1915 Automotor: Index

Note: This is a sub-section of the Automotor Journal
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Vol 020. Jan to Dec 1915
- A. A. and M.U. (see Automobile Association).
- Abdulla and Co., 902.
- A.C. cycle car, 12.
- Acceleration tests, 770.
- Accessories, 80, 99,
- Accidents, 64, 244, 379, 194, 600, 61G, 648, 676, 70S, 74°> 772, 803, «5b, sox, 866, 893, 895, 902, 920, 651-
- Accidents, leaders on, 3, 165, 201, 239, 330, 387, 535, 571, 600, 642, 643, 683, 743, 747, 798, 814, '815, 924.
- Accidents, statistics, 366.
- Accumulators, 840.
- Advertisements, 904.
- Advertisements of enemy products, 704.
- Aero engines (see Engines).
- Agricultural motors, 16, 225, 282, 432, 614.
- Aitcheson, Q.M. Sgt., 666.
- Ajax tyres, 384.
- Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., 250, 688,
- Alcohol, 189, 312, 604.
- Alcohol Committee, 323, 742.
- Alexandra Day, 457, 467.
- Alfriston, views in, 315.
- Alhambra ballet, 311.
- Allday, A. C., 883.
- Alldays and Onions, 933.
- “All-khaki” race meeting at Brooklands, 335, 336, 560, 569, 574- •
- Aluminium pistons, 630, 656, 696, 771.
- Ambulance, hand, 697.
- Ambulances, motor, 3, 30, 32, 45, 54, 66, 70, 76, 78, 79, 90, 94, 104, n-L 115, 121, I25> 142, 143, 174, 180, 197, 253, 282, 284, 304, 328, 351, 362, 398, 412, 437, 438, 471I 472, 475, 47b, 490, 492, 493, 510, 550, 559, 58r, 583, 395, 397, 600, 602, 618, 620, 622, 636, 638, 676, 693, 705, 740, 753, 754, 772, 776, 828, 831, 836, 865, 875, 880, 947, 952.
- Ambulances, motor (leaders on), 21, 39, no, 257, 479, 624-
- Ambulances, motor boat, 61S.
- Ambulances, prizes for, 4, 6.
- America, Automobile Club of, 752, 806, 894, 930.
- America, racing in (see a!an American Grand Prize ; Chicago Speedway ; Indianapolis Race ; Vanderbilt Cup), 14, 244, 246, 283, 300, 395, 45L 472, 670, 73 4, 735. 75r, 787, 859, 948.
- America, views in, 184.
- American Army, 136, 358, 930.
- American Automobile Association, 14, 541, 77°, 787, 930.
- American cars, 47, 60, 119. 132, 188, 241, 26b, 296, 316, 334, 358, 425, 430, 468, 488, 520, 538, 546, 592, 631, 054, 674, 679, 686, 689, 707, 714, 735, 75L 7&6> 782, 808, 816, 870, 880, 893, 908, 916, 922, 940.
- American design, 47, 673, 922.
- American exports and imports (see Imports).
- American Grand Prize race, 70. 157, 2x1, 244, 245, 788.
- American legislation, i(, 50, 68, 136, 189, 384, 670, 771, 842, 894, 930.
- American National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, H. 50, 300, 45i, 77i, 787, 93°-
- American notes (see “ Notes from New York ' weekly).
- American owners and war, 770.
- American records (sec Records).
- American roads (see Roads).
- American shows, 246, 283, 322, 635, 930, 948.
- American Society of Automobile Engineers, 49, 68, 79, 311, 2I3< 231, 234, 244. 283, 303, 331, 340, 360, 413, 324, 544,614, 635, 656, 673,734, 770,788,789, 806, 808, 859, 876, 894, 923, 948.
- American statistics (see Statistics).
- American taxation, 136, 244, 322, 434, 930.
- American trade with England (see also Imports and Exports), 472, 543, 636) 721, 948.
- American traffic control, 14, 636.
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. (see also Pratts), 456.
- Anti-freezing mixtures, 84, 832.
- Armitage, A., 204.
- Armlets, khaki (see Badges).
- Armstrong Whitworth ambulance, 493.
- Armoured car squadrons (see also War Casualties and War Honours), 756, 862.
- Armoured cars, 136, 205, 532, 754, 812
- Armoured cars in action, 382, 397, 461, 503, 536, 6C0, 664, 688, 740, 754.
- Armoured motor boats, 108.
- Armstrong (Sir W. G.), Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 328, 680.
- Army (see Military : War).
- Army and Navy Open hill-climb, 710.
- Arrol-Johnston car, 17.9 h.p. (details), 836.
- Arrol-Johnston, Ltd., 179, 254.
- Ashton, L., 629.
- Associated Rubber Manufacturers, Ltd.' 310.
- Astington, A. E., 721.
- Auster accessories, 80, 584.
- Austin ambulance, 385.
- Austin car, 20 h.p. (details), 854.
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 144.
- Australia, motors in, 18, 183, 271, 499, Ozr.
- Australians and the war, 230, 282, 493, 630.
- Austrian Army, 267.
- Autocar military lurry, 751.
- Auto-Cycle Union, 93.
- Automobile Association and Motor Union, 67, 92, 98, i2i, 134, 198, 214, 232, 236, 272, 282, 286, 290, 324, 338, 337, 398, 402, 115, 441, 467, 494. 49r>. 5io, 530, 550, 568, 595, 684, 694, 698, 7i 1, 712, 7i8, 726, 74°, 772, 790, 808, 823, S28, 856, 861, 866, 887, 895, 897, 916, 924. 93S, 942.
- Automobile Association patrols, 6, 90, 126, 158, 225, 258, 268, 530, 568, 678, 780, 897.
- Avon tyre, 380.
- Axles, 24, 60, 152, 169, 242, 356, 373. 39U 4U, 445. 463, 465, 484. 578, C91, 729, 732, 746, 747. 748, 749. 819, 892, 910, 928.
- BADGES for disabled soldiers, 550, 553.
- Badges and armlets, 57, no, 129, 106, 441, 480, 553, 566, 604, 626, 662, 794, 79f>> 870.
- Baillie, G. H., on Fuel, 285.
- Ball, F., 917.
- Ball bearings, 101, 144.
- Barimar accessories, 61, 84, 401.
- Barimar radiators, 173.
- Barnby Moor, “Ye Olde Belle,” 885.
- Barnes, H., 637.
- Barnfather tyre pump. 319-
- Barrett, C. F., on Cooling Water in Engines, 509-
- Barter, Sgt.-Maj. (V.C.), 532.
- Bath car for army, 213.
- Bathurst, Capt. Charles, 850.
- Battery, charging of, 10.
- Battlefields of the Marne, 223.
- Bayard car, 8 h.p. (details), 206.
- Bayard Rocks, 781.
- B.E. aeroplanes, 837.
- Bearings, 263.
- Beatonson wind screens, 99.
- Beatson, Sir G., 121.
- Beatty, G., 870.
- Beck collapsible hood, S33.
- Bedford-Buick car (see Buick).
- Begg, W., 791.
- Belgian army, 205, 321.
- Belgium, motors in, 377, 812.
- Belgium, views in, 19, 23, 27, 95, 109, 113, 145, 237, 329, 421, 428, 443. 477, 55G 587, 605, 645. 78i, 889, 925-
- Belsize Motors, Ltd., 328, 640, 866.
- Benzol, 32, 211, 229, 246, 384, 742, 825.
- Berkshire, view in, 914.
- Berridge, Sir T. H. D., 204.
- Berwick Motor Car Co., Ltd., 884.
- Best and Lloyd accessories, 30.
- Bevel gear, 708.
- Bianchi ambulances, 253.
- Bianchi car, 10-12 h.p. (details), 116.
- Bijur self starter, 304.
- Birmingham and District Chauffeurs’ Association, 52.
- Birmingham and Midland Motor 'Bus Co., Ltd., 456.
- Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., 698, 718, 758.
- Blake, J., and Co., 536.
- Bleriot accessories, 80.
- Blind motorists (see Drivers).
- Blow-lamp, 321.
- Board of Trade returns, 310.
- Board of Trade Traffic Report (see Traffic).
- Boats, motor (see Motor boats).
- Bodian Castle, 555.
- Bodywork (see Coachwork).
- Boissy, H., 883.
- Bolton Abbey, 943.
- Bonnet, spotted, 84.
- Booty, W., 423.
- Boston “Stump,” 591.
- Botha, General, 166.
- Bowden extra air inlet, 81.
- Bowden, F., 415.
- Boy Scouts, 385, 828, 863.
- Boys, 676, 678, 711, 716.
- Bradford Automobile Club, 32, 46, 90.
- Brake chart (see Engines).
- Brake linings, 82.
- Brakes, 118, 374, 411, 427, 145. 465, 483. 377. .V)b 630, 640, 650, 725, 73L 747. 7fi8, 783. 788. 802,874.
- Brampton Brothers, Ltd., 776.
- Brewer, R. W. A., 144.
- Bridgeman, Maj.-General the Hon. F. C., 669.
- Bridges (see Roads),
- Briggs-Detroiter car, 68.
- Briscoe, B., 621.
