Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1912-1913 The Motor: Index

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Aug 1912 to Jan 1913 (Volume 22)


  • A A. AND M.U., 301. — And a Member’s Stolen Motor, 648a, 888. 1187 And Cooperative Petrol Trading, 312. And Improvement in Hotel Arrangement, 273. Ana Local Authorities. 97i», And London Speed Limits, Local Government Board’s Inquiry into, 1000. And Obstacle on Road, 322. And Petrol Supplies, 356. And Road Warnings, 527. And Side Lights on Sidecars, 941. And Speed Limit at Tunbridge Wells, 1145. And the Road: Between Whitby and Sandsend, 89; to Helmsley, 940. And the Victor Tyre Report, 853. Asquith, Right Hon. H. H., a Member of the, 103. Benzol Production, Invitation to Constitute a Commission of Inquiry into the Question of, 1152a. Car Stolen from Member of. 848a. 898. 1187. Closing the Offices of the. 1016. Cyclecar Membership of the, 898. Edinburgh Offices of the, 1233. Election of New Members by the, 638, 1107. Flash Lamps on Highways, Complaints of Members of, 949. Guide Cards: Through London. 526; Through Towns, 148. Handbook for 1913, 999. Hotel Report Forms Sent to, 312. Improved Conditions by Rail Through Continent by, 1102. Member Obstructed, 1147. Membership: of the, 462; Record, 66. Members: New, Elected to, 638, 1107; Special Warning to, 896. 1107; Proposed Scheme for Supplying Petrol to. 272. Northern Section: Annual Dinner of the, 1238; Representative Married, 317. Speed Limit Applications for, 949. Stand at Olympia Motorcycle Show, 851. Warnings to Members, 896, 1107
  • Accessories:
  • - Acetylene Illuminating Co., 747. Adams and Co., 736. Amalgam, Ltd., 748. Andre, 718. Atlas Non-Puncture Inner Case Syndicate, 731. A. T. Speedometer Co., 740. Auster, Ltd., 732. Auto-Machinery Co., 757
  • - Bailey and Co. 746. Barimar. 813. Barker and Co., 813. G. Beaton and Son, 731, Benton and Stone, 749. Berliet Motors, 734. Bluemel Brothers, 750. Bowden Wire, Ltd., 731. Bramco, 811. Brampton Brothers, 731. Bransom, Kent and Co, 735. R. Broadhurst and Co, 898. Brooks, 294, 753. Brown and Barlow. 742. Brown and Sons (Huddersfield). 739. Brown Brothers. 755.
  • - Coan. R. W. 755. Coventry Chain Co, 750. County Chemical Co., 742. County Screen Co., 731. Coventry Motor Fittings Co., 730
  • - Davenport and Co., 739. Dew and Co., 811. Donne and Willans, 718. Dover. 718, 757, Drummond Brothers, 747. Du Cros, W. and G., 738. Dunhill, 730. Dunlop, 91, 732. Duradal, 812.
  • - East London Rubber Co., 741. Eisemann, 745. Electric and Ordnance Co., 733. Electric Ignition Co., 811.
  • - Fair and Co., 745. Farmiloe, 810. Fenestre, Cadisch and Co., 738. Finnigans, Ltd., 757. Frood Co., 731.
  • - Gamage, 814. Garner, Ltd., 813. Godin. 757
  • - Harding and Co., 755. Hardy and Co., 748. Harrods, 813. Harvey, W. J., Ltd., 746. High Tension Co., 734. Hill, Ernest H., Ltd., 742. Hobson, Ltd., 747. Hoffman Manufacturing Co., 747. Hunt and Co., 735.
  • - Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd., 755
  • - Jarrott. Ltd., 748. Jenks, H., 740
  • - Lacoste and Co., 755. Lake and Elliot, 735. Lincolnshire Autocar Co., 276. Lodge Brothers, 730. London Motor Garage Co., 732. Lucas, 740. Lyell and Co., 810.
  • - Markt and Co., 742. Marston, Ltd., 748. Melhuish, Ltd., 735. Mestre and Blatge, 75#. Mitchell, 812. Motor Accessories Co., 378, 755. Motor Radiator Manufacturing Co., 739. Motor Supply Co. 739.
  • - Nicole, Nielsen and Co., 814. Nilmelior, Ltd., 745. Norton, 742.
  • - Osborne and Co., 735.
  • - Paget, Ltd., 809. Parsons Non-skid Co., 7b0. Peto and Radford, 753. Popplewell, H. S., 749.
  • - Reichwald. Ltd. (Krupp’s Steel), 750. Renold, Ltd., 755. Riley (Coventry), Ltd., 734. Ripault and Co.. 740, Rotherham and Sons,- 753. Ross, Courtney and Co., 737.
  • - Sankey and Sons, 730. Seabrook Brothers, 732. Selfridge, 504, 812. Self-Sealing Rubber Co., 751 Skefko Ball Bearing Co., 740.
  • - Thomson-Bennett. 86, 747. Tormo, 440. Trier and Martin, 746. Turner 718
  • - United Motor Industries. Ltd., 755
  • - Vandervell, 744. Van Raden and Co., 730
  • - Windovers, Ltd 735 Wolf and Co., 753. Woodgates Brothers., 745. Worsnop and Co., 813. Wrigley and Co, 739
  • Accessories: Interesting New, 364. Some New, 276 Accident: On Royal Oak Hill, 832. To English Motoring Party in the Tyrol, 190
  • Accidents: Motor, The Daily Press and, 383. On Portsmouth Road, near Esher, 146. iramcr Can They be Diminished, 340
  • Accommodation, Chassis and, 1074 Accumulators: Fuller 809. Lucas, 740. Ripault), 740. Van Raden, 730 Acetylene Burners, Roni, 318, 812 Acetylene: Future of, 465. Lighting and Starting by D.A.,
  • A.-C.U. Secretary and the Humber Car Used in Six Days Trial, 461
  • Agency, Roslington’s, A. W., World-wide, 873
  • Alarm, Lotum, 275
  • Alcohol: Fuel: Concerning, 215; Government’s Report on, 1062; Its Cost of Production, 219; The Case for, 154; The Question of Supply, 219. " Unthinkable,” 805
  • Alpine: Motoring, 566; Austrian, 771. Run, The, 1063; Swiss, Why It Failed to Realize, 126 Ambulance, Goodchild's Invalid, 200 America; Astounding Figures from, 860. Brewer’s, Mr., Return from, 1028. Brown, David Bruce, Killed Whilst Practising for the Grand Prize in, 394, 437. Chicago, Traffic Court Established in, 174. Electrically-warmed Steering Wheel in, 400. Engine-starter, A Mechanical in, 385. Exports from, 307. Fixed Prices: A Bill in Senate to Eliminate in, 148. Grand Prize of—(See “Grand Prize”). Growth of Motoring in, 73. Huge Increase of Cars in, 860. Motometer, for Indicating Temperature of Radiators from, 1106. Motor Polo in, 102a. Rainer Natural Park, Entrance to, in, 472. Record Trade in, 156. Speed in, at the Old Orchard Beach Meeting, Maine, 37. Story, A Tall, from Texas, 203. Vanderbilt Cup, Race for the, 395. Windover-Daimler Combination for South, 495
  • American: Car: Attractiveness of the Cheap, 338; Can British Manufacturers Produce a Car Equal to the Cheapest, 212; French-designed. 1193: in the Market in New Zealand, 8t>9. Carburetter, A Popular, The Schebler, 3. Competition, How It Might be More Effectively Met, 108. Continent, Three Times Across the, 646. Invaders. The, 108. Invasion in Canada, 1029. Light Car, Future of the, 1188. Opinion of a British Car, 1107. Sizes, Hutchinson Tyres in, 168. Trade Growth. 860. Tyre Pump, The Kellog, R.A.C. Test of, 10. v. British Cars in Russia, 922. v. European Methods, 215
  • Anglo-American Motor Co., Dinner to Agents of the, 819
  • Animals, Speed of, 1042
  • Antipodes, The British Car in, 294 Armstrong-Whitworth Works, An Interesting Day at the, 1237
  • Army Manoeuvres, The, 274
  • Arrol-Johnston’s Agents’ Meeting.' 358 ” Austin Advocate, ’ 1126
  • Austin Motors, L>td., Extension of Premises of, 898 Australia: A.C.A. Reliability Trial in, 1260. And New Zealand, Canadian Cars for, 147. British Cars Losing Ground in, 304. Car Sales by Ocular Demonstration in, 976. Motoring in, 35. Victorious Vauxhall in, 947
  • Australian Market, A British Manufacturer and the, 864
  • Austria: Foreign Trade of. 378. Petrol Prices in, 294. Swiss Race in, 301
  • Austrian Alpine Run, 1913, 865
  • Autodrome for Paris, 105
  • Automobile Association of Belgium, Shock Absorber Trial of the, 365
  • Automobile Engineers, The Training of, 1153
  • Automobile Golfing Society, 352. Autumn Meeting of the, 442
  • Automobilism, Progress of. 445
  • Aviation.— Aerial Conditions, New. in Paris, 90. Aero Engineering at the Polytechnic Institute, Regent Street, 428. Aeroplane Makers, German, and German War Office, 940. .Aeroplanes, Parachutes for, 366. Airmen, Signalling for, 318. Ashley, Mr., Fatal Accident to, 317. Aviators, Accidents to, 387. Battenberg, Prince Leopold of, Flight in a British Monoplane by, 1246. Cross-Channel Record, A New, 21. " Famous Airmen and Their Equipments ” (Burroughs, Wellcome and Co.), 378, Flights by Artificial Lights, at Hendon, 357. German: National Aeroplane Fund, Imperial Committee’s Success for, 1065: War Office and Aeroplane Makers, 940. Hardwick, Mr. A., Fatal Accident to, 977. Hendon: Aeroplane Review at, 352a; Flights by 1 Artificial Lights at, 357: Flying at,, 272; Naval and Military Meeting at, 352a. Monoplane of 1842, The, 588 . Moorhouse, Mr. Wm., Establishes the Third Cross-Channel Record, 21. Parachute Experiments? Will the Royal Flying Corps Carry Out, 262. Parke, Lieut. Wilfred, Fatal Accident to, 977. Paris Aero Show, 587; Military and Naval Aeroplanes at, 587. Royal Aero Club, Year Book of the, 336. Royal Flying Corps, An Appeal to the, 262; Opinions Relative to the, 366. Signalling for Airmen, 318.
  • Axle: Ends, Loose Driving Wheels on, 16. What Make of? 282; Answer to Question, 312
  • Axles, Timken, 562
  • Backlasii’in th^Sternng-How to Remedy It, 1214
  • Balancing Gear, Lanchester 962
  • Balkan War, Humbers and the,, 873
  • Ball Bearings: Duplex, 810. F. and S„ 440. Sketko. 740. Timken, 562, #33
  • Ball Bearings, Making of, 1055
  • Barker and Co., Extension of Premises of,'$04
  • Belgium, Grand Prix de—(See “ Grand Prix ”)
  • Belsize Motors, Ltd.: Capital Developments, 232. Dinner of ^Agents of, 803
  • Belt Adjuster, Fan, Cassell and Co., 504
  • Benzol: Announcement, Important, 1152a. Coming into Use, 935. Evidence in Favour of, 472. Experiences of Use, Wanted, 890. Hope of the Future in, 894. Mitchell Main Colliery Co. and, 344. Problem, The, 943. Production, Commission of Inquiry into the Question of, 1152a. Protection for, 879. Question in Germany, The, 70. Trials in Germany, 1260
  • Bierzynski, M. Herico, Dinner to Pressmen and Friends by, 357
  • Bird, Mr. Alfred F., M.P., Dinner to, on His Retirement from the Presidency of the Midland A.C., 1064
  • Birmingham: Accident in, 1210. Road, The, 1004
  • Birmingham Small Arms Co., Balance Sheet of the, 313
  • Blue Book Statistics on the Growth of Motoring, 729
  • Board of Education on the H.F. Vulcanizing Process. 980
  • Body: Coupe. Interior of the Millard-Le Gui, 407. Cupboards and Other Receptacles in the, 33
  • Body Design: B.S.A., 451; Greda Car Bodies, 794
  • Body Design: French Competition in, 494. New Streamline, 854
  • Bodywork, General Excellence of Present-day, 838 Booklets: Argyll, 766, 957. Barimar, 957. Bosch Magneto Co., 504. Bray and Co., 318. British School of Motoring, 504. Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., 378. Castrol (Wakefield), 832. Clement-Talbot, 874. Coan's R. W., 831. Connaught Motor Co., 1042. Continental Tyre Co. (Prince Henry Tour, 1911), 105. Daimler, 266. Humber, 831. Middlesex County A.C., 562. National Society of Chauffeurs, 437. Osborne and Co.,' 874. Stewart-Precision, 465. Talbot, 940. U.H., 504. Wolseley, 503
  • Books: Clement-Talbot Guide to London, 590. “ Materials of Motorcar Construction, Notes on the” (Berriman), 1000; Motorcar Construction, 1042. ” Motorcars and Their Story ” (Talbot), 785. ‘‘Motor Scout, The,” (Stang),. 785. “Ten Years of Motors and Motor Racing’” (Jar-rott), 785
  • Bore-to-Stroke Ratio Question, Some Views on, 172
  • Bosch Factory, The Motor Representative’s Impression of a Visit to the, 572
  • Boulogne Race Meeting, The, 147, 186, 210
  • Brake Design, Some of the Problems of, 982a
  • Brake Lever, Daimler Co., 440
  • Brake Linings: Ferodo, 731. Thermoid, 748
  • Brakes, Argyll, Paris Authorities Interested in, 1084
  • Braking, Diagonal, Warning Notes and, 1064
  • Brampton and Co., Balance Sheet of, 539
  • Brazil, Motors in, 896
  • Brewer’s, Mr. R. W., Return from the United States, 102b
  • Bridge Tolls, Movement to Free Shard Bridge from, 44
  • Bridport, Curious Notice at—" Transportation for Life,” 1161
  • Britain’s Motor Trade, 463
  • Briton and Star Developments, 527
  • British Business Motors, Ltd., Messrs. Edge and Bedford Pass Plans for, 229
  • British Car: American Opinion of a, 1107. Development of a Cheap, 503. In British Columbia, 252; In the Antipodes, 294
  • British Carriage Manufacturers: Autumn Meeting of, 286. Election of President of, 1245
  • British Columbia, British Car in, 252
  • British Industry: Historical Notes on the Growth of, 639 , A
  • British Manufacturers: Can They Produce a Car to Equal the Cheapest American, 212
  • British. N.AiG. Co.’s New Show Rooms, Opening Ceremony, 443
  • Bromley, Prosecutions at, 848
  • Brooklands: Cyclecars at, 439. Hemery at, 856, 897. Meetings: 5th August (Bank Holiday), 19; 28th September, 312, 354, O Gorman Trophy Race at, 354; Essex M.C. s Gala, 7_, 102; Standard Car Race at and the Straker-Squire, 24. Records at, 63, 443, 481; Arrol-Johnston, 530; D.F.P., 590;. Lorraine-Dietrich, 897; Speed, Table Showing, 1060, 1092. Star, 188, 233; Sunbeam, 230, 271, 316. »29; Talbot, 804 , 805; Twelve Hours, 233; Vanx-hall, 714
  • Brown and Co.’s Showrooms, The King of Spain Visits, 126 „Q.
  • Brown, David Brace, Fatal Accident to, 394, 43#
  • Brown, Mr. Albert, Travels of, 146, 713
  • Branig Pass, Switzerland, Road up the, lloJ
  • Buildwas, Level Crossing at, 1131
  • Burner, Roni (Bray and Co.), 318, 81-
  • Business Abroad, Our, 1144b
  • Business, Finance and, 17 61, 101. M3, 185, .27, 269, 311, 351, 393, 435, 477, 523, 716 Ml, 847, 889, 936, 974, 1015, 1059, 1101, 1143, 1185, 1229
  • Buyer, 1913, Gains, What the, 642
  • Cadillac Self-starting Trial, 7, 63
  • California, A Great Drive in, 645
  • Canada: Development of Motoring in, 377. Motorcars in; 1029. Motoring in, 1247. Mr. Thomas W. Wilby on His Reo Drives Across, 942. Petrol in, 146
  • Canadian: Cars for Australia and New Zealand, 147. Market, French Motor Manufacturers and, 461. Motor Census, 318
  • Car: A Light, 617; New, A Trial Trip on a, 31. American : . A French-designed, 1193; Attractiveness of thfe Cheap, 338; Light, Future of the, 1188. An Ideal, 138. British: "American Opinion of a, 1107; Development of a Cheap, 503; In British Columbia, 252; In the Antipodes, 294. Cleaning, Aids to, 385. Comfort in the, 33, 34. Co-operative, 212, 263. Efficiency, The Essentials of, 282a. For Colonial Work, The Perfect, 53. Ideal Touring, 240. Maker, £2800 Damages Against a, 1126. New: How the Manufacturer Applies Experience in Perfecting the, 642; Beasons Why One Should Buy a, 642. Owner’s Workshop, The, 408 , 468, 634, 724, 1027. Second-hand, Buying a, 632. “ Silent,” The, 1176. The Ideal Colonial, 137. The Lady and the, 191, 510, 71Qa. The “ Perfect ” for All Work, 114. Troubles, Some Unexpected, 430. Valveless, Run on a Single-cylinder Round Paris, 278
  • Carburation, Pressure-fed, 570
  • Carburettei's: And Carburation. 2. Herbert’s. Mr. G. O., Ideas on, 5. Lanchester’s, Mr. G. H.]], Views of, 6. Largest in the World, 874. Sturmey’s, Mr., Views of, 3. [[G. H. Wood|Wood's? Mr. G. H., Views of, 5
  • Carburetters : Aris, 927. Arnott, 3. Bailey-Dale,* 746. Bi-fuel, 96. Binks, 4. Claudel-Hobson, 160, 747. Daimler, 1159. Facile, 4. G. and A., 4. Garner, 813. Humber, 436. Lanchester, 6; L.B.M., 7. Longuemare, 5. 748. Mauvillier, 5. Mercedes, 7. Paul, 442. Polyrhoe, 2, 91, 277, 736. Schebler, 3. Scott-Robinson, 745, Smith, 754. Standard Petroleum Carburetter Co., 95. Stewart-Ford, 400, 638, 712. Stewart-Morris, 361, 465, 892. Stewart-Precision, 2, 748. S.U., 737. T. and M., 746. Unic, 96. Vapor, 3. Ware, 5. Welsh, 7. White and Poppe, 749. Zenith, 746
  • Car Construction:— Adams, 568, Adler, 404. Argyll, 427, 1084. Arista, 899. Arrol-Johnston, 429. Austin, 116, 876. Bayard, 1088. Bedford, 381, 624. Belsize, 519. Briton, 539. B.S.A., 135. Cadillac, 488. C.L.C., 278. Crossley, 486. Daimler, 440, 448, 449, 727, 1157. De Dion, 466. Delaunay-Belleville, 470. D.F.P., 946. Enfield, 549. Excelsior, 1048. Germain, .347. Gregoire, 508; Dumont, 728. Halladay, 1021. Hampton, 604. H.L., 615. Humber, 49, 436, 581. Knox, 72. Koeckiin, 300 Lanchester, 962. Loreley, 72. M.A.F., 31. Majola, 179. Maudslay, 540. Metallurgique, 32. Napier, 975. Pathfinder, 342. Peugeot, 260; Baby, 401. Phoenix, 522. Rover, 194, 541. Sava, 358a. Schneider, 1007. Singer, 8. Sperber, 610. Star, 483. Straker-Squire, 484. Swift, 478. Talbot, 545. Vauxhall, 525. Vulcan, 608. White, 319. Wolseley, 484, 1068. Zebra, 281
  • Car Heater, Exhaust, Thomson-Bennett, 461
  • Carriage Building Institution at Polytechnic, 406
  • Carriage Fittings and Accessories, Thomson-Bennett, 86
  • Carriage Section.-—Ambulance, An Invalid’s, by Goodchild and Co., 200. American Manufacturer, British Car for an, ,243. Argyll Car, A Thoroughly-arranged, 115. Army Council, Limousine for the Use of the, .242. Austin Models, Two, 152. Bonnet and Wind Resistance, The Line of the, 78. British Business Motors, Ltd., 406. British: Car for an American Manufacturer, 243; Carriage Manufacturers in Conclave, 236.
  • B.S.A. Motor Body, All-metal, with Detachable Upholstery, 451. Cabriolet: Cole and Son, on a J. D. Siddeley-Deasy, 27; for a Prince, A, 28; Thorn on a Minerva, 200. Car, Cleanliness in the. Interior of the, 285. Carpenter, The Engineer Displaces the, 451. Carriage-building, Classes at Polytechnic Schools for, 406. Catalogue, Morgan and Co., 115. Changes, Possible, 327. Colonies, A Car for the, 28. Coupe : A-Commodious, 244; A Doctor’s, 153, 243; A Special, 407. Door, Practical Off-side, 406. Engineer Displaces the Carpenter, The, 451. Far East: An I.T.A.L.A. for the, 27; Rolls--Royce for the, 79. French, Competition, 494. Front Entrance, Offside, Carlton Engineering Co.’s, 495. India: An Enclosed Car on Itala Chassis for, 27; Motor Carriage for, 286. Jack, Passe-partout, 201. Lanchester Chassis, New Design of, 327. Laudaulet: An Argyll, 242; An Enclosed Front, 201; A Well-furnished Three-quarter, 153; Spyker, 152; Vauxhall, 201. Lamp, A New ' Form of Electric Carriage, 153. Limousine: Landaulet, Argyll, 326; on a Stoewer Chassis, 116. Metallurgique, The New, 28. Minerva Car, New Design on a, 369. Motor Bodies, Double-purpose, 27. Norfolk Firm, A, 326. Olympia Show, 407. Roof, Dome-shaped, New Treatment of, 369. Screen and Hood Catalogue, ,152. Scuttle Dash, Austin Motor Co., 116. Seats Rear, Comfort in the, 286. Silencer, A New Door, 407. Touring Car: An Interesting, 79; on a Mors Chassis, An Open, 406; <5n an Adler Chassis, 368. Upholstery: Keeping it Clean, 368; Removable, The Possibilities of, 285. Vulcan Car, A Two-seater, 327. Weather, Protection from the, 200. Windover Daimler for South America, A, 495. Wind Resistance, The Line of the Bonnet and, 78


