1905 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the Automotor Journal
View the Issues referred to by this index
Vol 10. Jan to Dec 1905
- AB KETTLEBY hill climb, 687, 744, 873.
- Abruzzi, Duke of, 1187-
- Accessibility competition, 1396.
- Accessories, 1505.
- Accidents, 440, 442, 458, 49G 49&> 5t5> 520, 325, 539 578, 583, SOD 723, 724. 729, 749. 78o, 785, 865, 878, 938, 1007, 1014, 1028, 1049, 1065, 1066, 1131, n33) 1178, 1194, 1221, 1251, 1332, 1342. 13851 1603.
- Accrington, 378.
- Accumulators, 371, 410-
- Act of 1903, 81, 115, 203, 1246.
- Actors' Meeting, 695.
- Adams-Hewit cars, 212, 1451.
- Aero Club, 325, 518, 843, 1154, I247-
- Aeronautics, 228, 263, 297, 430, 518, 622, 639, 648, 810, 839, 896, 1064, 1078, 1123, 1153. 1220, 1277, 1308, 1327, 1354. 1440, 1497. 1542, 1601, 1621, 1628.
- Agricultural Hall Show, 301, 370, 402.
- Agricultural Hall Show, report, 392, 412, 474-
- AgriculturalOrganisation Society, 1133-
- Agriculture and Motors, 231, 321, 331, 567, 749, 812, 1133, 1158, 1484, 1547.
- Aix-les-Bains Regatta, 545, 804, 807, 846.
- Aix-les-Bains trial, 807, 841,1540.
- Albion cars, 1454.
- Albion system, 174, 222, 289, 319.
- Albion lubricator, 1143, 1283.
- Alcohol, 519, 640, 877, 1399-
- Alcohol, Dr. Ormondy on, 655, 746, 776, 800.
- Algiers-Toulon boat race, 56, 368, 548, 6or, 61 r, 631, 638, 663, 846.
- Allan steering lock, 348.
- Alldays cars, 149.
- Allen, Mrs. J. H., 606.
- Alphonso, King (sec Spain).
- Alps and motoring, 91.
- Ambulance cars, 369, 407, 641, 853, 974, 975, 998, 1503 1603.
- America and motoring, 1608.
- American Automobile Association, 1241, 1281.
- American Motor Manufacturers' Association, 351.
- Amsterdam exhibition, 317.
- Andes and motoring, 152.
- Andover bench, 1094, 1099, 1127, 1132, 1x84, 1287, 1317,1362.
- Anglo-American Oil Company, 120, 1506.
- Antipodes and motoring, 428.
- Antoinette engine, 426, 1615.
- Appeals, 28, 34, 65, 463, 550, 73°. 1099. ii3D 1347, 1524-
- Archdeacon Aeroplane, 430, 839,1079.
- Ardennes Circuit, 427, 841, 946, 969, 994, 1029.
- Argyll cars, 181, 1278, 1311, 1450, 1557-
- Argyll system, 1257, 1291, 1321, I352- „ Co., 877, 1226, 1238, 1288, 1334, 1458, 1548.
- Argyll's, London, 1277, 1514.
- Argyll vans, 196, 1605.
- Ariel cars, 175, 248, 685, 1066, 1631.
- Ariel cup, 778.
- Arms for the L.C.C., 1390.
- Army and motors, 236, 507.
- - Mechanical transport, 647, 1223, 1224, 1227, 1289
- - Volunteer corps, 59, 152, 227, 264, 399, 459, 724, 865, 1260, 1490, 1581, 1590.
- - In South Africa, 227.
- - In Germany, 61, 227, 1065, 1193.
- - French trials, 1087.
- Arrol-Johnston cars, 723, 1631.
- Arrol-Johnston system, 1409,1467,1495,1528, 1564,1591
- Arrol-Johnston Co., 430, 1219.
- Ashby-de-la-Zouch meeting, 1154, 1188.
- Aster engines, 1334.
- Aston hill-climb, 901.
- Atlantic passage, 7x9.
- Austin, H., 744, 1366.
- Austin cars, 1426, 1458,1518.
- Aussud silencer, 489.
- Australia and motoring, 236, 1619.
- Australian trial (see Sydney-Melbourne).
- Austrian A.C., 112, 119,293.
- Austrian A.C., trials, 545, 659, 691.
- Austrian A.C., hill-climb, 775.
- Austrian A.C., military post car, 327.
- Auto-Cycle Club, 369, 429, 487, 662, 946, 1020, 1062, 1148. 1216, 1246, 1304, 1331, 1396, 1542, 1601, 1622.
- Auto-Cycle Club consumption trial, 906, 1122, 1216.
- Auto-Cycle Club, Crystal Palace Meeting, 1246.
- Auto-Cycle Club hill-climb, 190, 575, 603-
- Auto-Cycle Club passenger trial, 1331, 1368.
- Auto-Cycle Club penalty run,604, 633, 1062, 1188, 1216.
- Auto-Cycle Club reliability trial, 906, 909, 1019, 1062, 1089.
- Auto-Cycle Club tricar trial, 1216.
- Auto-Cycle Club 1,000 mile run, 747.
- Automobile Association, 819, 843, 875, 1180, 1255, 1287, 1439, 1481, 1554. 1596.
- Automobile Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 341, 368, 375. 945. I255> 1281, 1483, 1487, 1511, 1530. 1555. 1574-
- Automobile Club Competition Rules, 543, 786, 807. u
- Automobile Club Journal, 1008.
- Automobile Club long distance trials, 26, 53, 83, 110, 151, 192. .
- Automobile Club quarterly trials, 294.
- Automobile Club Stewards, 647.
- Automobile Club tyre and lamp trials, 1272, 1479, 1599, 1625.
- Automobile Club van trials, no, 455, 716, 995, 1039, 1058, 1071, 1090, 1119.
- Automobile Club and racing, 613.
- Automobile Club of America, 351, 369, 378, 751, 1281.
- Automobile Club of France, 365, 455, 487, 660, 1330, 1539, 1373. 1590-
- Automobile and Cycle Engineers Institute, 59, 234, 266, 1124, 1247.
- Automobile Mutual Protection Association, 146, 370, 43i, 769, 972, 1514.
- Automotor Journal cup, 946, 1246.
- Auto-Mixte car, 1588.
- Autraf tyre, 34.,
- Avon tricar, 141.
- “BABY II,” 425, 718.
- Baby carriage, 59.
- Baker, E. F., 58.
- Baldwin, 1153.
- Baldwin’s airship, 518, 1123, 1622.
- Bangor hill-climb, 575.
- Banks, Alderman, 697.
- Barton airship, 263, 896, 933,1249.
- Barges, 1164.
- Basingstoke canal, 1039.
- Bassee-Michel magneto, 1319, 1351, 1384.
- Bath bus service, 579.
- Battaque, Mme., 1014.
- Battersea Polytechnic, 1221.
- Baxendale, F. H., 602.
- Bayley cars, 413.
- Bayly, R., 413.'
- Beaumont, W. W., 452.
- Beaumont Motor Club, 330, 368, 431, 620, 1543.
- Bedford, Admiral Sir F., 1124.
- Belgium and motoring, 576.
- Belsize cars, 213.
- Belsize system, 101, 133.
- Bengal reliability trial, 84, 323, 606, 1151.
- Bentall, E. E., 942.
- Bentall engine, 1475.
- Berkshire, A.C., 266, 694, 769, 843, 907.
- Bettoruss non-skid, 1154.
- Bexhill meeting, 455, 599, 688, 742, 771.
- Bianchi, C., 457, 543, 570.
- Bianchi cars, 1453.
- Bianchi system, 1415.
- Biarritz-Archachon road, 429.
- Bicycles, n6, 398.
- Binks bicycle, 116.
- Bird, A., 457, 675, 1133.
- Bishop, F. L., 1597.
- Birmingham ’bus service, 88, 1065.
- Birmingham exhibition, 107, 1403.
- Birmingham gymkhana, 781, 808.
- Blackburn Town Council, 737.
- Blackheath A.C., 51, 146, 328, 549, 604, 808, 1063, 1124, 1247,1309.
- Blackpool meeting, 231, 322, 806, 906, 945, 953, 1540.
- Blackpool meeting, results, 953.
- Blackpool and Fylde A. C., 549.
- Bleichroder race (see Herkomer).
- Bodies, special, 1439. I547-
- Boilers, 62, 392.
- Bombay Motor Union, 1547.
- Bombay trial (see Delhi).
- Book reviews—
- - Directories, 664, 726, 739.
- - Guides, 510, 739, 1147. 1333- Maps, 607, 1279.
- - Legal, 423, 510, 1156.
- Booth, “General,” 872, 998, 1093, 1158.
- Bordeaux exhibition, 231.
- Bordelais A.C., 56.
- Borderll cars, 1614.
- Borough Polytechnic, 24.
- Borret. C., 43.
- Bosworth, Col. W. J., 897, 1210.
- Boulogne-Folkestone (see Cross-Channel).
- Bovey, R., 300.
- Bowden, H. L., 230.
- Bradford Technical College, 1280.
- Bradley carburettor, 565.
- Bradley clutch, 320, 349.
- Brakes, 46, 1248, 1276, 1309, 1613.
- Branger cup, 1364-
- Brescia meeting, 660, 1150.
- Breslau-Paris (see Paris).
- Bridges, 670, 724, 877, 1003, 1070, 1334-
- Bridges (see Littlehampton).
- Brighton A.A., 1574, 1441-
- Brighton exhibition, 153°-
- Brighton-Edinburgh run, 1240, 1272- x3°3-
- Brighton Gazette, 1002. , _ 0
- Brighton meeting, 25, no 366 380, 489, 544, 639, 805, 840, 872, 884, 901, 913. 9*7> 974. I”3I-
- Brighton meeting, programme, 805.
- Brighton meeting, results, 917.
- Brighton Town Council, 329. 8l2-
- Brisbane fire engine, 550.
- Bristol wagon, 421.
- British Empire Motor Trades Alliance, 189, 273. 339. 368, 662, 744. 770, I37U *482, x543-
- British International cup (sec International).
- British Medical Association, 9x1.
- British Motor Boat Club, 486, 547, 574, 601, 804, 844, 972, 1088, 1121, 1188, 1219, 1312, 1396, 1543, 1624.
- Brooke boats, 263, 423, 846, 1121.
- Brooke cars, 392, 878, 946,1253,1343.
- Brooke system (35 h.p.), 342, 381, 417, 446, 4S2.
- Brotherhood cars, 663, 1341, 1417.
- Brotherhood system, 128, 185, 225, 257, 286, 316, 344. 39°-
- Brown and Barlow switch, 626.
- Brush ’bus, 249, 359.
- Brussels Salon, 15, 70.
- Bryant-Watling carburettor, 594.
- Buckden police trap, 1248.
- Buckrow Hill climb, 712.
- Buchanan cup, 472.
- Budapest show, 425, 458, 635, 691.
