The Engineer 1950 Jul-Dec: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer
- View 1950 Jul-Dec Volumes
Main Subjects
- A.B.C. Coupler and Engineering Co., Ltd., Documentary Film (80)
- Acru Electric Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Fume Extractor (514)
- Adamson, Daniel, and Co., Ltd., Cylinder Bending Press, 75
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Heavy Duty Drill Testing Machine, 216
- A.E.C., Ltd., Appointment (136) ; ‘‘ Mammoth Major ” Mark III Six-wheeler, 349 ; Six-cylinder Indirect Injection Engines, 463
- Aero Research, Ltd. Adhesives (480)
- African Explosives and Chemical Industries, Ltd., Cyanide Production, 261
- Alar, Ltd., Heat Treatment of Aluminium Alloy Castings (181)
- Albright and Wilson, Ltd., Manufacture of Silicones in Great Britain (164)
- Allam, E. P., and Co., Ltd., Bar Cropping Machine, 428
- Allan, James F., Research on Design of Drifters, 31
- Alldays and Onions, Ltd., Tercentenary (383)
- Allen, John, and Sons (Oxford), Ltd., 12 h.p. Steam Ploughing Engine, 70
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Turbo-Alternator for a North Thames works, 433 ; Extensions at Greenwich Gasworks, 565
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Pumped Storage Hydro-Electric Power, 190; Coal-burning Gas Turbine-Electric Locomotive, 664
- Allmanna bolaget., Swedish Gotland,
- Allott, G. W., Obituary (210)
- Allsop, Thos., Ltd., 1,350 cubic feet capacity Van Body, 349
- Aluminium Company of America, Point Comfort Aluminium Reduction Works, 292
- Aluminium, Ltd., Alumina Plant in British West Indies (278)
- American Bridge Co., Steel Arch Hangars at Idlewild Airport, 289
- American Export Lines, S.S. ‘‘ Independence,” 48
- American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Cross-country Television Network System, 162
- Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, America, 157
- Andrew, J. H., Effect of Cold Work on Steel, 523
- Anglo-American Council on Productivity, Simplification in British Industry, 256; Productivity in Grey Iron- foundries, 281 ; Packaging, 341 ; The Ironfoundry Industry, 353 ; Report on Electricity Supply, 402 ; Valve Manufacturing Team for U.S.A Management Accounting, ductivity Measurement Industry, 483 ; Report Locomotives, 603, 611 ; Session, Suppt., 3/11/50,
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Petroleum Launching Lubricant (80) ; Paranox 56 G.B. (356)
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., Simplified Measurement of Gas Flow with Sharp-edged Orifices, 155
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Turbine Oil Tanker “
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., lated Construction (92)
- Ardrolic Engineering Co., Ltd., Furrow Mounted Plough, 43
- Arma Corporation, Automatic Units for Machine Tools, 162
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Twin-cylinder Air-cooled Diesel Engine, 63 ; Small Portable Air Compressor, 363
- Arrol, Sir Wm., and Co., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro Electric Schemes, 115 ; Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 351 ; Dry Dock at North Shields, 559 ; Locomotive Unloading Gantry, 597
- Arter, K., Safety in Industry, 563
- Asea Electric, Ltd., Cable Tightening Tool, 475
- Associated British Oil Engines (Marine), Ltd., Marine Engines, 463
- Atkinson Lorries, Ltd., Tractor Chassis, 349
- Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd., Small Portable Air Compressor, 363
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., “ Skipper High-speed Petrol Engines, 463
- Australian Newsprint Mills, Ltd., Paper Production in Australia, 230
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Lockheed “ Servodyne ” unit, 299
- Aveling Barford, Ltd., “ 99-H ” Motor Grader, 429
- Avery, Ltd., W. and T., Scale Factory, 5
- AyclifFe Industries, Ltd., Cable Factory near Johannesburg, 551
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., Chairmanship, 53 ; Productivity in British Industry, 84, 113; Extrusion of Ferrous Tubes and Shapes, 162; Expansion of the Capacity of the Refinery of the Shell Refining and Marketing Co., Ltd. (512)
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., Side Tank Locomotives for Tanganyika, 593
- Bain, Sir Frederick, Obituary, 531
- Bain, William, and Co., Locomotive Unloading Gantry, 597
- Baldwin Instrument Co., Ltd., Beta-Ray Thickness Gauge, 67
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro Electric Schemes, 115 ; Completion of Fannich Tunnel, 294 ; Extensions to The Pangani Hydro- Electric Scheme, 649
- Bangham, D. H., Obituary (136)
- Barclay Curie and Co., Ltd., Troopship ‘‘ Dilwara ” (338) ; Opposed Piston Oil Engine (608)
- Bates, Austin G., Sweat Prevention in Ships’ Cargo Spaces, 537
- Beadle, J. C., Ltd., Chassisless Bus in Aluminium, 331
- Beevor Iron Foundry, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 74
- Beilby Memorial Awards, 430
- Bentall, A. F., Retirement (544)
- Berger, Lewis (Great Britain), Ltd., Industrial Finishes (502)
- Bethlehem Steel Co., S.S. ‘‘ Independence,” 48
- Bigwood, Joshua, and Son, Ltd., Precision Guillotine Shearing Machines, 600
- Binnie, A. M., The Use of Cascades at Sharp Elbows in Water Pipes, 232
- Binns, A., Dynamic Balancing and Its Application to Production Problems, 54
- Birlec, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 319
- Blaw-Knox, Ltd., 275kV Line from Staythorpe to Barnby Moor, 64; Batching Plant Loading Equipment, 156 ; Half-cubic-yard Excavator, 427
- Blohm and Voss, French Liner ‘‘ Liberte,” 175
- Blokcrete Co., Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Boeing Airplane Co., American Aircraft Industry Developments, 267
- Bofors, A. B., Cable Tightening Tool, 475
- Bomford Brothers, Hedge Cutter, 591
- Bomford and Evershed, Ltd., Sapper ” Earthmover on ‘‘ Cropmaster ” Tractor, 71
- Booth, James, and Co., Ltd., Aluminium Footbridge at Pitlochry, 368
- Booth, John, and Sons (Bolton), Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., New Experimental Aircraft, 383
