The Engineer 1946 Jan-Jun: Index

The Engineer 1946 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 181 Index
- ABERCONWAY, Lord, Iron and Steel Nationalisation, 440
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Keyway and Cotter Hole Cutting Machines, 503
- Ainley, T., Association of Professional Engineers, 387
- Alar Ltd., Light Metals Research Group, 24
- Aldwych Tube, (233)
- Alexander, G. H., Machinery, Ltd., "Unicut" Boring Heads, 59
- Allan. W. A. M., Association of Professional Engineers, 337
- Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., Dartford Tunnel Compressed Air Stations, 125
- Allibone, T. E., Atoms, Electrons and Engineers (Faraday Lecture, I.E.E.), 449
- Aluminium Company of S.A: (Pty), Ltd. 485
- Aluminium Laboratories, Ltd., Kingston Research Laboratory, (575)
- Alva B. Adams Tunnel, (441)
- Anderson, Sir John, Productive Efficiency. 530; Elected Chairman, P.L.A., 27
- Andre Rubber Co., Ltd., Works, 27:3
- Apalachia Dam, T.V.A., 215
- Appleton, Sir E. V., Faraday Medal Award, 93
- Associated Consulting Engineers (India). 75
- Auger, F. H., Technical v. Practical Training for Engineers, 478
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Strike, 256
- Autometric Pumps, Ltd., Positive Displacement Pump, 172
- Automobile and Aircraft Services, Ltd. (487)
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., Demonstration of Contractors' Plant, 497; Oil Engine Driven Road Rollers, 540
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Testing Machine for Rigid Plastics, 582
- Ayre, Sir Amos, and G. M. Boyd, Work of the Admiralty Ship Weding Committee, 385
- Ayton, F., Retirement,:397
- BAILLIEU, Sir Clive, Foundations of Trade and Prosperity, 118
- Baird, J. L., Obituary, .568
- Bakelite Ltd., Forming Laminated Plastic Material, 177
- Baker, O. M., Machinability in Relation to Production, 498
- Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., Habbaniyah Flood Relief Scheme, 64, 379; Kirkuk-Erbil Railway Extension, 131
- Barber, John, and the Gas Turbine, A. K. Bruce, 216
- Barber, R. S. V., and D. R. Lester, Pre-Stressed Concrete Units, 503
- Barnes, M. F. Crane Loads, 87, 179
- Barr and Stroud, Ltd., High-Vacuum Pump Unit, 81
- Barton, Sir William, Development in Baroda, (119)
- Bassett, G. A., Repair and Upkeep of H.M. Ships and Vessels in War,:357, 389, 414. 439
- Bateman, E. H., Association of Professional Engineers,:388
- Bates, Sir P., General Council of British Shipbuilding, 388; British Shipbuilding, 397
- Baty, J. E., and Co., Ltd., Extensornoter, 61
- Beacham, T. E. High-Pressure Gear Pumps, 180, 182; (Letter, 203)
- B.E.A.M.A. Report, 37:3
- Beaver, Sir Hugh, Report on Derelict Land in the Black Country, 356
- Beenham's Heath Pumping Station, near Reading, 585
- Begg, G. A. J., W. M. Hebblethwaite and G. Cooke, Operating Experiences with La Mont Boilers, 129
- Bell, Sir Thomas, Retirement, 305
- Bench, C. E., Auto-Pneumatic Indexing Drill Jig, 427
- Berliet Automobile Plant, 463
- Bessemer Gold Medal Award to J. S. Hollings, (349), 432
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., "Beyer-Garratt" Metre-Gauge Locomotives, 42; Beyer-Garratt Locomotives for South African Railways, 195
- Biltons Abrasives, Ltd., "Zedite" Diamond Abrasive Wheels and Tools, 60
- Blackett, P. M. Scientific and Social Aspect of Atomic Energy, 465 Blackpool's First Railway, Centenary, 412
- Blake, G. G., Mechanical Model Analogous to an Oscillatory Electrical Circuit, 535
- Bomba Prat, S. A., Dismountable Electric Motor, 253
- Bond, R. C., Ten Years' Experience with L.M.S. Non-Condensing Turbine Locomotive, 136; (Leading Article. 1:32)
- Bourne End Disaster, L.M.S., 259
- Bower, C. T., Engineering Nomenclature, .502
- Bowman, D., Technical Schools and Road Transport Engineering, 39
- Boyd, G. M., and Sir Amos Ayre, Work of the Admiralty Ship Welding Committee, 385
- Bradford Gas Engine Co., Ltd,. Small Industrial Oil Engine, 528
- Bretts Patent Lifter Co., Ltd., Large Panel Beating Drop Hammer, 481
- Briggs, R. H., Obituary, 39
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Gun Turret, 08
- Bristol and Somerset Coalfield, (269)
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Specifications for Aluminium. (491
- British Export Trade Research Organisation, Annual Meeting. 508
- British Non-Ferrous Metals Federation. Annual Meeting, 533
- British Oil Engines (Export). Ltd. London Underground Power Station, 111
- British Overseas Airways Corporation. New Board, (119)
- British Precision Diamond Tools, Ltd., Diamond Tools, 46
- British Tabulating Machine Co.. Ltd., Hourly Pay, 140
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Turbo-Alternator Work in 1945. 50; Air-Blast Circuit Breakers, 90; Transformer for Hams Hall Power Station. 91.; Vacuum Furnace for Silicon Production. 100; Transportable H.V. Switchgear, 113; -Jubilee, 505
