1961 Building Exhibition

Held 15-29th November 1961 at Olympia
- Abbey Tile Co
- A.B. Mould and Construction Co
- A.B. Plastics
- Abraham, Robert,
- Access Equipment
- A.C.E. Machinery
- Acrow (Engineers)
- Adamite Co
- Adamsez
- African Building Board Corp
- Agren, Axel H., AB.
- Akistrom, A. Osakeyhtio
- Airscrew Company and Jicwood
- Alcan Industries
- Alcometaller AB
- Alfa-Laval Co
- Allam, E. P. and Co
- Allied Ironfounders
- Allied Structural Plastics
- Anchor Building Products
- Anderson, D. and Son
- Andrews Air Conditioning
- Andrews Brothers (Bristol)
- Anglo-African Timbers
- Antifyre
- Applied Acoustics
- Arborite Co (UK)
- Architect and Building News
- Architectural Press
- Arcoy Products
- Arden Plant
- Arkinstall Brothers (Bromsgrove)
- Armitage Ware
- Armoride
- Armstrong Cork Co
- Art Pavements and Decorations
- Arthur Productions (Clydebank)
- Artists and Architecture
- Artrite Resins
- Ascot Gas Water Heaters
- Aspden, Thos A. and Sons
- Associated Electrical Industries
- Atlas Asbestos Cement Co
- Atlas Lighting
- Atlas Stone Co
- Atvidabergs Inredningar, AB
- Audens (Audax)
- Auland (Export)
- Auland
- Austin, John G. (Ilford)
- Austin-Hall Group of Companies
- Austins of East Ham
- Avery, J. and Co (Est. 1834)
- Ayrshire Metal Products
- Bahco, AB
- Bahco-Condrup
- Bakelite
- Bamford, J. C. (Excavators)
- Barking Brassware Co
- Barlin-Scott Manufacturing Co
- Barrus, E. P. (Concessionaires)
- Barry, Ostlere and Shepherd
- Barton, W. R. and Son
- Barwell, James
- Barwin, P.
- Basta
- Baxendale, Richard, and Sons
- B. B. Chemical Co
- Beecham Buildings
- Belco Manufacturing Co
- Bell, A. and Co
- Bellrock Gypsum Industries
- Bendz
- Benflx Steel Co
- Benn Brothers
- Bensow Wilh, Oy
- Benton, Edward and Co
- Berry Wiggins and Co
- Beves and Co (Joinery)
- Beves Group
- Binns, A. J.
- B.I.P. Reinforced Products
- Birmingham Guild
- Bisley, H. and G.
- Bjarnums Mobelfabriker AB
- Blue Circle Group of Companies
- Blue Gate Products
- Blunn, Allan
- Blundell, Spence and Co
- Bolinders Co
- Bolton Gate Co
- Booth, James Aluminium
- Borchardt, F. A.
- Boulton and Paul Group
- Boulton and Paul
- Boulton Scaffolding
- Bourner, F. H. and Co (Eng)
- F. H. Bourner and Co (Bourner, F. H. (Fixings)
- Bourner Organisation
- Bradley, Edwin H, and Sons
- Bridges, S. N. and Co
- Briggs, William and Sons
- British Aluminium Co
- British Building and Engineering Appliances
- British Constructional Steelwork Association
- British Ceramic Research Association
- British Ceramic Tile Council British Equipment
- British Insulated Callender's Cables
- British Iron and Steel Federation
- British Lift Slab
- British Mouldex
- British Paints
- British Plimber
- British Railways
- British Ropes
- British Standards Institution
- British Technical Cork Products
- British Uralite Group of Companies
- British Visqueen
- British Werno
- British Xylonite Group
- Brockhouse Stahlam-System GmbH
- Brockhouse Steel Structures
- Browne-Clements Production
- Brown, Donald (Brownail)
- Brookman, R. S.
- Bruynzeel Wood Products Co
- Bryce White and Co
- BSA Small Tools
- B.T.B.
