19, 20
- Weyland. G., Director. Centrifugal Feed Pumps for High-pressure Boilers, 666, 667
- Whayman, W. M. Engineer Rear-Admiral Water-tube Boilers for Merchant Ships, 86
- YARROW 1200 lb. Pressure Experimental Boiler, 52, 33
- Airship Mooring Tower at St. Hubert. Montreal Airport, 358
- Airship Shed, New. at Akron, Ohio, for the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation, 21, 22, 44. 45, 48
- Beardmore "Tornado " Heavy oil Engine for R101, 21
- Dornier "Do X" Twelve-engined Flying Boat, 16, 21
- Fairey Long-range Monoplane. 19, 21
- Ford All-metal Fourteen-passenger Monoplane, 20, 21
- Gloster All-metal Survey Biplane, 10, 19
- Gloster-Napier 6, Schneider Trophy Seaplane, 16, 19
- Japanese Aircraft Carrier "Hosho " and Her Stabilising Equipment, 628
- R100 and R101 21, 22 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Searchlight, Improved, for Air Defence, Daniel Bengtson, Captain, Royal Swedish Artillery. 638
- "Supermarine Rolls-Royce S 6, "Schneider Trophy Winner, 16, 19
- Testing' Aeroplane Wing Ribs, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth Aircraft. Ltd., 321
- Vickers Single-seater All-metal Interceptor Fighter, 19, 20
- Westland Six-seater, Three-engined Limousine Monoplane, 19, 21
- Westland Single-seater All-metal Interceptor Fighter. 19, 20
- AIR Compressor Set Automatic Patents, B.E.N. Patents Ltd., 500
- Arc Welding at a Large Boiler Works, English Electric Co, 344
- Artesian Well at Slough, Noteworthy. C. Isler and Co., Ltd., 542
- Articulated Steam Rail Coach for Egypt, Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Ltd., 348, 349
- Automatic Stabilisation- see Ships
- BALANCING .Machine 60-Ton, Japanese. 110, 111
- Bitumen Consistency Testing Apparatus, Haig and West Automatic Electric Penetrometer.- 405, 406
- Bogies—see Locomotives
- Boiler, Duplex Thimble-tube for Motor Ships, Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co Ltd., 433
- Boiler, Experimental, 1200 11. Pressure. Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 52, 53
- Boiler Installation, 600 lb. per square inch Design and Results of, William Nithsdale, 356, 357, 384, 385
- Boiler Plant for Hackney Extension Station, Simon-Carves, Ltd.. 322
- Boiler, 550 lb. Pressure, Babcock and Wilcox. 52, 53
- Boiler, Water-tube Type, 210 lb. Pressure Hawthorn-Armstrong, 52. 53
- Boilers, Ladd, Largest in the World. Combustion Engineering Corporation, 140, 141 Boilers, Sectional Water-tube for Merchant Ships, Admiral Whayman, 86
- Marine Water-tube Boiler, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 696
- Bridges, Post-earthquake, to Tokio, 295 - 297, 300
- Howrah Bridge, Proposed New, 152
- Khartoum-Omdurman Bridge. 22 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Montreal Harbour Bridge, 676-678, 705-707, 714
- Newcastle-Gateshead New Read Bridge, Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 95 (Supplement, January 2415, 1930)
- Royal Albert Bridge, Saltash, Reconstruction of Land Spans, 22 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- CAISSONS, Building up Quay Wall on, 219, 216
- Calibrating Equipments, Influence of Pipe Diameter on Orifice Discharge Coefficients, Johansen, F. C., 679-681
- Canadian Research Laboratories Building, Model of, 551
- Centrifugal Feed Pumps for High-pressure, Combined Steam and Electric Feed Pump: Boilers ; Feed-circulating Pump ; Turbine-driven Pump ; Turbine anti Motor-driven Pump, G. Weyland, Director. 666, 667
- Coal-crushing Machine, British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., 668
- Coal-Handling Gantry on Quay Wall. 209
- Coke Ovens, New, near Sheffield, Woodall. Duckham Company, 595-598, 604; (Correction), 648
- Coke Shatter Test Apparatus, 523
- Locomotive Coaling Plant in Scotland, L.N.E.R., 434, 442
- COMPRESSOR---see Air Compressor
- Contraflow Gravel Washer, Hardy and Padmore Ltd., 413
- Couplings—see Locomotives
- Crane, Block-setting Titan for Table Bay. Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 326, 334
- DE-AERATOR, Improved for Boiler Feed Water, Mirrlees Watson Co Ltd., 332
- Direct Recording of Cross Section of Civil Engineering Works, R. D. Duncan, 555
- See also Manufacture, &c.
- Agecroft Power Station, Extension of Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 566-569
- Boiler House Plant, 567, 509
- Central-flow Condenser, 566, 569
- Howden-Ljungstrom Air Preheater. 566, 569
- Steam Turbine for 20,000-kW Turbo-alternator Set, 568, 569
- Turbo-alternator, 20,000-kW, 566
- Alternator with Fan Driven from Mao. Shaft, British Thomson-Houston, 8, 9
- Automatic Sub-stations Equipment, English Electric Co Ltd., 322
- Belfast Electric Power Station, 654. 655
- Central Scotland Electricity Scheme, 494-496
- Electrical Distribution in'Manchester, H. C. Lamb, 224
- Electric Totalisator at Newmarket, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., and the Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co Ltd., 582, 563
- Electrification of Visp-Zermatt Railway, 318
- Frequency Changer, 30,000-Kilowatt, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 438
- Generators, Small Motor, Transmitter and Part of Main Switchboard, Brookman's Park, 38
- Hams Hall Power Station, 37,500-kVA Turbo-alternator, 8 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- High-power Mercury Arc Rectifiers, Brown, Boveri and Co., 613
- High-pressure Extensions to the Issy-les-Monlineaux Power Station, 11,200-kW High-pressure and 35,000-kW Low-pressure Turbines, and 35,000-kW High-pressure Turbo-generator. Coal Pulverising Plant, &c., 178-180, 188
- High-voltage Research Laboratory, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 268, 272
- High-voltage Testing laboratory, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 155-157
- Interior of Tocopilla Power Station, Chile. 430
- Kearsley-see Turbo-alternators
- Oil Engine Driven Generating Plant at the Hennigsdorf Peak Load Station, 430,656, 718-720; 12,000 B.H.P. Airless-injection Double-acting Oil Engine, 656; Friction Coupling and Operating Cylinder, t!57; Turbine Blower Pumps and Air Compressor, 057
- Operating Results with the Recent Extensions at Barton Power Station, H. L. Guy and H. C. Lamb. :174, 376-378, 411-416
- Portishead Power Station 8 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Power-house, Powell River, British Columbia, and 12,000-kVA, 2300-Volt, Three -phase Generator, 106, 112
- Rotary Isolating Link, G.E.C.. 36
- St. George's Bay Power Station, Athens, English Electric Company, 9
- Shannon Hydro-electric Power Undertaking, 634, 6:18, 653, 660
- Belfast Power Station, 655 : Electric Generating Plant at Guinness' Brewery. 654. Transformers at Fleet-street, Dublin. 654 Slacks Valley Power Station, 8 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Switchgear, High Power, 132, 133; Switch, 1,000,000-kVA, Switch, 2,000,000-kVA, 133
- Switchgear, New, for the Derby Corporation rower Station,British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 384
- Transformer, 60,000-kVA Three-phase. Ferranti, Ltd., 360
- Transformer, 6000-kVA. Three-winding. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 642
- Transformers at Fleet-street, Dublin, 654 Transformers, Large, for New Zealand, British Thornson-Houston Company, Ltd., 640
- Turbo-alternators, 32,000-kW, Kearsley Power Station, 9 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Turbo-generator at the Portobello Power Station, Edinburgh, 524, 525
- Heavy Oil Engine, Small, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 558
- Horizontal Opposed-piston Geared Marine Oil Engine, Possibilities of the, Thomas Petty, 622-025
- Marine Oil Engines:
- Brown-Sulzer 9300 S.H.P. Five-cylinder Oil Engine, 26, 27
- Doxford 2900 S.H. P. Opposed - last on Engine, 42
- Harland-B. and W. 10.000 &Hi'. Four- stroke Double-acting Engine, 28
- Lentz Marine 22110 S.H.P. Engine, 52
- Richardsons - Westgarth 1250 S.H.P. Double-acting Engine, 42
- Six -cylinder North -Eastern - Werkspoor 2250 S.H.P., 26, 27, 42
- Sulzer 7040 S.H.P. Ten-cylinder Engine, 44
- Oil Engine, 850 B.H.P. Airless Injection, Driving Direct-current Generator, Huston and Hornsby, Ltd., and Mather and Platt, Ltd., 166-108
- Oil Engines, Large Two-stroke Double acting, for Land and Marine Work, M.A.N. Company, 430; 3750 B.H.P. Double- acting Oil Engine, 430; Seven-cylinder 5600 B.H.P. Double-acting Oil Engine, 431
- Turbo-charged Marine Oil Engine, 2750 B.H.P. Exhaust, Trials, North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Ltd., Professor C. J. Hawkes, 244, 248-250
- EVAPORATOR, Englisch-Clarke Chapman 641
- Leipzig, Technical Fair at, 290
- FAILURE of a Rock Fill Dam in Victoria, 100- 102
- Fairs - see Exhibitions
- Fatigue Testing Machines, Fatigue Fracture Bernard P. Haigh, 238, 239, 262, 263, 304— see also Mild and High-tensile Steel.
- Flowing Water, J. M. Lacey, 571-573, 593-595
- Fusion-welded Non-fired Pressure Vessels, L. W. Schuster, 289, 308
- GASHOLDER, 8,000,000 cubic Feet Waterless, at Southall, R. and J. Dempster and Co., Ltd., 114
- Gear Grinding, Some Developments in the Art of, H. F. L. Orcutt, 397 Checking an Index Wheel, 399, Formed Wheel Method of Gear Wheel Grinding, 397
- Gear Wheel Testing Machine, 399
- Grinding an Internal Gear Ring, 399, Indexing Gear, 398, Index Wheel Dividing Engine and Correcting Machine, 398, Wheel Trimming Mechanism, 398
- Gear Wheel Tooth Grinding Machine, Gear Grinding Co, Ltd., 408
- HYDRAULIC Couplings for Internal Combustion Locomotives, Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co Ltd., 298
- Hydro-electric Powell River Power Station and Plant, British Columbia, 106. 112
- Hydro-electric Power Undertaking, Lochaber, 456, 479-482, 490, 508-512, 520 (Two-page Supplement, May 2nd, 193o)
- Hydro-electric Scheme, Punjab, Colonel Aubrey O'Brien, 234
- INFLUENCE of Pipe Diameter on Orifice Discharge Coefficients, F. C. Johansen, 679
- JET-WAVE Rectifier, Professor Jul Hartmann. 221-223
- LABORATORY—see Electrical Matters, High Voltage
- Land Marling Machine, Marl Lifting Machine, Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., 720, 721
- Battery Electric Locomotives, Hudswell, Clarke and Co. Ltd., 5
- "Beyer-Garratt" Engines for South African Railways, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Bogies and Locomotive of Visp-Zermatt Railway, 318
- Colombian Railways, 4-8-2 Locomotives, 6 1200 B.H.P. Diesel Compressed Air Locomotive for the German State Railways, 486, 487
- Diesel Compressed Air Locomotive, German State Railways, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Four-cylinder Petrol Engine, Six-coupled Tank Engine, Avonside Engine Co, 5
- 'Garratt' Locomotive for Brazil, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd, 4, 5
- German Federal Railway Super-pressure Locomotive Berliner Maschinenbau A.G. (L. Schwartzkoppf), 371-374
- Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., Antofagasta- Bolivia Railway Metre-gauge Tank Engine, 4; Large Fireless Locomotive, 4
- Kitson-Still Locomotive, Colonel E. Kitson-Clark, 631
- Lentz Locomotive Valve Gear, London and North Eastern Railway, 132
- Links in the History of the Locomotive, K A. Forward, 94
- Locomotive Coaling Plant in Scotland, L.N.E.R., 434, 442
- Locomotive Crank Axle, Built-up, Mr. Gresley, 160
- Locomotive, 7200 H.P. Single-phase, Swiss Federal Railways, 359
- L.M.S. Double-pressure Locomotive "Fury," North British Locomotive Co, Ltd., 3, 4; High-pressure Coils, Steam Drum, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- L.M.S. Hallway Eight-coupled Goods Engine, 4
- L.N.E.R. Compound High-pressure Four- cylinder Locomotive, New Type Water-tube Boiler, 2, 3 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930) ; Built-up Crank Axle for, 160
- Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, Broad-gauge 2-8-2 Locomotive, Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Narrow-gauge Geared Steam Shunting Locomotive, Kerr, Stuart and Co., Ltd., 664, 665
- Oil-electric Locomotives for India, General Electric Company, Ltd., and W. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 601
- Oil Engine-driven Locomotive, 300 B.H.P., Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., 26267; (Correction). 361
- Saddle-tank Engines, Hudswell , Clarke and Co., Ltd., 5
- Saddle-tank Shunting Engine, W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., 5
- Storage Battery Trolley Locomotive, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co, 224
- LONG-DISTANCE Gas Transmission in Germany, Dr. Pott, 614
- Luminous Output and Colour Temperature Measuring Apparel Us, General Electric Company, 120
- No. 3 Auto-Lathe, Alfred Herbert, 293
- Crank Pin Turning Machine. 292
- Electro-hydraulic Riveting Machine, 293
- Horizontal Boring Machine, 292
- Tool Grinding Machine, 293, 294
- Vertical Boring Mill, Schiess-Defries 293, 294
- Hydraulic Planing Machine, Billeter and Klunz, 293
- Hydraulically Driven Planing Machine ,at Leipzig Fair, H. A. ‘Valdrich, 291, 292
- Re-boring Machine for Motor Car Cylinders, Storm Manufacturing Company. Minneapolis, 192, 193
- Shaping Machine, Hydraulically Driven. Lange and Geilen, 360
- MANUFACTURE and Testing of Electrical Insulators, 544-546, 348; Steatite and Porcelain Products, Ltd., 544 346, 548, 576, 580
- Condenser Bank, 541
- Fog Room, 545
- High-tension Tests on Electrical Insulator Strings. 546
- Laboratory, Research, for Testing Electrical Insulators, 544, 548
- Spheres for Measuring High Voltages, 546
- Testing Insulators under Vibration, 548
- Testing Machine, Endurance Testing Machine, 30-Ton Tensile, 545
- Transformers for Testing. 544
- (Two-page Supplement. May 23rd, 1930)
- Lochaber Hydro-electric Power Undertaking, 456
- Long-distance Gas Transmission in Germany, Dr. Pott, 614
- Map of Poland Showing Main Railways and Natural Resources, 207
- Power-houses and Transmission lanes, Punjab Hydro-electric Scheme, 234
- Rajputana, Punjab and Sind Floods, 541
- Sheffield Water Supply, Sources of, 124
- MEDAL, Fiftieth Anniversary. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 465
- Millam Free Wheel and Sprag, Frictionless Mastagear, Ltd., 693-695
- Oil-driven Locomotives—see Locomotives
- Oil Engine Driven Generating Plant at the Hennigsdorf Peak Load Station, 656-658; Installation at Hennigsdorf Peak Load Station ; 12,000 B.H.P. Airless Injection, Double-acting Oil Engine, 656; Main Control Board for Generator Sets ; Turbine Blower Pumps and Air Compressors ; Friction Coupling and Operating Cylinder. 657
- Oil Renovating Unit, Stream-line Filter Company, Ltd., 324
- Operating Results, &c.—see Electrical Matters
- PERMANENT Way, Novel Form of, Paul Chipman, 717
- Photo-Print Washer and Dryer, Precision Photo Printing Plant, Ltd., 116
- Ploughing Engine, Steam, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 350
- Port of Gydnia, Plan of, 208, 216
- Portrait, Professor H. L. Callendar, 130
- Portrait, Dr. Sebastian Ziani de Ferranti, 82
- Ports of Danzig and Gdynia, Poland's access to the Sea, Theodore Rich, 207-210, 216
- Practical Aspects of Spark Testing, Walter G. Hildorf and C. H. McCollam, 220
- Pulp and Paper Research Institute, Canadian, 68-70 ; Beater Room, Dry End of Paper Machine, Wet End of Paper Machine, 69, 70; Macey Rod Mill, Paper Machine, Experimental, 69, 70
- Pulverised Fuel at Sea, The Hororata Installation, 306
- Tandem Compound Pump for an Oil Refinery, G. and J. Weir, Ltd., 460
- Articulated Steam Rail Coach for Egypt, Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., 348, 349
- Electrification of the Visp-Zermatt 318
- RE-BORING-see Machine Tools
- Relative Safety of Mild and High-tensile Alloy Steels under Alternating and Pulsating Stresses, Haigh 'Machines, 1.5, and 6-Ton Testing Machine and Fatigue Fracture Bernard P. Haigh, 238, 239, 262, 263, 304
- Reserve Lighting. New System of Reserve, 661
- Rock Drilling in Colombo Harbour, 640
- Rolling of Metals. J. Selwyn Caswell, 232-234, 260-262. 288, 289, 316-318, 342-344, 369-371
- SAGS and Tensions in Overhead Wires with Supports at Different Levels, C. G. Watson 651
- St. George's Bay- see Electrical Matters
- 45, 72, 96
- Air Speed Indicator, Rotating Vane, Royal Aircraft Establishment, 97
- Arc-rupturing Chamber, B.E. and A.I. Research Association, 74
- Connections for Apparatus for Detecting Turbulence Resistance and Reactance Measuring Apparatus Wireless Receiver and Direction Finder, National Physical Laboratory, 97, 98
- Frequencygraph, Inst. Misura. C.G.C.„ 73
- Furnace, Rotary, Furnace, Twin-tube, R. M. Catterson Smith, 74
- Glow Relay and Connections, Isenthal and Co., Ltd., 73
- Gravitometer for Light Solids, W. and T. Avery, Ltd., 46
- Humidity Recorder, Goldbeater's Skin in Frame, Cambridge Instrument Co, 15
- Indicator, Pneumatic Revolution, Royal Aircraft Establishment, 96, 97
- Power Factor, Apparatus for Demonstrating, H. E. Dance, 45, 46
- Recording Colorimeter, Cambridge Instrument Company, 72
- Timing Falling Bodies. Apparatus for, Griffin and Tallock, 74, 75
- Tone Generator. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co, Ltd., 72. 73
- Universal Deflectograph and Arrangement of, Cambridge Instrument Company, 45
- Adelaide Shipping Company's Motor Passenger Liner 'Manunda', 26
- Anglo-Saxon Motor Tanker 'Megara', 330
- Automatic Stabilisation of Ships, 368, 396, 409, 424, 450, 478, 514-516. 536-537, 569- 571, 592, 593, 625-628, 650, 651, 692, 693, 705-707, 714
- Behaviour of Two Passenger Vessels, Dr. B. C. Laws, 452, 469, 470
- 'Berwindlea', Pulverised Coal Burning Steamship, 53
- Bibby Motor Liner 'Staffordshire', 24
- Canadian Pacific Liner, 'SS Duchess of York', 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Dipper Dredgers, 'Gamusa' and 'Khartita', Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., 13, 14
- Floating Whale Oil Factories 'SS Kosmos' and 'Vikingen', 11, 12
- Harwich-Hook Steamer 'SS Vienna', 11, 12
- Holland-America Liner 'SS Statendam', 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Lancashire Shipping Co's Motor Ship 'Thurland Castle', 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Motor Cargo Liner 'Villanger', 24, 26
- Naval Engineering Purposes, Some Materials Used for, Engineer-Captain J. Hope Harrison, R.N., 440
- New Zealand Shipping Co's Motor Liner, 'Rangitata', 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1030)
- North German Lloyd Liner 'Bremen', 144 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Orient Liner for Australia, the "Orontes," 10
- P. and O. Liner 'SS Viceroy of India', 13 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- 'President Dal Piaz', Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, 10, 11
- Prince Line Motor Ship 'Southern Prince', 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Propelling Machinery of the North German Lloyd Liner "Bromen," 608, 609-611, 684, 685, 688
- Pulverised Coal-burning 'SS Berwindlea', 53
- Research Ship 'SS Discovery II', 11, 12
- Self-trimming Collier, 'Kaimiro', 13
- Southern Railway Steamer 'Canterbury', Wm. Denny and Brothers, 11, 12
- Union-Castle Motor Liner 'Dunbar Castle', Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 602
- Union-Castle Motor Liner 'Llangibby Castle', 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Vibration in Motor Ships, Causes and Prevention of, Robert Sulzer, 453, 468
- White Star Motor Liner 'Britannic', Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 710 712
- SLIPWAY, 2100-Ton, at Aruba, Dutch West Indies, Crandall Engineering Company, 196
- Some Developments—see Gear Grinding
- Spark Testing—see Practical
- Steam Nozzles Research Committee, Final Report. Model, Elevation arid Plan View, Dr. Telford Petrie, 235, 236. 264; (Letter), 270
- TECHNICAL Photography. Examples, of, A. W. Swan, 543
- Tensometer, The Huggenberger, 104
- Testing Machine, Electrically Operated 100-Ton, W. and T. Avery, Ltd.. 380, 383
- Testing Plant for Overhead Line Transmission Towers, Hydraulic Dynamometer, Tower Testing Plant General Electric Company, Ltd., 556, 557
- Timber Moulding, Planing and Matching Machine, Thomas Robinson and Sons, Ltd., 388
- Totalisator, Electric, at Newmarkot, 582, 583— see Electrical Matters
- Tunnel—see Variable
- Tunnelling the Straits of Gibraltar. Projects for, 184
- VARIABLE Density Tunnel, John Brown and Co Ltd.. 695
- WAGON for Distributing Ready-mixed Concrete, Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., 584
- Wagon, 35-Ton Bogie Petrol Tank, Charles Roberts and Co., Ltd.. 76
- Wagon Marshalling Yard at La Deliverace, Lille, 158, 162
- Wagon Retarders for Shunting on Railways, La Deliverance, Lille, MM. Deloison and Deyon. 158, 162
- Water Softening Plants on the Great Southern Railways of Ireland. 103
- Water Supply, Dams and Reservoirs, Sheffield, 124-7, 136; Turbines and Venturi Recorder, 126
- Waterless - see Gasholder
- Water Power in the Pulp and Paper Industry of Canada 459. 462; Espanola Pulp and Paper Mill, Spanish River ; Laurentide Power Plant at Grand More, Quebec ; Mill of the Canadian International Paper Company. Three Rivers, Quebec, Price Brothers' Mill at Riverbend, Quebec, 459, 462
- Welded Reinforcement for a Concrete Highway Bridge, Victoria, Australia, 252
- Winder, Large Electric, at Shaft of City Deep. Ltd., Witwatersrand, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 78, 84
- 'Wood' Steam Generator, General Operation Experiences with the First. E Watson Smyth, 127, 142-4, 157, 170, 194
- X-RAYS in Engineering, V. E. Pullin. 204
- BRITISH Airships of 1929 (January 3rd, 1930)
- British Industries Fair at Birmingham (Eight-page Supplement February 14th, 1930); British Industries Fair at Birmingham (Eight-page Supplement February 21st. 1930) ; Some British Oil Engines Exhibited at Birmingham (Two-page Supplement, February 21st, 1930)
- Fish Products Equipment of the as. 'Seapro'. Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd. (Two-page Supplement. April 11th, 1930)
- Lochaber Hydro-electric Power Undertaking (Two-page Supplement. May 2nd, 1930)
- Manufacture of Steatite and Porcelain Products (Two-page Supplement, May 23rd 1930)
- Newcaatle-Gateshead New Road Bridge, Details of Steel Work (Two-page Supplement, January 24th, 1930)
- Some Civil Engineering Works of 1929 (January 3rd, 1930)
- Some Locomotives of 1929 (Two-page Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Some Motor Ships of 1929 (January 3rd, 1930) Some Power Stations of 1929 (Two-page Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Some Steamships of 1929 (January 3rd, 1930)
British Industries Fair
- ACKWORTHIE, J., Ltd., Suppt, 21.2.30, vii
- Aerograph Co, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, viii
- Alldays and Onions, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, ii
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., 212 and Two-page Plate, Fig. VIII.
- BIRMINGHAM Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 214
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 214 and Two-page Plate, Fig. II.; (Note), 242
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Suppt., 21.2.30, iv, v
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30,
- Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd:, 241, 242
- Bull Motors, Ltd., 214
- Bulpitt and Sons, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, i
- CASSEL Cyanide Company, Ltd., 242
- Catterson Smith, R. M., Suppt., 21.2.30, iv
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vii
- Cochran and Co. (Annan), Ltd., Suppt, 14.2.30,
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Suppt, 21.2.30, i, and Two-page. Plate, Fig. VII.
- DAVEY, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, viii, and Two-page Plate, Fig. HI.
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., 242
- Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Suppl., 21.2.30, i v
- Dominion Machinery Co, Ltd., 276
- ELECTRIC Furnace Co, Suppt., 14.2.30, vii, viii
- Electrical Power Engineering Co, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, viii
- Ewart Chainbelt Co, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, v
- FIELDING and Platt, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2. 30, iii, and Two-page Plate, Fig. VI.