- Bronx Engineering Co., Ltd., Fabricated Press Brake, 345
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. " Cardinal Tapping Attachment, 92
- Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd.. Three Parting-Off Machines, 162
- Brooklands, The Future of, 27
- Brown Boveri and Co., Ltd.. Technical Meeting at Baden, 465
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield). Ltd., Private Airfield, (575)
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Retirement of Sir T. Bell,:305; " Vanguard." 455
- Brown, John, and Thos. Firth (Overseas). Ltd., Formation, 232
- Brown, W. J. Trade Union Discipline 324
- Bruce, A. K., John Barber and the Gas Turbine, 216
- Bruce Peebles and Co.. Ltd.. Transformers. 90; Rectifier for Battery Charging Underground, 100
- Bruntons (Musselburgh ) Ltd.. Manufacture of Wire Ropes. 87
- Bull, F., R. B. Shepheard and J. Turnbull, Welded Tanker Neverita," 385
- Bushrod, C. J., and F. A. Fox, Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys. 309
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics. (441)
- Buswell and Sweeney, Ltd., Heating Reamer Holders, 61
- Butterworth, Sir Alexander, Obituary, (119)
- CABLE and Wireless, Ltd., Bill, 383. 465
- Calderwood, J., Research on Internal Combustion Prime Movers, 428, 460,483, 506, 525
- Calver, C. M. G., Ltd., Vibration Testing Machine, 92
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd.. Strip Thickness Gauge. 2:3; Quick-Acting Recorder, 2:3; Porosity 'roster, 23
- Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., Aircraft Carrier to Replace " Ark Royal." 51
- Canadian National Railways, Radio-Telephone Equipment, (49)
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Turbo-Electric Coastal Ships, 167; Turbo-Electric Cargo Liner "Beaverdell" 217, 239
- Cape Town Graving Dock, 22
- Cape Town Power Station, 347
- Carcroft Derailment. L.N.E.R., 235
- Carter, H. Desmond, The Loop Scavenge Diesel Engine, 297, 322
- Catterson-Smith, R. M., Resistance Furnaces, 106
- Central Electricity Board. Annual Report, 359
- Chadwyck-Healey, G. E., L. St. L. Pendred, 318
- Chance Brothers, Ltd., New Glass "0.N.19," (509)
- Champion, C. L., Association of Professional Engineers, 387
- Chatfield, Lord, Presidential Address, I.N.A., 334
- Chatham Dockyard, Demolition of Tripod Sheers, 171
- Chatuje Project, T.V.A., 215
- Chow Valley Reservoir, (257)
- Chicago City Terminal Authority, 369
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Large Centreless Grinder, 413
- Clark, G. Muirhead, Obituary, 121
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Beam Dispersion Projectors, 176
- Clayton, J. The "Paget" Locomotive, (49)
- Coker, E. G., Obituary. 365
- Cole. E. R., Ltd., Brick-Cutting Machine, 121
- Collin, Alexandre, — Pioneer in Soil Mechanics, A. W. Skempton, 381
- Cologne Bridge, 459, 565
- Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd., Some New Foundry Plant, 151
- Cook, M., and E. C. Larke, Computations in Metal Strip Rolling, 286
- Cooke, Troughton and Sims, Ltd., Tool Room Microscope, 105
- Cope, W. F., and G. A. Hankins, The Flow of Gases at Sonic and Supersonic Speeds, 203, 206
- Corthesy, Jules, Obituary, 121
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., Precision Screw-Cutting Lathe, 139
- Coventry Victor Motor Co.. Ltd., Small Petrol Engine, 412
- Cowal Hydro-Electric Project. 160
- Cox, E. S., Locomotive Development on the L.M.S., 162
- Cox, H. Roxbee, Gas Turbine Development and Research. 512, 534
- Crampton, A. W., Federation and Amalgamation, 365: Organisation of Engineers, 431
- Craven, Sir Derek, Obituary, (141)
- Crescent Gauges, Ltd., Audible Compare or 92
- Croft, A. C.. Harmony in industry, 48
- Croft Engineering, Ltd., Milling Fixture, 93
- Crompton Parkinson Ltd.. Documentary Film. "Colonel Crompton." (371); Armoured Heavy Duty Electric Truck, 481; Electrical Power Equipment for British Film Studios, 559
- Crystal Palace Competition. 419
- DALLOW, Lambert and Co., Ltd.. Bench Incorporating an Air Cleaner, 572
- Dartford Tunnel Compressed Air Stations, Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., 125
- Darwin, Sir Horace Memorial Fund, (409)
- Davidson, Lord, Unity in the Engineering Industry, 324
- Dawe Instruments, Ltd., Stroboflash , 107
- De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., D. H. 108 Experimental Tailless Jet Aircraft, 572: "Dove " Light Transport Aircraft, 538
- De Havilland Aircraft of Canada. Ltd., "Chipmunk" Light Aircraft, (531)
- Delco Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., Five-Day Week. 440
- Dendy Marshall Railway Collection. (487)
- Desch, C. H., Presidential Address, Iron and Steel Institute, 432
- Desch, C. H., D. 0. Sproule and W. J.