- Boving and Co., Ltd., Extensions to the Pangani Hydro-Electric Scheme, 649
- Bowden, A. T., Gas Turbines for Industrial Purposes, 333
- Boydell, E., and Co., Ltd., Hydraulically Operated Loader, 430
- Brailsford, Frederick, London University Appointment (666)
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 319
- Bristol Tractors, Ltd., Crawler Tractor, 42
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Large Semi-Trailer Passenger Coaches, 185
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Research Department, 91 ; Studio Without Engineers (220) ; Microwave Television Links (576) ; Television Service, 611 ; Holme Moss Television Transmitting Station, 624
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 487
- British Electricity Authority, Power Station Contracts (50) ; 275 kV Line from Staythorpe to Barnby Moor, 64 ; Roosecote Power Station Development (80) ; Research Laboratories at Leatherhead, 102 ; Power Station Developments (136) ; Power Stations at Oldham and Bold, 268; Power Station Consents (308) ; Stourport “ B ” Power Station, 315 ; Barking- Ilford 132 kV Contract (338) ; Keadby Power Station (482) ; Huncoat Power Station (512) ; Annual Report, 556 ; Eliminating Precipitation from Cooling Towers, 589 ; Power Station Extensions at Carmarthen Bay and Cowes (608) ; Thornhill Power Station Extension (640)
- British Electronic Products, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 459
- British Insulated Callender's Construction Co., Ltd., 275kV Line from Staythorpe to Barnby Moor, 64; Wire Rope Parting Machine, 354 ; Holme Moss Television Transmitting Station, 624
- British Jeffrey Diamond Co., Extensions at East Greenwich Gasworks, 565
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Safeguard Against “ Flash-back ” (512)
- British Tanker Co., Ltd., Launch of the ‘‘ British Adventure,” 579
- British Thermostat Co., Ltd., Ventilation Units at Beevor Iron Foundry, 74; Proportioning Controls, 539 ; Automatic Gas Pilot Control Device, 605
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 351, 459; Mixed Traffic Diesel-Electric Locomotive No. 10,800, 490 ; Rugby College of Technology and Arts, 560
- British Timken, Ltd., Bearings for Railway Service (24) ; Symposium on Tapered Roller Bearings, 134
- British United Traction Co., 70-Seater Double-deck Trolleybus, 330
- Brittlebank, W., Control of Hydro-Electric Plant, 569
- Broadhead, E. S., Obituary (254)
- Brockhouse Engineering (Southport),
- Bronx Engineering Co., Tensile Bar Reeling and Shearing Machines, 187 ; Plate Levelling Machine, 475
- Brook Motors, Ltd., Millionth Motor (666)
- Brooke Marine, Ltd., Hopper Barge (448)
- Brookes and Adams, Ltd., Magnifier and Eye Shade, 255
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Dome of Discovery, 10 ; Roller Chain Hoist, 430
- Brown Boveri and Co., Ltd., Electrical System Protection Meeting, 419 ; Swiss High-Voltage Air-Blast Circuit Breakers, 441
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 0-6-0 Diesel Locomotive on the Southern Region, 73 ; Diesel Shunting Locomotive, 443
- Brown, David, Machine Tools, Ltd., Vertical Spline Hobbing Machine, 161
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., SingleFurrow One-way Plough, Small Marine Engines, 158 ; master ” Diesel Tractor ; Manure Spreader, 591
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 31 ; Clark-Sulzer-Engined Collier, “ Portsmouth,” 101 ; Gas Turbine for a Waste Heat Recovery Installation, 295 ; R.M.S. “ Scythia,” 300
- Brush Electrical Co., Ltd., Standardised Switchgear (192)
- Bryce Fuel Injection, Ltd., Hand- Hydraulic Engine Starter, 45
- B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., Ceramic Tipped Tools, 630 '
- Budd, Wm. C., motives and Stainless Steel Subways, 651
- Burns, T. F., and Partners, Dry at North Shields, 559
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Controllable-Pitch 34
- Burton Griffiths and Co, Ceramic Tipped Tools, 630
- Bushing Co., Ltd., Bridge, 305
- Butterley Co., Ltd., Crop Loader, 16
- CAMMELL Laird and Co., Ltd., Turbine Oil Tanker ‘‘Velutina,” 211
- Canadian Industries, Ltd., New Explosives Plant, 353 ; Difficult Blasting Job, 383
- Caoul, John Robert, Obituary; 655
- Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Carmichael, A. M., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, Self-centring Roller, 663
- Carves, Simon, Ltd., Extensions at East Greenwich Gasworks, 565
- Casella, C. F., and Co., Ltd., Stellar Spectrograph for the Radcliffe Observatory, Pretoria, 528
- Cashmore, John, Ltd., Watt Pumping Engines to be Dismantled (608)
- Catchpole Engineering Co., Ltd., Sugar Beet Top Saver, 44
- C.A.V., Ltd., “ N ” Type Fuel Injection Pump, Suppt., 3/11/50, 2
- Chantier and Ateliers de Penhoet, French Liner Liberte,” 175
- Child, T., Dynamic Balancing and Its Application to Production Problems, 54
- Clark, Sir George Ernest, Obituary, 467
- Clark, George (1938), Ltd., Clark-Sulzer-Engined Portsmouth,” 101 ; Surveying Ship H.M.S. ‘‘ Cook ”
- Clifford, Charles, and Son, Ltd., Ferrous Metals Handbook (308)
- Climax Molybdenum Co. of Europe, Ltd Alkloy Steels (495)
- Clyde Crane and Engineering Locomotive Unloading Gantry,
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Jones KL ” Mobile Cranes, 429
- Colvilles, Ltd., Diesel Shunting motive, 443
- Commer Cars, Ltd., Chromium-plated Cylinder Bore, Suppt., 3/11/50, 2
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, French Liner “ Liberte,” 175
- Concrete, Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Consett Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Planning and the Iron and Steel Industry, 27 Iron Ore Discharging Plant at Tyne Dock, 150
- Continuous Metalcast Corporation, tinuous Casting of Steel, 664
- Cooke, E. A., Form Grinding, 431, 476
- Cooke and Nuttall, Ltd., An operated Clutch, 149 *
- Cooper Wettern and Co., Ltd., Progress of the South Bank River Wall, 130
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., Progress of the South Bank River Wall, 130
