1913-1914 The Motor: Index: Difference between revisions
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* Lighting. Acetylene, New Development in, Fallot, 958 | * Lighting. Acetylene, New Development in, Fallot, 958 | ||
* Lighting, Acetylene versus Electric, 834 | * Lighting, Acetylene versus Electric, 834 | ||
* Lighting Sets: A.L. Meteorlite, 783. Bleriot, 59, 802. Bosch, 328, 803. B.R.C.. 800. Brolt, 804. C.A.V., 802. 1294. Cicoy. 834. Dependence, 801. Ducellier, 805. E.B.D.. 833. Eisemann, 308. En Route. 803, 900. Facile, 833. Fallot, 958. Fuller, 834. Kohinoor, 800. K.W., 833. Lithanode, 51, 804. Lodge, 801. Lucas, 670, 805. Magician (U.M.I.), 804. Magnetolyte (High-Tension Co.), 413, 803. Mira, 1015. Nilmelior, 736g. Orno, 801. Overland, 1144. Pape, 833. Peto and Radford, 95, 804. Polkey-Jarrott, 806. Powell and Hanmer, 736f, 805. Radios, 910. Rippingdale’s Albion Lamp Co., 1322. Rotax-Leitner, 802. Rushmore, 802. Scott, 834. Smith’s “ Perfect,” 803. Standard, 833. Stereos (Jozot and Co.), 394, 833. T. and M., 802. T.A.T.. 801. Vandervell, 860, 1204b. Van Raden, 800. Weston's, 894. Willocq-Bottin, 803. Worsnop, 833 | * Lighting Sets: [[A-L Meteorlite|A.L. Meteorlite]], 783. Bleriot, 59, 802. Bosch, 328, 803. B.R.C.. 800. Brolt, 804. C.A.V., 802. 1294. Cicoy. 834. Dependence, 801. Ducellier, 805. E.B.D.. 833. Eisemann, 308. En Route. 803, 900. Facile, 833. Fallot, 958. Fuller, 834. Kohinoor, 800. K.W., 833. Lithanode, 51, 804. Lodge, 801. Lucas, 670, 805. Magician (U.M.I.), 804. Magnetolyte (High-Tension Co.), 413, 803. Mira, 1015. Nilmelior, 736g. Orno, 801. Overland, 1144. Pape, 833. Peto and Radford, 95, 804. Polkey-Jarrott, 806. Powell and Hanmer, 736f, 805. Radios, 910. Rippingdale’s Albion Lamp Co., 1322. Rotax-Leitner, 802. Rushmore, 802. Scott, 834. Smith’s “ Perfect,” 803. Standard, 833. Stereos (Jozot and Co.), 394, 833. T. and M., 802. T.A.T.. 801. Vandervell, 860, 1204b. Van Raden, 800. Weston's, 894. Willocq-Bottin, 803. Worsnop, 833 | ||
* Lincoln Highway, The, 196 | * Lincoln Highway, The, 196 | ||
* Liverpool Trader, Masonic Honour for, 560 | * Liverpool Trader, Masonic Honour for, 560 |
Latest revision as of 16:46, 19 January 2025

Note: This is a sub-section of The Motor
View the Issues referred to by this index
Aug 1913 to Jan 1914 (Volume 24)
- A.A. and M.U.; 193, 1281. Activity, 1295. And a Uniform Price List, 1055. And Birmingham Road Improvements, 1022. And Cars in Dorset, 628. And Cheshunt Speed Limit, 1095. And Cut-outs, 1058. And Hotel Improvements, 1230. And Invisible Speedlimit Notices, 843. And Safe Roads at Night, 1022. And Speed Limits for Coggeshall, Ingatestone and Fulham, 145. And Street Refuges, 1007. At Manchester Show, 1230. Christmas and New Year Tours, 1059. Classification of Hotels by the, 197. Handbook, 1914, 889. Hotel Question and, 302. Interpreters at Ports, 44. Membership of the, 680. National Signposting Scheme, 628, 629, 822, 1013, 1059; Subscriptions to, 628. Paris Offices of the, 509. Patrol Activities of the, 1230. Patrols: and Christmas Day, 1059; and First Aid, 8; and the Races, 195. Scottish Motor Exhibition and Members of the, 1239. Tilbury Ferry Road, Suggested Improvements on, by the, 65. Warning Against the Purchase of Ignition Plugs, 322. Wilde, Mr. Francis, Assistant Secretary of the, Death of, 975.
- Abergele and Pensarn Speed Limit, 323
- Accessories: Adams, 780. Apthorpe and Thomson, 1299. Aster Engineering Co., 777. A. T. Speedometer Co, 772. Atlas, 779. A.V., 775. Bailey and Co., 773, 1204b. Barimar, 778. Benton and Stone, 775. Berwick and Co., 786. Bleriot, 778. Bowden, 780. Bowser, 775, 1205. Brampton Brothers, 777. Bransom, Kent and Co., 787. Brooks, 781, 889. Brown and Co., 1204b. Brown and Sons, 786. Brown Brothers, 1206. Bullock, F., 787. Coan, 769. Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., 772. County Screen Co., 784. Coventry Motor Fittings Co., 781. Coventry Chain Co., 783. Cowey, 776. Dover, 786. Dunhill, 785, 1299. East London Rubber Co., 784. Electric and Ordnance Co., 771. Fenestre, Cadisch and Co., 785. Finnigans, 783, 1206. Frodsham, 770. Frood Co., 773. Feay and Co., 1204b. G. O. and N. Trading Co., 774, 1322. Godin, 781. Hardy, 776. Harmens, Ltd., 784. Hunt and Co., 779. Hobson, 780. Hoffmann, 769. Hollingdrake, 1205. Howes and Burley, 775. Imperial Motor Industries, 785, 1204b. Jarrott, 772. Jenks, 771. Klaxon, 768. Lacoste, 768. Lake and Elliot, 787. Lodge, 769. London Motor Garage Co., 780. Lookers, 1206. Lowe, Bevan and Co., 781. Lucas, 768, 1205. Markt, 786, 1256. Marston, 772. Maximall (Wolf and Co.), 771. Mestre and Blatge, 780. Morris, Russell and Co., 1204b. Motor Accessories Co., 783. Morton, 774. Owen and Sons, 770. Polkey, 786. Rawlence and Co., 783. Renold, 785. Riches, 782. Ripault and Co., 787. Rotax, 783, 1205, 1299. Rotherham and Sons, 784. Ross, Courtney and Co., 772. Seabrook Brothers, 776. Selby and Co., 779. Smith and Son, 774. Smith, Parfrey and Co., 773. Steel Barrel Co., 778. Steiner and Co., 779. S.U. 782. T.A.T., 1299. Thomson and Son, 1299. Thomson-Bennett, 773, 1205. Tormo, 778. United Motor Industries, 779. Van Raden and Co., 786. White-Coleman, 771. Willocq-Bottin, 777. Windover, 776. Wrigley and Co., 776
- Accident, A Common Practice Results in, 104 Accidents, Congestion and, 1196
- Accidents, Safety Device for Preventing, Turner, 840
- Accumulators: Edison, 929. Fuller, 918
- Accumulators, The Neglect of, 664
- Acetylene: Lighting Systems—(See “Lighting Sets.") Versus Electric Lighting, 834
- Acrobatics for Speed Kings, 844
- Advertisements, Road, Disfiguring, 183
- Agent’s Practical Proof of Benzole, 94
- Agents’ Sections, Ltd., S.M.M.T. and, 1013
- Air: Compressed, Automatic Gear Changing by, 1121. In Tubes, Effect of Heat on, 139. Lubrication by, 424
- Air Valve, Extra, for Ford Cars, 195
- Air Valves: Cathie Extra, 1022. K.A.V. Inlet (Brown Bros.), 393
- Aix-les-Bains, A Tour to, 87
- Alcester, Accident to Motorcar by Restive Horse at, 979
- Allerford Bridge, 127
- Alpine: Tour: R.A.C. (Napier) Officially Observed, 454; The Next, 818. Trip, An, 386
- Alps, French, International Tour in the, 1059
- Alcohol: Claims of, 1204a. Committee, An, 1294. Future and, 2
- Aluminium, The Uses of, 551
- Amateur’s Workshop Hints, 965, 1148, 1264b
- America : Automobile as a Paymaster’s Office in, 898. Brick Road Surfaces in, 1136b. British Automobile Engineers’ Visit to, 888. Electric Cars in, 1222. Electric Engine Starting in, 1276. Electric Vehicles in, Progress of, 1109. Ocean to Ocean Roadway Across, 105. Gear Wheel Machinery in, 7. Level-crossing Fatality in, 86. Lincbln Highway in, 196. New Tariff Arrangements in, 868. Petrol Price Down in, 886. Prizes for Automobile Racing in, 1141. Red Rear Light in, 66. Souvenirs from, to the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 24. “Speedway": A Horseless Town in, 857. Springs, Self-lubricating, New Type of, in, 958. Taking Up British Car Features, 108
- American : And British Car Illumination, 307. Car: Details and Experiences of the Lozier "Large Six,” 835; for £85; in Europe, 182. Claim for a New Worm Bevel Drive, 238. Design, Trend of, 1142. Tendencies for 1914 Season, 172
- American Society of Automobile Engineers: And Automobile Standards, 1166. And Institution of Automobile Engineers, 24, 532
- Andover, Standing Cars at>—A Warning, 888 Anglais, Le Salon, 736j, 736k
- Animal Illumination, 914
- Anti-Glare Cap, The, 767. And Screen, 1120 Argentina, Motorcars in Use in, 934
- Argyll Co.’s: Developments, Recent, 952. Works, Fire Brigade at, 1078
- Argyllshire, Excessive Speed in, 120
- Army Manoeuvres: British, 234; and Motors, 366; a Correction Concerning King’s Car in, 434. French, Our Special Correspondent at, 382
- Arran, Island of, Opening of Roads in, 508a
- Arrol-Johnston Co.’s: Agents’ Meeting, 234. Works, Opening of, 18
- Asbury, Mr. R. V., Death of, 470
- Ashbridge Park and Gardens, near Berkhampstead, Opening of, 281
- Asked and Answered, 1122
- Associated Rubber Manufacturers, Ltd., Glasgow Depot, Robbery of Almagam Tyres from, 1148a
- Auction Sale, An Afternoon at a Motor, 214
- Austin Motor Co.’s: Letter Regarding Value of Shows, 922. Striking Advance, 1239
- Australia: Growth of the Motorcar in, 235. Napier Cars in, 246
- Australian Reliability Contest, An, 680
- Austria: Motor Races on Ice in January in, 994. New Motorcar Taxation in, 1081, 1272
- Austrian Alpine Tour, 1322
- Austrian-Daimler Motor Co., Letter from the, 1249
- Auto-Cycle Union Dinner, 1249
- Automobile Golfing Society, Annual Meeting of the, 444
- Automobile: Prices in Germany, No Fall in, 388. Standards: American Society of Automobile Engineers and, 1166; Engineering Standards Committee and, 170
- Automobilism for 1913, Diary of, 1104-1106, 1141
- Auto-Trailers, Auto-Trailers, Ltd., 564
- Auto-Trembler: Connected Wrongly, 943. For Ford Ignition, 170
- Auxiliary, The Finch, 435
- Averomotor, Low Accessories Co., 974
- Aviation.— Aerial " Derby,” The, 320. Aero Engines, Home, Second Competition in Germany for, 1072. Automatic Stability with Reference to the Wright Apparatus, 1264 Biplane, Dunne, 111; Self-balancing Tailless, 103. Boomerang and the Sailing Boat, The Analogy of the, 111. Breguet Warplane at Hendon, 189. Brooklands, Upside Down Flying at, 323; Pegoud and, 358. “ Daily Mail ” £5000 Circuit Flight, 104. Dunne Biplanes, 103, 111. Flights by Pegoud at Brooklands, Wonderful 358. Flying Competition, Cross-country, Michelin Tyre Co.’s, 561. Germany, Second Competition for Home Aero Engines in, 1072. Hamel, Winner of the Aerial " Derby,” 320. Hendon: Aerial "Derby” at, 320; Breguet Warplane at, 189; Sensations at, 928; Special Day at 94. Michelin Tyre Co.’s Flying Competition Across Country, 561. Olympia Aero and Marine Engine Exhibition— (See “ Shows ”). Paris Aero Show, 1003. Pegoud Flying Upside Down at Brooklands, 323, 358. Upside-down Flying Men’s Dinner, 1252. World’s Height Record Beaten by Legagneux, 1097. Wright Stabilizer, 1264
- Axle Jacks, New Automatic, 977
- Axle, Worm-driven, D.B.S., 786
- Aylesbury, Interesting Sign at, 32
- Barnes, Speed Limits at, 189
- Battenberg, Princess Henry of, Landaulet for, 235
- Battle of the Gearbox, 681, 838a, 1006, 1071 Bearings, Ball and Roller, 1017
- Bearings: Dekef, 1144. F. and S., 565. Norma Roller (Edmunds, Walker and Co.), 516. Skefko, 777, 1101 f nr
- Beaulieu, Excursion in the District of, 1025
- Beggars’ Roost Hill, Danger of the Road Approaching, 598
- Belgian Grand Prix—(See " Grand Prix )
- Belgium: And Germany, Motor Tour m, 230. Increasing Importation of Foreign Cars into, 276. Watering Places and Old Cities of, 326 Benzole: A Hasty Critic of, 27. And Petrol in Bulk, 1149; Opinions of Leaders of the Industry on, 1190a, 1240. And' Its Price, 74. And Petrol Trials, The German, 44. And the Long-stroke Engine, 181. And the Press, 136, 137. Agent’s Practical Proof of, 94. Announcement for Manchester and Liverpool Motorists, 961 Carburetter Trials in Germany, 868. Clayton Aniline Co. and, 189. Constituents of, 660. Correspondence, 65. Examination of the Criticism Directed against, 820. “ Evening Standard ” on, 1141. From Town Gas, 60. How to Adapt a Car for, 90. How to Use, 61. Important Announcement Regarding, 54-56. Items Concerning, 437. Manufacturers, To, 447. Movement, Growth of the, 60. » On a Car, Use of, 661. Petrol: Test of Argyll Sleeve-valve Car, 65; Tests at Brooklands, The Motor, 9, 54, Opinions on, 162, Press Opinions of, 136, Table of Results of, 62, 63. Production, Possibilities of, 822. Some Notes on, 660. Statistics Regarding, 820. Suppliers, Note to, 834. Supply of Good, for London Motorists, 54. Test, A Good 939. Three Positive Advantages in Using, 120. The Only Practical Substitute as Yet, Hans Eggebrecht and, 321. Used on a Rolls-Royce, 1312. Where Obtained, 3-5-37 , 77-79, 117-120, 159-162, 560. 70,000.000 Gallons a Year of, 61
- Benzole, Copper-plated Cork Floats for, Holley Bros., 470
- Benzole: Gamage’s, 107, 1277. Glico, 500c, 598
- Berwick to John o’ Groats via the Coast, 244
- Birmingham Road Improvements, A.A. and M.U. and, 1022
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., Balance Sheet of, 360
- Board of Trade, Report of the London Traffic Branch of the, 1196
- Bodies, Aluminium, 577
- Body: Comfort in Light Cars, 930. Construction, Modern, Some Critical Comments on, 75
- Body Design : Berliet, 655. Cann, 34. Foy-Steele, 655. Greta Car Bodies, 984. Humboldt, 280. Labourdette, 488, 489. Meltz Brothers., 195. Morgan and Co., 197. Schneider, 736
- Bodywork, Painting of, 1120
- Bognor, Speed Limit at, 193
- Boillot, M. Georges. Interview with, 1198
- Booklets—(See “ Catalogues
- Books: Clement-Talbot, Ltd., 889. "Lathe Work,” by Some Amateurs (Drummond Bros.), 598. “Light Cars and Cyclecars for 1914 ” (Temple Press Ltd..), 952. “Mica: Its History, Production and Utilization ” (Jaroslaw), 470. Molesworth, A New (E. and F. N. Spon, Ltd.), 598. “Motorcar Body and Chassis, Method of Painting a” (Harland and Son), 1120. “ Motorist’s Workshop, The ” (Temple Press Ltd.), 890
- Border Line, Over the, 154
- Bosch Co.’s New London Premises, 975
- Bournemouth, Nearly Over the Cliff at, 422
- Brackenber Lodge, Mr. A. G. Hordern’s Experiences of the Knight-Daimler Sleeve-valve Engines at, 130
- Bradford Motorists, Favourite Run of the, 667
- Brake Linings, Ferodo (Herbert Frood and Co. )\ 1206
- Brazil, Motorcar in, 237
- Bristol, Dangerous Cross Roads at, 64
- British Automobile Engineers’ Visit to America, 888
- British: Car Features, U.S.A. Taking Up, 108. Cars in Canada, 1122. Exports, Growth of, 1232. School of Motoring, 72. Motor Spirit, Mr. Lamplough's Process of, 266
- British Carriage Manufacturers, Banquet of, 1297
- Brooklands: Difficulty of Getting Away From, 359. Flying at— (See “Aviation.”) Hornsted’s Amazing Skid at, 1250. Leading Incidents at, 612. Meetings: B.A.R.C. (O’Gorman Trophy), 64; (4th August), 20; (4th October), 230 . 357, 400, Vauxhall Cars and, 368; for 1914, 886. Morris-Oxford Test at, 981. Records at: Argyll, 680; Benz, 1144, 1148a, 1248, 1250. 1297; Calthorpe Minor, 560, 565; D.F.P., 279, 840; F.I.A.T. and Benz versus, 321; Humber, 500a, 736f; Peugeot, 445; Singer, 399; Star, 900; Straker-Squire, 445; Sunbeam. 402b, 445, 561; Talbot, 500a, 604; Vauxhall, 147, 190; Vinot, 565; New Distances for, 1196; World’s, 400-402. Season at, 612. The Motor Petrol-Benzole Tests at, 9-13, 54; Opinions on, 162; Press Opinions of, 136; Table of Results of, 62, 63. To Theatre, 1019
- Brooklands, French, Project for a, 228
- Brown and Sons, D.: Acquire Business of John Sunderland, 1218. Change of Address of, 1166 Brown Bros.’: Dinner to Continental Agents, 976a. Premises, Fire at, 470
- Buckinghamshire, Roads in, Troops Engaged in Manoeuvres, 234
- Business, Finance and. 17, 59, 101, 143, 187, 229, 272, 309, 354, 397, 441, 497, 559. 627, 736e, 839. 885, 927, 969, 1011, 1053, 1253, 1139, 1193, 1291
- Cadillac Works, Chassis Testing at the, 150b
- Cairo to the Cape Expedition, Progress of the, 192, 1036
- Calculators, Lightning. 103
- Calgary, Canada: A Tale from, 808. “Speedfest at, 193
- California, Oil Stations in, 1127
- Canada: As a Market for Cars, 281. Austin Cars in, 598. British Cars in, 1122. Growth of Motoring in, 844. Increased Taxation Proposals in, 1166. Oil in, 64. Out lor the Big Eotor Business in, 28
- Canadian: Makers Doing Badly, 765. Motor Newspaper, A, 1296
- Cap and Screen, Anti-Glare, 767, 1120
- Cape to Cairo, Expedition from, 192, 1036
- Car: After Rabbits with a, 899. American: for £86, 1061; in Europe, 182. And Shooting Matters, 389. And the Mountains, 30. Articles Stolen from: A Question of Insurance, 882. Art of Selecting a, 610. As an Investment, 825. Care of the, 1084. Comfort in the, 1048. Design: Dust Prevention and, 152; on Dust Raising, Influence of, 180. Economy of the, 859. Electric Lighting Working Costs of, 1088. First Presidential Recognition of a, 188. Fording Mountain Torrents in a, 888. For the Harem, 556. How I Bought a, by a Country Girl, 220. How it Overturns when Cornering, 1082. How to Adapt a, for Benzole, 90. Illumination, British and American Systems of, 307. In Australia, Growth of the, 235. In Brazil, 237. Lost—on the Ripley Road, 196. Mr. Tayler’s Home-made, 1124-1127. Novel All-Weather,, 1095. Nursing the, 280. Points to Consider when Purchasing a, 809; New, 610. Police Prosecution for-Driving a, Backwards on the Road, 324. Sporting Type, 177. Stolen, A, 843. The Lady on the, 854. The Race Winning, 1151. Too Much—An Imaginary Interview, 479. Touring, Value of Modern Racing as a Factor in Improving the, 534. What It Costs to Run a, 807. Why I Built My Own, 1124-1127
- Caravan, Chalet-Roulant, 92
- Carburetter: Efficiency with Economy, 158. Efficient Heating of, 1132. Heater for Easy Starting in Cold Weather, A, 1132
- Carburetters: Brown and Barlow, 760. Cox (E.I.C.), 103. Hobson, Ltd., 780. Holley, 982, 1016. Ideal, 736g, 1299; Micrometer, 673. Longuemare-Hardy, 1276. Pearson, 28. Poly-rhde, 736g. Smith, 233, 338, 1206. Stewart-Precision, 890. S.U., 532, 567. Zenith, 778, 1205
- Carburetter “Tickler,” Bowden Wire Co., 470
- Car Construction.— Abadal, 484. A.-C. (Light), 634. Adams, 398. Adler, 743; Light), 514. Ajax (Light), 452. Alcyon (Light), 551. Alda. 496. Alldays, 570. Armstrong-Whitworth, 639, 701. Arrol-Johnston, 717. Austin, 500a, 547, 619, 709, 710. Austro-Daimler, 174, 697. Baby Peugeot (Light), 449. Barre (Light), 550. Bayard, 736b. Bedford-Buick, 1213. Bell, 737. Belsize, 239, 476. Berliet, 633; Spare Wheel Cupboard on, 655. Benz, 696. Bianchi. 635, 704. Bozier, 959. Brasier, 501, 711. Briscoe, 456. Buchet, 554b.. Bugatti, 1069. Cadillac, 269, 495; (Light), 555. Charron, 483, 703; (Light), 502. Chater Lea, 515. Chenard-Walcker, 492a. C.I.D., 541. Clement, 689. Clement-Bayard, 492b. Cowey, 755. Crespelle, 549. Crossley, 617; Shelsley, 702. Daimler, 363, 731. D’Alacour (Light), 503. Dar-racq, 454c, 651, 735. De Dion, 495, 570, 710. Delage, 434, 643, 688. Delaunay-Belleville, 542, 637, 695. Delta, 282. D.F.P., 540, 745. . Diatto, 540. Fafnir, 727. F.I.A.T., 545, 641, 739. F.N., 690; (Light), 504. Foy-Steele, 404. Germain, 640, 691. Gladiator, 735. Gobron, 487. Gregoire, 458, 728. G.W.K. (Light), 508a. Hampton, 521. Hillman, 640. Hispano-Suiza, 492a, 690. Hotchkiss, 455, 636, 694. Hudson, 484. Humber, 273, 496, 647, 736. Hupmobile, 486. Hurtu, 733. Isotta-Fraschini, 570a, 729. Itala, 650, 695 Jackson, 460. Jeffery, 541 K.R.I.T., 486. Laisne, 578. Lanchester, 714. Lancia, 711. La Ponette (Light), 505, 621. Lorraine-Dietrich, 485, 692. Lozier (Light), 835. Luxior (Light), 881 Martini, 634, 738. Mass, 693. Maudslay, 719. Maxwell, 753. Mercedes, 501, 570a, 669, 740. Metallurgique, 726. Minerva, 573. 737. Mitchell, $37. Mors, 645, 689. Motobloc, 542, 646, 703. N.A.G., 713. Napier, 474, 642, 715. N.B., 687; (Light), 428. Niclausse, 729. Norma (Light), 510. Opel, 387, 717. Overland, 376, 698. Packard, 457. Palladium, 665. Panhard, 500d, 647, 709. Peugeot, 490, 574, 692, 1151. Phoenix, 132, 478, 740. Piccard-Pictet, 48.6, 703. Pilain, 536, 570a; (Light), 550. Pipe, 540, 586, 734. Promethee, 538. Rawlinson-Hudson, 643. Renault, 490, 644, 693. Rochet-Schneider, 537, 740. Rolls-Royce, 492. Rover, 257. S.A.V.A., 741. Scacchi, 824. Schneider, 537. Seabrook-R.M.C., 177. Sheffield-Simplex, 656, 7367. Singer, 408, 740. Sizaire-Berwick, 481, 571, 697, 1307. Sizaire-et-Naudin. 500d. S.P.A., 536. Stabilia, 538. Standard, 496a; (Light.), 757. Star, 438q, 739. Stellite (Light), 508b. Stoewer, 728. Straker-Squire, 707. Swift, 410, 705. Sunbeam, 712. Talbot, 576. T.A.M., 485. Tayler’s, Mr. (Homemade), 1124. Turner, 759. Turcat-Mery, 539. Unic, 483, 635, 733. Vauxhall, 224, 706, Vermorel, 494, 716. Vinot, 215, 732. Vulcan, 438, 726. Waverley (Light), 1020. White, 725. Withers, 571. Wolseley, 436, 491, 714. Yaxa (Light), 554
- Car Lighting, Weston’s Battery System of, 894
- Carriage and Coach-building Section, 128
- Cars:
- - Abadal, 484. A.-C. (Light), 512, 634, 878, 1202. Adams, 398. Adler, 572, 743; (Light), 514, 583, 758. Ajax, 452. Albion, 574, 736a. 1283. Alda, 314, 496, 842. Alcyon (Light), 551. Alldays, 570, 731, 1181; (Light), 760, 880. Anasagasti, 314. Aquila, 493. Argyll, 64, 65, 324, 438d, 571, 680, 718, 1078, 1188, 1277, 1282; Single-sleeve-valve, Reduction in Price of, 1100. Ariel, 570b, 736a. Aries, 548. Armstrong-Whitworth, 362, 639, 701, 1202d, 1298. Arrol-Johnston, 431, 717, 1181, 1202a, 1202c, 1282; Edison, 1036, 1059. Ascot (Light), 1286. Austin, 500a, 547, 598, 619, 709, 1187, 1298; Dynamo Tensioning Belt on, 322. Austro-Daimler, 174, 444, 638, 697. Autocrat (Light), 449. Automobilette (Light), 1059. Averies (Light), 451.
- - Baguley, 650, 736n, 1202. Barre (Light), 550. Bayard, 254, 573, 736b, 1181. Bedford, 491, 1182. Bedford-Buick, 495, 636, 742, 1213, 1287. Bell, 641, 737, 1190. Belsize, 239, 476, 725, 1183, 1202c, 1298. Benz, 321, 365, 542, 649, 696, 984, 1144, 1298. Berliet, 544, 633, 736p, 1179. Bianchi, 545, 635, 704. Bozier, 787, 959, 1181; (Light), 549. Brasier, 501, 648, 711, 1200; Historic Racing, End of, 1027. Brenna, 888. Briscoe, 456, 818. Bristol Wagon and Carriage Co., 1202. Briton, 635, 746, 1182. B.S.A., 438b, 570b, 720, 1184, 1288. Buchet, 628, 634, 680, 994; (Light), 554b. Bugatti (Light), 550, 1069. Buick, 108, 144.
- - Cadillac, 150a, 269, 362, 495, 496b, 634, 650, 720, 1182, 1286; 1903, 380. Calthorpe, 400, 642, 742, 1281, 1287; (Light), 555, 560, 760. Case, 495. Charron, 483, 641, 703, 1202c; (Light), 502, 1249. Chater Lea (Light), 515, 880. Chenard-Walcker, 492a. Cheswold, 1187. C.I.D. (Light), 504, 541. Clement, 642, 689, 1287. Clement-Bayard, 492b. Cole, 150b. Cornilleau. 487. Cottin et Desgouttes, 496. Cowey (Light), 755. Crespelle, 394a; (Light), 549. Crescent (Light), 556. Crossley, 322, 1000, 1202b, 1286b, 1322; Shelsley, 617, 702, 840, 1202a. Cumbria (Light), 1242. Cummikar (Light), 94, 388, 1179.
- - Daimler, 322, 363, 492a, 731, 860, 1199, 1283; Sleeve Valve, 130. Dalacour (Light), 503. Darracq, 6, 444, 454c, 651, 735, 1182, 1202a, 1286b; "Blue Bird," 107. Day-Leeds (Light), 629, 880, 928. Deasy, 147. De Bazelaire, 542. De Dion, 323, 570, 710, 1182, 1286. Delage, 494, 643, 688, 1202b. Delahaye. 537, 639, 743, 1287. Delaugere-Clayette, 492. Delaunay-Belleville. 235, 542, 637, 695. 1286b. Delta, 282. Detroiter, 1197, 1322. Dennis. 386, 645, 721. D.F.P., 192, 279, 540, 574, 745, 1185. Diatto; 540. Douglas (Light). 450. Dumont (Light), 550.
- - Enfield, 575, 747, 886. 1187. Enfield Autolette (Light), 450. Excelsior, 434, 641, 746, 1140, 1287
- - Fafnir, 645, 727, 1200. F.I.A.T., 212, 321, 388, 545, 641, 739, 1013, 1120, 1202b, 1287. F.N.. 59, 524, 690; (Light), 504. Ford, 45, 377, 380, 402a, 1181, 1202a, 1202d, 1299; A Hint to Owners of, 196; Extra Air Valve for, 195. Foy-Steele, 404, 646, 699, 1298.
- - Germain, 640, 691. Gladiator, 493, 639, 735. Gobron, 487. G.R., 212. Gregoire, 170, 458, 728, 1286b. G.W.K. (Light), 508a, 565, 879.
- - Hampton, 521, 1288. Hansa, 296. Hillman, 640, 745, 1202d, 1288; (Light), 1039. Hispano-Suiza, 492a, 561, 633, 690, 1204. H.L., 538. Hotchkiss, 455, 636. 694. Hudson, 547; (Light), 484. Humber, 8, 273, 496, 500a, 647, 736, 975, 1178, 1202a. 1283. Humberette (Light), 323, 505. Hupmobile, 486, 638, 722, 1200, 1288. Hurtu, 545, 570a, 733, 1187.
- - Imperia, 212, 649, 743. Iris, 128. Isotta-Fraschini, 543, 570a, 729. Itala, 340, 650, 695.
- - Jackson, 460, 570a, 736o. Jeffery, 541. Jennings (Light), 555.
- - K.R.I.T., 50, 486.
