The Engineer 1936 Jan-Jun: Index

The Engineer 1936 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 161 Index
- Abell, Professor, T. B., Some Model Experiments on Rudders, 432
- Adelaide, South Australia. Sewage Disposal Works, 412, 416
- Aerodrome Owners' Association, Aerodrome Planning, 141
- Airspeed, Ltd., Aeroplanes, 49
- Alexander, George H. (Machinery), Ltd., Rockwell Hardness Tester, Alexander-Erichsen Pattern Sheet Metal Testing Apparatus, A. B. Hone, B.I.F., 213
- Allen, Edgar, and Co., Ltd., Vibrating Screen, Scrubber and Washer, Rotary Granulator, R.I.P., 172
- Albright and Wilson, Ltd., "Calgon" Method of Boiler Water Treatment, 634
- Amalgamated Collieries of South Africa. Ltd., (571)
- American Beach and Shore Protection Works, E. E. R. Tratman 64, 92, 116, 142, 168, 194
- Amery, George, Some Compression Ignition Engine Problems, 307, 328
- Andrade, E. N. da C., Whirlpools and Vortices, (571); Coagulation of Smoke by Sound Waves, 600
- Angus-Butterworth, L. M., Non-Ferrous Nickel Alloys, 224.
- Arapuni Power Station, 24,000-kVA Waterwheel Alternators for, 347
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W.C., and Co., Ltd., New I.C. Shunting Locomotives, 398
- Ashwell and Nesbit, Ltd., " Iron Fireman " Automatic Stoker, B.I.F., 252
- Asquith. William, Ltd., Four-sided Tapping Machine, 605
- Audley Engineering Co., Ltd., Pressure-lubricated Cook, 685
- Austin, G. M., Effect of Molten Solder on Some Stressed Metals, 359
- Austin, Sir H., Gift to Cambridge University. 479
- Automatic Electric Co., Ltd., Photo-Telemetering System, 396; (Correction, 424)
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., 7-ton Oil Engine Driven Road Roller, 2S-cwt. Petrol Engine Driven Light Roller, Suppt., 14.2.36, v
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Tin-plate Grading Machine, Industrial Visible Weigher with Weigh-Record Indicator, B.I.F. Suppt., 14.2.36. vii
- Ayre, A. L., Shipbuilding Industry Appointment, 429
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., Dumbarton Valve Works, 119, 146, 152; Dunks Economic Boiler, Pipe Support (Genspring), B.I.F., 251; I.E.,E. Visit to Dumbarton Works, 680
- Bacon, Professor F., Exhibits at " Civils " Conversazione, 643.
- Baddeley, Sir Vincent, Retirement from Admiralty, (16)
- Baird and Tatlock (London), Ltd., Natural- draught Muffle Furnace, B.I.P. Suppt., 21.2.36, vi
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., Moving Form Concrete Silos at West Thurrock, 572, 578
- Bannister, Professor, and Dr. Rigby, Influence of Light on Electrode Potential and Corrosion, 331
- Barclay, W. R., The Non-ferrous Metallurgical Industry, 282
- Barratt, S. H. H., New Process of Sprayed Asbestos Fibre, 643
- Barron and Son, Ltd., " Diamond " Corncutting and Grading Unit., Mixers, B.1.F., 212
- Batteries, Ltd., " Nife " Lamps, Charging Rack, Emergency Lighting Set, B.I.P. Suppt., 14.2.36, vii
- Battersea Power Station, 105.000-kW Turbogenerator Set, 97, 98, 126, 129
- B.E.A.M.A., Annual Report, 372
- Becker, M. L., and C. E. Phillips, Internal Stresses in Spring Steel, 537
- Bells Asbestos and Engineering Supplies Ltd., Asbestos. 516
- Benjamin Electric Co., Ltd., Visit to the Brantwood Works, Tottenham, 183
- Bennie, James, and Sons, Ltd., Rotary Plate Shearing Machine, 266
- Bennis Combustion Ltd., Mechanical Stoking for Scotch Marine Boilers on " Manchester Port," 157
- Bessemer Medal, Presentation to Mr. F. Clements, 509
- Billingham Plant for Hydrogenation of Coal. F. E. Smith, 619, 024, 659
- Birchenough Bridge, Rhodesia, 34
- Birkbeck, J., Motor Car Engine Starting Gear, 631
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Continuous Bright. Normalising Fumace, 372
- Blackburn Aeroplane and Motor Co., Ltd., Aeroplanes, 49
- Blazey, C., Experiments on the Electrical Resistance of Copper and Some Copper Alloy Wires. 331
- Boley, G., Lathe for Diamond and Widia Tools, 361, 362
- Boulton Paul Aircraft, Ltd., Aeroplanes, 3, 16
- Boving and Co., Ltd., Visit to Water Turbine Works of Markham and Co., Ltd., Chesterfield, 311-
- Bowden, Dr. F. P., Demonstration of Surface Temperature of Sliding Metals, 600
- Bowden-Smith, E. C., 6in. Full Bore Ismailia Valves, 686
- Boydell, E., and Co., Ltd., Muir Hill Dumper, Muir Hill Loading Shovel. 240
- Brayshaw Furnaces and Tools Ltd., Natural Draught Pot Furnace, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36. vi
- Bremner, D. A., Machinery and the Nation, 202; (Leading Article, 233); (Letter from E. H. Jones, 286)
- Bridges, F. W., Engineering and Marine Exhibition, 1937, (448)
- Briggs, Arthur, and D. Northall- Laurie, Removal of Acidity from Flue Gases, 210
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Aeroplanes, 3 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1936). Merryweather Fire Engine for Yatesbury Aerodrome, 296; Visit to Factory, (401)
- British Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Aeroplanes, 49
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Lochaher Water Power Scheme, 480, 506, 507, 518, 534, 535, 544, 560, 561, 588, 598
- British Chemical Plant Exhibition, 654, 683
- British Continental Airways, Ltd., New Service, Liverpool-Amsterdam, (571)
- British Electrical Research Association, Cathode Ray Oscillograpli, 42, Laboratory at Peri vale, 38.