  • Cars: American, Invasion by, 108. British v. American, in Russia, 922. Canadian in Australia and New Zealand, 147. Concerning the Springing of, 173, 174. For Colonial Use, 304. In France, Number of, 849, 856. Leaving on Declivities, 12. 1913, Improvements that may be Expected in, 295
  • Cars, Second-hand, Roberts, Mr. J. M., 814
  • Castle Rising, Visit to, 1197
  • Catalogues: Ariel and General Repairs, Ltd., 831. Brewer and Co., 1210. Buchet, 126. Capital Screen and Hood Co., 152. Daimler, 24. Delaunay-Belleville, 1210. Dunlop, 91. Fellows and Co., 120b. F.I.A.T., 980. Ford, 873. Grafton and Co., 294, 420. High Tension Co., 1103. Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd., 1260. Iris Cars, 915. Itala, 916. Jarrott and Letts, 715. Kempshall Tyre Co., 916. K.R.I.T., 1158. London Motor Garage Co., 1066. Lovell-McConnell Manufacturing Co. (America), 916. Mason and Brown, 86. Mathis, 317. Metallurgique, 976. Morgan and Co., 115. Seabrook, Ltd., 916. Spencer-Moulton, 336. Van Raden, 999. Vauxhall, 378. White and Poppe, 1156. Wolseley, 978
  • Census; Canadian Motor, 318. Of Production for 1913, The, 189
  • Chain. Drive: Efficiency of Silent, 102b. Or Gearing? 550
  • Chains, Parson Non-skid, 915
  • Challenges: Atlas Tyre Pump, Accepted, 313. Vauxhall v. Sunbeam, 480, 713
  • Charles II Escaped from Cromwell, Where, 1174
  • Chassis: Adams, 568. Alda, 793. Adler, 368, 404. Argyll, 242/427. Arista, 899. Austin, 444, 934 Bayard, 1088. Bedford, 381, 791. B.S.A., 668 Charron, 989. Cornilleaii, 934. Cottin-Desgouttes, 930. Crossley, 486. Daimler, 286, 448. Delaunay-Belleville, 470. D.F.P., 946. Excelsior, 1048. Germain, 347. Globe, 476. Gregoire, 508. Halladay, 1021. H.L., 615. Hotchkiss, 970. Hudson, 896. Hurtu, 934. Jackson, 365. Koeckiin, 300. Lanchester, 327. La Ponette, 795. M.A.F., 31. Majola, 179, 934. Millard-Le Gui, 407. Minerva, 479. Morris Oxford, 978. Napier, 358a. Pathfinder, 342. Riley, 529. R.M.C., 814. Rover, 194. S.C.A.T., 612. Straker-Squire, 484. Swift, 478 Vulcan, 327.
  • Chassis: And Accommodation, 1074. A Powerful and Well-built, 342. Continental, 1231. Lubrication and the Care of the, 254. Quiet Ramblings on a New, 404. 1913, What to Look for in, 505
  • Chauffeur: More About the, 1157. Engaging a, 1138. Question, The, 905
  • Chauffeurs: A Club for, 270. Insurance Act and the, 272
  • Christmas, The New-fashioned, 1062, 1063
  • Civilian Motor Reserve, 580
  • Clips: Rotax, 276. Salvator, 276
  • Clothing: Barker and Co., 813. Nicoll and Co., 743. Samuel Bros., 744. Selfridge, 812. Whiteley, 812
  • Clubs: A.A. and M-U. (see “A.A. and M.U.”). A.C. of Australia, Hill-climb of, 1260; Trial of, 1120. Automobile Golfing Club, 974a. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., Annual Dinner of the, 1233; Membership of the, 941. Cyclecar, Meeting to form, 527; General Meeting of, 804. Czechic, Exhibition of, at Prague, 1260. Essex M.C., Gala Meeting of, at Brooklands, 72, 102. Hungarian M.C., Meeting of Sport Committee of the, 982. Imperial A.C. of Russia, Exhibition of, 805. Imperial Austrian M,C., Projected Run of, 865. International Federation of Motorcyclists, Division of Gyclecars into Two . Classes, 1016. Leicestershire A.C.: Annual Meeting of, 1255; Hill-climb of, 102, 189, 229; Meeting of, 849, of Road Users, 153. Lincolnshire A.C., General Meeting of, 1189. Manchester A.C., Annual General Meeting of; 1233; Hill-climb of, 395. Manchester Hundred M.C., Gymkhana of, 252; Hill-climb Of, 210; Speed-judging Competition of. 352a. Middlesex County A.C., Annual Dinner of, • 638, 935; Booklet of, 562; Gymkhana of, 190. Mid-Staffordshire A.C., Hill-climb of, 22. Midland A.C,, Complimentary Dinner to Mr. A. F. Bird, M.P., 1064; Dinner, and Concert of, 1168; Retirement of Mr. A. F. Bird from, 999; Smoking Concert of, 1189. North Wales A.C., Gymkhana of, 188. Oldham A.C., Run of the, 103. Pietermaritzburg A.C., Hall-nlimb of, 440. Professional Chauffeurs, 270. R.A.C. (see “R.A.C.”) Royal Swedish A.C., Winter Trials of, 961. Scottish A.C., Admission of Members to the, 976; Committee and Bills before Parliament, 915; Dinner of the, 976, 1084, 1107, 1223; Hillclimb of, 229, 442, Influence of the, on Scottish Motoring, 1216; Meeting of the Committee of the, 831; Member, Acquittal of, 1069; Member’s Conviction Set Aside, 915; Another Case Withdrawn, 894; Membership of the, 294; Paper read by Right Hon. Sir J. H. A. Macdonald at the, 1107; Speeding up the Rebates of, 977. Scottish A.C. and Scottish Trade Association, Hill-climb of, The Motor. 353.. Sheffield A.C., Annual Dinner of, 1016; Speed-judging Competition of, 192, 229, 397, 481. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., Petrol Consumption Test, 317; Reliability Trial of, 940; Trial of, 357. West Essex A.C., Annual Dinner of, 1148. Yorkshire A.C., Hill-climb of, 62
  • Clutch, Garrard, 623
  • Clutches, Metal or Leather-faced, 173
  • Coachwork: Alford and Alder, 721, 722. Argyll, 782. Armstrong-Whitworth, 1126. Austin, 614, 723. Barker and Co., 720-723. Brainsby and Sons, 27, 614, 721. Bristol Wagon and Carriage Co., 723. British Business Motors, Ltd^, 406. British Gregoire Agency, 79. Brown, Hughes and Strachan, 723. Buckingham, 28. Cann, Ltd., 614, 721, 722. Carlton Engineering Co., 495. Central Garage Co. (Bradford), 243. Charlesworth Bodies, Ltd., 242, 724, 796. Cockshoot's, 720, 721. Cole and Sons, 27, 406, 723. Connaught Carriage Co., 721, 722. Coventry Motor Bodies Co,, 27. Daimler, GJ4. Darracq, 1210. D’leteren Freres, 721, 723. Dresser and Garle, 980. Edge, S. F., Ltd., 721. Forbes, Jas., 201. Gill, T. H., 796. Goodchild and Co., 200. Greta Car Bodies Co., 794. Grosvenor Carriage Co., 796, 854. Harris and Others, 796. Holland and Holland, 152. Hooper and Sons, 327, 1721. Hara, E and H., 722. Jessup, 854. Kelvin, Ltd., 28. Laurie and Marner, 721. Lawton, J. A., 721, 723. London Improved Motor Coach Builders, 294, 796. Lookers, Ltd., 201, 243. Manchester Motor Co., 369. Mann, Egerton and Co., 326. Marston’s, 244. Masui, Ltd., 721, 723. Maule and Son, 111. Maythorn and Sons, 614, 721, 723, 979. McNaught and Co., 722. Metallurgique, 28. Morgan and Co., 115, 368, 723. Mulliner and Co., 79, 116, 286, 406, 407, 721-723. Newton and Bennett, 722. Offord and Sons, 722. Osborne and Co., 874 Phcenix Body Works (Paris), 1150 Rawlinson-Hudson, 963. Regent Carriage Co., 721 Salmon and Sons, 369, 614, 722. Spyker Bros. (Amsterdam), 152. Thorn, 200, 721. Thrupp and Maberley, 721. Van den Plas, 723, 1147. Vincent, William, 722 Windham Detachable and Interchangeable Body Co., 723. Windover, 495, 614, 735
  • Coal: Motor Spirit from, 1044. The Exploitation of, for the Production of Hydrocarbons, 976
  • Cold Weather, Starting Up in, 1108
  • Colonial: Car, The Ideal, 137. Use, Cars for, 304. Work: British Cars for, 999; The “Perfect”. Car for, 53
  • Colonies: An Enfield for the, 298. Napiers for the, 160
  • Colorado, Mountain Motor Road in, 318
  • Comments, Casual, 11
  • Commercial Motor Development, 147
  • Commercial Motor Users Association, Parade of the, 782, 957
  • Competitions—(See " Trials ”)
  • Connaught Motor Carriage Co., Instruction Book of, 1042
  • Connemara, Touring in, 102a
  • Continental Service, Newhaven-Dieppe, 1210
  • Continental Tyre Co.’s Medal -presented to Mr. P. Haigh, 210
  • Co-operative Car, The, 212, 263
  • Corner, Engineer Rear-Admiral J., Death of, 63
  • County Councils and Rear Lights, 1065
  • Coupe de “ L'Auto,” 1913, 982
  • Coventry Carters, 1066
  • Cover, Waterproof for Stepney Wheel, 325
  • Crawford, Sir H., Legal Opinion on Statement of regarding “ Endorsement of Licences,” 1170
  • Crompton, Colonel, and the Road Board, 518
  • Croydon, New Road at, 344, 832
  • Cumberland, Winter Touring in, 783
  • Currente Calamo, 173
  • Cushions, Nesta (Jessup), 854
  • Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund: Annual General Meeting of the, 1023. Banquet, Record Subscription List at, 526. Monthly Meeting of, 1103. (Manchester Centre, Annual Picnic of, 232
  • Cyclecar, How to Tell a, 1006
  • " Cyclecar Manual, The,” New Handbook, 438.
  • Cyclecars:' A.-C., 796. Bedelia. 930. G.W.K., 438, 796. Humberette, 450, 885
  • Cyclecars: Parade of, 849. Rapidly Developing Business in, 463
  • “ Cyclecar, The ” : Enormous'Demand for, 848. Important Announcement of Publication of, 438. Some Comment on, 438
  • Cylinder Power, Equalizing of, 339
  • Cylinders: Cleaning, Internal Combustion Engine CoF 810
  • “Daily Mail ” and Mr. Edmund Dangerfield: An Explanation, 805
  • Daimler: Bulletin, 266. Developments, 1035. Extensions at Radford, 1191. Scholarships, The, 44, 1453
  • Dalmally. Argyllshire, Road Improvements at, 146 Dangerfield, Mr. Edmund, and the "Daily Mail : An Explanation, 805
  • Decarbonizing by Oxygen, Internal Combustion Engine Co., 853
  • De Dion Buses for Vienna, 957
  • Deer-stalking Crossley Car, A, 942
  • Depreciation, Quality and, 857, 1109
  • Desert Tracks, Over, from Persia to India, 29
  • Design, Influence of Past Practice on Present-day, 563
  • Development, An Interesting, 305
  • Developments, Likely Trend of Future, 563
  • Devices, Interesting New, 400
  • Devil’s Punch Bowl, The, 1076
  • Devonshire Lanes, Among the, 117
  • Dewar Trophy: Certificates for the, 975. Withholding the, 1104
  • Dinners: A.A. and M.U. (Northern Section), 1238. Anglo-American Motor Co.’s (Agents), 819. Association of German Automobile Makers, 1217. Benevolent Fund, 526. Bierzynski, Mr. Henio, 357. Belsize (Agents), 803. Edge, Mr. S. F., to, 848a. London Motor Garage Co., 892. Mecredy, Mr. R. J., to, 1066, 1104. Midland A.C. to Mr. A. F. Bird, 1064. Peach, Mr. F., to, 352a. Scottish A.C., 976, 1232. Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 726; Agents’ Section, 804
  • Dividing Line, The, 1072
  • Door Hinge, Rattle Preventing, Napier, 975
  • Dorchester, A Wayside Feature of Interest near, 1144b
  • Drive a Motorcar, How to, 578
  • Driver and Passenger, Legal Liability of a, 1250
  • Driving: An Appeal for Moderation in, 848. By Paraffin, Comminuter aids, 874. How the Infinitely Variable System would Simplify,
  • Dunlop Amalgamation, The, 68, 69, 106, 107
  • Du Pre Cup Competition, 189. Result of the,' 232 Dynamos: Bleriot, 762, 874, 942. Brolt, 760. En Route, 763. Fulmen, 763. Magician (U.M.IJ, 763. Omega B.R.C., 738. Polkey, 380, 762. Rotax-Leitner, 763. Simms, 526. Trier and Martin, 760
  • Dynamotor, Scott-Crossley, 712
  • East Anglia, Motoring under Difficulties in, 644
  • Eastmead, Mr. F., in Pictures, 561
  • Edge, Mr. S. F.: Dinner to, 848a. The Man and His Work, 584. Retirement of, 524
  • Edinburgh, Round About, 1218
  • Editorials.—Accident and Its Lesson, An, 98. Accidents: Motor: Elucidating the Causes, 267; 'Ware on the Continent, 939.-'Aeroplane Engines, 308. Alcohol as Fuel, The Strong Claims of, 141. Automobile Engineers, Education of the, 1140. Benzol Warning, A, 1140. British Industry, A Chance for, 433. Canal Bridge Lights Wanted, 800. Cars, Taxation and, 1227. Car Trials, The All-Weather, 58. Case: A Startling, 433; A Very Grave, 972. Chauffeurs, Free Advice on Tuition to Intending, 309. Christmas, A Happy. 1013. Coal Dust, Motor Fuel from, 1014. Continent, 'Ware Accidents on the, 939. Corners, Caution at, 141. Criticism, Childish, 972. “Cyclecar, The,” 476; A New Journal, 433. Danger of Leaving a Gear Engaged, The, 225. Dangers, Unexpected, 183. Diesel Engine Fuel, 1140. Driver without Real Road Sense, The, 16. Engine Starting, Automatic, 267. Engines, Aeroplane, 308. England, Home Fuel for, 53. Examinations, Qualifying, Should They be Established? 16. Fatality, A Rare, 225. Flints, Petrol from, 1098. Fuel: Alcohol as, The Strong Claims of, 141; Cheaper, Another Suggestion, 887; Diesel Engine, 1140; A Home-produced, 475; Home,* for England, 583;- Motor, from Coal DUst, 1014; Motor: Government Reply Concerning Home-produced, 845, 2000-guinea Prize for. 938, 1057; National Need for a Home-produced, 391; No Encouragement for Home-produced, 845; Paraffin, a Proposed Race on, 58; Tests: and the Future, 1099, Unconvincing, 972. Fuels: Alternative, 349; Pressing Need for Cheaper, 58. Gear Engaged, The Danger of Leaving a, 225. Good Samaritan, Ignoring the Example of the, 434. Grey Car Case, The, 1141. Highway Rules, Suggested Code of, 1183. Horsepower Rating Recommendations, The, 308 Licences, Endorsement of, 1183. Light-car Race, A. 718. London: Coupled Electric and Trailer Tramcars for, 15; More Petrol for, 717; New Granite Pavement in, 183. Magistrates, Motorists as, 799. Motorcar, Best for Bad Weather, The, 183. Motor-carriage Builders’ Outlook, The, 266b. Motor Fuel, No Encouragement for Home-produced, 845— (See “ Fuel—Editorial ”). Motoring Offences, Advice to J.P.s Concerning', 520. Motorists: And R.A.C., The, 1183; as Magistrates, 799; Money and the Road Policy, 433; Police Bonuses for Capturing, 309. Motors and Heavy Rains: An Astounding Chemical Theory, 887. Motor Spirit: A British, 391; British, 434, 520; and War, 887; The Great National Question, 717. National Question, The Great, 717. Noises, Checking Needless, 846. Old Country Twice Victorious in War Office’s Aeroplane Trials, 226. Olympia Show, The, 717; And What It Will Reveal, 583; Paris and, 1227, Before, 1057; Problem of the, 799; Prospects of the, 15; The Record, 799. Paraffin: Fuel, Proposed Race on, .58; Prospects— Taxation and Price, 308; Will It Help to Reduce Energy Costs? 266b. Paris: and Olympia Show?, The, 1227; Show: Before Olympia, 1057, Business Enthusiasm Revival; 1013, Next Year, Possibility of a, 1013, Renaissance, 1013; The Importance of Being, 938. Pavement in London, The New Granite, 183. Pedestrian, Carelessness of the, 1057. Petrol: Committee Appointed by the R.A.C., 717; Efficiency, Increasing. 391; for London, More; . 717; from Flints, 1098; Squeeze, The, 799; Supply: Definite Movement, A, 584, Germany Acts! 583; The Price of, Up-Not Down! 99. Police: Bonuses for Capturing Motorists, 309; “ Rushing ” the, 98. Press: Daily, Antimotor Campaign, Another, 349; Moderation' —At Last, 226. Prices of 1913 Cars, The Tendency of, 183. R.A.C. And Motorists, 1183; Petrol Committee Appointed by the, 717. Rail and Road Journeys, 58. Road: Policy, Motorists’ Money and, 433; Production, Experiments to Cheapen Cost of, 225; Sense, The Driver Without Real, 16; Tar Painting, Useless, 1098. Roads, Ninety Authorities and Their Filthy, 888. Ruling Body, Wanted an Acting, 1098. Shows, The Forthcoming, 15. Speed Limits, Enlightened Opponent of, 1141. Sprag, The Need for the, 98. Spirit, British Motor, 434— (See Motor Spirit—Editorial ’’). Supplies, The Question of, 391. Tar Painting, Useless Road, 1098. Taxation: Actual Position of, 475; of Old .Cars, 1227; Suggested Remission of, 391. Trade Growth, 845. Tramcars, Coupled, Elective and Trailer in London, 15. Trial, The All-weather Car, 58. Tyre Inflation, Correct, 938. War, Motor Spirit and, 887. Weather, Bad, The Motorcar Best for, 183
  • Efficiency: Car, The Essentials of, 282a. The Ladder of, 575
  • Elbe and Zuider Zee, New Motoring Ground Between the, 1251
  • Electric-lighting Sets—(See “ Lighting Sets ’’) Electric Lights, Testing, 358b
  • Elswick, An Interesting Day at, 1237 Enfield Cycle Co., Report of the, 440 Engine: And Gearing Improvement, How It Has Been Developed, 1176. Cooling, Glycerine and, 882. Dismantling, Useful Hints on, 425. Evolution of an Experimental, 202. Question of 1913, Review of the, 1144. Sleeve Valve, German Introduction of a, 544. Starter, The Future System of, 177. Starting : Development in Regard to Question of, 815.; Devices—(See “Starting Devices"). Two-stroke. Some Objections to, 46. V-type and Its Characteristics, The, 1119
  • Engine Indicator, Nettmann (Gebruder Starzl), 562 Engines: Alpha, 517. Argyll, 147. Aster, 745. Beck, 1144. Buchet, 968. Castiglione and Bolton, 1144b. Chapuis-Dornier, 906. Coventry-Simplex, 789. Daimler, 718. Fischer (German), 544. Gnome (A Useful Novelty), 126. I.T.A.L.A., 971, 1144. Koecklin, 300. Legros, 935. Low, 453, 835. M.A.F., 30. Riley, 782. Schneider, 1007. Societe Germain, 56. S.P.A. (Green), 803. Turcat-Mery, 916. Walker, 1144b- White and Poppe, 749
  • Engines: Fuel for the Diesel-type, 299. Modern, Horse-power of Compared with Old-type, 37. Oil Leakages from, 241. Short v. Long-stroke, 172. Two-cycle, In reference to, 21o. Two-stroke, 110.
  • England: And France, Contrasts between driving in, 181, 216. The Great Lead of, 8o5. Without Liquid Fuel, 421
  • Exhaust Alarms: Garner, 813. Mephisto (Apollo Manufacturing Co.), 26
  • Exhaust Box Explosions, Back-firing and, 111
  • Expenditure and Running Costs, Capital, 1060a
  • Exports.: British, Table of, 1128. French, 919. Imports and, 63, 831, 976
  • European v. American Methods, 215
  • Event and Comment, 59, 99, 141, 184, 226, 268, 309, 350, 392, 521, 585, 800, 846, 888, 973, 1014, 1058, 1099, 1141, 1184, 1227
  • Factors in Performance, 338
  • Farmers and Motorcars, 403
  • Fenland, Through, 1116
  • Fenwick Road, Glasgow, Case of the, 1238
  • Finance and Business (See “ Business ”)
  • Float Chamber, From Petrol Tank to, 619
  • Floods, Recent, 1151
  • Foggy Weather, Kerb Light for, 1187
  • Ford Works, Fire at the, 1236 Found': Lady’s Motor Coat, 95
  • France: And England, Contrast between driving in, 181, 216. Bourges, Exhibition and Demonstration at, 493. Farmers adopt Motoring in, 2-28. Grand Prix—(See “Grand Prix”). National Highway in, 982. New Tax on Cars in, 137. Number of Oars in, 849 , 856. Rule of the Road in, 841. Speed, Unlimited, in, 982. Subvention of .£2000 in, 982
  • Freckle ton Marsh Road Again, The, 874
  • French: Court of Appeal, Damages against a Car Maker at the, 1126. Exports, 919. Motor Manufacturers and the Canadian Market, 461
  • Frensham Pond Hotel,' The, 1190
  • Fuel: Alcohol: Concerning, 214. Government Report on, 1063; Its Cost of Production, 219; The Case for, 154; The Question of Supply, 219. A Paraffin Race Suggested, 71. A Strange, 202. Benzol as a Motor, 975. Cheaper, 215. Devices, Tests of, 894. Economy, National, 833; A Correction, 898. Home-produced, 769; Letter from Mr. A. Bigland on Question in Parliament, 85%, 851; New, £100 Prize for, 399; 2000 guineas for a, 924, 940; £100 prize for, 352; Liquid: England without, 421; from Peat, 939; Lecture on, 1246. Motor, Use of Coal Dust for, 924. National, Control of, 1135. Paraffin, Suggested Race for Cars Using, 178. Problem, The, 171, 1214; Cheap and the Two-stroke Motor, 110. Question, The, 1113; Turbine Improvements and the Motor, 1188. Supplies, Danger of Dependence on Foreign, 154. Wanted a Home-produced, £100 prize for, 352
  • Fuels other than Petrol, Trials of Cars with, 398
  • Gamage’s Christmas Bazaar, 947
  • Garage: Country, The Slovenliness of the Average, 95, Experience, xx, 426. Workmen, Incompetent, 95
  • Garage, Heath’s Midland, 419
  • Gas Producer, Southey, 547
  • Gauge Pump, Dunlop, 400
  • Gauges, Petrol, Working Principles of, 149
  • Gearbox Lubricants, Hancock Wright ^rjd Co., 853
  • Gear Changing, Stdent, Garrard Clutch for, 623
  • Gearing: And Engine Improvement, Howt it has been Developed, 1176. Or Chain Drive? 550. Worm and Silent Transmission, 616
  • Gear: Ratios, Infinite, 335. Systems and their Effects on Driving Compared, 128. Top, Runs, 592
  • Generator, Jackson, 543
  • German: Auto League and Informers, 108. Automobile Makers’ Association, Standardization of Tyre Sizes and Pressure by, 978. Government: Orders Plant for Producing Spirit in, 605; Paraffin Monopoly Bill Dead, 979. Motor League, Progress of the, 1260
  • Germany: Benzol Trials in, 1260. Muds plashing: a Punishable Offence in, 1191; Not an Offence in, 1168. State Monopoly for Illuminating Oils in, 803. Stoewer Cars for Commanding Officers in, 766. The Benzol Question in, 70 Glasgow: Accidents to Tramway Passengers at, 1246. And Callander, Little-used Road between, 635. New Agency Arrangements in, 1103
  • Glass, Triplex, 173
  • Glidden Tout, 437
  • Gloucestershire, Bad Hedge-concealed Corners in, 275
  • Gloves, Motor, Asbestol, 420
  • Glycerine and Engine Cooling, 882
  • Golf Championship, Motor Trades, 353
  • Grand Prix: De France: 1912, Calthorpes and, 126. Vehicles on Show at Birmingham, 102a; 1913, 12, Course of the, 981, 1001, Dead for Lack of Entries, 591, Doubt as to whether it will be Held, 439, Entries, 228, 982, 1091, Official Rules for the, 104, Probable Drivers at the, 1151, Proposed Circuits for, 271, Regulations of, 25, Resurrection of the, 807, Three-litre Race in connection with, 439, 589. De Belgique, 1066. D’Ostende, Sava Car Winner of the, 358a. Sarthe—(See " Sarthe”)
  • Grand Prize of America, 395. Peugeots for, 126 Grease Gun, Ross-Courtney, 737
  • Grease Plunger, London Motor Garage Co., 732 -Grinding in Piston and Rings, Hints on, 865 Gudgeon Pin, Securing the, 52
  • Guide Cards: Through London, A.A. and M.U., 526. Through Towns for Motorists, 148
  • Gymkhanas: Manchester Hundred M.C., 252. Middlesex County A.C., 190. N. Wales A.C., 188
  • Haigh, Mr. P., receives Continental Tyre Co.'s Medal for Preventing Accident, 210
  • Hammersmith Mystery, The, 1065
  • Handbooks: "Motor Manual,” 266a. National Society of Chauffeurs, 569
  • Haverfordwest, Dangerous Spot near, 873
  • Hawker, Mr. P. R., World's Tour on a F.I.A.T. by, 190
  • Headlights: The Glare of, 89—(See "Lamps") Heating, Motor House, Norton, 957
  • Hereward the Wake, Pilgrimage in the Country of,
  • Highland Roads, Testing the Argyll on, 492
  • Highlands, Mountain, Climbing in the, 197, 236
  • Highway and By-way.— Basque Bullock Carts, 114. Blackpool, a Peaceful Way to, 823. Bowland, The Trough, of, 192. Caerphilly Castle, 114. Chichester and the South Coast, From Haslemere to, 1095. Chiltern Hills, Beauty Spot on the, 234. Church, The Smallest, 324, 411. Coast Road in Britain, The Prettiest, 822. Cromwell, Where Charles H escaped from, 1174. Danish Camp, Near Stockbridge, 346. Derbyshire, Fine Roman Road, in, 1174. Dinas Hill, Pembrokeshire, 192. Epping Roads, 284. Essex, Two Norman Keeps in, 1096. Fojdwich, An Old Cinque Port Town,. 192. Forest of Dean: And Its Beauties, 949; More about, 1133. France, Rule of the Road in, 841. Glasgow: From Two Points of View, 235; Stirling, to, Route from, 622. Glengariff and Killarney, Road Tunnel between, 991. Gloryland, A Neglected, 822. Greenhow Hill, Yorkshire, 192. Greensted, Essex, Quaint and Historical Church at, 411. Hants and Dorset, Routes in, 192. Haslemere, to Chichester and the South Coast from, 1095. Heidelberg, A Yorkshire, 1132, Henley to Haslemere, Good Motoring from, 1053. Horsham, Speed-limit Signs at, 235. Icknield Way, East to South-west, and the, 13. Ightham Moated Grange, 14. Ireland, as a Touring Ground, 13, 112, 132. Lancashire and Yorkshire, Circular Outing in, 345. Lincolnshire Hills in, 283. Loire Country, The, 131. London: Coventry Road, Diversion from the, 284; South to North, Route Avoiding, 410. Luggage on the Small Car, 840. Motoring under Difficulties, 515. Old-world Spots, Seeking Out, 193. Oxford, Back ways in, 132. Pilgrimage, a Point for a, 346. Quantocks, Motoring in the, 901. Rambures, Chateau at, 990. Road: A Spring testing, 192; Improvements, 235; Obstructions, Quarry Blasting Nuisance, 113. Roads: And Light Railways, 113; Torrential Rains and Churned-up, 515; Roman, in Derbyshire, 1174. Savernake Forest, In, 901. Scottish Lowlands, Beauty of the, 234. Scotland, Mysterious Grassy Tracks in, 283. Small Oar, Luggage on the, 840. Somerset, Some Motoring Routes in, 54. Southport, New Road to, 1173.. Speed-limit Signs at Horsham, 235. Stirling, Round’ About, 841. Touring in Ireland, 13, 112, 132 Village Crosses, 410. Vosges Mountains, Some Picturesque Scenery in, 54. Wales, North, in a Day, 622. Welsh Beauty Spot, A Little-known, 841. Wensleydale, 515. Wessex, Through the Heart of, 323. Yorkshire: And Lancashire, Circular Outing in, 345; Heidelberg, A, 1132; Quixotry, A Bit of, 1054; West Mountains, Amongst, 948
  • Hill-climbs: A.C. of Australia, 1260. Boulogne, 186, 210. Gaillon, 228, 396, 397. Leicester A.C., 102, 188, 229, 232. Manchester Hundred M.C., 210. Manchester A.C., 395. Mid-Staffordshire A.C., 22. Mont Ventoux, 66, 103. Pietermaritzburg, 440. Scottish A.C., 229, 442. Scottish A.C. and Scottish Motor Trades Association, 353, 395. Sydney Traders, 975. Yorkshire A.C., 62 Hinge, Rattle-preventing, Rotax Motor Accessories Co., 1168
  • Hints, Practical: In Brief, 1052, 1097, 1111, 1115, 1158. Miscellaneous, 626. Motoring, Practical, 1024. Useful, Notes on Grinding-ih of Piston and Rings, 865
  • Home Secretary and Motor Offences, The, 480
  • Hood Coverings: Karmac, 873. O.fford and Sons, 809
  • Hoods : Austin, 643. Capital Screen and Hood Co., 152, 791. Kopalapso, 718. Rotax, 743
  • Hoods: Hints on the Preservation of, 880. Paint for, Accordian, 811
  • Horn Bulb, Tuto, 277
  • Horns: Autovox, 795. Brown Bros., 276. Clair (Lyell and Co.), 168. Echo, 210, 1103. High Tension Co., 734- Jericho, 327. Jubilee, 527. Klaxon, 275, 318, 511, 741, 916. Loton, 275, 318. Lucas, 26, 740. Newt One, 873. Seabrook, 732. Sireno, 742. Tuto (Brown Bros.), 277
  • Horns, Motorcar, 215
  • Horse: Passing of the, 982b. The Unmanageability of the, 148
  • Horse-power Rating, 302. Report of, 322
  • Humber, Ltd.: Agents’ View of New Models of, 399. Balance Sheet of, 889
  • Hydrocarbons, Exploitation of Coal for the Production of, 976
  • Ignition, The Effect of Advancing the, 1022
  • Illuminating Oils,. Germany's State Monopoly of,
  • Import of Motor Spirit, 63
