The Engineer 1931 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1931 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: This is a scanned version of the Index Page and contains many errors
- ALBION Motors, Ltd., Omnibus, 32-Seater Single-deck, 522
- Albion Motors, Ltd., Petrol Engine, 36-85 H.P. Six-cylinder. 522
- Alexander, Ontario, Hydro-electric Power Development Scheme at, 214, 215
- Anderson, Boyes and Co., Ltd., Heading Machine, Universal, 387
- Armstrong-Saurer, Oil Engine, High-speed, Compression-ignition, 538
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd.. Six-cylinder Cars, 30 H.P. down to 12 H.P. Engines, 432
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 250 B.H.P. Oil-electric Railway Coach, 658
- Arnold Waveless Road Roller Co, Ltd., Roller, Waveless Road, 549, 550
- Associated Equipment Co. Ltd., Oil Engine with A.E.C.-Ricardo Cylinder Head, 488
- Associated Equipment Company, Ltd.. Omnibus Chassis, Six-whc..1, 488, 492
- Atlantic Engine Co. Ltd., Petrol Engine for Driving Portable Compressor. 549
- Atlas Diesel Co, Ltd, Compressor, Portable, 549
- Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., Grinder. Rotary Pneumatic, 549
- Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., Pump, Air-driven Centrifugal, 549
- Austin Motor Company, Ltd., " Twelve-Six Saloon, 401, 410 : Petrol Pump, 401, 402
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., Strainer, Fuel Oil, 522
- Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co,Ltd., Traffic Control Signal Apparatus, 566
- Aveling and Porter, Ltd., Roller, 14-Ton Oil Engine Driven, 512, 518
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Testing Machine for Wire Ropes, 302
- Avonside Engine Co. Ltd., Internal Combustion Shunting Locomotive, 390
- Avonside Engine Company. Ltd.. Narrow-gauge Geared Articulated Locomotive, 496
- BAKER, G. S., Laws of Ship Resistance, 534,562, 588, 614, 642, 668
- Bamfords, Ltd., Mowing Machine with Automatic Lubrication, 85
- Bangkok, Water Main Carried Across Bascule Bridge at. 244
- Barford and Perkins, Ltd., Light Petrol Roller, 56; 2i-Ton Petrol Roller, 56; 8-Ton Motor Roller 512, 518.
- Beardmore, Wm.. and Co., Ltd., Exhaust Steam Turbine Drive for Trawler, 446
- Bell, R. A., Technical Psychology, 187; (Leader), 197
- Bennis and Co., Ltd., Chain Grate Stoker on Yarrow Boiler at Bankside Power Station, 44
- Bermuda Railway, Petrol Engine Driven Rail Coach for, 320, 359
- Bradford, Mather and Platt High-pressure Turbine Driven Pumps at, 442
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., Coal Cutter, 387. 388
- British Oxygen Co. Ltd., Portable Straight Line and Circle Cutting Machine, .56
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Automatically Controlled Rectifier on London Underground Railway at Hendon, 19
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Visit to Rugby Works, 36
- Brown, David, and Sons, Ltd., Gear Pump, 252
- Brunton and Trier, Ltd., Model of Built-up Joists, 276
- Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, Three-cylinder Tank Engines, Robert Stephenson and Co.. Ltd., 601 (Two-page Supplement, December 4th, 1931)
- Callenders Cable and Construction Co, Electrical Distribution at Woodstock, 301
- Calorising Corporation of Great Britain, Calorising, 139
- Cambridge Instrument Co, Vibration and its Isolation, 418
- Canadian General Electric Company, Arc-welded Factory Building at Peterborough, Ontario, 617, 626
- Canadian Metallurgical Plant at Copper Cliff, Ontario, 427, 438
- Carpmael, Raymond, Manufacture and Use of Steel Railway Sleepers, 644, 645, 671; (Leader), 653
- Casella, C. F., and Co., Ltd., An Improved Fortin Barometer, 252
- Casella, C. F., and Co., Ltd., Instrument for Measuring Degree of Smoke Pollution of City Air, 7
- Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., Glass Silk as a Heat Insulator, 150
- Churchill, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Moving an Engineer's Supply Warehouse, 2 6 8
- Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., Combined Harvester and Thrasher, 9
- Clyde's Mill Power Station, Report of Tests on Boilers by Strain and Robertson, 551
- Copper Cliff, Ontario, Metallurgical Plant at, 427, 438
- Coventry-Victor Motor Co, Ltd., Motor Transom Drive Boat, 434
- Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Ltd 60-Ton Floating Crane for Cape Town, 684
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Cold Starting Oil Engine, 32, 33
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 32 B.H.P. Twin-cylinder Crude Oil Engine, 32, 33
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., 20.9 H.P. Saloon, 15.7 H.P. Saloon-de-Luxe, 10 H.P. Saloon, 431
- DAIMLER Company, Ltd., Engines, Poppet and Sleeve Valve, 538
- Daimler Company, Ltd., Omnibus, Double-deck, 538
- Daimler Company, Ltd., Six-cylinder 16-20 H.P. 35 H.P. Daimler Car, 432; 15-18 H.P. Lanchester Car, 432; Hub. Brake and Valve Gear, Lanchester Car, 432
- Davies, Dr. S. J., New Typo of .High-speed Heavy Oil Engine, 414
- Davies, Dr. S. J., Some Characteristics of High-speed Heavy Oil Engines, 656, 681
- Davy Brothers, Ltd., Forging Press for Russia, 417
- Delco Remy and Hyatt, Ltd.. Paint-spraying Plant, 684
- Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Engine and Gear-box for " Lance " Chassis, 540
- Diskon Gear, Ltd., Variable-speed Friction Gear, 250
- Dorr Company, Ltd., Rotary Filter, 64
- Drewry Car Co, Ltd., Petrol Engine
- Driven Rail Coach for Bermuda Railway, 320, 359
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Novel Design of High-speed Steam Engine, 525
- Duffield Coal Products, Ltd., Powdered Coal Plant for Spain, 634
- Durban's Water Supply, 674
- Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co, Ltd., " Unit " Steel Sleeper, 570
- Economical Boiler Washing Co, Ltd., Locomotive Boiler Washing Plant at Stratford, 553
- Electric Construction Co, Ltd., Combined Motor Starting and Power Factor Correcting Panel, 276
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Smoke Meter Indicators, 63, 64
- Ellison, George, Ltd., Overhead Line Pole Mounting Switch Fuses, 526
- English Electric Co, Ltd., Electricity Developments at Tunbridge Wells, 660
- English Electric Co Ltd., Metal-clad Switchgear, 226
- Eyles, A. J. T.. Repairing All-metal Railway Coaches by Welding, 168
- Eyles, A. J. T., Some Practical Notes on Jointing Aluminium, 618
- "FAIRBOTTOM Bobs," Newcomen Engine in Dearborn Museum, 303
- Fodens, Ltd., Wagon, Speed-Twelve Rigid Six-wheel, 523
- Ford Motor Company, Farm Utility Truck, 34
- Fosters, Single-cylinder Steam Traction Engine, 31
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Oil Engine, 90 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Heavy, 84
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 6-Ton Crude Oil Lorry, 8
- Furness, Withy and Co., Ltd.. Electrically Propelled Liner " Monarch of Bermuda," 572, 576, 577, 592. 593, 630
- GARNER Motors, Ltd., Chassis, 3-Ton Rigid Six-wheel, 524
- Garrett, Richard, and Sons, Ltd.. Tractor, 42 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine, 523
- Garrett, Richard, and Sons, Ltd., Wagon,"Garrett " Rigid Six-wheel Steam, 524
- Gatineau, Quebec, Steam Plant at Paper Mills, 270, 274
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Electrically Propelled Liner " Monarch of Bermuda," 572, 576, 577
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Portable Electric Farm Motor, 84
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Remote Control Switchgear at Woolwich, 76
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Transformer On-load Tap changing Gear, 604
- Gennovilliers Power Station, Boilers at, 429
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Pipe Line Carried Across Bascule Bridge at Bangkok, 244
- Grampian Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 144, 148, 165, 170, 190, 191, 196, 218. 222, 239, 246
- Great Western Railway " Whitewash " Coach, 101
- Gwynnes Pumps. Ltd., Petrol-driven Fire Pump Trailer, 31, 33
- Hadfields, Ltd., Granulator, Single-toggle Type, 511
- Hardy Motors, Ltd., Chassis with Auxiliary Front Wheel Drive, 489
- Hardy Motors, Ltd., Rail Coach for Argentine Transandine Railway, 116
- Hardy Motors, Ltd., Six-wheel Drive Chassis, 489, 492
- Hardy Motors, Ltd., Six-wheel Drive Tractor with 124 B.H.P. A.E.C. Engine, 489
- Hardypick, Ltd., Gear, Variable Speed, 386
- Harper, John, and Co., Ltd., Foundry for Light Iron Castings, 268
- Harrison, J., and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd., Electrically Operated Farm Pump, 179
- Harrison, McGregor and Co., Ltd.. Mowing
- Machine with Forced Lubrication, 85
- Haslam and Newton, Ltd.,Electrical Generator for Geophysical Surveying, 445
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Aero-engine Testing Plant, 177
- Henschel and Sohn, A.G., Chassis, 250 B.H.P. Six-wheel Omnibus, 536, 537
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Manure Carrier, 33
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd.. Turning, Boring and Milling with Tungsten Carbide Tools. 598, 603
- Herbert, E. G., Ltd., Governor Feed for Sawing Machines, 470
- Hoboken, Retaining Walls of Concrete Crib Work at, 482
- Hollings and Guest, Ltd., Press, Hydraulic Straightening, 390
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Concrete Coro Drilling Machine, 178
- Howard, J. and F., Ltd., Mole Drainer for Tractor Haulage, 10
- Humber-Hillman, Ltd., Four-cylinder 9.8 H.P. Car " Minx," 433
- Hurnphris Toggle Press, Mass Products, Ltd., 63 3
- Improved Gears, Ltd., Gears for Bermuda Railway Rail Coach, 359
- Industrial Waste Eliminators, Ltd., Steam Turbine-driven Centrifuge, 63
- Ingersoll-Rand Co, Ltd., Compressor, Two-stage Air-cooled, 513
- Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd.. Hoist. Double-drum Electric,513
- Interossen Geschaft Type Nozzle, 650; (Note), 690
- Isenthal and Co., Ltd., Automatic Regulator, 203
- JOHNSTON Brothers, Boiler, 300-Gallon Capacity Weir,,for Tar, 564
- Johnston Brothers, Super-mobile Dryer, 564
- KEARSLEN.' Power Station of Lancashire Power Co, 134, 135 210 (Two-page Supplement, July 31st, 1931, and August 7th, 1931)
- Kershaw, J. B. C., Gas Washers for Electric Power Stations, 500
- Kershaw, J. B. C.; Present Position of Fuel Oil Industries, 140
- Key Engineering Co, Ltd., Portable Hydraulic Classifier, 469
- King, Charles R., Perkins' Hermetic Tube Boilers, 405
- LACEY, J. M., Flowing Water, 3, 481, 508
- Lagonda, Ltd., 3-Litre Lagonda Car, 431
- Lancashire Dynamo Motor Co, Ltd., Enclosed Electric Motors. 152
- Lancashire Power Co's Kearaley Power Station, 110, 134, 135 (Two-page Supplement, July 3181, 1931, and August 7th, 1931)
- Lancia (England), Ltd.. Eight-cylinder Car, 433
- Lane, Henry C., Press Tool and Fixture Design. 160, 186, 212, 236, 266, 292, 340, 368. 398, 426, 454, 480
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Burke-Scott Electric Welder, 48
- Lead Wool Co, Ltd., Compressor, Portable Oil Engine-driven, 512
- Leighton Buzzard Fatal Derailment, 38
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., " Cub " Goods Wagon Chassis, 488, 492
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Oil Engines, 8-litre and 10-litre. 488
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Automatic Lighting Plant, 31
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Oil Engine, Single cylinder Airless Injection, 511, 518
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Oil Engine, 10 H.P. Portable Spray Cooled, 513
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., 18 H.P. Oil Engine, 31
- Liverpool-East Lancashire Road, 2, 12
- Llattelly Waterworks Extension, 403
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Double-exhaust Piston Valve, 101
- London. Midland and Scottish Railway, Wagon for Transporting Locomotives, 47
- London and North Eastern Railway, Tank Engine Conversion, 178
- MALONE Prime Mover, 97
- Manlove, Alliott and Co., Ltd., Multiple-leaf Filter, 64, 65
- Mablethorpe, H., Nut-forging Machine, 515
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Agricultural Tractor, Oil-engined, 10
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Roller, Steam Road, 512, 318
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Tractor, 15-30 B.H.P. Oil Engine-driven, 512
- Mass Products, Ltd., Humphris Toggle Press F 632
- Massey-Harris Company, Ltd., Four-wheel- F driven Petrol Tractor, 57
- Mather and Platt. Ltd., High-pressure Turbine-driven Feed Pumps at Bradford, 442
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Electric Driving Gear, 386
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Troughing for Conveyors. 386
- McLeod-Richards Thread Milling Machine Power Plant Company, Ltd., 459
- Merryweather and Sons. Ltd., Stationary Fire Pump, 102
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co, Ltd., Omnibus Body, 48-seater, Low-height, 540
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., Turbo-generator Set for Brighton, 526
- Michelin Pneumatic-tired Rail Coach, 243
- Miller, R. N. Appleby, Links in History of the Locomotive. George Stephenson's First Experiment, 298
- Mining Engineering Co, Ltd., Stowing Jet, " Meco," 387
- Mining and Industrial Equipment. Ltd.. Kinetic Electriator, 514
- Mining and Industrial Equipment, Ltd., Testing
- Machine for Sieves, 514
- Mitchell Conveyor and Transporter Co, Ltd., British Coal-handling Plant near Shanghai, 90, 94 (Two-page Supplement. July 24th, 1931)
- "Monarch of Bermuda," Electrically Propelled Liner, 572, 576, 577, 592, 593, 630
- Morgan-Hastings, Ltd., Four-cylinder Motor Car " Derby, ' 431
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Family-eight Saloon, 401, 410; " Isis Six," Sports Saloon, 401, 410
- National Gas Engine Co, Ltd. c 15 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 32, 33
- National Gas Engine Company, Ltd., 54 B.H.P. Solid-injection Engine, :33
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., Crane, " Rapid," 566
- Neal, R. H.. and Co., Ltd., Crane, Rubber-tired Mobile, 565
- Newcomen Engine " Fairbottom Bobs," 303
- Newton-le-Willows, Water Softening Plant at, T. Rowland Wollaston, 471
- Norton Co, Grinding Wheels Factory at Welwyn Garden City, 604
- O
- OERLIKON Company. Four-winding Three-phase, 50-cycle Transformer, 304
- Oerlikon Company, High-tension Testing Equipment, 194
- Oerlikon Company, Mercury Arc Rectifiers, 622 7
- " Omo " High-speed Heavy-oil Engine, Dr. S. J. Davies, 414
- Panama Canal Developments, 202
- Paris Exhibition, The Metropolitan Building. 120, 127
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Inverted Condenser, 117
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 20,000 kW Duplex Exhaust Steam Turbine, 464, 468
- Parsons, C. A.. and Co., Ltd., 50,000 kW Turbo-generator Sets for Dunston Power Station, 542, 546
- Parsons. C. A., and Co., Ltd.. Visit to Heaton Works of. 542, 546
- Parsons Oil Engine Co, Ltd.. Petrol Engine, 110- 120 B.H.P., Six-cylinder, High-speed, 433 V
- Pegson, Ltd., Breaker, Blake Type, High-speed. 565 V
- Pegson, Ltd., Grader, Chipping, 565 V
- Pegson. Ltd.. Screen for Gravel, 565 V
- Pegson, Ltd., Screen " Live Wire," 565 V
- Perkins' Hermetic Tube Boilers, Charles R. King, 405
- Petters, Ltd., Petrol Engine. " Twin-Four." V Air-cooled, 550
- Petters, Ltd., 7 H.P. Atomic Engine. 34, 35 V
- Port Elizabeth, New Harbour, 596
- Pneumatic Conveyance and Extraction (1929), Ltd., New Form of Grit Catcher, 45
- Power Plant Co. Ltd., McLeod-Richards V Thread Milling Machine. 459
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., Excavator, Half Cubic Yard, 565
- Raleigh Cycle Co, Ltd., Motor Cycle Truck and Trailer, 537
- Rand %VI:4er Board, Annual Report, 224
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Concrete Mixer, 550
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Excavator, Hall Cubic Yard, 550
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Chassis, Six-wheel Trolley Omnibus, 539
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., " Ramsome-Garrett " Propeller Shaft and Universal Joint, 539
- Robeys, Ltd., Oil-engine Compressor Unit. 124, 125, 126
- Robinson, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., Motor-driven Tenoning Machine, 554, 555
- Rolls-Royce. Ltd., Chassis of 40-50 H.P. Car, 431
- Ross Patents, Ltd., Screen, Roller Bar. .549 A
- Rover Company, Ltd., Six-cylinder 12 H.P.Car, "Pilot," 433; Four-seater 6.97 H.P.- An engined Car, 432
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Airless-injection A Crude Oil Engine, 32, 33
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Locomotive, 10 A H.P., Oil Engine Driven. 511, 512
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Roller, Light Oil A Engine Driven, 511, 518
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 6000-Gallon DiaAphragm Pump, 34
- Ruston-Bucyrus. Ltd.. Caterpillar Mounting for Excavators, 175
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd.. Excavator. Half Cubk Yard, 514
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd.. Excavator, 160 13.H.1'. Oil-drivon Drag Line, 525
- Scammell Lorries, Ltd.. Lorry. 12•Ton Six-wheel, 523
- "Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd.. Refrigerating Plant on Steam Lorry. 18
- "Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd., Rigid Six-wheeler Steam Chassis. 34
- "Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd.,Wagon, Shaft driven. Six-wheel Steam, 541
- Shanghai Waterworks Extensions, H. Stringer, 648, 652. 669
- Shillito, B. J., Worm Gearing and Some of its Applications. 615
- Silica Gel, Ltd., Silica Gel Transformer Breather. 418
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co, Ltd., Sand
- Spun Pipe Plant, 322, 324
- Steel Barrel Co. Ltd., Welded Steel Columns for Submarine Oil Engines, 350
- Stephenson. Robert. and Co., Ltd.. Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, Three-cylinder Tank Engines, 601 (Two-page Supplement, December 4th. 1931)
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd.. Pivoted Sidelight, New Type of, 48
- Stothert and Pitt. Ltd.. Concrete Mixer, 566
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Concrete Mixing and Distributing Plant, 566
- Strain and Robertson, Test Report on Boilers at Clyde's Mill Power Station, 551
- Stringer, H., Shanghai Waterworks Extensions, 648, 652, 669
- Strowger-Hudd Automatic Train Control on Southern Railway, 332
- Sullivan Machinery Co. Loading Slide and Scraper, 387, 388
- Sulzer Brothers, Oil-electric Locomotives for Siam, 151 1 2
- Tangyes, Ltd., 110 B.H.P. Oil Engine, 566
- Tangyes, Ltd.. Pump. Electrically Driven.Vertical-spindle. Centrifugal, Marino Pattern. 566
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Double-deck Omnibus Chassis. 486, 492; Launch, 38ft. High-speed, with Two 110 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Engines, 433; Oil Engine, 80-100 B.H.P. High-speed Heavy, 433; Petrol Engine, 85 to 98 H.P. Six-cylinder, 486, 487; Yacht's Tender, 14ft., 6 B.H.P., " Wats, mots " Engine, 433
- Transport Engineering and Equipment Co, Portable Locomotive Weighing Machine, 660
- Tungstone Co Air-operated Pump for Corrosive Liquids, 65
- Vargon Power Station, Sweden, 434
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd. Electrically Propelled Liner " Monarch of Bermuda," 572, 576, 577
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd Tractor Truck, Cardon-Loyd, 522 6
- WEIR, G. and .1.. Ltd., Works Laboratory at Cathcart, 682
- Wiggins Ponton Roofs for Oil Tanks, 229
- Winget, Ltd., Cqucrete Mixer, 564
- Winget, Ltd., Pump, Twin Sin. Diaphragm, 564 1Viseman, Alfred, Ltd., Engines, High-speed Compression Ignition, 433, 434; Pump, "Venus " Fuel, 433, 434
- Wollaston, T. Roland, Water-softening Plant at Newton-le-Willows, 471
- Wolseley Motors (1927), Ltd., Six-cylinder, 21-60 H.P. Car, 401; Six-cylinder. Four-door Saloon " Hornet," 401, 410; 16-60 H.P. Car " Viper." 401
- Woodstock, Electrical Distribution at, Callenders Cable and Construction Co. 301
- YALLOURN Lignite-operated Electric Generating Station, 28, 40
- Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co, Wagon, Light Six Steam, 537
- AERO-ENGINE Testing Plant, Heenan and Fronde, Ltd., 177
- Agricultural Tractor. Oil-engined, Marshall.Sons and Co., Ltd.. 10
- Air Flow Measurement, 1 U Type Nozzle. 650; (Note). 690
- Aluminium, Some Practical Notes on Jointing,
- A. J. T. Bytes, 618
- Arc-welded Factory Building in Canada, 617, 626
- Arc-welding Electrode Holder, Atomic Hydrogen, 89 13
- BAROMETER, Improved Fortin, C. F. Casella and Co., Ltd., 252
- Boiler, 300-Gallon Capacity Weir Tar, Johnston Brothers, 564
- Boilers, Perkins Hermetic Tube, Charles R. King, 405
- Boilers at Clyde's Mill Power Station, Strain and Robertson, Test Report. 551
- Boilers at Gonnevilliers Power Station, 429
- BREAKER, Blake Type High-speed, Pogson. Ltd., 565
- British Coal-handling Plant near Shanghai Mitchell Conveyor and Transporter Company, Ltd., 90, 94 (Two-page Supplement, July 24th, 1931)
- CALORISING, Colorising Corporation of Great Britain, 139
- Canal, Panama, Developments, 202
- Caterpillar Mounting for Excavators, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 175
- Centrifuge, Steam Turbine-driven, Industrial Waste Eliminators. Ltd., 63
- Classifier, Portable Hydraulic, Key Engineering Company, Ltd., 469
- Coal Cutter, British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd.. 388
- Coal Cutter, Electric Longwall, " Sullivan " Type, 387
- Coal Cutter, " Hurd " Chain Longwall. 386
- Coal Cutter, Chain Longwall, British Jelin.). Diamond Type. 387
- Coal Cutters, Electric Longwell, 387
- Coal Face Machinery Exhibition at Sheffield, 386
- Coal-handling Plant Near Shanghai, Mitchell
- Conveyor and Transporter Company. Ltd., 90, 94 (Two-page Supplement. July 24th, 1931)
- COMPRESSOR, Portable, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., 549
- Compressor, Portable Oil Engine-driven, Lead Wool Company, Ltd., 512
- Compressor, Two-stage Air-cooled, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd., 513
- Compressor Unit, Oil Engine, Robeys, Ltd.. 124, 125, 126
- Concrete Core Drilling Machine. Holman Brothers, Ltd., 178
- Concrete Crib Work, Retaining Walls of, at Hoboken, 482
- Concrete Mixer, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.. 550
- Concrete Mixer. Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 566
- Concrete Mixer, Winget, Ltd., 564
- Concrete Mixing and Distributing Plant, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd.,566
- Condenser, The Inverte. C. A. Parsons and Co.. Ltd., 117
- Conveyor, Blackett Scraper Chain, British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., 388
- Coupling, Flexible, 378
- Crane for Cape Town, 60-Ton Floating, Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Ltd., 684
- Crane, " Rapid," R. H. Neal and Co.. Ltd., 566
- Crane, Rubber-tired Mobile, R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., 565
- Dryer, Super-Mobile, Johnston Brothers, 564
- Alternator, Ferranti's. 1882. 329
- Alternator Stator Under Construction at Heaton Works, 542
- Beauharnois Power Station, Progress at. 472
- Combined Motor Starting and Power Factor Correcting Panel. Electric Construction Company, Ltd., 276
- Contact Stud and Insulator, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 544
- Control Panel, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 544
- Dunston Power Station, Parsons 50,000-kW Turbo-generator Sets for, 542, 546
- Dynamo, Brush, 1878, 383
- Dynamo, Pacinotti's, 1860, 328
- Dynamo, Wilde's, 1863, 329
- Electric Driving Gear, Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., 386
- Electric Generating Station at Yallourn, Lignite-operated 28,40
- Electric Hoist, Double-drum, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd., 513
- Electric Motors, Enclosed, Lancashire Dynamo Motor Company, Ltd., 152
- Electric Tools, Demonstration Workshop for, 89
- Electric Welder, Burke-Scott, Laurence Scott and Electrornotors, Ltd., 48
- Electrical Distribution at Woodstock, Callendors Cable and Construction Company, 301
- Electrical Installations at Tunbridgo Wells,
- English Electric Company, Ltd., 660
- Electro-magnetic Engine, 1832, Sturgeon's, 349
- Electrode Boiler. 383
- Faraday Exhibition at Royal Albert Hall, 300, 328, 348, 383
- Generator, 1844, Woolrich's, 383
- Grampian Hydro-electric Power Scheme. 144, 148, 165, 170. 190, 191, 196, 218, 222, 239. 246
- "Grid " Transformer with On-load Tap-changing Gear, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 542
- High-tension Testing Equipment, Oerlikon Company, 194
- Induction Coils, 1835. Henry's, 349
- Kearsley Power Station of Lancashire Power Company, 110, 134, 135 (Two-page Supplements, .July 3181, 1931, and August 7th, 1931)
- Magnoto-electric Machine, 1833, Saxton's, 328
- Mercury Arc Rectifiers, Oerlikon Company, 622
- Metal Rectifier Applications. 241
- Meter Model, Wright's, 348
- Motor-driven Tenoning Machine, T. Robinson and Sons, Ltd., 554, 555
- Power Station at Vargon. Sweden, 434
- Power Station Model at Faraday Exhibition, B.E.A.M.A., 328
- Rectifier, Automatically Controlled, on London Underground Railway at Hendon, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 19
- Rectifiers, Metal, Applications of, 241
- Rotating Field Model, Arago's, 348
- Rotating Field Model, Bally's, 348
- Switch Fuses, Overhead Lino Pole Mounting, George Ellison, Ltd.. 526
- Switchgear, Remote Control, at Woolwich, t General Electric Company, Ltd., 76
- Transformer Breather, Silica Gel, 418
- Transformer, Four-winding Three-phase 50-Cycle, Oerlikon Company, 304
- Transformer On-load Tap-changing Gear, 1 General Electric Company, Ltd., 604
- Transformer Tapping Switches, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 543
- Turbo-generator Sot. for Brighton, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 526
- Voltmeter, Ionic Wilt,I, 3
- Engine. 7 H.Y. Atomic, Petters, Ltd., 34, 35
- Oil Engine, Airless-injection Crude, Ruston and Hornsby. Ltd., 32, 33
- Oil Engine, Cold-starting, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 32, 33
- Oil Engine, The " Omo " High-speed, Heavy, Dr. S. J. Davies, 414 1 Oil Engine, Single-cylinder, Airless-injection, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 511, 518
- Oil Engine, 15 B.H.P., National Gas Engine Company, Ltd., 32, 33
- Oil Engine. 32 B.H.P. Twin-cylinder Crude, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 32, 33
- Engine, 54 B.H.P. Solid-injection, National Gas Engine Company, Ltd., 33
- Oil Engine, 90 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Heavy, J. Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 84
- Oil Engine. 110 B.H.P. Omo." Tangyes Ltd., 566
- Oil Engine, 10 H.P. Portable Spray-cooled, R. A. Lister and Co.. Ltd., 513
- Oil Engine, 18 H.P., R. A. Lister and Co..Ltd., 31
- Petrol Engine for Driving Portable Compressor, Atlantic Engine Company, Ltd., 549
- Petrol Engine, " Twin-Four " Air-cooled, Petters, Ltd., 550
- Engine, High-speed Steam, Drysdale and Co., Ltd., 525
- EXCAVATOR, Half Cubic Yard, Priestman Brothers, Ltd., 565
- Excavator, Half Cubic Yard, Ransomes and Rapier. Ltd., 550
- Excavator, Half Cubic Yard, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 514
- Excavator, Ruston-Bucyrus 160 B.H.P., Oil-driven Drag Line, 525
- Excavators, Caterpillar Mounting for, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd.. 175
- Coal Face Machinery Exhibition at Sheffield, 386
- Faraday Exhibition at Royal Albert Hall, 300, 328, 339, 348. 383
- International Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition at Olympia. 522
- International Motor Car Show at Olympia, 400, 410, 430
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibition, 511, 549, 564
- Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Warwick. 8, 31, 56, 84
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, 260, 284, 312, 341, 371 (Sixteen-page Supplement, September 11th, 1931)
- FARM Utility Truck, Ford Motor Company, 34
- Filter, Multiple-leaf, Manlove. Alliott and Co., Ltd., 64, 65
- Filter, Rotary, Dorr Company, Ltd., 64
- Fire Pump Trailer, Petrol-driven, Gwynnes, 31, 33
- Flowing Water, J. M. Lacer, 3, 481, 508
- Forging Press for Russia, bavy Brothers, Ltd., 417
- Foundry for Light Iron Castings, John Harper and Co., Ltd., 268
- Fuel Oil Industries, Present Position of, J. B. C. Kershaw, 1 46
- GAS Compressor, The Winterthur, 88
- Gas Distribution from French Coalfields, 87
- Gas Washers for Electric Power Stations, J. B. C. Kershaw, 500
- Gear, Variable Speed, Hardypick, Ltd., 386
- Gear, Variable Speed Friction, Diskon Gear, Ltd., 250
- Geophysical Surveying, Electric Generator for, Haslam and Newton, Ltd., 445
- Geophysics, 112, 140, 161, 200. 213; (Leader), 121
- Glass Silk as a Heat Insulator, Chance Brothers and Co.. Ltd., 150
- Governor Feed for Sawing Machines, E. G. Herbert, Ltd., 470
- Grader, Chipping, Pogson, Ltd., 565
- Granulator, Singie-toggle Type, Hadfields, Ltd., 511
- Grinder, Rotary Pneumatic, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., 549
- Grinding Wheels Factory in Garden City, Norton Company. 604
- Grit Catcher, Now Form of, Pneumatic Conveyance and Extraction (1929), Ltd.. 45
- HARBOUR at Port Elizabeth, 596
- Harvester and Thrasher, Combined, Clayton and Shuttleworth, Ltd., 9
- Hoist. Double-drum Electric, Ingersoll-Rand. Company, Ltd., 513
- Humanity Under the Hammer, Lieut.-Colonel E. Kitson Clark, 455
- Hydro-electric Power Development, Scheme at Alexander. Ontario, 214, 215
- Hydro-electric Power Station at BoauharnoiH. Progress at. 472
- Chassis, " Cub " Goods Wagon, Leyland Motors, Ltd., 488. 492
- Chassis. Six-wheel Drive, Hardy Motors, Ltd., 489, 492
- Chassis, Six-wheel Omnibus. Associated Equipment Company, Ltd.. 488. 492
