The Engineer 1934 Jan-Jun: Index

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- Abitibi Canyon Power Development Scheme, 72, 78
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., Tubes, B.I.F. Suppt., February 16th, 1934, ii
- Accles and Shelvoke, Ltd., Cable Spiking Gun, B.I.F., 194
- Admiralty Engineering Laboratory, Air Flow Meter, 635
- Airspeed, Ltd., " Courier " Passenger Carrier, 6, 8
- Alexander, George H., Machinery, Ltd., A.B. Plate Gauges, B.I.F., 222; Rockwell " Superficial ' Hardness Tester, B.I.F., 222
- Alexander, W., Supreme Vortex Dust Separator, 437
- Allan, J. F., Scale Effect in Screw Propellers, 371
- Allen, W. H., Sons, and Co., Ltd., High-speed Locomotive Type Oil Engine, 439; Pumping Plant at Brixton Pumping Station, 408; Turbine-driven Pump, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi 3in. Omniduktor Pump, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi; 50-kW Turbo-generator, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi; 150 B.H.P. Steam Engine, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, v
- Allied Steel Scaffolding Co, Ltd., Tubular Scaffolding at Blythswood Shipbuilding Yard, 562
- Alonso, J. Martin, A Buttress Dam, 269
- Alpha Engineering Co, 21 B.H.P. Petrol Engine, 384
- Alumilite, Gower Process for Colouring Aluminium, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- American Rail Purchases, 262
- American Railway Engineering Convention, 402
- Andrade, Professor E. N. da C., Friction, 595
- Anemostat (Scotland), Ltd., Ventilation Equipment at Parkhead Garage, 636
- Apishapa River, Rook-filled Basket Cribbing on, 628
- "Arcwear" Machinery for Steamship, 76, 77
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Constant Power Control for Oil-electric Locomotive, 79; Oil-electric Shunting Locomotive, 208; Run of " Universal " Oil Locomotive, 637; Sixty-seater Railbus, 8
- Armstrong-Whitworth Stainless Steel Seaplane Floats, 48
- Ashfield, Lord, Practical Aspects of the London Passenger Transport Problem, 243
- Ashington Coal Cleaning Plant, Goodall, Clayton and Co., Ltd., 39, 44
- Ashwell and Nesbit, Ltd., "Iron Fireman" for Furnace Charging, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii " Runwell " Semi-rotary Wing Hand Pumps, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii
- Associated Equipment Co, Ltd., Express Railcars for G.W.R., 662
- Aswan Dam, 56 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Audley Engineering Co, Ltd., Disc Valve, B.I.F., 223
- Automatic Electric Co, Ltd., Control Room at Bristol, 52 .
- Aveling and Porter, Ltd., Rollers, Road and Grass, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Babcock Style 28 Stoker, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i; Flash Welded Economiser Unit, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i; Oil Burner with Air Control Box, 13.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i; Plant at Barking Power Station, 115-121 (Two-page Supplement, February 2nd, 1934)
- Bacon, Professor Frederic, Cracking and Fracture Caused by Fatigue and Corrosion, 634
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., Oil-engined Locomotives for India, 536; 2-8-0 Locomotive for Udaipur Chitogarh Railway, India, 181 Bankside Power Station Control Room, 426
- Barendrecht Lift Bridge, 580, 582
- Barimar Ltd., Anti-corrodible Cylinder Liners, 437; Barimar Process for Repair of Scored Cylinders, 612; Welding Bells of Blythburgh Church, Suffolk, (338)
- Barking Power Station, County of London Electric Supply Company, 115-121, 124, 144, 150, 168 (Two-page Supplement, February 2nd, 1934)
- Barking Power Station, 75,000-kW Turbo-Alternator Set, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 10, 11, 14
- Bastian and Allen, Ltd., Automatic Electric Boiler Plant in Factory, 259
- Baxter, F. L., Locomotive Crank Axles, 646
- Beauharnois Power Scheme, Generator Shafts for, English Steel Corporation, 130
- Beche and Grohs, Double-tup Forging Hammer, 258
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., " Pneumatic Twenty " Portable Spray Plant, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34,
- Benjamin Electric, Ltd., Light Testing Equipment, (362)
- Benson Boiler and Power Stations, Dr. F. Ohlmuller, 197
- Kirks, F. M., Gasworks Practice, 432, 436, 460
- Birmabright, Ltd., Corrosion Resisting Aluminium Alloy, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Birmingham Aluminium Castings Co (1903) Ltd., Light Pistons for Oil Engines, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Annealing Furnace, B.I.F., 195; Electric Furnaces, B.I.F., 195
- Blackburn Meadows Power Station, 11 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Blackburn " Perth " Coastal Defence Flying Boat, 47
- Boley, G., Precision Lathe, 274
- Bragg, Sir William, Principles of Refrigeration, 477
- Brazilian Central Railway Electrification, 653
- " Brighton," Cross-Channel Steamer, 18, 19
- Brimsdown Power Station, Extensions at, 378, 381 (Two-page Supplement, April 13th, 1934)
- Bristol "Perseus" Air-cooled Sleeve Valve Engine, 46
- Bristol "Phoenix" Air-cooled C.I. Engine, 46
- Britannia Tube Co Ltd., Cold-drawn Steel Tubes, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- " British Coast," Husun Admiralty Echo Depth Indicator on Motor Coasting Vessel, 234
- British Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., Auto-matic Flash Welder, B.I.F., 196; Wire Welder, B.I.F., 196
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham, 192, 220 (Eight-page Supplement, February 16th, 1934) (Eight-page Supplement, February 23rd, 1934)
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Butt Welding Machine, 562
- British Oil Burner Manufacturers' Association, Ltd., Formation of, 217
- British Oxygen Co, Ltd., Portable Straight Line Oxy-Acetylene Cutter, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i; Welding Apparatus, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i; 1000 B.H.P. Oil Engine, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 50
- British Sangamo Co, Ltd., Polyphase kW-hour Meter, B.I.F., 220; Single-phase Watt-hour Meter, B.I.F., 220
- British Smoke Eliminator, Ltd., Reduction of Boiler Smoke, 439
- British Tabulating Machine Co Ltd., the Hollerith Tabulator, 101 (Two-page Supplement, January 26th, 1934)
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Fractional Horse-power Geared Motor Units, 412; Geared Electric Motor Units, 158; Mazda Morcra Lamp, B.I.F., 195; Pressure and Float Switches, 463; Protective Panels for Crane Motors, 563; Simple Radiation Relay, 37; Thyratron - controlled Spot Welder, 36; Turbo-alternators in Paper Mills, 209; 75-kVA Mining Transformers, 438; 75,000-kW Turbo-generators at Barking Power Station, 144, 145
- British Trane Co, " Univectairs " in Food Factory, 612
- Brixton Pumping Station, Pumping Plant by W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 408
- Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd., Four-high Cold Strip Rolling Mill, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, ii; Guillotine Shears, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, ii
- Broughton, H. H., Moving Forms for Concrete Construction, 451
- Brown, C. A. Cameron, Pumps for Deep Farm Wells, 638
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., Two Helical Gear Wheels, 385
- Bruce Peebles and Co, Ltd., Rectifier for Battery Charging, 513
- Bruntons (Musselburgh), Ltd., Wire Bend-testing Machine, 234
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co, Ltd., 2500-kW Motor Converters, 106
- Burgin, Dr. E. L., Address to London Iron and Steel Exchange, " Place of Iron and Steel in Trade Recovery," 595
- Burrard Bridge, Vancouver, 23
- Burns Philp Liner " Malaita," 18 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Callender Electrical Transmission Research Laboratories, 656, 659
- Callenders Cable and Construction Co, Ltd., Cable Laying in Rural Districts, 654
- Cambridge Instrument Co, Ltd., CO2 Metering Unit, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii; Gas Testing Apparatus, 37; High-speed Cathode Ray Oscillograph, :37; Portable Pressure Recorder, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii; Scientific Instruments, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Cambridge University Engineering Department, Time Effect in Testing Metals, H. Quinney, 332
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd., Gas-heated Circulator, B.I.F., 193; " Quickstone " Plating Barrel, B.1.F., 193
- Carron Co, Ltd., Drop Forgings, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Catterson Smith, Professor J. K., 7-kW Three-phase Glass Bulb Rectifier, 70
- Chapelon, Monsieur Andre, Projected Compound Locomotive, 180
- Chard, F. de la C., Capacitator Extensometer, 635
- China, Engineering Developments in, Professor C. A. Middleton Smith, 532
- Chiswick Research Laboratories of Institution of Automobile Engineers, 263
- Chloramine Process of Water Treatment, Paterson Engineering Co Ltd., 178
- Chromium Portable Plater Sales Company, Portable Electrical Apparatus for Chromium Plating, 636
- Cierva Direct-control Wingless Two-seater Autogiro, 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Clatteringshaws Dam on Galloway Water Power Scheme, 52
- "Cook o' the North," Mr. H. N. Gresley's 2-8-2 Locomotive for L.N.E. Railway, 550, 551; Trial, 645
- Concrete Proofing Company Ltd., Gunite, Cement-Gun Work, (268)
- Cooke, Troughton and Simms, Ltd., Tavistock Theodolite, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii; Vickers Projection Microscope, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii.
- Cosulich Liner "Oceania," 20 (Supplement, January 6th, 1934)
- County of London Electric Supply Company, Barking Power Station, 115-121, 124 (Two-page Supplement, February 2nd, 1934), 144, 150, 168
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., 9 B.H.P. Petrol Engine, B.I.F., 193; 66 B.H.P. Four-cylinder Petrol Engine, B.I.F., 193
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Cold Roll Mill Drive and Barring Gear, 180; Electro-pneumatically Controlled Bar Skimming Machine, 478
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Portable Multi-range " Tong Test " Ammeters, 70
- Crompton-Parkinson Power Factor Demonstrator, 51
- Cull, H.J., Eduction for the " Brave New World," 549
- Cunard Liner, 73,000-ton liner " No. 634," 17 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934), 139, 217, 343, 367
- Daimler Benz Company, High-speed Oil Engines for Railcars, 128
- Dampney, J., and Co., Ltd., Apexior Tube Sprayer, 463
- Daniels, T. H., and J., Plastic Moulding Plant. B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii; Preheating Furnace, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii; Presses, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii
- Danish State Railways, Electrification of, English Electric Co, Ltd., 286
- Dantzig Electricity Works, Gas Supply from Hydro-electric Works, 261
- Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., 200 B.H.P. Eight-cylinder Oil Engine, 261
- David, Professor, W. T., Temperature and Latent Energy in Flame Gases, 558
- Davy, C. H., Welded Boiler Drums and Steam Receivers, 122
- Delaware and Hudson Railway, 4-8-0 Triple-expansion Locomotive, 530, 534
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., Oil-electric Ferry Boats, " Queen Margaret " and " Robert the Bruce," 260
- Denver, Hydraulic Jump at, Ivan E. Houk, 91, 98
- "Devon City" Reardon Smith Motor Cargo Liner, 18
- Dewrance and Co., Ltd., High-pressure Testing Boiler, 589
- Dick, R. and J.,Ltd., Belting, B.I.F., 220
- Dickinson, H. V., Evolution of Invention, 100, 107; (Leading Article, 99)
- Digby, W. Pollard, Human Factor in Arc Welding, 652
- Digby, W. P., and J. W. Patterson, Accelerated Tests of Paints for Steelwork, 586, 610
- Diskus-Werke, Surface Grinder, 275
- [[Distillers Co[[, Ltd., Engine Fuel " Cleveland-Disiol," 148
- Donaldson, Captain J. M., Water Circuit Breakers at St. Albans, Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., 512
- Dowling, John J., S. M. Dixon, and M. A. Hogan, Fatigue Tests on Hard Drawn Steel Wire, 424
- Downton, Electricity Supply at, 160 H.P. "Brush" Four-cylinder Oil Engine, 261
- Doxford 2900 S.H.P. Oil Engine, 77, 78
- Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co, Ltd., Hydraulically Formed Bellows, 68; Inverted Bucket Steam Trap, 537; Split Potential Tele-transmission System, 68
- Drysdale and Co Ltd., " Vampire " Vacuum Pump, 259
- Du-Plat-Taylor, M., Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France, 426
- Dunston Power Station, 11 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Dynameg, Ltd., Portable Ohmmeter, 286
- Earle, Bourne and Co., Ltd., Yellow Metal and Copper Tubes for Locomotives, Condensers, eec., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Ebbisham, Lord, Presidential Address to Advertising Convention, 595
- Electric Furnace Co, Ltd., High-frequency Electric Furnaces at Works of Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd., 400
- Electroflo Meters Co, Ltd., Control Pyrometer, B.I.F., 192; Gasholder Indicator, B.I.F., 192; Gasholder Signalling Transmitter, B.I.F., 192
- Electromersible Motors and Pumps, Ltd., Submersible Motor-driven Pumps, 349
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Maximum Demand Recording Ammeter, 36; Miniature Switchboard, Volt and Ammeters, 36
- Enamelled Metal Products Corporation (1933), Ltd., Glass-lined Tanks, (644)
- English Electric Co, Ltd., Alternator Rotor for Galloway Water Power Scheme, 612; An Interesting Hydraulic Turbine, 200; " Combination " Metalclad Fuse Switches, 234; Conversion Fuse Handles,
- B.I.F., 221; Distribution Board, B.I.F 221; Electric Trains for Danish State Railways, 286; Fuse Handles, B.I.F., 221; " Otto " Ozone Water Sterilising Plant, B.I.F., 221; Streamline Diffusing Discharge Regulator, 362; Turbine Runners for Arapuni, N.Z., 21; Universal Fuse Unit, B.I.F., 221
- English Electric Company, Ltd., and R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., 300 H.P. Oil-electric Locomotive, 578
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., Generator Shafts for Beauharnois Power Scheme, 130; Heat Treatment of 80-ton Forging, 663; Large Gear Wheel Blank, 208
- Etat Mountain Type Locomotive, 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Eve, J. L., Effect of Vibration on Steel-cored Aluminium Conductors, (488)
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., Maximum Demand " Tell-Tale," 69; Process Timer, 69
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Electrical Recording Instruments, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii; Megger Capacity Meter, 36;
- Megger Circuit Tester, 36; Megger Insulation Tester, 38
- Faraday House Scholarships, 388
- Faraday Lecture, 1934, The Engineer and the Free Electron, C. C. Paterson, 297
- Farmer, Sir James, Norton and Co., Ltd., Fine Wire-drawing Machine, 287
- Farrow, Ltd., Howard, Safer Trench Piling, 528
- " Featherstone " Petrol Ignition Lock, Allan Rae and Co., Ltd., 462
- Ferguson Pailin, Water Circuit Breakers at St. Albans, 512
- Ferodo, Ltd., Chart of Braking Performances, (238)
- Ferranti, Ltd., Electrical Instruments, B.1.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii; Electrostatic Volt-meter, 69; Polyphase Kilowatt-hour Meter, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.34, vii; Relays, 69
- Ferro-Arc Welding Co, Ltd., Electrodes for Electric Aro Welding, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Fery Carbone Dry Tin Accumulator, Le Carbone Company, 637
- Finney, G., and Co., Moulding Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, v
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Engineers' Tool Department, 625-630
- Fleming, A. P. M., Portable Noise Measuring Instrument, 635
- Fleming, Sir Ambrose, History and Development of Thermionic Valve, 36; Invention in Relation to National Welfare and its Legislative Control, 287
- Fletcher, Messrs., Paper Pulp Scraper Plant at Ropeway, J. M. Henderson and Co., Ltd., 94
- Fowler, Sir Henry, Progress of Automobile Engineering, 458
- Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., High-frequency Electric Furnaces, Electric Furnace Company, Ltd., 400; Large High-frequency Ingots, 261
- Franco Locomotive, Franco Company, 412
- Fraser, Andrew, Mono-radial Hydraulic Pump 613
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Sherwen Electro-magnetic Vibrating Screen, 130
- French Engineers' Degrees, 282
- French Technical Maritime Conference, 613
- French 10,000-ton Cruiser "Algerie", 5
- Friend, Dr. J. Newton, Deterioration of Structures in Sea Water, 302
- "Frixos" Motor Yacht, Sir J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 167
- Fulham Power Station, 11, 14
- Galloway Water Power Scheme, English Electric Co's Alternator Rotor, 612
- " Gorgon," Blue Funnel Motor Liner, 18
- Garratt, E. Carlton, Development of Auxiliary Propeller Drive, 372
- Gatehouse, E. A., and A. W. Neil, Petrol Road Breaker, 635
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Electrical Mining Machinery, B.I.F., 222; Electrode Boiler, B.I.F., 222; Explosion Proof Motor, B.I.F., 222; Gate End Starter, B.I.F., 222; Motors at Hull Ice Factory, 410; Oil-immersed Isolators, 487; Outdoor Circuit Breakers, 563; Smoke Detection and Recording, 536
- General Electric Research Laboratories, Chance Coal Washer, 68; Electromagnetic Fatigue Testing Apparatus, 68; Semi-automatic Light Distribution Photometer, 635; Testing Polar Distribution of Light from Lamps, 68
- German Cruiser "Deutschland", 5, (78)
- German Gas Grid, Magdeburg Gasworks, 280, 284
- German Machine Tool Export Trade, 428
- Gibson, Professor A. H., Tidal Estuaries :Forecasting by Model Experiments, 397
- Gidea Park and Shenfield Widening, 70
- Gildermeister and Co., Device for Elimination of Premature Wear on Lathes, 274
- Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., F., Condenser Tube Scaler, 105; Rotary Scrubbing Machine and Tools, B.I.F. Seipp., 16.2.34, ii
- Glacier Dam Collapse, in Argentina, 252
- Gloster "Gauntlet" Day and Night High-altitude Fighter, 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Good, E. T., Steel Trade : British and Foreign, 65
- Goodall, Clayton and Co., Ltd., Ashington Coal-cleaning Plant, 39, 44
- Great Western Railway, Express Railcars for, Associated Equipment Company, Ltd., 662; Numbered Trains, 637
- Greasley, H. N., L.N.E. Railway 2-8-2 Passenger Locomotive " No. 2001," " Cock o'the North," 550, 551; Trials, 645
- Grey-street, Bridge, Brisbane, 23, 24
- Grubb, Sir Howard, Parsons and Co., Iris Diaphragm for 74in. Telescope, 156, 157;
- The 36in. Greenwich Reflector, 500, 525 (Two-page Supplement, May 18th, 1934)
- Guild, J., Instrumental Side of Calorimetry, 36
- Guy, H. L.. and E. V. Winstanley, Design of Surface Condensing Plant, 154, 182, 210; London Meeting, 204
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co, Ltd., Three-phase Reactor, 286
- Hadfields, Ltd., Ore Crusher for Corby, 42
- Haigh, Professor B. P., Welded Joints in Ship Construction, 347, 351
- Hale, Thomas L. (Tipton), Ltd., Blackheart Malleable Iron and Steel Alloy Castings, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Hamburg-American Liner Caribia 20 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Hamburg Tank, International Meeting of Friends of, 814
- Hamburg Tank Society, Summer Meeting, 624
- Handley Page "Hayford" Express Light Bomber, 47
- Hangchow—Kiangshan Railway, Locomotives for, Hunslet Engine Co, Ltd., 131
- Hardy Motors, Ltd., Overseas Transport Unit, 9; 130 H.P. Oil-engine Driven Railcar for Great Western Railway, 9
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Launch of H.M. Target-towing Vessel " Sir Hastings Anderson," 619; 1000 B.H.P. Oil Engine for British Oxygen Company's Plant at Birmingham, 50
- Harland Engineering Co. Ltd., Emergency Pumping Plant at Works of J. A. Weir, Ltd., 131
- Harper, John, and Co., Ltd., Iron Castings, B.I.F. Suppt., 18.2.34, i
- Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., Perforated Sheet Metals, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i; Processing Machinery for Canning Industry, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i; Wire Mesh, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Hatfield, Dr. H. S., Automatic Water Hardness Recorder, 278
- Hawker "Super Fury " Single-seater Fighter, 7 (Supplement. January 6th, 1934)
- Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co., Ltd., and English Electric Co, Ltd., 300 H.P. Oil-electric Locomotive, 578
- Heinz Company, Ltd., H. J., 'Univectairs' System in Food Factory of, British Trane Company, 612
- Henderson, J. M., and Co., Ltd., Paper Pulp Scraper Plant and Ropeway at Messrs. Fletcher's Greenfield Works, 94
- Henderson, Sir James B., Automatic Steering Control of Ships, 324, 334
- Henley's Telegraph Works Company, Ltd., W. T., Isolating Switches for Pole Mounting, 462; Seamless Lead Cable Sheaths, 311
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Air-operated Lathe Chuck, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii; " Ardoboy " High-speed Cutting Alloy, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii; " Atritor " System of
- Pulverised Fuel Burning, B.I.P. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii; Die Head, B.I.F. Suppt., 18.2.34, vii; " Pre-selective " Headstock, 158
- Hatch Hetchy Aqueduct, 354, 357, 376
- [Hewittic Electric Co]] Ltd.. Glass Bulb Rectifiers on L.M.S. Railway, 452; Underground Rectifier Sub-station at Acton, 434
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., Electric Motors, B.I.F., 224
- Highfield, J. S. and W. E., Steel-cored Aluminium Conductors for Transmission Lines, 256
- HMS Ajax, Launching of, (86)
- H.M. Light Cruiser HMS Achilles, 3 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- H.M. Submarine " Severn," Launch of, (86)
- Hodgson, J. L., Air Flow Measurement in Mersey Tunnel, 636
- Hodgson, J. L., and L. L. Robinson, Automatic Combustion Control, 128, 132; (Leading Article, 125); (Letter, F. L. Cater, 153)
- Holden and Brooke, Ltd., Weston Automatic Booster Pumping Station, 381
- Hollerith Tabulator, 101 (Two-page Supplement, January 26th, 1934)
- Hollins, C., Patent Law in Relation to Foreign-owned British Patents, 132
- [Holman Brothers]], Ltd., Rock Drills, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii; " Rotodrill " Pneumatic Drill, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- Hopkinson-Moynan Centrifugal Steam Purifier, 612
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., Presses, B.I.F. Suppt., 18.2.34, v
- Houk, Ivan E., Hydraulic Jump Pnenomena at Denver, 91, 98
- Howart, W. Carrick, Reinforcement for Road Surfaces, 485
- Hull, Ice Factory at Hull, Liverpool Refrigeration Co Ltd., 410
- Hunslet Engine Co, Ltd., Locomotives for China, 131; Oil Locomotives for L.M.S. Railway, 105; Oil Locomotive for L.M.S. Railway, 463; Oil Locomotive for Woolwich Arsenal, 310
- Hunt, L. I. Bench Lay-out in an Electrical Repair Shop, 49; (Leading Article, 45); (Letter, G. H. Miles, 127)
- "Husun" Admiralty Echo Depth Indicator, 234
- Hutter, H. E., Communication Over Power Systems, 93
- Hutto Engineering Company, Inc., Honing Fixture, 463
- Igranic Electric Co Ltd., Adjustable Time Alternate Acting Starter, 70; Automatic Emergency Lighting Change-over and Battery-charging Switch, 70
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Butt Welding Machine,British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 562; Cassel Cyanide Process of Case-hardening Steel, B.I.F. Suppt., 18.2.34, i; "Control of Water Softening and Boiler Feed Water Conditioning," 130; Degreasing Metals by Use of Trichlorethylene, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i; Dyed Metal, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i; Risisto Zinc-free Tube for Condensers, B.I.F. Suppt., 18.2.34, i; Yellow Metal Alloy, " Kunial," B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Inglis, Professor C. E., Vibration Neutraliser for Ships, 308
- Integra Company Ltd., Vapocarb Hump Hardening, 286
- International Combustion Ltd., Extensions at Brimsdown "B" Power Station, 378, 381 (Two-page Supplement, April 13th 1934); Robot fireman Automatic Coal-firing Apparatus, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iii
- "Iron Age" Editor on " The Silver Lining has its Cloud," 197
- "Iron Age" "Sow the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind," 361
- Isenthal and Co., Ltd.. Three-phase Auto-matically Controlled Regulator, 69; Voltage Regulator, 69
- Italian Cruiser " Bolzano," 5 (Supplement, January 6th, 1934)
- Jenkins, Rhys, Reverberatory Furnace with Coal Fuel, 1612-1712, 81
- Johns, Sir Arthur W., Aircraft Carriers, 323, 327
- Jones, A. A., and Shipman, Ltd., Bench Drill, 384; Semi-automatic Drilling Machine, 384
- Jones, Dr. W. Idris, " Hydrogenation of Coal," (127)
- Joy, Basil H., Retirement of, 217
- Kalahari Irrigation Scheme, 464a
- Kennicott Water Softener Co, Ltd., Water Softening Plant at Barking Power Station, 144, 145
- Kent, Geo., Ltd., Boiler Instrument Panel, 144, 145
- Kershaw, J. B. C.. Air Pollution in 1932-33, 121
- Khedive Ismail Bridge, Cairo, 24
- Kircheis Erdmann, Zig-Zag Press, 259
- Klingelnberg's Bevel Wheel Lapping Machine. 274
- Klopp, F., Hydraulic Shaper, 275
- Klussendorf, H., Horizontal Drilling Machine. 274
- Knowles-Shotter Circuit Breaker, 36
- Koopman, Major M., Utilisation of Coke-oven Gas, 564
- Kugel-Fischer, Ball and Roller Bearings for Lathes, 274
- Lacy, J. M., Artificial Pozzuolana-Surki, 230; Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, 522
- Lacy-Hulbert and Co Ltd., Tar-spraying Equipment, 589
- Lagny Accident, French Railway Disaster, 171, 293
- Lambert, C. A., Transport Requirements of Industry, 661
- Lambeth Works of Maudslay, Sons and Field J. Foster Petree, 585
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., A.C. and D.C. Motors, B.I.F., 223; "Fankuld" Totally Enclosed, Frame-cooled Motors, B.I.F., 223; Flame-proof Motors, B.I.F., 224
- Landale, David, Portable Electric Hand Saw, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv; Rice Mill, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Electric Motors, B.1.F., 196; Hypo Synchronous Motor, B.I.F., 196; Visit to Works. 603
- Lead Wool Co, Ltd., Air-compressor Set, Portable, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv; Lead Wool for Jointing Iron and Steel Pipes, Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Leipzig Technical Fair, 258, 274
- Leith Docks, Grain Warehouse at, 561
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Oil-hydraulic Railcar, 198, 202
- Liner Concrete Machinery Co, Rotary Concrete Mixer, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Little, Arthur D., Inc., Industrial Bulletin, Seeing the Fourth Dimension, 107
- Liverpool Refrigeration Co Ltd., Ice Factory at Hull, 410
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Annual Summary, 132; Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 67, 401
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company, Fabricated Locomotive Cylinders, 477; Oil Locomotives, Hunslet Engine Co, Ltd., 105; Passenger Locomotive " Princess Royal," 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934); Re-designed Goods Locomotive, 80; Three-cylinder Tank Engines, 337
- L.N.E. Railway, 2-8-2 Locomotive " Cock o' the North," 550, 551; Trials, 845
- Macklow-Smith, A., Precision Hydraulic Testing Machine for University of Cape Town, 386
- Magdeburg Gasworks, 280, 284
- Marconi Co Ultra High-frequency Oscillation Generator, 38
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co Ltd., Direction Finder for Submarines, 360; Portable Frequency Meters, 579
- Moss Gear Co, Ltd., Show Turntable, B.I.F., 223; Single Helical Reduction Gear, B.I.F., 223
- Mass Products, Ltd., Double-sided Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 18.2.34, viii; Humphris Presses, B.I.F. Suppe., 16.2.34, vii
- Maudslay, Sons and Field, Lambeth Works of, J. Foster Petrie, 585
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Conveyor Belting Charts, (310)
- Mayer and Schmidt, Hydraulic Honing Machine, 275
- Meldrums, Ltd., Acid-resisting Pump, B.I.F., 192; Stokers, B.I.F., 192
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Foam Fire Extinguisher, 262
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., Geared Electric Motor Units, 158; Large Experimental Electromagnet, 637; Single Bus•bar Switchboard, 52, 53; 75,000-kW Turbo-generators at Barking Power Station, 144, 145
- Middleton Smith, Professor C. A., Engineering Developments in China, 532
- Midland Saw and Tool Co, Ltd., Cross-cut Saw for Woodworking, 336; Stair Stringing Machine, Woodworking, 336
- Milliken Brothers, Ltd., Vertical Radiator for Budapest Broadcasting Station, F. E. Sharp, 246
- Modern Woodworking Machines Ltd., Automatic Saw Sharpener, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii; Band Saw for Wood and Metal, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi; Woodworking Machinery, B.I.F.Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Monarch Machine Tool Co " Magna-Matic " Automatic Lathe, 50
- Mond Nickel Co Ltd., Nickel Iron Alloys in I.C. Engine Construction, 373; Pure Nickel Products, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Moore, Dr. H., Presidential Address to the Institute of Metals, 272
- Morris Motors Ltd., Paraffin Fuel Engines, 451
- Morrison, John L. M., 3-Ton Testing Machine, 826
- Mortimer, R. C., Air Ministry Seaplane Testing Tank at Farnborough, 166, 174
- Motor Rail Ltd., 28 H.P. Oil-engined. Narrow-Gauge Locomotive, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii; 85 H.P. Oil-engined Shunting Locomotive, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Mustapha Jetty, Algiers, 475, 480
- Myers, Dr. C. S., Causes and Prevention of Human Accidents, 275
- N
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co Ltd., Medium-speed Oil Engine, 326
- National Physical Laboratory, Apparatus for Measuring Heats of Combustion of Gases, 68;