- Buckland Sand and Silica Co
- Builder, The,
- Builders Benevolent Institution
- Building Industry Distributors
- Building Materials and Floors
- Building Research Station
- Building Research (UK)
- Bulgomme-Sllence Flooring
- Bullfinch (Gas Equipment)
- Burgess Products Co
- Burn Brothers (London)
- Burt, Boulton and Haywood
- Butterley Co
- BX Plastics
- Byron Fireplaces
- Cafferata and Co
- Calor Gas (Distributing)
- Cambridge, B. J. (Heetrite)
- Campbell, Malcolm (Plastics)
- Canada - Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa
- Candy and Co
- Cannon (GA)
- Cape Building Products
- Carron Co
- Carter and Co
- Carter and Co (London)
- Carter Group of Companies
- Carter, Stabler and Adams
- Carter Tiling Edinburgh
- Carter Tiles
- Cascelloid
- Celcon
- Celotex
- Cementex UK Co
- Cement Marketing Co
- Centec Machine Tools
- Centrax
- Ceramic Consultants
- Chancery Insulations
- Chart, A. and I.
- Chipboard
- Christensen, P. I. and Co
- Chubb and Son’s Lock and Safe Co
- Ciba (A.R.L)
- Cisterns
- Claygate Fireplaces
- Clevedon Rivets and Tools
- Clipper Manufacturing Co
- Coal Utilisation Council
- Coburn Engineers
- Collimator Cases
- Colt Ventilation
- Colt, W. H. (London)
- Colthurst Symons and Co
- Colton and Co (Lapidaries)
- Columbus-Dixon
- Commercial Marbles and Tiles
- Concrete Improvers
- Conex-Terna
- Conran and Co
- Consumers Association
- Contract Journal Co
- Cooksley, A. and Co
- Copper Development Association
- Cordar
- Cornelly Equipment Co
- Coronet Tool Co
- Corroglaze
- Cortesi, Lugo
- Costain Concrete Co
- Costruzione Modulasi S.p.A.
- County Furniture (London)
- Courtauld Group Crane
- Crendon Concrete Co
- Crittall Manufacturing Co
- Croid
- Crompton, Thomas and Sons
- Crosby and Co
- Curran, Edward Engineering
- Cygnet Joinery
- Dahl Brothers
- Dallow Lambert
- Dalmas
- Dampa Acoustics
- Danckaerts Woodworking Machinery
- Danfoss (London)
- Deans Blinds (Putney)
- Delmore Engineering Co
- Denison, Samuel and Son
- Dennis and Robinson
- Denny, Mott and Dickson
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
- Dermide
- Design for the Disabled
- Dexion
- Diamant Boart, SA
- Dimplex
- Dixon’s Paints
- Doe, Ernest and Sons
- Dominion Machinery Co
- Downing, G. H. and Co
- Drew, Clark and Co
- Driroof Tiles
- Duffell, A. E. and Sons
- Dundee Linoleum Co
- Dunlop Chemical Products Division
- Duraflex Housecrafts
- Durasteel
- Duro Wallpaper Co
- Durox Building Units
- Earnshaw Brothers and Booth
- Easiclene Porcelain Enamel
- Eastham Thomas, and Co
- Eastwoods
- Eastwoods Sales
- Econa Modern Products
- Ekco Heating and Electrical
- Ekco Plastics
- Elder Reed A. and Co (Sales)
- Electrical Development Association
- Electro-Hydraulics
- Electrolux
- Elektrohelios, AB
- Ellard Sliding Door Gears
- Ellis, John, and Sons
- Ellis, J. T.
- Elsy and Gibbons
- English Clock Systems
- English Rose Kitchens
- Enso-Gutzeit Oy
- Esavian
- Eswa
- Evered and Co
- Ever-Tidy Kitchen Cabinets
- Evode
- Excelsior, Oy AB
- Expanded Metal Co
- Expanded Plastics
- Expandite
- Explosive Power Tools
- Extrudex
- Fabers Fabriker, G/Chr
- Fablon
- Falcon Forge
- Falk Stadelmann and Co
- Farmlloe Sealants
- Farrar Boilerworks
- Federated Employers Press
- Federated Foundries
- Federation of Building Block Manufacturers
- Federation of Master Builders
- Fenton, Byrn and Co
- Ferodo
- Fibreglass
- Finlock Gutters
- Finnish Fair
- Finnish Foreign Trade Association
- Finnish Particle Board Association
- Finnish Plywood Development Association
- Finnwallpapers
- Fire Research Station
- Flexible Drive and Tool Co
- Flextol Engineering Co
- Foamed Slag Producers Federation
- Fogelfors Bruk, AB
- Folkard, J. S. and F.