- - La Buire, 541, 575, 738, 12O2d, 1^88. Lagonda (Light), 511. Legrand, 543. Laisne, 578. La Licorne (Light), 504. Lanchester, 477, 714, 1179, 1215, 1284; Four-year-old, 509. Lancia, 640, 711, 836, 1204. La Ponette (Light), 505, 572, 621. 759, 891. La Violette (Light), 504. Leon Bollee, 501, 638, 746, 1183. Lorraine-Dietrich, 485, 570, 692. Lozier (Light), 835. Lucar (Light), 1202a. Luxior (Light), 881
- - Majola (Light), 548. Marlborough (Light), 637, 758. 1185. Marshall-Arter (Light), 879, 1061. Martini, 444, 544, 634, 738. Mass, 575, 693. Mass-Paige, 929. Mass-Pierron, 540. Mathis (Light), 451, 549. Maudslay, 573, 719, 1299. Maxwell, 753. McKenzie (Light), 1039. Mercedes, 148, 197, 501, 570a, 669, 740. 929, 1190, 1285. Metallurgique, 548, 636, 726, 1299. Meteorite (Light), 1102. Miesse, 433, 646, 723. Minerva, 60, 501, 573, 737, 1182, 1299. Mitchell, 537, 723. Mitchell-Lewis, 648, 1182. Morris-Oxford (Light), 511, 565, 645, 756. 981, 1016, 1199. 1298. Mors, 281, 545, 645, 689. Motobloc, 542, 646, 701.
- - N.A.G., 570b. Napier, 192, 235, 246. 454, 474 , 642, 715, 1177, 1180, 1286b; Trial of, 192. Nazzaro, 652. N.B., 500a, 687, 1202b, 1287; (Light), 428. New Imperial (Light), 878. Niclausse, 729. Norma (Light), 510.
- - Oakland, 730, 1299. Ogston (Light), 1272. Opel. 387. 401. 716, 994, 1249. Overland, 376, 540, 698, 1078, 1166, 1188.
- - Packard, 457, 539. Palladium. 572, 665, 734, 736f, 1183. Panhard, 130, 500d, 647, 708, 1184, 1286b. Parent (Light), 503. Perry (Light), 512, 556, 878. Peugeot, 254, 314, 445, 490, 574, 692, 1151, 1202c, 1299; (Light), 449, 757. Phoenix, 132, 740, 1181, 1299; (Light), 478. Piccard-Pictet, 486, 573, 703. Pilain, 536. 570a. 736; (Light), 550. Pilot, 648, 840; (Light), 758. Pipe, 399, 540, 586, 644, 734, 1016, 1301. Porthos, 548. Promethee, 538.
- - Rawlinson-Hudson, 643, 723. Renault, 488, 490, 644 , 693, 1202c, 1286b. Riley, 647. 7367. Rochet-Schneider, 537, 741, 1181. 1277. Rolland-Pilain, 545. Rolling (Light), 549. Rolls-Royce, 236, 262, 370, 492, 643, 732, 929, 1202c, 1298, 1312. Ronteix (Light). 504. Rossel, 548. Rover, 257, 394a. 644, 722, 1199. 1286. Ruby (Light), 504.
- - S.A.V.A., 362, 569, 741. 1166. Scacchi, 548, 824, 1183. S.C.A.P. (Light), 505. S.C.A.R., 544. S.C.A.T., 414, 652. 1202b, 1287. Schneider, 537, 736o, 1078, 1202a. Scout, 1017. Seabrook 1180, 1204, R.M.C., 177, 644, 742, 1187, 1277. Sheffield-Simplex, 656. 736Z, 842, 1204a, 1287. Siddeley-Deasy, 223, 571, 736n, 840, 1187, 1204a, 1285. Sigma (Marlborough) (Light), 503. Simplicia (Light), 505. Singer, 108, 280, 408, 570b, 740, 1202d, 1288; (Light), 759. Sirron, 94, 1061, 1179. Sizaire-Berwick, 197, 481, 571, 697, 1285, 1307. Sizaire et Naudin, 500d, 628. S.P.A., 536, 649, 724, 1202d. Sphinx (Light), 549. Spyker, 649, 721. Stabilia, 538. Standard, 254, 322, 357, 496a, 736b; (Light), 507, 757, 1202d. Stanley (Steam), 649, 744. Star, 296, 438c, 651, 739, 1141, 1185, 1286b. Stellite (Light), 508b, 1285. Stoewer, 538, 637, 728, 1202, 1286b. Straker-Squire, 445, 575, 707, 1204, 1287. Studebaker, 544. Sunbeam, 147, 275, 314, 338, 360, 400, 401, 402b, 445, 493, 561, 596, 712, 1190, 1199, 1298. Swift, 113, 410, 705, 1286b; (Light), 450, 552, 878.
- - Talbot, 148, 296, 401, 500a, 576, 730, 889, 1286. T.A.M.. 485. Turcat-Mery, 539. Turner, 636; (Light), 759. Tweenie (Light), 512.
- - Unic, 483, 635, 733, 1185, 1295.
- - Valveless, 569, 741. Vauxhall, 190, 224, 238, 279, 314, 368, 380, 419, 461. 500d, 516, 628, 706, 1185, 1202d, 1204a, 1264b, 1283, 1284. Vermorel, 494, 574, 716. Vinot, 215, 493, 570b, 732, 1298. Violet-Bogey (Light), 550. Vulcan, 438, 726, 840, 1183, 1285.
- - Warren-Lambert (Light), 512, 565. Waverley, 237, 648, 736f; (Light), 757, 1020. White, 336, 638, 725. Willys-Overland, 86. Wilton (Light), 879. Withers, 571, 744. Wolseley, 34, 436, 491, 628, 714, 1185, 1286, 1305. Wright-Bellanger, 539
- - Yaxa (Light), 554.
- - Zebra (Light), 551, 758. Zedel, 544, 633, 745
- Cars: And Dublin Strike, Extensive Use of in, 897. At Andover, Standing, A Warning to, 888. British, in Canada, 1122. Canada as a Market for, 281. China as a Market for, 260. Diesel System for, 1255. Etc., Safety Device for Preventing Accidents by, 840. Foreign, Purchase of, by Great Britain, 1232. For Non-Sports women and Invalids, 854. Imported from France, 567. In Finland, Demand for, 361. In France, Number of, 561. In Rome, 1141. In Roumania, 277. In Use in Argentina, Number of, 934. Italian, Two Notable, 652. Old Type: Lengthening the Wheelbase and Improving, 1050; What Become of, 214. Should Deaf People Drive? 628. Stone Throwing at, 104. Suspension of, 303 Cars, Safety Device for Preventing Accidents by, Turner, 840
- Cars, Winch Elevator for, Manchester Autocars, Ltd., 902
- Car Washing, Device for, Rapid Wisher Works, 1036
- Car Washing Sponge, Dunhill, 1148a
- Catalogues: Adams, 1322. Arrol-Johnston, 834. Astoli Hoods (Fry and Co.), 561. Automobile Consolidated Alliance, 1100. Bahn and Co., 910. Barimar, 284, 1036. Bedford-Buick, 910. Benz, 1148. Brooks, 590, 900. Brown Bros., 994. Charlesworth Bodies, Ltd., 834. Continental Tyre Co., 105. Crossley, 322. Cummings and Wright, 94. Duplex and General Bearings Co., 1007. Gaulois Tyres, 683. Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., 3. Hamilton, Ltd., 1264b. Hans Motor Co. (Miesse Cars), 433. Harland and Son, 1120. Jackson and Son (Cheswold Cars), 1295. Klaxon, 984. Lagonda Cars, 279. Lodge Sparking Plug Co., 891. Meier and Son, 128. Nazzaro, 28. Oakland Motor Co., 1281. Osborne and Co., 834. Oxygen Welding Works, 891. Panhard, 979. Rochet-Schneider, 1281. Rotax Accessories Co., 1272. Rover Co., 323. Sankey, 979, 1019. “ Speedily ” Jacks, 447. Sphinx Manufacturing Co., 994. Stepney Wheel Co., 279. Stern-Sonneborn Oil Co. (“Silent Gears ”), 994. Sunbeam, 1309. Vauxhall, 1322. Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., 1120. Warner Autometer, 1039. White and Poppe, 1061, 1120. Wolseley, 1272
- Caution, Extreme, His Undoing, 324
- C.A.V. Developments, 1294
- Ceylon, Accident to Motorcar in, 254
- Cezanne, M., General Manager of the Paris Show, Interview with, 454b
- Chains: Coventry Chain Co., 783. Parsons Non-skid, 769. Renold, 785
- Chalet Roulant, Westward Ho! on the, 92 Champs Elysees, Avenue des, Separated Traffic in, 921
- Channel Tunnel, Percy Kemp’s Forecast of the, 196 Charybdis, Between Scylla and, 1091
- Chassis: Abadal, 485. Ajax (Light),. 452. Arrol-Johnston, 431. Austin, 619. Austro-Daimler, 174, 697. Bedford, 491. Belsize, 239. Benz, 649, 696. Bozier, 959. Cadillac, 150a. Chater Lea (Light), 515. Clement-Bayard, 492b. Daimler, 1202b. De Bazelaire, 542. Delta, 282 Ford, 380. Gladiator, 493. Gobron, 487. Hampton, 1202a. Jackson, 460. Laisne, 578. La Ponette (Light), 621. Lorraine-Dietrich, 692. Luxior (Light), 881. Mercedes, 197, 501 Miesse, 723 N.B., 428. Napier, 235, 474 Opel, 387. Palladium, 665, 736f, 1000. Phoenix, 132. Pilain, 536. Pipe, 586. Ronteix (Light), 504. Rover, 257. Singer, 408. Sizaire-Berwick, 197. S.P.A., 536. Standard, 496a; (Light), 507. Stellite (Light), 508b. Talbot, 576. Vinot, 493. Vulcan, 726. White, 336. Wolseley, 34, 436. Yaxa (Light), 554
- Chassis Testing, Scientific, at Cadillac Works, 150a
- Chauffeurs Seeking Employment, A Word to, 1148 .
- Chauffeur, The “ Compleat,” 554a
- Chesford Bridge, between Coventry and Leamington, Accident at, 1097
- Cheshire Inns, Sidelights and Past Habits at, 1219
- Chesterfield, Road Improvement at, 444
- Chester Motor Co.’s Diary, 1218
- Cheviots, A Tour Beyond the, 154
- China: And the Motor Trade, 462. As a Market for Motorcars, 260
- Christmas Cards, Motors and, 1008
- Cinema Campaign, B. F. Goodrich Co., 963
- Clement-Talbot’s Works, Extensions of, 1018
- Clothing, Anti-Borean (Nicoll and Co.), 777
- Clubs: A.C. of Australia, Hill-climb of, 1272. A.C. of Canada and Increased Taxation Proposals in, 1166. A.C. of France: Fuel Test, 1099; Motor Laboratory of, 823. A.C. of Matabele-land, 500b Bradford A.C.: Annual Dinner of, 971; Treat to Widows and Children, 279. Cyclecar Club: Light Car Rally at Wisley, 1144; Meeting of, 1249. Essex M.C.: One Day Open Trial of, 1141; York and Back Run of, 192. Imperial A.C, of Russia, Touring Trial of, 1196. Imperial M.C. International Tour, 1021, 1230. Irish A.C. Racing on Rosslare Sands, 232; Dunlop Cui) Awarded at, 324; Mistake by Timekeepers at, 324. Leicestershire A.C.: Annual General Meeting of, 1021; Annual Report of, 1103; Meeting of, 278; Quarterly Meeting of, 683. Lincolnshire A.C., Annual Meeting of, 1309. Liverpool of 454a. Manchester M.C.: Dinner of, 976a; Hill-climb of, 319. M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 1098. Middlesex County A.C., Annual Dinner of, 928. Moravian-Silesian M.C., Competition Run of, 146. Orkney M.C., Muster of Members of, 140 Public Schools M.C., Runs of, 64. Royal Austrian M.C.: Teste of, 1230: Tour, 1272, 1322. Royal Hungarian M.C., Carpathian Tour, 952, 1055, 1106. Royal Swedish A.C., Reliability Trial of, 1141. Scottish A.C.: And Burgh of Huntley Speed Limit, 1100; and International Travelling 1’asses, 1097; Annual Dinner of, 1055; Ayr Western Meeting, 212; Hill-climb of, 359; Leaflets on Rules of the Road, 444; Light Car Trial, Proposed, 1101; Motor 'Training School of the, 212; Objections Lodged by the, to the Speed Limit for Rutherglen, 1095; Patrolling Guides of the, 212; Signposting Scheme of the, 338; Smoking Concert of, 1166. Sheffield and District A.C.: Dinner of, 860; Trophy Presented to, 860. Somerset A.C., 1197; Speed Trial of, 322; and Bristol M.C. Speed Trials, 394a. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C. Colmore Cup Trial, 1144. Transvaal A.C., Hill-climb of, 419. Universal German M.C., Light Car Run by the, 5. Welsh A. and A.C., 1016. Yorkshire A.C. Hill-climb (Pateley Bridge), 276
- Clutch, Leather, Trouble, 1058
- Coachbuilding and Carriage Section, 128
- Coachwork: Alin and Liautard, 1095, 1147. Anne Cowburn, 1202b. Cann, Ltd., 336, 654. Connaught Carriage Co;, 223, 655, 746. General Motors, Ltd., 495. Gordon and Co., 1202a. Greta, 984. Harris and Others, Ltd., 836. Hooper and Sons, 236. Hora, 646. Humboldt, 280. Jenkins, 108. Knibbs and Sons, 1202a. Labourdette, 488. London Improved Motor Coachbuilders, 560. Mann, Egerton and Co., 235, 654. Maythorn, 1005. Miesse, 723. Seabrook-R.M.C., 1277. Vauxhall Co., 655. Wolseley, 491
- Coal Distillation, New Process of, 263 Cobham: Accident at, 279. White Lion at. Oak Room of, Destroyed by Fire, 1100
- Code of the Road, A, 1280
- Cody, the late Col. S. F., 60 Coincidence, A Curious, 422 Cold Weather, Starting Up in, 1131 “ Commercial Motor ” : Article on “ 70,000,000 Gallons of Benzole a Year,” 61. Brochure. 5 Common Sense and Common Law, 607 Communicating Device, Motor-dictograph, 1263 Competitions. Trials and Races, 217—(See “Trials”) Continental Tyre Co.: Fire at the, 1197. Pocket Book, 1070
- Convict Labour on the Roads, 212
- Cooling, Internal, 97
- Cornering, An Investigation o£ 1082
- Corners: Best Method of Taking, 980, 990. Turning, 1082; Left-hand, 1113
- Corwen-Bettwys-y-Coed Road, Suggested Improvements on, 65
- Country Girl, “ How I Bought a Motorcar,” by a. 220
- Coupe de “ L’Auto,” The, 226, 314-318, 934. And Maurice Thierry Prize, 447. Misstatement in Our Report Concerning M. Dario Resta, 358. Sunbeams for the, 275. Vauxhalls for the, 105, 224
- Coupe de Tourisme in France. 1028
- Cros, Mr. George du, Narrow Escape from Accident by, 146
- Crossley Garage and Repair Shops (London), 271
- Crossley Motor's, Ltd., Publications by, 322 Croydon Relief Road, L.G.B. and, 352
- Cushion, Kork, Holden and Co., 891
- Customs Pass Book, International, 892 Cut-outs, A.A. and M.U. and, 1058
- Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, 928, 1295. Banquet of the, 446. London Centre, Volunteer Helpers’ Campaign (Fund Day) of the, 192, 234, 281, 357
- Cylinders, Increasing the Number of, 8 Cylinder Temperatures, 1214
- Deaf People- Should They Drive Cars? 628
- Deasy Depot at Manchester, 212
- Decarbonizing Processes: Bramco Co., 444. Brown Bros. 427. Cylclean, 170
- Decarbonizing Tools, Price of 509
- Derbyshire, Peak District. of, Through the, 995
- Dewar Trophy, Cadillac Car Wins, 634
- Diary of Automobilism for 1913, The, 1104-1106, 1141
- Dickey Seat, Protecting the, 223
- Differential, Substitute for the, 5, 65
- Dinners: Auto-Cycle Union, 1249. Belsize Motors, Ltd., 841. Bradford A.C., 971. British Carriage Manufacturers, 1297. Brown Bros. (Continental Agents), 976a. Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, 446. Daimler Motors, Ltd., 841. Darracq Co., 736f. Manchester M.C., 976a. Manchester Show, 1208. Middlesex County A.C., 928. R.A.C. Founder Members’, 887. Samuel’s, Mr. Samuel, Motor and Aviation, 762. Scottish A.C., 1055. Sheffield and District A.C., 860. S.M.M.T.: Agents' Section, 841; Olympia, 763. “ Upside Down ” at the R.A.C., 1252. Willys-Overland, 841
- Directory of Amateur Wireless Stations in United Kingdom, Gamage, 254
- Dirt Track, Perils of, 365 Log, The Motor and the, 1065
- “ Dopes ” and Cheap Fuels, 588
- Dorset: And the Motor Car Act, 556. Roads, Caution to Motorists on, 628
- Drivers: Seat of, New Adjustable, 1064. The Liability of: The Question of Insurance, 1019
- Driving: Bad, Some Examples of, 872. Dangers, Night, 1040. Hints, Winter, 1128. Letters from Motorists; With Long Records, without Endorsement of Licence, 1135, 1175, 1243, 1244.-Licences in Force, The Number of, 1061; in Germany,. Granting of, 1191. Little Points in, 87. Seat, Factors which Render it Uncomfortable, 286
- Dublin Strike, The Car and, 897
- Dunblane, Accident near, 238
- Dunton Green and the Road Hog, The People of,. 402
- Du Pre Cup, Result of the, 106
- Durban, Johannesburg to, Car beats Train from, 148
- Dust: Prevention, Car Design and, 152, 180
- Dynamo and Auxiliaries, Power Absorbed by, 243
- Dynamo and Fan Combined, Kemco (Morris, Russell and Co.), 1078, 1141
- Dynamo Belt, Tensioning, Austin, 322
- Dynamos: Bosch, 803. Ciooy, 887. Eisemann, 308. En Route, 900. Lucas, 670. “ North-East ” (U.M.I.), 1261. P. and H., 736f. Spiral Regulating Co., 761. Stereos (Jozot and Co.), 394
- Edison Building, Inauguration of the, 929
- Editorial.--Accessibility, Advance in, 883. Aeroplanes for the Royal Flying Corps, Maintenance of, 1009. Annealing of Car Parts, 185 Benzole: Buying, 185; Efficiency Proved, 15; in Germany, 1051; Question Cannot be Sidetracked, The, 1051. Brooklands, Why Not a 500-mile Race at, 499. Car Parts, Annealing of, 185. Cars: Congregate, Fire Risks Where, 355; for the Unmechanical, 313. “ Cockpits of Prejudice,” 1191. Colonial Driving Conditions, 227. Chassis Testing, 185. Children, Irresponsible, 267, 883. Christmas Greeting, 1051. Cold Weather, Heavy Petrol and Starting in, 1137. Competition, A Disappointing, 1051. Cycles, Rear Lights on: Absurd Objections, 355 Development, Future Lines of, 625. Driving: Conditions, Colonial, 227; Reckless, Risks of, 355. Duryea, Mr. Chas. E., on Engine starters, 141. Electric Lamp Inspection and Petrol Risks, The, 1093. Engine: Cleanliness, New Fuels and, 267; Knock Theories, 837; Starters, 57, Mr. Chas. E. Duryea on, 111. Fallacy Exposed, A, 1245. Fan, Inefficient, Hot Weather Finds Out the, 185. Fire Risks, Where Cai’s Congregate, 355. Footways, A Question of, 1289. FuelCheaper, 499; Home, for Home Use, 57. Fuels, New, Engine Cleanliness and, 267. Gallon, One Hundred Miles to the, 228. Gallons, Those 40,000,000, 355. Garaging, Haphazard: A Plea for Reform in, 141. Germany, Benzole in, 1051. Headlamps, Swivelling, 1289. Home Use, Home Fuel for, 57. Hotel, British, The Much Criticised. 141. Hotels and Their Official Appointments, 227. Ignition, Finality in, 1009. Isle of Man Race, Next Year’s, 736c. Lambert’s Last Ride, 625. Light Car: Trial, A Scottish, 1093; Why It has Jumped to the Front, 443. Lighting Up, Time for, 267 Manchester, Show' Buildings Burnt Down at, 967. Motoring for Women, 313. Motorist's Attitude Regarding Town Planning, 925. Motor, The, A Remarkable Issue of, 625. Motor Vehicles, “ Larger and Larger ” and "Immense,” 443. Mudguarding, Inefficient, 1191. Musketeer, The One, 99. Olympia Show: Bodywork at, 837: Controlling Traffic at the, 837; Current Tendencies as Seen at the, 736c. Olympia, Extending: An Original Idea, 557. Petrol: Heavy, and Starting in Cold Weather, 1137; Price of, 967; Risks, Electric Inspection Lamp and, 1093; Substitutes, 967, Committee Criticised, 313. Phrases, Tiresome and Obsolete, 395. " Prejudice, Cockpits of,” 1191. Price, The Vital Question of, 15. Progress? Standardization or, 557. Rear Lights on Cycles, Absurd Objections, 355. Road: Hog, the Duffer and the Future, The, 557; Laws, Reform of, 925; Rule of the, and the Urgent Need for -Traffic Reform, The, 1137 Treatment, Expensive and Useless, 15. Royal Flying Corps, Maintenance of Aeroplanes for the,.. 1009. Scottish Light Car Trial, A, 1093. Shows. The Trend of the, 443. Speed Limit: Should It be Abolished? 499, Standardization or Progress? 557. Starters, Engine, 57; Mr. Chas. E. Duryea on,- 141. Starting, in Cold Weather, Heavy Petrol and, 1137. Taxation, Burden of, 1191. Theory, A Preposterous, 925. Town Planning: The Motorist’s Attitude, 925. Traffic at the Show, Controlling, 837. Traffic; Committee’s Report, The, 99; Reform, Rule of the Road and the Urgent Need for, 1137; Speeding Up the, 1245. Tyres' Down Again! A Suggestion, 395; Large Size, 1289. Unmechanical, Cars for the, 313 Women, Motoring for, 313 Year, One, 449
- Edwards and Parry, Ltd., Showrooms of, 1295 Efficiency, Super, 533
- Eggebrecht, Hans, and Benzole as the Practical Substitute, 321
- Electrical System, Westinghouse, 486
- Electric: Automobiles in New York, 281. Equip-z ment, Hints on the Care and Maintenance of, 797, 833, 901. Heater for Induction Pipe, 1140. Lighting: A Development- in, 184; Progress, 797, 833, 901; versus Acetylene, 834; Working Costs of Car, 1088. Light, Fuel Cost of, 1130. Starter, 434. Starters, Friction Drive for, 822. Vehicles: American Progress in, 1109; The Future of, 361
- Electricity: Gear Changing by, 259. In the Service of Motoring, 806
- Electric-light Generator, Kemco, 500b
- Electric-light Systems—(See "Lighting Sets”) Electric Starting and Lighting Equipment, T.A.T., 498
- Electric Starting Devices—(See “ Starting Devices ”) Elect, The: Motorists with Clean Licences, 1135, 1175, 1243, 1244
- Ellis, Hon. Evelyn; Death of the, 231. The Late: An Appreciation of, 256
- Elstree: Danger Spot Removed at, 515. School Subway at, 515
- Emerald Isle, Attractions for the Motorist of the, 1110
- Engine: A Capable Little, 239. Competition, Two-cycle, 1036. Compression, 1039; Facts and Fallacies Concerning, 875. Cooling, 663; Conductors of Heat and, 761. Efficiency, 919; No Limit in, Yet in Sight, 534; Silencing and, 402a. Keeping It Efficient, 876. Long-stroke, Benzole and the, 181. Maintaining an, 1157. Starters at the Show, 845. Starting, Electric, in America, 1276. Three-litre, Specification for, 1302. Two-stroke, Sleeve Valve, Mr. Colin Mather’s, Jun.,- 1001
- Engine cleaning Sprayer, Brown Bros., 952 Engine-efficiency Indicator, Bowden and Co., 347 Engineering Standards Committee and Automobile Standards, 170
- Engineer's Rule, Morris, Russell and Co., 361
- Engines: Anzani, 1024. Argyll, 281, 296, 1277; Aero, 254. Bellem and Bregeras, 1145. Bel-size, 239. Ch apuis-Dornier, 581. Coventry-Simplex, 964. Daimler, 736g. Daimler-Knight, 1061 ; Sleeve-valve, Herr Th. Lehmbeck on, 7. Knox Sleeve-valve, 1120. M.A.B. (Andre), 777. Moline-Knight, 979, 1061, 1313. Mondex-Magic (Americari), 1144. Premier (American), 1142. Standard Oil Co., 275. Vulcan, 438. Weidelv (American), 1142. White and Poppe, 782
- Engines: Sleeve and Poppet Valve, Mr. Hordern's Opinions of the Knight-Daimler, 130. 1914, Some Observations on -Valve Positions on, 1086
- English Lakes, Tour in Scotland via the, 1215, 1258, 1310
- Essex, Tar Painting Needed in, 105
- Europe, American Car in, 182
- European Oilfield, Another. 322
- Event and Comment, 16, 58, 100, 142, 186, 228, 268, 310, 356, 395, 442, 500, 558, 626, 837, 884, 926, 968, 1010, 1052, 1093. 1138, 1192, 1246, 1290
- Exmoor, A Packhorse Bridge on, 459 Explanation, An, 1016
- Exports: And imports: July, 106: August, 231; September, 447; October, 868. Growth of British, 1232. Of British Vehicles, Table Showing, 1232
- Fan: Abolition of the, 343. Question ,x The, 662.
- The Inefficient—Why Use It? 261
- Fan and Dynamo, Combined, Kemco (Morris, Russell and Co.), 1078. 1141
- Fawslev Park, in the Midlands, How to Reach, 895
- F.I.A.T. Motors, Ltd., and Petrol Consumption, 1101
- Final-drive Systems, 240
- Finance and Business—(See “ Business ”)
- Finland, Demand for Motorcars in, 361
- Fire Extinguisher, Clou Petrol, 918
- Fishguard: And Haverfordwest, Dangerous Hairpin Bend between, 125. To Goodwick, Road Improvement 'between, 1247. Route, The New, 924
- Flanders, Motor Touring in, 326
- Flashlights, A.G.A., 1302b
- Floats, Copper-plated, for Benzole, Holley Bros., 470 Ford Owners, A Hint to, 196
- Fosse Way, Improvements in. the Old, 241
- France: Automobile Club of, to Hold Fuel Tests, 1099. “ Bushels ” of Motorcars Exported from, 567. First Presidential Motorcar Tour Through, 188, 298, 349. Motor Trade in, 195. Laboratory of the A.C.F. at Levallois, Minister of War Inaugurates, 823. Light Oars in. Development of, 502. Light Car Trials in, 80. Number of Cars in, 561. Objectionable Petrol Tax in, 842
- France, Map of, Perrier, 825
- Freezer, New Non-, Aglace, 1309
- French: Alps, International Tour for Motorbicycles, Sidecars and Cycleoars in the, 1059. Army Motor Vehicles in Modern Warfare, Use of, 382. " Brooklands,” The Project for a, 226, 1036. President’s Tour, The, 188, 298, 349. View of the Olympia Motor Show, 838a Frost, 'Ware—If It Ever Comes! 1070
- Fuel: Another New, 523. Campaign, Our: Mr. Lamplough's Process to Help on, 266; Motorists’ Views on, 91; The "Pall Mall Gazette ” and, 60. Competition, S.M.M.T., Result of the, 1066. Consumption Race in Italy, 843. Cost of Electric Light, The, 1130. Discovery, A New, 179. Economy, National, 614. Home-produced: “The Evening Standard” on, 1141; How the Government can Assist Manufacturer's of, 107; Important Announcement Regarding, 230. Motor, from Sawdust, 1304. Question, The, 2; and the 1906 Recommendations, 438a; Paper on, at the Institution of Automobile Engineers, 439. Power Output from: 100 Miles to the Gallon, 4. Problem, The, 820. Situation, A Stupid Mistake Regarding, 454>a. Test, Results of a, 677 Tests, The Motor—(See ” Benzole ”)
- Fuel Atomizer, Vapo (Brown Bros.), 1078
- Fuel Consumption Measurer, Oppermann. 910
- Fuel Economizer, A.V., 532
- Fuels: Cheap Dopes and, 588. The Tarless Process, 263
- Fuels: Econoniin, 523, 1296. Herroline, 500c, 929
- Fuel Tank, Atlas. Empty-quick, 565
- Gamage Development, A New, 928
- Garage Heater, Derwent Foundry Co., 680
- Garage Proprietor Not Responsible for Articles Stolen from the Car, 882
- Garage Shelter, Boulton and Paul, 440 Garage Tank, Gibbs, 170
- Gearbox, Battle of the, 681, 838a, 1006, 1071
- Gear Changing: Automatic by Compressed Air, 1121. By Electricity, 259
- Gear Changing, Push-button, Gray, 517
- Gears: Citroen, 868. Robertson Engineering Co., 1300
- Gearshift, Gray’s, 517, 1121
- Gears: Rolled Steel, 311. Speed, Three or Four? 1066. Worm, Quietening, 50
- Gear Wheels. Laminated, Terry, 1023
- Generation, The New, and Motoring, 622
- Generators: A.L., 1206. Bileriot, 628. Kemco, 500b, 1078, 1141. Scott, 616
- German Automobile Makers’ Association, Meeting of, 910
- German Benzole and Petrol Trials, The, 44
- Germany: Aero Engines, Second Competition in, 1072. And Belgium, Motor Tour in, 230. Benzole-Carburetter 'Trials in, 868. Falling Petrol Prices in, 104. Granting of Driving Licences in, 1191. No Fall of Automobile Prices in, 388. Use of Iron and Steel Tyres Forbidden in, 48
- Glasgow and Paris Motor Repairing Co.’s Garage, 138
- Glasgow to London, Cadillac Non-Stop Run from, 362
- Glass Lift for Frameless Windows, Hall and Sons, 1058
- Goodyear Tyre Factory and Its Products, 109
- Government, How the. Can Assist Manufacturers of Home-produced Fuel, 107
- Grace, Mr. T. W., Death of, 234
- Grand Prix, Belgian, 147, 194
- Grand Prix, Cyclecar, Course, 1106
- Grand Prix de France, 433. A.C.F. Adopt the 4Vfe-litre Rule for, 1039. Alda Car First Entry for, 842. Course, 810; A Run Round the, 911; M. Georges Boillot’s Opinion of the, 1198. Entries, 1147; French Slow in Coming for, 1028. Opels and, 1249. Waiting Attitude of the Continental Firms, 1255 Grand Prix de France (Coupe de Sarthe)-—(See ‘■r Trials—Circuit de Sarthe ”)
- Great Britain, Purchase of Foreign Oars by, 1232 Gretna Green, Motorist’s Frolic at, 237
- Habit. Force of, 532
- Haverfordwest and Fishguard, Dangerous Hairpin Bend between, 125
- Harem, Car for the, 556 Hartford Bridge Flats, 601
- Handbook, A.A. and) M.U., 197
- Handbooks—(See “ Catalogues ")
- Headlight, Anti glare Cap for, Riches, 767, 1120
- Headlights in Town, The Use of, 607
- Heat and Engine Cooling, Conductors of, 761
- Heath’s, Ltd., Garage, 324
- Hebbage’s Bete Noire, 26
- Hendon, Flying at—(See “Aviation”)
- Highlands: Call of the, 1274.