- Glaremeter, Dr. W. S. Stiles and B. H. Crawford, 69; Publications of, 48 : X-ray Crystal Analysis. Research Work, 566
- Naxos Union, Grinding Machine, 275
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., " Rapid Straight-flow " Diaphragm Pump, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi; 1-Ton Mobile Crane, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., Electric Instruments, 70
- Newport Vertical Lift Bridge, 228, 232, 233, 248, 249, 254 (Two-page Supplement, March 9th, 1934)
- Noble and Lund, Ltd., 55in. Centres Lathe for English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 554, 556
- Nord Four-cylinder Compound Heavy Goods Engine, 22
- " Normandie," French Line 75,000-Ton Liner, 19 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Ltd., 1750 I.H.P. Poppet Valve Steam Engine, 76, 77
- North Metropolitan Electric Supply Company, Extensions at Brimsdown " B " Power Station, 378, 381 (Two-page Supplement, April 13th, 1934)
- Nottingham, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Laboratories at University College, 428, 430
- Oerlikon Co, Ltd., Automatic and Contactor Regulators, 338
- Ohlmuller, Dr. F.. Benson Boiler and Power Stations, 197
- Old Centralians Memoir on Professor W. C. Unwin, (284)
- Ozalid Co, Ltd., Print Developing Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii
- Pacinoitti Antonio, Seventy-fifth Anniversary, 552
- Parker, Winder and Achurch Ltd., Automatic Oil Burners, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Parkhead Garage of Glasgow Corporation, Ventilating Equipment, Anemostat (Scotland), Ltd., 636
- P.L.M. 4-6-2 Express Locomotive, 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- P.L.M. Class 151 Locomotive Remodelled, 22
- P.O. 4-8-0 Express Locomotive, 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- 2, 32, 62, 88, 114, 140, 164, 190, 218, 244, 270, 294, 304, 320 (Correction, 338), 344, 367, 394, 404, 420, 446, 447, 470, 495, 520, 546, 572, 596, 620 (Leading Article, 631)
- Stations :
- Ackton Hall Colliery, 150-kW Three-phase Turbo-alternator for, 140
- Adelaide Tramways Company Power Station, 11.000-Volt Turbo-alternators for, 244
- Bankfoot Waste Heat Station, 1910, 4000-kW Turbo-alternator at, 270
- Barking Power Station, 1922, 40,000-kW Turbo-alternators for, 446, 447
- Blaydon Burn Waste Heat Station, 3000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 369
- Bradford Corporation Power Station, 15,000-kW Turbine at, 394, 404
- Brimsdown Power Station, 25,000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 520, 521; 36,000-Volt Turbo-alternator for, 521, 546
- Carville Power Station, 164, 344
- Central Argentine Railways, Turbine Plant for, 271
- Chicago, 25,000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 294, 304; 50,000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 470
- Congella Power Station, Natal, 1926, 12,000-kW Duplex Exhaust Turbines at, 499
- Dalmarnook Power Station, 18,750-kW Turbo-alternators for, 496
- Deptford Power Station, 5000-kW Turbine at, 244
- Derby Power Station, 10,000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 497, 498; 20,000-kW Single-cylinder Turbine at, 546
- Dunston Power Station, 18,000-kVA Alternator for, 344; 15,000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 396, 404; 60,000-kW Re-heat Engines, 598, 620; 62,500-kVA
- Elberfeld 1000-kW Turbo-generator, 89, 114
- Ensenada Power Station, 6000-kW Cross-compound Turbine for, 271
- Forth Banks Power Station, 1892, 63, 64; 1896, 88, 271
- Frindsbury Station of Kent Power Company, 11,000-Volt Turbo-alternators at, 190
- Hackney Power Station, 7500-kW Turbine for, 420; 30,000-kW Turbo-alternator at, 572
- Hammersmith Power Station, 10,000-kW Turbo-alternators for, 421
- Lots-road Power Station, 218, 320; 18,000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 421; 18,000-kW Single-cylinder Turbines for, 496
- Manchester-square Power Station, 350-kW Turbo-alternator in, 64; (Letters to the Editor, 126, 152)
- Melbourne Power Station, 1913, 10,000-kW Turbo-alternator for, 322, 323
- Mersey Power Company, 12,500-kW Turbine for, 422
- Neepsend Power Station, 8500-kW Turbo-alternators for, 368
- Neptune Bank Power Station, 1500-kW Turbine for, 140; Three-phase 6000-Volt Alternator for, 141
- Newport Power Station, Victoria, Australia, 323
- Randfontein, 6000-kW Turbo-alternator, 244
- Sydney, 500-kW Turbo-alternator, 190
- Treforest Power Station, 18,750-kW Turbine for, 423
- Velsen Power Station, N. Holland, 30,000-kW Turbo-alternators in, 547
- Details :
- Automatic Rotor Adjustment, Introduction of, 497
- Bolts, Tightening of Large, 520
- Closed Circuit Alternator Ventilation, 369
- Conical Blading in Turbines, Development of, 497
- Dummy Pistons, Elimination of, 368
- Duplex Exhaust Principle, Introduction of, 498
- Dynamo, Parsons, 1884, 3
- Efficiency Ratio of Turbines, 547
- Electrification of Central Argentine Railways, 271
- Heat Consumption of Turbines, 547
- Heat Consumption of Turbines at Hackney, 572
- Parsons Steam Turbine, 1884, The First, 2
- Radial Flow Turbine, 32-kW, 1889, 33
- Radial Flow Turbine, 1891, 100-kW, Cambridge, 34, 62
- Regenerative Feed Heating, Introduction of, 369
- Reheating Experiments on Elberfeld Turbines, 115
- Single-cylinder Machine at Derby, 20,000-kW, 546
- Single-cylinder Turbines at 3000 r.p.m., 420
- Three-phase Turbo-alternator, First, 140
- Turbine, Experiments with " Hero " Type, 63
- Turbine, First Cross-compound, 271.
- Turbine, First Multiple Shaft, 270
- Turbine, First Parsons Steam, 1884, 2
- Turbine, First Tandem Double Flow, 3000 r.p.m., 422
- Turbine, Radial Flow, 1889, 33
- Turbine Blade with Anti-erosion Shield, 572
- Turbine for America, 120-kW, 88
- Turbines of " Hero " Type, or Pure Reaction Type, 63
- Turbo-alternator, First Geared, 88
- Turbo-alternator, First 36,000-Volt, 521, 546
- Turbo-alternators, First 11,000-kW, 190
- Turbo-alternators of 1909 and 1928, Comparison of Size of, 549
- Turbo-dynamos, First Geared Parsons, 271
- Turbo Generating Set, 1888, 32-kW, 32
- Turbo-generator, First Cross-compound Geared, 320
- Turbo-generator for Chicago, 25,000-kW, 294
- Turbo-generator for Messrs. Pilkington, 4500-kW Cross-compound D.C., 320
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Parsons Hollow Turbine Blading, 51
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co Ltd., " Simplex " Turbine Unit, 76, 77
- Parsons Oil Engine Company, Ltd., Parsons-Murex Single-operator Welding Plant, 463; Ship's Auxiliary Generating and Compressor Set, 181
- Parsons' 20,000-kW Alternators for Salt River Power Station, 335
- Paterson, C. C., Faraday Lecture, The Engineer and the Free Electron, 297
- Paterson Engineering Co Ltd., Chloramine Process, 178
- Patterson, J. W., W. P. Digby and, Accelerated Tests of Paints for Steel Work, 586
- Pegson Ltd., De-breezing Screen, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii; Screening Plant, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- Pels, Henry, and Co., Deep Drawing Press, 258; Hydraulic Sheet Holder, 258; Nibbling and Plate Splitting Shearing Machine, 258; Shearing Machine, 258; Straightening Press, 258
- Pendred, Loughnan St. Lawrence, Order C.B.E. Conferred on Editor-in-Chief of THE ENGINEER, 571
- Peters, G. D., Ltd., Portable Electric Welding Sets, 438
- Petree, J. Foster, The Lambeth Works of Maudslay, Sons and Field, 585
- Petters Ltd., Automatic Lighting Set, 562; Oil Engine Generating Set for Peak Loads, 486; Ship's Auxiliary Set, 12 B.H.P. Atomic Diesel Engine, 361
- Philips Industrial, Condensers for Power Factor Correction, 70; X-ray Apparatus, 70
- Physical Society's Exhibition, 36, 68
- Platt Bros. and Co., Ltd., Cast Iron Road Surfaces, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii; Hele-Shaw Clutch, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii;
- Pressed Steel Pit Tubs, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Pneulec Ltd., Jar Roll-over Moulding Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv; Moulding Machines, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv; Sand Mixing Mill, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv
- Pontine Marshes, Reclamation of, 484, 506, 509
- "Port Chalmers," Dominion Commonwealth Motor Liner, 17
- Portuguese Destroyer " Lima," 7
- Portuguese Sloop " Goncalvez Zarco," 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Post Office Research Station, 54
- Powell, R. W., Conductivity of Pure Iron, 638
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., Grab Dredger " Lucayan " for Nassau, 131
- Queen Mary Clyde Passenger Steamer, 19
- Queen of Bermuda Furness, Withy and Co Turbo-electric Liner, 17, 18
- Quinsy, H., Time Effect in Testing Metals, 332
- Rae, Allan and Co., Ltd., "Featherstone" Petrol Ignition Lock, 462
- Record Electrical Co, Ltd., Electrical Tachometers, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- Rellstab, Dr. L., An Activated Anti-rolling Tank System, 648
- Reynolds Tube Co, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy, " Hiduminium R.B. 56," B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Reyrolle Control Room at Bankside Power Station, 52, 53
- Richards, George, and Co., Ltd., Horizontal Boring, Milling, Drilling, and Tapping Machine, 106; Nob 'Pearn-Richards' Surfacing and Boring Machine, 536; Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 486
- Robinson, Thomas, and Son, Ltd., Railway Coach Woodworking Machine, 454, 456
- "Rosaura" Motor Yacht, Lord Moyne, 512
- Rotoplunge Pump Co, Ltd., Automatic Control Variable Stroke Pump, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Rubery, Owen and Co., Pressed Steel Split Pulley, B.I.F., 223; Steel Furniture, B.I.F., 223
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 275 H.P. Oil Engines for Swindon Waterworks, 587; 28 H.P. Oil Engine Locomotive, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iii
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., Three-Eight Cubic Yard Excavator, 261
- Ryburn Dam, 26 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Illumination Meter, 38; Reflection Meter, 38; Remote Indicating Tachometer, 38
- Salt River Power Station Alternators, Tests, 335
- Salter's Portable Lorry Weigher, 287
- San Francisco-Oakland Bridge, 622
- San Francisco's Water Supply, Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct, 354, 357, 376
- Saunders, C. Wallace, Breakdowns of Turbo-electric Propulsion Machinery, 263
- Schiess-Defries, A.G., Machine Tools at Leipzig, 275
- Schleischer, Dr. M., Supervisory Control Systems, 490
- Schuler, L., A.G., Excentric Press, 258
- Science Museum, Part II of Pumping Machinery, 67
- Scott, 1250 S.H.P. Oil Engine, 77, 78
- Selson Machine Tool Co Ltd., Krause's High-speed Hydraulic Moulding Press, 287
- Senefelder and Lithography, 165
- "Sentinel" Waggon Works, Ltd., Six-engined Steam Locomotive for Colombia, 599, 606 (Two-page Supplement. June 15th, 1934)
- Serck Radiators, Ltd., " Copperad " Unit Heaters, B.I.F., 195; 650-lb. Pressure Heat Exchanger, B.I.F., 194; Sectional Type Radiator, B.I.F., 194
- Sharp, F. E., Vertical Radiator for Budapest Broadcasting Station, 246
- Shenstone Engineering Co Ltd., Air Compressor Unit, B.I.F., 195
- Sherwen Electro-magnetic Vibrating Screen, Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 130
- Short" Scion Twin-engined Passenger Monoplane, 46
- Siemens and Halske, Activated Anti-rolling Tank System, 648
- Siemens Cross Filament Pyrometer, 36
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., and Turbine Gears, Ltd.; Flexible Couplings, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi; Gears, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi; " Reform " Automatic Feed Stream Control Apparatus, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v; " Reform " Automatic Weighing Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v; Soap Flaking Mill, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi; Soap-making Machinery, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi; Soap Plodder, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v, vi; Synchroweigh Blending System, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Simons, Eric N., An Engineering Sales Department, 396
- Skelton, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald W. Coal v. Oil for the Navy, 307
- Skylux, Ltd., Simple Pipe Pusher, 385
- Smith, Frederick, and Co., Trolley Wire Made in Two Parts, B.I.F., 223
- Smith, Sir Allan, Statement on the Forty-hours Week, 514
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., Oil Engine Driven Locomotive Crane. 207; Quarter Cubic Yard Universal Excavator 488
- Southern Railway Train Ferries, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 398
- Spanner, E. F., Fire-fighting Arrangements in Ships, 371
- Spartan "Clipper" Light Two-seater Monoplane, 46
- Speller, Frank N., Corrosion Problems in Iron and Steel, 663
- Sperry Gyroscope Co Ltd., Sperry-Villiers, Odograph, 147
- Stamp, Sir Josiah, Trade Revival, 595
- Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., Noise Meter, 234; Trench Cutting Machine, 261
- Stanton Iron Works Co Ltd., Cast Iron Pipes, B.I.F., 196; Stanton-Wilson Pipe Joint, B.I.F., 196
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co Ltd., Cast Iron Pipes, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Stephens, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., 2000 I.H.P. Three-cylinder Semi-Uniflow Steam Engine, 76, 77
- Stewart, William C., Relative Elasticity of Engine Crank Shafts, 537
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Hadfield's Ore Crusher at Corby Works, 42
- Sturtevant Engineering Co Ltd., Electricar Precipitators at Brimsdown, 486
- Suez Canal Co Annual General Meeting in Paris, 571
- Sullivan, W. H., Ltd., Frequency Control, Sullivan's Tuning Fork Equipment, 80
- Supermarine " Seagull Mk. V Amphibian Flying Boat, 6, 8
- Supermarine Works (Vickers), Ltd., Aeroplane Spar Testing Machine, 330, 334
- Swallow, M. G. S., " Velox " Steam Generator, 387
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., Southern Railway Train Ferries, 398
- Swindon Waterworks, Opening of, 587
- Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., Air Break Drawout Gate End Starter, B.I.F., 220; " Trubicle " Switchboard, B.I.F., 220
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., Bench Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, v; Double Crank Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, v
- Tecalemit, Ltd., " Brantford " Lubricator, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, ii; " Tadpole " Automatic Oil Lift, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, ii
- Tees Vertical Lift Drawbridge, Middlesbrough, 24 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Telford, Thomas, Centenary of Death of, 603
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Lord Moyne's Motor Yacht " Rosaura," 512; Motor Yacht " Frixos," 167
- Thorpe, Harold R. M., Specifications for Electrical Installations, 450
- Traneberg, Arch Bridge, Stockholm, 24 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Trencham, H., Mechanics of Electrical Switch-gear, 312 (Leading Article, 305)
- Trevithick, Richard, Memorial Plaque to, 453
- Tripp, G. W., Works Personnel Department, 474
- Tube Products, Ltd., Electrically Welded Steel Tubing, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Tunnel Portland Cement Co, Ltd., All-concrete Laboratory, 300, 301
- Tulin, W. A., Cyclic Irregularity in Geared Transmissions, 502
- Twickenham Bridge, 25 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Udaipur Chitogarh Railway, 2-4-0 Locomotive for, W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., 181
- U.S. Cruiser " Portland," 4 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- United Water Softeners, Ltd., Water-softening Plants at St. Helens and Prenton Water-works, 489
- Uskside Engineering Co Ltd., Chain Type Coal Cutter, B.I.F., 222
- Vaal River Development Scheme, 576
- "Velox" Steam Generator, M. G. S. Swallow, 387
- Vickers Vellox Passenger Mail and Freight Carrier, 6, 8
- Villiers Engineering Co Ltd.: Petrol-burning Stoves, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi;
- Water-cooled Petrol Engines, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi; 3f H.P. Petrol Engine, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Vokes, C. G., Ltd., Silencers for Internal Combustion Engines, 51
- Wadlow, E. C., Centrifugal Power Absorption Governors, 142
- Walker, Crossweller and Co., Ltd., "Arkon" Meters and Recorders, B.I.F., 195; Compound Recorder for Mine Ventilation, B.I.F., 195
- Walker, J. H., Concrete Roads, 94
- Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., Roller, Oil-engine-driven Light, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Wanderer-Werke, Multiple Milling Machine, 275
- Ward, H. W., Ltd., Capstan Lathe with Single Pulley Headstock, 80
- "Washington," United States Lines, 24,000-Ton Liner, 19, 20
- Waterloo Bridge, 139, 319, 367, 469, 495, 545, 571, 645
- Watts, C., Tubes for Engineering Structures, 449
- Weipert, F. C., Hydraulic Diamond Tool Lathe, 274
- Weir, J. A., Ltd., Emergency Pumping Plant at Works of, Harland Engineering Co, Ltd., 131
- Wellworthy, Ltd., Piston for Internal Combustion Engines, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Werner, D. and S. Giertz-Hedstrom, Physical, and Chemical Properties of Cement and Concrete, 235 (Erratum, 264)
- Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co Ltd., Plate Type Rectifier, B.I.F., 220
- Westland " Wallace " Mount Everest Flight, 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Westland " Wessex " Eight-seater Monoplane, 6, 7
- Westminster Tool and Electric Co, Ltd., Insulated Electric Drill, 336
- West's Rotinoff Piling and Construction Co, Ltd., Rotinoff Caissons, 224
- Whipple, R. S., Evolution of Galvanometer, 36
- White, R., and Sons, Ltd. Aerial Ropeway at Ashlington, 39, 44
- Whitecross Co Ltd., Wire Drawing Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Whytlaw-Gray, R., Dust and Smoke, 409
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Inserted Tooth Milling Cutter, B.I.F., 193
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Alloys of Nickel with Copper and Chromium, B.1. F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Williams and James, Air Compressing Set, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii; Motor Car Washer, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii; Portable Paint Sprayer, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Williams, Sir E. Owen, All-concrete Laboratory of Tunnel Portland Cement Co Ltd., 300, 301
- Wills Pressure Filled Joint Ring, Ltd., Pressure Filled Joint Rings, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Wilson, W. J., Presentation of a James Watt Letter to Glasgow University, 212
- Winget Ltd., Transference of Works from Warwick to Rochester, 438
- Winn, Charles, and Co., Ltd., All Angles Mounting, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii
- Wolf, S., and Co., Ltd., Electric Portable Tools, B.I.F., 221; Portable Floor Stand for Use with Electrical Drilling Machines, B.I.F., 221
- "Woolnough" Boiler, 599
- Woolwich Arsenal, Oil Locomotive for, Hunslet Engine Co, Ltd., 310
- Yangtze Navigation, Improving the, 288
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Boilers for Southern Railway Train Ferries, 398
- Yellott, J. I., Superheated Steam, 207
- Young, A. P., Production Flow and Industrial Efficiency, 412
- Young, H. C., Some Power Plant Erection Problems, 413
- Youngelson, E. L., Ltd., Machine Vice, 262
- Zeiss Ikon, Standard Punches and Die Elements, 258
- ACCIDENTS, Royal Commission on, 1874, (403)
- Accumulator, Fery Carbone Dry Tin, Le Carbone Company, 637
- Acetylene Cutting, Accidents and, (518)
- Advertising Convention at Leicester, Lord Ebbisham's Presidential Address, " Britain's Industrial Awakening," 595
- Aberdeen Aerodrome, (43)
- Aerial Photographs in Canada, Files of 500,000, (43)
- Aerial Survey of Australia, Projected, (377)
- Aerial Train Makes Experimental Flight in Russia, (581)
- Aero Transport for Bulolo Gold Dredging Company's Excavator, (329)
- Aeroplane Crashes with High Obstacles, (173)
- Aeroplane " Diana," Fastest Four-engined Commercial, (581)
- Aeroplane " Dopo " for Turkey, British, (123)
- Aeroplane for Mount Everest Flight, Westland " Wallace," 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Aeroplane Spar Testing Machine, Super-marine Works (Vickers), Ltd., 330, 334
- Aeroplanes for Exploring and Mapping the Amazon, British, (325)
- Aeroplanes Produced in United States, (227)
- Air Base at Cape North, Near Wrangel Island, (529)
- Air Liner, Fastest Four-engined, (279)
- Air Liner to Spread Poison Barrage on Swarms of Locusts in Rhodesia, British, (149)
- Air Mail between Germany and South America, (172)
- Air Post Exhibition in London, (123)
- Air Port of Doncaster, (655)
- Aircraft, World Height Record, (455)
- Aircraft Carriers, Sir Arthur W. Johns, 323, 327
- Aircraft Engines at Sea Level, High Jacket Temperature on Performance of Liquid-cooled, (13)
- Aircraft Standard Materials, System of Colour Identification of, (279)
- Amphibian Flying Boat, Supermarine " Sea-gull," Mark V, 6, 8
- Autogiro, Cierva Direct Control Wingless Two-seater, 7 (Suppelement, January 5th, 1934)
- British Aerodromes, 243
- Civil Aviation and Disarmament, 631
- " Courier " Passenger Carrier, Airspeed Ltd., 6, 8
- England-Australia Air Race, 139
- Fighter, Gloster " Gauntlet " Day and Night High Altitude, 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Flying Boat, Blackburn " Perth " Coastal Defence, 47
- Glider Released from " Graf Zeppelin," (529)
- Height Record of Aeroplane Carrying Load of 1 Ton, (13)
- High Altitude Flight for Aeroplane, 535
- Hull Aerodrome Taken Over by Corporation of Hull, (43)
- Infra-red Light for Aircraft in Foggy Weather, (655)
- International Air Traffic Association, Conference in Berlin, (173)
- King's Cup Air Race, 1934, (329)
- London to Melbourne Air Race, Seventy Aeroplanes Entered, (629)
- Monoplane, Short " Scion " Twin-engined Passenger, 46
- Monoplane, Spartan " Clipper " Light Two-seater, 46
- Monoplane, Westland NVessex Eight-seater, 6, 7
- Napier " Dagger " Air-cooled Aero-engine, (655)
- Night Bomber, Handley Page " Heyford " Express, 47
- Passenger Mail and Freight Carrier, Vickers " Vellox," 6, 8
- Perth Flying Boats Weigh 15 Tons, (43)
- Railway-Air Services, Ltd., Company Registered, (329); Services Commenced, (479)
- " R 101," Sale of Framework of, Statement by Thos. W. Ward, Ltd., (455)
- Seaplane Base on River Foyle at Londonderry, (123)
- Seaplane Floats, Armstrong Whitworth Stainless Steel, 48
- Seaplane Testing Tank at Farnborough, Air Ministry's, R. C. Mortimer, 166, 174
- Single-seater Fighter, Hawker " Super Fury," 7 (Supplement, January 6th, 1934)
- Transatlantic Air Mail Service Record, (429)
- Weight of Letters sent by Air during 1933, (149)
- " Westfalen," German Lufthausa's Refuelling Vessel, (253)
- AIR Pollution in 1932-33, J. B. C. Kershaw, 121
- Alcohol from Molasses Mixed with Petrol for Power Purposes, Government of India to Assist in Manufacture of, (13)
- Alkali Plant at Neuces Bay, Texas, (303)
- All-Angles Mountings, Charles Winn and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii
- Alumina Cement, (429)
- Aluminium, Gower Process for Colouring Alumilite, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Aluminium, Stresses in Quenched, 540
- Aluminium, Welding Sheet, (555)
- Aluminium, World Production of, (403)
- Aluminium Alloy, Corrosion Resisting, Birmabright, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Aluminium Alloy, " Hiduminium R. B. 56" Reynolds Tube Company, Ltd., B. I. F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Aluminium Conductors, Effect of Vibration Steel-cored, J. L. Eve, (488)
- Aluminium Conductors for Transmission Lines, Steel-cored, J. S. and W. E. Highfield, 256
- Aluminium Factory at Mansbo, Sweden, (97)
- Aluminium for Bridge Floors, 540
- Aluminium Metal Factory in Kolhapur, Proposed, (353)
- Aluminium Pistons and Crank Cases for Aircraft, (655)
- Aluminium Production, (253)
- Aluminium Reflector, Easily-cleaned Weather Resistant, (149)
- Aluminium Scrap on Fire, Explosion Caused through Playing Water on, (377)
- Aluminium Star for Deoxidising Steel, (278)
- Amber Navigation Lights on Thames Bridge-, (377)
- American Public Works, 640
- American Stream-lined Train, 395
- American Strike, One Heating Engineer Demands Shorter Hours, (555)
- Articulated Locomotives, American, 540
- Chicago World's Fair of 1934, 199
- Electrical Exhibition House, 540
- Planers and Milling Machines, 199
- Radio Developments in America, 540
- Railway Rebuilding, Costly, 640
- Railway Rolling Stock, 640
- River Bank Protection, 199
- Welding on American Railways, 199
- AMMONIA Precompressor Rupture at Bellingham, (479)
- Anchor, Professor G. I. Taylor's, (173)
- Annealing, Process of Bright, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., (377)
- A Retrospect, 15
- Aeronautics in 1933, 6, 7, 46 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934-Bridges of 1933, 23 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- British Railways in 1933, 78
- Electrical Engineering in 1933, 10, 11, 14, 52 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Harbours and Waterways in 1933, 20, 34
- Locomotives in 1933, 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Naval Construction in 1933, Hector C. Bywater, 3 (Supplement, January 5th , 1934)
- Railways in 1933, 78
- Road and Rail in 1933, 8
- Sanitary Engineering in 1933, 25, 55
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1933, 16, 76 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Water Supply in 1933, 25, 55 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- APPLIED Mechanics, Fourth International Congress, Cambridge, (611)
- Argon for Gas-filled Electric Lamps, (605)
- Artificial Pozzuolana-Surki, J. M. Lacey, 230
- Asbestos Clothing, Bell's Asbestos Company, ( 518)
- Ashlington, Aerial Ropeway at, R. White and Sons, 39, 44
- Annual Meeting of Council, 360
- Formation of Association, 217
- Summer Meeting Programme, (373)
- Organisation of, (242)
- Annual Dinner Report, 226
- Annual Report Heavy Oil Engine Working Costs, (123)
- Repairs to Diesel Engine Parts by Welding, 38
- Annual Dinner Report, (318)
- Annual Dinner Report, (338)
- Annual Dinner, 599
- Convention at Liverpool, 577
- Electrical Exhibition in St. Goerge's Liverpool, 577
- Electricity Supply to Small Holder, J. W. J. Townley, 598
- Power Load, Developing the, H. C. Lamb and W. E. Swale, 578
- Present-day Practice in A.C. Urban Distribution, L. Romero, 583
- Presidential Address, P. J. Robinson, 577
- Annual Dinner, (338)
- Electric Stress in Atmosphere, J. Shipley, (149)
- Methods of Distributing Overhead Lines, (71)
- Chairman of Committee, Mr. J. D. Watson, (606)
- Annual Conference in Glasgow, 343
- Annual Smoking Concert, (414)
- Education for the " Brave Now World," Mr. H. J. Cull, 549
- Electric Trollybus with Overhead Transmission Used on Idar-Tiefstein Route, Herr A. Schiffer, (383)
- High-speed Rail Cars on German State Railways, R. Stroebei 217
- Modern Crane Construction and the Applications of Cranes to Industry and Commerce, Oberingenieur Heyn, (279)
- Modern Heavy Machine Tools and their Use, Dr.-Ing. H. Haake, 148
- Annual Report, 1933, (629)
- Introduction to Second Report of Corrosion Committee, 639
- H.M. the King Accepts Bessemer Gold Medal, 1934, 343, 574
- Annual Spring Meetings, 433, 574, 608
- Blast-furnace Linings and Refractories, A. T. Green, 576
- Blast-furnace Practice, First Report of Sub-Committee, 575, 587
- Carnegie Research Fund Grants, 608
- Cast Iron, Elasticity, Deflection and Resilience of, J. G. Pearce, 576
- Corrosion Committee, Second Report of, 608
- Fire-clay Products Used for Blast-furnace Linings, A. T. Green, W. Hugill, F. H. Clews, and H. Ellerton, 576
- Interactions of Gases and Ore in the Blast-furnace, An Experimental enquiry into, 574
- Iron-tin Reaction Products, Microscopic Examination of, W. D. Jones and W. E. Hoare, 576
- Ore Reduction,Equilibria and Velocities in, Professor W. A. Bone, Messrs. Saunders and Rushbrooke, 574
- Steel, Heat Treatment to Give Maximul, Stress of 134 Tons, (433)
- Steel Sheets, Manufacture of Full -finished, E. R. Mort, 609
- Testing of Iron Ore, Proposed Methods for Comparative, Professor W. A. Bone, Messrs. Saunders and Calvert, 574
- Tin-iron Alloy in Tin-plate, with Notes on some Imperfections, W. E. Hoare, 576
- Tool Steel, Thermal Conductivity of, D. Hattori, 609
- Educational Course in Foundry Work at University of Sheffield, (605)
- Annual Conference in Manchester, (253), 464, 595, 627
- Brass, Properties of Cast Red, C. M. Seager, jun., 628
- British Moulding Sand Practice, J. J. Sheehan, 628
- Bronzes, Effect of Mass and Composition on Sand Cast, F. W. Rowe, 628
- Cast Iron, Graphite Formation and Structure in, Dr. H. Nipper, 627
- Moulds and Cores, Drying of, E. G. Fiegehen, 628
- Presidential Address, Roy W. Stubbs, 595, 627
- Textile Machinery, Use of High-duty Cast
- Iron, Monsieur A. Roeder, 628
- Annual Corporate Meeting, (464)
- De Bergius to Receive 1934 Melchett Medal, (479)
- Meeting Postponed, (342)
- Utilisation of Coke Oven Gas, Major M. Koopman, 564
- President, Mr. Harold MacMillan, (184)
- Bench Lay-out in an Electrical Repair Shop, L. I. Hunt, 49; (Leading Article, The Looker-on, 45)
- Charter Dinner Report, 231
- Golf Competition, (644)
- Annual General Meeting, 177, 259, 272, 276, 296
- Presidential Address, Dr. H. Moore, 272
- Annual Dinner Report, 277
- Papers :
- Alloys of Magnesium Research, Part 1, Dr. J. L. Naughton and Ronald J. M. Payne, 297
- Alloys of Silver and Beryllium, H. A. Sloman, 296
- Castability of Ternary Alloys, Professor A. Portevin and Dr. Bastion, 277
- Constitution of Copper - Iron - Silicon Alloys, Professor D. Hanson and Dr. E. G. West, 297
- Influence of the Intercrystalline Boundary on Fatigue Characteristics, Dr. H. J. Gough, H. L. Cox, and D. G.