- Film Cooling Towers (1925), Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, vii
- Firth, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., 241
- GENERAL Electric Co, Suppt, 14.2.30, vi, vii
- Goodwin Barsby and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iv
- Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iv
- HADFIELDS, Ltd., Suppt, 21.2.30, vi, vii
- Heatly-Gresham Engineering Co, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, v
- Hewittic Electric Co, Ltd., Suppl., 21.2.30, v
- Hollings and Guest, Ltd., ,Suppt., 14.2.30, iv, v
- Holmes, J. H., and Co.. Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iii
- Howard, J. and F., Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, iii
- MARSHALL, Sons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, i
- Midland Saw and Tool Co., Ltd.. 276 (Addendum), 337
- Monel-Weir Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, i
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, i
- NATIONAL Gas Engine Company, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, i, and Two-page Plate, Fig. L
- Nobel Chemical Finishes, Ltd., and the Fredk. Crane Chemical Company, 242
- Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, viii
- PARKER, Winder and Achurch, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vii, viii
- Petters, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30. ii, iv, an,/ Two- page Plate, Fig. IV
- Pneulec, Ltd., 212
- Powell Brett, Ltd., Sapp., 21.2.30, iii
- Premier Electric Welding Co, Ltd., 240
- RAPID Magnetting Machine Co, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vii
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, ii, i
- Royles, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, v
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 240
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 240, 24 i
- STEWARTS and Lloyds Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30 vi
- TANGYES. Ltd., 213, and Tiro-page Plate, Fig. V
- Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Company, Ltd., 276
- WALLIS and Steevens, Ltd., 277
- Allday, William and Co., Ltd., Furnaces for Rivet Boating and Tool Hardening, &c., 277
- Bells Asbestos and Engineering Supplies, Ltd., "Graphoil", 277
- British Oxygen Co, Ltd., Oxygen Cutting Machines, 277
- Brown and Ward, Capstan Lathe, New Form, 277
- Coleman Foundry Equipment Company, Ltd., Foundry Sand-throwing Machine, 277
- Farrer, William E., Ltd., Cascade Distributor for Sewage Works, 277
- Firth, Thos., and Sons, Staybrite Steel, 278
- Hands, John, and Sons, Ltd., Screw Presses, 278
- Holden and Hunt, Electrical Chain-welding Equipment, New Spot Welder, 278
- Ira Stephens, Ltd., " Bullets " for Clearing Condenser Tubes, 277
- Lowmoor Iron Company, Lamp Bracket, Very Old, 277
- Power, F. A., and Sons, Ltd.. Tool for Strapping Packing Cases with Wire, 277
- Rawlplug Co, Ltd., Holding-down Bolt for Machinery, 277
- Rhodes, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Stamping Presses, New Type, 277
- Roller Patents, Hoops and Wire Rope, 278
- Royles, Ltd., Heater or Condenser, 277
- Rylands Brothers, Ltd., Wiro Galvanised by "Crapo" System, 277
- Salter, George, and Co., Ltd. Waterless Gasholder, Spring Balances, &c., 278
- Sturtevant Engineering Co, Ltd., Industrial Vacuum Cleaners. 277
- Terry, Herbert, and Sons, Ltd., Springs, Clips, &c., 278
- Toledo, Andrews Ltd., Steel, Various Kinds, and Tool for Cutting Steel, 277
- Westwood, A. E., Ltd., Force Feed Oil Cans, 'Oil Cabinet., '277
- CHLORONOL Water Sterilisation Plant, Royles, Ltd., Suppt., 21.3.30, v, vi
- Cochran Vertical Boiler, 7ft. Diameter by 15f t. High, Cochranette Boiler, Cochran and Co. (Annan), Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, ii
- Combined Lighting and Compressing Set, Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., viii
- Conveyor, Vale Biflex Chain, Malleable Chains, Wheels, Buckets, Ewart Chainbelt Company, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, v
- Cooling Towers, Models of, Film Cooling Towers (1925), Ltd., Suppt., 14,2.30, vii
- Crags-Plummer Adjustable Steel Pit Prop, Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vi
- Crane, Petrol-electric Runabout, Herbert Morris, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, i
- DROP Stampings, Powell Brett, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, iii
- EJECTORS; Injectors ; Live Steam Heating Injectors ; Combined Heater and Injector, Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iii, iv
- Electrical Matters
- Birloc Furnace, Large ; Standard Portable Electric Birloc Furnaces, Birinillgham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 214
- Direct - current and Alternating - current Motors, Heavy-current Motor Generator Sets, Electrical Power Engineering Coin- pany, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, viii
- Electric Furnace for Pottery, &c., R. M. Catterson Smith, Suppt., 21.2.30, iv
- Electric Generators ; Arc-welding Equip- ments, and other Exhibits, Bull Motors, Ltd., 214
- Electrical Restaurant, Large, Heating and Cooking Equipment, British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Suppt., 21.2.30, iv
- Electric Water Heaters, Storage Type, Bulpitt and Sons, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, 1
- Furnaces, Electric ; Muffle Furnace ; High. temperature Steel-hardening Furnace ; Stool Annealing and Case-hardening Furnace; Lead Melting Pot ; Standard Electric Furnace ; 30 and 80 Kilowatts Furnaces for Brass and Steel : Grunewald Electric Bright, Annealing Plant ; " Magnet Electric Furnaces ; Bright Annealing of Strip and Wire ; Annealing Unit Recuperating Trench, General Electric Company, Suppt., 14.2.30, vi, vii
- High-frequency Furnace, 7-kVA; Poking Machine ; Melting Pot, 20-kVA ; Air Heater, Electric Furnace Company, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, vii, viii
- Motors and Control Gear ; Motor Generators and 'Fabroil' Pinions ; Radial Drilling Machine with Vertical Spindle Motors Worm-geared Motor Units, Vertical and Horizontal ; Motor Starters and Controllers for Alternating and Direct Current ; Oil-immersed Alternating-current Control Panel ; Metal-clad Switch Gear, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, ii
- Storage Batteries for Many Purposes ; Stationary Batteries for Central Station Use, for Emergency Lighting of Theatres, Shops, &c.; High-tension and Low-tension Wireless Batteries ; Portable Wireless Sets ; Miners' Hand Lamps, &c., Chloride Electrical Storage Company, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vii
- Sub-station, Mercury Vapour Rectifier, for Direct-current Supply for Lighting and Power at British Fair, Birmingham, Hewittic Electric, Company, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, v
- Tubular Immersion Heating Units ; Isolating Switches: A. Royrolle and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, ii, ; Street Traffic Con- trol Apparatus, Automatic, A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., and J. H. Holmes and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iii ; " Castle " Direct-current Electric Welding Sot, H. Holmes and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iii
- Engines
- Oil Engines, Airless Injection, Light-weight, Single-acting ; Conqueror Pumps, &c., W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 212, 213, and Two-plate Supplement, Fig. VIII
- Heavy Oil Vertical Engine with Four Cylinders, 265 Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, viii, and Two-page Plate, Fig. III
- Oil Engine, 195 B.H.P., Throe-cylinder, Cold-starting, Airless Injection ; 65 B.H.P. per Cylinder Engine ; 950-Watt Auto- Potter Light Plant ; 5 B.H.P. Universal Type Hoppor-cooled Engine, with Joint Ring for Cylinder Head, Petters, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, iv, and Two-page Plate, Fig. IV
- Oil Engines, 220 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Compressorless ; 82 B.H.P. Three-cylinder Compressorless, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, i, and Two-page Plate, Fig. VII
- Oil Engines for Heavy Fuel Oils, Paraffin and Petrol Fuels, 55 B.H.P. Unit ; 76 B.H.P. Twin-cylinder Engine ; " Unchokeable Pumps for Sewage, Gravel, &c., and Other Exhibits, Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 214, and Two-page Plate, Fig. II
- Oil Engines, Low-pressure Cold-starting, 55 BHP.; Fuel Pumps and Airless Injection of Fuel, Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, ii, iii, and Two-page Plate, Fig. VI
- Oil Engines, Twin-cylinder Cold-starting; Horizontal Oil Engine ; Vertical Fuel Engine ; 120-Ton Moulding Press, Tangyes Ltd., 213, and Two-page Plate, Fig. V
- Engines Operating on Gas, Heavy Oil, Paraffin and Petrol; Large Horizontal Twincylinder Type ; Single-cylinder Heavy Oil Engine ; 11 B.H.P. Single-cylinder Oil Engine, National Gas Engine Company, Suppt., 21.2.30, i, and I.wo-page Plate, Fig. I
- Rational Petrol Engines ; Vacuum Exhauster, Heatly-Gresham Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iv, v.
- EXCAVATOR, Oil Engine Driven, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 240, 241
- FINISHES of All Kinds, Lacquers, Enamels, Stoving Enamels, Necol Cracking Enamel ; Lacquers for Spraying ; Cranco Cellulose Enamels, &c., Nobel Chemical Finishes, Ltd., and the Fredk. Crane Chemical Company, 242
- "Firth Insto," Hacksawing Machine ; Saw Sharpeners; Engineers"rools ; Twist Drills; Milling Cutters ; Reamers " Die-hard " ; High-speed Cutting Files ; Firth Staybrite, Thos. Firth and Sons, Ltd., 241
- Foundry Machines, High-speed, Swing-frame Grinder ; Jarr Rollover Moulding Machine ; Sand-mixing Machines, Pneulec, Ltd., 212
- Foundry Sand Plant ; Magnetic Drum and Pulley Typo Separators ; Chute Separators; Magnetic Clutch, &c., Rapid Magnetting Machine Company, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vii
- Foundry and Smithy Equipment, Geared Crane Ladles ; Tilting Crucible Furnace ; Roots Blowers ; Centrifugal" Fans 3-Cwt. Pneumatic Forging Hammer for Belt Drive ; Pneumatic Planishing Hammer ; Riveting Hammers, &c., Alldays and Onions, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, ii
- GRAVEL-WASHING Plant, Portable; Brick- breaker, Petrol Engine Driven, Goodwin, Barsby and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iv
- Guillotine Shearing Machine ; Planishing Hammer ; Gear Power Press ; Brooks (Oldbury), Ltd., 241, 242
- HARDENING of Metal Parts by the Cyanide Process, Case-hardening of Metal Parts, Cassel Cyanide Company, Ltd., 242
- Hornsby Oil Installation, The First ; 10 B.H.P. Petrol-paraffin ; 22 B.H.P. Cold-starting Airless Injection Engine: Three-cylinder 67 B.H.P. Vertical Airless Injection Engine Combined Oil Engine and Starting Air Com- pressor; Road Roller, Oil Engine Driven, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 240
- Hot-plate Press ; Hydraulic Girder Frame Press ; Hydraulic Pumps ; Accumulator, &c., Hollings and Guest, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, iv, v
- INDUSTRIAL Oil Burners ; Furnace, Parker, Winder and Achurch, Ltd. Suppt., 21.2.30, vii, viii
- LAWN Mowers, Petrol-driven, Special Transmission Gear, &c., Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, iv
- Locomotives, Small Petrol ; Road-making Equipment ; Abattoir Fittings, J. and F. Howard, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, iii
- MACHINE Tools, Small : Machine Vices. Chucks, Tapping and Drilling Attachments ; Turrets, Taps, and Dies : Six-spindlo Horizontal Drilling Machine, J. Ackworthie, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vii
- "Manumit" Roller, Petrol-driven ; Road Roller, Oil Engine Driven ; Diesel and Semi- Diesel Oil Engines ; Diesel Cold-starting Horizontal Oil Engines ; Concrete Mixer, Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30,
- Monel Metal; Malleable Nickel ; "Nickel-Chromium-Iron" ; "Nimol" New Cast Iron Alloy ; Pumps, Valves, &c., Monel-Weir, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, i
- Motor-driven Road Roller, Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., 277
- NEW Model "Midsaw" Universal Woodworking Machine, Midland Saw and Tool Company, Ltd., 276, 337
- New Super-typo Elliot Woodworking Machine,
- Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., 276
- PACKING Machine ; Air Conditioning Plant, Davidson and Co., Ltd., 242
- Portable Painting Plants, Low-pressure Spray Gun and Automatic Paint Regulator, Aerograph Company, Ltd., Suppt., 14.2.30, viii
- P.M.G. Yellow Metal, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 276, 277
- SAND Blast Machine, Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Company, Ltd., 276
- Single Operator Welding Machines, Electrically Driven, Also by Four-cylinder Dorman Engine ; Welding Transformers with Choke Coil Regulators ; Two-operator Motor Generator Plant ; " Premag " Process, Oxy- acetylene for Welding Copper, Premier Elec- tric 'Welding Company, Ltd., 240
- Steels, Heat-resisting, and Corrosion-resisting; " Heels A T V" Special Steel for Impulse and Reaction Turbine Bladings ; " Resista H Y" Non-magnetic Steel ; "Hecht 18" Hollow Mining Drill Steel, Hadtiolds, Ltd., Suppt., 21.2.30, vii
Miscellaneous Articles
- ABELL. Sir Westcott S., and Mr. A. Safety of Life at Sea, 402
- Advert ising -see Sixth Annual Convention
- See also Annual Articles
- Aeronautical Progress, 1914-19:30, James Forrest Lecture, Professor R. V. Southwell. 512
- Development and Progress of the Aero Engine, FL R. Ricardo. F.R.S., 628-630
- Goodyear Zeppelin Airship Shed at. Akron Ohio. 21, 22, 44, 45, 48
- Improved Searchlight for Air Defence., Captain Daniel Bengtson, 638
- International Aspects of Civil Aviation, 301 St. Hubert Airship Mooring Tower, 358
- Testing Aeroplane Wing Ribs, Apparatus for, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., 321
- AGECROFT-see Electrical Matters
- Agricultural Engineering, 137; (Letters). 169, 324
- Air Compressor Set, Automatic, B.E.N. Patents. Ltd., 500
- Alexander, F. H., Stability of a Vessel with a List, 452
- Allen, N. P., Experiments on . . Copper Ingots, 320
- Aluminium Brasses, R. Genders, 346
- Aluminium Joists, Rolling, 523
- 115, 116, 223, 252, 554, 555, 723
- Air Rights Developments, 115
- Aluminium for Structural Work, 115 Artificial Manganese Ore, 555
- Balanced Cooling Bed for Rolling Mills, 252
- Ball Mills for Grinding, 252
- Chlorinating Condenser Water, 252
- Commercial Sand Dredging, 223
- Concrete Conveyors, 555
- Developments in Feed Water Treatment, 221
- Eight-coupled Passenger Locomotives, 223
- Exhibition Locomotive, 723
- Fertiliser from Sewage Sludge, 252
- Gas Welding in Foundries, 223
- Improvements in Iron Castings, 223
- Natural Gas Developments, 555
- New Port Facilities, 723
- Overflow Dam with Stilling Pool. 252
- Power Penstock for 2418ft. Head, 113
- Prophecy of Steel and Iron, 723
- Reclaiming Sand in Steel Foundries. 554
- Research in Steel Metallurgy, 723
- Roller Bearings for Railway Cars, 116
- Spherical Tanks for Oil and Gas, 252
- Strengthening Railway Bridges,,555
- Toll Road Revival, 554
- 100-Ton Crane for Train Ferry, 223
- Warehouse with Roller Conveyors, 555
- AMERICAN Society of Mechanical Engineers, Jubilee, of, 464
- Aeronautics in 1929, 16, 18--22, 44, 45, 48
- Airships R 100 and R 101, 21 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Airship ZMC 2, Aircraft Development Corporation, for United States Navy, 22
- Airship Shed at Akron for the Goodyear Zeppelin Corporation, 21, 22, 44, 48; Goodyear Zeppelin Airship Shod at Akron, Ohio, American Bridge Company, 44, 48
- Beardmore "Tornado" Heavy Oil Engine for R 101, 21
- Fairey Aviation Company, Long-range Monoplane, 19, 21
- Ford All-metal Fourteen-passenger Monoplane, 20, 21
- German Super-large Machines, Dornier Do X Twelve-engined Flying Boat, 16, 21
- Gloster All-metal Survey Biplane, 16, 19
- Gloster-Napier Schneider Trophy Seaplane. 16, 19
- Supermarine Rolls-Royce Schneider Trophy Winner, 16, 19
- Westland Single-seater All-metal Interceptor Fighter, 19, 20
- Westland Six-seater Three-engined Limousine Monoplane, 19, 21
- Vickers Aviation Single-seater All metal Interceptor Fighter, 10, 20
- SOME BRIDGES of 1929, 22
- Ambassador Bridge, 22
- Khartoum Omdurman Bridge, 22 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Royal Albert Bridge, Saltash. Reconstruction of the Land Spans (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- No. 1 in January 3rd, 1930, Pages 7-10:
- Electricity Schemes : Mid-East, North-East, South-East. England and Central Scotland, 8
- Generating Plant : Large Installations at Home, for the Colonies and Foreign Countries ; Steam Turbine Developments at Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 9
- B.T.H. Alternator with Fan driven from Main Shaft, 8, 9
- Power Stations, New : Hams Hall, Kearsley. Portishead and Slacks Valley, (Supplement, January 3rd 19:30) ; Deptford West, Morden, and St George's Bay, Athens, 8, 9
- Rural Electrification, Increased Use of Electricity in Agriculture, 8
- Transformers, Large, for Tap Changing Under Load, Great Demand for, 9
- Transformers, Very Small, for Use in Connection with Rural Electrification Schemes, 9
- High-voltage Laboratory of Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd.. Woolwich, 9
- No. 2 in January luth. 1930, Pages 36-39
- B.T.H. New Types Unbreakable Resistances and Controllers, 37
- Electric Traction : G.I.P. Main Line Electrification : Southern Railway Motor and Trailer Coaches ; Central Argentine Motor and Trailer Coaches, 37
- Tramway Cars and Equipment, Numerous Orders for these and also for Electric Rail Equipment for (Tome and Abroad, 37
- Hydro-electric Plant : English Electric Company's Alternators for New Zealand ; Vertical Reaction Turbines for the Grampian Scheme, 36
- Nigerian and Tasmanian Important Orders, Alternators for the Perak River, 36
- Research : Acoustic Measurement oil Eleetro-acoustic Problems, 37 ; Electrical Research Association's Work, 37 International Agreement on Figures Representing Steam Properties, Suc- cessful Conference, 37; Noise Emitted by Electrical and Mechanical Machines. Research on, 37 ; Phenomena of Circuit Breaking, 37; Photo-electric Cell, New Type Developed at Wembley; Testing Overhead Transmission Line Towers, Special Plant Erected, 37
- Switchgear, 36 : Important Installation Portishead Power Station, Metropolitan-Vickers Company, 36 ; B.T.H. High- voltage Apparatus for Sub-stations of Central Electricity Board ; Metal-clad Switchgear for Ironbridge Power Station, 36; General Electric Company, Rotary Type Isolating Link ; Metal-clad and other Types of G.E.C. Switchgear, 36
- Wireless Communication : Imperial Beam Wireless Transmission ; International Committee for Radio-electric Communications at The Hague, 38; Wireless Improvement in all Classes of Equipment, 38; Broadcasting from Brookman's Park Station ; Board Ship Independent Duplex Wireless Service ; Post Office Work, Continental Wireless Traffic London and New York ; Four Two-way Telephone Channels in Regular Operation, 38 ; Dual Wave Method of Working, 38, 30
- The United Kingdom :
- London, Port of, 66 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Bristol Channel and South Wales Ports, 66
- Mersey and the Manchester ship Canal, 66
- North-East Coast and Humber Ports, 66
- Southampton, Cowes and Newhaven. 66
- Scotland, 66
- Other Ports, 67
- Inland Waterways, 67
- Report on British Port Development, 67
- European Ports and Waterways. 67
- Africa, 67
- North and South America, 68
- The East, 68
- Locomotives of 1929, 2
- Beyer-Garratt Locomotive for South African Railways, Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- (Erratum), Cockburns, Ltd., 58
- German State Railways, Diesel-Compressed Air Locomotive, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Kitson-Still Locomotive, 3
- L.M.S. Railway, Double-pressure Locomotive, ' Fury," Built by North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., 3, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- L.N.E. Railway, High-pressure, Four- cylinder Compound Locomotive, 2, 3 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930) ; Boiler, New Type, Mr. Harold Yarrow and Mr. Gresloy, 2
- Companies' Engines :
- Great Western Railway, 4-8-0 'Hall' Class Two-cylinder Engines ; Mixed Traffic Outside Cylinder Engines. etc.. 4
- L.M.S. Railway 0-8-0 Goods Engine, 4
- Southern Railway, 'Lord Nelson' Class Engines ; Three-cylinder Shunting Tank Engines (3-8-0; Two cylinder Passenger Engines, 4
- Some Makers' Engines
- Armstrong, Sir W. G.. and Co.. Ltd. Broadgauge Goods Locomotive for Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway, 4 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930) ; Garratt Two-cylinder locomotive for Brazil, 5
- Avonside Engine Company, Ltd., Six- coupled Wheels Tank Engine, 6; Four-cylinder Petrol Engine, 5
- Bagnall W. G., Ltd., Saddle Tank Shunting Engines for Peruvian Corporation. Ltd., 5
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., "Mikado 2--8-2 Engines and Very Large Engines for Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, and for Other Railways Abroad, 4
- Colombian Railways, Three-cylinder, Narrow-gauge Locomotives constructed in Germany, 6
- Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., Antofagasta and Bolivia Railway, Metre-gauge Tank Engine, 4 Large Fireless Engine for Slacks Valley Power Station, 4
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd. Saddle Tank Engine for Pacasmayo Railway, 5; Battery Electric Locomotives, 5
- Hunslet Engine Company, Ltd., Causes of Curtailed Orders, 6
- Kitson and Co., Ltd., Kitson-Meyer Engine for Cundinamarca Railway, 4; Shunting 'Tank Engines for San Paulo Railway, 4
- North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., Schmidt Two-pressure Engine for L.M.S., 3, 5: De Glehn Compound Engine for Bengal-Nagpur Railway, 5 Three-cylinder Engines for Federated Malay States, 6
- Vulcan Foundry. Ltd., Engines for Indian State Railways, 5 Mechanical Ports Electric Goods Locomotives for Great Indian Peninsula 5
- British-built Motor Ships and Marino Oil Engines, 1929, Tables I. and II., 25
- Large and Intermediate Motor Passenger Liners :
- Adelaide Steamship Company's Passenger Liner Manunda, 26
- "Aorangi," 17,600-Ton Quadruple-screw Motor Liner, 26
- Bibby Motor Liner " Staffordshire," 24, 26
- "Dunbar Castle" Launched, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 26
- "Llangibby Castle," 10,000-Ton Union-Castle Liner, 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Motor Passenger Liners Completed, with Refrigerated Cargo Spaces for Meat Carrying, Harland and Wolff, 26; Other Vessels Completed, "Highland Chieftain" and "Highland Brigade," 126; Other 'Vessels Launched, '" Highland Hope," and " Highland Princess)," 26
- Prince Line, Ltd., Motor Ship " Southern Prince" and Three Other 10,900- Ton Passenger and Cargo Liners, 26 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930); "Eastern Prince," "Western Prince," Napier and Miller, Ltd.; " Cingalese Prince" and "Siamese Prince," Blythswood Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., 26
- "Rangitiki", "Rangitata", and "Rangitatile", Each with Two Sets Single-acting Two-stroke Brown-Sulzer Engines, each with Five Cylinders, John Brown and Co., Ltd., for New Zealand Shipping Company, Ltd., 26, 27 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- "Winchester Castle," 20,000-Ton Liner Launched (ruin Harland and Wolff's Belfast Yard, 26
- Fast Cargo Ships for Colonial and Other Services, 26:
- 'Agamemnon' and 'Menestheus' Holt Blue Funnel Liners, 26
- Court Line, Ltd., Motor Cargo Ship Fleet, Three Additional 10-Knot Ships, 26
- Denny-built Vessels for Australian Service, "Australind" and "Armadale" ; Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 'Westralia' for Melbourne, 26
- 'Penrith Castle" and 'Thurland Castle', 2250 S.H.P. Six-cylinder, North-Eastern-Werkspoor Engine, 26, 27 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- 'Villanger', One of Three 124-Knot Motor Cargo Ships, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 24, 26
- Cross-Channel Motor Ships, 27
- 'Esbjerg', North Sea Cross-Channel Vessel for Service Between Harwich and Esbjerg, 28
- 'Ulster Monarch," First of Three British-owned and Built Cross-Channel Motor Vessels for Ulster Imperial Line, 26
- Motor Tanker Construction, 28:
- Types of Propelling Machinery. 28, 42 Blower, Exhaust Gas Turbine Driven, Brown-Boveri, 43
- Blower Rotary Scavenger, Burmeister and Wain, 43
- Blower, Supercharging. for Richardsons-Westgarth Double-acting Engine. 42, 43
- Blower, Supercharging and Scavenging, Powerplus, Ltd., 43
- Methods of Scavenging and Super-charging, 43
- Scavenging System, Werkspoor,
- "Britannic," 27,000-Ton Liner, Launched, 20; 10,000 S.H.P. Harland-B. & W. Four-stroke Double-acting Engine, 28
- British Two-stroke Double-acting Engine, Richardsons-Westgarth, 42
- Brown-Sulzer 9300 S.H.P. Five-cylinder Oil Engine, 26, 27 Ten-cylinder Engine. 7040 8. H. P. , Sulzer Brothers, 44 : Two-stroke Sulzer Type Engines, 26, 27, 42
- Double-acting Engine, 1250 S.H P. Richardsons-Westgarth, 42
- Doxford Opposed-piston 2900 S.H.P. Engine, 42
- Four-stroke " Werkspoor " Type Engines, 26, 27, 42; North-Eastern -Werkspoor 2250 S.H.P. Six-cylinder Engine. 26, 27
- Harland-B. & W. 10,000 S.H.P. Four- stroke Double-acting Engine, 28
- Great Britain : Ships Cancelled or Postponed, 6; Ships Launched, Cruisers. 'Dorsetshire', 'Exeter', 'York', Sloops, 'Bridgewater', 'Sandwich' Flotilia Leaders, 'Codrington', 'Keith', 6 Destroyers, 'Acasta',
'Achates', 'Active', 'Anthony', 'Ardent', 'Arrow', 6 submarines, Seven "0" and "I" Boats 6 Auxiliaries Completed, H.M.S. 'Medway', Submarine Depot mid Repair Ship, H.M.S. Turbine Steamer Repair Ship 'Resource," 6
- France : "Foch," Cruiser ; "Commandant Taste" Seaplane Carrier ; "Pluton" Cruiser Minelayer; Others, Destroyers and Submarines ; Submarine Cruiser "Surcouf," Largest Submersible Yet Built, 7
- Germany : "Leipzig", Cruiser Launched "Ersatz Preussen", Possible Outcome of Her Design, 7
- Italy : Four 10,000-Ton Cruisers Proceeded with, "Zara","Fiume", " Bolzano", "Gorizia" ; Destroyers, Several Large and Small Launched, 7
- Japan : Four Large Cruisers Completed Others in Hand Aircraft Carrier Ordered ; Several Destroyers, Sub. marine, and Anti-submarine Net Layers Launched, 7
- United States : Five Cruisers Launched Two Large Submarines Launched ; Eight Battleships Reconstructed ; Five Others in Hand, 6
- Other Navies : British Firms' Contracts for Ships for Argentine and Chili ; Italian Contracts for Argentine "Salamis" Greek Battleship Begun at Hamburg Fifteen Years Ago, to be Completed ; Turkish Fleet Expansion, 7
- RAILWAYS IN 1929, 80
- Great Western :
- Appledore Viaduct, 81
- Bristol, 81
- Paddington, 81
- Cardiff Docks, 81
- Newport Docks, 81
- Newport, Mon, 81
- Old Bill Tunnel, 81
- Penarth Dock and Barry Docks, 81
- Ponsanooth Viaduct, 81
- Royal Albert Bridge. 81
- St. Erth and Marazion, 81
- Severn Tunnel, 81
- Swansea Docks, 81
- Tonteg and Treforest,
- London, Midland and Scottish, 80:
- London, Broad-street, 80
- London, Tilbury, 80
- Beeston, 80
- Edge Hill and Speke Junction, 80
- Fleetwood. 80
- Goole, 80
- Longbridge and Barnt Green Widening, 80
- Manchester, 80
- Northampton, Castle Station, 80
- Nottinghamshire, New Railways and Extensions in, 80
- Rossington Main Colliery Branch, 80
- London and North-Eastern, :
- King's Cross, 80
- Bedlington Viaduct, 81
- Clacton-on-Sea, 80
- Doncaster, Branch Line at, 80
- Hattersley Tunnels, 80
- Heaton, 81
- Hull and Barnsley Railway, 80
- Newcastle, 80
- Tayport Branch, 81
- Wilton-on-the-Naze Branch, 80
- Whitemoor Yard, March, 80
- Bridge Work in the Scottish Area, 81
- London, Midland and Scottish and London and North-Eastern Joint, 81
- Mid-Nottinghamshire Railway, 81
- Electrification of the Manchester South Junction and Altrincham, 81
- Southern
- Bridges Between Faversham and Ramsgate, 81
- Dover, 81
- Electrification, 81
- Epsom, 81
- Hastings St. Leonards, West Marina. 81
- Isle of Wight, 81
- Lewisham Loops, Kent House and Beckenham Junction Widening, 81
- Newhaven Harbour, 81
- New Loop at Minster, 81
- Signalling in the London Bridge Area, 81
- Wimbledon, 81
- Wimbledon and Sutton Railway, 81
- Mumbles Railway, 81
- Introduction, 70
- London Main Drainage. 70
- Abbey Mills Pumping Station, Re-organisation of Beam Engine-house, 70
- Northern Outfall Works, Beckton, Re-construction of Jetty, 70
- Additional Purification Plant, 70
- Birmingham, 70
- Hockley Brook Improvement, 70
- Improvement to the Rivers Tame and Rea, 70
- Tame Valley Sewer, 70
- East Birmingham Sewerage, 70
- Sewerage of Perry Barr, 70
- Unemployment Relief Work, 70
- Blackpool, 70
- Bradford, 70
- Brighton, 70
- Burnley, 71
- Chatham and Rochester, 71
- Coventry, 71
- Doncaster, 71
- Ipswich, 71
- Leeds, 71
- Leicester, 71
- Lytham St. Alines, 71
- FA Manchester, 71 Nottingham. 71 Sheffield, 71 Southend. 71
- Stoke-on-Trent. 71
- la Wolverhampton, 71
- Works Completed, in Hand, or in course of completion, 72
- Applications for Loans, 72
- Pollution of River Research, 72
- Paris, 72
- Tonnage Output of the Year (lood, It) Some Large Li 111,3 of 1929, 10
- fzi 5000-Ton Liner " President. Dalht.." Swan, Hunter and Wighate Richardson, Ltd., 11
- C.P.R. Liner " Empress of Canada," Re-engined, 10
- "Duchess of Richmond " and "of York," Canadian Pacific Liners, 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Kish-treating Steamship " Soapro," 404, 405 (Two-page Suppkment, April 11th, 1930)
- Holland-America Liner " Statenthon." 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Holland-America Liner Statendam, Service Results of, Ir. Dr. W. M. Meijer, 432
- North German Lloyd Liner " Bremen," 10 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- North German Lloyd Liner, 50,000-Ton, " Europa," 347, 362
- Orient Liner "Orontes," 10
- Whaling Factory Ships and Whaling Research, " Kosmos " and " Vikingen," 11, 12
- Royal Research Ship " Discovery 11 11, 12
- Cross-Channel and North Sea Steamers
- Dover-Calais Steamer "Canterbury,' 11, 12
- Harwich-Hook of Holland Steamer " Vienna," 11, 12, 13
- Loudon and North Eastern Railway Company, Launch of the " Prague,' and soon to Launch also the "Amsterdam " to Join the " Vienna " for same Service, 11
- Swedish-Lloyd Service Steamers
- " Suocia " and "Britannia," Swan, Hunter and 1Vigliam Richardson, 13
- Cargo Steamers of 1929: Cargo Vessels for est Lakes of Canada, 13
- Colliers, Self-trimming, " Kaimiro " and " liarepo " for Union Steamship Com- pany of Now Zealand, 13
- Pulverised Coal-burning Collier ICS. " Berwitullea," 53
- Main and Auxiliary Electric Propulsion
- P. and O. Liner " Mooltan," Turbo-electric Machinery by British Thomson-Houston Company, 13
- P. and O. Liner "Viceroy of India," Impelled by Turbo-electric Machinery.
- Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., 13 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1930)
- Turbo-electric Equipments to be Supplied by both B.T.H. Company and Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, 13
- STEAmsnms AND STEAM MARINE ENOINICKft- MO IN 1929 (continued)
- Some Dredgers of 1929:
- Dredging and Rock.breaking Plants for Homo and Foreign Harbour Use, " Gamusa " and " Khartita " Dipper Dredgers for Work on Dant neer Khartoum, 13. 14
- Various other Dredgers for Hull and also for Brazil and New Zealand. 11
- Types of Propelling Machinery, 52 Geared Turbine Installations, 52 Geared Turbine Installations, Exhaust,
- 53
- Lentz Marine Engine, 2200 63
- Reciprocating Steam Engine, 52 Turbo-eleetric Propulsion, 52
- BOTLEns, MARINE, OP 1929, 52, 53
- 550 lb. Pressure Babcock.Wilcox 1Vater• tube Type, 52, 53
- 210 lb. Pressure Hawthorn-Armstrong I‘rater-tube Type, 52, 53
- Ifowden High-pressure Boiler, 53
- 1200 lb. Pressure Yarrow Experimental, 52, 53
- "
- Brand" Powdered Fool Equipment to
- Reimer Line Cargo Ship " Swiftpool," 54 Pulverised Coal -burning Progress, Successful
- Fitting of Clarke-Chapman Equipment to
- " Berwindlea," 53
- Yarrow Pulverised Fuel System, Experi-
- mente On the Liner " Amarapoora," 54
- Superheating and Condenser Progress, 54
- WATEn SUPPLY p.; 1929. 22, 39
- Metropolitan Water Board
- Works in Connection with the Supply from Queen Mary Reservoir at Littleton, 23
- Now Filtration Plant at Kemptim Park, 23
- Works for Improvement of Suppl^ North of the Thames, 23
- Works in Connection with Supply to the Board's Southern, 1Vestern and Kent Districts, 23
- Batley, Brownhill Reservoir Practieally Completed, 23
- Birmingham, Bartley Reservoi, 14rad.
- ford, 39 ; (Erratum), 92
- Chelmsford, 39
- Coventry, 39
- Derwent Valloy, 39 Glasgow, 39
- Liverpool, 39
- The Aqueduct ; Oaweetry Filter Beds;
- Vyrnwy Supply, the Aber Tunnel, 39 Londonderry, 40
- Manchester, .10
- Mexborough, 40
- Perth, 40
- Rugby, 40
- Sheffield, Burbage Reservoir, Ewden Valley Reservoirs, 40
- Skegness, 40
- Wakefield, 40
- Works Completed, in Progress, or in Con- templation, 40
- Bore-holes. 41
- Athens. 41
- Heightening the Aswan Dan, i
- Canada, 41
- France, 41
- Nag Hammadi Barrage, 41
- Nile Water Regulation Agreement, 42 Other Places Abroad, 41; (Letter), 340
- ARC Welded Steel Structures in America, 808 Arc Welding at a Large Boiler Works, 344 Area Gas Supply Committee, 602
- Artesian VIrell at Slough, Noteworthy, C. Islet- and Co., Ltd., 542
- Association, British Waterworks :
- knitual General Meeting at Liverpool. Pro- gramme, 612
- Association, Diesel Engine Users Report on Heavy Oil Engines, 28ii
- Association, Incorporated Municipal Electrical Annual Convention, 606, 639
- Annual General Meeting, 640
- Annual Dinner, 640
- Presidential Address, J. K. Brydges, 606 Chatfield, Alderman R. S.. Paper, 606 Pulverised Fuel Firing as Affecting Boiler.
- house Operation, B. H. Lake, 607, 639
- Association, Manchester, of Engineers : Electrical Distribution in Manchester, H. C. Lamb, 224
- Engineering in the Gas Industry. John W. Curtis, 265
- Machine Tools from the Manufacturing User's Point of View, Herbert C. Armitage, 333
- Marine Oil Engine Installations, J. 00,10-- wood, 3146
- Institute of British Foundrymen Twonty-seventli Annual Convention, 583, 683, 721
- Presidential Address, Fred. I'. Wilson, 883 Programme, 583
- List of Papers, 583
- Institute of Fuel
- Cracking of Petroleum Ode and Low-ten,
- perature Coal Tars, W. H. Jones, 413
- Smoke Prevention, Factors Affecting the
- Problem, Professor W. E. Gibbs, 311
- Institute, Iron and Steel :
- Annual Meeting, Programme, List of Papers, 378, 516, 537
- Annual Dinner, 039
- Autumn Meeting at Prague, Programme, 168 Alloys of Iron with Silicon, Messrs. Haughton and Becker, 539
- Alloys for Use at High Temperatures,
- Messrs. Rosenhain, Jenkins, 'lapsed! ,
- Austin, and Rees, 538
- Institute, Iron and Steel (continued):
- Carburising and Graphitising Reactions Between Iron-carbon Alloys, Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide, Dr. Becker, 539
- Chromium-copper Structural Steels, J. A. Jones, 539
- Developments in Fuel Economy at Skinnin- grove, F. Bainbridge, 517
- Effect of Melting Conditions on the Micro- structure and Mechanical Strength of Grey ('sat Irons containing Various Amounts of Carbon and Silicon. Messrs. Norbury and Morgan, 539
- Experimental Inquiry into the Interaction of Gases and Ore in tho Blast-furnace, Professor W. A. Bone, Drs. L. Reeve and H. L. Saunders, 516
- Motallography of Some Ancient Egyptian Implements, Sir H. C. H. Carpenter and Dr. J. M. Robertson, 538
- Presentation of Two Bessemer Medals, 516 Properties of Some Steels Containing
- Chromium, Messrs. Page and Partridge,
- 539
- Single Sheet or Thin Pack Normalising, &e., R. Whitfield, 537
- Tin and Sheet Mill Rolls, &c., E. R. Mort, 537
- Institute of Marine Engineers
- Water-tube Boilers for Merchant 'Ships. Engineer Rear-Admiral W. M. Whayman,
- Institute of Metals :
- Twenty-second Annual General Meeting, 134, 302, 345; Programme, List. of Papers, May Lecture, 134, 302
- Annual Report, 302
- Annual Dinner, 303
- General Meeting. 294, 302, 319, 320, 321, 345,
- 382
- Presidential Address by R. Seligman, 294, 295 Aluminium Brasses, It. Genders, 346 Atmospheric Action and Fatigue in Lead,
- Professor Bernard P. Haigh and B. Jones,
- 383
- Cast Alloys and Effect of Turbulence Due to Gases, R. Genders, 321
- Composition of Eutectics, Dr. D. Stockdale, 320
- Copper Ingots, &c., N. P. Allen, 320 Diffusion of Zinc in Copper Crystals, Miss
- C. F. Elam, 346
- Early Use of Metals, Dr. T. A. Rickard, 319 Effect of Phosphorus in Copper, Professor
- D. Hanson and Others, 345 Electro-deposited Coatings, Protective Value of, L. Davies and L. Wright, 382
- Gases in Copper, W. E. Prytherch, 320 Influence of Technique on Research, Twentieth May Lecture, Major F. A Freeth, 541
- Metallic Magnesium, W. R. D. Jones, 383 Unsoundness in Bronze Castings. E. J. Daniels, 320
- Zinc-base Die-casting Alloys, R. Lancaster and J. G. Berry, 382
- Institute of Physics
- Physical Research and Wireless, 611 Presidential Address, Dr. W. H. Eccles, 611
- Institute of Transport :
- Congress and Summer Meeting at Glasgow. 584
- Programme, 584
- Institution of Automobile Engineers .
- Relative Safety of Mild and High-tensile Alloy Steels under Alternating and Pul- sating Stresses, Bernard P. Haigh. 238, 262, 304
- Institution of Chemical Engineers
- Eighth Annual Meeting, Annual Report, 413 Presidential Address, .1. Arthur Bouvet!, 413 High-pressure Equipment. of the Chemical
- Research Laboratory, Teddington, H.
- Tongue, 413
- Pulverised Fuel, J. T. Dum. and B. Moore, 413
- Institution of Civil Engineers :
- April Examinat ions, 1930, PASS List (Interim), 587
- October Examinations, 1929, Pass List, 89 Aeronautical Progress, 1914-1930, James
- Forrest Lecture, Professor R. V. South.
- well, 512
- Conversaziono, 602
- Institution of Electrical Engineers
- Batteries and their Use, 265
- Breaking Performance of high -power Switchgear and a Now Form of Quenched Arc Switch, L. C. Grant, 132
- Conversazione, Annual, 695
- High-tension Distribution, G. V. Twig., 186 High-tension Sul,station Switc.hgear, A. F. Harmer, 431
- Jet-wave Rectifier, Professor Jul Hartmann, 218, 221-223
- Recent Developments in the l'rotection of Three-phase Transmission Lines and Feeders, T. W. Ross and B. C. Bell, 138, 141, 142
- Scholarships in Electrical !Engineering, 574 Shannon Hydro-electric Power Undertaking, 634, 638
- Sununer Meeting, 638, (353-656, 660
- Visits to Fleet-street Transformer Station, Dublin ; Inchicore Sub-station; Belfast Power Station ; Harland and Wolff's Shipyard ; Sirocco Engineering Works, Davidson and Co., 654, 655, 660
- Institutions of Engineers and Shipbuilders . Joint Summer Meeting in Holland, 695 Institution of Gas Engineers
- Conference, 528 Programme, 529
- fro rt I i
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Annual General Meeting. 235
- Long-range Distribution of Steam, Vraneis Carnegie, 484
- Progress in Marine Engineering, Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture, Engineer Vice. Admiral R. W. Skelton, 55
- Steam Nozzles Research. Final Report:, 235, 264; (Letters), 270, 324
- Strength and Design of Fusion Welds for Unfired Vessels, L. W. Schuster, 2R9, 308
- "
- Wood" Steam Generator, General Opera- tion Experiences with the First, E. Watson Smyth, 127, 142-144, 170, 194. 195
- Local Summer Meeting. Series of Vt'ork Visits, 611
- Annual Lecture, Dinner, 331 NORTH-WESTERN BRANCH
- Fusion. Welds for Unfired Pressure Vessels, 328
- Long-range Distribution of Steam, Francis Carnegie, 485
- Operating Results with the Recent Ex- tensions at Barton Power Station, H. L. Guy and H. C. Lamb, :374 -378, 410, 414-416
- Protective Coatings for Iron awl Steel. E. 0. Jones. 75
- Steam Nozzles Research Cmomittee, Final Report. 264
- " Weed "Steam Generator, Experiences with the First, E. Watson Smyth, 157, 158
- Institution of Mining Engineers
- Ninety-first General Meeting at Birming- ham, Programme. 658
- Institution of Municipal and County Engineers
- Annual General Meeting. 581 Programme, 581
- Institution of Naval Architects
- Annual Meeting, 359, 401, 425, 452; Pro- gramme, 359; Annual Dinner. 359, 403 List of Papers, 359
- Annual Report of the Council for 1929, 401 Presidential Address, 401
- Behaviour of Two Paasenger Vessels during ft Voyage to and from Australia, Dr. B. C. Laws, 452, 469
- By-law Alteration, Inclusion of Airships and Seaplanes. 453
- Causes and Prevention of Vibration in
- Motor Ships, Robert Sulzer, 453, 468 Experiments on the Resistance and Form
- of Towed Barges, G. S. Baker and Miss
- B. M. Hoary, 497
- Materials Used for Naval Engineering Pur- poses, Engineer-Captain .1. Hope Harrison, R.N., 425, 440
- On t he Final State of a Gas Diseharged from a Reservoir into a Space under Constant Pressure, Colonel Modugno, R.I.N., 452
- Safety of Life at Sea, Sir Westcott S. Abell and Mr. A. J. Daniel, 402
- Sea Trials of Italian Flotilla Loaders. Lieut.- Colonel F. Dondona, 496, 499
- Service Results of the Holland-America Liner " Sta,tendam," Ir. Dr. W. M. Meijer, 420, 432
- Ship Wave Resistance, Some Further Com- parisons of Mathematical Theory and Experiment Result, W. C. S. Wigley, 497
- Stability of a Vessel with a List, F. H. Alexander, 452
- Stress Distribution in Notched Beams. Pro-
- fessor Coker and Mr. Coleman, 452 Vibration of Ships, Dr. J. Lockwood Taylor,
- 453
- Summer Meeting at Liverpool. 611 Provisional Programme, 611
- Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and
- Shipbuilders
- High-pressure Stearn for Marine Work, Stanley S. Cook, 186
- Institution, Royal. of Great Britain :
- Lectures During Before-Easter Session, 76 Metal Crystal, Sir Harold Carpenter, 641 Transmutation of Matter, Sir Ernest Ruther-
- ford, 387
- Institution of Water Engineers
- Thirty-fifth Summer General Meeting. Head-
- quarters, Programme, List of Papers. 542
- Presidential Address, Henry E. Stilgoe, 607
- Society, Royal
- Convermazione, 550
- Society, Royal Aeronautical
- Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture, Eighteenth. Development and Progress of the Aero. engine, H. R. Ricardo, F.R.S., 628--630
- ATMOSPHERIC Action and Fatigue in Load,
- Professor Bernard P. Haigh and B. Jones, 383 Atmospheric Pollution 111 1928 1929, John B.
- Kershaw, 180, 181
- Australian Imports of Machinery. 139 Automatic Sewage Lifting Plant, 224 Automatic Sub-stations for Japan. English
- Electric Company, Ltd., 322
- Autoimitic--sce also Ships
- Axle, Built-up Net; Railway Locomotives
- BAINBRIDGE, F., Developments iii Fuel Economy at Skinningrove, 517
- Baker, G. S., and Miss E. M. Keary, Resistanca and Form of Towed Barges, 497
- Balancing Machine, Japanese, 110
- Boauleirnois Power Canal, 133
- Bedford Rural Electrification Scheme, 230 Beet—scc Treatment.
- Bengtson, Captain Daniel, Improved Search. light for Air Defence, 638
- Bitumen Consistency Testing Apparatus, Haigh and West Automatic Electric Penetrometer, 405
- Berlin—scc World Power
- 600 lb. per Square Inch Boiler Installation, Design and Results of, Nithsdale, 354, 356, 385, 386
- Boiler Plant, Availability Factor of, 79 Duplex Thimble-Tube Boiler for Motor Sin p'. Clarkson Thimble-Tube Boiler Company, Ltd., 333
- History of Boiler Inspection, William Ingham, 86
- Largest Boilers in the World, Combustion Engineering Corporation, 140, 141
- Marine Steam Boiler, John I. Thornycrofi and Co., Ltd., 696
- Tests on Scotch Boilers Fired with Powdered Fuel, 223
- Water-tube Boilers for Merchant Shilis, Admiral W. M. Whayman, 86
- BONE, Professor W. A., Drs. L. Reeve and
- H. L. Saunders, Blast-furnaco Research, 516 Books of Reference, 131, 250, 334, 518, 551, 612 Brydges, J. K., Presidential Address, 606
- See also Annual Articles
- Charing Cross and Waterloo Bridges, 236 Concrete Highway Bridge, Victoria, Aus- tralia, 252
- Howrah Bridge, Calcutta, Proposed New, 152 Miyoshi Bridge at a Canal Junction, 297 Montreal Harbour Bridge Over the St. 0- Lawrence River, 676-678, 705-707, 714
- r Newcastle-Gateshead New Road Bridge, 95
- (Two.paje Supplement, January 24th,
- 1930)
- Southern Railway Bridge Over Orpington By-pass Road, 131
- 71 Tokio, Post-earthquake Bridges, 295-297 Wearrnouth Bridge, Sunderland, New, Geoffrey L. Groves, 332
- Specifications
- Aluminium and Steel-cored Aluminium Con- ductors, 116
- Brass Tubes and Screwed Glands for Con- densers, 528
- Components of Optical Projection Apparatus, 528
- Electric Motors and Generators for Mines and Miners' Handlamp Bulbs, 612 Electricity Meters, 169
- Flameproof Air-break Switches and Circuit Breakers, 667
- Hard-drawn Copper Solid and Stranded Circular Conductors for Overhead Power Transmission Purposes, 487
- Nickel-copper (Cupro-Nickol) Sheets and Strip and Refined Nickel (Grade A), 437 Oil-immersed Switches and Circuit Breakers, 55
- Plugs and Sockets, 214
- Railway Signalling Symbols, 528
- Side Entry Wall Plugs and Sockets, 709 Steam Turbines for Electrical Plant, 116 Structural Steel for Bridges and General
- Building Construction, 551
- Tars for Road Purposes, 116
- Testing Timber, 55
- Tramway Axles, 667
- Vandyke Brown for Paints, 347
- BRITISH "Grid," 492
- British Industries Fair, 215—arc also Separate Section of Index
- British Industry's Message to the World, Pro-
- fessor Henry Clay, M.A., 722 Broadcasting Station, Italy's Now Short-wave,
- 411
- Bronze Castings, Unsoundness in, E. J. Daniels, 320
- Bunten, Professor F. W., Training of an Engi- neer, 677, 678, 689
- Business Holeitrch and Management Associa- tion, 528
- CALDERWOOD, J., Marine Oil Engine Instal- lations, 386
- Calendars, Diaries, &c., 31, 61, 89, 117, 197 Canada, Engineering Institute Meeting, 264
- 144, 193, 307, 359, 460, 488, 559, 611, 642, 643, 696, 697
- Absortion Plant, 642
- Aeroplane Clubs, 307
- Airway Control, 488
- Amulet Mine Comes into Production, 559 Aviation Expansion, 611
- Beauharnoia Lets Big Contract, 611
- Big River Diversion Scheme, 193
- Budget Favours British Aircraft, 642 Business Outlook, 611
- Canada Londe in Newsprint Exports, 611 Canadian National Railways in 1929, 359 Canadian National Railway Improvements,
- 559
- Coal, 696
- Coal to Smelt Ore, 193
- Commercial Aviation, 307
- Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, 696
- Copper Output Growing, 460
- Copper Refinery in Montreal, 559
- Copper Refinery, New, 307
- C.P.R. Earnings, 488
- Distribution Transformers, 193
- Electric Shovel, Large, 643
- Electrification of Rail Mill, 193
- Extension to Vancouver Port, 696 Falconbridge Nickel's Smelter, 488 Fertiliser Industry, 144
- Flavelle Medal, 559
- Gatineau Power Extensions, 460
- Grain Facilities, 307
- Increase in Refining and Smelting, 193
- Large Dam on Mat tawin River. 145 Lignite Plant Successful, 307
- 132,000-Volt Line in West, 193
- Long Canal Lock, 144
- Mineral Production, 559
- Montreal Terminal Project, 696
- Natural Gas, Use for, 193
- New Bronze, Foundry, 488
- New Deputy Minister of Railways, 359 New Industry Predicted, 611
- Now Locomotive, 307
- New Power Plant in North, 611
- Nickel Plant to Enlarge, 193
- Noise Elimination, 359
- Noranda Attains Objective, 193
- Ontario Air Forest Patrol, 144
- Overseas Tests of Ontario Coal. 696 Petroleum Industry of Alberta, 488 Plans to Increase Zinc Output, 193 Postal Machinery, 307
- Plant to Distil Coal, 193
- Proposal to Conserve Natural Gas, 559 Quebec Oilfield, 359
- Radium Oro, 307
- Railway Development, 307
- Railway Developments in Ontario, 488 Railway Proposal, 642
- Rapid Progress of Civil Aviation, 559 Rural Electrification, 307
- Saint John Harbour, 359
- St. Lawrence Deep Waterway, 460 Sodium Sulphate, 696
- Steam-electric Plant, New, 145
- Tar Sand Projects, 642
- To Deepen Canal, 611
- To Utilise Smelter Fumes, 193
- Transmission of Electric Power, 642 Treatment of Low-grade Ore, 488 united Kingdom Coal Imports, 144 Use of Pyrites, 696
- Vancouver Pier, Now, 144
- Water Supply, New, for Calgary. Alberta, 144 Western Railway Extensions, 488
- CANADIAN National Research Laboratories, 551
- Canadian Pulp and Paper Mills and Power Plants, 459, 462
- Canadian Pulp and Paper Research Institute, 68-70
- Carnegie, Francis, Long-range Distribution of Steam, 484
- Cast Alloys and Effect of Turbulence Due to Gases, R. Genders, 321
- Carpenter, Sir Harold. Metal Crystal, 641 Carpenter, Sir H. C. H., and Dr. J. M. Robert-
- son, Somo Ancient Egyptian Implements,
- 538
- Caswell, J. Selwyn, Rolling of Metals, 232, 200,
- 288, 316, 342, 369-371 ; (Letter), 403
- " Catadyn " Method of Water Sterilisation, 211 Catalogues, 113, 227, 283, 340, 361, 503, 501.
- 587, 617, 671
- Central Scotland Electricity Scheme, 494 Centrifugal Feed Pumps for High-pressure Boilers, Director G. Weyland, 666
- Century of Naval Engineering. 49
- Channel Tunnel, 327; (Letter), 403
- Charing Cross and Waterloo Bridges and t he London County Council, 236
- Civil Aviation-see Aeronautics
- Clay, Professor Henry, British Industry's Message to the World, 722
- Coal-crushing Machine, British Jeffrey-Di, mond, Ltd., 668
- Coal Situation Abroad, 542; (Letter), 683 Coal Stripping Excavator, Largo, 359
- Coke Ovens, New, of Thorncliffe Coal Dis- tribution, Ltd., Woodall-Duckhain Com-
- pany, 595-598, 604; (Correction), 648
- Developments and Problems in Coal Cleaning, F. S. Sinnatt and D. 'I'. Davies, 350
- L.N.E.R., Locomotive Coaling Plant at Kipps, Scotland, Henry Lees and Co., Ltd., 434, 442
- Progress in Coke Research, 523
- Pulverised Coal Systems and the Dust Pro- blem, 245
- COKER, Professor, and Mr. Coleman, Stress
- Distribution in Notched Beans, 452 Composition of Eutectics, Dr. D. Stockdale, 320 Compressor-ace Air Compressor
- Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, First Inter- national Congress for ; Chairman, Member., Committee ; Programme and Other Arrange- ments, 615
- Congress, International-see Railways ; also Road ; also Concrete
- Continental Trade Problems, 354
- Contracts, 31, 64, 89, 119, 147, 173, 197, 227, 255, 283, 311, 337, 363, 387, 419, 445, 503, 531, 564, 587, 632, 671, 728
- Contratiow Gravel Washer, Hardy and Pad- more, Ltd., 413
- Cook, Stanley S., High-pressure Steam for Marine Work, 186
- Co-operation in a Scientific Industry, 465 Copper, Effect of Phosphorus in, Professor D. Hanson and Others, 345
- Copper bigots, Soundness of, N. P. Allen, 320 Cornish Port of Padstow, 641
- Couplings-ace Railway Locomotives
- Cracking of Petroleum Oils and Low-tempera- ture Coal Tars, W. H. Jones, 413
- Crane, Titan, for Block-setting, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 326, 334
- Current Prices for Metals and Fuels, 32, 62, 90, 120, 148, 174, 200, 228, 250, 284, 312, 338, 364, 392, 420, 446, 474, 504, 532, 562, 588, 618, 645, 672, 700, 726
- DANIELS, E. J., Unsoundness in Bronze Cast- ings, 320
- Davies, L., and L. Wright, Protective Value of
- Some Electro-doposited Coatings, 382 Do-aerator, Improved, for Boiler Feed Water,
- Pifirrlees-Watson Company, Ltd., 332 Deferred Payments, 107; (Letters), 76, 113,
- 134, 168
- Design and Results of a 600 lb. per Square Inch Boiler Installation, William Nithsdale, 354 356, 385, 386
- Developments in Fuel Economy at Skinnin- grove, F. Bainbridge, 517
- Diploma for Special Librarians, 697
- Direct Recording of Cross Sections of Civil Engi- neering IVorks. 555
- Debt,11, C. H., Education of the Engineer and Overseas Trade, 269-70
- Domestic Heat Supply, Abstract of Lecture by A. H. Barker, 682, 683
- Dondona, Lieut.-Colonel F., Sea Trials of Italian Flotilla Leaders, 496, 499
- ECCLES, Dr. W. H., Presidential Address, 611 Education of the Engineer and Overseas Trade, C. H. Dobell, 269-70
- Educational Intelligence, 147, 255, 501
- Egyptian Implements. Some Ancient, Sir H. C. H. Carpenter and Dr. J. M. Robertson, 538
- Elam, Miss C. F., Diffusion of Zinc in Copper Crystals. 346
- Sec Annual Articles
- Ageeroft Power Station, Extension of, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company. Ltd., 566-569
- Automatic Sub-station Equipment, English Electric Company, Ltd., 322
- Breaking Performance of High-power Switch - gear and a New Form of Quenched Arc Switch. L. C. Grant, 132
- Central Electricity Board's Report, 400 Central Scotland Electricity Scheme. 494-496
- East England Electricity Scheme, 517
- Electric Distribution in Manchester, H. C. Lamb, 224
- Electric Heating, Conference at British Industries Fair, 250
- Electric Totalisator at Newmarket. 582 Electric Winder at Shaft No. 4 of the City
- Deep. Ltd., Witwatersrand, 78, 84 Electricity Commissioners' Annual Report, 14
- Electricity Supply, 716
- Electricity Supply iii Great Britain, 690 Frequency Changer, 30,000-kW, Metro -
- politan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd,
- 438
- Hennigsdorf 15.000-kW Peak Load Sub- station, 430, 656-658, 718-720
- High-power Mercury Arc Rectifiers, Brown. Bovori and Co., 613
- High-power Mercury Arc Rectifiers, .1. ('. Reed, 357, 381
- High-pressure Extensions to the Issy-les-
- Aloulineaux Power Station, 179-180, 188 High-tonsion Distribution, G. V. Twiss, 186 High-tension Sub-station Switchgear. A. F.