- Hints to Tourists in, 33. Test of a Napier in the, 192
- Highway Beacons, 1302b
- Highway Board, R.A.C. Suggests the Formation of a, 1014
- Hill-climbing Car, Some Details of an Austro-Daimler, 174 „
- Hill-climbs: A.C. of Australia, 1272. A.C. of Matabeleland, 500b. Bethune (the Coupe de la Meuse), 147. Canterbury, N.Z., A.C., 1014. Gaillon, 145, 394a, 444. La Malmaison, 1058. Manchester M.C., 319. Montreal, 1029. Mont Ventoux, 146, 234, 254. Mulder’s Drift Hill, South Africa, 419. Otaga, N.Z., M.C., 1281. Pateley Bridge, 64, 276. Scottish A.C., 359; and Scottish Motor Trades Association, 145. Yorkshire A.C., 64, 276
- Hood Fabric-, Astoli, The Manufacture of, 590
- Hoods: Beatonson, 520. County, 784
- Holiday Haunts, Lulworth Cove, Dorset, 52
- Horns: Echo (High Tension Co.), 606. Klaxon, 768. Samson . Vibrator, 886. Seabrook Bros., 776
- Hornsted's, Mr., Amazing Skid at Brooklands, 1250
- Houseless Town, A Beal: "Speedway,” 857
- Horse Must Go, The, 840
- Horseshoe Competition, R.I.A.’s, 338, 1059, 1141
- Hotel: Improvements, A.A. and M.U. and, 1230. Outcry, The, 139. Question, The, 302
- Hotels: and Hotel Manners, 105. And Inns, English, 222. R.A.C. and, 1078. Humber: Agents, Gathering of, 308.
- Horticultural Society, Flower Show and Athletic Sports of the, 148. Programme for 1914, 275
- Ignition, Ford, Auto-trembler for, 170
- Ignition Plugs, Warning by A.A. and M.U. against Purchase from Itinerant Vendors of, 322
- Illumination: Animal? 914. British and American Car, 307
- Importation of Foreign Cars, Belgium Alarmed at, 276
- Imports: And Exports: July, 106; August, 231; September, 447; October, 868. French, from England, 195. Of Motor Spirit, 145, 736f. Of Vehicles, Foreign, Table Showing, 1232
- Improvement Hints, 1050
- Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association, Annual General Meeting of, 361
- Indianapolis 500 Mile Race, The, 888
- India: Motor Touring in, 202, 276. The Standard Car in, 254
- Indian Contrasts, 1209
- Induction Pipe, Electric Heater for, 1140
- Information Bureau.—Accumulator: Charging through Lamps, 126; Connecting Up Lighting, 252; Current, Increasing Voltage of, 1229; Lighting from, 1165; Sulphated, 295, 1164. Acetylene: As an Alternative Fuel, 211; for Starting, 993; versus Electricity, 253. Air: Brake Effect, Using Carburetter for, 211; Inlet, Extra, versus Copper Pipe, 1164; Leakage along Valve Guides, 1270. Aluminium Pistons, 421. Asbestos Lagging on Silencer, 1228. “ Backfire ” : Meaning of the Term, 909. Backfiring. 210, 337. Backlash in Steering, 1034. Ball Bearing, Effect of Broken, 1165. Battery: Dry, Lighting Tail Lamp from, 1119; Dual Ignition, Utilizing for Lighting, 951; 12-volt, Inspection Lamp on, 866. Benzole, 211; and Petrol, Mixture of, 252, 816; Carburetter Adjustments for, 337; Difficulties, Too Rich a Mixture and, 469; Gauge for, 379. Belt Drive, 378. Bolts, Security, Use of, 530. Brake: Application, Conditions of, 126; Easing a Fierce, 817; Engine as a, 168; Surfaces, Renewal of, 168. Brakes, Lubricant for, 867. Carbon: Deposit: Inside Piston, 468, Overheating Due to, 253; on Piston Tops, 951. Carbonization : Causes of, 530; Troubles, 866. Cardan Shaft. Breakage of, 211. Carburetter: Alteration to, 596; Adjustments for Benzole, 337; Fitting New and Increasing Compression, 678; for Air Brake Effect, Using, 211; Heating a, 1321; Position of, 127; Water Jacketing a, 84. Car: Conversion of Horizontal to Vertical-engined. 42; Home-made, Taxation of, 127; In Winter. Laying Up a, 1271; Leaving Petrol in Tank of Stored, 1118; Licences, 1229; New., Overheating on a, 127; Old Type: Improving, 43, Troubles with Differential on, 168; Small. "Rebound” on a, 679; Single-cylinder, Overhauling a. 295; Used for "Business,” Tax on, 1271. Chain: Drive to Magneto, 168; Leaving Sprockets. Cause of, 43. Chassis, Single-cylinder, Adapting Four-cylinder Engine to, 294. Circulation: Faulty, 469; System: Mud in, 867; Rain Water for, 992; Thermo. Converting Pump to, 253; Water, Loss of, 909. Clutch : Becomes Hot, 295; Fails to Disengage, 294; Fibre Segments in. Trouble with, 1119; Fierce. 210, 1035; Fitting a New Leather to, 85: Fitting Covering to, 253: Multiple Disc, Adjusting, 85; Oil on, 816; Out of Line, 908; Plate Difficulty, 420. Compression: At Valve Caps, Curing Leakage of, 1118; Fitting New Carburetter and Increasing, 678; Gauge, Use of a. 84; Loss of, 336; Too High a, 337; Worn Cylinders and Loss of, 1077. Cone Clutch Difficulty. Old Pattern, 992. Copper Pipe, Extra Air Inlet versus, 1164. Crankcase, Paraffin in the, 866. Crankshaft Breakage, A, 531. Current, Waste, 530. Cut-out, Magneto, Use of, 1118. Cylinder: Cleaning by Oxygen, 420; Larger Advisable, 596; Reboring for Increased Power, 530; Scored, Treatment of a, 337; Sooting Up of, 252, 468; Water Leakage into, 909. Cylinders: Decarbonizing, 421; Fitting Liners in, 168; Front: Carbonize, 295, Misfiring in, 1164; Testing Firing of, ’ Separately, 909; Worn, and Loss of Compression, 1077. Damage, Responsibility for Possible, 168. Decarbonizing: Cylinders, 421; Process, Oxygen, 1299. Differential: Heavy Rim Effect on, 1076; on Old Type Car, Trouble with, 168; Reliable, The, 993; Wear of, Fallacy, 1321. Driving on a Weak Mixture, 1164. Dynamo Lighting Sets, 678. Electricity versus Acetylene, 253. Electric Starter, 1165. Engine: As a Brake, 168; Carbonized Oil in, 43; Clank from, 1228; Cleaning, Average Mileage for, 421; Eour-cylinder Chassis, 294; Hot, Difficult to Start, 1321; Improving an Early Pattern, 379; Large, Small Magneto for, 1118; Lubrication, 951; Thicker Oil for, 85; Metallic Noise in, 1119; Noisy: at Speeds over 25 Miles per Hour, 950, Running of Old Type, 84; Old Type, Lightening Pistons of, 1034; Powers, Comparative, 210; Reducing the .Tax of an Old Pattern, 43; Starters, 816; to Drive Motor Workshop, 169. Exhaust: A Smoky, 908; Cut-out and Extra Miles per Gallon, 420; Heat, Obtaining Lighting Current from, 1077. Pipe, Explosions in, 1321; Smoking, Cause of, 950; Valves, Undue Wear of, 817. Fan, Removing a, 1229. Firing Back, 210, 337. Flywheel, Loose, Knock Caused by, 210. Flywheel Weight, Extra, 1076. Freezing Mixture, Non, 908. Fuel, Acetylene as an Alternative, 211. Gallon, Nine Miles to the, 597. Garage, Heating a Small, 1164. Gauge, for Benzole, 379. Gauze in the Induction Pipe, 469. Gear: A High Top, 169; Lowering the, 596; Lower, Fitting a, 169; Low, Misfiring on, 252; Ratio: and Petrol Consumption, 253, Reducing the, 252; Timing, Resetting the, 210; Wheels and Pinions, 126. Gearbox: Fitting a New, 816; Lubrication of, 596.' Gearing, Power Loss in, 1119. Gudgeon Pin, Removing a, 1271. Hard-water Question, The, 1229. Heating: Motor House, 1076; Small Garage, 1164. Hill, Running Down, 337. Ignition: Cable Insulation, Repairing, 252; Clutch and Carburetter Difficulties, 42; Relative Timing of, Low and High-tension, 867; Separate, for Starting, 337; System, Dual Plug, 1271; Timing, 336. Induction Pipe, Gauze in the, 469. Inland Revenue Taxes, 336. Inlet Pipe: Effect of Cold, 295; Electrically Heating the, 908. Inlet Valve: Seating, Small Crack in an, 126; Spring, Automatic, Tension of, 993; Stem Worn, 336. Inspection Lamp, Four-volt, on 12-volt Battery, 378, 866. Knock Caused by Loose Flywheel, 210. Lamps: Accumulator Charging through, 126; Acetylene, Automatic Lighting Up, 1271, Lamp, Tail, Lighting, from Dry Battery, 1119. Licence: Driving, Not Transferable, 866; Revenue, Not Transferable, 596. Licences, 421; Car, 1229. Licensing Formalities, Registration and, 992. Lighting: Accumulator, Connecting Up, 252; Automatic, of Acetylene Lamps, 1271; Current from Exhaust Heat, Obtaining, 1077; Dynamo and Magneto, Amount of Power Used Up by, 84; from an Accumulator, 1165; Low-tensign, Magneto for, 1270; Not Practicable from the Magneto, 993; Requirement, An Unusual, 679; Sets, Dynamo, 678; Utilizing Dual Ignition Battery for, 951. Lubrication: Engine, 951; Engine, Thicker Oil for, 85; of Gearbox, 596; Trouble, 1229. Lubricant: for Brakes, 867. Magnetic Rectifier, 1320. Magneto: Armature, Cause of Jerk of, 1321; and Lighting Dynamo, Amount of Power Used Up by, 84; A Neglected, 1035; A Weak, 531; Breakdown, Possible, 294; Chain, Drive to. 168; Cut-out, Use of, 1118; Geared-up, 421; Increasing Speed of a Two-cylinder, 909; Lighting Not Practicable from, 993; Low Sparking Speed of, 950; Low-tension, for Lighting, 1270; Low to High-tension, Changing from, 169; New Bearings for, 211; Petrol Near, Risk with, 420; Questions, 43; Remagnetizing a, 1228; Small, for Large Engine, 1118; Special Steel for, 85; Suggestion, A, 378; Worse Results after Fitting a, 1077. Medical Man, Half-tax Concession to, 253. Mileage, Average, Cleaning Engine for, 421. Miles per Gallon, Exhaust Cut-out and Extra, 420. Misfiring: in Front Cylinders, 1164; with Paraffin,- 1165. Mixture: Non-freezing, 908; Over-rich, Symptoms of, 421; Temporary, Weak, 678; Trouble, Rich, 866; Weak, Driving on a, 1164. Motorhouse : Heating, 1076; Stoves, 1321. Naphtha, Crude, 42. Number Plate, Front, 468 Oil: Carbonized, in Engine, 43; on Clutch, 816; Stains from Tyres, Removing, 210. Overheating: Due to Carbon Deposit, 253; of Water Circulation, 295; on a New Car, 127; Symptoms of, 468; Water Circulation, 1076. Oxygen: Cylinder Cleaning by, 420; Decarbonizing Process of, 1229. Paraffin: In the Crankcase, 866; Misfiring with, 1165. Petrol: and Benzole, Mixture of, 252, 816; Consumption, Gear Ratio and, 253; in Tank of Stored Car, Leaving the, 1118; near Magneto, Risk with, 420; Pipe: Air Lock in, 85, Unions, Leakage at, 1228; Supply Failure, Symptoms of, 1119; Tank: Auxiliary, 950, Cleaning a, 1271; Water in, 1034. Piston: Carbon Deposit Inside, 468; Cracked, 378; Damage to, 993; Head, Altering Shape of, 1320; Heavy, . Vibration Extra from, 127; Lightening a, 420; Loose, 1035, 1320; Rings, Stuck, 530; Tops, Carbon on. 951. Pinions and Gearwheels, 126. Pistons: Aluminium, 421; of Old Type Engines, Lightening, 1034. Plug Points, Fusing of, 468. Plugs: An Extra Set of, Unnecessary, 1077; Sparking Life of Special, 531—(See " Sparking Plugs ” —below). Power: Loss in Gearing, 1119; Periodical, Loss of, 817; Reboring Cylinder for Increase of, 530; Temporary Loss of, 294 Question, An Old, 379. Radiator: A Furred, 679; An Efficient, 103o; Overheated, 1320; Water Forced Out of, 379. " Rebound ” on a Small (Jar, 679. " Bed Flag” Days, The, 420. Registrations, 908; and Licensing Formalities, 992; Not Transferable, 950; Transfer of, 679. Revenue Licence Not Transferable, 596; Rim, Heavy, Effect on Differential, 1076. Rims, Rusty, 378 Safety Gap, Spark at the, 1035. Security Bolts, Use of, 530. Shaft, Effect of Slight End Play of, 85. Silencer: An Efficient Home-made, 1076; Asbestos Lagging on, 1228; Cleaning a, 210; Efficiency Question Again, The, 817; Fitting an Improved, 597; Steam from, 1270. Sparking Plug: Leakage at, 1270; Problems, 84. Sparking Plugs: Faulty Thread on, 379; Life of Special, 531; Long-reach, 993. Springs, Altering the, 867. Spring, Weakened, Repair to, 468. Sprockets, Cause of Chain Leaving, 43. Starter, Electric, 1165. Starting: Acetylene for, 993; Improving the, 1270; Separate Ignition for, 337; Trouble, 1035; Up, 252. Steering: Axle Arms, Position of, 421; Backlash in, 1034. Switch Starting, 43. Tail Lamp Indicator Circuit, 1034. Tank of Stored Car, Leaving Petrol in, 1118. Tar, Removing, from Tyres, 85. Taxation, 169, 530, 993; of Home-made Car, 127. Taxes, Inland Revenue, 336. Tax: Half, Concession to Medical Men, 253; on an Old Pattern Engine, Reducing the, 43; on Car Used for Business, 1271. Thermo-circulation. Converting Pump to, 253. Timing: Gear : Improving the, 678, Resetting the, 210; Variable Preferable, 1228. Tubes, Solutioned, Repairs to, 1165. Tyres: Effect of Cold on, 1229; Life of Unused, 1165; Removing Oil Stains from, 210; Removing Tar from, 85. Universal Joint, fitting a New Type of, 597. Universal Joints, Worn, 867. Valve: Caps, Curing Leakage of Compression at, 1118; Guides, Air Leakage along, 1270; Opening Period, Insufficient, 597: Seatings, Renewing Worn, 597; Stem, Worn Inlet, 336; Timing, 817. Valves: Changing the, 992; Exhaust, Undue Wear of, 817; Mechanical, Converting Automatic Inlets to, 1035; Overheated, 1321. Vibration, Extra from Heavy Piston, 127. Water: Boiling Away, 531; Circulation, Overheating of, 295, 1076; Jacketing a Carburetter, 84; Leakage into Cylinder. 909. Wheel: Alignment of, ,.1165; Bearings^ Undue Wear in, 169. Wheel base Measurement, 909. Wheels Out of Line, 951. Winter, Laying Up the Car in, 1271. Workshop, Motor, Engine to Drive, 169
- Inns: And Hotels, Engine, 222. Cheshire, 1219 Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 357. Autumn Congress of the, 231. Autumn Meetings of the, 323
- Institute of Metals, Annual General Meeting of the, 994
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 380, 890. Advice to Graduates of the, 890. And the American Society of Automobile Engineers, 532. Belgium Visit (1914) of the, 890. Christmas Present Received by the, 1100. Fourth Ordinary General Meeting of the, 1144. Graduates’ Visit to the Vauxhall Works, Luton, 932. Lecture: on “ Ball and Roller Bearings,” by Prof. J. Goodman, 1017. New Session of the, 338. Meeting of the, 887; Opening, 362; Second, 561. Paper: by Mr. A. L. Clayden, Extract from, 1302; on “ Chain Driving as Applied to Automobile Engines,” by Mr. R. Coulson at Coventry, 1021; on “Cylinder Temperatures,” by Prof. Coker and Mr. W. A. Scoble, 1214; on “Fuel Question,” 439; on "Mixed Fuels,” by Dr. Ormandy, 836. Souvenirs from the United States to, 24. Suggested Prize for Best Paper Read before, 1055. (Northern Centre): Paper before: by Mr. L. H. Pomeroy, 440: on “Light Car Development,” by Mr. Max R. Lawrence, 938
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Paper on “ Oil Fuel,” by Sir Boverton Redwood, 971
- Instruction, British School of Motoring, 72
- Insurance, Articles Stolen from a Car: A Question of. 882. The Question of Liability of Drivers, 1019
- Insurance: Car and General Insurance Corporation, 782. Eclectic, Alteration for 1914 Policies, 918
- International Council of Automobile Constructors and Rim Standards, 1249
- International Pass Extensions, 1230
- International Tourist Trophy Race—(See “ Isle of Mart ”)
- Interpreters at Ports, A.A. and M.U. and, 44 Investment, The Car as an, 825 Ireland as a Touring Ground, 1110
- Isle of Man: Tourist Trophy, History, Past Contests Recalled, 972. Touring Car Race (1907), 1014; (1914), 49, 500a, 887, 929, Distinctive Colours to be Used for Cars in, 1013, 1106, Entrants Expected, 975, Entries, 928, Regulations, 17
- Italy: Fuel Consumption Race in, 843. Signor Marano’s Tour of, 212
- Jacks: Hunt’s Tyre Saving, 65. Speedily, 447 Japan, The Motorcar Trade in, 157
- Jets: Ideal Micrometer. 673. Javal, 399. Vapo (Brown Bros.), 1078
- Jenatzy, M. Camille, Death of, 1010, 1014
- Johannesburg to Durban, Talbot Car beats Express Train from, 148
- John o’ Groats, Berwick to, via the Coast, 244
- Kelsey, Capt., and Party in Argyll Car Start from the Cape to Cairo, 192
- King and Queen, The, at the Army Manoeuvres, 367
- Koosen, Mr. J. A., Death of, 390, 435
- Laboratory of the A.C.F. in Levallois, 823. Testing, Motor Trade, Wanted a, 74
- Lady: Drivers: Are They Road Hogs? 23; Light Cars for, 856; School for, 362. On .the Car, The, 854. Passenger’s View of—Then and Now, 1080
- Lake District, Journey by Car in the, 30 Lake Lucerne, The Road Round, 860, 940
- Lambert, Mr. Percy, Death of, 632; A Lesson from. 868. Memorial Service and Funeral, 767
- Lamplough’s, Mr., Process of British Motor Spirit, 266, 348
- Lamps, Acetylene, Electric Adapter for, Bray’s, 868 Lamps: Blanchard (Adams), 1026. Bleriot, 778, 818. Howes and Burley, 775, 1206. Lucas, 768, 1299. Nups, 889. Oldfield, 770. Optalyte, 532. Polkey, 786. Rippingille’s, 780. Rushmore, 779. 1206. Salisbury, 778. Seabrook Bros., 776, 1204b. Willocq-Bottin, 777
- Lamps: Paraffin with Incandescent Mantles, 1026 Lanchester Motor Co., Balance Sheet of the, 1101 Lathes, Drummond, 777
- Lautaret Pass on a Motor Sleigh, Climbing the, 1198 Law: And Endorsement of Licences, 1036. Anomalies of. Relief from the, 834. A Point of Motoring, 910. Common. Common Sense and, 607
- Lawton and Co.’s Premises at, Sale of, 1248
- Lee’s, Mr. and Mrs., Trip Round the World for Pleasure, 144
- Lehmbeck, Herr Th., on the Daimler Sleeve-Valve Engine, 7
- Le Mans Grand Prix—(See “ Trials—Circuit de Sarthe”)
- Leipzig Fire Brigade, Voiturettes as Fore-runners to the, 910
- Licences: Clean, Drivers' with, 1135, 1175, 1243, 1244. Driving: in Germany, Granting of. 1191; Number of, in Force, 1061. Law and the Endorsement of. 1036
- Light Car: Age, The, 506. Design, Notable Advance in, 428 Development, 938. Georget Brothers’, 929. Test, A, 552. The Trend of the, 448 Light Cars: At Olympia Motorcycle Shew, 878-880. At the Paris Salon, 502. Body Comfort in, 930. For Lady Drivers, 856. For 1914, 555, 556. Run of, by Universal German M.C., 5
- Light Cars—(See “ Cars ”)
- Light, Electric, Fuel Cost of, 1130
- Lighting. Acetylene, New Development in, Fallot, 958
- Lighting, Acetylene versus Electric, 834
- Lighting Sets: A.L. Meteorlite, 783. Bleriot, 59, 802. Bosch, 328, 803. B.R.C.. 800. Brolt, 804. C.A.V., 802. 1294. Cicoy. 834. Dependence, 801. Ducellier, 805. E.B.D.. 833. Eisemann, 308. En Route. 803, 900. Facile, 833. Fallot, 958. Fuller, 834. Kohinoor, 800. K.W., 833. Lithanode, 51, 804. Lodge, 801. Lucas, 670, 805. Magician (U.M.I.), 804. Magnetolyte (High-Tension Co.), 413, 803. Mira, 1015. Nilmelior, 736g. Orno, 801. Overland, 1144. Pape, 833. Peto and Radford, 95, 804. Polkey-Jarrott, 806. Powell and Hanmer, 736f, 805. Radios, 910. Rippingdale’s Albion Lamp Co., 1322. Rotax-Leitner, 802. Rushmore, 802. Scott, 834. Smith’s “ Perfect,” 803. Standard, 833. Stereos (Jozot and Co.), 394, 833. T. and M., 802. T.A.T.. 801. Vandervell, 860, 1204b. Van Raden, 800. Weston's, 894. Willocq-Bottin, 803. Worsnop, 833
- Lincoln Highway, The, 196
- Liverpool Trader, Masonic Honour for, 560
- Llandudno Junction, Speed Limit at, 1026
- Local Government Board: And Battersea Speed Limit, 433. And Croydon Relief Road, 352. And International Numbers for Gibraltar, Malta., and India, 1063. Application: for Speed Limit by the County Council of Essex, 1257; from Cheshunt for 10-mile Speed Limit, 1095. Bristol Corporation and the, 444. Chesterfield Borough Council and the, 444. Committee Proposed New By-law for Breakdown of Vehicles, 841. Refuse Speed Limit Application for Bethnal Green, 590 Lock Nut, Rex Lock Nut Co., 238
- Lodge, Mr. H., Masonic Honour for, 560
- London: Brighton Road, Proposed New, 958. 967. Newmarket Road, Places Where Great Caution is Necessary on the, 1091. Warwick Road Traffic, Census of, 275. Main Roads, Conference on, 934. To Monte Carlo, Motorcar Run from, 840. Traffic Branch of the Board of Trade. Report of the, 1196 Los Angeles-Phoenix Race, 916-918
- Lubricants: Bowley and Co., 773. Bowring Petroleum Co., 783. British Monogram Co., 1293. Castrol, 1205. County Chemical Co., 772. Hamilton, Ltd., 1264b, 1300. Joy and Sons, 836. Nixey, Ltd., 777. Price’s, 776, 1206, 1300. Stern-Sonneborn Oil Co., 773, 818, 1205. T.B., 1095. Vacuum Oil Co., 776, 1205. Wakefield and Co., 775, 1205, 1300
- Lubrication : By Air, 424. Oil Drums, Articles found in, 1021
- Lucas, Ltd., Joseph, Profits of, 564
- Luggage Problem. Auto-Trailer Solves the, 564 Lulworth Cove, 52
- Magill, Mr. J., Accident to. Explained, 278
- Magnetos : Bosch, 128, 296, 736g, 748. Mea, 561, 910. Simms. 1272
- Maker and User, Relations of, 599
- Manchester: Deasy Depot in, 212. District, Motoring in the, 1171. New Index Number—N.A., 370. Show Buildings Burnt Down at, 970. Show—(See " Shows ”). Sport and Trade, Year’s Progress, 1171
- Manchester Municipal School of Technology, 278 Manchester School of Motoring, Branch at Leeds, 365
- Map, France, Perrier, 825
- Mascots: Menuge, 212. Smith and Son ("Robert”), 362. Selfridge’s (Hassall), &
- Matabeleland, Motoring in, 500b
- Maybury, Mr. H. P., Chief Engineer of the Road Board, 64
- Melbourne and Sydney Records, Police Prohibitions, 994
- Menai Bridge Tolls, 902
- Metric Equivalents Table, Central Translation Institute’s, 890
- Military Manoeuvres—(See “ Army ”) Millinery, Up-to-date Motor, 891
- Milnes-Daimler-Mercedes, Ltd., and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 929
- Monks Rescue Motorists, 340
- Monte Carlo, London to. Motorcar Run, 840
- Morecambe, A Motor Run to, 667
- Morocco, Motoring in, 235
- Motor and General Rubber Co. versus S.M.M.T., Appeal Dismissed, 23
- Motor: And the Dog, 1065. And the People, 158. Auction Sale, An. Afternoon at a, 214. Builders. Protection for Russian, 323.. Carriage, Complete, Importance of Designing the, 1048. Design: Could Not the Owner Exercise More Influence on ? 599; Economics of, 1264a; Italian. Newcomer of, 824; Trend of the Paris Salon, 471-473. Fuel from Sawdust, 1305. Industry, Opinions of Leaders of, Concerning Benzole and Petrol. 1190a, 1240. In Ultima Thule (Orkneys), 140. Legislation, Remarks about, 607. Man, The, 183. Movement? What Has the Year 1913 Done for the, 1062. Newspaper, A Canadian, 1296. Owners’ Petrol Combine, How It is Faring, 105. Races on Ice in Austria in January, 994. Season, 1914. American Tendencies for, 172. Spirit: British, Mr. Lamplough’s Process of, 266. 348; Imports of, 145, 736f. Starting, for Tvre Inflation. Adapting a, 843. Tour in Belgium and Germany, 230. Touring in India, 202, 276. Trade: in China. 462; in Japan, 157: in New Zealand, 1089; in Switzerland. 280; Our International, 1232; Romance of the, 1168; Testing Laboratory, Wanted a. 74
- '^'vrbus, Romance of the, 151
- Motor Car Act, Dorset a^d the, 556
- Motorcar: Taxation in Austria, 1081. Trick, The, 1043
- Motorcycles, Rear Lichts on. 8^0
- “Motor Cycling Diary, 1230. Gipsy Rallies at Crowborough and Bakewell, 444. Pocket Book, 910
- Motor-dictograph, New Communicating Device, 1263
- Motor Drivel's’ Parliamentary League, Meeting to Discuss Uniust Endorsement of Chauffeurs’ Licences. 886
- Motoring:. Conditions in Scotland, 1303. Electricity in the Sendee of, 806. Financial Aspect of, 807. First Steps in, 602. For Ladies. Miss Preston’s School at Kensington, 362. In Canada, Growth of, 844. In Morocco. 235. In New Zealand. Craze foe, 1055. Incident, A Droll, 107. In the Manchester District, 1171. Light Car. A New Era of, 506. Monotony of, 1038. Pioneer in New Zealand, 45. Political, 5000 Miles of, on an Argyll Oar, OB*5. Reminiscences of Mr. George Robey, 1107. Road on the Riviera. A New, 1121. The New Generation and, 622
- Motoring, Popular.— Accounts, Keeping, 923. America: and the Cyclecar, 877: Activity in. 1047. American: Cars, Anglicising, 1134: Rumours, More, 1133. Benzole. Economy of. 1211, 1212. Breakdowns, Mechanical. 999. British Cars, Distinctive, 1134. Business Car. Single-seater, 1210. Buying, Economical, 923. Car: As an Investment. The, 957: Buying, Methods of, 1278; Professional Man’s, A, 1210; Small and the Show, 923. Cars, Cheap, 877: Contrast in, 877; New ot Second-hand, 1214; on Castors, 1133; Time Wasting. 1133. Uninsured, 1000. Chassis-inspection Work, Sub, 1133. “Commercials," Special Car for, 1210. Cost Table, A Standardized, 957. Cyclecar. America and the. 877. Depreciation, The Meaning r.f, 957. Doctors: A Boon to. 1133: How They Could Help, 957. Driving: Cautions, 999; Hints. 877. Economy. The Basis of, 877. Fnriard» Wake Up, 1133. Entertainment, Costly, 958. Garage: And Light Cars, 923; Up-to-Date Needed, 923. Insurance Policies, 999. Investment, The Car as an, 957. Learners, Richmond Park and, 958. Light Car: Dangers, 999; Expenses, Mr. T. Orchard’s, 1134; Refining the, 923: Two Chanters from the Life History of a. 1087; The, 877. Light Cars, Garages and, 923. Manufacturers’ Estimates, 957. Methods, The Need of Uniform, 957. Motoring: Economy in. 877; Popular, 877; Insurance Imperative for 999. Mudguards. Defective, 923. Optimist. Foolish. Beware of, 957. Overhauling, Delight of, 1133. Petrol. Economy in, 1046. Production, Co-operative, 1134. Reservations. 958. Richmond Park and Learners. 958. Rubber and Dust. 923. Running Costs: Analysed, 1087: Data. 957. 1211, A.E.BC’s. 1047, Apthorpe’s, Mr. C. G., 1211, Delaforge’s, Mr. J. A.. 1242. Denton’s, Mr. F. M.. 1212. Gaitskell’s. Dr H. A., 1000. 1087, M.D.’s, 1212, Orchard’s, Mr. T.. 1134, Shaw’s. Mr. J.. 1241. Shepherd, Mr. W. E., 1242, 1279, T.W.’s, 1088. Schoolmaster’s Car, The, 1211. Show and the Small Car, The. 923. Simplicity, Need for, 1133. Standardization: Basic, 1134; Semi, 1134. Taxation, Unfair, 121L Travelling Expenses, Watch. 958. Trial, 1000 Miles, Suggested, J047. Tyre Expenses, Keeping Down, $23, Tyres: Big, Advantages of, 923; for Winter, Non-Skid, 1046; Oversize, 923
- Motorist: And Pedestrian, 568. A Pioneer, 43. Duty of the, 1154. Serious Charge- Against a Well-known, Dismissed, 564
- Motorists: At Preston, Accident to, 561. A Warning to, 1019. And Police Methods. 962. And Traders, Warning to, 1100. Do They Want Too Much? 1092. Frolic of, at Gretna Green, 237. Hints to Those About to Become, 602. Important Point for: Articles Stolen from Car, 882.