  • Imports: And Exports, British, 831; British and Foreign, 63, 976. Foreign Vehicles, Table of, 1128
  • India: Map of, by Baker and Co., 1156. Persia to, on a Daimler, 29
  • Indianapolis Road Race, 885, 977, 1064. Chances in Discussed, 1150. No Stmbeams for, 853. Will the Sunbeam Start? 987
  • Induction Pipe Heating Jacket, Rex, 364 Industry, British, Future Prospects of .the, and the Lines on Which It has been Developed with Historical Notes, 639
  • Information Bureau,— Accumulator: Charging Rate, 42; Theory of an, 501. Accumulators, Charging, 956. Acetylene Starters, 780. Advance, Too Much, 125. Address, No. 334. Air: Exposing Petrol to the. 1208; Inlet, The Use of an Extra, 124; Jacketing of Carburetter v. Water, 829; Tube: Faulty, Replacing of, 84, Injecting Water into an, 998, Using Too Small an, 250, Weak in Parts, 1208; Tubes, Locating Small Leaks in, 167. Anti-Freezer, Methylated Spirit as, 781. Atomizing Devices, 417. Axles: Loose ’Wheels on, 1041; Wheel, Require Attention, 501. Backfires, Fixed Ignition and, .1082. Backlash in the Transmission, 829. Batteries for Electric Starter, 914. Bearing, Lining a, 1040. Bearings: Engine, Too Tight, 333; Replacing Bronze by Steel, 914. Benzol, 1166; and Petrol Mixture, 333. Bevel Drive v. Worm, 502. Blowback, A, 872. Bodywork, Filling Up Deep Scratch in, 124. Brake: Drums, Leakage of Oil Into, 293; Surface, Lubrication of, 43. Brakes, Ineffective Rear 1040. Brakes; New Lining for, 84; Too Small, 375. Brass, Removing Nickel Plating from, 1166. Car Body, Painting a, 208. Carbon: By Oxidation, Removing, 829; In One Cylinder, 125. Under Valve Seats, Cause of, 998. Carburation, Difficulties in Cold Weather, 997. Carburetter: Cause of Smoke from, 418; Fitting a New, 459; Using Paraffin with Ordinary, 418. Oar: Improving an Old Type of, 913; Lighting Direct from Dynamo, 124 ; Safety Lock for, 1166; Single-cylinder, Improving a, 84; Testing Engine in, 43. Cells: Dry, for Lighting, 1041; Dynamo to Replace, 913; Leaky, 1041; Sulphated, Treatment of 292. Circulation: System, Choked Up, 1083; Water Boiling, Cause of, 167. Clutch: Covering, Fitting a New, 333; Heavy, Effect of, 209; Leather Cone, Difficulty in Disengaging a, 914; Treatment of Leather-to-Metal, 1041. Coil and Magneto, Connecting, a, 998. Compression: Best Plan for Increasing, 85; In Cylinders, Testing, 333; Puzzling Loss of, 1082; Tap, Choked, Probably a, 637. Connecting Rod Bearings, Adjusting, 1209. Contact Maker, Cleaning with Petrol, 124. Cover: Creeping of, 637; Using a Damaged, 85; Using Smaller Tube in Larger Size, 1258. Covers, Blisters on, 1125. Crankcase, Cleaning Out with Paraffin, 209. Crankshaft: A Sprung, 1083; End Play of, 293; Engine Knock from Twisted, 830; Twisted, 334. Cut-out, Use of, 502. Cylinder: Bore, Testing Accuracy of, 501; Crack at the Dase of, 636; Damage to Bore of, 1166; Extra Lubrication of, Wanted, 872; Repair to Base of, 914. Cylinders: Admitting Air to„ 1040; Increasing the Number of, 1166; Offset, 913; Rebored, and Increase of Power, 956; Require Cleaning, 1209; Rusty, Best Treatment of, 376; Single, Adapting Magneto for, 459; Testing Compression in, 333; Water Leakage into, 560. Distributor, Fitting a High-tension, 376. Driving Belt, Fan-tensioning Device for, 418. Dynamo: Adapting a Small, 376; Car Lighting Direct from, 124; to Replace Cells, 913. Electric Motor Trouble, 208. Engine: Bearings too Tight, 333; Brake Action, 1082; Brake Effect, Air Inlet for, 559; Fails to Run Slowly, 1124; In Oar, Testing, 43; Knock from Twisted Crankshaft, 830; Qil Leakage on, 780; Poppet-valve, Converting to Sleeves, 460; Revolutions, "Economical” Rate of, 560; Single-cylinder, Reducing Vibration of, 209; Special Ignition for Two-cycle, 871; The V., 1167; Two-cylinder: Alteration, 292, Testing a, 166. Exhaust, Auxiliary, 1166; Choked, 293; Pipe: Ignition Wires near the, 997, Silencing Arrangements, Defective, 1259, Overheating of, 459; Valve: Breakages, 956, Defect, 208, Sparking Plug over, 636. Explosions due to Weak Mixture, 636. Fan Breakages, 502. Fibre Tappets on Gear Valve Fitting, 1083. Flywheel Weight, Increasing, 871. Frost, Precautions Against, 830,. Fuel, Methylated Spirit as an Alternative, 334. Gauge, Compression, 502. Gear: Altering the, 636; Bevel, Unusual Noise from, 1208; Increase of, by Using Larger Tyres, 125. Gearbox: Cause of Heating-up of, 559; Crack in, 209; Defect in, 871. Generator, Drip Freezing of Water in, 1167. Grinding in Valves, Best Material for, 85. Gudgeon Pin: Loose, 1167 Treatment of a, 85. Hood, Leather Preserving a, 636. " Hot, Terribly,” 913. Ignition: Cables, Leaky, 1125; Fitting an Extra, 166; Fixed, and Backfires, 1082; Multiple, 1259; Static, 998; Two-stroke, 375; Wires near the Exhaust Pipe, 997. Induction Pipe: Air Leakage, 43; Use of Wire Gauze in the, 334. Inlet Valve, Automatic, Breakage, 251. Jets, Choked, Symptoms of a, 1259. Lamps, Back and Side, Running Together, 209. Licence Duty, Payment of Part-year, 913. Lighting, Dry Cells for, 1041. Lime, Use of Acid to Remove, 250. Lining of Brakes, New, 84. Lock, Safety, for Car, 1166. Magneto: Adapting for Single-cylinder, 459; Altering a, 43; Cables in Brass Tube, Running, 42; Connecting a Coil and, 998; Contacts give Trouble, 334; Driving a Two-cylinder, 1259; Protection of, from Oil and Dust, 251; Timing, Incorrect, 124; Weak, Improving a, 1258. Metal Parts, Bright, Treatment of, 417. Methylated Spirit: As an Anti-Freezer, 781; as a Fuel, 334. Misfiring, 375; Test for, 956; with Spark Plug Adaptor, 417. Mixture, Weak: Effects of. 292; Explosions due to, 636. Motor Spirit? What is, 85. Mountain Road, Overheats on, 1167
  • Nickel-plating, Removing, from Brass, 1166. Non-freezing Mixture, Alcoholic, 1040. Oil: Into Brake Drum, Leakage of, 293; Leakage: on Engine, 780, Past Valve Tappets, 167; Stains on Tyres, 1208. Oxidation, Removing Carbon by, 829. Oxygen as a Power Increaser 780. Paraffin: Cleaning Out Crankcase with, 209; Using, with Ordinary Carburetter, 418. Parts, Balance of, 560. Petrol: and Benzol Mixture, 333; and Paraffin Mixtiire, 872; Cleaning Contact Maker with, 124; Evaporation, etc., 985; Pipe, Vapour Lock to, 250; Taxation, 1125; Tax Rebate, 1259; to the Air, Exposing, 1208. Pinions, Lubrication of Exposed, 251. Piston: A Loose, 830; Crack in, 872; Fitting a Steel, 955; Rings: Fitting Double, 125, Wear of, 997, Work Loose in Slots, 501; Top, Improving the Shape of, 1258. Pistons: Altering the, 460; Steel, 459; Too Long, 829. Plug: Sparking, Defect of a, 997; Terminals, Avoiding Shocks at, 208. Plugs and Valve Caps, Tight, 560. Power: Increase of, Rebored Cylinders and, 956; Increaser, Oxygen as, 780; Loss of, 559; Rated and Actual, 460. Pump, Discarding the, 1124. R.A.C. Rating, High Powers and, 1167. Radiator: Drain Tap on, 780; Fan, Driving a, 872. Reboring Cylinders and Increase of Power, 956. Rims, Rusty, Cleaning, 208, 417 Silencer: Cleaning a Non-detachable, 84; Effect of a Long Pipe on, 871; Explosion in, 293; Improving the, 559; Metallic Sound from, 42; Oil Deposit in, 781. Sparking Gap, Defect of Too Wide a, 637. Sparking Plug: Adaptor, Misfiring with, 417; Enlarged Aperture of, 1041: Improving Position of, 460; Over Exhaust VaTve> 636. Sparking Plugs: Best Position for Extra, 125; Transparent, 1082. Spark Timing and Safe Starting, 125. Springing: Experiment in, 42; Extra, Large Tyres and, 637. Starter, Electric Batteries for,. 914. Starter, Acetylene, 780. Starting-up Difficulty, A, 1208. Sulphated Cells, Treatment of, 292. Suspension, 166 Tank, Water, Cause of Pressure in, 375. Thermosyphon : Converting to, 1040; System, Indicator for, 559. Timing: Shaft, Loose Pinion on, 292.; Wheel, Eliminating “ Ring ” from, 780. Transmission: Backlash in the, 829; Fault,. Probably a, 43. Trembler Coil to Plain Coil, Conversion of, 251. Tyred, Under. 209. Tyre: Effect of Burst Front, 42; Gauge Differences, 1259. Tyres:' Increase of Gear by Using Larger, 125; Large and Extra Springing, 637; Larger, Advantage of Using, 418; Oil Stains on, 1208. Valve: Cap and Plugs, Tight, 560; Gear, Fitting Fibre Tappets on Overhead, 1083; Inlet, Breakage of Automatic, 251; Seating: Damaged, 459, Requires Retruing, 375; Spring: Overheated Exhaust of, 166, 1209, Strength, 1125; Stems Too Large, 1209; Tappets, Oil Leakage Past, 167. Valves: Best Materials for Grinding in, 85; Exhaust, Warping and Burning of, 1124; Grinding in of, 995; Inlet, Alteration to, 1124; “ Jingling ” of, 1167. Vapour Lock to Petrol Pipe, 250. Water: v. Air/Jacketing of Carburetter, 829; Vapour, Effect of, in Mixture, 502. Weak Mixture, Effect of, 292. Wheel: Axles Require Attention, 501; Bearing, Front, Broken Ball in, 781; Rear, Out of Truth, 166. Wheels on Axles, Loose, 1041. Windows, Cleaning Celluloid, 1125. Wire Gauze, Use of, in the Induction Pipe, 334. Wires, Using Uninsulated, 167. Worm v. Bevel Drive, 502
  • Informers, German Auto League and, 108
  • Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers: Annual Meeting of, 190. Autumnal Meeting of, 23
  • Institute of Inventors: General Meeting of, 979. Mr. H. Sturmey Elected a Fellow of, 1050
  • Institute of Metals: Autumn Meeting of, 26
  • Institution of Automobile Engineers: . And the Training of Automobile Engineers, 1153. Discussion at the. 1236. Meetings of the, 358, 420, 942; Birmingham Centre, 561; Coventry Section, 940, 1032, 1236; North of England, 542. Next Season’s Programme, 86. Paper: Read Before the London Graduates of the, 1066; Read by Mr. A. G. Clark on “ Aeronautical Engines ” at the, 979. Sixth Volume of the Proceedings of the, 980. Summary of Address Read by the President of the, 445. Visit to Physical Laboratory by the, 641. Vote of Thanks, Illuminated, from New York to, 231
  • Instruction Book, Connaught Motor Carriage Co., 1042
  • Instruction in Motoring, 957
  • Instruction in Motoring, Motor Schools, Ltd., 168
  • Insurance: Act, Chauffeurs and the, 272. Of Cars in Switzerland, 462
  • Insurance, Eclectic Policy, Car and General Insurance Co., 745
  • Insurance Policy, Gregoire, 586
  • International Road Congress, London, 1913, Delegates to Attend the, 1000
  • Invasion, A Peaceful, 306
  • Inventor's and Inventions, 1199
  • Ireland, Information Concerning Conveyance of Motorcars to, 844a
  • Irish Simplon, The Little. 1033
  • Isle of Man. Suggested Paraffin Race in the, 71, 586, 805, 1178. R.A.C. and the, 712, 805
  • Jacks: Lake and Elliot, 735. Passe Partout, 201. Peerless, 736. Tangye, 733
  • Japanese Emperor’s Household Department, Cars by Maythorn and Son for the, 979
  • Jarrett, Mr. Chas., Suggests a Paraffin Race, 71, 107
  • “ Jerry Chibble, The Inspiration of,” 1025
  • Kent, Testing Road Surfaces in, 147
  • King, His Majesty the, Shooting Brake for, 130
  • King of Spain in Motor Show Rooms in London,-126
  • Kingston and Its Trams, 1012
  • Knight v. Rieder, 1017
  • Ladies, Motoring as an Amusement for, 321
  • Lady: And the Car’ The: Some Touring Hints, 191. Motorists: Exhibits at Olympia Show Appealing to, 710a; Ingenious Wayside Repairs by, 510. On the Car, 510, 710a
  • Lamp Brackets, Standard, 271
  • Lamps: Agros (Selfridge), 504, 812, Alpha B.R.C., 738. Bleriot, 744. Dew and Co., 811. Diva (Peto and Radford), 754. Eros (Russell and Co.), 810. Harvey, 746. Hermann Riemann, 916. Howes and Burley, 718. Lucas, 26, -740. Oldfield, J. and R., 743. Polkey, 753. Powell and Hanmer, 733. Radiumlyte (Oldfield), 743. Rotax, 743. Rushmore, 741. Salsbury, 736. Seabrook, 732. 'Smith’4, 754. Ward and Goldstone, 810. Wqton, 318
  • Lathes, Drummond, 424, 747
  • Lectures: Goodrich, Rubber Tree to Tyre, 528. On Salesmanship, 819
  • Leeds, Paris to, and Back, 181, 216
  • Legal Decision, Important, 1069
  • Legislation Run Mad, 11
  • Level Crossing, Improvements at, 1238
  • Libertines of the Road, Chartered, 348
  • Licences: Endorsement of, 1105, 1170. Reciprocity in, 1050
  • Life-guards for Motorbuses, 1105 „
  • Lighting: By D.A. Acetylene,> 580. Electric for 1913, 758. Of Vehicles, The. 214. Rear, Question in the House, of Commons Concerning, 590. Side; Novel, 892. Up Time, 214: An Appreciation, 851; Note by Mr. Sturmey on, 820
  • Lighting Sets: Acetylene Illuminating Co., 74/. Bleriot, 762. Brolt (Brown Bros.), 419, 760. C.A.V.. 22, 759. Crypto, 809. Ducellier, 764. Electromobile Co. (Kerb), 1187. Fuller, 809. High Tension Co., 760.1 Lithanode, 18. Lodge, 730, 762. Longstreth’s, 761. Lucas, 759. Motor Accessories Co., 763. Oldfield, 764. Peto and Radford, 753, 761. Polkey, 762. Polkey-Jarrott, 748, 848a. Riches and Co., 763. Rotax-Leitner, 763. Rushmore, 764. Seebright, 574, 761. Smith and Son, 764. Trier and Martin, 210 , 760. United Motor Industries, 763. Vandervell, 744. Willocq-Bottin, 763
  • Light, Kerb, for Foggy Weather, A, 1187
  • Lights: Rear, County Councils and, 1065. Side, for Sidecars, A.A. and M.U. and, 941. Testing Electric, 358b
  • Limit, Eight-mile, in London, 1105
  • Linings: Ferodo, 419. Self-sealing Rubber Co., 210 Locality, The Bump of, 1168
  • Lock, Safety, U.M.I., 1190
  • Lodge Bros.’ New Premises, 999
  • London: Approach to, A New Western, 551. Eight-mile Limit in, 1105.. Guide: Cards Through, A.A. and M.U., 526; to, Clement-Talbot, 590. To Edinburgh, Vauxhall Buns from, Without a Stop, 352a, 395. Traffic: Problems of, 1244; Regulations Needed in, 360
  • London Motor Garage Co., Dinner of the, 892
  • Loreley Car, Short Run on a, 72
  • Low, Dr., Obtains His D.Sc. Degree, 453
  • Lubricants: Bowley and Son, 737; Cylocine, 1120. Hancock, Wright and Co., 853. Monogram, 738. Price’s, 745. Stern-Sonneborn, 873. Sternol, 97, 738. Vacuum, 737. Wakefield, 757 Lubricants, Importance of Using Correct, 1023 Lubricating System, Hobson, 1194 Lubrication and the Care of the Chassis, 254 Luggage Trailer, Steel Trucks, Ltd., 547 Luncheon Table, Portable, Norton, Ltd., 276
  • Magistrates and Motorists, 1075
  • Magneto: How It is Tested, 923. Through Dashboard, 1042
  • Magnetolytes: High Tension Co., 734. Mira, 760
  • Magnetos: Bosch, 336, 504^ 512, 754; Where They are Made, 512. Eisemann, 745. Mafam, 1130. Nilmelior, 745. Simms, 526, 746. Thomson-Bennett, 747. U.H.. 504, 753. Vandervell, 744
  • Mann, Egerton and Co., Works of, in Norfolk, 326
  • Manoeuvres, Army, 274
  • Map, Rerrier, 958
  • Mascot, Selfridge, 395
  • Masonic Votes, 21, 274, 313, 353, 397, 437
  • Maud Heath’s Causeway, 1152
  • Mecca, Present-seeker’s, 947
  • Mecredy, Mr. R. J., Presentation to, 1066, 1104
  • Mickleham, Dangerous Corner at, 388
  • Midlands, Autumn Tints in the, 548. Beauty Spots, Some, in, 49. Pottering on a 20 h.p. Singer in the, 8. Run Through the, on a B.S.A. Car, 135. Snowstorm in the, 1147
  • “ Mileage, My,” Popular Theme for the, 1047
  • Military Transport and Repair Equipment, 168
  • Millibhaire’s Son as a Motor Mechanic, 854
  • Minerva Motors, Ltd., New Premises of, 1084
  • Mirrors, Dew and Co., 811
  • Misfiring, Consideration of the Causes and Cures of, 765
  • Mishap and a Rescue, A, 715
  • Mishaps: Ripley Road, 803. Some Notes on, 1093
  • Montreal: Motor Show at, 873. Records on a Dusty Track at, 48
  • Motometer, The, 1106
  • Motophone, Brown Brog-, 504
  • Motor: A New Rotary, 233. Development in South Africa, 988. Instruction, Polytechnics and, 378. Mechanic, Millionaire’s Son as, 854. Offences, Home Secretary and, 480. The, and the View Trade, 11. Troubles, Locating Minor, 765. Thieving, French Methods of Circumventing, 56. Trade, Britain’s, Some Considerations of Price and Quality, 463
  • Motorbus, That Terrible, 613
  • Motorbuses, Lifeguards for, 1105
  • Motor Car Act: Amendments, Discussion of the, 1236, 1903; Offence Against the, 1084
  • Motorcar: How to Drive a, 578. Parts, Special Steels for, B.N.D., 223
  • Motor Carriage: Construction, 838. Some Suggestions for a Cheap, 617. Suspension, 974a
  • Motor Carriages: Exteriors and Interiors, Notes on the Present-day Furnishing of, 1114. Nomenclature of, 768. Prevention of Noise in, 919. Why and Wherefore of Terms Applied to, 768 Motorcars: Farmers and, 403. In Canada, 1029. In New Zealand, 859. Military, 766. Secondhand, Comments on Purchase of, 1109
  • Motor Flap, Hall, 562
  • Motor Garage Rifle Range, A, at Frank Little and Co.’s, 1106
  • Motor House. Heating, Norton, 957
  • Motoring: Alpine, 566; Austrian, 771. An Intelligent Interest being Shown in, 228. Cheaper Roads for, 221, 409. For Ladies, 321. For the Myriad, 849. French Farmers Adopt, 228. Growth of, 729. In Canada, Development of, 377. Instruction in, 957. Night, 1201; Advantages and Disadvantages of, 1110; Pleasures and Advantages of, 1069. Scottish Development of, 1215, South African Market for British Makers, 386
  • Motoring, Instruction in, Motor Schools, Ltd., 168 Motoring, School of, Friswell’s, 715
  • Motorists: and the R.A.C., 1202; and Magistrates, 1075. Books for, 785. Guide Cards through Towns. 148. Tips which will be Found Useful by, 1024. Warning to, 336
  • Motorist, Weymouth Police and, 102a
  • “ Motor Manual. The,” 266a
  • Motor Owners Petrol Combine, Ltd., 441, 1188
  • Motor Reserve, Civilian, 580 ,
  • Motors: and Private Roads, 282. Two-stroke, 110; Some Objections to, 46
  • Motors, Koecklin, Original Two-cycle, 300
  • Motor Spirit: A British, 389. British Industry in New, How It Can be Nurtured, 879; British-made, 446: Particulars, of the Process of, 605; Results of, the Chemical Tests of, 819. From Coal, 1044. Home-produced, 473, 769; Necessity for a, 833; In Parliament, Concerning, and a Letter from Mr. A. Bigland, 850. Import of, 63. Imports and Exports of, 1188. National Fuel Economy, 833; A Correction, 898. Possibilities of a Home-produced, 389. Producing Plant, Another Huge British, 482. —(See “ Petrol,” “ Paraffin,” “ Benzol ”)
  • Motor Spirit, Pratt’s Perfection, 529
  • Motor, The: Midland Offices of, 1006. Reward of, Benzol Question and the, 1189. Show Number Covhr Design,' 718
  • Motor Trades, Golf Championship of, 353
  • Motor Traffic: House of Commons Inquiry, 1104, 1239; Summary of, 1020. Views of the Commissioner of City Police on, 1149
  • Motorvan Parade, 957
  • Mountain Climbing in the Highlands, 197, 236
  • Mudguards, Frankonia, 813
  • Mudsplashing in Germany a Punishable Offence, 1191
  • Napier’s South Downs Test, R.A.C. Certificate for, 24
  • National Society of Chauffeurs*. Handbook of the. 569. Library for, 853
  • Newhaven and Dieppe, Continental Service, The, 1210
  • News Items, 16, 23. 24, 26, 44, 85, 97, 103, 107, 110, 111, 126, 148, 153, 210, 232, 252, 273, 275, 294, 298, 305, 322, 336, 352a, 353, 357, 358, 377, 395, 398, 399, 411, 419, 420, 437, 440 441, 462, 471, 476, 481, 491, 503, 526, 528, 539, 561, 562, 571, 580, 586, 623, 633, 638, 711, 712, 715, 782, 803, 806, 813, 832, 849, 854, 893, 894, 898, 915, 916, 921, 933, 935, 937, 940, 942, 947, 958, 961, 975, 976, 977, 980, 999, 1000, 1006, 1016, 1017, 1020, 1032, 1042, 1061, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1081, 1084, 1102, 1105, 1106, 1107, 1126, 1145, 1148. 1151, 1152a, 1158, 1168, 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1196, 1210, 1223, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1246, 1248.
  • New South Wales, Cost of Roads in, 854
  • New York, Traffic Conditions in, 86
  • New Zealand: American Cars in the Market in, 859. Motorcars in, 859
  • Night Motoring, 1069, 1110, 1201
  • Nimes, City of Roman France, A 1070
  • Noise, Prevention of, in Motor Carriages, 919
  • Nomenclature of Motor Carriages, 768
  • Norham Castle, 1056
  • Northern Rain and Southern Sunshine on a Crossley, From, 76
  • North, Notes from the, 1238
  • Norway, New Motor Traffic Act in, 916
  • Nova Scotia, Gasoline Engines in, 961
  • Offence, An Innocent, 1084
  • O’Gorman Trophy, 441. Race for, 354
  • Oil Leakage through the Valve Tappet Guides, How to Prevent, 818
  • Oil Level Safety Alarm, Parsons, 400
  • Oils—(See “ Lubricants ”)
  • Old Car, An Interesting—No. 1 Maudslay, 1066
  • Ostend Meeting, The, 228
  • Other People’s Views.—A.A., Not Supported by the, 1204. Accident, An, and Its Lesson, 245. Accidents, Possible Solution of Unexplained, 415. Acetylene: More Luminosity from, 456, 558; v. Electric Light, 911, 994. Aeroplanes, Parachutes and, 455. Air-gun Nuisance, Stone-throwing and, 416; Substitutes for, 457. Alcohol Fuel, 247. American Car: Satisfied with an, 497; or Darracq? 123. American Cars v. Cheap British, 123. Antiques, Lessons from the, 82. Aviation, Progress of, 1120 “ Back-Blocks,” An Opinion from the. 910. Balancing Device, Lanchester, 1081. “ Beagle Pack,” 1080. peat the “20”! 1123, 1257. Benz Car at the Gaillon Hill-climb, The, 556. Benzol, 556; and Paraffin, The Possibilities of, 1122; G.C. Vaporizer and. 996; Huge Plant for Producing, 629; or Petrol? 499; Supply, 630. Black-listing Motorists and, 557. Blisters on Covers, 1165. Bores and Strokes, 246. Brake-saving Hint, 161. Brakes' on Fords, 204, 205, 249. Brazil, Motors in. 993. Bridge Wanted, A, 287. British: Car, Good Work of an 8-10 h.p., 497; Industry, the, 828; Trade Statistics, 1254. Brooklands Record, 828. Buttertubs Pass, 779. Cab-rank Telephone, 826. Car: American, Satisfied with an, 497; British, Good Work for an 8-10 h.p., 497; Cleanliness on the, 911; Cooperative, The, 332, 374, 413, 457, 558; Depreciation, 950; “No Attention,” 39, 81; Noise on—Neglect of Lubrication a Likely Cause of, 165; Painting a, 290; The Inexpensive, 40. Carburation, 41; The Problem of, 120, 908, 1081, 1207. Carburetter: Fuel Problem and the, 1256; Paraffin and Petrol, A, 291. Carburetters, Petrol and Paraffin, 372. Cars: Are they Roomy Enough? 1121; “ Back Number,” 329; Cheap British v. American, 123; Darracq or American? 123; for Colonial Use, 415, 909, 1122; for South Africa, 869. 870, 952, 1163; Increasing the Power of Old, 954; Names of, 950, 1121; Second-hand, Running Costs of, 1163; That Pass by, 38, 82, 121, 204, 458; Towed, Rear Numbers and, 951, 994. Case, Extraordinary, at Maldon. Essex. 498. Cells, Leaky, Treatment of, 1163. Chauffeur Question, The. 995. Clutches: Leather, Gained Ground, 163; Leather v. Metal, 40, 41 83 122, 163, 204, 247, 332. Clutch, Satisfied with the Metal, 123. Cold Weather, Starting Up in, 1081. Colonies, Cars for Use in the, 909. Colonial: Models, 628, 828; Requirements. 868; Use, Cars for, 415, 1122. Commercial Travellers’ Work, Cars for, 165. Competition Ratings and Horse-power Formula. 40. Complaint. A, 39. Compression. Varying, 1207. Connemara, Touring in, 205. Co-operative Car, 332, 374, 413, 457, 558: Repair Charges and, 1164, 1256, 12o7. Correction, A, 828. Corruption Act, Prevention of, 416. Counties, Clean, Licences and, 1121. Covers, Blisters on, 1165. Crompton, CoL, and Dustless Roads, 824. Dangers ol the Street, 372. Darracq, the 12 h.p., Experiences Wanted, 81. Declutching, Gear Changing without, 911. Disclaimer, A. 996. Draughts and Hoods, 954. Driving: Light, Useful, 826; Night, A Suggestion for, 206; on Snow-covered Roads, 954, 994; Reckless, 206; Tests for Motorists, 556. East Brent Road Improvement Scheme, The 1081 Edge, Mr. S. F., The Man and His Work, 824. Efficiency, The Ladder of, 868. Electric: Bulbs, Life of, 1039; Car Lighting, 951, 952; Light v. Acetylene, 911, 994; Starter, Reliability of the, 628. Engine: Balance and Silent Running, 555; Cause of Hissing Noise from, 83; Efficiency, 122; In Gear, Device which Prevents Starting, 328; Starter, Future System of, 289; Starters, 207, 249, 329 ; Two-cycle, 162; What is the Ideal? 291. Engines: Short-stroke v. Long-stroke, 290. English Makers and Foreign Trade, 824. Exhaust, Eliminating Metallic “ Ring ” from, 1255. Experiments, Risky, 775. Fairplay, 630. Fog: Driving in, Useful Hints for, 776; Worries, To Reduce, 866. Ford Cars: Brakes on, 204, 205, 249, 332, 414; Hints on, 40; Magneto to, Fitting a, 80, 162; Noise in, 207, 249, 289, 414; Pump, Fitting a, to, 289, 332. Foreign Trade, English Makers and, 824. Frost, ’Ware, 779. Fuel: Alcohol, 247, and Benzine, Mixture of, as, 370; Benzine, Alcohol and Ether as, 370; Cheaper, 370, 866; Consumption—Petrol, High Price of, 1256; for Foreigners, Home-produced, 558; Home produced, 777; Paraffin as, 416; Problem and the Carburetter, The, 1256; Testing Alternative, 996. Fuels: Alternative, 1123; Cheaper, Use of, 1204; Mixqd, 1206 Gaillon Hill-climb, Benz Car at the, 556. Garage Rifle Ranges, 1206. Garages, Slovenliness of, 204, 290. G.C. Vaporizer and Benzol, 996. Gearbox: Defect, A, 554, 778; Lubricant, 416, 498. Gear: Changing without Declutching, 527, 911; Device which Prevents Starting in, 328; Ratios for Grand Prix Race, 164, 248. Gears: Quieting Noisy, 372, 456, 458; Worm, 827. Golders Green Cross Roads, Speed at, 456. Grand Prix Cars: Gear Ratios of, 164, 248. Gudgeon Pin, Securing the, Two-stroke Motors, 165. Headlamps, Electric, 954, 994. Headlights, Glaring, and Noisy Horns, 910. History Revised, 870. Hoods: and Draughts, 954; Rear Windows in, 414, 498, 558, 628. Horns: Motorcar, 205; Noisy, and Glaring Headlights, 910; Whistles and Noises, 331. Horse-power Formula, and Competition Rating, 40. Ideal Motor, The, 554. Ignition Timing, Fixed v. Variable, 121, 165, 205. Invaders, The, 204, 245. Invasion, The, 497, 631. Ireland, Touring in, 81, 83, 161. Irish Roads, Shock Absorbers for Light Cars on, 413, 556. Knock, That Elusive, 38, 246, 332. Eliminated, 414. Law, A Scandal of the, 82. Licence Problem, A, 1120. 1207. Licences and Clean Counties, 1121. Light Cans, Shock Absorbers for, on Irish Roads, 413, 556. Lighting: Electric Car, 868, 910, 951, 952; Sets. 779, Official Tests for, 557, 629. 