The Engineer 1953 Jan-Jun: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer
- View 1953 Jan-Jun Volumes
Main Subjects
- Aberconway, Lord, Obituary, 769
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., Tube Data, (78)
- Acratork Engineering Co., Ltd Torque Generator, 258
- Acrow (Engineers), Ltd., Vibratory pactor, (750)
- Acru Electric Tool Manufacturing Co Indicating Engineer’s Square, 585
- Adams Hydraulics, Ltd., North “Leda,” 695
- Addison, Herbert, Lectures on Water Utilisation, (298)
- Aero Research, Ltd., Metal-to-Metal Bonding in Aircraft, 511
- Aertssen, G., Sea Trials on a “ Victory ” Ship AP 3 ” in Normal Merchant Service, 662
- Aickman, Robert,
- Ainley, D. G., Turbine, 731*
- Aiton and Co 143, 167
- Akers, A/S,4 6
- Allan, J. F., Improvements in Ship Performance, 430 ; Wake Studies of Plane Surfaces, 397
- Allgemeine Elektricitats Gesellschaft, Magnetic Vibrators, 804
- Allied Colloids (Bradford), Ltd., Temperature Indicating Paints and Crayons, (298)
- All Purpose Building Co., Ltd., Portable Frame Building, 621
- All weather Paints, Ltd., Chlorinated Rubber Paints, (391)
- Aluminium Company of America, Tapered Aluminium Sheet and Plate for U.S. Air Force, 893
- Aluminium Construction Co., Ltd., Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium to Coal Gas, 365
- Aluminium Laboratories, Ltd., Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium to Coal Gas, 365
- Anderson, Sir Colin, Re-elected Chairman, International Chamber of Shipping, (226)
- Anderson, Sir David, Obituary, 500
- Anderson, E. W., Polar Navigation in the Air, (814)
- Andrews and Cameron, Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., Aden Refinery, (78), (682) ; Continental Refineries Expansion, (718) ; Flare Stacks of Unusual Design, 711 ; Kent Refinery, (370) ; Oil Refineries of 1952, 69 ; Throughput of Oil Refineries, (459)
- Appleton, Sir Edward, Installed as President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 41
- Approved Inventions, Ltd., “Reversed Force” Spring, 280
- A.P.V. Co., Ltd., Aluminium Welding, (298); Works at Crawley, 730
- “ Arcadia,” Liner, Launch, John Brown and Co., Ltd., (226), 721
- Ardelt-Werke G.m.b.H., Crane for Harbour Work, 726
- Arpic Engineering, Ltd., Two-Stage Air Compressor, 701
- “ Ark Royal,” H.M.S., Aircraft Carrier, 31 Armand, Louis, Fundamental Techniques in Transport, 81 »l
- Arnold, D. V., Library Service for Industry, 565 Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167
- Arthur, D. F., Speed-Dependent Variables in Cold Strip Rolling, 727
- Asbridge, G. H., Design of Precision Grinding Machines, 177
- Asbury, Geo. E., Dimensions on Drawings, 355
- Ash, Gilbert, Ltd., 200ft Span Aluminium Hangar, 127
- Ashfield, H. E., Hydraulic Lifts in Tractors, 490 Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., Works Exhibition, (546)
- Associations—see Subject Index Aston, A. C., Corrugated Concrete Shell Roofs, 270
- Ateliers et Chantiers de Bretagne, Passenger Liner “ Viet Nam,” 401
- Austin, G. W., Effect of Arsenic and Antimony on Temper Brittleness, 757
- Austin, James, and Sons (Dewsbury), Ltd., Centenary, (614)
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Works Dispute, 545
- Australian Road Federation, Incorporated, 41
- Auto Diesels, Ltd., Aircraft Starting Unit, 876
- Auto-Union A.G., “ Sonderklasse ” Car, 556
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., History, (262) ; Tandem Road Roller, 654 ; Three-Wheeled Dumper, 586
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Constant Weighing Machine, 586
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709 ; Hydraulic Press and Drawbench Installation in America, 147
- Bagley, D., Recovery of By-products from Coke- Oven Gases, (370)
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., Locomotives for India, (406)
- Bailey, Sir W. H., and Co., Ltd., Reducing Valves, 294
- Baker, J. F., Awarded the Ewing Medal, 1
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., Brighton “B” Power Station, 663, 709 ; Woodhead Tunnel, 83
- Balfour, Lord, of Burleigh, Economic Policy, 189
- Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., Liner “ Uganda,” 103 ; Motor-Cargo Ship “ Windsor,” 104 ; M.V. “ Wokingham,” Maiden Voyage, 612
- Barker, H., On-Load Power-Factor Testing of Bushings, 362
- Barske, U. M., High-Pressure Pumps, 550, (614)
- Bartlett, J. L., Motion of an Aircraft Carrier at Sea in Relation to the Operation of Naval Aircraft, 536
- Bartrev, Ltd., Continuous Production of Timber Board, 807
- Bath, Cyril, Company, Universal Contour Forming Machine, 475
- Bayerische Motorenwerke A.G., B.M.W. “ 50 ” Six-Seater Saloon, 555
- Bayoumi, Salah E. A., Room Temperature Photo-Elastic Technique for Three-Dimensional Problems, 465
- Beacham, T. E., Variable-Stroke Pumps for Power Transmission—Some Design Considerations, 275
- Beard, W. B., Appointed Member Development Areas Advisory Committee, (4)
- Bell Telephone Companies, Transistor Development in America, 886
- Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834
- Berthon Boat Co., H.M. Minesweeper “ Brigham,” (154)
- Best, F. P., Obituary, (514)
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., 4-8-44-4-8-4 Articulated Engine, 2 ; 4-8-2 4-2-8-4 Locomotive, 2
- Bierrum and Partners, Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709
- Bigwood, Joshua, and Son, Ltd., Heavy-Duty Plate Bending Machine, 811
- Binnie, Deacon and Gourley, Daer Earth-Fill Dam, 13 ; Usk Reservoir Water Supply Scheme, 83
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co., Ltd., Golden Jubilee, 685
- Birmingham University, Proton Synchrotron, 271, 305
- Bish, G. R., Deformation of Austenite, 759
- Blackburn and General Aircraft, Ltd., Lightweight Gas Turbine, 844 ; Mk. 11 Universal Freighter, 24
- Blackford and Sons (Caine), Ltd., Harbour Arm at Lynmouth, 808
- Blackman, Raymond V. B., Naval Construction in 1952, 31
- Blaw Knox, Ltd., Motor Grader, 841; Tractor Fitted with Hydraulic Angledozer, 658
- Bleichert-Transportanlagen G.m.b.H., “ West- deutschland,” Rotary Excavator, 691
- Board of Trade, Restrictive Practices, 37
- Boiler Availability Committee, Four Reports, (750)
- Bolinders Co., Ltd., Diesel Engines of Small Power, (262) ; Motor Lifeboat Engine, (262)
- Borgward, Carl F. W., A.G., “Hansa 2400” Four-Door Saloon, 555
- Bosch, Ltd., Brake Pressure Warning Unit, (578)
- Bosch, Robert, G.m.b.H., Automatic Injection Advance for Diesel Engines, 590
- Boucher, C. L., Recovery of By-products from Coke-Oven Gases, (370)
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Preparation of Structural Steel Sections, 872
- Bowden, A. T., Fuel-Oil Ash Deposition in Open- Cycle Gas Turbines, 627, 639, 659
- Bowden (Engineers), Ltd., High-Pressure Hose End Fitting, 576
- Bowden-Smith, E. C., Tidal Sluice Gates for Sea- Walls and Land Drainage, 240
- Boxes and Shooks, Synthetic Board Manufacture in South Africa, 756
- Brabazon, Lord, of Tara, Export Prospects, 333 Brackett, F. W., Obituary, 703
- Brading. T., Some Industrial Applications of Hydraulic Servos, 275
- “ Braemar Castle,” Liner, Maiden Voyage, .103
- “ Braemar,” Motorship, A/S Akers Mek. Verksted, 809
- Braithwaite and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Structural Firm’s Achievements, (226)
- Brand, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Cocooning the “ Princess” Flying Boat, 265
- Brazier, L. G., An Assessment of the Impregnated Pressure Cable, 745
- Breeze, D. J., Bursting Disc Design and Application in the Chemical Industry, 129
- Briggs, A. G. E., Royal Ordnance Factories Board, (118)
- Briggs, P. R. A., Control of Strip Thickness in Cold Rolling by Varying the Applied Tensions ; Works Trial of the “T” Method of Automatic Gauge Control, 727
- “ Brigham,” H.M. Minesweeper, Berthon Boat Co., (154)
- Bright, James R., American Industry and the Problem of • Materials Handling, 594, 622
- Brisby, M. D. J., Train Arrivals, Handling Costs and the Holding and Storage of Raw Materials, 692
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., “ Britannia ” Air Liner, (750) ; “ Britannia ” Propeller Turbine Aircraft, 24 ; Cross-Channel Air Ferry, (334) ; Progress on the “ Britannia ” Airliner, 222 ; Ramjet, Prime Mover, 55
- “ Britannia,” Royal Yacht, Launch, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 581
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Paste, (298) ; Contract with Ministry of Materials and Ministry of Supply, 37
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Barnstaple Transmitting Station, 23 ; Coronation Broadcasts, 805 ; Coverage on the South Coast, (855) ; Dumfries Radio Transmitting Station, (78) ; Plans, 881 ; Redruth Home Service Transmitter, (149).