- Monks of St. Bernard Monastery Rescue, 340. New, Useful Driving Hints to, 872. Note-book, From a, 301. Southampton and. 236. Victory of, in Prince Edward Island, 238. Views of, on the Fuel Campaign, 91. Who Have Clean Licences, and Some of Their Records and Experiences, 1135, 1175, 1243, 1244
- Motorphobism, Swiss Authorities Powerless against Local, 322
- Motors: And Christmas Cards, 1008. And Army Manoeuvres, 363
- Motor School, Car Wanted for a Soldiers’, 461 Motor Schools Booklet, 454a
- Motor Spirit, British Petroleum Co., 787
- Motor, The: Booklet: “Benzole: How to Use, and Where to Get It,” 736d. Extracts from Ten Years Ago, 1049. 1116, 1136, 1197. Olympia Show Number, Third. 736c; Special Features in, 747. Pamphlet: “National Fuel Economy,” 54. Petrol-Benzole Tests at Brooklands, 9, 54; Opinions on, 162; Press Opinions of, 136. Scope of, 887; Warning to Advertisers, 189
- Motor Trades Debating Society, 321
- Mountains, The Motor and the, 30
- Mountain Torrents, Fording, in a Car, 888
- Napier Strike, The, 360
- National Society of Chauffeurs and the Traffic Problem, 1293
- New Forest, Touring Through, the, on a Motorcar, 942, 985, 1025, 1067, 1258
- News Items, 3. 15 , 23, 24, 25, 34, 61, 86 , 94 , 99, 103, 106, 107. 112, 116. 145-148, 151, 170, 189, 197, 212, 231, 235. 254, 275, 278, 281. 284. 296, 304, 308, 312, 313, 318, 319, 321, 323, 324, 334, 338, 357, 359, 360-362, 380, 422, 433, 434, 438b, 440, 444, 454a, 470, 500a, 500b, 500c, 515, 524 , 532, 561, 565, 577, 590, 598, 604, 609, 628, 680. 736f, 765. 767. 818, 834, 836, 840, 843, 844, 8f,0,868, 880, 886, 888. 889 . 902, 910. 918; 929 , 934, 953, 963, 966, 976a, 979, 994, 1013, 1015-1017, 1021. 1029, 1036, 1055, 1058, 1061, 1078, 1097, 1101, 1102, 1122, 1141, 1144, 1148, 1166, 1218, 1230, 1248, 1264b, 1281, 1293, 1294, 1295, 1297, 1309
- New York, Electric Automobiles in, 281
- New Zealand: Craze for Motoring in, 1055. Journey by New Route from Wellington to Auckland in, 45. Motor Trade in, 1089
- Nice and Monte Carlo, A New Road Between, 1121 Night Driving Dangers, 1040
- North British Rubber Co.’s Picture Postcards, 128
- Nova Scotia: Improving Roads in, 86. Motors in. 72
- Numbers, International, for India, Gibraltar and Malta, 1063
- Nyasaland, Importation of Motorcars and Motorcycles to, 231
- Ocean to Ocean Roadway Across the United States. 105
- O’Gorman Trophy, 64
- Oilfield, Another European, 322
- Oilfields, More New, 312
- Oil Fuel, Sir Boverton Redwood on, at Institution of Electrical Engineers, 971
- Oil: In Canada, 64. Stations in California, 1127
- Oils, Lamplough Process of Cracking Heavy, 266, 348
- Oils, Low Flash, 458
- Oil-testing Machine, Sternol, 532
- Oleo Plug Factory, Paris, A Visit to, 283
- Olympia: Projected Enlargement of, 736c. Shows— (See “ Shows ”).
- Olympic Games Fund, The, 193
- Opinions and Experiences.—A.A. and M.U.: National Signpost Scheme, 904, 907, 947, 1031, 1267. “ Accident Caused by Care,” 1163, 1265. Accumulators, Sulphated, Remedy for, 419. Acetylene: Or Electric Lighting, 465; Problem, An, 674, 863, 905, 948; Reai- Light, 83. Advertisements: Omission of Prices in, 83; Road, 416. Aero Engines Wanted, More Powerful, 417. ' Age Limit for Licence, Minimum, 291, 373, 464. “ Agent,” " Concessionnaire,” Etc., Meaning of, 466, 592. Agents and Benzole, 249. Air: Extra, Copper Pipe for, 1268; Inlet, Extra: The, 947; Use of, 1030: Valve, Extra, for Benzole, 526. Alcohol: Claims of, 1160, 1319; in Theory—Benzole in Practice, 248. Alteration, Time There Was an, 813. American: Car, Overheating an. 292; Cars in the Colonies, 293; “Dope"—What is It? 206. Annealing Stub Axles, 166, 247, 335, 416. Anti-frost and Easy-starting Hint, An, 1316. Anti-splash Guard, 292, 674, 861. Arrol-Johnston and Benzole, 865; Petrol Consumption of, 863; 11.9 h.p., 904. Army Manoeuvres: A Correction, 372. Auction. Cars by, 1115. Australia, Pi-ice of British Cars in, 945. Axles; Stub, Annealing, 166, 247, 335, 416. Backfires, Risk of, 415. Battery, Dry, for Tail Lamp. 1163. Bell Cars, Benzole Experiences on. 465. Belsize: Benzole Experiences on, 1075, 1162; Sneed of the, 419, 529. Belt Drive for Light Cars, 419. Benzole, 125, 206, 466; and Agents, 249; and a Small Car, 373; and Carburetter Results, 467; and Fords, 373; and Its Price, 41; and Long-stroke Engines, 293; and Petrol, 677; and Repairers in Ireland, 1267; Benefits, 122; Campaign, The Motor, South African Appreciation of, 1030; Claudel-Hobson Carburetter and, 334; Experiences, 593, 862, 1116, on Bell Cars, 465, on Belsize Cars, 1075, 1162. Running Costs and, 1265, with Sunbeam Car, 293, 374; Extra-air Valve for, 526; Five to Ten Thousand Miles on, 81; Float—Wanted a Ford, 249; Greater Mileage and No Knock on, 166; How to Adapt a Car for, 207; in a Claudel Carburetter, 417; in Cold Weather, Starting on, 1116: Inferior Results of, 463; in Practice—Alcohol in Theory, 248; in the Air, 81; in Winter, 249; on a Daimler, .595; on a Heavy Vehicle, 676; on a Humber, 525; on Arrol-Johnston Car, 865; Price of, 1226, 1316; Results, 248, Some Curious Symptoms, 1318; Supply, 989, Future of the, 946, 1030; Used for 1600 Miles, 39; versus Mixtures, 864; versus Petrol, 249, -593, 1226, and Mixed Fuels, 1117. “ Bonnie Dundee A Correction, 333. Brooklands: And Public School Holidays, 989; Schneider Car at,'528. Bush, A Magneto Repair in the, 371. Buyers, Traders and Overseas, 1160. By-pass, Use, of a, 1318
Car: American, Overheating on an, 292; Buyers, A School for, 987; Colonial. Requirements, 525; Electric Lighting, 907, 987, 1269; Fittings, Wanted Durable Black Finish for, 1318; How to Adapt, to Benzole, 207; in a Narrow Street, Turning a, 1163, 1268; Noise Puzzle, A, 372; Owner, Wanted, 335; Small, Benzole and a, 373; Spoiling the Best Seat in the, 80; Washing by Engine Power, 991; 34 Miles Per Gallon with a 12 h.p., 123. Carbon Deposit from Cylinders, Cleaning, 526. Carburation Trouble, An Obscure, 415, 528, 529, 593, 594, 674. Carburetter: And Benzole Results, 467; Clutch and Ignition Difficulties, 42; Difficulty on a Hill, 529, Steep, 417; Explosions, Suggested Cause of, 1225; “ Popping ” in the, 41, 83; Test, A. 594, with a New, 209; Trouble, Obscure, 415, 528, 529, 593. 594, 674. Canadian User; Experiences of, with Self Starter, 1161. Caravan, Chalet, 206, 374. Caravanning, Motor, 83; 251. Cars: American, in the Colonies, 293; British, in Australia, Price of, 945; by Auction, 1115; Colonial, Springing for, 675, 1163; “Complete,” Who Wants? 467; for Colonial Conditions, 167, 250; for “Commercials,” 467, 591, 676; in Winter, Care of, 1267; New, Rust in Tyre Rims of, 122; Old, Unjust Taxation of, 1319. Cast-iron versus Steel Pistons, 676. Cerrig-y-Druidion, Corwen to, 39. Chain Drive, Revival of, 334. Chalet Caravan, 206, 374. Chassis, Old Chain Drive, The Demand for, 416. Chauffeurs and Motor Mechanics— Are They Show Dead-heads? 987. Chauffeur, The " Compleat,” 674; on Evolving the, 814. Circulation Water Boiling, 595. Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, and Benzole, 334, 417. Clutch: Ignition and Carburetter Difficulties, 42; Slipping, Hint for, 1033. Coal-driven Motorcar, 418. Cold Weather, Starting on Benzole in, 1116. Colonial: Car Requirements, 525; Cars, Springing of, 675, 1163; Conditions, Cars for, 167, 250; Readers and Motor Advertisers, 525. Colonies, American Cars in the, 293. “ Commercials,” Cars for, 467, 591, 676. Complaint, A, 1675. Compression: Fallacies, 1115; Loss of, 991; Pressure Measurement, 1319. “ Concessionnaire,” "Agent,” Etc., Meaning of, 466, 592. Cooling, Internal, 208. Corner, A Dangerous, 374. Corners, Turning, 949, 990. Corwen to Cerrjg-y-Druidion, 39. “ Curious Feat,” A, 947. Cycles, Rear Lights on, 464. Cyclists and Rear Lights, 904. Cylinders, Cleaning Carbon Deposit from, 526. Cylinder Temperatures, 1269. Daimler, Benzcfle on a, 595. Decarbonizing Process, Oxygen, 1266. Deposit, Minimum of, after Six Months Use, 417. Devil's Bridge to Rhayader Road, 83, 125, 290, 335. Differential, Substitute for the, 163, 209. “Dope”: Peroxide of Hydrogen as a, 862; The Petrol, 946. “Dopes” and the Fuel Campaign, 293, 374, 418, 467. Driver, Old, Maxims of an, 949. Driving: Dangerous, 80; Licences,. Motor, 209; Over Yielding Sand, 335; Thoughtless, 251, and Road Risks, 165; to the Danger of the Public, 332. Duncton Hill, Gradient of, 528, 675. Dunne Aeroplane and Nature’s Analogy, The, 208. “ Efficiency A Hackneyed Phrase, 989. England—Slow? 592.. English Hotels, 334. Electric: Lighting and Starting Costs, 123; or Acetylene Lighting, 465; Starter, An, 125; Tramway Conduits, Danger from, 529. Engine: Balance, 375: Compression, Facts and Fallacies Concerning, 949, 988, 1033, 1227; Fischer Slide-valve. 865; Increasing Compression of Old-type. 864; Piston Valve, Water Leakage in, 676; Power. Car Washing by, 991 ; Rotary Valve, The. 164; Seizure, 946, 1030; Starter. Future of the, 1269. Engines: Aero, Wanted More Powerful, 417; Long^stroke, Benzole and, 293. Ether for Easy Starting, The Use of, 1317. Fact Overlooked, A, 1268. Fan: Abolition of the, 418, 466, 527, 592; Question, The,—Benzole Experiences, 677; The, 594. Flanders, Motor Touring in, 463. Float: Cork, Varnish for, 40, 331; Why Weight the? 593. Ford: Benzole Float Wanted. 249; Oil Gauge, 292; Owners. Hints to, 123. 207. Fords and Benzole, 373. Fosse Way, The Old, 333. Freezing Mixture, Anti, 1162. Fuel: Campaign, The, 207, Dopes and the, 293, 374, 418, 467; Mixtures, 905; Question, Possibilities of Crude Oil, 1075; Test, Comparative: Petrol and Benzole, 617. Fuels, Mixed, Benzole versus Petrol and, 1117. Gallon: 34 Miles per, with 12 h.p. Car, 123; 40 Miles to the. 166; 100 Miles to the, 121, 208, 249. Garage: Heating, Cost of, 1115, 1226; Reform, 251. Garaging, Haphazard, 291. Gearbox Position, 41, 165. Gear: Changes, the Same, 1268; Steering Irreversibility of, 416. Gears, Speed, Three or Four? 906, 1031, 1117, 1225, 1265; An Inventor’s Claim, 948. Guard, An Anti-Splash, 292, 674, 861. Hampstead District, Police Timing in* the, 814. Heat and Tyres, 989. Heating, Garage, Cost of, 1115, 1226. Hill: Carburetter Difficulty on a, 529; Steep, Carburetter Difficulty on, 417. Honister: Is It Wise to Motor Over? 592; Pass, Climbing, 905. Hooter. Abuse of the, 1115. 1227, 1268, 1317. Horse Traffic and Road Waves, 990. Hotels, English, 334. Hotel, The Outcry Against, 250; The Question of, 415. Humber, Benzole on a, 525. India, Motor Touring in, 528. Indian Motoring, Exciting, 40. Instruction Books for Owner-Drivers, 251, 333, 418, 465. Insurance, 1116, 1224. Internal Cooling. 208. Inventor, Plaint of the. 674. Ireland, Benzole and Repairers in, 1267. Ladies NOT at Olympia, 905. Lake Roads, North via the, 1317. Lawn Mower, A Motor, 124. Legislation, Suggested New, 1075. Licence: Endorsement, 991; Minimum Age Limit for, 291, 373, 464. Licences: Motor Driving. 209; Surrey County Councils and, 1224. Lidham Hill. Gradient of, 125. Light Car and Cyclecar Show, A Few Notes on the, 987; Has It a Future? 595; Proposed Trials for the, 1315. Light Cars: Belt Drive for, 419; Solid Tyres for, 208, 289. Lighting: Car Electric, 907, 987, 1269; Dynamo, Power Used by, 1163; Electric or Acetylene? 465; Sets, Electric, Cost of Fitting, 1318; Up Time, 375. Lights, Bogus Red “ Danger ” on the Road— The Latest Nuisance, 592. London, Bad Roads Near, 415, “ Luck, For,,’ 1266. Magistrates and Motorists, 125. Magneto Repair in the Bush, A. 371. Motorcar: Coal-driven, The. 418; Too Much, 677. Motor: Caravanning, 83, 251; Correct Position of Sidelights on, 333; Fuel, Parol, 332; Horn. The Villager and the, 1227; Mower, A, 124; Trade Testing Laboratory, A, 208; Vehicles, Ponderous, Roads and the, 166. Motoring: Exciting Indian, 40; dElOO per Year for, 41. Motorists: And Police Methods, 1073, 1074; Magistrates and, 125. Motor, The: Advertisers, Colonial Readers and, 525; Benzole Campaign, South African Appreciation of, 1030. Mileage Ratio for Tyres, 206. 333, 526. Mixtures versus Benzole, 864. Mudguard, Anti-Splash. 292, 674, 861. Mudguarding, Inefficient, 1316 Nature’s Analogy. Dunne Aeroplane and, 208. New Forest, The. 991, 1033. 1115. New Zealand, Prices in, 83. Night Driving Effects, 290. Oil: Circulation: Difficulty. An. 250, Problem, 375, 465; Gauge, Ford, 292; Poole, That Objectionable, 250. Olympia: Ladies NOT at, 905; Show, The Coming, 374, 419. Overdoing It, The Danger of, 905. Overseas Buyers, Traders and, 1160. Owner-Drivers, Instruction Books for, 251, 333, 418, 465. Oxygen Decarbonizing Process, 1266. Paris Show Courtesy. 592. Parol Motor Fuel, 332. Petrol: and Benzole Comparative Fuel Test, 677; and Mixed Fuels versus Benzole, 1117; at lOd. per gallon, 1116, 1225; Benzole versus. 593, 1226; Cans. Short Measure in. 39; Consumption, 674, 946, of Arrol-Johnston Car, 863; Heavy Grade Deposit in Tank from, 813; Not Using, Again, 122; Storage Regulations, 595. Pinion, Scouring a Troublesome, 1161, 1317. Pistons: Cast-iron versus Steel, 676, 865, 907, 948; Risk of Lightening Cast-iron. 528; Steel, 1318. Piston-valve Engine, Water Leakage in, G76. Pneumatic Tyre. Action of the, 38, 80, 292, 371. Police: Methods and Motorists, 1073, 290. 335. 1------ — „ Road: Advertisement, 416: Legal Responsibility of, 864 " Danger ” Lights on the. 1074: Timing: in Hampstead District, 814. Methods. 675, 862, 907, 946, 990. Power Used by Lighting Dynamo, 1163. Public: Driving to the Danger of the, 332; Service Vehicles. Side Lights on, 333, 371, 464; Trials and Rides that Impress the, 1032. Purchaser, Timid, and Knut Salesman. 945, 1033. Racing. Future of Track, 861, 947. Radiators, Inefficient. 40. Rear Light, Acetylene, 83. Rear Lights: Cyclists and, 904; on Cycles, 464. Reciprocating Parts. Effect of Weight in, 991, 1032. 1033. 1114, 1225. 1319. Repairers in Ireland. Benzole and, 1267. Repairs, Are Uniform Possible or Desirable for? 1075. Rhayader to Devil’s Bridge Road, 83, 125, ...... Rims, Rusing of, 122. 207, 466. Authorities. [; Bogus Red _______ 592; Future Problem of the, 815. 903, 988: Hogging, 372. 527: Risks, Thoughtless Driving and, 165; Signs: Distinctive Colours for, 83, Misleading. 247; The Rule of the, 81, 164, 165, 167, 291: Treatment. .123; Waves, 1162, Cause of 1227, Horse Traffic and, 990. Road Board and West Riding Roads, The. 594. Road Congress Signpost Designs, The Winning, 1268. Roads: and Springs, 674; and the Ponderous Motor Vehicle, 166; Bad, near London, 415. Rotary Valve: Engine, The, 164: The—The Designer’s Troubles, 289. Running Costs—Benzole Experiences and, 1265. Salesman: Knut, and Timid Purchaser, 945; The Show, 1033. Sands. Yielding, Driving over, 335. Schneider Car at Brooklands, 528. Seats, Dickey, 814. Seat, Spoiling the Best in the Car, 80. Self-starter: Canadian User’s Experiences of the, 1161; Future of the, 1162. Show: Incident, A, 946; Le, est Mort! Vive le Show! 1031. Shows, Provincial—Are They Wanted, 131.9. Side Lights on Motors, 333, 371, 464. Signalling Devices, 40, 123. Signpost: Design, The Winning Road Congress, 1268; Fund, A.A. and M.U. National, 904, 907, 947, 1031, 1267. Skid Pan: Is It Practicable 249. Spare Parts Difficulty, The, 164. Speed Limit: Should It be Abolished 812, 864, 904; Signs, Invisible, 82; The French Method, 864. Speedometer Drive, 164. Springing: Improvement, Suggested, 1266; of Colonial Cars, 675, 1183. Spring, Repair to Weakened, 594. Springs and Roads, 674. Starter, Electric, / New, 125. Starting: Costs, Electric Lighting and, 1223; Easy: and Anti-Frost Hint, an, 1316, Use of Ether for, 1317; from Cold,- 1267. Steel Pistons v. Cast-iron, 528, 676, 865, 907, 948, 1318. Steering Gear, Irreversibility of, 416. Street, Narrow, Turning Car in, 1163, 1268. Stub Axles, Annealing, 166, 247, 335, 416. Sulphated Accumulator, Remedy for, 419. Sunbeam. Car, Benzole Results with a, 293, 374. Surrey County Council and Licences, 1224. Tail Lamp, Dry Battery for, 1163. Taxation for Old Cars, Unjust, 1319. Testing Laboratory, Motor Trade, 208. Tewkesbury to Northampton, Road from, Fur Lost on the, 335. “Thirteen,” 519; The Ominous, 864. Timing Methods, Police, 675, 814, 862, 907, 946, 990, 1073, 1074. Torque Problem, A, 292, 372. Touring, Motor: in Flanders, .463; in India, 528. Track Racing, Future of, 861, 947. Traders and Overseas Buyers, 1160. Trapping County, Non? Is There a, 1265. Trials:, and Rides that Impress the Public, 1032; Light Car, Proposed, 1315. Two-piston Type Four-cylinder versus V-type Eight-cylinder Principle, 82. Two-seater, The, 863. Tyred, Under, 948. Tyre: Pneumatic, The Action of the, 38, 80, 292, 371; Mileage Details, 526; Rims of New Cars, Rust in, 122, 207, 466. Tyres: And Heat, 989; Four Ste§l-studded— A Dangerous Policy, 591; Mileage Ratio for, 206, 333, 526; Oversize, 864; Solid, 418, for Light Cars, 209, 289. Valve. The Life of the. Modern, 165, 208, 289. Valves, Rotary, 39, 463; The Designer’s Troubles with, 289. Varnish: For Cork Floats, 40, 331; Renovating “Spotty,” 464, 529, 594. Vehicle, Heavy, Benzole on a, 675. Vehicles, Public Service, Side Lights on, 333, 371, 464. Vibration, Periodic, 375, 465, 467, 592. V-type Eight-cylinder versus Two-piston Type Four-cylinder Principle, 82. Wales, North, Condition of Roads in, 125. Water Company’s Charges, 375,'467. Water-splash, A Dangerous, 165. Welsh Roads, Facts about, 124. West Riding Roads, Road Board and, 594. Wheel, Unbalanced, 331. Wheels, Wood versus Wire, 529, 595, 813, 814, 907, 991, 1265. Winter: Care of Oars in, 1267; Driving, 1268 Orkneys, The Motor in the, 140 Overdoing It, The Danger of, 589, 620 Overhauler, The “ Compleat,” 671
- Overhauling: When Is It Necessary? 325
- Owner-driver: How the Car may be made Easier for the, 1084. Points of Interest to the, 301. View-points of the— Criticisms of the 1914 Models, 954
- Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Lyell and Co., 1120
- Paraffin Motor, Bellem and Bregeras, 1145
- Paraffin Trial, 1207
- Paris: Historic Brasier Racing Car in, End of, 1027. Leaving Oars in Streets of, 1147. News fro-m 1145, 1198, 1254. Offices of the A.A. and M.U., 509. Oleo Plug Factory in, 283. Points from, 1027. Salon—(See “Shows”)
- Parisian Maidens’ Joy Rides,, .932
- Parsons and Preachers, 1026
- Patent Laws, by Mr. Henry Fairbrother. 110
- Patrols and First Aid, A.A. and M.U. and, 8
- Paymaster’s Automobile in America, 898
- Pedestrian and Motorist, The, 568
- People, The Motor and the, 158
- Peto and Radford, New Premises of, 44
- Petrol: And Benzole: in Bulk, 1149, Opinions of Leaders in Industry, 1190a. 1240; Trials, The German, 44. Benzole: Test of Argyll Sleeve-valve Car, 65; Tests at Brooklands, The Motor, 9, 54, Opinions on, 162, Press Opinions of, 136, Table of Results, 62, 63. Cheaper, 433. Circular: Beware 1 189. Consumption: and F.I.A.T. Motors, Ltd., 1101; Test Marred, 932. Co-operative, 937. Leaks and Their Danger's, 1120. Price Down in America, 886. Prices: Falling in Germany, 104; One of the Causes of High, 1239. Rubber that Resists the Action of, 966. Supplies by Co-operation, 406. Tax, The Objectionable in France, 842. Vapour Leakage, Detection of, 1322
- Petrol Fillers: Atlas, 561. Pettott Safety, 886, 1016
- Petrol Gauges: Badois, 567. C.S., 843. Dew and Co., 128
- Petrol Saver, Saunders, 943
- Petrol Storers, Bowser, 775
- Petrol Substitutes Joint Committee: Booklet of, “ How to Use Benzole, 61. Home-produced Fuel Announcement of, 230
- Petrol Tin Carrier, Selfridge, 146
- Petrol Tin Opener, Pettett, 975
- Petrol Users and Traders Supply Society: Co-operative Supplies by, 406. Ship of, Vincenzo di Georgia, 937
- Picardy, Off the Beaten Track in, 17
- Pioneer Motoring in New Zealand, 45
- Piston Rings, Roe, 438b
- Pistons, Simplex- (Brown Bros.), 500b
- Pith and Point, 1054, 1096, 1148b, 1194, 1247, 1292
- Pliers for Tyre Repairs, Rickard, 673
- Plugs: Atlas. 1272. Bosch, 128, 736g. E.I.C., 103, 212. Hobson, 561. Hobson-Rognon, 380 , 780. Lodge, 399, 461. Cleo, 283. Pognon, 628. Reflex Torpedo, 1257. Ripault and Co., 787. Smith-Oda, 64. Steatite (Forward Motor Co.), 577
- Plugs: Detachable or Solid, 201
- Police: Commissioner of, and Rear Lamps, 1141. Methods and1 Motorists, 962, 9-63. Prosecution for Driving a Motorcar Backwards on the Road, 324
- Popular Motoring—(See “ Motoring ”)
- Postcards, Picture, North British Rubber Co., 128 Power Absorbed by Dynamo and Auxiliaries, 243 Press and Benzole, The, 136
- Preston, Accident to Motorist at, 561
- Prince Edward Island, Canada: Motorist’s Victory in, 238. Question of Running Motons in, 461
- “ Progression," A Retrograde, 75
- Progress or Stagnation? 1062
- Proverbs, New Century, 1045
- Prussia’s, Prince Henry of, New Benz Car, 984
- Public, The Dangerous. 176
- Puncture Preventer, Capt. Cleghorn’s, 818
- Queen and King at the Army Manoeuvres, 369
- Rabbits, After, with a Motorcar, 899
- R.A.C.: And Associated Clubs’ Great Automobile . Rally, 500a. 841. And Hotels, 1078. Committee Meeting of the,. 1029. Dinner to “Upside Down" Flying Men (Messrs. Hucks and Hamel) at the, 1252. Founders’ Dinner. 887. King Haakon a Hon. Life Member of the, 910. New Year’s Eve Celebrations at the. 1013, 1136a. Records Approved for Distances of 2, 5, and 10 Miles by the, 1248. Suggests Formation of Highways Board, 1014. Swimming Bath. Ladies and the, 1014. Tourist Committee of the, Consider Dangerous Condition of Musk ham Bridge, 1196. Tourist Trophy Race (1914)—(See “ Isle of Man ”). Town Plans of the, 61. Trials—(See. " Trials"). Two-cycle Engine Competition. 1036
- Racer, A Transformed. “Blue Bird” (Darracq), 107 Races: And the Patrols, 195. Trials and Competitions, 217
- Race with the Tide, A, 236
- Radiators. Suggestion for Increasing Efficiency of, 343
- Rally: Great Automobile, R.A.C. and Associated Clubs, 500a. 841. Light Car at Wisley Hut, Cyclecar Club’s, 1144
- Rattle and Squeak, How to Locate, 944 Readers’ Opinions—(See “ Opinions ”) Records: At Brooklands: Argyll, 680: Benz, 1144, 1148a, 1248. 1250, 1297, and F.I.A.T., 321: Oalthorpe Minor, 560, 565; D.F.P., 192, 279. 840: F.I.A.T., 321. 388, 1027. Postponed. 1013; Humber, 500a, 736f; Peugeot, 445; Singer, 399; Star. 900; Straker-Squire, 445, 446; Sunbeam, 402b, 445, 561; Talbot, 500a, C04; Vauxhall, 147, 190; Vinot. 565. New Distances for. 1196. World’s, 400
- Records: Clean Driving of Motorists, 1135, 1175, 1243, 1244. Prohibited between Melbourne and Sydney, 994
- Reamers. Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 470
- Rear Lamp, Secure Attachment for the, Rippingille's Albion Lamp Co., 616
- Rear Lamps. Letter from Commissioner of Police Concerning. 1141
- Rear Light, Red—Here and America, 66
- Rear Lights on Motorcycles, 860
- Repair Outfit, Puncture Seal, 192
- Repairs, Welding, Barimar, 1036
- Repair Work: Keele. Ltd., 323. Laystall Motor Engineering Works, 783
- Rims: Bulltnrn “Aye Ready," 422. Captain, 793, 952. Dunlop, 1300. Rudge-Whitworth, 1205. Shrewsbury and Challinqr, 322. 1148a. Vinet, 426. Warland, 236, 414. 794, 840 . 889, . 1205, 1300
- Rims: Rust on. 214. Standardisation, 402a: S.M.M.T. and. 890. Standards, International Council of Automobile Constructors and, 1249
- Ripley Road, An Incident on the: Lost a Motorcar, 196
- Riviera, New Motoring Road on the, 1121