630, 776, 778, 825, 868. Locker Space, - More. Wanted, 992, 1080. Lubricant, 498. Lubrication, Defective in One Cylinder, 1204 Magneto, Fitting a, to a Ford, 80, 162. Misfiring, Cause of in a De Dietrich, 458. Motorcar: Abroad, Novel Method of Holding up a, 1256; Lighting Sets, Official Tests of Needed, 557, 629, 630, 776. 778, 825. 868. Motor: Fuel, Cheaper, 866; Spirit: British-made, 827, Home-produced, 1123; Thei Ideal, 413; Thieving, Preventives Against, 164; Two-cycle, 248. Motoring: Cost of, 1206; Grumbler Converted, 775; In the Early Days of, 1255; Over a Period of Six Years, Cost of, 1120; South African, 777. Motorists: An Appeal to Private, 1080, 1123; and Black-listing, 557; Driving Tests for, 556; Justice to, 1037; Police and, 454. Motors: Two-stroke, 287; Securing the Gudgeon Pin on, 165. Mudguards, Damaged, 1207. Name, A Question of, 556. Naphthaline, Advantages of. 1205. Noise Located and Cured. A, 454. North Wales in a Day, 910. Nut, Loosening a Tight. 206. Parachutes for Aeroplanes. 455. Paraffin: And Benzol, The Possibilities of, 1122; And Petrol Carburetter, A, 291: And the Steam Car. 246. 631; a« Fuel, 416; Defects, 206; 13,000 Miles on, 555. Petrol: And Paraffin Carburetter, A, 291; Benzol, Steam and Prejudice, 161': Cheaper, 1204; Gauges, 287; High Price of: Fuel Consumption, 1256; or Benzol? 499; Short Measure in, 499: “Squeeze,” The, 412; Substitutes, 1037. Piston Breakages, 414, 457. Pistons Too Long. 911. Point at Issue, 81. Policemen, Our Friend the. 1165. Police, Motorists and the, 454. Prices, Fixed, A Blow to. 248. Public-service Vehicles, Excessive Width of, 331, 415. Pumn: Atlas, 556; Discarding the, 1207. Pumps, Power-driven, 1122, 1205, 1207. Radiator Fan: Is it a Necessity, 908. Rear Number’s. Towed Cars and, 951, 994. Records, Recent, 954. 994. Repair Charges, Competition and, 1164, 1256, 1257. Retreads, Worthless. 41. Rifle Ranges, Garage, 1206. Right of Way, 121. Rims and Wheels. Detachable, 1204. Road Construction, Skidding and. 1163. Road: Hogs. 332; Manners, 331. 412. 554, 779; Rules and Rights of the, 866: Treatment, 778. Roads: Cross, Speed at Golder’s Green, 456; Driving on Snow-covered. 912. 954. 994: Dustless. Col. Crompton and, 824; Rough Irish, Tyres and, 454. Rumour Denied, A, 1123. Scotch: Hill, Qradient Of a, 328; Touring Experiences, 82; Trip. A, 456. Self-starter: Economy of the, 992; Electric, 500; Practical Advantages of the, 630; The White, 373. Self-starters, 288; Mr. Edge Replies to Mr. Sturmey, 330; Practice Preferred to Theory, 373; Views on the Electric, 373. Self-starting Devices, 329. Second-hand Cars, Running Costs of, 1163. Shock Absorbers: for Light Cars, 413, 556. Sign-post Information, Names of Villages and, 121. Silent Running and Engine Balance, 555. Skidding and Road Construction,. 1163. South Africa: Cars for, 912, 952, 953, 996, 1038, 1079, 1163, 1254; Motoring, 500, 777; Reliability Trial Suggested, 1162. Starter, Electric, Reliability of the, 628. Starters, Engine, 207, 249. Starting: Handle, Sava, 458; with Engine in Gear, Device which Prevents, 328. Statistics, British Trade, 1254. Steam Car, Paraffin and the, 246, 631. Steering, Erratic, 628. Stonethrowing: And Air-gun Nuisance, The, 416; and Other Crimes, 245; and the Remedy, 38. Streets, Dangers of the, 372. Stroke Bore Ratios, 496, 630, 827; and Efficiency, 416. Stroke Problem, The, 291. Strokes and Bores, 246. Sub-frame, Three-point, The, 954. Swift Car, 3500 Miles for £30 on a, 1206. Taxation, 1037. Telephones, Cab-rank, 826. Temperature, A Matter of, 499. Testing Plugs Under High Compression, 1081. Tests: for Car Lighting Sets, 557, 629, 630, 776, 778, 825, 868; Season for the, 825; Successful, 825. Thanks, 164. Thetford, ’Ware, 953, 1038. Thieving, Motoring, 164. Times and Opinions Changed, 1163. Tool Name, A, 328. Tools, Use and Misuse of, 371, 455. Tour, A Long Eight-day, 122. Touring: Experiences, Scotch, 82; In Connemara, 205; in Ireland, 81, 83, 161. Trade Statistics, British, 1254. Traders and Their Customers, 867. Tramlines, Defective, 412. Tyre: Correct Size of, 911; Inflation, 1080, and Tyre Upkeep, 1036; Jackets, Marshall, 287; Mileage: and Costs, 161, Checking, 161; Pressures, 1080; Pump, Atlas, 556; Pumps, Power, 330, 372; • Sizes, Incorrect. 121; Wear, How to Reduce, 80, 165. Tyres: Air Substituted in, 414, 457; and Rough Irish Roads, 454; as Railway Passenger’s Luggage, 1121: Fitting Larger, 458, 496, 498, 557; Moseley, Detachable, 289, 372 Valves: Rotary, 1257; Treatment of, 1165. Wheels: And Rims, Detachable, 1204; Tyre Life and Detachable Wire, 290; Why? 912, 950, 1078; Wood, Remedy for Loose Spokes in, 556. Worm Gears, 827
  • Others See Us, As, 725
  • Overseas Trade, Cultivating the, 24
  • Owner-driver, Points Which Make for Comfort of, 138
  • Oxygen, Decarbonizing by Internal Combustion Engine Co., 853
  • Packing Cars for Shipment, Galbraith and Co., 874
  • Paint for Hoods, Accordian. 811 ,
  • Parachute Experiments? Will the Royal Flying Corps Carry Out, 262
  • Parachutes for Aeroplanes, 366
  • Parade: Commercial Vehicle, 782. Cyclecar, 849
  • Paraffin Carburetter, Stewart-Morris, Results of Test of, 361
  • Paraffin: Driving on, “ Comminuter ” Aids, 874. Hope for, 299. Monopoly Bill—The German Government’s, Dead, 979. New System of . Starting on, 547. Race, 71, 102, 107. Taxation, 299. The Possibilities of Mr. Charles Jarrott’s Suggestion, 92-94, 178
  • Paraffin Gas Producer, Southey, 547
  • Paris: Autodrome for, 105. Police Authorities of, Special Motorcars for, 151. Some Beauty Spots Around, 278. To Leeds and Back, 181, 216. Traffic Reforms, 90
  • Parting, The, 552
  • Passenger and Driver, Legal Liability of a, 1250
  • Patents; Napier Detachable Wheel, 395. Self-starter, 174
  • Peach, Mr. F., Entertained to Dinner, 352a
  • Peat, Liquid Fuel from, 939
  • Performance, Factors in, 338
  • Persia to India on a Daimler, 29
  • Petrol: Cheaper, 272; A Protest Against A.A. and M.U. Scheme, 272: Suggested Scheme and Some Comments, 1148. Combine, The, 441. Imports of, 1021. In Canada, 146. Leaflet Dealing with Question of Consumption of, White and Poppe, Ltd., 1156. Monopoly- How It May be Broken, 154. Oil Trust’s, . £1,000,006 Deal, 805. Prices. 146; Reduction of, 66; Reduced in Error, 103; Rase in, 480, in Austria, 294. Schemes, Cheap. 1192. Short Measure in, 420. Shortage in Measure and Weight oL 519. Supplies, A.A. and M.U. and, 356. Supply, Promotions, 1244. Trading, Co-operative, A.A. and M.U. and, 312. Warning When Buying, 102. Waste of. 402
  • Petrol Combine Offers Its Shares for Subscription, 1234
  • Petrol Committee, Interim Report of the’R.A.C., 75
  • Petrol Gauges. Working Principles of a, 149
  • Petrol Pipe Fractures, 1137
  • Petrol Saver, Saunders and Co., 921
  • Petrol Tank, Hispano-Suiza. 561
  • Petrol Tank to Float Chamber, From, 619
  • Petrol-tin Holder. Hereford Motor Co., 898
  • Petrol Users and Traders Supply Society, Ltd., 1189, 1192
  • Petrol Valve, Nesbitt, 364
  • Petworth Hunt, Annual Ball of, 1147
  • Photographing, A. Point to be Observed When, 12
  • Picnic Outfits, 33
  • Picture House Management. Cars in Ue° by, 63
  • Pistons, Oxygen Welding Works, -’26, 809
  • Plough Horse/ Good-bye to the. 782
  • Plug Case, Agros (Selfridgel, 504
  • Plugs, “ Soot-proof.” R95—lSe° “ Sparking- Plues ”1 Police: And Speed Limits. 481. dpir mirror er of, Views of Motor Traffic, 1149. Paris. Motorcars for, 151. Weymouth and Motorists, 102a
  • Policeman, Out Friend the, 1103
  • Polo, Motor, in America, 102a
  • Popularity, An Excess of, for the Olympia Show, 802
  • Portsmouth Road: Accident on the, 146. Improvements on, 975
  • Power per Cylinder, Equalizing the, 339
  • Predicament, An Awkward, 715
  • Press, Daily, and Motor Accidents, 383
  • Prices, Fixed, in America. 148
  • Prince Henry of Prussia: And Special Motor Roads, 147. On Motoring, 1217
  • Prince Henry Tour, 1911—Illustrated Booklet, Published by Continental Tyre Co., 105
  • Prince Olaf’s Christmas Present, 1061
  • Production of 1913, Census of, 189
  • Prosecutions at Bromley, 848
  • Pullinger, Mr., Presentation to, 805, 895
  • Pump Adaptor, Gamage, 277
  • Pumps: Atlas, 134, 353. Barnfather, 904. Brained; 811. Wood-Milne, 964
  • Putney to Esher Road, Suggested New, from, 1012
  • Pyrenees, The Passes of the, 97
  • Quality and Depreciation, 857, 1109
  • Queen Alexandra, Miniature Cadillac Car Purchased by, 976
  • R.A.C., 145. Affiliation Agreements and the, 1099. And Benzol as a Motor Fuel, 975. And Croydon Relief Road, 832. And Motorists, Analysis of Replies, 1202. Assisted Water Circulation Test by the, 1198. Benzol Production, Invitation to Constitute a Commission of Inquiry into the Question of, 1152a. Criticism of the* Action of the, in the Matter of the Dewar Trophy, 1104. Decide to Organize a Home-produced Fuel z Competition, 399. Founder Members’ Dinner of the, 893. Guides, 147; Usefulness of the, 916. Isle of Man Race and the, 712, 805. Members and Olvmpia, 481. New Year’s Eve at the, 1112. Petrol Committee, 275; Interim Report of the. 75. Report and Summonses Dismissed, 48. Scheme of Association. 893. Special Book for Names of Those Who Render Service to, 397. Trials: Atlas and Bramco Tyre Pump, 353; Cadillac: Lighting System, 358, Self-starter, 7, 63; Kellog Tyre Pump. 10; Napier, 399, 808, Certificate for, 24; Pathfinder, 273: Stewart-Morris, Carburetter, 361, Certificate for, 362; Challenge and Victor Tyre, 148, 190, 232, 271, 371, 395, 440. Trials: of Alternative Fuels by, 850; of Cars with Fuel Other Than Petrol, 398. Racing Up a Mountain: Boillot, M., on the Grand Prix Peugeot, 66. Radiator Leak Stopper, Field’s Compound. 511
  • Radiators:-Coventry Motor Fitting Co., 730. Motor Manufacturing Co.. 739.
  • Radiator, Testing the Temperature of the, The Motometer, 1106. Rally, San Sebastian, 306, 359, 419.
  • Rebates. Speeding Up the, The Scottish A.C. and, 977.
  • Records: At Brooklands, 63; Arrol-Johnston. 530; D.F.P.. 590; Lorraine-Dietrich, 897: Speed, Table Showing, 1060, 1092; Star, 188, 233: Sunbeam, 271, 316, 443, 481, 529; Talbot, 804, 849: Twelve-hours. 233; Vauxhall, 714; World’s (Sunbeam), 230. At Montreal on Dusty Track, 48. World’s. Two, 481.
  • Redwood, Sir Boverton. Bart., Interview with, 299
  • Refinement. More Lanchester, 805
  • Reflector, Gamage, 461.
  • Reliability Trials: Are They Needed ? 1068.
  • Repair Equipment, Military Transport and, 168
  • Repair Kits. Parsons, 750.
  • Repair Outfit, Rubberine (Rubberamalgam, Ltd.), 813
  • Repairs: How Amateur Can Effect Temporary. 626. Wayside. Lady Motorist’s Ingenious, 510 Repair Work, Laystall Engineering Works, 745
  • Reversbach Trophy, South Africa, Race for, 252
  • Rich, Sir Chas. H. S., Death of. 1111. Rifle Range at F. Little and Co.’s Motor Garage, 1106.
  • Rims: Aiax (Midland) Rubber Col. 735. Captain. 495, 734. 1004. Facility, 378. Forse, 735. Goodrich, 737. Sankey-WarJand. 730. Shrewsbury and Challiner, 751. Warland, 270, 313, 738, 1176. Rims, Rust on, 999. Rio. Brazil. Daimlers as Taxicabs at, 915. Ripley Road Mishaps. 803. Road: Back to the. 1031. Croydon Relief, 344, R32. Dangers Analysed, 340. Improvements, 1105; in Argyllshire, 146. Mishaps, Ripley. 803. Rule of the. 1179; in France. 841. Signs, Reform of, In Paris, 90. Surfaces, Testing,, , in Kent, 147. Upkeep. Statistics of, 1067. Warnings, Important, 527. Warrington to Preston, Alternative, 638. Western. The Proposed New, 22; Road Board and the, 63, 551
  • Road Board: and Road Improvements, 1105. Col. Crompton and the. 518. Criticised. 1238. Grants, 398. Petersfield to Midhurst. Widening and Improving at, 1102. Question in Parliament and the Chancellor’s Renly, 51R. Scheme. Great West (London), The, 63. Work of the. 379
  • Road Clearer, Brown Bros., 276
  • Road Congress, International, 1913, 1190
  • Road Exhibition. The^ 849
  • Road Race. Indianapolis—(See “ Indianapolis ”) Road Race? Shall we Have Another, 88 Road Racers, Fastest ever Built. 260
  • Roads: Cheapen for Motoring. 221, 409, South Wales. 854. Obstacles Placed on, 322. Past, Present and Future. 1187. Private. Motors and, 282. Special Motor, Prince Henry of Prussia and, 147
  • Roads Improvement Association, The, 317, 957, 999. And Hedge-concealed Corners, 275. Bristol Centre of the, 275. Council Meeting of, 848a. Support Required for the, 274
  • Rotax Co.'s New Premises, 539
  • Royal Flying Corps, An Appeal to the, 262
  • Royal Oak Hill, near Coventry, Accident to Lanchester Car at Top of, 832
  • Rubber Tree to Tyre, From, 528
  • Running Costs and Capital Expenditure, 1060a Russia, British v. American Cars in, 922
  • Russian: Army, White Motor Wagons for the, 1071. Imperial Automobile Race, Komnick Cars in, 44. War Office, Maxwell Car Delivered to the, 210
  • Salesmanship, Lecture on, 819 Samaritan, Good, 218
  • San Sebastian Rally, 306, 359, 419
  • Sarthe Grand Prix, 24, 231, 258, 270. Calthorpes Not in the, 95. Entries for, 71
  • School of Motoring, Friswell’s, 715
  • Scotches, Car, Brown Bros., 277
  • Scotland, Circular Tour in, 985
  • Scottish A.C.—(See “ Clubs ”)
  • Scottish: Islands, Touring on the, 509. Motoring: Development of, 1215; Who’s Who in, 1240. Roads, Snow Blocks, 1238. Warnings, 999. Wilds, Some, 917
  • Screen, Dustorfly, 1017
  • Screen Joint, Wolseley, 1068
  • Screens, Scuttledash, 147
  • Season Model, Abandonment of the, 390b Seats, Lamplugh, 927
  • Second-hand Car, Buying a, 632
  • Second-hand Cars: Depreciation and Quality of, 1109. Taxation on, 1148
  • Self-starter: Development, The, 214. Does Electricity Offer the Most Advantages, 177. Patents, 174. Question, The, 815
  • Self-starters: Edge’s Mr., Experiences of, 107; Some Replies to, 144
  • Shackle Bolts: D.B., 1196. J.B., 942
  • Shakespeare Country on a Light Car, Through, 49
  • Shipment, Packing Cars for, Galbraith and Co., 874
  • Shock Absorbers: Glissade (Thomson-Bennett), 23. G. O. and N. Trading Co., 743. Hermes, 957. J.M., 928, 1107. “ Oda-Smith,” 754. Triou, 503, 755
  • Shooting Brake for H.M. the King, 130
  • Showcard, Lodge Bros.’, 590
  • Shows: Bourges, 403. Brussels, 1146. Edinburgh, 1178, 1224, 1230; Daimler Exhibit at the, 1106. Ghent, 916. Montreal, 873, 1189. New South Wales, 873. New York, 1234. Olympia, Aero, 397. Olympia, Engineering and Machinery, 398, 440. Olympia, Motorcar, 444; Accessory Exhibits at, 718, 730, Some Interesting, Not at the, 809; Car Exhibits at the, 531-538, 593-603, 648-710, Not Shown at, 787; Carriage Work at the, 407, 614, 720; Coachwork at, 854; Cover Design of The Motor Number, 718; De Dion Bouton, Ltd., Successful in Ballot, 14; Doing the, 572; Electricity at the, 758, 832; Excess of Popularity at the, 802; General Observations and Criticisms of the, 797; German Forecast, A, 528; Lady Motorists, Exhibits Appealing to, 710a; Lady Motorist’s Impressions of the, 710a; £10 Day Suggested, 853; Marquis De Dion’s Remarks on the, 855; Opinions of Motor Readers on Overcrowding of, 842; Points for Owner-Drivers when Examining New Chassis at, 505; Problem of the, 842, 900; Proposed Overflow, 313; R.A.C. Members and, 481; Record Attendance at, 712; Record Engine at, 803; Riley Co. and, 336; Simms Magneto Co. Successful in Ballot, 119; Small Cars at, 883; Some Comments on, 862; Some Hints to Exhibitors at the, 384; Sturmey’s, Mr. EL, Observations at, 710c; Table Showing Daily Attendance at, 806. Olympia, Motorcycle: A.A. and M.U. Stand at, 851. Paris, Aviation, 587. Paris, Motorcar, 1912, 855, 881, 893, 925, Arrol-Johnston Cars at, 976, Austin Cars for, 876, British Exhibits for, 23, Jardin de Paris, Overflow Section at, 977, Carriage Building, Review of, at the, 983, Novelties and Mechanical Features at the, 966, Preparations for, 808, President’s Interest in Rolls-Royce Car at, 934, Race Winning Cars Shown at the, 891, Railway Facilities to, Cheap, 851, Some Features at the, 991, 1004, Special Interview with the Secretary of the, 1046, Stand Indicator at the, 1084; 1913, 1244, to be Held in October, 1046. Road Implements, etc., 849. St. Petersburg, 419, 855. Swiss, National of 1914, 462. Toronto, 336 Shropshire* Sideway, A, 390a Signals, Abuse of Warning, 275 Sign, A Misleading, at Littledean, 609 Silencers: Clair (Lyell), 810. Soina, 853 Skids, Ready for Snow, 915
  • Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders: and Standard Lamp Brackets, 271. Annual Banquet (Agents’ Section) of, 804. Annual Dinner (Agents’), 462. Banquet of the, 726. Benzol Productions, Invitation to Constitute a Commission of Inquiry into the Question of, 1152a. Munificent Gift by the, 924, 940
  • Sofia, Humber Cars at, 873
  • South Africa: A Market for British Makers in, 386. Cars for, 869. Motor Developments in, 988 South Wales Hunters’ Show, Cars at, 210 Spain, Motorcar in, 230
  • Spanner, Ukantes, 511
  • Spares, Space and, 1195
  • Spare Wheel and Tyre Carrier, Banner, 364
  • Sparking Plugs: Champion, 1168, 1235. E.I.C., 811. G.B., 742. Hartford, 305. Lodge, 999. Oleo, 22. Sphinx, 811'
  • Sparking Plugs: Method of Restoring Badly Carbonized, 119. The Present-day, 453. Treatise on, 999
  • Speed Indicator, Nicole, Nielson and Co., 814
  • Speed-judging Competitions—(See “ Trials ”)
  • Speed Limits: Application by Parishes for, 437. Police Against, 481. Wanstead Refused, 168 Speed of Animals, 1042
  • Speedometer: A Novel, 980. Drive, Direct, on Knox Car, 72
  • Speedometers: A.T., 740. Corbin, 732. Cowey, 748. Frodsham, 749. Smith’s, 754. Stewart, 741
  • Speed-testing Methods, 420
  • Speed-trap Warning: Legal Position, The, 1061
  • Spirit, Motor—(See “ Motor Spirit ”)
  • Spirit of the Age, The, 1005
  • Springing of Cars, Concerning the, 174
  • Spring Resiliency, Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 571
  • Standard Car Race, Straker-Squire and the, 24 Standardization, 1108
  • Star and Briton Developments, 527
  • Starters, Fitting Mechanical, 856
  • Starting by D.A. Acetylene, 580
  • Starting Devices : Adams, 856. Cadillac, 7. Crossley, 712. D.A. Acetylene, 580. Delaunay-Belleville, 470. Drakeson, 815, 816. Ever-Ready, 816. G.W.T., 1152b. Morris, Russell and Co., 1260. National Gas Engine Starter Co., 385. Polkey, 380. White, 532. Wolseley, 485, 816
  • Starting Handle, Riches, 471
  • Start Up Easily, To, 1168
  • Steels for Motor Parts, Special: Allen and Co., 277. B.N.D., 223
  • Steering: Backlash in the, How to Remedy It, 1214. Wheel: Electrically-warmed, 400; Position, 1086; Right and Left-hand, 1150
  • Steering Wheel-lock, Watchdog (Gamage), 364
  • Stony Hard-hearted Friends, My, 1009
  • Stove, Notron, 462
  • St. Petersburg, Automobile Show at, 419
  • Strikes: At Brennabor Works, Brandenburg, Germany, 102a. Taxicab, 890
  • Sun, Rain and Castor Oil, 76
  • Surrey County Council, By-law Passed to Prevent Disfiguring Hoardings by, 977
  • Suspension, Motor Carriage, 974a
  • Sussex, Worst Hill in, 1191
  • Swiss: Generosity Towards Tourists, 999. Intolerance, 1061. Race in Austria, A, 301
  • Switchboard, Brolt, 1182
  • Switzerland, Insurance of Cars in, 462
  • Tail Light Cases, Scottish, 1238
  • Tate, Mr. Harry Interview with, 1154
  • Tatra-Adria Run, 1913, 982
  • Tax, A New, on Cars in France, 137
  • Taxation: Of Paraffin, 299. Of Second-hand Cars, 1148. Of Petrol Motors, No Change in. 302. Regulations: The New, 440; Report of the Committee to Consider. 302
  • “ Teaching My Wife to Drive,” 1249
  • Terra Incognita, 1251
  • Thieving, Motor: French Methods of Circumventing, 56
  • Things That Tell, The Little. 1051
  • Three-litre Race, 1912, The, 140, 589, 808
  • Thun, Old-world Gateway to Bernese Oberland, 864
  • Thurgoland, Appeal for Moderation in Driving at, 848
  • Timing, Fixed or Variable? 1022
  • Tools: Accommodation for, 33. Use and Misuse of, 256
  • Topics of the Hour, 214
  • Toronto Exhibition. British Cars at. 336
  • Tour: De France. 438, 1217. Highlands, In the, on a Daimler, 197. World’s, Mr. P, R. Hawker’s, 190
  • Touring : Hints for Ladies, Some Useful, 191. Ideal Car for, 240. In Connemara, 102a. On a Brooklands Benz, 1211. On the Scottish Islands, 509. Purposes, Points of Equipment for, 240. Through Devonshire Lanes, 117. Winter in Cumberland, 783
  • Tourists, Swiss Generosity towards, 999
  • Trade: Change, A, 503. Our International, 1128
  • Traffic: Accidents, Can They be Diminished? 340. Conditions. New York, 86. Court, A. in Chicago, 174. Motor, Summary of, House of Commons Inquiry, 1020. Overseas, Cultivating the, 24. Problems of London, The, 1244. Reforms, Paris, 90. Reform: How Motorists Might Aid in, 340. The Need for, 1160. Regulations, Reform Needed in London, 360. Uncontrolled, The Dangers of, 325 Tragic Dose, A, 907
  • Trams, Kingston and Its, 1012
  • Transmission: Ratios. Infinitely Variable, 128. Silent, Worm Gears and, 616. System, The, 338
  • Trials : A.A. of Belgium Shock Absorber, 365. A.C. of Australia, 1126. Atlas and Bramco Tyre Pump, 353. Cadillac Self-Starting, 7, 63, 358b. Cylocine Oil. 1126. Kellog Tyre Pump, 10. Manchester Hundred M.C., 352a. Motor Cycling Club’s Exeter. 1062. Napier Top Gear. 399, 808: Certificate of Performance. 24. Pathfinder, 273. Pilot, 805. Russian: Military, 915: Reliability. 190, 229. Sheffield A.C.’s, 102, 229. 397. 481. Stewart-Morrison Carburetter. 361. 892; Certificate of. 362. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 317, 357. Swedish Winter, 961. Tour de France—(See “ Tour ”). Victor Tyre, 712, 844, 853, 894, 895, 977, 1210; and Challenge, 22, 148, 190, 232, 271, 317, 395, 440
  • Trials: Reliability: Are They Needed? 1068. Unofficial, 853
  • Trunk Holders: Brooks’ Instantus, 210. Presto (Mestre and Blatge), 356
  • Trunks: Brooks, 753. Finnigan’s, 363
  • Tuition, Motor Schools, Ltd., 735
  • Turntable for Motorcars, Davis and Co., 571
  • Tyre Carrier, Spare Wheel and, Banner, 364
  • Tyre: Fillings, Non-pneumatic, 222. From Rubber Tree to, 528, 805. Inflation, 920, 960, 1006, 1242; More About, 1242. Price of, Rumoured, Increase in, 409. Running, How to Secure Economy in, 170. Sizes and Pressure, International Standardization of, 978. The Pneumatic, 170. Variations of Inflation and their Influences on the Life of, 920, 960, j.006, 1242
  • Tyre Fillings, Rubberine, 1000
  • Tyre Inflators, Parsons, 750
  • Tyre Patch, Searle, 503
  • Tyre Pressure Gauge, Schrader, 16a
  • Tyre Pump Adaptor, Gamage, 277
  • Tyre Pumps: Atlas, 313, 353, 398, 731. Atlas Impulse, 134. Bramco, 313. Imperial, 1094. Kellog, 10, 814
  • Tyre Reconstruction, Ripley, Strong and Co., 744, 958
  • Tyre Repair, Amalgam, 748
  • Tyres: Atlas, 731, 848a. Avon, 742, 831. Beldam, 210, 749. Calmon, 743. Challenge, 22, 102. Clincher, 736, 1006. Connolly,-752. Continental, 210, 270, 336, 712, 752. Dunlop, 68, 91, 106, 712, 732. Durandal, 812. Gaulois, 734. Goodrich, 737, 806. Grimston, 66. Grose, 748. Hutchinson, 168, 465, 738. Jenatzy, 72. Kempshall, 102a, 744, 619. K.T., 752. Liver-sidge, 750. Lynton, 735. Macintosh, 737. Marshall, 782, 809. Michelin, 712, 741. Midland, 735. Moseley, 735. Oylers, 738. Palmer, 277, 282b, 714, 749. Peter Union, 734. Pirelli, 102b. Prowodnik, 750. R.O.M., 957. Shrewsbury and Challiner, 751. Skew, 874. Spencer-Moulton, 336, 751. Stelastic, 751, 1161. Stepney, 744. Torkington, 751. Vacuum, 44. Victor, 190, 317, 395, 440, 712, 814. Wood-Milne, 66, 751 Tyres, Correct Pressures of, 920, 960, 1006, 1242 Tvre Stop, Ogden Konkora, 739
  • Tyrol Accident to English Motoring Party in the, 190
  • T-8, 1154
  • Unic Automobile and Marine Motors, Ltd., West End Depot of, 70
  • Valve Adjustment, The Question of, 111
  • Valves, Keeping in Order, 1109
  • Valve Tappet Guides, Oil Leakage Through, How to Prevent, 818
  • Vanderbilt Cup, 395
  • Vienna: British Agency in, 999. De D;on Bu^es for, 957. Police, Austrian-Daimler Car for the Use of the, 895
  • Vulcanizers): H.F., 378, 471, 638, 736; The Board of Education and, 980. New Simms Magneto Co., 461. Tatirac, 358. Vulcan (Lacoste), 755
  • Wagons, White Motor, for the Russian Army, 1071
  • Waistcoat, Sleeved, Leather-lined, Selfridge, 504
  • Wakefield, Death-trap Near, 528
  • Wales, Central, A Dash Through, 157
  • Warnings: Important Road, 527. To Motorists, 336
  • Warwickshire to Hampshire, 1220
  • Washer, Wallach Bros., 276
  • Water-circulation System, Irrcirco, 1198
  • Wayside Studies: People We Meet When Out with the Car, 175 . ,
  • Weddings: Butler-MeKlean, 317. Shrapnell-Smith-Godman, .273, 313
  • Welding, Autogenous, 377
  • Western Road, Proposed New, 638
  • Wheel Alignment. The Importance of, 170
  • Wheel Carrier, Wolseley Patent Spare, 886
  • Wheel, Detachable, New Waterproof Cover for, Stepney, 335
  • Wheel-lock, “ Watchdog,” Gamage, 364
  • Wheel Patents. Detachable, Napier, 395
  • Wheels: And Wings? Whv, 900. Loose Driving on Axle Ends, 16. Why? 861
  • Wheels: Captain, 1004. Connolly, 752. Drakeson, 890. . Goodyear, 168. 757. Hoffman. 747. L.F.,'894. Lynton, 735. Perfeeta. 94. Rilev, 336, 419, 734. Rudge-Whitworth. 265, 746. Sankey, 294. 730. Sankey-Warland, 590, 738. Smith, Parfrey and Co., 757. Stepney, 744. Wolseley, 886
  • Whistle. Exhaust, Oleo (Ripault), 740 who’s Who in Scottish Motoring, 1240 Window Lift, Ideal Window Appliances, Ltd., 271 Windscreens: Auster. 732. Beatonson, 731. Capital Screen and Hood Co., 152. 791. County, 731. Hughes. 715. Rawlence, 734
  • Wings? Why Wheel and. 900
  • Winter Touring in Cumberland, 783
  • Wolseley Developments, 941
  • Workshop, The Car Owner’s, 408. 468. 634, 724, 1027 Worm Gear Efficiency, Interesting Tests of, 725 Worm Gears and Silent Transmission, 616 Worm Gears, Wrigley, 739
  • Zuider Zee and Elbe, New Motoring Ground Between the, 1251.