- Briscoe car, 451, 808, S12.
- Briscoe car, is-20 h.p. (details), 334-
- Bristol Motor Cycle Club, 12.
- British Automobile Traction Co., Ltd., 402.
- British Berna Motor Lorries, Ltd., 78.
- British Government (see Parliament, Munitions, War),
- British Motor Boat Club, 324.
- British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., (MO, 678, (-80.
- British Motorcycle Racing Club (see Brooklands, motor cycling at).
- British Red Cross Society (see also Ambulances), 33a.
- British Westinghouse Co.. 217.
- British Westinghouse lighting dynamo, 2S1, 338.
- Briton Motor Co. (1912), Ltd., 680.
- Broken valves, 615.
- Brolt dynamo, to.
- Brolt dynamo for light cars, 507.
- Brooklands, 154, 308, 640.
- Brooklands, motor cycle racing at, 2x0, 535, 53b, 560, 569, 574, bi3> 641, 846, 78b.
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., 263.
- Brown, A., 332.
- Brown Brothers' accessories, 81, 32r, 877.
- Brown Brothers, Ltd., 254, 45b.
- Brown, Hughes and Strachan, 30, 213, 288, 454 (see also Strachan and Brown).
- Brush, A. P., on “Fundamental Problems of Engine Design," 544, 562.
- B.S.A. car, 71, if>7, 383.
- Buckinghamshire, view in. 185.
- Buick car, 6, 63, 327, 656, 770.
- Buick car, 6-cyl. (details), 649.
- Bulls and Blunders, 154.
- Burlington Carriage Co., 85.
- Burt, C., 701.
- ’Buses, electric, 21b, 24b.
- ’Buses, motor, 10b, 258, 282, 311, 321, 512, 530, 5S1, 676, 694, 792. 812, 833, 880.
- 'Buses, motor (abroad), 79, 142, 205, 228, 24O, 300, 451, 729. 841, 876.
- ’Buses, motor (leaders on), 130, 147, 201.
- Butler. F. Hedges, 204.
- Butler, F. J., 657.
- "By the Way” notes, weekly.
- CABLE CAR transporter, 876.
- Cabs, taxi, 250, 472, 714, 929.
- Cabs, taxi, abroad, x8o, 602, 770.
- Cab (taxi) drivers, 12, 198, 452, 159, 472, 51 600 b+8, 733. 7b2. 798, 830, 896.
- Cadillac ambulances, 174.
- Cadillac car, 187, 509, 679, 916.
- Cadillac car (details), 119, 707.
- Cadillac car, tests. 806.
- Cadillac 8-cyl. engine, 48, 119, 707.
- Cadillac Co., 300.
- Calcott Brothers, Ltd., 640.
- Calthorpe Motor Co. (1912), Ltd., b8o.
- Cambridge (St. John’s College), b>23, 745.
- Camera and the Car, weekly.
- Cameron, D., 539.
- Canada, motors in, 6, 228, 740, 830.
- Canada, oil fuel from, 72, 93.
- Canadians and the war, 22, 52.
- Cantilever rear suspension, 42.
- Captured aeroplanes, 857.
- Car and General Insurance Corporation, 162.
- Caravan, motor, b86.
- Carbon deposit in cylinders, 172.
- Carburettors, 83, 186, 580, 632, 736, 784.
- Carburettors, freezing up of, 229.
- Carriage work (see Coach work).
- Carriers, passengers on, 3x5, bi8.
- Cars left unattended, 740, 808, 8x6, 894, 93b, 951, 954.
- Cars, new, 184.
- Cars, upkeep of, 500.
- Casualties (see war casualties).
- Caterpillar tractor, 413.
- Cattle on highways (see Obstruction).
- C.A.V. dimmers, 416.
- C.A.V. dynamo lighting set, 247.
- C.A.V. self-starter, 243.
- Cavendish accumulators, 840.
- Ceylon, motoring in, 775.
- Chalmers car, 18-28 h.p. (details), 631.
- Chalmers Motor Co., 596.
- Chambers of Commerce, associated meeting of, 148.
- Champ, Corpl. A. J., 693.
- Change speed gears (see also Gear), 170, 374, 446, 465, 183, 731, Soi.
- Charging battery from dynamo, 10.
- Charron, Ltd., 532.
- Charronette light car (details), 354.
- Chart, brake mean effective pressure, 807.
- Chassis construction (A. P. Brush), 673.
- Chassis descriptions:—
- - Arrol-Johnston, 17'9 h.p., 836.
- - Austin. 20 h.p., 834.
- - Bayard, 8 h.p.. 206.
- - Bianchi, 10-12 h.p., n6.
- - Briscoe, 15-20 h.p., 334.
- - Buick, 6-eyl., 649.
- - Cadillac, xrg, 707.
- - Chalmers. 18-28 h.p., 631.
- - Charronette, 354.
- - De Dion, 10 h.p., 24.
- - Delahaye, 20-30 h.p., 409.
- - Detroit electric, 654.
- - D.F.P., 12-15 h.p., 372.
- - Dodge, 30-35 h.p., 60.
- - Dodge, 17-24 h.p., 592.
- - Fiat, 15-20 h.p., 482.
- - Herbert, n'9 h.p., 800.
- - Hudson, 6-cyl., 7S2.
- - Humber, to h.p., 226.
- - Hupmobile, 16 h.p., 260,
- - Hurtu, 14 h.p., 926.
- - Itala, r 1-20 h.p.. 390.
- - King, 8-eyl., 20b. 00S.
- - Lancia, 3= h.p., 872, 890.
- - Leon-Bolide, 16 h.p., 444-
- - Lexington, 538.
- - Lion-Peugeot, 12 h.p., 462.
- - Lorraine-Dietrich, 14-18 h.p., 556-
- - Maxwell 18-22 h.p., 520.
- - Oakland, 15-20 h.p., 316.
- - Oldsmobile, 20 h.p., 766.
- - Overland, 15-20 h.p., 468.
- - Phoenix, ii'g h.p., 729.
- - Pullman, 15-22 h.p., 689.
- - Pullman junior, 132.
- - R.C.H., 15 h.p., 241.
- - Rossel, 12-16 h.p., 501.
- - Scripps-Booth, 425.
- - Sizaire Berwick, 150.
- - Spyker, 20 h.p., 577.
- - Swift, 10 h.p., 190.
- - Vauxhall, 35 h.p., 278.
- - Vincent-Hollier, 748.
- - Vinot, 12-14 h.p., 168.
- - Vulcan, 20-25 h.p., 818.
- Chateau do Pierrefonds, 130, 131- t ,
- Chauffeurs (see also Drivers; National Society of Chauffeurs; Birmingham Chanffeurs’ Association), 452, 49), 814, 824.
- Chauffeurs, taxation of, 165.
- Chesham Supply Co.. Ltd., 586.
- Cheshire Automobile Club, 576-
- Cheshire, views in, 685, 921.
- Chicago Speedway races, 384, 472, 488, 506, 614-
- Children and motor traffic, 183, 200.
- Chingford, views in (see Essex).
- Chisholm, C., 721. „
- Choice of steel for automobile construction (J. H. S Dickensen), 843, 860, 87S, 898.
- Churchill, Mr. Winston, 276, 862.
- Citroen gear, 152, 910.
- Clarkson, T., 6. -
- Clay, Mr., 332.
- Clutch linings, 82.
- Clutches, 170, 578, 748, .855, 928.
- Clutches, Automobile (W. F. Herst), 808, H26.
- Clutches, troubles with, 172.
- Coachwork, 30, 79, 85, 86, 126. 134, 235, 278, 446, 483, 546, 620, 679, 686, 714, 724, 77i, 785, 816, 820, 825, 8QZ, 916.
- Coachwork (doors), 227, 280, 650, 655.
- Coachwork (paint), 84, 340.
- Coachwork prizes, 476, 86:.
- Coachwork (seats), 80, 192, 280, 318, 416, 426, 522, 539, 546, 634, 655, 802.
- Coatalen, Mrs. L., 825.
- Col de la Schlucht, 5, 10.
- Cole and Sons’ coachwork, 79, 235, 620, 771.
- Colmore Cup Trial, 86, 90.
- Commercial Electric Battery Vehicle (Warrilow), 13.
- Commercial Motor Users’ Association, 32, 74, 135, 236, 274, 50S, 740, 744, 905, 906.
- Company Doings—weekly.
- Compiegne Palace, 741.
- Components, Ltd., 848.
- Connaught Motor Co.’s Coachwork, 446.
- Construction, 49, 673.
- Continental Tyre Co. v. Daimler, 456, 868, 886, 905, 951-
- Cooke, Capt. Stenson, 258, 268.
- Cooling (see Engines).
- Cornelian car, 322.
- Coroners, 239, 243, 250, 330, 494, 55 L 571, 642, 683, 861, 896, 924, 951.
- Correspondence— weekly.
- Coucy Chateau, 41.
- Coupe and Motor Cab Co. of Great Britain, 95O.
- Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., 902, 915.
- Coventry Premier, Ltd., 915.
- Coventry, view in, 37.
- Cowan, W. H., 121.
- Cox, S., 809.
- Craig, E. H. Cunningham, 72, 93.
