Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Automotor: Index

From Graces Guide

Vol 027. Jan to Dec 1922

  • A.B.C. CAR, 330, 379, 391, 475, 578, 766.
  • A.C. car, 33, 55, 93, 113, 125, 154, 167, 184, 208, 224 250, 261, 262, 269, 281, 288, 308, 314, 330, 368, 446, 452, 458, 471, 475, 482, 496, 509, 531, 587, 626, 658, 663, 689, 711, 714, 735, 748, 761, 775’ 794, 795, 819, 831, 832, 841, 848, 859, 867, 923 933, 940, 956, 957, 1009, 1032, 1050, 1051, 1057, 1099,1102,1108. Details, 661.
  • Acceleration 621.
  • Accidents, 28, 61, 72, 102, 124, 129, 170, 362, 432, 570, 612, 641, 658, 698, 758, 803, 844, 979.
  • Accles and Pollock, Ltd., 884.
  • Accumulators and batteries, 158, 188, 456, 818, 845.
  • Adams jack, 891.
  • Advertising, 233, 322.
  • Africa, 170, 572.
  • Airedale car, 937.
  • Albert car, 104, 499, 923, 1006.
  • Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., 418, 778.
  • Alcohol, 3, 380, 446, 824, 890, 953.
  • “All About Archibald,” 562.
  • “All on a Saturday Afternoon,” 455.
  • Alldays and Onions, Ltd., 22.
  • “Along the Pacific Coast,” 361.
  • Alpine-Steyr car, 162, 268.
  • Aluminium, 289, 544, 585, 650.
  • Alvis car, 33, 452, 453, 495, 937.
  • Amateurs and racing, 539.
  • Amateurs’ Race, 400, 402, 414, 429, 499, 551, 663, 748.
  • Ambulances, 252.
  • America, 45, 82, 128, 129, 138, 144, 190, 212, 231, 274, 354, 361, 429, 472, 497, 556, 577, 607, 615, 645, 650, 678, 749, 824. 841, 848, 948, 949, 979, 1057 1066, 1081, 1098, 1114.
  • Amilcar, 213, 389, 923. Details, 222.
  • Amphibious motor-cars, 950, 1074.
  • Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., 424, 896.
  • Angus-Sanderson car, 283, 767, 906, 937, 945, 958.
  • Ansaldo car, 269, 399, 937, 958. Details, 7.
  • Anzani engine, 158, 314, 829, S96, 901, 993, 1031, 1116.
  • “A Perfect Day,” 731.
  • Archer, Croft and Co., 810.
  • “Archie’s Adventure,” 332
  • Argyll car, 98, 925, 937, 938, 959, 1122.
  • Ariel car, 938. Details, 990.
  • Armangue trophy, 221, 429.
  • Armstrong-Siddeley car, 47, 341, 452, 559, 586, 742, 835, 923, 927, 955, 959, 995. .
  • Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 146.
  • Arrol-Johnston car, 309, 547, 811, 924, 942, 959. Details, 700.
  • Arrol-Johnston, Ltd., 736.
  • Arrol-Johnston owners’ rallies, 502, 506, 524, 658.
  • Ashdown Forest, Through, 160.
  • Ashley car, 938.
  • Ashton-Evans car, 873.
  • Aster car, 924, 1110. Engine, 829.
  • Aston-Martin car, 154, 268, 282, 330, 411, 458, 475, 481, 539, 708, 747, 1031, 1116.
  • “Atlantic” jack, 641.
  • Atomising air valve, 39.
  • A.T. speedometer, 789.
  • Auster wind screens, 891.
  • Austin car, 114, 135, 313, 330, 445, 643, 777, 811, 890, 902, 912, 924, 942, 955, 960, 992. Details, 343, 625.
  • Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 190, 276, 860, 900, 1039.
  • Austin, Sir Henry, 1002, 1045. NB Possibly a reference to Herbert Austin?
  • Australia, 81, 206, 252, 549, 749, 880, 1114.
  • Austro-Daimler car, 325, 643, 676, 956.
  • AUTO. (see also Road signs), 144, 353, 377, 417, 654.
  • Auto Cycle Union, 61, 165, 292, 374, 762, 808, 824.
  • Auto Machinery Co. ,891.
  • Automobile Association and Motor Union, 36, 51, 94, 104, 126, 138, 139, 164, 170, 228, 238, 258, 294, 328, 362, 384, 395, 438, 584, 635, 753, 862, 997, 1015, 1100, 1103.
  • Automobile Calculations (J. Watt), 381.
  • Automotive Products Co., 480, 896.
  • Auto-Seal taps and filters, 648.
  • Auto-Vac fuel supply, 829.
  • Axles, 677, 815, 830,'860.
  • B.A.C. CAR, 71, 96, 97, 162, 225, 938.
  • Bale, Maj. F., 439, 503.
  • Ballot car, 329, 384, 419, 431, 643.
  • Barbarou engine, 290.
  • Barimar, Ltd., 883, 891.
  • Bass, E. L., on Engine Lubrication, 107.
  • Bavox tyre pump, 52.
  • Bayliss, Thomas car, 900, 938.
  • Bean car, 219, 246, 411, 558, 574, 704, 711, 757, 766, 924, 926, 935, 955, 960, 1041, 1092.
  • Beardmore car, 906, 924, 961.
  • Bearings, 65, 302.
  • Belgium, 116, 577, 616, 646, 691, 1034.
  • Belsize car, 10, 322, 925.
  • Belsize Motors, Ltd., 22, 756.
  • Benevolent Fund, 979.
  • Benjamin car, 640, 938. Details, 637.
  • Benoist, 707.
  • Bentley car, 330, 429, 474, 537, 539, 587, 593, 650, 749, 840, 928, 938, 945, 961. Details, 785.
  • Benz car, 666. Details, 285.
  • Benzole, 526, 1080.
  • Berliet car, 96, 411, 925, 928.
  • Between Ourselves — weekly notes.
  • Bianchi car, 10, 197, 429, 868, 925, 942, 956, 962.
  • Bignan car, 938. 994. Details 763.
  • Bird, Sir A. (death of), 124, 176, 334.
  • Bishop and Babcock thermostat, 607.
  • Biss, Gerald (death of), 333, 383.
  • Blackstone Edge, 247.
  • Bleriot-Whippet car, 939.
  • B.L.I.C. magneto, 875, 891.
  • “Blissfulness of Unimportance,’ 1055.
  • B.M.I.L. car lock, 812.
  • Boilerine, 21, 40.
  • Bonnets and fastenings, 482, 493, 529, 1036.
  • Books (see also Reviews), 103, 339, 438, 498, 604,
  • Bordino, P., 746, 768.
  • Borg and Beck indicator, 289.
  • Bosch electrical equipment, 255, 449, 515, 630, 949, 1011.
  • Boulogne meeting, 502, 644.
  • Bow “V” car (details), 575
  • Bowser (S. F.) and Co., 896.
  • Boys, 124, 878, 953.
  • Bradbury jack, 774.
  • Bradford Auto Club, 438, 600.
  • Bradford M.C and Light Car Club, 212.
  • Bradshaw engine, 322.
  • Bradwell engine tester, 232.
  • Brakes, 143, 180, 259, 301, 341, 359, 485, 491, 544, 564, 726, 801, 821, 1065.
  • Bray, Arthur, 169, 525.