- Road: Advertisements, Disfiguring, 183. Future, Problem of the, 506. Hog. People of Dunton Green and the, 402. Hogs? Are Women Drivers. 23. Improvement. 1262. Indicator. A Conflicting,, between Haverfordwest and Fishguard, 338, 370. Making, Extraordinarv, 330. New Western Approach, Proposed, 910. Obstruction. A Bad Ca-se of, 1295. Romance of the, A. 32. Rule of the, S.A.C. and, 444. Scheme. The Great West, 952. Sign, The Misleading^ at Haverfordwest and Fishguard. 338, 370. " Surfaces in United States, How Vitrified Bricks are Proriding Lasting, 1136b. The Code of the, 1280. Users in Conference, 935. Waves. The Cause of. 1102. What New Motorists Should Do on the, and How to Do It, 1154
- Road Board: Appointments, 65. Advances by the, 1197. Grants by the, 4-44. Mr. H P. Maybury. Chief Engineer of the, 64
- Road Congress Signpost Competition, Awards and Winning Designs in. 1060. 1136a
- Roads: And Springs. 178, 305. 582; Some Replies to Criticisms, 369. At Night, A.A. and M.U. and, 1022. Convict Labour on the, 212. Deteriorate, Why They, 508. Future—Concrete and Rubber, 473. Greater London, 886. London Main, Conference on, 934. Macadam, Causes of Destruction to, 508. Rubber, Concrete and “ Dirt," .655
- Roadside: Court, A, 1166. Rights, Motors, Cattle and, 994. Telephones, Additions to, 60
- Roads Improvement Association: And Bristol Corporation, 444. And Canal Bridges in Lancashire and Cheshire, 352. And Streets in Worcester, 500a. And the Great West Road Scheme, 952. And the Motor Traffic Report, 156. Horseshoe Competition, 338, 1059, 1141. Lancashire and Cheshire Branch of the, 560, 952. Local Activities of the, 361. Monthly-Meeting of the, 598. Notes, 338. Stand at the Manchester Show, 1141. Telephone Number, 952
- Robey, Mr. George, on the, Road, 1107
- Romance of the Motor Trade, 1168
- Rome, Motors in, 1141
- Roeslare Sands, Racing on, 232. Dunlop Cup Awarded to Talbot Car in, 324. Mistake by Timekeepers at, 281
- Rossleigh, Ltd., Profits of, 1078
- Rotax Challenge Trophy, The, 818
- Roumania, Motoring in, 277
- Royal Horticultural Hall, Model Engineering Exhibition—(See “ Shovs^s ”)
- Rubber that Resists the Action of Petrol, 966 Russian Motor Builders, Protection of, 323
- Salon: Anglais, Le, 736j. Paris—(See "Shows”)
- Santa Monica Race, The, 148
- Sarthe, Circuit de—(See *‘Trials—Circuit de Sarthe”)
- Sawdust, Motor Fuel from, 1304
- Scarborough and Filey, A Race with the Time at, 233
- School for Lady Drivers, Miss Preston’s, at Kensington, 362
- School of Motoring, Manchester, 365
- Science at Selfridge’s, 107
- Scotia’s Shores, By, 244
- Scotland: A Tour in, by Way of English Lakes, 1215, 1258, 1310. Autumn Tour in, 1215. How Motoring has Developed in, 1303
- Scottish A.C.—(see " Clubs ”)
- Scottish News and Notes, 1300b
- Scylla and Charybdis, Between, 1091
- Seat: Dickey, Protecting the, 223. Driver’s, New Adjustable, 1064. Driving, Factor's which Render It Uncomfortable, 286
- Seater, Two, Design: Is There Scope for Improvement? 605
- Selfridge’s, Science at, 107
- Self-starters—(See “ Starting Devices ”)
- Severn, From the Sea to the, 198
- Shakespeare Land, Famous Villages Explored in, 113
- Sheffield, Accident at a Street Corner in, 280
- Shippers and Packers, Park and Co., 276
- Shock Absorbers: Acme (S.U. Co.), 784. Anderson, 1136. A.V., 775. Brew-Ree, 784. Connecticut, 922. Cox, 1017. C.R., 786. Deri-hon, 362. G.P., 1255. Houdaille, 1058. Morri&-Russell for Ford Cars, 4
- Shows: Berlin (1914), 1254; Projected Building for, 1294. Brussels, 1195, 1234-1239. Edinburgh— (See " Scottish ” below). Manchester, 524, 1015, 1140, 1177-1190, 1199-1209; A.A. and M.U. at, 1230; Accessories at, 1195, 1204b-1206; Dinner, 1208; Report, Photographs in the, 1204a; Roads Improvement Association’s Stand at, 1141; Will It be Held in 1915? 970, 1207, 1249, Result of Ballot, 1293.* Model Engineering and Scientific, 470, 524. Montreal. 787. New York, 1142. New Zealand, Argyll Cars at. 64. North of England—(See “ Manchester ” above): Olympia: Aero and Marine Engine, 362, 1038, S.M.M.T. and the, 994; Motor: Accessories at, 736g, 760, 768-796, Advance Details of Car Exhibits at, 569-575, Argyll Models, No New, at, 438d, Bodywork at, 653-655, Bond. A Judge on the, 1007, Business at. 994, Coachwork at, 653-655, 826-832, Difficulties of Providing Accommodation at, 391, Engine Starters at, 748-752, 845-848, Exhibits at, 633-655, 687-736b, 736g-752, 760, 768-796, 800-806 —Survey of the, 849, from a Lady’s Point of View, 854, Functions, 324, How to Make the Best Use of the. 684, Light Cars at, 755-760, Lighting Equipments at, 800-806, Method of Viewing the Exhibits at, 684, Problem of the, 319. Suggestion to Enlarge Space at, 519, What M. Faroux Thinks of the, 838a, Wheels, Rims and Tyres at, 788-796, 1914, S.M.M.T. Prize for Poster Design for, 1026; Motorcycle: Light Cars at, 878-880, Sensations at the, 629. Paris: Aero, 1003; Motor, 149, Boat Bodies at, 488, Exhibits at, 454b-458 . 481-496, 500d-505, 536-551, Interview with the Manager of, 454b, Laisne Car at, 578, Light Cars at, 502, 549-551, Railway Facilities to, 444, Success of the, 811, Trend of Design at, 471-473, Vauxhall-Sutherland Oar at, 461, 1914, 1254. Prague, 1101. Scottish, 1252, 1282, 1298: Accessories at, 1299; and Members of the A.A. and M.U., 1239; Exhibits at, 1282-1288, 1298-1301; Late News from, 1294, News and Notes. 1300b; Opening of the, 1301; Personalities at, 1301. Shows: Forthcoming. Opening Dates of, 860. Future Motor, 391, 886. Provincial Motor, 1207. Value of, Austin Motor Co.’s Letter, 922
- Show Space Problem. Suggestion for Olympia, 519 noting Matters, The Motorcar and, 389
- Signposting the Roads Scheme, A.A. and M.U., 628, 629, 822. 1013, 1059
- Signposts and Signposting Competition, Road Congress, Results of, 1060, 1136a
- Silencing and Engine Efficiency, 402a
- Sirdar Rubber Co.’s West-End Offices, Burglary at, 422
- Sleeve-valve Experiences, Knight-Daimler, Mr. Hordern’s, 130
- Sleigh, Motor, Climbing the Lautaret Pass on a., 1198 S.M.M.T.: Aero and Marine Engine Exhibition, 362, 994. And a Uniform Price List, 1055. And Rim Standards, 402a, 890. And the Agents’ Section, Ltd., 1013. Banquet of the, 763. Donation to Senghenydd Pit Disaster Fund, 561. Fuel Competition, Motor, Result of, 1066. New Offices of the, 1059. Prize for Poster Design for 1914 Olympia Show, 1026. Versus General Rubber Co., Appeal Dismissed, 23
- Soldiers’ Motor School, Car Wanted for, 461 South Africa, Beldam Tyres in, 195 Southampton and Motorists, 236 Squeak and Rattle, How to Locate and Remedy, 944
- Sparking Plug, Design for, 1302a
- Sparking Plugs in the Making, 283 Sparking Plugs—(See “ Plugs ”) Speed Kings, Acrobatics for, 844 Speed Limit: Abergele and Pensarn Urban Council’s Resolution for a, 323. Application: by Burgh of Huntley for, 1100; by Leeds Residents, 680; Cheshunt, 1095; Refused by the Derbyshire C.C., 385. At Barnes, 189. At Kingston-on-Thames, 561. At Llandudno Junction, 1026. Battersea, Local Government Board and, 433. Bethnal Green Applications Granted and Refused by L.G.B., 590. Bog-nor Police Haul, 193. Essex County Council’s, L.G.B. and, 1257. Folkestone and a, 868. For Wallsend, Proposed, 104. • London’s New, 370. Should It be Abolished? Opinions from Readers, 579: Signs: Inadequate, 65; Invisible, A.A. and M.U. and, 843
- Speed Limits, A.A. and M.U. and, 145
- Speedometers: A.T., 1204b. Cowey, 776. Nicole-Nielsen, 736g. Smith, 1206. Stewart, 1204b “ Speedway,” A Real Horseless Town, 857 Spring Cushions, Pneumatic, 14
- Spring Opener, Leaf, Orno (Riches and Co.), 128 Springs and Roads, 178, 305, 582. Some Replies to Criticisms, 369
- Spring Shackles, Bradbury, 44 Stagnation? Progress or, 1062 Standard Oil Co. to Make Engines, 275 Starter and Brake Mechanism, Finch, 435 Starter and Generator, Scott, 616 Starter, Electric, 434. Friction Drive for, 832 Starters: In General and Electric, Some Considerations of, 915. Pneumatic, 750. Stored Energy, 749
- Starting Devices: Adams, 846. Arrol-Johnston, 431. Austin, 500a. Brolt, 752. Cantano, 749, 847. C.A.V., 751, 765. Chambers, 748. Deaco, 978. Delco, 5, 847. Jackson, 460, 736o, 749. Lozier, 1143. Leitner, 751. Magician (U.M.I.), 14, 751. Major’s, 1101. Minerva. 1182. N.B:’. 428, 748. Rotax-Leitner, 896. Rushmore, 752. S.C.A.T., 846. Scott, 784. Sunbeam, 845. “ Sure Start (United Equipment Co., Chicago), 1131. T.A.T., 498, 752, 1248. U.S.L., 750. Vandervell, 324. Westinghouse, 486, 752. White, 750. Wilkinson, 306. Wilson (Wolf Engineering Co.), 979. Wolseley, 846. Zip, 749
- Starting Handle Catch, Talbert, 1300
- Starting: In Cold Weather, Carburetter Heater for, 1132. In Winter, Simple Aids to, 1153. Up in Cold Weather, 1131, 1132
- St. Bernard Pass. Itala Car Climbs the, 340
- Steel Gears, Rolled, 311
- Steering Wheels, Rubber Cover for, Vasseur Grip (Smith and Co.), 440
- Stipperstones, The Round of the, 285 Stone Throwing at Cars, 104
- Stove, Notron (Tom Norton, Ltd.), 1120
- Street: Accident, A Ludicrous Scene Follows a, 151. Refuges, A.A. and M.U. and, 1007
- Sturmey, Mr., Articles by : Body Construction, Modern— A Retrograde ” Progression,” 75. Car: Art of Selecting a, 610, 809; Electric Lighting, 1088. Corners, Turning. 980; Lefthand, 113. Cylinders, Increasing Number of, 8. Driving Hints, Winter, 1128. Electric: Lighting, A Development in, 184; Starter, The, 434. Engine Starters at Olympia Show, 748, 845. Fuel Question, 2. Gears, Worm, Quietening, 50. Motorists, The Duty of, 1154. Motor Trade, Romance of the. 1168. Night Driving, Importance of Cautious, 1040. Olympia Show: Engine Starters at, 748, 845; How to Make the Best Use of the, 684 r Survey of the Exhibits at, 849. One Hundred Miles to the Gallon, 4. Overdoing It, The Danger of, 589. Road, What to Do and How to Do It and What Not to Do on the, 1154. Romance of the Motor Trade, The, 1168. Shows. Motor, Future, of, 391. Starter, The Automatic, 915. Steel Gears, Rolled, 311. Tourist Trophy Race, Another, 49. Trials, Races and Competitions, 217. Winter Driving Hints, 1128
- Super-Efficiency, 533
- Suspension, High-speed, 1144
- Swiss Authorities Powerless Against Local Motor-phobism. 322
- Switch. B.T.H., 385
- Switzerland: Hints Arising Out of Motor Tour through. 386. Motor Trade in, 280
- Sydney and Melbourne Records, Police Prohibition, 994
- Tabloids, 933, 976. 1012
- Tap, Non-leakable, Whyte, 238
- Tarless Fuels Process, The, 263
- Tar: Painting in Essex Needed, 105. Spraying: Cheap, 388; Trouble, 321
- Taxation: In Austria, New Motorcar, 1081, 1272. Proposed Increased, in Canada, 1166. Resented, and an Official Inquiry to be Held in Paris 842 1027
- Tax, The Objectionable Petrol, in France, 842, 1027 Teignmouth Summer Carnival, 147
- Telephones, Roadside, 60
- Ten Years After, 380
- Testing Laboratory, Motor Trade, Wanted a, 74 Teutonic Spectacles, Through, 7
- Theatre, Brooklands to, 1019
- Then and Now, From the Lady Passenger’s Point of View, 1080
- Things That Matter, Little, 584
- Three Litre Race—(See “ Coupe de ‘ L’Auto ’ ”)
- Tilbury Ferry Road, A.A. and M.U. Suggested Improvement of the, 65
- Timing: Financial not Mechanical, 103. Methods, Monstrous, 23
- Tips and Tipping, 25
- Todd, Mr. R., Hobby of, 1122
- Tool Grinder, Drummond Brothers., 1264b
- Tobis, Adams, 1322
- Top Gear, Morris-Oxford Circling by Itself on, 981
- Tour: Alpine, Napier Car’s R.A.C. Officially Observed, 454. Beyond the Cheviots, A, 154. French President’s—(See “ France ”). In Scotland via the English Lakes, 1215, 1258, 1310. International in the French Alps, 1059. Motorcar, Through the-New Forest, 942, 985. 1025, 1067, 1258. Motor, in Belgium and Germany, 230. Of Italy, Signor Marano’s, 212. Pipe , Car Agents Visiting Scheme, 399. • Through Switzerland, 386. Through the Peak District, 995. To Aix-les-Bains, A, 87
- Tour de France, 1198. Entries for, 1296
- Touring: Facilities, Foreign, 655. Ground, Ireland as a, 1110. Motor': in Flanders, 326; in India, 202, 276. Motorist on Exmoor, 459
- Tourist Trophy Race—(See “ Isle of Man ”)
- Tour, Royal Hungarian M.C.’s Carpathian, 952. 1055, 1106
- Tours, Christmas and New Year, A.A. and M.U. and, 1059
- Town: Gas, Benzole from, 60. Plans, R.A.C. and, 61 Traders and Motorists, Warning to, 1100
- Traffic: Census of the London-Warwick Road, 275. London, Board of Trade Report of, 1196. Problem, The, National Society of Chauffeurs and, 1293. Separated, 921. Westminster City Council Regulation Experiment with, 104
- Traffic Committee: Recommendations of, Regarding Audible Warning, 327. Report of the, 102; R.I.A. and the, 156; “The Evening News” Piling It On! Regarding, 107
- Traffic Indicator, Stop or Slow Up, Daislyn, 900 Traffic Warner. Simms, 414
- Training School, Scottish A.C.’s Motor, 212
- Trials : A.C. de France Paraffin Fuel, 1099. A.-C.U. Light Car and Cyclecar, 623; Results of, 624. Circuit de Sarthe, 67. Essex M.C., 1141; London-York, 192. French Acrobatic, at Acheres, 844. German Benzole-Carburetter, 868. Imperial A.C. of Russia, 1196. International Six Days in French Alps, 1059. Irish A.C. on Rosslare Sands. 232; Dunlop Challenge Cup Awarded Talbot Car in, 324; Mistake by Timekeeper at, 281. Italian Fuel Consumption, 843. “ L’Aero ” Light Car, in France, 680. Liverpool A.C., 454a. Light Car and Cyclecar, Suggested 1000 Miles, 1047. M.C.C. London-Exeter, 1098. Moravian-Silesian, 146. Moscow-Kharkoff, 380. R.A.C.: (Arrol-Johnston-Edison Electric Car), 1059, Certificate of Performance, 1036; (Atlas Empty-quick Tank), 565; (Blakoe Wheel), 1296; (Bucket Car), Certificate of Performance, 680; (Cadillac 10-Year-Old Car), 496b; (Economin Fuel), 1296; (Herroline Fuel), Certificate of, 500c, 929; (Napier Car), 192, 454; Certificate of Performance, 454a; (Pettett Safety Filler), 888; (Puncture Seal), 192; (Smith Carburetter), 233. Royal Hungarian M.C. Carpathian, 952. 1055, 1106. Royal Swedish A.C., 1141, 1277. Scottish A.C.: (Cadillac Car), 362; Light Car, Proposed, 1101. Somerset A.C. (Weston Sands), 322, 394a. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-War-wickshire A.C. [Colmore Cup), 1144. Tour de France, 1198, 1296. Victoria A.C. Petrol Consumption, 932. Victoria and New South Wales A.C.’s 680. 1000 Miles (1903), Survivors of the, 380
- Trials, Races and Competitions, 217 Triumph Co., Balance Sheet of, 444 “ Trust ” Houses, 1197
- Tubes, Effect of Heat on Air in, 108, 139
- Tuck and Sons’, Raphael, Christmas Cards and Motors, 1008
- Two-seater Design? Is There Scope for, 605
- Tyre: Deflation Indicator, A Curious. 24. Economy, An Aid to, 65. Failure, Punctures as a Cause of, 301. Inflation: Adapting a Starting Motor for, 843; Easy, 128. Pneumatic, The Action of the, 96. Price Maintenance Action, 1295. Proposition, A New, 1300a. Service by Guarantee, 1223. Test, Victor, Recalled, 886. Troubles, Causes of. 281 Tyre Inflator. Parsons Sparklet, 128, 1055 Tyre Pump, Utility Pump Co., 581
- Tyre Sheading Scheme, St. Albans Rubber Co.’s, 104
- Tyre Repairs: Kemp, 1204b. Ripley-Strong, 788, 1206 Tyre Repairs, Pliers for, Rickard, 673
- Tyres: Almagam, 438d, 1148a, 1257, 1272. Avon, 788, 979. Beldam, 44, 195, 212, 788. Bullturn, 1300. Calmon, 790. Clincher, 795. Collier, 789. Continental, 792, 1017; Oversize, 659. De Nevers, 1300. Dunlop, 212, 399, 792, 844, 1206, 1230, 1249, 1300. Gaulois, 683, 795, 1204b. Gofa, 808. Goodrich, 794, 963. Goodyear, 3, 108, 109, 139, 385, 790. Grimston, 789, 1205. Henley, 518, 1061. Kempshall, 790, 1300. Liversidge, 788. Macintosh, 788, 1206. Metal Plate (Braun and Co.), 886. Michelin, 470, 791, 1204b, 1300. Midland, 790. Moseley, 791, 1206, 1223. North British Rubber Co., 128, 308, 1204b, 1300. Palmer, 789. Parsons Nonskid, 1021. Peter Union, 795. Pirelli, 254. Polack, 796. Prowodnik, 783, 1063, 1300. Ripley-Strong, 788. R.O.M., 796. Shrewsbury and Chailiner, 1206, 1300. Skew, 790. Sirdar, 197, 296, 789, 818, 1063, 1204b. Spencer-Moulton, 795, 1205, 1300. St. Albans Rubber Co., 104. Stelastic, 795. Stepney, 794. Stungo Rimless (Berlin), 766. ’Victor, 254, 609, 886, 1021. Watkin-Williams Pneumatic, 1300a. Wood-Milne, 796, 1300
- Tyres: Iron and Steel, Use of, Forbidden in Germany, 48. Long-lived, 422. Table Showing Cost per Mile of, 762
- Ultima Thule, The Motor in, 140 User and Maker, Relations of, 599
- Valve Grinding Compound, Richford, 860
- Valve: Life of the Modern, 66. Positions on 1914 Engines, Some Observations on, 1086
- Valve-timing Device, Brown Bros., 1058
- Vandervell, C. A., Developments, 1294
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd.: Employees’ Cricket Match, 237. Misapprehensions as to Agencies in Home County Districts, 1036. Record, A -Good, 1264b
- V. C. Engines, Ltd., Prospectus of, 560
- Vehicles, Breakdown of—Proposed New By-law by Local Government Committee on, 841
- Venice, Motors Forbidden in, 561
- Victor Tyre Co.: Letter of Thanks to the, 44. Mr. A. F. Wilding Joins the, 1248
- Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Annual Report of the, 23
- Views and Counterviews—(See “Opinions”)
- Vulcanizers: Ardea Electric, 664, 891. Godin, 760. Harvey-Frost, 784.
- Vulcan (Lacoste and Co.), 480, 768
- Wallsend, Proposed Speed Limit for, 104
- Warnings, Audible, Select Committee’s Recommendations on, 327
- War Wheels and Wings, 382
- Washing Brush, Walter’s, 4
- Watford Road, Dangerous Bridge on the, 1100
- Welding: Barimar Process (Repairing), 1036. Oxy-Acetylene (Lyell and Co.), 1120
- Wellington to Auckland, N.Z., Journey from, 45
- Welsh Roads, Tar Spraying Trouble on. 321
- West, An Alternative Route to the, 287
- Westminster City Council, Regulation of Traffic Experiment by the, 104
- Weston Sands, Trial on, 322, 394a
- West Riding Road “Improvement,” A, 278
- Westward Ho! on the Chalet Roulant, 92
- Whatton Bridge, Danger of, 971
- Wheels: Airless Resilient, 470. Blakoe, 1296. Bullturn, 564. Goodyear. 362. 793. Riley, 170, 796. Rudge-Whitworth, 107, 238, 370, 609, 791, 818, 920, 1205; Hub Cap for, 1293. Sankey, 758, 792. Shrewsbury and Chailiner, 793. Stepney, 279, 794, 1300. Stevenson and Co., 1300. Warland, 414
- Wheel: Spare, Method of Disposing of the, 477. The Unbalanced, 225, 345, 461
- Wheels. Steering, Vasseur Grip for. 440
- White Lion, Cobham, Fire in Oak Room at, 1100 Wilde, Mr. Francis, Death of, 1010
- Wilson, Mr. A. J., Police Charge Against, Dismissed, 564
- Wimbush and Co.’s Garage, 440
- Winch Elevator, Manchester Autocars, Ltd., 902
- Windscreen, Keeping It Clear in Wet Weather, 868
- Windscreens : Auster, 108, 902. Beatonson, 769, 1206. Buome Automatic, 655. County, 784. 1206
- Wing, Bramah, 96
- Winter: Driving Hints, 1128. Starting in, 1132; Simple Aids to, 1153
- Wolseley Co., Developments of, 1305
- Worcester: And Severn Stoke. A Curious Breakage between, 237. Streets in. R.I.A. and, 500a Workshop: Hints, 1264b; Some Notes on Making and Fitting a Plain Bearing, 1148. The Amateur’s, 965
- World: Round the, for Pleasure, Mr. and Mrs. T. Frederick Lee’s 80.000-mile Journey, 144. Travel Made Easy, 892
- Worm Bevel Drive. Packard (American), 238 Wright Stabilizer, 1264
Yorkshire Garages, 1239
- ----
- A.A. AND M.U.: Bristol Offices and Members’ Rooms of the,. 281. Edinburgh Offices, View from a Window of the, 43
- Aberfeldy Bridge, 155
- Aberfoyle, A Winter Sunset on the Forth at, 1274 Accidents, Safety Device for Preventing (Turner), 840
- Acetylene: Gas Tank, A.L., 783. Lamp, Fallot, 958 Acheres, France, Acrobatic Contest at, 844
- Addo Drift, South Africa, Napier Car Crossing the, 462
- Agriculture, The Motor in the Service of, 798
- Air Inlet: Bowden, 780. Valve, K.A.V., Brown Bros., 393
- Air, Lubrication by, 424-426
- Air Valve, Cathie Extra, 1022
- Air Valve, Extra, for Benzole, 526 Aix-les-Bains, A Tour to, 87, 89 Alaska Range, A Volcanic Wilderness in the, 1096 Alcohol Motor, In the Days of the, 1294, 1295 Aldwych, Guards Band Arriving* at, for King’s Visit to, 39
- Allander Water, near Milngavie, Scotland, 608 Allerford Bridge, 127
- Alnwick Castle, Northumbrian Seat of Earl Percy, 235
- Alpine Course near Grenoble, Where French Cyclecar and Light Car Trials will be Held, 1154. Tests, Napier Car’s, 454, 454a
- Alpnachersee, by Lake Lucerne, 940
- Alps: French, In the, 89. Photographs by Mr. R. T. Robinson whilst Touring in the, 334 America : A New Importation, The King Car, from, 1103. Automobile as a Paymaster’s Office in, 898. Highway Constructed of Vitrified Bricks in, 1136b. Souvenirs from, to Visiting Engineers from Great Britain, 24 American Electric Carriage, The “ Tiffany,” 1106 Amulree, Loch Frenchie in the Distance, 1273 Applecross: Climbing, 34. Hairpin, On the, 33 Applethwaite, Village of, 31 Aialui, Loch Lomond, At, 155 Argenteuil, President Poincare Crossing the Bridge over the Dordogne at, 299
- Argyll Works, Alexandria, Visit of H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, to, 796
- Arlberg. Alpine Torrent at the Foot of the, 334 Army Manoeuvres: British, 366-368; Car Used by "The Regiment” in the, 434; In Buckinghamshire, Route Map of the, 234; King and Queen at, 366, 367; Map of Roads Used in, 234; Motors Used by Officers in the, 392; Swift Car in, 307; The Motorcar at the, 343. French, 332, 382-385. German: German Emperor- at Imperial, near Arnsdorf, 372
- Arriaga, Senor Don Manuel d’, President of the Portuguese Republic, 209
- Arrol-Johnston Works, Dumfries, Views of, 19. Opening of the, 18
- Ashbridge Park, Herts., Toll Gate at, 823 Ash well, Herts., Village of, 133, 135
- Auckland to Wellington, New Zealand, View on the Road between, 47
- Austin, Mr. Herbert, Bronze Bust Presented to, by His Staff, 422
- Australia, A Bouquet from, 1090
- Australian Road, A Ford on an, 260
- Austrian Alpine Trials, K.A.N. Car which took Part in, 523
- Automobile Club of France, Two Views of New Laboratory of the, 736k
- Auto Trailer, The, 564
- Auxiliary, The Finch, 435
- Averometer (Low Accessories Co.), Plan of the, 974 Aviation.—Aerial “ Derby,” Hamel Starting in, 320. Aeroplane Sheds at Salisbury, 325. Aeroplanes, M. Bleriot’s Invention for Starting and Stopping, 158
- Bleriot Monocoque, M. Jules Vedrines on a, 1170. Bleriot’s, M. Louis, Invention for Starting and Stopping an Aeroplane, 158. Bl&riot Monoplane, M. Pegoud’s, 358, 359. Breguet Warplane, Winner of Speed Handicap, 189. Brooklands: Farman Biplane being Transported at, 1101; Pegoud Flying Upside Down at, 358, 359. Buc: Topsy-turvy Flight at, by B. C. Hucks, 890
- Cairo: M. Jules Vedrines on a Bleriot Mono-coque in the Neighbourhood of, 1170. Champagne Aerodrome, View from an Aeroplane of the, 106
- “Daily Mail” £5000 Circuit, Hawker Flying Sopwith Biplane by South Foreland, 104, 105. Deperdussin Monoplane on which Provost Won Gordon-Bennett Race, 464. Dunne Biplane, 111
- Farman Biplane being Transported in Sections at Brooklands, 1101
- Gordon-Bennett Race. Deperdussin Monoplane on which Provost Won the, 464
- Hamel Congratulated by Claude Grahame-White after Winning Aerial " Derby,” 320. Hendon Aerodrome: Birdman’s View of, 73. Breguet War plane at, 189; Scene at, 842, 843; Aerial “Derby” at, Finish of, 320; Watching Flights at, 624. Hucks, B. C., Topsyturvy Flight at Buc by, 890
- Joynson-Hicks, M.P., and General David Henderson, Director-General of Military Aeronautics, 325
- Lindsay Lloyd, Major, takes Pegond Round the Track at Brooklands, 359
- Michelin Cup, Helen in the Race for the, 953.
