The Engineer 1947 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1947 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 184 Index
- ABERDARE Cables, Ltd., New Industries at Port Elizabeth, 303
- Accurate Recording Instrument Co., Ltd., Tank Gauge and Recorder, 191
- Acru Electric Tool Manufacturing Co.Ltd., Spring Winding Tool, 134
- Adams Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Machine Clamp, 468
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Automatic Drilling and Reaming Machine, 251
- A1 Electric Welding Machines, Ltd. RA 25 " Spot Welder, Suppt. 5.9.47. xii
- Air Ducts, Ltd., I )611 Chuck Guard, 492
- Albert Canal, 375
- Aldersley Engineering Co., Ltd., Grain Drier, 50
- Allcock, H. J., Obituary, 415
- Allen, John, and Sons (Oxford), Ltd. Motor Scythe, 5
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., 250k\V Marino Auxiliary Generating Sot mid Circulat Suppl.. 5.9.47. x
- Allman, E., and Co., Ltd., "Speedesi" Crop Duster, 28
- Anderson D. S., Staggered Working, Hours, 176
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Production Progress, 47
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co. Ltd., 120o* b.h.p. Gas Turbine Alternator Set, 311
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Modernisation Scheme, 30
- Appleton. Sir Edward, Nobel Prize Award. 486
- Arc Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Welding Transformer, 288
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors. Ltd., Flight Test of the "Mamba " Propeller Gas Turbine Engine, 422
- Ashfield, Lord, New Appointment, 427
- Ashford Railway Works Centenary, 331
- Associated British Oil Engines, Ltd., 40 b.h.p. Horizontal Oil Engine, 51: Twelve-Cylinder, 720 b.h.p., Mirrlees Oil Engine, Suppt., 29.8.47, ii
- Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., An A.C. Network Analyser, 442
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., 100 b.h.p. Marine Oil Engines, 289
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., "Flushflo" Cartridge with Scraper, 212
- Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. Electronic Test Meter and High Sensitivity Meter, 237
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co. Ltd., Traffic Signals lit the "Bank Complex," City of London. 76; Remote Control of Street Lighting in Ayrshire, 348
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Servo Hand Brake, 585
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., 12-Ton Diesel Shuttle Dumper, 177
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Fatigue Testing Machine, Suppt., 5.9.47. iv; 150-Ton Universal Structure Testing Machine, 594
- Avimo, Ltd., Multi-Channel Recording of Oscillograph Traces, 560
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., Combustion and Chain Orate Stoker, (493)
- Bailey, R. W., Technical Knowledge and Engineering Progress, 89
- Bamfords, Ltd. "Major" Grass Mower and Universal Crop Loader, 7
- Bankside Power Station, 531
- Barber-Greene Olding and Co., Ltd.,
- Bituminous Road Finishing Machine, 99
- Barford (Agricultural), Ltd., "Atom Tractor, 29
- Barlow Whitney, Ltd., Hot Oil Circulator, 287
- Beacham, T. E., Swashplate Hydraulic Pump, 54
- Bell Brothers (Manchester, 1927), Ltd., Control Table, 102
- Benthall, J. L., Obituary, (137)
- Bevan, P. A. T. Parallel-Operated Broadcast. Transmitters, 535
- Birchall, H., An Alternative For of Pressure Vessel of Novel Laminar Construction, 155
- Birlec, Ltd. Rocking Arc Melting Furnace, Suppt., 29.8.47, ix
- Black and Decker, Ltd., Portable Electric Saw, Suppt., 29.8.47. ix
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Tractor Combine Haymaker, 6
- Blakeborough. J., and Sons, Ltd., Sluice Valve and Steam Stop Valve, 213
- Bold Pit, Automatic Decking Plant, 321
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Advanced Trainer Aircraft, 148; 150th Anniversary. 356
- Bowater's Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Mills, Ltd., Marine Barking Unit, 181
- Bradford Power Station Extensions and Jubilee, 291
- Brand, R. A.. and Co., Ltd., Cocoon Packaging, 102
- Bristol Aeroplane Co A Now British Helicopter, 93: Moving the Bristol "Brabazon 1," 363
- British Insulated Callender's Cables, Ltd., Field Tests on 132-kV Cable Installation, 231: Magnetic Moulding Machine, 240; Locating Partial Breaks in Multi- Coro J irnper Cables, 515