- British Foundry School, Second Session, (664)
- British Furnaces, Ltd., Natural Draught Pot Furnace, B.! Suppt., 21.2.36, vi
- British Heating Industries, Ltd., Manda Ray automatic Boilers, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36, i
- British Industries Fair, Castle Bromwich, 171 (Eight pages, Supplement, February 1.1th , 1936), 212 (Eight pages, Supplement, February 21st, 1936), 240, 250
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Electro-magnetic Moulding Machine. 523
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Resurfacing Railway Points and "Stellite" Steel Rods, 240; Fiftieth Anniversary, 587
- British Roma Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Ball Mill. Pulverising Plant, 251, 252
- British Sangamo Co Ltd. Three-coin Prepayment. Meter, B.I Suppt., 14.2.36. iii
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Foot. Candle Meter, and Brightness Mater, 71; Fractional Horse-power Motors, 160; Small Portable Sub-station, 184; Glass Bull, Mercury Pool Rectifier, Thyratron Welder Equipment, B.I.F. Suppt., 14.2.36. tit; Electrical Equipment for Large Paper- making Machine, 225, 232; Thrustor Control for Skip Hoist., 239; New Method of Measuring Surge Voltage Distribution, 446; Emergency Braking of Electric Mine Winders, 408; Restriking Voltage Indicator for A.C. Circuits, 549; Motor Generators on " Queen Mary," X93: Discharge Lamps, 600: Preset Speed Controller. 631
- British Timken, Ltd., Universal Grinding Machine (Churchill), 551
- British Trane Co, Ltd., Vectair Heaters, Suppt., 14.2.36, viii
- Britton. S. C., Zinc Coatings on Wire, 369
- Broadbent, Robert, and Son, Ltd., Centenary, (448)
- Browett-Lindley, J. (1931). Ltd., Gas Engine. driven Gas Compressor, 258
- Brockville, Ontario, Railway Tunnel with Doors, 438
- Brookes (Oldbury) Ltd., New Wire-drawing Machine. 267
- Brown Brothers and Co., Ltd., "Queen Mary" Steering Gear, 594, 595
- Brown, D., and Sons (Hull), Ltd., Opening of Penistone Works, 115: Large Mill-drive Gear. 341;; Strip Mill Gear Drive, 471; Uniform Costing System, 554; (Letter, 183); " Cone-ring " Flexible Coupling, 578
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., " Queen Mary," 513, 538, 539, 564, 565. 593, 617, 643, 673, 678 (Supplement, May 15th, 1936)
- Brownsdon, H. W., Metallic Wear, 316, 321
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., New Hoxnogenisor, 267
- Buckingham, Professor Earle, Worm Gear Contact 169
- Buckton, E. J., and H. J. Foreday, Demolition of Waterloo Bridge, 460, 498
- Bunnerong Power Station Extension. (376)
- Burgess Products Co., Removal of 1 eon from Water by " Kirin," (:326)
- Bywater, H. C., Naval Construction iti 1935. 10
- CALEDONIAN Power Scheme, 334
- "Calgon," Method of Boiler Water Treatment, Albright and Wilson Ltd., 634
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Optical Pyrometer at Royal Society's Conversazione, 600
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd., Automatic Chrome Plating Plant. Centreless Polishing Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36. v
- Cannon Iron Foundries, Ltd., Mixing Pan, 684
- Cantieny High-pressure Boiler, International Combustion, Ltd., 133
- Carmichael, Allen, Obituary, (376)
- Carrier Engineering Co., Ltd., Air Conditioning Plant on " Queen Mary," 619
- Carter Shock Absorber Co., Ltd., Hydraulic Press Cushions, B.J.F. Suppt., 21.2.36. ii
- Central Electricity Board, Annual Report. 363
- Central Technical College. Old Centralians' Ideas on Education, 176
- Chambon Barrage, 440, 444, 454. 575
- Chaseside Engineering Co., " Hi-Lift " Shovel, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36, vii
- Chemical and Insulating Co., Ltd., English Insulation in Holland. 185
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Universal Grinding Machine, 551
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Warping Capstans for " Queen Mary," 618
- Clarkson Thimble Tube Boiler Co., Ltd., Composite Boiler for Oil Fuel, B.I .F., 251
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Kincardine-on-Forth Bridge, 196. 204, 220, 221
- Clyde Valley Electrical Power Co., Visit to Clyde's Mill Station, 683
- Coal Research Syndicate, Ltd., Tests of a Low-temperature Carbonisation Plant, 686
- Coal Utilisation Council, Coal-burning Appliances, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36, i
- Cochrane's (Middlesbro') Foundry. Ltd., New Spun Pipe Casting Plant, 656
- Cockroft., Dr. J. D., Elected F.R.S., 505
- Cohen. G., Sons and Co., Ltd., Pumpmobile Centrifugal Self-priming Pump, B.I Y., 242
- Collet and Engelhard, Horizontal Boring Machine, Boring and Milling Machine, 318
- Colorado River Aqueduct, 260, 263, 291
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Portable Compressor Unit, B.1 B.J.F. Suppt., 14.2.36, vi
- Cook, Professor Gilbert, Appointment to Glasgow University, 665, (677)
- Cook. Dr. M., The Physical Properties and Annealing Characteristics of Standard Nickel- Silver Alloys, 330
- Corby Basic Slag Plant, Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 641, 650
- Couesnon, Soc., Sound Signal Devices on Railcars in France, 528
- Coventry Machine Tool Works, Ltd., Automatic Screw Slotting Machine, B.I.F., 250
- Coyne, Monsieur, Reinforcement of Gravity Dams, 201
- Craig and Donald, Ltd., Flanging and Bending Press, B.1.F., 242
- Craven Brothers. (Manchester). Ltd., British Machine Tool Makers, J. Holloway, 614