- Chassis, Six-wheel Trolley Omnibus. Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 539
- Chassis. 3-ton Rigid Six-wheel, Garner Motors, Ltd., 524
- Chassis. 250 B.H.P. Six-wheel Omnibus, Henschel and Sohn, A.G., 536. 537
- Chassis, with Auxiliary Front Wheel Drive, Hardy Motors, Ltd., 489
- Engine and Gear-box for " Lance " Chassis, Dennis Brothers, Ltd., 540
- Oil Engine, High-speed Compression-ignition. Armstrong-Saurer, 538
- Oil Engine with A.E.C.-Ricardo cylinder Head, 488
- Oil Engines, 8-litre and 10-litre, Leyland Motors, Ltd., 488
- Petrol Engine, 30-85 H.P.. Six-cylinder, Albion Motors, Ltd., 522
- Petrol Engine. 85-98 Horse-power. Six-cylinder, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. 486, 487
- Engines, Poppet Valves and Sleeve Valve, Daimler Company, Ltd., 538
- Fuel Oil Strainer, Auto- Klean Strainers, Ltd., 522
- Lorry, 12-ton. Six-wheel, Seammel Lorries, Ltd., 523
- Motor Cycle Truck and Trailer, Raleigh Cycle Company, Ltd., 537
- Omnibus, 32-seater, Single-deck, Albion Motors, Ltd., 522
- Omnibus Body, 48-seater, Low-height. Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Finance Company, Ltd., 540
- Omnibus Chassis, Double-deck, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 486, 492
- Omnibus, Double-deck, Daimler Company, Ltd., 538
- Propeller Shaft and Universal Joint, " Ransome-Garrett," Ransomos, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 539
- Strainer, Fuel Oil, Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 522
- Tractor, Six-wheel Drive, with 124 B.H.P. A.E.C. Engine, Hardy Motors, Ltd.. 489
- Tractor Truck, Carden-Loyd, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 522
- Tractor, 42 B.H.P. Heavy Oil Engine. R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd., 523
- Wagon, " Garrett " Rigid Six-wheel Steam, R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd. 524
- Wagon, Light-Six Steam, Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Company, 537
- Wagon, Shaft-driven, Six -wheel Steam."Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd., 541
- Wagon, Speed-Twelve Rigid Six-wheel,Fodens. Ltd., 523
Cars :
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Six-cylinder Cars, 30 down to 12 H.P., 432
- Austin Motor Company, Ltd., " Twelve-Six " Saloon, 401, 410
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., 20.9 H.P. Saloon, I 16.7 H.P. Saloon-de-Luxe, 10 H.P. Saloon, 431
- Daimler Company, Ltd., 15-18 H.P. Lancheater Car, 431 ' • Six-cylinder, 16-20 H.P. to 35 H.P. Daimler, 432
- Humber-Hillman Company, Four-cylinder 9.8 H.P. Car " Minx," 433
- Lagonda, Ltd., 3-Litro Laixonda Car, 431
- Lancia (England), Ltd.. Eight-cylinder Car, 433
- Morgan,o Hastings, Ltd., Four-cylinder Car, Derby," 431
- Morris Motors, Ltd.. Family-eight Saloon, 401, 410; " " Sports Saloon, 401. 410
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Chassis of 40-50 H.P. Car, 431
- Rover Company, Ltd., Four-seater 6.97 H.P. Engine Car, 432; Six-cylinder 12 H.P. Car " Pilot," 433
- Wolseley Motors (1927), Ltd., Six-cylinder. Four-door Saloon, " Hornet," 401, 410;
- Six-cylinder, 21-60 H.P. Car, 401; 16-60
- H.P. Car Viper," 401
Accessories :
- Hub and Brake, Lanchester, 431
- Pump, Petrol, Austin Motor Company, Ltd., 401, 402
- Valve Gear, Lanchester. 432
- Motor Boats and Marine Oil Engines : 433, 434
- Coventry Victor Motor Company, Ltd., Boat
- Motor Transom Drive, 434
- Parsons Oil Engine Company. Ltd., Petrol Engine, 110-120 B. H. P.. Si x -cylinder. High-speed, 433
Motor Boats and Marine Oil Engines (continued):
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Launch, 38ft. , Two 110 B.H.P., Six-cylinder Engine, 433; Oil Engine, 80 to 100 B.H.P. High-speed Heavy, 433;
- Yacht's Tender, 14ft., 6 B.H.P. " Watsmots " Engine, 433
- Wiseman, Alfred, Ltd., Engines, High-speed Compression-ignition, 433, 434:
- Pump, " Berns " Fuel, 433, 434
- IRON Castings, Foundry for Light, John Harper and Co., Ltd., 268
- JOINT, Universal, Emdo and Meissner, 445
- Joists, Models of Built-up, Brunton and Trier, Ltd., 276
- LABORATORY for Cathcart Works of G. and J. Weir, Ltd., 682
- Laws of Ship Resistance, G. S. Baker, 534, 562, 588, 614, 642, 668
- Lighting Plant, Automatic, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd.. 31
- Lignite-operated Electric Generating Station at Yallourn, 28, 40
- Loading Slide and Scraper, Sullivan Machinery Company, 387, 388
- Internal Combustion Shunting Locomotive, Avonside Engine Company, Ltd., 390
- Links in History of the Locomotive, R. N. Appleby Miller, 298
- Locomotive Boiler-washing Plant at Stratford, Economical Boiler Washing Company, Ltd., 553
- Locomotive Experimental Station at Grtmewald, German State Railways, 73
- Locomotive Experimental Station, Pennsylvania Railroad, 73
- Locomotive Experimental Station, Proposed British, 75
- Locomotive Experimental Station, Proposed French Railways, 74
- Locomotive Testing Plant, G.W. Railway, Swindon, 73
- Locomotive Weighing Machine, Portable, Transport Engineering and Equipment Company, 660
- Locomotive, 10 H.P. Oil Engine Driven, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 511, 512
- Narrow-gauge Geared Articulated Locomotive, Avonside Engine Company, Ltd., 496
- Oil-electric Locomotive for Siam, Sulzer Brothers, 151
- Tank Engine Conversion on the London and North-Eastern Railway, 178
- Three-cylinder Tank Engines for Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, Robert Stephenson and Co., Ltd., 601 (Two-page Supplement, December 4th, 1931)
- LONDON Waters, Report on, 163, 198
- Lorry, 6-Ton Crude Oil, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 8
- Lorry, Steam, Refrigerating Plant on, " Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd., 18
- Heading Machine, Universal, Anderson, Boyes and Co., Ltd., 387
- Lathe, 33in. Swing Combination Turret, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 598, 603
- Thread Milling Machine, McLeod-Richards Power Plant Company, Ltd., 459
- Press Tool and Fixture Design, Henry C. Lane, 100, 186, 212, 236, 266, 292, 340, 368, 398, 426, 454, 480
- MANUFACTURE and Use of Steel Itailwts Sleepers, Raymond Carpmael, 644, 645, 671'; (Leader), 653
- Manure Carrier, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 33
- Alexander, Ontario, Hydro-Electric Power Development Scheme, Site of Main Dam and Power-house, 215
- British Coal-handling Plant Near Shanghai, Key Plan of Coal-handling Plant and Storage Ground, 91
- Cape Town, Plan of Alterations at, 152
- Chart, World Production of Mineral Oil, 146
- Durban's Water Supply, Site of Proposed Reservoir on Umgeni River, 674
- Durban's Water Supply, Sketch Map Showing Catchment Areas, 675
- Equipotontial Lino Survey in Northern Rhodesia, 163
- Gas Distribution from French Coalfields, Route of Gas Main, 87
- Grampian Hydro-electric Power Scheme : Arrangement of Tail Race from Powerhouse, 240; Ericht Dam, Plan and Profile, 165; Rannock Power Plant, Diagrammatic Plan and Profile of, 149;
- River Crossing, Plan Profile and Details of, 191
- Gravity Survey Over Salt Dome in Texas, 141, 142
- Gravity Survey Over Salt Dome with Cap-Rock of Anhydrite, 142
- Harbour Works at Port Elizabeth, 596
- Hydrographical Survey Stations on River Teen, 407
- Koarsley Power Station of Lancashire Power Company, Site of, 110
- Leighton Buzzard Derailment, Site of, 38
- Links in the History of the Locomotive, Portion of Colliery Map, Early Nineteenth Century, 299
- Liverpool-East Lancashire Road, Route of, 2
- MAPS (continued):
- LlanoIly Waterworks Extension, Map Showing Positions of Gathering Gro.unds, 403
- Load Chart of Rectifier and Rotary Convertor Working in Parallel During a System Disturbance, 20
- Magnetic Traverse Over Serpentine, 114
- Magnetic Survey Over Swynnerton Dyke, 114
- Panama Canal, Proposed Madden Dam, 202
- Rand Water Board, Map Showing Area Covered by the Board's Operations, 225
- Results of Gravitational Survey at Hanigsen.Germany. 141, 142
- River Thames, Map of Tidal Portion of, 495
- Shanghai Waterworks Extensions, General Plan, 650
- Silent Valley Reservoir, Plan of, 118
- Speedometer Record and Profile of Line Trial Run of Oil-electric Railway Coach on. L. and N.B. Railway, 659
- Spontaneous Polarisation Survey in Cyprus. 161
- Trans-Saharan Railway, Route of Proposed, 484
- METALLURGICAL Plant at Copper Cliff, Ontario. 427, 438
- Mole Drainer for Tractor Haulage, J. and F. Howard, Ltd., 10
- Motor, Portable Electric Farm, General Electric Company, Ltd., 84
- Mowing Machine with Automatic Lubrication, Bamfords, Ltd., 85
- Mowing Machine with Forced Lubrication, Harrison, McGregor and Co., Ltd., 85
- NUT Forging Machine, H. Maplethorpe, 515
- OX-ACETYLENE Cutting Machine, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 56
- PAINT Spraying Plant, Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., 684
- Paper Mills, Steam Plant at Gatineau, 270, 274
- Pipe Plant, Sand Spun, Staveley Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., 322, 324
- Pneumatic-tired Rail Coach, Michelin, 243
- Pontoon Roofs for Oil Tanks, The Wiggins, 229
- Powdered Coal Plant for Spain, Duffield Coal Products, Ltd., 634
- Press, Humphris Toggle, Mass Products, Ltd., 632
- Press, Hydraulic Straightening, Hollings and Guest, Ltd., 390
- Pump. Air-driven Centifugal, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd.. 549
- Pump, Electrically Driven Vertical Spindle Centrifugal Marine Type, Tangyes Ltd., 566
- Pump, Electrically Operated Farm, J. Harrison and Co. (Liverpool), Ltd., 179
- Pump for Corrosive Liquids, Air-operated,Tungatono Company, 65
- Pump Gear, D. Brown and Sons, Ltd., 252
- Pump, 6000-Gallon Diaphragm, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. 34
- Pump. Stationery Fire. Merryvveather and Sons, Ltd., 102
- Pump, Twin Sin. Diaphragm, Wingot, Ltd., 564
- Pumps, High-pressure Feed, at Bradford, Mather and Platt, Ltd., 442
- Automatic Train Control on Southern Railway. Strowger-Rudd System, 332
- Fatal Derailment at Leighton Buzzard, 38
- Oil-electric Railway Coach, 250 B.H.P., Sir W. (I. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 658
- Rail Coach, Michelin Pneumatic-tired. 243
- Rail Coach for Argentine Transandine Railway, Hardy Motors, Ltd., 116
- Rail Coach for Bermuda Railway, Drewry Car Company, Ltd., 320, 359
- Railway, Trans-Saharan. 484
- Repairing All-metal Railway Coaches by Welding, A. J. T. Eyles, 168
- Steel Railway Sleepers. Manufacture and Use of, Raymond Carpmael, 644, 645, 671; (Leader). 653
- Steel Sleepers, " Unit," Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Company, Ltd., 570
- Train Load, An Interesting, 417
- Trans-Saharan Railway, 484
- Wagon for Transporting Locomotives. L. N1. and S. Railway Company, 47
- "Whitewash " Coach on Great Western Railway. 101
- REFRIGERATING Plant on Steam Lorry, — Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd., 18
- Reservoir, The Silent Valley, 118
- Retaining Walls of Concrete Crib Work at Hoboken, 482
- Road, The Liverpool-East Lancashire, 2, 12
- Roller, Light Oil Engine-driven, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. 511, 518
- Roller, Light Petrol, Barford and Perkins, Ltd., 56
- Roller, Steam Road, Marshall. Sons and Co., Ltd., 512, 518
- Roller, Waveless Road, Arnold Waveless Road Roller Company. Ltd., 549, 550
- Roller, 24-ton, Petrol, Barford and Perkins, Ltd., 56
- Roller, 8-ton Motor, Barford and Perkins, Ltd., 512, 518
- Roller. 14-ton Oil Engine-driven, Aveling and Porter, Ltd., 512, 518
- SAWING Machines, Governor Feed for, E. G. Herbert, Ltd., 470
- Screen, Gravel, Pegson, Ltd., 565
- Screen, " Live Wire," Pegson, Ltd., 565
- Scientific Instruments--see Miscellaneous Articles
- Screen, Roller Bar, Ross Patents, Ltd., 549
- Electrically Propelled Liner, " Monarch of Bermuda," 507, 572, 576, 577, 592, 593
- Ship Resistance, Laws of, G. S. Baker, 534, 562, 588, 614, 642, 668
- Sidelight for Ships, New Typo of Pivoted, J. Stone and Co., Ltd., 48
- Submarine Oil Engines, Welded Steel Columns for, Steel Barrel Company, Ltd., 350
- Trawler, Exhaust Steam Turbine Drive for, Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd.. 446
- SIEVES, Testing Machine for, Mining and Industrial Equipment, Ltd., 514
- Silica Gel Transformer Breather, Silica Gel, Ltd., 418
- Smoke Meter Indicators, Elliott Brothers (London). Ltd., 63, 64
- Smoke Pollution of City Air, An Instrument for Measuring Degree of, C. F. Casella and Co., Ltd., 7
- Steam Plant at Gatineau Paper Mills, 270, 274
- Stoker, Chain Grate, on Yarrow Boiler at Bankside Power Station, Ed. Bennis and Co.Ltd., 44
- Stowing Jet " Meco," Mining Engineering Co., Lta., 387
- Survey of River Toes, 407
- TECHNICAL Psychology, R. A. Bell, 187; (Leader), 197
- Tees, Survey of River, 407
- Tenoning Machine, Motor-driven, Thos. Robinson and Sons, Ltd., 554, 555
- Testing Machine for 1 lin. Wire Ropes, W. and T. Avery, Ltd., 302
- Testing Machine for Sieves, Mining and Industrial Equipment. Ltd., 514
- Testing Plant for Aero-engines, Heenan and Froude. Ltd., 177
- Tidal Thames, 494, 520
- Tools, Tungsten Carbide, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 598, 603
- Traction Engine, Single-cylinder Steam, Fosters, 31
- Tractor, 15-30 B.H.P. Oil Engine-driven, Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 512
- Tractor, Four-wheel Driven Petrol, Massey Harris Company, Ltd., 57
- Traffic Control Signal Apparatus, Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Company, Ltd., 566
- Troughing for Conveyors, Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., 386
- Tunbridgo Wells, Electrical Installations at, English Electric Company, Ltd., 660
- Turbine, 20,000 kW Duplex Exhaust Steam, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 464, 468
- VALVE, Double-exhaust Piston, London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 101
- Valve, Transmitting, Metropolitan • Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 329
- Vibration and its Isolation, Cambridge Instrument Company, 418
- Visit to Heaton Works of C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd.,542, 546
- Visit to Rugby Works of British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 36
- WAREHOUSE, Moving an Engineer's Supply, C. Churchill and Co., Ltd., 268
- Water, Flowing, 3, 481, 508
- Water Main Carried Across Bascule Bridge at Bangkok, 244
- Water Softening Plant at Newton-le-Willows, T. Roland Wollaston, 471
- Water Supply for Durban, 674
- Waterworks Extension at Llanelly, 403
- Waterworks Extensions at Shanghai, H. Stringer, 648, 652, 669
- Weighing Machine, Portable Locomotive, Transport Engineering and Equipment Company, 660
- Welded Steel Columns for Submarine Oil Engines, Steel Barrel Company, Ltd., 350
- Wire Ropes, Testing Machine for, W. and T. Avery, Ltd., 302
- Worm Gearing and Some of its Applications, B. J. Shillito, 615
- ZINC Recovery and Fertiliser Plants in British Columbia, 60, 68
- BUENOS Aires and• Pacific Railway, Three-cylinder Tank Engine, Robert Stephenson and Co., Ltd. (Two-page Supplement, December 4th, 1931)
- Coal-handling Plant near Shanghai for the Kailan Mining Administration, Mitchell Conveyor and Transporter Company, Ltd. (Two-page Supplement, July 24th, 1931)
- Kearsley Power Station, Lancashire Electric Power Company (Two-page Supplement, July 31st, 1931; Two-page Supplement, August 7th, 1931)
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia (Sixteen-page Supplement and One Four-page Plate, September 11th, 1931)
- THE METALLURGIST (Sixteen-page Supplement. July 31st, 1931; August 28th, 1931; SeptComber 25th, 1931; October 30th, 1931; November 27th, 1931; December 25th, 1931)
The Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia
- AEROSTYLE, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vii
- Ailsa Craig Motor Company. Ltd., 263
- Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd., 376, 380
- Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers),Ltd., Sir W. 0., 289, 296
- Aster, Ltd., 345. 362
- Auto-Klean Strainers. Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, ii
- Aveling and Porter, Ltd., 341, 352
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., 31.1
- Barr and Stroud, Ltd., 318
- Batteries, Ltd.. 285
- Beardmore, William, and Co.. Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31. xiv
- Bence, Ltd., 316
- Bennis, Edward, and Co., Ltd., 202
- Black and Decker, Ltd., 288
- Blackstone and Co.. Ltd., 345, 352
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, i
- British Oxygen Company, Ltd.. 287
- British Quadruplex, Ltd., 286
- British Separators, Ltd., 274
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 287
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., 260
- CHANCE Brothers and Co.. Ltd., 344
- Chloride Electric Storage Company, Ltd., 286
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, LW., 373, 380
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiii
- DAVEY, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 288, 296
- Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd.. 312
- Dorman, W. H., and Co.. Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31,
- iii
- D.P. Battery Company, Ltd., 264
- Drawing-office Material Manufacturers' and
- Dealers' Association, 376
- EDWARDS, F. J., Ltd., 314
- Electric Submerged Log Company, 378
- Elliott Brothers (London). Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, viii
- Equipment and Engineering Company, Ltd.,
- Suppt., 11.9.31. iv
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd.. Suppt., 11.9.31,
- xvi
- FESCOL, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
- Fowler. John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 374
- Fry's Metal Foundries, Ltd., 285
- GILLESPIE and Partners, Ltd., 316
- Gilman, F. (B.S.T.), Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, i
- Gleniffer Engines, Ltd.. :3.12, 352
- Graham, Alfred, and Co., 1,td., 261
- HALL, J. and E.. Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xii
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers). Ltd., 312
- Holland, 13ernard, and Co., 318
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., 345
- Hughes, Henry, and Son, Ltd., 374
- I.C.I. Metals, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, ix
- Igranie Electric Company, Ltd., q I Supp_., 11.9.31, iv
- JONES, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Suppt., 11.0.31, xi
- KELVIN. Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., 377 .9.31, xiii
- Kent, George, Ltd., 372
- Kirkeldy. John, Ltd., Suppt., 11
- LACY-HULBERT and Co., Ltd., 372, 380
- Laurence Scott and Eloctromotors, Ltd., 284 1
- Lea Recorder Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xv i
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., 200
- Liverpool Refrigeration Company. Ltd., 377, 380
- Loranco, Ltd., 342
- McLAREN, J. and H., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiv
- Marconi Tnternational Marine Communication Company, Ltd., 264
- Martindale Electric Company. Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vi
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., and The
- Mirrlees Watson Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31,.v
- Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xv
- Mumford, A. G., Ltd.. Suppt.. 11.9.31, xiii
- Murex Welding Proeesses, Ltd., 317
- NATIONAL Gas Engine Company. Ltd., 290, 296
- Negretti and %umbra, Suppt.. 11.9.31, ii
- Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., 345, 352
- OZONAIR, Ltd., 343
- PARSONS, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 262
- Pels, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, ix
- Perman and Co., Ltd., 289, 296, 346
- Petters. Ltd., 342
- Precision Photo Printing Plant, Ltd., 344
- Pulsometer Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vii
- RADIO Communication Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31. x
- Reavoll and Co.. Ltd., 313
- Record Electrical Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xv
- Ross, Arthur, Hotchkiss and Co., Ltd., 343
- Rotary Air Compressor Company, Ltd., 377
- Ruston-Hornsby, Ltd., 375, 380
- SALAMAN, }Landoll, Ltd., Suppt, 11.9.31, xi
- Belson Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vii
- Separators, Ltd., 346
- Shillan, J. W., 378
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 285
- Siemens-Schuckert (Gt. Britain), Ltd.. 290
- Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., 371
- Swink), Leo. C., Ltd.. 378
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vi
- Stone, J. B., and Co.. Ltd., 288
- Stothort and Pitt, Ltd., 375, 380
- Stream-Line Filt©r Company, Ltd., 373
- Submarine Signal Company, 261
- Sulzer Brothers, 263, 371
- Sunderland Forge and Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, viii
- Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., 373
- TANGYES Ltd., 376, 380
- Tecalemit, Ltd., 314
- Tensometer, Ltd.. 377, 380
- Thermotank, Ltd., 285
- Thompson Brothers (Bilston.), Ltd., 317
- Turbine Furnace Company. Ltd., 376
- UNITED Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, iv
- WAILES Dove Bitumastic, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x •
- Warlow, Maurice and Co. 343
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 286
- Aeroto Ltd., Fan Installations, Aeroto High-Efficiency Streamlined Screw Typo, 378
- Atalanta Ltd., Small Tools. Household Fixtures, 378
- Atlantic Engine Company, Ltd., Oil Engines, 70 B.H.P., Petrol-paraffin Engines, 378
- Bakelite Ltd., Fittings and Furniture in
- Bakelite, Bakelite Marine Varnish, 378
- Bottom; Superheater and Pipeworks, Ltd., Separators. Steam Purifiers and Super-heaters, 378
- British Piston Ring Company, Ltd., Centrifugal Castings. Piston Rings. 378
- Carron Company, Cooking Apparatus. 378
- Clews Peterson Piston Ring and Engineering Company, Ltd.. " Clupet " Double-Coil, No-gap Piston Rings, 378
- Diskon Gear Ltd., Variable Speed Gear, 378
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Staybrito Stainless Steel, 378
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., Economisers, Green and Foster Types 378.
- Grimston, Pritchard and Plutto, Ltd., Electric Drills, Filing Machines, Grinders, Wire-straightening and Cutting Machines, 378
- Jones, Sidney G., Ltd., Gear Hobbing Machines, " Mikron " Lathes, Milling,Grinding and Drilling Machines, 378
- Owens Boiler Circulator, Ltd., Boiler Circulator, 378
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company Ltd., Model of " Turbinia." Various Models of Manufactures, 378
- Ross, Courtney and Co., Ltd., Turned and Pressed Metal Parts, 378
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Company, Ltd., Centrifugal Castings, Nitralloy Cast Iron, 378
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd.. Marine 'Engines. Internal Combustion, Models of Warcraft, 378
- Transporting Machinery and Engineering Company, Ltd., Mechanical Handling and Labour-saving Equipment, Conveyors and Ropeways, 378
- Turnbull, Alex., and Co., Ltd., Valves, 378
- Universal System of Machine Moulding and Machinery Company, Ltd., Lifting Tackle, 378
- Victory Valves, Ltd., Valves, 378 ri
- Vokos, C. G., Ltd., " Protectometer " Air Intake Filters, Oil Filters, Air Cleaners, Paint-spraying Point Filters, 378
- Walker, James, and Co., Ltd., " Lion " Packing, " Walkerite " Jointing, 378
- Widdop, H., and Co., Ltd.. Oil Engines. 378
- Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd.. Condenser and other Tubes in Various Alloys, 378.
- AIR Filter, Ozonair Self-cleaning, 343
- Alloys, Anti-friction, Fry's Metal Foundries, Ltd.. 285
- Anti-corrosive Compound, " Bitudonsa," Wailes Dove Bitumastic, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
- Anti-corrosive Solutions, Wailes Dove I3itumastic, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- BAR Machine, Automatic Multi-spindle (Cleveland). Selson Engineering Company, Ltd., Su t., 11.9.31, viii
- Blower, Electric, Martindale Electric Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vi
- Blue Print Paper, Apparatus for Sensitising, Precision Photo Printing Plant, Ltd., 344
- Boiler, Grate for Lancashire Turbine Furnace Company. Ltd., 376
- Boiler, High-duty Oil-fired Spencer-Hopwood, Sir W. 0. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 289
- Boilers. Express Type Marine, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 314. 315
- Brakes, Motor and Solenoid-operated, Igranic Electric Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, iv, v
- Brine Cooler, Typo Shell chid Tube, Model, L. Sterne and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vi
- Buffer. Selective-speed Independent-spindle, Black and Decker, Ltd., 288
- CASTINGS, Yellow Metal. Fry's Metal Foundries, Ltd., 285
- Centrifuge, Sharpies Bulk, Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., 373
- Circulator, Hotchkiss Water, 343
- Commutator Grinding Tool, Martindale Electric Company, Ltd., Suppt.. 11.9.31, vi
- Commutator Stone for Grinding Commutators. Martindale Electric Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vi
Compressors :
- Air Compressor, Low-pressure, Lacy-Hulbert and Co.. Ltd., 372, 373
- Air Compressor, Portable Oil Engine Driven, Broom and Wade, Ltd., 200
- Air Compressor Set, Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 372
- Air Compressor Set, Two-stage, Rotary Air Compressor Company. Ltd., 377
- Air Compressor Set, 8 Compression-ignition, Engine Driven, Petters, Ltd.. 342
- Ammonia Compressor, High-speed. J. and E. Hall, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xii
- Ammonia Compressor, Motor-driven Two-cylinder, L. Sterne and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vi
- Ammonia Compressor, Single-cylinder. High-speed Vertical, 378
- CO2 Compressor, Steam-driven L. Sterne and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31. vi
- CO2 Compressor, Twin-cylinder Vertical,and E. Hall, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xii
- COI Compressor, Vertical Enclosed Type, 1 hree-cylinder. Single-acting. L. Sterne and Co., Ltd., Suppt.. 11.9.31. vi
- Compressor. Portable Air, Bernard Holland and Co.. 318
- Compressor, Three-cylindor, Water-cooled, methyl-chloride, .1. and E. Hall, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xii
- Compressor. Steam-driven CO2. Liverpool Refrigeration Company, Ltd.. 377, 380
- Compressor. Two-stage itotary, Bernard Holland and Co., 318
- Compressors, Air, Hand and Motor-operated, Reavell and Co., Ltd., 313
- Compressor Set, Electrically Driven Portable, Lacy-Hulbert and Co. Ltd.. 371, 380
- COTTON Mill Geared Turbine Plant, Model of, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 262
- Cutting, Machine, Straight-line, Hancock and Co., Ltd., 312
- DEPTH-SOUNDING Apparatus, Submarine Signal Company, 261
- Desiccator, Portable Petrol Engine Driven, Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 372
- Drawing-office Equipment, Drawing-office Material Manufacturers' and Dealers' Association, 376
- Drill, " Elmo " Portable Electric, Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., 290
- Drilling Machin.), Radial, United Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, iv
- Drilling Machine with Hydraulic Feed Column. United Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, iv
- Drills, Twist, 342
Electrical Matters :
- See also Instruments
- Accumulators, Nickel-cadiniurn, Batteries, Ltd., 285
- Batteries, " Kathanode " Marino Storage, D.P. Battery Company, Ltd., 264
- Batteries, Marine Exide Ironclad Storage, Chloride Electrical Storage Company, Ltd., 286
- Cables for Ship's Wiring, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, ii
- Circuit Breaker. 600-Ampere Triple-pole, Record Electrical Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31. xvi
- Control Device, Phentrol," Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Control Gear, Electric Motor, Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Control Panel, Thermostat, Thermotank, Ltd., 285
- Control Panel, Automatic, Brookhirst Switch-gear, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Controller, Reversing Contactor, for Windlasses, Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., 284
- Earth Tester for Earth Plates and Overhead Line Towers, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xvi
- Eli:J.:Aro-magnetic Crack Detector, Equipment and Engineering Company, Ltd., Supply, 11.9.31, iv
- Generator, Tachometer, Record Electrical Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xv
- Generating Set, Marine Electric, Crossley
- Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiii
- Generator Sot. 276 B.H.P., 165-kW, Five-cylinder Marino Auxiliary, Ruston-Hornsby, Ltd., 375
- Marine Propulsion Contactor, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 287
- Motor, Mill, Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., 284
- Motor, 6 H.P. Silent. British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 288
- Motor, 12 H.P. Vertical-spindle, Variable-speed D.C., British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 287, 288
- Regulator, Combined Starter and Speed, Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Starter. Cam-operated, 250 H.P., Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., 284
- Starter Apparatus, " Unistart," Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Startor with Phase Failure Protector, Igraniv Electric Company, Ltd., Suppl., 11.9.31, iv
- Tachometer, Electric, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 288
- Testing Sot, Bridge-Meg, Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xvi
- Transformer, Split-core Current, Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Suppt., 11.9. 31, ix
- Transformer, 800-kVA, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 262
- Turbo-alternator, 250-kW Geared, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 262
- ELECTRO-CHEMICAL Deposition of Metals.