- British Iron and Steel Research Association, Wire-Drawing Tension Testing Apparatus, 289
- British Motor Boat Manufacturing Co., Ltd., "Cult-Mate" 3 h.p. Light Tractor, 27
- British Oxygen Co. Ltd., "Unionmelt" Welding Equipment, Suppt., 29.8.47, v
- British South Africa Co. Ltd., Rhodesian Industrial Developments, 399
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd. Radar Equipment, 287; Electrical Machinery for Ship Propulsion and Marine Auxiliary Electrical Services, 311: A.C. Network Analyser. 442; Fluorescent, Lighting in Cliislet Colliery. 515
- Broadhurst, J. W., Automatic Control in the Chemical Industry, 130
- Brockhouse, J., and Co., Ltd., Refuse Collector, 75
- Broderick, T. C., Automatic Control in the Chemical Industry, 130
- Brompton Pulp and Paper Co., Conversion of Red Rock Mill, Canada, 2
- Bronx Engineering Co., Ltd. A fabricated Press Brake, 584
- Broom and Wade. Ltd., Crankless Air Motors, 364
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., Twin-Engine Gearing for the "Brabazon 1," 147; Universal Worm Gear Testing Machine, 418
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., New Orient, Lino Steamer "Oronsay," 567
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotive, 607
- B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., Single-Spindle Automatic, 444
- Bull Motors, Ltd., "Simper-Tandem " Motor, 238
- Burgess, Eric, German Guided and Rocket, Missiles, 308. 332, 356, 381. 407
- Butler, E. J., Cocoon Packaging, 102
- Butler, J. W. The First Cast Iron Bridge Over the Severn, 175
- Butters Bros. Ltd., Monotower Shipyard Cranes, Suppt., 29.8.47, ix
- CALEDONIAN Canal, (185), (401)
- Campbell, Lorne A., Obituary, 63
- Camper and Nicholsons, Ltd., Gas Turbine Propelled " M.Ca .11, 2009," 218, 248, 261
- Canadian Industries, Ltd., Sulphuric Acid Plant, 206
- Canadian Liquid Air Co., Ltd., Liquid Air Plant, 63
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Conversion to Diesels, 493; Modern Freight Yards, 537
- Candy Filter Co.. Ltd., Variable-Stroke Chemical Injection Pump, 74
- Cantle Switches, Ltd., Flameproof Switch and Fuse Unit, 349
- Castle Meads Power Station, (401)
- C.A.V.. Ltd. Fuel Injection Equipment and Low-Voltage Electrical Equipment. 190
- Chadwick, Roy, Obituary, 199
- Champion, C. L. The Training and Work of the Swiss Engineer, 547
- Chance Brothers, Ltd., Glass Data Shoots. (19)
- Chislet Colliery, fluorescent Lighting, 515
- Christianson, T. C., Obituary, (:353)
- Churchill, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Nut Wrenches, Suppt., 5.9.47. ix
- Clark, George (1938), Ltd., Sulzer Two-Cycle Engines, Suppt., 5.9.47, ii
- Clarke, G. W., Obituary, (233)
- Cornet Pump and Engineering Co., Ltd., Rotary Pump, 263
- Commercial Alcohols, Ltd., Sulphite Liquor Distillery, 493
- Consett Iron Co., Ltd., Modernisation Scheme. 8
- Constructional Engineering Co. Ltd., Centrifugal Casting Machine, 216
- Cookson Load and Antimony Co., Ltd., First Commercial Axial-Flow Blower, 372
- Copes Regulators, Ltd., "Flowmatic" Regulator, Suppt., 29.8.47. xi
- Cory, William, and Sons. Ltd. River Mud Clearance by Jet Engine, 182
- Cossor, A. C., Ltd., Double-Beam-Cathode Ray Oscillographs, 468
- Cosyns, Professor Max, Exploration of Ocean Bottom, 159
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd. 4000 lb Capacity Truck, 102
- Cowal Hydro-Electric Scheme, 109
- Crampton, A. W., Scales of Remuneration, 223
- Craven Brothers (Manchester). Ltd., 16in High-Speed Lathe, 264
- Crawley Aircraft and Precision Tool Co., Ltd. Drill .Jig, 212
- Crittall, Richard, and Co. Ltd., Radiant Heat Units for Workshops, 278
- Crompton Parkinson. Ltd., A Compact Distribution Switchgear Unit, 40: Electric Mobile Crane, 253; Improved Electric Traction Equipment, 558
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Rail Traction Oil Engine and Twelve-Cylinder, 1500 B.H.P. Locomotive Oil Engine, 236
- Crow, Sir Alwyn D., The Rocket as Weapon of War in the British Forces, .510, 532
- Cyc-Arc Steel \Voiding, Ltd., Stud Welding. 289
- DALLOW Lambert and Co., Ltd., Dust Removal from Electric Railway Rolling Stock, 148
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Rotary Vacuum Filter with Independent Agitator, Suppt., 29.8.47. i