- Dawson, Detection of Cracks in Steel by Means of Supersonic Waves, 467
- Devonshire, Sir James, Obituary,:365
- Dodd , S., Nationalisation, 370
- Dolby, E. R., Obituary, 478
- Donald, H. S. H., Future of Gold Mining, 209
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., "Shark" Equipment for Port Rehabilitation, 53; Careers in Iron and Steel, 72
- Douglas Dam, T.V.A., 215
- Dowding and Dolls, Ltd., "Accuratool Milling Hobs, 91
- Dowty Equipment Ltd., A Liquid Spring, 101
- Duncan Dock, Cape Town, 301
- Durban Dockyard, 277
- Durban Floating Dock, 34
- Durban Water Scheme, 209
- EBORALL, R., and C. B. Ransley, Aluminium Magnesium Alloy and Water Vapour, 309
- Electrical and Musical Industries, Ltd, Expansion. 186
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Recording Milliammeter, 70; S "Type Recorder, 70
- Ellison, George, Ltd., Trip Switch for Electric Motors, 252
- Engelhard, C., Platinum Metals in 1945, (211)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Closed Air Circuit D.C. Motors, 299; Exhibition. (438); 1:32-kV Air-Blast Circuit Breaker, 570; Works Magazine, (576); Motor Coaches for the New Zealand Government Railways, 594
- Ennerdale Water Scheme, (417)
- Esbjerg-Harwich Motorship "Kronprins Frederik," 533
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Fuel Gauges and Safety Ohmmeter, 37
- Ewing Medal Award to R. V. Southwell, (395)
- FAIREY Aviation Co., Ltd., "Swordfish " Saga, (518); "Spearfish" Naval Aircraft, 153
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Retirement of Mr. Robert Strachan, 1; C.P.R. Turbo-Electric Liner "Beaverdell," 217, 239
- Fairhurst, T. W., Obituary, (566), 589
- Federation of British Industries, National Financial Policy, 72; Conference on Industry and Research, 75, 189,:312; Coal Nationalisation, 164; Trade Mission to Denmark, 370; Annual Meeting, 373; Iron and Steel Industry, 443
- Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., 33-kV Low Oil Volume Switchgear, 355
- Ferranti Ltd., Spot Welder Control Unit, 81; Cold-Cathode Counter, 81; H.F. Units for Preheating Moulding Materials, 368; Single-Phase House Service Meters, 503
- Ferryhill Rail Disaster, L.N.E.R., 27, 443
- Field, A. E., Obituary, (250)
- Finance Corporation for Industry, Ltd., 574
- Finniecombe, J. R., Entropy Chart for Gases, (165)
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Hardness Testing Machine, 175; Screw Thread Measuring Devices, 208
- Fentana Dam, T.V.A., 282
- Forbes, W. A. D., and J. E. Harris, Under-Water Paints and the Fouling of Ships, 421
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Strike, 256, 278; Arrangement with the Unions, 4 I 6
- Forest of Dean Coalfield Survey, 533
- Forrest, G., Fatigue of Aluminium Alloys, 285
- Fort Loudoun Darn, T.V.A., 237
- Forth Bridge. (417)
- Foster Instrument Co., Ltd., Introscopes, 71; "Teloscale" Pyrometer Indicator, 71
- Foster Wheeler, Ltd., High-Duty Test Boiler, (95)
- Fox, F. A., and C. J. Bushrod, Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys, 309
- Fraser, I. S., A. A. Read and B. E. Vieyra, Electrical Engineering Aspect of Degaussing, 56:3
- Furstenland Bridge, Switzerland, 227
- Garvie H. T., Obituary, 318
- Gauge and Toolmakers' Exhibition. 27, 45, 59, 91, (158)
- Gawn, R. W. L., Model Experiments in Connection with Mine Warfare, 386
- Gedye, N. G., Conditions for Civil Engineering Contracts, 335
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Controlling Interest in Woods of Colchester, Ltd., 48; Electronics in Engineering, 82; Turbo-Alternator for South Africa, 57; Electronic Rotor Tester, 71; Safety in Are Welding, 159; Mobile Radio for the Police Force, 174
- George Washington Bridge, Roadways, (541)
- Gibb, Sir Claude, Armoured Fighting Vehicles of the War. 5: Castings and Weldings, 591; (Leading Article, 588)
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Standard Bushes, 461
- Goodall, Sir S. V., The Royal Navy at the Outbreak of War,:363
- Goodrich, W. E. Overheating and Burning of Nickel-Molybdenum Steel, 491
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd. Single-Disc Aircraft Brake, 482
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (S.A.), Ltd., Factory at Uitenhage, 277
- Gray, F. A., and N. H. Turner, Fuel Utilisation in Iron and Steelworks, 445
- Great Western Railway, "1000" Class Locomotives, 16; Restaurant Cars, (25); Automatic Buffet Cars, (49); Transporting a Submarine Cable, (119); Telephone and Telegraph System, (141); Iron Oro "Specials," (165); Peat Traffic, (165); Track Renewal, (187); Port Talbot Line Extension, (187); Ships, (257); "County" Locomotives, (325); Summer Services, (349); Cross-Channel Steamers, 351; Wrexham-Ellesmere Branch, (368); Branch Lines, (395); Channel Islands Service, (553); Purchase of Historic Locomotive "Jane," 562
- Greig, E. C., Obituary, 478
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., Flask Shaker, 93
- Grogan, J. D., Intercrystalline Corrosion, 284