- Harmer, 431
- High-voltage Testing Laboratory, 155
- High-voltage Research Laboratory, Metro- politan-Vickers, Ltd., 268, 272
- Interference Between Power and Communica- tion Circuits, 606
- Large Rotors for Turbines and Alternate., 485
- Manufacture and Testing of Electrical Insulators, 544-546, 548, 576, 580. 581 (7'wo-
- page Supplement, May 23rd, 1930) Operating Results with the Recent Exten-
- sions at Barton Power Station. H. L. Guy
- and H. C. Lamb, 374-378, 410, 414-416
- Protection of Three-phase Trainonission
- Lines, &c., T. W. Ross and H. C. Boll, 138,
- 141, 142
- Rural Electrification, 437
- Shannon Hydro-olectric l'ower Undertaking, 634, 638
- South-West England anti South Wel. Elec- . t Hefty Scheme, 75
- Storage Batteries, 265
- Storage Battery Trolley Locomoti.e. West- inghouse Electric and Manufacturing Com- pany, 224
- Surge Invest igatiorut„ 435
- Switchgoar, hew, for the Derby Corporation Power Station, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 384
- Ten Thousand Volts, 79
- Testing Plant for Overhead Line Trans- mission Towers, 556
- 60,000-kVA Throe-phase Transformer, Fer- ranti, Ltd., 360
- Transformer, 6000-kVA Three .winding. Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 642
- Transformers, Large, for New Zealand, 641 Turbo-generator at the Portobello Power
- Station, Edinburgh, British Brown-Boveri,
- Ltd., 524, 525
- N'isp-Zermatt Railway, Electrification of, 318
- ELECTRO-DEPOSITED Coatings, Protective
- Value of, L. Davies and L. Wright, 382 Electrotechnical Commission, International,
- 445
- Elimination of Noxious Gases, 117
- Empire Mining Congress in South Africa, 455 Employment and Rationalisation, 577
- Sce aloe, Annual Articles
- Development of the Internal Combustion Engine, 635
- 850 B.H.P. Enclosed Type Vertical Airless
- Injection Oil Engine, Ruston and Hornsby,
- Ltd., and Mather and Platt, Ltd., 166 Heavy Oil Engines, Report on, 280
- Marine Engines, Exhibition anti Trials of, at Ostend, 267
- N.W. Railway of India, Experimental Engines, Four-cylinder Engine with Cap- riotti Valve Gear, Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., 412. 413
- Oil Engines, Large Two-stroke Double -
- acting, for Land and Marine Work, 430
- Small Heavy Oil Engine, R. A. Lister and
- Co., Ltd., 558
- Trials of a 2750 B.H.P. Exhaust Turbo- charged Marine Oil Engine, Professor C. F. Hawkes, 244, 248
- ENGINEERING in the Gas Industry, John W. Curtis, 265
- Engineering Institute of Canada, 264
- British Empire Trade Exhibition, Buenos Aires, 1931, 695
- Exhibition of blarine Engines at Ostend, 267 Lille Fair, 522
- Technical Fair at Leipzig, 291
- FAILURE of a Rock Fill Dam in Victoria, 160- 102
- Fairs-see Exhibitions
- Faraday Centenary Celebrations, 1931, 637 Final State of a Gas Discharged from a Reser•
- voir into a Space under Constant Pressure, Colonel Modugno, 452
- Flanders, R. E., Work and Influence of the Engineer, 457
- Flowing Water, J. 31. Lacey, 571-573, 593-595 Forthcoming Engagements, 34, 64, 92, 122, 1110,
- 176. 202, 230, 258, 286, 314, 340, 366, 394, 422. 448, 476, 506, 534, 564, 590, 620, 648, 674, 702, 728
- Forward, E. A.. Links in the History of the Locomotive, 94, 128; (Letter), 134 Foundrymen's Convention at Middlesbrough. 683, 721-see also Associations, Institutes, &c. Freeth, Dr. F. A., Industrial Research, 115 Freeth. Major F. A., Influence of Technique on Research, Twentieth Lecture, 541
- FRENCH ENGINEERING NOTES 33, 63, 91, 121, 149. 175, 201, 229, 257, 283, 313, 339, 365, 393, 421, 447, 475, 505, 533. 563, 589, 619, 647. 673, 701. 727
- Aber Wrac'h Power Station. 589
- African Air Service, 619 Automatic Couplings. 701 Aviation, 63
- Big Graving Dock, 421 Canalising the Rhine, 33, 073
- Charcoal Suction Gam, 505 Cherbourg Dock Station, 339 Civil Aviation, 727
- Coal, 149, 201
- Coal Products, 619
- Colonial Exhibition, 33 Concrete Bridge, 201 Destroyers, 727
- Duties on Motor Cars, 475 Electrical Engineering, 393 Electric Omnibuses, 505 Electrical Production. 149 Electrically Propelled Liner. 91
- -Energy from Warm Water, 7.1
- Engineers' Status, 533 Exhibition Constructions, 563
- Export Agreements, 365 Flood Destruction, 339 Flood Prevention, 313 Foreign Contracts, 475 Foreign Trade, 619
- Gas Congress, 701
- higher Costs, 563
- fydraulic Works, 365 Hydro-electric Distribution. 505
- Hydro-electric Industry, 313 Import Duties, 91
- Industrial Charges, 175 Industrial Outlook, 201 I.and Reclamation, 229 .088 of Cruiser, 91
- Machine Tools, 447
- Machinery Abroad, 647 Maritime Traffic, 313 Merchant Marine, 149 Motor Cars, 121, 393 Motor Industry, 201 Motor Liner, A Now, 589 New Liner, 475
- Now System of Carburation, 339
- Non-stop Run, 589
- Oil Gas Fuel, 285
- Oil Storage, 229
- Paris Water Supply, 563, 727
- Pig Iron Production, 285 Pilo Extraction, 563 Port Equipment, 421 Port Rivalry, 475
- Power and Flight, 589 Protection from Floods, 393 Public Transport, 91. 121, 365
- Public Works, 313, 421, 505, 673
- Railway Construction, 673 Railway Electrification, 533 Railways and Canals, 365 Refuse Disposal, 257. 647 Refuse Incineration, 727 Rhone Scheme, 63
- River Protection Works, 33 Rolling Stock, 33, 229, 475 Rolling Stock Improvements, 393
- Scrap Metal, 447
- Ship Plates, 421
- Shipbuilding, 175, 447 Shipping, 647
- State Railwa3,11, 229, 339 Steel Cartel, 339, 589 Steel Cornptoirs. 619
- Steel Organisation, 175, 673 Steel Prices, 727
- Steel Sales Combine, 121 Steel Situation, 257, 563 Super Liner, 149
- Tariff Truce, 285
- Tariffs, 619
- Tidal Energy, 447
- Trade Future, 63
- Trade Position, 421 Trade Restrictions, 257 Trade Returns, 175 Trade Slackness, 533 Trude and Tariffs, 533 Traffic Problems, 33
- Training Ship and a New Destroyer, 229 Trans-Saharan Traffic, 285
- Wagon Builder's Cartel, 505 Water Pollution, 647
- Water Supply, 257
- Works Equipments, 63
- FRENCH Shipping, 436
- Fusion-welded Non-fired Pressure Vessels L. W. Schuster, 289, 308
- GAS Supply-see Report
- Cases in Copper, W. L. Prythei eh, 320
- Gasholder, 8,01)0,000 Cubic Feet Watorless Gas- t". holder, 114, II:,
- Gear Grinding, Some Developments in the Art of, 397-400, 408
- Gear Wheel Tooth Grinding %whine, Gear Grinding Company, Ltd., 408
- Genders, R., Aluminium Brasses, 340 Genders, R., Cast Alloys and Effect of 'fur- bulence, &c., 321
- 'malt ar—see Tunnelling
- Gold from Antimony Ores, 279
- Gold Mining Industry in Canada, .573
- Grant, L. C., Breaking Performance of High. power Switehgear, 132
- Guy, H. L., and H. C. Lamb, Operating Rosults with the Reeont Extensions at Barton Power Station, 374-378, 410, 414-416
- HACK Saw Blades. 224
- Haigh. Prof. Bernard l'., Relative Safety of M Id
- and High-tensile Steels, &c., 238, 262. '304
- Haigh, Professor P., and B. Jones. Atmospheric
- Action and Fatigue in Lead, 383
- Haigh and West---see Bitumen Apparatus Hanson, Professor D.. and Others, Effect of Phosphorus in Copper, 345
- II armor, A. F.. H igh-t ension Sub-station S witch- gear, 431
- Harrison, Engineer-Captain J. Hope, R.N., Some Materials Used for Naval Engineering Purposes, 425, 440
- Hartmann, Professor Jet-wavo Rectifier,
- 218, 221-223
- Houghton, Messrs., and Becker, Constitutioo
- of the Alloys of Iron with Silicon, 539 Hawk., Professor C. J., Report on North-
- Eastern Marino Engineering compaity.,i
- 2750 B.H.P. Four-stroke Marino Oil Engine.
- 244, 248
- Hennigsdorf—see Electrical Matters High-power Mercury, &c.--see Electrical Matters
- Hildorf, Walter G., and C. H. McCollam, Prac-
- tical Aspects of Water Testing. 220, 221 Housing of Workmen in Belgium, 1113 Howrith—see Bridges
- Huggenberger Tensometer, 104
- Humanising Industry, 189
- Hurroll, W. M., Scope for Engineoring Indus- tries in Iceland, 442
- Hydraulic—see Machine Tools ; al. Railway Locomotives
- fydro -electricPower Undertaking, Loehaber. 456
- ICELAND, Scope for kinginceniq..: Industries in, W. M. Hurrell, 442
- Individual in the Workshop, 327
- Induction Furnaces, Correction, 55
- Industrial Research, Dr. F. A. Freeth, 115 Influence of Pipe Diameter on Orifice Discharge
- Coefficients. F. C. Johanson, 679-681 Influence of Technique on Research, Twentieth
- Lecture, Major F. A. Freoth, 541
- Ingham, William, Lecture on History,of Boiler Inspection, 86
- Inspiration and Progress, 521
- Interference, &e.—sce Electrical Matters International Association, Now, for Testing Materials, 416
- International Electrotechnical Commission, 446 Internatimail—see also Aeronautics o/so
- Railways
- International Road Congress, 'rho Sistli. Sun Issy-los-Moulineaux—see Electrical Matters Italy's New Short-wave Broadcasting Station,
- 411
- Alloys of Iron with Silicon, Messrs. Houghton and Becker, 439
- Alloys for Use at High Temperatures, Messrs. Rosenhain, Jenkins, Topsoil, Austin, and Rees, 538
- Annealing of Sheets, R. Whitfield. 537
- Blast-furnace Research, Professor W. A. Bone, Drs. L. Reeve, and H. L. Saunders, 516
- Continental Stool Cartel, 217 Chromium-copper Structural Steels, J. .1. Jones, 539
- Iron and Steel Industries in 1929, 113
- Iron and Steel Institute, 50
- Mild and High-tensile Alloy Steels, Relative Safety of. &c., Prof. Bernard P. Haigh. 238, 262, 304
- Protectivo Coatings for Iron and Steel, E. 0. Jones, 75
- Short Annealing for Malleable Iron, 298 Smoke in the Stool Trado, 353
- Tin and Shoot Mill Rolls, E. R. Mort, 537 Tool Steel Tests, 498
- World's Production of Iron 4tIRI Steel, 349
- IN:
- 23, 50, 99, 164, 190, 21s •SCC also World Congress
- Papers Read
- Application of Engineering Methods to Finainco, C. H. Douglas, 164
- Artificial Rain, Experiments in Production, Ministry of Agricul t tire, Czechoslovakia, 164
- British Light Car. C. A. 11. Wilde, 23 Calculation of the Articulation of a Tele-
- phone Circuit, John Collard, 23 Camphor Industry of Formosa, 51 Collecting Snow Plough, K. Hasionia, 50 Damascene Steel, Colonel N. T. Belaiow, 51 Development of the Metallurgy of Anti.
- mony, Citing Yu-Wang, 23
- Development of Separator Technics, E. A. Forsberg, 190
- Drainage and Reclantat ion in holy, Antonio Buongiorno, 191
- Fifty Years of Physical Metallurgy, H. M. Boylston, 23
- IN (continued):
- Household Refrigeratioe in the poled
- States, J. B. Churchill, 164
- Housing Conditions in th, United States, Lawrence Voillor, 190
- Hydraulic Machinery, Power Plants and the Turbine Industry, Engineer Guido LThelli, 191
- Hydrographic Service in Italy, Eng. Angelo Rampazzi, 191
- Industrial and Domestic Electric Heating
- in Japan, Y. Iahikawa, 191 Investigation of Abrasion in Cements and
- Mortars, S. Uchida, 190
- Irrigation of Regions Subject to Drought in Southern Caucasus. de., Engineer A. Chaplygin, 164
- Mechanical Problems in the Petroleum Industry, C. W. Nofsinger, 190
- Modern English Architecture, H• Robert- son. 23
- Motor Cycle Industry in Great Britain, Major H. R. Watling, 23
- Oil Shale, Origin and Constitution of. E. U. Cunningham Craig, 164
- Progress of Illuminating Engineering in Japan, S. Seki, 51
- Public Health Engineering, George W. Fuller and Others. 51
- Railway Transportation of Perishable Freight, C. A. Richardson and E. T. McCormick, 50
- Rapid Transit. Subways of Now York City. Robert Ridgway, 51
- Re-boring Machine for Motor Car Cylinders,
- Storm Manufacturing Company, 192
- Roadie. Transport, Colonel P. H. Joh..
- son. 164
- Settlement Analysis. Professor Charles T,riaghi, 23
- Value of Chinese Architecture. Boa Nan- Kusi, 23
- Other Papers, 51; Abstracts. 164
- Industrial Tours in Japan, 99 Kyushu Industry, 99, 100 Osaka, 99
- Tokio Bank Buildings, 99
- The Foreigner's First Home in Japan, 164
- Premier Port, Hobe, 165 Yokohama, 246
- Japanese Naval Ports. 247
- Visits, Nagoya, Kioto, Tokio, 218, 219
- JAPANESE Balancing Machine, 110 -Jet-wave Rectifier, Professor Jul Hartmann. 218, 221-223
- Johansen, F. C., Influence of Pipe Diameter on
- Orifice Discharge Coefficients, 679-681 Jones, E. O., Protective Coatings for Iron and
- Steel, 75
- • I ones, J. A., Chrom loin -copper Structural Steels. 539
- .Iones, W. IL, Cracking of Petroleum Oils and Low -ten ilierature (*eel 'Fars, 413
- KERSHAW, John B. . Atmospheric Poll.- tion in 1928-1929, 180
- Kitson-Still Locomotive, Colonel E. Kitson (lark, 631, 632
- LABORATORY, High-voltage Testing. 155 I,aboratory, High-voltage Research, Metropolitan-Vickers Ltd., 268, 272
- Lacey, J. M., Flowing Water, 571-573. 593-.595 Ladd Boiler—see Boilers, Largest
- Lake, G. IL, Pulverised Fuel 1, iring as Affecting Boiler-house Operation, 607, 639
- Lamb, H. C., Electrical Distribution in Man- chester. 224
- Lancaster, R., and J. G. Berry, Zinc-base Die- casting Alloys. 382
- Land Marling Machine, 720, 721
- Launches and Trial Trips, 28, 61, 89, 147, 169, 224, 255, 311, 337, 363, 445, 473, 531, 66S, 699, 725
- Laws, Dr. B. C., Behaviour of Two Passenger Vessels, 452, 469
- 1929----A Retrospect, 17
- Empire Trade, 17
- Industrial Progress, 18
- Labour and Industry, 18 Locomotives and Airships, 18 Report and a Conference, 18 Thames Bridges, 18
- Conclusion, 18
- Agricultural Engineering, 137
- Automatic Stabilisation of Ships, 409, 715 Availability Factor of Boiler Plant, 80 Balancing of Oil Engines, W. R. Wilson, 3ol British Industries Fair, 245
- British "Grid," 492
- Centenary History of the Liverpool and Man- chester Railway, C. F. Deady Marshall. 301 Century of Naval Engineering, 49
- Channel Tunnel, 327
- Continental Steel Cartel, 217
- Continental Trade Problems, 354
- Deferred Payments, 107
- Development of the Internal Combustion Engine, 635
- Earning and Spending on the Railways, 381 Electricity Supply, 716
- Employment and Rationalisation, 577 French Shipping, 436
- High-power Mercury Arc Rectifiers, 381 Housing of 1Vorkmen in Belgium, 163 Humanising Industry, 189
- Hydraulic Operation of Machine Tools, 491 Individual in the Workshop, 327
- Injuries to Workmen, The Law Relating to. Frederick George Neave and Grange Turner, 303
- Inspiration and Progress, 521
- Interference Between Power and Com- munication Circuits, 606
- International Aspects of Civil Aviation, 301 Iron and Steel Institute, 50
- Jot-wave Rectifier, 218
- LEADING ARTICLES (continued):
- Naval Limitation Treaty, 463
- Noise Problems in Electrical Machinery, 549 Operating Results at Barton, 410
- Our Universities, 522
- Prenticos and (..7ollego Workshops, 689 Principles of the Absolute 131,wk System,
- L. H. Kirkness, 303
- Protective Gear, 138
- Pulverised Coal Systems and the Dust Problem, 245
- Radiant Heat in Boiler Furnaces, 549 Registration of Engineers, 605
- Scientific Research on the Railways, 190 Smoke in the Steel Trade, 353
- Speed Signalling on Railways, 463
- Steaming Economiser, 578
- Surge Investigations, 435
- Teaching in Technical Schools, 662 Technological Civilisation, 636
- Ton Thousand Volts, 79
- Time for Re-designing, 690
- Unemployment Problem, 301
- Unemployment Remedy, 661
- Unit of Heat, 107
- Ways of Our Competitors, 163
- LEN-rz_se, R.ih, ay 1,0e, mis,t Ies
- England, North of, 30, 60, 88, 198, 226, 254, 282, 310, 336, 444, 473, 502, 530, 560, 586, 698, 724 118, 146, 1%. 362, 390, 418, 617, 644, 670.
- Lancashire, 29, 59, 87, 117, 145, 171, 197, 225, 253, 281, 309, 335, 361, 389, 417, 443, 472, 501, 529, 559, 585, 615, 643, 669, 697, 723
- Midlands and Staffordshire, 29, 59, 87, 117, 145, 171, 197, 225, 253, 281, 309, 335, 361, 389, 417, 443, 471, 501, 529, 559, 585, 615, 643, 669, 697, 723
- Scotland, 31, 61, 88, 119, 146, 173, 199, 227, 255, 283, 310, 337, 363, 391, 419, 444, 473, 503, 531, 561, 586, 617, 645, 671, 699, 725
- Sheffield, 30, 60, 87, 118, 146, 171, 198, 226, 254, 282, 310, 336, 362, 390, 418, 444, 472, 502, 530, 560, 585, 616, 644, 670, 698, 724
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 31, 61, 89, 119, 147, 173, 199, 227, 255, 283, 311, 337, 363, 391, 419, 445, 473, 503, 531, 561, 587, 617, 645, 671, 699, 725
- Agricultural Engineering, D. N., 324
- Can Economics be Made an Exact Scionee M. B. Lamb, 183
- Channel Tuimol, Reginald Ryves, 270; R. I). Archibald, 403
- Coal Mining in the Ruhr, 683
- Defective Crank Shaft, John Lysaglit, Ltd., 488
- Deferred Payments, H. C. Siddeley, 76, 168; R. Gandin, 113, 168; Alfred Herbert, 134 R. NVhito and Sons, 134 ; H. J. Skelton, 168
- Durban Water Supply, 340
- Engineering and Agriculture, 169 Fundamental Principles of Measurement,;, J. J. Elliott, 182
- Interesting Gyroscopic Experiment, R. C. Clinker, 574
- Interpretation of Specifications, Advance, 211 Iron and Steel Institute, G. C. Lloyd, 14 Links in the History of the Locomotive, F. L.
- Watson, 134
- Misleading Mathematical Phraseology, 8. II. Stelfox, 54
- More British Slackness, Ernest Morison, :387 Motor Cars in South Africa, B. H. Gladstone, 658
- Naval History, J. H. Narbeth, 134
- New L.M.S. Railway High-pressure Locomo- tive "No. 6399," G. Watkins, 76
- New Road and Rail Bridge in Now South Wales, W. Jno. Morris, 54
- Our Universities, F. W. Burstall, 599 Professor Rateau, F. Rieder, 113
- Radiant Heat in Boiler Furnaces, Joseph Adamson and Co., 574
- Rationalisation, T. A. Wheatley, 169 Registration of Tests, L. M. Jockel, 134 Rolling of Metals, A. NV. Knight, 387 ; C. E.
- Davies, 387; J. Selwyn Caswell, 403 Security for Deferred Payments, 274 Some Materials Used for Naval Engineering
- Purposes, E. Hugh M. Nicholson, 632 South American Market, 273
- Steam Nozzle Efficiencies, A. S. E. 11, 270; Jot, 324
- Steam Power and Water Power in C111184111, A. D. Harrison, 574
- Steaming Economiser, 598
- Unemployment Problem, R. Gaudin, 324 F. H. A., 324, 658; E. F. M., 349, 632 E. R. Sutcliffe, 387; J. E. Tuke, 403; Arthur NVilliamson, 437 ; C. Tunville Gardner, 598 ; E. Garrett, 632 ; Conserva- live, 709
- Water Department's Ruling, Firm of Con- sulting Engineers, 488
- LIGHTNING Arresters, Thyrite, 239 Lightning Protection, 410
- China, A Now Aspect, H. Stringer, 329 Electric Traction, A. T. Dover, 247 Electro-plating with Chromium, Copper am]
- Nickel, B. Freeman and F. G. Hoppe, 411,
- 637
- Farm and Industrial Tractors, D. N. McHardy, 459
- Gaseous Combustion at High Pressure, Pro-
- fessor William A. Bone and others, 138
- History of Mechanical Inventions, Abbott
- Payson Usher, 275
- Introduction to Statistical Mechanics for Students of Physics and Physical Chemistry, James Rice, 191, 329
- La Brique Armee Homogène dans la Con-
- struction Gt3n6rale, L. Atthenout, 109 Motor Vehicles and Tractors, P. M. Heldt,
- 219
- Outline of Costing, W. A. South, 636
- LITERATURE (continued): Reviews (continued)
- Practical Design of Simple Steel Structures, David S. Stewart, 108
- Principles and Practice of Lubrication, A. W. Nash and Dr. A. K. Bowen, 109
- Problem of Oil, C. T. Brunner, 247, 329 Railway and Seaport 'reight Movement, G. Bulkeley, 81, 275
- Reorganisation of Crowe Locomotive Works, Railway Engineer, 191
- Sulphuric Acid and its Manufacture, H. A. Auden. 275, 579
- Unsolved Problems, National and Inter- national. J. S. Hecht, 247, 411
- Short Notices
- Blacksmith's Manual Illustrated, .1. .
- Lillie°, 329, 691
- Commercial A.C. Instruments. (;. Stubbings, 247
- Electric Overhead Travelling Crane Design, W. A. Barson, 81, 247
- High-voltage Cables, L. Emanuel'. 109 Highway Curves, Howard Chapin Ives, 199 Injuries to Workmen, The Law Relating to.
- Frederick George Neave and Grange
- Turner, 303
- Practice of Electric Wiring, D. S. Munro. 247 Principlea of Electrical Engineering, W. B. Timbie and V. Bush, 329
- Books Received :
- Aircraft Instruments, C. J. Stewart, 247
- All the World's Aircraft, 1929, C. G. Grey, 81 American Civil Engineers' Handbook, T.
- Merriman, T. H. Wiggin, &c., 717 American Society for Testing Materials. " Pro-
- ceedings" of the Thirty-second Annual
- Meeting, 275
- Ancient Bridges of the South of England, E. Jervoise, 717
- Annales des Ponta et Chaussees, 1929. Fuse. V., Septembre-Octobro, 109; 1930, Fuse. I., Janvier-FOvrier, 579
- Annales des Travaux Publics do Belgique, Tome XXX., 1929, 6e Fuse., 1)Seembre, 191
- Annali dei Lavori Pubblici (giA, (Aortali. del gonio Civile), Anne worri..
- No. 10, Ottobre, 1929, 81; Fuse. 11. Novembre, 1929, 191 ; Fuse, No. 12, D6combre, 1929, 275; Anzio LXVI II., Fast, No. 1, Gemini°, 1930, 493; lase. No. 2, Febbraio, 1930, 579; Fuse. No. 3, Memo, and Fuse. No. 4, Aprile, 1930, 691
- Antiseptic Treatment of Pintas Longifolia (chir) for Railway Sleepers, S. Kamesion, 275
- Articulated Locomotives, Lionel Wiener, 275 Assay of Coal for Carbonisation Purposes, Part III., 275
- Automobile Engineer Reference Book, 329 Balancing of Engines, C. C. Pounder, 275 Basic Principles of Concrete Making, F. R.
- McMillan, 81
- Bauxite : Float and Sink Fractionations and Floatation Experiments, B. W. Gandrud and F. D. De Vaney, :347
- Bearing Metals and Bearings, W. M. Corse, 347
- Bericht Uber die II. Internationale Tagung
- far Bruckenbau und Hochbau, 275 Brassey'a Naval and Shipping Annual, 1939,
- 81
- British Gliding Association Journal, 329 Culvert's Mechanics Almanack, 1930, 219 Centrifugal Concentration : Its Theory,
- Mechanical Development and Experimental Results, H. A. Deemer, 411 Chamber of Shipping of the United Eingdom,
- Annual Report, 1929-30, 275
- chemical Engineering and Chemical Cata- logue, Leonard Hill, Ltd.. 411
- Clubs, 1930, E. C. Austen Leigh, 191
- Coal Washing Investigations Methods and
- Tests, H. F. Yancey and T. Fraser, 81
- Colliery Manager's Pocket Book, Almanac,
- and Diary, 1930, 81
- Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Direc- tory, 1930, 411
- Commercial A. C. Measurements, G. W. Stubbings, 275
- Company Law, Albert Crewand and W. G. H. Cook, 275
- Concrete Year Book, 19:30, 81
- Cottage Hospitals, Major F. M. Du-Plat Taylor and Others. 691
- technische Lichtbild, Seine Berstellung und Seine Verwertung in &hula, Vortrag u. Industrie, Professor Dipl. lag. G. von Hanflstengel, 411
- Definitions and Formula for Students (Build. ing), 81
- Definitions and Formulte for Students, Marino Engineering, E. Wood, I3.Se., 437 Der Kohlenschwefel, F. Muhlert, 275
- Design of Electrical Apparatus, J. II. Kuhlmann, 329
- Design of Merchant Ships and Cora Esti- mating, 247
- Die neuzeitliche Speisewasser-Aufbereitung, Dr.-Ing. Hans Balcke, 411
- Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilding and Marino Engineers, 1930, 275
- Drilling and Blasting in Metal Mine Drifts and Crosscuts, E. D. Gardner, 717
- Economic Conditions in China, H. II. Fox, 247
- Economics of the Coal Industry, R. C. Smart 219
- Einundzwanzigsto Berichtfolge des Kohlen- staubausschusses des Reiehakohlenrates, 691
- Electric Testing Simplified, H. II. U. Cross, 717
- Electrical Distribution Engineering, IL P. Seely°, 637
- Electrical Heating and Ventilation of Bourne and Hollingsworth's Premises, A. H. Barker, 691
- Empire Municipal Directory and Year Book, 1930-1931, 437
- Engineering Materials, Vol. I., Ferrous. Arthur W. Judge, 275
- Engineering Materials, Vol. III., Theory and Testing of Materials, Arthur W. Judge, 717
- Everyday Uses of Portland Cement, 691
- Facts relating to the Production and Sub- stitution of Manufactured Gas for Natural Gas, W. W. Odell, 717
- LITERATURE (c.itimsvi) Books Received (co/Wooed)
- Fuxin and Industrial Tractors, D. N • • McHardy, 275
- Flow of Gases Through I3ed6 of Broken Sol
- C. C. 1,11171118, 717
- Foundations for Gas and Oil Engines and Other Machinery. E. L. Parry, 579
- Future of Empire Trade, J. E. Ray. 637
- Gorman-English Dictionary of Technical, Scientific and General Term.., A. Wobel, 637
- Gold Coast Survey Departitiont Records : Vol. I., Report on Three Chains, 45m-, Captain J. Caldor Wood, 1M.C.. 347
- Goodwill in Industry from as Now Angle,
- A Symposium by Five Practical Men, 81
- Gradients of the London and North•Eastorn Railway, "Voyageur," 637
- Hints for Commorcial Visitors to the Argen- tine Republic, E. J. Joint, 101
- H.M. Stationery Office Publications
- Air Photography, Part IL, Theory and Practice, 191
- Analysis of Commercial Lubricating Oils by Physical Methods, 437
- Building Science Abstracts, Vol. II., 191 Chatmel Tunnel Committee Report, 329 Corrosion of Lead in Buildings, Building
- Research Technical Paper No. 8, 191
- Economic Conditions in Austria, A. S.