- Davis, Wynn and Andrews Ltd. the "Anson" Vibrometer, (317)
- Dawson-Fawcett, J., (Darlington), Ltd.. Tarmacadam Mixer, 100
- Dening and Co. (1937), Ltd., "Somerspin Potato Spinner, 50
- Densham, W., Obituary, (449)
- Dewsbury Colliery Explosion, 259
- Dobbie McInnes, Ltd., Radar Equipment. 287
- Dobson and Barlow. Ltd. Continuous Rayon Spinning Machine, 482
- Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd., Now Conveyor Belt, 493
- Dominion Stool and Coal Corporation, Modernisation Program no, 493
- Doncaster, Daniel and Sons, Ltd., Mechanised Forge, 31
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd. Modernisation Scheme, 56; Blast-Furnace Plant, 451
- Dover Engineering Co., Ltd., "ElkingtonGatic " Covers for Manholes, Trenches and Road Work, 102
- Dowding and Doll. Ltd. Bevel Gear Generating Attachment. 289
- Drane, H. A., Obituary, (146)
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Infra-Rod Drying of Sheet Rubber, 253
- Durham Colliery Explosion, 187
- Dzung, L. S., The Air Cycle Heat Pump, 440
- EASTON and Johnson, Ltd.. 10-kW Steam Engine-Driven Generating Set, 288
- Eckersley, IL, Manufacture Auld 1pplication of Sintered Carbides, 420
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Plate Nibbling Machine, 212
- Electroflo Meters Co.. Ltd., Pneumatic Balance and Transmitter. 273
- Electro-Mechanique Co. Electric Locomotives, 611
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Six-Cylinder, 350 B.H.P. Oil-Electric Set, 188; Nelson Research Laboratories, 459. 480; L.M.S. Main Line Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 596
- Eve, J. L., Construction Co., Ltd., Maintenance Masts for B.B.C., 110
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Throttle Position Controller, Dual Position Transmitter and Electronic Repeater, Suppt.. 29.8.47. iii
- Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., "X.P.M." Welded Wire Fabric, 102
- FAGAN, C. P., Some Chemical Hazards in the Electrical Industry, 111
- Fairey Aviation Co., Moving an Aircraft Factory, (517)
- Fawcett, J. H., Obituary, (257)
- Felton, G. A., Science. Liberty and Peace, 35, 127, 175, 415, 509
- Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., Tractor and Spike Tooth Harrow Unit and Tractor and Earth Scoop Unit, 6
- Ferguson and Timpson, Ltd., Water Treatment Apparatus, 265
- Firth. Thomas, and John Brown, Ltd. Portable Surface Grinder. 265
- Fischer, George, Ltd. Large Horizontal Boring and Milling Machine, 203
- Fishleigh Rotary Cultivator Co. Ltd., Rotary Cultivator. 29
- Fives-Lille Co., Electric Locomotives, 611
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Mounted Plough and Front Toolbar Frame, 50; New "V.8" Car, (185)
- Foster, A. W., Automatic Control in the Chemical Industry, 130
- Foster Transformers and Switchgear, Ltd., "Varivolt " Regulator and Transformer, 2:38
- Foster, William, and Co., Ltd., Thresher, 49
- Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Modernisation Scheme, 31
- Freeman, Fox and Partners, Severn Bridge Scheme, 123
- Fulmer Research Institute,:37
- Fusarc, Ltd., Equipment for Marine Are Welding, 288
- GALLANT, J. M., Seaweed Harvesting Methods. 486
- Gardner, E. W. L., Obituary, 115
- Gaur Hydro-Electric Project, 398
- General Electric Co., Ltd. New Powders for Fluorescent Tubes. (45); Photo-Cell Counting Control, 110; Infra-Red Lamp with Internal Reflector, 254; High-Intensity Contact Lighting at London Airport. 299; Lightweight Mobile Transmitter-Receiver, 349; An Interlock Guard for Milling Machines, 461
- Genevoise, Soc., Two Jig Boring Machines, I5
- Genissiat Hydro-Electric Plant, 377
- Gillespie, A. W., Obituary, (161)
- Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., Tower Clock of Simplified Construction. 533
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd. Maximum Power Demand Alarm Device for Factories, 372
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Portable Sand Washer, 101
- Gleniffer Engines. Ltd., Eight-Cylinder. 160 b.h.p. Engine and Reverse Reduction Gear. 213
- Globe Harvester Co., Ltd., Potato Harvesting Machine. 371
- Good, Percy, Industrial Standardisation, 368
- Gordon, Lord Dudley, Iron and Steel and Refrigeration, 416, 430
- Grantham Productions, Ltd., Government Factories, (1:37)
