The Engineer 1939 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1939 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 168 Index
- A.C. Welding Co. Ltd., '"Alternarc " A.C. Cutting and Welding Machines, 284, 286
- Acheson, E. G., Ltd., " Oildag " and "Aqua (lag" Colloidal Graphite,:382
- "Admiral Graf Spec" Scuttled, 605
- A.E.G. Electric Co., Wedge Bar Squirrel-cage Rotors, 137
- Aero Marine Engines, High-speed Motor Torpedo Boat, 136, 621
- A. G. A. Metal Tube Co., " Agalloy " Steel Tubing, (471)
- A-1 Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., Spot Welding Equipment, 280, 285
- Ailsa Craig, Ltd., Twelve-cylinder Marine Oil Engine and 5-kW Generating Sot, 479
- Akroyd-Stuart Paraffin Engine of 1892, 624
- Albany Engineering Co., Ltd., Gear Pumps, I 7
- Alexandria Harbour, (423)
- Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., Turbine Oil Purifier, 379
- Alldays and Onions, Ltd., Roots Blowers, 270
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Dunton Pumping Station, 46
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 40in. All-crop Harvester, 96; "Hydromatic" Tyres, (327)
- American Locomotive Co., 4-8-4 High-speed Passenger and Freight Locomotives, (447)
- Anderson, J., Aberdeen Harbour Appointment, (303)
- Andes Railway Tunnel, (257)
- Andrew, J. H., Work Hardening, (591)
- Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., Oil, Prospecting in England, (71)
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Ltd., Large. Blast-furnace, (101)
- Arnstein, K., and E. L. Shaw, Fatigue of Metals in Aircraft, (101)
- Art Metal Construction Co., Industries In and Around London, No. VI., J. Holloway, 252
- Asboth Helicopter, 117
- ASEA Electric Co., Remote Supervisory Control, 540
- Ashworth and Parker, Ltd., Process Steam Supply in an Ochre and Oxide Works, 302
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., Shunting Locomotive Test Figures, 79; Trolleybuses for Edmonton, Canada, 301
- "Athenia" Loss of, 249
- Atkinson, L. B., Obituary, 186
- Atlantic Refining Co., Large Welded Tanker. (591)
- Atlas Preservative Co., Ltd., " Ruskilla " Paint and Degreasing Process, 382
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., Remote Supervisory Control, 586
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Lockheed-Babcock System of Controls, 452; Hydraulic Remote Cons rots, 634
- Avamore Engineering Co., ltd., " Squeegee Pumps, 119
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., 3 Cubic Yard Dumper, 67
- Ayre, Sir A. L., Appointed Director of Shipbuilding, (471)
- Azov Oil Prospecting Trust. New Oil Field at Baku. (625)
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., Single-nozzle Retractable Soot Blower and Mill for Pulverised Fuel Firing, 328, 332
- Backstrom's Helical Gear Motor. 200
- Badoni, S. A. Antonio, Small Air Conditioning Plant, 577
- Bakerloo Tube Extension. (495), 509
- Baku Oilfield, (625)
- Ball, J. D. W., Danzig, 256
- Bamfords, Ltd., Light-draught Potato Digger. 10
- Bamlett, A. C., Ltd., Tractor Mowing Machine, 97
- Barfield, E. P., Obituary, 187
- Barimar, Ltd., Lantern Slides. (4.17)
- Barclay, Andrew, Sons and Co., Ltd., 0-6-0 Industrial Locomotive, 48
- Barrow Haematite Steel Co., Ltd., Agreement with Colvilles, Ltd., 59
- Bartlett Dam, Arizona, Stress Conditions in, I. E. Houk, 3, 32
- Battersea Polytechnic Department of Metallurgy, (409)
- B.E.A.M.A., Wartime Arrangements, 264
- Beckwith Excentric Machine, 119
- Bedford Plough and Engineering Co., Ltd., Single-furrow and Three-furrow Ploughs, 96
- Bekonscot Model Railway, (41)
- Belfast Electricity Supply, (257)
- Belgian National Railways. Streamlined " Atlantic " Engine, 188
- Bellamy, R. G., Exhaust Gas Analysis and Air: Fuel Ratio, 322
- Bellaschi, P. L., Lightning Protection for Transmission Lines, (71)
- Beresford, James, and Sons, Ltd., Centrifugal Self-priming Pump, 37
- Berl, E., Cathodic Production of Hydrogen Peroxide, (327)
- Bethell, H. A., Obituary, 402
- Beyer-Peacock, Ltd., Garratt Locomotives for Rhodesia, 54
- Binnie, Deacon and Gourley, Bunton Pumping Station, 46
- Birmingham Airport, 29
- Birmingham Water Supply, (639)
- Bisdorff, M. C., Bridge Over the Marne at Bry. 100
- Blackstone and Co., Ltd., Mark 8M0 Eight-cylinder Horizontal Opposed-piston Engine, 352, 359; Mobile Oil Engine Alternator Set. 457
- Blaw-Knox, Ltd., " Cletrac " Crawler Tractor. 12, 14
- Bolinders Co., Ltd., New Swedish Oil Engines, 045
- Bordeaux-Merignac Airport, 604
- Bosporous Train Ferry, (41)
- Boulder Dam Power Plant, 19, (399)
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Annual Meeting. (567)
- Bowden, F. P., L. Leben, and D. Tabor, The Sliding of Metals, Frictional Fluctuations, and Vibration of Moving Parts, 214; (Letters, 278, 426)
- Bradby's Engineering Works, Ltd., " A.M. Pygmylyte " Portable Generating Sets, 576
- Brakpan, South Africa, Sewage Disposal Plant, 168
- Bremner, D. A., Pencil Portrait No. 22 (Supplement, November 24th, 1939)
- Bressey, Sir C., Continuation as President of Junior Institution of Engineers, (495)
- Bridges. F. W., Pencil Portrait No. 21 (Supplement, September 15th, 1939)
- Brighton Power Station Extensions. (399)
- Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Producer Gas Buses, (471)
- Bristow, W. A., Fuel Technology owl the War, 469
- British Arc Lamp Carbon (War Emergency) Pool, 620
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Wartime Modifications, (351)
- British Foundry School. Birmingham, (101). (138), (327)
- British Gas Federation, Immersion Heater, 477
- British Industries Fair, 1940. Cancelled, (350)
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., " Spiro " Air Turbines, 201
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Formation of, (519), 533, (567)
- British Power Boat Co., Ltd., Marine Wireless Equipment, (182)
- British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., Ship-loading Ropeway at Cyprus. 568, 572
- British Thermostat Co., Ltd., Duct and Immersion Thermostats, 190
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Variable-speed A.C. Motors for Power Stations, 323; Electric Drives in the Petroleum Industry, 372; A.C. Electric Winder on the N.E. Coast, 376, 383; Thrustor for Small Power Applications, 456; Small A.C. Commutator Motor, 504
- British Timken. Ltd., Works A .R.P., (375)
- British Twin I rises and Clarifiers, Ltd., Disc Clutches, 577
- Bronx-Whitestone Suspension Bridge, U.S.:\ 462, 472. 487, 496
- Brooklyn Bridge, New York, Improvement Scheme, (279)
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Air 11080 Coupling, 677
- Broomfield and Luckock Rotary Machine, 118
- Browett-Lindley, J. (1931) Ltd., Air Compressors for the U.S.S.R., 49; Uni-cylinder Monobloc Two-stage Compressor. 208 Two-stage Air Compressor and 100 H.P. Steam Engine, 359
- Brown, Boveri and Co., Ltd., Internal Combustion Turbines, 619
- Brown Brothers (Aircraft), Ltd., Roller Caliper Thread Gauge, 79
- Brown, David, and Sons (Rudd.). Ltd., " Roloid " Gear Pumps, 175
- Brown, David, Tractors, Ltd., 25 B.H.P. Tractor, 11, 14
- Brown. John. and Co., Ltd., Launch of H.M. Battleship Duke of York," (84)
- Brown, R. L., and T. J. Dolan, Wrought Steel Wheels, (37.5)
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Koela " Producer Gas Vehicle", 576
- Brussels Fair. 1940, (543)
- Bry Bridge Over the Marne, 100
- Bryan Donkin Co., Ltd., Crescent Blowers, 148
- Buck and Hickman, Ltd., " Maxiweld " Portable Spot Welder, 285
- Budd Induction Heating, Inc.,, Hydrogen-cooled High-frequency Generator, (409)
- Burbridge, P. G. H., Earth Leakage Protection for High-frequency Furnaces, 207
- Bureau of Analysed Samples. Ltd., Now British Chemical Standards, 361
- Burls, C. M., Obituary, 187
- Burma-Yunnan Road, 69
- Busk Studentship in Aeronautics, (129)
- Butterfield, W. P., Ltd., Light Alloy Road Tanker. f 131
- CAIRD Shipyard, Proposed Reopening. (567)
- Cairns, T. Russell, Presidential Address, N.E.
