The Engineer 1948 Jan-Jun: Index

The Engineer 1948 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 185 Index
- ABERDARE Cables, Ltd., Light Engineering Industry in South Wales, 185 Cable Works, 276
- Abington Hall, British Welding Research Association, 589
- Abitibi Power and Paper Co., Liquefied Sulphur Dioxide, 459
- Acieries de Longwy, New Blast-Furnace, 437
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Deep Drilling Machine, 122
- Addison, K., Experimental Sleeping Cars, 261
- Aickin, Roger C., Trade with New Zealand 572
- Allan, W. A. M., The Engineers' Guild, 379, 619
- Allis-Chalmers Industrial Tractors, Large Industrial Tractor, 552
- Allt-Na-Lairige Scheme, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 577
- Aluminium Company of Canada, Large Aluminium Plant, 143
- Aluminium Laboratories, Ltd., Research Laboratory, (579)
- Amalgamated Dental Co., Ltd., Light Engineering Industry in South Wales, 185
- Anderson. R. S., Obituary, (461)
- Andrews, H. I., Mobile Locomotive Testing Plant of the L.M.S Railway, 409, 434, 457
- Anglo-Celtic Watch Co., Ltd., Light Engineering Industry in South Wales, 185
- Angus, George, and Co., Ltd., Oil Seal, Suppt., 30.4.48, xi
- Appleton, Sir Edward, The Scientist in Industry, 311
- Armstrong Brothers Construction, Barrington Passage Causeway, 195
- Armstrong, C. J., Behaviour of High-Voltage Solid-Type Cable Accessories in Service, 279
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors. Ltd.. " Mamba " Gas Turbine Propeller Engine, 301
- Armstrong Whitworth, AW.52 " Jet-Propelled Tail-less Aircraft, 21
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., New Blast-Furnace at Tollcross, 285
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Proposed Merger, 199; Commercial Vehicle Firms' Merger, 439; Road Tractor for Overseas, 502
- Associated Locomotive Equipment, Ltd.,1 Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotives for the Irish Railways, 479
- Atchley, C. Atherton, Oil-Burning Locomotives, 235
- Atherton, W. H., The Trend of Wages, 500
- Austin, S. P., and Son, Ltd., 2000 S.H.P. Marine Reverse Reduction Gear, 550
- Automatic Gas Control Co., Automatic Gas Pressure Control Apparatus, 360
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Batching Plant for Glass Manufacture, 381
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., Ignition Jet System for Boilers, 452
- Bacon, W. H., Mould-Weight/Ingot Weight Ratio, 525
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., Locomotives of 1947, 65
- Baker, R. C., Open-Hearth Melting Furnaces, 493
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, Locomotives of 1947, 51; Remarkable Freight Locomotives, 512
- Barclay, Andrew, Sons and Co., Ltd., Locomotives of 1947, 65
- Bastian and Allen, Ltd., Electrode Boilers in a Factory, 454
- Baty, J. E., and Co., Ltd., Machine Tool Indicator, 133
- Beames, Major H. P. M., Obituary, 259
- Bell, H. G., Gas Turbines for Public Electricity Supply, 567
- Bennis, Alfred William, Obituary, 499
- Bentham, Cecil, Retirement, 463
- Bergen Steamship Co., Reconstructed M.S. " Venus," 640
- Berresford, H. H., Obituary, (125)
- Betteridge, W., Segregations and Inclusions in Steel, 524
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Locomotives of 1947, 51
- Birlec, Ltd., Elevator Furnace for Gaseous Annealing of Whiteheart Castings, Suppt., 30.4.48, x
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co., Ltd., Pressure Die Casting, (317)
- Birmingham Tool and Gauge Co., Ltd., Jewel Setting Press, 132
- Blaw-Knox, Ltd., " Shervick " Industrial Tractor, 400, 430
- Blending Machine Co., Ltd., Wet Sifting Machine, Suppt., 30.4.48, xii
- Bolton, W. Charles, Retirement, (389)
- Bonawe Quarry, Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 515
- Bone, Victor W., Chairman of Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 199
- Bradley and Turton, Ltd., 100-Ton Press, Suppt., 30.4.48, vii
- Brett, H. R., Retirement, (173)
- Brewer, Griffith, Obituary, 259
- Bridson, S. H., Ltd., A Drill Jig, 456
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., Foundry Welfare in Sheffield, 544
- Brimsdown "A" Power Station. Economiser Explosion, 231
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Scientific Advisory Committee, (605)
- British Columbia Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., Modernisation of Paper Plants, 507
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., Jubilee, 503
- British Electricity Authority, Appointments, 151, 271, (389); British Electricity, 206; Central Electricity Board, 310; Interim Bulk Supply Tariffs, 327; Nationalised Electricity Supply Industry, 384; Dinner, (461); Electricity Charges, 475; Grid Failures, 511
- British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., New Ships, 151
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Flash Welder, Suppt., 30.4.48, v
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, 35; " Tudor " Aircraft Inquiry, 100; Flying-Boat Terminal, 407