- Morane-Saulnier Monoplane at Hendon, 73 Orleans. Helen Making a Turn at, in the Michelin Cup, 953
- Paris Aero Show, 1003. 1004: Motor and Propelled Sleigh Shown at the, 1062; Poster Announcing the Fifth, 880. Pegoud Upsidedown Flying at Brooklands, 358, 359
- Salisbury, The Aeroplane Sheds aX 325. Sop-with Biplane, Hawker on, Flying in the “ Daily Mail ” £5000 Circuit, 104, 105
- Vedrines, M. Jules, on a Monocoque Bleriot, near Cairo, 1170
- Axenstrasse: Between Brunnen and Fluelen, in the Great Rock Gallery of the, 1158; Lake Lucerne, On the, Above, 940; Road, by Lake Lucerne from Brunnen to Altdorf, 871
- Axle: Jacks, New Automatic, 977; Worm-driven, D.B.S., 786
- Aylesbury, Interesting Sign to be Seen at, 32
- Babbacombe Bay, Caravan Chalet Roulant in a Field Overlooking, 92, 93
- Bacon, Sir Hickman, Bart., 231
- Bagh Palace, India, 262
- Baikal, Russia, 221
- Banbury, 113
- Bannu, India, Frontier Road near, 204
- BarfrOston Church, Kent, Modern Pilgrimage to, 171
- Barking, Petrol Users and Supply Storage Depot at, 406, 407
- Bath Horse Show, Motorists Taking Lunch at the, 235
- Battenberg. Princess Henry of, Napier Landaulet for, 252
- Battle Abbey, Entrance from Main Road to, 955
- Bearings: Hoffmann, Gauging One of the, 769. Timken, 771
- Beaulieu: Abbey, Ruins of the Chapter House at, 1025. By the River Exe at, 1025. Heath, Among the Fir Trees on, 1025. Village, 1025
- Beenleigh, near Brisbane, On the Road to, 260
- Belcastle, Scene at, 351
- Belgian Grand Prix, 194; Coupe de Roi, S.A.V.A. Cars in the, 290
- Benzole: Extra Air Valve for, 526. Petrol Tests at Brooklands, The Motor, 1, 9, 11, 13, 25, 55, 64. Where to Obtain, The Motor’s Map Showing, 736d
- Benzole Tank and Filling Apparatus, Messrs. Bennett’s, Nottingham, Large Underground, 1190a
- Betchworth, View of, 862
- Bhor Monastery, near Rohtak, India, 262
- Bidford, 115. Cottages at, 6
- Birmingham, New Street Station, Outside, 8
- Blackpool: The Front at, 1331. Windmill near, 1311
- Blairgowrie, Road through Pine Woods after Leaving, 521
- Blane Valley, Scotland, with the Campne Falls in Background, 608
- Bly th, Fosse Way-Ollerton, near, 242 Boat-Body Craze. The, 500c
- Boat-shaped Bodies at the Paris Salon, Possible Effects of, 585
- Body Design : Berliet, 676. Berwick and Co., 122, 212. Byrom and Co.. 75. Cann, 34. Connaught Motor and Carriage Co., 832. Cunard, 736m., Gordon and Co., 1201. Grosvenor Carriage Co., 167. Hispano-Suiza Cars, Ltd., 588. Humboldt, Ltd., 280. Labourdette, Henri, Boat-shaped. 488, 489. Lamplough, 1122. Mann, Egerton and Co., 3. Meltz Brothers., 195. Morgan and Co, 197. Mulliner, 226. Penman, 853. Salmon and Sons, 72. Stanley Wrench, Ltd., 531. Warren and Co.. 660
- Body Design. Boat-shaped, in Course of Construction, 488
- Boldrewood, New Forest: Preparing a Picnic Midday Meal at, 1079. Preparing Lunch at, 986
- Bonnet Fastener, Enots. _ 775
- Border Line, Over the, 154, 155
- Borrowdale, Road in, 30
- Boscombe to Bournemouth, Making a New Coast Road from, 344
- Boulogne-sur-Mer, Gateway into the Town of, 423
- Bourget, Lake by, Aix-les-Bains, 89
- Bournemouth. Making a New Road from Boscombe to, 344
- Boxhill, Surrey, Hairpin Bend on, 1264
- Brackenber Lodge, Berks., 130, 131
- Bradford Motorist. Favourite Run of the, 667
- Braemar Highland Gathering, The Royal Family at the, 279
- Brennen Village, On the Top of the Pass, 334
- Brereton, The “ Bear’s Head ” at, 1220
- Brianza, near Como, Standard Light Car at, 1279
- Bridge, Humpbacked. Danger of the, 1112
- Bridgnorth, Old Gateway at, 1216
- Brisbane, On the Road to Beenleigh near, 260
- British Ambassador Leaving the Elysee, Paris. 1229
- British Association Members at Daimler Works, Coventry, 305
- Brockenhurst: Crossing the Ford at, 986. Forest Road near, 985
- Brooklands: Cold Work at, 1081. Flying at—(See “ Aviation Hornsted’s Astonishing “ Looping the Loop ” Skid at, 1250, 1251. Incidents During 1913. Recalling, 630, G31. Meetings: 4th August? 21-23: 4th October, 400. Morris-Oxford Test at, 981. Napier Car’s Alpine Test, Finishing at, 454. Records at: Benz. 1048. 1077, 1081. 1094. 1297. 1320, 1321: Calthorpe Minor. 565; Calthorpe, World’s, at, 400; D.F.P., 192, 279. 886; Humber, 596; Kempshall, 190, 191: Peugeot, 445-457; Schneider to Attempt, 414: Singer 399; Star, 934: Straker-Squire, 445, 447: Sunbeam, 402b. 403. 445-447, 469: Vinot. 602. Test Hill at. 612: Motoring Critics Watch a Car Climbing the, at. J161. The Motor Petrol-Ben zole Tests at, 1, 9, 11, 13, 25. 55, 61
- Broom, 115
- Brush, Wire Wheel in Operation, The, 595 Bucharest, Star Car Driven to Plevna from, 302 Buckingham Market Square, Lord Methuen Leaving Headquarters of Army Manoeuvres at, 392
- Buckingham Palace, Views of Front of, 888, 889 Bucklow Hill, The “ Swan " at, 1220
- Budworth, The “ Cock ” at, 1220
- Burnham Beeches, Motor Picnic in the Vicinity of, 129
- Buttermere: On the Skirts of, 1216. Pass, Devil’s Elbow on, 31
- Cable, A.C. Speedometer Co., Double Armoured, 772
- Cadillac Works, Chassis Testing at the, 150a, 150b
- Calcutta, Leaving, 205
- California: Auxiliary Driving Seat as Used in, 678. Motorcar on Railway Lines in, 915. Oil Station in, 1127. Southern, Motoring in, 90,
- Calshot Castle, New Forest, Coast Road to, 1067 Camp, A Motor, 1064 Cannie Motorist, A, 867
- Cape Colony, Addo Drift, Napier Car Crossing, 975 Capel, On the Worthing Road, just Outside, 82 Cape Province, Cradock, Road between Graaf-Reinet, and, Flood on the, 1226
- Caravan, Motor, Chalet Roulant, at Babbacombe Bay, 92, 93
- Car: A Country Girl and Her, 220. After Rabbits with a, 899. And Shooting Matters, The, 389, 390. As an Aid to Sea Bathing, The, 211. At British Manoeuvres, The, 343. Mr. Tayler’s Home-made, 1124-1126. L.C.C. Chairman’s £420, 1228. Lighting, Weston’s Battery System of, 894. Lord and Lady Elcho’s First, 42. Novel All-weather, 1095. Propeller Driven, 1176. Running on Railway Lines in California, 915. Sporting Type of, 177. Turning in Narrow Street, 1163. Two-seater that has been Brought Up to Date, 1050. Without a Number, The, 888, 889
- Carburetters: Achilles, 787. Bailey-Dale, 773. Cox (E.I.C.), 103. G.O. and N. Trading Co., 774. Hobson, 780. Holley, 982, 983. Ideal, 736g. Longuemare, 776. Longuemare-Hardy, 1276. Pearson, 28. Polyrhoe, 736g. S.U., 567, 782. Welsh (Thomson-Bennett), 773. White and Poppe, 783
- Carburetters: Heater for, Starting in Cold Weather, 1132. Jet for Ideal Micrometer, 673
- Car Cleaner, Adams, 780
- Car Construction.— Abadal, Engine on, 485. A.-C. (Light), Gearbox and Gearw’heel on, 634. Adams: Change-speed Gear Mechanism on, 308; Screen that Opens in Front of Driver on, 49; Adler: Lubricator, Sight-feed, on Dash of, 743; (Light), Clutch on, 514, Engine on, 514. Ajax (Light): Engine on, 453; Friction Drive on, 453; Rear Springing of, 453. Alcyon (Light), Engine on, 551. Alda, Engine on, 496. Alldays, Brake Compensating Gear on, 570; Magneto, Movable Table to Carry, on, 570. Aquila, Axle on Torque Tube on, 493. Armstrong-Whitworth : Back Axle and Enclosed Propeller Shaft on, 701; Engine on, 639; Engine with Vaned Flywheel on, 701. Arrol-Johnston: Engine on, 431. 717; Self-starter on, 717. Austin: Brake Operating Mechanism on, 710; Clutch on, 710; Dashboard on, 619; Dynamo Belt Tensioning on, 322; Electric Motor and Friction Self-starter on, 500a; Engine Case, Showing the Five Bearings, Strength of Cross-webs, etc., on, 620; Engine on, 547, 619; Hub, Serrated, Detachable Wheel and, of the, 709; Mudguards Mounted on an, 551; Seat, Hammock on Rear, on, 762; Speedometer Drive at Rear End of Gearbox on, 709. Austro-Daim-ler: Brake Adjustment on, 724; Cross-member on, 698; Dash and Steering Column of, 175; Engine on, 175, 698; Fan Blades and Radiator Bracket on. 698; Gearbox and Footbrake of, 174. Autocrat (Light), Clutch to Gearbox, Control Pedals, etc., on, 511; Gearbox, Showing Universal Joint. Oil-tight Casing and Socket on, 498. Automobilette (Light), Engine on, 1087. Barre (Light), Ballot Engine on, 550. Bayard: Engine on, 736b; Gearbox Plug on, 858; Quadrant of the. 858; Suspension on, 736b. Bedford-Buick: Back Axle on, 1213; Brake. Rear, on, 1213. Bell: Engine on, 737; Front End of Radius Rod on, 1199; Induction Pipe on, 858; Pedals on, 737. Bellanger, Overhead Worm on Rear Axle on, 548. Bel-size: Back Axle and Shock Absorber Springs on the, 240; Bracket to Stiffen the Steering Column on, 476; Engine on. 239, 240, 725; Propeller Shaft, Gimball Joint at Forward End of the, on, 476. Benz: Exhaust Pipes and Cut-out on, 696; Rear Axle and Torque Tube on, 697; Steering Head on, 696; Timing Chain Adjustments on. 696; Water Connection on, 696. Berliet: Clutch Control of Dynamo on Dash of the, 544: Driving Pulleys for Lighting Dynamo on. 543: Engine on, 543, 633; Side Lamp on Mudguard on, 1237; Springs, Cantilever, on. 736p; Springs on. 546: Tyre Cupboard at Rear of, 676. Bianchi: Back Axle of the. 705; Engine on. 704; Gearbox, on, 635. Bozier: Clutch Stop on, 960 ; Engine on, 960; Forked Anchorage of the Torque Tube and Grease Container on, 959; Oil Indicator and Stop Gear on. 1190: Whiffle-tree Balance and Hand Adjustment for the Brakes on, 959. Brasier: Brake Adjustment on, 711; Gear Lever on, 501; Oil Filler and Gauge of the, 711; Spring Engagement of Clutch on, 501; Throttle Connection, of the, 711; Universal Joint Lighting Dynamo on, 1188. Briscoe: Engine on, 456; Radiator on, 456. B.S.A.: Front View of, 858; Interior View of, 720; Radiator Bracket with Socket for Lamp Bracket on, 1200. Buchet, Foot-brake Adj ustment on, 546; (Light): Engine on, 554b, Rear Axle and Brake Adjustment on, 554b, Transmission Details of the, 554b. Bugatti: Clutch on, 1070; Engine on, 1070’; Gate on, 1060; Rear Suspension on, 1069. Calthorpe (Light), Dashboard on, 555. Cadillac: Dual Bevel Drive on, 270; Dynamotor (Delco) on the, 847; Engine on, 269, 495, 721; Pump, Power-driven on, 269; Speedometer Drive in the Stub Axle on, 271; Steering Wheel, Tilt-, ing Seat, and Open Door for Driver’s Seat of, 269; Switchboard on, 271. Charron: Engine on, 483, 704; Gate Change, etc., on, 704; Gearbox on, 503; Magneto Brackets on, 1190; Spring Ring Coupling and Speedometer Drive from Gearbox on, 724; Springs, Underslung, and Double Brakes on, 484. Charron (Light), Engine on, 502. Chater Lea (Light), Engine on, 515. Chenard-Walcker: Differential Gearcase on, 492a; Rubber Buffer Supporting Front. End of Torque Tube on the, 546. Cheswold, Control Gear Operating Throttle and Magneto on, 1188. C.I.D.: Rear Brake Compensating Gear and Adjustment on the, 706; Engine on, 541. C.I.D. Baby (Light), Friction Drive of the, 505. Clement-Bayard: Magneto and Dynamo on, 492b; Springs on, 546. Cowey: Friction Drive on, 756, Transmitting Discs and Univer-sally-jcinted Shaft on, 756; (Light), Rear-Axle on, 755. Crespelle (Light), Crankcase Tap on, 549. Crossley: Brake Connections and Locking Clutch, Adjustment of,’ on, 702; Engine on, 617, 702; Foot Brake-operating gear on, 617; Front Axle, Showing Lubricators on Knuckle Joints on the, 617; Gearbox and Foot brake on, 703; Oil Indicator on, 618. Cummicar, Eccentric Steering on, 1200. Daimler: Cantilever-type Rear Springs on, 364; Clutch Stop and Spherical Housing at Forward End of Torque Tube on, 363; Differential Brake on, 731; Electric Motor and Drive for Mechanical Starter on, 364; Engine on, 363, 731; Fan Belt, Automatic, Tensioning Device on, 546; Gearbox on, 364; Gearbox with Rear Axle Combining the, on, 732; Lay-shaft, Driving Magneto on, 363; Rear-wheel Brake Construction on, 731; Springs, Cantilever, on, 731. Dalacour (Light), Cone Friction Drive on, 503. Darracq: Driving Camshaft and Magneto Shaft on the, 855; Engine on, 454d, 651; Gearbox on, 735; Rear Axle of the, 858; Worm Drive on, 454d; Worm Gear and Differential on, 735. Darse, Brake at Rear of Propeller Shaft on, 1236, De Dion: Lamp on, 710; Engine on, 495. De Dion Bouton, Engine on, 570, 1233. Delage: Clutch and Gearbox on, 494, 643, 688; Rear Axle of the, 688. Delaugere-Clayette: .Engine oil, 492; Sliding Valves of, 492. Delaunay-Belleville: Clutch Coupling and Engine on, 542; Engine on, 637, 695; Gearbox on, 695; Rear-Frame of the, 493. Delta: “Gate" on the, 282; Gearbox and Inspection Cover of, 282. D.F.P.: Brake Adjustment on the, 745; Engine on, 540. Diatto, Filler Cap Forming Funnel, and Shock Absorber Attached to Dumb Iron on, 540. F.A.B., Tyre Cupboard on, 1239. Fafnir: Air Intake off Exhaust on the, 858; Brake Adjustment on, 727; Window Fastening on, 1190. F.I.A.T.: Engine on, 545; Gate on, 1200; Rear Springs on, 739; Scuttle Dashboard and Fittings on, 641. F.N.: Clutch, Gearbox and Foot Brake of the, 690; Engine on, 504, 690, 852; Fan Belt, Adjustment of the,
- 690. Foy-Steele: Axle Mounted at Rear End of Cantilever Spring, and Radius and Torque Stay on, 404; Dashboard and Deep Scuttle on, 405; Dashboard and Footboard on, 724; Engine on. '404, 699; Engine with Valvetappet Frame and Cover on, 404; Rear Axle and the Brake-operating Gear on, 405; Rearspring Suspension, Radius Rod and Brake Gear on, 699; Rockers in Their Frame for Operating Inlet Valves on, 405
- Germain: Air Pump on Camshaft on, 640; Footbrake Shoes on, 640; Valve Tappet on the, 691. Gladiator, Gearbox Enclosing Clutch withdrawal Mechanism on, 736. Gobron: Engine on. 487; Pistons and Crankshaft on, 487; Rear Axle of the, 487. Gregoire: Coupling between Engine and Gearbox on, 728; Engine on, 730. 1159; Engine and Gearbox on, 458; Gearbox and Torque Tube on, 728; Rear Axle on, 4-58, 855; Rear Axle and Double Brakes with Ribbed Drums on, 728. G.W.K. (Light): Engine on, 508a; Foot Brake and Compression Spring for Friction Shaft of the, 508a; Magneto Coupling on, 508a; Universal Joint of the, 508a
- Hampton: Engine on, 521; Radiator and Engine on, 521; Transmission Details on, 603; Wheel, Detachable, on, 522. Hillman. Engine on. 640. Hispano-Suiza: Dashboard. Instrument Support on, 543; Engine on, 492b; Engine (Knight) on, 691; Fan and Fan Funnel on, 543; Fan Lock on, 1200; Inflating Pump on, 492b; Tyra Pump on, 1200. Horsch, Gear-driven Fan on, 1235. Hotchkiss: Accelerator Pedal on, 546; Brake Adjustment, Spring on Brake Rod and Brake Equalizer on, 694; Clutch, showing Spring Coupling on, 694; Engine on, 636^ 694; Foot Brake on, 455;. Spring-mounted Camshaft Pinion on, 455. Hudson: Engine on, 484, 643; Stub Axle of, 723. Humber: Coupling on Clutch Shaft on, 496; Driving Seat and Door, and Control Levers on, 273; Engine on, 274, 496; Engine Starter on, 1188; Gearbox and Gate Carrierarm on, 274, 647; Steering Gear,. Epicyclic, at Base of Steering Column on, 274. Hupmo-bile, Engine Starter, Electric, on, 486; Generator on, 750; Switchboard on, 1190.' Hurtu: Dynamo, Arrangement of,..on, 938; Spare-wheel Cupboard on, 734
- Isotta-Fraschini, Coupling at' Rear of Gearbox on, 730; Gate on. 730; Rear Axle and Double Brake on, 548; Unit of the, 570a. I.T.A.L.A.: Dashboard on, 650; Engine on, 696; Exhaust Cut-out on, 695
- Jackson, Step-starter on, 460, 736o. Jeffery: Clutch Oase and Coupling on, 541; Tyre-inflating Pump on, 541. K.R.I.T., Starting Handle, Cover for, on, 486 Laisne: Frame and Running Board on, 578;
- Front Suspension and Steering Gear of the, 578; Rear Suspension on, 615. La Licorne, Gear-change Quadrant and Hinged Lever .on, 546. Lanchester: Engine Starter on, 750; Spare wheel on, Method of Disposing of, 477. Lancia, Controller. Electric, on, 712; Roller Chain on Brake Drum of the, 711; Switch Control on Steering Wheel of the, 858. La Ponette: Anchorage of the Torque Stay on, 621; Engine on, 505, 621; Oil-level Gauge on, 505, 621; Universal Coupling Between Clutch and Gearbox on, 621; Universal Joint between Clutch and Gearbox on, 546. Leon Bollee, Engine on, 543. Lorraine-Dietrich: Catch Used to Hold Underscreen on, 493; Engine on, 692 ; Float Chamber of Carburetter Carried by Web of Base Chamber, on, 692; Gate Change on, 855; Gear Lever, Showing Stud for Reverse, on, 486; Ratchet Knob to Limit Closing of Throttle on, 692. Lozier (Light) : Dashboard on, 836; Engine on, 835; Gear Starter on, 1143; Unit System of Construction on, 835. Luxior: Brake Application, Whiffle-tree Balance for the, on, ,881; Engine dn, 881; Shock Absorber, New Way of Mounting, on, 881; Thrust Block Clutch Withdrawal Mechanism on, 882; Universal Joint of the Tail Shaft, on, 882. Martini: Clutch and Operating Cone on, 634; Cross-members Supporting the Gearbox on, 738; Exhaust Pipe Method of Attaching the, on, 738. Maudslay: Carburation, Oil Filler and Regulator on, 855. Maudslay-Reno: Crankshaft and Camshaft of, 719; Engine on, 719; Valve Gear of, 719. Mass: Oil Pump, Detachable, on, 693; Wheels, Detachable, on, 693; Wire Bracket on, 855. Maxwell: Axle on, 753; Clutch on, 753; Steering Column and Control Rods on, 753. Mercedes: Boat Body on, 558; Carburetter on, 669: Clutch Gearbox and Brake Mechanism of the. 570a; Cone Clutch on, 669; Differential Brakes on, 740; Engine on, 501; Oil Pipe to Universal Joint on, 670. Metallurgique, Engine on, 727. Minerva: Clutch Shaft on, 737; Crossmember at End of Gearbox of the, 573; En-r gine Starter on, 1182; Engine Starter and Shock Absorber on, 1188; Petrol Tank Bracket on, 737. Mitchell, Compression Cock on, 537. Morris-Oxford (Light), Throttle Control on, 1190. Mors: Clutch, Dash and Gearbox of the, 645; Engine on, 689; Engine (Knight) on, 645; Gearbox, External Brake and Universal Joint on, 1237; Gear Bevel Drive on, 689. Motobloc: Axle Shaft, Deep Castellations on End of, on the, 706; Engine on, 542; Oil Cap on Shackle Pin on the, 702; Rear Axle and Brake Equalizer on. 548; Underslung Springs on the, 646; Wheel Plate on End of Axle on. 702. N.A.G., Heating Muff on Exhaust Pipe for Hot Air to Carburetter on the, 713. Nagant: Engine on, 1236; Gearcase on, 1236. Napier: Differential and Worm Drive Casing, Showing- Trunk for Filling with Lubricant, on, 642; Engine on. 475, 715; Mud Wings, Side Lamps on, of the, 715; Spring Bracket on, 715; Spring Drive Introduced into the Double Universal Gimball Joint Between Clutch and Gearbox on, 474: Steering Column, Rake of, on. 475. Nazzaro, Brake Operating and Compensating "Gear on, 706, N.B.: Brake Compensation and Operating Gear on the, 687; Engine on, 429; Engine and Gearbox on the, 687; Magneto Coupling with Rubber Block Drive and Spiral Adjustment on, 706; Self-starter on, 428; Unit Showing Clutch Withdrawal Gear. Gearbox with Lever Trunk, and Footbrake of, 688. Niclausse: Flywheel Coupling of the, 858; Torque Rod Coupling on, 729; Water Outlet Pipe. Arrangement of, on, 729. Norma (Light): Engine on, 510; Transmission, Details of the. 510. Oakland, Side Lamps in the Mudguards of the, 27. Opel: Brake, Differential, on, 717; Clutch and Connecting Shaft on, 387.; Differential Casing and Rear End of Torque Tube on, 388; Engine on. 717: Front Seat on. 717; Side Lights on, 1237: Torque Tube, Forked End of, on, 387. Overland: Electric Installation on, 1143; Electric Lighting and Self-starting Outfit on. 376, 377; Engine on, 699, 851; Gearbox on, 376; Switch on Steering Column of the, 858; Universal Joint Construction on, 376: Worm Wheel on, 377. Packard: Engine on, 457; Rear Axle and Gearbox on, 457; Steering Column on, 457; Tyre Pump, and Water-jacketed Inlet Pipe on, 457. Panhard: Dynamo Mounted over Flywheel and Tyre Inflator Mounted on Rear of Power Units on the. 647; Engine on. 709; Engine Starter (Electric) with Control Pedal on, 500d; Gearbox on, 579; Generator on, 500d; Springs on, 546. Peugeot: Axle and Steering Arms on, 1152; Brake Adjustment on, 1153; Carburetter, Attachment of, on, 490; Engine on, 568, 574, 1151; Footbrake and Shackle-pin Cage on, 490; Gearbox and Footbrake on the, 692; Pump and Enclosed Timing Gears of, 1152; Rear Axle Construction and Universal Joint on, 1151; Rear Suspension, Showing Shock Absorber on, 858; Torque Member and Propeller Shaft on the, 692. Phoenix: Bonnet on, 134; Clutch and Brake Pedals on, 740; Dashboard of the, 478; Engine on, 132; Footrest and Toolbox Combined on, 479; Luggage Grid, Self-locking, on, 479; Petrol Tank and Petrol Gauge on, 478; Rear Axle, Worm-driven, on the, 134; Throttle-setting Mechanism and Accelerator Pedal on, 740; Universal Joint of the, 740. Piccard-Pictet: Engine on, 703; Ratchet Adjustment for Fan Belt on, 486; Tyre Inflator on Gearbox of the, 703. Pilain: Brake Operating. Gear of the, 570a; Engine on, 536; Fan Adjustment on the, 536. Pilain (Light): Engine on, 550. Pipe: Axle Construction of the, 734; Engine on, 587; Gearbox, Supporting, on, 540; Magneto, Accessible Position of, on, 597. Promethee, Dynamo and Pump Mounted on Gearbox of the, 538. Renault: Cbupling between Engine and Gearbox on, 491; Engine on, 490 , 693; Engine, Showing Electric Lighting Dynamo on, 644; Gate Change on, 490; Gate Change and Internal Expanding Brake bn, 693; Rear Axle on the, 693; Universal Joint in Front of Gearbox on, 644. Rochet-Schneider: Brake and Clutch Lever on, 741; Gearbox on, 537. Rolls-Royce: Air Intake on, 492; Brake on Magneto Shaft on, 493. Ronteix (Light): Differential Casing on, 551. Rover: Differential Casing and Oil Filling Orifice on the, 259; Engine on, 258; Gearbox with Change Speed Lever and Gate on the, 257. Sava: Engine on, 741, 1235; Steering Pivot and Arm on, 1235. Scacchi: Engine on, 824; Torque Tube, Front Connections to, 1199; Valve Chamber,. Air Taken Through the, for the Carburetter of the, 824. S.C.A.R.: Gearbox on, 548. S.C.A.T.: Air Compressor and Distributor on, 846; Air Pump Friction-driven from Flywheel on, 1235; Brake Shoes on, 724; Dashboard Control Engine Starter of the, 706; Pump Stuffing-gland of the, 706. Schneider: Engine on, 736p; Fan in Front of Gearbox on, 855; Ignition Wires Brought Through Cylinder Castings on, 1236; Universal Joint on, 537. Seabrook (R.M.C.): Dashboard on, 1188; Tipping-forward Seat on the, 177. Sheffield-Simplex: Brake Connections, Means of Adjusting on. 736f; Engine on, 7361; “Flywheel” Mechanical Starter on, 656; Horn and Drive, Electric, for Water Pump and Magneto on, 656; Joints of the Brake Connections on, 657; Starting and Lighting Outfits, Electric, on, 656; Valve Lifting Gear on, 657. Siddeley-Deasy: Engine Starter on, 751. Singer: Engine on, 408; Gearbox on. 4.08; Hot-water Jacketed Induction Pipe on, 409; Rear Axle on, 409; Spring Drive to Magneto on, 740. Singer (Light): Dash, showing Lighting-set Control on, 450. Sirron: Brake and Clutch Gear on, 1199; Oil Trapping Valve Tappet Guide on, 1200. Sizaire-Berwick: Brake on, 482; Brake Adjustment and Equalizer on, 482; Crankcase on, 1308; Dashboard on, 1308; Disc Clutch' and Coupling on, 1307; Driving Pinion of, 1*308; .Engine on, 697, 1308; Flywheel, Multi-Disc Clutch, and Flexible Connection on, 697; Front Axle on, 546; Gate Change Mechanism on, 1308; Gearbox Shaft on, 697: Piston and Tubular Connecting Rod on, 1308;' Rear Axle and Semi Elliptic Springs on, 482: Steering Gear, Showing Worm and Ball-bearing Stud, on, 1309; Steering Pivot on, 482; Steering Pivot and Dust Excluding Casing on, 1307; Valve and Valve Operating Mechanism on, 482. Sizaire-Naudin: Clutch, Showing Oil Box on, 579; Engine on. 500d. S.P.A.: Radiator of the, 536. Stabilia: Helical Springs and Steel Cable Suspension on, 538. Standard: Brake Rod on, 496a; Induction Pipe, Hot-water Jacketed, on, 496. Standard (Light): Hanger Brackets of the, 507. Star: Clutch Brake on, 438c; Cone -Clutch of the, 739; Fan and Fan Bracket, and Radiator of, 438c; Steering Gear, Method of Supporting Casing on, 438d. Stellite (Light) : Axle with Quarter-Elliptic Springs of, 508b; Back Axle,. Propeller Shaft, and Rear Springs of the, 508b. Stoewer: Torque Tube on, 729. Straker-Squire: Engine on, 708. Sunbeam: Auster Windscreen Adjuster on, 1200; Brake Adjustment on, 712; Engine Starter on, 712; Pedals, Adjustable for Height, on, 493; Windscreen, Aperture in, on. 1199. Swift: Back Axle on, 412; Chain Drive to Camshaft on, 410; Drive to Oil Pump and Filler Cap on, 412; Dynamo on, 410; Dynamo and Magneto Bracket on, 724; Engine on, 410, 411; Locking Device in Gearbox on, 724; Magneto on, 411. Swift (Light): Engine on, 451; Magneto and the Lighting Dynamo on, 410; Seating Arrangement on the, 531. Talbot: Back Axle on, 576; Single Bracket Support for the Brake and Clutch Pedal on, 576. T.A.M.: Fan, Two-bladed, and Bracket on, 485; Universal Coupling on Clutch Shaft on, 485. Tayler’s, Mr.. Home-made Transmission Details of, 1124-1126. Turcat-Mery: Cylinder Jacket on the, 539; Hood Cupboard on, 539; Steering Column of the, 539. Turner: Clutch Stop on, Clutch Pedal on, 759. Unic: Clutch, Coupling, and Gearbox on, 733: Engine on, 483, 635, 733; Rear Axle on, 483; Self-lubricating Tappet on, 483; Springs on, 546. Vauxhall: Air Valve Worked from Steering Wheel on, 707; Draw-out Filter on, 1190; Engine on, 224, 707; Engine Control on Steering Wheel of, 560; Oil Cooling Vanes on the Crankcase of the, 224; Piston of the, 224; Pulley for Driving Fan, Method of Supporting the Adjustable, on., 560; Pump at Front End of Engine on the, 224; Steering Wheel on, 225; Valve Springs on, 224. Vermorel: Engine on, 494, 716;. Exhaust Pipe and Gas Way to Valve Chests on, 494; Gearbox on Frame Extension of the, 858; Rear Spring, Showing Absence of Shackle at Rear End, on, 858; Steering. Gear on, 546. Vinot: Clutch Gear and Main Shaft on, 493; Engine on, 215; Gearbox on, 215; Shaft which Drives the Pump and Magneto, 216; Spring, Subsidiary, under Clutch Leather, on, 215; Star Wheel on, 216. Vulcan: Block Bearing on the Periphery of the Coupling to the Magneto on, 438; Brake, Foot-operated, on, 438; Engine on, 726; Pins, Hollow, and Bushes on, 438a. Waverley (Light): ^Engine on, 1020; Rear Suspension, Method of, on, 1020. White (Petrol) : Generator, Electric on, 725, Spring Shackles, Trap Door giving Access to, on, 725; (Steam): Generator for Starting and Lighting on, 750, Windshield on, 726. Withers: Gearbox of the, 571. Wolseley: Engine on, 436; Engine, Lubrication of, 714, 715; Engine-starting System on, 846, Levers to Control, on, 491; Petrol Filler on, 437; Scuttle Dash with Windscreen Bed and Hinge Plates on, 436; Worm Drive and Back Axle on, 855. Yaxa (Light) : Control Gear on, 554; Engine on, 554; Rear Axle and Air Vent Pipe in Centre of Differential Casing on, 554
- Carlisle Castle, Entrance to, 1311
- Cars: A.-C. (Light), 623, 812, 878, 930, 1019, 1204. A.-C. Sociable (Light), 513. Adams, 49. Adler, 1, 572,- 743; (Light), 514, 583. Ajax, 452, 453. Albion, 736a. Alda, 231, 489, 1122. Alldays, 747, 1201: (Light), 760, 931, 1181. America (Light), 1046. Anasagasti, 371. Aquila-Italiana. 145. Argyll. 179, 209, 571, 572, 718, 966, 1180, 1186, 1283, 1286a, 1287. Ariel, 570b. Armstrong-Whitworth, 254, 362, 598, 639, 831, 1183, 1202d, 1286b. Arrol-Johnston, 38, 431, 432, 470, 686, 718, 754, 815, 1178, 1180. Ascot (Light), 1286. Austin, 7, 8, 162, 169, 221, 322, 547, 551, 611, 700, 1074, 1106, 1180, 1286, 1302. Austro-Daimler, 174-176, 638, 698, 818. Autocrat (Light),,449. Automobilette (Light), 1059. Baguley, 736o, 1204. Bayard, 573, 736b, 1201, 1299. Bedford, 64. Bedford-Buick, 233, 636, 1185, 1202a, 1213. 1285. Belgrave, 738a. Bell, 747, 1204. Belsize, 136. 137, 476, 1183, 1203, 1271, 1284. Benz, 910, 984, 1048, 1077, 1081, 1094, 1238, 1239, 1250, 1251, 1297, 1320, 1321. Berliet, 676, 1179, 1202, 1238. Bozier, 1304. Brasier, 68, 121. Briscoe, 456. Briton, 754, 1184. B.S.A., 438b, 700. 720, 1186. Buchet, 844. Buckingham, 931. Bugatti, 1069; (Light), 1278. Buick, 108, 144, 315. Cadillac, 86, 150a, 150b, 269, 271, 323, 422, 946, 994, 1185, 1201, 1286b; (1903), 380. Calthorpe, 231, 401, 754; (Light), 511, 530, 555, 565, 609, 757. Canoelet (Light), 931. Cap (Light), 1238. Charron, 641, 1186; (Light), 502. Chater Lea (Light), 623, 880. Cheswold, 1187. Clement, 642, 689, 1284. Crespelle, 190, 394a. Crossley, 20, 72, 378, 612, 928, 988, 1130, 1201; Shelsley, 617, 618, 992. Cumbria (Light), 1242. Cummikar (Light), 941. Daimler, 1, 130, 131, 2.19. 226, 293, 303, 334, 343, 363-365, 420, 492a, 622, 660, 700. 736m, 987, 1016, 1202c, 1286b. Darracq, 6, 182, 276, 350, 454d, 651, 848, 1202, 1281; (“Blue Bird”), 107. Day-Leeds (Light), 629, 880. De Dietrich, 744. De Dion, 150, 280. 1119, 1189, 1244. Delage, 66, 67 , 69, 70, 76, 81, 912, 913, 1202a, 1288. Delahaye, 639, 747, 833. Delaunay-Belleville, 248, 382, 1036, 1284, 1287. Dennis, 386, 722. D.F.P., 21, 279, 574, 650, 886, 1035, 1184. Douglas, 450. Enfield, 747, 1203. Enfield Autolette (Light), 450. on 1288. F.A.B.. 739, uux, F.N., 524. 404, 405, 655 Germain. 947. Gladiator, 744; (“Silver Casket ), 736f. G.R., 164. Gregoire, 458, 1224. G.W.K. (Light). 442, 508a, 623, 879 ,T .Hampton, 521, 522, 603, 807. Hillman (Light), 831. 1201. Hispano-Suiza, 20, 122, 588, 631, 633, 736m, 817, 865, 954, 1129. 1177. Hotchkiss, 455, 1218. Hudson. 547; (Light), 484. Humber, 153, 178, 234, 273, 274, 596, 736, 1177, 1178. Humberette (Light), 512. Hupmobile, 1203, 1226, 1288. Hup (“ The Regiment ”). 443. Hurtu, 44, 570a, 1264, 1315. Hutton, 973. Itala, 1, 339-342, 744, 747, 831, 875. Jackson, 460. K.A.N. (Light), 523. King (American), 1103. K.R.I.T., 50 , , tr. , La Buire. 575, 738, 1204, 1286. Lagonda (Light), 513, 582. Laisne, 578, 615. Lanchester, 11, 321, 477, 714, 1189, 1283; (11 year old), 509. Lancia, 821. 836, 1184. [[[La Ponette]] (Light), 572, 759, 853. Le Gui, 170. Leon Bollee, 654. 736o, 1203. La Licorne, 212. Lozier, 608; (Light), 1029. Lucar, 1202a. Marlborough, 637. ]]Marshall-Arter]] (Light), 513. 879. Mathis (Light), 451, 549. Maudslay, 573, 720, 850. ]]Maxwell]], 753. Mercedes, 68. /0, 71, 146. 197, 558, 630 , 631, 669. 831, 1203, 1286. Metallurgique, 722, 867, 944, 950, 1238. Miesse, 433, 646, 723, 831. Minerva, 167, 653, 654, 683, Eric (Light), 931. Excelsior, 29, 626, 194. Fafnir, 727, 736o, 1184. F.I.A.T., 851, 1013, 1073, 1118, 1243, 1286a, 1298. Ford, 45-47, 1202b. Foy-Steele, 834, 1182, 1186. Minerva (Silent-Knight), 528. Mitchell-Lewis, 1189. Morgan Runabout (Light), 930. Morris-Oxford (Light), 513, 645, 981, 1088. 1133, 1202. Mors. 1178. 1189 N.A.G., 713, 1317. Napier. 1, 41, 120, 250, 252, 337, 391, 439, 474, 475, 642, 654. 683, 716, 972, 975, 993, 1031, 1113, 1180, 1183, 1238, 1286a, 1296; (Noiseless), 736m, 1286a. Nazzaro, 652, 1166, 1283. NJ3., 1285; (Light), 428, 429. Norma (Light), Oakland, 27, 731, 1178. Opel, 387, 388, 400, 736m, 1238. Overland, 376, 377, 698, 1186, 1189. Packard, 457. Paige, 863, 960. Palladium, 85, 572, 665, 685, 735, 813, 1177, 1299. Panhard, 130, 384, 1202b; (1895), 2.55. Perry (Light), 513. 878, 930. Peugeot, 147, 234, 278, 316, 317, 350, 353, 379, 415, 430, 446, 506, 556, 630, 631, 736m, 757, 844, 1202, 1298; (Light), 449, 649, 854, 999. Phoenix, 132-135, 478, 179. 1203. Piccard-Pictet, 574. Pilot (Light), 758. Pipe, 586, 587. 1225. Pyramid (Light), 930. Ranger (Light), 931. R.C.H., 75, 597. Renault. 94, 488, 1202. Riley, 736Z. Rochet-Schneider, 297-300, 327, 900, 1204, 1248. Rolland-Pilain, 631. Rolls-Royce, 205, 207. 236, 262. 370, 412, 492, 732, 813, 909, 972, 1112, 1184. Rover, 25, 235, 257-259, 644, 754, 973, 1186. 1211, 1287 Sava, 147, 194, 290. S.C.A.T., 232, 374. 1283. Schneider, 414, 537, 736p. Scout, 1017. Seabrook-R.M.C., 177,’ 742, 1008, 1204. 1277. Sheffield-Simplex, 656-658, 945. Siddeley-Deasy, 86, 388, 525, 604, 654, 679, 736n, 754, 831, 1164, 1186. Simplicia (Light), 549. Singer, 291, 399, 408, 409, 1204a, 630; (Light), 33, 450, 451, 623. Sirron, 1189. Sizaire-Berwick, 197, 247, 482. Sizaire-Naudin, 97, 531, 1078. S.P.A., 1202b. Springuel, 194, 1238. Spyker, 721. Standard, 295, 496a, 736b; (Light), 444. 507, 757, 957, 1180, 1279. Star. 116. 302, 508, 700, 739, 849, 934, 1075, 1201, 1316; (1914), 296. Stellite (Light), 508, 509, 594. Stoewer, 163, 294, 873, 952, 1189. Straker-Squire, 283, 447, 575 , 630, 708, 736m, 830. 1007, 1083, 1109. 1203. Stutz, 145. Sunbeam, 238, 275. 277, 278, 301, 312, 318, 346, 360, 400402, 402b, 403, 445, 469, 569, 605, 630, 631. 712, 713, 920, 989, 1178, 1288. Swift, 113, 115, 307, 410-412, 706, 924, 1177, 1178, 1286a; (Light), 448, 531, 552, 553, 623, 878, 931. Talbot, 1, 20, 21. 22, 128, 233, 234, 277, 335, 400, 401, 576, 630, 631, 663, 730, 754, 868, 948, 956, 1117, 1162, 1272, 1286; (Boat Type Body), 767. Tiffany (America), 1106. Turcat-Mery, 417. Turner, 636. Tweenie (Light), 513. Unic, 1202c. Vauxhall, 22, 190, 191, 225, 253, 304. 315, 419, 421, 516, 630, 631, 654, 707, 831, 859, 1032, 1165, 1179, 1208, 1230, 1284. Vermorel, 545. 1238. Vinot, 215, 216, 570b, 602, 736a; (Light), 877. Vulcan, 1149, 1201. Warren-Lambert (Light), 513. Waverley, 648, 757; (Light), 1020. White, 336, 561, 638, 726. Williamson (Light), 930. Wilton (Light), 623, 879. Wolseley, 34, 152, 246, 491, 700, 853. 1034, 1055, 1177. Yaxa (Light), 554. Zedel, 745. Xenia, 371
- Cars: And the Dublin Strike 897. At the Meet of the Whaddon Chase, Hounds at Creslow, 819. Etc., Safety Device for, to Prevent Accidents, 840. For Santa Claus, 1052. Suspension of, 303. Ulster Volunteer Motor Corps, Long Line of, 1140
- Cars, Safety Device for, to Prevent Accidents, Turner, 840
- Car Washing Sponge, Dunhill’s, 1148a
- Car, Winch Elevator for, Manchester Autocars, Ltd., 902
- Cezanne, M. Henri, General Manager of the Paris Exhibition Salon, 472
- Chains, Ren old, 785
- Chambal River, India, Bridge of Boats on, 204 Champs Elysees, Avenue des, View of the, 921 Channel Tunnel: Percy Kemp’s Forecast of the, 196; Why a? 217
- Chapman’s Pool, Dorset, Near, 53
- Chars-a-bancs with Excessive Overhang: Surprised at His own Strength, 292 Charterhouse Hill, 623 Chassis Testing at Cadillac Works. 150a, 150b Chassis: Abadal, 485. Adler. 572, 743. Alda, 489, 544. Ajax (Light), 452. Ariel. 570b. 857. Armstrong-Whitworth, 701. Arrol-Johnston, 431. Austin, 620. Austro-Daimler, 174
- Bell, 737. Belsize. 136. 137, 239. Benz, 910. Bozier, 959. Briton, 746 Cadillac, 150a. 150b. Calthorpe (Light), 555. Charron, 704. Chater Lea, 515. Crossley-Shelsley. 702
- De Dion, 710. De Dion Bouton, 1244. Delta, 282.
