1980 Motor Show

Note: This is a sub-section of Motor Show Catalogues
Motor Show. Held 17th - 26th October 1980. Second time this event held in the N.E.C.
List of Exhibitors (The catalogue holds detailed information on a number of these companies and their products)
- AC Cars
- AE Auto Parts
- Aeroplane and Motor Aluminium Castings
- Aeroquip (UK)
- AE Truck and Trailer Components
- AHP Trailers
- Airflow Streamlines
- Airshield
- Airvert
- Alenco, Norma Products Division
- Alexander, Walter, and Co (Coachbuilders)
- Alfa Romeo
- Alfa Romeo Alfasud
- Alfa Romeo (GB)
- Alfa Romeo SpA
- Alford and Alder
- Alpax
- Alustock
- Anglo French Finance Co
- Arlington Group of Companies
- Arlington Motor Finance
- Armstrong Equipment
- ARC Machinery Co
- Asco
- Associated Engineering Developments
- Associated Engineering Group
- Aston Martin Lagonda
- Austin Morris Light Commercial Vehicles
- Austin years feature
- Autela Components
- Autocar
- Autogem
- Autoguard
- Automobile Association, The
- Automotive Distributors
- Automotive Products Co (Banbury)
- Automotive Products
- Automotive Products (Autela Components Division)
- Automotive Products (Filter Division)
- Automotive Products (Friction Material Division)
- Automotive Products (International Auto Safety Centres Division)
- Automotive Products (Parts and Service Division)
- Automotive Products (Pressings Division)
- Automotive Products (Rubber Division)
- Automotive Products (Silencer Division)
- Automotive Products (Springs Division)
- Auto Plas
- Autosafe
- Auto-Sleepers
- Autosonik Radio Equipment
- Autoteile-Service
- Autotrade
- Avolift (Cheltenham)
- Avon Transmission Services
- AVW-Wilcomatic
- Aztec Sunroofs
- Banks, J. W. E., and Sons
- Bars Motor Products
- Bate, William,
- Bauch, F. W. O.,
- Baxters Vehicle Components
- Beans Engineering
- Bearmach (London)
- Bedford Commercial Vehicles
- Belaco
- Bendix Argentina
- Bendix Brazil
- Bendix DBA (UK)]]
- Bendix Heavy Vehicle Systems Group Bendix
- Bendix Mexico
- BEN - Motor and Cycle Trades Benevolent Fund
- Berg Manufacturing (UK)
- Besco Bodies
- Bestplate
- Bier, I, and Son (Overseas)
- Big J Autoparts
- Billows, John R., (Sales)
- Blackhawk Automotive
- Black Lake Foundries
- Blaupunkt—Robert Bosch
- BL Cars
- Bluemel Brothers
- BMW Concessionaires (GB)
- Boalloy
- Borg
- Borg and Beck
- Borg Warner — Morse Chain Division
- Borg Warner - Transmission Division
- Bosal (UK)
- Bosch, Robert
- Bostrom Division, UOP
- Bowmaker (Commercial)
- Bowmaker Leasing
- Bowmaker
- Bowmaker (Ulster)
- BP Oil
- Brade-Leigh Products
- Brake Linings
- Bramber Engineering Co
- Branham Autoparts Distribution
- Brico Engineering
- Bridge Foundry Co
- Bridgnorth Engineering
- Bristol Cars
- Bristol Commercial Vehicles
- Britax
- Britax (Dynasafe)
- Britax Excelsior
- Britax (GECO)
- Britax (Lenmark)
- Britax (PMG)
- Britax (Vega)
- Britax (Weathershields)
- Britax (Wingard)
- British Credit Trust
- Brockhouse Transmissions
- Brockhouse Harvey Frost
- Broshuls
- Broshuis Trailers
- Brovex
- Brown Brothers
- Brown Brothers (Overseas)
- Brycrest Engineering
- BSG International
- BT Sales and Services
- Buckingham Vehicles
- Burgess Products Co
- Butec Electrics
- Butterfield, J. B.,
- Camelinat, E., and Co
- Cam Gears
- Cannon Rubber
