The Engineer 1935 Jan-Jun: Index

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Note: This is a scanned version of the Index Page and contains many errors
- Abell, Sir Westcott, Channel Train Ferry Steamers for Southern Railway, 429, 436
- Admiralty Laboratory, Teddington, Magneto-striction Apparatus, 42
- Airspeed, Ltd., Civil Aeroplanes, 39
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., Pipework at Tir John Power Station, 653
- Albert Canal, 503, 504, 514, 530, 540, 556, 557, 566
- Alexander, G. H., Machinery, Ltd., Erichsen Pattern Sheet Metal Tester, B.I.F., 617; Testing Machine, B.I.F., 617
- Allday, William, and Co., Ltd., Gas Furnaces, B.I.F., 690
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd. " Sharpaform " Cutter, 309; (Letter), 383
- Allen West and Co., Ltd., Boiler Instrument Panels for Brighton Power Station, 208
- "Alusol" Jointing Aluminium Alloys with, (638)
- American General Electric Company, Tests on Voltage Regulators, 362
- American Locomotive Co Streamlined Steam Locomotive, 547
- Amsler, A. J., and Co., Testing Machine, T. C. Howden and Co., 676
- Andrew, Professor J. H., and G. T. Richardson, An Investigation of Spring Steels, 484
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Portable Compressor, 363
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Railcar with Pneumatic Tires for L.M.S. Railway, 207
- Ash Company (London), Ltd., Ash-handling Plant at Tir John Power Station, 653
- Associated Equipment Company, Ltd., Railcars for G.W.R., 17; 80 b.h.p. Generator Set. 233
- Atkinson, J. F., Autoset Castor, 282
- "Atlantique, L'," Judgment of Paris Court of Appeal, 1, 29
- Atmos Revolving Boiler, J. Victor Blomquist, 312
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., Victor Hand-guided Motor Roller, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v; 2k-Ton Light Roller, B.I.P. Suppt., 24.5.35, v; 6-Ton Oil Engine Driven Road Roller, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Avery-Hardoll, Ltd., Electric Petrol Motor Pump, B.I.F., 589
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Grain-mixing Scales, B.I.F.. 589
- B. and A. Automatic Safe Load Indicator, B. and A. Engineering Company, Ltd., 309
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Chain Grate Stoker, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iv; Chain Grate Stokers for Klip River Power Station, 408; Twin-drive Electric Tube Cleaner, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, v
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., Narrow-gauge Locomotives for India, 131
- Baldwin, K. B., Power Plant for Automatic Telephone Exchanges, 339
- Balfour, George, Grid Trading, 466
- Barendrecht Vertical Lift Span Bridge, 5 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Barking Pumping Station, Electrical Equipment at, Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 363
- Batteries, Ltd., High Candle-power Cap Lamp, B.I.P. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii; Miner's Hand Lamp, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii; " Nifo " Charging Rack, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii
- Bell, Sir Thomas, Retirement of, 345
- Beeman, Engineer Rear-Admiral, Appointment as Special Director of Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 529
- Better Lines Co, Overhead Lino E.H.T. Switchgear, 573; Pole Type Sub-stations, 283
- Biernatzki and Co., Vertical Milling Machines, 326
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., "Birlec-Detroit" Rocking Arc Melting Furnace, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.:35, iv; Continuous
- Bright Annealing Furnace. B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- Black and Decker, Ltd., Portable Electric Drills, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, i; " Vibro-cenetric " Valve Seat Grinding Equipment, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, i
- Blackburn Aeroplane and Motor Co, Aeroplanes, 37, 44 Blackie Self-locking Dredger Bucket Pin, Hadfields Ltd., 420
- Blomquist, J. Victor, Atmos Revolving Boiler, 312
- Booth, Joseph, and Brothers, Ltd., Fusion 'Welded Crane, 677
- Bordeaux Refuse Destructor Plant, Heenan and Froude, Ltd., 244, 252
- Borsig Lokomotio-Werke, High-speed Stream-lined Locomotive, 302
- Bossom, A. C., National Building, (550)
- Boston Blacking Co Ltd., Adhesives, (580)
- Bouche, Monsieur Henri, Air Transport iii Europe, 453
- Boulder Dam on Colorado River, Progress on, 154, 155, 170, 171, 196, 222, 226; (Leading Article, 227)
- Brace, H. P., Liquid Resistance for 4200 kW. 106
- Bragg, Professor W. L., Atomic Arrangement in Metals and Alloys, 495
- Bremner, D. A., " Bugle Call and Lullaby," 283;
- "Change or Decay?" 103; (Leading Article, " Quality and Markets," 125)
- Bretts Patent Lifter Co. Ltd., Fast Drop Hammer, 258
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co, Ltd., Air-conditioning Plant, B.I.F., 543;
- Mechanical Stoker, B.I.F., 543; Rolls for Cold and Hot Finishing of Metal Strip, R.I.P., 543
- Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd., Aircraft of 1934, 3 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935); Inspection of Engine Components by " Magna-Flux " Method, 249; Sodium-cooled Valves, 64, 104; Tilting Test Stand for Aero Engines, 653
- Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co, Ltd.. Axial Engine, Major C. G. Nevatt, 545
- British Aluminium Co Ltd., Aluminium Machining and Forging, 340
- British Cast Iron Research Association, Research into Cast and Malleable Cast Iron, 379
- British Coal Distillation, Ltd., Test of Coal Distillation Plant, 184
- British Electric Transformer Co Capacity Booster, 231; Transformers with Side Mounted Tap-changing Gear, 180.
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Station, Earth Testing Apparatus, 70
- British Estate Services, Ltd., Mechanical Scythe, 232
- British Industries Fair, Castle Bromwich, 510 (Eight pages, Supplement, May 17th, 1935, 542 (Eight pages, Supplement, May 24th, 1935). 570, 587, 616
- British Klemm Aeroplane Co Ltd., Aeroplanes, 36
- British Mercedes-Benz, Ltd., Park Lane Show Rooms Opened, (462)
- British Oxygen Co Ltd., Thawing-in Cylinder Liners, 420; Three-jot Nozzle for Rail Surfacing, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, i; Welding Apparatus, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, i;
- British Sangamo Co Ltd., Prepayment House Service Meters, B.I.F., 589; Splitter Block, B.I.F., 589
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd.,. A.C. Mining Motors, 547; Flexible Coupling, 309; Hollow Shaft Pump Motors, 258; Metal Heaters, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi; Motor-operated Suds Pump, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi; Shunt Phase Advancers, 282; Thruster-operated Brake, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi; Thyratron Control Equipment for Spot Welding, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi; Worm Geared Motor Units, 496
- British Timken, Ltd., Enclosures for Tapered Roller Bearings, 130
- British Trane Co Ltd., Mechanical Draught Controller, B.I.F., 543; Univectair Heaters, I3.I.F., 543
- Brook, G. H., Steam Brake Valve, Hunslet Engine Company, Ltd., 677
- Brookland, J. C., Gorhardi Quick-action Press, B.I.F., 590; (Note, 618)
- Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd., Automatic Wire-drawing Machine, B.I.F., 589; Two-high Reversing Strip Mill, B.I.F., 589; (Note, 618)
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Air Compressors, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.36, iii
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co Ltd., 160 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Vis-a-vis Oil Engine, 337
- Building Research Station, Measuring Existing Stresses in Masonry Structures, N. Davey, 442
- Burgess Products Co Industrial Air Cleaner, 653
- Burgin, Dr. E. L., Engineering and Economics, 189
- Burnett and Co. Ltd., The Rectophot, 104
- Butler Machine Tool Co Ltd., Portable Draw-cut Shaper, 364
- Butterworth, L. M. Angus, Mechanical Efficiency in Industry, 278
- Byng, E. S., The Engineer Administrator, 274
- Calderwood, J. Sulzer Single-tube Boiler, 393
- Calorising Corporation of Great Britain, Ltd., Oil Cracking Equipment, B.I.P. Suppt., 17.5.35, v
- Cambridge Instrument Co Ltd., Disappearing Filament Pyrometer, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii; Recording Instruments, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii; Scratch Extensometor, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii; Universal Bridge, 70
- Camps, H. E. J., Ship Collisions, 453
- Cardano Hydro-electric Power Plant, 330, 334, 346, 358
- Carpenter, Sir Harold C. H., Alloys—Old and New, 492
- Chalkloy, H. O.. American Producers and Foreign Consumers, 277
- Chaseside Engineering Co Mechanical Shovel, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35,11
- Chesterfield Tube Co Ltd., Containers for " Bottled " Gas, B.I.F., 573; Weldless Alloy Steel Bottle for Gas, 573
- Churchill, Charles, and Co., Ltd., First Edition of House Journal of the Firm, (426)
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Jubilee Celebrations, 139, 146
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Balance Cars and Lift for 24ft. Wind Tunnel at Farnborough, 516, 519
- Clarkson Boilers, Thimble-tube Boiler, B.I.F. Suppe., 17.5.35, v
- Clarmac Engineering Co, Tar and Bitumen Boilers, B.I.F., 511
- Coates, Dr. W. H., Major Douglas's Social Credit Plan, 610, 636 (see Letters to the Editor)
- Cochran and Co (Annan), Ltd., Coal-fired Boilers, B.I.F., 510; Cochran-Kirke Sinuflo Gas-fired Boiler, B.I.F., 510
- Cohen, George. Sons and Co., Ltd., Premier Portable Emulsion Sprayer, B.I.F., 572
- Coker, Professor E. G., and Professor B. P. Haigh, Experimental Investigation of Cracking in Mild Steel Plates and Welded Seams, 457
- Collett and Engelhard, A. G., Horizontal Boring and Drilling Machine, 247, 248; Portable Shaping Machine, 247, 248
- Colombo Saw Works, High-duty Hydraulically Operated Saw, 325
- Compagnie Generale Transatlantique Liner 'Normandie', 561, 597, 620, 622, 642, 646
- Cooke, Troughton and Sims, Ltd., Optical Comjarator, Suppt., 24.5.35, ii; Proection Microscope, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, ii; Scientific Instruments, B.I.F. Suppt.,24.5.35, i
- Copes' Regulators, Ltd., Electric Thruster-operated Control Valve, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iii; Steam Feed Pump Governor, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iii
- Country Life—A 2000th Number, 538
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., Engines Working on Producer Gas, B.I.F., 616
- Coventry Machine Tool Works, Ltd., Quarter-inch Cold Heading Machine, B.I.F., 572
- Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry, N. Ireland, 428, 438, 454, 464
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Roll Grinding Machine, 206; Large Double Table Planer, 205; 10ft. Vertical Boring and Turning Mill, 205
- Crawshaw Smith, P. E., High-voltage Alternators, 286
- Crompton, Colonel R. E. B., Ninetieth Birthday Celebrations, 215, 555(Supplement, Pencil Portrait, No. 1, May 318t, 1935)
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Electric Lamps, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, i; Electrical Equipment at Sewage Works, 573; Small " Tong Teat " Ammeter, 70; V.I.R. Cables, Derby Cables, Suppt., 17.5.35, i
- Culemeyer, Dr. Ing. Hans, Road Carrier for Railway Rolling Stock, 364
- Daniels, T. H. and J., Ltd., Hydraulic Plant for Moulding of Bakelite, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii; Preforming Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii; 500 - ton Hobbing Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii
- Danks, Edwin, and Co. (Oldbury), Ltd., Horizontal Boiler, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, v
- Dare, H. H., River Murray Water Scheme, Hume Dam on Murray River, 480, 481
- Dartford Tunnel Scheme, 87
- Davey, N., Measuring the Existing Stresses in Masonry Structures, 442
- Dawson, P., Selection of a Factory Site, 100
- Desoutter Brothers, Ltd., Air Drill, B.I.F., 587; Air Router, B.I.F., 587
- Detel Products, Ltd., Detel Red, (210)
- Digby, W. Pollard, A Reflection Meter and its Application, 219, 254
- Dominion Machinery Co Ltd., Motorised Hollow Chiseller, B.I.F., 511; Woodworking Machinery, B.I.F., 511
- Domville, Vice-Admiral Sir Barry,Some Aspects of Imperial Defence, 453
- Douglas, Major, Social Credit Plan, 537, 610, 636 (see Letters to the Editor)
- Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co, Ltd., Control System for Valves, 41
- Driberg, Dr. J. H., Team Work in Book About Lion-Cub, "Engato" 439
- Drysdale, Dr. C. V., Problem of Ether Drift, 11
- Drysdale and Co., Condensate Extraction Pumps at Tir John Power Station, 764
- Dunkirk, Harbour Works at, 276, 279, 294, 304
- Du-Plat-Taylor, M., Protection Against Gas Bombardment, 143
- [Edison Swan Electric Co]], Ltd., High-Tension Cathode Ray Tube, 68
- Electric Construction Co Ltd., Lokaveay Induction Motor, 420
- Electric Control, Ltd., Master Control Desk at Southampton Graving Docic, 637
- Electromagnets, Ltd., Magnetic Extractors and Separators, B.I.F.,590
- Elibank, Viscount, National Electrical Convention at Bournemouth, 439
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Differential Pressure Gauge, 233; Wing Speed and Direction Indicator, 41
- Ellison, George, Ltd., " Works Tidy " Motor Starter, 309
- English Electric Co Ltd., Electrical Machinery, B.I.F., 572; Engines for Thames Oil-electric Tug " Framfield," 310
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd.,7000-ton Forging Press at Vickers Works, 174, 178 (Two-page Supplement, February 15th, 1935)
- Equipment and Engineering Co Ltd., Inspection of Engine Components by "Magna-Flux" Method, 249
- Essex Water Supply, South, 574
- Evans, R. H., Strain and Stress Distribution in Concrete Beams, 94
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co Ltd., " Cadet " Portable Graphor, 12; Portable Insulating Oil Tester, 12
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Diagrams on Control Panels at Southampton Graving Dock. 037; Receiving Panel, 12; Water Level Indicator, 12
- Evershed-Midworth Transmitter, 12
- Ewijk, Dr. Van, Penetration of Steel by Soft Solder and other Molten Metals at Temperatures up to 400 dog. Cent., 306
- Fage, A., Aerodynamical Research and Hydraulic Practice, 416
- Fairey Aviation Co Ltd., Aeroplanes, 36, 44
- Farnborough, Twenty-four-Foot Wind Tunnel at, 351, 380, :386 (Leading Article, 387), 468-471, 516, 519, 534
- Farrow-Howard, Ltd., Layne System of Drilling for Water from the Greensand, 486
- Ferguson Pailin, Ltd., Electric Drill with Current Limiter, B.I.F., 544; Industrial and Motor Control Gear, B.I.F., 544; Industrial Oil Circuit Breaker, 548; Spring Closing Circuit Breaker Mechanism, 446; Switch-gear at Tir John Power Station, 674; Thermal Circuit. Breakers, B.I.F., 544
- Ferranti, Ltd., Automatic Furnace for Hardening Motor Pivots, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi; Automatic Synchronising Equipment, 405: Electric Motors, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi; Electrical Instruments, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi; Light Testing Instrument, 11; Machine for Grinding Motor Pivots, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi; Transformers. B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35. vi
- Fleming, Sir John Ambrose Presented with Kelvin Medal, 479
- Flextol Engineering Co Ltd., Flexible Shaft-operated Tool, B.I.F.. 617; Variable. speed Gear, Bier., 017
- Foster Instrument Co Automatic Temperature-control Equipment, B.I.F.,' 511
- "Flexipuah" Automatic Temperature Controller, 69; " Flexipush " Controller, B.I.F., 511; Projected Scale Indicator. 69
- Foster, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Hydraulic Machine Stoker, 232
- " Framfield." Thames Oil-electric Tug, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 310
- Franklin Castor Co, Contour Projector, 547
- French Maritime Technical Association, Annual Session Report, 644
- Fry's (London), Ltd., " Apex " Bending Machine, B.I.F., 511; Drill Container. (524); Hacksaw Frame. (396)
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Automatic Telephone Exchange, B.I.F., 571; Electrical Instruments, B.I.F., 571; Illumination Meter, B.I.F.: 571; Lightning Arrester, B.I.F., 571; Loud-speaking Master Station, B.I.F., 671; Magnetic Clutch, 260; Metal-clad Switchgear. 390; Motor Barrow, 663, 664; Osram Architectural Lamps, B.I.F., 671; " Plant Irradiator," 664; Remote Supervisory Control System, 522; Self-contained Steam Sterilising Chests. 664; Synchronous Induction Motor at Southampton Graving Dock, 637
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Research Laboratories, Tensile Testing Machine for Testing Wire, 11
- Genevoise Societe. "Sip" Hydroptic A. Machine, J. Holloway, 434
- Gent and Co., Ltd., The Dac-Chronometer, 232
- Gilkes, Gilbert, and Gordon, Ltd., Hydraulic Turbine for Peru, 52
- Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., Carillon and Clock for St. John's Church, Perth, 447
- Gilman, F. (B.S.T.), Ltd. Mechanical Vibrator, B.I.F.. 571; Portable Flexible Drive Machines, B.I.F., 570
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd.. Main Sluice Valves at Southampton Graving Dock, 611; Weir Frames for River Thames Improvement Scheme. 660, 670
- Glinn, R. J.. Care of Modern Steam Generating Plant from the Water Side, 126, 131
- Glover, W. G., Marine Slipways, 54
- Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd., Hagan Float Regulator, B.I.F., 510; Water Level Gauge, B.I.F., 510
- Goren, Captain John M. L., Mariner's Compass, 653
- Gough, Dr. H. J.. and D. G. So with, Some Further Experiments on Atmospheric Action in Fatigue, 269
- Great Western Railway, Streamlined Locomotive No. 6014, " King Henry VII, 302
- Greenwood and Batley Ltd., Horizontal Forging Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, i
- Gresley, H. N., London and North-Eastern Railway Locomotives " Cock o' the North " and " Earl Marisehal." 16 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., Griffin-Gale Testing Machine, 308
- Grubb, Sir Howard, Parsons, and C4., Aerodynamic Balance at Farnborough, 468-471
- Grundy, E., and W. Holmes. Synchronous Time Motors, 260
- Gwynnes Ltd.. Pumping Plant at King George V Graving Dock, Southampton, .582. 583, 611. 637
- Haas, A.. Representative Samples and Commercial Testing. 202
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co 12,500-kVA Transformer at Tir John Power Station. 675
- Hadfields Ltd.. Blackie Self-locking Dredger Bucket Pin, 420; Contact Thermo-couple Pyrometer, 40
- Hahn, Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm. Voith Turbo Transmissions, 486, 494
- Hales, H. K., Trophy for Blue Riband, Italian Liner " Rex," First Holder. 555
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd.. Refrigerating Plant on M.V. " New Zealand Star." 337
- Hanson, Professor D., and W. J. Pell-Walpole, The Construction and Properties of Cadmium Tin Alloys, 307
- Hanson. Professor D. and E. J. Sandford, Some Properties of Tin Containing Small Amounts of Aluminium, Manganese or Bismuth, 307
- Harland Engineering Co, Ltd., " Mono-glide " Axial Entry Centrifugal Pump, 13.I.F., 572; Switchgear. B.I.F., 571; Transformers, B.I.F., 572
- Haslam and Newton. Ltd., Hydraulic Transmission Unit, 182
- Hatfield, Dr. W. H.. Corrosion Problems of Naval Architects, 456, 472
- Hawker Aircraft. Ltd. (Gloster Aircraft Company, Ltd.). 3 (Supplement. January 4th, 1935)
- Haworth, Dr. H. F., and A. Lysholm, Torque Converters, 486
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., Bordeaux Refuse Destructor Plant, 244, 252
- Hegenscheidt, Wilhelm, A.G., Wheel and Axle Turning Lathe, 298
- Hele-Shaw, Dr. H. S.. Streamline Lubricating Oil Filter, (458)
- Heller, Gebruder, Hydraulically Operated Drilling Machine, 299
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Atritor Firing for Furnaces, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii; Heavy Duty Milling Machine, 207; " Iron Fireman " Automatic Stoker, B.I.F. Suppe., 17.5.35, iii; Small Tools, B.I.F. Suppt.. 17.5.35, iii
- Herbert, T. M., Functions of a Research Department, 223
- Hiltmann and Lorenz A.G., Long-stroke Crank Press, 326; Universal Punching and Riveting Machine, 326
- Holloway, John, "Sip" Hydroptic A Machine, Societe Genevoise, 434
- Holmes, W., and E. Grundy, Synchronous Time Motors, 260
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Fluid-tight Drain Valve, 205
- Hudson, Dr. J. C., The Effect of Five Years' Atmospheric Exposure on the Breaking Load and Electrical Resistance of Non-ferrous 'Wires. 269
- Hume Dam on Murray River, 480, 481
- Hunslet Engine Co Ltd., Steam Brake Valve, G. H. Brook, 677
- Hunt and Mitton, Ltd., " Easyturn " Valve, B.I.F., 616; Valves, B.I.F., 616
- Hutchinson, A. C., Noise. 549..574
- Igranic Electric Co Ltd., Circuit Breaker, 70
- Ilford and Barking Joint Sewerage Scheme, 409, 412
- Imperial Airways, Ltd., Report and Statistics, 2
- Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Degreasing Plant, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii; " Drikold " Shrinkage Bath, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii; Electrically Heated Hydraulic Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii; Plastic Products, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii
- International Combustion, Ltd., Boiler and Equipment for Tir John Power Station, 649; Boiler for Leicester Power Station, 104, (138); Rovac Rotary Vacuum Filter, B.I.F., 542
- Iraq Oil Pipe Line, 61, 72. 75, 91, 98. 118, 124
- Iron Age, Foolhardiness is not Courage, J. H. van Deventer, 445
- Irrawady Bridge, Sagaing, near Mandalay, 5
- Isenthal and Co., Ltd.. Voltage Regulator. 40
- Jaeger Truck Mixers (England), Ltd., Mixing Machines on Lorry Chassis, B.I.F., 590
- Jamieson, W. G., and R. W. Walker, An Aggregate Proportioning Plant, 521
- Jebens, O., Wagner-Bauer Boiler, 417
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Static Condensers for Power Factor Correction, 282
- Johnson, C. H., and Sons, Ltd, Concrete Barrow and Mixer, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, viii; Tool for Boring Holes for Posts, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, viii
- Jones, Dr. Spencer, Giant Telescopes, 11
- Jones, Professor Owen Thomas, Practical or Applied Geophysics, 523
- Jones, O. T., Clearosol Solvent Extraction Process for Purification of Lubricating Oils, 390
- Jones and Attwood Ltd., Sewage Distributor, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v : Sewage Ejector, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Junagad State Railway, India. Narrow-gauge Locomotives for, W. G. Bagnall, Ltd., 131
- Kent, George, Ltd., Recorders, 40
- Kent, J. L., and R. S. Outland. Resistance Experiments in Smooth and Rough Water made with Models of High-speed Ships, 430
- Kershaw, J. B. C., Air Pollution in 1933-34. 327
- Kieserling and Albrecht, Thread-rolling Machine, 274; Tube-straightening Machine, 273, 274; 200-Ton Vertical Hot Forging Excentric Press, 273, 274
- Kimball, Dexter S., Prophets and Panaceas, 107
- King Alexander I Bridge, 5
- King George V Graving Dock, Pumping Plant and Equipment, 582, 583, 611, 637
- Kirkham, J. and W., Ltd., Lubricators for Iraq Pipe Line Engines, 235
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Duplex Tapping Machine, 104; Horizontal Drilling Machine, 181; Locomotive Rod Boring and TreManning Machine, 495; Railway Universal Machine Tool, 521; Triple Head Six-spindle Automatic, 104
- Klaxon Co, Ltd., Geared Motor Units, 336
- Klinger, Richard, Ltd., Gland Packing, 207
- Kollmann Werke A.G., Plano-milling Machine, 298
- Kryn and Lahy, Ltd., Gas Compressors for South America, 444
- Kut Barrage, 31
- Lake St. Louis Bridge. 5, 6
- La Mont Boiler, D. W. Rudorff, 365
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Feed Pump Motors for Tir John Power Station, 674; Hyposynchronous Motor Rolling Mill Drive, 259
- Leakage Detectors, Ltd.. Electrical Leakage Detectors for Ships, 157
- Leipzig Technical Fair, 247, 272, 298
- Lewis, Dr. Bernard, and Dr. G. Von Elbe, Temperature and Latent Energy in Flames Gases, Letter from Professor W. T. David, 230
- Lewis. W. Yorath, U " Water-tube Boiler, 410
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Railcars for L.M.S. Railway, 17
- Leys Malleable Castings Co Ltd., Castings from " Black Heart" Malleable Iron, B.1.F., 512
- 'Lieutenant de Vaisseau Paris." Mishap to Flying Boat, 635
- Liner Concrete Machinery Co, Concrete Mixers, B.I.F., 570
- Liverpool Refrigeration Co Ltd., Refrigerating Plant on M.V. " New Zealand Star," 337
- Loeffler Marine Boiler, S. McEwen, 366
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway. 2-8-0 Freight Locomotive, No. 8000, 678
- London and North-Eastern Railway, London-Newcastle High-speed Run, 270
- Lucas, Joseph, Ltd., Electrical Equipment and Accessories, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii; Motor Car Windscreen-spraying Device. B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii; Prismatic Acid Level Indicator, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35. ii
- MacLean, Hugh, and Sons, Ltd., Lifeboats for Cunard White Star Liner RMS Queen Mary 310
- McEwen, S., Loeffler Marine Boiler, 366
- McNeil, J. M., Launching of Cunard White Star Liner, "Queen Mary," 414, 421
- McLennan, Professor J. C., Address to Electrical Research Association, 169
- Main, S. A., Properties, Characteristics, and Uses of Stainless Steel, 313
- Marbaix, Gaston. E., Ltd., Barnes Honing Machine, 105
- Marchent, Professor E. W.. Electricity in the Life of To-day, 362
- Marconi Co Approach Beacon for Liverpool Aerodrome. 310
- Marshall. C. F. Dendy, Train Resistance Trials in India, 640
- Marshall, D. F., Further Determinations of the External Heat Loss of Blast-furnaces, 483
- Mass Products, Ltd., Metal Press, B.I.F., 588
- "Massey Shaw," Fire-fighting Vessel for Thames, J. S. White and Co. Ltd., 427
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., An Automatic Fireman, 181
- Maunsell, R. E. L., Southern Railway Converted Baltic Tank Engine, 16
- Mavor, Sam, Retirement of. 1
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Loading Machine. B.I.F., 542
- M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., Push-button Motor Starter, B.I.P. Suing., 17.5.35, vi; Cubicle Mounted Oil Circuit Breakers. B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii
- Mayer and Schmidt, Fine-boring Machine, 299
- Meldahl, K. G., " Steamships with Main Boilers on Deck," 431
- Meldrums Ltd., Fan Draught Mechanical Stoker, B.I.F., 589
- Merritt, Dr. H. E., Worm Gear Performance, 228, 234; (Leading Article, 253); 256
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Fire Pumps for Thames Fire-fighting Vessel " Massey Shaw," 427; Novel Fire-engine, 52; 70ft. Motor Turntable Ladder, 336
- Mersey Railway Tunnel, 5 (Suppt., January 4th, 1935)
- Mesurier, L. J. Le, and H. S. Humphreys, Fuel Consumption and Maintenance Costs of Marine Oil Engines, 209
- Metallizing Company of America, Preparation for Metal Spraying, C. Boyden, 129
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.. Aural-balance Loudness Meter, 575;
- Automatic Synchronising Equipment, 406;
- Electrification of Central Railway of Brazil, 419; Frequency Analyser, 574, .575
- Meyer, Adloph, The " Velox " Boiler, 248
- Midland Saw and Tool Co Ltd., Slow-speed Band Saw, B.I.F., 589
- Millars' Machinery Co Ltd., Highways Maintenance Mixer, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii; Road-making and Contractors' Machinery. B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd.. and the Mirrlees Watson Co Ltd., "Corn-bustioneer" Mechanical Stoker, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii; Self-priming Marine Pump, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii; " Simplex " Circulator, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii Turbines. Radial Flow Steam, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii
- Modern Woodworking Machines, Ltd., Bench Band Saw, B.I.F.. 511; Small Vertical-spindle Moulder, B.I.F., 511
- Mond Nickel Co Ltd., Nickel and Nickel Alloys, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, i
- Montreal Harbour Improvements. 488
- Morley New, C. G., Appointed Electricity Commissioner, 453
- Morris, Herbert. Ltd. Improved Design of Overhead Cranes, 130
- Moss Gear Co Ltd., Deep-well Pump Heads, 233; Stoker Drive Mechanism. B.I.F., 587
- Motor Rail Ltd., 65-85 h.p. Oil-engined Locomotive, B.I.F., 587
- Mott, Hay and Anderson, Craigavon Double-deck Bridge. Londonderry, 428, 438. 454, 464
- Muirhead and Co. Ltd., Wireless Components. 69
- Muller and Montag, G.m.b.H., Milling Machines. 325
- National Physical Laboratory, Annual Report for 1934, 518; 12in. High-speed Tunnel. 351
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., Contractor's Crane. B.I.F., 617
- Negretti and Zambra, Absolute Pressure Gauge, 68; Davies-Simpson Flame Anemometer, 68; Indicating Pyrometer and Thermometer, B.I.F., 544; Measuring Instruments, B.I.F., 544; Mining Statoscope, 68
- Neil, James, and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd. Magnetic Chuck, B.I.F., 618; Saw Set, (550)
- Nema-Neisse, Tire-turning and Boring Mill, 298
- Newport (Tees) Vertical Lift Bridge, 5 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Niagara Screens (Great Britain) Ltd., Vibrating Screen, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii
- Nicholas, W. H. C., Evolution of Modern Steam Trawler with Superheating. 432
- "Normandie" Compagnie Generale Undertaking, New South Vales, Progress on, 487 (Note. 528)
- Oerlikon Co Short-circuit Testing Installation, 102
- O'Gorman, Colonel Mervyn, Bringing Science into the Road Traffic Problem, 53
- Ohler. J. F.. Sawing Machines, 273
- Paris Sanitary Works, 569
- Paris Water Supply, 218
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Paver Mixer, 206