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd.. " Argonarc ", Welding Outfit, Suppt., 30.4.48, viii
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd, Commutator Motors in 1947, 88; Prime Movers in 1947, 95; " Ignition " Welding Control Equipment, 442; New Factory for Glass Bulbs, 532
- British Transport Commission, London. Passenger Transport Board, 334; Railway Receipts, (509); Inland Waterways New Divisions, 511
- British United Traction, Ltd., London Transport Trolleybuses, 252
- Brook, C. F., Export. of Machine Tools, 595
- Brook, K., Petrol-Injection Equipment Development, 135
- Brook Motors, Ltd., F.H.P. Motor in Resilient Mounting, 467
- Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd.. Guillotine Shearing Machine and Tube-Bending Machine, -uppt., 30.4.48, xii
- Brooks and Walker, Ltd., A Drill Jig, 456
- Brown, Boveri and Co., Ltd., Prime Movers in 1947, 44
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd. Self-Aligning Disc Machine, Suppt., 30.4.48, i; Marine Oil-Operated Reverse Reduction Gear, 442
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., Tractors for Wagon Shunting, 170; An Industrial Tractor, 504
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Prime Movers in 1947, 44
- [[Brush Electrical Engineering Co|Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.. Switchgear in 1947, 62; Motors for Service in Collieries. 87; Power Distribution Centre, 466; Diesel Engines for Russia, (539)
- Bullow, A., and Sons, Ltd., Pneumatic Drill Jig, 146; Three-Cylinder Air Compressor, Suppt., 30.4.48, v
- Butterley Co., Ltd., Corby Railway Bridge Widening, (79)
- Button, F. S., Obituary, (197)
- Campbell, W. G., Obituary, (269)
- Canadian Breweries, Ltd., Brewing and By-Product Research, 363
- Canadian Ice Machine Co., New Low-Temperature Laboratories, 553
- Canadian Industries, Ltd., Liquefied Sulphur Dioxide, 459
- Canadian Locomotive Co., Engines for India, 47
- Canadian Pacific Railway Co., The Crows-nest Line, 176, 200, 224; Annual Report, (485); All-Welded Box Car, 507; Large Rolling Stock Order, 553
- Cardiff, R. D., Ltd., Electric Hoist, 529
- Carpentier, L., Reconstruction of French Railway Bridges, 554
- Carr, T. H., The Gas Turbine, 1910, 427
- Carty, C., The Engineers' German Circle, 25
- Cater, C., Training and Work of the Swiss Engineer, 261
- Catmur, T. S., British Machine Tool Future, 500
- Caussin, Robert, Belgium's Contribution to Production per Man Hour, 579
- Centrax Power Units, Ltd., 160 B.H.P. Gas Turbine Engine, 490
- Channel Conduits, Ltd., Channel Conduit Wiring, 504
- Chatwin, Thomas, and Co., " Polygon " Tool Box, Suppt., 30.4.48, vi
- Chengtu-Chungking Railway, Reconstruction, (581)
- Chevalier, M. Jean, Gabriel Jars's Visit to Britain in 1764, 529
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Production Crankpin Grinder, 219
- Clarke, Stephen T. S., Survival of the Paddle-Boat, 94
- Clarkson (Engineers), Ltd., Self-Locking Chuck, 13:3
- Cleveland Meters, Ltd., Smoke Eliminator for Natural-Draught Boilers, 600
- Coiregrogain Quarry, Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 514
- Cole, E. K., Ltd., Inductive and Series Capacitor Ballasts, 490
- Colvilles, Ltd., A Now Blast-Furnace at Tollcross, 285
- Commer Cars, Ltd., 5 to 7-Ton Lorry with Under-Floor Engine, 120
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, Ltd., The French Line, 199
- Connell, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Earth Leakage Control Panel, 454
- Conybeare, A. M., Engineers' Salaries, 25
- Cooke and Ferguson, Ltd.. Outdoor Circuit Breakers, 266
- Cooper, A. R., Load Dispatching and the British Grid System, 327
- Cope, G. and F., and Co., Restoration of Coningsby Church Clock, 471
- Cossor Radar, Ltd., Radar Control at Douglas Harbour, I.O.M., 240
- Courtaulds, Ltd., Rayon Factory in N. Ireland, (125); Ignition Jet System for Boilers, 452
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., Optical Circular Table, 134; A Twist Drill Gauge, 218
- Crampton, A. W., The Engineers' Guild, 331; Professional Registration, 355; British Institute of Management, 548
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Two Large British Machine Tools, 255; Boring and Turning Mill, Suppt., 30.4.48, i
- Crawford and Co. (Tottenham), Ltd., Golden Jubilee, (79)
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, The Steel Situation, 74
- Critchfield, Chas. E. M., Fine Limits, 187
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Battery-Driven Dump Truck, 167: Shielded M.C. Magnet System, 405; Fluorescent Lighting Fittings, 491
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., Proposed Merger, 199, 439
- Crowe, T. A., The Gas Turbine as supplied to Marine Propulsion, 107, 131, 154 Some Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering on Shipboard, 591
- Cruickshank, R., Ltd., Automatic Chromium-Plating Barrel, 627
