The Engineer 1935 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1935 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: This is a scanned version of the Index Page and contains many errors
- A 1 Electric Welding Appliances Company, Flash Welder for Motor Car Body Panels, 250
- Abell, Sir Westcott, Citizens' Lecture. " Ships Through the Ages," 120
- Activated Sludge, Ltd. Activated Sludge Sewage Disposal Plant at Dav3,,hultne, 109, 118
- Alfa-Laval Co, Ltd., Milking Machines, 32; Oil Separators, 401
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd., " C.F." Type Oil Engine, 376; 8-12 b.h.p. Single-cylinder Marine Engine, 453; Twin-cylinder 12 18 b.h.p. Oil Engine. 376
- Air Pumps, Ltd., Portable Air Compressor, 53e,
- Albion Motors, Ltd. 4/1-Ton Pay Load Chassis, 520; 85 b.h.p. Petrol Engine, 520
- Alexander Machinery. Ltd., George H. l is Diesinking Attachment, 357
- Allen. Edgar, and Co., Ltd., " Stag " Clay Cutter. 538; Stag " Rotary Granulator, 538
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Electrically Driven Vertical Circulating Pumps, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii; 100 b.h.p. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii; 160 b.h.p.1 Six-cylinder Oil Engine, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii; 730 b.h.p. Eight-cylinder Oil Engine, Suppe., 13.9.35, xii; Miersbe Steam Circulator, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii; 00-kW Steam Engine Driven Generating Set, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii; 50-10A1 Turbo-generator Set, Suppe.. 13.9.35, xii
- Allen West and Co., Ltd., A.C. Motor Starters, 384
- Allibone, Dr. T. E. and F. R. Perry. Standardisation of Impulse Voltage Testing, 549
- "Altino," Motor Passenger Cruiser, Breda Cantiere, 242
- Alvin Chassis, 34-Litre, 424; Alvin Front-wheel Suspension, 400
- Ambrose Shardlow and Co., Ltd., Electrically Driven Machine nuil“, General Electric Company, Ltd., 20
- American Locomotive Repair Shops, 86
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Company, Ltd., Steel Products, 401
- Armstrong-Saurer Commercial Vehicles, Ltd. Rigid Eight-wheeler Chassis, 487, 488; 45 b.h.p. Six-cylinder Engine. 487, 488; Armstrong Saurer 72 b.h.p. Oil Engine. 573
- Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Ironfounders), Ltd., Sir W. G., " New Process " Pig Irons. Suppt., 20.9.35. i Oil-eleetrie Locomotives for India, 98
- Arran Motors. Ltd., Lorry Chassis, 572
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Demolition of Waterloo Bridge, Engineers. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton; 648, 652
- Ashdown, A. " Relator " Speed Checking System. 409
- Aspinall, Sir John A. F., Peneil Portrait No. 3, October 18th, 1935
- Asquith, Ltd., William, High-speed Radial Drilling Machine, 385
- Associated Equipment Co, Ltd., Regal Mark 1I Chassis, 486; 100 h.p. Oil Engine, 486; 100 b.h.p. Six-cylinder Marine Oil Engine, 452; 260 Is p. Railcar for G.W. Railway, 477
- Astier, L., and P. Baron. Street Noises, 18
- Aston Martin, Mark 11 Engine, 399
- Atlas Diesel Co, Ltd., Pneumatic Concrete Breakers, 507; Portable compressor, 507; Semi-portable Electrically Driven Compressor, 507
- Atwell Foundation Corporation, George J., Sinking 8ft, Rotary Caissons in New York, 615
- Auburn Car, Dual Ratio Final Drive, 423
- August's. Limited, Foundry Solid conditioning Plant, 314
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., Continuous-Strainer, Suppt., 20.9.35, iv; Hand operated Strainer, Suppt., 20.9.35, iv; " Lobos " Strainers for Oils, Suppt., 20.9.35, iv
- Automatic Electric Co, Ltd. Vehicle-actuated Traffic Control Apparatus, 536
- Aveling-Barford Ltd. Dairy Machinery, 32
- Avery, W. and T.. Ltd., Compound Lever Testing Machine for Russia, 226; Hardness Tester, Suppt., 13.9.36, viii; Spring Testing
- Machine. Suppt., 13.9.35, viii; Stress Testing Machine, 13.9.35. viii
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler, Suppe., 13.9.35, x; Coal, Oil and Gas-fired Boilers at Zinc Works, 62, 63; Diamond Soot Blower, Suppt., 13.9.35, x; Fusion Welded Pressure Vessel, Suppt., 13.9.35, x; " Handor " Parallel Slide Valve, Suppt., 13.9.35, x; High-pressure Marine Boilers for Orient Line Steamship " Orion," 194, 198, 213, 215; Hollow Stanchions for Hand Railing, Suppe., 13.9.35, x; Standard Marine Water-tube Boiler, Suppe., 13.9.35. x
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., 2-8-2 Metre Gauge Locomotive for San Paulo-Parana Plantations 681
- Bailey. R. W., Utilisation of Creep Test Data in Engineering Design, 592
- Baird, William, and Co., Ltd, Scotch Pig Irons, 400
- Balclutha (Otago. New Zealand), Highway Bridge, 142
- Bamfords, Ltd., Engines, Oil, Paraffin and Petrol, 8; Hay Rake and Swath Turner, 8; Mowing Machine, 8
- Bamlett, A. C., Ltd., Grass Mower, 33, 34
- Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., Five-cylinder 3000 s.h.p. Opposed-piston Engine for Twin-screw Ship " 1)ilwara," 460, 461
- Barimar, Ltd., Improved Welding Process, 227
- Baron, P., and L. Astier, Street Noises, 18
- Barr and Stroud, Ltd., Binoculars, Suppt., 13.9.35, i; Range Finding Equipment, Suppe., 13.9.35, i
- Batteries, Ltd., Emergency Lighting lifittp.ry, Suppe., 20.9.35, iii; Nife Nickel atlinioni-Alkaline Batteries, Suppe., 20.9.35, iii
- Baumann. F. C., Industrial Sub-station Equipments, 121
- Baxter, F. L., Balancing of Threc.cylinder Locomotives, 84
- Beale. E. S. L. and R. Staustield, Standard Sunbury Engine Indicator, 017, 642, 607
- Beardmore Diesels, Ltd., 100 b.h.p. Oil Engine, 572
- Beardmore-Somna-Naval Railcar for Spanish Railway, 47
- Beardmore, William and Co, Ltd., Beardmore• Caprotti Valve Gear, Suppt., 13.9.35, xi; 58,'85 b.h.p. Oil Engine. Suppt., 13.9.35, xi; 225 250 b.h.p. Marine Oil Engine. Suppe., 13.9.35. xi : Report. on Test of 1400 h.p. Epicyclic Test Gear, A. E. L. Chorlton, 638, 664 13.E. N. Patents, Ltd., Spray Paint Gun, 47
- Bendix Power Brake Device, 452
- Bennis Combustion Co, Boiler-house Equipment at London Brewery, 220, 228; Coking Stoker, 374; I.C.I. Coal Hydrogenation Plant at, Kenneth Gordon, 508, 576, 604
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Biller. Detroit Rocking Are Melting Furnace. Suppe., 13.9.35, vii : Electric Furnaces, Suppe., 13.9.35, vii
- Black and Decker Ltd., Electric Hand Tools, 401
- Blackstone and Co Ltd., " Box " Oil Engine. 9, 10; Four cylinder Type O.P.V.M. Engine, 9, 10; Hay Rake, 33; Meditun•speed 200 b.h.p. Oil Engine. 435; Oil Engines. 589; Pump, " Unehokeable " Fullway, 374; Three-cylinder E.P.V. Totally Enclosed Vertical Engine, 9; and 2 b.h.p. Box Type Petrol Engine, 374 : 9 b.h.p. " D.B." Type Vertical Oil Engine. 374; l5'30 b.h.p. " 0.P.V." Oil Engine, 374; 55 b.h.p. Spring Injection Oil Engine, 374; 120 b.h.p. Medium-speed Three-eylititler E.P.V. Oil Engine, 374
- Blairgowrie." Loss of, 27
- Boby and Co., Ltd., William, Water Purification Plant at Woollen Mill, 454
- Bouquet Canyon Reservoir and Pipe Line (Los Angeles Water Supply). 134, 144
- Boydell, E., and Co.. Ltd.. 42 b.h.p. Shunting Tractor, 588
- Bradley and Foster, Ltd. Pig Irons, 401
- Bragg, Sir William, Theoretical Strength of Materials and their Practical Weakness, 150
- Brassert and Co., Ltd.. H. A., Corby Iron and Steel Works of Stewarts and Lloyds. Ltd., 449. 456, 474, 482, 509. 514, 539, 542 (Two-page Supplement, November 22111, 1935)
- Bren Light Machine Gun, 669
- Bridges, F. W.. Organiser of Shipping, 1..:ngi• veering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia, 295
- Briggs, E. H. Plotting the Results of Oil Engine Tests. 197
- Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co, Axial Wobble-plate Engine, 571; 61-Ton Chassis, 571
- British Electric Transformer Co Ltd. Hermetically Sealed Transformers, 329 : Visit to Works at Hayes, 268, 274
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Electrical Laboratory at Perivale, 427, 4410
- British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co, Ltd., Report on Failure of a Boiler Plate Due to Chemical Embrittlement 462
- British Foundry Units, Ltd., Foundry Plitiit • 401
- British Freight Rolling Stock Exhibited at Euston, 125
- British Gas Federation. 370; Oven and Muffle Gas Furnaces. 370
- British Insulated Cables Ltd., Oil-filled Frytory Cables. J. Bibby and Sons. Ltd., 575
- British Oxygen Co Ltd., Metal Spraying Pistol. 299; Metal Spraying Nozzle Interior of Pipes. 300; Oxygen Cutting Machine. 299; Works on North Circular Road, N.W.2, 602
- British Pig Irons, Ltd., Pig Irons, 400
- British Salmson II 9 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, 400
- British Separators, Ltd. Vickcen Centrifugal Oil Purifier, 299
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Control of Public Lighting by Photo-electric Rays, 385; Fractional Horso-power Caputator Motors, 47; Magnetos, 520; Method of Determining the Constancy of Sound Film Motion, 301; Speed Indicating Equipment. 520; Variable-speed A.C. Motors. 552; Visit to Rugby Works, 87
- British Timken, Ltd., Roller Bearings on L.M.S. Turbomotive, 168
- Broadbent. Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Squirrel-cage Motors Fitted with Automatic (Intel,. 211
- Bromak Pneumatic Paint Brush, Ltd., Pneumatic Paint Brush, 227
- Brooke Marine Construction Co. Ltd., Marine and Industrial Petrol and Paraffin Engines, 453
- Brooklyn Hydro-electric Station. New Zealand. 128
- Broom and Wade, Ltd. Compressor. " Supalight " Portable, Suppt., 13.9.35, iv; Portable Oil Engine-driven Air Compressor. 5:i5; Riveter, Squeeze, Suppt., 13.9.35, iv
- Browett Lindley (1931), Ltd., Compressor, Two-stage, Motor-driven Air, Suppt., 13.9.35, iv; Steam Engine, 90 b.h.p. Compound. Suppt., 13.9.35, iv
- Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., Cold Roll Drives for Yniscedwyn Tin-plate Company, Ltd., 142; Description of Gear Works, 66. 69 (Two-page Supplement, .1 ulri 19th. 1935); Disc Testing Machine, 521 : Gear Drives for Coal-handling and Pulverising Plant, 19; Gears and Clutches, 517; Vertical Shaft Worm Reducing Gears, 411; Worm Gear Differential Unit, 451
- Brown, S. G., Ltd., Automatic Helmsman, Suppt., 13.9.35, i
- Brownadon. Dr. H. W., Metal Melting : Its Effect upon Quality, 274, 277, 286
- Bruce. W. R., Electrification of Glasgow District Subway, 674, 682
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd. All-metal Trollybus. 546; 160 b.h.p. Four-cylinder " Vie-a-Vis " Remote-controlled Oil Engine, 375
- Buenos Aires Western Railway Ltd., Stream-lined 140 h.p. Oil-electric Railcar. Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co, Ltd., 671
- Bull Motors, Ltd. Fractional Horsepower Motors, 655
- Burn, W. S., The Relation .1 Fatigue to Modern Engine Design. 21, 48
- Burton, Griffiths and Co Ltd., Multi-tool Lathe. B.S.A. Tools, Ltd.. 680
- Canadian National Railways, Report by Alan E. L. Chorlton on Beardmore's 1400 h.p. Epicyclic Gear, 638. 664
- Cape Cod Canal, Massachusetts. 378, 380, 395
- Cape Town, Dock Extension at, 218, 525
- Cape Town, Electricity Scheme for, 200
- Carborundum Co Ltd., Crucibles. 401
- Casella and Co., Copying Machine, 550; Sensitive Vibration Recorder, 74
- Casson, W., and A. H. Gray, Measurement of Large Supplies of Electrical Energy. 657
- C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Compensated Voltage control Dynamos, Suppt., 20.9.35, x; Fuel-injection Equipment, Sup,pt.„ 20.9.35, x
- Chance Brothers and Co Ltd., Class Silk for Insulation, 375
- Chaston, J. C., Note on Effect of Interrupted Straining Elongation of Lead, 342
- Chester-Holyhead Road, Improvements to. 446. 447; (Two-page Supplement, November let, 1935) Chorlton, A. E. L.,Report on Test of 1400 h.p. Epicyclic Test car, William Beardmore and Co, Ltd., 638, 664 Christie, J. Denham, John McGovern, and F. W. Dugdale, Development in Construction of Ships during Fifty Years, 94 Christie, J. Denham, Liner Development during Fifty Years, 94
- " City of Paris," Water Hammer Explosion on Liner, 61
- Clairvivre Settlement, France, Power Station and Water Supply, 238
- Clark. Major R. G., Problems in Fen Drainage. 271
- Clarke, Chapman and Co, Ltd., Fire-pump "Fire-fly, E. H. Markley and Co., 33
- Coan , Robert W. Ltd., Aluminium Sand and Die Castings, Cochran-Kirke Return Tube Boiler, 46
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., P.10 B.E.N.
- Portable Compressor, 564; Worsop Road Breaker and Rock Drill, 564
- Coleman Foundry Equipment Co, Ltd. Core-blowing Machine, 316
- Colevilles, Ltd., Hematite Pig Iron. 401
- Colourdex (British System), Ltd., Progress of Work Indicators, 126
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co, Ltd., Pneumatic Tools, 401
- Constructional Engineering Co, Ltd., Foundry Plant, 298 " Kwilcsteam " Boiler, 298; ' Sand Wizard," Sand Blasting Apparatus, 298
- Cook, Dr. M., Metal Losses in Melting Brass and other Copper Alloys, 330
- Copes Regulators, Ltd., Regulator, Suppt.. 20.9.35, v; Shrouded Seat Drain Valve, Suppt., 20.9.35, v ('orby Iron and Steel Works of Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 449, 466. 474, 482, 609, 514, 539, 542 (Two-page Supplement, November 22nd, 1935)
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Motordriven High-speed Milling Machine, 90 Cripps, Major L. C., Nationalism and Overseas Trade, 61 Crofts (Engineers). Ltd.. Variable-speed Machine Drive, 490
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Sleeve Bearing for Small Motors, 489; Switchgear Reclosing Mechanism, 438
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Water and Bilge Pumps, Suppt., 20.9.35,; 6 b.h.p.. High-speed Oil Engine, Suppt., 20.9.35, ii; 100 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Oil Engine. Suppt., 20.9.35, i; 330 b.h.p.. six-cylinder Oil Engine, Suppt., 20.9.35, i; 400 b.h.p., Eight-cylinder Oil Engine. Suppt., 20.9.35, i 18 kW Auxiliary Generating Set, Suppt., 20.9.35. ii
- Crossley Motors, Ltd. Double-deck Omnibus Chassis, 487; Trolleybus Chassis, 545; 7-ton Lorry Chassis, 487; 47.3 h.p., Six-cylinder V.R.6 Type Engine, 487
- Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd., 1800 b.h.p. Vis-a-Vis Oil Engine, 174
- Crypto Electrical Equipment Co, Ltd., Electrically Operated Band Saw, 48
- Cumming, Wm., and Co, Ltd., Foundry Facings, 401
- Daimler Co, Ltd., Front-wheel Suspension, 400; " Light Straight-Eight " Car, 398, 399; Light Straight-Eight Chassis, 423, 424; Passenger Vehicle Chassis, 571
- Darby, H. C., Windmill Drainage in Bedford Level, 75
- Dartford Tunnel Scheme, 27
- Davey, Paxman and Co (Colchester). Ltd.
- " Comet " Combustion Chamber for Paxman-Ricardo Engine. 346; 10 b.h.p. Paxman-Ricardo Oil Engine, 346; 60 b.h.p. Paxman-Ricardo Oil Engine, 346; 70/105 b.h.p.
- Marine Oil Engine. 425; 500 b.h.p., Twelve-cylinder V Oil Engine, 346
- Davidson, Colonel A. E., " Spirit of Adventure," 457, 500 (nee Letters to the Editor)
- Davies, Dr. S. J.. Applications of Oil Engines to Coastal Shipping, 296
- Davyhulme, Activated Sludge Sewage Disposal Plant at, 109, 118
- Dean, E. S., Velox Hot Water Boiler, 203
- Dennis Brothers, Ltd., Dennis-Lanova 82 b.h.p., Four-cylinder Engine, 547; Gully Emptier, 589; " Lancet H " 4-ton Lorry, 547; Refuse-collecting Motor Van, 589
- Dennison, Robert L. Strength and Flexibility of Corrugated Piping, 303. 332, 358. 386. 412. 439
- Denny, Maurice E., Development of Cross-Channel Steamers, 401
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Cast Iron Research Work, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii; Fuel Research Work, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii; Iron and Steel Research, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii; Powdered Fuel Fire Boilers, Flow Divider for, 345; Ship's Model in Wax for Testing, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii
- Desoutter Brothers, Ltd. Pneumatic and Electric Hand Tools, 401
- Dewrance and Co., Indicating Flow Meter, 371
- Dilwara," Five-cylinder, 3000 s.h.p. Opposed-Piston Engine for Twin-screw Ship, Barclay, Curle and Co., Ltd., 460, 461
- Dixon, S. M., and M. A. Hogan, Corrosion Fatigue in Colliery Ropes, 436 Hobbie, McInnes and Clyde, Ltd., Boiler Feed Water Regulator. 315; Calorimeters, 315; Compass, Torque Suspension, 316; " Tele-dep " Indicator, 316
- Dobson, Dr. J. H., Resigns Managership of Pretoria Steel Works, 10
- Doeherty, Dr. J. G., Report on " Stresses in Overstrained Materials," 270
- Dominion Machinery Co Ltd., Cross-cutting and Trenching Machine, Suppt., 13.9.35, v; Mortising Machine, Suppt., 13.9.35, v; Tenoning and Scribing Machine, Suppt., 13.9.35, v; Woodworking Machines, Suppt., 13.9.35, v
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., Decompression Device and Valve Gear, 508; 15/89 b.h.p. Oil Engine, 508
- Dronsfield Brothers, Hand-operated Pneumatic Milking Plant, 32
- Drummond, R. S. Gear Finishing by Crossed Axes Shaving, 149
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Oil Engine-driven Marine Pumping Set, 681
- Duckham and Co., Ltd., " Wear Cure " Tablets, (388)
- Du dale, F. W., Coaster Development during Fifty Years, 95, 153
- Dunedin, New Zealand, Power Supply of Dunedin, 620, 622
- Dunlop Rubber Co, Ltd., Dunlop "Anticer," Prevention of Ice Accretion on Aircraft, 7
- Dyson, R. A., and Co., Ltd., 40-ton Road Bogie, 464; 65-ton Road Trailer. 148, 149
- Eagle Engineering Co, Ltd., Trailers for Vehicles, 572
- Edwards, F. J. Ltd., Press, Double-sided Power, 264; Sheet Metal Working Machines, 264
- El Kansera Dam, Morocco, 236, 244
- Electric Controller and Manufacturing Co, D.C. Contactor, 438
- Electric Meters Company, Ltd. Pressure Regulators, 538
- Electromagnets, Ltd. Lifting Magnets, 401; Magnetic Separators, 401
- Electromersible Motors and Pumps Ltd., Pumping Equipment for Bore-holes and Deep Wells, 347
- Elgood, W. N., Evolution of Breakwaters, 140
- Ellison, Ltd., George, Flameproof Electric Lighting Equipment, 357
- Engel, Dr. F. V. A. E., and R. J. Wey, Mechanical Flow Meters, 558, 584, 612
- English Electric Co. Ltd., Distribution Board, 574; Fifty-seater, Double-deck Trollybus of MI-welded Type, 545; Universal Fuse Unit. 550
- FEATHERSTONE Motor Car Lock, 276
- Ferranti, Ltd., Surgeproof Transformers, 630
- Fiat Company, Chassis Frame, 423
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., 120 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Vertical Oil Engine, 347, 350
- Firth, Thos., and John Brown, Ltd., Steel Forgings and Castings, 400
- Fishleigh Cultivator Co, Rotary Cultivator, 33
- Flextol Engineering Co, Ltd., Flexible Shaft-driven Tool, 298; Friction Clutch, Handpiece with Multiple, 298
- Fodens, Ltd., Commercial Vehicles, 572;
- Industrial Motor Vehicles. 9; Six-wheeled Timber Carriage, 9; 85 b.h.p. Timber Tractor, 9
- Ford Motor Company, Ltd. Eight-cylinder, 2-ton Fordson, 493; Exhibition at Albert Hall, 438; Fordson: Tractors, 33
- Fordath Engineering Co, Ltd., Core-making Machine, Suppt., 20.9.35, v; Foundry Appliances, Suppt., 20.9.35, v; "Rot oil " Sand Mixer, Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Foster Instrument Co, Electrical Pyrometers, Suppe., 20.9.35, v; Flexipush Controller, Suppe., 20.9.35, v; Thermometers, Suppe., 20.9.35, v
- Foster. William, and Co., Ltd., Chaff Cutter, Improved, 9; Thrashing and Finishing Machine, 9; 7 h.p. Single-cylinder Traction Engine, 9
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., " Four-Forty " Oil-engined Tractor, 505; Fowler-Sanders Six-cylinder C.I. Engine, 8; Oil-engined Showman's Road Locomotive, 99; Rotary Ploughs (Gyrotillers), 8; " Ten-Seventy " Crawler Tractor, 505
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, Cheltham " Micron " Precipitator, 588; Magnetic Separators, 522; Wagon Tippler for China, 124
- Freeborn Power Converters, Ltd., Transmission System for Automatic Gear-changing Locomotive, F. C. Hibberd and Co., Ltd., 510
- Freeth, 114or F. A., Cast Iron Research, 492; (Leading Article, 483) French Inland Waterways, 147
- Fry's Diecastings, Ltd., Pressure and Gravity Die Castings. 401
- Fullard, P. R. Theory of Plastic State in Metals, 138
- Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Co, Ltd., Welding Apparatus, Suppe., 20.9.35, vii
- Gascoignes Milk Recorder, 32
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Back Axle Testing Set, 211; D.C. Timing Motor Starters, 356; Electrical Thermal Storage Cookers, 463; Electrically Driven Machine Tools at Works of Ambrose Shardlow and Co., Ltd., 20; Squirrel-cage Motor, 210; Street Surface Brightness Meter, 603; Testing Plant for Motor Car Engines at Austin Motor Car Works, 125; Trollybuses. 520; Visit to Research Laboratories by Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 10; 1000 h.p. A.C. Motor, 211
- General Refractories, Ltd., Foundry Materials, 401
- Giesl-Gieslingen, Dr. A., Locomotive Blast Pipe, 216
- Giffen, Edmund, Extended Expansion in I.C. Engines, 626
- Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., F., Boiler Scalers, 371; Portable Tools, 371
- Glasgow District Subway, Electrification of, W. R. Bruce, 674, 682
- Glasgow's Dock Scheme, 27
- Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., Oil Engine, 24 b.h.p. Marine, Suppt., 13.9.35, ii; Oil Engine, 240 b.h.p., Twelve-cylinder " V," Suppt., 13.9.35, ii; Oil Engines, Suppe., 13.9.35, ii
- Goodwin Barsby and Co., Ltd., Rotary Hammer Granulator, 590; Stone-crushing Plant, 590
- Gordon, Kenneth, Development of Coal Hydrogenation, 568, 576, 604
- Cough, Dr. H. J., and H. V. Pollard, Combined Alternating Stresses, 484; (Leading Article, 483)
- Graham, A., and Co., Ltd., Loud-speaking Telephones, 401; Novel Fire Alarm, 401
- Graham-Paige Supercharger Unit, 399, 400
- Great Western Railway, Centenary of, 245; Centenary Banquet, 473; Sleeper Creosoting Plant at Hayes, Middlesex, 596, 600
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., Gilled Tube Economisers, Suppe., 20.9.35, xi
- Grimoldby, Ltd., Gas-engine-driven 1 kW Lighting Set, 371
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co, Ltd., A.C. Welding Equipment, C. E. ries, 122; Simple Tap-changing Equipment for Transformers, 427
- Hadfield, Sir Robert, Royal Society of Arts Presents Albert Medal, 1935, to, 27
- Hadfields, Ltd., Runaway Tub Arrester, 19; "Shearer " Double-action Jaw Crusher, 536
- Hague, John, The Engineer's Ratchet Brace, 45
- Halley, Sir Malcolm, African Research Survey, 422
- Hall, B. J., and Co., Ltd., Drawing Office Equipment, Suppt., 20.9.35, viii; " Hall-Mark " Copier, Suppt., 20.9.35, viii
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Compressor, Steam-driven, Suppe., 13.9.35, iii; Refrigerating Machine, Three-cylinder Electrically Driven CO2, Suppe., 13.9.35, iii; Refrigerating Equipment for Orient Line Steamship "Orion," 194, 198, 213, 215; Refrigerating Plant, " Hallmark," Automatic, Suppe., 13.9.35, iii; Refrigeration Plant for P. and O. Liner " Strathmore," 327
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd, " Circaline " Cutter, Suppt., 20.9.35, vi; Direct Cutting and Profiling Machine, Suppe., 20.9.35, vi
- Hanson, Professor, and M. A. Wheeler. Properties of Some Special Bronzes, 330
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Engines of 1.Union-Castle Liner " Stirling Castle," 250
- Haslam Foundry and Engineering Co, Ltd., Compressor, Single-cylinder Motor-driven, Suppe., 13.9.35, iii; Compressor, Two-cylinder CO,, Suppe., 13.9.35, iii; Liquid Precooler, Suppt., 13.9.35, iii
- Heath and Co., Nautical Instruments, 401
- Heatly Electric Forging., Ltd., Forgings, 401
- Henderson, Sir James, Fundamental Dimensions in Electrical Science, 314
- Henderson, D. W., and Co., " Collins " Power-operated Bracken Cutter, 34
- Henschel and Sohn A.-G., Heavy Lorry Chassis, 546; Rear Axle Assembly of Cross-country Vehicle, 547; 175 b.h.p. Six - cylinder
- Henschel-Lanova Oil Engine, 547
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Automatic Turning Machine, 462; Milling Machine, 462; Small Vertical Milling Machine, 38; Taylor's "Feed-right " Weighing and Rationing Machine, 33; Thread Grinding Machine, Newall Engineering Co, Ltd.. 629
- Hibberd, F. C., and Co., Ltd., Automatic Gear Changing Locomotive, 510; Planet Mine Locomotive, 505
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., High-speed Fly-wheel for Rolling Mill, 654; Pump, " Hivac " Extractor, Suppt., 13.9.35, ii; Pump, Motor-driven Extraction, Suppt., 13.9.35, ii; Rotary Air Compressors, Suppt., 13.9.35, ii; Strainer, " Bailey and Jackson " Rotary, Suppt., 13.9.35. ii; Turbine, 600 b.h.p. High-pressure Steam, Suppt., 13.9.35, ii
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., Bench Drill, 250; Bench Grinder, 250
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., Aluminium Alloys, 401
- Highfield, J. S., Two-part Tariffs for Electricity Supply, 123
- Hill, Professor A. V., Body Mechanism and Energy, 598
- Hillhouse, Professor P. A., Progress of Shipbuilding, 409
- His Majesty the King's Jubilee Naval Review. 67
- Hispano-Suiza Twelve-cylinder Engine, 424
- HMS Kittiwake to be Built by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 637
- HMS Sheldrake to be Built by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 637
- Hoenig Building System, Ltd., Building Layout, 688
- Hok, W., On a Method of Comparing Steamship Performances and Estimating Powers and Speeds of Ships (1893), 31
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Boiler Mountings, Suppt., 20.9.35, vii; Valves, Suppt., 20.9.35, vii; Water Alarm, Suppt., 20.9.35, vii
- Horstmann Gear Co, Ltd., " Comet " Clock Controller, 563; Lighting Appliances, Automatic, 563
- Houk, Ivan E., Trial Load Analyses of Curved Concrete Dams, 2, 3, 28, 40
- Hudson, Robert, Ltd., Contractors' Equipment, 590
- Huggenberger Tensometer, 412
- Hughes and Son, Ltd., Henry, " Husun " Echo Sounder, Suppe., 13.9.35, viii
- Humber, Ltd., Independent Front Wheel Suspension, 399, 400
- Hungarian State Railways, Electrification Work by Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Ltd., 86; Kando System of Electrification.