- Grundy, R. H., Engineering Nomenclature, 547
- Gueterbock, P. G. J., Presidential Address, Institute of Metals, 263
- Guilloton, R., Theoretical Calculations of Wave Profiles, 423
- Gullick, G. M., Coal Mines Mechanisation, 152: (Leading Article, 154)
- Guy Motors, Ltd., Compressed Methane for Commercial Vehicles, 299
- HABBANIYAH Flood Relief Scheme,
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., 64, 379
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Current Transformers Moulded in Plastic, 482
- Hadfields, Ltd. Film on High-Quality Steel, (509); Industrial Education, (575)
- Haigh a-s Diagram, G. G. McDonald, 431
- Hankins, G. A., and W. F. Cope, The Flow of Gases at Sonic and Supersonic Speeds, 203, 206
- Hanstock, R. F., and A. Murray, Damping Capacity and the Fatigue of Metals, 284
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Launch of H.M. Aircraft Carrier "Eagle," 259; Oil Tanker "Rapana," (597)
- Harris, J. E., and W. A. D. Forbes, Under-Water Paints and the Fouling of Ships, 421
- Harris, K. N. Woodhead Tunnel, 109
- Hatfield Memorial Lecture, G. B. Waterhouse, 373, 424
- Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., H.M. Fleet Carrier, "Triumph," (417), 443
- Heathrow (London) Airport, 47, (141), 281, (528)
- Heligoland: Germany's Island Fortresses, 354
- Henson, A. W., Crane Loads, 134
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., "Edgwick" Thread Comparator, 208; Vertical Milling Machine, 321; "Preoptive" Headstock Capstan Lathe, 346
- Higgs Motors, Ltd, Improvements in Stator Windings, 99
- Hillier, Adam, Ltd., Spekker Equipment, 175
- Hobhouse, Sir John, Full Employment, 164
- Hoddesdon Power Station, 577
- Hodge, Robert, Obituary, (531)
- Holcroft, H., Conjugated Valve Gears for Locomotives, 145, 168, 192; (Letter, 248)
- Hollings, J. S., Bessemer Gold Medal Award. (349), 432
- Holt, W. J., Admiralty Type Motor Fishing Vessels. 423
- Hooker, S. G., High-Speed Flight, 75 Hopkinsons, Ltd., Two Soot Blowers, 342
- Horstman Gear Co., Ltd., Screw Caliper Gauge, 61
- Howard, A. L., Obituary, (553)
- Howard, John, and Co, Dolphin Construction at Thameshaven, (487)
- Howitt, Sir Harold, Report on Rhodesia Railways, (413)
- Hughes, G. A., Obituary, (177)
- Hulse, C., and R. J. Sarjant, Problems in Fuel Efficiency, 445
- Humber Bridge Scheme, (119), (531) Humber, Ltd., Strike, 256, 278
- Hume-Rothery, W., G. V. Raynor and E. Butchers, Magnesium Alloys, 310
- Hurst, B. L., and Peirce, Anti-Vibration Foundations for Heavy Machines, 403
- IMPERIAL Chemical Industries, Ltd.. Yarn Testing Machine, 70; Dyestuffs Expansion Scheme, 419; Chemical Research Exhibition, (429), 529; Annual Report, 462
- Imperial Oil, Ltd., Oil Plant Expansion, 595
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Gas Carburising, 382
- Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation, Lord Piercy, 596
- Innes, G. J., British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft, 213
- International Combustion, Ltd.. Industrial Pensions Scheme, 256
- International Nickel Co. of Canada, Ltd.. Annual Report, (95); Metals Research, 595
- "Iscor" Steel Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 347
- JAMES, J. E., Iron and Steel Nationalisation, 440
- Jansen, P., Closing the Breaches in Walcheren Dykes, 249, 265, 286
- Jaru, Ltd., A Compensating Piston, 594
- Johnson, John, Retirement, 167
- Johnstone, L., Machinability in Relation to Production, 499
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., Crankshaft Drilling and Reaming Machine, 504; Centre Cone Grinding Machine, 571
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., "Keighley" Hydraulic Cylindrical Grinder, 392
- Joslin, E. H., Locomotive Developments, 365
- KEARNS, H. W., and Co., Ltd., Three- Spindle Boring Machine, 160
- Kelvin: Master of Measurement (Film), 461
- Kembs Barrage, 35, 73
- Kemworthy Jig and Press Tool Co., Ltd., High-Precision Plain Grinder, 92
- Kennedy, A. M., Qualifications of a Research Worker, 294
- Kentucky Dam, T.V.A., 261
- Kershaw, C. A., Technical v. Practical Training for Engineers, 458
- Kidd, William, Obituary, 179
- King, A. H., R. Latham and L. Rushforth, Introduction to Multi-Resonator Magnetrons, 310, 3:31
- King, Charles, Obituary, 567
- King, G. W., Ltd., Crane Loads, 134, 203
- King, H. C., The Political Engineer,:39
- King, J. H., Boilers in the U.S. Navy, 272
- Kingston Research Laboratory, Aluminium Research Laboratories, Ltd., (575)
- Kirkby, H. W., and J. Woolman, Some Experiments on Overheating, 492
- Kirkuk-Erbil Railway Extension, 131
- Knowles, A. E., Obituary, (349)
- LABGEAR, Electronic Fault Tracer, 276
- Ladybower Reservoir, 21; (Supplement, January 4th., 1946)
- L'Aigle Dam, France, 35, 557, 578
- Lake, W. B., Obituary, (49)
- La Mont Boiler in Great Britain, G. A. Plummer, 83, 116; (Leading Article, 86)
- La Mont Boilers, Operating Experiences with, G. A. J. Begg, W. M. Hebblethwaite and G. Cooke, 129
- La Mont Boiler, History and Origin, 157, 199