- Gray, C. A.. Co., A Floating Exhibition of Machine 'fools, 278
- Great Western Railway, Rail Bridge for Road By-Pass. (113); Works at Port Talbot, 163; Report of the Collision at Ration Marsh, 187; New Spans for a Brunel Bridge, (209); Royal Albert Bridge, Saltash, (233); Historic Restaurant Car, (233); Road Vehicles, (281); A.T.C. Developments, 360; Aircraft Runway across a Line, (392); Experimental Lighting Sets on a Locomotive, 398; Bridge Reconstruction, (401); Fog Arrangements, (401); Use of Concrete, 460; Wagon Repairs, (589);
- Greatbatch, A. R., Engineering Radiography, 486
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., "Premier-Diamond" Economiser and Pressure Seal Ring, 239
- Green, W. A., "A Study of Relationship in Industry," 36
- Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Chemical Pump, Suppt., 29.8.47, iv
- Grimethorpe "Stint " Report, 400
- Groves, G. L., Obituary, 392
- Guest Keen and Baldwins Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Modernisation, of the tinplate and sheet steel industry in South Wales, 304
- Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., Crude Oil Pump' 286
- HACKWORTH, Timothy, Plaque, 133
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Ultra-Low Temperature Plant, Suppt., 5.9.47, ix
- Hammond, Rolt, An Engineer Looks at Chile, 192, 226, 250, 266
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Hole Cutting Machine, Suppt., 29.8.47, vii
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Reconversion of Aircraft Carrier "Empire Macandrew," (21); Reconversion of "Highland Monarch," 257; Launch of the Union Castle Liner "Edinburgh Castle," 437
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., New Jot Fighter, (257)
- Hayburn, Frederick S., Obituary, 392
- Headland, T. P., Obituary, 011)
- Henderson, Andrew, Retirement, 211
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., A Tipped Tool Lapping Machine, 298
- Hetherington, Sir Roger, Water Supply, Drainage and Health, 441
- Hex River Tunnel and Other Railway Projects, 43
- Hill. C. M., Obituary, (241)
- Hirst, G. W. C., The Influence of Radial Pressure from a Press Fit, 598
- Hoecker, Wm. T., Diesel Locomotives, 36
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Jubilee, 541
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Company's Works, (434)
- Hopkinson, R. A., Obituary, 485
- Howard, W. R., World Engineering Conference, 439
- Howe, A. B., Parallel Operated Broadcast Transmitters, 535
- Hughes, H. T., Obituary, 351
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd. 65 b.h.p. Mines Diesel Locomotive, 173; Large Narrow Gauge Locomotive, 513
- Hurworth, H., Oil Deterioration in Transformers and Switchgear, 608
- IMPERIAL Chemical Industries, Ltd., Explosion Hazards, (449)
- Ioco, Ltd., "Silopex" Varnished Glass Fabrics and Tapes, (329)
- JACKMAN, J. W., and Co., Ltd., Sand Milling Mixer, Jolt Squeeze Stripper and Pneumatic Core Blower, 215
- Jackson Automatic Electric Controls, Ltd., Automatic Control of Synchronous Clocks, 157
- Jackson, J. F. B., Engineering Radiography, 485
- Jennings, W. O., Testing of Flatness by the Beam Comparator Method, 164
- John, W. J., Research in Electrical Engineering at an Engineering School, 483
- Johnson, B., and Son, Power Rammer, 100
- Johnson, C. H. (Machinery, Ltd.), An Electric Mobil© Crane, 253
- Johnson, Richard, and Nephew, Ltd., Modernisation Scheme, 56
- Johnson's (Engineering), Ltd., Potato Harvester, 28
- Johnson's Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co., Ltd., "Benfix" Prefabricated Lattice Beam, 102
- Jollie, Andrew, Obituary, 233
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Floating Exhibition of Machine Tools. 278; Offset Boring Head, 299; "C.V.A." Dieing Press, Suppt., 29.8.47, xii; Small Grinding Machine, 422
- KANAWHA River Railway Bridge, (305)
- K. D. G. Instruments, Ltd., Tank Bottom Sampler, 263
- Kelvin Gold Medal Award, 387
- Kelvin and Hughes, Ltd., New Company, 211
- Kennedy. Robert Sinclair, Obituary, 23
- Kent, George, Ltd., An Air-Operated Automatic Controller, 171; Ring Mechanism of Recorder, Ring Balance Meter and Flow Recorder, 215
- King, J. Foster, Obituary, 175
- Kingston-upon-Hull Water Undertaking, 1447-1947, 384
- Kloten Airport, Switzerland, 159
- Knowles, R. W., Variable Speed Gear Unit, 298