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., Four- cylinder Vertical Two-stroke Diesel Engine, 463
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., Hob Flank Angle Measuring Machine, 131
- Cowley, W. L., Quantum Theory, 99; The Scientist and the Engineer, 297
- Cox, H. Roxbee, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines, 105
- Crampton, A. W., Engineers and Education, 468
- Crittall, Richard, and Co., Ltd., Ventilation Units at Beevor Iron Foundry, 74 Crittall, Richard, Marine, Ltd., Turbo Electric Liner “ New Australia,” 183
- Crofts (Bradford), Ltd., Adaptor Bushed Pullevs, 475
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., Ah Air- operated Clutch, 149
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., ‘‘ Magnicon ” Self-Regulating Alternators, 507 ; Rectifier Power Supply Unit for Stud Welding, 538
- Cro-Plate Inc., Chromium Plating of Aluminium, 663
- Crossley Motors, Ltd., Underfloor- engined Chassis, 360
- Crowley Russel and Co., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., R.M.S. “ Scythia,” 300
- Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Propellers for High-speed Aircraft, 638
- DALE, Charles, Scavenging of Two- stroke Diesel Engines, 468
- Danarm, J. Clubley Armstrong, Improved Portable Power Saw, 603
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Process Timer, 476 ; Apprenticeship Scheme (480)
- Davey, Paxman & Co., Ltd., Diesel Electric Locomotive for British Railways, 451 ; Mixed Traffic Diesel- Electric Locomotive No. 10,800, 490 Davy and United Engineering, Ltd., Rolling Mill Equipment for Norway, 256 ; Aluminium Strip Mill at Roger- stone, 351
- Davies, S. J., Internal Combustion Engines, 78
- DeFelice, L. G., and Sons, Inc., Brooklyn- Battery Tunnel, New York, 263
- de Havilland Engine Co., Research Ship ' “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Denco Engineering Services, Ltd., Constant-level Oiler, 75
- Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Machine fitted with a cylinder engine, 360
- Denny, Sir Maurice E., building Research Association—The First Six Years, 37
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., Research Ship “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Desoutter Brothers, Ltd., Two-speed Portable Electric Drills, 538
- Dominion Engineering Co., Turbines for New Zealand, 353
- Donkin, Bryan, and Co., Ltd., Extensions at East Greenwich Gasworks, 565
- Dorey, S. F., Marine Reduction Gearing, Suppt., 426 3/11/50, 5
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Marine Engines, 463
- Douglas Aircraft Co., American Aircraft Industry Developments, 267
- Dowding and Doll, Ltd., Film on Polishing and Buffing Methods (354)
- Doxford, William, and Sons, Ltd., Reorganisation (24)
- Dredging and Construction Co., Ltd., Australian Harbour Works, 230
- Drewry Car Co., Ltd., Railway Overhead Line Inspection Vehicles, 367
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Marine Centrifugal Pumping Engines, 278 ; Dry Dock at North Shields, 559
- Dunk, John L., Quantum Theory, 99
- Durasteel, Ltd., Fireproof Bulkhead (129)
- Dussek, A. E. H., Rubber Roads, 126
- Dyson, R. A., and Co,, Ltd., Large Semi-Trailer Passenger Coaches, 185
- EAGLE Engineering Co., Ltd., Sanding Attachment, 430
- Eastern Region (British Railways), Railway Overhead Line Inspection Vehicles, 367
- Eaton Axles, Ltd., Two-speed Rear Axle, 440
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., 72-in. Squaring Shear, 159
- Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd.,. Hotwire Vacuum Gauge, 216
- Elce, Norman, Atomic Energy, 133 Electronic Instruments, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 351
- Emerson Walker, Ltd., Turbine Oil Tanker “ Velutina,” 211
- Emmott and Co., Ltd., Factory Canteens (308)
- Enfield Cables, Ltd., 132kV Three-core Pipe-line Compression Cable, 179; Electrical Power Overseas (408)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115 ; Appointments, 256 ; Government Factory at Clayton-Le-Moors (308) ; Strip Rolling Mill, 345 ; Demonstration of Outdoor Air-blast Circuit Breakers, 472 ; Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 487 ; Diesel-electric Trains for Egypt, 592
- Eumuco (England), Ltd., Cylinder Bending Press, 75
- Evans, E. L., Deoxidation bv Aluminium, 493
- Everard, F. V., Productivitv in British Industry, 223
- Express Motor and Body Works, Ltd., Large Semi-trailer Passenger Coaches, 185
- FABER, Oscar, and Partners, Completion of the House of Commons, 399
- Fairflight, Ltd., Tudor V Aircraft Accident at Llandow Airport, 515
- Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., Post Hole Digger ; Tractor-driven Winch, 15 ; Grain .Drill, 558
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 487
- Ferguson, W., Surface Finish of Marine Engine Parts, 31
- Ferney, L. A., European Machine Tool Trade, 246
- Ferranti, Ltd., Clip-on Ammeter for Heavy Duty Conductors, 331 ; 230kV Transformer for Finland, 631
- Fibreglass, Ltd., New Offices (24)
- Fielden (Electronics), Ltd., Recording Manometer, 304
- Findlay, Alexander, and Co., Locomotive Unloading Gantry, 597
- Fireproof Tanks, Ltd., Fuel Tank, 300
- Firth Brown Tools, Ltd., Twist Drill Instruction Book (602)
- Fischer Bearing Co., Ltd., Symposium on Tapered Roller Bearings, 134
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., Centenary (608)
- Fisher Humphries and Co., Ltd., Forage Harvester, 71
- Flexibox, Ltd., Hard Facing (430)
- Flight Refueling, Ltd., “ Drogue and Probe ” System, 300
- Fodens, Ltd., Two-stroke Diesel Engine, 360
- Follsain-Wycliffe Foundries, Ltd., Girder CUp, 603
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Deep Digger Plough, 559
- Forrest, Frank, Obituary, 532
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.,
- “ Challenger ” Crawler Tractor, 590
- Freeman, Fox and Partners, Dome of Discovery, 10
- Frost, A. C. H., Control of Hydro- Electric Plant, 569
- Fulton, A. A., Water Power—Design of Power Stations, 132
- GABRIEL, J. B. S., Productivity in British Industry, 373