- Phillpotts, 411
- Economic Conditions in Brazil, S. G. Irving, 437
- Economic Conditions in Chile, November,
- 1929, Report by E. Murray Harvey, 717 Economic Conditions in the Dominion of
- Now Zealand, Report, W. 11. Lambie,
- 717
- Handbook of Strength Calculations. Air Publication (970), 037
- Microscopical Examination of Coal, C. A. Leyler, 437
- Moisture Content of Wood with Special Reference to Furniture Manufacture, Forest Products Research Bulletin, 717
- Prevention of Corrosion of Lead in Dodd ings, 191
- Survey of Scottish Coking and Furnaee Coals, T. Gray, &c., 717
- Survey of the Trade in Rubber Maio, factored Goods, 437
- Cee of Calcium Chloride or Sodium Chloride
- as Protection for Mortar or Concrete
- Against Frost, W. N. Thomas, 109
- Use of Chains and Other Gear for Raiding
- and Lifting, 347
- Water Pollution Research, Summery of Current Literature, Vol. III., No. I, January, 1930, 109
- rater Softening The Base Exchange or Zeolito Process, Sununary, e., A. P. Martin, 81
- I istory of the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway Company Centenary of Open- ing, May 3rd, 1930, Rev. R. B. Fellows, 717
- Ilimdred Years of Publishing, Arthur Waugh, 717
- Illinois River Studies, 1925-1928, Bullet ii
- No. 28, C. S. Bondi and A. M. Buswell, 437 In a Permian Oilfiold, J. W. Williamson, 329 Index to A.S.T.M. Standards and Tentative
- Standards, 81
- Indice Bibliographic°. NO8. 1 and 2, March and April. 1930, 691
- Inglinieurs Civils de France, Mknoirs et Compto Rondo des Travaux, Bulletin do uillet-Aofit. 1029, 191
- Ironmonger Diary and Rardwaro Boyers' Guide, 1930, 219
- Jahrbuch dor Schiffbautechnisehen 4,8011- sehaft, Vol. 32, 1930, 637
- Jointing of Metals Research, No. 3, Part I.,
- Soft Solders and Soldered Joints, 437 Journal of the Institute of Metals, XLII., 329 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of
- England, Vol. 19, 637
- Law Relating to the Compulsory Taking of Land by Public Companies and Local Authorities, T. Waghorn, 691
- Law Relating to Injuries to Workmen, F. C. Neave, 191
- L'onseignemont Technique : Bulletin Mon.
- cool du MusGe Professionel do l'Etat
- Morlanwelz-Mariemont, .1anvier, 1930, 493 Les Sources de l'Energio Calorifique et la
- Chaufrage Industriolle, E. Damour, 579 Letters of Alfred Krupp, 411
- List of Members of the Institute of Metals, 219
- Locomotive Engineers' Pork/A Book, 1930, 11 1
- London Chamber of 'Commorce, Forty. eighth Annual Report, 493
- Machine Drawing and Design, W. Abbott, 091
- Markets of the Empire. W. 41. Wilson, 275
- Mechanical World Yoar Book, 1930, 109
- Mehrfachfunkenaufnahmen von Ex plosions- vorgengen nisch der Tooplerschon Sc hlieron. mothodo, Dr.-Ing. Werner Lindner, 275
- Metalliferous Mine Surveying, 717
- Meteorological Report for the Year 1923 of the Physical Department of the Ministry of Public Works, Egypt, 109
- Mineral Resources of the United States, 1926, Part I.: Motels ; Part II.: Non-metals, Frank J. Katz, 037
- Mining of Alluvial Deposits by Dredging and ! Hydraulicking, W. E. Thorne and A. W Hooke, 81
- Mining Methods soul Practice in the Michigan Copper Mines, W. R. Crane, 691
- Modern Boiler-house, H. S. Webster, 81 Modern Gas Fitting in Theory and Practice,
- Vol. I., St. T. Phillips and 0. T. Tat, 691
- Modern Steel Works Review of Curroot
- Practice in the Employment of Structural
- Steel Work In Buildings and Bridges, 437
- Motor Repair and Overhauling, G. T. Clarke,
- 191
- Motor Ship Reference Book, 1930, 81
- Motor Ships of the World and Motor Ship- ping Register, A. C. Hardy, 191
- official Year Book of the Scientific mid Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ire- land, 1929, 347
- Outline of Costing, W. A. Smith, 493
- Outline of Motallorgical Practice, Carle II, flay ward, 19 I
- LITERATURE (conlinucd) Books Received (continued):
- Petrol Engine, 691
- Pickling of Iron and Steel, W. G. Imhoff, 219 Pioneers of Electrical Communication, Rollo Appleyard, 109
- Piping Handbook, .1. 1 C. Walker and Sabin Crocker, 637
- Port of Bombay, W. K. S. Sharpe, 637 Practieal Engineer Eleetrical Pocket Book and Diary, 1930, 1.19
- Practical Engineer Mechanical Pocket Book, 1930, 81
- Praktischo Ergebuisse nut dein Gebiete der Flugasehe Beseitigtmg urn! Staubmessung, 637
- Praktischer StablshifTishau, Dr.-Lug. E. Fourster, 691
- Précis do la Construction des Charpentem Soudóes, 81
- " Proceedings '1 of the Institute of Britiel. Foundryinen, Vol. 22, 1928-29, 579
- "
- Proceedings" of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1929. Vol. II., 637 Protection of Workers Operating Metal. working Presses. 329
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Con. gross and Exhibition, 1929, Final Report. 275
- Report of the Railway System of Tanganyika Territory, Brigielier.General F. D. Ham- mond, D.S.O., 579
- Rhodesian Mining and Engineering Year Book, 1030, 579
- Rudolf Steiner Enters My Life, Dr. F. Rittelmeyer, 275
- Reid's Handy Colliery Guido and Directory. 329
- Royal Air Force Quarterly. Vol. I., No. 2. 437 Sell's Directory of Registered Telegraphi, Addresses, 275
- Sewage and Sewage Disposal, A. .1, Martin, 247
- Sheet and Tin-plate Rolls : Investigation 40' into the Roll Loads, Stresses, &c., .1. Selwyn Caawell, 717
- Shops, Shed and Road, " L.B.S.C.," 247 Sind and the Lloyd Barrage, 347
- Some Writers on Lime and Cements front Cato to uho Present Time, C. Spakman. 275
- South African Mining and Engineering Year Book, 1930, 579
- South and East African Year Book and Gun le, 1930, 219
- Standards Year Book, 1930, 691
- Statesman's Year Book, 1930, M. Epstein, 637
- Steam and Gas Engineering, T. E. Butter- field, 219
- Stoddart, W., .1 Biographical Sketch, L. Hanbridge, 717
- Surface Water Supply of Canada :
- Drainage—British Columbia and Yucon
- Territory—for the Climatic Year 1926-27,
- 191
- Survey of the Import Trade of India, April. September, 1920 -1930, 109
- Sydney Harbour Trust Commissioners,
- Twenty-ninth Report, June 30th, 1929, 191 The Barrister, Sir Harold Morris, K.C., 637 Theory of Electrical Lines and Filters, A. C.
- Bartlett, B.A., 437
- Tin : Its Mining, Produetion, Technology
- and Applications, Dr. C. L. Mantel!, 81
- ** Transactions " of the Institution of Engi-
- neers, Australia, Vol. VIM., 437
- " Transactions " of the Institution of Naval Architects, Vol. LX XI., 191
- Transmission Networks and *WaVe
- T. E. Shea, 437
- Water Engineer's Handbook and Directory. 1930, 493
- ‘Veetman Pearson, First Viscount Cowdray,
- 1856-11127, J. A. Spender, 219 Wirtschaftliche Meglichkeiton der Maschinen-
- unterhaltung in landwirtshaftlichen
- Grombetriebon, Dr.-Ing. F. Busehmann,
- 637
- Workshop Receipts for Manufacturers and Scientific Amateurs, 109
- World's Sugar Industry, Lewis Eynon, 1119
- LLOYD'S Register—see Ships
- Lochaber Hydro-electrie Power Undertaking. 456, 479-484, 490, 508-512, 520 (Two.paq, Supplement, May 22nd, 1930)
- Locomotives- -see Railway Locomotives Long,distance Gas Transmission in German^ Dr. Pott, 614
- Long-range Distribution of Steam, Franeis Carnegie, 484
- Low -temperature Carbonisat ion, 485
- Auto-lathe, Alfred Herbert Ltd., 293 Diesel Engine, 359 H.P.,
- Four-cycle, Messrs. Krupp. 294
- Diesel .drivoniG enerat or. 50-k W, Maschinen- fabrik Augsburg-Ntirnborg C-ompany, 294
- Grinding Machine, Naxos-Uniun, 293, 294 Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine, Crank Pin Turning Machine, Electro- Hydraulic Riveting Machine, Tool Grinding Machine, ortical Boring Mill, Schiess-Defries, 292, 293, 294
- Hydraulio Open 'side Planer, Griiiding
- Machine, Billow'. and Klunz, 293 Hydraulic Shaping Machines, Lange and
- tleilen, 292
- Hydraulically Driven Planing Machine. Roll Grinding Machine, H. A. Waldrich, 291, 292
- Hydraulically Driven Shaping Machine, Lange and Geilen, 360
- Pump for a Well, Ingenious Centrifugal Type, Siemen and Hitusch, 294
- Various Other Machinery, 294
- Hydraulic Operation of Machine Tools, 491 Machine Tools from the Manufacturing
- User's Point of View, H. C. Armitage, 333 Re-boring Machine for Motor Car Cylinders,
- Storni Aliumfacturing Company, 192
- MACHINERY Trade with Soviet Russia, 65E Manufacture-see also Electrical Matters Marine Engines-see Engines
- Marine Evaporator, A New Type, 841
- Meijer, Jr. Dr. W. M., Servire Results of the Holland-Ameriea Liner " Statendam," 426, 432
- Metals, Early Use of, Dr. T. A. Riekard, 310 Millam Free Wheel and Sprag. 693-605
- Modern Turbine Prupulsion, W. E. Thim, 278, 279
- Modugno, Colonel, It.I.N., Gas Diseharged Under Constant Pressure, 452
- Montreal- etc Bridges
- Mort, E. R., Tin and Shoot. 13w1 i I I I ills, .137
- NATIONAL Safety Congress at Liverpool 557 Neweastle-ere Bridges
- New Offices of TliE ENotNEEit, 557
- Nithsdale, William, Design and Results of a 600 lb. per Square Ineh Boiler Installation, 354, 356, 385, 386
- Noise Problems in Electrical Machinery, 549
- Callender, Professor H. L. (Portrait), 130 Cradock, Lieut.-Colonel Montagu, 14
- De Ferranti, Dr. Sebastian Ziatn, 82
- &pion, Sir John, 182
- Field, M. B., 219
- Gracie, Sir Alexatider, M,V.c 271
- liolgate, Henry, 182
- Hoy, Sir William Wilson. 182
- Longbottom, Sir Benjamin, 522
- M'Cormick, Sir William Symington, 355 Petrie, Dr. Telford, 579
- Bateau, Professor Auguste, 84 ; ( ter), 113 Swinton, A. A. Campbell, 219
- Unwin, Maurice E., 493
- White, Sydney, 275
- O'BRIEN, Colonel Aiihrey. l'onjah Ifydro. electric Scheme, 232
- Oil Circuit Breaker Films, 579
- Oil Engine Driven Generating Plant at Hen- nigsdorf Peak Load Station, 430, 656-658, 718-720
- Oil Engine Driven Locomotives-- sr Railway Locomotives
- Oil Renovating Unit. Stream-Lino Villor Company, Ltd., 324
- Operating Results-,ec Electrical Mat fers Orpington By-pass Road, 131
- Our Universities, 522, 599
- Ow eendlip-- arc Wagons
- Aeronautics, 475
- Condensers and Feed Water Heaters, 175, 229, 505, 673
- Cranes and Conveyors. 92
- Crushing and Grinding, 150
- Dynamos and Motors, 33, 201, 229, 285, 313, 447, 365, 393, 421, 505, 533, 563, 580, 419, 647, 673, 701, 727
- Electrical Appliances. 33, 140
- Enginee, Internal Combustion, 63. 111, 2411,
- 313, 339, 447, 505, 1110, 647, 701
- Engines, Steam, 447
- Furnaces, 63, 122. 150, 175, 257. 285, 340,
- 366, 393, 534, 728
- Gas Producers, 121, 648, 674, 701
- Lighting and Heating, 366, 702
- Locomotives, 314
- Machine Tools and Shop Appliances, 63, 176 257, 285, 314, 365, 476, 563, 590, 647, 674, 701, 728
- Measuring and Testing Instruments, 33, 149,
- 175, 340, 366, 589, 647
- Miscellaneous, 34, 63, 92, 122, 150, 176, 202, 230, 258, 285, 314, 340, 366, 394, 422, 448, 476, 506, 534, 564, 590, 620, 648, 674, 702, 728
- Motor Cars and Road Traffic, 63, 257, 702 Ordnance and Armour, 702
- Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 63, 589 Steam Generators, 91, 121, 175, 421, 447,
- 475, 619, 873, 701, 727
- Switchgear, 91, 121, 285, 339, 393, 421, 475, 533, 589, 620
- Telegraphs and Telephones, 121, 149, 201,
- 229, ; 65, 475, 505, 533, 620, 727 Tramways and Railways. 175, 39:3, 448, 590 Transformers and Converters, 33, 92, 121,
- 229, 285, 313, 365, 447, 533, 563, 589, 620,
- 673
- Transmission of Power, 121, 175, 230, 257,
- 393, 422, 448, 563, 620, 727
- Turbine Machinery, 149, 229, 563, 6111, 7411 Water Purification, 366
- PERMANENT Way, Novel Form of, Paul Chipman, 717
- Personal and Business Announcements, 31, 58, 89, 119, 147. 173, 199, 227, 255, 283, 314, 337, 361, 387, 419, 445, 503, 531, 561, 587, 617, 645, 671, 728
- Thomas, Possibilities of the Horizontal Opposed-piston Geared Marine Oil Engine, 622-625
- Photo-print Washer and Dryer. Preeisi,ui Photo-printing Plant, Ltd., 116
- 45, 46, 72 75, 911 118
- %cry, W. and T., Ltd., Uravitometer for Light Solids, 46
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Double, break Single- phase Unit of Experimental Switch Model for Arc Rupturing, 74
- Cambridge Instrutnent Company, Humidity Recorder with Gold Beater's Skin in Frame and Electrical Micrometer (Dr. (.1. A. Shakespear), 45; Recording Colorimeter. 72; Siusmograph for Geo-physical Survey, 45 ; Simple Moving Magnet
- meter, 45; Universal Defleetograph, -15
- Catterson Smith, R. M., Two Continuous Process Electric Furnaces, II Twin-tube Furnace and a Rotary Furnace, 7,1
- Dance, H. E., Apparatus for Demonstrating Power Factor, 45, 46
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co.. Ltd., Master Frequency Meter, 73
- General Electric Company. Luminous Out - put and Colour Temperature Measuring Apparatus, Sound-measuring Equipment and Other Apparatus Used iii Electro- acoustical Measurements, 98
- Gratin and Tallock, Ltd.. Apparatus for Timing Falling Bodied, 75
- Instrumenti di Misura, C. G. C., Frequency- graph, 73
- Isenthal and Co., Ltd., Glow Relay, 73 Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Compatiy.
- Ltd., Aircraft Direction Finder, 72;
- Aircraft Receiver, 73; Marconi Tons
- Generator, 73
- Meullin, E. 13., Condenser, Variable, of Smell Capacity. 97
- National Physical Laboratory, Apparatus for Detecting Turbulence ; Apparatus for Measurement of Overall Performance of Radio Receivers ; Resistance and Re- actance Measuring Apparatus Trans- mitting and Receiving Apparatus for Use on Wave Lengths Below 10111., and small Type of Short-wave Oscillator ; Trans- mitter Employing Two 500-Watt Valves Wireless Receiver and Direction Finder, 98 Research Laboratories of the Gramophone Company, Ltd., and the Marconiphens Company, Ltd., Magnetically Open. ed Mercury Vapour Relay, 74
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, (
- Portable Experimental, for Air Speed Indicators, 96; Pneumatic Revolution Indicator ; Air Speed Indicator, Rotating Vane Accelerometer Angular Aeeelero- meter ; Cameras, 96. 97
- Three Lectures at the Imperial College, 45
- PLATINUM Industry in the Transvaal. 558 Ploughing Engine. Now Steani, .101in Fouler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 350
- Poland's Access to the Sea Ports of Danzn.:
- and Gdynia, Theodore Rich, 207-210, 216
- Portobello Power Station, Extensions at, 524.
- 527
- 1', issibilitie-. of the Horizontal Opposed-piston Geared Marine Oil Engine, Thomas Pelt.. 622-625
- Pott, Dr., Long-distance Gam Transmission in Germany, 614
- Powell River Hydro-ulectrie Plant • British Columbia, 106, 112
- Power Stations—ser Electrical Matters
- Practical Aspects of Spark Testing. Walter G. Hildorf and C. H. MeCollam, 20, 21
- Prentices and College Workshops, 689 Propelling—see Ships, North German. te.
- Protective Gear, T. W. ROSS and H. C. hell, 138,
- 141, 142
- Prythereh, NV. E., Gases in Copper, &e., 320 Pullin, V. E., X-rays in Engineering, 204 Pulverised—sre Coal, also Ships
- Pump, Horizontal Simplex Tandem Compoimil Gas-oil, G. and -J. Weir, Ltd.. 460
- Punjab and Sind Floods of 1928 and 1929, 539 541
- Punjab Hydro-electric Scheme, Colonel Aubrey O'Brien, 232
- RADIANT Heat in Boiler Furnaces, 549 Radio Research Board, Report, 331
- Another Railway Centenary. 492
- Earning and Spending on the Rada sys, 381 International Railway Congress, -ma, 467,
- 482-484, 526-528, 552-554, 578
- Seient ifk Research on the Railways, 191, Speed Signalling on Railways, 463
- Unusual Railway Accident, 436
- British, Colonial and Indian :
- British Railway Results in 1929, 375
- N.W. Railway of India, Experimental Engines, Four-cylinder Engine with Cap- rotti Valve Gear, Cab of Caprotti Four-cylinder Engine with Lentz \ &dye :oar, Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., 412, .113
- Foreign Railways :
- Articulated Steam Rail Coach fer Egypt, Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., 348, 349
- Electrification of the Visr.Zermalt Railway, 318
- Paris Railway Works. 4113
- Turkestan-Siberia Railway, 11-11
- General Matters .
- Electrical Locomotives—see also Electrical Matters
- Hydraulic Couplings for Internal Combustion Locomotives, 298
- Links in the History of the Loromot ivo, E. A.
- Forward, 94, 128 ; (Letter), 134 Locomotive Crank Axle, Built .up, H. N. Gresley, 160
- I..N.E.R., Locomotive Coaling Plant at Kippm, Scotland, Henry Lees and Co., Ltd., 434, 442
- Narrow-gauge Geared Locomotive, Kerr, Stuart and Co., Ltd., 664, 665
- Oil-electric Locomotives for India, General Electric Company, Ltd., and William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 600
- 300 B.H.P. Oil Engine-driven Locomotive, Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., 205-267— arc also 298; (Correction), 301
- Report on Locomotive Inspections, 498 Wagon Retarders for Shunting on Railways, 15/4, 162
- British, Colonial and Indian :
- Locomotive with Lentz Valve
- Gear, 132
- North-Western Railway of Intlift, Experimental Four-cylinder Engines, Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., 412, 413
- Foreign
- 1200 B.H.P. Diesel Compressed Air Locomotive for the German State Railways, 486, 487
- Super-pressure Schwartzkoplf-Laier Locomotive, Berliner Maschinenhau A.G., 371- 374
- Swiss Federal Railway, 7200 H.P.
- Single-
- phase Locomotive, 359
- READ, 1. C., 1 ligh-power Mercury An. Recti. fere, 357, 381
- Re-boring Machine-see Mach It Tools Registration of Engineers, 605
- Relative Safety-see Iron and Steel
- Report of Departmental Committee oe .‘rea Gas Supply, 685
- Reserve Lighting, New System of, 668
- Ricardo, H. R., Development and Progress of the Aero-engine, 628-630
- Rich, Theodore. Poland's Access to the Si-;, Ports of Danzig and Gdynia, 207-210. 211; Rickard, Dr. T. A., Early Use of Metals, :119 Road Congress, Sixth International, 500
- Rock Drilling in Colombo Harbour, 640
- Rolling Aluminium Joists, 523
- Rolling of Metals, J. Selwyn Caswell, 223, 26n.
- 288, 316, 342, 369-371 : (Letters), 387, 403
- Itosenhain, Messrs. Jenkins, 'Lipson Austin and
- Rees, Some Alloys for Use at High Tempera- tures, 538
- Ross, T. W., and Ff. C. Bell, Protective Gear, 138, 141, 142
- Royal Corps of Naval Constructors, .1 wiled Dinner, J. R. N.. 109
- Rutherford, Sir Ernest . Transmutation of Matter, 387
- SAFETY of Life at Sea, :^Ir NVesteott S. Abell and Mr. A. J. Daniel, 402
- Sags and Tensions in Overhead Wires with Support; at. Different Levels, C. G. Watsoe, 051
- St. Hubert --see Aeronautics
- Scholarships in Electrical Engineering, 574 Sehuster, L. W., Strength and Design of Fusion
- Welds for Unfired Pressure Vessels, 289, 308 Scientific and Industrial Research, 153 Searchlight-see Aeromiuti,,
- Second Plenary World 1', .wer ference,
- Berlin. 1930, 498
- Security for Deferred Payments, 274
- Sewage Plant -see Automatic
- Shannon Hplro-electrie Power l'ialertiiking, 634, 638
- Sheffield-see Water Supply
- General Matters :
- Automatic Stabilisation of Ships. 368, :196,
- 409, 424, 450, 478, 514-516, 538-7, 569-
- 571, 592, 593, 625-628, 654), 651, 692, 693,
- 704, 705, 715
- Behaviour of Two Passenger Vessels, Dr R. C. LAWS, 452, 469
- Duplex Thimble-tube 13oilvr for Motor Ships, Clarkson Thimble-Tube Boiler Company, Ltd., 333
- French Shipping, 436
- High-pressure Steam for Marine Work, Stanley S. Cook, 186
- Lloyd's Register
- Annual Summary, 159
- Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 76, 437
- Materials Used for Naval Engineering Pur- poses, Engineer-Captain J. Hope Harrison, R.N., 425, 410; (Letter), 632
- Naval Limitation Treaty, 463
- Progress in Marine Engineering, Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture, Engineer Vice- Admiral R. W. Skelton, 55
- SHIPS AND SHIPBUILDING (rontinued) : General Matters (continued):
- Pulverised Fuel at Sea, " Hittoratit 306
- Resistance and Form of 'rowed Barges, G. S. Baker and Miss E. M. Keary, 497
- Sea Trials of Flotilla Leaders, Lieut.-Colimel F. Dondona, 496, 499
- Ship WAX0 Resistance, W. C. S. Wigley, 497 Stability of a Vessel with a List, F. H. Alexander, 452
- Stress Distribution in Notched Beams,
- Professor Coker and Mr. Coleman, 452
- Vibration in Motor Ships, Causes and Pre- vention of. Robert Sulzer, 453, 46$
- Vibration of Ships, Dr. -J. Lockwood Taylor, 453
- Foreign
- Service Resul t s of the Hollaiel- A merica Liner " Statendam," Ir. Dr. W. M. Meijer, 432
- Mercantile and Miscellaneous Vessels
- " Dunbar Castle," New Union Castle Motor
- Liner, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 602 North ..4erman Lloyd Liner Brenton,"
- Propelling Machinery of, 608, 609-611,
- 684, 685, 688
- North German Lloyd Liner " Europa.- 50,000-Ton, 321, 347, 352
- Seapro," Fish-treating Steamship, 404
- (Two-pave Supplement, April 11th, 1930)
- Service Performance of the Motor Tanker,
- " Megara," with Supercharged Engines,
- 330
- NVIiite Star Motor Passenger Liner " Britan- nic," 710 .712
- SINNATT, F. S., and D. 'V. Davies. Develop-
- ments and Problems in Coal Cleaning, 350
- Sixth Annual Advertising Convention, 19311,
- 716, 717, 722
- Sixth International Road Congress. 5110
- Sixty Years Ago, 14, 55, 85, 104, 131, 165, 186, 211, 239, 270, 307, 321, 355, 383, .111, 431. 465, 493, 518, 546, 583, 607, 6.11. 665, 663, 712
- Skelton, Engineer Vico-Admiral R. W., Pim gress in Marine Engineering. Thomas 1.0we Gray Lecture, 55
- Slipway, 2100-Ton. at Aruba. Dutell 11%.,1 ladies, Crandall Engineering compan), , 196 Smoko in the Steel Trade, 353
- Smyth, E. Watson, General oporations With I
- First " Wood " Steam Generator, 127, 112-
- 144, 157, 170, 194, 195
- Some Scientific Instrument Makers of the Eighteenth Century, 601
- South Africa, Empire Mini,, Congmss n455
- 111. 183, 251. 333, 36u, 361, 429, 471, role, 613, 669, 683
- An Iron and Steel Institute, I II Big New Power Plant, 333
- Building Boom, 251
- Cape Town Dock Extension. :ow Compressed Air for Railways. II I Defective German Engines, 251 Demand for Motor Lorries, 613 Earth Tremors on the Rand, 471 East London Turning Basin, 683 Engineering in Cape Town, 183 High Railway Appointment, 68:3 Improving Durban Harbour, 1 1 1
- Liquid Fuel from South African Coal, 429 Long Underground Level, 471 Metallurgical and Mining Congress,
- Mine Machinery mid Plant, 333
- Mineral Search in Southern Rhodesia, 669 More Mining Ground for Leasing 683
- New Liners for South African Trade, 251 New Motor Ship Service, 613
- New Rhodesian Coalfield, 361 Nitrogen front the Air, 584
- Oil and Petrol from Coal, 364,i Pioneer of New Fleet, 360
- Plant for the Union Iron and Steel Works, 183
- Platinum Reduction Costs, 500 Platinum Setback, 669
- Pneumatic Picks do Fine Work, 183 Projected Pcmer Station in Rhodesia, 36ii Proposed Railway,' Abandoned, 584
- Railway Earnings, 683 Rand's Working Costs, 471 Record Gold Output, 333 Rhodesian Iron Ore. 613
- Rhodesian Railway Traffic, 15:1 Rhodesian Railways, 500 Rhodesia's Future Seaport , 333 Roadmaking Machinery, 111 Road Motor Services. 183 Ship-repairing _Job, 669
- S. A. R, Road Motor Service, I I Some Rand Features, 613 South Rhodesia's Minerals. 471
- State's Return from Mining, 360
- Table Bay Dry Dock. 429 Table Bay Trade, 683 Tenders for Steel Works, 471
- To Study British Methods, 360 Transport Problem, 669
- Union Air Service, 429
- Union Harbours Extensions, 61:1
- Union Industries, 333
- Union Miniere Copper Out put, 183
- Union Railway Budget, 500 Union Road Construction, 584 Use of Tractors, 683
- Zambesi Bridge, More (outlets for Nyasaland, 669
- SOUTH American Market, 273
- Southwell, Professor R. V., James Forrest Lecture, Aeronautical Progress, 19 I 4-1930, 512
- Spark Testing—see Practical
- Spending and Saving, 211
- Steam Generating Plant for fir...I:i.e.) Statinn Extension, 322, 333
- Steam Nozzles Research, Final Report., 235. 264; (Letters), 270, 324
- Steaming Economiser, 578; (Letter), 598 Steatite and Porcelain Products, Manufacture
- of, 544, 548, 576, 580 (Two-page Supplement.