- DANIEL, R. J., The Royal Navy and Nuclear Power, 337, 362
- David, W. T., Obituary, 523
- Davies, M. E., The British Iron and Steel Research Association, 595
- De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd. Aircraft Plant for Export Production, (293); Building the Propeller Test Beds, Hatfield, 325; International Altitude Record, 337
- De Havilland Propellers, Ltd., Strain Gauge Pressure Pick-Up, 351
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd. Diesel-Electric Paddle Car Ferry " Farringford," 250
- Dight, Sydney Rupert, Obituary, 41
- Distington Engineering Co., Ltd., Large Engineering Works at Workington, 448
- Dominion Foundries and Steel, Ltd., Coke-Oven Plant, 459
- Dorey, S. F., Large-Scale Torsional Fatigue Testing of Marine Shafting, 183
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Vila. Franca Bridge, Portugal, 599
- Dormer, Harry Alexander, Obituary, 403
- Dufresne Engineering Co., Ltd., New Three Rivers Bridge, 363
- Dugas, R., Reconstruction of French Railway Bridges, 554
- Duncan, Norman. Indian Transport, 117
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Radiographic Tyre Testing, 614; New Car Tyre, (629)
- Du-Plat-Taylor, M. Machines for the Blind, 469
- Durham Colliery Explosion Report, 295 Dyson, B. H., Achieving P.M.H. in Industry, 602
- EASTERN and North-Eastern Region (British Railways), Report on the Doncaster Collision, 29; Experimental Third Class Sleeping Cars, 137; Direct Filling of Locomotive Sand Boxes, 145; Proposed York—Northallerton Line Improvements, 175; Lighting at King's Cross Goods Yard, 431; Report on Goswick Derailment, 535
- Eatough, C., Modern Cutting Tools and Machine Tool Design, 53, 75
- Eldred, Robert J., Institutions and their Members, 500
- Electro-Methods, Ltd., Electronic Equipment in Industry, 86; Electronic Process Timer, 387; Magnetic Amplifier. 405
- Electronic Instruments, Ltd., " Micovac " Electronic Test Meter, 351
- Elsinore Shipbuilding Co., Reconstructed M.S. " Venus," 540
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Prime Movers in 1947, 44; Switchgear in 1947, 61; Survival of the Paddle-Boat, 117; London Transport Trolloybuses, 252; Ignition-Tester and Single-Phase F. H.P. Motors, Suppt., 30.4.48, vi; Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 515; 30 Million-Volt Synchrotron, 583
- Ether, Ltd., " Widestrip " Electronic Potentiometer Recorder and " Indicorder " Continuous-Chart Recording Pyrometer, Suppt., 30.4.48, vii
- Ets Scheider et Cie, Manufacture of Tungsten Carbide, 629
- Eve, A. S., Obituary, 319
- Everett Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., Vampire A.C. Test Set and Synclock Motor, Type D, 404
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Electronic Repeater for Gas Flow, 349
- FAIREY Aviation Co., Ltd., Four-Bladed Propeller Trials on a Light Aircraft, (149)
- Farnborough Collision Report, Southern Railway, 583
- Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., Tractors for France, 173
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., High and Low- Tension Switchgear, 492
- Ferranti, Ltd., Pocket Light Tester, 265; Seed Conditioner, 468; Maximum Demand Alarm, 504
- Ferro Enamels (Canada), Ltd., Modern Frit Plant, 507
- Field, A. W., The Engineers' Guild, 572
- Firth of Forth Tidal Model, 478
- Fives Lille Co., Material for Sugar Cane Industry, 461
- Flexibox, Ltd., Mechanical Seal for Oil Pumps, 265
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd, Radiator Core Assembling Machine, 157
- Foster Instrument Co., Ltd., Temperature Hunting Cycle Suppressor, 373
- Foster, W. W., Turn-Round of Trucks, 117
- Fouracre, E. J., Obituary, (293)
- Fowler, John (Leeds), Ltd., Shunting Locomotives for London Midland Region, (173)
- Fox, John, Cornish Engines Preservation Society, 43
- Friedberg, Z., Locating Partial Breaks in Multi-Core Jumper Cables, 164
- Furzehill Laboratories, Ltd., Stabilised D.C. Power Pack, 374
- Gaby, Frederick Arthur, Obituary, 195
- Gainsborough, Humphrey, Bicentenary, 1718-1776, 439
- Gardner, J. and A., and Co., Ltd., Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 515
- Garry Chomp, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 496
- Gurtside, V., Obituary. (103)
- General Electric Co., Ltd.. Research Laboratories, 374; Coal Face Lighting Panel, 384; Fluorescent, Lamp Manufacture, 396; Infra-red Plastic Pre-heating Oven, 416 Developments in Cold Welding, 4:32; Estimation of Moisture in Timber, 497; New Factory for Glass Bulbs, 532; Cold Welding, 541; Servo Electronic Control of a Large Planing Machine, 542; Aerodrome and Airborne Equipment, (557); 30-MillionVolt Synchrotron, 583
- General Post Office, Submarine Cables, (197); The Monarch Director Automatic Exchange, 288
- Geoffreys, W., Stool Turnings, 332
- Gilkes, Gilbert, and Gordon, Ltd., Hydro-Electric Plant for Lhasa, Tibet, 408
- Gillanders, A. T., Obituary, (581)
- Girdlestone Pumps, Ltd., Motor Pump, Suppe., 30.4.48, ix
