Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1913 The Motor: Index

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor

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Feb 1913 to July 1913 (Volume 23)


  • A.A. and M.U., E59. And August Bank Holiday Trips, 1198. And Dangerous Road Surfaces. 756a. And Danger Signs and Schools, 1125. And Highway Improvement in Great Britain, 640. And Holy head Road’s Bad Condition. 446. And Motorcar Thieves, 171. And Special Road Notice, 1061. And Unrolled Stones, 56. And Victoria Bridge, Queen’s Ferry, 559, 566. Annual General Meeting of, 1167. Badges, 446. Benefits, 663. Erection of Signs at Beggars Roost Hill, Devonshire, by, 1198. Goodwood Enclosure for Members of, 1171, 1213. Handbook: for Tourists in the British Isles, 491; “Scotland for the Motorist,’’ 751. Handbooks, 444, 895. Hotels for Members of, 336. Illumination of Direction Posts by, 702a. Lost Articles Recovered by, 606. New: Members of, 313: Offices in Paris, 702a; West of England Offices, of, 702a. Northern Section, Dinner of, 172. Patrols, 358. 402. Progress of, 1061. Rear Lights for Horse Vehicles and, 422. Road Improvements: by the, 350; in Ireland, 558. Speed Limits and, 623. Sub-office in Cork of, 1126. Successful Prosecution: by the, 65; for Malicious Damage, 435. Touring: Facilities for City Members of, 860; Handbook for Scotland, 444. Traffic Accidents, Select Commission on, 6. Visit to the North of England Motor Show, 60
  • Accessories: Adams, 564d. Atlas (Tyre), 574. Bailey, 564c. Barimar, 564. Barker, 564. Bleriot, 711. Bowden, 564c. Bramco, 564d. Bransom, 575. Brooks, 561, 606. Brown Brothers., 1088, E53. Butler and Co., 580. Cavendish, 122. City Ignition Co., 544, E55. Dumolite, 564b. Dunhill, 564d. Fastnut, 565. Fenestre, Cadisch and Co, E57. Finnigans, 121,. 583. Gamage, 564a, 566. G. O. and N. Trading Co., 579. Hardy, 565. Harrods, 574. Imperial Motor Industries, 564b. L.A.C., 906. Lake and Elliott, 564b. Lucas, 561. Lyell, 552c. Markt, 580. Mestre and Blatge, 566. Morris, Russell and Co, 564d, 1098, E55. Motor Accessories Co., 576. Norton. 564. P. and R., E45. Riches, 564d. Roberts and Co. (Tyre), 574. Ross, Courtney and Co., 564b, E53. Rotax, 565, E53. Selfridge's, 1018b. Simplex. 565. Smith and Son, 1215. Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 564b. Steiner and Co., E57. Thomson-Bennett, 304, E57. Tormo, 566. United Motor Industries, 562. Welte and Owens, 565
  • Accessories: How to Choose, 646. Some New, ESSES?
  • Accident, A Tragic, to Mr. Englebert, 929
  • Accidents, Motor, in Germany, 778
  • Accumulators: Alklum, 540. C.A.V., 357. Edison, 1053, E45. Lithanode (Longstreths, Ltd.), 121, E45. Lucas, E46. Motor Accessories Co., E45. Nilmelior, E45. R.I.P., E45. Van Raden, E45
  • Accumulators, Frothing of, 357
  • Air: Benzole in the, 1170. Cold, Fallacy, That: Some Critics Criticised, 481. Valve, The Extra, 359
  • Air Inlet, Speedier, 1127
  • Alcohol: As a Motor Fuel, 303. Carburetters for, 336. Question in America, 408. Why? 1167
  • Alexandra Day Celebrations, 927,-950. In Coventry, 1018a
  • Almagam Mills, A Visit to the, 653
  • Alpine: Project, A New, 90. Run, The, 530 Alpine Tour, Austrian, 1016, 1017, 1067, 1126. Austro-Daimlers and the, 950. Daimlers in the, 772. Entries for the, 719
  • America : A New Fuel and Carburetter in, 452. Auto Polo as Played in, 196, 400—(See “ Motor Polo ”). Bosch Magneto in, 292. Carburetter Activity in, 203. Flood’ Disasters in, 406d, 494, 530; Remy Electric Co.’s Resourcefulness, 530. Fuel: Developments in, 1068; Prices, How They Have Risen in, 408; Situation in, 408. Institute of Automobile Engineers’ Visit to, 178, 596, 962. Motorist’s Startling Cyclone Experience in, 816. Petrol Position in, 322. South: British Cars Wanted for, 28; Market, The. 180; Trade in Motorcars in, 81. S.M.M.T. Visit to, 178, 596, 962. Why It is Keen on Left-hand Steering, 69
  • American: Attempts at Overcoming Difficulty of Position of Driver’s Seat, 34. Car, a Speedy, 842. Carriage-building Expert’s Impressions of the Motor Industry in Britain, 720. Cars: A Mirror for (Oldfield’s), 906; in British Guiana, 692; Inexpensive. 436. Design, Present Tendencies in, 411, 432. Motor Industry, Effects of the Floods on, 406d. Motorist, The Attitude of, 360a. Motor Makers Cut Fuel Cost, 698a. Tariff and Cars, 42
  • Antarctic, Motors in the. 796 Antiquities, Hills and, 1090 Appleby: The Town of “ Jack Robinson,’’ 184 Arrol-Johnston Debenture Issue, 621 Art and the Modern Car, 521 Ascot Traffic Regulations, 824
  • Asquith, Mr., Favours Conference of Authorities on New Main Roads, 1057
  • Atlas Continental Co., 350a
  • Atlas Non-Puncture Inner Case Syndicate Present Cigarettes to Motorists, 192
  • "Austin Advocate” and Easy Starting, 717
  • Australia: Running Cost in, 508. Sydney to Melbourne, Reliability Run in, 702
  • Austria, Dear Petrol in, 629
  • Austrian Alpine Tour, 1010, 1017, 1067, 1126.
  • Austro-Daimlers and the, 950. Daimlers in, 772. Entries for the, 719
  • Austrian View of the Vauxhall Car, 300 Auto-Cycle Union, The, E58
  • Automobile Exchange. Ltd., New Premises of the, 24 Automobile Golfing Society, The, 402
  • Auto-Polo in America, 196, 400—(See “ Motor Polo ”)
  • Aveling and Avery’s Heavy Vehicle Weighing Machine, 1172
  • Aviation.— Accidents, Army Flying. 881. Aero Exhibition at Olympia, 126-; Prominent Exhibits at the, 174; Visit of the King to, 126. Aeromotor, Benz, 135. Aeroplanes: German War Office, New Conditions for, 219: in a Motor Body Builder’s Hands, 518. Airship Service. A Zeppelin, 314. Army Flying Accidents, 881. Benzole in the Air, 1170. Germany, Aerial Movements in, 445. Grahame-White, Mr. Claude, Interesting Facts Concerning Hendon by, 503. Guillot, M., Fatal Accident to, 33. Hendon Aerodrome, Facts Concerning, 503 Kaiserpreis, Winner of the, 135. Nieuport, M. Charles, Fatal Accident to, 33 Avon India Rubber Co.’s Works, A Visit to. 915 Avranches, Normandy, Becket Stone at, 512 Axle: Gearbox, Pros and Cons of the Rear, The, 1197. Lubrication, 625
  • Backfires: Why They Occur, 456
  • Balkan Campaign, Mr. Frederic Villiers’ Motoring Experiences During, 92
  • Ball-bearing Primer, A, 778
  • Ball Bearings: S.K.F., 564b. S.R.O., 578. Timken, 876
  • Barcelona, Downcar Club of, 60
  • Bassom’s, Superintendent, Evidence before the Select Committee on Motor Traffic, 11
  • Bavaria, Motor Traffic Order in, 119
  • Beldam Tyre Works, Notes on, 1079
  • Belsize Works, Pressure of Work at, 799
  • Bentley’s, Mr. Bede J. F., Journey to Menelik, 426
  • Benzole: And “Coalol,” 695. And Motor Fuels, 379. Announcement, A, 866. Brooklands and, 971. Carburetter Trials at the Prussian War Office, 1148. Campaign, More Opinions on the, 1227. Carriage of, 304b. Committee, The, 214. Criticism of, and Answers Thereto, 762. Development, Another, Waleswood Colliery Co Experimenting, 45. Diary of Our Campaign in, 876. Enquiries, 660. Experiences with. 690. Extract from “ The Academy ” on, 989. Fixing a Standard for the Quality of, 970. From Town Gas, 871. Fuel, Other People’s Views of, 984. In Petrol Cans, Anglo-American Co. and, 1019. In the Air, 1170. In Two-gallon Cans, Gamages Supply, 175. In Use, Experiences of, 407, Large Yield of, at Birchenwood Colliery, 615, More Truth About, 265. Napier Tests of, 169. Petrol or Petrol-Paraffin? 254. Question in Germany, 45. Race at Brooklands, 494. Recovery, Mr. H. L. Doherty Supports, 749. Results of Using, 445. Sunbeam Records on, 756a. Supplies, 214b. Test, An Interesting, on Dennis Car with White and Poppe Carburetter, 176. Testing Campaign, Our, Opinions from Trade and Other Readers, 1072. Tests, 930, 1215; Approval by Users and Dealers of, 981. Then and Now, 1214. Trials of, in Berlin, 1095. Ulterior Motives and, 475. Users Satisfied, 1032. Where Not to Obtain, 933-935. Where to Obtain, 177, 210. 269, 308, 313 , 354 , 407, 451, 499, 584, 609, 610 , 652. 653, 716, 717, 755, 756, 798, 799. 846a, 846b, 889 . 890. 933-935, 965, 966, 1029, 1030, 1076-1078, 1136-1138, 1181-1183, 1225-1227
  • Berkhampstead Road, Dangerous Surface of, A.A. and M.U. and, 750a
  • Berlin: A Revolting Crime near, 316a. Association of Chauffeur Schools in, 268. Fuel Trials, 1093
  • Bigio, Signor, Accident to, 791, 834
  • Bike, The Missing, 976
  • Birchenwood Colliery: Benzole of, Criticism of, 708. The King and Queen visit, 615
  • Birkenhead, New Ferry Arrangements at, 399 Body Design, German Influence in, 1180
  • Body Design: Hopkinson and Son, 1007. Lambert, H., 664. Myers, Eric, 663. Sankey, 1217
  • Bodywork for Hot Climates, E66
  • Boil lot, M. Georges, 1154
  • Bois de Boulogne, Motoring in the, 757
  • Bonnet Heater, Barimar, 246
  • Booklets: Argyll, 510. Bosch Magneto Co., 1138. Brompton Motor Co., 1171. Brooklands Year Book, 510. Brooks, 606. Cammell, Laird and Co. 397. Car and General Insurance Corporation, 728. County Chemical Co., 795. Dresser and Garle. 466, 596. Dunlop Rubber Co. 1088. Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., 778. William Hastings and Co., 1025, 1180. Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., 1166. Internal Combustion Engine Cleaning Co., 796. La Buire, 115. Lanchester, 82$. National Fuel Economy, 1204. William E. Peck and Co. ("Hints on Hoods ”), 580. Seabrook Brothers., 684. Star Engineering Co., 906. Stewart-Precision Co., 360. Talbot, 292, 560. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 1042. Warland, 706. Westall and Co., 316a Withers and Spooner, 219
  • Books: A.A. and M.U., 444, 895: "Tourists in the British Isles," 491; “ Scotland for the Motorist," 751. “ Dynamo Lighting for Motorcars" (Spon and Co.), 1210. Electric Test: “Magneto and Electric Ignition." Whittaker and Co., 698. Instruction: Newton and Bennett, 950. Motor and Gas Power, 996. Motor Mechanics’ Handbook, 932
  • Bore and Stroke Ratios, Some Notes on, 363
  • Boston, Lincolnshire, Closing a Bridge at, 355
  • Bourne’s, Cardinal, Devotion to his Chauffeur, 781
  • Boxgrove, Sussex, Church at, 725
  • Bradford. Signposts at, 400, 478
  • Brake Drums, Oil Leakage on, 79
  • Brake Linings: Ferodo, 120, 552o, E55. Raybestos, 120, 552c
  • Brazil, Rubber Industry in, 802
  • Bristol, Motoring Leaders in, 1060
  • British: Cars, Opening up a Market in Canada for, 781. Goods Preferred, 360a. Manufacturers: Trade Opportunities for, in Egypt, 160; Why They should have First Claim in Colonial Markets, E2. Market, Guide to Colonial Models on the, E19-E37
  • British Guiana. American Cars in, 692
  • Broadland by Motor, 225
  • Brooklands: Benzole Race and, 494, 661. Great Success of New Fuel—Benzole—at, 971. Improvement, A, 925. Indianapolis: Racers at, 356; Sunbeam at, 115. Meetings: Easter, 216, 316, 356, Humber Car at, 397; Essex M.C. (24th May), 756b, 794; Kent A.C. (28th June), 927; M.C.C. (5th July), 1061; Midsummer (21st June), 927, 971; R.A.C. and Associated Clubs (Gala Day, 31st May), 494, 748. 838; Whitsun (12th May), 499, 703, Benzole Handicap at, 661; 4th August, 1128, 1214; 1912, Results of, E3. New Oil Refining Co.’s Motor Spirit, Testing, at, 963. Old Boys' Races at, 495. Records at. 606; Argyll, 750, 800 , 840; Arrol-Johnston (Class B), 796; Humber, 747, 1171; Peugeot. 359, 398, 435; Sunbeam, 702, 756a; Table of, E5: Talbot, 62, 114; Worlds and Class of 1912, E4. Sheffield and District A.C. Tour to, 624. Suggested Subsidy for, 400. Testing: New Oil Refining Co.’s Motor Spirit at, 963: Pratt’s, 273; Shell, 212, 273; Year Book, The, 510
  • Brussels to St. Petersburg Run, 911 Buckinghamshire, A Day in, 1090 Buffer Safeguard, Firmax, 491 Buick Motor Co., Some Startling Statistics of, 886 Burgoyne, Mr. A. H., and the Oil Era and its Portents, 1052
  • Burns, Mr. J., and Better Roads, 1015
  • Businesses, Impending Development in, 214b
  • Business, Finance and, 17, 59, 111, 167, 209, 257, 311, 353, 395, 439 . 489, 555, 613, 657, 701, 745, 789, 833, 879, 923, 969, 1013. 1059, 1105, 1164. 1207
  • Business: Motor, The International, E61. Sport and, 317. Use, Motors in, 1166
  • Buyers’ Guide, Dresser and Garie, 466, 596
  • “Cadger" Nuisance, Motorists and the, 929
  • Cairo, Cape to, by Car from, 1160 Calendar, New Briton 1913, 42
  • Camphor: Dissolved in Petrol, as a Fuel Economizer, 76. In Petrol. Effect of, 498
  • Camping, The Motor and, 1078
  • Canada: Austins and, 781. Big Year in, 323. Club House for, 1166. Motoring in, 258; Growth of, 1172. Motor Trade in. 323. Opening Up a Market for British Cai’s in, 781. The Car Industry in Ontario, 402—(See " Ontario ’’)
  • Canadian: League, A Growing, 346. Market. The, 22, 227. Motorists, Attitude of the, 360a
  • Canterbury, Modern Pilgrimage to, 1203
  • Cape to Cairo by Oar, From the. 1160
  • Car: Air-propelled, The, 1202. American: An Expensive, 436; A Speedy, 842; Construction, Points about, 411, 432; Tendencies in 1913, 12. And Train Race as Shown by Cinematograph at the London Opera House, 623. British: Driven in Germany, 781: Wanted for South America, 28. By, to Menelik, 426. Closed, Flush-sided, Cole and Sons, 336. Comfort in the, 123, 202. Construction, and Trend of Design, E6. Cuthbert’s First—(See “Cuthbert’s”). Deer-hunting on a, Nove! and Exciting Sport with a, in Spain, 1055. Electric Lighting, 689, Reply! to letter by Mr. S. F. Edge on. 367. Enclosed, Signalling from the, 718. Equipment: Hints on the Selection of, 646; Some Common Faults in 534. Evolution, of a Good, The, 804. Ideal, for Owner-driver, Suggestions as to the 979. Imperfect, The, 782. Improvements: A Chauffeur’s Grievance, 370. Industry in Ontario, The, 402. In the Eyes of Famous Men of Letters, The, 1194. In War, The, 92. Irish, in London, 6. Joseph Coyne in the, 807. Light, Good' Work for a, 1190. Lighting, 355; the Motor House from the, 610. Maintenance and Garaging, 117. Midnight Experience of a, 358. Mid-Victorian, The, 414. Miniature, The Design- of the, 241. Modern: Art and the, 521; Science and the, 1216. Motorbus and the Road, 829; New: Bringing Home the, 500; Design of the Saloon, 1071. Of Concentration, The, 891. On. the Estate, The, 630. Ordering a, E18. Owner, New, Pointers for the, 471. Owners, New, Driving Hints for, 484. Purchasing, 980. Second-hand: A Warning to Purchasers of, 48; Buying a, 497; Fitting Out the, 737; Running Costs of, 649. Selling a, 712. The Growth of the, 72. The Heart of the, 602. The Lady and the, 48, 252, 631. Thieves, 171. What is the Life of a? 707. £1000, A Few Notes on the, 479
  • Car and General Insurance Co., pay 7% p.c., 19 Caravanning, Motor, 1191
  • Carbide, G.B., County Chemical Co., 71
  • Carburetter: Adjustments, 626.
  • Case, A Curious, and a Curious Remedy, 739. Considerations, Some, 600. Developments: Fuel and, 452; Remarkable, 1194. Manufacturers’ Addresses, Alphabetical List of, 606
  • Carburetter Bypasses: Badcock, 1041, E57 Carburetter Heater, Hydra, 606
  • Carburetters: A.B.C., 203. Arnott, 604. Bailey-Dale, 122, 605, E43. Binks, 122a, 605. Breeze, 204. Brewer, 959. Claudel-Hobson, 122a, 602. E43. D.K.W., 204. Facile, 605. Favorit, 622. Flechter, 204. Garner, 602. Godward, 452. Halley, 1018b. Ideal, 606. Kingston, 204. Longuemare, 604, E44. Loton, 120. Newcomb, 204. Polyrhoe. 603, E44. Rayfield, 204, 262, 605, 664. Schebler, 604. Scott-Robinson, 122, 602, E43. Smith, 121, 876, E43. Solex, 603. Standard, 606, 881; Petroleum Testing, 63. Stewart, 604. Stewart-Ford, 604. Stewart-Morris, E44. Stewart-Precision, 318, 360, 396, E44. Stromberg, 204, S.U., 122, 602, E44. T. and"M.. 602, E43. Vapor, 604. White and Poppe, 108, 176, 603, 710a, 1019, E44. Zenith, 120 , 264, 292, 603, 860, E43
  • Carburetters: American, Some 1913, 203. Constructional Features of, 602. For Alcohol, 336. Modern, Fitting, 687
  • Carburetter Trials, Brewer, 959
  • Car Construction.— Adler, 804. Apollo, 271. Argyll, 953. Brasier, 506. Briton, 343 Chenard-Walcker, 741 Daimler, k7. Darracq, 305, 691. De Dion, 1199. D.F.P., 32. Florio, 130. Hillman (Light), 869. K.R.I.T.. 842. La Licorne, 318. Majola, 1024. Napier, 179, 298. Oakland, 1157. Overland. 319, 448 Paige, 46. Panhard, 1069. Pipe, 162 R.C.H., 674. Royal Detroiter, 436 Seabrook (R.M.C.), 985, 1078. Sidea, 746. Sizaire-Naudin, 182, 1014. Star, 72. Straker-Squire, 891. Studebaker, 852. Sunbeam, 198 Vermorel, 1090. Vulcan, 515 White, 556.
  • Car Equipment: Brooks, 606. Johnson and Co., E53
  • Car Polish, Chemico, 1028
  • Cars:
  • - Aberdonia, E19, N2. A.-C. (Light), 824. A.C.E. (Light), 251, N2. Adams, E19, N2. Adler, 804; 1042, E19, N2. A.G.R., N5. Albion, E19, N4. Alcyon, E19, N4. Alda, N3. Alldays, 105, E19, N2. Apollo, 271, N5. Argyll, 14, 95, 510 , 750, 800, 840 , 953, 1160, 1210, E19, N3. Ariel, 752, E19, N3. Armstrong-Whitworth, 94, 219, 864. E19, N4. Arrol-Johnston, 100, 103, 105, 108, 152, 707, 885, 980, E20, N4: Edison (Electric), 828, 1017, Austin, 24, 101, 119, 192, 254, 355, 424 , 494, 728. 781, E20, N3. Austro-Daimler, 107, 950, E20, N4
  • - Baguley, 103, E20, N5. Barimar. E20, N8. Bayard, 101, 596, E20, N5. Bedford, E20, N6. Bell, 106b, E20, N6. Belsize, 96, 397, 799, E20, N6. Benz, 19. 409, 1171, 121, N6. Benz-Sohne, E21, N5. Berliet, 103. E21. N7. Bianchi, 99, E21. N7. Brasier, 95, 106a, 506, E21, N7. Brenna, E21, N7. Briggs Detroiter, 980. British Clement, 29. Briton, 118, 343, 640, E21, N8. B.S.A., 101, E21, N8. Bucket, E21, N8. Bugatti, E22. Buick, E22. N8.
  • - Cadillac. 102. 290. 558. E22, N9. Calthorpe, 101, 250, 466. E22, N9. Chambers, 5, E22, N9. Chalmers, E22, N10. Charron, 105, 217, E22, N10. Chenard-Walcker, 402, 596, 740, E22, N9. C.I.D., E22, N10. C.L.C., N10. Clement, E23, N10 Clement-Talbot, 317. Clyde, E23, Nil. Crespelle, Nil. Crossley, 68, 75, 96, 236, 559, 664 , 792, 1005, 1148, E23, Nil
  • - Daimler, 7. 94. 118. 119. 214a, 303. 323, 364 , 772, 865, E23, Nil. Darracq, 99. 305, 621, 691, 729, 773, 1028, 1150, E23, Nil. Deasy, 118. De Dion, 100, 316a, 445. 721. 860, 899. 1162. 1199, E23, N13. Delage, 68, 100, 103, 1049, E23, N12. Delahaye, E23, N12. Delaunay-Belleville, 106b, E24, N12. Delta, E24, N12. Dennis, 176, E33, N13. D.F.P., 32 , 792, E23, N13. Dodson, 118, E24, N13; Valveless, 960.
  • - Enfield. 106b, E24, N14. Enfield Autolette, 622, 1088, E24. N14. Excelsior, 911.
  • - F.A.B., E2Hi, N15. Fafnir, 102. E24, N14. F.I.A.T., 106b, 118, 218. 886, 1167. E24, N15. F.L., E24, N14. Florio. 130, N16. F.N., 620, E24, N15. Ford, 100, 106a, 925, 1001, 1018a, 1234, N15. Forest, E25, N16. Foy-Steele, 101, E25, N15.
  • - Germain, E25, N16. Gladiator, E25, N16. Globe (Light), 251, 663, E25, N17. Gobron, E25, N16. G.R. (Unio), E25, N17. Gregoire, 102, E25, N17. G.W.K. (Light), E25, N17.
  • - Hampton, E25, N19. Hansa, 1138, E25, N17. Hillman, 270, E25, N18; (Light), 869. Hispano-Suiza, E26, N18. H.L., E26, N18. Hotchkiss, 67, 103, E26, N19. Hudson, E26, N19. Humber, 98, 105, 397, 444, 747, 1171, E26, N18. Humberette (Light), 247. Hupmobile, 99, 131, 214a, 316, 428, E26, N19. Hurtu, 106a, 218, 384, E26, N19.
  • - Iris, 119, E26, N20. Isotta-Fraschini, 494, 620, E26, N20. Itala, 791, 834, 932, 1050, 1209, E27, N20.
  • - Jackson, E27, N20. Knight of the Road, 259, N20.
  • - Komnick, E27, N21. K.R.I.T., 842, E27. N21.
  • - La Buire, 105, 115, 399, E27, N21. Lagonda, N23. La Licorne, 10, 318, E27, N21. Lanchester, 104, 354, 828, 936, 1139, E27, N22. Lancia, 106a, E27, N22. L. and P., N24. La Ponette, 98, E27, N24. Laurin and Klement, N22. Le Gui, N23. Leon Bollee, E27, N22. Little Four, N21. Loreley, E28, N23. Lorraine-Dietrich, E28, N23. Luxior, E28, N24. Lynx, E28, N24.
  • - M.A.F., E28, N24. Majola, 664, 1024, E28, N25. Marathon, E28, N24. Marlborough, E28, N25. Mass, 108, E28, N25. Mathis, E29, N28. Martini, E28, N28. Maudslay, 98, E29, N25. Maxwell-Mascotte, E29, N25. Metallurgique, 106a, E29, N26. Mercedes, 98, E29, N26. Mercedes-Knight, 224. Metz-Lion, N27. Miesse, E29, N26. Minerva, 118, 261, 269, 316, 397. 1019, 1065, E29, N26. Mitchell, 106b, E29, N27. Morris-Oxford (Light), 118, 250, 749, 886, N27. Mors, 119, 684, E30, N27. Motobloc, E29, N27
  • - N.B., 100, 1019, E30, N29. N.A.G., 6, 61, 261. 435, E30, N28. Napier, 99, 103, 169, 262 , 298, 596, 1064, E30, N28; (“Come Over Here” Car), 623, 624. Nazzaro, 98, 748, E30, N29. N.E.C., E30, N29. New Pick, N29. N.S.U., 494, E30, N29.
  • - Oakland, 350, 470, 1157, E30, N30. Opel, 216, 1041, E30, N30. Oryx, E30. Overland, 319, 448, 494, E31, N30.
  • - Paige, 22, 46, 402, 1071, E31, N30. Palladium, 108, 816, E31, N32. Panhard, 101, 378, 1069, E31, N31. Pathfinder, E31. Pearson and Cox, E31, N31. Perry (Light), 249, N31. Peugeot, 10, 435, 559, 648, 742, 751, 907, 931, 950, 1048, F31, N32. Phanomobile, E31, N33. Phoenix, 99, E31, N33. Piccard-Pictet, N31. Pilain, E32, N32. Pilgrim, E32, N31. Pilot, 494, E32, N31. Pipe, 108, 162, N31. Portland, N32.
  • - Ranger, 752. R.C.H., 108, 674, 860, E32, N34. Renault, 105, 223, 1046, E32, N33. Richmond, 756b, 799, N34. Riley, 281, E32, N34. Rochet-Schneider, 560, E32, N33. Rolls-Royce, 105, 131, 1004, 1016, 1088, E32, N35. Roper-Corbet, E32, N33. Rothwell, 119, E33, N34. Rover, 107, E32, N34. Royal Detroiter, 436, N34
  • - Sabella, E33. Salmon, N36. Sava, E33, N35. S.C.A.R., 624, E33, N37. S.C.A.T., 100, E33, N36. Schneider, 107, 874, E33, N36. Scout, E33, N37. Seabrook (R.M.C.), 104, 684, 985, 1078, 1175, E33, N35; Underslung, 1018. Sheffield-Simplex, 106a, 415, E33, N39. Siddeley-Deasy, 118, 747, 751, 847, E34, N37. Sidea (Light), 746. Singer, 29, E34, N37; (Light), 248. Sirron, E34, N37. Sizaire-Berwick, 1234, N36. Sizaire-Naudin, 64, 182, 378, 624, 928, 1014, E34, N35. S.P.A., 96, E34, N37. Sperber, 886, E34, N36. Springuel, E34, N35. Spyker, E34, N38. Standard, 105, 172, 441, 447, E34, N38. Stanley (Steam), 42, N35. Star, 72, 108, E35, N38. Stoddard, E35. Stoddard-Savoy, N36. Stoewer, 119, 494, E35, N38. Stoneleigh, E34, N39. Straker-Squire, 102, 891. E35, N39. Studebaker, 781, 852, E35, N38. Sunbeam, 10, 66, 99, 115, 118, 169, 198, 259, 392, 621, 648, 702, 756a, 759, 836, 979. 1018b, 1048, 1214, E35, N39. Swift, 102, 236, 358, 405, 406a, E35, N39; (Light), 248.
  • - Talbot, 62, 64, 103, 114, 115, 457, 494, 792, E35, N40. Thornycroft, E35, N40. Turcat-Mery, 548, E36, N40. Turner, E36, N40. Tyseley (Light), 251, E36, N40.
  • - Unic, 105, E25, E36, N17, N41.
  • - Valveless, E36. N41. Vauxhall, 61. 300 , 314, 454, 792, 887, 895, 899, 927, 1042, 1046, 1213, E36, N41. Vermorel, 684, 1090, E36, N42. Vickers, N42. Vinot, 106b. E36, N42. ]]Vinot-Gladiator]], 29. Violette. E36. Vivinus, E36, N42. Vox, E37, N42. Vulcan. 106a, 515, E37, N41
  • - Waverley, E37, N43. Werner, E37, N43. White, 556, E37. N43. Winco (Light), 557. Wingfield, 44. Withers, E37, N43. Wolseley, 103, 105, 118, 119, 772, E37, N43; Table of Running Costs of, 424.
  • - Zebra, E37, N44. Zedel,. E37, N44
  • Cars: American: and Tariff for, 42; in British Guiana, 692; Mirror for, Oldfield’s, 906. And Tar, 932. And Tar-painted Roads, 1054. Colonial on the British Market, E19-E37. Damage to, by Wet Tar, 871. Diesel -Motors for, 128. Electric Lighting of, 20. Example of Longevity in, 362. Expert ' Lady Drivers of, 156. Germany’s Foreign Trade in, 192. How Long Do They Last? 44, 362. In Egypt, 160. In Russia, 80. Miniature, 247-251. New, Alterations in Specifications of, 494. Old; Taxation of. Chancellor of the Exchequer and, 702a ; Where They Go To, 303. On the British Market, A List of Over 540, 275-278. Packing and Shipping, Table of Cost of, E64, E65. South African Imports . of, 715. Subsidiary Uses to which They may be put, 630. Washing, Special Charges for Water for, 702