- Buenos Ayres and motoring, 56.
- Burnham regatta, 1243, 1623.
- Burners for liquid fuel, 159.
- Burnley, A.C., 488.
- Burton cup, 56. 546.
- Burton radiator, 1144.
- Bury and West Suffolk A.C., 488.
- Butler balloon, 1123, 1153.
- Butler, E., 725.
- Butler, F., 780.
- Buxton Bench, 1131.
- CABS, 158, 584, 672, 911, 1250, 1275, 1288, 1369, 1483.
- Cabmen, 197, 302, 1288.
- Cabmen’s Union, 143, 158, 1099.
- Cadillac cars, 212, 1276.
- Cadillac Co., 143S.
- Calais-London (see Cross Channel).
- Caledonian Railway, 1482.
- Callendar gear, 92, 193, 233, 265.
- Canada and motoring, 121, 321.
- Canals, 5S5, 641, 1039, 1069, 1073, 1101, 1133.
- Canine Defence League, 600.
- Cannes meeting, 55, 56, 262, 305, 1368.
- Cannes meeting results, 262.
- Carburettors, 113, 154, 421, 446, 565, 735, 737, 892, 959- II07-
- Carburettors (paraffin), 122, 505, 594.
- Carburettors (O’Gorman on), 513, 542, 568, 596.
- Caricatures, 548, 829, 862, 944.
- Carter, W., 1039.
- Car Magazine, 458.
- Caron igniter, 1265.
- Catford hill-climb, 810.
- Cape Colony and motoring (see South Africa).
- “Capitaine” boat, 965.
- Cecil, G., 1370.
- Cecil Hotel, 490.
- Central Africa and motoring, 632.
- Ceylon government and motoring, 585.
- Ceylon trials. 904.
- C.G.V., 1455-
- Chaboche car, 451.
- Chambers car, 250.
- Chambre, Syndicale de L’Automobile, 459.
- Change speed gears, 13, 43, 169, 283, 314, 675, 736, 929, 1137, 123X, 1352, 1357, 1358, 1471. 1528, 1539, 1566.
- Change speed gears, special, 46, 249, 315.
- Change speed gears, variable, 92.
- Chaplin, E., 1003.
- Charities and motorists, 1347.
- Charley, C. L.
- Chateau-Thierry hill-climb, 398, 1214, T242.
- Chenard Walcker cars, 1218.
- Chertsea bench, 1095.
- Chester meeting, 847, 875, 907.
- China and motoring, 527, 578.
- Chirc D. C., 1x97.
- Churchill, Charabanc, 475.
- Churchill Viscount, 1094.
- Circuit Europeen, 1304, 1539-
- City of London, 267.
- Clarkson' buses, 356, 385, 420, 450, 477, 508, 535, 1077.
- Clement cars, 184, 1465.
- Clement vans, 1127.
- Clement Co., 1483.
- Climax cars, 1282.
- Clipper Tyre Company, 121.
- Clutches,'92, 114, 122, 143, 313. 3i6, 320, 447- “74» 749, 891, 893, 1016, 1323.
- Coaches, 579, 1630.
- Cody Kite, 327.
- Cohendet car, 46.
- Coleman, F., 695, 1315. 1339. I37U I569-
- Coleridge, Hon. S., 1335.
- Collier tyres, 90.
- Colonies and motoring, 511.
- Commercial points, 30, 61, 90, 121, I54< T99> 7 ’ 303- 333. 37U 403. 432, 459, 491.521.551.“' > 665. 697. 782, 814, 880. 912, 948. 97K 1004 1159, 1282, 13x3, 1343, I37L. 1442, I4»4. I5I9. 54J> 1578, 1606, 1632.
- Commercial vehicles (sec Industrial omnibus)
- Commission on motor cars (see Royal ct 2Q0'( 270>‘492>
- Company Doings, 30, 62, 92,122, ill, - i633. 522, 879, 1403, 1443, 1485, I55°,
- Companies (Limited), registered—
- - Advance Motor Manufacturing Co., 752.
- - Anciens Etablisscments Panhard-Levassor (English Patents), 1577.
- - Anglo-French Automobile Synd., 92.
- - Anglo-French Motor Co., 238.
- - Argyll Motors, 432.
- - Argylls (London), 1283.
- - Arrow Motor Omnibus Co., 1486.
- - Aster Engineering Co., 1372.
- - Atkey (A.R.) and Co. (1905), 580.
- - Austin Motor Co., 1634.
- - Auto Claw Co., 1004.
- - Automobile Cab Co., 1550.
- - Automobile Carre, 1035!
- - Automobile Corporation, 238.
- - Automobile Guarantee Synd., 976.
- - Automobile Industries, 1577.
- - Automobile Log Synd., 1252.
- - Automobile Wheel Co., 404.
- - Automobilia, 1605.
- - Auto Wheel and Tyre Co., 1004.
- - Baker, Fred. W., 1344.
- - Barnett's Motors, 1520.
- - Barry Motor, 1160.
- - Batchelor (R. G.) and Co., 334.
- - Bettoruss Non-Skid Tyres, 752.
- - Blackpool Motor Garage and General Engineering Co., 976.
- - Bradford Motor Car Co., 460.
- - Bradley Motor Patents, 270.
- - British Automobile Development Co., 432.
- - British Buffalo Marine Motor Co., 1444.
- - British Empire Motor Trades Alliance, 1404.
- - British Hele-Shaw Patent Clutch Co., 752.
- - British Motor Boat Club Proprietary, 62.
- - British Motor ’Bus Trust, 1404.
- - British Motor and Engineering Co., 1222.
- - Buckingham Gate Garage and Engineering MJ., 1372-
- - Buckingham Gate Motor Hansom Co., 666.
- - B.W. (Start Cold Paraffin) Carburettor Co., 1095.
- - Cambridge Motor Onmibus Co. 492.
- - Carnarvon Motors, 1160.
- - Cars, 580.
- - Chassis, 1252.
- - Chenard-Walcker Motors, 1160.
- - Chichester and Selsey Motor Omnibus Co., 912.
- - Chiswick Motor Omnibus Co., 1444.
- - City and Suburban Motor Cab Co., 1577.
- - City and Suburban Motor Omnibus Co., 976.
- - Clarges Street Garage, 270.
- - Clement Motor Co., i486
- - Coates (J. C.), 1160.
- - Colonial Motor Transport Co., 1004.
- - Commercial Cars, 1194.
- - Commercial Press, 608.
- - Compensating Gearing Syndicate, 200.
- - Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., Great Britain, 492.
- - Co-operative Factors, 1577.
- - Cork Motor Co., 1004.
- - Corre Depot (Ltd.), 1095.
- - County Motor and Cycle Co., 814.
- - Cremorne Motors, 1404.
- - Cupelle Motors, 270.
- - Cycloid, 580.
- - Darracq (A.) and Co. (1905), i486.
- - Dart Motor ’Bus Co., 1634.
- - Deal, Dover and Folkestone Motor Omnibus Co., 1634.
- - Deal, Walmer and District Motor Omnibus Co., 782.
- - De Cadigan Resilient Wheel Co., 1068.
- - Derbyshire Motor Omnibus Co., 580.
- - Direct Motor Co., 30.
- - Doyle (D.), 1035.
- - Durham and District Motor Omnibus Co., i486.
- - East Berks Motor and Engineering Co., 1344.
- - Eastern Motor Wagon Co., 552.
- - East Kent and Herne Bay Motor Omnibus Co., 1194-
- - Electric Ignition Co., 460.
- - Electromobile Hiring Co., 334.
- - Engineering and Motor Tools (Croker-Barnes Patents), 1222.
- - English Motor Car Co., 62.
- - Etablissements Turgan, 1314.
- - Evans Carburettor and Motor Pump Synd., 1486.
- - Excelsior Motor Tyre Co., 580.
- - Express Motor 'Bus Co., 1605.
- - Farrah, Alfred J., 1283.
- - Fife Submarine and Engineering Co., 1577-
- - Finchley Motor and Engineering Co., 1095.
- - Fitzgerald Tyre Synd., 1404.
- - Flewitt, 1160.
- - Frank Morris, 608.
- - French, 814.
- - Garrard-Maxfield Motor Manufacturing Co., 432.
- - Gaulois Tyres, 1068.
- - General Motor ’Bus Synd., 636.
- - Glasgow Motor Tyre Co., 1404.
- - Gnome, 1444-
- - Gnome Motor Car Co., 1252.
- - Gobron-Brillee British Motor Co., 580.
- - Greyhound Motors, 238.
- - Hall’s Transmission Gear Synd., 92.
- - Hartenfeld, Son, and Co., 1160.
- - Hay Motor Co., 1160.
- - Herne Bay and Canterbury Motor Service Co., 492.
- - Holingdrake Automobile Co., 352.
- - Horn, Littlewood and Co., 1160.
- - Hunt (R. L.), 334.
- - Hutton (J. E.), 1577.
- - Industria Motors, 270.
- - Iris Cycle Co., 1194.
- - Irish Motor Car Co., 92, 334.
- - Jackson Resilient Hub Synd., 372.
- - Jepson (R. L.), 200.
- - Jonas' Wheels, 200.
- - J. P. Motor Co., 460.
- - Kensington Motor Co., 492.
- - King’s Motor Patents, 432.
- - Kirsch and Co., 1577.
- - Kuettner, MacDonnell and Cookson, 432.
- - Lanarkshire Motor Omnibus Co., 782.
- - Lancaster Motor Association, 698.
- - Langdon-Davies Motor Co., 200.
- - Laws Stores, 1252.
- - Leader Motors, 1372.
- - Leech Tyre Co., 1520.
- - Leete and Co., 814.
- - Lenox Autocar Co., 1372.
- - London and District Siotor 'Bus Co., 372.
- - London and Paris Automobile Agency, 782.
- - London and Parisian Motor Co., 200.
- - London and South Coast Motor Service, 1520.
- - London Motor Car Co., 238.
- - London Motor Omnibus Co., 92.
- - London Motor Transit Co., 1314
- - London Power Omnibus Co., 372.
- - Lory’s Yacht Agency, 492.
- - Mann and Overton (Ireland), 1605.
- - Mann, Egerton and Co., 372.
- - Marine Motor Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 636
- - Martini Automobile Co., 636.
- - McNeil, Hutchinson and Co., 636.
- - Mechanical Development Syndicate, 62.
- - Mendelssohn (E.) and Co., 1314.
- - Mercury Motor 'Bus Co., 1577.
- - Metropolitan Motor Cab and Carriage Co., 698.
- - Metropolitan Motor Road Car Co., 122.
- - Michelin Tyre Co., 636.
- - Middleton Pneumatic Hub Syndicate, 782.
- - Mid-Sussex Motor Co., 1194.
- - Millennium (Ltd.), 666.
- - Mitcham Motor Co., 432.
- - Montgomery Motor Co., 814.
- - Morriss, Frank, 608.