- Cripples’ outings, 618.
- Crompton medal, 44.
- Croome, A. C. M., 204.
- Crossley ambulances, 54. 284.
- Crossley car, 309. 364, 584.
- Crossley field workshop, 317-
- Crossley light tender, 837.
- Crowland Abbey, 627.
- Cullen, W., 737.
- Curson, J. W., 177, 715.
- Customs duties (see Import duties).
- Cut-outs, 643.
- Cyclists, 2 , 165, 724.
- Cyclists and the war, 258, 530.
- Cylinder cooling (see Engines).
- Cyprus, motors in, 142.
- Czar of Russia, 314.
- DAILY TELEGRAPH, 292, 352, 375-
- Daimler agricultural tractors, 16, 432.
- Daimler ambulances, 79, 125, 197, 475, 622,952.
- Daimler ’buses, 106.
- Daimler car, 10, 37, 71, 86, 95, 219, 315, 476, 639, 657, 867, 871.
- Daimler Co., Ltd., 34, 456, 650, 670, 682, 868, 886, oSt
- Daimler-Gnome 80 h.p. engine, 7.
- Daimler lurries, 282, 401.
- Damaros, Lanco-Corpl. N. R., 399.
- Danger signals (see Horns, Road Signs).
- Dangerous driving (see Driving).
- Dangerous roads (see Roads).
- Darby, Osborne, 343.
- Dardanelles, armoured cars in the, 461, 536.
- Darkened streets (see Lighting Restrictions).
- Darracq, A., and Co., Ltd., 718, 915, 933.
- Darracq ambulances, 70.
- Darwin, 204.
- Davey, Corpl. A. H., 862.
- Davis, A. H., 737.
- Daylight saving, 414.
- Dazzling lights (see Lighting).
- Deasy, Capt. H. H. P., 369.
- De Dion Bouton car, 162.
- De Dion Bouton car, 10 h.p. (details), 24.
- De Dion 8 cyl. engine, 29.
- Defence of the Realm Act, 826.
- Delage car, 14.
- Delahaye car, 20-30 h.p. (details), 409.
- Delahaye travelling workshops, 252.
- Delco starting and lighting system, 62.
- Demonstration cars, 886.
- Denham-Smith, J. D., 204.
- Dennett, H., 755.
- Dennis Brothers, 568, 848. ,
- De Palma, R., 859.
- Design (see also Standardization), 4, 6, 11, 31, 46. \7 49, 66, 85, 104, 138, 544, 562, 599, 673, 771, 789, 896, 922, 940, 944, 915-
- Deslys, Miss Gaby, 528.
- Detroit electric car, 841.
- Detroit electric car (details), 654.
- Detroiter car, 841.
- Devon and Cornwall A.C., 250.
- Dew, A. J., and Co., Ltd., 313.
- Dey Electric Vehicle-Syndicate, 266.
- D.F.P. car, 12-15 h.p. (details), 372.
- Dickenson, J. H. S., on Steel, 843. 860, 878, 808.
- Dimmers for car lights (see Lights).
- Distinguished Conduct Medal (see War Honours).
- Dixon, Scott, 121.
- Dixon, W., 320.
- Doctor’s car, the, 137, 174.
- Doctors’ chauffeurs, 794.
- Dodge car, 340, 414, G53, 670, 880.
- Dodge car, 30-35 h.p. (details), 60.
- Dodge car, 17-24 h.p. (details), 592.
- Dodson car, 620.
- Doors (see Coachwork).
- Dreadnought policies (see Lloyd’s).
- Drivers (see also Cab ; Chauffeurs), 74, 201, (>42.
- Drivers and the war, 34, 52, 97, no, 130, 158, 164,182, 193, 211, 248, 250, 270, 275, 408, 814, 824,866,905, 906.
- Drivers, blind, 608, 622, 663.
- Drivers, deaf, 670.
- Drivers, sight tests for, 136, 663.
- Driving, reckless (see also Speed, excessive), 140, 14), 310, 471, 595, 660, 837, P97, 898, 923.
- Drop forging (A. Stubbs), 341, 361, 378.
- Drunken drivers, 20, 568, 672, 776, 888.
- “Duco” metallic paste, 877.
- Du Cros, Arthur, 229.
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 221, 310, 313, 848, 915, 933.
- Dunlop tyres, 380.
- Dunlop tyre pressure gauge, 208.
- Duprez, Miss May M., 724.
- Duties (see Import duties).
- Dutton, J. R. 611.
- Dynamo lighting sets, 62, 247, 281, 338, 507, 561.
- Dynamos, 10, tor, 373, 410, 838.
- Dynamotors, 62, 558.
- "Dynauto” electric lighting motor, 99.
- E.R.C. lighting dynamo, 83S.
- Edge, S. F., 480.
- Edwards, H., 453.
- Egypt, 162, 603.
- Eight cylinder engines (see Engines).
- Electric Battery Co, (see E.B.C.).
- Electric Battery Vehicle (Warrilow), 13.
- Electric brake, 788.
- Electric ’buses, 21C, 246.
- Electric cabs, 770, 841.
- Electric cars, 266, 2S4, 302, 395, 454, 654, 734. 841.
- Electric horns (see Horns).
- Electric lighting (see Dynamos ; Accumulators).
- Electric starters, n, 31, 62, 101.
- Electrical equipment of cars, 922.
- Emmerson, E., 547.
- Empire car, 47.
- Employers and the war (sec also Badges), 292, 352, 375, 6S2.'
- Endorsement of licences (see Licences).
- Enemy aliens, 780.
- Enemy-owned companies, 456, 868, 886.
- Engine design, 944, 945-
- Engine design (A. P. Brush), 544, 562, 599.
- Engine design (McCall White), 305.
- Engine design (Vincent), 489, 73).
- Engine guarantee, 884.
- Engineering Institutions’ Volunteer Engineer Corps, 85 r.
- Engineering Standards Committee, 214.
- Engines, aero, 6x7, 857, 870, 91 j.
- Engines, brake mean effective pressure chart, 807.
- Engines, cooling of cylinders (Lanchester), 9x2, 03r, 949-
- Engines, cooling water in (Barrett), 509.
- Engines, eight-cylinder, 28, 0, 48, 68, 119, 138, 156, X75, 189. 104, 244. 297, 305, 323. 344. 36o, 379, 394, 414. 4E“i, 433. 45E 4S2, 458, 09, 508, 528, 543, 562, 582, 599, 752, KQI, 90S.
- Engines, flexibility of, 2.48, 304, 323, 344.
- Engines, horse-power rating, 172.
- Engines, lubricating of, 713.
- Engines, motor cycle, 248.
- Engines, running of, 84, 172, 508, 910, 944.
- Engines, six-cylinder, 415, 434, 452, 489, 528, 502.
- Engines, sleeve-valve, 633.
- Engines, starting of (see Starters).
- Engines, ten-cylinder, 487, 508, 528.
- Engines, twelve-cylinder, 414, 430, 433, 451, 158, 489, 653. 734-
- Engines, wear in, 709, 725, 746.
- Englebert Tyres, Ltd., 218, 394.
- Epicyclic gears, 11, 31, 43, 66, 85, 122, 138, 136, 174, 193-
- Equipment of the car, 80.
- Essex, views in, 663, 703, 799, 835.
- Excelsior car, 14.
- Exhaust, 249, 746.
- Exhaust gases, dangers of, 813.
- Exhaust silencers, 444.
- Exhibitions (see also American shows), 6, 459, 637, 788, 938-
- Exports and Imports (see Imports).
- Eyesight tests, 156.
- FARM WORK for motorists, 422.
- Fastener, spring button, 120.
- Fenestre Cadisch accessories, 99.
- Ferguson, Lady H. Munro, 359.
- Ferodo brake linings, 82. *
- Ferro 8 cylinder Vee engine, 194, 563, 752.
- Fiat car, 15-20 h.p. (details), 482.
- Fiat Motor Cab Co., Ltd., 366.
- Fiat Motors, Ltd., 144.
- Finland, motors in, 792.
- Fire engines, 714, 772, 852, 866.
- Fire, safety against, 504.
- Fires, 415,’437, 434-
- Fishing boats, motor, 808.
- Fleet, R., 123.
- Floods (see Roads).
- Flower Motor Ship Co., Ltd., 476.
- Flying Services Fund, 198, 500.
- Ford car, 322, 401, 739, 893.
- Ford, Henry, 67, 596, 706, 728, 740, 790, 830, 860.
- Ford Motor Co., 300, 451, 622, 653, 720, 806.
- Fords, i8r, 888.
- Ford tractors, 488, 528.
- Foreign made goods, 148.
- Forster Coull, J. L., 611.
- Fountains Abbey, 831.
- France, views in, 5, 10, 41, 59, 91. I3I, J49, --3, -49> 403. 573, 66r, 699, 741, 777, 847, 849.
- Franklin car, 184, 930.
- Freight exchange, 275.
- French army vehicles, 228, 412, 947.
- French Government and alcohol, 742.
- French President, 510. 527, 727-
- Fuels (see also Alcohol; Benzol ; Oil; Petrol ; Petroleum), 14, 72, 1S9, 370, 735.