  • A.A. and M.U.: Guide Card Through Brighton, 148. Northern Representative of the, on his Lancia Car, 376
  • Accessories, Lincolnshire Autocar Co., 276
  • Accident to Napier Oar at Woofer, Method of Raising Car from Ditch, 414
  • Accidents, How Car, Happen to Boys, 1050
  • Accumulators; Fuller, 809. Lucas, 740. Van Raden, 731
  • Acetylene, Lighting and Starting by D.A., 580 Acton Burnall Hall, Shropshire, 390a Aemda del Bazil, Valparaiso, 346 Algerian Desert, in the, 409 Alpine Sign,. A Typical, 1062
  • Alps: Austrian, In the, 46. Austrian, View of the Rolle Pass in the, 18
  • Alton and Basingstoke, George IV Avenue, Between,
  • Ambulance: Cyclonette, 1176. Spyker Car, Fitted for Use by Medical Men as an, 469. Motorcar Used as an, by the Animals Hospital, 95 America: Automobile Registrations, Also Exports and Imports in. Chart Showine. 74. Engine starter, Mechanical, in, 385. Fluctuation in Average Price of Cars for 1902 to Date. Diagram Showing, 75. Motometer for Indicating the Temperature of Radiator, 1106. Mo-Under Wintry Conditions in. 1027, 1030, 1035. Motto Circulated Among Motorists \n> 1 i • Output of Cars, Chart Showing Annual, 73. Return of Olympic Games Representatives to, 229. South. Daimler Car for, 495. Winter Scenes in, 1027, 1030, 1035
  • American: Highway, A Typical, 384. Road, Unprotected Level Crossing on an, 1073
  • Anna Carter to Sally Gap, On the Road from, 109 Applecross Hill: Island of Skye from, 238. To Tournapres, Descent from. 197, 198
  • Army Manoeuvres: The. 257. In East Anglia, Motor Transports at the, 315
  • Arrol-Johnston Works at Dumfries, 358
  • Art Student, Not an, 171'
  • Ashley, Mr. H. J. D.. Fatal Accident to, 317
  • Askrigg. Cross and Old Tudor House at, 516
  • Association of German Automobile Makers, Banouet on the Occasion of the Twelfth General Meeting of the, 1217
  • Aughavanagh: Barracks, Seat of Mr. John Redmond, M.P.. 1034. Military Road Through Wicklow Mountains, Near. 1033
  • Austin, Mr. Herbert. New President of the Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 1245 Australia: Motoring in, 35, 36. Typical Scene in, 206 Austrian Mountain Road. A Typical, 566
  • Auto-clock, Boston. Markt and Co., 742
  • Auvergne Mountains, The Old Gordnn-Bennett Course in the, Near Rochefort, 337
  • Aviation.— Aeroplane: Bleriot, 631: Briquet, 587. Greek Army's. 542; Henson. 588. 589: Pronellers Being Delivered from the Cbauviere Factory in Paris, 71: Renair Car in French Army Manoeuvres. 347: Without Wings, Invented by a Dresden Engineer, 465. Airshin Gun, Krupn, as Used in the German Army 1114. Ariel Transit Co.’s Station, Plains of Hindustan. 588. 589. Ashlev, Mr. H. J. D.. Fatal Accident to. at Belfast, 317, Avro Aeroplane, New Bullet-proof, on Salisbury Plain 24. Beachy Giving Exhibition Flight in America. 1639. Beaumont. M., Starting from Paris for London, 65. Biplane. Farman, 637. Bleriot Monocoque, Latest Form of, 1006. Borel Monocoo ue, 587. Cody Aeroplanes for Janan. 555. Collard eau, M.. Exhibition by, at Villa Coublay. France, 1083 De la Roche, Baroness. Accident to, 356. Dirigible “ Rean ” -in: French Army Manoeuvres, 315. Donnett-T eveque. Hydroplane, M. Beaumont on the. 65. Dresden Engineer, Aeroplane with Wines. Invented bv -a, 465. Engine: De Dion. 587, 768: Pan hard, 778; Salin-son. 616. Etienne, Col., Listening to M. Richard’s Report from Aeronlane Above. 65 Farman Biplane at the French Military Manoeuvres, 314. Flights by Artificial Light at Hendnn, 357 Garros: Flying Over the Ruins of Carthage, 1078; On Mediterranean Flight Over Tunis. 1082. German Armv, Krupn Airship Giin on Motorcar as Used by the, 1114. Greek Army, Aeroplane for the, 542. Hendon: Farman Hvdronlane in Dronning Test at. 272. 273; Flights by Artificial Lights at, 357; Naval and Military Meeting at. 352a. Henson Aeronlane patented in 1842, 588, 589. R'industan. Plains nf, Ariel Transit Co.’s Stat-on in the. 588, 599. Hydroplanes: Curtiss, at Montreal. 1254; Voisin, 892. International Cun Race, The. 869 Japanese Emhassv. Offi Cody Instructing Col. Mavalie. of the, 555. Kabaskiet, Bulg’nan Corns with Guard at, 1102 Leg',gneux. M.. Wonderful Pe’-bvmance hv 1069. Los Angele. Beachy Giving Exhibition Flight at, 1039. Manio. Mr. J. B., Aeroplane on the Roof of-House at Palmer’s Green. 940. Mediterranean Flight: Carthage. Garros FJying Over the Ruins of, 1078; Tunis. Garros Passing Over, on His. 1082. Military Tests on Salisbury Plain, 64, 65. Monoplane of 1842, The. 588, 589. Montreal, Curtiss Hvdro-Aeroplane at. 1254. Morocco, Aeronlane Reconnoitring Positions of Moors, in. 1209. Naval and Military Meeting at Hendnn, 352a Officer Aviator Making a Reconnaissance in French Military Manoeuvres, 315. Palmer’s Green, J. B. Manio’s Aeroplane on the Roof of House at, 940. Paris Aero Show, 587, 613, 629, 630, 637, 642, 768. Richard, M., Dictating a Message Through an Apparatus to Col. Etienne on Land, 64. Salmet, M., on His Monoplane Over Stratford-on-Avon, 50. Travers, Mr. J. L., on 70 h.p. Frau Hydroplane, 272, 273. Villacoublay: M. Legagneux at, 1069; Near Paris, Important Aviation Centre at, 278. Voisin, M., Fatal. Accident to, 356. Workshop for Repairing Aeroplanes for French Army, 779
  • Axle What Make of, 282b
  • Aysgarth Falls, .Above, 516
  • Badge That " Gets You Home,” to Supplement the, 253
  • Bale, A Mountain Road Near, 158
  • Balkan War, The Scene at Stara Zagora, 764
  • Ballachulish, The Ferry at, 237, 309
  • Ball-testing Machine, U.M.L, 755
  • Balmoral Castle, Daimler Passing, 236
  • “ Bathtub ” Model, Suitable for Flooded Roads, 1193
  • Bathurst, N.S.W., Passing Through a Sheep Farm in, 206
  • Battle Abbey, Sussex, Wolseley Cars in Grounds of, 1040
  • Bearings: Duplex, 810. Skelfo, 740. Timken, 676, 733
  • Beauty Reigns Supreme, 713
  • Beckenham, Kent, Mirror on the Cross Roads to Warn Motorists at, 146
  • Belgium, Some Holiday Jottings in, 325
  • Bellevue; Observatory’of Meudon Avenue from, 279
  • Belt Adjuster, Fan, Cassell and Co., 504
  • Bennett, Mr. F. S., and His Model Cadillac, 935
  • Benzol Plant, Another Large, 867
  • Berkhamsted Staghounds, Meet at the Cross Roads. Near King’s Hill, of the, 1103
  • Bigland, Mr. Alfred, M.P., 850
  • Birchenwood Colliery Co. s Works, Kidsgrove, 446, 447, 473-474b
  • Booking, Essex, Old Flour Mill at, 1095
  • Body Design: B.S.A., 452, 668. Girardot, 930. Grosvenor Carriage Co., Streamline, 854. French Competition in. 494, 495
  • Body, Touring Car, 108
  • Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough, Plant for the Recovery of Benzol Erected by, 867
  • Bombay, Picturesque Scenes in, 1074, 1106 Bonnet Lock, Dunhill, 730
  • Bosch Factory, Testing Magnetos at the, 512, 513 Bosch, Herr Robert, 512
  • Botha, General, and Secretary, 336
  • Boulogne: Lace Making at, 186. To Folkestone, Cars Crossing the Channel from, 2'37
  • Bournemouth, Undercliff Drive at, 460
  • Boves, Entrance to the Village of, 1038
  • Bradford Corporation, Crossley Cars Used by Officials of the, 955
  • Braemar, Southward from, 237 Brake Levers, Daimler Co., 440 Bremhill Wick Hill, Wiltshire, Column and Statue of Maud Heath on, 1152
  • Bridge: Dangerous Humpbacked, at Girtford, 289. Remarkable, at Iwakuni, Japan, 99. Bottleneck, South Shakleton, near Daventry, 84 Bridgnorth, Market Square at, 313
  • Bridport, Curious Notice on Old Bridge at, 1161 Brighton Road, Speed-limit Signs on the, 322 Brisbane and Sydney, Floods Between. 36 British Columbia, Belsize Car Used for Mails and Passengers in, 245
  • Brooklands : Bedelia in Cyclecar Race at, 439. Bump, The Car When Rushing the Hill, 11. D.F.P. at, 506, 758. Excelsior Car at, 739, 999 G.W.K. Winning the Cyclecar Race at, 438. Hornsted, Mr., on Austin Car “ Pobble,” 539. In the Gloaming, 758. Lunch Scores at, 57. Measuring and Testing New Spirit at, 480, 481. Meetings: Essex M.C. Gala, 102; 5th August (Bank Holiday), 19-21, 67; 28th September, O’Gorman Trophy for Race at, 318, 355. Not Going for Records at, 967. Records at, 433; Arrol-Johnston, 530; D.F.P., 758; Lorraine-Dietrich, 897; Star, 188, 189, 233; Sunbeam, 230, 316. 375; Talbot, 804, 805, 849; Twelve Hours, 233; Vauxhall, 714. Rover Car Using New Spirit at, 481. Some Holiday Incidents at, 67. Sunbeam Car at, 526, 527, 575. Test Hill, Stoewer Car on, 166. Tuning* up Singer Car at, 640. Variation at, 51. View Drawn from Driver’s Seat of Vauxhall Car Piloted by Mr. Percy Lambert, 422
  • Brown, Mr. J. B., M.I.Mech., President of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 445
  • Brunig Pass, On the Road to Summit of, 1110 Buildwas, Level-crossing at, 1131 “ Bulb that Trailed, The,” 102b
  • Burford Bridge, Surrey Union Foxhounds at, 1063 Burner, Roni, Bray and Co., 812
  • Burnham Beeches, Lord Burnham’s Estate, near, Tyre Test Car on, 1239
  • Buttertubs Pass, Summit of, 516
  • Cader Idris and Lake Tal-y-LIyn, 157
  • Caerphilly Castle and Its Leaning Tower, 114 Cairnwell, Descending from, Over the Devil’s Elbow, 198
  • California, Pathfinder Car in, 646 Callender, Falls of Leny, near, 493 Cannon Teign, Lord Exmouth’s Country Seat, Tyre Test at, 1125
  • Cape Province, Great Brak River at, 336
  • Capertree Valley, N.S.W., Through Long Grass in, 35
  • Cape Town to Caledon, Main Road from, 824 Capital and Labour, 780
  • Car: A Light, 617. Comfort on the, 33, 34. Fitted as a Newspaper Correspondent’s Office during Grand Prix Race, 181. Ideal Touring, 240. My Ideal, 138, 139
  • Caravan, Motor Touring, Star Car Fitted as a, 471
  • Carburetters : Aris, 927. Arnott, 3. Bailey-Dale, 746. Bi-fuel, 96. Biaks, 4. Claudel-Hobson, 747. Daimler, 1159. Facile, 4. G. and A., 4. Humber, 436. Lanchester, 6. L.B.M., 7. Longuemare, 5, 748. Mauvillier, 5. Mercedes, 7. Paul, 442. Polyrhoe, 2, 736; Engine for Testing, 277. Schebler, 4. Scott-Robinson, 745. Smith and Son, 754. Stewart-Ford, 400. Stewart-Morris, 361, 362. Stewart-Precision, 2, 748. S.U., 677, 737. T. and M., 746. Unic, 96. Vapor, 3. Ware, 6. White and Poppe, 749. Zenith, 746
  • Car Construction.— Adams: Differential Unit on, 670; Engine Starting Device on, 568; Radiator, “ Sporting,” on, 670. Adem, Units of the, 546. Adler: Clutch, How Removed from, 702a; Engine on, 405; Gearbox on, 405; Oil Pump and Distributor Drive on, 702a. Alda, Suspension on, 969. Alldays: Air Inlet to Carburetter on, 786; Front Spring Suspension, 858. Argyll: Engine on, 427, 663; Fitted with Floor and Seat Boxes for Spares, etc., 115; Sleeve Valve on, 702. Aries, Rebound Buffer on, 933. Arista, Friction Gear and Silent Drive Chain on, 899. Armstrong-Whitworth : Carburetter Air Passage on, 679 ; Petrol Tank, Filter and Cap on, 678. Arrol-Johnston: Adjustment for Dynamo Drive on, T05; Footplate on, 429; Gearbox on, 429; Rearwheel Brakes on, 673. Austin: Dashboard on, 678; Dynamo Drive on. 678; Engine on, 533, 878; Foot Brake on the Torque Tube on, Mounting of the, 876; Gearbox, Method of Supporting Rear End of, on, 876; Power Unit, Method of Supporting the, on, 876; Radiator on, 1055; Rear Axle with Torque Tube on, 877; Scuttle Dash on, 116; Steering Rod, Joint on the Forward End of the, on, 878; Waterway from Pump to Cylinder Jacket on, 878; Wheel, Sankey, on, 678. Austrian-Daimler, Valve Side, Showing Lubricator of, 536. Austro-Daimler: Back Axle, Torque Tube and Stays on, 786; Engine on, 701, 843
  • Bayard: Brakes and Brake Adjustment on, 969; Change-speed Quadrant on, 1088; Engine on, 1089; Fan Blade, Dual-purpose, on, 1088; Gate on, 971. Bedford: Back Axle and Brake Mechanism on, 624; Carburetter on, 624; Engine on, 382, 614; Gate Control on, 624. Bell: Carburation on, 536; Engine on, 536; Gearbox Plate on, 709; Magneto on, 536. Belsize: Chain Driving Gear on, 519; Magneto Coupling on, 652; Shock Absorber on, 677; Steering Box on Engine Bracket, Method of Supporting on, 651. Benz: Bonnet Under the, on, 664; Car Lamps on, 1147; Engine on, 664; Gearbox on, 857’; Locker at Rear for Spare Wheels on, 1146. Berliet: Branched Waterpipe on, 705; Carburetter on, 687; Engine on, 687; Springs, Underslung, on, 969. Bianchi, Spigot of Primary Shaft Extended Through the Sleeve on, 137. Brasier: Axle and Steering Arm on, 970; Propeller Shaft Tube, Method of Hanging, on, 709; Suspension on, 969; Torsion Rods, Ball-jointed, on, 693. Brenna: Engine on, 668, 669; Greaser for Valve Tappets on, 705. Briton: Magneto Support , and Fan Belt Drive on, 702a; Radiator Fitted to, 539; Transmission to Back Axle and Torque Stay on, 539.
  • B.S.A.: Body on, 668; Engine on, 135. Buchet, Engine on, 968
  • Cadillac: Chain Drive, Crankshaft and Gear Cut on Fly-wheel for Self-starting Mechanism, /488; Collar Union for Supporting Horn Bulb and Tube on,. 705, 786; Engine on, 488; Magneto, Governor for the, on, 489; Starting Mechanism on, 690, 691; Telescopic Shrouds for Valve Tappets, Springs, etc., on, 690; Universal Joint on, 489; Valve Tappets, Springs, etc., Telescopic Shrouds for the, 489. Calthorpe: Brake-operating Gear on, 786; Skew-gear for Countershaft on, 653. Charron: Drive on, Means of .Conveying the, 698; Steering Arm and Projected Joint on, 700; Switch on, 698. Chenard-Walcker: Engine on, 670, 929; Gearbox on, 929; Plugs on, 669; Rear Axle on, 670. C.I.D., Engine on, 989.
  • C.L.C.: Engine on, 278, 968; Sleeve Valve on, 278. Clement, Oil Filler on, 707. Cross-ley: Adams Starting Device on, 856; Brake Lever on, .649; Brake Rod on, 649; Clutch on, 486; Control Rods and Tube on the, 486; Crankcase on, 649; Engine Clutch, Gearbox and Brake on, 853; Gearbox on, 487; Torque Ball Unit of the, 853; Transmission System on, 487; Tubular Cross-member on, 821
  • Daimler: Brake Lever on, 440, 449; Carburetter on, 1159; Engine on, 692, 727; Filler Cap Feature on, 692; Induction Manifold of the, 448; Sleeve Valve of the, 449; Springing on, Method of, 692; Underslung Spring of the, 448. Darracq: Engine on, 537; Foot Brake on, 537;, Windscreen Support on, 786. Darracq Valvefess: Clutch Withdrawal Gear on, 658; Distributor on, 659; Engine on, 659; Rotary Valve Motor on, 677; Transmission of the, 658. Deasy, Steering Column, Support of the, and Gear Change Gate on, 677. De Dietrich, Fan Belt Automatic Adjustment on, 702. De Dion: Dipper to Ascertain Oil Level on, 677; Engine on, 466; Gearbox on, 467; Oil Cock on Crankcase on, 677; Underslung Spring on, 467; Universal Joint on, 466. De Dion Bouton: Engine on, 662; Propeller Shaft on, 662; Propeller Shaft with Coupling on, 662; Steering Gear on, 662; Steering Pivot on, 662. Delahaye: Adjustment of Tension of Fan-driving Belt on, 858; Engine on, 686; Gate Change on, 693. Delaunay-Belleville: Clutch on, 470; Engine on, 680; Pressure Gauge on, 4701 D.F.P.: Back Axle on, 947; Dashboard on, 946; Engine on, 946. D.S.P.L., Universal Joint on, 934
  • Enfield: Chain Drive to Magneto and Camshaft on, 655; Crankcase on, 655; Dashboard and Foot Controls on, 549; Lubrication System on, 655. Excelsior: Engine on, 1048; Clutch, Gearbox, Pedals, etc., on, 686; Magneto on, 1048; Oil Tank on, 1048; Throttle Control Pedal on,, 1048
  • Fafnir, Hot-air Intake to Carburetter on, 703.
  • F. I.A.T., Engine on, 652, 821. Fischer (German), Engine on, 544. F.N.: Multiple-disc Clutch on, 788; Steering Column, Adjustment for, on, 788. Foy-Steele: Engine on, 704; Rear Suspension on, 704
  • Germain: Axle and Brake on, 348; Bevel Drive on, 348; Clutch Member on, 348; Engine on, 347; Gearbox and Foot Brake oh, 348; Sleeve Valve on, 348. Gladiator: Engine on, 831; Throttle, Set for Running Slowly, Position of the, on, 915. Gobron, Engine on, 651.
  • G. R.: Engine on, 660; Timing Gear on, 660. Gregoire: Engine on, 508; Unit Construction on, 509; Worm-driven Rear Axle, 825. Gregoire : (Dumont): Engine on, 728, 729; Motor and Steering Gear on, 728; Transmission on, 728
  • Halladay, Engine on, 1021. Hampton: Gate, Rocket Type, on, 604; Gearbox on, 604. His-pano-Suiza: Petrol Tank on, 561; Power Unit on, 787. H.L., Back Axle on, 615.
  • Hotchkiss: Carburetter on, 786; Differential Gear on, 970. Hiimber: Carburetter on, 436, 682; Clutch on, 1220; Engine on, 49, 581, 682; Gearbox on, 49. Humberette, Engine on, 450. Hupmobile, Rear Springing on, 704. Hurtu: Engine on, 431; Gearbox on, 432
  • Iris: Petrol Tank Cap on, 649; Springs, New Rear, on, 649. Isotta-Fraschini: Engine on, 859; Front Wheel, Brake Fitted to, 789. Itala: Crankcase of the, 599; Engine on, 599, 675, 968, 1144; Rotary Valve on, 821
  • Knight-Panhard, Engine on, 665. Koecklin: Crankshaft on, 300; Cylinder on, 300; Engine on, 300, 301. K.R.I.T., Power Unit on, 1158
  • La Buire: Drakeson Wheel on, 797; Rear Brake Differential on, 702. La Licorne, Gate on the Trunk, Attached to Gearbox, 786. Lan-chester: Balancing Device on, 962, 963; Countershaft Oil Pump on, 697; Cross-shafts Carrying Bobweights on, 962; Engine on, 697; Valve Lever on, 697. Lancia: Box to Hold Spare Can of Petrol, Batteries, etc., on, 858; Water Pump and Drain Cock on, 702. Legros, Engine on, 935. Lorraine-Dietrich, Dashboard on, 708
  • M. A-F., Engine on, 31. Majola: Camshaft,
  • Valves and Ball Bearing on, 179; Clutch,. Gearbox and Foot Brake on, 180; Engine on, 179; Exhaust and Inlet Valve on, 934; Gearbox on, 180; Rear Axle on, 180; Valves and Ball-bearing Camshaft on, 179. Marathon, Engine on, 651. Maudslay: Camshaft and Valve Gear on, 540; Differential Casing of Live Axle on, 650; Engine on, 540, 650, 858; 1903, Gear on, 1066. Maxwell-Mascotte, Arrangement of Fan on, 792. Metallurgique: Door Fastening on, 723; Engine on, 32; Radial Recesses on Front Guard for Spare Tyres, 705; Steering Pivot on, 32; Transmission on, 695. Metz-Lion, Engine on, 795. Minerva: Couplings between Clutch and Gearbox on, 709; Engine on, 702d; Foot Wiper on, 858; Shackle on, 707. Mitchell: Adjustment to Brake Rods on, 858; Selector Rods of Gear Change Mechanism on, 684. Mitchell-Lewis, Engine on, 684. Mors: Clutch Coupling on, 702; Torque Rod and Brake Rod Member on, 701. Motobloc: Bearing Bracket for Brake Rod on, 970; Engine on, 684; Oil Cock to Base Chamber on, 696; Steering Wheel on, 705. N.A.G. Foot-brake, Adjusting Spindle on, 705; Engine on, '537
  • N. B.: Dash, Gearbox and Brake on, 862; Engine
  • on, 674; Gear-changing Mechanism on, 862. Napier: Back Axle Oil-filling Orifice and Torque Stay of, 661; Door Hinge, Rattlepreventing, on, 975; Engine on, 661; Power Unit of the, 538. Noiseless Napier, Engine on, 661. Nazzaro, Gearbox and Torque Housing on, 707
  • Overland: Engine on, 685; Rear Axle on, 685 Palladium: Engine on, 794; Gearbox on, 794.