- Canute Engineering
- Caravelle Import and Export
- Car Bench
- Carbodies
- Carena Engineering
- Cargo Van Equipment
- Car Parts and Accessories
- Carter Parratt Group
- Cartwright Group of Companies
- CBS (Automotive and Industrial)
- Celette-Churchill
- Champion Sparking Plug Co
- Chartered Trust
- Chatwins
- Chausson, SA Des Usines
- Chillcotts
- Chloride Automotive Batteries
- Churchfields Spring Co
- Churchill, V. L,
- Cibie
- CI Autohomes
- Citroen Cars
- Clarion In Car Audio
- F. Claudet
- Clayton Dewandre Co
- Coachwork Conversions
- Cobra Automotive Products
- Coleman Milne
- Colt Car Co
- Comma Oil and Chemicals
- Compagnie Industrielle de Mecanisme
- CompAir Industrial
- Commercial Motor
- Connolly Brothers (Curriers)
- Cooks (Road Transport Engineers)
- Cooper and Turner
- Coopers Filters
- Coopers Filtration
- Coopers Payen
- Cords Piston Ring Co
- Countdown
- Courtburn
- Craven Tasker
- Craven Tasker (Andover)
- Craven Tasker (Northern)
- Craven Tasker Sales
- Craven Tasker (Sheffield)
- Craven Tasker (Woodville)
- Crayford Auto Development
- Cresswells Asbestos Co
- Croda Paints
- Croft of Nottingham
- Crosland Filters
- Cummins Diesel Sales and Service
- Cummins Engine Co
- CV Hydro Hoist UK
- DAF Buses
- DAF Trucks (GB)
- Daihatsu UK
- Dana Spicer UK
- Danbury Conversions
- Datsun UK
- Davies Magnet Works
- Dayco Rubber (UK)
- Dayton Walther
- Deans and Lightalloys
- Decosol
- Desoutter Automotive
- Deutz Engines
- Devon Conversions
- Dickins, W., and Co
- Dinol (Car Care) UK
- Diplomat Technico
- Dixon-Bate, B.
- Dodge (Talbot Motor Co)
- Don International
- Dormobile
- Doyce Electronics
- Drum Engineering Co
- Ducellier
- Duckham, Alexander, and Co
- Dunlop - Tyre Division
- Dunnspencer Bulkflo
- Dyson, R. A., and Co
- Eaton
- Eaton, Axle Division
- Eaton, Fluid Power Operations Division
- Eaton, Transmission Division
- Eberspacher (UK)
- Echlin
- Eclipse Foundry and Engineering Co (Dudley)
- Econocruise
- Edbro
- Edbro (Bodies)
- Edbro International
- Ehrenreich, A., and Co
- Eleco (Falcon Wheels)
- Epco
- Euroclean
- Eurohitch UK
- European Trade Center
- Eversure Accessories
- Exhaust Ejector Co
- Falcon Wheels (Eleco)
- Farnier and Penin
- Feeny and Johnson
- Feeny and Johnson (Components)
- Fergussons (Tankers)
- Ferodo
- Ferrari, Automobili
- Fiat Commercial Vehicles
- Fiat Auto (UK)
- Fiat Auto (UK), Parts Division
- Fiat Group
- Fischer, George
- Fischer, George, AG, (Automotive Products Division)
- Fischer, George, Sales
- Fister (UK)
- Fleetguard Europe
- Flexi Force Automotive
- Fodens
- Ford Motor Co
- Ford Motor Co, Parts Operations Ford Motor Credit Co
- Ford Personal Import Export
- Fort Vale Engineering Co
- Forward Trust (Finance)
- Forward Trust
- Fost Air Components
- Four Way Marketing
- Fram Europe
- Framtek Gruppo Teksid
- Fratelli, Daldi and Matteucci-Spa
- Gabriel
- Garage and Transport
- Gardner, L., and Sons
- Gates Europe
- GEC Foundries
- Genbearco UK
- General Motors, Opel Marketing Unit
- Gilardini
- GKN Axles
- GKN Bound Brook
- GKN Fasteners
- GKN Forgings
- GKN Group
- GKN Sankey
- GKN Transmissions
- Glacier Metal Co
- Global Industries
- Glynwed Fastenings
- Glynwed
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co (GB)
- Grant, Richard, Motor Accessories