- Glascarnoch Scheme, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 230
- Glass Bulbs, Ltd., Now Factory, 532
- Glen, J., Creep in Carbon Steels and Molybdenum Steels, 494
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., " Choosing Valves," (523); Works Modernisation Scheme, 574
- Goodman Manufacturing Co., Large Engineering Works at Workington, 448
- Goodwin, Hamilton and Adamson, Ltd., Cunard White Star Liner "Parthia," 385
- Goswick Derailment Report, 535
- Grampian Electricity Supply Co., Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 516
- Grant, Gordon, Obituary. 195
- Grooved Firebars Co.. Ltd., Smoke Eliminator for Natural Draught Boilers, 600
- Grunspan, Alfred S., Obituary, 271
- Gudgeon, F. G., Obituary, (413)
- Guest, Keen and Nettlelolds, Ltd., increasing Authorised Capital, 532
- Gwynnes, Ltd., Greenwich Generating Station, (55)
- HACKBRIDGE and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd. Handling Large Transformer for Shipment, (221)
- Hadfields, Ltd., Shorter Working Week, 460
- Haersolte, Baron van, Retirement, 1
- Hallicrafters Incorporated, Agreement with Mullard Electronic Products, Ltd., (629)
- Hamilton, John Henry, His Work, 498
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Pipe-Cutting Machine, Suppt., 30.4.48, ii
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Record Output, 67; Royal Mail Liner " Andes," 81; Cunard White Star Liner " Parthia," 385; " Reina del Pacifico " Explosion, 598; Launch of H.M.S. " Bulwark," 607
- Hartley, H. A., Obituary, 619
- Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., Fabricated Heavy Plate Bending Machine, 214
- Haut, F. J. O., Future of Locomotives, 211
- Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co., Ltd., " Alamein," (485), (557)
- Herbert. Alfred, Ltd., Base Circle Involute Measuring Machine, Suppt., 30.4.48, x: Exhibition of Machine Tools, (581)
- Herne Hill Collision, Southern Region.319
- Heston Aircraft Co., Ltd., A2/45 Artillery Observation Post Aircraft, 48
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd., Scientific Instrument Firms Merger, 24.1
- Hindmarsh, Ralph Frederick, Obituary, 309
- Hoare, A., People at Work, 70
- Hollinger North Shore Exploration, Ungava Development, 243
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., Rising Table Press, 440
- Horn, Bertram, Obituary, 163
- Horton Steel Works, Ltd., Welded Elevated Tank, 553
- Howard. R., Criteria for Surface Failure, 203
- Hudswell, Clarke and Co., Ltd., Diesel Mines Locomotive, 234; 100 B.H.P. Diesel Mine Locomotives, 237
- Hughes, C. E., Razor Blade Life, 164
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd Locomotives of 1947, 66; Diesel Mine Locomotives, 234; Flameproof Diesel Locomotives, (293); 100 Diesel Mines Locomotive, 445
- IGRANIC Electric Co., Ltd., A.C. Crane-Control Equipment, 287; Earth Leakage Control Panel, 454
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., The Power Cartridge and its Applications, 286, 356; Packaging Naval Aircraft, 429; Price Reductions, 460; and Trade Unions, 508
- Imperial Oil Co., Ltd , Proposed Pipe Line, 150
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Automatic Gas Machine, Suppl., 30.4.48, iii
- Industrial Exports, Ltd., Import Restrictions, 533
- International Engineering Concessionnaires, Ltd., Drill Guard, 360; Adjustable Spanner, (603)
- International Nickel Co. of Canada. Ltd., Report for 1947, 364; Liquefied Sulphur Dioxide, 459
- Isometric Projections, Ltd., Draughting Machine for Isometric Projection, 518
- I. T. D. Ltd., Rotary Tiller, Suppt.. 30.4.48, iv
- Ivatt, H. G., Two-Stroke Diesels on the L.M.S., 117
- JARS, Gabriel, Visit to Britain in 1764, 529
- Jenkinson, J. R., The Corrosion of Heating Surfaces in Boiler Plants: Further Studies in Deposit Formation, 215
- Johnson, N., Nationalisation of Railways, 9, 36
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd. Aluminium-Sheathed Power Cables, 398, 422
- Johnson, W. E. P., School of Gas Turbine Technology, 356
- Jones, David, and Former Highland Railway, 1
- KAYE, E. and E., Ltd., Silver Jubilee, (113)
- Kearley, N. E., Standardisation of Nationalised Railway Stock. 94
- Keir and Cawder, Ltd Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 516
- Kennett, W. C., Coal and Electricity, 69
- Kent, George, Ltd., Light Engineering Industry in South Wales, 185
- Kerlie, W. L., Comparison of Moulds, 525
- Kilcoin and Partners, Ltd., Sealing Compound for Leaking Steam Flanges, 502
- King, H. C., Management, 523
- Kinnaird, D. W., Razor Blade Life. 164
- Kirkby, J. M.. Some Mechanical Features in Anti-Submarine Weapons, 159, 192
- Kirkpatrick, James, and Sons, Ltd., Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 516
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Fishplate Drilling Machine, 4:14
- Kitty Hawk,Wright Brothers]]' Aircraft, 175
- K.L.M. Dutch Airlines, Review of Activities During 1947, (79)
- Knudson, William S., Obituary, 439