- - Motor Boat Club of Great Britain and Ireland, 666.
- - Motor ’Bus Advertising Co., 1035.
- - Motor ’Bus Co., 304, 698.
- - Motor Cab Construction Syndicate, 552.
- - Motor Cab Supply Co., 492.
- - Motor Car Co. (1905), 238.
- - Motor Cartage and Transport Co., 30.
- - Motor Cycle and Motor Car Accessories Co., 122.
- - Motor Exchange of Great Britain, 552.
- - Motor Omnibus and Wagon Co., 372.
- - Motor Omnibus Construction Co., 304.
- - Motor Pneumatic Tyre Co., 976.
- - Motor Roads, 1283.
- - Motor Supply Co., 608.
- - Motor Traction Co., 1905, 1550.
- - Motor Transit Trust, 976.
- - Motor Trust and Agency', 372.
- - Motor Users’ Proprietary Co , 1577-
- - Motor Vehicles, 1160.
- - Motor World Publishing Co., 1222.
- - Motor Yacht Club Proprietary, 879.
- - Motors (Birmingham), 372.
- - Mutual Garage and Motor Association, 92.
- - Nantwich and Crewe Motor ’Bus Co., 372.
- - National Radiator Co., 1577.
- - New Arrol-Johnston Car Co., 1252, 1283.
- - New Motor Syndicate, 304.
- - Newport (Mon.) Motor Supply and Garage, 1252.
- - New Revolution, 1520.
- - Newton, Bennett, and Carlisle, 879.
- - New Wheel and Tyre Symdicate, 814.
- - Noble Automobile Syndicate, 608.
- - Nonex Safety Tank Syndicate, 782.
- - Norman Gears, 1160.
- - North Wales Motors, 782.
- - Oliver, Morris, and Ball, 1035.
- - Ostler (F.) and Co., 1577.
- - Oxford Syndicate, 304.
- - Pash, J., Brittain, 1605.
- - Pearson and Pearson, 1605.
- - Peckham (F. W.) Motor Synd., 1095.
- - Pedlar Brake and Two-Speed Gear Co., 1605.
- - Peebles Steam Car Co., 372.
- - Peterborough Motor ’Bus Co., 976.
- - Petromobile Co., 912.
- - Pilgrims Way Motor Co., 782.
- - P. M. Electric Manufacturing Co., 1404.
- - Pneumatic Piston Tyre Co., 1283.
- - Public Motors, 134.4.
- - Pytchley Autocar Co., 698.
- - Q.C.E.D.A. Syndicate, 1634.
- - Quick Car Co., 976.
- - Radia Motor Co., 1314.
- - Rapid Road Transit Co., 1550.
- - Rekrab Motor Manufacturing and Engineering Synd., 1095
- - Reynold (R.) Jackson and Co., 1404.
- - Robinson and Hole, 814.
- - Rochet and Schneider, 122.
- - "Rocket” Motor Omnibus Synd., 1550.
- - Rosling, 1344.
- - Samuelson and Co., 1160.
- - Sandbanks Motor Car Co., 492.
- - Sandringham Motor Works, 608.
- - Scotia Motor arid Engineering Co., 976.
- - Scottish Fishing Boat Power Supply Co., 1095.
- - Scottish Motor Engineering Co., 1344.
- - Scottish Motor Traction Co., 782.
- - Scottish Motor Trade Association, 782.
- - Scowcn, 666.
- - Seymours, 1444.
- - Sharpe's Universal Patents, 1:486.
- - Simplex Motor Synd., 404.
- - Societe Anglaise des Automobiles, 200.
- - Southend-on-Sea and District Motor Omnibus Co., 976.
- - Southend-on-Sea Motor Boat Co., 13*4-
- - Southern Motor Co., 122.
- - Sparks-Boothby Hydraulic Clutch, 522.
- - Standard Gas Engine Co., 1634.
- - Standard Motor Agency (London), 1634.
- - Stanley Electric Carriage Co., 200.
- - Stevens Tyre Co., 1444.
- - Stradling and Plenty, 92.
- - Straker and MacConnell, 460.
- - Strand Motor Co., 1444.
- - Street Motors, 1550.
- - Suburban Motor Omnibus Co., 1283.
- - Sunbeam Motor Car Co., 122.
- - Sutherland Motor Traffic Co., 432.
- - Swaledale Haulage Co., 814.
- - Swiss Motor Syndicate, 492.
- - Tangent Wheels, 492.
- - Taplev (A. G.), 1004.
- - Taxameter Motor Cab Co., 304.
- - Thames Motor Lighterage and Towage Co., i486.
- - Thermal Engine Co., 666.
- - Thompson (W. L.), 1634.
- - Toboggan Motors, i486.
- - United Cycle Accessories and Rubber Co., 122.
- - United Manufacturers’ Military and Motor Accessories, 1095.
- - Vale Perfect Tyre Syndicate, 460.
- - Vanguard Motor Omnibus Co., i486.
- - Vedrine (A.) and Co., 522.
- - “Vieo,” 912.
- - Vining-Hallett Motor Manufacturing Co., 976.
- - Warwick Motor Engineering Co., 814.
- - Waterford Road Car Co., 666.
- - Watson (P. W.) and Sons, 1095.
- - Weldhen and Bleriot, 552.
- - West, 976.
- - Westlake Motor Syndicate, 432.
- - Whitlock Automobile Co., 62.
- - Whitlock (Henry), 1634.
- - Wilkinson Tyre and Tread Co., 304.
- - Wilson (G. A.) and Co., 304.
- - Wilton-Cox Motor Tyre Co., 1068.
- - Woolwich, Blackheath, Eltham and District Motor Co., 30.
- - Worthing Motor Omnibus Co , 432
- - Wrexham Motor and Electrical Engineering Co..460
- - Wright (Howard T.) Brothers, 1035.
- - X-Electric Accumulator Co., 912.
- - Yorkshire Mutual Garage, 1194.
- - Young (T. and R.), 879.
- Coney Island races, 687.
- Congo and motor boating, 602.
- Continental ’bus tour, 1310,1547.
- Continental travelling. 275,
- Continental tyres, 197.
- Continental Tyre Co., 521
- Continental Tyre Co.’s cup, 600, 629, 743, 1128.
- Cooke, S., 1254, 1265, 1398, 1569.
- Cooper, W. R., 1236.
- Copenhagen show, 459.
- Cordingley, C., 749.
- Corelli, Miss M., 424.
- Coronet car. 550.
- Cost (see Upkeep).
- Coulthard lurry, 363.
- Coupe de Caters, 397.
- Coupe de Compiegen, 1303.
- Coupe Dubonnet, 1368.
- Coupe de Liedekerke, 1028.
- Coupe de Loiret, 631, 659.
- Coupe de L’Auto, 1338.
- Coupe de Paris, 602.
- Coupe de Pyrenees, 323, 969, 1028, 1057, 1082, 1249 1518.
- Coupe Provinciale, 516.
- Coupe Quinones de L6on, 718.
- Coupe Recope, 56, 440, 718, 1152.
- Coupe Rochet-Schneider, 744,
- Coupe du Salon, 1541.
- Coupe de Trouville, 602, 965.
- Coventry chains, 269, 651.
- Coventry gymkhana, 971.
- Cozens-Hardy, E. H., 114.
- Cragg, Dr. E., 549.
- Craven, Earl of, 463
- Crawshay-Williams cars, 1451.
- Critchley, J. S., 1210.
- Critchley, on steel, 264, 298, 324.
- Croker, F., 109, m, 155, 191.
- Cross Channel boat race, 86, 195, 263, 297, 330, 516, 546. 573. 631, 716, 805, 886.
- Crossley cars, 175, 400, 459, 491, 724, 781, 114S, 1154, 1221, 1336, 1357.
- Crossley-Leyland ’bus, 359, 378, 550, 605, 1328.
- Crowther, J. (J.P.) 749.
- Croydon Corporation, 479.
- Crystal Palace show, 370.
- Crystal Palace cycle races, 1246.
- Crypto car, 691.
- Cuba and motoring, 60.
- Cumming, Lieut. M., 573.
- Cupelle cars, 559.
- Cyclists and motorists, 1250.
- Cyclists scouts, 489, 509, 549, 566,1156. v i
- Cyclists Touring Club, 329, 514,1063,1376.
- DAILY GRAPHIC trophy, 995, 1150, 1185.
- Daily Mail, 339, 551.
- Daily News, 88, 702, 723.
- Daimler cars, xooi, 1091, 1278, 1422, 1449, 1539.
- Daimler system, 160, 221, 255, 283.
- Daimler Co., 1374. 1482.
- Daily paper peril, 613, 671, 756, 768, 778, 1007, 1127., 1490.
- Darracq Co., 1283.
- Dartmouth, Earl of, 1954
- Davis speed indicator, 562.
- Dawson, Commander, 1066.
- Dawson, P. 43°-
- Dawson, W., 1598.
- Do Dion, Marquis, 301, 1541.
- De Dion cars, 86, 197, 299, 456, 490, 847, 1020, 1091, 1218,1274. 1337,1454. 1538, 1548. .
- De Dion ’buses, 947, 1067, 1454, 1504.
- De Dion vans, 1439.
- De Dion Co., 726.
- De Dion cup, 27.
- De Dietrich cars, 29, 60, 152,181, 229, 578, 1336,1370.
- De Dietrich system (24 h.p.), 795, 834, 864, 892, 929.
- De Dietrich (12 h.p.), 1463, 1499.
- De Dietrich ’buses, 89.
- De Dietrich boats, 16x5, 1509.
- De Dietrich Co., 1093.
- “De Dietrich II,” 1509. 5
- Deasy, Capt., 411.
- Dean, J.P., 1545.
- Defries, 897.
- Delauuay-Belleville cars, 121, 1437.
- Delauuay-Belleville system, 957, 990, 1015.
- Delcasse, M., 1221.
- Delhi Bombay trial, 27, 54, 57, 90, 93, 95, 97, 145, 192, 198, 290, 396, 1002.
- Delhi-Bombay results, 97, 290.
- Delhi-Bombay judges’ report, 97, 192.
- Denmark and motoring, 60.
- Dennis cars, 208, 811, 909, 1137.
- Dennis ’buses, 512, 909.
- Derby A.C., 190, 399, 514.
- Derby hill climb, 1026.
- Deutsch cup, 1152.
- Deutsch prize (see starting device competition).
- Dewar cup, 1212.
- Diesel engine, 275.
- Dinsmore, C. G., 1439.
- Direct drive monopoly, 1593.
- Dixi cars, 279.
- Dixi cab, 811.
- Dogs, 11.
- Dover ’bus service, 370.
- Drinkwater, G., 576.
- Drivers, amateur v. professional, 365.
- Drivers, disqualification, 1625.
- Drivers, instructions, 106.
- Drivers, tax, 120.
- Drivers, premiums, 1484.
- Driving certificates, 331, 495, 553, 583, 599, 853, 885, 1063,1100,1159,1437,1548,1582.