- Professor L. Verebely, 574
- Hunslet Engine Co, Ltd., Oil-engined Factory Locomotive, 489; 12 h.p. Internal Combustion Locomotive, 536
- Hunter, Summers. jun., Reciprocating Marine Steam Engines During Fifty Years, 120
- Hurst, J. E., Metallurgy of Cast Iron, 34;
- Twenty-five Years of Cast Iron, 34
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Sodium Carbonate for Refining Cast Iron and Non-ferrous Castings, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii
- India, Hydro-electric Works in, 562
- Industrial Colloids, Ltd., Colloidal Degreftsants, 521
- Ingersoll-Rand Co, Ltd., "Crawl-Air" Compressor, 506; Motor Compressor, 506; Pneumatic Impact Wrench, 451
- Inglis, A. and J., Ltd., L.N.E.R. Oil-electric Paddle Vessel " Talisman," 6
- Inglis, G. A., Running of Oil Engine Electric Paddle Boat " Talisman," 673
- International Harvester Company of Great Britain, Ltd., McCormick-Deering Trac-tractor with 50 h.p. Four-cylinder Vertical Compression Ignition Engine, 32; 50 h.p. Four-cylinder Vertical Compression Ignition Engine, 32
- International Meehanite Metal Co, Ltd. Meehanite Metal, 376
- Ionides, M. G., Scour in River Beds, 196
- Iron Paving Co, Ltd., Iron Roads, 384
- Ifiteg Steel, Tests by R. H. Harry Stanger, 521
- Jaeger Truck Mixers, Ltd., Controlled Concrete, 36
- "Jamaica Producer," Banana-carrying Steamer 164, 188
- Jenkins, Dr. C. H. M., and E. H. Bucknall, Age-hardening of Nickel-silicon Copper Alloy., 330
- Johnson, C. H., and Sons, Ltd., " Frog ' Rammer, 537; " ICangaraminer," Road-breaking Machine, 537
- Jones and Attwood Ltd., " Fan-Spray " Pipe Arm Sewage Distributor, 590; " Tractum " Chain Drive Water Wheel Distributor, 590
- Jewett Four-cylinder Car, 525
- KAYE, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Oil Can, 490
- Karrier Motors, Ltd., Commercial Vehicles, 572
- Keller, K. O., Marine Oil Engine Development During Fifty Years, 120
- Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., Langley Stress Finder, 372
- Kennedy, J. M., Electricity Supply, 457, 458
- Kennicott Water Softeners, Ltd., Dejector for Boiler Plants, 264; Water Softening Pleat, 264
- Kent, George, Ltd., Air-flow Transmitter Meter, Suppt., 13.9.35, xi; Automatic Boiler Control Panel, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii; Flow Recorder, Suppt., 13.9.35, xii; V.F. Flume Recorder, 590
- King's Langley Collision Inquiry, 27
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., All-electric Radial Drilling Machine, 384; Duplex Spindle Drilling Machine, 550; Quadruplex Drilling Machine, 490
- Klinger, Richard, Ltd., Gauge Glass for High-pressure Boiler. Suppt., 20.9.35, iii
- Kny. E. Cecil, Forced Draught Coke-fired Crucible Furnace, 46
- Kohler and Co., Ltd., Gas Engine Electric Generating Set, 370
- "Konig Albert," Salving Ex-German Battleship, Metal Industries, Ltd., 396, 404
- Kryn and Lahy (1928), Ltd., Oil Engine, Campbell Cold Starting, Suppt., 13.9.35, iv; Petrol Engine, Coborn Air-cooled, Suppt., 13.9.35, iv; Steel Castings, Suppt., 13.9.35,
- Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd., Air Compressors, 535; Portable Paint Spraying Plant, 535
- Lancia " Astura " Eight-cylinder Engine, 424
- Larke, Sir William, Men and Metals, 35
- Lea Recorder Co, Ltd., Recording Apparatus, 563
- Lead Wool Co, Ltd., Portable Air-cooled Compressor, 587
- Lee, Howl and Co., Ltd., Pumps, 8
- Leitz, E. (London), Scientific Instruments. Suppt., 13.9.35, vi; Toolmakers' Microscope, Suppt., 13.9.35, vi
- Lewis, K. G., and W. R. Evans, Corrosion between Discontinuous Oxide Castings with
- Special Reference to Magnesium, 342
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., " Cheetah " Passenger Chassis, 518; " Cub " Light Six Oil Engine, 518; " Octopus " Eight-wheeled Chassis. 518
- Lilley and Son, Ltd., John, Nautical Instruments, 345; Unit Compass, 345
- Liner Concrete Machinery Co, 7:5 Cubic Foot Concrete Mixer, 587
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Auto-trucks, 506; Oil and Petrol Engines, 506; Twin-cylinder Petrol Engine. 506; 7 b.h.p. Oil Engine, 376; 14 b.h.p. Marine Oil Engine, 376; 10-Cwt. Lister, Pollock Oil Engine, 378
- Lloyd, David, and Dudley Walton, Planning for Future Water Supply, 503
- Lloyd, G. C., Iron and Steel Institute's Presentation to, 301
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Insulated Containers for Moat and Fruit Traffic, W. A. Stanier, 125; Insulated Milk Vans, 74; High-speed Test Run of Locomotive No. 6200, " The Princess Royal." 37, 74; 4-6-2 Type Turbine Locomotive, William Stanier, 12. 14; Sleeping Cars, First-class, 202
- Lucas, Joseph, Ltd., Rotax Electric Bench Grinder, 630
- Lunn, A. L., Equipment and Performance of Steel Tank Rectifier Sub-station Operating on Underground Railways. 515
- MACKLEY, E. N., and Co., " Fire-Fly " Fire Pump, Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 33
- McGovern, John, Cargo Ship and Tanker Development During Fifty Years, 94
- McLaren, J. and H., Ploughing Windlasses Operated by Oil Engines, 33; 30 b.h.p. Twin-cylinder Oil Engine, 318; 85 b.h.p. Five-cylinder Oil Engine, 33; 87 b.h.p. Marine Emergency Generating Set, 318
- McPherson, T., Marine Boiler Development in Fifty Years, 120
- Marcel Deprez Celebration, 635
- Marconi's Crystal-controlled Wireless Beacons, 19
- Marconi International Marine Communication Co, Ltd., Wireless Apparatus, 374
- Marshall, C. F. Dandy, Germs and Development of some Mechanical Inventions, 491
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Agricultural Machinery, 33; 2-Ton Roller, 33; 2/21-Ton Roller. 505; 31112-Ton Oil Engine-driven Road Roller, 505
- Mason, E. N., and Sons, Ltd., Continuous Photo Copier, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii; Drawing-office Equipment, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii
- "Mauretania's" Last Voyage, 27
- Mawdsleys, Ltd., Arc Welding Set, 372; Tandem Lift Motor, 372
- Menzies, G. K., Retires from Secretaryship of Royal Society of Arts, 10
- Mercedes-Benz Rear Axle Assembly, 423
- Mercedes-Benz Supercharge Unit, 399, 400
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Fire Fighting Appliances at Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 34
- Mersey Tunnel Ventilating System, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 512
- Metal Industries, Ltd., Salving Ex-German
- Battleship " Konig Albert," 396, 404
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.,
- Differential Analyser at Manchester University, 56, 82; High-frequency Arc Welding Set, 548; Ventilating System for [[Mersey Tunnel (Road) |Mersey Tunnel, 512; 1200 h.p. Electric Locomotives for South African Railways, 266
- Millars' Machinery Co, Ltd., 14: 10 Cubic Foot Concrete Mixer, 587
- Miller, Dr. J. L., Surges in Transmission Lines and Transformers, 297
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 20 b.h.p and 50 b.h.p. Mirrlees-Ricardo Oil Engines, 346; 300 b.h.p. Poppet Valve Oil Engine, 346, 350
- Mirrlees Watson Co, Ltd., Turbine-driven Pump, 346
- Mollart Engineering Co, Ltd., Universal Joint, 265
- Monarch Controller Co. Ltd., Industrial Shock Absorber, 629
- Mond Nickel Co, Ltd., Nickel and its Alloys, 400
- Morgan Crucible Co, Ltd., Foundry Equipment, Suppt., 20.9.35, ix; Metal Melting Furnaces, Suppe., 20.9.35, ix
- Morin's Dynamometer, 340
- Morison, D. B., The British Naval Engineer His Present Position and Influence on our Sea Power (1900), 31
- Moss Gear Co, Ltd., Vertical Drive, 655
- Motor Rail, Ltd., 6-Ton 32/42 h.p. Simplex Oil Locomotive, 507
- Multi-Curve Cutter Co, Ltd., Multi-Curve Cutter, 401
- Mundella, V. A. Education of Youths Before and During their Apprenticeship (1915). 31
- Murex Welding Processes Ltd., Electrodes for Welding. 373; Welding Apparatus, 373
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co Ltd., Oil Engine. 240 b.h.p., Suppt., 13.9.35, vi; Oil Engine Driving Generator and Compressor. 91 b.h.p., Suppt., 13.9.35, ; 22-37 b.h.p. Oil Engine. 425
- Neal, R. H.. and Co. Ltd. Quarter-yard "Rapid " Excavator, 587; 2-Ton Crane for Persia, 463
- Negretti and Zambra, Dial Thermostat, Suppt.. 13.9.35, vii; Temperature Controller, Stipp. 13.9.35, vii
- Neill and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., James. "Eclipse" Products, 401; Modern Electro-plating Plant, 574
- New Process Welders, Ltd., Double Transformer Twin Spot Welder, 318; Twin Spot Welding Machine, 317
- New York, Sinking 8ft. Rotary Caissons in, 61
- Newall Engineering Co, Ltd., Automatic Thread Grinding Machine, 629
- Noble and Lund, 78in. Railway Wheel Lathe, 356
- Normand Electrical Co Ltd. Motor Stator, 411
- Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., Lighting Set, 5-kW Ship's, Suppt., 13.9.35, vi : Oil Engine, Six-cylinder, 102 b.h.p. Marine. Suppe., 13.9.35, v; Oil Engine. Eight-cylinder, 136 b.h.p. Rail Traction, Suppt.. 13.9.35, vi; 53 b.h.p. Oil Engine. 572; 102 b.h.p. Marine Oil Engines. 453
- Northampton Electric Light and Power Co, Hyperbolic Cooling Tower at Hardingstone Power Station, L. G. Mouehel and Partners, 192 (Two-page Supplement, August 23rd, 1935)
- Oerlikon Company. Address to Shareholders by Dr. D. Schindler, 653 (Leading Article. "A Mad World," 649); Relays for Protecting A.C. Circuits. 88
- Oresund (Sound) Bridge. Proposed Bridge to Join Denmark and Sweden. 453
- Orion," Orient Liner Steamer, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 194, 198, 213, 215
- Ormerod Shapers. Ltd., Heavy-duty Slotting Machine, 276
- Osborn, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., IFfigh-frequency Induction Furnaces, 551
- Ozalid Co, Ltd., Photo-print Developing Machine, Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Ozonair, Ltd.. Ventilating and Heating Plants, 317
- P. and B. Engineering Co, Ltd. Tapping Live Distribution Lines, 646
- Pearl Sewage Disposal Works, South Africa, 408
- Paris Motor Car Show, 384
- Parish, J., and Co., Silica Sand, 401
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Stone Breaker, 590
- Parsons, Hon. C. A., Compound Steam Turbine and its Theory as Applied to Working of Dynamo-electric Machines (1887), 31
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd. Governor Gear for 50,000-kW Turbine, Suppt., 20.9.35, x; Scale Model of 30,000-kW Turbo-alternator, Suppt., 20.9.35, x; Single-reduction Gearing, Suppt., 20.9.35, x; Turbine Blading, 20.9.35, x; Voltage-regulating Gear for Transformers, 176
- Parsons Oil Engine Co, Ltd., Engine-driven Generating Sets for Submarine Cable Service, 227; Ship's Emergency Generating Set, 603; %Voter Injection Exhaust Silencer, 656; 35 -70 h.h.p. Six-cylinder Marine Petrol Engine, 452, 453; 100 b.h.p. Marine Petrol Engine. 453
- Patent Lightning Crusher Co, Ltd., Crushers. 563; Refuse Masticator, 563
- Paterson Engineering Co, Ltd., Automatic " Baaix " Water Softener, 587; Sterilising Water, Apparatus for, 586
- Pegson " Counter Current " Concrete Mixer, 563
- Pels, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Guillotine Shears, Suppt., 20.9.35. vii; Plate Straightening Press, Suppt., 20.9.35, vi 75-Ton Folding Press, Suppt., 20.9.35. vi
- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., 23,400-Ton Tvrin-screw Turbine-driven Liner "Strathmore," 288, 289, 294, 325
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Oil Engines, 573
- Peter, Major L. H., Modern Developments in Railway Signalling, 591
- Petters Ltd., Oil-engined Tug for New Zealand, 251; 55 h.h.p. " Atomic " Oil Engine. 344; 110 b.h.p. Blower Scavenge Engine, 344
- Philips Industrial (Philips Lamps, Ltd.), Condenser for Power Factor Correction, Suppt.. 20.9.35, i; Welding and Battery-charging Rectifiers, Suppt., 20.9.35. i; Welding Electrode, Suppt., 20.9.35, i
- Philips Lamps. Ltd. Discharge Lamp. 410
- Pick Frank, Organisation of Transport. 619
- Porritt, B. D., Rubber and its Engineering Uses, 644
- Power Contracts (Batwin) Ltd., Rubber-spring Cradle-mounted Motors, Suppt.. 20.9.35, vii
- Pretoria Steel Works, Dumping and the. 304
- Pretoria Steel Works, Resignation of Manager, Dr. J. H. Dobson, 10
- Price and Belsham Ltd., Maximum Demal i Alarm Indicators, 48
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., Excavators, 589
- Priestman, T. J., Ltd.. Cupro Foundry Specialities, 400
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Portable Pumping Plant, 564; Three-eighth-yard Four-purpose Excavator, 564; 4ft. bin. Pan Mixer, 564
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Electric Trollybuses for Cape Town, 152; " Over-green " Motor Mower, 34 62-Seater All-metal Body Trollybuses, 486; 80 b.h.p. Double-deck Trollybus, 486; 2-Ton Electric Truck. 486
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co. Ltd. Magnetic Separator. 318; Testing Magnet. 318
- Reavell and Co Ltd., Air Compressors, 590; Compressors for Davyhulme Sewage Disposal Works, 109, 118; Reavell-Askania Regulator, Suppe., 13.9.35, xi; Rotary Water-cooled Compressor, Suppe.. 13.9.35,
- xi; Two-stage Double-acting Air Compressor, Suppe., 13.9.35, xi
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Engineers for Demolition of Waterloo Bridge, London, Sir William Arrol and Co., Ltd., 648, 652
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Earth Leakage Trip Switches, 47; Fault Locator for Overhead Lines, 489
- Ricardo, Harry R., Progress of Internal Combustion Engine and its Fuel, 433
- Richards, George, and Co., Ltd. Boring Machine for Axle Brasses, 99
- Riley V 8 Engine, 424
- Roberts, P. O., Modern Ways of Burning Solid Fuel. 573
- Rothamsted's Dynamometer, :341
- Rolls-Royce. Ltd., Front-wheel Suspension, 399, 400; 50.7 h.p. Twelve-cylinder Engine. 398
- Ross, Hotchkiss and Co., Ltd., Water Circulator, 401
- Rotoplunge Co, Ltd., Fuel Oil Pumps, 300
- Runbaken Products, Electric Etcher " Engravex," 681
- Rundell, C. V., Distribution of Concentrated Load in Reinforced Concrete Slabs. 161
- Russell, S., and Sons, Ltd., Automatic Cold Sawing Machine, 356
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Portable Pumping Plant, 537; Reverse Reduction Gear for Oil Engines, 425, 426: "Thermax" Vertical Water-tube Boiler. 537; Three-eighth-yard Excavator, 508; 2 h.p. Gas Engine, 371; 36 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Oil Engine, 347; 52 b.h.p. Three-cylinder Oil Engine, 347; 80 b.h.p. Horizontal Oil Engine, 537 : 106 b.h.p. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 347; 106 b.h.p. Oil Engine, 425; 150 b.h.p. Five-cylinder Oil Engine. 347; 264 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Horizontal Oil Engine, 347; 320 b.h.p. six-cylinder Oil Engine, 347, 350
- Ruston-Bucyrus Ltd., Five-eighth-yard Oil-engined Excavator, 508
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd. An Electro-magnetic Fatigue Tester, 201; Photo-electric Reflection Meter, 250
- Schindler, Dr. D.. Economic Changes during the Years 1905-1935, 653; (Leading Article, "A Mad World." 649)
- Scientific Control Concrete Ltd., Controlled Concrete. 36
- Scintilla " Vertex " Magneto, 451, 452
- Selson Machine Tool Co, Ltd., Grinder, Thompson Surface, Suppe.. 20.9.35. ii; Hartung Moulding Machine, Suppt.. 20.9.35, iii; Maleus Cantreless Grinding Machine, Suppe.. 20.9.35, ii; Volman ('.S. R. Lathe, Suppe.. 20.9.35, ii
- Shannon, Dr. James F., Damping Influences in Torsional Oscillation, 677; (Leading Article, 649)
- Sharpe. Dr. B. A., and B. J. O. Kane, Dielectrics at High Frequency. 296
- Shell-Mex and B. P., Ltd., Fuel-testing Engine, "Sunbury " Electrical Indicator. 263; Private Exhibition of Fuel Oil Burning Appliances, 557
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co Ltd., Alloy Cast Irons, 400
- Siemens Electric Lamps and Supplies Ltd., "Sieray-Dual " Lamp, 535
- Siemens Schuckert (Great Britain). Ltd. Electric Seam Welding Machines. 190; Spot and Seam Welder, Suppl., 20.9.35, xii
- Sign Construction Co, Ltd. Electric Sign Clock, 576
- "Silver Jubilee " Train of London and North Eastern Railway, H. N. Gresley 318; Official Trials. 348; (Leading Article. 351)
- "Silver Link," London and North Eastern Railway Jubilee Streamlined Locomotive, H. N. Gresley, 318, 319: Official Trial, 348 : (Leading Article. 351)
- Simon. Henry, Ltd., Tyresoling Process, 573: 280-ton Travelling Pneumatic Grain-discharging Plant at Victoria Docks. London, 92. 96, 97
- Sims, Dr. L. G. A.. Specification of Magnetic Qualities, 297
- Singer and Co, Ltd. Front-wheel Suspension, 399, 400
- Sinterae, Ltd., Beacons for Penetration of Fog, :175
- Smith, Sir Frank E., Coal, Power and Smoke, Presidential Address to Junior Institution of Engineers. 640
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons (Rodley), Ltd.. Two-Ten Single-bucket Excavator, 565
- South African Iron and Steel Industry, 145
- South Wales Coalfield, Geophysical Survey of, Professor A. H. Cox, 226
- Southwell, Professor R. V. Method of Solving Redundant Structures, 270
- Sperry Gyroscope Co. Ltd., Gyroscopic Compass. 298
- Spicer, George, M.A.N. 200 b.h.p.. Six-cylinder Oil Engine, 452, 453
- Spiral Tube and Components Co, Ltd., Air Heaters for Warming Factories, 401
- Spooner Dryer and Engineering Co, Ltd. Drying Machinery, 167
- Stamp, Sir Josiah, Calculus of Plenty. 551
- Standard Oil Co, Petroleum Hydro-generating Plant in New Jersey (see Leading Article), 68
- Standard-Sunbury Engine Indicator. E. S. L. Beak and R. Stansfield, 617, 642, 607
- Standard Telephones and Cables. Engine-driven Generating Sets for Submarine Cable Service. Parsons Oil Engine Co, Ltd.. 227
- Stanier, W. A., 4-6-2-type Turbine Locomotive for L.M. and S. Railway, 12. 14
- Stanton Ironworks Co, Ltd., Mechanical Lead Jointing for Cast Iron Pipes, 276
- Steel Barrel Co, Ltd. Milk Tank on Albion Chassis, 546
- Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd., Corby Iron and Steel Works, 449, 450. 474, 482. 509. 514. 539. 542 (Two-page Supplement, Xorr mho- 22nd. 1935); Pig Irons, 401
- Stewart, Malcolm. Unemployment " Special " Areas, 93, 119
- Stirling Foundry Specialties Ltd., Foundry Materials. 401
- Stone, J., and Co. Ltd.. Propellers for Orient Line Steamship " Orion," 215
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Concrete Mixers, 586 : Oil-fired Drier, 586
- Straussler Mechanization Ltd., Tractor-trailer Articulated Vehicle, 487, 488; 7-ton Four-wheel-drive Lorry Chassis, 517
- Stream Line Filter Co, Ltd. Oil Filters, 316; Pressure Oiling System for Rolling Mill Bearings, 628
- Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles Co, Low-voltage Lighting System. 520; Trollybuses, 519
- Sun-Vic Controls, Ltd., "Sun-Vic" Vacuum Switch, Suppt., 20.9.35, ix; Thermostats, Suppt.. 20.9.35, ix
- Super Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., Centrifuge, Totally Enclosed High-capacity Super, 317
- Superheater Co Ltd., Silver Jubilee Dinner, (656)
- Sutton, H. and L. F. Le Brocq, Magnesium Alloys and Protection Against Corrosion, 343
- Swallow, M. G. S. Recent Developments in Electrical and General Engineering, 120. 127
- TAUG, G. F., Resistance to Earth of Towers of Overhead Line Systems. 560
- "Talisman," L.N.E.R. Oil-electric Paddle Vessel, A. and J. Inglis. Ltd.. 6
- Tangyes Ltd., Oil Engine Starter. 347; 30/36 b.h.p. Three-cylinder Marine Oil Engine, 347; 240 h.h.p. Vertical Oil Engine. 346. 350; Pumps for Marine Use. 347
- Tapsell, H. J. and A. E. Johnson. An Investigation of Nature of Creep under Stresses Produced by Pure Flexure, 342
- Tawa Flat Deviation, New Zealand. 266
- Tecalemit Ltd., Grease Gun, 9: Lubrication Equipment. Bulk, 9
- Tekon Development, Ltd. 120 b.h.p. Stellar Oil Engine, Lloyd and Ross, 372
- Telephone Manufacturing Co, Ltd., Telephone Equipment. Suppt., 20.9.35, x
- Tinnent, R. B., Ltd., Manufacture of Rolls for Rolling Mills. .566
- Tensometer Ltd. Worm Gear Type Tensometer. 372
- Thews, Edmund R., Production and Application of Silver Solders. 113, 136, (178)
- Thomas, Richard, and Co, Ltd. opening of Ebbw Vale Steel Works After Eight Years, 543
- Thomas Viaduct, Maryland, Centenary Celebrations of Stone Viaduct, 123
- Thompson, Professor F. C., and A. M. Herbert, Flow of Metals. 354
- Thompson Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., John. Fission-welded Water-tube Boiler Drum, 401
- Thorn and Hoddle Ltd. "Eveready " Acetylene Generators. Suppt.. 20.9.35. xi; Welding Apparatus, Suppl., 20.9.35, xi
- Thornton. A. J.. Power in Steel Works, 412
- Thornycroft, John I.. and Co.. Ltd. " Hand-hilly " 71 b.h.p. Paraffin Engine. 345; "Sturdy" Petrol Engine Chassis, 518; "Trusty " Petrol Engine Lorry. 519; 9 h.h.p. Heavy Oil Engine, 345; 18 b.h.p. Twin-cylinder Oil Engine, 345; 36,50 b.h.p. Petrol-paraffin Engine. 345; .54 /70 b.h.p. Six-cylinder Marine Oil Engine. 452. 453; 80 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Petrol Engine. 519; 85 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Oil Engine, 519; 120 h.h.p. Oil Engine, 345
- Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Co. Ltd. Air Compressors. 401; " NVheelsbrator " Fettling Plant. 401
- Towns. V. W. H. . Measurement of Torque and Thrust in Ships. 523
- Tripp, G. W., Developments in Cross-Channel Pockets, 114; Correction, (182)
- Tongum Sales Co Ltd. Tunguni 44
- Tuplin, W. A., Torsional Vibration, with Angular Backlash, 199
- Turbine Furnace Co. Ltd. Grate for Small Boilers, 264
- Turbine Gears, Ltd., Automatic Bevel Gear Generator, Suppt., 13.9.35, viii; Automatic Spiral Bevel Gear Generator, Suppt., 13.9.35, viii; Automatic Worm Wheel Generator, Suppt., 13.9.35, viii
- Turner's Asbestos Cement Co, " Everitt, " Asbestos Cement Pipes, 563
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Iron and Steel Products, 401
- United Water Softeners, Ltd., Lassen-Hjiirt Automatic Measuring Apparatus, Supet., 20.9.35. iv; " Permutit Water Softening Plant, Suppt., 20.9.35, iv; Water Softening and Purification Plant at Nottingham, 248
- VAUDREUIL Rigid Frame Bridge. 160, 170
- Velox Hot Water Boiler, E. S. Dean, 203
- Victor Oil Engines (Coventry), Ltd, " Cub " Oil Engine, 426
- Vieille Montagne Co, Coal. Oil and Gas-fired Boilers at Zinc Works of Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.. 62, 63
- Vokes, C. G., Ltd., Fuel Oil Filters, 508; " Oil Bath " Filter. Suppt., 20.9.35. ix; Silencer for Exhaust of Internal Combustion Engines, Suppt.. 20.9.35, ix
- WAKEFIELD, C. C., and Co., Ltd., Chain Conveyor Lubricator. 344; Mechanical Grease Lubricator, 344
- Walker. R. J.. Marine Steam Turbine Development During Fifty Years, 120
- Wall. T. F., Electro-magnetie Tests for Work-hardening Steel Wire, 260
- Walton, Dudley, David Lloyd and, Planning for Future Water Supply, 503
- Waterloo Bridge, London, Demolition of, Rendel, Palmer and Tritton. 648. 652
- Watson, John Duncan, Sewage Disposal. 476
- Watts, Professor W. W.. Crust of the Earth, 246; Form, Drift, and Rhythm of the Continents. 246, 270
- Waygood, Oscar C., Electric Lifts and Escalators, 428
- Wearies Autoflex Drives, Automatic Belt Tightener, 522: Belt Drive Mechanism, 371
- Weighton, Professor R. L., Experimental Engines at Durham College of Science. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1896, 31
- Weir, G. and J.. Ltd., Direct-acting Boiler Feed Pumps of " Mauretania," 375; Motor-driven Homogeniser, 375; Reciprocating Plunger Pump, 375
- Welch, Professor R. J., Scientific Education of Naval Architects (1908), 31
- West, Captain A. G. D., Present Position of Television, 271
- West Kent Sludge Digestion Works, Dartford, 151
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co Ltd. Metal Rectifiers, Suppt., 20.9.35. ix
- West Middlesex Sewerage Scheme, 322. 328
- White. R. and Sons, Ropeway Extension Franke. 603
- Wititr, W. H., Speed Trials of Steamships, 31
- ‘Vi,Lintiii, A. C., Ltd., Small High-speed Precision Automatic, 575; Vertical Broaching Machine. 490
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd.. Nickel Alloys,Suppt., 13.9.35, iii; Washing Machine. All-Mond Metal Laundry, Suppt., 13.9.35, iii
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Electric Furnaces. 371; Forced Air Furnaces, 372
- Wilder, Rev. H. C.. Old Electric Lighting Plant at Sulham Rectory, Crompton and Co., 657
- Winans, P. W. A. Letter by, 422
- Williams, G. Bransby Intensities of Flood Discharges. 532 Single-arch Masonry Dams, 420, 470
- Williams and James, Air-starting Motor for Oil Engines, Suppt., 20.9.35, xi
- Willis, " World Clock." 48
- Wilson, J. S., Dynamometers for Agricultural Research, 340, 366, 394; Stability of Structures, 240, 270
- Windred, G.. Electrical Contacts, 222
- Winget Ltd., Concrete latching Unit, 589; Modern Foundry at Rochester, 44
- Wingrove and Rogers, Ltd., Bale Stacking Trucks for L.M.S. Railway, 124
- Winsor Axis Fans, Ltd., Fan Self-contained, Reversible, 376; Fan Blades for Self contamed Reversible Fans, 376
- Workington Iron and Steel Co, Pig irons, 401
- Worl, Max, Technical Edwiition (;e many (1903), 31
- YATES, H. G., Calculation of Turbine Re-heat Factor from Geometry of Heat Chart, 212
- Yorkshire Copper Works Ltd., Non-ferrous Tubes, 401
- Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co. 7-Ton Pay Load Oil Engine Driven Lorry. 545; 15-Ton Pay Load Ellett •whei,ler Lorry, 545
- Young, J. Denholm. System of Mechanical Aid to the Investigation of Speed Curves (18921, 31
- Yuba Manufacturing Co, Large Gold Dredger. 631
- A CALL to Adventure, "Youth," 488
- Abrasive " Norbite," Norton Company, (65)
- Accidents in Industry, Prevention of, (481)
- Acetic Acid for Winning Operations, (65)
- Acetylene Black as Heat Insulator, (455)
- Acetylene Black as Thermal Insulator, (193)
- Acetylene Congress, President and Vice-President Appointed for International. (621) •
- Acetylene Generators, " Eveready,- Thorn and Hoddle, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, xi
- Admiralty Engineer Overseer Appointed for Midland District, Engineer Captain .1. S. Orr, (429)
- Adventure, Colonel A. E. Davidson, 457, 500
- Acridetax :
- Aeroplane Accidents, Publicity in Newspapers of, (193)
- Aeroplane Disaster to American Mail Aeroplane, ( 377)
- Air Liner Disitshv at Amsterdain, K.L.M. Royal Dutch, (65)
- Air Liner " Syrinx,' Accident to, (403)
- American Stratosphere Balloon " Explorer II," Collapse of, (91)
- "Atalanta,' Loss of Imperial Airway, Liner, (481) Crash of Demon Two-seater Fighter Hendon, (143) Crash of French Farman " Fleet " Experimental Monoplane, (143) Deaths from Flying Accidents, Statistie,.. (673)
- Flying Boat Damaged in Brindisi Harbour, Second British, (567) "Puss Moth " Accidents, 171 Railway Air Services, Crash of D.M. Dragon Air Liner on Isle of Man, (11) "Sylvanus." Imperial Airways Flying-boat Burnt in Brindisi Harbour, (541) Tatsfield Air Disaster, 611 Z.I.G. 2, Crash of Soviet Passenger Air Liner, (595)
- Adelaide Air Services, (219)
- Adelaide and Darwin Air Service, (219)
- Aerial Photographs of Boulder Dam, (349)
- Aerial Surveying in Far East. 233
- Aerial Surveys by Imperial Airways Four-engined Liner " Dorado," (349)
- Aerodrome at Bromma, Stockholm, (243)
- Aerodrome at Fanling, Hong Kong, (193)
- Aerodrome at Syden.ham_(Belfast). (541)
- Aerodrome Equipment Exhibition. London, 1936, (647)
- Aerodrome in Nort h-East Durham, Proposed, (429)
- Aerodrome near Ismailia. Civil Aviation Construction at, (595)
- Aerodromes Advisory Board Ceases to Exist, (621)
- Aerodromes in Borneo, Six, (621)
- Aerodromes in New Zealand, Twenty-nine, (349)
- Aerodromes near London, Westminster City Council and, (673)
- Aeronautical Research at Cambridge, Sir John D. Siddeley's Offer. (65)
- Aeronautical Research at Cambridge University, Sir John Siddeley's Gift for, (455)
- Aeroplane Landing Grounds for Mid-Cheshire Regional Planning Committee, Four, (225)
- Aeroplane Propeller Blades, Process for Hardening the Wood of, (567)
- Aeroplane Works at Roundhay, Leeds, (403)
- African Research Survey, 422
- Air Base for Flying Boats at Malta Proposed, (39)
- Aircraft Combine, Hawker-Siddeley Aircraft Company, Ltd.. (65)
- Aircraft Display at Hendon by Society of British Aircraft Constructors, 1
- Aircraft Factories in Scotland, Sites for, (91)
- Aircraft Factory at Barnhurst, i'Volverharripton, (403)
- Aircraft Factory at Speke, (11), (65)
- Aircraft Factory near ‘Volverhampt on, Plans Approved for, (117)
- Aircraft in Foggy Weather, Lorenz System of Guiding, (429)
- Aircraft Material Exported During Half-year, (143)
- Aircraft Supplies, Public Interest in Prices of, (11)
- Aircraft Wireless Equipment, Marconi Company Creates Organisation for, (455)
- Air Defence Exercises, 159
- Air Expansion in Japan, (143)
- Air Force and War Office Co-operation in Formation of " 1st Anti-aircraft Division, Territorial Army," (595)
- Air Liner Postal Service, Six Years of 1Vorking, (481)
- Air Liner Prize Withdrawn, (219)
- Air Mail from Brindisi to India and East. Imperial Airways Flying Boat Record Mail. (647)
- Air Mail Lettesa from Groat Britain, (429)
- Air Mail Service between Bombay and Trivandrum, (481)
- Air Mail Service between Europe and North America, (143)
- Air Mail Services between Liverpool and Isle of Man, (541)
- Air Mail Transport Across Pacific, Tenders Invited by U.S. Post Office, (349)
- Air Mails on London-Belfast-Glasgow Route, L.M.S. Railway Awarded Contract, (567)
- Air Mails to South America, (39)
- Air Ministry Builds Miles " Hawcon " Monoplane for High-speed Research, (621)
- Air Minist ry Orders Light Bombing Machines (143)
- Air Passengers and Freight, Imperial Airways' Statistics, (219)
- Airport for Airships at Sverdlosk, Ural Mountains, (169)
- Air Record, Paris to Saigon, (673)
- Air Route from San Francisco to New Zealand, Proposed Pan-American Airways, (455)
- Air Service between Croydon, Ostend, and Le Zoute Opened, (11)
- Air Service between Europe and America, Proposed, (377 )
- Air Service between Glasgow and Skye, Twice-weekly, (595)
- Air Service between London and Lille, (403)
- Air Service between Norwich, Leicester and Nottingham and Liverpool, Blackpool, Belfast and Isle of Man, (117). (143)
- Air Service between Pan-America and New Zealand, (481)
- Air Service between Portsmouth and Paris, (169)
- Air Service between Stornoway and Mainland, (91)
- Air Service from Croydon to Amsterdam, Brussels and Lille, (377)
- Air Services between Croydon and Ostend and Brussels, (39)
- Air Services between Croydon, Madrid and Lisbon, (660)
- Air Services for Atlantic Liners Arriving at Plymouth from New York, (117)
- Air Services in United States, Schedules, (567)
- Air Services over Empire Air Routes, Exhibition at Science Museum, Imperial Airways, Ltd., (567)
- Air Services Time Table, City of Hull Development Committee's, (117)
- Airships for Advertising Purposes in United States, German-built, (377)
- Air Strengths of Principal Countries, League of Nations Armament Book Statistics, (90)
- Air Survey of New Guinea for Petroleum, de Havilland " Dragon Rapides " Selected for, (243)
- Air Survey of Oil Concession Areas in Dutch New Guinea, (11)
- Air Traffic between England and India, (193)
- Airways Amalgamation, Proposed, 365
- Alderney Air Services, Direct Transport Service with England. (65)
- Alderney Aerodrome Licensed, (481)
- Atlantic Flight by Lieut. F. Waitkus, (349)
- Aviation Companies, C. Richardson on Flying by British, (481)
- Aviation Company, Elders Colonial Airways, Ltd., Registered, (513)
- Balloon which Changes to Parachute, Tests Near Moscow on, (152)
- Berlin Tempelhof Aerodrome, Extension of, (267)
- Bombing Scivadrons to be Formed, Five R.A.F., (2(17)
- British Aeroplanes to be Built i (169)
- British Aircraft, Improvements to. 469
- British Gliding Record, 13 Hours 7 Minutes, J. C. Neilan Holds, (117)
- Cape-England Record Flight by Flying Officer D. Llewellin and Mrs. J. Wyndham, (513)
- "Chins Clipper " Carries 2 Tone of Mail on Inaugural Trip, Pan-American Airways, (567)
- "China Clipper " Completes Inaugural Flight, (596)
- Civil Aircraft. Official List of Registered, (455)
- Civil Aircraft and Royal Naval Review, ( I I)
- Civil Aircraft Problems, 159
- Civil Aviation, Appointment as Director of Mr. J. G. Gibson, (377)
- Civil Aviation, Development of, 133
- Civil Aviation Progress, 365
- Civil Flying Schools, Eight out of Twelve Opened, (621)
- Clock at Rand Airport, Largest in World, Electric, (219)
- Coventry Airport, Proposed, (39)
- Coventry Airport Scheme, Site at Whitley Selected for, (117)
- Croydon-Cologne Air Route, Distance Covered in 115 Minutes, (349)
- de Havilland Aircraft for Surveys in New Guinea, 233
- Dominion Aircraft Order for do Havilland Commercial Aircraft, 107
- England-Australia Solo Flying Record by H. F. Broadbent, (541)
- Finningley Air Force Station, (243)
- Flight from Le Bourget to Algiers at Average Speed of 202 m.p.h. of D.H. " Comet " by French Pilot, (267)
- Floating Aerodrome for Deutsche Lufthansa, Third, (647)
- Flying Boat Building at Hemble, Southampton, Sikorsky, (595)
- Folkestone Air Trophy Race Won by L. Lipton on D.H. " Moth," (293)
- French Air Force, Additional Expenditure on. (321)
- French Grand Prix Air Race Won by M.