- D.F.P., 746
- Germain, £91. Gobron, 487
- Hampton. 603. Hillman, 745. Hispano-Suiza, 588. Hurtu, 1264a
- Isotta-Fraschini, 852
- Jackson, 460
- Laisne. 615. La Ponette (Light), 57.2, 621. Leon Bollee, 832
- Marlborough (Light), 758. Mercedes, 197. Minerva, 653, 654, 737, 834
- N.A.G., 713. Napier, 251, 474, 642. N.B., 428,
- Palladium, 665, 685. Panhard, 709. Phoenix, 132. Pipe, 587, 734
- R.C.H., 75. Rolls-Royce, 236. Ronteix (Light), 504. Rover, 257
- Simplicia (Light), 549. Singer, 409; (Light). 451, 759. Sizaire-Berwick, 571. Standard, 496a; (Light), 507 , 757. Star, 651. Stellite (Light), 508b. Stoewer, 294. Straker-Squire, 575, 708. Sunbeam, 569. Swift, 705
- Turcat-Mery, 417
- Vermorel. 716. Vinot, 733. Vulcan, 727
- White, 336. Wolseley. 34, 437
- Chauffeur, A Woman, at Canford Park, 330
- Cheddar Gorge, on the, 162
- Cheshire Hounds, Opening Meet of the, 763, 821 Cheshire Inns, Some Old, 1220, 1221
- Chester: Castle, Darracq Cars in Front of, 1281.
- The “Pied Bull” at, 1221
- Chesterfield By-Election, Miners Being Conveyed to Poll at the, 148
- Cheviots, A Tour Beyond the, 154, 155
- Christchurch, New' Forest: Bridge over the' Avon at, 942. The “ Cat and Fiddle ” Inn near, 942
- Christmas: Cards, Received by The Motor, 1090, 1097, 1118. Morning Tragedy: The Motorist Pays, 10£5
- Church Hill, Walsall, Gregoire Car Climbing, 1224 Churchill, Mr, Winston, leaving his Car to Follow Troops in the Asa&iy Manoeuvres, 368 Church Pulverbatch, Narrow Escape near, 285 Church Stoke, The Village of, Bishop’s Castle near, 285
- Citroen, Mr. D., 395
- Clapham, Yorkshire' 667
- Claw Clutch, Eagle (Adams), 1322
- Clement-Talbot Works, Bird’s-eye View of, 1018
- Clifton, Co. Galway, on the Road to, 1111
- Clubs: A.C. of France, Views of New Laboratory of the, 736k
- Cyclecar Club, Rally at Wisley Hut, 1144. Essex M.C., York and Back Run of the, 190 Irish AC.: Racing at Rosslare Sands, 232-234; Dunlop Cup Awarded at, 324. Manchester M.C., Hill-climb of, 378. M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial, 1098. Queensland A.C., Petrol Test by, Car that Won, 1032. Scottish A.C.: Headquarters of the, in Glasgow, 323; Hill-climb of, 360. Transvaal A.C., Hill-climb of the, 419. Yorkshire A.C., Hill-climb (Pateley Bridge), 276, 277
- Clumber House. Crippled People Entertained by the Duchess of Newcastle at, 289
- Clutch Fabric, Ferodo, 773
- Coachwork: Adler, 826, 832. Alford and Alder, 830, 831, 875. Alin and Liautard 488, 489, 544, 1095, 1147. Angus Sanderson and Co., 827, 831, 909. Arnold, 1202. Auster, 827. Austin and Co., 169. Barker, 826, 831. Blake and Co., 1185. Brady and Co., 1184. Brighton Motor Carriage Works, 827. Bristol Wagon and Carriage Co., 827. Cann, Ltd., 336, 653, 827. Charlesworth, 831. Cockshoot and Co., 826, 1184, 1202. Cole and Sons, 421, 1063. Connaught Carriage Co., 223, 654, 655, 1203. Cunard, 826. Curzons, 415. George and Jobling, 904. Gordon and Co., 1201 Harris and Others, Ltd., 836. Hayward, 1129. Hill and Boll, 1200. Hooper and Sons, 236, 987. Hora, 646. Humboldt, Ltd., 280 leteren Freres, 827, 829, 830, 1238, 1284 Jenkins, 108. Kellner, 1238, 1239. Kelsey, 1201. King, Ltd., 168. Labourdette, Henri, 488, 489, 535, 544. Lamborn Motors, Ltd., 868. Lamplugh, 1122. London Improved Motor Coach Co., 736a. Looker and Co., 1177, 1184. Manchester Autocars, Ltd., 1184. Mann, Egerton and Co., 252, 654, 683, 1230. Maythorn, 826, 1005. McNaught, 827. Mead and Deakin, 931. Merz, 238. Miesse, 723, 831. Morgan, 572, 743, 930. Mulliner, 827, 831, 841, 851. Munro and Co. (Melbourne), 1130. Newton and Bennett, 1166. Perry, W. Harold, 956. Regent Carriage Co., 767, 827, 952. Salmons and Sons, 827, 831, 1103. Seabrook (R.M.C.), 1277. Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Co., 604. Slack Brothers., 1204. Straus, 1184. Thrupp and Maberly, 827. Van den Plas, 944, 945, 1238, 1239. West End Automobile Co., 528. Williamson, 930
- Coachwork, Some Equipment Features, 826, 827
- Cobham, “ White Lion ” Oak Room, Destroyed by Eire at, 1100
- Code of the Road, A Suggested, 1280
- Cody, Col., S. F., The Late, 60
- Col de Fray Miguel, in the Pyrenees, Siddeley-Deasy Car on the, 1164
- Cold Weather, Carburetter Heater for, 1132
- Colombert, On the Road to: Scene in the Coupe de “ L'Auto,” 319
- Commercial Vehicle at Los Angeles, Pleasure Car on the, 1102
- Communicating Device, Motor-dictograph, 1263
- Communication Flap, Hall, 120
- Communicator, Mira, 413
- Oongieton, The “ Lion and Swan ” at, 1220
- Connaught, Prince Arthur of, and His Fiancee, 337 Corners: How to Take, 980, 990. Turning, Diagrams Illustrating, 940, 990, 1082
- Country Girl and her Motorcar, 220
- Coupe de ” L’Auto,” 314-319. Anasagasti Overhauling the Zenia in the Race for the, 371. Boillot on the Winning Car in the, 379. Chassaigne on a Sunbeam in the, 346. Peugeot Car for the, 278; Reminiscent of the, 605. Sunbeam Car for, 275, 278, 312. Vauxhall Car in, 304, 859. Winner of the, 314, 352
- Coventry. British Association Members at Daimler Works, 303
- Cromer, Constables Examining Car Licences Before Cars Enter, 61
- Cromford, Cutting Through Rocks on the Road to, 997
- Crook, Through the Hills at, 1259, 1310
- Crossley Cars, Ltd.: Paris Agency for, 992. Garage (London). 271
- Crummock Water, near Black Sale Pass, Terrace Road by, 30
- Cultivator, Tourant, 792
- Customs Pass Book, International, 892, 893
- Cycle and Motor Trade Benevolent Fund Day, Founder of, and Some of the Cans that took part in, 357
- Cylinder Head, Weidely, 1142
- D.
Daimler Works, Coventry, British Association Visit the, 303
- Deasy, Captain H. H. P., 935
- Deauville, Scenes at, 201, 206, 207
- Decarbonizing Tools, Brown Bros., 427 Derby, A Bit of Old, 997
- Derwentwater, Through the Trees, 1216
- Devil’s Elbow, Spittai of Glenshee, Summit of the, 250
- Diesel, Dr. Rudolf, The Late, 396
- Differential, Substitute for the, 5
- Dinner, “ Upside Down,” at the R.A.C, 1252
- Dordogne, Gendarme Acting as Guide to French President Passing Through, 300 «
- Dovedale: Derbyshire, Motorists on the Stepping Stones at, 995. Rocky Pass at, 997
- Dover: Capt. Hookham on an R.C.H. at, 597. Castle and Castle Hill, 213
- Dream Picture, Mr. Evelyn Ellis’s, 255
- Driver and Passenger, Old and New Methods of Communication Between, 120
- Driver’s Seat: New Adjustable, 1064. Auxiliary, in California, 678. The Uncomfortable, 286 Dumfries, Old Bridge at, 155
- Dunes, Porte des, Boulogne-sur-Mere, The. Old, 423 Dunlop Challenge Cup Awarded to Talbot Car in the Rosslare Speed Trials, 324
- Dynamo and Fan, Combined, Kemco (Morris, Russell and Co.), 1141
- Dynamo Belt, Austin, Method of Tensioning, 322 Dynamos: Bleriot, 802. Bosch, 328, 803. Brolt, 603,
- 800. C.A.V., 651, 800. DucelHer, 801. E.B.C.,
- 801. Eisemann, 308, 800. En Route, 800. Fifax, 801. High Tension Co. (Magnetolyte), 413. Koh-i-noor, 804. Lithanode, 51, 804. Lodge,
- 804. Lucas, 670, 801. Magician (U.M.I.),
- 804. Mira (Magnetolyte), 804, 805. Omega, 800, 801. Onio, 801. Pape. 804. P. and H., 736f, 801. P. and R., 95, 801. Ponsrow, 801. Rotax-Leitner, 800. Rushmore, 800. Smith’s
- Perfect,” 800. Spiral Regulating Dynamo Co., 761. Stereos (Jozot and Co.), 394, 800. T. and M., 800. T.A.T., 498, 804
- Dynamotor, “ North-East,” United Motor Industries, 1261
- E.
Earl Stoke: Road Cutting, 288. Village of, 288 Edinburgh: Castle, 1260. Rosslyn Chapel at. Entrance to, 1260. Royal Hotel at, Scott’s Monument Opposite the, 12G0. View from the A.A. and M.U. Offices in, 43
- Elcho’s, Lord and Lady, First Car, 42 Electricity, Gear Changing by, 259 Electric Light Generator, Kemco, 500b Ellis, Hon. Evelyn, The Late, 256 Elstree, School Subway at, 515
- Elysee, Paris, British Ambassador Leaving the, 1229
- Engine Cleaning, Sprayer for, Brown Bros., 952
- Engine: Cooling, Diagram Dlustrating, 663. Two-stroke, Sleeve-valve, Colin Mather, Junr., 1001
- Engine Efficiency Indicator, Bowden and Co., 347 Engines : Abadal, 485. Adams, 398. Adler, 514, Ajax (Light), 453. Alcyon (Light), 551. Alda, 496. Anzani (Light), 1024. Armstrong-Whitworth, 639, 70k Arrol-Johnston, 431, 717. Aster, 914. Austin, 547, 619. Austro-Daimler, 175, 698. Automobilette, 1086
- Baby Peugeot, 449. Ballot (Light), 550. Bayard, 736b. Bell, 737. Bellem and Bregeras, 1145. Belize, 239, 240, 725. Berliet, 543, 633. Bozier, 960. Bianchi, 704. Briscoe, 456.
- Buchet (Light), 554b. Bugatti, 1070
- Cadillac, 269, 495, 721. Charron, 483, 704; (Light), 502. Ohater Lea (Light), 515. C.I.D., 541.
- Coventry-Simplex, 964. Crossley, 617, 702
- Daimler, 363, 731. Darracq, 454d, 651. De Dion, 495. De Dion Bouton, 570, 1233. Delage, 494, 643, 688. Delaugere-Clayette, 492. Delaunay-Belleville, 542. 637, 695. D.F.P., 540
- F.I.A.T., 545. F.N., 504 690, 852. Foy-Steele, 404 699
- Gobron, 487. Germain-Knight, 691. Gregoire, 458, 730, 1159. G.W.K., 508a
- Hampton, 521. Hillman, 640. Hispano-Suiza,
- 492b.. Hotchkiss, 636, 694. Hudson, 484, 643. Humber, 274, 496
- Itala. 696
- La Ponette, 505: (Light), 62L Leon Bollee, 543. Lorraine-Dietrich, 692. Lozier (Light), 835. Luxior, 881
- M.A.B., 777. Maudslay-Reno, 719. Mercedes, 501. 'zMetallurgique, 727. Moline-Knight, 979, 1313, 1314. Mors, 689. Mors-Knight, 645. Motobloc, 542
- Nagant, 1236. N.B., 429. Napier, 475, 715.
- Norma (Light), 510
- Opel, 717. Overland, 699, 851
- Packard, 457. Palladium, 666. Panhard, 709; (Aviation), 1003. Peugeot, 568, 574, 1151. Piccard-Pictet, 703. Pilain, 536; (Light), 550. Pipe, 587. Premier, 1142
- Renault, 490, 644, 693. Rover, 258
- Sava, 741, 1235. Soacchi, 824. Schneider, 736Z. Sheffield-Simplex, 736Z. S.H.K. (Aviation), 1003. Singer, 408. Si zaire-Berwick, 697, 1308. Sizaire-Naudin, 500d.. Straker-Squire, 708. Swift. 705; (Light), 451
- Unic, 483, 635, 733
- Vauxhall, 224, 703. Vermorel, 494, 716. Vinot, 215. Vulcan, 726
- Waver ley (Light), 1020. Wolseley, 436
- Yaxa (Light), 554
- Epsom, Summer Club House of the, R.A.C. at, 361 Essex and Suffolk Hounds, Meeting of Masters of, 866
- Etienne, M., French. Minister of War, 382
- Exhall, 115
- Exmoor, Packhorse Bridge on, 459
- Eymoutiers, File of Cars forming the Cortege to President Poincare at, 299
- F.
Fan and Dynamo Combined, Kemco (Morris-Rus-sell and Co.), 1141
- Fan, Weidely, 1143
- Fawsley Park: Dower House at, 895. Norman Doorway, Stewkley Church, 895
- Federated Malay States, Tambun Mines, Perak, at the, 388
- Fier, Gorge de, In the, 87, 89
- Fife, J3t. Andrew’s Cathedral at, near the Ruins of, 506
- Fishguard: And Haverfordwest, Dangerous Hairpin Bend Between, 125. Route, The New, 924. To Goodwick, Dangerous Bend on the Hill Leading from, 1247
- Flanders, Touring in, 326
- Flashlight, A.G.A., Mechanism for Controlling, 1302b
- Foot-rest, Godin, 781
- Foot-warmer, Thomson-Bennett, 774
- Forth Bridge from Queensferry: Landing Stage, The, 155. On the, 1259
- Fosse Way, Improvements in the Old, 241, 242
- France: South of, Amongst the Hills in, 89. State Tornr of M. Poincare, President of, 276, 277. 297-303, 327, 349-352
- French Alps: A Cassis in the, 89. River Bed in the, 89. Viaduct Road in the, 89
- French Army Manoeuvres: The, 382-385. Motor Workshop at the, 332, 383. President Poincare Entering His Car at the, 383. Paris Correspondent of The Motor Passing Troops at the, 385
- French President: in Spain at Toledo, 584. State Tour of, 276, 297-303, 327, 349-352
- Fuel Atomizer, Vapo, Brown Bros., 1078
- Fuel Economizer, A.V., 532, 775
- Fuel Plant, The Tar less, 263-265
- G.
Ganges at Allahabad, Crossing a Pontoon Bridge over the, 262
- n.arage Shelter, Boulton and Paul, 440
- Garage Washing Tank, Gibbs, 170
- Gear Changing by Electricity, 259
- Gears, Citroen, 689
- Gearshift: Gray’s Pneumatic, 517, 518, 1121
- Gears, Rolled Steel, 311, 312
- Gearwheels, Laminated, Terry, 1023
- Generator’s: Kemco, 500b. Scott, 616. Westinghouse Electric, 750
- German Emperor at The Imperial Manoeuvres near Arnsdorf,. The, 372. Gersau, near Lake Lucerne, 870
- Gibbon, Mr. James, 1301
- Givors, on the Grand Prix (1914) Course: Dangerous Turn in the Village of, 913. Passage Under Railway on the Outskirts of, 310. Sharp Turn in, 810
- Gladiator “ Silver Casket,” The 736b
- Glasgow and Paris Motor Garage and Repairing Co.’s Garage, 138, 139
- Glass Lift, Hall and Sons, 1058
- Glass, Triplex Safety, Jarrott. Ltd., 772
- Glencoe, Glen of Weeping, The, 1275
- Glendoe Hill, Between Fort Augustus and Whitebridge, 807
- Glen Douglas, Early Morning in. 1275
- Glen Falloch, In, 154
- Glove, Cold Weather (American), 993
- •“ God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen,” 1037
- Goodwood, Cars in the'Enclosure at Rear of Grand Stand, 2.
- Goodyear Tyre Factory, The Production of the, 109, 110
- Gormanston, Viscount and Viscountess, on Germain Car at Gormanston Castle. 947
- Grafton at Hungry, 115
- Grand Chartreuse: near Grenoble, Tunnel on the Road to the, 89. View from the, 89
- Grand Junction Canal, near Brentford, Swing Bridge, Over the, 823
- Grand Prix, Belgium, 146, 147, 194
- Grand Prix, Coupe de Roi, Sava Cars in the, 290
- Grand Prix de France, 29. Course (1914), 810; A Run Round the, 911-914
- Grand Prix (Coupe de Sarthe)—(See “ Trials—Circuit de Sarthe ”)
- Grange, with Bridge to Borrowdale, 31
- Grasmere Sports, Lunch Interval at the, 210
- Grease Cartridge, Vacuum Oil Co., 776
- Grease Injector, Enots, 775
- Great Britain, The Highest Coach Road in, 250
- Great Bud worth, The “ George and Dragon ” at, 1221
- Grenoble, near, 1154
- Gretna Bridge, Yorkshire, 667
- Gretna Green, 1310. Blacksmith’s Shop at, 154. Mr. Thomas Johnston, Blacksmith at, First Motorcar Drive of, 237
- Grindelwald, Switzerland, Looking Back Towards, 1232
- Gwalior, India, 204
Hampshire Coast, Off the Beaten Track on the, 1068
- Harem, Car for the, 556
- Hartford Bridge Flats, Motor Meet on, 601
- Haste Hill, On, 623
- Haverfordwest and Fishguard', Dangerous Hairpin Bend Between, 125
- Head bourne Worthy, Church at, 198
- Hebbage’s Bete Noire, 26
- Hergiswil, Lake Lucerne, Where the Brunig Pass Permit is Given Up, 940
- Herts., Border Village in, 133
- Highcliff, Where the Road Ends oik the Cliff at,' 1068
- Highlands: Hints to Tourists in the, 32, 33. The Gall of the, 1274, 1275
- Hillboro’, 115
- Hill-climbs: Gallion, 394a. Manchester M.C., 378. Montreal, 1029. Mont Ventoux, 145-147. Mulder’s Drift Hill, South Africa, 419. Okains Bay, 1208. Scottish A.C., 360. Yorkshire A.O. (Pateley Bridge), 276, 277
- Himalayas, Talbot Descending One of the Passes in the, 948
- Hindhead, On, 623
- Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh, 1259
- Home Correspondence Course for Prospective Motorists, Our, 1214
- Honister Pass, Climbing, 905
- Hood Fabric for Wolseley Cars, Machine for Weaving Astoli, 590
- Moods: Astoli, Machine Used in Manufacture of, 590. Beatonson, 520. Connaught Convertible, 223. Hoo Green, “ The Kilton ” at, 1221
- Horns : Autochime (Seabrook), 776. Bleriot “Klaxon,” 778. Dunhill’s, 785. “Echo”
- (High Tension Co.), 606. Klaxon, 768. Markt and Co., 1256. Mestre and BJagte, Reliance, 780. Samson, Baby, 887. U.M.I. “Hearit,” 779
- Hornsted’s Amazing Skid at Brooklands, 1250, 1251
- I.
India: A Tour in, on a Rolls-Royce Car, 262. Locomotion Contrasts in, 1209. Motor Touring Map of, 202, 204, 205. North-west
- - x Frontier of, On the, 204
- Innocent Abroad, An, 1071
- Institute of Automobile Engineers, Souvenir from the United States to the, 24
- Ipswich, Queensland, Ferry Over the Brisbane River near, 178
- Ireland, Touring in, 1110
- Isle-en-Jourdain, M. Etienne, French Minister of War at, 382
- Isle of Man T.T. History: Courtis on the Rover, Winner of the 1907 Race, 973. Napier on the Arrol-Johnston, Winning the 1905 Race, 972. Rolls, The Late Hon. C. S., on the Rolls-Royce, Winning the 1906 Race, 972. Watson on the Hutton, Winner of 1908 Race, 973
- Italian Side of: Mont Cenis, 381; Simplon Pass, 1124 Italy, Greetings from, IDS
- J.
Jacks: Barrett, 771. Hunt’s, Ltd., Tyre Saving, 65. Little Giant, 1256. Lucas, 768
- Japan, Motoring"in, 1169
- Jenatzy, Camille, The Late, 1010. Events Recalled by Death of, 1014, 1015
- Jet: Cleaner, Longuemare-Hardy, 1276. Ideal Micrometer, for Carburetters, 673. Java! (Godin), 399, 781
- Jhelaren River, Warning at Entrance to Bridge Over the, 262
- Johnston, Mr. Thomas, the Blacksmith Priest of Gretna Green, First Motorcar Drive of, 237 Justice on the Spot, 1173
- K.
Kandy, Ceylon, Peradeniya Botanical Gardens, near, 246
- Kapenthala, Maharaja of, The Guest House of the, 262
- Keighley, Mr. Robert Clough Leaving His House at, on His Argyll Car, 966
- Kenilworth Castle on the Way to Coventry, Passing, 997
- Kentish Shrine Well Worth a Modern Pilgrimage, A, 171
- Kettlewell, Upper Wharfedale, Leeds and Bradford Motorists at the Hamlet of, 816
- Keyhaven Marshes, near Hurst Castle, Pause for Lunch at, 1098
- King and Queen: at Braemar Highland Gathering, 279. Passing Northampton Guildhall, 439
- King’s: Motor at the Manoeuvres, Interest in the, 366, 367. TOur in Lancashire, Talbot Car Used in, 128. Visit to Aldwych, Guard’s Band Arriving at, for the, 39
- Knutsford, The “Rose and Crown” at. 1220
- L.