- Fordham Pressings
- Forest Products Research Laboratory
- Formica
- Framford Cabinet Co
- Frenger Ceilings
- Freyssinet International Organisation
- Gallwey, Sir John (Instruments)
- Gardiner Sons and Co
- Gardiner of Bristol
- Gardner, G. and B. and Newton
- Gas Council
- Gay, R. and Co
- G.B. Educational Equipment
- G.E.C. Lighting and Heating Group
- General Export Association of Sweden
- General Foremen and Clerks of Works
- General Post Office
- General Steel Wares
- Gerrard, J. and Sons
- Getalit
- Glamorock
- Glas-Roc (Camberley)
- Glass Fibre Developments
- Gliksten Building Materials
- Gliksten Doors
- Gliksten Group of Companies
- Gliksten, J. (Hardwoods)
- Gliksten Veneers
- Glow-Worm Boilers
- G. M. Power Plant Co
- Golmet Doors
- Goslett, Alfred and Co
- Goteborgs Hamm
- Graham and Wylie
- Gramat
- Granwood Flooring Co
- Gray, George E. (Distributors)
- Greenham Tool Co
- Greenwood's and Airvac Ventilating Co
- Griffin and George (Laboratory Construction
- Grovewood Co
- Gummers
- Gustavsbergs Fabriker, AB
- Hackman and Co
- Haigh Engineering Co
- Hainault Engineering Co
- Hall, J. and E.
- Hall, Robert H. and Co (Kent)
- Hall-Thermotank
- Halstead, James
- Hamilton and Co (London)
- Hamilton-Star
- Harford Pumps
- Hartington Conway and Co
- Harvey, G. A. and Co (London)
- Hattersley Brothers
- Hawes, K. W. (Electrical)
- Head, Wrightson and Co
- Heating and Ventilating Heatrae
- Hedley, Thomas and Co
- Heinolan Fanerltehdas Helimatic
- Hemel Hempstead Lightweight Concrete
- Hemo Sales
- H.M.S.O
- Hermeseal Acoustics
- Heymans, G. S. and Co
- Heywood-Helliwell
- Hickson’s Timber Impregnation Co
- Hilger and Watts
- Hill Aldam, E. and Co
- Hills, F. and Sons
- Hills Hoists (UK)
- Hilmor
- Hire Technicians Co
- Hi-Vee Group of Companies
- Hoganas-Billesholms, AB
- Holcon
- Holemasters
- Hollins, G. and Sons
- Holloway Metal Roofs
- Hollow Seal Glass Co
- Holmsund Flooring
- Holoplast
- Home Fittings (Great Britain)
- Hope, Henry and Sons
- Hoval Boilers (UK)
- Hunter Douglas
- Hurseal
- H.V.E. (Electric)
- Hygena
- Hygiaphone (England)
- Hymatic Engineering Co
- I.B.E. Group
- I.C.I. (Hyde)
- Ide, T. and W.
- Ideal-Standard
- Ideal Casements (Reading)
- Ifoverken, AB
- Iliffe Technical Publications
- Illustrated Carpenter and Builder
- Imperial Aluminium Co
- Imperial Chemical Industries
- Impregnated Diamond Products
- Incorporated Association of Architects Surveyors
- Industrial Architecture Industrial Pumps
- Ingersoll Locks
- Institute of Quantity Surveyors
- Insulite Co of Finland
- Interbuild
- Internationella Siporex AB
- International Boilers and Radiators
- International Harvester Co of Great Britain
- International Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled
- Interwood
- Irma, Spilimbergo
- Isles Merchants
- Isora Illuminating Ceilings
- Jablo Plastics Industries
- Janes, H.C.