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., An Old Parsons' Alternator, 1905, 52; 20.000 kW Reaction Turbo-generator Sets at Tir John Power Station, Swansea, 673
- Parsons Industrial Turbo Machinery, Development of, 32, 62, 88, 114, 140, (158). 164, 165. 190, 216, 242, 267, 292, 320, 347
- Peebles, A. M., and Son (1927). Ltd., Electric Power Plant at Rushton Paper Mill, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 181
- Pels, Henry, and Co., Friction Screw Press, 272; Guillotine Shears. 272; Nibbling Shears, 272
- Pendred, L. St. L., Order Book of New Wire Company, Cheadle, 1788-1831, 338; (Leading Article, 359)
- Percival Aircraft Co, " Gull " and " Mew Gull " Civil Aeroplanes, 37
- Perry and Co., Ltd., Chain Drives in Industry. B.I.F., 617
- Petree, J. Foster, Launching of Ships, (97) : Western Pumping Station, Pimlico, 679
- Petters, Ltd.. Automatic Electric Lighting Set, 664; Creeper Conveyor for Oil Engine Erection, 206; 112 b.h.p. " Atomic " Oil Engine, 663, 664; Pumping Plant, 664
- Pfanter, Hermann. Precision Milling Machines, 299
- Phillips Industrial, Ltd., X-ray Apparatus, 68
- Pierrottet, Professor E., Standard of Stability for Ships, 458
- Pine Creek Bridge. Australia, Reconstruction of. 284
- Pink, H. L., Way to Increased Coal Consumption, 184
- Place, Monsieur Pierre. Vitry Locomotive Testing Station, 427
- Plank, Professor Dr. Ing. R., Science of Refrigeration, 297
- Poole, Ralph, Propeller Fans for Cooling Electrical Machines, 196
- Port Eglinton Junction (Glasgow) Railway, Collision, Lieut.-Colonel Mount's Report, 194; (Leading Article, 201)
- Portevin, Professor A. M., Presented with Bessemer Gold Medal, 482
- "Potsdam" Hamburg Amerika Line Liner, (593)
- Post Office Engineering Research Station, Insulation Testing Set, 42; Valve Micro-phonicity Test, 42: Voice: Frequency Signal Receiver, 42
- Powell, R. W., Apparatus for Measuring Thermal Conductivity at Moderate and High Temperatures, 68
- Power Plant Co Ltd., Magnetic Clutch, 130
- Pratt, Davidson, Defence Against Gas Attack. 635
- Price and Belsham Ltd., Cable Tracer and Fault Locator, 105; Main and Service Pipe Finder, 548; (Note, 580)
- Pneulec, Ltd., 6ft. Mixing Mill, B.I.F., 588
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd.. Panther Twelve," Excavator, B.I.F.. 543; Quarter Cubic Yard Excavator with Teredo Trencher. B.I.F., 543
- Pullin, V. E., Radiology in the Welding Art, 402 (Supplement, April 19th, 1935)
- RMS Queen Mary Lifeboat Engines for Cunard White Star Liner, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. 310
- Radford, W. H., and Son, Ilford and Barking Joint Sewage Works, 409, 412
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.. Concrete Mixers, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi; Universal Excavator, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Light-weight Trollybus Chassis, 283
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co Ltd.. Ore Separators, B.I.F., 588
- Rawlplug Co, Foundation Bolt, 130; Plastic Metal (528)
- Redmayne, Sir Richard State Scientific Services. 479
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co Ltd-. Chain Drives, B.I.F., 571
- Reyrolle. A., and Co., Ltd., Isophaso Control System, 378 Pillar Typo Switchgear, 281; Synchronising Panel, 377
- Richards. Sir Henry, Problem of Noise, 285
- Richards, J. and Sons. Ltd. Improved Oil, Pressure Gauge, 364
- Robinson, Dr. B. Wheeler, Architecture of Molecules. 11
- Robinson. T. V.. Power Station Progress, 512
- Roe, A. V.. and Co., Ltd., Aeroplanes, 38, 44
- Rooney, T. E., and A. G. Stapleton. Iodine Method for Determination of Oxides in Steel. 485
- Royal Agricultural Show at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 663
- Royal Aircraft Establishment. Farnborough, Twenty-four-foot Wind Tunnel, 351, 380, 386, (Leading Article. 387). 468-471, 516, 519, 534
- Rubery, Owen and Co., Pressed Steel Articles, B.I.F., 511; Pressed Steel Pulleys, B.I.F., 511
- Rudorff, Dipl. Ing. D. W.. La Mont Boiler, 365
- Runciman, Walter, Government Policy in regard to Trade, 145
- Russell, George, and Co., Ltd., 2-Ton Mobile Crane, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iii
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., Three-eighth Cubic Yard Drag Shovel, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv; Five-eighth Cubic Yard Excavator, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Air Compressor, 664; Horizontal Boiler with Wet Back Combustion Chamber, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iv; Oil Engines, 664; 18-21 h.p. Oil Locomotive, 664; 52 b.h.p. Marine Oil Engine, 664; 54 b.h.p. Three-cylinder Oil Engine, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv; 150 b.h.Oil B.I.F.B Engine, 663, 604; Oil Locomotives, Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- Saar Reactions, Industrial and Commercial Results of Plebiscite, 99
- Sadi Engineering Co Ltd., An Individual Electric Drive, 131
- Salford Instrument Works, Comparative Photometer, 11; Valve Voltmeters, 11
- Salter, George. and Co., Ltd., Crane Safe Load Indicator, B.I.F. 617
- Sandford, J. M., and J. H. Waldram, Electric Lamp Characteristics, 250
- San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, 6
- Schiess-Defries A.G., Crank Pin Turning Lathe, 247; Machine Tools at Leipzig Technical Fair, 248; Tool Grinder, 248; " Widia " Tool Grinder, 248
- Schmaltz, F., Axle-box Grinding Machine, 273
- Schuler, L., Deep Drawing Press, 326
- Schulze and Naumann, Rotary Guillotine Shears, 325
- Schuster, L. W., The Bend Test and its Value as a Guide to Ductility, 355, 360
- Scott, J. L., Simplified Form of Direct Flooding Calculations, 431
- Second Narrows Bridge, Vancouver, 5
- Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Six-engined Metre-gauge Locomotive for Colombia, 16 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Serek Radiators, Ltd., Feed-water Heaters, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, viii
- "Sharpaform " Cutter, Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd., 309
- Short Brothers. Ltd., Flying Boats, 38, 44
- Shotter, G. F., Unit for Testing Electricity Meter Bearings, 42
- Siemens-Apparate und Maschinin G.m.b.H., Automatic Aircraft Pilot, 120
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Electrically Controlled Automatic Weigher, B.I.F., 570; Grain Weighers, B.I.F., 570; " Impact " Grinder, B.I.F., 570; Pelleting Press, B.I.F., 570; Soap-making Machinery, B.I.F., 570; Soap Plodder, B.I.F., 570;
- Simon, Henry, Ltd. (Turbine Gears, Ltd.), Spiral Bevel Gear Generator, B.I.F., 570
- Sinclair, Harold, Recent Developments in Hydraulic Couplings, 460, 466
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., Quarter Cubic Yard Excavator, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iv; Three-eighths Cubic Yard Excavator, B.I.F. Suppe., 17.5.35, iv
- Smithfield Bridge, Pittsburgh, with Aluminium Floor, 6
- Sountag, R., G.m.b.H., Folding Press, 272
- South African Rainfall, Conserving, 286
- Southampton, Navigation at, 1
- Southampton Graving Dock Pumping Plant and Equipment, 582, 583, 611, 637
- Southern Railway Electrified Extension, 664
- Standard and Pochin Brothers, Ltd., "Calorier" Unit Heater, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Telephone Factory at New Southgate, 232
- Stanley, Oliver, Overtime in Industry, 87
- Steel Band Conveyor and Engineering Co Ltd., Conveyors, B.I.F., 588
- "Strathmore," P. and O. Liner, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 373, 389
- Sulzer Single-tube Boiler, J. Calderwood, 393
- Summer, J. A., Private Plants and Public Supply Tariffs, 221, 253
- Summerfield, W., Engineers and New Arbitration Act, 440
- Sutton, H., and T. J. Gerard, Corrosion-fatigue Properties of Duralumin with and without Protective Coatings, 268
- Swallow, M. G. S., Velox Steam Generators, 394
- Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., Oil-immersed , Switch Fuse, 336; Reclosing Circuit Breaker, 677; Switchgear Factory at Banbury, 128
- Sylvester. N. D., Metals in Food Industry, 87
- Taylor and Challen, Ltd., Armature Notching Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.6.35, iii, iv; Double-sided Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iii
- Taylor, F. A., Wooden Steam Boilers, 307
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., " CX " Engraving Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii; Javelin Etching Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35., vii
- Thames Improvement Scheme, River, 660, 670
- Thornton, A. G., Ltd., Trigonometrical Slide Rule, 300
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Mobile Crane for G.W.R., 234; Thames Oil-electric Tug " Framfield," 310; Two-cylinder 18 b.h.p. Oil Engine for Lifeboats of "Queen Mary" 310
- Tir John Power Station, Swansea, 649, 673
- Traneberg Arch Bridge, Stockholm, 4, 5
- Transmission Lino Specialists, Overhead Line, E.H.T. Switchgear, Better Lines Company, 573
- Trent Catchment Board, Work of River, 150, 166, 176
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., High-frequency Electric Steel Melting Plant, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv; Steels, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv; 16-Ton Ore Handling Grab Crane, 676
- Unwin, Dr. W. C., Memorial to Late, 512
- Vasterbron Bridge, Welded Construction, 5
- Velox Steam Generators, M. G. S. Swallow, 394
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Condensers at Tir John Power Station, 67:3; Evaporators for Distilled Make-up Feed Water at Tir John Power St t < n, 674
- Vickers Aviation, Ltd., 3 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Vickers Projection Microscope, Cooke, Troughton and Sims. Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 21.5.35, ii
- Villiers Engineering Company, Ltd., Petrol Engines, B.I.F., 616; Two-stroke Engine, B.I.F., 543
- Vitry Locomotive Testing Station, Mon Pierre Place, 427 Yokes, C. G., Ltd., Oil Filter, 207
- Vulcan Foundry Co L.M.S. Mixed Traffic Locomotive, 16 (Supplement, January 4th, 1936)
- Wagner-Bauer Boiler, 0. Jebens, 417
- Wagner Bill, American Labour and, 668
- Waldrich, H. A., G.m.b.H., Hydraulically Operated Planing Machine, 248
- Waitaki Dam, New Zealand, 194, 200
- Wakefield Corporation, Portable Electric Pumping Set, 232
- Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., " Advance " Light-weight Roller, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.36, v. *Handy Chipping Distributor, B.I.F. Suppt 24.5.35, v
- Wanderer-Werke, Milling Machines, 298
- Warsop Petrol Drill and Tools, Ltd., Petrol Road Breaker, George Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd.. B.I.F., 544; Petrol-driven Rock Drill, George Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 544
- Waterloo Bridge, Probable Appearance of Embankment Span of, 4
- Wearn's Autoflex Drives, Ltd., The Autoflex Drive, 130
- Weaver, Francis, Type Metal Alloys, 306
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., " Maxivac " Air Ejectors for Tir John Power Station, 674; " Robot " Boiler Feed Regulators at Tir John Power Station, 674; Steam Turbine-driven Feed Pump at Tir John Power Station, 674
- Welwyn Railway Disaster, 635, 647
- Western Electrics Ltd., Frequency Analyser. 574, 575; High-speed Camera and Timing Clock, 68; Reverberation Meter, 11
- Western Pumping Station, Pimlico, J. Foster Petree, 679
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co Ltd., Applications of Metal Rectifiers, 336; Electric Vehicle Battery Charger, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, viii; Plating Rectifier, B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, viii
- Westland Aircraft Works, Aircraft of 1934, 3 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Weston Electrical Instrument Co, Ltd., Delayed Operation Relay, 68
- White, J. S., and Co., Ltd., Thames Fire Fighting Vessel " Massey Shaw," 427
- Whiteley, J. H., An Effect of Oxygen and Sulphur on Iron in Scaling, 484
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Wimet Tipped Gauges B.I.F., 587
- Wigan, E. R., Apparatus for :Measurement of Minute Displacements. 69
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Centenary as Nickel Alloy Manufacturers, 509; (Note, 658) "K" Monel Metal, 433
- Wightman Mountain, Ltd., Sectional and Graph Papers, (550)
- Wigley, W. C. S., Ship Wave Resistance, Progress Since 1930, 458
- Williams, A. E., Activated Carbon from Coal, 203
- Williams and James, Hydraulux " Mains Testing Plant, B.I.F., 542
- Willstrop, J. W., E.M.F. between Metals in Sea Water, 107
- Wilson, D. R., Accident Prevention, 314
- Winget, Ltd., Concrete Machinery, B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii
- Wood Hydraulic Hoist Co, Ltd., Hydraulic Tower Wagon, 105
- Woods, A. R. T., Transport of Refrigerated Cargoes under Modern Marine Practice, 415
- Workman, Clark (1928), Ltd., Closing of Shipyards, 427
- Worthington Simpson, Ltd., Pumping Plant for Iraq Pipe Line, 91, 98
- Wrights (Electric Power Specialists), Ltd., Portable Electric Saw Bench, 205
- Wylie Safe Load Indicators, Ltd., Crane Safe Load Indicator, 259
- Zambesi Bridge, Lower, 5
- ACCIDENT Prevention, D. R. \V ilson, 311
- Accidents, Avoidance of, Alfred Flerbert, Ltd., (236)
- Acme Screws and Nuts, Efficiency of, 168
- Activated Carbon from Coal, A. 203
- Adhesives, Boston Blacking Company, Lt(1., (580)
- Aerodynamical Research 811(1 Hydraulic Practice, A. Fage, 416
- Aerial Beacon on Palmolve Budding, Chicago, Powerful, (329)
- Aerial 7 rain of Gliders on Thousand-mile Trip in U.S.S.R., (669)
- Aerodrome at Denbury, Torquay (357)
- Aerodrome at Ringway, Manchester, (225)
- Aerodrome Officer Appointed at. Croydon, Air Commander E. D. M. Robertson, (677)
- Aerodrome on Wake Island for Pan-American Airways, (123)
- Aerodrome Survey, British, 503
- Aerodromes, Ground Organisation of, (411)
- Aerodromes in Borneo, Six, (357)
- Aerodromes in India, (645)
- Aeronautical Experimental Cent re at donia, Italy, (303)
- Aeronautical Flights. Agreement bet weer Great Britain and United States, (489)
- Aeronautical Research, 387
- Aeroplane Engine Factory at. Le Mans, Gnome-Rhone, (97)
- Aeroplane Landings in Now York, 368
- Aeroplane Mails from " Bremen " and Europa," (385)
- Aeroplane Propelled by Heavy-oil Engine, French Air Ministry Competition for, (411)
- Aeroplane Remains in Air Seventy-five Hours, All-Soviet-built, (251)
- Aeroplane Engines to be Manufactured at Douglas Factory, Bristol, (619)
- Aeroplane Trip from Bristol to London, 5 h.p. Motor Cycle Engine. Herr 11. Kronfeld, (437)
- Aerodromes and Seaplane 13ases in France, Twenty-three Additional. (489)
- Aero Show at Lisbon, (385)
- Air Attacks, Defence Against . 241
- " Air Blue," Internal Air Services over France, (123), (329), (489)
- Air Companies, Merger of British, (437)
- Aircraft and Mountains, Chronicle of Accidents through Collisions of, 201
- Aircraft and S.O.S. Messages, (71)
- Aircraft Carrier, H.M.S. " Ark Royal." (30:3)
- Aircraft Carrier H.M.S. " Courageous" to Test Autogiro, (489)
- Aircraft Construction, Air Ministry and Accelerated, 503
- Aircraft Testing Station in Italy, 453
- Air Estimates for 1935, 291
- Air Flight, Los Angeles to New York, in Record Time, (489)
- Air Licences, Royal Aero Clou's Annual Report, (385)
- Air Line Connecting Brussels-Ostend and Lille, (97)
- Air Line from London to Madrid, (539)
- Air Liner Capable of Carrying Seventy Passengers for Imperial Airways, Ltd., (97)
- Air Liners for Belgian Air Lines, Three Savoie. Marchetti, (385)
- Air Liners with Oxygen Apparatus for High Altitudes, Royal Dutch Air Line, (411)
- Air Lines from Archangel, (13)
- Air Lines Agreement, Passenger Transport between Europe, and Far East and Australia, (565)
- Air Mail from France to Brazil, (385)
- Air Mail Service London to Paris, Additional, (385)
- Air Mail to Canada Expedited, (411)
- Air Mails, Empire, 113
- Air Miles Flown by Imperial Airways, 1934, (225)
- Air Ministry, Appointment of Additional Member, (43)
- Air Ministry and Purchase of Saunders-Roe, " Saro " Two-endgined 'General Purpose' Flying Boats, (199)
- Air Navigation, Wireless Aids to, (123)
- Air Pilots, Project for Training, (71)
- Airport at La Villiazo, Guernsey, (1.231
- Airport at Perth, (71)
- Airport for London, Sites for, (173)
- Air Programme for Italy, 345
- ir Race, " The German Flight, 1935," (51;5)
- Air Race Round South America Postponed to Spring of 1936, (489)
- Air Route between Rome and Italian East Africa. (539)
- Air Route from Khartoum to Nigeria. (489)
- Air Route Linking Holland, Scotland, and Iceland, (489)
- Air Service between Barcelona and Palma Opened, (565)
- Air Service between Berlin and Shanghai. (71)
- Air Service between Europe and South America, Weekly, (069)
- Air Service between Heston and Edinburgh. Daily, (275)
- Air Service between Hull and Plymouth, (225)
- Air Service between London and Brisbane, Regular, (329)
- Air Service between London and Brussels Pio Ostend, (669)
- Air Service between Southampton. Portsmouth and Paris, (619)
- Air Service between 'U.S.S.R. and Czechoslovakia, (619)
- Air Service Fees in Australia, (669)
- Air Service to French Equatorial Africa and Belgian Congo vid France, Weekly (225)
- Air Services between Amsterdam and Batavia, (463)
- Air Services between London and Switzerland, Doubling the, (251)
- Air Services from England, Countries Served by, (261)
- Air Services from London to Brindisi, (411)
- Air Services from the " Normandie " upon Arrival at Plymouth, (565)
- A it Services Linking London and Hull, (566)
- Air Services to Romo and Brindisi, (463)
- Air Services to the Isle of Man, (385)
- Air Services to West Africa, Elders•Colonial Airways, (489)
- Airship " Graf Zeppelin." Accident to, 401
- Airship " Macon,' Loss of, No Results at Inquiry, (619)
- Airship Service bet‘‘een Holland and India, (71)
- Airship " V.6 in Service between Moscow and Sverdlovsk, U.S.S.R., (13)
- Airships for North Atlantic, (645)
- Airspeed Aircraft for Portsmouth, Southsea,and Isle of Wight Aviation, Ltd., (357)
- Air Speed Records by Luft Hansa Machines, (199)
- Air Survey. Ordnance, 659
- Air Survey of Midway Island by Seaplane, " Flying Clipper," (669)
- Air-train Flight from Moscow, Preparations for, (329)
- Air Training on Training Ship H.M.S. " Conway," (385)
- Air Transport in Europe, 45:1
- Air Transport in Europe, H. Bouche, (669)
- Air Transport on Continent, Annual Report of Royal Dutch Air Lines, (225)
- Air Travel in South Africa, 158
- Air Travel to Isle of Wight, (619)
- Airway Lighting, Neon Light and Fog Penetration Qualities, (275)
- Airway Operating Bases of Pan-American Airways, (276)
- Airways in the British Isles (225), 373
- American Aircraft Operating Costs, 479
- American Airship Disaster, 163
- American Non-stop Trans-continental Flight, Wily Post's Plans, (149)
- Amsterdam-Batavia Air Service, (565)
- Atlantic Air Services, (275)
- Autogiro Landing on Post Office Roof at Philadelphia, (565)
- Autogiro Tests on Italian Cruiser " Fiume," (71)
- Automatic Aircraft Pilot, Siemens, 120
- Aviation, Louie Breguet at French Maritime Technical Association, 644
- Aviation Commission in U.S.A., (303)
- Aviation Division of Public Works Department Formed in India, (357)
- Aviation, Policy of America, 379
- Aviation Schemes in India, (43)
- Balloon from Moscow Registers Height of 19 Miles, (251)
- Berlin-Shanghai Air Service, Conference, (97)
- Blind Flying, Advice on, 529
- Boundary Light at Essex Airport at Stapleford Abbotts, (275)
- British Aircraft Development Scheme, 61
- British Gliding Association and Government Subsidy, (149)
- Buenos Aires to Le Bourget Air Mail, Fastest West to East Flight, (437)
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, Vacancy for, (513)
- Canadian Airways, Freight and Passenger Statistics, (251)
- Carriage of Goods by Air, Major It. II. Thornton, (303)
- Church Fenton Flying School and Aerodrome, (668)
- Civil Airport for Dublin, Proposed, (489)
- Civil Aviation in Canada, 550
- Coast Air Mail from Bombay to Trivandrum, (539)
- Continental Airports. Birmingham Airport Committee Visits. (437)
- Croydon Air Port, Passenger Statistics, (97)
- D.H. " Comet " Machine's Record Flight, Croydon to Paris, (411)
- Doncaster Aerodromo as Civil Flying School, (411)
- Doncaster Corporation Aerodrome, Additional Hangar at, (43)
- Doncaster Corporation Air Services, (251)
- Dutch Air Liner Not Struck by Lightning, (71)
- England-South Africa Air Race, 80
- Experimental Air Service Between Great Britain and Irish Free State, (669)
- Farnborough, Twenty - four - Foot Wind Tunnel, 351, 380, 386, 468, 516, 519, 534
- Flight from Honolulu to Oakland by Miss A. Earhart, (66)
- Flight Round Australia, Record, (565)
- Flying Boat " Lieutenant do Vaissiau Paris," Mishap to, 635
- Flying Boat, Short " Sarafand," (645)
- Flying Boats for Singapore, Four Short Singapore III," (71)
- Flying Speed Records Broken by Monsieur R. Delmont). (13)
- Flying Statistics of Imperial Airways, Ltd., for 1934, 2
- French Air Force, Representatives Visit to England, (645)
- French Air Race Won by R. Delmont), (539)
- German Airships to Have Bases at Barcelona and Seville, (173)
- German Balloons Destroyed, (199)
- Gliding by Night, Successful Flight, (357)
- Gliding Meeting at Jungfraujock, (513)
- Gold Lost from Air Liner, (123)
- Gravesend to Oran and Back to Croydon in One Day, Captain E. W. Percival's Flight. (645)
- Hanworth Air Park as Air Port, (13)
- Hawkers and Rolls Royce, Ltd., No Working Agreement, (513)
- Helicopter, Asboth's Commercial, (251)
- Heston Air Port Extensions, (149)
- Imperial Air Mails, 215
- Imperial Airways Summer Services on Continent, (303)
- International Air Race, Proposed, (149)
- Japanese-Manchukuo Airship Service, (357)
- Jersey Air Line and Railway Companies, (149)
- King's Cup Air Race, Course for, (123); Details and Conditions of, (303)
- Letters and Parcels Sent by Air Mail from Great Britain in 1934, (123)
- " Macon," Disaster to American Airship, 163
- Mails Catapulted from N.G.L. Liners, " Bremen " and " Europa," to be Forwarded by Fast Aeroplanes from Cork, Proposal, (43)
- Majerhat Aerodrome Completed, (13)
- Master Air Pilot Certificates Issued, (303)
- Mersa Matruh Aerodrome, Marconi-Adcock Wireless Direction-finding Equipment Installed at, (13)
- Metal Aeroplane Construction, Martin-Baker Aircraft Company's Method of, (13)
- Monoplanes for Coastal Defence, (645)
- Night Flying Beacon Erected at Bidon Cinq in Sahara, (437)
- Operational Adviser to Director of Civil Aviation, Appointment of, (357)
- Ordnance Air Survey, 659
- Paulhan's Flight, London to Manchester, Twenty-five Years Ago, (489)
- Perdiewell (Worcester) Municipal Aorodrome, (251)
- Petrol from British Coal for Royal Air Force, (565)
- Railway Air Services, 241; Progress in, (251)
- Ringway Air Port, Manchester, (173)
- Royal Air Force, Vacancies for Aircraft Apprentices, (303)
- Royal Air Force Expansion, (149)
- Royal Air Force Stations, Two Additional, (593)
- Royal Air Force Training School at Sywell Aerodrome, Northants, (411)
- Royal Air Force No. 6 Flying Training School at Netheravon, (199)
- Royal Dutch Air Lines to Call at Ringway Aerodrome, Manchester, (225)
- Russian Air Disaster, 529
- Sailplane, Unit for Lifting Aeroplane from Ground, (513)
- Seadromes in Atlantic, Scheme to Provide Chain of, (199)
- Searave Trophy for 1934 Awarded to Kenneth Waller, (149)
- Seaplane Services between Madrid and Valencia, (123)
- Seaplane Service from Barcelona to Palma. (123)
- Signals Department for Civil Aviation at Croydon, Function of, (645)
- Smoke and Aviation, A. Goodfellow, (619)
- Smoke on Aviation, Effect of, (437)
- Some British Aero-ongines of To-day (Two-page Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- South American Air Mail Services, Completion of Year's Successful Operations, (199)
- Soviet Aeroplanes, Improved Types of ,(619)
- Soviet. Semi-rigid Airship " V6," Trial Flight of, (463)
- Spanish Government Purchase Twin-engined " Monospar " Monoplane for Special Survey 1Vork, (463)
- " Speed " Model Aeroplanes. (463)
- Speed-up of Karachi-Madras Air Line, (645)
- Spoke Airport (Liverpool) Extension, (199)
- Stratosphere Balloon for Spanish War Ministry, Bavarian Firm Builds, (123)
- Stratosphere Flight from LOA Angeles, Wiley Post's, (303)
- Stratosphere Sounding Balloon Record, Moscow Claims Automatic, (385)
- Summer Services of Soviet Air Lines, (463)
- Tilting Test Stand for Aero-engines, Bristol Aeroplane Company, 653
- Trans-Canada Air Race, Proposed. (97)
- Transcontinental Air Mail for India, (251)
- Trial of " Pan America " Airways Passenger Liner " Oriental Clipper," (463)
- Twenty-one Licensed Municipal Aerodromes in England, (173)
- Union Airway Company, New Zealand, Purchase of British Machines, (619)
- United States Air Programme, (149)
- U.S. Naval Airships, Mr. Swanson to Oppose Further Construction of, (225)
- Valves, Sodium-cooled Mite-engine. Bristol Aeroplane Company, Ltd., 64, 104
- Wright Aeroplane may be returned to America, (357)
- Zeppelin Airship Hangars to be Transferred to Frankfurt-on-Main, (43)
- Zeppelin " L.Z. 129," Japanese-Manchukuo Concern to Purchase by Barter in Beans, (43)
- Aero-engines :
- Armstrong-Siddeley " Genet Major " Seven-cylinder Engine, 65 (Supplement, January 18th. 1935)
- Bristol " Aquila " Sleeve Valve Engine, 65 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- Bristol " Mercury VI " Engine, 64 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- Bristol " Pegasus 1I-M " Aero-engine's Endurance Test, (123)
- Bristol " Pegasus IV " Engine for Variable-pitch Screw, 64 (Supplement. January 18th, 1935),
- Bristol " Pegasus X," (513)
- Bristol " Perseus " Sleeve Valve Engine. 65 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- Bristol " Phconix " Air-cooled C.I. Engine, 64 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- British Salmson " A.D.9.R." Series II Engine. 65 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- " Cataract II " Engine, Popjay Airmotors, Ltd., 65
- " Cirrus " Engine. Cirrus-Hermes Engineering Company, Ltd., 66
- " Cutlass " Engines, D. Napier and Son, Ltd., 66
- " Dragon Fly " Engine, A.B.C. Motors, Ltd., 66
- " Gnat " Engine, A.B.C. Motors, Ltd., 66
- " Hermes " Engine, Cirrus-Hermes Engineering Company, Ltd., 66
- " Jumo IV " and "Jumo V " C.I. Engines, D. Napier and Son, Ltd., 65
- " Mosquito " Engine. A.B.C. Motors, Ltd.. 66
- Napier-Half ord " Dagger " Twenty-four-cylinder Air-cooled Engine, 65 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- Napier-Junkers " Culverin " Water-cooled C.I. Engine, 66 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- " Niagara " Seven-cylinder Static, Radial, Air-cooled Engine, Popjay Airmotors, Ltd., 65
- " Rapier " Air-cooled Petrol Engine. I). Napier and Son, Ltd., 66
- " Scorpion " Engine. A.B.C. Motors, Ltd., 66
- " Wasp " Engine, A.B.C. Motors, Ltd., 66
- Wolseley " Viper " Static Radial Nine-cylinder Engine. 65 (Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- Aircraft, Machines :
- Aeroplane Built on Monospar System at Hanworth, (173)
- Aeroplane " Swallow," (513)
- Aeroplanes for Hillman's Airways. Ltd., Six Four-engined " D.H. 86," (411)
- Aeroplanes Named on Railway Air Services, (565)
- Aircraft Carrier " Ark Royal," Reserve Fleet, Renamed H.M.S. " Pegasus," (43)
- Air Franco Fast, Type Machine " Potez 62." (357)
- Air Liner " Mercury," Record Flight from Belfast to Liverpool and Croydon, (173)
- Avro " Commodore " Four-seater Passenger Biplane, 38
- Avro " 637 " Two-seater Light Bomber and Fighter, 38, 44
- Avro " 642 " Four-engined Sixteen-seater Passenger Liner, 38
- Avro " 652 " Low-wing Twin-engined Monoplanes for Imperial Airways, (275)
- Blackburn " Shark " Coastal Defence, Gunnery Spotting Machine, 37, 44
- Blackburn " Shark " Torpedo Bomber Seaplanes for Portuguese Government, Six (199)
- Bomber, Successful Trial of Boulton and Paul " Overstrand " Medium. (385)
- Bristol " Type 133 " Single-seater Fighter and Interceptor, 3 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- British Klemm " Eagle " Three-seater Low-wing Monoplane, 36
- " Comet " Twin-engined Monoplane, Improved Type, (539)
- de Havilland " Comet " Aeroplanes for French Government, Two, (173)
- de Havilland Twin-engined Monoplane " Comet," Winner of England to Australia Air Race, 2
- " Diana " Type Air Liners for Railway Air Services, 2
- " Express " Model Aeroplane, (463)
- Fairey " Fox " Day Bomber Reconnaissance Two-seater, 36, 44
- Fairoy Torpedo-spotter Reconnaissance Three-seater, 36
- Fighting Aeroplanes in South Africa, 158
- French Flying Boat Breaks World's Long-distance Non-stop Flight, (669)
- French Latecoere 37-ton Flying Boat " Lieutenant Paris," Trials of, (123)
- French Seaplane " Commander Paris," Test Flight, (619)
- " Fokker " and " Douglas " Aeroplanes to be Built in Great Britain, (71)
- German Aeroplane Crash on Moscow-Berlin Air Route, (149)
- " Gyroplane," Louis Breguet, 644
- Hawker Four-gun Fighter, 3 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Monoplane for Imperial Airways, Sir W. G.Armstrong-Whitworth Aircraft, Ltd., (619)
- Monoplane for King's Cup Air Race, Students Build, (513)
- Percival " Mow Gull " Single-seater or Mail-plane, 37
- grave " Monoplane with Blackburn-Duncanson Wings, 37
- Short " Singapore " M K. III Four-engined Flying Boat, 38, 44
- Vickers Supermarine " Seagull " V Amphibian, 3
- Vickord " Vincent General Purpose " Machine, 3 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Westland " F 7/30 " Single-seater Fighter, 3 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Wstland " Pterodactyl " Mark V Two-seater Fighter, 2, 3
- Westland " Wallace " General Purpose and Day Bombing Machine, 3
- AGRICULTURAL Terracing Machines in America, 407
- Air Cleaner, Industrial, Burgess Products Company, 653
- Air-conditioning Plant, Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company, Ltd., ILI. F., 543
- Air Pollution in 1933-34, J. B. C. Kershaw, 327
- Alloys (Article in THE METALLURGIST Supplement, Correction, 224)
- Alloys-Old and Now, Sir H. C. H. Carpenter. 492
- Aluminium, Process for Case-hardening. Dr. C. R. H. Gower (123) .