- Driving schools, 435, 453, 665, 911, 974, I039, *°67 1193, 1221, 1343, 1394, 1397, 1441, 1516.
- Driving, inconsiderate, 553, 635, 670, 853, 1502.
- Driving S. F. Edge on, 1221.
- Dublin traffic, 137.
- Ducellier lamps, 188, 1282.
- Dudley, Lady, 85.
- Dudley, Lord, 1219.
- Dufaux aeroplane, 622.
- Dumont airship, 228, 297- 518, 1078.
- Dumbell, J. B., 290, 748.
- Dunlop Co., 402, 1440.
- Dunlop security bolt, 1576.
- Dunlop tyres, 1401.
- Du Pre cup, 873.
- Durham County A.A., 431, 756.
- Durkopp ’bus, 389.
- Duryea cars, 119, 458, 1127, 1279.
- Duryea Co., 57,1274. ,
- Dust nuisance, 525, 576, 569, 606, 632, 634, 695, 74°, 750, 847, 853, 938, 975, 989, 1066, 1095, 1157, XI97, 1209, 1236, 1502, 1573.
- Dust trials (Luton), 894.
- Dust trials (Maidenhead), 1198, 1240.
- Dutch A.C. trial, 545.
- Doctors’ cars, 1189, 1447.
- Douglas ’bus service, 1256.
- Dourdan trials, 1271.
- Dynamometers, 87.
- Dynamometers, competition, 112.
- EARP, C., 1271.
- Eastbourne hill-climb, 570,902.
- Eastbourne ’buses, 584.
- Eastern Counties A.C. (see East Suffolk).
- East Suffolk A.C., 399, 808,1574.
- Edge, S. F., 1220, 1229, 1248, 1309.
- Edge, S. F., (correspondence), 8, 57, 58, 90, 268, 4S9, 551, 570, 1248,1517, 1628.
- Edge-Jarrott match (see Jarrott).
- Edge Seaton, 579.
- Edison, T. A., 810, 1604.
- Edison battery, 1033.
- Edinburgh show, 299. 1
- Education, 5.
- Edwards, W. G., 300.
- Edwards, N. P., 755.
- Egypt and motoring, 89, 895, 1190. ]1
- Electioneering and motors, 303, 342, 483, 721, 847, 1522, 1581, 1610.
- Electric plant and motors, 813.
- Electric tramway and railway exhibition, 842.
- Electric vehicles, 376, 696,1095, 1120.
- Electric vehicles, trials, 398,807,1057.
- Electric and motor traction, 526, 540,
- Electromobile Co., 60.
- Ellis, Jesse, lurry, 474.
- Ellis Balmforth boiler, 392
- Elopement, 573,1279.
- Empire car, 238.
- Empire wheel, 1235, 1263, 1296.
- Enfield cars, 279.
- Engines, 200, 312, 426, 623.
- “Enigmarellc,” 841, 895, 975.
- Entente-Cordiale cup, 1024.
- Essex A.C., 1247, 1338, 1441, 1543.
- Eton, 1182, 1280. -j Evian regatta, 1088.
- Exelberg hill-climb, 428. '
- Exhibition question, 57, 345, 424, 453, 55G 5o°, 005, 1596.
- Exports (see Imports).
- FAIR, W. D., 199.
- Falkirk Town Council, 302.
- Faure airship, 228.
- "Fer de Lance ” boat, 664.
- Fiat cars, 889, 945, 1210, 1438, 1503.
- Fiat system, 889.
- Filey meeting, 544, 630, 689, 727, 741-
- Fines, 1318.
- Finchley District Council, 204.
- Fire engine, 117, 302, 331, 550, 958, 960, 1105, 1527, 1548, 1602, 1619.
- Fishing smacks, 514, 803.
- Fixtures (1906), 1187, 1272, 1305, 1364, 1519, '1625.
- Fletcher, W., 229.
- Florida Beach meeting, 572.
- Florio cup, 292, 600, 1186, 1480.
- Flint ’bus service, 370, 458.
- Foden lurry, 362.
- Ford, M., 695.
- Ford cars, 412.
- Forestier, G., 479.
- Forfar County Council, 351.
- Formulas, 290, 484, 786, 852, 1028, 1186, 1216, 1573.
- Forezien, A. C., 516.
- Four wheel drive, 300.
- Fowlie, P., 511.
- Fowler, H., 1342.
- France and motor cycles, 1246.
- Freezing of water, 1339.
- French race (1906), 1583, 1627, {see A.C. de F.).
- Frick lurry, 361.
- Friedrich, Prince, 151.
- Frome hill climb, 772.
- Frost, H., 1248.
- Frost and Hutchinson {see Wing Flight).
- Fuel consumption trials, 570, 598, 593, 629, 659, 12x5.
- Fuels, 193, 232.
- Fuller, R. H., 967.
- Fylde, A.C. {see Blackpool).
- GAEKWAR of Baroda’s cup, 397.
- Gaekwar of Baroda, 724.
- Gaillon hill climb, 398, 1214, 1303, 1329.
- Galia cars, 1557.
- Gallwey, Sir R. P., 885.
- Galvanising, 122.
- Gardet airship, 228.
- Gardner engine, 1189.
- Garrett lurry, 386.
- Gas engines, 787, 799, 833, 866, 1510, 1627.
- Gast, Mme. du, 426, 547, 548.
- Gaston-Menier cup, 719.
- Gatacre hill-climb, 290, 630, 688.
- Gears {see Change-speed, Steering, &c.).
- Geneva show, 401.
- Germain cars, 119, 561, 1401.
- Germain system (14 h.p.), 1464, 1501.
- German Government tricycles, 121.
- German Emperor, 635, 783, 787- , .
- German heavy vehicles trials {see Industrial).
- German A.C., 1067.
- Gianoli magneto, 1387, 1425, 1473, X525.
- Gibbs camera-clock, 748.
- Gillespie aeroplane, 1327.
- Gladiator cars, 180, 723, 1411, 1532- „ Co., 120, 1370.
- Glasgow cup, 723.
- Glasgow M.C. hill-climb, 661, 778.
- Glasgow show, 1398.
- Glidden tour, 29, 237, 302, 329, 431, 433, 49G 577, 59r» 634, 720, 74°, 1056, 1092, 1361, 1521-
- Glidden tour on railway, 591.
- Glidden trophy, 55, 882, 903, 909, 946, 996, 1025.
- Globe cars, 1540.
- Glove competition, 366.
- Glyda wheel, 104.
- Gobron-Brillie system, 280.
- Goff, Sir W. D., 1260, 1409.
- Goggles, 1143, 1250.
- Goggles, competition, 1214, 1540.
- Gordon Bennett, J., 1440.
- Gordon Bennett race, 820, 854.
- Gordon Bennett race, leaders on, 2, 95, 125, 157.
- » „ „ entries, 708,790.
- » » „ Notes, 37, 426, 545, 57i, 690, 706,
- „ 742, 774, 790, 865.
- Gordon Bennett race, British eliminating trials, 365, 397, 485, 516, 572, 627, 642, 676, 703, 712, 725, 74G 1120,
- Gordon Bennett race, British eliminating trials, report 676.
- Gordon Bennett race, French eliminating trials, 191, 397, 755, 759, 807.
- Gordon Bennett race, Auvergne circuit views, r, 7, 9,io, 11, 37, 597, 753, 757, 789, 849.
- Gordon Bennett race, Auvergne circuit description, 455,
- Gordon Bennett race, map, 707, 788,
- Gordon Bennett race, and the Grand Prix, 6, 37, 82. 108, 149, 191, 229, 243, 260, 292, 307, 322.
- Gordon Bennett race, Grand Prix rules, in.
- Gordon Bennett race, International commission, 271,
- Gordon Bennett race and Swiss Club, 571, 598.
- Gordon Bennett race (1906), 817, 841, 945, 980, 1186, 1214,1600.
- Gordon Bennett race cars—
- - Bayard, 485.
- - C.G.V., 629.
- - Darracq, 531.1
- - Dufaux, 571, 68S, 775.
- - De Dietrich, 646.
- - Hotchkiss, 571.
- - Mercedes, 531, 628.
- - Napier 340,411.
- - Panhard, 442
- - Siddeley, ^28.
- - Wolseley 377,
- Gore, Sir R., 403;
- Grand Prix de l'A.C. de France.(see Gordon Bennett).
- Grand Prix la Republique, 260.
- Grantham, Justice, 1523, 1553.
- Gratze speed indicator, 1388.
- Great Eastern Railway, 105, 137, 402, 502, 633, IOI5, 1405.
- Great Western Railway, 88, 342, 407, 502, 550, 585, 606, 100S, 1221, 1503.
- Greathead, E. A., 634.
- Greenwell, Canon, 786.
- “Gregory” boat, 719.
- Grey, Earl de, 541.
- Grove Hill, 430.
- Guildford bench, 817, 863, 938.
- Guildford perjury, 1570, 1582.
- HABEAS CORPUS Act, 2 34-
- Hadfield, R.A., 206.
- Hairpin corner, 667.
- Halford spring wheel, 73.
- Halifax Tramway Committee, 332.
- Halle wheel trial, 1027, 1151, 1331.
- Halle wheel trial description, 1017,1053.
- Hampshire A.C., 1003.
- Hamilton aeroplane, 1622.
- Hanwell-Uxbridge road, 235.
- Hargreaves, J., 1548.
- Harmsworth, Lord, 88, 1576,
- Harmsworth H., 525, 785-
- Harper cars, 1438.
- Harrogate meeting, 721, 769.
- Hartlepool A.C., 234,1441.
- Hats and motoring, 556.
- Havannah Meeting, 60, 2.60, 293.
- Havilland, I. M. de, 551, 1569.
- Havre regatta, 400, 425, 966, 1368.
- Havre speed trials, 946.
- Hayward’s Heath 'bus service, 909.
- Headfort, Marchioness of, 1127.
- Health and motoring, 847, 1067, 1092.
- Heavy-oil trials (L’Auto), 192, 366, (Les Sports) 84.
- Heavy vehicle regulations (see Local Government Board).
- Helice Club de France, 719.
- Helier, Lord St., 124, 197, 463.
- Helston ’bus service, 407.
- Hely-Hutchinson, Sir W., 152.
- Hemery, 1442.
- Hendasyde, G. H., 780.
- Henderson and Co., 60.
- Henley regatta, 770.
- Henry Edmunds trophy, 487, 840, 995, 1119, 1212, 1239-
- Hercules lurry (sic), 357, 387.
- Herefordshire A.C., 118, 693, 808, 875.
- Herkomer cup, 231, 586, 691, 772, 807, 841. 946, 996, 1005, 1009, 1041, 1080, 1087, 1089, 1364, 1515-
- Herkomer cup report, 996.
- Herkomer cup results, 1080.
- Hertfordshire A.C., 190, 488, 570, 1151, 1216.