- Lanchester, F. W., Obituary, 247
- Lansing Bagnall, Ltd., Petrol-Driven Industrial Tractor, 473
- Larke, E. C., and M. Cooke, Computations in Metal Strip Rolling, 286
- Latham, R., A. H. King and L. Rushforth, Introduction to Multi-Resonator Magnetrons, 310, 331
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd, Electric Cargo Winch, 100
- Lawther, W., Industry and the State, 210; Presidential Address to National Union of Mineworkers, 596
- Le Fevre, E. J., The Deflection of Beams, 589
- Le Havre, Port of, 165
- Leliaysky Bey, S., Percolation under Aprons of Irrigation Works, 328, 352, 375
- Leopoldina Railway, (95)
- Lester, D. R., and R. S. V. Barber, Pre-Stressed Concrete Units, 503
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Commercial Vehicle 9. 8-Litre Oil Engine, 479
- Liardet, A. A., Obituary, 179
- Lichfield Rail Disaster, L.M.S., 27, 443
- Lille Commercial Fair, 303
- Lindblad, A. F., Experiments with Models of Cargo Liners, 399
- Livesay, E. H., Ripple Rock, 547
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Returns, 31, 167, 397; Elections, 573
- Londex, Ltd., Electric Lighting for Marine Buoys and Beacons, 527
- London and North Eastern Railway, Tank Engine "No. 9000," 18; Rebuilt. "Pacific." 18; Ferryhill, Durham, Accident, 27, 443; Electrification Schemes, (119); Potters Bar Train Accident., 157; Workshops and Stores at Sheffield, 184; Waverley Station Roof. Edinburgh, (211); Thirsk Derailment.. (211); Carcroft Derailment, 235; Stratfordians' Association, (279); Dunfermline Locomotive Depot Improvements, (279): "Pacific" Locomotive "No. 500.- 505, 507; North British Railway Centenary, (553), 577; Retirement of Mr. E. Thompson, 555; Ipswich-Colchester Line Centenary, 573
- London Airport, 47, (141), 281, (528)
- London Chamber of Commerce, A Call for Leadership, 167; Annual Meeting, 416 London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Improved Services, (25); Lichfield Disaster, 27, 443; Ambulance Trains, (95); Motor Vehicle Workshop at Bradford, 103; Woodhead Tunnel, 109; Turbine Locomotive, R. C. Bond, 136 (Leading Article, 132); Plans, 143; Experimental Station Building, 149; Locomotive Development, 1923-32, E. S. Cox, 162; Herbert Jackson Prize (187); Station Roofs, (187); Record of Organisation and Management, 220; Bourne End Accident, 259; Royal Train Journeys, (276); Signalling Demonstration, (295); Salvage, (325); Increased Services, (349); "Jubilee" Class Locomotives, 0. S. Nock, 374, 398; Blackpool's First Railway, 412; Whitehaven-Sellafield Branch Service, (417); Summer Train Service, (441); Train Control System, (441); The "Coronation Scot," (441); "Converted Royal Scot" Class Locomotives, O. S. Nock, 466, 490; Motive Power Districts, (531); Garston Docks, (553); Ships, (553); Power Supply for Electrified System at Liverpool, 572; Irish Services, (575); Services to Eire, (597)
- London Plan, Railway, Committee Report, 437; (Leading Article. 455)
- Longman, R. M., Obituary, 589
- Longmoor Transportation Training Centre, 420, 444
- Loxham, John, Experiment in the Use of a Standard Limit System, 411, 415
- MABLETHORPE and Sutton Foreshore Development, (427)
- Masaulay's Method of Calculating the Deflection of Beams, E. J. Is Fevre, 589
- Maclay, J. P., Presidential Address, Chamber of Shipping, 213; Chamber of Shipping and Transport Problems, 533
- Mancha-Bennett, C., Utility Knife, (290)
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., Electrostatic Viewing Unit, 23; Thickness Measurement, 176; Marine Radar Equipment, 527
- Marley, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Screw Thread Measuring Parallel Slips, 139
- Marston Excelsior, Ltd., Flexible Fuel Tanks, 336
- Mate, R. E., Tilt Tests from the Shipbuilder's Standpoint, 422
- Maughling, John, Obituary, 567
- McCallum, Sir W. British Manufacturers' Representation Abroad, 210
- McDonald, G. G., Haigh a-s Diagram, 431
- McMenemy, W. H., Obituary, 201
- McMurtrie, F., Naval Construction in 1945, 18, 40; (Supplements, January 4th and 11th, 1946)
- McNaught, C. J., Engineering Nomenclature, 478
- McNeil, Charles, Ltd., All-Welded Boiler, 139
- Meares, J. W., Obituary. 63
- Meddings, W. J., Ltd., High-Speed Sensitive Drilling Machine, 117
- Melingriffith Works, Richard Thomas and Baldwins, Ltd.. (264)
- Merchant, H. J., Overheating of Steel Drop Forgings, 491
- Merritt, H. E., The Evolution of a Tank Transmission, 339, 343, 366
- Metropolitan Railway, Northwood Collision, 27, 577; Experimental Car, 159
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Electron Microscope, 37; X-Ray Spectrograph, 37; Interest in Newton and Wright, Ltd., 48; Fluorescent Method of Crack Detection, 175: "Metroflux" Magnetic Sorter, 175: The Betatron, 472; Demonstration of a Marine Radar Set, 583; A Big " Lift," 594
- Metropolitan Water Board, New Works, 97; Greater London Water Area, 108, 468
- M.G.M. British Studios, Ltd., Electrical Power Equipment for British Film Studios, 559