- Aluminium, Tests on Pouring Liquid, (13)
- Aluminium Alloys, Jointing. (538)
- Aluminium Machining and Forging, 340
- Aluminium Mirrors, 436 (see THE METALLURGIST, April 26th, 1935)
- Aluminium Paint for Prevention of Rust on Chill Plates of Casting Moulds, (513)
- Aluminium Sheet Metal Working, British Aluminium Company, Ltd., 448
- Aluminium Works Start Production, Dnieprovsk, (619)
- American Labour and Wagner Bill, 668
- American Marine Notes, 284
- American Railways in 1934, 328
- American Steel Industry Challenged, 119
- Bonding Presses, Largo, 284
- Brooklyn Bridge, Rebuilding, 678
- Chemical Engineering Developments, 76
- Concrete, Developments in, 467
- Concrete, Ready-mixed, 678
- Controlling Rock Dust in Mines, 467
- Electrical Developments in America, 284
- Employment for Civil Engineers, 284
- Erosion below Large Dams, 548
- Freight Car Design, American, 119
- Geodesy and Geology, 356
- Groins for Beach Protection, 678
- High-speed Railway Track, 328
- Highway Developments in America, 76
- Hydro-electric v. Fuel-power Plants, 467
- Irrigation Policy of the United States, 284
- Locomotives, American Articulated, 467
- Metal Products, 467
- Relief and Recovery in America, 678
- Road Construction, 467
- Steel Developments in America, 328
- Steel Works Extensions at Detroit , 119
- Suction Dredges, Large, 54R
- Welding Effect on Steel, 356
- Wrought Iron and Steel, 356
- AMSTERDAM, Municipal Improvements at (173)
- Anchor Steel Plated, Steleon," Langley London, Ltd., B.I. F., 618
- A Retrospect, 15 Iron and Steel Trade, 15; Thames and Money, 15; Transport, 15
- Aeronautics in 1934,.2 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935), 36, 44, 64 (Two-page Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- Bridges and Tunnels in 1934, 4 (Supplement January 4th, 1935)
- British Railways in 1934, 77
- Electrical Engineering in 1934, 23 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935), 50
- Harbours and Waterways in 1934, 21, 35
- Hydro-electric Power Schemes in 1934, 10 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Locomotives and Railcars in 1934, 16 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Naval Construction in 1934, 18, Hector C. Bywater Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1934, 6. 14 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935), 48
- Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering in 1934, 25, 39
- ANTI-NOISE League, Programme for Conference, 580
- Arbitration Act, Engineers and New, W. Summerfield. 440
- Architecture of Molecules, Dr. A. Wheeler Robinson, 11
- Armament Trade Inquiry. Royal Commission Appointed, 189
- Arsenic as Wood Preservative. 368
- Arsenic for Cements Used in Protection of Wooden Piles, (489)
- Artificial Sunlight in New York Apartments, (513)
- British Engineering Institutions' Jubilee Address, 453
- Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting and Lion, 395
- Annual Dinner, (134)
- Annual Meeting, 319, 328
- Annual Luncheon, 291
- Change or Decay ? D. A. Bremner, 103 (Leading Article. Quality and Markets, 125)
- Annual General Meeting, (199)
- Summer Meeting at Cambridge. 382
- Lieut.-Colonel J. H. M. Greenly Elected Chairman. 345
- Annual Dinner, 221
- Revenue from Railway and Private Owned Docks, (357)
- Address by Professor J. C. McLennan, 169
- Officers for 1935, (138)
- Annual Session. Report. 644
- Formation of Local Sections. (314)
- Marine Engines, by a Superintendent, Sterry B. Freeman. SO
- Annual Dinner. Report. (314)
- Annual Dinner. Report, (344)
- Electric Lamp Voltages, J. A. R. Horsley, (225)
- Twelfth Annual Meeting. September, 1935. (303)
- Twelfth Annual Conference at Cambridge, (225)
- Introduction of Associate Membership, (539)
- Conference. Technical Education, 609
- Modern Electric Industrial Furnaces. Dr. Ing. W. Zwanzig, 148
- Science of Refrigeration. Professor Dr. Ing. R. Plank. 297
- The Road Carrier for Railway Rolling Stork. Dr. Ing. Hans culemeyer. 364
- " Velox " Boiler fornd and Marine Purposes, A. Meyer. 8
- Visit to Heston Airport (593)
- Jubilee Celebrations. 139, 146
- Empire Fibres for Marine Cordage. Teats of Tarred and Untarred Cordage Made
- from East African Sisal, Report of Exposure Testa Carried Out by Admiralty, 1933-34. (225)
- Bessemer Gold Medal Awarded to Professor A. M. Portevin, (303), 482
- Programme for Annual Meeting, 337
- Annual Meeting, 482
- Presidential Address, " Alloys : Old and New." Sir H. C. H. Carpenter, 483, 493, 494
- Papers :
- Blast-furnaces, Further Determinations of the External Heat Loss of, D. F. Marshall. 483
- Corrosion Committee. Third Report of, Presented by Dr. W. H. Hatfield, 483
- Effect of Oxygen and Sulphur on Iron in Scaling, J. H. Whiteley, 484
- Iodine Method for the Determination of Oxides in Steel, T. E. Rooney and A. G. Stapleton, 485
- Spring Steels, An Investigation of, Professor J. H. Andrew and G. T. Richardson, 484
- Autumn Meeting at Manchester, (645)
- Symposium on Welding of Iron and Steel, (274), 506, (Leading Article, 515), 532, 559, 599, 613
- Prize-giving and Address by Mr. W. Whitelaw, (225)
- Economy in Industry, H. L. Pine, (225)
- Textile Requirements of British Railways, W. Pritchard, (225)
- Annual Conference at Sheffield, 608
- Charter Jubilee Celebrations, (123)
- Patronage of His Majesty the King, (225)
- Functions of a Research Department, T. M. Herbert, 223
- Annual Dinner, Report, 221
- Symposium, High-pressure Marine Boilers, 312, 365, 393, 417
- Visit to Works of W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., Bedford, 628
- Annual General Meeting in London, Provisional Programme, 82
- Programme, 148
- Annual General Meeting, 268, 306, 323
- Papers :
- Alloys of Magnesium : Part II, The Mechanical Properties of Some Wrought Magnesium Alloys, W. Prytherch, 324
- Aluminium, Spectrographic Analysis of D. M. Smith, 324
- Aluminium Sand Castings, Unsoundness in, Professor D. Hanson and Dr. T. G. Slater, 323
- Atmospheric Action in Fatigue, Some Further Experiments on, Dr. H. J. Gough and D. G. Sopwith, 269
- Atmospheric Exposure on the Breaking Load and the Electrical Resistance of Non-ferrous Wires, Effect of Five Years', Dr. J. C. Hudson, 269
- Cadmium Tin Alloys, Constitution and Properties of, Professor Hanson and Pell Walpole, 307
- Corrosion Fatigue, Properties of Duralumin with and without Protective Coatings, T. J. Gerard and H. Sutton, 268
- Penetration of Steel by Soft Solder and Other Molten Metals at Temperatures up to 400 deg. Cent., Dr. van Ewijk, 306
- Reduction by Hydrogen of Stannic Oxide Contained in N.C. Copper, W. E. Atkins and A. P. C. Hallowes, 323
- Type Metal Alloys, Miss Francis Weaver, 306
- Annual May Lecture, Atomic Arrangement in Metals slid Alloys, Professor W. L. Bragg, 495
- Annual General Meeting, (619)
- Conference on Industrial Physics, 210
- Goods Shed Operations, E. V. H. Lemon, (199)
- Sir Cyril Hurcomb Elected President, (411)
- Presidential Address, Sir Alexander Gibb, 581
- Annual General Meeting, (645)
- Annual Dinner, Scientific Methods on Railways, E. J. H. Lemon, (173)
- Annual General Meeting and Dinner, 234
- H. J. Pooley Awarded Osborne Reynolds Medal for Contribution on Progress of the Institution, (251)
- Annual Conversazione Report, 648
- Annual Dinner, 241
- James Forrest Lecture, Practical or Applied Geophysics, Professor Owen Thomas-Jones, 523
- Kelvin Medal Awarded to Sir John Ambrose Fleming, (329); Presented, 479
- Manchester and District Association : Annual Dinner, (158)
- Annual Dinner, 163
- Award of Faraday Medal to Dr. F. B. Jewett, (149)
- Summer Meeting in Belgium, (437)
- Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize and Medal Awarded to A. M. Wright for Paper Electrification of Railways, (82)
- Faraday Lecture, Electricity in Life of To-day, Professor E. W. Marchant, 362
- Private Plants and Public Supply Tariffs, J. A. Summer, 221, 253
- Propeller Fans for Cooling Electrical Machines, Ralph Poole, 195
- Review of Power Station Progress, T. V. Robinson, 512
- The Engineer Administrator, E. S. Byng, 274
- Students' Section : HIgh-Voltage Alternators, P. E. Crawshaw-Smith, 286
- Power Plant for Automatic Telephone Exchanges, K. B. Baldwin, 339
- Annual Dinner, (494)
- Launching of Ships, J. Foster Petree, (97)
- Fuel Consumption and Maintenance Costs of Marine Engines, L. J. Le Mesurier and H. S. Humphreys, 209
- Proposal to Illuminate Beacons on Measured Mile in Whitley Bay. (225)
- Ship Collisions, H. E. J. Camps, 453
- Diesel-electric Paddle Ferry Ships for Queensferry, E. Denny, (303)
- Thirty-fifth Annual Dinner, Report, (426)
- Foundation of Professorship of Astronomy, (357)
- The Work of Vitry Locomotive Testing Station, Monsieur Pierre Place, 427
- Annual General Meeting, Report, 228
- Colonel A. E. Davidson Elected President, 228
- Annual Dinner, Accepted Invitations, (619)
- Bath Summer Meeting, 560, 590
- Aerodynamical Research and Hydraulic Practice, A. Fage, 416
- Hydraulic Couplings, Recent Developments in, Harold Sinclair, 460, 466
- Hydraulic Practice, Aerodynamical Research and, A. Fags, 416
- Lysholm-Smith Torque Converter, Dr. H. F. Haworth and A. Lysholm; Voith Turbo-transmissions, Dr. Ing. W. Hahn, 486, 494
- Mechanical Handling as Applied to Industry, R. B. Lister, 560, 590
- The Bend Test and its Value as a Guide to Ductility, J. W. Schuster, 354, 360
- Treatment and Control of Boiler Water, R. J. Glinn, 126, 131
- Worm Gear Performances, Dr. H. E. Merritt, 228, 234
- Internal Combustion Engine Group :
- Spring Meeting, Programme, 274
- Spring Meeting, Report, 319; Discussions on Gas Engine as Competitor in Power Field, 319; Supercharging, 319
- Graduated Section : Annual Dinner and Dance, (340)
- Hume Dam on Murray River, H. H. Dare, 480, 481
- Annual Dinner, (524)
- Gold Medal Awarded to Mr. A. C. Beatty, (411)
- Presidential Address, Mr. Lallrenee Holland, 139
- Awards by the Council for 1934, (138)
- Programme for Annual Meeting, 337
- H.R.H. the Duke of York to Attend Annual Dinner, (251)
- Retirement of Secretary, Mr. IZ W. Dana, 388
- Annual Dinner, Report, 416
- Annual Meeting, 388, 414, 421, 429, 436. 456, 472
- Presidential Address, Lord Stonehaven, 388
- Presentation to Mr. R. W. Dana by Monsieur Augustin Normand, 414
- Papers :
- Channel Train Ferry Steamers for Southern Railway, Sir Westhoff Abell, 429, 436
- Corrosion Problems of the Naval Architect, Dr. W. H. Hatfield, 456, 472
- Evolution of the Modern Steam Trawler with Superheating, W. H. C. Nicholas, 432
- Mild Steel Plates and Welded Seams, An Experimental Investigation of Cracking in, Professor E. G. Coker
- and Professor Haigh, 457
- " Queen Mary," Launching of Cunard White Star Liner, J. M. McNeill, 414, 421
- Resistance Experiments with Models of High-speed Ships, J. L. Kent and R. S. Outland, 430
- Ship Wave Resistance, Progress Since 1930, W. C. S. Wigley, 458
- Simplified Form of Direct Flooding Calculations, J. L. Scott, 431
- Stability for Ships, Standard of, Professor E. Pierrottet, 458
- Steamships with Main Boilers on Deck, K. G. Meldahl, 431
- Transport of Refrigerated Cargoes under Modern Marine Practice, A. R. T. Woods, 415
- Presidential Address, State Scientific Services, Sir Richard Redmayne, 479
- President, Mr. H. E. Morgan, (173)
- Street Traffic Signals, F. Edwards, (539)
- Removal to Larger Premises, (669)
- President Elected., Dr. Oscar Faber, (574)
- Protection Against Gas Bombardment, M. Du-Plat-Taylor, 143
- Discussion, Structure of Metallic Castings, Films and Surfaces, Programme, 195
- Electric Lamp Characteristics, J. M. Sandford and J. H. Waldram, 250
- Time Characteristics of Tungsten Filament Lamps for Signs, Signals, and Beacons, 250
- Vote for Day and Time of Scientific and Technical Societies' Meetings, (275)
- F. W. Gaskin Elected President, (489)
- Conference on Effect of Smoke on Aviation, (437)
- Order Book of New Wire Company, Cheadle, 1788-1831, L. St. L. Pendred, 338; (Loading Article, 359)
- Summer Meeting at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Report, 644
- Garden Party at Great West Aerodrome. 479
- Wood v. Metal for Strength, Captain G. de Havilland, (437)
- Symposium, Pioneer Work of British Engineers Overseas, 61
- Annual Dinner, Report, (314)
- Albert Medal Awarded Sir Robert Hadfield, (669)
- H timidity and Health, C. L. Burdick, (123)
- Noise of Motor Vehicles, Wing-Commander T. R. Cave-Brown-Cave, 319
- Problem of Noise, Sir Henry Richards, 285
- Properties, Characteristics and Uses of Stainless Steel, S. A. Main, 313
- Shaw Lecture, " Accident Prevention," D. R. Wilson, 314
- Thomas Gray Memorial Trust, 184, 236
- Annual General Meeting Elections, (593)
- Flying Display and Exhibition at Hendon, (593)
- Chemical Engineer and his Training for Industry, Dr. A. J. V. Underwood, (71)
- Glasgow Conference, (463)
- Metals in the Food Industry. N. D. Sylvester, 87
- Osborne Reynolds Medal Awarded to H. J. Pooley, Pooley, General Secretary, (251)
- President Elected, Mr. W. A. S. Calder, (251)
- Street Accidents and Material Condition of Roads, Dr. R. E. Stradling, (225)
- Jubilee Luncheon, 'Technological Achievement, Sir Frank Smith, 604
- National Building, A. C. Bossom, (550)
- Conversazione at Burlington House, 485
- Prophets and Panaceas, Dexter S. Kimball, 107
- Establishment of Office in India, (13)
- President Elected, Peter F. Bennett, (544)
- Mariner's Compass, Captain J. M. I,. Gorett, 654
- ASTRONOMY and the Atmosphere, 653
- Atmosphere, Astronomy and the, 653
- Atmospheric Pollution, Conference on, 555
- BAGASSE for Wrapping and Writing Papers, Factory in South Africa, (619)
- Balance, Main Aerodynamic, at Farnborough, sir Howard Grubb, Parsons and Co., 468
- Baldwins Ltd., British Coal, Iron, and Steel Brochure, (502)
- Ball and Plain Bearings in Belt Conveyors, Experiments on Relative Merits of, (463)
- Barrage, Kut, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Obtain Contract. for Swing Bridges, Lock Gates, and Sluice Gates, 31
- Barrow, Motor, General Electric Company, Ltd., 663, 664
- Bearing Material for Underwater Work, " EelSlip," (275)
- Bearing Surfaces, Influence of Colloidal Graphite on, (513)
- Birmingham Nickel Alloy Works, 509 (Note 658)
- Board of Trade, Mercantile Marine Department, Mr. W. T. Williams Appointed Deputy Engineer Surveyor-in-Chief, (225)
- Boiler, Horizontal, Edwin Danks and Co. (Oldbury), Ltd., Suppt., 17.5.35, v
- Boiler, Water-tube, W. Yorath Lewis, 410
- Boiler Feed Water, Treatment of, 175
- Boiler for Leicester Power Station, International Combustion, Ltd., 104, (138)
- Boiler for Leicester Power Station, Sturtevant Electrostatic Precipitator for, (138)
- Boiler-house Practice, City and Guilds of London Institute's Examination for, 291
- Boiler Instrument Panels at Brighton Power Station, Allen, West and Co., Ltd., 208
- Boiler Plant for Works li Miles Apart, (357)
- Boiler with Wet Back Combustion Chamber, Horizontal, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35. iv
- Boilers, Coal-fired, Cochran and Co. (Annan), Ltd., B.I.F., 510
- Boilers, Inhibition Corrosion in Boilers by Means of Chemical Deaeration, (539)
- Boilers, Wooden Steam, F. A. Taylor, 307
- Boilers and Equipment of Tir John Power Station, Swansea, International Combustion, Ltd., 649
- Boilers for Battersea and 1Villesden Power Stations, Additional, (71)
- High-pressure Marine Boilers, Symposium at Institute of Marine Engineers, 312, 365, 393, 417
- Atmos Revolving Boiler, -J. V. Blomquest, 312
- Clarkson Thimble-tube, B. I .F. Suppt., 17.5.35, v
- Cochran - Kirke Sinuflo Gas-fired Boiler, B.I.F., 510
- La Mont Boiler, 365
- Loeffler Marine Boiler, S. McEwen, 366
- Sulzer Single-tube, J. Calderwood, 393
- Velox Steam Generator, M. 0. S. Swallow, 394
- Wagner-Bauer Boiler, 417
- BOILERS, Tar and Bitumen, Clarmac Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 511
- Bolt, Foundation, Rawlplug Company, 130
- Braille, Press for Copying, (97)
- Brake, Thruster-operated, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt. 24.5.35, vi
- Brake Valve, Steam, Brook's, Hunslet Engineering Company, Ltd., 676
- Brewery at Park Royal, London, Guinness, (329)
- Bridge Reconstruction, (669)
- Bridges, American Toll, 108
- Bridges, Government of Bombay to Build Two, (385)
- Bridges, Minister of Transport and Weak. (619)
- Bridges at Durban, (357)
- Bridges in Holland, Proposed, (97)
- Bridges Over the Danube, Two Railway, (97)
- Balderson's Bridge Between Apsley and Hemel Hempstead to be Rebuilt, (539)
- Barendrecht Vertical Lift Bridge, 5 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Brooklyn Bridge, Plans for Rebuilding, (489)
- Charing Cross Bridge, 4
- Charing Cross Road Bridge, (71)
- Craigavon Bridge, Londonderry, 428, 438, 454, 464
- Danish Bridge Opened, Connects Island of
- Funen with Jutland, Across Little Belt, 503
- Firth of Forth Bridge, Proposed, 5, 241
- Forth Bridge, Forty-fifth Anniversary, (251)
- Hell Gate Bridge, New York, 5
- Irrawaddy Bridge at Sagging, near Mandalay, 5
- King Alexander I Bridge Connecting Belgrade and Zemun, 5
- Krustpils Bridge, Latvia, British Company to Erect, (513)
- Lake St. Louis Bridge, Montreal, 6
- La Roche Guyon Bridge, Widest Single-span Reinforced Concrete Bridge in France, (123)
- Newport (Tees) Vertical Lift Bridge, 4 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Pine Creek Bridge, Australia, 284
- Reinforced Concrete Bridge at La Roche-Guyon, (463)
- Richmond Bridge Widening, (149)
- San F rancisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, 6
- Second Narrows Bridge, Vancouver, 5
- Severn Bridge, Proposed, (619), 659, (669)
- Smithfield Bridge, Pittsburgh, Aluminium Floored, 6
- Tolls on Menai Bridge, Ministry of Transport and Alteration to, (173)
- Traneherg Arch Bridge, Stockholm, 4, 5
- Waterloo Bridge, Finance and, 581
- Waterloo Bridge, Probable Appearance of Embankment End of, 4
- Waterloo Bridge, Progress in Demolition of, 66, 67, (539)
- Zabow Bridge, China, 189
- Zambesi Bridge, Lower, 5
- BRITISH Aluminium Company, Ltd., Aluminium Sheet Metal Working, 448
- Forthcoming Specifications, 630
- Specifications :
- Asbestos Pipes and Fittings, 26
- Asphalte Road Surfacing, 106
- Boilers, Multi-tubular Horizontal, 586
- Bull-head Railway Rails, 458
- Cast Iron Spigot and Socket Soil, Waste, Ventilating, and Heavy Rain-water Pipes, 522
- Copper Conductors, Varnished Cambric Insulated Annealed, 653
- Electrically Welded Mild Steel Chain, Short Link and Pitched or Calibrated, 328
- Engine-testing Equipment, 364
- Fire Extinguishers of the Acid Alkali Type, Portable Chemical, 328
- Hooks of " C " or Liverpool Type, Wrought Iron and Mild Steel, 328
- Laboratory Glassware, 653
- Laboratory Thermometers, General Purpose, 364
- Lead Pipes, 630
- Motor Starters and Controllers, 169
- Photo-electric Cells for Sound Films, 169
- Plywood, Grading for, 302
- Point-operated Machines for Railways, 26
- Pump Tests, 328
- Rating of Rivers for Power Purposes, 653
- Soft Woods, Nomenclature for, 302
- Steel Sheets for Transformers for Power and Lighting, 364
- Standard Colours for Designation of Voltages, 630
- Steel Bars for Machining, 236
- Steel Castings for General Engineering Purposes, 364
- Steel Strip and Bars, Proposed Specification for, 653
- Taper Pins, Solid and Split, 236
- Testing Rubber, Proposed Specification for, 653
- Vitreous-enamelled Steel Reflectors for Electric Lighting, 236
- BRITISH Trade, Progress of, 189
- Bugle Call and Lullaby," D. Bremner, 283
- Buildings for 1934, Cost of, (199)
- Buildings in London. Height of, (513)
- Buildings of To-day, Cement and Concrete, (513)
- Bulletin of Arthur D. Little, Inc., Survives Difficult Times in America, (489)
- CALCIUM Carbide and Acetylene, Second International Competition for Uses of, (645)
- Calcium Chloride Powder for Dispersing Fog, (385)
- Calendars, Diaries, &c., 26, 56, 86, 474
- Catendering Rolls for 300in. Wide Paper Machine, Chilled Cast Iron, (275)
- Camera and Timing Clock, Western Electric Company, 68
- Briquetting Peat, Process for, 422
- Business Expansion, 422
- Civil Aviation, 550
- Electric Furnace Foundry, 184
- Electric Soil Heating, 184
- Electricity Demand, 550
- Pier at Halifax, 183
- Rock Slide at Niagara, 183
- Smelter Dispute Adjusted, 550
- Sound Laboratory at Ottawa, 422
- Steel Plant in Vancouver, 422
- Steel Shapes, Large, 550
- Steel Works' Equipment, 422
- Sulphur Recovery Plant, 550
- Welded Rail Steel Tubing, 550
- Canal, Albert, (Opening, 503), 504, 524, 530, 540, 556, 557, 566
- Canal Boaz Inspections, (173)
- Canal from Ostend to Passchendaale-Nieupoort Waterway, Proposed. (43)
- Canal from Zambesi River to Power-house, (669)
- Canal Scheme Revived, Clyde-Forth, 453
- Canal Traffic and the Railway Companies, (411)
- Canals, Improved Conditions in Finance, (619)
- Commercial Shipping Passing through
- Panama Canal, Statistics, (385)
- Manchester Ship Canal, Report for 1934, 189
- Panama Canal, Tonnage Statistics, (251)
- Suez Canal, Number of Ships Passing During 1934, (43); Report, 1934, 609; Traffic, 1934. (97)
- CARBOLOY (Cemented Carbide), Relative Life of, (593)
- Carillon and Clock for St. John's Church, Perth, Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., 447
- Castor, The Autoset, J. F. Atkinson, 282
- Catalogues, 112, 181, 208, 236, 260, 368, 396, 410, 448, 521, 680
- Cellulose Pump, Process for Manufacture of, (13)
- Celophane Products, Factory at Bridgewater for, (411)
- Chain Drives, Renold and Coventry Chain Company, Ltd., B.1.10., 571
- Chain Drives, Industrial, Perry and Co.. Ltd., B.I.F., 617
- Chain-grate Stokers, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 40R
- Chain Making Factory at Vereeniging, South Africa, (433)
- " Change or Decay " ? D. A. Bremner. 103 (Leading Article, Quality and Markets, 125)
- Channel Tunnel &hemp, 265
- Chemical Engineer and his Training for Industry, Dr. A. J. V. Underwood, (71)
- Chemical Engineering, Materials of Construction for, J. McKillop. (385)
- Chemical Engineering, One Hundred Years of, (329)
- Chemical Engineering Congress of the World Power Conference, (260)
- Chemical Standards, Ferro-alloys British, (82) Shipping Distributor, Handy, Willis and Steevens, Ltd., 13.1.1. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Chromium, Electrodeposition of, (489)
- Cine-camera for Watching Details of Permanent Way Work, E. J. H. Lemon, (489)
- Circulator, " Simplex," Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppe., 24.5.35, viii
- Clock, Carillon and, Installed at St. John's Church, Perth, Gillett and Johnston. Ltd., 447
- Clock for Marine Use, Improved, (225)
- Clutch, Magnetic, Power Plant Company, Ltd., 130
- Belgium Coal Control, R5
- Coal, Activated Carbon from, A. E. Williams, 203
- Coal, Oil from, 659
- Coal, World Production of, (669)
- Coal and Coke Shipments from Tyne, 1934 (97)
- Coal and Coke Shipments from Tyne During January, (225)
- Coal Bunkering Figures, 1934, (123)
- Coal-burning Appliance Makers' Association 61
- Coal Consumption, Decline in. 139; Way to Increased, H. I. Pirie, 184
- Coal Consumption in Gas and Electrical Industries Respectively, Statistics, (13)
- Coal Cutting by Machine, Statistics, (385)
- Coal Discovered by U.S.S.R. Expeditions, (565)
- Coal Distillation Plant at Newbold, Tests on, 184
- Coal Distillation Plant at Seaham Harbour, (13)
- Coal Face Machinery Exhibition at Birmingham, (608)
- Coal Hydrogenation Experimental Plant at Oppau, (13)
- Coal Merger, South Wales, 189
- Coal Mining Industry of Britain, Statistics, (437)
- Coal Production in Japan, (619)
- Coal Production in Soviet, (71)
- Coal Resources of Britain, D. Havinden. (13)
- Coal Resources of Union of S. Africa, W. Wybergh, (275)
- Coal Shipped Overseas, 1934, (149)
- Coal Shipped to Coastwise Ports, 1934, (173)
- Coal Sorting Screens at Deptford Wharf, (513)
- Coke Ovens at Govan Ironworks, Fifty. (123)
- Colloidal Fuel Developments at Cardiff, 113, (123)
- Gresford Colliery, Report. Denied that Pit is to be Entered, (234)
- Low-temperature Carbonisation of Ruhr Coal, (357)
- Shansi Government Representatives Visit Low-temperature Carbonisation Plant at Askern, (437)
- COCOA Butter Factory at Hull, ( 357 )
- Cofferdam Construction, Caro in, 680
- College Extensions, Heriot Watt, 113
- College of Science, Woolwich, Military, 609
- Colvilles, Ltd., History of Firm, 319
- Commercial Testing, Representative Samples and, A. Haas, 202
- Companies' Statistics, Jordan and Sons, Ltd., (97)
- Compressed has for Illuminating and Cooking Purposes at Stockholm, (13)
- Air Compressors, Broom and Wade, Ltd., B.I.F. Supple, 17.5.35, iii
- Air Compressors, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 664
- Compressor, Portable Oil Engine-driven, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 363
- this Compressors for South America, Kryn and Lahy, Ltd., 444
- CONCRETE, Aggregate Proportioning Plant, W. G. Jamieson and R. W. Walker, 521
- Concrete, Carbon Black for Darkening, (619)
- Concrete Barrow and Mixer, C. H. Johnson and Sons, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt.,17.5.35, viii
- Concrete Beams, Strain and Stress Distribution in, R. H. Evans, 94
- Concrete Brick Making at Colnbrook, (149)
- Concrete Machinery, Winget, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii
- Concrete Mixers, Liner Concrete Machinery Company, B./.F., 570
- Concrete Mixers, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., B.I.F., Suppt., 24.5.35,
- Condensers for Tir ohn Power Station, Vickers-Armstrong, Ltd.. 673
- Containers for " Bottled " (his, Chesterfield Tube Company, Ltd., 8.1.F., 573
- Contour Projector, Franklin Caster Company, 547
- Contractors' Machinery, Millars' Machinery Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Contracts and Orders, 26, 60, 86, 108, 134, 162, 184, 236, 260, 290, 318, 340, 372, 396, 422, 452, 478, 502, 528, 551, 602, 634, 658, 640