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., 12,000- Ton Forging Press, 347
- British Electricity Authority, Cable Power bridge Power tricity Pancras Power Station, Plant Construction in 1952, Private Generating Plant, (78)
- British Engineering Co, Ltd., 4 H.P. Marine Engine, 654
- British European Airways, Docking Facilities, 433 ; Prestressed Concrete Hangars at London Airport, 13 ; Vickers “Viscount 800,” (334)
- British Indicators, Ltd., Root Comparator for Turbine Blades, 844
- British Instrument Co., Ltd.., Multi-Speed Drive Unit for Clocks, (478)
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Consumer’s Service Units, (846) ; Flooding of Works, (262) ; 132kV Underwater Impregnated Pressure Cable, 799
- British Insulated Callender's Construction Co., Ltd., Overhead Equipment for 50 c s Electric Traction, 95 ; Flare Stacks of Unusual Design, 711
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., Fine Grinding Machine, 584
- British Messier, Ltd., Fluid Flow Synchroniser, 708 ; Hydraulic Motor, 114
- British Nylon Spinners, Ltd., Pontypool Factory, 42
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Operational Statistics, 26
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Continuous Shielded Arc Welding, 605, (650)
- British Petroleum Chemicals, Ltd., Oil Refineries of 1952, 69
- British Productivity Council, British Electricity System, 636, 676 ; One-Day Conference, 405 ; Productivity in the Printing Industry, (514) ; Productivity Report on the Gas Industry, 685 ; Report on the Heavy Chemicals Industry, 121 British Ropes, Ltd., Wire Rope Splices, (546)
- “ British Skill,” Oil Tanker, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 135
- “ British Talent,” Oil Tanker, R. and thorn Leslie and Co., Ltd., 135
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Power Station, 143, 167 ; Close tion Alternator, 658 ; 1000 H.P. Electric Locomotives, 2 ; 50 c s Electrification Traction Equipment, 95 ; Flash Lamp for Use in Ophthalmology, 280 ; Gas Turbines in 1952, 86 ; Improved 16mm Sound Film Projector, 257 ; Industrial Applications of Electronics, 94 ; Multiple Preselecting Batch Counter, 569 ; Shunting Locomotives for British Railways, (774) ; Turbo-Electric Machinery, (546) ; Vertical Waterwheel Alternators 93
- British Timken, Ltd., Rolling Mill Symposium, (718)
- British Transport Commission’s Report, 892 (Leading Article, 897)
- British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Care of Vee Belts, (910)
- British Wheeler Process, Ltd., Oil Tank Cleaning and Gas Freeing, (650)
- Bronx Engineering Co., Ltd., Plate Bending Machine ; 60-Ton Press Brake, 583
- Brooke Marine, Ltd., Customs Launches for Nigeria, 906
- Brown Boveri and Co., Ltd., Continental Gas Turbines in 1952, 250
- Brown Brothers, Ltd., Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834 ; Steamship “ World Enterprise,” 892
- Brown, C. A. Cameron, Electricity for Agriculture, 861
- Brown, David, Gears (London), Ltd., Small Double Reduction Worm Unit, 293
- Brown, David, Machine Tools, Ltd., Horizontal Gear Shaving Machine, 365 ; Vertical Pinion Hobbing Machine, 780
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., Industrial Tractor, 294
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., H.M.S. “Diamond,” “ Daring ” Class Destroyer, 32 ; "" Empress of Canada,” Damaged by Fire, 157 ; Gas Turbines in 1952, 134 ; Launch of the Liner “ Arcadia,” (226) ; Launch of the P. and O. Liner “ Arcadia,” 721 ; Launch of Royal Yacht, 581 ; “Wellington Star,” Refrigerated Cargo Liner, 105
- Brown, T. W. F., Application of Research to Marine Turbine Development, 435 ; Facilities for Full-Scale Testing of Marine Turbine Machinery, 393
- Browne, E. H., Improving Coal Production, 311; Reconstruction in the Coal Mining Industry, 265
- Bruce, John, and Partners, Brunswick Wharf Power Station, 26
- Brundrett, Sir Frederick, Appointed Deputy Scientific Advisor to Ministry of Defence, (78)
- Brunner, C. T., Inadequate Dock Facilities, 301
- Brush-Bagnall Traction, Ltd., Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 2
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., “ Square- Path ” Self-Regulating Alternators, 774
- Bruyne, Dr. de, Metal-to-Metal Bonding in Aircraft, 511
- Buckley, F., Developments in Steel Castings in the Heavy Power Plant Industry, 356
- Bullard, E. C., Utilisation of Solar Energy, 804
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., “ Flowergate,” Open Shelter Deck Cargo Ship, 104
- Burrill, L. C., Effect of Radial Pitch Variation on the Performance of a Marine Propeller, 558
- Busch, S. H., Obituary, (78)
- Bussing G.m.b.H., 4-Ton Truck, 590
- Buswell, R. W. A., Experimental Air-Cooled Turbine, 674, 688, 712
- Butler, Samuel, and Sons, Ltd., Aluminium Roof Girders, 530 ; Prestressed Concrete Station Roof, 307
- Cable and Wireless, Ltd., Renewal of Transatlantic Cable, 904
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Motorship “ Tabor,” 104
- Cameron, A., Back-to-Back Testing of Marine Reduction Gears, 393
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. “ Ark Royal,” 32 ; Canadian Pacific Liner “ De Grasse ” to be Renamed “ Empress of Australia,” (334) ; Prefabricated Frigate, (118)
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd., Automatic Plating Plants, 586
- Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co., Continuous Opencast Mining, 403
- Carborundum Co., Industrial Application of Beta-Ray Gauging, 528
- Cardew, C. A., Locomotive Experiences, 392 Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., Rolling of Broad- Flange Beams, 693 »
- Carsten, Hans, Obituary, (154)
- Carter Horsely (Engineers), Ltd., 200ft Span Aluminium Hangar, 127
- Carter, R. D., Temper Brittleness in High-Purity Iron-Base Alloys, 757
- Carter, Thomas, Obituary, 897
- Cashmore, W. H., Work at the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, 308
- Carves, Simon, Ltd., Coal Blending Plant at a Steelworks, 525
- C.A.V., Ltd., Failure of High-Pressure Fuel Pipes, 628
- Cawood, Walter, Appointed Principal Director of Scientific Research (Defence), (154)
- Cementation Co., Ltd., Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709
- Chadwick, Sir James, Appointed Rutherford Memorial Lecturer, (298)
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Prefabricated Aluminium Alloy Buildings, (546) ; Two- Stage Hydraulic Pump, 907
- Chamber of Shipping, Annual General Meeting, 337; Annual Meeting, (750)
- Champness, E. Leslie, Large Dry Docks, 535
- Chance Brothers, Ltd., Powerful Marine Navigation Light, 799
- Chantiers de Provence, French-Built Doxford Engine, (78)
- Chantiers Navales de la Ciotat, “ Viet Nam,” Passenger Liner, 401
- Chaplin, Christopher James, Retirement, (878)
- Chapman, J. C., Compressive Buckling of Stiffened Plates, 789, 822
- Chatwin, Thomas, and Co., Unit for Drilling Polygon Shaped Holes, (442)
- Chinnor Cement and Lime Co., Ltd., Chalk Crushing and Screening Plant, 115
- Cinema-Television, Ltd., “ Cintel ” Flying-Spot Microscope, 537
- “ City of Port Elizabeth,” Liner, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 103
- “ City of Winchester,” William Denny and Brothers, Ltd., 104
- Civitas Trading Corporation Ltd., Bearing Extractor, 332
- “ Clan Macinnes,” Motor Cargo Liner, Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., 104
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Cunard Cargo Liner “ Pavia,” 891
- Clarkson (Engineers), Ltd., Simple Slide Rule for Milling Machine Operators, (298)
- Clausen, H., Training of Engineering Designers, 889
- Clino Foundry Supplies, Ltd., Automatic Shell Mould Making Machine, 859
- Clutsom, Charles R., Obituary, (846)
- Cockburns, Ltd., Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834
- Cockcroft, Sir John D., Atomic Propulsion for Ships, 265
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., Power Press Attachment, 907
- Colchester Lathe Co., Ltd., Lathe for Training Students, 842
- Coleman Shafting and Pulley Co., Ltd., Power Transmission Equipment, (846)
- College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering, (478)
- Collinson, E. G Theory, Servo-Mechanism Theory, 294, 330
- Colquhoun, Brian, and Partners, Acton Lane “ B ” Power Station Turbine House, 42
- Columbus-Dixon, Ltd., Industrial Floor Drier, (910)
- Colvilles, Ltd., Clyde Ironworks, 65
- Concrete Development Co., Ltd., Prestressed Concrete Hangars at London Airport, 13
- Concrete, Ltd., 40ft Span Precast Concrete Roof, 648
- Conn, J. F. C., B.S.R.A. Resistance Experiments on the “ Lucy Ashton,” 467, 488, 540
- Consett Iron Co., Ltd., Fell Coke Works, 65
- Constant, Hayne, Research and the Gas Turbine, 186
- Conway, H. G., Introduction to Hydraulic Servo- Mechanism Theory, 294, 330 ; Hydraulic Servo Mechanism Theory, 275
- Corbett, R. H., and Co., Ltd., Pedal-Propelled Fork Lift Truck, 619 ; Stacking Machine, 619
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., Usk Reservoir Water Supply Scheme, 83
- Cottrell, S. A., Formation of Bainite, 758 ; Isothermal Formation of Bainite, 758
- Cottrell, H., Quench-Ageing on Strain Ageing in Iron, 728
- Coventry Gear Co., Geared Electric Motors, 59
- Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., 120-Ton Trailer, 776 ; 200-Ton Road Trailer, 828
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Centenary, (621)
- Crisp, John D. C., Use of Gelatin Models in Structural Analysis, 465
- Critchfield, C. E. M., Temperature Conversions, 499
- Crockatt, W., and Sons, Ltd., Electric Salinometers and Densometers, (782) ; North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 697
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Aircraft Starting Unit, 876 ; Fault-Making Load-Breaking Ring Main Unit, 905 ; 12,000-Ton Forging Press, 347 ; Mobile High-Voltage Testing Unit, 907
- Croom-Johnson, Percy, Retirement, 753 Croom-Johnson, P., Installation of Long Conductor Rails on the Southern Region, 499
- Crowe, T. A., Coalbrookdale, (Letter, 102)
- Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., Cargo Liner “ Pavia,” 891 ; Taxation and the Shipping Industry, 649
- Currie, Sir William, Tonnage Replacements, 785
- Cutland, R. S., Wake Studies of Plane Surfaces, 397
- D'Arcy Exploration Co
- Daimler-Benz
- Dale Electric (Yorkshire)
- Danks, Edwin and co
- Daniels, T. H. and J.