  • Breakdowns, 697.
  • Brett, C. W. on Treatment of Cylinders, 647.
  • Brighton, 549.
  • British Engineering Standards Association, 19, 862.
  • British Ensign car, 925.
  • British Government (leaders on) 85, 278, 318, 716, 1002, 1042, 1106.
  • British Government (Questions in Parliament), 164, 176, 395,510, 571, 591, 1072, 1080, 1100.
  • British Motor Trading Corporation, 190.
  • British Petroleum Co., Ltd,, 896.
  • British Thomson-Houston Co., 892.
  • Briton car, 10.
  • Brolt, Ltd., ignition devices, 580, 892, 946.
  • Brooklands, 64, T54, 213, 294, 301, 363, 487, 523, 570, 577, 611, 640, 711, 731, 844, 874, 945, 946, 981.
  • Brooklands, racing at, 32, 226, 267, 306, 3IS, 329, 350, 371, 384, 399, 408, 411, 419, 430, 456, 474, 523, 577, 627, 639, 657. 662, 665, 695, 696, 707, 748, 759, 836, 844, 848, 879, 900, 994, 1093.
  • Brooklands, records, 154, 208, 224, 250, 288, 308, 359, 390, 520, 523, 531, 577, 612, 615, 622, 711, 720, 749, 816, 859 948, 953 976 994 1032, 1051,
  • “Brooklands” ventilator, 252.
  • Brown Bros., Ltd., 232, 290, 418, 565, 880, 892.
  • B.S.A. car, 95, 225, 337, 393, 404, 446, 453, 494, 495, 578, 861, 1006, 1059, 1110. Details, 659.
  • Buchet car, 428, 939. Details, 241.
  • Buckingham car, 939. Details, 447.
  • Bugatti car, 33, 268, 270, 346, 370, 396 434, 453, 495, 538, 539, 578, 621, 639, 643, 672, 708, 747, 925, 934, 956, 963, 981, 993. Details, 29, 1049. Bugatti, Mons. E., 38, 312.
  • Buick car, 231, 694, 713, 926, 939, 962. Details, 133.
  • Buick carburettor, 502.
  • “Building a Motor-House,” 857.
  • Bulgaria, 262.
  • Bumpers, 380, 480, 896.
  • Burt engine, 1122.
  • ’Buses, motor, 28, 38, 92, 124 129 146, 212 274, 334, 549, 560, 1074.
  • Business Only Meant ” 141.
  • CADILLAC CAR, 818, 926, 963.
  • Calcott car, 10, 748, 926, 934.
  • “Call of Caledonia,” 521.
  • Calthorpe car, 10, 14, 926 1093.
  • Camera and the car, 117.
  • Camping, 726.
  • Canada, 92, 339, 362, 6T5.
  • Captin petrol pourer, 244.
  • Car Ignition and Lighting Co., 896.
  • Caravans, 470.
  • Carburettors, 5, 35, 109, 196, 231, 279, 301, 322, 502, 776, 1046, 1065, 1115.
  • Case car, 939.
  • Cattle, etc., on highways, 334, 1069.
  • C. A. V. - Willard battery, 158.
  • Ceylon, 38, 739.
  • Channel Isles, 874.
  • Chapman (A. W.), Ltd., 81, 169.
  • Charron car, 685, 794, 926.
  • Charron-Laycock car, 95, 269, 495, 496.
  • Chars-a-bancs. 56, 78, 345, 362, 429, 696, 748, 772, 890, 983.
  • Chassagne, J., 602.
  • Chenard-Walcker car, 218.
  • Cheshire, 127, 799, 1001, 1054.
  • Chevrolet car, 98, 926.
  • China, 159, 497, 749, 750, 1074.
  • Chitty-Bang-Bang car, 474.
  • Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., 168, 77S, S18, S92, 1072.
  • “Christmas Reminiscences,” 1118.
  • Citroen car, 53, 98, 1 15, 181, 926, 956, 9S“2.
  • “City of Three Tall Spires,” 505, 517.
  • Claudel-Hobson carburettor., 5, 1115.
  • Clayrite specialities, 79, 896.
  • “Clear ” hooters, 796.
  • Clerk, Sir Dugald, 556.
  • Cleveland car, 927, 964. Details, 1007.
  • Club Official, woes of, 327.
  • Cluley car, 939.
  • Clutches, 401, 606, 830, 874, 1065.
  • Clyno car, 933, 939, 964.
  • Coachwork, cleaning of, 437, 500.
  • Coachwork, design, etc., 32, 101, 107, 175, 207, 215, 237, 259, 346, 347, 355, 358, 369, 396, 401, 415, 435, 457, 485, 523, 545, 654, 684, 699, 738, 739, 781, 795, 887, 918, 919, 982, 1002, 1092, 1101, 1107, 1121.
  • Coachwork, doors and windows, 480, 820, 894, 896, 1107.
  • Coachwork, hoods and curtains, 114, 208, 214, 259, 275, 529, 571, 616, 733, 820, 1003.
  • Coachwork, paint and finish of, 443, 479, 500, 523, 544, 585, 815, 900, 913.
  • Coachwork prices, 14, 341.
  • Coachwork, seats, 10, 169, 491, 633, 1017, 1038.
  • Coan’s specialities, 290, 892,
  • Coasting, 446, 532.
  • Cole bodies, 355.
  • Cole, Lieut.-Col. J. A., 416.
  • Coleman tyre, 1038.
  • Colour. See Coachwork (paint).
  • Commercial Motor Users Assoc., HI, 124, 2f)8, 878.
  • Commutators, 788.
  • Company doings (see (iho Weekly lists), 22, 61, 190, 276, 296.
  • Competitions (see also Prizes; Knees; Trials), HI 104, 350. 497, .SIM. 587, 700.
  • Concerning Hill Climbs," HIM.
  • Control of the car, .SO I, 605, 830, 881.
  • Conway Castle, 43.
  • Cooling (see also Radiators), 14, 339, 400, 157, 480, 192, 540, 50M, 573, 584. 007, 1043, 1005.
  • Cooper Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd., 892.
  • Cornwall, J22.
  • Corona car, 940,
  • Correspondence, See Weekly.
  • Coupe des Voiturettes, 809.
  • Coventry Chain Co, 22.
  • Crane spring suspension, 608.
  • Crankshafts, 1023.
  • Crawhez, Baron, 791.
  • Cripples’ outing, 380.
  • Cromwell petrol pourer, 8H0.
  • Crosses, ancient, 105, 1021.
  • Crossley car, 32. 41, 47, 191, 274, 438, 478, 627, 694, 713, 81 I, 925, 927, 935.
  • Crossley Motors, Ltd., 190, 397.
  • Crouch car, 330, 337, 431, 475, 767, 809, 816, 873, 879, 901, 94(1, 945, 1016, 1057, 1115.
  • C.T. carburettor, 776.
  • Cubitt car, 180, 588, 927.
  • Cubitts' Engineering Co., Ltd., 22.
  • Cummings, Miss Ivy, 431, 432, 578, 600.
  • Cycles and cyclists, 25, 44, 51, 50, 75, 85, 86, 101, 121, 240, 350, 438, 609, 718, 746, 795.
  • Cylinders (see also Repairs), 776.
  • Czecheslovak Republic, 274.
  • DAILY MAIL, 464, 718.