- Conveyor for Oil Engine Erection, Creeper, Potters, Ltd., 206
- Conveyors, Steel Band Conveyor and Engineering Company, B. 1.F., 588
- Co-operative Societies, Profit-sharing in, 30
- Copper, Birmingham Battery and Metal Company, B.I.F., 618
- Copper as Cylinder Head Material, Value of, (199)
- Copper for Electrical Purposes Forbidden in Germany, (43)
- Copper in Liquid Form, (463)
- Copper Output of Canada, 1934, (149)
- Corrosion of Exposed Galvanised Wire, (43)
- Corsican Pine Without Knots, Growing, W. A. Robertson, (329)
- Country Life, A 2000th Number, 538
- Coupling, Flexible Spring Pattern, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 309
- Crane, Contractor's, R. H. Neal and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 617
- Crane, Fusion Welded. Joseph Booth and Brothers, Ltd., 677
- Crane, Mobile, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 234
- Crane, 2-Ton Mobile, G. Russell and Co., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iii
- Crane, 16-Ton Ore-handling Grab, United Steel Companies, Ltd., 676
- Crane at Billingham, Titan, Sir William Arrol and Co., (13)
- Cranes, Overhead, Herbert Morris. Ltd., 130
- Cranes, Safe Load Indicators for, Design of, 313
- Cranes, Safe Load Indicator for, B. and A. Engineering Company, Ltd., 309
- Cranes, Safe Load Indicator for, Giorge Salter and Co., Ltd., B.1.10., 617
- Cranes, Safe Load Indicator for, Wylie Safe Load Indicators, Ltd., 259
- Crompton, Colonel R. E. B., Ninetieth Birthday, 215; (Pencil Portrait, Supplement, May 3181, 1935), 555; Banquet to, 581
- Current Prices for Metals and Fuels---Weekly
- Cylinder Liners, Thawing-in, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 420
- DAC-CHRONOMETER, Gent and Co., Ltd., 232
- Dadswell, C. J., Awarded Diploma of Ingenieur de l'Ecole Superieure de Fonderie, (82)
- Aswan Dam, Honours for Contractors of, 401
- Clatteringahaws Dam, Galloway Hydro-Electric Power Scheme (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Dam, Progress on Boulder, Colorado. River, 154, 155, 170, 171, 196, 222, 226 (Leading Article, 227)
- Dam Across Missouri River. Earth Fill, 629
- Dams, International Congress on Large, 70
- Dunalastair Intake Dam, Grampian Hydro-electric Power Scheme (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Fort Peck Dam, Missouri River, Steel Sheet Piling Driven to 156ft., (275)
- Gebel Aulia Dam, near Khartoum, 319
- Hetch Hetchy Darn, Enlargement of, (437)
- Hume Dam of Murray River, 480, 481
- Laggan Dam. Lochabor Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 10 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Treig Dam, Lochaber Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 10 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935) 1Vaitaki Dam, N.Z., 194, 200
- DEAD Sea Products, (43)
- Degreasing Plant, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 13.1.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii
- Detection of Weak Points in Large Structures, (565)
- Detel Red, Dotel Products, Ltd., (210)
- Dock at Southampton, Pumping Plant and Equipment at ICing George V, Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., 582, 583, 611, 637
- Dock Works, Port of London Authority's Proposed London, 291
- Docks of London, Port of London Authority Bill, (539)
- Drainage of Greater London, 319, 497 (Leading Article, London Sewage, 491)
- Drainage Scheme, River Vey, 529
- Draught Controller, Mechanical, British Trance company, Ltd., B.I.F., 543
- Dredging Mouth of River Loire near St. Nazaire for Liner " Normandie," (411)
- Dredging Plant Charges on Clyde Reduced, (275)
- Drill Container, Fry's (London), Ltd., (524)
- Drilling Holes Deeper than Length of Drill, Method for, (645)
- Drive, An Individual Electric, Sadi Engineering Company, Ltd., 131
- Drive, Autoflex, Wearn's Autoflex Drives, Ltd., 130
- Dynamite for Digging Holes for Transmission Poles, (385)
- ECONOMICS, Engineering and, Dr. E. L. Burgin, 189
- ELECTRICAL MATTERS (see also Scientific Instruments, xiii) :
- A.C. Mining Motors, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 547
- Alternator 1905, 1500-k11', C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd.. 52
- Automatic Electric Lighting Set, Potters, Ltd., 664
- Automatic Synchronising Equipment, 377
- Barrow . Motor, General Electric Company Ltd., 663, 664
- Battersea Power Station, Additional Haw at, 163
- Beams Report, 319, 328
- Booster Capacity, British Electric Transformer Company, Ltd., 231
- Cables, V.I.R., Derby Cables, Ltd., Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., B. I .F. Suppt., 17.5.35,
- Central District Office at Surbiton, London and Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority, (173)
- Central Electricity Hoard, Appointment of General Manager, Mr. H. Hobson, 61
- Central Electricity Hoard's Report, 362
- Charging Rack, " Nile," Batteries, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii
- Circuit Breaker Mechanism, Spring Closing. Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., 446
- Circuit Breakers, Cubicle Mounted Oil, M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii
- Circuit Breakers, Thermal, Ferguson, Pullin, Ltd., B.I.F., 544
- Clutch, Magnetic, Witton-K rumor Electric Tool and Hoist Works, 260
- Control Gear, Industrial and Motor, Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., B.I.F.. 544
- Control System. Isophase, A. Reyrolle and Co.. Ltd.. 378
- Controller, " Flexipush," Foster Instrument Company, 13.1.11., 511
- Current Limiter, Electric Drill with, Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., 13.1. F., 544
- Developing the Power Load, H. C. Lamb and W. E. Swale, 567
- Domestic Electrical Development., 626
- Earth 'rester, Portable, A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., 602
- Electric Inductive Heating for Drying Articles After Painting, Lacquering, or Enamelling, (437)
- Electric Lamp Characteristics, J.. M. Sandford and J. H. Waldram, 250
- Electric Lamps, Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., 13.1. F. Suppt., 17.5.35, i
- Electric Motor, Novel, (71)
- Electric Motors, Ferranti Ltd., B.I. F. Suppt., 17.5.35. vi
- Electric Power for Ontario's Steel Furnaces, Rates for, (173)
- Electric Power Plant at Rishton Paper Mills, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 181
- Electric Supply for Temple of Palni, in Madras, (43)
- Electric Tools, Portable, S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., 13.1.F., 618
- Electric Vehicle Battery Charger, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, viii
- Electrical Development, 439
- Electrical Equipment and Accessories, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., R.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Electrical Equipment at Barking Pumping Station, Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., 363
- Electrical Equipment at Sewage Works, Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., 573
- Electrical Equipment at Tir John Power Station, 674
- Electrical Factory Extensions at Prescot, British Insulated Cables, Ltd.. 592
- Electrical Imports and Exports, 1934. (97)
- Electrical Imports and Exports, 1934, (123)
- Electrical Instruments, General Electric Company, Ltd., B.I. F., 571
- Electrical Leakage Detectors for Ships, Leakage Detectors, Ltd., 157
- Electrical Machinery, English Electric Company, Ltd., B. I. F. 572
- Electrical Manometers, (385)
- Electrical Method of Testing Enamelled Vessels, J. McKillop, (385)
- Electrical Progress in America, 193
- Electrical Research, 157
- Electrical Research Association, Address by Professor J. C. McLennan, 169
- Electricity Commissioner Appointment , (496)
- Electricity Commissioners, Retirement of Assistant Secretary, Mr. W. Cook, (539)
- Electricity Commissioners, Official Statistics, December, 1934, (71); January. 1935, (173); March, 1935, (411); April, 1935, (539); May, 1935, (645)
- Electricity Commissioners' Report for 1934, Generation of Electricity in Great Britain, 472
- Electricity Demand in Canada, 550
- Electricity Generating Stations in Russia, Rated Capacity of, (275)
- Electricity in the Life of To-day, Professor E. W. Marchant . 362
- Electricity Merger of Six London Companies, 139
- Electricity Meter Factory, English Electric Company, Ltd., 78, 79
- Electricity on the Farm, 663
- Electricity Supply, 1932-33, 628
- Electricity Supply Bill, Lord Monkswell and the Electrification of Railways, (149)
- Electrification of Eastbourne, Hastings and Seaford Routes Nearing Completion, (437)
- E.M.F. Between Metals in Sea Water, J. W. Willstrop, 107
- Film of Glass Bulb Rectifiers Shown by Hewittic Electric Company, Ltd., (43)
- Frequency Changer to Operate in Atmosphere of Hydrogen, (463)
- Generator Set, 85 b.h.p. Oil Engine-driven, Associated Equipment Company, Ltd., 233
- High-voltage Alternators, P. E. Crawshaw Smith, 286
- Induction Motor, Lokaveay, Electric Construction Company, Ltd., 420 1.E.E. Wiring Regulations, Guide to, 564
- Industrial Oil Circuit Breakers, Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., 548
- Industrial Power Supply, F. Forrest, H. Hobson, and C. D. Taite, 567
- Lamps, High Candle-power Cap, Batteries Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vii
- Lamps, Miners' Hand, Batteries Ltd., Bd.?. Supps., 17.5.35, vii
- Lamps, Osram Architectural, General Electric Company. Ltd., B.I.F 571
- Liquid Resistance for 4200 kW, H. P. Brace, London Power Company, Ltd., Annual General Meeting, 163
- Mains Testing Machine, " Hydraulux," Williams and James, B.I.F., 542
- Metal-clad Switchgear, General Electric Company, Ltd., 390
- Motor Starter, George Ellison, Ltd., 309
- Motor Starter, Push-button, M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi
- Motor Units, Worm Geared, British Thomson-Houston Company. Ltd., 496
- Motors, Hollow Shaft Pump, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 258
- National Electrical Convention at Bournemouth, Juno, 1935, 427; (Leading Article, 4:39); Presidential Address, E. E. Hoadley, 591; Convention Report, 591, 625
- Overhead Line E.H.T. Switehgear, Better Lines Company, 573
- " Plant Irradiator," General Electric Company, Ltd., 664
- Pole-type Sub-stations, Better Lines Company, 283
- Power Station Progress, T. V. Robinson, 512
- Private Plants and Public Supply Tariffs, J. A. Summer, 221
- Public Supply Tariffs, Private Plants and, J. A. Summer, 221
- Reclosing Circuit Breaker, Switchgear and Equipment, Ltd., 677
- Rectifier, Plating, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35. viii
- Rectifier Equipment at Droitwich Broadcasting Station, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 24. Supplement, .January 4th. 1935
- Rectifiers, Applications of Metal, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company, Ltd., 336
- Remote Supervisory Control System, Winchester, General Electric Company, Ltd., 522
- Rural Electrification, 241
- Short-Circuit Testing Installation, Oerlikon Company, 102
- Shunt Phase Advancers, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 282
- Static Condensers for Power Factor Correction, Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., 282
- Switch Fuse, Oil-immersed, Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., 336
- Switchgear, Harlaml Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 571
- Switchgear, Pillar Type, A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., 281
- Switchgear at Tir John Power Station, Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., 674
- Switehgear Factory, Visit to a, Switchgear and Equipment, Ltd., 128
- Synchronising Equipment, A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., 377
- Tir John North Power Station to be Opened April 18th, 1935, (97), 649, 673
- Transformers, Ferranti, Ltd.. B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi
- Transformers, Harland Engineering Company. Ltd., B.I.F., 572
- Transformers with Side-mounted Tap-changing Gear. British Electric Transformer Company, 180
- Transmission Line Insulators, 387
- Transmission Line over St. Gothard Mountain, 150,000-volt Power, (565)
- Turbo-generator for Stalin Plant, 100,000 k Steam, (97)
- Turbo-generator Set for Tir John North Power Station, Supplement, January 4th, 1935
- Turbo-generator Sets at Tir John - Power Station, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 673
- Voltage for Electric Lamps, Correct, J. A. B. Horsley, (225)
- Voltage Regulators, Tests on, 362
- EMPLOYED Insured Persons on December 17th, 1934, (43)
- Enamelled Vessel, Electrical Method of Testing, J. McKillop, (385)
- Engineer Administrator, The, E. S. Byng, 274
- Engineering and Allied Employers' National Federation, Sir John Siddeley Re-elected President, (251)
- Engineering and Economics, 189
- Engineering Apprenticeship Certificate Scheme, An Extended, 1
- Engineering Industry, Wages in, 301
- Engineering Industries in Scotland, 503
- Engineering Teachers at Oxford, Short Courses, (286)
- Engineers and Birthday Honours, 581
- Engineers and the New Arbitration Act, W. Summerfield, 440
- Engineers Overseas, Pioneer Work of British, 61
- Engineers' Club, Manchester, Annual Meeting, (329)
- Engineers' Memorial Tablet, Mandalay, Sons and Field, 265
- Engineers' Study Group on Economics, 537
- Engineers' Wages, 373
ENGINES (see also Aero-Engines) :
- Aero-engine, Air-cooled Radial, Bristol Aeroplane Company, (593)
- Aero-engine, Bristol " Mercury V I," Successful Tests, (489)
- Aero-engine Developments, 241
- Aero-engine Production by do Havilland Aircraft Company, (329)
- Axial Engine, Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company, 545
- Engine Components by Magna-Flux Method, Inspection of, Bristol Aeroplane Company, Ltd., 249
- Engines, Natural-gas, Two Engines for Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company, National Gas and Oil Engine Company,
Ltd., (251)
- Engines, Villiers Two-stroke, B.I.F., 543
- Engines Working on Producer Gas, Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., B.I.F., 616
- Internal Combustion Engines for Industrial Applications, United States Standard Rules, (199)
- Marine Engines, Fuel Consumption and Maintenance of, L. J. Le Mesurier and H. S. Humphreys, 209
- Marine Engines by a Superintendent, Sterry B. Freeman, 80
- Oil Engine Exports During 1934, (199)
- Oil Engine Generating Set at Droitwich Broadcasting Station, English Electric Company, Ltd., 24 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Oil Engine Trial Results, Russian, 345
- Oil Engines, Value of Exports, (411)
- Oil Engine, 52 b.h.p. Marine, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. 664
- Oil Engine, 54 b.h.p. Three-cylinder, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., B.I.F. .Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- Oil Engine, 112 b.h.p. " Atomic," Petters Ltd., 663, 664
- Oil Engine, 150 b.h.p., Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 663, 664
- Oil Engine, 160 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Vis-a-vis, Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., 337
- Oil Engines, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 664
- Oil Engines for Lifeboats of Cunard-White Star " Queen Mary," Two-cylinder 18 b.h.p., Joint I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 310
- Oil Engines for Thames Oil-electric Tug " Framfield," English Electric Company, Ltd., 310
- Petrol Engines, Villiers Engineering Company, Ltd.. B.I.F., 616
- Steam Engines, Value of Exports, (411)
- Steam Engines for Gas Compressors in South America, Kryn and Leahy, Ltd., 444
- ENGRAVING Machine, " C.X.," Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., Suppt., 17.5.35, vii
- Etching Machine, Javelin, Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt. 17.5.35, vii
- Ether Drift, Problem of, Dr. C. V. Drysdale, 11
- Excavator, " Panther Twelve," Priestman Brothers, Ltd., B.I.F., 543
- Excavator, Quarter Cubic Yard, Priestman Brothers, Ltd., B.I.F., 543
- Excavator, Quarter Cubic Yard, Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., B. I. F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iv
- Excavator, Three-eighths Cubic Yard, Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iv
- Excavator, Universal, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi
- Excavator Working in Melbourne Departmental Store, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., (437)
- Excavators, Five-eighths Cubic Yard, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- British Industries Fair, Olympia and White City, 189
- British Industries Fair, 1935, 1550 Exhibitors in London Section, (199)
- British Industries Fair, Attendances London, (246)
- British Industries Fair, Space Taken for Heavy Section at Birmingham, (123)
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham, Extensions of Buildings, (303)
- British Industries Fair, Castle Bromwich, 510 (Eight Pages, Supplements, May 17111
- and 241h, 1935), 542, 570, 587, 616
- British Industries Fair, 1935, 581
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham Section to be Held in February, 1936, (645)
- British Industries House Exhibition, (565)
- Brussels Exhibition, 453, (463)
- Coal Face Machinery Exhibition at Birmingham, (608)
- .Johannesburg Empire Exhibition, (271)
- Jubilee Exhibition at Science Museum, 479
- Leipzig Technical Spring Fair, 1935, (112), 247, 325; Official Statistics, (379)
- Metal Industries Exhibition in Japan, (286)
- Noise Abatement Exhibition. (565)
- Paris Fair, Representatives to Visit B.I.F., 16l
- Physical Society's Exhibition, 11, 40, 68
- Power Boat Exhibition at Hythe, (437)
- South African Empire Exhibition, 61
- EXPLOSION at Roinsdorf, Germany, 635
- Explosion of Feed Water Heater, Fatal, (251)
- Explosion of Locomotive Boiler, Report on, (539)
- Explosive, Nitramon, (357)
- Explosive Perfected in U.S.A., Nitramon, (173)
- Extractors, Magnetic, Electromagnets, Ltd., 13.1 . P., 590
- FACTORY Site, Selection of, P. Dawson, 100
- Factories, Two-day Shifts in, 635
- Fans for Cooling Electrical Machines, Propeller, Ralph Poole, 195
- Faraday House, Extensions for Empire and
- Foreign Telephony, (149)
- Federation of British Industries, Grand Council Meeting, 291
- Feed Water Heaters, Serck Radiators, Ltd., 13.!.?. Suppl., 17.5.35, viii
- Filter, Oil, Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw, (458)
- Filter, Oil, C. G. Voices, Ltd., 207
- Filter, Rovac Rotary Vacuum, International Combustion, Ltd., B.1.1'., 542
- Fire Engine, Novel, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., 52
- Fire Fighting Appliances, Use of Solid Carbon Dioxide in, (71)
- Fire in Passenger Ships, Prevention of, G. E. Taylor, (149)
- Fireman, Automatic, Mather and Platt, Ltd., 181
- Firemen and Electric Shocks, (513)
- Fire-resistant Cellulose Acetate Sheets, (489)
- Flame Cutting Metals, Cheap Method, (199)
- Flexible Drive Machine, Portable, F. Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., B.I.F., 570
- Flood-lighting for the Jubilee, 494
- Flow of the Aberdeenshire Dee, 474
- Fog Clearance by Chemical Means, (385)
- Food Industry, Use of Metals in, N. D. Sylvester, 87
- " Foolhardiness is not Courage," iron Age, 445
- Forest Resources of the Colonies, (437)
- Forestry in British Empire, 659
- Forrest, Mr. G. Topham, Retirement of, Architect to London County Council, (149)
- Forthcoming Engagements, Weekly
- Forty-hour Week, 659
- Foundry Conditions in Russia, (251)
- Foundry Practice, National School of, 345
- Franklin Modal Awards, (463)
- Adjustment of Output, 85
- African Harbour at Abidjan. Ivory Coast, 501
- Agricultural Engineering, 137
- Aircraft Engines, Heavy Oil, 239
- Armament Engineers, 451
- Artisan Movement, 657
- " Atlantique, L'," 263; Judgment by Paris
- Court of Appeal, 29, 137
- Belgian Coal Control, 85
- Bridge Collapses at Montjean, Suspension, 425
- Canal du Nord, Construction of, 59
- Claude Sea Power Scheme, 213
- Colonial Transport, 425
- Commercial Plan, 451
- Convoyor " Pomone," 59
- Culminating Crisis, 187
- Currency and Trade, 579
- Customs Duties, Shipbuilders and, 59
- Customs Zones, Free, 657
- " Dunkerque," Lengthening of Battleship, 607
- Electrical Energy, 317
- Employers and Unemployed, 161
- Engineers' Degrees, 187
- Engineers' Federation, 111
- Exhibition Inventions, 343
- Exhibition of 1937, Paris, 111
- Foreign Trade, 451
- Foreign Trade, 553
- Franco-Belgian Barter, 425
- Franco-British Trade, 477
- French Air Services, 213
- French View of Ottawa, 553
- Gold Countries and Trade, 213
- Hot Water Distribution, 29
- Import Quotas, 111
- Improved Electric Lighting, 527
- Industrial Deflation, 59
- Industrial Groups, 187
- Industrial Situation, 399, 527, 657
- Machinery Exports, 607
- Manufacturing Costs, 399
- Marseilles Water Supply, 553
- Mediterranean Liner " Ville d'Alger," 161
- Merchant Shipping, 289, 317
- Metric System, 137
- Motor Car Industry, 29, 161
- Motor Fuels, Vegetable Oil, 501
- Navy, The, 371
- Navy Speed Record with Destroyer " Le Terrible," 161
- Nautical Exhibition, 477
- " Normandie," The Completion of the, 317;
- Maiden Voyage of C.G.T. Liner, 371, 579;
- Trials of Liner, 527
- Output Restrictions, 263
- Paris Bridges, 607
- Paris Exhibition, Preparations for, 390
- Paris Fair, 161
- " Pomone," Launch of Cunvoyor, 59
- Price and Quality, 239
- Railway Construction, 289
- Railway Crisis, 607
- Railway Deficit, 263, 501
- Railway Economics, 683
- Railway Electrification, 527
- Railway Signals, 29'
- Refuse Collecting Van, 579
- Refuse Incinerators, Small, 371
- Road and Rail Transport, 263
- Saar Coal, 111
- Sales Comptoirs, 683
- Seamen's Strike, 553
- Shipbuilding, 29, 426, 477, 579
- Shipbuilthers and Customs Duties, 59
- Skilled Labour, 289
- Societe des Ingenieurs Civils, 85
- Soundproof Materials, 607
- Stabilisation and Trade, 289, 633
- State Industrial Control, 477
- Steel Cartel, 239, 501
- Steel Dilemma, 343
- Steel Negotiations, 527, 633
- Streamlined Trains on P.L.M. Railway Company, 451
- Trade Exchanges, 343
- Trade Reactions, 371
- Tunnelling Mont Blanc, 239
- Unemployment, 137
- Vegetable Oil Motor Fuels, 501
- Vosges, Tunnelling the, 683
- Wage Complications, 451
- Work on the Rhone, 633
- Working Hours, Reduction of, 317
- FUEL Oil Duties, Budget Proposals for. 611
- Fuel Research Station at Greenwich, 609
- Fungus Attacks on Paint, Research on, (293)
- Furnace, Birlec-Detroit Rocking Arc Molting, Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- Furnace, Continuous Bright Annealing, 1:111.-mingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- Furnace for Hardening Motor Pivots, Ferranti, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi
- Furnaces, Atritor Firing for, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii
- Furnaces, Gas, W. Allday and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 590
- Future of Industry, 148
- GALVANISING, Hot, The Aplataer Process, (149)
- Gas Bombardment, Protection Against. M. Du-Plat-Taylor, 143
- Gas Defence, Davidson Pratt, 636
- Gas Grid for Scotland, Proposed, 113, 139
- Gas-oil, Production of Ruhr, (225)
- Gases, Temperature and Latent Energy in Flame, Drs. B. Lours and G. Von Elbe (Letter from Professor W. T. David), 230
- Gasometer at Cardiff-Dowlais Steel Works, Largest in the Country, (565)
- Gauge, Differential Pressure, Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., 233
- Gauges, Wimet Tipped, A. C. Wickman, Ltd., B. I. 587
- Gear, Variable-speed, Fled ol Engineering Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 617
- Gear Generator, Spiral Bevel, Henry Simon, Ltd. (Turbine Gears, Ltd.), B.I. F., 570
- Geophysics. Practical or Applied, Professor Owen Thomas-Jones, 523
- Gland Packing. Richard Klinger, Ltd., 207
- Glass Convention at Folkestone, (344 )
- " Glass " from Cellulose Acetate, Unbreakable, (199)
- Glass Silk and Use to Gas Engineers, J. Boyd, (123)
- Glass, Tensile Strength of, Dr. W. M. Hampton, (17:3)
- Glass which Influences both Temperature and Lighting of Buildings, (275)
- Gold Ore Tonnage Milled in Transvaal During 1924, (199)
- Gold Output of Canada, 1934, (149)
- Government Policy in regard to Trade, Mr. Walter Runciman, 145
- Governor, Steam Feed Pump, Copes' Regulators, Ltd., B.I. F. Suppe., 24.5.35, ii i
- Grain Carriers, Race of Australian, (539)
- Grinder, " Impact," Henry Simon, Ltd., B.I.F., 570
- Grit Trouble in Stepney, 503
- HACKSAW Frame, Fry's (London), Ltd., (396)
- Haifa Harbour, Further Developments, (251)
- Harbour Improvements at Montreal, 488
- Harbour Masters, Conference of German, (13)
- Harbour of Montreal, Deepening, (437)
- Harbour Works at Dunkirk, 276, 279, 294, 304
- HEAT Insulation in the Tropics, 291
- Heat Treatment Furnace, Asea-Bofars, 77
- Heater, " Calorier " Unit, Standard and Pochin Brothers, Ltd., /3.I. F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii
- Heaters, Metal, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., B.1. F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi
- Heaters, Univectair, British Trano Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 543
- High-pressure Equipment, Method of Testing, (593)
- Twenty-five Years (Leading Article), 463
- Floodlighting for the Jubilee, 490, 494
- Institutions' Jubilee Address, British Engineering, 453
- Jubilee Exhibition at Science Museum. 479
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, " Silver Jubilee " Exhibition at Euston, 479
- HOIST, Large Electric Mine, 210
- Holding Light Jobs for Machinery, Bandy Method, (43)
- Hours and Wages in Industry, 581
- House Journal of Charles Churchill and Co., Ltd., (426)
- Hydraulic Transmission Unit, Hallam and Newton, Ltd., 182 .