- David, F. W.
- Davidson and Co (Hexham)
- Davies, H.
- Davy and United Engineering Co Ltd., Slabbing Mill, 65 ; 12,000-Ton Forging Press, 347
- Dean, A. G., Structural Applications of Stainless Steel, 853, 882
- Dee, P. I., The Dilemma of Lord Kelvin, 636 “ De Grasse,” Canadian Pacific Liner, Renamed
- De Havilland Aircraft Co., “ Comet,” 24 ; 200ft Hangar, 127 ; Finland, (262)
- Deloro Stellite, Ltd., Coating Alloy for High- Temperature Use, 274
- Demag Aktiengesellschaft, Quayside Crane ; Mobile Air Compressor, 726
- Denison, S., and Son, Ltd., Compression and Transverse Testing Machine, 582
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., “ City of Winchester,” 104; Cross-Channel Steamer “ Lord Wardeq,” 105; Cross-Channel Steamer “ Normannia,’^ 105
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Annual Report, 445 ; Physical Society’s Exhibition, 568 ; Research in Corrosion, (7)
- Desoutter Brothers, Ltd., Pneumatic Power Units, 292
- Dewrance and Co., Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167
- Development Areas Advisory Committee, W. B. Beard Appointed Member, (4)
- Dobbie, C. H., Harbour Arm at Lynmouth, 808 ; Lynmouth Flood of August, 1952, 797
- Dolberg, R., Aktiengesellschaft, “ Midget Excavator, 804
- Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., Conveyor Belting, (716)
- Donkin, Bryan, Co., Ltd., Work of, (782)
- Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., Bridge Across the Tagus, (244) ; Open-Hearth Steel Plant, 65 ; Recovery House at Plaistow Wharf, 42 ; Tees- side Steel Works Development, 549
- Douglas, R. M. (Contractors), Ltd., Concrete Road Swansea, 14
- Doulton and Co (521)
- Dowding and Doll, Machine, 867
- Dowsett Holdings, Ltd., Precast Prestressed Concrete Units for a Sea Wall, 364
- Dowty Seals, Ltd., Sealing Devices, 655
- Doxford, William, and Sons, Ltd., Laboratory and Workshop Placed at Disposal of B.S.R.A., 17
- Drammens Jernstoberi, North Sea Liner “Leda,” 695
- Draper, P., Fuel Oil Ash Deposition in Open- Cycle Gas Turbines, 627, 639, 659
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167 ; North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695 ; Steamship “ World Enterprise,” 892
- Drewry Car Co., Ltd., Diesel Shunting Locomotives at Parkeston Quay, (614)
- Drewry, J. S., Obituary, (38)
- Duckworth, R. A., Atomic Energy, (Letter, 101) Duisburger Kupferhutte, Lead Cyanamide AntiRust Pigment, (370)
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Rubber Bodies for Wheelbarrows, (76) ; Tubeless Tyre, 763
- Dust Research Station, Dust Suppression on Grinding Machines, 277
- Dymond, A. W. J., Operating Experiences with Two Gas Turbine Locomotives, 278, 327
- “Eagle” H.M.S.
- Eastern Region British railways
- “ Ebro,” Motor Cargo Liner, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 104
- Eddison, R. T., Train Arrivals, Handling Costs and the Holding and Storage of Raw Materials, 692
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Universal Folding Machine, 152
- Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd., Non- Ferrous Metal Tester, 603
- Eisenwerk Gebr. Frisch K.G., Overhead Digger and Loader, 692
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Diesel Alternator Set for Continuity of Supply, 657
- Electroflo Meters Co., Ltd., Mercury Arc Rectifiers, 94
- Elizabeth 11, Coronation of, (Leading Article, 800)
- Elliot, John, Elected President Institute of Transport, (782) ; French Honour for, (118)
- Elliott, B., and Co., Ltd., Improved Milling Machines, 870
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Electronic Digital Computer, 602
- El Nabeel,” Motorship, Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd., 106
- Empress of Australia,” Canadian Pacific Liner, (334)
- Empress of Canada” Damaged by Fire, 157 ; Salvage Operations, (406)
- Enfield Cables, Ltd., Wind-Driven Generator, 242
- Engis, Ltd., Diamond Compounds, (206)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 50 c's Electrification Traction Equipment, 95 ; 2500 b.h.p. “Deltic” Diesel Engine, 596 ; 3600 H.P., 3000V D.C. Electric Locomotives, 2 ; Gas Turbines in 1952, 86 ; Motors for Two-Roll Reversing Mill, 65 ; 6500 H.P. Naval Gas Turbine, 238 ; Standard Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotives, 840
- English Electric Export and Trading Co., Ltd., Chief Joseph Dam, (Leading Article, 634)
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Steel Ingot, 619
- Entwisle, A. R., Effect of Arsenic and Antimony on Temper Brittleness, 757
- Esch-Werke K.G., Gyratory Crusher, 690
- Escher Wyss, Ltd., Continental Gas Turbines in 1952,250
- Escritt, L. B., Sewage Sludge Digestion Calculations, 158,194
- “ Essequibo,” Motor Cargo Liner, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 104
- Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., Cutting Fluids, (52); Oil Refineries of 1952, 69
- Eumuco (England), Ltd., Reducer Rolls, 115
- Eve, J. L., Construction Co., Ltd., 275kV Transmission Line Towers, 19
- Everard, H. B., Presentation to, (38)
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Mains-Operated High-Voltage Insulation Test Set, 569
- Expandite Ltd., Mechanised Joint Maintenance for Concrete Roads, 870
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Production of “ Gannet ” Aircraft, (878) ; Vertical Take-off, (682)
- Fairfield Engineering Co., Ltd., Horizontal Gear Shaving Machine, 365
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Erection of a Railway Bridge, 469
- Fairmile Construction Co., Ltd., 150-Ton Aluminium Alloy Barge, 257
- Falconer, B. H., Compressive Buckling of Stiffened Plates, 789, 822
- Farmer, J. D., Insulation of a Refrigerated Cargo Liner, 625
- Farradane, J., Library Service for Industry, 534, 600
- Farren, Sir William Scott, Elected President Royal Aeronautical Society, 517
- Fay, Sir Sam, Obituary, 785
- Federated Foundries, Ltd., Automatic Casting Process for Iron Gutters, (718)
- Fell, R. A., Contemporary Methods of Watch Production, 34, 74
- Fenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd., Taper-Lock Bushes and Pulleys, (406)
- Ferguson, H. B., Obituary, 319
- Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167; 11 kV Outdoor Fuse Switch Ring Main Unit, 860
- Ferranti, Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167 ; High-Speed Oscillograph, 538 ; High-Speed Tape Recorder, 659
- Fibreglass, Ltd., Manufacture of Heat Insulating Sections for Pipes, 512
- Field Aircraft Services, Ltd., U.S.A.F. Contract for British Aviation, (262)
- Fielden (Electronics), Ltd., Electronic Thermostat, 437
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., Pallet Storage System, (360)
- Flexible Drives (Gilmans), Ltd., Flexible Drive Machine, 440
- Flood Investigation Committee, 445
- “ Flowergate,” Open Shelter Deck Cargo Ship, Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 104
- Fluxite, Ltd., Soldering Fluid, (442)
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 70 B.H.P. Four-Cylinder Petrol Engine, 570; “ Taunus M 12” Car, 556
- “ Forrestal,” U.S. Fleet Aircraft Carrier, 111
- Foster Wheeler, Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167
- Foster, Yates and Thom, Ltd., Mixing Machine, 583
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 99
- Fox, John, Coal, 802
- Fox, L. L., Coal Burning Space Heating Appliances, (102)
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Chalk Crushing and Screening Plant, 115 ; Coal Blending Plant at a Steel Works, 525 ; Continuous Lead Casting Machine, 646 ; Handling Plant in Bauxite Ore Carrier, 98 ; Wagon Tippler, 385
- Fraser, W. J., and Co., Ltd., Splitter Column for Stanlow Refinery, 61
- Freeman, Sterry Baines, Obituary, 391
- French, Sir James, Obituary, 139
- French, W., and C., Ltd., Central Maintenance Base, London Airport, 13
- Frost, F. P., Training of Engineering Designers, 802
- Froude, William, Memorial, 157
- Fuel and Power Advisory Council, (910)
- Fuel Firing, Ltd., Combined Firing at St. Pancras Power Station, 495
- Fuels Advisory Committee, 653
- Fullman, B., Library Service for Industry, 320
- Galbraith, R. F., Elected President Institution of Structural Engineers, (846)
- Gas Chambers and Coke Ovens, Ltd., Gas Plant at Berwick-upon-Tweed, 860