La Oapelle, near, 379
- Ladder, Collapsible Folding, Hodgkinson., 772
- Lady Motorists.—Coleman, Miss Ruth, 561. Hordern, Mrs. Arthur, 131. Lee, Mrs. T. Frederick, 144. Middleton, Mrs., 164. Neville, Miss, 193. Preston, Miss, 362. Starkey, Miss L. B., 360. Starkey, Miss B., 468. Stone, Mrs. J. S., 941. Wrench, Mrs. Stanley, 1078. Wright, Miss, 1034
- Lady Passenger: London Magistrate’s Opinion of,
- 149. View of the: Then and Now, 1080
- Lake Como Tunnels, At End of One of the, 334 Lake District, A Journey by Car in the, 30, 31 Lake Lucerne: Covered Bridge at, 940. On the Road Above, 940. Road Round, The, 869-871 Lambert, Percy, The Late, 613, 630-632, Supp. 11th November, 1913
- Lamplough Process of Checking Heavy Oils, Plant . Used in Connection with, 348
- Lamps: Autoclipse, 781, 805. Blanchard (Adams), 1026. Bleriot, 778; “Louis,” 802. Bosch, 328, 329. 803. Ducellier, 805. Fallot (Acetylene), 9d8. Lucas, 768. Mira, 805. Oldfield, 770. P. and H., 805. P. and R.. 805. Polkey,
- 805. Rawlence, '783. Rippingille’s, 780. Rotax,
- 805. Rushmore, 805. Seabrook Bros., 776. Willbcq-Bottin, 777, 803. U.M.I., “ Coolair, ’ 779
- Lapleau. President Poincare Making a Speech from His Motorcar at, 298
- Lathe, Drummond, 777, 1125
- Lautaret Pass: M. Rene Legrain. Climbing the, on a Motor Sleigh, 1198, 1264 Climbing the, 1198
- Lawn Mower, A Motor, 124
- Lechlade from the Severn Towpath> 200
- Le Mans Grand Prix—(See “ Trials—Circuit de Sarthe ”)
- Lesetrause Haute, Savoie, The Summit of the, 89 Lewes Road, Motorcar Accident on the, 860 Licence, Car and Driving International, 892, 893 Life-saving Device, Trial at Scotland Yard of a, 876 Light Car: Evolution of the, 448. How It has Developed, 448. Test, A, 552, 553. Standard, Group of All British, 444
- Light Cars—(See “ Cars ”)
- Lighting Sets: Bosch, 329. Eisemann, 308. High Tension Co. (Magnetolyte), 413. Lithanode, 51. Lucas, 670. Mira (High Tension Co.),
- 150. P. and H., 736f. P. and R., 95. Stereos (Jozot and Co.), 394. Weston’s, 894
- Loch Lomond, 1260. At Ardlui, 155. On the Banks of, 1259
- Lock-nut, Rex Lock Nut Co., 238
- Locomotion, Contrast in Methods of, on a Road in Morocco, 466
- London County Council Chairman’s £420 per Year Motorcar, The, 1228
- London Magistrate’s Opinion of the Lady Passenger, 149
- London-Newmarket Road, Places Where Great Caution is Necessary on the, 1091
- London to Brighton Road, Dangerous Corner Between Coulsdon and Merstham on the, 1318
- London to Hastings Road, Battle Abbey on the, 955 London-Warwick Road, Taking Traffic Census on the, 275
- Los Angeles: Parade of Motor Vehicles at, 1102. Phoenix Race, 916, 917
- Lot Valley, Descending Steep Hill into the, 350, 352 Lough Daw, Ireland: Bungalow at, 1111. Head of the Lake, 1111
- Lowestoft, Coast Road near, 1055
- Lowther Castle, Lodge Gates at, 1311
- Lubrication: By Air, 424, 426. Oil Drums, Articles Found in, 1020
- Ludlow Bridge, 530
- Luggage Problem, Auto-Trailer Solves the, 564 Lulworth Cove, 52
- Luther, Mr. Francis (Austro-Daimler Motor Co.), 818
- Lymington, Main Street at, 1068
- Lyndhurst Green in the New Forest, 942
- Macclesfield and Buxton, The “ Cat and Fiddle,” between, 1220
- Madeleine Turn on the Grand Prix Course, 913 Magneto, Bosch, 733, 736g
- Maple Leaf, The Twin Seeds of the, 208
- Maps: Alpine Tour, Contour of Napier R.A.C. Officially-observed. 454a. Berwick-on-Tweed to John o’ Groats, Route of, 244. Buckingham, Roads Used in Army Manoeuvres, 234. Coupe de “ L’Auto ” Course, 315. Fawsley Park in the Midlands, Route to, 895. Flanders, Tour in, 326. Fosse Way, Route of the, 241. Of French President’s Tour, 352. Of India, 202. Route to the West, 287. The Motor’s, Showing Where to Obtain Benzole, 736d
- Mark Ash: Among the Giant Firs at, 986. Forest Glade in, 986. Road Through, 986
- Marston, 115. Gate, Ford Car Crossing the Stream at, 908
- Mascot, Selfridge’s (Hassall), 23
- Matlock Bath: New Bath Hotel at, 997. The Tors at, 997
- Matthew, Col. J. S., 1301
- Maybury, Mr. H. P, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer to the Road Board, 64
- Melling Village, Yorkshire, 667
- Midlands, First Touch of Winter in the, 1167 Millinery, Up-to-date Motor, 891 Mine to Motorcar, From, 148
- Minsterley, Fording a Stream and Wooded Road near, 285
- Misunderstood (humorous sketch), 1156
- Moggill River Ferry, Humber Car Crossing the, 178 Mont Cenis, On the Italian Side of, 381 Mont Ventoux, At the Summit of, 197 Morecambe. A Motor Run to, 667
- Morocco, Road in, Contrast in Methods of Locomotion on a, 466
- Motorbus: Daimler, 303. At Aldwych, The Guards Band Arriving by, 39
- Motorcar Box (All Steel). Hayes (Norton), 774 “Motorcar Trick, The,” 1043-1045
- Motor-dictograph, Enlarged View of, 1263
- Motor: Encampment, A, 1064. Hearse and Limousines in a Cemetery at Toronto. 1115. In the Service of Agriculture. The, 798
- Motoring: For All, 874. In Japan, 1169. In South California, 90, 157. In 1914, Events and Reform Prognosticated by the Upside-down Prophet, 1056, 1057. Monotony of, The. 1038, 1039. Pioneer in New Zealand, 45-48. Where Motoring is, 1096
- Motorists.— Apthorpe, Mr. 1211. Bablot, M.. 67, 69, 70, 81. Bailey. Mr. A. E.» 190, 867. Bentley. Mr. W. O., 21. 279. Berger, M., 194. Bianchi. M.. 20. 378, 631. Boillot, M. Georges, 147, 278, 314, 316, 353, 379, 844; Caricature of, 591. Brown. Mr. A. G., 20, 631. Buckley, Mr. Abel, 232. Burton, Mr. T. W.. 866. Champoiseau, M., 414. Charron. M. Ferdinand, 231. Chassaigne, M. Jean, 346, 401, 402, 403, 405, 631, 920. Clough, Mr. R., 966. Cooper. 145. Corey, Mr. O. B.. 323. Courtis, Mr., 973 Day, Mr. H. G., 1, 277. Delage, M.. 67. Demy, M., 194. Duray. Mr. Arthur, 1013. 1073. Edwards, Mr., 1. Elskamp, M., 70, 146. Engley, Mr., 1. Genna, M. Ed., 360. Georget, Leon and Emile, 929. Gibson, Junr., Mr. J. A. (Cape Town), 374. Gnapp, Mr. Cecil, 205. Goux, M. Jules, 319, 446, 630, 631; Caricature of, 591. Grimes, Mr. F. A., 948. Guinness, Mr. A. Lee, 276, 318, 319; Mr. K., 403, 605. Guyot, 66, 70, 76, 912 913. Halsall, Mr., 623. Hancock, Mr. A. J., 22, 190, 225, 630. Hands, Mr. G. W., 234. Hickey, J., 234. Hookham, Capt., 597. Hornsted, Mr. L. G., 1048, 1077, 1081, 1094, 1297, 1321. Ingram, Mr. F. J., 950. Jones, Mr. J. Skidmore, 470. Jbrns, M. Carl, 400. Keiller, Mr., 623. Kenyon, Neil, 928. Knothe, Mr. Hugh, 277. Lambert, Mr. Percy, 20, 22, 401, 613; The Late, 630, 631, 632; Supp., 11th November, 1913. Lane, Mr. Lupino, 85. Lauder, Mr. H., 928. Lautenschlagers, M., 68. Lee, Mr. T. Frederick, 144. Lindsay Lloyd, Major, 9. Lonneux, M., 844. Luther, Mr. Francis, 818. Macdonald, Mr., 1. Macintosh, Mr. Alister (Galway, Canada). 989. Marsaglia, M., 145. Mitchell, Mr., 233. Monson, Sir Maxwell, 1248. Napier, Mr., 972. Patiala, Maharaja of, 262. Peare. Mr. W. F., 233. Pelissier, Mr. H. G., 420. Pike, Dr. F. W., 462. Pilette, 70, 71. Prance, Mr. H. Waymouth, A.I.E.E., A.M.I.A.E., 1149. Pretty, Mr. Wm., 866. Pullinger, Mr. T. C., (Managing Director of Arrol-Johnston Co.), 18, 19. Resta, M. D., 275, 312, 402b, 403. Reynolds, Mr., 1. Rigal, M., 278. Robertson-Shersby-Harvey, Mr. R.’, 401, 631. Robey, George, 1107. Robinson, Mr. S. T., 233, 234. Rolls, the late Hon. C. S., 972. Sauvemere, M., 147. Sorel, Mr., 992. Smith, Mr. Harry, 235. Stratton, Mr. (Daimler Co.), 1. Toop, Mr. J. H.. 630. Tuck, Mr. W. G., 234, 596 Vane, Mr. H. T., 391. Watson, Mr., 859,-973. Witchell, Mr. R. S., 447, 630, 631. Woelmont, Baron de, 147.
- Motorists: Dream, The, 1041. Our Home Correspondence Course for, 1214
- Motor, The: Benzole Map Showing Where to Obtain, 736d. Benzole-Petrol Tests at Brooklands, 1, 9, 11, 13, 25. 55, 64. Christmas Card Received by the, 1090, 1097, 1118
- Motor: Truck, White, in the Alaska Range, 1096. Van, Berna, Used by The Motor at the Olympia Show, 887. Vehicles at Los Angeles, Parade of, 1102
- Mount Eden, N.Z., Ford Car on the Top of, 48
- Mudguard, Frankonia, 551, 778
- Napier’s Works, Acton, Portion of Machine Shop at, 180
- Newcastle, Floods at, 324
- New Forest : Knightwood Oak in the, 942. Motorcar Tour Through the, 942. 985, 986, 1025, 1067, 1068. One of the Long Hills in the. 942 New Zealand, Journey by New Route from Wellington to Auckland in. 45-48
- Northampton Guildhall, King and Queen Passing the. 439
- North British Rubber Co., Main Boiler Shed of the, 532
- Norton, near Shifnal, Stocks at. 1217
- Nottingham, Market Place, Cars that Conveyed Crippled Children to Welbeck Abbey Drawn up in the, 80
- o.
Obsessed, 1292
- Ohio, Effect of Blizzard in the State of. 951
- Oil: Circulation Problem, Diagram Illustrating. 375, 465. Stations in California, 1127. Plant Used in Lamplough Process of Cracking Heavy, 348
- Okain’s'Bay, N.Z., Vauxhall Car in Hill-climb at, 1208
- Oleo Plug Factory, Paris, View of, 283 " Overhauler, The Com pleat,” 671-673
- P.
Paarl, Cape Colony, Sunbeam Car at the, 301
- Pangbourne and Streatley Road, Between, Sign for Motorists on the Oxford Road Railway Bridge oh the, 1270
- ■Para.ffin Motor, Bellem and Bregeras, 1145
- Paris: British Ambassador Leaving the ElysSe in, 1229. Oleo Plug Factory in, 283. Salon. M. Henri Cezanne, General Manager of the, 472—(See “Shows”). St. Catherine’s Day in, Midenettes at Celebration of, 932 Passenger and Driver, Old and New Method of Communication Between, 120
- Patiala. Maharaja of, Rolls-Royce Cars Belonging to, 262
- Paymaster’s Automobile in America, 898
- Pebworth, at Pining. 115
- Pelissier. Mr. H. G., The Late Chief of “The Follies,” on His Daimler Car, 420
- Pelter Bridge, near Ambleside, 1217
- Pembrokeshire (North), Dangerous Corner from a Bridge in, 1134
- Peradeniya Botanical Gardens, near Kandy, Ceylon, In the, 246
- Petrol: Benzole Tests at Brooklands, The Motor, 1, 9, 11, 13. 25. 55, 64. Circular, Reproduction of Outside and Inside of the,- 189. Steamer, “ Vincenzo di Georgia,” in the Thames. 937. Storage Depot at Barking, Petrol Supply Society’s, 406, 407. Supply Outfit. Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., 778
- Petrol Can Pourer and Filler. Asbury, 775
- Petrol Filler, “ Empty-ouick,” Atlas, 779
- Petrol Gauges: Baddis. 567. C.S., 843
- Petrol Meter. Maximall, Wolf and Co., 771
- Petrol Tin Opener, Pettett’s, 975
- Petrol Users and Traders Supply Storage Society’s: Depot at Barking, 406, 407. Ship “ Vincenzo di Georgia.” 937
- Picnic, The Motor, 129
- Pioneer Motoring in New Zealand, 45-48
- Piston Cleaning, Brown Bros. Process for, 427
- Piston, Simplex, and Duplex Ring, Sankey, 792
- Plevna, Bulgaria, Star Car Outside the Mausoleum at, 302
- Plugs: Atlas, 1272. Bosch, 736g. E.I.C., 103.
- Reflex Torpedo, 1257. Steatite, Forward Motor Co., 577. Hobson-Pognon, 780. Lodge, 461, 769. O)eo, 787. Pognon, 628. Smith-Oda, 64
- Plumbley, “ The Smoker ” at, 1221
- Poincare, President, Officers being Received by, 299—(See “ France ”)
- Pompadour, Chateau de, In the Grounds of, 350 Pordoi Road, On the, 334 Portsmouth, Floods in, 666
- Portuguese Republic, President of: Senor Dom Manuel d’Arriaga, 299
- Potterne, Porch House at, 288
- Prince of Wales, H.R.H. the, at the Wheel of his Daimler Car, 1016
- Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, Visit to Argyll Works by the, 796
- Princess Royal, 337
- Prussia’s, Prince Henry of, New Benz Car, 984 Pump, Gleason-Peters (Brown Bros.), 781
- Punjab: Road, Rail and Car in, 204. Rolls-Royce Car on Bridge of Boats, Leaving the, 412
- Q.
Queen: King and, Motor to the Scene of the Army Manoeuvres, 367. The Daimler Car for, 736m, 987—(See “King”)
- Queensland, Australia, Scene in, 178
- R.
Rabbits, Alter, with a Motorcar, 899
- R.A.C.: Club-house at Epsom, 361. Upside-down Dinner to Messrs. Hucks and Hamel, Mr. Grahame-White in the Chair at the, 1252. Views of Interior of the, 562, 563
- Rally, Wisley Light Car, 1144
- Rampur’s, Nawab of, Palace, Talbot Cars Outside the, 1117
- Rear Lamps, Bracket for, Rippingille’s, 626
- Records: At Brooklands: Benz, 1048, 1077, 1081, 1094, 1297, 1320, 1321; Calthorpe, 565; D.F.P., 192, 279, 886; Humber, 596; Peugeot, 445-447; Schneider, 414; Singer, 399; Star, 934; Straker-Squire, 445-447; Sunbeam, 402b, 403, 445-447, 469; Talbot (World’s), 400; Vauxhall, 190, 191; Vinot, 602. F.I.A.T.: An Impression, 1073
- Renault, M. Louis, President of Committee of the Paris Show, 454b
- Rhee River in Herts., Source of the, 133
- Rhodesia, A Road in, 1296
- Richardson, Mr. H. L., 1301
- Rims: Ajax, 790. Captain, 793. Facility (Riches), 782. Goodyear, 794. Detachable, 790. Michelin, Detachable, 791. Moseley, Detachable, 791. Rudge-Whitworth, 1205. Shrewsbury and Chailiner, 1148a; Divisible, 322. Spencer-Moulton, 795. Vinet, 424. Warland, 85, 794. 1035
- Ringway, The “ Red Lion ” at, 1220
- Road Congress, Signpost Competition, Designs of Prize Winners in, 1060, 1061
- Road: Improvement, 1262, 1263. Indicator, A Conflicting, Between Haverfordwest and Fishguard, 338. Suggested Code of the, 1280. Surfaces, Brick, in America, 1136h
- Roads and Springs, 305, 369 Robey, Mr. George, 1107
- Rocamadour: Mountain Road Out of, 350.
- Rochet-Schneider Car with President and Madame Poincare in the Outskirts of, 297
- Rosslare Sands, Trials on, 232-234. Dunlop Cup Awarded at, 324
- Roumanian: Activities, Star Cars in Use During the, 116. Government, British Car Used by, 302
- Rusholme, Manchester, Exhibition Hall at, Remains of the, 970
- Ruxley Corner, near Sidcup, Lighthouse at, 1302b
- Rydal, Dove Cottage, The Home of Wordsworth at, 1217
- Samuel, Mr. Samuel, M.P., 762
- Sandiway, The “ Blue Cap ” at, 1220. Meet of Cheshire Hounds at, 763
- Santa Claus, Motorcars for, 1052
- Santa Monica Race, The, 145
- Santander, Mayor of. The Queen of Spain Arriving to Meet the, 219
- Sarthe, Circuit de—(See “ Trials *’)
- Sawston, Cross-roads, Looking towards Newmarket, 1091
- Scotch Moors, Lunch on the, 1260
- Scotland, Views in, 608
- Scotland Yard, Trial of Life-saving Device at, 876 Scott, Sir Walter, The Tomb of, 154
- Sea Bathing, The Car as an Aid to, 211
- Searchlight at the French Army Manoeuvres, 383
- Seat, The Uncomfortable Driving, 286 Self-starters—(See " Starting Devices ”) Severn, From the Sea to the, 198 Shaftesbury School for Orphan Boys at Bisley, Lan Chester Car Presented to the, 321 Shakespeare Land, Famous Villages in. 113, 115 Sheriffmuir, near Dunblane,' Crossing the Battlefield of, 521
- Shock Absorbers: Acme (S.U. Co., Ltd.), 784. ’ Anderson, 1136. Brew-Ree, 784. Connecticut, 922. Cox “ E-zer,” 1017. C.R., 786.
- G.P., 1255. Houdaille, 787. K.AP., 785. Morris Russell for Ford Oars, 4. Parsons, 770 Shooting Matters, The Motorcar and, 389
- Shows : Brussels, 12344239; Body Features at the, 1239; Cars at the, 1238. Edinburgh—(See
- “ Scottish ” below). Manchester, 1177-1190, -1199, 1209, 1272; Rochet-Schneider Car En Route to the, 1248. New York, 1142, 1143. North of England—(See “ Manchester ” above). Olympia: Motor: Exhibits at, 569-575, 633-655, 687-736b, 736g-752, 754-760, 768-796, 800-806, 826, 827, 829-834, 846-855, 857, 858, 904, 909, Accessories at the, 736g, 760, 768-769, Chairs Provided for Visitors in the Gallery at, 918, Coachwork for 1914 at, 826, 827 , 829-832, Key to Features at the, 736h, 7361, Lighting Equipment at, 800-806, Plan of Main Hall, 736h, 736i, Plan of Suggested Additional Gallery at, 519, Poster, 379, Wheels, Rims and Tyres at, 788-796; Motorcycle: Light Cars at. 878-880, Bodies at, 930, 931. Paris: Aero: 1003, 1004, Motor Sleigh at, 1062, Poster Announcing the Fifth, 880; Motor: Boat Bodies at the, 488, Boillot and Goux Caricatured at the, 591, Exhibits at, 454b, 454d-458, 481-496, 500d-505, 536-551, 558, 560, 568, 579, 585, General View of, 50011. Poster. 402a. Scottish, Exhibits at, 1282-1288, 1298, 1299
- Shropshire Lane, A, 1311
- Signposts and Signposting Competition, Road Congress, First, Second and Third Prize in the, 1060, 1061
- Silencer, Bailey’s “ Nest-o’-Cups,” 773
- Simplon Pass: Italian Side, On the Way up the, 1124. Motorcar at the Summit of the, 1172. Outside Hospice on the, 386
- Sixhills, Fosse Way North of, 242
- Sleigh, Motor, M. Rene Legraine Climbing the Lautaret Pass on a, 1264
- South Africa: British Car in, 162. Graaf-Reinet and Cradock, Cape Province, Flood on Main Road between, 1226. Motoring in, 462. Ostrich Farm at Ellerstroom in, 1113.
- S. C.A.T. Car Crossing a Drift in, 374
- South America, Motoring in, 815 Southampton, The Bar Gate, 1068 South Australia, At the Edge of a Water-hole in, 525
- Spain, King of: on a Hispano-Suiza Car, 817. With French President, 584
- Spain, Queen of, Arriving to Meet the Mayor of Santander, 219
- Sparking Plug: Design for, 1302a. The Manufacture of a, 283
- Sparking Plugs—(See “ Plugs ”)
- Speed Indicator, Road Map and, Dunhill’s, 785 Speedometers-: A.T. Co., 772. Boyce (Markt and Co.), 786, 1256. Frodsham, 770. Nicole Nielsen, 736g. Smith and Sons, 774. Stewart, 772
- Spittai of Glenshee, Devil’s Elbow, The Highest Coach Road in Great Britain, 250
- Sprayer for Engine Cleaning, Brown Bros., 952 Springing Improvement, Diagrams of, 1266 Spring Messenger, 784
- Spring Opener, Little Giant (Markt and Co.), 786 Springs: and Roads, Diagrams Showing Action of, 369. Roads and, 305
- St. Alban’s Abbey, 153
- Starter: and Brake Mechanism, Finch, 435. And Generator, Scott, 616
- Starting Devices: Bosch, 748. Brolt, 750. Can-tono, 847, 954. C.A.V., 752,. 765. Deaco, 978. Delco. 750, 847. Jackson, 736o, 749. Leitner, 751. Lozier, 1143. Magician, 14, 751. Major’s, 1101. Minerva, 1182. N.B., 428.
- Orno, 782. Rotax-Leitner, 896. Rushmore, 752, 779. S.C.A.T., 846. “Sure Start”
- (United /Equipment Co,. Chicago), 1131.
- T. A.T., 498, 752. U.S.L., 751. Westing
- house, 486. Wilkinson, 306. Wolseley, 846. Zip, 749
- Starting Handle Catch, Talbert, 1300
- Starting in Cold Weather^, Carburetter Heater for, 1132
- St. Bernard: Monastery of, 339, 342. Pass, Climbing the, 339-342
- Steel Gears. Rolled, 311, 312
- Steering Column Angles, Three Recognized, 286 Steering Wheel, Dover, 786 Step Mat, Norton, 774
- Stippertones, The Round of the, 285 Stirlingshire By-road, On a, 608
- St. Ives, Hunts., Courtyard of the Golden Lion at, 179
- St. Junien: French President’s Procession Entering, 349. M. Poincar6, President of France, Crossing the Bridge at, 276
- St. Laurent to the Grand Chartreuse, On the Road from, 89
- St. Martins: Lee Guinness on the Sunbeam at, 318. Disaster to Sunbeam in Coupe de “ L’Auto” in, 346
- Stockiemur Road, Scotland, Pretty Corner on the, 608
- Stokenchurch, Royal Flying Corps at British Manoeuvres, 343
- Stratford-on-Avon: Ann Hathaway’s Cottage at, 113. Shakespeare’s Birthplace at, 113. Shakespeare’s Memorial Theatre at, 113 Street, Narrow, Turning Car in, 1163 Summer Moments, Happy, 1079 Swarkestone, Bridge at, 997 Switchboards: Bleriot, 802. Bosch, 328, 803. Ducellier, 801. Koh-i-Noor, 804. Lithanode, 51. Lodge, 804. Mira: 413, 805; Magneto-lite, 804. Pape, 804. P. and H„ 801.
- Peto and Radford, 95. Rotax, 802. T.A.T., 498, 804. Willocq-Bottin, 803
- Switzerland, Tour through, 386
- T.
Tachikawa, Japan, Queer Sort of Bridge at, 1169 Tagg’s Island, Motorcar being Ferried Over to, 610 Tap, Non-leakable, Whyte, 238 Tarless Fuel Plant, 263-265
- Tar-sprayed Welsh Roads, Car Avoiding, 321 Teignmouth, Summer Carnival at, 148
- Territorial Training, Belsize Chassis Carrying Maxim Guns at, 136, 137
- Then and Now: A Lady Passenger’s View of, 1080 Thoresby Park, Fosse Way Road near, 242 Thornhill, Main Street in, 154
- Three-litre Race, The—(See “ Coupe de ‘L’Auto’ ”) Tilberthwaite Gill from Coniston, In, 30 Tool Grinder, Drummond Bros., 1264b Tools, Decarbonizing, Brown Bros., 427 Top Gear, Morris-Oxford, Circling by Itself on, 981 Toronto, Motor Hearse and Limousines in the Cemetery at, 1115
- Tour: Alpine, Napier Cars, R.A.C. Officially Observed, 454, 454a. Beyond the Cheviots, 154, 155. French President’s—(See
- “ France ”). In India on a Rolls-Royce Car, 262. Through Switzerland, 386. To Aix-les-Bains, 87, 89
- Touring: in Flanders, 326. In Ireland, 1110, 1111. Motor, in India, 202-205. Through the New Forest, 942, 985, 986, 1025, 1067, 1068. Through Exmoor, 459
- Tourist Trophy Race, History of—(See “ Isle of Man ”)
- Traffic Aside, A, 962
- Traffic Census on the Londoij-Warwick Road, .Taking the, 275
- Traffic Warner, Simms, 414
- Trials : A.-C.U. Light Car and Cyclecar, 623. Austrian Alpine Autumn, K.A.N. Car which Took Part in the, 523. Circuit de la Sarthe, 66-71, 76, 81, 84. Essex M.C.C. (London-York), 190. French Acrobatic, at Acheres, 844. Gainsborough Speed, 231. International Six Days Course near Grenoble, 1154. Irish A.C., Rosslare Sands: 232-234; Dunlop Cup Awarded at, 324. M.C.C. London to Exeter, 1098. Queensland A.C. Petrol Consumption, Car that Won, 1032. R.A.C. (Napier Alpine), 250, 454, 454a. Scottish A.C. (Cadillac), 323. Sydney-Melbourne, Reliability, Winner of the, 335. Tour de France, Alpine Light Car and Cyclecar, Course of, 1198. Weston-super-Mare Sp6ed, £68. 1093 One Thousand Miles, Cars in, 380, 422
- Trunks: Brooks, 781. Finnigan, 733 Tweed, near the Source of the, 1258 Tyre Deflation Indicator, A Curious, 24 Tyre Gauge, Pneumatic, 581 Tyre Lever, Continental, 792
- Tyre on Wheel Carrier, Bransom, Kent and Co., 785
- Tyre Prier, National (Adams), 1322
- Tyre Proposition, A New, 1298
- Tyre Pump: Rfemovihg Powdered Deposit by Means of, 427. Utility Pump Co., 581
- Tyres: Avon, 788. Beldam, 788. Clincher (North British Rubber Co.), 795. Continental, .792, 987; Oversize, 659. Gofa, 808. Goodrich, 794. Goodyear, 109, 110, 790. Grimston, 789. Kempshall, 790. Liversidge, 788. Macintosh, 788. Metal Plate, Braun and Co., 886. Moseley, 791, 1223. Palmer, 789. Prowodnik-Columb, 783. Ripley-Strong, 788. R.O.M.,
- 796. Sirdar, 789. Skew, 790. Stelastic, 795. Stungo, Rimless (Berlin), 766. Watkim-Wil-liams Pneumatic, 1330a
- Tyre-testing Machine, Goodyear, 109
- u.
Uganda, King of, Standard Car Supplied to, 295 Ullswater: A Peep at, 1216. At Pooley Bridge, Last Peep of, 1259
- Ulster Volunteer Motor Corps Cars, Long Line of, 1140
- Ussel, President and Mme. Poincare at, 299 Uzerche: President Poincare at, Young Girls Line the Route, 299; Reception of President Poincare at, 299
- V.
Valparaiso, Torros Hill: and Chorrilos, near Vina- ’ del Mar, in, 686. In the Neighbourhood of, 815 :
- Valve: Grinder, Alp, 1256. Truing Device (Brown Bros., Ltd.), 1058
- Vandervell and Co., C. A., Show-card Prepared, for, 1136a
- Vaporizer, “ Sure Start,” 1131
- Vibrator, Markham, 1259
- Vulcanizer: Ardea Vulcanizer Syndicate, 664. Godin, 760. Harvey Frost and Co., 784. "Vulcan” (Lacosteh 480, 769
- w,
Waitaiki, N.Z., Crossing the, 46 Waitewhena, N.Z., Descent of the, 45 Wantage, The Birthplace of King Alfred, 199 Warren, Captain, in Charge of Mechanical Transport at Autumn Manoeuvres;, 307
- Warwick: Guy’s Cliff Mill at, 997. Dol'd Leicester’s Hospital, Front of, .552
- Warwickshire Lane, Swift Light Car in a, 552 Washington, King’s County, Highway Constructed.
- of Vitrified Bricks at, 1136b Water-splash, A Dangerous, Dr. D’Alton’s Car in a, 165
- Wellington to Auckland, N.Z., Journey from, 45-48 Welsh Road, Car Avoiding Ta-r-sprayed, 321 Wembley, Harry Lauder and Neil Kenyon Arriving at, in a Crossley Car, 928 Westbury White Horse, near, 288 Weston, Herts, At, 133 Weston-super-Mare, Speed Trials at, 468 West, Route to thex 287, 288
- Westward Ho! Holiday Tour to, on a Caravan, 92, 93 West Wycombe, Cars at Headquarters of British Manoeuvres. 343
- Whaddon Chase Hounds: at Creslow, Motorcars at the Meet of the, 819; with the, 908
- Wheel Brush, Wire, in Operation, The, 595 L Wheel, Method of Temporarily Weighing a, 345 Wheel Puller and Spring Clamp, Little Giant, 1256 Wheel, Rudge-Whitworth, Hub Cap for, 1293 Wheels: Austin, 709. Austin-Sankey, 1106. Blakoe, 421. Daries, 794. Dunlop, 86; Twin Detachable, 792. Goodyear, 793. Hampton, 522. Riley, 163, 796. Rudge-Whitworth, 97 , 370, 920, 1205, 1320; Twin, 791. Sankey, 38, 792, 1271. Shrewsbury and Challiner, 793. Stepney, 220, 794
- Whittlesford: Ascending the Hill at, 1091. Cross Roads: An Accident at, 1091: Looking Towards London, 1091. Level Crossing, 1091; Looking Towards Newmarket, 1091
- Wilde, The Late Francis, 1010
- Wilding, Mr. A. F., 1248
- Wilson, Mr. A. J., Founder of the Benevolent Fund, 357
- Winch, EleVator, Manchester Autocar, Ltd... 902
- Winchester: Strand Gate at, 136. Cheyne Court at, 198
- Windermere, Lake: near Waterhead Pier, 1216. Showing Waterhead Hotel and Pier, 1215
- Windscreens : Auster’s, 108, 902, 1200. County Screen Co., 784
- Wing, Bramah, 96
- Wireless Telegraphy, Motor Corps at the French Army Manoeuvres. 383
- Wisley, Light Car Rally at, 1144 Wixford, 115 . ,
- Wolseley Factory at Adderley Park, Birmingham, New Extension to, 1305, 1306
- Woman Chauffeurs at Can ford Park, 330 Womanhood, The New, 1028
- Worcester: and Droitwich, On the Road between, 236. The Edgar Tower at, 1312
- Workshop: Motorcar in French Military Manoeuvres, 332. Officers’ Visit to, 383. In which Homemade Car was Made. 1125, 1126
- Worm Bevel Drive, Packard (American), 238 Worthing: Road, Just Outside Capel, on the, 82.
- Territorial Camp, Temporary Garage at, 126 Wyler Pass, Scotland, Ascending the, 608
- Young, His Excellency Sir Arthur, Governor of Straits Settlement and High Commissioner of Federated Malay States, 388.
See Also
Sources of Information