- Fuel feed system (see Stewart).
- Fuel problem, solution of, 285.
- Fuels, leaders on, 93, 238, 702, 742, 941.
- Fuel tests, 285, 370, 396.
- Furber hand ambulance, 697.
- GARAGE, definition of, 75.
- Garages, 32, 158, 832.
- Garages, ventilation of, 815, 824.
- Gare, Sergt. P., .491.
- Gases, exhaust (see Exhaust).
- Gasoline (see Petrol).
- Gauge in inlet pipe, 84.
- Gearboxes, 118, 192, 232, 248, 267, 281, 301, 323, 344, 374, 392, 4 IT, 668, 675, 747, 7 4*. 89°> 928-
- Gear, cars left in, 815.
- Gear changing, 301, 323, 344- ,
- Gears (see also Change speed gears; Gear boxes, Epicyclic), 152, 708.
- General Motors Co., 698.
- George, Mr. Lloyd, 146, 405, 652, “17-
- German army vehicles, 416.
- German-owned companies (see Enemy-owned).
- Germany, American cars in, 310.
- Germany, a peaceful idyll in, 939.
- Germany's petrol and oil supply, 46, 160, 702, 7U.
- Germany’s rubber supply, 400.
- Germany’s tyres, 210, 276, 282, 7°+-
- Germany's war-worn cars, 416.
- Ghent, views in, 19, 443-
- Gibson, Prof. A. H., 324-
- Gifts, cars as, 115, 753-
- “Gipsy” motor van, 686.
- Glaring Headlights (see Lighting).
- Glasgow Tramway Battalion, 273.
- Gleason, C. H., on Spring Design, 789-
- Glidden trophy, 788.
- Gloucestershire, view in, 301.
- Gnome engine, So h.p. (details), 7. t'-
- Goggles, 102, 379.
- Goldsworthy, Mrs., 559.
- Golf courses, 187, 202.
- Goodrich (B.F.) Co., 622.
- Goods, delivery of (see Transport).
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., 107, 1S7, 472.
- Government controlled works (sec Munitions).
- Grand Prize, American (see America).
- Grant car, .17.
- Grant, H. (death of), 788.
- Gratae accessories, 101.
- Green aero engine, 617.
- Gregory, H. H., 834.
- Grey, Sir E., 625.
- Griffin and Co.’s accessories, 432.
- Grindrod, E. B., 380.
- Grosvenor Carriage Works, 402.
- Gruenewald, E., on Aluminium Alloy Pistons, 656.
- Guide to London, 86.
- Guns (see Armoured cars : Motor Machine Guns: Motor siege guns).
- G.W.K. car, 294.
- HALL and SONS’ accessories, 99, 310.
- Hall, D., 363.
- Hall, W. A., on Cracking of Oil>, 130.
- Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., 250, 586, 884, 902, 916.
- Hamilton, R. D., 233.
- Hampton Court Palace, 259.
- Harmens’ accessories, 99.
- Harris and Sons (see Briscoe car).
- Harrison, J. W., 345.
- Hartford electric brake, 788.
- Harvey, H., 629.
- Haynes Stellite Co., 859.
- Headlights, 80, 81, 83.
- Headlights, dazzling (s« Lighting; Prosecutions).
- Headlights, swivelling, 494, 595.
- Heavy Motor Traffic on Roads Committee (sec Traffic).
- Henderson, J. F., on Magnetic Ignition, 78, 102, 139.
- Hennessey, Sergt. J., 629.
- Herbert car, n-9 h.p. (details), 800.
- Herbert Frood Co., 82.
- Hermitage, Chief Petty Officer H., 881.
- Herschell-Spillman 8-cylinder engine, 68, 562.
- Herst, W. F., on Automobile Clutches, 808, 826.
- Hertfordshire, views in, 127, 853, 888.
- Herts County Automobile Club, 78, 550.
- Hertzmark engine starter, 100.
- High-speed, eight-cylinder, engine (D. McCall White), 305.
- High Tension Co.’s accessories, 101.
- Hill, Corpl. R., 417.
- Hilton, H. H., 204.
- Hindley and Sons, 736.
- Hobson (H. M.), Ltd., 252.
- Hobson plugs, 82, 754.
- Hodder, Corpl. H. G., 40.
- Holden, Col. H. C. L., 121, 293.
- Holden 3-wheeled car, 735.
- Holder, F., 453.
- Holland, views in, 903.
- Holmes, D. T., 121.
- Honolulu, motors in, 216.
- Honours (see War honours).
- Hoods, 539.
- Hooters (see Horns).
- Horns, 81, 299.
- Horns, electric, 101, 135, 299.
- Hoors, &c., use and abuse of, 571.
- Horse-drawn vehicles, 779, 895.
- Horseless Age, 807.
- Horse-power rating, 172.
- Homes, 840.
- Houk, G. W., on Wire v. Wood Wheels, 212.
- How I Freed the Bridges, 124.
- How motorists might water the roads, 249.
- “How to Win the War ” (see People’s Inquiry).
- Hudson car, 6-cylinder (details), 782.
- Humber car, 243.
- Humber car, 10 h.p. (details), 226.
- Humber, Ltd., 848, 884.
- Hume, Major, 480 ; Death of, 706.
- Hupmobile ambulance, 705.
- Hupmobile car, 16 h.p. (details), 260.
- Hupmobile engine, 344.
- Hurtu car, 14 h.p. (details), 926.
- Huxley, Miss Gladys, 656.
- Hyatt roller bearings, 263.
- Hyde Park, motor ’buses in, 7J9-
- IDEALS for the future (Leland), 49-
- Identification plates (see Number plates).
- Ignition (see also Magnetos), 10, 62, 102, 139, 392, 713, 94 + - , r
- Ignition spark plugs, 82, too, 690, 75 4-
- Imperial Motor Transport Council, 312, 323.
- Import duties (see also Petrol Tax), 688, 700, 720, 726, 728, 7§7, 9-24- 4
- Imports and exports, American, 68, 171, 234, 283, 395, 488, 541, 589, 596, 653, 671, 698, 787, 859, S94.
- Imports and exports British, 4, 36, 108, 180, 272, 310, 348, 420, 514, 516, 586. 636. f>98, ~oo, 758, 762, 830, 920.
- Imports, Australian, 830.
- Imports, Brazilian, 71 x.
- Index marks, 115, 250, 5G7, 694,
- India motors in, 55, 7b, 88, 197, 282, 300, 438, ,7, 476, 581, 842. 1
- Indianapolis 500-mile race, 322, 305 7««
- Indicators, 30.
- “Industrial army” badges (see Badges).
- Industrial Fair, 398, 93H.
- Industrial vehicles and the war, 6G2.
- Industry, future of the, 517, 63b, 904, 910.
- Industry, mobilization of (see Munitions; War and trade).
- Inflators (see Tyres),
- Ingestre, Lord (death of), 22.
- Inner tubes (see Tyres).
- Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 90.
- Institute of Industry, 712.
- Institute of Metals, 602, 862.
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 44, 90, 102, 106 115, 134, 158, 184, 198, 250, 324, 34L 398, 74l’, 75b! 790, 805, 843, 877, 912, 951.
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 324, 740.
- Institution of Petroleum Technologists, 72, 93, 97, 130.
- Insulation of sparking plugs, 754.
- Insurance, 478, 494.
- Invention, mobilisation of, 422, 452, 589.
- Invention, prejudice versus, 31, 66, 85, 104, 138.
- Inventors, 826.
- Irish Automobile Club, 176, 398, 471,
- Itala car, 14-20 h.p. (details), 390.
- Italy and the war, 328, 382, 397, 408, 581, 622.
- Italy, views in, 255, 353, 367, 385, 389) 407, 513, 681, 723, 919-
- JAMES, J. 159.
- Japan, motors in, 947, 951.
- Jarrott, Charles, 476, 684, 808.
- “Jeffery Quad,” 358.
- Johnson, Claude (see also “People’s Inquiry ”), 122.
- Joint Food Supply Committee, 257.
- Jordan, G., 69.
- Jottings of an Edinburgh, Citizen, 893.
- Judges, 452, 747, 816.
- “K. and W.” soap fountain, 327.
- Kelly lurry, 76;
- Kent and lighting laws, 496.
- Kent, Mr. Montague, 762.
- Khaki armlets (see Badges),
- “Killing hard labour,” ix, 31, 46, 66, 85, 104.
- King car, S-cylinder (details), 296, 908.
- King 8-cylinder engine, 48, 297, 908.
- King George V, 388, 549, 550, 567, 776, 947.
- King’s Bench (see Legal cases).
- Kitchener, Lord, 106, 495.
- Kitchens, motor (field), 44, 178, 250, 288, 398, 402, 530, 95b
- Klaxon horn, 81.
- Knight, C. Y., 219.
- Knight engine, 506, 541, 635, 894.
- Knox tractor, 396.
- Kremlin, cannon in the, 89,
- Kroll and Co.’s body-work, 134.
- LABORATORIES, motor, 308.
- Ladies Automobile Club, 78.
- Lamps (sec also Headlights ; Lights), Si, 187 338, 427.
- Lamps, position of, 293.
