1969 Motor Show

Note: This is a sub-section of Motor Show Catalogues
Motor Show. Held at Earl's Court 15-25th October 1969
List of Exhibitors (The Catalogue which contains more detail on each company and their products).
- A. C. Cars
- A. F. N.
- A. E. Auto Parts
- A. R. O. Machinery Co
- Abbey Panels
- Abbott, E. D.,
- AC-Delco Division of General Motors
- Advance Motor Supplies
- Aeon Products (London)
- Air Industrial Developments
- Airflow Streamlines
- Airvert
- Alexander Engineering Co
- Alfa Romeo (Great Britain)
- Alford and Alder (Engineers)
- Allard Motor Co
- Allied Ironfounders
- American Motors Corporation
- Aston Martin Lagonda
- Angus, George, and Co
- Apaseal
- Applied Power (UK)
- Armco
- Armstrong Patents Co
- Associated Engineering (Sales)
- Astley Industrial Trust
- Autela Components
- Auto Union G.m.b.H.
- Autocar Electrical Equipment Co
- Autolite Motor Products
- Automobile Association
- B. M. W. Concessionaires G.B.
- B. S. A. Sintered Components
- B. R. D. Co
- B. S. A. Carbodies
- Banks, J. W. E., and Sons
- Barnacle
- Baronet Motor Accessories
- Bayley, J., and Co (Wolverhampton)
- Beaton, G., and Son
- Bedford, John, and Sons
- Bentley Motors (1931)
- Berger, J. and N., Paints
- Bergougnan Tyre Co
- Bertone Carrozzeria S.A.S.
- Bestplate
- Birfield Extrusions
- Birmingham Aluminium Casting (1903) Co
- Bluespot (Blaupunktwerk)
- Bluemel Brothers
- Bond Cars
- Bonnella, D. H., and Son
- Borg and Beck Co
- Borg-Warner
- Bosal International
- Bosch
- Boscombe Engineering
- Bound Brook
- Bowmaker
- Bowmaker (Commercial)
- Bradbury, Joseph, and Sons
- Bradville
- Brake Linings
- Bramber Engineering Co
- Brenner, L. F.,
- Bridgtown Industries
- Brico Engineering
- Bristol Cars
- Bristol Pneumatic Tools
- Britax (London)
- British Aluminium Co
- British Extracting Tool Co
- British Jaeger Instruments
- British Leyland
- British Leyland (Austin-Morris) (Austin Car Division)]]
- British Leyland (Austin-Morris) (M.G. Division)]]
- British Leyland (Austin-Morris) (Morris Car Division)]]
- British Leyland (Austin-Morris) (Service Division)]]
- British Leyland (Austin-Morris) (Vanden Plas Division)]]
- British Leyland (Austin-Morris) (Wolseley Division)]]
- British Oxygen Co
- British Racing and Sports Car Club
- British Road Federation
- British School of Motoring
- British Wire Products
- Britool
- Broom and Wade
- Brovex
- Brown and Geeson
- Brown Brothers
- Brown Brothers
- Buck and Hickman
- Butlers
- C. A. V.
- CBS (Automotive and Industrial)
- Campbell and Lincoln Finance
- Campbell Discount Co
- Cannon Rubber Manufacturers
- Canterbury Industrial Products (Aveley)
- Car Campers
- Car Plates
- Castings
- Caravans International (Motorised)
- Castrol (Equipment Division)
- Ceag
- G. Celette
- Champion Sparking Plug Co
- Chauffeur Accessories
- Chillcotts
- Chrysler International
- V. L. Churchill and Co
- Citroen Cars
- F. Claudet
- Coleman Milne
- Commercial Ignition Co
- Connolly Brothers (Curriers)
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co
- Continental Tyre and Rubber Co
- Coolaire Manufacturing Co (Europe)
- Coopers Mechanical Joints
- Cords Piston Ring Co
- Cornercroft Engineering
- Cosmic Car Accessories
- Coventry Climax Engines
- Coventry Radiator and Presswork Co
- Crayford Auto Development
- Cresswell's Asbestos Co
- Crompton Parkinson
- Crypton Triangle
- Curnow Leathercraft
- DAF (Van Doorne's Automobiel- fabrieken N.V.)
- Dagenite Batteries Division of
- Daimler Co
- Danbury Conversions
- Dartmouth Auto Castings
- DBA, Societe
- Deans and Lightalloys
- Delaney Gallay
- Desmo
- DeVilbiss Co
- Devon Conversions (Renwicks Garages )
- Devon House Finance Co
- Dial-Holmes (England)
- Dormobile
- Draper, B., and Son
- Dualloys
- Duckham, Alexander, and Co
- Dunedin Dieseltune
- Dunlop Co
- Dunlop Co (GRG Division)
- Dunlop Co (Polymer Engineering Division)
- Dunlop Co (Wheel Division)
- Duport Foundries
- Eagle Star Insurance Co
- Eccles Caravans
- Ehrenreich, A., and Cie.