- Crittall, Sir V. G., President of British Works Management Association, (74)
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., Unusual Electric Machine Drive, 53
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., New Tong Test Instrument, 108
- Cunard White Star Liner, " Queen Mary," 613, 538, 530. 564, 565, 593, 617, 643, 673, 678 (Supplement, May 15111, 1936)
- Daniels, E. J., Hot Tinning of Copper, 359
- Danks, Edwin, and Co. (Oldbury). Ltd., Slaking Plant and a Digester, B.I.F., 251
- David. Professor W. T., Hopkinson's Explosion Experiments,:368
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Dust Collector Patent Amendment, (660)
- Davidson, Colonel A. E., Director of Army Mechanisation, 167
- Davies, M. W. H., Electric Supply System in Berlin. 577
- Day, W. A. J., Appointment as Chief Mechanical Engineer of South African Railways, (415)
- de Glehn, Alfred, A Great Locomotive Engineer, 651
- Demetriadi, Sir Stephen, Speech at London Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, 651
- Denmark, Bridge over Little Belt, 9
- Denny, Sir Archibald, Obituary, 601
- Desolater Brothers, Ltd., Electric Screw Gun, Electric " Corner Drill," Rotor Spanner, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36, vii
- Detoeuf, A., How to Succeed, 511 (Leading Article, 519)
- Dight, Engineer Captain, Naval Water-tube Boilers, 422, 435 (Discussion, 409)
- Dixon, F. R., Obituary, (448)
- Dixon, William, Ltd., New By-product Coking Plant at Glasgow, 459
- Dominion Foundries and Steel, Ltd., Manufacture of Sheet Steels in Canada, 79
- Donovan Electrical Co., Ltd., Medium Tension Feeder Panel, Combined Stator and Rotor Motor Starter, Suppt., 21.2.36, ii
- Downs, Charles, Obituary, (404)
- Dreux, Monsieur, Iron Roads on Sand, 210
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Sewage Expulsion Plant on " Queen Mary," 645
- Dumbarton Valve Works of Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 119. 146. 152
- EDWARDS, C. A., D. L. Phillips, and W. H. E. Gullick, Cold-rolling and Annealing Temperatures, 510
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Adjustable Stroke Punching Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 14.2.36 i; Portable Rotary Shear, 471
- E-H Fuel Injection, Ltd., Cathode Ray Oscillograph for Oil Engine Injection Research, 456
- Electrical Calculators, Ltd., Blackburn Network Calculator, 600
- Electrical Fair Trading Council, Policy of, 533
- Electricity Commission, Engineering and Financial Statistics, 520
- Electroflo Meters Co., Ltd., New Hydraulic Laboratory, 356
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Ring Balance Meters, 44; Phase Rotation Indicators, 658
- Ellison Insulations Ltd., " Tufnol " Links, 106
- Ellson, G., Models at " Civil's " Conversazione, 642
- Engel, Dr. F. V. A. E., A New Hydraulic Laboratory,:156
- Engineers' Club, Manchester. Committee's Report for 1035, (322)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Single-operator A.C. Welding Equipment. Fuse Gear, R.I.P. Suppt., 14.2.36; 3300-volt Rectifier Sub.station Equipment. 200; Oil electric Locomotives. 265
- English Steel Corporation Ltd., Reopening 'forks of Darlington Forge Co, Ltd., (6): Large Ingot Mould, 53
- Eugene, Felix, Testing Machine for Cast Iron, 400
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co,. Ltd., Phase Rotation Indicators, 658
- Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., Evershed Midworth Telemeter System, Earth Tester. 44; Indicating and Reeording Instruments, 11.1.F., 251
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., Aeroplanes. 2. 16 (Supplement, January 3rd. 1936)
- Farmer, Sir James Norton, and Co., Ltd., Die Wire-draw lug Machine, Underliquor Wire-drawing M High-speed Wire-drawing Machine, Suppt 14.2.36, iv
- Farmer, Leopold. and Sons. " Depreciation Allowances," 160
- Fenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd., Braid Manufacturing Machine, B.I.F. Suppt, 21.2.36. viii
- Fereday, H. J., and E. J. Buckton, Demolition of Waterloo Bridge. 460, 498
- Ferguson Pailin Ltd., Visit to Switchgear Works, 580
- Ferranti, Ltd., Demand Alarm Relay, 107; Automatic Control Gear, Surge Absorber, Prepayment Meters, Apparatus for Meter Inspection, 8.1.1. Suppe., 21.2.36, viii; Automatic Control of Voltage Regulators, 604; Phase Rotation ledicators, 658
- Fieux, Monsieur, Automat is Clutch for Railcars, 604
- Firth, Thomas, and John Brown, Ltd., New Plant for the Manufacture of Forged Steel Die Blocks, 239
- Forbes, Sir William, Obituary, 193
- Forrest, J. S., 132-kV Line Insulators under Various Weather Conditions, 230
- Foster Instrument Co., Ltd., " Flexipush " Automatic Temperature Controllers, Optical Pyrometer, 13.1.1'., 173
- Fox, E. J., Gold Medal, 613
- Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Stainless Steel- lined Pan, 1183
- France, State Runways. Producer Gas Railcar, 541
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, "Sherwen" Electro-magnetic Vibrating Screens, 320
- French Maritime Technical Association. Annual Meeting, 657
- Fuel Research Station, Apparatus for Detecting the Settlement of Suspensions, Two-way Distributor for Pulverised Fuel, Apparatus for Measuring Density. of Gases, 107: Annual Visitation. 658
- Garratt, G. R. M., British Automatic Pilot for Aircraft, 419, 430
- Gas Light and Coke Co., " Horning " Burner. Drying Oven, 106