  • Daily Telegraph, 150, 1037.
  • Daimler car, 151, 359, 756, 927, 955, 964, 999, 1059. Details, 1089.
  • Daimler Co., Ltd., 861.
  • De Dietrich ear, 817.
  • De Dion Bouton car, 10, 275, 886, 927, 1046.
  • Deemster car, 81 I. Details, 1027.
  • Dekla accessories, 896, 1080.
  • Delage car, 180, 429, 928, 929, 931. Details, 1113.
  • Delahaye car, 180.
  • Delaunay Belleville ear, 928, 931, 938, 1070.
  • Delivery charges, 823.
  • Denmark, 221, 577, 713, 845.
  • Dennis, Sir R., 67.
  • Derby car, 901, 937, 940.
  • Debyshire, 357, 1041.
  • Design (see also Coachwork; Engine Design; Research; Springs), 64, 65, 68, 85, 101, 106, 123, 143, 144. 153, 193, 214, 230, 236, 254, 278, 299, 302, 358, 375, 381, 401, 415, 421, 435, 442, 462, 179, 184, 500, 507, 544, 552, 697, 717, 753, 781. 829, 918, 978, 982, 992, 1003, 1023, 1043, 1063, 1065, 1107,
  • Desmo specialities, 773, 1058, 1100.
  • Devonshire, 843.
  • Dewar trophy, 953.
  • D.E.P. car, 928.
  • Diatto car (details), 263.
  • Dick Turpin’s country, 297, 309.
  • Disabled Society, 784.
  • Doctors, 51, 122.
  • Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd., 545, 1098.
  • Dodge car, 32, 122, 940, 965.
  • Dorman engine, 598.
  • Dover, Ltd., 893.
  • Doyle “Tampapruf" gear lock, 791.
  • Dreams,” 542.
  • Drivers, 193, 672, 823; puzzle for, 1057, 1079.
  • Driving, inconsiderate and dangerous, 28, 98, 139, 152, 193, 280, 434, 464, 477, 558, 571, 572, 591, 795, 844, 922.
  • Duco headlight dippers, 1071.
  • Dudley Castle, 757.
  • Dunhill's specialities, 21, 674, 893.
  • Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 416, 56(1, 1045, 1082.
  • Dunlop tyres, 648, 694, 836.
  • Durant car (details), 177.
  • Durlacher, C., 525, 1122.
  • Dust, 462, 552.
  • Dynamos, 88, 892, 899.
  • EALING AND DISTRICT M.C.C., 292, 337, 349, 350, 384, 446, 639,
  • Earl car (details), 087..
  • Early eats, 274, 817, 1046.
  • Economy, 868, 1059.
  • E. D. Motors, Ltd., 897.
  • Edge, S. F. {see also Past, Present and Future — weekly), 125, 182, 229, 359, 377, 409, 523, 579, 626, 640, 663, 670, 712, 735, 748, 841, 047, 1057.
  • Edge, S. F., "Double Twelve" record at Brooklands, 61 1, 612, 622, 629, 646, 674, 720,
  • Edinburgh and District M.C., 808,
  • Edgware Trading Co., 880.
  • ”Edward and the Policeman," 271.
  • Egvpt, 730.
  • E.H.P. car (details), 49.
  • Elections, 46, 888, 950, 1002, 1005, 1013.
  • Elements of Lubrication, 1071.
  • Elephant Chemical Co., 893.
  • Elliott Bros., 893,
  • Empire petrol economiser, 244,
  • Enfield-Allday car, 31, 218, 453, 475, 538, 539, 709, 028, 94 1.
  • Engine design, 3. 24, 25, 45, 55, 75, 123, 125, 144, 145, 157, I.i8, 167, 180, 188,200, 207, 215,229,230, 231, 254, 267, 273, 290, 203, 294, 314, 318, 339, 353, 350, 375, 396, 415, 435, 548, 598, 692, 717. 847,806,807,918, 103), 1037 1122, l|0),
  • Engine Tester, 232.
  • Engine Trouble, 12, 109, 120, 1 K-l, 1011, 510.
  • Eric Campbell car, 040.
  • Eric Longden car, 042, 000, 10,'111. Details, 081.
  • Essex, 309, 515, 012.
  • Essex car, 428, 043, 028, 005.
  • Essex County and Southend Auto. Club, 144, 202, 350, 414, 438, 452, 493, 752, 702, 821, 802, 000.
  • Essex Motor Club, 82, 102, 180, 250, 257, 208 200, 202, 327, 350, 502, 577, 578, 027, 772, 811 810, 824, 830.
  • Ex-a-Gun greaser, 250, 300.
  • Exhuusl, I 15, 231, 005, 050.
  • Exhaust whistles, 773, 1013.
  • Exhibitions (see also Motor Show; Paris Salon), 38 01,72, 05, 144, 174, 274, 577, 740, 704, 850, 1070.
  • Exide See Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd.
  • FANS, 14, 584, 11 10.
  • Federated Malay States, 750, 1003.
  • Felco aluminium piston, 280.
  • Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd., 481, 803.
  • Fenn, Mr., 022.
  • Fergus car, 874.
  • Ferodo, Ltd., 778.
  • Fiat ear, 40, 150, 204, 310, 348, 412, 550, 557, 001, 020, 030, 041, 057, 740, 708, 848, 927, 929, 006, 1050. Details, 840.
  • Fiction, motoring in, 003, 000.
  • “Fifteen Years After ” (S. Smith), 071), 735.
  • Films, 1098.
  • Fire Brigades, 190, 348, 1015.
  • Fire extinguishers, 302, 808.
  • Fisk tyre, 370, 1052.
  • Flexn drive, 109O.
  • Florio Cup race, 1017,
  • F.N. ear, 929, 941.
  • F.N.G. spark intensitier, 750.
  • Focus headlight, 292.
  • Ford car, 33, 110, 211, 200, 308, 302, 565, 015, 700, 730, 788, 824, 950, 980, 1074.
  • Ford, Henry, 1087, 1090, 1124.
  • Ford motor boats, 577.
  • Fords and water-splashes, 88.
  • Foreign motor trade. See Trade.
  • Frames, 82, 173.
  • France (see also Grand Prix), 70, 124, 230, 292, 440, 478, 497, 502, 574, 044, 720, 790, 808.
  • France, views in, 58, 132, 180, 277, 558, 838.
  • Franklin car, 180, 232.
  • Friction drives, 278, 442, 479, 500, 792.
  • Fry, Sir Wm., 535.
  • Fuel, 144, 150, 450, 520, 1073, 1074.
  • Fuel consumption, 775, 853.
  • Fuel consumption tests, 543, 704, 845, 880.
  • Galloway car, 10, 11,391, 490, HI 1,929, 940, 989.
  • Garage doors, 093, 734.
  • Garages (see also Repairers; Traders), 27, 81, 104, 110, 138, 103, 189, 315, 544, 500, 570, 594, 013, 712, 751, 792, 857.
  • Gardner car, 929.
  • Gattie suspension device, 130, 195, 253.
  • Gear, ratios, 853.
  • Gears and gear-boxes, 30, 04, 05, 123, 143, I 14, 181, 187, 192, 207, 208, 210, 229, 253, 278, 299, 302, 424, 442, 479, 500, 532, 544, 557, 650, 071, 753, 815, 829, 800, 983, 1016, 1037, 1057, 1079, 1096, 1102, 1121.