- Lanchester, F. W., 250, 877.
- Lanchester, F. W., on Cylinder Cooling, 912, 931,949.
- Lancia ear, 35 h.p. (details), 872, 890.
- Laon, views in, 59.
- Law (see Legal cases ; Legislation ; Prosecutions).
- Lawson, Corpl. J . A., 307.
- Leather, 541.
- Lectures and papers, 6, 13, 49, 72, 74, 78, 102, 106, 115, 130, 135, 144, 160, 184, 189, 205, 212, 231, 250. 264, 272, 285, 305, 321, 324, 341, 544. f>5(>, 673. 734, 740, 756, 789, 808, 843, 862, 877, 906, 912, 951.
- Legal cases, 218, 366, 456, 895, 902, 920.
- Legal cases (leaders on), 165, 313, 868, 886, 905.
- Legal prosecutions (see Prosecutions).
- Legislation (see Parliament ; Munitions).
- Leicestershire Automobile Club, 90, 144, 198, 420, 438, 439. 550, 712, 884.
- Leland, H. M., 234.
- Leland, H. M., on Ideals for the future, 49.
- Leon-Bollee car, 16 h.p. (details), 444.
- Lewes, Prof. V. B. (death of), 794.
- Lexington car, 538.
- Licences, 136, 156, 176, 364, 366, 398, 402, 434. 47b 56S, 581, 595, 608, 622, 648, 655, 658, 670, (>94- 7Ih- 718, 740, 747, 754, 772, 776, 803, 914, 93('h 954-
- Licences, endorsement of, 406, 814, 824.
- Licences, leaders on, 92, 406, 479, 60S, 814, 880
- Licences, statistics, 108, 352.
- Light cars, dynamo lighting set for, 5°7-, , , ..
- Lighting restrictions (see also Prosecu 104, 136, 137, 156, 174, 187, 19 b 198. 211, 299, 332, 362, 15b, 52-3, 653, 670, 711 82,8, 856, 859, 86l, 876, 93S, 946, 9-b
- Lighting restrictions (leaders on), 3- 9-’ 268, 276. 293, 424, (jl, 496, 590, 043 779, 798, 814, 851, 868, 887, 923
- Lighting systems for cars {see L
- Lighting-up times, 31, 362, 59°. °°4- 733 128, 232, 77b 14b, 743. 78, 2ffv 805, 1S2, 7<-b
- Lights (see Headlights; Lamps).
- Lights, dimmers (or, 314, 416, 442. 474, Not).
- Lights, rear, 2, 43, 56, 384, 664, 694, 7-i. 71°. 80S, 8So, S3 7.
- Lincolnshire Auto Club, 32.
- Lincolnshire, views in, 591, 1.27, 795.
- Lion-Peugeot ear, 12 h.p. (details), 102.
- Lloyd's “Dreadnought” policies, 494.
- Local Government Hoard, 370, 416, (>70.
- Locomobile engine, 545.
- Lodge plugs, 100.
- London County Council, 90, 97, 350, 527. 595, (>22, 772, S34.
- London County Council tramways (see also Strikes), 258, 308, 351, 369, 497, 518, 572. 779-
- London General Omnibus Co., 130, 142, 331, 350, 7J°> 756.
- London, Lord Mayor of (see Lord Mayor).
- London Volunteer Rifles, 487, 069.
- Lord Mayor of London, 733, 821, 88o, 956.
- Lord Mayor of Manchester, car for use of, 86.
- Lorraine-Dietrich car, 14-18 h.p. (details), 556.
- Lowe, J., 565.
- Lowings, G., 343, 773.
- Lozier, H. A., 506.
- Lubricants (see Oils).
- Lubrication, 25, 26, 133, 303, 579, 713, 910, 911.
- Lubrication of the Automobile, 713.
- Lucas (Joseph), Ltd., 310, 884.
- Lydiatt, T., 105.
- MACDONALD, Sir J. H. A., 160, 250, 442, 893.
- Mackinder, A., 953.
- Macnamara, Rt. Hon. T. J., 583.
- “Magnalite” pistons, 615, 771.
- Magnetic ignition (Henderson), 102, 139.
- Magnetos (see also Ignition), 26, 102, 209, 525.
- Mails by motor, 237, 266, 366, 536, 581, 733.
- Maintenance, car (cost of), 39.
- Malines, views in, 23, 27.
- Mallett, Miss, 294.
- Mamet shock absorber, 96.
- Maps, 86, 223, 272, 301, 337, 664, 712, 810, 839, 895.
- Market produce (see Transport).
- Markt and Co.'s accessories, 100.
- Marmon car, 322.
- Marmon engine, 345.
- Mascots, 81, 717, 834,
- Matthews, L. T., 3S1.
- Maxims, 640.
- Maxwell car, 18-22 h.p. (details), 520.
- May, A. J., 559-
- Maybach patents, 366.
- Mays-Smith, A. S., 204, 880.
- McIntyre Imp car, 47.
- McKenzie, S., 791.
- Mea magneto, 392.
- Mechanical Transport Column, 326, 677.
- Medals for war workers, 106.
- Medanich engine, 613.
- Mercedes car, 395.
- Mercedes' Daimler Motor Co., Ltd., 366.
- Mercedes engine, 857, 9x0.
- Mercedes, Herr Jellinek, 597.
- Mestre and Blatge accessories, 82.
- Metallurgique car, 178.
- Mexico to Vancouver (B.C.), 859.
- Middlesex County A.C., 250.
- Midland Automobile Club, 916.
- Military purposes, cars for (see also Ambulances), 35. 147, 14s, 160, 163, 205, 213, 252, 289, 309, 327, 347, 364, 510, 571, 604, 664, 669, 672, 683, 763, 947'
- Military purposes, motor cycles for, 1, 58, 161, 234, 319, '65, 803.
- Military purposes, motor lurries for, 321, 358, 365, 40I> 412,751,8136,875.
- Military transport, 130, 155, 164, 182, 193. 211, 228, 230, 236, 247, 248, 254, 267, 272, 275, 358, 365, 382, 401,-677-
- Milkman, motor cycle, 112.
- Milner, Sergt., 161.
- Milnes-Daimler lurry, 258.
- Mira dynamo, 101.
- Mirrors, 718.
- Mobilisation of invention (see Invention).
- Mobilisation of labour (see Munitions ; Strikes).
- Moline-Knight car, 674.
- Morris-Oxford car, 76.
- Mors car, 205.
- Morse cyclecar, 596.
- Moseley tyre, 380.
- Motor artillery (see Armoured cars ; Motor machine guns ; Motor siege guns).
- Motor boats (see also British Motor Boat Club ; Fishing boats ; Royal Motor Yacht Club), 108, 595, 880.
- Motor buffet. 866.
- Motor Car, The, 326.
- Motor cycle cut-outs, 643.
- Motor cycle rating (see also Brooklands), 7x0.
- Motor cycles (see also Bristol M.C.C.; Brooklands ; Military), 112, 535. f>i8, 672, 716, 852.
- Motor cycles, rear lights on. 664.
- Motor cyclists, 1, 58, 92, 97. 146, 161, 234, 349, 412, 471, 6x8, 676, 7>8, 753, 765, 792. 803.
- Motor fire engines (see Fire engines).
- Motor Machine Gun Service, 474, 508.
- Motor machine guns, 1, 58, 205.
- Motor ships, 72, 73, 47b, 862.
- Motor siege guns, 111.
- Motor spirit (see Fuels).
- Motor transport (see Military", transport; South Africa).
- Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd., 366.
- Motorist’s Battalion, 18 j.
- Motoring, suppression of, 850.
- Mudge, R. B., on Wood v. Wire Wheels, 231.
- Mudguards, 61, 78, 147, 337.
- Multi-cylinder engines, 43ft, 543-
- Municipal vehicles, 67, gtt, 106, 188, 298, 328, 364, 368, 618, 74°. 897, 914-
- Munitions of war (sec also Badges), 120, 220, 248, 268, 405, 422, 440, 497, 552, 566, 588, 589, 600, O62, 722.
- “Mustikon” tyre repair outfit, 542.
- NAIRN. C. W., 814, 824.
- Napier ambulances, 559, (>22, 693.
- Napier car, 89, 122, 217, 271, 289, 332, 352, 471, 398, , 487. 499. 513. 53L 532. 821, 757, 793, 811, 813, 817, 822, 901, 919. ,
- Napier (D.) and Sons, Ltd., 303, 494, 518, 804, 916, 956.
- Napier lurry, (12, 875.
- “Natalite,” 370, 398.
- National car, 47, 653, 859.
- National Efficiency League (see “People’s Inquiry”).
- National Guard Volunteer Corps, 236, 217, 250, 951. –
- National Motor Cab Co., Ltd., 348.
- National Motor Volunteer Force, 343.
- National Road Conference (see Roads).
- National Society of Chauffeurs (leaders on), no, 182, 40b, 408, 440, 814.
- National Society of Chauffeurs, Official notices— Weekly.
- Navy, skilled men for the, 79S.
- New Companies Registered—Weekly.
- New Forest, motoring in the, 833, 840.
- New Zealand and the war, 284.
- New Zealand, motoring, &c., in, 277, 289, 291, 533, 907.