- Coast Institution, (392): From the Ship-owner's Point of View, (615), 647
- Cambridge Arterial Road Improvements, (13)
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., Launch of H.M. Cruiser " Dido," (71)
- Campbell, Hugh, Internal Combustion Turbines, 302
- Campbell, Sir Malcolm, " Bluebird II " Water Speed Record, 199, (211)
- Canada-Alaska Highway, (351)
- Canadian National Railways, Appointments, (519)
- Candy Filter Co., Ltd., Chemical Dosing Plant at Talybont, 64, 72
- Cansdale, J. H., Trolleybuses, (257)
- Cape Town Docks and Harbour, 416, 168
- Cape Town Sewage Works, 277. 398
- Cape Town Water Purification Plant, 470
- Carborundum Co., Ltd., Refractory Materials, 289
- Cardiff Dock Celebrations. (279)
- Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation, 1000-kW Ignitron Rectifier, (399)
- Carpmael, R., Retirement from G.W.R., 533
- Carrier Engineering Co., Ltd., Air Conditioning Installation on " RMS Mauretania," 5
- Ceag, Ltd., " Jellac " and " Superlite " Portable Battery Lamps, 505
- Central Electricity Board, Appointments, 437
- Central Tool and Equipment Co., Ltd., Lisse Sheet Metal Roller Levelling Machine. 76
- Cerrish, H., Welded Ships, (375)
- Ceylon Hydro-electric Scheme, (129). 145
- "Challenge," United States Cargo Liner, 153, 158
- Chicago City Plan Developments, 19
- Chicago Transport Improvement Plans, (639)
- Christie, S. P., National Grid in War Time, 17; Gas Power for Road Transport, 503; Gas Power in War Time, 1619
- Chubuk Irrigation Dam, 99, 102
- Clark. V. E., and L. Hendrik, " Duramold " Plastic for Aircraft Construction, (101)
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Rotary Piston Pump, 119
- Clarke, J. S., Compressed Gas for Motor Vehicles, 638
- Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co., Ltd., Concentric Composite Boiler, 328, 333
- Clayton-Wright, Howard, Ltd., " Dickson " Laminated Gaskets, 384
- Clements, R. G. H., The Design of Roads, 273 Clyde Lighthouses Trust Report, (615)
- Clyde's Mill Power Station New Metal-clad Switchgear, General Electric Co., Ltd., 21
- Coal Utilisation Council, New Constitution, (129), (447)
- Cobb, John, Land Speed Record, (235)
- Collins Improved Firebars, Ltd., Fire-bar for Furnaces, 404
- Colorado River Aqueduct, (567)
- Colson, C. H., Obituary, 474
- Colvilles, Ltd., Agreement with Barrow Hematite Steel Co., Ltd., 59; The Cyclotron, 350
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Pneumatic Tools, 643
- Conway Stewart and Co., Ltd., Industries In and Around London, No. IV., J. Holloway, 204, 212
- Copes Regulators, Ltd., " Flowmatic " Feed Water Regulator, 336
- Corning Glass Works, A Glass Pump, (257); A New Glass, (495)
- "Courageous," H.M.S., Loss of, 293
- Cowles, E., Ltd., Industries In and Around London. No. II, J. Holloway, 8
- Crabtree, J. A., and Co., Ltd., A. Black-out Switch, 397
- Crampton. A. W., Engineering Education, 378, 619
- Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., Electrical Development at Ilford, 326
- Cross, R. H., Minister of Economic Warfare, 269
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., " HR " and " DR " Type Oil Engines. 352, 355; Atmospheric Gas Engine of 1868-1877. 358
- Croydon Generating Station, (375), (471)
- Cruickshank, James, Ltd., Dough Mixing and Kneading Machine. 48
- Curtis, F., New L.C.C. Fire Float, (235)
- Cymmer Colliery, Porth, 485
- DAIREN Harbour, (39)
- Dalmarnock Power Station, New Boiler Plant., W. E. Young, 83, 110
- Dampney, J., and Co., Ltd., " Apexior " Scale Prevention and " Poworcoater " Equipment, 452
- Daniels, T. H., and J., Ltd., Moulding Press and Three-throw Vertical Hydraulic Pump, 288 Danube Train Ferry, (419)
- Dartford-Purfleet Tunnel, Cessation of Work, (433)
- Darwen Paper Mills Electrification, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 420
- Davey, Paxman and Co. (Colchester), Ltd., Paxman-Ricardo Oil Engines, 427
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Fans for A.R.P., 109; Pneumatic Ore-handling Plant, 395, 400; Screw Fan for Mine Ventilation, 515
- Davies, J. V., Obituary, 374
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., Amalgamation with Duncan Stewart and Co., Ltd., 147
- Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge in Maine, 630, 640
- Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., Fractional H.P. Electric Grinders. 576
- de Malglaive, P., Director of Service des Transports Maritimes, (375)
- Derwent Valley Water Board. Ladybower Reservoir, 440, 448
- Detel Products, Ltd., " D.M.U," Zinc Coating. 336
- Dewhurst and Partners, Ltd., Electro-magnetic Brakes, 337
- Dewhurst, P. C., Forces in the Locomotive, 301
- Dexter, W. A., Obituary, 595
- Dixon, Sir Robert B., Obituary, 132
- Dock Rotary Pump, 1914, 295
- Doherty, R. E., Social Responsibility of the Engineer, 329; (Letter, 378)
- Dolan, T. J. and R. L. Brown, Wrought Steel, Wheels, (375)
- Dominion Machinery Co., Ltd., Belt Sanding Machine, Motor-driven Band Saw, " BM " Hollow Chisel Mortiser, 304, 307
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., Jubilee, (650)
- Dowding and Doll, Ltd., Rotary Pumps, 294; Plastic Moulding Machine, 313
- Doxford, William, and Sons, Ltd., Annual Meeting, (447)
- Drum Engineering Co., Ltd., Roller Pump, 148; Bi-rotor Machines, 271
- Drumm Battery Trains, (351)
- Dumas, R., Obituary, 547
- Duncan Stewart and Co., Ltd., Amalgamation with Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 173
- Dunton Pumping Station, Biggleswade Water Board, 46
- du Pont de Nemours, E. I., and Co., " Moly-Black " Black Plating Process, (591)
- Durban Harbour, South Africa, 419
- Durban's Marine Airport, 53
- EARLS Court, Ltd., Receiver Appointed. (41)
- East London Harbour, South Africa, 418
- Edgwick Twist Drill Grinder, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 422
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., " Controlume " A.R.P. Lighting Fitting, 601
- Edmonton, Canada, High-pressure Turbine Installation, 649