  • Germany, 16, 21, 159, 227, 230, 274, 302, 630, 792, 986,1101.
  • Gerrans, F. H., 71.3.
  • Gifts of cars, 124, 348, 516.
  • Gillett, T., 579, 622.
  • Girardot, L. (death of), 762.
  • Glare-guards, 147, 184, 250, 1013.
  • Gloucestershire, 23, 63.
  • G. N, ear, 115, 202, 225, 270, 391, 392, 410, III, 452, 453, 473, 475, 509, 578, 030, 031, 708, 825, 905, 937,940,941, 940, 953, 950, 966, 970, 1080.
  • Godfrey, H. R., 1032.
  • Goodyear (W.) and Sons, 893.
  • Graham specialities, 79, 372, 030, 004, 897.
  • Grand Prix A.C.F., 10, 34, 182, 206, 308, 500, 601, 641, 657, 1076.
  • Grand Prix do Tourisme, 602.
  • Grand Prix of Europe, 1062.
  • Grant exhaust manifold, 232.
  • “Great Disillusioning," 645.
  • Grimston vulcaniser, 1058.
  • “Griptite " universal joint, 372.
  • “Growth of the Movement," 477.
  • Guinness, K. Lee, 527, 538, 539, 602, 709, 711.
  • Guy car, 874, 929.
  • Guy Motors, Ltd., 378.
  • G.W.K. car, 514, 746, 792, 929. Details, 595.
  • Gwynne bodywork, 684. Car, 930.
  • HADDON HALL, 357.
  • Hampshire A.C., 292, 459, 532, 561.
  • Hampton car, 429, 940.
  • Handicapping, 945.
  • Hands ear, 940. Details, 111.
  • Harper runabout, 1006, 1033, 1034.
  • Harrison (F) and Sons, 897.
  • Harrow and District M.C.C., 207.
  • Hartford universal joint, 120.
  • Harvey Frost and Co. (see also Rotoflator), 010, 749, 893, 1017, 1059, 1095.
  • Haynes engine, 231.
  • H.E. car, 208, 303. 131, 507, 042, 770, 940. 956, 967,
  • Headlight dimmers and switches, 52, 79, 101, 437.
  • Headlight glare, 91, 122, 147, 152, 184, 250, 328, 782, 1017.
  • Headlight tests, 100, 292, 810, 995,
  • Headlights 14, 20, 40, 70, 314, 892, 1071.
  • “Heartsrase,” 771.
  • Heat indicator, 280.
  • Heath plugs, 880.
  • Heating the mixture, 231,
  • Heavy vehicles {see also 'Buses; ( |,.U-Commercial Motor Users' Axxnrhiti, da mage to; Tractors), 50, 6H, 122 175, 322, 758, 780, 781, 792, 820, 1003.
  • Henslowe, Leonard, 1019, 1051, 1122.
  • Hertford Street Motor Co., 27, HI, 1.38.
  • Hertfordshire, 297, 309, 349, 547, 1026, 1105
  • Herts County A.C., 202, 790.
  • Hill climbs, 154, J«2, 250, 253, 257, 258, 272, 282, 292, 301, 326, 327, 328, 34 1, 374, 438, 451, 452, 456, 459, 472, 483, 494, 516, 532, 56), 577, 600, 616, 630, 058, 672, 691, 720, 762, 772, 790, 816.
  • Hillman car, 31, 97, 411, 930, 940, 941.
  • Hiring of cars, 861.
  • Hispano Suiza car, 51. 453, 910, 1030.
  • Hobson specialities, 139, 773, 894.
  • “Hocusses, A Pew," 1077.
  • Holden, Brig.-Gen. Sir C., 535.
  • Hollings' starter, 80.
  • Honours, medals, etc., 15, 556,
  • Hoods. Ser Coach work.
  • Horns, hooters, etc., 39, 79, 282, 369, 372 515, 590, 664, 773, 796, 897, 1013, I lot).
  • Hornsted car, 912.
  • Horse-power rating, 4, 81.
  • Horses, 19, 40, 55, 66, lot.
  • Horstmann car, 940.
  • Hotchkiss car, 930. Details, 553, 1030.
  • Hotchkiss engine, 54,
  • Hotels and inns, 23, 63, 282, 515, 712, 715, 727, 731. 472,
  • Housing problem, 103, 809.
  • “How to Win the 200 Mile Race,” 668.
  • H.T. tyre hook, 437.
  • “Huburt: His Doom," 977.
  • Huddersfield A.C., 438, 600.
  • Hudson car, 930, 935. Hudson oiler, 188.
  • Humber car, 10, 95, 96, 97, 114, 700, 748, 925, 930, 955, 967, 992.
  • Humber, Ltd., 102, 1040.
  • Hupmobile car, 940.
  • Hurtu car, 138.
  • IGNITION {see also Magnetos), 318, 404, 423, 531, 566, 672, 684, 803, 821, 839, 860, 881, 913, 947, 1010.
  • Ignition plugs, etc., )39, 165, 289, 415, 436, 501, 773, 79.3, 880, 889, 894, 947, 1038, 11 10.
  • Ignition testing services, 289, 580, 895, 946.
  • Import duties, 147, 395, 1081, 1 114.
  • Imports and exports, abroad, 38, 212, 497, 739, 824, 1003, 1081, 1098. 1 114.
  • Imports and exports, British, 62. 148, 234„ 356, 418, 546, 610, 694, 798, 916, 1020, 1124,
  • Index marks, 78.
  • India, 32, 68, 142, 154, 274, 613, 976, 1072:
  • Indianapolis race, 429, 472, 650.
  • Indicators, 12, 166, 183, 289, 435, 995.
  • "Indiscretion of Hamel,” 996.
  • Inspection, 73, 442.
  • Institute of Metals, 78, 79, 290, 497, 830, 1026,
  • Institute of Transport, 345, 421.
  • "Instarter” device, 896.
  • Institution of Automobile Engineers, 88, 107, I fo, 128, 132, 140, 144, 146, 150, 188, 262, 290, 345. 362, 381, 478, 824, 834, 864, 868, 874, 886, 902 919, 948, 953, 994, 1034, 1069, 1085.
  • Instrument boards, 501, 1019, 1051.
  • Insurance, 416, 432.
  • International Conference, 1062.
  • Inventors, 777, 1045.
  • Ireland, 61, 132, 224. 414, 434, 514, 624, 720, 890' 1072.
  • Isle of Wight, 191, 417, 438, 470.
  • Isotta-Fraschini car, 930.
  • Itala car, 941.
  • Italy, 38, 40, 78, 94, 144, 221, 274, 316, 170, 557, 561), 711, 746, 768, 848, 956, 1076, 1098, 1100, 1124.
  • JACKS, 74, 290, 295, 370, 607, 641, 774, 891, 893, 1017.
  • Janson, Col. and Mrs. S., 623, 624, 646, 652, 658.
  • Japan, 78.
  • Jarrott, Charles, 817, 1103.
  • “Jefsto” wind deflectors, 545.
  • J.H.A. dimmer switch, 52.
  • J.M. shock absorbers, 182.
  • Johnston, Lt.-Col., on Roadless Vehicles, 1085.
  • Jones and Shipman valve re seater, 1058.