  • Car Washer, Simplex, 565
  • Catalogues: Argyll, 339. Bayard, 596. Berwick and Co., 42. Brown Bros., 816, 1088. De Dion Bouton, 23. Electric Ignition Co., 378. Frodsham and Co., 258. Hora, 560. Midland Rubber Co., 6. Oakland, 350. Panhard, 150. Piggott, Ltd., 29. Rolls-Royce, 181. Skefko Ball Bearing Co., 888. Star, 623. Stewart and Ardern, 446. Swift, 405. Townmead Motor and Carriage Works, 236. Vauxhall, 314. Vermorel, 684
  • Caution and Direction Posts in Scotland, 117 C.A.V. Works, A Visit to, 1095
  • Chains: Parsons Non-skid, E51. Renold, 563 Chassis: Adler, 1042. Argyll, 953. Ariel, 752. Armstrong-Whitworth, 1001. Austin, 424. Benz, 409. Brasier, 506 Chenard-Walcker, 740. Crossley, 68, 664, 1148 Daimler, 7. Darracq, 305. Deasy, 118. De Dion, 316a, 899 D.F.P., 32. Excelsior, 1088, 1190. Florio, 130. La Licorne, 10, 318. Mors, 684. Oakland, 350. Panhard, 378, 1069. Pipe, 162. R.C.H., 674. Renault, 223, 1046. Seabrook (R.MLC.), Undenslung, 905. Sidea, 746. Sizaire-Berwick, 1234. Sizaire-Naudin, 64, 182. 1014. Standard, 172. Star, 72. Sunbeam, 198. Vauxhall, 454, 899. Chassis, Enamel for, Farmiloe’s, 935.
  • Chauffeur: And the Heiress, 873. Cardinal Bourne’s Devotion to His, 781. The Pioneer Lady—Miss Alice Hilda Neville as, 735. Grievance of a, on Car Improvements, 370
  • Chauffeurs: I have Met, 1156. The Appeal of the, 753
  • Circulation Water: Boiling, 79. Removing Rust in, 1042
  • Clement Motor Co. Repair Works, 1019
  • Clement-Talbot, Ltd.: Football Club Win Lyons Challenge Shield, 445. Mr. Percy Lambert Entertained by, 495
  • Climates, Hot: Bodywork for, E66. Wheel Construction for, E15
  • Clothing: Northern Depot, Ltd., 120. Piggott’s, 564a. Samuel Bros (Omne Tempus), 121. Selfridge’s, 274
  • Clocks: Brown Bros., 663. Plimpton, 564c. Watford Trip, 308. Waltham, 563
  • Club House for Canada, 1166
  • Clubs: A.C. of Canada, 93; Club House for, at Montreal, 1166. Berks A.C., Annual Report of, 558. Bradford A.C., Annual General Meeting of the, 67 Canterbury (N.Z.) A.A., Annual Beach Race of the, 71. Cardiff M.C., Annual Meeting of the, 23. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.: and Alexandra Day, 1018a; Annual Dinner of the, 113; Annual General Meeting of the, 315; Annual Welsh Run of the, 1061. Cyclecar Club: Cigarette Smoker, 75, 113; Dinner to Grand Prix Cyclecar Race Winner, 1194; Rally of Midland Motorists, 399, 444; Run to Westerham, 620. Dorset A.C., Race Meeting at Weymouth, 750. Downcar Club of Barcelona, 60. Essex County A.C.: Annual Meeting of, 360; Hill-climb of the, 313, 626b; Meeting at Brooklands, 756b, 794. Gamage A.A.A., Dinner of the, 18. Hampshire A.C., Request regarding Lyndhurst, 630. Herefordshire A.C., Meeting of the. 274. Herts. County A. and Ae.C.; Fuel Competition, 435, 621; Gymkhana, 1018b; Hillclimb of the, 660. Imperial German M.C., Demonstration by the, 749. Irish A.C., E59; Car Races of the, 640; Cyclecar Race/ of the, 214, 316a, 367; Rosslare Races, Entries for, 1018a. Kent A.C.: Annual Meeting of the, 67: Luncheon of the, 1018; Meeting at Brooklands Abandoned, 927; Presentation to Mr. Kenyon, the Retiring Secretary, 1018. Lancashire A.C.: Hill-climb, 640, 660; Reliability Trial, 970, 1046. Leicestershire A.C.: and Road Congress Delegates, 887; Hillclimb, 1148, 1210; Meeting of the, 622. 984. Manchester M.C.: Ladies’ Evening of the, 215: Trial of the, 314, 834. Mersey (Liverpool) M.C., Races at Colwyn Bay, 906, 1018b, 1064. Middlesex County A.C., Lecture by Mr. D. Elyard Brown, 29. Midland A.C.: Dinner and Smoking Concert of the, 61; Hill-climb at Shelsley Walsh. 882. 1088. Motor Cycling Club, London-Edinburgh Trial, 706. North Staffordshire M.C.C.. Annual General Meeting of the, 6L Notts A.C., Speed Events of the, 1018a. Public Schools M.O., 664; Dinner of the, 1004 Royal Automobile Club—(See “ R.A.C."). Royal Hungarian Motor Club suggest Prize for Crude Oil Engines, 201. Royal Swedish Automobile Club, Kilometre Race of, 169. Scottish A.C., 436; and Irish A.C.’§, E59; and Motorcar Excise Licences, 136. Annual General Meeting of the, 405; Caution Posts Erected by, 885; Privileges by the R.A.C. to thq, 396. Sheffield and District A.C.: Crippled Children’s Outing of the, 1061; Hill-climb, 1170; Tour to Brooklands, 624. Somerset A.C., Hill-climb of, 1018b. South Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C., Hill-climb of, 887, 974. 977, 1015. St. Petersburg A.C., Races of, 318. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C.: Annual Dinner of, 214; Hill-climb of, 1234; Speed-judging Competitions of, 313. Yorkshire A.C., Trial of, 1062. Regulations for, , 885
  • Clutches, Leather, Treatment of, 192
  • Clutches, Saver, 122
  • Clutch: Spigots, 625. The, 1177
  • Coachbuilding, Paper on, 355
  • Coachwork: Alford and Alder, 454, 549. Armstrong-Whitworth, 219. Austin Motor Co., 424. Blake and Co., 772. Brighton Motor Sheet Metal Works, 1156. Cole and Co., 336, 684. Crawford’s, Ltd., 108 Graddon, Max, and Lawson, 446, 518, 899 Harding and Co., 100. Hobson, Ltd., 1088. Hopkinson and Son, 1007. Hora and Co., E. and H., 560. King, Ltd., J. A., 1001. Lawton, J. A., 122, 996. London Improved Motor Coachbuilders, Ltd., 1190. Lookers, Ltd., 816, 1018a. Lucas and Co., Ltd., F. W., 1046. Maythorn, 1148. Morgan and Co., 1042. Mulliner, 628. N.E.C., 596. Newton and Bennett, 100 Oakland, 292. Osborne and Co., 1071, 1088 Regent Carriage) Co., 354, 382, 629 Van den Plas, 751. Vincent, 99 Whitlock and Co., 118. Windovers, 101
  • Coal: Distillation, Del Monte Process of, 260—(See “Del Monte”). Research, The Emperor William Institute for, 292
  • “ Coalol ” and Benzole, 695
  • Coils: Auto-Ad Vibration, 1195. Lodge, 397 Coleridge, Lake, New Zealand, Calthorpe Cars for, 466
  • Collision Damage, Device to Prevent, Dew and Co., 65
  • Colonial: Country in England, Type of, 428. Markets, Great Britain’s Claim for Preference in the, E2. Model, Dodson Valveless, with Sleeping Accommodation, 960. Models, on the British Market, Guide to, E19-E37
  • Colwyn Bay, Trials at, 906, 1018b, 1064
  • “ Come Over Here,” Car and Train Race in, 623
  • Commercial Motor Users Association, E59
  • Commercial Vehicles, Imperial Conference on, 1169
  • Competitions—((See “ Trials.”)
  • Compression, Some Fallacies in, 77
  • Concentration, The Car of, 891
  • Congleton, Lion and Swan at, 359
  • Continental Trip, A Long—Coventry to Naples, 281
  • Continental Tyre Co.: Future Developments of, 664. Workers of, Studying the, 1148
  • Continent, Coventry to Coventry via, 1171
  • Contour Road Books’, Criticism of, 404
  • Control, Standard, Some Arguments against, 1130 Co-Partnership Motoring, 272
  • Cotswolds, Exploring the, 406a
  • Country Houses, Way to get to, 587
  • Coupling, Bosch, 580
  • Coventry Engineering Society, Paper read by Mr. Sidney Hartley to the, 64
  • Coventry: To Coventry via the Continent, 11J1. To Naples/ on a Riley Car, Trip from, 281
  • Coyne, Mr. Joseph, Reminiscences of the Road, by, 807
  • Creosote, Spirit from, 1211
  • Cressage, A Visit to, 738
  • Crime, A Revolting, near Berlin, 316a
  • Croglin to Cumrew, Road from, A.A. and M.U., and Unrolled Stones on, 56
  • Crossley Motors1, Ltd., Works, Alignment of Gudgeon Pins at, 998
  • Crossley, Sir Kenneth, Entertains Members of the S.M.M.T. (Lancs. Section) at Windermere, 1212
  • Cushions, Pneumatic Spring, 1100
  • “Cuthbert’s First Oar”: Conversion and Conclusion, 1081. Car Buyer and Salesman, The, 779. Chauffeur, On Hiring a, 826b. Repairs and Accidents, Etc., On, 957. Speed Limits -and Other Matters Appertaining to the Road, On, 1033. Spring Touring, On, 862
  • “ Cut-outs ” and Silencers, 1061
  • Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund: Birmingham Centre, Annual Concert of, 64. Monthly Meeting of, 401., New London Centre, Proposal to Form a, 119
  • Cyclecar Grand Prix, 1128
  • “ Cyclecar Manual. The,” 928
  • Cyclecar Race in Ireland, 214, 316a, 367
  • Cyclecars on the Ripley Road, 495
  • ” Cyclecar, The,” and' Economical Motoring, 215
  • Cyclist, The Irresponsible, 401
  • Cylclean Process, The, 796
  • Cylinders: Eight, Behind, 1199. Unequal-powered, 719
  • "Daily Mail ” Austin Chassis, 302
  • Daimler, Adolf. Death of, 400 Daimler Co.: Use of Town Gas, instead of Petrol, by, 24. Works, Unterturkheim, The Prince of Wales Visit to, 608, 610
  • Danger Signs, Useless, 1125
  • Darent Valley, Shoreham, Kent, Church at, 1193
  • Darracq Works, Work-Devouring Machines at, 1026
  • Daylight Saving Bill, The, 845
  • De Dion Bouton, New Motor Repairs and Carriage Works of, 155
  • Deer Hunting on a Motorcar in Spain, 1056
  • Del Monte Process, 791. Criticism of, 614, 659, 665-667, 708. Facts and Figures Anent the, 386. 396. Coal Distillation and the, 260. Plant and Prospectus of the, 440. Progress, 846b. Report by Mr. Bertram Blount on the, 390 Dennis Flotation, The, 259
  • Design: Compromise of, 158. Of the Miniature Car, 241. The Trend of, E6
  • Development, An Impending, 999
  • Devices, New and Useful, 304
  • Devil’s Bridge Road from Rhayader, Condition of, 675
  • Devizes. Judgments of, 478
  • Devonshire Roads, 378
  • Diminutive Greatness, 1069
  • Dinners: A.A. and M.U. (Northern Section), 172. Austin Motor Co., 357. Cyclecar Club to Grand Prix Cyclecar Race Winner, 1194. Drummond Bros., 559. Gamage A.A.A., 18. Scottish A.C., A Correction, 6L Scottish Motor Trade, 25. S.M.M.T. (at Manchester), 116. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 214
  • Direction Posts: Caution and, in Scotland, 117. Illumination of, 702a- Seeking The Ideal, 707
  • Dominions, Motor Business of the, with Countries of the World: Imports and Exports of, E62, E63
  • Door Stop, Dowley, 795
  • Dorsetshire, Unrolled Flints in, R.A.C. and, 90 “ Down earring ” : A Curious Form of Sport, 60 Drill, Electric, Butler and Co., 366
  • Driver: Famous, in New Capacity, Mr. Crossman, 217. Walking on Top Speed with the, 620
  • Driver’s: Position, The, 69. Seat, Position of the, 34
  • Driving: And Upkeep, 296. Careful and Dashing, The Difference between, 296. Hints: for Motorists, 349; for New Car Owners, 484. Seats, The Enclosed, 170
  • Drummond Brothers., Ltd., Annual Dinner of, 559
  • Dumfries to London, Arrol-Johnston Car’s Successful Run from, 980
  • Dunlop Rubber Co.: Adopts New Title (Parent Tyre Co.), 61. Report and Profits of, 61
  • Dunville, Mr. T. E.: His Experiences with Motor Vehicles, 347
  • Dutch Motor Tour, 1031
  • Dynamo Construction, K.W., Principle of, Simplified, 825
  • Dynamos: Bleriot, 122a, 537. Brolt, 120 , 540, E39. C.A.V., 20, 21, E39. Cicoy, 541. Ducellier, E39. E.B.C., 543, 885. Eisemann, 304a. En Route, 537, E40. Fifax, 543. Fulmen, 538, E40. La Magicienne (Edison), 1053 Lucas, 540, 1042. Magician (U.M.I.), 538. Magneto-lyte (High Tension Co.), 455. Polkey-Jarrott, 538, E40. Ponsrow, 543. Powell and Han-mer, 542. Rotax-Leitner, 122a. T. and M., 537.
  • Ealing: Central Standards at, Roads Improvement Association and, 927. Common, Dangerous Central Standards at, 163
  • Editorial.—Accident, An Unusual, 109. Advertisements, Omission of Prices in, 611. “ Alcohol ” The Echoing Cry of, 1205. Antarctic Tragedy, The, 109. Automobile Progress, and the New National Science Museum, 655. Backfire Risk, The, 393. Benzole: Collective Purchase of, 207; Probabilities of a Tax on, 207. Business in the Spring of 1913, 255 Canadian Market, The, 57. Cards? Where are the, 15. Car: Electric, The Future of the, 877; Engine Conversions and the, 1103; for the Season, Preparing the, 487; Ownerdriver’s, The Finish of the, 309; Race, Stock, The, 611; Spoiling the Best Seat in the, 1011. Coal, Motor Spirit fromj, 393. Criticism, Destructive, 655. Cut-out on Motorcycles, 967. Cycles of Operation, New, 1057. Demand, Supply and, 309. Development of Electric Lighting, The, 553. Drivers, London’s Careful’ 166. Electric: Car, The Future of the, 877; Lighting. The Development of, 553. Electricity, Gear Changing by, 655. Engine Conversions, The Car and, 1103. Equipment, 553. Front Seats, Enclosed, 57. Fuel: Economies, 1163; Economy, National, 921; Home-produced, “The Times” on, 699; Imported and Exported, 207; Problem, Naval Expert on the, 1057; Question, Popular Motoring and the, 255; Supply, Future of the, 57. Fuels, Solid, 165. Gas Turbine, The, 787. Gear Changing by Electricity, 655. Gearing, Life of, 611. Guides, Road, The Costly, 699. Island Refuge, The Era of, 831. Isle of Man Race, A—Its Quietus, 437; Why Not a Three-inch ? 15. Juries and Motorists, 165. “ Keeping to the Left,” The Logic of, 15 London’s Careful Drivers, 166 Mileages per Gallon, Theoretical versus Practical, 255. Motorbuses: and Road; Wear, 787; on the Road, 743. Motorbus Traffic and the Roads, 877. Motorcycles, The Cut-out on, 967. Motoring, Popular, The Fuel Question and, 255. Motorists: and Juries 165; and Police, 655. Motor Spirit from. Coal, 393. National Fuel Economy, 921. National Science Museum, Automobile Progress and the New, 655. Naval Expert on the Fuel Problem, 1057. Obsolete Parts, Obtaining, 1205. Oil Era, The, 1163. Operation, New Cycles, 1057. Overseas Readers, To Our, El. Owner-driver's Car, The Finish of the, 309. Parts, Obsolete, Obtaining, 1205. Pedestrian, The Slack and Thoughtless, 743. Petrol: at Highest Price it will Fetch, 967; A Well of Pure, 1103; Big Increase in the Flow of, 1103; Committee Draws a Blank, The, 15; Paraffin Mixture, Use of a, 351; Price of, 831; Short Measure in, 967. Police: and Motorists, 655; Cases, Costs in, 787. Prices in Advertisements, Omission of, 611. Readers: Overseas, To Our, El; To New and Old, 487. Road: and Traffic Sense, Teaching, 487; Board: Does It Hoard Its Funds, 1163, Funds, The, 309; Guides, The Costly, 699; Motorbuses on the, 743; Tarring, Experimental and Inefficient, 921; Wear, Motorbuses and, 787. Roads, Motorbus Traffic and, 877. Running Costs (Except Fuel) Lower To-day than Ever They Were, 1011. Scenery Desecration: Important Action by a Tyre Company, 351. Seats, Front, Enclosed, 57. Seat, Spoiling the Best in the Oar, 1011. Signals, Loud, Use and Abuse of, 877. Spark, Automatic Timing of the, 743. Spring of 1913, Business in the, 255. Starting Apparatus, Mechanical, 437. Stitch in Time Required, A, 351. Stock Car Race, The, 611. Stone Throwing—A Conviction, 437. Supply and Demand, 309. Tarring, Road, Experimental and Inefficient, 921. Tax on Benzole, Probabilities of a, 207. “Times, The,” and Home-produced Fuel, 699. Timing the Spark, Automatic, 743. Trade, World-wide, To Encourage, 109. Turbine, The Gas, 787. Tyre Company and Scenic Desecration, 351. Tyres, Large Diameter and Their Advantages, 831
  • Education, Secondary, 720
  • Egypt, Motors in, 160
  • Electric Car, Arrol-Johnston (Edison), 928, 1017
  • Electric: Lamps, Important Development in, 1125. Lighting: and Starting Costs, 1195; Equipment, 536; of Cars, 20, 689; Outfits and Their Features, 536; Replies to Mr. S. F. Edge on, 367. System, Advantages of the, 536
  • Enamel: For Engine and Chassis, Farmiloe, 935. Competition, Robbialac, 1127
  • Engine: And Silencer, Exhaust Gases Between, Hissing Noises of, 79. A Remarkable, 888. Governed: Why Not Return to the, Fuel Economy and ? 513. Heavy Oil, for Automobiles, Prize Proposed for Suitable, 201. Impending Developments in Future Designs of, 999. • “ Racing,” The Effects of, 1094. Replacing Cylinders in, 79. Smartening the, 626. Vibration, Reasons and Remedies for, 457. Without a Carburetter which will work with Petrol, Benzole, Paraffin, and Crude Oil, 888
  • Engine, Enamel for, Farmiloe, 935
  • Engine Patents, Sleeve Valve, Knight and Kilbourne versus Argylls, 355
  • Engines: Bellem (Crude Oil), 220. Benz, 135. Chapuis-Dornier, E63. Diesel, 128. Mercedes-Knight, 400. Sunbeam, 297. White and Poppe, 108, 400. Wulfruna, 1190
  • Engines): Car, Naphthaline as a Fuel for, 55. Crude Oil, Suggestion from Hungary, 200.
  • Electric Starting of, 952. Smoky, How a Troublesome Case was Cured, 823
  • Engine Stand, Brown Bros., 150
  • England, Colonial-type Country in, 428
  • Englebert, Mr., Tragic Accident to, 929
  • Enthusiast and the Golden Mean, The, 532'
  • Equipment: Car, Some Faults in, 534. Devices, General, 561-566.
  • Electric Lighting, 536, E41. From the Lady Driver’s Point of View, 631. Modern, Marvels of, 581-583. On a Cadillac Car, 558
  • Estate, The Motorcar on the, 630
  • Ettrick Shepherd, At the Shrine of the, 26
  • Event and Comment, 16, 58, 110, 166, 208, 256, 310, 352, 393, 438, 488, 554, 612, 656, 700 , 744, 788, 832, 878, 922, 968, 1012, 1058, 1104, 1164, 1206
  • Evesham to London, Impressions of a Trip from, 364
  • Evidence, Value of, by Witness in Motoring Cases, 406o
  • Exeter, Coast Route to, 714
  • Exhaust, Smoky: Over-lubrication and, 956. Problem of the Engine with a, 823
  • Exmoor Hills, Napier Test on the, 1064
  • Exports and Imports, 702a. For June, 1105. For May, 925. Statistics of, 9
  • Fan, Electric Roof, General Electric Co., 1141
  • Farnham Road, Restoration of the Ancient, 795
  • Fate, The Influence of, 342
  • Ferry Arrangements at Birkenhead, New, 399
  • Finance and Business—(See “ Business ”)
  • Fire at Provincial Cab Co.’s Garage, 796
  • Fittings for Ford Cars, New, 1234
  • Fitzwilliam, Capt. Sir Charles Wentworth, Inter-new with, 819
  • Flaps, Motor: Hall and Sons, 851, 928
  • Flather, W. T., Works of, at Tinsley, Sheffield, 359
  • “ Flower Country,” Flower Month in the, 476
  • “ Folly as It Flies,” 194
  • Footboard Mat, Gamage, 1127
  • Foot Rest, Paragon, 564c
  • Foot Warmer, Longstreth’s, 121
  • Ford: Agency in Manchester, 925, 1018a. Output, 558
  • Frame, The Underslung, Seabrook, 684
  • France: Abolishing a Level Crossing in, 117. Attempt to Rush a Tax in, 210. Tour de—(See “Tour de France”)
  • French: Charity Fete, The, 927. Chateau, The Sunbeam Garage for the Grand Prix, 1050. Exhibition, An Epitome of the, E10. Highways and Bv-ways, Numbered, 696
  • Fuel: Alcohol as a Motor, 303. And Carburetter Developments, 452. Campaign: “Home Made,” The Motor in Connection with the, 866; Home-produced, Diary of the, 876. Campaign, Our, 665-667, 1169; Materializing, 386, 396; Opinions on, 1183, 1227. Consumption: How to Test, 687; Record, and How Accomplished, 1132. Cost, American Motor Makers Cut, 698a. Development, in America, 1068. Economizer, Camphor as a. 76. Economy, 513; “Energizers” and Possible, 698: National, 1173. Home-produced: And a Sense of National Security, 1052; Criticisms and Replies to Points Raised on, 762; Pamphlet on, 1204. Mixtures, Experiments with, 447. Motor: at gO- a Gallon, 169; Del Monte Process of Producing, -260—(See “ Del Monte"). New: American, 322, Article from “Motor Age,” Chicago. Concerning, 322; Gasene, 452; Standard Oil Co. of America Introduce a, 262. Problem, The, 434; Avoiding Waste. 206. Question in Germany, 470. Situation in America, 408. Tests, Remarkable, 55. Trials: Berlin, 1093; German, 50a
  • Fuel Economizer and Starter, Feay and Co., 929 Fuel Pressure Pump, Crossley, 1134
  • Fuels: Benz'ole and Motor, 379. Heavy in .Use, Chief Engineer of the L.G.O.C. Gives His Experiences of, 212, 213. Lecture on, by Prof. Vivian B. Lewis, 4. Mixing of, 254
  • Fuels, Mixed, S.U. Co., Ltd., 466 Funnel, Motor, Brown Bros., 728
  • Garages: Garner’s, Mr. T. (Manchester), 1126. London-Parisian Motor Co..’s, 117. Provincial Motor Cab Co.’s, Fire at, 796. Turner* and Co., 236, 640
  • Garages, Steel Shutters for, Kinnear, 564a
  • Garage, The Public, 179
  • Garaging, Car Maintenance and, 117
  • Gasene, A. New Fuel, 452
  • Gasolene, A Record of lOS1^ Miles per Gallon on, 1132
  • Gas Power Pocket Book, A, 996
  • Gate Post, An Argument with the, 65
  • Gauge, Compression, Okill, E63
  • Gearbox: Lubrication, 1065. Position, 1197 Gear-quieting Mediums, Stern-Sonneborn. 950
  • Generators: A.L., 121, 577, 662. Rushmore, 120. Solar (Seabrook Bros.), 121
  • German Automobile Makers Association and Others, Questions of Interest for the, 218
  • German Emperor, Mercedes-Knight Motorcars for, 224
  • German: Government Monopoly for Petroleum, Proposed, 22. Influence in Body Design, 1180. Motor Fuel Trials, 505. Motorists, and the Emperor’s Government Jubilee, 90. Substitute for Petrol, A, 210
  • Germany: Aeroplanes of, 219. Benzole Question in, 45. _ British Automobiles Driven in, 781. Foreign Trade in Automobiles in, 192. Fuel Question in, 470. Motor Accidents in, 778. Tar Production in, 443
  • Ghent Exhibition: Sluys, A Place to Visit from the, 754. Zeppelin Airships and the, 314
  • Girling Commercial Cars, Ltd., Development of, 881 Glove, Driving, Continental, 121
  • Golden Mean, The Enthusiast and the, 532
  • Gomme’s, Sir L., System of Awarding Marks and his Views on the Traffic Board, 70a
  • Graddon, Max, and Lawson’s Works, 446 Gradient Meters, Bennett and Tapley, 563, 786 Grand Corniche, Monaco, A New Road on the, 597 Grand. Prix : 1913, 76; British Visitors in Force at the, 1117; Cars Entered in, 1047, 1068, Delage, 648, Itala, 932, Peugeot, 648, 925, 931, Schneiders, .874, Sunbeam, 259, 621; Comparisons with Some Previous, 1110; Course, 392, Aeroplanes over the, 1110, Closed to Touring Cars, 853, Preparing the, 164; Cheap Fares to the, 1067; Drivers, 1015, Characteristics of, 1043; Dunlop, Tyres used by Lee Guinness in, 1196; Entries, List of, 214; Grand Stands at the, 169; How Some of the Leading Drivers Performed at 100 m.p.h. in the, 1123; How the Leaders Ran in the, 1121, 1122; Last Look Round, 1101; Mishap to Signor Bigio near Dieppe, 791, 834; Nazzaro for the, 660; Official Weights of Cars in the. 1120; Order of Starting for the, 1002; Petrol Consumption as a Speed-restraining Factor, 1116; Preparations for the, 841; President Poincare and the, 271; Result of the, 1106-1124; Racers at Amiens, Tests of, 1009; Seat Prices at, 728; Talk of the Pits at, 1111; Winner, Boillot, Describes the, 1119, Some Personal Notes of the, 1122; Zuccarelli Killed whilst Practising for the, 976. 1914, Proposed Novel Conditions of, 1209
  • Grand Prix, Cyclecar, 1128
  • Grand Prix, Spanish, British Victory in, 1004 Grease Guns: Butler and Co., 366. Townsend. 580 Grease Plunger, London Motor Garage Co., E54 Great Britain, Highway Improvements in, 640 Greatness, Diminutive, 1069 Grey Car Case, Verdict in,- 61 Gudgeon Pins, Ensuring Alignment of, 998 Guildford, The Mount at, Restoration of, 795 Gymkhana, Herts. Co. A.C., 1018b
  • Handbooks—(See “Books”)
  • Heavy Vehicle Weights, Checking, 1172
  • Heiress and the Chauffeur, The, 873
  • Highland: Road, A New, 307. Tour, An Early, 894
  • Highland, West, A Day’s Run in the, 152
  • Highway and By-way.—Black Park, near Iver Heath, Bucks,, 341. Gower, Roads and Scenes in, 340. Lancashire: Lakes in, 143; Through Central to North, 141. Oxford, Iffley Church, near, 143. Raglan Castle, Ruins of, 520. Rye, An Unusual Curiosity in the Town Hall at. 520. Shrewsbury, Failure of Bridge Scheme at, 142. Silchester and Its Remains, 14a. Taunton and Okehampton, Short Cut to, 341. Vault, A Prehistoric, at Saumur, 14b. Waterloo, Village of, 83. Watling Street, Off the, 82. Welsh Tour, The Wye and, 519. Wharfedale, 519. Wheatley, Oxfordshire, Village Lock-up at, 342
  • Highway as Workshop, 1208
  • Highways and By-ways, French Numbered, 696 Hill-climb, A Good, Feature of, 887 Hill-climbing. Some Comments upon, 404 Hild-climbs: Aston, 792. Essex M.C.. 313, 626b.