- Chandoline Hydro-electric Power Plant . (303)
- Hydro-electric Power Developments in Canada, (149)
- Hydro-electric Power Plant at Cardana, Italy, 330, 334, 346, 358
- Jalalabad Hydro-electric Power Plant (13)
- Krangedi Hydro-electric Power Station nearing Completion, (329)
- Nymboida Hydro-electric Power Plant. New South Wales, 487 (Erratum, 528)
- Perm Hydro-electric Power Station. U.S.S.R., (489)
- Pykara Hydro-electric Development , Second Stage of, (297)
- " HYMN of Breaking Strain," Rudyartl Kipling (253) (One-page Supplement, May 15:11, 1935)
- IMPERIAL Defence, Some Aspects of, Vice-Admiral Sir Barry Dotnvile, 453
- Industrial Areas of England, Ministry of Labour Statistics, (225 )
- Industrial Turbo Machinery, Development of Parsons, 32, 62, 88, 114, 140, (158), 164, 165, 190, 216, 242, 267, 292, 320, 347
- Industries on the Tyne, 345
- Industry, F.B.I. and Future of, 148
- Industry, Hours and Wages in, 581
- Industry, Mechanical Efficiency in, L. M. Angus Butterworth, 278
- Industry, Overtime in, Oliver Stanley, 87
- Industry, Reorganisation in, 189
- Industry. Shorter Hours in, 529
- Industry in Canada, Royal Commission on Wages, Price Spread and Industrial Conditions Report, 373
- Inland Waterways, The Condition of, (463)
- International Combustion, Ltd., Staff Dinner, (210)
- Iodine Production in South America, (43)
- Irish Free State, Report of Industrial Research Council, (669)
- Alloy Steel and Iron, High-Speed Steel Alloys, Ltd., B.I.F., 618
- British Engineers and Metallurgists to Visit Rhineland Ironworks and Foundries, (411)
- British Iron and Steel Federation; Annual General Meeting, (240)
- Castings from " Black Heart " Malleable Iron, Ley's Malleable Castings Company, Ltd., B.1.F., 512
- Cast Iron, Research into Cast and Malleable, Statement Issued by British Cast Iron Research Association, 379
- Corby Steel Works, Progress at Stewart and Lloyd's, 31, (43)
- Iron and Steel, Symposium on Welding of, 274, 506; (Leading Article, 515), 532 - 3, 559, 599, 613; (Correction, 658)
- Iron Mines of Forest of Dean, Petition to Government for Re-opening, (275)
- Iron Ore Mined in United States in 1934, (123)
- London Iron and Steel Exchange Annual Dinner, 113
- London Iron and Steel Exchange, lit. Hon. Lord Greenwood, Chairman of Management Committee, (56)
- Penistone Steel Works Re-opening, (329)
- Pig Iron, Ten Million Tons of Russian, 66
- Pig Iron Produced in 1934, (43)
- Plating of Iron, W. Frolich, (97)
- Pressed Steel Articles, Rubery, Owen and Co., B.I.F., 511
- Stainless Steel, Properties, Characteristics, and Uses of, S. A. Main, 313
- Slag Tests, Open-hearth, B. Back, (13)
- Steel Bottle for Gas, Weldless Alloy, Chesterfield Tube Company. Ltd., 573
- Steel Melting Plant, High-frequency Electric, United Steel Companies, Ltd., B.I.F. Bunt., 24.5.35, iv
- Steel Pact, Anglo-Continental, 191
- Steel Sheets with Zinc Coatings, (123)
- Steel Surfaces, Treatment with Crystalline Solution " Cromodine." (275)
- Steel Towers at Mettur Dam to be. Dismantled, (43)
- Steel Trade Prosperity, 659
- Steel Work Construction Establishment at False Creek, Vancouver, (357)
- Steels, United Steel Companies, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., and King's Jubilee, (437)
- Welding of Iron and Steel, Symposium, (274) 506; (Leading Article, 515), 532, 559, 599, 613; (Correction, 658)
- IRRIGATION Schemes, Egyptian, 555
- JETAL Salts for Depositing Jet Black Surface on Steel Products, (149)
- Jubilee Flood-lighting, 490, 494
- .Tubilee of City and Guilds College, " Central,-139, 146
- KEY Industry Inquiry. 453
- " King's Reach," London Bridge to Westminster Bridge, (645)
- LABORATORY for Edinburgh University, Commercial, 345
- Laboratory Work in 1934, National Physical, 518
- Ladder, 70ft. Motor Turntable, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., 336
- Land Drainage Schemes to Relieve Unemployment, (299)
- Launches and Trial Trips, 82, 134, 162, 188, 240, 286, 314, 344, 368, 398, 448, 502, 528, 550, 576, 602, 658
- Lead and Zinc from Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, British Columbia, (513)
- Lead Titanate for Paints and Enamels. Tests on. (489)
- A Retrospect, 15
- Accidents, Road Traffic and Road, 45
- Aeronautical Industry, Pioneering Aspects of, 73
- Aeronautical Research, 387
- Air Programme, Britain's New, 567
- Aircraft and Mountains, 201
- Alternators, Stability of, 413
- Anglo-Continental Steel Pact, 491
- Anglo-German Naval Agreement, 671
- Art of Welding, 515
- Battleship, Return of, 465
- Boulder Dam, 227
- Britain's New Air Programme, 567
- British Steel Duties, The New, 331
- British Steel Market 227
- Constructional Engineers and Steel Makers, 595
- Dams on Permeable Foundations, 621
- Electric Power Load, 567
- Electrical Development, 439
- Electrical Research, 151
- Factory, Patriarch in the, 359
- Foreign Trade, Security and, 359
- " Gods and Brazen Images." 672
- Good-will and 99
- Grid Trading, 466
- Industry and Government, 277
- London's Sewage, 491
- Metal Control Schemes, 305
- On Streamlining, 305
- Paris Fair, 541
- Patriarch in the Factory, 359
- Pioneering Aspects of Aeronautical Industry, 73
- Port Eglinton Junction (Glasgow) Railway Accident, 201
- Private Electric Plant v. Public Supply, 253
- Quality and Markets, 125
- Rails, Welding of, 595
- Railway Coaches, 151
- Railway Conciliation Machinery, 125
- Railway Level Crossings, 175
- Road Traffic and Road Accidents, 45
- Saar Reactions, 99
- Security and Foreign Trade, 359
- Sewage, London's, 491
- Standardisation as a Moral Code, 515
- Steel Makers, Constructional Engineers and, 595
- Steel Pact and After, 647
- Steel Pact, Anglo-Continental, 491
- Suburban Railway Electrification, 73
- Suburban Railway Electrification, 621
- Team Work, 439
- Temperament in Industry, 541
- Transmission Line Insulators, 387
- Transport in Undeveloped Areas, 413
- Treatment of Boiler Feed Water. 175
- Twenty-five Years, 465
- Welding, Art of, 515
- Welding of Rails, 595
- Welwyn Railway Disaster, 647
- What is Standardisation ? 331
- Winwick Junction Railway Accident, 45
- " With Emphasis," 277
- Worm Gears Standardised, 253
- LEATHER Softening by Refrigeration. (303)
- Artificial Manipulation of Trend, D. Lloyd, 148; Dudley W. Walton, 172
- Blackpool Tramcar, H. Ravenshaw, 564
- Broad-gauge Speed Record, 0. A. Sekon, 76
- Caustic Embrittlement, T. F. Morrison, 270
- Consumer, The, C. H. Allen, 353
- Co-ordinated Demechanisation, C. R. King, 407; C. W. Ryden, 433
- Demechanisation, J. N. Williams, 509
- Depreciation of Rolling Stock, P. C. Dewburst, 459
- Displacement of Labour, Bane or Blessing Percy Jackson, 383
- Douglas Social Credit Scheme, Hugh P. Vowles, 383, 459, 509, 564; "New Briton," 407; W. L. Bardsley, 459; H. C. King, 667; D. E. Dyas, 668; K. W. Willans, 668
- Empire Development r. Credit Schemes, S. P. Christie, 383
- Farnborough Wind Tunnel, E. F. Relf, 460
- Finance and Individualism, C. H. Allen, 105
- Foreign Agents and British Goods, " A Manufacturer," 127
- Governmental Interference in American Industry, Geo. C. Usher, 433
- Grid Trading, J. N. Waite, 600
- High-rupturing Capacity Fuses, G. Ellison; A. M. Pooley, 76
- High-speed Railway Run, J. S. Pines, 383
- High-speed Trains, P. W. Bollen, 333;
- " Railway Traveller," 333; H. Ravenshaw, 333; Major Horace Myers, 353
- High-speed Trains and Vibration, " High-speed Fan," 667
- High-speed Wind Tunnel, H. Gough, 384
- " Hymn of Breaking Strain," " Pacifist Sick," 297
- Largest Chain Grate Stoker. International Combustion, Ltd., 460
- Levers and their Terminology, J. C. Barnes, 193
- Multiple Earths and Cable Faults, Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Company. Ltd.. 172
- Power of the Consumer, L. Patterson, 384
- Private Electric Plant r. Public Supply, G. A. Neild, 270
- Propellers of the " Normandie," A. Augustin Normand, 668
- Quality and Markets, C. IL Alien, 460
- Railway Passenger Coaches, " Railway Traveller," 127 (Leading Article, 151)
- Railway Speeds, J. G. B. Sams, 488
- Road Accidents, R. L. Finlayson, 127
- Salaries of Engineers, " Assoc. M. inst. C.F..," 460
- " Sharpaform " Cutter, Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd., 383
- Shortage of Skilled Labour, J. Elliott, 564
- Shortage of Skilled Men, John Holloway, 601, 641
- Skilled Labour, J. Elliott, 618
- Social Credit, C. W. Ryden, 384: " New Briton," 509, 544, 601; Eric Gill, 544;
- Hugh P. Fowles, 618
- Social Credit and Deniechanisation, Erie Gill. 459: C. W. Ryden, 488: K. W. Winans, 488
- Southern Railway and Town Planning. George S. C. Swinton, 460; .T. 0. B. Sams, 488
- Standardised Worm Gearing. R. Dumas, 332 (Leading Article, " What is Standardisation " 331); U. Varley, 353
- Steam or Oil. Bernard Dunell. 127: " Cappadocia." 148
- Study Group on Economies, A. donee, 564
- Strain Etching, Kenneth G. Lewis, 332
- Steam or Oil, Bernard Dunell, 297
- Streamlining, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 332, 407; F. W. Brewer, 384
- Temperature of I.C. Engine Inlet Valves, Barimar, Ltd.. 193
- The Consumer, J. H, !Williams, 384
- " Unempayment " and Engineers. K. W. Williams, 333; " Esprit De Corps," 354; J. E. Tuse, 353
- LEYLAND Journal, Vol. I, No. 1 (372)
- Library for Sunderland Technical College, (149)
- Lightning Arrester, General Electric Company, Ltd., B. I. F., 571
- Bituminous Materials, Testing of. D. C. Broome, 17
- Camera, Kingdom of the, T. Thorne Baker, 167
- Diffraction of X -Rays and Electrons by Amorphous Solids, Liquids, and Gases, J. T. Randall, 167
- Factory Administration in Business, W. J. Hiscox, 361
- Ferranti, Life and Letters of S. Z. de, 229
- internal Combustion Engine, Vol. II, The Aero-engine, D. R. Pye, 46
- Man Who Built the " Mauretania," Life Story of Sir George Hunter, Wilfrid Rutherford, 229
- Marketing Industrial Equipment, Bernard Lester, 361
- Office Supervisor, H. E. Niles and Mary C. H. Niles, 568
- Profession of Chemistry. R. B. Pitcher, 516
- Spirit of Chemistry, A. Findlay, 197
- Thermionie Emissions, A. L. Reimann, 167
- This Modern World and the Engineer, 198
- Time-keeping and Wages Office Work, D. J. Garden, 153
- Water Power : Its Estimation and Development, with Particular Reference to India, J. W. Meares, 861
- Short Notices :
- A.C. Circuits, Automatic Protection of, G. W. Stubbings, 229
- Alternating-current Wave Forms, P. Kemp, 198
- Boiler Feed NVater : A Concise Handbook of Water for Boiler-feeding Purposes, P. G. Jackson, 441
- Crushers for Stone and Ore, W. T. W. Miller, 672
- Electric Circuits and Wave Filters. A. T. Stark, 198
- Electric Power Metering, A. E. Knowlton, 198
- Electricity Law and Practice, R. H. Studholme, 361
- Fire Hazard, Common Features of, J. J. Williamson, 516
- Gareke's Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Directory of Officials, 167
- Government and Technology, W. Beard, 333
- Hutchinson's Technical and Scientific Encyclopedia, Vol. I, C. F. Tweny and J. P. Shirshov, 441
- Illumination, Symposium on, Edited by C. J. Webber Grievison, 516
- Motor Vehicle Design, Elements of, C. T. B. Donkin, 672
- National Public Works, Inquiry on, 333
- Pressure Pipe Observations at Punjab Weir, A. N. Khosla, 278
- Radio Communications, .Modern, J. H. Reyner, 441
- Railways for All, T. K. Taylor, 153
- Shellac, E. J. Parry, 672
- Speed, Book of, 153
- Stratosphere and Rocket Flight, C. G. Philp. 361
- Submarine Cable, Captain S. A. Garnham and R. L. Hadfield, 167
- Superheterodyne Receiver : Its Development, Theory, and Modern Practice, A. T. Witts, 361
- Surveying, Principles and Practice of, Vol. JI, Higher Surveying, C. B. Breed and G. L. Hosmer, 17
- Television, Theory and Practice, J. H. Reyner, 278
- Unified Transport System of U.S.S.R., K. N. Tverskoi, 441
- Water, Flow of, G. Bransby Williams, 153
- Books Received :
- Aero Engines, A. N. Barrett, 46
- African Manual on Mining Industry and Agriculture, 1934-35, C. Carlyle-Gall, 153
- Aircraft Progress and Development, Captain P. H. Sumner, 167
- Alloys of Iron and Copper. J. L. Gregg and B. N. Daniloff, 167
- Applied Chemistry, Origins and Developments of, J. R. Partington, 568
- Applied Chemistry, Vol. I, Water, Detergents, Textiles, Fuels, &c., C. K. Tinkler and Helen Masters, 467
- Are Trade Unions Obstructive Y An Impartial Inquiry, 198
- Atmospheric Pollution, Investigation of, Twentieth Report, 441
- Automatic Protection of A.C. Circuits, G. W. Stubbage, 17
- Automobile and Aircraft Engines, A. W. Judge, 198
- Belt Conveyors, H. Davies, 198
- Blue Book, 1935, Directory and Handbook of the Electrical and Allied Industries, 278
- Boiler Feed Water, C. G. Jackson, 278
- Brassey's Naval and Shipping Annual, 1935, Edited by Commander C. N. Robinson and H. M. Ross, 167
- British Chemical Exhibit at Brussels Exhibition, 1935, 568
- Broad Flange Beams, Grey Process, 568
- Business Charts, T. G. Rose, 644
- Calverts' Mechanics' Almanack, 1935, Edited by Wm. Endsor, 198
- Cements et Mortiers, A. Macho, 198
- Chromium Steels, R. H. Greaves, 467
- City of Birmingham Handbook, 1935, 198
- Coal : Its Origin, Method of Working, and Preparation for Market, F. H. Wilson, 278
- Coalfield, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, and Derbyshire, West Yorkshire Area, 278
- Colliery Managers' Pocket Book, Almanac, and Diary, 1935, H. Greenwell and R. H. Walderdine, 153
- Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory, 1935, 467
- Correct Economy for Machine Age, A. 0. McGregor, 644
- Crushers for Stone and Ore, W. T. W. Miller. 361
- Definitions and Formulae for Students, Radio-Engineering, A. T. Starr, 361
- Diesel Engine Design, H. F. Shepherd, 198
- Diesel Locomotives and Railcars, Brian Reed, 568
- Directory of Contractors and Public Works Annual, 1935, C. W. Biggar, 592
- Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers, 1935. 441
- Economics of National Independence, N. Tindal, 467
- Electric Circuits and Wave Filters, A. T. Starr, 46
- Electric Power Transmission by Alternating Current, Principle of, H. Waddicor, 278
- Electrical Engineering, Problems in, S. Parker Smith, 592
- Electrical Equipment of Buildings, Regulations for, 17
- Electrical and Wireless Equipment of Aircraft, S. G. Wybrow, 568
- Electricity and Fire Risk, E. S. Hodges, 278
- Electricity Law and Practice, R. H. Studholme, 333
- Engineering Applications of Electron Physics, G. Windred, 153
- Engineering Economics, Works Organisation and Management, Book I, Elements of Industrial Organisation and Management. T. H. Burnham, 278
- Engineering Geology, Comprehensive Treatise on, C. S. Fox, 568
- Egyptian Ministry of Public Works, Annual Report, Part 2, 255
- Factory Administration in Practice, W. J. Hiscox, Second Edition by J. R. Price, 278
- Farm and Machine, 568
- Fire Hazard, Common Features in, .J. .1. Williamson, 361
- Food Investigation, Index to Literature. Vol. VI, No. 1, 333
- Framed Structures, Analysis of, J. H . Matthew's and P. E. Soneson, 568
- Garcke's Manual of Electrical Undertakings and Directory of Officials, 1934-35, Edited by F. C. Garrett, 46
- Government Experimentation in Busitie,, W. H. Parsons, 167
- Grey Cast Iron in Castings, The Testing and Acceptance of, Dott. Ing. A. Steccanella. 361
- Heat Treatment of Steel, A. C. Macdoniihl , 441
- High-voltage Physics, L. Jacob, 17
- Hotels and Restaurants in the United Kingdom, 568
- Illumination, Symposium on, 467
- Imperial Institute Annual Report for 103 3. 568
- Industrial Relations, Studies in, 198
- Introduction to Electric Transients, FL B. Kurtz and G. F. Corcoran, 467
- Iron and Steel, Bibliography of Non-metallic Inclusions in, Compiled by L. F. McCombs and Mr. Schero, 467
- Issuing House Year Book and Financial A.B.C., 1935, Compiled by Mark E. Day, 467
- .Jarie's Fighting Ships, 1934, Edited by O. Parkes, 17
- Kelly's Directory of Merchants, Manufactureilk, and Shippers of the World, 1935. 568
- Konstruktion und Werkstoff der Geschtttz-rohre und Gewehrlaufe. Professor Dr. W. Schwinning, 17
- La Chauffage par les Combustibles Liquides, A. Guillermie, 568
- Laundries and Laundry Requisites, 1935, 333
- Law Relating to Gas and Water, Vol. ii.
- Water, Late F. T. Villiers Bayly and H. I. Willis, 46
- Lead Piping Tables, P. Hunter, 153
- League of Nations Organisations for Communications and Transit Enquiry on National Public Works, 153
- L'electricite dans L'Usine, P. Monnier, 17
- Life's Spectrum • Economics, Sciences, Metaphysics, W. E. Burnand, 278
- Liquid Fuels : Their Manufacture, Properties, Utilisation, and Analysis, H. Moore, 467
- Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables, 167
- Logarithm, Natural, Sir C. Vernon Boys, 420
- Lubricating Oils, Tests and their Significance, J. E. Southcombe, 17
- Man who Built the " Mauretania," The Life Story of Sir George B. Hunter, W. Rutherford, 17
- Marketing Industrial Equipment. B. Lester, 198
- Measurement of Inductances, Capacitance and Frequency, A. Campbell and E. C. Childs, 568
- Mechanical World Year Book, 1935, 167, 198
- Mercantile Year Book and Directory of Exporters, 278
- Metallic Arc Welding, H. Harris, 167
- Metallurgy : An Elementary Textbook, E. L. Rhead, 198
- Mining Year Book, 1935, Compiled by W. E. Skinner, 198
- Motor Electrical Manual, 255
- Motor Ship Auxiliary Machinery, Vol. Operation of, J. Lamb, 592
- Motor Ship Reference Book, 1935. 167
- Motor Ships of the World and Motor Shipping Record, Edited by A. C. Hardy, 198
- Motor Vehicle Design, Elements of, C. T. B. Donkin, 361
- Noise, N. IV. McLachlan, 644
- Office Supervisor, H. E. Niles and M. C. H. Niles, 467
- Oil and Petroleum Year Book. 1935, Compiled by W. E. Skinner, 644
- Oil Engines Simply Explained, Modern Heavy, B. Way, 420
- Paper Makers of Great Britain and Ireland, 1935, Directory of, 568
- Patents, Practical Hints on, M. E. J. Gheury de Bray, 592
- Phase Diagrams, Principles of, J. S. Marsh, 420
- Phase Diagrams, Principles of, J. S. Marsh, 467
- Piles and Pile Driving, A. C. Dean, 198
- Planes Directory of the Aviation and Allied Industries, 1935. 568
- Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book and Diary, 1935, Conrad Arnold, 17
- Practical Flying, Elements of, P. F. W. Mills. 568
- Precision Gauges for Interchangeability. Principle and Design of, R. J. Foster, 153
- Precision Workshop Methods, H. J. Davies, 255
- Public Health Congress and Exhibition, 1934, Report of Fourth, 420
- Radio Communication, Modern, Vol. 1, J. H. Reyner, 278
- Railways for AU, J. F. Gain's, Revised by J. K. Taylor, 17
- Resistance of Materials, F. B. Seely, 278
- Retaining Walls, Report on Gravity, 198
- Rib Building, R. C. Paget, 167
- Riveting and Arc Welding in Ship Construction, Comm H. E. Bosse], 153
- Road Spirals, Standard Tables and Formula for Setting Out, A. Thom, 361
- Royal Air Force : Its Organisation, Duties, and Prospects as a Profession or as a Trade. T. Stanhope Sprigg, 153
- Royal Society of Arts, Story of the, 46
- Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. 1933-34, Official Year Book of, 46
- Shellac : Its Production, Manufacture, Chemistry Analysis, Commerce and Uses, E. J. Perry, 420
- Siphon Spillways, A. H. Naylor. 568
- Slide Rule, C. N. Pickworth, 568
- South American Handbook, 1935, 278
- South and East African Year Book and Diary, 1935, A. Semler Brown, 46
- Specification, 1935, Edited by F. R. S. Yorke, 198
- Specifications for Building Works, W. I. Evershed, 361
- Spray Painting, Safety in, 198
- Stainless Steel, Book of, Corrosion-resisting and Heat-resisting Chromium Alloys, E. E. Thum, 644
- Standard Gear Book, Working Formula and Tables in Gear Design, R. Troutschold, 278
- Statistical Appendix to Mineral Year Book. 1932-33, 17
- Steel Making, Physical Chemistry of, C. H. Hertz, 467
- Steel Work in Buildings. Standard Method for Preparation of Calculations Relating to, 644
- Stratosphere and Rocket Flight, C. G. Philp, 255
- Strength of Materials, J. E. Boyd, 568
- Structural Design in Steel, T. C. Shedd, 167
- Structural Geology, with Special Reference to Economic Deposits, B. Stoess and C. H. White, 361
- Structural Theory and Design, An Introduction to, H. Sutherland and H. L. Bowman, 361
- Superheterodyne Receiver, A. T. Wins, 167
- Surveying for Civil Engineers, Modern. H. F. Birchall, 333
- Testing Materials, " Proceedings " of American Society of, 198
- Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. Supplement, Vol. 2, J. E. Thorpe and M. A. Whiteley, 644
- Time Keeping and NVages Office Work, D. J. Garden, 46
- Torsional Vibrations Problems. Practical Solution of, W. Ker Wilson, 278
- Total Weight Calculator, " Rapid." 17
- Unified Transport System of K. N. lverskoi, 278
- Vibrations for Engineers. Theory of, E. U. Cole, 167
- Water Jet Pump, .1. F. Cosline and M. P. O'Brien, 278
- Water Power : Its Estimation and Development, with Particular Reference to India, J. W. Mears, 198
- Welded. Structures by the Metallic Arc Process, Report on, 167
- Welding of Steel : Working, Heat Treating and Welding of Steel, H. L Campbell 467
- World Power Conference 1934, AnnualReport of, 568
- Worm Gears, A. B. White, 17
- Books of Reference :
- Blue Book : The Electrical Trades' Directory and Handbook, 1935, 260
- Mining Year Book, 1935, Compiled by W. E. Skinner, 260
- Official Year Book of Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, 521
- Planes Directory of Aviation and Allied Industries, 521
- Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket Book, 1935, 70
- Practical Engineer Mechanical Pocket Book, 1935, 70
- South and East African Year Book and Guide, 1935, 70
- Specification, 1935, Edited by F. 11. S. Yorke, 260
- LOADING Machine, Mayor and Coulson, Ltd., 542
- London Television Station, 609
- Lubricating Oil, Clearosol Solvent Extraction Process for Purification of, 0. T. Jones, 390
- Lubricating Oils, Value of, Miss 31. E. Nonage, (145)
- Lubricating Value of Mineral Oils of Different Origin, Study of Boundary, Miss M. E. Nonage, (145)
- Lubrication Fittings, Tecalemit, Ltd., (B.1 . F., 618)
- Lubricators for Iraq Pipe Line Engines, J. and W. Kirkham, Ltd., 233
- MACHINE Shop Equipment for China, British, (275)
- Bending Machine, " Apex," Fry's (London). Ltd., B.I.F., 511
- Boring Machine, Fine, Mayer and Schmidt., 299
- Boring and Drilling Machine. Horizontal, Collett and Engelhard A.G., 247, 248
- Boring and Trepanning Machine, Locomotive Rod, Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., 495
- Boring Tool, Post, C. H. Johnson and Sons, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, viii
- Chiseler, Motorised Hollow, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., ILLF., 511
- Chuck, Magnetic, J. Neil and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 618
- Cold Heading Machine, Quarter inch, Coventry Machine Tool Works, Ltd., B.1.F., 572
- Cutter, " Sharpaform," Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd.. 309; (Letter, 383)
- Cutting Tools, Brooke Tool Manufacturing Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 618
- Die-sinking Machine, Automatic Three-dimensional Form-cutting and, London Electronics (Machinery), Ltd., (669)
- Drill, Air, Desoutter Brothers, Ltd., B.I.F., 587
- Drilling Machine, Horizontal. Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., 181
- Drilling Machines, Gebruder Heller, 299
- Drilling Machines, Portable Electric. S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., (B.I.F., 618)
- Drills, Portable Electric, Black and Decker, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt.' 24.5.35, i
- Grinder, " 'Widia Tool, Schiems-Defries A.G., 248
- Grinder Tool, Schloss -Defries A.G., 248
- Grinding Machine, Axle-box, F. Schmaltz, G.m.b.H., 273
- Grinding Machine for Grinding Motor Pivots, Ferranti, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi
- Grinding Machines, S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., (B.I.F., 618)
- Hammer, Fast Drop, Brett's Patent Lifter Company, Ltd., 258
- Honing Machine for Long Bores, Barnes, Gaston E. Marbaix, Ltd., 105
- Hydraulic Plant for Moulding Bakelite, T. H. and J. Daniels, Ltd., B.1. F. Suppt.. 24.5.35, vii
- Lathe, Automatic, Triple head, Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., 104
- Lathe, Crank Pin Turning, Schiess-Defries A.G., 247
- Lathe, Wheel and Axle Turning, Wilhelm Hegenscheidt, 298
- Lathes for Italy Made in Reddish, 330-Ton and 250-Ton, (43)
- Mill, Two-high Reversing Strip, Brookes (Oldbury), Ltd., B.I.F., 589 (Note, 618)
- Mill, Wheel Tire Turning and Boring, Nenia-Zeisse, 298
- Mill, 10ft. Boring and Turning, Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd.,205
- Milling Machine, Heavy-duty, Afred Herbert, Ltd., 207
- Milling Machine, Precision, Hermann Pfauter, 299
- Milling Machines, Vertical, Biernatzki and Co., 326
- Milling Machine, Vertical, Muller and Montag, G.m.b.H., 325
- Milling Machines, Wanderer-Werke, 298
- Moulder, Small Vertical Spindle, Modern Woodworking Machines, Ltd., B.I.F., 511
- Planer, Double Table, Craven Brothers (Mancheater), Ltd., 205
- Planing Machine, Hydraulically Operated, H. A. Waldrich, 248
- Plano-milling Machines, Kollmann Werke A.G., 298
- Pre-forming Machine, T. H. and J. Daniels, Ltd., B.L F. Suppe., 24. 5.35, vii
- Press, Armature Notching. Taylor and Challen, Ltd., R.I.P. Suppt., 24.5.35, iii, iv
- Press, Deep-drawing, L. Schuler, 326
- Press, Double-sided, Taylor and Chanell Ltd., 13.1.I. Suppt., 24.5.35, iii
- Press, Electrically Heated Hydraulic, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 8.1.1. Suppe., 24.5.35, vii
- Press, Folding and Bending, R. Sountag G.m.b.H., 272
- Press, Forging, Th. Kieserling and Albrecht , 273, 274
- Press, Friction Screw, R. Sountag G.m.b.H., 272
- Press, Gerhardt!) Quick-action, J. C. Brookland, B.I.F., 590 (Note, 618)
- Press, Horizontal Forging, Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., R.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, i
- Press, Long-stroke Crank, Hiltinann and Lorenz A.G., 326
- Press. Metal, Mass Products, Ltd., B.1. F., 588
- Press, Pelleting, Henry Simon, Ltd., 8.1.F., 570
- Press, 500-Ton Hobbing, T. H. and J. Daniels, Ltd., B.J.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vii
- Press, 7000-Ton Forging Press, Vickers, Ltd, 174, 178 (Two-page Supplement, February 15th, 1935)
- Presses, Large American Bending, 284
- Punching and Rivetting Machine, Hiltmann and Lorenz A.G., 328
- Railway Universal Machine Tool, Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., 521
- Roll-grinding Machine. Craven Brothers (Manchester). Ltd., 206
- Rolling Machine, Thread, Th. Kieserling and Albrecht, 274
- Rolls for Cold and Hot Finishing of Metal Strip, Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company, Ltd., B.IsF., 543
- Router, Air, Desout ter Brothers, Ltd., 8.1.F., 587
- Saw, Bench Band, Modern Woodworking Machines, Ltd., 511
- Saw, High-duty Hydraulically Operated, Columbo Saw Works, 325
- Saw, Slow-speed Band, Midland Saw and Tool Company, Ltd., 8.1. F., 589
- Saw Bench, Portable Electric, Wright (Electric Power Specialists), Ltd., 205
- •;is.wing Machine, Electrically Driven Hydraulic Feed, Joh Friedrich Ohler, 273
- Taper, Portable Draw-cut, Butler Machine Tool Company, Ltd., 364
- shaping Machine, Portable, Collett and Engelhard, A.G., 247, 248
- Shears, Guillotine, Henry Pols and Co., 272
- Shears, Nibbling, Henry Pels and Co., 272
- Shears, Rotary Guillotine, Schulze and Naumann, 325
- Sip " Hydroptic, A, Machine, Society Genevoise, John Holloway, 434
- Tapping Machine, Duplex, Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., 104
- Tool, Flexible Shaft-operated, Flextol Engineering Company, Ltd. ,B.I.F., 617
- Tools, Small, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 11.1.10. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii
- Tube-straightening Machine, Th. Kieserling and Albrecht, 273, 274
- MACHINERY and Engineering Supplies for Russia, British, 139
- Machinery Exports and Imports, 1934 (97)
- Machinery Orders for China, 215
- Magnetic Truck for Removing Puncture producing Material from Roads, ( 149)
- Malaria and Engineers. (411)
- Manchester Corporation to Replace Trains by Omnibuses, (489)
- Albert Canal, Plan and Section of Wyneghain Locks, 557
- Albert Canal between Vise and Eygenbilson, 504
- Canal Systems of Belgium and Holland, 504
- Central Railway of Brazil, Electrification Areas of, 419
- Cardano Power Development Scheme, 334
- Dunkirk, Port of. 279
- Earth-fill Dam Across Missouri River, 629
- Greater London Drainage Area Showing Present and Suggested Sites of Sewage Works, 497
- Haifa Terminal of Iraq Pipe Line, 119
- Iraq Pipe Line, Sketch Map of Routes Followed by, 75
- Molesey Woir, Arrangement of, 661
- Oerlikon High-tension Test House, 102
- Port Eenton, Lay-out of Lines at, 195
- South Essex Water Supply Scheme, 574
- Southern Railway Electrified Extension, 665
- Teddington Weir, Enlargement of, 601
- Thames between Chertsey and Teddington, 660
- Tir John Power Station, Site Plan of. 640
- Tripoli Terminal of Iraq Pipe Line, 119
- Walton Flood Channel, Plan and Cross Section of, 662
- MARINE Slipways, W. Glover, 54
- Markets, Notes and News—Weekly Markets, Quality and, 125
- Masonry Structures, Measuring Existing Stresses in, N. Davey, 442
- Mayor, Mr. Sam, Retirement of, I
- Maybach Motorenbau, Celebration of Twenty-fifth Anniversary, (13)
- Measuring Existing Stresses in Masonry Structures, N. Davey, 442
- Mechanical Efficiency in Industry, L. M. Angus Butterworth, 278
- Mechanical Vehicles, Details of " Weaknesses," (463)
- Memorial to Late Dr. W. C. Unwin, 512
- Mersey Tunnel, Stanton Iron Works Company, Ltd., Brochure on 3-mile Stanton Iron Road in, (56)
- Mersey Tunnel Traffic, ( 385)
- Metal Spraying, Preparation for, C. Boyden, 129
- Metals in Food Industry, 87
- Metals in Sea Water, E.M.F. between, J. W. Willstrop, 107
- THE METALLURGIST (Sixteen-page Supplement, February 23rd, 1935; April 27th, 1935; June 28th, 1935)
- THE METALLURGIST( Erratum ,October issue), 224
- Metallurgy Syllabuses and Examinations, 680
- Metals and Alloys, Atomic Arrangement in, Professor W. L. Bragg, 495
- Microphone, Western Electric C'ompany's Lapel, (329)
- Microscope, Projection, Cooke, Troughton and Sims, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.36, ii
- Mineral Areas of Canada, Survey of, (648)
- Mining Journal, Centenary, 609
- Mixer, Highways Maintenance, Millard' Machinery Company, Ltd., R.I.F. Stepp., 17.5.35, ii
- Mixing Machines on Lorry Chassis, Jaeger Truck Mixers (England), Ltd., B.I.F., 590
- Mixing Mill, 6ft., Pneulec, Ltd., B.I.F., 588
- Monel Alloy, " K," Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 433
- " Blue Bird," Sir Malcolm Campbell and Bid for Speed Record with, (97) •
- " Blue Bird," World's Fastest Motor Car, (71)
- British Mercedes-Benz, Ltd., Opening Show -rooms, (462)
- British Motor Industry, 1934, 31
- Daimler Motor Car for his Majesty the King, Largest Car in the World, (463)
- Fatal Motor Lorry Collision at Road Level Crossing, (303)
- Licences for Mechanically Propelled Road Vehicles, (149)
- Motor Car Headlights, Evaluation of Glare from, 250
- Motor Car Industry in France, 161
- Motor Car Wind Screen Spraying Device, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Motor Driving Licences, Chief Examiner Captain 14. H. D. Stuart Appointed by Ministry of Transport, (195)
- Motor Show at Agricultural Hall, Used, 504
- Motor Spirit from Coal, A. Dawe, (539)
- Motor Spirit from Water Gas, Production on Commercial Scale in Germany, (654)
- Motor Liner for Colonial Use, Hardy Southall, 373
- Motor Units, Geared, Klaxon, Ltd., 336
- Motor Vehicle Taxes, American, 210
- Motor Vehicles, Noise of, Wing-Commander T. R. Cavo-13rown•Cave, 319
- Motor Vehicles in Us% in Great Britain Statistics, (123)
- Regrooving Motor Car Tires, Pneugrippa Machine for, Tecalemit, Ltd., 618)
- Silent Zones for Twenty-four Hours, (199)
- Speed of Heavy-oil Engine-driven Motor Car at Daytona, D. Evans, (199)
- Used Motor Show at Agricultural Hall, 564
- V.8 Fords to be Manufactured at Dagenham. (43)
- Municipal Passenger Transport. Board for South-East Lancashire and East Cheshire. (275)
- NEODYMIUM, Magnetic Properties of Metallic, (71)
- New Year Honours, 1
- Nitrogen in Liquid Iron, Method for Determining Solubility of, (199)
- Nail with Head Set in Load for Roofing, (645)
- National Physical Laboratory, Official Inspection by General Board, 659
- Naval Architecture, Examination in, Medals Awarded by Shipwrights' Company, 427
- Nickel Alloy Manufacturers' Centenary, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 509
- Nickel Alloy Works, Birmingham, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 592, 594
- Nickel and Nickel Alloys, Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., B.I. F. Suppt., 24.5.35, i
- Nickel Production in Canada, Increased, (311)
- Noise, A. C. Hutchinson, 549, 574
- Noise, French Anti-noise Competition, 427
- Noise, Problem of, Sir Henry Richards, 285
- Noise in Industry, H. C. Weston and S. Adams, 479
- Noise of Motor Transport, Wing-Commander T. R. Cave-Brown-Cave, 319
- Alexander, John, 61
- Archbutt, Leonard, (489)
- Balfour, David, (465)
- Beck, Edwin Lu Touche, 574
- Bjornstad, J., 96
- Blackett, Colotiel W. C., 643
- Blight, Francis, J., 113
- Bryant, C. W., (286)
- Clark, Sir George, 319
- Coleman, F. C., 265
- Crittall, Francis Henry, (303)
- Crocker, John, 401
- Desvignes, G. F. 0., 643
- Doxford, Charles David, 101
- Dunlop, D. N. (Portrait), 598
- Ewing, Sir Alfred (Portrait), 47, (711
- Gray, John, 265
- Grierson, W. W. (Portrait), 297
- Harrington, James, (236)
- Harlow, George, (669)
- Hay, A. C., 291
- Higginson, Joseph, 153
- Holloway, Alvero, (210)
- Hudson, Walter, (329)
- Jackson, H. B.. (463)
- Johnson, Tom R., (71)
- Junkers, Professor Hugo, 153
- Kempe, H. R., 401
- Knutsford, Lord, (97)
- be Bas, Edward, 609
- Levis, H. C., 672
- Marwood, Sir William, (437)
- McMenemey, Peter, 672
- Popo, E. L., (619)
- Reed, E. C., (619)
- Reed, H. A., 96
- Sidney, Leicester Philip, 265
- Sisson, William, 215
- Slingo, Sir William, 96
- Stott, J. E., 503
- Sugden, Thomas, 152
- Tangye, Sir Harold Lincoln, 215
- Treacher, Edward, (3291
- Warren, J. G. H., 350 1Vhitley, Rt. Hon. J. H., 153
- Wood, W. H., (344)
- OIL Cracking Equipment, Calorizing Corporation of Great Britain, Ltd (Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., B.I.F.Suppt., 17.5.35, v.
- Oil Deposits in Germany, Search for, OW
- Oil Discovered in U:S.S.R. at Stalinabad, (565)
- Oil Filter, Dr. H. S. Hele-Shaw. (458)
- Oil from Coal, 659
- Oil from Coal, Duty on Heavy Fuel Oils, 479
- Oil from Coal, Plant at Seaham Harbour for Production of, (71)
- Oil from Coal, Treatment of Consignment at Billingham, (463)
- Oil in Great Britain. 529
- Oil Pipe Line, Iraq, 61, 72, 75, 91, 98, 118, 124
- Oil Production, World's Crude, (199)
- Oil from South %Vales Coal. Scheme for Extraction of, (275)
- Oil Pressure Gauge. Improved, J. Richards and Sons, Ltd., 364
- Oil Purification Process, 0. T. Jones, 390
- Oil Refinery at Bromborough Acquired by Commercial Solvents Corporation. (357)
- Order Book of New Wire Company, Cheadle, 1788-1831, L. St. L. Pendred, 338 (Leading Article. 359)
- PACKING, James Walker and Co., Ltd., (B.I.F.. 618)
- Paint and Lacquer Factory in China. (382)
- Paint for Cunard-White Star Liner " Queen Mary," Fireproof, (123)
- Pangbourne Nautical College, Founders' Day. (593)
- Paper Mill Electric Power Plant, A. M. Peebles and Son (1927), Ltd., 181
- Papers, Sectional and Graph, Wightman Mountain, Ltd., (550)
- Passenger Services on River Thames, No, (199)
- Passengers and Payment of Fares Before Leaving Tramcar, Bow-street Case. (13)
- Aeronautics, 553, 684
- Batteries and Accumulators. 425, 653, 683
- Building. 137, 162, 187. 289, 317, 501, 579-684
- Cranes and Conveyors. 85
- Crushing and Grinding, 29, 343. 452. 502. 608, 633
- Dynamos and Motors, 59, 161, 187, 213, 239. 263, 289, 317, 343. 371, 399, 501. 579, 633
- Electrical Appliances, 461, 477, 501. 579, 607. 657
- Engines, Internal Combustion, 29. 111. 161. 187, 213, 289. 371, 425, 451, 477, 553. 657
- Furnaces, 60, 452, 554, 580, 633
- Gas Producers, 59, 111, 607
- Generators, Steam, 59, 213. 607. 683
- Lighting and Heating, 59, 137. 161. 264. 400. 452, 580
- Locomotives, 29
- Machine Tools and Shop Appliances. 60. 85. 187, 214, 317, 399. 478, 527, 607, 634. 658. 684
- Measuring and Testing Instruments, 85, 111. 263, 343, 400, 425, 451. 477. 527, 607, 633. 657
- Metallurgy, 85, 111, 213. 290. 317. 344. 372. 426, 478, 608, 634
- Mining Machinery, 425
- Miscellaneous, 29, 60, 85. 111. 138, 187. 240, 264, 318. 344, 372, 400. 426, 478, 502. 528. 554, 580, 608, 634. 658, 684
- Motor Cars and Road Traffic, 138, 187. 426. 502, 527
- Ordnance and Armour, 344
- Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 317, 343, 400, 633, 657
- Switchgear, 85, 161, 289, 501, 527, 633
- Telegraphs and Telephones, 239, 399. 425. 451, 683
- Tramways and Railways, 137. 187
- Transformers and Converters. 59, 111. 137, 213. 263, 371, 400, 477. 553, 579, 683
- Transmission of Power, 214, 239, 317, 309 501. 527. 579, 607
- Turbine Machinery, 29, 59. 161.4177
- Welding, 162. 452, 608, 658
- PATENTS in 1934, 555
- Paver Mixer, Frederick Parker, Ltd.. 206
- Payment for Holiday on the King's Silver Jubilee Day, (411)
- Pencil Portrait, No. I, Colonel R. E. B. Crompton (Supplement, May 31st, 1935), 555
- Personal and Business Announcements. 20, 53, 82, 108, 134. 184, 210, 260, 286. 318, 340, 372, 396, 428, 452, 474, 502, 528, 554, 576. 608, 634, 658, 684
- Pedestrians on Roads and Footways, (225)
- Pedestrian Traffic Signals, 215
- Petrol Consumption in Germany, (225)
- Petrol from Billingham Plant, First Shipment by ss. " Otterhound," (411)
- Piecework in Russian Factories, Louis Fischer, (275)
- Pioneer Work of British Engineers Overseas, 61
- Pioneering Aspects of the Aeronautical Industry, 73
- Pipe Finder, Main and Service. Price and Belsham, Ltd., 548: (Note. 580)
- Plastic Metal, Rawlplug Company, Ltd., (528)
- Plastic Products, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppe., 24.5.35. vii
- Plastics Industry Displacing Metals, Dr. J. L. Pearson, 407
- Plating of China and Glass, (357)
- Post Office at Paddington Station, (573)
- Porous Bricks, Economical Process for Manufacture of, (411)
- Private Trading in Arms, Sir Eustace Tennyson d'Eyncourt's Evidence, 555
- Problem of Noise. Sir Henry Richards. 285
- Profit Sharing in Co-operative Societies, 31
- Profit-Sharing in 1934, 659
- Propeller Cavitation, Monsieur d'Acremont . 644
- Prophets and Panaceas, Dexter S. Kimball. 107
- Pulleys, Steel Pressed, Rubery Owen and Co-. B.I.F., 511
- Pump, Electric Petrol Motor. Avery- Harden. Ltd., B.1.F., 589
- Pump. " Monoglido " Axial Entry Centrifugal, Harland Engineering Company, Ltd., B.1.F.. 572
- Pump, Motor-operated Suds, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., B.1.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, vi
- Pump, Self-priming Marine, Mirrleos, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., B. I. F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii
- Pump Heads, Deep-well, Moss Gear Company, Ltd., 233
- Pump Motors, H.T.H. Hollow-shaft, 258
- Pumping Plant and Equipment at King George V Graving Dock. Southampton, 582, 583, 611. 637
- Pumping Plant for Iraq Pipe Line, Worthington Simpson, Ltd., 91, 98
- Pumping Set, Petters, Ltd., 664
- Pumping Set, Portable Electric for Wakefield Corporation, 232
- Pumping Station on Pontoon on River Indus, (598)
- Pumps, Brooke Tool Manufacturing Company, Ltd., 618)
- Pumps, Running Defects and Failures of Centrifugal, T. Guerin, 603
- Pumps for Tir John Power Station, G. and J. Weir, Ltd., 673
- Western Pumping Station, Pimlico, J. Foster Petree, 679
- QUALITY and Markets, 125
- Quarry Blast at. Bonawe, (619)
- Quay, Proposed Tyne, 291
- Quay between .Jarrow and South Shields. Deep-water, (303)
- Queen Mary College, Lite East London College, (43)
- RADIOLOGY in the Welding Art, V. E. Pullin, 402 (Four Payee Sqpplement. April 10th, 1935)
- Radium Production in Canada, (303)
- Rail and Road—Weekly
- Rail Surfacing, Three-jet Nozzle for, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., ILI .F. Sant. 17.5.35, i
- Rainfall, Conserving' South African, 286
- Accidents :
- Accident to the Pyrenees-Coats d'Azur Express at Marcheprimo, 401
- Accidents, Ministry of Transport Inquiries During September Quarter, 1934, (645)
- Accidents of 1915 Recalled, 42
- Accidents to Railway Servants, Sir Alfred Ewing and Departmental Committee on, (71)
- Ashford Collision, Colonel Trench's Report, (177)
- Aylesbury Railway Disaster, Sir Arthur Yorke on Distant Signals, (43)
- Broken Rail in Balcombe Tunnel, (71)
- Canonbury Accident. 1881. (303)
- Carlisle Fatal Collision of 1890 Recalled, (225)
- Collision at Charing Cross Station. Glasgow, Recalled, (357)
- Cudworth Disaster of 1905 Recalled, (97). (123)
- Derailment near Burton-on-Trent, (329)
- Evesham Derailment, Driver Killed, (251);
- Verdict " Accidental Death," (437)
- Fazakerley East Junction Collision, (251)
- French Railway Disaster at Lagny, Driver on Charge of Homicide, (13); Engine Driver Acquitted, (149)
- Gates on Sheppey Light Railway, Fatal Accidents at, (463)
- Glasgow Collision, Port Eglinton Junction, Lieut.-Colonel Mount's Report, 194, 199 (Leading Article. 201); Driver Kerr Acquitted, (149)
- Kin's Langley Accident, (303) : Verdict of " Accidental Death," (329)
- Level Crossing Accident to Motor Car. (329)
- Liverpool-street Station Collision, Colonel Woodhouse's Report, (539)
- Modano and St. Mickel Derailment Recalled, (565)
- Moses Gate Collision, Colonel Woodhouse's Report, (593)
- Poppleton Junction, York, Collision, Colonel Woodhouse Report, (357)
- Quintinshill Disaster Recalled. (539), (565)
- Railway Accident Inquiries, (123)
- Railway Accident Statistics, (13)
- Railway Accidents, Two-quarterly Returns, (173)
- Rednal Accident, 1865, Recalled, (593)
- Sleeping Car Accidents Recalled, (329)
- Slough Accident, 1900. Recalled, (619), (645)
- Staplehurst Disaster. 1865, Recalled, (593)
- Tay Bridge Disaster (Correction. 13)
- Train Accidents, 1934. Ministry of Transport Inquiries into Ten, (386)
- Welwyn Railway Disaster. 635: Colonel Mount Opens Inquiry, 659, (669)
- Winwick Junction Disaster. Colonel Trench's Report, (43) (Leading Article, 45); Colonel Trench on Steel in Rolling Stock, (97)
- Wirksworth Landslide, Driver Killed, (251)
- Wormley Accident. Colonel Trench's Report, (173)
- American " Crack " Trains to be Expedited, (489)
- American Railway Engineering Association Convention at Chicago, 395
- American Railway Rates, Increase of, (385)
- Assessments of Railway Companies, (357)
- Associated Humber Lines, Formation of Joint Interests in, (463)
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Rolling Stock of High-tensile Alloy Steel. (693)
- Buckeye Coupler, and Railway Accidents, (669)
- Cairn Valley Light Railway Opened Thirty Years Ago, (225)
- Cheshire Lines Committee and Occupation Level Crossing Case, (645)
- Chinese Eastern Railway Sold to Manchukuo, (123)
- Chinese Railway System, British Commission on Reorganisation of, (379)
- Conciliation Scheme for Railways, Agreement Signed, (251)
- Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail-road, 4-8-4 Heavy Locomotive, 301
- Dublin's Railway Termini, (416)
- Employment on the Railways, Efforts of Mr. Oliver Stanley, (619)
- Freight Services and Messrs. F. W. Woolworth and Co., Agreed Charges for, (123)
- Freight Traffic, Mechanical Handling of. Great Southern Railways of Ireland, Annual Report, Statistics, (385)
- Grouped Railways and L.P.T.B. Standing Joint Committee and Distribution of Receipts, (303)
- High-speed Trains and " Path " in Time Tables, (275)
- Indian Railway Board, Annual Report, Statistics, (303)
- Indian Railway Board, New ileage Statistics, (460)
- inspecting Officer of Railways, Minister of Transport Appoints Lieut.-Col. G. R. S. Wilson, (43)
- Level Crossings, Menace of, (619); Protective Measures at, Reginald A. Ryvel, 74; Signs Fixed by Automobile Association at, (489)
- Liability of Railway Companies and Cheap Tickets, (593)
- Liverpool Central Low-level Station, Construction of Extensions of Two Sidings. (539)
- London and South-Western Railway and, Plymouth, 1876, (565)
- London Passenger Transport Board :
- Agnew, W. A., Retirement from Post of Chief Mechanical Engineer. (Railways), (251)
- Allocation of Receipts for the Railways, (513)
- Appointment of Mr. Edward Rawdon Smith as Public Relations Officer, (303)
- Baker-street, Objections to Burrowing Junctions at, (565)
- Compensation Cases Against London Passenger Transport Board Must be Commenced within Six Months, (489)
- Escalators Working on Underground Railways, Number of, (71)
- Gates at Underground Stations. Autontatically Closing, (645)
- Graff-Baker, W. S., Appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer (Railways), (251)
- Leicester-square Station Opened, (513)
- Lifts at Strand Underground Station, Automatically Controlled, (411)
- London Passenger Transport. Board a Public Authority, (489)
- London Transport Scheme, 609
- Mr. F. Pick and Passengers Carried. (565)
- Wages Negotiations, Settlement Arrived at, in, 61
- London, Tilbury and Southend Railway, History of, (463)
- Newcastle and Carlisle Railway, Centenary of, (513)
- Newspaper Trains, Sixty Years' Old, (463)
- New Year Honours for Railwaymen, 1. (43)
- Rail Assembly at Budapest. Third Inter-national, (43)
- Railcar Erecting Shop at Southall, (593)
- Railway Assessment Authority and Railway Companies, (565)
- Railway Clearing House, Mr. E. E. Painter Appointed Secretary, (619)
- Railway Coach Furnishing, W. Pritchard. (225)
- Railway Coaches, 151
- Railway Companies and Railway Trades Unions. Discussions, (13)
- Railway Conciliation Machinery. 125
- Railway Engineer Ceases Publication, (123
- Railway Level Crossings, 175
- Railway Maga:hie, Centenary of, (489)
- Railway Material Exports, Board of Trade Statistics, (97), (489)
- Railway Points at Milan Station Electrically Heated to Keep Clear of Snow, (357)
- Railway Rating Principles, 630
- Railway Relics at Burleigh Bridge, Derbyshire, (463)
- Railway Station at Gatwick Airport, (565)
- Railway Statistics for October, 1934, Ministry of Transport, (123) : November, 1934, (225); December, 1934, (303); January, 1935, (489); February, 1935, (619)
- Railway Tickets, Celebration of Centenary of Issue of, (43)
- Railway Wages, Appointment of Special Joint Committee on, 87
- Rail Welding on American Railways, 585 : (Leading Article, 595)
- Rolling Stock, Age of, (539)
- Safety on Railway, Ministry of Transport and, (385)
- Steel Sleepers on British Railways, C. P. Sandberg, (13)
- Streamlined Trains on American Railways. 384
- Track Circuit as Safeguard Against Railway Collisions, Cleaning of Sand from Rails. (437)
- Traffic Receipts of Grouped Railways, (71)
- Traffic Receipts for First Fourteen Weeks, (411)
- Train Resistance Trials in India, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 641
- Transport Board for Northern Ireland, (513)
- W 'at Highland Railway Opened, August 7th, 1894, (565)
- Great Western Railway :
- Annual Report. Statistics, (251)
- Appointments and Retirements, (303)
- Boundary Cutting by Paddington-Fishguard Line, (437)
- Bridge at Water Eaton Eliminates Level Crossing, (303) 13ridge Reconstruction on Blacnaw Festiniog Branch, (199)
- Carriage Marshalling Yard at. Old Oak Common, 195
- " Cheltenham Flyer," Hight Hundredth Run of W'orld's Fastest Train, (411)
- Construction Programme on G.W.R., 1
- " Cornish Riviera Ltd.," Paddington to Truro, Non-stop, (645)
- Original Broad-gauge Coaches, Great Western Railway, G. A. Sekon, 407
- Permanent. Way Economies, Motor -operated Platelayers' Trolleys, (357)
- Severn Tunnel, Relaying Track in, (71)
- Signal Engineer Appointed, Assistant . (385)
- Staff Appointments, (489)
- Streamlined Oil Railcar, Completion of 01 Li *Year's Service, (199)
- Streamlined Railcars, Additional, (669)
- " The Cornishman," Second Portion of " Cornish Riviera Ltd.," (645)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway :
- Annual Meeting, (275)
- Bricks for Swansea Main Drainage Scheme. Mechanical Handling of, (149) 13urleigh Bridge Replacement, (329)
- Charleton, H. C., Retirement of, (251)
- Club Car for Blackpool Travelling Club, (411)
- Construction Programme on L.M .5., 1 Electrically Lighted Steam-hauled Trains, Statistics, (329)
- Fleetwood, Reconstruction of Equipment at, (71)
- Freight Services, Expedited, (123)
- High-speed Services, (385)
- Landslide on Settle and Carlisle Section, (225)
- Locomotive Depots, Modernising, (149)
- Metal for Signal Posts, (593)
- Mineral Manager, Position Discontinued. (173)
- Motive Power Depots, Numbering for, (43)
- Movement of Divisional Engineers to London, (149)
- Railcar Trials, Coventry Pneumatic Rail-ear, (173)
- Railcar with Pneumatic Tires for L.M.S.. Armstrong-Siddeley Motors, Ltd., 206
- Road Containers, Increase in Stock of. (411)
- " Royal Scot " Fast Run Between Bletchley and Huston, (97)
- St. Pancras Hotel, Now Offices, (437)
- Sharbrook Viaduct. Electric Welding of. (411)
- Signal Posts 'from British Steel, (564)
- Silver Jubilee Exhibition at Euston, 479
- Staff Transference to St. Pancras, (619)
- Steel Rolling Stock. Statistics, (97)
- Viaduct, Rebuilding Burleigh, 1, (43)
- Victoria. Station. Manchester, Improvements at, (97)
- London and North-Eastern Railway :
- Annual Report. Details, (329)
- Cinema Coach on Leeds Express. (565)
- High-speed Experimental Train, 345
- Highspeed Railway Run to Newcastle and Back, 270
- " Location " Board Displaces Signals on Boroughhridge Branch, (71)
- Locomotive Coal Wagons, 100 in Service.(565)
- London and North-Eastern Railway and Railway Electrification, 241
- Marshalling Yard at Shildon, Closing ol (43)
- Peterborough, Improvement:3 for Freight Traffic, (148)
- Programme for 1935, L.N.E. Railway Construction, 31
- Rating Assessment, 443
- Records Between London and Newcastle. 241, (275)
- Resignalling of Paragon Station, Hull, 463
- Restaurant Cars for King's Cross-Scotland Service. (411)
- " Silver Jubilee Train," King's Cross to Newcastle, (275)
- Mersey Railway, Annual Report, (246)
- Ministry of Transport. Secretarial Appointments, (463)
- South African Railways and Harbours Annual Report, 122
- Southern Railway :
- Annual Meeting, Passenger Receipts, (275)
- Annual Report, Statistics. (225)
- Appointments. (97)
- Automatic Coal-sorting Screens at Deptford Wharf, (411)
- Cable Laying under River Ouse at Lewes. (489)
- Chairman of Southern Railway Elected, Mr. Robert M. Holland-Martin, 31, (43)
- Coulstlon-Earlswood Line Opened Thirty-five Years Ago, (385)
- Deptford Street Lights and Interference with Lights of Semaphore Signals. (149)
- Dover-Dunkirk Train Ferry, Delay in Construction at Dover, (275)
- Further Electrified Area under Consideration, (669)
- Rating Appeal Allowed, (173)
- Resignalling Waterloo Station, (513)
- Southampton Docks, Traffic and Passenger Statistics for January. (225)
- Waterloo Station, Transposition of Lines Between Wimbledon and. 31
- Tire Treads of Various Tapers, Northern Railway of France, Experiments on, (392)
- Train Mileage Statistics, (13)
- Vacuum Brake, Thermo-dynamics of the L. Arabian. and R. M. Deeley, 1890. (225)
- Wood or Steel Sleepers. R. Latham, (123)
- Workmen's Fares. Proposed Reduction of 13)
- Electrification of Railways :
- Eastbourne and Hastings Electrification, (645)
- Electrification of Central Railway of Brazil. Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.. 419
- Electrification of Great Eastern Section of London and North-Eastern Railway, a Losing Proposition, (385)
- Electrification of Lines from Liverpool-street, (13)
- Electrification of Railways in East London, (275)
- Electrification of Southern Railway, Results, of, (463)
- Railway Electrification, 241
- Sevenoaks Electrified Section Opened, (13)
- Southern Railway Electrified Extension to Eastbourne and Hastings. 664, 666
- Suburban Railway Electrification, 73
- " Cock o' the North " Returns to England, (248)
- Colombia Six-engined Meter-gauge Locomotive for, Sentinel Waggon %Yorks, Ltd., 16 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Great Western Railway Streamlined Locomotive 4-6-0 Type, No. 6014 " King Henry VII," 302
- High-speed Streamlined Locomotive for German State Railways. Borsig Lokomotiv-Werke, 302
- Locomotive Testing Station at Vitry, Monsieur Pierre Place, 427
- Locomotives for India, Narrow Gauge, W. G. Bagnall, Ltd.. 131
- Locomotives of the Railway Companies Statistics, (645)
- London, Midland and Scottish 4-6-0 Mixed
- Traffic Locomotive, 16 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935); Freight Locomotive No. 8000," 678; Two-cylinder 2-6-2 Superheated Tank Engines, W. Stanier, (275); " Silver Jubilee it Locomotive, " No. 5552," (365); " Silver Jubilee "
- Locomotive to ho Chromium Plated, (411); Tank Locomotives for 14.M.S., Twenty 2-6-2.; 303); Turbine Locomotive " No. 6202," 4-6-2 L.M.S.. (669)
- London and North-Eastern 2-8--2 Express Passenger Locomotive, 16 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- " Rocket," Full-size Reproduction for Science Museum, R. Stephenson and Co.. Ltd., (303); Model at South Kensington, (437)
- Streamlined Locomotives, Borsig, (97)
- Streamlined Locomotivo for German State Railways, Borsig, (645)
- Streamlined Steam Locomotive, American Locomotive Company, 547
- Diesel, Oil, and Oil-Electric (also Railcars) Oil-engined Electric Locomotives for Ceylon Government Railways, Two Armstrong-Whitworth. (123)
- Oil-engined Locomotive 'Princess Royal' for Blackpool Pleasure Beach, (513)
- Oil-engined Locomotive. 65-85 h.p., Motor Rail, Ltd., B.I.F., 587
- Oil Locomotive, 18-21 Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 664
- Oil Locomotives. Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.. 8.1.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, iv
- Railway Diesel Engines and Duty on Diesel Oil, (513)
- RAYON Yarn Factory at Preston, (303)
- Razor and Razor Blade Industry. (565)
- Reclamation of Land at South Shields. (97)
- Reclamation of Land Between Bo'ness and Grangemouth, (13)
- Reclamation on the Wash, Proposed Works for, (225)
- Rectophot. Apparatus for Making Photocopies of Drawings, S. Bornott and Co., Ltd., 104
- Reflection Meter and its Application, W. Pollard Digby, 219
- Refractory Lining for Rotary Furnaces, Improved, (199)
- Refrigerating Plant on Motor Vessel " New Zealand- Star," 337
- Refuse Destructor Plant. at Bordeaux, Heenan and Froudo, lAd., 244, 252
- Refuse Disposal in Paris, 569
- Refuse for Electricity at Glasgow. (679)
- Representative Samples and Commercial Testing. A. Haas, 202
- Research, Annual Report on Scientific and Industrial, 152
- Research Associations, Services, of, 439
- Research Department, Functions of a, 'I'. M. Herbert, 223
- Resin Product " Keebush," Laminated, (350)
- Retaining Walls, Calculating the Pressure Exerted by Granular Materials on Plain. (123)
- River Trent Catchment Board's Report, 87
- River Trent Catchment Board, Work of, 150, 156, 176
- By-pass Road Round Winchester Commenced, (43)
- Chertsey Arterial Road Extension, (173)
- Fatal Road Accidents, Statistics, (436)
- International Road Congress, Presentation to Mr. E. B. Hart, (184).