  • Jowett car, 391, 858, 942.
  • Joyce, J. A., 1050, 1051.
  • Joynson-Hicks, Sir Wm., 953, 1002, 1036, 1053.
  • Junior Car Club, 16, 116, 159, 169, 182, 213 225, 292, 306, 350, 371, 459, 501, 516, 549, 672 720, 772, 774,
  • Junior Car Club 200 Mile Race, 16, 224, 393, 502, 641, 669, 677, 695, 696, 707, 711, 742, 747, 775, 1038, 1099.
  • LABOUR OUTLOOK, 68. 377, 4] 7, 4.0. 503, 594, ~B4 1022. 1042. 1057. 1081. 1120.
  • La Buire car, 74 1006.
  • Lagonda car, 270. 399. 431. 600. 667, 931, 1060. Details, 323, 1029.
  • Lake and Elliot, Ltd.. 515. 884.
  • Lake District, 655. 819. Sol, S32, I08S.
  • Laminated springs (A. A. Remington), 110, 1S8. 209, 262, 293.
  • Lamps (see also Headlights; Lenses; Lighting), 5S6 712, 733. 758. S92, 1072.
  • Lancashire, 247. 295.
  • Lancaster, H., 629.
  • Lanchester car, 9S. 1S7. 262, 342, 40S, 556 604 706. 741. 749, 761, SI l, 929, 930. 931, 941. 955, 9SS, 993.
  • Lanchester, F. W., 24. 12S.
  • Lancia car, 92S 931. 942, 956, 9S3, 9S6 999 1016 101S, 1060.
  • Laystall Motor Engineering Co., 436, 894.
  • Le Champion, LC„ S59.
  • Lea-Francis car, 942, 991. Details 1111.
  • Lectures and papers. 24, 64. 7S. SS. 107, 109. 110, 12S. 140. 144, 150, 170, 182. 1SS. 209, 210, 290, - 302, 32S, 345. 362, 3S1, S34, SS6, 902. 919] 953* 994. 1034, 1036, 10S5.
  • Legal cases, 76, 164. 504, S44.
  • Legislation (see aha Motor Legislation Committee : Taxation). S4, 250, 280, 3IS. 334, 340, 3S2, 697, 704. 716. 7S2, S02, 1024, 1066, 1086.
  • Lejeune mascots, 754.
  • Le Mans-meeting, 790.
  • “Lending Motor Cars,” 205.
  • Lenses, anti-glare, 103, 995t
  • Letts Sir Wm., 15. 41, 67, 211. 443, 47S, 645, 755, 777, 949, 9S5, 1039.
  • Lewis, Sidney W., 1059.
  • Leyland car, 159, 475, 577, 615, 931, 969, 994.
  • Leyland-Trojan car, 924, 931.
  • Licences (see also Registration books), 38, 40,167, 173, 207, 313, 444, 504, 510, 592. 607, 65S, 1095. Statistics, 144, 190, 362, 1036, 1094, 10967TT20. Life of cars, 336, 817.
  • Lifeboats, motor, S2, 232. 417, 790.
  • Light Car and Sidecar (W. H. Hingston), SS6.
  • Light cars (see also Light Car Gossip—weekly), 261. 410, 462. 1085.
  • Lighting regulations, 25, 44, 56, 75. 86, 101, 121, 123. 240, 360, 697. 704, 7S2, 99S. 1072.
  • Lighting sets, 19, S7, 124, 167, 203, 370, 738, 775.
  • Lincoln engine, 231.
  • Lincolnshire, 1 17.
  • “Little Drops of Water,” 837.
  • “Little Things,” 583.
  • Liverpool University Eng. Society, 217.
  • Locking devices, 376, 791, 812.
  • Lodge ignition devices, 566, 889.
  • London-Dover road improvement, 1053,
  • Lorraine-Dietrich car, 927.
  • Low air-cooled engine, 157. 267.
  • Loyd-Lord car (details), 1067.
  • L.S.D. cycle-car, 1033, 1034.
  • Lubrication. 65, 85. 107, 120, 151, 188 207, 230, 255, 273, 369. 420. 590, 655. 692, 730, 800, 812, 874, 998, 1016, 1037, 1071.
  • Lucas (Joseph), Ltd., 369.
  • Ludlow, 917.
  • Luff Smith. H., 169.
  • Luggage carriers, 655, 674.
  • “Lure of Welsh Wales,” 793.
  • OAKLAND CAR, 2IS, 932, 939.
  • Obstruction, 164, 417.
  • Oil (see also Lubrication), S2, 129, 401, 774, S10, 818, 860.
  • Oil cans, gauges, etc., 138, 609, 848, 865, 882, 895.
  • Oke duplex car-washer, 437.
  • Oldest motorist, 658.
  • Olympia (see also Motor-Cycle Show ; Motor Boats ; Motor Show), 345.
  • "On Selling a Motor-Car,” 1035.
  • “One Sinner that Repenteth,” 1014.
  • “Open Letter to Barbara,” 877.
  • Orcutt, H. F. L., on Gear-Box Design, 64, 302.
  • Orde, Sir Julian, 361.
  • Ormandy, Dr., on Fuels, 144, 150.
  • O. S. speedometers, 140.
  • Overland car, 41, 61, 95, 211, 417, 543, 559, 873, 932 1094.
  • Oxford Motor Clubs, 78, 186, 413.
  • PACKARD CAR, 943, 948.
  • Paige car. 943.
  • Paige-Jewett car, 5S6. Details, 743.
  • Palestine, 401.
  • Palladium car, 270, 495, 932. Details, 869.
  • Palmer tyre pump, 828.
  • Panhard car, 932.
  • Paris Salon, 78, 212. 345, 852, 900.
  • Parking of cars, 113, 212, 228, 339, 376, 516, 613, 616, 742, 1080.
  • Parks, motoring in, 401, 446, 560, 591.
  • Parson’s compression plug, 436.
  • “Pasolite,” 91.
  • Passing Show—weekly notes.
  • Past, Present and Future, by S. F. Edge —each week.
  • Patent Motor Products Co., 754, 898.
  • Patents. See list each week.
  • Paterson, J. H., 275.
  • Pedals, 552, 564, 784.
  • Pedestrians, 16, 116, 188, 215, 253 550, 591, 612.
  • Peebles Motor Co., 166. 11
  • Pennine Idyll,” 378.
  • “Perfect" windscreen cleaner.
  • Perfecta Motor Equipment Co., 398.
  • Perplex lock, 376.
  • Persia, 497, 1072.
  • “Pet” petrol economizer. 1123
  • Petro-Flex tubing, 664.
  • Petrol, 20. 92, 129, 173. 279, 424, 903 822. 448, 528, 55K
  • Petrol accessories, 48, 85. 166, 218. 244, 348, 609, 628 648, 671, 773, 880, 894, 945. 1008, 1058, IU6, 1123. _ \
  • Petrol imports and exports, 62, 14S, 234. '546, 610, 694,798,916,1020, 1124.
  • Petrol-electric. transmission (N. E. Kearley), 219.
  • Peugeot car. 10, 275. 475. 491, 93.1, 956, 971, 1 *H/<> 1017. Details, 1047.
  • Phoenix car, 138, 933.
  • Pickard, A., 894. ,
  • Pickavant (J. W.) and Co., 12. 39, 30, 91.