- Sopwith, 276
- Malleability of Nickel and of Monel Metal, 0. W. Ellis, 297
- Minimum Dimensions of Test Samples for Brinell and Diamond Pyramid Hardness Test, Dr. G. A. Hankins
- and C. E. Aldous, 276
- Note on Some Formulae Concerning Viscous and Plastic Flow on Soft Metals, Dr. E. W. Fell, 277
- Note on the Influence of Gases in an 8 per cent. Copper-Aluminium Alloy on Normal and Inverse Segregation, Dr. I. G. Slater, 276
- Transformations in the Copper-Palladium Alloys, R. Taylor, 297
- Transverse Tests of Sand Cast Aluminium Alloy Bars, C. E. Phillips and J. D. Grogan, 297
- Viscous Properties of Extruded Eutectic Alloys of Lead-Tin and Bismuth-Tin, C. J. Pearson, 277
- British Students to go on Belgian Tour, (366)
- Educational Tour for Students, (264)
- Gases and Metal Surfaces, Professor E. K. Rideal's May Lecture, 499
- Exhibitors at British Industries Fair, (149)
- Proper Training and Certificating of Laboratory and Technical Assistants, (329)
- Annual Dinner, 1935, (388)
- Congress Programme in Leeds, 494
- President-Elect, Mr. S. E. Garcke, (555)
- Run of Special Train with " Universal " Oil-engined Locomotive, 638
- Transport Requirements of Industry, C. A. Lambert, (661)
- Presentation of Warrant of College of Arms Granting Armorial Bearings to the Institution, 189
- Annual Dinner, Railway Companies to Assist in Jubilee Celebrations, (149)
- President, Mr. Oliver Stanley, (479)
- Coal v. Oil for the Navy, Engineer Vire-Admiral Sir Reginald W. Skelton, 307
- " Causes of Detonation in Petrol and Diesel Engines," G. D. Boerlago and Dr. W. T. D. van Dyck, 243
- Efficient Service of Lead-Bronze Bearings, C. B. Dicksee, (479)
- Motor Repair Certificates, 595
- Research Laboratory at Chiswick, 263
- Retirement of Secretary, Basil H. Joy, 217
- Investigation into Gasworks Purification Plant, (71)
- Twelfth Annual Dinner, (212)
- Charles Hawksley Prize Awarded, (464)
- Conversazione Report, 634
- Fourteenth Report, Deterioration of Structures in Sea Water, Dr. J. Newton Friend, 302
- Respective Merits of Roads and Railways for Colonial Development, J. W. Spiller, (505)
- Wind Pressure on Buildings, Research on, A. Bailey, (97)
- London Students : Annual Dinner, (242)
- Annual Dinner, Report, (184)
- Faraday Lecture, The Engineer and the Free Electron, C. C. Paterson, 297
- Faraday Medal Awarded to Sir Frank E. Smith, F.R.S., (148)
- Presentation by Viscount Falmouth of Painting of Sir Charles Parsons, (43)
- Scholarships in Electrical Engineering, 275
- Supervisory Control Systems, Dr. M. Schleicher, 490
- London Students : Annual Dinner, Report, (238)
- North-Western Section : Annual Dinner, Report, (134)
- Benson Boiler and Power Stations, Dr. F. Ohlnitiller, 197
- Concrete Roads, J. H. Walker, 94
- Annual Dinner, Report, (418)
- Autoplex System of Traffic Control, H. J. N. Riddle, (97)
- Fire Fighting, E. C. Prince, (123)
- Presidential Address by Mr. F. P. Ttkrratt, 571
- Safety Devices on Heating Circuits, A. H. Barker, (288)
- Annual Dinner, Report, (242)
- Annual General Meeting, 204, 212 (Leading Article, 204)
- Council's Awards for Papers, (148)
- Automatic Combustion Control, J. L. Hodgson and L. L. Robinson, 128, 132 (Leading Article, 125) (Letter, F. L. Cater, 153)
- Gasworks Practice, F. M. Birks, 432, 435, 460
- Mechanics of Electrical Switchgear, H. Trencham, 312 (Leading Article, 305)
- Summer Meeting at Liverpool, Programme, 584; Liverpool and the Atlantic Ferry, J. Austin, 658; Visits, 658
- Surface Condensers, Some Factors in Design of, H. L. Guy and E. J. Winstanley, 154, 182, 210, 204
- Graduates : Recent Activities, (342)
- North-Western Branch : Annual Dinner, Report, (86)
- Design of Surface Condensing Plant, H. L. Guy and E. V. Winstanley, 154, 182, 210
- Annual Dinner, Report, (464)
- Mavor and Coulson Travelling Scholarship Award, (310)
- Medal Awarded to H. Eustace Mitton, (48)
- Summer Meeting, Dates, (292)
- Presidential Address, W. J. Hadfield, 619
- Spring Meetings, (149), 231, 298, 323, 347, 371
- Annual Dinner, Report, 325
- Annual Reports and Accounts, 298
- Awards, Gold Medal, and Premium, 298
- Presidential Address, 298
- Papers
- Aircraft Carriers, Sir A. W. Johns, 323, 327
- An Experimental Examination of Distribution of Velocity Around Ship's Model Placed in Turbulent Stream, J. H. Lamble, 371
- Automatic Steering Control of Ships, Sir James B. Henderson, 324, 334
- Development of Auxiliary Propeller Drive, E. C. Garrett, 372
- Electrically Welded Joints in Ship Construction, Professor B. P. Haigh, 347, 351
- Fire-fighting Arrangements in Ships, E. F. Spanner, 371
- Form Efficiency, Professor E. M. Bragg, 349
- Influence of Keys and Keyways on Cylindrical Fits and Shrinkage Fits, Professor E. G. Coker and R. Russell, 371
- Insulating Holds in Relation to Heat Leakage, Structure of, Dr. Smith and Mr. Farmer, 348
- Lubrication of Bearings, Some Questions Relating to, Monsieur H. Brillie, 371
- Scale Effect on Screw Propellers, J. F. Allan, 371
- Screw Propellers of Varying Blade Section in Open Water, Part H, G. S. Baker and A. W. Riddle, 348
- Ship Lengths for Minimum Pitching and Maximum Seaworthiness, Appropriate, J. L. Kent, 349
- Vibration Neutraliser for Ships, Professor C. E. Inglis, 308
- Summer Meeting Programme, (440)
- Presidential Address, History of the Locking Frame, Ralph S. Griffiths, (173)
- Summer Meeting at Cardiff, (605)
- Annnual Dinner and Dance, (337)
- Charter Luncheon, Report, (570)
- Pamphlet of Education, Professional Training and Employment in Structural Engineering, (242)
- Summer Conference Programme, 540
- History of Societe, Monsieur Du-Plat-Taylor, 426
- Mr. Robert Ogden's Scheme, 158
- Sir Robert Hadfield's Golf Challenge Cup, (108)
- Summer Meeting in Scotland, 624
- British Deep-sea Fishing, Modern, Dr. Hans Liibbert, 624
- High-pressure Turbines and Boilers, O. Jebens, 624
- Influence of Weight and Buoyancy Distribution on Sea Performance, John Anderson, 624
- Measuring Changes of Tension, Pressure, and Strength, Dr.-Ing. W. Pabst, 624
- Practical Limits of Super-pressure Steam in Ship Proplusion, Professor 0. Bauer, 624
- Ship Forms in Relation to Economy and Pitching, Dr.-Ing. G. Kempf, 624
- Shipping, Shipbuilding, and Engineering Questions, Present-day, Dr.-Ing. E. Foerster, 624
- Visits and Social Functions, 624
- Heterochromatic Photometry, with Particular Reference to Luminous Discharge Tubes, H. Huckley, (279)
- Visit of H.R.H. The Duke of York to Offices, (505)
- Piping Systems for High-pressure Steam, A. G. Budgen, (71)
- Conference on Smokeless Fuel, 595
- Memorandum, Damage to Buildings by Smoke, (71)
- Summer Conference in London, (479), (555)
- Summer Meeting in Derbyshire, 611
- Annual Dinner, 611
- Derbyshire Industries, Historical Notes on Some, Rhys Jenkins, 611
- High Peak Railway, Sidelights on, D. P. Carr, 611
- Reverberatory Furnace with Coal Fuel, 1612-1712, Rhys Jenkins, 81
- Award of Duddell Medal, (311)
- Definition of Photo-electric (Light Sensitive) Cells, (605)
- Invention in Relation to National Welfare and its Legislative Control, Sir Ambrose Fleming, 287
- Annual Commemoration Dinner, (310)
- Coal Utilisation, W. R. Gordon, (629)
- Thomas L. Gray Memorial Prizes for Improvement and Encouragement of Navigation, 212
- Formation of Road and Building Materials Group, (43)
- President, Mr. Edwin Thompson, (338)
- Recent Developments in Field .of Petroleum, Dr. A. E. Dunstan, (455)
- Wet Rot in Greenheart and Pitchpine, E. A; Rudge, (13)
- South Wales Section : Hydrogenation of Coal, Dr. W. Idris Jones, (123)
- Ipswich Show, 1934, (42)
- Conversazione, Report, 502
- Fellowship Conferred on Mr. A. G. M. Michell, Inventor of Michell Thrust and Journal Bearings, (253)
- Supersaturated Steam, Mr. J. I. Yellott, 207
- Relative Elasticity of Engine Crank Shafts, William C. Stewart, 537
- ATMOSPHERIC Dust, Apparatus for Recording, (555)
- BAKELITE Cement for Embedding Microscope Specimens, (555)
- Bakelite Electric Fittings, Factories in Bombay Island for, (13)
- Bakelite Mounting for Metallographic Specimens, (329)
- Balloon Crash, Soviet, (173)
- Barrage, Proposed Kut, 139, (173), 469
- Basket Cribs on Apishapa River, Flood Protection by, 628
- Baths at Doncaster, Improvements at Grey Friars-road, (440)
- Bearing for Industrial Operating Problems, "Nomy," (123)
- Bearings, Finish of, J. C. H. Atkins, (149)
- Bearings, Laminated Plastics for, (429)
- Bearings run at 50,000 r.p.m., (605)
- Bellows, Hydraulically Formed, Drayton Regulator and Instrument Company, Ltd., 68
- Bells of Blythsburgh Church, Suffolk, Welded by Barimar, Ltd., (338)
- Bells of Church of St. Mary, Woodbridge, Suffolk, Repair by Welding of, (97)
- Belting, R. and J. Dick, Ltd., B.I.F., 220
- Belting Charts, Conveyor, Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., (310)
- Benalloy, Uses of, (353)
- Benzole Producing Plant of Leeds Corporation Opened, (555)
- l3enzole Recovery Plant of Dundee, (173)
- Benzoic, Recovery Plant at Funfkirchen, (377)
- Benzole Recovery Plant at Manchester Gas-works, (173)
- Beryllium-Copper Alloys, (353)
- Birmingham to Dunstable, Transferring 500 Homes from, (464)
- Birthday Honours for British Railway Directors, (581)
- Blending System, Synchroweigh, H. Simon, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Benson Boiler and Power Stations, Dr. F. Ohlmuller, 197
- Boiler, Electrode, General Electric Company,Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Boiler, High-pressure Testing, Dewrance and Co., Ltd., 589
- Boiler, " Woolnough," 599, 606 (Two-page Supplement, June 15th, 1934)
- Boiler Instrument Panel, Geo. Kent, Ltd., 144, 145
- Boiler Smoke, Reduction of, British Smoke Eliminators, Ltd., 439
- Boiler Tubes, Overcoming Difficulty in Replacing, C. A. Armstrong, (455)
- Boiler Water Treatment, Problems Awaiting Solution in, U. S. Irving, (303)
- Boilers for Southern Railway Train Ferries, Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 398
- Boilers for Barking Power Station, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 115-121 (Two-page
- Supplement, February 2nd, 1934)
- BORIUM, Hardness of, (581)
- Braking Performances, Chart of, Ferodo Ltd., (238)
- Brass Ingots, Casting of, 376
- Bricks from Coal Mine Residue, Experiment at Bedlington to Make, (329)
- Bricks with High Content of Corundum, Manufacture of, (43)
- Breathing Apparatus for Use in Gaseous Atmospheres, (71)
- Bridge and Structural Engineers' National Federation, Annual General Meeting, (97)
- Abushka River Bridge Opened, World's Largest Welded Bridge, (605)
- Alawwa• Bridge, Ceylon, Opened, (655)
- Atchafalaya River Bridge, Construction of, (71)
- Ava Bridge Over Irrawaddy River Opened, 1, (13)
- Barendrecht Lift Bridge, 580, 582
- Birchenough Bride, S. Rhodesia, to be Finished by April, 1935, (529)
- Burrard Bridge, Vancouver, 23
- Chelsea Suspension Bridge, 217
- Concrete Railway Bridge near Vaudreuil, Quebec, Largest Single-spanned Rigid-framed, (505)
- Dalgrain Bridge over Firth and Clyde Canal Opened, (353)
- Forth Road Bridge, Proposed, 343, 645
- Glensburgh Bridge Opened, (353)
- Grey-street Bridge, Brisbane, 23, 24
- Harding Bridge Across Ganges, Race Against Time to Save, (403), (455)
- Jumna Road and Rail Bridge at Delhi, Reconstruction of, (13)
- Kawasaki Harbour All-welded Vertical Lift Bridge, (97)
- Khedive Ismail Bridge, Cairo, 24
- Kuala Lumpur Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridge, (97)
- London Bridge, 1802, Telford's Proposed, 604
- Menai Straits Bridge, 1811, Telford's Proposed, 694
- Newport Vertical Lift Bridge, 228, 232, 233, 248, 249, 254 (Two-page Supplement, March 9th, 1934)
- San Francisco-Oakland Bridge, 622
- Tees Vertical Lift Drawbridge, Middlesbrough, 24 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Traneberg Arch Bridge, Stockholm, 24 (Suppelement, January 5th, 1934)
- Trans-Bay Bridge, San Francisco, Last Caisson Landed, (13)
- Tri-borough Bridge, New York, (455)
- Twickenham Bridge, 25 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Wandsworth Bridge, Scheme for Reconstruction, 139
- Waterloo Bridge, 139, 319, 367, 469, 495, 545, 571, 645
- Waterloo Bridge, Demolition of, 645
- Waterloo Bridge and Society for Protection of Ancient Buildings and London Society, (529)
- Welded Steel Bridge Across River Abushka Opened, (529)
- BRITISH Goods and Crown Colonies, 113
- British Science Guild, Friction, Professor E. N. da C. Andrade, 595
- Aluminium Alloy Forgings, Light, 252
- Angles and Tee Bars, 540
- Arc Welding of Structures, 337
- Bevel Gears, 487
- Birch Plywood, 212
- Boiler and Superheater Tubes, 212
- Cable Glands and Sealing Boxes, 540
- Calorific Value, Gross and Net, 172
- Cast Iron Soil, Waste, &c., Pipes, 440
- Concrete Tiles, 590
- Drain Pipes and Fittings, 414
- Electric Signs, 654
- Eyebolts, Steel, 172
- Fibre Cores for Wire Ropes, 108
- Graphical Symbols, 314
- Handbook of Information and Indexed List , 252
- Lamp Bulbs, 4-volt Miners' Hand, 252
- Lancashire and Cornish Boilers, 337
- Lead, Chemical, 554
- Light Railway Rails and Portable Railway Track, 487
- Linseed Oil Putty, 554
- Medium Hard Copper Strip, Bars and Rods, 108
- Phenol and Tar Acids, 12
- Plugs and Socket Outlets, 590
- Power-driven Derrick Cranes, 487
- Sand-lime (Calcium-silicate) Bricks, 440
- Scoured Cotton Fabric, 654
- Screw Lamp Caps and Lampholders, 414
- Steel Arches for Mines, 487
- Steel-cored Aluminium Conductors, Standard, 440
- Steel Pins for Aircraft Purposes, 540
- Steel Roller Chains and Wheels, 540
- Steel Spigot and Socket Pipes, 252
- Structural Steel for Girder Bridges, 12
- Structural Steel, High-tension, 554
- Switches for 600 Volts, 314
- Switchgear for Indoor and Outdoor Installations, 172
- Synthetic Resin Insulating Sheets, 554
- Tungsten Filament Lamps, 487
- BROMINE from Sea Water, Plant for Removing, (429)
- Buildings in Canada, Fire-safe, (13)
- CABLE, Experimental Installation of 220-kV Oil-filled Transmission, (581)
- Cable Laying in Rural Areas, Callender's Cable and Construction Company, Ltd., 654
- Cable Spiking Gun, Accles and Shelvoke, Ltd., B.I.F., 194
- Cable Syndicates, German, (173)
- Caisson Sickness and Whales, (655)
- Caissons, Rotinoff, 224
- Calendars, Diaries, Sec., 26, 112, 148
- Calorimetry, Instrumental Side of, J. Guild, 36
- Camera of Great Speed, Kodak, (629)
- Canada, Present Conditions in, (455)
- Air Mail Carryings, 661
- Alkali-chlorine Plant, 399
- Alkali Water on Cement, Action of, 661
- Bridge and Structural Steelwork, 661
- Bridge Building Programme, 661
- Business Conditions, 288
- Caughnawaga Bridge, St. Lawrence River, 12
- Cement, Action of Alkali Water on, 661
- Coal, 399
- Container Testing Machine, 172
- Electrical Engineering, 399
- Engineers Aid Fisheries, 172
- English Tin Plant, 12
- Forest Wealth of Canada, 661
- Highway Lighting Tests, 661
- Industry in Maritime Provinces, 12
- Power Plant at Slave Falls, 172
- Progress at Rapide Blanc, 288
- Pulp Machinery Experiments, 288
- Railway Rolling Stock Industry, 172
- Sewerage Scheme at Toronto, 399
- Snow Removal Machinery, 172
- Tin-plate Plant, 172
- Water Power and Mining, 12
- Canal Traffic in 1933 on L.M.S. System, (636)
- Dearne and Dove Canal, Closing of, (505)
- Suez Canal Company, Annual General Meeting, 571; Receipts in 1933, (13); Reduction of Dues, (71); Shipping Tonnage, (329); Traffic during March, 1934, (403)
- CANNING Industry, Processing Machinery for, G. A. Harvey and Co. (London), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppe., 16.2.34, i
- Canning Industry of Britain, (123)
- Cardboard Making Machines for Thames Board Mills, Ltd., Two, (123)
- Casein Glue, (549)
- Casting of Brass Ingots, 376
- Castings Cleaned by Water under Pressure, (173)
- Catalogues, 26, 108, 134, 209, 310, 337, 464, 518, 590, 638
- Cellulose Sheets for Protection of Written or Printed Records, (429)
- Cement and Concrete, Physical and Chemical Properties of, D. Werner and S. Giertz-Hedstrom, 235 (Erratum, 264) (Leading Article, 255)
- Cement-Gun Work, " Gunite," (268)
- Cement in Paving, Use of Hot, (629)
- Cement Manufacture in North Lincolnshire, (71)
- Cement Mortars, Researches on, (429)
- Cements, Liquid Thermoplastic. (555)
- Centenary of Death of Thomas Telford, 603
- Centrifugal Unit Operated at Speed of 20,000 Revolutions per Second, Sharpies', (403)
- Challen, Mr. W. B., Complimentary Dinner, (149)
- Chapman, F. M., Retirement from G.E.C. of, (212)
- Chemical Works at Dairen, (173)
- Chromium in Vanadium and Molybdenum Steels, Estimating, (455)
- Chromium Plating Plant, 636
- Circulator, Gas-heated, W. Canning and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 193
- Clinker Grinding in Iowa Generating Station, (253)
- Clutch, Hele-Shaw, Platt Brothers and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2. 34, viii
- All-electric Coal Mine at Blyth, (479)
- Anti-breakage Device at Blyth Coal Staiths, (227)
- British Coal in Canada, (540)
- Brown Coal Beds Discovered in Ural Mountains, (455)
- Caerau Colliery Reopened, (71)
- Coal, Statistics About, Sir Robert Horne, (279)
- Coal and Southern Rhodesia, (555)
- Coal, Brighter Prospects for, 445
- Coal Cleaning by Vacuum Flotation Treatment, (173)
- Coal Cleaning Plant, Ashington, Goodall,
- Clayton and Co., Ltd., 39, 44
- Coal Control in Belgium, State, 571
- Coal Cutter, Chain Type, Uskside Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Coal Deposits at Hung Men Kou, Working of, (227)
- Coal Deposits Discovered in Central Volga Region, (629)
- Coal Derivative Fuels for Road Vehicles, Exhibition at Westminster, 584
- Coal Discovered on Cornsay Fell, (260)
- Coal for Paris—Orleans Railway, Welsh, (581)
- Coal Fuel for St. Helens Glass Works, (123)
- Coal Hoists at Roath Dock, Two Additional, (329)
- Coal Hydrogenation Plant at Elan, Korea, (173)
- Coal Output for Eighteen Weeks Shows Increase, (629)
- Coal Output of Russia, 1933, (173)
- Coal Shipped for Bunkers, 1933, (227)
- Coal Shipped for Fishing Industry and Foreign Trade, (655)
- Coal Staiths at Hebburn-on-Tyne, (655)
- Coal Utilisation Council, 269
- Coal v. Oil for the Navy, Engineer Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald W. Skelton, 307
- Coal Washer, Chance, General Electric Research Laboratories, 68
- Coke Oven Plant at Funfkirchen, (377)
- Dry Cleaning of Coal, Professor F. J. Tromp, (353)
- Firedamp Explosions, Projection of Flame, (581)
- Hydrogenation of Coal, Dr. W. Idris Jones, (127)
- Hydrogenation of Coal in Ruhr District, (227)
- Low-temperature Carbonisation Plant at Askern, (479)
- Machine-cut Coal Produced in Great Britain in 1933, (403)
- Pit at Syddyn, near Llanelly, Sinking, (581)
- Pulverised Coal, Estimated Annual Consumption of, (629)
- " Safety First " Demonstration and Wyndham Colliery, (629)
- Seaham Colliery Re-opened, (329)
- Stacked Coal, Tests on Effect of Weather on, (629)
- Steel Pit Props and Mine Arches, (655)
- Tyne Coal and Coke Shipments, (655)
- COLONIAL Development, Merits of Roads and Railways for, (505)
- Colouring of Clay Bricks, (279)
- Commercial Treaty, Anglo-French, 619
- Companies Registered in England, Jordan's Statistics, (71)
- Air Compressor Set, Portable, Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt.