- Guy de Chateaubrun, (117)
- Glider Passes over Alps, (267)
- Glider Records on the Continent, (117)
- Gliding and Soaring, Modern Methods of, Herr Robert Kronfeld, 531
- Gliding Clubs, Formation of Federation of British, (455)
- Gordon Bennett Cup Contest, Thirteen Balloons Leave Warsaw, (293)
- AERONAUTICS (continued):
- Graf Zeppelin," Endurance Test of 119 Hours in Air, (595)
- Graf Zeppelin," Summer Services. (65)
- Hastings Aerodrome, (143)
- Heston Airport Opened, 81
- Holland-Dutch East, Indies Air Service Completes Five Years' Working, (321)
- lee on Aeroplane Wings, Imperial Airways Machine to be Fitted with Device for Prevention of, (673)
- Imperial Airways Flying Mileage for year. (313)
- International Competition of Single-seater Fighting Aeroplanes, Belgian Government, Arranges, (11)
- King's Cup Air Race, 1935, Conditions for, (143); Won by Flight-Lieut. T. Rose, 257
- Leicester's Municipal Airport Opened, (91)
- London-Glasgow Air Services, (293)
- London-Newcastle Air Race Won by Flight Lieut. J. B. Wilson, (117)
- Malta as a Central Seaplane Base (91)
- Manx Air Services, (293)
- Municipalities Interested in Civil Aviation, (243)
- National Air Transport Company in Irish Free State, (595)
- Naval Seaplane's World's Record Flight ? U.S., (429)
- New York to Budapest in Six Days, (219)
- Non-stop Flight from Moscow to San Francisco, Proposed Arctic, (117)
- Paris-Rome Daily Air Service Inaugurated. (117)
- Passenger Dirigible Service Between Moscow and Svondlovsk, Proposed. (11)
- Perth Airport, Glasgow Firm to Build, (377)
- Portable Glider Tests in Russia, Successful, (673)
- Railway Air Services, Miles Flown on Regular Services, (377)
- Rangoon Aerodrome, Science Ready for, (377)
- R.A.F. Base at Porthneigwl Foreshore, South Camarvonshire, (219)
- R.A.F. Base on Thorney Island, Einsworth, Hants, Cost of, (91)
- Royal Air Force Display, 1935, 1
- Royal Air Force Expansions, .'erdoiiiid Required for, (65)
- Royal Air Force, Flight Training Schools, (243)
- School of Air Navigation at Mauston, (567)
- Seadrome at Southampton, Proposed, 183
- Seaplane Base at Greenock, (567)
- Seaplanes at Royal Victoria Dock, Provision for, (117)
- Search for SirCharles Kingsford Smith, (513)
- Second International Austrimi Alpine Flight, August. 1935, (11)
- Southend Municipal Aerodrome Opened. 309
- Stratosphere Flight by Soviet Pilot, N'ictor Yovseyev, Record, (349)
- Survey Flight for British Scandinavian Ail Services (647)
- Survey Flights for 'Fromm hint ic• ‘1,,,I Service, (621)
- Tasmau Sea Air Service, Plans for, (65)
- Transatlantic Air Service, Proposed, 499, 611
- Transatlantic Seapla )(Wed, ((15)
- Travelling between Town and Aerodrome, Time Lost in, (513)
- Wakefield Cup Won by G. Hansez, of Antwerp, at Lympne International Air Rally, (243)
- Walsall Aerodrome Opened, (:39) 1A'orld's Non-stop Flight Record Claimed by Italy, (117)
- Zeppelin Schedule Reduced. (219)
- Aero-Eugmes :
- Aero-engino " Dagger I I I , " Introduced ).y
- RAY.. (321)
- Aircraft, Machines :
- Aeroplane which liloriot Flew Chamiel,
- Exact Replica to be Built, (513)
- Aeroplane with Propeller Driven by Pedal.,
- Herr Dunnbeil's Invention, (243)
- Aeroplane " ZIG i " Completed by Moscim
- Civil Air Fleet Plant, (403)
- Aeroplanes, Russian Government to Construct Sixteen " Maxine Gorky " Type, (91)
- Aeroplanes for Greek tiovernment,- British. (193), (403)
- Aeroplanes for Soviet Government of ** Maxiin
- Gorki " Type, (243)
- Aircraft, Decontrol of Light, 233
- Aircraft Carrier, " Ark Royal," Portions to be
- Electrically Welded, (267)
- Air Liner " D.H. 86," Two Improved Models
- of de Havilland, (481)
- Airspeed " Envoys " for South African
- Government, (647)
- American Seaplane Reaches 18,200ft. with
- Load of 24,000 lb., (117)
- Cabin Biplane " Hornet Moth " to Replace
- " Moth ' Type Machine, (11) ('abin Monoplane Introduced, Percival "Vega
- Gull, (673)
- " Calcutta " Flying Boat G-EBVG, History
- of, (647)
- Commercial Machines for Air France, (321)
- Do Havilland " Hornet Moth " Designed to
- Replace " Moth " Machine, (91)
- Dutch Defences, " Fokker " Two-engined
- Fighting Machines Ordered, (541)
- Flying Boat Completed with 560 h.p. Heavy
- Oil Engines, Domier Company's, (455)
- Flying Boat for Transatlantic 'slights, (513)
- Flying Boat Order for Imperial Airways
- Placed with Short Brothers, Ltd.. 309
- Flying Boats for Imperial Airways Building by Short Brothers, Ltd., (349)
- Flying Boats for Trans-Pacific service, (403)
- Flying Boats Reach Gibraltar, Three " Singapore," (267)
- French Mail Aeroplane Makes Record Flight
- from Dakar to Port Natal, Brazil, (321)
- French Seaplane, " Lieutenant de Vaisseau
- Paris," Leaves Bordeaux to Fly to Martinique, (621)
- French 40-Seater Passenger Aeroplane, (567)
- German Airship " L.Z.-129 " Ready for
- Trials, (673)
- Heston " PI10311iX " Five-seater Aeroplane, (455)
- Makhonine Aerlane Awarded French
- Ministry of Air Prize, (109)
- Monoplane for Civil or Military Purposes,
- '• Miles." " Peregrine " Twin - engined
- Cabin. (541)
- Monoplane to Carry Thirty Passengers for Air
- France, (513
- Monoplanes, Air Ministry Orders 170 Auro
- " Anson " High-speed Twin-engined, (455)
- Monoplanes for Air Ministry, Seventy-five
- Vickers General-purpose, (481)
- Monoplanes Ordered from Northrop Corporation by U.S. War Department, (673)
- Polish Air Transport Company's Two Douglas
- Air Liners. (143)
- R.A.F. Short Singapore iii Flying Boat
- " K. 4581," Flight from Plymouth to
- Gibraltar Non-stop, (117)
- Sailplane " Hjordis, Designed by Flight-Lieut. G. M. Buxton. (169)
- Sailplane of Small Size, " Penrose Special," (243)
- Seaplane " Lieutenant de Vaisseau Paris." to
- Visit America, (243)
- Speed of Gloster " Gladiator " Fighting
- Machines, (567)
- Stratosphere Flight by American Balloon
- " Explorer II,' (513)
- Stratosphere Glider, U.S.S.R., (219)
- Tri-motor Ford Aeroplane (1927) Placed in
- Ford Museum, Dearborn,Michigan, (65)
- U.S.S.R. Military Aeroplane Makes Continuous Flight of 900 Miles by Refuelling in
- Air, (321)
- Yugoslav_ Government Orders " Fury -Fighter Aeroplanes, (321)
- Zeppelins, Expedited Work on L.Z.129
- and 130," (621)
- AGRICULTURAL Machinery, Marshall, Sons
- and Co., 33
- Agricultural Research, Dynamometers for,
- J. S. Wilson. 340, 366, 394
- Air Hygiene, Research in America, (647)
- Alchemy and Early Chemistry, Society Founded
- in London for Study of, (673)
- Alloys, Free-cutting Alumina, (143)
- Aluminium, " Pylumin " for Protection of.
- Pyrene, Ltd., (541)
- Aluminium Added to Lionel Metal, Alloy
- Becomes Non-magnetic but Retains its
- Strength, (193)
- Aluminium Alloys, Free-cutting, (143)
- Aluminium Factory in Province of Linherg,
- Proposed, (377)
- Aluminium Powder in Paint t:Ives Strong
- Rust-resisting Properties, (541)
- American Construction Prospects, 204
- American Construction Progress, 657
- American Convention Hall, 658
- American Industrial Exhibitions, 575
- American Locomotive Developments, :360
- American Locomotives for Boston and Maine
- Railroad, 658
- American Machine Tool Exhibition at.
- Cleveland, 658
- American Machinery Requirements. 35
- American Portland Cements, 360
- American Railway Affairs, .549
- American Roads and Automobiles, 360
- Ammonia-chlorine Water Treatment, 35
- Blast-furnace Practice, 526
- Boulder Dam Business, 526
- Castings, Developments in American, 21)
- Cellular Steel Breakwater at Calumet Harbour, 241
- Chemical Engineering in America, 1(52
- Chemical Treatment of Sewage. 35
- Concreting the Wheeler Dam, 658
- Desilting the Colorado River, 658
- Dike Building by Hydraulic Dredges, 36»
- Fatigue of Metals in Gearing, 360
- Florida Ship Canal, 549
- Foundation Work Rotating Caissons, 461
- Iron and Steel, New Ideas in, 20
- Joints in Concrete Pavements. 526
- Lake Navigation in America, 102
- Metallurgical Research in United States, 21)1
- Modernisation of Rolling Mill, 464
- Oil Engine Developments, Turbine and, 20
- Oxygen Benoficiatmon for Blast-furnaces, 575
- Power Transmission from Boulder Dam, 575
- Pumping Stations in a Wet Tunnel, 464
- Rolling Stock Development, 241
- Rotating Caissons for Foundation 1Vork, 464
- Self-unloader Steamer, Collier Converted into, 102
- Sewage, Chemical Treat meat of, 35
- Sewage Works for Chicago, 204
- Turbine and Oil Engine Developments, 20
- Wrought Iron in Modern Use, 658
- ANALYSER, Differential, at Manchester University, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.. 56, 82
- Aspinall, Sir John A. F., TILE ENGINEER Pencil
- Portrait No. 3, Supplement, October 18th, 1935
- Gear Finishing by Crossed Axes Shaving,
- R. S. Drummond (Taken from Iron Age), 149
- Establishment of British Foundry School. (193)
- Annual Dinner, 557; V. Watlington Takes
- Over Entire Management. (117)
- Electrical Research Laboratory at Perivale. 427, 430
- President Elected. William Reavell, (455). (481)
- National Meeting at, Sutton Bank. near
- Thirsk, 209
- Windmill Drainage in the Bedford Level,
- H. C. Darby, 75
- Formation as Service and Research
- Organisation, (573)
- British Silk Research Association's Amid-gantation, (429)
- Annual Dinner, Report. (556)
- Presidential Address, " Power in Steel
- Works," .1. A. Thornton, 412
- Visit to Rugby Works of British Thomson Houston Company. Ltd.. 87
- Joint Syllabus of Technical Meetings. (428)
- Mr. Harold Hobson Elected President, (169)
- Meeting at Norwich, 240. 246, 270, 206, 312, 382
- Form, Drift and Rhythm of the Continents, Professor W. W. Watts' Presidential Address, 246, 270
- Section,. A and 0
- Dielectrics at High Frequency, Dr. B. A.
- Sharpe and B. J. O'Kane, 296
- Lubrication, Discussion on, 382
- Magnetic Qualities, Specification. of, Dr L.
- G. A. Sims, 297
- Surges in Transmission Lines and Transformers, Dr. J. L. Miller, 297
- Section (7
- Applications of Oil Engines to Coastal
- Shipping, Dr. S. J. Davies, 296
- Earth Pressures, Report of Committee on, 314
- Fen Drainage, Problems in, Major R. G.
- Clark, 271
- Fundamental Dimensions in Electrical
- Science, Sir James Henderson, 314
- Inland Water Survey, Report of Committee on, 314
- Noise, Report of Committee on, 271
- Redundant Structures, Method of Solving.
- Professor R. V. Southwell, 270
- Science and Road Traffic, Discussion, 312; (Leading Article, 323)
- Stability of Structures, J. S. Wilson's
- Presidential Address, 240, 270
- Stresses in Overstrained Materials. Report
- of Committee, Presented by Dr. J. C.
- Docherty, 270
- Television, Present Position of, Capt. A. 0.
- D. West, 271, 302
- Blackpool Meeting. 1036, President Sir
- Josiah Stamp. (647)
- Development of Modern Road Transport,
- Diesel Engine in Germany. Dr.-Ing. L.
- Hausfelder, (494)
- Modern Methods of Gliding and Soaring,
- Robert Kronfeld, 531
- Progress in the Control and Governing of
- Engines and Air Compressors during
- the Last Fifty Years, Herr Ihp1.-Ing.
- Proell and Herr Ober.-Ing. H. M. Meier-Mattern, (411)
- Formation of Association for Fixing
- Standards in Spain, (267)
- Properties of Copper-alloyed Grey and
- Malleable Cast Iron, Research Work on, (91)
- Autumn Meeting at Manchester. (Programme, 189). 300. 324, 354
- Presentation to Mr. 0. C. Lloyd. 301
- Fatigue Properties of Patented Steel
- Wires Note on Effect of Low-tempera•
- turn Heat Treatment, Mr. Gill and Dr.
- Goodacre, 325
- Flow of Metals. Use of Hcle-Shaw Apparatus in Investigation of, A. M. Herbert
- and Professor F. C. Thompson. 354
- Sixth Report on Heterogeneity of Steel
- Ingots, 324
- Waste Heat Boilers in Open-hearth Prac-
- tice, Report by Open-hearth Committee, 354
- Progress of Work, 107
- Annual Convention at Sheffield, 34, 72
- Council's Annual Report, 34
- Automobile Castings, German Ironfoundry
- Practice in, H. A. Geisler, 73
- Casting*, Strickle Moulding of Large, H.
- Fabre and H. Dubois, 73
- Castings, W. Ntachin and M. C. Oldham, 73
- Cast Iron Test Results, Relationship in,
- G. L. Harbach, 73, 251
- " Edward Williams " Lecture, Man and
- Metal, Sir William Lerke, 35
- German Ironfoundry Practice in Automobile Castings, H. A. Geisler, 73
- Ingot Moulds, Some Notes on, Dr. T.
- Swindon and G. R. Bolsover, 72, 100
- Presidential Address, Twenty-five Years
- of Cast Iron, J. E. Hurst, 34
- Refractories for Foundry Use, W. J. Rces, 72
- Sand Problems in a Brassfoundry, F.
- Howitt, 72
- Steel Castings, Dr. W. H. Hatfield, 73
- Steel Castings, Research on, Professor J. H. Andrew, 73
- Steel Castings, Temperature Gradients in
- Production of, G. A. Batty, 73
- Strickle Moulding of Large Castings, H.
- Fabre and H. Dubois, 73
- Modern Methods of Welding, C. H. Davy. (403)
- Royal Charter Celebrations, 43
- Annual Dinner. Report, (411)
- Development of Coal Hydrogenation,
- Kenneth Gordon, 568, 576, 604
- Meleliett Lecture, Progress of !ohm.]
- Combustion Engine and its
- H. R. Ricardo, 433
- Proposed Fuel Luncheon Club, 499
- Speech by Sir John Cadman at Fuel
- Luncheon Club, 583
- Development of Cross-Channel Steamers,
- Maurice E. Denny, 401
- Measurement of Torque and Thrust in
- Ships, V. W. H. Towns, 523
- Annual Meeting at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 99, 274. 286, 330, 342
- Autumn Lecture, Metal Melting : Its
- Effect upon Quality, Dr. ff. W.
- Brownsdon, 274, 277. 286
- Age Hardening of Nickel-silicon Copper
- Alloys, Dr. C. H. M. Jenkins and E. H. Bucknall, 330
- Bronzes, Properties of some Special, Professor Hanson and M. A. Wheeler, 330
- Elongation of Lead. Note on Effect of
- Interrupted Straining, J. C. Chaston, 342
- Magnesium, Corrosion between Discontinuous Oxide Coatings, with Special
- Reference to, K. G. Lewis and U. R
- Evans, 342
- Magnesium Alloys, Protection Against
- Corrosion, H. Sutton and L. F. Le. Brocq, 343
- Metal Losses in Melting Brass and other
- Copper Alloys, Dr. Maurice Cook, 330
- Nature of Creep under Stresses Produced
- by Pure Flexure. An Investigation of, 14. J. Tapsell and A. E. Johnson, 342
- Formation of Midland Area Local Section, (91)
- Local Section Formed at Birmingham, (541)
- Application of Heavy Oil Engines to Railway Transport. C. E. Fairburn, (541)
- Brancker Memorial Lecture, " Air Transport in Great Britain : Some Problems
- and Needs," Lieut.-Col. F. C. Shelmerdine. (403)
- Congress at Birmingham, 1936, (65)
- Diploma in Road Transport, (193)
- Presidential Address, Progress in Coordination of Transport in Great Britain,
- Sir Cyril W. Hurcomb, 393
- Road Traffic Act, Sir Cyril Hurcomb, (647)
- Town and Country Road Passenger Services, Lieut.-Colonel A. W. C. Richardson, 611
- Annual Dinner and Dance, (440)
- Fourth Annual Report of Research and
- Standardisation Committee, 209
- Iron and Steel Industry and Motor
- Industry, A. Williamson, (513)
- Report of Research and Standardisation
- Committee on Brake Squeak, :393
- Abstract of Presidential Address, Sewage
- Disposal. J. D. Watson. 476
- The Journal to be Published Monthly, 499
- Cancellation of Belgium Summer Meeting, (11)
- Heating System of Institution to he
- Renewed, (403)
- Measurement of Large Supplies of Electrical Energy, W. Casson and A. H. Gray, 657
- Modern Developments in Railway Signalling, Major L. H. Peter, 591
- Overseas Conversazione, 80
- Presentation by Col. R. E. B. Crompton of
- his Portrait in Oils, (455)
- Presidential Address. J. M. Kennedy, 458; (Leading Article, Electricity Supply, 457)
- Running of Oil Engine Electric Paddle
- Boat " Talisman," G. A. Inglis, (673)
- Standardisation of Impulse Voltage Testing, Dr. T. E. Allibone and F. R. Perry, 549
- Meter and Instrument Section
- 0. Howarth Elected Chairman, (377)
- Presidential Address. Coal, Power and
- Smoke, Sir Frank E. Smith. 640
- Sir Frank E. Smith, President, 1035-36, (293)
- A Comparison between Steam and Electric
- Winders. A. Lindley, 7
- Jubilee Celebrations, Historical Survey, 31; Jubilee Celebrations, 31, 94, 120; Social Functions, 120,
- Cargo Ship and Tanker Development during Fifty Years, John McGovern, 94
- Citizens Lecture. " Ships Through the Ages," Sir Weatcott Abell, 120
- Coaster Development during Past Fifty Years, F. W. Dugdale, 95, 153
- Developments in Construction of Ships During Fifty Years, Denham Christie, John McGovern, and F. W. Dugdale, 94
- Liner Development during Fifty Years, J. Denham Christie, 94
- Marine Boiler Development in Past Fifty Years, T. McPherson, 120
- Marine Oil Engine Development during the Past Fifty Years, K. O. Keller, 120
- Marine Steam Turbine Development during the Past Fifty Years, R. J. Walker. 120
- Recent Developments in Electrical and General Engineering, M. G. S. Swallow, 120, 127
- Reciprocating Marine Steam Engines during Past Fifty Years, Summers Hunter, Junr. 120
- .1. T. Batey on Government's Scrap and Build " Scheme, (455)
- Relation of Fatigue to Modern Engine Design, W. S. birn. 21. 48
- Dewar Research Fellowship Awarded to Mr. A. R. Ubhclohdo, (109)
- Electrification of Glasgow District Subway, M. R. Bruce, 674. 082
- Presidential Address, Progress of Shipbuilding, Professor P. A. Hillhouse, 409
- Appointment of Secretary, A. T. Hobbs, (304)
- Scrapping Old Wagons for New Wagons. Duncan Bailey, (647)
- Annual Dinner Report, 419
- Presidential Address, Adventure. Colonel A. E. Davidson, 500
- Combined Alternating Stresses. Dr. H. J. Gough and H. V. Pollard, 484; (Leading Article, 483)
- Damping Influences in Torsional Oscillation, Dr. James F. Shannon, 677; (Loading Article, 649)
- Technical -Peculiarities of the French Liner " Normandie," Jean Marie, 531
- Utilisation of Creep Test Data in Engineering Design, R. W. Bailey, 592 : (Leading Article, 569)
- Thomas Hawksley Lecture, Muscles and Nerves : The Maintenance of Posture: the Development of Power and Transmission of Messages in the Body," Professor A. V. Hill. 598
- North-II-Meru Branch
- Annual Dinner Report. (632)
- Visit to General Electric Company's Research Laboratories, 10
- Retention of Mr. R. W. Dana while Obtaining Secretary. (117)
- Appointment of Mr. G. V. Boys as Secretary. 419
- Awards of Scholarships for 1935, (429)
- President for 1936, G. T. Cotteroll, (455)
- Technical Peculiarities of French Liner " Normandie," Jean Marie, 531
- Silver-gilt Medal to Commemorate Birth of Gaston Plinth% (117)
- Proposed Walker Memorial Lecture, (567)
- Formation of Library, (621)
- Conference at Bristol, (193)
- Presidential Address, Germs and Development of some Mechanical Inventions, C. F. Dandy Marshall, 491
- Seventh Annual Craftsmanship and
- Draughtsmanship Competition. (321)
- Summer Meeting, Report 1
- Albert Medal. I9:35, Awarded to Sir Robert Hadfield, F.H.S.,
- Organisation of Transport, Frank Pick, 619
- Retirement of Mr. O. K. Menzies, 10
- Fourth Display at Hendon, 1
- High-pressure Boilers and Black Smoke, W. A. Damon, (513)
- Medal Awarded to Dr. E. F. Armstrong. (11)
- Medallist Address, The Past, the Present, and the Future, Dr. E. F. Armstrong, (11)
- Problems of River Pollution, Dr. Parker, 599
- Theoretical Strength of Materials and their Practical Weakness, Sir William Bragg, 150
- Mechanical Properties of Matter. 1.
- Langmuir, 201
- Research on Cutting Fluids, (169)
- Monthly Report, Registered Motor Vehicles, Statistics. 81
- Authors Present Papers in Abstract Form of 200 Words, (595)
- AUTO-TRUCKS, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 506
- Axle, Special Cambering, Marshall, Sons and Co., 506
- Axle Brasses, Boring Machine for, George Richards and Co., Ltd., 99
- BANANA-CAR R Y INt l Steamer. " Jamaica
- Producer," Lit ligows, Ltd., 164, 188
- Batteries, Life of Storage, (481)
- Batteries, Nife Nickel-cadmium Alkaline,
- Batteries, Ltd., Suppl.. 2O*.9.35, iii
- Beacons for Penetration of Fog, 8interae, Ltd., 375
- Belt Drive Mechanism, l'earn's Autoflex
- Drives, Ltd., 371
- Belt Tightener, Automatic, l'earn's Autoflex
- Drives, Ltd., 522
- Benzolo Production in Germany, (673)
- Bicycle Sales at Olympia Show, (647)
- Binoculars, Barr and Stroud, Ltd., Suppe.. 13.9.35, i
- Birmingham Technical College. Prizes Distributed by Sir Harold Hartley, 499
- Board of Education, Awards for 1936, Conditions Published for Royal and Whitworth
- Scholarships. (91)
- Board of Trade Returns. 1935, 283
- Boiler, " Thermax " Vertical Water-tube,
- Ruston and Hornsby. Ltd., 537
- Boiler, Velox Hot Water, E. S. Dean, 203
- Boiler Feed Water Regulator, Debbie
- McInnes and Clyde, Ltd., 315
- Boiler-house Equipment at a Brewery.
- Bennis Combustion Company, 220, 228
- Boiler Mountings. Hopkinsona Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, vii
- Boiler Plate. Failure Due to Chemical
- Embrittlement , 462
- Boiler Scalers, F. Oilman (13.8.T.), Ltd., 371
- Boilers at Zinc Works, Coal, Oil and Gas-fired,
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 62, 63
- Cochran-Kirke Return-tube Boiler, 48
- Drum, Fusion-welded Water-tube Boiler,
- .John Thompson (Wolverhampton), Ltd.. 401
- " Kvtiksteam " Boiler, Constructional Engineering Company. Ltd., 298
- Marine Boilers for Orient Line's Steamship
- " Orion," High-pressure, Babcock and
- Wilcox, Ltd., 215
- Stoker, Coking, Bennis Combilmtion, Ltd.. 374
- Thimble-tube Boiler, Clarkson, l3abcock and
- Wilcox, Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35. x
- Water-tube Boiler, Standard Marine, Bab•
- cock and Wilcox. Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35. x
- Yarrow Boilers for Holland-Amerika Liner (541)
- BRACKEN Cutter, " Collins " Power-operated,
- W. Henderson and Co., 34
- Brake Device, Bendix Power, 452
- Brake Squeak, 393
- Breakwater, Evolution of the, W. N. Elgood. 140
- Breakwater at Calumet Harbour, Cellular Steel. 241
- Breakwaters, Vertical Wall, Signor E. C. Cagli, 272
- Brewery, Boiler-house Equipment at London,
- Bennis Combustion Company. 220, 228
- Brick Slabs, Tests on Reinforced. (267)
- Arch, Birchenough Bridge, S. Rhoesia. t 'om -
- pletion of Span, (11)
- Auckland Harbour Bridge. Proposed, (403)
- Balelutha Bridge, Otago, New Zealand, 142
- Birchenough Bridge over Sabi River, Southern
- Rhodesia, Opening of, 663
- Bonnybridge Bridge, Electrically Operated
- Steel Swing Bridge Replaces Timber
- Bridge. (219)
- Bridge between Denmark and Sweden, 453
- Bridge over River Severn. Proposed. (377)
- Causey Arch in Stanley, Co. Durham,
- Scheduled an Ancient Monument, (91)
- Clyde Bridge, filiulgow Corporation and Proposed, (219) (ionerete Arch Bridge over Esla River,
- Spain. Longest in the World. (117)
- Conway Bridge Condemned, 339
- Forth Bridge, Proposed, 55. (65), 159. 209
- Hardinge Bridge, Vagaries of River Ganges on, (243)
- High-level Bridge over Clyde at Finnieston, Glasgow, Commencement of, (143)
- Humber Bridge Scheme. 107
- Idaho Suspension Bridge Completed, (595)
- Inverbervie Bridge, Longest. Reinforced Concrete Bridge in Scotland. (169)
- Lee Valley Bridges, Proposed Two, 531
- Long Span Bridges, " Bridget," 223
- Ludgate Hill Bridge, The Dean of St. Paul's and. (513)
- Omaha Bridge over Missouri River, 58
- Pont du Carrousel. Paris, to be Replaced by Wider Bridge, (117)
- Railway Bridge over River Sava, Near Zagreb, Competition for, (403)
- San Francisco-Oakland Bridge, Progress of Cantilever Bridge in East Bay, (481)
- Severn Road Bridge, Cost of Proposed, 257, 663
- Suspension Bridge Connecting Island of Orleans and Quebec, (193)
- Tay Bridge, Proposed, 55, (65)
- Tower Bridge. Report on Working of, (513)
- Triborough Bridge, New York City, Progress on, (219)
- Vaudreuil Rigid Frame Bridge, Province of Quebee. 160, 170
- Wandsworth Bridge, Rebuilding, 611, 637
- Waterloo Bridge, Demolition of, 159, 648, 652 11'elded Steel Bridge in London, 309
- BRIGHTON Town Council's Scheme for Improvements on Front., (429)
- British Chemical Standards, Report of Bureau of Analysed Samples, Ltd., 637
- British Commercial Policy, Survey of Federation of British Industries on, 107
- British Oil Prospecting Licences, 531
- British Science Guild, Eleventh Annual Norman
- Lockyear Lecture, Calculus of Plenty, Sir
- Josiah Stamp. 551
- Handbook and Annual Report, 18
- Specifications
- Air Drying Insulating Varnish for Electrical
- Purposes, 576
- Aluminium Alloy Bars and Forgings (" Y "
- Alloy); Aluminium Alloy Drop Forgings
- for Pistons and Cylinder Heads (" Y "
- Alloy), 218 250-Volt Cartridge Fuses, 658
- Coal and Coke, Methods for Sampling and
- Analyses of (Forthcoming Specification), 453
- Coal Tar and its Products, Sampling of, 100
- Cotton Tapes and Webbing for Electrical
- Purposes. 576
- Covered and Bare Rod Electrodes for Metal
- Arc Welding, 658
- Cyanides Suitable for Electro-plating, 292
- Electric Arc Welding Plant, Rating of, 658
- Emulsions of Road Tar and of Road Tar-Asphaltic Bitumen Mixtures, 100
- Grinding Wheels. 154
- Identification of Pipes. Jac., in Buildings. 331
- Micanite for Commutator Separators. 476
- Portable Photometers, 331
- Radio Interference Suppression Devices. 76
- Reinforced Concrete Poles for Electrical
- Transmission and Traction Supports. 22
- Rivets for General Purposes, Small, 658
- Signal Glasses and Lenses for Railway Purposes, 331
- Standard Plugs and Sockets for Houses, 656
- Standard Socket Outlet Adaptors. 22
- Thermal Type Time Element Relays for Railway Signalling, 576
- Tungsten Filament Electric Lamps. 22
- White Pigments and Oil Pastes for Paints, 658
- Wire Rope. Flexible Steel, 292
- Wire Ropes for Engineering Purposes. 218
- Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys, 100
- BRITISH Timken, Ltd., Informal Dinner to
- Meet Engineers from French Motor Works, (552)
- Brush. Pneumatic Paint, Bromak Pneumatic
- Paint Brush, Ltd., 227
- Building Construction Method. Hoenig Building System, Ltd., 588
- Building Research, Annual Report of Building
- Research Board, 531
- Buildings, Moving Complete Building from One
- Site to Another, (550)
- CABLE between Australia and Tasmania.
- Laying Submarine, (621)
- Cables, Oil-filled Factory, J. Bibby and Sons,
- Ltd., British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 575
- Cadmium, Output of Metallic, (91)
- Caissons, Sinking Foundation, Novel Method
- Adopted in U.S.A.,. (122)
- Caissons in New York, Sinking 80ft. Rotary. 615
- Calculus of Plenty, Sir Josieh Stamp, 551
- Algoma Steel Expands, 684
- Aluminium Plant at Amide, Quebec, 411
- Bridge at New AVestminst‘ r. 438
- Canada's Gold Drive, 438
- Canadian Steel Works and Introduction of
- Products, 522
- Century of Railroading, 411
- Electric Railways, 684
- Empire Pacts Safeguarded, 684
- Foundry Enlargement. 684
- Hydro-electric Plant at Besuharnois, Additional Units for, 438
- Hydro Developments, 684
- Metal Mining and Smelting Industry,
- Growth of, 438
- Mineral Output Increased for First Six
- Months of 1935, (438)
- Montreal Harbour Contracts, 438
- Nickel Research Laboratory, Plans for, 522
- Railway Equipment, 411
- State of Business, 411
- St. John Harbour Berths, 411
- Streamline Engines, 684
- Tin-plate Rolling Mill. 411
- Canal from Jacksonville to Port Inglis, Proposed, (267)
- Canal to Connect Baltic with Volga, Enlargement of " Maryinsky Waterway " to be
- Enlarged, (143)
- Cape Cod, 378. 380, 395
- CANALS (continued)
- Florida Ship Canal, 549
- Grand Union Canal, Improvements to, (621)
- Juliana Canal, Opening of Netherlands
- Waterway, 283
- Minwhester Ship Canal, Jubilee of Passitge of
- Act for, (169)
- Manelkester Ship Canal, Portrait Plaque
- Unveiled of Daniel Adamson, (673)
- Manchester Ship Canal Company to Construri
- Three Miles of Railway. (621)
- Panama Canal and Size of Ships Passing
- Through Existing Locks, (621)
- Royal Military Canal, Romney Marsh, Disposed of, (321)
- Rye Canal, History of, (429)
- Suez Canal, Receipt for Period October 1st
- to October 13th. 1935, (403) : Statistics of
- Tonnages Passing Through. 663; Toll
- Charges in Sterling, (39); Traffic. Increases, (621)
- CATALOGUES, 26. 80, 132, 178, 202. 278, 334. 360, 440, 494, 578, 604, 656, 682
- Catalogues, Request by City Librarian.
- Coventry. (44)
- Cellulose, Italian Experimental Station for, (143)
- Cent refuge, Totally Enclosed High-capacity
- Super, Super Centrifugal Engineers. Ltd.. 317
- Chaff ('utter. Improved. William Foster and
- Co.. Ltd., 9
- Chlorinators. lee and Effect on Operation of, (11)
- Chrome-hardening to Wearing Part of Oil
- Engines, R. A. Lister and Co.'s Experiments
- with. (595)
- Clay Cutter, " Stag," Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd.. 538
- Clock, Willis " World Clock," 48
- Clock Controller, " Comet," Horstmann Gear
- Company, Ltd., 563
- Cloudburst and Effect on Ovada Dam in Piedmont, (193)
- Clutch, Simple Improved, David Brown and
- Sons (Hudd.). Ltd., 517
- Bunker Coal Testing at Fuel Research
- Station, (621)
- Coal, Petrol from. 393
- Coal and Navy, Statistics. (169)
- Coal-carrying Vessels for Fulham Po, er
- Station, (647)
- Coal Distillation Plant at Tipton, 365
- Coal Face Machinery Exhibition at iiitIgley
- Hall, Birmingham, (243), (293)
- Coal Hydrogenation. Development of, Kenneth Gordon, 568, 576
- Coal Hydrogenation Plant at Billingham to
- be Opened by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald. (353), 393
- Coal Hydrogenation Plant at
- K. Gordon, 568, 576, 604
- Coal Imports of France, 581
- Coal Mines Reorganisation Commission and
- Effect on Pits, (490)
- Coal Output of Great Britain in First Week of
- December. (673)
- Coal, Power and Smoke, Sir Frank E. Breit h. 640
- Coal Production in Great Britain, (647)
- Coal Purchase at Polesworth, Staffs., by
- L.M.S. Coal will Not be Mined, (567)
- Coal Shipment Equipment at Llanelly,
- North Dock, (267)
- Coal Shipments from Tyno Dock. S. Shields, (673)
- Coal Shortage Leads Edinburgh Corporation
- to Purchase Power from Highland and
- Galloway Hydro-electric Schemes, (621)
- Coal verses Oil Firing, H. L. Pine, (647)
- Coke-oven Plant at Monkton-Jarrow, (567)
- Coke Ovens Erected at Brancepeth Colliery,
- Wellington, (192)
- Cost of Coal Production, Minister of Mines on, (455)
- Drying of 1Vashed Coals, (621)
- Greaford Colliery, Area to be Explored, (621)
- Italian Coalmines Institute, Formation of, 133
- Lignite Coal of Northern Ontario Fields to be
- Tested, (39)
- Mine Timber, Preservation of. 419
- National Coal Convention, London. 1935, (481)
- National Coal Resources, Our. 445
- National Consumption of Coal, 597
- North Gawber Colliery Disaster, 283
- Preservation of Mine Timber, 419
- Runaway Tub Arrester. Hadfields, Ltd., 19
- " Safety Hats " in Coal Mines. (39)
- Safety in Mines, Royal Commission
- Appointed, 637
- Safety in Mines Research Board, Annual
- Report of, 209
- South Wales Coalfield, Geophysical Survey
- in, 226
- Treatment of Coal, 431
- World's Production of Coal, 1934, (143)
- COLLOIDAL Degreasants, Industrial Colloids,
- Ltd., 521
- Commercial Chemical Solvents. Factory at
- Bromborough Port, Cheshire, (187)
- Compass, Torque Suspension. Dobbie. McInnes
- and Clyde. Ltd., 316
- Compass, " Unit," John Utley and Son, Ltd., 345
- Compr. ssor, Air, Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd., 535
- Compressor. " Crawl-Air," Ingersoll-Rand
- Co., Ltd., 506
- Compressor, Motor-driven Air, Lacy-Hulbert
- and Co., Ltd., 535
- Compressor. P.10 B.E.N. Portable, G. Cohen.
- Sons and Co., Ltd., 565
- Compressor, Portable, Atlas Diesel Company.
- Ltd., 507
- Compressor, Portable Air-cooled, Lead Wool
- Company, Ltd., 587
- Compressor, Portable, Oil-engine-driven Air.
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., 535
- Compressor, Single-cylinder, Motor-driven.
- Haslam Foundry and Engineering Com
- pany, Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35, iii
- Compressor. Steam-driven. .1. and E. Hall.
- Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.35, iii
- Compressor, " Supalight " Portable, Broom
- and Wade. Ltd.. Suppt„ 13.9.35, iv
- Compressor. Two-cylinder CO, Httslam
- Foundry and Engineering Company, Ltd.,
- Suppt., 13.9.35, iii
- Compressor. Two-stage Double-acting Air,
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35, xi
- Compressor, Two-stage. Motor-driven Air,
- J. Browett Lindley (1931), Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35, iv
- Compressor, Two-stage Portable Oil-engine-driven Air, Air Pumps, Ltd., 536
- Compressors, Air, Tilghman's Patent Sine!
- Blast Company. Ltd.. 401
- Compressor, Portable Lightweight 1'e t
- engine-driven Air, Air Pumps, Ltd.. 536
- Compressors, Reavell and Co.. Ltd., 590
- Compressors, Rotary Air. Hick, Hargreaves
- and Co., Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35, ii
- Compressor, Rotary Water-cooled. Reavell
- and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35. xi
- Compressors, Two-stage Air-cooled, Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd., 506
- Compressors for Activated Sludge Sewage
- Disposal Plant at Davyhulme. Reavell and
- and Co., Ltd.. 109, 118
- Concrete, Controlled. Jaeger Truck Mixers (England), Ltd., 36
- Concrete, Firecrete," Lightweight Refractory, (243)
- Concrete Breakers, Atlas Diesel Company.
- Ltd., 507
- Concrete for Building of Dams, Report by Dr.
- N. Davey, 81
- Concrete Mixer, Pegson " Counter Current," 563
- Concrete Mixer. 7:5 Cubit. Foot " Kelpie."
- Liner Concrete Machinery Company, 587
- Concrete Mixer, 14/10 N.T., Millers'
- Machinery Company, Ltd., 587
- Concrete-mixing Machinery. Winget. Ltd., 589
- Concrete Track Bed on American Railway. (595)
- Reinforced Concrete Products Factory for
- Liverpool, (293)
- CONTRACTS and Orders, 54, 106, 132, 158, 182, 204, 232. 282, 304, 334, 360, 392, 418.
- .526, 552, 578, 604, 636. 688
- Cooling Plant for Ditton Laboratory, Gifts by
- Fruit Growers of Kent and J. and E. Hall,
- Ltd.. (39)
- Cooling Tower at Northampton, Hyperbolic,
- L. G. Mouchel and Partners, 192 (Two-page
- Supplemeot, .4 ugust 23rd. 1935)
- Co-operative Profit-sharing. Trading Results
- for 1934, 663
- Copier. Continuous Photo-, E. N. Mason and
- Sons, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, xii
- Copier, " Hall-Mark," B. J. Hall and Co., Ltd.,
- Suppt., 20.9.35, viii
- Copying Machine, Casella and Co., 550
- Copper and Prevention of Carburising. (267)
- Copper Tube Plates, Drilling, 58, 59
- Core-blowing Machine, Coleman Foundry
- Equipment Company, Ltd., 316
- Core-making Machine, Fordath Engineering
- Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Cornish Engines Preservation Fund, 469
- Corrosion-fatigue in Colliery Ropes, S. M. Dixon
- and Dr. M. A. Hogan, 436
- Cotton Picking Machine, (381)
- Coupling Device for Coupling Power Delivered
- by Exhaust Turbine to Power Supplied by
- Reciprocating Steam Engine, (321)
- Crane, Steam Travelling, Thomas Smith and
- Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 600
- Crane for Persia, 2-ton. R. H. Neal and Co.,
- Ltd., 463
- Credit and Industry. J. Gibson Jarvis. 81
- Creosote, Revenue on Tees by Importation of, (647)
- Crusher, " Shearer " Double-action Jaw, Hadfields, Ltd., 536
- Crushers, Patent Lightning Crusher Company,
- Ltd., 563
- Crystal Palace, Reception by Trustees, (106)
- Cultivator, Fishleigh Rotary. Fishleigh Cultivator Company, 33
- Current Prices for Metals and Fuels, Weekly
- Cutter, Multi-curve, Multi Curve Cutter Company. Ltd., 401
- DAIRY Appliances. Alfa Laval Company. Ltd.. 32
- Dairy Industry, Cleansing of Tin-lined Steel and Copper Vessels. (219)
- Boulder Dam Project, Dedication by President Roosevelt. (377)
- Dam, El Kamera. Morocco, 236, 244
- Dam for Proposed Lady Bower Reservoir at
- Dement, Contract Placed for, (455)
- Dam on San Juan River, Proposed, (567)
- Dams, Single-arch Masonry, George Bransby
- Williams, 420, 470
- Dams, Trial Load Analyses of Curved Concrete, Ivan E. Houk, 2, 3, 28. 40
- Grand Coulee Dam, Construction of Western
- Section, (647)
- Masonry Dams, Single-arch. George Bransby
- Williams, 420, 470
- kVaterbury Dam, N. Vermont, (39)
- Wheeler Dam Nearing Completion, (293)
- DEJECTOR for Boiler Plants, Kennicott
- Water Softener Company, Ltd., 264
- De-scaling Heat-treated Parts by Electro-chemical Process. (541)
- Diamonds from Vaal River, (65)
- Die Sinking Attachment. Hydraulie. G. H.
- Alexander Machinery, Ltd., 357
- Differential Analyser at Manchester University,
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company,
- Ltd., 56. 82
- Discharge Lamp, Philips Lamps, Ltd., 410
- Dock at Saint Nazaire, Construction. 581
- Dock Extension at Cape Town, 218
- Dock Scheme at Glasgow, 27
- Docks, Cape Town, 525
- Douglas Social Credit. 173
- Drainage Scheme for Garnock Valley, (91)
- Drawing-office Equipment, B. J. Hall and Co..
- Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, viii
- Drawing-office Equipment, E. N. Mason and
- Sons, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, xi
- Drilling Copper Tube Plates, 58, 59
- Drilling Holes in Bearing Plates of Clocks,
- Method of, (377)
- Drive, Variable-speed Machine, Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., 490
- Drive, Vertical, Moss Gear Company, Ltd., 65.5
- Dryer, Continuous Oil-fired, Stothert and Pitt,
- Ltd., 586
- Drying Machinery. Spooner Dryer and Engineering Company, Ltd., 167
- Dynamics of Sea Waves, Work of Committee of
- International Congress of Navigation, 269
- Dynamometer, Rothawsted, 341
- Dynamometers for Agricultural Research, .1. S.
- Wilson, 340, 366, 394
- EARTH, Crust of the. Professor W. V. Watts, 246
- Economic Changes during the Years 1905 1935,
- Dr. D. Schindler's Address to Oerlikon Company at Annual General Meeting, 653; (Leading Article, 649)
- Economics of Transport. R. S. Pitcher, (567)
- Economiser, Gilled-tube. E. Green and Son,
- Ltd., Suppt.. 20.9.35, xi
- Education, British Technical, Sir H. Hartley. 499
- ELECTRICAL MATTERS (see also Scientific
- Instruments)
- Barton Power Station Extensions, (321)
- Brimsdown Power Station Explosion. (276)
- British Thomson-Houston Works, Rugby,
- Visit to, 87
- Central Electricity Board's Activities, 133
- Condenser for Power Factor Correction.
- Philips Industrial, .S'uppt., 20.9.35, i
- Contacts, Electrical, G. Windred, 222
- Dalmarnock Power Station. Extensions at, (169). (595)
- D.C. Contactor, Electric Controller and
- Manufacturing Company, 438
- D.C. Timing Motor Starters, General Electric
- Company. Ltd., 356
- Distribution Board, Fused, English Electric
- Company. Ltd., 574
- Distribution of Electricity, 55
- East Perth Power Station, Extensions to, 159
- Electric Discharge Lamps, " Sieray," Siemens
- Electric Lamps and -Supplies. Ltd.. 535
- Electric Drill, " Enox," Fry's (London), Ltd.. (656)
- Electric Driving. 184, 210, 234, 258, 284, 310;
- Correction, (360)
- Electric Gauges for Measuring Thickness of
- Porcelain, Enamel. Paint. &c., General
- Electric Company, Ltd., (603)
- Electric Lamps, Experiments with Argon and
- Rarer Gases in, (169)
- Electric Lifts and Escalators, 0. C. Waygond, 428
- Electric Lighting Plant at Wham Rectory.
- Pangbourne, 657
- Electric Miners' Lamp. Professor Wm.
- Thornton, (647)
- Electric Seam Welding Machines, Siemens
- Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., 1911
- Electrical Contacts, G. Windred, 222
- Electrical Energy, Measurement of Large
- Supplies of, W. Casson and A. H. Gray, 657
- Electrical Energy, World Consumption of, (414)
- Electrical Generating Set, Clarke, Chapman
- and Co., Ltd.. 33
- Electrical Laboratory at Perivale, British
- Electrical and Allied Industries Research
- Association, 427, 430
- Electrical Regulations for New Zealand, (349)
- Electrical Resistance Alloy " Kanthal." (377)
- Electrical Thermal Storage Cookers, General
- Electric Company, Ltd., 463
- Electrical Units, 606
- Electrically Driven Plant fur Manufacture of
- Silica Bricks, (427)
- Electricity Commissioners. Official Returns.
- Statistics for June, 1935, (65)
- Electricity Commissioners, Official Statistics.
- August, 1935, (267); September, 1935, (403); October, 1935, (541)
- Electricity Generated from Coal, S. B.
- Donkin, (647)
- Electricity in Palestine, 257
- Electricity Scheme for Cape Town, 200
- Electricity Supply, J. M. Kennedy, 457, 458
- Electrification of Lodz Industrial District,
- Poland, (293)
- Electrification Schemes in Japan. (403)
- Electrification Scheme in Slovenia, (595)
- Electro-magnet with Force of Attraction of 60 Tons between Pole Tips at Upsala University, (513)
- Electromagnetic Tests for Work Hardening
- Steel Wires, Dr. T. F. Wall. 260
- Fault Locator for Overhead Lines, Warren.
- A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd.. 489
- Flame-proof Electric Lighting Equipment.
- George Ellison, Ltd., 357
- Fuse Unit, Universal, English Electric Company, Ltd., 550
- Generating Set. 18-kW Auxiliary, Crossley
- Brothers, Ltd., .S'uppt., 20.9.35, ii
- Generating Set, 60-kW Steam Engine-driven.
- W. H. Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, xii
- Generating Set.87 b.h.p. Marine Emergency,
- J. and H. McLaren. Ltd., 318
- Generating Stations, Extensions at Selected. 27
- Generator of Huge Size, American Westinghouse Company. (11)
- Grid for U.S.S.R., Proposed, (117)
- Grid Supply for Port Sunlight, 283
- Barns Hall Power Station Extensions, (673)
- Impulse Voltage Testing, Standardisation of,
- Dr. T. E. Allibone and F. R. Perry, 549
- Industrial Sub-station Equipments, F. C.
- Baumann, 121
- Kearsley Power Station Extensions, (65)
- Lighting Battery, Emergency, Batteries Ltd..
- Suppt., 20.9.35. iii
- Lister Drive Power Station Water Cooling
- Towers Destroyed by Fire, (331)
- Longest Oil-filled Cable Constructed by
- General Electric Company, of Schenectady, ( 1 1 )
- Magneto, Scintilla " Vertex.** 451
- Magnetos of Rotating Armat are, British
- Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 520
- Motor, Tandem Lift, INlawdsley's Ltd., 372
- Motor Starters, A.C., Allen West and Co.,
- Ltd., 384
- Motor Stator, Normand Electrical Company,
- Ltd., 411
- Motors, Fractional Horse-power Capacitator,
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 47
- Motors, Fractional Horse-power, Bull Motors, Ltd., 655
- Motors, Rubber-spring Cradle-mounted,
- Power Contacts (Bat win), Ltd., Suppt.. 20.9.35, vii
- Motors, Variable-speed British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 552
- Overhead Line Protection, 379
- Overhead Line System, Resistance to Earth of Towers of, 0. F. Tagg, 560
- Power Station and Water Supply for Clairvivre Settlement. France, 238
- Power Station at Clarence Dock, Liverpool. to be Duplicated, (377)
- Power Station at Clifton Junction (Manchester) to be Converted into Factory for
- Manufacture of Alloy of Metal Largely Composed of Magnesium, (293)
- Power Station Extensions at Liverpool.
- Norwich, and Portsmouth, (252)
- Power Supply of Dunedin, N.Z., 620, 622
- Power Transmission Line in Norway. Line
- Suspended for 2.5 Miles over Mifjord, (673)
- Rectifier Sub-stations, 515
- tact ifiers, Metal, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ix
- Rectifiers, IN'elding and Battery Charging.
- Philips Industrial, Suppt., 20.9.35, i
- Relays for Protecting A.C. Circuits. Oerlikon
- Company, 88
- Resistance to Earth of Towers of an Overhead
- Line System, G. F. Tagg, 560
- Salt. River Power Station for Electricity
- Scheme of Cape Town, 200
- Sculcoates Power Station, Extensions at, 445
- Shannon Power Scheme, Annual Report, 159
- Sub-station of Pretoria Steel Works. Lay-out
- of Plant of, F. C. Baumann, 121
- Surge-proof Transformers, Ferranti, Ltd.. 630
- Switch. " Sun-Vie " N'acuum, Sun-Vic Controls, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35. ix
- Switchgear Reclosing Mechanism, Crompton
- Parkinson. Ltd., 438
- Synchronous Motors at Sewage Disposal
- Plant at Davyhulme. Crompton Parkinson 810 h.p., 109, 118
- Tap-changing Equipment for Transformers,
- Hackbridge Electric Construction
- Company. Ltd., 427
- Tapping Live Distribution Lines. P. and B.
- Engineering Company, Ltd.. 646
- Transformer Works at Hayes. Visit to,
- British Electric Transformer Company,
- Ltd., 268, 274
- Transformers, Hermetically Sealed, British
- Electric Transformer Company, Ltd., 329
- Trip Switches, Earth Leakage, A. Reyrolle
- and Co., Ltd.. 47
- Turbo-alternator at Bart on Power Station,
- Record Set Up by, (219)
- Two-part Tariffs for Electricity Supply,
- Report by Federation of British Industries, 123
- Voltage-regulating th'ar for Transformers,
- C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 176
- ELECTRO-PLATING Plant, Modern. James
- Neill and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 574
- Elimination of Smoke from Domestic Grate,
- Coal Utilisation Council and Research on. (321)
- Engine Indicator, Standard-Sunbury, E. S. L.
- Beale and R. Stansfield, 617, 642. 667
- Engineer in Transport. The. 195
- Engineering and Ethics, 675
- Engineering Uses of Rubber, B. D. Porritt, 644
- Engineers, Professional and Industrial Distribut ion of, 173
- Engineers' ('lob, Manchester. Twenty-first
- Birthday Dinner, 393
- Engineer's Ratchet Brace, Orie Hundred Years
- Old, 45
- Aero Engines, Flying Tests of " Bristol "
- Sleeve Valve, (293)
- Air-starting Motor for Oil Engines, Williams
- and James, Suppt- 241.9.35, xi
- Axial 1Vobble-plate Engine, Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company, 571
- Combustion Chamber for Paxman-Ricardo
- Engine " Comet," 346
- Decompression Device and N'alve Gear for
- Oil Engines. W. H. Dorman and Co.. Ltd.. 508
- Engine, 8,12 b.h.p., Single-cylinder Marine.
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd.. 453
- Engine, Four-cylinder Type, 0.1'. V. M. ,
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd.. 9, 10
- Engine, Fowler-Sanders Six-cylinder, Compression-ignition, 8
- Engine, Three-cylinder E.P.V. Totally
- Enclosed. Vertical, Blackstone and Co.,
- Ltd., 9
- Engine Design. Relation of Fatigue to
- Modern, W. S. Burn. 21, 48
- Engines, Cornish Engines Preservation Fund, 469
- Engines, Extended Expansion in Dr.
- Edmund Giffen, 626
- Engines, Oil, Paraffin, and Pet Bamfords, Ltd., 8
- Engines. Progress of Internal Combustion
- Engine and its Fuel, Dr. H. R. Ricardo, 433
- Gas Engine, 2 h.p. Ruston-Hornsby, 371
- Gas-engine-driven, 1 kW Lighting Set,
- Grimoldby, Ltd., 371
- Gas Engine Electric Generating Set, Kohler
- and Co., Ltd., 37(1
- Oil Engine, " Box," Blackstone and Co., Ltd.. 9. 10
- Oil Engine. Campbell Cold-starting, Bryn
- and Lahy (1928). Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, iv
- Oil Engine, " C.F." Type. Ailsa Craig, Ltd., 376
- Oil Engine. " Cub," Victor Oil Engines (Coventry), Ltd.. 426
- Oil Engine Driving Generator and Compressor, 91, National Gas and Oil Engine
- Company, Ltd., Suppt, 13.9.35, vi
- Oil Engine for Twin-screw Motor Vessel
- Dilwara," Barclay, Curle-Doxford 3000
- s.h.p., Five-cylinder, Opposed-piston,
- Barclay, Curie and Co.. Ltd.. 461). 461
- Oil Engine for 260 h.p. Railcar, Six-cylinder
- A.E.C.- Ricardo. 477
- Oil Engine, Leyland " Cub " Light Six. 518
- Oil Engine, Performance Curves of Leyland
- Cub " Light Six, 518
- Oil Engine Starter, '• Pnemno-St after,"
- Tangyes. Ltd., 347
- Oil Engine Tests. Plotting the Results of, E.
- R. Briggs, 197
- Oil Engine, Waukesha- Hesselman Type,
- Waukesha Motor Company. 506
- Oil Engine, 10 ewt. Lister-Pollock. R. A.
- Lister and Co., Ltd., 376
- Oil Engine. 6 b.h.p., High-speed, Crossley
- Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ii
- Oil Engine. 7 b.h.p., R. A. Lister and Co..
- Ltd., 376
- Oil Engine, 9 b.h.p. " D.B.'• Type, Vertical,
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 374
- Oil Engine. 9 b.h.p. Heavy, .John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 345
- Oil Engine, 10 b.h.p.. Paxman-Ricardo. 346
- Oil Engine, Twin-cylinder, 12118 h.h.p.,
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd., 376
- Oil Engine, 12/35 b.h.p. Brooke-Ricardo,
- Brooke Marine Construction Company,
- Ltd., 453
- Oil Engine, 14/16 b.h.p. Marine. R. A. Lister
- and Co., Ltd.. 376
- Oil Engine, 15-30 b.h.p. " O.P.V.." Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 374
- Oil Engine. 18 b.h.p., Twin-cylinder, .John I.
- Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. 345
- Oil Engine, 20 b.h.p., Mirrlees, Bickerton and
- Day, Ltd., 346
- Oil Engines, 20 b.h.p. and 50 b.h.p.. Mirrlees-Ricardo, 346
- Oil Engine for Factory Locomotive. 20 h.p..
- Hunslet Engine Company, Ltd., 489
- Oil Engine, 22/37 b.h.p., National Gas and
- Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 425
- Oil Engine, 24 b.h.p. Marine, Gleniffer
- Engines, Ltd.. Suppt.. 13.9.35. ii
- Oil Engine, 30 b.h.p.. Twin-cylinder, J. and H.
- McLaren, Ltd., 318
- Oil Engine. 30-36 h.h.p., Three-cylinder
- Marine. Tangyes, Ltd., 347
- Oil Engine. 36 b.h.p., Four-cylinder. Ruston
- and Hornsby, Ltd.. 347
- Oil Engine. 50 h.p.. Four-cylinder Vertical
- C.I., International Harvester Company. 32
- Oil Engine, 52 b.h.p., Three-cylinder. Ruston
- and Hornsby. Ltd., 347
- Oil Engine, 52 b.h.p. Vertical, Ruston and
- Hornsby, Ltd., 537
- Oil Engine, 53 h.h.p., Norris, Monty and
- Gardners, Ltd., 572
- Oil Engine, 54/70 b.h.p. Marine, John I.
- Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. 452. 453
- Oil Engine, .55 b.h.p. " Atomic." Petters,
- Ltd.. 344
- Oil Engine, 55 b.h.p., Spring-injection.
- Blackstone and Co.. Ltd., 374
- Oil Engine. 58/85 b.h.p.. William Beardmore
- and Co., Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35. xi
- Oil Engine. 60 b.h.p.. Paxman-Ricardo, 346
- Oil Engine, 70/105 h.h.p. Marine. Davey.
- Paxman and Co. (Colchester). Ltd.. 425
- Oil Engine, 80 b.h.p. Horizontal. Ruston and
- Hornsby. Ltd.. 537
- Oil-engine-driven Showman's Road Locomotive. 80 h.p.. John Fowler and Co. (Leeds).
- Ltd.. 99
- Oil Engine. Dennis-Lanova Four-cylinder, 82
- b.h.p., Dennis Brothers, Ltd.. 548
- Oil Engine. 85 b.h.p., Five-cylinder. J. and
- H. :McLaren, Ltd.. 33
- Oil Engine. Thornycroft Four-cylinder. 85 b.h.p., 519
- Oil Engine. Four-cylinder. 100
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd.. Suppt.. 20.9.35. i
- Oil Engine, 100 b.h.p. Six-cylinder, W. H.
- Allen. Sons and Co., Ltd.. Suppt, 13.9.35.
- xii
- Oil Engine. 100 b.h.p. Six-cylinder Marine,
- Associated Equipment. Company, Ltd., 452, 453
- Oil Engine, 100 b.h.p. Six-cylinder, Beardmore Diesels, Ltd.. 572
- Oil Engine, Six-cylinder 1(12 h.h.p. Marine,
- Norris, HentY and Gardners, Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35, v, 453
- Oil Engine, 106 b.h.p. Six-cylinder, Ruston
- and Hornsby. Ltd., 347, 425
- Oil Engine, 120 b.h.p.. John I. Thornycroft
- and Co., Ltd.. 345
- Oil Engine, 120 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Vertical.
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., 347, 350
- Oil Engine, 120 b.h.p. Medium-speed Three-cylinder, E.P.V., Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 374
- Oil Engine. 120 b.h.p. Stellar, Lloyd and
- Tekon Developments. Ltd.. 372
- Oil Engine. Eight-cylinder 136 h.h.p. Rail
- Traction. Norris. Henty and Gardners,
- Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35, vi
- Oil Engine for Tug " Turangi." Atomic, 145 b.h.p.. Petters Ltd.. 251
- Oil Engine, 150 b.h.p. Five-cylinder. Ruston
- and Hornsby. Ltd., 347
- Oil Engine, 160 h.h.p. Four-cylinder Vis-a-vis
- Remote Controlled. Brush Electrical Engi•
- neering Company. Ltd.. 375
- Oil Engine. 160 h.h.p. Six-cylinder. W. H.
- Allen. Sons and Co..,Suppl.. 13.9.35, xii
- ENGINES (continued)
- Oil Engine, 175 b.h.p. Six-cylinder Henschel-Lanova, Henschel and Sohn, A.G., 547
- Oil Engine, 200 b.h.p. Medium-speed, Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 435
- Oil Engine, 220 b.h.p. Six-cylinder M.A.N.,
- George Spicer, 452. 453
- Oil Engine, 225j250 b.h.p. Marine, %William
- Beardmore and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35,
- xi
- Oil Engine, 240 b.h.p. National Gas and Oil
- Engine Company, Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35, vi
- Oil Engine, 240 b.h.p. Twelve-cylinder " V,"
- Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, ii
- Oil Engine, 240 b.h.p. Vertical, Tangyes Ltd., 346, 350
- Oil Engine. 264 b.h.p. Four-cylinder Hori•
- zontal, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 347
- Oil Engine, 300 b.h.p. Poppet Valve, Mirrlees.
- Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 346, 350
- Oil Engine, 320 b.h.p. Six-cylinder, Ruston
- and Hornsby, Ltd., 347, 350
- Oil Engine, Six-cylinder 330 b.h.p., Crossley
- Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35,
- Oil Engine, Eight-cylinder 400 b.h.p..
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, i
- Oil Engine, 500 b.h.p. Twelve-cylinder " V."
- Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester). Ltd., 346
- Oil Engine, 730 b.h.p. Eight-cylinder, W. H.
- Allen, Sons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35.
- xii
- Oil Engine, 1800 b.h.p. Via-a-ria, Crossley
- Premier Engines, Ltd., 174
- Oil Engines. Blackstone and Co.. Ltd., 589
- Oil Engines. W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., 508
- Oil Engines, Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, ii
- Oil Engines, F. Perkins. Ltd., 573
- Paraffin Engine. " Handbilly " 7 4 b.h.p..
- .John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd.. 345
- Petrol Engine, Albion 65 b.h.p., 520
- Petrol Engine, Aston Martin Mark 2," 399
- Petrol Engine, Bugatti " Straight-Eight."" 398. 399
- Petrol Engine, Coborn Air-cooled, Kryii and
- Lahy (1928), Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, iv
- Petrol Engine, Dennis-Lanova Four-cylinder 82 b.h.p., Dennis Bros., Ltd.. 548
- Petrol Engine, Hispano Suiza Twelve.
- cylinder, 424
- Petrol Engine, Jowett Car with Four-cylincler, 425
- Petrol Engine, Lancia " Asturn " Eight•
- cylinder, 424
- Petrol Engine, " Light St raight -eight ."
- Daimler Company, Ltd., 398. 399
- Petrol Engine, Mastro " Car, Six-cylinder,
- Trojan Ltd., 425
- Petrol Engine, Riley V8. 424
- Petrol Engine, Thornycroft Four-cylinder 80 b.h.p., 519
- Petrol Engine. Twelve-cylinder 50 - 7 h.p.,
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 398
- Petrol Engine. Twin-cylinder. R. A. Lister
- and Co.. Ltd.. 506
- Petrol Engine. Wankealia Motor Company. 506
- Petrol Engine. 1 # and 2 b.h.p. Box Type,
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., 374
- Petrol Engine, 24-3 h.p. " Coborn " Air-cooled, Kryn and Lahy. (1928). Ltd., 565
- Petrol Engine, 35/70 b.h.p. Marine, Parsons
- Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 452, 453
- Petrol Engin , 100 b.h.p. Marine, Parsons Oil
- Engine Company, Ltd.. 453
- Petrol Engine, " 500 " .Merci.des-Benz. 399, 400
- Petrol Engine-driven Generating Sets for Submarine Cable Service, Parsons Oil Engine
- Company, Ltd.,227
- Petrol-paraffin Egine for Caterpillar Carriage Excavator, Thomas Smith i,nd Sons (R odley ). Ltd., 565
- Petrol-paraffin Engine, 36:50 b.h.p., .1ohu I.
- Thornycroft and Co.. Ltd., 345
- Scavenge Engine. 110 Blower. Petters
- Ltd., 344
- Silencer for Exhaust of Internal Combustion
- Engines, C. G. Vokes, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35,
- ix
- Steam Engine. 90 b.h.p. Compound, .1.
- Browett Lindley (1931). Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, iv
- EPICYCLLC Test Gear. Report on Test of 1400 h.p., A. E. L. Chorlton, William Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 638. 664
- Etcher. Electric " Engravex," Itunbaken Products, 681
- Ethyl Acetate Production at Soviet Synthetic
- Rubber Fact ory, (621)
- Evolution of the Breakwater, W. N. Elgood. 140
- Excavator, Five-eighth Yard Oil-engined,
- Ruston-Bucyrus, Ltd., 5118
- Excavator, " Pant her - Three-eighth Van!.
- Priest man Brothers, Ltd., 589
- Excavator, Quarter Yard " Rapid," R. H. Neal
- and Co.. Ltd., 587
- Excavator, Three-eighth Yard Four-purpose.
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 564
- Excavator, Three - eighth Yard, Ruston -Bucyrus, Ltd., 508
- Excavator, Two-Ten Single Bucket (Caterpillar
- Carriage), Thomas Smith and Sons (Rodley
- Ltd.. 565
- Berlin Radio Exhibition Fire. (1931
- British Engineering Manufacturers and New
- Zealand Dairy Board Exhibition at Birmi“gharn, ( 91 )
- British Freight Rolling Stock, Exhibition at
- Euston of, 125
- British Industries Fair. 1936, Applications for
- Space. (22)
- British Industries Fair, Extension of Engineering and Hardware Section, (455)
- British Industries Fair, 1936. Foreign Buyers
- to, (673)
- B.I.F., 1937, Portion to be Housed at Earl's
- Court Exhibition Buildings, (117)
- Cardiff's Scheme for Public and Exhibition
- Halls with Sports Arena. (293) 4 'nal Face Machinery Exhibitors Amociation,
- Exhibition at Bingley Hall, Birmingham, (39)
- EXHIBITIONS (continued) :
- Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition
- Opened by Captain Austin Hudson, 499
- Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition, 486,499,517,545,571
- Earl's Court Exhibition Ground, Revival of, 81
- Electrodeposition Exhibition at Science
- Museum, (39), 123
- Empire Exhibition at Adelaide to Celebrate
- South Australian Centenary, (455)
- Empire Exhibition at Johannesburg, South
- Africa, (117)
- Exhibition of Scientific Aids to Management
- Opened at British Industries House, (429), (464)
- Ford Motor Exhibition, 438
- Fuel Oil Burning Appliances, Private Exhibition Arranged by Shell -Mex and B.P., Ltd., 557
- International Exhibition of Inventions at
- Central Hall, Westminster, October 2nd, 1935, (18)
- International Motor Car Show at Olympia, 398, 423, 451
- Model Engineer Exhibition, Sir Josiah
- Stamp to Open Exhibiticni, (193)
- Model Engineer Exhibition, Seventeenth
- Year, 334
- Noise Abatement Exhibition, 13
- Physical Society's Exhibition at Imperial
- College of Science and Technology. 1936, (377)
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Congress and Exhibition, 1935, Papers to be
- Read at Conference, 426
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibition, (11), 505, 535, 563, 586
- Royal Agricultural Show at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 8, 32
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia, 263 (Supplements,
- September 13th, 1935); 298 (Supplenient,
- September 20th, 1935); 314. 344, 350, 371, 401; (Leading Article, 295)
- Travelling Exhibition of Pictures by Living French Artists Opened in Paris, (293)
- EXPLOSIVES in 1934, Report of His Majesty's Inspectors on, 133
- FACTORY Heating and Ventilating Plant, Ozonair, Ltd.. 317
- Failure of Metals Under Stress, 483
- Fan. Self-contained Reversible, Winsor Axon Fans, Ltd., 376
- Fan Blades for Self-contained Reversible. Winisor Axis Fans. Ltd., 376
- Federation of British Industries, Mission to Poland, 365, 557
- Fettling Plant, " ITheelabrator," Tilghman's
- Patent Sand Blast Company, Ltd.. 401
- Filter, " Oil Bath," C. G. Vokes, Ltd., Suppt.. 20.9.35, ix
- Filters. Fuel Oil, C. G. Yokes, Ltd.. 508
- Filters, Oil, Stream Line Filter Company, Ltd.. 316
- Fire Alarm, Novel, Alfred Graham and Co. Ltd.. 401
- Fire and Sprinkler Testing Station at Elstree. (513)
- Fire-fighting Appliances at Royal Agricultural
- Society's Show, Merryweather and Sons, Ltd.. 34
- Fire Prevention in Cargo Ships, 393
- Fire-pump " Fire-fly," Clarke Chapman and Co., Ltd., 33
- Fire-testing Station at Elstree, Fire Offices'
- Committee, 557
- Five-year Works Plan of Bristol Planning and
- Works Committee, (673)
- Flexible Shaft-driven Tool, Flextol Engineering
- Company, Ltd.. 298
- Flood Discharges. Intensities of, G. B. Williams. 533
- Flooding in Don Valley, Scheme to Prevent, (595)
- Flume Recorder, V.F., George Kent. Ltd.. 590
- Fly Alighting on Iron Bar, Effect of Common
- House, ( 11)
- Fly-wheel for Rolling Mill, 41-ton High-speed.
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., 654
- Fog Flare at Cross Roads, (481)
- Fog-penetrating Power of Interrupted Beam
- of Light, (243)
- Food Transport and Storage. Research in, 183
- Foreign Trade Exchanges, France and, 581
- Formaldehyde Manufacture from Natural Gas in
- Russia, (117)
- Forthcoming Engagements— Weekly
- Foundry Appliances. Fordath Engineering
- Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Foundry at Rochester, 1Vinget's, Ltd.. 44
- Foundry Equipment. Morgan Crucible Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ix
- Foundry Plant, Constructional Engineering
- Company, Ltd., 298
- Foundry Problems, American. 474
- Foundry Sand-conditioning Plant, August's.
- Ltd., 314
- Foundry School, Proposed British, 1
- Foundry School at Birmingham, Proposed, (117), 393
- Aeroplanes, Small, 231
- Artisan Movement, 181
- Atlantic Air Services, 687
- " Atlantique," Further Evidence on L'. 231
- " Atlantique," Further Appeal by Underwriters Over L', 443
- Battleships, 391
- British Empire. Trade with, 231
- Citroen, Late Monsieur Ancir6, 53
- City Improvements in Paris, 157
- Civil Aviation, 79
- Coal and Lignite Production for Half-year, 131
- Coal Distillation, 467
- Coal Imports. 281. 581
- Colonial Transport. 207
- Colonial Works. 635
- Construction Dock at St. Nazaire, 131, 581
- Cruisers for French Navy, 157
- Decorative Lighting, 443
- Distressed Areas, 529
- Economic Policy, 3;37
- Economic Recovery Plan, 255
- Electrical Engineering. 157
- Engineering, 307
- Engineering Tendencies, 391
- Engineering Trades, 417, 661
- Exhibition Works, 307
- Export Trade, 207
- Flood Protection. 391, 635
- Flood Reservoirs, 363
- Foreign Trade Exchanges, 581
- Foreign Trade Facilities, 105
- Franco-British Trade, 609
- French Battleship " Dunkerque " to be
- Floated Out of Construction Dock, 281
- Goods Traffic, 79
- Harbour Works, 337
- Import Restrictions, 555
- Industrial Decrees, 497
- Industrial Difficulties, 609
- Inventions, 281
- Iron and Steel Production, 207
- Labour Troubles, 181
- Launch of French Cruiser " Marseilles," 105
- Light Engineering, 609
- Locomotive Explosion near Tenay, 157
- Marcel Deprez Celebration, 635
- Mechanical Cultivation, 363
- Merchant Marine, 417
- Metallurgical Congress, 467
- Motor Car Industry. 131
- Motor Fuels, 661
- Motor Gliders, 307
- Naval Construction, 25, 337
- Naval Convoys, 687
- Navy, The, 105, 497, 635
- Navy Personnel, 255
- " Normandie," 25
- North American Air Route, 417
- Ocean Seaplanes, 281
- Petrol Substitutes, 105
- Public Relief Works, 181
- Public Service Vehicles, 661
- Public Works, 131
- Railway Deficits, 687
- Railway Electrification, 391
- Railway Model Exhibition, 555
- Railway Organisation, 79
- Railway Works, 609
- Rhine Navigation, 231
- Rhone Navigation, 497
- Road Making, 255
- Rolling Stock, 53
- Sales Comptoir, 687
- Shipbuilding, 25, 337, 581
- Shipping, 79, 443
- Shipping Costs, 555
- Steel Comptoir, 555
- Steel Situation, 529
- Stratosphere Aeroplane, Official Trial of Farman, 181
- Subterranean Water Supply, 255
- Suppression of Quotas, 53
- Trade Decline, 443
- Trade Stagnation, 25
- Trade with the British Empire, 231
- Training Mechanics, 207
- Vosges Tunnel, 417 1Vagon Builders' Union, 363
- Women Engineers, 529
- FRICTION Clutch, Handpiece with Multiple,
- Flextol Engineering Company, Ltd., 298
- Fruit Growers of California and Fight Against
- Frost in Orange Groves, (481)
- Fruit Trade of South Africa, Refrigeration
- Plants by J. and E. Hall, Ltd., for, 583
- Fuel, Modern Ways of Burning Solid, P. D.