  • Pilain car, 491.
  • Piston ring testing jig, 606.
  • Pistons, 165, 289, 436, *75.
  • Police (see also Speed limits), 212. 230, 271, 340, 362, 382, 571, 594, 607, 609, 718, 768, 976, 994.
  • Portugal, 417, 5S6.
  • Premier engine. 231.
  • Press, 103, 620, 7IS. 777, 1064.
  • Price's Co., Ltd., 138, 1071. 1 Vices of cars, 14. 61, 94. 201. 211. .—v 24t\ 2t>6, 275 287 341, 354, 599, 672, 693, 714, 735, 752, 754 . 766, 777 . 794 . 811, 815, 841. 858, 890. 906, 921, 1057, 1080, 1081.
  • Prince of Wales, 32, 154, 274, 986.
  • Princes Garage, 566.
  • Princess car. 943, 945, 1010.
  • Prizes, 267, 339.
  • Purser, A. M. (death of), 383.
  • Pyrene Co. 1, Ltd., 898.
  • QUALITY, 245, 1 107.
  • “Quikko” horn, 39.
  • RACK TRACKS (see also Brooklands), 334, 345, 446 1072.
  • Races (horse), cars at, 39.
  • Races, motor (see a/so America; Brooklands; Motor-Cycling Club ; Grand Prix ; tourist Trophy; Junior Car Club), 16, 116, 144, 190, 193. 221, 224. 230, 274, 288, 301, 400, 402, 414, 429! 438, 486," 502, 539. 557, 587, 614.'639, 663, 668, 673, 691, 700, 712, 719. 740, 746, 747, 762, 768. 790. 953. 1017, 1031, 1094.
  • Radiators, 21. 40, 319. 529. 650, 895, 1046.
  • Railways. 37, 84. 116, 124, 139. 175, 217, 320, 1074.
  • Ramsay's direction indicator, 995.
  • Ramsdens. Ltd., 899.
  • Rapson dipping headlights. 14, 20, 76.
  • Rapson, F. L.. 210, 295, 556, 993, 1057.
  • Rapson tyre and jack, 210, 350, 370, 409, 567, 680, 706, 742. 776, 794, 1052.
  • Rear drive, 144, 254.
  • Rear lights. See Lighting regulations.
  • Records (see also Brooklands), 429, 458. 4S2, 648, 672, 719, 840, 994. 1102.
  • Registration books (see also Licences), 2, 26, 44, 56, 150, 592.
  • Regulations (see also Legislation ; Lighting), 334.
  • Remington, A. A., on Laminated Springs, 110, 188, 209, 262, 293.
  • Renault car, 74.
  • Repairs and repairers (see also Service), 45, 101, 507, 564, 647, 650, 692, 767, S76, 883, 1095.
  • Research, 128, 145.
  • Reviews of books, 104, 146, 354. 364, 438, 456, 460, 604, 616. 639, 694, 730, 756, 812. 900, 1087.
  • Revolution and speed indicator, 183.
  • Rhode car, 393, 943.
  • Ricardo, H. R., on Research, 128, 145.
  • Rigby (Robert), accessories, 565.
  • Riley car, 391, 496, 755, 858, 874, 933.
  • Ripault accessories, 140, 501, 894.
  • Road Fund, 173.
  • Road, rule of the, 16, 27, 76, 116 215 0,,8 253. 550, 552, 612. 654, 679.
  • Road signs, 27, 80, 172, 322, 348, 548, 570, 654, 656, 679,
  • Roadless vehicles (Lieut.-Col. P. H. Johnston), 1085.
  • Roads, abroad, 362, 417, 1074
  • Roads (bridges), 6, 102.’172, 216, 384, 535, 577, 658, 781,862, 953, 1036, 1053, 1072, 1094
  • Roads, closing of, 80, 172, 274, 286 514 650, 997.
  • Roads, damage to, 78, 146, 170, 195, 322, 551, 605, 658, 700, 749, 758, 780. 795, 820.
  • Roads, dangerous corners, cross-roads, etc., SO, 230, 648, 670, 654, 679, 736, 758, 1057.
  • Roads, leaders on, 172. 173, 421, 548, 570. 632, 654, 758, 780, 820, 865, 1022, 1042.
  • Roads, maintenance and improvement of, 194, 196, 232, 313, 316, 345, 395, 549, 632, 756, 774, 791, 878, 960, 1034, 1053, 1057, 1058, 1072, 1120.
  • Roads, new, 62, 88, 116, 173, 302, 345. 362, 632, h97, 739, 762, 794. 824, 830, 868, 950. 1071.
  • Roads, prohibited, 485, 552 577
  • Roads, statistics, 1036. ’
  • Roads, surface of {see also ’Parr.-d), 605, 632, 649, 815, 830, 882, 978, 994, 998, 1016.
  • Roads, tarred, 435, 457, 479, 605, 803.
  • Roads Improvement Assoc., 359, 636. 756, 1124.
  • Robinhood Engineering Co., 796, 899.
  • Roche, E. V. H., 73, 137. 158.
  • Rochet-Schneider car, 933. ,ofl
  • Rolls-Royce car, 126, 154, 262, 384, 403, 446, 680, 835, 847, 930, 934. 950, 4)55, 971, 986, 998, 1H7. Retails, 855. Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 378,
  • Rose single-plate clutch, 606.
  • Rotax accessories, 383, 895,
  • Rotoflator, 435, 458.
  • Rover car, 10, 95, 203, 352, 450, 461, 691,' 934, 935, 1061.
  • Rover Co., Ltd,, 984.
  • Royal Aero Club, 719.
  • Royal Automobile Club, 144, 228: 260, 272 395 514, 719, 980.
  • - Associated Clubs, 582.
  • - Celebration, 1002, 1006, 1062, 1075
  • - Leaders on, 258, 400, 920, 1002, 1084.
  • - Legal Department, 85, 384, 485, 794
  • - Official demonstrations, 250, 641, 995
  • - Touring Department, 39, 94, 157, 250, 258, 294, 302, 316, 560, 580.
  • - Trials, tests, races, etc., 100, 190, 252, 292, 400, 429, 499, 559, 633, 680, 689, 742, 761, 776, 794, 10S4 8/O9 848’ 9°0, 9"2, 953, "5’ 1004> K>09’
  • Royal Motor Yacht Club, 274.
  • Royal Scottish Automobile Club (see also Scottish trials), 85, 279, 577, 816, 868.
  • Royce, F. H., 359.
  • R.T.C. car, 944.
  • Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 862, 1082.
  • Runbaken devices, 165, 289, 437, 628, 788.
  • Running costs, 725.
  • Russell, S., 482.
  • Russia, 556, 1034.
  • Ruston-Hornsby car, 11, 235, 628, 926, 934, 971.
  • Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 526.
  • Rutland, Duke of, 758.
  • SAFETY, 51, 176, 215, 228, 514, 887.
  • Sahara, motoring across, 982.
  • Salesmanship, 233, 439, 510, 7S3.
  • Salmson car, 393, 473, 495, 707, 708, 711, 890, 944. Details, 89, 1030.
  • Salisbury, 1, 83.
  • Salsbury lens, 103.
  • Saltburn speed trials, 438, 532, 539.
  • Scholey and Co., 899.
  • Schrader tyre valves and gauges, 713, 895.