- Gardner, L., and Son^, Ltd., Six-cylinder Horizontal Diesel Engine, Suppt., 3/11/50, 2
- Garner, F., Productivity in British Industry, 140, 168
- Garrard, C. J. 0., Lightning Protection of Electrical Transmission Systems, 100
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 50-Million-volt Betatron Installation, 162 ; Mixed Traffic Locomotive for the Estoril Electric Railway, 177 ; Turbo-Electric Liner “ New Australia,” 183 ; High Voltage Equipment for Cine-Radiography, 186 ; Large-scale Production (jf Gas Turbines, 267 ; Tender for Seattle Substation Transformers, 267 ; 200kV Schering Bridge, 305; Pilot Tender “ Sir Thomas Brocklebank,” 526 ; Supercharger for Aircraft Engines, 605 ; Infra-red Heating for a Wood Finishing Process, 636 ; Extensions to The Pangani Hydro-Electric Scheme, 649
- General Motors Diesel, Ltd., Diesel Locomotives, 353
- General Post Office, London’s New Telephone Exchanges (354)
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Completion of Fannich Tunnel, 294 ; Aluminium Footbridge at Pitlochry, 368
- Gibbons, Henry John, Obituary, 531
- Gill, Sir Frank, Obituary (413)
- Gilpin, Sir Harry, Obituary, 97
- Glanville, W. H., Review of Road Problems, 432, 455
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115 ; Completion of Fannich Tunnel, 294
- Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., D.H.6 Six- cylinder Diesel Engine, 463
- Godfrey, Sir George, and Partners, Ltd., Air Pressurising and Conditioning Equipment, 300
- Golden Gate Bridge, Deflection (80)
- Good, P., Standardisation of Engineering Publications, 297
- Good, Percy, Obituary, 564 ; Memorial Service (608)
- Goodwin, Barsby and Co., Ltd ‘‘ Goliath ” Mobile Crushing and Granulating Plant, 429
- Gray, William, and Co., Ltd., Marine Reduction Gear, 604
- Great Northern Telegraph Co., Anglo- Danish Telegraph Transmission Cable, 91
- Greenwood, H. W., Infiltrated' or Impregnated Alloys, 384
- Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Mixed Traffic Diesel-Electric Locomotive No. 10,800, 490 I
- Grubb, Sir Howard, Parsons and Co., Ltd., Stellar Spectrograph for the Radcliffe Observatory, Pretoria, 528
- Gull Contracting Co., Inc., Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, New York, 263 Gunn, N., Obituary (80)
- Guy, Sir Henry, Forthcoming Retirement, 111
- Gwyther, R. D., Notes on Colonial Harbours and Wharves, 65
- HACKBRIDGE and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., Rectifier Equipment for D.C. Arc Welding, 129; Water- cooled Outdoor Transformers for India,! 304
- Hadfields, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 351 ; Laboratory for Radiographic Research and Inspection, 508
- Hague, C. K. F., Productivity in British Industry, 84, 113
- Halcrow, Sir William T., Water Power— Resources and Location of Plant, 132
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122; Turbo-Electric Liner “New Australia,” 183
- Hammond and Champness, Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Hankins, G. A., Obituary, 437 Harbour and General Works, Lt<l Australian Harbour Works, 230
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115; “Arundel Castle” (192); Turbine Oil Tanker “ Velutina,” 211
- Harris, D. P., The Use of Cascades at Sharp Elbows in Water Pipes, 232
- Harris, N. L., Mercury and Krypton Isotope Electric Discharge Lamps, 409
- Hartley, Sir Harold, Man’s Use of Energy, 228
- Hastie, John, and Co., Ltd., Turbine Oil Tanker “Velutina,” 211
- Head Wrightson, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 351
- Head Wrightson Processes Ltd., Precipitation in Cooling Towers, 656
- H.E.B. Machine Tools, Ltd., Hvdraulic Copying Lathe, 624
- Henderson, J. M., and Co., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Henleys, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., New Cable Factory at Birtley, 403
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd. Threading Exhibition (24) ; Defence, 196 ; Productivity in British Industry, 389, 406 ; Stub Lathe, 509
- Hibberd, F. C., and Co., Ltd., Diesel Shunting Locomotive, 637
- Higer, Adam, Ltd., Stellar Spectrograph for the Radcliffe Observatorv, Pretoria, 528
- Hobb’s Transmissions, Ltd., Meadows M.IOOO RR Oil-operated Gearbox, 463 ; Four-speed Gearbox, Suppt., 3/11/50, 3
- Hobson, H. M., Ltd., Hydraulic Screw Jack Power-operated Control Surfaces, 299
- Holland, W. L., Ltd., Adam’s Delver, 42 Hollander, F. Q. Den., Future of Railways, 661
- Holliday, Frank, Selection of Junior Draughtsmen, 342
- Holloway Bros. (London), Ltd., Dry Dock at North Shields, 559
- Holoplast, Ltd., Construction of Laminated Plastic Panels, 202
- Hoover, Ltd., Small Commutator Lathe, 510
- Hopkins, E. C., Ltd., Self-contained Flexible Shaft (138)
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., High Pressure Boiler Plant at Grangemouth, 118
- Howard, E. R.,. and Co., Ltd., Use of Silicone in a Liquid Polish (576)
- Howden, James, and Co., Ltd., High Pressure Boiler Plant at Grangemouth, 118
- Howell, Arthur, Production of Steam Power—Steam Generation, 76
- Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., TurboAlternator for a North Thames Gas- East 303 ; Heavy Steelworks Diesel Locomotive, 625
- Hutchinson, A. C., Reactive Force in a Turbine Nozzle, 628
- Hutson and Corbett, Research Ship “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Hyde, A. L., Plastics Co., Plastics Moulding Machine, 637
- Hydraulic Coupling and Engineering Co., Ltd., 0-6-0 Diesel Locomotive on the Southern Region, 73
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Small Diaphragm Compressor, 178
- IMATRA Power Co., 230kV Transformer for Finland, 631
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., High Pressure Boiler Plant at Grangemouth, 118 ; Completion of Fannich Tunnel, 294; Eliminating Precipitation from Cooling Towers, 589
- Inglis, Ltd., A. and J., Research Ship “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Iraq Petroleum Co., Mighty Antar,” 349
- JACKSON, G. H., Some Notes on the Hardening and Heat Treatment of Steel, 527