  • Herts. County A. and Ae.C., 660. Lancashire A.C., 640, 660. Leicestershire A.C., 1148, 1210. Le Mans, 742. Midland A.C. (Shelslev Walsh), 263. 882. Mid-Staffordshire A.C.. 1088. Sheffield A.C., 1170. Somerset A.C., 1018b. South Wales A.C., 887. South Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C. (Caerphilly), 977, 978a, 1015, 1019. Sutton Coldfield A.C., 1234. Val-Suzon, 1213
  • Hill-climbs, Complaint by Newspaper Concerning, 886
  • Hills and Antiquities, 1090
  • Hints, Practical, 79
  • Hire-purchase System, Whiteley’s, 560
  • Hiring-out Agreements, 292
  • Holland, The Charm of, 1178
  • Holyhead Road: Bad Condition of the, 446. Complaints, 56
  • Home Office Committee and Petroleum Spirit, 313 Hood Coverings: Astoli, 786, 824, 996. Dunhill, 564d
  • Hooded Vehicle and Speedy Traffic, The, 533 Hood Fasteners: Plymouth (Mumford), 564b, 698a. Regent Carriage Co. (Cabriolet), 382
  • Hoods: And Screens, 567. Hints on, 580
  • Hoods: Auster, 581. Canty, 582, 622. Capital Screen and Hood Co., 567, 1134. Kopalapso, 122a. Rotax, 122a
  • Hoods, Paint for, Accordian Boat Co., 567, E56 Horns: Adnil, 579. Aermore, 136. Apollo, 707. Atlas Vibrophone, 71, 860. Autochime, E48. Autovox, 579, E49. Bleriot, 246. Gabriel, 120, 579, E53. Howes and Burley, 122a. Jericho, 606, 1001, 1234. Klaxon, 120, 122a, 564d, 579, E48. Lucas, 122, E49. Nups, E48. Reliance, 580. Sireno, 579, E48. Sonorator, . 366, 1180. Tuto, E49. Warningtone, 304, 579 Horsed Vehicles, Rear Lights on, 402 Horse Shoe Competition, R.I.A.’s, 917 Humanized Machinery, 198
  • Hydraulic Transmission, Efficiency of, 481, 710b, 822 Hydraulic Transmitter, Vincent, 134
  • Iden, Mr. W. J., Chief Engineer of L.G.O.C., gives his Experiences of Heavy Fuels, 212, 213
  • Ignition Accessories, City Ignition Co., 544
  • Ignition: Lighting and Starting System, A Combination, 49. Specialities, 543, 544. Two-point, Value of, 740
  • Imports: And Exports, 702a; for Jupe, 1105; for May, 925; Statistics of, 9. Of the Dominions, Comparison of the, E61. South African, of Motorcars, 714
  • Import Trade, Extent of the, in Egypt, 160 Indianapolis Floods, The, 494, 530
  • Indianapolis Race, 70b, 124, 693. Bob Burman for, 60. Details of the, 826. How I Won the, by Jules Goux, 907. Peugeots for, 10, 164, 950. Result of the, 836. Sunbeams for, 10, 66, 169, 979; at Brooklands, 115; Leave for the, 648 Indianapolis Speedway, 20 Indicators: Pressure, Okill, 552. Spark, Mills, 552a
  • Information Bureau.—Acceleration Defect, 465. Accumulator Charge, Indicator of, 595; Current, Remagnetizing by an, 334. Acid Stains on Leather, Treatment of; 771. Air: and Petrol in Explosive Mixture, Proportions of, 1147; Inlet, Use of Extra, 905; Leakage along Valve Guides, 727; Tubes, Life of, 904. Alcohol as an Alternative Fuel, 1040. Armature, Timing Low-tension, 859. Axle, Back: New Pinion Causes Noise in, 1147; Weak, 948. Back Axle: New Pinion Causes Noise in, 1147; Weak, 948. Backfiring, 149. Ball Bearings to Gearbox, Fitting, 858. Bearings: Lining, with White Metal, 41; Roller, 1039; Worn, Faulty Lubrication or? 994. Benzole, 40, 682; and Paraffin, 814, Starting Up on, 726; Experiences, 770; Reason of No "Knock” with, 1147, Brake: Drums, Overheated, 859; Foot, Squeak, 638; Lining, Unsuitable, 1232; Using Engine as a, 41. Brakes, Renewing Expanding, 770. Camphor: Experiment, 290; in Petrol, 1147. Carbon: on Piston Heads ,235; on the Valve Seats, 814. Carburetter: Dripping of Petrol from, 518; Fire at the, 595; Flooding, Choking Due to, 859; for Various Fuels, 41; Grit in the, 771; Troubles, 377; Warming by Water Circulation, 727. Car: Interior, Exhaust Heater for, 377; Lighting Problem, 905; Second-hand, Horse-power of, 190; Small, Painting a, 771; versus Horse, Starting Heavy Load, 994. Chain Drive, Altering Gear of, 1086. Chassis, Stationary, not Taxable, 683. Chemicals to Petrol, Adding, 41. Choking Due to Carburetter Flooding, 859. Circulation, 88; Pump Trouble, 88; System: No Water in the, 377, Rust in the, 682; Thermo, Defective, 1040; Trouble, 290; Water, Temperature of, 948, Regulating, 377. Clutch: Action, Glycerine Improves, 40; Cone, Incorrect Angle for, 148; Copper Surface for, Inadvisable, 770; Gear, Faulty Top, 1189; Leather: Treatment of, 638, to Metal, Treatment of, .1086; Noisy, A, 465; Trouble, A, 1189. Coil : And Magneto Ignition, Comparative Petrol Consumption with, 1189; Damaged bv Heat, 234: Engine Starts Easily on, but Will Not Run on It, 1232. Coal Gas, Running Engines on, 1039. Compression, 191; Effect of, on the Spark, 815; Function of, 1040; Increasing the, 595; in New Engines, 995; Taps Leaking, 149; Testing the, 949. Connecting Rod, Bushing Small End of, 423. Cover, Non-skid, Arrangement of, 464. Covers, Old, Using Up, 88. Crankcase, Repair of Broken Lug of, 422. Crankshaft: Altering, 771; Cause of a Broken, 595. Current Leakage from Magneto, 995. Cylinder: Bore: Surface, Condition of, 1039, Untrue, 815, Wear of, 1232; Contents, Calculating, 89; Walls, Scored, 464; Worn Taper, 376. Cylinders: Direct Injection of Petrol into, 638; Engine, Air-cooled, Painting, 89. Differential, Noises from, 948. Dynamo-Coil Instead of Magneto, 1146. Electric: Horn from Low-tension Magneto, Working an, 1146; Starting, 904; Vulcanizing, 235. Engine: Choking Effect, 335; Converting from Low to High-tension Magneto, 1188; Large Bore, Reducing Tax on, 40; Noisy, Late Firing and, 638; Old Pattern, Improving an, 422; "Racing” an, 1087; Racing, Cause of, 949; Runs Badly when Cold, 190; Singlecylinder, Balancing the Parts of, 1087, Oil >^%kaze from. 771, Reducing Noise of, 905; Six-cylinder, Testing the Firing of a, 191; Starts Easily on Coil, but will not Run on It, 1232; Steam v. Petrol, Comparison of, 528; Thump v. Knock, 376; Two-cylinder, Reboring a, 1086; Unusual Noise from, 190; Using, as Brake, 41; Valve Side of, Oil Leakage on, 1087; Warm, Easy Starting with, 464; Weak on Top Gear, 770. Engines: Comparative Power of, 528; Compression in New, 995; Coupling Two Together, 334; Running on Coal Gas, 1039. Exhaust: Cause of “ Black, ’ 376; Fan for Silencer, 639; Gases on Steel, Action of, 529; Heater, for Car Interior, 377; Valve Breakage, 639; Valves, Material for, 949. Explosion, Temperature of, 595. Firing, Late, and Noisy Engine, 638. Flywheel Out of Truth, 904. Fuel: Alcohol as a,n Alternative,. .1040; Economizers and “Energizers,” 529; Economizing, 465. Fuels, Various, Carburetter for, 41. Gearbox: Clatter from, 335; Fitting Ball Bearings to, 858; Leaky, 290; Lubricant, Effect of Too Much, 334. Gear: Engine Weak on Top, 770; Epicyclic, Heating of, 1232; of Chain Drive, Altering, 1086; Lowering the, 291; Too High a, 905. Glycerine Improves Clutch Action, 40. Gradient, Testing a, 191. Gudgeon Pins, Slack Fit in, 291. Heat, Coil Damaged by, 234. Hill, Long, Steep, Descending, 904. Horse-power of Second-hand Car, 190. Ignition: Circuits, Twin, 40; Low to High, Changing from, 88; Problem, Low-tension, 594; Spark, Discovery of,'639. Knock: Engine Thump versus, 376; No, with Benzole, Reason of, 1147. Lamp, Rear, Acetylene, 1233. Lamps, Black Plating for, 423. Leather, Acid Stains on, Treatment of, 771. Lighting: Accumulators, Output of, 639; From a Magneto, 465; Temporary, from Dry Cells, 1233. Lubricant, Gearbox, Effect of Too Much, 334. Lubricants, Testing the Quality of, 190. Lubricating Oil, Mixing with Petrol, 148. Magneto: and Coil, Relative Timing of, 191; Cable, Shock from, 235; Circuit, The, 994; Contacts, Setting of, 1188; Coupling Sparks at, 148; Current, Leakage from, 995; Dynamo-Coil Instead of, 1146; Erratic Working of a, 815; High-tension, Converting Engine from Low to, 1188; Ignition, Comparative Petrol Consumption with Coil and, 1189; Lighting from a, 465; Low-tension: A Weak, 89, Testing a, 1147, Working an Electric Horn from, 1146; Question, Three-cylinder, 682; Switch for, 726; Timing May be Wrong, 815; Weak, 594, Test for a, 1233. Mixture, Too Weak a, 89, 1232. Motorist’s Workshop, Electric Power for, 529. Non-skid Covers, Arrangement of, 464, 995. Oil: Leakage, 858, from Single-cylinder Engine, 771, oni Valve Side of Engine, 1087, Past Piston-Rings, 528; Lubricating, Mixing with Petrol, 148. Overheated Brake Drums, 859. Overheating, Why Weak Mixture Causes, 89. Paraffin: And Benzole, 814; and Petrol, Mixing of, 771, Starting Up on, 726. Petrol: Adding Chemicals to, 41; and Air in Explosive Mixture, Proportions of, 1147; and Paraffin, Mixing of, 771; Camphor in, 1147; Consumption: Comparative, with Coil and Magneto Ignition, 1189, in Summer, 1039, Stroke-bore Ratios and, 726; Duty, No Remission of, 814; Economy and Watej Injection, 727; Injection for Starting, 89; into Cylinders, Direct Injection of, 638; Mixing Lubricating Oil with, 148; per Mile, The Consumption of, 290; Tank: Auxiliary, 235, Indicator, Electric, 291, Temporary Repair of, 1188. Pinion Causes Noise in Back Axle, 1147. Piston, Damaged, Shortening a, 191; Easing a Seized, 1087; Heads, Carbon on, 235; Ring: Grooves, Worn, 682, Trouble, 683; Rings: Badly Fitting, 1086, Carbonized, 1188, Oil Leakage Past, 528. Plating: Black, for Lamps, 423; Treatment for Worn, 149. Platinum Substitute, No, 949. Plug Points: Effect of Oil on, 594; Moisture on the, 148. Plugs: Cleaning Carbonized, 948; Correct Wiring to, 1233. Power, Sudden Loss of, 594. Pump: Circulation Trouble, 88; Spindle, Leaking, 727. R.A.C. Rating, 89. Radiator, Leaky, Remedy for, 234. Registration, 423; Fee for Transfer of, 335. Re-magnetizing by an Accumulator Current, 334. Rubber, Dissolving for Tyres, 291. Self-starter, 290. Second-hand Car, Horse-power of, 190. Shock-absorber Query, 815. Silencer: Exhaust Fan for, 639; Over-heating of, 595. Spark: Effect of Compression on the, 815: Ignition, Discovery of, 639; The “Fat,” 1040. “ Sparking ” Metal, 638. Sparking Plugs, Connections to, 423. Sparks, Non-effective, 770. Spirit, Increased Density of, 422. Springs, Defect in, 858. Starting: Difficulty, A, 334; Easy, with Warm Engine. 464; Electric, 904: Emergency, Method of, 1087; On the Switch, Difficulty in, 858; Petrol Injection for, 89; Up Difficulties, 1146. Steel, Action of Exhaust Gases on. 529. Steering: Mechanism, Reducing Play in, 191; Principle of, 422; Wheel Arms, Reflection from, 858; Wheels, Canted, 40. Stroke: Bore Ratios and Petrol Consumption, 726; Finding the Top of the, 1146. Switch: Magneto, The, 683; Starting on the, Difficulty in, 858. Taxable, Stationary Chassis Not, 683. Taxation, 995, 1086; Query, 149. Tax on Large-bore Engine, Reducing the, 40. Thermo Circulation, Defective, 1040. Timing: Fixed, 291; Gear, Noisy, 994. Tram, Passing a, 904. Tread, -Fitting a New, 727. Twin Ignition Circuits^ 40. Tyre: Heating of, ,376; Weak Placesi in, 335, Tyres: Cooling Overheated, 1039; Dissolving Rubber for. 291: Laraer Fitting on, 1233; Large v. Small, 1189; Treatment of Cuts in, 682. Universal Joints, Play in, 859. Upholstery, Stains on, 89. Valve: Exhaust, Breakage, 639; Grinding, 726; Guides, Air Leakage Along, 727; Sealing, Defect in, 948; Seats, Carbon on the, 814; Timing, 335. Valves: Bent, 994; Grin'ding-in and Testing of, 814; Increasing the Lift of, 1233; Material for Exhaust, 949; Noisy, 683; Short, Using Up 464; Truing the, 815. Vulcanizing, Electric, 235. Water: Circulation: Temperature, Regulating, 377, Warming Carburetter by, 727; Injection, Petrol Economy and, 727. Wheels: Canted Steering, 40; Rear, Parallelism of Front with, 1233; Wobbling Front, 1087. White Metal, Lining Bearings with, 41. Windscreens, Moisture on, 234. Wiring: Defective Testing for, 234; to Plugs Correct, 1233. Workshop, Motorist’s, Electric Power for, 529 Institute of Inventors, Mr. R. Brewer’s Lecture on Petrol and Its Substitutes, Before, 794 Institution of Automobile Engineers, 378, 1125, 1134, E59. Col. Crompton’s Paper on “ The Wheel and the Road,” Before, 490. General Meet-, ing of the, 292, 405. Lecture on “ Roads ” at the, 355. Meeting and Discussion on Electric-lighting Systems at the, 355. Monthly-Meeting of, 24. Mr. Edgar Stafford Lectures on “ Coachbuilding,” 355. Mr. G. H. Baillie’s Lecture on “ Springs ” Before, 698b. Paper Read by Mr. F. W. Lanchester on " Worm Gear,” 132, 136, 175. Papers Read Before, Where Obtained, 1190. Visit to America, 178, 596, 747, 926
  • Institution of Engineers, Junior, Lecture by Mr. Dugald Clerk Before the, 1071
  • Insurance: Oar and General Insurance Corporation, 121, 728. White Cross Insurance Co., 216; Ford, Rolls-Royce, European, Metallurgique Oar Policies Issued by, 1170
  • Insurance: Important Question of, 48. Motorcar, Formation of a, 702. Newest Ideas in, 642. Policies, 391. Recent Improvements in Motor, 391
  • Interiors, Motor-carriage, Special, 628 International Motor Business, The, E61 International Road Congress—(See “ Road Congress ”)
  • Ireland: A.A. and M.U. in, 558. As a Touring Ground, 796. Cyclecar Race in, 214, 316a, 367 Isle of Man Race, 315. R.A.C. and the, 261, 924; Regulations for, 31'5. Rules, Modification of the, for, 622. Trade and the, 747. 1914, R.A.O. and, The, 1209
  • Jacks: ‘‘All 4” (U.M.I.), 202, 562. Dew and Co., 93. Duco, 566. Dumolite, 564b. Speedily, 402, 564. Tangye, E57
  • Janson Brothers in a Bad Smash, 314 Japan, Emperor of, Omnibusl for, 560
  • Jet, Javal, 446
  • Joy: Of the Road, The, 470. Riders, Necessity of Safeguarding Owners Against the Machinations of, 179
  • King: and Queen: As Motorists, 819; Inspect the Birchenwood Colliery, 615. Visits the Aero Exhibition, 126
  • Kingston Bridge, Widening of, 886
  • Knight and Kilbourne Sleeve-valve Engine Patents, 355
  • Ladies, Motorcar Driving a Popular Occupation for, 252
  • Lady: Chauffeur, The Pioneer, Miss Alice Hilda Neville as, 735. Motorist: in the Midlands, 156; On the Car, 48, 252, 631
  • Lady Motorists, Veil for, Gamage’s, 67
  • Lambert, Mr. Percy, Honoured, 495
  • Lamps: Alpha, 578. Autoclipse, 120, E42. Bleriot, 122a, 566, E42. Brown Bros., 576. C.A.V., 21. Dependence, 577. Diva. 120, E42. E. and J., 120, 192. Goldenlyte, 121. Howes and Burley, 122a. Lohmann, E56. Lucas, 122, 576. Mazda, 1190. Motor Accessories Co., E42. Notron (Garage), 75. Polkey, E42. Powell and Hamner, 578, Ell. Radiumlyte, E42. Rotax, 122a. Rushmore, 120, 121, 577, 684, E41. Salsbury, 120. Seabrook, E41. Smith, 578. Solar, 121, 576. Van Raden, E39. Ward and Goldstone (Dashboard), 246. Willocq-Bottin, 578
  • Lamps: And Lighting Fittings, 576-578. Electric, Important Developments in, 1125. Tail, Solution of the Problem of, 9
  • Lamp, Tail, Device to Keep in Touch with the, Appleyard, 215
  • Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales Section of the S.M.M.T. at Windermere., 1212
  • Lancashire, Royal Visit to. 926
  • Lanchester’s, Mr. F. W., Paper on “ Worm Gear,” 132, 136, 175
  • Lancing College, Green Motor Mower in Use at, 935
  • Landslide, With an Arrol-Johnston Car at a, 152
  • Lapometer, Dr. Low’s, 830
  • Lathe. Operations with Vice and Geared Hand Drill, 650
  • Lathes, Drummond, 563, E56
  • Lawn Mower, Motor, Green, 935
  • Lectures: Commander Evans’s, on the Antarctic, 796. Coventry Engineering Society, Mr. Sidney Hartley’s on “Autogenous Welding,” 64. Institute of Inventors, Mr. R. Brewer’s, 794. Institution of Automobile Engineers—(See ’ “ Institution of Automobile Engineers.” Institution of Engineers, Junior, Dr. Dugald Clerk’s, 1071. Middlesex County A.C., Mr. Elyard Brown’s, on “ Electric Lighting of Cars,” 20. Society of Arts, Professor V. B. Lewis’s, on “ Fuels,” 4
  • Leicestershire, Land and Water Trip Through, 1150 Le Mans Meeting, 742
  • Level Crossings, Abolishing All, 117
  • Licence: Motorcar Excise, 136. Parisian Motorist and His, 213. Renewals, 950
  • Licences? Should Endorsements of, be Expunged with the Effluxion of Time, 753
  • Lifeguard, Motorbus, Testing, 70a
  • Lighting: Electric, and Starting Costs, 1195; Car, 20, 689; Efficient, 870. Fittings, Lamps and, 576-578. Motor House, from the Car: Is it Practicable? 610. Starting, and Ignition Systems, Combination, 49
  • Lighting Sets: Bleriot, E40. C.A.V., 20, 120, 219, 539, 781, E39. Crypto Electrical Co., E41. Dissolved Acetylene, 121. Ducellier, 540, E39. Ever Ready, 542. Facile, 541. Fors, 541. Hydra, 544. K.W. (Dynamo), 825. Lithanode, 537. Lodge, 542, E41. Lucas, 540, E38. Magician (U.M.I.), E40. Magnetolyte (High Tension Co.), 538, E38. Peto and Radford, 122, 540, E40. Polkey-Jarrott, 538. 870, E40. Powell and Hanmer, 1135. Rotax-Leitner, 304a, 537, E41. Rushmore, 539, E41. Smith, 539, E38. Trier and Martin, 122a, 537, E39. Van Raden, 543, E39. Ward-Leonard, 543. Willocq-Bottin, 538, E40
  • Lighting System, Electric, Schloss and Co;, 696 Light Producers, Making, 1095
  • “ Living, How to Earn a,”—Perhaps, 1066
  • Local Government Board, Speed Limit Refused by, for Cromwell and Gloucester Roads, Kensington, 785
  • Locks: Dunhills (Bonnet), E57. Gamage (Car Pedal Catch and), 168, United Motor Lock and Fitting Co. (Lever and Slam), 65. United Motor Industries (Stop-Use), 562 (
  • London: Beauty Spots Around, 1139. Irish Car in, 6. Modern Rendezvous of: Hendon Aerodrome, 503. New Western Highway of, 834. To Edinburgh: A Reminiscence of the Competition from, 852; By Arrol-Johnston Electric Car, 885. To Turin, Wonderful Performance by Itala Car, 1209. Traffic: Delays, 795; Royal Commission on, 496—(See “ Traffic ”)
  • London Chamber of Motor Experts, The, 314 Longevity of Cars, An Example of, 362 Lubricants: Collan Oil Co., 192. ’ Lotonoleum, 120. Monogram, E56. Price’s, 121. Sternol, 580, E56; Ambroleum, 661. Stern-Sonneborn Co., 122, 1065. Vacuum Oil Co., 122, 1113, Vasoleum, 1148. Wakefield, 121, 136, 772, E56; Castrol, 1113
  • Lubrication: Over, Smoky Exhaust and, 956. Spring, 159
  • Luggage Carriers: Brooks, E55. Finnigan’s, E56
  • Lyndhurst: A Request by the Hampshire A.C., 630
  • Macadam Roads, Pot Holes in, 790
  • Machinery, Humanized, 198
  • Magneto Exchange and Repair Co. Works, 1046
  • Magnetos: Automobile Adjuncts Co., 1234. Bosch, 292, 544, 950, E47. Eisemann, E47. Mea, 1042, 1170. Nilmelior, 543. Thomson-Bennett, 543, E47. Trier and Martin, E39. U.H., E47
  • Magneto to Plugs, Wiring from, 890
  • Manchester: and District, Developments in, 137. Ford Agency in, 925. Garage, Mr. T. Garner’s, 1126. Show—(See ” Shows ”)
  • Mandrel for Tyre Repairs, Harvey-Frost, 444
  • Mann and Overton’s New Premises, 172
  • Manufacturer, Things the, Would Like to Know, E18
  • Map, Route-planning,. Bartholomew and Co., 950
  • Mascots, “ Enots,” 563 Masonic Votes. 622
  • Mendips, Holiday Trip in the, 847
  • Menelik, To, by Motorcar, 426
  • Metallurgique, Ltd., Showrooms of, 6, 583, 620
  • Michelin Patents, Infringement of, 263
  • Micro-Methodical Motorist, The, 1074
  • Midlands: Lady Motorists in the, 156. Rally of the Cyclecar Club in the, 399, 444. To South Coast, Run on a Sunbeam Car from the, 759. To the North, Route from the, 65 Midnight Car Experience, A, 358 Mid-Victorian Motorcar, The, 414 Military: Sunday at York, 867. Team, A, 216 Milling Machine, Small Bench, Perkin and Co., 869 Minerva Motors, Ltd., Offices and Showrooms of, 269
  • Mirror for American Cars, Oldfield’s, 906
  • Mobbs, Mr., Presentation to, by the Saints and East Midlands F.C., 885
  • Monaco: Grand Corniche, Dangerous Corners on the, 597. Meeting, Impressions at, 442. Sunbeam Marine Engines at, 297
  • Mountain Work on a Darracq Car, 729, 773
  • Motor, Broadland by, 225
  • Motorbus: Drivers, Hours and Wages of, 403. For the Emperor of Japan, 560. Lifeguards, Tests of, 68. Motorcar, and the Road, 829. Scottish Traction Co.’s, 659
  • Motor Business, Impending Developments in, 214b Motor, Camp and Camera, 1078 Motor Caravanning, 1191
  • Motor Carriage: An Adaptable, Hopkinson and Son, 1007. A Town, Lawton and Co., 996. King, Ltd., J. A., 1001
  • Motor Carriage Owner, Some Points for the Consideration of, 1133
  • Motor Carriages, British, Designs in, 628
  • Motor Cycling in Wolverhampton, Fast, 950
  • Motor Experts, London Chamber of, 314 Motor Fuel—(See “ Benzole,” *' Fuel ” and “ Petrol ”)
  • Motor House Lighting from the Car: Is it Practicable? 610
  • Motor Industry in Britain: What is being Done in— An American Carriage-building Expert’s Impressions, 720
  • Motoring: A Busy School of, 442. Cases, Witnesses in, 406c. Co-Partnership, 272. Costly, Methods that Contribute to, 206. Economical, 215. For the Multitude, 1176. How the Cost of, Could be Divided, 272. In Canada, 258; Growth of, 1172. In New South Wales, Table Showing Cost of, 508. In Switzerland, 1125. Institutions of Great Britain and Ireland, E58. In the Bois de Boulogne, 757. Leaders at Bristol, 1060. Movement Fifteen Years Ago and Now, Contrast Between the, 239. On Nothing a Year! 673. Progress in Manchester and District, 137. The Popularity of, 238, 239. The Thrills of, 245. Things that Make for Comfort in, 631. With an Object in View, 867
  • Motorist: American and Canadian, Attitude of the, ■ 360a. Micro-Methodical, The, 1074. Scotland and the, 751. South African, A Pioneer, 218. T^he Average Owner-Driver Considers the Requirements of, 961. The Idle, 817, 818
  • Motorists: and the Cadger Nuisance, 929. Appeal of the Commercial Motor Show to Private, 1166. Driving Hints for, 349. German, and the Emperor’s Government Jubilee, 90. King and Queen as, 819. Note Book of the, From, 625. Pioneer, Views of the Fuel Problem of, 434. Startling Cyclone, Experience of, 816-Victorian, Annual Taxation Fees for, 42 “ Motor Manual, The,” 67, 552d
  • Motor Models at South Kensington, 903
  • Motor Owner’s Oil Lands and Refineries, Ltd., 214 Motor Owners’ Petrol Combine, Ltd., 18. Extracts from Report of the, 1051
  • Motor Petrol Association, Ltd., Petrol at lOd. per Gallon Supplied by the, 978a, 1003
  • Motor Polo: As Played in America, 196, 400. At Ranelagh, 835. New Game of, 835
  • Motor Rim Standardization, 1129
  • Motor Schools, Ltd., Classes for Students at the, 1041
  • Motor Schools, R.A.C. and, 19, 52
  • Motors: In the Antarctic, 796. In Use in Business, 1166
  • Motor Spirit: Birchenwood Colliery, 615, 708. Del Monte, 260, 386, 396, 440, 614, 659, 665-667, 708, 791, 846b; Mr. Bertram Blount’s Report on, 390. New Oil Refining Co., 963. Pratt's, 273. P.G.R., 1042. Shell, 211, 273. Standard Oil Co., New, 262, 322
  • Motor Spirit: From Creosote., 1211. Oil and. Profits from. 929. “ Strongite ” Roads and, 304b
  • Motor, The: Cost of Twelve Months Subscription to, in Various Countries, E67. Export Number, List of Advertisers in, E68. Fuel Campaign of—(See “Benzole,” “Fuel” and “ Petrol ”)
  • Motor Trade, People Who Want to Enter the, 1217 Motor Traffic, 70a. Committee, 11, 403, 496, 626a, 658; Capt. Deasy’s Evidence before, 496—(See “ Traffic ”)
  • Motor Transport Conference, 1210. Paper on Petrol Substitutes Submitted to the, 1167
  • Motor Transport- Development in Russia, 80 Mudguards: Frankonia, 564. Wasdell Rim and Tube Co., 552c
  • Multitude, Motoring for the, 1176
  • Naphthaline, Use of, as a Fuel for Car Engines, 55
  • Napier: Drivers’ Competition, Another, 596. Regime, The .New, 262
  • Naples, Coventry to, 281
  • National Physical Laboratory; Road Testing Machine at, 486
  • Navies of the World, Increasing Use of Oil Engines by, 1052
  • New Engine Co., Developments of, 596
  • New Forest, Sunbeam Cars in the, 759
  • New Oil Refining Co., Ltd., Works. Silvertown: A
  • Visit to, 940. Process, Test of the, at Brooklands, 963
  • News Items. 11, 14, 18, 19, 24, 28, 41, 42, 52, 56, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 71, 90, 93, 108, 109, 113, 115, 116, 119, 120, 150, 161, 164, 169, 192, 214, 214b, 215, 217 218, 236, 259, 263, 264. 270. 291, 292,