- Roberts, 573
- Fuel Injection Equipment., C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd.,
- Suppt., 20.9.35, x
- Fuel Oil Pump, Variable Delivery, Rotoplunge
- Pump Company, Ltd., 300
- Fuel Oil Tax, 133
- Fuel Oils, Commercial Motor Users Association
- and Duties on, (11)
- Fuel Research, Progress of, 604
- Fuel Research Station, Work of, Suppt., 20.9.35,
- xii
- Fuel Testing Engine, Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., 263
- Furnace, Birlec-Detroit Rocking Arc Melting,
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, vii
- Furnaces, Electric, Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, vii
- Furnaces, Electric, Wild Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 371
- Furnaces, Forced Air, Wild Barfield Electric
- Furnaces, Ltd., 372
- Furnace, Forced Draught Coke-fired Crucible,
- Kny, E. Cecil, 46
- Furnaces, High-frequency Induction, S. Osborn
- and Co., Ltd., 551
- Furnaces, Metal Melting, Morgan Crucible Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ix
- Furnaces, Oven and Muffle Gas, British Gas
- Federation, 370
- Furnaces for Carbonisation Process, Results of
- Heating Gas and Electric, J. E. White, (625)
- GAS " Grid " in West of Scotland, (321)
- Gas Industry, Employment in, (647)
- Gas Industry Support for B.I.F., (91)
- Gauge Glass for High-pressure Boiler, Richard
- Klinger, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, iii
- Gear, Report on Test. of 1400 h.p. Epicyclic
- Test., W. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 638
- Gear-box, Four-speed Synehro-mesh, David
- Brown and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 517
- Gear-box for Turbo-blowers at Sewage Disposal
- Plant at Davyhulme, Four-speed, D. Brown
- and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 109, 118
- Gear Drive for Cold Rolls, Two, David Brown
- and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 142
- Gear Drives for Coal-handling and Pulverising
- Plant, D. Brown and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 19
- Gear Finishing by Crossed Axes Shaving, (116);
- F. S. Drummond, 149
- Gear Wheel Rim, English Steel Corporation, 680
- Gear Works of David Brown and Sons (Hudd.),
- Ltd., 66, 69 (Two-page Supplement, July 19th, 1935)
- Gearing, Single Reduction, C. A. Parsons and
- Co., Ltd., Suppe., 20.9.35, x
- Gears, Cross Axes Shaving for Spur and Helical, (116); R. S. Drummond, 149
- Geological Survey and Museum. Dr. Bernard
- Smith to be Director of, (65)
- Geophysical Survey in South Wales Coalfield, 226
- German Export of Machine Tools, 511
- Glass Silk, Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., 375
- Gold from the " Egypt," Italian Salvage Vessel
- " Artigho Lands £45,000 Worth of, (91)
- Government Laboratory Report, 1934, 309
- Governor Gear for 50,000-kW Turbine, C. A.
- Parsons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, x
- Grain Discharging Plant at Millenium Flour
- Mills, 280-Ton Travelling Pneumatic, Henry
- Simon, Ltd., 92, 96, 97
- Grain Elevator Erected in Eleven Weeks in
- Toronto, (595)
- Granulator, Rotary Hammer, Goodwin, Barsby
- and Co., Ltd., 590
- Granulator, " Stag " Rotary, Edgar Allen and
- Co., Ltd., 538
- Grate for Small Boilers, Turbine Furnace Company, Ltd., 264
- Gravity Drainage in Mines, Report on, (293)
- Grease Gun, Tecalemit Ltd., 9
- Gully Emptier, Dennis Brothers, Ltd., 589
- Gyroscopic Compass, Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., 298
- Harbour at Hangchow Bey, Preliminary
- Work on, (219)
- Harbour Improvement Scheme by Anstruther
- Union Harbour Commissioners, (30)
- Harbour Improvement Works in Sweden, (243)
- Harbour of Catania, Sicily, Failure of Mole, 273
- Harbour Works at St. Thomas, Virgin
- Islands, (117)
- HAY Rake, Transportable, Blackstone and Co.,
- Ltd., 33
- Hay Rake and Swath Turner, Barnfords Ltd., 8
- His Majesty the King's Review of Royal Air
- Force at Mildenhall and Duxford, 27
- Homogenisor, Motor-driven, G. and .1. Weir,
- Ltd., 375
- Horse-drawn Vehicles on London Streets, (117)
- Horses in City of London, (647)
- Brooklyn Hydro-electric Station, New Zealand, 128
- Hydro-electric Power from Gatineau Power
- Company, Ontario Government's Contract
- for, (673)
- Hydro-electric Power Plant at Titicaca Lake (348)
- Hydro-electric Works in India, 552
- Silent Pool Hydro-electric Power Station at
- Victoria Falls, Work Commenced on, (377)
- Hydrogenation, Great Britain's Oilfields and, 67
- Hydrogenation Plants in Germany, Three
- Additional, 309
- Hydrogenation Processes, High-pressure Plant
- for Experimental, A. T. Barber and A. H.
- Taylor, 89
- ICE Accretion on Aircraft, Prevention of,
- " Anticer," Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd., 7
- Ideas, Reaction to New, 269
- Indicators, Progress-of-work, Colourdex (British
- System), Ltd., 126
- Industrial Accidents, Method of Combating,
- W. G. Hiscox, (673)
- Industrial Developments on the Thames, (39)
- Industrial Factories on Tyne, (293)
- Industrial Health Research Board, Fifteen b
- Annual Report, 107
- Industry, Credit and, J. Gibson Jarvis, 81
- Industry, Reorganisation of British, 133
- Insulating Compound, Novel Method of Breaking up Bulk, (403)
- Insulation, Glass Silk, Chance Brothers and
- Co., Ltd., 375
- Inventors' and Patentees' Exhibition at Leipzig
- Fair, 1935, (91)
- Bessemer Steel Revival in America, 126
- Blast-furnace Modernisation at Rouge Plant
- of Ford Motor Company, (243)
- Blast-furnaces in Germany, (647)
- British Chemical Standards, Cr, N1, .Nlo
- Cast Iron " K," 50
- Cast Iron Research, Annual Luncheon of
- British Cast Iron Research Association, 492; (Leading Article, 483)
- Cast Iron Research Work, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii
- Cold Rolling Mill and Plant for Production
- of Cold Sheet and Strip at Cleveland Works, (117)
- Continental Steel Required, More, 469
- Corby Iron and Steel Works, Stewarts and
- Lloyds, Ltd., 449, 456, 474, 482, 509, 514, 539, 542 (Two-page Supplement, November 22nd, 1935)
- Corrosion of Steel Plates, F. Eisenkolb, (321)
- Corrosion Tests on Iron, Experimental, (595)
- Crystallographic Structure of Stainless Steels, (39)
- Dumping and Pretoria Steel Works, 304
- Ebbw Vale Steel Works, Richard Thomas and
- Co., Ltd., and, .543
- Foreign Trade Developments, 119
- French Steel Comptoir, 557
- French Steel Crisis, 445
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Mr.
- Samuel R. Beale Elected Chairman of, 663
- Iron and Steel Research, Suppt., 20.9.35, xii
- Iron and Steel Shipments from Tees, July
- Figures, (169)
- Iron and Steel Works at Dunework, Electric
- Furnace Started Up at, 494
- Iron and Steel Works at. Penistone to be
- Restarted, (293)
- Iron Deposits at Kursk, U.S.S.R., Exploitation of, (349)
- Iron Roads, " Tri-Pedal Unit System, Iron
- Paving Company, Ltd., 384
- Isteg Steel, Tests by R. H. Harry Stanger, 521
- Light Castings Combine, 583
- London Iron and Steel Exchange, C. Bruce
- Gardner Elected Chairman. 611
- Metallurgy of Cast Iron, J. E. Hurst, 34
- Organising the Steel Market. 195
- Pig Irons, " New Process," Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers).
- Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, i
- Power in Steel Works, J. A. Thornton, 412
- Pretoria Steel Works, Manager Resigns, 10
- Russian Steel Exports, 302
- South African Iron and Steel Industry, 145
- Stainless Steel, Silver Solder in Cold-rolled 18-8, (429)
- Stainless Steel and Welding, Changes
- Induced, (169)
- Stainless Steel in Reservoir Construction of
- Derwent Valley Water Board. (243)
- Steel, Centralising the Sale of, 583
- Steel Castings, Kryn and Laliy (1928), Ltd.,
- Suppt., 13.9.35, iii
- Steel Forging Used as Reaction Chamber for
- High-pressure Synthesis of Ammoiiia,
- Examination of Hollow, (321)
- Steel Makers, Lord Nuffield and, 183
- Steel Output for Sheffield During September, (513)
- Steel Panels in Passenger Rolling Stock, (39)
- Steel Production and Employment in
- America, (522)
- Steel Production in Sheffield, (621)
- Steel Trade, Centralising the, 379
- Steel Trade, Motor Car Makers and, 531
- Steel Trade Industry, Reorganisation of, 93
- Steel Wires, Electro-magnetic Tests fo:
- Work-hardening, T. F. Wall, 260
- Twenty-five Years of Cast Iron, J. E. Hurst 34
- JOINT, Universal, Mollart Engineering Company, 265
- KELVIN, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., Frederiek
- C. Stewart Elected Chairman of, 233
- Knowledge, Words and. 483
- LABORATORIES, Visit to G.E.C.. 10
- Land Speed Record Set Up by Sir Malcolm
- Campbell, (267), 276
- Lead Anodes, Investigation on Composition of, (567)
- Lead Corrosion in Buildings, Experiments by
- Building Research Station, (126)
- Lead Joint for Cast Iron Pipes, Mechanical,
- Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd., 276
- A Mad World, 649
- Automatic Train Control and 'l'racl Cireuit, 41
- Breakwater Failures, 221
- Capital Ships of the Future, 171
- Centenary of Great. Western Railway, 245
- Creep in Metals, 569
- Dynamics of Sea Waves, 269
- Ebbw Vale, 543
- Education for Leadership. 221
- Electricity Supply, 457
- Electrification on Southern Railway, 41
- Engineering and Ethics, 675
- Ethics, Engineering and, 675
- Foreign Trade Developments, 119
- Fundamental Science and Technology, 675
- Geared Locomotives, 597 : (Article, 602); (Letter, " Your Correspondent," 625)
- Great Britain's Oilfields and Hydrogenation. 67
- High Speed on the Rail, 351
- Highway and the Motorway, 570
- Human Machine, 623
- Ideas, Reaction to New, 269
- Jubilee Naval Review at Spithead, 6
- Leadership, Education for, 221
- Metallurgy and the Physicist, 145
- Metals Under Stress, Failure of, 483
- National Consumption of Coal, 597
- New Naval Conference, 543
- Noise Problems, 13
- " Of Museums," 245
- Organising the Steel Market, 195
- Overhead Line Protection, 379
- Physicist, Metallurgy and the, 145
- " Puss Moth " Accidents, 171
- Railway Accidents Reports, 405
- Railway Directors and Electrificat
- Railways and Unemployment, 515
- Rating of Water Power, 295
- Reaction to New Ideas, 269
- Rebuilding the Navy, 405
- Rectifier Sub-stations, 515
- Replacements, 431
- Road Breaking, 351
- Science and Road Traffic, 323
- Science and Technology, Fundamental, 675
- Sea Waves, Dynamics of, 269
- South African Iron and Steel Industry, 145
- " Special " Areas in Scotland. 119
- Spirit of Adventure, 457
- Steel Trade, Centralising the. 379
- Steel Trade Reorganisation, 93
- Technology, Fundamental Science and, 675
- The Engineer in Transport, 195
- LEADING ARTICLES (continued):
- The Exhibition (Shipping. Engineering and
- Machinery Exhibition at Olympia), 295
- Torsional Oscillation, 649
- Treatment of Coal, 431
- L'napplied Science, 323
- Unemployment in " Special " Areas, 93
- Water Power, Rating of, 295
- Words and Knowledge, 483
- World Trade Problems, 13
- LETTER by P. W. Willans, 422
- Letter Sorting Machine at Brighton Post Office, (403)
- Demise of the Blue Eagle, S. P. Christie, 17
- Domestic Refuse Disposal. " Domestic.," 540; Frank Evans, 591; " Gnik," 677
- Douglas Social Credit Scheme, E. Bishop, 17;
- P. R. Masson, 17; Leslie Patterson, 17 :
- H. C. King, 17; Henry Sykes, 42; H. P.
- Vowles, 43
- Extended Expansion I.C. Engines. Alan
- Chorlton, 651
- Fast Trains, W. B. Thompson, 381, 432, 570 :
- " Glascolian," 407; L.M.S. Railway Company, 640; F. W. Brewer. 591
- Geared Locomotives, " Your Correspondent," 625
- " Graf Zeppelin." W. J. Stern, 677 (see Leading Article, " Torsional Oscillation," 649)
- High-speed Two-cycle C.I. Engines, Barimar, Ltd., 353
- High-speed Trains and Vibration, C. F.
- Dendy Marshall, 17, 320; P. C. Dewhurst, 274
- Human Machine, A. V. Hill, 651; Stanley Coles, 651
- Industrial Competition with the Far East,
- T. F. Howard, 407
- Iscor Iron and Steel Works, H. .1. Van der
- Bip, Chairman, S.A. Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Ltd., 459
- Joints in Concrete Paving, H. C. Johnson. 570, 591
- Long-span Bridges, E. E. R. Trat man, 353
- Moisture in Coal, J. W. Wray, 677
- Power for Nothing, " Felix qui Potuit," 570, 677; F. E. Lindsay, 591; " W. J. T.," 651
- Railway Accidents, " Still Wondering," 459
- Railways and Unemployment, G. A. Nnokes, 540
- Railway Passenger Coach Couplings, G. A.
- Sekon, 17
- Science and the Citizen, A. E. Sullivan, 540
- Signalmen's Mistakes. F. J. Sykes, 86
- Single-arch Masonry Dams, J. Turle Evans, 591
- Spirit of Adventure, R. Hammond, 512
- " Youth," 488
- Turbine-driven Locomotive, " Verbascum," 301
- Unapplied Science, " Asinus Pontis," 381;
- " Quid Gloriaris," 432
- LIGHTING Appliances, Automatic, Horst -
- mann Gear Company, Ltd., 563
- Lighting Set, 5-kW Ship's. Norris, Henty and
- Gardners, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35. vi
- Lighting System, Sunbeam Patented Low -
- voltage, 520
- Lime for Making Water•repellant Mortar,
- Improved Processed, (455)
- Limestone Blasting at Buxton, (39)
- Liquid Fuel Burning Plant, Safe Operation of, (243)
- Liquid Gas, " Calor-Gas,- 276
- Liquid Precooler, Haslam Foundry and Engineering Company, Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.35, iii
- Lister Gift of Kingshill House to Dursley Rural
- District Council as Memorial to Sir Ashton
- Lister, (193)
- Reviews :
- Business Charts, T. G. Rose, 173
- Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, F. M. Lea
- and Dr. C. H. Desch, 432
- Correct Economy for the Machine Age, A. G.
- McGregor, 406
- Emulsions and their Technical Treatment,
- Theory of, William Clayton. 676
- Gantt Chart, Wallace Clark, 146
- Gear Book. Standard, R. Trautschold, 95
- J. and E. Hall, 1785-1935, E. Hesketh, 173
- Histoire de la Locomotion Terrestre : Les Chemins de Fer, 516
- Limestone and its Products : Their Nature, Production, and Uses, A. B. Searle, 561
- Locomotives Their Construction, Maintenance, and Operation, with Notes on Electric, Internal Combustion, and other Forms of Motive Power, A. Morton Bell, 68
- Machines and Purchasing Power, E. F. Nash, 545
- Mercury Arc Current Converters, H. Rissik, 676
- Motor Fuel Preparations and Application, Principles of, A. W. Nash and D. A. Howes 68
- Offensive Trades, David Ronald, 624
- Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry, J. R. Partington, 407
- Photography of Interruption of Medium-power Electrical Circuits, Study by Means of, James Anderson, 624
- Precision Workshop Methods, H. J. Davis, 16
- Psychology in Business and Industry, John G. Jenkins, 625
- Road Aggregates; Their Uses and Testing, Dr. Bernard H. Knight., 676
- Siphon Spillways, A. H. Naylor, 544
- Strength of Materials : Elements of, S. Timoslienko and G. H. MaeCullough. 651
- Surveying for ('ivil Engineers, Modern, H. F. Birchal, 16
- Tools of To-morrow, J. H. Leonard, 562
- Water Mains, Lay-out of Small, B. H. Hollins, 581
- West Highland Steamers, C. L. D. Duckworth and G. E. Langmuir, 651
- Short Notices :
- Aeronautics : Handbook of the Collection
- Illustrating Heavier-than-Air Craft in
- Science Museum, 146
- Alternating Current Practice, Claude Cook, 459
- Automobile and Aircraft Engines, A. W. Judge, 43
- Britain in Depression, 562
- Electric Cable Jointing, Practical, W. Nlitskey, 407
- Electric Melting Practice, A. G. Robiet te. 146
- Electric Power Transmission by Alternating
- Current. Principles of, H. Waddicar, 173
- Electric Transients, E. B. Kurtz and G. F. Corcoran, 43
- Electric Water Heating, D. V. Bolton, P. C. Honey. and N. S. Richardson, 88
- Electrical Engineering, Elements of, A. L. Cook, 599
- Electrical Measurements in Principle and Practice, H. C. 'Futile'. and E. H. W.
- Banner, 407
- Electricity and Fire Risk. E. S. Hodges, 43
- Garcke's Manual, 1935/36, 582
- Industrial Electrons. F. H. Gulliksen and
- E. H. Vedder, 562
- Marine Engines. G. L. Overton, 562
- Measurement of Inductance, Capacitance and
- Frequency. A. Campbell and E. C. Childs, 68
- Mercury Arc Rectifier Practice, F. C. Orchard, 459
- Metal Products. Finishing, H. R. Simonds, 562
- Meter Engineering, J. L. Ferns. 562
- Motor Ship Auxiliary Machinery, Operation
- of. J. Lamb, 562
- National Public Works, Vol. II, 407
- Photo-electrio and Selenium Cells. T. V.
- Fielding, 68
- Piles and Pile Driving, A. C. Dean, 43
- Power Operator's Guide, E..1. Tangerman, 599
- Radio Communication, Modern, Vol. II, J.
- H. Rayner. 562
- River Work. H. C. H. Shenton and F. E. H.
- Shantou, 516
- Rubber Physical and Chemical Properties, 407
- Stage Lighting : Principles and Practice,
- C. Harold Ridge and F. S. Aldred, 516
- Wireless : How Wireless Came, John Langdon-Davies, 599
- Wireless Telegraphy Notes for Students, W.
- E. Cook, 562
- Books of Reference :
- Kelly's Directory of Merchant Manufacturers and Shippers of World, 1935, 50
- Oil and Petroleum Year Book, Compiled by
- W. E. Skinner, 192
- Shipowners, Shipbuilder. and Marine Engineers, 1935 Directory. 50
- Books Received :
- Aeronautical Technical Report s. International Index, 407
- Aeroplane Structures, A. J. Sutton Pippard
- and Captain J. Lawrence Pritchard, 173
- Aircraft, Practical Performance Prediction
- of, Lieut.-Colonel Y. 0. Blyth, 357
- Alternating Current Practice, C. H. Claude
- Cook, 197
- Architecture and the Bauhaus. New, W.
- Gropius, Translated by P. Morton Shand, 146
- Almeria de la Gran Bretafm. 1935/36, 271
- Bibliography of Literature on Spectrum
- Analysis, Compiled by D. M. Smith, 61
- Britain's Fighting Fleets, A. G. Verooe, 197
- British Engineers' Association, Classified
- Handbook of Members and their Manufactures, 1935, 128
- British Industries and their Organisations,
- Dr. G. C. Allen, 95
- British Wood Preserving Society. Vol. V,
- Journal of. 407
- Building Construction and Drawing. Part I,
- Elementary Course, C. F. Mitchell, 43
- Calculus, The, Dr. H. H. Dalaker and Dr.
- H. E. Hartig. 95
- Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, F. M.
- Lea and Dr. C. H. Desch, 95
- Chemistry of Rubber, H. Freundlich, 545
- Chimneys and Flues, Domestic and Industrial, P. L. Marks, 128
- Commercial Vehicle Specifications and Prices,
- Including Agricultural Tractors, Schedule
- of, 95
- Concrete Engineering : Vol. 11, Properties of
- Concrete, J, Singleton-Green, 337
- Concrete Structures, Design of, L. C.
- Urquhart and C. E. O'Rourke. 562
- Corrosion Causes and Prevention, F. N.
- Speller, 357
- Diesel, The Modern, 247
- Diesel and Other Internal Combustion
- Engines, H. E. Degler, 562
- Diesel Engines, J. W. Anderson, 407
- Diesel Engines : Excessive Lubricating Oil
- Consumption, P. H. Smith, 95
- Deterioration of Haulage Ropes in Service,
- S. M. Dixon and M. A. Hogan. 95
- Edison, Nel Cinquantonario della Societa.
- Edison, 1884-1934. 599
- Electric Cable Jointing, Practical : The
- Plumber - jointer and His Craft. W.
- Alaskery, 357
- Electric Melting Practice, A. G. Robiette, 43
- Electrical Measurements, H. C. Turner and
- E. H. W. Banner. 357
- Electrical Water Heating. D. V. Bolton, P.
- C. Honey, and N. S. Richardson, 43
- Elementary Building Geometry, CI. A.
- Hanby. 148
- Elementary Structural Problems, C. R.
- Young, 459
- Employment of Women and Young Persons
- on Two-shift System, Report of Departmental Committee on, 95
- Emulsions and their Technical Treatment.
- Theory of, Dr. W. Clayton, 562
- Engineering Drawing, H. J. Jordan and R.
- P. Hoelscher. 247
- Engineering Drawing for Students and
- Draftsmen, Manual of, T. E. French, 247
- Engineering Economics : Book II, Works
- Organisation and Management, T. H.
- Burnham, 599
- LITERATURE (continued)
- Books Received (continued)
- Engineering Shop Practice, Vol. II, D. W.
- Boston, 247
- Factory Organisation and Administration,
- H. Diemer, 357
- Fans, T. Baumeister, 271
- Farm Wiring, C. A. Cameron Brown. 61
- Finishing Metal Products, H. R. Simonds, 407
- Fuel for Road Transport, Home-produced, 247
- Gas Supply of Glasgow : A Historical
- Account of Inauguration and Development
- of Corporation Gas Supply, 357
- Gantt Chart : A Working Tool of Management, Wallace Clark, 61
- Garcke's Manual of Electrical Undertakings
- and Directory of Officials, 1935/36, 545
- Globe Commercial Correspondence Combined with Globe Code System, Harold Gyllstoff, 599
- Heat Engines, S. H. Moorfield and H. H. Winstanley, 516
- Heating and Air Conditioning, J. R. Allen and .1. H. Walker, 407
- Higher Control, Manual for Company Directors, Secretaries, and Accountants, T. G. Rose, 146
- Highway and Road Traffic Law, R. P. Mahaffy, 599
- How Wireless Came, .1. Langdon-Davis, 407
- Hull, City and Port of, 459
- " Htltte," Des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch, 43
- Industrial and Manufacturing Chemistry
- Part II, Inorganic, Vol. 1, Geoffrey Martin, 173
- Instruments, R. W. Sloley, 146
- Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Comprehensive Treatise on, 128
- La Traction Electrique et le Chemin de Fer, Vol. I, H. Parodi and A. Totrel, 407
- Limestone and its Products : Their Nature, Production, and Uses, A. B. Searle, 61
- Locomotives : Their Construction, Mainteitance, and Operation. A. Morton Boll, 61
- Machine Drawing for Use of Engineering Students, late T. Jones and T. G. Jones, 197
- Machines and Men : An Autobiography of an Itinerant Mechanic, W. F. Western, 128
- Man and the Machine, Edited by Hubert Williams, 43
- Mathematics, Descriptive, J. Maclean, 197
- Matter and Motion, C. H. Creasey, 43
- Mechanical and Electrical Equipment of Buildings. C. M. Gay and C. Do Van Fawcett, 407
- Mechanics of a Locomotive on a Curved Track, (late) S. R. M. Porter, 95
- Mechanics of Materials, S. G. George and E. W. Rettger, 95
- Mercury Arc Current Converters, H. Rissik
- and Captain J. M. Donaldson, 562
- Mercury Arc Rectifier Practice, F. C. Orchard, 407
- Meter Engineering, J. L. Ferns, 128
- Modern Plan Copying, B. J. Hall and B. F.
- Hall, 562
- Molybdenum Steel : Their Manufacture and
- Application, Prepared by J. L. F. Vogel
- and W. F. Rowden, 197
- Motor Industry of Great Britain, 1935, 247
- Motor Racing and Record Breaking, G. E. T.
- Eyston and B. Lyndon, 562
- Motorships, A. C. Hardy, 128
- Motorshipping, A. C. Hardy, 128
- National Physical Laboratory Collected
- Researches, Vol. XXV, 1935, 407
- National Public Works, Vol. II, 247
- Offensive Trades, Handbook on, I). Ronald. 61
- Paint and Paint Materials, Symposium nn, 247
- Petroleum Twenty-five Years' Retrospect, 1910-35, 95
- Physical Metallurgy, An Introduction to the
- Study of. (late) Dr. Walter Rosenhain and
- Dr. J. L. Haughton, 128
- Physical Principles and Applications of
- Magneto-chemistry. S. S. Bhat nags and
- K. N. Mathur, 407
- Piles, Resistance of Piles to Penetration, R.
- V. Allin, 599
- Power Operator's Guide, E. .1. Tangerman, 271
- Practical Mechanics of Motion, J. F. Mangold, 271
- Press Work Pressures, C. W. Lucas, 516
- Principles of Mechanism, P. Dyson, 545
- Private Car Specifications and PriceM,
- Schedule of, 95
- Projective Geometry. Introduction to, 459
- Psychology in Business and Industry, an
- Introduction to Peychotechnology, J. G.
- Jenkins, 562
- Radio Communication, Modern, Vol. II,
- J. H. Reyner, 271
- Railway Handbook, 1935-36, 271
- Relativity, F. W. Lanchester, 247
- River Work : Constructional Details, H. C.
- H. and F. E. H. Shenton, 407
- Road Aggregates : Their Uses and Testing.
- B. H. Knight, 545
- Rubber : Physical and Chemical Properties.
- T. R. Dawson and B. D. Porrit t, 247
- Safety in Mines Board, Annual Report 1934, 357
- Sanitary Engineer, Work of, A. J. Martin, 357
- Seaplane Float and Hull Design, M. Langley. 271
- Section Tables, 1934. 61
- Shipbuilding and Repairing in Dublin, John
- Smellie, 43
- Shipping of United Kingdom. Annual Report
- of Chamber of, 247
- Stage Lighting, Principles and Practice, C.
- H. Ridge and F. S. Aldred, 173
- Steam Turbines, C. S. Bradshaw, 271
- Steel and its Heat Treatment. D. K. Bullens, 146
- Steel of Empire The Romantic History of
- Canadian Pacific, the North-West Passage
- of To-day, J. M. Gibbon, 599
- Surface Condenser : A Survey of Modern
- Condenser Practice, B. W. Pendred, 562
- Technical College Buildings : Their Planning and Equipment, 247
- Telford, Story of The Rise of Civil Engi
- neering, Sir Alexander Gibb, 357
- Terminology of Illumination and Vision. 121
- Theory of Machines. L. Toft and A. T. J
- Kersey, 562
- Timber Seasoning. R. G. Bateson, 599
- Tools of To-morrow, J. N. Leonard, 459
- Training in Industry, Edited by R. W. Ferguson, 545
- Transport and the Public, J. A. Dtmnago, 51(
- Travellers, Hints to. Vol. I, Survey and Field Astronomy, E. A. Reeves, 357
- Vehicles in Use and New Vehicles, Home
- Market Analysis No. 9, 407
- Water Engineer's Handbook and Directory, 1935, 61
- Water Gas Process, Further Experiment*
- upon the, Dr. J. G. King, Dr. B. H.
- Williams, and R. V. Thomas, 599
- Weaving, W. P. Crankshaw, 128
- West Highland Steamers, C. L. D. Duckworth and G. E. Langmuir, 61
- X-rays in Theory and Experiment, Dr. A.
- H. Compton and Dr. S. h.. Allison, 95
- Your Driving Test, How to Pass it, Oliver Stewart, 43
- LOADS in Reinforced Concrete Slabs, Distribution of Concentrated. C. J. Rundell, 181
- Loans for Public Works, 257
- L.C.C. School of Engineering and Navigation.
- Poplar. S. C. Robinson Appointed to
- Mechanical Engineering Department, (429)
- London Passenger Transport Board :
- Annual Report, Review. 469
- Central London Railway, Celebrates Thirty-fifth Birthday, (143)
- Concrete Roofing Over Ealing and Putney
- District Railway Lines at Edrl's Court, (243)
- Engines of Compression-ignition Type for
- Buses and Green Line Coaches, (227)
- King's Cross (Underground) Station to bo
- Reconstructed, (377)
- London Passenger Transport Bill, 557
- Post Office Station Replaced by Another
- Station, (429)
- Shelters for Green Line Passengers, (481)
- Sloane-square Station, Reconstruction of, (117)
- Trollybuses to Connect Gray's Inn-road
- and Farringdon-road, (534), (541)
- Tube Railways an4 " Campaign Against
- Noise," Professor Henry Spooner. (349)
- Underground Electric Railways Company
- of London, Liquidation of, (39)
- LONDON Traffic and Late Sir John Pybtss, (455)
- Lubricant for Automobile Engines. " Wear-Cure " Tablets, Alexander Duckham and
- Co., Ltd., (388)
- Lubricants, Machine which Determines Load-carrying Capacity of, British Timken, Ltd., (429)
- Lubricants, " Sternocleanse " and " Sternolease," Sternol, Ltd., (411)
- Lubrication Equipment, Bulk, Tecalemit, Ltd., 9
- Lubricator, Chain Conveyor, C. C. Wakefield
- and Co., Ltd., 344
- Lubricator, Mechanical Grease, C. C. Wakefield
- and Co., Ltd., 344
- Automatic Turning Machine, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 462
- Electrically Driven Machine Tools, General Electric Company, 20
- Modern Machine Tool Design. S. Einstein. (117)
- Automatic 10 mm. High-speed Precision.
- Bryant, Symons and Co., Ltd., A. C. Wickman, Ltd., 575
- Bevel Gear Generator, Automatic, Turbine
- Gears, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, vii
- Bevel Gear Generator, Automatic Spiral.
- Turbine Gears, Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35, vii
- Boring Machine for Axle Brasses. G. Richards and Co., Ltd., 99
- Broaching Machine, Vertical, A. C. Wickman, Ltd., 490
- Cotterway and Keyseating Machines, Performance of, 224
- Cross-cutting and Trenching Machine, All-electric, Dominion Machinery Company, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, v
- Cutter, " Circaline," Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, vi
- Cutting and Profiling Machine, Direct, Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, vi
- Drilling Machine, All-electric Radial, Kitchen
- and Wade, Ltd.. 384
- Drilling Machine, Bench, Higgs Motors, Ltd.. 250
- Drilling Machines, Duplex Spindle, Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., .550
- Drilling Machine, High-speed Radial, William
- Asquith, Ltd., 385
- Drilling Machine, Quadruplex. Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., 490
- Grinder, Bench, Higgs Motors, Ltd.. 250
- Grinder, Rotax Electric Bench, Joseph Lucas, Ltd., 630
- Grinder, Thompson Surface, Selson Machine
- Tool Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ii
- Grinding Machine, Maleus Centreless, Selson
- Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Suppe.. 20.9.35, ii
- Keyseating Machine, Performance of Cotterway and, 224
- Lathe, Multi-tool, B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., Burton,
- Griffiths and Co., Ltd., 680
- Lathe, Volman, C.S.R., Selson Machine Tool
- Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ii
- Lathe, 78in. Railway Wheel, Noble and Lund, Ltd.. 356
- Milling Machine. Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 462
- Milling Machine, Motor-driven High-speed, Craven Brothers (Manchester). Ltd., 90
- Milling Machine, Small Vertical, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 38
- Mortising Machine, Dominion Machinery
- Company, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.36, v
- Moulding Machine, Hartung, Selson Machine
- Tool Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, iii
- Press, Double-sided Power, F. J. Edwards.
- Ltd., 264
- Press, Plate Straightening, Henry Pels and
- Co., Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, vi
- Press, 75-Ton Folding, Henry Pels and Co.,
- Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, vi
- Riveter, Squeeze, Broom and Wade, Ltd.,
- Suppt., 13.9.35, iv
- Saw, Electrically Operated Band, Crypt°
- Electrical Equipment Company, 48
- Sawing Machine, Automatic Cold, S. Russell
- and Sons, Ltd.. 356
- Shears, Guillotine, Henry Pels and Co.. Ltd.,
- Suppt., 20.9.35, vii
- Sheet Metal Working Machines, F. J.
- Edwards, Ltd., 264
- Slotting Machine, Heavy Duty. Ormerod
- Shapers, Ltd., 276
- Tenoning and Scribing Machine, Dominion
- Machinery Company, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35.