- Great Bridge Foundry Co
- Groeneveld Transport Efficiency
- Grundy Auto Products
- Gunsons Colorplugs
- Guy Chart Tools
- Guyson International
- Hale and Hale (Tipton)
- Halls Gaskets
- Hans Motors (London)
- Happich, Gert
- Harboran
- Harmo Auto Services
- Harmo Auto Services (Export)
- Harmo Export
- Harmo Filters
- Harmo Industries
- Hartley, J. W., (Motor Trade)
- Hartridge, Leslie
- Hatcher Components
- Haymarket Publishing
- Haynes Publishing Group
- Headlight
- Hella Automobile Equipment
- Hepworth and Grandage
- Hestair Dennis
- Hitachi Sales (UK)
- Hobourn-Eaton
- Holset Engineering Co
- Honda (UK)
- Hotbray
- Hydro Hoist
- Hydrosteer
- Icknield Instruments
- IMl Radiator Services
- IMI Radiators
- IMVT Salvador Caetano
- Indicators International
- Industries Telug
- Ingimex
- Inrad Services
- Interlube Systems
- Intermotor
- International Automotive Design
- Isringhausen, Gebr, (GB)
- Itoh, C., Bridgestone Tyre Sales
- Iveco (UK)
- Karcher (UK)
- Karobes
- Karosseriewerke Weinsberg,
- Kassbohrer, Karl, Fahrzeugwerke
- Kenlowe Accessories
- Keycard Sound Service
- KFP Exports
- Kinnegrip
- Klaxon (UK)
- KL Automotive Products
- Klinger, Richard, Automotive
- Klippan UK
- Kolb Kooi Aap
- Kuikka, George,
- Kumficar Products
- Kysor Industrial (GB)
- Lake and Elliot Jacks and Equipment
- Lancia (England)
- Land Rover
- LAR Automotive
- Lazzerini, R., EC
- Lawrence David
- Laycock Engineering
- Lemmerz-Werke
- Leyland Vehicles
- Leyland Vehicles, Parts Division
- Liftmoore UK
- Linvar
- Lions Workshop Equipment
- Llanelli Radiators
- Lloyds and Scottish Finance
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co
- Lockmasters
- Lombard North Central
- London Bankside Products
- Lotus Cars
- Lucas Batteries
- Lucas CAV
- Lucas Electrical
- Lucas feature
- Lucas Girling
- Lucas Industries
- Lucas Kienzle
- Lucas Service UK
- Lyall Lusted
- Lydmet
- Magneti Marelli
- M. and G. Trailers
- Magyar
- Manganese Bronze
- MAN - VW Truck and Bus
- Mann Filters
- [Marcar, Alexander, and Co
- Marchal (SEV)
- Maremont International
- Markovits, I.
- Marsden (Coachbuilders)
- Maserati, Officinie Alfieri
- MAS Manufacturing
- Massey International (Coachbuilders)
- Matchless Engineering
- Matthews, Edward,
- Mazda Car Imports (GB)
- MB Sintering
- Mechanical Services
- Melbros Sheet Metal Co
- Meldrum, Thomas,
- Meller, George,
- Mercantile Credit Co
- Mercedes-Benz UK
- Mercedes-Benz UK - Unimog Metro-Cammell Weymann
- Michelin Tyre Co
- Midland Mechanical Developments
- Mintex
- Mitsubishi Trucks and Buses
- MMD (Bolts and Studs)
- MM Seals (Automotive and Industrial)
- MM Seals
- Monark Diesel and Electrical Products (UK)
- Monroe Auto Equipment (UK)
- Morgan, Alan A.,
- Morgan Motor Co
- Moseley Continental Coachwork
- Motaproducts Automotive
- Motor
- Motoradio
- Motor Caravan Conversions
- Motorhomes International
- Motor Industry Research Association
- Motoplus
- Motorola — Automotive Products Division
- Motor Panels (Coventry)
- Motor Trader
- Motor Transport
- Murfitt, R.,
- Narco National
- National Motor Museum
- NEI Clark Chapman Engineering, Thompson Tankers
- Neoplan Gottlob Auwaerter and Co
- Neville-Charrold
- NGK Spark Plugs (UK)
- Nixon High Pressure Washer Sales
- Nooteboom Distributor UK
- Norma Products Division, Alenco