- Edmonton, Canada, Trolleybuses, Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., 301
- Electric Lamp Manufacturers' Association, Wartime Lighting, 590
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Multi-operator Welding Unit, 309; " H " Type Oil Engine and Generating Set, 424, 432
- Enke Rotary Pump, 90
- Erie Foundry Co., Large Drop Hammer for High Duty Alloys, Ltd., (208)
- Evans, W. H., Reinforced Concrete Pit Props, (615)
- Evershed, S., Obituary, (305), 330
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Remote Supervisory' Control, 512
- FAIRFIELD Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., New L.M.S. Steamers, (101)
- Farjsund Bridge, Finland, Momberg and Thorsen, 589
- Farringdon Station Train Accident Report, 389
- Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., United States Cargo Liner " Challenge," 153, 158
- Federation of British Industries, Wartime Arrangements, 227, 331
- Felco Hoists, Ltd., " Ropelock " Pulley Hoists and Sling Chains, 404
- Fellows and Co., Ltd., " S. A. Everard " Thames Tug, (615)
- Fen Drainage Scheme, 173
- Fergus, Ontario, Giant Control Dam, 638
- Ferte, A., Hoeing Machine with Photo-electric Control, 210
- Feuerheerd Rotary Machine, 148; Helical Gear Pumps, 202
- Finnieston Bridge, Glasgow, (41)
- Fleming, A. P. M., Education for Industry, 274, 297; (Leading Article, 281)
- Fletcher, J. E., Obituary, 595
- Fletcher Miller, Ltd., Detection of Loose Metal in Aircraft Lubricating Systems, (543)
- Flight Refuelling, Ltd., Refuelling in Flight, 122
- Foley Helical Gear Machines, 201
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Rowcrop Tractor, 11, 14 Fort Peck Dam, (591)
- Foster Instrument Co., Ltd., Introscope, Flexipush Indicating Controller, 311
- Foster, Yates and Thom, Ltd., Annual Meeting, (639)
- Foster-Wheeler Corporation, Boilers for U.S. Cargo Liner " Challenge," 153, 158
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 5 H.P. Petrol Engine and 6 H.P. Oil Engine, 68; " 2 DY " Twin-cylinder Oil Engine, 352, 360
- Franklin, P. A. S., Obituary, (211)
- Fuel Luncheon Club, (409)
- Fusarc Welding Co., Ltd., Automatic Welding Machines. 356
- GAEDE, G. C. Proposed Large American Liners, (519)
- Garabit Viaduct Commemoration, 115
- Gas Research Board, First Meeting. (157)
- Gail, G. W., and D. J. McAdam, Rate of Oxidation of Steels, 339
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Floating Electrode Steam Boiler, 10; Metal-clad Switchgear at Clydes Mill Power Station, 21; Employees in the Forces, (354); Continuous and Batch Type Bright Annealing Plant, 443; Remote Supervisory Control, 464, 489; Electrical Equipment of Coke Oven Plant at Corby, 644
- General Electric Co. of America, Tests of Steel at High Temperatures, 598
- General Refractories, Ltd., " Spinella " Basic Refractory, 356
- Genissiat Dam, River Rhone, 510, 520
- Geyer, E. W., Time of Discharge of High- pressure Gases, 60
- Gibraltar Tunnel, 143
- Gilmour, Sir John, Minister of Shipping, 389 Glasgow Tower of Empire, (39)
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Mr. S. B. Wilson's Fifty Years' Service, (399); Protective Works on Underground Railways, 542 Gleniffer Engines, Ltd., Marine Generating Set, 479; Engines for Norwegian Fire Float " Nokk," 501
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., Industries In and Around London, No. VII, J. Holloway, 537; (Letter, 643)
- Golden Valley Ochre and Oxide Co., Process Steam Supply, 302
- Goodwin, F. W., Colloidal Fuel for Motor Cars, (423)
- Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd., Automatic Boiler Control, 620
- Gormley, M. J., Safety on American Railways, (543)
- Gotaverken A/S., Motor Tanker " Nike," (168)
- Graham, Ivor, Methane Gas for Motor Fuel, (495)
- Gravelly Point Airport, Washington, (423)
- Graviner Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Aircraft. Fire-fighting Equipment, 217
- Great Western Railway, Appointments, (41); Carriage Decoration, (101); South Wales Dock Appointments, (129); Automatic Train Control, 485, (495); Carriage Storage Shed at Swindon, (567); Retirement of Mr. R. Carpmael, 533
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., " Premier Diamond " Economiser, 406, (422)
- Greenock Harbour Improvements, (211), (351)
- Greenwell, Sir Bernard, Obituary, 557
- Gregoire, M. A., Water Sterilisation, (235)
- Gresham and Craven, Ltd., Vapor-Clarkson Steam Generating Unit, 328, 332
- Grove and Gutteridge, Ltd., Jet-propelled Motor Lifeboat for Minehead, 444
- Guggenheim Gold Medal Award. (639)
- Guidonia Aviation Experiment Centre, 393
- Guthrie, W. B., Obituary, (447)
- G.W.B. Electric Furnaces. Ltd., Large Billet Heating Furnace, 20
- HABBANIYAH Flood Control Scheme, 557
- Hackbridge Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Emergency Transformers, 165
- Hagan System of Automatic Boiler Control, James Gordon and Co., Ltd., 620
- Haigh, B. P., Electric Welding (Andrew Laing Lecture), 526
- Hall, B. J., and Co., Ltd., "Verax" Copier, 287
- Hammond Waterworks, U.S.A., 184, 192
- Hamworthy Engineering Co., Ltd., Gear Pumps, 175
- Hancock, R. T., The Analysis of Compound Exponential Curves, 492
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., H.M. Cruiser " Belfast," (183); H.M. Aircraft Carrier "Formidable," 199, 209
- Harmer, Oscar, Obituary, 402, 426
- Harrison, McGregor and Co., Ltd., Corn Drill. " Universal " Thistle Cutter, 97
- Harristeel Products Co., Hard-wearing Screen Cloth, 48
- Hauser, E. A., Synthetic Mica, (338)
- Hawthorn, Leslie, R. and W., and Co., Ltd. H.M. Flotilla Leader " Kelly," (235)
- H.E.C. Compressors and Engines, Ltd. Portable Air Compressor, 452
- Henderson, J. B., Obituary, (257)
- Hendrik, L., and V. E. Clark, " Duramold " Plastic for Aircraft Construction, (101)
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Van Dorn Electrically Driven Tools, 68; " Type V " Improved Drilling Machine, 137; Milling Machine for Precision Work, 164; Improved Twist Drill Grinder, 422