- Air Compressor Unit, Shenstone Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 195
- Air Compressing Set, Williams B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- COMMUNICATION Over Power Systems, H. E. Rutter, 93
- Concrete, Heating of Fresh, by Passage of Electric Current, (403)
- Concrete Construction, Moving Forms for, H. H. Broughton, 451
- Concrete Laboratory, All-Tunnel Portland Cement Company, Ltd., 300, 301
- Concrete Mixer, Rotary, Liner Concrete Machinory Company, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Concrete Piles Treated with Asphaltum, (173)
- Concrete Siaecimens, Shrinkage of, (429)
- Concrete Tank, Construction of Pre-stressed, (455)
- Condenser of 113,000 Square Feet of Cooling Surface, (555)
- Condenser Tube Seater, F. Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., 105
- Condensers, Risisto Zinc -free Tubes for, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Condensers for Power Factor Correction, Philips Industrial, 70
- Condensing Plant, Design of Surface, H. L. Guy and E. V. Winstanley, 154, 182
- Contracts and Orders, 26, 60, 86, 112, 134, 158, 186, 216, 238, 292, 318, 392, 418, 444, 468, 490, 518, 544, 566, 590, 618, 644, 668
- " Contrasit," Bandage to Stop Slipping on Belts, (388)
- Control Apparatus, " Reform " Automatic, Feed Stream, H. Simon, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Conveyor Belting Charts, Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., (310)
- Conveyor Belting Records, Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., (310)
- Conveying Belt, Rubber Curbs Vulcanised on, (555)
- Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize, Conditions for 1934 Award, 212
- Copper, Preparation of Electrolytic Monsieur E. Vuignor, (353)
- Copper Alloy " Kunial," (227)
- Copper and Welded Joints, (529)
- Copper Bars, Extension at Prescot of Plant for, (455)
- Copper Covering for Dome at Winnipeg Railway Station, (97)
- Copper Harder than Structural Steel, (581)
- Copper Imports from Dominions, (43)
- Copper Tubes for Locomotive Condensers, Earle, Bourne and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Copper Weld, Strength of Unhammered, (455)
- Corrosion-resisting Aluminium Alloys, Birmabright, Ltd., R.I.P., Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Crane, Oil Engine Driven Locomotive, Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 207
- Crane, I-Ton Mobile, R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Crane at Puget Sound Navy Yard, 250-Ton, (13)
- Crane Motors, Protective Panels for, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 563
- Crank Axles, Locomotive, F. L. Baxter, 646
- Creep Characteristics of Fifteen Different Alloys, (43)
- Current Prices for Metals and Fuels—Weekly Cutter, Portable Straight-line Oxy-acetylene, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Cutting Alloy, " Ardoloy," High-speed, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppe., 16.2.34, vii
- Cylinder Liner Wear in High-speed Engines, L. J. Le Messurier and R. Stansfield, (403)
- Cylinder Liners, Anti-corrodible, Barimar, Ltd., 437
- Cylinders, Lining, (71)
- Cylinders, Repair of Scored, Barimar Process, 612
- DAIMLER, Gottlieb, Hundredth Anniversary of Birth of Inventor of High-speed Internal Combustion Engine, (279)
- Aswan Dam, 56 (Supplement, January 5th , 1934)
- Boulder Dam (late Hoover), Statistics of, (97)
- Boulder Dam, Progress Two Years Ahead of Schedule, (629)
- Buttress Dam, J. Martin Alonso, 209
- Clatteringshaws Dam on Galloway Water Power Scheme, 52
- Glacier Dam, Argentina, Collapse of, 252
- Mettur Dam Nearing Completion, (353)
- Norris Dam, Transportation Over Concrete Road of Materials for, (429)
- Riverhurst, near Moose Jaw, Dam, (43)
- Ryburn Dam, 26 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Vaal River Dam, (71), 576
- Wellington Dam, W. Australia, 504
- DEGREASING Metals by Use of Trichlorethy-lene, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Development, Parsons Steam Turbine, of—see Parsons, page iv
- Die, Nickel Cast Iron, (262)
- Die Head, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii
- Dies, Matched Patterns for Male and Female, (173)
- Discovery, Students and Historical Side of, (43)
- Drainage Scheme for Falkirk, (173)
- Drawing-office Materials, British, G. V. Rickards, (43)
- Drawings, Methods for Draughtsmen to Keep Clean, (303)
- Dredging Contract for Southampton Harbour, (123)
- Drill, " Rotodrill " Pneumatic Mining, Holman Brothers, Ltd., R.I.P. Suppe., 23.2.34, vii
- Drills, Rock, Holman Brothers, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- " Duralax " Tracing Paper, S. C. and P. Harding, Ltd., (82)
- Dust and Smoke, It. Whytlow-Gray, 409
- Dust Separator, Supreme Vortex, W. Alexander, 437
- Dyed Metal, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., B.1. F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Dyestuffs, Production of Synthetic Organic, (584)
- EARTHQUAKE Damage to Railways in India, (279)
- Economiser Units, Flash-welded, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., R.I.P. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Economist, The, Seven Cardinal Fallacies, 156 (Letters, F. A. Auger, 177; M. Jacklin, 177)
- Economy Programme in United States, (377)
- Education for the " Brave New World," Mr. H. J. Cull, 549
- Educational Intelligence, 67, 148, 184
- See also Scientific Instruments
- A.C. Distribution Systems, Modern Practice in Lay-out of, L. Romero, 598
- Alternator Rotor for Galloway Water Power Scheme, English Electric Company, Ltd., 612
- Alternators for Salt River Power Station, Parsons 20,000-kW, 325
- Barking Power Station, 115-121, 124, 144, 150, 168 (Two-page Supplement, February 2nd, 1934)
- Bench Lay-out in an Electrical Repair Shop, L. I. Hunt, 49 (Leading Article, 45) (Letter, G. H. Miles, 127)
- Blackburn Meadows Power Station, 11 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Brimsdown " B " Power Station, Extensions of, 378, 381 (Two-page Supplement, April 13th, 1934)
- Bulawayo Power Station, Modernising, (13)
- Cable Sheaths, Henley's Seamless Lead, 311
- Central Electricity Baord, Annual Report, 1933, 397
- Central England Electricity Scheme, 243
- Circuit Breaker, General Electric Company, Ltd., 563 (Leading Article, 557)
- Circuit Breaker, Highest Voltage Oilless, A.E.G. Company, (628)
- Circuit Breaker, Knowles-Shotter, 36
- Circuit Tester, Megger, Evershed and Vignolles, Ltd., 36
- Control Room at Bankside Power Station, Reyrolle and Co Ltd., 52, 53
- Control Room at Co.,Bristol, Automatic Electric Company, Ltd., 52
- Distribution Board, English Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 221
- Dunston Power Station 11 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Electric Boiler Plant in Factory, Automatic, Bastian and Allen, Ltd., 259
- Electric Cables, Design of, Dr. P. Dunsheath, (529)
- Electric Current for Heating Frozen Pipes, (455)
- Electric Furnaces for S. Fox and Co., Ltd., High-frequency, Electric Furnace Company, Ltd., 400
- Electric Heating Stations in U.S.S.R., Central, (227)
- Electric Motors, Laurence Scott and Electro-motors, Ltd., B.I.F. 196
- Electric Motors at Hull Ice Factory, General Electric Company, Ltd., 410
- Electric Vehicles vertu. Motor Omnibuses, Advantage, (123)
- Electrical Conductors, Careful Preparation of Surfaces of, (555)
- Electrical Energy from Sea, Monsieur Georges Claude's Experiments, (303)
- Electrical Export Trade, German, 163
- Electrical Import and Exports During May, (655)
- Electrical Installations, Specifications for, H. R. M. Thorp, 450
- Electrical Instruments, Negretti and Zambra, Ltd., 70
- Electrical Instruments and Apparatus, India's Imports of, (629)
- Electrical Machinery and Apparatus for Soviet Russia, (555)
- Electrical Machinery in British Collieries, J. A. B. Horsley, (429)
- Electrical Mining Machinery, General Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Electrical Precipitators at Brimsdown, Sturtevant Engineering Company, Ltd., 486
- Electrical Research Association, Annual Luncheon, 163
- Electrical Switchgear, Mechanics of, H. Trencham, 312; (Leading Article, 305)
- Electrical Transmission Research Lahore-titles, Callender, 656, 659
- Electricity Commission Appointments,(288)
- Electricity Commissioners' Official Returns, Statistics, January, 1934 (201); February, 1934, (303); March, 1934, (403); April, 1934, (505); May, 1934, (605)
- Electricity for Heat and Motive Power for Waterproofing Fabric, (299)
- Electricity Supply at Downton, 160 H.P. " Brush "Four-cylinder Oil Engine for, 261
- Electricity Supply Bill, New, 376
- Electricity Supply from Kettering for Corby, Northants, (376)
- Electricity Supply from Pykara to Cochin State, (455)
- Electricity Supply of Manchester, 619
- Electricity Supply System of Weston, Australia, (555)
- Electrification Scheme for Petlad, Baroda State Government Sanctions, (455)
- Electro-deposition of Aluminium from Non-aqueous Solution, R. D. Blue and F. C. Mathers, (629)
- Electromagnet, Large Experimental, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 637
- Electrode Boiler, General Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Electrodes for Electric Arc Welding, Ferro-Aro Welding Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Supple, 16.2.34, i
- Fulham Power Station, 11, 14
- Fuse Handles, Conversion, English Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 221
- Fuse Handles, English Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 221
- Fuse Switches, " Combination " Metal-clad, English Eleotric Company, Ltd., 234
- Fuse Unit, Universal, English Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 221
- Generator, Ultra High-frequency Oscillation, Marconi Company, 38
- Generator Shafts for Beauharnois Power Scheme, English Steel Corporation, 130
- German Cable Manufacturing Industry, 243
- Heating Circuits, Safety Devices, (288)
- Hypo-synchronous Motor, Laurence, Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., 196
- Isolating Switches for Polo Mounting, Henley's Telegraph Works Company, Ltd., 462
- Johannesburg Municipal Power-house, Extensions at, (71)
- Kroonstad Council, S. Africa, Change Over of Electricity Supply from Direct to Alternating Current, (71)
- Manchester Corporation Supply, Production of Units in 1933, (13)
- Mechanics of Electrical Switchgear, H. Trencham, 312; (Leading Article, 306)
- Mining Transformers, 75-kVA, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 438
- Motor, Explosion-proof, General Electric Comapny, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Motor Converters, 2500-kW, Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., 106
- Motor Units, Geared Electric, Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 158
- Motor Units, Fractional Horse-power Geared, British ThomEon -Houston Company, Ltd., 412
- Motor Units, Geared Electric, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 158
- Motors, A.C. and D.C., Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., B.I.F., 224
- Motors, Electric, Higgs Motors, Ltd., B.I.F., 224
- Motors, " Fankuld "Totally Enclosed Frame-cooled, Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto Ltd., B.I.F., 223
- Motors, Flame-proof, Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., B.I.F., 224
- Oil-electric Generating Set at Municipal Electricity Works, Copenhagen, (253)
- Power Factor Demonstrator, Crompton-Parkinson, 51
- Power Factor of Three-phase Cables, P. V. Hunter, (303)
- Power Plant, Experiments with Rotary, Julius D. Madaras, (245)
- Power Plant at Bulawayo, (529)
- Power Plant Erection Problems, Some, H. C. Young, 413
- Power Station at Dairen, (173)
- Power Station at Lac Noir, Vosges Mountains, Messrs. Escher, Wyss Report of Accident, 148
- Power Station Control Room, Bankside, 426
- Protective Panels for Crane Motors, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 563
- Radiation Relay, Simple, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 37
- Reactor, Three-phase, Hackbridge Electric Construction Company, Ltd., 286
- Rectifier, Plato Type, Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 220
- Rectifier, 7-kW Three-phase Glass Bulb, Professor J. K. Catterson Smith, 70
- Rectifier Sub-station at Acton, Underground, Hewittic Electric Company, Ltd., 434
- Rectifiers, Costs and Coditions of Glass and Steel Mercury, J. E. Calverley, (303)
- Rectifiers on L.M.S. Railway, Glass Bulk Hewittic Electric Company, Ltd., 452
- Relays, Ferranti Ltd., 69
- Rubber Mountings on Motors, Mercury Used to Test Vibrations of, (505)
- Specifications for Electrical Installations, H. R. M. Thorp, 450
- Starter, Adjustable Time Alternate Acting, Igranic Electric Company, Ltd., 70
- Starter, Air-break Draw-out Gate-end, Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., B.I.F., 220
- Starter, Gate-end, General Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Surplus Electric Energy in North Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, (555)
- Switch, Automatic Emergency Lighting Change-over and Battery Charging, Igranic Electric Company, Ltd., 70
- Switchboard, Single Bus-bar, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 52, 53
- Switchboard, " Trubicle," Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., B.I.F., 220
- Switchboard, Volt and Ammeters, Miniature, Elliott Brothers (London,) Ltd., 36
- Transmission Lines, Steel-cored Aluminium Conductors for, J. S. and W. E. Highfield, 256
- Turbo-alternator at Barton Power Station, Non-stop Run of, (253)
- Turbo-alternators in Paper Mills, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 209
- Turbo-generator Taking Steam at 800 lb per square inch, 7500-kW, (555)
- Turbo-generator, 50-kW, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Verooniging Power Station on Vaal River, Proposed, (329)
- Yorkshire Electric Power Company, Annual Report, 163
- ELEVATOR, Opening of Niederfinow Canal Boat, (353)
- Elevators, Fastest in World at Rockfeller Centre, (43)
- Employment in United States, (605)
- Engineer and Free Electron, The, Faraday Lecture by C. C. Paterson, 297
- Engineering, Estimating Methods in, 385
- Engineering Officers in India, Training of, (43)
- Engineering Sales Department, Eric N. Simons, 396
- Engineering Structures, Tubes for, C. Watts, 449
- Engineers, Formation of International Fedorathin of, 528
- Engineers and Economics, (82)
- Engineers' Degrees, French, 282
- Engineers' Tool Department, Thos. Firth and John Brown, Ltd., 625, 630
- Diesel Engine, 12 B.H.P. Atomic, Petters, Ltd., 361
- Engine, Bristol " Perseus " Air-cooled Sleeve Valve, 46
- Engine, Bristol " Phoenix " Air-cooled C.I., 46
- Engines, Causes of Detonation in Petrol and Diesel, G. D. Boerlage and Dr. W. T. D. van Dyck, 243
- Engines, Internal Combustion, Nickel-Iron Alloys in, Construction of, Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., 373
- Engines, Piston for Internal Combustion, Wellworthy, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Engine Fuel, " Cleveland-Disiol," 148
- Oil Engine, Doxford 2900 S.H.P., 77, 78
- Oil Engine, High-speed Locomotive Type, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 439
- Oil Engine, " Monovalve " Heavy, (537)
- Oil Engine, National Medium-speed, 326
- Oil Engine, Scott 1250 S.H.P., 77, 78
- Oil Engine, 200 B.H.P. Eight-cylinder, Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., 261
- Oil Engine Driven Rail Car for Groat Western Railway, 130 H.P., Hardy Motors, Ltd., 9
- Oil Engine Exports from United Kingdom, Value of, (529)
- Oil Engine for British Oxygen Company's Works, 1000 B.H.P., Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 50
- Oil Engine for Electricity Supply at Downton, 1.60 H.P. " Brush ' Four-cylinder, 261
- Oil Engine for Shanghai, 13,700 H.P. Sulzer-Diesel, (455)
- Oil Engine for Shunting Locomotive, 85 H.P., Motor Rail, Ltd., B.I. F. Suppt.,16.2.34, ii
- Oil Engine Generating Set for Pak Loads at Tiverton, Petters, Ltd., 486
- Oil Engine Locomotive, 28 H.P., Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iii
- Oil-engined Narrow-gauge Locomotive, 28
- H.P., Motor Rail, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Oil Engines Light Pistons for Birmingham Aluminium Castings (1903) Company, Ltd., B.1.10. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Oil Engines, Quotations for, (303)
- Oil Engines for Rail Cars, High-speed, Daimler-Benz Company, 128
- Oil Engines for Railcars, Six-cylinder, 150 B.H.P., Daimler-Benz Company, 128
- Oil Engines for Swindon Waterworks, 275 H.P., Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 587
- Oil Fuel Engines of the Future, Dr. A. E. Dunstan, (455)
- Paraffin Fuel Engines, Morris Motors, Ltd., 451
- Petrol Engine, 2i B.H.P., Alpha Engineering Company, 384
- Petrol Engine, 3i H.P., Villiers Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I . F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Petrol Engine, 9 B.H.P., Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., B.I.F., 193
- Petrol Engine, 65 B.H.P., Four-cylinder, Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., B.I.F., 193
- Petrol Engines, Efficiency of, E. R. L. Fitz Payne, (97)
- Petrol Engines, Water-cooled, Villiers Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Steam Engine, 150 B.H.P., W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., B.1 .,F'. Suppt., 16.2.34,
- Steam Engine, 1750 I.H.P. Poppet Valve, North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Ltd., 76, 77
- Steam Engine, 2000 1.H.P. Three-cylinder Semi -uniflow, Alexander Stephens and Sons, Ltd., 76, 77
- ERECTION Problems in Power Plants, H. C. Young, 413
- Estimating Methods in Engineering, 385
- Evaporation Tests of Bare Soil and Soil Covered with Vegetation, (329)
- Excavator, Quarter Cubic Yard Universal, Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 488
- Excavator, Three-eighth Cubic Yard, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 261
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham, 192, 220 (Eight-page Supplement, February 16th, 1934) ( Eight-page Supplement, February 23rd, 1934)
- British Industries Fair, Inquiries from Abroad, (131)
- British Industries Fair, 1934, Overseas Orders and Inquiries, (303)
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham Section Date 1935, (392)
- British Industries Fair, 1935, Board of Management, (590)
- Exhibition Hall for Manchester, Proposed, (361)
- Ford Exhibit at 1934 World's Fair, Chicago, (629)
- Laundry Exhibition, 487
- Leipzig Technical Fair, 258, 274
- Levant Fair, Visitors to, (660)
- Machine Tool Exhibition at Olympia, 1934, (148)
- Paris Trade Fair, 1934, Inventions' Competition, (149)
- Physical Society's Exhibition, 36, 68
- Refrigeration Exhibition at Science Museum, (429)
- EXPLOSIVES Manufacture in Morocco, (555)
- FACTORY for Manufacture of Screws, Nuts, and Rivets in Palestine, First, (403)
- Fallacies, Seven Cardinal, " The Economist," 156
- Farm Wells, Pumps for Deep, C. A. Cameron Brown, 638
- Fatigue and Corrosion, Cracking and Fracture Caused by, Professor F. C. Bacon, 634
- " Fibro " Produced from Wood Pulp May Rival Egyptian Cotton, (529)
- Finsbury College Old Students' Dinner, (184)
- Fire Extinguisher Foam, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., 262
- Fire-fighting Arrangements in Ships, E. F. Spanner, 371
- Fires in United States, Results of, (43)
- Firing Apparatus, " Robot-Fireman " Automatic Coal, International Combustion, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iii
- Fish Dock at Grimsby, (505)
- Flame Gases, Temperature and Latent Energy in, Professor W. T. David, 558
- Flanges, Lagging of, (505)
- Flex, Improved, " Domestaflex," General Electric Company, Ltd., (644)
- Flood Protection by Basket Cribs on Apishapa River, 628
- Flood Threatens Hardinge Bridge Over Ganges, (403)
- Floor Stand for Use with Electrical Drilling Machines, Portable, S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 221
- Fog, Railway Working in, 607
- Fog Camera on U.S. Line's " Manhattan," (97)
- Forging, Method of, with Combination of Extrusion, (377)
- Forging Hammer, Double-tup, Beche, and Grohs, 258
- Forgings, Drop, Carron Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Forthcoming Engagements— Weekly
- Foundry Moulding Sands, Tests for, British Cast Iron Research Association, Research Report No. 73, (505), (518)
- Foundry School, Projected British, 309
- Fourth Dimension, Seeing the, 107
- Anglo-French Engineers' Manifestation, 667
- Anglo-French Trade, 215, 341
- Anglo-French Trade Treaty, 85
- " Atlantique," " L," 161
- Blast-furnace gases, 187
- British Coal Imports, 667
- Bureau Veritas Laboratory, 617
- Canal Traffic, Accelerated, 391
- Cars, Front-drive, 443
- Coal, 85, 187
- Coal Bicentenary, 543
- Concrete Bridge, Novel, 593
- Coal Dilemma, 443
- Coal Tax, 59
- Commercial Vehicles, 593
- Congo-Ocean Railway, 85
- " Emeraude," Disaster, 1 1 1
- Engineering Outlook, 187, 291, 617
- Exhibition Building, 417
- Exhibition in 1937, Proposed, 137
- Foreign Trade, 137, 187, 341
- Foreign Trade Decline, 543
- Foreign Trade Relations, 365
- Franco-British Trade, 29
- French Empire Trade, 467
- Hydro-electric Disaster in Vosges, 59, 148
- Import Quotas, 111
- Imports of Sample Machines, 137
- Industrial Difficulties, 341
- Industrial Economies, 493
- Industrial Future, 161
- Inland Communication, 417
- International Air Services, 467
- Labour Problem, 241
- Lille Fair, 417 •
- Machine Parts, 291
- Machine Tools, 215
- Machinery and Unemployment, 569
- Master Artisans, 137, 643
- Motor Car Industry, 291
- National Research Work, 241
- North African Railways, 569
- Oil in Morocco, 365
- Paris Exhibition, 493
- Paris Exhibition, 1937, 365
- Paris Surface Transport, 517
- Paris Water Supply, 59, 161
- Pointe-Noire Harbour, 493
- Production Costs, 443
- Public Works, 365, 443, 493
- Quotas and Tariffs, 543
- Quotas Work, How the, 317
- Rail Motor Coaches, 617
- Rail and Road Transport, 215
- Railway Deficit, 569
- Railway Disaster, 29
- Railway Equipment, Ill
- Railway Organisation, 391
- Railway Signals, 85
- Road and Rail Agreements, 643
- Road Congress, 593
- Rolling Stock, 267, 341
- Shipbuilding, 667
- Shipping, 161, 267, 417
- Shipping Subsidies, 59, 317, 391, 543, 643
- South American Air Services, 593
- Steel Industry, 617
- Steel Trade, 391
- Textile Machinery, Redundant, 643
- Trade Agreements, 267
- Trade Concessions, 317
- Trade and Currency Fluctuations, 467
- Trade Prospects, Reviving, 517
- Traffic, Cross Mediterranean, 569
- Transcontinental Water Traffic, 517
- Tunnelling Mont Blanc, 467
- Unemployed Engineers, 29
- Wages, 111
- FRICTION, Professor E. N. de, C. Andrade, 595
- Fuel Research Board, Dr. S. L. Pearce to Serve as Member of, (377)
- Fuel Research Station, Greenwich, 645
- Furnace, Annealing, Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., B.I.F. 195
- Furnace, Pre-heating, T. H. and J. Daniels, B.I.F.Suppt., 16.2.34, viii
- Furnace Charging, " Iron Firemen " for, Ashwell and Nesbit, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii
- Furnace with Coal Fuel, 1612-1712, Reverberatory, Rhys Jenkins, 81
- Furnaces, Electric, Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., B.I.F., 195
- Furnaces, Gas-fired Forging, at Pittsburgh, (505)
- Furniture, Steel, Rubery Owen and Co., B.I.F., 223
- GARAGE Ventilating Equipment, Parkhead Bus, Anemostat (Scotland), Ltd., 636
- Garbage, Treatment by Grinding at Baltimore, (227)
- Gas, Glasgow's Refusal of Cheap, 595
- Gas as Petrol Substitute, 180
- Gas Charges, 571
- Gas Dehydration by Glycerine Process at Luton, (403)
- Gas Grid, German, Magdeburg Gasworks, 280. 284
- Gasholder Indicator, Eloctroflo Meters Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 192
- Gas Holder Signalling Transmitter, Electroflo Meters Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 192
- Gas Testing Apparatus, Cambridge Instrument Company, 37
- Gasworks at Magdeburg, 280, 284
- Gasworks Model at Science Museum, Gift by Gas Light and Coke Company, Ltd., (173)
- Gasworks Practice, F. M. Birks, 432, 435, 460
- Gases, Apparatus for Measuring Heats of Combustion of, National Physical Laboratory, 68
- Gases and Metal Surfaces, Professor E. K. Rideal, 499
- Gauges, A. B. Plate, G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Gear, Single Helical Reduction, Moes Gear Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 223
- Gear Wheel Blank, Large, English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 208
- Gear Wheels, Method of Examining Contact between, (395)
- Gear Wheels, Two Helical, D. Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 385
- Gears, Henry Simon, Ltd., and Turbine Gears, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Germanium, (227)
- Glasshouses for Tomatoes at Manchester Supplied by Waste Hot Water from Partington Gasworks, (43)
- Glass-lined Tanks for Foodstuffs in Bulk, Enamelled Metal Products Corporation (1933), Ltd., (644)
- Glassware, Tests on Volumetric, National Physical Laboratory's Pamphlet, (581)
- Gold from " Laurentic," Salvage Operations in Lough Swilly, (505)
- Gold Mining in Wales, (581)
- Gold Output in Soviet Union, (655)
- Gold Production in Canada, (581)
- Gold Production in Transvaal During April, 1934, (605)
- Gold Production of the World, (477)
- Golf Meeting of London Iron and Steel Exchange, (411)
- Governors, Centrifugal Power Absorption, E. C. Wadlow, 142
- Grain Storage and Handling Plant at Leith Docks, 561
- Graphite Exports from Madagascar, (555)
- Grease Lubrication of Locomotives, H. P. Renwick, (581)
- Grease Works at Hebburn-on-Tyne, (555)
- Greasy Floors, Degreasing, (184)
- Greenhouse Crops, Electric Light and, (13)
- Gum Arabic from Local Woods, Factory in North Russia for Production of, (505)
- HARDNESS Tester, " Rockwell " Superficial, G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., B.1.7., 222
- Hardwoods, Grading Rules and Standard Sizes of Empire, (173)
- Heat Exchanger, 650 lb. Pressure, Serck Radiators, Ltd., B.I.F., 194
- Heat Insulating Material, (655)
- Heat Reclaimer, Howlett Contraow, 487
- Heaters, " Copperad " Unit, Sorck Radiators, Ltd., B.I.F., 195
- !leafing at H. J. Heinz Company, Ltd., Food Factory, Univectairs System of, British Trane Company, 612
- Heating Electrodes for Heating Lubricating Oil for Blending, (253)
- Human Accidents, Causes and Prevention of, Dr. C. S. Myers, 275
- Human Factor in Arc Welding, W. P. Digby, 652
- Hump Hardening, Vapocarb, Integra Company, Ltd., 286
- Hydraulic Jump Phenomena at Denver, Ivan E. Houk, 91, 98
- Hydraulic Turbine, An Interesting, English Electric Company, Ltd., 200
- Abitibi Canyon Power Development Scheme, 72, 78
- Dnieper Hydro-electric Power Station, Output of, (13)
- Hydro-electric Plant at Bridge River Mining Area, British Colombia, (529)
- Hydro-electric Plant at Rapide Blanc, Quebec, (505)
- Hydro-electric Power Output in Canada in January, 1934, (353)
- Hydro-electric Power Plants of Canada, Statistics of, (71)
- Hydro-electric Power Projects on Columbia River, America, (377)
- Hydro-electric Power Schemes in Japan, (655)
- Hydro-electric Scheme, Cauvery-Mettur, Nearing Completion, (555)
- Hydro-electric Power Station at Trollhitttan, (227)
- Hydro-electric Works Supply Dantzig Electricity Works, 261
- Mettur Hydro-electric Project, (13)
- Mettur Project, Opening on August 21st, 1934, (605)
- Power DeVelopment Scheme at Abitibi Canyon, 72, 78
- Power Project in Mysore, (35)
- Water Power of U.S.A. and Great Britain, (97)
- HYDROGENATION Plant at Leuna, Extension of, (455)
- ICE Factory at Hull, Liverpool Refrigeration Company, Ltd., 410
- Ignition Lock, " Featherstone " Petrol, Allan, Rae and Co., Ltd., 462
- Imperial Institute, Annual Report, 1933, 640
- Industrial Accidents, Woodworking Machinist Injured, (353)
- Industrial and Trading Businesses in Germany, (529)
- Industrial Efficiency, Production Flow and, A. P. Young, 412
- Industrial Employment, Ministry of Labour Statistics on, (429)
- Industrial Orders for Scotland, 343
- Industrial Safety Committee, Tees-side, 113, (123)
- Industrial Survey of 1933, (529)
- Industry, Transport Requirements of, C. A. Lambert, 661
- Industry in Canada, Electrified Plant in, (123)
- Institutes and Laboratories in U.S.S.R., Construction of Scientific, (403)
- Invention, Evolution of, H. W. Dickinson, 100, 107, (Leading Article, 99)
- Invention in Relation to National Welfare and its Legislative Control, Sir Ambrose Fleming, 287
- Inventions of Antonio Pacinotti, Seventy-fifth Anniversary, 552
- Irish Free State's Revenue from Telegraph and Telephone Services, (429)
- See also Institute of Metals and Iron and Steel Institute, page vi
- Abrasive Cleaning of Billets, (173)
- Alloy Steels, Experiments on, (605)
- Blast-furnace Blown in by Consett Iron Company, (279)
- Blast-furnace Operating of Azov Steel Trust, Second, (279)
- Blast-furnaces Blowing in Germany, (227)
- Blast-furnaces Restarting on North-East Coast, Two, (173)
- British Iron and Steel Federation, Statistics of Output, (655)
- Cast Iron, Mr. A. J. Stokes', (227)
- Cast Iron Road Surfaces, Platt Brothers and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Castings, Blackheart Malleable Iron and Steel Alloy, Thomas L. Hale (Tipton), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Continuous Street Mills in United States, Production of, (329)
- Corrosion, Iron and Steel Institute, Second Report on, 639
- Corrosion, Problems in Iron and Steel, F. N Speller, 663
- Crowgarth Iron Ore Mine, Reopening of, (529)
- Effect of Surface Oxide Films on Metal-to-metal Wear of Steels, (655)
- Etching Mild Steel, (149)
- Fatigue Tests on Hard-drawn Steel Wire, 424
- Hanyang Ironworks, Proposed Reopening of, (581)
- Heat Treatment of 80-Ton Forgings, English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 663
- High Phosphorous Iron, Effect of Mould Moisture Content on Mechanical Properties of, (505)
- Ingots, High-frequency, Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd., 261
- International Steel Congress in London, Report, 650
- Iron and Steel, Export of, (353)
- Iron and Steel Shipments from Tees during May, 1934, (605)
- Iron Castings; John Harper and Co. Ltd. B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Iron Ore Veins in Arigna Valley, Co. Leitrim, (173)
- Irons and Steels, Thermal Conductivities of Twenty Miscellaneous, (629)
- Iron-silicon Alloys During Heat Treatment, Diffusions that Take Place in, N. A. Ziegler, (377)
- London Iron and Steel Exchange, Luncheon, Dr. E. L. Burgin " The Part to be Played by Iron and Steel in Trade Recovery," (554)
- Microstructure of Iron at High Temperature Examination of, (655)
- Mild Steel for Modern Pipework A. G. Bugden, (279)
- " Ni-Resist " Use in Iron Castings (505)
- Ormseby Ironworks, Middlesbrough to be Dismantled, (529)
- Pickling of High-speed Steel Parts, R. R. Rogers, (455)
- Pig Iron, Coal and Fuel Oil for Production of, (455)
- Pig Iron Production in Russia During Ten Months, (13)
- Pig Iron Production in South Africa, (403)
- Place of Iron and Steel in Trade Recovery, Dr. E. L. Burgin, 595
- Precipitation of Carbides in Certain Rustless Steels, Prevention of, (479)
- Pretoria Steel Works, Capital Increased, (629)
- Pure Iron, Conductivity of, R. W. Powell, 638
- Rivet Steel, American Society for Testing Materials and Amending Specification for, (329)
- Rusting of Iron and Steel, Prevention of, W. E. Warner, (97)
- Sheet Mill at Pretoria, Proposed, (663)
- Slag in Furnaces, Prevention of Freezing, (455)
- Steel, Cassel Cyanide Process of Case Hardening, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Steel and Ironworks Merger in Japan, (227)
- Steel Furniture, Rubery Owen and Co., B.I.F., 223
- Steel in America, Cost of Producing 1 Ton of, (227)
- Steel Industry in Canada, Establishments Engaged in, (353)
- Steel Output During March, 1934, (581)
- Steel Output in Sheffield, (581)
- Steel Pipes, American Specification for Electric-fusion Welded, (329)
- Steel Plate of 22 Tons Rolled at Colvilles, Ltd.,Works, (149)
- Steel Pates, Cost of Cutting by Oxy-coal-gas Process, G. M. Buchanan, (377)
- Steel Production in Sheffield Area, (329)
- Steel Production in U.S.S.R., (455)
- Steel Reorganisation Scheme, 113
- Steel Requirements of the Railways, (505)
- Steel Specimens, Tests on Electro-plated, (329)
- Steel Trade, British and Foreign, E. T. Good, 65
- Steel Tubing, Electrically Welded, Tube Products, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Steel Used in Passenger-carrying Vehicles, (173)
- Steel Wire, Pulse of Stress in, T. F. Wall, (303)
- Steelwork, Accelerated Tests of Paints for, W. P. Digby and J. W. Patterson, 586
- Steels, Treatment with Ammonia, (43)
- Steel Development International Congress in London on, 564
- Steel Development Congress, List of Papers, 614
- Steel Plate Floor Under Loads, Testing a Flat, (605)
- Steel Sheet Wrought Down from Slab in One Heat, Large, (605)
- Super Magna Iron, (71)
- IRRIGATION Scheme in Mysore, (35)
- Irrigation Scheme in Vaksh Valley, (353)
- JETTY, Mustapha, Algiers, 475, 480
- Joint Rings, Pressure Filled, Wills Pressure Filled Joint Ring, Ltd., B.I.F.Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- LABORATORIES at University College, Nottingham, 428, 430
- Laboratory, All-concrete, Tunnel Portland Cement Company, Ltd., 300, 301
- Lamp, Mazda Mercra, B.I.F., 195
- Launches and Trial Trips, 26, 108, 134, 216, 264, 292, 342, 418, 490, 518, 594, 668
- Lead Wool for Jointing Iron and Steel Pipes, Lead Wool Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Agricultural Engineering, 125
- A.C. Distribution, 583
- Automatic Combustion Control, 125; (Letter, F. L. Cater, 153)
- Benevolent Funds, 204; (Letter, I. Mech. E.," 226)
- Bottle and Cork, 431; (Letters, " A.M.I. Mech. E.," 453; " Epimetheus," 453)
- Britain's Air Policy, 281
- British Railways, Regeneration of, 531
- Cement Research, 255
- Circuit Breakers, 557
- Civil Aviation and Disarmament, 631
- Collisions Under Automatic Railway Signalling, 405
- Cunarder, The New, 175
- Electric Welding in Shipyards, 379
- Employment or Economy, 305
- Fog, Railway Working in, 607
- Forty-hour Week, 507
- Gas Industry, Future of, 557
- Industry and the Individual, 151
- International Trade Problems, 405
- Inventions and Inventors, 99; (Letter, McKinley Hargreaves, 127)
- Locomotive, L.N.E. Railway, 2-8-2, 583
- Locomotive Performance, 99
- Locomotive Pooling, 657
- Looker-on, The, 45; (Letter, George H. Miles, 127)
- Machine Age, The, 151
- Naval Strength, Comparative, 229
- Navy Estimates, 255
- Paris Fair, 507
- Prospects of Youth, 607
- Railway Inspecting Officers, The, 355
- Railway Working in Fog, 607
- Regeneration of British Railways, 531
- Regenerative Electric Braking, 281; (Letter to the Editor, 325)
- Reinforced Concrete—A Code of Practice, 73
- Retrospect, A, 15
- Rules of Thumb, 203
- Run-Away Steam Turbine, 355; Abstract of Report, 359
- Science and Patents, 481
- Science and Sociability, 73
- Size of Firms and Power Consumption, 457
- Steam Turbine History, Fifty Years of, 631
- Steel Industry Reorganisation Problems, 175
- Steel Passenger Rolling Stock, 45
- Steel Plans and Problems, 657
- Steel Trade Constitution, 379
- Steel Trade in the Melting Pot, 229
- Supervisory Control, 481
- Surface Condensers, 203
- Switchgear, 305
- Trade with the Dutch, 531
- Water Hammer Again, 431
- Youth, Prospects of, 607
- LEAK in Water Main, Freezing to Stop, (555)
- A Mad Wor1d, My Masters, " An Inmate," 283; J. E. Tuke, 325
- Benevolent Funds, M.I. Mech. E., 226
- Blast Nozzles, Alan Chorlton, 48
- Bottle and Neck, A.M.1. Mech. E., 453;
- " Epemetheus," 453
- British Thermal Unit, A. A. Jones, 356;
- M.I. Mech. E., 399
- Centenary of William Telford, Alexander Gibb, 12
- Combustion Control, F. L. Cater, 153
- Development of the Parsons Steam Turbine, C. A. Holbrow, 283; Norman C. Bridge. 283
- Drought, The : A Practical Suggestion, J. K S. Dakers, 625
- Electric Light Failures in Hospitals, Alfred Warbis, 127
- Floating Bush Bearings, Mortimer Engineering Company, 580
- Fool-proof Mechanism and Fools, " Philip," 48
- History of Southern Railway, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 399, 427
- Hydraulic Jump Phenomena at Denver, T. Ba Hli, 283
- Ideal Locomotive, S. Moun, 177
- Inventors and Inventions, McKinley Hargraves, 127
- Locomotive Trials, C. M. Keiller, 504
- Looker-on, The, George H. Miles, 127
- Marine Oil Engines, Multiple, A. H. Waring. 11; W. Sumner, 67
- Measurement of Inaccessible Clearances, F.
- W. Brackett and Co., Ltd., 177; J. Wilson, 226
- Parsons Steam Turbine, Development of, C. A. Holbrow, 126; W. A. Tritton, 126, 152; C. W. Bryant, 153
- Prices and Progress, 331
- Professional Engineers, " New Briton," 302
- Psychology of Management, " Spectator," 226
- Quality versus Price, John Belliss, 48
- Railway Buffers, P. C. Dewhurst, 153
- Railway Collisions, Albert E. Bennett, 48;
- S. R. Devlin, 67, 127; H. M. Lacey, 96, (123), 177
- Reclamation of Pontine Marshes, M. Zvegentzov, 564
- Regeneration of British Railways, Steel Barrel Company, Ltd., H. R. Hood Barrs, 563;
- C. R. K., 580; G. T. Pardoe, 580
- Road Speed for Maximum Traffic Density, G. E. Stewart, 376
- Road Speeds for Maximum Traffic Density, H. E. Wimperis, 226
- Scandinavian Sectional Meeting of World Power Conference, C. H. Gray, 127
- Seven Cardinal Fallacies, F. H. Auger, 177; M. Jacklin, 177
- Standardisation in India, G. Branshy Williams, 453
- Steam Turbine, Runaway, G. T. Pardoe, 376
- Steel Coaches, Electrical Cooking, L. A. F., 152
- Steel Trade Reorganisation, W. J. Firth, 225; (Leading Article, 229); L. D. Whitehead, 225, 325; A. Pugh, 283
- Steel Trade Reorganisation, G. A. Tippett, 12
- Strength and the Time Factor, 331
- Strength and Time Factor, B. L. Goodlet, 376
- The Third Dimension, " Dubious," 12, 96; J. A. Chamier, 67
- Vibration on High-speed British Trains, William Cochrane, 453
- Vulnerability of Electric Power, S. P. Christie, 66; John G. Bentley, 96
- LHASSA Palace to be Equipped with Chloride Storage Batteries, (13)
- Lighting for Cranes, Research for, (479)
- Lighting Set for Country Houses, Automatic, Petters, Ltd., 562
- Lignite Deposits in Rhon District, Germany, (605)
- Liquid Fuel, " Carburante Italia," (173)
- Reviews :
- Chemical Plant, Design and Construction of High-pressure, Harold Tongue, 433
- Coal Carbonisation, International, John Roberts and Dr. Adolf Jenkner, 508
- Coast Erosion and Protection, E. R. Matthews, 632
- Concrete Structures in Marine Work, R. Stroyer, 508
- Crystalline State, Edited by Sir W. H. Bragg and W. L. Bragg, Vol. L, A General Survey, W. L. Bragg, 176
- Engineering Estimating, Practice of, Percy H. Miller, 406
- Factory Administration and Cost Accounts, E. T. Elbourne, 584
- Foremanship and Management, Training in, James J. Gillespie, 407
- Gasworks Practice, Modern, Alwynne Meade, 658
- Highways and their Maintenance, W. J. Hadfield, 632
- Industrial Accountancy, H. A. Simpson, 247
- Industrial Administration, Fundamentals of, E. T. Elbourne, 482
- Industrial Radiography. Dr. A. St. John and H. R. Isenburger, 633
- Jane's Fighting Ships, 1933, Edited by Dr. Oscar Parkes, 483
- Payment by Results, J. E. Powell, 533
- Planning, Estimating, and Ratefixing, A. C. Whitehead, 406
- Portland Cement Concrete, Growth, and Movement in, C. G. Lynam, 407
- Steel-Makers, Harry Brearley, 176
- Technik den Kunsthandwerks im zehnten Jahrhundert des Theophilus Presbyter Diversarum Artium Schedule in Auswahl neu herausgegeben, tibersetzt and erlAutert, von Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Thebald, 380
- Technikgeschichte, Herausgegebeu, von Conrad Matschoss, 231
- Tonnage, Hundred Years of, Frank C. Bowen, 483
- Trevithick, Richard : The Engineer and the Man, H. W. Dickinson and Arthur Titley, 75
- Water Supply Problems and Developments, W. H. Maxwell, 482
- World Power Conference, 1933, " Transactions " of Scandinavian Sectional Meeting, Vols. II to VII, 633
- Short Notices :
- Aeronautics, Science Museum Collection, 407
- Air Conditioning, James A. Moyer and Raymond U. Fittz, 249
- Alternating-current Machines, Design of, K. Aston, 633
- Alternating Currents, A. E. Clayton, 483
- Automatic Street Traffic Signalling, H. H. Harrison and T. P. Priest, 483
- Building Contract, 1931 Form of, W. T. Cromwell and C. G. A. Cowan, 282
- Cement and Reinforced Concrete, Notes on, 407
- Cross-Channel and Coastal Paddle Steamers, F. Burtt, 407
- Direct-current Electrical Engineering, Principles of, .3. R. Barr and D. J. Bolton, 483
- Electric Clocks, Modern, S. F. Philpott, 206
- Electro-magnetic Field, H. F. Briggs, 325
- Engineering Educators, Pitman's, Edited by W. J. Kearton,. 325
- Engineer's Sketch Book of Mechanical Movements, Devices, Appliances, Contrivances, and Details, T. W. Barber, 633
- Evaporating, Condensing, and Cooling Apparatus, E. Hansbrand, 231
- Foundry Practice, Manual of, J. Laing and R. T. Rolfe, 483
- Garcke's Manual of Electrical Undertakings, 407
- Garnett, William : A Memoir, by Bernard M. Allen, 231
- London Transport : A Record and Survey, Vernon Summerfield, 633
- Mathematics, Notebook of, G. T. H. Cook, 206
- Plastic Moulding, Louis F. Balm, 206
- Power Factor Correction, A. E. Clayton, 633
- Pumping Machinery, Part II, Science Museum, 67
- Radio Communication, Elements of, 633
- Reinforced Concrete, Explanatory Handbook on Code of Practice for, W. L. Scott and Dr. W. H. Glanville, 249
- Reinforced Concrete Arch Design, G. P. Manning, 325
- Road Emulsions, Modern, Edited by F. H. Garner, 282
- Short Wave Wireless Communication, A. W. Ladner and G. R. Stoner, 325
- Steel Design under New Code of Practice, Examples of, Oscar Faber, 282
- Steel Trails : The Epic of the Railroads, Martin D. Stovers, 325
- Steel Work, 1933, Modern, 325
- Telephony, Traffic and Trunking Principles in Automatic, 0. S. Berkeley, 282
- Books of Reference :
- Blue Book, 1934, 514
- Chemical Appointments, List of Official, 664
- Empire Municipal Directory and Year Book, 1934-35, 514
- Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers of the World, 1934, 628
- Mining Year Book, 1934, 514
- Oil and Petroleum Year Book, 1934, W. J Skinner, 628
- Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book and Diary, 1934, Edited by C. Arnold, 106
- Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 1933, Year Book of, 106
- Specification : For Architects, Surveyors, Civil Engineers and for all Interested in Building. Edited by F. Chatterton, 257
- Sterling Fluctuation Tables, Kingston's, (566)
- The Electrician Annual Tables of Electricity Undertakings, 1934, 628
- Water Engineers' Handbook and Directory, 1934, 514
- Books Received :
- Acoustics, Modern, A. H. Davis, 658
- Accumulator Charging, Maintenance and Repairs, W. S. Ibbetson, 633
- Aero:Engines : Inspection of Before and After Overhaul, R. F. Barlow and A. N. Barrett, 407
- Aeronautics, Handbook of Collections at Science Museum, M..1. B. Davy, 407
- Aeroplanes, Everybody's Book of, R. Barnard Way, 206
- Aircraft Construction, Metal, M. Langley, 584
- Aircraft Overhaul, Inspection After, 658
- Alloys of Iron and Tungsten, J. L. Gregg, 483
- Alternating-current Machines, Design of, Kenneth Aston, 407
- Alternating Currents, Dr. A. E. Clayton, 306
- American Railway Signalling Principles and Practices; Chapter III, Principles and Economic Phase of Signalling; Chapter XIX, Electric Interlocking, 306
- Applied Hydro and Aero-mechanics, Dr. O. Tietjens, 633
- Arch Design, Reinforced Concrete, G. P. Manning, 153
- Atom, The, J. Tutin, 407
- Automatic Street Traffic Signalling, H. H. Harrison and T. P. Priest, 380
- Automatic Telephony, Traffic and Trunking Principles in, G. S. Berkeley, 206
- Blue Book, 1934, 231
- Brass Ingots. Casting of, R. Genders and O. L. Bailey, 407
- Brassey's Naval and Shipping Annual, 1934, Edited by Commander C. N. Robinson, R.N., and H. M. Ross, 153
- Bricks, Sand-lime, G. E. Bessey, 407
- Britain's Crash and After, A. S. Baxendale, 231
- British Engineers' Association Classified Handbook of members and their Manufactures, 1934, 584
- Building Contract, 1931, Form of, W. T. Creswell and C. G. A. Cowan, 75
- Building Mathematics, First Year, R. C. Smith, 206
- Cement and Reinforced Concrete, Notes on, 306
- Chemical Appointments, List of Official, 584
- Chemical Plant, Design and Construction of High-pressure, H. Tongue, 380
- Chemistry, Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical, Vol. 13 (Part II), J. W. Mellor, 508
- Coal Carbonisation, International, J. Roberts and Dr. A. Jenkner, 584
- Coast Erosion and Protection, E. R. Matthews, Revised by Brysson Cunningham, 407
- Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory, 1934, 407
- Cross-Channel and Coastal Paddle Steamers, F. Burtt, 249
- Danis, Transactions of First Congress of International Commission on Large World Power Conference, 282
- Das Getreidekorn, Vol. II, Die Getreide-speicher, Dr. J. F. Hoffmann, revised by Professor-Dr. K. Mohs, 153
- Deutsch-Englisches Fitchwarterbuch der Metallurgie, H. Freeman, 75
- Differential Equations, H. B. Phillips, 658
- Direct-current Electrical Engineering, Principles of, J. It. Barr and D. J. Bolton, 407
- Docks, Wharves, and Piers, Design, Construction, and Maintenance, M. Du Plat Taylor, 633
- Dynamics, Elementary, R. C. Gray, 658
- Earthquake Resistant Structures, Dynamics of, J. J. Creskoff, 249
- Elasticity, Theory of, S. Tirnoshenko, 483
- Electric Welding, 75
- Electrical Circuits and Machinery, Vol. II., Alternating Currents, J. H. Morecroft and F. W. Hehre, 206
- Electro-magnetic Field, H. F. Biggs, 153
- Empire Municipal Directory and Year Book, 1934-35, 584
- Energiebibliographie, World Power Conferonce Proceedings, (338)
- Engine Indicator, K. J. De Juharz, 483
- Engineering Drawings, Specifications and Quantities, J. M. Rodger, 658
- Engineering Educator, Edited by W. J. Kearton, 206
- Engineering Estimating, Practice of, P. H. Miller, 75
- Engineering Radiography, Dr. V. E. Pullin, 633
- Engineering, Thermodynamics, Elementary, T. H. Taft, 75
- Engineering Workshop Principles and Practice, A. G. Robson, 75