- Hewetson, H., 490.
- Highway Protection League, 274, 35L 975, I049> rl97» 1225-
- High tension magnetos (see Magnetos).
- Hill-climbing (see Formula).
- Hindhead hill climb, 516.
- Hindiip, Lord, 27.
- Hindley lurry, 100.
- Hiring out cars, 875.
- Hitcheon-Weller cars (see Globe cars).
- Hodgkinson, W., 692.
- Honduras and motoring, 576.
- Hooydonk, J. v., 1216.
- Horns, 120, 1211, 1568. „ _ T7T,
- Horses and motors, 88, 722, 779, 848> s- 4> 7> * 4, 1329, 1356, 1286.
- Horse-power (see Formula)).
- Hotchkiss cars, 15.
- Hotchkiss system, 343, 379, 415, 445, 481.
- Hotchkiss Co., 602.
- Hove Town Council, 235.
- Hoyle, 1076.
- Hudson River races, 1188.
- Hull A.C., 1083, 1150.
- Humber cars, 1249, 1452, 1541.
- Humber vans, 1190.
- Humber Co., 1603.
- Humphrey, S. W., 303.
- Huntingdon, 749.
- Hurley, vicar of, 236, 1527.
- Hutton light car, 209, 249.
- Hutton boats, 348.
- Hydra cup, 487, 1246.
- IDENTIFICATION numbers (see Registration).
- Ightham hill-climb, 873.
- Ignition devices, 651, 665, 898, 1265.
- Ignition Plugs, 30, 351.
- Ignition Switches, 626, 967.
- Ignition Commutators, 665, 750, 1125.
- Ignition (See Magnetos).
- Ilford A.C. (see West Essex A.C.).
- Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic A'eies, 9S1.
- Imports and exports. 58, 91, 270, 522, 608, 878, 1036, 1159, 1283, 1403, 1577.
- India and motoring, 329, 378, 391, 588, 878.
- Indian M.C. trials, 1217.
- Indian names, 66.
- Industry, English v. French, 32, 5S, 436, 442, 549, 1196, 1225, 1248, 1276, 1537.
- Industry English (see imports).
- Industry protection of British, 96, 135.
- Industry French, 625.
- Industry German, 402.
- Industry motor boat, 459, 527.
- Industrial vehicles, 337, 352, 1291, 14*9.
- Industrial vehicles, upkeep, 606.
- Industrial vehicles, table of, 1456.
- Industrial vehicles trials (see A.C.G.B.I.),
- Industrial vehicles trials (A.C. de F.), 365, 516, 968, 997, 1028.
- Industrial vehicles trials, German, 428, 1331.
- Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 915.
- Instone A.C., 1482.
- Insurance, 268, 300, 396, 453, 1485.
- International cup race (motor boats), 152, 263, 297, 330, 425, 546, 601, 717, 779, 846, 935, 963, 1001, 1061, 1088, 1121, 1130, 1152, 1189.
- International cup race, chart, 546.
- International cup race, eliminating trials, 963.
- International cup race, result, 1152.
- International cup race, (motorcycles), 86, 116, 151, 294- 33°, 398, 429. 456. 545. 604, 633, 661, 692, 720, 747, 810, 1218, 1246, 1274, 1304, 1601.
- International cup race, entries, 661.
- International cup race, result, Sio.
- International competitions, 96, 125.
- International exhibition (1907), 106, 369, 549.
- International reliability trial, 544, 967.
- Ipswich A.C. (see East Suffolk).
- Irish A.C., 328, 1083, 1131.
- Irish hill-climb, 599, 630.
- Irish M.C. Union, 662, 778, 876, 1000, 1151, 1216.
- Isle of Man Law (see Manx).
- Isle of Man (views of the course), 553, 581, 609, 642, 667, 700, 1097, 1109, 1123.
- Isle of Man, map, 643.
- Isle of Man Timees, 665.
- Isle of Wight ’bus service, 502, 606, 672, 1126.
- Isle of Wight Railway Co., 1156.
- Italy, King of, 401, 722.
- Italy Queen of, 267, 370. 515,995.1065,1190,1366.
- Italian A.C., 153, 1187, 1619.
- Italian reliability trial, 1600.
- Italian speed limit, 697.
- Iveagh-Pirrie scheme, 331, 885, 967.
- Ivel motor, 812, 1158.
- JANVIER lurry, 1613.
- Jarrett. Inspector, 313, 506, 613, 1095, 1120.
- Jarrott. C., 37, 575. 7^5, 1276, 1476.
- Jarrott. C. (correspondence), 8, 57, 453, 967, 1596.
- Jarrott-Edge match, 695, 1545.
- Jarrott and Letts (Ltd.), 145, 198, 489, 551, 566, 1421, 1484, 1518.
- Jay, W., 231, 1126.
- Jeantaud battery, 410.
- Jefferson, R. L., 1155, 1438.
- Jeffreys, Rt. Hon. A. F., 1066.
- Jellineck, 829.
- Jepson. E., 491.
- Jeune, Sir Francis (see Helier, Lord St.).
- Jeyes, S. H., 519.
- Johnson, B., 397.
- Johnson C., 96, 125. 491, 544, 897, 03S, 1476, 1545-
- Johnson G. C. A.. 1517.
- Journal of the Society of Arts, 519.
- Joy, B. H., 196. 371.
- Juvisy regatta, 745.
- KENEALY, Miss A., 938.
- Kennedy, Justice, 1003.
- Kennet cup, 519-
- Kiel regatta, 767, 846. 1003, 1480.
- King, the, 815, 877, 885, 1065, 1157, 1159, 1421, 1449, 1604.
- Kingston Bench, 695.
- Kingston roads, 1034,1192.
- Klee’s steering gear, 1389.
- Knabeushue airship, 1078, 1153.
- Knaresborough bench, 1298.
- Knowles, G., 566.
- Kreb's carburettor, 1371.
- Krieger cars, 48, 1612.
- L’AUTO race, 845.
- Lacoste magneto, 1562, 15S5, 1617.
- Ladies’ A.C., 87, 190, 266, 302, 328, 369, 431, 574> 662, 693, 744. 808, 845, 875, 1309, 1482, 1574-
- Ladies’ A.C., Lectures, 302, 1365.
- Lake Worth regatta, 195.
- Lambert, 816, 863.
- Lamps, 188, 750,12S2.
- Lamps, trials (see A.C.G.B.I. tyre trials).
- La Meux cup, 690.
- Lawson, H. J., 1602.
- County Council, 371.
- Lancashire Steam Motor Co., 237.
- Lanchester cars, 182. 247.
- Lea, Mrs., 91.
- Lea and Francis cars, 173.
- Leather, 1347.
- Lebaudv airship, Sio, 839, 896, 1277, 1308, 1354, I44°> 1497, T6OI.
- Leeds, 88, 224, 402, 578.
- Legalimit car, 1154.
- Legislation, future, 242, 639, 701, 845, 876, 877, 878, 891, 951, 979, 1188, 1260 (see Royal commission).
- Legislation, future, defence fund, 979, 1006, 1039, 1071, 1087, 1106, 1582.
- Legros and Knowles cal's, 567, 1403.
- Legros and Knowles system (1905), 557, 592, 652, 673.
- Legros and Knowles system (1906), 1377, 1423, 1-470-
- Legros and Knowles marine set, 966.
- Leicestershire A.C., 146, 514, 574, 770, 972, 1024, 1064, 1087, 1124, 1482, 1544.
- Leland, H. M., 403.
- Lemoin brake, 1613.
- Les sports, 260, 845, 1331, 1338, 1442.
- Letts, W., 422, 695, 697.
- Levitt, Miss D., 119, 456, 1035.
- Lewes 'buses, 951.
- Lewisham A.C., 1622.
- Licences, 48, 303, 410, U32, 1315-
- Liege exhibition, 84, 112, 261.
- Liege meeting, 1028.
- Lifeboats, 375, 655 1396.
- Lighting of vehicles, 234, 235, 275, 567, 611, 1371.
- Lincolnshire A.C., 296, 399, 549, 809, 875, 1092.
- Lipscombe cars, 413.
- Little, F., 113, 144, 269.
- Littlehampton bridge, 670, 755, 768, 802.
- Lisle, J., 496, 570.
- Live axle drive, 44, 144, 195, 481, 766, 909, 1231, 1293, 1472, 1532, 1593.
- Liverpool A.C., 770, 908.
- Liverpool, Bishop of, 1250, 1256.
- Liverpool show, 323.
- Liverpool University, 1189.
- Liverpool University M.C., 906, 1482.
- Lloyd gear, 135S.
- Lloyd Major, L., 197.
- Local Government Board regulations (heavy vehicles), 3, iS, 331, 1295.
- Local Government Board regulations (heavy vehicles), views of engineers on, 23, 49, 80.
- Local Government Board and roads, 224, 267, 1034 (safe Speed limits in towns).
- Lodge ignition system, 76.
- London-Brighton 'buses, 1093, 1125, 1148, 1158, 1193, 1334-
- London-Brighton road, 1610.
- London County Council, 120, 197, 435, 436, 612, 718, 1003, 1376, 1390, 1602.
- London-Edinburgh (see Motor Cycling Club).
- London General Omnibus Co., S8, 154, 196, 1088.
- London Motor Cab Co., 672.
- London Omnibus Co., 521, 1311.
- London Neuchatel run, 1220.
- London N.W. Railway, 370, 458, 1129, 1221, 1251, 1280, 1402, 1482.
- London-Paris 'bus service, 1014.
- London S.W. Railway. 724, 1193, 1310.
- London Traffic, 402, 620. 640, 695, 883, 917, 975, 991.
- London Traffic Commission Report, 883, 991, 1286, 1300, 1316, 1407.
- Londonderry wagon, 389, 606.
- Long, Rt. Hon. W. H., 337.
- Long Acre fires, 267, 300, 403, 430, 491, 1127, 1155.
- Long Island A.C., 4S7.
- Loose, Capt., 719.
- Loubet, President, 59, 1001.
- Lubrication, 453, 489, 511, 551, 566, 1143, 1396.
- Lucas, Serjt., 748.
- Lucerne regatta, 152, 949, 1037, 1071.
- Luton dust trials, 894.
- Lytham races, 970.
- MABLETHORPE races, 970, 1027, 1056.
- Macdonald, A., 109, 261, 296, 572, 1106.
- Macdonald, Sir J., 242.
- Mackenzie, D., 330, 670.
- Machnow, 269, 302.
- Maggiore regatta. 1219.
- Maidenhead regatta, 876.
- Maidstone M.C., 514.
- Maisons-Lafitte regatta, 12x9, 1338.
- Magneto ignition, 44, 76, 1319, 1351, 1384, 1387, 1427, 1473, 1525. 1562, 1585, 1617.
- Male servants, 120.
- Malglaive cup, 27.
- Malicet and Blin steering gear, 1324, 1385.
- Malay States and motoring, 947, 1285.