- Herbert, Edward G., Ltd., " Rapidor " Jig Sawing and Filing Machine, 600
- Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., Remote Supervisory Control System, 613
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., Motor-driven Gravel Pump, 190; (Letter, 331)
- High Duty Alloys, Ltd., Largo Drop Hammer. (208)
- Hill, O. H., and Sons, Ladybower Reservoir. 440, 448
- Hill, Sir Rowland, Rotary Printing Machine at Science Museum, (165)
- Hilmor, Ltd., Tube Bender, 380
- Hindley, Sir Clement, Presidential Address, Inst. C.E., 502
- H.L.B. Motors, Ltd., Tablet Packing Machine, 397
- Hoffman, J. J., and O. E. F. Lundell, Determination of Rhenium and Molybdenum, (235)
- Holloway, E., Appointed Director of Works, Air Ministry, (41)
- Holloway, J., Industries In and Around London, No. II, E. Cowles, Ltd., 8; No. III, Macleans, Ltd., 120, 130; No. IV, Conway Stewart and Co., Ltd., 204, 212; No. V. The Leather Cloth Co., Ltd., 230. 236; No. VI, Art Metal Construction Co., 252, 258; No. VII, Globe Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 537; (Letter, 643)
- Holloway, J., A Now Type of Foreman, 156
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., Four-bladed Air Motor, 150
- Holmes, J. H., and Co., Ltd., A.C.—D.C. Welding Set, 284, 289
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., Soft Metal Melting Pot., 477
- Hoseason, D. B., Auto-transformer Started Squirrel-cage Motors. 70
- Houk, I. E., Stress Conditions in a High Multiple-arch Dam, 2, 32
- Howard Pneumatic Engineering Co., Quiet Concrete Breaker, 179
- Howard Rotary Pump Co., Ltd., Rotary Pumps, 271
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Oil-engined Locomotives for Gassy Mines, 262; 78 H.P. Narrow-gauge Locomotive, 504
- Hunter, H., Marine Superheaters, 624
- Hydran Products, Ltd., " Standard," " Major," *and " Magna " Oil Burners, 475
- ILFORD Electrical Developments, Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., 326
- Iliff, E. D., Aluminium Alloys and the Modern Steam Engine, 597
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Calcium Chloride in Concrete, (447)
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Furnace Charging Machine, 165
- Indret-Nantes Railway, 531
- International Electrotechnical Commission, Wartime Arrangements, (543)
- International Harvester Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., Bucyrus-Erie Two-Wheel Scraper and TD-18 " Tractractor," 66
- "Iscor," New Enterprises, 53; Steel Prices, 53
- JACKSON, W., University Engineering Courses, 261
- Jaeger and Co., Intermeshing Rotary Machines, 270
- "James Braidwood," L.C.C. Fast Fireboat, J. Samuel White and Co., Ltd., 599
- Jobson and Beckwith, Ltd., " Rotan " Internal Gear Pump, 204
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Re-designed C.V.A. Capstan Lathe, 505; Dust Extractor Unit, 624
- Jordan, G., "Pacific " Locomotive on Indian Railways, 44
- Joyce, C. H., Ltd., " Lienhard " Engraving Machine, 304, 309
- Judd, H. G., Controller of Salvage, (543)
- Jung, Emil, England's Metatechnical Tragedie, 180
- KEELAVITE Rotary Pumps and Motors, Ltd., Rotary Pumps, 118; Variable-capacity Pump, 271
- Keith Blackman, Ltd., New Works at Tottenham, 51
- Keith Piercy, Ltd., " Threshold " Treatment for Scale Prevention, 337
- Kennedy, Allan and Co., Ltd., Light Steel Grill Flooring, 49
- Kennedy and Kempe, Ltd., Spiral Strakes for Tractors, and Grain Dryer, 96
- Khyber Trunk Road, (495)
- Kidson, E. H., Science and Propaganda. 523
- King, G. K., Gas Power for Road Transport, 566
- Kola Peninsula Underground Hydro-electric Station, U.S.S.R., (639)
- Kort Propulsion, Ltd., Nozzle for Harbour Tug " Waree," (235)
- Krivoi Rog Iron and Steel Works, Large Bessemer Shop. (183)
- Kryn and Lahy (1928) Ltd., Steel Castings, 335
- LACY HULBERT and Co., Ltd., Crescent Rotary Pumps, 147; " Concealed Reciprocator " Machines, 294
- Ladybower Reservoir, Derwent Valley Water Board, 440, 448
- Lalin, G. S., Concrete for Hydraulic Structures, 527, 550
- Lamme Medal Awarded to S. P. Timoshenko. (63)
- Lamplough and Son, Ltd., Differential Blower, 295
- Larne Harbour, Car Ramp, 524
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., " KS " Are Welding Generators, 284, 287
- Lea Recorder Co., Ltd., " Uni-Meter " Coal Meter, 382
- Leather Cloth Co., Ltd., Industries In and Around London, J. Holloway, No. V, 230, 236
- Leben, L., F. P. Bowden, and D. Tabor, The Sliding of Metals, Frictional Fluctuations and Vibration of Moving Parts, 214; (Letters, 278, 426)
- Lee, A., and Sons, Ltd., Continuous and Batch Type Bright Annealing Plant, General Electric Co., Ltd., 443
- Lee-on-Solent Naval Air Station, 1
- Leitz, E. (London), Ltd., Optical Apparatus for Laboratory Work, 311
- Leningrad River Port, (447)
- Leonardon, E. G., and D. C. McCann, Taking Samples from Drill Hole Walls, (327)
- Leontiev. V. E., and A. T. Yermichev, Looms Without Shuttles, (71)
- Lewis, L. L., Blast-furnace Air Conditioning. (615)
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., School for Apprentices. 39; Lorry Equipped with Wireless, (303)
- Liege By-pass Line, 622
- Lilley Helical Gear Machines, 201
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., " Shield Arc " Welder, 280, 283; 200-Ampere Arc Welder, 600
- Lindley Extonsometer, T. Mercer, 453
- Lions Gate Bridge at Vancouver, 534
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., The Farm of the Future, 35
- Little, A. D., " And so to Hell," 47
- Livesay, E. H., A Day with Some Veteran Locomotives (Southern Railway), 92; Scottish Locomotive Experiences, 232, 318, 342, 366. 390, 414, 438, 467, 487; (Letters, 378, 474, 643)
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Luncheon, (13); American Committee, (13); Statistical Tables, 127; Quarter's Shipbuilding Returns, (49); Wreck Returns, (157), (447), (615); Marine Engineering Scholarship, (183), (639) Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Aircraft Orders, (615)