- Miles Aircraft, Ltd., "Gemini" Light Aircraft, 173
- Model Mechanic, (472)
- Moncur, Professor George, Obituary, 143
- Montreal Locomotive Works, C.P.R. Locomotive " No. 1216," (257)
- Moore and Wright (Sheffield), Ltd., Micrometers, 46
- Morrison, H., Research, Education and the Government, 244
- Mott, N. F., Atomic Physics and the Strength of Metals (May Lecture, Institute of Metals), 469
- M.P.J. Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., Dial Snap Gauge, 59
- Muir Machine Tools, Ltd., Two Gear-Hobbing Machines, 253; Anti-Vibration Foundations for Heavy Machines, 403
- Mulberry Harbour, Model Experiments, F. H. Todd, 400
- Murray, A., and R. F. Hanstock, Damping Capacity and the Fatigue of Metals, 284
- NATIONAL Cash Register Co., Ltd., Dundee Factory Extension, (73)
- National Physical Laboratory, Micromanometer, 105; Galvanometer Amplifier, 105; Exhibition of Equipment, 590
- Naylor, T. L., Steel Fireboxes and Siphons, 40
- Nethercot, W., and F. R. F. Ramsay, Engine Ignition Faults, 542
- Netherlands Railways, Destruction, 438
- Neuilly Bridge, Paris, 584
- New York Central Railroad; Alarm for Overheated Axleboxes, 438
- New Zealand Government Railways, Motor Coaches, 594
- Newhouse, F. Association of Professional Engineers, 293, 457
- News Chronicle Model Railway Exhibition, 373
- Newton and Wright, Ltd., Co-operation with Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 48
- Nock, O. S., British Locomotive Working in Wartime, No. III, L.M.S. "Jubilee Class, 374, 389; No. IV, L.M.S. "Converted Royal Scot" Class, 466, 490
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 2-8-2 " XD " Class Locomotives, 42
- North British Railway Centenary, (55.3), 577
- North-East Coast Exhibition, 175
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, New Schemes, 3, 97; Orkney Scheme, 121
- Northwood Collision, Metropolitan Railway, 27, 577
- Nottely Project, T.V.A., 215
- OCOEE No. 3 Dam, T.V.A., 215
- Oil Engines (Coventry), Ltd., "Cub" Two-Cylinder Diesel Engine, 474
- Oliphant, M. L., Nuclear Physics and the Future (Kelvin Lecture, I.E.E.), 410
- Ontario Hydro-Electric Power Commission, 231
- Optical Measuring Tools, Ltd., "Omtimeter," 45
- Orkney Causeway, 22
- Oudtshoorn Dam, South Africa, 301
- Pam, Edgar, Obituary, (25)
- Paris Trade Fair, (303), (349). 489
- Parker, E. B., Southern Railway "Merchant Navy" Locomotives, 63
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Portable Gravel-Washing and Screening Machine, 518
- Parkinson, Frank, Obituary, (108), 133
- Parkinson, J., and Sons, Gear Testing Machines, 91
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Research Appointments, 1; Turbo-Alternator for Earley Power Station, 56; Transformers in 1945, 91; Works Co-operation, 94; Glass and Metal Reflectors, 184
- Parsons Memorial Lecture, 1946, (597)
- Paterson, D. E., Sturrock Graving Dock, Cape Town, 122, 144
- Peiping Hankow Railway, (487)
- Pendred, L. St. L., Retirement, 295; (Letter, 318)
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Four-Cylinder Duplex Freight Locomotives, 369; 6-8-6 Geared Turbine Locomotive, 43; Centenary, (531)
- Peppercorn, A. H., Appointed C.M.E., L.N.E.R., 555
- Perkins, F., Ltd., High-Speed 850 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine, 314
- Perrin, J. F. Engineering Nomenclature, 524
- Petersen, N. H. R., Trade Between the United Kingdom and Norway, 419
- Petitcodiac Tidal Power Scheme, Canada, 231
- Philadelphia Water Supply, (279)
- Philips Lamps, Ltd., X-Ray Diffraction Unit, 81;
- Philips Research Reports, 394
- Phillimore Railway Collection, (487)
- Physical Society's Exhibition, 23, 36, 70, 81, 105
- Pilot Plug Gauge Co., Ltd., "Beseset" Gap Gauge, 60
- Pitter Gauge and Precision Tool Co., Ltd., Measuring Equipment, 91
- Plowman, E. G., America's Goods Wagons, (597)
- Plummer, G. A., La Mont Boiler in Great Britain. 83, 116; (Leading Article, 86)
- Pope, P. C., Retirement from Institute of Fuel, 327
- Port Elizabeth Foreshore, 161
- Port and Harbour Fenders, Ltd., Suspended Fenders and Dolphins, 221
- Port of London Authority, Annual Report, 27
- Potters Bar Train Accident, L.N.E.R., 157
- Poultney, E. C., Conjugated Valve Gears for Locomotives, 248
- Pounder. C. C., Some Comments on Engines and Engineers, 360; (Leading Article, 362)
- Power Jets, Ltd., Future of, 157, 351
- Prat-Daniel (Stanmore), Ltd., Dust Collection Plant, 230
- Precision Grinding, Ltd., P.G. Profiloscope, 91
- Preece, A., A. Hartley, S. E. Mayer and J. Nutting, Overheating and Burning of Steel, 491
- Prestwick Airport, (509)
- Price Brothers and Co., Ltd., Sulphite Mill Expansion, 595
- Pryor, Edward, and Son, Steel Type and Dies, 91
- Punjab Hydro-Electric Scheme, 474
- Purvis, M. K., Craft and Cable Ships for Operation "Pluto," 410)
- RAMSAY, F. R. F., and W. Nethercot. Engine Ignition Faults, 542
- Ransley, C. E., and R. Eborall, Aluminium Magnesium Alloy and Water Vapour, 309
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Retirement of Mr. P. Ayton, 397