- Manchester A.C., 146, 1309, 1575.
- Manchester hill climb, 1212.
- Manchester show, 254, 299.
- Manx law, 376, 578, 1340.
- Manx A.C., 431, 875.
- Manograph, 1145, 1183, 1208.
- Marine Motor Association, 440, 694, 1623.
- Marine Motor Club (see Motor Yacht Club).
- Marinakis airship, 1079, 1277.
- Markyate accident, 525, 7S5.
- Market-Rasen hill-climb, 712.
- Martini cars, 1220.
- Marseilles M.C., 267.
- Marseilles hill-climb, 486.
- Matson, Major, 1108, 1158.
- Maudslay cars, 176, 1547.
- Maudslay engine, 332.
- Maudslay ’buses, 358.
- Mayhew, Col., 1066.
- May-day parade, 96.
- Mecredy, R. J., 265, 750.
- Mediterranean cup (see Algiers-Toulon).
- Melhuish Co., 1507, 1516.
- Menier prize, 1188.
- Mercedes cars, 153, 246, 490, 749, 877, 1247, 1437, 1544.
- Mercedes system (70 h.p.), 140, 1201, 1232.
- Mercedes system (100 h.p.), 409.
- Merryweather (see fire engines).
- Mersey Railway Co., 1281, 1368.
- Metallurgique car, 213, 589.
- Metallurgy, 264, 298, 324, 1408, 1616.
- Meyan-Siddeley challenge (see Siddeley).
- Meyan cup, 547-
- Michelin tyres, 836, 863.
- Middleton hub, 1435, 1480, 1625.
- Middle hill-climb, 711.
- Midland A.C., 598, 629, 659.
- Midland Railway, 911, 1219.
- Midland hill-climb, 1026.
- Milan show, 1424, 1600.
- Milan A.C., 1320, 1540.
- Milan trials, 486, 691, 742.
- Miller trophy, 303.
- Minerva cars, 1360, 1536.
- Minervette car, 314.
- Mines, 1489.
- Mirovitch goggles, 1142.
- Mitchel-Innes, Capt., 74.
- Mobile cars, 149.
- Mo-car Syndicate, 430.
- Moffat, A. G., 333.
- Mole ’bus service, 370.
- Montague, Lord, 1390, 144S.
- Montgomery aeroplane, 839, 1079.
- Monaco regatta, 28, 56, 335, 367, 400, 404, 440, 465, 493, 495, 197, 532. 545, 373, 579, 1219, 1624.
- Monaco regatta, entries and results, 463, 497.
- Monmouthshire A.C. (see South Wales).
- Morgan, P., 315.
- Morning Post, 750.
- Mors brakes, 1559.
- Morse chain.
- Morris track (see Motodrome).
- Moseley gymkhana (sec Birmingham).
- Moto Cycle Club de France, 86, 514, 633, 662, 1543- '
- Motor boats, 346 1508.
- Motor boat passenger service, 56.
- Motor boat future of, 127.
- Motor boat rating, 33, 35, 55, 440, 767, 1274, 1623.
- Motor boat rating, (our suggestions), 35.
- Motor boat rating, M.M.A. rules, 55.
- Motor boat racing, 436.
- Motor boat reliability trial, 330, 400, 631, 663, S04,936, 965.978,981, 982. ,023.
- Motor boat reliability trial, regulations, 804 : entries, 93c : report. 982.
- Motor Cycling Club, 100, 267, 330, 514, 632, 662, 720, 747, 810, 1122, 11S4, 1216. 1274.
- “Motor” cup, 429.
- “Motor Cycle” cup, 1000,10S9.
- Motodrome, 294. 429, 660, 805.
- Motor House, 1033.
- Motor Manufacturing Co., 90.
- Motor News.
- Motor Union, 228, 339, 457, 549, 633, 636, 770, S09, 847, 947, 1188, 1371, 1399, 140S, 1512.
- Motor Union competition rules, 770.
- Motor Van, Wagon, and Omnibus Association, 394, 549.969. 1003-
- Motor Yacht Club, 516, 632, 663, 717, 721, S04, 905, 1339.t37i-14*2.
- Motor Yacht Club medal, 1359.
- Mountaineering, 91, 152.
- Mount Cenis hill-climb, 455, 631, 902, 1442.
- Mount Ventoux hill-climb, 742, 1028, 1186, 1195, 1213, 1540.
- Municipal motors, 29, 60,1066, 1549.
- Murphy, T., 57.
- Murray, Ignition, 44.
- Murray, Rt. Hon. A. G., 243, 370.
- Muratti trophy, 906.
- Mysore trophy, 1002.
- NAPIER cars, 139, 14S, 166, 196, 207, 245, 276, 401, 520, 541, 606, 657, 749, 841, 947, 974, 1066, 1094, 1342, 1480, 1547, 1548.
- Napier system (6-cylinder), 1412.
- Napier system (landaulette) 1459, 1493.
- Napier six-cylinder racer, 109, 167, 261, 302, 427 1017 1271. 1 /#
- Napier clutch, 143.
- Napier carburettor, 737.
- Napier switch, 967.
- Napier lubrication, 566, 1067.
- Napier ignition, 167.
- Napier cars for the Continent, 1480.
- Napier vans, 750.
- Napier boats, 214, 307, 309, 346, 367, 745, 1440.
- “Napier” boat, 367, 545. 10S8.
- “Napier-Major” boat, 437. 1399-
- “Napier-Major” cruises, 548, 556, 621, 803, 1x21.
- “Napier-Minor” boat, 573.
- “Napier-Yarrow " boat, 307, 309, 427.
- National Automobile Society, 1052.
- “National” cars, 179, 412.
- “National” silencer, 1366.
- New Arrol-Johnson cars (see Arrol-Johnson).
- New companies (see Companies registered).
- New Engine Co.’s cars (N.E.C.) 1413.
- New York M-C., 1304, 1480.
- New show, 184.
- New Zealand, 86, 1479.
- Newbury racecourse, 1156.
- Newcastle-under-Lyne, ’buses, 519.
- Nice meeting, 55, 231, 291, 322, 516, 523, 1329.
- Noise, 70.
- Non-skid trials (see Side-slip).
- Nordisk M.U., 60.
- Norman, H. (M.P.), 100, 725.
- North British Railway, 1193.
- North Eastern Railway, 750, 1458.
- North East Lancashire A.C., 296, 328, 457, 488, 549, 845, 1272.
- North of France hill-climb, 902.
- North of London A.C., 694, 1063, 1309.
- North of Yorkshire, 1544.
- Northants A.C., 88.
- Northampton Institute, 24, 152, 872, 1574.
- Northern Motor manufacturers and traders, 328.
- Northumberland A.A., 770.
- Norwood M.C., 575.
- Nottinghamshire, A.C., 146, 234, 296, 369,488, 664, 711, 1247, 1309. 1371, 1397-
- O’GORMAN on carburettors (see Carburettors).
- Ohlsson, A., 60.
- Oldfield, B., 28, 111.
- Oldsmobile cars, 29, n8, 183, 1313, 1337, 1355.
- Oldsmobile cars upkeep, 400.
- Oldsmobile cars and the pigmies, 779.
- Oldsmobile cars and “Enigmarelle,” 975.
- Oldsmobile cars and the Russian Giant, 269.
- Oldsmobile railway trolly, 29.
- Oldsmobile Co.’s works,'63, 78.
- Olympia show (February), 4, 117, 203, 241, 274, 301.
- Olympia show report, 160, 201, 205, 245, 276, 312.
- Olympia show (November), 345, 402, 1277, 1360, 1399, 1406, 1429, 1446, 1447.. 1438, 1488.
- Olympia show table, 1430, 1456.
- Olympia show report, 1449, 1503.
- Olympia constructional alterations, 1064.
- Omnibuses, 207, 332, 337, 512, 1504.
- Omnibuses and company promoters, 1446, 1502.
- Omnibuses and cow catchers, 12S4.
- Omnibuses and drivers, 1163.
- Omnibuses and fire, 1210.
- Omnibuses and finance, 1568.
- Omnibuses and horses, 369.
- Omnibus licences, 1132, 1524, 1537.
- Omnibus regulations, 1537.
- Omnibus services, 3, 61, 105, 117, 120, 137, 142, i53> 190, 196, 198, 204, 235, 33°, 331. 332, 342, 37°, 37G 378, 402, 407, 422, 430, 45'8> 479. 49°. 502, 512, 519. 537, 550, 578, 579, 5?'4, 6o6> 740, 812, 847, 891, 947, 952, 975, 1000, 1003, 1034, 1065, 1072, 1130. 12x9, 1220, 1251, 1256, 1260, 1282, 1310, 1312, 1338, 13^9, 1402, 1403.
- Omnibus services, upkeep, 58, 192, 671, 974, 1000, 1155, 1218. , ,
- Omnibus services in Paris, 61, 220, 576, 1616.
- Omnibus services in South Africa, 236.
- One-third litre trial, 845, 1217, 1396.
- Opperman, E., 539.
- Orient buckboard, 314.
- Orion ’bus, 154, 1192.
- Orleans cars, 278.
- Orleans show, 398.
- Ormond-Daytona Beach meeting, 31, 53, 54, °3> 109, *47, 259-
- Ormond-Daytona Beach meeting, result, 147, 229.
- Ormondy, Dr. W. R., 88,118, 193, 232, 569, (see alcohol).
- Ostend meeting, 366, 427, 716, 874, 902.
- Oudennes clutch, 122.
- Oxford Corporation, 942.
- PACERS, 86.
- Paddington Borough Council, 196, 331.
- Padley Wood hill-climb, 715, 840.
- Palm Beach meeting, 244, 373.
- Palmer tyres, 52.
- Palmero boat, race, 546.
- Pall Mall Gazette, 1131.
- Panhard cars, 749, 1423. 1604.
- Panhard 6-cylinder engine, 74.
- “Panhard II” boat, 1509.
- Parks and motors, 126, 154, 224, 407, 463, 550, 730, 751, 781, 785, 813, 8x8, 837, 838, 1438, 1481, 1497.
- Paris Salon (1904), 13, 46,1x4.
- Paris Salon (1904) lottery, 28.
- Paris Salon (1905), I55G 1579, 1581, 1396, 1612.
- Paris Salon (1905), report, 1555,1587.
- Paris Salon lottery, 1631.
- Paris Salon competitions, 1066,1120.
- Paris Breslau, 807.
- Paris to the sea boat-race, 547, 663, 947, 1368,
- Paris police, 1251.
- Paris public vehicle trial, 1626.
- Parsons, H., 1090.
- Patent Act, 70, 159.
- Patents, 30, 62, 92, 122, 154, 200, 238, 270, 304, 334, 372, 404> 432, 460, 492, 522, 552, 580, 608, 636, 666, 698, 726, 752, 782, 814, 848,880, 912, 948, 976, 1004, 1036, 1068, 1096,. 1128, 1160, 1194, 1222, 1252, 1284, 1314, 1344) 1372, 1404, 1444. i486, 1520, 1550, 15/8, 1606, 1634.