- Engineers' Sketchbook of Mechanical Movements, Devices, Appliances, Contrivances, and Details, T. W. Barber, 483
- English-German Dictionary for Metallurgists, 633
- Entstaubungs mid Luftungsfragen in der Werkstatt, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Nagel, 407
- Examples of Steel Design Under New Code of Practice, Oscar Faber, 96
- Factory Administration and Cost Accounts, E. T. Elbourne, 483
- Fire-proof Ship, E. F. Spanner, 584
- First-year Engineering Science, Mechanical and Electrical, G. W. Bird, 153
- Forschungsarbeiten Ober Metallkund and Riintgenmetallographie Folge 10; Grid-zeisen-Gefugelehre, M. F. o. Schwarz, 153
- Foundry Practice, Manual of, J. Laing and R. T. Rolfe, 380
- Fundamentals of Hydro and Aero-mechanies, Dr. 0. G. Tietjens, 633
- Garcke's Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Directory of Officials, 1933-34, 75
- Garnet, William, A Memoir, G. M. Allen, 75
- Gasworks Practice, New Modern, Vol. I. Design and Construction of Gasworks, Carbonisation Plant, Mechanical Handling of Materials, A. Meade, 633
- George Washington Bridge Across Hudson River at New York, N.Y., 96
- Hardness of Metals and its Measurement, H. O'Neill, 658
- Heat Power Engineering, Elements of, W. N. Bernard, F. 0. Ellenwood, and C. F. Hirshfeld, 306
- Heating and Ventilation, Principles of, H. M. Vernon, 306
- Highways and their Maintenance, W. J. Hadfield, 584
- Hydraulic Power Generation, Elements of, A. M. Greene, J unr., 407
- Hydraulics, Text-book of Applied, H. Addison, 584
- Hydrology and Ground Water, J. M. Lacey, 658
- Industrial Accountancy, with Special Reference to the Steel Trade, H. A. Simpson, 153
- Industrial Administration, Fundamentals of, E. T. Elbourne, K. B. Elbourne, and P. J. Amer, 380
- Industrial Heat Transfer, Dr. Ing. A. Schack, 153
- Industrial Psychology Applied to the Office, W. R. Raphael, C. B. Frisby, and L. J. Hunt, 380
- Industrial Radiography, A. St. John and H. R. Isenburger, 407
- Instruments : Repair,Overhaul, and Calibration of Aircraft and Aero-engine Instruments, R. W. Sloley, 633
- Jane's Fighting Ships, 1933, Edited by Oscar Parkes, 75
- Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufacturers, and Shippers of the World, 1934, 633
- Legal Aspect of Industrial Diseases, C. H. Spofford, 380
- Legal Pitfalls for Chemical Engineers, J. D. Pratt and G. S. W. Marlow, (292)
- Library Buildings, Their Heating, Lighting, and Decoration, Edited by R. D. Hilton Smith, 75
- Mathematics, Notebook on, G. T. H. Cook, 153
- Mechanical Technology, G. F. Charnock, Revised by F. W. Partington, 508
- Mechanical World Year Book, 1934, 75
- Mechanical Work( Electrical Year Book, 1934, 206
- Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, 1934, 282
- Mineral Deposits, Dr. Henry Louis, 306
- Mineral Industries of Canada, 1933, 483
- Mineral Resources of the United States, 1930, Part 1I., Non-metals, 75
- Mining Year Book, 1934, Compiled by W. E. Skinner, 231
- Motor Boat Manual, 633
- Motor Ship Reference Book for 1934, 153
- Nitrogen Conservation, Introduction into the Bio-chemistry of, G. J. Fowler, 249
- Ocean Waves and Kindred Geophysical Phenomena, Dr. V. Cornish. 633
- Oil and Petroleum Year Book, 1934, W. E. Skinner, 633
- Paper Makers of Great Britain and Ireland, 1934, Directory of, 483
- Payment by Results, J. E. Powell, 483
- Pharos of Alexandria, Don Miguel de Asin, 658
- Planning, Estimating, and Rate Fixing, A. C. Whitehead, 153
- Plane and Geodetic Surveying for Engineers, Vol. II, Higher Surveying, David Clark, 633
- Plastic Moulding, L. F. Rahm, 75
- Portland Cement, A. C. Davis, 658
- Portland Cement Concrete, Growth and Movement in. C. G. Lynam, 306
- Power Factor Correction, A. E. Clayton, 380
- Power Supply Economics, J. 0. Justin and W. G. Mervine, 407
- Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book and Diary, 1934, Edited by Conrad Arnold, 96
- Practical Engineer Mechanical Pocket Book and Diary, 1934, Edited by E. G. Beck, 282
- Pumps, Centrifugal, and Suction Dredgers, E. W. Sargeant, 658
- Qualitatsteigerung hit Werkzeug- und Feinmaschinenbau : Gedanken und Vor-schlage, C. Buttner, 21
- Quantities in Architectural Building Construction, Vol. I, F. E. Drury and G. Doyle, 282
- Radio, Principles of, Keith Henney, 282
- Radio Communication, Elements of, J. H. Morecroft, 584
- Railway Engines of the World, Brian Reed, 584
- Refrigeration, Refrigerants, and Appliances, 1929-33, Five Years' Bibliography of Theory of, H. T. Pledge, 633
- Reid's Handy Colliery Guide, 282
- Reinforced Concrete, Explanatory Handbook on Code of Practice for, W. L. Scott and W. H. Glanville, 282
- Road Emulsions, Modern, Edited by F. H. Garner, L. G. Gabriel, and H. J. Prentice, 96
- H.M.S. " Mauretania " : The Ship and Her Record, Gerald Alymer, 633
- Russian Engineer, John Westgarth, 282
- Satellite Station Tables, C. M. L. Scott, 658
- Science Museum Handbook, Electrical Engineering Sections, Part II, Descriptive Catalogue, W. T. O'Dea, 206
- Scientific and Learned Societies, Official Year Books for 1932-33, 75
- Seamless Steel Tube Manufacture, Process of, R. S. Betteridge, 21
- Seamless Tubes, Manufacture of, G. Evans, 658
- Shipowners, Shipbuilders, and Marine Engineers, 1934, Directory of, 282
- Short Wave Wireless Communication, A. W. Lander and C. R. Stoner, 249
- Solvents on Coal, Action of, W. E. Bakes, 75
- South American Handbook, 1934, Edited by Howell Davies, 206
- South and East African Year Book and Guide, 1934, Edited by A. Samler Brown and G. Gordon Brown, 153
- Specification, Edited by F. Chatterton, 282
- Stainless Steels, Book of, E. E. Thum, 21
- Steel, Iron, and Metal Reckoner, " The Rapid," Weight of Steel or Iron Bars, J. Gall Inglis, 306
- Steel Rails : The Epic of the Railroads, M. D. Stevers, 206
- Steel Work, Modern, 96
- Steinbearbeitung, Dr.-Ing. K. Roder, Dr.-Ing. W. Gruner, Dr.-hig. W. Werner, und Dr.-Ing. G. Pahlitzsch, 21
- Technisches und Wirtschaftliches aus Nord-amerika, Dr.-Ing. R. Saliger, 407
- Television, Theory and Practice, J. H. Reyner, 633
- Testing Materials, American Society's Reports, 407
- Tests on Structural Models of Proposed San Francisco-Oakland Suspension Bridge, O.E. Beggs, H. E. Davis, and H. E. Davis , 153
- The Electrician, Annual Tables of Electricity Undertakings, 1934, 584
- Thermionic Emissions, A. L. Reimann, 658
- 'Thesis Writing for Graduates and Under-graduates, Manual of, A. H. Cole and K. W. Bigelow, 584
- Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, Supplement, Vol. I, Dr. J. F. Thorpe and Dr. M. A. Whiteley, 633
- Towage, Hundred Years of : A History of William Watkins, Ltd., 1833-1933, P. C. Bowen, 153
- Training in Foremanship and Management, J. L. Gillespie, 206
- Traverse Swamps, J. A. Storey, 306
- Twist Drills, B. H. Chambers, 584
- Ventilation : A Textbook for Students and Engineers, E. L. Joselin, 306
- Vildebeest Aeroplane, 633
- Water Engineer s Handbook and Directory, 1934, 380
- Water Supply Problems and Developments, W. H. Maxwell, 380
- Welding, Electric Arc and Oxy-acetylene, E. A. Atkins, 584
- Wind Tunnel Interference on Wings, Bodies, and Air Screws, H. Glauert, 633
- World Power Conference, " Transactions," 380
- LITHOGRAPHY, Sonefelder and, 165
- Liverpool Corporation Tramcar Derailment, (43); Lieut.-Colonel Anderson's Inquiry, (71); Verdict " Accidental Death," (173)
- Appointment of Mr. J. H. Millen as Chief Electrical Engineer, (71)
- London Passenger Transport Problem, Practical Aspects of, Lord Ashfield, 243
- London's Transport Statistics, (149)
- Opposition to Trolley Vehicles Operation, (149)
- Passenger Transport Inquiry, Thames, 571
- Second Reading of Bill, February 5th, 1934, (173)
- Transport Appeal Tribunal, Appointment of Mr. T. Rowland Harker as Chairman, (253)
- Transport Inquiry, Thames, (581)
- LONG-SERVICE Record, Mr. R. C. Skipper, of Vacuum Oil Company, (212)
- Lorry Weigher, Salter's Portable, 287
- Low-grade Fuel Burning in Lancashire Boilers, (529)
- Low-temperature Carbonisation Plant at Askera, Extension of, (555)
- Low-temperature Carbonisation Plant at Forest of Dean and Lancashire, (43)
- Lubricant, Metallic Lead Thread, (43)
- Lubricator, " Brentford," Tecalemit, Ltd., Suppt., 23.2.34, ii
- Luntana Charcoal for Generating Electricity in Mysore, (123)
- Bar Skimming Machine, Electro-pneumatically Controlled, Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., 478
- Bearings for Lathes, Ball and Roller, Kugel-Fischer, 274
- Boring, Milling, Drilling, and Tapping Machine, Horizontal, Geo. Richards and Co. Ltd., 106
- Drill, Bench, A. A. Jones and Shipman, Ltd., 384
- Drill, Insulated Electric, Westminster Tool and Electric Company, Ltd., 336
- Drilling Machine, Horizontal, H. Klussen-dorf, 274
- Drilling Machine, Semi-automatic, A. A. Jones and Shipman, Ltd., 384
- Grinder, Surface, Diskus-Werke, 275
- Grinding Machine, Naxos-Union, 275
- Grinding Wheel-head, Water-cooled, (303)
- Headstock, " Pre-selective," Alfred Herbert Ltd., 158
- Honing Machine, Hydraulic, Mayor and Schmidt, 275
- Lapping Machine, Bevel Wheel, Klingeln-berg's 274
- Lathe, Hydraulic Diamond Tool, F. C. Weipert, 274
- Lathe, Magna-Matic " Automatic, Monarch Machine Tool Company, 50
- Lathe, 55in. Centres, Noble and Lund, Ltd., 554, 556
- Lathe Chuck, Air-operated, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii
- Lathe with Single-pulley Headstock, Capstan, H. W. Ward, Ltd., 80
- Lathes, Ball and Roller Bearings for, Kugel-Fischer, 274
- Machine Tool Export Trade, German. 428
- Machine Tools at Leipsiz Fair, Schiess-Defries A.G., 275
- Mill, Vertical Boring and Turning, George Richards and Co., Ltd., 486
- Milling Cutter, Inserted Tooth, A. C. Wickman, Ltd., B.1.F., 193
- Milling Machine, Multiple, Wanderer-Werke, 275
- Milling Machines Regulations, 1928, Revision of Horizontal, (132)
- Moulding Press, Krause's High-speed Hydraulic, Selson Machine Tool Company, Ltd., 287
- Nibbling and Plato-splitting Machine, H. Pels and Co., 258
- Precision Lathe, G. Boley, 274
- Press, Bench, Taylor and Challen, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, v
- Press, Double-crank, Taylor and Challen, Ltd.. B.I.P. Suppt., 16.2.34, v
- Press, Double-sided, Mass Products, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii
- Press, Drawing, Deep, H. Pels and Co., 258
- Press, Excentric, L. Schuler A.G., 258
- Press, Moulding, G. Finney and Co., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, v
- Presses, Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, v
- Presses, Humphris, Mass Products, Ltd., B.L.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii
- Presses, T. H. and J. Daniels, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii
- Saw, Portable Electric Hand Saw, David Landale, B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv
- Saw for Wood and Metal, Band, Modern Woodworking Machines, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Saw for 1Voodworking, Cross-cut, Midland Saw and Tool Company, Ltd., 336
- Shaper, Hydraulic, F. Klopp, 275
- Shearing Machine, H. Pels and Co., 258
- Shears, Guillotine, Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, ii
- Sheet Holder, Hydraulic, H. Pels and Co., 258
- Straightening Press, H. Pels and Co., 258
- Vice, Machine, E. L. Youngelson, Ltd., 262
- Wear on Lathes, Device for Elimination of Premature, Gilderweister and Co., 274
- MANCHESTER and Municipal Transport Undertakings, (329)
- Algiers Harbour, 476
- Ashington Coal Cleaning Plant. 41
- Barking Power Station Site, 116
- Belgian Gas Grid, 565
- Callender Research Laboratories, 659
- French Gas Grid, 565
- Mercury Arc Deposits Discovered in Slovenia, (13)
- Newport Vertical Lift Bridge, Elevation and Plan of, 233
- Paper Pulp Scraper Plant and Ropeway at Greenfield, Yorkshire, 95
- Pontine Marshes, Map of, 509
- Rivers of Kalahari Desert, 464
- Ruhr Gas Grid, 564
- San Francisco, Oakland Bridge, Site of, 622
- Vaal River Development Area, 577
- MARKETS, Notes and News—Weekly
- Marshes, Reclamation of Pontine, 484, 506, 509
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Mulsifyro System of Fire Extinguishing, (97), (170)
- Mechanical Developments in United States, 511
- Memorial Plaque to Richard Trevithick, 453
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Activities of, (329)
- Metal Alloy which Resists Corrosion, " Corrix," (529)
- Metal Surfaces, Gases and, Professor E. K. Rideal, 499
- Metals, Perforated Sheet, G. A. Harvey and Co. (London), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Metals, Strengthening of, (377)
- Metals, Time Effect in Testing, H. Quinney, 332
- Meteorological Expedition in Canada, (288)
- Metric System for Goods Exported to Turkey, (71)
- Microscope, Vickers Projection, Cooke, Troughton and Simms, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii
- Microscope without Lenses, Super. E. Rusks, (200)
- Milk Conveyed by Rail, Annual Figures of, (353)
- Mine Ventilation, Compound Recorder for, Walker, Crossweller and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 195
- Mineral Production in Canada, 1933, (13)
- Mineral Production in Canada, 1933 (377)
- Mining and Prospecting Activities in Canada, (97)
- Mining Machinery, Electrical, General Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Mining Machinery from England for Ural Region, (377), (403)
- Model Experiments, Tidal Estuaries, Forecasting by, Professor A. H. Gibson, 397
- Molybdenum from Mexico, Output of, (555)
- Automobiles Built under Doble Patents by Henschel and Son, Steam-driven, (303)
- Commercial Motor Transport Industry, (629)
- Motor Car Braking Tests in Toronto, (479)
- Motor Car Chassis, Australia Imports British, (149)
- Motor Car Fuels, Mixing Acetylene with Petrol Vapour for, (629)
- Motor Car Industry, German, 504
- Motor Car Output of the World, (329)
- Motor Car Registrations in Australia, (605)
- Motor Car Tires for Machine Shops, Old, (505)
- Motor Car Washer, Williams and James, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Motor Cars, World's Output of, (655)
- Motor Cars and Commercial Vehicle Production in Canada and U.S.A., (173)
- Motor Cars and Resistance to High Winds. (43)
- Motor Cars Exported from United States, 1933, (403)
- Motor Repair Certificates, 595
- Motor Spirit in United Kingdom, Total Consumption of, (524)
- Motor Vehicles Registered in April, 1934, (605)
- Motor Vehicles with Diesel Engines, U.S.S.R. Competition, (301)
- Motors and Red Light on Level Crossing Gates, (253)
- Old-time Motorists, Annual General Meeting of Circle of, (388)
- Omnibuses in Berlin to be Oil Engine Driven, (227)
- MOULDING Machines, Pneulec Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv
- Moulding Machine, Jar Roll-over, Pneulec Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv
- Moving Forms for Concrete Construction, H. H. Broughton, 451
- NATIONAL Physical Laboratory, 645
- National Physical Laboratory, Publications of, 48
- Natural Gas, Storage of, (629)
- Natural Gas for Gas Engines Pumping on Kenka Lake, (123)
- Natural Gas Produced in Canada, 1932, (377)
- Nautical College, Pangbourne, Founders' Day at, (590)
- Naval Port on Coast of Hainan Island, (43)
- Navigation, Improvement and Encouragement of, Thomas L. Gray Memorial, 212
- Navigation of Yangtze, Improving the, 288
- Nickel, Pyrene High-class, Electro-deposition Process, (403)
- Nickel Alloys with Copper and Chromium, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., B.I.F.' Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Nickel Consumption, The World's, (71)
- Nickel Ore Deposit in Manbhum District of Western Bengal, (377)
- Nickel Ore Deposit of Largo Percentage of Purity Discovered in N. Chosen, (279)
- Nickel Powder for Sintering, (479)
- Nickel Products, Pure, Mond Nickel Company. Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Nickel Prospecting in Finland, (655)
- Nickel Wrought Iron Development in America, (529)
- Nitric Acid Poisoning in Shipyard, (353)
- Aberconway, Lord, 96, (149)
- Anderson, Lieutenant-Colonel E. P., 269
- Andrews, James, (97)
- Armstrong, Wlater Young, (629)
- Banister, G. H., 343
- Batho, W. T., (331); (Portrait), 356
- Bolton, A. J., (134)
- Bridge, John, (644)
- Brown, George, 9
- Clow, W., (201)
- Cooper, F. E., 534
- Davies, Dixon H., (227)
- Denny, James, 459
- Everett, Edgar L., 419
- Ford, W. F., (412)
- Frere, F. H., (97)
- Frere, F. H., (455)
- Glover, Sir Ernest, 87
- Hall, B. J., 482
- Hall, Joseph Platt, (631)
- Hamilton. Andrew, 645
- Hardy, Sir William B., 113
- Haworth, John, (123)
- Henderson, Francis, 127
- Hookham, J. A., (201)
- Jones, A. E., 459
- King Albert of the Belgians, 189
- Lelean, W. A., (43)
- Lucas, Alfred, (184)
- Luke, W. J.. 645
- McCallum, R. T. (529)
- McLellan, 1)., (303)
- Mackness, C. F., 1
- Miller, Oscar von, 367
- Nesbitt, A. W., 367
- Palmer, Sir Frederick (Portrait), 380
- Prosser, T. Morris, (82)
- Raeburn, Sir William, Bart., 163
- Raven, Sir Vincent (Portrait), 206, (201)
- Rosenhain, Dr. Walter (Portrait), 306
- Sandford, Horatio, 619
- Smith, Edwin, 75
- Spencer, Sir T. Harris, 459
- Strikland, Major F., 625
- Sutton. Sir George, 459
- Thompson, Alderman James, 393
- Trimwell, Thomas, (444)
- Turnbull, Arthur, (655)
- Westgarth, Tom, (125), (Portrait) 152
- Wootton, Albert, 108
- Worthington, Edgar, 96
- OIL Boxes on Rails at Curves, (403)
- Oil Burner with Air Control Box, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Oil Burners, Automatic, Parker Winder and Achurch, Ltd., B.1.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Oil Firing to Cupolas in Austria, (253)
- Oil Fuel Bunkering, 1933, (227)
- Oil Fuel Imported Causes Suspension of Coal Workers, (303)
- Oil Lift, " Tadpole " Automatic, Tecalemit,
- Ltd.,B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, ii
- Oil Production from Coal and Shale in Scotland, (43)
- Oil Production Programme of Soviet for 1934, (97)
- Oil Struck near Hanover, Germany, (173)
- Oils and Grease, Measurement of Load-carrying
- Capacities and Frictional Properties of, (529)
- Old Centralians' Memoir on Professor W. C. Unwin, (264)
- Ore Crusher for Corby, Hadfields, Ltd., 42
- Oversee Transport Unit, Hardy Motors, Ltd., 9
- Oversee Transport Unit, Reports on Performance of 15-ton, (96)
- Oxygen in Soil, Variation in Concentration of, (149)
- PAINT, Heat and Acid-resisting, " HoughtoKote," (123)
- Paint and Pigment Factory in Batavia, Proposed, (227)
- Paint Sprayer, Portable, Williams and James, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Paint Suitable for Painting Concrete and Ships' Bottoms, " Harvel," (9)
- Paints and Distempers, Troubles with, (629)
- Paints and other Coatings for Steel Tanks, Tests, (157)
- Paints for Steelwork, Accelerated Tests of, 11
- P. Di by and J. W. Patterson, 586
- Paper Mills, Turbo-alternators in, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 209
- Paper Mills at Keinsley, Kent, (581)
- Paper Pulp Scraper Plant at Messrs. Fletchers' Works, 94
- Parsons Steam Turbine, Development of-See Parsons, page iv)
- Patent Law in Relation to Foreign-owned British Patents, C. Hollins, 132
- Aeronautics, 187, 417
- Batteries and Accumulators, 111
- Building, 317, 544
- Cranes and Conveyors, 60, 86
- Crushing and Grinding, 543
- Dynamos and Motors, 29, 59, 85, 161, 187, 241, 291, 317, 341, 365, 391, 467, 493, 517, 543, 593, 617, 643
- Electrical Appliances, 187
- Engines, Internal Combustion, 29, 59, 85. 187, 215, 267, 391, 417, 467, 493, 569. 643
- Furnaces, 80, 291, 342, 365, 391, 517, 570, 61;
- Lighting and Heating, 86, 215, 643, 667
- Locomotives, 593, 667
- Machine Tools and Shop Appliances, 60, 86, 162, 187, 241, 342, 443, 467, 517, 618, 643
- Measuring and Testing Instruments, 215, 365, 417, 443, 543
- Metallurgy, 162, 317, 494, 544, 617
- Mining Machinery, 291, 594
- Miscellaneous, 30, 60, 112, 138, 162, 188, 216, 241, 268, 291, 318, 342, 365, 392, 444, 468, 494, 518, 544, 570, 594, 618, 644, 668
- Motor Cars and Road Traffic, 59, 444, 468, 594, 667
- Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 317, 391, 443, 517, 593
- Ships and Boats, 30, 137, 241, 317, 543, 570, 643, 667
- Steam Generators, 111, 267, 291, 467, 569, 593
- Switchgear, 111, 161, 267, 341, 391, 417, 467, 494, 569, 617
- Telegraphs and Telephones, 111, 417, 517, 617
- Tramways and Railways, 111, 267, 317, 518
- Transformers and Converters, 59, 137, 215, 267, 341, 593
- Transmission of Power, 29, 85, 137, 161, 215, 241, 267, 291, 341, 365, 417, 494, 569, 593
- Turbine Machinery, 137, 1 13
- Water Purification, 618
- Welding, 29, 543, 593, 618, 644, 667
- PATENTS, Statistics, (353)
- Payment by Piece Incentive in Repetition Work, (149)
- Pedestrians, Marked Crossings for, (605)
- Personal and Business Announcements, 26, 60, 86, 112, 134, 158, 188, 216, 238, 264, 292, 318, 342, 362, 392, 418, 444, 468, 490, 518, 540, 570, 594, 618, 644, 664
- Personnel Department, Works, G. W. Tripp, 474
- Petrol-burning Stoves, Villiers Engineering Company. Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Petrol from Coal for Royal Mr Force, (253)
- Petrol from Sawdust and Peat, (279)
- Petrol Ignition Lock, " Featherstone," Allan Rae and Co., Ltd., 462
- Petroleum. Recent Developments in Field of, Dr. A. E. Dunstan, (455)
- Physics, Pure and Applied, Meeting in London of International Union of, (605)
- Pickling Acid, Treatment of, (279)
- Pile Driving Research, 439
- Pinions, Carburising Rear-axle, (227)
- Pipe Joint, Stanton-Wilson, Belie., 196
- Pipe Joint. Stanton-Wilson Self-adjusting, Working Exhibit at B.I.F., (303)
- Pipe Pusher, Simple. Skylux, Ltd.. 385
- Pipes, Cast Iron, Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 196
- Pipes, Cast Iron, Staveley Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Pipes, Lead Wool, for Jointing Iron and Steel, Lead Wool Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Piston for Internal Combustion Engines, Wellworthy, Ltd.. B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Pistons for Oil Engines, Light, Birmingham Aluminium Castings (1903), Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Pit Tubs, Pressed Steel, Platt Brothers and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Pitch for Briquettes of Powdered Coal, (71)
- Plaster, Bending and Torsional Tests on, (149)
- Plastic Moulding Plant, T. H.tpnd J. Daniels, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, viii
- Plate Gauges, A.B., G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., B.I.F., 222
- Plating Barrel, " Quickstone," W. Canning and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 193
- Platinum, World's Consumption of, (100)
- Platinum-Rhodium Alloys, (377), (479)
- " Porcella," British Fireproofing Compound, (403)
- Port of Bombay, Dollar Liner " President Pierce," Drawing 33ft., Uses, (555)
- Port of London Authority, Twenty-five Years of, 343
- Pressure Vessels, Tests on Riveted and Welded Construction of, (479)
- Print Developing Machine, Ozalid Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii
- Processing Machinery for Canning Industry, G. A. Harvey and Co. (London), Ltd., B.I.F.
- Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Production Flow and Industrial Efficiency, A.P. Young, 412
- " Proferall," Laboratory Tests on, (403)
- Profit-sharing in 1933, 619
- Public Works in Now Zealand, Expenditure on, (455)
- Pulley, Pressed Steel Split, Rubery, Owen and Co., B.I.F., 223
- Pulverised Fuel, Report on, (227)
- Pulverised Fuel Burning, " Atritor " System, Alfred Herbert., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vii
- Pulverised Fuel Boilers in Ilpited States, Two Large, (605)
- Pump, Acid-resisting, Meldrums, Ltd., B.I.F. 192
- Pump, Automatic Control Variable-stroke, Rotoplunge Pump Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Pump, Mono-radial Hydraulic, A. Fraser, 613
- Pump, " Rapid Straightfiow " Diaphragm, R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Pump, Turbine-driven, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Pump, " Vampire " Vacuum, Drysdale and Co., Ltd., 259
- Pump, 3in. Omniduktor, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., B.1.F. Suppt.. 16.2.34, vi
- Pumping Machinery, Part II, Science Museum Publication, 67
- Pumping Plant at Brixton, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 408
- Pumping Plant at Works of J. A. Woir, Ltd., Emergency, Harland Engineering Company, Ltd., 131
- Pumping Station, Holden and Brooke, Ltd., Weston Automatic Booster, 361
- Pumps, Hydraulically Operated Sewage, Hydrautomat, Ltd., 595
- Pumps, " Runwell " Semi-rotary Wing Hand, Ashwell and Nesbit, Ltd., B.I.F., Suppt. 23.2.34, iii
- Pumps, Submersible Motor-driven, Electro-mersible Motors and Pumps, Ltd., 349
- Pumps, Vitreous Porcelain Enamel Coatings to Cases of Impellers of Deep-well Turbine, (303)
- Pumps for Deep Farm Wells, C. A. Cameron Brown, 638
- PUNCH and Chisel Set, Fry's (London), Ltd., (108)
- Punches and Die Elements, Zeiss-Ikon Standard, 258
- QUAY at Sunderland, Deep-water, (604)
- RADIATOR, Sectional Type, Serek Radiators, Ltd., B.I.F., 194
- Radium from Pitchblende, (555)
- Accidents
- Accident to Locomotive in Morley Tunnel Between Huddersfield and Leeds, (43)
- Accidents Due to Wilful Obstruction, (403)
- Accidents on United States Railways, Reduction of, (253)
- Accidents to Railway Servants, (377)
- Alne Collision, Lieut.-Colonel Woodhouse's Inquiry, (71)
- Altrincham Collision, Colonel Trench's Report, (279). 607
- Armagh Disaster of Forty-five Years Ago Recalled, (605)
- Bo'ness Junction Disaster Sixty Years Ago, (123)
- Camden Collision, Colonel Mount's Report, 607
- Carr Bridge Accident Caused by Cloudburst Twenty Years Ago, (655)
- Collision at, Caterham, (353)
- Collision at Huston, Football Excursion, Ten Years Ago, (407)
- Collision at Glasgow Central Station, (353)
- Collision at Kilburn, (353)
- Collision near Barcelona, (555)
- Collision on Single Line on Italian State Railways, (227)
- Derailment near West Hampstead, (279)
- Derailment on Pennsylvania System, Fatal, (253)
- Fatal Accident at Road Level Crossing near Fleetwood, (505)
- Firemen Killed on Railways, (173)
- Hellifield Accident, Lieut.-Colonel Anderson's Report, (13), (353), 607; Verdict of " Accidental Death," (97)
- Lagny Accident, French Railway Disaster, 167, (201)
- Loughborough Collision, (123)
- Northolt Junction Collision, (71)
- Railway Accidents in 1873, Letter from then President of Board of Trade to all Railway Companies, (13)
- Servants Killed on Railways During 1933, (13)
- Two Fatal Train Accidents in England and Scotland in 1933, (13)
- Watford Tunnel Fatal Accident, (123);
- Verdict " Accidental Death," (149)
- Board of Trade Export Returns for Railway Material, (97)
- " Bucket-type " Railway Freight Cars, (377)
- " Crocodile " Ramp in Four-foot Way, (13)
- Electrification of Railways:
- Electric Railway in Turkey for Conveyance of Coal, (71)
- Electric Trains for Danish State Railways, English Electric Company, Ltd., 286
- Electrification of Danish State Railways, English Electric Company, Ltd., 286
- Electrification of Lines from Glencoe to Vryheid, Natal, (555)
- Electrification of Midland Iron Company's Works, (108)
- Electrification of Railways, Slow Progress of, H. N. Gresley at Batti-Wallah's Society, (253)
- Electrification on Brazilian Central Railway, 653
- South African Railways, Electrification on, (353)
- Export of Railway Material, 1934 (First Quarter), (429)
- Foggy Weather and Trains Running Late, (227)
- Glasgow Subway System, Delivery of Continuous Rope, (513)
- Great Central Railway, London Extension Opened Thirty-five Years Ago, (279)
- Great Orme Tramway, Prospect of Reopening, (455)
- Great Orme Tramway, Inspection for Ministry of Transport After Reconstruction, (529)
- Great Southern Railways of Ireland and German Coal for Locomotive Use, (329)
- Grouped Railways :
- and Imperial Airways, Ltd., Agreement, (279)
- and Road Traffic Interests, (227)
- and the Unions, (479)
- and where Every Twenty Shillings Goos, (429)
- Maintenance Expenditure, (279)
- Proposed Expenditure During 1934, (303)
- Receipts for 1933, (253)
- Receipts for First Two Weeks, (97); First Three Weeks, (149); Tenth Week, (303); Seventeenth Week, (514)
- Returns, Preliminary, (329)
- Stock, (479)
- Statistics for Running Miles, 1933, (429)
- Traffic Returns for Fifty-second Week, 1933, (43)
- Wagon Repairs, (353)
- Irish Loop Railway at Greenisland, 87, (97)
- Leek and Manifold Railway, Closing of, (303); Details of, (527)
- Level Crossings, Schemes for Elimination of, (173)
- Mersey Railway Receipts, (201)
- Midland Railway Company and Carriage of Passengers to Norfolk, (505)
- Montrose (Formerly Caledonian Station) Station Closed Through Pooling Agreement, (329), (479)
- National Wages Board :
- Constitution of, (71)
- Nominally Ceased to Exist March 3rd, 1934, (253)
- Decrease in Membership, (605)
- Negotiations, (555)
- Rail Purchases, American, 262
- Railway Clerks' Association and Economy on Railways, (581)
- Railway Coach Woodworking Machines, Thomas Robinson and Son, Ltd., 454, 456
- Railway Connections Opened Forty-five Years Ago, (555)
- Railway Engineering Convention, American, 402
- Railway History and Name of Tredegar, (505)
- Railwaymen's Union Reject Companies'
- Proposal for Conciliation Scheme, (191)
- Railwaymen's Wages, Discussions, (605)
- Railway Rates Tribunal and "Flat Rate" Decision of, (455)
- Railways of Northern Ireland, Wages Agreement (505)
- Restaurant Cars on British Railways, Number of Meals Served Per Year on, (403)
- Safeguards on Railways, D. Ross-Johnson, (123)
- Shropshire and Montgomeryshire Railway, Passenger Traffic Withdrawn Owing to Road Competition, (71)
- Stations Closed Under Pooling Arrangements, (329)
- Steel Sleepers on South African Railways, (479)
- Tests on Plain Carbon Steel Railway Rails, (479)
- Time-table Services, (429)
- Train Ferry Conveyance Between England and Continent, Statistics, (43)
- Transport Advisory Council, Members of, (227)
- Travelling Facilities in Finchley, (303)
- Wages Negotiations on Great Southern Railways Company, (529)
- Wagon, World's Largest Railway, (454)
- Wagon Brakes, Churchward-Dean, (149)
- Wagons in Service, Railway-owned, (581)
- Wedgwood, Sir Ralph, Recovery in Health of, (43)
- Whistling Code on Railways, (407), (479)
- Great Western Railway :
- Great Western Railway, Appointment of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Horne as Chairman, 113, (123)
- Churchill, Viscount, " Working Chairman" of the Company, (43)
- Cost of Materials, Statistics, (149)
- Creosoting Plant at Hayes, (97)
- Factories and Factory Sites on the Company's Land, (196)
- Newspaper Train to Plymouth and Penzance, Accelerated, (303)
- Numbered Trains, System of, 637
- Oxford to Paddington, Summer Train Service, (581)
- Railcars for G.W.R. Express, Associated Equipment Company. Ltd., (655), 662
- Reading Station, Milk Churns on Rails at, (173)
- Signalling, Division of Long Block Sections, (555)
- Speedometers to be. Fitted to 100 Locomotives, (71)
- Steel Keys, Experiments with, (629)
- Tickets on Caradon Railway, Unique, (429)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- Appointments at Abergavenny, (505)
- Beames, Captain H. P. M., Retirement in September, (529)
- Blackburn, Improvement Scheme at Goods Depot, Bolton-road, (403)
- Bradford, Improvements at Bridge-street Depot, (353)
- Buxton to Manchester and Liverpool, Application for Bill to give Alternative Routes from, (303), (403)
- Container Unit, Type X, (43)
- Crewe Dinner, Report, (310)
- Eighty-nine Years' Old " Columbine " to be Placed on Exhibition at York, (580)
- Electric Arc Welding on Railway at Sharnbrook Viaduct, (529)
- Employment at Crewe, (71)
- Euston House, Opening of, 163
- Express Newspaper Train to Heysham Calling at Warrington, (71)
- Everard, H. B., Appointed District Engineer, Derby, South, (455)
- Freight Train Working, Sir Josiah Stamp, (253)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Rolling Stock Added to Derby Locomotive Museum, (123)
- Leeds, City Square, Railway Station, Rebuilding Entrance, (173)
- Irish Mail Train, Acceleration of, (429)
- Plants for Softening Locomotive Water, (97)
- Ports, Booklets on Railway, (71)
- Post Office Sorting Van for Northern Counties Committee, (555)
- Railhead Distributing Centre at Haydon Square, (149)
- Road Vehicle Programme, 571
- " Royal Scot " at B.I.F., Castle Bromwich, (173)
- " Royal Scot " Train to Tour England, (13), (123)
- Signalling Alterations at Stafford, (149)
- Signalling Equipment, Improved, (329)
- Southend to Shoeburyness, Opened Fifty Years Ago, (123)
- Staff Appointments, (292)
- Steam Engines of Great Age at Holyhead and Swannington, Two Stationary, (329)
- Tenders for Standard Type Passenger Vehicles, (97)
- London and North-Eastern Railway :
- Appointments, (329)
- Capital Invested in Passenger Road Services, (505)
- Colour light Signals on Seven Sisters and Enfield Branch, (149)
- Cranes, Petrol-electric Mobile, Used at Several Depots, (377)
- Ferry Service Between New Holland and Hull, (581)
- Gidea Park and Shenfiold Widening, 70
- Homing Pigeons Used in Railway Service, (303)
- King's Cross Improvements; (201)
- Liverpool Street Station, (201)
- Lubrication, Over 100 Different Lubricants Used, (605)
- Rail Brakes at Hull Yard, (529)
- Review of the Company's Business, (353)
- Signalling School in Sleeping Car, (97)
- Transport, Modern Conditions and Methods of, (403)
- Tube Railway in East London and Essex, Proposed, (629)
- Whitemoor Marshalling Yard, Expeditious Handling of Fruit at, (353)
- Southern Railway :
- Angmering Train Services, (605)
- Business During Last Six Years, (377)
- Coal Carried from Kent Collieries, (207)
- Electrical Working of Points and Signals, (43)
- Express Freight Trains, (479)
- Factory Sites at Southampton, (529)
- Ferry Service Between Dover and Dunkirk, (279)
- Floating Dock at Southampton for Disposal, (149)
- Interchangeable Motors on Electric Stock. (454)
- Paraffin Oil Flares Still Used, (97)
- Passengers on Electrically Operated Trains, Numbers of, (403), (529)
- St. Mary Cray Extension, Electrification of, (353)
- Season Tickets to Brighton Increase, (529)
- Southampton Docks, Gross Registered Tonnage Using, (353)
- Southampton Graving Dock, White Star Liner " Majestic " Docked, 87
- Southampton West Station, Improvement of, (71), (329)
- Train Ferries for Southern Railway, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 398
- Underground Railways of London (L.P.T.B.):
- " Circle " Trains Repainted Like Tube Rolling Stock, (455)
- " Circle " Trains to be Withdrawn, (479)
- Electro-pneumatic Brakes for Cars on Morden Tube, (489)
- Great Northern and City Railway, First-
- class Compartments Dispensed with, (377)
- " Inner Circle " Trains, (655)
- Knightsbridge Tube Station, Progress of Work at, (227)
- Lighting up Gaps at Tube Stations, (655)
- Metropolitan Railway, Late Lord Aberconway, Chairman for Thirty Years, (149)
- Metropolitan Railway and Parcels Service, (655)
- Ministry of Transport.
- Accidents to Railway Servants, Inquiries into Serious, (149)
- Ilford's Transit Requirements, Lord Ash field's Report, (303)
- Railway Statistics, September, 1933, (13). (43); October, 1933, (71); November. 1933, (201); December, 1933, (303)
- January, 1934, (429); February, 1934, (581)
- Train Accidents, Inquiries into, (455)
- Tramways Returns, (97)
- Transport Advisory Council, (43)
- Value of Statistics, (655)
- Colonial and Foreign :
- American Streamlined Train, 395
- Amsterdam District, Modernisation of Railways in, (13)
- Automatic Stops on Swiss Federal Railways, (149)
- Bulgarian Railway between Karlowo and Makotzew, (201)
- Canadian National Railways, Winter Travel Instructions, (71)
- Canadian National Railways and Contract to Take Vancouver Shipbuilder to Great Bear Lake on Arctic Circle, (505)
- Canadian Railways, Maintenance Staff for, (479)
- Canadian Railways and Unremunerative Track, (629)
- Continuous Brake System on Polish Railways Goods Rolling Stock, (123)
- Finnish Railway Board and Rail Orders, (13)
- Florence and Bologna Railway, (201)
- " Flying Hamburger " Non-stop Run, Berlin to Cologne, (655)
- German State Railways and Fast Railcars, (429)
- German State Railways and Oil Units, (71) Indian Railway Administration, Expenditure on Works, (529)
- Indian Railway Board's Report, 1933, (429), (505), (581)
- Indian Railways Board and Road Competition, (629)
- Mountain Suspension Railway on the Puig Mayor, Majorca, (534)
- Persian Railways, Italian Workers for, (13)
- Polish Railways, British Firm and Installation of Brakes and Brake Equipment on, (429)
- Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Locomotives with Tapered Roller Bearings on Axles, (629)
- Railway Lino Joining Bologna and Florence Opened, (455)
- Railwaymen in United States, Unrest of, (329)
- Railway Stock for Canton—Hankow Railway in China, British, (555)
- Railway System in Soviet Union, Length of, (123)
- Lubrication of Locomotives, Recovery of Oil and Waste, (529)
- South African Railways, Rail Car Services, (629)
- South African Railways and Harbours Administration, Annual Report, (123)
- South African Railways and Harbours Administration and Contracts with
- British Steel Firms, (455)
- Spark Arrester on New Zealand Railways, Improved, (429)
- Streamlined Train for Union Pacific Railroad, (253)
- Underground Railway in Santiago, Chile, Proposed, (71)
- Welding Railway Line in Brandleite Tunnel on Berlin-Stuttgart Line, (13)
- " Baltic " Type Tank Engines to be Provided with Tenders, (581)
- Crank-axle of 1881, (201)
- Delaware and Hudson Railway, Triple-expansion Locomotive, 530, 534
- Etat Mountain Type Locomotive, " 22 " (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Franco Locomotive, Design of, 412
- Grouped Railways, Locomotive Maintenance on, (329)
- Locomotive, Monsieur A. Chapelon's Projected Compound, 180
- Locomotive Condensers, Copper Tubes for, Earle, Bourne and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Locomotive Condensers, Yellow Metal for, Earle, Bourne and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Locomotive Crank Axles, F. L. Baxter, 646
- Locomotive Cylinders, L.M.S. Fabricated, 477
- Locomotive for Colombia, Multi-en fined Steam, " Sentinel " Waggon Works, Ltd., 599, 606 (Two-page Supplement, June 16th, 1934)
- Locomotive for Udaipur Chitogarh Railway, India, 2-8-0, W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., 181
- Locomotive " No. 633 " Fitted with "Dabeg', Feed-water Heater, (13)
- Locomotive of " 1400 " Class, " High Flyers," Withdrawal of Last, (253), (279)
- Locomotive Performance of Twenty-two Locomotives on Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, (329)
- Locomotive Pooling, 657
- Locomotive Shop on Pekin-Hankow Railway to be Overhauled, (455)
- Locomotive Statistics for Grouped Railways, (377)
- Locomotives, Renumbering 8226, L.M.S., (403)
- Locomotives for China, Hunslet Engine Company, Ltd., 131
- L.M.S. Passenger Locomotive " Princess Royal," 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Locomotive Record Run Liverpool to Euston, " The Princess Royal." (429)
- L.N.E. Railway, 2-8--2 Three-cylinder Locomotive " No. 2001," " Cock o' the North," H. N. Gresley, 550, 551; Trials, 645
- Naming of Locomotives on Northern Counties Committee Section, (149)
- Nord Railway, Four-cylinder Compound Heavy Goods Locomotive, 22
- P.L.M. Railway, Class " 151 " Locomotive Remodelled, 22
- P. L.M. 4-6-2 Express Locomotive, 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- P.O. 4-8-0 Express Locomotive, 22 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Redesigned Goods Locomotive on L.M.S. Railway, 80
- Tank Locomotives, Three-cylinder, L.M.S. Railway, 337
- " The Princess Royal " and " Princess Elizabeth," L.M.S. Locomotives, Working Between Euston and Glasgow, (97)
- Locomotives, Diesel, Oil, and Oil-electric (also Railcars) :
- Disel-electric Locomotive for P.L.M. Railway Company, Societe Alathom, (303)
- Locomotive, 28 H.P. Oil Engine Driven, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iii
- Oil-electric Locomotives, Constant Power Control for, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 79
- Oil-electric Locomotive, 300 H.P., English Electric Company, Ltd., and R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Ltd., 578
- Oil-electric Motor Trains for Netherland State Railways, (97)
- Oil-electric Shunting Locomotive, Sir IV. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 208
- Oil-engined Shunting Locomotives in Germany, (403)
- Oil-engined Train, Run of, 638
- Oil Locomotives for L.M.S. Railway, Hunslet Engine Company, Ltd., 105
- Oil Locomotive for Woolwich Arsenal, Hunslet Engine Company, Ltd., 310
- Railbus, Sixty-seater, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 8
- Railcar, Oil-hydraulic, Leyland Motors, Ltd., 198, 202
- RARE Metals, Commercial Uses of, (403)
- Reclamation of Pontine Marshes, 484, 506, 509
- Reduction Gear, Single Helical, Moss Gear Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 223
- Reflector for 200in. Telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory, Glass Disc Cast for, (329)
- Refrigerant in Form of Frozen Brine, (505)
- Refrigeration, Principles of, Sir William Bragg to British Science Guild, 477
- Refuse Destructor at Drumshantie, (279)
- Refuse Destructor Plant for Tokyo, Proposed, (353)
- Research, Scientific and Industrial, Survey of Annual Report, 74, 90
- Survey of Annual Report, 74, 90
- Temperature Rise in Hydrating Concrete, (97)
- Water Pollution, Summary of Current Literature on, (93)
- RESEARCH Laboratories, Callender Electrical Transmission, 656, 659
- Research Laboratories at Chiswick, Institution of Automobile Engineers, 263
- Research Station, Post Office, 54
- Resin, Improved Synthetic, (403)
- Resins, Rehabilitation of Natural, Dr. Krum-bhaar, (581)
- Rice Mill, David Landale, B.I.P. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv
- Rinsing of Pickled Metal Articles, (655)
- River Thames and Suitability for Passenger Transport Services, (329)
- Rivets, Standardisation of Small, (411)
- Highway Between Munich and Salsburg, (505)
- Highways in U.S.A., Money Invested in, (71)
- Highways, Non-skid Surfaces of, (303)
- Pedestrians' Deaths and Speed of Motor Omnibuses, (227)
- Reinforcement for Road Surfaces, W. Carrick Howart, 485
- Reinforcement for Road Surfaces, Correction, (518)
- Road, Progress of Grossglockner-Greaber Alps Road,(455)
- Road and Rail Traffic Act Rates, (43), (173)
- Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, (105)
- Road Breaker, Petrol, E. A. Gatehouse and A. W. Neil, 635
- Road Building in Germany, 478
- Road Improvements in Southern England, Programme for, (385)
- Road Locomotives in London, Restrictions for Heavy, (455)
- Road Motor Services in South Africa, (581)
- Road Surfaces, Cast Iron, Platt Bros. and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Road Surfaces, Reinforcement for, W. Carrick Howart, 485
- Road Testing Machine, Experiments at Stuttgart, (429)
- Road Traffic Bill, 343
- Road Transport in South Africa, (173)
- Road Transport Safety, 163
- Road Widening by West Ham Corporation, (123)
- Roads, Concrete, J. H. Walker, 94
- Roads, Instrument for Determining Actual Loading Imposed by Traffic on, (429)
- Street Traffic Signals, Accidents During Night and, (377)
- Street Traffic Signals in Oxford-street, (528)
- Traffic Control Signals in Middlesex, (429)
- " ROCKET," Professor Robert H. Goddard's, (227)
- Rolling Mill, Four-high Cold Strip, Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, ii
- Roll Mill Drive and Barring Gear, Cold, Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., 180
- Roller, Oil Engine-driven Light, Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppe., 16.2.34, iv
- Rollers, Road and Grass, Aveling and Porter, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iv
- Roof Gutters, Design of, (505)
- Roofing River Mersey at Stockport, (279)
- Rose Cuttings Prepared for Long Distance Transmission. by Spraying with Hot Paraffin Wax, (555)
- Rust Removal from Metal Parts, Bath for, (329)
- SAFETY in Works, T. J. Dixon, (253)
- Safety of Underground Workers, (149)
- Sales Department, Engineering, Eric N. Simons, 396
- Salvage and Refuse Disposal Works in Birmingham, (479)
- Salvage Operations at Scapa. Flow, 113
- Sand for Stemming Shots in Mines, (629)
- Sand Mixing Machine, Pneulec Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iv
- Saw Sharpeners, Automatic, Modern Wood-working Machines, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Scaffolding in Shipyards, Tubular, Allied Steel Scaffolding Company, Ltd., 562
- Scholarships, Faraday House, 388
- Scholarships in Technology at Manchester University, (618)
SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS (see also Electrical Matters) :
- Air Flow Meter, Admiralty Engineering, 635
- Air Meter Distance Transmitter for Mersey Tunnel, 636
- Ammeters, Portable Multi-range " Tong Test," Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., 70
- CO2 Metering Unit, Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Compound Recorder for Mine Ventilation,
- Walker, Crossweller and Co.. Ltd., B.I.F., 195
- Echo Depth Indicator, " Husun " Admiralty, 234
- Electrical Instruments, Ferranti, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vu
- Electricity Meters, Bottom Bearings of, G. F. Shotter, (455)
- Extensometer, Capacitator, F. de la C. Chard, 635
- Fatigue Testing Apparatus, Electromagnetic, General Electric Research Laboratories, 68
- Frequency Control, Sullivan's Tuning Fork Equipment, W. H. Sullivan, Ltd., 80
- Frequency Meters, Marconi's, 579
- Galvanometer, Evolution of, R. I. Whipple, 36
- Glaremeter, Dr. W. S. Stiles and B. H. Crawford, National Physical Laboratory, 69
- Insulation Tester, Meggers, Evershed and Vignolles, Ltd., 36
- Isolators, Oil-immersed, General Electric Company, Ltd., 487
- Light Testing Equipment, Benjamin Electric Ltd., (362)
- Maximum Demand " Tell Tale," Everett Edgecombe and Co., Ltd., 69
- Meter, Ferranti's Polyphase Kilowatt-hour B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- Meter, illumination, Salford Electrica Instruments, Ltd., 38
- Meter, Megger Capacity, Evershed and Vignolles, Ltd., 36
- Meter, Polyphase kW-hour, British Sangamo Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 220
- Meter, Reflection, Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., 38
- Meter, Single-phase Watt-hour, British Sangamo Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 220
- Meters and Recorders, " A rkon," Walker, Crossweller and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 195
- Micrometer, Application of Concave Achromatic Lens to, G. Dolland, (227)
- Noise Meter, Standard Telephone and Cables, Ltd., 234
- Odograph, Sperry-Villiers, 147
- Ohmmeter, Portable, Dynameg, Ltd., 286
- Oscillograph, High-speed Cathode Ray, Cambridge Instrument Company, 37
- Photometer, Semi-automatic Light Distribution, G.E.C. Research Laboratories, 635
- Pressure Recorder, Portable, Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Process Tuner, Everett, Edgecumbe and Co., Ltd., 69
- Pyrometer, Control, Electroflo Meters Company. Ltd., B.I.F., 192
- Pyrometer, Siemens Cross Filament, 36
- Recording Ammeter, Maximum Demand, Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., 36
- Recording Instruments, Electrical, Evershed and Vignolles, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Regulator, Streamline Diffusing Discharge, English Electric Company, Ltd., 362
- Regulator, Three-phase Automatically Controlled, Isenthal and Co., Ltd., 69
- Regulators, Automatic and Contactor, Oerlikon Company, Ltd., 338
- Scientific Instruments, Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, viii
- Tachometer, Remote Indicating, Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., 38
- Tachometers, Electrical, Record Electrical Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- Tele Transmission System, Split Potential, Drayton Regulator and Instrument Company, Ltd., 68
- Testing Polar Distribution of Light from Lamps, General Electric Research Laboratories, 68
- Viscometer, Interesting, (377)
- Voltmeter, Electrostatic, Ferranti, Ltd., 69
- Voltage Regulator, Isenthal and Co., Ltd., 69
- Water Hardness Recorder, Automatic, Dr. H. S. Hatfield, 278
- SCOTT, Sir Andrew, Honour Conferred on Secretary of Lloyd's Register of Shipping, (605)
- Screen, De-breezing, Pegson, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- Screen, Sherwen Electro-magnetic Vibrating, Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, 130
- Screening Plant, Pegson, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vii
- Scrubbing Machine, Rotary, F. Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Seagrave Memorial Trophy Awarded to Sir Malcolm Campbell, (279)
- Seamless Tubes, Rolled up to 100ft., (329)
- Sea Water, Deterioration of Structures in, Dr. J. Newton Friend, 302
- Sewage Pumps, Hydraulically Operated, Hydrautomat, Ltd., 595
- Sewing Machines, Export Figures of, (106)
- General :
- Armoured Speed Boats for R.A.F., (655)
- Boat Building at Plymouth, (123)
- C.G.T. Liner Normandie," Size of, (655)
- Cunard Liner " No. 534," H.M. The Queen to Launch the, (479)
- Ferry Boat Service Between Hong Kong and Kowloon, (43)
- Ferry Boats, Oil-electric, " Queen Margaret " and " Robert The Bruce,"
- William Denny and Brothers, Ltd., 260
- Ferry Service over Forth, (377)
- German Mercantile Marine, (479)
- Hamburg Tank, Friends of, International Meeting at Edinburgh and Glasgow, 614
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Annual Summary, 132
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, General Committee, Appointments, (655)
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 67, 401
- Maritime Conference, French Technical, 613
- Merchant Fleet for Spain, 343
- Merchant Tonnage of Italy, Growth of, (227)
- Norddeutscher Lloyd Company, Order for Six Vessels, (434)
- One Thousandth Ship Built by Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., (353)
- Passenger and Cargo Vessels for Chinese Government, British Firms Build Four, (303)
- Propeller Drive, Development of Auxiliary, E. C. Garratt, 371
- Salvage of Dutch Liner " Turbantia," Proposed, (479)
- Scale Effect in Screw Propellers, J. F. Allan, 371
- Screw Propellers, Scale Effect in, J. F. Allan, 371
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Trade Unions, 87
- Shipbuilding on Tyne, 163
- Ship Construction, Welded Joints in, Professor B. P. Haigh, 347, 351
- Shipping for Churchill, Hudson's Bay, Summer, (377)
- Shipping Laid Up in South Wales Ports, (43)
- Ship Repairing at Bootle, Messrs. Beardmore to Cease, (429)
- Ships' Auxiliary Generating and Compressor Set, Parsons Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 181
- Ship's Auxiliary Set, Petters' 12 B.H.P. Atomic Diesel Engine, 361
- Ships, Fire Fighting Arrangements in, E. F. Spanner, 371
- Ships Chartered by Anglo-Soviet Shipping Company, (681)
- Ships in Japan, Government Subsidise, (581)
- Shipyards on N.E. Coast, Opening, (505)
- Steamers for Soviet Government, (377), (403)
- Steering Control of Ships, Automatic, Sir James B. Henderson, 324, 334
- Tankers, Cost of American and British, (253)
- Tonnage Under Construction in United Kingdom, (629)