300, 304, 304a, 314, 315, 316a, 317, 318, 323, 350, 357, 367, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 403, 405. 406, 423, 424, 434, 435, 444, 445, 447, 466, 483, 491, 494, 495, 499, 509, 510, 530, 549, 558, 559, 596, 610, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 640, 654, 658, 661, 662, 717, 758, 839, 888, 973, 1041,

  • OxU, Oxi, UXX, U4J, UXCX, V-XV, uur, vc/v, yy*., 664, 675, 684, 696, 702, 705, 706. 707, 710a. 726, 728, 737, 747, 748, 751, 756a, 756b, 772. 794, 796, 799, 816, 824, 828, 830, 834, 846b, 853, 860, 869, 871, 874, 881, 885, 886, 895, 899, 906, 924, 925. 927. 928, 939, 950, 976, 984, 996, 998, 1011, 1015, 1018b, 1019, 1042, 1046, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1088. 1093, 1098, 1117, 1125, 1126, 1132, 1138, 1141, 1148, 1169-1172, 1190, 1198, 1209-1211, 1213, 1234, E65
  • New South Wales, Table Showing Cost of Motoring in, 508
  • New York, Speed Limits in, 218
  • Ninepence for Four pence, 479
  • North: Midlands to the. A Little-known Route, 65.
  • Road, Brothers Janson in a Bad Smash on the, 314
  • Number Plate, Illuminated, Briggs, 1066
  • Nut, Self-locking, Perfloc. 444
  • Oakham Castle, Great Hall at, 76
  • Oil: Engines, increasing Use of, by the Navies of the World, 1052. Era, and Its Portents, The, 1052. Leakage on Brake Drums, 79— (See “ Lubricants ’ )
  • Ontario: Good Roads Convention, Sir E. Walker at the, 399. Motorcar Industry in, 402. Motor League. 403; Membership of the, 346
  • Opening, the Convenient, 851
  • Other People’s Views.— Aberystwyth Road, The Old Coach, 810. Abroad: English Tyres Made, 636; Greater Demand, 1145.. Advertisements, Omission of Prices in, 678. Advertisers, A Hint to. from South Africa, 634. Air: Cooling and the Miniature Car. 333: Valve, The Extra, 145, 229. 372. Alcohol as a Motor Fuel, 417. American Cars in the Colonies. 1187. Arkell-Hardwick’s, The late Mr., Lost Motorcycle, 38. Arundel, Justice at, 1229. Australia, Cars for, 523. Automatic Tuning of the Spark, 857. Backfire, Cause of a, 230. Backfires, 590. Batteries, Dry, in the Tropics, 288’ Benzole, /1145; as a Fuel, Experiences with, 416; a Success, 946; Campaign, The Mo'tor. and the, 767; Exhaust and Antion on Steel, 634; Experiences, 333, 590, 901, 992, 993, 1144, 1230; Is Sulphur Present in? 461; No Knocking with, 590; Results with, 417; Tests, 810, 901; v. Petrol, 1187, Fuel Consumption Tests, 810. Bodies, High v. Low-built, 333. . Body: Design, German Influence on, 1229; Two Door— Not New, 811. Bodywork Fouled by Exhaust, 1038. British: Business Methods, Colonial Criticism of, 332, 462; Cars, Canadian Market for, 460, 461. Briton Car, A Tour on a, 943. Bromley—A Warning, 523. Business Methods, Unbusinesslike, 1143. Camphor: and Paraffin, 233; in Petrol, 147, 188, 189, 288. 373, 421, 462, 593, 636, 768, 854, 943, 1037, or Sugar in, 677. Camphorized ..Petrol Tests and the Results, 1145. Canadiah Market, The, 188, 330, 421, 460, 461; Cars for, 375. Carbonization, Inferior Engine Oil and, 1084. Carburetter: Considerations, Some, 767; Defects, 463; Difficulties, 372, 459; Dripping of Petrol from, 636, 767; Heating Problem, 593; Trouble, 459; Warning, A, from Thermo-Circulation System, 811. Car: An Electioneering, 463; Clutchless—Should the Clutch be Abolished? 1085; Comfort in the, 329; Electric Lighting, 288, 372, 375, 418, 460, 526, 592, 593, Mr. Edge’s Rejoinder, 679, Tests of, 459, 768, 857, 903: fitted with Self-starter, Knocking Noises in, 769; for South Africa, The Ideal, 87; Miniature, Air Cooling and the, 333; Race, The Stock, 375; Spoiling the Best Seat in the, 1144, 1231; Taxation, Colonial Visitors and, 462; Subsidiary Uses of the, 680; Upkeep, 855; v. Horse Starting Heavy Load, 1038. Cars: American, in the Colonies, 1187, British v., A Canadian View, 766; Canadian Market for, 375; Colonial, Springing of, 1144; for Australia, 524; for South Africa, 187, 230, 373; High and Low-built, 458; How Long do They Last? 633; in South Africa, 187, Prices of, 418; Making Cheaply, and Selling Well, 332; Old, 463, Taxation of, 767, 813; Second-hand, for the Colonies, 37. Cerrig-y-Druidion and Corwen, Dangerous State of Road between, 810, 1185. Ceitificates, Comparison of, 903. Chauffeur: cum-Housemaid, 1229; Question, The, 526. Circulation: -System, Thermo, Warming a Carburetter from, 811; Water, Rust in, 855. Clutch: Fitting New Friction SurfaceHto, 855; Should It be Abolished? 1085. Coal Gas, Running a Petrol Engine on, 1144. Colonial: Cars, The Springing of, 1144; Criticism of British Business Methods, 332, 462; Visitors and Car Taxation, 462, 590. Colonies: American Cars in the, 1187; Second-hand Cars for the, 37. Comfort in the Car, 329. Control, Standard, 1229. Cork as a Gear-quietening Medium, 856. Cornish Roads, Condition of, 902. Cornwall, The Roads in, 991. Corwen to Cerrig-y-Druidion, 810, 1185. Cover, 100 mm., Using 90 mm. Tube in a, 86. Cross Roads, Problem of the, 330. Cut-out on Motorcycles, 1084. .Cylinder Grinding v. Reboring, 373. Depth Post, A Deceptive, 811. Devil’s Bridge Road from Rhayader, Condition of, 633, 725, 768, 902, 991, 1084, 1231. Devonshire Roads, Condition of, 187, 286. Driving: Fast: in Northumberland, 1185, on Margate Front, 945; Inconsiderate, 991; Slow Top Gear, 990; To the Danger of the Public, 1084. Dynamos, Output and Size of, 681. Economy, A Striking, 1187. Edge’s, Mr. S. F., Rejoinder Regarding Electric Lighting, 679. Efficiency—A Hackneyed Term, 901. Electric Lighting: Car, 288. 372. 375, 418, 460, 526, 592, 593; Mr. Edge’s Rejoinder, 679; Tests, 459, 768, 857, 903. Endorsements: Should Good Conduct Ensure Cancellation, 724. Engine: Oil and Carbonization, Inferior, 1084; Petrol, Running a, on Coal Gas, 1144. Engines: Noisy, Late Firing and, 681; Rotary Valve, 1036, 1145. Exhaust: Bodywork Fouled by, 1038; Pressure Tank Difficulty, 232, 329. Farce, A Gigantic, 812. Firing Late and Noisy Engines, 681. First of April, Published on, 522. Flexibility, Test on Top Gear, 769. Ford, Magneto for, Lighting from the, 373. Fuel: Experiences with Benzole as a, 416; Liquid, Future, of, 229; Motor, Taxation of, 416; Problem, The, 285, 371, 416, 417: Question, The, 635. Fuels: Interesting Experiments with, 285; Mixed, 145, 329, 416; Trials of Various, 285. Garage Rifle Ranges, 86. Gas Turbine, The Future of, 765. Gauges, Track, 1185. Gearbox and Radiator, Repairs to Leaky, 374. Gearquietening Medium, Cork as a, 856. Good Samaritans Thanked, 811. Hardknott and Wry nose Passes, Climbing, 946, 1038. 1143. Heat Theory, Tyre Inflation and, 289. Horse Power, Degeneration of the, 147, 188, 287. 331, 419, 524, 525. 591, 679. 681. Horse v. Car, Starting Heavy Load, 1038. Hydraulic Transmission, 232, 678, 812, 900. Insuring, Advantages of, 230. International Tourist Trophy Race, 417, 463 . Kinetic Energy, Momentum and, 1036- Klaxon Horns, Misuse of the, 1036. Knocking, No, with Benzole, 590. Lady Chauffeur, The Pioneer, 854. Lamp, Tail, Keeping in Touch with the, 289. Lighting: Compulsory, 37; Electric Car, 288, 372, 375, 418, 460, 526, 592, 593, Mr. Edge’s Rejoinder, 679, Tests1 of, 459. 768, 857, 903: From the Ford Magneto, 372. Lleyn Peninsula, 724. Lock: Nut, Second-hand, 231; Slam, New Patent, 188. Lubricating: Oil, Mixing with Petrol, 231; Systems, Good, 39. Lubrication of Springs, 854. Macadam Roads, Tar, 856. Magneto, Ford, Lighting from the, 372. Margate Front, Fast Driving on, 945. Measuring Gradients, 233. Medical Men and Taxation, 1186. Momentum and Kinetic Energy, 1036. Motor buses on the Road, 809, 856, 857. Motorcar Nomenclature, 768. Motorcycle, The Late Mr. Arkell-Hardwick’s Lost, 38. Motorcycles, The Cut-out on, 1084. Motoring: Brought within the Beach of Men of Moderate Means, 287; Cost of, in New Zealand, 678; in South Africa, 39, 87, A Hint to Advertisers, 634; £100 per Year for 1230. Motorist, The R.A.C. and, 38. Motorists and the Trade, 38. Motor: Persecution, 677; Technicalities and the Lay Press, 947; Trips, Dangers of, for Poor Children, 769. Motor, The, and the Benzole Campaign, 767. Naphthaline, 37, 145. Napier Cars, Two-cylinder, 946, 1038. New Zealand, Costs of Motoring in, 678. Northumberland, Driving Fast in, 1185. Notice Board, A: “Keep to the Right,’’ 593 Oil Circulation, Faulty, Strange Cause of, 36. Oils, Heavy, Use of, 416. Olympia Show, The Next, 1085. Owner-driver’s Requirements, The, 418. Paint, Luminous—Once More, 634. Paraffin : and Camphor, 233; and Petrol Mixture, Running on, 855, 947; Small Car Tour on, 634. Pedestrian and the Traffic Dangers, 59. Pen-y-ball Hill, 725, 813; Climbing, 769. Persecution, Motor, 677. Petrol: and Paraffin Mixtures, 855, 947; Camphorized Tests, and the Results, 1145; Camphor in, 147, 188, 189, 288, 373, 421, 462, 593, 636, 768, 854, 943, 1037; or Sugar in 677; Can, Short Measure in, 593; Cans, Leaky, 947; Consumption, 87; Dripping of, from Carburetter, 636, 767; Engine on Coal Gas, Running a, 1144; Mixing Lubricating Oil with, 231; Price of, 1037; Short Measure in, 146, 769, 947, 1186; Substitutes, 902; Supply : Shortage, Strange Case of, 855, 903, Stoppage of, 946; Tank, Auxiliary, 286, 289, 458, for Starting Up, 288, 421; v. Benzole, 1187, Fuel Consumption Tests of, 810. Petrol Owners’. Combine, The, 39. Pneumatic Tyre: Action of the, 945, 990, 1083; What Is It? 1035, 1142, 1184, 1228. Point Overlooked, A, 460. Police Activity in Surrey, 1145. Poppet v. Sleeve Valve, 36. Portuguese Tariff, 87, 147. Press, Lay, Motor Technicalities and the, 947. Pressures, Lower, An Advocate of, 85. Pressure Tank Difficulty,. 332. Provincial Shows, Are They Necessary? 233. Public, Driving to the Danger of the, 1084. Pump and Valve Phenomena, Interesting Observations of, 637. R.A.C.: and its Critics, 589; and Motorists, 38; Electric Lighting Tests, 459, 768, 857, 903. Racing, The Value of, 1228. Radiator and Gearbox Repairs to Leaky, 374. Reboring, Cylinder Grinding v,, 373. Resiliency: What Is It? 522. Revolution, A Coming, 420. Rhayader to Devil’s Bridge Road, Condition of, 633, 725, 768, 902, 99i, 1084, 1231. Rides with an Object, Cheerful Article on, 633. Rifle Ranges, Garage, 86. Rims and Wheels, Detachable, 38. Road: Destruction, 1231 ; Engineering, 990; Motorbuses on the, 809, 856, 857; Obstruction, 526, 1037, An Ancient Right, 636, by Trams, 1145; Proposed New, by Chester, into Wales, 1231; Rule of the, 37, . 144, 189, 233, Suggestions, Lord Russell on The Motor, 86; The Wheel on the, 901; to Southport, New, 36; Waves, 944, 947, 992, 1037, 1038, Cause of, 901. Roads: High, Schools on the, 1085; Tar Macadam, 856, The Motorbus and the, 809 , 856, 857. Rotary Valve Engines, 1036, 1145. Running Expenses, 8G. Schools on the High Roads, 1085. Seat, Best, Spoiling the, in the Car, 1144, 1231. Secondhand Cars for the Colonies, 37. Self-starter, The, 1187; Knocking Noises in Car Fitted with, 769. Self-starters, Electric, 813. Shows, Provincial: Are They Necessary? 233. Signalling Devices, 1187. Silencer, Choked, Loss of Power Caused by, 681. Single-cylinder, Noisy, 946. Sleeve v. Poppet Valve, 36. South Africa: Car, Ideal, for, 87; Cars for, 187 , 230, 373; Motoring in, 39, 87, A Hint to Advertisers, 634; Price of Cars in, 418. Southport, New Road to, 36. Spark: Automatic. Timing of the, 857 , 946; The “Fat,” 1084. Sparking Plugs, Moisture on, 231. Sparks, Non-effective, 901. Spring: Difficulty, The Front, 724, 856; Lubrication of the, 147, 854. Springing, 900; of Colonial Cars, 1144. Springs, 766. Starting: Electric, 186; Up, Auxiliary Tank for, 288, 421. Steel, Action of Benzole Exhaust on, 634. Steering, Whip in, 331, 421. Stock Car Race, The, 375. Surrey,- Police Activity in, 1145. Tail-lamp, Keeping in Touch with the, 289. Tariff, Portuguese, 87, 147. Taxation, 331; Car, Colonial Visitors and, 462, 590; Medical Men and, 1186; of Motor Fuel, 416; Proposals, 945, 1036, 1186: The Case of Old Oars, 813. Taxing of Motorcars After 15 Years, 767. Timing, Automatic, of the Spark, 857, 946. Tools Left Behind, 857. Top Gear Test, 724, 769. Tour, A Small Oar, on Paraffin, 634. Touring: Articles, Appreciation of, 901; Guides, 765; on a Briton Car, 943. Tourist Trophy Race, International, 417, 463. Track Gauge, Variation in, 1143. Trade, Motorists and the, 38. Traffic Dangers: and Pedestrians, 39; Suggestions on, 86. Trams, Road Obstruction by, 1145. Transmission, Hydraulic, 232, 678, 812, 900. Tropics, Dry Batteries in the, 288. Tube, Using 90 mm., in a 100 mm. Cover, 86. Tuning-up: What Is It? 943. Turbine, Gas, The Future of the, 765. Tyre: Economy, Tyre Inflation and, 84; Gauge Differences, 146; Inflation, 145, 185, 186, 189, 233, 333, 374, 420, 637, 722, 723, and the Heat Theory, 289, Correct, 37, 147, Manufacturers’ Views Regarding, 84, More About That, 522 523, 588-590, £100 Challenge, 678; Mileages,’ 231; Pneumatic, Action of, 945, 990, 1083, What Is It? 1035, 1142, 1184, 1228; Pressures, 231; Pump and Valve: Experiments, 813; Phenomena. 722; 723; Resiliency, What Is It? 420, Test, The, 147. Tyres: Air Temperature in, 84; English-made Abroad, 636; Increasing the Mileage of, 84; Jacking-up, 331; Large Diameter and Their Advantages, 946. User’s Experience, A, 287. Vacant Seat, The, 421. Valve: Experiments, Tyre Pump and, 813; Extra Air, 331; Grinding-in, Excessive, 768; Phenomena, Tyre Pump and, 722, 723; Tappet Adjustment, 635. Valves: Leaky, Remedy for, 811; Rotary. 1145 Wheel on the Road, The, 901. Wheels and Rims, Detachable, 38. “Whip” in the Steering, 331, 421. Wrynose and Hardknott Passes, Climbing, 946, 1038, 1143
  • Overhaul, The Annual, by the Owner-driver, 301 Overseas Readers, To Our, El
  • Owner: Conditions when He' Should be Held Responsible and when He Should Not, 753. Driver: Considers the Requirements of the Average Motorist, 961; Hints for, on Tyre Economy, 413; How the Annual Overhaul May be Accomplished by, 301; Items of Interest to the, 625; The Ideal Car for, 279. Driver’?: De Dion, 1162; Quest for a £1000 Vehicle, 479._ New Car: Driving Hints for, 484; Pointers for, 471
  • Packers and Shippers, Park and Co., E65
  • Packing and Shipping Motors, Table of Cost of, E64, E65
  • Paint for Hoods, Accordian Boat Co., 567, E56
  • Paints and Varnishes, Hall and Sons, 562
  • Paraffin-Petrol or Benzole-Petrol, 254
  • Parent Tyre Co., Ltd., New Title of Dunlop Rubber Co., 6.1
  • Paris: A.A. and M.U. Offices in, 702a. Fontainebleau Road, Abolishing a Level Crossing on, 117. Compulsory Splashguards in, 164. Splashguard Test in, 702a. Tragedy, The, 672
  • Parisian Motorist and His Licence, 213
  • Patents: Knight and Kilbourne Sleeve-valve Engine, 355. Rudge-Whitworth v. Riley Detachable Wheel, 1064
  • Pedal Catch and Car Lock, Gamage, 168 Pedestrian, A Sensible, Letter Regarding, 939 Pelissier, Mr. H. G., Tells His Motoring Experiences; 194
  • Peto and Radford, Ltd., Go Westward, 927
  • Petrol: And Its Substitutes, Lecture on, by Mr. Robert Brewer Before Institute of Inventors, 794. At Eightpence, Co-operative Scheme for Supplying, 214. At Tenpence per Gallon, Motor Petrol Association Offers to Supply, 978a, 1003. Austrian House of Commons and, 444. Campaign, Our, What Others Think, 1129. Camphor in, Effect of, 498. Cans: Benzole in, Anglo-American Co. and, 1019; Leakage from, 885. Committee: Benzole from Town Gas, 871; Second Report of the, 223. Duty-free, 218. English-made, New Oil Refining Process, Ltd., 940. German Substitute for, A, 210. In Austria, High Price of, 629. Large Imports of, 494. Paraffin or Benzole-Petrol, 254. Price of, Advance in, 173. Prices, All in Line! 214. Problem, Del Monte Conceivable Solution of the, 386. Supply . Concern, a New, 1042; Future of the, 54a. Town Gas Instead of, 24. Ill Miles on 3% Gallons, 795
  • Petrol Can Holders: Leopold, 561. Thomson-Bennett, 565a
  • Petrol Can Openers: L.C., 304. Thomson-Bennett, 565a
  • Petroleum: Proposed German Government Monopoly for, 22. Spirit, Home Office Committee on, 313
  • Petrol Fillers: Atlas No-waste, 304.
  • Pettett, 562
  • Petrol Gauge for Gravity and Pressure-feed Tanks, Meyer, 178
  • Petrol Meter, Maximall, 565
  • Petrol Pourer and Economizer, Atlas, 560
  • Petrol: Pratt’s, 273. Shell, 211, 273
  • Petrol Savers, Saunders, 359, 561
  • Piston, A Welded Steel, Severe Ordeal of, 719
  • Piston Ring, Simplex, 75 Piston, Zephyr, 168
  • Platipum “ Points,” 1148
  • Plugs—(See “ Sparking Plugs ”)
  • Police ’Traps, No More on the Open Roads, 1167
  • Poppets and Sleeves Again, 1162
  • Porthcawl Sands, Speed Events on—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Prince of Wales Visits the Daimler Factory at Unterturkheim, 608, 610
  • Prince Olaf’s New Cadillac Model, 290
  • Prussian War Office, Benzole Carburetter Trials at the, 1148
  • Pump, Fuel Pressure. Crossley, 1134
  • Pumps—(See “ Tyre Pumps ”)
  • Puncture Repairer, Sampson Plug System, 920
  • Puncture Sealers: Puncture Seal Co., 728. Zip, 794
  • Punctures, Small Tube, and their Repair, 920
  • Pyrenean Defile, A, 433
  • Queensland, The “ 24 ” that Failed in, E4 Queen, The—(See “ King ”)
  • R.A.C.: Advice Regarding Motor Schools by the, 19, 52. And Associated Clubs: Gala Day—(See “ Brooklands ”); Stand at North of England Show, 23. And Internal-combustion Turbine Motor, 706. And Its Critics, 2. And Longdistance Non-stop Trials, 258. And Isle of Man Race—(See “ Isle of Man ”). And Unrolled Flints in Dorsetshire, 90. Annual General Meeting, 447. As a Society of Encouragement, 782. Golf Course, 292. Insurance Policies, Recent Improvements in, 391. Membership and Constitution of, E58. New County Club Sports, 401. Petrol Committee, Second Report of, 23. Taxation Conference Convened by, 169. . Trials—(See “Trials”). Work of the, E58. Yorkshire Reads and the, 19
  • Rails, Robe and Foot, Brown Bros., 629 Railway Speed, Beating, 1209
  • Rally, Cyclecar Club Midland, 399, 444
  • Ranelagh, Motor Polo at, 835
  • Readers, Overseas, To, El
  • Rear Lights on Horsed Vehicles, 402
  • Records : At Brooklands, 606; Argyll, 750, 800, 840; Arrol-Johnston (Class B), 796; Humber, 747, 1171; Peugeot, 398, 435; Sunbeam, 702, 756; Talbot, 62, 114
  • Record, “ 24,” That Failed, The, E14 Reflectors, Mangin Lens Mirror, 122a Repair Kit, Parsons, E56
  • Repair: Man, The Super, 850. Small Tube Punctures and Their, 920
  • Repair Work: Clement Motor Co., 1019. Laystall Motor Engineering Co., 566. Magneto Exchange and Repair Co., 1046. Weldings, Ltd.. 564b
  • Replacement Parts, Laystall Repair Works, E63 Resiliency, Application of the Term, 481 Revolution, A Coming, 293
  • Rhayader to Devil’s Bridge Road, Condition of, 675 Rigal, M. Victor, Accident to, 927
  • Rims : Ajax, E52. Captain, 550. Cave, 446, 550. Chailiner, 5§2, E53. Clincher (North British Rubber Co.), 550, E51. Continental, 121, 551. Dunlop, E51. Forse, 620, E52. Gaulois, 121, 552. Goodrich, 551, E51. Goodyear, E52. Progress, 122. Spencer-Moulton, 551, E52. Warland, 61, 113, 122a, 263, 445, 551, 706, E53 —(See “Wheels”)