- Foscol, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
- Enamel, " Bituros," Solution and, Wailes Dove
- Bitumastic, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
Engines :
- Oil Engine. Two-cylinder, W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31. iii
- Oil Engine. Crossley High-speed, Sapp'... 11.9.31, xiv
- Oil Engine, Crossley-Premier Four-cylinder, Two-crank, Horizontal, Vis-11-Vis. Suppe., 11.9.31, xiv
- Oil Engine. Single-cylinder, High-speed, Tangves, Ltd., 377
- Oil Engine, Three-cylinder, Vertical, Tangyes, Ltd., 376, 380
- Oil Engine, Two-cylinder Type. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 260
- Oil Engine, 20-30 B.H.P. Heavy, Ailma Craig Motor Company, Ltd., 263, 264
- Oil Engine, 38 B.H.P. High speed Heavy Ruston Lister Marine Company, Ltd., 375. 380
- Oil Engine. Four cylinder, Airless injection, Heavy, Aster, Ltd., 345, 352
- Oil Engine. Four cylinder, High speed Heavy, Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 345
- Oil Engine. Four cylinder, Vertical, "Aveling Invicta." 341
- Oil Engine. Four-cylinder, 160 B.H.P. "Atomic," Heavy, Petters, Ltd., 342
- Oil Engine, Six-cylinder, Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., 342, 352
- Oil Engine, 90 B.H.P. Compression-ignition, Heavy, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 374
- Oil Engine. 120 B.H.P. Mirrlees-Ricardo High-speed, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31,
- Oil Engine, 150 B.H.P., National Gus Engine Company. Ltd.. 290, 296
- Oil Engine, 250 B.H.P. Standard Locomotive Type, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 289, 296
- Oil Engine. 300 B.H.P. Heavy-duty, Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 288, 296
- Oil Engine, 360 B.H.P. High-speed, W. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiv
- Oil Engine, 130-kW Generating Set, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiv
- Oil Engines, " Climax " High-speed Lightweight, Heavy, J. W. Shillan, 378
- Oil Engines, McLaren-Benz Typo, J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiv
- Oil Engines, 18 B.H.P. and 7. B.H.P. Marine Type, Perman and Co., Ltd., 290
- Marine Oil Engine, Four-cylinder, Heavy, Ailsa Craig Motor Company, Ltd., 263
- Motors, Marine Typo, Sunderland Forge and Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, viii
- Oil Engine, S.L.M. Totally Enclosed, High-speed, Airless-injection Marine. Bernard Holland and Co., 318
- Oil Engine. Twin-cylinder, 24 B.H.P., "Atomic," Marino, Potters, Ltd., 342
- Oil Engine, 150 B.H.P.. Three-cylinder, Cold-starting, Marine, Kromhout, Perman and Co., Ltd., 289, 296. 346
- Oil Engine, 370 B.H.P. Vertical Marine Heavy, Norris, Honty and Gardners, Ltd., 345
- Paraffin Engine, Four-cylinder, Marine Type, V. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, iii
- Petrol Engine, 20-35 B.H.P. Four-cylinder, Ailsa Craig Motor Company, Ltd., 264
- Petrol Engine. 40-60 B.H.P. Four-cylinder. Ailsa Craig Motor Company, Ltd., 264
- Petrol and Parathn Engines, Astor, Ltd., 346
- Petrol-paraffin Engine tor 12-kW Generating Set, Lileniffer Engines, Ltd., 342
- Engine, Rotary Piston Steam, A. G. Mumlord, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiii
- EVAPORATING and Distilling Apparatus, Electric, John Kirkaldy, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiii
- FEED Heater, Straight Tube Typo Exhaust, John Kirkaldy, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiii
- Files, Loranco, Ltd., 342
- Filing and Sawing Machine, E. H. Jones (Machine Tools), Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
- Filter Plant for Transformer Oil, Portable, Stream Lino Filter Company, Ltd.. 373
- Furnaces, Automatic Hardening, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 286
- Furnace, Carburising and Heat Treatment, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 286
- Furnace, Pusher Type, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 286
- Furnace Wall, Bailey Water-cooled, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 315
- GEAR, Automatic Float-control, Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x ( (
- Gear-cutting Machine, " Man," Sulzer Brothers, 263
- Gear-grinding Machine, " Maag," Sulzer Brothers, 263
- Gear-testing Machine, Sulzer Brothers, 263
- Glass Silk for Heat Insulating Material, Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd.. 344
- Grinder, Automatic Cutter Head (Collet and Engelhard), Selson Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppt. 11.9.31, viii
- Grinder for Helical Gear Wheels, Sulzer Brothers, 371
- Grinding Machine, Duplex Automatic Spline Shaft, E. H. Jones (Machine Tools). Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
- Grinding Machine, Precision (Naxos Union), Selson Engineering Company. Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, viu
- Gyroscopes, Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd.. 371
- HAMMERS, Pneumatic Riveting and Scaling, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company. Ltd., 373
- Instruments :
- Air Meter, Simplified. Rotary Air Compressor Company, Ltd., 377
- Artificial Horizon Instrument for Aeroplanes, 371
- Boiler and Turbine Instruments, G. Kent, Ltd., 372
- Coal Meter, Loa Recorder Company, Ltd.. Suppt., 11.9.31, xvi
- Compass Equipment, Holmes Master, H. Hughes and Son, Ltd., 374
- Controller, Temperature, G. Kent, Ltd., 372
- Cube Meter, Lea Recorder Company, Ltd.. Suppt., 11.9.31, xvi
- Gauge, Lurnsdaine Liquid Level, Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., 377
- Gauge, Pneumercator, Hotwell, Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., 377
- Gyroscopic Instrument Direction Indicator, 372
- Indicator, Helm, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 285
- Indicator, Holmes Path, H. Hughes and Son. Ltd., 374
- Indicator, Navigation Lights, Alfred Graham and Co., Ltd., 261
- Rangefinders, Binoculars, &c., Barr and Stroud, Ltd., 318
- Recorder, Balanced Pitot Tube. G. Kent, Ltd., 372
- Regulator, Feed-water, Hopkinsons, Ltd.. 345
- Regulator, Mumford Patented Feed, Suppt., 11.9.31, xiii
- Regulators, Roavell-Askania, 314
- Tachometer, Aircraft, Record Electrical Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xv
- Tachometer Depth Sounding Apparatus, Submarine Signal Company, 261
- Temperature Recorder, Photographic, for Cold Chambers, Negretti and Zambra, Suppe., 11.9.31, ii
- Tester, Dionic Water, Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xvi
- Thermometer, " All Mains " Wheatstone Bridge Electric Distance, Negretti and Zambra Suppl 11.9.31,ii * * Thermometers, Mercury-in-Stool, Negretti and Zambra, Suppt., 11.9.31,11
- JOINT, Flexible Ball and Socket, W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31,111
- LATHE, Pittler Turret, United Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, iv
- Lathe, Universal Production (Collett and Engelhard), Selson Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, viii
- Logs, Chernikeeff, Electric Submerged Log Company, 378
- Lubricators, Automatic Conveyor, Tecalemit Ltd., 314
- Lubricators, Pressure Feed, Hopkinsons Ltd., 345
- METALS, Electrochemical Deposition of, Fescol Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
- "Multiphones," Loud-speaking, A. Graham and Co., Ltd., 262
- NIBBLING Machine, J. B. Stone and Co., Ltd., 288 Nickel Company, Ltd.,
- Nickel, Alloys of, Mond Suppt., 11.9.31, xv
- OIL-PUMPING Unit, Self-contained, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 375, 380
- Oil Purifier, Horizontal Non-aerating, Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd., 376, 380
- Oil Purifiers, Centrifugal and Tank Types, Hopkinson Ltd.,345
- Oil Separator, Encosed Marine Pattern, Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd.,376
- Oil Separators, ComynSeparators Ltd., 346
- Oven, Pit Type Forced Draught, Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 286
- Oxygen-cutting Machine, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 287
- Oxygen-cutting Machine, Multiple Head, Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 312
- Oxygen " Reflex " Profiling Machine, Hancock and Co., Ltd., 312
- PROFILING Machine, Automatic Electric, Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., 317
- Profiling Machine for Cutting Parts, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 287
- Press, High-speed Hydraulic, for Moulding Bakelite, Leo. C. Steinle, Ltd., 378
- Press, 150-ton, Henry Pets and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Propellor Blades, Instrument for Adjusting the Rake of, Electric Submerged Log Company, Ltd., 378
Pumps :
- Pump, " Elmo " Centrifugal. Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., 290
- Pump. " Elmo " Water Seal Air, Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., 290
- Pump, 8in. Single-stage Split-casing Centrifugal, Mirrlees Watson Company, Ltd., Suppe., 11.9.31, v
- Pump, 4in. Mirrlees Patented Chokeless Centrifugal, Suppt., 11.9.31, v
- Pump, 4in. Multi-stage Turbine, for Boiler Feed, Mirrlees Watson Company, Ltd., Suppe., 11.9.31, v
- Pump, Sin. Marine, Pulsometer Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppe., 11.9.31, vii
- Pump, Fuel, Benes Ltd., 316
- Pump, Gardner Double-acting Water, 345
- Pump, Mirrloes " Clearway " Centrifugal, for Hot Water Heating Systems, Mirrlees Watson Company, Ltd., Suppe., 11.9.31, v
- Pump, Motor-driven Gear, Salaman Handoll, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xi
- Pump, Motor-driven Gear, for use with Petrol, Salaman Handoll, Ltd., Suppe., 11.9.31, xi, xii
- Pumps, Oil and Water, Ailsa Craig Motor Company, Ltd., 263
- Pump, Rotary, British Quadruplex, Ltd., 286
- Pump, Rotary Displacement, Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., 317
- Pump, Vertical Spindle Rotary, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 375
- Pumps, Steam and Stereophagus Sewage,
- Pulsometer Engineering Company, Ltd., Suppe., 11.9.31, vii
- Pumps, " Vertex," A. G. liumford, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, xiii
- REAMER, Motor-driven Hand, Black and Decker. Ltd., 288
- SANDING Machine, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., 312 1
- Saw, ' Heller " Hydraulically Operated Cold Circular, Leo. C. Steinle. Ltd., 378
- Sawing Machine, " Heller." Leo. C. Steinle, 378
- Scaling Tool. H.P. Flexible Drive Bench Machine, F. Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31. i
- Searchlight. Reflectors and Silvered Glass Mirrors, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 262
- Separator, High-capacity. Totally Enclosed Fume-proof, Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., 373
- Separator for Oily Bilge Water. Stream Line Filter Company, Ltd., 373
- Separator Plant, Self-contained. British
- Separators, Ltd., 374
- Shearing Machine, Rotary, F. J. Edwards, Ltd., 314
- Shears, Heavily Built, Henry Pels and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Shears, Portable Splitting, Punching, Cropper and Notching. Henry Pels and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31. ix
- Sounding Device, " Echomoter " Type. Marconi International Marine Company, Ltd.. 264
- Spraying Plant, Petrol-engine-driven Portable, Aerostylo Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, vii
- Stokers, Travelling Grate, Edward Bennis and Co.. Ltd., 262
- Strainer for Fuel and Lubricating Oils, Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd.,.Suppt., 11.9.31, ii
- Submarine Signal Receiving Apparatus, Submarine Signal Company, 261
- TRUCK, Electric Elevating, Gillespie Partners, Ltd., 316
- Telegraphs, Engine-room, Evorshed and Vignoles, Ltd.. Suppt., 11.9.31. xvi
- Telegraphs, Ships', Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 285
- Telephones, Graham Navy, Alfred Graham and Co., Ltd., 262
- Testing Machine, Tensometer, 377, 380
- Tubes, Metal, for Land and Marine Engineering, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, ix
- UNDERCUTTER, " Imperial," Martindale Electric Company, LW., Suppt., 11.9.31, vi
- VALVES, Hopkinsons Ltd., 345
- Ventilators, Punkah Louvre, Thermotank,Ltd., 285
- WATER Level Indicator, Maurice Warlow and Co., 343
Welding :
- Eluctrode Feed Gear, Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., 317
- Welding Generator, Portable Waterproof Arc, Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., 290
- Welding Machine, Automatic, Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain). Ltd., 290
- Welding Sot, Bolt-driven, Murex Welding Processes, Ltd.. 317
- Welding Set, Petrol-driven, Murex Welding Processes. Ltd., 317
- Welders, Butt and Spot, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, i
- WINCH, 3-ton Electric Cargo, Sunderland Forgo and Engineering Company, Ltd.. Suppt., 11.9.31, viii
- Wireless Equipment, Radio Communications Company, Ltd., Suppt., 11.9.31, x
- Wireless Equipment, " Auto-Alarm." Radio Communications Company, Ltd.. Suppt.. 11.9.31. x
- Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Apparatus, Marconi International Marine Company, Ltd., 264
- Wood Moulding Machine, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., 312
- Woodworker, Super Elliot, Improvements to, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., 312
- Wrench, Pneumatically Operated Nut. Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd., 373, 380
Miscellaneous Articles
- ACOUSTICAL Problem of Broadcasting Studios, 355
- Aerial Survey of Nib Waters, 109
- Aerodromes, 259
- Aero•engine Testing Plant, Heenan and Froude, Ltd., 177
- African Air Service, 157
- Air Liner " Hannibal," 159
- Air Mail to Cape, 533
- Air Port at Vancouver Opened, 500
- Air Race, The King's Cup, 109
AERONAUTICS (continued) :
- Air Speed Record, Flight-Lieutenant Stain- Iforth's, 339
- Air Survey in Africa, 641
- Airway Terminus at Victoria, 133
- Aviation, Accidents in Civil, 479
- Aviation, Progress in Canada, 205
- Compressed Air Wind Tunnel at National Physical Laboratory, 384
- Flight Across the Pacific, 367
- Gliding, Motorless Flight, 355
- "Graf Zeppelin's " Flight, 185
- "R 100," End of, 533
- Royal Air Force Display at Hendon, 7
- Schneider Trophy Competition, 83, 159, 185, 211, 235, 259, 297
AERONAUTICS (continued) :
- Technique and Use of Aircraft : The Relation with Naval Technique, Monsieur Louis Kahn, 31
- United States Naval Airship " Akron," 150
- Wind Tunnels of Royal Aircraft Establishments, 384
- AIR-DRIVEN Tools, Broom and Wade, Ltd., 566
- Air Flow Measurements, Report of Committee on, 650
- Air Pollution, Power Stations and, 621
- Alloy, Heat-resisting Ferrous, " Hercia," G.K.S. Combustion, Ltd., 64
- Alloys of Silver and Mercury, Constitution of, 368
- Aluminium, Some Practical Notes on .Jointing. A. J. T. Eylos, 618
- Aluminium Sand Castings, Unsoundness in, 33 I
- Aluminium-Silicon Alloys, Macro-etching oi, 331
- American Permanent Way Developments, 202
- Dock Railways and Cranes, 89
- Industrial Research in America, 89
- Iron and Steel Alloy Developments, 202
- Locomotives of 280 Tons Weight, 89
- Nickel-clad Steel Plato, 89
- AN Ingenious Tool, 637
- Arc-welded Factory Building at Peterborough, Ontario. 617
- Arsenical Ore Mining in sv..,,trit, 41,
- Asbestos Research in I ',1 I I.( , I
Association, British, hr Advancement of Science :
- Centenary Meeting in London, 319, 354
- Presidential Address, The Scientific World Picture of To-day, General the Right Hon. J. C. Smuts, F.R.S., 319
- SecTiox A :
- Geophysical Methods of Prospecting, Discussion, 384
- Gradiometer, Magnetic, Professor A. 0. Rankine, 385
- Variorneter. British Magnetic. Captain H. Shaw. 385
- Aims, Methods and Progress of Research into Management Problems, Discussion, 354
- Bridging the Gap Between the Birth of an Idea and its Industrial Application, A. P. M. Fleming. 354
- Presidential Address, Power, Sir Alfred Ewing, F.R.S., 356
- Broadcasting, Acoustical Problem of Broadcasting Studios, Noel Ashbridge, 355
- Compressed Air Wind Tunnel at National Physical Laboratory. Ernest Reif, 384
- Earth Pressure Investigations, Professor C. F. Jenkins, 400
- Effect of Temperature on Some of the Physical Properties of Metals, Professor F. C. Lea and C. F. Parker, 355
- Engineers' Contributions to Canada's Development, Brigadier-General C. It. Mitchell, 385
- Force Fits and Shrinkage Fits, Professor E. G. Coker. 399
- Gas Industry, Sir David Milne-Watson, 399
- Gliding, Motorless Flight, Colonel The Muster of Sempill, 355
- Metals and Alloys in relation to Engineering Progress. by Dr. W. Rosonhain, 354
- Notes on a Research on Faraday's Steels and Alloys, Sir Robert Hadfield, Bt., F.R.S.. 319
- Origin of Iron in Corrosion Products Duo to London's Atmosphere, Professor Ernest Wilson. 355
- Pioneering in Electrical Engineering Half-a-century Ago. Professor Elihu Thomson, 385
- Spark Neglecting Commutation, Professor Julius Hartmann, 400
- Study of Flames, Professor W. A. Bone, F.R.S., 319
- Tunnelling Problems in London, Harley II. Dalrymple-Hay, 385
- Wind Tunnels of Royal Aircraft Establi.:11ment, R. McKinnon Wood, 384
- Electrical Terms and Definitions, interim Report on. Professor G. W. Osborne Howe, 400
- Hardness of Steel Tubo Along Certain " Luders " or " Piobert " Lines, Sir Henry Fowler, 400
- Indentation Hardness of Test Pieces Resulting from Plastic Flow, Sir Henry Fowler, 400
- Upper and Lower Yield Points in Steel Exposed to Non-uniform Distributions of Stress. Professor G. Cook, 400
- Plastic Strain in Relation to Fatigue in Mild Steel, Professor 13. P. Haigh, 400
- Phenomenon of Tensile Yield in Mild Steel and Iron, J. G. Doherty and F. W. Thorne, 400
Association, British Waterworks :
- Annual General Meeting and Conference,
- Provisional Programme, 75
- Silent Valley Reservoir, 118
Association, Canadian Good Roads :
- Annual Convention, Canadian Roads ant
- Highway Traffic, 404
Association, International, for Bridge and
- Structural Engineering :
- Formation of New Association, 446
Association, Manchester Steam Users':
- Behavior of Steel at High Temperature,
- V. 13. Harley Mason, 115
Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux :
- Eighth Annual Conference Programme, 205
Institute of British Foundrymen :
- Metallurgical Furnace Application of Pulverised Fuel, W. Boon, 444
Institute, Iron and Steel :
- Autumn Meeting at Swansea, 340, 369;
- Programme. 105, 255 (*valorising of Steel, 139
- Chromium-Iron Constitutional Diagram, F. Adcock. 370
- Critical Study of Origin of Banded Structure of Hot-worked Hypo-eutectoid Steel, Professor Thompson and R. Willows, 370
- Diffusion of Tin into Iron, with Special Reference to Formation of Columnar Crystals, Professor C. 0. Bannister and Dr. W. D. Jones. 347
- Effect of Molybdenum on Medium-carbon Steels Containing 1 to 2.5 per cent. Manganese, G. Burns. 347
- Effect of Surface Conditions Produced by Heat Treatment on the Fatigue Resistance of Spring Steels, Dr. Hankins and Dr. Becker, 370
- Equilibrium of Certain Non-metallic Systems, Professor Andrew, Messrs. Maddocks, Fowler and Howat, 370
- Influence of Silicon on Nickel Steel, R. Harrison, 347
- Iron-Tin Alloys, Study of Constitution of, Professor C. A. Edwards and A. Preece, 347
- Mottled Tin-plates, J. C. Jones, 369
- Roll Heating in South Wales, 468
- Solidification and Crystallisation ut Steel Ingots, Dr. Matusohka, 370
Institute, Iron and Steel (continued):
- Structure of Nodular Troostite, N. T. 1 Belaiew, 370 1
- Surface Hardening by Nitrogen of Special 1
- Aluminium-chromium-molyhtlenum Steels on Production Basis, Messrs. Cunningham and Ashbury, 370
Institute of Marine Engineers :
- Akroyd Stuart Award Paper, 1930-31,
- Akroyd Stuart and the Oil Engine. Man
- E. L. Chorlton, 579, 589
- Present-day Ship Propulsion, F. E. Rebbeck, 4
- `arty Valves. I). MacNicoll, 445
Institute of Metals :
- Autumn Meeting in Switzerland, Provisional Programme, 21
- Annual Autumn Meeting at Zurich, 290, 330, 358
- Applications of Spectrograph to Analysis of Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys, H. W. Brownsdon and E. H. S. van Someron, 359
- Autumn Lecture, Thin Films and Corrosion, Ulrick R. Evans, 291 •
- Brass, Note on Failure of High-strength, Messrs. Ncwson and Wragg, 331
- Constitution of Alloys of Silver and Mercury, A. J. Murphy, 358
- Effects of Cold Rolling and of Heat Treatment on Some Lead Alloys, 11. Waterhouse and R. Willows, 330
- Heat Treatment and the Ageing on Duralumin, Professor Zeerleder, 358
- Macro-etching of Aluminium-Silicon Alloys, W. Hume-Rothery, 331
- Nickel-copper Alloys of High Elastic Limit, Messrs. Jones, Pfeil and Griffiths, 331
- Protection of Magnesium Alloys Against Corrosion, Messrs. Sutton and Lo Brocq, 330
- Spectrographic Assay of Some Alloys of Lead. 1). M. Smith, 359
- Unsoundness in Aluminium Sand Castings. Professor Hanson, 331
- Wire Drawing : Behaviour of a Composite Rod, Messrs. Atkins and Cartwright, 358
- Wires, The Drawing of Non-ferrous, Messrs. Francis and Thompson, 358
Institute of Transport :
- Presidential Address, Growth of Cities, Frank Pick, 402
Institution of Electrical Engineers, American :
- Straightening a Large 30in. by 36in. Shaft of Generator, A. S. Robertson, 583
Institution, North-East Coast, of Engineers and Shipbuilders :
- Crank Shafts for Double-acting Diesel Engines, S. F. Dorey, 274, 300
- Presidential Address, The Outlook in Shipbuilding Industry, J. McGovern, 444
Institution of Automobile Engineers :
- Progress of Internal Combustion Engine, W. A. Tookey, 389
Institution of Civil Engineers :
- April Examination, 1931, Pass List, 103
- October Examination, 1931, Pass List (Interim), 570
- Presidential Address, The Tidal Thames, Sir Cyril It. S. Kirkpatrick. 520
Institution of Electrical Engineers :
- Design of Distribution System in a Rural Area, E. W. Dickinson and H. W. Grimmitt, 573
- Presidential Address. Captain J. M. Donaldson, 466
Institution of Engineers, Junior :
- Annual General Meeting, Election of Chairman and Council and Awards, 541
- Power Stations and Air Pollution, Dr. S. L. Pearce, 621
Institution of Gas Engineers :
- Third Autumn Research Meeting, Programme, 447
Institution of Mechanical Engineers :
- Cambridge as a Place of Education, Professor C. E. Inglis. 02
- Humanity Under the Hammer. Presidential Address, Lieut.-Colonel E. Kitson Clark. 455
- Locomotive Experimental Stations, H. N. Creaky, 62; (Leader), 69
- Manufacture and Use of Steel Railway Sleepers, R. Carpmael, 645, 671; (Leader), 653
- Sixth Report of Marine Oil Engine Trials Committee, 506; (Leader), 574
- Programme, 10
- Visits, 86
- Thomas Hawksley Lecture, Mechanical
- Aspects of Electricity, L. B. Atkinson, 509
- Oil Engines, Some Characteristics of High-speed, Heavy, Dr. S. J. Davies, 656, 681
- Annual Dinner Report, 633
Institution of Naval Architects :
- Institution of Naval Architects, Summer Meeting in France, 5
- Draught and Dimensions of the Most Economical Ship, Sir John Biles, 5
- Effect of Modern Machinery on the Design of Large Ships, A. T. Wall and H. C. Cary, 46, 57
- Effect of Rough Water on the Propulsion of Single-screw Ships, J. L. Kent, 30
- Institution Banquet in Paris, 59
- Modern Machinery and Design of Large Ships, A. T. Wall and H. C. Cary, 46
Institution of Naval Architects (continued) :
- Notes on Some Researches and Tendencies of Contemporary Naval Construction, M. Charles Francois, 29
- On the Development of Marine Internal Combustion Engines, M. Paul Durnanois, 58
- Visits in France at Annual Meeting, 59
Institution of Structural Engineers :
- Submersible Bridges, R. P. Mears, 602
Society of Arts, Royal :
- A New Prime Mover, J. F. J. Malone, 97
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders :
- Animal Report, Motor Car Industry, 47
Society, National Smoke Abatement :
- Third Annual Conference, Programme, 220
Society, Newcomen :
- Annual Report Reviewed, 632
- Society, Newcomen, The " Oliver," Rive; Jenkins, 434
- AUTOMATIC Lighting Plant, It. A. Lister and Co.. Ltd., 31
- BAKER, G. S., Laws of Ship Resistance, 534, 562, 588, 614. 642, 668
- Bankside Power Station, Bennis Chain Grate Stoker at, 44
- Barometer, Improved Fortin, C. F. Casella and Co., Ltd., 252
- Bell. R. A.. Technical ' Psychology, 187; (Leader), 197
- Benzine Extraction Plant at Calgary, 102
- Board of Trade Examination, 63
- Boiler Washing Plant for Locomotives at Stratford, 553
- Boiler, 300-gallon Capacity Weir, Tar, Johnston Brothers, 564
- Boilers at Clyde's Mill Power Station, Report of Tests on, 551
- Boilers at Gennevilliers Power Station, 429
- Boilers, Perkins' Hermetic Tube, C. R. King. 405
- BRASS, Note on Failure of High Strength, 331
- Breaker, Blake Type High-speed, Pegson, Ltd., 565
- Bascule Bridge, Carrying Water Mains Across, 244
- Bridge at Cavaillon, Suspension, 131
- Bridge Over Fraser River, Proposed, 500
- Bridges, Submersible, 602
- Submersible Bridges, 002
- BRITISH Association's Centenary, 353
- British Chemical Standard High-duty line " G," 66
BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION (late British Engineering Standards Association), 561
- Specifications :
- Air Receivers, 659
- Boiler Codes and Pump Tests, 102
- Boiler Rivets. 633
- Cast Iron Spigot and Socket Pipes, 75
- Conveyor Troughing for Mines, 150
- Diamond Pyramid Hardness Numbers, 633
- Electric Cut-outs, 389
- Electrical Performance of High-voltage Bushing Insulators, 231
- Electrotechnics, Letter Symbols for Use in. 580
- Gear Blanks. Phosphor Bronze, 469
- Lathe Centres. 633
- Mains Supply Apparatus for Radio and Acoustic Reproduction, 102
- Manila Ropes, 659
- Paints, Standard Colours for, 511
- Portland Cement, 580
- Sampling and Analysis of Coal, 149
- Street Lighting, 390
- Transformer Inter-turn Insulation, 535
- Tubular Traction Poles. 10
- Varnished Cloth for Electrical Purposes, II
- Vegetable Tanned Leather Belting, 633
- Water Containers. Galvanised Steel, 469
- BRITISH Turbines on the Continent, 679
- Building. The Metropolitan, at the Paris Exhibition, 120. 127
- Business Conditions in Dominion of Canada, 20
- CABLE-MAKING Film, British Insulated Cables, Ltd.. 18
- Calenders. Diaries. &c., 663, 684
- Calorising, 139
- Cambridge as Place of Education, 62, 70
- Air Port at. Vancouver Opened, 500
- Alberta Oil for Railway Fuel, 673
- Asbestos Research in Canada, 21
- Aviation Progress, 205
- Beauharnois Gets Additional Rights, 102
- Benzine Extraction Plant at Calgary, 102
- Benzine from Turner Valley Gas, 500
- Bridge Over Fraser River Proposed, 500
- British Coal Imports, 500
- Business Conditions in tho Dominion, 20
- Canadian Platinum Metals, 253
- Cement Industry, 544
- Chemical Plant for Toronto, 102
- Compensation Legislation in Quebec, 544
- Concentrator for Quebec Mine, 102
- Copper Refinery Starts Operations, 500
- English Syndicate to Work Gold Claims, 500
- Fertiliser Plant at Hamilton, 500
- Gas Distribution. 253
- Gas Plant for Vancouver, 544
- Gold Recovery Experiment, 205
- HiLimon Bay Terminus. Progress on. 253
- Insulation Material, " Mos.stex," 500
- Machinery Requirements, 20
- Manitoba as Gold Producer, 253
- Market for British Steel. 205
- McGill Engineering Faculty, 544
- Montreal Termini, Progress at, 500
- National Research, 205
- Natural Gas Offer to Regina. 544
- Natural Gas, Storage of, 205
- Oil Refinery at Coitus. 102
- Oil Refinery Unit at Sarnia, 544
- Ontario's Northern Railway, 673
- Ore Treatment Project, 102
- Power Project by Calgary Power Company on Athabaska River, 20
- Process for Rail Production, 673
- Radio Broadcasting. Control of, 500
- Rebuilding St. John Harbour, 673
- Royal Society. Annual Meeting, 205
- Rural Electrification, 20
- St. John Harbour Improvements, 253, 673
- St. Lawrence River Scheme. Now, 20
- St. Lawrence Waterway, 102
- Sewage Project for Toronto, 205
- Sulphur Producing Plant, 205
- Telephone, Now Link in Trans-Canada, 500
- Transmission Line Between Hunta and Copper Cliff, Long, 544
- Transportation Problems, 673
- Water Power Undertaking at Chats Falls, 253
- Welland Ship Canal. 253
- Wire Plant at Montreal East, 102
- CANADIAN Roads and Highway Traffic, 404
- Canal Developments at Panama, 202
- Carbonisation, Low-temperature, Colonel W. A. Bristow, 595
- Catalogues. 23, 51, 155, 181, 207, 255, 363, 449, 557, 583, 596, 663, 687
- Caterpillar Mounting for Excavators, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd-. 175
- Cement Industry Conditions in Canada. 544
- Central Heating Plant, Hope's Heating and Lighting Company, 84
- Centrifuge, Steam Turbine Driven. Industrial Waste Eliminators, Ltd., 63
- Chassis, " Cub." Goods Wagon, Leyland Motors. Ltd., 488, 492
- Chassis, Six-wheel Omnibus. Associated Equipment Company. Ltd., 488. 492
- Chassis, Six-wheel Drive, Hardy Motors. Ltd.. 489, 492
- Chassis. Six-wheel Trolley Omnibus, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies. Ltd., 539
- Chassis, 3-Ton Rigid Six-wheel, Garner Motors, Ltd., 524
- Chassis. 250 B.H.P. Six-wheel Omnibus, Henschel and Sohn A.G., 536, 537
- Chassis, with Auxiliary Front Wheel Drive, Hardy Motors, Ltd., 489
- Chemical Plant for Toronto. 102
- Classics and the Engineer, 95
- Classifier. Portable Hydraulic, 469
- Belgian Coal Licences, 257
- British Coal Imports into Canada, 500
- Coal Cutter, Electric Longhall. " Sullivan " Type, 387
- Coal Cutter, " Hurd " Chain Longwell, 386
- Coal Cutter. Longwell Chain, British Jeffrey-Diamond Type, 387
- Coal Cutters. 'Electric Longwell. 387
- Coal Face Machinery Exhibition at. Sheffield, 386
- Coal-handling Plant near Shanghai. Mitchell Conveyor and Transporter Company, Ltd., 90, 94 (Two-page Supplement, July 24th, 1931)
- Coal Transport Conditions, E. T. Good, 238
- Washed Coal in United States. Use of, 177
- COLUMNAR Crystals, Diffusion of Tin into Iron with Special Reference to Formation of, 347
- Combustion, Nature of, 223
- Compressor, Portable, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., 549
- Compressor, Portable Oil Engine Driven, Lead Wool Company, Ltd., 512
- Compressor, Two-stage Air-cooled, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd., 513
- Compressors, Portable. Broom and Wade, Ltd., 566
- Concrete Core Drilling Machine, Holman Brothers. Ltd., 178
- Concrete Crib Work, Retaining Walls of, 482
- Concrete Mixer, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.. 550
- Concrete Mixer, Stothert and Pitt. Ltd., 566
- Concrete Mixer, 'Winget, Ltd., 564
- Concrete Mixing and Distributing Plant.