- Nicholson, Corpl. C., 195.
- Night driving (see Lighting restrictions: Obstruction).
- Noble, F., 453.
- Noel, Adj. Aviateur L., 870.
- Noisy motor cars, 694.
- Non-skid devices, 82, 83, 211.
- Norman, P. Officer A., 529.
- Norman, Sir Henry, 415.
- Norris, C., 619.
- North British Rubber Co., Ltd., 198, 380, O40, O79.
- North Yorks. Automobile Club, 52, 856.
- Norway, motoring in, 187-
- Notes from New York—Weekly.
- Number plates, 480, 550, 778, 823, 837, 898, 914.
- OAKLAND car, 344, 377.
- Oakland car, 15-20 h.p. (details), 316.
- Oakland Motor Car Co., Ltd., 586.
- Obstruction, 90, 510, 600, 648, C55, 718, 780, 790, S03, 833, 856,-88o, 920.
- Oil, 72, 130, 310, 506.
- Oil, leaders on, 93.
- Oil pressure indicator, 30.
- Oil refining processes, 211, 238, 246, 284, 283, 735.
- Oldsmobile car, 47, 434.
- Oldsmobile car, 20 h.p. details!), 70'.
- Orde, J. W., 204.
- Orde, Lieut. H. W. J., 268. Death of, 370.
- Overland car, 175, 698, 77x, 816, f 25.
- Overland car, 15-20 h.p. (details) 468.
- Overland 4-cylinder engine, 544.
- Oversize tyres, 65.
- Owen, J., 827.
- Oylers, Ltd. (see Cavendish accumulators).
- PACKARD car (12-cylinder), 414, 451, 562, 770, 93° •
- Packard car, 12-cylinder (details), 430.
- Packard Co., 300, 506, 770.
- Page, Mrs. Herbert, 302.
- Paige-Detroit car, 47.
- Paint (see also Coachwork), 81, 340, 413.
- Palmer tyre, 11, 380.
- Palmer Tyre, Ltd., 916.
- Panama-Pacific Exposition, 788.
- Parent Tyre Co., Ltd., 915.
- Parks, motor traffic in, 719, 897, 924.
- Parliament, 868, 886, 901, 905.
- Parliament, Questions in, 32, 147, 158, 362, 452, 454, 456, 494, 733. 75C\ 776, 794. 812, 850, 868, 924. Passenger vehicles (see ’Buses ; Trams).
- Patents (sec also British Specifications published - Weekly), 366, 487.
- Pathfinder car, 47.
- Pedals, 191, 470, 731, 876.
- Pedestrians, 201, 239, 243, 60S, 636, 743, 920, 924, 930.
- “People’s Inquiry,” 560, 5S1.
- Peterborough Cathedral, 895.
- Petrol (see also Fuel), 68, 176, 21x, 229, 310, 602.
- Petrol-electric vehicles, 258.
- Petrol gauges, 691, 750.
- Petrol, price of, 32, 434, 488, 636, 735, 825, 894.
- Petrol processes (see Oil refining).
- Petrol supply, 46, 160, 238, 702.
- Petrol tanks, 153, (84, 504, 767.
- Petrol taxes, 304, 702, 714, 72b, 740, 744.
- Petrol war, 155.
- Petroleum (sec also Institute of Petroleum Technologists), I7i, 211, 238, 322, 600.
- Peugeot racers, 14, 15;, I76, 244, 246, 510, 734, 751, 787, 859.
- Phoenix car, 11-9 h.p. (details), 729-
- Phonophore dynamo lighting set, 561.
- Pickering, A., 737.
- Pilliod car, 189.
- Pilot electric horn, 135.
- Piston ring design, 945.
- Pistons, 262, 578, 583, 613, 63°, 656, 696, 771-
- Places of interest {see also Camera and the Car), 301, 612, 895.
- Ploughs, motor, 225.
- Plugs (sec Ignition).
- Plummer, Mr., 332.
- Police and motorists, 250, 282, 337, 471, 527, 530, 738, 805, 861, 862, S77, 894.
- Police and motorists (leaders on), 128, 1 46, 182. 923.
- Pomeroy, L. H., 44, 134-
- Portugal, motors in, 398.
- Postal services (see Mails). .
- Powerful lights (see Lights, dazzling).
- Prague, view in, 333-
- Pratts motor spirit, 32, 456.
- Press and motoring, 721.
- Price, C. E., 121.
- Prizes, 4, 6, 74, 78, 162, 476, 506, 508, 596, 604, 906.
- Prosecutions, legal, 12, 67, 106, 134, 135, 136, M», 158, 160, 162, 174, 176, 1S7, 198, 210, 229, 250, 308, 364, 366, 398, 402, 47r, 494, 527, 550, 568, 38r, 595, 100, 602, 608, 616, 6x8, 622, C30, 648, 655, 658, 664, 672, 676, 678, 692, 694, 708, 7x1, 712, 716, 718, 726, 738, 74°, 747, 753, 754, 756, 772, 776, 790, 803, 805, 808, 823, 824, 837, 839, 852, 861, 880, 895, 897, 898, 914, 916, 929, 936, 945, 951, 95 (•
- Prosecutions, legal (leaders on), 38, 75, 128, 146, 165, 479, 496, 'BSa, 798, 815, 886.
- Prussia, Prince Henry of, 160.
- Public service , vehicles (see also ’Buses; Traffic; Trams), 201, 779-
- Publications received—Weekly.
- Pullman car, 15-22 h.p. (details), 689.
- Pullman junior car (details), 132.
- Pullman road coach, 546, 714.
- Pumps, oil, 651.
- Pumps, tyre (see Tyre, pumps).
- Pump, water circulation, 152.
- Punch's Almanack, 839.
- Purchase, E. K., 264.
- Pynor, S., 559.
- Pyrene fire extinguisher, 143.
- QUEEN ALEXANDRA, 142, 408, 457, 492.
- Queen Mary, 351, 450, 490, 712.
- Queen Victoria Rifles, 302.
- Queen’s Own Yorks. Dragoons, 349.
- Questions and Answers, 84, 910.
- RACING and competitions, 941, 948.
- Racing tracks, new, 157, 300, 340, 384, 43.4, 524, 734.
- Radiators, 26, 173, 366, 401, 470, Sox, 858.
- Radius rods, 410.
- Rail-coach, Thomas transmission on, 448.
- Ranken, Capt. H. S., .458.
- Rapson, Staff-Sergt. F., 611, 629.
- Rayfield carburettor, 632.
- R.C.H. car, 15 h.p. (details), 241.
- “Rebak” detachable rims and wheel, 59S.
- Rebel-hunting by motor, 114.
- Reckless driving (see Driving).
- Records, American, 14.
- Red Cross (see Ambulancesj British Red Cross Society).
- Redneill, Sergt. R., 287.
- Reliance accessories, 120.
- Remy magneto, 209.
- Renault car, 620.
- Rendle, Corpl. (V.C.), 532.
- Repair, a makeshift, 875.
- Research, 396, 452, 7.43, 756.
- Resta, D., 157, 176, 244, 246, 734, 751, 787, 859.
- Retrospect, 940, 9.41.
- Reviews of books, 86, 121, 154, 324, 320, 550, 622, 713, 839, 893.
- Rheims Cathedral, 149, 154.
- Riche, Wallace E., on Good Roads, 393, 466.
- Riga, motors in, 194.
- Right of way, 534.
- Rims, detachable, 598.
- Ripley, Sergt. (V.C.), 532.
- Rittman oil refining process, 211, 238, 246, 264, 265, 322, 434, 5-24•
- Road Board, 688, 945.
- Road Board grants, 20, 29, 258, 510, 754, Sjo.
- Road Board (leaders on), 20, 200, 258, 606.
- Road classification, 607.
- Road cleaning (see Municipal vehicles).
- Road Conference (National), 321, 459.
- Roadfaring Guides, 324.
- Road improvements, 20, 550, 568, 600, 606.
- Road maintenance, 607, 778.
- Road signs, 211, 250, 282, 328, 451, 498, 644, 672, 740, 772, 808, 834, 951.
- Roads (see also Traffic), 337, 393, 466.
- Roads, American, 79, .413', 434, 506, 842, 876, 894.
- Roads, bad, 676, 772, 817, 907.
- Roads (bridges), 1.24., 250, 393. 79-1. 808, 862, 894. 897. 9l4- ' .
- Roads, Committee on Heavy Traffic (see Traffic. heavy).
- Roads, cross- (see Traffic).
- Roads damage to (see also Traffic, heavy, 70. 122, 176, 198, 337, 387, +59. 93^-
- Roads, dangerous, 395. 9Ib-
- Roads, flooded, 9, 22. 40, 52, 127, 757, 9L-
- Roads, French, 07, 225, 573, 947-
- Roads, how motorists might water, 249.
- Roads Improvement Association, 122, 256, 298, 310, 350, 393, 466, 778-
- Roads, leaders on, 20, 256, 459, 006, 007, 77“. 33-
- Roads, new, 1S7, 250, 400, 416.
- Roads, prohibited, 90.
- Roads, Scottish, 350, 630, Sq7.