- Jayanbee Joinery
- J.K.O. Cutters
- Johnson, H. and R.
- Johnson’s Reinforced Concrete Engineering Co
- Joo-Gresite, Milan
- Junckers (London)
- Kane, Douglas
- Kango Electric Hammers
- Kay and Co (Engineers)
- Kaye, A. (West End)
- Kaye, E. and E.
- Kelscreen Co
- Kenitex Textured Coating
- Kennedy, W.
- Kent Concrete Products
- Kenyon, William and Sons (Metamica)
- Kerner-Greenwood and Co
- Key Engineering Co
- Kine Engineering Co
- Kings Langley Engineering Co
- Kockums Jernverks AB
- Kocoverk, Knut Olsson and Co, Verkstader AB
- Kosta Glasbruk AB
- Kungsdrs Pressprokukter AB
- Kwikform
- Laconite
- Land and General Developments
- Langham Tools
- Langley London
- Laver, Arnold and Co
- Lawler Ayers and Co
- Lawford Phillips
- Lawley, W. and J.
- Lead Development Association
- Leca (Great Britain)
- Lee Magnum Engineering Works
- Leibherr (Ireland)
- Leicester Lovall and Co
- Leighton Buzzard Tiles
- Leonowens, Louis T. (Malaya)
- Leonowens, Louis T.
- Lester, A. S.
- Lewis, Roy
- Lignacite Group of Companies
- Lilleshall Co
- Limmer and Trinidad Group of Companies
- Lincoln Furnaces
- Linoleum Manufacturers Association
- Linoleum Manufacturing Co
- Liquid Metal Applicators
- Liquitile Supply Co
- Lister, R. A. and Co
- Lloyds Bank
- London and Midland Steel Scaffolding Co
- London Brick Co
- London County Council
- London Building and Engineering Contractors Accident Prevention Group
- London Master Builders Association
- London Regional Council of Builders Foremen and Clerks of Works
- Lovell and Hanson
- Low, James F. and Co
- Lumenated Ceilings
- Lundberg, Kurt AB
- Lusty, W. and Sons
- Lynn, John and Co
- Lytag
- Lyte Industries
- Machinefabrik ‘Helma-Nohoma’, NV
- MacIntyre, D. and Son
- Macpherson, Donald. Group of Companies
- Malkin Tiles (Burslem)
- Marble Products and Flooring Co
- Marley Concrete
- Marley Tile Co
- Martin Hoist and Engineering Co
- Martins Bank
- Masonite
- Massey-Ferguson (U.K.)
- Matheys, G. Brussels
- Merediths
- Metal Sections
- Metlex Industries
- Metropolitan Gas Meters
- Metwood Industries (Sales)
- Midland Bank
- Midland Woodworking Co
- Milano Mosaics
- Ministry of Housing and Local Government
- Ministry of Works
- Minster Fireplaces
- Model Library
- Modern Electric (Installations)
- Moderneon
- Modular Society
- Molesey Metal Works
- Monninger, C. D.
- Munster Developments Co (Fulham)
- Nairn, Michael and Co
- National Coal Board
- National Federation of Building Trades Employers
- National Federation of Builders’ and Plumbers’ Merchants
- National Federation of Clay Industries
- National Federation of Master Painters and Decorators of England and Wales
- National Joint Council for the Building Industry
- National Plywood Corporation
- National Provincial Bank
- National Salt Glazed Pipe Manufacturers Association
- Neale, Wright and Co.
- Newalls Insulation Co
- New Era Publishing Co
- Newton Chambers and Co
- Nicholls and Clarke
- Noelite
- Nordarmatur
- North British Linoleum Co
- North British Plastics
- North of England School Furnishing Co
- North Wales Slate Quarries Association
- Northern Aluminium Co
- Norton Ignition Components (of SA)
- Norwood Steel Equipment
- Novobord (UK)
- Nufloor
- Official Architecture and Planning
- Oliver, William and Sons
- Olsson, Martin (Fibreboards)
- Omnia Constructions
- Osma Plastics
- Ouzledale Foundry Co
- Ovila Oy
- Packard and Ord
- Paint Journal
- Pallas International, AB
- Panelyte Italiana SPA
- Paniquil (Sales)
- Panther Ceilings
- Parkes, Josiah and Sons
- Park Cross (Merchants)
- Parry and Son (Tools)
- Paul, W. H.