  • Rims: And Wheels, Detachable, 550-552 Rim Sizes and Standardization, 702, 1129 Ripley Road, Cyclecars on the, 495 Risks, Taking, 685, 686 River, The Call of the, 936 Riviera and Back, 729, 773
  • Road Board: Administration, Debate in Parliament, 1211. Grantsi for Road Improvements, 494. Method of Procedure Adopted by the, 53 Road Book, Dunhill’s, 728
  • Road Chart, The Auto, Test of, 18
  • Road Congress, International, London, 558, 797, 1020. Delegates, Leicestershire A.C. and, 887; Luncheon by the Kent AC. to the, 1018. Mr. John Burns Presides at a Meeting of the, 1015. Papers to be Read at the, 28
  • Road: Destroyers, 982. Engineers’ Labour, Review of Some of the Difficulties of, 1054. Experts, London the Mecca of the World’s, 797. Holyhead, Complaint of Bad Condition of, 56. Improvements, A.A. and M.U. and, 350 , 558. Motorcar, Motorbus and the, 829. Notice, Special, A.A. and M.U. and, 1061. Oxford to Newbury, Bad Condition of, 31. Patrol, Special Work of A.A. and M.U., 358. Patrols, Those Useful, 402. Rule of the, 30. Scheme, Croydon Relief, 705. Testing Machine at the National Physical Laboratory, 486. The Joy of the, 468. The Wheel and the, 733; Col. Crompton’s Paper Before the I.A.E., 490. Upkeep, Should the Motorbus Contribute More to, 918. Warning, A, 396. Waves: How 1 hey are Caused, 829; Some Replies to Criticisms and Comments of, 1153
  • Roads: And Springs, 218, 284. Better, Motor Traffic and, 1015. Conference of Authorities on, Mr. Asquith Favours a, 1057. Damaging Effects on, 918. In England and Scotland (South), Dr. Arthur Kohler’s (Berlin) Opinion of, 707. Lecture on, by Col. Crompton, 355. Macadam, Pot-holes in, 790. Motor Traffic and, 324. New Main, The Need for, 1057. Open, No More Traps on, 1167. Proposed Classification of, 702a. Question of Our, 53. “ Strongite,” and Motor Spirit, 304b. Suggested State Management of, 1021. Tar-painted, Motorcars and, 1054. Unrolled Stones on, Signs on Lamps to Indicate, 264. Yorkshire, R.A.C. and, 19. £50,000,000 for the, 324; Criticism of Road Authorities, 449
  • Road Signalling Devices: Holder, 1078. H.P.E.M., 161, 357
  • Roads Improvement Association, The, E59. And Devonshire Roads, 378. And the Western Road Scheme, 895. Horse Shoe Competition, 917. Increase of Subscribers to, 441. Lancashire and Cheshire Branch of, Meeting of, 1175. Work of the, 1175
  • Robbialac Enamel Competition, 1127
  • “ Robinson, Jack,” Appleby, The Town of, 184 Rose. Sir Charles Day, Death of, 614
  • Rosslare Motorcar Races, 816. Entries for, 1018a Route, Midlands to the North, 65
  • Royal: Garage and Cars, Details of, 819. Visit to Lancashire, 926
  • Rubber Industry in Brazil, 802
  • Rudge-Whitworth: Wheels, How They Are Made, 585. Works, Coventry, Model of, 258, 304a Runabout. The Reign of the. 1223
  • Running Costs: Analysis of, 511. In Australia. 508. Of a Wolseley Car, 424. Of Second-hand Cars, 649. Table of. 676
  • Russia: British and Foreign Competition in. 80. Motorcars in, 80. South. Trade in, 81. The Awakening of, 912
  • Salesmen Wanted, 998
  • Saltburn Speed Trials—(See “Trials’)
  • Schools, Motor, R.A.C. and, 19, 52
  • Science and the Modern Oar, 1216
  • Scotland: Caution and Direction Posts in, 11/. For the Motorist, 751. Touring in, 44
  • Scottish A.C.—(See “Clubs )
  • Scottish: Hills, Motoring in Spring Amongst the Snow-clad, 894/ Motor Trade, Dinner of the, 25
  • Seat: Driver’s, Position of the, 34. The Reclining, 1222
  • Seats: Auster, 582. Coventry Motor Bodies Co. (Reversing), 150. Lanchester, 582
  • Seats: Driving, Enclosed, i/U
  • Second-hand: Car: Fitting Out the, 737; Trade, A Run Round the, 497. Cars: Running Costs of, 649; Warning to Purchasers of, 48
  • Security Bolt, Non-pinch, 562
  • See Band and Tyre Co.’s Premises, Burglary at— Warning, 444
  • Selfridge’s Motor Department, 274. Developments at,. 1018. Specialities at, 560
  • Self-starters, Types of, 338—(See “ Starting Devices ”)
  • Self-starting on 40 h.p. Oakland Car, 1157
  • Shackles, Elastic, Spring Dampers and, 546
  • Shell Transport and Trading Co., 929. Statement by the Chairman of, 1011
  • Shell, Two, or Not Two Shell? 211
  • Shippers and Packers, Park and Co., E65
  • Shipping and Packing, Table of Cost of, E64, E65
  • Shock Absorbers: Atlas, 663. A.V., 547. Brew-Ree, 215. Derihon, 784, 885, 1113. Gabriel Rebound Snubber, 120, 548, E50. Glissade, 304, 547, E50. H. and S., 546, E51. Hermes, 549, E50. Hobson, 122a, E50. J.M., 548, E50. K.A.P., 546, E50. King, E50. King Progressive, 546. Lever Spring Suspension, 548. Mamet, 397, 547, 1190. Oda-Smith, 121, 546, E49. Parson, 548. Perfect, 547, E51. Premier, 547, E49. Telesco, 546, E49. Triou, 549,. E49
  • Shock Absorbers, Devices in, 549
  • Shock Buffers, Rubber, E49
  • Shows: Berlin (1914), 42. Brazil, 996. Brussels, 24. Manchester, 66, 94-109, 118422a; Accessories at, 120; Anne Cowburn’s Stand at, 119; Atkinson’s Stand at, 105; Car and General Insurance Corporation's Stand at, 121; Car Exhibits at, 94; Cordingley Stand at, 95; Motor Progress Since the, 137; Oldham Motor Co.’s Stand at, 118; R.A.C. Stand at, 23; Richardson’s Stand at, 105; Visit of the A.A. and M.U. to, 60; Woodhead and Co.’s Stand at, 100. Montreal, 117, 530; Duke of Connaught at the, 176. North of England— (See “Manchester,” above). Olympia: Aero, 126, 174; Commercial Motor, Appeal of the, to the Private Motorist, 1166; Motorcar (1912), Points in Car Construction at, E6. Paris: 1912, What It Revealed, E10; 1913, Date of (October), 270, 834, 848, 880, 881. Prague, 224. Scottish: Future of the, 29; Predominance of British Cars at, 29. St. Petersburg: And Its Effect on the Motor Movement, 912; Austin Exhibits at, 728; Germans in Front at, 366. Toronto, British Cars and Accessories at, 316a. Turin, C.A.V. Lighting System, Award for, at, 781
  • Shrewsbury: Archaeological Discovery at, 688. Danger Spot in, 54b
  • Shropshire, Central, Spots Worth Visiting in, 738 Shutters, Steel Rolling, Kinnear, 684
  • Signalling: Device, Chief Constable’s Views of a, 357. From the Enclosed Car, 718
  • Signalling Devices, Road: Holder, 1078. H.P.E.M., 161, 357
  • Signposting of Bradford, The, 400, 478 Silence, 997. Grammatical and Relative, 319 Silencer, and Engine Exhaust Gases between, Hissing Noises of, 79
  • Silencers and Cut-outs, 1061
  • Silencers: Dunlop E56. Hutton-Macbeth, 81. Nest o’ Cups, 122
  • Skidding, Tyre Inflation and, 173
  • Sleeves and Poppets Again—More Light on an Old Subject, 1162
  • Sluys, 754
  • Smith and Son’s New Premises, Development of, 1215
  • S.M.M.T.: And Hiring-out Agreements, 292. And the Canadian Market, 22. Home-grown Fuel Prize by the, 355. Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales Section of the, at Windermere, 1212. Meeting of the, 871. New Oil Section of the, 1019. Special Commissioner to Canada, 227. Trade Dinner of the, at Manchester Show, 116. Visit to America, 178— (See “ Institution of Automobile Engineers”) Society of Aits, Lecture on “Fuels” by Professor V. B. Lewis, at, 4
  • South Africa, Extraordinary Accident in, 895
  • South African: Imports of Motorcars, 715. Motorist, A Pioneer, 218
  • South Downs, By-ways on the, 988
  • Southern Automobiles, Ltd., Kent and Surrey Agency for Chenard-Walcker Cars, 402
  • South Kensington, Motor Models, at, 903 Spain, Deer Hunting on a Car in, 1055 Spa Meeting, The, 400
  • Spanish Grand Prix—(See “ Grand Prix ”)
  • Spark: Gap, Use of the, 78. Non-effective, The, 1208 Sparking Plug Cleaner, Wansbeck, 1042
  • Sparking Plugs: Bougie-Pognon, 544. County Chemical Co., 544. E.I.C., E57. Hobson-Pognon, 122a, E42. Lodge, 397, 402, 544, 1094, E57. Low Accessories Co., 544. O.D.A., 1113. Oleo, 122, 384, 684, 706. Polkey, 236. Run-baken and Co.. 263. Sphinx, 543. Transparent, Motor Trading Co., 455
  • Specifications, 1133
  • Speed Limit: Application Refused by L.G.B., for Cromwell and Gloucester Roads, Kensington, 785. Signs, Misleading, 705
  • Speed Limits: A.A. and M.U. and, 623. In New York, 218
  • Speedometer: Drives, Over Long, 626. Value of a, 158
  • Speedometers: A.T., 552a, E48. Brookwood, 552a. Cowey, 121. Ever-Ready, E48. Frodsham, 552b, E48. Jones, 552b. Smith, 552a, E47. Stewart, 552a, E47. Watford, 552b, 796
  • Spirit of the Age, The, 273
  • Splashguards, Compulsory, in Paris, 164
  • Splashguard Tests in Paris, 702a
  • Sport and Business, 317
  • Spring Bumper, Dew and Co., 65
  • Spring: Cushions, Pneumatic, nOO. Dampers, Elastic Shackles and, 546. Lubrication, 159
  • Springing, Asymmetric, Brooks and Co., 1175
  • Springs: And Roads, 218. Air. G. H. Baillie’s Lecture on, before the I.A.E., 698b. Roads and, 284. Treatment of, 732
  • Springs, Device to Lubricate Car, Riches and Co., 136
  • Standardization, Points for the Consideration of the Lay User, 710
  • Standard Oil Co.’s New Fuel, 262, 322
  • Standards, Central: Dangerous, at Ealing Common, 163, 927. Unlighted, 705
  • Star Engineering Works: hire at, 350a, 1065. Visit to, 72
  • Starter, A New Mechanical, 448
  • Starter, Easy, and Fuel Economizer, Feay and Co., 929
  • Starting: Accidents, 608. Cost, Electrit Lighting and, 1195. Easy, 717. Lighting and Ignition System, Combination, 49. Mechanism, Some Notes on, E60
  • Starting Devices: A.B.C., 339. Airoter, 339. Chalmers, 338. Crescent, 339. D.A. (Acetylene Illuminating Co.), 121. Ever-Ready, 575. H. and M., 339. Janney-Steinmetz, 339. Kellogg, 338. Meeder, 339. Alerrals, 339. Morris, Russell and Co., 952. Never Miss, 339. Overland, 448. Premier, 339. Richardson, 177. Rofill, 122a. Rushmore, 1161. Thurber (Turbine), 338. Umotca, 557, E4. Vance, 339. Winton, 339
  • Starting Handles: Orno, 466. Riches, E54
  • Steam Carriage, Mid-Victorian, 414
  • Steel, B.N.D., 1113
  • Steel Bodies, Sankey and Sons, 1217
  • Steering: Flat Treads and, 626. Left-hand, America and, 69
  • Step Light, Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 346 Step, Rubber-edged, Upton, 413, 580 Stonehenge, Age of, 24
  • St. Petersburg: Brussels to, Run, 91. Show—(See “ Shows”)
  • Sunbeam: Castle Garage for Sunbeam Racers and Mechanics at Grand Prix, 1050. Works, Details of Processes in, 198
  • Suspension, Cowey Pneumatic, 50. Certificate of, Issued by the R.A.C., 19
  • Swedish Winter Trial—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Switch, Ignition, Schneider, 168
  • Switzerland: Motoring in, 1125. Alotor Traffic Regulations for, 483. Road Progress in, 175
  • Tar: And Cars, 932. Production, Germany’s, 443. Spraying Machine, Evils of the, 830. Wet, Damage to Cars from, 871
  • Targa-Florio Race, 83, 706, 748
  • Tariff: American, Cars and, 42. For Tyre Repairs, A, 1041
  • Tatra-zAdria Tour, The, 396
  • Taxation: And Traffic, 918. Conference Convened by the R.A.C., 169. Of Old Cars, Chancellor of the Exchequer and, 702a. Victorian Motorists’, 42
  • Tax, Attempt to Rash a. 210
  • Tea Halts, 1088. At Knebworth, Chequers Inn, Bragbury JDnd, 1172
  • Telephone, Car, Rawlence, 567
  • Temple Press Publications, E67
  • Tenby, Roads and Scenes Around, 326
  • Thames Valley, Touring through the, 936
  • Thieves, Motorcar, 171
  • Three-litre Race, The, 271
  • Timing, 49. Methods, Monstrous, 1214
  • Tong, near Wolverhampton, Historical Old Church at, 343
  • Tool, Multi-purpose, Gamage, 1098
  • Tools: Extemporized, 650, 1196; and Methods, 803
  • Top Speed with the Driver Walking, 620
  • Torque Stays, Napier, 179
  • Tour: A Varied and Novel, 1150. Dutch Motor, 1031
  • Tour: De France, 70, 312, 360. Tatra-Adria, 396
  • Touring: Facilities for City Members, A.A. and M.U., 860. Ground: Ireland as a, 796; North Wales as a, 670. Home, Hints on, 668. Through the Thames Valley, 936
  • Tourist Trophy Race, International—(See “Isle of Man Race”)
  • Trade, The Tourist Trophy Race and, 747
  • Traffic: And Taxation, 918. Board, Sir L. Gomme s Views on a, 70a. Committee, House of Commons Select, Evidence before, 11, 403, 496, 626a, 658; Capt. Deasy’s, 496; Motorbus Drivers' Hours and Wages, 403. Dangers, 129. Delays, London's Means of Improving, 795. Heavy, Baneful Effects of, on the Roads, 982. Hooded Vehicle and Speedy, The, 533. Ill-regulated, Dangers of, 78. Alotor, 70a, and Better Roads, 1015. Regulations in Switzerland, 483
  • Tramway Poles. Central, Unlighted, 705 t
  • Transmission: Fluid, Astonishing Possibilities of, 293. Hydraulic, Efficiency of, 481 j 710b, 822
  • Transmitter, Hydraulic, Vincent, 134
  • Transport, Motor, Conference, 1210
  • Transvaal Automobile Cup, Accident at Contest for, 895
  • Treads, Flat, and Steering, 626
  • Trial, Lt ng-distance, Non-stop, 258
  • Trials : Automobile Club of Australia, 457. Dorset A.C., 750. Herefordshire A.C., 274. Herts. Countv A. and Ae.C., 435, 621. Lancashire A.C., *970, 1046. Manchester A.C., 834. Alan-chester Af.C.. 314. M.C.C. London-Edinburgh, 706, 852. Mersey (Liverpool) M.C., 906, 1018a, 1O64. Notts A.C.. 1018a. R.A.C.: Atlas Tyre. 113; Atlas Tyre Pump, 624: Auto Road Chart. 18; Cowey Suspension, 19; Favorit Carburetter, 662; Paige Car, 22, 1071; Searle Tube, 661: Standard Paraffin Carburetter. 881 : White and Poppe Engine, 400. South Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C. (Porthc&wl), 974. Splashguard (Pariis), 702a. St. Petersburg A.C., 318. Sutton. Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 19, 313. Swedish Winter, 14, 214a, 261; Course of, 14; Trophy Awarded to Minerva Car, 397. Sydney to Melbourne, 702. War Office Subsidy, 13. ‘ Yorks. A.C. (Saltburn), 1062
  • Trials, Berlin Benzole Fuel, 1093
  • Trunks, Brooks and Co., E55
  • Tube Punctures and Their Repair, Small, 920
  • Turbine, Internal-combustion: Mr. Worby Beaumont and, 706. Some Difficulties in the Way of Its Development, 782
  • Tyre Covers: Duco, 570. Gamage, 564a
  • Tyre: Economy, Hints by an Owner-driver- on, 413. Inflation, 385, 450, 481, Mr. Sturmey’s Reply, 244; and Economy, 112; and Skidding, 173. Limitation; 1209. Pneumatic, Action of the, 896 Price Reduction, 1098
  • Tyre Inflators: Bramco, 796. Parsons, 570. Pioneer, . 569
  • Tyre Lining, Hermetic, 571
  • Tyre. Non-skid Claims for, Parsons, 571
  • Tyre-patching Compound, Clincher Autocure, 850
  • Tyre Pick, Victor, 747
  • Tyre Pumps: Atlas, 122a, 192, 559, 574, 623, 624, E46; Impulse, 65. Gleason-Peters, 120, 571, E46. Hawthorne, 1127. Kellogg, 338. Markt, 684. Peerless (Morris, Russell and Co.), 24. Pioneer, E46. Pitner (Morris, Russell and Co.), 24. Rotherham, E46. Rotoplunge, 134. Wood-Milne, 574, E46
  • Tyre Puncture-proof Case, Atlas, E57
  • Tyre Repair Kit, Parsons, 570
  • Tyre Repairs: Almagam, 653. Puncture Seal, 1168. Ripley, Strong and Co., 120, 573, E52. Roberts and Sons, 574. Rubberamalga Rubberine, 573 Tyre Repairs: And Simple Instructions Therein, 336. A Tariff for, 1041
  • Tyre Repairs, Bench Fitting for, Harvey-Frost, 444 Tyre Repair Stud, Stanley Feast, 570
  • Tyres: Almagam, 653. Atlas, 113, 574. Avon, 121, 236, 568, 915. Beldam, 568, 1079, E52. Continental, 121, 350a, 569, 664, 795, 887, 1088, 1113, 1127, 1148. Clincher, 568, 1018. Dunlop, 61, 120 , 568, 620, 895, 1088, 1196. Gamage, 751. Gaulois, 121, 572. Goodrich, 575, 664, 1126, E51. Goodyear, 315, 568, Grimston, 424, 572, 839. Harrods, 574. Jenatzy, 570. Kbmpshall, 121, 447, 573, E52. Mackintosh, 121, 572. Michelin, 121, 263, 572. Midland Rubber Co., 5, 571. Moseley, 120. Oylers, 122. Palmer, 559, 571, 986, E51. Parsons, 571. Pirelli, 572, 751, 816, 1004, 1113, 1209. Redfield Rubber Co., 571. R.O.M., 573, 1098. Searle, 661. Semelie, 121. Shrewsbury and Chailiner, 122. Sirdar, 218, 684, 696, 1067. Skew, 574. Spencer-Moulton, 122a, 569. Stelastic, 122. Stepney, 122, 573. Victor, 466, 569, 662. Vacuum, 406 Tyres: And Tyre Sundries, 568-575. Motor, The
  • Making of Avon, 915. Pneumatic—Why They Wear Out, 1154. Prices of, Reduction in, 925. Solid, Care of, 860. Upon Road Surfaces. Effects of, 733
  • Tyre Test, 90. Oar, Accident to, 355. End of the, 560
  • Upkeep, Driving and, 296
  • Vacant Seat, The: How the Motorist Can Do a Good Turn to Others, 368
  • Vacuum Tyre, Riding on a, 406
  • Valparaiso, Chili, Increasing Market for Automobiles at, 698
  • Valve Grinder, Bowden, E55
  • Valve Springs, Device to Remove, Dew and Co., 90
  • Valve Tappet Adjustment, 510. Notes and Hints on, 453
  • Vaporizer, G.C., E44
  • Vauxhall Motors. Ltd., and a Good Hill-climb. 887
  • Vehicle Weights, Heavy, Checking, 1172
  • Veil for Lady Motorists, Gamage, 67
  • Victorian Motorists, Annual Taxation Fees for, 42
  • Villiers, Mr. Frederic, War Artist and Correspondent, Tells his Motoring Experiences, 92
  • Vulcanized Repairs, New Compound for, 304
  • Vulcanizers: Arden Self-regulating Electric, 786. Harvey-Frost, 336, 575, E52. Hobson, 122a. Simms Motor Units, Ltd., 1008.
  • Vulcan (Lacoste), 570, E54
  • Vulcanizing Material, Plastene, Harvey-Frost, 624
  • Vyrriwy, Autumn by the Shores of, 5
  • Wales: North, as a Touring Ground, 670. South. Suggestions for a Motor Tour in, 326
  • Warland Rim Co., Method of Advertising of the, 61
  • Warning: Devices, 579, 580, E48, E49. Sounds, Uniformity of, 962
  • War Office: Tests: of Heavy Lorries, 13; Stringent, 925
  • War, The Motorcar in, 92
  • Washer, Lock, Roots and Co., 698
  • Washing Motorcars, Special Charges for Water for, 702
  • Watches, Waltham, 563
  • Water Joints, Leaky, 626
  • Western Highway, London's New, 834, 921. R.I.A. and, 895
  • West Riding Wheelmen’s Derby Day, A, 867
  • Weyn outh, Motor Races at, 750
  • Wheel: And the Road, 733; Col. Crompton’s Paper Before the I.A.E., 490. Construction for Hot Climates, E15
  • Wheel Drawer, Little Giant, Markt and Co., E54 Wheels: And Rims, E51; Detachable, 550. For Hot Climates, Details of Construction, E15 Wheels: Cairns, 264. Captain, 654. Continental, 551. Drakeson, 122a. Dunlop, 552, 895. Goodyear, 1113. H.A.C. Simplex, 552. Hoffmann, E53. Lynton, 122a. Rudge-Whitworth, 585, 1064, 1093, 1113. Riley, 550, 1067. Sankey, 1210, 1213. Stepney, 122, 573, E53-(See “ Rims ”)
  • Wheel Warnings, Detachable, Rudge-Whitworth, 292 Whistle, Oleo, E49
  • Whiteley’s Easy Payment System, 560
  • Whitsun Wanderings in the Mendips, 847
  • Window Fastener, Connaught Motor and Carriage Co., 215
  • Window, Side, The, 378. The Problem of the, 223 Window Silencer, Neverfail, 122
  • Windscreens: Auster, 122. Beatonson, 120 , 567, E54. Capital Screen and Hood Co., 567, 1134. County Screen Co., 120, E54. Coventry Motor Bodies Co., 136. Discus, 122. Hughes (Selfadjuster Back), 559. Jasson, 567. Rotax, 122a. Russell, 122
  • Windscreens, Some Criticisms of Present Designs, 545 Wiring: From Magneto Plugs, 890. Up, Neater, 890 Wolverhampton, Fast Motor Cycling in, 950 Worcester, Ruins at, 713
  • Workshop: Highway as, 1208. Hints and Notes, 803 W’orm Gear: History of the Application of, 132. Mr. Lanchester’s Paper on, Before the I.A.E., 132, 136, 175
  • Wrench, Grip, Rytos, E55
  • Wye, The Beautiful Valley of the, 1218
  • Wymondham, Old-world Town of, 383
  • York, Military Sunday at, 867
  • Yorkshire Roads, R.A.C. and, 19
  • Zuccarelli, M. Paul: Death of, 976. Funeral of, 1015