- Leckwith Viaduct, Cardiff, Opening of, (437)
- London Road Schemes, 189, (199)
- Main Roads with No Footpaths, (593)
- Pedestrian Crossings and Minister of Transport, (13)
- Road Breaker, Petrol. ll'arsop Petrol Drill and Tools, Ltd., B.I.F., 544
- Road Bridge Design, 215
- Road Haulage of Railway Companies, Details of, (275)
- Road Level Crossings Over Railways, (645)
- Road•making Machinery, Millars' Machinery Company, Ltd., B.1. F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Road Plan, Five-year, 113
- Road Traffic and Road Accidents, 45
- Road Traffic Problem, Bringing Science into the, Colonel Mervyn O'Gorman before British Science Guild, 53
- Road Transport Legislation. 61
- Road Transportation Competition by Taxis in South Africa, (251)
- Roads and Bridges, Leeds Corporation, Town Planning and Improvements in, (463)
- Roads in Great Britain, Statistics, Dr. K. G. Fenelon, (224)
- Street Traffic Signals Installations, (13)
- Toll Roads and Bridges in United Kingdom, Statistics, (437)
- Traffic Census in August, (648)
- ROCK Drill, Petrol-driven, Warsop Petrol Drill and Tools, Ltd., B.I. F., 544
- Rocket, Trials of Improved Life-line, (43)
- Roller Bearings, Enclosures for Tapered, British Timken, Ltd., 130
- Roller Bearings for Rolling Mill Equipment, Application of Taper, (97)
- Roller, " Advance " Lightweight, Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Roller, Road, 6-Ton Oil Engine Driven, Aveling-Barford, Ltd., R.I.P. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Roller, Victor Hand-guided Motor, Aveling-Barford, Ltd., R.I.P. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Roller, 21-Ton Light, Aveling-Barford, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Rolling Mill Drive, Hyposynchronous Motor, Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., 259
- Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 663
- Royal National Lifeboat Institution -Report of Work during 1934, (13)
- Rubber, Apparatus for Study of Ageing of, (12)
- Rubber, Leningrad Works for Manufacturing Synthetic, (97)
- Rubber, Moscow's Experimental Factory for Synthetic, (619)
- Rubber Resin " Rubbone," Dr. H. P. Stevens and W. H. Stevens, (618)
- Russian Oil Engine Trial Results, (Note, 5251
- SAFE Load Indicator, Crane, George Salter and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 617
- Safe Load Indicators, Design of, 249
- Safety in Mines, Research Board's Report, 87
- Sand and Gravel Excavation by Slack Line Cableways, (173)
- Sandpaper, Method of Attaching Abrasive Grains to, (411)
- Sanitary Works of Paris, 569
- Saw Set, James Neill and Co., Ltd., (550)
- Scales, Grain Mixing, I. and T. Avery, Ltd.. B.I.F., 589
- Science, House of, for London, 319
- Science and the Road Traffic Problem, Colonel Mervyn O'Gorman before the British Science Guild, 53
- Science Museum, New, 373
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Annual Report, 152
- Absolute Pressure Gauge, Negretti and Zambra, 68
- Ammeter, Small "Tong Test," Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 70
- Apparatus for Measurement of Minute Displacements, E. R. Wigan, 69
- Apparatus for Measuring Thermal Conductivity at Moderate and High Temperatures, R. W. Powell, 68
- Balance Car and Lift of 24ft. Wind Tunnel at Farnborough, Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 516, 519
- Cable Tracer and Fault Locator, Price and Belsham, Ltd., 105
- Comparator, Optical, Cooke, Troughton and Sims, Ltd., R.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, ii
- " Coordimeter," Instrument for Measuring Deflection of Tall Structures, (593)
- Cathode Ray Tube, High-tension, Edison Swan Electric Company, Ltd., 68
- Circuit Breaker, Igranic Electric Company, Ltd., 70
- Control System for Valves, Drayton Regulator and Instrument Company, Ltd., 41
- Direction Indicator, Wing Speed and, Elliott Bros., Ltd.; 41
- Earth Testing Apparatus, British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Station, 70
- Electrical Instruments, Ferranti Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, vi
- Extent3ometer, Scratch, Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., R.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Flame Anemometer, Davies - Simpson, Negretti and Zambra, 68
- Float Regulator, Hagan, James Gordon and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 510
- Grapher, " Cadet " Portable, Everett Edgecumbe, Ltd., 12
- Illumination Meter, General Electric Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 571
- Indicator, Crane Safe Load, Wylie Safe Load Indicators, Ltd., Sir William Arrol and Co., Ltd., 259
- Indicator, Prismatic Acid Level, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Insulating Oil Tester, Portable, Everett. Edgecumbe, Ltd., 12
- Insulation Testing Set, Post Office Engineering Research Station, 42
- Light Testing Instrument, Ferranti Ltd., 11
- Magnetostriction Apparatus, Admiralty Laboratory, 42
- Measuring Instruments,Negretti and Zambra, B.I.F., 544
- Meters, Prepayment House Service, Brit WI Sangamo Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 589
- Mining Statoscope, Negretti and Zambra, 68
- Photometer, Comparative, Salford Instrument Works, 11
- Pyrometer, Contact.Thermo-couple, Hadfiolds Ltd., 40
- Pyrometer, Disappearing Filament., Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., B.1. F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Pyrometer and Thermometer, Indicating, Negretti and Umbra, B.I.F., 544
- Receiving Panel, Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., 12
- Recording Instruments, Cambridge Instillment Company, Ltd., B.1. F. 17.5.35, ii
- Recorders, G. Kent, Ltd., 40
- Recorders for Registering Roll Pressures, (149)
- Reflection Meter and its Application, W. Pollard Digby, 219, 254
- Relay, Delayed Operation, Weston Electrical Instrument Company. Ltd., 68
- Reverberation Meter, 'Western Electric Company, Ltd., 11
- Scale Indicator, Projected, Foster Instrument Company, Ltd.. 69
- Scientific Instruments, Cooke, Troughton and Sims, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, i
- Temperature Control Equipment, Automatic, Foster Instrument Company, 13.1.10., 511
- Temperature Controller, " Flexipush " Automatic, Foster Instrument Company, 69
- Tensile Testing Machine for Testing Wire, General Electric Company Research Laboratories, 11
- Transmitter, Evershed-Midworth, 12 Unit for Testing Electricity Meter Bearings, G. F. Shotter, 42
- Universal Bridge, Cambridge Instrument Company, 70
- Valve Microphonicity Test., Post Office Engineering Research Station, 42
- Valve Voltmeters, Salford Instrument Works, 11
- Voice Frequency Signal Receiver, Post Office Engineering Research Station, 42
- Voltage Regulator, Isenthal and Co., Ltd., 40
- Water Level Gauge. James Gordon and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 510-\\rater Level Indicator, Evershed and Vignotes, Ltd., 12
- Wireless Components, Muirhead and Co., Ltd., 69
- X -ray Apparatus. Philips Industrial, Lt d., 68
- SCIENTIFIC Management.. International Congress for, (437)
- Scientific Management Congress. (593)
- Scientific Research, Parliamentary Science Committee and, (513)
- Screen, Vibratory, Niagara Screens (Great Britain.), Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii
- Screw, Safety, Craftplugs, Ltd., (372)
- Screws and Nuts, Efficiency of Acme, 108
- Scythe, Mechanical, British Estate Services, Ltd., 232
- Sea Defence Scheme; Romney Marsh Catchment Board's, (71)
- Sea Power Scheme, The Claude, 113
- Sea Water, E.M.F. Between Metals in. .1. W. Willstrop, 107
- Selection of a Factory Site, P. Dawson, 100
- Selenium Compounds, Unpleasant Odours from, (489)
- Selenium Production in Canada, (463)
- Separators, Magnetic, Electromagnets Ltd., B.I.F., 590
- Separators, Ore, Rapid Magnetting Company, B.I.F., 588
- Sewage Distributor, Jones and Attwood, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Sewage Ejector, Jones and Attwoocl, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, v
- Sewage Sludge, Disposal of, 210
- Sewage Sludge, Drying under Glass, (350)
- Sewage Works, Electrical Equipment at Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., 573
- Sewerage Scheme, Ilford and Barking Joint, 409, 412
- Shellac, Teatment of, (173)
- Shellac in Lacquers and Plastic Products. Interaction with Sulphur of, (52)
- Sheet Metal Working, Aluminium, British Aluminium Company, Ltd.. 448
- General :
- All-Electric Welded Ferry Ships, First Scotch. E. Denny, (303)
- Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers), Ltd., Changes Hands, (437)
- Atlantic Services of Cunard White Star Line, (329)
- Belfast Port, Tonnage of Vessels Cleared, (251)
- Big Ship Policy, Monsieur Pierre de Malglaive, 401
- " Blue Riband " Trophy, 555
- " Blue Riband " Completed, First Holders " Rex," Second Holders " Normandie," (669)
- British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft, 241
- Chamber of Shipping Report, 215
- Coastal Industry and Employment of Persons of Foreign Birth, (71)
- Coastwise Shipping Road Traffic Committee, Formation of, (357)
- Collision Risks at Sea, H. E. J. Camps, 453
- Commercial Shipping Passing Through Suez Canal, Statistics, (385)
- Commodore of Cunard White Star Line, Captain Sir Edgar Britten, (71)
- Dredger Bucket Pin, Blackie Self-locking, Hadfields, Ltd., 420
- Dutch Tramp Shipping, Position Affected by Sale to Russia, (463)
- Ferries Lose Over Mersey Tunnel, (173)
- Ferry Services at Finnieston, Steam versus Oil Engine Driven, (43)
- French Transatlantic Liners to Call at Southampton on Westward Journey, (13), (199)
- Germany's Shipping Position. Herr Essborger on, (489)
- Glen Line, Controlling Interest Acquired by Ocean Steamship Company, Ltd., (645)
- Graving Dock, Southampton, Pumping Plant and Equipment at King George V. 582, 583, 611, 637
- Holland-Africa Line Vessels to Call at Southampton, (489)
- Holland-Amerika Line to Build Subsidised Liner, (329)
- International Shipping Conference, (71)
- International Shipping Conference, 503
- Launching of Ships, J. Foster Potreo, (97)
- Life-saving at Sea, " Flotanet " Device, (275)
- Liners Between Liverpool and New York, Another Company for, (97)
- Lloyd's Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 443
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Annual Summary, 168
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Elections to General Committee, (275)
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Special Meeting, Appointments, (669)
- Marine Slipways, W. 0. Glover, 54
- Mercantile Orders, 189
- Naval Architecture, Awards of Medals by Worshipful Company of Shipwrights, 87
- Naval and Mercantile Orders, 163
- Navigation Bounty to Italian Shipowners, (251)
- Navigation at Southampton, Radio Heaton for, 1
- Now Ships for Old, 265, 291
- Palmers, Hebburn. Disposal of, 373
- Pelaw Shipyard Purchased for Industrial Purposes. (80)
- Presentation to Captain 0. Scharf, of North German Liner " Europa," by Owners of ss. " Blairgowrie," (357)
- Propellers of the " Normandie,' Augustin-Normand, 668
- Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, 76
- Red Star Line Operations, (173)
- Resistance Experiments with Models of High-speed Ships, J. L. Kent and 11. S. Outland, 430
- Royal Holland Lloyd Line, Suspension of Passenger Services to South American Ports, (173)
- Safety at Sea, Wreck Commission on, 319
- Scrapping of Ships and Effect on Employment, (199)
- seamen and Vessels, Board of Trade Census, (619)
- Ships, Electrical Leakage Detectors for, Leakage Detectors, Ltd, 157
- Shipbuilding Agreement, 635
- Shipbuilding Fusion, East Scotland. 163
- Shipbuilding Orders, 31, 139, 479
- Shipbuilding Outlook, 215
- Shipbuilding Outlook, Sir Alexander M. Kennedy, (645)
- Shipbuilding Output for 1934, (13)
- Shipbuilding Proposals by American Committee on Shipping, (43)
- Shipbuilding Statistics, 635
- Shipbuilding Subsidy in Japan, (669)
- Shipping Casualties during 1934, (149)
- Shipping Conference, International, 87
- Shipping Industry, Aid for Dutch, (199)
- Shipping Laid Up in Welsh Ports, (43)
- Shipping Losses for January, Statistics, (251)
- Shipping Statistics of Norske -Vent as, 1934, (97)
- Shipping and Sugar Beet Subsidy, 581
- Ship Replacement Committee, Appointment of Six Experts, 291
- Shipwrights' Company, Presentation of Medals for Naval Architecture Examination, 427
- Shipyard Exchange Between Scott's and Greenock Dockyard Company, Ltd.. Proposed, 31
- Shipyards on Tyne, Disposal of Armstrong-Whitworth and Co.'s, (329)
- Shipyards of Workman Clark (1928), Ltd. to be Disposed of, 427
- Shipyards' Output During 1934, United States, (43)
- Slipways. Marine, W. G. Glover, 54
- Steamship Line Between Moscow and Archangel, Proposed, (275)
- Synchronous Electric Clocks on Two Union Castle Liners, (71)
- Tees as First-class Port, Continued Improvements, (251)
- Tilbury Landing Stage, Statistics for 1934, (123)
- Tonnage of Vessels Laid Up in Sweden and Norway, (275)
- Tramp Shipping Organisation, 163
- Vessels Belonging to Germany, Ocean-going, (149)
- Vessels Chartered by Russia, Statistics, (149)
- Vessels of Furness Withy Line Purchased by Messrs. Harrison, Liverpool, Four, (539)
- Vessels Using Port of London, Statistics, (173)
- Workers in Shipbuilding Industry, (539)
- Wreck Inquiry into Losses of Steamships, (437)
- Liners and Miscellaneous Vessels :
- " Alcantara," Royal Mail Liner, Converted from Diesel to Steam Propulsion, Harland and Wolff, Ltd., (437)
- Aquitania," Grounding on Brambles Bank of Cunard White Star Liner, 401
- " Asturias," Royal Mail Liner, 7, 8
- " Atlantique," L', Disposal of, (149);
- .Judgment of Paris Court of Appeal, 1. 29
- " Britannia " to be Brought Up to Date for 1935 Racing Season, (13)
- " Britannic," Ports of Call of Cunard White Star Motor Liner, (463)
- " Caledonia," Clyde Passenger Steamer, 9. 14
- " Coto," Launch at Portsmouth of Yacht. (411)
- " Christel Vinnen," Converted to Motor Ship, Five-masted Schooner, (43)
- " Columbia " (Late Red Star Liner " Belgenland "), Panama-Pacific Line, (43)
- " Derbyshire." Launch of Bibby Line Motor Ship, (645)
- " Dorset " Motor Vessel, Federal Steam Navigation Company, Ltd. (Supplement. January 4th, 1935)
- "Duke of York," Launch of L.M.S. Railway Steamer, (251) 609
- " Dun.troon," Launch of Motor Vessel. Melbourne Steamship Company. Ltd., 373
- " Empress of Britain," Inspection of Canadian Pacific Liner, (593)
- " Empress of Britain " in Collision, Canadian Pacific Liner, 635
- " Europa," Overhaul of Norddeutsclier-Lloyd Liner, (199)
- " France," Breaking Up French Liner, (463)
- "Framfield," Thames Oil-electric Tug. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. 310
- " Georgic " Calls at Southampton. Cunard White Star Linor, (489)
- " Gneisenam," Launch of N.D.L. Liner. (593)
- " Hai Chen," Steamship, China Merchants Steam Navigation Company (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- " Imperial Star," Maiden Voyage of Blue Star Liner, (97)
- " Kartosono," Rotterdam Lloyds Liner, Monotubo Extra High-pressure Boilers for, Sulzer Bros., (173)
- " Leviathan," Withdrawal from Service. United States Liner, (329), 345
- " Moira," Launch of All-welded Oil Tanker, (463)
- " Mangalore," Shortening of Brocklebank Liner, (199)
- " Manhattan," Record Trip of U.S. Liner. (275)
- "Manoora," Trials of Motor Ship, Adelaide Steamship Company, (173)
- " Massey Shaw " Fire-fighting Float for Thames, (225), 427
- " Mathura," Shortening 9700-Ton D.W. Vessel, Smith's Dock Company, Ltd.. (123), (199)
- " Mauretania," The Passing of the, (329)
- " Mauretania," Breaking-up of the Liner. 345; Last Voyage of, (619); Ready for Last Trip (669); Result of Auction of Fittings of, (565)
- " Normandie," 79,000-Ton French Line Liner (Supplement. January 4th, 1935; Maiden Voyage of French Liner. (97); Cost of Running C.G.T. Liner, (199); French Liner Docked for Fitting Propellers, (303); Labour Trouble and the317; Visit to French Lino Liner, 401; Insurance of French Liner, (463); Trials of French Liner, 503; and Port of Le Havre, (565); Cost of Liner, (669) Breaks Atlantic Record, French Liner. 581; General Description of the Ship. 561, 597, 620, 622, 642, 646
- " New Zealand Star," Refrigerating Plant. on Motor Vessel, J. and E. Hall. Ltd., and Liverpool Refrigerating Company. Ltd., 337
- New Zealand Star," Trials of Blue Star Liner, (275)
- " Olympic," Laying-up of Cunard White Star Liner, (411)
- " Pacific Coaster," Coast Lines, Ltd. Motor Coasting Vessel, 373, (437)
- " Ponnland," Red Star Line Service Between New York and Southampton. (303)
- " Potsdam," Launch of Hamburg-Amerika Liner, (97)
- " Potsdam," Hamburg-American Turbo-electric Liner, 265
- " Prince Baudouin," Cross-Channel Motor Ship, 9, 14
- " Princess Maud." L.M.S. Larne-Stranraer Steamer, 9
- " Princess Royal " for Passengers on Thames, Oil-engined Propelled, (225)
- " Queen Margaret," Electrically Propelled Passenger and Motor Ferry, 9
- " Queen Mary," 73.000-Ton Cunard White Star Liner (Supplement, January 4th. 1935)
- " Queen Mary," Preparation for Floating to Sea, (225)
- " Queen Mary," Progress on Cunard White Star Liner, (329)
- " Queen Mary," German Plywood for Cunard White Star Liner, (437)
- " Roslin Castle," Completion of Union Castle Liner, 555
- " Rothesay Castle," Completion of Union Castle Liner, 555
- " Royal Princess," Thames Motor Vessel. (539)
- " Royal Silver Jubilee, 1910-1935," Lifeboat, (329)
- " Saxon," Sale of Union Castle Liner. (357)
- " Scharnhorst," North German Lloyd Liner. German Steamship Service to Far East, (251), 265; Maiden Trip of N.D.L. Liner, (593)
- " Slieve Logue," Cargo and Livestock Steamer for Holyhead-Dublin Service, (225)
- " Strathmore," P. & O. Liner, 373, 389
- " Twickenham Ferry," Southern Railway Twin-screw ss., 8, 14
- " Unsworth." Owners and Master Exone-rated, (669)
- " Ville d'Alger," Launch of Mediterranean Liner, 161, (173)
- " Waiwera," Motor Cargo Vessel, 8
- " Wanganella," First Year of Service of Huddart Parker Motor Liner, (275)
- " Westernland " Opens Red Star Line Service from New -York to Southampton, (303)
- " Yunnan " Motor Vessel, China Navigation Company, Ltd. (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Cargo Steamers for German Subsidiary of Unilever Company, (385)
- Channel Train Ferry Steamers for Southern Railway, Sir Westcott Abell, 429, 430
- Coastal Vessels, Motor-driven, Statistics, (329)
- Dredgers and Dredging Material for Argentina, (489)
- Dutch Ships for Russia p (356)
- Empire Liner, Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, 609
- Ferry Boat for Chosen Strait, Japanese Railway Office to Build, (43)
- Ferryboat for Motor Cars on Loch Lintibe (97)
- Lifeboats for Cunard White Star Liner, " Queen Mary," Hugh MacLean and Sons, Ltd., 310
- Liner for United States Lines, 24,000-Ton. (329)
- Motor Boat, Small High-speed Armoured. British Power Boat Company, (261)
- Motor Boat Construction at Hampton Yard of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., (385)
- Motor Cargo Vessel for Sir Robert Ropner and Co., Ltd., (669)
- Motor Cargo Vessel to he Built at Sunderland, (593)
- Motor Lifeboat for Hythe, (97)
- Motor Lifeboat for Port St. Mary, Isle of Man. (619)
- Motor Ships for Soviet Government, Dutch Firm Builds, (199)
- Motor Tanker of " Arcform " Design, Launched in Holland, First, (669)
- Motor Vessels on Order on January 1st, 1935, One Hundred and Thirty-one, (43)
- Oil Tankers, Building in German Shipyards, Six, (173)
- Oldest Ships in World, Ture Renman, (43)
- Paddle Ferry Ships on Quoensferry Passage Across Forth, E. Denny, (303)
- Paddle Ships for Clyde, Oil-electrically Propelled, (329)
- Paddle Tug for Euphrates, Ardrossan Shipyard, Ltd., (173)
- Steamships Sold, Fleet of Buenos Aires, Great Southern Railway Disposed of, (357)
- Steamships with Main Boilers on Deck, K. G. Meldahl, 431
- Steam Trawler with Superheating, Evolution of Modern, W. H. C. Nicholas, 432
- Tankers in United Kingdom, Statistics, (199)
- Tug " Framfield," Thames Oil-electric, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 310
- Vessels under Construction on Clyde, Forty-four, (225)
- Vessel for Union Steamship Company, Vickers-Armstrong, Ltd., 636
- Naval Matters :
- Admiral's Barge for Admiralty Yacht " Enchantress," (539)
- British Naval Station on Persian Gulf, (385)
- Collision Between Destroyers " Escapade " and " Encounter,' (645)
- H.M.S. " Ark Royal," Aircraft Carrier, (303)
- ELM. Australian Cruiser " Sydney," 18
- H.M. Cruiser " Neptune," 18
- H.M. " E " Class Destroyer " Escapade," 19
- H.M.S. " Enchantress," Transfer of Furniture and Plate of Old Vessel to, (41 I )
- H.M.S. " Forester," Torpedo-destroyer Handed Over to Admiralty, (463)
- H.M.S. " Hood " in Dry Dock, (173)
- H.M.S. Mine-laying Submarine " Harpist," Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., (97)
- H.M.S. " Renown," Stem Piece Completed in Twenty Days by Beardmore and Co., Ltd., (275)
- H.M.S. " Renown " Repaired. (513)
- H.M. " Thames," Class Submarine " Severn," 19
- Naval Construction, 265
- Naval Orders, 1934 Programme, 113
- Naval Orders, 163, 189, 265
- Naval Shipyard at Gdynia, Poland, (645)
- Naval Vessels Completed During 1935, Twenty-seven, (43)
- Battleship for France Additional, 213,
- Destroyers for Greek Navy, British Firms to Build, (13)
- Dutch Cruiser " Do Ruyter," Launched, (619)
- "Eugenic di Savoie," Italian Light Cruiser Launched, (303)
- French Destroyer " Le Terrible," Speed Records on Trial of, (149). 161
- French Destroyers " Volta " and " Mogador," (71)
- French Naval Craft. Launch of New Type, (149)
- French Submarine " Casablanca," Launched, (149)
- German Battleship " Bayern " Salved at Scapa Flow, (489)
- German Cruiser " Goeben " Reconditioning of, Commandant Denis. 644
- Italian Destroyer, Heavy Oil-engined, (489)
- Naval Base at Hawaii, Improvements at, (173)
- Polish Destroyers to be Built at Cowes. (357)
- Portuguese Destroyer" Tejo "Launched, (513)
- Portuguese Naval Building Programme, Tenders Invited for Destroyers and Submarines, (275)
- Portuguese Submarine " Deltim." 20. 21
- Siamese Coastal Motor Torpedo Boats, Trials of, John I. Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., (71)
- Spanish Navy Building Programme, (71 h (303)
- SHOVEL. Mechanical, Chaseside Engineering Company. R.1. F. Suppt., 17.5.35, ii
- Shovel, Three-eighths Cubic Yard Drag, Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt.. 24.5.35, iv
- Shrinkage Bath, " Drikold." Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 24.5.35, viii
- Simplified Form of Direct Flooding Calculations. J. L. Scott, 431
- Sixty Years Ago, 22, 52, 74, 101, 122, 148, 169, 198, 221, 250, 274, 297, 333, 364, 393, 410, 441, 460, 488, 522, 547, 568, 618. 641, 672
- Skilled Workmen, Need for, 555
- Slide Rule, Trigonometrical, A. G. Thornton, Ltd., 300; Note, (372)
- Smokeless Fuel Factory at Garnkirk, Proposed. (385)
- Soap Making Machinery, Henry Simon, Ltd. B.I.F., 570
- Soap Plodder, Henry Simon, Ltd., R.I.P., 570
- Social Credit Scheme, Douglas, 537
- Social Credit, Announcement of Special Article by Dr. W. H. Coates, 595, Articles 610, 636 (sec Letters to the Editor)
- Sounds Produced by Explosives. (329)
- Aeroplanes for Union Airways, 630
- Air Service, South-West Africa, 392
- Air Travel, Increase of, 158
- Alcohol from Maize, 630
- Ammunition Guns and Aeroplanes, 629
- Bloemfontein Locomotive Record, 158
- Building Boom, 496
- Bus Building in the Union, 392
- Cargo Ships, Faster, 391
- Corrugated Sheets Rolled at Pretoria Works First, 496
- Diamond Mines Start Again, 250
- Dock Plans, Large, 158
- Durban•Cato Bridge Electrification, 158
- East London Turning Basin, 158
- Electricity for Johannesburg, More, 158
- Electrification of the Rand, 490
- Electrified Line Opened Between Ladysmith and Harrismith, 158
- Engine Factory for the Union, 496
- Ferro-manganese Production in the Union, 56
- Fighting Planes, New, 158
- First Trains in Cape Province, 158
- Gold Industry, Advance in, 250
- Government Scientific Treatise, 496
- Harbours, Report on Union, 56
- Industries, Advance in South African, 496
- Industrial Progress, Union, 392
- Improved Transport Services, 250
- Irrigation Schemes, Series of, 56
- Machinery for the Mines, 158
- Mining Employment Increased, 496
- Motor Cars, Imports of, 630
- Oil Refining Plant at Durban, 56
- Petrol Production in September, 630
- Pretoria Ironworks, 630
- Railway Capital Expenditure, 629
- Railway Commission, New, 158
- Railway Electrification, 392
- Railway Electrification, Further, 56
- Railway Engineers, More, 391
- Railway Estimates, 392
- Railway Figures, Improved, 158
- Railway Promotions, 56
- Railway Rolling Stock, Orders for, 250
- Rhodesian Mineral Output, 630
- Sheet Mill at Pretoria, 158
- Steel Chain Industry, 392
- Torbanite Factory, 392
- Trade Improvement, Table Bay, 392
- Train Services, Speeding-up, 56
- Union Manganese Deposits, 630
- Union Mines' Expenditure, 630
- Whale Catchers, Oil-burning, 392
- SPEEDOMETER Checking on Road by A. A. (357).