- Tug Boat Uses Circulating Water from Ballast Tanks when in Muddy Water, (353)
- Turbo-electric Propulsion Machinery, Breakdowns of, C. Wallace Saunders, 263
- Vibration Neutraliser for Ships, Professor C. E. Inglis, 308
- Liners and Miscellaneous Vessels :
- " Arowear," Machinery for Steamship, 76, 77
- " Arcwear " Arrives at Buenos Aires, (227)
- " Ardar," Performance of Motor Tanker, (605)
- " Brighton," Cross-Channel Steamer, 18, 19
- " Caribia," Hamburg-American Liner, 20 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- " Dieppe," Cross-Channel Steamer, Converted into Motor Yacht " Rosaura " by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 512
- " Criollo Fiel " Tanker, Built and Launched in Record Time, (529)
- Cunard Line 73,000-Ton Liner " No. 534," 17 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Cunarder, Scheme for Competing, 139
- " Devon City," Reardon Smith Motor Cargo Liner, 18
- " Frixos," Motor Yacht, 167
- " Gargon," Blue Funnel Motor Liner, 18
- " Incomati," Motor Ship, 419
- " Lucayan," Dredger for Nassau, Grab, Priestman Brothers, Ltd., 131
- " Malaita," Burns Philp Liner, 18 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Motor Liner for Australia, Melbourne Steamship Company, Ltd., (640)
- " Normandie," French Line 75,000-Ton Liner, 19 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Norwegian Vessel of Unique Type, 645
- " Oceania," Cosulich Liner, 20 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- " Port Chalmers," Dominion Commonwealth Motor Liner, 17
- " Queen Mary," Clyde Passenger Steamer, 19
- " Queen of Bermuda," Furness, Withy Turbo-electric Liner, 17, 18
- " Rosaura," Motor Yacht, 512
- Naval Matters
- Direction Finder for Submarines, Marconi's, 360
- Foreign Battleships, 645
- H.M. Light Cruiser " Achilles," 3 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- H.M.S. " Ajax," Launch of Cruiser, (86), 243
- H.M.S. " Arethusa," Launch of Cruiser, 243
- H.M.S. " Fearless," Launch of, 495
- H.M.S. Destroyer " Forester," Built by Arc Welding Method, (655)
- H.M.S. " Esk " Fitted with Tripod Masts, (328)
- H.M.S. Flotilla Leader " Exmouth," 139, (149)
- H.M. Submarine " Salmon," Launch of, (455)
- H.M. Submarine " Severn," Launch of, (86)
- H.M. Submarine " Shark " Launched at Chatham, (581)
- H.M. Target Towing Vessel " Sir Hastings Anderson," Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 619
- Naval Construction, Trend in, S. V. Goodall, 139
- Naval Construction for 1934 Programme, 243
- Naval Vessels Building at Present, Number of, (581)
- Submarines, Direction Finder for, Marconi's, 360
- Dutch Navy, Royal Commission's Findings on, (97)
- French Battleship, Construction of Second " Dunkerque," 243
- French 10,000-Ton Cruiser " Algerie," 5
- French Submarine " Agosta," Launch of, (455)
- German Cruiser " Deutschland," 5, (78)
- Naval Programme of Italian Government, (529)
- Italian Cruiser " Belzano," 5 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Warships for Italy, Two 35,000-Ton, (605)
- Submarine Driven by Electric Batteries Carrying Crew of Four, Japanese 26ft., (123)
- Portuguese Destroyer " Lima," 7
- Portuguese Destroyers for Republic of Colombia, 163
- Portuguese Sloop " Goncalvez Zarco," 7 (Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Portuguese Submarines Launched at Vickers-Armstrong's Barrow-in-Furness Yard, (581)
- U.S. Cruiser " Portland," 4 (Supplement January 5th, 1934)
- " Washington," United States Lin( 24,000- Ton Liner, 19, 20
- SHOW Turntable, Moss Gear Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 223
- Silencers for Internal Combustion Engines, C. G. Vokes, Ltd., 51
- Silver as Bearing Metal, (429)
- Silver Lining has its Cloud, Editor of the Iron Age, 197
- Sixty Years Ago, 12, 38, 67, 96, 127, 148, 181, 197, 231, 260, 288, 310, 328, 352, 373, 402, 427, 454, 483, 504, 535, 560, 584, 614, 628, 654
- Slag and Manufacture of Glass, (279)
- Smoke, Dust and, R. Whytlow-Gray, 409
- Smoke, Reduction of Boiler, British Smoke Eliminators, Ltd., 439
- Smokeless Fuel, " Anthracine," (149)
- Soap-flaking Mill, H. Simon, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Soap-making Machinery, H. Simon, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, vi
- Soap Plodder, Henry Simon, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v, vi
- Sodium Carbonate in Iron and Steel Works, Use of, N. L. Evans, (329)
- Sodium Vapour Lamps for Highway Lighting, (479)
- Sodium-vapour Units, Type of, (429)
- Soil Corrosion of Metals, Zinc Prevents, (479)
- Soldering, Technique of, Dr. C. V. Boys, (581)
- Soil Heating by Electricity, Experiments at Vale of Evesham, (479)
- Air Services, Union, 386
- Air Survey of the Rand, 590
- Alcohol from Molasses, 56
- British Cars in Demand, 490
- Busy and Prosperous Year Expected, 147
- Cape Town's Electricity Consumption, 264
- Dam, Another Gigantic, 148
- Electric Railways for the Rand, 590
- Electric Systems, Remodelling, 56
- Electrical Power, Demand for More, 386
- German Locomotives, 264
- Gold Mine, Extending Great, 264
- Gold Mining Output for 1933, 264
- Government Loan Programme, 590
- Harbour Inquiry Commission, 387
- Harbours of South Africa, 590
- Industrial Activities, 56
- Iron and Steel Board, Vacancies on, 386
- Iron and Steel for Railways, 590
- Main Line Electrification, 148
- Mishap at Steel Works, Pretoria, 148
- Natal Main Line Deviation, 264
- Petrol from Torbanite, 264
- Prosperity Budgets, 490
- Radio Stations, Additional, 590
- Railway Budget, 590
- Railways, Equipment for, 148
- Railways and Industries, 490
- Some 1934 Undertakings, 147
- South African Harbours Inquiry Commission, 490
- Steel Works Appointments, 264
- Textile Mill at Chislehurst, 148
- Trucks, Two Thousand, 264
- Union Steel Corporation Expansion, 56
- Victoria Falls Power Company, 56
- SOVIET Trade with Great Britain, (353)
- " Sow the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind,"Iron Age," 361
- Spraying Plant, " Pneumatic Twenty " Portable, B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, iii
- Staff Magazines, Industrial Welfare Society's Conference, (26)
- Stainless Steel Beer Barrels in America, (13)
- Stair Stringing Machine, Woodworking, Midland Saw and Tool Company, Ltd., 336
- Steam Generator, " Velox," M. G. S. Swallow, 387
- Steam Power Station for Tokyo Electric Light Company, (455)
- Steam Purifier, Hopkinson-Moynan Centrifugal, 612
- Steam, Supersaturated, J. I. Yellott, 207
- Stearic Acid, Uses of, (605)
- Stoker, Babcock Style, 28; B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Stokers, Meldrums, Ltd., B.I.F., 192
- Stoves, Petrol-burning, Villiers Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Stream Contamination from Seepage Containing Sulphuric Acid, (629)
- Street Refuge Posts of Rubber at Leicester, (13)
- Subway for Detroit, Double-track, (43)
- Subways for Pedestrians in City of London. (629)
- Sugar Factory Started at Kolkapur, India, (70)
- Sugar Used in Brick-making, (227)
- Sulphur Deposits at Chatham, Ontario, (455)
- Sulphur Fumes from Battersea Power Station, (504)
- Sulphur Required in Soviet Union for Rubber and Paper Industries, (651)
- Superheated Steam, J.1. Yellott, 207
- Annual Reviews (Eight-page Supplement, January 5th, 1934)
- Barking Power Station (Two-page Supplement, February 2nd, 1934)
- Brimsdown " B " Power Station, 1930
- Extension (Two-page Supplement, April 13th, 1934)
- British Industries Fair at Birmingham (Eight page Supplements, February 16th and 23rd, 1934)
- British Tabulating Machine Company, Ltd, Works of (Two-page Supplement, January 26th, 1934)
- Locomotive, " Sentinel " Six -engined Steam (Two-page Supplement, June 15th, 1934)
- Newport (Tees) Vertical Lift Bridge (Two-page Supplement, March 9th, 1934)
- Reflecting Telescope at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 36in. (Two-page Supplement, May 18th, 1934)
- THE METALLURGIST (Sixteen-page Supplement, March 2nd, 1934; April 27th, 1934; June 29th, 1934)
- TABULATOR, Hollerith, British Tabulating Machine Company, Ltd., 101 (Two-page Supplement, January 26th, 1934)
- Tank System, Activated Anti-rolling, Dr. L. Rellstab, 648
- Taps and Studs, Removing Broken, (123)
- Tar-spraying Equipment, Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 589
- Taylor, William, Elected a Fellow of Royal Society, (303)
- Technology, Scholarships Offered at Manchester University, (618)
- Automatic Telephones in Germany, (279)
- Telegraph and Telephone Lines from Moscow To Khabarovsk to be Longest in World, 5600 Miles, (303)
- Telegraphic Circuit from London to Toront .). (581)
- Telephone Apparatus, " Autodial," (253)
- Telephone Cable Links up Ceylon with World's Telephone System, (303)
- Telephone Exchanges in London Area, (149)
- Telephone per Hundred Inhabitants in New York, Chicago, and London, (377)
- Telephone Revenue in 1932-33, British, (97)
- Telephone System Installed by Using Barbed Wire and Old Motor Cars in South Saskatchewan, (149)
- Telephone Wires in Saxony during Wintry Weather, (43)
- Telephones in India, (123)
- Telescope, Iris Diaphragm for 74in., Sir Howard Grubb, Parsons and Co., 156, 157
- Wire Mileage of Telegraph and Telephone Services in Great Britain, (455)
- TELEVISION Transmission Germany, (71)
- Tellurium, Commercial Uses of, (403)
- Temperature and Latent Energy in Manic Gases, Professor W. T. David, 558
- Testing Machine, Precision Hydraulic, for Cape Town University, A, Macklow-Smith, 386
- Testing Machine, 3-Ton, J. L. M. Morrison, 626
- Testing Station for Marine Corrosive Action, at Mersea Island, (253)
- Textile Combine in Central Asia, (123)
- Theodolite, Tairstock, Cooke, Tronghton, and Simms, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, iii
- Thermionic Valve, History and Development., Sir Ambrose Fleming, 36
- Tidal Estuaries, Forecasting by Model Experiments, Professor A. H. Gibson, 397
- Timber Exports from Canada to United Kingdom, 1933, Sawn, (253)
- Tin, World's Consumption of, (149)
- Tin, 1933, Consumption of, (505)
- Tin-plate Factory in Sarnia, Ontario, (48)
- Tin-plate Production in United States, (455)
- Tin Research, (605)
- Titanium Pigment Plant at Saureville, North Jersey, (655)
- Titanium Pigments, Properties of, (529)
- Tools, Electric Portable, S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 221
- Tools, Rotary, F. Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., B.I. F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Tractor Production in Russia, (529)
- Trade with Russia, (264)
- Traffic Control Lights, London's, 139
- Traffic Signals in Berlin, (555)
- Trailer for Boulder Dam, 41-Ton, (377)
- Tramcar Free from Vibration Built for Chicago, (605)
- Tramcar in Italy, Tests on Light Alloy, (555)
- Transport Drivers Awarded Medals by " Safety-First " Council, (605)
- Transport Problem, Practical Aspects of London's, Lord Ashfield, 243
- Transport Requirements of Industry, C. A. Lambert, 661
- Transport Underground in London, Ministry of Transport, and London Passenger Transport Board, (629)
- Trasenster Medal Awarded to Marchese Marconi, (275)
- Trench Cutting Machine, Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 261
- Trolleybuses and Extra Electricity for London Transport Board, (555)
- Trolleybuses in Great Britain, (377)
- Trolleybuses in London, (581)
- Trolley Wire Made in Two Parts, Frederick Smith and Co., B.I.P., 223
- Tube, Rolling 178ft. Seamless St cel, (303)
- Tube, Sealing Open End of a, (123)
- Tubes, Accles and Pollock, Ltd., B.1.F.Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Tubes, Cold-drawn Steel, Britannia Tube Company, Ltd., 13.1. F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Tubes for Engineering Structures, C. Watts, 449
- Tubes for Locomotive Condensers, Copper, Earle, Bourne and Co., Ltd., B.1. F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Tubing, Electrically Welded Steel, Tube Products, Ltd., B.1.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Tunnel, Cost of First Narrows Pressure, (71)
- Tunnel Between Cork iskle and Bransty Stations, Miners Engaged for Repairing, (403)
- Tunnel for New York, Double Tube, Vehicular, (329)
- Turbine, Development of Parsons Steam—see Parsons, page iv
- Turbine, Interesting Hydraulic, English Electric Company, Ltd., 200
- Turbine Blading, Parsons Hollow, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 51
- Turbine History, Fifty Years of Steam, 631
- Turbine Power Station at Stein, near Nurnberg, Re-opening, (629)
- Turbine Runners for Araptnii, N.Z., English Electric Company, Ltd., 21
- Turbine Unit, " Simplex," Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, Ltd., 76, 77
- Turbo Alternator, Breakdown of, H.NI. Chief Inspectors' Report, 359; (Leading Article, 355)
- 'Turbo-alternator Set at Barking Power Station, 75,000-kW, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 10, 11, 14
- Turbo-generators at Barking, 75,000-kW, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 144, 145
- 'Turbo-generators at Barking, 75,000-kW, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 144, 145
- Turntable Show, Moss Gear Company, Ltd., B.1. F., 223
- Turpentine, Storage of, (353)
- UNEMPLOYED in United States, (529)
- Unemployment Figures, Improved, 243
- Unemployment Relief in United States, (173)
- VACUUM Pumps for Metal-clad Mercury-arc Rectifiers, Elimination of, (479)
- Valve, Disc, Audley Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 223
- Vanadium Ore from Quadra Island, (43)
- Ventilating Equipment at Parkhead Bus Garage, Anemostat (Scotland), Ltd., 636
- Ventilating Station on Mersey Tunnel, Contract for Last, (71)
- Ventilation, Compound Recorder for Mine, Walker, Crossweller and Co., Ltd., 13.1. F., 195
- Viaduct Reconstruction in Derwent Valley, (227)
- Viaduct on Argentine State Railways, Construction of Polvorilla, (227)
- Vibration Neutraliser for Ships, Professor C. E. Inglis, 308
- Volcanic Steam at Larderello, Italy, (43)
- WASHING Outfit for Motor Cars, Williams and James, B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Water, Control of Water Softening and Boiler Feed Water Conditioning, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 130
- Water Main Leaks in Ottawa, (505)
- Water Power Development in Canada, (253)
- Aqueduct, Retch Hetchy, 354, 357, 376
- Manchester's Water Supply, 139
- Purification of Water, (429)
- Reservoir Project, Lakavalli, (35)
- Water Filtration Plant at Douglas, (605)
- Water Pollution Research Board's Annual Report, 139
- Water Pollution Research, Dr. H. Ingleson, 299
- Water Softening Plant at Barking, Kennicott Water Softeners, Ltd., 144, 145
- Water Softening Plant at Prenton Waterworks, West Cheshire, United Water Softeners, Ltd., 489
- Water Softening Plant at. St. Helens, United Water Softeners, Ltd., 489
- Water Sterilising Plant, " Otto " Ozone, English Electric Company, Ltd., B.I. F., 221
- Water Supplies, Pooling of, 113
- Water Supplies, Urban, 619
- Water Supply in Thames Reservoirs, 163
- Water Supply of British Cochin, India, (529)
- Water Supply for San Francisco, 354, 357, 376
- Water Supply of Hull from Farndale Valley, Proposed, (71)
- Water Treatment Booklet, T.C.I., Ltd., (640)
- Water Treatment by " Chloratnine " Process, Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd., 178
- Waterway Across Florida Peninsula, Proposed, (13)
- Waterworks at Swindon, 587
- WATT, James, Letter Presented to Glasgow University by W..1. Wilson, 212
- Weaving Mills of Lille to be Destroyed to Prevent Over-production, Some, (329)
- Weighing Machine, " Reform " Automatic, H. Simon, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Arc Welding, Human Factor in, W. P. Digby, 662
- Butt Welding Machine, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 562
- Electric Arc Welding Under Water, N. S. Hibshman and C. D. Jensen, (13)
- Electric Welding on New Shipbuilding Work, 243
- Electric Welding Sets, Portable, G. D. Peters, Ltd., 438
- Thyratron, Controlled Spot Welder, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 36 1Velded Boiler Drums and Steam Receivers, C. H. Davy, 122
- Welded Joints in Ship Construction, Professor B. P. Haigh, 347, 351
- Welded Steel Tubing, Electrically, Tube Products, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- Welded Tender of Locomotive " Cock o' the North," (605)
- Welder, Automatic Flash, British Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., B.I.F., 196
- Welder for Wire, British Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., B.I.F., 196
- Welding a. Shattered Air Compressor, (479)
- Welding Apparatus, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Welding Elektron Castings, Barimar, Ltd., (268)
- Welding in Shipyards, 61, 87, 243, 269, 343
- Welding of Rails, Research on, (279)
- Welding Plant, Parsons-Murex Simple-operator, Parsons Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 463
- Welding Steel Plant Equipment, 278
- Wire Welder, British Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., B.1 .F., 190
- WHALES and Caisson Sickness, (655)
- Wing-bracing System for Tall Buildings, (403)
- Wind Velocity, Registering, (555)
- Wire, Fatigue Tests on Hard Drawn Steel, 424
- Wire, Permeability of Steel, Dr. T. F. Wall, (661)
- Wire Bend Testing Machine, Bruntons (Musselburgh), Ltd., 234
- Wire Drawing Machine, Fine, Sir James Farmer, Norton and Co., Ltd., 287
- Wire Drawing Machine, Whitecross Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, v
- Wire Gauze for Water Cooling of Volatilisers, (655)
- Belgrade Broadcasting Station, Rapid Dismantling and Re-erection, (299)
- Broadcasting Station at Budapest, Vertical Radiator for, F. E. Sharp, 246
- Broadcasting Stations in South Africa, (555)
- Chinese Wireless Stations, 545
- Egyptian Broadcasting, 545
- Loudspeakers Installed at Mines (le Bruay, (149)
- Lympne-St. Inglevert Micro-ray Link, 1 13
- Radio Apparatus, Statistics, (353)
- Radio Research Board's Report, 614
- Radio Station at Blaris, Lisburn, North Ireland Regional, (97)
- Radio Used in Construction of San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, (97)
- Radio Used to Launch Holland Africa liner Bloemfontein," (605)
- Swedish Broadcasting Station at Motala. Marconi Company to Reconstruct, (149)
- Wireless Beacon at Rugby, 31
- Wireless Station at Burghead, Site for, 495
- Wireless Stations in Australia, Four Additional, (4:3)
- Wireless Systems in U.S.S.R., (71)
- WIRE Made in Two Parts, Trolley, Frederick Smith and Co., B.I.F., 223
- Wire Mesh, G. A. Harvey and Co. (London), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
- Wood Gas for Fuel on Motor Railcar on Czechoslovakian State Railway, (149)
- Wooden Doors as Barriers for Fire Protection, (43)
- Wood Putty, Las-Stik Company's, (377)
- Woodworking Machinery, Modern Woodworking Machines, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, vi
- Woodworking Machines for Railway Coachwork, Thomas Robinson and Son, Ltd., 454, 456
- Works Personnel Department, G. W. Tripp, 474
- Works, Transfer of Wingets, Ltd., from 'Warwick to Rochester, 438
- X-RAY Apparatus, Philips Industrial, 70
- X-ray Crystal Analysis, Research by National Physical Laboratory, 566
- YELLOW Metal Alloy, " Kunial," Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 23.2.34, i
- Yellow Metal for Locomotive Condensers, Earle Bourne and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 16.2.34, ii
- ZIG-ZAG Press, E. Kircheis, 259
- Zinc-free Tube for Condensers, Risisto, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 13.1.141. Suppt., 16.2.34, i
A Seven Day Journal
- " ADDERSTONE," Combined Marine Steam Engine for Cargo Steamer, 293
- Admiralty Appointments, 571
- Air Liner " Apollo," Loss of British, 1
- Air Race, England-Australia, 139
- Airship Services, 319
- Anglo-Continental Ship-plate Agreement, 31
- Anglo-French Commercial Treaty, 619
- Anti-noise Deputation to Minister of Transport, 445
- Apprentices, Certificates of, City of Birmingham, 189
- " Arowear " Trials of Isherwood Arcform Steamer, 87
- Atlantique," French Liner " L', Judgment of Seine Commercial Court, 87
- BEAMA Annual Meeting, 293
- Belgium Colliery Industry, State Control of, 571
- Bessemer Gold Medal, 1934, 343
- Birthday Honours, 571
- Bridge Replacement on L.M.S. Railway, 61
- Bridges, Strengthening Weak, 61
- Britain's Industrial Awakening, 595
- British Aerodromes, 243
- British Corporation Register, 217
- British Electrical Development. Association, Annual Luncheon Report, 319
- British Goods and Crown Colonies, 113
- British Industries House, 87
- British Oil Burner Manufacturers' Association, Ltd., 217
- British Shipping Policy, 217
- British Trade Prospects, 1
- Budget and the Motor Car, 393
- Building Bricks, Manufacture of, 367
- CANADIAN Railway Co-operation, 31
- Cast Concrete and Scientific Research, 469
- Central England Electricity Scheme, 243
- Cheap Gas at Glasgow Rejected, 595
- Chelsea Suspension Bridge, 217
- Chemical Patents, 445
- Chinese Wireless Stations, 545
- Coal, Brighter Prospects for, 445
- Coal Control in Belgium, State, 571
- Coal Utilisation Council, 269
- Coastal Shipping, 419
- " Cock o' the North," Trials of, 645
- Co-operation in Industry, 519
- Corby Steel Works, 495
- Costing and Tariffs, 445
- Crown Colonies and British Goods, 113
- Cruiser Contracts, 445
- Cruiser Launehes, Two, 243
- Cunarder, The, 139, 217. 343, 367
- DAIMLER, Gottlieb, Centenary of Birth, 293
- Destroyers for South America, 163
- Draughtsmen's Conference in Glasgow, 343
- Dredger for Basrah Port, Powerful Suction, 39:3
- EGYPTIAN Broadcasting, 545
- Electric Welding on New Shipbuilding Work, 61. 87, 243. 269, 343, 367, 379, 393
- Electrical Industry, Heavy, 519
- Electrical Research Association, 163
- Electricity Regulations, 1
- Euston House, Opening of, 163
- FEDERATION of British Industries, 61, (67), and Taxation, 293; and Water Supplies, 393
- Fires Aboard Ships, 87
- Foreign Battleships, 645
- Forth Road Bridge, Proposed, 343, 643
- Forty•hour Week, 189, 495
- French Air Disaster, 61, (111)
- French Battleship, Construction of Additional, 243
- French Import Quotas. 31
- French Lino, Appointment to London of Mon siour Pierre do Malglaivo. 163
- Friction, Professor E. N. da C. Andrade, 595
- Fuel Oil Tax, Oil Engines and, 269
- Fuel Research Station at Greenwich, 645
- Furnaces at Stockbridge, High-frequency, 393
- GALLOWAY Water Power Scheme, 545
- Gas Charges, 571
- Gas Industry, Presidential Address by F. P. Tarratt, 671
- " Georges Philippar " Disaster Inquiry, 31
- German Cable Manufacturing Industry, 243
- German Electrical Export Trade, 163
- German Railcar Programme, 293
- Grampian Electricity Scheme, 87
- HAIFA-BAGHDAD Railway, Proposed, 519
- Helium rind other Rare Gases, 645
- H.M.S. " Ajax," Launch of, 243
- H.M.S. " Arethusa," Launch of, 243
- H.M.S. " Fearless," Launch at Birkenhead, 495
- H.M.S. Flotilla Leader " Exmouth," 139, (149)
- Horne, Sir Robert, Chairman, Great Western railway, 113
- IMPROVED Unemployment Figures, 1, 243, 343, 469, 545
- Indian Power Line Contract, 31
- Industrial Accidents, 495
- Industrial Awakening of Britain. 595
- Industrial Development Survey, 519
- Industrial Property, Protection of, 445
- Industrial Safety Committee, Teesside. 113, (123)
- Industry, Southward Drift of, 189
- Institute of British Foundrymen, Mr. Stubbs' Presidential Address, 595
- I.C. Engines, Detonation in, 243
- International Forty-hour Week, 495
- Irrawady Bridge, 1
- Irish Loop Railway, 87
- Iron and Steel Duties, Permanent, 519
- JAPANESE Naval Disaster, 269
- Joy, Basil H., Retirement of, 217
- KING Albert, 189
- Kitson and Co., Ltd., 113
- Kut Barrage, Proposed, 139; Note, (173)
- Kut Barrage, Tenders for, 469
- LAGNY Railway Disaster, 293
- Levant Fair, 445
- L.M.S. Road Vehicle Programme, 571
- London's Electricity Supply, 269
- London's Traffic Control, 293
- London's Traffic Control Lights, 139
- London's Transport, 243
- London's Transport Tribunal, 545
- London's Water Supply, 31, 61
- Lympne-St. Inglevert Micro-ray Link, 113
- MACDONALD, R. C., Retirement of, 469
- Machine Gun, Vickers-Berthier Light, 61
- Manchester's Electricity Supply, 619
- Manchester's Water Supply, 139
- Mechanical Stokers at Sea, 293
- Mechanisation in the Army, 269
- Motor Car, Budget and the, 393
- Motor Repair Certificates, 595
- Motor Ship " Incomati," 419
- Municipal and County Engineers, 619
- NATIONAL Maritime Museum, Projected, 319
- National Physical Laboratory, 645
- Naval and Mercantile Launches, 293
- Naval Construction, 1934, Naval Estimates, 243
- Naval Construction, Trend in, 139
- Naval Guns, Monsieur Claude Ferrero, 519
- Naval Orders, Admiralty's Announcement, 61
- New Year Honours, 1
- North-East Coast Institution, Presentation of Warrant of the College of Arms Granting Armorial Bearings to the Institution, 189
- Norwegian Ship, New Type of, 645
- OIL Engine, Future of High-speed, Dr. A. E. Dunston, 393
- Oil Engine Building on Clyde, 393
- Oil Engine Injection System, 319
- Oil Engines and Fuel Oil Tax, 269
- Oil in Great Britain, Petroleum (Production) Bill, 319
- Orders for Scotland, Important, 343
- PALMERS' Hebburn Yard, 519
- Passenger Transport Inquiry, Thames, 571
- Patents in 1933, 1
- Physics and Science Museums, 519
- Piston Ring and Liner Wear, 545
- Plastics Industry, 189
- Pooling of Water Supplies, 113
- Port of London Authority, 343
- Profit-sharing in 1933, 619
- Public Works Policy, 319
- Pumps, Hydraulically Operated Sewage, 595
- RAILCARS, High-speed, 217
- Railway Electrification Abroad, 189
- Refrigeration Exhibition, 393
- Reinforced Concrete Building Practice, 31: (Leading Article, Reinforced Concrete : A Code of Practice, 73)
- Research in Industry, Conference at Institution of Civil Engineers, 319
- Road, The, 367
- Road Traffic Bill, 343
- Road Transport Operating Conditions, 419
- Road Transport Safety, 163
- Road Vehicle Programme, L.M.S., 57 1
- Road Vehicles, 61
- Rubber, Transport of Liquid, 87
- ST. Paul's Cathedral, 545
- Scapa Flow, Salvage Operations at, 113
- Science and the Nation, 217
- Scientists in State Employment, 445
- Scottish Industries, 469
- Sheffield's Gas Undertaking, 269
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Trade l'ilion,,
- Shipbuilding Industry, 469
- Shipbuilding on Tyne, 163
- Shipbuilding Orders, 31, 87, 139, 189, 217
- Ship-plate Agreement, Anglo-Continental, 31
- Smokeless Fuel, 595
- Southampton Graving Dock, White Star "Majestic" Docked, 87
- Southern Railway Electrification, 61
- Southward Drift of Industry, 189
- Spanish Merchant Fleet, 343
- Speeding-up Expresses on G.W.R., 419
- Steel-framed Building Research, 495
- Steel Makers and Re-rollers, 61
- Steel Reorganisation Scheme, 31, 113
- Steel Trade, Our Improved, Dr. E. L. Burgin. 595
- Steel Trade Outlook, 319
- Structural Welding, Modern, 319
- Submarine Launches, Two, 469
- Submarines, Escape from Sunken, 269
- Suez Canal, 571
- TANKER Pooling Scheme, 469
- Target Towing Vessel " Sir Hastings Anderson,' 619
- Tariffs, Costing and, 445
- Television, 619
- Television Development Inquiry, 495
- Thames Bridges, Proposed, 445
- Thames Conservancy Board, 367
- Thames Passenger Transport Inquiry, 571
- Thames Reservoirs, 163
- Thomycroft, Tom, Retirement of, 495
- Trade Outlook, 419
- Trade Revival, Sir Josiah Stamp at Derby, 595
- Train Disaster, International, 367
- Train Exhibition, L.M.S.R., 419
- Transport of Liquid Rubber, 87
- Trevithick, Memorials to Richard, 419
- UNEMPLOYED Figures, Improved, 1, 243, 343, 469, 545
- Urban Water Supplies, 619
- WALKER Shipyard, Re-opening of, 469
- Wandsworth Bridge, 139
- Waterloo Bridge, 139, 319, 367, 469, 495, 571, 645
- Waterloo Bridge, Rebuilding of. 571
- Waterloo Bridge and Coastal Shipping, 545
- Water Pollution Research, 139
- Water Supplies, F.B.I. and. 393
- Water Supplies, Pooling of, 113
- Water Supply Legislation, Emergency, 367
- Water Supply of London, 31
- Welders in -Shipyards, 189
- Welders in Shipyards, 61, 87, 243, 269, 343, 367, 393; (Leading Article, 379)
- " White " Combined Marine Steam Engine for Cargo Steamer " Adderstone," 293
- Wireless Beacon, Rugby, 31
- Wireless Station, Site near Burghead, 495
- World Unemployment Position, 293
- YORKSHIRE Electric Power Company Report, 163
See Also
Sources of Information