- Koch, E. A. J., Obituary, 499
- Kodak, Ltd., Industrial Spotlight, 490
- LABRADOR Mining and Exploration Co., Ltd., Ungava Development, 243
- Lancashire Steel Corporation, Ltd., Steel Industry and the Government, 556
- Lowers Project, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 620
- Lawrie, J. P., Braking Tram Wheels, 43
- Leliavsky, S., Graphical Methods for Flow Net Diagrams, 464, 488
- Lemaire, C. F. B., Brussels North-South Rail Connections, 596
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Glazing for Vehicles, (149); Commercial Vehicle Horizontal Diesel Engine, 447
- Liege Bridge, Rebuilding. 62
- Lincoln Electric Co, Incentive System, (557)
- Liner Concrete Machinery Co., Ltd., Botching Plimt for Glass Manufacture, 381
- |Lingard, H. A., Retirement, 391
- Littlebrook " B " Power Station, Hydrogen-Cooled Alternator, 565
- Liverpool Gas Co., Measurement of Hydrogen Sulphide in Town Gas, 264; Gas Retort Bench Top Ironwork Reconstruction, 473
- Livesay, Edward H., The Crowsnest Line, C.P.R., 170, 200, 224, 524; Oil-Fired Steam Locomotives, 260; Transatlantic Train Service Comparison, 584, 608
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Shipbuilding Rotuma, 81, 415; Spanish Committee, 197; Annual Summary for 1947, 207; Resignation of Ernest L. Jacobs, (221); Staff Appointment, 332; Appendix to Lloyd's Register Book, 1947-48, 343
- Loch Sloy Extension, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 577
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd., Planned Assembly of Hydraulic Brake Components, 141
- London Airport, Hangar Programme, (533)
- London Bridge Collision, Southern Region, (125)
- London Ferro-Concrete Co., Ltd., Pro-Cast Concrete Roof Extension, 578
- London Midland Region (British Railways), Corby Railway Bridge Widening, (79); Assets in Northern Ireland, (103); Portable Water-Level Recorder, 121; Polesworth Derailment., 127; Diesel-Electric Main Line Locomotive Trials, 137; Modernisation of Toton Marshalling Yard, 167; Shunting Locomotives, (173); Report on Derailment Near Bletchley, 175: Locomotive Development at Crewe, 190; Diesel-Electric Locomotive, (245); Railway Precast Concrete Depot, 277; Mobile Locomotive Testing Plant, 394, 402, 409, 434, 457: Appointments, (509); Marsh Lane Station. Liverpool, 600; Ballast Cleaning Machine, 601
- London Transport, Plans for Improvements, 70; Metropolitan Line Rearrangement, (221); De-Icing Equipment, (245); London Passenger Transport Board, 334: Developments, 429; Signalling Alterations at Harrow-on-the-Hill, (509); Central Line Extension to Hainault, (533); Two New Bridges, (581)
- Low, R. J., Institutions and their Members, 548
- Lowe, R., Some Problems Encountered in the Lubrication of Steam Turbines, 482, 506
- Lucas, Oliver, Obituary, 331
- Luffingham, L. J., Historical Electrical Documents, 235
- Luichart Scheme, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 230
- Lumiere, Louis, obituary, 559
- Lushington Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Boring Read, 111
- Luton, J. T., and Sons, Ltd., Pre-Cast, Concrete Roof Extension, 578
- MACKAY Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd., American Excavator, 217; Large Industrial Tractor, 552
- Macrome, Ltd., Adjustable Tool Post, 627
- Madan, Charles S., Ltd., High-Pressure Liquid Pump, 336
- Maisons-Alfort Central Hydraulic Laboratory, Official Opening, 629
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., Cathode-Ray Infra-Rod Spectrometer, 375; Sell'- Contained P.H. Meter and Electronic Counter, 416
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co.. Ltd., Frequency Modulated Crystal Oscillator, 349; Radio Aids for jersey Airport, (461); D.F. Equipment for Spanish Airports, (468)
- Marles, D., Carbides in Iron-Carbon-Silicon Alloys and Cast Irons, 494
- Marsh Lane Station. Liverpool, 600
- Marshall, Percival, Obituary, 403
- Marshall Richards Machine Co., Ltd.. 36in Horizontal Bull Block, 491
- Maskelyne, J. M., Locomotives and Museums, 4:3
- Mastabar Belt Fastener Co., Ltd., Conveyor Belt Lacing Machine, 240
- Mastercut Machine Tools, Ltd., Bush Oil-Groove Cutting Machine. 480
- Matisa Equipment Co., Ballast Cleaning Machine, 601
- Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., Commercial Vehicle Firm's Merger, 439
- McClintock, Jean W., Pneumatic Tyres. 451
- McConnol, F. W., Ltd., Mobile Circular Saw, 417
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., Diesel Engines Russia, (539)
- McMurtrie, Francis, Naval Construction in 1947, 17. 37, 63, 83
- Melville, W., Survival of the Paddle-Boat 94
- Mercer, S., Trevithick and the Merthyr Tramroad, 326
- Merz and McLellan, Littlebrook "B" Power Station, 81
- Metalastik, Ltd., Rubber-Bushed Shack, Pin for Heavy Vehicles, 240
- Metropolitan Cammell Weymann Motor Bodies, Ltd., London Transport, Trolley-buses, 252