- Norse Audio Systems
- Norsk Hydro / Alustock
- Northern Counties Motor and Engineering Co
- Northern Vehicle Distributors
- North West Securities
- Nuts and Bolts (Darlaston)
- PAA (Auto Lamps)
- PAA (Auto Parts)
- Package Control
- Parbro Auto Electrical Products (Blackburn)
- Paris-Rhone
- Partco
- Patent Diecastings Co, The
- Payen International
- Pederzani and Zini
- Peerless Instruments
- PEM Trailers
- Perei, L. E., Auto Devices
- Perkins Engine Co
- Perrot (UK)
- Perrot Brakes (UK)
- Pesca Engineering
- Peugeot United Kingdom
- Philips Audio
- Phipps Plastic Products
- Pilcher-Greene
- Pininfarina, Industrie
- Pioneer High Fidelity (GB)
- Plaxtons (Scarborough)
- Pneumatic Components
- Pol-mot
- Polski Car Imports (GB)
- Porsche Cars Great Britain
- Presta (Press-Stanzwerk AG)
- Primrose Group
- Prince (Kingston) Engineers
- Project Thrust
- Protectol (Rustproofing)
- Protectol (Warranties)
- Protectostyle
- PWB Pressings
- Quinton Hazell
- Quinton Hazell Automotive
- Quinton Hazell Automotive (Australia)
- Quinton Hazell (Far East)
- Quinton Hazell Inc
- Quinton Hazell (Ireland)
- Quinton Hazell Italia
- Quinton Hazell Nederland
- Quinton Hazell Superite Holdings (South Africa)
- Radiomobile
- Raydyot
- Rearsby Components
- Reeve Burgess
- Reliant Motor Co, The
- Removatop
- Renault Trucks and Buses
- Renault
- Renault (UK)
- Repco Automotive Equipment UK
- Repco
- Restall Brothers
- Rex Automatic Machine Co
- Ring Lamp Co
- Ripaults
- Rists
- RL Autoguard Extended Warranties
- Road Haulage Association
- Roberts, Charles, Engineering
- Rockwell Bremsen
- Rockwell—Golde
- Rockwell—Golde Italiana
- Rockwell International
- Rockwell International Corporation
- Rockwell International Corporation, Bracebridge Plant
- Rockwell International Corporation, Suspension Component Division
- Rockwell International Corporation, Ornamentation Division
- Rockwell International Corporation, Rockwell Fumagali Division
- Rockwell Maudslay
- Rockwell Thompson
- Rolls-Royce Motors
- Rolls-Royce Motors, Diesel Division
- Rose, Edward
- Rose, Edward, (Birmingham)
- Rose, Edward, (France)
- Rose, Edward, (Plastics)
- Rose, Edward, (Sections)
- Rose, Edward, (Telford)
- Rowen-Arc
- Royal Automobile Club
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
- Rubery Owen
- Rubery Owen Fasteners
- Rubery Owen (Moxley)
- Rubery Owen (Pressings and Fabrications)
- Rubery Owen Rockwell
- Rubery Owen (Warrington)
- Rubery Owen (Wheels and Assemblies)
- Rubery Owen (Wrexham)
- Ryders Autoservice (GB)
- Rydewell Suspensions
- Ryland Tankers
- Ryland Vehicle Group
- Saab (GB)
- SAB Brake Regulator Co
- Sable Seats
- Salop Tool and Fixtures
- Saltofix Salvador Caetano
- Samefa (UK)
- Sanyo Marubeni (UK)
- Satra Motors
- Scania (GB)
- Schmidt, Karl
- Schofield and Brown
- Schwitzer Wallace Murray
- Sealey, Jack,
- Securon Manufacturing
- Sedan Products
- Seddon Atkinson Vehicles
- Self-Changing Gears
- Serrature Auto Ferrorrarie Edile (SAFE)
- Service Station
- SEV-Cibi, Valeo Group
- SEV-Marchal, Valeo Group
- SEV-Paris-Rhone, Valeo Group
- SEV Service (Relation Exterieurs)
- SEV (UK)
- Sewell, Ronald, and Associates
- Shelvoke and Dewry
- Sillett and Cooksey
- SIP (Industrial Products)
- SK Handtools
- Skoda (GB)
- Smith, James H.