- Lockheed-Babcock System of Boiler Damper Controls, Automotive Products Co., Ltd., 452 Londex, Ltd., Electrical Remote Control, 374; Improved Relays, 553
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, Stations Closed, (13); Scottish Committee, (13); Presentation of Shields, (13); Manchester-Leeds Line Centenary, (17); Shock- absorbing Wagons, (41); Carnforth Station Improvements, (41); Shunting, Locomotive, 45; New Halts, (71); Streamlined Express Locomotives, (71); Brindley Heath Station, (101); Two New Steamers, (101); Manchester-London Express Locomotives, (129); Saltcoats Accident, 145, (519); Ayr-Irvine Line Centenary, (157); New Clyde Ferry, (183); Birmingham-Derby Junction Lino Centenary, (183); Crewe Station Signal-box Improvements, (211); " The Mid-day Scot," 232; Willesden Junction Electric Train Derailment, (375); " 5XP " and " 5P " Class Engines, 390; " Carry On " Message, 413; Train Service Improvements, (447); The " Coronation Scot," Glasgow to London. 467, 486; Improved Lighting of Main Line Trains, (471); Appointments, (519), (615); Car Ramp at -Larne Harbour, 524; Lights on Suburban Trains, (543), (591); North London Train Service, (567)
- London and North Eastern Railway, Aberdeen Penzance Buffet Car Service, (129); Liverpool Street Bridge Widening, (183); Electrified Lines, 227; Scottish Area Locomotive Running Department., (257); " Flying Scotsman " Alterations, (279); West Highland Mallaig Trains, Edward H. Livesay, 318; " P2 " Class Engines, Edward H. Livesay, 342; " V2 " Class Engines, Edward H. Livesay, 366; " Pacific " Class Engines, 414; " A4 " Engines, 438; Bruce Grove-Seven Sisters Line Flooded, (447); Cross Drove Level Crossing Accident Report, (591); Billingham Tees Accident, (615); Selby Train Accident, (639)
- Los Angeles Union Station, 45
- Lovibond-Schofield System of Colorimetry Tintometer, Ltd., 405 Water Comparator, 406
- Lowry, E. J., Russian Munitions Production, 421
- MAASTUNNEL, Ltd., Meuse Tunnel at Rotterdam, 348
- MacDonald, Sir Murdoch, and Partners, Fen Drainage Scheme, 173
- Mackie, Robert, Obituary, 354
- Macleans, Ltd., Industries In and Around London, No. III, J. Holloway, 120, 130
- MacLellan, P. and W., Ltd., "Grantully Castle " to be Scrapped, (71)
- Macleod Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., 2500 S.H.P. Geared Steam Turbine Unit for Marine Propulsion, 138
- Major, Robinson and Co., Ltd., Tube Bending and Rod Cutting Machines, 356
- Manchester Furnaces (1934), Ltd., Gas-fired Furnaces, 99
- Mandelstam, L. I., and N. D. Papalexi, Measuring Distance by Radio, (373)
- Manufacturing Industries, Ltd., Utilising " Flight Capital," 470
- Marbaix, Gaston E., Ltd., Micromatic Hydrohoner, 325; " Michigan 900 " Gear-finishing Machine, 326
- Marsden, H. R., Ltd., " Rota Nava " Vibrating Screen, 599
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy, Samuda Collection of Literature relating to Atmospheric Railways, 160, 176
- Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors), Ltd., " M " Tractors, 67
- Mascord Rotary Piston Machine, 229
- Mason, E. N., and Sons, Ltd., " Arclight " Drafting Machine, and " New Century "Photo-Copier, 427
- "RMS Mauretania," Cunard White Star Twin-screw Liner, 4, (41), 145
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Helical Gear Machines, 200
- Mawdsleys, Ltd., " A.D.O. " Arc Tandem Welding Sets, 284, 286
- May Nelson Manufacturing Co., Excentric Machines, 119
- Mayo, R. H., The Transatlantic Air Service, 274
- McAdam, D. J., and G. W. Geil, Rate of Oxidation of Steels, 339
- McCann, D. C. and E. G. Leonardon, Taking Samples from Drill Hole Walls, (327)
- McDonald, A. T., High-speed Oil Engine Bearings, 375
- McDonald, J. A. R., The Small Manufacturer, 549
- McDonald, R., The Ventilation of Ships, 407
- McLachlan. T., Atmospheric Pollution, 1937-8. 6
- McLaren, J. and H, Ltd., Oil Engine Driven Cable Ploughing and Cultivating Tackle, 67
- McLean, H., and Sons, Ltd., Lifeboats for, "RMS Mauretania," 5
- Mepstead Rotary Piston Machine, 1927, 92
- Mercer, Thomas, Precision Comparator, and Lindley Extensometer, 453
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Fire Engine for Speke Aircraft Factory, 20
- Mersey Dock Traffic, (567)
- Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Air-conditioned Railway Coaches for South Africa, 53
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Auto-transformer Started Squirrel Cage Motors. 70; Four-cell Bi-rotor Pump, 119; Earth Leakage Protection for High-frequency Furnaces, 207; " Thermac A.C. Welder, 284, 286; Electrification of Darwen Paper Mills, 420; Engine-driven Arc Welding Sets, 504; Centralised Control System, 598
- Metropolitan Water Board, Contracts in Wartime, 389; Petrol Engine Conversion, (423) Annual Report., 461
- Meuse Tunnel at Rotterdam. 348
- Michigan Tool Co., Gear-finishing Machine, 326
- Micromatic Hone Corporation, Micromatic Hydrohonor, 325
- Middleton-Smith, C. A., LL.D. Degree, 40 A New Conception of Business, 133; Irrigation in China, 558
- Mills, John, and Co. (Llanidloes), Ltd., Hydraulically Operated Presses, 380
- Milne, C. S., and Co., Ltd., Acetylene Generators, 428
- Minehead Jet-propelled Motor Lifeboat, Grove and Gutteridge, Ltd., 444
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., " " Screw Pump, 251; " F 6 " Typo Oil Engine, 424, 429
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., " J A " Horizontal Spindle Pump, Self-priming Marine Centrifugal Pump, and Vacuum Augmentor, 328. 334
- Missouri River Bridge, Brownsville, (650)
- Mobile River, Alabama, Vehicular Tunnel (234 )
- Model Engineer Exhibition, (257)
- Model Engineer, Two Thousandth Number, 422
- Modern Equipment Co., One-man Pouring Ladle, 397
- Monberg and Thorsen Farjsund Bridge, Finland, 589
- Mono Pumps. Ltd., Internal Gear Pump, 228
- Monometer Manufacturing Co., Ltd., A Metal-melting Furnace, 601
- Montreal Harbour Improvements, (303)
- Montrose, Duke of, Producer Gas Vehicles, 365
- Morden McDonald and Co., Ltd., Hard-wearing Screen Cloth, 48