  • Scotland, 116, 139, 173, 227, 228, 395, 497, 510, 521, 535, 779, 808, 868.
  • Scottish trials, 16, 24, 88, 190, 208, 230, 279, 308, 364, 374, 379, 391, 456, 473, 483, 494, 508, 516, 541, 573, 577, 593.
  • Scottish motor shows, 72, 95, 514, 794, 862.
  • Scottish Motor Trade Association, 106, 862.
  • Seabrook car, 934. Details, 69.
  • Second-handcars, 174, 1122.
  • Segrave, Maj. H. O. D., 432, 537, 539, 602.
  • Selden, Geo. B. (death of), 78.
  • Serck Radiators, Ltd., 895.
  • Service (see also Manufacturers ; Repairers), 41, 131, 276, 442, 608, 649, 868.
  • S.E.V. magneto, 1011.
  • S.F. temperator, 480.
  • Shakespeare Pilgrimage, 675, 687.
  • Shaw, Capt. F. S., 389.
  • Shell-Mex, Ltd., 730, 899.
  • Shelsley Walsh hill-climb, 182, 326, 630, 631, 642.
  • Shock absorbers, 41, 56, 139, 593, 998.
  • Short-Ashby car (details), 405.
  • Show chassis, 993.
  • Show-rooms, 20.
  • Sigma car, 944, 1070.
  • Signals (see also Horns ; Road signs), 75.
  • “Silly Things,” 394.
  • Simplex Car Register, 460.
  • Sizaire-Berwick car, 767, 972, 1036, 1110, 1116.
  • Skidding, 415, 803, 881, 948.
  • Skye, island of, 173.
  • Smith, Lieut.-Col. J. D., 864.
  • Smith, J. W., 1031.
  • Smith (S.) and Sons, Ltd., 22, 80, 895, 986.
  • Smith, Sydney, 623, 670, 735, 1025, 1096.
  • Smoking, 979.
  • Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 169, 174, 354, 355, 404, 416, 856, 950, 956, 985.
  • Solex carburettor, 5.
  • Somerset, 235.
  • South Africa, 164, 479, 510, 953, 983, 1071, 109S.
  • South Wales A.C., 350, 561, 600.
  • Southsea speed trials, 669, 732.
  • S.P.A. car, 648, 683, 944. Details, 385.
  • Spain, 38, 61, 144, 348, 395, 421, 429, 953, 1031.
  • Spare parts, 33, 41, 24U.
  • Spare wheels, 298 ; s Jere. tyres, 484.
  • Spark intensifiers, 684, 750.
  • Speciailoid pistons, 165.
  • Speed, 13, 159, 571, 640, 696, 780, 1093, 1097.
  • Speed limits, 232, 280, 294, 340, 362, 384, 417, 434, 516, 591, 636, 862, 890, 983, 997, 1121.
  • Speedometers, 59, 140, 183, 293, 369, 789, 892, 893.
  • Spherical valve guide, 1096, 1101, 1121.
  • Sphinx plugs, 889.
  • "Spiral” valve and plug coolers, 563, 1038.
  • Sport (see also Amateurs), 291, 294, 402, 486, 614.
  • Sporting cars, 485, 523, 789.
  • Spring gaiters, 372, 899.
  • Spring lubrication, 120, 159.
  • Springs (see also Suspension), 25, 31, 41, 55, 110, 138, 1.43, 159, 167, 192, 209, 262, 293, 375 381, 396, 409, 500, 528, 605, 633, 692, 7)7,’ 733, 873, 881, 913, 948, 1088.
  • Spyker car 61 1, 612, 622, 636, 658, 674.
  • Standard car, 14, 97, 502, 582, 748, 752, 873, 930, 935, 955, 972, 992, 1093. Details, 769. 109, 299, 712, 924,
  • Standard Motor Co., Ltd., 328, 1080.
  • Standardisation, 19, 82, 327, 862.
  • Star car, 10, 14, 541, 924, 935.
  • Starters, 19, 80, 129, 203, 363, 449, 895, 1100.
  • Starting handles, 463, 712.
  • Statistics, British (sec also Licences ; Imports and Exports), 38, 61, 129, 159, 193, 230, 510, 549, 556, 607, 658, 711, 759, 874, 983, 1003, 1036, 1080, 1114, 1120.
  • Statistics, foreign, 124, 138, 339, 577, 824, 1098, 1121.
  • S.T.D. Motors, Ltd., 104, 296, 842.
  • Steel, 146.
  • Steering gear, 236, 420, 484, 507, 847, 894.
  • Steering wheels, 13, 676, 893.
  • Stenson Cooke, 294.
  • Stepmats, 290, 565, 892.
  • Stevens (J. A.), Ltd., 255, 370, 449, 515, 949.
  • Stoneleigh car, 473, 669, 944.
  • Storey’s garage, 184,
  • Strachan wing, 326.
  • Straker-Squire car, 10, 935, 943, 1026. Details, 805.
  • Straker-Squire, Ltd., 7.36.
  • Stratton-Instone, Ltd., 1059.
  • Streatham Eng. Co. (see also Princess car), 81, 947.
  • Studebaker car, 890.
  • “Stunts,” 185.
  • S.U. carburettor, 5.
  • Summers car, 411.
  • Sunbeam car, 92, 98, 146, 160, 166, 208, 230, 268, 281, 330, 388, 403, 419, 429, 431, 446, 458, 527, 528, 536, 537, 539, 581, 593, 642, 697, 737, 836, 930, 935, 955, 973, 1012, 1092; motor-boat, 364.
  • Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., 20, 364.
  • Super-Power Co., 565.
  • Superstition, 651.
  • Surrey car, 835, 937, 944. Details, 425.
  • Surrey (see also Kingston), 16, 161, 170, 274, 737.
  • Suspension (see also Springs), 19, 56, 125, 136, 143, 195, 230, 606, 733, 753, 830, 952.
  • Sussex, 149, 161, 520, 710, 1121.
  • Sweden, 713, 824, 830, 876.
  • Swift car, 74, 98, 842, 934, 935, 955, 973.
  • Switzerland, 339, 470, 572, 876, 950, 1072, 1121.
  • TALBOT CAR, 330, 473, 936.
  • Talbotr-Darracq car, 330, 527, 538, 539, 709, 711, 742, 747, 936. Details, 155.
  • Tamplin car, 766, 944,
  • Tanfield, Yorks, 226.
  • Tank (amphibious), 1074.
  • Targa Florio race, 144, 221, 288, 316.
  • Taxation, 4, 36, 46, 57, 66, 130, 164, 165, 176, 187, 194, 228, 238, 260, 272, 273, 286, 292, 300, 313, 375, 395, 422, 438, 497, 524 530, 564, 571, 585, 605, 626, 634, 679, 795, 866, 872, 900, 921, 980, 984, 1003, 1044, 1080, 1086, 1120.
  • Taxation (leaders on), 106, 298, 318, 506, 864, 1106..
  • Taxation, Departmental Committee, 318, 334, 340.
  • Taxicabs, 72, 164, 176, 230, 762, 781, 874, 946, 986, 1013, 1116.
  • Taxi-drivers, 72, 126, 274, 1121.
  • T.B. runabout, 1033, 1073.
  • Teesdale, 885, 907.
  • Telegauge, 894.
  • Temperator, 480.
  • Temperino car (details), 533.