- Smith, Ray, Demountables
- Smiths Industries, Motor Accessory Sales and Service Division
- Smiths Industries, Vehicle Heater Division
- Smiths Industries, Vehicle Instrumentation Division
- Smithson, G. R., and Co
- Sofica Division, Valeo Group
- Soma, Valeo Group
- Sonnenscheih UK
- Sound Advice
- Souriau (UK)
- Southfields Coachworks
- Speedograph
- Spraybake
- SSI Fix Equipment
- Stanley, J.. and Co
- Steco (CFEC)
- Stone Platt Crawley
- Subaru (UK)
- SU Butec
- SU Fuel Systems
- Suntester
- Supra Automotive
- Supra Chemicals and Paints
- Supra Group
- Supra Pressings
- Supra Sureparts
- Surrey Steel Components
- Suzuki GB (Cars)
- Sykes-Pickavant
- Talbot Credit Co
- Talbot Motor Co
- Talbot Motor Co - Dodge
- Tecalemit Garage Equipment Co
- Technocar
- Teksid
- Telehoist
- Telma Retarder
- Tempered Spring Co
- Tetroc
- Teves, Alfred,
- Thomas Electronics
- Thomas Electronics Services
- Thompson Tankers, (NEI Clark Chapman Engineering)
- Thorn Lighting
- Thrust Cars
- Tl Bainbridge Silencers
- Tl Bradbury
- Tl Cheswick Silencers
- Tl Churchill
- Tl Crypton
- Tl Dieseltune
- Tl Group
- Tl Transport Equipment
- Time Instrument Manufacturers
- Tl Norfleet Silencers (Export)
- Tip Top Vulcanising Products
- Tomaso, De, - Modena
- Toric Marketing
- Toyota (GB)
- Trailer (UK)
- Transport Press Services
- Travel Cruiser Concessionaires
- Tricentrol Bus and Truck Group
- Tricentrol Chassis Developments
- Tricentrol Truck and Van Rental
- Tricentrol Trucks (A5)
- Trico Developments Co
- Trico-Folberth
- Tridon Serflex
- Trimguard UK
- Triplex Foundries Group
- Triplex Foundry
- Triplex Safety Glass Co
- Trist, Draper
- Truck
- Truckparts
- Truflo
- TRW International
- TRW Valves Tudor Accessories
- Tudor Safety Glass Co
- Tudor Vehicle Imports (UK)
- Tudor Webasto Sun Roofs
- Tungstone Batteries
- Turner Manufacturing Co
- Turner Spicer
- TVR Engineering
- UDT Dealer Services
- UDT International Finance
- Uni-Cardan
- Unimog - Mercedes-Benz (UK)
- Unipart, Service and Parts Division
- United Dominions Trust
- Units of Leicester
- Universal Bulk Handling Equipment
- UOP, Bostrom Europe
- V.A.G. (United Kingdom)
- V.A.G. (United Kingdom) - Audi Division
- V.A.G. (United Kingdom) - Auto Union
- Valeo Group
- Valeo Group, SEV—Cibie
- Valeo Group, SEV—Marchal
- Valeo Group, SEV—Paris-Rhone
- Valeo Group, Sofica Division
- Valeo Group, SOMA
- Valeo Group, Verto Division
- Van Hool
- Vauxhall Motors
- Veeder-Root
- Vehicle Builders and Repairers Association
- Veng, Erik
- Verto Division - Valeo Group
- Victor Royale
- Vida (Exhaust Systems)
- Viking Motorhomes
- Vincke
- Voith Engineering
- Volkswagen (GB), Parts and Service Division
- Volvo Concessionaires
- Volvo Trucks and Buses (GB)
- Volvo Trucks and Buses (GB), Parts Division
- Vowles Foundries
- Voxson Audio
- VRB Friesland
- Wadham Stringer
- Wadham Stringer (Coachbuilders)
- Wadham Stringer (Victory)
- Wagon Finance
- Walker, B., and Son
- Warwick Pump and Engineering Co
- Waso
- WB Bumpers
- Weber Carburatori
- Welconstruct Co
- Welford Truck Bodies
- Wellworthy
- Weblash
- West Midlands Police
- White Truck Group International
- What Car
- Wilcomatic
- Wilmot Breeden (Australia)
- Wilmot Breeden
- Windshields Group
- Withnell, A. C.,
- Wolfrace Wheels
- Wood and Pickett
- Wood Auto Supplies
- Woodhead, Jonas, (Springs and Forgings and Shock Absorber Sections)
- World Radio