- LA Girotte Dam, 233
- Lagonda, Ltd., Diesel Pile-Driver. 99
- Lake, G. F., An Alternative Form of Pressure Vessel of Novel Laminar Construction, 155
- Lawes Rabjohns, Ltd., Drawing Stand and Draughting Machine, Suppt. , 29.8.47, xii
- Laws. B. C., Obituary, 283
- Lea, William S., Obituary, 351
- Lemaire, C. F. B., Belgian Railway Bridge Reconstruction, 168
- Levy, Lewis D., Premium Days, 151
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., Welding Machines and a Fume Extractor, 288
- Lintott, H. E., Ltd., Patterns and Special Castings, 212
- Lister. R. A., and Co., Ltd., Tractor Combine Haymaker, 6; Fog Applicator, 101
- Lloyd's Register, Special Surveys and Load-Line Certificates, 47; Shipbuilding Returns, 106, 379
- L. M. L. Industries, Small Hydraulic Pump, 370
- Loewy, E., London Transport Executive, 580
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Pre-cast Pre-stressed Concrete Rail Bridge, 10; Track Renewal by Cranes, 132; New Signal box at Aberdeen, 134; Mobile Testing Plant, 145; Experiments with Roller Bearings on Locomotives, 182; Diesel Locomotive Maintenance Shop, 252; Special Containers, (281); Lambrigg Collision Report, 283; Steel Mineral Wagon Construction, 339; Zonal Goods Scheme, (353); Modernisation of Lime Street Station, Liverpool, (401); Pre-cast Concrete Engine Shed Roofs, 435; Reconstruction of Station Buildings, (449); Collision Near Euston Station, 463; Renewal of Track at St. Pancras Station, 467; Automatic Train Control on the Southend Line, 529; Works Training School for Apprentices, 543; New Locomotives, (591); Generating Station Linked to Grid, (591); Main Line Diesel-Electric Locomotive, 596; Repair of Wagons, (611)
- London and North Eastern Railway, Speed on Curves, 41; Fabricated Steel Axle-boxes, 42; F. W. Webb's First Four-Cylinder Compound Engine, 82; Plaque Commemorating Timothy Hackworth, 133; Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 139; Train Collision at Doncaster, 139; Manchester-Sheffield Line Electrification, 163; Gidea Park Railway Accident Report, 163; Sleeper Tamping Machine, 195; Electrification Progress, 283; Station at Longbenton, (353); Centenaries, (367); Accident at Goswick, 403; Construction of All-Steel Wagons, 436; Diesel-Electric Shunting Locomotive, 607
- London Passenger Transport Board, Dust Removal from Electric Railway Rolling Stock, 148; New Escalator at Bank Station, (161); Side Pits at Rolling Stock Depots, 372; Central London Tube Trains, (353); Experimental Air Circulation Fans in Underground Stock, (460); Central Line Extension, (471), 575; Conductor Rail Do-icing Equipment, 483
- Lovatt, W. R., Science. Liberty and Peace, 345
- Lytton, Lord, Obituary, 415
- MACKENZIE, William, Seaweed Harvesting Methods, 337, 373, 387
- MacMillan, H. R., Export Co., Ltd., Board Factory, 493
- MacNamara, T. C., Parallel-Operated Broadcast Transmitters, 535
- Maley and Taunton, Ltd., Improved Electric Traction Equipment, 558
- Manitoba Paper Co Ltd., Paper Mill Programme, 206
- Maple Lodge Sewage Disposal Works, 419
- Marconi Co., Jubilee, (73)
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., V.H.F. Communication Equipment on Tugs, (611)
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Police Radio Equipment, 134
- Marine Industries, Ltd., Ice-Breaking Car Ferry "Abegweit," 489
- Marley, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Knurling Tool, 207
- Marriner, R., Testing of Flatness by the Beam Comparator Method, 164
- Marsden, H. R., Ltd., Swing Hammer Granulator, 75
- Martin, J. C., Retirement from London Transport, 195
- Mawdsleys, Ltd., Self-Regulating Alternator, Suppt., 29.8.47, vi
- McDonald, G. G., Internal Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumps and Compressor, 121
- McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., Fowler Oil Engines, 1
- Meaford Power Station, 411, (471)
- Mellor Bromley Organisation, Manufacture of Textile Plant, 11
- Merritt, H. E., The Closed Gear Train, 284
- Metafiltration Co., Ltd., Water Filter, Suppt., 29.8.47, xi
- Metalastik, Ltd., Anti-Vibration Machine Mounting, 386
- Metalock Casting Repair Service, Cold Repair of Broken Castings, 395