  • Panhard: Gearbox, Clutch and Flywheel on, 666; Gearbox, Universal Joint and Torque Tube on, 926; Oil-circulating System on, 926; Spring Plunger on Clutch Pedal on, 673; Torque Member. Anchorage of, on, 665; Torque Tube on, 665; Universal Joint on, 927. Pathfinder: Back Axle on, 343; Engine on, 342. Peugeot: Back Axle on, 532; Brake on, 261; Camshaft on, 260; Combination Chamber on, 891; Crankshaft on, 260; Cylinder on, 261; Engine on, 532; Gearbox on, 360; Pump Feed to Universal Joint on, 699; Rear Axle on, 261; Suspended Sub-frame on, 891; Valve Mechanism on, 891; Baby, Engine on, 401. Phoenix: Back Axle, Worm Drive on, 594; Clutch Gear on, 656;‘Engine on, 522; Oil Pump on, 657: Pipe Joints Through Radiator on, 656; Valve Adjuster on, 677;
  • Car Construction.—Contd.
  • Worm Drive, Back Axle on, 657. Piccard-Pictet, Engime and Gearcase on, 656; Tyreinflating Pump on, 655. Pilain, Compression Tap, etc., on, 705. Pilot, Friction Drive on, 707. Pipe: Engine on, 968; Water Connection on, 932
  • Renault: Front Axle and Steering Gear on, 931; Rear Spring and Rear Axle on, 931; Shaft Between Clutch and Gearbox on, 969; Spring Underneath Frame on, 971; Underslung Spring, Frame and Wheels on, 667; Universal Joint and Lubricator on, 969. Riley: Engine on, 650; Sight-feed Drip Lubrication on, 650. R.M.C. (Seabrook), Underslung Construction on, 683. Rossel, Universal Joint on, 932. Rover: Back Brake Adjustment on, 702d; Clutch on, 194; Driving Worm Wheel on, 195; Engine on, 195, 541, 542; Gearbox on, 705; Universal Joints and Tailshaft on, 195
  • Sava: Engine on, 358a, 689; Gearbox on, 1148; Valve Mechanism on, 689. S.C.A.R., Engine on, 791. S.C.A.T.: Coupling Between Flywheel and Disc Clutch on, 674; Coupling for Driving Magneto Shaft on, 674. Schneider: Eccentric Shafts on the, 1007; Engine on, 935, 966, 1007, 1008; Sleeve, Showing Lugs, Ports and; Piston Rings on, 1007. Sneffield-Simplex: By-pa*ss Taking Exhaust Gas Round Induction Pipe on, 705; Brake Rod Joints on, 786; Engine on, 691; Starting Handle, Folding, on, 786. Siddeley-Deasy: Engine on, 671; Glass Bonnet on, 1231; Pivoted Brake Shoes on, 671; Pressure Balance Device on, 671; Rear Suspension on, 671; Rubber Pad Dirt Excluders on, 672. Singer: Engine on, 5, 883; Gearbox, Gear and Brake Lever Quadrant and Brake Gear on, 9; Torque Member, Method of Anchoring, on, 652. S.P.A.: Engine on, 803; Enclosed Fan Belt on, 969; Fan Drive on, 1172; Gate Change on, 969. Sperber: Catch for Starting Handle on, 610; Gearbox on, 610; Oil-circulating Pump on. 611; Spring Catch for Door Handle on, 611; Transmission Unit on, 611. Springuel, Enclosed Pulley for Fan Belt on, 858. Spyker, Valve gear on, 690. Standard: Countershaft Brake Adjustment on, 654; Engine on, 654. Star: Camshaft on the, 483; Engine on, 663, 853, 863; Steering Box of the, 663; Steering Gear on the, 483. Stoewer, Torque Ball and Bear Brake on the, 696. Straker-Squire: Engine on, 484; Rear View Showing Access to Differential Gear, 696. Swift: Adjustment Device for Timing Chain on,: 674; Engine cn, 478, 674, 883, 884; Rear Springing of, 675; Skew-gear Magneto Drive on, 884. Sunbeam: Air Compressor on, 706; Clutch and Brake Pedal Adjustment on, 706
  • Talbot: Ball Socket Forward End of Radius Rods on, 648;. Engine on, 648; Gear and Brake Lever on, 545; Petrol Cock and Strainer on, 545; Wheel Well on, 545. Turner: I rime of, 594; Rotherham Tell-tale Fitted on, 594
  • Unic: Disc Coupling Between Engine and Gearbox, 680; Engine on, 679
  • Valveless, Engine on, 689. Vauxhall: Cooling Arrangement on, 658; Foot-brake Adjustment on, 525; Heating Chamber on, 658; Oil Filler on, 525; Oil Filter Drawer on, 657. Vermorel: Gearbox on, 688; Spring Drive Between Clutch and Gearbox on, 688; Steering Arm on the, 929. Vinot, Engine qn, 659. Vulcan: Clutch Shaft Brake on, 669; Engine on, 608; Gearbox Support of Footbrake Gear on, 609; Oil Drain Valve on, 669
  • Waverley, Rear Axle Supports on, 687. White: Dynamo on, 319; Engine on, 700; Oil Reservoir on Crankcase of, 702; Starting Lever on Dashboard on, 319. Wolseley: Carburetter on, 677; Dashboard on, 676; Engine on, 485; Petrol Tank on, 676; Screen Joint on, 1068; Self-starting Lever, etc., on, 676; Self-starting System of, 485; Steering Rod on, 676
  • Zebra: Clutch on, 281; Engine on, 281
  • Car Owner’s Workshop, The, 408, 634, 635
  • Carperby, Village Cross at, 516
  • Cars: Abbott Detroit, 1042. A.-C., 796. A.C.E., 893. Adams, 568, 902. Adem, 546. Adler, 368. Alda, 793, 984. Alldays, 247, 600, 672, 694. Argyll, 115, 242-, 327, 427, 428, 492, 666, 720, 1090, 1155, 1225. Ariel, 709. Armstrong-Whitworth, 537, 679, 722, 1126. Arrol-Johnston, 68, 243, 429, 430, 530, 672, 673, 1187. Austin, 116, 152, 292, 533, 539, 876, 877, 878, 1226, 1233; " Pobble,” 355. Austrian-Daimler, 895. Austro-Daimler, 700
  • Baguley, 28. Barrimar, 885. Bayard, 685, 1088, 1089. Bedelia, 438. Bedford, 380, 441, 1232. Bellanger, 984. Belsize, 228, 245, 519, 652, 792, 1157, 1230. Benz, 19, 396, 397, 405, 418, 871, 950, 1205, 1211. Berliet, 306, 355, 838, 1170, 1238. Bianchi, 329. Brasier,. 77. Briton, 539, 540, 702a. B.S.A., 86, 135, 452, 916. Buchet, 41, 794, 1260
  • Cadillac, 288, 299, 488, 489, 573; Children's Model, 935, 1061. Calthorpe, 957. Chenard-Walcker, 666. C.I.D., 960. C.L.C., 278, 279, 280.
  • Clement, 462, 832, 1233. Clement-Talbot, 559. Cote, 71. Crossley, 63, 76, 188, 250 , 294 , 354, 487, 488, 790, 942, 955, 1224, 1250. Cyclonette, 1176
  • Daimler, 29, 43, 243, 251, 286, 290, 330, 346, 387, 453, 495, 601, 723 , 839, 875, 882, 1074, 1191, 1215, 1246; Daimler (Silent-Knight), 28, 383, 915. Darracq, 515, 666 ,782. De Dion; '455, 466, 467. De Dion Bouton, 865. 1064,' 1168, Delage, 307, 558. Delaunay-Belleville, 586, 911, 930. Dennis, 597, 666, 698, 952. D.F.P., 506, 758 946
  • Enfield, 298, 548, 549, 778, 792. Excelsior, 124, 686, 739, 999, 1048, 1049
  • Fafnir, 786, 1233. F.I.A.T., 190, 394. 491, 535,
  • 829. Flanders, 104, 105. F.N., 1182. Ford, 276, 710. Foy-Steele, 872
  • Oars.—Contd.
  • Germain, 1258. Gladiator, 708. Gobron, 694. Gregoire, 59, 64 , 79 , 99, 119, 304, 307, 355, 359, 508, 939, 983. G.W.K., 438, 796
  • Halladay, 1021. Hampton, 604. H.L., 615. His-pano-Suiza, 64, 186, 353, 360, 924, 930. Hudson, 896. 909, 963. Humber, 49, 50, 252, 445, 581, 839, 881, 1028, 1107, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1226. Humberette, 450, 883. Hurtu, 44 , 431, 432, 535 Iris, 595, 722. Isotta-Fraschini, 1081. I.T.A.L.A., 27, 293, 406, 420 (see correction, p. 503), 720 Jackson, 365, 390b, 688 K.R.I.T., 320, 788
  • La Buire, 562. La Licorne, 210, 701, 993. Lan-chester, 327 , 409, 697, 710c, 1226. Lancia, 922. Leon Bollee, 703, Lion-Peugeot, 162. Little Car, 1237. Loreley, 72. Lorraine-Dietrich, 898
  • M. A.F., 31, 354. Majola, 180. Marlborough, 426.
  • Mathis, 790. 1170, 1201. Maudslay, 242, 540, 602, 844, 1066. Mercedes, 369, 720, 983. Metal-lur^ique, 28, 306, 359, 722, 1224. Minerva,
  • 26, 38, 200, 369, 479, 703. Mitchell, 514. Mitchell-Lewis, 684. Morris-Oxford, 978. Mors, 406, 499, 791. Motobloc, 767
  • N. A.G., 694, 844a. Napier, 122, 160, 275, 312, 399,
  • 414, 1037. Noiseless Napier, 832, 1167. Nazzaro, 70, 419. New Engine Co. (Kent), 720
  • Oldsmobile, 321. Opel, 838, 861, 1202. Overland, 309, 358b, 625, 684, 1103
  • Palladium, 16a. Panhard, 177, 490, 593; (Abbe Gavois’s), 1058. Pathfinder, 273, 313, 343, 361, 787. Perry, 885. Peugeot, 66, 120, 258, 333, 532, 641; Baby, 401, 402. Phoenix, 289, 522, 656, 953. Picker-Guyot, 258. Pilain, 126, 860
  • R. C.H., 618. 818, 1141, 1224, 1257. Renault, 306.
  • 1232. Riley, 529. R.M.C.. 710c, 900. Rolls-Royce, 79, 104, 105, 108, 111, 214, 243, 699, 956, 980, 1151. Rothwell, 710. Rover, 481, 541, 702d, 1233
  • S. C.A.P., 307. S.C.A.R., 790. S.C.A.T., 612,
  • 675, 1041. Schneider, 1007, 1008, Sheffield-Simplex, 722, 1016. Siddeley-Deasy,
  • 27. 79, 460. 671, 720, 1106. Singer, 244, 354, 355, 640, 666, 782, 790. 828, 874, 905, 1108. Sirdar, 722. Sperber, 610. Spyker, 469, 974a. Standard, 795. Stanley, 503. Star, 188, 189, 321, 471, 483, 663, 693, 1107. Stoddard-Savoy, 1232. Stoewer, 116, 166, 766. Stoneleigh, 1223. Straker-Squire, 62, 484, 666, 1166, 1232. Sunbeam, 62, 186, 189, 230, 231, 271, 316, 336, 375, 396, 397, 443, 526, 527, 538, 575, 706, 1226. Swift, 165, 478, 883
  • Talbot, 14, 109, 189 , 437, 458, 545, 569, 694, 804, 805, 824 , 849. Turcat-Mery, 793 (with
  • “ Shark ” body), 1117. Turner, 868. Tyseley, 837
  • Unic, 1156
  • Vauxhall, 63, 102, 201, 286, 335, 354, 355, 422, 525, 714, 913, 1236. Vauxhall (Ascot), 657, (Brendon), 693. Vinot, 258, 832, 930. Vulcan, on; 197 RRfl
  • White,’ 700.' Wolseley, 85, 201, 243, 255, 367, 462, 485, 502, 722, 831, 910, 961, 1040, 1124, 1225, 1242
  • Zebra, 19, 281
  • Cars: Crossing from Boulogne to Folkestone, 267. Runaway, Technical Instruction for Police to Stop, 196. That Do Not Pass by! 147 Castle Bromwich, Warwickshire, Ford near, 85 Castle Rising, Norman Gateway at, 1198; Entrance to the Keep at, 1197
  • Cezanne, M. Henri, General Secretary of the Paris Motor Show, 1046
  • Chain Drive or Gearing? 550, 551
  • Chamounix, Swiss Douane on the Road to, 773
  • Champs-Elysees, Panhard (Abbe Gavois) in the,
  • Charles H Escaped from Cromwell, Where, 1174
  • Chassis: Adler, 368. Alda, 793, 984. Alldays, 672. •
  • Argyll, 427, 664. Arista, 899. Armstrong-Whitworth, 679. 722, 1126. Arrol-Johnston, 243. Austin, 678, 877. Baguley, 28. Bedford, 791. Benz, 597, 665. B.S.A., 136, 668. Cadillac, 299. Calthorpe, 598, 653. Chenard-Walcker, 536. Clement, 462. Clement-Talbot, 559. Crossley, 486. Daimler, 153, 243, 286, 448, 692. Daimler (Silent-Knight), 28. De Dion Bouton, 167. Delaunay-Belleville, 470, 681. Excelsior, 686. F.I.A.T., 535. F.N., 1182. Germain, 347, 1258. Globe, 476, 654. G.R., 534 Gregoire, 79, 119, 508, 826. Halliday, 1021. H.L., 615. Humber, 582, 682. Hurtu, 535. I.T.A.L.A, 27, 293, 406, 720. Jackson, 365. Koecklin, 301. La Licorne, 210. Lanchester, 327. M.A.F., 31. Majola, 180. Marathon, 598. Marlborough, 681. Mass, 596. Maudslay, 242. Mercedes, 369, 695, 720. Metallurgique, 28, 32, 695, Millard-Le Gui, 407. Minerva, 200 369, 479. Morris-Oxford, 978. Mors, 406. Napier, 312, 595, 774. N.B., 674. 862. Palladium, 156. Panhard, 593, 665. Pathfinder, 342. Perry, 885. Peugeot, 532, 700. Riley, 529. R.M.C., 683, 900: Rolls-Royce, 79, 108, 111, 980. Rover, 194, 702d. S.C.A.T., 612. Sheffield-Simplex, 691. Siddeley-Deasy, 27, 720. Singer, 244, 534, 653, 782, 883. Spyker, 690. Standard, 153. Star, 444 , 663. Stoewer, 116. Stoneleigh, 1223. Straker-Squire, 484, 696. Sunbeam, 538, 706. Swift, 478, 675. Talbot, 648. Turner, 667. Vauxhall, 201. Vinot, 659, 930. Vulcan, 327 Wolseley, 201, 243. 676, 831
  • Chassis, Millionaire’s Son (Sherwood Sutton) at Work as a Mechanic on a, 854
  • Chauffeur: A New, and a New Motorcar, 1099. Engaging the, 1138, 1139
  • Cheeseman, Mr., Technical Engineer of the A.A. and M.U., 556
  • Cheltenham, The Promenade at, 157 .Cheshire Road, Winter Scene on a, 1188, 1189 Chilterns, Wendover, Amid the, 55 Chinon and the Castle, 131 Christmas, The New-fashioned, 1062, 1063 Churchill, Lady Spencer and Tyre Test Car at Old Windsor, 1210
  • Circulation System, Irrcirco, 1198 Clips, Water Joint, Rotax, 277
  • Clothing Chauffeurs’, Whiteley,' 812. Selfridge’s, Clovenford, Yair Jlouse near, 1218, 1219
  • Clubs: A.C. deFrance, Clubhouse of the, Swimming Bath at, 272. Derbyshire and North Staffordshire M.C. Hillclimb, 569. Leicester A.C. Hill-climb, 188, 189. North Wales M.C. Gymkhana, 188. Sheffield A.C. Speed-judging Competition, 229
  • Clutch, Garrard, 623
  • Coachwork.— Alford and Alder, 641, 720. Alin and Liautard, 826, 931, 1036. Armstrong-Whitworth, 1126. Austin Co., 722. Berwick and Co., 210. Brainsby and Sons, 27. British Gregoire Agency, 79. Brompton Motor Co., 950. Brown, Hughes and Strachan, Ltd., 1258. Buckingham, 28. Cann, 900. Central Garage Co., 243. Charlesworth Bodies, Ltd., 242, 828. Cole and Sons, 27, 167, 406, 614- Connaught Carriage Co., 720, 721. Coventry Motor Bodies Co., 243. Cunard Motor and Garage Co., 832, 1037. Daimler, 839. D’leteren, 911, 1170. Dresser and Garle, 980. Edge, S. F., Ltd., 721. F.N., 1182. Forbes, Jas., 201. Girardot, 930. Gordon Carriage Co., 41. Grosvenor Carriage Co., 854. Hely and Co,, 329. Holland and Holland, 152. Hooper and Sons, 327. Kellner, 844a. Kelvin, Ltd., 28. Lincolnshire Autocar Co.,* 462. London Improved Coachbuilders, Ltd., 559. Looker, Ltd., 201. Manchester Motor Co., 36. Mann, Egerton and Co., 326. Marston's Carriage Motors, Ltd.v 153, 244. Maythorn and Son, 979. Maule and Son, 111. Metallurgique, Ltd., 28. Morgan and Co., 368. Motor Exchange, Ltd., 156. Mulliner and Co., 79, 116, 286, 406, 407, 453, 1074. Munn and Underwood, 1064. Newton-Bennett, Ltd., 70 Offord and Sons, 952 Phoenix Body Works, Paris, 1150 Rawlinson-Hudson, 963. Regent Carriage Co., 293 Salmons and Co., 369 Thorn, W. and F., 200 Van den Plas, 722, 723 Windover, 495
  • Coats and Rugs, Carrying, 34
  • Coggeshall Church, Essex, 645
  • Col de Forclay, Switzerland, Touring Car on the Summit of the, 959
  • Coldstream, Border’ Marriage House near, 1219
  • Colonies: Enfield Car for the, 298. Napier for the, 160
  • Coltishall Bridge, Norfolk, Destroyed During Floods, 288
  • Commercial Traveller, Car for, 165
  • Compton Wyngates, 502
  • Condo ver: Church, Shropshire, 390a. Hall, Shropshire, 390a
  • Continental Touring Season,- Cars Crossing the Channel, 267
  • Control Switch,* Van Raden, 731
  • Cornwallis, Lord, Superintending Construction of Military Road Through Wicklow Mountains, 1033
  • Countisbury Hill, An Incident on, 104, 105
  • Coventry Golf Club, Motorcars at the, 1235
  • Cover, Waterproof, For Detachable Wheel, Stepney, 335
  • Cowes Regatta, Motorcars at, 64, 65
  • Cromwell, Where Charles II Escaped'from, 1174
  • Crossings, Dangerous, How to Prevent Accidents at, 1256
  • Crowland: Abbey, West Front of, 118. Triangular Bridge at, 1117
  • Croydon: Illuminated Speed-limit Sign at, 177. Road, Route Map of New, 344
  • Cumberland Moors, Grouse Shooting on the, 212
  • Cyclecars: A.C., 796. Bedelia, 438.
  • Cyclonette, Fitted as an Ambulance, A, 1176. G.W.K., 438, 796. Humberette, 450, 883
  • Daimler: Extensions at Radford, The, 1191. Steel Kitchen, Preparing Crankshaft for Oil Bath in, 1000. Works, Coventry, Deputy Mayor and Members of City Council of Vienna Visit the, 636
  • Dangers, Unforeseen, 965
  • Danish Camp, near Stockbridge, 348
  • Dartmoor, Halt for a Picnic on, 943
  • Dashboard, Showing Cupboards and Shelves, Brooks and Co., 34
  • Derwentwater, On, 182
  • Devil’s Punchbowl, The, 1076, 1077*
  • Devonshire, Touring in, 104, 105
  • Dinas Hill, Pembrokeshire, 193
  • Dinner, Association of German Automobile Engineers, 1217
  • Doctoring Under Difficulties During Floods, 187
  • Dolgelly to Portmadoc, on the Road to, 40
  • Dollar? Do You Want to Earn a, 1160
  • Domart, Village of, The, 1002, 1004
  • Door: Fastener, Turner. 407. Hinge, Rattle-preventing, Napier, 975
  • Dorking-Horsham Road, A New, Being Constructed, 235
  • Drifter, Rudge-Whitworth, 266
  • Drumgoff, Barracks at, 1034
  • Drurnochter Pass, Mysterious Tracks Over, 283
  • Dublin: Horse Show, Motorcars at the, 187. In the Mountains near, 109
  • Dundeady Castle, Co. Cork, near, 367
  • Dundonald’s, Lord, Abergele Seat, 188, 189
  • Dunedin, Scene at, 830
  • Dunkeld Cathedral, View of, 986
  • Dunmow, Off the Main Road near, 645
  • Dunottar Castle, View of, 986
  • Dutch: Inland Scenery, A Typical Bit of, 1124. Scene, A Typical, near Nigmegan, 910
  • Dynamos : Bleriot, 761. Brolt, 760. C.A.V., 760.
  • Ducellier, 760. En Route, 761. Fulmen, 763. Lithanode, 18. Lodge, 762. Lucas, 761. Magnetolyte, 761. Peto and Radford, 760. Polkey, 380, 762. Polkey-Jarrott, 702d. Rotax, 761. Rushmore, 761. Seebright, 574. Simms, 526. Smith and Son, 760. Trier and Martin, 761
  • Earl’s Colne,. Essex, Bridge at, The, 1084
  • East Anglia, Motoring Under Difficulties in, 644, 645 East Grinstead, Milestone near, 1010
  • Eden Street, Kingston, Dangerous Junction at, 1012 Edinburgh, Round About, 1218, 1219
  • Electric Lighting Sets—(See “ Lighting Sets ”) Ely Cathedral, View from River Cam, 1116 Engine: Dismantling, 425. Evolution of an Experimental, 202, 203. For Testing Polyrhbe Carburetters, 277. Sleeve-valve, German Design of, 544. Unit System of, 266a
  • Engine Indicator, Neumann (Gebruder Starzl), 562 Engines: Adler, 405. Alpha, 517. Argyll, 427, 663.
  • Aster, 745. Austin, 533, 876. Austro-Daimler, 701, 843. Bayard, 1089. Beck, 1144. Bedford, 382, 624. Bell, 536. Benz, 664. Berliet, 687. Brenna, 668, 669. B.S.A., 135. Buchet, 968, Cadillac, 488. Castiglioni and Bolton, 1144a. Chapuis-Dornier, 906, 907. Chenard-Waloker, 670, 929. C.I.D., 989. C.L.C., 278, 968. Coventry-Simplex, 789. Crossley, 853. Daimler, 692, 727. Darracq, 537, 677. Darracq (Valveless), 659. De Dion, 466. De Dion-Boutoh, 662. Delahaye, 686. Delaunay-Belleville, 680.
  • D.F.P., 946. Excelsior, 1048. F.I.A.T., 652, 821. Fischer (German), 544. Foy-Steele, 704. Germain, 347, 561. Gladiator, 821. Gobron, 651. Gnome, Model of, 126. G.R., 660. Gregoire, 508. Gregoire (Dumond), 728, 729. Halladay, 1021. Humber,. 49, 581, 682. Humberette, 450. Hurtu, 431. Isotta-Fras-chini, 859. Itala, 599, 675, 968, 1144. Knight-Panhard, 665. Koeckiin, 300, 301. Lanehester, 697. Legros, 935. Low, 835, 836. M.A.F., 31. Majola, 179. Marathon, 651. Maudslay, 540, 650, 858. Metallurgique, 32. Metz-Lion, 795. ' Mitchell Lewis, 684. Motobloc, 684. N.A.G.,
  • 537. N.B., 674. Napier, 661. Napier (Noiseless), 661. Overland, 685. Palladium, 794. Pathfinder, 342. Peugeot, 532. Peugeot (Baby), 401. Phcenix, 522. Piccard-Pictet, 656. Pipe, 968. Polkey-Jarrott (Minerva), 702d. Riley, 650. Rover, 195, 541, 542. Sava, 358a, 689. S.C.A.T., 791. Schneider, 935, 966, 1007, 1008. Sheffield-Simplex, .691. Siddeley-Deasy, 671. Singer, 8, 883. S.P.A. (Green), 803. Standard, 654. Star, 663, 853, 863. Straker-Squire, 484. Sunbeam, 815. Swift, 478, 674, 883, 884. Talbot, 648. Unic, 679. Valveless, 689. Vinot, 659. Vulcan, 608. Walker, 1144a. White, 700. White and Poppe, 749. Wolseley, 485. Zebra, 281
  • Engines, Low Coal, Russian Description of, 204 Engine Starting Devices—(See “ Self Starters ”) Envy! 1186
  • Esher, The “ Bear ” at, 404 “Essence,” The Latest, 274 ’ Events of a Memorable Year, Kaleidoscopic View of the, 1018, 1019
  • Exhaust Alarm, Mephisto, 26
  • F.