- Jakeman, R. G., Retirement (108)
- Jarvis, Sir John, Obituary, 364
- Jennings, H., Production of Tensile Test Specimens, 248
- Jenolite, Ltd., Aluminium Degreaser (108)
- Jepson, M. D., Acceleration of the Rate of Isothermal Transformation Austenite, 553; Breakdown Austenite Below the Mg Temperature, 553
- Johnson, J. H., Obituary, 547
- Joslin, Edw. H., Standard Locomotives, 563
- Joughin, J. H., Naval Gearing—War Experience and Present Developments, 632, 657
- KEELAVITE Pumps and Motors, Ltd., High Pressure Gear Pumps, 161
- Keig, R. J. B., Instrumentation as Applied to Diesel Engines, 567
- Keiller, C. M., Railway Record Runs, 181
- Keir and Cawder, Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Kellog, M. W., Co., Vacuum Flashing Unit, 573
- Kelvin Construction Co., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Kelvin Gold Medal, 451
- Kennedy and Donkin, Loch Sloy Project, 57
- Kent, George, Ltd., High Pressure Boiler Plant at “ Compteurs Mesure ” (192)
- Kent, J. L., Design of Seakindly Ships, 60
- Kepson, P. T., Engineering Co., Ltd., Pressed Steel Grooved Pulleys, 538
- Kershaw, G. B., and Kaufman, Sewage Disposal Scheme for Tel Aviv, 125
- King, J. G., Preparation of Gaseous Fuels —Gas from Sohd Fuels, 46
- Kingcome, Sir John, Engineer Vice- Admiral, Obituary, 69
- Kirkstall Forge Engineering, Ltd Double-Reduction Rear Axle, 439
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Duplex Axle Drilling Machine, 303
- Knoyle, C. H., Production of Combination Angle Gauges, 237
- Kuwait Oil Co, trailer
- LAING, Moss Television Transmitting Station, 624
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., Turbo-Alternator for a North Thames Gasworks, 433 ; Extensions at East Greenwich Gasworks, 565
- Lee, H., Effect of Cold Work on Steel, 523 Leedham, L. H., Some American Locomotives and their Running, 438
- Leeds and Bradford Boiler Co., Ltd., Crane-Slinging Safety Chart (37)
- Leggatt, Hugh, and Sons, Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Levi, F., Graphical Estimation of Inspection Errors, 2
- Levy, Lawrence, Obituary, 499
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Octopus ” Eightwheeler, 349; Forty-seater Body of All-metal Construction, 360
- Lightfoot Refrigeration Co., Ltd., Turbine Oil Tanker ‘‘ Velutina,” 211
- Lindsay, P. A., Engineers and Aesthetics, 297
- Lister, R. A. (Marine Sales), Ltd., J.P.M. Engines, 463
- Livesay, Edward H., Self-phasing of Locomotives and Record Runs, 126 ; St. Luc Marshalling Yard, Montreal, C.P.R., 275 ; Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, 422, 452, 484, 516, 554, 584, • 620
- Lloyd’s 100, (448),
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Combination Piston and Turbine Engine, 214 ; American Aircraft Industry Developments, 267
- London Midland Region, (British Railways) Irish Mail Vessels (220) ; Mobile Test Plant in Action, 377 ; Preston Railway Collision Report, 643 ; New Signal Box at Agecroft Junction, Suppt., 3/11/50, 6
- London Transport, Festival Buses for Europe (50) ; Central Line Jubilee,.53 ; Radio Control of Country Buses (192) ; Tube Extension Plans Cancelled (480) ; Recovery Vehicles, 495 ; Conductor Rail De-icing Equipment (640) ; Overhauling Wheels and Axles at Acton Works, 658
- Low, John B., Obituary (80)
- Loyd, Vivian, and Co., Ltd., “ Dragon ” Crawler Tractor, 591
- Lydall, Francis, Obituary, 209
- Macfarlane Engineering Co|MACFARLANE Engineering Co]], * Magnicon ” * nators, 507
- Mackay Industrial Equipment, Oil-engined Tractor, 539
- Macklow-Smith, Ltd., Research “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Manganese Bronze Co., Ltd., Turbo-Electric Liner “ New Australia,” 183
- Manley, C. V., Further Examination of Casualties to Merchant Ships Reported Abandoned, Foundered or Missing, 62
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., Improved Marine Radar Equipment, 160
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Microwave Television Links for the B.B.C. (576) ; Holme Moss Television Transmitting Station, 624
- Marley, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Cutting Tool Protractor, 159
- Marshall, C. W., Other Sources of Energy, 134
- Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd., Escape Equipment on High Speed Aircraft, 599
- Mason and Hanger Co., Inc., Brooklyn- Battery Tunnel, New York, 263
- Massey-Harris, Ltd., Grain and Fertiliser Drill, 72 ; Pick-up Baler, 558
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Turbo-Electric Liner ‘‘ New Australia,” 183
- Maudslay Motors, Ltd., Underfloor- Engined Chassis, 360
- Maunsell, Posford and Pavry, Foundation for Large Circular Tanks, 623
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Stourport “ B ” Power Station, 315
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., M4 and M5 Four- and Five-cylinder Units, 463 ; New Model Diesel Engines (642) McLellan, P. and W., Ltd., Aluminium Footbridge at Pitlochry, 368
- McLouth Steel Corporation, Reversing Hot Strip Mill, 241
- Meadows, Henry, Ltd., Diesel Engine for Road Transport, 265; Horizontal Six-cylinder Engine of 10.35 litres Capacity, Suppt., 3/11/50, 3
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Diesel- driven Fire Engine, 92; Mobile Servicing Ladder, 303
- Metaducts, Ltd., Valves for Oil Refineries, 131
- Metal Industries, Ltd., Research Ship “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Metalastik, Ltd., Mixed Traffic Diesel- Electric Locomotive No. 10,800, 490
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Electric Locomotives for Brazil (80) ; “ Resomax 300 ” Deep X-ray Therapy Equipment, 160; Back Turbo-Generator Sets for Australia (448).; Electric Plant for Kiewa, (480) ; Thermocouples for Testing Steam Turbine Plant, 524; Vapour- tight Gauge Glass Lamp Fitting, 538 ; Turbo-Generator Set for Canada (576)
- Middleton, J. H. D., High-speed Lightweight Diesel Engine, 464
- Millars Machinery, Ltd., Asphalt, Tarmacadam and Bituminous Macadam Plant, 429
- Mills, Exors. of James, Ltd., Centenary (52)