- Moscow Railway System Reconstruction (279) Moscow Underground Railway, (351)
- Mukerji, S. N., Herbert Akroyd Stuart Award, (303)
- Murdock Centenary, (211), 546
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Welding Transformers, 310
- Murphy, F., A New Conception of Business, 43; (Letter, 104)
- Myford Engineering Co., Ltd., Tool-room Lathe, 137
- NATIONAL Central Library, Annual Report, (471)
- National Distillers Products Co., Distillery Warehouse, 234
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., H A M 6 Type and R A M Type Oil Engines, 424, 429
- National Physical Laboratory, Measurement of Creep, Measurement of Temperature of Liquid Steel, and Cathode Ray Direction Finder, 381
- Negretti and Zambra, Temperature Indicator and Thermo-couple Controller, 335
- Netherland Shipbuilding Co., Flotilla Leader " Jacob van Heemskerck," (351)
- New York Airport, (279), (327), (399)
- New York Underground, (447)
- Newcomen, Thomas, Ironmonger, W. A. Young, 502
- Newcon Filters, Ltd., Rotary Filters, 310
- Newell, Ernest and Co., Ltd., Pneumatic Ore-handling Plant, 395, 400
- Newfoundland Airport, (615)
- Newman Motors, Squirrel-cage Motor, 333
- Niagara Falls Bridge, (183)
- Nichols, J. R., The Raising of the Great Bell of Moscow, 244
- Nicholls, F., Deep-sea Pleasure Cruiser, " Voortrekker," 168
- Nicholson, W. N., and Sons, Ltd., Haymaking Machine, Distributor for Artificial Fertilisers, 36
- Nicol, George, Obituary, (303)
- "Nokk," Norwegian Firefloat, A/S Rosenberg Mek Verksted, 501
- Norris, Henty and Gardners, Ltd., 102 H.P. Marine Oil Engine, and 9 H.P. Ship's Auxiliary Set, 478
- North British Locomotive Co.,, Ltd., 4-6-4 Tank Engines for Malay States, (399)
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., Light Alloy Road Tanker, (13); Gravity Die Castings in Aluminium, (375)
- Northey-Boyce Rotary Engineering Co., Ltd., " Intermeshing " Compressor and Exhauster, 272
- Norwich Electricity Failure, (183)
- Motley, Sir Frank, Obituary, (471)
- OERLIKON, Ltd., Oil-electric Railcars for the S.N.C.F., 18; 12,000 H.P. Electric Locomotive, 38; Rotary Internal Combustion Engine, 147
- Olding, Jack, and Co., Ltd., John Deere Tractor, 12, 14
- Osgood, W. R., The Sliding of Metals, 426
- O'Shaughnessy Dam Enlargement, 109
- PAARDEN Island Power Station, Cape Town, Explosion, 573
- Panama Canal, Additional Locks, (235); Traffic, (303)
- Papalexi, N. D., and L. I. Mandelstam, Measuring Distance by Radio, (373)
- Paris-Neuilly Welded Bridge, 30
- Paris Trade Fair, 604, 651
- Paris Transport, 411
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Heaton Works Journal, 190; Turbo-alternator Models, Boiler Water Gauge Projector, 307; Searchlight Reflectors, 308
- Parsons, R. H., Circulating Water, Heat Transmission, and Heat Discharge in Condensing Plants, 499
- Partington, S. W., An Illuminated Magnifier, 48 " Pasteur," French Liner, 115, (129)
- Pels, Henry, and Co., Ltd., 100-ton Folding Press, Guillotine Shears, Nibbling Shears, and Punch, 304, 312
- Pennsylvania Railroad 6500 H.P. Locomotive. 63 (Supplement, July 21st, 1939); (Leading Article, 213)
- Perkins, F., Ltd., Lightweight Marine Oil Engines, 504; Six-cylinder Industrial (hi Engine, 553
- Perry and Co., Ltd., Chains and Chain Drives. 335
- Petbow, Ltd., Transformer Welding Set, 337
- Potters, Ltd., Twin-cylinder Oil Engine and Brush Patented Homogeniser, 95; Four-bladed Scavenge Blower, 148; "Super-scavenge" Oil Engines, 352, 358
- Pettit. W. R., Quiet Concrete Breaker, 179
- Philadelphia Electric Co., Proposed Large Power Station, (601)
- Philips Industrial, Ltd., Welding Equipment, 355; Emergency Lighting Equipment, 396
- Phillips Petroleum Co., Ammonia as an Engine Fuel, (495)
- Pigott. Sir S., Ship-propelling Machinery, (519)
- Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., Glass for A.R.P., 601
- Pittler Rotary Pumps, 91. 294
- Pope, Sir William, Obituary, 426
- Port Elizabeth, Harbour, South Africa, 417
- Port of London Authority, Improvements, 365 Portsmouth Electricity Works Extensions, 209
- Pound, Admiral Sir Dudley, Appointed Admiral of the Fleet, (129)
- Preston Power Station Extensions, (543)
- Price, Sir James. Special Areas Report, 173
- Prince, D. C., and W. K. Rankin, Super High speed Pin-hole Camera, 596
- Pulbrook, E. R., Elected Chairman of Lloyd's. (519)
- Purchasing Officers' Association, 'War-time Arrangements, (526)
- Purse, F. W., I.E.E. Transmission Section. Chairman's Address, 517
- QUARTERMAINE, A., Appointed Chief Engineer, Great Western Railway, 533
- Quasi Arc Co., Ltd., Welding Sets, 284, 287
- "RMS Queen Elizabeth," Cunard White Star Liner, (399)
- RAND Goldfields and their Future, 346, 370
- Rand Water Board Annual Report, 398
- Rankin, W. K., and D. C. Prince, Super High-speed Pin-hole Camera, 596
- Ransome and Rapier, Ltd., Hydraulic Buffer for L.P.T.B., 219
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Old Suffolk Swing Plough, Five-furrow Self-lifting Tractor Plough, 37; Budding's Mower of 1830, Mower for Golf and Bowling Greens, 38; Electric Battery Trucks, 334
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., Ltd., Electromagnetic Percolator and " Biaflux " Drum Separator, 403
- "Rawalpindi," P. & 0. Liner, Sinking of, 533
- Rawcliffe, G. H., The Limits of Theory in Electrical Machine Design, 77
- Rawlplug, Ltd. Mechanical and Electrical Jumping Hammers, 406
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., " Rolling Drum " Compressor, 148; Compressors and Regulators, 454
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., " Timing " Mechanism for Chain Drives, 357
- Reynolds Tube Co., Ltd., Large Billet-heating Furnace. G.W.B. Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 20
- Rhodesia Broken Hill Development Co., Ltd., Vanadium Deposits, 277
- Rhodesia's Electricity Supply, (251)
- Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., Portable 350 H.P. Power Unit, 623
- Riddle, H. G., Obituary, (257)