Falgareggo Pass, Example of Road-making on the, 982

  • Faroux, C., Promoter and Organizer of French Three-litre Race, 807 • »
  • Fashion, 1830, in 1913, 127
  • Fire Brigade, First Aid Motor. Girling, 501
  • Float Chamber, From Petrol Tank to, 619
  • Floods, Doctoring Under Difficulties During the, 187
  • Fog Bulbs, Lodge Headlamps with, 776
  • Foggy Weather, Kerb Light, for, 1187
  • Foot-maL_and Step Scraper, How Secured to Frame,
  • Footrest, Brooks, 753
  • Forest of Dean, Road at Blackpool Bridge, near Blakeney, in the, 1134
  • Fort William, Roadway near, 237
  • France: and England, Contracts Between, Driving in, 181, 182, 216, 218. Army Manoeuvres in, Aeroplane Repair Car, 373. Automobile Club de, Swimming Bath at the Club House of the, 272. Bourges Motor Show, General View of, 403. Grand Prix Course, Route Map of, 981. Military Manoeuvres in, 314, 315
  • Freiburg, Mountain Road to, 567
  • Frensham Pond Hotel, The, 1190
  • Fuel,-A Strange, 202, 203
  • G.

Galashiels to Melrose, On the Road to, 1219

  • Garage, Hill, Sawyer and Co.’s, Bombay, 560
  • Garages, Ill-Kept, Suggestions for, 264
  • Gareloch, At the Mouth of, 1155
  • Garsington, Oxfordshire, 132
  • Gas Producer, Southey, 547
  • Gauge Pump, Dunlop, 400
  • Gauges, Petrol, Working Principles of, 149, 150, 151
  • Gearbox: Coventry Chain Co., 750. Selective Type of, 266a
  • Gear, Device which Prevents Starting when Engine is in, 328 *
  • Gearing or drain Drive, 550, 551
  • Generator, Jackson, 543
  • George, Mr. Lloyd, M.P., 851
  • German: Army, Krupp Airship Gun bn Motor Car as Used by, 1114. Post Office Working Without Petrol 1135
  • Germany, Plant for Manufacture of Motor Spirit in, 605. 606, 607
  • “ Get-You-Home ” Badge, To Supplement the, 253
  • Girtford Bridge, The Dangerous, 289
  • Giswil and Hergiswil, Road Between, 1110
  • Glen Croe, Long Ascent of, The, 492
  • Glencullen to'Enniskerry, Brake Test for Talbot on, 109
  • Glendalough: Bridge at, 109. Upper Lake at, 109
  • Glendasan River, Glendalough, 109
  • Glendhu, In, 109
  • Glengariff: And Killamey, Tunnel on Road between, 991. Near, Sugarloaf Mountain in Background, 367
  • Glenmalure: The Head of, 1034. The Pikestone at, 1034
  • Gm unden, South Austria, near, 567
  • Golf Box, Finnigan's, 757
  • Gowrie, In the Carse of, 1212
  • Grand Junction Canal, Balance-beam Drawbridge over the, 284
  • Grand Prix Awarded Daimler Co., at Turin Exhibition, 982a
  • Grand Prix: De Belgique, Minerva (Knight Engine) Cam which Competed in the, 38; Return from, 26. De France: 1912, Brown, David Bruce, on the Grand Prize F.I.A.T. in, 394; Race, Car Fitted as Newspaper Correspondent’s Office during, 181; 1913 Course, 981, 1001-1004, 1038; Position of Tank and Spare Tyres or Wheels in, Sketch of, 106. D'Ofetende, Winner of, 3581a. Sarthe—(See “ Sarthe ”)
  • Grease: Gun, Ross, Courtney, 737. Plunger, London Motor Garage Co., Ltd., 732
  • Great North Road near Wansford, First Milestone of Roman Times on the, 1011
  • Greensted Church, Essex, 411
  • Gregoire Menagerie, The, 304
  • Gudgeon Pin, Securing the, Diagrams Hlustrating, 52
  • Guide Card for Motorists, 148
  • Gymkhana, North Wales A.C., 188
  • H.

Hainault Forest, Crippled Children in, Motorcars Lent by the Essex M.C. at, 777

  • Halshanger, near Newton Abbott, Road Obstruct’" jn at, 338
  • Hampshire, Old Cottage in, 565
  • Haselor, 135
  • Haslemere to Midhurst, near Fernhurst, Road from, 1054
  • Haverfordwest to Fishguard, Dangerbus Spot on the Road from, 873
  • Hawes, Entering, 516
  • Hedingham, Norman Keep at, 1096
  • Henley Church and Bridge, View of, 1054 Hergiswil, Giving up Permit at, 1110 High Living, The Cost of, 1112
  • Hill-climbs: Boulogne, 186. Derbyshire and North Staffordshire M.C., 569. Gaillon, 396, 397. Leicester A.C., 188, 189. Mont Ventoux, 66, 120, 124. S.M.T.A., 437. Yorkshire A.C., at Pateley Bridge, 62, 63
  • Hindhead, Fine November Morning on, 913
  • Hirsel, The Seat of the Earl of Home, Coldstream, ; 1218
  • Hitchin, Flooded Road near, 208
  • Hood: One Man, Fitted to Argyll Car, 115. With Rear Windows, 286
  • Hoods: Austin, 643. Rotax, 743
  • Hopkins, Admiral Sir John, Supervising Victor Tyre Test, 459
  • Horn Bulb: “ Tuto,” Brown Bros., 277, 749
  • Horns: Brown Bros. 276, 277. Clair (J. C. Lyell and Co.), 168. High Tensibh Co., 734. Jubilee, 527. Klaxon, 741. Lucas, 740. Seabrook; 732. Sireno, 742
  • Horsham, Five-mile Speed-limit Signs at, 235
  • Hunting Season, Opening of the, at Kirby Gate (Quorn Hounds), 769
  • Hydro-Auto, The, 169
  • I.

Ightham Motor House, 14

  • India: Talbot Used at an Up-country Station in, 14. Viceroy of, Visit of the, to the Maharana of Udaipur, 1215, 1246
  • Indicator, Rotherham, 594
  • Induction Pipe, Heating Jacket, Rex, 364
  • Inkpot, Gnome Engine Model as, 126
  • Inventors: A Chance for, 1017. And Inventions, 1199
  • Inveraray, Entering, 492
  • Invercargill, New Zealand, Overland 'Car at, 1103 Inverness, on the Banks of Loch Moy, Running Southwards from, 417
  • Irish: Midland Scenery, Two Views of, 133. Motor Trip on a Talbot, 109
  • Itchen Estuary, Crossing the, 1220
  • Iwakuni, Japan, Remarkable Bridge at, 99
  • J.

Jacks : Lake and Elliot, 735. Passe-Partout, 201. Tangye, 733

  • Japanese Emperor’s Household, Fleet of Cars by Maythorn and Sons for the, 979
  • Japan: Motoring in, 59, 99. Touring in, 64, 65
  • Jenolan Caves, N.S.W., Scene on the Road near the, in Winter, 81
  • “ Jerry Ohibble, The Inspiration of,” 1025, 1026
  • Joy Ride, The: One of London’s Problems, 85
  • K.