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Missenden, Sir Eustace, Retirement, 643
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., New Nimonic Alloy (220) ; Aluminium Alloy Castings (559)
- Montgomerie Reid Engineering Co., Ltd., ‘‘ Bristol 20 ” Angledozer, 430
- Morris, G., Vibrations Due to Blasting and their Effects on Building Structures, 394, 414
- Morris Motors, Ltd., “ Vedette,” Navigator ” and ‘‘ Commodore ” Petrol or Paraffin Engines, 464
- Mowlem, John, and Co., Foundation for Large Circular Tanks, 623
- Murad Developments, Ltd., Small Commutator Lathe,
- Murex Welding Processes, All-insulated Holder, 64
- NATIONAL Coal Board, Reports, 18, 68
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., Pilot Tender ‘‘ Sir Thomas Brocklebank,” 526
- National Tube Co., Large-diameter Welded Pipe Plant, 217
- New Insulation Co., Ltd., “ Permali Insulating Material (514)
- New York Shipbuilding Corporation, Three Large Tankers, 48
- Newnhams, Ltd., Motor Vehicle Alignment Testing Equipment, 189
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., S.S. United States,” 573
- Newton Victor, Ltd., “ Resomax 300 ” Deep X-ray Therapy Equipment, 160
- Nock, O. S., L.M.S. Mobile Test Plant in Action, 377
- Non-Ferrous Tube Co. (Pty.), Ltd., Non-Ferrous Tube Production in South Africa, 478
- Nordberg Manufacturing Co., Point Comfort Aluminium Reduction Works, 292
- Norrie, C. M., Productivity in British Industry, 312
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Locomotive Film (164) ; Mixed Traffic Locomotive for the Estoril Electric Railway, 177 ; Locomotives for South African Railways, 371 ; Diesel Shunting Locomotive, 443 ; Diesel-electric Locomotive for British Railways, 451 ; Mixed Traffic Diesel-electric Locomotive No. 10,800, 490 ; Locomotive Unloading Gantry, 597
- North German Lloyd Co., French Liner ‘‘ Liberte,” 175
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Report for 1949, 1 ; An Introductory Survey, 28 ; Loch Sloy Project, 57, 87, 115, 399 ; Completion of Fannich Tunnel, 259, 294 ; Aluminium Footbridge at Pitlochry, 368; Mucomir Hydro-Electric Scheme, 515 ; Generating Station at Lerwick (576) Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 319 ; Aluminium in Road Transport (512)
- Norton Abrasives S.A. (Pty.), Ltd., Manufacture of Abrasive Products, 602 Norton, Sir James Farmer, and Co., Ltd., Strip Rolling Mill, 345
- Nova Scotia Light and Power Co., Turbo-Generator Set for Canada (576) Nuffield Foundation, Annual Report, 1 Nuffield Organisation, Research Department, 361
- Nuttall, Edmund, Sons and Co., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- OKLAHOMA Gas and Electric Large-scale Production of Gas bines, 267
- Orient Steam Navigation Co., Launch of T.S.S. “ Oronsay,” 1
- Ormston, J. M., Retirement, Suppt., 3/11/50, 1
- PAINTER Brothers, Ltd., 275kV Line from Staythorpe to Barnby Moor, 64
- Parker, C. J., Obituary (108)
- Parker, E. B., Some American Locomotives and their Running, 327 ; The Motor Show, 596
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Tarmacadam and Asphalt Plant, 430
- Parsons Engineering Co., Ltd., Conversion of li'ord Industrial Units, 464
- Parsons Memorial Window at Westminster Abbey, 365
- Paulin, G. H., Transcontinental Railway, Australia^ 282
- Peacock, James, Obituary, 438
- Peattie, J. D., Production of Steam Power—Developments in Power Station Design, 46
- Peel, Frederick, Obituary (608)
- Penn, A. E., Diamond Wedding, 248
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Mobile Diesel Instruction School (448) ; P3 Diesel Engine, 592 ; Diesel Engine Power Pack, 604
- Pest Control, Ltd., “ Superweedmaster,” 71 ; “ Rotoflail,” 592
- Petbow, Ltd., Mobile Trailer Workshop, 64
- Peters, G. D., Ltd., Mixed Traffic Locomotive for the Estoril Electric Railway, 177
- Peters, W. H., Obituary Suppt., 3/11/50, 7
- Philadelphia Tankers Inc., Three Large Tankers, 48
- Philip and Son, Ltd., Pilot Tender “ Sir Thomas Brocklebank,” 526
- Phillips, J. M., Anglo-American Productivity Council: British Deep-Drawn Metals Pressing Industry Report, 126
- Phillpotts, Sir Ralegh, Obituary, 364
- Pickersgill, William, and Sons, Ltd New Surveying Ship H.M.S. ‘‘ Cook ” (108)
- Pilot Works, Ltd., Hydraulic Cropping Machine, 509
- Platt Brothers and Co., Ltd., Production of Carding Machines, 235
- Plessey Co., Ltd., Fifty-watt Fixed Station V.H.F. Transmitter, 134; Frequency-Modulated Transmitter - Receiver for Motor Cycles, Cartridge Turbo-starters for nautical Gas Turbines, 635
- Poultney, E. C., Some American locomotives and their Running, Locomotives of 1900, 647
- Powdered Iron Corporation, Iron Powder for Power Metallurgy, 605
- Power Jets (Research and Development), Ltd., School of Gas Turbine Technology, 53
- Power Securities Corporation, Ltd., Extensions to The Pangani Hydro- Electric Scheme, 649
- Preload Corporation, Walnut Lane Bridge at Philadelphia, 629
- Preston, J. H., Three-quarter Radius Pilot Tube Flow Meter, 400
- Prestressed Concrete Co., Ltd., Gcean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Prestwick Airport (164)
- QUASI-ARC Co., Ltd., Strength of Welds, 209
- Quickdraw Co., Sketching Device (24)
- RACKHAM, G. J., Retirement (256)
- Radiovisor Parent, Ltd., Four-sided Press Guard, 354
- Railway Executive, Colliery Branch Line I (24) ; Ocean Terminal at Southampton (50) ; Winter Train Services, 256 ; Historic Locomotive Presented to Royal Engineers (278) ; Standard Locomotives for British Railways, 311 ; Standard Coaches for British Railways, 515; British Railways Research Organisation, 568 ; British Railways Staff Training Scheme (608)
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., History (121) ; Concrete Mixers, 430
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., | Four-furrow Disc Plough; General Purpose Crop Drier, 44 ; Deep Digger Plough, 559
- Reardon-Smith, Sir W., Obituary, 532
- Reid, H. Cartwright, Obituary, 69
- Reinforced Concrete Steel Co., Ltd., Foundation for Large Circular Tanks, 623