- Paulssonbolagen AB
- Pearl Paints
- Peerless Built-in-Furniture
- Peglers
- Penfold Fencing and Engineering
- Perkins Boilers
- Perkins, John M. and Smith
- Permutit Co
- Perstorp Products (GB)
- Petters
- Phillips Drill Co
- Phoenix Timber Co
- Pickles, John and Son (Engineers)
- Pilkington Brothers
- Pilkington’s Tiles
- Pinchin, Johnson and Associates
- Plastics and Resins
- Plycol
- Plyglass
- Plysu Sales
- Poron Insulation
- Portcrete
- Portway, Charles and Son
- Potterton, Thomas
- Powell Duffryn Heating
- Powell Duffryn Modulair
- Powell Duffryn Timber Industries
- Prestige Furniture
- Price, D. W. and Son
- Proctor and Lavender Mosaics
- Prowse, Keith and Co
- P.S.C. Equipment
- Pyrene Co
- Pyrok
- Racine Hydraulics of Wisconsin
- Radiation New World
- Radiation Parkray
- Ranalah Gates
- Ranalah Steel Moulds
- Randall, William and Co (Horsham)
- Ramset Fasteners
- Range Boilers
- Ransome, A. and Co
- Rapid Metal Developments
- Rawlplug Co
- Rediweld
- Redland Holdings Group
- Redland Tiles
- Reed, A. Elder and Co (Sales)
- Reed, Albert E. and Co
- Reinforced Plastic Developments
- Rentokil Group
- Reventa-Produkter AB
- Revol
- Richardson and Starling
- Richards Tiles
- Rippers
- Robbins Linoleum
- Roberts, Alfred G.
- Robinson, A. and Co
- Robinson Brothers Cork Growers
- Robinson, Thomas and Son
- Rollalong
- Roemmler, H. GmbH
- Roneo
- Rotaflex (GB)
- Rotherwale Trading Co
- Rownson, Drew and Clydesdale
- Rubber By-Products (Warwickshire)
- Rubber Improvement
- Ruberold Co
- Ruddington Press
- Rust-Oleum Corporation
- Rye Engineering Works (High Wycombe)
- Rylands Brothers
- Safety Tread
- St Ives Sand and Gravel Co
- Sanbra
- Sanduddin Tehdas Oy
- Saniguard Appliances
- Sanderson, A. and Co
- Sandvik Swedish Steels
- Sanwa Kenzalsha of Nagoya, Japan
- Saunders, H. A.
- Savo Oy
- Saxon Spanner and Implement
- Schaumann, Wilh Oy AB
- Schubert, H.
- Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society
- Sealdraught
- Sealocrete Products
- Secomastic
- Selleck Nicholls Williams
- Semtex
- Shaftesbury Ladders
- Shanks and Co
- Shanks, E. O. and Sons
- Shawnee Poole
- Sheepbridge Co
- Shell-Mex and BP Gases
- Sherwoods Paints
- Shetack Tool Co
- Showell, Edwin and Sons
- Shires and Co (London)
- Silent Ballcock Co
- Silent Gliss
- Simms, C. and A. (Engineers)
- Simson, Thomas and Co
- Sissons Brothers and Co
- Sissons, W. and G.
- Skarsten Manufacturing Co
- Skandinaviska Eternit AB
- Skanska Attikfabriken AB
- Slingsby, H. C.