- Riley Stoker Co., Ltd., " Direkto " Automatic Stoker, 220, (235)
- Ripley, C. T., High-speed Lightweight Trains, 454, 479
- Ritson, J. A. S., Appointed Director of Mining Supplies, (327)
- Roadless Traction, Ltd., Log Carrier, Lifeboat Tractor, 95
- Robertson, W. F., Obituary, (399)
- Robey and Co., Ltd., A.C. Electric Winder on the N.E. Coast, 376, 383
- Robinson, Thomas, and Son, Ltd., Dovetailing Machine, 552
- Roebling, D., Amphibian Vehicle, (519)
- Rootes Securities, Ltd., Fire Engine for Speke Factory, Merryweather and Sons Ltd., 20
- Roots Crescent Rotaries, 146
- Ropner Shipping Co., Ltd., Shipping Repairs, (235)
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., Seed- heating Kettles, 78
- Rosenberg, E., Indestructible Squirrel-cage Rotors, 98
- Rosenberg Mek Verksted, A/S., Norwegian Firefloat " Nokk," 501
- Ross Dam, Skagit River, U.S.A., (210)
- Rotherham and Sons, Ltd., Gear Pumps, 175
- Rotoplunge Pump Co., Ltd., Rotary Pumps, 294
- Rowland, F. E., and Co., Ltd., Double-ended Fettling Grinder, 40
- Royal Agricultural Society, Centenary Show at Windsor, 10, 14, 35, 66, 95; (Leading Article, 15)
- Royal Mail Lines, Ltd., Centenary, 341
- "Royal Oak," H.M.S., Loss of. 389
- Russell, Dr. A., Presentation at Faraday House, (423)
- Russian Munitions Production, E. J. Lowry, 421
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Oil Engines, 37; Cold-starting Vertical Oil Engines, 424, 430; Akroyd-Stuart Paraffin Engine of 1892, 624
- Rutherford Oil Burners, Ltd., Stationary and Portable Oil Burners, 361
- Ryves, R., Camouflage, (128)
- ST. LAWRENCE Canal, (543)
- St. Lawrence Power Scheme. (471)
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., Link Test A.C. Ammeter, 165; " All Circuit Tester," 220
- Salter, Sir A., Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Shipping, 485
- Sams, J. G. B., Steam Ploughs and the Agricultural Emergency, 17, 354
- Samuda Collection of Literature Relating to Atmospheric Railways, C. F. Dendy Marshall, 160, 176
- Samuelson and Co., Ltd., Engine Driving Roots Blower, 270
- San Francisco and Oakland Bay Bridge, Income, (639)
- Sarco Thermostats, Ltd., Temperature Regulators and " Thermoton " Controller, 405
- Saunders, P. K., Corrosion of Gear Teeth, 474
- Schlesinger, G., The Use of Dial Gauges, (543)
- Schnurmann, R., The Sliding of Metals, 278
- Schwab, Charles, Obituary. 330
- Schwartz-Hautmont, Ateliers, Bridge over the Marne at Bry, 100
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines. Ltd., Spot Welding Machines, 280, 283
- Science Museum, Rowland Hill's Rotary Printing Machine, (165)
- Scott, Sir Andrew, Obituary, 503
- Scott, Geo. L., and Co., Ltd., Electrical Stampings Works, 105
- Seine Road Bridge, (129)
- Selas Gas and Engineering Co., Ltd., Muffle Furnace, 478
- Severn Bridge, (239), (447)
- Sharpies Centrifuges, Ltd., " Super-Centrifuge " Machines, 451
- Shasta Dam, Proposed Long Belt Conveyor, (519)
- Shaw, E. L., and K. Arnstein, Fatigue of Metals in Aircraft, (101)
- Shaw Mechanical Equipment Co., A Factory Conveyor, 529
- Sherrington, C. E. R., Transport Conditions in Great Britain, 139
- Shirras, G. Findlay, Economics and the War. 485
- Short and Mason. Ltd., Time Schedule Controller, 453
- Short-Mayo Composite Aircraft, (101)
- Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works, Ltd., Liquid Ring Blower, 146
- Sieveking, H . A., The Use of Electric Steels, (591)
- Silentbloc. Ltd., Anti-vibration Mountings and Couplings, 475; Andre Hutton Pump for Gritty Fluids, 476
- Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., The Speed Nut, 396; Elastic Stop Nut. 403: Transmission System, 404; Filter for I.C. Engines, 404
- Simonds Saw and Steel Co., A Windowless Factory, 306
- Sleeper and Mahon, Excentric Machines, 119
- Smith, Sir Frank E., Pencil Portrait No. 20 (Supplement, July14th, 1939)
- Smith, N. V., Making Sectional Models, (157)
- Smith, S. Parker, Engineering Education and Professional Institutions, 574; (Leading Article, 569)
- Societe Nationale des Chemins de Per Francais, Oil-electric Railcars. 18
- South African Electricity Supply, 622
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Ltd., New Enterprises, 53; Steel Prices, 53; New By-product Coking Installation, (519);
- Southern Railway, Maidstone-Gillingham Electrification, 1; Electric Stock, (13); Blast Pipe Caps on " Lord Nelson " Locomotives. (13) 219; A Day with h Some Veteran Locomotives, Edward H. Livesay, 92; " Lord Nelson " Locomotive Improvements, (279) Remote Supervisory Control, 540, 561
- Spencer (Melksham), Ltd., Car Ramp at Larne Harbour, 524
- Spiral Tube and Components, Ltd., Oil and Water Cooler, 361
- Spooner Dryer and Engineering Co., Ltd., Drying of Welding Rods, 528
- "Squalus," U.S. Submarine, Salvage of, (183), 584, 606, 616
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Remote Supervisory Control System 612
- Stanley, O. H., Extraction of Metals, 277
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., Merger with Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 173, 317
- Steel, Peech and Tozer, Ltd., Concrete Pipe Air Raid Shelters, (211)
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., Refrigerating Installation on the " RMS Mauretania," 4
- Stevens, H., Electric Carbonisation of Coal, 51
- Stevenson, A., Ministry of Shipping Appointment, (615)
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Merger with Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., 173, 317; Electrical Equipment of Coke-oven Plant, General Electric Co., Ltd., 644
- Stokes, J., Scottish Locomotive Experiences, 378
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., Stone-Paramor Helical Gear Pump, 203
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Feuerheerd Helical Gear Pumps, 202; Houttuin Screw Pumps, 250
- Stream-Line Filters, Ltd., Filter for Motor Vehicles, 403, (422)
- Suez Canal Company, Appointments, (375)
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Post Office Cable Ship, 59; H.M. Destroyer " Janus," (157)