- Stothert and Pitt. Ltd. 566
- Condenser, The Inverted, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd.. 117
- Contracts, 26. 54. 82, 108, 158, 181, 207. 234, 255, 279, 335, 393. 421, 449, 475, 503, 529, 557, 583, 009, 037, 660, 087
- Conveyor, Blackott Scraper Chain, 388
- Conveyors, Electric Shaker, " Meco " Type, 387
- Cores from Concrete Roads, Machine for Drilling. Holman Brothers. Ltd.. 178
- Corrosion and Life of Structures, 599
- Corrosion, Protection of Magnesium Alloys Against, 330
- Corrosion, Thin Films and, Ulrick R. Evans, 291
- Crane for Cape Town, 00-Ton Floating, 684
- Crane, " Rapid." R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., 566
- Crane. Rubber-tired Mobile, R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., 565
- Coupling, Flexible, 378
- Current Prices for Metals and Fuels, Weekly
- Customs Union. European. 574
- Cutting Machine, Portable Straight Line and Circle, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 56
- DAM. Large Arch, Tujunga, 462
- Defence of the Engineer. A, Profemor C. A. Middleton-Smith, 654
- Diamond Jubilee of Electrilal Engineering Firm, William Geipel, Ltd. 419
- Doom, C. J. van, Dutch Engineer Honoured by Japan, 570
- Dryer, Super-Mobile, Johnston Brothers, 564
- Duralumin, Heat Treatment and Ageing of, 358
- Dust Arrester, Tests on, A. Herbert, Ltd., 18
- Dutch Engineer. C. J. van Doom, Honoured by Japan. 570
- EARTH Pressure Investigations, 400
- Education for Salesmanship. 137; (Leader). 146
- Alternator for Brimsdown, Second Extra-high Tension, 350
- Alternator Stator under Construction at Heaton Works, 542
- Automatic Sub-stations, 224
- Automatically Controlled Rectifier on London Underground Railway at Hendon, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd.,19
- Cable-making Film, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 18
- Coil Ignition, 520
- Combined Motor Starting and Power Factor Correcting Panel, 276
- Contact Stud and Insulator, 544
- Control Panel, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 544
- Crank Shafts for Double-acting Diesel Engines. 274, 300
- Design of Distribution System in Rural Area. 573
- Early Electricity Supply. 466
- Electric Generators, 439
- Electric Driving Gear for Shaker Conveyor, 386
- Electric Generating Station at Yallourn, Lignite-operated, 28. 40
- Electric Hoist, Double Drum, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd., 613
- Electric Locomotives, Oil-, for Siam, Sulzer Brothers, 151
- Electric Motor, " Law," Portable, J. Harrison and Co. (Liverpool). Ltd., 86
- Electric Motors. Enclosed, Lancashire Dynamo Motor Company, 152
- Electric Power Stations, Gas Washers for, 500
- Electric Tools, Demonstration Workshop for, 89
- Electric Welder, Burke-Scott, 48
- Electrical Accidents, 272
- Electrical Development Association Exhibit at Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Warwick. 56
- Electrical Distribution at. Woodstock, 301
- Electrical Engineering Half a Century Ago, 385
- Electrical Generator for Geophysical Surveying. Haslam and Newton, Ltd., 445
- Electrical Terms and Definitions, Interim Report on. 400
- Electrical Test on Three-phase Turbo - Alternator. 142
- Electrical Theory, Relation Between Pure and Applied, G. Windred, 220
- Electrically Operated Farm Pump, " Law," 179
- Electricity Commissioners' Annual Report, 574
- Electricity Developments at Tunbridge Wells, 660
- Electricity in the Household, 327
- Electricity in Transport, Place of, 326
- Electrification of the Stockholm 3falmii Railway and Branch Lines, 417
- Faraday and Modern Electrical Developments, Col. T. H. Minshall, 237
- Frequency Standardisation, 96
- Generation and Transmission of Electricity, 627
- Generation of Electricity in Great Britain During Year 1930. 66
- Generator Shaft. Straightening a Large, A. S. Robertson, 583
- " Grid " Transformer with On-load Tap-changing Gear, 542, 543
- High-tension Testing Equipment. Oerlikon Company, 194
- Kearsley Power Station of Lancashire Power Company, 110. 134, 135; (Leader). 145 (Two-page Supplements, July 31.1, 1931, and August 7th, 1931)
- Mechanical Aspects of Electricity, L. B. Atkinson, 509
- Mercury Arc Rectifiers, Oerlikon, 622
- Metal-clad Switchgear, English Electric Company, Ltd., 226
- Metal Rectifier Applications, 241
- Modern Electrical Developments and Faraday, 327
- Motor, Portable Electric Farm, G.E.C., 84
- Motor-driven Tenoning Machine, 554, 555
- Overhead Line Polo Mounting Switch Fuses, George Ellison, Ltd., 526
- Pioneenng in Electrical Engineering Half-a-century Ago. 385
- Polyphase Motors. 600
- Power Scheme, Progresso of National, 499
- Power Station. Clyde's Mill, Report of Test, on Boilers at, 551
- Power Stations and Air Pollution, 621
- Rectifier Applications. Metal, 241
- Rectifiers, Oorlikon Mercury Arc, 622
- Rural Distribution, 573
- Rural Electrification in Canada. 20
- Rural Electrification in France, 028
- Rural Electrification on North-East Coast, 305
- South African Electricity Extensions, 516
- Spark Neglecting Commutation, 400
- Switch Fuses, Overhead Line Pole Mounting, George Ellison, Ltd. 526
- Switchgear, Metal-cle:d, English Electric Company, Ltd., 226
- Switchgear, Remote Control, at Woolwich,
- General Electric Company, Ltd., 76
- Tap-changing Gear, Transformer On-load, 604
- Testing Equipment, High-tension, Oerlikon Company, 194
- Transformer, Four-winding Three-phase 50-Cycle, Oerlikon Company, 304
- Transformer Tap-changing Equipment, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 543
- Tranisfonner On-load Tap-changing Gear. 604
- Transformer Tapping Switches, 543
- Turbo-generator Set at Brighton, 526
- Visit to Heaton Works of C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 542, 546
- Visit to Rugby Works, B.T.H. Company, Ltd., 36
- Engine, Newcomen, in Dearborn Museum, 303
- Engine, Progress of Internal Combustion, W, A. Tookey, 389
- Engine, 7 H.P. Atomic, Petters Ltd., 34, 35
- Engine and Gear-box for " Lance " Chassis, Dennis Brother& Ltd., 540
- Engines, Diesel, Crank Shafts for Double-acting, 274, 300
- Oil Engine, Airless Injection Crude, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 32, 33
- Oil Engine, Akroyd Stuart and, 579, 589
- Oil Engine, Cold-starting, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 32, 33
- Oil Engine Compressor Set, Roboys, Ltd., 124
- Oil Engine for Transport Work, Heavy Fuel, Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 566
- Oil Engine, High-speed Compression-ignition, Armstrong-Saucer, 538
- Oil4 Engine, Now Typo High-speed Heavy, 4
- Oil Engine, Single-cylinder Airless Injection, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 511, 518
- Oil Engine with A.E.C.-Ricardo Cylinder Head, 488
- Oil Engine, 15 B.H.P., National Gas Engine Company, Ltd., 32, 33
- Oil Engine, 32 B.H.P. Twin-cylindor Crude, Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 32, 33
- Engine, 50 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Four-stroke Pattern, J. and H. McLaren, 57
- Engine, 64 B.H.P. Solid Injection, National Gas Engine Company, Ltd., 33
- Oil Engine, 64 B.H.P. Twin-cylinder Spring Injection Heavy Fuel, Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 85
- Oil Engine, 90 B.R.P. Six-cylinder Heavy. J. Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 84
- Oil Engine, 110 B.H.P. Omo," Tangyes Ltd., 566
- Oil Engine, 10 H.P. Portable Spray-cooled, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 513
- Oil Engine, 18 H.P., It. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 31
- Oil Engines, High-speed, 411
- Oil Engines, Some Characteristics of High-speed Heavy, 656, 681
- Oil Engines, 8-litre and 10-litre, Leyland Motors, Ltd., 488
- Oil Engines, Welded Steel Columns for Submarine. 350
- Marine Oil-Engine. The, 574
- Marino Oil Engine Trials Committee, Sixth Report, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 566; (Leader), 574
- Petrol Engine for Driving Portable Compressor, Atlantic Engine Company, Ltd., 549
- Petrol Engine, " Twin Four," Air-cooled, Petters Ltd., 550
- Petrol Engine, 2 B.H.P., Blackstone and Co.. Ltd., 566
- Petrol Engine, 36-85 H.P. Six-cylinder,
- Albion Motors, Ltd., 522
- Petrol Engine, 85 to 98 Horse-power Six-cylinder, J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 486. 487
- Poppet Valve and Sleeve Valve Engines, Daimler Company, Ltd., 538
- Regenerative Heat Engines, 14
- Steam Engine, Novel Design of High-speed, Drysdale and Co., Ltd., 525 6 B.H.P. to 90 B.H.P. High-speed, Airless-injection Engines, J. and H. McLaren, 57
- ENGINEER, A Defence of the, Professor C. A. Middleton-Smith, 654
- Engineer's Supply Warehouse, Moving an, C. Churchill and Co., Ltd., 268
- Engineers and National Government, 381
- Engineers' Contributions to Canada's Development, 385
- Engineers' German Circle, 596
- Engineering Progress, Metals and Alloys in Relation to, 354
- European Customs Union, 574
- Excavator, Half Cubic Yard, Priestman Brothers, Ltd., 565
- Excavator, Half Cubic Yard, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 550
- Excavator, Half Cubic Yard, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd.. 514
- Excavator, 160 B.H.P. Oil-driven Drag-line, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 525
- Excavators, Caterpillar Mounting for, Ruston Bucyrus, Ltd., 175
- British Chemical Plant Exhibition. 63
- Coal Face Machinery, Exhibition at Sheffield, 386
- Faraday Exhibition at Royal Albert Hall, 300, 328, 339, 348, 383
- International Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition at Olympia, 522
- International Motor Car Show at Olympia, 400, 410, 430
- Model Engineer Exhibition, 249, 276
- Paris Exhibition, The Metropolitan Building, 120, 127
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibi• Lion, 511, 549, 564
- Royal Agricultural Show at Warwick, 8, 31, 56, 84; Awards Society's Silver Medals, 31
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, 260, 284, 312, 341, 371, One 16-page Suppt. and One Pour-page Plate, 11.9.31.
- Smithfield Club Show, 613
- Wireless Exhibition, 327
- EXPERIMENTAL Tank, Friends of the, 465
- FACTORY Building in Canada by Arc Welding, 617
- Faraday, Michael, Centenary of, 353
Faraday Centenary Celebrations: 164, 326, 327
- Conference :
- Place of Electricity in Terms of Utilisation of Power and Transport Communications and in the Household, 326
- "Communications," Sir Oliver Lodge, F.H.B., 327
Faraday Centenary Celebrations (continued)
- CONFERENCE (continued):
- "Domestic Applications of Electricity," L. B. Atkinson, 327
- "Electricity in the Household," Miss C. Hamlett, 327
- 14 Place of Electricity in Transport," Sir Josiah Stamp, 326
- "Power," J. S. Highfield, 326
- FARADAY and Modern Electrical Developments, Colonel T. H. Minshall, 237
- Farm Utility Truck, Ford Motor Company, 34
- Federation of British Industries and the Financial Situation, 299
- Fertiliser Plant and Zinc Recovery Plant in British Columbia, 60, 68
- Filter, Multiple-loaf, Manlove, Alliott and Co. Ltd., 64; (Correction, 184)
- Filter, Rotary, Dorr Co., Ltd., 64
- Filtration Plant for Swimming Bath, 150
- Financial Situation, F.B.I. Issues Statement on, 299
- Fire Pumping Sot, Trailer, Gwynnes-Foster, 31, 32
- Flames, Study of, 319
- Flowing Water, J. M. Lacey, 3, 481, 508
- Flue Gases in Furnaces, 122
- Force Fits and Shrinkage Fits, 399
- Forging Press for Soviet Government, 417
- Forthcoming Engagements, Weekly
- Foundry for Light Iron Cacitings, John Harper and Co., Ltd., 268
- African Air Service, 157
- Agricultural Tractors, 395
- Anthracite, Tonkin, 233
- Belgian Coal Licences, 257
- Bridge, A Big Suspension, at Cavaillon, 131
- British Trade Blocked, 585
- Coal, 365, 451
- Coal Import Licences, 107
- Coal Imports, 531
- Coal Restrictions, 183, 209
- Coal Trade, 81
- Coal Treatment. 257
- Colonial Machinery, 337
- Colonial Railways, 477
- Commercial Vehicles, 639
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantiquo, 183
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique's
- Finance, 25, 53
- Compressed Coal Gas and Suction Gas. 53
- Congo Railway. 157
- Cross-Channel Services, 689
- Destroyers, 451
- Destroyers Launched, 659
- Electric Omnibuses, 131
- Electrical Organisation, 477
- Electrically Welded Destroyer " Epervier." 209
- Engineering, 309
- Engineering Trades, 209
- Financing Trade. 157
- Fly-wheel Burst, 257
- Foreign Exchanges, 531
- Foreign Trade, 233
- Fuel Summary, 365
- Fuels, Solid, 25
- Harbour Works, 257, 309
- Ile D'Oleron Schemes, 559
- Import Restrictions, 689
- Industrial Collaboration, 233
- Industrial Groups, 665
- Kombs Power Station, 131
- Light Cruisers. 183
- Liner " Champlain " Launched, 209
- Locomotive Developments, 611
- Machinery, 531
- Marine Exhibition, 505
- Merchant Bar Union, 131
- Merchant Marine, 689
- Motor Fuels. 309
- Motor Roads, 451
- Motor Traffic. 505
- Naval Construction, 611
- Naval Construction for 1932-33, 53
- Paris Railway Bridge, 183
- Paris Transport, 451
- Paris Water Supply, 337
- Pneumatic-tired Rail Coaches, 131
- Port of Paris, 611 _
- Production Costa, 395
- Public Works, 107, 451, 639
- Quotations in Sterling, 477
- Rail Coach, Pneumatic-tired, 309
- Rail Motor Cars, 423
- Railway Deficits, 157, 559
- Railway Electrification, 665
- Railway Organisation, 281, 611
- Railway Reforms, 20
- Refuse Disposal at Aix-en-Provence, 281
- Road Testing, 659
- Rolling Stock, 81
- Screw Propeller, Centenary Celebrations, 257
- Shipbuilding, 209
- Ship Canal Across France, 395
- Shipping, 611
- Stool Cartel, 107
- Stool Trade, 233
- Strike, Novel Building, 365
- Super Liner, The Now, 505
- Taxes on Imports, 665
- Telephone Tunnels, 209
- The Navy, 423
- Tidal Energy, 337
- Torrofied Wood for Gas Producers, 53
- Trade Balances, 639
- Trade Dilemma, 423
- Trade Outlook, 365, 531
- Trade Problems, 585
- Trade Protection, 505
- Trade Reprisals, 559
- Trade Situation, 183
- Trade Tendencies, 281
- Trade with Russia, 107
- Transatlantic Freights, 81
- Trans-Saharan Railway, 337
- Unemployment. 689
- Warm Water Energy, 395; (A Correction), 477
- FRICTION Gear, Diskon Variable-speed, 250
- Fuel Oil Industries, Present Position of, J. B. C. Kershaw, 146
- Fuel Oil Strainer, Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 522
- Furness, Withy, Electrically Propelled Liner " Monarch of Bermuda," 507, 572, 576, 677, 692, 593
- Future of Steam at Sea, 172
- GAS Compressor. Winterthur, 88
- Gas Distribution from French Coalfields, 87
- Gas Industry, 399
- Gas Washers for Electric Power Stations, 500
- Gear, Diskon Variable-speed Friction, 250
- Gear, Five-speed Compound Epicyclic, Improved Gears, Ltd.. 359
- Gear, Holroyd-Walker Worm. 436, 580
- Gear, Variable Speed, for Coal Cutters, 387
- Gearing, Worm, and Some of its Applications. B. J. Shillito, 615
- Geipol, William, Ltd., Diamond Jubilee of, 419
- Geophysical Methods of Prospecting, 384
- Geophysical Surveying, Electrical Generator for. 445
- Geophysics, 112, 140, 161, 200, 213; (Loader), 121
- Glass Silk as a Heat Insulator, Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., 150
- Good, E. T., Coal Transport Conditions, 238
- Governor Feed for Sawing Machines, 470
- Grader, Chipping, Pogson, Ltd.. 565
- Grain Drier, E. R. and F. Turner, Ltd., 56
- Grampian Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 144, 148, 165, 170, 190, 191, 196, 218, 222, 239, 246
- Granulator, Single-toggle Typo, Hadfiekis, Ltd., 511
- Green, F. W., Use of Self-propelling Vehicles for Railway Passenger Traffic, 676
- Gresley, H. N., Locomotive Experimental Stations, 72'
- Grinder, Rotary Pneumatic, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., 549
- Grinding Wheels Factory at Welwyn Garden City, 604
- Grit Catcher, Now Form of, Pneumatic Conveyance and Extraction (1929), Ltd., 45
- Growth of Cities, F. Pick, 402
- Guy, H. L., Some Reflections on Technical Education, 176
- HAMMER, Humanity under the, 455
- Harbour Works at Port Elizabeth, 596
- Hauling Appliance with Hold-fast Attachment, "Sylvester " Typo, 387
- Hay Loader, " Monarch," L. R. Knapp and Co., Ltd., 85
- Heat Insulator, Glass Silk as, Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., 150
- Highway Memorial, Mount Vernon. 490
- Presidential Address by Dr. Charles Sinfer, The Value of Scientific and Technological History, 14; (Loader), 41
- Chicago Centennial Exhibition, 1933, 43
- Interdependence of Pure and Applied Science, Discussion, 42
- Invitation from German Government to hold Third Congress in Berlin in 1934, 43
- Physical and Biological Sciences, Discussion, 42
- Physics and Technology, Professor A. Joffe, 43
- Reception at. University of London. Institute of Historical Research. 42
- Teaching of History of Science, Discussion, 15
- The Sciences as an Integral Part of General Historical Study, Discussion, 15
- HOIST, Double-drum Electric, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd., 513
- Humanity Under the Hammer, Lieut. -Colonel E. Kitson Clark, 455
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Beauharnois. Progress on Construction of, 472
- Hydro-electric Power Scheme, The Grampian, 144, 148, 165, 170, 190, 191, 196, 218, 222. 239, 246
- ILLUMINATION, Progress of, 247
- Indentation Hardness of Test Pieces, 400
- Industrial Production in Soviet Russia, 412
- Industrial Research in America, 89
- Industry and the Graduate, 171
- Inspiration and Perspiration. 439
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Six cylinder Cars, 30 H.P. Down to 12 H.P. Engines, 432
- Austin Motor Company, Ltd.," Twelve-Six " Saloon, 401, 410; Pump, etrol, 401, 402
- Coventry Victor Motor Company, Ltd., Boat, Motor Transom° Drive, 434
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., 20.9 H.P. Saloon, 15.7 H.P. Saloon-de-Luxe, 10 H.P. Saloon, 431
- Daimler Company, Ltd.. Six-cylinder 16-20 H.P. to 35 H.P. Daimler Car, 432; 15-18 H.P. Lanchester Car, 432; Hub and
- Brake and Valve Gear, Lanchester Car 432
- Humber - Hillman, Ltd., Four - cylinder 9.8 H.P. Car " Minx," 433
- Lagonda, Ltd., 3-Litre Lagonda Car, 431
- Lancia (England), Ltd.. Eight-cylinder Car, 433
- Morgan-Hastings, Ltd., Four-cylinder Motor Car " Derby," 431
- Morris Motors, Ltd., Family-Eight Saloon, 401. 410 " " Sports Saloon, 401, 410
- Parsons Oil Engine Company. Ltd., Petrol Engine, 110-120 B.H.P. Six-cylinder High-speed, 433
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Chassis of 40-50 H.P. Car, 431
- Rover Company, Ltd.. Six-cylinder 12 H.P. Car " Pilot." 433; Four-seater 6. 97 H.P. Engined Car, 432
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., Launch, 38ft. High-speed, with Two 110 B.H.Pr Six-cylinder Engines, 433; Oil Engine, 80-100 13.H.1'. High-speed Heavy, 433; Yacht's Tender, 14ft., 6 B.H.P. Watamota " Engine, 433
- Wiseman, Alfred, Ltd., Engines, High-speed Compression-ignition, 433, 434; Pump, "Verus " Fuel, 433, 434
- Wolseley Motors (1927), Ltd., Six-cylinder 21-60 H.P. Car, 4(11; Six-cylinder Four-door Saloon " Hornet," 401, 410; 16-60 II.P. Car " Viper," 401
- Atmosphere, Origin of Iron in Corrosion Products Duo to London's, 355
- Behaviour of Steel at High Temperatures, V. 13. Harley Mason, Abstract from Report, Manchester Steam Users' Association, 115,
- Colorising of Steel, 139
- Chromium-iron Constitutional Diagram, 370
- Critical Study of Origin of Banded Structure of Hot-worked Hypo-eutectoid Steel, 370
- Effect of Molybdenum on Medium-carbon Steels Containing 1 to 2.5 Per Cont. Manganese, 347
- Faraday's Steels and Alloys, Notes on a Research on, 319
- Hardness of Steel Tube Along Certain "Luders " and " Piobert " Linos, 400
- Influences of Silicon on Nickel Steel, 347
- Iron, " G," High-duty, British Chemical Standard, 66
- Iron and Steel Alloy Developments in America, 202
- Iron and Steel Developments in America, 150
- Iron Castings, Foundry for Light, John Harper and Co., Ltd., 268
- Iron-tin Alloys, Study of Construction of, 347
- Metals and Alloys in Relation to Engineering Progress, 354
- Molybdenum, Effect of, on Medium-carbon Steels, 347
- National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers, Report. Half-yearly Output of Iron and Stool, 66; * Iron and Steel Production in July, 202
- Nickel-clad Steel Plate, 89
- Phenomenon of Tensile Yield in Mild Steel and Iron, 400
- Plastic Strain in Relation to Fatigue in Mild Steel, 400
- Solidification and Crystallisation of Steel Ingots, 370
- Spring Steels, Effect of Surface Conditions Produced by Heat Treatment on the Fatigue Resistance of, 370
- Steel Casting Production in United States, 321
- Steel, Critical Study of Origin of Banded Structure of Hot-worked Hypo-eutectoid, 370
- Steel Ingots, Solidification and Crystallisation ot, 370
- Steel Structures Research Committee's Report, 569
- Steels, Surface Hardening of Nitrogen of Special Aluminium - chromium - molybdenum, 370
- Steels and Alloys, Notes on Research on Faraday's, 319
- Surface Hardening by Nitrogen of Special Aluminium - chromium - molybdenum
- Steels on Production Basis, 370
- Upper and Lower Yield Points in Steel to Non-uniform Distributions of Stress, 400
- Yield Points in Steel, 400
- IRRIGATION Research Work in the Punjab, 37
- JAPAN'S Tribute to Dutch Engineer, C. J. van Doom, 570
- Jewels and Pivots, 66
- Joint, High-pressure Pipe, 66
- Joint, Novel Universal, 445
- Jointing Aluminium, Some Practical Notes on, A. J. T. Eyles, 618
- Joists, Model Built-up, 276
- KEARSLEY Power Station of Lancashire Power Company 110, 134, 135; (Leader), 145 (Two-page Supplements,
July 31st, 1931, and August 7th, 1931)
- Kinetic Elutriator, Mining and Industrial Equipment, Ltd., 514
- LABORATORY at Cathcart Works of G. and J. Weir, Ltd., 682
- Launches and Trial Trips, 23, 79, 129, 150, 207, - 234, 307, 529, 663
- Laws of Ship Resistance, G. S. Baker, 534, 562, 588, 614, 642, 668
- Load, Alloys of, Spectrographic Assay of Some, 359
- Lead Alloys, Effects of Cold Rolling and Heat Treatment on Some, 330
- "All the Colours of the Rainbow," 880
- As Others See Us, 197
- Automatic Sub-stations, 224
- Balance of Trade, 325
- British Turbines on the Continent, 679
- Coil Ignition, 520
- Confidence, 519
- Corrosion and Life of Structures, 599
- Cunard Liner, The New, 653
- Depletion of London's Underground Reservoir, 41
- Early Electricity Supply, 466
- Efficiency of Kearsloy, 145
- Efficiency of Steam NOZZIOR, 13, 70
- Electric Generators, 439
- Electrical Accidents, 272
- Engineers and a National Government, 381
- Flue Gases in Furnaces. 122
- Frequency Standardisation, 96
- -Friends of the Tank, 465
- Future of Steam at Sea. 172
LEADING ARTICLES (continued) :
- Geared Locomotives. 494
- General Election. 465
- Generation and Transmission of Electricity. 627
- Geophysics, 121
- History, 41
- Industry and the Graduate, 171
- Inspiration and Perspiration. 439
- Locomotive Testing Plants, 69
- Marine Oil Engine, 574
- Motor Cars in France. 382
- National Economy, 247
- Nature of Combustion, 223
- Non-destructive 'resting. 381
- Oil Engines. High-speed, 411
- Polyphase Motors, 600
- Profession of Salesmanship. 146
- Progress of Illumination, 247
- Prophecy and Progress. 353
- Railway Accidents, 298
- Regenerative Heat Engines, 14
- Rural Distribution, 573
- Rural Electrification in Franco, 628
- Salaries, 271
- Schneider Trophy Competition. 297
- Steel Sleepers, 653
- Technical Psychology. 197
- The Classics and the Engineer. 95
- The Pound Abroad. 493
- The Slogan. 647
- Trade and Barter, 298
- Two Centenaries. Michael Faraday itn(1
- British Association, 353
- Vibration. Physical and Physiological Aspects of. 547
- Voiding and the Weldor, 411
- X-Ray Crystal Analysis. 326
- Weekly
- Basic Bessemer Steel. Vernon Harbord, 17
- Boiler Tube Expansion, Fumaroblo, 489
- Boiler Incrustation, James Tobin, 541
- Coal Transport Conditions, Philip Gee. 265
- Combustion, Nature of, E. W. C. %Vilkins. 265
- Concrete, J. C. G. Mules, 516
- Credits and Industry, C. H. Douglas. 05
- " Diesel-electric " Railway Traction. Commercial Fallacy of. W. P. Durtnall, 217
- C. M. Beckett, 252
- Efficiency of Kearsley, R. H. Dibb, 193;
- W. Ross, 217; K. W. H., 252
- Efficiency of Steam Nozzles, H. M. Martin, 88, 123
- Frictionless Unlock, H. R. Kompc. 294;
- R. Stanley Lewis, 408
- Grampian Power Scheme, E. Bruce Ball, jun.. 350
- In the Hands of the Bank, T. H. Silk, 174
- Industrial Peace, V. A. Malcolmson, 490
- Inside Walschaerts Valve Gear, C. F. Doody Marshall, 632
- Lewin Locomotives, Salt Union, Ltd., 38;
- G. Goo. Woodcock, 65
- Line and Anglo Bisector, H. R. Kempo, 123
- Locomotive Testing, W. A. Tuplin, 123
- Locomotive Testing Plant, H. A. 13., 88;
- G.W.R. Driver, 139
- London's Underground Water, James Romanes, 65
- Low • temperature Carbonisation, Robert Maclaurin, 216
- Main Lino Electrification. M.I.C.E.. M .1. E . E., 265; J. G. H. Warren, 265
- Modern Concrete, Concrete. 462; A. C. Vivian, 490
- Murdock Letters, R. Barclay Murdock, 139
- Privately Owned NVagons, E. R. B. Roberts, 88 • E. T. Good, 138
- Problem of Waste. John L. Hodgson, 349
- Problems of Electricity Supply. William P. Durtnall, 17
- Profit. Sharing in 1930, E. V. Mundy, 175
- Rail Rates Handicap on Steel, 18
- Railway Electrification. G. Lomonosoff, 193
- Railway Improvements, C. Turvillo Gardner, 294; J. J. C. Berkeley, 322
- Railways and the Public, A Traveller, 123; Debenture, 193; C. R. King. 251
- Research in Industry. Campbell Macmillan. 217
- Rimming Steel, S. G. Koon, 490
- Road to Prosperity, H. O, Wraith. 516
- Rockets and the Upper Atmosphere, C. F. Dondy Marshall, 408
- Roll Heating, K. Younghusband, 570
- Rotor Ship, M. T. Tudsbory, 641
- Shear Stress in Helical Springs, Andrew Swan, 174; J. R. Townsend, 252
- Silicon Steel, Henry, 123
- Standard of Wages. E. Pease, 489
- Standardisation of Frequency and Ritil‘%ny Traction Energy. W. P. Durtnall, 1:is Steel Foundry Costs. J. W., 516
- Stresses in Helical Springs. L. E. Adik ins. 193
- Jacob Bromberg, 193
- Sud Express. Andre Bourbon. 123
- Tracing Paper, T. H. Webster, 217; W. .1. Haldon, 294
- Tragedy of " R. 101," E. F. Spanner. 490
- Waste, R. Gaudin. 402; Francis Prowott, 541
- LIFT Service for Cavern Visitors in New Mexico, 47
- Lighting Set, 5 kW Electric Generator, Driven by. 10 B.H.P. Engine. J. and H. McLaren, 57
- Lignite-operated Electric Generating Station, The Yallourn, 28, 40
- Links in History of tho Locomotive, R. N. Appleby Miller, 298
Reviews :
- Bridges, Elastic Arch, C. 13. McCullough and E. S. Thayer, 548
- Coal, Preparation, Selection and Distribution of, 575
- Creep of Metals, H. J. Topsoil, 496
- Electric Trolley Bus, R. A. Bishop. 441
- Electrical Insulating Materials, 13. H. Warren, 43
- Faraday, B.E.M.A., 248