- Pawnshop, 537.
- Pearson’s Magazine, 1149.
- Pedrail, 75, 199, 236, 1063.
- Pemberton M., 9x1.
- Percy, J. C. (J. P.), I577-
- Perman, A. E., 331.
- Peterborough A.C., 266, 296.
- Petrol, 113, 303, 812, 1313, 1576.
- Petrol and the Act, 459.
- Pikes’ Peak hill-climb, 294.
- Pivot, 503.
- Plasmon, 579.
- Pneumatic wheels, 1359, 1435-
- Police and motors, 74, 798, 8x9, 879, 897, 943, 951, 974> 1002, 1076, 1248, 1251, 1256, 1279, 1312, 1317) 1362, 1398, 1400.
- Police proceedings, 1284,1343.
- Pollard engine, 623, 725.
- Polytechnic School of Engineering, 695, S12.
- Portmarnock trials, 575,720, 974, 1246.
- Portsmouth, Lord, 1066.
- Postal service motorcars, 88, 327, 391, 578, 607, 701, 875,916,1034.
- Prade, G., 149, 243, 548.
- Pulborough ’bus service, 235, 329.
- Pullman tyre lever, 1620,
- Pumps, circulating, 113.
- Pumps, tyre, 106, 519.
- Punch, 724,911, 1375-
- President of the Republic’s cup, 998.
- Provence hill-climb (see Mount Ventoux.i.
- Prunel cars, 443.
- Pygmies, 779.
- Pyramids, 811.
- QUEENSBERRY, Marquis of, 670, 729-
- Queensland and motoring, 1483.
- RADIATORS, 1144.
- Radiators competition, 1243.
- Raglan, Lord, 370,1185.
- Railway motor coaches, 29, 295, 538, 607, 1251, 1602.
- Ratibor. Duke of, 1067.
- Ranelagh gymkhana, 842.
- Rankin, Kennedy and Sons, 457.
- Rankin silencer. 1360.
- Rational cabs, 672.
- Rawson airship (see Barton).
- Rawson aeroplane, 1542,1629.
- Read, G., 234.
- Reading A.C., 574-
- Reavell compressor, 519.
- Records (Land), 28, 83, 109, 111, 123, 260, 365, 600, 660, 693, 742, 807, 840, 906, 913, 946, 1151, 1188, 1217. 1442, 1480,1540,1575, 159°) 1600.
- Records (Water), 23T, 365, 579-
- “Red Lion and Crown cars,” 1497.
- Redwood, Sir B., 836.
- Redwood Bernard, B., 88.
- Referee, The, 509,1383-
- Regent car, 1401.
- Regent system, 1230,1261.
- Registration of cars, 48, 308, 70X, 729, 756, 1066, 1157, 1182, 1387, 1390-
- Registration marks changed, 29, 475, 55°, 725, 943, I094.
- Regulations (see Local Government Board).
- Reid-Reikie starting handle, 1466.
- Renault patent, 1593-
- Renault starter, 1589.
- Renard aeroplane, 263.
- Renard Colonel, 518.
- Renold airship, 1153, 1220.
- Resilient wheels, 71, 104, 812, 1017, 1053, 1235, 1263, 1296, 1275, 1325, 1359, H35, *476, 1595-
- Restaurant car, 751.
- Reversing gears, 47-
- Reviews (see Books).
- Rhodesia, A. C., 266.
- Rich, W., 1251.
- Richard-Brasier cars, 1558.
- Richard-Brasier system, 1050, 1075, 1107.
- Richard-Brasier cup, 1602.
- Richardson, G., 332
- Riviera and motoring, 239.
- Riviera ’bus tour, 1310, 1547-
- Roads, 634, 669, 725, 1034, 1070, 1092, 1106, 1214, 1255, 1262, 13x1, 1336, 1337, 1476, 1500, 1567, 1610,
- Roads, dangerous, 154,1595.
- Roads Improvement Association, 33, 204, 235, 549, 577, 662, 1582, 1597, 1624.
- Roberts, Lord, 227.
- Robertson, 364.
- Roller-motor, 1309.
- Rolls-Royce cars, 247, 8x2, 1547.
- Rolls-Royce system (8-cyl.), 1380.
- Rolls-Royce test, 1215.
- Rolls and Co., 453, 1400.
- Rolls Hon. C. S., 1545.
- Roots bicycle, 398.
- Rosebery, Lord, 1385, 1530.
- Rosenheim, E. A., 634.
- Ross racing car, 2jO, 259.
- Rothschild, Baron de, 878.
- Rothschild Lionel de, 528.
- Rothwell vans, 1281.
- Rouen show, 84.
- Rowclifle, 537.
- Royal Agricultural Society, 749,1627.
- Royal Agricultural Society show, S38,1279.
- Royal Agricultural Commission on motor cars, 1001, 1032, 1039, 1100, 1154, 1164, 1184, 1188, 1206, 1225, 1260, 1295, 1313, 1317, 1335, 1338, 1346, 1360, 1379, 1408, U3^; 1447, 1481, 1489, 1494. 1524-
- Royal Commission on traffic (see London traffic).
- Royal Mail (see Postal service).
- Royal Marine Artillery, 119, 308, 332.
- Rovan meeting, 55, 1x50.
- Rules for chauffeurs, 1229.
- Russell, Earl, 145, 664, 1251, 1340,
- Rust prevention, 122.
- Ryknield cars, 211,1126.
- Ryknield vans, 246.
- ST. BERNARD, 1221.
- St. Pancras, 60.
- St. Petersburg, 15.
- Salisbury, Marquis of, 1157.
- Salon, A.C., 230, 1186.
- Saltburn races, 1056.
- Samson bands, 569.
- Sanders, J. D., 197.
- Saurer ’bus, 1533.
- Savage steam lurry, 393.
- Scales, Automotor Journal, 16.
- Scarth, L., 1090, 1311, 1371.
- Scent, 812.
- Scheveningen meeting, 459, 946.
- Schio airship, 518, 1079.
- Scottish A.C. (Eastern section), 946, 770.
- Scottish A.C. (Western section), 88. 11S, 328, 457, 574, 721, 770, 1309, (Hill-climb), 1120, 1185.
- Scottish reliability trial, 291, 397. 428, 455, 486, 570, 699, 1066, 1625.
- Scottish reliability trial, entries, 486.
- Scottish reliability trial, map, 570.
- Scottish reliability trial, report, 599, 614, 669, 685.
- Scott Stirling ’buses, 1536.
- Seine et Oise A.C., 86, 262, 292.
- Seine boat races, 719.
- Selden patent, 105.
- Semmering hill-climb, 1186.
- Serjison, Capt. J. E., 684.
- Serpollet cars, 1560.
- Serpollet ’buses, 220.
- Serpollet racer, 237, 366.
- Sewage wagon, 1484.
- Sharp, J. R., 1334.
- Sheep, 1163.
- Sheffield A.C., 118, 266, 328, 712, 972, 1281, 1482.
- Sheffield hill-climb, 1150, 1212, 1217, 1303. i3°4-
- Sheffield show, 154S.
- Shelsley Walsh hill-climb (sec Midland A.C.).
- Shippey Bros., 238.
- Shock-dampers, 1629.
- Shooting motorists, 883.
- Siam, King of, 693, 1035.
- Side-slip trials (C.T.C.), 514, 747, 777, 780, 1273.
- Side-slip trials (Crystal Palace), 191.
- Side-slip trials (A.C. de F.), 366, 482.
- Siddeley, J. D., 395.
- Siddeley Autocar Co., 196.
- Siddeley cars (sec Wolseley).
- Siddeley trial, 26, 53, 83, no, 151, 192, 230.
- Siddeley-Meyan challenge, 545, 599, 657, 695, 867, 904, 943-
- Sign posts, 634.
- Silencers, 1360, 1366.
- Silencerscompetition, 293, 455, 489, 630.
- Simms cars, 704, 735, 767.
- Simms engine (200 h.p.), 1508.
- Simms buffer, 696.
- Simms-Coulthard lurry, 360.
- Singapore correspondent, 496, 511.
- Singer, P., 671.
- Singer cars, 170, 2ir, 277, 401, 970.
- Sirdar Co., 1283, 1402.
- Sirens, 345, 1313, 1397-
- Sisson engine, 200.
- Six-cylinder question, 1476,1517, 1545, 1597,1629.
- Six-wheeled vehicles, 1613.
- Sizaire-Naudin Car, 1612.
- Skegness races, 1025, 1119.
- Smith, E. S., 607.
- Smith, P. F., 121.
- Smith and Sons, 1478.
- Smith, speed indicator, 414.
- Smoke, 966, 980, 998, 1008, 1063, 1072, 1229, 1290.
- Sneden cup, 428.
- Soames gear, 315.
- Soar speed indicator, 1103.
- Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers, 234, 5r4> *5i4, 1574.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 274, 295, 399, 520, 721, 809, 908, 947, 972. ir54- IIl"> 121 ’ 1338.
- Society of Omnibus Engineers, 1132, 1024.
- Somerset, A.C. 947.
- Southport meeting, 84.
- Southsea regatta, 718.
- South Africa and motoring, 236, 490, 701, 719, 1191, 1253-
- South African A.C., 574.
- South Devon A.C., 1482.
- South Eastern Railway, 133, 295.
- South Harling hill-climb, 659, 711, 731.
- South Pole, 329, 1370, 1547- „
- South Wales A.C., 266.
- South Wales hill-climb, 873.
- Southampton-Thantes run, 1368, 1396.
- Southern Motor Club, 488, 514, 691, 714,1185.
- Spa meeting, 969.
- Spain, King of, 119, 332, 459, 675, 719, 781, 960, 1397.
- Spain, King’s cup, 719.
- Speed trials question, 851, 884, 967, 9R1, 1320.
- Speed indicators, 313, 414, 562, 1103, 1388,1477.
- Speed indicators, and Berlin police, 607.
- Speed indicators competition, (Germany), 1243.
- Speed indicators Competition, (A.C.G.B.I.), 1599, 1625.
- Speed, estimation of, 373, 605, 836, 1363.
- Speed limit in towns, 88, 224, 267, 302, 351, 430, 612, 818, 837, 838, 910, 1034, 1192. 1370, 1494.
- Speed limit in parks (see Parks.)
- Speed limit (1916), 1584.
- Speed records (see Records).
- Speedwell cars, 209.
- “Speedyal,” 778.
- Sport and motoring, 1373, 1391, 1628.
- Spooner, Prof. H., 695, 812.
- Springfield hill-climb, 630.
- Spring-drives, 46.
- Spring--wheels (see Resilient).
- Spyker cars, 1368.
- Standard, The, 80, 885.
- Stanley, Lord, 203.
- Stanley, Hon. A., 341, 375, 768.
- Stanley, show, 1475- •
- Star Omnibus Co., 370.