- Splitter Block, British Sangamo Company. Ltd., B.I.F., 589
- Sprayer, Premier Portable Emulsion. George Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd., B.I.F., 572
- Sterlising Chests, Self-contained Steam, General Electric Company, Ltd., 664
- Stoker, Chain-grate, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iv
- Stoker." Combustioneer " Mechanical, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., and Minims Watson Company, Ltd., R.I.F. Suppt. . 24.5.35, viii
- Stoker, Fan Draught Mechanical, Meldrtum Ltd., B.1.F, 589
- Stoker, Hydraulic Machine, Joseph Foster and Sons, Ltd., 232
- Stoker, " Iron Fireman " Automatic, Alfred Herbert., Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, iii
- Stoker, Mechanical, Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company, Ltd.. B.1.10., 543
- Stoker Drive Mechanism, Moss Gear Company, Ltd., 111. P., 587
- Strain and Stress Distribution in Concrete Beams, H. H. Evans, 94
- Street Traffic Signals, Types in Groat Britain, (593)
- Stud Holes in Cylinder, Method of Transferring Spacing, (251)
- Sugar Beet Subsidy, Shipping and, 581
- Sunlight Operates Electric. Motor, (173)
- Aircraft of 1934 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Bridges of 1934 (Supplement, January 4th 1935)
- British Aero-engines of To-day (Two-page Supplement, January 18th, 1935)
- British Industries Fair at Birmingham (Eight-page Supplements, May 17th and 24th, 1935)
- Colonel R. E. Crompton, Pencil Portrait (Supplement, May 31st, 1935)
- Dams for Scottish Hydro-electric Power in 1934 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Electrical Engineering in 1934 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Forging Press and Associated Plant of the English Steel Corporation, Ltd., at Vickers Works, Sheffield (Two-page Supplement, February 16th, 1935)
- Hymn of Breaking Strain, Rudyard Kipling (Supplement, March 15th, 1935)
- Mersey Tunnel (Supplement, January 4th. 1935)
- THE METALLURGIST (Sixteen-page Supplement, February 22nd, 1935; April 27th. 1935; Juno 28th, 1935)
- Radiology in the Welding Art, V. E. Pullin (Four-page Supplement, April 19th, 1935)
- Steam and Motor Ships of 1934 (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- SURFACE Hardening. Method of. " Chapmanizing," (97)
- Swimming Pool at Fort Monroe, (43)
- TANKS, Largest Wooden Storage, (436)
- Tarred Cordage for Marine Purposes, (225)
- Technological Achievements, Sir Frank Smith, 604
- Automatic Telephone Exchange, General Electric Company, Ltd., 571
- Automatic Telephone Exchanges, Power Plant for, K. B. Baldwin, 339
- Automatic Telephones in Paris, (489)
- Radio-telephone Rates, Empire, (019)
- Radio Telephone Service Between Tokyo and Siam, (693)
- Short-wave Telephone and Telegraph Transmission for Podebrady, near Prague, (669)
- Telegraph Sounder which Operates with Only 6 to 10 Milliamperes, (43)
- Telephone Communication, World's, (97)
- Telephone Development in this Country, (199)
- Telephone Developments, 215
- Telephone Factory at Now Southgate, Standard Telephone and Cables, Ltd., 232
- Telephone Service Between Calcutta and Madras, (123)
- Telephones in London Area, Statistics, (173)
- Telephones in London Area, (565)
- Wireless Telephone Service Between Great Britain and South Africa, (669)
- TELESCOPES, Giant, Dr. Spencer Jones, 11
- Television, Report on, 139
- Television Broadcasting System, Leon Dainas. (669)
- Television Progress, 555
- Telford, Tablet in Westminster to Commemorate Thomas, (357)
- Temperature of One Five-thousandth of Degree Fah. Above Zero, Professor Hans, (225)
- Tester, Erichsen Pattern Sheet Metal, G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., B.I.F., 617
- Testing Machine, A. J. Inislor and Co., 676
- 'testing Machine, Griffin-Gale, Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., 308
- Testing Machines, G. H. Alexander Machinery, Ltd., 617
- Testing Strength of Materials in India, Lack of Facilities for, (13)
- Thames, Schemes for Damming the, (97)
- Thames, River, " Cut " Bet wean Weybridge and Walton, Alternative Route for Navigation, (275)
- Thames Improvement. Schemes, River, 660, 670
- Thames Improvement, Proposed Closing of Charing Cross Railway Bridge, (411)
- The Timm Congratulations on One Hundred and Fiftieth Birthday, (13)
- Thermodynamics of the Vacuum Brake, L. Archbutt and R. M. Dooley, 1890, (225)
- Thrashing Machine, Origin of, William Foster and Co.. Ltd., (214)
- Timbers, Extending the Use of Empire, (045)
- Tin, Properties of, Containing Small Amounts of Aluminium, Manganese, or Bismuth, Professor D. Hanson and E. J. Sandford, 307
- Tin Coatings, Quality of, (303)
- Tin-plate and Canning in Great Britain, (225)
- Tin Production for World, 1934, (123)
- Tower Wagon, Hydraulic, Wood Hydraulic Hoist Company, Ltd., 105
- Trade, Government Policy in Regard to, Mr. Walter Runciman, 145
- Trade Inquiry, Armament, 427
- Trade Relations Committee, Anglo-Japanese, 61
- Trade with China, British, 503
- Traffic Signals, Pedestrian-operated, 139
- Tramcar Passengers in Great Britain, (97)
- Tramway Statistics, Ministry of Transport, (71)
- Transmission Unit, Hydraulic, Haslani and Newton, Ltd., 182
- Transport Schemes in Scotland, Financial Assistance for, (669)
- Treatment and Control of Boiler Water, R. J. Gluin, 126, 131
- Trencher, Quarter Cubic Yard Excavator with Teredo, Priest man Brothers. Lt d., B.I.F.. 543
- Trigonometrical Slide Rule, A. G. Thornton, Ltd., 300; Note (372)
- Trollybus Chassis, Lightweight, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 283
- Trollybuses for Tramcars, Substitution of, (565)
- Tube Cleaner, Twin Drive Electric, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt., 17.5.35, v
- Tubes and Avoiding Tool Marks, (565)
- Tunnel, Channel, 529
- Tunnel, llersey, 5 (Supplement, .January 4th, 1935)
- Tunnel, Projected Mont Blanc Road, 453
- Tunnel Scheme, Dartford, 87
- Tunnel under Independence Pass, Colorado, No Metals Found when Boring, (43)
- Tunnel under Tyne, Matter Deferred, (149)
- Turbine for Battersea Power Station, Low-pressure Cylinder for 105,001) kW, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., (Supplement, January 4th, 1935)
- Turbine for Peru, 750 h.p. Hydraulic, Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon, Ltd., 52
- Turbines, Radial Flow Steam, Minlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., B.I.F.Suppt., 24.5.35, viii
- Turbo Machinery, Development of Parsons Industrial, 32, 62, 88, 114, 140, (158), 164. 165, 190, 216, 242, 267. 292. 320, 347
- UNEMPLOYMENT Figues, 1, 163, 265, (303). 373, 453. 581
- Unemployment. in America. Railroad Retirement Acts and, (565)
- University Scholarships at Manchester, (502)
- Upper Medway Navigation Scheme, (593)
- VALVE, "Easy turn," Hunt and Mitton, Ltd., B.I.F., 616
- Valve, Electric Thrusher Operated Control Cope's Regulation, Ltd., B. I Jo. Supple, 24.5.35, iii
- Valve, Fluid-tight Drain, Hopkinsons, Ltd., 205
- Valve on Leicester Water Supply, Burst, 113
- Valve Seat Grinding Equipment, " Vibro-centric," Black and Dorian, Ltd., 13.1.1. Suppe., 24.5.35, i
- Valves, Hunt and Mit ton, Ltd., B.I.F., 616
- Valves, Sodium-cooled, Bristol Aeroplane Company, 64, 104
- Valves for King George V Craving Dock, Glen-field and Kennedy, Ltd., 611
- Vehicles on the Roads, Stet istics. (437)
- Vehicles Using Mersey 'funnel, Statistics. (385)
- Vibrator, Mechanical, F. Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., B.1.10., 571
- WAGES and the Engineering Unions, (199)
- Wages in Canada, (539)
- Wages in Engineering Industry, 301
- Wages in Industry, Hours and, 581
- Wages in Mercantile Marine, Part Restoration of Cuts, (149)
- Waste Vulcanised Rubber. Regenerative Process for, (669)
- Water Containing Heavy Oxygen in Appreciable Concentration, 3. B. M. Herbert, (411)
- Haweawater Scheme for Manchester Water Supply, 373
- Leicester Water Supply, Burst Valve on, 113
- Paris Water Supply, 218
- Reservoir at Hatton for Warwick Water Supply, (149)
- Reservoirs for London. Additional, 529
- Water from the Greensands, Layne Weil System, Howard Farrow, Ltd., 486
- Water Resources of Canada, (251)
- Water Power Resources in Canada. (565)
- Water Supplies. 163
- Water Supplies, Conservation of, 555
- Water Supplies for Rural Districts, 427
- Water Supplies in America, Conservation of, 446
- Water Supply. South Essex. 574
- Water Supply of Marseilles, 553
- Water Supply Scheme for Driffield, (149)
- 'Water Survey, Proposed Inland, 139
- Water Tap Waste in Glasgow, (357)
- WEIGHER, Electrically Controlled Automatic Henry Simon, Ltd., B.I.F., 570 ILLF..570
- Weigher, Grain, Henry Simon, Ltd., B.I.F. 570
- Arc Welding Electrode, " Toolweld," (619)
- Multiple Arc Welding Equipments, Oerlikon Company, 601
- Thyratron Control Equipment for Spot Welding, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., B.I.F. Suppt.. 24.5.35, vi
- Welded Gas Purifier at Dillingham, (593)
- Welding, 613
- Welding, Developments in. 210
- Welding of Iron and Steel, Iron and Steel Institute's Symposium on, 506; (Leading Article, 515), 532, 559. 599, 813
- Welding Apparatus. British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 11.1.10. Suppt. 17.5.35, i
- Welding Art, Radiology in the, V. E. Pullin. 402 (Four-page Stopplement, April 19th . 1935)
- Welding Met to Detect. Troubles in Conduits, (357)
- WIND Tunnel at Farnborough, 24ft., 351
- Windmill Power Station at Balaclava, 100-kW, (149)
- Wind Tunnel at S. Harnborough, 241t.. 351. 380, 386; (Leading Article, 387), 468
- Wire Annealed in Atmosphere of Methanol Gas, (275)
- Wire Cloth, Woven, G. A. Harvey and Co. (London), Ltd., B.I.F., 018
- Wire-drawing Muchine, Automatic, Brookes (Oldbury ), Ltd.. B. it. F.. 589
- Australian Broadcasting Stations, Five Additional Regional Stations, (487)
- Bunghead Broadcasting Station, Work Commenced on, (71)
- Control Radio Telephony Stations at Lympne and Pulham, (71)
- Loud Speakers in Rotherham, Magistrates' Courts, (539)
- Loud-speaking Master Station, General Elecric Company, Ltd.. B.I.F., 571
- Micro Waves Transmission Station at Monte Rosa for Marchese Marconi, (199)
- Radio Beacons on Air Routes, (71)
- Radio Receiving Apparatus, Photo-electric Cells for Checking Fine Wire in (303)
- Radio Stations in China, (71)
- Radio Telephone Service Between England and Japan, (303)
- Radio-telephony Between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, (13)
- St. Nazaire Wireless Station, (173)
- Short-mave Stations in China, Marconi, (329)
- Wireless Aids to Air Navigation, Marconi Company Acquire T‘so Patents, (123)
- Wireless on All Sea-going Vessels, Canadian Government and Compulsory, (22)
- Wireless Beacon for Livorpool Aerodrome. 310
- WOOD Preservation, Arsenic for, 368
- Woodworking Machinery, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., B.I.F., 511
- Wool, Improved Method of Drying, Experiments at Bradford Technical College, (225)
- World Survey, Monthly Magazine, (502)
- Worm-geared Motor Units, British Thomson -Houston Company, Ltd., 496
- Worm (sears, T)r. H. E. Merritt, 228, 234
- X-RAY Mutants or " Sports " of Plants, (173)
- ZINC. Electrolytic Production of, (593)
A Seven Day Journal
- AERODROME Survey, British, 503
- Aero-Engine Developments, 241
- Air Attacks, Defence Against, 241
- Aircraft Construction, Accelerated, 503
- Aircraft Operating Costs, American, 479
- Air Estimates for 1935, 291
- Air Mails, Empire, 113
- Air Ministry and Accelerated Aircraft Construction, 503
- Air Survey, An Ordnance, 659
- Air Transport in Europe, 453
- Airways of Great Britain, 373
- Albert Canal, Section Antwerp to Herenthals Opened, 503 (bee also Special Articles)
- American Aircraft Operating Costs, 479
- American Airship Disaster, 163
- Anglo-Japanese Trade Relation Committee, 61
- Anti-noise Competition, French, 427
- "Aquitania," Grounding on Brambles Bit of Cunard White Star Liner, 401
- Armament Trade Inquiry, Royal Commission, 189 ' First. Public Meeting, 427
- Arms, Private Trading in, 555
- Aswan Dam Contractors, Honours for, 401
- Atlantic Liner " Empress of Britain " in Collsion, 635
- Atlantic Record, " Normandie " Sets up, 581
- Atmospheric Pollution, 555
- BANQUET to Colonel R. E. B. Crompton on his Ninetieth Birthday, 581
- Battersea Power Station, Additional Plant at, 163
- Beeman, Engineer Rear Admiral Robert, Appointed Special Director of Vickers -Armstrong, Ltd., 529
- Bell, Sir Thomas, Retirement of, 345
- Birthday Honours, 581
- Blind Flying, Advice on, 529
- Blue Riband Trophy, 555
- Boiler-house Practice, City and Guilds Ltd London Institute's Examination in, 291
- Boiler Symposium at Institute of Marine Engineers, 265
- Bridge for China over Chien Tang River, 189
- British Aerodrome Survey, 503
- British Aircraft Development Scheme, 61
- British Corporation Register of Shipping and Aircraft, 241
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association, Annual Meeting, 319
- British Electrical Development Association Annual Luncheon, 291
- British Industries Fair at Olympia and White City, 189, 581
- British Motor Industry, 31
- British Trade, Progress of, 189
- British Trade with China, 503
- Brussels International Exhibition Opened, 453
- Burleigh Viaduct, Rebuilding, 1
- Burst Valve on Leicester Water Supply, 113
- CENTRAL Electricity Board, Appointment Mr. H. Hobson as General Manager, 61
- Chairman of Southern Railway, 31
- Chamber of Shipping Report, 215
- Channel Tunnel, Annual Meeting of Channel Tunnel Company, Ltd., 529
- Channel Tunnel Scheme, Senator Yves le Trocquer and, 265
- China, British Trade with, 503
- City and Guilds College Jubilee, 139 (and 146)
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Examination for Boiler-house Practice, 291
- Claude Sea Power Scheme, 113
- Clyde-Forth Canal Scheme Revived, 453
- Coal, Oil from, 659
- Coal Burning, 345
- Coal-burning Appliance Makers' Association, 61
- Coal Consumption, Decline in, 139
- Coast Lines, Ltd., Motor Vessel Launched, "Pacific Coaster," 393
- Collision Risks at Sea, 453
- Colloidal Fuel Development at Cardiff, 113
- Colvilles, Ltd., History of Firm of, 319
- Commercial Laboratory for Edinburgh University, 345
- Conservation of Water Supplies, 555
- Co-operative Societies, Profit-sharing in, 31
- Corby Steel Works, Progress at, 31
- Crompton, Colonel R. E. B., Ninetieth Birthday Celebrations, 215 (Supplement, Pencil Portrait, May 3181, 1935), 555; Banquet, 581
- DANISH Bridge Connecting Island of Funen with Jutland, Opened, 503
- Dartford Tunnel Scheme, 87
- Defence Against Air Attacks, 241
- Drainage Scheme for Greater London, 319
- " Duke of York," L.M.S. Cross-Channel Turbine Steamer, 609
- " Duntroon," Launch of Motor Vessel, 373
- ECONOMICS, Engineering and, Dr. E. L. Burgin, 189
- Education, Technical, 609
- Egyptian Irrigation Schemes, 555
- Electricity Commissioner Appointed, Mr. C. G. Morley New, 453
- Electricity Merger, A London, 139
- Empire Air Mails, 113
- Empire Liner, Union Steamship Company's, 609
- " Empress of Britain " in Collision, 635
- Engineering and Economics, Dr. E. L. Burgin, 189
- Engineering Apprenticeship Certificate Scheme, An Extended, 1
- Engineering in Scotland, 503
- Engineering Overseas, 61
- Engineers' Memorial Tablet to Maudslay, Sons and Field, 265
- Engineers' Wages, 373
- Explosion at Reinsdorf, Germany, 635
- FACTORIES, Two-day Shifts in, 635
- Federation of British Industries, Sir Francis Joseph Elected President, 291
- Fire Float " Massey Shaw," Thames Powerful, 427
- Five-year Road Plan, 113
- Flying Boat " Lieutenant de Vaisseau Paris," Mishap to, 635
- Food Industry, Metals in the, 87
- Forestry in British Empire, 659
- Forth Road Bridge, 241
- Forty-hour Week, 659
- Foundry Practice, National School of, 345
- French Anti-noise Competition, 427
- French Railway Accident at Marcheprime, 401
- Fuel Oil Duties, Proposed, 401
- Fuel Research Station, Greenwich, 609
- GAS Defence, 635
- Gas Grid, Proposed Scottish, 113, 139
- Gebel Aulia Dam, 319
- "Graf Zeppelin," Accident to Airship, 401
- Great Western Railway Construction Programme, 1
- Greater London Drainage, 319
- Greenwich Fuel Research Station, 609
- Grit Trouble at Stepney, 503
- HAWES WATER Scheme, 373
- Heat Insulation in the Tropics, 291
- Heriot-Watt College Extensions, 11:3
- H.M.S. Aircraft Carrier " Ark Royal," 265
- H.M.S. " Fury," Trials of, 529
- H.M. Sloop " Indus," Completion of, 529
- Holland-Martin, Mr. Robert M., Elected as Chairman of Southern Railway, 31
- Hours and Wages in Industry, 381
- House of Science for London, 319
- IMPERIAL Air Mails, 215
- Industry, Noise in, 479
- Industry, Overtime in, 87
- Industry, Reorganisation in, 189
- Industry, Shorter Hours in, 529
- Industry in Canada, 373
- Inland Water Survey, Advisory Committee on, 139
- Institute of Welding, Presidential Address, Sir Alexander Gibb, 581
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Annual Dinner Report, 241
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Annual Dinner, 163
- Institutions' Jubilee Address, 453
- Internal Combustion Engine Group, Spring Meeting, 319
- International Shipping Conference, 503
- Iraq Pipe Line, 61
- Italian Aircraft Testing Station, 453
- Italy's Air Programme, 345
- JUBILEE Address from the British Engineering Institutions, 453
- Jubilee Exhibition at Science Museum, 479
- KELVIN Medal Presented to Sir John Ambrose Fleming, 479
- Key Industry Inquiry, 453
- Kut Barrage, Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Obtain Contract for Work on, 31
- "L'ATLANTIQUE," Underwriters' Liability, 1
- "Leviathan," Laying-up of United States
- Lines Liner, 345
- Locomotive Testing Station at Vitry. 427
- London Dock Works, Proposed, 291
- London Electricity Merger, 139
- London Iron and Steel Exchange Annual Dinner, 113
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Construction Programme, 1
- L.M.S. Railway, " Silver Jubilee " Exhibition, 479
- London and North-Eastern Railway, 1935 Programme, 31
- L.N.E. Railway Rating Assessment, 453
- London and North-Eastern Railway, Record Run to Newcastle and Back, 241, (275)
- London Passenger Transport Board, Wages Discussion, 61
- London Power Company, Ltd., Annual General Meeting, 163
- London Television Station, 609
- London Transport Scheme, 609
- MACHINERY Orders for China, 215
- "Macon," Disaster to American Airship, 163
- Manchester Ship Canal, Annual Report, 189
- Manchester Water Supply, Haweswater Scheme, 373
- Maudslay, Sons and Field, Junior Institution of Engineers' Memorial Tablet to, 265
- "Mauretania," Breaking-up of, 345
- Mayor, Mr. Sam, Retirement of, 1
- Metals in Food Industry, 87
- Military College of Science " At Home," 609
- Mines, Safety in, 87
- Mining Journal, Centenary, 609
- Mont Blanc Road Tunnel, Projected, 453
- Motor Transport, Noise of, 319
- Motor Units for Colonial Use, Hardy Southal Tractor, 373
- NATIONAL Electrical Convention, Luncheon, 427; (Leading Article, 439)
- National Physical Laboratory, Official Inspection, 659
- National School of Foundry Practice, 345
- Naval Orders, 113, 163, 189, 265, 345
- Naval Construction, Navy Estimates. 1935. 265
- Navigation at Southampton, 1
- New Year Honours, 1
- Noise in Industry, 479
- Noise of Motor Transport, 319
- " Normandie," Visit to French Line Liner, 401; Trials of French Liner, 503
- " Normandie " Sets Up Atlantic Record, 681
- OIL from Coal, 479, 659
- Oil in Great Britain, 529
- Ordnance Air Survey, 659
- Overtime in Industry, 87
- PALMERS, Hebburn, 373
- Patents in 1934, 555
- Pedestrian-operated Traffic Signals, 139
- Pedestrian Traffic Signals in Trafalgar Square, 215
- Pioneer Work of British Engineers Overseas, 61
- Port of London Authority, Proposed Dock Works, 291
- Private Trading in Arms, 555
- Profit Sharing in Co-operative Societies, 31
- Profit Sharing in 1934, 659
- Pyrenees-COO d'Azur Express Disaster. 401
- RAILWAY Air Services, Expenditure on, 241
- Railway Electrification, 241
- Railway Wages, 87
- Rebuilding a Viaduct at Burleigh, Derbyshire, 1
- Reinsdorf, Germany, Explosion at, 635
- Reservoirs for London, Additional, 529
- River Wey Drainage Scheme, 529
- Road Bridge, Proposed Severn, 659
- Road Bridge Design, 215
- Road Plan, A Five-year, 113
- Road Schemes, London, 189
- Road Transport Legislation, 61
- Royal Aeronautical Society, Garden Party, 479
- Rural Electrification in Northamptonshire, 241
- Rural Water Supplies, 427
- Russian Air Disaster, 529
- Russian Oil Engine Trial Results. 345
- Russian Orders for England. 139
- SAFETY at Sea, 319
- 'Safety in Mines, 87
- Science, Military College of, 609
- Science Museum, New, 373
- Scientific Services, State, 479
- Scottish Gas Grid, Proposed, 139
- Sea Power Scheme, The Claude, 113
- Severn Road Bridge, Proposed, 659, (669)
- Shipbuilding Agreement, 635
- Shipbuilding Fusion, East Scotland, 163
- Shipbuilding Orders, 31, 139, 163, 189, 479
- Shipbuilding Outlook, 215
- Shipbuilding Statistics, 635
- Ship Policy, Big, 401
- Shipping, Less Idle, 427
- Shipping and Sugar Beet Subsidy, 581
- Shipping Conference, International, 87
- Ships,' New for Old, 265, 291
- Shipwrights, Worshipful Company of, 87
- Shipwrights' Company, Presentation of Medals to Winners in Examinations in Naval Architecture, 427
- Shipyard Exchange at Glasgow, Proposed, 31
- Shorter Hours in Industry, 529
- Skilled Workmen, Need for, 555
- South African Empire Exhibition, 61
- Southampton, Navigation at, 1
- Southern Railway Chairman. Mr. Robert M. Holland-Mitrtin, 31
- South Wales Coal Merger, 189
- State Scientific Services, 479
- Steel Trade Prosperity, 659
- "Strathmore," Launch of P. and O. Liner, 373
- Suez Canal Report, 609
- Sugar Beet. Subsidy, Shipping and, 581
- TECHNICAL Education, 609
- Telephone Developments in Great Britain, 215
- Television, Report of Committee on, 139
- Television Progress, 555
- Trade Relations Committee, Anglo-Japanese, 61
- Traffic Signals, Pedestrian-operated, 139
- Train, L.N.E. High-speed Experimental, 345
- Tramp Shipping Organisation, 163
- Trent Catchment Board's Report, River, 87
- Tropics, Reinforced Aluminium Foil for Insulation of Buildings in, 291
- Two-day Shifts in Factories, 635
- Tyne Improvement Committee. Proposed Deep-water Quay, 291
- Tyne Quay, Proposed, 291
- Tyneside Industries, 345
- UNEMPLOYMENT Figure.s, 1, 163, 265, 373, 453, 581
- Union Castle Liners, 555
- Union Steamship Company's Vessel at Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 635
- VICKERS-ARMSTRONG Appointment, 529
- Vary Locomotive Testing Station, 427
- WAGES, Railway, 87
- Wages in Industry, Hours and, 581
- Water Supplies, 163
- Water Supplies, Conservation of, 555
- Water Supplies of Rural Districts, 427
- Waterloo Bridge, 581
- Waterloo Station, Improvements for Running Lines, 31
- Welwyn Railway Disaster, 635, 659, (669)
- Workman, Clark (1928), Ltd.. Closing of Shipyards, 427
See Also
Sources of Information