- Gatwick Airport, A. and J. Main and Co., 1.01., 028, 629
- General Aircraft, Ltd., Aeroplanes, 46, 49
- General Electric Co. of America, Improved Dilatometer. (15)
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 250-kW Air-cooled Steel-clad Rectifier Unit, A.C. Arc Welding Sot, B.I.F. Suppt., 14.2.36, viii; Now High- power Electrical Testing Laboratory, 284, 288; Electrical Equipment for Paper Mill Process Work at. Edward Lloyd's, Ltd., Sittingbourm', 320; Electric Furnaces for Bright Annealing. 340, 348; Universe! Circuit Testing Instrument, 525; Air-cooled Steel-clad Rectifiers, 630
- General Electric Co.'s Research Laboratories. Demountable Cathode-ray Tube, 70, 600 George V. Death of H.M. King, 103
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Kincurdine-on-Forth Bridge, 196, 204, 220, 221
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, Elected F.R.S., 505 Gibbons (Dudley), Ltd., Continuous Annealing Furnace, Sapp., 21.2.36. i
- Gibbons Brothers, Glass Manufacturing Furnace, Suppt., 21.2.36. vi
- Gillett and Johnston, Ltd., Glow-tube Clock Dials, 161
- Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, 34
- Goodrich, W. E., Embrittlement of High-tensile Alloy Steels, 536
- Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd., Hagan System of Automatic Boiler Control, B.I.P., 251
- Gough, Dr. H. J., First Report of Pipe Flanges Research Committee, 226, 256, 206
- G.P.O. Research Station, Speaking Clock, 69; 140nd-speaking Telephone, 1 or,
- Great Western Railway. New Directors, 115 " Green Arrow," 2-6-2 Three-cylinder Locomotive, L.N.E.R., 676
- Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., Power Percusstoo Screw Press. 13.1 Suppt., 14.2.36, ii
- Greeley, H. N., Pencil Portrait. No. 6. May 8th. 1936
- Gough. H. J., and W. A. Wood. Strength of Metals in the Light of Modern Physics, 441
- Grover, Frederick, Wrapping Machinery, 33, 342
- Guy, H. L., Elected F.R.S., 505. (601)
- Gwyer, Dr. A. G. C., and J. W. Varley. A Deep drawing Teat for Aluminium. 331
- Hadcock, Sir G, obituary. 627
- Hadfield, Sir Robert., Elected Foreign Member of Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. (571); Self-recording Dilntometer, 600; Advance in Scientific Metallurgy, 626
- Hadfields, Ltd., Corby Basic Slag Plant, 641. 650; 2-Litre Capacity Autoclave, 655
- Haigh, H. P., Theory of Fracture, 653
- Halcrow, W. T., Caledonian Power Scheme, 334: (Leading Article. 341)
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Refrigeration on Queen Mary." 646
- Handley, R., Electricity Tariff, 385
- Hankins, G. A., M. L. 'Seeker, and 11. It. Mills. Surface Conditions and the Fatigue Resist. once of Steels. 553
- Hardy. C. F., and Engineer-Commander C. J. Hawkes. R.N. (Ret.), Friel ion of Piston Rings, 268
- Harland Engineering Co., I.E.E. Visit to Works, 681, 682
- Harland and Wolff Ltd., Purchase D. and W. Hendersonl- Ship-repairing Business. (101); Union-Castle Motor Liner Stirling Castle." 237
- Hathernware Ltd., Stoneware Pump. 684 !lather, Davey and Co., Ltd., Re-establishment with Sulzer Bros. (London). Ltd., (488)
- Hawker Aircraft Ltd., Aeroplanes. 46. 49
- Hawkes, Engineer-Commander C. J., R.N. (Ret)., and G. F. Hardy. Friction el Piston Rings, 268
- Hellstrom, B., Recent Practice in Hydro-electric Power Development, 181, 207, 235, 24S, 276, 304, 305. 370, 382
- Hemming and Partners, Aerial Surveying Organisation, (623)
- Hopper, Sir Lawless, Obituary, (10)
- Herbert, Alfred. Ltd., Dual Control Plain Milling Machine, 176; Dead Length " Bar Chuck, Tango! " Stationary Diehead. Atritor Pulverisor, Monobloc Air Control. B.I.F. Suppt., 14.2.36. vi; British Machine Tool Makers, No. Ill, by J. Holloway, 309
- Higgs Motors Ltd., Electric Motor Gear Unit, 110
- Hirst, F. W., Unemployment and Foreign Trade. 110
- Hoar, T. P., and de Havelhand. Attack of Mill Steels by Weak Acid Media, 563
- Hoare, Sir Samuel, Appointed (First Lord of the Admiralty. (623)
- Hobbs, C. J., Obituary, 587
- Holden and Hunt, "Autobutt" Non-ferrous \Voiding Machine, Suppt., 14.2.36. viii
- Holloway, John. British Machine Tool Makers, (I) John Lang and Sons. Ltd., 18; (II ) John Stirk and Sons. Ltd., 144 (III) Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 309; (IV) Geo. Richards and Co., Ltd., 547; (V) Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., 614
- Holman Brothers Ltd. Two-stage Air Compressor. 184; Hot Milling of Rock Drill Bits., 349
- "Hooke. Robert".- Lecture by Dr. H. J. Gough, (326)
- "Hopestar" Steamship for Wallsend Shipping Co., Ltd., 254; (Correction, 298)
- Hopkinson's Explosion Experiments. Professor W. T. David, 368
- Hordern, Mason and Edwards, Ltd., 300-Ton Variable-stroke Press, 53; Double-crank Press, B.I.F. Suppt., 14.2.38, i
- Horton, Professor Frank, Appointment at Chelsea Polytechnic Institute, (151)
- Howden, James, and Co. (Land), Ltd., Relief Valve Multi-jot Burner for Pulverised Fuel. Relay-operated Reducing Valve. 5-Ton Rotary Tilting Furnace, B.1.?„, 241
- Hughes, Dr. G., Model Experiments on Twin. screw Propulsion, 433
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Metro.gauge Locomotives for Assam Bengal Railway, 686
- Husband, Professor J., Retirement, (570)
- Hutchings, J. F., Echo-sounding Equipment for Ships, 135
- Hydronyl Syndicate. Ltd., Lessing Contact Rings, 683
- IMPERIAL Airways. Ltd., Progess 1935. 2; Empire Flying Boats, 362