- Smith, Samuel and Sons
- Smith, S. and Sons (England)
- Smith and Walton
- Smith and Wellstood
- Snapdek
- Solifer-Verken AB
- Sommerfelds
- South Eastern Brick and Tile Federation
- Southern Forge
- Specifile
- Spectra-Glaze International
- Speedfast Corporation, New York
- Spencer Lock and Co
- Spencer Wire Co
- S. P. Mercantile
- Spotnails
- Sprayed Insulations
- Standard Catalogue Co
- Standardsnickerier AB
- Stanley, W. F. and Co
- Stanley Works (GB)
- Stanton and Staveley Sales
- Stanton Ironworks Co
- Stanton, J. T. and Co, Kings Lynn
- Stanton, J. T. and Co, Letchworth
- Statens Skogsindustrler AB
- Staveley Iron and Chemical Co
- Stavers and Anderson
- Stedall and Co
- Steele’s (Contractors)
- Steel Fabricators (Cardiff)
- Steel Radiators
- Steel Scaffolding Co
- Steinemann, Ulrich A. G.
- Stenman, Aug. AB
- Stenners of Tiverton
- Sterling-Safway
- Sterling Domestic Appliances
- Steventon, John and Sons
- Stockmann, Oy AB
- Stone, J. and Co (Deptford)
- Stone Firms
- Stonehenge Bricks
- Storeys of Lancaster
- Stothert and Pitt
- Stott, James and Co (Engineers)
- Stramax Ceilings (GB)
- Stramit Boards
- Strappings
- Stratford Press
- Suomen Kuitulevy-yhdistys
- Super Silent
- Sussex and Dorking United Brick Co
- Sutherland Publishing Co
- Svensk Blacking Industri AB
- Svensk Byggtjanst
- Svenska Cellulosa AB
- Svenska Gias and Metalldesign
- Svenska Invarit AB
- Svenska Jarnvags-Verkstaderna
- Svenska Stalpressnings AB
- Svensson, Ludvig AB
- Swintex
- Tampereen Tapettitehdas Oy
- Tapetti Oy
- Tayco Boilers
- Telcalemit
- Telcon Plastics
- Teleflex Products
- Tellus Super Vacuum Cleaner
- Temple Tubes
- Tentest Co
- Thames Plywood Manufacturers
- Thermalite Ytong
- Thermoduct
- Thermotank
- Thomas, Fredk. and Co
- Thompson, John, Beacon Windows
- Thwaites Engineering Co
- Tllafabriken AB
- Timber Development Association
- Titangres, San Marino
- Tomo Trading Co
- Tonks-Rowley
- Tornado Fixings
- Trade Chronicles
- Travaruaktiebolaget Norrkopings Exporthyvieri
- Trelleborgs Gummifabriks AB
- Trend Industrial Equipment
- Tretol Associated Products
- Tretol
- Tretol-Servicised
- True Flue
- Truscon
- Tubela Eng Co
- Tuke and Bell
- Turners Asbestos Cement Co
- Twyfords
- Tyne Board Co
- Tyre Products
- U. A. M. Group of Companies
- Ucan Development
- Unilock Partitions
- Union Fibre Pipes (GB)
- United Dominions Trust (Commercial)
- United Paint Co
- United Steel Structural Co
- Universal Asbestos Manufacturing Co
- Urastone Co
- Wadkin
- Walker Crosweller and Co
- Wallington Weston and Co
- Wallboard Association of Finland
- Wall Paper Manufacturers
- Walpamur Co
- Ward and Co (Letters)
- Wards Flexible Rod Co
- Warico (Great Britain)
- Webb, Jarratt and Co
- Webster, James and Bro
- Weinig, Michael K. G.
- Welsh Tinplate and Metal Stamping Co
- Welding Industries
- Westland Engineers
- Westminster Bank
- Whitehill Spindle Tools
- White, Thomas and Sons
- Whitlock Brothers
- Wikstrom, P. Jor
- Williamsform Engineering Corporation
- Williamson, Jas. and Son
- Wilmerlea (Machine Tools)
- Wilson Brothers (Leeds)
- Winchester-Western Group
- Wolf Electric Tools
- Woodworking Industry
- Wright Electric Motors (Halifax)
- Wright, V. (Leeds)
- Wrighton, F. and Sons
- Wynbourne-Satoba Equipment
- Zachariassen and Co
- Zenith Maschinenfabrik GmbH
- Zinc Alloy Rust Proofing Co
- Zinc Development Association