- May 23rd, 1930)
- Stilgoe, Henry E., Presidential Address, 607 Stockdale, Dr. D., Composition of Eutectics, 320 Strength and Design of Fusion Welds for Un-
- fired Pressure Vessels, L. W. Shuster, 289, 308 Stilzer, Robert, Causes and Prevent ion nf
- Vibration in Motor Ships, 453, -168
- Surge Investigations, 435
- TANDEM Compound Pump for Refinery,
- G. and J. Weir. Ltd., 460
- Taylor, Dr. .1. Lockwood, Vibration 'ml 453
- 'reaching in Technical Schools, 662
- Technological Civilisation, 636
- Tees, Scheme for Improvement of Shipping Facilities. 413
- Telephone Progress in the London Area During 1929, 219
- Wireless Telephone Development ti Bet weer, North and South America, 436
- TESTING Machine, 100-Ton Elect rically
- Operated, W. and T. Avery, Ltd., 380, 383
- Testing Materials, New Internatimial A880eitt-
- tion for, 416
- Tests—sec Boilers
- That', W. E., Modern Turbine Propulsion, 275, 279
- Thyrite, Now Lightning Arresters, 239
- Timber Moulding, Planing and Matching Ma- chine, Thomas Robinson and Sons. 1.1(1., 388 Tiwe for Re-designing, 690
- Tin. World's Reserves of, 493
- Tokio, Restoration of, 295-7, 30oi
- Toronto Water System, 263
- Totalisator, Electric, at. Newmarket. 552 Training of an Engineer, Professor
- Burstall, 677, 678
- Transmutation of Matter, Sir Ernest Ruther- ford, 387
- Treatment of Beet Sugar Factories' Effluent, 599
- Tunnel, High-pressure Aeronautical Research, .101in Brown and Co., Ltd., 695
- Tunnelling the Straits of Gibraltar. Projects for, 184
- Turbine Blade Corrosion, 193
- Turbine Propulsion, Modern. W. E. Than, 278-9
- Two Engineering Photographic Difficulties and t heir Solution, A. W. Swan, 543
- UNEMPLOYMENT Problem. 3o1 ; (Letters),
- 324, 349, 387, 403, 437, 598, 632, 658, 709 Unemployment Remedy, 661
- Unit of -Float, 107
- l'niversity of Manchester, Celebrat ,, Fiftieth Year, 612
- VARIABLE Density—i,,, Tumid! Vert ical Retorts for Gas Making, 467 Visp-Zermatt ---8Ce Railways
- WAGON. 35-Ton Bogie Petrol Tank, Charles Roberts and Co., Ltd., 76
- Wagon for Distributing Ready-mixed ('on. crete, " Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd., 584 Wagon Retarders for Shunting on Railways, 158, 162
- 'WdgOD14, Ownership and Standardisation of, 247 Washer Dryer for Photo Prints, 116
- Water Power in the Pulp and Paper Inthist ry of Canada, 459, 462
- Water Softening Plants on the Great Southern Railways of Ireland, 103, 104
- Water Sterilisation. The " Catadyn "Mt InI. 11
- Sheffield Water Supply, New Works in I he Ewden Valley, 124-127, 136
- Toronto Water System, 263
- ,•;cr also Annual Articles
- WATSON, C. G., Sags and Tensions an 0 (*Howl Wires with Supports at. Different Levels, 651 Ways of Our Competitors, 163
- Welded Reinforcement for a Concrete Highway Bridge, 252
- Welding---Ifee also Are
- Weyland, Director G., Centrifugal Feed Pump. for High-pressure Boilers, 666
- Whayman, Engineer Rear-Admiral W. M.
- Water-tube Boilers for Merchant Ships, 86
- Whitfield, R.. Single Sheet or Thin Normalisisig, 537
- ‘‘ iley, W. C. S., Ship Wave Resistance. 497 Wireless Telephone—arc Telephone
- Wood Steam Generator, E. W. Smyth, 127, 142-- 144, 170, 194. 195
- Work and Influence of the Engineer, R. Flanders. 457
- World Engineering Congress in Japan, 23, 50, 99, 164. 190, 218—see also Japan
- World Power Conference, 185
- British National Committee, 185
- of Papers to be Presented, 185
- World Power Conference, Second Pliinar^ Berlin, 1930, 498, 682, 707-709
- World's Reserves of Tin, 493
- X-RAYS in Engineering, V. E. Pullin, 204
- ZINC-BASE Die.casting Alloys, R. Lancaster and J. G. Berry, 382
- Zinc. Diffusion of. in Copper Crystals, Miss C. F. Elam, 346
A Seven Day Journal
- AGRICULTURAL and t^eneral Engineers, 1 Airship Operations, 477
- Airship Schemes, New, 533
- Alabaster, Mr. Henry, The Late, 65
- Anderson, Professor J. Wetnyss, The Lit", .;u7 Antwerp-Liege Canal, The New, 367
- Armed Merchantmen and Submarines, 423 Arnold, Professor J. 0., The Late, 367 Artificial Daylight, 591
- Associated Lleet rico! Indust ries, 1. I d. 311;
- BATTERSEA Power Station, 177
- Beardmore, William, and Co., Ltd., 315
- Belfast Dock Scheme, 93 Ben Nevis mmiet, 35
- Birth of British Broadeastnig, 673
- Birth of 1Vireless, 591 Birthday Honours, 621 lilehm, Dr. Hermann, The* Late, 315
- Blue Funnel Line Motor Ship, A New, 203 " Britannic's " Wireless Installation, 591 British Airship " R 100," 423
- British Airship Policy, 621
- British Canal Developments, 367
- British Corporation fort)... Registry Shipping
- and Aircraft, 287
- British Electrical unil ,A111.41 N1itti Ilarturers. Association, 341
- British Electrical Development Association, 3,11 British Engineering Standards Agsoeiat 2g7 British Industries Fair, 203
- British Lenses and Television, 23
- Brown, Mr. William, The Late, 1
- Burst Tube in it High-pressure Locomotive, Buyers of British Goods, 177
- CALCUTTA Electric Suppl3 Corporation, 535
- Callendar, Professor H. L., The Late, 93
- Canadian Pacific Liner, " Empro-,s of Britain,"
- The New, 649
- Carmen...I Cruisers, 151
- Central Scotland Electricity Scheme
- Chamber of Shipping, 203
- Channel Tunnel, 649, 703
- Charing Cross Bridge, 341, 307, 621
- Charing Cross Bridge and the New Station. 123 Civil Aviation in the United Status, 65
- Clayton and Shutt loworth. Ltd., 203
- Closing of Pehtistone Steel Works, 231
- Coal Mines Bill, 93
- Compressed Air Wind Tunnel at t N.1). L. 563 Copt ment at Iron and Steel Trade Conditions, 703
- (snooty of Lendnn Electric Sapply Company, 449
- Cross-ehannel Steamers, New, 177
- Canard Liner, The New, 535, 591
- DANISH Motor Slap, A Now, 1.1
- Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, 51
- Director of Scientific Research, JAM 259
- EAST-TO-WEST Atlantic Flight, 703 Edinburgh Electricity Supply, 703
- Electric Power in Now Zealand, 315
- Electric Power in the Punjab, 449
- Electrical Developments in Great Britain. 287 Electrical Distribution in Manchester, 123 Electrical Imports, 315
- Electrical Research Association, 177 Electrification on the Southern Railuny, 35, 259 Empire Broadcasting, 703
- Engineers' Vages, 123
- Engineering Museum at Newcastle, Propowd, 293
- English Electric Company, 151, 349
- Exhibition of Weights and Measures, 449 Experimental Tank at Teddington, New, 231
- FAST Motto $hip tot N,,rtil Son, or ice, New, :15
- Ferretti, Comm. lng. E. 'rho Late, 123
- Finance and the Basic Industries, 449 Fires in Bunker and Cargo Coal, 93
- Flood Prevention in the Thames Valley, 65 Fog Flying Experiments. 703
- Foundation Company, 35
- French Aeronautics, 307
- French and English Ports, 649
- French Motor Liner " Lafayette," 565 French Navy, 367
- GIBRALTAR Tunnel, 565
- Government and Unemployment, 673
- Oreat Western Railway Dock Extensions, 267 “.W.R. Station at Bristol, The New, 367 Guggenheim Safe-Aircraft Competition, 35
- HARLAND and Wolff. Ltd., 393
- Harvey, Sir Robert, The Late, 31 5
- Herschel, Mr. Clemens, The Late, 311
- High Speed Flying, 1
- H.M. Destroyer "Anthony," I 77
- H.M. Destroyer "Arrow,' 393
- H.M.S. "Acheron," 315
- IMPERIAL Wireless Telephony, 239 Improved Railway Goods Depots, 151
- Improvements on the L.N.E.R., 449
- Improvements at Prince's Dock, Liverpool, 565 Inspection of Factories, 287, 341
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, 640 International Container Competition, 311
- Iron and Steel Industry and the Coal Bill, 123 Iron and Steel Trades' Inquiry, 477
- LAMBETH Bridge, The New, 151
- Landing Stage at Tilbury, The New, 563 Large Braced Girder, 287
- Largo River awl Harbour Dredging Contracts, 533
- Latest Ellerman Liner, 535 Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 203 Load Line Conference, 565 London House, 621
- L.M.S. Appointment, Interesting, 151 L.N.E.R. High-pressure Locomotive, 35 Long-distance Night Accident, 93 Low-temperature Carbonisation, 649
- MACHINE Tool Trades Association, 477, 707
- Marconi Experiments, 341
- Marine Application of Pulverised Fuel, 259
- Matthews, Sir Thomas, The Late, 65
- Memorial to Sir Henry Segrave, 703 Merseyside Dock Schemes, New, 123
- Michelson, Professor A. A., The Late, 35, 65
- Motor Car Manufacture at Luton, 341
- Motor Lifeboat Progress, 395
- NATIONAL Electricity Scheme, 649
- 1930 Naval Programme, 703
- New Liners and the Atlantic Passenger Traffic, 449
- New Naval Construction, 449
- Now President of the F.B.I., 203
- New South Shore Bridge at Montreal, 591 New Year Honours, 1
- Next Year's Schneider Trophy Race, 123 North-East Coast Exhibition Buildings, 65 North London Tube Extension, 591
- North Sea Entrance Lock, The New, at Ymniiinn, 477
- OIL Cake Explosion, 50,
- Overhead Cables in Rural Britain, 395
- PARIS Fair, 591
- Patent Office, 591
- P. and 0. Liners, The New, 93
- Pinkaton Power Station Boiler Contract, 93 Power for the Underground Railways, 367
- Profit -sharing in Co-operative Societies, 1 Productive
- Proposed Arctic Air Route, 621 Proposed Atlantic Liners, 231 Proposed Electrification on the Lowhin and
- North-Eastern Railway, 367
- Proposed New Cunard Liner, 395
- Public Telegraph Exchange, 395
- RAILWAY Bridge at Folkestone, A New, 535 Railway Catastrophe in France, 621
- Railway Centenaries, 675
- Railway Items, 259
- Rationalisation in British Building, 423 Rationalisation in the Scottish Steel Industry, 123
- Recent Orders for Oil Engine Propelled Tankers, 93
- Reclamation of the Zuyder Zee, 177 Reconditioned Australian Liner, 65
- Reopening of St. Paul's Cathedral, 703 Reopening of Vickers-Armstrong's Yard at Walker-on-Tyne, 315
- Reorganising the Shipbuilding Industry, 2541 Retirement of Sir Harry Haward, 341 Retirement of Mr. F. H. Livens, 477 Retirement of Mr. H. A. Reed, 423
- Return Voyage of the " Europa," 395 Rolls-Royce Schneider Trophy Engine, 231 Rural Electrification, 203
- Rutherford, Sir Ernest, 535
- ST. JAMES' and Mall Electric Light Company, 231
- Sale of Old Ships, 507
- Salvage Operations at Scapa Flow, 535
- Salving the White Star Liner " Celtic," I , Science and the Labour Party, 423
- Scientific and Industrial Research, 151
- Severn Barrage Scheme, 259
- Sheffield Steel, 675
- Shipbuilding in America, 65
- Shipbuilding Orders, Now, 287
- Shipbuilding Outlook and Shipyard \‘'ages, 477
- Ships, New, for Canadian Railway Services, 93 Solent Tunnel, :3 I 5
- Southern Railway Company's Progranime, 65 Southern Railway Reorganisation, 2:51
- Sperry, Mr. E. A., The Late, 675
- Sperry, Mr., and the Gyroscope, 675
- Standard Basis of Charges for Gas, 367
- State Assistance for Electricity Scheme, 123 Steamer, A New, fur the L.M.S. Larne•Stranrue
- Service, 507
- Steel-framed Buildings, 703
- Subsidising Air Transport, 449
- Subways Beneath London Streets, 65
- Suez Canal, 621
- Suggested Engineering Trade Inquiry, 231 Suggested Road Bridge Across the Forth, 33 Survey of British Coalfields, 287
- Synthetic Atoms, 423
- TARIFFS and Motor Cars, 621
- Telephone Communication Between 811. ps Shore, 203
- Telephone Service to Australia, 477 Television, 177, 367
- The "Grid," 507
- Thorsten Von Zweigborgk, 395
- Three Interesting Presentations, 621 Three Railway Landslides, 35
- Townend Ring, 565
- Trades Unions and Rationalisation, 035 Transferred Miners, 675
- Trans-Saharan Railway, 395
- Trials of the "Europa," 259
- Two Cruisers Cancelled, 123, 151
- UNDERGROUND Railway Extensions, 171
- WAGES in the German Iron and Steel Industry 649
- Welfare Work at. the B.T.H. Works, 423 White Star Liners, The New, 565
- Wickham, Mr. J. A., The Late, 449
- Wireless Telephone Operators, 649
- Wireless Telephony at Sea, 675
- ZAMBESI Bridge and Railway Scheme, 565
- ADVANCE of Work on 1,000,000-Dollar Terthinal of Canadian Steamship Lines at Hamilton, Ontario, 433
- Aeration Carried on in a Water Tank, Advan- tages of, 489
- Aerial Passenger Service from Edmonton, Alberta, to the Arctic Circle, 135
- Aerial Ropeway Opened Between Tilman•
- stone Colliery and Dover Harbour, 135
- Aerodrome for the Transvaal, 10 Miles from
- Johannesburg, 77
- Altitude Record Claimed by American Air-
- Min, 659
- Arapuni Hydro-electric Plant Repairs, Closed Owing to Fracture in Spillway and now to Remain Closed During Longer and Costly Work, 687
- Asphalt Imports Into the United States, 687 Aviation Fields to be Constructed in China, 603
- Boeing Airplanes Built for 18-Passenger Service Between, San Francisco and Chicago, 15
- 'anadian R.A.F. Orders Sixteen Light Air- craft for Training, 161
- Civil Aviation Between India and Burma, 603
- Flight Cadetships, 98
- Flying Club with Moth Aeroplanes, for Madras, 547
- Gloster-Napier Seaplane, Hoped-for Speed
- of About 400 Miles an Hour, 375 Helicogyre Flying Machine, First to he Built
- in this Country, 15
- Motorless Aeroplanes, First Meeting of Inter-
- national Research Commission for, 713
- New Landing Apparatus for Aircraft,
- Lemoiigne, 325
- Royal Air Force Aircraft Apprentices, 117 Skycraper with Mooring Mast for Zeppelins, 489
- Three-engined, Metal Monoplane Air Yacht, Constructed for Hon. A. E. Guimiess, 433 " Vancouver " Flying Boats, Five Ordered to Replace Obsolete Equipment Used in Forest Fire Suppression, 243
- A“RICULTURAL Machines Competition, 173 Agricultural Tractors, Russia's Proposed Con-
- struction of 1000 Factories for Repair of, 299 Alcohol and Petrol Competition, 47
- Alexander Dam Failure in Hawaii, Great Dis- appointment and Further Information Awaited, 547
- Alloy, Light as Aluminium and Hard as Steel, Invented by M. Joh. Haerden, Stockholm, 547
- Alumina, Canadian Negotiations for Site for Manufacture, 15
- Aluminium Chloride, Its Great Value and Large Production in Massachusetts, 47
- Aluminium Paint, Best Way to Use, 187 American Society for Testing Materials, Defini- tions Recommended, 4:33
- America's New Records in Output of Passenger Cars, Trucks, &c., 243
- Are Welding, Application of, to Structural Work, 299
- Argentine, Construction of New Port Begun at Quequen, 547
- Articulated Locomotives, D. R. Carling, 117 Asbestos Industry, Danger to Employees, 379 Asphalt in Syria, Exploitation of Large Deposit
- for Roadmaking, 63:3
- Australian Motorist Proposes to Attempt, to Beat Sir Henry Segrave's Land Speed Record, 713
- Automatic Road Traffic Signals, to be Installed in Oxford-street, 135
- Automobile Engineers to Establish a Leeds, 105
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Celebration of Bi- centenary, 659
- Dinner ; Central Chemical House Pro- posed, 271
- New Committee Appointments, 681
- Annual Dinner, 227 INSTITUTE OF FUEL:
- Prizes for Papers Offered to Student Members, 173
- Submerged Combustion, Paper, C. F. Hammond, 325
- Decision of Council as to Awards of Two Bessemer Gold Medals, 215
- Thirty-forth Annual Dinner, 311 INSTITUTE OF METALs :
- May Lecture, Major F. A. Freak 186, 445; Annual General Meeting, Twenty-second ; Dates of Other Fixtures, 186
- R.I.B.A. Maintenance Scholarship in Architecture, 632
- Worthington, Mr. Percy Scott, to be Recommended for Royal Gold Medal for 1930, 161, 255
- This Year's Congress, 534
- Election of Officers by Council, 534
- Tenth Annual Dinner, 311
- Trolley Vehicle, Its Advantages, lt. 11. Wilkinson, 187
- INSTITUTION OF AUTON! 0111 LE ENGINEERS: North of England Centre, Leeds Section :
- Diesel Engine in Road Transport, W. H. Goddard, 105
- INSTITUTION OF CHEM I AL ENGINEERS: Formation and Growth of Crystals, Pro- fessor W. E. Gibbs, 209
- Annual Dinner, 255
- April Examinations, 1930, Complete PUSS List, 671
- Awards for Papers, 632
- Sir Alfred Yarrow Elected as Honorary Member of the Institution, 161
- Annual Dinner; 199
- Awards of Premiums for Papers, 590, 697 Presentation of Oil Painting, 230 Summer Meeting in Ireland, 501
- London Students' Section :
- Summer Meeting in Rulir Area and
- Switzerland, 602
- I NSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS-IN -Cu ALOE: Thirtieth Annual Dinner, 422
- Annual Dinner, Forty-sixth Anniversary of Foundation, 501
- Cause and Prevention of Accidents, S. Taylor, 379
- Chili, Geographical and Economic Features of the Country and its Engineering Activities, Lt.-Col. J. Hartley, 299
- Provincial Centro in Birmingham, 255
- North-Western Branch :
- Presentation and Luncheon Entertainment to Mr. Harry Richardson, 574
- Visit of Numerous Members to Works of
- Hopkinson's, Ltd., at Huddersfield, 671
- Graduates' Section, North-Western
- Branch :
- Articulated Locomotives, D. R. Carling, 117
- Modal awl Premium Awards for Papers, 170, 187
- Seventy-first Annual Meeting, Annual Dinner, Summer Meeting in Liverpool, 147
- Fullerian Professor Appointed, Election of
- New Members, Evening Discourses, 283 General Meeting, Elections of Members,
- 173
- General Meeting, Presentation, Election of Members, 422
- Offer of Large Donation for Research in the Davy Faraday Laboratory, 595
- £10 10s. Prize and Gold Medal Offered for Paper, 583
- Initial Meeting at the Technical Colleg,, Cardiff, 097
- Presidential Address, Extension in the Applications of the Term " Optics," 243
- Autogiros Compared with Aeroplanes, Utility and Safety of Autogiro Considered Superior by J. de la Cierva, Lecture, 215 R 38 Memorial Prize Award to Miss H. M. Lyon, 283
- Recent Improvements in Brickinak nig, Alfred Searle, 242
- Thomas Grey Lectures on Aids to Naviga-
- tion, Commander F. G. Cooper, 299
- Symons Memorial Lecture, Dr. Herbert Lapworth, Views of Water Engineers, 351
- BAKHARA Dam Scheme, Investigation into Probable Effect of, 433
- Baku-Batoum Pipe Line, 70,400 Tons of Oil Passed Through in a Month, 603
- Bauxite, Extensive Mining of, Projected in Dutch Guiana, 133
- Bauxite Treatment, Improved Process by Use of Chlorine Gas, 15
- Bavarian Zugspitze Mountain Railway, to be Opened Shortly. 135
- Beam Engine with Inscription Date,' 1818 in Haitian Jungle, 135
- Beauharnois Power Plant, Primary Equipment of, 325
- Benzene Exports from the United States, Increase, 403
- Berlin Technical High School, New Depart meni to Deal with Specialised Work, 325
- Bismuth. Like Silicon, Increases Electric Resistance of Steel, 633
- Bituminous Sands of Alberta, Report and Com- ments, 603
- Blocking of Highway by Snow Drifts, Fence of Wire and Sacks, 187
- Board of Trade Announces that Draft Order in Council Requiring Indication of Origin to be Shown on Imported Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, &c., has been Laid Before Parliament, 659
- Board of Trade Appointment, 325
- Board of Trade, Competitive Examinat ion for Appointments as Engineer and Ship Sur- veyor, 161
- Board of Trade Revokes Order Concernini Restrictions on Dealings in "Restored (1erman Patents, 639
- Collapse of Combustion Chamber Top: of Scotch Boiler, 349
- Explosion of Water-tube Boiler, 369 High-pressure Boiler, Largest in the World, 105
- High-pressure Boilers, Primary Important,
- of Corrosive Action of Pure Water. 135
- Inspections Made Under the Indian Boilers
- Act, 659
- Lancashire Boiler Fatal Explosion, Comment on Lack of Precautions, 105
- Multitubular Vertical Boiler Failure, a Dangerous Practice Adopted, 351
- Scotch Marine Boiler Failure, Official Report. 105
- Vertical Boiler of a Crane, Collapse and Resulting Injuries, 271
- Arch Span, Longest in the World, Now Under Construction for the Bayonne Bridge Over the Killvan Kull, 433, 659
- Bangkok, Bridge in Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of Foundation of the City, 633
- canadian Pacific Railway Bridge on its Main
- Line at Salmon River, B.C., Opened, 433
- Cantilever Bridge in Pittsburgh, Just Com-
- pleted, 135
- Detroit River. Another Bridge Across, (Correction), 173
- Howrah Bridge, Hooghly, Committee to Con- sider Question of Cantilever versus Floating Bridge, 325
- Irrawaddy, Bridge to be Built Over, 379, 659 Kaibab Trail Suspension Bridge Across the Colorado River, 100
- Lachmanjhula Suspension Bridge Over t he Ganges Opened, 659
- Proposed Railway Bridge Over the Fraser River, British Columbia, 633
- Reported that Tokio is to have an Opening Bridge Between Two Populous Districts, 161
- Road Bridge Over the Forth at Que.mforrY. Sites, 413
- St. Lawrence, Another Bridge Over, Pro- jected, 135
- San Francisco-Alameda Bridge, Result of Borings, 603
- Spinning Cables for New Mid•Il %ahem Sus- pension Bridge, 325
- Two Now Bridges Across the Norbudda and Godaria Rivers for Great Indian Peninsular Railway, 433
- Vancouver, Succession of Shipping Accidents to Lately Constructed Bridge, 603
- BRIG DEN-NEERYAREN Section of the Antwerp-Liége Canal, 379
- British Chemical Standard Tin-base White Metal "B," 506
- British Compressed Air Society, 473, 547 British Engineering Standards Association, Royal Charter Granted, 147
- British Non-ferrous Metals Research Associa- tion, Practically New White Metal Alloy Discovered, 351
- British Radio Exports, Upward Move, 325 British Road Tar, Production and Dispateh in Progress at East Greenwich, 633
- British Standard Specifications, Index to, 186 British Sulphuric Acid Output in First Six Months of 1929, 633
- Building Regulations, Investigation and Alterations Requested, 687
- Busy Veer for Institute of Fuel, 1929, 461
- CALCIUM Carbide, Imports into this Country
- from Norway. Sweden and France, 575
- Calcium Chloride or Sodium Chloride as a Protection for Mortar or Concrete Against Frost, 77
- Calao, Port Works Construction More Rapid than Anticipated, 105
- Canada, Department of the Interior, Annual Review of the Water Power Resources of Canada, Developed and Undeveloped at January 15th, 1930, 215
- Canada Has One Motor Vehicle for Every 8.2 Members of the Population, 659
- Canada Hydro-electric and Water Power
- Developments in 1929, Annual Review, 160 Canada's Growing Output of Platinum Metals,
- 519
- Canada's Important Resources in Mica, 519 Canada's Increased Output of Newsprint, 187 Canada's Large Share of World' Production of
- Precious and Other Metals, 325
- Canadian Government Works, Total Cost of, 433
- Canadian National Steamship Docks on Pacific
- Coast to be Extended for New Steamers, 135 Canadian Output of Newsprint, A Record, 47
- Carbon Dioxide as a Blaming Agent, 14
- Carbon-monoxide Poisoning. Very Unusual Case, 299
- Carling, D. R., Articulated Locomotives, 117 Cellulose Films as Good Insulators. 379 Cement-making Plant, New, Supplied to the
- Green Island Company. China. 633
- Certificates of Qualification as Surveyors of
- Mines, Central Examiners' Report, 243
- Ceylon Government, Proposed Hydro-eleetrie Supply, Big Cost, 379
- " Chains and Other Lifting Appliances." Home Office Memorandum dealing with Accident Prevention. 215
- " Charles R. K Bell Fund "Scholarships. 448 Chemical Factory to be Put Up at Leningrad, Big Output, 379
- Chicago to Complete Sewage Disposal System and Reduce Diversion from Lake Michigan, 547
- Chinese Wood Oil, Useful Characteristics as a Varnish and Paint Constituent, 575
- Chromium no Protection to Certain Metals, E. 3. Dobbs, 105
- Chrysler Building in New York, 1044ft. High, and Spire of 185ft., 187
- Cleaning 10,000 Condenser Tubes in Six Hours, Method Employed, 577.
- Acid Formation in Coal Mines with Subse- quent Appearance of Acid in Drainage. Accepted Theory of, 575
- 1malgatnated Anthracite Collieries Predicted
- to Become Largest in the Country, 379
- Barnsley Seam of Coal Struck in Sinking Operations of the Upton Colliery, South Yorkshire. 135
- Bituminous Coal in U.S.A.. Increasing Out- put, 407
- Central Rescue Station Planned for Kent Coalfield, 351
- Chlorine in Coal, F. S. Sinnott and D. T. Davies, 305
- Coal Dust's Great Variation in Degree of
- Inflammability. Test Evolved, 105
- Coal Measures near Inyantue. Rhodesia,
- Company to Exploit them, 351
- Coal Mining to Music, Tests in the Catnerton Pit, Somersetshire, 461
- Coal Pits of Company in Nova Scotia. Exchanging Steam Plant for Electric Machinery, 15
- Coal Producing Good Furnace Coke, 547 Coaling Appliance at the Bluff, Durban,
- Experiments by Railway Harbour Engi•
- nears, 633
- Coke Oven Plant. Projected for Lake Era. Port, and Cost. 77
- Coke Ovens near Sheffield, Typographical Correction, 648
- Death-rate from Coal Mine Accidents in United States, 77
- Electric Winding Engines Installed in Japan- ese Minos, 659
- Electrically Operated Mechanical Cooling
- Plant at L. and N.E. Railway Depot, 351
- Large-scale Experiments on Liquefaction of
- Coal in Japan, 633
- Maltby Main Colliery. South Yorkshire, Record Week's Output, 135
- Microscopical Examination of Coal, C. A. Soyler, 461
- Millyard Seam Struck in the Tilmanstone Coliery, Kent, 659
- Mining Centre for Higher Education of Colliery Technical Students, 379
- Output, Week's, of Snowdown and Tilimin- stone Collieries, 325
- Pelaw Main Collieries. New Shaft. 659 Pithead Baths at Leigh. Cost of, 379 Pulverised Coal at Sea, Efficiency Recently
- Demonstrated in Voyage of Cargo Steamer
- " West Alsek." 575
- Scheme for Blast-furnace Pit near Teheran Postponed until Completion of Railway, 379
- Spontaneous Combustion in the Warwick-
- shire Thick Coal. C. E. Morgan. 299 Substitution of Steel for Timber in Under-
- ground Working of Coal Mines, 547 Tonnage of Coal Exported from this Country
- in 1929, 533
- 95,000 Tons of Coal for Belgian State Rail-
- ways Ordered from Leeds Firm, 379
- COCHIN Port and Harbour Developments, Great Expectations, 519
- Collapse of Framework of Largo Building Imme- diately on Completion, 687
- Colloidal Graphite Production. Factory Details NVorked Out. 633
- Commercial Education. 72g
- Commercial Gas Manufacture from Eucalyptus Wood. Reported Spanish Contract for In- vestigations and Erection of Experimental Plant, 575
- Company Formed for Growing Timber for Boxwood and Wood-wool near Pretoria, 379 Concrete Building, The Highest, 105
- Congress of Mining, Metallurgy and Applied Geology, 173
- Copper Mines, New, of Northern Rhodesia, Future Production, 407
- Copper-Nickel Discovered in the Dundaa Dis- trict by the Tasmanian Mines Department, 379
- Copper Ore, Another Deposit Said to have been Discovered in Namaqualand, South Africa, 575
- Copper Ore Deposits at N'Kana, N. Rhodesia, 407
- Copper Steam Pipe Burst on a Steamer, 379 Copper Ore, Discovery of Large Deposit Re- ported in Southern Rhodesia, 161
- Copper Ore Found in Iron Mine at Cleator Moor,
- 187
- Copper Refinery Projected in Greater Montreal, 325
- Copper Welding, Satisfactory. Formerly Con- sidered Impossible. Research ‘Vork has now Evolved Method, 575
- Corrosion of Load in Buildings, 215
- Cotton Fibre Sorting Machine, New Apparatus. 215
- Cotton Picking Machine, Successful New, in Southern States of America, 519
- Cotton Textile Plants for Siberia, 351 Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., Annual Sports Meeting, 725
- crystalline Phosphate of Lime, or Apatite, Deposits in Canada Probably Most Exten- sive Known, 713
- Carbon-monoxide Poisoning. Very Unusual Case, 299
- Carling, D. R., Articulated Locomotives, 117 Cellulose Films as Good Insulators. 379 Cement-making Plant, New, Supplied to the
- Green Island Company, China, 633
- Certificates of Qualification as Surveyors cif
- Mines, Central Examiners Report. 243
- Ceylon Government, Proposed Hydro-eleetrie
- Supply, Big Cost, 379
- " Chains and Other Lifting Appliances." Home Office Memorandum dealing with Accident Prevention, 215
- "Charles R. K Bell Fund "Scholarships. 448 Chemical Factory to be Put Up at Leningrad. Big Output, 379
- Chicago to Complete Sewage Disposal System and Reduce Diversion from Lake Miehigan, 547
- Chinese Wood Oil, 'Usefol Characteristics as a
- Varnish and Paint Constituent, 575 Chromium TIO Protection to Certain Metals,
- E. 3. Dobbs, 105
- Chrysler Building in New York, I044ft. High. and Spire of 185ft., 187
- Cleaning 10,000 Condenser Tubes in Six Hours, Mt boil Employed, 575
- Acid Formation in Coal Mines with Subs, quent Appearance of Acid in Drainage. Accepted Theory of, 575
- Amalgamated Anthracite Collieries Predicted
- to Become Largest in the Country, 379
- Barnsley Seam of Coal Struck in Sinking
- Operations of the Upton Colliery, South
- Yorkshire, 135
- Bituminous Coal in U.S.A., Increasing Out 407
- Central Rescue Star ion Planned for Kent Coalfield. 351
- Chlorine in Coal. F. S. Sirinatt and I). 1'. Davies, 305
- Coal Dust's Great Variation in Degree of
- Inflammability. Test Evolved. 105
- Coal Measures near Inyantue. Rhodesia.