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. " Everdur Copper-manganese-salmi' Alloy, 5.1.1, . Suppt., 14.2.36, ii; Water Treatment Service. Model of Billing-am Hydrogenation Plant. B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36 i Wave-ring Pip Joint, 210; Mr. J. Mitchell Elected President• of, (101)
- Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., Butch Type Oven Furnace, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36. vi
- Inland Water Survey Committee, First Annual Report, (684)
- Institution of Automobile Engineers. New Research Laboratories, 344, 345
- International Acetylene Congress, 647, 6811 (Leading Article. 679)
- International Combustion, Ltd., The Cantieny High-pressure Boiler. 133; Harding,. Constant Weight Feeder, 400
- International Unicalor, Ltd., Mechanical Stoker. B.f.?. Suppt., 21.2.36,
- Invernairn, Lord, Obituary, 418
- JOHNSON, J., The Future of Steam Propulsion. 71; (Leading Article, 77)
- Johnson and Phillips Ltd., Diamond Jubilee, (84)
- Johnsons Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Chilled and Grain Cast Iron Rolla, Suppt., 21.2.36. viii
- Jonas and Colver (Novo). Ltd., high-frequency Electric Melting Furnace Equipment., 494
- Jones. A. D., Retirement of, (259)
- Jones, Dr. W. D., Cuprous Oxide Inclusion. and Hot-tinned Coatings on Copper, 359
- Jung, J., Automatic Internal Grinding Machine. 318
- KARGER, G., Precision Lathe, 333
- Kearns, H. W., and Co., Ltd., Large Horizontal Boring Machine, 210
- Ken Viaduct Derailment. 581
- Kennett, W. C., Hackbridge Transformer Protective Relay. 643,
- Kennicott Water Softener Co., Ltd., " Deleeuw. B.I.F., 253
- Kent, G., Ltd., Ring Balance Recorder. 100: " Multelec " Recorder, 655
- Kent, J. L., and R. S. Cullum'. Experiments with Models of High-speed Ships. 432
- Kershaw, J. B. C., Air Pollution m 1934 35, 343
- Kestner Evaporator and Engineering Co., Ltd., " Keebush " Fan, 683
- Key Engineering Co., Ltd., St. Albans Stand and Gravel Co.'s Pits, 373
- Kincardine-on-Forth Bridge, 8, 196, 204. 220. 221
- Kipling, Rudyard, The Engineer's Poet, 104
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Duplex Horizontal Boring Machine, 320
- K.L.G. Sparking Plugs, Ltd., Sparking Plugs with Platinum Points, 211
- Knopp, Paul. General Purpose Seam Welder Automatic Butt Welder. 360, 361
- Laidlaw Drew and Co., Ltd., Oil-burning Road Heater, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36, iv
- Lake. G. H., Electric Water Heating, 640 Bridge, Glasgow, 8
- Lang, John, and Sons, Ltd., British Meelinie Tool Makers, 1, 1$
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors Ltd., Improved Capacitor Induction Motor. 578: Steering Gear Motors "Queen Mary." 617
- Lea, Professor F. C., Retirement of. 631
- Leipzig Technical Fair, 281, 318. 332, 360
- Leslie, Lieut.-Colonel, Sir Bradford, Obituary, 167
- Lessens. Mr. John M., New Appointment. (4(18)
- Leverhulme. Lord, Chemical Engineering, 682
- Levinstein, Dr. Herbert, The Grant of Trading Monopolies, Then and Now. 294: (Leading Article, 315)
- Lindner. Herbert, G.m.b.H., Jig Boring Machine, Thread Grinding Machine. 360. 361. 362
- Liner Concrete Machinery Co., Ltd., "Cum-flow" Concrete Mixers, Portable Engine- driven Brick Breaker, B.1 213
- Linford, A., Working Model of Venturi Flume and Regulating Valve, 642
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., (has Engine-driven Electric Generating Plant, R.I.P. Suppt., 21.2.30. vi: Petrol-driven Auto-truck. 240; Teleprinter Service, (287)
- Liverpool. 60,000-ton Grain Silo at., 666
- Liverpool Refrigeration Co., Ltd., Marine Type Ammonia Compressors, 686
- Lloyd, Edward, Ltd., Electrical Equipment for Large Paper-making Machine. 225. 232 Electrical Equipment for Paper Mill Process Work, 320
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Quarter's Ship building Returns. 413
- Lochaber Water Power Scheme. 480, 5(16, 507, 518, 534, 535, 544, 560, 561. 588, 598
- London Film Productions Ltd., Film Studio Power Station. 497
- London Laundry, Coventry, The Modern Laundry. 311. 314
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway, 2-6-4 Passenger Tank Engines. 83
- London, Roads. Bridges and Tunnels, 1935, 7
- Low. F. R., Obituary, 124
- Low Temperature Carbonisation. Ltd., Oil and National Defence, 333 New Plant at Bolmover, (677)
- Lucas, Joseph. Ltd., Fog panel, Hod Ant, dazzle Passlight, B. f. F., 252
- MacGregor-Morris, J. T., Magnetic Apparatus. 70
- M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., A.C., Push-button Starters, 133; Metal-clad Oil Circuit Breaker. Slip-ring Motor Starter. B.I.F.Suppl., 14.2.36, iii
- Main, A. and J., and Co., Ltd., Gatwick Airport, 628, 629
- Manchester Furnaces (1924), Ltd., Natural draught Pot Furnace, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.36, vi
- Manchester Liners Ltd., Mechanical Stoking for Scotch Marine Boilers on " Manchester Port," 157
- Manchester Ship Canal. 6
- Manesty Machines Ltd., Water St ill. Rotary Tablet Machine, 684
- Manlove, Alliott and Co., Ltd., Centrifuge. Vertical Leaf Filter, 654
- Manning. A. B., and H. A. Acton Taylor. Colloidal Fuel. 229
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Direction Finder and Motor Car Receiver, 105 Wireless Equipment. for Empire Flying Boats, 362, 363
- Markham and Co., Ltd., Visit to Water Turbine Works, 319
- Marsden, H. R., Ltd., New Impact Breaker and Granulator, 185
- Marshall, Sons and Co. (Successors). Ltd., New Agricultural Tractor. 386, 392