- Gas Council, “Coke Burning Appliances” Handbook, (910) ; Gas Industry Management Courses, (878) ; Gas Warming of Large Buildings, (878)
- Gatehouse and Sons, Mount Everest Expedition Oxygen Equipment, 890
- “ Gay Bombardier,” Patrol Boat, Vosper, Ltd., (572)
- “ Gay Centurion,” Patrol Boat, John 1. Thorny- croft and Co., Ltd., (546)
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Alternator Rotor Temperature and its Measurement, 93 ; Coal Blending Plant at a Steel Works, 525 ; Continuous Lead Casting Machine, 646 ; Dual Compressor Drive, 844 ; Electronic Control for Glass Grinding Machines, 458 ; 3000V Electric Locomotives, 2 ; Flameproof Barrier Box, (876) ; “ Graduate in the G.E.C.,” (332) ; Improved Fluorescent Lighting System for Trolleybuses, 137 ; Iron Powder Magnets, 740 ; Lighting, 657 ; Linking of Projectors for Three-Dimensional Films, 763 ; Self-Contained Alternator and Air Cooler, 28 ; Television Ship-to-Shore Transmitters, 8?! ; Wheatstone Bridge, 569
- General Post Office, Telephones, (226)
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., Ovens for Fell Coke Works, 65
- Gill, F. D., Measurement of Blade Tip Clearances in Aircraft Turbines, 291
- Gillott Electro Steam Cookers, Ltd., Electric Steam Steriliser and Hot Water Heater, 906
- Girling, Ltd., Motor-car Brakes, (334) ; Vehicle Component Manufacturer’s Celebrations, 679 Good, Alan P., Obituary, 248
- Goodman, L. Landon, Efficient Materials Handling, (442)
- Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd., Brighton “B” Power Station, 663, 709
- Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd., Motorship “ El Nabeel,” 106
- Grant, W., The Engineers’ Guild, (Letter, 22) Gray, Andrew, Obituary, 464
- Gray, James, Retirement, (682)
- Greatrex, F. B., Aero-Engine Noise, 775 Green, Clifford, 703
- Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., “ Clan Macinnes,” Motor Cargo Liner, 104
- Greenwood, Ernest, Obituary, (682) Greenwood, H. W., Considering Powder Metallurgy, 269
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., Gas Analysis Apparatus, (78)
- Grimston Astor, Ltd., “ Ikeja ” Passenger Launch, 62 ; Light Alloy Patrol Launch, 612
- Grimwade, E. J., Training of Radiologists for Industry, 833
- Grob, Ernst, Band Filing Machine, 256
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Group Research Laboratory, 744
- Guy Motors, Ltd., Production of a Heavy-Duty Wilson Gearbox, 313
- G.W.B. Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 15kW Electrode Water Heater, 743
- Hadekel, R., Hydraulic Servos, 275
- Hadfields, Ltd., 20-Ton Arc Melting Furnace in a Sheffield Foundry, 243
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709 ; Woodhead Tunnel, 83
- Hales, K. C., Insulation of a Refrigerated Cargo Liner, 625
- Hall, Alexander, and Co., Ltd., Admiralty Tug “ Samson,”(718)
- Hall and Hall, Ltd., Fluid Seal, 620
- Hall Harding, Ltd., Centenary, 606 ; Drawing and Layout Table, 658
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Cunard. Cargo Liner “ Pavia,” 891
- Hamilton, William, and Co., Ltd., Cunard Cargo Liner “ Pavia,” 891
- Hammelrath and Schwenzer Pumpenfabric K.G., Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump, 773
- Hammerlund, P. E., Induction Stirrers for Electric Arc Furnaces, 469
- Hammond, Rolt, Novel Hammer Foundation, 573
- Hancock, J., Excavation of Rock and Silt from Watercourses by Blasting, 825, 850
- Handley Page, Ltd., “HP 80” Bomber, (38); “ Crescent Wing ” Fitted to the “ Victor ” Bomber, 55 ; “ Victor,” Turbo-Jet, 55
- Hanneford-Smith, W., Retirement, (650)
- Hannoversche Maschinenbau A.G., Hanomag Diesel “ Pick-Up ” Vehicle, 590
- Hanson, Daniel, Obituary, 865
- Harcourt, David, Ltd., Mount Everest Expedition Oxygen Equipment, 890
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Aircraft Carrier, H.M.S. “Eagle,” 31 ; “British Skill,” Oil Tanker, 135 ; Cross-Channel Motor Vessel, “Irish Coast,” 106; “Ebro” and “ Esse- quibo,” Motor Cargo Liners, 104 ; “ Kenya Castle” and “ Braemar Castle,” Maiden Voyage, 103 ; P. and O. Liner, “ Iberia,” (78) ; Repair and Service Launch, (718)
- “ Harlandic II,” Repair and Service Launch, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., (718)
- Harper, John, and Co., Ltd., Works Shower Baths, (846)
- Harpur, N. F., Some Design Considerations of Hydraulic Servos of Jack Type, 275
- Harrison, P. W., Continuous Recording of the Effective Diameter of Screw Gauges, 205
- Haslam, R., Excavation of Rock and Silt from Watercourses by Blasting, 825, 850
- Hastie, John, and Co., Ltd., Motor Ship “ Braemar,” 809 ; North Sea Liner “ 695
- Hawker Siddeley Group, Private Rocket (455)
- Hawkes, C. J., Obituary, 212
- Hawthorn, A. N., Newer Laminated Insulating Materials, 436
- Hawthorn Leslie, R. and W., and Co., Ltd., “ British Talent ” Oil Tanker, 135 ; “Oswestry Grange,” Refrigerated Ship, 105
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Ore Preparation and Blast-Furnace Plant at Shotton, 611
- Head Wrightson Processes, Ltd., Acetylene Plant, (334)
- “ Hebble,” S.S., Refloating, (578)
- H.E.C. Compressors and Engines, Ltd., Air Compressor Units, 585
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Jet Engine Test Plant, 667 ; Large Capacity Hydraulic Dynamometer, 560 ; New Showroom at Works, (578) “ Helix,” Oil Tanker Fitted with Overside Hoist, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., (144)
- Henschel and Sohn, G.m.b.H., Bus Chassis, 590
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Injection Moulding Machine, 867 ; Optical Control of a Machine Tool, 97
- Hickman, John B., Obituary, (878)
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., 12,000-Ton Forging Press, 347
- Hillier, H., James Clayton Prize, 320 ; Scale Formation in Sea-Water Distilling Plants, 208, 255
- Hindustan Construction Co., Ltd., Cooling of Aggregate for Vaitarna Dam, 281
- Hives, Lord, Status of the Engineering Profession, 549
- H.N. Electrical Supplies, Ltd., Ultrasonic Equipment for Descaling Boilers, 638
- Hodge, John Blackwood, and Co., Ltd., Dump Wagon, 620
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Lubrication of Ball and Roller Bearings, (353)
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., Prestressed Concrete Hangars at London Airport, 13
- Hollingsworth, D. T., An Assessment of the Impregnated Pressure Cable, 745
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709
- Hong Kong Towage and Salvage Co., Ltd., Long Tow, (718)
- “Horus,” Suez Canal Tug, John 1. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 680
- Houghton, E. C., Engineers and Steel Castings, 428
- Houldsworth, Sir Hubert, The Coal Outlook, 77
- Howard Clayton Wright, Ltd., Small Flexible
- Coupling, 221 ; Small Shaft Couplings, 531
- Howden, James, and Co., Ltd., Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709 ; North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695 ; Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834
- Hudswell Clarke and Co., Ltd., Metre-Gauge 2-8-4 Tank Locomotives, 2
- Hughes, F. A., and Co., Ltd., Cathodic tion,(750)
- Humboldt-Deutz A.G., Air-Cooled Engines 590
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., 170 B.H.P. Locomotive, 710 ; Diesel Locomotives for Sudan, (334) ; Locomotives for Nigeria, (650) Hunting Geophysics, Ltd., Air Search for Oil, (370)
- Hurcomb, Lord, Financial Outlook of British Transport, 373
- Hutchings, F. G. B., Library Service for Industry, 669
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Compressed Air Rectifier, 256 ; Small Diaphragm Compressor, 593
- “ Iberia,” Liner, Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., (78)
- “ Ikeja,” Passenger Launch, Grimston Astor, Ltd., 62
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Electronic Control of a Constant-weight Feeder, 145; Wilton Works Power Station, 26 ; Wrought Aluminium Alloys, (718)
- Imperial College of Science and Technology, Question in Parliament, 193
- Indermuhle, P., Contemporary Methods of Watch Production, 34, 74
- Institutes and Institutions—see Subject Index
- International Combustion, Ltd., Travelling Grate Stoker, (886)
- International Nickel Company, Novel Hammer Foundation, 573
- Iraq Petroleum Co., Oil Production, (207)