- Raynor, G. V., W. Hume-Rothery, and V. Butchers, Magnesium Alloys, 310
- Read, A. A., I. S. Fraser, and B. E. Vieyra, Electrical Engineering Aspect of Degaussing, 563
- Redmayne, Sir Richard, Coal in 1945, 4. 29; Regional Reports on the British Coalfields, 447; (Leading Article, 454)
- Revans, R. W., Plans for the Coal-Mining Industry, 57; (Leading Article, 62)
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Switchgear in 1945, 90
- Richards, A., Locomotive Developments, 431
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd.. 2500-kW Transportable Power Station, 404
- Ringway Airport, Manchester, (417)
- Ripple Rock, 219, 547
- Roberts, F. F., Locating Cable Faults, 222
- Robson, J., Merchant Shipbuilding in Canada, 422
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., "Lincoln" Supel Bomber, 104; "Tudor II" Air Liner, 267; (Letter.:318); Pressurisat ion of the "Tudor I" Air Liner, 450
- Roger, Sir Alexander, Investment of Capital Overseas, 530
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., "Griffon" 130 Aero; Engine, 77; Retirement of Sir A. Sidgreaves, 235; "Nene" Jet-Propulsion Engine, 401
- Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Light Railway, Reopening, (233)
- Ross Dam, Skagit River, 185
- Rubber Bonders, Ltd. Rubber Bonded to Metal, 369
- Ruhr Coalfield, 538; (Leading Article, 566)
- Rushforth, L., R. Latham and A. H. King, Introduction to Multi-Resonator Magnetrons, 310, 331
- St. Mellons Inland Port, Closing, 281
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Mercury Switches, 503
- Samuelson, Sir Francis, Obituary, 39
- Samuelson, Frederick, Obituary, 109
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, (73)
- Sandi Bridge, Sweden, 475
- Sarjant, R. J., and C. Hulse, Problems in Fuel Efficiency, 445
- Savory, K. C., Association of Professional Engineers, 478
- Science Museum, Reopening, 185; Aeronautical Collection, 305
- Scientific Exports (Great Britain), Ltd., 552
- Scophony, Ltd., Electronic Stroboscope, 176
- Scrivener, Arthur, Ltd., Centreless Plunge Grinding, 379
- Severn Barrage Scheme, 65
- Severn Road Bridge, (211), 419
- Severn Flood Prevention, (395)
- Shardlow, Ambrose, and Co., Ltd., Micrometers, 92
- Shaw, A., and Sons, Shaped Diamond Tools, 61
- Shay Geared Locomotives, 537
- Sheldrake, T. S., obituary, (325)
- Shepheard, R. B., J. Turnbull and F. Bull, Welded Tanker "Neverita," 385
- Shepherd, D. G., Combustion in the Gas Turbine, 268, 300
- Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., Transfer to Belfast, 555
- Sidgreaves, Sir Arthur, Retirement from Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 235
- Siemens Brothers, Ltd., Demonstration of a Marine Radar Set, 583
- Sigma Instrument Co., Ltd., Visual Indicator and Multi-Inspection Machine, 60
- Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., New Fuel Gauge for Aircraft, 204
- Skempton, A. W., Alexandre Collin, Pioneer in Soil Mechanics, 381
- Sloan, R. P., Retirement, 281
- Smith, D. V. H., Individual and District, Heating Systems, 251
- Smith, J. W., Redundancy and Reconversion, 210
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., Mobile Excavator Crane, 471
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Cairo Office, (7:3)
- South Wales Coalfield,:319
- Southampton Electricity Department, Jubilee, 460
- Southampton Flying-Boat Base, (441)
- Southampton Marine Station, 511
- Southern Railway, "West Country" Locomotives, 17; "Merchant Navy" Locomotives, E. B. Parker, 63; Waterloo Buffer Stop Collision, (73); Wireless Control of Trains, (141); Woking Collision, 259; Southampton Marine Station, 511
- Southgate, B. A., Liquids from Engineering Factories, (49)
- Southwell, R. V., Ewing Medal Award, (395)
- Speed Tools, Ltd., "Speetol" Toggle Pliers, 438
- Spence, A. E. F., Poppet Valve Gears on Locomotives, 180
- Sproule, D. O., C. H. Desch and W. J. Dawson. Detection of Cracks in Steel by Means of Supersonic Waves, 467
- Standard Telecommunication Laboratories, Ltd., Research Facilities, 24
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Spectrometer, 106
- Stanier, Sir William, Railway Rolling Stock, 589
- Stanley, R. C., Collective Bargaining, 416
- Stanton, L. R. and F. C. Thompson, Effect of Oxygen on the Isothermal Transformation of Steel, 491
- Steep Rock Iron Mines, (441)
- Steinman, D. B., Stability of Suspension Bridges, 470
- Stephenson, Robert, and Hawthorns, Ltd., "19 D" Class Locomotives for South Africa, 43
- Stevenage Town Plan, 436
- Stewart, Sir V. P., Freedom in Industry, 530
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., "Pluto" Film, (395)
- Storks, A. D., Report on Malayan Tint. Mining Industry, 1
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Vibratory Concrete Compacting Machine, 114
- Strachan, Robert, Retirement from Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co.. Ltd., 1
- Streat, Sir Raymond, International Trade, 370