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Automatic Arc Welding Equipment, 240; Gas Turbine Propelled "M.G.B. 2009," 218, 248, 261; Infra-Red Drying of Sheet Rubber, 253; Electric Traction Equipment for Holland, 423; Gas Turbine for Trafford Power Station, 519
- Metropolitan Water Board, Filtration. Pumping and Distribution Scheme. 1; Annual Report, 307; New Works, 389 Staines Reservoir, 440, 456; Visits t. Works, (589)
- Middleton-Smith, C. A., Irrigation in El, Far East, 570
- Mirrlees (Engineers), Ltd., A Pump Factory at Hillington, 609
- Model Engineer Exhibition, 1947, (42), 187
- Mono Pumps, Ltd., Fresh Water Pump. 213
- Monometer Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Lead Melting Furnace, 255; Tilting Furnace, Suppt., 29.8.47, viii
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Rotary Crucible Furnace and Lip-Pour Hydraulic Tilting Furnace, 241
- Morgan, L. V., Historical Review of Portsmouth Dockyard, 300, 324
- Morris, A. Langley, Stepped Core Sections for Power Transformers, 581
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Southwick "B" Power Station. 497
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., "Ferex" Electrode, (137); Mobile Diesel Engine Driven Arc Welding Set, 191; Lightweight Arc Welding Set, 298; Diesel-Electric Welding Plant and Compressor, 469
- NATIONAL Foundry College, 524
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., Pump and Compressor Set, Suppt., 29.8.47, vi
- National Gas Turbine Establishment, 290
- National Physical Laboratory, Electrical and Light Units at the N.P.L., 61
- Nelson Research Laboratories, 459, 480
- Neuchatel Asphalte Co., Ltd., Road Laying and Finishing Machine, 350
- New York Air Brake Co., Freight Wagon Needs, (611)
- Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., A Floating Exhibition of Machine Tools, 278
- Newman, Header and Co., Ltd., Stop Valve, 214
- Newman, L. W. J. German Guided and Rocket Missiles, 555
- Nock, O. S., Continuously Controlled Cab Signalling, 454
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co. (1938), Ltd., 5000 B.H.P., Four-Cylinder Doxford Oil Engine and Reheated 2200 S.H.P. Triple-Expansion Steam Engine, Suppt., 5.9.47, ii
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Distribution Schemes, 1; Annual Report, 41; Cowal Scheme, 109; Glen Shira Hydro-Electric Scheme, 149; Distribution Scheme for Seil, Luing and Easdale, 375; Gaur Project. 398
- Nuffield Metallurgy Scholarships, (137)
- OERLIKON Buehrle et Cie, A Milling Cutter Grinder. 64
- Ontario-Minnesota Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd.. Paper Mill Expansion, 206
- Oswalds and Ridgeway. Ltd., Swashplate Hydraulic Pump. 54
- PANAMA Canal Problems. 149
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Bradford Power Station Extensions and Jubilee, 291; First Commercial Axial Flow Blower. 372; Model of High Speed Wind Tunnel Balance, Suppt., 5.9.47, xi
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Intermediate-Pressure and Low-Pressure Turbines, Suppt., 5.9.47, i
- Parsons, R. H., The Renaissance of the Stirling Air Engine, 580
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Accelerated Water Softener, 101
- Pattrick and Thompson, Ltd., Beam Engine Returns to Service, 434
- Pearce, Sir Leonard, Obituary, 391, 415
- Pease and Partners, Ltd., Iron Works Development, 280
- Penney and Porter (1932), Ltd., Corn Drying and Grading Machines, 27
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Production of Vehicle Engines, 479
- Peters, G. D., and Co., Ltd., Dust and Fume Extractor, 288
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., Mobile Industrial X-Ray Van, 468
- Philips Lamps, Ltd., Radio-Frequency Induction Heating Generator, 158; Spot Welding Machine, 190; Electronic Motor Control, 207
- Philips, N. V., Philips Air Engine, 549, 572
- Piccard, Auguste, Exploration of Ocean Bottom, 159
- Pitt-Kennedy, T. E., Obituary, (495)
- Plessey Co., Ltd., Production of Small Permanent Magnets, 40
- Pollock, Walter, Obituary, 199
- Poplar Power Station, (217)
- Poultney, E. C., F. W. Webb's First Four-Cylinder Compound Engine, 82
- Power Jets, Ltd., River Mud Clearance by Jet Engine, 182; Manufacture of Turbine Blading, 438
- Pownall, J. F., Scottish Railway Network, 81
- Pressed Steel Co., Ltd.. Prototype Stainless Steel Coach, 512
- Price, M. P., Report on Urgent Problems of Coal Utilisation, 18