  • Ten Years of Motor Racing, 817.
  • “Tents of Shem,” 99.
  • Tests (see also Trials ; Tyres), 5, 87, 100, 124, 167, 244, 292, 364, 499, 514, 543, 633, 689, 725, 792, 810, 845, 860, 900, 995, 1004.
  • Texas Oil Co., 609.
  • “Thanksgiving,” 498.
  • Theft, 6, 92, 580, 607, 753, 1063, 1121.
  • Theft-preventing devices, 376, 791, 812.
  • Thermostat, 607.
  • Thorn, W. and F., coach work, 32.
  • Thornton Engineering Co., 20.
  • “Thoughts of a Chauffeur,” 1097.
  • Three-wheeled cars, 288, 367, 666, 708, 1006, 1033, 1073, 1102, 1121.
  • Times, 758, 1022, 1042.
  • Timing gears, 424.
  • “Tips, Tipping and Tippers,” 251.
  • Tolls, 216 380.
  • Tools, 437, 481, 565, 754, 884, 1058.
  • Torque, 364, 978.
  • Touring, 117, 160, 227, 247, 250, 258, 290, 292, 309, 316, 345, 369, 560, 580.
  • Tourist Trophy races, 16, 61, 279, 312, 364, 395, 402, 499, 525, 527, 535, 536, 539, 587, 593, 953.
  • Tourist Trophy races (leaders on), 528.
  • Tournament, the Royal, 424.
  • Tractors, 82, 122, 262.
  • Trade outlook, 60, 67, 182, 218, 335, 354, 397, 445, 459, 481, 671, 672, 678, 679, 713, 797, 919, 1005, 1108. ’
  • Traders (see also Garages ; Repairers ; Salesmanship 20, 167, 217, 218, 315, 335, 842, 1039, 1120, 1122 Traffic (see also Road, rule of; Road signs), 7f 193, 228, 230, 382, 429, 510, 632, 654, 711, 75S 1036, 1053, 1074.
  • Trailers, 580.
  • Tramways, 76, 116, 139, 176, 228, 497, 590, 718.
  • Transport (Sir H. Maybury), 1036.
  • Transport Ministry of, 173, 278, 300, 313, 362,“? 5SJ' 656' 8,'-»888-
  • Trend of the Trade—weekly notes.
  • Trial runs, 147, 160, 195, 202, 211, 281 309 471 559, 761, 792, 794, 832, 911, 995, 1009 ’lO 8 1115.
  • Trials (see also Hill-Climbs; Tests), 16 24 34 so 88, 146, 162, 186, 225, 279, 292, 308, 337 344 350, 376, 414, 456, 472, 473, 483, 494 Sim Sou' 516, 522, 523, 532, 541, 544, .552, 559', 561 600 641, 669, 673, 680, 706, 711, 732 736 749 75T 772, 774, 808, 811, 848, 1009, 1034 1058 ' - * 1094, 1099. ’
  • Triplex safety glass, 255, 370, 899.
  • Turner car, 159, 936, 943, 1094.
  • Turning corners, 364.
  • Twenty-four hour drives, 523, 585
  • Tyre accessories, 52, 435, 437’ 458 828
  • Tyre pressures, 364, 376, 409, 435 ’457'774
  • Tyre repairs (see also Vulcanisori ' 610 77a
  • Tyre tests. See Rapson tyres ’ 77,!’
  • Tyre valves. See Schrader.
  • Tyres, 12, 21, 40, 47, 230, 294 295 1084, 1059. 457- 48-». 531, 564',’ 567,’ 585,’ 605,’ 353, 370, 375, 626, 630, 657, 672 677 739’ -TCQ 796, 816, 839, 860,
  • UNDER-SHIELDS, 214 275
  • Unemployment. Sec Labour outlook
  • Unic car, 936, 1104. 100,1
  • Unit car, 944.
  • Universal joints, 120, 193, 348 372 717
  • Universal rectifier. 754. ’
  • VACUUM OIL CO., LTD., 812, 895.
  • Valve guides, 1025, 1096, 1101, 1121.
  • Valve seaters, 454, 1058.
  • Valves, 39, 244, 319, 501, 563, 615, 717, 890, 897, 1063.
  • Vandervell (C. A.) and Co., Ltd., 41, 895.
  • Vauxhall bodywork, 223, 346, 347.
  • Vauxhall car, 28, 55, 81, 96, 98, 308, 427, 525, 537, 577, 593, 607, 642, 749, 858, 879, 936, 938. Details,. 721.
  • Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 109, 302, 378, 397, 713.
  • Ventilation, 252, 358, 585, 761.
  • Vermorel car, 31, 936, 1006.
  • Vibration, 650.
  • Vinot car, 182, 268, 936, 974.
  • Voisin car, 602, 944.
  • Vulcan car, 494, 936.
  • Vulcanisers (see also Harvey Frost), 773, 1058.
  • WAKEFIELD (C. C.) AND CO., LTD., 895.
  • Wales, 43, 171, 337, 349, 350, 395, 561, 589, 697, 750, 793, 863, 1046, 1083.
  • Waltham Watch Co., 183.
  • Warner speedometer, 59.
  • Warwickshire, 18, 88, 352, 461, 517, 582/ 687, 1061.
  • Water injection, 1037, 1101.
  • Waverley car, 936, 939, 943. Details, 467.
  • Webb car, 944. Details, 489.
  • Webster magnet light, 586.
  • Wefco spring cover, 899.
  • Weight, 236, 253, 262, 273, 293, 314, 353, 415, 457 507, 532, 699, 975, 979, 986, 1063, 1066, 1079.
  • Weir, Lord, 106.
  • Wells, J. F. (death of). 766.
  • Westcliff speed trials, 544, 569, 578.
  • Wheels, 298, 421, 552, 692, 699, 759, 780, 800, 867.
  • Whitlock car, 944.
  • Widney-Portland rear screen, 59.
  • Wigan-Barlow car, 944. Details, 903.
  • Wiles, F. G., 545.
  • Willys, John N., 627, 645, 736, 755.
  • Willys-Overland car, 736.
  • Willys-Overland-Crossley, Ltd., 41, 190, 417, 755, 111.
  • Wilton car, 944.
  • Windage of closed cars, 1095.
  • Windscreen wipers, 80, 114, 436, 880, 896.
  • Windscreens, 59, 96, 137, 140, 255, 338, 370, 529 545, 628, 891, 897, 978, 1037, 1079, 1101.
  • Winter motoring, 17, 92, 100, 1084.
  • Wireless, 630, 657, 994, 998.
  • Wolseley car, 5, 47. 48, 95, 132, 164, 206, 262, 285 359, 390, 423, 428, 431, 495, 610, 648, 666, 709 720, 726, 749, 754, 816, 859, 879, 889, 927, 93« 948, 955, 974, 980, 1046, 1088.
  • Wolseley-Viper car, 411, 431, 520, 665, 994.
  • Wolseley Motors Ltd., 301, 736.
  • Women drivers, 208, 230, 431, 432, 578, 600, 624 642, 646, 652, 658, 745, 948.
  • Worcestershire, 48, 246, 411, 687.
  • Workers (see also Labour), 175, 321, 509, 883.
  • Works management, 170.
  • XTRA CAR, 288, 1033, 1034, 1073. Details, 367.

See Also


Sources of Information