- Ricardo, Sir Harry R., Supercharging of Internal Combustion Engines, 501, 519 ; Sleeve-valve Diesel Engine, 660
- Richardson, F. D.]], Thermodynamic Aspects of the Movement of Sulphur, 522; Deoxidation, 493
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., High Pressure Boiler Plant at Grangemouth, 118
- Riddles, R. A., Nationalisation and the Railway Mechanical Engineer, 539
- Roberts, David E., Obituary, 97
- Roberts, E. R. B., Centralised Traffic Control, 154
- Roberts and Schaefer Co., Steel Arch Hangars at Idlewild Airport, 289
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 319, 351
- Robinson, B. C., Safety in Industry, 500
- Robinson, I. V., Standardisation of Steam Turbo-Generating Plant, 534
- Robinson, Vincent, Production of Steam Power—Turbines and Auxiliaries, 76
- Robotham, W. A., Recent Developments in Lightweight Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition Piston Engines, 327
- Rocla, Ltd., Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipes, 230
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., Avro ‘‘ Ashton ” High-altitude Research Aircraft, 301
- Roebuck, Alfred, Retirement, 1
- Roos, Derek, Productivity in British Industry, 99
- Rotary Hoes, Ltd., ‘‘ Rotavator ” Tractor Attachment, 559
- Rotax, Ltd., Cartridge Turbo-starters for Aeronautical Gas Turbines, 635
- Rover Co., Ltd., “ Land-Rover,” 360; Gas Turbine Driven Launch, 382
- Royden, Lord, Obituary, 438
- Rubery Owen Kepson, Ltd., Pressed Steel Grooved Pulleys, 538
- Russell Newbery and Co., Ltd., Two- cylinder and Four-cylinder Marine Engines, 464
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd Excavator, 430
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Ventilation Units at Beevor Iron Foundry, 74; Shunting Locomotive for Canada (150); Changes in the Board, 483; Petrol/Paraffin Engines, 592
- Rylands Brothers, Ltd., Control System for Nail Polishing Plant, 147
- SALFORD Electrical Instruments, Ltd., 200kV Schering Bridge, 305
- Sanbra (South Africa) (Pty.), Ltd., Factory Construction in South Africa, 536
- Sanders, R. AT., Energy Resources and Power Developments Since 1924, 46
- Saro Laminated Wood Products, Ltd., Infra-red Heating for a Wood Finishing Process, 636
- Saunders Engineering and Shipyard, Ltd., Forty-seater Body of All-metal Construction, 360
- Scammell Lorries, Ltd., The Explorer,” 349
- Scaw Metals, Ltd., South African Industrial Developments, 127
- Schiphol Airport, Holland, 78
- Scott, A. W., Surface Finish of Marine Engine Parts, 31
- Scott, Colin Cunningham, Obituary (666)
- Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert, Completion of the House of Commons, 399
- Scrivener, Arthur, Ltd., Centreless Grinding Handbook (50)
- Seattle City Light Co., Tender for Seattle Substation Transformers, 267
- Self-Changing Gear Co., Ltd., ‘‘ Meteorite ” Diesel, 464 ; Epicyclic Gearboxes, Suppt., 3/11/50, 3
- Senior, George, Obituary (363)
- Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., Alternator Power Unit, 428
- Shaw Savill and Albion Co., Ltd., Turbo - Electric Liner “ New Australia,” 183
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Industrial Films (419) ; “ The Use of Fuel Oil in Furnaces for the Iron and Steel Fabricating Industries ” (512) ; ‘‘ Oil and Industry ” (576) “ Robot ” Pumping Co., Ltd., Films (13) ; Borneo (220) ; Gas Disfiliation Unit of Shell Haven Refinery (512)
- Shell Refining and Marketing Co., Foundation for Large Circular Tanks, 623
- Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., Tipping Refuse Collector, 428
- Siddall, A., Productivity in British Industry, 140, 168
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., Anglo- Danish Telegraph Transmission Cable, 91
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 319; Laboratory for Radiographic Research and Inspection, 508
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Coal Preparation Plant for Turkey (146)
- Simon Handling Engineers, Ltd., High Pressure Boiler Plant at Grangemouth, 118
- Simon Sound Service, Ltd., Automatic Monitoring Recorder, 186
- Simonson, W. Plant, 18
- Sloman, H. Aluminium,
- Smith, C. G., Scientist and the Engineer, 596
- Smith, J., Stiffness of Crankshafts of Commercial Oil Engines, 500
- Smith's Dock Co., Ltd., Extensions at the South Bank Shipyard, 512; Dry Dock at North Shields, 559
- Sneath, T. B., and Co., Research Ship “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Solignum, Ltd., High Temperature Aluminium Paint (308), Paint for Asbestos Sheeting (497)
- Southern Region (British Railways), 0-6-0 Diesel Locomotive, 73 ; Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122; L.M.S. Mobile Test Plant in Action, 377 ; Colour-light Signalling Scheme, 461 ; Repair of Hurstbourne Viaduct, 569; Results of Double-deck Train Trials, 601
- Sovex, Ltd., Extensions at East Greenwich Gasworks, 565
- Spencer Bonecourt, Ltd., Gas Turbine for a Waste Heat Recovery Installation, 295
- Spiers and Co., Ltd., North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Schemes, 115
- Spiral Tube and Components, Ltd., Ventilation Units at Beevor Iron Foundry, 74
- Standard Oil Co., Vacuum Flashing Unit, 573
- Standard Railway Equipment Manufacturing Co., Railway Wheel-truing Machine, 606
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Portable Micro-wave Television Radio Link, 128; Post-graduate Training Course (314)
- Standen, F. A., and Sons (Engineering), Ltd., Beet Topper and Harvester, 14
- Staverton Builders, Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Steele, E. W., Productivity in British Industry, 612
- Stephenson, Clarke, Ltd., Clark-Sulzer-Engined Collier, “ Portsmouth,” 101
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Tube Works Gauges and Gauging Practice (50) ; Butt Welding Fittings for Pipe-lines, 131 ; 132kV Three-core Pipe-line Compression Cable, 179
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., Controllable- pitch Marine Propeller, 34
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Vibrating Roller, 429