Kaleidoscopic View of the Events of the Year, 1018, 1019

  • Kalubara, Ceylon, Flooded Road in Rubber District near, 458
  • Keele and Cb.’s, J., London Depot, Damage to, by Suffragette Window Smashers',. 711
  • Kelvedon, Essex, Road near, 1095
  • Kerb Light for Foggy Weather, A, 1187
  • Keswick, near, 784
  • The Motor.
  • xiii.
  • Killin, Approach, to, 493
  • King, His Majesty the: Shooting Brake for, 130.
  • With the Army in East Anglia, 314, 315
  • King of Bulgaria: German Daimler for, 330. On his Car, Leaving Stara Zagora, 764
  • Kingston Hill, Top of, 1012
  • Kinnoul Hill, near Perth, Beneath, 1213
  • Kirkby ■ Lonsdale, Widened Road at, 516
  • K.nyff, Chev. Rene de, Organizer of the French Grand Prix, 807
  • Kurnal, Dak Bungalow at, 335
  • L.
  • Ladies: Motoring as an Amusement for, 321. Should They Motor? 56
  • Lady Motorists.—Chase, Miss Pauline, 511. Cochrane, Lady Marjorie, 188. Dashwood, Miss F., 321. Delaroche, Baroness, 64, 356. Fulton, Mrs. H. V., 830. Powney, Mrs. Cecil, 460
  • Lake Tal-y-Llyn and Cader Idris, 157
  • La Montee de Limacon, Pic Peguere in the Distance, 97
  • Lamp Brackets, Standard, 271'
  • Lamp-posts, Flexible, and. Motorbuses, 848a.
  • Lamps: Agros (Selfridge), 814. Agros, Tail (Selfridge), 504. Alpha. 738. Autoclipse, 755, 760. Bleriot, 744, 761, 762. C.A.V., 760.
  • Dew and Co., 811. Diva, 754. Dunhill, 730. Eros (Morris, Russell and Co.), 810. Lodge, 994. M.A.C., 755. Magician (U.M.I.), 763.
  • Polkey, 753, 762. Powell and Hamner, 733. Radiumlyte, 743. Rotax, '761. Rushmore, 741. Salsbury, Seabrook, 732. Smith and Sons, 748, 760. Trier and Martin, 761. Ward and Goldstone, 810
  • Lamps, New Form of Electric Carriage, 153
  • Landaulet, Belsize, 519
  • Land’s End Hotel, Outside the, 313
  • Lantana Range, Queensland, 36
  • Last Straw, The, 1
  • Lathe; Drummond, 424, 747
  • Layer Marney Towers, Essex, 1097
  • Leeds, Paris to, and Back, 181, 182, 216, 218 Lichfield, A Hall in, 78
  • Life Saving Device for Picking up Pedestrians in London Streets, 378
  • Lighting Sets: Electrompbile Co., 1187. Litha-node, 18. Seebright, 574
  • Lighting: Side, Novel, 892. Switch, Thomson-Bennett, 86
  • Lighting-up Time, Universal Time Chart, ’820 Limousine, Delaunay-Belleville, 586
  • Liverpool Landing Stage, R.A.C. New Departure at, 1119
  • Loch Eck, By the Shores of, 918
  • Lochgoilheadj On the Roa'd near, 918
  • Loch Lebo, On the Banks of, 68
  • Loch Lomond, Argyll Oar on Flooded Road near, 1090
  • Loch Lubnaig, North of Callander, 199
  • Loch Moy, On the Banks of, 417
  • Lock, Safety, U.M.I., 1190
  • London Fire Brigade, Dunlop Pneumatic Tyres Used by the, 1149
  • Longford, Re-cut Milestone on the Bath Road near, 1009
  • Lonsdale’s, Earl of: Fleet of Cam on the Cumberland Moors, 213. Fleet of Napier Cars at Lowther Castle, 275
  • Lough Tay, 109
  • Louviennes, Old Aqueduct at, 279
  • Low, Dr., Testing His New Forced Induction Engines, 836
  • Lowestoft, Dangerous Bridge over Docks in Main Street of, 840
  • Lowther Castle, Fleet of Napier Cars at, 275
  • Lubricants, The Importance of Using Correct, Chart Showing, 1023
  • Lubricating System, Hobson, 1194
  • Luggage Trailer, Steel Trucks, Ltd., 547
  • Lullingham Church, Sussex, Smallest in the Country, 324
  • Liineberg Heath: Hamlet on, 1253. Pave Road on, 1252
  • Lyme Regis, 117
  • Lyth Hill, Shropshire, On, 390a
  • Mackrow, the, late Mr. Clement, 350
  • Macpherson Range, Lantana, on the Main Road over, 36
  • Madras, Maxwell “Mascotte” Car in, 39
  • Magnetolyte, High Tension Co.. 734
  • Magnetos.—Bosch, 276, 512, 513, 754. Eisemann, 745. Mafam, 1130, 1131. Nilmelior, 745. Simms, 526. Thomson-Bennett, 747. U. and H. (Wolf and Co.), 753
  • Maidstone, Scene on the Road near, 630
  • Mail Vans, Dennis, 42
  • Malmaison, Chateau of, 280
  • Mann, Egerton and Co., Norwich, Workshop of, 326
  • Manoeuvres, The Army, 257
  • Manville, Mr. E., 726
  • Maps: Blackpool, To, 823. Chiltern Hills, showing Coombe Hill, 234. Croydon, New Road at, 344. Eastern Counties to the South West, 13.x Elbe and Zuider Zee, District between, 1253. Forest of Dean: 1133; And Neighbourhood, 949. Qrand Prix, 1913 Course, 981. Hants, and Dorset, 192. Lancashire and Yorkshire, Circular Trip in, 345. Lincolnshire, Hill Range in, 283. Loire Country, 131. London (North to South), To Avoid, 410. London to Oxford, showing Back ways, 132. New Great Western Road, 638. North Wales, 622. Quantocks, of the, 901. Rambures Chateau, France, showing Situation of. 990. Savernake Forest, showing Route to, 902. Scottish Lowlands, 234. Somerset, showing Routes in, 54. Southport,-Roundabout Ways to Reach, 1173. South Western, Scotia, 822. Trough of Bowland, 193. Wales, North, 622. Western Road, The New, 22. West Yorkshire Mountains, 948. Wild West, showing Pathfinder Car in the, 646. Zuider Zee and Elbe, Districts between, 1253
  • Map: Dunhill, 730
  • Marine Motoring, 103
  • Marly, Gates at the Chateau- of Madame du Barry at, 279
  • Mascot, Selfridge, 395
  • Mascot, Why not a Natural and Attractive, 554
  • “ Maud Heath’s Causeway-Highway,” 1152. Column and Statue, 1152
  • Mickleham, Surrey, Dangerous Corner at, 388
  • Middlesbrough, Benzol Plant of Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., Ltd., at, 867
  • Milestone, Conflicting Information on, 193
  • Military Manoeuvres in England and France, 314, 315
  • Minerva Motors, Ltd., Works of, 26
  • Mirror: At Cross Roads, 220. To Reflect Approaching Traffic at Beckenham, 146
  • Mirror, Dew and Co., 811
  • Mishap and a Rescue, A, 715
  • Montgomeryshire Floods, Vulcan Car Touring Through, 205
  • Montreal, Delprimer Park: Dirt Track at, 48. Racing in a Dust Cloud at, 83
  • Mont Ventoux Hill, 66, 120, 124
  • Moreuil: In the Town of, 1004. Right-angle Bend on the Outskirts of, 1002
  • Morocco, Fighting in, 1209
  • Motor: Armoured, for Tripoli, 246. Carriage, Some Suggestion for a Cheap, 617. Glasses, Gamage, 814
  • Motorcar: A New, and a Chauffeur, 1099. Parts, Special Steel for B.N.D., 223, 224
  • Motorcars at the Dublin Horse Show, 187
  • Motorbuses and Flexible Lamp-posts, 484a
  • Motoring: Cheaper Roads for, 221. For Ladies, 321
  • Motorists.—Barr, Professor, 1240. Bennett, Mr. F. S., 288, 935. Bentley, Mr. W. O., 506. Bianchi, C., 63. Biles, Professor, 1241. Boillot, M., 66, 120. Braund, Mr. F., 914. Brown, David Bruce, The late, 392, 394. Butler, Mr. Percy, 376
  • Campbell, Mr., 21, 22. Carnegie, Mr. Andrew, 1240. Christiaens, M., 124, 999. Coatelen, Mr. Lewis, 62, 189. Crespel, M., 387. Cummings, A., 1151
  • Dent, Mr. Cecil, 1250. Desbrow, Louis, 48 Edge, Mr. S. F., 524. Erie, M., 396, 397 Gamble, Mr. J. A., 471. Garratt, Mr. H., 35, 36. Genna. Mr. E„ 62. Goux, M., 258. Guyot, M., 258, 1042
  • Hamilton, Sir Bruce, 314. Hancock, A. J., 354, 714. Hawker, Mi-. P. R., 196. Hedge, J„ 569. Hemery, M., 897. Hind, Mr. N. S., 355. Hooydonk, Mr. J. van, 289. Horniman, Mr.
  • E.. ’ 1-9. Hornsted, Mr., 355, 405, 539. Honyvet, M. (Paris), 126
  • Johnson. O., 1167. Jones, G. D. Pearce, 102 Kirk, Mr. J. L., 189
  • Lacon, Mr., 355. Lambert, Mr. H., 354, 804, 849. Lambert, Mr. Percy, 354. Lawrence, Max R., 462. Lisle, Mr. R., 233. Low, Dr., 836
  • Macdonald, Sir John H. A., 1241. Malet, M. J., 306. Mar and Kellie, The Earl of, "n‘n Mayes, Mr. Ernest, 1103. *' ”
  • 36. Melon, M., 258
  • Napier, Mr. Montague S., 524.
  • C. R., 19
  • O’Malley, Mr. C. A. G., 354
  • Pye, Mr. L. W., 1236
  • Resta, Mr. D„ 230, 231, 1151.
  • 396, 397. Riviere, M., 186
  • Sauvan, M. Max, 306. Scott, Mr. G. H. (Wellington, N.Z.), 294. Searle, Mr. T., 336
  • Tate, Harry, 1154. Turner-Smith, W., 166. Tunis, Bey of, His Highness the, 251. Tysoe, Mr 354
  • Ure, Mr. Alexander, 1240
  • Vane, Mr. H. T., 524. Voisin, Mr. Charles, 356
  • Waldie, Mr. Charles F., 437. Waller, Mr.
  • Lewis, 43. Welby, Sir Charles, 232. Wilby, Mr. Thomas W., 942. Wilkie, Mr. R., 63. Mitchell, Mr. R. S., 62. Wood, J. T., 438. Wood, Dr. D. J., 824. Woods, G. H., 188
  • Zuccarelh, M., 258, 333
  • Motometer, The, 1106 |
  • Motophone, Brown Bros., 504
  • Motorists, Guide Card for, 148
  • “Motor Manual, The,”
  • Motor
  • ; xuan of, 1240. McKay, Dr. S.,
  • Nash Wortham,
  • Rigal, M., 186,
  • Motor Motor
  • ._ ____,___, Illustrations from, 266a
  • Spirit: British, Birchenwood Colliery Co., View of Part of the Plant of the, 446, 447. Home-produced, 473-474b. Large Benzol Plant at Middlesbrough,1 867. Plant for the Production of, in Germany, 605-607. Test of the New, 480, 481
  • Thief, Safeguards Against the, 129 Transport at the Manceuvres in East Anglia, 315
  • Mount Koscisko, Australia, 35
  • Mudguards, Franckonia, 813
  • Mudsplashing Devices, Anti-, Testing in France, 781
  • Neidpath Castle, 1218, 1219
  • New Forest: Humber Car in the, 1222. Road, A View of, 163
  • Newlands Corner and Gomshall (Surrey), Crown of the Hill between, 252
  • New South Wales: Mountain Scene in Winter in, 192. Road Surface Washed Away in, 35. Road Troubles During Floods on South Coast of, 35
  • New York, Method of Filling Petrol Tanks in, 852 New Zealand, Buchet Cars for Shipment to, 1260 Nigmegan, Holland, Old Windmill at, 910 Nirnes: Amphitheatre at, 1070, 1071. Pont de Gard at, 1070 ' , -
  • Nisqually Glacier, Rainier National Park, Hudson Cars at, 909
  • Norburv, Lord, at Challenge Rubber Co. s Tyre Test, 232
  • Norham Castle, 1056 . . . ,
  • Northern Rain to Southern Sunshine, Crossley Care from, 76
  • Northwick-Chester and Tarporley-Warrington Roads, Dangerous Corners on, 1162
  • Norwich, Old Buildings at, 644
  • Number-plate for Every Day, 341
  • Nuremberg, Practical way of Preventing Accident® at, 1256
  • Oakham Castle, Great Hall at, 1134
  • Oaklands, near Melbourne, Enfield Car on Road at, 778
  • O’Gorman Trophy, 318
  • Oil Leakage Through Valve Tappet Guides, How to Prevent, 818
  • Oil Level Safety Alarm, Parsons, 400
  • Oil Tank, Lubricating, Lincolnshire Autocar Co., 276
  • Old Car, An Interesting—No. 1 Maudslay, 1066
  • Old Windsor, Tyre Test Car at, 1210
  • Ombersley, A Corner of, 159
  • Omnibus (Dis)Agreement, Another, 1020
  • Orchy, Road to the Bridge of, 417
  • Owner-Driver, Points which make for Comfort of, 138, 139
  • Oxford Road near Wycombe, Re-cut Milestone on the, 1010
  • Palermo, Sicily, View of Cathedral at, 1092
  • Panmure House, View of, 986
  • Paraffin Gas Producer, Southey, 547
  • Paris: Bey of Tunis, H. H. and Suite with Daimler Car in, 251. De Dion Utility Engine being used on the Roads in, 377. Quai de Seine, The Louvre in the Background, 377. Method of Filling Petrol Tanks in, 852. To Leeds and Back, 181, 182, 216, 218. Villacoublay, near, 278
  • Par, near Fowey, Cornwall, Touring Car at the Ancient Stone at, -954
  • Parting, The, 552, 553
  • Petrol: Famine, In the Days of, 89. Gauges, Working Principles of, 149-151. Squeeze, The, 945. Storage System, Bowser, in New York, 852. Tanks, Method of Filling, in Paris and New York, 852. Tank to Float Chamber, From, 620. German Postal Van that Works without, 1135. Gauge, C.M.F., 287. Saver, Saunders, Showing Control on Steering Wheel, 921. Tin Holder, Hereford Motor Co., 898. Valve, Nesbitt, 364. Washing Table, Bosch, 513
  • Pilkerton, Sir Thomas, at Grouse Drive on Swindon Moors, Yorkshire, 232
  • Pimbara Rubber. Estate, Ceylon, Wolseley Car on the, 255
  • Piston, Steel, Oxygen Welding Co., 809
  • Pitchford, Shropshire: Watersplash near, 390a.
  • Hall at, 390
  • Plaintiff Stakes, TJie, 296
  • Plug Case, Agrbs (Selfridge), 504
  • Plugs—(See “ Sparking Plugs ”)
  • Police, Technical Instruction for, to Stop Runaway Cars, 196
  • Portland, Isle of, Motoring on the, 1137 Portsmouth Road, Famous Inn on the, 404 Postal Van, German, Working without Petrol, 1135 „ X,
  • Powick, on the Worcester-Malvern Road, Pretty Cornel- at, 548
  • Prince Henry of Prussia, at Banquet of Association of German Automobile Makers, 1217
  • Prince Olaf’s Motorcar Model Contrasted with Full-sized, 1061
  • Pulham and Co., Bexhill-on-Sea, Premises of, 86 Pump: Adaptor, Gamage, 277. Free Air, for Public Use, at Sacramento, California, 497
  • Pumps: Atlas, 134. Barnfather, 904. Bayard, 969. Gleason-Peters, 755. Phoenix, 657. Riley, 650. Rotherham, 753. Wolseley, 677. Wood-Milne, 751, 964
  • Pylon, The, 1136
  • Queen of Holland’s Spyker Car, 974a
  • Queensland, On the Border of, 36
  • Quorn Hounds, Kirby Gate, Motorists at Opening Meet of the, 769
  • RAC.: New Departure at Liverpool Landing Stage, 1119. Trials: Napier-Top Gear, 399; Stewart-Morris Carburetter, 361: Victor Tyre, 155, 232, 317, 459, 556, 1125, 1210
  • Radiator: Leaks in, How to Repair, 626. Testing the Temperature of, The Motometer, 1106
  • Rainier National Park: From Tacoma, Washington, to Mount Tacoma in, 951. Scene at Edge of Nisqually Glacier at, 909
  • Rally, San Sebastian, Cars in the, 306, 307 Ra-mbures Chateau, France, 990 .
  • Rannoch, Moor of, with Loch Tulia Behind, The Ascent to the, 198 .
  • Reading, Belsize Car in Floods m the Neighbour-
  • Records S Brooklands: Arrol-Johnston 530. B.F.P., 758. Lorrame-Dietnch, 897. Star, 188, 189, 233. Sunbeam, 231, 316, 37a. 443, 5-6, ,5-7. Talbot, 804, 805, 849. Vauxhall, 714
  • gtf^&aSA F.LA.T. Car Belong to King Nicholas of Montenegro Outside the, 8-9
  • ISs* Ajax, TK^ptehr, 45.3. Dunlop, 732 Forse, 736 Goodrich. 737. Shrewsbury and Chal-liner, 751. Spencer-Moulton, 751. Warland,
  • Rio, Brazil^silent-Knight Daimler Used as » Taxicab in, 915
  • Ripley, Road BhTO&ements Near 976, 9/7
  • River Liffey, First Bridge Oier, 103
  • Road: Back to the, 1031. Improvements Near Ripley on the Portsmouth, 976, 977. Making, De Dion Engine for, in Paris, 377. Obstruction : At Hal^hanger, Near Newton Abbot, 338; Basque Bullock Cart, 113; Steam Tramway or Light Railway in Holland, 113; Volley Blasting in Quarries, 113. Rule of the, Diagrams Showing, 1179-1181. Signs, The Multiplicity of, 87. Clearer, Brown Bros., 276 Roads: American, Unprotected Level Crossing on an, 1073. For Motoring, Method of Making Cheaper, 221
  • Robin Hood’s Bay, Hill Leading to, 182
  • Rochefort, Sharp Turn at, 387
  • Rolle Pass, At the. Top of, 46
  • Roman Road, at Blackpool Bridge, Portion pf the Paving of a, 1134
  • Rosebank, Cape Town, Floral Hospital Fete at, 923 Rover Co.’s Apparatus for Testing Connecting Rods, 1207
  • Rubberamalga, Ltd., New Plant Installed at, 1000 Rudge-Whitworth Works, “ Drifter ” in Operation at, 266
  • Runabout, Racing Type of, 930
  • Salisbury: A Flock of Geese and Fowls on the Road Near, 902. Plain, Military Aviation Tests on, 64, 65
  • Sally Gap Road to Lough Bray, 109
  • Salzkammergut, Lakeland Country of the, 772
  • Sandgate, Kent, Tyre Test at, 317
  • San Sebastian Rally: Cars in the, 306, 307, 337, 353, 359, 360, 387. Competitors! on the Old Gordon-Bennett Course, 337. Daimler Car on the Road to, 387. Gregoire Car on the Road to, 304. Gregoirei Menagerie in the, 359. His-pano-Suiza in the, 360. Metallurgique in the, 359
  • San Sebastian, View of Road Near, 499
  • Saranton, Winter Scene on the Road to, 1035
  • Sarthe Grand Prix: 258, 333. Weighing of Cars for,
  • Scale Force, near Buttermere, 784
  • Scotches, Car, Brown Bros., 277
  • Scotland: A Circular Tour in, 986. Flood Scenes in, 1090
  • Scottish: Highlands, Star Car Fitted as a Caravan in the, 471. Wilds, Some Scenes in the, 917, 918
  • Scuttle Dash, Perspeative View of a, 495
  • Seat, The Low, Craze, 45
  • Seats. Lamplugh, 928
  • Seistan, Persia, 29
  • Self-starters: 239. Adams, 145. National Gas Engine Starter Co. (America), 385. Polkey, 380 Selkirk, Alexander, Statue of, 986
  • Servia, Crown Prince of, on his Motorcar, Receiving an Ovation, 819
  • Shackle Bolts: D.B., 1196. J.B., 942
  • Shimonoseki, Japan, Stet Hill at, 59
  • Shock Absorbers: Gabriel Snubber, 756. Glissade (Thomson-Bennett), 23, 756. H. and S., 756. . Hermes, 756. Hobson, 756. J.M., 756, 928. Junior, 756. K.A.P., 756. King Progressive, 756. “ Oda Smith.” 754. Premier, 756. Telesco, 756. Triou, 756. U.M.I., 75o
  • Shooting Brake, Hooper, for H.M. the King, 130 Shows: Bourges, 403. Brussels: 1146, 1147, 1170, 1201, 1202, 1205; General View of the, 1146-1148. Edinburgh, 1224-1226, 1230-1233. Importers, Automobile, at Hotel Astor, N.Y., General View of, 1208. Olympia, Engineering and Machinery, 398. Olympia, Motorcar, 641, 826, 832; Accessories at the, 718, 730, 757; Car Exhibits at the, 648, 710, 774; Carriage Section of the, 720-723; Coachwork at, 826, 833; Electric Lighting Sets at the, 758-763; General View of, 702b, 702c; Jottings at the, 710b; Mechanical Details at, 677, 705, 786, 858; Observations at, 712, 733; Plan of, Showing The Motor Stand, 603; Shock Absorbers at the, 756; Some Small Cars at, 883; The Motor Headquarters at, 603. Paris Aviation, 587, 613, 629, 637, 642; Decorative Scheme of the, 992; General View of, 937; Luminous Plan of the, 1047. Paris Motorcar, 924-935, 960, 961, 966-971, 980, 983, 984; Poster Advertising the, 908 • Mechanical Features at the, 969
  • Sicily: A Roman Bridge in, 1164. Motor Touring in, 1091, 1092
  • Sign, A Misleading, at Littledean, 609
  • Signs, The Multiplicity of, 87
  • Silencer, Clair, 810
  • Silver Salver, Presentation to Mr. T. C. Pullinger of a, 895
  • Simplon Pass, Descending into Switzerland, 772 Sivi Hindu Temple, Mylapore, India, Vulcan Car at Gates of, 303
  • Six Days Motorcycling Trial, Humber Car which Conveyed A.-C.U. Officials during the, 252 Skipton, Hilly Road near, 182
  • Skye, Island of, from Summit of Applecross Hill, 238
  • S.M.M.T. and Standard Lamp Brackets, 271
  • Sofala, N.S.W., Turon River at, 37
  • Soltan, on the Heath near, 1251
  • South African Road, A Hill on a, 913
  • South Africa, Phcenix Car Used for Shooting Expeditions in, 953
  • Southsea, Flood Scene at, 1121
  • South Shackleton, near Daventry, “ Bottle-necked ” Bridges at, 84
  • Spares: Appointed Places for, 116. And Space, 1195 Spare: Wheel Carrier, Hudson, 896. Wheel and Tyre Carrier, Banner, 364
  • Sparking Plugs: Bluemel Bros., 750. Champion, 1235. E.I.C., 811. G.B.; 742. Hartford, 305. Oleo (Leo Ripault), 22. Sphinx, 811
  • Spean Bridge, with Ben Nevis in Background, 237 Speed Limit: Sign, Illuminated, at Croydon, 177. Signs, Obscure, at Horsham, Sussex, 235
  • Speedometer, A Novel, 980
  • Speedometers : Frodsham, 749. Godin, 757. O.T., 740. Smith and Son, 748. Stewart, 741
  • Spring Resiliency, Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 571 Staines, Flooded Stretch of Road near, 1255 Stalbridge, near Sherborne, Old Cross at, 411 Starting Devices : Adams, 856. Cadillac, 690, 691.
  • D.A. Acetylene, 580. Delaunay-Belleville, 816. Drakeson, 815. “Ever Ready,” 816. G.W.T., 1152b. Wolseley, 816
  • Starting Handle, Riches, 743
  • Starting with Engine in Gear, Device which Prevents, 328
  • Steels for Motorcar Parts, 223, 224
  • Steering: Column with Lamp, Eros (Morris, Russell and Co.), 810. Gear, Overhauling, 634, 635. Wheels: Bluemel Bros., 750; Dover, 757; Electrically Warmed, 400; Watch Dog (Gamage), Lock, 364, 814
  • Steering Wheel Position, Which will Prevail? 1086
  • Stelvio Pass, On the, 771
  • Step Higher, A, 211
  • Sterzing, Quaint Village of, 771
  • Stirling, Old Church at, 841
  • Stockbridge, Danish Camp near, 346
  • Stonehenge and Humber Car, 1221
  • Stoneleigh, Humber Cars on the Road near, 1107
  • “ Stony-hearted Friends, My,” 1009-1011
  • Stratford-on-Avon: Bridge at, Humber on, 50. M.
  • Salmet making Flight over, 50
  • String-holder, Glass, Connaught, 721
  • Suffragette Window Smashers, Damage by, at Keele and Co.’s London Depot, 711
  • Sun, Rain and Castor Oil, 76
  • Sunrising Hill, One Way of Negotiating, 1079
  • Surrey Union Foxhounds at Burford Bridge, 1063 Sutton Bank, Car Descending, 155
  • Sutton, Sherwood, Millionaire’s Son at Work on a Chassis as a Mechanic, 854
  • Swiss: Scene, A Typical, 1169. Touring Scenes and Incidents, 1110
  • Switchboards: C.A.V., 760. Ducellier, 760. Lodge, 762. Lucas, 761. Magician (U.M.I.), 763. Peto and Radford, 760. Polkey, 762. See-bright, 761. Smith, 760. Trier and Martin, 761. Willdcq-Bottin, 763
  • Switches, Lighting, Thomson-Bennett, 86 Switzerland, In Beautiful, 959
  • T.

Tacoma, Washington, On the Road from, 384

  • Tal-y-Llyn Lake, Torpedo Phaeton fen the Shores of, 248
  • Taxicab, A Damaged, An Event During Taxicab Strike, 1029
  • Tay, Between Dundee and Leith, By the, 1212 “Teaching My Wife to Drive,” 1249
  • Tenterden, Lord, Supervising Tyre Test at Sand-
  • • gate, 317
  • Terminal, G.B., 742
  • Terra Incognita, 1251-1253
  • Territorials, My Car and I in Camp with the, 30
  • Testing Tubes: 90 per cent. Benzol Shows Impurity in, 480. 100 per cent. Spirit Exhibits Little-Foreign Matter in, 481
  • Thames Valley, Floods in the, 1255
  • Thetford, Officer Arrives by Car at, During Army Manoeuvres, 257
  • Thennes-Bofteaucourt, Village of, 1003
  • Thief, Motor, Safeguards Against, 139 “Things That Tell, Little,” 1051, 1052 Thixlmere, Rocky Defile near, 784 Thrums, Barrie’s Window at, 986
  • Thun: From the River Bank, 864. Lake of, Road in the Rocks above the, 1043. Old Street in. 864
  • Tomintoul to Braemar, On the Mountain Road from, 198
  • Toolbox for Stepboards, Brooks and Co., 33
  • Tools, Use and Misuse of, 256, 257
  • Toronto Race Meeting, Cars on Exhibition Track at, 23 ' .
  • Touring: Car on an Adler Chassis, 368. Disposal of Luggage on a Car. for, 240. Ideal Car for, 240 In Devonshire, 104, 105. In Japan, 64, 65. On a Brooklands Benz, 1211-1213
  • Towcester, At, 76
  • Traffic Problems, One of London’s, 85
  • Tramline, Defective, 412
  • Trials.—Napier Top Gear, 399. Stewart-Morris Carburetter, 361, 362. Sheffield A.C.’s, 229. Victor Tyre, 155, 232, 317, 459, 556, 1210, 1239, 1255; And Chailiner, 1024
  • Tripoli, Armoured War “Cruiser” for, 246
  • Triumph of Time, The, 719
  • Trunk Holders: Brooks, 210. Presto (Maestre and Blatge), 356
  • Trunks: Brooks, 753. Finnigan’s, 363
  • ,Tummel: Bridge Hill-climb, At the, .1212. Inn, Outside the, 1212
  • Turin: Exhibition, Reproduction of Grand Prix Awarded Daimler Oo. at the, 982a. R.C.H. Car Touring in, 1257
  • Turnall, Worcestershire, Enfield Car at, 549 .
  • Turntable, Davis and Co., 571
  • Tyre Carrier, Spare Wheel and, Banner, 364
  • Tyre Case and Hatbox, 757
  • Tyre: Covers, Methods of Carrying, 494. Or Wheel* Disposal of Spare, 494. Sizes, Incorrect Diagram Illustrating, 121
  • Tyre Inflator, Bramco, 811
  • Tyre Inflation, Chart Illustrating, 1243
  • Tyre Patch, Searle, 503
  • Tyre Pressure Gauge, Schrader, 16a
  • Tyre Pump Adaptor, Gamage, 277
  • Tyre Pumps: Atlas, 134, 731. Bayard, 969. Imperial^ 1094. Kellog, 10, 814
  • Tyres: Avon, 742. Beldam, 718, 752. Clincher, 736, 752. Connolly, 752. Continental, 752. Dunlop, 732, 1149. Goodrich, 216, 737. Hutchinson, 168, 739. Kempshall, 102a, 744. K.T.,
  • 752. Liversidge, 752. Macintosh, 737. Marshall, 809, Michelin, 741. Moseley, 737. Oylers, 738. Palmer, 752. Peter Union, 734. Prowodnik, 752. Rom, 957. Shrewsbury and Ohalliner, 751. Spencer-Moulton, 751. Stelas-tic, 752. Stepney, 744. Vacuum, 44. Victor, 190, 556
  • u.

Udaipur, Rajputana, Viceroy of India Entering:; Daimler Car at, 1215, 1246

  • Upholstery, B.S.A. Detachable, 452
  • Ure, Near Middleham, Suspension Bridge Over the,.
  • V.

Valve: Grindftr, Bowden, 731. Tappet Guides Through

  • Oil Leakage, How to Prevent, 818
  • Versailles: Avenue de Paris at, 279. Chateau at, 279
  • Vienna Police, Austrian Daimler Car for Use of, 895
  • Villacoublay, Near Paris, 278
  • Vosges: Road Running by Glacial Debris in the,.
  • 998. Scene in the, 54
  • Vulcanizers: Harvey Frost, 736. Simms Magneto
  • Co., 461. Tatirac, 358. Vulcan (Lacoste), 755
  • w.

Waistcoat, Sleeved, Leather-lined, Selfridge, 504 Waitunai, New Zealand, 1242

  • Wales: Central, A Dash Through, 157-159. North,, Touring in, 40
  • Warning, Conveying a, 163
  • Warwick: A Hall in Picturesque, 182. Humber
  • Passing Through, 49 '
  • Watendlath Falls, Cumberland, and Road Near, 784 Watling Street: A Railway Crossing at, 76. Near High Cross, Level Crossing at, 250
  • Wayside Incident, A, 875
  • Wayside Studies, People We Meet when Out with ' the Car, 175, 176
  • Weedon, Gate Hotel at, 162
  • Welbeck Abbey, Motoring Visitors at, 879
  • Wendover, Amid the Chilterns, 55
  • Western Road, Proposed New, Map of, 638 .»est Riding Roads, On, 182 Wheel Carrier, Wolseley Spare, 886
  • Wheel, Coasterproof Cover for, Stepney, 335
  • Wheel-drawer, “ Little Giant ” (Markt and Co.), 742!
  • Wheel-lock, “ Watch Dog ” (Gamage), 364
  • Wheels: Arrol-Johnston, 673. Austin-Sankey, 533,
  • 678. Captain, 126. Connolly, 752. Drakeson: 797, 890; Cinematograph Pictures Showing Action of, 890. Goodyear, 757. Hoffman, New Bearing for. 747. L.F., 894. N.B., 673. Perfecta, 94. Renault, 667. Riley, 734. Rudge-Whitworth, 265, 266, 333, 676, 746, 1037, 1260. Sankey, 730. Sankey-Warland, 590, 738. Step- -ney, 744. Wolseley, 886
  • Whistle, Exhaust, “ Oleo ” (Leo Ripault), 740 Whistlefield Inn, Car Climbing up from the, 918 Whistlewood Forest, In, 284
  • Wicklow Mountains: Military Road Through, 1033..
  • Typical Bridge in, 109
  • Wild, The Call of the, 1175
  • Wild West, Crossing a Ford in the, 646
  • Winchester Cathedral, Inner Close of, 1127
  • Window Lift: Edge, S.F., Ltd., 721. Ideal Window Appliances, Ltd., 271
  • Windows Bridge, Kingston, Showing Narrow Part of Road at, 1012
  • Wind Resistance, Line of Bonnet and, 78
  • Windscreens.—Beatonson, 731. Hughes, 715
  • Winterbourne-Tomson, Dorchester, Scene at Rustic Village of, 1144b
  • Witney, Butter Cross at, 573
  • Woodbury Common, Devon, Views of, 118
  • Workshop: The Car Owner’s, -408, 634, 635. Travelling, French Government’s, 148
  • Worm Gear Efficiency, Curve Showing, 725
  • Wrekin, Ancient and Modern at, 158
  • Wrench, Rytos (London Motor Garage Co.), 732
  • Wroxham Bridge, The Broads from, 644
  • Yokohama, Difficult Piece of Road Near, 65

See Also


Sources of Information