- Electric Power Storage
- Elgastat Accessories
- Emanuel (Garage Equipment)
- Epco
- Esquire Kleindienst and Co
- Europe Caravans
- Eversure Accessories
- Ewarts
- Exhaust Ejector Co
- Exide Batteries Division of Electric Power Storage
- Fairholme Caravans
- Farnborough Engineering Co
- Feeny and Johnson
- Ferodo
- Ferrari, Automobili Fiat (England)
- Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co
- Firth Cleveland Fastenings
- Firth Cleveland Sintered Products
- Firth Furnishings
- Fisk Tyres
- Fitzroy Finance
- Flexy Brushes
- Ford Motor Co
- Ford Motor Credit Co
- Ford-Werke A.G.
- Forgings and Presswork
- Forward Trust
- Fram Filters
- Freeline
- GKN (Cwmbran)
- GKN Bolts and Nuts
- GKN Castings
- GKN Forgings
- GKN Sankey
- GKN Screws and Fasteners
- Garringtons
- General Accident
- General and Industrial Paints
- General Guarantee Corporation (Northern)
- General Motors
- General Motors of Canada
- General Post Office Cable and Wireless Service
- Gilbern Cars
- Ginetta Cars
- Girling
- Glacier Metal Co
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co (G.B.)
- Gordon Tools
- Gran Turismo Wheels and Accessories
- Grantham Rubber Machinery Co
- Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance
- Halls Gaskets
- Hans Motors (London)
- Hanson, Charles, and Son
- Hardy Spicer
- Harlem Engineering
- Harmo Industries
- Harrison and Co (Lincoln)
- Hartley, J. W., (Motor Trade)
- Hartridge, Leslie
- Harvey Frost and Co
- Haymarket Press
- Healey, Donald, Motor Co
- Hella Automobile Equipment
- Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co
- Hepworth and Grandage
- Hertfordshire Rubber Co
- Hillcrest Engineering
- Hills (Patents)
- Hobourn-Eaton Manufacturing Co
- Hofmann, Gebr., K.G.
- Holmes, Godfrey
- Hydromechanics
- Honda (U.K.)
- I.C.I. (Hyde)
- I.P.C. Magazines
- Iliffe Transport Publications
- Imperial Chemical Industries (Paints Division)
- Imperial Chemical Industries (Plastics Division)
- India Tyres
- Industria (London)
- Ingersoll-Rand Co
- Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers
- Intalok
- Intereurope Export Publications
- Isaacs, J. P.,
- ISO S.p.A. Automotoveicoli
- Jaguar Cars
- Javelin Electronics
- J. H. Jennings and Son
- Jensen Motors
- Jones, G. E., and Sons (Machine Parts)
- Judella Castings
- K.L.G. Sparking Plugs
- Kangol Magnet
- Karobes
- M. L. Kaye (Cambridge)
- Keith Prowse and Co
- Kelly-Springfield Tyre Co
- Kenlowe Accessories and Co
- Kent Alloys
- Kerry's (Gt. Britain)
- Kismet
- KL Automotive Products
- Kuikka, Geo.
- Kumficar
- Lake and Elliot, Jacks and Equipment
- Lamborghini, Automobili, Ferruccio, S.P.A.
- Lamson Paragon
- Lancia (England)
- Laycock Engineering
- Lee Products (G.B.)
- Lendrum and Hartman
- Leston, Les,
- Ley's Malleable Castings Co
- Lincoln Cars
- Litton Business Systems
- Lloyds and Scottish Finance
- Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co
- Lombank
- London Bankside Products
- Lotus Cars
- Lucas, Joseph,
- Lucas, Joseph, (Batteries)
- Lucas, Joseph, (Electrical)
- Lucas, Joseph, (Sales and Service)
- Lyall Lusted
- Magnatex
- Manganese Bronze
- Marchal Distributors
- Marcos Cars
- Markovits, I.,
- Marsham Tyre Co
- Maserati, Officine Alfieri S.p.A.
- Mechanical Coatings
- Meldrum, Thos.,
- Mercantile Credit Co
- Mercedes-Benz (Great Britain)
- Mercury House Publications
- Merit-Werke
- Merten and Co
- Merlin Engineering Co
- Metropolitan Police
- Michelin Tyre Co
- Midland Motor Cylinder Co
- Ministry of Transport
- Mintex
- Modern Devices
- Monteverdi, Automobile
- Morgan Motor Co
- Moss, Harry, (London)
- Motor Agents Association
- Motor Sport (Props.: Teesdale Publishing Co )
- Motorola Incorporated
- Mulliner, H. J., Park Ward
- National Cash Register Co
- National Insurance and Guarantee Corporation
- National Westminster Bank Group
- Neuman, Ch. J.,
- New Welbeck
- Nilfisk
- Nissan Motor Co
- North Central Finance
- North Central Finance (London)
- North West Securities
- Notek Electric Co
- NSU (Great Britain)
- Pang Chemical Vulcanizers
- Park Brothers
- Parsons Chain Co
- Patent Die-Casting Co
- Payen, J.,
- Payne Motors and Spares
- Performance Equipment Co - Peco
- Penton Publishing Co
- Perei, L. E., Auto Devices
- Perkins Engines Co
- Petrol Injections
- Peugeot, Automobiles
- Philips Electrical
- Philips Lighting
- Pinchin Johnson Paints (Automotive Division)
- Pinchin Johnson Paints (Transport Division)
- Pininfarina Carrozzeria S.p.A.