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd., Prime Movers in 1947, 95; Naval Development of the Gas Turbine, 144; London Transport Trolloybuses, 252; 100-kV Electron Microscope, 421; Turbine Supervisory Equipment. 466; Hydrogen-Cooled Alternator for Little- brook " B " Power Station, 565; Electrical Resistance Bar Heating Machines, 576; Gas-Turbine-Propelled M.G.B. " 2009," 621
- Metropolitan Water Board, Civil Engineering in 1947, 58; Works in Progress and Constructed During 1947, 101; Wilmington Pumping Station, (149); Water Supply of London, 456
- Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., Steel Cord Cased Pneumatic Tyres, 238
- Miles Aircraft, Ltd., M.68 Freight Aircraft, 22
- Mills, John, and Co. (Llanidloes), Ltd. Light Engineering industry in South Wales, 185; 100-Ton Horizontal Hydraulic Press, 441
- Mirrlees Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Diesel Engines for Russia, (5:39)
- Modern Wheel Drive, Ltd., 2000 B.H.P. Marine Reverse Reduction Gear, 550
- Mont Blanc Tunnel, 147
- Moore and Wright (Sheffield), Ltd. Braille Bevel Protractor, 132
- Moriston Scheme, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 496
- Morrison, Sir William Murray, Obituary, 547
- Morrogh, H., Nodular Graphite Structures in Cast Iron, 494
- Motor Rail, Ltd., 3 Cubic Yard Diesel Dumper, Suppt., 30.4.48, xi
- Motspur Park Junction Collision, S.R., Report, 439
- Muir, D.C., Open-Hearth Furnaces, 493
- Muir, W. L. G., Opencast Mining in the Rhine Brown Coalfield, 344, 368, 392
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., Multiplication and Division Using Two " Ipots," 373
- Muller, W., Measuring Gallery Expansion and Elasticity of Rock, 267
- Mallard Electronic Products, Ltd., Agreement with Hallierafters Incorporated. (629)
- Mullard Wireless Service Co., Ltd., Sub-Miniature Valves for Hearing Aids, 145
- Muller and Co. (England). Ltd., Valvespout Oilers, (317)
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Safety Device for A.C. Welding Equipment, 143; Perspex Covers for Welders' Coloured Filter Glass, (293)
- NALDER Brothers and Thompson. Ltd., Vectormeter, 374
- National Coal Board, Coal in 1947, 19; Diesel Mine Locomotives, 2:34; Appointment, 391; 100 B.H.P. Diesel Mines Locomotive, 445; Resignation of Sir Charles Reid, 487
- National Gas Turbine Establishment, Prime Movers in 1947, 72
- National Physical Laboratory, point-mont, 319; Tidal Model of the Firth of Forth, 478; Fifth Conference of 'rank Superintendents, 511; Open Day at Teddington, (533); Exhibition, 625
- New York Water Supply, 402
- Newby, M. P. Open-Hearth Gas Ports, 493
- Nicolls, W. E. W., Petrol Injection Equipment Development. 136
- Nimmo, J. V., Obituary, 355
- Nixon. J. H. H., Two-Stroke Diesels, 187
- Njelele Dam, 627
- Nock, O. S., Present-Day Locomotive Wol.king in Great Britain, 128, 152
- Nokes, G. A., Obituary, 199
- Norris, E. A., The Lightning Strength of Power Transformers, 168
- North American Cyanamid, Ltd., New Sulphuric Acid Unit, 195
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Locomotives of 1947, 51; Diesel Mine Locomotives, 234
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Progress During 1947, 69; Training College, 109; Glascarnock-Luichart-Torr Achilty Scheme, 230; Appointment, (365); Garry and Moriston Schemes, 496; Loch Sloy Extension and Allt-na-Lairige Scheme, 577; Lamers Project, 020; Annual Report . 626
- Noyes, C. R. Finch, Obituary, (413)
- OCEAN Salvage and Towage Co., Ltd., Salvage of Dredger at Port Talbot, 610
- Opie, R., Train Service Comparisons: High-Speed Steam Locomotives, 620
- Optical Measuring Tools. Ltd., Profile Projector and Rotating Table with Projection Screen, 110
- Osborn, Samuel, and Co., Ltd.. An Apprenticeship Scheme, 601
- Ottaway, H. C., Organisation of Large-Scale Vehicle Overhaul and Repair, 241
- Oxonford, G., and Co., Improved Clock-work Driving Mechanism, (485)
- PACIFIC Mills Co., Paper Mill Expansion. 52
- Pametrada Research Station, Prime Movers in 1947, 72
- Parr, G., Electronic Equipment in Industry, 85
- Parsonage, S. H., High-Temperature Resistors, 5-5
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Prime Movers in 1947, 44
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Cunard White Star Liner "Parthia," 385
- Patterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Water-Testing Instruments for Chemical Treatment, 480
- Pearce, S. F., Radio Interference in Ships. 261
- Pennsylvania Railroad, Remarkable Freight Locomotives, 512, 536, 562
- Perkins, F., Ltd., An I.C. Engine Research Exhibition, 119
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., A General-Purpose Spot Welder, 359: Radio-Fregliency Heating Equipment, 552
- Pierson, Reginald Kirshaw, Obituary, 69
- Pilkington Brothers, Ltd.. Hatching Plant for Glass Manufacture. 381
- Pipri (Rihand) Dam, India, 495
- Plessey Co., Ltd. Centrifugal Switches for Starting Single-Phase Motors, 217; A Microwave Multi-Channel Radio Link, 358; Experimental Electron Microscope. 517; Pre-Cast Concrete Roof Extension, 578