- Faraday and His Metallurgical Researches,
- Sir Robert Hadfield, 628
- Faraday, Michael, and Some of his Contemporaries. William Cramp, 655
LITERATURE (continued) :
Reviews (continued) :
- Geophysical Surveying, Principles and Practice of, A. B. Edge and McLaby, 249
- History of Great Western Railway, Vol. II., 1863-1921, E. T. MacDermott, 680
- Hyperbolics, Elementary, M. E. J. Ghenry do Bray, 172
- Mining Electrical Machinery, H. Cotton, 467
- Official History of the War : Naval Operations, Vols. IV. and V., Sir Henry Newbolt, 413
- Quest for Power, Hugh P. and Margaret W. Vowles, 413
- Railway Literature, 1556-1830: A Handlist, R. A. Poddie, 655
- Tragedy of " R. 101," E. F. Spanner, 441
- Viscometry, Monograph of, Guy Barr, 273
- Woalden Iron, Ernest Straker, 92
Short Notices :
- Automobile Engines, A. W. Judge, 575
- British Chemical Industry, History of, Stephen Miall, 199
- Clocks, Electric, F. Hope Jones, 249
- Direct-current Machine Design, A. W. Hirst, 496
- Electricity for Coal Mining Students, 496
- Electric Motor Management, H. Avery, 199
- Electrolytic Conduction, F. H. Newman, 122
- Fractional Horse-power Motors, A. H. Avery, 413
- Heat Drop Tables, Calculated by Herbert Moss, 122
- Locks and Lockmaking, F. J. Butler, 575
- Marine Boiler Design, Charts and Data on, H. C. Walker, 123
- Power Distribution and Electric Traction, Examples in, A. T. Dover, 199
- Quartz Resonators and Oscillators, P. Vigoureux, 413
- Radio Engineering, Experimental, .1. H. Morecroft, 413
- Wireless, L. B. Turner, 413
Books Received :
- Administration Report of the Aden Port Trust for 1929.1930, 71
- Advancing Science, Sir Oliver Lodge, 327
- Advertiser's A.B.C., 1931, 249
- Algebra for the Practical Man, J. E.;Thompson. 413
- American Railway Signalling Principles and Practices : Chapter XVI., Interlocking, 199
- Annales des Fonts of Chaussees, 1931,
- Fase. III., Mai-Juin, (1) Partie Administ rative, (2) Partie Technique, 225
- .11.1 t hmetie for the Practical Man, J. E. Thompson, 413
- Automotive Repair, Vol. II., for Electrical Service Men, second edition, J. C. Wright, 496
- Balancing of Machinery, C. N. Fletcher, 413
- Barrow-in-Furness : Commercially Considered, 199
- Bridges of the Rhine, K. Miihringer, 413
- British Empire in 1950, G. Moores, 225
- British Empire Trades Index, 1931-32, 441
- British Engineers' Association Classified
- Handbook of Members and their Manufactures, 1931, 327
- British Waterworks Year Book and Directory, with Statistical Tables, 1931. Third Edition,
- Edited by 0. P. Warner Terry, 225
- Bronze and Rotguss, 92
- Calculus for the Practical Man, J. E. Thompson, 413
- Causes and Cures of Unemployment, Sir W. H. Beveridge, K.C.B., 249
- Ceramics and Road Materials, Investigations in, 1928-29, 548
- Charts and Data on Marine Boiler Design, H. C. Walker, 7
- Chemistry in the Service of Man, Fourth Edition, A. Findlay, 327
- Coal, Preparation, Selection and Distribution of, 467
- Coal Tar and Some of its Products, Second Edition, A. R. Warner, 199
- Company Accounts and Balance Sheets, K. and M. Moore, 629
- Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. XL, J. W. Mellor, 71
- Congres International des Mines, de la Metallurgic, et de la Geologic appliqués, VIme Session, Liege, 22-28 Jum, 1930,
- Section de Geologic : Section de Metallurgie; Section des Mines, 521
- Corrosion of Power Plant Equipment by Flue Gases : A Report of an Investigation Conducted by the Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois in Co-operation with the Utilities Research Commission, H. F. Johnstone, 71
- Creep of Metals, H. J. Tapsell, 7
- Dictionary of Electrical Terms, Second Edition, S. R. Rogot, 521
- Dio Dampfturbinon, ihr Borochnung and Konstruktion, Dr.-Ing. Gustav FIngel, 575
- Direct-current Machine Design, A. W. Hirst, 413
- Dynamics of Airplanes and Airplane Structures, J. E. Younger and B. M. Woods, 413
- Economics for Engineers, E. L. Bowers and R. H. Rowntree, 249
- Elastic Arch Bridges, C. B. McCullough and E. S. Thayer, 496
- Electricity and Magnetism, S. G. Starling, 327
- Electricity for Coal-mining Students, J.. Stevenson and W. Miller, 413
- Electric Motor Management, A. H. Avery, 7
- Electric Trolley Bus, R. A. Bishop, 355
- Elements of Machine Design, Wilfrid Collins, 147
- Elements of Machine Design, Part H., Chiefly on Engine Details, Revised Edition
- by W. Cawthorno Unwin, F.R.S., and
- A. L. Mellanby, 441
- Engineering Geology, Fourth Edition, H. Ries and T. L. Watson, 92
- Examples in Power Distribution and Electric Traction, A. T. Dover, 43
- Exchange Tables, European, L. S. Dee, 467
- Experimental Radio Engineering, J. H. Morecroft, 172
- Faraday and Some of his Contemporaries, Michael Wm Cramp, 521
- First Ideas in the Calculus, L. Crosland, 521 7
LITERATURE (continued):
Books Received (continued):
- Flutter of Monoplanes, Biplanes, and Tail Units, R. A. Frazer and W. J. Ducan, 172
- Government of Bombay Lloyd Barrage, Sukkur Views, Vol. I., 71
- Heat Engines, S. H. Moorfield and H. H. Winstanley, 441
- Heavy Oil Engines of Akroyd Type, W. Robinson, 71
- Highway Curves, Second Edition, H. C. Ives, 629
- British Rainfall, 1930, 548
- Economic Conditions in Chile, 1930, Report by E. Murray Harvey, 249
- Economic Conditions in the United States of America, March, 1931, Report by Sir
- J. Joyce Broderick, K.B.E.. C.M.G., and A. J. Pack, 43
- Henson and Stringfellow : Their Work in Aeronautics, M. J. B. Davy, 199
- Ignition of Fire-damp by Coal-mining Explosives : I., Gallery Experiments, H. C. Grimshaw and W. Payman, 249
- Ignition of Fire-damp by the Heat of Impact of Coal Cutter Picks Against Rocks, M. J. Burgess and R. V. Wheeler, 199
- Index to the Literature of Food Investiga tion, Vol. III., No. 1, March, 1931, 71
- Light Spirits from the Low-temperature Carbonisation of Coal, Fuel Research Technical Paper No. 34, D. Hicks and J. G. King, 521
- Manual of Rigging for Aircraft, 1931, 249
- Markets for Internal Combustion Engines, 249
- Ninth Annual Report of the Safety in Mine Research Board, 1930, 249
- Physical and Chemical Survey of the Natural Coal Resources : No. 18, The Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, and Derby shire Coalfield, South Yorkshire Area, The Barnsley Seam, 199
- Possible Cause of Aircraft Fires on Crash, W. 0. Glondinning, 172
- Quartz Resonators and Oscillators, P. Vigouroux, 225
- Report on Conferences between Employers and Inspectors concerning Methods of
- Suppressing Dust in Asbestos Textile Factories, 172
- Report of the Food Investigation Board for the Year 1930, 7
- Report of the United Kingdom Trade Mission to Egypt, February-March. 1931, 4:3
- Routine Test of the Inflammability of Mine Dusts, Paper No. 68, A. L. God bert, 43
- Safety in Mines Research Board, Paper No. 67 : The Pressures Produced on Blowing Electric Fuse Links, * * The Effect on the Surrounding Atmosphere. G. Allsop and P. B. Smith, 71
- Sulphur Compounds in Water-gas and their Removal, Fuel Research Technical Paper No. 31, 43
- Tests on Timber Pit Props, S. M. Dixon and M. A. Hogan, 413
- Veek13,, Weather Report : March 2nd, 1930-February 28th, 1931, 327
- Workshop Notes on the Condor Engines. Series 111A, 111n, and 11 inns, 43
- History of the British Chemical Industry, Written for the Society of Chemical Industry on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of its Foundation, Stephen Miall 43
- History of the Groat Western Railway, Vol. H., 1863-1921, E. T. MacDermot, 575
- Hydro-electric Development in the British Empire, J. E. Robbins, 71
- Income Tax and the Professional Man, K. A. Coles, 629
- Influence of Atmosphere and Temperature on the Behaviour of Steel in Forging Furnaces, D. W. Murphy and W. E. Jominy, 629
- Institution of Heating and Ventilating Engi neers, Vol. 29, 147
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers " Pro ceedings," 1930, Vol. 2, 147
- Internal Combustion Engine, D. R. Pyo, 629
- Investigation into the Strength of Rail Joints, H. Howe and L. H. Swain, 199
- Jahrbuch 1931 dor Deutschen Versuchs anstalt fur Luftfahrt, E.V., Edited by Dr.-Ing. W. Hoff, 441
- Journal of Research of the Bradford Technical College, Vol. I., 327
- Journal of the British Wood-preserving Association, Vol. I., 199
- Journal of the Institute of Metals, Vol. XLV.,
- No. 1, 1931, Edited by G. Shaw Scott, 43
- Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, Vol. CXXII., Edited by G. C. Lloyd, 521
- Kinematics of Machinery, C. D. Albert and F. S. Rogers, 629
- Kingston's Continental Price Conversion Tables, A. G. Kingston, 327
- Kingston's Price Equivalent Tables : " Per Yard and Metre " and " Per Pound and Kilogram," 172
- Land Ho ! The Last of Her Race and the Convoy, E. C. Bowdon-Smith, 629
- Le Commandement Naval on Mediterran6o Pendant la Guerre do 1914-1918, 355
- Les Machines d Courants Continua, R. Langlois-Berthelot, 521
- Light Aeroplane Manual, F. D. Bradbrooke, 92
- Linoleum Handbuch, M. H. G. Bodenbender, 327
- Locks and Loekmaking, Second Edition, F. J. Butler, 225
- Macmillan Table Slide Rule, J. P. Ballantino, 7
- Main Line Railways of Great Britain, 1923-1930; A Study by the Railway Research Service. Based on Official Figures, 249
- Manufacturing Industries of the British Empire Overseas, Part IV., New Zealand, 7
- Mathematics, B. B. Low, 327
- Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Directory of Undertakings (Garcke), Vol. 34, September, 1931, Edited by F. C. Garrett, 575
LITERATURE (continued) :
Books Received (continued) :
- Materials of Construction : Their Manufacture and Properties, by the late Professor A. P. Mills, Fourth Edition, Edited by H. W. Hayward, 249
- Metallographers' Handbook of Etching, Compiled by T. Berglund, Translated by W. H. Dearden, 413
- Mineral Resources of the United States, 1928, Part I., Metal; Part IL, Non-metals, F..1. Katz, 71
- Mineralogy, Sixth Edition, F. H. Hatch, 7
- Mining Electrical Engineering, H. Cotton, 92
- Modern Soap and Detergent Industry,Two Volumes, Second Edition; Vol. L, Teory and Practice of Soap Making; Vol. IL, The Manufacture of Special Soaps and Detergent Compositions, G. Martin, 92
- Monopoly of Credit, C. H. Douglas, 629
- Motor Manual, Twenty-eighth Edition, 249
- Motor Vehicles and Their Engines, E. S. Fraser and R. B. Jones, Fourth Edition, L. A. Dunbar, 575
- National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers; First Report of the Corrosion Committee to the Iron and Steel Industrial Research Council, 521
- Naval Operations, Vol. V., 1917 to the Armistice, Two Parts, Sir Henry Newbolt, 43
- New Matriculation Light, Second Edition, R. W. Stewart, Revised by R. W. Hutchinson, 225
- Notes on Tube Railway Construction. H. C. Salmond, 71
- Past Years : An Autobiography. Sir Oliver Lodge, 575
- Petroleum Refinery Statistics, 1929, G. R. Hopkins. 249
- Physics of High Pressure, P. W. Bridgman, 413
- Practical Railway Operating. T. Bernard Hese, 413
- Principles and Practice of Geophysical Prospecting Being the Report of the Imperial Geophysical Experimental Survey, Edited by A. B. Broughton Edge and T. H. Laby, 147
- Principles and Problems of Aircraft Engines.M. M. Farloigh, 249
- Principles of Company Law. Eighth Edition. A. F. Topham, 71
- Problem of Fluctuating Loads on Boilers, 0. E. Hider, 249
- Problems in Thermodynamics and Steam Power Plant Engineering, E. A. Feasenden and T. G. Estop, 496
- Public Works Department, Madras Presidency : Administration Report for the Year 1929-30; Part II., Irrigation, 71
- Quantities for the Use of Architects, Surveyors, Civil Engineers and Builders, Professor Banister Fletcher and H. P. Fletcher, Tenth Edition. Revised by A. E. Bayliss 441
- Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, Second Edition, It. L. Duncan and C. E. Drew. 629
- Register of Civilian Aircraft, Compiled by W. D. Manning and R. L. Preston, 327
- Reinforced Concrete Reservoirs and Tanks, W. S. Gray, 413
- The Roeblings : A Century of Engineers. Bridge Builders and Industrialists, Hamilton Schuyler, 629
- Romance of Electricity, W. L. Randoll, 225
- Selected Papers from the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol. 1929, 43
- Short History of Imperial Preference, Major the Rt. Hon. G. C. Tryon, 327
- Stainless Iron and Steel, Second Edition, J. H. G. Monypenny. 521
- Standardised Designs for Overhead Distribution and Transmission Lines, Brochure Prepared by the Cable Research Committee, 71
- Staubausscheidung an einfachen Korpern and in Luftfiltorn, Dr.-Ing. W. Sell, 327
- Strews Diagrams and Drawing-office Practice, E. N. Di wood, 71
- Students' Textbook of Reinforced Concrete : Theory and Practice, R. P. Means, 413
- Surveying from Air Photographs, Captain M. Hotino, 92
- Surveying Manual, Second Edition, H. C. Ives, 92
- Tables and Memoranda, Seventh Edition, J. Wright Clarke, revised by W. Scott, 43
- Tacheometric Tables, F. A. Redmond, 249
- Technical Paper No. 279, Report on Track Practice on American and Canadian Railways, A. F. Harvey, 71
- Technical Writing, T. A. Rickard, 355
- Theoretical Naval Architecture, E. L. Attwood, Revised by II. S. Pongelly. 71
- Theory of Simple Structures, T. C. Shedd and J. Vawter, 629
- Through Tariffs to Prosperity, H. G. Williams, 327
- Train Lighting, Electric, Theory and Practice, C. Coppock, 548
- " Transactions " of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 8, 1930, 521
- " Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, Vol. LXXIII, Edited by R. W. Dana, 521
- Trigonometry for the Practical Man, J. E. Thompson, 413
- Vergloichende Unterauchung von Trocken stollen, H. Wolff, 172
- Warning Agents for Fuel Gases, Monograph 4 of the Bureau of Mines, 521
- Water Diviners and their Methods, HellriMager, translated by A. H. Bell, 629
- Weights Pricer, " Express " T.C.Q., 467
- Welding of Structures, A. V. Prince, 521
- Wireless : A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of High-frequency Electric Signalling, L. B. Turner. 355
- Wirtschaftliche-Stutzung von Traggebilden, M. Ing. R. Schonhiifer, 327
- Workmen's Compensation Acts, 1925 to 1931, with Notes, Rules, Orders and Regulations, Twenty-seventh Edition, W. Addington Willis, 71
Books of Reference :
- Almanac:1c for 1932, An, J. Whitaker, 676
- British Empire Trade Index, 1931-32, 498
- British Waterworks Year Book and Directory with Statistical Tables, 1930-31, 498
LITERATURE (continued):
Books of Reference (continued) :
- Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, 1931, 498
- Railway Year Book for 1931, 498
- South American Handbook, 1932, edited by Howell Davies. 076
- LIVERPOOL-EAST Lancashire Road, 2, 12
- Lixiviation of Phosphatic Rock. Plant for, Dorn Co., Ltd., 64
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Annual Report, 435
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 408
- Lloyd's Register, Wreck Statistics for 1930. 127
- Lloyd's Register Year Book, 138
- Loader for Conveyor Belts, The " Joy," 386
- Loader, Gate-end, " Sutcliffe," 388
- Loading Slide and Scraper. " Sullivan," 387, 388
- London's Atmosphere and Corrosion of Iron, 355
- Lorry, 12-ton Six-wheel, &ammo( Lorric,, Ltd., 523
- Low-temperature Carbonisation, Colonel N% A. Bristow, 595
- Lathe, 33in. Swing Combination Turret, A. Herbert, Ltd., 598, 603
- Thread Milling Machine, McLeod-Richards, 459
- Turning, Boring and Milling with Tungsten, Carbide Tools, 598, 603
- MAGNESIUM Alloys Against Corrosion, Put,tection of, 330
- Manure Carrier, A. Herbert, Ltd., 33
- Mercury, Constitution of Alloys of Silver and, 358
- Metallurigcal Furnace Applications of Pulverised Fuel, 444
- Metallurgical Plant at Copper Cliff, Ontario, 427, 438
- Metals, Effect of Temperature on Some of Physical Properties of, 355
- Metals and Alloys in Relation to Engineering Progress, 354
- Metropolitan Water Board, Report on London Waters, 163, 198
- Metropolitan Water Board, Twenty-eighth Annual Report, 498
- Middleton Smith, Professor C. A., A Defence of the Engineer, 654
- Mining of Arsenical Ore in Sweden, 96
- Minshall, Colonel T. H., Faraday and Modern Electrical Developments. 237
- Mixer for Inks. Paints, &e., G.K.S. Combustion, Ltd., 64
- Motor Car Industry, Report on, 47
- Motor Cars in France, 382
- Motor Cycle Truck and Trailer, Raleigh Cycle Company, Ltd., 537
- Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, 490
- Mowing Machine, " R 10," Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 85
- Mowing Machine with Automatic Lubrication of Gearing and Bearings, Barnfords' (Uttoxeter), 34, 85
- Mowing Machine with Forced Lubrication, Harrison, McGregor and Co., Ltd., 85
- Musler, Shears' Patented, Bennett, Sons and Shears, Ltd., 63
- Myddelton, Sir Hugh, and the Now River, 600
- NEW River, Sir Hugh Myd‘elton and the. 600
- Newcomen Engine, " Fairbottom Bobs," in Dearborn Museum, 303
- Nickel Copper Alloys of High Elastic Limit, 331
- Norton Factory for Grinding Wheels at Welwyn Garden City, 004
- Nozzle, I.G. Type, for Air Flow Measurement, 650
- Nozzles, Efficiency of Steam, 13, 70
- Nut-forging Machine, Maplethorpe's, 51.5
- Adamson, Mr. James, 211
- Aveling, Thomas Lake, 382
- Barr, Archibald (Portrait), 173
- Bell, Sir Hugh (Portrait), 16
- Carpmael, Edward, 382
- Clinker, Reginald Charles (Portrait), 174
- Craig, Archibald Fulton, 65
- Edison, Thomas Alva, 440; (Leader), 439
- Garton, Edward; 595
- Jowson, Herbert, 624
- Johnson, James Healey, 35
- Kloos, Cornelis, 695
- McKechnie, Sir James, 397
- Marshall, J. T., 613
- Massey, George J., 122
- Prest, Stanley Faber, 65
- Ransom°, Stafford. 248
- Robinson, Professor William, 655
- Stanton, Sir Thomas (Portrait), 248
- Trevithick, Frederick Harvey, 655
- Vautelet, Etienne Henri, 595
- Walton, A. H.. 548
- Woodman, Walter Arthur, Edgar, 174
- Wright, Arthur, 122
- OIL Tanks, Pontoon Roofs for, 229
- Omnibus, Double-deck, Daimler Company, Ltd., 538
- Omnibus, 32-Seater Single-deck, Albion Motors,Ltd., 522
- Omnibus Body, 48-Seater Low-height, Metropolitan-Cammell, 540
- Omnibus Chassis, Double-deck, J. 1. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 480, 492
- Oxford Summer School, Some Reflections on Technical Education, H. L. Guy, 176
- Panama Canal Developments. 202
- Paper Mill at Gatineau, Quebec, Steam Plant at, 270. 274
- Paris Exhibition, The Metropolitan Building, 120, 127
- Patent Conflict, End of Greatest, Dip-Engineer F. Satora, 389
- Aeronautics, 103, 233, 338, 531, 085
- Batteries and Accumulators, 309
- Building, 366, 452
- Condensers and Feed-water Heaters, 560
- Dynamos and Motors, 25, 53, 81, 131, 183. 209, 233, 257, 281, 337, 365, 395, 423, 505, 559, 585, 611, 639, 665, 689
- Engines, Internal Combustion, 25, 81, 209, 233. 257, 281, 309, 423, 451, 531, 585, 611, 639, 665
- Furnaces, 26, 54, 234, 258. 423, 451, 585, 64u
- Gas Producers, 157, 338, 532
- Lighting and Heating, 451
- Locomotives, 395
- Machine Tools and Shop Appliances, 54, 82, 108, 158. 184, 210, 258, 310, 366, 396, 451, 477, 586, 611, 666
- Measuring and Testing Instruments. 26, 108, 132, 183. 210, 257, 281, 366, 305. 477, 505, 532, 665, 689
- Metallurgy, 234, 452
- Mining Machinery, 82, 132, 234, 310
- Miscellaneous. 26, 54, 82, 108, 132, 158, 184, 210, 234, 258, 282, 310, 338, 366, 396, 424, 452, 478, 506, 532, 560, 586, 612, 640, 666, 690
- Pumping and Blowing Machinery. 157, 506. 586, 612
- Steam Generators, 53, 281, 337, 531, 585, 639
- Ships and Boats, 282
- Steam Engines, 183. 423
- Switchgear, 25, 107, 157, 209, 233, 257, 309, 337, 365, 395, 423, 531. 559, 011, 639
- Telegraphs and Telephones, 64, 183, 257, 477
- Tramways and Railways, 282, 680
- Transformers and Converters, 25, 53, 81. 107, 131. 209. 451, 505 ,531, 689
- Transmission of Power. 25, 81, 107, 131. 157. 183, 209, 234, 309, 365, 477, 665
- Turbine Machinery, 25, 53, 131, 337, 477, 689
- PERSONAL and Business Announcements, 26, 54, 82, 108, 129, 158, 181, 210, 255, 279, 307, 335, 363, 393, 421, 449, 475, 503, 529, 557, 586, 609, 637, 666, 687
- Physics, International Union of, 202
- Pipe Joint, High-pressure, 66
- Pipe Plant, Sand Spun, Staveley Coal Company, Ltd., 322, 324
- Pivots and Jewels, 66
- Platinum Metals in Canada, 253
- Powdered Coal Plant for Spain. 634
- Power, Sir Alfred Ewing, F.R.S., 356
- Power Development Scheme. Alexander, Ontario, 214, 265
- Press, Humphris Toggle, 632
- Press, Hydraulic Straightening, 390
- Press Tool and Fixture Design, Henry C. Lane, 160, 186, 212, 236, 266, 292, 340. 368. 398. 426. 454, 480
- Profession of Salesmanship, 146
- Progress of National Power Scheme, 499
- Propeller Shaft and Universal Joint, " Ransome-Garrett," Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 539
- R. A. Bell, 187;
- Psychology, Technical. (Leader), 197
- Pulverised Fuel, 'Metallurgical Furnace, Application of, 444
- Pulveritied Fuel Service Results on s.s. " Musician " and s.s. " Recorder," 470
- Fire Pump, Stationary, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., 102
- Pump, Air-driven Centrifugal, Atlas Diesel Company, Ltd., 549
- Pump, Electrically Driven, Vertical.spindle, Centrifugal Marine Type, Tangyos Ltd., 566
- Pump, Electrically Operated Farm, " Law," 179
- Pump for Corrosive Liquids, Air-operated. Tungatono Company, 65
- Pump, Gear, David Brown and Sons, Ltd., 252
- Pump, Owynne-Doulton Centrifugal, 64
- Pump, Turbine-driven Feed, at Bradford, 442
- Pump, Twin 3in. Diaphragm, Winget, Ltd., 564
- Pump, 6000-Gallon Diaphragm, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 34
- Pumping Plants, Automatic, Fairbanks, Morse and Co., 66
- Pumps, Centrifugal and Steam, Pulsometer Engineering Company. Ltd., 57
- Pumps for Storm Water Sewers, 390
- Pumps, High-pressure Feed, at Bradford, .1 1
General Matters:
- Automatic Train Control on the Southern Railway, Strowger-Hudd System, 332
- International Railway Congress at Cairo, 1933, 350
- Leighton Buzzard Fatal Derailment, 38
- Locomotive Experimental Stations, 62; (Leader), 69
- Locomotive Testing Plants, 69
- London Underground Railways, Automatically Controlled Rectifier at. Hendon, B.T.H. Company, Ltd., 19
- Manufacture and Use of Steel Railway Sleepers, Raymond Carpmaol, 644, 645; (Leader), 653
- Oil-electric Railway Coach, 250 B.H.P., 058
- Pneumatic-tired Rail Coaches, The Michelin, 243
- Rail Durability, 659
- Railway Accidents, 298
- Railway Coach, Oil-electric, 250 13.11.P., 658
- Rail Coaches with Pneumatic Tires. 243
- Railway Passenger Traffic, Use of Self-propelling Vehicles for, F. W. Green, 676
- Railway Rates Tribunal, Retirements and Appointments, 625
- Railways and Oil-electric Locomotives, 402
General Matters (continued) :
- Repairing All-metal Railway Coaches by Welding, A. J. T. Eyles, 168
- Steel Railway Sleepers, Manufacture and Use of, Raymond Carpmael, 644.645; (Leader). 653
- Train Load, An Interesting, 417
- Wagon for Transporting Locomotives, L.M.S. Railway, E. J. H. Lemon, 47
- "Whitewash " Coach, G.W. Railway. 101
British Colonial and Indian :
- Canadian National Railway Ton-year Record, 179
- Lobito Bay Railway, 118
- Ontario's Northern Railway, 673
- Rail Coach for Bermuda Railway, Petrol Engino-driven, Drewry Car Company, Ltd., 320, 359
- Rail Production in Canada, Process for, 673
- Rails on Main Line Railways in South Africa, Heavier, 89
- Railway Fuel, Alberta Oil for, 673
- South African Railways, State Saloon for Governor-General, 18
Foreign :
- American Permanent Way Developments, 202
- Argentine Transandine Railway Rail Coach, 116
- Chicago's Underground Railway, 66
- French Summer Train Services, 45
- Oil-electric Railway Motor Car on Erie Railroad, 220
- Rail Coach for Argentine Transandine It Hardy Motors, Ltd., 116
- Railway Organisation in France, 341
- Stockholm Malmo Railway and Branch Lines, Proposed Electrification of, 417
- Trans -Saharan Railway, 139
General Matters :
- Locomotivo Experimental Stations, H. N. Grosloy, 72
- Locomotive Testing Plants, 69
- Locomotivo Weighing Machine, Portable, 600
- Oil-oloctric Locomotives, Railways and, 402
- Geared Locomotives, 494
British Colonial and Indian :
- Internal Combustion Shunting Locomotive, 390
- Locomotive Boiler Washing Plant at Stratford, 553
- Geared Articulated Locomotives for Narrow-gauge Lines, Avonside Engine Company. Ltd., 496
- Locomotive, Internal Combustion Shunting, 390
- Locomotive, 10 H.P. Oil Engine-driven, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 511.512
- Locomotives, Wagon for Transporting. L.M. and S. Railway, E. J. H. Lemon, 47
- I,. and N.E. Railway Tank Engine Conversion, 178
- Tank Engine Conversion on L. and N.E. Railway, 178
Foreign :
- American Locomotives of 280 Tom Weight, 89
- Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, Three-cylinder Tank Engines for, R. Stephenson and Co.. Ltd., 601 (Two-page Supplement, December 4th, 1931)
- Electric Locomotive, 3600 H.P., for Spain, 419
- Locomotive Developments in Franco, 611
- Oil-eloctric Locomotives for Siam, Sulzer Brothers, 151
- REFRIGERATING Machines, " Hallmark " Automatic, J. and E. Hall, Ltd., 84
- Refrigerating Plant on Steam Lorry, Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., 18
- Research into Management Problems, Aims, Methods and Progress into, 354
- Reservoir, Silent Valley, 118
- Road, Tho Liverpool-East Lancashiro, 2, 12
- Road-making Machinery in France, 525
- Roads, Concrete, Machine for Drilling Cores from, Holman Brothers, Ltd., 178
- Roads and Highway Traffic, Canadian, 404
- Roll Heating in South Wales; 468
- Roller, Light Oil Engine-driven, Ruston and Hornsby. Ltd., 511, 518
- Roller, Light Petrol, Barford and Perkins, Ltd., 56
- Roller, Steam Road, Marshall, S01114 and Co., Ltd., 512, 518
- Rollor, Steam Road, Overhauled and Modern! ised, J. Allen and Sons, Ltd., 566
- Roller, Waveless Road, Arnold Waveless Road
- Roller Company, Ltd., 549, 550
- Roller, 21-Ton Petrol, I3arford and Perkins, Ltd., 56
- Roller, 8-Ton Motor, Barford and Perkins, Ltd., 512, 518
- Roller, 14-Ton Oil Engine-driven, Aveling and
- Porter, Ltd., 512, 518
- Roofs for Oil Tanks, Pontoon, " Tho Wiggins, 229
- Russia, Textile Machine Construction in, 629
- Salesmanship. Education for, 137; (Leader, 146)
- Sand Spun Pipe Plant at Staveley, 322. 324
- Satora, Dip.•Engineer F., End of Greatest Patent Conflict, 389
- Sawing Machine, Governor Food for, 470
- Scientific and Technological History, The Value of, Presidential Address by Dr. Charles Singer before Second International Congress of History of Science and Technology, 14
- Automatic Regulator, Isentlial and Co.,Ltd., 203
- Chinos() Soismnoscopo, 112
- Gradiomotor, Gravity, Cambridge Instrumont Company, Ltd., 141, 142
- Gradiomotor, Magnetic. 385
- Instrument for Measuring Degree of Smoke Pollution of City Air. C. F. Casella and Co.. Ltd., 7