- “ Irish Coast,” Cross-Channel Motor Vessel, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 106
- Iron and Steel Corporation, Swan Song : (Leading Article, 896); Report, 871
- I.T.D., Ltd., Heavy-Duty Fork Lift Truck, 584
- Jameson, A. H., Obituary, 1
- Jenkins, A. J., Elected Chairman Cardiff and Bristol Channel Incorporated Shipowners’ Association, 517
- Jenkins, Rhys, Obituary, 176, 213
- Jenks Brothers, Ltd., Wrench Comparator Chart, (780)
- Johnson, Richard, and Nephew, Ltd., Wire for Prestressed Concrete, (363)
- Johnston-Smith, A., Obituary, (514)
- Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation, Flue Dust Recovery Plant for Blast-Furnaces, 810
- Joy, Bertram C., Obituary, 464
- Kaelble, Carl, G.m.b.H., 20-Ton, Six-Wheeler Tripper, 590
- Kantorowicz, O. P. T., Determination of Natural Resonances in Mechanical Systems, 435
- Kelvin and Hughes (Industrial), Ltd., Supersonic Flaw Detector, 424
- Kelvin and Hughes, Ltd., Supersonic Flaw Detector, 601
- Kennedy and Donkin, Huncoat Power Station, 26
- Kent, George, Ltd., Automatic Control of Gas Producers, 841 ; Boiler-House Control Apparatus, 94
- “ Kenya Castle,” Liner, Maiden Voyage, 103
- Kerry’s (Great Britain), Ltd., 5iin Precision Lathe, 293
- Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Co., Ltd., Evaporation Plant, (814)
- Kidde, Walter Co., Ltd., North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- King, Geo. W., Ltd., Small Pulley Block, 254
- King's College, Newcastle upon Tyne, Appeal, 817
- Kinnear, Moodie and Co., Ltd., Middleton Connecting Sewer, 83
- Kirkham, R. H. H., Testing of Concrete Mixers, 232, 286, 321, 341
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Drilling, Boring and Facing Machine, 842 ; Large Duplex Drilling, Boring and Screwing Machine, 646
- Ko, T., Formation of Bainite, 758 ; Isothermal Formation of Bainite, 758 ; Thermal Stabilisation of Austenite in Carburising Steels, 758
- Krupp, Fried., Essener Maschinenbau, Rail Joint Grinding Machine, 691
- Kuhnle, Kopp and Kausch A.G., Geared Steam Turbine, 804
- Kuwait Oil Co., Ltd., Gas Turbine Pumping Unit, (442) ; Oil Exhibition, (118)
- Lackenby, H., Resistance Experiments in the “ Lucy Ashton,” 467, 488, 540
- Lamble, J. H., Room Temperature Photo-Elastic Technique for Three-Dimensional Problems, 465
- Lang Pneumatic, Ltd., Pneumatic Control Equipment, (478)
- Laughton, A. S., Studentship in Oceanography and Limnology, (782)
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Automatic Control of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 456, (650)
- Laycock, Colin, Obituary, (118)
- Leak, G. M., Quench-Ageing on the Strain Ageing in Iron, 728
- “ Leda,” North Sea Liner, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 695
- Ledgard, P., Obituary, (614)
- Lee, H. Pelham, Obituary, 176
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Future of Overseas Trade, 545
- Lingard, H. A., Obituary, (614)
- Lisieux,” French Cross-Channel Steamer, G. W. Tripp, 588
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Diesel Engine Film, (910) ; Fuel Conversion Equipment, 475 ; Mark “ D ” Petrol Engine Conversion to Oil, (442) ; Portable Power Loader, 116
- Lloyd, H. B., Design of Wheels for Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes, 429
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Appendix to Register Book, 121 ; Annual Report, 653 ; Launch Returns, 337 ; New Building, (750) ; Shipbuilding Returns, 166, 617 ; Wreck Returns, (38), 650
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Clutch Control, 293
- Lockspeiser, Sir Ben, Science and Industry, 785 Londex, Ltd., Mercury Switch Relay, (846) London Chamber of Commerce, Annual Report, (682)
- London Midland Region, British Railways, British Locomotives Fitted with Cam Poppet Valve Gear, 326 ; British Railways, Carriage Shed at Willesden, 395
- London Transport, Bolt and Nut Reclamation System, 475 ; Central Line Accident, 549 ; Energy Consumption Tests with Steel and Light Alloy (154)
- Lord William Denny and Brothers, Ltd.,
- “ Lucy Ashton,” B.S.R.A. Resistance Experiments, J. F. C. Conn, H. Lackenby and W. P. Walker, 467, 488, 540
- Lumley, C. Hope, Obituary, (718)
- Lyon, Arthur, and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Self-Regulating Alternator, 698
- Lysaght’s, John, Scunthorpe Works, Ltd., Normanby Park Works, 65
- Lyte Ladders, Ltd., Equipment for Everest Expedition, (262)
- Mackay Industrial Equipment, Ltd., Fiat Crawler Tractor, (325)
- Mackinnon Research Studentship, Royal Society, (78)
- Magirus Werk A.G., 6-75-Ton Lorry, 590 Malglaive, Pierre de. Obituary, (190)
- Manchester Repetition Engineers, Ltd., Centring and Spot Facing Machine, 404
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., General Meeting, 337
- Manganese Bronze and Brass Co., Ltd-., North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., High- Power Transmitter at Abu Zaabal, Egypt, (904)
- Marley, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Indexing and Dividing Attachment, 332
- Mary, Queen, Obituary, 462
- Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg A.G., Steam Engine and Alternator, 803 ; 8-Ton Truck, 590
- Maschinenfabric Gustav Eirich, Clay Mixing and Kneading Machine, 773
- Mason, E. N., and Sons, Ltd., Printing Machine for Drawings, 844
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167 ; North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Acton Lane “ B ” Power Station Turbine House, 42 ; Bankside Power Station, 143, 167
- McIntosh, A. J. W., Obituary, 599
- McKenzie, S. C., Library Service for Industry, 565, 669, 770
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- McMinn, E., Tubular Structures for Railway Electrification, 355
- Mears Brothers, Ltd., Coast Protection at Pett, Sussex, 98
- Meer, A. G., Track Tamping Machine, 690 Melvin, Ltd., Chain Wrench, 294
- Menk and Hambrock G.m.b.H., Scraper-Dozer, 692
- Menter, J. W., Quench-Ageing of Iron, 728 Merritt, H. E., Simplicity in Gears, 140 Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Hose-Laying Fire
- Engine, 99 ; Hydraulic Self-Supporting Wheeled Escape, 700
- Messent, S. W., Newer Laminated Plastic Insulating Materials, 436
- Metallurgical Equipment Export Co., Ltd., Iron and Steel Works at Aviles, Spain, 244
- Metalmacs, Ltd., Improved Air Hoist, (874)
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd Bankside Power Station, 143, 167; Brighton “B” Power Station, 663, 709 ; Flameproof Motor with Constant-Level Lubricator, 654 ; Gas Turbine Electric Locomotive, 2 ; 15MW Gas Turbo-Generating Set, 86 ; Impulse Tests on Prototype 275kV Transformer, 99 ; “ G.2 ” Naval Gas Turbine, 58 ; 40MVA Synchronous Condenser for Australia, 361 ; Vacuum Pumping Plant, 602
- Metropolitan Water Board, Fiftieth Anniversary, 497 ; Works in 1952, 150
- M‘Ewen, Ewen, Training of Engineering Designers, 724
- Meyer, M. L., Research versus Trial and Error, 770
- Michie, G. M., High-Speed Counting of Steel foundry Dust Particles, 485
- Midland Silicones, Ltd., Silicones for the Electrical Industry, 434
- Mills, R. E., Simplicity in Gears, 285 Ministry of Works : (Leading Article, 800)
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Modernised Oil Engine Works, 216
- Mirrlees (Engineers), Ltd., North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- Monckton, Sir Walter, Training for Industry, 649
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Nickel Price, (118) Monopolies Commission, (782)
- Monro, James, and Son, 200ft Span Aluminium Hangar, 127
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Plastic Mouldable Refractory, 162
- Morgan Refractories, Ltd., Refractory Works, 836
- Moss, C. W., Retirement, (814)
- Mossop, 1. A., Measurement of Blade Tip Clearances in Aircraft Turbines, 291
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Ltd., Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709 ; Brunswick Wharf Power Station, 26 ; Huncoat Power Station, 26; Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge, Abercave, Near Swansea, 14 ; Recovery House at Plaistow Wharf, 42 ; Repair to a Jetty, 42
- Mountstuart Dry Docks, Ltd., Tank Cleaning Installation, (650)
- Mowat, Magnus, Brigadier-General, 140 ; Obituary, 175