- Polesworth Derailment, 1..M. Region, 127
- Pollard, Frederick, and Co., Ltd., A Multiple- Unit Drilling and Tapping Machine, 217
- Poultney, E. C., The Crowsnest Line, C.P.R., 401, 548; Remarkable Freight Locomotives, Pennsylvania Railroad. 512, 536, 562;
- Powell River Co., Ltd., Improved Canadian Log Barker. 544
- Power Jets (Research and Development), Ltd., Power Jets and the Gas Turbine, 4 15
- Precision Grinding, Ltd., Cutter Microscope, I 1 1
- Prior Stokers, Ltd.. Bunker Flow Under-feed Stoker and Duplex Burner, 441
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Laboratory Vacuum Pump. 265
- Pye, Ltd., Radio Aida for Jersey Airport, (460
- QUASI-ARC Co., Ltd., Motor-Generator Welding Set and Diesel-Driven Welding Set, Suppt.,:30.4.48, ix
- RADIO HEATERS Ltd.. Eddy Current Soldering and Brazing Equipment, 443
- Rankin. J., Obituary, (79)
- Reavell, Sir William, Obituary, 428
- Redman Tools and Products, Ltd., "Unipierce " and " Unicrop," 134
- Redmayne, Sir Richard, A.S.. Coal in 1947, 19, 39; Coal Mining in the U.S.A., 538; Ruhr Coalfield Statistics, 587
- Reed, Sir Stanley, The British Engineer in India, 82, 106
- "Reina Del Pacifico," Explosion, 598
- Reynold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., A Chain Angular Displacement Adjuster, 241
- Rev Motors, Ltd.. " Electrotors," (245)
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd.. 66-kV Circuit Breaker, 440
- Richards, G. Tilghman, The Statute of Labourers, 164
- Richardson Timmins and Co., Mineral Development in N. Ireland, 559
- Rogers, W.. Instructional Handbooks, 475
- Rollason, E. C., Inclusions in Mild-Steel Weld Metal. 524
- Ross, T. W., Centralised Ripple Control on High-Voltage Networks, 158
- Rotterdam Botlek Plan, 553
- Rowson, R. B., Magnetic Amplifier. 164
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Now ("-air-aii, 199; Diesel Mine Locomotives, 234; 100 B.1-1. P. Diesel Mine Locomotives, 236
- Rylands, J. R., Corrosion of floating Surfaces in 'toiler Plants, 215
- ST. GEORGE'S Engineers. Ltd.. Battery Driven Dump Truck, 167
- St. John Dry Dock Co., Harbour Works at New Brunswick, 449
- St. Lawrence Project. Effects of Earthquakes, 459
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd. Aerodrome and Airborne Equipment, (557)
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd.. The " SR 45 " Boat Under Construction, 97
- Saunders Valve Co., Ltd., Power-Operated Diaphragm Valve, Suppt., vii
- Scrivener, Arthur, Ltd., Dovetail Slideway Grinding,:359
- Senne Canal, Draining of Flood Water, 553
- Sharpe, R. S., 'Segregations and Inehisions in Steel, 524
- Sharpley, George Ruston, Obituary, 93
- Shawinigan Water and Power Co., Canadian Power Project, 229
- Shell Relining and Marketing Co,. Ltd,. Thornton Research Centre, 527
- Shierglass Limestone Quarry, Electricity in Scottish Quarries, 516
- Sidgreaves, Sir Arthur, Obituary, 571
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., Mine Casua lt Stretcli-r, 455
- Sigma Instrument Co., Ltd., " .1 unior Comparator, 110
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Botching Plant for Glass Manufacture, 381
- Simons, Wm., and Co., Ltd., Submarine Salvage Ship H.M.g. " Reclaim," 271
- Simpson, C. R. H., The Future of Steam Locomotives, 11:4
- Sketty Hall Steel Research Laboratories in South Wales, 179
- Sloan, A. D., Retirement, 223
- Smith, D. M., Gas Turbines for Public Electricity Supply, 567
- Smith, R. M. A., Centralised Ripple Control on High-Volt age Networks, 168
- Smith, Sidney, Obituary, 548
- Smith, Sydney, Obituary, (341)
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd. Some Applications of Laminated Plastics, -179
- South Croydon Collision, Southern Region. 105
- South Metropolitan Gas Co., 2000 8.1-1 . P. Marine Reverse Reduction Gear, 550
- Southern Instruments, Ltd., An 1.C. Engine Research Exhibition, 111)
- Southern Region (British Railways), Report on the South Croydon Collision, I 05: London Bridge Collision, (125) Moil/1'- 814s* (293); A Railway Track-Laying Machine, 300; Herne Hill Collision Report, 319; Report on the Motspur Park Junction Collision, 439; Report on Collision at Farnborough, 583
- Standard Iron Works. Ltd., Ironworks Expansion. 243
- Standard Oil Co. of British Columbia, Ltd., Canadian Asphalt Plant, 423
- Stansfield, G., Thu 1937 Factories Act, 69
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., 12i –Ton Mobile Crane, 467
- Stephenson, George, Cottage at Wylam, 372
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Price Reductions,460
- Stone, G. Razor Wail., Life, 187
- Submarine Cables, Ltd.. Anglo-Dutch Submarine Telephone Coble, 118
- Sulzer Brothers, Ltd., Rail Traction Agreement, 57; Prime Movers in 1947, 71'
- Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd, Pallet Shredding Machine. (557)
- Sunvic Controls, Ltd., High-Voltage Aerial Change-Over Relay, 35-
- Sutthery. C. P., Obituary, (605)