- Company to Exploit them, 351
- Coal Alining to Music, Tests in the Catnerton Pit, Somersetshire, 461
- Coal Pits of Company in Nova Scotia, Exchanging Steam Plant for Electric Machinery, IS
- coal Producing Good Furnace Coke. 547
- Coaling Appliance at the Bluff, Durban.
- Experiments by Railway Harbour Engineers, 033
- Coke Oven Plant, Projected for Lake Erie Port, and Cost, 77
- Coke Ovens near Sheffield, Typographical Correction, 648
- Death-rate from Coal Mine Accidents in United States, 77
- Electric Winding Engines Installed in Japan- ese Mines, 659
- Electrically Operated Mechanical Cooling
- Plant at L. and N.E. Railway Depot, 351
- Large-scale Experiments on Liquefaction of Coal in Japan, 633
- Maltby Main Colliery, South Yorkshire, Record Week's Output, 135
- Microscopical Examination of Coal, C. A. Seyler, 461
- Millyard Seam Struck in the Tilmalistone Coliery, Kent, 659
- Mining Centre for Higher Education of Colliery Technical Students, 379
- Output, Week's, of Snowdown and Titular, stone Collieries, 325
- Pelaw Main Collieries, New Shaft, 659 Pithead Baths at Leigh, Cost of. 379 Pulverised Coal at Sea, Efficiency Recently
- Demonstrated in Voyage of Cargo Steamer
- " West Alsek," 575
- Scheme for Blast-furnace Pit near Teheran Postponed until Completion of Railway. 379
- Spontaneous Combustion in the Warwickshire Thick Coal, C. E. Morgan. 299
- Substitution of Steel for Timber in Underground Working of Coal Mines, 547
- Tonnage of Coal Exported from this Country in 1929, 533
- 95,000 Tons of Coal for Belgian State Railways Ordered from Leeds Firm, 379
- COCHIN Port and Harbour Developments, Great Expectations, 519
- Collapse of 1. ramework of Largo Building Imme- diately on Completion, 687
- Colloidal Graphite Production, Factory Details Worked Out, 633
- Commercial Education, 728
- Commercial Gas Manufacture front Eucalyptus Wood, Reported Spanish Contract for Investigation. and Erection of Experimental Plant, 575
- Company Formed for Growing Timber for Boxwood and 'Wood-wool near Pretoria, 379 Concrete Building, The Highest., 105
- Congress of Mining, Metallurgy and Applied Geology, 173
- Copper Mines, New, of Northern Rhodesia, Future Production, 407
- Copper-Nickel Discovered in the Dundas Die- tnct by the Tasmanian Mines Department, 379
- Copper Ore, Another Deposit Said to have been Discovered in Namaqualand, South Africa, 575
- Copper Ore Deposits at N'Kana, N. Rhodesia, 407
- Copper Steam Pipe Burst on a Steamer, 379 Copper Oro, Discovery of Large Deposit Re- ported in Southern Rhodesia, 161
- Copper Oro Found in Iron Mine at Cleator Moor, 187
- Copper Refinery Projected in Greater Montreal, 325
- Copper Welding, Satisfactory. Formerly Con- sidered Impossible, Research Work has now Evolved Method, 575
- Corrosion of Load in Building., 215
- Cotton Fibre Sorting Machine, New Apparatus. 215
- Cotton Picking Machine, Successful New, in Southern States of America, 519
- Cotton Textile Plants for Siberia, 351 Crompton-Parkinson, Lt tI .mii utal Sports Meeting, 725
- Crystalline Phosphate of Lime, or Apatite, Deposits in Canada Probably Most Extensive K11014'11, 713
- Krivoi Rog Power Station in South 1111188in, Reported Cost of, 299
- Krivoi Rog Electric Power Station Opened, 351
- Lamp, New Form of Electric, 407
- Madras Government Scheme for Pykara Electric Power Development Giving Cheap Electric Energy. 575
- Madras Supply of Electric Power to Errode and Salem, 603
- Maizolith, Hard Material and Good Elec- trical Insulator, Preparation and Results. 003
- Pipe Line 2015 Miles Long Electrically Welded,
- Polish Republic, Committee to Prepare Detailed Plans for Electrification of Whole Territory, 633
- Polyphase Alternators' Notable Durability, 215
- Portugal's Electric Power Statistics, 215 l'ower-houses of Copper Mines, Northern
- Rhodesia, to be Equipped with Lopulco
- Boilers and Powdered Fuel Furnaces. 633 Power Plant, New. at Seattle, U.S.A., Estimates of Cost, 187
- Production and Use of Electric Energy in Canada, 391
- Radio Receiving Sets and Burnley Corpora- tion Electricity Department, 271
- Rural Electrification, Sir Hurry flaward, 489 Shamir' Power Station on Ual Rixer, India, 43:1
- Shannon Power Station Said to be Supplying 98 Per Cent. of Electric Current Now Being Used in Irish Free State. 489
- Singu Oilfield, Electrification by Burniali Oil Company, 519
- Solid Dielectric, Apparently Three Different Causes for its Disruption by Eleetrie Stress, 215
- South-East England Electricity Scheme,
- Transformer Station in Marylebone, 105
- Southend-on-Sea, Bad Report of Corporation's Generating Plant, 299
- Sout II Manchuria Electricity Company.
- Damage to Transmission Lines, 47 Steamship Acquired for Conversion into
- Floating Power Station, 547
- Sub-station Ventilation, E. Sohbberg, 271 Swedish Engineers' Extensive Prospecting by New Electrical Method, 161
- Teesta River. Bengal, to be Utilised for Elec- tric Power Production, 433
- Thyrite," New Substance both Insulator and Conductor, 215
- Transformers, Rapid Spread of Top-changing under Load, 489
- Transmission Line Across the Mississippi,
- Towers 425ft. High Employed. 659 Transmission of Power from Norway to
- Germany, 519
- Tunnel for Electric Cables Below the River Hooghly, 131, 519
- United States of America. Progress of lEec- tricity Supply during 1929, 161
- Use of Electricity on Dairy Farms, Exten- sion Urged in Ireland. Dr. H. Kennedy, 407
- Welded Condenser of 27,000 Square Feet Surface, Serving 30,000-kW Turbine Put into Service at a South Carolina Power Station, 101
- Works Completed at Yaroslaff to Comprise Construction of Three-phase Motors up to 750 H.P. 30,000 Machines and About 1000 Workers to be Employed, 325
- York Electricity Committee Recommends Change-over from Direct-current to Alter- nating System, 104
- ELECTRO-PLATING Plant, Automatic and Very Large, 325
- Employment in the Engineering and Some
- Other Industries Continuing Bad, 489 Engineering Trade Unions' Request for Inquiry
- Refused, 456
- Enlarging Gear Shafts by Deposition, 501 Excavator with Bucket of 15 Cubic Yards Capacity, 187
- Exhaust Gases in the Atmosphere, Experi- meats being Carried Out on the Use of a Photoelectric Cell, 461
- All-British Exhibition for Buenos Aires in 1931, 15
- American Import Exhibition, 283
- Annual Show, at Manchester. 227
- Antwerp Exhibition, Working Model of
- North Docks, Liverpool, to be Shown, 432 British Empire Trade Exhibition. Buenos
- Aires, 80 per cent. Space Booked, 407
- British Empire Trade Exhibition, Buenos
- Aires, 1931, 419
- British Industries Fair, Additional Member Appointed to Examine Present Situation as Regards it, 633
- British Indutries Fair, Attendance at Bir-
- mingham Larger than in Previous Year, 299 British Industries Fair, Birmingham, Getting
- Over-full, 15
- British Industries Fair of 1930, Most Success- ful Ever Held, 379
- Exhibition of Inventions, Sixth International, 848
- Exhibition of Quarrying and Building Con- tractors' Plant and Materials to be held at Scarborough, 713
- Exhibitions and Shows. Number Suggested for Current Year, 1150, 92
- International Exhibition of Chemical Appa- ratus, 820
- International Wireless Exhibition in Paris, Special Buildings to be Erected, 519
- Ironmongery Exhibition Proposal Definitely Abandoned, 379
- Model Railway Club, Ninth Annual Exhibi- tion, 433
- Royal Agricultural Society Show. 27is Swedish Industries Fair, 422
- Unexpected New Branch of Trude from the British Industries Fair, 379
- EXPANSION of Steam Pipes, Changes in Coefficient Duo to Temperature, 135
- Experimental Highway, Joint Supervision of United States and California, 603
- Explosion of Copper Boiling Pan, 271
- Explosion of Drying Cylinder in Factory Due to Overpressure, Causes Assigned by Sur- veyor, 543
- Export Trade, Probable Increase if Firms
- Arrange for Collective Participation, 75
- FACTORY Capable of Producing 20,000 Cubic Metres of Oxygen a Year. 659
- Factory and Oftico Buildings near Brentford, Slit
- Factory for Manufacture of Pnouinatic Tube Conveying Plant., 575
- Factory for Sodium Sulphido Manufacture put up in Daghostan, Russia, 1:15
- Faraday Homo Old Students' Association, Nea Officors for Current Year, 150
- Faraday House Entrance Scholarships, 448 Faraday Modal Award to Sir Ernest Ruther• ford, 147
- Faraday Scholarship Examinations, 183 Farms' Extensive Use of Internal Combustion Engines, 407
- Federated Malay States, Increased Use of Oil
- Engines and Docroriso of Gas Engines. 135 Fertiliser Factory for Salisbury, Rhodesia, 659 Films as an Aid to Trade Advertisement, 153 Fire Extinguisher Factory On Great West Road,
- 1303
- Fire Extinction (" Phootene "), 199
- Fire Resistance of Plaster Partitions, Mothud of Obtaining Definite Gain, 15
- Fireclay, Discovery of 7.000.000 Tons near Dudley, 407
- Fired Boilers Installed to Roleaso Electric Power for Other Purposes, 433
- Flashlights Amongst Tunnel Explosives, Hitherto Supposed Safe, but Now Proved Dangerous, 557
- Floating Dock Launched at Leopoldvillo on tho Belgian Congo, Furness Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., 161
- Fog Dispersion to Aasist Vehicle Drivers, Ex-
- perimonts with " Fog-Gon " Apparatus, 77
- Food Canning Factory at Astrakhan, Russia,
- 135
- Ford Motor Company Assembly Plant to be Extended, 379
- Ford Motor Company's Reported Installation
- of 110,000-kW Turbine with Two Boilers, 105 Forge of the Carron Company, Scotland, to ho
- Extended, 271
- Free Port Proposed at Hengehow, noar Macau, China, 139
- French Company Considering Establishment of
- Pipe-making Factory in Montreal, 859 French Ministry of Public Works Authorises
- Electrification of the Artigues Waterfall
- and Grants Various other Concessions, 215 French Submarine, New, 615
- Frolich Hydraulic Wagon Retarders, 39 Fuel Testing Laboratory at Ottawa. 489
- GALVANISING Works at Hereford, 58 Ganges Canal Hydro-elootric Scheme, Cost of, 379
- Gas " Blowing" for Some Fifty Years from a
- Coal Pit, but a Steady Flow Still, 15 Gasholdor of 3,000,000 Cubic Foot to be Built
- at Howden-on-Tyne Works, 187
- Gam, Illuminating, Possibility of Preventing
- Leakage Poisoning by Increasing Odour, 519 Gas Main, High Pressure 8in., Laid Across tho
- Hudson River, Rapid Work, 630
- Gas Main Laid in tho Bed of the Rhino, 15 Goophyoical Toot being Made in Bondigo, Vie., 77
- German Increased Productiou of Sulphuric Acid, 325
- German " Farbpyroversurn " as Pyromoter for Furnace Work, 15
- German Industry, Rapidly Increasing Use of Electricity, 713
- Gigantic Dam on the Gatineau River, Quebec, 718
- Glycerin. Anti-freeze Compound, Patent Rights Granted to the United States, 187
- Gold, Coal, Iron, Lead and Mercury in Exton- sive Deposits Discovered on the Szechwan- Tibetan Frontier, 008
- Gold Extraction from Native Ores, Professor Bartoli Erecting Plant in the Transvaal for Domonstration of his Proems. 687
- Gold Mine, Teck•Hugeo, Ontario, Steady !Tierra. in Production for Past Eleven Years, 15
- Gold Mines in Merionethshire, Commission to
- Inquire into Possibility of Reopening. 433
- Grain Elevator, 2,500.000 Bushels Capacity, for
- Termini. of Hudson Bay Railway, 433, 519,
- 659
- Grand Union Canal Company's Development Scheme, 603
- Cheerio. "Now " and "Old,' Desirability of Appointing Separate Agents, 76
- Grove°, Principal Islands of, to be Linked Up with Athens and Ow Mainland by Wirele.... Telephone and Tolograph, 379
- Green River and Its Utilisation, Vast Quan- tities of Potential Power, 461
- Growing Treos, Experiments to Avoid Rut at the Ground Level, 187
- Guard for Rovolving Shafting, 547
- HARBOUR, New, to be Constructed at Canton, 659
- Harbour Works, Hydroelectric Development
- and Sewerage for Noumea, New Caledonia, 77
- Helium its Alternative to Natural Gam, 135
- Heenan and Froude Combined Salvage mid
- Incinerator Plant, 135
- Hide Glue and Bono Glue, Simple Method of Distinguishing, 633
- High-pressure Ring Gas Main Proposed for Coventry Corporation. 547
- History of Science and Technology. 506 Home Office Industrial Museum, Westminster, Demonstration of Effects of Unfavourable Atmospheric Conditions in Workrooms, Are.,
- 105, 5 I 9
- Home Secretary's Draft Regulations for Factories Employing 11)angerous Processes, 519
- Home Secretary's Proposed Regulations as to
- Conveyance by Road of N'essels Containing
- Compressed Air, Carbon Monoxide. &c., 575 House Journal, A New, 503
- Hudson's Bay Company's Installation of 3,000,000 Candle -power Aeronaut Benson on Calgary Store, 581
- Hungarian Society of Natural Science, Nine• teeth Anniversary, 433
- Hydraulic Dredgers, Performehee of Large Modern, 547
- Hydraulic Movable Coal Hoist for North Doek, Newport, G. W. Railway, 1181
- Ifydro-olectric Installations of Canada, 379 Ilydro-elootric Plant, Civic, Propo,40.1 on the Cheakamua River, 187
- Hydro-olectrie Plant on the Waikato Rivet Closed for Repairs, (150
- Hydro-olectric 1.1111114 II) EXIOlit 01 'moon
- H.P. to be Installed on Mississagi River, Ontario. 433
- Hydro-electric l'ower Plant being Constructed
- on the Botocan River, Philippine Islands. 633 Hydro-eloctrio Power Plant, Large, in Julian, 47 Hydro-electric Resources of Madras Presidency,
- Development Required. 135
- Hydro-electric Undertakings in Canada. Esti- mated Cost, 187
- ICE Format ion in ^ anode. II indrance Hydro-electric Institutions, 713
- Ice Problems in Power Developmeot. lo. - credulity of Former Age. 687
- Importance of Non-metallic Mineral Products, 633
- Incandescent Lamps in the United Stat., Statistics of Sales, 161
- Industrial Diamond Tools Manufacture, Larg,, in the World in London, 135
- Inflammability of Coal Dust, Variety in and Method of Test. now Evolved, 47
- Institute of Industrial Administration, New Proposals, 92
- Institutes and Inetitutions—scc also Associa- tions
- Institut° of White, Metals to be Formed in U.S.A., 351
- International Congress of Consulting Engineers, 531
- Internal iotoil Cycle and Motor cyele Show 299 Iodine Production from Seaweed, Russia to Erect Four Factories for, 407
- Ironfounding Workers' Associat ion, Annual Report, 407
- Alloys of Iron. Co-operative Research 11'ork
- on, Fund to be Raised for the Purpose. 351 American Society for Steel Treating, Test for
- Iron and Steel, 351
- Are Welded Steel Floor. New Type, 271 Blast -furnace Dimensions for Given Daily Output of Pig Iron. 77
- Blast-furnaces at Tees Bridge Ironworks, Last One Demolished, 135
- Borehole in NVestmorland with Object of Prospecting for Iron Ore, 187
- Brazil, Further Important Devolopments of
- Iron and Steel Industry Probable, 407
- British Cast Iron Research Association,
- Report on Recommended Methods for
- Sampling, &a., 15
- Bulgarian Government to Build Iron and
- Steel Plant near Sophist or Rustchuck. 603 Canada and British Iron and Steel, 7213 Canton-Kowloon Railway Output of Reit.
- forced Sleepers. 47
- Cast Irons and Rodin, &nee to Corrosion, Result of Investigation, 407
- Cast Steel Fure-foot, for Vessel at Cape Town, Quick Dispatch after Receipt of Order, 407
- Continental Iron and Steel Industry, Mission Sent to Secure Reliable Data on t he Cost of Labour, 161
- Factory to Produce Stimuli Tmis of Seamless
- Steel Tubes Annually in Ontario, 633 Failures in Intermediat a Manganese Steel
- Rails, Investigation, 659
- Ford Motor Company's Rustle. Steel for Exposed Parts of Cars, 299
- Furnace, Flodin. as Better than Bleat-furnace for Manufacture of Steel Directly from Iron Ore, 15
- Iron, Iron Carbide, Iron Sulphide, Results of Study in Germany, 133
- Ironfoundries, Two New, in Calgary, 77 Iron Ore Industry for Northern Ontario, Government Assistance, 187
- Iron Smelting Works for Russia, 547
- Ironite, A New Iron Alloy, 433 Manufacture of Stavbright Steel, 227 Mushet Steel and hossemer Steel, A Secret
- for Thirty-threo Years, 370
- National Federation of Iron awl Steel Manufacturers' Reports : Furnaces Blast, Pig Iron and Steel Production Statistics of January compared with December, 215; February Statistics Corn. pared with January, 351 ; March Statisti. Compared with February, 433; April Statistics Compared with March, 575 May, 1936. Statistics Compared with April, and also with May, 1929, 713
- Nickel Company. International. of el1111141411, to Sink New Shaft, 47
- Nickel-Iron Alloys, Influence of Aluminium Results of P. Chovenard's Investigation' 187
- Nickel Mines, Falconbridge, Year!) Output, 77
- Nickel Steel Introduction Results, 6413
- Pentyrch Stool and Tin-plate Works, Taff. Well, to be Restarted After Fifteen Years' Idleness, 659
- Pig Iron Production in Canada, increase of 5 per oent., 324
- Pretoria Works of South Africa Iron and
- Steel Corporation, Estimate of Cost, 379
- Record in Steel-frsnao Building Construction,
- 297
- Rustproof Stainless Iron, Secret Process, 351 Seamless Steel Tube, 24in, Diameter, 30f1, Lengths for Gas Pipe Lines, 4133
- IRON AND STEEL (continued):
- Standardisation of Qualities of Spring Steel. Demand by the Automot i% e Manufacturers' Association, 687
- Steel Castings in 1873. 379
- Steel Containing Small Percentages of Copper AS Resistance Against At T110Apherl C Corro- sion. 433
- Stool, Production of Tao New Types An nounced, 47
- Steel Truss in Mausoleum in California. Claimed to IN. Heaviest Trusts with Only Welded Joint* so far Made, 161
- Steel with Excess of Copper. Method tel Increasing Hardness, 633
- Steel Works, Oro Mines and Coal Deposita in Tranaylvania. Negotiation. for Taking Over from Rumanian Government by Skoda Works, Czechoslovakia, 407
- Stool 1Vorks at Pretoria, First Contr.-I Arrangod, 633
- Tf-es Conservancy Commission, Statistics tot
- Ii in, &c.) of Five Months' Out 401
- 1 It It It '1 1( Works in Mattress, Numerous
- Schemes Under Considered not, 547
- Italian National Experimental Tank in Rome, Pronounced Finest of its Kind in the World, 161
- Italy Receives 288,000 front Edison Comps.)
- for Prmnotion of Scientifie Purpose.. 687
- JAPAN Cotton Mills, Abolition of Night 'shift Work. 47
- Japan'a Industrial Works, Analysis of Motive Power Employed. 407
- John Morris Memorial, 173
- I^ It ISTIANSSA N D Harbour Board Planniog Improvements, 105
- GUAIRA, Venezuela, Extension and Improvement of the Port, 271
- Laboratory, Endowed for Applied Practieed
- Hydraulics at Hanetid University, 379 Imakage of Methyl Chloride, Problem. Asia,
- elated with, 575
- .ight Signal Apparat us, Installation for Control of Traffic, 407
- Lighting Service Bureau Opened by Mayor 'it Johannesburg, 325
- 1.ignito, Plant Capacity of 500 Tons • Day, 325 Liquefied Natural Gas in Steel Bottles for Domestic Purposes, 379
- " Listening in " to Melting Icebergs, 271
- London Shipping Orchestral Society, .•omied Concert for Charities. 147
- Lorry, Fourteen-wheeled, Can Carry Load 01 Over 100 Tons, 355
- Loughborough College, British Empire, splee,hee ships, Awards, 681
- I.ow Temperature Carbonisation, Ltd., Result of Work, 15
- NIANC11ESTER, List of Works to he Carried Out for the Relief of Unemployment, 461 Manchuria, Best Region for Agriculture. Crowd by Hu-hai Railway, 47
- Mandl Hydro-electric Scheme in the Puniest., 547
- Manganese Ore, Georgia Company to Steil Production with New Plant, 299
- Nlanganese Ore Handling Plant at ('micelle., Durban, 47
- NInnganese Ore, 100.000 Tons. for 1 ielivery 14. France from Morocco, 187
- Marchese Marconi Denies False Reports, 407 bitch Factory, Large, Proposed for Tyneside, 299
- Mercury Ore I ',posits in Yugo-Slavia,
- tion Started with Two Furnaces, 135
- %oath° Lithium Output from German
- 15
- Mot allographio Specimens. New Automat' Machine for Polishing, 135
- Metallurgists' Trip to America, 448
- Metallurgy, Annual Medal and Prize, 500 Metals, Passivity of, Study of P)ientimenii, U. R. Evans and J. Stockdale, 351
- Military Engineers' Association of Caned, Annual Meeting. 576
- Minos Department Testing Station to be Trans-
- ferred to Other Buildings in Sheffield, 576
- Fires, Explosions, Cao.ed
- Proximity to Oil or Gas Welk 15
- Mine Lifting and Hauling Gear Other !him Ropes, Safety Pamphlet No. 6, 351
- Mineral Rosourcea„ Rieh, of Sikand Province, China, 325
- Miners' Phthisis Board of South Africa, Heavy Cost of Administration, 15
- Mines Research Committee Change of Mettilmq 215
- Minister of Health's Appointment of Inspector, 187
- %I in-or Making. Experimems by America.
- Astronomers Prior to Embarking on the Con.
- struction of a 200in. Reflecting Telescope, IS ,tholel Engineer, Its 1500th Number, 17$ Nlodern Refrigerating Plant, 140eno Considee..
- lions in tho Design of, Bernard C. Oldham,
- 213
- Mulybelenum for Metallurgical Use, Calcium Molybdato the Lowest Cost Form, 059
- Monet Welding, Needful Preeautions, J. It Flooer, 105
- Montreal Board of Trade Report on St, 1.4.,
- num, ‘1'literwaym Improvement 144.1mine, 1041 Motion Pietism Engineers' Bovii.ty, First Annual
- Dinner, 461
- Motor Vehicles, 12,000 Licensed in Shanghai 433
- Motor Vehicles Statistics, 135
- NAILS and Scrap Iron Removal from New Mexico Highway System, Weight and Cost, 107
- National Conference on Employment Nfanag.--
- tnent. The First. in this Country, 325 National Hydraulic Laboratory in Waehingion,
- 659
- Nerve Waterfelbl, Provisional Cant ract Between Est honian Ministry and English Company, for Exploitation, 47
- Natural Gas Cracked in a NVater-gas Generator, Result of Investigation, 547
- Natural Gas, Proposal to Inject it into Depleted Gas Sands, 659
- Natural Gam Well " Brought in " in the Turner Valley, Alberta, 633
- Natural Gts. with Large Proportion of Helium Discovered in Colorado, 290
- Natural Gas Transmission for long Distances
- Under Consideration in Western America, 77 New Base Metals Diseovery in Until Province,
- East Africa, 351
- Newcastle Tramways and Trackless Trolleys, 271
- Newark, County Technical College and School of Art, 227
- North German Lloyd and Hamburg Port Audio.
- rities, Negotiation' as to Repairs, &c., 271
- North Sea Paseage in a Dense Fog, Valuable
- Navigation Allowance by Marconi Direction
- Finder, 633
- Norton Grinding Wheel Company's Factor at Welwyn Garden City, 298
- Nugget of Native Metallic Copper Weighlog t100 lb., 603
- 0114 in Australia and its Territories, Search to be Conducted on New Principles, 161
- Oil Drilling Operations in Alberta. Reports, 603 Oil Industry and the Oil Using Engineer, 243 Oil Refinery, Large, Plana for Building on
- Water-front, in -Burnaby, near Vancouver,
- 803
- Oil Refinery at Vancouver, NVork being Started on Construction, 325
- 011 Output of Alberta %Valls, 100 per Cent. Increase, 351
- Old C'entralians Annual Dimier, 255
- Olive Tree Cultivation in Tunis, 325
- Origin of Rail Failures, United States Bureau Co-operating with Rail Manufacturers in Study to Discover the Cause, 243
- Outboard Motors Afloat in the United States, 659
- Oxygen-making Plant, Proposed Large One fur Pressburg, 115
- 1'AN.-1,51.1 t 'mod, 6430 N'easels Passed Through in 1929, American Ships Carried 47.2 Per Cent. of Total Cargo and British Ships 26.2 Per Cent., 659
- Paper Pulp Mill for Chatham, New Bninswiek, 24
- Papermaking Plant Just Opened at Dalhousie. New Brunswick, 187
- latent Law, Some Desirable Changes in, Ler- tore, Major H. Fletcher Moulton, 243
- Patents and Designs Aete Application is, Trinidad and Tobago, 77
- Petrol, Commercial Production of, from Tar Sands of Northern Alberta, 687
- Photo-electric Cells end t heir Applications, T 11 Harrison, 461
- Pipe Butt Welded by Resistance Process, 271 Pipe Line Construction for Oil Port in Siberia, 640
- Pipe Lines, 700 Miles Long. for Bringing Nat oi Gas to Chicago, 633
- Platinum Shipping. from Soviet Government to Hamburg, 271
- Plumbago Exported from Ceylon, 379 Plumbers' Week and Pay in Victoria, 033 Polish Agricultural Unfavourable Year, 519 Polish Government Bicycle Factory at Radom.