- Tools, Elect ric Hand, Black and Decker, Ltd., 401
- Thread Grinding Machine, Automatic, Newell
- Engineering Company. Ltd., 629
- Tools, Pneumatic, Broom and Wade. Ltd.. 535
- Tools. Portable, F. Gilman (B.S.T.), Ltd., 371
- Worm Wheel Generator, Automatic. Turbine
- Gears, Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.35, vii
- MACHINE Gun, Bren Light, 669
- Machinery and Equipment Orders Placed in
- England by Soviet Government, (11), (481)
- Main Drainage Works of Glasgow. Extension of. (11)
- Management Conference at Oxford. Position of
- Young Unemployed Adult, (377)
- Boquet Canyon Reservoir for Los Angeles
- Water Supply, 134, 144
- Canals and Rivers of France, 147
- Cape Cod Canal, 380
- Cape Town Docks, 218
- Cape Town Docks, Proposed Extensions, 52(3
- Catania Harbour, Sicily, 273
- Clairvivre Village Settlement, France, General
- Plan, 238
- Creosoting Depot and Stacking Yard at
- Hayes. Middlesex, Plan of G.W.R., 600
- El Kansera Dam, Morocco, 236
- Fenland Showing Extent of Bedford Level, 75
- Glasgow Subway, 682
- London to Grantham, Profile of Line, 348
- Main Drains of Fenland, 76
- Mogden Purification Works, %Vest Middlesex
- Sewage Scheme, 328
- Park Works of David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 69
- Wiuget's Foundry. Rochester, 44
- Materials, Theoretical Strength of Materials and
- their Practical Weakness, Sir William Bragg, 150
- Mechanical Flow Meters, Dr. F. V. A. E. Engel
- and R. J. Wey, 558, 584, 612
- Mechanical Inventions, Germs and Development
- of sonic, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 491
- Mechanical Properties of Matter, F. Langmuir, 201
- Mechanics, Training Mechanics in France, 207
- Medical Staff at Gravesend to be Rehoused, (403)
- Membership of Amalgamated Engineering
- Union, (377)
- Memorandum Pad, W. H. Colt (London), Ltd., (552)
- Men and Metal, Sir William Larke, 35
- Metal, Mechanite, International Mechanic
- Metal Company, Ltd., 376
- Metal Industries in Holland, (377)
- Metal Production and Consumption, 1934,
- World's, 249
- Metal Spraying Nozzle for Interior of Pipes,
- British Oxygen Company, Ltd.. 300
- Metal Spraying Pistol. British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 299
- Metallic Sodium. Rail and Road Transport of (143)
- Metallurgical Operations, Oxygen for, 10
- Metallurgical Research in United States, 204
- Metallurgy and the Physicist. 145
- Metals, Appleby-Frodiugham Book of, (304)
- Metals. Theory of the Plastic State in, J. K.
- Fullard, 138
- Metals Used in Yacht Construction, 141
- Metropolitan-Vickers Apprentices, Directory 0 (494)
- Mica Deposits Discovered in North Chosen. (513)
- Milk Tank on Albion Chassis, Steel Barrel
- Company, Ltd., 546
- Milking Machinery and Mechanism, 32
- Mine Timber, Preservation of. 419
- Mineral Discovery in Russia, (39)
- Mineral Production of United States, Statistics
- for 1934, 200
- Miners for Southern Rhodesia, (377)
- Miners' Wages. Memorandum on, 611
- Mines, International Congress on, 419
- Minister of Transport and Road Safety Progress, 365
- Ministry of Labour, Unemployment. Analysis, 419
- Ministry of Labour, Unemployment Figures, 27, 257. 365, 469
- Mixer, 4ft. bin. Pon. flat.,onie4 and limner.
- Ltd., 564
- Automobile Research and Standardisation 209
- Axle Assembly of Cross-country Vehicle,
- Rear, Henschel and Sohn A.G., 547
- Coach Body on Leyland " Tiger " Chassis.
- Single-deck, 28-seater, Brush Electrical
- Engineering Company, Ltd., 546
- Commercial Motor Transport Exhibition,
- Opened by Captain Austin Hudson, 499
- Commercial Motor Transport Exhibit ion, 486, 499, 517, 545. 571
- Dazzling Headlights on Motor Vehicles,
- Regulations for, (65)
- Mechanically Propelled Vehicles, Noise of, 393
- Motor Industry and Iron and Steel Industry,
- A. Williamson, (513)
- Motor Show at Olympia, 398, 423, 451
- Motor Car Show. Paris, 384
- Motor Cycle Sales at Olympia Show, (647)
- Motor Fuel Tests, German-made, (219)
- Motor Vehicle Production in Soviet, (647)
- Motor Vehicle Registration during October, (673)
- Motor Vehicles, Regulations on Direction
- Indicators and Stop Lights Fitted on to, (267)
- Motor Vehicle Output, British, 159
- Motor Vehicles Registered in June, 1935.
- Statistics, (169)
- Noise of Mechanically Propelled Vehicles, 393
- Public Service Vehicles, Statistics. (481)
- Rear Axle Assembly of MercedAs-Benz Car, 423
- Retract or, Carrimore Automatic, 572
- Road Bogie, 40-ton, R. A. Dyson and Co..
- Ltd., 464
- Steering Unit for Large Lorries, David Brown
- and Sons (Rudd.), Ltd., 517
- Supercharging Unit. for Graham Car, Graham-Paige Motors Corporation, 399, 400
- Ulster Tourist Trophy Race, Winner, F. W.
- Dixon, (267)
- Vehicles on the Road, A.A. Annual Road
- Census, (4291
- Motor Cars :
- Drive of Auburn Car, " Dual-Ratio," 423
- Front-wheel Suspension for Motor Cars,
- Alvis Car and Engineering Company, Ltd., 400; British Salmson, 400; Daimler
- Company, Ltd., 400; Humber, Ltd., 399, 400; Rolls Royce " Phantom III." 399, 400; Singer and Co.. Ltd., 399, 400
- Motor Car Body Panels, Flush Welder for,
- A.I. Electric Welding Appliances Company, 250
- Motor Car Lock, Featherstone, 276
- Motor Car Makers and Steel Trade, 531
- Motor Car Orders at Olympia Exceed 10
- Million Pounds, (455)
- Motor Car Race at Brooklands Won by J.
- Cobb and T. E. Rose-Richards, 500 Miles, (321)
- Motor Car Race for U.S.S.R. Cars, (143)
- Motor Car Speed Record by John Cobb, (403)
- Motor Car Speed Records Regained by Captain
- G. E. T. Eyston on " Speed of the
- Wind," (293)
- Motor Cars Tested with Oil Engines on Brooklands Track, (403)
- Motor Record Regained for America by A.
- B. Jenkins, Twenty-four-hour Record, (267)
- Motor Show at Olympia, 398, 423, 451
- Chassis and Lorries :
- Albion " Valiant," 32-36 Passenger, 520
- Alvis 3i-litre, 424
- Bantam. karrier Motors, Ltd., 572
- Chassis Frame of " 1500 " Model Fiat Car, 423
- C.O.G.5 Passenger Vehicle, Daimler Company, Ltd., 571
- Daimler Light Straight Eight, 423, 424
- Industrial Motor Vehicles, Fodens, Ltd., 9
- " Lancet II," Dennis Brothers, Ltd., 647
- Leyland " Cheetah " Passenger, 518
- Leyland " Octopus " Eight-wheeler, 518
- Light 4-ton, Dennis Brothers. Ltd., 548
- Thornycroft " Sturdy " Petrol Engine, 518 44-ton Pay Load, Albion Motors, Ltd., 520 64-ton Type 0, Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company, .571
- Lorry, Albion 12-13-ton, Six-wheeler, 520
- Lorry, Thornycroft " Trusty " Petrol Engine, 519
- Lorry, 30 h.p. Eight-cylinder, 2-ton, Ford
- Motor Company, Ltd., 493
- Lorry, 7-ton, Four-wheel-drive, Straussler
- Mechanization, Ltd., 617
- Lorry, 7-ton Pay Load Oil-engine-driven,
- Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Company, 545
- Lorry. 15-ton Pay Load, Eight-wheeler,
- Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Company, 545
- Lorry Chassis, Heavy, Henschel and Sohn
- A.G., 546
- Trollybuses
- All-metal, Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., 546
- G.E.C. Three-axle, Low-floor, 63-seater, 520
- G.E.C. 80 h.p. Two-axle, 520
- Fifty-seater, Double-deck, English Electric
- Company, Ltd., 545
- Trollybus Chassis, Crossley Motors, Ltd., 545
- Trollybus Chassis, Sunbeam Commercial
- Vehicles, Ltd., 519
- Trollybus Drivers and Conductors Increased
- Pay, (595)
- Trollybuses for Cape Town, Ransomes, Sims
- and Jefferi., Ltd., 152
- Trollybuses to Replace Tramways in London
- Passenger Transport Board Area, (11)
- MOSCOW, Reconstruction Scheme for, (139)
- Mower, Grass, A. C. Bamlett, Ltd., 33, 34
- Mower. " Overgreen " Motor, Ransom., Sims
- and Jefferies. Ltd., 34
- Mowing Machine, Bamfords, Ltd., 8
- Muck Removal, Method Adopted by Contractors Driving a Sewer Tunnel in Minneapolis. (595)
- Museums (Leading Article. 245)
- NAIL and Screw Factory at Limerick, (595)
- Nationalism and Overseas Trade, Major L. C. Crippe, 61
- Natural Gas Fields of Gogha, W. India, (567)
- Navigation. XVIth International Congress of,
- Brussels, 1935, 233, 272, 290, 368, 471
- Nene Catchment Board Improvements Enable
- Larger Ships to Call at Peterborough, (349)
- Nickel Alloys, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd.,
- Suppt., 13.9.35, iii
- Nickei-aluminium-iron Alloys, Analyses of, E. C. Pigott, (321)
- Nickel Industry Progress, (227)
- Nickel Production, Additional Plant of International Nickel Company of Canada, (647)
- Noise, Annual Report of Anti-Noise League. 209
- Noise of Mechanically Propelled Vehicles, 393
- Noise Problems, 13
- Nozzles of Boron Carbide for Sand Blasting
- Plant, (143)
- Adams, Professor Henry, 183
- Beale, Sir John Field (Portrait), 625
- Briggs, Professor Henry. 209
- Butcher, W. E., (219)
- Citroen, Andre, 53
- Coles, W. J., 116
- Cormack, Professor J. D., 583
- English, Lieut.-Colonel Thomas,
- Francis, T. P., 153
- Gilchrist, Percy Carlyle, 650
- Gill, Raymond, (80)
- Glazebrook, Sir Richard Tetley (Portrait ), 65o
- Goodman, Professor John. 445
- Henderson, Arthur, 419
- Holdsworth, Sir Charles, (117)
- Holmes, Wilfred, 339
- Hook, Frederick Arthur, 10
- Kershaw, G. Bertram, 146
- Lord Kirkley, 283
- Lawson, William, (243)
- Little, A. D., (195)
- Mackenzie, Thomas B.. 183
- Main, J. P. Stott, 55
- Manson, James, (39)
- Marriott, Herbert, (481)
- Matheson, Donald A., 650
- Muirhead, Alexander, (911
- Murray, K. S. (Portrait), 173
- Palmer, Sir A. M.. (169)
- Peach, James, 365
- Pickering, Jonathan, 445
- Pilter, Sir John, (169)
- Porter, Geoffrey. 339
- Reid. Sir Hugh (Portrait ). 42
- Rollo, George, 146
- Ronaidson, James Henry, 146
- Saxon, Alfred, 625
- Schofield, R. H., 499
- Spiers, Capt. H. J., 55
- Stretton, Theodore, 531
- Stromeyer, C. E., 107
- Thorne, Sir W. C., (117) 1Vainarright, G. P., (267)
- Obsolescence (Leading Article), 431
- Officers, Training of R.E. and R.C.S., 200
- Oil, Pollution of Sea by, 365
- Oil Borings Financed with Reich Loans, (267)
- Oil Can, Joseph Kaye and Sons, Ltd., 490
- Oil Compact Programme for Control of Crude
- Oil Production, United States, (321)
- Oil Drilling Operations in Worth Forest, near
- Three Bridges, (143)
- Oilfields and Hydrogenation, Great Britain's, 67
- Oil from Coal, Seaharn Harbour Plant, (695)
- Oil from Seaham Harbour Plant, Heavy, (143)
- Oil from South African Minerals. Extraction of, (454)
- Oil Fuel Requirements of France, (39)
- Oil Pipe Line in Russia, 440 Miles Long. (6211
- Oil Pollution of Sea, 283
- Oil Pollution Menace Round Coast, Prevention
- Measures, (39)
- Oil Prospecting Licences, British, 531
- Oil Purifier, Vickeen Centrifugal, British
- Separators, Ltd.. 299
- Oil Refinery in Bahrein Islands, Gulf of Persia.
- Proposed, (567)
- Oil Separators, Alfa-Laval Company. Ltd., 401
- Oil Struck at Heide, Germany, (320)
- Oil Supplies in War, Col. W. A. Bristow, (567)
- Oiling System for Rolling Mill Bearings, Pressure, Stream Line Filter Company, Ltd., 628
- Olive Oil for Lubricating Purposes in Internal
- Combustion Engines, (267)
- Ovens at Brancepeth Colliery, Willington,
- Fifty-nine, (143)
- Overseas Trade, Nationalism and, Major L. C.
- Cripps, 61
- Oxygen Cutting Machines, British Oxygen Company, Ltd., 299
- Oxygen for Metallurgical Operations, 10
- Ozone Equipment for Sterilising Water, Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd., 586
- PAINT for Exposed Steel Structures, Best. (143)
- Paint Gun, B.E.N. Spray, B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 47
- Paint Spraying Plant, Portable, Laey-Hulbert
- and Co., Ltd., 535
- Papermaking Machine at Sittingbourne. Largest
- and Fastest, (621)
- Parachute Jump Record by Lieut. Pawlowsky, (403)
- Parachute with Safety Valve, Soviet Aarenautical Engineer Invents, (377)
- Parliamentary Science Committee, Work Outlined in Secretary's Report, (673)
- Aeronautics, 26, 132, 157, 231, 661
- Batteries and Accumulators, 79. 281, 443, 497, 687
- Building, 158, 182, 363, 467
- Cranes and Conveyors, 132, 307, 337, 417
- Crushing and Grinding, 158. 282. 391, 417, 443
- Dynamos and Motors, 53, 105, 131. 231, 281. 529, 555
- Electrical Appliances, 26, 53, 105, 157, 181, 207, 281, 307, 337, 363, 467, 529, 555, 635, 661, 687
- Engines, Internal Combustion, 25, 63, 79, 131, 181, 231, 281, 307, 363, 391, 417, 497, 555, 581, 609, 635. 687
- Furnaces, 25, 54, 105, 131, 207, 255, 282, 337, 363, 391, 581, 635
- Gas Producers, 26, 182, 391, 443
- Lighting and Heating, 80, 208, 282, 337
- Locomotives, 208, 609
- Machine Tools and Shop Appliances, 80, 106, 132, 158, 182, 208, 256, 307, 337, 443, 467. 497, 529, 635
- Measuring and Testing Instruments, 106, 232, 391, 530, 556, 581, 609, 662
- Metallurgy, 80, 308, 338, 417, 661
- Mining Machine, 106, 157
- Miscellaneous, 26, 54, 80. 106, 132, 158, 182, 208, 232, 256, 282, 308, 338, 364, 392, 417, 444, 467, 497, 530, 556, 582, 610, 636, 662, 688
- Motor Cars and Road Traffic, 26. 54. 105, 182, 208, 417, 444, 497, 556
- Ordnance and Armour, 106, 208, 337
- Pumping and Blowing Machinery, 79. 157, 363, 443, 497, 581
- Ships and Boats. 232
- Steam Generators, 79, 105 181
- Switchgear, 25, 207, 281, 391, 661
- Telegraphy and Telephony, 54, 231
- Tramways and Railways, 53. 80, 105. 256, 497, 687
- Transformers and Converters, 26, 79, 131, 181. 529, 635, 687
- Transmission of Power, 54, 207, 232, 255, 529, 581, 609
- Turbine Machinery, 207, 255, 443. 555
- Water Purification, 255, 307, 467, 609
- PEDESTRIAN Guards in Stepney and Poplar. (377)
- Personal and Business Announcements, 26. 54, 106, 132, 1.58, 182. 204, 232. 256, 308, 334, 360. 392, 414. 440, 468. 494, 526, 578, 606, 632, 662
- Petrol, Trials of Solid, (65)
- Petrol Exported from Billingham Improves
- Tees' Revenue, (647)
- Petrol from Coal, 393
- Petrol from Coal Plant at Seaham Harbour to
- be Duplicated, (243)
- Petrol from Ruhr Coal. (481)
- Petrol from Seaham Harbour Plant, (143)
- Petrol Losses from Storage Tanks, Aluminium
- Paint or Whitewash to Prevent, (595)
- Petroleum and Derivatives, Increased Demand
- for, ( 11)
- Photo-electric Rays, Control of Public Lighting
- by, British Thomson-Houston Company,
- Ltd.. 385
- Photo-print Developing Machine, Ozalid Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Pickfords, Ltd., Sorting Depot and Headquarters at Willow-walk, Bermondsey, (541)
- Pilot Cable Laid from Port of Calais. (169)
- Pipe Joint Adopted in Lausanne Water Scheme,
- Sulzer Brothers Improved, (65)
- Pipes, " Everite 1" Asbestos Cement, Turner's
- Asbestos Cement Company. 563
- Piping, Strength and Flexibility of Corrugated,
- Robert L. Dennison, 303. 332. 358, 386, 412, 439
- Plastic State in Metals, Theory of the, .1. R.
- Fullard, 138
- Ploughing Windlasses Operated by Oil Engines,
- J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., 33
- Ploughs, Rotary (Gyrotillers). John Fowler and
- Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 8
- Pneumatic Plant for Contracting Work, Sir W.
- G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 590
- Poland, Federation of British Industries'
- Mission to, 365
- Polishing Material, Suspending Abrasive in
- Molten Paraffin Wax, (647)
- Pollution of River Tees, .570
- Pollution of Sea by Oil, 283
- Port of Alexandria, Improvements at, (321)
- Port of London Authority. Annual Report, 557
- Potential Power of the World. U.S. Geological
- Survey's Statistics, (403)
- Power Farming Conference at Oxford, 1936. (377)
- Precipitator, Cheltnam " Micron," Fraser and
- Chalmers Engineering Works, 588
- Preservation of Mine Timber, 419
- Pressure Vessel, Fusion Welded, Babcock and
- Wilcox, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, x
- Propellers for Orient Line's s.s. " Orion," .1.
- Stone and Co., Ltd., 215
- Public Passenger Transport, Technical Progress
- and, (540)
- Public Works, Loans for, 257
- Public Works. Roads and Transport Congress
- and Exhibition, 1935, Programme of Congress. 426
- Public Works, Roads and Transport Exhibition, 499, 505. 535, 563, 586
- Leek Pumping Station, Opening of. 339
- Petrol Pump Supplying Petrol Made from
- British Coal Installed in Kensington, (595)
- Pump, Blackstone " Unchokeable " Fullway, 374
- Pump, " Hivac " Extraction, Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.35, ii
- Pump. Motor-driven Extraction, Hick Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, ii
- Pump, Reciprocating Plunger, G. and J.
- Weir, Ltd., 375
- Pump, Turbine-driven, M irrlees Watson
- Company, Ltd., 346
- Pumping Equipment for Bore-holes and Deep
- Wells, Electromersible Motors and Pumps,
- Ltd.. 347
- Pumping Plant, Portable, Ruston and
- Hornsby, Ltd.. 537
- Pumping Plant, 3 h.p. " Coborn " Air-cooled,
- Petrol-engine-driven Portable, Ransomes
- and Rapier, Ltd., 564
- Pumping Set, Oil-engine-driven Marine,
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., 681
- Pumping Station at Leek. Opening of. 339
- Pumps, Electrically Driven Vertical Circulating, W. H. Allen, Sons and Co.. Ltd.,
- Suppt., 13.9.35, xii
- PUMPS (continued)
- Pumps, Lee, Howl and Co. (Tipton), Ltd., 8
- Pumps, Water and Bilge, Crossley Brothers,
- Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ii
- Pumps for Marine Use, Tangyes, Ltd.. 347
- Pumps of " Mauretania," Direct-acting
- Boiler Feed, G. and J. Weir, Ltd., 375
- PURIFICATION of Water by Ozone Treat.
- meat, Lieut. -Colonel G. E. Morgan, (567)
- QUARRIES Worked in 1934, Inspector of
- Mines and Quarries, Annual Report, (243)
- Quay, Roman Quay Discovered at Canterbury (377)
- Quays at Jarrow-on-Tyne. Deep Water, (481)
- Quetta Military Station. Proposed Reconstruction of, (267)
- Accidents :
- Accident at Hall-road on Liverpool-Southport Line Recalled, (117)
- Accident to Ballast Train at Leigh-on-Sea. (673)
- Accident to Excursion Train from King's
- Cross, 1870, Recalled, (7)
- Accidents, Railway versus Road, (243)
- Accidents on Indian Railmays, 1933-34,
- Indian Railway Board Annual Report on, (267)
- _Accidents to Railway Servants, Inquiries, (429)
- Ashton-under-Hill, Derailment near, Col.
- Mount's Report, 5
- Blackburn Collision, 1881, Recalled, (169)
- Buffer Stop Collisions. (377)
- Carlisle Crossing Collision of Sixty-five
- Years Ago Recalled, (65)
- Collision at Level Crossing on Lee-on-the-Solent Railway, (91)
- Derailment of Colliers' Train in Monmouthshire, (513)
- Flanges of Wheels of Locomotives, Derailments and, (481)
- Goods Train Derailment at Potbridge, 531, (541)
- Gourock Buffer Stops Accident., Major
- R. S. Wilson's Report, (293)
- Hazelwood Derailment, Col. Trench's
- Report, 5
- Irish Mail Derailment of Twenty Years
- Ago Recalled, (193)
- Jarrow Accident, 1915, Recalled, (673)
- Kildwick Collision, 1875, (219), (243)
- King's Langley Collision, Lieut.-Col.
- Mount's Report, 27, 73
- Landslide at Winchfiold, (595). (621)
- Level Crossing Accident at Pontsarn
- Station, Colonel Trench's Report. (403)
- Level Crossing Collision at Buckhurst Hill, (403)
- Level Crossing Collision at Dalnaspidal, (243)
- Level Crossing Collision between Barkeston
- and Honington, Verdict of " Not
- Guilty " Against Gateman, (143)
- Level Crossing Fatality at Minster-on-Sea
- Station, Colonel Woodhouse's Report, (349)
- Lostock Junction Collision, 1920, Recalled, (91)
- Moira Derailment, Col. Mount's Report, 5
- Newark Collision, 1915. The Buckeye
- Coupler at, (321)
- Nine Elms Locomotive Junction Collision
- of 1880 Recalled, (293)
- Norton Fitzwarren Collision, 1890, Recalled, (481)
- Perth Collision of Sixty Years Ago
- Recalled, (117)
- Railway Accidents, Annual Report of
- Colonel Mount, 90. (189)
- Railway Accidents, Statistics of Causes of, (117)
- Railway Accidents for Last Quarter of 1934,
- Thirty-seven Inquiries Held, (243)
- Railway Accidents Reports, 405
- Railway Accidents through Signalmen
- Overlooking Trains and Engines, (595)
- Scotsgap Accident, 1875, Recalled, (7)
- Three Locomotive Derailments, 5, (65)
- Tunnel Collapse of Berlin Underground
- Railway, (193)
- Welwyn Collision, Verdict on Victims, (39)
- Welwyn Railway Accident, Colonel Mount's
- Report. 334
- Welwyn Garden City Collision, Col. Mount
- and the Signalman, (377)
- Winnington Derailment, 1880, Recalled, (169)
- Witham Derailment 1905, (219)
- Wormley Level Crossing Disaster, Col.
- Trench's Report, (595)
- American Railway Affairs, 549
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Centenary of
- Thomas Viaduct across Petapsco River, 123
- Branch Line between Quainton Road and
- Brill Closed to all Traffic, (219)
- Branch Line Single Track to be Doubled, (549)
- British-owned Railways in Argentina, Position of, (673)
- British Railway Policy, Sir Josiah Stamp, 557
- British Railways as a National Asset, 108, 137 62, 186; (Leader, 195)
- " Buckeye " Coupler, American Correspondent on, (91)
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Proposed Sister
- Ship to " Empress of Britain," (39)
- Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Railway,
- November 7th, 1885, (513)
- Centenaries of Several Railways, (219)
- Couplings on Goods Trains, Failures of, (169)
- Drumm Battery Train's Successful Working, (321)
- Duke of Buccleuch, Association with the
- Railways, (429)
- Fish-plates on Indian Railway Track, (117)
- German Railway Celebrations at Nuremburg, (621)
- ;relit Indian Peninsular Railway, Retirement
- of Mr. W. H. Lilo', Deputy Chief Engineer (Signals), (219)
- Great Southern Railways of Ireland, Linkingup Amiens-street, Dublin, with Midland
- Section, (293)
- Grouped' Railway Receipts for Half-year, (143)
- Grouped Railways, Pooling of Competitive
- Traffic. Sir Cyril Hurcomb, (455)
- High Speed on Railways. 351
- Hundred of Manhood and Selsey Tramways
- to be Sold, (513)
- Illuminated Signs and Interference with
- Railway Working, (646)
- Indian Railways Board Report, Indianisat ion
- of Appointments, (169)
- International Railway Congress in Paris, 937, (91)
- Landslides on Railways and Official Inquiries, (567)
- Level Crossings, Board of Trade Require ments for, (189)
- London and Birmingham, Two-Hours Service, H. L. Wilkinson, (349)
- London Passenger Transport Board. see page
- xi
- Mirrors on Signal-boxes, (567)
- Moscow's " Metro," Preparation for Second
- Section, (429), (455)
- National Union of Railwaymen and Transport.
- Workers, (567)
- Newark Brake Trials, (39)
- New York Central Lines, Combination of
- Railways, (193)
- " Passing Places " on Single Lines, (567)
- Railway (Agreement) Bill, 837
- Railway Assessment Authority, Report of, (219)
- Railway Bridges in Salford, Condition of. (673)
- Railway Census, Statistics, (349)
- Railway Companies Conference with Railway
- Trades Unions on Wages Cuts, (595)
- Railway Directors Re-elected to Parliament, (541)
- Railway Duration at Tawa Flat, New Zealand, Reduction of 24 Miles between
- Wellington and Paekakariki, 266
- Railway Material Exported, Board of Trade
- Returns, (219), (481)
- Railway Rates Tribunal, Work of Year, (11)
- Railway Returns for 1934, Capital Statistics (429); Statistics, (621)
- Railway Staffs' Census, 1935, Statistics, (293)
- Railway Signalling, Modern Developments
- in. Major L. H. Peter, 591
- Railway Stations at Leeds, " Wellington "
- and " New," (243)
- Railway Working Receipts, Railway Returns
- for 1934, (513)
- Railway Works, Five Years' Plan for Reconstruction and Improvement, 469
- Railway Works, State Aid for, 469
- Railways and Unemployment, 515
- Railways Development Bill, Expediting the, (595); Proposed Work Outlined, (595)
- Resignalling of Manchester Central Station. (11)
- Rolling Stock Developments in America, 241
- Rolling Stock for Chinese Government.
- British, (169)
- Royal Commission on Railway Conciliation
- Scheme, Late Sir John Field Beale and
- his Service on, (673)
- Searchlights on Engines, Colonel Mount, (65)
- Settle and Carlisle Line Opened Sixty Years
- Ago, (143)
- State Aid for Railway Works, 469
- Streamlined Trains in U.S.A., Reconstruction
- Finance Corporation and, (266)
- Stitt ens, Ltd., Considerable Proportion of
- Interests Purchased by Carter, Paterson
- and Co. (455)
- Traffic Receipts for Twenty-six Weeks, (91)
- Traffic Receipts for Thirty-second Week, (193)
- Traffic Returns for Thirty-sixth Week, (293)
- Traffic Returns for Thirty-ninth Week of
- Grouped Lines, (377), (455)
- Traffic Receipts for Forty-six Weeks, (695)
- Viaduct, Centenary of Stone Arch, Baltimore
- and Ohio Railroad, Thomas Viaduct Across
- Petapsco River, 123
- Wages of Railway Servants, Trades Unions
- and, ( 349)
- Wagon Tippler for China, 60-ton Side Dis-charge, Fraser and Chalmers Engineering
- Works (0.E.C. ), 124
- Workmen's Tickets and Componsat ion in
- Relation to Accidents, (249)
- Great Western Railway
- Bristol and Gloucestershire Railway and
- Gloucester and Avon Railway, Gauges
- of, (349)
- Brunel and the 7f t.. Gauge, (321)
- " Cornish Riviera Limited," 1935, (91)
- Dock Charges at South Wales Ports, (91)
- Exeter and Newton Abbott Deviation, (613)
- Great Western Railway Centenary, Visit to
- Bristol, 233; (Leading Article, 246)
- Great Western Railway Centenary
- Banquet, 473
- Important Reconstruction Works Under
- Government Scheme, (293)
- Loos Railway to Start from St. Germans. (513)
- Permanent Way Work for Twelve Months, (481)
- Plymouth, Improvement at, (641)
- Signal Engineer, Appointment of F. H. D.
- Page, (647)
- Sleeper Creosoting Works at Hayes, 531. 596, 600
- Sleeper Yard at Hayes, Improvements
- Complete. (667)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway
- Bale Stacking Trucks at L.M.S. Depots. 124
- Crewe Library Offered to Crewe Corporation, 541); Offer Accepted, (647)
- London. Midland and Scottish Railway (continued) :
- Euston Station and St. Pancras to Continue as Terminals, (541)
- Euston to Aberdeen, Locomotive Works
- Through (ruin, (117)
- High-speed Run on L.M.S. Railway,
- Official Test of 4-6-2 Type Locomotive
- No. 6200, " The Princess Royal," 37
- Insulated Containers for Meat and Fruit
- Traffic, 125
- Jubilee of " West Coast Postal," Royal
- Mail Express. (11)
- L.M.S. Programme for 1936, 583
- London to Birmingham, Times of Two
- Hours Reduced by Five Minutes. (267), (349)
- Milk Vans, Insulated, 74
- Motive Power Depets, Alterations and
- Modernisation of Several, (321)
- New Mills Station and Access of Midland
- Railway into Manchester, (143)
- Passenger Station to be Constructed at Old
- Roan, (673)
- Rebuilding Queen's Hotel, Leeds, (91)
- Research Laboratory at Derby, L.M.S., 630
- Retirement of Mr. G. F. Thurston, (621)
- Road Vehicles, Company Orders, 900, (455)
- Sir Alan Garrett Anderson, M.P. for City
- of London, (11)
- Slopping Cars, First-elass, W. A. Stanior, 202
- Traffic Returns for Twenty-sixth week, (39)
- Train Punctuality, Result of Twenty-four
- Hours' Test, (65)
- London and North-Eastern Railway :
- Appointment of Signal and Telegraph
- Engineer, (621)
- Dock Extensions at Hull, (541)
- Financial Results for Half -year, (455)
- Fish Dock at Grimsby, L. and N.E. Railway Become Tenants of, (193)
- " Flying Scotsman," Fine Time-keeper, (349)
- Grab to Unload Ore Installed at limningham Docks, Four Additional, (673)
- Hull Marshalling Yard Opened, (647)
- Improvements at West Quay, Tyne Dock, (219)
- L. and N.E. Streamlined Train, John P.