- Kinetic Elutriator, Milking and Industrial Equipment, Ltd., 514
- Megger Earth Tester, Evorshed and Vignoles. 162
- Meter, Wet Gas, W. C. Holmes and Co., Ltd.. 64
- Seismograph, Cambridge Instrument Company, 201
- Seismograph. Microid Vertical, Griffin and Tatlock. 200
- Smoke Density Meter. Elliott Brothers (London), LW., 63, 64
- Torsion Balance, Eotvos. 140
- Torsion Balance, Eotvos-Rybar, Ferdinand Suss, 140. 141
- Torsion Balance, Eotvos-Schweydar, Askania-Werke A.G. 140. 142
- Variometer, British Magnetic. 385
- Variometer, Horizontal Force, Askania-Werke A.G., 113
- Variometer, Vertical Force, E. R. Watts and Son, Ltd., 113
- Screen, Gravel, Pegson, Ltd., 565
- Screen. " Live Wire." Po on, Ltd., 565
- Screen, Roller Bar, Ross Patents, Ltd.. 549
- Screw Propeller, Centenary Celebrations, 25'7
- Self-propelling Vehicles for Railway Passenger Traffic, F. W. Green, 676
- Separator, Continuous Self-discharging Centrifugal, T. Broadbent and Sons, Ltd., 63
- Sewage Project for Toronto. 205
- Shanghai Waterworks Extensions, 648, 652. 669
- American Shipping Merger, 453
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, 27, 311
- Costs in Shipbuilding Industry, 109
- Cunard Liner, Work Suspended on, 641, 653, 667
- Draught and Dimensions of Most Economical Ships, 5
- Effect of Modern Machinery on Design. of Largo Ships, 57
- Effect of Rough Water on Propulsion of Single-scrow Ships, 30
- French Shipbuilding, 1
- Future of Steam at Sea. 172
- Harland and Wolff, LW., 1
- Laws of Ship Resistance, G. S. Baker, 534, 562, 588, 014, 642, 668
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Quart erly Shipbuilding Returns, 76
- Lloyd's Register Year Book, 138
- Marine Propelling Machinery, Efficiencies, 397
- Motor Boat Racing, 259
- North Atlantic Traffic, 667
- Outlook in Shipbuilding Industry, 444
- P. and 0. Liners for Eastern Service. 185
- Pivoted Sidelight. Now Typo of, .1. Stone and Co., Ltd., 48
- Present-day Ship Propulsion, 272
- Pulverised Fuel Service, Results on s.s. "Musician " and s.s. " Recorder," 470
- Rationalisation in Shipbuilding Industry. 133
- Repeat Order for " Monarch of Bermuda " Goes to Barrow, 587
- Royal Mail Group. Reorganisation of, 507
- Scapa Flow Salvage Operations, 55
- Ship Propulsion. Present-day, F. E. Rebbock. 272
- Shipbuilding and Stool Prices, 235
- Shipbuilding Industry. Costa in, 211
- Shipping and Shipbuilding, 425
- Shipbuilding Returns for Quarter Ending Juno, 1930. Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 76
- Shipbuilding Returns. Lloyd's Register Quarterly, 408
- Southampton's Dock Extension, Progress of, 507
- Steel Castings for Cunurder Liner, 311
- Ship Resistance, Laws of, G. S. Baker, 534, 502, 588, 614, 042, 668
- Suez Canal Dues, Reduction in, 507
- Trial Results of Exhaust Turbine Installation of 8.M. " Kingwood." 127
- Turbine Exhaust, Installation of s.s. " Kingswood," Trial Results, 127
- Wages in Shipbuilding Industry, 339
- Wreck Statistics for 1930. Lloyd's Register of, 127
Naval Matters :
- Cruisers Laid Down, 339
- " Kempenfelt," Launch of Destroyer Flotilla
- Leader, 479
- Launch of Destroyers, 339
- Naval Construction. Contemporary. 29
Naval Matters (continued)
- Refloating H.M. Battleship " Emperor of India," 185
- Yugoslavian Flotilla Leader Launched. 397
Liners and Miscellaneous Vessels:
- "Actuitania's " Record " Turn Round," 425
- "British Exhibitor," Tho, 27, 109, 211
- Electrically Propelled Liner " Monarch of Bermuda," 507, 572. 576, 577, 592, 593
- Ferry Steamer for Wallasey. 27
- French Atlantic Liner " Super Ile-de-France." 367, 667
- "Imperial Tanker," Clyde-built Oil Tanker, 283
- "Georgic," Launch of White Star Liner, 533
- " Isle of Sark," Launch of, 633
- Italian Liners, " Rex," 109; " Conte (liSavoie," 453
- Italian Motor Liner " Victoria." 27
- Liner " Bermuda " Destroyed by Fire, 561
- " Miss England the Third." 813, 887
- Oil-engined Tug for Carrying Cement, 490
- P. and 0. Liner " Carthage." 587
- P. and O. Liner " Corfu," Trials of, 339
- P. and 0. Liner " Strathnaver." 259
- Salving the P. and 0. Liner " Egypt," 211
- Thames Pleasure Steamer. 55
- Trawler, Exhaust Steam Turbine Drive for, Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 446
- Tug, Heavy Oil Engined, 490
- Turbo-electric Liner " St resit haird." Launched at Barrow, 83
- Turbo Electrically Propelled Liner " President Hoover," 159
- Twin-screw Motor Vessel " Polyphemus,"
- Report of Marine Oil Engine Trials Committee to Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 566; (Leader), 574
- Two British Liners to be Broken Up, 397
- SHOVEL, Mechanical for Loading Vehicles, T. Coleman and Sons, Ltd., 566
- Sieves. Testing Machine for, Mining and Industrial Equipment, Ltd.. 514
- Silica Gel Transformer Breather, 418
- Silica Gel and its Uses, 63
- Silver and Mercury, Constitution of .alloys of, 358
- Sixty Years Ago, 18, 47, 66, 101, 123, 139, 176, 202, 217, 243, 277, 294, 322, 355. 388, 408, 445, 458, 485, 516, 553. 570, 595, 629. 647. 673
- Aerodrome at Kimberley, 417
- Air Port for Cape Town, 633
- Algoa Bay Harbour, 48
- Aviation Control, 178
- Bridge Over Buffalo River at East London, 685
- Bridge Over Gouritz River, 417
- Buluwayo's Power Supply. 153
- Cape Town Development Scheme, 152
- Cape Town Dock Extensions, 179
- Cardiff Coal for Congo. 228
- Crane for Durban. 685
- Durban's Baysido Railway. 179
- Durban's Now Water Scheme. 228
- Electric Fittings for Johannesburg Power Station, 633
- Electrical Development. 473
- Electricity Developments, 303
- Electrification on Natal Railway, 153
- Equipment Purchases, 472
- French Congo Railway, First. 303
- Glass Works at Talana, 1185
- Gold Mining Scheme, 228
- Grain Elevators Through "Maize Belt of Transvaal and Orange Free State, 49
- Hematite Development. 228
- Japanese Electric Goods, 179
- Limpopo Valley Railway Line, 153
- Mafeking's New Engine Shop. 4%.
- Main Line Electrification. 417
- Mine Blaze at West Rand Consolidated Mine, 153
- Motor Transport, Limiting, 633
- Nitrates, Union Supply of, 228
- Oil from South African Coal, 153
- Oil from Union Torbanite, 228
- Petrol from Coal, 153
- Phosphatic Rock, 228
- Power for Ndola, 178
- Power Plant at Globe and Phcenix Minc,
- Southern Rhodesia, 49
- Pretoria Steel Works, 228
- Rail Car Service from Kimberley to Postmasburg, 48
- Railway Earnings, 153
- Railway Estimates for South African Railways and Harbours. 153
- Railway Extensions, 685
- Railway Revenue. 472
- Reef Sewerage Schema, 633
- Russian Petrol. 685
- South African Railways Motor Repair Depot at Port Elizabeth. 48
- Steel Corporation Prospects. 178
- Union Mineral Production. 472
- Union Steel Corporation, 472
- Victoria Falls Electricity. 228, 417
- Water Scheme for Rand, 303, 473
- Whaling Industry, 472
- SOVIET Russia, Industrial Production in. 412
- Spectrograph Analysis of Non-ferrous Metals and Alloys. 359
- Spectrographic Assay of Some Alloys of Lead, 359
- Sprayer, " Kartof " Liquid, 85
- Steam Chassis, Rigid Six-wheeler, " Sentinel " Waggon Works. Ltd., 34
- Steam Lorry. Refrigerating Plant on, "Sentinel" Waggon Works, Ltd., 18
- Steam Nozzles, Efhcieney of. 13
- Steam Plant at Gatineau, Quebec, 270, 274
- Steel Structures Research Committee's Report, 569
- Steel Sleepers, Ebhw Vale " Unit," 570
- Stephenson's. George, First Experiment, 298
- Stoker, Chain Grate, at Bankside Power
- Station, Ed. Bennis and Co., Ltd., 44
- Storm Water Sewers, Pumps for, 390
- Stowing Machine. " Meco " Pneumatic Gob, 387
- Straightening Press, Hydraulic, 390
- Strainer, Fuel Oil. Auto Klean Strainers. Ltd.. 522
- Suction Gas. Torrefled Wood for, 526
- Survey of River Tees, Report on, 407
- Swimming Bath Filtration Plant, 150
- TEACHING of the History of Science, Discussion at Second International Congress of the History of Science and Technology. 15
- Technical Education, Some Reflections on. H. L. Guy at Oxford Summer School, 176
- Technical Psychology, R. A. Bell, 187; (Leader, 197)
- Telephone, Now Link in Trans-Canada, 500
- Tenoning Machine. Motor-driven. 554. 555
- Testing Machine for 1 lin. Wire Ropes, W. and T. Avery. Ltd., 302
- Testing Machine for Sieves. Mining and Industrial Equipment, Ltd.. 514
- Testing. Non-destructive, 381
- Testing Plant, Aero-engine, Heenan and Froude. Ltd., 177
- Tests on Dust Arrester, A. Herbert. Ltd., 18
- Textile Machine Construction in Russia, 629
- Thames, The Tidal, 520
- The Sciences as an Integral Part of General Historical Study, Discussion at Second International Congress of the History of Science and Technology. 15
- Tidal Thames, The, 494, 520
- Tin into Iron, Diffusion of. 347
- Tin-plates, Mottled, 369
- Toggle Press, Humphris, 632
- Tool, Eclipse 4 S, James Neill and Co. (Sheffield). Ltd.. 637
- Tools, Tungsten Carbide. 598, 603
- Torrefiod 'coed for Gas Producers, 53
- Torrefled Wood for Suction Gas, 526
- 'fraction Engine. Single-cylinder Steam, Gwynnes-Foster, 31
- Tractor, Flexbile Four-wheel-Driven. Maxsey, Harris Company. Ltd.. 57
- Tractor for Ploughing, 30-35 B.H.P., J. and H. McLaren, 57
- Tractor, Oil Engine-driven, R. Garrett and Co., Ltd., 84
- Tractor, Six-wheel Drive, with 124 B.H.P. A.E.C. Engine, Hardy Motors. Ltd., 489
- Tractor Truck, Carden-Loyd, Vickers-Armstrongs. Ltd.. 522
- Tractor, 15-30 B.H.P. Oil Engine-driven. Marshall. Sons and Co., Ltd., 512
- Tractor, 42 B.H.P. Heavy Oil-engine, R. Garrett and Sons. Ltd., 523
- Trade and Foreign Countries. 17, 35, 61
- Traffic Control Signal Apparatus, 566
- Trans-Saharan Railway, 139, 484
- Troostite. Structure of Nodular, 370
- Tunnelling Problems in London, 385
- Turbine, Parsons 20,000 kW Duplex-exhaust Steam, 464, 468
- Turbo-alternators for Duiuston Power Station, ParsonsTsand.Co., Ltd., 542, 546
- VALVE. Double-exhaust Piston. London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 101
- Valves. Safety. 445
- Vargon Power Station, Sweden, 434
- Vibration, Aspects of Physical and Physiological, 547
- Vibration and its Isolation, 418
- Vulcanised Rubber-coated Vessels for Protection Against Chemical Attack, 83
- WAGES Problem, 458
- Wagon, " Garrett " Rigid Six-wheel Steam, R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd., 524
- Wagon, Light-Six Steam, Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Company, 537
- Wagon, Shaft -driven Six-wheel Steam. "Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd., 541
- Wagon, Speed-Twelve, Rigid Six-wheel, Fodens Ltd., 523
- Walls, Retaining of Concrete Crib Work, 482
- Warehouse of C. Churchill and Co., Ltd. Moving the, 268
- Metropolitan Water Board, Twenty-eighth Annual Report, 498
- Silent Valley Reservoir, 118
- Water Board Annual Report, Rand, 224
- Water Flowing, J. M. Lacey, 3, 481. 508
- Water Main Carried Across Bascule Bridge at Bangkok. 244
- Water Softening Plant at Newton-le-Willows, 471
- Water Supply for Detroit. 244
- Water Supply of Durban, Report by Mr. W. M. Campbell on, 674
- Water Supply of London, Report on. 163, 198
- Waterworks Extension at Llanelly, 403
- Waterworks Extensions at Shanghai, H. Stringer, 648. 652
- WEIGHING Machine, A Portable Locomotive. 660
- Burke-Scott Electric Welder, 48
- Welded Steel Columns for Submarine Oil Engines, 350
- Welding, Repairing All-metal Railway Coaches by. A. J. T. Eyles, 168
- Welding and tho Welder, 411 6' WHITEWASH " Coach on Great Western Railway, 101
- Winch, Self -anchoring. Auto-Mower Engineering Company. 84
- Wind Tunnel at National, Physical Laboratory, 384
- Wind Tunnel of Royal Aircraft Establishment, 384
- Windred, G., Relation between Pure and Applied Electrical Theory, 220
- Windlass for Ploughing and Cultivating on Cable System, J. and H. McLaren, 57
- Wire Drawing, Behaviour of Composite Rod, 358
- Wire Plant at Montreal East, 102
- Wire Rope for Glasgow Subway Railway, 458
- Wire Rope Testing Machine, \V. and T. Avery, Ltd., 302
- Wires, Drawing of Non-ferrous. 358
- Broadcasting, Acoustical Problems of Broadcasting Studios. 355
- Long-distance Wireless Communication, 641
- Radio Broadcasting in Canada. Control of. 500
- Radio Research Board Report, 485
- Rotating Wireless Beacon Transmitters, 159
- Ultra Short-wave Broadcasting, 235
- Ultra Short-wave Wireless Telephony, 61
- Wireless Beacon for Croydon, 533
- Wireless Regulations for Italian Ships. 259
- WORKS Laboratory at Cathcart, G. and .1. Weir, Ltd., 682
- Worm Gearing and Some of its Applications, B. J. Shillito, 615
- X-RAY Crystal Analysis, 326
- ZINC Recovery and Fertiliser Plants in British Columbia. 60, 68
- Zuider Zeo, Reclaiming the, 382
A Seven Day Day Journal
- ADAMSON, The Late Mr. James, 211
- Aerodromes, 259
- Agreement Between C.P.R. and C.N.R.. 463
- Agricultural and General Engineers, 667
- Air Liner Hannibal," 159
- Air Mail to the Cape. 633
- Air Race, The King's Cup, 109
- Air Speed Record, Flight Lieutenant Stainforth's, 339
- Air Survey in Africa, 641
- Airway Terminus at Victoria. 133
- Amalgamations in Mining Industry. 133
- American Shipping Merger, 453
- Anti-dazzle Devices, Demonstration of. 311
- Application of X-rays to Industrial Research, 269
- Appointment of Mr. J. M. Ormston as Director of Vickers•Armstrongs, Ltd., 83
- Approaches to Southampton H arbour, "Aquitania's " Record '"rurn Round," 425
- Asbestos, 283
- Automatic Train Control, 235
- Aviation, Accidents in Civil, 479
- BOILER Explosions, 283
- Bradford Sewage Works Opened, 339
- Bridge and Structural Engineers, Federation Formed, 479
- Brimsdown Extra High-pressure Alternator, 211
- British Cast Iron Research. 507
- British Electric Railway EquiprnPnt for Hungary, 311
- British Engineers' Association and Industry. 367
- "British Exhibitor," The, 27, 109, 211
- British Industries Fair, 1932, 235
- British Standards Institution, 561
- Brit ish Works Management Association Formed, 83
- Bunker Coal, 667
- CANADIAN Porte, 367
- Carlisle Railway Accident. 1
- Cave-Brown•Cave, 1Ving-Commander T. R.. Appointment to Chair of Engineering, Southampton. 367
- Charing Cross Bridge, 27, 83, 109
- "Cheltenham Flyer," 283
- Clyde Engine Works, New, 159
- Coal and •'lectricity, 425
- Coal, Bunker, 667
- Conl Industry. 425
- Coal Mining Conference, International. 367
- Coal Research Laboratory, 311
- Coal Seams in Manchester District, 259
- Coal Shipping Plant for Grimsby, 159
- Colliery Explosion at Bentley, near Doncaster, 561
- Colliery Explosion in Fifesbire, 479
- Colliery Merger, 367
- Communication Service, New. 667
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, 27
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, Reorganisation of, 311
- Copper and Railway Electrification, 27
- Costs in Shipbuilding Industry, 109
- Cotton Industry and Reorganisation, 641
- Cruisers Laid Down, 339
- Cunard Liner, Work Suspended on, 641, 667
- Cunarder and the Clyde Trusts, 259
- DARLINGTON and Rustless Iron Industry, 27
- Director of Airship Development Appointed, 83
- Director of Mechanisation, War Office, 479
- Dock and Harbour Dues in United Kingdom, 109
- Drumm Battery Train, 687
- EGYPT'S Gold, Salving of, 479, 501
- Electrical Equipment for South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation's Works, Placed with English Electric Company, Ltd., 83
- Electrical Fusion Scheme, 613
- Electrical Precipitation, Progress in, 133
- Electricity Charges, 1
- Electricity Supply in Home Counties, 507
- Employment in British Shipping, 641
- Engineers as Managers, 479
- Exhibitions and the Motor Industry, 259
- Export Selling Policy for Oil Engines, Proposed, 587
- FACTORY Accidents, 185
- Factory Sites in Great Britain, 425
- Faraday Exhibition at Exeter, 641
- Ferry Steamer for Wallasey, 27
- Fire Testing, Proposed Conference on, 613
- Flight Across the Pacific, 367
- Flood-lighting in London, 159
- French Atlantic Liner, " Super-Ile-de•France," 367, 667
- French Line, Financing the, 667
- French Shipbuilding, 1
- GERMAN Industrial Difficulties, 667
- Glasgow Dock Opened, 55
- Glasgow Graving Dock, New, 259
- Gold Standard, 311
- "Graf Zeppelin's " Flight, 185
- Graving Dock for Glasgow, Proposed, 55
- Grit from Electricity Works, 1
- HARLAND and Wolff, Ltd., 1
- Heavy Oil Fuel for Road Transport, 367
- Hudson River Bridge, New York, 453
- Hull's Water Scheme Completed, 425
- Humber Bridge Scheme, 479
- Humber Coal, 613
- ILLUMINATION Congress, 235, 283
- "Imperial Tanker," Clyde-built Oil Tanker, 283
- Improvement of Port Swettenham, F.M.S., 339
- Industrial Development in Scotland, 425
- Inferiority Complex, 283
- International Container Competition, 397
- Iron and Steel, 425
- Iron and Steel Industry, 533
- Iron Roads, 185
- Italian Liner, " Conte di Savoie," 453
- Italian Liner " Rex," 109
- Italian Moter Liner " Victoria." 27
- "KEMPENFELT," Launch of DestroyerFlotilla Leader, 479
- King's Cross Improvements, 211
- King's Cup Air Race, 109
- Kirkstall Power Station, 27
- LAING, Andrew, Memorial Fund, 36
- Lampholder Cables, Heating of, 533
- Launch of " Isle of Sark," 533
- Launch of It. hite Star Liner "Georgic," 533
- Launches of Destroyers, 339
- League of Nations and Public Works, 587
- Lincolnshire Electricity Scheme, 283
- Liner " Bermuda " Destroyed by Fire, 561
- Liverpool's Shipping Week, 235
- L.M. and S. Railway Personnel, 587
- London Transport Bill, 367
- Lorries, Steam-driven, 1
- Low-temperature Carbonisation, 667
- McKECHNIE, Late Sir James, 397
- Man and the Hammer, 453
- Marine Propelling Machinery Efficiencies, 397
- Maxwell, James Clerk, Centenary, 339
- Merger of Manufacturers of Textile Machinery, 425
- "Miss England the Third," 613, 667
- "Monarch of Bermuda," 507
- Motor Boat Racing, 259
- Motor Car Show at Olympia, 453
- Motor Cycle Show at Olympia, 587
- NATIONAL Gas Council and Railway Electrification Scheme, 109
- Newton Abbot Power Station, 561
- Nile Waters, Aerial Survey of, 109
- North Atlantic Traffic, 667
- OIL, Cost of, 339
- Oil-electric Traction for Railways, 211
- Oil from Coal, 133, 185, 311
- Oil Fuel, 1
- Olympia Exhibition, Opening Ceremony at, 283
- Our Economic Future, 561
- Oxford-street Traffic Signals, 55
- P. and 0. Liner " Carthage," 587
- P. and O. Liner " Corfu," Trials of, 339
- P. and 0. Liner " Strathnaver," 259
- P. and 0. Liners for Eastern Service, 185
- Padstow's Harbour Improvements, 397
- Paris Public Transports, 55
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company's New Chairman, 283
- Persian Orders for Sweden, 27
- Profit-charing in 1930 in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 109
- Proposed Memorial to Sir Joseph Swan, 133
- "R 100," End of, 533
- Rail Bus, 283
- Railcar Tests at Newcastle, 561
- Railway Electrification and Copper, 27
- Ramsay Memorial Laboratory, Opening of, 587
- Railway Improvement Schemes, 453
- Railway Winter Timings, 235
- Rationalisation in the Shipbuilding Industry, 133
- Refloating H.M. Battleship " Emperor of India," 185
- Repeat Order for " Monarch of Bermuda " Goes to Barrow, 587
- Road Fund Grants, 561
- Road Scheme between London and Cardiff, 479
- Rotating Wireless Beacon Transmitters, 159
- Royal Mail Group, Reorganisation of, 507
- Rustless Iron Industry and Darlington, 27
- ST. LAWRENCE Waterway, 397
- Safety Glass, 613
- Safety in Mines, 613
- Salesmanship, 311
- Salford Electricity Undertaking, 211
- Salving the P. and 0. Liner " Egypt," 211
- Scapa Flow Salvage Operations, 55
- Schneider Trophy Race, 83, 159, 185, 211, 235, 259
- Science and the State, 133
- Science Museum, Gifts and Loan of Scientific Instruments, 641
- Scottish Colliery Merger, 55
- Scottish Shale Oil Industry, 83, 133
- Sea Depths, Measuring, 587
- Shannon Power Scheme, 55, 613
- Shipbuilding and Steel Prices, 235
- Shipbuilding Employers' New Offices, 561
- Shipbuilding Industry, Costs in, 211
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia, 339
- Shipment of Complete Locomotives by Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 83
- Shipping and Shipbuilding, 425
- Smithfield Club Show, 613
- South Scotland Electricity Scheme, 185
- Southampton's Dock Extension Progress, 507
- Spey Bridge Formally Opened, 641
- State Trading. Losses in, 453
- Steam-driven Lorries, 1
- Steel Castings for Cunard Liner, 311
- Steel Sleeper Plant at Glengarnock, 533
- Steel Works Laboratory at Sheffield, 533
- Suez Canal Dues, Reduction in, 507
- Swedish Oil Engines to be Built in Glasgow, 283
- TELEVISION in New York, 133
- Testing Agricultural Machinery, 159
- Tests of Explosives on H.M.S. " Marlborough," 235
- Thames Flood Control, 397
- Thames Pleasure Steamer, 55
- Thames Transmission Line Crossing, 507
- Through Railway Carriage Conference, 397
- Tin, Restrictions in Output of, 133
- Trade with Russia, 55
- Trade with the Argentine, 27
- Trafford Park to Dagenham, 311
- Turbo-electric Liner " Strathaird. " Launches at Barrow-in-Furness, 83
- Turbo-electrically Propelled Liner " President Hoover," 159
- Two British Liners to be Broken Up, 397
- ULTRA Short Wave Broadcasting, 235
- United States Naval Airship " Akron," 159
- University College, Southampton, Appointments, 367
- VETERAN Cars Race to Brighton, 533
- WAGES in Shipbuilding Industry, 339
- Wages of Metal Workers in Berlin, 507
- Water Softening Plant for the Railways, 507
- Wellington Harbour Floating Dock, 453
- Windmills, 479
- Wireless Beacon for Croydon, 533
- Wireless Communication, Long-distance, 641
- Wireless Regulations for Italian Ships, 259
- Wireless Telephony, Ultra Short Wave, 561
- World's Platinum Output, 425
- YUGOSLAVIAN Flotilla Leader Launched, 397
- ABANDONED Welland Canal to be Filled in, 379
- Accidents in Mineral Industries of United States, 571
- Acetylene Generator, Explosion of, 195
- Aerial Cableways for Transportation of Sightseers, 351
- Aerial Beacon on Ryland's Building, Manchester, 517
- Aerial Survey of Upper Nile Valley, 517
- Aerodrome and Aeroplane Producing Centre at Ford, near Arundel, 409
- Aeronautical Instrument Testing at PhysicalTesting Laboratory of Topograhical Survey, Over Five Hundred Instruments Examined During 1930, 11
- Aeroplane Construction from Sitka Spruce, A Valuable Wood, 11
- Aeroplane to Cover Distance, Amsterdam and Batavia in Three Days, 625
- Aeroplane without Tail, Designed by Captain Koehl, 323
- Aeroplanes Used for Patrolling Transmission Line Right-of-way, 409
- Air Flight from Heston to Johannesburg in Ten Days, Liout. Byas', 323
- Air Mail Traffic Between London and Cape Town, 517
- Air Photography of Canada, 463
- Air Port for Paris may be Moved from Le Bourget to Saint-Cyr, 379
- Air Ports and Landing Fields in United States, 169
- Air Race to Replace Schneider Trophy, Proposed, 571
- Airship " Akron " Carries 207 Persons in One Trip, 517
- Airship Hangar Built at Sunnyside, California for United States Navy, 169
- Airships, Leakage of Outside Air into Gas-bags of, 189
- Altitude Indicator, 269
- Aviation Beacon Erected at Victoria, British Columbia, 119
- Belgian Air Lines Services During 1930, 114
AERONAUTICS (continued):
- College of Aeronautical Engineering, The First in the World, 323
- Eight Armstrong-Whitworth Monoplanes for Imperial Airways, 437
- Flight from Ottawa to Mexico City by Major J. Doolittle, 437
- Flying Boat " Saro 7," Flight to Port Sudan and Back, 409
- Flying in the Antarctic, Warming up Engines when, 651
- Guiding Sign for Airmen to bo Laid Down at Norwich, 269
- Haifa Port to Help Imperial Airways to Introduce Faster Winter Air Service, 269
- Heston Air Port, Customs Facilities at Huston, 245
- Lighthouse for Marine and Aerial Traffic to be Constructed at San Domingo in Honour of Colombus 437
- Mooring Mast, Portable, for Airships at Akron, Ohio, 143
- Petrol Tanks of Aircraft., Lining, 269
- Public Schools Lectures in Aeronautics, 541
- Royal Air Force and Vacancies for Permanent Commissions in Stores Branch, 51
- Seadrome to be Constructed in America next Spring, 93
- Soviet Aeroplane Construction, 221
- Steamship and Aeroplane Services Reduce Time Between London and Los Angeles and Buenos Aires, 245
- Swedish Government and Purchase of
- "Bristol " Aeroplanes and Supercharged Engines, 39
- Wreck of U.S. Navy's " K. 1," 517
- AFFORESTATION of Great Britain During 1930, 119
- Agricultural Machinery Purchased by Russia from America, Statistics, 379
- Agricultural Machinery Testing Committee's Report, 169
- Air Chamber Saves Life in Flooded Pipe Tunnel, 169
- Aluminium Alloy, M.V. " C," 310
- Aluminium Company of America Starts New Laboratory, 625
- Aluminium, Pig, Discharged at Manchester, for Rolling into Street at Banbury, 491
- An Ingenious Tool, Utilisation of Fragments of Hacksaw Blades, 637
- Anti-gas Services, R.E., Reunion, 231
- "Arcograph " for Electric Welding, Chart Named, 221
- Asphalt Mixture for Pipe Joints, 11
- Mr. William Heaven Re-elected President, 514
- Issue of Association's First Journal, 240
- Wood Preserving Exhibit for British Association Meeting, 295
- Appointment of Officers, 517
- Mr. O. Hurford on Confidence at Home and Abroad, 323
- Annual Dinner, 475
- Transport Systems, G. B. J. Athoe, 11
- New Laboratory at Park-street, Manchester, 169
- Programme of Eighth Annual Meeting and Conference at Edinburgh, 221
- Formation by Railway Stockholders, 119
- Congress at Zurich, 127
- International Congress in London, July, 1932, 245
- Comparative Study of Some Properties of Pig Irons, J. E. Hurst, 553
- Oil Engines verau8 Petrol Engines on Motor Lorries, Mr. E. P. Paxman on, 597
- To be Formed in Southern Rhodesia, 323
- Appointment of Fellows, 158
- Help of Future Engineers, 93
- Council, Additional Members, Viscount Ednam and Robert S. Hilton, 37
- Geheimrat Professor Fritz %Vast Elected an Honorary Member, 37
- Members Examined by Board of Trade, 119
- Annual Examination for Student Graduatoship, 323
- Autumn Meeting at Ulrich, 273
- Opening of Metallurgical Department Session, 1931-32, 277
- Annual Dinner, 553
- Postponement of Joint Meeting with American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 659
- Council Awards for Session 1930-31. 529
- Dr. S. L. Pearce, the New President, 363
- I.E.E. Regulations for Electrical Equipment of Buildings, 11
- Award of Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize and Medal to Dr. M. G. Say, 677
- Award of Ferranti Scholarship, 1931, by the Council, 363
- Awards of Scholarships for 1931, 184
- Ballot Result for Council Vacancies, 108
- Electrical Equipment of Buildings. Regulations, Additional Clause to Paragraph 69. 463
- Radiological and Eleetro-medical Subjects Required for Paper to be Read, 677
- Summer Meeting in London, 39
- "Transactions " Decision, 351
- Autumn Research Conference. 491
- Proposed " Controlled Weather House, 169
- Awards for Papers Read Before Graduates' Sections, 503
- Some Problems in Aerodynamic Research.