- Pioneer Oilsealing and Moulding Co
- Pirelli
- Plastifilm Products
- Pneumatic Components
- Pool Clock Co
- Porzelack
- Precision Forgings
- Pressed Steel Fisher
- Prince (Kingston) Engineers
- [[Pye Group|Pye Group (Radio and Television) (Pye Car Radio Division)
- Pye Group (Radio and Television) (Ekco Car Radio Division)
- Qualcast (Derby Foundries)
- Quinton Hazell
- Quinton Hazell (Silencers)
- Radiomobile
- Raybestos-Belaco
- Raydyot
- Regent Axle Co
- Reliant Motor Co
- Remax Electrical
- Renault
- Renold
- Repco
- Ridgway Publications
- Ripaults
- Rist's Wires and Cables
- Rival Lamps
- Rolls-Royce
- Rootes Acceptances
- Rootes Motors (Car Division)
- Rootes Motors (Dodge Division)
- Rootes Motors (Parts Division)
- Ross Courtney and Co
- Rover Co
- Royal Automobile Club
- Royal Insurance Group
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
- Rubery Owen and Co
- Russian Cars Concessionaires
- Saab (Great Britain)
- Sabre Motor Accessories - (Tenk Products)
- Salisbury Transmission
- V. C. Saunders
- A. Schrader's Son
- Scottish Stamping and Engineering Co
- Sedan Products
- Serck Radiators Serck Services
- Serck, H. O.
- Sheepbridge Engineering
- Sheepbridge Stokes
- Sherwood Parsons
- Shotton Brothers
- Silencers (Bolton)
- Silent Channel Products
- Simca Motors (Great Britain)
- Simms Motor Units
- Simons Concessionaires
- Skoda (Great Britain)
- Small and Parkes
- SMC (Sterling)
- Smethwick Drop Forgings
- Smith, C. and B.,
- Smith's Industries (Trade Sales and Service)
- Smith-Clayton Forge
- Smith's Industries (Motor Accessories Division)
- Smith's Industries (Spark Plug Division)
- P. B. Snowdon
- Space-o-Matic Parking (U.K.)
- Spafax (1965)
- Specialloid
- Speedograph
- Sprite Caravans
- Stadium
- Standard-Triumph (Liverpool)
- Standard-Triumph Motor Co
- Stenor
- Sterling Metals
- Stevco-Y.F.C.
- Stewart-Warner
- STP Corporation
- S. U. Carburetter Co
- Suntester
- Super Oil Seals and Gaskets
- Supra Chemicals and Paints
- Sykes-Pickavant
- Tangye-Shelley
- Tecalemit (Engineering)
- Temple Press
- Terry, Herbert, and Sons
- Tetroc
- Tewel Industries
- Thomas, Bertram, (Engineers)
- Thompson, John, (Pressings Division)
- Thompson, Raymond F., (Engineers)
- Thomson and Brown Brothers
- Thornley and Knight
- Thorpe, P. M. G.,
- Time Instrument Manufacturers
- Tip Top Vulcanising Products
- Toyo Kogyo Co
- Toyota Motor Sales Co
- Trelleborg Rubber
- Trico-Folberth
- Trident Cars
- Triplex Foundry
- Triplex Safety Glass Co
- Trist, Draper
- Tucker, George, Eyelet Co
- Tudor Accessories
- Tudor Webasto Sun Roofs
- UDT Finance
- Union Transport Finance
- Unipower Cars
- Uniroyal
- United Dominions Trust (Commercial)
- United Motor Finance Corporation
- Valentine Varnish and Lacquer Co
- Vandervell Products
- Vauxhall Motors
- Volkswagenwerk, A.G.
- Vitaluxan
- Vitamol Precision
- Vitafoam
- Volvo, Aktiebolaget
- Wardle, Bernard, (Everflex)
- Waso
- Webb, Michael J.,
- Wellworthy
- Western Credit
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co
- Weston, Charles, and Co
- Whitehouse Industries
- Wickham, D., and Co
- Wilcomatic
- Wilkes, D. A., and Co
- Wilmot Breeden
- Wingard
- Wipac Group Sales
- Wolverhampton Die Casting
- Wood Auto Supplies
- [Woodhead, Jonas
- World Radio
- Wright, Charles,
See Also
Sources of Information