- Swanson, C. A., Obituary, (41)
- Swiss Federal Railways. 12,000 U. P. Electric Locomotive, Oerlikon, Ltd., 38
- Szlumper, G. S., Director-General of Transportation, 317
- TABOR, D., F. P. Bowden, and L. Leben, The Sliding of Metals, Frictional Fluctuations, and Vibration of Moving Parts, 214; (Letters, 278, 426)
- Talybont Reservoir and Filtration Plant, (19). 64, 72
- Tarpon Engineering Co., Ltd., 400-watt Generating Set, 68
- Tasmanian Transport, 220
- Teed, H. R., Obituary, 571, 595
- "Thetis," H.M. Submarine, Inquiry, 1, 29, 59, 89, 117, 581, 605; Salvage of, 29. 59, 89, 117, (211), 227, 249, 269, (495)
- Thomas, Richard, and Co., Ltd., General Meeting, 269
- Thompson, D. G., Disposal of Brine from American Oil Wells, (211)
- Thorn and Hoddle, Ltd., Acetylene Generators. 311
- Thornycroft, John I., Ltd., Brazilian Destroyer " Juruena," (157); H.M.S. " Erebus Reconditioned, 199; " R .J 2' Oil Engine. and Hesselman Oil Engines, 352, 355; Tunnel Stern Motor Lighters for African River Service, (442)
- Thurston, Robert Henry, Centenary, 419
- Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Co., Ltd., Wheelabrator" Abrasive Cleaning Machines, 289
- Timoshenko, S. P., Lamme Medal Award, (63)
- Tintometer, Ltd., Lovibond-Schofield System of Colorimetry, 405; Cells for Optical Work, (519)
- Toronto's Water Supply System, 54
- Tower Bridge Statistics, (157)
- Tratman, E. E. R., Rigid Concrete Pontoon Bridge (Lake Washington), 154, 178
- Treforest Trading Estate, (257)
- Trent Gravels, Ltd., Ready-mixed Concrete, 108
- Trevithick, A. R., Obituary, (303)
- Trewartha-James, W. H., Obituary, 306
- Tripp, G. W., A New Conception of Business, 133
- Tritton, W. A., Electrically Driven Gravel Pumps, 331
- Truslove and Co., Ltd., Four-bladed Rotary Pump, 147
- Tudsbery, J. H. T., Obituary, 402
- Turbine Gears, Ltd., Bevel Gear Generator, 304, 312
- Tyne Ferry Service. (327), (501)
- Tyne Improvement Scheme, 112
- UMSHANDIGE Dam, Rhodesia, 168
- United States Steel Corporation, Projected Steel Plant in Brazil, (471)
- United Steel Companies, Captain R. S. Hilton Appointed Deputy Chairman, (327)
- Uppingham School Observatory, (71)
- Urbach, H. H., Cracked Cylinder Heads. (101)
- VACUUM Refrigeration, Ltd., A.R.P. Fans, 264
- Vakhsh Irrigation System, (615)
- Valleyfield Colliery, Fifeshire, Disaster, (447), (543)
- Vancouver Airport, (101)
- Varley Pumps and Engineering, Ltd., Helical Gear Pumps, 176; Paracyclic Pump, 295; Three-phase High-pressure Pump, 360
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., H.M. Battleship " Lion " Laid Down, (13)
- Victor Oil Engines (Coventry), Ltd., " Cub " Twin-cylinder Oil Engine, 352, 359
- Vimalert Co., Ltd., 400 H.P. Marine Engine, 476
- Vokes, Ltd., Filter Cooler for Producer Gas Plants, 529
- WALKER, H. S., Distillation of Coal by Electrical Means, 217
- Wall Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Works Power Plant at Timperley, 76, (94)
- Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., 8-ton Oil-engined Road Roller, 12; Hand Sprayer for Cold Emulsions, 12
- Ward, A. S., New Master Cutler, 269
- Ward, Thos. W., Ltd., Annual Meeting. 341
- Ward, W. H., The Flow of Liquids 'through Beds of Granular Solids, 262
- Warren Webster and Co., Ltd., Thermostatic Steam Traps, 623
- Waterloo Bridge, 518
- Watson, J. D., Some Notes on the Construction of Aqueducts, 344, 368; Canal Transport in War Time, 426
- Watts, 0. P., The Corrosion of Metals, 166, 192, 221
- Waukesha Motor Co., Multi-fuel Engine for Road Transport, 552
- Weatherley Oilgear, Ltd., Variable Hydraulic Gear, 295
- Weir. G. and J., Ltd., Gear Pumps. 174
- Wesley, W. A., and J. W. Carey, Nickel Plating, (41)
- Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., Metal Rectifiers, 380
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Small Steam Generator, (101); Recording Lightning Strokes at Pittsburg University, 190; Moulded Paper Insulation, (235); Electric Furnace for Bright Hardening Dies, 600
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., Annual Meeting, (567)
- Weyburn Engineering Co., Ltd., Propelling Machinery for Minehead Motor Lifeboat, 444
- Wheeler, R. V., Obituary, 450
- Whipple, R. S., Instruments in Science and Industry, 299. 320; (Leading Article, 305)
- Whitaker, F. A., Appointed Admiralty Civil Engineer-in-Chief, (71)
- White, A. G., Tapped Holes in Manganese Steel, (567)
- White and Handoll, Gear Pump Patents, 174
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., 400 H.P. "Vimalert" Marine Engine, 476; 75 B.H.P. White-Ford Petrol Engine, 477; L.C.C. Fireboat "James Braidwood," 599
- White, S. D., Obituary, (194)
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., "Obo" Wood Layer Material, (166)
- Wiggin, H., and Co., Ltd., Monel Metal Brochure, (41); Thermostatic Bimetals, 79
- Willans, K. W., The "Slow" Gas Producer, 523
- Williams, C. G., Grinding Thin Washers, (351)
- Wills, P. A., Glider Record Flight, (13)
- Wilson, Sir D. R., Factory Inspector's Report, 199
- Wimperis, H. E., The Future of Flying, 254,276
- Wiseman, E. R., Unusual Steel Pontoon Bridge Across Golden Horn, (423)
- Wolf, S., and Co., Ltd., Lightweight Electric Drilling Machines, 553
- Wood, J. Mackworth, Obituary, 10
- Wood, W. R., Obituary, 75
- Woodall-Duckham Vertical Retort and Oven Construction Co. (1920), Ltd., By-product Coking Installation for Iscore (519)
- Workman, Clark (1928). Ltd., Shipyard Site for Steel Mesh Fabric Factory, 1
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., "Restraining Ring " Compressor. 148; Crescent Rotary Pump, 149
- Wright, Johnstone, Presidential Address, I.E.E., 492; (Leading Article, 498)
- YATES. H. G., Stage Efficiency of Steam Turbines, 1:13
- Yermichev, A. T., and V. E. Leontiev, Looms Without Shuttles, (71)
- Young, W. A., Thomas Newcomen, Ironmonger, 502
- Young, W. E., New Boiler Plant at Dalmarnock Power Station, 83, 110
- ZAWAMEL Bridge, Ismailia Canal, (279)
See Also
Sources of Information