- Pearson, 489
- Mottram Marshalling Yard, 445
- Noise in Stations at Night, Elimination of, (65)
- Overcrowding at Liverpool-street, Census
- of Passengers, (11)
- Permanent Way, Method for Wholesale
- Renewal of, (073)
- Retirements and Appointments, (169)
- " Silver Jubilee " Express. London to
- Newcastle in Four Hours, (193)
- " Silver jubilee " Train, Trial Trip of, 348; (Leading Article, 351)
- " The Silver Jubilee " Train, 318; Speed
- of 101 m.p.h. on Trial Trip, (321)
- Tablets on Bridges, Initiative of Mr. John
- Miller, (455)
- Trials of " Silver Fox " Locomotives, (673)
- Water-softening Plants, Twenty-two Additional, 209
- West Quay at Tyne Dock to bo
- tteconatructod,(169)
- Winter Train Services, Changes, (267)
- Southern Railway
- Electric Traction and Growth of Traffic,
- Some Statistics, (193)
- Electrical Extensions on, 339
- Executives Tour United States and Canada
- to Study Docks, Rail, Road and Air
- Transport Developments, (377 )
- Ferry Service between Dover and Dunkirk. (567)
- Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, Closing
- of, (65)
- Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, Disposal
- of Locomotives, Rolling Stock, and
- Plant, (541)
- Railway Assessment Authority and
- Southern Railway, House of Lords,
- Appeal, (567)
- Reconstruct ion Work on Surbiton and
- Woking Stations, (321)
- Southampton Docks, Statistics for Oetoberi 935, (541)
- Southampton Central Late Southampton
- West, (11)
- Telephone Exchange to be Transferred
- from Hop to Waterloo Post Office
- Exchange, (403)
- Tinsley Green Station for Gatwick Airport,
- . (293)
- Traffic at Southampton Docks During
- July, (219)
- Waterloo and City Railway, Complaints
- About Approaches to, (11)
- Waterloo Junction Now Known us 1Vaterloo, (377)
- Electrification of Railways :
- Electric Railways for Glasgow, Proposed, 159
- Electrical Extensions on Southern Railway, 339
- Electrification and Electrical Equipment
- Standardisation on Railways. (429)
- Electrification of Bombay Railways, (223)
- Electrification of Eastbourne, Hastings
- Section, Official Opening, 1
- Electrification of Glasgow District Subway,
- W. R. Bruce, 674, 682
- Electrification of Hungarian State Railways, Festival of Inauguration, 574
- Electrification of Italian Railways, Savings
- Effected by. (321); Saving of Coal by, (402)
- Electrification of L.N.E. Main Line between
- Manchester and Sheffield, (541)
- Electrification of Portsmouth Line from
- Hampton Court Junction, (513)
- Electrification of Railway from Newcastle-upon-Tyne and South Shields. Proposed. 133, (143)
- Electrification 01 Railways (continued):
- Electrification of Railways in South
- Lancashire, (91)
- Electrification of Southern Railway and
- Improved Condition in South-East
- London, (11)
- Electrification on Hungarian State Rail.ways, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical
- Company, Ltd. , 86
- Electrification of Wirral Railway. Pro•
- posed, (513)
- Electrification Scheme for Glasgow and
- West of Scotland Railways, (143)
- Electrification Scheme for Southern Railway, Further, 133
- Glasgow Subway Electrification Completed, (621)
- Railway Directors and Electrification, 623
- Railway Electrification of South-East
- Lancashire Lines, Alan Choriton and. (673)
- Ministry of Transport :
- Railway Statistics, Railway Returns for 1934, (513)
- Railway Statistics for First Quarter. 1935, (65), (219); Statistics for March, 1935, (11), (65); Statistics for April, 1935, (91); Statistics for May, 1935, (267);
- Statistics for Juno, 1935, (429) 4
- Statistics for July, 1935, ( 481);
- Statistics for August, 1935, (567)
- Appointment of Sub-inspecting Officer of
- Railways, (243), (267)
- Balancing of They, -eylinder Locomotives,
- F. L. Baxter, 84
- Blood Pressure and Locomotive Drivers, (143)
- Electric Locomotives for Routh African Rail•
- ways, Metropolitan•Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 260
- Geared Locomotives, The. 602; (Leading
- Article, 597)
- Locomotive Blast Pipe, Dr. A. Giesl-Gieslingen, 216
- Locomotive Efficiency, Freight Tender
- Engine does Smart Work, (647)
- Locomotive " No. 103," Restoration of Highland Railway, 309
- Locomotive " No. 123," Restoration of
- Caledonian, 309
- Locomotive Repair Shops in America, 86
- Locomotives for San Paulo-Parana Plantations, 2-8-2 Metre-gauge, W. G. Bagnall,
- Ltd., 681
- Locomotives on British Railways. Tabulated
- Statistics, 163
- Locomotives Renewed during 1934, Statist ics, (647)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 4-6-2 Turbine Lucomotive, " No. 6202," 12, 14, 43; (Erratum, (256) ); Turbine
- for L.M.S. Locomotive " No. 6202,"
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company,
- Ltd., 12, 14; Turbine-driven Locomotive
- " No. 6202," Working between Euston and
- Liverpool, (321)
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway,
- Locomotive No. 6170, " The British
- Legion," Built at Crewe. (267)
- L.M.S. Locomotive, " British Legion," Earl
- Jollicoe Christens, 499
- L. M.S. Four-cylinder, 4-6-2 Locomotive 1' No. 6203," 74
- L.N.E.R.Locomotive "No. 7930" Broken Up,
- Originally " No. 930," G.E. Railway, was
- Erected in 92 Hours, (219)
- " Silver Link," Streamlined Locomotive,
- H. N. Greeley, 318
- Railway Locomotive Models. Lent to London
- Museum by E. D. Lowry, (512)
- Diesel, Oil, and Oil-Electric (also Railcars);
- •• Flying Hamburger," Record for. (76)
- Geared Oil-engine Locomotive. ('anadian
- National Railways, 638
- High-speed Railcars in Germany, (513)
- Locomotive, Automatic Gear-changing,
- F. C. Hibbard and Co., Ltd., 510
- Locomotive, Oil-engine d Factory, Hunxlet
- Engine Company, Ltd., 489
- Locomotive, 12 h.p. Internal Combustion,
- Hunslet Engine Company, Ltd., 536
- Locomotive, 20 h.pp. Oil-engined Mine
- " Planet," F. C. Hibbard and Co., Ltd., 505, 510
- Locomotives, 2ft. Gauge Simplex Oil and
- Petrol-engined, Motor Rail, Ltd., 507
- Locomotives. 18121 and 36 42 h.p. Oil-engine-driven, Rust on and Hornsby,
- Ltd., 537
- Oil-electric Locomotives for India, 1309
- h.p., Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth
- and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., 98
- Oil -engined Locomotive, Hunslet 10/12
- h.p., Robert Hudson, Ltd., 590
- Railcar, Streamlined 140 h.p. Oil-electric
- Railcar for Buenos Aires %%Postern Railway, Ltd., Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., 671
- Railcar, 260 Hardy Motors, Ltd., 477
- Railcar between Strasbourg and Paris,
- Record Run by Bugatti, (673)
- Railcar for Del Norte Railway Company,
- Spain, Beardmore-Somita-Naval, 47
- RAYON Staple Fibre Factory in Italy, (91)
- Reducing Gears, Vertical Shaft Worm, " Radicon." David Brown and Sons (Hudd.). Ltd., 411
- Refrigerant, Frozen Sodium Chloride Brine as, (567)
- Refrigeration, Proposed School of, 393
- Refrigerating Equipment for Orient Line's
- s.c. " Orion." J. and E. Hall, Ltd., 215
- Refrigerating Plant, Hallmark Automatic, J.
- and E. Hall. Ltd., Suppi., 13.9.35, iii
- Refrigerating Machine, Three-cylinder Electrically Driven CO,. 3. and E. Hall, Ltd.,
- Suppt.. 13.9.35, iii
- Refrigeration in South African Fruit Trade, 583
- Refuse-collecting Motor Van, Dennis Brothers,
- Ltd., 589
- Refuse Collection by Electric Vehicles, R. L.
- Acland, (673)
- Refuse Masticator, Patent Lightning Crusher
- Company, Ltd., 563
- Reinforced Concrete Slabs, Distribution of
- Concentrated Loads in, C. V. Runde, 161
- Research in Industry during Twenty-five Years,
- Proposed Banquet to Celebrate. (403)
- Research Survey. African, 422
- Reservoir, Oldham Town Council's Proposal to
- Sell Pennine, (403)
- Reservoir and Pipe Line for Los Angeles Water
- Supply. Bouquet Canyon, 134, 144
- Resin Known as " Acronals," Synthetic. (267)
- Reverse Reduction Gear for Oil Engines, Ruston
- and Hornsby. Ltd., 426
- River Beds, Scour in, M. G. Ionidea, 196
- River Flow Records, River Dee. 348
- River Lee Improvements, 419
- River Nene Improvement Scheme, (143)
- River Pollution, Problems of, Dr. Parker, 599
- Rivets, American Standards for Large, (OS)
- ROADS AND HIGHWAYS (see also London
- Passenger Transport Board) :
- Arterial Road Traffic Diversion Scheme fur
- Lancashire. Further, (38)
- Central Highways Board, Proposed, 499
- Chester-Holyhead Road, Improvements to, 446. 447 (Two-page Supplement, November 1st, 1935)
- Colwyn Bay-Abergele Road Widening,
- Ministry of Transport Grant for, (321)
- Cost of Road Building and Surfacing in
- Alabama, Testing Laboratory and, (541)
- Departmont of Scientific and Industrial
- Research, Road Research Board Report. 339
- Dual Carriageways on London- Brighton
- Road in East Sussex, (169)
- East Lancashire Road, Minister of Transport
- Derestricts Portion of, (567)
- Exeter By-pass Road, Tenders Invited for
- Completion of, (267), 283
- Expenditure on Reads, Captain Austin
- Hudson, (39)
- Fleet-street, Relaying of, (169)
- Grosz • Glockner Transalpine Highway
- Opened, (143)
- Highway. Trans-European, 233
- Highway and the Motorway, G. E. /Wilco., Is. 570
- Highways Board, Proposed Central, 499
- International Highway from London to
- Istanbul, Automobile Association's Survey
- of, (65)
- Keswick Road, Difficulty and Controversy
- Over Proposed, 257
- London Road Scheme, Important, 81
- Motor Roads in France, (267)
- Penyolip Road and Viaduct Opened, 365
- Railing Off Pavements in Stepney. (595)
- Rammer, " Frog," C. H. Johnson and Sons,
- Ltd.. 537
- Rammer for Road-breaking and Light Pile
- Driving, " Kangarammer, ' C. H. Johnson
- and Sons. Ltd., 537
- Road Accident Analysis, 159
- Road Accidents, Statistics, (169)
- Road and Bridge Reconstruction in Lineoltishire Fens, (143)
- Road and Railway Transport Act (Northern
- Ireland), 1935, Royal Assent Received for. (143)
- Road Breaker, Warsop, G. Cohen. Sons and
- Co.. Ltd., 564
- Road Breaking and Noise, 361
- Road Bridge Across Severn. Proposed, (567)
- Road Casualties in Forty-eight Weeks, (621)
- Road Experiments. 419
- Road Experiments. Technical Advisory
- Committee of Ministry of Transport. 419
- Road Locomotive, Oil-engine-driven Showman's, John Fowler and Co. (Leeds). Ltd.. 99
- Road-making Grouts from Minister of Transport. (143)
- Road Regulations, F. W. Hatton. 575
- Road Research, 339
- Road Research Board Report, 339, 410
- Road Safety Progress. Broadcast by Minister
- of Transport on. 365
- Road Sign. " Halt at Major Road Ahead," 183
- Road Traffic Census, (193)
- Road Transport, Brigadier-General Sir A.
- Osborne Mance. 309
- Road Transport in Northern 'relent'. Trans.
- port Board Appointed, (267)
- Road Width and Accidents, Professor R. L.
- Morrison, (403)
- Rock Salt Used in Road Construction, (412)
- " Silent " Road Breakers, A. Stewart, 223
- Street Lighting, 469
- Street Noises. L. Antler and P. Baron. 18
- Subway Opened in London, Another, 583
- Subways for Monument. Station, Pedestrian, (293)
- Trans-Continental High Road, 283
- Trans-European Highway, 233
- Wandsworth By-pass and First Publi
- Railway, Preservation of Stones Used as
- Sleepers. (193)
- Wandsworth By-pass Road and Surrey Iron
- Railway. (139)
- ROLLER, 2-Ton, Marshall, Sons and Co.. 33
- Roller, 34 b.h.p. Oil Engine Driven Road.
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd.. 506
- Roller, 2-24-Ton, Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., 505
- Roller Hearings on L.M.S. Turbomotive, British
- Timken Company, Ltd., 168
- Rolling Mill, 41-Ton High-speed Fly-wheel for. •
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co.. Ltd., 654
- Rolling Mill Bearings, Pressure Oiling System
- for, Stream Line Filter Company. Ltd., 628
- Rolling Mill in Japan. Lay-ont of Reversing,
- F. C. Baumann. 121
- Rolling Mill Research Laboratory in Moscow, (432)
- Rolling Mill Rolls, Production of, R. B. Tennent,
- Ltd.. 566
- Rolling Process for Steel Strips and Sheets
- Acquired from American Rolling Mill Company by Richard Thomas and Co.. (673)
- Rolls for Rolling Mills, Correction, (606)
- Ropeway Extension Frame, R. White and Sons, 603
- Rotary, Annular and Tandem Compound
- Beams, G. Watkins, 61
- Rotating Speed Record in U.S.A., (377)
- Roughness and " Shoe " Marks on Tinplate,
- John Williams, 60
- Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Professor
- W. Kerr Succeeds Professor A. L. Mellanby, 663
- Rubber and its Engineering Uses, B. D. Porritt. 644
- Rubber from 5Ionovinylacetylene. Synthetic, (219)
- Rubber Output in Russia, Synthetic, (11)
- SAFETY Lamp for Miners, Interesting. (513)
- Sand Blasting Apparatus, " Sand Wizard,"
- Constructional Engineering Company, Ltd., 298
- Sand Mixer, " Rotoil," Fordath Engineering
- Company, Ltd., Suppe., 20.9.35, v
- Science, Unapplied, 323
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Appointments to Advisory Council to Committee of
- Privy Council for, (455)
- Science and Technology, Fundamental, 075
- Air Flow Transmitter Meter, George Kent,
- Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35, xi
- Alarm Indicator, Maximum Demand, Price
- and Belsho,m, Ltd., 48
- A'utomatic Boiler Control Panel, George
- Kent, Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35. xii
- Automatic Measuring Apparatus, Lassen-Hjort, United Water Softeners, Ltd.,
- Suppt., 20.9.35, iv
- Brightness Meter, Street Surface, General
- Electric Company, Ltd., 603
- Calorimeter, ElectrieSteam Dryness, Dobbie,
- McInnes and Clyde, Ltd., 315
- Calorimeter, Separating and Throttling,
- Dobbie, McInnes and Clyde, Ltd., 315
- Controller, Flexipush, Foster Instrument
- Company, Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Dial Thermostat, Negretti and Zambra,
- Suppe., 13.9.35, vii
- Disc Testing Machine, David Brown and
- Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 521
- Echo Sounder, " Husun," Henry Hughes
- and Son, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, viii
- Electrical Indicator. Sunbury, 263
- Engine Indicator, Standard-Sunbury, E. S. L.
- Beale and R. Stanfield, 617
- Fatigue Tester, Electro-magnetic, General
- Electric Company, Ltd., 201
- Flow Divider for Powdered Fuel-fired Boilers,
- Department of Scientific and Industrial
- Research, 345
- Flow Meter, Indicating, Dewrance and Co., 371
- Flow Meters, Mechanical, Dr. F. V. A. E.
- Engel and R. J. Wey, 558, 584, 612
- Flow Recorder, George Kent, Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35, xii
- Hardness Tester. W. and T. Avery, Ltd.,
- Suppe., 13.9.35, viii
- Helmsman, Automatic, S. G. Brown, Ltd.,
- Suppe., 13.9.35, i
- Indicator, Engine, Standard-Sunbury, E. S.
- L. Beale and R. Stanfield, 617, 642, 667
- Indicator, " Teledep," Dobbie, McInnes and
- Clyde, Ltd., 316
- Magnet, Testing, Rapid Magnetting Machine,
- Company. Ltd., 318
- Magnets, Lifting, Electromagnets, Ltd., 401
- Meters, Mechanical Flow. Dr. F. V. A. E.
- Engel and R. J. Wey, 558, 584, 612
- Micro-Densitometer, British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., 301
- Nautical Instruments, John Lilley and Son,
- Ltd., 345
- Photo-Electric Reflection Meter, Salford
- Electrical Instruments, Ltd., 250
- Pressure Regulators, Electroflo Meters Company, Ltd., 538
- Pyrometers, Electrical, Foster Instrument
- Company, Suppe., 20.9.35, V
- Range-finding Equipment, Barr and Stroud,
- Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35, i
- Rate of Flow Indicator, Lea Recorder Company, Ltd., 564
- Recorders, G. Kent, Ltd., 590
- Recording Apparatus, Lea Recorder Company, Ltd., 563
- Recording Instruments on Boiler Equipment
- at London Brewery, James Gordon and Co., 228
- Regulator, Copes, Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Regulator, Reavell-.A.skania, Suppt., 13.9.35,
- xi
- Scientific Instruments. Ernst Leitz, Suppe.. 13.9.35, vi
- Speed Checking System, " Relator." A. J.
- Ashdown, 409
- Speed Indicating Equipment, British Thornson-Houston Company, Ltd., 520
- Spring Testing Machine, W. and T. Avery,
- Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, viii
- Stress Finder, Langley, Kelvin, Bottomley
- and Baird, Ltd., 372
- Stress Testing Machine, " Wohler " Reversal
- of. W. and T. Avery, Ltd., Suppe., 13.9.35,
- viii
- Temperature Controller, Negretti and Zambra, Suppe., 13.9.35, vii
- Tensometer, Worm Gear Type, Tensometer.
- Ltd., 372
- Testing Machine for Russia, Compound Lever,
- W. and T. Avery, Ltd., 226
- Thermostats, Sun-Vic Controls, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, ix
- Thermometers, Foster Instrument Company,
- Suppe., 20.9.35, v
- Toolmakers' Microscope, Ernst Leitz, Suppe., 13.9.35, vi
- Vibration Recorder, Sensitive, C. F. Casella
- and Co., Ltd., 74
- Voltage-control Dynamos, Compensated,
- C.A.V.-Bosch, Ltd., Suppe., 20.9.35, x
- Water Alarm, High and Low, Hopkinsons,
- Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35. viii
- SCIENTIFIC Management, Opening of Sixth
- International Congress, 55
- Scour in River Beds, M. G. Ionides, 196
- Sea Defence on Sussex Coast, Opening of
- Rottingdean and Saltdean Under°liff Drive. (117)
- Sea Wall at Hythe, Kent, Reconstruction of, (403)
- Sea Waves, Dynamics of, Committee's Work for
- International Congress of Navigation, 269
- Separator, Magnetic, Electromagnets, Ltd.. 401
- Separator, Magnetic. Rapid Magnetting
- Machine Company, Ltd., 318
- Separators, Magnetic, Fraser and Chalmers
- Engineering Works, 522
- Sewage Disposal Apparatus for Orient Line's
- s.s. " Orion," Adams-Hydraulics. Ltd., 216
- Sewage Disposal Plant at Davyhultne, Activated Sludge, Activated Sludge, Ltd., 109, 118
- Sewage Disposal Works at Paarl, South Africa. 408
- Sewage Distributor, " Fan-Spray " Pipe Arm.
- Jones and Attwood, Ltd., 590
- Sewage Pollution of River Thames, (169)
- Sewage Purification Works at Airdrie Opened, (349)
- Sewage Treatment by Use of Powdered Activated Carbon, (513)
- Sewage Works for Chicago, 204
- Sewage Works of Glasgow. Modernisation of, (11)
- ',Sewerage Scheme, West Middlesex, 322, 328
- Shale Field Discovered at West Calder, (429)
- General :
- welded Vessel for Quebec and Ontario
- Transportation Company, Ltd., Ordered
- from Swan, Hunter and Wigham
- Richardson, Ltd., (621)
- American Liners, Proposal for Two, (219)
- American Liner Construction, Proposed, 637
- Anti-corrosive Paints for Ships' Bottoms,
- Trials by S. Oshima on, (349)
- Australian Trade Mission Ship, (143)
- Bidston Dock, Birkenhead, Vessel " WUri "
- Uses, (39)
- Board of Trade Engineer and Ship Surveyors, Competitive Examination for, (530)
- British Liner Record, P. and 0. Liner
- " Strathmore " Creates Record, 499
- British Shipping and Foreign Competition, 283
- British Shipping Merger, 419
- Cargo Motor Ships for Nippon Vusen
- Kaisha, Two, (65)
- Cargo Ships, Fire Prevention in, 390
- Cargo Ships in Winter, Safety of, 257
- Cargo Ship Ordered on Wear for Bantham
- Steamship Company, 9000-ton, (541)
- Cargo Vessels' Route to Far East by
- ti iprthern Coasts of Europe and Asia, (595)
- Casualties Among Ships during April, (39)
- Chinese Government Accedes to International Load Line Convention, 1930, (321)
- Clyde Shipping Deal, 283
- Clyde Shipbuilding, Conditions of, (243)
- Coasting Vessel Launched Broadside on
- at Faversham, (595)
- Cross-Channel Packets, Developments in,
- 0. W. Tripp, 114; Correction, (182)
- Cross-Channel Steamers, Development of,
- Maurice E. Denny, 401
- Direotion-finding Apparatus for Ships at
- Cape Town Harbour, (117)
- Donaldson Atlantic Line, Ltd., Previously
- Known as Anchor-Donaldson Line, (117)
- Dredging Ocean Dock, Southampton, for
- " Queen Mary," (595)
- Dredger, Large Gold, Yuba Manufacturing
- Company, 631
- French Steamship Service to Australia
- Discontinued, (481)
- French Tonnage " Laid Up," Statistics, (429)
- Fruit Vessels, Spain to Build Fleet of, (377)
- Fuel for Ships, Statistics, (142)
- German Coasting Vessels, Modernising, (243)
- German Levant Line, Hamburg, Ltd.,
- Formation of Shipping Line, (91)
- German Shipping Laid Up, Statistics, (219)
- Greenock Shipyard Sold by Harland and
- Wolff, Ltd., 107
- Hamburg-American Line, Flag Ship Name
- Changed from Albert 13allin " to
- " Hansa," (481)
- Hull Form of Ships and Collisions at Sea, (293)
- Icebreaker and Buoyage Vessel, Swedish
- Government's Oil-engine-propelled, (541)
- Idle Shipping, Decrease in, (403)
- Insured Workers in Shipbuilding and
- Repairing Industry, (621)
- International Convention for Safety of
- Life at Sea, U.S.S.R. Government
- Ratifies, (91)
- International Shipping Conference, Postponed Indefinitely, (429)
- Italy Purchases German Liners, (267)
- Laid-up Tonnage in Sweden, (91)
- Launches and Trial Trips, 50, 106, 1.-)s, 182, 228, 256, 282, 392, 414, 440. 494, 526,578,636,662
- Launches during September of Steam and
- Motor Vessels, (455)
- Launching of Ships Without Slipways,
- Experiments at St. Nazaire, (117)
- Lifeboat Launches to Help Vessels in
- Distress during September, Fifty-one, (377)
- Lifeboats, Royal National Lifeboat Institution Completes Two Improved Type, (647)
- Lifeboats and Life-saving Apparatus,
- U.S. Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection and, (193)
- Liner and Shipping Casualties, 183
- Liner for United States, 30,000-ton, 81
- Liner of " Manhattan " or " Washington "
- Class to be Constructed, (481)
- Liners Purchased by Italian Government, (169)
- General ke.mtmu.1).
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Resignation
- of Mr. J. Howard Glover, (672)
- Lloyd's Register of Wreck Returns,
- Statistics, (429)
- Measurement of Torque and Thrust in
- Ships, V. W. H. Towns, 523
- Mercantile Marine, World's Gross Reduction in, Lloyd's Register of Shipping
- Returns, 100
- Motor Liner for Lloyd Triestino Ordered. (541)
- Mercantile Marine of Japan. Statistics. (595)
- Mercantile Shipbuilding Orders, 499
- Merchant Fleet of America, Position of, (481)
- Merchant Fleets of the World, Official
- German Statistics, (377)
- National Shipbuilders' Security, Ltd.,
- Annual Meeting, 309
- Navigation Congress in Brussels, Sixteenth
- International, 233
- Newhaven-Dieppe Service, First and
- Third Class, Second Class Abolished, (39)
- Oil-electric Paddle Ships, E. B. Parker, 60
- Oil Tanker Ordered by Anglo-American
- Oil Company, Ltd., (541)
- Orient Liner, Vickers-Armstrong, Ltd., to
- Build Another, (403)
- P. and 0. Steam Navigation Company
- Appoints Captain E. 3. Thornton
- Commodore of Fleet, (267)
- Palmers, Hebburn, Reconstructed Board
- of Directors, 55
- Passenger and Cargo Liners for Gorman
- African Lines, (293)
- Pollution of Sea by Oil, 365
- Progress of Shipbuilding, Professor P. A.
- Hillhouse, 409
- Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns. Lloyd's
- Register of Shipping, 61
- Queen's Channel, Mersey Docks and
- Harbour Bcard's Improvements on, (321)
- Safety at Sea, Committee of Experts
- Appointed, 81
- Safety at Sea, 637
- Sale of Messrs. D. and W. Henderson and
- Co.'s Shipyard, (481)
- Seamen and International Labour Organisation at Geneva, (567)
- Sea Pollution by Oil, Report by League of
- Nations Organisation for Communications and Transport, 365
- Shipbreaking Price Offered by Italian
- irms, (243)
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation,
- Annual Elections, (595)
- Shipbuilding Orders, 183, 365. 499
- Shipbuilding Returns. Quarter's, 440
- Shipbuilding Trades, Wages in, 133
- Shipping Between Japan and New Zealand, (429)
- Shipping Casualties, Statistics. (349)
- Shipping Contracts Placed in England by
- Now Zealand Government, (429)
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition. The Lord Sempill to Open
- Exhibition, (256)
- Shipping in Port of London, Eight Weeks
- of Over One Million Net Register Tons
- Per Week, (267)
- Shipping Merger, A British, 419
- Shipping Service of Messagories Maritimes
- Suspended, Three, (267)
- Shipping Rationalisation, International,209
- Shipping Tonnage at Southampton, Statistics, (403)
- Shipping Tonnages from Harland and
- Wolff's Yards, (673)
- Shipping under Construction in Great
- Britain, J. Denham Christie, (267)
- Shipping Using British Ports Increases
- during Year, 1934-35, (513)
- Ship's Emergency Generating Set, Parsons
- Oil Engine Company, Ltd., 603
- Ship's Model in Paraffin Wax, Department
- of Scientific and Industrial Research, 8uppt., 20.9.35, xii
- Ships for Demolition, Forty-five, (647)
- Ships Laid Up on River Tyne, Statistics, (65)
- Ships Laid Up in Great Britain and Ireland, Statistics, (429)
- Shipyard Wages, Conference on, (91), 309
- Shipyards at La Plata, Improvements of, (403)
- Speed of Cross-Channel Ships. (321)
- Steering Gear, Committee of Experts
- Appointed to Investigate, 81
- Subsidy Payable to Shipowners Trading
- more than Certain Percentage of Eligible
- Tonnage, (513)
- Swedish Shipyards, Thirty-one Vessels in
- Hand at, (90)
- Timber-carrying Vessels Constructed on
- Tees, Seven Soviet, (595)
- Tonnage Launched on Clyde during June, (39)
- Training Officers for Mercantile Service, (321)
- Tramp Shipping Subsidy, 257
- Tramp Shipping Industry Subsidy, (621)
- Tug Operating on Suction Gas on Rhine,
- Motor. (169)
- Union Castle Mail Steamship Company,
- Ltd., Captain .1. H. Icerbey Appointed
- Commodore, (513)
- United States Lines, Inviting Tenders for
- Cabin Liner, (647)
- Vehicular Ferry Boat for Whiteinch to
- Cost £37,000, (621)
- Wages in Shipbuilding Trades, 133
- Whaling Fleet, Orders Placed in Germany,
- for, (169)
- Wreck Inquiries, Mr. Walter Runciman to
- Make Statement on, (91)
- Wrecks. Statistics for 1934, (651)
- Yacht Construction, Metals Used in, 141
- Named Liners and Miscellaneous Vessels :
- Altino," Motor Passenger Cruiser for Venice, Breda Cantiere, Navale, Venezia, 242
- " Amsterdam," Liner Sold to German
- Buyers for a Whale Oil Factory, (541)
- Athlone Castle," Date of Launch of
- Union Castle Liner, (429)
- L'Atlantique," Settlement of Claims, 637
- " Baarn," Inquiry into Fire on Liner, (403)
- •' Berengaria," The Fate of the. (481)
- " Blairgowrie," Finding of Wreck Commissioners on Loss of Cargo Ship, 27
- Blairgowrie," Inquiry, Findings by Lord
- Merrivale, Wreck Commissioner, 102
- " Cameronia," Reconditioning of Anchor
- Liner, (293)
- Charlotte Elizabeth," Launch of Scotch-built Motor Lifeboat, (11)
- Charlotte Elizabeth," Motor Lifeboat
- for Port Askaig, Islay, (193)
- " Clan Macarthur," Fastest Cargo Liner
- in South African Trade, (513)
- • Dilwara," 3000 s.h.p. Five-cylinder
- Opposed-piston Engine for Twin-screw
- Motor Vessel, Barclay, Curie and Co.,
- Ltd., 460, 461
- " Doric," Cunard White Star Liner to be
- Broken Up, (403), (429)
- " Dunedin Star." Launch of Blue Star
- Liner, (481)
- " Egypt," Attempts to Recover Bullion
- on P. and 0. Vessel, (11)
- " Enchantress," Admiralty Yacht to be
- Broken Up, (193)
- " Europa's One Hundredth Atlantic
- Crossing, (91), (169)
- " Hessen," Liner Sold to German Buyers
- for a Whale Oil Factor (541)
- Homeric," Reported Negotiations for
- Sale to Germany of Cunard White Star
- Liner, (673)
- " Jagersfontein," Record Trip of Holland
- Africa Lines Motor Ship, (91)
- " Jamaica Producer," Banana-carrying
- Steamer, Lithgows, Ltd., 164, 188
- '• James Rockbreaker," Stranding of
- Dredger, (673)
- " Joseph Medill," Electric All-Welded
- Vessel, (39); Search for All-welded Motor
- Vessel, (321); Investigation into Loss
- of All-welded Motor Vessel, (673)
- Kanimbla," Ship's Emergency Generating Set for Liner, Parsons Oil Engine
- Company, Ltd., 603
- " Konig Albert," Salvage at Scapa Flow
- of German Battleship, (143)
- " La Crescenta," Investigation into Loss
- of Tank Steamship, (481); Lord Merrivale's Finding in Loss of Oil Tanker, 637, (647); Appeal Against Findings of
- Court of Inquiry ? (647)
- " Laurentic," Expeditious Repairs to
- Cunard White Star Liner, Harland and
- Wolff, Ltd., 257; Reported Negotiations for Sale to Germany of Cunard
- White Star Liner, (673)
- Leviathan " to bo Used as School Ship,
- U.S. Lines Liner, (91)
- " Lusitania," Located by Salvage Vessel
- ss. " Ophir," (455)
- " Majestic," Withdrawal of Custard White
- Star Liner, 611
- " Mantua," Sold to Chinese Shipbreakers,
- P. and 0. Liner, (193)
- " Mantua," Last Voyage of P. and 0.
- Liner, 257
- " Massey Shaw," Fire Float, Used at.
- Wapping Fire, (349)
- " Mauretania," Last Voyage of the, 1, (11), 27
- " Mauretania," Model Placed in Mariners'
- Chapel, Winchester Cathedral, (91)
- " Mauretania Hotel," New York, 445
- " Medway " Steamship, Built 1878-79, 153
- " Millpool," Findings of Wreck Commissioners on Loss of Steamer, (117)
- " Moira," Examination of All-welded Oil
- Tank Steamer, (377)
- " Normandie," Adjustments to be Made
- at Havre, (143); Fuel Consumption on
- French Liner, (39); Overhaul at Le
- Havre of French Liner, (429); Receipts
- for First Seven Voyages, (403); Southampton to be Port of Call on Eastward
- and Westward Voyages, (673); Technical Peculiarities of French Liner, Jean
- Marie, 531; Trials of French Liner, 557;
- Visit to Cowes Roads, 81
- " Ocean Coast," Launch of Twin-screw
- Motor Vessel, Coast Lines, Ltd., Henry
- Robb, Ltd., 133, (267)
- " Olympic," Sale of, (193), (257), (293), (349); Last Voyage of, (403)
- " Orcades," Name of Orient Liner, (647)
- " Orion," Orient Line's Steamship, Vickers-Armstrong, Ltd., 194, 198, 213
- " Orion," Speed Trials of Orient Liner, (143)
- " Orion," Voyage from Tilbury to Southampton of Orient Line's Twin-Screw
- Steamer, (169)
- " Princess Elizabeth," Paddle Steamer,
- John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., (349)
- " Princess Ena," Loss by Fire of Southern
- Railway Cross-Channel Steamer, (143)
- " Princess Juliana " in Collision with
- Danish Mail Boat " Esbjerg," (11)
- • Port Townsville," Commonwealth and
- Dominion Motor Cargo Liner, Swan,
- Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 233; Maiden Voyage, 233
- " Queen Mary," Progress of Work on
- Cunard White Star Liner, (169), (267);
- Date of Maiden Voyage, May 27th, 1936, (481); Capt. Sir Edgar Britten to Command Cunard-White Star Liner, (567);
- Arrangements for Trip to Southampton, (567)
- Rosabella," Lifeboat for Ilfracombe, (647)
- • Royal Silver Jubilee, 1910-1935," Lifeboat for Wells, Norfolk, (647)
- " Sheherazade," Largest Oil Tanker Constructed in France, (429)
- Stalingrad," First Commercial Vessel to
- Make Passage through Arctic, (377)
- St atendam," Dutch Government to
- Build Liner in Holland, (429), (455)
- " Stirling Castle," Union - Castle Mail
- Motor Vessel to be Named, (11); Launch
- of Union-Castle Mail Steamship Company's Mail Liner, Harland and Wolff,
- Ltd., (143), (169). 183; Engines of
- Union Castle Liner, Harland and Wolff,
- Ltd.. 250
- " Strathmore." P. and 0. Liner, Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 288, 289, 294, 325:
- Record Run, Marseilles to Bombay in
- Ten Days, 499
- " Talisman," L.N.E. Railway, Oil-electric
- Paddle Vessel, A. and J. Inglis, Ltd., 6
- " Talisman," The Running of Oil-electric
- Paddle Boat, G. A. Inglis, (673)
- Turangi," Oil-enginecl Tug for New
- Zealand, Petters Ltd., 251
- " Umtata," Launch of Twin•screw Passenger and Cargo Liner, (259), (267)
- " Vardulia," Total Loss of Crew of Donald.