- Robertson, Corpl. R., 87.
- Rogers, F. W., 791.
- Roller bearings, 263.
- Rolls, the late Hon. C. S., 500.
- Rolls-Royce ambulance, 45. x
- Rolls-Royce car, 276, 304, 314, 382, 495, 527, 532, 831-
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 18, 72, 422, 550.
- Rossel car, 12-16 h.p. (details), 301.
- Rotax accessories, 82.
- Rover Co., Ltd., 567, 812.
- Royal Automobile Club :—
- - country clubhouse, 199, 202, 240.
- - fuel test, 396.
- - leaders on, 56, 257, 293, 441, 458, 760, 796, 9
- - Illegal department, 290, 299, 314, 914.
- - membership and house facilities, 32, 56, 294, 352, 500, 76c, 796, 914. official tests, 59S, 616, 69S.
- - publications, 29.
- - Sunday concerts, 130.
- - war, members and the, 32, 257, 442, 458, 479, 486, 636, 664, 772, 834.
- Royal Motor Yacht Club, 32, 142, 236.
- Royce, F. H., 422.
- Rubber, 400.
- “Rubberine,” 357, 438.
- Rubber substitute, 506.
- Rudge-Whitworth detachable wheels, 31 44, 66 13S.
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., 812.
- Rumsey, H., 15.
- Rushmore self-starter, 101.
- Russell, Gen. Baird, 121.
- Russia, ambulances for, 54, 476, 624, 636.
- Russia, motoring in, 89, 901.
- Russian army, motors for, 248, 660, 664, 740, 812.
- Russian Government and alcohol fuel, 604.
- Russian honours for drivers, 626.
- Russia’s day, 820.
- Rye, Sussex, 295.
- SAFETY fuel tank, 504.
- Salisbury to Cape Town by car, 813, 817, 822.
- Salmons and Sons (see also King car), 772.
- “Sampson” inner tube repair kit, 786.
- Scholarships, 97.
- Schrader tyre pressure gauge, 98.
- Scientific chassis construction (Brush), 673.
- Scotch humour, 608.
- Scotland, lighting regulations in, 332, 362, 754, 895.
- Scottish Automobile Club, 200, 201, 230, 304, 337, 362, 386, 805, 895.
- Scripps-Booth car, 659, 870, 930.
- Scripps-Booth car (details), 425.
- Searchlight, motor, 751.
- Seats (see Coach work).
- Seattle to New York, 841.
- Secondhand cars, 667, 709, 725.
- Self-starters (see Starters).
- Seligman, C. D., 204. -
- Sexton, Arthur (see also National Society of Chauffeurs). 935.
- Sheepshead Bay motor track, 734, 751, 787, 859.
- Sheffield and District A.C., 530, 548.
- Sheffield children and the war, 534.
- Sheffield Simplex car, 64, 124, 528, 842.
- “Shell" Transport and Trading Co., Ltd., 438.
- “Shells!" 600.
- Shock absorbers, 96, 99, 100.
- Shropshire Auto Club, 694.
- Siam, motors in, 352.
- Siddeley-Deasy car, 85.
- Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Co., Ltd., 956.
- Siege guns (see Motor siege guns).
- Sign posts (see Road signs).
- Simms vulcanizer, 230.
- Simplex motor, 876.
- Singer car, 47.
- Singer cyclecar, 647.
- Six-cylinder engines (see Engines).
- Six, Eight or Twelve Cylinders (J. G. Vincent), 489, 732-
- Sizaire-Berwick car, 126, 249, 259, 527, 727, 883.
- Sizaire-Berwick car, 20 h.p. (details), 150.
- Skefko ball bearings, iox.
- Smith, Corpl. H., 629.
- Smith (G. H.) and Co.’s accessories, 100.
- Smith, R. J., i2i.
- Smith (S.) and Sons’ accessories, 83.
- Smith (S.) and Sons, Ltd., 514, 680, 698.
- “Snakes!” 676.
- Snelling oil refining process, 264.
- Snercold safety device, 304.
- Society of Automobile Engineers (see America).
- Society of Model and Experimental Engineers, 24S.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 108. 144. 203, 214, 220. 290, 390, 452, 494, 566, 688, 743, 756, 772. 776, 792. 861, S73, 8S0, 884, 942, 947, 951.
- Some reasons for large tyres, 804,
- South Africa and the war,' 114, 125, 289. 3-7. 3')7. '>87, 763, 764.
- South Africa, motoring in, 166, 371, 757, 813, 817, 822.
- South Africa, with the “M.T.” in, Oio, 628, 6(>6, 705,
- Spain, King ot, 124.
- Spain, motors in, 32S, 360, 187. 395. 828.
- Spare tyre and rim carriers, 318, 338, 393, 692.
- Sparking plugs (see Ignition).
- Sparton horns, 299.
- Special constables, 423, 554.
- Speed, excessive, 38, 310, 386, 407, 310, 316, 642, 672, 67S, 683, 692, 712, 716, 743, 7 47, 77-, 790, 805, 812. 814, 897, 924, Q29, 932.
- Speed limits, 136, 408, 420, 530, 382, 596, 630, 71*. 74°, 753. 772, 812, 840, S56, 897.
- Speed limits, applications, 337, 57b, 803, 808, 823, 834, 951-
- Speed limits (leaders on), 314, 552, 644, 701, 814.
- Speed limits, new, 602', 616, 018, 648, 776.
- Speed limits refused, 67, 630, 951.
- Speed limits, Scottish, 386, 550.
- Speed limit summonses (see Prosecutions).
- Spence, W. R., 437.
- Spies, motoring, 58, 75, 86, 104, 138.
- Splitdorf magneto, 102, 525.
- Spring button fastener, 120.
- Spring Design (C. H. Gleason), 780.
- Spring wheels (see Wheels).
- Springs (see also Shock absorbers; Suspension), 47, 411, 4 46, 464, 522, 539, C75, 730.
- Spyker car, 20 h.p. (details), 577.
- Stamp, Staff-Sergt. J., 666.
- Standard car, 543, 652, 794, 862, 8 7.
- Standardization (see also Engineering Standards Committee), 104, 122, 234, 331, 360, 394, 398, 8o6> 876.
- Standards for ball bearings, 101, 144.
- Stanley, Hon. Arthur, 39.
- Stanley, Sir A. L. and Lady, 559.
- Stanton, A. T., 455.
- Star ambulance, 597.
- Star lurry, 829.
- Star Motor Works Co., Ltd., 254.
- Starters (see also Electric), 100, 304, 696.
- Statistics, American, 6, 68, 136, 171, 300, 614, 785. 876, 894.
- Statistics, British (see also Accidents; Imports; Licences ; Traffic), 282, 308, 856.
- Statistics, French, 776.
- Statistics, Spanish, 82S.
- Stearns car, 635.
- Steel, 859.
- Steel for Automobile Construction (J. H. S. Dickenson), 843, 860, 878, 898.
- Steel research, 756, 861, S75.
- Steering gear, 151, 594, 725, 746, 748, 750, 891.
- Steering wheels, 25, 261, 502, 650, 690,-767, 908.
- Steinmetz, Dr. C. P., 266.
- Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, Ltd., 884.
- Stevens fuel process, 735.
- Stewart, Sergt.-Major R. Gordon, 666.
- Stewart vacuum fuel feed, 344, 360, 376.
- Stockton and District Automobile Club, 648.
- Stone, Miss D., 880.
- Storage, winter, 832.
- Stories from “Somewhere Over There,” 693, 727.
- Storrar, R., 583.
- Strachan and Brown coachwork (see also Brown, Hughes and Strachan), 724.
- Straker-Squire car, 88, 324.
- Straker-Squire, Ltd., 180, 218, 236, 622.
- Streatham and District M.C.C., 710.
- Street cleaning (see Municipal vehicles).
- Street lighting (sec Lighting restrictions).
- Street refuges (see Traffic).
- Strikes, 129, 146, 157, 221, 351, 369, 404, 49s.' 5 18.
- Stubbs, A., on Drop Forgings, 324, 361, 378.
- Studebaker car, 671, 724.
- Studley Park, 759-
- Stutz car, 14, 488, 735, 751.
- Submarine as mascot, 834.
- Sunbeam car, 35, 7s, 235, 416. 7i7, 825.
- Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., 812, 84 K.
- Sunbeam racer, 859.
- Surrey, views in, i8r, 240, 424, 877.
- Suspension (see also Springs), 42, 133, 242, 445, 377, 673, 691.
- Sussex, views in, 294, 315, 519, 537, 555. 6<>9-
- Sutton Coldfield A.C., 86, 90.
- Swift car, 73, 77, 94-
- Swift car, ro h.p. (details), 190.
- Swift Co., Ltd., 640, 902.
- Switchboards, 83.
- Switzerland, motors in, 776.
- TALBOT ambulance, 622.
- Talbot car, 114.
- Taxation (see also Import duties ; Petrol), 136, 630.
- Taxation, leaders on, r63, 607, 700.
- Taylor, Corpl., 412.
- Technical problems (see Design; Questions and Answers).
- Temperature Regulation of Cooling Water Barrett] 500.
- Ten-cylinder engine- (see Engines}.