- Mowlem, John, and Co., Ltd., Recovery House at Plaistow Wharf, 42
- Moxey Conveyor and Transporter Co., Ltd., Bunkers at Fell Coke Works, 65
- Mullard, Ltd., Double Tetrode Valve for New U.H.F. Wavebands, 99 ; Ultrasonic Drill : Camera Unit for Image Converter : Dummy Load for R.F. Power Measurements, 601 ; V.H.F. Power Tetrode, (442)
- Muntz, Alan, and Co., Ltd., Free-Piston Portable Air Compressor, 364
- Myford Engineering Co., Ltd., Internal Grinding Attachment, (682)
- Napier, D., and Son, Ltd., 2500 B.H.P. “ Deltic” Diesel Engine, 596 ; Jet Engine Test Plant, 667 ; “ Nomad ” Compounded Diesel Engine, 422
- National Bureau of Standards, Ship Failure Research, 856
- National Coal Board, Annual Report, 749 ; Appointment, (546) ; Gatehead Protective Canopy, 36 ; Miner's Respirator, 612 ; Quarterly Statistical Statement, 77 ; Recruitment Policy, 717 ; Ropeman’s Handbook, (298) ; University Scholarships, 81
- National Joint Advisory Council, Quarterly Meeting, 649
- National Physical Laboratory, Annual Open Day, 741 ; Granite Surface Plates, (764)
- Newage (Manchester), Ltd., Four-Cylinder A.H.V. Engine, 620
- Newman, A. D., Back-to-Back Testing of Marine Reduction Gears, 393
- Newman, W. A., Obituary, (442)
- Newman, William, and Sons, Ltd., Industrial Rubber Door, 743
- Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., Works Exhibition, 606
- New Welbeck, Ltd., Suction Cleaning Units, 657
- Nife Batteries, Ltd., Emergency Lighting Sets for Smaller Buildings, 735
- Nock, O. S., Present-Day Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 754, 786
- Nordberg Manufacturing Co., Gas Engine of High Thermal Efficiency, 474
- Normalair, Ltd., Mount Everest Expedition Oxygen Equipment, 890
- Normand Electrical Co., Ltd., Right-Angle Drive Geared Motor, (370)
- “ Normannia,” Cross-Channel Steamer, William Denny and Brothers, Ltd., 105
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 3000V Electric Locomotive. 2
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co. (1938), Ltd., Training Scheme for Marine Engineers, (650)
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Report, 425 ; Breadalbane Hydro-Electric Scheme, (262) ; Breadalbane Transmission Lines, (442) ; Extension of the Lussa Hydro- Electric Scheme, (298) ; Schemes During 1952,82
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Grain Silo, 108 ; Aluminium Mining Equipment, (118) ; Aluminium Roof Girders, 530 ; Aluminium Sheet Products, (557) ; Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium to Coal Gas, 365 ; Light Alloy Bodies, (108) ; Light Alloy Vehicle Bodies, (814) ; Motor Ship “ Braemar,” 809 ; Welding of Aluminium Alloys, (461)
- Nottingham University Engineering Laboratories, 644
- Nuffield Foundation, 653
- Nutting, J., Quench-Ageing of Iron, 728
- “ Obuasi,” Motor Vessel, Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., 104
- Oerlikon Engineering Co., Continental Gas Turbines in 1952, 250
- O’Neill, H., Deformation of Austenite, 759
- “ Onitoba,” Motor Vessel, Elder Dempster Lines, Ltd., 104
- “Orsova,” Orient Liner, Launch, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., (226), 723
- “ Oswestry Grange,” Refrigerated Ship, R. and W. Hawthorn Leslie and Co., Ltd., 105
- Otte, H. M., Thermal Stabilisation of Austenite in Carburising Steels, 758
- Page, L. S. Le., Radar and Ice, (154)
- Page, Sir Frederick Handley, Influence of Military Aviation on Civil Air Transport, 677
- Painter Brothers, Ltd., 275kV Transmission Line Towers, 19 ; Tubular Steel Structures for Railway Electrification, 146
- Paramor, John, Obituary, (650)
- Parker, E. B., Gas Turbine Locomotive Experience, 61 ; Locomotive Cylinder Relief Valves, 499
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Asphalt and Bituminous Mixing Plant, 798
- Parkinson and Cowan (Gas Meters), Ltd., Radiant Heating Units : Laboratory Gas Meter, 584
- Parks, G., Some Industrial Applications of Hydraulic Servos, 275
- Parsons, C. and A., and Co., Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167 ; Gas Turbines in 1952,134
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Steamship “ World Enterprise,” 892
- Paton, A. P., Fuel Cells, 290
- “ Pavia,” Cunard Cargo Liner, William Hamilton and Co., Ltd., 891
- Pedder, A. W., Combined Electricity and Heat Supplies, 901
- Pemberton, H. N., Welding in Marine Engineering, 131,160
- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co Commodore, (891) ; Liner ” Iberia,” (78)
- Permali, Ltd., Laminated Plastic Materials, 658 Permutit, Ltd., Brighton ” B ” Power Station, 663, 709 ; Filtration Plant for Usk Reservoir Water Supply Scheme, 83
- Pest Control, Ltd., Crop Spraying Equipment, 223
- Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- Peters, J. A., Obituary, (370)
- Petrochemicals, Ltd., Research Laboratories at Partington, (360)
- Petters, Ltd., Hogmuddle Rotatory Niggler and Fidgeter, 858
- Petty, Michael H., Measurement of Specific Steam Consumption, 393
- Pfeil, L. B., Review of Metallurgical Developments, 739
- Picard, Fernard, Renault Gas Turbine Locomotive, 358
- Pickerings, Ltd., North Sea Liner ” Leda,” 695
- Pickett, G. A., Self-Contained Alternator and Air Cooler, 213
- Piercy, N. A. V., Obituary, 213
- Pilot Plug Gauge Co., Ltd., Simplified Limit System, (226)
- Place, J. A., Control of Strip Thickness in Cold Rolling by Varying the Applied Tensions ; Works Trial of the “ T ” Method of Automatic Gauge Control, 727
- Plank, Rudolf, Thermodynamics and Refrigeration, (370)
- Platt, K. H., Appointed Assistant Secretary, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 685
- Plessey Co., Ltd., Conductive Ceramic for Microwave Applications, 363 ; High-Gain Selective Amplifier, 569 ; Microwave Test Equipment, 270
- Pleuger and Co., Submersible and Salvage Pumps, 773
- Pollard Bearings, Ltd., High-Capacity Bearings, (910)
- Pollard, H. J., New Materials and Methods for Aircraft Construction, 366
- Polygram Casting Co., Ltd., Mechanised Shell Mouldings, 96 ; Shell Moulding Process, 619 Pooley, Frederic, Obituary, (614)
- Port of London Authority, Improvement of Tilbury Docks, 761 ; Post-War Works, G. A. Wilson, 409
- Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., Gas Scrubbing Plant, 576 ; Works Exhibition, (546) ; Works Producer Gas Unit, 645
- Poxon, H. G., Engineering Co., Ltd., Heavy- Duty Foot Switch, (190)
- Preece, A., Temper-Brittleness in High-Purity Iron-Base Alloys, 757
- Prestressed Concrete Co., Ltd., Prestressed Concrete Hangars at London Airport, 13
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., Universal Excavator, 701
- “ Princess Victoria,” Loss of : (Leading Article, 864); 193
- Pritchett and Gold and E.P.S. Co., Ltd., porous Thermoplastic Separators for Acid Batteries, 386
- Projectile and Engineering Co., Ltd., plasticiser Unit, 867
- Prosser, H. S., Combined Electricity and Supplies, 901
- Puckey, Walter C., Elected President, Institution of Production Engineers, (814)
- Pugsley. A. G., ^mple Theory of Suspension Bridges, 481
- Pure Carbonic Co., Carbon Dioxide as a Machine Tool Coolant, 473
- Pye, W. G., and Co., Ltd., Portable pH Meter and Millivoltmeter. 218 ; Reflecting Fluxmeter, 539
- Queen Mary, Obituary, 462
- Queen Mary College, Nuclear Particle Laboratory, 881
- Quickfit and Quartz, Ltd., Industrial Glass Works Extension, 863
- Railing, Sir Harry, Honorary Membership, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 247
- Rankin and Blackmore, Ltd., Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Heavy Goods Handling in Railway Yards, (718)
- Redmayne, Sir Richard, Coal in 1952, 71, 106 ;
- Research and Industrial Efficiency, 721
- Redpath Brown and Co., Ltd., Brighton “ B ” Power Station, 663, 709
- Reed, J. R., Silicone Resins in Insulation at Power Frequencies, 471
- Reeman, J., Experimental Air-Cooled Turbine, 674,688,712
- Regie Nationale des Usines Renault, Gas Turbine Locomotive, 358
- Reid, C. B., Obituary, (190)
- Reinforced Plastics Technical Committee, Formation, (78)
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Takoradi Harbour Extensions, 84, (650)
- Renwick, W. J., Silicone Resins in Insulation at Power Frequencies, 471
- Reynolds Tube Co., Ltd., Mount Everest Expedition Oxygen Equipment, 890