- son Liner, (429)
- " Vigilant." Launch of Fishing Patrol
- Vessel, (595)
- " Viking," Largest Trawler Built at Aberdeen, (293)
- " Ville d'Alger." French Liner, to Carry
- Out Firing Practice as Auxiliary Cruiser
- during Trial Trips, (267), (349)
- " Vulcania," Speed of 23.33 Knots
- Attained by Italian Motor Vessel, (673)
- Wairangi," Record Passage of Motor
- Vessel, (193)
- " Wairwera " Makes Record Trip from
- England to the Cape, (19:1)
- Naval Matters :
- His Majesty King George V. Silver
- Jubilee Naval Review. July 16th, 1935, 55, 67; Trawlers and Herring
- Drifters Represent Fishing Fleet at
- Silver Jubilee Naval Review, (11)
- Capital Ships of the Future, 171
- Destroyer Flotilla, Proposed Additional, 637, (647)
- Naval Base at Mers-el-Kebir, Algeria,
- Plans for, (541)
- Naval Conference, London. 543, 611, 637. 663
- Naval Construction Programme. 339
- Naval Limitation, 107
- Naval Orders Placed, 419. 409. 499
- Naval Ships of 1935, Names of, 531
- Navy Week at Chatham, (65)
- Naval Week on Clyde, 159
- Non-magnetic Ship for Admiralty to be
- Named " Research," (621)
- Rebuilding the Navy, 405
- Sea Trials of H.M.A.S. " Sydney," 339
- H.M. Cruiser " Birmingham," Keel Plate
- Laid of, (91)
- H.M. Destroyer " Grafton " to be
- Launched July 22nd, 1935, (11);
- Launched at Southampton, (293)
- H.M. Flotilla Leader " Grenville,"
- Launch of, 159
- " Galatea," Delivered to Admiralty, 159
- H.M.S. " Gallant," Launch of " G "
- Class Destroyer, (377)
- H.51. Destroyer " Glowworm " to be
- Launched September 18th, 1935, (11);
- Launched at Woolston Yard, (91)
- " Greyhound," Trials Completed
- of, (676)
- H.M.S. " Penelope," Launch of, 393
- H.M.S. " Ramillies " in Collision with
- N.D.L. Steamer " Eisenach," (243)
- H.M.S. " Renown," Re-engitting of, (193). 446
- Barge for Commander-in-Chief of Mediterranean Fleet, Trials of. British
- Power Boat Company. Ltd., (64)
- Naval Picket Boat to Hold Forty Men,
- Successful Trials of, (513)
- " Narwhal," Launch of H.M. Submarine, Vickers-Armstrong, Ltd., 233
- Submarine " Seawolf " Launched,
- Coastal Defence, (595)
- " Woolwich," Destroyer Depot Ship, 55
- H.M.A.S. " Sydney," Sea Trials of, 339
- " Dunkerque," Unusual Method of
- Launching French Battleship. (377)
- French Cruiser " blontcalm " Launched, 497
- French Submarine " La Perle " Launched
- at Toulon, (143)
- German Battle-cruisers Approaching
- Launching Stage, (143)
- German Naval Programme, 27
- Greek Naval Construction Programme, (117)
- Italian Submarine "G. Finxi " Launched, (11)
- " Konig Albert," Salving Ex-German
- Battleships, Metal Industries. Ltd.. 396, 404
- Mine Laying Cadet Ship " Olaf Tryggvason," 107
- Mine Sweepers for Siamese Government.,
- Italian-built, (117)
- Naval Programme in United States of
- America, (169)
- Salving the Ex-German Battleship
- " Konig Albert," 396, 404
- Soviet Submarine " B.3 " Raised and
- Taken to Kronstadt, (143)
- Submarines for Italian Navy, Four, (377)
- " Tonnant," Trials of French Submarine, (65)
- Torpedo-boat Destroyers for Polish
- Government, J. Samuel White and
- Co., Ltd., (117)
- United States of America, Naval Programme, (267), (403)
- SHOCK Absorber, Industrial, Monarch Controller Company, Ltd.. 629
- Sign Clock, Electric, Sign Construction Com•
- pany, Ltd., 576
- Silencer for " Atlas " Concrete Breakers,
- Counterflow, 507
- Silencer for Exhausts, " Vokes-Blanvac," 509
- Silencers for Road Drills, (169)
- Silica Bricks, Electrically Driven Plant for
- Manufacture of, (427)
- Silica Sand, J. Parish and Co., 401
- Silver Solders, Production and Application of,
- Edmund R. Thews, 113, 136; Correction, (178)
- Sixty Years Ago, 10, 43, 74, 99, 112, 142, 173, 202, 223, 247, 267, 292, 329, 348, 381. 410, 432, 459, 480, 516, 549, 571, 594, 020. 656. 682
- Sleeve Bearing for Small Motors. Crompton
- Parkinson, Ltd.. 489
- Slide Valve, Handor " Parallel, Babcock and
- Wilcox, Ltd., Suppt.. 13.9.35, x
- Sludge Digestion Works at Dartford. West.
- Kent, 151.
- Smoke in Atmosphere in Manchester Area. (143)
- Smoke Prevention, Suggested " Joint Smoke
- Boards," Dr. R. Veitch Clark, (481)
- Social Credit in Alberta, 209
- Sodium Carbonate for Refining Cast Iron and
- Non-ferrous Casting, Imperial Chemical
- Industries, Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.35, xii
- Sodium Chlorate Plant at Staveley, (349)
- Solder, Use of, (511)
- Solders, Production and Application of Silver,
- Edmund R. Thews, 113. 136; Correction, (178)
- Soot Blowers, Diamond, Babcock and Wilcox,
- Ltd.. Suppe., 13.9.35, x
- Sound Film Motion. Method of Determining
- the Constancy of, British Thomson-Houston
- Company, Ltd., 301
- Aerial Survey in the Union, 50
- Aerial Survey of Cape Town, 632
- Aeroplane Service, Fast, 153
- Anvil Base, 22-Ton, 265
- Arsenal for the Union. 632
- Beach Erosion Prevention. 265
- Cape Town Harbour Extensions, 632
- City Engineer for Cape Town, 632
- Car Tires and Plate Glass Works in Port
- Elizabeth, 388
- Coaches and Buses, Railways Order, 494
- Colour Light Signals for Rand Railway Line, 153
- Crane Tenders, 265
- Death of Cape Town's City Engineer, T. P.
- Francis, 153
- Dumping Duty on Steel, 632
- Dunswart Iron and Steel Works, 494
- Durban Harbour Extensions, 632
- Electric Current Sales Growing, 494
- Electric Furnace Started at Dunswart Iron
- and Steel Works, 494
- Electric Locomotives Ordered, 265
- Electrical Extensions at Bloemfontein, 265
- Electricity, Consumption of, 153
- Electricity Supply Commission's 1934 Report. 388
- Electrification of Rand Railways, 494
- Expenditure on Union Railways. 494
- Factory for Car and Aero Engines, S. A., 388
- First Union Petrol on Sale, 494
- Floating Block Layer, 265
- Flying Boat Services, London to Cape. 265
- Geodetic Survey of the Union, 153
- German Locomotives for S.A.R., Fast, 388
- Gold Mining at Lower Levels, 494
- Harbours, Developing Union, 265
- Imperial Airways iervice, Expiration of
- Contract, January, 1937, 265
- Iron and Steel Works at Dunswart Start
- Electric Furnace Constructed in Union, 494
- Irrigation of Bechuanaland, 388
- Kalahari Scheme, Survey, 494; 632
- Locomotive Constructed in the Union, 632
- Lunn. W. S., Appointed City Engineer for
- Cape Town, 632
- Manganese Shipments, 153
- Mineral Production of Southern Rhodesia, 50
- Motor Car Imports, 50
- Port Extensions at Durban, 494
- Pretoria Steel Works. 152
- Railway Census, 50
- Railway Orders, 632
- Railway Workshops, Improving, 50
- Rand Electrification Scheme, 50
- Rand Empire Exhibition, Johannesburg,
- September, 1936, 494
- Rand Railway Scheme, 153
- Rand Shaft-sinking Record, 266
- Rockets to Carry Electric Lines, 388
- Rubber Factory Commences Production at
- Durban, 388
- Sewerage Scheme for Springs (Transvaal)
- Town Council, 388
- Ship Repair of Danish Motorship " Australian." 265
- Ships for South African Route, 265
- S.A. Airways All-metal Fleet, 50
- State Railways and " Lscor," 388
- Steel Enterprises, Two, 153
- Survey of the Union, Geodetic. 153
- Union Harbour Extensions, 632
- Union's Mineral Resources, 152
- Vaalbank Dam, Progress on, 388
- Victoria Falls, Northern Rhodesia Survey, 50
- Water for Greater Durban, 153
- Water for Somerset West and De Aar, 632
- Water for the Rand, Providing Additional, 388
- Water Scheme for Riversdale. 388
- Wireless Direction Finder at Cape Town
- Docks, 266
- SOUTHEND Pier, Centenary of, (91)
- Springs, Road Vehicle, United Steel Company,
- Ltd., (552)
- Stadium to be Built Over Ceinture Railway,
- Paris, (193)
- Stanchions for Hand Railing, Hollow, Babcock
- and Wilcox, Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, x
- Steam Circulator, Miersbe. W. H. Allen, Sons
- and Co.. Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, xii
- Steam Tables Conference, Third International,
- Report of, 352, (388)
- Stewart, Frederick C., Elected Chairman of
- Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., 233
- Stone Breaker, Double Toggle Jaw, Hadfields,
- Ltd., 536
- Stone Breaker. Frederick Parker, Ltd., 590
- Stone-crushing Plant, Goodwin, Barsby and
- Co., Ltd., 590
- Storage Reservoir at Staines, Metropolitan
- Water Board's, (377)
- Strainer. " Bailey and Jackson " Rotary, Hick,
- Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, i
- Strainer, Continuous, Auto-Klean Strainers,
- Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, iv
- Strainer, Hand-operated, Auto-K lean Strainers,
- Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.36, iv
- Strainers for Oils, " Lolos," A uto-Klean
- Strainers, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, iii
- Street Lights Controlled by Invisible Ray. (621)
- Structures, Stability of, J. S. Wilson, 240
- Submarine Cable Amalgamation, 339
- Sugar and Alcohol from 'St raw, Process Discovered in Russia, (11)
- Superheater Company, Ltd., Silver J ubilee
- Dinner, (656)
- Construction of Chester—Holyhead Road at
- Penyclip, N. Wales (Two-page Supplement, November let, 1935)
- Construction of Reinforced Concrete Cooling
- Tower at Hardingstone, Northampton (Two-page Supplement, August 23rd. 1935)
- Corby Iron and Steel Works of Stewarts and
- Lloyds, Ltd. (Two-page Supplement.,
- November 22nd, 1935)
- Park Works of David Brown and Sons (Hudd.). Ltd. (Two-page Supplement,
- July 19th, 1935)
- Pencil Portrait No. 2, Sir George B. Hunter, (July 12th, 1935)
- Pencil Portrait No. 3, Sir John A. F.
- Aspinall (October 18th, 1935)
- Pencil Portrait No. 4, Lord Weir of Eastwood (December 20th, 1935)
- Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition (Supplements, September 13th and 20th, 1935)
- THE METALLURGIST (Sixteen-page Supplement, August 30th, 1935; October 25th, 1935; December 27th, 1935)
- SURVEY, African Research, 422
- Survey, North-East Coast, 469
- Survey Conference in London, Empire, (91)
- Survey of New Zealand, Geological and Geophysical, (513)
- TARS, Hydrogenation, Cracking of, 89
- Technical College for Shrewsbury, (39)
- Technical College Opened at Coventry, (621)
- Technical Education in Europe, 81
- City Telephone Exchange Now on Automatic
- Working, (117)
- Istanbul Telephone Company Now Under
- Turkish Ownership. (243)
- Telephone Equipment, Telephone Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, x
- Telephone Rates and Increased Installations, (481)
- Telephone Service between Great Britain and
- Ceylon, (455)
- Telephones, Loud-speaking, Alfred Graham
- and Co., Ltd., 401
- TELEVISION Broadcasts in France, (329)
- Television Mast at Alexandra Palace, Erection
- of, (39)
- Television Transmission Concluded Until
- Alexandra Palace Station is Ready, (321)
- Television Transmission from Alexandra Palace,
- March, 1936, (403)
- Temperature. Accurate Measurement of, Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., (630)
- Temperature Chart, Hadfields, Ltd., (106)
- Teat Gear, Report on Test of 1400 h.p. Epicyclic, A. E. L. Chorlton, William Beardmore
- and Co., Ltd.. 638, 664
- Testing Plant for Motor Car Engines at. Austin
- Motor Works, General Electric Company,
- Ltd., 125
- Thames Flow at Teddington, July Standard
- Down, (39)
- Thrashing and Finishing Machine, William
- Foster and Co., Ltd., 9
- Timber, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Report on " Moisture Content of Timber," 663
- Timber, Preservation of Mine, 419
- Timber Carriage, Six-wheeled, Fodens. Ltd., 9
- Timber-carrying Mot orships for Soviet, Launching of, (463)
- Timber Research, Forest Products Research
- Board's Annual Report, 445
- Timber Storage at Surrey Commercial Docks,
- Extensions of, (455)
- Timber Testing at Singapore, Admiralty's
- Experiments with Creosoted Douglas Fir, (117)
- Timber Tests at Forest Products Research
- Laboratory, (193)
- Tin Consumption for First Four Months, 1935, (11)
- Tin. Film on, International Tin Research and
- Development Council, (604)
- Tin-plate Manufacture in Lincolnshire. 65
- Tin Research and Development Council, International Publication No. 3, " Functions of a
- Technical Information Bureau." Dr. E. 8.
- Hedges and Dr. C. E. Homer, (429)
- Tin Smelting Industry in Belgian Congo, (65)
- Tin Solders, 18.000 Tons Used during 1933, (456)
- Tin, Statistics, (39)
- Tin, Todimetric Titration of. (429)
- Torpedo Factory Extensions at Fort Matilda,
- Greenock, 309
- Torsional Vibrations with Angular Backlash,
- W. A. Tuplin, 199
- Track Material, Contractors', Robert Hudson,
- Ltd., 590
- Traction Engine, 7 h.p. Single-cylinder, William
- Foster and Co., Ltd., 9
- Tractor, " Four Forty " Oil-engined, John
- Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 605
- Tractor, " Ten-Seventy " Crawler, John Fowler
- and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 505
- Tractor, 42 b.h.p. Shunting, E. Boyden and Co.,
- Ltd., 588
- Tractor, 85 b.h.p. Timber, Fodens Ltd., 9
- Tractors, Fordson, 33
- Trac -Tractor, McCormick-Deering, International Harvester Company, 32
- Trade Agreements upon Industries of Great
- Britain, Beneficial Effects of, Sir John
- Caulcutt, (567)
- Trade between Britain and the Soviet, Orders
- Placed during October, (673)
- Trade Catalogues and Pamphlets Required for
- Dover Borough Library, (334)
- Trade Returns for November, 637
- Trade Unions, Membership in Great Britain and
- Northern Ireland, (429)
- Traffic Control, Vehicle-actuated, Automatic
- Electric Company. Ltd., 536
- Traffic Light Signals in Marylebone, (293)
- Trailer, 65-Ton Road, R. A. Dyson and Co.,
- Ltd., 148, 149
- Trailers, Eagle Engineering Company, Ltd., 572
- Training of R.E. and R.C.S. Officers, 200
- Tramcar, Derailment of Brighton, (321)
- Transmission Gear for " Planet " Locomotives,
- Freeborn, F. C. Hibberd and Co., Ltd., 510
- Transport, Organisation of, Frank Pick, 619
- Transport, The Engineer in, 195
- Transport and Accidents, Sir Henry .Jackson, (647)
- Transport Board in Ireland, (219)
- Transport System for Johannesburg. Great
- Britain Secures Orders for, (192)
- Transport Developments by Blackpool Corporation, (429)
- Tree Planting to Prevent Soil Erosion in United
- States, (321)
- " Trends." Monthly Graphical Review of
- Business Movements, (468)
- Tube Plates, Drilling Copper, 58, .59
- Tungsten Plating, Properties of, (143)
- Tungum Alloy, Tungum Sales Company. Ltd., 44
- Simplon Tunnel as Road Tunnel ? Second, (321)
- Tunnel, First Year's Working of Mersey Tunnel, (65)
- Tunnel, Work to Commence on Mont. Blanc, (321)
- Tunnel Scheme. L.C.C. Refuses to Contribute to Dartford, 27
- Tunnel Scheme for Tyne, 339
- Tunnel Under River Ribble, Proposed, (267)
- TURBINE, 600 b.h.p. High-pressure Steam,
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35, i
- Turbine Eluding, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd.,
- Suppt., 20.9.36, x
- Turbine Reheat Factor from the Geometry of
- the Heat Chart, Calculations of, H. G. Yates. 212
- Turbine Used as Reducing Valve on Natural
- Gas Well, (11)
- Turbines, Calculation of Turbine Reheat Factor
- from the Geometry of the Heat Chart, H. G.
- Yates, 212
- Turbo-alternator, Scale Model of 30,000-kW,
- C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, x
- Turbo-generator Set, 50-kW, W. H. Allen, Sons
- and Co., Ltd.. Suppt., 13.9.35, xii
- Tyne Tunnel Scheme, 339
- Tyresoling Apparatus, Henry Simon, ltd., 573
- UNEMPLOYMENT Analysis, 419
- Unemployment Figures, 133
- Unemployment Figures in November, Work and, 611
- Unemployment in " Special " Areas, Mr. Malcolm Stewart's Report, 93
- VALVE, Reducing, Hopkinsons Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, viii
- Valve, Shrouded Seat Drain, Copes Regulators, Ltd.. Suppt., 20.9.35, v
- Valve Gear, Beardmore.Caprotti, Suppt., 13.9.35, xi
- Valves, Hopkinsons Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, vii
- Ventilating Plants, Ozonair, Ltd., 317
- Ventilating System for Mersey Tunnel, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.. 512
- Vibrations with Angular Backlash, Torsional,
- W. A. Tuplin, 199
- WAGES Discussion by Railways and Unions, (455)
- Wagon Syndicate, International, 334
- Wagons, Contractors', Robert Hudson. Ltd., 590
- War Material, Australia and Her, (193)
- Washing Machines, All-Monel Metal Laundry,
- Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 13.9.35,
- iii
- Water Circulator, A. Ross, Hotchkiss and Co.,
- Ltd., 401
- Water Gas from Anthracite and Steam, Norwegian Firm Develops Apparatus for Producing, Ivar Hole, (349)
- Water Hammer Explosion on Turbine Steamer
- " City of Paris," 61
- Water Injection Exhaust Silencer, Parsons Oil
- Engine Company, Ltd., 656
- Water Pollution Research Board's Annual
- Report, 583
- Water Power, British Standards Institution's
- Specification for Rating of, 295
- Water Purification Plant at a Woollen Mill,
- William Boby and Co., Ltd., 454
- Water Softening and Purification Plant at
- Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd., Nottingham, United Water Softeners, Ltd., 248
- Water Softening Plant, Kennicott Water
- Softener Company, Ltd., 264
- Water Softening Plant, " Permutit." United
- Water Softeners, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, iv
- Water Speed Records on Lake Windermere. (429)
- Water Wastage in Chicago, Filtration Plants
- Adopted to Prevent, (591)
- Water Wheel Distributor, " Tractum " Chaindrive, Jones and Attwood. Ltd., 590
- London Water, Report to M.W.B. by Lieut.•
- Colonel C. H. H. Harold, (434)
- WATER SUPPLY (continued) :
- Rand Water Board Contracts Placed with
- British Firms, (267)
- Reservoir in Lee Valley for Metropolitan
- Water Board, (65)
- Shrewsbury Waterworks Opened, (39)
- Water Supply, Planning for Future, David
- Lloyd and Dudley Walton, 503
- Water Supply for Clairvivre Settlement,
- France, Power Station and, 238
- Water Supply Tunnel, Sydney's 10.Nlile
- Tunnel, (595)
- Waterworks of Lanarkshire County C0111161.
- Scheme for, (293)
- Waterway ill Netherlands. Opening up
- Juliana Canal, 283
- Waterways, French Inland, 147
- 'WEAR-CURE " Tablets, A. Duckbam and
- Co., Ltd.. (388)
- Weighing and Rationing Machine, Taylor " s 46 eed-Right," Alfred nerhert, Ltd., 33
- Arc Welding Set, 'A.D.C.. Mawdsley's. Ltd., 372
- Are Welding Set, High-frequency, Metro.
- politan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd., 548
- Arc Welding Set, Single-operator Motor
- Generator, Fuller Electrical and Manufac.
- Luring Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.9.35, vii
- Electric Arc Welding Films, Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., (530)
- Electric Welding. Metallurgical and Testing Laboratories of Quasi-Arc Company, 233
- Electrodes for Welding. Murex Welding Processes. Ltd., 373
- Flash Welder for Motor Car Body Panels,
- A I Electric Welding Appliance Company. 250
- Flawless Welding, Barimar. Ltd., (630)
- Fusion-welded Joints, Method of Determining Distribution of Stress in, from Report
- of British Engine Boiler and Electrical
- Insurance Company, Ltd., 385
- Modern Methods of Welding, C. H. Davey, (403)
- Seam Welder, Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Company, Ltd.. Suirpt., 20.9.35. vii
- Spot Welder, Double Transformer Twin,
- New Process Welders, Ltd.. 318
- Strength of Weld Metal Within a Welded Joint, Method of Determining the, 657
- Weld Metal, Porosity in, 631
- Welded Construction for Elm Park Station, (143)
- Welded RaiIasi,. H. Bruce, 60
- Welder. Spot and Seam, Siernens-Schuckert (Great Britain). Ltd.. Suppt.. 20.9.35, xii
- Welding Apparatus, Murex Welding Processes. Ltd., 373
- Welding Apparatus, Thorn and Hoddle, Ltd.,
- Suppt., 20.9.35, xi
- Welding Electrode. Philips Industrial. Suppt., 20.9.35, i 1Velding Equipment. Design of A.C., Hack
- bridge Electric Construction Company.
- Ltd.. 122
- Welding Machines, Electric Seam. Siemens
- Schuckert (Great Britain). Ltd., 190
- Welding Machine. Twin-spot, New Process
- Welders, Ltd., 317
- Welding Problem Solved by Solid Carbon
- Dioxide, (513)
- WELDING (continued) :
- Welding Process, " Sopromo." Barimar, Ltd.. 227
- Welding Research Committee in America. (39)
- Welding Set, Portable Arc, Fuller Electrical
- and Manufacturing Company. Ltd., Suppt.. 20.9.35. vii
- Welding Transformers, Fuller Electrical and
- Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Su ppt. , 20.9.35. vii
- Welds, Note on Heat Treatment of, 428
- WILLANS, P. W., A Letter by, 422
- Wind Tunnel at tileurgia School of Technology.
- Unusual Method of Construction, (647)
- Winders, Steam and Electric, A. Lindley. 7
- Windscreen Wipers on Glasgow's Tramcars. (39)
- Windmill Drainage in Bedford Level, H. e.
- Darby, 75
- B.B.C. North-Eastern Regional Station, (481)
- Broadcast and Radio Beacon at Pittsburgh,
- Pa., (219)
- Crystal-controlled Wireless Beacons, Marcones, 19
- Domestic Wireless Telephone Service in
- China, (349)
- International Broadcasting Union. Summer
- Meeting at Warsaw, (39)
- North Wales Relay Station Near l3eaumaris, (243)
- Radio Beacon on Nab Tower Operating, (647)
- Radio Device for Liner. to - Feel " Way in
- Fog, (513)
- Radio-telephone Service between France and
- United States, (481)
- Western Electric and Power Change-over, (304)
- WIRELESS (continued)
- Wireless Apparatus, Marconi International
- Marine Communication Company, Ltd., 374
- Wireless Communication in Afghanistan. 55
- Wireless Conference of International Combustion, Ltd., 583
- Wireless Facilities for Italian Ships, 209
- Wireless Licences, Statistics. (293)
- Wireless Station at Bristol Municipal Air.
- port, (321)
- WOOD. Frank, Presentation on t somplet ion
- of Fifty Years' Service with N'auglian ('rani
- Company, Ltd.. (530)
- Woodworking Machines. Dominion Machinery
- Company, Lt d., Suppi.. 13.9.35, v
- Wood Pulp Factory at Campin, near Glasgow.
- Moulded, (169)
- Wools, Freezing Process for Cleansing Greasy, 476
- Words and Knowledge, 483
- Work and Unemployment Figures in November, 611
- Works of British Oxygen Company, Ltd.. 602
- World Power Conference, Animal Meeting in Holland, 107
- AVorld Power Conference at Washington, Third, (407)
- World Trade Problems, 13
- Worm Gear Differential Unit, David Brown and
- Sons (Huthi.), Ltd., 451
- Wrench, Pneumatic Impact. Ingersoll-Rand Company. Ltd.. 431
- ZINC Works, coal. c )11. and tins-fired Boilers at, Babcock and Wil..ox, Ltd., 62, 63
Seven Day Journal
- AERIAL Surveying in Far East, 233
- Aircraft, Decontrol of Light, 233
- Aircraft, Improvements in British, 469
- Air Defence Exercises, 159
- Airways Amalgamation, Proposed, 365
- Albert Medal, 1935, Awarded to Sir Robert Hadfield, 27
- American Liner Construction. 637
- Anti-Noise Campaign, 209
- "Atlantique," French Liner L', 637
- Automobile Research and Standardisation, 209
- BEAMA Dinner, 557
- Birchenough Bridge Opened, Sabi River Bridge in S. Rhodesia, 663
- Birmingham Technical College, Sir Harold Hartley Presents Prizes, 499
- " Blairgowrie," Findings of Wreck Commissioner on Loss of Cargo Ship, 27
- Board of Trade Returns, 1935, 283
- Bridges, Proposed Forth and Tay. 55
- Bridge Scheme for Humber, 107
- British Aircraft, Improvements to, 469
- British Chemical Standards, 637
- British Commercial Policy, 107
- British Foundry School, 1, 393
- British Gliding Association's Meeting at Sutton Bank, 209
- British Industry, Reorganisation of, 133
- British Railway Policy, 557
- British Shipping and Foreign Competition, 283
- British Technical Education, Sir Harold
- Hartley's Speech when Presenting Prizes
- at Birmingham Technical College, 499
- Building Research, Annual Report of Building
- Research Board, 531
- Bureau of Analysed Samples, Ltd., Report for
- Period of Four Years, 637
- CARGO Ships, Fire Prevention in. 393
- Cargo Ships in Winter, 257
- Central Electricity Board's Activities, 133
- Civil Aircraft Problems, 159
- Civil Aviation, Development of, 133, 365
- Clyde Shipping Deal, 283
- Concrete for Building Dams, 81
- Conference by Wireless, International Combustion, Ltd., 583
- Continental Steel Required, More, 469
- Conway Bridge Condemned, 339
- Co-operative Profit-sharing, 663
- Cornish Engines Preservation Fund, 469
- Credit and Industry, 81
- DAMS, Concrete for Building, 81
- Dartford Tunnel Scheme, Refusal of L.C.C. to
- Contribute to Cost of, 27
- Destroyer Depot Ship Woolwich." 55
- Destroyer Flotilla, Formation of Further, 637
- Dominion Aircraft Order, 107
- EAST Perth Power Station, Western Australia,
- Extensions to, 159
- Electric Railways for Glasgow, Proposed, 159
- Electric Welding Laboratories of Quasi-Arc Company, Ltd., 233
- Electrical Extensions on Southern Railway, :33t
- Electricity, Distribution of, 55
- Electricity in Palestine, 257
- Electrification Schemes, Railway, 133
- Employment Figures, 257, 365, 469
- Employment Figures, Mr. Neville Chamberlain's Statement on, 469
- Engineers' Club, Manchester, Twenty-first Year
- Birthday Dinner, 393
- Exeter By-pass Road, 283
- Explosives in 1934, Annual Report of if Majesty's Inspectors, 133
- FEDERATION of British Industries' Mission to Poland, 365. 557
- Fire Prevention in Cargo Ships, 393
- Fire-testing Station at Elstree, 557
- Flying Boat Order for Imperial Airways. Ltd., 309
- Forth Road Bridge, Proposed, 159, 209
- Foundry School, British, 1, 393
- French Liner " Normandie," Propeller Trials of, 557
- French Steel ('omptoir, 557
- French Steel Crisis, 445
- Fruit Trade of South Africa, Refrigeration in. 583
- Fuel Luncheon Club, Sir John Cadrnan'ti Speech. 583
- Fuel Oil Burning Applianees, 557
- Fuel Oil Tax, 133
- GARDNER, C. Bruce, Chairman, London Iron and Steel Exchange, 611
- Generating Stations, Extensions at Selected, 27
- German Naval Programme. 27
- Glasgow Dock Scheme, Clyde Navigation Trust and Proposed, 27
- Government Laboratory, 309
- Great Western Railway Centcliary Celebrations at Bristol, 233
- G.W.R. Sleeper Creosoting Works at Hayes, 531
- Greenock Shipyard Sale, 107
- Grid Supply for Port Sunlight. 283
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Appointment of Mr. S. R. Beale as Chairman, 663
- HALL, J. and E.. Ltd., Firm's 150th Anniversary Celebrations, 1
- Heston Airport, 81
- H.M.S. " Renown," Re-engining the, 445
- H.M.A.S. " Sydney," Sea Trials of, 339
- Hydrogenation Plant, German, 309
- INDUSTRIAL Health, 107
- Institute of British Executives, Progress of, 107
- Institute of Fuel. Proposed Fuel Luncheon
- Club, 499
- Institute of Transport. Presidential Address,
- Sir Cyril W. Hurcomb, 393
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Issue of The
- Journal, 499
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Annual
- Dinner Report, 419
- International Combustion, Ltd., Wireless Conference, 583
- International Congress of Mines, 419
- International Rationalisation of Shipping, 209
- Italian Coal Mines Institute, Proposed, 133
- Italian Ships, Wireless Facilities for, 209
- KELVIN, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd..
- Frederick C. Stewart Elected Chairman, 233
- Keswick Road, Proposed, 257
- King's Cup Air Race, Winner Flight•Lieutenant
- T. Rose, 257
- King's Langley Collision, Lieut.-Colonel Mount's Report, 27
- " LA CRESCENTA." Loss of Oil Tanker, 637
- " Laurentic " Collision with Napier Star,"
- Repairs to " Laurentic," 257
- Lee Valley Bridges, Two, 531
- Light Castings Combine, 583
- Liner and Shipping Casualties, 183
- Loans for Public Works, 257
- Locomotives, Restoration of Two Scottish, 309
- London Exhibition Centre at Earl's Court, 81
- London Iron and Steel Exchange, Mr. Bruce
- Gardner, Chairman, 611
- London, Midland anti Scottish Railway, Locomotive and Rolling Stock Orders, 663
- L. M. S. Locomotive " British Legion " Christened by Earl Jellicoe, 499
- L.M.S. Programme for 1936, 583
- London and North-Eastern Railway, Electrification between Newcastle-upon-Tyne and South Shields, 133, (143)
- London and North-Eastern Railway Water Softening Plants, 209
- London Passenger Transport, 611
- London Passenger Transport Bill, 557
- London Passenger Transport Board. Report for Year Ended June, 1935, 469
- London Subway Opened, Another. 58:3
- Lord Nuffield and Steel Makers, 183
- MAJESTIC," Withdrawal of Cunard White Star Liner, 611
- " Mantua," Last Voyage of P. and O. Liner, 257
- " Mauretania,.. The Last Voyage of the, 1, (11), 27
- " Mauretania " Hotel, New York, 445
- Mellanby, Retirement of Dr. A. L., 663
- Mercantile Shipbuilding Orders. 499
- Minelaying Cadet Ship, Novel, 107
- Miners' Wages, 611
- Moisture Content of Timber, Industrial Research Report, 663
- Motor Car Makers and Steel Trade, 531
- Motor Vehicle Output, British, 159
- Motor Vehicles, Statist leo. 81
- Mottram Marshalling Yard, 445
- NAMES of 1935 Naval Ships. 531
- " Narwhal," Launch of H.M. Submarine, 233
- National Coal Resources. Our, 445
- National Shipbuilders' Security. Ltd., 309
- Naval Conference, London, 611, 637, 663
- Naval Construction Programme. 339
- Naval Limitations, 107
- Naval Orders. 419, 469, 499
- Naval Work on Clyde, 159
- Navigation Congress at Brussels, Sixteenth International, 233
- Netherlands Waterway, 283
- " Normandie," Visit to Cowes Roads, 81
- " Normandie," Jean Marie. 531
- North-East Coast Survc , 4119
- " OCEAN COAST," Motor Liner for Coastal
- Service, Henry Robb, Ltd., 133
- Oil Prospecting Licences, British, 531
- " Olympic," Passing of Cunard White Star Liner, 257
- PALESTINE, Electricity in, 257
- Paliners, Hebburn, Hoard of Directors. 55
- " Penelope," Launch of H.M. Cruiser. 393
- Penyclip Viaduct, 365
- Poland, Federation of British Industries
- Mission to. 557
- Pollution of Sea by Oil, 283
- Port of London Annual Report, 557
- Preservation Fund for Cornish Engines, 469
- Profit-sharing of Co-operative Societies, 663
- Public Works, Loans for, 257
- QUASI-ARC Company, Ltd., Electric. Welding Laboratories in Belgravia, 233
- " Queen Mary." The " Normandie " and, 81
- RAILWAYS (Agreement) Bill, 637
- Railway Works, State Aid for, 469
- Refrigeration in South African Fruit Trade, 383
- Research in Food Transport and Storage, 183
- Richardson, Lieut.-Colonel A. W. C., London Passenger Transport. 611
- River Lee Improvements, 419
- River Severn Road Bridge. 257
- Road Accident Analysis. 159
- Road Safety Progress, 365
- Road Scheme for London, Important, 81
- Road Sign. " Halt at Major Road Ahead," 183
- Road Transport, 309
- Royal Air Force Display. 1935, 1
- Royal Air Force Review at Mildenhall and Duxford, 27
- Royal Fleet Reviewed, July 16th, 1935, 55
- SAFETY in Mines, 637
- Safety in Mines Research Board, Annual Report, 209
- Safety at Sea, 81, 637
- Sale of Steel, Centralising, 583
- Scientific Management, Sixth International
- Congress Opened, 55
- Sculcoates Power Station, Extensions to, 445
- Seadrome at Southampton. Proposed, 183
- Severn Bridge Scheme, 663
- Shannon Power Scheme, 159
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Private Exhibition of Fuel Oil Burning Appliances. 5.57
- Shipbuilding Orders, 183. 365
- Shipbuilding Trades, Wages in. 133
- Shipping, International Rationalisation of, 209
- Shipping Merger, British, 419
- Shipyard NVages Conference. 309
- Sleeper ('reosoting Works at Hayes for G.W.R., 531
- Social Credit in Alberta, 209
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors. Display at Hendon, 1
- Southend Municipal Aerodrome, 309
- Southern Railway Company's Electrified Extension, 1
- Southern Railway Electrification Schemes. 133
- State Aid for Railway Works, 469
- Steel. Centralising the Sale of, .583
- Steel Comptoir, French, 557
- Steel Makers, Lord Nuffield and, 183
- Steel Trade, Motor ('ar makers and, 531
- " Stirling Castle," Union-Castle Liner. 183
- Street Lighting, Ministry of Transport'
- Departmental Committee on, 469
- Submarine Cable Amalgamation. 339
- Suez Canal, Tonnage in, 663
- Survey, North-East Coast, 469
- TATSFIELD Air Disaster, 611
- Technical Education in Europe. 81
- Timber. Research Report on Moisture Content
- of, 663
- Timber Research, 445
- Tin-plate Manufacture in Lincolnshire, 55
- Tonnages in Suez Canal, Statistics, 663
- Torpedo Factory Extensions, Scottish. 309
- Trade Returns for November, 637
- Tramp Shipping Subsidy, 257
- Transatlantic Air Mail Service, 611
- Transatlantic Air Service, Proposed. 499
- Trans-Continental High Road, 283
- UNEMPLOYMENT Analysis. 419
- Unemployment Figures, 27, 133, 611
- United States Liner, Proposed, 81
- WAGES in Shipbuilding Trades, 133
- Wandsworth Bridge, Rebuilding. 611, 637
- Waterloo Bridge, 159
- Water Pollution Research, 583
- Water-softening Plants on London and NorthEastern Railway, 209
- Welded Steel Bridge, 309
- Whitworth Society's Summer Meeting, 1
- Wireless Communication for Afghanistan, 55
- Wireless Conference. International Combustion,Ltd., 583
- Wireless Facilities for Italian Ships, 209
- Work and Unemployment in November. 611
- World Power Conference. Annual Meeting, 107
- YORKSHIRE Pit Disaster, 283
See Also
Sources of Information