- Professor R. V. Southwell, 393
- Awards of Scholarship and Prize, 258
- Scholarships Awarded. 108
- Scholarships Offered for Session 1932, 583
- Competition Paper. Welding and Cutting on Railways and Tramways. 101
- New Work Contains Forty-two Tentative Standards, 545
- Autumn Meeting Programme, 277
- Results, 393
- "Wilbur Wright " Memorial Lecture. 129
- Summer Meeting at Sheffield, 76
- Report of Competition of Industrial Designs, 143
- Oil as Fuel for Ships, E H. Smythe, 93
- Fuel Questions to be Discussed at Joint Meeting, 26
- Special Number of Journal for Jubilee Celebrations, 79
- Formation of Association, 409
- Eighty-third Anniversary Festival Dinner, 363
- AUDITORIUM in Winnipeg, Civil, Formal
- Approval for Construction, 651
- Automobile Completed at Min-Sen Factory,
- First Native-manufactured, 119
- Awards of Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors, 409
- BAND Saw Coiling. Art of, 647
- Bathroom Geyser Operated Automatically by Turning Hot Water Tap, 195
- Batterium Metal, Anti-corrosive Alloy. 39
- Beauharnois Power Canal. Undertaking. Progress, 597
- Benzine from Natural Gas. Experimental Plant Installed at Calgary for Extracting, 119
- Bismuth, Magnetic Properties of, 221
- Blancomoter, Instrument for Degree of Whiteness being Measured or Compared, 517
- Bloemfontein, Street Lighting of, 379
- Boiler Factory at Kraljevica. Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Interested, 671
- Boilers, Inspection of, New Regulation, 651
- Bone, Mr. W. L., Death of, 597
- Boots and Attendants on Automatic Machines. Placing Boots in Fullers' Earth to Withdraw Oil, 517
- Bremen Lock Now Open, 597
- Bremerhaven Lock and Inner Harbour Opened, 169
- Bally Bridge, Calcutta, Last Main Girder Placed in Position, 119
- Bascule Bridge at Boston, U.S.A.. 571
- Bridge Across Umlaas Drift, near Durban, Natal, Proposed, 93
- Bridge Between Cross Point and Campbellton, Quebec, Proposed, 119
- Bridge Between Hawkesbury, Ontario, anti Grenville, Quebec. Officially Opened, 541
- Bridge-building Programme of Quebec Government, 269
- Bridge Built on Foundations Supported by Steel Piles on Santa Clara River, California, 67
- Bridge Contract Placed with Japan by Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, 221
- Bridge Over River Hull Opened, 169
BRIDGES (continued) :
- Bridge Over River Riachuelo, Proposed, 269
- Bridge Over South Saskatchewan River at Saskatoon, 625
- Bridge Over Washington Canal, Seattle, nearing Completion. Cantilever, 119
- British Builders Gain Contract for Steel
- Bridge. Over Tigris at Mosul City, 625
- Carter Bridge. Lagos. Opened, 463
- Concrete Bridge Over Jhore Teesta River, 625
- Danube Bridge Completed, 625
- Date of Opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge, 437
- Fraser River Bridge Completed, Lillooet has Direct Train Service, 221
- High-level Railway Bridge in Toledo. Plate Girders of 154ft. Span Placed in Position in One Operation, 409, 545
- Hudson River Bridges in New York District to Have Clearance of 200ft. at Centre of Span. 11
- Humber Bridge Scheme May be Postponed, 295
- Humber Bridge Bill Not to be Proceeded with, 351
- Noyyal River Bridge, Steel and Reinforced Concrete Deck, 625
- St. Paul's Bridge Scheme Abandoned, 677
- Tower Bridge, Number of Times Opened for Shipping in 1930 Shows Decrease, 169
- Tower Bridge, Statistics of Opening for Passage of Vessels. 517
- BRISTOL University, Prospectus for Faculty of Engineering, 54
- British Glass Industry. Exhibition at Science Museum, 409
- British Manufacturers' Contracts with U.S.S.R., 463
- British Standards Institution, Mr. C. le Maistre to Visit New Zealand, Australia, and Canada. 463
- Building, Extension to Seventeen-storey. Results of Tenders for Steel Structure, 93
- Bullock Carts Replacing Motor Cars in Madras, 602
- Bungalows Built Throughout in Copper, 293 3
- CALCIUM Chloride, Production at Ribstone, Alberta. 143
- Canadian Construction Firms Invited to Tender for Pelotas Harbour Works, 245
- Canadian Mineral Oils Production in 1930, 67
- Canal Across Nicaragua, Proposed, 195
- Canal Development by Grand Union Canal Company, 119
- Canners' Machinery, Mather and Platt, Ltd., New Industry, 503,
- Car Parking by Cradles and Endless Chains, 351
- Cartridges for Sporting Rifles of High Muzzle Velocities, Experiments with. 571
- Cavitation of Lar Turbine Runners, 625
- Cellophane to be Manufactured in Quebec, 119
- Cement and Powdered Glass Roads Tested in Czechoslovakia, 625
- Central Heating in New Zealand, 545
- Central Heating Plant to be Installed atToronto, 655
- Chemical Engineering Plant Manufacture in Russia, 119
- Chimney of 510ft. at Copper Cliff Smelter in Ontario. 39
- Chimney Stack 510ft. High at Copper Cliff Smelting Works, Ontario, 93
- China Clay Shipping at St. Austell, 517
- Barnsley Seam, Report by Physical and Chemical Survey of National Coal Resources, 143
- Bituminous Coal Congress, Third International. 195
- Bituminous Coal. Tests of Plants for Low-II temperature Carbonisation of, 437
- Coal and Metal Industries, Graduated Wages and Bonuses at Riga, Latvia, 351
- Coal Carbonisation from Coal in Sydney District. Canada, 437
- Coal Consumption on American Railways, 245
- Coal Deposits on Chiawan Coalfield to his Worked with Electrical Machinery, 67
- Coal Deposits Discovered in Zingu River Region in Brazil, 169
- Coal Distillation Plant at Dunston-on-Tyne to be Closed, 245
- Coal Mine Statistics for North-Western Branch, 545
- Coalowners' Conference on Coal Export Trade of Europe, 323
- Coal Seam Struck near Beamish, Durham, 437
- Coal Seams of Alberta and British Columbia, Classification of, 195
- Coal Suitable for Locomotives Discovered near Aliabad Teheran Railway, Persia, 169
- Coke, Use of, 651
- Colliery at Bowsan, Cinderford, Forest of Dean, to be Reopened, 677
- Experiments in Blending of Coals, 119
- Ignition of Fire-damp by Coal-mining Explosives, 245
- Ignition of Fire-damp by Heat of Impact of Coal-cutter Picks Against Rock, M. J.
- Burgess and R. V. Wheeler, 119
- International Congress on Bituminous Coal, Provisional Programme, 295
- Labour Difficulties in Makum Coalfield of India, 93
- Lignite, By-products Obtained from. Tests Conducted in Saskatchewan, 677
- /Lignite Carbonisation Plant in New ZealandCoalfield at Waikato, 295
- Main Haulage Road of William Pit at Whites' 1, haven to have Longest and Thickest Rope Installed in England, 245
- Northern Coke Research Committee, Annual Report of, 93
- Resumption of Operation of Mines of Hanyehping Iron and Coal Mines, 67
- Safety in Mines Research Board, Subject Index Published, 463
- Signalling Systems for Shaft Mines, proved, 11
- Spontaneous Electrification in Coal Dust Clouds, 177
- "Two Hundred Years in the Coal Trade," Charringtons," 132
- COATING of Insides of Water Tanks, Tests of Paints and Compounds for, 498
- "Come to Ulster -" Campaign, Industrial Firms Desired, 491
- Concrete Aggregates, Heating when Mixing Experiments, 437
- Concrete and Use of Coke as Aggregate. 625
- Concrete in Cold Countries, Laying of, 221
- Concrete Road Maintenance in Bull, 458
- Condenser of 608 Tons Weight for Hudson-avenue Station, 463
- Condensers for Battersea Power Station, Largest ever Made in England, 323
- Conduit Cleaning by Means of 7ft. Diameter Wooden Ball or " Sower Pill " on Birmingham Tame and Rea District Drainage Works, 39
- Copper Consignment Arrives at Lobito Bay from Katanga over Benguela Railway, 169
- Copper Ore at N'Changa Proves Rich Strike, 195
- Copper Refinery at Quebec Opened, 93
- Copper Harder than Structural Steel Produced by Heat-treatment at Montana School of
- Mines, 39
- Corrosion Prevented by Wrapping Steel Pipes with Cement, 597
- Corrosion of Copper Pipes After Water Supply was Treated, 119
- Cost of Digging Wellington-street Tunnel, Montreal, Increased, 491
- Cotton Growing in Central Asia, 651
- Cotton Mill in Shanghai to be Established by Group of Industrialists, 295
- Cotton Seed Meal to be Made into Nutriment Fit for Human Consumption, 67
- Cranes for Durban Harbour, Natal, 545
- Crank Shafts in Cast Steel, 169
- Creosoting of Timber and Poles at St. Lambert, Quebec, Plant for, 269
- Critical Stress for Concrete in Compression and Tension, 409
- Cuban Highway, 500 Miles Long. Completed by
- Canadian Firm. 597
- Current Official Statistics, Guide to, 38
- Cyanimide to be Manufactured at Duginot, near Split, Yugo-Slavia, 39
- DAM, Fixed, at Montgomery Island fit Ohio River, 491
- Danish Printing Firm Purchase Printing Press from London Firm, 625
- Diatomite Production in Ontario, 390
- Dosulphurisation of Cast Iron by Means of Soda Ash, 195
- Director of Fuel Research, Mr. F. S. Sinnatt Appointed, 677
- Dorman Long Scholarships, Details of Awards, 234
- Douglas Fir. Qualities of Home-grown, 437
- Dredging " Fairy Flats " at Mouth of Yangtze River, Proposed, 651
- Durability of Plywood, Experiments on, 463
- Durban and its Marine and General Industries Greatly Improved, 11
- Dynamiting on Owens River Aqueduct, 545
- EDMONTON and Street Car Systems, Contracts for Material, 463
- Alloys for Electrical Purposes, 491
- Aluminium Paint on Transmission Poles,Question of, 625
- Austrian Government's Economy Measure Delays Orders for Electrification Plant for State Railways, 295
- Bradford Electricity Department's Results, 491
- Carbon Circuit Breakers for Electrical Putposes, 93
- Congress of Electrical Engineers in South America to be Held at Buenos Aires, 169
- Conference on Electric Supply in Rural Areas, 105
- Congas International D'Electricite de 1932, to be Held in Paris. 529
- Copper for Transmission and Distribution of Electric Current, Record for 1930, 39
- Cost of Electrification in Yorkshire, 351
- Electric Power Stations in Canada, Increase of 10 Per Cent. of, 11
- Electric Shock and Fat People, Effect, 11
- Electric Supply Plant at Canton, China, 437
- Electric Voting Apparatus Installed at French Chamber, 39
- Electrical Engineers and Politics, 469
- Electrical Equipment for South African Iron and Steel Corporation's New Plant, 29
- Electrical Fuses Made from Alloys of Lead and Thallium, 67
- Electrical Machinery Imports into Holland, Statistics, 269
- Electrical Research Buildings in McGill University, 545
- Electrical Trade of Australia, 379
- Electrically Operated Refrigerators, French Developments on, 295
- Electricity and Culture of Seeds, 383
- Electricity Commissioners' Official Returns, Units of Electricity Generated by Authorised Undertakers, 195
- Electricity Generated by Authorised Undertakings, Statistics, 142, 524
- Electricity Generated during June, 1930, and June, 1931, Return of, 93
- Electricity Supplied to Mining Industry in Canada, 93
- Electricity Supply Extensions of Barrow-in-Furness, 221
- Electricity Supply in Madras, 463
- Electricity Supply in Manchester, 571
- Electricity Supply of Darjeeling. 597
- Electricity Supply of Graaf-Reinet, South Africa, 195
- Electricity Used for Heating and Power Purposes at Watford Baths, 437
- Electrification of Mills and Factories in
- Madras, 571
- Floating Powor Station for Bangerinasin, Dutch East Indies, 195
- Four Electrical Apparatus Factories Erected 3 in Toronto by United States Finns, 39 7 Fuse Wire Supplied by Electricity Companies.379
- Fuses or Circuit Breakers 7 571
- Generating Electricity by Means of Wind I1 Rotors, 517
- High-voltage Underground Cables, Dr. M. G. Say, 677
- International Electrical Congress to be Held in Paris. 1932, 11
- Interruption of Circuit in Plain Break Circuit Breakers. 409
- Lackawanna Suburban Electrification. 597
- Lord Vernon to Supply Village of Sudbury with Electricity, 463
- Low Resistances for Measurement of Large Currents, Value of, 379
- Madras Electricity Supply, 625
- Modern Electricity Plant for Kroonstad, South Africa, 625
- Modern Wiring Systems and Accessories, Mr. F. C. Raphael, 671
- Nelson River would Produce Over 1,000,000 Horse-power if Fully Developed, 11
- Power Station at Slave Falls to be Opened in September, 143, 221, 245
- Power Station for Working Tin Mines in Malacca Peninsula now Completed, 379
- Power Station Uses Peat for Fuel, Shatura, 269
- Pressure Produced on Blowing Electric Fuse Links. Research on, 93
- Progress of Electricity Schemes in South Africa, 437
- Rural Electrification Work in Bedford, Hire and Hire Purchase Schemes Assist, 351
- Slave Falls Power Plant. Estimated Cost of Generating and Delivering Current. 437
- Synchronous Condenser for Crawford-avenue Station. 400-Ton, 463
- Testing Plant of 200.000 Volts Completed by Oerlikon Company for Swiss Firm, 67
- Transmission Poles, Painting or Staining of, 379
- Turbo-alternator at Port Elizabeth Com missioned, Parsons 12,500-kW, 195
- Turbo-alternator for Pretoria Town Council, 12,500-kW Parsons, 220
- Turbo-generator Sets for Rotterdam, Metro-Vickers, 463
- Turbo-generators for Brooklyn Edison Company, 625
- Underground Electric Cables and Protection from Lightning, 351
- University of Sheffield, Proposal to Appoint Professor of Electrical Engineering, 158
- Water Heaters Exhibited at Electricity Showrooms of Cardiff Corporation, 93
- Yorkshire Electric Power Company. Map Publicity, 677
- ENGINE, Oil, Experiments by R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 221
- Engine, Oil, Non-stop Run of Two Months.
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd.. 491
- Engine, Steam, of 1879 Still Working in Rangoon, Marshall Portable. 491
- Engineers' German Circle, 596
- Elephant Transport in India being Replaced by Motor Transport., 677
- Empire State Building, New York, Details of Lift Working. 323
- Engraving on Bakelite Sheets, 207
- Erith Works of Vickers-Arrastrongs, Ltd., Transfer of Work from, 195
- Evaporation of White Nile Waters, Loss by, 119
- Anti-Waste, 529
- British Chemical Plant, International Visitors to, 143
- British Empire Industries Exhibition at Vancouver, 1936, Suggested. 245
- British Industries Fair, 1932, Applications for Space in London, 351
- British Industries Fair Buildings at Castle Bromwich to be Extended for 1932 Exhibition, 67
- British Industries Fair, 1932, Exhibition of 60ft. Wide Road, 625
- British Industries Fair, Extension of Birmingham Section, 245
- British Industries Fair, German State Railways Give Reduction to Trade Buyers, 323
- British Industries Fair, 1932, Publicity Campaign with Countries Overseas. 221
- Canadian Trade Exhibition Cruise to West Indies, e.e. " New Northland," 677
- Chemical Plant Apparatus Exhibition at Paris Proposed in 1932, 323
- Exhibition of Development of Ships at Science Museum, 169
- International Engineering and Railway Exhibition to be Held by Chico-tong University, 437
- International Foundry Exhibition and Congress at Milan, 89
- Leipzig Autumn Fair to bo Opened August 30th, 1931, 39
- Exhibition, Machine Tool, Postponement of Exhibition until 1934, 307
- Exhibition, Model Engineer Exhibition, Date of. 169
- Exhibition of Modern Optical Instruments at Science Museum, 295
- Exhibition, Optical and Physical Societies'. 435
- Exhibition, Physical and Optical Societies', Annual Exhibition, Details of Discourses, 663
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, Olympia, Exhibit of Machinery (Machine Tool and Woodworking) Importers' Association, 11
- EXTRACTION of Pebbles from Clay, 677
- Explosion of Safety Valve Branch Nozzle, Report, 388
- FACTORY and Factory Sites in Great Britain and London Chamber of Commerce, 379
- Factory for Production of Ferrous and Non-ferrous Castings in Vancouver. 437
- Faraday Celebrations Ihroueunt Soviet Union, 351
- Fertiliser Plant at Hamilton, Ontario, Now in Operation, 119
- Finland and Commercial Visitors, Hints Prepared by British Consul at Holsingfors, 11
- Fireproofing of Timber by Means of Surface Coating of Soluble Silicate, 409
- Fires, Red Pine Forest, 195
- Fishery Research Laboratory at Hull, 625
- Floating Dock Extensions at Limerick Harbour, 409
- Floors, Method of Laying Wood Block, 463
- Fluorspar Deposits Discovered in South Africa, 651
- Ford Motor Company's New Factory in Mexico, 269
- Foreign Population of Hankow, China, 143
- Foreign Trade Returns of France, 93
- Forest Conservation Commission in Alberta, 295
- Forest Planting in America during 1930, 39
- Forest Planting in New South Wales, 245
- Forest Pioducts Laboratory at Madison, 'Wis., 295
- Foresters of Finland and Prediction of Type of Forest, 491
- Forestry Department at Cambridge to lie Abolished, 651
- Forge Shops in Russia, Bulletin Boards in, 143
- Foundry and Plant to be Constructed at Montreal by American Manganese Steel Company of Chicago, 221
- GAEFLE Harbour, Sweden, Nearly Completed, 93
- Galvanised Sheets for Roofing, 11
- Garage Accommodation in Greater London, 269
- Gas and Coke-making Plant for Supplying Fort William and Port Arthur, Ontario, 491
- Gas Delivered through 800-mild Pipe Line System in America, 221
- Gas Plant of Thirty Vortical Ovens to be Constructed at Vancouver, 221
- Gas Supplied from Balloons to Consumers whilst Gas Mains were being Repaired, in Ohio, 67
- Gasoline Storage at Toronto, 625
- Gasworks Reconstruction at Lincoln, 269
- Genoa Dry Dock Extension Completed, 39
- Goedetie Angular Measuremont by Electric Lamps, 169
- Geological Survey Board, Report for 1930, 93
- German Machine Industry, Bad Business in August, 379
- Germany, Petroleum Industry and Transport Rates, 323
- Girder for London Hotel, 68ft., 428
- Gold Deposits of Great Value in Cariboo Country, 463
- Gold Discovered in Nowaya Zemlya, 169
- Gold Extraction by Flotation Process in Rand, 625
- Gold Mine Power Plant in Southern Rhodesia, 299
- Gold Mine Rediscovered in Gwenla District of Rhodesia, 93
- Gold Mining Industry of South Africa, 93
- Gold Output from Transvaal Mines during October, 625
- Gold Production in Canada, 571
- Gold Recovery of 35 oz. in One Day by " Small Worker," 35
- Gold Reef at Cronwara West, Rhodesia, Panned " As High as 30 oz.," 169
- Grain Elevator at Churchill, Hudson Bay, Approaching Completion, 39
- Granaries for Storage of Cereals to be Erected at. Nanking, 75
- Grand Union Canal, Programme of Concrote Walling and Dredging, 379
- Graphite Deposit Discovered in Nova Scotia, Amorphous, 269
- Greek Government to Construct New Roads, 545
- Gypsum, Powdered, Used for Stone Dusting in Collieries, 545
- Gypsum Production in Canada during 1930, 245
- HACKSAW Frame, Fry's, 447
- Hacksaw, Fry's Handy, 663
- Hacksaw Blade Fragments, Useful Tools from, 637
- Harbour Facilities of Canada, 119
- Harbour Improvements at Cochin India Completed, 119
- Heating of Moscow, 409, 463
- Helium, Production at Amarillo, Texas, 269
- Helium in India, Search for, 228
- Highway Engineering, Examinations in, 545
- Horse-power Produced by Water Power Saves Coal in Canada Equal to 51 tons per annum, 269
- Hydraulic Cranes Replaced by Modern Electric Cranes at Durban, Natal, 625
- Hydraulic Installations in Dominion of Canada, 245
- Hydraulic Turbines in Diablo Plant Said to be Largest Water Power Units Ever Made, 437
- Hydro-electric Plant to be Constructed in Province of Tuctnntin, 39
- Hydro-electric Power Development, in Canada 379
- Hydro-electric Power Development in Province of Quebec, 11
- Hydro-electric Power Plants and Prevention of Ice Obstructions, 545
- Hydro-electric Power Plant of Portland Canal Power Company, South-Eastern Alaska, Work Restarted on, 39
- Hydro-electric Power Schome at Abitibi, Ontario, Progress on, 143, 221
- Hydro-electric Power Scheme at Ouree River,Nigeria, Nearing Completion, 269
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Kremnitz Constructed in Coal Mine, 491
- Hydro-electric Power Stations on River Boug, 463
- Hydrogen Production, 517
- IMPORTS of Machinery and Millwork into India during First Quarter of 1931, Statistics, 305
- "Industries Britannica," New Journal Established by Bonn Brothers, Ltd., 132
- Industrial Efficiency and Unemployment, 79
- Alloy Steels to be Produced at London, Ontario, 143
- Blow-pipe, Refractory-lined, in Blast-furnace Practice, 571
- Cast Crank Shafts and Connecting-rods from Nickel-manganese Steel, 463
- Cast Iron Pipes, Truing Up Bores of, 169
- Commercially Puro Iron and Dr. A. S. Cushman, 437
- Corrosion of Steel Containers, Effects of Tin Salta on, 119
- Cost to State of Bhadraviti Ironworks, Mysore, 625
- Erecting Subway Steel Work in Philadelphia, Record in, 437
- Hematite Iron Ore Deposits Discovered on Crocodile River, S. Africa, 169
- High-pressure Forgings for Canada, 51
- Invar Rods Used by Geodetic Survey of Canada Department, 143
- Iron Blocks for Roads, Experiments over Fifty Years Ago, 463
- Iron and Steel Corporation's Plant at Pretoria, 545
- Iron and Steel Lectures in London, 245
- Iron and Steel Produced Directly from Ore by Flodin System, 39
- Iron and Steel Production in France, Returns, 409
- Iron and Steel Works at Kuznetsk Nearing Completion, 93
- Iron and Steel Works at Pretoria, South Africa, to Cost Approximately 531 Million Pounds, 39
- Iron and Steel %Yorks Plant at Ford Works, Dagenham, 295
- Iron Culverts for Drainage Purposes, 67
- Iron Ore Deposits in Kursk Region of Russia being Investigated by Commission of Academy of Science, 67
- Iron Pyrite Deposits near Lake Superior, 491
- Ironstone Mining, Opencast, 39
- Manganese Ore Requirements of France to be. Supplied by Morocco, 119
- National Federation of Iron and Steel Manufacturers' Reports : Furnaces iii Blast, Pig Iron and Steel Production at End of August, 1931, 295; September, 1931, 409; October, 1931, 517; November, 1931, 651
- National Steel Industry of Jugoslavia, 195
- Pig Iron Production in France during July, 1931, 269
- Pressed Steel Tank at Dunga Gali, Punjab, Largest in World, 169
- Quenching Media for Steel, Search for, 651
- Reduction of Brazilian Iron Ore by Inferior Coal and Lignite, 351
- Research on Cold Working of Steels at University of Sheffield, 351
- Rolling Steel Bands 360ft. Long, 169
- Silicon Steel Girders Used in Kansas Building. 67
- Solubility of Armco Iron, 677
- South African Students to Visit English and German Iron and Steel Works, 195.