  • A. A. and M.U.: Map of Enclosure at "Goodwood for Members of the, 1214. North of England Scouts, A Group of, 307. Water Gauge at Ruxley Splash, near Epsom, 453
  • Abingdon, Under the Church Walls at, 937
  • Accumulators: Alklum, 541. Lithanode, E45. Lodge, 542. Lucas, E46. Motor Accessories (Jo., E45. Nilmelior, E45. P. and R., E45. Van Raden, E46
  • Acetylene: Gas Tank, Imperial -Motor Industries, 564b. Lamp Lighter, Bramco, 564d
  • Acle Bridge, Riverside Inn at, 226
  • Adelaide, Near, 1187
  • Aeroplane, Torpedo-carrying, An Impression, 502
  • Agra, India, Entrance to the Fort at, 518
  • Air Cushions, Cowey, Showing Inlet and Exhaust Valves and Buffer Spring, 51
  • Air Inlet, Auxiliary, Bowden, 564c
  • Air Spray, Speedier, 1127
  • “ Albert Brown ” Trophy, Winner of the, 1061
  • Alderley, Wizard ” Inn at, 96
  • Alexandra Day: Carnival at Coventry, Winner of First Prize at, 1060. Celebration, Battle of Flowers on, The, 1034. Car at Hendon, 1023. Decorated Daimler Car at Coventry on, 1093 Algeria, In, 995
  • Almagam Works, Calendering Machine at the, 653 Alnwick, Lion Bridge, View of Alnwick Castle from, 253
  • Alpine: Roads, Encounter on the, 731. View, An, 775 Alpine Trials, Austrian, 1016-1018, 1086, 1087
  • Alps: French, A Tour Through, 651; Descent into Castellane, 686; Touring in, 666. Motoring and Cycling in the. 1197. Roadside Scene on the High, 731, 773-778
  • Alps, Route des, One of the Passes on the, 641 America: “ Autopolo ” in, 196—(See “ Motor Polo ”).
  • British Motor Engineers in, 944. Effect of a Cyclone Upon a Motorcar in, 816. Floods in, 406d. New Fuel in, Showing Proportion of Crude Distillates, 322. South, A Typical Bit of Road in, 181; Car Rushing a Watercourse in. 28; What Cars Have to Withstand in, 28; What Motorcars Have to Stand in, 180
  • American: Cai's, Mirror for Use on, Oldfield’s, 906. Motor Polo Team, 830—(See “ Motor Polo ”)
  • Amiens Cathedral, Darracq Car in Front of, 692 Antarctic Expedition, Captain Scott’s Wolseley Sledges Used in, 174
  • Antwerp, Minerva Tramway, Inspector Trolley in Use in, 698b
  • Appleby High Street and View near, 184 Archduke Josef Ferdinand on his Car, 1017
  • Arctic Regions, Proposed Exploration by Captain Amundsen of the, by Aeroplane, 227
  • Arley Mill and Pool, Cheshire, Motorcar at, 137 Armature, C.A.V., 1097
  • Arms Hill, near Henley-on-Thames, at the Foot of, 88
  • Arnhiem, Canal View near, 1178
  • Arrochar Pier, West Highlands, Damage to by Winter Storms, 153
  • Arrol-Johnston Works, New, Views of the, 317 Ashridge Park, Herts., Seat of Earl Brownlow, 627 Ashburton, Flooded Road at, 405
  • Australia: G.W.K. in, 956. Shipping Minerva Cars to, 1214
  • Austrian Alpine Trials, 1016-1018, 1086, 1087
  • Auto-Cycle Union, Beasley, Mr. H., Assistant Secretary of the, 946
  • Auto-polo in America, 198—(See “ Motor Polo *’)
  • Aveling and Avery’s Heavy Vehicle Weighing Machine, 1172
  • Aviation.—Aeroplane: Proposed Exploration by Captain Amundsen of the Arctic Regions in an, 227. Repairs, Workshop for Dennis, 127. Aircraft: Gun Mounted on a Motorcar, German Army, for Firing at, 210; Quick-firing Gun, Mounted on a Motorcar, in French Army, for Firing at, 210. Airship, Delta, at Aero Show, 126. Alps, Hanriot Monoplane Upon which M. Bielovucie Flew over the, 34 Bielovucie and his Hanriot Monoplane on the Alps, 34. Biplanes, Maurice Farman and B.E. Type, 872. “ Delta ”: Army Airship Being Inflated, The, 54a; H.M.A. Control Arrangements on, 190. Dirigible, King of Spain and Prince Leopold of Battenberg in the “ Espagna ” at Madrid, 145 Engine: Anzani, 20-Cylinder, 880. Benz, 135. F.I.A.T., Carried in the Hydroplane “ Le Quartre,” 492, 496. Isotta-Fraschini, 647. “ Eyes of War, The,” 872. Exhibition, Olympia: Airship “Delta” Suspended from Roof of the, 126; Dennis Car Fitted as a Workshop for Aeroplane Repairs at the, 127; Preparing the, 54a
  • Fischer’s Farman Hydro-aeroplanet in Monaco Harbour, Accident to, 529. Flights, Watching, at Hendon Aerodrome, 504. French Army, Gun Mounted on a Motorcar for Use in, for Aircraft, 210
  • German Army, Gun Mounted on a Motorcar for Use in the, to Fire at Aircraft, 210. Greek Naval Officers Dropping Bombs on the Turkish Fleet from a Hydro-aeroplane, 125 Hamel, Mr. Gustav: On Cadillac Miniature Car, 396; and Miss Trehawke Davis, at Hastings, 607. Heavens, Menace from the, 502. Hendon Aerodrome, Typical Scene at the, 504. Hydroaeroplane Flying over Turkish Fleet in the Dardanelles, 125
  • Kaiserpreis, Benz Aero-engine that Won the, 135 Monaco: Breguet Aero-hydroplane at, Engine on.
  • 490. Gilbert on a Morane Biplane Flying at, 492. Montalent’s Breguet with Salmson's Motor Before Taking the Water, 480. Monoplane, *' Hanriot,” M. Bielovucie's, 34
  • Santa Monica Road Race, Glenn Martin Driving Aeroplane at, 828
  • “ Terror by Night, The,” 222
  • Zeppelin Airship, Rear of the, 528
  • Avon Works, Processes in the Manufacture of Tyres at the, 916
  • Avranches, Normandy, Becket Stone at, 512 Aylesbury, Old King’s Head at, 1092
  • Baden-Powell, Sir R., 1188
  • Badge Carrier, Godiva (Hardy and Co.), 565
  • Badsworth and Grove Hunts’ Cai’s Being Helped Out of the Mud by Horses, 401
  • Bagneux, near Saumur, on the Loire, Prehistoric Vault at, 14b
  • Barcelona, “ Downcarring ” at, 60
  • Barnes Common, Police Trap on, 1125
  • Barnes, Del Monte Experimental Plant at, 387
  • Barnet, At, 853
  • Battenberg, Prince Leopold of, 145
  • Battery, Dry, Hydra, 544
  • Beaconsfield, Passing Through, 365
  • Bearing, Hoffmann (Wheel), E53
  • Beldam Tyre Works, Views of the, 1079, 1080
  • Belsize Works, Corner of the Assembling Shop at the, 799
  • Bembridge (I. of W.), Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thornycroft Leaving, on Their Honeymoon, 667
  • Ben Lomond, Snow, Mist and Rain on, 346
  • Benzole: Barrels for, at Steel Barrel Co.’s Works, Uxbridge, 707. Birchenwood Colliery, Plant to Produce, The King and Queen Inspect, 615-619. Race at Brooklands, 703, 973. Show Card, Facsimile of, 1216. Sunbeam Records on, 756a. Test at Talbot Co.’s Works, 1054
  • Bigsweir Bridge, 1220
  • Bikaner; Entrance to the Fort at, 1202. Lallgirk "PqIqpxx at
  • Billeting Test b^ War Office, 403
  • Birchenwood Colliery, The King and Queen’s Visit to, 615-619
  • Birdlip Hill: and Stroud, Wooded. Scenery Between, 591. At the Top of, 406b
  • Birkdale, Road Blocked by Sand at, 594 Blackheath, King George and Duke of Connaught Passing Over, 492, 493
  • Black Park, Lake in, 341
  • Blackpool, Royal Cai's Passing Down the Front at, 1126
  • Blois, Chateau of, 281
  • Boat-of-Garten, Crossing the Spey at, 894 Body, Cabinets at Rear of Van den Plas, 751 Body Design: B.S.A., E67. Car and Tyre Mart, 725. Curzon’s, Prince . Heiiry Type of, 29. Flewitts, Ltd., 1000. Garner, 915. Hopkinson and Son, 1007. Lambert, Harold, 664. Lawrence, Max R., 689. Meier and Son, 802. Meyers, Eric S., 663. Overland Motor Co., 850. Sankey and Sons, Joseph, 1217. Van den Plas, 646. Windham, E59
  • Body Design, German Influence in, 1180 Bodywork, A Contrast in, 891
  • Bois de Boulogne: Motoring in the, 757. Pavilion in the, 691
  • Bombay: A Street in, 846b. In the Suburbs of, 492. Contrast on the Road near, 636
  • Bonnet Heater, Barimar, 246
  • Bore and Stroke Ratios, Curve Illustrating, 363 Boscobel: Farm at, 82. King Charles’s Oak at, 82 Bournemouth, Royal Bath Hotel at, 760 Boves, At, 1114, 1115
  • Bowden, Manchester A.C. Reliability Trial at, 904 Boxgrove, Sussex: Church Interior of, 725. Ch'urch-yard, Ruins in, 725
  • Bradford, Signpost at, 400
  • Braemar to Blairgowrie, On the Highest Road in Britain from, 894
  • Bridge Built by Motorists in South Africa, 982 Brighton: Road, Mr. Vanderbilt’s Coach “Venture ” on the, 748, 749. To London, Plight of a Motorist Essaying a Journey from, 260, 261
  • British Market, Guide to Colonial Models on the. E19-E37
  • Briton Works, Engine-testing Shed at the, 345 Broads, A Reach on the, 226
  • Broadway, Lygon Arms Hotel at, 364
  • Brooklands : Benzole Race at, 703, 973. Del Monte Spirit Test at, 388, 408. Meetings: Easter, 356-358, Cars at, 402, Humber Car’s Successful Appearance at, 397; Essex M.C. (24th May), 794; R.A.C. and Associated Clubs’ Gala Day (31st Mav), 838, 839, 876, 905; Whitsun, 703-705 : 21st June, 971-973, 1040; M.C.C. (5th July), “ Albert Brown ’’ Championship Trophy, Winner of the, 1061. Records at: (Argyll), 750, 800, 801, 844; (Humber), 747, 1171; (Peugeot), 391, 398, 435, 472; (Sunbeam), 756a, 758: (Talbot, World’s), 62, 64; (Talbot), 114, 115, 155. 764. Test Hill at, 838, 843, 876. Test-Shell Spirit at, 211-213, 273; Pratt’s, 273. Tests, New Oil Spirit Refining Co.’s, at, 963. Traek, A Futurist’s Study of, 1065. Two New Cars atj. 447
  • Browne, Mr. T. B. President of the British Institution of Automobile Engineers, 944
  • Brown, Mr. G. W. A., Technical Expert of the Talbot Car Co., 1054
  • Brussels to St. Petersburg Run, 911
  • Buckingham Palace, His Majesty the King’s Daimler Cars Outside the Garage at, 821'
  • Buckinghamshire, Views in, 1090
  • Buckshill, Hertfordshire, A Pastoral Scene in, 951 Bueros Aires: And Max del Plata, The Race Route Between, 858, 859. Recoleta Park, Entrance to, at, 727
  • Buffer, Firmax, 491
  • Biirford Bridge Hotel, Gathering of Members of the M.C.C. at, 313
  • Burnham Beeches, At, 1139, 1140, 1200
  • Bury Hill, near Arundel, Gregoire Car Making an Ascent of, 235
  • Cabinet, Tools and Spares, Brooks, 561
  • Caithness Steam Carriage, The, 414
  • Calcutta: For Barrackpore, Rolls-Royce Car Leaving, 25, 80. Government House, At the Entrance to, 1
  • Calder, By the River, 481
  • Calendar, New Briton (1913), Picture on the. 42 California, Example of Wild, Rough Roads in, 1020 Canada, Progressive, 1186
  • Car: An Amphibious, 1167. And Train Race, as Shown by Cinerbatograph at London Opera House, 623, 624. An Electioneering, 463. At -the Cross Roads, 827. Colonial, on the British Market, 37, E19. Comfort in the, 202. Deer Hunting on a, in Spain, 1056. Electric: Built on Petrol-car Lines, 854; Edison Storage Batteries of an, 135. Enclosed, Signalling from, 718. Equipment on a Cadillac, 625. First and Latest, 1231. Gyro, Future of Speed by, 232. In America, Effect of a Cyclone upon a, 816. In Use as Lawn-mower, 630. Mid-Victorian, The, 414. New, Bringing Home the, 500, 501. Presented to Sir James Whitney, 715. Presented to Sir R. Baden-Powell bv Boy Scouts’ Association Members. 1188. Selling a, 712
  • Caravan: And Encampment, Mrs. Paton’s Halley, 1192. Daimler, 1192. Halley, 1191, 1192 Caravanning, Motor, 1191-1193
  • Carburetters, A.B.C., 203. Arnott, 604. Bad-cock (By-pass), 1041, E57. Bailey-Dale, 605, E43. Binks, 605. Breeze, 204. Claudel-Hobson, 603, E43. D.K.W., 204. Facile, 605.
  • Favorit. 662. Fletcher, 204. Garner, 602. Hydra (Heater), 606. Kingston, 204. Longuemare, 605, E44. Newcomb, 204. Polyrhoe, 603, E44. Rayfield, 204, 605. Schebler. 285, 604. Scott-Robinson, 602, E43. Smith, E43. Solex, 603. Standard, 606. Stewart-Precision, 604. E44. Stormberg, 204. S.U., 602, E44. T. and M., 602, E43. Vapor, 604. Ware, 891. White and Poppe, 603, 710a, E44. Zenith, 603, 1201, E43
  • Carburetter, Spraying Devices, Types of Jets and, 203
  • Carburetter Trials, Brewer, 959
  • Car Construction.—Adler: Engine on, 804; Universal Joint on, 804; Valve Seats on, 806. Apollo, Engine on, 271. Argyll, Front-wheel Brake on, 953. Aries, Rebound Buffer on, 13 Baguley, Method of Mounting Radiator on the, 103. Bayard, Switch for Ignition on, 118. Belsize, Shock Absorber on, E9. Brasier: Engine on, 506; Locking Mechanism on, 507; Spring Pad, Oscillating, Underslung Spring, and Radius Rod on, 506; Universal Joint and Withdrawal Mechanism on, 507; Stub Axle and Steering Arm on, E13. Briton, Crankshaft on, 344; Gearbox and Housing of Striking Gear on, 344
  • Cadillac, Valve-tappet Springs, Telescopic Shrouds for the, on, E9. Chenard-Walcker, Engine on, 741: Oiling Arrangements on, 741. Crossley, Brake-rod Adjustment on, E7
  • Daimler: Brakes of the, 8; Springing on the, Method of, 7. Darracq: Chain Drive for the Distribution on, 99; Chain Drive on, 306; Crankshaft on, 305; Engine on, 104, 305, 691. De Dion: Carburetter on, 1201; Clutch Floating Plate on, 1201; Engine on, 1199; Foot Brake Gear on. 1201; Frame, Rear of the, on, 1199. Delage, Gearbox and Brake Mechanism on, 103. Delaunay-Belleville, Oil Reservoir, Pedal-operated, on, 105 D.F.P.,
  • Unit Construction : of Engine and Gearbox of, 32; Showing Petrol Tank on Dash, 33
  • Fafnir, Gate-change and Lever on, 106b. F.I.A.T., Window, Turn-up, on, 718. Ford, Oil Indicator for Attachment to the Transmission Case of the, 1234
  • Hillman. Clutch Cone Coupling and Clutch Brake on, 869. Hotchkiss, Differential Gear on, E13. Humber, Engine on, E7. Hum-berette (Light): Band Brake, Elliptic Spaing, and Radius Rod on, 247; Carburetter on, 247 : Tappets, Adjustable, on the, 247. Hup-mobile: Change-speed Mechanism on, 99; Control for Hot and Cold Air for the Carburetter on, 430; Engine on, 428
  • K.R.I.T.: Engine on, 842 ; Piston, Connecting Rod, etc., oru the, 843; Steering Box on, 843 La Buire, Differential Brake, Rear, on, E9. La Licorne: Engine on, 318; Gearbox with Adjustable Change-speed Lever on, 318; Torque Stay and Whipple-tree Brake on the, 318. Lancia. Driver’s Entrance on the, 118
  • Majola: Camshaft and Rocking Tappets of the. 1024; Driving Mechanism to the Camshaft on, 1024; Engine on, 1024; Exhaust and Inlet Valve on, E12; Fan Blades on the Flywheel on, 1025; Spring Coupling on, 1025. Minerva: Bonnet-fastener on, 105; Fan Adjustment on, 103. Mitchell, Engine on, 168. Morris-Oxford: Gearbox End of the Power Unit of the, 118: (Light), 251. Motobloc, Bearing Bracket for Brake Rod on, E13
  • Napier: Back Axle, Worm-driven, on, 300; Bracket cn, 300; Carburetter, Throttle of the, on. 298; Clutch on, 299; Clutch-operating Mechanism on, 299; Engine on, 298: Float Chamber and Jet Bracket of the Carburetter on, 298; Gearbox on, 299; Gate and Gear Change Lever on, 299: Torque Stay on, 179. N.B., Fan Pillar and Outlet Pipe of, 118
  • Oakland: Back Axle, Brake Drums, and Petrol Tank on, 1157; Control of the, 1159j Engine on, 1157; Quantity Indicator on the Petrol Tank of. 1159; Starting Dynamotor on, 1157. Overland: Central Control and Side Push Throttle Pedal on, 321; Engine on, 319; Engine, Gearbox, and Pedil Control on, 320; Flywheel and Extension Housing of the Engine Case on. 448; Rear Axle on, 320; Selfstarter and Clutch on, 448
  • Paige: Change-speed Mechanism of the, 47: Glass Cover on the Oil Tell-tale of the, 46; Hot-air Intake to the Carburetter of the, 46; Suspension at the Rear of the., 47; Torque Tube and Tie-rod Anchorages at Rear End of Gearbox on, 47. Panhard: Engine on, 1070; Gearbox Unit, Universal Joint, and Torque Tube Anchorage of the. E12; Gear Control of the, 1069. Perry (Light), Bevel Drive on, the, 250; Expanding Brake on, 250. Phoenix. Clutch Stops of the, 99. Pipe: Differential Gear for Balancing the Brake on. 162; Engine and Dashboard of the, 162} Rear Axle on, 163
  • R.C.H.: Change-speed Mechanism on, 674; Engine on, 674; Springs, Elliptical, on, 674. Renault, Rear Springs and Rear Axle on, E13. Royal Detroiter: Bevel Drive and Differential Housing on, 436; Engine, Gearbox, and Change-speed Lever on, 436
  • Schneider: Engine on, E10. Ignition Cut-off Device on, 168; Seabrook (R.M.CJ: Concentric Brakes of the, 986: Engine on, 985; Gearbox Mounting on, 985; Springing on. 1078. Sidde-ley-Deasy, Rear Suspension of the, E7. Sidea, Engine- ‘on. 746. Sizaire-Naudin : Brakes, Rear, on, 183; Engine on. 182. 1014; Radiator and Front Axle on, 182: Stub Axle and Steering Arm on, 183. Spyker, Crown Wheels on, 505. Standard. Countershaft Brake Ad-instment on, E7. Star. Gearbox Drawbar on, 75. Straker-Squire: Gear. Final, a Different can be Fitted to, 892; Riley Wheels, Mounting of, on, 892; Ware Carburetter on, 891: Studebaker, Dynamo Self-starting Device on. 852. Sunbeam: Camshaft on, 198: Engine on, 702
  • Talbot: Engine on, 61: Oil-filler. Filter, and Breather Cap on, 103: Radius Rods on. E9 Vauxhall: Hanger-bracket Support of Underframe of, 105. Vermorel: Clutch and Soring Drive on, 1091: Engine on, 1091: Petrol Gauge on, 1091: Steering Arm on, E12. Vulcan: Engine on, 515. 516: Gearbox on, 515; Steering Gear on, 517; Worm-driving Gear on. 517
  • White (Steam), Dynamo Connected by Silent Chain to the Magneto Shaft of the, 556
  • Car, Cowey Suspersion Fitted to a, 50 Carrbridge, A Snowy Afternoon at, 894 Cars: American, Mirror for, Oldfield, 906. In Regina, Saskatchewan, 245
  • Cars: Aberdonia, E19, N2. A.C.E., N2. A.C.
  • » (Light), 824. Adams, E19, N2. Adler, 804-806, 1042, E19, N2. Albion, E19, N4. Alcyon, E19, N4. Alda, N3. Alfa (Italian), 900. Alldays, 871, 1038, 1218, 1219, E19, N2. Anasagasti, 411. Apollo, 271. Argyll, 95, 696, 727, 750 , 800, 801, 844, 953-955, 1160, 1167, E19, N3. Ariel, 752, E19, N3. Aries, 411. Armstrong-Whitworth, 97, 122a, 219, 325* 864, 865, 1233, E19, N4. Arrol-Johnston, lp6, 152, 153, 155, 346, 846, E20, N4; (Electric), 928. Austin, 97, 101, 192, 254. 421, 424 , 596, 901, 999, 1028, 1234, E20, N3; (“ Pally Mail”), 302. Austro-Daimler, 102, 732, 1086, E20, N4
  • Baguley, E20, N5. Barimar, E20, N8. Barre, 411. Bayard, E20, N5. Bedford, 1143, E20, N6. Bell, 98, E20, N6. Belsize, 96, 799 , 894. 1142, E21, N6. Benz, 121, 362, 409, 449, E21, N6; (First in England), 678;' (11 Years Old), 633. Benz-Sohne, N5. Berliet, 287, 495, 794, 1033, E21, N7. Bianchi, 112, E21, N7. Brasier, 506, 654, 783, E21, N7. Brenna, 806, E21, N7. Briton, 343, 943, 1143, E21, N8. B.S.A., 994, 1176, E21, N8. Buchet, 770, E21, N8. Bugatti, E22. Buick, 411, 858, 859, 978a, E22, N8
  • Cadillac. 228, 290, 625, 1084, 1146, E22, N9; Miniature, 396. Calthorpe, 104, 679, E22, N9; (Light), 250. Chalmers, E22, N10. Chambers, E22, ,N9. Charron, 106, E22, N10. Chenard-Walcker, 295, 740, E22, N9. C.I.D., E22, N10.
  • C.L.C., N10
  • Clement, 373, E23, NIC. Clyde, E22, Nil. Cres-pelle, 376, Nil. Crossley, 68, 90, 96 , 97, 358, 447, 484, 660, 661, 792, 815, 875, 925, 1006, 1063, 1148, 1170, 1190, 1281. E23, Nil
  • Daimler, 108, 303, 321, 323, 364, 365, 530, 595, 681, 821, 834 , 984, 1035, 1093, 1231, E23, Nil. Dar-racq, 122a, 641, 666, 691, 692, 720, 729, 773-778, 995, E23, Nil. De Dion, 53, 89, 100, 106a, 156, 197, 316a, 423, 721, 682, 860, 899, 1162, E23, N13. Delage, 107, 157 , 648, 797, 1048, 1081, 1109, 1110, 1115, 1213, E23, N12. Dela-haye, E23, N12. Delaunay-Belleville, 122a, E24, N12. Delta, E24, N12. Dennis, E23, N13. D.F.P., 792, 949, 971, E23, ^*13. Dodson, E24, N13; Valveless, 960
  • Enfield, 102, 640, 1187, E24, N14; Autolette, 622.
  • Excelsior, 911, 1048, 1088, E24, N14
  • F.A.B., N15. Fafnir. E24, N14. F.I.A.T., E24, N15. F.L., E24, N14. Florio, 130, N16. F.N., E24, N15. Ford, 119, 157, 802, 1062, 1131, 1143, N15. Forest, E25, N16. Foy-Steele, E25, N15
  • Germain, N16. Gladiator, N16. Globe (Light), 251, E25, N17. Gobron, 125, N16. Gregoire, 40, 106a, 122, 235, 522, 1144, E25, N17. G.W.K.
  • (Light), 956, N17
  • Hampton, E25, N19. Hansa, E25, N17. Hillman (Light), 856, 1166, E26, N18. Hispano-Suiza, 149, 465, 1196, E26, N18. H.L., E26, N18.
  • Hotchkiss, 107, 782, E26, N19. Hudson, 736, E26, N19. Humber, 95, 335, 397, 704, 749, 902, 915, 978, 1063, 1171, E26, N18. Humberette (Light), 247, 267, 620. Hupmobile, 41, 102, 131, 214a, 428-430, E26, N19. Hupp Major, 1051. Hurlingham, 682. Hurtu, 106a, 312, E26, N19
  • Iris, 96, E26, N20; Colonial, E63.. Isotta-Fras-chini, E26, N20. Itala, 147, 447, 748, 791, 1049, 1111, 1112, 1124, 1161, E27, N20
  • Jackson, E27
  • Keeton, 910. Knight of the Road, 259, N20. • Knight-Panhard, 486, 668. Komnick, E27, N21. K.R.I.T., 842, 843, E27, N21
  • La Buire, 106, 146, E27, N21. Lagonda, N23. La Licorne, 176, E28, N21. Lanchester, 52, 56, 105, 291, 354, 467, 493, 509, 936-938, 950, 1139, E27, N22. Lancia, 189, 452, 749. E27, N22.
  • L. and P., N24. La Ponette, 98, E27, N24. Laurin and Klement, N22. Le Gui, N23. Leon Bollee, E27, N22. Little Four, N21. Loreley, E28, N23. Lorraine-Dietrich, 358, E28, N23. Luxior, E28, N24. Lynx, N24
  • M. A.F., E28, N24. Majola, 380, 1024, 1025, E28,
  • N25. Marathon, E28, N24. Marlborough, E28, N25. Martini (War Office Staff), 13. Mathis, 1050, 1128, E29, N28. Mass, 778, E28, N25. Maudslay, E29, N25. Maxwell-Mascotte, E29, N25. Mercedes, 95, 258, 356, 357, 449, 882, 973, 1198, E29, N26. Mercedes-Knight, 224. Metal-lurgique, 194. 646, 793, 896, 1062, E29, N26. Metz-Lion, N27. Miesse, E29, N26. Minerva, 102, 514, 554, 1064, E29, N26. Mitchell, E29. N27. Morris-Oxford (Light), 886, N27. Mors, 684, 996, N27. Motobloc, E29, N27.
  • N. A.G., E30. N28. Napier, 12, 149, 216, 218, 464, ‘
  • 623, 624, 635, 839, 856. 1041, 1179, E30, N28: Colonial. E59; Noiseless, 119. Nazzaro, 97. 328. 748, E30, N29. N.B.. 97, 100, 902, 1019, E30, N29. N.E.C., E30. N29. New Pick, N29. Niclausse, 230. N.S.U., E30, N29
  • Oakland, 470 , 850, 906, 1158, E30, N30 -Opel, E30. N30. Oryx, E31. Overland, 319, 448, E31,
  • N30
  • Paine. 22 . 46, E31, N30. Palladium, E31, N32, Panhard, 461. 1069, 1070, 1194, 1217, E31, N3I. Panhard-Levassor, 104. Pathfinder E31. Pearson-Cox, E31, N31. Perry (Light). 249, N31. Peugeot, 123, 356-358. 391. 398. 43o. 472, 496, 742. 836, 837, 907, 910, 931. 932. 964, 1010, 1047, 1108, 1111, 1112. 1114 1117, 1133, E31, N32. Phanomobile, E31, N33.
  • Piccard-Pictet, N31.
  • E32 N31. Pilot, E32. N31. Pipe. 162,163,
  • 1037’, N31. Portland. N32 Puch. 1017
  • Banner 75° R.C.H.. 674. 67.>. 851. 12-8.E3, N34.’ Renault. 139 150 223, 1023, 1046,F32, N33. Richmond, 756b. 1185. Riley,8J8,1-3. E32. N34. Rochet-Schneider, E32, N33. Koi-land-Pilain 872. Rolls-Royce. 1, 25. to. W, 330 404. 643. 677. 723 766. J004..1016. 017. 1018, 1202. E32. N3o. Ronteix (Light). 1213. Roper-Corbet, E32, N33. Rothwell, 98, E33, N34. Rover, 107, 408, 494, E33, N34. Royal-Detroiter, 436, N34
  • Sabella, E33. Salmon, N36^ Sava, 106a, 680, E33, N35. S.C.A.R., 29, 97, 358, 971, E33, N37. S.C.A.T., E33, N36. Schneider, 874, 4049, 1085, 1113, E33, N36. Scout, E33, N37. Seabrook (R.M.C.), 106, 986, E33, N35. Sheffield-Simplex, 415, 1180, 1222, E33, N39. Siddeley-Deasy, 97 , 474, 771, 785, 813, 847-849, 918, 1092, E34, N37. Sidea, 746. Singer, 703, 794, 946, 1211, E34, N37; (Light), 249. Sirron, E34, N37. Sizaire-Naudin, 18# 183, E34, N36. S.P.A., 98, E34, N37. Sperber, E34, N36. Springuel, 1229, E34, N35. Spyker, 698a, 962, E34, N38. Standard, 106, 172, 441, 826b, 1060, E35, N38. Stanley (Steam), N35. Star, 72-75, 116, 378, 626a, 1018b, E35, N38. Stoddard, E35.
  • Stoewer, 660, 728, E35, N38. Stoneleigh, E34, N39. Straker-Squire, 122a, 434, 683, 794, 705, 891, E35, N39, N42. Studebaker, 852, 853, E35, N38. Studebaker-Flanders, N38. Stoddard-Savoy, N36. Stutz, 909, 964. Sunbeam, 69, 104, 198, 199 , 206, 211, 408 . 425, 591, 621, 632, 661, 705, 706, 756a, 758-760, 797, 841, 883, 905, 909, 964, 972, 973, 974, 980, 1009, 1010, 1047, 1062, 1082, 1107, 1109, 1114, 1117, 1122, 1123, 1125, 1170, 1173, 1174, E14, E35, N39. Swift, 157, 406a, 406b, E35, N39; “Black Cat,’’ 639; (Light), 247, 267
  • Talbot, 61, 62, 64, 70, 107, 114, 115, 124, 155, 160, 193, 492, 764, 792, 846b, 882, 884, 975, 977, 1018a, 1039, 1062, 1130, 1209, 1210, 1211, E35, N40. Thornycroft, E35, N40. Turcat-Mery, 110, E36, N40. Turner, E36, N40. Tyseley, E36, N40
  • Unic, E36, N17, N41
  • Valveless, E36, N41. Vauxhall, 143, 234, 316, 336, 358, 454, 696, 705, 743, 767, 792, 793, 839, 876, 884, 899, 959, 970-973, 975, 1019, 1036, 1040, 1053, 1063, 1064, 1083, 1210, E36, N41; Goodwood, 898; Prince Henry, 88, 101. Vauxhall-Windsor, 814. Vermorel, 1090, 1091, 1147, E36, N42. Vickers, N42. Vinot, 97, 101, 793, E36, N42. Violette, E36. Vivinus, E36, N42. Vox, E37, N42. Vuloan, 106a, 481, 594, E37, N41 Waverley, E37, N43. Werner, E37, N43. White, 556, 1134, E37, N43. Wilton (Light), 1061. Winco, 557. Withers, E37, N43. Wolseley, 79, 85, 119, 158, 185, 426, 427, 457, 491, 518, 521, 689 , 772, 803, 903, 939, 1000, E37, N43
  • Zebra, E37, N44. Zedel, E37, N44
  • Car Washer, R.A.C., Simplex, 565
  • Castellane, French Alps, Descent into, 686 C.A.V. Works, A Visit, to, 1095-1097 Cerrig-y-Druidion and Corwen, Dangerous Road Between, 810
  • Ceylon, Craighead, Nawalapitiya, 939
  • Chains: Non-skid, Parsons, E51. Renold, 563
  • Chassis: Adler, 1042. Argyll, 696, 953, 954. Ariel, 752. Armstrong-Whitworth, 1001, 1233. Austin, 424; “ Daily Mail,” 302. Austro-Daimler, 732
  • Belsize, 799. Benz, 409, 449. Brasier, 506, 654. Cadillac, 290. Calthorpe (Light), 250. Crossley, 68, 90, 664, 925, 1148
  • Daimler, 7, 8, 321. Darracq, 306. De Dion Bouton, 89, 316a, 899. D.F.P., 32, 33
  • Excelsior, 1088 Florio, 130. Ford, 802 Globe (Light), 251. Gregoire, 1144 La Lioorne, 10, 176. Lanchester, 354. Lancia, 452
  • Mercedes, 449. Mors, 684, 996
  • Napier, 464; Colonial Windham Detachable Bodies on, E59, N.B., 100
  • Panhard, 1070, 1194. Peugeot, 496. Pipe, 162 Renault, 139, 223, 1046
  • Seabrook R.M.C., 985, 986. Sidea, 746. Singer (Light), 249. Sizaire-Berwick, Silver Model of, 1129. Sizaire-Naudin, 1014. Spyker, 698a. Standard, 172. Star, 72. Sunbeam, 198. Swift (Light), 248, E14
  • Talbot, 124
  • Vauxhall, 316, 336, 454, 899
  • Wolseley, 772
  • Chassis (1913), Some Features in, E7, E9
  • Chatellane, Hot§) du Levant at, 777
  • Chauffeur: and The Heiress, The, 873. The Pioneer Lady, Miss Alice Hilda Neville as, 736
  • Cheddar: Gorge, The, 847, 848 Village, Entering, 848
  • Chepstow Castle from the Bridge, 1220
  • Chesil Beach, Portland Island, by the Side of the 237
  • Chester: Eaton Park at. Entrance to, 144. Showing Cathedral, A Corner of, 140
  • Chitnor Hill, Buckinghamshire, 1147 Ghorley Old Hall, 106
  • Cinematograph Picture, Warland Rim, Making a, 70b
  • Circuit de Picardy—(See “ Trials ”) Cirencester, Abbey Church at, 865 Cleaning Outfit, Barker’s, 564
  • Clifton Suspension Bridge, Cliffs from which it Hangs, 785
  • Climates, Hot, Wheels for, E15-17
  • Clocks: Dashboard, Alarm, Brown Bros., 663. Plimpton, 564. WTatford, Trip, 308
  • Clubs: Cardiff M.C., Hill-climb, 854. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C.: Silver Challenge Cup Presented to, 406c; Hill-climb of the, 620