- Pullin, V. E., Engineering Radiography, 319
- Pye, Ltd., A Compact 6-kW Radio Frequency Heater, 537
- QUASI Arc Co., Ltd., Petrol Engine Driven Welding Sot, 189
- RAILING, Sir Harry, Need for Increased Output, 136
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Mounted Plough and Front Toolbar Frame, 50
- Rapid Concrete Breaking Co., Ltd., Concrete Breaker, 75
- Rayleigh, Lord, Obituary, 579
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., "M.C.S.A.9" Marine Compressor, "S.A.T.5" High Pressure Compressor and Air Starting Motor, 216
- Red Rock Mill, Canada, Conversion of, 2 Reina del Pacified "Engine-Room Explosion, 259
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Single-Operator Welding Generator, 191
- Rhodesian Railways, Ltd., Railway Developments, 303
- Richardsons Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Brown-Boveri 30,000-kW Turbo-Alternator and Brown-Boveri 7500 s.h.p. Marine Geared Turbine, Suppt., 5.9.47, ii
- Riley, B. H., Ball and Roller Bearings in France, 440
- Roberts, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Steel Wagons, (305)
- Robinson, Sir Robert, Nobel Prize Award, 486
- Roche-la-Moliere Co., The Charles Mine, 377
- Rockweld, Ltd., Oxyarc " Cutting, 317
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., "Avro Tudor II" Wrecked, 187; "Tudor II" Accident Inquiry, 269
- Rolleston, Patrick W., Obituary, 259
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., "Trent" Gas Turbine Propellor Engine, 88
- Rowcroft, Major-General Sir E. Bertram, Problems Encountered by R.E.M.E., in the Field, 604
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Electronic Measuring Equipment for Aeronautical Research, 85
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Auxiliary Generating Set, 188
- Rutherford Oil Burners, Ltd., Oil Burner Firing Chemical Furnace, Suppt., 5.9.47, xl
- Rye House Power Station, 259
- SAGUENAY Terminals. Ltd., New Wharf, 351
- St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Scheme, 9, (305), 447, 493
- Salmon, E. H., Obituary, 463
- Saunders Valve Co., Ltd., "Safran" Centrifugal Pump, 241
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd., Jet-Propelled Flying Boat Fighter, 124
- Scheldt Tunnels, 159
- Schneider Co., Reconstruction and Modernisation Work, 137
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines. Ltd. Bench Spot Welding Machine, 189
- Severn Barrage Scheme, (91)
- Severn Bridge Scheme, 123
- Severn Railway Bridge, (185)
- Sharpies Centrifuges, Ltd., "Super D- Hydrator," 263
- Shawinigan Chemicals, Ltd., New Canadian Plant, 521
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd., Chromium-Plated Cylinder Liners, 295
- Shefflex, Ltd., Storage and Collection of Domestic Refuse. 102
- Shimsha Hydro-Electric Scheme, 502
- Short Brothers, Ltd., Britain's Largest Flying-Boat. 259
- Siemens Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Air-Operated Seam Welder, 190; Flameproof Converter Panel for Mine Lighting, 445
- Sigma Instrument Co., Ltd., An Electro Pneumatic Gauge, 386
- Sim, James, Obituary, (425)
- Simcox, A. G., Industrial Relationship, 387
- Skerrett, Robert G., Obituary, 485
- Skinningrove Iron Co., Ltd., Iron Works Development, 280
- Sloan, Robert Patrick, Obituary, 555
- Smith Brothers and Co. (Hyson), Ltd., Centenary, (425)
- South African Manganese, Ltd., Expansion of Manganese Industry, 399
- Southern Railway, Bytleet Derailment, 36; Cross-Channel Steamer "Falaise," 87; Diesel-Electric Locomotives, 163; New Coaching Stock, (257); " Devon Belle " Mishap, (329); Centenary of Ashford Works, 331; Accident near South Croydon Station, 403; Anti-Frost Protection Methods, (425); Collisions at Motspur Park and Herne Hill, 463; Track Reinforcement, 505; Experimental Lighting in a Shunting Yard, 535; Dover-Dunkerque Train Ferry Service Re-Opened. 567
- Southwick "B" Power Station, 497
- Southworth, A., Obituary, (233)
- Speed-Tools, Ltd., A Ratchet Screwdriver 40
- Staines Reservoir, 440, 4.56
- Standard Telephones and Cables. Ltd. Lead Melting Furnace, 255 Electricity Factory in Newport, Mon., 445
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd A Foundry Training Scheme, 65
- Steel Company of Wales, Ltd. Modernisation of the Tinplate and Sheet Steel Industry, 304