- Star, The, 1127.
- Starting devices, 1342, 1466, 1559, 1589, 1615, 1620.
- Starting devices competition, 1330.
- Steam generators (see Boilers).
- Steam Car Club, 57.
- Steam gears, 46, 144, 348, 593, 930, r2g2, 1324, 1389, 1591-
- Steel (see Metallurgy).
- Stephens, E. A., 607.
- Stepney wheel, 660.
- Stirling 'buses, 303.
- Stocks, J. W., 566.
- Straker, S., 24.
- Straker steam lurry, 361.
- Straker-Squire vehicles, 39, 67.
- Straker-Squire trial, 53, 83, no, 151, 192, 230.
- Straker-MacConnel cab, 1453.
- Stockholm show, 369, 550.
- Sturmey, H., 800.
- Suction producers (sec Gas engines).
- Sunrising hill-climb, 57.
- Surbiton ’bus service, 724.
- Suresnes regatta, 573.
- Surrey County Council, 634.
- Sussex A.C., 87, 146.
- Sutton on wing flight, 1622.
- Sweden and motoring, 1281.
- Sweeper for roads, 1549.
- Swift cars, 118, 251, 285, 277, 910, 1282.
- Swinburne. J., 127.
- Swiss show, 401.
- Switzerland and motoring, 1072
- Sydney Melbourne trial, 149, 461, 470, 1083.
- Sydney Melbourne trial results, 470.
- Syrinx tyre. 1275.
- TAGA Florio, 1304, 1331, 1396, 1442.
- Tampier, M., 1480.
- Taxameleres, 1288.
- Taylor, D., 57.
- Tellier, 548.
- Thames Conservancy, 7t8. 756, 819, 1153, 1527.
- Thames Conservancy regulations, 1153.
- Thames Engineering Co.'s van, 452.
- Thery, 1540.
- Thomas, E. R., 123.
- Thomas trophy, 302.
- Thoresby, F., 396, 402.
- Thornycroft, Sir J., t, 675.
- Thornycroft cars, 168, 213, 1414. 1518.
- Thornycroft vans, 402.
- Thornycroft ’buses, 19c, 402, 911, 1219, 1310, 1438, 1555. 1575.
- Thornycroft ’buses system, 355, 506, 533.
- Thornycroft boats, 965, 1003, 1122, 1441, 1310.
- Thornycroft propellers, 330.
- Thornycroft steam system, 383, 418.
- Thornycroft heavy-oil, 62, 448, 478.
- Thubron, E. B., 1189.
- Tidings’ ’buses, 142, 537.
- Tillings (Ltd.), 339-
- Tolson-Holmes tyre, 51.
- Tools, 91,106, 1108.
- Tooley bi-car, 661.
- Torpedo boat, 1126.
- Torquay ’bus service, 371.
- Toulmin, J. H., 24.
- Touraine trials, 572.
- Tourist trophy race, 1160, 1165, 1213.
- Tourist trophy notes, 292, 307, 365, 375, 407, 455, 485, 807, 852, 995, 1109, 1135, 1190, 1334, 1396, 148°. I573-
- Tourist trophy entries, 322, 427, 516, 570, 629, 10S7, mo.
- Tourist trophy, correspondence, 656, 768, 897, 940, 961, 992, X021, 1059, 1085, 1148, 1210, 1371, I5I7. 1545, 1569, 1595-
- Tourist trophy, leaders on, 915, 952, 980, 1007, 1100, 1161, 1197.
- Tourist trophy, our article on, 868, 899, 939, 1212, 1305. ,,
- Tourist trophy and steam cars, 1572.
- Tourist trophy, our tests, 1268, 1288, 1305.
- Tourist trophy, rules for (1906), 1375, 1395, 1476, i598-
- Tourist trophy, (1906), 1240.
- Tourist trophy race cars:—
- - Argyll, 1136.
- - Arrol-Johnston, 1136, 1179.
- - Cadillac, 1118.
- - Crossley, 1193.
- - Darracq, 1141.
- - Dixi, 694, 1115.
- - Dennis, 1137.
- - Humber, 1138.
- - James and Browne, 1191.
- - Maudslay, 1113.
- - Minerva, 1115, 1139.
- - Morse, 1117.
- - Napier, iin.
- - Peugeot, 1138.
- - Rover, 1139.
- - Ryknield, 1118, 1190.
- - Rolls-Royce, 1114, 1180.
- - Swift, 1114.
- - Siddeley, 1135.
- - Simms, 1135.
- - Scout, 1126.
- - Thornycroft, 1112, 1140.
- - Vinot, 1137, 1180, 1220.
- - Wolseley, 1109, 1112.
- - Whitlock Aster, 1113.
- - Vauxhall, 1159.
- Tour de France, 1542.
- Top-speed runs, 401, 1149, 1240, 1276, 1399.
- Tramways, 88, 100, 157, 190, 197, 235, 241, 268, 274, 408, 435, 464, 684, 730, 818, 819, 898, 911, 1310, 1318, 1367, 1397, 1399. 1563, 1586, 1604, 1618.
- Tramways, central pole question, 33, 159, 204.
- Tramways, electric v. motor, 5x6, 526.
- Tramways, v. ’bus, 1155, 1383.
- Tramways, in U.S.A., 1586.
- Tramways, speed, 1384, 1535.
- Transvaal (see South Africa).
- Trentham ’bus service, 519.
- Tricar trials (L’Auto), 604, 1060,1151.
- Tunbridge Wells ’bus service, 1003.
- Turin trial, 151.
- Turin show, 1398.
- Turin-Dieppe run, 1211.
- Turkey and motoring, 1x55.
- Turner carburettor, 959.
- “Turquoise” boat, 426, 547.
- Tweedale, Marquis of, 40X.
- Twombley airship, 1153.
- Tyres, 34, 51, 214.
- Tyres, testing, 150.
- Tyres, trials (A.C. de F.), 102S, 1272. 1442.
- Tyres, A.C.G.B.I. rules, 1479
- Tyres, sizes, 22, 563, X209.
- Tyres, competition, 112. 220, 262, 366.
- Tyres, solid, 269, 626, 1218.
- Tyres, bags 304,
- Tyres, lever, 1620.
- Tyres, pump, 1588.
- Tyres, repair (see Vulcanisers).
- ULSTER hill-climb, 1122.
- Unemployed, 1597.
- United Motor Industries, 189, 216, 236.
- Upkeep of cars 192, 697, 1020, 1091, 1278, 1342, 1440.
- Uruguay and Motoring, 475.
- VACUUM cleaner, 871.
- Valve lifters, 459.
- Vanadium, X408.
- Vanderbilt cup, 323, 365, 427, 487, 516, 545, 600, 63X, 660, 691, 775, 873, 944, 1060, 1120, 1213, 1240, 1272, 1301,1331.1346,1364-
- Vanderbilt cup, report, 1301.
- Vanderbilt cup, map of course, 944.
- Vanderbilt cup, for boats, 998.
- Van trials (see A.C.G.B.I.).
- Vapourisers (see Carburettors).
- Vedrine trial, 1057.
- Veeder speed indicator, 1477.
- Verne, J., 408.
- Versailles reliability trial, 86, 362, 292.
- Victoria A.C., 198.
- Vieo wheel, 812, 1325.
- Vienna-Breslau (see Austrian trials).
- Vinot Co., 1483.
- Voiturette trials, 366, 398, 428, 743, 1329, 1364, 1396, 1515.
- Voiturette trials, results, 1515-
- Voltmeter, 518.
- Volunteers (see Army).
- Vulcanisers, 874,1181,1207,1237,1248.
- WALDEN, Lord H. de, 664.
- Walford, Dr., 1003, 1576.
- Walker, A. H., 290.
- War Office, 369.
- Warre, Dr., 1003, 1576.
- Warwick, Countess of, 303.
- Warwickshire A.C., 302.
- Wason, C., 583, 701, 838, 878.
- Watches. 1164, 1313-
- Water softening, 24.
- Watkins band, 474.
- Watson, E. H., 751.
- Welbeck meeting, 711, 772, 805, 945.
- Wemyss, Earl of, 724.
- Werner, W., 1089.
- West Australia A.C., 1124.
- West Essex A.C., 1283.
- West Suffolk A.C., 488.
- West Surrey A.C., 457, 662, 694, 1024, 1247.
- Weston-super-mare ’buses, 578.
- Weyber and Richemond car, 1561.
- Weymouth ’buses, 606.
- Wheels, 144, 836.
- White, A. M., 81, 115.
- White, Sir W., 127.
- White steam cars, 152, 210, 3or, 454, 517, 695. 910, 973, 1204, 1340. 1437-
- White system (18 h.p.), 1204.
- White system vans, 371.
- White system vans Co., output, 371.
- White system vans test, 12,87,738.
- White system Bulletin, 400, 810.
- Whitlocks, 521.
- Wilson, A. J., 268.
- Wilson E., 1065, 1078, 1220.
- Wilson W., 1545.
- Wilson-Pilcher cars, 211.
- Wilton-Cox band, 52.
- Windsor, Lord, 798.
- Windage table, 1305.
- Wingate, Sir F., 1190.
- Wingfield, 726.
- Wing flight, 639, 648, 697.
- Winter Sports Club, 1421.
- Winton, A., 1530, 1602.
- Winton cars, 182, 208.
- Winton system (vert, engine), 1461, 1498, 1530, 1566.
- Winton Co., 1335,1483.
- Wivelsfield Council, 534.
- Wolseley and Siddeley cars, 89, 148, 150, 162, 691, 1157, 1250, 1420, 1491.
- Wolseley system (8 h.p.), 165, 217, 252, 421.
- Wolseley ’buses, 88,1156,1604.
- Wolseley 'buses system, 354, 384, 419, 449, 480, 505.
- Wolseley vans, 277, 871, 1440.
- Wolseley railway coaches, 538.
- Wolseley boats, 346.
- Wolseley Co., 145. 235, 458, 1633.
- Wolseley Co.’s new works, 85.
- Wolseley Co.'s sports, 781.
- Wolseley heavy-oil vehicles, 505.
- Wolverhampton A.C., 328, 659.
- Wood, G. H., 112.
- Woollen, T. H., 1394.
- Workshop, 1079.
- Worthing ’buses, 748, 891.
- World's Work, 100.
- Wright aeroplane, 1542, i6ir, 1621.
- Wyatt, H. M., 509.
- Wye river, 67, 145.
- YACHTING Club de France, 1623.
- Yarmouth gymkhana, 1066.
- “Yarrow-Napier” (see Napier).
- Yeovil ’bus service, 724.
- York A.C., 1247.
- Yorkshire A.C., 87, 146, 514, 549, 575, 1218, 1283, 1339. 1441.
- Yorkshire Fells hill-climb, 1272.
- Yorkshire lurry, 363.
- ZEPPELIN air ship, 839, 1354, 1542.
- Zuylen, Baron de, 744.
See Also
Sources of Information