- Maschinen-Schau G.m.b.H., Machine Tool Exhibits at Leipzig Fair. 281
- Mass Products, Ltd., Ilumehria 300.Toe Straig-t-sided Press, Gang Slitting Machine, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36, vii
- Mather and Platt Ltd., Fire Protection on " Queen Mary." 645
- Mayer, Ruy, Irrigation. Drainage. and Flood Protection Works in Portugal, 590
- McLean, H., and Co., Ltd., Lifeboats on " Queen Mary," 643
- Mechanical Coal Stokers, Ltd., Automatic Stoker, B.I.F., 242
- Meldrums Ltd., " Kinker " Mechanical Stoker, B.1 .F., 253
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., An Aerodrome Fire Engine. 296
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Employees Benefit Schemes, (15): Magnet', Crack Detection Apparatus. Load Limiting Relay. 43: 105,000-kW Turbo-generator Set for Battersea, 97, 98. 126, 129: 24.000-kVA Water-wheel Alternators for New Zealand, 347; Outdoor Impulse Generator. 410: Summer School, 437, 462; Bakelised Bearings, 570; Large Waterwheel Alternators for New Zealand. 005 Electric Winches for " Queen Mary," 61
- Middleton-Smith, C. A., ManufactUred Weather in the Tropics, 170
- Midland Saw and Tool Co., Ltd., Tool-room Band Saw, B.I.F.. Suppt, 14.2.36. i
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day Ltd., " MirrleesCombustioneer" Automatic Stoker, 214
- Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., " Clearway " circulating Pump, Vertical Self-priming Pump. Small Steam Turbines for Pump Driving, B.I.F., 214
- Mitchell. E. H., Strength of Ships' Structures under Compressive Stresses. 409
- Mohammad Aly Barrages. 1, 381
- Mond, Sir Robert, Elected President of Societe de Chimie Industrielle of France, (677)
- Morris, H., Ltd., Batch Trantiferring Machine, 134
- Morton, F., and Co., Ltd., 60,000-Ton Grain Silo at Liverpool, 066
- Moss Gear Co., Ltd., High-pressure Geared Pump. B.I.F. Stipp,- 21.2.36, vi
- Mossoux, R., Direct-reading Hardness Testing Machine, 687
- Muller and Montag, G.m.b.H., Vertical Machine. 360, 361
- Munro. J. W., and E. C. Stanley. Electrolyti, Resimtata, Thermometer. 600
- Nalder Brothers and Thompson Ltd., Demand Warning System, 107
- Napier Brothers Ltd., Anchor and Warping Gear for " Queen Mary," 617
- Nash, Sir Philip, Obituary, 484
- National Coke and Oil Co., Ltd., Electrical Equipment at Tipton. Staffs., 187; New Plant at Erith. (677)
- National Fire Protection Co., Ltd., Fire-extinguishing Demonstration, 685
- National Physical Laboratory. Relay for Operating Two Circuits with Delayed Action, 100; Annual Research Report. 497
- Neill, James. and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., "Eclipse" Hacksaws, Blades. Vic., Non-electric Magnetic Chocks, 11.1.F., 214
- Newcomen Society. Summer Meeting in London 690
- Newalls Insulation Co., Heat Insulation on "Queen Mary" 646
- Newell, Ernest, and Co., Ltd., Corby Basic Slag Plant, 641. 650
- Niagara Screens (Great Britain) Ltd., Vibratory Screens, Suppt., 14.2.36. viii
- Nord Railway of France, Three-coach Unit. 350
- Norris, Steven. The Storing of Long Plane, 414
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 338
- Northern Ireland B.B.C. Transmitting Station, 3211
- Northey Rotary Engines Ltd Rotary Pump, B.1.F., 173
- Novomeysky, M. A., The Dead Sea as a Source of Chemicals. 347
- OERLIKON Ltd., Water Circuit Breakers, 438
- Ottawa, National Research Bureau. Tests of Aircraft Skis, 516
- PALNUT Co., Ltd., Tests on a Nut-locking Washer, 270
- Purim Fair, 545
- Parkinson, J., and Son, Machine Tool Merger. 107
- Parsons, Sir Charles, Models Used by, 80, 81
- Pascall Engineering Co, Ltd., Turbine Sifter. Grinding and Blending Mill. 654
- Paterson. C. C., The Escape of Electricity from Metals, 492; New Alloy for Screening in Radium Therapy, 643
- Paterson Engineering Co., Ltd., Water-softening Plant on "Queen Mary." 565
- Payne, M. P., Froude's Skin Friction Con. Manta, 432
- Pease, C. F., Co., American Blue Printing Machine, 579
- Pels, Henry, and Co., 250-Ton Folding Press, Friction Screw Press. 281, 282
- Penyclip Viaduct. Chester-Holyhead Road. 9 Supplement. January 3rd, 1936)
- Petavel, Sir Joseph, Obituary. 355, 639
- Pfauter, Hermann, Hob Sharpening Machine, Gear Hobbing and Spline Cutting Machine, 333
- Philip. W. Littlejohn 60,000-Ton Grain Silo at Liverpool, 666
- Physical Society's Exhibition, 41, 69, 105
- Pittler Werkzeugintischinenfabrik, A.G., Vertical Turret Lathe, 360
- Port of London Authority, New Works, - Power House Components, Ltd., A New Pipe Bender. 211
- Premier Colloid Mills, Ltd., Horizontal High-speed Mill, 655
- Pretoria's Electricity Undertaking. 67, 76
- Pretoria Iron and Steel Works, South African Iron, Steel and Industrial Corporation, 94 (Supplement, January 240, 1936)
- Prior Burners Ltd., " Mastoker " Automata. Coal Stoker. B.1 .F Suppt., 14.2.36, v
- QUEEN Mary College, High-voltage Laboratory at. 483
- "RMS Queen Mary" Cunard White Star Liner, 513, 538, 539. 564. 565. 593. 617, 643. 673. 67s (Supplement. May 15th. 1936)
- Quinney H. Further Tests on the Effect of Time in Testing, 669
- Radiovisor Parent Ltd., Lighting Control Unit. Smoke Indicator. Smoke Alarm, 14.2.36. viii
- Railway Finance Corporation. Registration of, 1 Rangoon. Port of, Approach Channels. 627
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., Ltd., "Biaflux" Drum Type Electro-magnetic Separator. B.1.F., 212
- Rawlplug Co., Ltd., Master " (185); A New Rawlbolt, 471