- Sutton, C. T. W., Behaviour of High-Voltage Solid-Typo Cable Accessories in Service, 279
- Taite, Charles Davis, Obituary. 163
- Tangyes, Ltd., British Machine Tools for Argentine State Railways, (317)
- Taylor, C. P., Obituary, 355
- Taylor Electrical Instruments, " Windsor " Electronic Test Meter, 350
- Taylor, F., and Sons (Manchester), Ltd., Mobile Crane, 4.10
- Taylor, H. G. P., Production per Man- Hour, 619
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., Aluminium Sheathed Power Cables, 398,422
- Thompson, John, Ltd., British Welding Research Association, 589
- Thornton Research Centre, 527
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd H.M. Destroyer "Crossbow." (293); Passenger and Cargo Steamer " Commandant Quere," 607
- Timbrell and Wright Ltd., High-Production Capstan Lathes, 358
- Tinsley. H., and Co., A,C, Stabiliser, 405 odd, F. H., Appointment, 151
- Toledo Woodhead Springs. Ltd., Grooved Laminated Springs, Suppi., 30.4.48, ix
- Torr Achilty Scheme, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 230
- Toton Marshalling Yard, Modernisation, 167, (509)
- Townson and Mercer, Ltd., Estimation of Moisture in Timber, 497
- Tratman. E. E. R., Obituary, 140
- Trevithick and the Merthyr Tramroad, 326
- Trianco, Ltd., Fabricated Hot-Water Boiler, 146
- Tripp, G. W., The Survival of the Paddle. Boat, 140; Diesel. Electric Paddle Car Ferry, " Farringford," 250
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Bases for Mexico, (269)
- Tufnol, Ltd.. Applications of Laminated Nast ice, 479
- Tuplin, W. A., Criteria for Surface Failure, 235; British Standard Specification for Gearing, 549
- Turnbull, C., Circulation in Tank Boilers, 401; Formation of Boiler Scale, 500
- Turner Manufacturing CO, Ltd., Compact Generating Sot , 219
- UNITED Steel Companies Ltd.. Universities and the Steel Industry, (533); Laboratory Test. Sieve Vibrator, 575
- VAN Moppes, S. L., Ltd., Diamond Tools,
- Varatio-Strateline Gears, Ltd., Positive Variable-Speed Gearbox, 417
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., New Power Station, 122
- Veit, Julius, Obituary, (581)
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Elswick Works, 1847-1947, (27); Supermarine Naval " Attacker " Jet Fighter, 48; Rail Traction Agreement, 57; Refitting of t he Portuguese Destroyer Douro," 121 Two Large British Machine Tools, 255; Aircraft Plant for Export Production, (293); 20.000-Mile " Sales " Flight, (365); The " Shervick " Industrial Tractor. 400, 430
- Victory Mills, Ltd., Brewing and By - Product Research, 363
- Vila Franca Bridge, Portugal, 599
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., 3 H.P. Engine with Reduction Gear, Suppt., 30.4.48, xi
- Vine, David, The Preparation of Instructional and Servicing Handbooks, 274
- Vulcan Foundry Co., Ltd., Locomotives 1947, 64
- WALKER, J., Portable Water-Level Recorder, 121
- Walker, P., Ingot Surface Defects, 525
- Ward, Thos. W., Ltd., The Scrapping of "Rodney" 319
- Ware, W. F., Salvage of Dredger at Port Talbot, 610
- Waterloo Station, Centenary, 583
- Watson, F. L., British Machine Tool Future, 523
- Weir Precision Engineering, Ltd., Shoulder Gauge, 133
- Weldall and Assembly, Ltd., Grass-Drying Equipment, 467
- Weldcraft, Ltd., Acetylene Generator, Suppt,, 30.4.48, ii
- Wellerman Bros., Ltd., Strengthening a Leicestershire Viaduct, (173)
- Wellington Tube Works, Ltd.. Price Reductions, 460
- Werkspoor, N. V., Prime Movers in 1947, 45; New Werkspoor-Lugt Engine, 72, 98
- Western Region (British Railways), Port Talbot, 61; Permanent Way Work, (79)
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd London Transport Trolleybuses, 252: Tub Retarder, Automatic Decking Plant and Rail Skotch Blocks, Suppt., 30.4.48, viii; Vacuum Brake Exhauster, 449
- Whibley, R., Export of Machine Tools, 620
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., 113
- Whiteley, J. H., Micro-Examination of Eight Steels, 524
- Whittle, Air Commodore, Award, 535
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Cornelius Electronic Comparator, 133
- Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Gas Carburising Equipment, 551
- Willans, Kyrie W., I.Mech.E., Increase in Subscriptions, 595
- Williams, A. E., Mica: Its Preparation and Some Applications, 227
- Williams, Gertrude, Labour in 1947. 4, 32
- Williams, W. J., Nodular Graphite Structures in Cast Iron, 494
- Wilson, William, Obituary, (509)
- Windley Brothers. Ltd., Tilting Square Tester, 134
- Windsor, R. H., Ltd., Injection Moulding Machine, 406
- Winsford Railway Accident, 391
- Wolff, Martin, Obituary, 507
- Woodcock, W. J., Obituary, (79)
- Wragge, W. B., Lead-Bearing steels, 379
- Wright, Orville, Obituary, 139
- YARROW and Co., Ltd., Refitting of the Portuguese Destroyer "Douro," 121; Boilers at Clyde's Mill Power Station. 419
- Yarrow, Eric G., Boilers at Clyde's Mill Power Station, 419
- Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd., Locomotives of 1947, 51
See Also
Sources of Information