- R.F.D. Co., Ltd., Industrial Face Guard, (878)
- Ricardo, Sir Harry, Awarded the James Watt International Medal, 41, 157
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167 ; Steamship “ World Enterprise,” 892
- Rider, John Hall, Obituary, 635
- Rider, K. J., Library Service for Industry, 250, 464
- Road Haulage Disposal Board, 781
- Road Research Laboratory, Night Driving and the Problem of Dazzle, 229
- Robb, John G., Obituary, (38)
- Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns, Ltd., 2-8-2
- Locomotives for the Hedjaz Railway, 2
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., Thread Data Slide Rule, (814)
- Robinson, T. R., Clock Tower at Nailsworth, 722
- Rockley, J. C., Training of Radiologists for Industry, 448
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Die Grinding and Polishing Machine, 907 ; Improved Punch and Die Milling Machine, 631
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., “ Atlantic ” Delta Transport Project, 859 ; Delta Profile, 55
- Roebuck, Alfred, Elected President, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 481
- Rohl, L. J., Manufacture and Use of Boron Steels in the United States, 670
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., “ Avon ” Turbo-Jet Developments, 425 ; Coating Alloy for High-Temperature Use, 274 ; Jet Engine Test Plant, 667 ; Overhaul Life of the “ Avon ” Turbo-Jet Engine, 648
- Rotary Hoes, Ltd., First Factory at Basildon New Town, (154)
- Roto-Finish, Ltd., Barrel Finishing Machine, 618
- Rover Co., Ltd., “ Jet 1 ” Gas Turbine Car, 89
- Rowling, H., Fuel-Oil Ash Deposition in Open-Cycle Gas Turbines, 627, 639, 659
- Rowan, David, and Co., Ltd., Cunard Cargo Liner “ Pavia,” 891
- Rubber Technical Developments, Ltd., Developments in the Use of Rubber, 849
- Runciman, Philip, Obituary, 817
- Runciman, Viscount, of Doxford, Presidential Address, Institution of Naval Architects, 491
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 750kW Open-Cycle Gas Turbine, 381 ; Peat-Fired Open-Cycle Gas Turbine, 350 ; 750kW Prototype Gas Turbine, 86
- Ryley, Denis J., Growth of Small Water Droplets in Steam Nozzles, 686
- Sage, A. M., Steels for Steam Power Plant, 419
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Iron Powder Magnets, 740 ; Load Analyser, 568
- Salzgitter Maschinen Aktiengesellschaft, Rotary Disc Loader, 725
- “ Samson,” Admiralty Tug, Alexander Hall and Co., Ltd., (718)
- Saunders Roe, Ltd., “ Princess” Flying Boat, 24
- Savage, Sir Geoffrey, Obituary, (298)
- Savile, Sir Leopold H., Obituary, 212
- Schat’s Davits, Ltd.. Motorship “ Braemar,” 809
- Scott Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Tractor for Railway Goods Depots, 149
- Scott and Wilson, Prestressed Concrete Hangars at London Airport, 13 ; Pontypool Factory, 42
- Scottish Machine Tool Corporation, Ltd., Splitting Shears and Punch : Rotary Shearing Machine, 582
- Scottish Oils, Ltd., Oil Refineries of 1952, 69
- Scottish Region, British Railways, Report on a Railway Accident, (226)
- Semmens, P. W. B., “ The Capitals, Ltd.,” 319
- Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., Geared Steam Shunting Locomotives, 643
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Lubrication of Oil Engines, (226) ; Waste Heat Recovery from Diesel Generators, Film, (370)
- Shell Oil Co., Canadian Chemical Plant, (682)
- Shell Overseas Exploration Co., Ltd Persian Gulf Oil Concessions, (38)
- Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., Floating Depot Ship for Oil Search, (514) ; French Petroleum Chemical Plant, (334) ; Oil Refineries of 1952, 69 ; Seria Oilfield, (876) ; Splitter Column for Stanlow Refinery, 61 ; Stanlow Refinery, (782) ; Venture in Education, (769)
- Shiells, R. T., Skin Friction Determination Using Wall-Sided Models of Great Draught, 607
- Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd., “ S.B 5,” 55 ; “ Comet ” Production Line at Belfast, 24 ; Precision Lofting Table, 527
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., Mount Everest Expedition Oxygen Equipment, 890
- Siemens Brothers and Co, Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167
- Siemens Research Laboratories, Electric Arc Discharges in Rare Gases, 539
- Siemens, Sir William, Collection of Letters to, 721
- Silver City Airways, New Air Ferry Services, (546)
- Simeon, L. S. B., East Coast Floods, 319 Simon, Henry, Ltd., Soap Stream Divider, 476 Simon, Richard, and Sons, Electronic Control of a Constant-Weight Feeder, 145
- Sims, R. B., Speed-Dependent Variables in Cold Strip Rolling ; Hydrodynamically Lubricated Roll Neck Bearings ; Control of Strip Thickness in Cold Rolling by Varying the Applied Tensions, 727 ; Works Trial of the “T” Method of Automatic Gauge Control, 727
- Slack and Parr, Ltd., Drilling Machine, 585
- Slater, J. E., Ltd., Hogmuddle Rotatory Niggler and Fidgeter, 858
- Smith, A. R., Library Service for Industry, 355, 704
- Smith, Dempster, Obituary, 463
- Smith Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Vehicle Bumpers, (118)
- Smith, F. H., Library Service for Industry, 392
- Smith, G. C., Effect of Arsenic and Antimony on Temper Brittleness, 757
- Smith, J. S., Obituary, (370)
- Smith, R. A., Line-Broadening of Martensite Nickel Steels, 758
- Smout, Sir Arthur, Elected Fellow, Institute of Metals, (680)
- Smyth, Peter, Elected Vice-President of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, (154)
- Societies—see Subject Index
- Societe de Saint-Gobain, French Petroleum Chemical Plant, (334)
- Soest-Ferrum G.m.b.H., Clay Purifying Machine, 772
- Soil Mechanics, Ltd., Recovery House at Plaistow Wharf, 42
- Solar Aircraft Co., Large Expansion Joints for Gas Turbine Plants, 528
- Southern Region, British Railways, Installation of Long Conductor Rails, 352 ; (Letters, 464, 499); Reopening of Thanet Line, (682) ; Report on the Collision at Guildford Station, 501
- Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., Automatic Pilot for Jet Aircraft, (298) ; Road Surveys with Gyroscopic Equipment, 368
- Spillingwerk Maschinenfabrik, Steam Engines, 804
- Spratt, H. Philip, The First Iron Steamer, 163
- Spriddell, F. G., Retirement, (910)
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., Jet Engine Test Plant, 667
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Multi-Burner Automatic Gas Heating Equipment, 530 ; Radio-Telephone Link Between Turkey and the West, 363 ; Telegraph Distortion Test Set, 540 ; Telemetering, 656
- Stanley and Sanders, Ltd., “ Contropol ” Jointing Compound, (118)
- Stanley, W. F., and Co., Ltd., Centenary, 773 Steatite and Porcelain Products, Ltd., Post Insulators for 275kV Grid, 842
- Steel Company of Wales, Ltd., Trostre Tinplate Works, 29
- Stenzel and Co., Die Grinding and Polishing Machine, 907
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., Refrigerated Cargo Liner “ Surrey,” 105
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., North Sea Liner ” Leda,” 695
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Corby Works Development Programme, 65 ; Discharge of Water from Steel Pipes, (478) ; Pipes for Usk Reservoir Water Supply Scheme, 83 ; Tube Mill at Clydesdale Works, 65
- “ St. Laurent,” Canadian New Frigate Under Construction, 110
- Stone, J., and Co. (Charlton), Ltd., North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167
- Stowers, A., Preserving Historic Machinery, 353
- Structural and Mechanical Development Engineers, Ltd., 200ft Span Aluminium Hangar, 127
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., Dust Arrester, 762
- “ Stylehurst,” Cargo Motorship, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 105
- Styring, Harold K., Library Service for Industry, 599
- Sulphur Committee, Termination, (614)
- Sulzer Brothers, Continental Gas Turbines in 1952,250
- Sulzer, Robert, Obituary, 897
- Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd., Automatic Control of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 456, (650) ; Coal Blending Plant at a Steel Works, 525 ; Development Scheme, 65; Steel Works Extension at Shotton, 653 ; Steelworks Ladle Cranes, 505
- Supplies and Service Construction Co., Ltd., Tube Clamp, 743
- “ Surrey,” Refrigerated Cargo Liner, Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., 105