- Rayleigh. Lord, Scientific Workers of the Past Generation. 154
- Read, Sir Alfred, Elected President, institute of Transport, (571)
- Relf, E. F., Modern Developments in the Design of Aeroplanes, 481: (Leading Article. 491); Elected F.R.S., 505
- Reliance (Trucks) Ltd., Three-wheeled Factory Tractor. 134
- Rheostatic Co., Ltd., Satchwell Immersion Thermostat, Room Thermostat . B.I.F. Suppt., 14.2.36, ii
- Ricardo, H. R., Experimental Work on Aeroengines. 50
- Richards, C., and Co., Ltd., Two New Boring Machines, 83; Axle-box Boring. Facing and Radiusing Machine, 364. 366; British Machine Tool Makers, IV, J. Holloway, 547
- Rigby, Dr., and Professor Bannister, Influence of Light. on Electrode Potential and Corrosion, 331
- Riley Stoker Co., Ltd., "Stokers, (270)
- Riverdale of Sheffield. Lord. Pencil Portrait No. 5, March 13th, 1936
- Roberts. K. W. D., The Electric Control of Machine Tools. 148
- Robey and Co., Ltd., Electric 'Winders for South Africa, 487, 490
- Robinson, P. J., and J. N. Waite, Electric Street Lighting, 688
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Aeroplanes. 3, 16 (Supplement, January 3rd, 1936)
- Rotterdam-Lloyd Line, Sulzer Monotube Boiler in ss. " Kertosono," 602
- Rowden, W. C., Obituary, 484
- Roxburgh. G. C., Obituary, (554)
- Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough. British Automatic Pilot for Aircraft. 419. 430
- Rudge, E. A., The Decay of Wood, 121
- Russell. G. A. V., Strip Sheet Production, 527
- Ruston-Bucyrus Ltd., A Mammoth Excavator, 239
- Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 7.5 B.H.P. Horizontal Oil Engine. 448
- Rutherford, Lord, The Transformation of Energy (Watt Lecture), 108
- Rutherford Oil Burners, Ltd., A Self-contained Oil Burner, 162
- Rutter, H. F., Obituary, 639
- St. Albans Sand and Gravel Co.'s Pits, 373
- Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd., Electromagnetic Fatigue Tester. 70
- Salter, George and Co., Ltd., Roller Bearing and Split Race, Safe Load Crane Indicator, B.I.F.Suppt., 14.2.36. ii
- San Francisco-Oakland Bridge, 34
- Saunders Valve Co., Ltd., Stop Valve. 347 (Correction, 428)
- Schiess-Defries. Electrically Driven Ingot Turning Lathe, Experimental High-speed Lathe, 282
- Schneider, C. E., Metallurgy and Engineering. 603
- Schutte, Alfred H., Broaching Machine, Motor Fret Saw. 332
- Scolux Enamels Ltd., Svnofil. 346
- Hubert Scott-PaineScott-Paine, Hubert. High-speed Craft for the Timor Sea. 160
- Sea Action Committee. Deterioration of Structures in Sea Water. 394; (Lending Article. 117)
- Seddon, E., Presidential Address. I.M.E.A., 640
- Selas Gas and Engineering Co., Ltd., Natural Draught Muffle Furnace. B.1 Suppt., 21.2.36. vi
- Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Fla-ging Machines. 253
- Sentinel Waggon Works, Reconstruction, 111
- Serck Radiators. Ltd., " Serekulator " (.:acs Oven, B.I .P. Suppt., 14.2.36. v
- Severn Bridge Scheme, 100. 533
- Shadbolt, E., Obituary. 665
- Shaw, John, and Sons (Salford). Ltd., Three. throw Vertical Hydraulic Pumps. 50-Ton Press for Synthetic Resin Moulding. Tablet - Mg Machine. 212. 213
- Sherwin. C. E., Electric Welding in Cruiser Construction, 472
- Short Brothers Ltd., Aeroplanes, 46. 49; Empire Flying Boats, 362
- Short and Harland Ltd., New Aircraft Company. (649)
- Shorter Hardening Process. 447
- Siebe, Gorman and Co., Ltd., Oxygen Breathing Apparatus and Diving Equipment . B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36. iv
- Siemens-Schuckert Co., Surge-testing Plant, 568
- Silentbloc Ltd., The Silent Block Flexible Coupling. 497
- Sillcox, L. K., Public. Opinion and Streamlining, 622
- Simon-Carves Ltd., New By-product Coking Plant, at Glasgow, 459
- Simon Henry Ltd., and Turbine Gears, Ltd., Two-roller Mill for Maize Flaking, &e., Vertical Cooker for Cooking Maize, Whew, &c., R.I.P., 212
- Simons. W., and Co., Ltd., Steam Diving Ben Barge. 56,.57
- Smeaton Exhibition, 351
- Smith. F. E., Production of Petrol by Hydrogenation of Bituminous Coal. 619. 624. 659
- Sneeden, J. B. O., Exhaust Steam Turbines for Marine Propulsion. 122. 128
- South African Iron Steel and Industrial Corporation. Pretoria Iron and Steel Works. 94 (Supplement January 24th. 1936)
- South Australian Railways, "Streamlined" Locomotive, 552
- South Metropolitan Gas Co., Ltd., Glass Manufacturing Furnace, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36. vi
- Southampton University College and Aeronautic, 668
- Southgate, G., New Source of D.C. Power for Electro-chemical Purposes. 524
- Spear and Jackson Ltd., Bonded Metals. 230
- Spooner Dryer and Engineering Co., Ltd, Large Latex Drying Machine. 134
- Standard Machine Works Ltd., Braid Manufacturing Machine, I.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36, viii
- Staveley Coal and Iron Co., Ltd., Flexible Pipe Joints. 172
- Stewart. P. Malcolm The Depressed Areas Again. 205
- Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd., Long Sleeve Joint., B.I.F., 172; Corby Basic Slag Plant. 641, 65))
- Stirk, John, and Sons Ltd., British Machine Tool Makers. 11. J. Holloway. 144
- Stirling Castle" Union Castle Motor Liner, 237
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., Propellers for " Queen Mary." 513: Water-tight Doors on " Queen Mary." 645
- Stone. J. B., and Co., Ltd., Nibbling Machine, B.1.10., 212
- Stonehaven. Lord. Presidential Address. Institution of Naval Architects, 369