- Tendemics of motor ear design. 4', Hqf», 040.
- Tests (s«y also Fuel), V|(>, jqS, »»n>, «s)H, 's». 770, ,\u
- Testing hill, steel, >41.
- Tewkesbury Abbev, 301.
- Theft, 2S3.
- Third-party risks, K15.
- Thomas transmission, 4;>.
- Thornycroft, John I., Co., Ltd., 290, 410, 722, 902.
- Thornycroft lurries, 365.
- Three-wheeled vehicles, 396, 733.
- Tilling (Thomas), Ltd., 32S.
- Times, The, 14.'.
- Toll bridges, 350.
- Tolls, 834.
- Tools, 100, 508.
- Torque, 75 2.
- Torque rods, n8, 374, 746.
- Touring, 483, 362.
- Touring, Inexpensive Motor, 550.
- Tracks, motor (see Racing tracks).
- Tractor, military, 358.
- Tractors, American, 396, 413.
- Tracy, C. J., 611, 629.
- Trade marks, 148.
- Traffic (see also Accidents, America), 377.
- Traffic at cross-roads, 387, 398, 534, 803.
- Traffic, Board of Trade Report, 58, 93.
- Traffic control (see also Road signs ; Speed limits 14, an, 250, 534, 608, 636, 812, 814, 851, 895.
- Traffic, goods (see Transport).
- Traffic, heavy (see also Roads, damage to), 171.), to.- 248, 37o, 747.
- Traffic obstruction (see Obstruction).
- Traffic, passenger (see also ’Buses; Trams), 58, 331 350, 497, 528-
- Traffic, speed of (see Speed).
- Traffic statistics, 58, 113, 318.
- Traffic, street refuges, 243.
- Trams (see also London County Council), 140, 397, 404 648.
- Transmission (see also Gear boxes; Gears), 24, 24. 243, 448, 465, 732, 746, 9io.
- Transport of goods, 257, 274.
- Transport, military (see Military).
- Trask, W., 204.
- Trials (see also Tests), 38, 930.
- “Triplex” glass accessories, 102, 379, 494, 584,
- Triumph motor cycle, 852.
- Twelve-cylinder engines (see Engines).
- Tyler, F. C., 435.
- Tylor engine, 450.
- Tyre filling, 357.
- Tyre grip, 83.
- Tyre inflation, 319, 380.
- Tyre mileage, n, 67, 85, 384.
- Tyre pressure gauges, 98, 208.
- Tyre pumps, 101, 319.
- Tyre repair, 542, 786.
- Tyres (see also Dunlop; Palmer; Vanadium), 47: 602, 947.
- Tyres, care of, 39.
- Tyres, cost of, 76, 313.
- Tyres, large (some reasons for), 801.
- Tyres, life of, 70, 187, 506.
- Tyres, size of, 65, 104, 108, 122, 214, 804.
- Tyrol, views in, 222, 867, 871.
- UNIVERSAL joints, 207, 335, 483, 579.
- “Universal” vulcanizer, 230.
- Upton, E., 215.
- VACUUM fuel feed (see Stewart).
- Vacuum Oil Co., 713,
- Valve caps, seizing of, 877.
- Valves, 18, 261, 650, 708, 731, 7OS, 911.
- Valves, broken, 615, 875.
- Valves, grinding of, 344, 379, 415, 433.
- Valves, wear in, 708, 910.
- Vanadium tyres, 414.
- Vanderbilt Cup race, 79, 134, 176, 244, 788.
- Vandervell Co. (see also C.A.V.), 585.
- Vane, H. T., 303.
- Vauxhall car, i6Ci, 763, 865.
- Vauxhall car, 35 h.p. (details), 278.
- Vauxhall Motors (1914), Ltd., 254, 270, 282.
- Ventilation (see Garages).
- Victor Tyre Co., Ltd., 218, 360, 394, 604.
- Victoria, Auto. Club of, 183.
- Victoria Motor and Cycle Co., Ltd., 884.
- Vincent-Hollier car (details), 748.
- Vincent, J. G., on Multi-Cylinder Engines, 489 734
- Vinot car, 12-14 h.p. (details), 168.
- Volunteer Motor Mobilisation Corps, 298, 39°-
- Vulcan car, 20-25 h.p. (details), 818.
- Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd-i lb 902.
- Vulcanizer, 230.
- WAKEFIELD, Sir Charles C.. 71b 88o> ‘r>
- Wakefield (Sir Charles) prize, 162.
- Waldron, Rev. A. J., 498.
- Wales, view in, 802.
- Walker, M. Levett Co., 771.
- Wallace, T., 845.
- War, the, 66, 67, 76, 94, 97, 1x4. 13°, 155, 157, 160,. 163, 193, 2X1, 2X6, 223, 225, 228, 230, 248, 267, 273, 282, 302, 321, 349, 382, 397, 416. 461, 503. 53f>, 5*2. O03, 610, 629, 637, 660, 664, 666, 669, 677, 684. 687, <*)3, 705, 706, 7x5, 723, 763. 764, 765. 866.
- War casualties, 388, 415, 438, 442, 460, 480, 500, 536, 554. 576, 590, 613, 626, 644, 664, 688, 718, 744, 762, 786, H03, 823, 834, 897.
- War honours, 40, 250, 268, 412, 486, 572, 590, 626, 823, *52.
- War (leaders on), 21, 56, 57, 58, 92, no, in, 129, 130, 147, 182, 221, 257, 258, 275, 292, 294, 368, 387, 422, 146, 458, 479. 5i6, 534. 57r, 606, 624, 625, 662, 682, 722, 780, 796, 851.
- War, the, and Trade, 45, 148, 220, 360, 368, 394, 404, 405, 51. 5X7. 57o, 588, 396, 636, 662, 823, 904, 940, 948.
- War workers’ badges (see Badges).
- Warland Dual Rim Co., 415, 437.
- Warmington Old Church, 897.
- Warren's Map Guide, 86.
- Warrilow, W. E., on Commercial Electric Battery Vehicle, 13.
- Warwickshire, views in, 37, 219, 313.
- Water circulation, 152.
- Watering roads from exhaust, 249.
- Waterloo Centenary, 428.
- Waters, Corpl. F., 5x1.
- Waters, John, 864.
- Watkins and Doncaster (see Itala car).
- Watt, H., 121.
- Wear and tear, 667, 709, 725, 746-
- Weaver, C., 899.
- Webb, C. J., 762.
- Wellcome Bureau ambulance body prizes, 4.
- Wells, H. G., 422.
- Wensley, C., 601. >
- Westinghouse dynamo (see British Westinghouse).
- Westminster, Duchess of, 45.
- What sells a car, 175, 232, 284, 302.
- Wheels, detachable (see also Rudge-Whitworth), 598.
- Wheels, spring, 616.
- Wheels, wire v. wood, 212, 231.
- Whitby Abbey, 73.
- White, D. McCall, on Eight-cylinder Engine, 305.
- White, F. A., on Battlefields of the Marne, 223.
- Whitla, Mrs. Violet, 467.
- Willys, John T., 740, 825.
- Willys-Knight car, 541.
- Willys-Overland car, 137.
- Wilson, A. J., 221.
- Winchelsea, 609.
- Wind screens, 99, 470, 52r, 654.
- Windows, 80, 99.
- Windsor Great Park, motoring in, 675.
- Winter requirements and storage, 832.
- Wire wheels (see Wheels).
- Wise, H. B., 659.
- Wolseley ambulances, 104, 362, 437.
- Wolseley car, 18, 55, 148, 2S9, 447, 513, 683, 775, 847.
- Wolseley lorries, 254, 866.
- Wolseley motor kitchen, 250.
- Wolseley Motors, Ltd., 144, 549, 550.
- Wolseley suspension, 42.
- Wolseley workshops, 600.
- Wolverhampton and District Engineering Society, 13.
- Woman tester, 293.
- Women and the Roads (Riche), 393.
- Women and the war, in, 158, 248, 842, 031-
- Women conductors, 779, 812, 852, 029.
- Women drivers, 398, 494, 327, 536, 616, 712, 753, 805, 839, 8S0, 906, 932, 951, 954-
- Women motor cyclists, 618, 672.
- Women taxi-drivers, 158, 398, 452, 733-
- Women’s Automobile Club, 308.
- Woodgate, F. J., 33.
- Woollen, T. H., 272.
- Worby, Corpl. H., 269.
- Worcestershire, views in, 612, 652.
- Workmen and the war (see Badges; Munitions; Strikes).
- Workshops, motor field, 252, 3 47, 616, 638.
- Wounded soldiers’ outings, 398, 420, 438, 139, 159, 461, 472, 476, 4S7, 508, 512, 515, 566, 582, 684, r»94, 740, 762, 803, S40, 8S4, 914.
- YEARSLEY, W., 677.
- Yorkshire Automobile Clubs, 142, 314.
- Yorkshire, views in, 73, 77, 481, 831, 885, ,
- Young Men’s Christian Association, 360.
- Ypres, views in, 109, 113.
- ZENITH carburettor, 83, 186, 261, 5S0, 784,
- Zenith sidecar, fi47.
- 'Zoline' fuel, 14.
See Also
Sources of Information