- Sponge Iron Imports from Sweden into America, 597
- " Stahl and Eisen," Fiftieth Year of Publication, 82
- Stainless Iron, Colour of Commercial Hot-rolled, 151
- Steel, Painting, Priming of Paint with Aluminium Stearate, 677
- Steel, Strength at High Temperatures of Cast and Forged, 677
- Steel Framings for Two and Three-storey Buildings Fully Fabricated at Factory, 323
- Steel Plato Mill for Illinois Steel Company. 269
- Steel to be Manufactured at Mysore Iron. works, 195
- Steel Window Sashes Factory Uses Rolled Sections Imported from England to Canada, 491
- Steel Works at Kobe to Extend Wire Roil Plant, 119
- Welding of Manganese Steel, 651
- KAIETEUI( Falls in British Guiana, 195
- Karighata Tunnel on Irwin Canal, Mysorr. Completed, 295
- Kiln Doors of Aluminium Sheets, 67
- Krausite, A New Addition to the Mineral World, 470
- LA ROCHELLE-PALIN, Improvements to Part of, 269
- Large Blast," 8 Tons of Powder Used on Hoover Dam to Remove " Cape Horn," 491
- Lantern Slides of Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., of Gainsborough, 231
- Life of Motor Cars in United States, 517
- Lift Dispatchers in America, 245
- Lighting Fires from Top, Method of, 323
- Lithium Ore Deposit Discovered near Upington,
- North-West Cape Province, 295
- Liverpool's Shipping Week, Features of, 143
- London Chamber of Commerce as Clearing House for Information on Vacant Factory Sites, 570
- London Chamber of Commerce, Award of "Charles K. E. Bell Fund " Senior Travelling Scholarships for 1931, 11
- London Chamber of Commerce, Junior Scholarship Awards, 258
- L.C.C. School of Engineering and Navigation, Opening of Extensions Ceremony, 338;
- Ceremony Postponed, 424
- London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, Fifth Annual Report, 67
- London Passenger Transport Bill, Progress, 93
- London Passenger Transport Bill and Parliament, 409
- London Transport Bill, Fate in Parliament, 517
- Lead Tungstate as Paint-drying Agent, 517
- Lorries, Conversion of Four-wheeled . into Rigid Six-wheelers, 82
- Lumber Industry's Prosperity in British Columbia, 11
- MANCHESTER College of Technology, Revision of Mechanical Engineering Course, 338
- Manganese Deposits in Urals. 491
- Manganese Output Restricted in Soviet Russia, 651
- Masts from Spanish Armada Wrecks Used as Church Pillars, 176
- Match Factory, for Belvedere, Kent, 221
- Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., Hall-centenary Celebrations, 279
- Measuring Actual Metacentric Height of Vessel, 491
- Measurement of " White " Surfaces, 119
- Metal Production of Canada during First Half of Year, 379
- Metallurgical Laboratory for South Rhodesian Government, 295
- Metur Dam Across Cauvery River, Madras, Progress on, 379
- Mineral Production of Canada for First Half of Year, 295
- Miners Working in High Temperatures, Report on Rand Mine Air, 245
- Mining Industry of Canada, Expenditure in Developing, 597
- Montreal Island to have Road 30 Miles Long, 625
- Morris Minor, Side Valve, Supercharged, Exceeds 100 m.p.h. at Brooklands, 169
- Motor Omnibuses at Salford Run on Creosote as Fuel, 625
- Motor Car Factory at Windsor, Ontario, for Detroit Company, 295
- Motor Car Sales in United States Greatly Reduced, 677
- Motor Car Spare Parts Sent by Air Liner to Juba, Central Africa, 169
- Motor Car Users and Cheap Transport on Railways, 463
- Motor Cars, London to Brighton, Veteran Car Competition, 491
- Motor Cars Registered during July, 351
- Motor Cycle on Market. Skidding Almost Eliminated, 169
- Motor Lorries to be Made at Liaoning Arsenal, China, 143
- Motor Road to Summit of Mount Etna, 437
- Motor Vehicles in World, Estimated Number, 463
- Motor Vehicles Registered for First Time in October, Number of, 677
- Motor Vehicles Registered in Great Britain during June, 1931, 169
- Motor Vehicles Returns, Less Number Registered, 597
- NATIONAL Federation of Bridge and Structural Engineers Formed, 491
- Natural Gas Distribution in Canada, 295
- Nickel Used in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Exceeds Ono Hundred and Forty Thousand Pounds, 677
- Noise Measurements Made Inside Buildings, 195
- Nord Canal, Progress on, 597
- OIL Deposits Discovered in Dead Sea A twit, Palestine, 221
- Oil Refinery at Moose Jaw, Proposed, 119
- Oil Refinery for Manchester, Alberta, 651
- Oil Refinery at Amherstborg, Ontario, for American Company, 625
- Oil Refinery in Montreal with Capacity of 15,000 Barrels a Day, 93
- Oil Spraying Roads to Prevent Dust, 195
- Oil Well at Lethbridge District, Alberta, 545
- Oil Well at Moturoa, New Zealand, Large Flow Obtained from, 269
- Oil Wells Production of Burbach-Kaliwerke A.G., Germany, increased, 245
- Oilfield Discovered at Ushuaia, Patagonia, 169
- Oilfield Opening Up in Alberta, 221
- Oilfields Discovered at Potitjoau and Soul-el - Arba. Morocco, 437
- Oro Dressing and Metallurgical Laboratories at Ottawa, Progress of Work at, 169
- Oscillograph, Disadvantages of Original Cathode Ray, 437
- PAINT. Rubber-bound, 245
- Paint Factory in Rio de Janeiro, 545
- Paint Films on Certain Building Materials, Failure of, 11
- Painting of Creosoted Wood Poles with Aluminium Paint as Priming Coat, 491
- Painting White Lines on Roads, Use of Sawdust After, 545
- Paints, Relative Reflective Powers of, 677
- Parkorising and Bonderising, 363
- Penetration of Water into Brickwork, Tests by Almerican Bureau of Standards, 67
- Petrol from Native Materials, Cheap, 657
- Petroleum Factory at Coutts, Alberta, " Vapour
- Phase Cracking," 143
- Photo-cell Control on Street Lighting Circuits. 269
- Pier to be Built at Durban, Natal, 437
- Pipe Corrosion, Copper, 463
- Pipe Joint, Flexible, Produced by Mr. John frishaw, 338
- Pipe Line of 300 Miles Completed at El Paso. Texas, 67
- Pipe-threading Tool, Moser's, 417
- Platinium, Molten, and Standard of Light. Very Brilliant Results, 625
- Pole Shaving Machine, 269
- Polishing of Non-metallic Articles, Process of, 491
- Port for Rome to be Built at Fiumicino, 169
- Ports and Harbours of Japan, Proposed Improvements of, 195
- Power Station Developments in Germany, 370
- Power Development in Spain, River Esla to be Dammed, 67
- Preserving Record of Names of Victims of Japanese Earthquake of 1923, 437
- Printing Machines in Russia, Need of, 379
- Professorship in Metallurgy Established at Cambridge by Goldsmiths' Company, 491
- Public Cleansing in England and Vales, Cost of, 119
- Pulverised Anthracite by Pipe Line, Transportation of, 645
- Pumping Plant, Low Level, of Montreal to be Extended, 437
- QUAY Opened at Gateshead, 517
- Acceleration of Railway Service from Dublin to Cork, 597
Accidents :
- Accidents to Privately Owned Wagons, 67
- Accidents on Railways, Inquiries. 545
- Accidents to Railway Servants. 651
- Accidents to Railway Servants, Annual Report, 409
- Accident to East Coast Express at Cockburnpath through Fouling Catoh Points, 195
- Accident to Rail-bus between Troyes and Bar-sur-Aube, 437
- Carlisle Accident, Lieut.-Colonel Mount's Report Issued, 39
- Collision at Fakenham, Inquiry, 491
- Collision in York Station. Report, 677
- Collision of Rome-Vienna Express on Single Lino near Leoben, 195
- Collision with Buffer Stops at Epsom Downs Station, 93
- Fatal Accidents during Year, 677
- Level Crossing Accident between Pencoed and Bridgend, South Wales, 323
- Level Crossing Accidents, Danger not Increasing, 517
- Level Crossing Accidents in United States, 323
- Railway Accidents, Lieut.-Colonel Mount's
- Report, Recommendations Adopted, 351
- Report on Collision at Northumberland Park, London, 195
- All-welded Hopper Car for Coal Conveyance, 221
- Alteration of Working Hours to East Transportation during Rush Hours " in San Francisco, 67
- Aluminium Sleeping Car to be Constructed by Pullman Company, 195
- American Railways, Proposal to Raise Rates Refused by Interstate Commercial Commission, 463, 597
- Appointments and Staff Changes, 195, 221, 245, 351, 379, 517, 597, 625, 651, 677
- Automatic Couplings on Railways. 437
- Automatic Signalling between York and Northallerton, 463
- Automatic Ticket-issuing Machines, British, 221
- Automatic Train Control on American Railways, 269
- Bank Holiday Traffic on Main Lino Railways, 169
- Bennie Railplane System of Transport, 571
- Bermuda Railways Completion by December, 485
- Blackburn Railway Accident Fifty Years Ago Recalled, 143
- Board of Trade Export Tables for Railway Material for April, 1931, 11
- Board of Trade Returns for Export of Railway Material, 93
- Brazilian Railways Electrification, 651
- British Exports Railway Material for Ten Months, 651
- British Railway Companies and Amount of Money Spent in Lubricants for Locomotives, 67
- British Railway Companies and Experiments with Oil-electric System of Traction, 169
- British Railways and Amalgamation, Agitation of 1871 Recalled, 323. 351
Canadian National Railways :
- Dorchester Bridge and Silent Passing of Tram Cars, 491
- Montreal Terminal Plans to be Postponed, 437
- Transport. Problems in Canada, Royal Commission Appointed. 351
Canadian Pacific Railway
- Appointment of Mr. John Johnson as Chief Engineer of Steamship Services," 67
- Crude Oil Used on Mountain Division Locomotives between Calgary and Field , 143
- Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways, Royal Commission which may Lead to Amalgamation of, 624
- Centenary of Two Scottish Railway Companies, 351, 379
- Cheshire Lines Committee and Winsford Branch Line, 169
- Chinese Ministry of Railways to Purchase British Materials, 295
- City of Dublin Steam Packet Company and City of Dublin Junction Railway, 409
- Clayton Tunnel Disaster, Seventy Years Ago, 195
- Closing of Unprofitable Branch Lines in Ireland, 221
- Colour Light Signals at Paddington, 221
- Conversion of Railway Double Track to Single Track, Objections by Local Authorities of Waterford, 11
- Drumm Battery Train nearly Ready for Service, 295
- Electrification of Danish State Railway may Bring Contracts to England, 517
- Electrification of Stockholm-Mal moo Railway to be Completed by 1933. 11
- Electric Line Across Delaware River Bridge at Philadelphia, Proposed High-speed, 245
- Engine Erecting Shop at Mafeking, 221
- Export of Railway Material During September. 463
- Express Freight Trains on Railways. 545
- Failure of Couplings of Goods NVagons, 323
- Flood-lighting of Railway Marshalling Yards. 323
- Freight Rates on American Railways. 295
- Gas Illumination in Railway Accidents, 323
- General Electrification of Railways, 571
- General Strike of Railwaymen Recalled.Twenty Years Ago. 221
- Government of India Absorbing Bengal and North-Western Railway and Rohilkund and Kumaon Railways at. End of 1932, 409
Great Western Railway :
- Automatic Train Control. Remaining Portion of Lino to Completion of Scheme. 295
- Cementation 'Work on Severn Tunnel, 169
- Company Pays Interim Dividend on Ordinary Stock. 143
- Fastest Night Service in British Isles. 119
- Freight Trains the Fastest Ever Provided. 193
- Great Wemern Railway Company's Bill Seeking Powers to Take Financial Interest in Wagon Companies Providing Mineral NVagons, 11
- Great Western Railway Pioneer of Pitmenger Omnibus Services, 243
- Milk Tanks Have Air Spaces on Cylinder. 517
- Paris Representative Now Working, 517
- Plymouth Boat Trains and New Rolling Stock, 517
- Sparks from Locomotives, Verdict in Case for Plaintiff, 571
- Speed of Train from Swindon Regains World Record, 245
- Steel Sleepers on G.W. Railway. 545
- Suggestions Committee Examine 2342 Suggestions in Twelve Months, 67
- Grouping American Railways. 379
- Hand Brakes on Wagons. 545
- Harwich and Zeebrugge Train Ferry. Transport Electric Equipment from Manchester to Budapest. 323
- Hemlock Sleepers on American Railways, 93
- Inchicore Works and Problem of Discharging Workers. 295
- Increase of Railway Freights on United States Railways. 11
- Indian Railway Board. Report on Railway Staff College at Dehra Dun, 221
- Indian Railways. Falling Off in Receipts on. 269
- Indian Railways and Reorganisation, 409,437
- Indian Railways and Retrenchment. 39
- Industrial Steam Locomotive, Care and Maintenance of, 625
- Inter-European Timetable and Through Carriage Conference in London. 409
- Irish Railways Suffer from Road Transport. 379
- Irish Transport Matters and Irish Railwaymen's Unions. 351
- Johannesburg Railway Station Equipment, 351
- Leighton Buzzard Accident. Lieut.-Colonel Mount's Report Issued. 39
- Liverpool and Manchester Railway, Con• Unwary of Opening of Two Branches, 93
- Locomotives and Use of Syphons. Tests of. 119
- Locomotive Boiler Failures Through Impure Water on South African Railways, 195
- Locomotive " Lion " Now Permanent Exhibit at Lime-street. Liverpool. 221
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway :Accident. Between Train and Motor Car at Level Crossing Gates at Hoghton. 269
- Canonbury Tunnel Collisions Recalled. 625
- Colour Light Signals on Mirfield Widening and Between Barking and Upininster, 269
- Commercial Department Reorganisation, 92
- Desford Collision, Fiftieth Anniversary of, 445
- Fire on Cross-Channel Steamer " Duke of Lancaster." 597
- Fog Disaster at Dagenham Dock. 677
- Follows, Mr. J. H., Career of. 625
- Improvements to Buffers at huston. 245
- Loss of s.s. " Calder." Board of Trade Inquiry. Verdict into, 571
- Water Softening Plants. Largest Number on any Railway in the World, 545
London and North-Eastern Railway :
- Accident Brtween Rannoch and Corrour Stations. 517
- Bennett. Mr. R. F., Retirement of. 651
- Carriage of Coal in 20-Ton Wagons, 597
- Coal Shipping Plant at Grimsby. 195
- Creosoting Plant at Bo'ness. 677
- Downham and Stoke Ferry Light Railway. 517
- Duplication of Lines at Slienfield Junction, 169
- Fast Running on Peterborough-London Train, 90 Miles Attained. 651
- " Flying Scotsman," A Record of Punctuality. 324
- Inspection of Track on Sundays of Branch Lines in North-Eastern Area. 39
- Interest in Railway Museum at York. 295
- Liverpool-street Station Developments. 93, 625
- Locomotive Depot for Frodingham Replacing Keadby Depot. 169
- Passenger Traffic from Harwich Boats at Parkeston Quay. 697
- Passenger Train Service Suspended Between Cudworth and South howden, 677
- Rail Lifting and Laying Skid, 437
- Re-signalling of 30 Miles of Main Line Between l ork and Northallerton, 424
- Third-class Sleeping Cars, Ten Being Constructed, 1 05
London and North-Eastern Railway (continued) :
- Train of Thirty-five Railway Trucks Required for Magnesia Blocks and Pipe. Covering for Export to Canada. 452
- Whitemoor Hump and Marshalling Trains for South Running. 625
- Widening Lines at York, Contract for Searchlight Colour-light Signals Awarded to British Firm, 379
- London Passenger Transport Bill. Progress of, 169
- London Passenger Traffic Bill. Delay in Parliament, 318
- Lubricating Oil Consumed on British Railways, 221
- Manchester to Budapest rid L.N.E. Railway and Harwich Zeebrugge Train Ferry, 491
Metropolitan Railway :
- Automatic Signals at Bishop's-road, 295
- Great Portland-street Reconstruction. 545
- Opposition to London Passenger Transport Bill, 545
- Milan General Railway Station Opened. 39
Ministry of Transport :
- Accidents to Railway Servants, Inquiries Held into Causes of, 67
- Carlisle Corporation Refused Licences to Run Municipal Motor Omnibus Services, 39
- Minister of Transport and Railway Companies Meet to Discuss Weir Report on Electrification, 143
- Minister of Transport, Appointment of Mr. P. J. Pybus, 269
- Railway Receipts for Thirty-seven Weeks' Working. 323
- Railway Returns for 1930, 93
- Railway Returns for 1930, Statistics, 243
- Railway Returns, 1930, Steam Locomotives in Service, 437
- Railway Returns, Statistics of Loading of Goods Trains, 491
- Railway Staff Census, 195, 245
- Railway Statistics for April, 1931, 67
- Railway Statistics for May, 169
- Railway Statistics. June, 269
- Railway Statistics for June, 195
- Railway Statistics for July, 463
- Railway Statistics, August, 545
- Railway Statistics for September, 651, 677
- National Union of Railwaymen, Appointment of General Secretary, 517
- Patent Fuel Production Plant for Supplying Locomotives on Japanese State Railways. 437
- Private-owned Wagons. Rights of. 119
- Proposed Closing of Winsford Branch of Cheshire Lines Committee, 11
- Protection of Railway Passengers, " Wrong Line Order " Explained. 491
- Purchase of Materials for Iron and Steel Trades. Great Western and London, Midland and Scottish Railways. 169
- Purchase of Railways by the State. 119
- Quest of an International Container. COmpetition in Venice, 379
- Rails for London Electric Railway. 90ft.. 571
- Railway Board's Work on Now Zealand Railways, 295
- Railway Communication Between London and Brighton, Ninety Years of, 195
- Railway Companies and Weir Report, 119
- Railway Companies Oppose Application for Omnibus Service Between Manchester and Flixton, 67
- Railway Directors in New Government. 269
- Railway Directors in New Parliament. 491
- Railway Dividends for 1931. Half-year. 119
- Railway Material Exports During First Half of 1931, Statistics. 143
- Railway Material Exports, Statistics, 269
- Railwaymen's Unions Support of Candidates in General Election. 463
- Railway Problems in Canada, Royal Commission on. 571
- Railway Tires in China. 651
- Rates Advisory Committee. 517. 571. 597
- Receipts of Four Grouped Railway Companicks Greatly Reduced, 517
- Regulation of Railways Act, 1871, 491
- Rolling Railway Rails in Japan. 651
- Sand Drags and Prevention of Damage to Runaway Wagons, 463
- South African Railways and Harbours, Mechanical Department and Staff, 39
- South Australian Railways Reorganisation, 409
Southern Railway :
- Advertising in Press, Cost of, 418
- Borough Market Junction Reconstruction, 625
- Buffer Stop Collision at London Bridge, Report, 651
- Death of Sir William Hart Dyke. 39
- Dock Extensions at Southampton, 625
- Electric Trains to Brighton, 545
- Hastings New Station Opened, 67
- Improvements on Lino Between Tonbridge and Hastings, 93
- Jointless Cable for Merstham Quarry Tunnel, 351
- Locomotives to be Renumbered, 119
- Proposed Dock at Dover, 604
- Southampton Docks Extensions, 597
- Southampton West Station Extensions, 625
- s.s. " Versailles " Disabled, 625
- Tank Wagons for Convoying Milk, Road and Rail, 409
- Timekeeping of Passenger and Goods Trains, Steam and Electric. 221
- State Railways of India. Receipts of, 169
- Steel Cars Replacing 1Vooden Cars on Continent, 143
- Steel for Railway Coaches. Use of, 119
- Steel Sleepers on Great Western Railway, 625
- Tayport Railway Accident Recalled, 571
- Timetable, The Twenty-four-hour, 119
- Track Widening on G.E. Section. 625
- Train Ferry Service Between Harwich and Calais Now Operating, 491
- Travellers on Trans-Siberian Railway Require Chinese Visa, 269
Underground Railways :
- "Bakerloo " Lino Extension to Camberwell Green, Bill for, 93
- Camberwell Green Station, Proposed, 143
- Elephant and Castle Improvements, Not a Government Grant. 379
- Extension of Baker-street and Waterloo Railway from Elephant and Castle to Camberwell Green, Bill Reaches and
- Passes Committee Stage, 379
- Opening of Sections on Metropolitan and Metropolitan District Railways, 39
- Provisional Dates of Opening of Extensions on Piccadilly Tube. 597
- Underground Railway Traffic, 39
- Winter Train Service, 289
- RAIN Gauge Readings in India, 379
- Reafforestat ion Scheme for British Columbia, 67
- Red Pier at Douglas, I.O.M., Extensions to, 625
- Refining Crude Oil into Benzine and Other Products, Factory in Now Zealand for, 221
- Refuse Fuel for Power Production at Tea Factory in India, 597
- Reinforcing Foundations of New Old South Church, Boston. America. 491
- Rhenium, Properties of, 169
- Riddle, Portable Mechanical Stone Ballast, 463
- River Cuyahoga to bo Widened to Take 600ft. Oro Ships, 119
- Road Construction with Iron Tiles at Accrington, 545
- Rayon, Manufacture of, 221
- Road Signs. Uniformity of. 295
- Roofing with Galvanised Sheets. 11
- SAFETY Razor Blades. Method for Producing Edge on. 463
- St. Austell and Now China Clay Shipping Apparatus, 517
- "Sakaloid," A New Plastic. 221
- Salt, from Wells in Saskatchewan, 597
- Salt Pans Operated by Sunshine at Bloomhof District. Vaal, 195
- Scientific and Technical Abstracts, 596
- Screws. Self-tapping Sheet Metal, 310
- Sequoia Tree at Palo Alto in California, Oldest in Existence. 625
- Sewer, Flow on 60in. Reinforced Concrete. 677
- Sewerage Scheme for Droitwich, 359
- Aquitania " and Her Recent Voyages, 571
- Board of Trade Returns of Vessels Entering United Kingdom Ports During September, 545
- British Trade Ship " British Exhibitor." Address of Organisers, 293
- Canadian Coastguard Cutter " Adversus," Launched at Orilla, Ontario. 491
- Commercial Vessels Passing Through Panama Canal for Year Exceed 5000, 143
- Cunard Liner and Services of Engineering Firms. 195
- Cunard Liner 66Carmania " to be Scrapped, 221. 545
- Danish Vessel " Europa " Berths at Newcastle Quayside..597
- Diving Tests from Italian Vessel 66 Titano," 323
- Dredgers in Federated Malay States. Number of Bucket, 143
- Economy Committee in Shipping Industry, 625
- Electrical Equipment of Ships, Service for Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of, 597
- Ferry Service Between Lymington and Isle of 'Wight. Proposed, 677
- Germany's Mercantile Tonnage " Laid Up." 651
- H.M.S. "Falmouth," Keel Laid Down at Devonport Dockyard, 269
- Halifax to be Winter Call of Canadian Pacific Steamers, 545
- Hydrographic Survey Steamer for Canadian Government, 6
- Italian Steamship Lines. Proposed Merger. 289
- Launch of Submarint) "Swordfish " at Chatham, 517
- Launch of 30.000-ton Twin-screw Steam Transatlantic Liner " Manhatten," 625
- " Lusitania," Proposed Exploration of, 596
- Navigation of Ships in Fog. 517
- P. and 0. Turbo Electrically Propelled Liner " Strathnaver " Leaves Barrow for
- Trials. 245
- Port of London. Vessels Using, 221
- Shallow-draught Steam Tanker " Maracay." Harland and Wolff. Ltd., 3
- Ship Canal at Nicaragua, Proposal to Construct. 249
- Ship Lift on Hohenzollern Canal, 517
- Shipping of China Clay at. St. Austell. Cornwall. 517
- Ships Making First Passage Through Suez Canal During 1930, 143
- Submarine " Nautilus " to End Career by Sinking in North Sea, 351
- Suez Canal Company and Maximum Volume of Bunkers Allowed to Ships in Ballast, 169
- Swedish Vessels " Laid Up,' 409 409
- Tonnage of Vessels Arriving in United Kingdom During August. 1931, 379
- U.S.N. Aircraft Carriers May be Used for Commercial Transatlantic Service, 437
- United States Battleship " New Mexico " to have Turbo-electric Drive Replaced by Steam Turbines, 119
- SHOT-FIRING Accidents in Germany, 409
- Silica. 291
- Silver Soldering, Care in, 677
- Slag Wool for Insulation from Canada, 379
- Slide Rule for Sheet Metal, Edwards', 424
- Sludge Digestion System at Saltley. 677
- "Smoke Abatement- Handbook," 417
- Soya Beans. Successful Growing in Ontario. 491
- Star Named H.D. 698 Most Massive \'et Discovered. 221
- Status of Qualified Engineer. 491
- Stench-gas Injector at Freed Mine, Ontario, 295
- Stephens, Lieut.-Colonel H. T.. Death of, 491
- Stereoscopic Projection for Cinemas, Dr. R. T. A. Innes'. 323
- Stirling. Mr. Matthew, Death of, 409
- Stoke-on-Trent Technical College, Extension, 651
- Street Accidents in London. Reduction of, 437
- Strength of Wooden Columns Built up of Boards Nailed Together. 269
- Sugar Beet in Southern Alberta, 491
- Sulphur Deposit Working in Turkey, 245
- Sulphuric Acid Works at Everett. Maass., 39
- Swansea's Electricity and Main Drainage Schemes. 269
- Swiss Post Office Introduces Handcarts of Steel Tubing with Aluminium Panels. 143
- TANNIN added to Boiler Ford Water, 437
- Tantalum Carbide. Research on. 597
- Automatic Public Telephone Exchange at Tucuman. Argentina. 516
- Automatic Telephone Exchange on Exhibition Ship " British Exhibitor," 179
- Automatic Timing of Trunk Telephone Calls in G. P.O.. 169
- Birmingham Automatic Telephone Exchange Extensions. 195
- Bradford Historical Pageant to be Directed by Telephone, 39
- Growth of Telephones in the World During 1930. 39
- International Telephone Calls During June, 1931. 517
- Number of Post Office Telephones in Great Britain and Ireland, 295
- Picture Telegraphy Service Between Italy and United States. 463
- Proposed Telephone Service Between London and Moscow. 370
- Submarine Telegraph Cable Between Marseilles and Tunisia. 295
- Telephone Circuit Established Between Yallourn Generating Station and Melbourne. 350
- Telephone Communication Between British and Continental Subscribers, Use of "Personal " Call System. 221
- Telephone Construction and Extensions in Italy, 295
- Telephone Conversation Recorded on Magnetic Steel Wire for Future Reference. 39
- Telephone System of Britain. Lord Wolmer's Comments on, 545
- Telephones per 100 People Throughout Different Countries. 39
- Time Signals to Now York Telephone Subscribers. 169
- Teleprinter Exchange Service in Now Year by Post. Office, 571
- TESTING of Concrete Paving Slabs at National Physical Laboratory. 67
- "The Canadian Industrial Field." Publication of. 143
- Thermo-couples. 625
- Thomas. Mr. J. H.. and National Unix- of Railwaymen. 245
- Thornycroft Six-wheelers and Trailers Replace Elephant. Transport in India. 677
- Tidal Energy from Tresillian River, Cornwall, Proposed, 323
- Tidal Energy on River Fal, Proposed Scheme for. 269
- Timber Research at Forests Products Research Laboratory. 268
- Tin Deposits of Katanga. Congo. to bo Developed. 39
- Titaniforous Sand Discoeored near Mariupol in Ukraine. 571
- Titanium White Production in the Urals, 119
- Toronto Trains to Run Underground Beneath Yonge-street. 295
- Totalisator. Ericsson Mechanical. 323
- Trade Facilities by Britain in Yugoslavia, 132
- Traffic Census Results on Durham County Roads. 023
- Traffic Signals in Oxford-street, Increase in Speed, 179
- "Traffic Signs " Committee Appointed, 651
- Trepanning Work on Tail Shaft of Marine Set at Vickers Works, 571
- Trunk Lino Motor Roads in Italy, 351
- Tubes, Seamless Steel. Plant Erected in Welland. Ontario. for Production. 119
- Tubes for Superheaters. Colorised Low-carbon Steel, 245
- Tubes of Water-tube Boiler Cause Mialuip
- Through Pulling-out of Steam Drum from Shortness of Water. 221
- Tunnel at Halkyn. North Wales. Rapid Progress Creates Record, 295
- Tunnel Between Dartford and Purtleet. Report on Proposed. 245
- Tunnel Saves 10 Miles on Trail on Glacier National Park, 545
- Tunnelling in Strong Rock, Method to Blast and Let Dibrie Fall Direct into Conveyor Skip, 143
- Tunnels. Discharge of Water from Unlined, 169
- Tunnels to be Constructed under Nothing) Canal, Montreal, 119
- Typewriter Manufacturing in Toronto. 677
- UNDERGROUND Wiros for Ottawa in Future, 597
- University College. London. Awards in Faculty of Engineering. 108
- VALVE Factory to be Erected near Montreal, 119
- Vocational Education, Sir Francis Goodenough on. 338
- Vulcan Foundry Company's Centenary of Locomotive Building. Commemorative Volume of History, 132
- WAKEFIELD Corporation Replace Tramways with Motor Ontnihuses, 269
- Wall Boards from Wininpeg, 545
- Electrolytic Purification of Water, Typo of Cell for, 295
- Metropolitan NVater Board. Proposed Developments, 169
- Rand Water Supply Further Increased, 195
- Water Power Industry in Canada, 677
- Water Supply for Detroit. 244
- M'ater Supply for Moose Jaw, 119
- Water Supply for Quebec from Covered Reservoir on Plains of Al) ralittni Battlefield, 331
- Water Supply Scheme for St. Asaph, 597
- Water Supply to Mysore State by Boreholes. 597
- Waterwheels of the World, Capacity of, 221
- Arc NVelding Prize Competition. Conditions of. 231
- Electric Welding, Detection of Defective 'Welds, 625 1Velded Containers for Conveyance of Gases under High Pressures, 578
- Welding of Re16 Prevents Melting Down When Cracked, 67
- 'Welding of Hadfield Matezanese Stool, 193
- Welding of Reinforcement littrA for Concrete Loaves, 651
- WHALING Expedition-4 to Ant arct ic Cancelled, 195
- White Lead Factory in South India to be Extended, 169
- White Pine, Drying Rate of, 143
- Whitworth Senior Scholarship Won by Mr.J. L. Thornton, 143
- Radio Receiving System in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, 515
WIRELESS (continued)
- Radio Station at Maracay. Venezuela. Proposed. 269
- Radio Station at Saxonburg. Pa., 571
- Reproduction of Tones of Human Voice and Other Sounds on Screens. Apparatus for. 67
- Television Broadcasting_ in America. Popularity of. 351
- Television in United States. 93
- Ultra Short Wave Service Between Honolulu and Surrounding Islands, 409
- Wireless Beacon Station for Rangoon. 143
- Wirelews Communication Between New York and Muktlen, 39
- Wireless Communications in Solitary North-West Territories of Canada. 677
- Wireless Service Between Britain and China, 169
- Wirelms Telephone Message to Lora Mayor of London from Lord Mayor of Sydney to
- Attend Opening of Sydney Harbour Bridge. 571
- WINDOW Washing in United States Buildings, 382
- Wire Cables for Testing Purposes. Method of Socketting Stranded. 143
- Wood Piles for Wharves at Portland. Maine. 221
- Wood Research Laboratory for Madison. Wis.. 409
- Works Management. National Conference on Details of Programme, 351
- "ZEPPELIN on Wheels " Covers 160 Miles Between Hamburg and Spandau in 96 Min.. 11
- Zinc Mine and Plant Closed Down at Broken Hill. South Africa. 93
- Zinc Oxide Manufacture Revived in Cornwall, 351
- Zirconia the Most Refractory Oxide Known, 39
See Also
Sources of Information