- 379
- Portlitod Cement 11anufeeturene Association Formed in New York, 1133
- Portuguese Colony of Angola, l'hois for
- Improvement and Development, 489 Potatoes Now Being Canned in Large Quan-
- tities in Southern United States Area, 135 Power Plant Additions at Bultiwayo, 633 Presentat ion to Long Service Employees, 58 Primary Forest Productions of Canada, 633 Publicity Device in Paris, Glass end Mirror Let
- into the Pavement, 187
- Pumping Station Projected by City of Detroit, Largest Single Station Ever Built, 433
- Pykara Hivdro-electric Scheme, Construction B
- Now in an(1, 687
- Pyrites, Freeman Proeess of Burouis. 325
- QUAY, NOW, to be Built on River Weisr, 069 Quebec Asked to Approve Construction of Power De, elopment on St. Francis River, 433
- RADIUM, the Most Costly Commodity over Commercially Introduced, 718
- Rail Mill with Capacity of 300,000 Metric Tons Yearly, 659
- Accidents
- Accidents to Passengers Alighting from Trains, 547
- Nuniversary of Italy's Entrance to the War, Connection with Terrible Disaster, 603
- Breakaway on Blotchley-Bedford Section of L.M.S. Railway, Colonel Anderson's Report, 325
- Buffer Stop Collision, Southern Railway. 603
- collision During Dense Fog, 215
- Collision of Forty Years Ago Recalled, 271 Collision, Serious, at St apleton -road
- Station, Bristol, 77 : Inquiry, 135 Derailment at Lesmahagow, Three Rail-
- way Men Blamed, 187
- Derailment of Whole of Passenger Train. 243
- Fatal Accich-nt Low Total in 1929, 47
- Fatal Accident to Sub-station At at Loughborough Junction, 633
- Fatal Collision in Tunnel near Culgaith Station, 299 ; ury's Verdict, 325 Second Death, New Inquiry. 461 Fresh Facts Discovered, 633 ; Colonel Trench's Report, 713
- Forty Years Ago Accident Recalled. 379 Gas Fumes Said to be Cause of Engine- men's Death, 215
- L. and N.E.R. Partial Derailinent of Express Truitt. 47
- Minors' 'Frau Collision with Light Engine, 105
- Nfotor Car and Train Cmdlision, Mut or Driver Manned, 379
- Paris Underground Collision. Dilferetwe Signalling Methods, 489
- Report on Aceident at Tottenham North Junction, 215
- Splendid Rescue Work After Rath Acci- dent, 489
- Statutory Return of tut Accident, Inspee- tion Refused, 23
- Unusual Incident to Engine Wheel, 161 Accounts of Railway Companies, Certain Useless Information Discarded, 547 Annual Report of South Airiest!' Railways and Harbours, 433
- Appointments and Staff ( %Hinges. 15, 17. 77, 135, 187, 215, 351, 461, 603, 659, 713 Australian Railways, Question of Uniform Gauge, 325
- "
- Balfour" Lines in Ireland, Railways Built under Act of 1889, 351
- Baltimore and Ohio Railway, New Passenger Station, Labour and Cost Involved, 15 Bills Passed House of Commons, 351
- Birthday Honours, 633
- Canadian National Railway
- New Train Schedule, Faster Trains, 575 Steel Car Ferry Steamer, Tenders Invited, 187
- Canadian Pacific Railway :
- New Locomotive to be Largest in British Empire, 135
- Purchase of Algoma Eastern Raik‘sty, 325 Coal Mines Bill and the Railways, Sir Josiah Stamp, 135
- Colour Light Signals, Credit of their Intro- duction, 351
- Concrete, Reinforced, to Rephwe Timber in
- Construction of 20 Tons Goods Van, 15
- Construction of Five Branch Lines Pro- posed. 271
- Construction of Railway in Canada, Appliea-
- tion by British Capitalists. 603 Containers, Great Success of their Employ-
- ment by Railways, 433
- Cost of Living and Restored Pay, 47 Cross-Channel Steamers and Sea-sickness. 77 Centenary of Opening of the Liverpool and
- Manchester Railway, Proposed Comm.-trot ration in September. 161
- Death of Mr. Richard Bell, 659
- Death of Dr. A. T. Hadloy. 299
- Death of Mr. R. H. Selbie. 575
- Diesel - electric Locomotives for North Western Railway. India, 2911
- Disorganisation of Traffic hy Rainfall and Flooding, Alternative Routes hot It Blocked, 713
- Electrification of Former Grout Northern Railway in London Area Under Discussion., 433
- Executive Authority of Docks, Harbours, &c., No Change of Appointment Methods Advisable, 489
- restiniog and Welsh Highland Rad ways,
- Unsatisfactory Operating Results, 687
- Financial Condition of the Railways Improved, 215
- Four Lines of Way from Elland to Norma, ton, Details of Further 1Vork to be Under- taken, 379
- French Railways, Increasing Electrification, 407
- (as Lighting of Railway Carriages Giving Way to Electricity, Progress of Conver- sion, 351
- German Railways, Rationalisation of, 433
- Great Western Railway :
- A ^% anis for Competitions Bet vt cc. -
- senger Division and Goods Division., 271 Bill Passed House of Commons, 351
- Cab Signal and Automatic. Train Control Combined, 105
- Colour Light Signals to be Installed 13e1 ween Paddington and Southall, 161. 299
- Completion of Now Buildings Required for Reconstruct iott of Newport (Mon.) Station, 687
- Completion of Short Line in Cornwall, 519 Expenditure of Additional L200,000 on
- Various Railway Improvements to
- Relieve Unemployment. 135
- loliday Traffic to West of England. Consequent Improvements Planned, 713 Improved State of Finances, 243
- Lecture on the Work of OW'. R, Engineer. ing Department, E. .1. Matheson, 237 Main Line Closed on Account of Sea Wall Damage, 47
- Model of G.W.R. Locomotive " King George V.," 651
- RAILWAY AND ROAD MATTERS (continued): Great Western Railway (continued)
- Relics of Bygone Days Carefully Pre- served, Only Complete Broad-gauge Engine in Existence, 161
- Season 'rickets Sale More than Doubled, 575
- Sea wall Breach Repair, Line Reopened, 77
- Special Trucks for New Car Conveyance and also Containers for Meat and Perish- able Traffic, 243
- Summer Train Service, Additional Trains, 519
- Hull Level Railway Crossings, Question of their Abolition, 321
- Indian Railway Board, Report for Year ended March 31st, 1928, 161 ; and March 31st, 1929, 351, 687
- Indian Railway Board Report to March. 1929, 407
- Institutes and Institutions. Railway—see Associations. &c.
- Ireland, Report of the Great Southern Rail• ways, 299
- Knott End Railway Ceases to be a Passenger. carrying Line, 575
- Level Crossings, Schemes for Elimination of Fifty-five, 489
- Liverpool Overhead Railway, New Station, 713
- Locoinot ive Designs. Change of System, 351 London Electric Railway Company's Exten-
- sion Bill, HOURP of Lords' Evidence, 599,
- 003
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- Advisory Committee on Research, Mem• hers Chosen, 271
- Colour Light Signals Between Euston and Watford, 379
- Conversion of Line Between Dagenham and Upminster for Electric Traction, Conversion also for Wirral Railway, 135
- Economies Effected on the L.M. and S. Syetein, 603
- Freight Wagons, 12,000 to be Built this Year, 105
- Impending Dismissals of Railwaymen, 687 i;o00th Locomotive Built in the Crewe
- Shops of the L.M.S. Railway, 633 London, Midland and Scottish Company's
- 13111 for Now Line Rejected by Homo. of
- Lords, 659
- One Hundred Now Engines, 47
- Order for Double-geared Shunting Loeu- motives, 243
- Post Office Stowage Vans for Postal Ser- vice, 325
- Receipts and Expenditure and Statistics for 1929, 271
- Sir Harold Hart ley'a Appointment as President, 187
- 187
- Southend Line, Expenditure on Much. needed Improvements, 243
- Thirty " Garrett " Locomotives, Their Effect on Line's Cost. 299
- Visit by Association of Technical and Pro- fessional Staff to Rolls-Royce Works at Derby, 633
- Waiting Rooms and Other Space to be Let. 407
- Wirral Railway Electrification by L.M. and S. Railway, 575, 659
- London, Midland and Scottish and London and North-Eastern Railways, Disagree• ment as to New Bill, 461
- London, Midland and Scottish and London and North-Eastern Railways, Points of Difference, Chairman's Regret that Com- petition is Chosen Rather than Co-opera- tion, 401
- London and North-Eastern Railway -
- Automatic Colour Light Type Signals to be
- Provided on 26 Miles in Yorkshire, 519 Cost of Steel Sleepers and Hesitation to
- Adopt thorn Instead of 1Vooden Ones,
- 575
- Ilford Line Facilities, Tube Railway Under Consideration, 161
- Level Crossings Elimination Schemes, 47, 161
- Loss to the L. and N.E.R. by Death of Mr. J. A. Wickham, 489
- Morris Track Layer Placed in Service, 407 New Year Message to Railway Staff, 77 Points and Signals Operated by Power in
- 1901, 461
- Prosperous Year of Railway's Working. 299 Railway Dividend Increased from I Per Cent. to 3 Per Cent., 243
- Railway Hotels, Reduced Revenue, L. and N.E. Railway Decide on Improvements, 571
- Railway Level Crossings Abolition Scheme Defeated, 161
- Railway and Road Joint Services, Appa• rent Anomaly Explained, 575
- Steam Rail Motor Cars Economical Ron- !ling, 407
- Steam-worked Trains Forbidden within City of New York. 687
- suggestions from Staff Members, Identity Not Disclosed, Considerable Saving Said to Result, 547
- l'p-to•date Shops Equipped with First- rate Machinery, 489
- Vacuum Brake Substitution for Westing.
- house on the North-Eastern Area of the
- London and North-Eastern Railway, 659 Vacuum-equipped Goods Trains. Two Types, Mr. Barrington-Ward, 547 1Vireless for Handling Goods Trains in Shunting Yards, Experiments on the
- L. and N.E. Railway, 102
- London Tube Railways. Conflicting Demands for Improvement, 105
- Mersey Railway's Increased Traffic, 215 Metropolitan Railway
- Bill Passed House ot Commons, :351 Increased Traffic Reported on Metro. politan Railway, 215
- Inner Circle Trains Delay. Explanation, 575
- Metropolitan District Railway Company, Annual Report, 379
- Platform 1.engt honing at Certain Stations, 77
- RAILWAY AND ROAD MATTERS (continued): Ministry of Transport :
- Automatic Traffic Signals, Satisfactory Results of Experiments, 299
- Number of Accidents Inquired into Remarkably Small, 687
- Road Direction Posts, Signs, &c., Standardisation Recommended. 523 Statistics Issued as Stationery Office Publications : December, 1928, 77 ; September, 1929, 14; Preliminary Railway Returns, also Statistics for December. 1929. 407; October, 1928. October.
- 1929, 161 ; November, 1928. November.
- 1929. 325; December, 1928. December,
- 1929, 379. 407
- February Statistics Issued as Stationery Office Publication, 632
- March, 1930, Statistics Issued as Stationery Office Publication, 713
- Motor Car and Railway Travelling Compared, 633
- National Union of Railwaymen, Finaneial Statement and Report, 633
- New South Wales, Serious State of Affairs it, Railway and Other Business, 351
- Nisi.... Guaranteed State Railway Com
- - patty, Government's Offer to Acquire the Railway Accepted, 161
- omnibus Routes in Sweden, Development More than Four Times Sweden's Railway Mileage, 687
- Opposition to Proposals to Close Dock and Wharves at Connah's Quay, 47
- Progress Due to Co-operation With Road Transport Companies, 47
- Proposed Capital Expenditure During the Current Year by Each of Four Principal Railways, 547
- R.A.C. Highways Committee, 47
- Railway Benevolent Institution, Subscrip- tions of Railway Servants of all Classes, 547 Railway and Canal Commission, 489
- Railway Material Exports. 105, 187, 299, 480. 519. 713
- Railway Newsletter," London Passenger Stations, 187
- Railway Postal Arrangements, Statistics is Sales of Stamps. &c., 215
- Railway Rates 'Tribunal, Increase of Charges on Railways Considered Inadvisable at Present Time, 519 Annual Review at Railway Charges, 633
- Railway Sale Rumours Unfounded, 407 Railway Staff Suggestions, Increasing Numbers. 161
- Railways Opened in India in 1928-29. 461 Railways and Road Transport Companies. 325
- Railways (Valuation for Hating) Bill, An Agreed Measure, 519
- Reduction in Wages and Salaries at an End. 603
- Renewals and Repairs on Railways, Statistics of, 575
- Replicas of Models in London Museums Pre- sented to Leeds and New York, 575
- Road Motor Services Cause Closing of Certain Northern Railway Stations, 433
- Road Traffic Bill, Criticism of Proposals. 215 Road Traffic Bill, Inquiries to be Held into
- Motor Vehicle Road Accidents, 461
- Road Transport Business, Main Line Companies Difficulty, 575
- signalling at St. Enoch's Station, Glasgow. Interesting Arrangement, 633
- Signalling and Safety Appliances, 15 Signalman. Death When on Duty Will not Lead to Collision. 687
- Somerset and Dorset Railway Company, Ups and Downs of Many Years Likely to he Ended, 659, 687
- Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway, Operating to be in the Hands of L.M. and S. Rail- way, Engineering Work to Ile Controlled by Southern Railway, 687
- :staid' African Railways Administrat Appeal for Economy, Cost of Accidents and of Damage and Pilfering, 105
- South African Railways and Harbours. Annual Report, 105
- South African Railways. Report for Yem ended March 31st, 1929, 135
- Southern Railway :
- Birkbeck, New Station Opened, 280 Electrification of the Line Between London and Brighton and Worthing, Points for Consideration, 271
- Engine Still in Service After Sixty-six Years, 243
- Escalators at Waterloo for New Terminus Southern Railway and also for Under- ground Stations, Proposed Removal of Charing Cross Station and Provision of New One at New Charing Cross Bridge, 135
- Financial Improvement for Year, Considerable, 243
- Hotel and Refreshment Busineas, Change st Contracts, 713
- " Isle of Jersey " tend "Isle of Guernsss New Boats from Southampton, 325 Numerous Reconstruct ions, Alterations and New Buildings on the Railway, 547 Promenade Deck, Closing in and Protection of on Southern Railway Steamers, 121
- Punctuality on the Southern Railway, 379 Railway's Construction and Repair of Rolling Stock, Centres for. 299
- Timber Bridgo near Folkestone Harbout Station to be Replaced by Steel Structure, 433
- Waterloo Terminus, Proposed Alterations Abandoned, 407
- Waterloo Station, Time, Material, and Cost Involved in Repainting, 633
- Statistics of February Travel, Passenger and Freight, 603
- Street Accidents and Motor Vehicles, 547 Summer Train Services, July 7th, 325
- Tay Bridge, The First, Old Engine Recovery.
- Trades Union Matters, Interesting Situatiu, in Ireland, 659
- Traffic Receipts Decrease for Quarter, 407 Train Humming Through Forest Fire, 15 Tube Lines to Run No More Iron Gate
- Trains, 16
- Tubes, Sub-river, Going Begging, 433
- Tunnel in Japan, Longest, Just Completed. 105
- Tunnel Under the Solent Considered Im- practicable, 325
- Underground Railways;
- Delays on the " Underground" Railways Only Four Minutes per 10,000 Miles Run. 379
- First Common Annual Meeting Between Underground" Group Proprietors of Railways, Tramways, and Omnibuses, 271
- I.eicester-square Tube Station Reconstruction, 633
- Piccadilly Tube Railway, Moving of Dover-street Station. 187
- Signalling and Safety Appliances Installed at ('haring Cross, 15, 105
- United States, Continental. Consolidation of Railway Properties, Powers of Commis- sion. 77
- Various Possible Ways of Railway Cost. Reduction, 547
- Wagon Examination and Repair at Fixed Intervals. 433
- Wagon, Privately Owned, Question with Two Sides. 519
- Weymouth Harbour Improvement Proposed, Great. Western Railway to Pay One-half of Cost, 547
- Wimbledon and Sutton Railway, Its Varied History, 14
- Wooden Sleepers Replaced by Steel on German Railways, 77
- RAILWAY Metals Production by Japanese Gowns/tient Much in Excess of Home Requirements, 77
- Rapid Wood Pile Driving for Chicago Building. 547
- Rayon Factory, Large, Just Completed in Leningrad. 603
- Reconstruction Work at the Trocadero Restau- rant, 501
- Reduction Plant for Dealing with Large Quan- tities of Gold Ore, South Africa, 547 Refractory Material, New, Suitable for Boiler Baffles and Lining Furnace Doors, 059 Research Laboratory of Aluminium Company of America Formally Opened, 659
- Risk of Injury to Workers Employed in Certain New Processes, Medical Inspection Results in Strict Regulations by Home Secretary. 551 River Weir, Proposed Deep-water Quay. 6000ft. in Length, 325
- Rivers Protection, Central Council for, Formed. 461
- Roman Catholic Cathedral for Liverpool, Large Scale of Building, 687
- Rope Mill Driving, J. Leigh. 325
- Royal Agricultural Society Offers Medal for Original Agricultural Research, 351
- Royal Metal Trades' Pension and Benevolent Society, 725
- Rubber Maturing, Process by Means of Carbon Dioxide under Trial, 659
- SAFETY in Mines Research Board, Support of Underground Workings, 489
- St. Paul's Cathedral Reopening, Exhibition of Models. Masonry Specimens, Photographs. &c., to Illustrate Restoration Work, 687
- Salem," Process of Low-temperature Dist illa- tion, 58
- Sauk Lake, Washington, Proposed Impounding
- for Horse-power Development, 325 Scholarship, "Charles R. E. Bell Fund," 448 Scholarship Inaugurated by Institute of
- Patentees, 325
- Scottish and N.H. Coast Institutions, Visit to Holland, 350
- Selenium Added to Lead Increases Resistance to Corrosion by Sulphuric Acid, 633
- Shanghai Power Company, Change of Managers, 134
- Ban Placed oil Outboards on the Thames.
- International Motor Boat Meeting to be
- Held on the Welsh Hail), Hendon, 687 Contracts for New Motor Vessels, 299
- Cunard Company's Record in Number of Passengers ( 'arried. 215
- Launch of Three Submarines of New " " Class, 659
- Navigation on the St. Lawrence. Study for
- Improvement of, Suggested. 299 Shipbuilding Tonnage. Number of Men
- Employed Decrease, 223
- Ship Surveyors, 186
- White Star Liner "Runic," the Third Fur. chased by Whaling Company for Conver- sion into Floating Factory, 603
- " SINGALDROP " Acid Tester. A. E. Ban lice, 419
- skycraper, Sixty-six Storeys High, Double. decked Lifts to Serve Passengers at Two Storeys Simultaneously, 575
- Skyscraper of Seventy-one Storeys Erected in Thirty-three Weeks, 633
- Snow Removal in Montreal. Very Heavy Cost. 547
- Sodium Sulphate Deposits in Saskatchewan, 370 Sound Waves and Projection, Osiso, 407
- Soviet Building Refinery for handling 3,000,000 Tons of Crude Petroleum Yearly, 105
- Soviet Government Licence for Orders to be
- Given to English Electrical Industry, 575
- Soviet Oil Supply, Very Large to Birmingham and Other Midland Corporations, 47
- Spanish Government's Additional Port Works at Melilla, 77
- Special Meeting and Lecture to Celebrate Re-opening of St. Paul's Cathedral, 603
- Speed of Motor Cars and Heavy Vehicles and Disintegration of Surfaces, Paper by E. C. Wood, 187
- Standardised Lathe Spindle Nose Suggested. 489
- Stearn Power Stations, Several to be Laid Down in Northern Rhodesian Copper Fields, 243
- Steam Traps Fallibility, 351
- Stockholm, Now Mill for Manufacture of luau lating Wall-board, 187
- Students and Engineering, 311
- Student's Machine Said to Supply Electrical Energy from the Air, 575
- Suction Dredger, Very Large, Being Built in Canada for Service on the St. Lawrence, 687 * Sulphate of Ammonia, South Manchuria, Plans for Manufacture, 47
- Sulphur Fumes Removal from Flue Gases of Power Stations, Consultation on Possibilities, 187
- Sulphuric Acid in Poland, Total Production During Last Year, 665
- Sulphuric Acid Production from Native Pyrites Plant to be Put Up at Mills of Canada Power and Paper Corporation, 667
- Supervisory and Managerial Staff, Workers Union Suggest Reduction to Lessen Expense of the Industry, 489
- Swansea Docks of (:reat Western Railway,
- Costly New Entrances Projected, 633 Synthetic Nitrogen Factory Proposed for South Africa, 519
- TEAK Planting in Trinidad, 77
- Anglo-Australian Telephone Service to be Extended to Adelaide, South Australia, 713
- Automatic Telephone Station at Rostov-on- Don, 482
- Automatic Telephones Installed in Johannes burg and Cape Town, 679
- Berlin and Leningrad, Direct Telephone Line Organised Between, 299
- Channel Islands and Mainland, Scheme to Use Secret War Cable for Telephone Service with Britain, 47
- Chilian Senate Approves New Fifty-year Con- cession to Chili Telephone Company, 161 Engine-room Telegraph Controls, 615 Federated Malay States Posts and Telegraphs Department, Rapid Extension of Telephone System, 105
- Iceland, Department of Telephones to be Modernised, 161
- International Telephone and Telegraph Cor- poration Purchases Controlling Interest in Constantinople Telephone Company, 351
- Marconi Telegraph Installations Ordered for Trawlers in the Humber District, 713 Proposal to Establish Telephone Services with Canada, Australia, South Africa, India and the Argentine, Capital Expendi ture Involved, 489
- R.A.C. Road Telephone Boxes, 47 Rumania's Telephone and Telegraph Services, Twenty-year Concession to America for Modernisation and Linking Up with Europe, 659
- Submarine Telegraph Cable Breaks. Earth-
- quake Causes Re-charting of Area, 47
- Telephone Poles. Preservation by Means of Creosote, 659
- Telephone and Telegram Services, Statistics of Use by Different Countries, 718
- Telephone Services with Canada, Australia, South Africa, India and the Argentine, ('oat of Such Proposal, 461
- Telephonic Communication from Railway Trains, 439
- Transatlantic Telephone Cable, Work in Pro- gress, 514
- Two-way Sound and Sight Telephone Com- munication, 489
- \Viceless Service on Certain Trains, Passengers can Telephone as Far as London, 603
- NVireless Telephony Service Between India and Great Britain, Negotiations in Progress, 713
- TESTING of Building Materials, Professor F. H. Hummel, 187
- Tests of Aluminium Girders, Much Greater Weight Carried than by Steel, 299
- Thawing Out Frozen Fire Hydrants, Met hod Used in America, 575
- " Thyrite "-see Electrical Matters
- Timber Investigation Station, Pretoria West, 498
- Tin, Research to Investigate Industrial Applications of, and to Discover Improved 1. sea for the Metal, 116
- Tiruppur Town, Electrification of, 351
- Titanite, Successful Employment for Pattern 1 Plates, 105
- Tractor Industry Development in the Irish Free State, 271
- Traffic Problem of the City, Suggestion for Solving it, 161
- Trains Blown Off the Line in India, 696 Tramway Returns, Annual, 221
- Transfer of Heat from a Moving Gas Stream to a Bed of Broken Solids, Determination of Laws Governing, 433
- Trinidad's Proposed Deep-water Harbour, 270 Tungsten Ore Mining in China, 47
- Tunnel Under the Straits of Gibraltar, Reported
- Arrangements by Author of the Scheme, 15
- Turbine Brochure, Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., 58
- Turning with Shallow Cuts at High Speeds, H. J. French and T. G. Digges, 351
- UNITED States Research Laboratories, 603 University College, London, Engineering Entrance Scholarship, 92
- University of I.ondon, Advanced Lectures in Physics, 473
- Upper Rhine Valley, Creation of Artificial 1 ake. Proposal for, Opposed, 603
- VANADIUM Producing Plant being Tut Up at Woken Hill, Rhodesia, 659
- Vancouver Harbour Commission, Big Vevelop- meat Schemes Planned to Improve Shipping Facilities, 575
- Vancouver, Improvements Projected by Har- bour Commission, 429, 519
- Vehicles, Specially Interesting, Presented to French Museum, 243
- Veteran Oil Engine Resumes its Usual Work, 379
- WATERFALLS in Africa, Numerous, but Small Scope for Commercial Hydro-electric Power Stations, 687
- Waterfalls, Narva, in Finland, Contract for Development Secured by English Company, 15
- Water Filtration Plant at Hamilton, Ontario, 325
- Water Hammer Erosion of Steam Turbine Blades, s.s. "Cook," 105
- Water Hyacinth in Bengal, Suggested Use as Fodder and Manure, 333
- Calcutta Waterworks Extension Scheme, 351 Colorado Threatened with Water Shortage, 187
- Water Pollution Research, Technical Paper, No. 1, 187
- WELDING Industry, Prize Offered by Institu- tion of Welding Engineers for Best Paper, 687
- Welland Canal. Canada, to be Open for Tratiic by July 1st, 433, 575
- Whale Catching and Stainless Stool Identifica- tion Discs, 47
- Whale Oil Production During 1929-30, 633 What does Welfare Cost the Employer ? 697
- Wheat Breeding Experiments at, Ottawa, Use
- of Electric Light in Greenhouses, 135 Whitworth Society Grant for Prizes, 47
- Windowless Factories with Artificial Lighting
- Urged by Dr. E. E. Free, 695
- See Telegraphy and Telephony
- Beam Radio-telephone Service Opened Between Madrid and Rio do Janeiro, Brazil, 433
- Communication Between Control Touer and Engine Pushing Wagons, 39
- L. and N.E. Railway Experiments wit).
- Wireless for Shunting Yards, 102 Marconiphone Wireless Equipment at Boys
- Hospital, Chelsea, Inauguration, 77
- Mobility of Wireless Communication, 299
- Nanking to Have One of Most Powerfu
- Wireless Stations in the World, 461
- Patent Applications Concerning Wileless
- Inventions, Increase in 1929, 713
- 'estmaster-Ceneral to Conduct Wireless
- Telephone Services Through its Own Stations at Rugby and Baldock, 243
- Postmaster-General Questioned About Twin Programmes Transmission, 15
- Radio Broadcasting in Canada. Report of the Royal Commission, 77
- Radio Interference Set Up by Electric Pump at Aughnaeloy, Tyrone, 519
- Radio -Research Question in the Douse of Lords, 489
- Radio Research Special Report, 687
- Radio Trouble Between Swedish and Central European Country, Disregard of International Radio Cenvention, 243
- Soviet Government, Wireless Station Erected for Meteorological Purposes, 193
- Three 500-Footer Masts for Radio Communication Company at Slaithwaite, 461
- Twin-programmes Broadcasting Without Spoiling Reception, Satisfactory Result of Teats, 15
- White Star Liner "Britannic" Supplied with Marconi Telephone Sets, 633
- Wireless Communication Between Tientsin, Canton and Sinkiang, Scheme for, 47
- Wireless Receivers, Possible Difficulties of Manufacturers under Various Patents, 433
- Wireless Station, Most Powerful in Europe, Opened at Palombo,, near Rome, 135
- WORKING Model of Docks at Liverpool to be Sent to Antwerp Exhibition, 407
- World Crude Rubber Consumption, Increase, and Decrease in World Production, Estimates, 433
- World Power Conference in Berlin Linked for Ono Day by Wireless Telephone with Convention in San Francisco. 659
- World Power Festival and Banquet, 506 World's Creat est Vehicular Tunnel Project. 489
- ZINC Refinery to be Put Up on Ile Perrot. Ontario, 442
See Also
Sources of Information