  • Essex M.C.; Crippled Children of Shadwell’s Outing Given by the, 1169; Hill-climb at Kop Hill, 376; Race Meeting at Brooklands, 794
  • Irish A.C., Races at Rosslare, 1073
  • Lancashire A.C.: Hill-climb of, 660, 661; Relia-S Trials,.. 1019. Leicester A.C., Hill-, 1209-1211
  • Manchester A.C., Reliability Trial of the, 1036. 'Mersey M.C., Trial at Colwyn Bay, 1064. Midland AC., Hill-climb at Shelsley Walsh
  • Clubs.—contd.
  • 882-8B4. Milan A.C., Armed Motorcar given to the Italian Army Corps by the, 768. Motor Cycling Club, Gathering of Members at Burford Bridge Hotel, 313
  • Nottinghamshire A.C., Speed Trials of the, 1018a,
  • Royal Automobile Club—(See “ R.A.O.”); of South Africa, Bridge Built by the, 982
  • Sheffield and District M.C.: Cripples Outing by the, 1132; Hill-climb, 1170. South Wales A.O. and Cardiff M.C.: Trial at Porthcawl and Hill-climb at Caerphilly, 970, 974, 975,
  • 977, 978
  • Transvaal A.C., Trial, 1190
  • Yorkshire A.C., Trial on Saltburn Sands, 1062, 1063, 1125, 1130, 1131, 1143
  • Coachwork:.—Alford and Alder, 454, 549, 961. Armstrong-Whitworth, 219. Austin Motor Co., 424
  • Barrett, Summers and Co., 434. Belsize, 1142. Berwick and Co., 1196. Blake and Co., 772, 1084. Bloomfield and Sons, 696. Brighton Motor Sheet Metal Works, 1156
  • Cann, Ltd., 1037. Cole and Sons, 124, 336, 684. Coventry Motor Bodies Co., 150. Ooxeter and Co., 325. Cumming and Co., 1185. Curzons, 29. Cuthbert, 121
  • Dickson, R. J., 40
  • Fuller, S. and A., 421, 596
  • Galle, 1234. Graddon, Max, and Lawson, Ltd., 53, 446
  • Hamshaw, 782. Hill and Boll, 449. Hobson, Ltd., 1088. Hollick and Pratt, 868. Hopkin-son and Son, 1007. Hora, 560
  • King, Ltd., J. A., 1001
  • ■ L.A.C., Ltd., 1033, 1051, 1082. Lanchester, 582. Lane and Co., Chas., 258. Lawton, J. N., 668, 996. Looker and Co., 119, 452. Lucas and Co., F. W., Ltd., 1046
  • Mann, Egerton and Co., Ltd., 330, 464. 732, 1231. Marston’s Carriage Works, 1229. Max Grad-don and Lawson, 53, 446. May’s Motor Works, 79. Maythorn, 1148. Mercedes, 1198. Mercedes-Knight, 224. Meyers, Eric S., 158. Million Guiet, 496. Morgan and Co., 806, 1042. Mulliner, 628, 718. Munn and Underwood, 89
  • Oakland Motor Co., 850, 906. Oliver and Son, 449. Osborne and Co., 1071, 1222
  • Regent Carriage Co., 147, 354, 628. Righton and Co., 698a
  • Salmons and Sons, 139, 373. Samson and Veal, 815. Seale and De Becker, 806. Siddeley-Deasy Motor Oar Co., 474. Society des
  • Automobiles Brasier, 654. Steel, Ltd., H. E., 554. Stewart and Arden, 1053
  • Van den Plas, 751, 896, 1180
  • Whiting, Ltd., 112. Windovers, 104
  • Coil, Auto-Ad Vibration, 1195
  • Col d’AHosi: Attempt by Darracq Car to Climb the, 776. Scene on the, 1197
  • Collingham, York, Picturesque Church at, 867
  • Colonial: Models on the British Market, Guide to, E19-37. Model Valveless Car, Showing Arrangements for Sleeping, 960. Type of Country in England, 428-430
  • Colwyn Bay, Trials at. 1064
  • “ Come Over Here ” Revue, A Scene from, 623, 624
  • Congleton, Lion and Swan Inn at, 359
  • Connaught, Duke of, and King George Passing over Blackheath, 492, 493
  • Connaught, Prince Arthur of. Leaving Perry Hill Park after Inspecting Boy Scouts, 1138
  • Cotswold Foxhounds at Coldley Manor, Cheltenham, Meet of, Arriving at, 377
  • Coupling, Bosch, 580
  • Cressage, New Bridge and Closed Road to, at, 738
  • Crewe Hall, Seat of the Earl of Crewe, 771
  • Crichel, Wimborne, Seat of Lord Arlington, Dorset A.C. Members at, 756b
  • Crick Tunnel, Leicestershire, North and South End of, 1151
  • Crossley, Sir Kenneth., Entertains Members of the S.M.M.T. (Lancs. Section), at Windermere, 1212
  • Cross Roads. The Oar at the, 827
  • Crow, Mr. Wilfred, An Authority on Benzole, 1054
  • Cushion, Pneumatic Spring, 1100
  • Daimler Works: Coventry, Hon. L. Lowther at the, 323. Unterturkheim, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales leaving the, 608, 610
  • Dardanelles, Turkish Fleet ini the, 125
  • Danacq Works, Machinery at the, 1027
  • Dauphine: Alps, 281, 282. Road, Obstruction in, 731
  • Daventry, Leicestershire, Market Cross at, 1152 Deer Hunting on a Car in Spain, 1056
  • Del Monte Plant at Barnes, General View of the, 387
  • Derby, The Motorbus, 893
  • Desert, Motor Ship of the, 927
  • Devizes, Market Cross at, 478
  • Dieppe: Old Castle at, 404. Signor Bigio’s Mishap near, 791
  • Dinton, Buckinghamshire, Two Views Near, 1160 Dolgelly, Precipice Walk at, 671
  • Domart sur la Luce, Picardy, Dangerous Turning of, 797, 1002
  • Door Step. Dowley, 795
  • Dorking, Steep Descent near, 429
  • Dorset, Way to the Daffodil Wood in, 476
  • Down carring at Barcelona, 60
  • Downton Wick, Village of, 759
  • Drill: Electric, H. W. Butler and Co., 366. Hand for Touching up a Valve, 650
  • Driving: Hints for Motorists, 350. Seats, Views in front of Drivers on, 170, 171
  • Druidston Haven, St. Bride’s Bay, Coast near, <327
  • Dunblane, Mr. Genna’s Car in a Blizzard near, 26
  • Dutch: Cottage Interior, A, 1031. Road, A Picturesque, 1178
  • Dynamos: Bleriot, 537, 711, E40. Brolt 540 ira C.A.V., 539, 1095, E39. Cicoy, 541 Ducellier 540, E39 E.BC, 543. Eisemann, 304a En Route, 537, E39. Facile, 541. Fifax 54? Fors, 541. Fulmen, 539, E40. K w ’ R95 Lodge, 543, E41. Lucas, 540, E38. Magneto’ v lyte (High Tension Co.), 455. Powell £2 Hamner, 543, 1135. P. and R. 540 E39 Polkey-Jarrott, 87, 538, E40. Ponsrow 543* ' Ro tax, 537, E41. Rushmore, 539, E40 Smith ’ 539, E38. Trier and Martin, 537, E39 Ward-Leonard, 543
  • Ealing Common, Dangerous Central Standards at 163 ’
  • East Horsley Towers, Gates to, 429
  • Edge Hill, 119, 620
  • Egham, Motorcar Driven Through the Floods at 36 Egyptian Army, An Officer’s Invention of the 927 Elan Valley Lake, North Wales, 670 Electrio Car, Arrol-Johnston, 928
  • Electric Conversion for Ford Lamps, Morris-Russell, 1098
  • Enfield Factory, A Day’s Output of. 640
  • Engine: On Breguet Aero-Hydroplane, 490. Smokv How to Cure a, 823
  • Engines: Adler, 804. Apollo, 271. Bellem Crude Oil, 220, 221. Benz, 135. An Old, in a Garage Workshop, 362. Brasier, 506. Chen-ard-Walcker, 741. Darracq, 104, 305, 691. De Dion, 1199. Diesel, 128. F.I.A.T., 492. Humber, E7. Hupmobile, 428. Isotta-Fraschini (Aerial), 647. K.R.I.T., 842. La Licorne, 318. Majola, 1024. Mitchell, 168. Napier. 298. Overland, 319. Panhard, 1070. R.C.H. 674 Schneider. E10. Seabrook R.M.C., 985. Sidea, 746. Sizaire-Naudin, 182, 1014. Sunbeam, 702. Sunbeam, Marine, 297. Talbot, 61. Vermorel, 1091. Vulcan, 515. Ward Leonard (Electric), 952
  • Engine Stand, Brown Bros., Ltd., 150
  • England: Colonial Type of Country in, 428-430. Steepest Hill in, Where is the? 425. Which is the Worst Hill in? 531
  • Englebert, Mr., Accident, Showing Where Car Dashed Into the Medway, 929
  • Eridge Common, Looking over, 1158
  • Evesham: At, 848, Car Leaving, 364. Gates of the Duke of Orleans’s Estate near, 864. Market Garden at, 406a. Market Place at, 157
  • Exeter, Coast Route to, 714
  • Extremes Meet, 682
  • Fan, Electric Roof, General Electric Co., 1141
  • Fareham High Street, Lady Motorist Held Up by Drove of Pigs in, 483
  • Fatchpur Lihu, Agra, Steps Leading Up to the Mosque at, 521
  • Fire at Provincial Cab Co.’s Garage, 796 Fire-engine at Rye Town Hall, 520 Flap, Motor, Hall and Sons, 851 Flaunden Bottom, Hertfordshire, 1006 Footboard Mat, Gamage, 1127
  • Foot Warmer, Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 564b Fordingbridge, Avon, near, Bridge at, 759 Foxton: and Loughborough, Leicestershire, Between, 1151. Locks, Leicestershire, Looking up Towards the Summit Level of the, 1152 Finchley, Central Standards at, Last of the, 680 France, Tour de-(See ” Tour de France.”)
  • French: Alps: Tour through the, 651; Descent into Castellane in the, 686; Touring in, 666. Army, Quick-firing Gun in the, 210. Chateau 12th Century), Sunbeam Racing Garage at, 1009
  • Fuel: Consumption, Tests of the Sunbeam Car on the Grand Prix Course, 621. Motor, Price of, Means oi Propulsion We Shall Have to Resort to if it Continues to Rise, 294. New American, Showing Proportion of Crude Distillates, 322. Test, Del Monte: 388, 408; Ex-t-« , _amining the Residue in our, 389 Fuel Pressure Pump, Crossley, 1134
  • Fuels, Heavy, Testing Specific Gravity of, 211-213
  • Galibar Pass, Cyclists Climbing the, 1197
  • Garage: Kinnear Steel Shutter in the Savoy Hotel, Bournemouth, 564a. Parson’s, Town Quay, Southampton, 236. Provincial Motor Cab Co.’s, Fire at, 796. Turner and Co., Messrs. A., Works of, and, 640
  • Garage Tidy, Notron, 564a
  • Garda, Lake of, 1018
  • Gawsworth Church, Cheshire, 95, 106 Generators: A.L., 577. Bleriot, 711 German: Army, Quick-firing Gun in, 210. Emperor: Mercedes-Knight Cars for the, 224; Passing Through the Line of Volunteer Motor Corps at the Jubilee Celebrations, 991
  • Gloucestershire.! Hairpin Bends on Road in, 600 Gogja River, India, Wolseley Car Crossing the, 903 Golfers, Representatives of Messrs. A. J. Wilson and De Dion Bouton, 888 Gorge de Hourat, Pyrenees, 433 Goring, Wooden Bridge at, 937
  • Gradient Meter, Bennett and Tapley, 564, 786 Grafton Hounds Out for Exercise, Tyre Trial Oar Overtakes the, 300
  • Grampians, Near the Summit of the, 894
  • Grand Corniche, Monaco, Scenes on the, 597-599, 649
  • Grand Prix: 1101, 1106-1119, 1122, 1124, 1128, 1133, Accident to Guyot’s Mechanic, Sembs, at the, 1110. Banked Turn and Straightaway Stretch Towards Domart for the, 1002. Cars: The Sma^est in the, 1050; Delage, for the, 648; Peugeot for the, 931, 932; Schneiders, 874; Sunbeam, Engine on, 702; Sunbeam for, 706, 841, 1174. Car with Roller Radiator Screen on, 1173. Course: At Full Speed on the, 1081; Bird’s Eye View of the 1099: Boves.
  • Grand Prix.—contd.
  • Lee-Guinness Turns a Somersault at, 1123; S-bend Under the Railway at, 1113. Cross Road and Tyre Pits on the. 993. Map of the, 644. Incident, An, 1161. Moreuil: Cham-poiseau Finishing the Turn in, 1113; Dangerous Bend at, 1101; Hornsted on the Excelsior Cornering at, in the, 1168, 1169. Most Dangerous Turn on the, 1101. Pean, Showing Grand Stands of the, 169. Preparing the, 697. Straight Stretch on the, 1089. Sunbeam 'Trial Over the, 632. Driver's in the, 1044. Itala Turns Turtle at the Grand Stand, 1112. Scene at the Weighing in, 1106. Mishap, Signor Bigio’s, near Dieppe, 791
  • Grand Prix Course, Cyclecar, 720
  • Grand Prix, Spanish: British Car in, 1004 Marquis d’Aubenica on a Lorraine-Dietrich Car in the, 1015
  • Grantown and parrbridge, Road Between, 894 G(r)ate Change, Tire (Humorous Sketch), 304b Grease: Gun, Butler and Co., 366. Plunger, London Motor Garage Co., E54
  • Great Budworth, Cheshire. 149. Village Street at, 95
  • Great Marlow, Suspension Bridge at, 938 Grossmith, Mr. Geo., Standing by his Floral Car, 1034 Gudgeon Pins, Testing the Alignment of 998 Guildford High Street: Showing Sharp Descent in, 44. Widening, 710b. Guildford, The Mount at, Restoration of Old Road up to the Hog’s Back, 795
  • Gun, Quick-firing, Used in German and French Armies for Aircraft, 210
  • Gymkhana, Dorset A.C., 756b
  • Haddon Hall, Sheffield M.C.’s Cripples Outing to, 1132
  • Hampton Court Palace, In Front of, 1139
  • Happenings in the Past Month, 214b
  • Harewood Avenue, York, 867
  • Hartwell House Estate, Buckinghamshire, The Wall of, 1090
  • Hassage Ford, near Cheddar, Water-splash at, 673
  • Hassocks, The Bungalow near, 132
  • Headlight: C.A.V., 539. Rotax, 537. Solar (Acetylene), 576
  • Heater and Foot Warmer, Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 564b
  • Heavy Vehicle Weights, Checking, 1172
  • Heiress and the Chauffeur, The, 873
  • Hendon Floral Fete, First Prize Renault at the, 1023
  • Hendre, The, Monmouth, The King and Queen at, 819-820
  • Henley: Bridge, 937. Near, 1134
  • Hereford Cathedral, Entrance to, 1219
  • Hertfordshire: Byway in, 861. Farm Buildings, A Group of, 1006
  • Hey don Bridge, Cheshire, 146
  • Highlands, West: A Broken Road in the, 164. View of the Landslide in the, 152
  • Highland Tour, An Early, 894
  • High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, View of Church at, 1090
  • Hill-climbs: Aston: 792, 793; D.F.P. which won Class II in, 949. Cardiff M.C.. 845. Essex M.C., 376. Hey don Bridge, Cheshire, 146. Lancashire A.C.: 660, 661; Vauxhall at the, 767. Leicester A.O., 1209-1211. Le Mans, 742. Midland A.C. (Shelsley Walsh), 882-884. South Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C. (Caerphilly), 970, 977, 1039. Val-Suzon, 1213
  • Hill, Worst in England, Which is the? 531—(See “ England.”)
  • Hindhead, Accident to Tyre Test Car near, 355 Hodder, Old Disused Bridge Over, 481
  • Holland: Brick and Tiled Road in, 1178. Wayside Village in, 1032
  • Hood Fastener: Cabriolet, Regent Carriage Co., 382. Plymouth, 564b
  • Hood: Fitting Curtains to, 329. Folding, Side Windows in a, 223
  • Hoods: Auster (Automatic), 581. Bunn, 29. Canty, 583. Capital Screen and Hood Co., 567. Morgan, 806
  • Horns : Adnil, 579. Aermore, 13& Apollo, 707. : Atlas-Vibrophone, 71. Autochime, E48. Bleriot-Klaxon, > 246, 711. Eros (Morris, Russell and Co.), 546d, 1098. Gabriel, 579, E48. Jericho, 1234. Klaxon, 579, E48. Lucas, E49. Reliance, 580. Sireno, 579, E48. Sonorator, 366. Tuto, E49. Vibrophone, 860. Warningtone, 304, 579
  • Housecar? Why not the, 734
  • Hub Arrangement, Dummy, to Cany Two Rudge-Whitworth Wheels on a Car, 52
  • Hubs, Rudge-Whitworth, 585-587
  • Hump, Jumping the, 193
  • Husbands-Bosworth Tunnel, Leicestershire, South End of, 1151
  • Hyde Park, Motor Carriages in the Row at, 818
  • Hydraulic Transmitter, Vincent, 134
  • Indianapolis: Race, 979 , 980: How I Won. by Jules Goux, 907-910; Peugeot Car for. 123: Snaps of, 964: Sunbeam Car for, 69, 206; Winners, etc., of, 836. 837. Speedway: Finishing Straight on the, 77, 460d; Views of the, 20. 21, 836, 837 . M
  • India: A Vauxhall Car in, 959. Motoring in, 80.
  • Touring in, 903
  • Indicator, Spark, Mills, 552c
  • Innsbruck Station, 1061 ,
  • Institute of Automobile Engineers: In America, Portraits of Members of, 944. American Visit of Members of, on Board the s.s. ■* Minnewaska.” Bound for America, Party of. 790
  • Interlaken. Lauterbrunnen and. Road Between, 1149 Inverbeg, West Highlands, Inn at, 155
  • Isle of Man Race, Suggestion, of the R.A.C. Committee, Desire to Alter Conditions Again, 410 4
  • Italian Colonial Army Corps, Armed Motorcar, 768
  • Jacks: “All-4” (U.M.I.), 562. Bailey, 564c. Dew and Co., 93. Dumolite, 564b. Ex'press, 564b. Lucas, 561. Michelin, 572. Rotax, 565, E53. Speedily, 564. Tangye, E57
  • Japan, Emperor of, Motor Omnibus Built by E. and and. H. Hora for, 560
  • Jet, Javal, 446
  • Keswick, Warning to Motorists at, 466
  • King and Queen: as Motorists, 819-821. Inspect the Birchenwood Colliery. 615-619. Visit Blackpool, 1126
  • King Coal in His New Role, 122b
  • King George: at Richmond Horse Show, 926. Car, Chief, with Driver and Footman, 820. Duke of Connaught and Suite Passing Over Blackheath, 492, 493. (When Duke of York) at The Hendre, in 1900, 819
  • King of Spain in a Dirigible, 145
  • King’s County, The Gentlemen Who Pay the Rint in, 1232
  • Kingston Bridge, Widening of, The, 885 Knebworth, Chequers Inn, Bragbury End, near, 1172
  • Knightsbridge Hotel, London, 365
  • Knightwick Bridge, Worcestershire, over River Terne, 85
  • Knutsford, Brook Street Chapel at, 106
  • Knyff, Chevalier Rene de (Chairman French Racing Board), 1045
  • Kop Hill, Princes Risboro’, 37
  • Kuala Lumper, Federated Malay States, Alldays Car at, 871
  • Lacock, near Chippenham, Crossley Car Entering, 1006
  • Lady Chauffeur, The Pioneer, Miss Alice Hilda Neville as, 736
  • Lady Motorists.—Abbott, Mrs. F. W. G., 157. Bessborbugh, Lady, 724. Ooatalen, Mrs., 1010. Crawford, Miss Alice, 495. Hayden, Mrs. Rosa Ayscough, 156. Hedges, Mrs. Mitchell, 646. Lowndes, Senhorita, 185. Manville, Mrs., 1039. Markham, Mrs., 689. Mordaunt, Miss Cicely, 157. Neville, Miss Alice Hilda, 736. Robertson, Miss Dai, 470. Stamati-Morarin, Frau Helene V., 1017. Stephens, Mrs. W. H., 157. Starkey, Miss, 974. Vane, Mrs., 1041
  • Lady Motorists: in the Midlands, 156, 157. Veil for, Gamage’s, 67 .
  • “ La France,” off Havre, Jules Goux, Zuccarelli, Boillot and Paris Correspondent of The Motor on Board, 908
  • La Grave, Dauphine Alps, Outside, 281
  • Lamp: Brackets, Aubeuf-Bramco, 564d. Bulbs, Mazda, 1190. Igniter, Rushmore, 577. Lighter, Acetylene, Bramco, 564d. Rear Light Tell Tale, Appleyard, 215
  • Lamps: Autoclipse, E42. Bleriot, 537, E40, E42. (No Glare), 566. Brown Bros., E. and J., 576. C.A.V., E39. Diva, E42. Ford, Electric Conversion Set for, 1098. Perfecta (Lohmann), E56. Motor Accessories Co., 576, E42. Oldfield’s), 577. Polkey-Jarrott, 870, E39, E42. P. and H._ 578, 1135, E41. Radiumlyte (Oldfield’s), 577, E42. Rotax, 565, E41. Rushmore, 577, E41. Seabrook, E'41. Smith, 539, E38. Solar, 576. Trier and Martin, 737, E39 Lancashire: Royal Tour Through, 1126. Section of the S.M.M. and T., Members of the, at Pull Woods, Windermere, 1212
  • Lancing College, Sussex, Green Motor Lawn Mower in Use at, 935
  • Lapometer, Dr. Low’s, 830
  • Lathe, Drummond, 563, E56
  • Latimer, Hertfordshire, The Village Green at, 1006 La Turbie: Mountain Road Between, 649. Scene in the Village of, 649
  • Lautaret, Dauphine Alps, on the Summit of, in the, 282
  • Lauterbrunnen and Interlaken, Switzerland, on the "Road between, 1149
  • Lawn Mower, Green, in Use - at Lancing College, 935
  • Leicester Navigation: A Lock on the, 1151. Thur-maston Lock on the, 1152
  • Leigham Vale, Stones Used in Tarred Roads at, 990 Le Mans Meeting, 742
  • L.G.B., What It Requires in the Way of a Motor Carriage (Crystal Palace Type), 205
  • Lieusant, New Bridge Over the Railroad at, 117 Light and Shadow, Contrasts of, 875
  • Lighting Sets: C.A.V., 176, 190, 1095. Ever Ready,” 542. High Tension Co. (Magnetolyte), 538, E38. K W., 825. Powell and Hamner, 1135. Polkey-Jarrott, 870
  • Light Producers, Making at C.A.V. Works, 1095-1097
  • Limit, Exceeding Her, 42
  • Little Budworth, Cheshire, The Clumps at, 91 Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire, Meet, Foxhounds Arriving at. 70a
  • Looks: Dunhill’s New Bonnet, E57. Gamage, Pedal Catches and, 168. U.M.I., Stop-use, 652.
  • United Motor Lock and Fitting Co., Lever and Slam, Waterproof, 65 Locomotion, A Contrast in, 803
  • London’s Season: Motor Carriages in Hyde Park, 818
  • Long Crendon, Bucks.: Court House at, 1090. Old Manor House at, 1090
  • Luc la Croix, Waterbreaker on the Road to.. 731 Luggage Carrier, Folding, Morris-Russell, 1098 Luggage or Tyre-space Problem, Hansa A atom obi le-" Gesellschaft, Solution of the, 507
  • Luncheon Case, Finnigan's, 583
  • Lyme Regis, from the Hills, 417
  • Lymm, Cross at, 95
  • Lyndhurst, near, 760
  • Macclesfield-Buxton Road, on the, 95
  • Madras Club House, Outside, 803
  • Magnet Frame or Yoke, Field, C.A.V., 1097
  • Magnetos: Bosch, 544, E47. Eisemann, E47.
  • Thomson-Bennett, 543, E47. U. and H., E47 Maidenhead, Boulter’s Lock at, 937
  • Mail Motor Coach, Running Between Ashford and Tenterden, 726
  • Malay States, In the, 1038
  • Mandril for Tyre Repairs, Harvey Frost, 444
  • Manville Challenge Cup of Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 406c
  • Map: A.A. and M.U. Goodwood Enclosure, 1214. Black Park, Bucks., Route to, 341. Canterbury, Route to, 1203. Country Houses, Way to Get to. Specimen Card Showing, 587. Coventry-Brownhills-Watling Street, 82. Exeter, Coast Route to, 714. Gower, Route in, 340. Grand Prix Course, 644. Lancashire: Lakes, Route to, 143; North, Route to, 141. Silchester-Hounslow, 14a. South Downs, 989. Swedish Trial Course, 14. Taunton and Oke-hampton, Short Cut from, 341. Wales: North, 640; South, Route of Tour in, 326
  • Marble Arch, Alexandra Day, Procession Starting from, 1034
  • Marconi Station, Star Chassis Mounted as a, 378 Marmon, Mr., President of the American Society of Automobile Engineers, 944
  • Mascot, “ Enots,” 563
  • Matchbox Holder, The Car, 562
  • Mat, Step, Barker’s, 564
  • Maud Heath's Causeway, 1006
  • “ Mauretania,” Motor Polo Team on Board the, 855 Medway, Where Mr. Englebert’s Car Dashed into the, 929
  • Menelik’s: Capital, Mr. Bede J. F. Bentley nearing, 426. First Drive on a Wolseley Car, 427 Midlands, Lady Motorists in the, 156, 157 Military Car, Napier, Demonstration of the, 216 Milling Machine, Perkins and Co., 869
  • Minerva- Cars Weekly Shipment to Australia, 1214. House, Interior of, 638
  • “ Minnewaska,” British Automobile Engineers on Board the, 790
  • Mirror: Oldfield’s, for American Cars, 906. Selfridge’s, 1018b
  • Mitton Valley, Looking Down into the, 481
  • Mobbs, Edgar R., Director of Pytchley Autcoar Co., Ltd., 885
  • Moderate Man—What He thinks He Ought to Get for £100, 360
  • Monaco: British Sunbeam Motor Boat at Full Speed at, 497. Cutting a New Road Out of the Cliff Above, 599. Engine on a Breguet Aeroplane at, 490. Gilbert oh a Biplane at, 492.
  • • Grand Corniche Road at, 649; Aeroplane View Over, 597-599. Harbour, Accident to Fischer’s Farman Hydro-aeroplane in, 529. Meeting, British Boats at, 442, 443. Motor Boat, ” J’en Veux,” at, 493. Putting Finishing Touches to De Montalent’s Breguet-Hydroplane at, 480. View of the Motor-boat Exhibition at, 445. To Nice, Road from, 649 Monmouth: Beaufort Arms Hotel at, 1219. Shire Hall at, 1219. Statue in Memory of Hon. C. S. Rolls at. 1219
  • Monnow, Bridge at, 1219
  • Monte Carlo and Nice, Mountain Road Between, 649 Montepagano, Bologna to Florence Road, On the Summit of, 284
  • Mont St. Jean, Village of, 83
  • Moor Park. Rickmansworth, The Gateway to, 1006 Moreton Old Hall, Congleton, Gatehouse of, 619 Motor-boat Racing, The Charm of, 45
  • Motor Boats at Monaco, 442, 443, 445, 493, 497 Motorbus: Daimler, In Commercial Motor Users' Parade, 735. Derby, The, 893. For Emperor of Japan, 560. Scottish Motor Traction Co.'s, 659
  • Motor: Caravanning, 1191-1193. Caravans: Plan Views of. 1192; Preparing the Foundation for, 1193 '
  • Motor Carriages, Enclosed, What the L.G.B. Require in the Way of (Crystal Palace Type), 205. Hopkinson and Son, An Adaptable, 1007. King and Co., J. A., Open and Closed, 1001 Motoring: In the Bois de Boulogne, 757. Popular, Scouts and, 268
  • Motorists —Abercromby, Sir George, of Forglen, 12. Aubencia, The Marquis d’, 1015. Bablot, M., 1044, 1048. 1081. 1109, 1115. Bang, Mr. Hofman, 509. Barber, Mr. J. H., 792. Barlow, Mr., 905. Beasley, Mr. H., 946. Bentlev. Mr. W. O., 792, 971. Bianchi, M. C., 660 . 661, 792, 1063, 1170. Bird, Mr. C. A., 883. Bodlot. M. Georges, 435, 742, 908, 931. 932, 976, 1010, 1044, 1047, 1112. 1114-1119, 1133. 1154. Boissv, M., 435. Bordino, M., 749. Brown, Mr. F. W., 973. Bullock. Mr. W. E., 1211. Cadbury, Mr., 358. Caillois, M., 621, 1044, 1047, 1117' Champoiseau. M.. 874, 1113. Chassaigne, M., 1010, 1044, 1107, 1114, 1122. Christiaens, M. J.. 911. 1044, 1048. Coatalen, Mr. L.. 408. 621, 661, 703, 705, 758, 841. 1010. Cooper. Earl. 828. Coyne, Joseph, 807. Croquet, M.. 874, 1044. Crossman, Mr., 980. Cupner, Oscar. 793, 1062. Cummings, Mr. S. G., 376. Davidson, Capt., A. E.. R.E., 19. Day, Mr. H. G., 792, 882, 884. 977. Dickson, Mr. W. M.» 1040. Danville. Mr. T. E., 347. Edge. Mr. S. F., 856. Edwards, 1143. Exmouth, Lord, 132 , ,r Ferdinand. Archduke Josef. 1017. Fish, Mr. R. C . 794. Foden, Mr. E. R., 1036. Genna. Mr. E., 1062. George. Mr. E.. 1131. Goux. M. Jules. 356, 391. 398. 435, 472, 836, 837. 907-910. 964. 1044. 1108, 1111. Guvot. M Albert, 392, 648. 797, 964 , 980, 1044, 1115, 1213. Halsall, Mr. C. F., 1061. Hamel, Mr., 396. Hamilton, Count, 143. Hancock, Mr. A. J., 705, 793, 971-973. Hands, Mr. Leslie, 884. Higginson, Mr. J., 1210. Hind, Mr., 971. Hofacker, M. (Humber South African Agent), 335. Horn-sted, Mr. L. G., 845, 1044 Joerns, M., 1044. Jolibois, 1216. Jones, Mr. Pearce, 839, 876. Jones, Mr. W. C., 1036. Kenshole, Mr. G., 1039, 1209. Kidner, Mr. P. C.. 970. Lambert, Mr. Percy, 62, 64, 114, 358, 447, 703, 705, 706, 764, 794, 1130, 1210. Lee Guinness, Mr., 1044, 1114. Lewis, Mr. Dave, 828. Lisle, t Mr.,. 1143. Lomax, Mr. J. A. Barber, 884. Lowther, Hon. L., 325. McBain, Mr. W. R., 358. Mercers, Mr. E., 1036. Merz, M. C., 837, 909. Michelet, M., 648. Moriondo, M., 1112, 1124, 1161. Morriss, Mr. James (Chauffeur to Cardinal Bourne), 781. Nazzaro, M. Felix, 748, 1044, 1045, 1049, 1111, 1161. Newton, Mr. J., 902. Orr, Mr. H. D., 1170. Parma, Prince Elias von, 1086. Pelissier, Mr. H. G., 194. Pilkington, Sir George, M.P., 1179. Platford, Mr., 1004. Pollak, Mr., 358, 971. Pope, Mr. H. R., 1045. Regal, M.» 797. Resta, Mr. D., 621, 706, 758, 841, 1044, 1109, 1174. Reynolds, Mr. R., 1064. Rigal, Mr., 621. Robertson-Shersby-Harvie. Mr. R., 972. Salamanca, M. C., 1004. Salmon, Mr. A. J. S., 793. Scott, Mr. W. G., 844. Smith, Mr. G., 620. Smith, Mr. H. Nelson, 1166. Soriano. Marquis de, 122. Squire, Mr. L. R. L., 704. Stansfield, Mr. F., 660. Story, Mr. M., 1087. Stocks, Mr. J. W., 888. Symonds Dr., 218. Tate. Mr. A. W., 356, 882. Thomas. Mr., 1044, 1049, 1085. Toop, Mr. J. H., 844, 972. Tuck, Mr. W. G., 704, 747, 978. Usmar, Mr. Gordon, 793. Vandenborn, M., 411. Waters, Mr. (with Party of Nubas), 491. Watson, Mr. W., 1064. Westall, Mr. S., 235. Wilkie, Mr. R., 1036. Wilson, Mr. A. J., 851, 888. Winn, Mr, 1143. Wishart, Mr. S. E., 836. Witchell, Mr. R. S., 704. Wood, Mr. Francis, 1092. Wright, Mr. S., 620. Zuccarelli, M. Paul, 908, 976
  • Motorists: Bridge Built by, 982. Driving, Hints for, 350
  • Motorist’s Handy Companion, Thermos Flask, 510
  • Motor Launch, “ Spitfire,” 45
  • ' Motor Manual, The,” 552d
  • Motor Polo: Team, The American, 830—(See " Auto ”). At Ranelagh, 840, 863, 835. On Board the " Mauretania,” 855
  • Motor Rim Standardization, 1129
  • Motor Ship of the Desert, The, 927
  • Motor Spirit, New Oil Refining Co.’s, Test of, at Brooklands, 963
  • Motor, The, Benzole Show Card, Facsimile of, 1216 Motorvan at Meet of the Lockerbie and Dumfriesshire Foxhounds, 70a
  • Motor Watch, Waltham, 563
  • Mountain Work, Exciting, on a Darracq Car, 729, 731, 773-778
  • Mudguards, Frankonia, 564
  • N.