- Sturrock Graving Dock, Cape Town, D. E. Paterson, 122, 144; Electric Power for, 267
- Sulzer Brothers, Ltd., Electric Boilers and Steam Accumulators, 388
- Sunvic Controls, Ltd., Accurate Temperature Control, 230
- Sure Tools, Ltd., Optical Dividing Head, 91
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 327
- Swedish Lloyd Liner "Saga," 494
- Swiss Industries Fair,:337. 465, (505) Sydney Graving Dock, 33
- Szarvasy, F. A., Wages and Output, 552
- TABLE Bay Graving Dock, 161
- Table Bay Harbour, 560
- Tacoma Narrows Bridge, (441)
- Taiwan Harbour Reconstruction, (509)
- Tangku Harbour, China, (303)
- Taylor, J. Lockwood, Dynamic Longitudinal Strength of Ships, 42:3
- Tennessee Valley Authority and the War, 190, 215, 236, 261, 282, 306
- Textile Machinery Makers, Ltd.. Sir Walter Preston Scholarships, 495
- Thames Conservancy Board. 51
- Thamesside Development Board, 94
- Thirsk Derailment, L.N.E.R., (211)
- Thomas, Sir Miles, Rebuilding Export, Trade, 489
- Thomas, Richard, and Baldwins, Ltd., Strip Mills in Wales, 164; Mellingriffith Works, (264)
- Thompson, E., Retirement from L.N.E.R. 555
- Thompson. F. C., and L. R. Stanton, Effect of Oxygen on the Isothermal Transformations of Steel, 491
- Thompson, W. B., Railway Accidents, 502
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd.. Propulsion Conversion of Motorship, "Vecta," 197: Golden Jubilee of Road Transport, 521)
- Tigerschiold, M., Fuel Problems in the Swedish Iron and Steel Industry, 445
- Todd, F. H., Model Experiments with Mulberry Harbour, 400
- Tube Investments Group, Training Schemes, 72; Large Stainless Steel Tubes, (199)
- Tudsbery, H. T., Obituary, 201
- Turnbull, J., R. B. Shepheard, and F. Bull, Welded Tanker "Noverita," 385
- Turner, N. H., and F. A. Gray, Fuel Utilisation in Iron and Steelworks, 445
- UMGENI Water Scheme, Durban, 209
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Assistance to Called-up Employees, 486; Personnel Policy, 508
- Uruguay Irrigation Works, 1187)
- Utrecht Industrial Fair, 259, 341
- VACTRIC, Ltd., Special Production Belt for Training, (417)
- van Moppes, L. M., and Sons, Diamond Tools, 92
- Varney, Daniel, Ltd., Sine Bar, 92
- Vaughan, J. H., The "Tudor II," 318
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Five-Day Week. 440
- "Vecta" Motorship, Propulsion Conversion, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd 197
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Purchase of Brooklands, 27; H.M. Submarine "Anchorite," Launch, (95); Orient Liner "Orcades;" 124; Turbo-Electric Liner "Hinemoa," 521
- Vieyra, B. E., A. A. Read and I. S. Fraser, Electrical Engineering Aspect of Degaussing, 563
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., Locomotives for `Indian State Railways, 43; "Liberation" 2-8-0 Locomotive, 243
- WADKIN, Ltd., Electro-Hydraulic Cross-Cut Saw. 527
- Wadkin, W., Crane Loads, 157
- Walelleren Dykes, P. Jansen, 249, 265, 286
- Waterhouse, G. B., Hatfield Memorial Lecture, 373, 424
- Watson, C. G., Qualifications of a Research Worker, 156; The Engineer and Manager, 271; Practical v. the Technical Engineer, 409
- Watson, F. L., Association of Professional Engineers, 409
- Watson, G. O., Turbo-Electric Ship Propulsion. 110
- Watson, T. H., A Retrospect, 248
- Watson, W., and Sons, Ltd., "Holophot" Photomicrographic Equipment, 175
- Watson-Watt, Sir Robert, The Evolution of Radiolocation, 319, 330
- Watts Bar Dam, T:V.A., 236
- Weekes, C. A., Obituary, 51
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Stoker-Fired Furnace Control System, 368
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., "Stabilistor," 36
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Motor to Operate in a High Vacuum, (95)
- Wharton and Olding, Ltd., Universal System of Jig and Fixture Construction, 561
- Wheeler, J. A., The Future of Nuclear Power, 568, 580
- Whitaker, R. G., Ltd., Automatic Dry-Cleaning Machine, 392
- Whitelaw, William, Obituary, 75
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., "Wimet" Tungsten Carbide, 60; Gauges, 60; Small British Automatic, 159; Protective Covers for Tipped Tools, 549
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Pyrometer Testing Equipment, 70; Salt Baths, 176
- Wilmot, J., Future of the Engineering Industry, 189
- Wilson, M. F., Obituary. 22
- Wilson, Robert, Obituary, 179
- Winter, Lord, Control of Airport Traffic, 397
- Woking Collision, S.R., 259
- Wolf, S., and Co., Ltd., Portable Electric Hammer, 548
- Woodhead Tunnels, K. N. Harris, 109
- Woods, A. J., Peat Combustion for Industrial Steam Heating, 228
- Woods of Colchester, Ltd., Controlling Interest Taken by G.E.C., 48
- Woolman, J., and H. W. Kirkby, Some Experiments on Overheating, 492
- Woolton, Lord, Industry and the Government, 577
- Wright, Harold, Obituary, 318
- YATES, H. G., Non-Inductive Wave Analyser Circuits of Constant Q, 515
- Yeates, A. C., Rating of Four-Cycle Oil Engines, 126; (Leading Article, 132)
See Also
Sources of Information