- Streamline Filters, Ltd., Research Ship “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Structural and Mechanical Development Engineers, Ltd., Dome of Discovery, 10; Telescopic Gangways for New Ocean Terminal, Southampton, 32, 122
- Stuart Davis, Ltd., Small Tube Indent Removing Machine, 509
- Stuart Turner, Ltd., Marine Engines, 464
- Sturtevant, B. F., Co., Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, ISTew York, 263
- Submarine Cables, Ltd., Anglo-Danish Telegraph Transmission Cable, 91 ; Two New Netherlands-Denmark Telephone Cables, 305
- Sulzer Brothers (London), Ltd,, Performance of a Large Diesel Locomotive, 151
- Summerson, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Toggle-operated Lever Box, 475
- Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., Sea-going Hopper Dredger, 385
- Sykes, Henry, Ltd., Self-priming Centrifugal Sinking Pump, 428
- Symes, W., Productivity in British Industry, 612
- TANGANYIKA Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Extensions to The Pangani Hydro-Electric Scheme, 649
- Tanks and Linings, Ltd., Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride, 255
- Tarbolton, H. P., Loch Sloy Project, 57
- Tarmac, Ltd., Rubberised-Asphalt Road ways (278)
- Tata Hydro-Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd., Water-cooled Outdoor Transformers for India, 304
- Tawse, Wm., Ltd., Aluminium Footbridge at Pitlochry, 368
- Taylor, J. Lockwood, Hull Design for Laminar Flow, 61
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Strip Rolling Mill, 345
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., Centenary, 249 ; Netherlands-Denmark Cables, 305
- Templewood Engineering Mark 1 Grass Drier, 15
- Thompson, F. C., Acceleration of the Rate of Isothermal Transformation of Austenite, 553 ; Breakdown of Austenite Below’ the Mg Temperature, 553
- Thompson Products Inc., Precision Casting wdth Frozen Mercury, 638
- Thomson, A. S. T., Surface Finish of Marine Engine Parts, 31
- Thorley, W. G. F., Self-Phasing of Locomotives, 362
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Turbo-Electric Liner “ New Australia,” 183 ; Mighty Antar,” 349 ; ‘‘ Meteorite ” Diesel Engine, 464 ; Twin Screw Cruiser, ‘‘ The Squire,” 659 ; Portable Deck Grain Division, Suppt., 3/11/50, 7 T.I. Aluminium, Ltd., Materials and Fabrication (254) ; Portable Deck Grain Division, Suppt., 3/11/50, 7 Tippett, L. H. C., Productivity in British Industry, 357
- Tractor Shafts Co., Ltd., Potato Planter, 72
- Tuplin, W. A., Some American Locomotives and their Running, 143, 173, 196, 224, 271, 467, 532, 563
- Turner Manufacturing Co., Ltd
- Turner and Newall, Anniversary (480)
- UNICORN Head Visual Filmstrips on Industrial
- United Engineering Co., Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 351
- University Marine, Ltd., Single-cylinder Air-cooled 6J h.p. ‘‘ Enfield ” Diesel Engine, 464
- VAUXHALL Motors, Ltd., Bedford 7-tonner, 349; Six-cylinder Petrol Engine, Suppt., 3/11/50, 3
- Vickers, Antony, Productivity in British Industry, 260 .
- Vickers, Ltd., R.M.S. “ Scythia,” 300
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Launch of T.S.S. “ Oronsay,” 1 ; Launch of “ Ocean Monarch,” 111 ; Heavy Diesel Tractor (132) ; Turbo-Electric Liner “ New Australia,” 183 ; Heavy Diesel Tractor, 303 ; Launch of the “ British Adventure,” 579
- Victor Products (Wallsend), Ltd., Electric Hammer Drill, 429
- Vokes, Ltd., Research Ship “ Lucy Ashton,” 205
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 351
- WALLACE, G. L., Pride in Work, 500
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Ltd., Turbine Oil Tanker “ Velutina,” 211
- Warragamba Dam, 199
- Watson and Sons (Electro-Medical), Ltd., High Voltage Equipment for Cine - Radiography, 186
- Watts, E. H., Cargo Liner Design, 31
- Webb, E. N., Water Power—Aspects of Plant Design, 133
- Weirton Steel Co., Electrolytic Tinplate, 306
- Welin-Maclachlan Davits, Ltd., Turbo Electric Liner “ New Australia,” 183
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Aluminium Strip ? Mill at Rogerstone, 351
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Atomic Power Plant for Submarines, 162
- Wests Gas Improvements, Ltd., Gas Turbine for a Waste Heat Recovery Installation, 295
- West's Piling and Construction Co., Ltd., Ocean Terminal at Southampton, 122
- Wheeler, F. H. (Sheffield), Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Rogerstone, 487
- Whessoe, Ltd., Extensions at East Greenwich Gasworks, 565
- White, Sir Bruce, Wolfe Barry and Partners, Locomotive Unloading Gantry, 597
- White, J., Stillness of Crankshafts of Commercial Oil Engines, 271
- White, J. S., and Co., Ltd., Launch of H.M.S. “Dainty,” 167
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Four- and Six- spindle Automatics, 323
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Effect of Sulphuric Acid on Monel and other High Nickel Alloys (157) ; High Tensile Bar Reeling and Shearing Machines, 187 ; Engineering Properties of Monel, Nickel and Inconel (544)
- Williams, A. E., Production of Carding Machines, 235
- Williams, F. C., Obituary (278)
- Williamson, James, and Partners, Loch Sloy Project, 57
- Wilson, F. R., The Scientist and the Engineer, 468
- Winget, Ltd., Plant Transporter, 430
- Wiseman, Alfred, and Co., Ltd., Mixed Traffic Locomotive for the Estoril Electric Railway, 177
- Withers, G., Thermodynamic Aspects of the Movement of Sulphur, 522
- Withers, J. G., Simplified Measurement of Gas Flow with Sharp-edged Orifices, 155
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., Portable Electric Hammer Kit (474)
- Woodburn, Arthur, Productivity in British Industry, 99
- Wootton, Ernest, Standardisation of Engineering Publications, 41
- Wota, Ltd., Documentary Film (80) Wright Aeronautical Corporation, Combination Piston and Turbine Engine, 214
- Wright, Sir W. Charles, Obituary, 209
- Wynn, Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Road Transport of Heavy Plant, 507
- YALLOURN Power Station, 230
- Young, Sir Eric, Resignation from the Coal Board, 596
See Also
Sources of Information