Nailsworth Ladder, Gloucestershire, 425

  • " Napoleon ” Returns from Irthlingborough After the Making of Film of Battle of Waterloo, 1146
  • Nether Alderley, Cheshire, 149
  • Netherball Gardens Hill, Hupmobile Car on the, 131
  • Nevill Holt, Market Harborough, Tyre Test Car at, 292
  • New Brighton Motor Coach, Inaugural Run of the 595
  • Newcastle, Outside, 852
  • New Forest, Entering the, 760
  • New Oil Refining Co.’s Plant, Silvertown: General View of the, 940, 941; Motor Spirit Test of, at Brooklands, 963; Rear of the Retort Battery at the, 987
  • Newton Harcourt, Leicestershire, Bridge at, 1151
  • “ Night, The Terror of the,” 222
  • Norfolk Wherry, A, 225
  • Northam, North Devon, “ Bloody Corner,” Near, 459
  • Northcliffe, Lord, 888
  • North Shropshire Hounds, Meet at Rushton of the, 525
  • North Staffs. Colliery Owners’ Association, Rescue Van of, 485
  • Number Plate and Tail Lamp, R. C. Briggs, 1066
  • Nut, Self-locking, Perfloc, 444
  • o.

Oakham Castle, Great Hall of, The, 76

  • Oilcan Tray, Weltje and Owens, 565
  • Oiler, Lucas. 561
  • Oldenburg, H.I.H. Prince, at the St. Petersburg Motor Show, 992
  • Ontario, Lake, The Ice Formations at, 239 Owner-drivers, De Dion, 1162
  • Oxford: At, 937. Iffley Church Near, 143. Road, Near Tetsworth, 186
  • P.

Panel Doctor, Country, 751

  • Parade, Commercial Motor, Daimler Bus Making Tour of Inspection of 735
  • Paraffin, Utilizing Standard Carburetter Arrangement for, 606
  • Paris: Fire Brigade, Motor Fire Engine and Escape in the Service of the, 293. Fontainebleau Highway, Lieusant on the, Old Level Crossing at, 117. Splashguard Trials in, 702a Patiala. Punjab, Old Cannon, Relics of Sikh Wars in, 677
  • Pedal Catch and Car Lock, Gamage, 168
  • Peebles, Old Cress in the High Street at, 37
  • Perry Hill Park, H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught Leaving, 1138
  • Perugia, View of Road Looking Towards, 283
  • Petersfield, Red Lion at, 278
  • Petrol Bin, Notron, 564
  • Petrol Can Holder: Leopold, 561. Thomson-Bennett, 564a
  • Petrol Can Opener, L.C., 384
  • Petrol Filler: Atlas, 304. Pettett, 562
  • Petrol Gauge for a Pressure-feed Tank, Meyer, 178 Petrol-making Plant at Silvertown, The New Oil Refining Process Co., Ltd., 940, 941
  • Petrol Meter, Maximall, 565
  • Petrol Saver, Saunders, 561
  • Petrol, Shell and Pratt’s, Qualitative Tests of, 211, 213, 273
  • Petrol Squeeze, The, 978b
  • Petrol Tank, Auxiliary; 286
  • Pienaars River, Near Pretoria, South Africa, 994 Pinner, A Fourteenth Century House at, 1140 Piston: Zephyr, 168. Welded Steel, Severe Ordeal of, 719
  • Poincare, M., French President, Entering a Knight-Panhard Car, 486
  • Polhill, Leafy Scene on, 1158
  • Police Trap on Barnes Common, 1125
  • Port Elizabeth, near, 335
  • Porthcawl, Speed Events on, 974, 975
  • Portland Island, Causeway to, by Side of Chesil Beach, 237
  • Portsmouth Road: Collision between Humber and S.P.C. Cars on the, 314, 315; Dangerous Corner on the, 314, 315. Near Wisley Hut, 334
  • Precipice Walk at Dolgelly, 671
  • Pressure Feed Tank, Petrol Gauge for a, Meyer, 178 Preston from the Ormskirk Road, New Road and Bridge, into, 481
  • Prince of Wales, H.R.H. The, Leaving the Daimler Factory at Untertiirkheim, 608, 610
  • Prince Olaf’s New Cadillac, 290
  • Projector and Generator, Lucas, 576
  • Pumps: Crossley, 1134. Hawthorne, 1127. Kellogg, 338. Peerless (Morris, Russell and Co.), 24. Pitner (Morris, Russell and Co.), 24. Rotoplunge, 134
  • Puncture Repairs, Sampson Plug System of, 920 Putney Heath, Muster of De Dion Cars on, 197 Pyrenean Defile, Gorge de Hourat in the, 433
  • Q.

Queen, The (when Duchess of York), Starting from The Hendre, in 1900 , 820

  • R.

R.A.C.: and Associated Clubs, Gala Day (see “ Brooklands ”). And Isle of Man Race, Suggestions for Committee if they Desire to alter Conditions again, 410. Diploma Granted to Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., by the, 11. Test (Paige), 22

  • Radiator Screen, Sunbeam Grand Prix, 1173
  • Radiators, Method of Displaying Names on, If it were Extended, 63
  • Radlett and Elstree, Road between, Talbot Car Taking the “ Hump ” on the, 193
  • Raglan Castle, Ruins of, 520
  • Rails, Robe and Foot, Brown Bros., 629
  • Ramboda Pass, Ceylon, Talbot Car on the, 160 Rand, Lattice Work Electric Wire Posts on the, 1190
  • Ranelagh, Motor Polo at, 835, 840, 863
  • Records at Brooklands: Argyll, 750, 800, 801, 844. Humber, 747, 1171. Peugeot, 391, 398. 435, 472. Talbot, 62, 64, 114, 115, 155, 761 Sunbeam, 756a, 758
  • Regina, Saskatchewan, 245
  • Repair Kit, Parsons, E55
  • Repairs, Puncture, Sampson Plug System of, 920 Rescue Van, North Staffs. Colliery Owners’ Association’s, 485
  • Rhaiadr Du, near Tyn-y-Groes, 671
  • Rhubina Hill, 845
  • Richmond Horse Show, H.M. the King at the, 926 Richmond: Surrey, from the Terrace at, 241. Mansion Hotel at, 938. Reach, the Famous, 937
  • Rims : Ajax, E52. Cave, 446, 550. Captain, 230, 550,
  • 551. Challiner, 552, 672, E53. Clincher (North British Rubber Co.), 550, E51. Continentals, 978a, 1033. Dunlop, E51. Force, 620, E52. Gaulois 552. Goodrich, 551; (Locking Device on), E51. Goodyear, E52. Spencer-Moulton,
  • 552, E52. Warland, 551—(See “ Wheels ”)
  • Rim Standardization, Motor, 1129
  • Rio de Janeiro, Palm Avenue in, 185
  • Ripley, Approach to, from London, Narrow Bridge at, 27
  • River, The Call of the, 936-938
  • Riviera and Back, 729, 731, 773-778
  • Road: London-Exeter, Stones Picked Up on, 191. Signalling Device, Holder, 161, 1078. Things Met on the, 483. Waves, How They are Caused, 829
  • Roadside, Workers by the, 1208
  • Roads, Tarred, Actual Size of Material Used as Top Dressing on, 990. Unrolled Stones on, Signs to Indicate, on Lamps, 264
  • Rock Creek Park, Washington, Cressing a Stream at, 887
  • Rolls, Hon. C. S., The Late: 819, 820. Statue to, at Monmouth, 1219
  • Rose, Sir Charles Day, Bart., 614
  • Ross, Entering, 1219
  • Rossi are, co. Wexford, The Sands at, 1073
  • Roumania War Office. Star Cars Supplied to the, 1018b
  • Route des Alpes, One of the Passes on the, 641 Rudge-Whitworth Works. Coventry, Model of the, 304a, 585-587
  • Runabout, The Reign of the. 1223, 1224
  • Runny mead: Meadows. Thames seen from, 1139. The Thames at, 937
  • Rushton, North Shropshire Hounds Meet at. 525 Russia: H.I.M. the Czar of, Opening of the St.
  • Petersburg Exhibition by, 913. Racing with Snow-sleigh in, 148
  • Ruxley Splash near Epsom, Water Gauge at, 453 Rye Town Hall, Fire Engine in, 520
  • s.

Salhouse, Cottage at, 225

  • Salisbury: Held up on the Road near, 779. Old Market Cross at, 760. Plain, Artillery Ranges on, 872
  • Saltburn Sands: Cars passing the Finishing Post on the, 1130, 1131. Races on, 1062, 1063. Races, An Impression of, 1143
  • Sandbach, 106
  • Santa Monica, Road Race at, 828
  • Saumur, on the Loire, Dolman of Bagneux near, 14b
  • Sautin, Andre, Manager of the Grand Prix, 1045 Scenery Desecration, Views published by The Motor from time to time on, 361
  • Schoolboy Action, A Characteristic, 1200 Scientific Research Expedition, Car for, 1167 Scottish Snow’-clad Hills, Motoring Amongst the, 894
  • Scouts and Popular Motoring, 268
  • Seat, Reversing, Coventry Motor Bodies Co., 150 Seats: Austin, 582. Lamplugh, Ell. Lanchester, 582
  • Seats, Driving, Views in Front of Drivers on, 170, 171
  • Security Bolt, Non-pinch, 562
  • Sevenoaks, Beside the Seven Oaks outside, 1158 Shaftesbury, Gold Hill at,. 477
  • Shillingstone, Dorset, Old Cottage at, 477
  • Shock Absorbers : Aries, E13. Atlas, 663. A.V., 547. Belsize, E9. Brew-Ree, 215. Deri-hon, 784, 785. Gabriel Rebound Snubber, 548, E50. Glissade, 304, 547, E50. H. and S., 546, E50. Hermes, 549, E50. Hobson, E50. Houdaille, 549. J.M., 50, 548, CH. K.A.P., 546, E50. King, E50. King Progressive, 546. Lever, Spring Suspension, 548. Mamet, 397, 548. Oda Smith. 546, E49. Parson, 548, E57. Perfect: (U.M.I.), E51; Suspension, Compensator, 547. Premier, 547, E49. Telesco, 546, E49.. Triou, 549, E49
  • Shoreham, Kent, Screen in Church at, 1193
  • Shows: Algiers, Daimler Stand at the, 530. Madison Square Garden, New York. View of Lighting Effect at, 30. Manchester, 95-108, 118, 119, 121, 122a. Monaco (Motor Boat), 445. New York Motor, Corner of the, 4. North of England (see “Manchester” above). Olympia: Aero, 54a, 126, 127; Car (1912) Features at, E7, E9. Paris, Features at the, E10-13. Scottish Hupmobile, 41. St. Petersburg: Austin Car Show at, 901; A View at the, 912, 913; Napier Cars for the, 635; Star Engineering Co.’s Stand at the, 992; Star Torpedo Car Exhibited at the, 626a; Vauxhall Car Shown at, 898
  • Shrewsbury: Archaeological Discovery at, 688. Danger Spot on the Old Town Walls at, 54b. Earl of, Congratulating Mr. P. Lambert, 114. The Bridge at, 142
  • Shropshire, Motoring through, 738 Signal from Enclosed Car, 718
  • Signalling Device, Road: Holder, 1078. H.P.E.M., 161
  • Sign, New Traffic-directing, at Corner of Jermyn and St. James’s Streets, 23
  • Signpost: At Bradford, 400. Pointing Roads leading to Southampton, Hambledon and Portsmouth, 479. New Model, Exhibited at Horticultural Hall, 1022
  • Sikh Wars, Relics, of, Old Cannon at Patiala, Punjab, 677
  • Silchester: Amphitheatre, The, 14a. Foundation of the Basilica at, 14a. Garden Wall Exposed by Excavations at, 14b. To Hounslow, Route Map of, 14a. Portions of City Walls at, 14b
  • Silencers: Dunlop (Ejector). E56. Hutton-Macbeth, 81
  • Silver town, Petrol Plant in Operation at, New Oil Refining Process Co., Ltd., 940, 941
  • Simplon Pass: At the Swiss Douane, 151. In the, 337
  • Sisteron, French Alps, Entrance to the Town of, 666
  • Sledges, Wolseley Motor, Used in Capt. Scott’s Antarctic Expedition, 174
  • Sleeve, Diagrams Showing the Operation of the Duplicated Port of the, 934
  • Sleeve-valve Power versus Packard Poppet Valve, 1162
  • Sluys: The Dutch Douane at, 754. 13th Century House at. 754
  • Smith and Sons, New Premises of, 1215
  • S.M.M.T., Members of: at Pull Woods, Windermere, 1212: on Board the s,s. “ Minnewaska,” 796 Snow-sleigh, Racing with, in Russia, 148
  • South Africa: Bridge Built by Motorists in, 982. Scene of Accident to Vauxhall Car at, 895. Showing Difficulties Encountered in Travelling in, 56
  • Southampton, Hambledon and Portsmouth, At the Three Cross-roads leading to, 479
  • Southease, Church at, 988
  • Spain, Deer Hunting on a Car in, 1056
  • Spanish Grand Prix— (see " Grand Prix ”)
  • Spanners: Gamage, 566.
  • Simplex (Adams), 564d
  • Sparking Plugs: E.I.C., 544. Lodge, 544, 1094, Low Accessories Co., 554. Numelior, 544. Polkey, 236. Runbaken and Co., 263.
  • Sphinx, 544. Transparent (Motor Trading Co.), 455
  • Speed: Future of the Gyro Car, 232. Limit Sign in California, 1020. That Beat the Camera, 1130 Speedometers: A.T., 552b. Bowden. 564c. Brookwood, 552a. Ever-Ready, E48. Frodsham, 552b, E48; and Clock (Frodsham). 552b. Hoffecker. 566. Jones, 555b; and Clock (Jones), 552b. Smith. 552a, E47. Stewart, 552a, E47. Watford, 552b
  • Spirit of the Age, The Disturbing, 217 Splashguards: Bouillet, 702a. Brunswick, 702a. Malrant, 702a. Menu, 602a.
  • Splashguard Trial in Paris, 702a
  • Spring: Asymmetric, Brooks and Co., 1175. Blades, Tool to Lubricating Surfaces of, Riches and Co., 136. Bumper, Anti-collision, Dew and Co., 65. Cushion, Pneumatic, 1100. Opener, Riches. 564. Separator, Brown Bros., 566
  • Staines, Angel Hotel at, 1140
  • Standardization, Steering Column and Front Seats, Positions of, 710
  • Standard Oil Co.’s New Fuel, Showing Proportion of Crude Distillates, 322
  • Standards, Central, Dangerous, at Ealing Common, 163
  • Star Factory: A Visit to, 72-75. Wolverhampton, Fire at the, 350a
  • Starting Devices: A.B.C., 339. Chalmers (Compressed Air), 339. Ever-Ready, 575, 1041. Kellogg, 338. Morris, Russell and Co., 952. Never Miss, 339. Richardson, 177. Rush
  • more, 1161. Thurber (Turbine), 338
  • Starting Handle, Riches, E54
  • St. Bride’s Bay, Coast Near, 327
  • St. David’s; Head, 327. View of, 327
  • Steel Barrel Co.’s Wharf at Uxbridge, 707
  • Steenbras River, South Africa, Bridge Built by the Royal Automobile Club of South Africa Over the, 982
  • Steps, Safety, Rubber-edged, Upton, 413
  • St. Gotthard’s Pass, The Summit of the, 43
  • Stoke on-Trent, Town Hall, Their Majesties the King and Queen Leaving the, 617
  • Stone, Church in the Village of, 849
  • Stones Picked Up on the London-Exeter Road, 191 St, Petersburg, Brussels to, Run, 911
  • Stroke and Bore Ratios, Curve Illustrating, 363 Sulby Glen, Isle of Man, An Awkward Corner at, 958
  • “ Sunbeam Castle,” Moreuil, 1009-1010 Sunbeam Works, A Visit to, 198-200 Sun Sinks in the West, As the, 875 Suspension, Cowey, 50
  • Sutton Park, Warwickshire, In, 457
  • Swat Valley, Jabalpur, Buchet Car Surrounded by Pathans in the, 770
  • Sweden: Road in, 493. Vauxhall Car in, 234
  • Swedish: Stadium, 214a, 291. Trial Plaque, The, 498. Winter Trial: Cup, 397; Route Map of the, 14—(See “Trials”)
  • Swiss Douane at the Simplon Pass, 151
  • Switchboards: Brolt (Brown Bros.), 2. C.A.V.,
  • 190, 539, 1097, E39. Cicoy, 541. Ducellier, 540, E39. Lodge, E41. Lucas. E38. Magician (U.M.I.), 538, E40. Nilmelior, 543. Peto and Radford, E39. Polkey-Jarrott, 870, E39. Powell and Hanmer, 542. Smith, 539, E38. Trier and Martin, 537, E39. U.M.I., 538. Van
  • Raden, 543, E39. Willocq-Bottin, 538, E40
  • Switzerland, The Car in, 1149
  • Tail Lamp and Number-plate Combined, R. C. Briggs, 1066
  • Talbot Works, Benzole Test at, 1054
  • Targa-Florio Race, 748, 749, 756
  • Telephone, Isophone, The, Rawlenoe, 567
  • Telscombe Village, 988
  • Tenby, Roads and Scenes Around, 327
  • Terminal, Non-shock, G.B., 544
  • Tewkesbury Abbey, 849
  • Than es Valley, Touring in the, 936-938
  • Thornycroft, Mr. and Mrs., Leaving Bembridge, Isle of Wight, on Their Honeymoon, 667
  • Tintern: Abbey, 1220. Bridge, with Abbey in Distance, 1220
  • Tong, near Wolverhampton: Old Church at, 74. Old Pulpit Near Church at, 343
  • Tool, Multi-purpose, Gamage, 1098
  • Tools and Spares, Cabinet, Brooks, 561
  • Toronto High Park, Scene in, 1186
  • Torque Stay, Napier, 179
  • Tour de France: 312. Cars Arriving at the Port Maillot for the, 360a. Majola Car that Put Up a Fine Performance in, 38. Some of the Winning Cars in the, 411
  • Touring: In India, 903. In the Thames Valley, 936-938
  • Tourist Trophy Races, Practising for—An Awkward Corner at Sulby Glen, 958
  • Traffic-directing Sign at the Corner of Jermyn and St. James’s Streets, 23
  • Tramway Trolley, Minerva (Antwerp), 698b Transmitter, Vincent Hydraulic, Faraday House Test of the, 134
  • Transvaal Automobile Cup, Accident in the Contest for, 895
  • Trials: Circuit de Picardy, Impression of the, 797. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 620. Irish A.C., 1073. Lancashire A.C., 1019. Manchester A.C., 902, 904, 1036. Mersey M.C., 1064. Notts A.C., 1018a, 1083. R.A.C.-(See “ R.A.C.”). South Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C.,- 974, 975. Splashguard (Paris), 702a. Swedish: Winter Reliability, 14, 214a, 291: Count Hanylton, a Possible Entrant for, the, 143; Exacting Nature of the Route at the, 493’ 509; Lanchester Car in the, 467, 493, 509; Plaque, 488; Cup, 397, Awarded to Minerva Car, 514. Transvaal A.C., 1190. War Office. 13, 19. Yorks. A.C. (Saltburn Sands), 1062, 1063, 1125, 1130, 1131, H43
  • Trunk: Brooks, 561, E55. Finnigan’s, Nested at Rear of Car, 383
  • Turkish Fleet in the the Dardanelles, 125
  • Turner and Co.’s Garage and Works, 640
  • Tyre Case and Hat Box, Finnigan’s, E56
  • Tyre Chains, Non-skid, Parsons, 571 Tyre Cover, Gam age, 564a Tyre Filling, Rubberine, 573
  • Tyre: Inflation, Diagram Illustrating, 374. Mr. Sturmey’s Reply, 244. Pneumatic: The Action of the, 945; What is It? 1184. Repair Puncture Seal, Test of, 1168
  • Tyre Kit, Parsons, 570
  • Tyre Lining, Hermetic, 571
  • Tyre Pumps: Atlas, 574, E46. Gleason-Peters, 571, E46. Hawthorn, 1127. Pioneer, 569, E46. Rotherham, E49. Wood-Milne, 574, E46
  • Tyre Repair: Stud, Stanley Feast, 570. Tread: Ripley-Strong’s Three-ribbed, 573; Woodworth (Morris-Russell), 564d
  • Tyre Repairs, Mandrel tor, Harvey-Frost, 444
  • Tyres: Amalgam, 653. Avon, 568, 916. Beldam, 569, 1079, 1080, E52. Chailiner, 672. Clincher, 568. Continental, 569. Dunlop, 568, 844, 1233. Gaulois, 573. Goodyear, 568. Grimston, 572. Harrods, 574. Jenatzy, 570. Kempshall, 573. E52. Palmer, 155, 571, 911, 984, 999. Pirelli, 572. Searle, 727, 886. Sirdar Rubber Co.
  • (Non-skid), 1067. Spencer-Moulton, 569. Stepney, 573. Vacuum, 406. Victor, 569
  • Tyre Test, 132. 292, 300. Accident to Car on Hind-head, 355
  • Tyre Tester, Roberts, 574
  • Unnington, Half-timbered Work Near, 739 Uriconium, 738. Ruins at, 83
  • Vacant Seat, Tne, How the Motorist Can Do Others a Good Turn, 368-370
  • Valve: Grinder: Bowden, E55. Gamage, 566. Universal, in Vulcan Car Works, 914. Springs, Device to Remove, Dew and Co. 90
  • Van der Bergh, Mrs. Henry, and Children in her Decorated Car, 1034
  • Vanderbilt Coach: “Venture” on the Brighton Road, 748, 749. Outside Angel Hotel, Staines. 1140
  • Var, In the Valley of the, 778
  • Veil for Lady Motorists, Gamage’s, 67
  • Villiers, Mr. Frederic, 92
  • Vulcan Car Factory, Modern Methods in, 914. Works, Machine for Drilling Holes in a Casting for an Engine at the, 516
  • Vulcanizers: Harvey-Frost, 575. Simms Motor Units, Ltd., 1008. Vulcan (Lacoste), 571, E54
  • Vyrnwy Lake, 5
  • Wales, North, Route Map of, 670
  • Warland Dual Rim Co., Cinematograph Trip by the. 70b
  • Warning to Motorists at Keswick, 466
  • War Office: Motorcar ini Billeting Test by, 403. Subsidy Trials, Hallford Three-tonner in, 13, 19. Test, A Stringent, 925
  • Warren Hill, Gloucestershire, 531
  • Washers: Fastnut, 565. Roots and Co., 698
  • Wasser Gallery, Simplon Pass, 377
  • Watch, Waltham, 563
  • Waterfall, Motoring Over a, 887
  • Waterloo, Village of, Wellington’s Headquarters at. 83
  • Watford and Chipperfield, A Leafy Scene. Between, 1006
  • Weight Ascertainers, Aveling and Avery, 1172
  • Wells Cathedral, 849
  • Werneth Low', Cheshire, 159
  • West Burton, The Downs from, 988
  • Westerham, Major-General Wolfe’s Statue at, 1158 West Firle Park, Old Road under the Downs by, 988 Weston-super-Mare, Front at, 849 Whalley Abbey, Under the Gateway of, 481 Wheatley, Oxon, Village Lock-up at, 342
  • Wheel: Carrier: Spare, Morris-Russell, 1098: Rim and Tyre, Bransoms, 573. Crown, on Worthington Bottle, 505. Drawer (Little Giant), Markt and Co., E54. Hub, Dunlop, 552
  • Wheels: Austin-Sankey, E17. Cairns, 264. Continental, 551. Dunlop, 1233. Goodyear, E17. H.A.C. Simplex, 552. Riley, 550, E16; Mounting of, 892. Rudge-Whitworth: 587, E16 ; Dumfny Hub Arrangement on, 52. Sankey, 782, E17. Sankey-Warland, E53. Stepney, E53; Flange to Fit, 573—(See. “Rims”) Wheels for Hot Climates, Details of Construction of, E15-17
  • Wheels, New Method of Carrying Two Spare, 52
  • Whistle, Oleo, E49
  • Whitchurch, Roadside Stream at, 1220
  • Whitney, Sir James, President of Ontario, English Car Presented to, 715
  • Wilmington, The Long Man, 988
  • Window Fasteners, Connaught Motor and Carriage Co., 215
  • Window: “Ideal” on Lancia Limousine, 189. Side, The. 378. Sliding, Mulliner, 718. Turn-up on F.I.A.T. Car, 718
  • Windscreens: Beatonson, 29, 567, E54. County Screen Co., E54. Coventry Motor Bodies Co., 136. Jasson, 567. Self-adjuster, Hughes, 559 Windscreens, Suggestions for Improvement in, 545 Windsor: Castle, Under the Walls of, 938, 1139.
  • Steam Carriage, Caithness, Making a Trip Near, 414. The Long Drive at, 1140
  • Wisley Hut, Portsmouth Road, Near, 334 Woodhouse, Postmen Unloading Passenger Motor Mail at, 726
  • Woodstock, Oxon, Principal Seat in, 365
  • . Woolwich Free Ferry, Motorcars on, 422 Worcester, Ruins at, 713
  • Workers by the Roadside, 1208
  • Workshop: Old Benz Engine Provides Power in, 362. For Aeroplane Repairs, Dennis, 127 Worthing to Littlehampton, Road from, 736 Worthington Bottle: A Unique Delivery Van, 698. Crown Wheel of the, 505
  • Wrenches: Fitzall Nut, Plimpton, 564c. Rytos Grip. E55
  • Wye, Valley of the, 1218
  • Wymondham: Church at, The, 384. Market House of. The, 383. “ Olde Green Dragon,” The, at, 383
  • Yarnton, 365
  • York: Military Sunday at, 867. Minster, 851; Troops Filing into, 867. Narrow Street in, 867. Near, 852
  • Zalodi, Southern, Kordofan, Sudan, At, 491
  • Zeeland: Countrywoman, A, 1031. Daimler Car in the Province of, 1035

See Also


Sources of Information