- Stoners, A., Watt Bicentenary Exhibition. 132
- Strachan and Henshaw Thrustor Control for Skip Hoist, 239
- Stretford Town Hall, Manchester, Glow-tube Clock Dials. 161
- Suez Canal Traffic, 91
- Sulzer Brothers (London), Ltd., Monotube Boiler in s.s. " Kertosono," 602
- Swale, W. E., and S. C. Flurry, Large-scale Electric Cooking, 688
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., s.a. " Hopestar." 254; (Correction. 298)
- Sweeney and Blocksidge (Power Presses) Ltd., Power Presses, B.I.F., 253
- Switchgear Testing Co., Ltd., New Switchgear Testing Plant, 52
- Taji, Yasushi, Nickel Alloys in Japanese Industry. 467, 493
- Tapsell, H. J., M. L. Becker. and C. G. Conway, Creep and Growth of Cast Iron at Elevated Temperatures, 537
- Taylor and Challen Ltd., Internal Notching Press and Hot Brass Pressing Machines, B. I. F. Suppt., 21.2.36, v
- Taylor, S., and Sons (Brierley Hill) Ltd., Anchors for - Queen Mary," 617
- Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Ltd., Small Cutter Grinder, 109: Profile Projection Equipment. 13.1.1.'. Suppt., 21.2.36, iv; Fiftieth Anniversary. (424)
- Teed, Major P. L., Plastic Deformation and Age Hardening of Duralin-in. 331
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., Paper-insulated. Lead-covered and Armoured Cables, "Mumetal." B.I.F., 242
- Tesch, T. An. A/B., Now Type of Rotary Filter, 657
- Thermotank Ltd., " Queen Mary." Ventilation, 618
- Thermovent (1936), Ltd., Heating Panels on " Queen Mary," 619
- Thiel, Gebruder, G.m.b.H., Form Shaping Machine. 332
- Thompson. John (Wolverhampton), Ltd, Fusion Welded Boiler Drum, Kennicott " Dejector," B.I.F., 253
- Thornton, William, and Sons, Ltd., 60.000-ton Grain Silo at Liverpool. 666
- Thursfield, Rear-Admiral H. G. (Ret.), Modern Trends in Warship Design, 375
- Timor Sea. High-speed Craft for the, 160
- Train. J. C. L., Comparative Road and Rail Costs, 124
- Tratman. E. E. R., American Beach and Shore Protection Works, 64, 92, 116, 142, 168. 194
- Tritton, J. S., Railcars: Their Effect on Public Transport and Railway Operation. 257
- Tullis. D. and J., Ltd., Laundry Machinery at the London Laundry, Coventry, 311. 314
- Tungstone Patent High-pressure Die Casting Co., Corrosive or Erosive Liquid Pump, 684
- Turbine Gears Ltd., Totally Enclosed Double Helical Gear Unit., B.I.F., 212
- Turner Manufacturing Co., Capstan Lathe, Tool and Cutter Grinder, R.I.P., 250
- UHL River Hydro-electric Scheme Development. 413
- Unax Dye-line Printing Process, 347
- [[Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co., Ltd., Motor Liners' Stirling Castle." 237
- U.S. Bureau of Mines, Embrittlement of Boiler Steel, 528
- United Steel Companies. Ltd., Steels. B.I.F., 171 Furnace at Workington, (415)
- VAN der Meer. Constant, A Recording Geoptosimeter, 471
- Varley, J. W., and A. G. C. Gwyer, A Deep-drawing Test for Aluminium. 331
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Four-decker I )oralu-min Man Cage, 497
- Vickers (Aviation), Ltd., Aeroplanes. 49
- Vienna Technical Museum, 453
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., Two-stroke Motor Cycle Engine and Gear-box, Century Kick-start Engine, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36. iii
- WAKEFIELD, C. C., and Co., Ltd., Lubricator for " Queen Mary," 617
- Waldrich, H. A., G.m.b.H., High-duty Large Planer. 318
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., A Large De-humidifier Air Compressor. 178. 186
- Walker, J. H., Method of Transporting Bricks, 643
- Walker. Professor Miles, Prices for Electric Supply. 399; (Leading Article. 441)
- Wallsend Shipping Co., Ltd., SS "Hopestar." 254; (Correction. 298)
- Wanderer-Werke, Small Milling Machine. 332
- Waterloo Bridge. Demolition of, 8, 141. 193. 327. 355. 524 (Supplement. January 3rd, 19361
- Watson. Sir Alfred H., The Indian Market, 374
- Watt, James, Bicentenary, 91, 132, 247
- Watts, C., Formed Cutters and Hobs, 525
- Webb, E., and Sons (Worcester). Ltd., Electrical Equipment in a Carpet Works, 596
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Jubilee, 592
- Wellman, Smith, Owen Engineering Corporation Ltd., British Coke Oven Machinery in Holland, 174
- Western Electric Co., Ltd. Watch rate Recorder, 108
- Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., Metal Rectifiers, B.I.F., 173
- Westland Aircraft Ltd., Aeroplanes. 3 (Supplement, January 3rd. 1936)
- Wetzel, Karl, Boring and Milling Machine, 318
- Whayman, Engineer Rear-Admiral W. M., Review of Present Position of Marine Steam Boilers, 388; (Discussion. 409); The Coal-tired Marine Boiler, 606, 6:32
- Whipp and Bourne Ltd., Switchboards on "Queen Mary," 593
- Whiteley, J. H., The Iron-carbon Diagram. 51
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Wimet Metal Tipped Punches and Dies, B.I.F. Suppt., 21.2.36.; New Thread-Milling Machine, 579
- Wilkie. J. B., Retirement of. 587
- Wilson, H. Raynar. Obituary. 434
- Witheford. A., Manufacture and Testing of Rolling Stock Equipment. 84
- Woollard, Lloyd. Education and Training of Naval Architects, 433
- Woolwich Arsenal. Research Department, Exhibits at Royal Society's Conversazione, 600
- World Power Conference and Congress on Large Dams, 422; List of Papers. 608
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Boilers of "Queen Mary." 540: I.E.E. Visit to Works. 682
- Zuyder Zee Reclamation 440
See Also
Sources of Information