- Steel, Peech and Tozer. Ltd., Modernisation Scheme, 56
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd. Handling Steel Sewer Sections, 584
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., British India Steamer " Kampala." 276
- Stewarts and Lloyds (South Africa), Ltd.. Manufacture of Copper Tubes, 183
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd.. Mobile Industrial X-Ray Van. 468
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Variable-Deliver Pump and Electric Cargo Winch, Suppt.. 29.8.47, x
- Stream Line Filters, Ltd., Portable Petrol Filter, 263
- Strong, C. E., Position-Finding by Radio: First Thoughts on the Classification of Systems, 446
- Suez Canal, (123)
- Sulzer Bros. (London), Ltd., Fifty Years of Sulzer Diesel Engines, 1897-1947, 275
- Sutton-Jones, K. C., Lighthouse Engineering. 24, 48, 70, 94,116, 140
- Swiss Industrial Society, Two Swiss Machine Tools. 64
- Talbot, Benjamin, Obituary, 603
- Talbot, Sir William John, Obituary, 579
- Taylor, H. G. P., Science, Liberty and Peace, 81. 151, 271, 367, 439
- Tecalemit, Ltd., Twenty-Unit Lubricator, Suppe., 29.8.47, xi
- Telco, Ltd., Threaded Metal Rod, Suppt., 5.9.47, v
- Thomas, T. F. The Air Cycle Heat Pinup, 180, 205. 486
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd. Northam Shipyard, 336; Six-Cylinder Diesel Engine and 18 B.H.P. Marine Engine, Suppt., 5.9.47, viii; Launch of the "Commandant Quero," 527
- Tignes Dam, 233
- Todd, F. H., Limitations of Model Experiments, 538
- Toronto Harbour Improvements, 351
- Townsheyd, E. F. R., Straight "I.C.” Locomotives, 59
- Transplanters (Robot), Ltd., Robot Potato Planter, 28
- Tratman, E. E. Russell, American Railway Developments, 128, 142
- Trent, E. M., Manufacture and Application of Sintered Carbides, 396
- Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., Curved Safety Glass, 371
- Tripp, G. W., Survival of the Paddle Boat. 568, 592
- Trotter, A. P., Obituary, 105
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Works Pension Scheme, (471)
- Tungum Sales Co., Ltd., A Repetition Bending Machine, 586
- UNDER Water Welders and Repairers. Ltd., Cox Submarine Bolt Driving Gun, 74
- VAN VEEN, Johan, Analogy Between Tides and A.C. Electricity, 498, 520. 544
- Vauxhall Motors. Ltd., Mobile Strain Gauge Recording, 244; Education Scheme, (377)
- Venesta, Ltd., Veneered Aluminium, (495)
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., "Uni-Roll" Paint and Ink Mill, Grinding Mill and Toilet Soap Plodder, Suppt., 5.9.47, iii; Stratosphere Chamber, 296; Orient Liner "Oreades." 365, 383; Submarine Endurance Trial, 567
- Walley, Thomas, Obituary, 343
- Ward, Thos. W., Ltd., Sand Conditioning Plant, 288
- Watson, E. A., Fuel Systems for the AeroGas Turbine, 561, 576
- Watson, F. L., Human Relationships in Industry, 36; Science, Liberty and Peace, 105, 151, 439
- Weaver, W. Wellesley, Obituary, 81
- Weltman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation Ltd., Level Lulling Jib Crane, Shunt Limit Switch and 14-15-Ton Electric Cranes at Le Havre, Suppt., 5.9.47, v
- West, Allen, and Co., Ltd., Improved Electric Traction Equipment, 558
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Automatic Decking Plant at Bold Pit, 321
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, All-Weather Airport Approach Lighting System, 17
- Whampoa Harbour, (541)
- Wheeldon, G. E., Automatic Control in the Chemical Industry, 130
- Whitehaven Colliery Disaster, 163, (329), 422
- Whiting, William Robert Gerald, Obituary, 247
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Carbide Tool Sharpening Machine, 157; 5-kW Dielectric Heater, Suppt., 29.8.47, vii
- Widdop, Ernest, Obituary, (527)
- Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 8-kW
- Workshop Furnace, Suppt., 5.9.47, xii
- Wild, M. B., and Co., Ltd., Harvest-Thresher, 26
- Wix, F. R., Obituary, (611)
- Workington Iron and Steel Co, Modernisation Scheme, 8
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., Three-Stage Air-Cooled Compressor and Self-Priming Centrifugal Pump, Suppt., 5.9.47, vii
- YALE and Towne Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Plant-Handling Truck and " Lift," Suppt., 5.9.47, v
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Castle Meads Power Station, (401)
See Also
Sources of Information