- Sutherland, Sir Arthur, Obituary, 501
- Sutton, O. G., Meteorological Office Appointment, (578)
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Cargo Motorship ” Stylehurst,” 105 ; “ Daring ” Class Destroyers, 32 ; North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695 ; Overside Hoist Fitted to the Oil Tanker “ Helix,” (144) ; Turbo-Electric Machinery, (546) ; “ Velletia,” Oil Tanker, 135 Swift, H. W., James Clayton Prize, 320 Switchgear and Equipment, Ltd., High-Voltage Isolators with Ice Breaking Contacts, 908
- Sykes, C., Re-elected President, Institute of Physics, (814)
- Symonds, J., Dimensions on Drawings, 428
- “ Tabor,” Motorship, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 104
- Tangyes, Ltd., Positioning Jacks for Plant Alignment, (750)
- Tate and Lyle, Ltd., Recovery House, 42
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., 20-Ton Double-Roll Feed Press, 618
- Taylor Woodrow (Building Exports), Ltd., “ Arcon ” Prefabricated Structures, 620
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., Tunnel Under No. I Runway, London Airport, 13
- Taylor Woodrow (West Africa), Ltd., Takoradi Harbour, 84, (650)
- Technograph Printed Circuits, Ltd., Foil Strain Gauges, 398
- Teed, P. L., Titanium : A Survey, 203, 235
- Teleflex Products, Ltd., Mechanical Remote Control System, 531
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., First Polythene Insulated Cable, (190) ; Recent Work by the Company’s Metal Division, 568
- Templewood Engineering Co., Ltd., 12,000-Ton Forging Press, 347
- Tennant, C., Sons and Co., Ltd., Direct Reading Portable Hardness Tester, 618
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress of, 794, 818 Terrell, J., Some Reflections on the Thermal Distortions of Turbine Casings, 435
- “ Thermopylae,” H.M.S. Submarine, 50
- Thermotank, Ltd., Motorship “ Braemar,” 809 ; North Sea Liner “ Leda,” 695
- Thomas, G. Barry, Rolling of Broad Flange Beams at the Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., 693 Thomas, Sir Percy, and Son, Pontypool Factory, 42
- Thomas, M. R., Railway Motive Power Fuel Costs, 534
- Thom, Lamont and Co., Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834
- United Glass Bottle Manufacturers, Ltd., Cost of Export, 717
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Design of Wheels for Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes, H. B. Lloyd, 429 ; Iron and Steel Works, 29 ; Swinden Laboratories, (546)
- Uvarov, E. B., Library Service for Industry, 770
- Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Coryton Refinery, (262), (370) ; Flooding of Coryton Refinery, (370) ; Fuel Distribution Depot, (718) ; Gear Lubrication, (546) ; Oil Refineries of 1952, 69
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Range of Middleweight Trucks, 510 ; Works Producer Gas Unit, 645 “ Velletia,” Oil Tanker, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 135
- Venner Electronics, Ltd., Lifeboat S.O.S. Transmitter, 526
- Venner, Ltd., Whaling Developments, (226)
- Vent-Axia Fans, Ltd., Luncheon Party, (578)
- Vere Engineering Co., Ltd., Continuous Production of Timber Board, 807
- Vickers, Antony, Unbalance, 534
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., City of Port Elizabeth, 103 ; Jet Military Transport Aircraft, (262) ; Launch of Orient Liner “ Orsova,” (226), 723 ; Launch of H.M.S. “ Hermes,” 280 ; Single-Cylinder, Opposed-Piston, Experimental Two-Cycle Diesel Engine, 17 ; Steamship “ World Enterprise,” 892 ; “ Supermarine 508 ” Fighter, (846) ; “ Viscount 800,” (334) ; “ Viscount” Propeller Turbine Airliner, 24 ; “ World Concord,” Oil Tanker, 135;“ World Unity,” Oil Tanker, 135
- Victorious,” H.M. Aircraft Carrier, 50 Vidal,” Surveyor Ship, 50
- Viet Nam,” Passenger Liner, Chantiers Navales de la Ciotat, 401
- Voce, E., Strain Hardening of Metals, (Letter, 23)
- Voith, J. M., G.m.b.H., ” Diwabus ” Hydraulic Transmission, 590
- Vokes, Ltd., Exhibition, (846)
- Volkart Brothers, Cooling of Aggregate for Vaitarna Dam, 281
- Volkswagenwerk G.m.b.H., Industrial Petrol Engine, 725 ; V.W.”Car, 555
- Vosper, Ltd., Patrol Boat ” Gay Bombardier,” (572)
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., British-Built Locomotives for Export, 685 ; 3600 H.P., 3000V D.C. Electric Locomotives, 2 ; 2-10-2 Locomotive for Iranian State Railway, 2
- Walker, C. C., American Honour, (78)
- Walker, F. A., Dimensions on Drawings, 428
- Walker, W. P., Resistance Experiments on the “ Lucy Ashton,”
- Waller, J. H. de. Roofs, 270
- Wallsend Slipway North Sea Liner, “ Warrior,” Light Fleet Carrier, 50
- Waterton, W. A., Some Aspects of High Performance Jet Aircraft, 507
- Watkin, E. R. S., Railway Traffic of the Appleby- Frodingham Steel Works, 692
- Watson, C. D., Variable Hydraulic Pump Servos and a Method of Impedance Testing, 275
- Week, R., Fatigue in Ship Structures, 559
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Paddle Steamer for Loch Lomond, 834 ; Steamship “ World Enterprise,” 892
- Weir, Lord, Gifts to Institution, 481
- Welbourn. D. B., Notes on Euler’s Centrifugal Pump Theory, 779
- “ Wellington Star,” Refrigerated Cargo Liner, John Brown and Co., Ltd., 105
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Machinery for Fell Coke Works, 65 ; Open-Hearth Furnaces for Corby Works, 65 ; Steel Works Ladle Cranes, 505
- West, Allen, Ltd., Brighton “ B ” Power Station 663, 709
- Western Region, British Railways, Soil Failures in a Railway Cutting, 384, 414 ; Standard Class “ 2 ” Locomotives for British Railways, 207
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Cathodic Protection, (750) ; “ Transbooster ” for Rectifier Voltage Control, 655
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Heating Metals in Suspension in an Electromagnetic Field, 431
- Westmoor Engine Works Co., Ltd., Motorship “ Braemar,” 809
- Westool, Ltd., D.C. Solenoids, (478)
- Whincup, Norman, Obituary, 565
- Whitaker, A., Appointment, National Coal Board, (546)
- Whitcher, James, Obituary, 139
- Wigan Mining and Technical College, (514)
- Wigley, W. C. S., Water Forces on Submerged Bodies in Motion, 607
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., High- Temperature Tube Furnace, 459
- Wilkinson, E. R., Electricity and Industrial Production, 837
- Wilks, W. T., Installation of Long Conductor Rails on Southern Railway, 464
- Will, H. H., Physical Laboratory, Summer School and Conference at Bristol, 304
- Williams, A. L., An Assessment of the Impregnated Pressure Cable, 745
- Williams, Gertrude, Labour in 1952, 8, 47
- Williams and James (Engineers), Ltd., Instrument for Controlling Compressed Air Supplies, 605
- Williams, Sir Owen, and Partners, Central Maintenance Base, London Airport, 13
- Willment Brothers, Pontypool Factory, 42
- Wilson, G. A., Post-War Works of the Port of London Authority, 409
- Wilson, Guthlac, Obituary, 501
- “ Windsor,” Motor Cargo Ship, Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., 104
- Windsor, R. H., Ltd., Injection Moulding Machine, 655 ; Preplasticiser Unit, 867
- Winn, Charles, and Co., Ltd., “Efem” Dieheads, (540)
- “ Wokingham,” M.V., Maiden Voyage, Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., 612
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., Heavy-Duty Portable Saw, (846)
- Wood, J. G., Continuous Recording of the Effective Diameter of Screw Gauges, 205
- Woodfine, B. C., Temper Brittleness, 757 Worboys, W. J., Industrial Design, 261
- World Concord,” Oil Tanker, strongs, Ltd., 135
- World Enterprise,” Steamship, strongs, Ltd., 892
- World Unity,” Oil Tanker, strongs, Ltd., 135
- Worshipful Company of Founders, Robert Warner Fellowships, (782)
- Wright, K. H. R., Fretting Corrosion, 323
- Yang, C. S., Effect of Radial Pitch Variation on the Performance of a Marine Propeller, 558
- Yates, H. G., Development of a Marine Steam Turbine Design, 387, 393, 439
- Young, Austen and Young, Ltd., Bankside Power Station, 143, 167
- Young, J. Z., High-Speed Counting of Steelfoundry Dust Particles, 485
- Yuill, John (Metal Works), Ltd., Control of Industrial Dust, (546)
- Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen A.G., “ Media ” Gearbox, 590
See Also
Sources of Information